#the transformers got hated on a TON lmao
termitesisagrandslam · 11 months
saw a criticism of people hating on the barbie movie bc of capitalism, saying it's misogynistic bc movies like transformers werent hated on the same amount despite also being big budget movies based on kids toys.
but i think that argument doesnt really hold up bc the criticism im seeing is very much based in the context of the barbie movie's advertising. the first transformers came out in what, like 2007 or smth? you cant really compare its marketing and all that to the barbie movie's. also there's just a different framing between the two. transformers was a michael bay film, it never pretended to be anything but a cash crab. something insidious about the barbie movie is the almost obscurement of its status as a cash grab. it is banking in part on the pretense that it is not just Capitalism Toy Game. that it is Meaningful and Feminist and Actually When You Think About It All Criticism of Twilight Fifty Shades Romcoms Barbie Is Just Misogyny. when sure, that stuff is often a factor but to reduce criticism down to that ignores all the real valid criticisms people have - and real reasons people have to hate or resent the piece of media
also for me, i am bothered by the Pink Feminism aspect of it! the fact that is a "girl" film is part of what bothers me. bc so far there is no evidence i see that this movie is going to, in any substantial way, subvert or criticize the barbie brand. what bothers me is seeing the same people, often other white women, who hold up media like legally blonde as peak feminism, fawn over this movie for the same reason.
it's not bad if you're excited but you cannot in good faith actually think the only reason it's getting criticism is "people hate things made for women or women being excited about flawed things". i love tons of flawed media, it's not really the point. i played with barbies for my entire childhood, i had SO many barbies and i loved them. but i can still look at this movie and see how it is representative of genuine issues re: (online) marketing, capitalism, the film industry, consumable pop feminism, etc.
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thenerdywriter · 20 days
"it was awkward to see colin flirt and behave like a rake" "he gave me the ick" yes ! that is the fucking point!! congratulations! you have the media literacy skills of a fucking monkey because my 4-year old niece could understand it better than you do.
we are supposed to find colin cringey and annoying and get the ick because that is not who he is. he is not anthony, or simon, or even benedict. colin (apart from gregory) is the sweetest of all bridgerton brothers (i'm going by book canon) and his most identifiable character trait is the fact that he values an emotional connection above everything. he runs away to the continent because he wants to feel that emotional connection. he has meaningless sex in brothels because that is the example he has seen growing up, that is the norm. he tries so hard to fit into the norm. he goes out drinking, adopts an entirely new personality, learns flirtations because that is how he thinks he will fit in. he's got armour on, as violet said. he puts everyone's needs above his own, he stops rambling on and boring his family with details of his trip because he knows no one cares. he doesn't talk to anthony or benedict about his heartaches because he knows they still, somewhere in their heart of hearts, view him as the annoying younger brother. he's so devastated by his closest friend not responding to him that he adopts a new personality in the hopes that it might mask the hurt better. he runs after penelope in episode one because he is so attuned to her emotions that he knows she's hurting, and tries to comfort her even when she's spiraling and lashes out. he must have been hurt by her words in the "good night mr bridgerton" scene but he puts it aside to genuinely apologise to her when literally no one else in that family would do that. colin, instead of brooding over his own feelings, goes and corners penelope in her family's garden and apologises to her, disregarding his own hurt at being cruelly dismissed by his close friend.
penelope asking colin to kiss her is not a mark of how "pathetic" she is. she has written and shamed herself in a manner that is almost entirely unsalvageable. she is at her lowest point, and then portia comes in and reminds her of how undesirable she is, and she sinks even lower. she asks colin to kiss her because she sees it as a final act, after which she can quietly wave goodbye to her dreams of ever getting married and leaving her mother's home. colin kisses her because he is also keenly aware of how she's feeling. he knows how hurt she is, he wants to do anything to alleviate that. be it cracking a joke, or kissing her. he is gentle, because he wants it to be something she can dream of when she's by herself. penelope, at this moment, has no hope for herself, and their kiss is an act of letting go for her. no, it's not a pity kiss, no he did not like her after her glow up, he has always loved her. him being struck dumb is a reaction to her physical transformation, nothing more. he does not flirt with her in that ballroom scene, he only approaches her when she's in distress. he's not flirting with her. i can assure you penelope could wear the frumpiest most neon yellow gown of all time and colin would still go "<333 my pen" for her.
colin jumps to catch the balloon's ropes because he sees that penelope is in danger, he does not give a shit about anyone else lmao. he feels temporary relief when he sees eloise run to safety, but the moment he sees penelope in immediate danger, he rushes to take action. afterwards, when he sees that she's being comforted by debling (all my homies hate debling, even if he is aro/ace coded i do NOT claim him) he does not approach her. it would be easy for him to do so, but he does not, because he respects her boundaries. colin bridgerton is the only man in the ton who respects women (the featherington sons-in-laws are too pretty to have a thought) he calls out fife and his friends for treating women like objects and calls them cavalier. the only way he would have been more explicit about his demisexuality was if he tap danced on the club table (entertaining thought, luke newton please)
colin also rapidly takes action, something which no one in the show has done so far. simon would have died instead of accepting his feelings for daphne, daphne would have been content with a loveless marriage forever instead of asking for help. kate would have pushed edwina down the aisle and gone off to india instead of confronting her own feelings, and anthony would have married edwina if she hadn't been brave enough for the three of them to run from the altar and ruin herself. penelope stood on the sidelines for years and loved him quietly because she had no hope of him loving her back. colin, the moment he is assured of his feelings, runs to penelope, almost kisses her in the middle of a ballroom. when he hears that debling is about to propose, he goes to the ball, just to dissuade penelope one more time. he cuts into their dance because he's desperate. when he runs after her carriage, he asks her if she has been proposed to, because he would not have touched her otherwise. he confesses his feelings to her only when he knows that she hasn't gotten engaged to debling, and when she says "but we are friends" he moves away. nothing more. he would have let her go, if she did not return his feelings.
idk whether i should be flattered or offended at people misunderstanding this season because on one hand it is offensive, but on the other hand, it means only smart people get polin. seriously. your minds have been rotted by insta-love and enemies to lovers that you can't even appreciate the innate beauty of friends to lovers. being friends with someone and then holding all those feelings for them. the trepidation of possible rejection. the fulfillment of being loved by the person who knows you the best of them all. the privilege of loving someone whose feelings you know better than your own. love is gentle and kind and yes it is a violent, uprooting force but above all, love does not hurt anyone. it does not hurt you. i could love someone quietly for years and it wouldn't bother me if their feelings were requited or not because my feelings are none of their business and i consider it a privilege to love and be loved by them, even if it is not in the way i would want it to be. polin are privileged in the highest sense. they know each other better than anyone else, they know how to love each other better than anyone else. to think they are rushed or they dont deserve each other is a disservice to both of them. they would be miserable with anyone else.
in other matters, if i see one more person talking smack about luke or nicola behind the safety of their screens i will personally get a bazooka.
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Hi, I was reading your synastry post about your ex , and it was so beautiful. I hope life brings you two back together.
Also, I was wondering if you’ve ever experienced 12th house synastry or do you have an opinion on it
Hello! Thank you for your compliment! It was definitely sweet but also toxic. And I really hope the universe will bring us together again too because I still love him and I’ve already forgiven for what he did to me and his parents said about me and I feel like there are still things we haven’t fully figured out yet. But if we were meant to be, we would be together for sure! xx
Actually, I tend to attract tons of people who share 12th house synastry with me and most of them are planet person and I’m the house person. Maybe it’s my 12th house stellium or maybe I just love people who make me go crazy😂 . First of all, I wanna say that as the house person, my love was one-sided. Always. They didn’t return my feelings and rejected me too. And it was always forbidden somehow. There was always a reason not to date each other. Plus, those people lied to me a lot like A LOT. I had three guys who had their mercury in my 12th house and they all lied to me, manipulated me. They kept secrets from me and those secrets were ones I should have known. Mars in 12th house synastry is a big red flag for me personally if I’m the house person because all men who had their mars in my 12th house used me to satisfy themselves sexually and we also fought a lot. They irritate me. They hurt my ego and I hate them. People who have sun in your 12th house may become your enemy. I had two Gemini friends and both of them were traitors and they were the reason why I became a lone wolf and got bullied. They had their sun in my 12th house. Venus in 12th house can lead to unrequited love or forbidden love. Even if both people liked each other, one would definitely think the other doesn’t like him/her and will always question. However, moon in 12th house is a bit different for me. It brings me comfort, safety and warmth. It makes me feel home and at ease. They are men who I wanna have a family with. I can easily open up to people who have their moon in my 12th house because I trust them and they have never betrayed me by exposing my secrets too. But I tend to dream about them a lot after years and I go through tons of spiritual transformations after being with them. I love cancer moon men though they are momma’s boys most of the time. They’re so sweet! On the other hand, there are also positive things about 12th house synastry. As I mentioned above, it will be very spiritual, unseen and ethereal. Unlike 8th house, you will have no grudges holding against the planet person. You’ll find yourself forgiving those people unless they really hurt your soul or killed your family. But it also depends on your natal chart (I mean if you have a 8th house stellium or mars in Scorpio it can be otherwise lmao😂). In other words, you have a deep understanding for them. In addition, I love to make eye contacts with people who put their planets in my 12th house because the way they look at me is so otherworldly and intense. It’s not piercing but it’s like I’m in a vivid dream surrounded by chocolate and caramel clouds. Dreamy. It’s also a karmic house so these people can be your karmic partners/friends too. By the way, I always discover another interest or hobby that I love after having a friendship/relationship with those people who have planets in my 12th house. It’s just strange but definitely not a coincidence. The outer planets won’t make a lot of effects I guess because they are generational. Have a nice day! Hope you enjoyed my answer.💗
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moodymisty · 6 months
Astartes and fear is a rare combo, usually it's more in a 'i fear for my primarch' than a 'i fear for MY life' sort've thing.
Actually now that you’ve said it. I do find it kind of interesting that an astartes fear response is usually fearing for their primarch rather than themselves. I suppose it could once again be a form of emotional control over a space marine.
As you have said, the transformation starts at about 10-13 years of age, maybe (somehow. Possibly through space magic bullshit) the emotions a child can experience towards their parent could have kept in order for an astarte to be more loyal to their primarch. Because if you were just a random baseline human and you saw your general get hurt you might feel distraught at specifically his death. That general might have even been a well-liked general. But to you, a random soldier, he is still Just Some Guy.
But on the other hand, if you’re 10-13 years old, and you see your parent get hurt. You will be FREAKING OUT. Those ages are before (or at the very beginning of) a child’s formative years of realising that they are their own person, and that their parents aren’t perfect or ‘their entire world’. So of course you’re going to worry for the life of your parent way more than you would your own.
Just food for thought (Hope tumblr doesn’t glitch out again with this ask lmao)
I think it totally is something that has been fostered in 41st millennium marines intentionally. Modern era Ultramarines vs Heresy era is a really good comparison. I think in 30k it's a little less so. I vaguely remember Sanguinius being concerned about his marines obsessive behavior (obviously mostly in regards to the thirst and rage though) and Angron as much as he was a turbodouche kinda had the right idea with him not wanting them to treat him as their father. And Obviously currently in the plot Guilliman finds it horrifically annoying.
But no matter how hard they tried like you said just the nature of creating space marines kinda makes that kind of attachment.
I mean you took a tween, shoved them full of organs and fed them tons of propaganda, and then said 'hey, this guy with angel wings, perfect smile and his presence literally makes you want to kneel for him, yeah he gave the genes to make you.'.
Kind of like with the Blood Angels when Sanguinius fought Ka'bandha, when he got knocked out the Astartes felt seriously scared and traumatized for him since they were getting all slaughtered en mass. They'd been near worshiping the man for how long that realizing he might actually die here sent them into a full nuclear grade meltdown. Who cares about themselves, just send more men into the fray to save Sanguinius.
Astartes have this kind of 'I'm a brick in the wall' attitude where they feel like while they matter, but they're more than willing to be a martyr for a perceived greater good. Saving their Primarch is usually a common one.
Unless you're Konrad then your sons hate you lol
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revenantghost · 7 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Game]
Tagged by @faindri and @pancake-breakfast!
How many works do you have on AO3?
18! Most are poetry collections, so a lot of smaller stories in one anthology.
What is your AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Trigun is my main squeeze atm (and biggest in general, I have four projects for it which is double anything else--and the highest wordcount, too), but I've written for KinnPorsche, Sabikui Bisco, Danny Phantom, Vampire In The Garden, Sasaki to Miyano, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Goncharov (yeah... yeah), The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, Signalis, Omori, Lycoris Recoil, and The Executioner and Her Way of Life
What are your top five fics by kudos?
No idea and I ain't looking! Trad publishing has me extremely scarred from some nasty comparison wars, so I have kudo and view counts blocked on ALL fics, including mine. From my kudos emails, though, Hallowboned has to be my top fic for sure. Last time I was paying attention most of my other fics didn't pass into triple digits by a long shot
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do!!! I adore comments, and I love chatting with folks, it really keeps me motivated and chugging along. I am... very behind on replying to the comments on my last chapter rn because I feel so awful and guilty about having to quit writing
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh... I don't write a ton of narrative fics, and I do love me some tragic poetry, but I guess the angstiest collection might be my Signalis one, Observable System Transcendence? But my Omori poem and the Trined Soul collection might be contenders, too
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, Trembling Hands is a Trimax fix-it fic, so? Though the Sasaki and Miyano collection, Effortless Dreams, is definitely the most tooth-rotting fluff I've ever slapped onto the page
Do you get hate on fics?
Oh yeah, I've had my poetry called pretentious and also not good enough to be poetry lol. It's been a hot minute since that's happened, people are just jerks sometimes
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to! Porn with plot, my beloved. It would be interesting to explore in poetry format, but we'll see if I have the time who wants to commission some poetry porn from me lmao
Do you write crossovers?
Nah, not my cuppa
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, many moons ago
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that is one of the coolest things fandom does. Loving a thing so much you spend the time to painstakingly transform that art into something you can read and share in another language, bro??? Translators are amazing
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've worked pretty closely with artists a loooong time ago, but I've only written fics where I'm the sole writer. I have used other writers' ideas and outlines (with their permission, of course), but that's the closest
What's your all-time favourite ship?
I DON'T KNOW?!?! Shipping has never really been my main focus of media typically, but when one digs its teeth into me I go rabid in a completely feral but different way each time.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
))): All of them
Life feels kinda... really dire atm, it's hard to see ever writing again. However! God I want to finish Hallowboned SO BADLY!!! I have so many chapters written for it that I haven't even posted!!!!! Y'all haven't met Livio yet!!!!!! GAH 3:
What are your writing strengths?
Uh... ??? I'll be real, I've got no idea. I feel like I write so weirdly atm, it's hard for me to analyze in that kinda way
What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to get really excited/into things and flit around and forget to explain or describe things sometimes. Thank god for having been well-trained to edit my own work. Not that I catch it all, but I try!!!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it'd really cool, but I'd need a native speaker on hand to make sure I don't fuck it up in my own fic
First fandom you wrote for?
I think my first piece of written fanwork was a Danny Phantom Quizilla thing lmao, I'm old. I don't remember what it was about, just that it was ANGSTY
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ah?!?! Honestly, each project is so different and written from such a different place, I've got no idea. I'm proudest of Observable System Transcendence being my longest, most consistent project (outside of my Smaugust collection, which isn't a fan project), Hallowboned being the first thing that really inspired me in ages--and the most indulgent one lol. But each collection and fic and poem comes from such a different place, and it's hard to pull them apart and pick???
Whoever wants to hop in! :3
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Honestly I'm honest to god bored rn so I'm just gonna like write random shit about genshin/hsr/zenless guys that are either self aware or not (idk I'm typing this as I go)
Fair warning some might end up as smut thoughts since I have no filter while waiting for 2.2 to come for star rail
Okay but like- Wrio is a beastman right? We're all in agreement about this aren't we? Like I know he doesn't have ears or a tail but if Lyney is blood twins with Lynette then that mean beastmen genes don't always show!! I know we classify beastmen as characters with those traits but realistically wouldn't any children with their blood be classified as that race? Since it's not a transformation thing within Hoyo then you can have the blood of one and not have the more showy traits. With these points in my I will always assume Wrio is a beastman YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND I REFUSE TO DEBATE ON THIS
That said....does this mean Lyney has barbs-
Actually speaking of cat like men, Jing Yuan really like sets me off. Idk how but I just see his face and I wanna punch it. He just very much gives me the vibes of liking tsuns and I hate that the dynamic in my head makes me go insane. LIKE THEY COULD BE THE MEANEST BITCH AND HE WOULD JUST BE HAPPILY SMILING CHEEKILY WHILE CUDDLING THEM AS THEY CHEW OUT SOMEONE. It sounds so cute.
Also like Ratio very much fascinates me, like Alhaitham. I just really wanna pick the brains of those that are super smart, probably cause it could lead me to somehow becoming more "normal" and smart dhskdhf. Though I don't with how abnormal they are, but still I would love to talk with them about how the difference in emotional and logical responses have their importance in certain situations and also how idiocy is more so curable if you can get past the human ego.
I honestly have no idea how the dynamic between me and them would be like. Alhaitham I feel like it would be a mix of how he is with Kaveh but also mixed with a dumber version of him.
Ratio....honestly I think he would just see me as an idiot and not want to be around me LMAO. Like I can be smart...in certain topics dhskdj. But that's mainly only in art, video games, and tons of random trivia for various things. If he asked me to solve something like in math, if it's isn't a simple equation (like middle school x=y bullshit easy) I got no fucking clue. I can do simple math fast (Fast Math my saving grace, where are my fellow Fast Math champions!), not human calculator fast but fast enough to be the first one to answer most of the time.
Though maybe talking about art could be my slight savior? Since while I don't know specifically physical art techniques (besides for maybe watercolor, but it's been years since I transitioned to digital), I do love the process of art very much. Not so much art history but more so just the passion into it it takes (it's why ai art pisses me off but I'd rather not get into that). Like the meaning or reason as to why someone created something. Why would someone create an image in one way? To experiment? Because why not?
I'm not smart enough to really get philosophical or anything, but I do enjoy talking about such things with others. Though even I need to get over my ego since sometimes I know I'll shut down conversations if I realize I'm sounding like an ignorant idiot (a real big problem I have. I just hate feeling like one so much because then I have a harder time expressing myself or I think the person looks down on me somehow).
Oh god I rambled a lot about these two and myself dhskfjfk. Either way, I think I could at least be able to converse with them. But who knows if they would have positive feelings with me.
Moving topics LYCAON BEING FERAL- cough. Okay but come on!!! Like even his introduction gave hints of him being less refined as he shows himself. I WANNA SEE IT. While I love characters that are like this I just also want to know what makes them tick I WANNA BE THE ONE TO FIND AND PUSH THOSE BUTTONS. Like I don't want them to hate me oh no, but I just wanna see them snarl and rage in combat. WHAT REALLY MAKES ME CRAZY IS WHEN THEY DO GO BATSHIT ITS TO PROTECT THEIR LOVED ONES GOD AAAA
Ahem, anyway-
Honestly if in a self aware au I wonder how Lyney and Arlecchino would feel about the player simping over them both. Like how awkward would that be???? Idk if I could face them if I was isekaied into genshin because of this.
Actually I wouldn't be able to face anyone in genshin or Star Rail cause I've said SO MUCH DIRT ABOUT MYSELF AS I PLAYED, EVERYONE WOULD JUST KNOW ABOUT WHO ID WANT TO FUCK AND WHAT MY HC OF THEM WERE GOD. I would permanently live in the isolation just so I could avoid any possible looks of disgust or curiosity because I REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT IT.
It would really be hard with the characters I like because I'm already running away from them on sight, I don't need that to make me even more embarrassed.
Actually now thinking about it....I wanna know how certain characters would react if someone was running away from them on sight because they're too scared to interact because of their crush on the characters. That sounded really weird but hopefully someone gets what I mean. Cause this is me with like....almost all the guy characters in both games lmao. And some girl characters too.
I just have this thought process of like "Oh there's no way someone likes me like that, I'm too weird and loud for most." Which causes me to avoid them because if I have a crush then that means it's gonna be obvious and everyone will know, so I have to prevent that by not being around them at all!
This is mainly for fictional characters and scenarios btw, not real life. In real life I still think this way but I don't avoid people, that's rude.
I've actually had this scenario talk with my friend and it's really funny just how much I would think about avoiding the characters I love.
Like going around the chasm just to avoid having to go to Gandharva Ville to avoid Tighnari LOL. Even thought of a plan of, since that first plan of avoiding the place would fail after testing, us going there at night hoping he's not on night watch and getting a night watch ranger to escort us to the main city.
Or that fact that I would sit at the very back of the theater just so Lyney wouldn't see me in the crowd (would most likely fail) and also happily knowing I got no shot going on stage since it's a 1/168 chance (yes I counted the seats, this excludes the balcony section).
I could probably write a whole self indulgent series of how the reader would avoid certain characters and most likely fail at it. I would want to make it romantic since while I think realistically I don't think the characters would like me back, I am unfortunately a simp so I have this pesky hope of maybe.
Anyway there's your idea dump
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woozymitts · 11 months
For the ask reblog!
1. Favorite morning beverage?
2. Any summer plans on the horizon?
3. Your art is neat! Can you tell us more about the comic you mentioned in your recent post or is it top secret?
Water lmao. I love water. 99% of the time I drink water, but sometimes I have a glass of juice or milk if I'm having it with something else. I hate coffee, tea and soda.
I really wanted to do tons of wildlife photography stuff but it's soooo disgusting outside, and with the fires up in Canada blowing smoke down here to my state, the air quality is really unhealthy.
The Wilds is about a group of people who wake up on a mysterious island on an alien planet, and find that they've been transformed into strange creatures. They need to piece memories of their past lives back together and figure out how they got there, and how they can leave.
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Ey can i get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Cweepy lore? And a medium sized soda-
(for reference, this is about Twist!Cweepy aka Cweepy the OC)
I imagine Cweepy has to take transformation potions like the tweels do since she's a squid!mer person
Cweepy's eyes change based on what she's feeling but I just draw them as blue because I kinda got used to it and she all sad anyway lmao
Cweepy bobs her head to music she likes :)
All my homies hate Cweepy's mom, she used to force her to spit ink and sell that shit
Her dad decided to go get milk and never come back the first time her eyes changed color
Cho-Hee (her brother) does his best to support her
Cweepy ends up very sleepy when its raining and has trouble staying up in class during rainy seasons
The only time Cweepy really takes off the black bow on her head is when she's sleeping lol
Cweepy will spit out colorful iridescent ink if she's too stressed out/panicked (To which Floyd and Marinus try to spook Cweepy because they think its funny /HJ)
I havent decided wether I want Cweepy to wear a skirt or stick with the pants so I kinda just switch it up between the both of them tbh lol
Cweepy sleeps with tons of plushies in her room!
Cweepy's room also has several jars with prebby rocks in them because she just like that <3
Cweepy is a touch starved animal and will try to sneak her pinky to hold your hand if you're close enough with her
She's one of the few students who have never signed a contract with Azul before (mainly because she thinks her signature is "embarrassing", not because she doesnt want anything)
There will be moments where she wants to say something but either cant or is too embarrassed to so she just ends up nervously looking around the room/area she's in
She loves animals of all shapes and sizes! If there is an animal in her sight, she's more focused on that than anything else (unless someone she cares about is talking to her of course)
Her development with Azul is a slow one, mainly because she wants to be able to date him but is kinda scared he's not interested/would leave if he was
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sammyloomis · 2 years
YOURE SO RIGHT ABOUT KAITLYN NEEDING MORE SCREENTIME. she needed maybe one more (or at least a longer) segment in chapters 1/2, and then maybe like. i know this would be quite the branch, but either she or ryan could go with laura to the hackett house, since they’re apparently equivalent final girl and final boy. it would rob us of the fantastic dylan and kaitlyn junkyard scene, but in return we’d get kaitlyn and laura scenes, so. hah. or if that’s just too much of a branch, give her a longer segment in the back half of the game at least. i was hoping for more of her.
i accidentally sent in my ask about kaitlyn without talking about the other characters. hope you don’t mind me dumping this in your inbox lmao.
oh my god yeah about nick. i found him boring and then an asshole (although he did look really cool during the transformation scene i will give him that). idk i’m not at all attached to him or any of his relationships, which is unfortunate because i would really like to say that i like every playable character, but alas. i just do not care about nick.
abigail needed a little more agency i think. like, she was far more reactive than active? and she didn’t show up a ton, although her screentime was pretty evenly dispersed, as opposed to like. jacob and emma who were pretty present in the front half, or laura and max who (for obvious reasons) were mostly present in the back half. i still wish abi got to like. make some substantial choices. maybe even something out of our direct control, like an “ashley and chris and the door” situation with emma depending on how emma and her relationship has gone over the night. idk. just… compared to all the other girls “girlbossing around” as one review i read put it, abi is kinda just… there. i would’ve loved for her to maybe get a little more ramble-y when she’s freaked out? idk. i’d love for her to have more presence, i guess.
ryan…. yeah. i don’t dislike him, but i dislike the way his screentime was allocated and i dislike the duration of his suspicion of laura as well. very middle of the pack for me.
i’m a big fan of emma, but that didn’t surprise me at all LMAO. i definitely think she could’ve like. not done what she did at the campfire, at least not to that extent, but like. she also didn’t want to kiss her ex, which is fair. she could’ve just said “no i don’t want to kiss either of them”, but thay just doesn’t seem in character for her, and they Did need an inciting incident. idk, she was funny and interesting and i am so ready to defend her. i got into the ud fandom about a year too late to defend my faves from hate since it had pretty much died down by then, but i am an emma warrior now LMAO.
i didnt dislike dylan, but i liked him exponentially more as the game went on. from around the time i shot his hand off, he just got more and more fun. i loved his dynamic with kaitlyn especially.
as for your other rankings… yeah laura, max and jacob are great. i kind of expected to like laura and max, but not nearly as much as i actually did. they’re probably the only canon couple i actually like? and oh my god jacob was a surprise. they made the guy run around in his underwear covered in blood, and had him cry multiple times, and then also make ridiculous jokes, he is so babygirl to me. cannot wait to see him in the 80’s outfit.
but yes, ur takes are all very valid and big brained whoever u are anon :]
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
restless- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, mentions of natasha romanoff, sam wilson, and steve rogers warnings: mentions of nightmares and clingy bucky but it’s mostly fluff about: bucky can’t sleep without y/n a/n: i was going to post this yesterday but i fell asleep :| my computer was literally open and nearly dead when i woke up lmao
today marks one week that you’ve been gone, and with it, the official shortest amount of sleep that bucky has gotten in a week. he supposes it’s sightly pathetic that he can’t sleep well- or, really, at all- without you, but you continuously tell him you chase his nightmares away for him, and without you there to make them disappear, where else will they go but deep into the crevices of his mind, where they’ll hide long enough for him to let his guard down and lull himself to sleep, only to wake up with the ugly memories of things he hoped he’d forgotten. he’s constantly told that his attachment to you is overbearing- not by you, though. never by you- because it must be, with how much he clings to your side, always touching some part of you so that he’s sure that, yes, you’re there. not a dream or an illusion, although you’re good enough to be one.
he misses every part of you; your fingers and the way they run through his hair, trace his features with such tenderness he nearly believes he is what you see, your voice and its ability to transform the most mundane words into the greatest poetry, sing soft songs into his skin until he’s fallen asleep, your eyes and how they examine him in the best way possible, glowing when they meet his.
he longs for you, but he can only imagine your smile, the bitter reminder that you’re probably showing it to some psychopath for the mission you’re on. he hates steve every time the memory is evoked, the panic that comes with your being used as bait for some of the most screwed up villains in the world only returning stronger. he’s tempted to go get you himself, uncaring if he screws up the mission because at least he’ll have you.
stark will call him pathetic, then go to bed with the love of his life, so bucky prefers keeping his thoughts about you to himself, much like he’d like to keep you. you’ve told him you can handle yourself, and bucky never doubts it, having been victim to the using of your skills when he first encountered you as the winter soldier. you kicked his ass then, and you kick any and all ass now.
it doesn’t help his sleeping schedule, though your calls do. he swears you’re an angel because there’s no way a normal human could glow like that through a screen, but you always laugh off his words and simply tell him to turn his brightness down. however, you haven’t taught him that yet, so he greets you with the same sentence every time. his smile is always brighter after your calls, the dark bruises under his eyes reduced as if he got a full night’s rest. it’s your effect on him, and as much as everyone teases you both for it, they appreciate it.
you’re due to come back in a week or two, but bucky is unsure he can wait that long, and judging from your chirpier-than-usual voice in your latest interaction, you’ve finished early, like you always do. he likes to imagine it’s because of him, behind the deprecating voice that screams at him why would it be? (the answer is that you love him and hate every second you’re away from him)
sam scoffs when he overhears him telling that to steve, sitting down next to bucky, “man, there is no way you can tell that from a phone call. even if you could, i know she’s good, but to shave two weeks off mission time? natasha hasn’t even been able to do that.” a proud smile grows on bucky’s face without his permission as he shrugs, “she’s that good,” he brags, choosing to ignore the fake gag sam sends his way.
you frown when he tells you what he thinks on your call a few hours later, lips puckering into a small pout, “how did you know? i wanted it to be a surprise!” you ask through a crackled voice. so much for state of the art technology, bucky thinks, but is glad nonetheless to hear your voice. “i know you too well, doll. you’re really coming back today?”
you nod excitedly, biting your bottom lip. “mhm! i missed you and my bed too much to stay here a moment longer. villains are such pervs,” you complain, nose scrunching. bucky’s jaw sets when he hears your words, immediately thinking the worst. “but, i’m coming back today, so it’s fine. what do you want to do when i get back?”
bucky shrugs, “be with you,” he answers simply, making you laugh. “other than that, dummy. we could watch a movie, have a little date night to make up for the one i missed while i was gone.” bucky grins at this, remembering his plans for that night. “okay,” he agrees, “we’ll watch one of those movies on my list. although sam put some weird ones.”
you concur through chuckles that pass through the phone, reminding him how much you love him. he swears an oath to never let you go again and bites back a yawn that you see right through. “you’re sleeping the moment i get back,” you instruct, and bucky nods with your words, even when the sole idea of your being within arm’s reach is obviously too enticing to pass up for sleep. “whatever you want, doll. as long as you’re here.” he replies, thinking about spending the night pressing kisses to your hair and checking for any injuries you may have withheld from him.
the sentence is dishonest and you both know it, but you leave it at that, missing him too much and sure he’ll rest with how exhausted he must be. you say goodbye without the actual words, only giving a blown kiss and a “see you later.”
bucky spends the rest of the hours without you thinking of you, skimming through the words written in the little blue notebook you got him to replace his old one. that one sits on his dresser, the disuse proven by the layer of dust that covers it. the names he spent hours agonizing over, tracing his fingers over the indents made by the pen, are hidden by its cover. they never fade from his mind, though. only half of the pages of the one you gave him are blank now, and the ones that aren’t are bright and white, inviting him to drop his pen on the lines and jot whatever reference he didn’t understand but wants to. he eyes the names of the movies and shows, some accompanied by quotes that refer to them. “new girl: nick miller,” he reads, remembering how one of your friends said he was the avenger version of the character. “friends: ‘joey doesn’t share food,” sam told him that one when he didn’t let him have any of his chips. he looks at clueless, recalling the way all of his teammates stare at scott whenever the movie comes up. there are a couple pages like this, some of them recommendations and others titles he kept hearing. tonight, he decides on starting a new show, but he leaves the actual show up to you to decide.
you arrive a couple hours later, when stars have littered the darkness that bled through the sky. it’s all very rom-com-filmesque, the way you light up when you see his face- even through how tired you clearly are- and how you jump into his arms, ignoring the ache in your muscles because the way his arms wrap around you seems to make it disappear. he gathers you in his arms and kisses everywhere on your face, treasuring your laugh and the feeling of your lips pressing to his shoulder when you hug him again.
even when you pull away, he doesn’t let go of your hand, flesh fingers tracing small circles into your skin. you don’t complain, even when steve shoves papers in front of you and asks you to sign them with a sheepish look. sam comes by and teases bucky lightheartedly, hounding bucky to let you have both your hands. you chuckle at his request and squeeze bucky’s fingers, kissing the back of his hand, “oh, no, he better not,” you half-joke. he smiles, red tinting his cheeks as he gently draws you closer.
you don’t feel like driving at the moment, and you need to water your plants, completely sure that wanda forgot to do it, so you end up going to your room, even though you spend most of your time at his own room or your apartment outside the compound. you can tell how little the room has been used by the spotless counters and floors, furniture clean of any of the knickknacks you usually leave. you only sleep here when bucky leaves for long missions, his absence is overly blatant when he’s gone, and your plants keep you from feeling too alone.
you usher bucky inside, tugging open your drawers to search for something for him to wear. you grin at the soft fabric under the pads of your fingertips, recalling the memory of stealing them from bucky’s closet to soak in his scent when you couldn’t have the real thing. the considerable use has washed away all traces of him, and you decide that needs to be fixed, picking out clothing for him.
you change into one of his old shirts and make tea while he changes, smiling when you feel his arms wrapping around your waist and kissing your jaw. “what do you want to watch tonight?” he asks, and you contemplate it while you pour your drinks, shoveling spoons of sugar into each one to make it as sweet as possible- his favorite. “new girl, i think you’ll like it,” you reply after a moment.
he unravels his arms from around you, taking the mugs from the counter and following you to your room after you peck his cheek in thanks. “okay, i want to see what this nick miller is all about,” bucky says, making you laugh softly. “c’mon,” he urges, opening his arms for you after setting the cups down. you cuddle up to his side after you grab your computer, setting up netflix and choosing the show.
halfway through the first episode, bucky feels the fatigue hit him like a ton of bricks, hours of missed sleep catching up to him now that he’s finally relaxed and comfortable. keeping his eyes open is a job all on its own, and the sweet smell of your hair combined with the way your fingers move on his chest, softly writing letters and drawing shapes, is too much to resist.
you barely notice when he shuts his eyes, the evening of his breathing alerting you he’s succumbed to his tiredness. you stop the video and quietly shut your laptop, placing it on the bedside table while moving as little as possible. he feels you shift through your efforts, pulling you closer in his sleep. you chase away his nightmares like you always do, letting him sleep his first full night since you left.
he wakes up rejuvenated and embarrassed, sputtering out embarrassed apologies that you shush with kind reassurances and tender kisses. he’s reminded of how wonderful you are when you turn, arms extending to reach into your bag and carrying out a small stuffed animal that you say reminded you of him.
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
How about mikasa with a Pregnant s/o? I hope you get better btw!
Ah thank you anon! I hope I do aswell! And I love mother kasa concept! :D
『Mikasa with a pregnant s/o』
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- after you guys left the survey corps,she practically BEGGED you both to be parents. And all thought you wanted to, you wanted to spend some years alone with her.
- Ever since Eren passed away, your girlfriend never smiled the way she used to. But that all changed when you told her you were pregnant with a baby girl. This woman bursted into tears smiling a smile you hadn’t seen in a while. She picked you up and spun you around the room kissing you as you to began to cry tears of joy.
- You told her you were pregnant with a small version of her scarf, hinting at it. And as soon as she got it, she looked at you shocked, making sure you were serious, “d-darling are you serious..?” She said a small smile on her face. She looked at the small scarf and the baby clothes that laid in the box that you gave her as a gift, twirling around the outfit examining it.
-you gave her a soft nodd as you wiped away a tear, “Your going to be a mommy” you said with a smile. She put down the baby clothes and looked at you, still in shock. “Your not joking R-right!?” She said a bit more happier. “No I’m serious!” You said, beaming with a smile.
-she scoffed a bit as tears began falling down her face. Mikasa smiled as she picked you up, twirling you around, while crying tears of pure happily ness and joy. “T-this is all I’ve ever wanted” She said, kissing you while wiping away the both of yours tears.
- Throughout your whole pregnancy, all she would do would show you support in every way possible. She may be a bit over baring at time but this woman just wants to insure that your safe and well token care of. If you try to even pick up something, she’s scolding you, saying its dangerous and what if you fall or trip? All you’ll hear is, “y/n! Be careful dear! Let me take care of that.”
-Oh you best believe she gives you baths. One wrong move and you could get hurt, to her at least. Mommas wants to take care of youuuu ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა! Plus, if you think she’s overprotective then, SHEESH BUDDY YOUR IN FOR A RIDE DURING AND AFTER PREGNANCY.
- This woman goes out her way to make sure you and the baby are safe. She doesn’t like you going out into town since a ton of people would crowd there and god for bid if someone knocks into you.. Let’s just say they are gonna get beat to the ground.
- For names, i think she’d like something unique, mystical even. I think she’d like something like a word that means a unique feeling, like the word Heriath; Homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was. That’s my OC’S kid with her’s name anyways lol. Lacuna, Moira, jouska and others i think she’d like! You suggested if it was a boy that you wouldn’t mind naming the baby after Eren. She turned to you and smiled saying that she loved the idea of that, but, she couldn’t call him that without bursting into tears. You understood completely and was accepting of that aswell : D
— AND BOY OH BOY WHEN YOU WERE IN LABOR- Mikasa tried her best to stay calm. You both decided earlier on to have an at home birth with (just in case) a widwife to make sure you were okay. She held your hand and hugged you as you gasped for air, pushing as hard as you could. Mika would tell you things like “It’s okay baby.. your doing such a good job..” hike holding your hand, reassuring that you would be okay.
- When the baby came out, all you both could do was cry. I’d say if its a girl, she’d look more like mikasa with black hair and her Asian eye shape with your eye color. But if it was a boy, they’d look more like you with mikasa’s eye shape and mouth shape.
- She knows how sentimental of a moment you both as parents were experiencing, so she made sure you as the one who gave birth should hold the baby first. She kissed your head as you held the baby, caressing your hair.
- when mikasa held the baby, the first thing she did was wrap the baby in her red scarf. After Eren died, she turned the meaning of the scarf around. Eren showed her how to live, so she made a promise to show you how to live. And now that she has a baby, another piece of family, she vowed over her life to keep the both of you safe and sound.
- Her first words to your both’s baby was “I will always protect you, I promise you, over my life” She was so happy to be a mother. After all the chaos, she was so happy to finally live peacefully with the person who she loves the most.
- She has SO MANY DAMN RULES FOR WHEN ANNIE AND ARMIN COME OVER LMAO- No holding the baby standing up. All sharp objects aren’t allowed on you when touching the baby. No turning into a titan or she’ll cut off your face (these mainly apply to Annie LMAO) But after a while she chilled down. Annie was allowed to hold the baby ofc ofc.... Under MIKASA’S supervision ÙnÚ.
— the day your baby first walked, mikasa Litteraly cried at how big they had gotten and you had to calm her down like “Mika! Chill they aren’t even 1 yet and your already acting like they are going off to join the military!”
- Oh and speaking of military, your baby’s not going into the military- Hell n o. Momma mika would lose her shit even at the thought of her baby going out into gunfire. So if you wanted a military baby, sorry its not happening with her kid.
- The baby’s first words were “Muma” which was when they were referring to you. Everything this child does makes her so emotional. Litteraly even if the baby just picks up a spoon she’s almost in tears. She a proud momma dont let her down >:3
- I think our both’s baby would call her a unique version of mom. Like they would call Mika “Ummie” or “ummuma” But sometimes they’d just call her “mommy” so your momma and she’s ummie and mommy. (Lmao you call mikasa mommy too dont lie ;)
-OMI- YOUR KID AND ANNIE AND ARMINS KID ARE LIKE BEST FRIENDS. Your baby loves when they come over so they can see armin and Annie’s kid :D! AND OML- YOUR BABY LIKE LOVES ANNIE- She calls her “auntie awnnie” and always likes pulling at her bun while mikasa just stands and watches from the kitchen, eyeing annie down making sure she ant gonna touch her bby 😤
- Your child LOVESSSS Annie’s titan roar and everytime she comes over, they beg for annie to turn into a titan and do the roar. All you’ll hear is, “awuntiie awmmie! Titan! Titan!! 🥺” While annie rolls her eye with a small “fine” As she goes outside and transforms into her titan, roaring while your chid giggles. MIKASA HATES IT SO DAMN MUCH- SHE’LL ALWAYS SAY “You better be careful or I’ll kill you”
- of course, over the years Mikasa lightened up to annie and they are now best friends, but she cant help it... Over protective strong momma. but she wont allow armin to do it since his titans to big and dangerous ad trust me armin completely understands.
- Overall, she’s such a good momma. Always caring for you and her baby, making sure you both are safe and okay. She wouldn’t ever wish for a different life when she’s with you, and the sweet little one you two made <3
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harrywritingsbyme · 3 years
Hi would you mind writing a short lil something about Harry and Reader turning bubs‘ room into a big boy room and getting kind of emotional getting rid/storing away all his baby stuff? That last ask was so cute 🥺
Growing Up
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: So I just wanted to write something. So I wrote some dad!Harry fluff for y’all bc this concept was too cute and I just loved it so much. It’s just a little blurb, that kinda gives me a head cannon type of vibe for some reason...so I hope it doesn’t suck lmao! enjoy🥺🥰
Your little boy was growing up so fast. It was almost as if you had blinked and the time just passed you both by. You and Harry could vividly remember the day you two found out that you were expecting, when bubs was just a tiny bean in your stomach. The both of you were beyond happy in that moment. You were gleefully jumping around the bedroom and you two let the joy filled tears from the amazing news flow from your eyes as you celebrated this monumental moment in you guys’ family and life together. 
Over the course of the nine or so months following that day, you and Harry happily watched as your baby boy (and you for that matter) grew. You and Harry got to see your baby at your scheduled ultrasounds and you watched him transform from a little dot on the screen to a fully formed baby with ten fingers and toes along with a miniature version of Harry’s nose. The two of you felt bubs growing too. When you felt yourself getting bigger, your son was getting bigger as well. Along with the increase in the amount of weight forming in your midsection, you could feel your son moving around too. As you became farther along in your pregnancy, you could feel your baby boy moving around in your stomach more and more. There were so many times where bubs would move around and kick you, to which you’d let out a sharp wince and Harry would softly yet “sternly” reprimand his son letting him know that it wasn’t nice to kick his mommy. But even though you could definitely go without a swift kick to your ribs, you couldn’t stop the little smile from spreading across your face once you got over the initial pain of it all. You were so happy to feel that your baby boy was growing and healthy, and you were beyond excited to see him. 
Along with a couple of very memorable days throughout your pregnancy, and the day you found out that you were expecting, the day you finally gave birth was definitely a day that would always remain clear at the forefront of you and Harry’s minds. After an epidural(that was hardly effective in your opinion), hours upon hours of being in labor, a lot of tears, and some strong screams at Harry, the two of you finally welcomed your baby boy into the world. He was absolutely perfect and everything you and Harry had envisioned. Even though he was much bigger than the tiny dot on the screen at the very early stage of your pregnancy, he was still incredibly tiny. Especially when he was in Harry’s arms. The two of you soaked up every moment with your baby boy and neither of you wanted him to grow up and not be the little baby that fit perfectly in your arms. Even when he kept the two of you up at night and into the wee hours of the morning, you and Harry never wanted him to grow up.
But that’s exactly what he did. Again, it was like the two of you blinked and the time just blew right past you both. One moment he was the tiny little human that found his home in your belly and then in your arms. And the next he was a two and a half year old carbon copy of Harry with a sprinkle of you in the mix that had a big and amazing personality of his own. He was without a doubt you and Harry’s favorite person in the world and there weren’t enough words in the world to describe how much love you two had for that little boy. But even though this was the case, you and Harry couldn’t help but miss that little baby you brought home two and a half years ago.
And since he was no longer a baby anymore, it was time for bubs to get his first big boy room. 
He’d already outgrown so many of the clothes you and Harry had gotten him along with the toys he had. The last thing on the outgrown list was the crib. And once that was finally crossed off the list, it meant that he’d finally outgrown everything. Which meant that it was time to give him a room that best suited him and his growth along with his interests. You and Harry noticed that bubs had taken a great interest in dinosaurs. From the toys he wanted and played with to the books he wanted to read to his favorite pajamas, everything was dinosaurs. So that’s what you and Harry decided to play off of when building your sons new room. The two of you wanted to create a dinosaur oasis for him and you wanted it to be everything that the toddler could possibly want. For almost four months you and Harry bought all of the furniture and decor that fit perfectly into the dinosaur theme the two of you had envisioned. And as it all came in, the two of you were able to perfectly and seamlessly put the room together. Every once in a while having a little hiccup in the process like not centering a nail on the wall or something, but nothing major. 
Now while you and Harry were loving the project and enjoyed doing this for your son, it was still a really hard process for you both. Particularly for Harry though. As the two of you got closer to being done with the new room, you and Harry began packing up bubs’ baby clothes and things that he grew out of so that you could donate them and make space for the new things you two had gotten for him. As you two packed though, Harry was incredibly sad. While he loved his little man who ran around and was just full of life and energy, he missed his little baby. He couldn’t pick him up and have him all snug and tucked into his arms the same way he used to. Bubs was bigger and all of that was sinking in now as Harry packed up all of the small clothes and toys. With everything that was placed into the container, a little coo or memory left Harry’s mouth. He couldn’t stop himself from getting a little emotional at the fact that his baby was now a big boy. The both of you were incredibly sad that he was growing up so fast. 
And even though it was an incredibly sad thing to think about, what made both you and Harry happy about it all was the big smile and shouts of amazement that came from your son once you two revealed the room to him. He was absolutely in love with his new big boy bed and all of the dinosaur pictures and decor on the walls, and the toys, and the dinosaur nightlight you two had gotten for him. He ran around the room looking at everything and taking it all in and just loving what his mommy and daddy put together for him. He couldn’t stop saying the cutest little thank you’s which only melted you and Harry even more. Seeing bubs so happy made you and Harry beyond happy and it made the whole growing up thing a bit easier. 
After showing some of the things he couldn’t immediately see in his new room and playing with him a bit, you and Harry decided to step out and let bubs enjoy his new room for a little bit while you two continued with cleaning out his old room. The two of you gave the little boy a ton of squeezes and kisses before leaving him alone with his toys and getting back to packing all the baby stuff up. You and Harry had a set up on the floor so the two of you got back down there and went back to folding and looking through things. After a little while though, Harry couldn’t do it anymore. He was too overcome with the fact that his baby boy was getting bigger and now had his first big boy room. All of it was just too much for him. Keeping the little clothing item in his hand, Harry turns himself around and lays down on the floor, resting his head in your lap and causing you to turn your attention onto him. 
“What’s going on babe?” You ask, finishing up the fold on the item in your hands before giving him your full attention. 
“M’sad” Harry mumbles with a big pout spread across his face. 
“Why baby?” You coo, bringing one of your hands to the side of his face and the other to his hair. 
“Because! Our baby isn’t a baby anymore.” Harry whines dramatically. 
“It’s not like he’s 30 or something with a wife and kid of his own...you are.” You joke, trying to lighten the mood. 
“Y/n!” He whines. 
“Okay fine! I hate it when you’re all mopey and sad, so don’t be. I’m sad too, but it’ll be okay. No matter how big he gets, he’ll always be our baby.”
“I know, I just can’t stop thinking about how small he was when we brought him home and how he really needed us. Now he’s this little person who isn’t as small and who is starting to not need us. He’s his own little person.” He explains. 
“Well he is his own little person. But he’s only two and a half, so he’ll be needing us for a good while Harry.” You reassure him with a little laugh, trying your best to comfort your very emotional husband. “What will make you feel better? What’s gonna make my baby feel better?” You coo, softly pinching his cheek in the process. 
“Make another baby?” He proposes, turning is head up towards you. 
“You know that takes both of us right?” You ask sarcastically, trying your hardest to not roll your eyes at him. 
“If I’m not mistaken, I remember you being a big fan of the baby making process.” He reminds you smugly. 
“See! Plus we’ve talked about it a couple times, so it’s the perfect time.” He says happily in your lap. “If we put bubs down for his nap now, we can have our second bubby cooking in there by dinner.” He says optimistically, bringing a hand up to your currently empty stomach. 
“I don’t think that’s how it works Harry.” You deadpan, trying to hold back your laughs from how happy and cute he was in this moment. 
“Who cares?! It never hurts to try!!” Harry continues on. “Are you in?” He asks hopefully. 
“Let’s make another baby then.” You giggle, giving in to the idea. From the outside looking in, it may have looked like a bit of a spur of the moment thing. But in actuality, you were already thinking of possibly adding another member to the Styles family. You too were sad at the idea of your little boy growing up. And on top of that, you wanted him to have a sibling and someone to play with. So it all kind of worked out. Bubs was going to be turning three soon and you and Harry were really thinking and talking about another baby so it was perfect. You just hoped that you wouldn’t be popping out another baby as each of the other kids were growing up. You were kind of crossing your fingers that going forward a big boy bed didn’t come with the quest of having another baby. 
Maybe after baby number two harry wouldn’t be so sad about growing up. 
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butwhyduh · 3 years
I love titans!Jason a whole ton because of just how bold and cocky he is. He's a prime example of how people his age are, less inhibitions and more carefree life. He fits into that phase of thinking he's invincible (at least until what happens with Deathstroke.) Knowing what's coming up for him kinda makes me sad because we only have so much precious time with him as Robin, and I was enjoying it. Like, I'm excited to see the next part of his character, but it seemed to come so fast. Especially since they're already going to be running so many plotlines this season, with the Scarecrow stuff and the Blackfire situation, not to mention Raven going to help with the Donna issue. Jason being, well, Jason Todd and not Red Hood, is running on borrowed time and I just want them to do him justice.
- 💌💋 swak anon
I’m tentatively excited but don’t want to have too much hope of that makes sense. I write a lot. And I have ideas of how plots tend to go. I’m the worst to take to see a detective movie because I high key will spoil it in the first 20 minutes a lot. Like shutter island I called in the first 10 minutes. Loved that movie. Anyways, I’m very off topic lmao. But I just don’t know how they’ll fit it all in with both Red Hood and Blackfire storylines and introducing Barbara Gordon AND Tim Drake, especially since Jason is still Robin (!!!). I love scarecrow so I hope that goes good 🤞🏼
Unpopular opinion: But the actor playing Jason gets undue hate. Is Titans very canon compliant? No. But is any adaptation? No. Canon isn’t even canon compliant at this point. But everyone wants Jason todd, larger than life murderer and vigilante that’s been doing it for years. They also want him hypersexualized that isn’t even in the comics. That’s not the story of Titans. He’s a teenager that is Robin.
And live action Jason Todd is so complicated because his character goes through a physical transformation that would be harmful to an actor. Like they really have 3 choices which is to get someone that fits Robin, that they did, and make him seem bigger and more intimidating through movie magic (which they can make tom cruise look bigger they can certainly make curren Walters look bigger). We don’t want him on steroids or something. They could have hired someone that is big and Red Hood-ish and then it’ll be like Terry Cruz wearing the tag that says 9 year old child and he looks ridiculous next to Dick Grayson because he’s supposed to be a kid next to Nightwing’s adult. Or the third and cursed option is hiring one actor for robin and another for red hood. And that’s horrific unless they happen upon a family where they look almost identical but one is a few years older and they happen to be able to act. That’ll never happen especially since we are supposed to care about this character and changing actors is almost a guaranteed way to kill a character in most shows.
Also most people who say he acts nothing like Jason todd haven’t read his stories before turning into the red hood. After under the red hood came out they decided to add in the fact that he was an angry Robin that basically deserved and was doomed to die but that’s not true. He was happy, enthusiastic, and a nerd. He was sometimes naive and sweet and made mistakes.
But it wasn’t his hubris that killed him, it was his heart. He genuinely thought his mother was in trouble and tried to save her; not that he thought he could take on the joker by himself.
Same thing for the people that want sunshine unicorn fanon dick Grayson. Nope! He gets angry and dark and isolates sometime. And holy hell does brenton thwaites look like him.
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2 characters I think titans got totally wrong? Bruce Wayne and Garth. Garth looks like Arthur curry in comics and I don’t get it tbh. And Bruce Wayne has the personality but he’s not a DILF. Playboy is right in his title and that guy isn’t it. But he’s a side character anyways.
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tomurasprincess · 3 years
Good lord everyone is thirsty for DoL again.
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Hmm, are you playing on mobile or desktop? Or with the downloaded version? I’ve been playing on desktop with the regular version, and here is how the save screen looks
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You should just be able to hit the save button and it’ll save your file.
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The hand stabby bit had me doing this too 👀 Whatever it says about you, it says it about me too dlksjfasdfdsf
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Every day I learn more about Robin and realize that I need to play his fucking route, finally. He has a lemonade stand? Why is that so damned adorable to me? And I’ll have to remember that, my promiscuity needs majorly raised so I can get some more events.
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My MC is a massive asshhole too because she never does anything to help the poor orphans. I haven’t even gotten to the point where you can offer to pay for poor Robin’s debt. He keeps getting taken away, poor Robin. I am sorry I don’t have the money yet to pay for you.
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SOUP KITCHEN? Holy fuck I keep learning more and more about this game, I didn’t even know that was an option. More proof that my MC is pure evil.
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She let one of the centaurs fuck you? That kinda sounds amazing, to be perfectly honest. I’ve never been recaptured before and now I might just need to. Although it sounds like it’ll be even harder to get away the second time around. And OMG, missing Halloween is the worst. Those were all such fun events from what I played, although I only did Whitney and Kylar.
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I’ve left the tower once but I didn’t go far at all, and you have the option to wait for him to pick you back up. You’re right though, I’d be afraid of Remy’s farm as well. Stockholm syndrome has definitely kicked in because I’m thinking “he’d be so sad if you didn’t come back to the nest, I can’t risk that.” 😂
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Oh god yeah I’ve done that before, and the Olde English that the book was written in had me cracking up. I felt bad for my poor MC feeling jealous afterwards though.
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LMAO, RIP your free time. I would say that I’m sorry, but I’m really not 
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Someone else was having a problem with that too! I don’t play on mobile so I can’t really say too much about it, I don’t have an issue on desktop.
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It really does start out hard! Once I raised my hands skill and started working at the massage parlor, things got easier, but before that happened it was really difficult to make enough money. And that’s even without trying to help Robin pay the rent as well.
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I just chose the “move quickly deeper into the moors option” with the regular move option thrown in occasionally. I eventually got the notice that I was being hunted, and he ended up just swooping down to snatch me up and take me into his tower.
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AHHH, hi and welcome back! I know the pain of life fucking you in the ass, I can fully relate and hope you’re doing better now. I forgot that I had vore turned on and got eaten by some sort of snake as well, and I was briefly horrified. Have fun with the trick or treating event, it’s a lot of fun! I chose the witch costume and looked adorable.
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Ahh, I’m sorry but I don’t think it is! Or at least I don’t know of a way to do it. That’s not weird at all, I like both as well but I generally play with all men too. 
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So do I! I miss Whitney all the time when school isn’t in session, and it sucks that you can find Kylar outside of school but seemingly can’t find Whitney. Maybe do that and he’ll get jealous and show up, lmao dslf;jsdafsdf
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You are so valid, anon. I pretty much do the same.
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Haha, no problem at all! I do believe there’s something you can buy at the Forest Hut that lets you keep your transformations for good, at least I know there’s one with cow and I believe cat transformation. You should go there and see if you can find something! The MC losing their clothes all the time is the bane of my existence though, I hate having to buy new clothes all the time. Honestly though, living in the woods as a wolf girl doesn’t sound too bad.
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I have no idea how I’ve managed to avoid it, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve gotten the body writing and such, and a few tattoos at Remy’s farm, but nothing from Whitney. He clearly needs to love me enough to give me tattoos, damnit.
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Hi there, glad to have you! You’re right, it’s a ton of fun and I’m glad so many people are enjoying it. Check the first ask of this post and I included a screenshot of the save system. Hopefully it helps.
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You might need to redownload the version here, if you downloaded the game to begin with. If you’re using the online web browser link, it updates automatically.
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The eternal mystery. Everyone else progresses pretty quickly (except Avery in my game, for some reason) but Whitney tends to be slower for me. PLEASE JUST LOVE ME, WHITNEY.
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Hahah, I love that little scenario. Isn’t that the one you can also push him down on the bed and flirt with him? Because I’m not a dominant type but that was still so much fun to do.
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I love my Stabby Boyfriend, you cannot change my mind.  He really is adorable and he tries so hard for poor MC. Even protects her with pepper spray refills, which is truly a gentleman stalker type of thing. He’s even attacked someone attacking me before.
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murdereraisuha · 3 years
Actually, Jamil is Snow White
Now that I have your attention with my batshit theory, let me explain it along with my other predictions for the future events of chapter 5 in a 2,500+ word mess of an essay.
  The past chapters have all correlated to the plot of the original Disney movie in some way. So how does chapter 5 correlate with Snow White? For the movie's story, it starts with Snow White living with her stepmother, who is vain, self-centered, and afraid that one day Snow White will surpass her beauty. The Queen makes efforts to suppress Snow White's beauty by making her a scullery maid, but Snow White does eventually surpass her. This causes the Queen to order her Huntsman to kill Snow White, but the Huntsman can't bring himself to do it and he presents the queen with a decoy heart instead.
  What's interesting about TWST is that Neige has already surpassed Vil at the very beginning. Furthermore, rather than focus solely on his own beauty and beat down potential rivals, Vil attempts to nurture the beauty of the rest of his dorm and the VDC team. So how in the world do we correlate the events of the chapter to the original movie? Well, we know from previous chapters that the person twisted from a character might not be the one to actually take that character's role in the story. Though Farena exists, the one Leona tries to sabotage is Malleus. Though Rielle exists, the one Azul makes a special deal with is Yuu. Even though Neige has played a bigger part in the story so far compared to Farena and Rielle, he still might not actually be the Snow White of this story. So who are our possible candidates here?
  As the person meant to rival Neige's cute appeal, Epel is the first one to pop into mind. Perhaps the NRC team's performance during the VDC goes well enough that Epel suddenly gets tons of popularity. The internet latches onto him, so much so that, at least temporarily, he ends up surpassing both Vil and Neige in Mira's beauty calculation. However, this wouldn't make sense. The Queen is supposed to hate and sabotage the Snow White, and Vil has no reason to do that to Epel after spending so much effort helping him with the express goal of having him beat out Neige. So who else?
  While browsing Pixiv one night, I came across a funny comic (it was long ago enough that I don't remember how to find it again, unfortunately) where Azul actually did livestream Jamil's evil monologue in chapter 4. Rather than becoming a big scandal though, it actually becomes famous because of how good-looking Jamil is, so much so that Vil finds out about it because Jamil's name is the one Mira tells him when Vil does a beauty check. Vil proceeds to change his plans for the VDC by dumping Epel and choosing Jamil as the sole main vocal so that Jamil is his "poison apple" against Neige instead.
  With the recent update, Vil's plan for the VDC is officially finalized, so that comic is firmly in AU territory. However, what if something similar happens? The NRC team's performance goes amazing. However, it is not Vil or Epel that gain attention, but Jamil, the 3rd main vocalist. Against Vil and everyone else's expectations and plans, the internet goes wild over this mysterious pretty boy, boosting Jamil into the position of most beautiful.  Even Neige had to spend some amount of time getting gigs and whatever to attain his fame, but Jamil has done basically nothing outside the VDC and now he's suddenly the best... How would Vil feel about that?
  With the whole trend of the previous overblot causing the next, this theory of Jamil = Snow White makes sense. Though they could always make it so it's Neige and Epel doing the stuff and then at the end Jamil delivers a speech or something that gives the final push to overblot, it would be a lot more interesting (and funny) for Jamil to be thrust into the spotlight earlier on and be a main reason for Vil's overblot.
  However, all of this assumes that the beginning of Snow White correlates with the beginning of chapter 5. Let's consider that the beginning of chapter 5 actually correlates with the situation later in the movie when the Queen is plotting to get Snow White with the poison apple. In this situation, Neige would actually be the Snow White of the story. However, unless we pull some funky timeline stuff, the theory I've seen of Rook betraying Vil wouldn't happen then, since we're already past that point in the movie. So what is next? In the movie, Snow White bites the apple and falls asleep. The dwarfs return to their cottage and chase the Queen, who eventually falls to her death when a lightning bolt destroys the precipice she's cornered on. (Fun fact from Wikipedia, her scream while falling was reused for Sleeping Beauty when Maleficent gets stabbed by the Sword of Truth). Anyway, the dwarfs proceed to put Snow White in the glass coffin until a year later when the prince kisses her and takes her to his castle.
  Welp, look here, we have the dwarves in TWST, so they could definitely fulfill the try to hurt Vil part here. But what would lead them to do that? Assuming that as RSA students they are heroic, they would hurt Vil if they felt that he had hurt Neige. Vil's plan for the VDC competition seems to just be performing like normal and hoping that their hard work and effort will shine through and win them the competition, so either something has to happen that causes a last-minute change to that plan or some sort of misunderstanding (Vil getting canceled) happens. How would a misunderstanding happen? It could originate from fans angry that Neige didn't win, but Vil has plenty of his own fans to counter that and make an even-sided battle. Some new falling out between Vil and Epel could occur, resulting in either Epel himself going and hurting Vil's reputation or someone else (the media or Neige) seeing Epel distraught and believing that Vil is abusing him in some way. If it's Neige that could be interesting since it'd kinda be a situation where Epel is Snow White and Neige is his Huntsman. Neige x Epel new otp??? haha anyway, there's also the possibility that the RSA students are not heroic, and the dwarves go and make rumors about Vil themselves as an underhanded strategy to give Neige the victory.
  All this talk is making me forget about my boy Jamil though. How would he fit in here? Again, from the previous overblots, we know that Jamil will likely oppose Vil in some way. We have also established that this chapter 5's start = the Queen's poison apple plan's start, so Neige is the Snow White. The remaining roles for Jamil are the dwarves (unlikely since we have actual dwarves), the huntsman (unlikely since timeline and also Rook exists), and finally, the prince. Jamil x Neige new otp??? lmao anyway, What would this role mean for his involvement in the story? Well, the prince only shows up at the end to wake up Snow White, so that would make this a situation like I mentioned before with Jamil just showing up to do a speech or something that pushes Vil over the edge. Boring, what else could we do?
  Well, what about the original fairy tale of Snow White? In there, the dwarves don't kill the Queen. Instead, she lives until the day of Snow White and the prince's wedding, where the prince makes her dance in red-hot slippers until she dies as punishment for trying to kill Snow White. Why would Jamil give enough of a shit about Neige to go against Vil like that though? Well, y'know what fuck it let's squeeze someone else into the role of Snow White. Kalim certainly has the hair color for it. Since Kalim is just one of the backup vocals and hasn't had much going on aside from his personal character development this chapter idk what Vil could possibly do to him. Perhaps something pertaining to his family's wealth and fame? Whatever it is, some sort of threat to Kalim would be enough motivation for Jamil to do something to Vil. Interaction between Kalim and Jamil would also serve to finish up whatever development is going on between them. Seriously bro I know Jamil was probably just stalking Kalim in that one episode to make sure he's safe but that scene is really haunting me WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
  Whatever, let's keep this circus rolling with some Rook discussion! Again, we got the theory that Rook will betray Vil like the Huntsman betrayed the Queen. To discuss this idea, we gotta discuss Rook's motivations first. In episode 5-27, quoting from the translation on the wiki by Kanade Musings, Rook claims that "being a mere spectator to beautiful people and beautiful things provide [him] with such happiness" and he is "here to offer what help [he] can to help save beauty." However, he points out that "Vil does not need [Rook] to save him;" instead, what Rook wants "to protect is not Vil himself, but rather the 'beauty' he possesses." The chapter ends with Rook saying that the others would understand what he's saying if they encountered a "beauty that is blinding" and would "bring light to [their] lives."
  So, with this information, would Rook betray Vil and why would he betray Vil? Well, there's the possibility that RSA's performance wows him and he switches to protecting Neige's beauty. However, this doesn't feel right to me. Neige is very famous. His first appearance was in a commercial that Cater got even when not specifically trying to find stuff on Neige. I would seriously doubt that Rook has not already done research into Neige and observed what beauty he has. If Rook doesn't already find Neige extraordinarily beautiful, I doubt that a single dance performance could transform his opinion of him. However, what if that was compounded by some loss of Vil's beauty? However, would Rook allow that to happen? He expressly said he wishes to protect Vil's beauty. If Vil lost beauty, would Rook really abandon him, or would he work to bring Vil back to his senses and restore his beauty?
  Now, going back to the idea of Rook doing a betrayal, we already established way back at the beginning of this monstrosity (if you made it this far please take a hydration break or something alright? take care of yourself I love you) that Neige is not necessarily the Snow White of the story. So, we have the possibility of Rook turning against Vil on Epel's behalf, which... doesn't seem right. Idk it might be because I still just can't envision a scenario with Rook outright betraying Vil. Again, Rook has spent a bunch of time observing Epel and watching him grow. What could Epel possibly do that could mega boost his beauty in Rook's eyes? He's spent time observing Jamil too, though not as much as he observes some other people. Like, Rook is a hunter, extremely skilled at assessing targets and figuring out what makes them tick. For his opinion of someone to seriously change, it would require equally exceptional deception or change on the target's part. Seriously, why would he betray Vil?
  Okay, how about we consider what exactly Rook finds beautiful. As we know from the auditions (ボーテ!100点!), Rook was able to find beauty in every person's performance, no matter how clumsy or unskilled they were. So, we get the sense that at the very least, Rook considers things beautiful that most people wouldn't consider beautiful. Then, what makes Vil beautiful to him? We know Vil is beautiful by normal person standards, but Rook doesn't go by normal person standards. Does Rook feel drawn to his determination? His power? Something we don't know about yet? I don't think we know for sure, so we don't know what it would take for Vil to lose beauty in Rook's eyes.
  Well, there's a part of Rook that hasn't really come up in the main story yet: his fascination with the nonhuman students. This just brings up more questions. Since Vil is human... as far as we know... Rook's behavior towards him is motivated by something different than that which motivates his hunts, even if that something different is just a different way of being beautiful. ARGHH I DON'T KNOWWWWW we're going into his voice lines
  Alright, ceremonial robes home tap 3 (from twstarchives): "There is beauty that some are just born with, but the beauty you work hard to achieve holds immeasurable power. Isn't that right?" Okay now we're getting somewhere, he appreciates hard work! Oh yeah didn't Vil say some stuff cause he felt defeated by Neige being better even though Vil put in all this hard work? The development of that sort of attitude would probably constitute a loss of beauty. Hard work would therefore also make someone beautiful in Rook's eyes.
  So, who works hard? Yep, Jamil we're bringing you in again. Remember, a change is needed to drive the plot and prompt a change in Rook. Haven't we had a major change in Jamil's attitude already? Starting with having to funnel all his hard work into Kalim and keeping himself under Kalim, after chapter 4 Jamil is now channeling his work into himself and finally showing off his true talents. Given that Rook can't possibly stalk everyone in NRC in-depth, he likely doesn't have a complete idea of Jamil's capabilities especially given how Jamil was specifically trying to stay under the radar. This may give Jamil the possibility to surprise Rook with his full power, potentially shifting Rook's opinion enough to give him a significant appreciation of Jamil's beauty.
 With all this information, I think I can try and build a rough simulation of events. So, the VDC teams do their performances and wow the crowd. In the meantime while the judges are deciding who wins, some shit goes down: Vil gets canceled or something, Jamil gains popularity, idk something with Neige & the dwarves. Vil's mental health takes a turn for the worst and he resorts to underhandedness. He enlists Rook for some plot against Jamil or Neige. However, Kalim gets caught in the crossfire. Inspired by Jamil's beauty and efforts to help Kalim, Rook ends up going against the plan and Vil. Vil overblots, blah blah backstory, then the judges release the results of the competition, and the winding down/aftermath/party time is the 2nd day of the festival whatever when the gang can go see all the other booths and stuff.
  Even after all this I sincerely doubt my final prediction here will come to pass but y'know, all about the journey not the destination. Honestly, I thought of the title of this post when I was only partway through like "Haha isn't this theory about Jamil being Snow White so out there" but nope that's actually a foundation of my ideas now. What am I doing???   Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading this mess. Please feel free to message me or something if this rant gave you any ideas that you wanna share.
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flowercrown-bard · 2 years
Can you tell me more about your OC(s) Riya and Nadya ? They/she (?) sound(s) interesting
I am always happy to talk about her :D thank you for asking! Prepare yourself for a lot of incoherent rambling lmao
ok so Nadya is the character I play in @dhwty-writes' Pathfinder campaign. She's a kitsune (A human who can shapeshift into a humanoid fox) oracle (so she has magic which she gets from her gods). And here's the thing about kitsune oracles: It's pretty obvious that they are oracles bc they have white hair and blue eyes.
During her childhood, Nadya had a best friend Sabil (short red hair), who was a thief. Nadya helped her steal stuff but at one point Nadya got caught and in her panic, she snitched on Sabil and told the people who had found her that she's an oracle. In her homeland, oracles are a bit rare and also super important bc the rulers are oracles, so Nadya was taken away to be educated to become one of the ruling oracles.
She hated the school, but things became even worse when the gods sent Nadya her first real prophecy. It was pretty distressing (it featured such lovely scenes as Sabil stabbing Nadya and telling her that Nadya would be responsible for the death of others). So when she got the chance, Nadya ran away.
Now, here's another fun fact about Kitsune in Pathfinder: Some of them can somewhat permanently shapeshift into other people. So, Nadya needed to chance her appearance bc her white hair would be too recognisable. And there's many things you could accuse Nadya of, but subtlety is not one of them. So she transformed into Sabil (the more I think about it, the weirder that is) bc she figured she might get Sabil's attention like that and find her again. Nadya gave herself a new name, Riya (this translates to "the dead girl". Again, zero subtlety)
The thing is, Riya is pretty bad at navigating, so she got lost pretty much immediately. She got found by a travelling circus, where she worked as a fortune teller and she pretended to be a bard (she's played by me. Obviously I needed to give her some connection to being a bard XD )
After a couple of years, she met some other adventurers (this is where the campaign starts) and left the circus to travel with them. One of those adventurers is an actual bard/necromancer, Kira (that's @parttime-creative' character. They made a lot of amazing art for Kira and Riya ^^) And, well, she fell in love with Kira. Too bad, she's still lying about her identity. And too bad she's still looking for Sabil, who she used to have a crush on.
At some point, Riya told Kira about who she is (still hasn't told Kira about her crush on Sabil tho) and they started the most awkward slowburn romance. By which I mean, they have accidentally gotten engaged twice, 'AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED' (there wasn't, but Riya pretended not to have a bed roll, so she'd get to share Kira's bed) and Kira is so so protective of Riya. And now they are really close to finding Sabil, so who knows what's going to happen next
also, another member of the party, Naliv (lawful evil summoner) blackmailed/blackmails Riya to tell the people of her homeland that she's an orcacle, so now there's a ton of drama about who can trust whom and it's a ton of fun
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