#take care of myself
umi-no-onnanoko · 10 days
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Oggi mi sento carina.
-umi-no-onnanoko (@umi-no-onnanoko / 20.04.24)
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olmoonlight · 8 months
take care of yourself... when your world collapses and breaks, don't expect someone to lend you a helping hand to pull you out from under the wreckage of fate. no one but yourself will put you on your feet and shake the dust off your wings. take care of yourself... no one will give you a smile until you yourself regain the lost ability to smile. don't be ashamed of your tears, but know that only time will help you dry them. do not regret the feelings you have been given, even if your feet have been wiped on your love. love is in you, not in them, the more you give it, the more you have it left. do not waste the energy of your soul on vain regrets, so you will only weaken your soul, and no one needs it. take care of yourself...
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sunrisethoughts02 · 1 year
Self-Care: No Energy Edition (Five Minutes or Less)
~ Play some frequencies. There's tons of frequency mixes on YouTube for almost anything -- depression, anxiety, motivation, self-love, grief. They usually work best in headphones and require almost zero energy. simply press play and lay back.
~ Go outside. This can be extremely difficult, I know; when I'm having a depressive episode, I tend to become a vampire. But seriously...just go outside, find some grass, and just lay there for as long as you want. listen to some music. listen to the birds. just be.
~ take a low-energy shower. Sit on the shower floor and just let the water pour over you. that's all you need to do. you'll feel so much better at the end.
~ Watch something wholesome. For me, this is Studio Ghibli movies (which you can often find free online.) something relaxing and reassuring.
~ tea. feel the warmth travel and spread through your whole body. if you don't have any tea bags (or are too tired to find them) just warm some water up. it's really about the sensation of warmth.
~ yin yoga. takes a little more energy to get started (and is longer than five minutes) but yin can be as gentle and soft as you'd like, and requires very, very little movement. the goal is to sit, motionless, in a specific pose for 3-5 minutes, letting gravity do the work. in this case, it's less about how difficult the pose is or how long the practice, and more about the intention to do something good for your body.
~ listen to comfort music. search 'comfort playlists' on YouTube; there's so many great options.
~ open a window near your bed/couch/chair. listen to the sounds. the world is with you and for you.
~ keep some facial wipes by your bed. when you wake up ( or literally any time) wipe off your face. feel the sensation and energy shift.
~ if you can buy an acupressure mat, do it! you can usually find a cheap one online, and all you have to do is lie on it. it helps increase circulation and energy.
it takes a lot of courage to show up for yourself, especially when you're struggling. I believe in you 💜💜💜
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azm0d30us · 1 year
For autism acceptance month, I'm trying to unmask, and while I'm a total of 25 days late, better late than never. Here are ways I'm doing so!
Stimming as needed/wanted
Not forcing eye contact
Not pretending to understand social cues
Talking about my special interest
Letting myself ramble
Telling people when I'm having a sensory overload
Not overwhelming myself
Letting myself process emotions
Letting myself have big/small reactions
Fidgeting with things to prevent hurtful stims
Being "childish"
Voicing my feelings when possible
Not forcing communication when I'm unable to speak (mute)
Letting myself sit in "weird" ways
Taking naps when needed
Letting myself experience negative emotions instead of hiding them
Comfort/special items
Other things I'm doing for my mental health!
Regressing more (ask if need be)
Listening to my bodies needs
Comfort items to public spaces
Making sure I drink enough water
Spending time outside
Being playful
Telling myself I'm human
These are just things I do, you don't have to do them. If anything I said here was wrong, please tell me, and I'll correct myself!
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accipitae · 6 months
Realized that I'm starting to teeter towards that good ol suicidal idiation
I... might need to take a break from the internet for a bit
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hello-darkn3ss · 1 year
You like taking care of people, because it heals the part of you that needed someone to take care of you.
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Lo sapevi che tenere un diario, o scrivere giornalmente comporta dei benefici?
Le evidenze scientifiche affermano che tenere un diario aumenta il numero di particolari cellule immunitarie, chiamate Linfociti T, ed inoltre riduce i sintomi dell'asma e dell'artrite reumatoide.
Lo sapevi che scrivere permette al tuo emisfero cerebrale destro di attivarsi? Se non lo sapevi, l'emisfero destro è quello creativo, sensibile, intuitivo.
Scrivere aiuta a capire meglio te stesso, a comprendere l'intensità dei sentimenti che stai provando, utilizzando il tuo emisfero destro, inoltre, riesci a risolvere in modo più efficace le situazioni, oltre che a capire diversi punti di vista quando hai delle discussioni con qualcuno.
Io ho scoperto ufficialmente tutti questi, e molti altri, benefici da poco. Non ho mai tenuto un diario perché ho sempre creduto che fosse una perdita di tempo, che non mi sarebbe mai interessato rileggere i miei pensieri e i miei eventi.
Eppure mi rendo di come io in realtà abbia sempre utilizzato tumblr con questo scopo. Postare un immagine o scrivere, anche poco, anche in modo sporadico, soprattutto nei periodi negativi, per me è sempre stato catartico.
Mi rendo conto solo ora che io ho sempre avuto un diario segreto, che mi ha sempre aiutato ad alleggerire la mia mente quando i pensieri o il dolore erano troppo invadenti e persistenti. Grazie Tumblr, ti sono sempre stata grata, ma ora più del solito.
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aastarions · 1 year
trying to keep up with everything in life is exhausting and i'm slightly afraid of if or when i'll crash and burn
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idontfitin · 11 months
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p-rainybee · 11 months
*'^* If I close my eyes for a moment -*'x☆•°**'**
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I think I feel a little scared
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'* ☆*'If only you were by my side, anywhere in the world **▪︎☆ ***'▪︎☆
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I need you
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umi-no-onnanoko · 14 days
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🐚 Monday 15|04|24 🌊
I had planned to resume my routine in full, with related exercises, however I decided to simply take the day as it came, and this also since my head was spinning a bit. Basically I didn't give up much, I postponed the focaccia I wanted to prepare for dinner tomorrow and avoided training.
What I am satisfied with is that despite these "renunciations" I managed to see improvements in my writing exercises, I studied the theory for the driving license profitably, while the quizzes didn't go very well today, perhaps I need to do more of them or I don't read with pay enough attention to the questions.
At least yesterday I managed to finish reading "Obsessions, phobias and paranoia" by S. Freud; quite interesting book in itself, for those who appreciate or share Freudian thought, and for those who are interested in the topic. I can't say I share everything I've read and learned, but it has allowed me to reason and develop my thinking on the matter. This morning I advanced in reading Twilight, although I admit it isn't taking me as I would have hoped it would.
Lunch clearly lifted my spirits, how could mum's ragù not have done so? Too good and immediately afterwards I rested a bit, I needed it, but I didn't rest that much. For a snack I decided to use one of the two brisées that I had purchased on Saturday with a Lidl promotion to make croissants, 4 chocolate and 4 empty, and I used the other for dinner to prepare savory ones with salami and cheese. Not the dinner I had planned, but not bad. Tomorrow I hope to be well enough to be able to prepare the focaccia and maybe even the frias since I have fresh brewer's yeast.
Tomorrow I count, or at least I hope, to be able to make foccia and donuts, as well as make up for the exercises I skipped today; maybe I shouldn't be so sorry, I accept the fact that I also have to rest or do what I can, but I don't like being distant in things; at the moment I'll enjoy my Supernatural rewatch and having a chill evening.
-umi-no-onnanoko (@umi-no-onnanoko )
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olmoonlight · 1 year
• Don't Get Too Tired From Running In My Dreams 🖤 •• Take Care! Magic Night! ✨🌙🌜🌝🌛💫
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Today has not been the greatest but I stay silly and try my damnedest and you should too. <3
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yuexin38 · 1 year
take care of myself
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oh-home-sweet-home · 2 years
I'll take this as an opportunity to get my shit together.
When the time comes we'll meet again and there's going to be more Love than ever.
They fucking saved me of course I'll wait for them and trust them.
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