#the running joke is that the doctor keeps playing the same character but with different races & classes
hottestthingalive · 4 months
might go crazy go wild & make a doctor who (but they’re all just actually playing dnd) au.
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o-uncle-newt · 5 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 23: Wokingham
I absolutely love everything about this episode. Literally everything. It's just basically perfect.
It's also, like Vaduz, an episode that would never, ever, EVER have happened in S1. I mean, S1 had a dude literally die on the plane and "it "what to do" was turned into a comedy routine... this is a much more, Idunno, humanist approach, I guess. It's hilarious, but it takes its humor from things other than the actual medical situation itself.
But even beyond that- would S1 Douglas have played along when Carolyn said that he cried when confronted by the bird strike in St Petersburg? Would he have even put a pause on the game? Would he have even shown up? Almost definitely not. The only constant, of course, is Arthur, who would have been equally willing to show up to keep Martin's mother busy in any season you can name. Lovely, lovely Arthur, and what an absolutely perfect scene by the way.
Now, there's the meta way of looking at it where people are like "I appreciated it when JF was writing a darker and more cynical show," which a) I disagree with factually (I think there were always hints of what the show would become from the beginning- I mean, as far back as Abu Dhabi, Douglas helped Martin out with the match) and b) I disagree with as a matter of taste (the heartwarming episodes are GREAT). But I have to hope that the meta people at least concede that the development FROM S1 to S4 in terms of the very different ways that people behave is extremely consistent with the character development. Douglas and Carolyn have both made some strides in the way that they relate to Martin that allow them to go run interference for him, but at the same time Martin has grown to become the kind of person who they mind less running interference for. He's mellowed, he's started to be less hung up on his rank for the most part, he's less obsessed with his self image. S1 Douglas would have never done it- but S1 Martin would have given him little reason to, and we've seen that change pretty organically.
It also helps, obviously, that Douglas and Carolyn know exactly what they're dealing with. Some of it, maybe, is seeing how Martin (and, to be honest, Caitlin!) ended up that way, with Simon to cut him down to size- and, as we've heard, his dad as well back when he was alive. (Incidentally, I meant to mention this in Uskerty but I found the fact that Martin has worn his dad's signet ring since the funeral to be both really sweet and just... gah. Emotional.) I feel like we've also all, at some point, met people who are, if not Simons themselves, have Simonistic qualities, so to speak. Carolyn and Douglas, as people who love to put on performances like this and have a bit of a proprietary feeling about Martin (in an "only we get to tease him" kind of way), presumably did it at least partly for the fun of it!
That said, this episode would not have been what it could have been without Wendy. Prunella Scales is amazing, and it's worth noting that (as JF mentioned in a podcast interview I heard once) she was in the early stages of dementia and, according to JF, was not always with it offstage but was just absolutely astonishing as soon as they started performing. She plays every note so perfectly, and adds a really interesting note of, well, momness (or I guess I should say mumness) that is really easy to identify with and also a VERY striking contrast to Carolyn, both for better and, occasionally, for worse- Carolyn would have never said anything remotely like "maybe Simon knows best" lol.
All in all, just really really good fun, hilarious, well plotted, all the usual... oh, and with another amazing audio humor joke with the doctor asking about the costume party. Just perfect.
Important question though: how on earth in this whole brag-off with Simon did Martin never slip that he's dating the freaking Princess of Liechtenstein?! How?!?! I'm not going to call it a plot hole because that's not how these things work, but I can imagine that he had to REALLY hold himself back from blurting it out.
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fervency-if · 9 months
I really like the reincarnated ask so I just have to ask, if the situation is reversed how would they approach MC? Also what kind of life would they probably have?
It was an interesting one - and so is this one! I'm actually putting this below a cut, because someone required a lot of text... It got long.
The Physician would be a doctor or a midwife here, so she wouldn't be constantly 'on the run' this time around - she would rather miss that from her former life, though, in a sense. She wouldn't dare to approach the main character at first, noticing them from a distance; she would think that they wouldn't believe her, and how could anyone say something like that with a straight face, 'we used to know one another?' Eventually she would approach them (even though she wished that they approached her first,) and try to start deep conversations where she could drop hints, but it would take quite some time for her to be able to be overt.
Aubrey would live a bohemian lifestyle - no matter what era, and no matter whether he was wealthy or poor, he would want to be a free, artistic spirit without many responsibilities to society. If he was wealthy he would be 'a spoiled brat who did whatever he wanted to,' and if he was poor, he would get by just barely, but prefer it that way, instead of being bound to anything. He would give the main character meaningful gazes, and talk to them immediately. He would drop hints that were incredibly strong - things that only those two would know. Inside jokes, things they did together, and so on.
Vesa would work in a museum in one way or the other, unless she would decided that she wanted to be a bartender for that lounge-atmosphere; that, or she would have become a photographer. I think she would be interested in that as well. She would live a fun life here, too, preferring to be a bit flippant and carefree. She would be very overt with the main character. She wouldn't play any games. She would do absolutely anything she could do to prove that it was her.
Narciso might very well be an opera singer here as well, but a tenor this time around, or perhaps a baryton, I'm not entirely certain of how his voice would sound like. I think he would want to keep singing - it was just that his experiences in 'canon' soured things and made him have a complicated love-hate relationship with it. Now he could do it for fun. He would be the most worried about approaching the main character - them even believing him would be a big problem in itself, of course, but there are many other things. Him, namely. Since his life would have been completely different - here his body wouldn't have been altered, therefore he never felt that the world used him and treated him as a slab of meat or a piece of art due to his fame, he would never had been drilled to become a living music box... of course, everything would be different; his outlook on life wouldn't be the same at all. His personality would be similar - gentle, pleasant, and charismatic - but he would have different values, and he would have an overall kinder and softer heart, be less jaded - and even though he wouldn't want to show much vulnerability, he wouldn't be terrified of it. So this would be something he had to deal with at first, his emotions, his 'I'm not the same man anymore, looks, voice, or personality. They may not like this version of me.' He would therefore take it very easy with the main character, to adjust himself, too.
Roswhen would either work with music, or have a more mundane and regular job, such as working in a music store or a fashion store, travelling and playing instruments in their free time instead. They would approach the main character gently, and when they had spent some time together, they would offer to play them a tune - a tune that they had written themselves, that they hoped that the main character would remember. That could at least start something...
Elan would want manual work here as well, either a woodcutter still, or something else where he used his body. He thinks manual labour is good for him, after all, so he would want to keep on doing that. If the times were reasonably modern, he would be a tad calmer. Not as tense, and his periods of indifference or sadness would be easier for him to handle - he would be medicated now, taking antidepressants for his troubles, and perhaps seeking help for his social anxiety. He would still be very shy, so he would certainly approach the main character with some shyness, but there would be something bolder that shone through. He would try to give them a sign immediately in some way, without creeping them out.
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ajokeformur-ray · 6 months
Hey, there! I hope you don’t mind, but here’s a few questions from the ask game🤭💜☺️ Can you please do Blizzard, December, Chanukah, Hailstone, Hot chocolate, Polar, Snow, and Mulled wine for the ask game 🥺 No pressure, of course! I hope you have a great day❤️☺️🫂
Heyyy ~ ❤️ I never mind!! Okay, I answered two of them already:
Blizzard & Hailstone
December - do you have any irrational fears?
I don't believe that any fear is irrational. If you think about it hard enough, any reason to be scared of something is reasonable because we all experience the world differently. Fear protects us, it keeps us alive - to an extent. Sometimes it's detrimental, but it comes largely from the part of us that loves us and is invested in our health and safety. On the other hand, I have a phobia of water splashing back on me at work and getting into my hair. So I always stand back at least an arms' length away when I'm sorting out the chemicals I'm using all day. I work with strong chemicals - corrosives, irritants, bleaches, powders, etc., which would melt my hair right off if it ever got into my hair. If I think water splashes back, I spend the next five to ten minutes worrying so intensely about my hair that I get a psychosomatic burning across my scalp. I'll go look in the nearest mirror to make sure there's no wet patch, I'll be dabbing at the spot with my wrist to alleviate the itch, I'll ask coworkers if there's anything there. There's never anything there, I'm very careful, but I fear it all the same. And this illustrates my point - to you, that precaution of me literally jumping away from running water/leaning back when using chemicals/getting very anxious about splash back may sound silly (and that's okay), but to me, it's a very reasonable thing to be scared of. Fear, like everything in life, is subjective. And I don't think it's ever irrational - there's always a reason someone is scared. Fear in itself is a survival mechanism we've used to keep us alive for millennia. What was it the 12th Doctor once said? "Fear is your friend - it is a superpower".🥺❤️
Chanukah - who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Hmm... I don't know. Maybe Maya Hawke? She'd capture the awkward social skills quite well and the tendency to ramble. I can't really think of anyone.
Hot chocolate - how would you like to be remembered?
As someone who loved hard, tried her best, and lived her life inside her head.❤️
Polar – would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy?
Hmmm... this feels like one of those 'trick' questions where there's a massive downside which isn't considered when initially answering. So I'll cop out - I'll stay just as I am, but not living with my parents. That'd fix me, and I'm not joking. Because I'm at my happiest when I'm away from them.
Snow – what fictional character reminds you most of yourself?
I don't wanna say who I'm thinking of because that'll feel like poking a wasp's nest.😂
Mulled wine - do you speak any other languages?
Unfortunately, no. I tried teaching myself Japanese and Korean a few years back, and the most I can remember is the odd word here or there.
Thank you for the questions!!!❤️
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wellntruly · 1 year
M*A*S*H - Season 3, misc. notes
Decided to just toss these up. Since I had started taking them. Thoughts & observations that did not readily lend themselves to my viewguide write-ups -- Appendix material
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Ah they’re letting the actors ride around on the running boards of the truckbulances this season, I see. You know they were amped. ~Action Stars~
Standout character design on this show tbh, real feat of just styling and posture. Alda and Rogers are nearly the same height, similar build, and usually wearing one of two of the exact same monochrome outfits, and yet they have completely distinct silhouettes. I bet if you’ve watched this show, all I have to do is say “back of collar flipped up and hands in pockets, surgical cap cocked at an angle” and “hands loose and collar down, surgical cap square like a beanie,” and you know exactly who is who.
I am so supportive of how they kept making Gary Burghoff play the trumpet while, seemingly, forbidding him from taking any lessons or practicing.
I’ve now seen three separate Bela Legosi as Dracula impressions by three different characters in three seasons of M*A*S*H. I think we should not underestimate the cultural reset of Bela Legosi as Dracula.
I thought N.G., for No Good, was a John Hodgmanism, but turns out that dates from at least 1975!
I finally finally finally learned the etymology of B girl: business girl. Variant on working girl. Gonna start using this and everyone’s gonna be like what DECADE are you from.
Klinger is reading RUPERT BROOKE. I squawked.
Hawk saying they’ll miss Trapper’s stupid laugh, and his two good hands…this is gonna make me insane. Don’t stand there with your heart breaking while saying things that could be homoerotic double entendres that you aren’t even winking about GOD that makes it feel REAL, GOD!
The first joke that I laughed at alone, a joke the laugh track was apparently not as pleased by as I was: an all-mood description of a barbecue sauce
I appreciate that Hawkeye & Radar's battle sounds foley on the phone is, 100%, mortar shells from the First World War. What War Sounds Like since 1914 and counting !
Is it time to confess I am supremely into Trapper/Margaret. I am supremely into Trapper/Margaret. It’s confusing, don’t worry about it. But woof!!
Radar hanging out with animals? A development I respect.
Me: overall though, so far this season has not had remotely enough Hawkeye flirting with men Mere minutes into the first episode of Season 3 they let Alda direct: [leaning into Frank] “Kiss me.”
Interesting that Trapper introduces himself as John McIntyre but Hawk as Hawkeye Pierce. I guess if he didn’t it’d be, Benjamin Pierce? Oh my god does anyone ever call him Ben. Wait am I having an immense feeling imagining someone calling him Ben. Okay lock that up in a glass box right now!
“And he’s gonna find us just the way we are, and what we are: draftee doctors, a little gamey and dazed from crawling inside people trying to keep them breathing.” Sometimes this show Fucks me up.
[introducing himself and Trapper] "Captain Sodom and Captain Gomorrah. He’s Gomorrah.” OKAYY. Also #gonchcore
Klinger’s outfits just…keep getting better? Genuinely he shows up lately and my first reaction is, “oh, Yes!”
You can’t have that great moment with Radar and Hawkeye and the lift shoes and then go back though, you just can’t! You’ve already pointed out that it was mean so now it’s just mean. I realize this is just what you get from having a stable of writers working simultaneously on an episodic series, but we better align on this when you regroup for the next season.
Trapper: “You sure she’s not coming back?” Nurse: “She’s with Hawkeye.” Trapper: “Oh, then it should be a while, he’s very thorough.” HELL yeah. Love, mm, everything about this?
Haha I hate Colonel Flagg so much. Which is good, let me be clear. It’s good that he’s both jokesy and super evil. I like perfectly, easily hateable enemies.
Oh interesting: this episode is not actually good
Season Viewguides
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Content Warning
By Jesse Eisenberg
November 7, 2022
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This production contains strobe lights, loud noises, and haze.
this production contains a rain effect, which impacts only the sides of the audience. Luckily, this production has not sold a single ticket on the sides of the auditorium, as this production can barely sell out the middle section.
this production contains strong language. But not in the literary sense. There are no memorable lines, witty jokes, or pithy observations whereby characters muse in a way that allows the playwright to make a larger point about the human experience.
this production contains a scene in which the actors will be smoking. It may appear that one of the actors, the young man playing Cousin Jude, has never actually smoked a cigarette in his life, even though his character explicitly says, “I’ve been smokin’ my whole life.” You’d think the actor might have done the bare minimum of preparation for the role—it’s his first job, he’s straight out of Fordham—but he apparently thought he could wing it. This is just par for the course in this production.
this production uses dry ice to indicate that a scene is either a happy dream, a scary dream, a flashback, a passage of time, or that it takes place in Europe.
this production contains two characters who appear nude. That’s actually a bit misleading. It’s the same character, but at different ages. The first time we see the character nude, he is played by the lithe young man who plays the cop on that TV show. Presumably, most of you are here to see this actor in this nude scene. If you are sitting in the orchestra, you will get the fullest view. If you are sitting in the balcony, it’s not a complete washout, but I recommend moving down to the orchestra. There will be many available seats. In the second act, the same character is nude, but he is now played by Peter Jablownski. Peter is a member of our repertory company, and this is his forty-third year with us. If you make it to the second act, you’re going to want to head back up to those balcony seats.
this production contains confusing double casting.
this production contains an uncalled-for musical number.
this production contains unconvincing stage combat, a poor depiction of what it’s like to have diabetes, and a didactic speech about Lenin.
this production contains a vast misunderstanding of addiction.
this production contains a shocking ending. Although, to be clear, it’s not a good shock. It’s not the kind of shock where you’re invested in a character or a story and then, when things take an unexpected turn, you’re left with a greater understanding because you realize that the characters had no other choice. This is not Miss Julie walking offstage with a razor or Willy Loman crashing his car or Oedipus gouging out his own eyes (although doing that yourself might cross your mind during this production). It’s the kind of shock that makes you think, Have I been watching a different play for the past two hours? Wasn’t the grandmother supposed to be dead? How did they all wind up in Las Vegas, and why does the doctor keep mentioning bowler hats? It’s the kind of shock that tells you that the director got the job only because his dad runs the theatre company, and apparently nothing matters in this life except having a powerful father who runs a theatre company or being the third lead on a cop drama. It’s the kind of shock that indicates that the playwright’s mother was right and she should just go back to law school, and that having a career in the arts is both unstable and incredibly selfish.
this production will run four and a half hours, with one five-minute intermission. ♦
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shipsandlattes · 4 years
So I know everyone has already dissected this scene to its core, but it’s taken me a good 48 hours to digest this and I just needed to get it out.
I’m an aspiring actor, I’ve been training for a long time, with a lot of amazing teachers. I’ve watched a lot of shows and shipped a lot of couples. Some of them beautiful and canon, others, well, let’s just say waiting 22 years and counting for acknowledgement, closure, anything, it’s a damn challenge. I’ve seen a hell of a lot of will-they-wont-they’s, baiting, purposeful ignorance, deliberate fake outs, zero explanations, storylines that basically caused canon disintegration, the works.
In saying that, Dean and Cas were right up there on the list with the other “impossibles” because honestly, I didn’t think the writers would have the guts to do it, but I am so f*cking proud they did. It’s safe to say I’ve watched the scene a good hundred+ times already. 
I’ve seen a lot of “controversy” around Dean’s reaction/Jensen’s acting choices and whether or not Dean reciprocates Cas’ feelings, and obviously, I needed to add my own views to the mix.
Just work with me for a minute here.
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Dean Winchester is an emotionally repressed trainwreck, and ironically enough, the one that is so full of emotion it hurts to watch. When Cas first starts his speech, he’s confused, really confused because why on earth would Cas start off on a rant now? Billie’s waiting to kill them, he just said he knew something that was more powerful than she was, something that could save them. That’s where he thought this speech was going.
The confusion turns to realisation that it’s a goodbye when Cas starts telling him how incredible he is, how his entire essence is love. Go back and watch the scene again, when Cas says “you’re the most caring man on Earth”, you physically see Dean look down, his eyes searching, he’s actively trying to make sense of what’s happening, he knows what’s coming and you can see him coming to terms with the shock of the words being said to him. He then looks directly at Cas. That look, that was pure shock.
Also, notice how he doesn’t stop Cas from talking? He doesn’t interject, make a joke, doesn’t talk about how there is no time for this now, they’ve got to at least try and stop Billie. He. says. nothing. He listens, he listens like I’ve never seen Dean listen before. Because it’s sinking in now.
When Cas really starts crying, when he says “you changed me, Dean”, you can actually see the pain in Dean’s eyes. He’s no longer in control of his emotions, he’s crying too. He’s never seen Cas like this, so raw, and vulnerable and human. This is the hardest, most emotional conversation they’ve both ever had. They are talking about the one thing that everybody knows, but is never addressed. When it wasn’t talked about, they could deny it, live in the lie. Once it’s said aloud, it’s real and they can’t turn back.
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This above series of interactions is the part that kills me the most. The moment Cas says “because it is”, that’s the exact moment of realisation. Look at that last GIF, really look. He’s just worked it out, that he is Cas’ true happiness. He knows what’s coming before Cas even says it. Go back and watch the scene again, they pulled that off so well, the way the music swells at this exact moment. Jensen is giving us everything here, you can see what’s happening in his head - he is Cas’ happiness. He is the one thing on Earth Cas wants and thinks he can’t have. He is the reason Cas is about to die. He knows what Cas is about to say and he’s not sure he’s ready to hear it, not now, not like this. It’s almost a silent plea not to say it, because he knows. Of course he knows. It’s like he can’t quite believe Cas is really, after all this time, finally going to say it.
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And because obviously Jensen decided that that wasn’t enough to break us, the loaded reaction when Cas says “I love you” has me nothing but convinced that it’s reciprocated. Because Dean knows. He’s always known. Those tears, that head tilt, that gulp. He’s so genuinely confused that they’re really having this conversation. It’s like he can’t quite believe that this is the reality before him because he’s been living in that denial, in that self-loathing and unlovable layer he believes to be true. He’s been under the ‘what if... but it could never be’ umbrella for so long. 
What also makes this real is that there isn’t anyone else around this time. When “I love you’s” have been said before, they have always been able to deflect it, with other people or other words. Now it’s just the two of them. No deflecting, no running away. Dean is forced to hear it, to absorb it, to realise it’s for nobody else but him.
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Now, I don’t know if you guys felt this, but when Dean says “Don’t do this, Cas”, he wasn’t just referring to Cas sacrificing himself to the Empty, he’s telling Cas that he can’t just say this, not now, knowing he’s going to die, knowing that Dean won’t get a chance to think, to process, to say what he needs too. I keep staring at that GIF above, Dean is breaking down, I’m almost convinced that Jensen was using an “I love you too, please just stop this” inner monologue for this bit. Look at the way he’s looking at Cas before he realises the Empty has started materialising and turns around. That’s a look of pure heartbreak. Trust me when I tell you, it’s really hard to keep those inner thoughts inside if you’re so in the moment - actually, don’t just take my word for it, read any acting book, ask any actor, it’s so hard to keep that in and sometimes you don’t, and sometimes you do - it’s in both the resistance and the letting go that the gold happens. This my friends, is gold. 
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Did anyone else hear “Cas, I-”, well, regardless of whether or not it was an “I” or a very sharp breath, the outcome is the same. Dean’s gone into immediate panic mode. The Empty at one end and Billie at the other, and all poor Dean wants to do is gather his thoughts on not what to say but how to say it. I don’t think he comprehended just how little time he had, he was so focused on what was being said that the reality of the situation caught him completely off guard.
Also, I know this post was about dissecting Dean’s reaction, but can we sidebar a minute to talk about Cas as he pushes Dean out of the way? He’s sobbing, he’s fully crying. That hit me really hard, I’ve never seen Cas cry like that, I’ve never seen Misha get to play that level of emotion before and it was the most heartbreaking thing to watch since The Doctor and Rose and Buffy and Spike, to which by the way, I find many parallels between those couples and this scene.
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Speaking of crying, that brings me to this: Dean slumped on the floor, ignoring a call from Sam, sobbing his heart out knowing he’s lost everything. Dean-I’m-emotionally-unavailable-Winchester is sobbing. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t recall ever seeing Dean cry like this before either, the sobbing was so evident and piercing in that silence. The look around the room, the burying of his head in his hands, that is a classic writers romantic love trope if I’ve ever seen it, they really pulled out all the stops with this one.
So, to summarise, I think Jensen’s choices and Dean’s reactions were absolutely and utterly perfect. They both did it so well that it didn’t break from character that these two emotionally distant and repressed men are in love and finally voicing it. Jensen barely said two words and still managed to cause mass coronary’s across the fandom. That my friends is what you call a brilliant actor. I bow down to the talents of these two amazing human beings.
Before I leave this novel, I have to say there are now a few things I’m going to need from the powers that be to not screw this up, help me manifest this:
1. Dean gets to reciprocate his feelings to Cas in person. So, I’m gonna need Cas back and a very emotional Dean.
2. Dean to be actively dealing with heartbreak in the next episode (unless they decided to bring Cas back that soon, which I wouldn’t put past them at this point).
3. Sam to confront Dean about his feelings for Cas, because out of everyone, he’d be the one to hit Dean with the truth of his fears. Sam knows. Sam is supportive. Sam sees it all.
4. I’m gonna need some physical affection, cause after 12 years of nonsense, we damn well deserve it. A hug, and not just any old reunion hug, a proper, this is different now hug. A kiss because hello, in love out loud now. Forehead touching, handholding, really gonna need the works here.
5. A happy ending for the two of them, one way or another. We’ve never had one, it’s time.
Okay, have at it now, let’s speak these into existence please.
Note: GIFs are not mine, I did not make them, credit to owners who I’m not sure of, but they’re beautiful, thanks for making them. EDIT: I’ve just been informed that these gorgeous gifs belong to @michaeldean​ and @inacatastrophicmind​! 
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avengersassemble123 · 3 years
Can you write something where the reader is an avenger who has adhd? ❤️
Well being an Avenger doesn't mean you're perfect in everything. You had adhd.
You always used to think it was one of your weakness.
But for the others it was one of the things that defined you and made you human.
When they find out that you have adhd, all of them would research about it, and would help you in every different possible way.
Natasha is like the elder protective sister. She'll make sure you have medicines on time and help you maintaining your diet.
Steve would first research about it. He would be a very patient person. He would encourage you in doing things which were comfortable by you. If you failed at something, he would still encourage you and cheer you up by saying “good job!” or “you did so well today.” or “im proud of you.”
Bruce would help in organising things. He would help you in time management by sometimes reminding you to put reminders in your phone or putting sticky notes in places where you're most likely to be. He would try to give you some activities in free time which were comfortable for you and also effective.
Peter would hang out with you a lot and would crack jokes and quote vines and memes to cheer you up. If you change from doing one thing to another, he would join you too. For example, if one second you're watching TV with him, the next second you find yourself in the kitchen, going through the food items and Peter would also be found beside you, helping you search your favourite snack. (you honestly are one of his favourites besides Tony).
Loki and Thor would not know anything of this at first and would be confused. But once they understand it, they would help you no matter what, whether it be openly or secretly.
Thor like Peter wouldn't mind the quirky you, even if you go to Kansas, he would still be with you. He would even use his stormbreaker to help you reach the destination.
Unlike Thor loki was more of the relaxer. If you asked him to suggest a book to you, he would make sure he would find a book with smaller paragraphs and interesting stories, sometimes he would even read it to you. If you both were discussing something and you suddenly change the topic, then he wouldn't mind the change and would go with the flow, discussing the new topic.
Sam had experience since he had met several people with it when he was in the VA. He would give advice and make sure you attend you appointment and therapy. He would help you in improving your social skills, and would sometimes perform therapy with you if needed.(he has done the training and courses for it)
Bucky may be the silent mouse of the group, but with you, he's like the active protective mama bear, let's say almost or the same as Natasha. He would be the one to take care of you if Natsha has gone on a mission. He would keep an eye on you if you went on missions with or without him. Someone hurt you whether physically or emotionally? No worries. The next day you would find the same person apologising to you with a black eye or a broken part. If there are no injuries, the that person would definitely be traumatised.(Bucky would sometimes team up on the person with Loki or sometimes even Natasha)
Tony would get you to meet the most recommended and professional and the best of the best, whether it be a therapist, or a doctor, or a pediatrician etc. He would give you the best possible treatment if needed. If you have difficulty sleeping, you two would keep each other company. Tony would be the one to stock your medicines if you ever ran out. Like Sam, he would also take a course and would help you in therapy. Would sometimes sneak a candy or few when Natasha of Bucky are not looking, but mostly would help you maintain your diet plans.
Clint would also keep an eye on you whether it be missions or a normal sunny day. He would research about it and also attend therapy with you if required. He would take you to his family his family sometimes if a much required vacation is needed.(his kids would absolutely love you and Laura would become like a second mom to you).
Wanda and Pietro would help you in finding things you lost. She would help you in calming down and controlling your emotions and would always keep you cheered up by her magic and would help you maintain your routine while Pietro would be with if you run off and get distracted by something since he likes to be busy on his toes. Sometimes he, thor and Peter would team up with you to play pranks on the others.
Vision would research about this and would give you many advices and solutions to you. He would be very polite and gentle to you. He would many times suggest some effective activities which would be comfortable with you and also sometimes join you in these activities. He would many times ask you questions about it due to his curiosity and would be very interested when you discuss it with him. He always found you unique of all of them and would always encourage you. If not Wanda, then he would be the one who would help you in calming down and controlling your emotions.
In meetings if you get distracted, the person next to you would gently ask you to focus and concentrate, would even repeat the details again if required.
If you get distracted or tired by the paperwork, they would help you with it, sometimes even finish it for you.
But mostly, they would treat you as a normal person.
They would stand up for you when needed.
They would always encourage you.
Encourage you that you were always capable of so many wonderful talents and skills.
Encourage you that you were always strong. Stronger than any of them.
Encourage you that there are people out there who are just like you and you are the one who they look upto.
Encourage you that you were smarter than you thought.
Encourage you that nobody is perfect but everybody is perfect in their own way.
Encourage you that this is one of the things that defines who you are.
From then on, you never considered ADHD your weakness, but one of the character traits which defines who you are.
This is my first time writing something on such a sensitive topic so I apologize to anyone whose feelings might have gotten hurt. I did not mean to hurt any sentiments. If you have any suggestions or ideas or opinions about this I'm open to anything. I love learning new things. This could better my knowledge and perspective.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 19
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
Today’s the day. No more running away. It’s time to face the truth. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
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When you stirred awake, your eyes widened and you shot up. You looked around the room and realised that you were in Namjoon’s room, the multiple books on the shelves being a dead giveaway. On the nightstand beside you was a scribbled note. 
‘Had to attend a meeting. Take the day off and rest. - Namjoon’
You sighed, falling back onto the bed. Looking down, you weren’t in your dress anymore. You only hoped that the boys weren’t daring enough to change you and in your drunk stupor, you were able to change yourself. 
“Kill me.” You screamed into the pillow. 
“Go away.” You groaned. 
“Good morning.” Taehyung came in with a grin. You sat up in annoyance, running your fingers through your hair in an attempt to undo all the tangled knots from your sleep. 
“Here, this will help.” Taehyung poked your shoulder. He handed you the hangover pill and a glass of lemon water. 
“Thanks...” You swallowed the pill with the cold liquid. Sighing tiredly, you fell back onto Namjoon’s pillow. Since it was obvious that you slept next to the guy, who is also your boss, you didn’t care that Taehyung was seeing you enjoying the warmth and comfort of Namjoon’s bed. After all, you were too tired and hungover to care. 
“Hey, Taehyung. Where’s Jimin?” You asked. 
“Still sleeping. Whenever Jimin drinks as much as he did last night, he sleeps for a really long time. Like... until the following evening.” Taehyung shrugged. You nodded your head. 
“Do you... feel better? After last night.” Taehyung seemed a little cautious with his question. 
“Do I feel better? Well, I did feel more relaxed last night at the club. But right now, my stomach is churning and my head is pounding so not really.” You chuckled. Seeing that you still joked around, Taehyung grinned. 
“Need help getting back to your room?” 
“I can manage.” You forced a smile. Taehyung just let you grab onto his arm to stand up. He walked beside you just to keep you company. 
“Wait, Tae. Did... anything happen last night when Jimin and I came home from the bar?” You grabbed his wrist suddenly, startling the boy. He blinked, turning to look at you. 
“What do you mean?” He tilted his head. 
“Well, I obviously don’t remember how I even came home last night. And something must have happened for me to end up in Namjoon’s bed. Also, I know how bad I can get when I’m drunk. So tell me, how bad was it?” You interrogated. 
“You weren’t bad, doc. Don’t worry.” He assured. You let out a sigh of relief at his words. 
“You were cute.” He added with a snicker. You froze in your spot as your eyes widened. Just how drunk were you last night? That itself made you feel like throwing up even more. 
“I need to see Jimin and... or Namjoon.” You detoured and left his side. Taehyung trailed behind you as you went downstairs. 
“Wait, I wanted to ask-”
“Oh, (y/n)! You’re awake!” Jungkook ran over to you excitedly, cutting Taehyung off. You gave the youngest a slightly weird look, taking a step back. Why was he so excited?
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. I need to see Namjoon.” You cleared your throat. 
“Oh, come on! You already didn’t want to leave his side last night! And now, you’re already looking for him the moment you wake up! What about me?!” Jungkook growled unhappily. You cupped a hand over your mouth to mask your shock. Behind you, Taehyung was sending signals to Jungkook to stop scaring you about last night. 
“Doc? I thought I heard you.” Namjoon poked his head out from behind the pillar, walking over. You gave an awkward wave. 
“Morning?” You rubbed the back of your neck, embarrassed. Namjoon chuckled, still finding your adorable, as he patted the top of your head. You shrunk back. 
“Uh, Namjoon... I didn’t do anything weird last night... Did I?” 
“No, you’re good.” He ruffled your hair. Before you could question him further, Hoseok came and tapped the watch on his wrist. 
“Listen, doc. We’ll talk when I get back.” Namjoon waved to everyone and rushed off with Hoseok, who winked at you with a giggle. Just then, Jin came out of the kitchen with a maid behind him. The maid placed a bowl of warm rice porridge on the table for you. 
“Here. It’ll make you feel better. It’s abalone porridge.” Jin said. 
“Thank you. I really needed this.” You took a spoon. The boys hung around you as you ate your food. 
“I’m hungover, not unstable. You guys don’t have to wait for me. Go do your work or something.” You raised your eyebrow at them. The boys cast each other looks but didn’t move. 
“It’s okay.” Taehyung said. 
“So, (y/n)-”
“I’m done eating. Namjoon said it’s my day off so run along. Go do whatever you mafia guys do.” You waved them off like little kids. You didn’t even hear Jin as you jogged up the stairs and disappeared into the hallway.
“Yoongi? You there?” You knocked on his room door. There was no reply. Even when you pressed your ear to the door, there was no sound of movement or any grunts. 
“Doctor. Are you looking for young master Yoongi?” The sudden appearance of the butler made you jump. 
“Uh... yeah. But it’s nothing important.” You blushed.
“Young master Yoongi just came back from a lunch appointment. He is in the other wing.” He informed. You nodded your head, thanking him with a pat on the shoulder before shuffling over to the other wing of the house. Your hand hovered over the golden handles of the double doors. The last time you were here, you weren’t exact the most comfortable. 
“Y-Yoongi?” You called out as you entered. For the first time, the wing was so silent and dark. Heading up the stairs, you looked at the various labelled doors that lined the hallways. 
‘Min Yoongi’
You knocked but again, there was no reply. Pursing your lips, you decided to go in anyway. It was a simple office, monochromatic with some dark blues.
“What are you doing here?” Yoongi’s sudden voice shocked you. You turned around to face the male, who had a stoic look on his face. In his hand was a crystal glass with whiskey. 
“Looking for you.” You replied. Duh. He nodded his head slowly, entering the office and closing the door behind him. He took a sip of his drink. 
“Want some?” He shook his glass. 
“No, thanks. Hungover.” You cringed as you pointed to your still throbbing temple. 
“Right. You were quite different last night. I don’t think any of us have ever seen you like that before. You didn’t want to let Namjoon go because of his ‘cute dimples’.” He said. Your jaw dropped slightly as you held your cheeks, totally wanting to bury yourself right now. 
“Namjoon said I didn’t do anything weird.” You whimpered. 
“Right...” Yoongi gave a slightly amused face. 
“Actually, I wanted to talk about-” You were cut off when Yoongi tugged you by your arm into his embrace. He resting his eyes against your shoulder, arms around your waist tightly. 
“Why doesn’t he want to get better?” He whispered, fists bunching the back of your shirt. 
“I went to see him. He didn’t even want to see me. But I just had to know... why he doesn’t want to be treated. He just... accepts it. Accepts that he is going to die.” He started to shake a little, voice cracking.
“I promised to stay awake if he lets me help him. But even then, he didn’t want it.” You smoothed to back of his head, remembering what Jimin told you. 
“Yoongi hyung always wanted to be close to his brother. But his father never allowed Geumjae hyung and Geumjae’s mother near them.” Jimin explained as he sipped his drink.
“Geumjae hyung was the son of his past lover. Sure, he allowed the mother and son to stay in the same estate and still provided for them, a little. But as a kid, when Yoongi went to find Geumjae hyung to play, his father would get so angry and punish them, especially Geumjae hyung. That’s when Yoongi hyung’s father adopted Hoseok hyung.” Jimin shrugged. 
“That’s horrible. He’d rather adopt another child than to let both his sons be siblings.” You shook your head. 
“That’s how Yoongi hyung’s father was.” Jimin sighed. 
“I’m glad I never have to meet him.” 
“Once Geumjae hyung was old enough to provide for himself and his mother, he moved them out of the family estate. When Yoongi hyung found them again, apparently Geumjae hyung’s mom had already passed away.” Jimin said. 
“She passed away?” You asked. 
“According to Geumjae hyung, even as his mother grew older, she was mentally unstable. From the heartbreak and abandonment...” 
“I can imagine how hard it must have been for Geumjae to watch his mother go through that, and not be able to get over it, even as she aged.” You felt sad for Geumjae and Yoongi.
“Geumjae hyung’s resentment just... carried on to Yoongi hyung. I guess Geumjae hyung felt that he and his mother were replaced. Rather than blame a dead man, he’d rather blame Yoongi hyung.” Jimin finished, ordering another round of drinks. 
“And even so, Yoongi still wants to help him when he’s sick.” You looked at your empty glass. 
“To Yoongi hyung, just knowing you still have family alive is enough.”
“I’m sorry things turned out like this, Yoongi.” Pulling away, you looked at his face. He looked so exhausted and emotionally drained, even if it had only been one day. 
“You should rest, Yoon. You’ve had a long day.” You told him, taking the glass from his hand. Usually, Yoongi would snap at whoever takes his drink from him but with you, he let you take it without a fight. 
“Let’s go?” Yoongi waited for you at the door of his office. You nodded, walking with him out of the other wing. 
“Jimin will be asleep the rest of the day. He doesn’t usually get tipsy but he does sleep for a while after a night of drinking.” He informed. 
“Yeah, Tae told me.” You chuckled. 
“I hope you don’t mind that Jimin told me a little background about you and your brother. I just wanted to understand a little bit more... which I did. That’s why I was looking for you, to talk to you and maybe, understand a little more.” You said, putting your hands in your pockets. You were ready for him to get angry that you invaded his private life.
“Jimin knows what to share about my past on my behalf. I trust him.” He shrugged and you let out a mental sigh of relief. The both of you stopped in front of Yoongi’s bedroom. 
“Rest well.” You wished. 
“You too.” He forced a smile. Just as you were about to turn to head to your own room, you heard him clear his throat. 
“Actually, (y/n)...” He rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Hmm?” You titled your head. 
“Nevermind.” He shook his head before entering his room and shutting the door. You stared at the black door for a few seconds before you shrugged and headed back to your own room. 
“Jimin?!” You opened your bedroom door and was shocked to see the male in your bed. He was sleeping soundly, hugging your pillow. You fed Kookie his lunch before heading over to peek at Jimin. True to that, he was really fast asleep. You sighed with your hands on your hips. 
“I’m always finding you or Jungkook in my bed. And lately, Taehyung too.” You shook your head but of course, he didn’t respond. 
“At least scoot over.” You chuckled, pushing him to the side before you slid in, under the covers. Jimin didn’t even stir as you moved him or stole your pillow back from him. 
“Goodnight... I guess?” You closed your eyes. 
“Wait, you didn’t ask her?” The older ones all asked their maknae with crossed arms. They were in disbelief, having believed that Jungkook would be the first one to ask you to the ball. 
“I was going to. But Yoongi hyung just had to come and start such big drama.” Jungkook glared. Yoongi rolled his eyes with a snort. 
“Well, you did the same to me when I was going to ask her!” Taehyung sneered. Jungkook frowned. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask her.” Jin turned to Jimin. 
“That night out was for her to let go of her stress. It was about her, not me.” Jimin shrugged. The boys were all squabbling downstairs. When this whole ‘plus 1′ incident came up, they all planned to individually ask you to the ball that was taking place tonight but somehow, they all kept getting interrupted by each other. 
“She fell asleep before I could ask her. I was supposed to ask her when I got back but I was busy cleaning someone’s mess up.” Namjoon hissed, looking at Jimin, who was more interested in inspecting his nail bed. 
“Can we get back to this? So no one asked her?” Yoongi broke all the arguments and squabbles. 
“You didn’t ask her? I heard from one of the butlers you were with her in the other wing for a while. You could have asked her.” Jin asked. 
“No... There were more important things to discuss.” He crossed his arms. 
“The plan was to have someone ask her! Rather it be one of us than some stranger!” Hoseok said, annoyed. 
“I’m ready!” Your voice was heard. The boys were not ready for what they saw. You were in a light blue dress, the bodice decorated with intricate floral lace patterns and sparkles, the ends of the skirt just brushing against the floor. 
“Wow.” The boys were speechless. It would be cliche to say you looked like a princess but you did. 
“Is it too much?” You raised an eyebrow with an amused laugh. The boys didn’t say anything but shook their heads, you were mesmerising. Although, what was able to break them out of their trance was when you walked forward to sling arms with Jin. He smiled down at you. 
“H-Hyung... Y-You...” 
“Jin asked if I had a ‘plus 1′ to tonight and I was so busy to find someone to go with me. He offered to be my partner for tonight and I didn’t have any objection.” You shrugged. 
“I never said I didn’t ask her.” Jin snickered. The rest all looked at him with wide eyes of betrayal. 
“Let’s go.” Jin patted your hand and led you out. The other 6 trailed behind, glaring daggers into the back of Jin’s head. Jin opened the door of his chauffeur limousine for you. You bowed your head slightly and slid in. 
“Hyung!” Jungkook shouted in outrage. 
“All’s fair in love and war. Don’t worry, I know what to do.” Jin waved the others off. Hoseok went to the other door. 
“Nu uh. This is for me and her. You guys ride separately.” Jin pointed to the other car behind. Their jaws dropped, their cunning hyung already had everything planned. He played them and they fell for it like fools! Unwillingly, they trudged to the car while Jin slid into the seat beside you. You tilted your head in confusion. 
“Don’t worry about them.” Jin chuckled. 
“I’m excited to be going to an event where I don’t have my parents giving me a full briefing on who is who and what is what.” You smiled, smoothing your dress down. 
“Yes, it’s a celebration for you too, doc. You deserve to enjoy it” Jin nodded his head. When the car stopped, the door was opened for you. 
“Good evening.” The staff bowed deeply to you and Jin. 
“Hey.” You greeted them. 
“Bosses!” Seeing you and Jin, with the other 6 behind, everyone in the ballroom stopped to give the 8 of you a deep bow. Namjoon walked down first while you stayed behind Jin. The boys were received with big smiles and hugs. 
“Come on, (y/n). Let’s go to the bar!” The maknaes were quick to steal you when they saw Jin distracted, speaking to the manager for his casino. You giggled, following their lead. All of you ordered your drinks and clinked your glasses together. 
“Don’t you guys have people to greet too?” You asked the 3 boys, sipping from your glass. 
“Nah.” Taehyung waved you off. 
“Are you guys starting the party without us?” The 4 older ones soon joined. They ordered their drinks to toast with you. The 8 of you clinked all your glasses together with cheer. 
“To, doc!” Hoseok grinned. 
“To preventing us from dying!” Jimin added and everyone burst out laughing. You drank your drinks in one shot. 
“I was just doing my job, boys. It was no big deal, really.” You smiled softly, looking at all of them. It wasn’t long until they were all being pulled away by their staff to talk. 
“We’ll be back! Stay right here, I’ll come get you. There’s another surprise for you.” Jin winked. You nodded your head, waving with a smile as he was dragged away. You grabbed a plate of food and stayed by the bar, picking at the food with the forks. Some of the boys’ workers that you recognised came to chat and speak with you. 
“Ah, please excuse me.” You said as you slipped away from the conversation, heading to the washroom. 
“Ugh, finally. Some peace and quiet.” Yoongi grumbled as he stepped out onto the big balcony with his brothers. The others nodded in agreement, finally getting some space to breathe. 
“Where’s (y/n)?” Jungkook asked. 
“Jin hyung went to get her. I mean, afterall, she is his date tonight.” Namjoon chuckled. 
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Jungkook said sourly. It was safe to say, the other 6 were still not over the fact that their eldest was able to sneak past all of them to ask you to be his partner for the event tonight. 
“Whatever, after tonight, hopefully we’ll all have the chance to take her out on a date one day.” Hoseok comforted the maknae. 
“That’s if she decides to accept us.” Yoongi snorted. 
“I think I see hyung coming! Everyone, stand together.” Taehyung said excitedly. All the boys straightened up, standing in a sort of straight line. But they were not expecting Jin to run out of the ballroom alone, a look of fear and panic on his face. 
“(y/n)’s gone.” Jin announced. 
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forthegothicheroine · 3 years
The King in Yellow, 1949
Much of this story is true.  Warnings in the tags.
When I had pneumonia in my early teens, my mother brought home an armful of VHS tapes from the library to alleviate my misery.  Knowing my snobbish preferences, she had grabbed copies of whatever she found in black and white.  I remember something musical that I suspect was Busby Berkeley, I remember Mildred Pierce (a bad choice, as it turned out- the plot includes a young girl dying of pneumonia), and I remember a period piece called The King.  I faded in and out of consciousness while I watched it, but it soothed me while I was awake and filled my fever dreams with sparkling images.  I could never find it at the library again, nor at Hollywood Video or even early Netflix (once my father got the subscription service where you could order practically every DVD.)  It was a bit odd that it seemed to be so obscure, given that it starred old Hollywood legend Ingrid Bergman (and, although I initially forgot it, Marlene Dietrich.)  But even big stars make films that fall by the wayside in public memory, and it seemed that this was one of them.  Google was no help, and at the time that was that.
I didn’t see the film again until I was watching Turner Classic Movies at my grandparents’ house.  I loved watching that channel with them while filling out the crossword puzzle that came in their little TCM catalogue (all of it based on movie trivia, the only kind of crossword puzzle I’ve ever been any good at.)  I recognized a certain scene where Bergman stood on a balcony, looking sadly at the moon.  Her face had an expression of unutterable melancholy, and the crescent moon reflected in each of her eyes, giving the impression of two moons in one sky.  I had very little time to catch up on what I’d missed before we had to go meet my cousins at the local Italian restaurant.  I knew logically that the movie would be long over by the time we returned, but I turned on the channel anyway.  Of course it had moved on to the lesser known Alfred Hitchcock film Stage Fright, but then I heard Marlene Dietrich sing before I could reach the remote to turn the tv off in disappointment.  I knew that I had heard her sing before, and I knew it had been in The King.
Dietrich’s singing often comes across as somewhat campy today, with its Rs pronounced as Ws and it’s up-and-down tone.  Madeline Kahn parodied it brilliantly in Blazing Saddles, such that it was a bit of a disappointment when I finally saw Dietrich’s western Destry Rides Again and found it to be lifeless and inconsistent next to the parody.  Still, we remember her voice for a reason, and when I remembered it that night, I knew that its sardonic loneliness had rung through The King and made me shiver in my dreams.
The TCM schedule didn’t list The King in its time slot, but something else.  If I had taken down the name, maybe it would have helped me find it.  Sometimes the same movie runs under multiple names.
I didn’t see the film all the way through for many years, after I graduated college.  I had found a web page that listed public domain film noir, including one called The Masked Guest.  The website described it as a costume noir, and I curiously clicked on the link.  Once I took in the credits running on the youtube window, my eyes grew wide and I did not move from my place on the bed until the movie had run its course.
The credits did indeed list it as The Masked Guest, but I recognized the strange repeating design on the title cards.  They told me that in addition to starring Dietrich and Bergman, it was directed by Fritz Lang, and a character called The King was credited to “???”  (I hadn’t seen that kind of credit since the first Karloff Frankenstein.)  When the King finally appears on screen, though, it is unmistakably Orson Welles’s voice that booms out from behind his elaborate costume.
Here are the things I understand about The King, or The Masked Guest, or The Man in Yellow, or any other title I’ve found for it on public domain archive searches.  Dietrich and Bergman play princesses named Cassilda and Camilla, respectively.  Though Dietrich’s accent is German and Bergman’s is Swedish, they blend together to give the film the impression of being set somewhere on the map that I can’t quite find.  The scenery and camera angles are very Freudian, with a great deal of archways and pillars.
The first act of The King involves frankly dull romantic plotlines, and the only thing that really saved it was the feeling that the suitors were supposed to be insipid, a suspicion lended credence by the fact that the love interests were listed so low on the credits.  Dietrich is the scandalous sister and Bergman is the responsible one, though each takes on aspects of the other as the film goes on.  Dietrich sings her song at a party, dressed in a fake 17th century gown and leaning against a piano.  Although just a moment ago she had been laughing and joking with her gentleman friends, her song takes an abruptly serious tone (not seductive, not sentimental) as she tells the story of a city lost to time and memory.  Bergman slips away from the party and onto the balcony, where we see that wonderful shot of the moon in her eyes.  Is she mourning?  Is she longing?
Dietrich cuts off the song by abruptly screaming “Not on us, King!  Not on us!”  She flees the party weeping and shaking, and from there on the film goes mad.
Though uncommon, it is not unknown for movies to switch between black and white and color, done most famously in The Wizard of Oz.  The film The King recalls here is the silent Phantom of the Opera, which had a masqued ball scene tinted in shades of red and green that tried to provide a whole spectrum of color.  The effect is even odder in the masqued ball scene in The King- the only color that appears is yellow, highlighting things like candlelight, Dietrich’s hair, a passing gown, a vase of tulips.  It also highlights one particular masked figure, whose expressionless mask was decorated with a black pattern against a sickening yellow canvas- the same pattern I had seen in the opening credits.  The color of his costume causes him to stand out from the crown even when he is far off in the background, just one head among many others.  It must have taken long and painstaking hours of work to color in every frame.
Dietrich still seems broken up days after her song, though Bergman tries to coax her into joining the dance.  Finally, at midnight, Dietrich goes out to face the party, but only to demand that every guest remove their mask.  The yellow man with a voice that once warned America about a Martian invasion tells her that he wears no mask.  Bergman reacts with disbelief, but Dietrich starts laughing like a woman unhinged.  As she laughs, the yellow hue seeps out of the King’s clothing and face- if that really is his face- and begins to color the entire ballroom crowd.  I think that what follows is bloodshed, but if there is any carnage (doubtful under the Production Code censorship), the blood must be tainted yellow and splashed across the camera like daubs of paint.  Dietrich’s laughing face is doubled and tripled on screen until it dissipates, but even when it has faded offscreen, it feels as if her ghost continues to watch the proceedings.  
By the end of the scene (filled with German Expressionist camera angles and mad violin screeching), only Bergman remains alive, cowering behind a grandfather clock.  It does not hide her for long.  The King steps towards her and extends his hand.  Reluctantly, but with a fatalistic expression, Bergman takes his hand.  They walk away together hand in hand.  The screen shifts back into black and white, and then the credits roll before we can get a good look at all the bodies in the scene.  The credits say it was based on a play called The King in Yellow, although Raymond Chandler of all people apparently had a hand in the screenplay.
As I said, that’s what I think I understand.  It’s an oddly experimental art film for the era, and it may be awaiting rediscovery by the film festival crowd.  I feel as if I alone know about it, though that obviously isn’t true.  It is my little secret; I tell myself that my husband doesn’t need me to show it to him, it would be too odd for his taste.  I’ve rewatched it many times, even if it seems like each time I search for it I have to find a different video platform or torrent.  Naturally, no subscription site has it available.  Maybe I am the last person who will ever watch it.  Maybe no one will ever think to look for it again after me, and it will be completely forgotten.
When I was hospitalized, they let me use my laptop at night before I went to sleep (no power cord, though, in case I tried to hang myself.)  I found a youtube link for The Man in Yellow, and I watched it every night.  It wasn’t a soothing sort of movie, but having it in my mind all day and then watching it in the evening allowed me to think as opposed to crying endlessly while the other patients shot me awkward looks.  I clutched the childhood stuffed animals my mother brought me when she visited, and I always held them extra tight when the masquerade scene started.
I watched the movie when I had to move away from my beloved San Francisco.  I watched the movie when I lost the last of my grandparents.  I watched the movie when a doctor unwisely took me off my medication and I couldn’t manage to eat for a month.  I watched the movie when the whole world got sick and we all locked ourselves away from each other.  I don’t mind that I don’t entirely know what it means.  I don’t mind the nightmares.  In the hospital they kept telling us about mindfulness exercises, and maybe the fact that I can focus on every aspect of the film so closely that all else falls away is the reason I keep coming back to it.  I’m being mindful.  I’m not letting any stray thoughts invade my head.  I’m just watching and waiting for the next beat of every scene, leading inexorably to that yellow-stained bloodbath.
Streaming media doesn’t last forever, and each time I find The King, I worry that it will be the last time I ever can find it.  My efforts to download it have so far been unsuccessful, odd considering that it is in the public domain.
When I watch The King, I am once again a child in my bedroom being cared for in the throes of agonizing sickness.  I am once again sitting on the couch with my grandparents in front of the tv, both of them alive and lucid again.  I am once again in the hospital, all alone except for my stuffed animals and the staff trying to keep me alive.  The film reflects in my eyes like the crescent moon in Ingrid Bergman’s gaze.  It sings to me.
I am determined to find a way to obtain The King under any name so that I never have to worry about losing it.  During some of the worst times in my life, it is the only thing that has kept me sane.
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Just My Imagination (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Hello! We’ve entered the 70s and part 3! The songs used in this chapter are “Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)” by The Temptations (1971) and “Lovin’ You” By Minnie Riperton (1975).
Summary: Y/n and Wanda experience life (and pregnancy) in the 70s as Wanda tries to keep everything under control. 
Hope you enjoy! :)
“Alright, krasivaya, what decade are we living in today?” Wanda asked in an overly upbeat tone as she took a space beside you on the bed. She hoped that the tradition would be enough to lift your spirts.
You turned to face her with devastated eyes and it took everything within Wanda to not burst into tears at the sight. That wasn’t what you needed right now.
“They don’t want me here, Wanda.” You mumbled dejectedly, brushing over her attempt at making you feel better. Seeing you so downtrodden was such a stark contrast to your usually carefree nature. It was heartbreaking for Wanda to see.
Scooting closer, Wanda wrapped a comforting arm around you. You immediately turned to bury your head in her shoulder, desperately seeking comfort in her arms. “Moya lyubov, that’s not true. You know how Stark is.” She rubbed your arm soothingly. “If it makes you feel better, I may have thrown him through the wall when you left.” A weak chuckle shook your body at her admission.
The smile that formed on Wanda’s lips was instantaneous when the sound she adored filled the quiet room.
The moment didn’t last long though. “He said I was dangerous.” You faintly whispered, hurt lacing your words.
Wanda sighed. “Y/n. Look at me.” You pulled your head up to meet her loving gaze. “You and I both know that’s far from the truth. Your emotions got the best of you once. That’s all.”
You shamefully ducked your head. “I just-… I could have hurt someone. I couldn’t help but think of her when we were there. That’s why I lost control and the building collapsed.” It took Wanda a moment, but she finally understood what this was about. “It was like I was back there, not able to protect her…” you couldn’t find it in yourself to continue as tears welled in your eyes.
Immediately her hold on you tightened as she pressed her lips firmly against your hairline. “Shh… I have you. It’s okay. Let it out.” Wanda whispered as she felt your tears flow steadily against her neck.
You bunched your hands into the front of her sweater as you tried to take deep breathes. “I miss her, Wanda… So much. Anna didn’t deserve what happened. It should have been me-”
If anyone understood your pain it was Wanda, but she couldn’t allow your thoughts to spiral like that. She knew all too well what could come from that.
“Stop.” She interrupted firmly. “The world needs you here. My world needs you here. You did everything you could for her. You loved her so much, Y/n. Don’t carry that burden of blame when it was all Hydra.”
Her eyes offered you comfort and the depths contained nothing but love that enveloped your entire being. You felt lighter. “Thank you.” You finally murmured. “For being here, for knowing what I need. For being you... Every time I think I couldn’t be more in love...” You thought out loud to yourself with a faint smile.
Wanda’s breath hitched as her eyes filled with even more emotion. “There’s no need to thank me. You do the same for me. Constantly. I’ll always be here. I won’t let go of you.” She repeated the words you once told her back at you. Your heart thrummed. “I love you. Endlessly.”
“I love you, too.” You mumbled against her lips, losing yourself in the feeling for a moment before you pulled away.
Wanda dazedly shook her head, regaining her focus. “So?” She placed another tender kiss to your temple as her smile became playful. “What decade are we using to escape from this one?” She questioned again, once again offering you the fictitious escape of reality that you’d both grown to find comfort in.
You shook your head but gave in either way. “The 70s.” you eventually replied with a small smile, settling on your favorite.
You covered your face in mock mortification when Wanda immediately threw up a peace sign with her free hand. “Far out.” She retorted coolly. The outdated saying fell easily from her lips as she settled into her character. You shook your head again. “I’ll get the shows ready, you get the music?”
The smile that grew on your face from her antics was inevitable. “Sounds… groovy, babe.” You responded, playing along. Despite the exasperation that you feigned, you appreciated everything she was doing.
“Oh, god…” You groaned as you watched Wanda disco out of the room to go gather what you two would need.
You were so unfathomably in love with this woman.  
For a moment you wished that the world was able to see this side of Wanda, the side that was reserved for you and you alone. The playful side. The side that showed that she was more than just tragedy.
Wanda knew that playing make-believe wouldn’t fix your problems or heal your pain, but it would be enough to ease your mind even if it was just temporary. If this tradition was something that could bring the light back into your eyes, she was more than willing to provide it.
She knows that you’ve done the same for her numerous times before and would do so for as long as she needed it. 
When she wandered back in the room she held up two different options. “Okay, I couldn’t decide between-”
“You pick.” You interrupted her. She quirked an eyebrow.
With a shrug, she tossed the items on the bed and took both of your hands, pulling you up from your seated position. “We’ll get to that later then. Where’s the 70s music?”
Taking one of your hands back, you queued the playlist that had the music you were searching for. “There.” You said with a half-hearted smirk, still feeling a little down. Wanda immediately noticed.
The song that filled the room was upbeat and bouncy as Wanda began pulling your hands back and forth to the rhythm of the music. The amused twinkle in her eye not going unnoticed. When she noticed you began moving on your own, Wanda began dancing in an exaggerated 70s fashion, singing along to the lyrics of the song. With a laugh, you easily joined her, feeling the weight lift from your shoulders ever so slightly.
For the remainder of the song you both danced around the room using your best 70s moves as you continued to loudly belt out the lyrics. When the song ended, you both fell to the floor, out of breath and smiling contentedly.
Leaning against each other both literally and metaphorically.
Moments of escape from the heavy lives you lead were few and far between so when they came around they were special. These moments with Wanda… they were special. They were escapes that had transitioned into traditions. Traditions that were forged with great care in the flames of your love.
Without warning, Wanda leaned over and cupped your cheek. She wasted no time before passionately connecting your lips. There was no hesitation as you returned her embrace. The music around you transitioned into something much softer as you both got lost in one another.
“Soon we'll be married and raise a family, a cozy little home out in the country with two children, maybe three. I tell you I can visualize it all, this couldn't be a dream for too real it all seems, but it was just my imagination runnin' way with me…”
The words that drifted from the radio caught your attention, easily pulling your focus from the task at hand. Flashes of moments you didn’t recognize flooded your mind. Despite the upbeat tempo of the song, the lyrics seemed sad… hopeless even. The emotion that the song radiated seemed to fill your body. 
An odd sense of longing blossomed in your chest as the song played on. The abrupt sound of someone speaking and a gentle squeeze of your wife’s hand in yours grounded you as you focused on the moment happening before you. 
The feeling of longing and hopelessness that filled you faded away and was replaced with excitement as Dr. Nielson began speaking. 
Wanda pretended not to notice the way you jumped slightly.
“Definitely pregnant!” The doctor confirmed cheerfully with a broad smile as he pulled the stethoscope from his ears. 
A short laugh fell from Wanda’s lips as you shook your head at the doctor’s obvious statement. “Well, that much we figured.” Wanda retorted flatly. 
You shifted to face the man fully. Squeezing Wanda’s hand in your own once more. “It’s just taken us a bit by surprise. It was kind of suddenly... Quite suddenly, wasn’t it? Practically overnight.” 
A sharp grip on your knee stopped your words as your eyes fell to Wanda, who subtly shook her head. “What my wife means is, we’re just tickled pink… or blue!” Wanda quickly supplied as she stood up from the couch. 
The doctor merely nodded, dismissing the comments as he stood up as well. “You’re at about 4 months now, is that right?” He questioned which you immediately shook your head at until you saw Wanda nodding enthusiastically and looking at you pointedly. 
You began nodding slowly with an unsure smile. “That sounds about right.” You responded hesitantly. The words practically a question.
“It’s easiest for ladies such as yourself to keep tabs on growing babies with fruit. It makes it simple.” You bristled slightly at the sexist remark as the doctor continued listing the size of the baby in comparison to various fruits. 
Disregarding his words, you interrupted him. “How big would the baby be at say… Twelve hours?” You attempted to ask nonchalantly. 
“Twelve hours?” Dr. Nielson eyed you skeptically.
Wanda rushed over to the man and began pulling him in the direction of the door. “I think this line of questioning is fruitless!” She joked with a nervous chuckle as the disembodied voices laughed along.
Not being deterred, you followed after them. “Hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned? Or concerned that even though we may have engaged in… “ You coughed awkwardly. “Activities that typically produce children, we both lack the necessary, erm-… equipment for impregnating. Hypothetically speaking of course.” 
Wanda choked at your words. “Sweetheart.” She sputtered abruptly, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
The man lightly tapped your shoulder and ignored your words. “Hypothetically speaking, every new parent gets nervous.”
As you opened your mouth to reply, Wanda quickly cut you off. “Y/n. Why don’t you see the doctor out?”
You shrugged, deciding the doctor was no help anyway. “Good idea.” You made your way over to the doctor as you began leading him out. 
Before exiting, you glanced back to see Wanda looking down at her stomach with a soft smile. Your heart swelled at the sight. Any questions you may have had vanished if it meant she would keep smiling like that. 
When you reached the front yard, Dr. Nielson turned towards you. “You actually caught me just in time. I’m taking the wife on vacation this afternoon.”
“Oh, have a nice holiday. Hey, Herb!” You called out politely as you waved to the neighbor. He greeted you back as he continued to trim his hedges. “Listen, doctor, do you mind keeping the news of Wanda’s… you know, just between us? Everything is happening so quickly, I think we’d like it just between us for now.”
The man mimed zipping his lips. “Mums the word.” He replied easily. “I’m off. Bermuda baby!” He cheered as he walked off.
Just as you were about to turn back inside a sharp screeching sound caught your attention. You turned rapidly, only to see Herb’s hedge trimmer cutting into the brick of the wall. “Hey, Herb,” you called out hesitantly. “I think you may have taken the hedge trimming a little too far, pal.”
Herb looked up at you with an unnerving smile as he continued cutting into the brick. “So, I have. Thanks, buddy.”
“Yeah… don’t mention it.” You mumbled uncertainly. You turned and rushed into the house, eager to get away from the odd behavior. “Darling, the strangest thing just happened outside with Herb…” 
Wanda turned to face you. The sight of her stomach appearing even further along in the pregnancy than it was just moments before shocking you. “Woah! Have you gotten bigger?” you shouted with wide eyes.
The woman in question merely shrugged. “Have I? I can’t tell from this angle.” 
You wandered over and placed a hand softly over her stomach. “It’s either that or I need glasses.” The disembodied voices laughed. “With how fast you’re developing I think it might be in our best interest to prepare the nursery now.”
“That’s a great idea!” Wanda exclaimed excitedly. “I’ll help you as soon as I satisfy this craving.”
With a chuckle and a nod, you began moving the boxes into the room that would eventually become the nursery. After you had built the rocking chair, a book about pregnancy caught your eye. Taking a seat on the rocking chair, you began reading in hopes of preparing yourself for the pregnancy with all the necessary knowledge. You were deeply engrossed in the book when you noticed objects begin floating around the room. 
“Nesting. The overwhelming urge during pregnancy to clean, organize and prepare the home for the new baby.” You read out loud curiously as you took notice of Wanda using her powers to set up the room. 
Wanda waved her hand towards a box and a mobile began floating over to hang just above the crib. “See? You’re an expert already. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Wanda replied distractedly through bites of the fruit she was eating. 
Absently you flipped through the book. “Well, nothing to worry about besides morning sickness, mood swings, aching back and fe-feet.” you stuttered out as you glanced over at your pregnant wife who was, in fact, on her feet. You closed the book and put it to the side as you stood up. “Darling, you should probably sit down.” 
With a dismissive wave of her hand, Wanda continued moving objects around the room. “Don’t be silly. All I feel is excitement, happiness, and oh!” she exclaimed as she glanced down at her stomach.
“Kicking? Already?” You asked disbelievingly as you placed your hand lightly over her stomach. “Wow…” you breathed out when you felt a gentle nudge against your fingertips.
Wanda smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling with joy. “It’s such a strange sensation. It’s kind of fluttery.” She explained with a cute scrunch of her nose. 
As soon as the word fluttery left her lips the plastic butterflies that were previously hanging on the mobile became animated and fluttered over to you.  “Oh, did I do that? I didn’t mean to.” She said in surprise as a butterfly landed on your nose. 
She turned to you and placed her finger out for the butterfly to crawl onto, her beautiful smile growing even more. You beamed brightly back at the sight of her as she let them out the bedroom window. You opened your book up again. 
“If that was the first kick that puts you at about… six months.” Your eyes widened as you flipped through the book. “Six months? That was so… fast! I can’t keep up!” You exclaimed.
Realizing how that may sound, you hurriedly kneeled down in front of Wanda and nuzzled your nose into her stomach. “Please don’t misinterpret, I can’t wait to meet you little Charlie!” You pressed a light kiss to her stomach before standing again.
“Charlie?” Wanda questioned curiously. “I was thinking Billy, just a nice, classic, all-American name.”
You tilted your head in mock thought. “Charming. But then there’s Charlie… named after the great Charles Dickens. “Life is made of so many partings welded together”” You recited to her with an excited smile. 
Despite herself, Wanda couldn’t help but smirk in amusement. “Nerd. I guess there’s only one solution for this debate… hope for a girl.” 
As you watched Wanda begin painting a stork on the wall with her powers, you began thinking. “I figure we should probably decide on a name soon though. Based on your rapid progression paired with the time elapsed…” You trailed off in thought. 
Absentmindedly you spun the wedding ring on your finger as you attempted to figure out the timeline of the pregnancy.
After a few moments of silence, Wanda snapped her fingers in front of your face. “He’s going to be here before you figure it out.” She teased lightly.
“Well, I’m not a robot, dear.” You quipped back distractedly as you attempted to correlate the growth with the timeframe. 
“And thank goodness for that.” Wanda countered easily, thoroughly enjoying watching you attempt to figure out the timeline. 
Suddenly, you focused your attention back to her. “If I’m thinking this through properly and don’t hold me to this… But… I believe it’s due Friday afternoon.”
Wanda’s eyes widened at the information. “In three days?” She choked out. “Maybe I should sit down.” 
“I need to practice!” You shouted unexpectedly as the information settled with you as well. Quickly, you grabbed a toy doll out of one of the boxes, a couple loose diapers and ran out of the room. Wanda shook her head at your antics but followed you out nonetheless.
After several practice rounds, you picked up the baby and stared it down seriously. The sound of laughter floated around you. “I think we have an understanding.” You told the inanimate object determinedly. “Start the clock!” You called to Wanda who immediately began the timer.
Fumbling only slightly, you were able to get the diaper on the baby with ease. “Time!” You shouted triumphantly.
“Your personal best.” Wanda called from the kitchen with a smile.
You pumped your fist in the air in celebration. “Yes! We are nothing if not prepared!” 
“Oh!” Wanda breathed out, her face scrunched in discomfort.
At the sound, your head snapped over to Wanda. “Darling?” you questioned in concern.
Once again, Wanda scrunched her face. “Did the book talk about this? It’s not a painful, but a strange…”
Vaguely you recalled reading about the feeling she was describing. You quickly began flipping through the book. Stopping shortly after when you found the information you were searching for. “Tightening sensation?” you offered helpfully. 
Wanda nodded, still cringing ever so slightly. “Yup. That’s it.”
You quickly skimmed over the page. “Braxton Hick’s contractions.” You informed her as you read on. “Also known as false labor. Usually begins in the third trimester. Named after John Braxton Hicks in 1875-”
“Honey.” Wanda interrupted, gesturing for you to get to the point.
“Right!” You skimmed further. “This could give us a chance to work on our breathing exercises.” You suggested as you made your way over to her and rubbed her back in soothing circles. 
Wanda nodded in agreement as you demonstrated the recommended breathing technique, which she replicated. “Yeah, it’s not working. I can still feel it.” She said with a frown.
You pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
Before you could get another word out, Wanda let out a short yell as everything in the kitchen went into a fritz. 
“Let’s abandon the kitchen!” you shouted as you protectively took Wanda by the hand and led her out. Wanda’s screams remained steady from the discomfort the entire way, much to your eardrums displeasure.  
A sudden, bright flash of light startled you as you both naturally fell into a defensive stance. Standing back-to-back, you both lifted your hands in preparation to fight if necessary. 
Almost as soon as you were in position, the house returned to normal. “It stopped.” Wanda said apprehensively as her hands remained in their defensive position.
“I’ll go check outside.” You said and rushed out the door, returning shortly after with the information. “It looks like the whole block is out.” 
Wanda wandered over to the couch and took a precarious seat. “And that was just a fake contraction. Who knows what will happen when the real thing starts.” Her brows creased together in worry. “Do you think they know it’s my fault?” 
You began making your way over to your wife. “Our neighbors?”
“Well, yes. With all the close calls we’ve been having it seems the people of Westview are always on the verge of discovering our secret.” She admitted worriedly.
Thoughtfully you ponded her question and all the odd occurrences that had happened around you since you arrived in Westview. “I know what you mean.” You began somberly as you took a seat next to Wanda. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it? Mr. Hart and Ellie, dinner, my dream, outside with Herb…” 
Wanda’s eyes glimmered with concern as she watched you anxiously. 
“I think something is wrong here, Wanda.” You finished softly. She searched your eyes as the pain in her eyes became more prominent...
“Do you think they know it’s my fault?”
You began making your way over to your wife and took a seat next to her. You gently took her hand in yours. “Yes, I know what you mean. The truth is we are in uncharted waters and you know what? I’m anxious too.” You admitted to her reassuringly. The voices cooed.
A soft smile formed on Wanda’s lips as she stared at you adoringly. “We just don’t know what to expect.” You nodded your head slightly in agreement as Wanda continued. “Will the baby have powers? Will it be my powers? Or your powers? A bit of both? No powers?” 
The twinkle in her eyes caused your stomach to flip. “If he’s anything like his mother, Charlie will be perfect.”
Wanda smirked. “You mean Billy.” You were about to respond when Wanda gasped loudly, startling you out of your seat. 
“Darling, are you alright?” you questioned fearfully as you scrambled back to your feet.
Wanda braced herself slightly. “This is a real one.” She gritted out.
“What?” you shouted as you began floating away from the ground.
Wanda glared at you from her position on the couch. “I thought you said Friday!”
“I told you I wasn’t a robot!” you defended anxiously as you continued floating higher, losing your ability to control the action.
Through the chaos in your mind you could hear Wanda begin her breathing exercises as she gestured for you to follow along. You nervously began following along, drifting back down to the floor a few seconds later. Wanda stood up and made her way over to you, soothingly taking your hand in hers. For a moment you both stood in place as you matched one another’s breathing. Slowly but surely regaining your composure. 
“Better?” Wanda questioned teasingly after a moment.
You took another deep breath. “Yes, darling, thank you.” You replied sheepishly.
Not even a moment later, water began falling steadily over the entirety of the house, drenching you both in a seemingly never-ending downpour. 
“Yes, dear?”
“I think my water just broke.”
“Yes, dear…” 
In a bid to seek shelter you ushered Wanda to the dining room table as you crawled under after her. Your nerves were on high alert as even the downpour couldn’t pull your worries away from the fact that your wife was going into labor. Your eyes remained anxiously transfixed on the woman next to you who was pouting in displeasure at the water ruining the room. Much to your relief, the downpour finally slowed and then stopped altogether. 
You quickly crawled out from under the space. “Let me help you up, dear.” You quickly offered Wanda, not wanting her to strain herself in anyway. As you gently helped her to her feet, her eyes seemed most focused on the room around you.
A small frown tugged at the corner of her lips as she surveyed the room. “What a mess!” Before you could react, she waved her hands and a powerful gust of wind blew in through the door, nearly knocking you off your feet. “That’s better.”
Her contentment was short lived as another groan of discomfort fell from her lips. “Darling, do you think it’s time to-”
“Call the doctor? Yes, I do, dear.” You responded quickly without letting her finish as you sprinted over to the phone only to hear the dial tone fill your ears. “Damn! The phones are down. I better run. Let’s hope he didn’t already leave for vacation.”
Wanda gasp as she rubbed her stomach anxiously. “At a time like this?” she cried.
Attempting to sooth her, you brushed a hand along her cheek lightly. A nervous smile on your lips. “Well, in all fairness darling, the baby is about nine months early. I’ll be back as fast as I can. Will you be alright here?”
A hesitant nod was Wanda’s only response. You pressed a short kiss to her lips and frantically raced out the door.
As Wanda attempted to calm herself through her breathing exercise, the sound of rustling in the nursery caught her attention. Just as she began making her way towards the sound, the doorbell sounded, causing her to jump. 
“Oh shoot!” She exclaimed, knowing that company meant she would have to explain her unexplainable pregnancy. Thinking quickly, she waved a hand and a coat floated out of the closest and covered her.
“Wanda! What’s up?” Geraldine began as soon as Wanda opened the door. Her brows furrowed when she noticed the coat the other woman was wearing. “It’s 75 degrees out, you making a fashion statement?” She questioned lightly as she walked into the home. 
A forced smile formed on Wanda’s face as she attempted to speak through the contractions as they came and went. “Hi Geraldine, you know, now isn’t really a good time.” She informed the other woman politely. 
Geraldine turned to face Wanda. “No, no, no, it’s foxy. You’ll have to let me borrow it sometime.” She replied, misinterpreting the meaning of Wanda’s words. “But first, I have to borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use. Somehow all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I have to bail myself out.” 
“Alright, sure! Just stay right there, I think I may have a bucket in the kitchen!” Wanda shouted when she noticed Geraldine turn. She quickly ran passed Geraldine and into the kitchen, keeping her coat wrapped tightly around her abdominal area. “I think it’s just here under the s-sINK!” She cried as another painful contraction overcame her.
“Are you alright in there?” Geraldine called out in concern. 
Another contraction came as Wanda attempted to control her tone through this one. “Y-yes, I’m just looking-ow!” She stuttered out as her coat magically transformed into a fur coat. Despite the situation she couldn’t help but admire the quality. 
“I’ll come help.” Geraldine announced as Wanda quickly took off the coat and threw it to the side. 
“No! I mean, no thank you!” she quickly corrected herself. 
Her words fell on deaf ears as Geraldine wandered over to the closet in the kitchen, her back to Wanda. “Found it!” As she turned, Wanda grabbed a bowl of fruit to hide her stomach now that the coat wasn’t an option. “Would you look at that?” Wanda tensed. “Fruit! Wanda, thank you!” Geraldine said cheerfully as she took an apple. Wanda’s shoulder slouched with relief.
“Good luck with the leak.” Wanda breathed out as she began to follow Geraldine out. She was glad to have avoided any incident. 
Geraldine continued speaking despite having the item she came for. Even though she knew it wasn’t neighborly, Wanda couldn’t help but tune out Geraldine as she spoke. If she wasn’t in the middle of giving birth she knew she would care more about being a good hostess, but that just wasn’t a priority to her at the moment.
That is until a stork appeared behind the couch Geraldine was currently rising from.  “Wait, no! Tell me about the temp job!” She urged desperately, sighing in relief when Geraldine smiled and sat back down. The woman excitedly began recounting her story. 
Seeing how thrilled her friend was, Wanda did her best to listen half-heartedly as the stork continued to wander around in the background despite numerous attempts to make it go away. Much to Wanda’s relief, Geraldine was oblivious to the chaos occurring around her as she engrossed in the story she was telling. Wanda was able to get away with just making small comments here and there.
As one disaster was averted, Geraldine began making her way into the nursery where the stork had just gone into. “Wait!” Wanda cried as she rushed after her, grabbing a vase to cover her stomach along the way. 
“Is that what I think it is?” Geraldine asked, her tone serious as she looked in the direction of where the stork was perched against the painting on the wall. 
A nervous chuckle escaped Wanda’s lips. “Oh, a stork. Yes. I can explain.” 
Excitedly, Geraldine turned to face Wanda. “No! The crib.” She gestured to the object in question. 
Not a moment after Geraldine began admiring the nursery, another contraction overtook Wanda, the force of it causing her to drop the vase. The object shattered at her feet. “Oh, it’s coming! The baby is coming!” She cried out through heavy breaths. 
“You’re pregnant?” Geraldine questioned, eyes wide in bewilderment. Instead of answering another scream fell from Wanda’s lips as she placed her hands over her stomach. 
Geraldine cautiously led Wanda out of the nursery. “Let’s get you comfortable.” She rushed over to the couch and began gathering the pillows.
Several items in the house began moving on their own as the radio stirred to life at a loud volume. 
“Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true and everything that I do is out of lovin' you…”
Wanda began lowering herself to the floor, practically having to shout over the music. “I think I’m going to lay down right here. Y/n ran to get the doctor, she’ll be back soon.” She gritted out as she carelessly fell back against the floor.
Hurriedly, Geraldine shoved a pillow under Wanda’s head before it could make contact with the floor. “There’s not enough time for that. Relax, relax.” She frantically said as she rushed around the area, gathering different items. “You know your breathing, right?”
The radio began playing even louder as Wanda ground her teeth together, attempting to breathe in the rhythmical pattern she had practiced earlier. Rather than the rhythmic breathes, muffled screams slipped passed Wanda’s lips instead.
Geraldine gasped loudly as a chandelier fell near her and the music began playing even louder. “I may be late to the party, but I imagine there’s a logical explanation for this.” She told Wanda in a calming tone as she set down all the items she grabbed.
“It’s all perfectly natural!” Wanda managed in between screams as the volume of the radio continued to rise with her screams.
With wide eyes Geraldine took hold of Wanda’s knee to attempt to ground her. “Hey, hey, you’re doing great. Let’s start by turning off the music.” Geraldine shouted over the radio. Wanda faintly heard her and weakly waved a hand, effectively stopping the music, but the paintings continued spinning on the wall. “Look at me. Look at me.” Geraldine said calmly and began replicating the breathing Wanda had worked on with you earlier. 
With terrified eyes, Wanda kept her gaze locked on Geraldine, desperately wishing you were there to comfort her through this. “I can’t.” she cried out, shaking her head as tears slowly fell down her cheeks.
“Yes, you can. You can do this.” Geraldine countered unflinchingly. Wanda continued shaking her head frantically. “Yes, you can!” she shouted at her. 
The tears fell more steadily down Wanda’s cheeks as the fear set in. “I can’t.” She repeated tearfully. “I need Y/n. I need Y/n.” She begged, desperately seeking her one source of comfort. 
Leaning down, Geraldine checked how far along Wanda was. “It’s time to start pushing.” She said excitedly with a smile. Wanda continued shaking her head. “You’re ready! Push! Push, Wanda!” She encouraged supportively. 
With a scream, Wanda began pushing. All of the objects in the house began moving on their own until they suddenly stopped when Wanda’s screaming stopped. The soft coos coming from the baby filled the quiet room. “It’s a boy.” Geraldine announced with a smile. The smile that lit up Wanda’s face was incomparable to the happiness she felt in her heart. Geraldine wrapped him up handed her the baby. 
The baby who was a piece of herself and you… the person she loved most in the world. “Hi... Hi.” She whispered to the baby as she traced a finger delicately along his cheek. “Oh, he’s perfect.” 
Almost as soon as the words left her lips, you rushed into the home with Dr. Nielson on your back. “Oh no, I missed it.” You whispered sadly. The frown on your face faded when Wanda looked up at you with a smile that stopped your world. The way her eyes shone took your breath away. The world around you both faded as you stared at one another in an awestruck haze of love.
Indistinctly you could see Geraldine pull a shaky Dr. Nielson out of the room as you dazedly made your way over to your wife, kneeling at her side. “Every time I think I couldn’t be more in love...” You breathed out as your eyes fell on the bundle in her arms. Wanda’s breath hitched slightly as emotion flooded her eyes.
“Y/n, would you like to meet your son?” Wanda asked softly.
As gently as you could, you took the baby into your arms. The smile on your face growing even more when he looked up at you. Wanda’s heart fluttered at the sight. “Hello, little Billy.” You cooed as he took hold of your finger. . 
Wanda tilted her head in surprise, unable to hold back her smile at your words. “Billy?”
With a nod, you lovingly looked back at her. “Yes. Billy.” Making sure Billy was secure in your arms, you leaned down to kiss Wanda. Just as your lips were about to connect, she began screaming. 
Unsure of what was going on, you began yelling as well. “What?” you shouted in bewilderment. When you glanced down you realized what was happening. “Oh! There’s another baby coming!”
“Charlie!” Wanda shouted through the contraction. 
“Wanda, push! Push!” You encouraged lovingly, all the while making sure Billy was safe in your arms. With you by her side, the fear that Wanda felt earlier vanished. 
With you by her side she knew she could do anything. 
When all was said and done, Dr. Nielson did one final glance over the twins. “Twenty fingers and twenty toes. You have one healthy baby boy and one healthy baby girl on your hands.” He declared cheerfully as he handed the baby in his arms back to Wanda. 
Wanda eagerly took the baby back in her arms as you gently rocked the other. “Thank you, doctor.” She responded with a smile.
He turned and pointed at Geraldine. “And thank you for all your assistance, young lady. I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse.” Both Geraldine and Wanda shared amused looks with one another at the comment. 
“Allow me to walk you out, doctor.” You offered as you gently placed the baby down in the crib.
Dr. Nielson nervously shifted. “As long as we’re actually walking this time.” He replied skeptically as he followed you out the door.  
“Well, Dr. Nielson, I hope you’re still able to make your trip.” You said polietly with a smile when you both reached the front yard.
Again, Dr. Nielson shifted in place. “Yes, my trip. I don’t think we’ll make it after all. Small towns, you know, so hard to… escape.” He murmured cryptically before walking off. 
For a moment you stared after him, wondering what he meant. Shaking it off, you turned to head back inside only to see Agnes and Ellie whispering amongst themselves by one of the walls that you shared with the house next door. “Hello, neighbors!” You called politely.
“Hey!” They replied suspiciously in unison before going back to whispering amongst themselves. 
Unable to help yourself, you wandered over. “Remarkable day we’re having. Did you lose power too?” You asked in a friendly tone, noting the way their postures changed when you were near.
“Sure did, but Ralph looks better in the dark so I’m not complaining.” Agnes joked. 
Ellie nodded along. “I barely even noticed it... I’m very resourceful.” She added with a wink.
You chuckled uncomfortably as they joined in with their own laughter. “Well. I better get back to Wanda.” You mumbled awkwardly, turning back towards the house. 
“Y/n.” Ellie called after you, causing you to turn around. “Is Geraldine inside with Wanda?”
With furrowed brows you stepped closer to them, feeling unnerved by their behavior. “Yes, why?”
Ellie hesitated, almost as if she was unsure if she wanted to tell you. “She’s new to town. Brand new.”
“No family, no husband.” Agnes added, her expression portraying how odd she found the situation.
You shrugged indifferently. “Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.” You countered with a confused smile.
Agnes made a short noise of disagreement and Ellie pursed her lips. “No home.” Agnes eventually supplied.
“What?” you questioned disbelievingly. “What do you mean she has no home?”
Ellie shifted uncomfortably. “She came here because-… She came here because we’re all-… You are-…” 
“She came here because we’re all what? I’m what? What are you trying to tell me?” You replied, feeling your patience wearing thin. 
Shaking her head, Ellie continued. “She came here because you need to-”
“Stop it.” Agnes cut her off sharply as she turned to face her head on. You noticed the way she shook her head. 
Almost as though someone flipped a switch, they both became upbeat again. “Well, we better get going.” Agnes rang the bell on her bike with a wink.
Ellie nodded along. “Those papers aren’t going to write themselves.” She said cheerfully as they both walked off leaving you thoroughly confused as you made your way back to your wife. ____________ “You’re such a strong lady.” Geraldine complimented Wanda who waved her hand bashfully in response. “Can you believe it? Twins!” She leaned forward to get a better look at the babies nestled safely in their cribs.
The smile on Wanda’s face was bright with all the love she felt in the moment. She stared at the two babies in the crib with Geraldine, her smile becoming somber. “I’m a twin.” She confessed. Her eyes glimmered with memories as she looked over at Geraldine. “I had a brother, his name was… Pietro. Y/n had a sister too. Anna. One in memory of each.” She whispered out softly her eyes falling to the babies again.
Lost in her memories, Wanda began singing a sokovian lullaby that would forever be nestled into her heart. The memory both painful and beautiful as she continued to sing to her children. 
“He was killed by Ultron, wasn’t he?” Geraldine questioned suddenly, her expression grave. “And Y/n’s sister. Hydra murdered her to torture Y/n, didn’t they?”
The song died on Wanda’s lips with Geraldine’s words. Her brows furrowed as she processed what she had just heard. Her shoulders tensed. “What did you say?” A tear fell down her cheek. When Geraldine didn’t reply, Wanda turned towards her. “What did you say?” She repeated, her eyes cold.
A forced smile overcame Geraldine’s features. “I said, Wanda, you’re such a strong lady.” She moved to hover by the couch. “Should I say it again for good measure?”
“No.” Wanda said sharply. “What did you say about Pietro and Anna?” 
Geraldine seemed to think for a moment, feigning confusion. “Pietro? Anna?” Wanda tilted her head. The babies began crying. “Hey, I’ll take a shift rocking the babies.” She offered as she began heading back over to the cribs.
Wanda stepped protectively in front of them. “No. I think you should leave.” She told her, her tone dark.
“Oh, Wanda, don’t be like that.” Geraldine retorted tensely. 
For the first time, Wanda noticed the necklace around Geraldine’s neck. “What is that?” She insisted, pointing shakily to piece of jewelry. “That symbol.”
“I-uh…” Geraldine stuttered as she took hold of the necklace.
“Who are you?” Wanda demanded. The threat in her eyes sent a chill down Geraldine’s spine. 
Geraldine faintly shook her head, her eyes troubled. “I don’t-”
“Who are you?” Wanda repeated sharply. The calm that overtook Wanda was unsettling as she slowly moved forward. Geraldine stepped back fearfully.  
The front door burst open as you rushed inside. “Wanda, where’s Geraldine?” You questioned as you looked around the house.
“Oh, she left, honey. She had to rush home.” Wanda replied easily with her back towards you as she watched the babies sleep peacefully. . . . . “If no one is going to say it, I will. That episode was adorable.” Darcy emphasized as she watched both you and Wanda settle on the couch with a baby in each of your arms. Wanda leaned over and lovingly pressed a kiss to your lips as the credits rolled. “Aww… I mean, c’mon. Look at them, they’re so precious. And now they started a family.” Darcy cooed as she watched the screen fade to black.
There was silence for a moment. “The babies are cute.” Steve admitted quietly. The sound of a soft thud filled the room as Natasha once again hit the back of Steve’s head. “What? They are!”
Natasha shook her head. “They are, but the issue here is we’re being given a filtered broadcast. Someone is controlling what we’re allowed to see. And even worse, we don’t know what happened to Monica.” 
“Natasha is right.” Fury interjected. “Darcy, you’ll be going to S.W.O.R.D. so you can gain some intel about what they’re planning.”
Darcy’s head snapped up in shock. “I’m just the astrophysicist here, not the Russian spy.” Natasha smirked at the comment.
“Even more of a reason they won’t suspect you.” Fury countered easily. “You can find Hayward’s plan… and find out if they’re the reason agent Fletcher is now a part of this.”
Steve crossed his arms. “Amelia was Y/n’s partner the entire time she was away from the Avengers. I have on good authority that they were close. I can’t imagine she’s there to harm her.”
“That was before the blip.” Natasha said calculatingly. “We can’t assume anything. She’s playing her part a little too well.”
As Steve was about to respond, Fury’s phone went off. They all watched with bated breath as he took the call. When he hung up, he turned to face them a pensive expression on his face. “It seems as though Monica has been found. Blasted through the hex.”
“You called it the hex!” Darcy exclaimed as they all turned to look at her in exasperation. “Sorry, not the time.”
This part may just be the longest piece I’ve ever written because there was so much I wanted to fit in. Also! If anyone wants to know what song I imagined Wanda and Y/n dancing around to in the beginning just let me know because I imagined a specific song in that scene, but didn’t feel it was important to include lol. Sorry for writing out Tommy, creating a different twin for Billy felt important to the story to properly express Wanda’s emotions.
 As always, I hope you all enjoyed!
Thoughts and comments always welcome! I love hearing from you all! :)
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mintymiknow · 3 years
Trust Fall - ch. 1 | Lee Minho
summary | character profiles | masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Reader
Summary: When you walk away from something that essentially ruined you, you don’t expect to have anything to do with it anymore. But it would seem like the universe had other plans for you, and you find yourself with no choice but to face the nightmare again. 
Genre: Secret agent/spy au, romance, angst, action
Word count: Approx. 5.6k
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Warnings for this chapter: Mentions of blood, implied human experimentation in labs, descriptions of said experimentations, descriptions of medical operations, implied trauma 
A/N: My new series is here! I don’t think it’s going to be as good or as hit has Scintilla, but I’m writing this ‘cause I want to, and I am excited! Please note that I’m not fully knowledgeable in the area of secret agent stuff and medical/science fields, but I hope you still enjoy reading this series. I can’t wait for everything to take place! Hehe as usual, I’d appreciate feedback, and if you have any comments, questions, etc., feel free to send in an ask!
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“Yeah, so don’t forget to eat your meals and take your medicine when the nurses tell you to,” you laugh, looking at a patient with a playfully stern expression, “especially if you want to get better sooner.”
The elder patient laughs, leaning back on the hospital bed, “Yes, Doc, you got it. I promise to.”
“Good.” you grin, nodding your head approvingly, “I believe Dr. Kang will be checking up on you in the next few hours. Rest well, Mr. Lim.”
The elder nods with an airy chuckle before turning his attention back to the drama currently playing on TV. You bow politely before grabbing your clipboard and quietly exiting the patient’s room. While walking down the hospital hallway of this particular wing, you hear a familiar voice call out to you.
“Hey, y/n!”
You turn around with an amused grin, shaking your head, “Dr. Kang, aren’t we prohibited from shouting in the hospital?”
The male doctor makes an “oops” face before chuckling softly, hands in his medical coat’s pocket, “Right, sorry about that, Dr. Song.”
“So, how can I help you? I have another appointment in a bit.” you smile.
Dr. Kang - or Hyunbin as you call him - grins likewise, waving his hand in a carefree manner, “Nothing, just wanted to say hi since I bumped into you after like...weeks of both of us being busy. Go along now...wouldn’t want your patient getting angry over your late arrival.”
“You’re clingy.” you joke before laughing, “I’ll get going then. See you around, Hyunbin.”
The male playfully scoffs before waving his hand dismissively just as a nurse calls for his attention over some medical records. “See ya, y/n.” he hums, turning on his heel to walk away.
You smile before going about your way as well, hearing your heels click on the glossy floors as you walk to another department of the hospital to meet with a consulting patient.
And after that, you are called in for an emergency operation, so you end up running in said heels, pretty much aware that you’d probably end up with sore feet afterwards.
Hours pass by until you complete a very stressful yet successful operation. Your crisp, white shirt was replaced by the hospital’s mint green scrubs, stained with blood and bodily fluids. Your heels left somewhere in the locker room as your white clogs are essentially red now. Your neck feels like it’s about to break from leaning and craning it to focus on the operation, eyes strained like they would seal shut any second now.
But you knew that.
You knew that it was part of the job. Was it bothersome? Maybe, but that was just one slight inconvenience in the process of saving lives. That was why you became a professional in the medical and science field in the first place - to save lives. No, you definitely could not save every single person you came across. But you would definitely do your utmost best.
Especially when there were certain...blood stains you needed to wash off from your hands.
The more people you saved in Gongjak Medical Hospital, the more the blood on your hands washed off, little by little. Hopefully.
Unconsciously, you stare down at your gloved hands, eyes taking in the way the blood either dries or swirls into a distorted pattern. You see blood everyday - you’re a doctor, of course you would. And it was nothing new or something to be disgusted about because you were used to it. But right now, you felt like throwing up, the metallic scent and gruesome color clinging to your own hands too much to bear. This has never happened before, so you aren’t sure why it was happening today. You feel like the empty operation room spins around, ready to make you collapse until a nurse’s voice catches your attention.
“Dr. Song, the patient has been moved to a room and Dr. Choi is overseeing right now. We’ll have this room cleaned, so you may take it easy. Thank you for today’s operation.”
“I see, thank you too.” you nod, faking a calm smile despite the shaking of your hands, “I’ll get going then.”
And so you spend the next few hours rotating around consultation appointments and check-ups on patients. By the time it’s past 12 midnight, you prepare to head back to your home.
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You drive in silence, eyes exhausted as they keep focused on the driveway that leads to a house that is not too large but not that small either. That’s one thing you were thankful for; your parents chose to live in a house surrounded by trees in a more private area of the city with only so much residents and houses. Some say it was for the rich - and maybe it was true - but it was definitely more peaceful and safe. Peace and quiet was what you needed after tedious days.
And safe was what you needed when you felt like something or someone haunts you every single day.
You drag yourself across the living room, dumping your bag on the couch as you make your way to the kitchen. An eerie and somewhat unsettling aura mixes in the air, but you choose to ignore it in favor of drinking a glass of cold water. You place the glass down on the counter before leaning on the table’s surface, head craning down as you get lost in your dark thoughts once again. It was always lonely at home without your parents, and you weren’t going to lie; admittedly, there were times you felt afraid to even step foot into any inch in this lonesome household.
But again, a different air filled the place right now, and it somehow sent shivers down your spine. Maybe you needed a bath, so you slowly make your way to your bedroom. However, as you reach the second floor, you notice that the door to your study room was left slightly open - you always made it a point to leave it shut.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you tiptoe and stop in front of the door, grabbing the knob and slowly pulling it closed. However, just before it can click, a deep voice breaks the silence.
“Dr. Song y/n.”
You freeze, your blood running cold as a voice is heard in the dark study room.
“Dr. Song, we aren’t here to harm you. Come inside.”
Your body moves on its own, pushing the door back to reveal your study, illuminated by nothing but the moonlight seeping in through the curtains. Once the door is fully opened, you vaguely register three figures standing by your desk. Most people would scream or scramble to call the cops. You? Nope. You didn’t know why either. Maybe these strangers were the cause of you feeling like someone was always watching you.
With crossed arms, you nod your head towards the stranger’s direction, “What is it? How do you know me? Who are you?”
One of the figures switches your lamp on, revealing his face - sharp eyes and a sharp jaw but an overall youthful and young disposition. He then speaks up, “We need you to come with us.”
“Clearly, strangers telling me to go with them is the most normal thing to happen.” you say, eyebrows furrowed.
Another figure notes your displeasure as he tilts his head to the side. Long, beautiful hair and plump lips - a beautiful man who could be mistaken as a model. “We know, but we’ve been ordered to come and talk to you about it.” he says calmly, his confident smile quite difficult to decipher.
You stand, arms still crossed and face still stern as the three figures observe you. The third figure takes one step forward. He’s more buff and definitely looks scarier, dark eyes cast in shadows with the cap he wears. “I’ll cut to the chase, Dr. Song. We’re agents from SKZ, and I don’t think I need to explain what SKZ is. Am I right?”
As soon as those words leave the male’s lips, you visibly tense, jaw clenched and eyes sharpened. You glare at the three agents, gritting your teeth, “Tell Jung Hyunseo to leave me out of whatever affairs SKZ has.”
The sharp-eyed male shakes his head, “I’m afraid Jung Hyunseo himself wants you to come with us, Dr. Song. He particularly said it was to be you no matter what.”
“What does SKZ want now?” you hiss, “I left for a reason, and I’m not going back. I think I made that quite clear to your authorities.”
The buff agent sighs, “I don’t know what bad blood you have with SKZ, and I can’t tell you exactly why we need you back right now, but everything will be explained if you just come with us.”
“Cut the crap.” you scoff with a belittling smile, “I’m not going anywhere. Case closed.”
“It’s a matter of life and death, Dr. Song.” the buff male says firmly, “It’s for a cause that could save many.”
“Hmm.” you snarkily laugh, “Now, I’ve heard that one before. Sorry, agents. I’m not going. Give Jung Hyunseo my regards.”
The agent who switched on the lights tries to step forward, opening his mouth to speak, but the buff one holds him back. With one look, the sharp-eyed agent nods his head in understanding, stepping back. The buff agent turns to the long haired one with the same look in his eyes.
The long haired male then walks towards you, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Best you come with us now, Dr. Song. Mr. Jung won’t take no for an answer on this matter, and I’m afraid he’ll send that agent for you.”
You gently push him back with your hand on his chest, “He can try. Now, leave.”
The buff agent sighs and gestures for the two to follow him. As they walk past you, the buff agent whispers into your ear, “Try not to be too feisty when the next agent comes. He doesn’t play that nicely.”
“Neither do I,” you start, levelling his sharp gaze, “especially if he pushes it.”
The male smirks in the most subtle way so it’s barely noticeable, “I see.”
With that, the agents leave. You don’t even know how they got in, so you don’t know how they’d leave. Either way, you couldn’t bring yourself to care, not when the adrenaline fades away and your hands are now shaking.
Seconds later, you briskly walk to your bathroom, locking the door as you ready your bathtub in a frenzied hurry. You lower yourself into the water, allowing the warm liquid to envelope your body in an attempt to relax. Dead silence fills the room with the faint sloshing of water with your minimal movements.
You squeeze your eyes shut as if the name of that organization would be erased from your mind forever. But it does the opposite, taking you back to a time you never wanted to remember.
The sounds of agonizing screams and groans filled your ears as if you were witnessing a horror movie come to life. The smell of rotten corpses and smoke filled your nose, clouding your senses like pollution dirtying the world. You can only stare as a person slammed his hand onto the glass wall, desperately wailing and screaming for you to help him.
The pure horror that filled your veins caused you to freeze in place, bile building up within. The person’s skin started to melt and rot away, revealing things you’d see in your medical classes back then - except this was in a much more gruesome and violent context.
As the person let out one last cry, his eyes rolled back with foam frothing in his mouth. You hated how you’re only able to look away just as it finished. Every inch of your skin was covered in goosebumps, hands shaking and heart pounding. The sounds of other scientists and doctors discussing things were mere whispers despite being next to you.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Write that observation down so we can do something about it.”
“This effect is quite interesting and may prove to be useful.”
You cleared your throat and faced the group of scientists with angry eyes. “You need to stop these experiments now!” you yelled, “You are taking too many lives!”
One scientist rolled his eyes, “Dr. Song, have you forgotten your place? Why you’re here?”
You slammed your hand on the table, “I’m here because I’ve been forced to! I didn’t want this!”
With that, you turn on your heel, keen on talking to the authorities about what you’ve witnessed for the past week. However, as soon as your hand is hovering above the lab’s door access, one scientist grabbed your wrist and twisted harshly, throwing you to the marbled floor. You grimaced at the pain in your ankle and leg, glaring at the scientist as a result.
The scientist threatened to hit you before smirking and laughing, “If you so much as say a word about this to anyone outside this lab, you and your family are joining the test subjects. Got it?”
“And don’t bother being sneaky.” another scientist laughed, “We’ll find out one way or another. Now get up and run some tests on the vials over there. No results within the day, we test on another subject. Quickly now.”
You swallowed the anger bubbling inside you, forcing yourself to get up to grab the said vials. As the group of scientists continue to murmur amongst themselves, you went to the other side of the lab to run whatever tests on the greenish-blue liquid inside the vials. You realized that your hands were still a bit shaky, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
You became a doctor to save lives, not take them.
So when it all became too much - when all you could hear at night was the screams and cries of suffering, you knew you had to do something. It was all still a bit of a blur - or perhaps you just did not want to recall the details - but you somehow remember the day you decided to speak up.
The day gunshots were fired in the lab, explosions here and there. Fighting and more unnecessary death. Some scientists captured and some escaped. You sitting on the lab floor with an empty expression, blood dripping down your face and black smoky soot smudging your skin. An agent you didn’t know or have never seen holding you in his arms, whispering that it was going to be ok as Jung Hyunseo angrily ordered the others to search for the escaped “traitors”.
Days later, you resigned. Jung Hyunseo felt sorry and allowed you to do so, helping you go back to a more “normal life” outside SKZ. He spoke to Gongjak Medical Hospital’s director, using his authority and status as a government agency’s head to give his recommendation for you to work there. Seoul’s top hospital instantly welcomed you as a doctor there, and you prayed it stayed that way.
No matter what, you were never going to so much as glance at SKZ headquarters or even speak about the secret organization.
Your phone, sitting on a small stool next to the bathtub, rang with a text notification, successfully snapping you out of your trip down memory lane. You glance at it, vaguely reading the text from Hyunbin saying “I forgot to text you earlier but...Mr. Lim ate all his food for dinner. Did you scold him again? Hahaha”.
You ignore the text, hugging your legs to your chest as you rest your head on your knees. The water in the tub is no longer warm, and you aren’t sure if it’s water from your hair or tears that are trickling down, but you let your sobs echo across the bathroom either way. Maybe you’d forget everything if you did.
You knew the answer to that.
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Meanwhile, back in SKZ’s headquarters, the three agents return and head to one of the lounge areas, plopping onto the couch with heavy sighs. A dimpled agent looks up from his book and smiles sympathetically, “How bad was it?”
“Chan,” the buff agent starts, “it wasn’t bad...she’s just...difficult. I would have used force if it were up to me, but Mr. Jung didn’t want that.”
“What Changbin said. And she’s a bit hostile. Like Minho on his bad days?” the long haired agent whines.
“Hwang Hyunjin.” Minho glares, shaking his head before returning to the book in his hands.
The sharp-eyed agent shrugs, “Either way, she was really adamant on not coming with us. It’s either she’s scared, suspicious or hates SKZ so much...and I wouldn’t know why. Maybe it’s all of the above.”
A freckled agent - Felix - laughs and speaks, “Jeongin, why didn’t you use your charms?”
“Charms? I’m not the seducer, Hyunjin is.” Jeongin states.
“I don’t think Dr. Song is the type to get seduced…” Hyunjin thinks to himself, trailing off.
Another agent with dark brown hair - Seungmin - hums as he leans back on another couch, “Does Mr. Jung know?”
“Yeah, we told him.” Changbin explains, “He...he’s going to send Minho next.”
Minho grimaces, the irritation on his face evident, “Shouldn’t Chan go first or something? Maybe someone nice and sweet and calm would work.”
Chan slings an arm around the other male, laughing, “Or maybe some force needs to be used.”
Minho looks at him with an eyebrow raised, and Chan sighs with a smile, “Ok, not violent force but...someone strong and stubborn.”
“Bang Chan, are you calling me stubborn?” Minho fake gasps.
“You kinda are.” Seungmin points out with a laugh.
The agent with a sharp nose and sparkly eyes groans and leans his head back on the couch, “I am not a babysitter, I’m a field agent. I don’t have the time to deal with a whiney woman who doesn’t want to be here in the first place.”
An agent with round cheeks shrugs, “Mr. Jung seems to know Dr. Song very well and has her in high regard. We must really need her here.”
Jeongin agrees, nodding his head, “Jisung has a point. And we need her soon.”
“Maybe she’ll come if she finally sees Minho’s face. He is handsome and sexy. Who would say no to him?”
“Damn it, Hyunjin - ”
“Anyway,” Changbin interrupts, “I warned Dr. Song to just...comply; not to push Minho’s buttons because we know what he’s capable of and all.”
“I’m not going to kill her.” Minho sighs, rubbing his temples.
Changbin laughs, “No, no. I mean...your whole ‘cut the crap’ attitude. We know you’re most probably going to get irritated with her and might end up fighting or something.”
Minho hums as if he was agreeing, pouting his bottom lip in thought. Chan chuckles, shaking his head, “Maybe you should try being a gentleman with her.”
Minho shakes his head as well. “That isn’t going to work with her, if Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin’s encounter is anything to go by.” the agent states, “Might just irritate her more. Look at Seungmin. He’s cranky a lot. Maybe doctors are like that.”
“Minho…” Seungmin sighs, but Jisung and Felix only laugh.
“Well, Minho doesn’t take mission or task failures too well, so I’m sure Dr. Song will be here in no time!” Chan pipes in, earning a chorus of agreements from the other agents.
Minho makes a small nod before sighing. He prays you actually listen and come with him without much trouble.
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The next day, you drive yourself to the hospital for another day of work. Things go on normally, and you put on a smile when meeting with your patients. You even laugh and crack jokes with other patients while you visit them in their rooms. You give the little children hugs whenever their parents ask them to thank you for your time; a nice contrast to what happened last night.
But once it’s your lunch break, you sit at one of the hospital’s cafeteria tables, blankly staring into space as you eat your lunch. You don’t even notice the person sitting in front of you until he laughs and says, “You don’t look so good, y/n.”
You snap your eyes up and nearly choke on your food. Swallowing and clearing your throat, you softly chuckle and say, “What makes you say that?”
Hyunbin smiles, leaning forward with a playfully serious expression, “Your face just looks way more exhausted today. And I don’t know...I just feel like something’s bothering you. Didn’t sleep well last night?”
“As expected from one of Gongjak’s best doctors.” you tease, looking at your food with a melancholic expression, “But we’re always going to be exhausted. Part of being a doctor, right?”
The male doctor nods, “I know, but...you are ok, aren’t you?”
You nod, offering a slightly wider smile, “Perfectly.”
The male grins in satisfaction with your answer, leaning back on his chair to talk about his “cute little patients” running around and laughing when they get lollipops after their check-ups. You listen to him share stories, but somewhere along the line, your mind drifts off. To where, you aren’t sure, but it’s definitely not as cute and happy as Hyunbin’s stories.
When the day ends, you’re more than relieved to come home without mysterious agents appearing anywhere in your house. Maybe they’d leave you alone now.
And the next day also goes by smoothly as you work in the hospital. Sure, you had two operations to handle - and one of them nearly went south, but thankfully it didn’t - but nonetheless, it was a smooth and average day for you, and it was as if you forgot all about what happened with the agents the other night.
You wave to Hyunbin before leaving the hospital, laughing as he jokes with a “don’t fall asleep while driving!”. And thankfully, you don’t do that, making it back home quickly and safely.
The stillness that welcomes you once you enter the house is a bit eerie, but it doesn’t seem to bother you that much; after all, it was a bit chilly-weathered recently. You take a nice, quick warm bath before deciding you wanted a midnight snack since you didn’t get to eat dinner courtesy of the two back-to-back emergency operations you had to perform. After slipping into your nightgown and a fluffy robe to keep you warm, you go down to the kitchen.
While preparing a cup of coffee and preparing a quick sandwich, you hear faint rustling somewhere in the house. You don’t own any pets, and your neighbors hardly visited, so the first thought that enters your mind is that the agents are back. It isn’t dread or fear that fills your veins - it’s anger and frustration. You scoff angrily, glancing at the coffee maker and sandwich on the plate before making quick steps towards your study room. Harshly pushing the door open and switching on the lights, you scan the room.
But no one is there.
You look behind your desk and shelves, but still no sign of people. Maybe Hyunbin was right and you were just more tired than usual; maybe your mind was playing tricks. Sighing, you shut the door and resume your business in the kitchen, needing that cup of coffee much more now.
Once the coffee is done brewing, you take the mug and plate in your hands, making your way to your bedroom. Coming home at midnight or past midnight was always accompanied by a cold silence that resulted from all your other neighbors being asleep. But that was probably better than a bustling city filled with horns and drunk people shouting after a night in the club.
You sit on your bed, letting yourself release a deep breath as soon as your body comes into contact with the soft sheets. You munch into your sandwich, absentmindedly letting your gaze drift to the window. The sky is a beautiful shade of blue-violet mixed with inky black, silvery-white stars twinkling here and there. You find yourself smiling at the view; when was the last time you actually stopped to admire something? To actually feel safe and calm? To feel like you were finally free?
You take a sip of coffee and muse on about everything that has happened since you left SKZ; it’s been two years, and you were more than satisfied with working on Gongjak Medical Hospital. Surely, the things that happened in SKZ made you less trusting, but you had one or two friends - including Hyunbin - that you deeply trusted.
But despite that, the trauma still lingered. And you knew more than anyone that you truly would never be free.
You put your coffee cup down on the bedside table, getting up to bring the sandwich plate to the kitchen. However, as soon as your eyes are set on the door, you see a figure leaning against it, arms crossed as he stares - or glares - at you. You sigh, tugging on your robe tighter, “Did Jung Hyunseo send you?”
The figure doesn’t make any sign of expression unlike the previous agents; instead, he remains stone-faced as he pushes himself off the door. “Agent Seo said you’d be difficult. Can we not do that tonight? Things like these aren’t exactly in my job description.” he sighs.
“Then maybe Agent Seo made it clear that I don’t want to comply.” you say sharply.
The male’s eyes narrow in the slightest, and you don’t miss the darkness in them. He has a different aura compared to the other three. With the dim light of your lamp, you can see that he had sharp features - handsome, if you would, but definitely had a sharper and more daunting presence. Cold and steely.
“Yes, he did.” the male starts, putting on a bored act as he adjusts the buttons on his dress shirt’s sleeves, “But I’m here to make sure you don’t say ‘no’ again.”
“SKZ can’t force me against my will, even if they are some organization or agency.” you point out, irritation rising once more, “I have my rights.”
The agent huffs, crossing his arms again, “Listen, Dr. Song. I don’t want to be here, yet here I am. Mr. Jung personally requested your presence. You seem like a smart person, judging by how he holds you with such high regard, so can you at least hear him out?”
You roll your eyes, picking the plate from your bedside table. You slip your slippers on and ignore the agent, opting to head for the door yourself. You reach past him to hold onto the door knob, twisting it and pulling the door open as best as you can. Unlike Changbin, this agent refused to budge or leave. In fact, he grabs your wrist quite strongly and slams the door shut; the loud bang startles you in the slightest, causing your eyes to widen despite your urge not to. No, you refuse to show any sign of uneasiness.
The agent grabs the plate from you while still holding onto your wrist tightly. “Please do not test me, Dr. Song. My colleagues wanted to make sure I don’t hurt you, and I personally don’t do such things, so please, don’t push it.”
“Would you hurt me?” you challenge, levelling the male’s glare with sharp eyes, “Because I’m not as weak as you think.”
A lie. A complete and utter lie. Yes, you were strong-willed, but emotionally, mentally and physically strong? No. You were smart, but you were anything but strong. You believed you were weak. You refuse to face the past and move on from it. That’s what makes you weak, you thought.
“Wow.” the agent smirks, “Dr. Song, I don’t want to hurt you if I don’t need to. You aren’t a target; you’re the mission.”
With the last sentence, he grips your wrist just a bit tighter. Infuriated, you grit your teeth and harshly yank your arm away from him, quickly turning on your heel to run and grab your phone from the bed. Who were you going to call? Hyunbin? The hospital director? The police? You didn’t know, but you surely wanted this agent out of your sight.
You grabbed your phone to dial whoever’s number, but just as your finger is about to press the contacts app, the agent is in front of you, taking the phone in his hand and tossing it to the carpeted floor with a dull thud. You stare at him in mixed anger and disbelief, opening your mouth to shout some insult. However, a yelp is what comes out of your mouth instead because the agent tangles one of his legs with yours, tugging at your ankle to trip you.
With the momentum, you fall to your bed behind, back landing on the mattress with the agent above you, one hand still gripping your wrist. You have no fighting experience, and clearly engaging in a fight with someone who was trained seemed like the worst possible choice of action. Yet you did.
Without hesitation, you swing your free arm in a sorry attempt to slap the agent, but he easily catches your wrist with his other hand, now pinning your own hands above your head. You look up at the agent with a gaze burning with anger. “What fucked up crap has SKZ gotten themselves into this time?” you hiss, on the verge of raising your voice, “Why do they need me?”
Despite your outburst, the agent remains emotionless, disposition composed and collected much to your dismay. “You’ll find out if you come with me, Dr. Song.” he responds calmly, raising an eyebrow, “I don’t want to knock you out to do that.”
You try to wriggle your hands out of his grip and kick with your legs, but the agent holds your wrists tighter and pins your hips down with his own. His facial expression is still quite blank, but the furrow in his eyebrows tells you he is mildly - or maybe very - exasperated already. “Knock me out? Enlighten me how.” you spit out.
“You’re the doctor, Dr. Song. I’m sure you’re knowledgeable on gases that could do that. Or…” the agent remains expressionless, but there’s a haughty color in his eyes as he brings a hand to your cheek, gently caressing with his knuckles, “...I could hit you, which is what I do to our targets, but as I’ve said, I personally don’t want to do that.”
You can only stare at the male, eyebrows knit together in an upset manner as all the fight and anger in your body dissolves, tensed muscles weakening as the unfavorable position you’re in finally registers in your mind. When the agent blinks, you vaguely take note of his long eyelashes, a delicate contrast to his sharp and strong features.
“What will it be, Dr. Song?” he whispers, breath mingling with yours.
You shut your eyes, deflating as you sigh, “Fine. But if I hear what Jung Hyunseo has to say and I don’t like it, I have the right to refuse to assist SKZ.”
“Hmm, I’m afraid not.” the agent finally lets go of your wrists and clambers off of you, fixing and tucking in his dress shirt into his slacks, “If you refuse or run away, Mr. Jung will persistently send agent after agent for you until you fully return or help SKZ.”
“And once I help? Once I’m finished? Will SKZ finally and genuinely let me go and live?”
“Yes, Dr. Song.”
“Shit, fine. This is the last, I swear.”
You could have kept saying “no” in all honesty, but the prospect of an agent coming into your house - or worse, directly kidnapping or abducting you by force - was not something you wanted to think about; that would just make your life more miserable.
The agent lets you get dressed in your bathroom for privacy, but he waits in your room to make sure you don’t sneak out or run from him. Afterwards, he tells you to quickly follow him, which you do because you don’t really have a choice. Once in the black car with tinted windows, you sink into the passenger’s seat, a very big frown on your face as you look outside at the city lights. The agent himself is quiet as well, focused on driving rather quickly.
The buzzing silence in the car is then interrupted when his phone rings; he accepts the call with the speakers on so you could technically hear the voice of the person speaking: Jung Hyunseo, no doubt.
“Agent Lee, what’s the update?”
The male agent doesn’t take his eyes off the road as he answers, “She’s with me, sir.”
“I knew I could count on you.” Hyunseo chuckles lightly, “Thank you, Minho. See you back in HQ.”
When the call ends, and Minho stops the car as the traffic light turns red, he cranes his neck to face you, expression still annoyingly vague and basically emotionless. “Please do behave once we’re in HQ.” he says, “You may hate SKZ, but we all expect you to adhere to the rules, alright, doctor?”
You don’t even have the desire to respond, rolling your eyes as Minho breaks eye contact to focus on the road as the traffic light turns green.
Two years away from SKZ, and here you were, being dragged back into the place you desperately wanted to get away from.
Lee Minho.
You’d remember that agent’s name. Whether you went willingly or not, you had a feeling Lee Minho, on Jung Hyunseo’s command, would find one way or another to bring you back, and that was what affected you the most.
It was going to be his fault you were back.
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
alphys and flowey, with 22!
I'm so sorry for taking so long. Here we go. 22: books (from this prompt list)
This is for Alphys week! -> Day 6: Flowers
(who said it had to be several flowers?)
Crumpled Paper
Words: 1300
Read on AO3:
The first time he met the royal scientist, it had been during a visit she made to the castle, a day after he had emerged in his fath- Asgore's garden, crying out for help for the first time. She carried a bag, which she dropped the moment the king informed her of his finding. She examined him, checking on his magic levels, and as she worked, her face could barely hide her worries. Through stuttering words Dr. Alphys gave her report: she said he had no SOUL, but besides the fact, he seemed fine. She came by every few days to check his stats, apologizing profusely every time. What for? She couldn't explain herself without stumbling on her words, but he got something about an experiment. But it would be fine, she assured him!
He wasn't fine, he couldn't feel, no matter how much he tried. He was not the same and it wasn't worth it to keep trying.
But then he discovered the real power behind determination. Curiosity led him to various places, and soon he found himself outside of the scientist's laboratory. She hid something, and he was determined to find out.
* * *
Alphys was startled by the sudden voice. She was back from a trip to the dump, holding a bag full of cans and metallic wastes. At this time of the day, she didn't expect to find anyone outside the lab.
A flower stood by the door, giving her a toothy smile.
"Howdy, doctor! Have we met before?" The flower snickered and winked, as if there was an inside joke she didn't get.
She recognized the kind of flower on sight, after all, she had worked with them during the last weeks. But just like her other experiments, it seemed determination didn't have the expected effects. She rememebered taking the vessels back to the garden and...
Oh no.
Not THIS too.
She tried forming a sentence. But what could she say? She felt herself start sweating, her breathing getting faster. She swallowed and managed to say "We do not know each o- but you said that we do..." She decided to set for a question. "Do you want to... come in?"
The flower's expression was blank for a moment as if considering his options, then he smiled. "Sure! Get me inside!" Alphys sighed in relief. This shouldn't be difficult, right? They could just... take their time to talk.
After some arrangements, she managed to fit the flower in her bag to carry him and set him in her workbench. His small black eyes examined the room, eagerly looking for something. What it was, Alphys couldn't tell.
She was filled with questions of her own. Dozens of theories were running in her head, but she feared the flower wouldnt be able to answer them. She watched him as he tried to pick up one of the books resting on her desk. They were too heavy to lift.
"Do you... want my help?" She held the book for him, which had a winged hero on the cover. She opened it on a random page, so they could both look at the drawings.
"What does it say?" He pointed at one of the speech bubbles.
"What?" Alphys was distracted looking at the pose one of the main characters, a human with human ears, was making.
"On the book. The handwriting's weird."
"Oh that... I'm not sure. It seems it's a human language, but it's not like the one we speak. I think it's called Japanese. It comes from the land where they make cool things like anime and..." She started going through the list of every little fact she learnt about the land through her TV shows, but the flower interrupted her.
"Why do you have a book you can't read?"
"It's called manga." She was quick to correct. "I'm learning how to read and write! I've been looking for books in the dump that can teach you how."
"Is that what you do as a sicentist?" He raised an eyebrow, which was as white as the rest of his face.
"N-no, but it's something... I do sometimes, when I have the time."
"Cool! Can you teach me?"
"To read Japanese?"
"No, I'll pass, it sounds complicated. My sibling would have liked it. They are such a nerd, always saying weird words."
Would that mean...? Oh no, one animated flower is a thing but more? Alphys would be screwed.
The flower opened his eyes wide at his words and he stuck his tongue out in thoguht, as if he was solving a mental puzzle. Alphys waited, was it the right move to ask questions? Would it scare the flower?
"Ah, my tongue slipped. I guess I'll have to tell you. But later, OK?" A part of Alphys wanted to turn to dust right there, a different part wanted to spit out every question that crossed her mind, but the saner part of her decided it was best to play along. Anything to make this less awkward.
The flower found a solution sooner than her. "Why don't you... teach me how to write? I don't know if I can." He looked down at his vines.
"Yeah, sure. let me grab some paper and pencils." Alphys felt the tension dissipate as they changed topics.
"Do you have color pencils too?"
"Uhm, we'll see what I can get."
Alphys found a box of pencils next to her computer, on top of a pile of paper detailing her blueprint ideas, a few scratched projects and a personal story she was working on. Her handwriting made her the least suitable for the job, but the flower was content with her lessons. They chatted about mundane topics, forgetting their situation for a moment. He was reluctant to tell her his name, and never mentioned the "sibling" again, but both of them seemed at ease.
"Do you wanna... stay here tonight? Or do you need to go to the garden?" He considered his options, then shook his head. Alphys leaned to look at the paper, it seemed her friend grew tired of writing and made a drawing. "What's that?"
"It's me! Well, not me me, but my cooler form!" It showed a winged godlike creature, shooting stars out of his hands. He was surrounded by a rainbow cloud.
"Oh! You drew inspiration from the manga I showed you?"
"Maybe? But this is way better!" He was grinning, proud of his successful creation. It took him some time to get used to grabbing pencils with his vines. Even though he couldn't make small things, his grasp was good enough to make a rough sketch.
"I like it! Give it a name!"
"What would they name it... " He whispered, barely audible. "Ah! I know what."
He took a black marker, and with a strange kind of handwriting and in all uppercase he wrote:
For the rest of the timeline, the drawing was put on the fridge with a magnet. He didn't get much information about the scientist that night, and saw less of her with every passing day
When he found out why, he reset. Many timelines went by. The ghost of the drawing was forgotten, but his ability to grab things stayed.
* * *
Alphys walked into the lab, putting on her labcoat over her dress. Her day was eventful, and her confession marked the start of a new time. She was feeling... better? Sure, her confidence had a long way to go, but she could handle it one thing at a time. Her smile dropped when she found a crumpled piece of paper, with a message scribbled with a black marker. It was a strange kind of handwriting, in all uppercase.
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jonsa101 · 3 years
New Amsterdam Season 3x7: The Groundwork to Heal and Rebuild
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Last night’s episode truly blew me away. It’s definitely one of the best episodes in the series. To be honest, I was incredibly anxious about how the show would handle systemic racism in the healthcare system but I think the writers did a beautiful job. I love how they have redirected Max’s story. It truly is a great character shift. Max has gone from the “how can I help” guy who tries to solve everything and usually always succeeds at it, to the guy who fails miserably and in frustration even throws in the towel. It’s so refreshing because the Max we had before this shift was unrealistic. This season is so good because this season feels real and authentic and Max though idealistic, is finally getting a big dose of reality in how he operates. I don’t think the show is ever going to give us season 1 or 2 Max again and that’s a good thing! That means our male lead is finally growing and evolving. It’s character development baby and we love to see it!  I also love where the storyline is going for Helen. I have always had a head canon that Helen has some wild baby sister that would pop into her life to live with her and Helen would look out for her and take her under her wing. The story line with Meena is way better than my head canon and kinda falls in line with what I’ve always imagined. I’m so happy that Helen has a niece and that she’s moving in with her! This is literally the PERFECT ROLE for Helen. There’s nothing better than having a character who struggles with being vulnerable than literally having an unexpected character show up to shake things up and unroot the vulnerabilities/traumas said character has yet to deal with.  
A lot of people couldn’t understand why Helen gave up her relationship with Cassian because of her niece but I completely understand where she’s coming from. Helen is completely out of her depth here. She wanted a baby and had know plans to take in her brother’s child let alone a teenager. This is completely new territory for her and the stress of having to juggle this new role, a new relationship and her already hectic job at New Amsterdam was probably overwhelming. Like most people who have a type A personality, she is doing what she feels like she has to do to get ready. Meena moving in with Helen is purposeful on so many levels and there are three things I’m expecting to see on screen because of it.
First, we are going to see so much more of Helen on a personal level. I fully expect to see Helen’s home life way more frequently as we see her step into this aunt/mother role and raise a teenager. This is not going to be a walk in the park. Helen is going to STRUGGLE. Meena will more than likely push Helen’s buttons to know end and and bring out all the vulnerabilities that she tries so hard to keep down. It will be probably be a bit ugly at first but as Helen and Meena start to bond and find common ground, Helen will FLOURISH. We will see her at her best as she thrives in this aunt/mother role. Second, Meena is absolutely going to peep the feelings that Max and Helen have for each other and she’s going to let her opinions be known. For the most part, teenagers know how to read the room and I’m pretty sure Meena will be know different. As Helen and Meena grow closer and as she possibly interacts with Max as well, I’m pretty confident Meena will say something and play a small part in pushing Max and Helen together. Of course this is just a prediction but usually a third character calls out the obvious “Unresolved Sexual Tension” between love interests and my money is on Meena! Third, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Helen stepped down from deputy medical director to step into this aunt/mother role as Max tries to be a single father to Luna while also trying to fill a mother void in Luna’s life. When we were heading into the season finale and going into season 2, I wrote a meta detailing my thoughts about how I felt about Helen deciding to be Max’s doctor again. I didn’t necessarily agree with the decision because I believed that Helen needed to remain true to the emotional and professional boundaries she was trying to set for herself. I also believed that because it was indicated Max and Helen had feelings for each other, her role needed to shift going forward in their relationship. It took two seasons but Helen’s role has finally shifted! 🙌🏾 She is no longer Max’s doctor or deputy medical director and for once Max no longer has the crutch/excuse of trying to navigate how he feels about her through that lense!!! THIS IS HUGE!!!
Max now has to truly sit there with his feelings and feel the absence of not going to Helen for everything because of the necessity of the roles she once had in his life. He will quickly come to terms with the fact that not only is he in love with her but he’s truly wants and needs her as his LIFE PARTNER! On top of that, Ryan has literally been teasing that Max is looking for not only a partner but a mother/mother role for Luna and he’s trying to figure that out fast (I will literally link the article). Max already knows Helen’s desire to be a mom but he will literally get the chance to see Helen step into that role with Meena! This isn’t by accident and it’s all purposeful. I’ve said this a hundred times and I’ll say it again, the showrunners are setting the groundwork for them to get together this season. Something has shifted. There’s a deep longing and desperation behind Max and I genuinely believe that he is consumed with his feelings for her. Through a bathroom door he was trying to convince Helen to be co-medical director to help battle systemic racism but while he’s trying to convince her, through subtext, he is essentially asking her to be his partner in life! I saw someone mention on Twitter that it was basically a proposal in a joking manner but honestly, that’s exactly what it was. It was a subtext laced proposal! His feelings are so all consuming that he can’t truly stay on the topic at hand!!! I think Max is on the verge of the floodgates bursting wide open and he is going to lay everything out on the table. Also, seeing Max’s behavior last night oddly reminds me a bit of Mr. Darcy in the Pride and Prejudice. Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Darcy and Max don’t have the same mannerisms but the depth of the feelings they have for their love interests and how it manifests feels the same. I’ll get into this more at the conclusion of this meta.
Anyway, when I look at the season in it’s entirety so far, I see the show setting up two people that both have to develop and heal in specific areas so that they can eventually come together by the end of the season. Helen is struggling with vulnerability, feeling like she’s running out of a time with the desires she truly wants in life and now in the most unexpected way is being thrust into aunt/motherhood. Max’s idealism has been completely rocked by the pandemic and now more than ever he’s forced to be more self aware of his actions and needs to evolve from the chronic hero syndrome. He’s also essentially stepping into fatherhood again as he tries to learn and navigate being a single dad and making Luna his first priority. I think for a time Max and Helen will need to face their issues head on by themselves but as they go through their own healing journeys, they’re going to need each other. Also, they’re DEEPLY IN LOVE so even though it seems like they’re drifting a part it’s only going to be temporarily. Eventually, they’ll start “burdening” each other again.
Another important point that I want to bring up is this. In the last meta that I wrote, I mentioned how I believed that Max needs to go above and beyond to try meet Helen’s needs and support her and I genuinely believe that we will see that throughout this season. In last night’s episode, after he poured his heart out and told her that he’s grateful that she’s there with him, Helen resigned as deputy medical director. The old Max would have put up a fight and put his needs before hers because he wants her there with him but despite it being painful, he accepted her resignation. That’s growth! Taking Helen out of the equation as his number two at the hospital is going to make him so much more aware of her needs in her personal life rather than the needs of the hospital. They’re relationship has always been so intertwined with their work at New Amsterdam that Max hasn’t learned to truly prioritize Helen outside of that but this season he’s definitely going to. The absence of Helen in his literal everyday work life with the combination of his overwhelming feelings will eventually lead to a wild pursuit. A pursuit to know her heart, her wants, her needs and most importantly a pursuit to be with her.
My last point is this! I’ve made some pretty bold predictions this season about where I see Max and Helen going. Again, I think something MASSIVE is on the horizon and I honestly still think that by the end of this season Max and Helen might very well be engaged!! I don’t know Fam they’re just giving me this vibe especially Max! Last night solidified to me that he is getting to a place where his feelings are beginning to overwhelm him. This brings me back to Mr. Darcy. I believe Mr. Darcy and Max are at the same emotional level when it comes to how they feel about their significant others. When it was to much to bare for Mr. Darcy not only did he declare his love for Elizabeth but he proposed. He literally went from 0-100. Though Elizabeth rejected his first proposal, he proposed again and the second time around they had both done the work that they needed to in order to understand each other better and realize that they loved each other. I can’t help but think of Darcy saying
“You have bewitched me body and soul and I love I love I love you. And wish from this day forth never to be parted from you.”
Is it just me or is Max acting a little bit like Helen has bewitched him body and soul? He’s all over the place when it comes to her lately and his body language has changed too! Did anyone else peep how closely Max and Helen were sitting next to each other? It was so intimate for a second I thought they were going to kiss or he was going to grab her hands. I don’t know it just screamed desire to me. Also, this ongoing theme were he tells her that he “can’t do this without her” or he’s grateful that “she’s here with him” to me is in the same light of Darcy telling Elizabeth that he never wants to be parted from her. From season two onwards Max has openly expressed wanting/needing Helen by his side. Now that we are in season 3, it seems like Max need for this has only gotten deeper. I make this comparison to say that the underlying vibe of how we are seeing Max and Helen unfold this season to me points to something incredibly tangible happening between them at season end.
The thing about Max and Helen is that yes, they are a slow burn but at the same time they’re also a 0-100 type of couple. I want to write another meta to explain this in detail but what I’ll say here is that if circumstances were different in season 1 and Max wasn’t married, Max and Helen would have probably been the type of couple who got married within a couple of months of knowing each other. Also, from my perspective, once Max and Helen finally let each other know how they really feel, it’s not going to be a thing where they’re just dating like with Cassian or Panthaki. It’s going to be like it’s a wrap, I’m all in, you are my person, this is it for me type thing. It’s going to be commitment! I feel like people forget but this show started in 2018. In September it will be four years since the show premiered. Granted COVID happened in 2020, but essentially Max and Helen have been doing this tango for awhile now. The expectation should be that we are finally going to see things come into fruition in a major way this season because that’s 1000% what I believe. Everything in my gut is telling me that the time is now and they are setting them up to do groundwork to heal so that they can rebuild together. A new chapter for them is on the horizon and I’m so excited about it!
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angelanimedesaray · 3 years
A Demon’s Promise Part 4:  Quick Hits  (NSFW)
AN:  Iiiiiiiii might have been kinda sorta dared to use the gif in this last smut chapter...plus I couldn’t resist XD XD XD it was too good/perfect/amusing to me lol
Oh, yeah, this is the last smut chapter guys, strap in for the plot...and angst.  Looooots of angst...
Characters:  Incubus!Levi, Reader, Various BG Characters
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  Language.  The consent is starting to get a little dubious, if you ask me.  Also I think some stuff in here could be considered as gaslighting.  SMUT (which means time for the kink list):  Bathtub Sex, double penetration, praise kink, breeding kink, oral, Public Sex, Fingering, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, degradation, Tail Play, no protection, wall sex, a dash of aftercare.
Word Count:  7074
<----Previous Part    Masterlist    Next Part---->
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*Reader’s POV*
After the night that you treated Levi, things were...different, when he came to you in your dreams.  And not necessarily in a good way.  It wasn’t anything bad, per say, but if there had ever been a hint of intimacy, it wasn’t there, now.  The entire exchange was now strictly sex.  There was a distance to him now that hadn’t been there before, like he was holding you at arm’s length emotionally, trying to avoid something like that happening again, like you’d spooked him or something.  Any attempt you made to focus on him once again like you had before was immediately shut down.  You’d eventually learned to stop trying.
Of course, he didn’t disappear entirely.  If anything, you saw him more now.  He was still coming to you in your dreams while you were in bed, and he still made you feel...divine, each time.  The difference was that he came to you now whenever you fell asleep, even if it was a quick nap, or an accidental doze--and you were strangely starting to doze off far more often than you used to.
Were you developing narcolepsy as well, now?  What was going on in your brain?  Did medicine even have an answer for what was happening to you?  You’d seen two or three doctors already, and you still weren’t any closer to finding an answer.
And yet the dreams persisted, intensified, and came far more frequently...
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(Two weeks ago)
Your heels ached, shoulders bunched up and tense, making you roll them instinctively and roll your head side to side to try and loosen up the tension as you trudged through your home, leaving a slight trail of clothes as you gathered your me time supplies on your way to the bathroom.  A small pint of your favorite ice cream, a bottle of your favorite drink, wireless earbuds to play music in, and aches and pains bath salts poured into the steaming hot running water.  Your supplies were gathered on a little table you pulled next to the bathtub before climbing inside, sinking into the hot and now scented water with a low moan, sinking into the dangerously full bathtub all the way up to your earlobes, stretching your legs out in front of you and letting the water splash across the afflicted areas.
It had been a rough day at work, and you were taking the time to treat yourself and unwind a bit, especially since you had another shift in about 18 hours.
After taking a few moments to simply enjoy the feeling of the tension leaving your tired muscles, you sat up properly in the tub, leaning back and grabbing your snacks to indulge in your treat to yourself.  Your music was turned down low in your ears, loud enough you could hear it comfortably, but not excessively loud like you sometimes did when you were dancing around or getting in the zone while you did housework.  The ice cream disappeared in what felt like seconds, and you got halfway through your drink before it started to sit forgotten on the nightstand in favor of soaking in the heat of the water again, aware that you were starting to sweat, steam covering up the mirrors, the only sound in the room the occasional ripple of water, which you couldn’t quite hear over the music in your ears.
You leaned your head back to rest on the rim of the tub behind your head, closed your eyes, took a deep breath, sank as far as you could into the water without submerging your headphones…
The water suddenly sloshed in disturbance, splashing over the edge as another leg appeared in the water beside you, your eyes shooting open to see Levi climbing into the tub with you like it was the most normal thing, eyes rising from where he was carefully and strategically climbing into the tub with you, up to your wide-eyed gaze.
His hand reached out to gently remove the earbud before you could, already reaching over for the other one as he started to speak.
“Don’t worry--I’ll make sure you don’t drown falling asleep in the tub,” he said with the slightest twitch upwards in his lips towards a smirk at his dark humor joke, taking the other earbud out of your ear and setting both on the nightstand as he settled closer to you, chest pressing up against yours, waist settling between your legs even though it took some maneuvering, your right leg now dangling out of the tub to spread you wide enough he could settle between your legs in the tight space.  One of his hands reached just behind your head to grip the rim of the bathtub and hold him up, bringing him close enough to your face that he could plant a steamy kiss on your lips, his other hand slipping between the two of you to start rubbing and swirling around your clit and folds in the hot water, the relaxed state you had been in now proving advantageous not only for your unwind time after work, but for Levi’s attempt to loosen your body up for him.
Had you really fallen asleep in the bathtub?  That was a new one for you, especially considering all the horror stories built up in your mind from that one story you heard as a child about a woman drowning in the bathtub after falling asleep.
Levi’s fingers slipped inside of you, stretching you out and making you moan lowly into his lips, water sloshing out of the tub as you both rocked into each other, and you felt his tail slipping around your back to help support you and hold you close to him, the tip curling back around to your front near your chest, floating lazily in the water and occasionally tickling your skin.
“There won’t be much time before you wake up...you don’t mind if I speed things up, do you?” he asked against your lips.  His fingers were working you rather quickly, the speed he was trying to get you loose and ready for him causing a pleasant burn inside you.
“If it’s gonna be quick, at least leave me satisfied,” you murmured in response.  The last thing you wanted was to wake up sexually frustrated having to do it yourself.
His fingers curled tighter around the edge of the bathtub, the hand stretching you open for him in the water disappearing long enough to guide himself to you.  It was harder to do while you were submerged, considering the water would wash away that natural lubricant that made sliding inside you much easier.  It was part of the reason why for once he had to guide himself in, why his hand shifted to your waist for added stability and leverage.  He had to grind and thrust a little harder and more than normal to gradually bury himself inside you, swallowing your gasps and moans with his mouth as he pushed deeper inside you.
It also helped keep you from swallowing any of the water as it splashed out of the tub in torrents with every thrust, soaking most of your hair, splashing across your faces but not interrupting the kiss as he kept firmly locked with your lips.  One of your hands gripped at his thigh to keep him pulled close to you, occasionally sliding a little higher to grip at his ass, while your other hand ran up his neck and twined into his slightly damp hair thanks to the steam and the splashing water, nails scratching lightly against the close shave of his undercut.
Once he was buried deep inside you, he didn’t dare pull out and go through the difficult entry again in the water.  Instead, he ground his hips into yours, rocking his hips in more than a basic up and down motion to let his cock explore your insides, rubbing against your walls and stretching them out, rubbing against the sensitive spots he could reach as his kiss deepened.
The water was noticeably lessened by now with all your movements, and a few times he had to grab at the bathtub rim again as his grip slipped, your back pressed against the side of the tub as his chest pressed harder against yours.
It was a little uncomfortable, given the tight space, the way your leg had to dangle out of the tub, the hard surface of the tub in general, and the way he couldn’t pull out without risking some dry friction, but something about...his taste, or maybe the smell in the air between his natural scent and the relaxing scents of the salts you’d put in the water, or perhaps the way he made his cock hit the same sweet spots over and over once he realized where they were...something about it kept you excited, made the water suddenly feel cool against your flushed skin as he rocked you both towards a climax.
When your climax did hit, it was almost a relief, causing your body to loosen further and relaxation to seep through you from the orgasm flushing through your body.  Levi kept himself buried deep inside you as your climaxes ran their course, his kiss heady and deep, making you feel drowsy, eyelids fluttering…
You accidentally snorted some of the water in the tub as your nose slipped below the water line, and you woke with a start, sputtering and trying to snort the water back out as it burned and made your eyes water, looking around in confusion at your silent bathroom once more.  Your first concern, after realizing Levi was nowhere to be seen, was your headphones, which would have been submerged if you had slipped low enough to inhale water through your nose.
There were no headphones in your ear.  They were resting unharmed and perfectly dry on the little table next to the bathtub, and the water level around you was much lower than it had been when you’d nodded off a few...however long ago.
Still coughing and sputtering, you pulled the plug and climbed out of the water that now felt lukewarm and unpleasant against your skin after that steamy dream.  You wanted nothing more than to find some soft warm clothes and relax.  Well, the relaxing part your time was up for--it was housework and dinner for you now, before you went to bed.
Climbing out of the tub, you almost slipped, discovering water splashed recklessly all over the floor, like half the tub had been emptied onto the floor while you’d fallen asleep.
Still shaky and in a rush to warm up, you didn’t pay it much mind at the time, thinking it was just a mess from your startled awake movements and your hasty exit out of the tub, not realizing it was too much water to have been displaced by those two simple movements.
You were too concerned grumbling under your breath because you had to stop and mop up the water with towels while you were starting to freeze before you could dash off to your bedroom to get fresh pajamas to wander the house in.
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You had a thirty minute lunch break.
After finding it difficult to sleep the night before, and feeling groggy and unrested when you did wake up, you were looking forward to a quick nap in your car instead of using it to actually eat.  You were still fairly full after your breakfast this morning, so you were sure you could probably last until dinner if you skipped lunch.  You needed sleep more than food right now, anyway.
Alarm set for twenty minutes, seat leaned back as far as it would go and doors locked, your coat draped over you like a poor excuse for a blanket, you closed your eyes with a weary sigh, feeling slightly giddy at the thought of a few moment’s rest.
You’d just started to feel the falling sensation of nodding off despite the unorthodox bed you’d made yourself when you began to feel it between your legs.  The familiar sensation of fingers prodding, stroking, rubbing.
You should have known--falling asleep these days meant Levi would be there, even if it was for a few moments between shifts at work.
“Levi…” you grumbled, feeling those fingers already working your pants and panties off at the same time, or at least low enough to give him access.  Your eyes were still closed, as if keeping them closed gave you a better chance at slipping into the dreamless sleep that had alluded you since this started.
“I’ll keep it quick,” he promised, his lips and teeth grazing along your thighs and pelvis, making you shudder and moan softly, especially when you felt his breath puffing softly against the entrance of your pussy.  “Is that all right?” he murmured, already starting to part your folds to give his lips and tongue access.
Of course he was going to eat you out, the one sinful act that turned you to putty, that made your insides ache just at the thought.  You’d kill for the sight of him between your legs, and if you just turned your head a little and opened your eyes.
His tongue dipped inside you, and your body trembled, breath catching as you opened your tired eyes to look down at him, the world around you hazy as soon as he locked eyes with you.  You knew he was kneeling down between your legs, mouth locking around your labia as his tongue pushed deeper, making you squirm and moan slightly, hips rocking into his face.  His eyes never left yours, though.  The steel blue and grey burning intensely into you, watching your every move as if making sure you were responding the way he wanted to as the sound of him licking and sucking on his meal reached your ears, making you feel that lighthearted sense of quick arousal.  He released your labia to suddenly wrap his lips around your clit, tongue flicking mercilessly against it the same time he sucked gently on it.  Your breathing grew shallow as he alternated between your clit and your entrance, using his mouth alone to pleasure you, driving you quickly to an edge in what you thought might be record time.
It was like he was on a time limit.  Like he was trying to see how hard and fast he could make you cum.
When you whimpered, your body giving a warning tense and shudder, Levi suddenly pulled away, causing you to groan in disappointment.  You’d thought he’d been going for a quick orgasm, not--
He was crawling over you, hands placed carefully along your seat to avoid pressing down on you as he lined himself up, his hard cock pressing against your entrance and already leaking pre-cum.  Had he been keeping his hands free to get himself ready at the same time?
You didn’t get long to dwell on his methods before he was pushing inside you, your wound up body accepting him gratefully while you moaned, feeling his loosened, unbuttoned jeans rubbing against your thighs with every thrust.  One of his hands lifted your shirt so he could lower his head to your breast, doing something he hadn’t done in a while and letting his lips and hands play with your breasts and nipples while his cock thrusted into you, quickly filling you and causing the wet slap of skin on skin to fill the enclosed space of your car.
His grunts against the skin of your chest were quiet but still there, your body feeling unnaturally hot wherever he touched you, as if stirring you to further sensitivity that made you cum before you could even realize what was happening.
Were you really that easy to please when it came to him?  It was like you were cumming on command at this point, like it was a trained response to his advances.  It was a bit unfair.
Though, it helped that he tended to follow close after, like he was in a similar position.
Levi grunted far more audibly, muffling a low moan by wrapping his lips around one of your nipples while he rode out his own orgasm, hips bucking up deep into you a few times before he slowly pulled out, quietly cleaning himself up and making you both decent once again before you felt yourself slip into sleep for what felt like a few seconds.
You were woken up by your phone alarm going off, informing you that your time was up and you needed to get back to work.
At least he wasn’t ever ambitious in these daydream visits, keeping it to one and done so that you didn’t miss too much of what was happening in reality while you took these small day pleasure trips.
His timing could be a bit better, though.  This was starting to tax your sleep and general feeling of being rested.  If you couldn’t even close your eyes for a few moments without him showing up in an almost lucid dream to fuck you, your energy was about to evaporate.
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(One Week Ago)
You just wanted to shut your brain off for a while.  You were a couple doctor visits into trying to figure out what was happening to you, and work was killing you lately.  You had more aches and pains than normal, Levi’s frequent visits were leaving you feeling filled and stretched all the time, as well as tired, even if it was in your dreams--like it was somehow disrupting your rest.  It had been a rough day at work as well, and after all the rushing and trying to keep up with the awful pace of the day, you just wanted to be mindless for a while.
Maybe you should try to take some of your saved up vacation days to try and bounce back.  You were slipping into a state of constant exhaustion, and people were noticing.  Right now you could still function and manage despite it, but before long, you were certain you were going to crash and burn.  Hopefully it would be on a day off, and not on a day you were supposed to work.  You needed those paychecks.
Besides, you had more doctor’s visits coming up--more follow ups, more tests…
You sighed heavily, burying your face in the couch pillow as the sound of the TV turned into white noise.  You weren’t supposed to be thinking right now, just watching mindless television in a semi-fetal position on the couch.  You weren’t even interested in the show, honestly, it was just there, making it hard to focus and starting to build a restless feeling inside you.
As if you’d summoned him, you felt a weight behind you, an arm draping over your middle and slowly moving up the center of your chest in a light rub, legs molding into a half-bent position along yours, pelvis pressed up against your ass, his breath tickling your neck.
Right now, though, you didn’t much mind.  This was more ideal than recently.  Hell, you were the one bored out of your mind and not wanting to think right now.  But there was still that twinge of discomfort at the reminder of just how often he’d been coming to you recently.  You were starting to burn out.
Not yet, but you were getting there
“Do you mind?” he asked in a murmur along the top curve of your ear, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up.
“No,” you mumbled into the pillow, feeling his hand slowly start to slide under your clothes and undress you at the admission.  “But this is starting to get a bit excessive, you know.”
He paused for a moment, your jeans unbuttoned and unzipped, shirt pulled up partially, his hand slipped between your skin and the fabric of your jeans and panties, paused just short of pushing them downwards.
“But right now?” he asked hesitantly, needing a bit of clarification after your comment.
“Go ahead.  I don’t want to think right now.  Could you just...make me forget some things?” you answered, your voice still muffled by the pillow, yet he seemed to understand every word you said.
“I can do that,” he answered in a surprisingly reassuring purr, pushing your pants and panties down to your knees and leaving it up to you to push them further down--which you did, kicking them to the edge of the couch.  Once your legs were free, he grasped one of them and hooked it back behind his leg, spreading your legs open enough for him to have easy access.  His hand slipped back under your shirt after that, fingers stretching wide to stroke across your chest--and not just against your breasts.  His lips lazily trailed along your throat and neck, and his hips rocked against you from behind, causing his cock to rub against your ass and slide slightly between your cheeks, coming closer to your pussy inch by inch.  Unexpectedly, you felt his tail drape over the exposed thigh of the leg he’d draped behind his, coming up to your exposed pussy and starting to rub against your folds with the thicker, more muscly part of his tail while the tip tickled your abdomen and thighs as it flicked between the two.
You moaned quietly, leaning your head back and towards him, inadvertently giving him more access to more of your throat, which he promptly took advantage of, lips and teeth grazing against your skin.  “Just like that…”
His hand slid further up, appearing from beneath your collar and gripping lightly at your throat.  "Are you still mine?" He whispered in your ear, his voice causing you to shudder, and you felt his cock start to rub against your pussy as well, his other hand holding your leg firmly in place hooked around his and out of the way.
"Yes…" you sighed, his thumb stroking along your pulse point in your throat.
"Can I still breed you?"
His cock was perfectly positioned to thrust up into you, and you whimpered at the feel and his words, knowing well what came next.
"Yes, please," you whispered, moaning rather loudly when his tail shifted out of the way and his cock trusted up inside you in one sharp thrust. Not all the way, though.  You were tighter than usually, especially considering the bit of prep he'd given you and how willing you were right now.
Levi grunted, thrusting a little harder to push further in, his other hand pulling your leg further back to open you wide.
"Someone needs a good stretching if they're going to be bred like my good little cockslut," he whispered in your ear.  You hadn't realized how much you were missing the dirty talk until his words went right to your core and poured more heat in your belly.
As soon as he said it, you felt his tail start to slide in beside his cock.  The resulting stretch from the double penetration as more and more of him pushed inside your pussy made you whimper and cry out, even as his tail opened you up and made it easier for his cock to slide in.
While his cock trusted in and out of you in an effortless pace thanks to how wide and wet you were quickly becoming, his tail pushed a little further into the places his cock couldn't reach, coiling inside you and rubbing against your sweet spots.  You were a moaning mess, Levi's hand crawling a little higher to stick his fingers in your mouth, which you obediently began to suck, your pleased sounds now muffled by your efforts.
"You wanted to forget?  I'll make you forget.  You'll be my personal cum factory right now and tonight, and you can feed my hungry cock every sweet drop your pussy has to give.  Deal?" You nodded, moaning against his fingers, which he pulled out with a growled, "I can't hear you!"
"Yes!" You gasped, breath catching as you felt him coax an orgasm from your body seconds after he put his fingers back in your mouth.
He didn't stop thrusting after you came--he continued his merciless pace with the double penetration until he came.  At that point, he flipped you over so you were lying on your stomach, repositioning your legs so he could continue taking you, cumming what should have been impossibly two more times inside you from that position as your body started to struggle to prove him the orgasms from you that he thought.
You certainly forgot, though.  You forgot everything in those moments, except when he turned you over a third time  to take you again, lips locking with yours in that kiss that seemed to pull at your soul, lighting a fire inside your body that seemed to accelerate your recovery and squeeze out a few last orgasms from your drained body, his eyes locked with yours the whole time your body felt aflame, flickering between the steel blue and the black and gold.
With the last orgasm, your mind went white, memory of the whole thing going hazy, and you barely managed to stagger off the couch and to bed before slipping into a deep sleep, where he was waiting for you amid the black silks to continue like he'd promised, where there were no limitations to stop the two of you from going literally all night.
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The exhaustion was officially impacting your daily life.  Your friends were the first to notice that you were acting completely drained all the time, asking if you were getting enough sleep.  You’d simply snorted and gave the wry reply of too much sleep and tried to brush it off.
But then your coworkers started noticing.  You were slowing down, you ached and hurt more often and much easier, you made more mistakes.  Then your boss noticed, when it had gotten so bad that they pulled you aside for a discussion about your performance and to ask what was going on.
At that point, you had to come clean that you had some medical issues going on, and that you were seeing some doctors trying to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it.
That was how you ended up with a medical leave while your doctor’s visits continued--though it would only last so long before they would have to let you go.
On one of the nights that you didn’t have a doctor’s appointment, however, some of your friends had scheduled a night off so that all of you could go out.  It was a sweet gesture, an attempt to get your mind off of whatever was happening with you and the doctor’s visits, plus now the threat of possibly losing your job if you couldn’t figure out what was wrong with you and do something to help you work like you used to again.  There were a lot of stressors right now, and the night out was meant to help get your mind off them.  Dinner, a movie, some clubbing if you felt up to it by the end of the night.  Which you did.  Dinner had been great, the movie was good--it wasn’t one that was going to end up on your list of favorites, but it was still good--and you weren’t feeling particularly exhausted at the moment.  You felt rather at ease, and were still up to some fun.
So, you’d all gone to a local nightclub based on majority vote, all of you sticking close together and keeping an eye on one another for safety, moving in pairs, but for the majority, enjoying your night with loud music and each other’s company.
At one point, you decided to duck away to go to the bathroom.  You paired up with one of your friends to go for safety, but upon arriving, it was a single bathroom, so she waited outside while you went about your business inside.
The music was more muted in here, oddly enough, and it was a little more peaceful.  You hummed the lyrics of the song playing in the nightclub to yourself as you washed your hands, keeping your eyes down on the bubbles that lathered across your skin before watching them disappear down the drain, looking up to grab one of the paper towels from the dispenser next to you.
In the mirror, you saw someone standing behind you--no, not just someone, Levi.
Whether he was familiar to you or not, it was still extremely unexpected, considering you were alone in a locked room, and you whipped around with a startled scream that was quickly cut off by his hand over your mouth before it could reach a volume that could be heard outside by your friend.
Deep inside you, there was a twinge of fear as your mind started to race with questions at seeing him tangibly in front of you.  Had you fallen asleep?  No, you couldn't have, there was no moment for you to doze off, this had to be real.  If it was real, how the hell had he gotten inside?  The door was locked, your friend was outside the door, how else--?
What did he intend to do now that he was here?
The terrifying questions swirled up inside you as Levi pushed you back against the wall--firmly, but still gently, with his hand still over your mouth to keep you from crying out.
"Calm down, it's just me," he said soothingly, holding your wide eyed gaze.  "It's okay…"
You felt your body start to relax at his words, the fear suddenly lying draining away as you leaned in towards him, his hand pulling away from your mouth once it was clear you weren't going to scream again.
Of course it was okay.  He'd been  visiting you for how long now? Almost two months? And his visits always consisted of one thing, and it was never intentionally harmful considering the deal between you two had been for him to pleasure you.
Levi picked you up, setting you down on the sink counter with his hands on either side of your waist, watching you and your reactions intently.  You were looking around at the small one person bathroom with a slight frown before turning your attention back to his hypnotic gaze.
"I have to be dreaming, if I'm seeing you...Did I really fall asleep here?" You asked, feeling Levi's fingers grip your chin lightly, thumb brushing against your lips as he held your gaze, appearing to debate his answer.
"Yes," he eventually said.  His other hand removed itself from your side as he pressed closer, standing between your legs and undoing the button and zipper on his pants.  "May I?" He asked in a low murmur, pausing just short of pulling himself out.
You nodded hesitantly, even as a thrill went through you.  You'd always wanted to be daring enough to try public sex at least once.  Though, if you were asleep, did this really count?  You probably should have said no, with the way these escapades were affecting your daily life, but whenever he was standing in front of, his eyes locked with yours, making your body feel hot and needy and pulling you in with just his eyes, turning you to putty in his hands…
You couldn't say no.  Not that you'd tried to.
Besides, this approach was...different.  He seemed a little softer than he had been recently.  Recently it had been fuck after fuck, just pounding and pouring into you, filling you with his seed, draining you of your already low reserves of energy in the process.  Rough sex, quick sex, quick hits in the day to unleash his cock inside you at least once, and rough long nights where he experimented more and tried things out with you to keep things interesting, but the sex went on much, much longer, with more loads dumped in your pussy than you'd thought possible, physically.  But of course, they were dreams.  Levi could cum inside you as much as he wanted in dreams, there were no physical limits.
Now he seemed to be taking his time, his advances careful and thought out, patient and well placed.  He wasn't trying to stimulate you first for once--he'd pulled his cock out of his pants and was now rubbing himself to get himself worked up, gaze roaming over your body as he reached back to pull a small bottle of travel sized like out of his back pocket and add it onto his dick, making his cock glisten and a wet sound start to fill the bathroom.
Wait...had you ever seen him use lube before in your dreams?
You reached out towards his cock, replacing his hand with your own and starting to work him beneath your fingers, Levi moaning softly against your touch and thrusting slowly into your hand as he reached behind you to turn on the water and wash his hand of the lube as best as he could.
It didn't take too much to get him hard and ready to enter you, going from giving him a quick hand job to get him hard to teasing and playing with his cock while you waited for him, watching the precum leaking from his cock wet your fingers as you teased his tip.  Levi was undoing your pants and panties, getting them to shimmy down against the hard sink surface and fall into a bunch at your ankles, considering your shoes were still on.  Once the clothes weren't a problem anymore, he came closer, your hand removed from his cock as it started to press against your entrance experimentally.  You were a little wet, but this was going to burn some if he was going to just press inside you now like this.
As if to assume your concerns, one of his hands dipped between your legs, playing idly with your clit and folds between the rubbing along your entrance that his cock was doing.  At the same time, he leaned it--you thought to kiss you like he sometimes did, but his head angled at the last moment, and he started kissing and nibbling along your neck and jaw.
"I've been rough with you recently, haven't I?" He asked in a low murmur, lips moving against your ear.  "I'll be more gentle tonight, so you can rest," he promised, and with that, he finally pushed inside you, little at a time.  It was still a burning stretch, though the lube made it easier, Levi grunting slightly and letting out lewd little exhales against your skin as he pushed deeper and deeper.  And, once he managed to bury himself all the way inside you, he started his thrusting in and out.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, the sensation somehow feeling new and delicious despite the simplicity of what the two of you were doing.  Levi continued to lather your throat with attention, though you noticed he wasn't marking you this time, maybe as part of his promise to be gentler with you tonight.  Levi continued his thrusts inside you, and you arched against him, head thrown back, ass sliding closer to the edge of the counter and him, pushing him deeper inside you as you let out a deep moan.
Why did this feel so good?
"That's a good girl...that's it...cum for me, next. Just one small orgasm.  Come on...we're almost there.  Climax with me," Levi encouraged you, switching to praise for once instead of pure dirty talk and some degradation.  It worked, though, shudders and tingles going through your whole body as you felt yourself pulled to an orgasm, cumming not long before Levi and feeling a bit of a leak along your inner thighs.
Levi started to pull out and away, but you stopped him, gripping to his shirt sleeve before he could pull all the way out.  'Wait, wait--again.  Please."
"I'm trying to be gentle with you," Levi said cautiously after a moment's pause.
"I know, but it...it feels so good...and so different...just one more--I have one more in me," you pleaded, pulling him closer again by the sleeve and feeling his cock slipping back inside you from the proximity.  Levi glanced at the door, then back at your needy expression.
"All right, one more," he relented, wrapping his arms under your ass to pick you up, causing you to slide further onto his cock in the process before he had you squeeze his waist with your knees and thighs--you couldn't wrap your legs around him considering your shoes kept your panties and pants from sliding entirely off.  He pressed your back up against the wall to help support you, sliding you down enough that you were more accessible but you weren't going to slide free and fall to the floor in the middle of sex.
Once he had you in place, chest pressed against yours for some added stability, he started to thrust up into you, your body still sensitive from the last orgasm.  Which meant it wouldn't take long, but it was still going to feel amazing.
Between his grunts and your moans, it was easy to tune out the sound of the club outside the bathroom, your fingers digging into his back as your body shuddered where it was trapped between him and the wall.
"Y/N?  Are you okay in there?  It's been a while…"
Your friend's voice was unexpected, and almost pulled you out of the moment entirely, except for the fact that Levi gave a sharp thrust that made you whimper and any attempt at a reply cut off.
"What's some public sex without a little risk?" He murmured against your ear, and you felt his words go straight to your core, warmth pooling and threatening to spill over with how close you already were.
You'd lost your voice for a moment, and your friend knocked on the door.  Levi kept thrusting though, unbothered, like discovery wasn't going to stop him.
"Are you going to answer her? Before she gets security to unlock the door and catch us?" Levi asked in a challenge, even as he picked up the pace and made it harder for you to answer.
But you had to before she could interrupt further, like he said.
"I'm okay!" You called back quickly as Levi was pulling out, biting down on your moan as he thrust back inside, his teeth nibbling at your collar.  "Just give me...a few minutes," you hurried to say, mouth falling open in a soundless gasp as you leaned your head back, so close to the edge.
"Minutes?  Are you planning on asking for more?" Levi asked.  He had a point, you were seconds away from falling apart under him.
"Keep going," you gasped in response, not about to be left hanging right here.  He chuckled slightly at your curt response, but obeyed, continuing to thrust up into you.  You knew his pace could be much more punishing, which just further confirmed that he was being careful with you.  Though this definitely provided more of a build up with a delicious pay off.
With a few more thrusts, Levi pulled another orgasm from you, a small whimper escaping your lips as you went limp around him and he had to hold you up, your breathing shallow.
"That's enough for now--you still have your evening to enjoy," Levi said before you could ask for one more, carrying you over to the sink and using the water and paper towels to clean you and himself up while you were catching your breath.  Once you were fully clothed again and he'd tucked himself away, he threaded his fingers through your hair on either side, holding your gaze intently.  "Besides...I'll be back tonight," he said in a low voice.
The next thing you knew you were sitting on your knees on the floor with a nasty head rush, vision coming slowly back from a full back, your hand leaning back to catch yourself on the cold floor.  Disorientation and confusion seeped through your whole body, a hand on your head to try and stop the room from spinning, even as you realized that familiar after-sex feeling you had from your dreams felt far more real and tangible than ever before.
What the hell just happened?
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Yet another doctor’s appointment.
You had more symptoms to give them this time, though you were pretty sure it wasn’t from whatever was afflicting you.  If anything, it was a result of the exhaustion you were dealing with.  Your physical health had started to plummet as well, and you were getting sick more often.  Nothing serious that required hospital stays, but you were waking up with aches and pains beyond what was caused from the sex in your dreams.  You also had headaches, lethargy and no energy, and you were even starting to get nauseous, throwing up and having problems stomaching some food…
Most of it was in the mornings, but it didn’t get much better the further into the day it got.
Not only was your physical health being affected, but at this point, the uncertainty of what was happening was starting to scare you as well as the apparent increase in these sexual dreams, despite Levi’s occasional reassurances.  Obviously it hadn’t scared you right away, especially since it seemed as soon as you started to actually become fearful, the dreams would mellow.  Some of that distance between yourself and Levi would melt away in favor of reassurance, luring you back into a false sense of security before you were back in the hospital, back to discussing what was wrong with you, reminded of the series of visits trying to diagnose your strange condition with no luck.
Until, today, it reached an abrupt and impossible revelation with something they hadn’t even been testing for, to your knowledge.
Everything you thought you’d known, upended.  All the dreams, both night and day, Levi’s visits, your struggle with how real it always seemed despite the fact they were almost always clearly dreams, everything simply...stopped, with two simple words from your most recent doctor.
“You’re pregnant.”
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Next Part---->
Levi Tags:   @humanitys-hottestsoldier @clary-quinn​ @sunny-flo​ @whalerus​  @thirstyforsometea​ @peaches-and-clouds
A Demon’s Promise Tags:  @wo-ming-bai @rindulacre @seeeyounara @myherotrashbin​ @roseestuosity​
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trsilvers · 3 years
What is your favourite quote for each Team Rocket character?
Good question. This took me a hot minute but was really fun to think about.
Jessie - “Thank badness we’re alive!!!” I actually don’t remember which episode this is from, I tried to google it, but I specifically remember it because I used to quote it all the time. I just thought the idea that villains would actually say “thank badness” was hilarious.
James - Zero is a gross exaggeration, we are at least two to three percent worthwhile! (Talkin’ Bout an Evolution) James has like a million great quotes but I always loved this one. You have to appreciate his candid self-awareness 😂 A lot of my favorite Jessie and James moments are where they happily admit they are failures but remain totally undeterred. Also - literally ANYTHING he says in the Flaming Moltres episode 😂
Meowth - “Maybe if we started lookin at what’s the same instead of what’s different…well, who knows?” This is part of his little monologue in the first movie when he’s talking to the clone Meowth, I always loved this quote. I mean, what a great sentiment, delivered in a touching way that only Meowth could do.
Cassidy - “Oh I’m still shaking like a leaf officer thank goodness you were here to stop them before they hurt the Pokémon ~ oh!” (The Breeding Center Secret) Butch and Cassidy have a lot of great quotes, especially from chronicles where they started getting played for laughs, but I really love this one because it highlights Cassidy’s ability to turn on and off this fake persona she’s created totally effortlessly. The delivery of this line is just 10/10. No other episode has really showcased her ability to do that as well as their first appearance, but I always loved that about her. She deserves an award for that performance lmao 😂😂
Butch - “I am, but I like dry socks.” (Showdown at the Oak Corral) I’m sorry, there are also a lot of better Butch quotes than this but I have to pick this one because it made me laugh like no other. The man likes dry socks, ok? 😂 Also I think I just like it because it’s a little glimpse into Butch as a person, he seems like he can be a little particular about stuff.
Domino - “I’m like a totally off the hook fan of yours! I wanna be just like you when I get old!” (Mewtwo Returns) Domino, like Cassidy, has the ability to adopt a fake persona and do a REALLY good job at pretending she’s somebody she’s not. I love her ditzy voice she uses when she’s undercover, but this quote in particular because even when she’s trying to be cute and sweet, this was a pretty backhanded compliment to throw at that doctor. (I forget her name, but she wasn’t even old 😂) It was pretty funny.
Wendy - “Revenge is sweet, my dear Jessie.” (Dues and Don’ts) I mean, you have to love a good long grudge. The fact that Team Rocket even has an HR department is hilarious on its own, but the fact that it seems to be led by a woman who held onto a personal vendetta against a fellow employee for YEARS, all because of a fruit smoothie, is even better.
Attila - “I used to collect them, they’re very sweet creatures.” (Legend of Thunder) I’m pretty sure this is a dub only fact about Attila, but I absolutely love the way they dubbed Attila and the idea of someone like him with a soft spot for Caterpie is just…I love it 😂 Seriously though Attila has a whole score of cheesy dialogue, and I love almost every single thing he says. Yippie Yi Yay 😂
Hun- “You don’t get to run the world by being fair; you get to run the world by being nasty!” (Legend of Thunder) Hun…who hurt you? 😂😂😂 Do you need a hug? This was tough because there are multiple times in LoT that Hun has to try and keep Attila on task, which I love, but I picked this quote as my fav because I like that little glimpse into Hun’s sinister personal ideals.
Tyson - “You look a little…tied up! BAHAHAHAHAJSJFGSHKJAFLSNWSA” (Talkin Bout an Evolution) I’m sorry, I love bad puns, and that exaggerated laugh he does at the end, I love it so much 😂😂😂 There are lots of bad puns in the Pokémon anime, but this one…it’s the laughing at his own joke for me 🤣 And the fact that none of the grunts with him are laughing at all, dub or original. You can tell this is a frequent occurrence and they’re just over it. 😂😂😂
Pierce - “Then we’ll just have to see how good you are. *laugh*” - this might seem like a weird quote, but I picked it solely because of that little laugh he does at the end. Pierce unfortunately didn’t get that much screen time, so he’s not super quotable :( Which is a shame because he really, REALLY has a nice voice. It might actually be my second or third favorite, behind Sebastian and *maybe* Attila (only because I think it suits him so well)
Professor Namba - (singing) “Rage, rage, bring out your raaaaage!” (One of the Lugia episodes, I forget which one) 11/10 beautiful vocals, clearly should have been a singer and not a scientist. Seriously though the fact that Namba can be in the midst of such a cruel experiment and stand there and sing a song about it really highlights his insanity and I love it.
Dr Zager - “CURSES!!” (I forget the episode title, I’m so sorry) Again, someone who sadly didn’t get that much screen time, BUT we do at least have this quote. He’s overall a pretty serious character and doesn’t have any especially memorable lines…except this one. 😂 I love it. Very old-fashioned villain, Old Man Yells At Cloud energy here 😂😂😂
Professor Sebastian - “If you’ll kindly follow me, I believe you’ll find this…electrifying.” (Legend of Thunder) this is REALLY hard because I love everything he says, but once again my appreciation for bad puns wins out in the end. Also the confirmation that Sebastian does have a sense of humor, however bad, makes me very happy. 😂 Would watch an entire episode of Sebastian and Tyson making terrible puns. No, actually, an entire feature length film.
Giovanni - “I haven’t had any repairs done to those old blimps for decades. They’re completely unfit to fly. About the only thing I have maintained on those blimps are their insurance policies.” (A Scare in the Air) this is not only my favorite Gio quote but one of my favorite moments in the entire anime because it’s so dark. I even posted about it recently. Giovanni actually tries to have three of his employees killed and profit off of their deaths via insurance fraud. AND HE DOES IT IN SUCH A CAVALIER WAY YOU KNOW IT’S NOT HIS FIRST TIME DOING IT. Also you really have to just appreciate the confirmation that insurance - an evil greater than Team Rocket- exists in the Pokémon world.
(I’m sorry if some of these quotes are not exact word for word, I tried to google to confirm I’m remembering it correctly, but it’s not as easy to find some of these as you might think 😂)
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