#the first fifth is an incorrect quotes
einsteinsugly · 2 years
If Everyone in Season 8 Was Being Honest...
Jackie: But you know, you always see these beautiful women with these really *nothing* guys…you could be one of those guys!
Pan out, to Fez. Surrounded by the gang, in the circle.
Donna: Oh, yeah! You could do that!
Hyde: That could be you.
Fez: You think?
Jackie: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. *Dramatically flipping her hair, and Fez is intrigued, as Jackie abruptly flips the script* I'm one of those beautiful women, but I don't get with *nothing* guys. My list is just a desperate cry for help, and everyone only supports me because they're all sad and desperate too.
Fez gulps, and as Donna thinks, she abruptly awakens. From her desperate slumber.
Donna: Fez, with the way you've been acting lately, you've really been one of those *nothing* guys. *Glaring at Hyde* And so have you, Hyde.
Hyde stews, but Fez releases his venom.
Fez: Well, you haven't been yourself lately. You've been as shallow and fake as your hair.
A brief silence ensues.
Donna (awkwardly musing): Maybe we should move on from Point Place, and get our acts together...
Fez: But it's in my contract. I have to end up with Jackie.
Jackie: But you're only going to be a distraction, Fezzie. From the real deal.
The gang and the cameras focus on Hyde.
Hyde: I'm the real deal.
A long silence ensues, and Donna gets up.
Donna: Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to break up with Randy, go back to my roots, and go back to school. And maybe Eric can join me, if he gets his ass in gear.
Donna leaves, and Jackie gets up, too.
Jackie: Yeah, I've been thinking. I deserve way better than being a hair sweeper. I'm thinking of going back to school, too. Bye!
Meanwhile, Hyde and Fez are left alone.
Fez: Are we really *nothing* guys?
Hyde (with a solemn nod): Yep. *Shaking his head* When Kelso looks like a fuckin' saint compared to us, you know we've got issues.
Another awkward silence ensues, as Fez clears his throat.
Fez: You think Jackie would ever go back to...
Hyde (now smoking a joint): Nah, not a happy Jackie.
Fez: Ai, Kelso's been talking my ear off about how much he wants to get with Brooke. *With a dramatic pause* I am so, so alone.
Hyde: You're half in love with him, aren't you?
Fez (now sobbing, as Hyde hands him the joint): But he's in love with Brooke!
Hyde: At least he's not in love with Jackie.
Fez: That would be you, Jackie-lover.
Hyde sighs.
Hyde: Guess I've got a lot to make up for. *With an awkward pause* Forman's gonna yell at me when he gets home, like when he told Red to wear a hat.
Hyde gets up, and leaves. Leaving Fez alone.
Fez (still sobbing, with a solemn nod): He'll yell at all of us!
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golyadkin · 3 months
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you can trust them, they're super scientists
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hesgomorrah · 2 years
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assorted doctors + more text posts (see more)
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incorrect-mairuma · 8 months
Wett: So Shiida is my newest recruit, let's all give her a warm welcome!
Shiida: ...Why are they all looking at me like I'm a zoo animal?
Miki: Well, Wett acts as sort of the dad of the group, so this is kind of like being told you're a new mom or something.
Shiida: ...But it's nothing like that, right?
Atori: Absolutely not! By the way, do you cook macaroni?
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just-busy-dreaming · 1 year
Incorrect Doctor Who Quotes #2
Tenth Doctor: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet. Sarah Jane Smith: Rose Tyler: The Brigadier: Everyone Else At The Doctor’s Surprise Birthday Party: Sarah Jane Smith: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Twelfth Doctor: Dumbest scar stories, go! Eighth Doctor: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Eleventh Doctor: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it. Fourth Doctor: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Sixth Doctor: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Ninth Doctor: Ninth Doctor: I have emotional scars.
*The Doctors reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Seventh Doctor: Thanks fam!
Eleventh Doctor: oh no
Eighth Doctor: *cries* I love you too
Twelfth Doctor: Sounds fake but okay
Fifth Doctor: *A flustered mess*
Tenth Doctor: can i get a refund
The Twelfth Doctor, walking into the TARDIS: Hello, people who do not live here. Amy Pond: Hey. Lucie Miller: Hi. Rose Tyler: Hello. Ace McShane: Hey! Twelfth Doctor: I gave you the key to my TARDIS for emergencies only! Clara Oswald: We were out of Doritos.
Fourth Doctor: Rules are made to be broken.
The Brigadier: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Sixth Doctor: Uh, piñatas.
Eleventh Doctor: Glow sticks.
Third Doctor: Karate boards.
Eighth Doctor: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Fourth Doctor: Rules.
The Brigadier:
(I'm enjoying myself way too much with these)
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wierdshenanigans · 5 months
random things me and my friends texted each other, without context
"did the microwave call you dumb or do I have to"
"Is that even legal in public because if it is then why"
"Did I ever tell you I hated her back then" "Its getting harder to believe you still dont each time you tell me about it"
"How much did you cost though"
"Did they ever ask for a refund or did they lose the receipt" "I don't think my parents lost my adoption papers, Kyle"
"Hey if a sinner trades their soul to the devil for something are they technically scamming the devil since their soul is ending up in hell anyway?" "You're not even Christian why do you have thoughts like this"
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John Sheridan Does Not Snore, Ever
Lizzie: you snore.
Sheridan: no, YOU snore.
Lizzie: no, YOU snore.
Sheridan: no, YOU sno—
Lochley: you snore.
Sheridan: I do not, and you know it.
Anna: you snore.
Sheridan: no, I don’t snore, that’s not possible.
Ivanova: you snore.
Sheridan: no. I do NOT, Commander!
Ivanova, giving him The Look: uh-huh.
Sheridan: okay, well, maybe you heard something that kinda-sorta-maybe sounded like snoring from the desk-side of my office, because I know I don’t snore.
Ivanova: yeah. maybe.
Delenn: you snore.
Sheridan: not snoring. that was me meditating, and you know it.
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redrapscalian · 10 months
For Everyone New to Batfam Fandom
Do all the Robins in fanart look identical to you? Here's how to tell your BatBoys apart:
Dick Grayson: First Robin, oldest. Anything talking about "big brother moment/vibes/energy" is likely Dick. In the height lineup he is second tallest, and his hair has a little swoop off to the side. In incorrect quotes and art he's generally a soft "big bro" character and "innocent" (everyone knows he isn't and it's kind of a meme at this point). Is he wearing blue? Doing gymnastics? Wearing the Nightwing suit? Have a blue speech bubble/text? Blue character line art? Dick Grayson. In his early Robin days he had the least amount of pants.
Jason Todd: Second Robin, second oldest. He's the big boy, the tallest one, absolute tank of a man. He's usually drawn with a white streak in his hair and a bit gruff/scraggly looking. Angy. He's also known as Red Hood/The Red Hood and wears a- you guessed it- full-face red mask. "Has gun" is a staple in a lot of his art. While the other Robins carry staffs, swords, and various bomb weapons, Jason actually invested in a firearm. His fandom-assigned colour is red, so red text, line art, and speech bubbles is Jason. His early Robin suit has slightly more pants than Dick got, but they're still in briefs territory.
Tim Drake: Third Robin, he actually got pants with his robin suit. Depending on the art, he's usually drawn with a sort of crew-cut hairstyle or curtain middle part. Typically drawn as a teenager/younger adult, and third in the height order. Does he look like a little nerd? That's because he is, that's Tim for 'ya. Is the Robin hopelessly sleep deprived, chugging cups of coffee, or hacking the pentagon? Tim Drake! Tim's colour is typically yellow, so text, speech bubbles, etc, you get the idea.
Stephanie Brown: Fourth Robin. The girl one. But seriously, she's blonde, generally a positive influence in art, but is a wild card for all intents and purposes. She's special in that people use her presence in incorrect quotes and art to be either peacekeeping and an angel or a complete agent of chaos, and it can flip flop either way. I've seen her colour be pink, baby blue, and a few other colours. Wears a pretty typical Robin suit.
Damien Wayne: Fifth Robin, Batman's biological son. He's the youngest and smallest, drawn with darker skin and usually short, neat hair. Says "father" instead of dad and talks very formally. Typically a rabid child in most fanart, he wields two swords and is seen threatening violence upon his brothers in art and incorrect quotes. Loves animals and is sometimes drawn with his dog. His Robin suit is mostly black with some yellow highlights, and his domino mask is green instead of black like the other Robins. His colour is green, so green text bubbles, line art, and text are probably Damien.
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lovepersevering13 · 6 months
elaborate on tori springs autism
Ok I’m gonna start this by saying that the topic I’m most passionate about in the entire universe is Tori Spring (As well as Michael, Charlie and Oliver) being a very autistic coded character and so this post is a very long info dump about it because it consumes almost all of my waking thoughts.
Anyway, quick summary, I believe that Tori Spring has autism because of her social struggles, mannerisms and general outlook on life. Like how she always talks about not fitting in, she gets really obsessed with specific things (Star Wars and Solitaire) and she struggles to express her emotions, often leading up to an intense emotional outburst (Autistic meltdown).
Forewarning - I am obviously not a licensed psychiatrist (I’m literally just a mentally ill teenage girl) and so I don’t actually have the capability to diagnose anyone, I just have a lot of time to waste studying the DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision) and analysing Tori Spring. Also, Autism is different for everyone and this is just one perspective of it based on research and the DSM-5 which obviously doesn’t cover every autistic persons experience. OH, Also, I tried really hard to focus on using ‘person-first’ language when I was writing it but I may have messed up a few times so let me know if I did! Also let me know if there is anything else incorrect here so I can fix it :)
Ok now that’s out of the way I will start with what we know is true: Tori Spring likely struggles with Depression. It’s a generally accepted fact amoungst the fandom due to Tori’s negative outlook on life and suicidal ideation (at the end of Solitiare). Now, why is this relevant? Well Autism and Depression are often comorbid diagnosis, people with Autism being 4 times more likely than Neurotypical’s to experience a diagnosis of Depression.
So she’s already got that going for her, let’s take a look at Solitaire and some excerpts from that which highlight different aspects of the Autism diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5. This is based of what I annotated the first time I read Solitaire about a year ago there may be more that I missed.
A. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
- “No- Tori just held a conversation by herself” - Becky Allen, Solitaire, Page 28
- “I think you’re breaking down.” I cough loudly. “I’m not a car.” Solitaire, page 311.
In this quote Tori is taking things wayyy too literally which is common amoungst many people with Autism due to the way they process information.
- “I think… it’s unlikely that anyone would want to catch a grenade for anyone else. Or jump I doesn’t of a train for anyone else. That’s very counterproductive.” Solitaire, Page 45
Again the literal thinking (I also have this exact thought every time I hear this song).
- “I drift away and picture myself….” Solitaire, Page 33
Ok so I didn’t want to include this entire quote because it’s really long but essentially she’s thinking about what it would be like to be, for lack of better word, neurotypical. To be confident in social interactions and always say the right thing, say things that people are interested in and to not be awkward or shy.
- “I quite like cats, and I saw it for the first time at lunch in the cafeteria. I almost felt like I’d made a new friend,” Solitaire, Page 68
Often people with Autism prefer interaction with animals, this is theorised to be because social interaction with animals can compensate for a lack of social interaction with peers. Oh also a lot of people say that cats are kinda autistic coded animals because of their similar mannerisms to people with autism.
- “Emotions are humanities fatal disease.” Solitaire, Page 346
2. Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, ranging, for example, from poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication; to abnormalities in eye contact and body language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal communication.
- “I think it’s important to make the effort. Social conventions and all,” Solitaire, page 43
- “I need to control my staring” Solitaire, page 45
3. Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends; to absence of interest in peers.
- “Then again, I don’t feel very similar to anyone at all” Solitaire, Page 20
Many people who have Autism (Especially Women) often report that they don’t “fit in” with their peers, there are a variety of reasons for this but it is often related to masking and just generally struggling to socialise the same way their Neurotypical peers do.
- “There’s a time and a place for being normal. For most people, normal is their default setting. But for some, like you and me, normal is something we have to bring out, like putting on a suit for a posh dinner.” - Michael Holden, Solitaire, Page 61
This quote from Michael is one of my favourites in Solitaire and I feel heavily related to the autistic experience. It pretty much perfectly describes the experience of autistic masking.
- “I thought it’d be nice to try and rekindle this friendship. But it’s too hard. I don’t want to talk to anyone.” Solitaire, Page 99
- “I’m no expert on social etiquette.” Solitaire, Page 140
B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, as manifested by at least two of the following, currently or by history (examples are illustrative, not exhaustive; see text):
1. Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech (e.g., simple motor stereotypes, lining up toys or flipping objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases).
- “I kick the floor and spin. The world hurricanes around me. I don’t know how long I do this,” Solitaire, Page 84
This quote is just Tori stimming, she stims quite a bit in the book but this was just one example I picked.
- “I watch that scene three times and then turn it off,” Solitaire, Page 102
- “Playing ‘Fix You’ by Coldplay over and over on repeat” Solitaire, (I forgot the page)
These are another two examples of stimming that I wanted to include because it shows different forms of stimming (repeatedly watching or listening to something) that aren’t talked about as much.
2. Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior (e.g., extreme distress at small changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid thinking patterns, greeting rituals, need to take same route or eat same food every day).
- “It’s not a very funny programs but I still seem to watch at least on episode every single day.” Solitaire, Page 100
While this could just be because it’s on tv I figured if she really didn’t enjoy the show she could definitely watch something else. This is probably an example of “preservation” which is a coping mechanism that helps people with autism to find comfort in predictability and routine.
3. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests).
- “The matter of the fact is that Star Wars was actually a major obsession of mine when I was a kid” Solitaire, Page 24
Apparently most children don’t have extreme, obsessions that consume all of their waking thoughts (I cannot attest to this, I’ve been hyper fixating on random stuff since I was like 2). Anyway, hyper fixation is a sign of Autism which is often overlooked in girls because it’s usually something related to pop culture and is ignored as just being “fangirling”.
- “I have already stuck all of Solitaires previous posts. My wall is completely covered.” Solitaire, Page 297
This is only one example but if you’ve read solitaire you’ll know that Tori gets very obsessed with solitaire and especially toward the end of the book I’d argue that it does start to become quite a hyper fixation.
4. Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment (e.g. apparent indifference to pain/temperature, adverse response to specific sounds or textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects, visual fascination with lights or movement).
- “I started to feel all this hair on my forehead and my cheeks and how it plastered my shoulders and back and I felt it creeping around me like worms, choking me to death.” Solitaire, Page 15
So this is an example of sensory overload, while this can affect anyone, it is very common in people with Autism as they often have a hyper awareness of sensory stimuli, causing it to become very overwhelming. So this can happen with things like sound as well and I didn’t put it in here but there is another quote when she’s at Becky’s party talking about how loud it is.
- “At some point I fall asleep but I can here all these creaky noises coming from outside” Solitaire, page 65
So this quote isn’t exactly that special but it’s the way she brings it up every time she sleeps, like she’s so hyper aware of the sounds outside that it begins to prevent her from sleeping.
Here are some other miscellaneous quotes that I wanted to throw in because I think they are relevant:
- “Who would I be,” I ask at one point, “if I were any of the Big Bang theory characters?”
“Sheldon,” - Charlie Spring, Solitaire, Page 100
This quote is nothing really I just thought it was interesting that Charlie related Tori to Sheldon as he’s generally seen as another autistic coded character (No matter how problematic that may be, I haven’t actually seen the show I just know a lot of people with Autism think it’s poor representation)
- “I don’t want people to try and understand why I am the way I am, because I should be the first person to understand that and I don’t understand yet.” Solitaire, (I lost the page)
- “I’ve got to do something,” I keep saying,” Solitaire, Page 272
Ok so throughout Solitaire (and ‘This Winter’ and the ‘Heartstopper’ graphic novels) Tori displays a very high sense of empathy. Main examples of this are with her brother Charlie and in that scene where Ben Hope gets beat up at the Solitaire meet up. Stereotypically people with autism have a low sense of empathy but actually it’s a spectrum and many people with autism (more often girls) experience a heightened sense of empathy.
- “Before boys, before sex, before alcohol, before she started to move on while I stayed exactly where I was.” Solitaire, Page 353
In girls signs of Autism generally begin to manifest more during their tween/teenage years. Girls who appeared to be progressing at a similar rate to their peers may begin to fall behind due to the increased social and academic pressure. This quote could however be more related to Tori being asexual, which we will get into now.
Asexuality and Autism
As confirmed in volume 5 of Heartstopper, Tori Spring is asexual. People with Autism are 2-3 times more likely to identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Especially, the aroace community. The studies I looked at said around 30% of people with Autism also identified as aro/ace, this is also more common in women with Autism than men.
Autistic Meltdowns
So in addition to those direct quotes a repeated occurrence throughout Solitaire is Tori’s emotions bubbling up and eventually bursting out… and what could these outburst actually be? Autistic Meltdown.
The main examples that come to mind for Tori are the fight with Michael, that scene where Charlie asks if she’s ok and she starts crying and the scene where she’s talking to Lucas about Charlie at the concert.
Safe Foods
Ok Tori’s obsession with diet lemonade is kind of iconic. People with Autism often tend to have ‘safe foods’ that don’t trigger sensory issues, usually these are specific things with consistent, safe, tastes. For Tori, this is diet lemonade. Another thing to point out about this is the fact that she always uses straws which is possibly either a sensory thing or a routine :)
Ok, that’s about it… I don’t believe anyone would actually read all that but if you did… damn, thanks :))
Some of the resources I used:
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prongsiess · 2 years
Incorrect Marauders quotes as stuff my friends have said in the past 3 years:
Remus: can I steal a chocolate?
Lily, who just witnessed Remus give a first year detention for looking at Sirius: I mean, you don’t deserve it but sure
*James, menacingly holding out toast with jam towards moony*
Remus: ok no, we’re not force feeding me
Regulus: you mean the ceiling?
James: yeah… I was gonna call it the sky floor
Peter: on a scale of potato to nun, I am a potato
Mary, looking at Lily: on a scale of pre-marital sex to the pope, how religious are you?
Lily, who just spent 8 hours studying for NEWTS: I’m just trying to eat my supper
Marlene: do I trust you with hot wax near my vagina…?
Sirius, already putting on medical gloves and heating up the wax machine: please do
Pandora, scratching their eye: there’s something in my eye
Regulus, not even looking up from his book: your finger
Barty: you’re not a cat
Regulus, transforms into his animagus form: meow
James, half conscious on the pitch after a quidditch accident: my toes are asleep
Regulus, frantic and crying: wake them up, scream at them, I DON’T KNOW
Lily: you look like slutty Dora the Explorer
Sirius, very proud of his outfit: WHORA
Mary, talking about her pet cat: the vet’s gonna cut off his balls. Maybe it’ll make him calmer
Lily, looking over to James who’s trying to climb a chandelier: we should do that to James
Regulus: what if I hang myself
James: that’s exactly why we’re bringing you to therapy
Dorcas, looking pensively at the wall: do you know what triggers a woman?
Peter: what does?
Dorcas: oh i don’t know, I just wanted to sound smart
Mary, a pansexual third year talking about her crush on this sixth year quidditch player: those arm veins really do something to me
Frank, a straight fifth year, observing this dude’s arm very attentively: yes, very sexy
Pandora: am I the only one that thinks its hot right now
Barty, who’s learning muggle medical terms to spite his father: yeah I’m in menopause too
James, deathly afraid of birds: if I was bird I’d scare myself to death
Regulus: I mean, it could be fun. We could shit on people
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lilborealis · 9 months
incorrect quotes? Incorrect quotes.
Evie:please, be straight with me.
Jacob:Eves, you know I can’t do that.
Hinata:guess I’m too tough to cry!
Tsukishima:you were crying about snakes yesterday.
Kuroo:you ever get so tired you start seeing spiders?
Kenma:me after I take seventeen Benadryl and start seeing the Hatman
Kenma:oh this is not a safe space suddenly
Price:SOAP NO!
Soap:what?! I didn’t do anything!
Price:sorry, force of habit. GAZ NO!
Abberline:how do the Frye’s usually get out of these messes?
Henry, so very tired:they don’t, they just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one.
Rudy:would you please not Alejandro this into a situation worse than it already is?
Alejandro:….did you just use my name as a verb?
Altair:I’m such an idiot!
*long pause*
Malik:if you’re waiting for me to disagree, it’s going to be a long night!
Graves:must you always attack me with words?
Alejandro:what, you want me to use rocks?
Evie:That’s It, I’m not getting into anymore stupid debates with you.
Jacob, not even looking up:Earth’s not a planet.
“THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF BEING TEAMMATES THAT IS ATTEMPTED MURDER!”-Ennoshita yelling at Kageyama not to murder Tsukishima for the fifth time in two days
Kiyoko, watching people do something stupid:man, those guys are idiots.
Kiyoko, realizing it’s her boys:oh god, those are my idiots.
Literally Anyone:I’m gonna ask you to be respectful here.
Gojo:I will politely decline.
Lyla:where are you going?
Miguel:to either get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way.
Hobie:are you in love with Gwendy?
Hobie:then why are you drawing ‘M+G’ in hearts everywhere?
Miles:*still sweating* it stands for malice and greed.
Hobie:hey, Pav?
Hobie:do you know the difference between you and plants?
Hobie:plants grow.
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*makes my first smurfs oc since middle school* oops
info + id below cut
This is Smurfcamellia! Also known as Camellia, and mostly just Cam. She's athletic, loyal, and competitive, but also reckless, impatient, and inattentive. (Basically, the Tuffy to Storm's Hefty, right down to having a deep... *admiration* of the other character :P)
She was born with congenital cataracts, so while she can still see colors, everything is extremely fuzzy and faded. Willow made sure she never felt like she couldn't do things so she never thought of her blindness as an issue (although, she does get annoyed when people move things around without warning). She uses a magnifying glass to read and write - at least, she's supposed to, but most of the time she's left it at home. (And even at home, she swears she left it on the desk. Or the table? (narrator voice: somehow, it was in the pantry.))
Camellias are one of my favorite flowers specifically bc I always find them blooming in the park in the middle of winter when all the other plants are dead, so I'm translating that into Cam having a freakishly high cold tolerance and LOVE of ice cream. It's her life goal to eat every ice cream flavor on Earth. (Her current favorite is Strawberry.)
bonus since I was playing around with the incorrect quotes generator
[ID: several colored digital drawings of a female Smurf with short wavy blue hair, freckles, a tan dress, a light pink vest, a black belt, tan shoes and a tan hat with a pink flower. In the first image she is smiling with one hand on her hip and holding a white cane with the other. In the second image she is kicking a soccer ball with a look of concentration on her face. The soccer ball has musical notes coming out of it. The third image is her from the waist up in her regular clothes, smiling next to another female Smurf with long hair, wearing a thick pink jacket and shivering as snow falls around them. The fourth image is her standing next to a large old-fashioned radio with her cane folded into her belt, wearing corded headphones and listening curiously. The radio is brown and has white tape near the switches and dials. The fifth image is her holding a mint chocolate ice cream cone and looking down at it while smiling with her tongue out. The sixth image is of her home, a dome-shaped structure covered in green leaves with a dark pink curtain for the door and window, a bush with purple flowers under the window, a rope fence around the perimeter, and black and yellow striped paint at the entrance to the property where the bridge starts. At the top corner is the lesbian flag, graysexual flag, and ADHD flag. There is also her signature, which is written in large cursive with the letters squished close together, and a list of likes and dislikes that read "Likes: sports, ice cream, flowers (especially fragrant ones), Storm. Dislikes: sitting still, reading, people moving things around." /End ID.]
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smzeszikorova · 11 months
Yet Another Silly P&K Guessing Game
Who's ready for another guessing game?
(Everyone's hands go up, because I'm the narrator.)
Rules are a little different this time. Your job is to try pairing the quotes I give you with my OCs based on your very limited knowledge of their personalities and quirks!
If you guess right, you get to send me a quote of your own. Incorrect or straight from one of your WIPs. I'm not particular. Send it with any information about the quote you think you might be relevant, like the appearance of the OC who says it or any other context you think I might need, and I'll draw it!
Mutuals, you know the drill. All the OCs I have listed below are people I've mentioned at some point or other. Pick one quote to guess. And if you guess wrong, you're probably gonna get a drawing anyway.
Easier Round (Prize: A drawing of your lovely little guys)
Quote the First: "I won't say I didn't mean it; I found it comical, to be honest, watching you gaze at that sandwich as thought it were the only thing on Earth . . . Tell me, is the sandwich more handsome than I am?"
Quote the Second: “Your friend's an ass, is what he is—all wrapped up in a net of pretty manners and idiosyncrasies, but an ass all the same."
Quote the Third: "It will not save us, but it's a trace of hope in the dark. And if I am wrong to place my faith in your kindness, I'll hardly be worse off than the others. I'll live and die like them, as your king sees fit."
Harder Round: (Prize: A drawing + extra clout)
Quote the Fourth: "Don’t soften your words on my account; I know what you think. And I’ve got nothing against travel, so you know, only the idea that it somehow endows you and the rest of your state institution lot with more wisdom and cultural perspective than people like me can dream of.”
Quote the Fifth: "It’s not your face that’s familiar, strangely. It’s your confidence in dealing with me and . . . and that strikingly-colored jacket you’re wearing. Curly little monogram on the lapel, if my memory serves me, but since you’ve got the collar up, I can’t be sure. Anyway, I’d guess you’re the Santel heir’s latest toy. Am I right?"
Quote the Sixth: “Really? First I’ve heard of it . . . but I’m flattered. Care for a drink, fellow corner-dweller?”
Bonus Round (You get two drawings if you get this one right):
Quote the Last: "Is someone there?"
Might tag this with literally everybody I know on this app later depending on whether I get responses. Have a lovely evening! (Or morning. Whichever it is for you.)
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sweetchcolate · 9 months
drunken honesty
fandom: sugar apple fairy tale word count: 839
A/N: This was inspired by
my conversation with @adribelladonna about what a drunk Shall would be like
that one meme/incorrect quote of a drunk guy hitting on a woman, said woman saying she's married, him crying in disappointment, and the woman correcting him by saying she's married to HIM (or something along those lines)
Tbh though, I don't see canon!Shall ever getting drunk in any shape or form. Don't think he'd be fan of losing control :P
The first thing he came to was the smell of silver sugar.
Someone was calling him. Their voice was muffled, but sweet, gentle. He wanted to follow it.
His eyelids felt like they were fused together, but he managed to open them. Two red spots on a beige background stared back at him.
He blinked the fuzz out. The two red spots were in fact two eyes. They reminded him of Anne’s.
“Shall?” the person standing next to him asked again.
Ah, so that’s where the sweet voice came from. A hand cupped his cheek, and he leaned into the warmth with a sigh.
Those hands were safe. How he knew, he didn’t remember, but he was sure of it.
That was about the only thing he was sure of, in fact.
What… had he been doing?
He tried to focus, but his brain struggled with even the most simple of thought. He recalled bits and pieces: the clink of glasses, the off-tune chanting, Mythril Lid Pod’s incessant bugging…
Ah, right. Mercury had invited them all to a party — “To celebrate Anne’s fifth anniversary as a silver sugar master,” he’d said. There had been alcohol, and while he hated to drink, he had accepted a glass or two if only to shut Mythril Lid Pod up.
It seemed he had taken more than a glass or two.
Or maybe he just had some really potent alcohol.
Or a low tolerance.
Whatever the case, he was aching, he had trouble thinking right, he wanted to rest, and he wanted—
“Anne,” he breathed.
The other person smiled. “Yes, that’s me.”
Huh? He narrowed his eyes, trying to focus. The person had Anne’s red-orange eyes alright. Their hair was also the right color, a pale pink straw. But most importantly, they smelled of silver sugar: specifically, Anne’s silver sugar.
“It’s really you?” he asked.
“Yes, it’s really me.” Her smile fell a bit and he mourned its loss. He wanted her happy, not depressed. “Are you okay? I think you’ve drank a bit too much.”
The knowledge that this was Anne filled him with… with… he didn’t know what it filled him with, but he felt content and at peace. He leaned to rest against Anne, head on her shoulder. She was soft and cushy.
“I’m fine now that you’re here,” he mumbled.
Anne giggled. It filled him with pride that he could make her laugh.
Her arm came around his shoulders, and he burrowed his face deeper against her. When her free hand reached for his hair, carding her fingers through the strands, he let out a content sigh, mind and senses filled with her.
He could stay there forever.
“Let’s go back, Shall.”
He hummed. If they went back, then he could rest.
Hold on… rest meant going to bed. Going to bed meant leaving her. Leaving her meant being alone.
He didn’t want to! He wanted to stay like this, wanted to stay with Anne.
Ah, but wait. Didn’t married couples sleep together? If he and Anne were married, then he could sleep in the same bed as her.
Newfound resolution in mind, he found the strength to pull back from her embrace. He held onto her elbows for balance.
“Anne. Marry me,” he told her with the most seriousness he could manage.
She snorted. “I’m already married, silly.”
Something broke inside of him. It was like the ground had opened under him and swallowed him whole. It was like when Anne had sent him away, except a million times more heartbreaking and more confusing.
He thought that he knew Anne the best. How could he have missed her getting married? Why didn’t he do anything to prevent it?
But most importantly: “To whom?”
Anne smiled, a bit unsure. “To you, who else?”
And just as quickly as news of her marriage destroyed him, the news she was married to him made him whole again. His heart was back together and fluttering in his chest like a butterfly.
“You’re my wife?”
“Have been for a few years, yes.”
“You’re my wife?”
“Unless you have another brother called Shall fen Shall who looks and acts exactly like you, then yes.”
He embraced her with all the strength he had (which wasn’t very much: his arms felt like wet sugar), tucking his face against her neck, and breathing in her scent.
She was his wife. They were married. That meant—
“We don’t have to be apart?” he asked in a small voice.
“Is that what you were worried about?” Anne hugged him in return, rubbing a hand up and down his spine. “Even if we weren’t married, there’s no way I’d ever leave you.”
“I would never leave you too,” he confessed.
They stayed like that for a while. Lulled by Anne’s sweet scent and her warmth, Shall fen Shall’s eyes grew heavy, his breathing deepening. Soon, he was asleep.
“Shall? Shall, hold on, did you fall asleep on me? How are we going to go home? Shall? Shall!”
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incorrect-mairuma · 8 months
Shiida: I am NOT sleeping with Wett! Who the hell said that?!
Atori: I mean...no one would judge you. It's perfectly understandable. He's strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.
Shiida: ...I am not sleeping with Wett, but I'm starting to think that you might be...
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just-busy-dreaming · 1 year
I’m having wayyy too much fun with this incorrect quotes generator...(please send help)
Charley Pollard: Doctor... Eighth Doctor: Oh no, 'Doctor' in b-flat. Eighth Doctor: You're disappointed.
Jack Harkness: What’s up guys? I’m back. Tenth Doctor: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die. Jack Harkness: Death is a social construct.
Delgado!Master: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Third Doctor: I think you mean cards. Delgado!Master, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
Missy: I'm a reverse necromancer. Twelfth Doctor: Isn't that just killing people? Missy: Ah, technicality.
The Brigadier, going over the Fourth Doctor's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative. Fourth Doctor: Yes The Brigadier: Okay... may I know what you create? Fourth Doctor: Problems.
Fifth Doctor: *Gets down on one knee* Peri Brown: Oh my god, it’s finally happening. Fifth Doctor: *Falls over* Peri Brown: The poison is kicking in.
Jack Harkness: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you. Ninth Doctor: 10 times 0 is still 0 though. Jack Harkness: Jokes on you, I can't do math.
Amy Pond: Where are you going? Eleventh Doctor: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there.
Seventh Doctor: Violence isn't the answer. Ace McShane: You’re right. Seventh Doctor: *sighs in relief* Ace McShane: Violence is the question. Seventh Doctor: What? Ace McShane, bolting away: And the answer is yes. Seventh Doctor, running after her: NO-
Peri Brown: Is something burning? Sixth Doctor: Just my love for you. Peri Brown: Doctor, the toaster is on fire.
Susan Foreman: You love me, right, Grandfather? First Doctor: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Jamie McCrimmon: A theif. Second Doctor: Thief? Jamie McCrimmon: Theif. Second Doctor: I before E, except after C. Jamie McCrimmon: Thceif. Second Doctor: No.
War Doctor: Well, well, well... if it isn’t my old friend: the dawning realization that I fucked up bad.
Generator Used: https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/
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