#superman and lois fanfic
Chapter One
‘Am I In GF?’
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Memory loss is one way of coping with damage
-Jeannette Winterson
No one can ever be prepared for life. Sure some have it all planned out. Go to college, get a good job, find love and have a beautiful family. But then come bills, debt, divorce and custody battles. Others let life choose its curse for them and become happy with whatever they have.
When Kal-El fell to Earth that sunny day, no one knew what he was going to be. Then he became Superman, the world's hero. He fell in love with Lois Lane and had two beautiful twin boys, Jonathan Kent and Jordan Kent.
Yet even the Man of Steel couldn't have everything figured out. While he and Jon had a beautiful Father-son relationship, Clark and Jordan struggled to even have a conversation without Lois or his therapist involved.
Now his boys know about his alter-ego, Superman, the world's greatest hero. They know about all the lies he and Lois told them, the excuses of working late or following a dead end story now revealed.
He felt like the bonds with his sons began to weaken more now that they knew of his secret life.
He closed his eyes, sitting on the porch of the home he loved so much. The home his mother and father made him feel like a human even when times he didn't. It felt as if Martha and Jonathan Snr. were standing behind him telling him everything was going to be okay.
"Clark!" Lois shouted, running out from the kitchen. He looked at his wife, who was staring at the sky. Clark looked up, noticing from the corner of his eyes that his sons had followed their mother.
A black and white hole had appeared a couple of feet from above the home, circling in a counter-clockwise motion. The small family noticed a bright light burst from the middle, a person falling from the light. Clark quickly took off into the air, his glasses falling to the wooden floor.
Clark caught the person, a young girl. She looked the same age as his boys. Her hair was a light-ish brown and her skin was sickly plain. She wore a black jumper with a bat on it, black leggings and Flash inspired shoes. She had a septum piercing and a key necklace.
As he landed, Lois ran towards him worried about who or what had fallen from the now gone portal. She noticed the teen girl in her husband's arms. She looked at him with wide eyes. "Bring her inside" Lois demanded, seeing blood drip from the girl's finger.
It had been a short while since the mysterious girl had fallen from the sky, Lois and Clark bring her into the guest room with a first aid kit while the three Kent boys waited patiently downstairs.
Lois had taken the girl's jumper off, shocked at the cuts and bruises on her arms and shoulders. She tended to them, applying bandages to the deeper cuts. The girl stirred in her unconscious state.
"Jon... Jon" she muttered softly, sounding quite scared. Lois stopped her previous task, carefully watching the girl. "No...don't... don't!" the girl gasped before opening her eyes wide. She took a moment before taking a breath, sitting up from the guest bed.
"Am I in GF?" She said in a strong Irish accent. Looking around with icy blue eyes, the girl's gaze landed on Lois. "Bitise?" The girl gasped, staring at the reporter in shock. "Sweetie, my name's Lois. Lois Lane" Lois corrected her.
The girl's eyes widened even more, if that was even possible. "L..Lo..Lois Lane?" The girl stuttered in utter shock, a hand going to her forehead. "Did Adam accidentally give me hash again?" She muttered to herself.
Lois came closer to the girl, placing a hand on her leg. "I'm assuming you're not from here?" Lois stated the obvious. The girl looked at her, trying to keep calm. "Depends, is it common knowledge that Clark Kent is Superman?" The girl asked, fearing she already knew the answer to that one.
The brunette sat on the couch, surrounded by the Kent family, or well a version of the family. Clark and Lois stood tall in front of her while the twins stood to the side. "What's your name?" Clark asked gently, even though his face and body said otherwise.
"Emma. Emma Ní Chroídheán" the girl answered, twiddling with her thumbs. "And you're from a world where we're fictional characters?" Clark asked again, trying to understand what Emma had told him and Lois. "Yeah, that includes Flash, Kara, Kate, The Legends and basically every city where anytype of hero lives in or fights crime in" Emma explained plainly through her accent, sounding quite bored.
"Do you know how you got here?" Lois asked her, her motherly side showing. Emma shook her head. "Last thing I remember was arguing with some girl who tried to kiss my cousin while he was holding his boyfriend's hand. Stupid bitch'' Emma explained, quite agitated by this girl she was on about. Lois and Clark only nodded, understanding only the basic words she was saying.
"So not about the giant fucking wormhole you fell out of!" Jon exclaimed, looking at Emma in disbelief. "Why? Gotta problem ya blondie fean" Emma shot at him, glaring at the twin. She always thought he was a little shit when the promo posters came out with that stupid gold chain.
Jordan snickered at his brother's expression at Emma's weird insult. His parents looked at each other, in shock that Jordan was laughing so freely. "Look, I dunno how I got to Smallville, Kansas but what I do know is that I shouldn't be here nor do I 'member anythin'" Emma defended herself, crossing her arms.
Clark took out his phone, scrolling through his contacts. He landed on J, dialing the first number. "Who ya ringing?" Emma asked him, curiosity peaking in her mind.
When J'onn J'onzz walked into the Kent home, Emma and the Kent twins felt as if their hearts were going to explode. Emma felt as if she was gonna wake up from this glorious dream. Clark cleared his throat, seeing the three fifteen year olds' shocked faces.
"Boys, Emma this is J'o-"
"J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter! Literally the coolest shapeshifter in existence!" Emma interrupted Clark, her voice raising a couple octaves. Jordan found the little rant kinda cute as Emma's eyes lit up with pure joy. J'onn gave out a bashful laugh at the young girl. "You seem to know alot about heroes, Emma" He commented, making the girl blush. Emma let out a nervous laugh, twiddling with her thumbs as she mumbled an incoherent sentence.
"Boys, can we have the room for a moment?" Lois asked politely, smiling at her sons. The twins knew what their mother meant and quickly said their short farewells to the hero before leaving the kitchen to eavesdrop on the conversation about to unfold.
J'onn smiled at Emma brightly, pulling a seat out for her. "I assume you know how this goes?" J'onn asked, reaching for the bucket Lois pult out from under the sink. Emma nodded before closing her eyes. J'onn lifted his pointer and middle fingers to Emma's temples, his eyes glowing red as he used his powers.
He looked into Emma's mind, trying to find her last memory before she came here. It was like a broken record, skipping tracks or in this case memories. He could barely make out what he was seeing. One moment she was in a large field surrounded by other teens the next she was wacking four or five boys with a deformed baseball bat.
Emma's coughing brought him out of the trance. The girl was coughing up sick and blood in the bucket. Lois rushed to her side, rubbing her bak in circles whilst Clark filled up a glass of water and handed it to her with some tissue. "Nice one" Emma thanked him, taking a gulp of water.
Emma seemed to become more pale from throwing up, her eyes looked as if they were glowing. "Can I go get some fresh air? My head is spinning" Emma groaned, rubbing her temples.
Clark and Lois nodded. "Of course, take the boys with you" as if on cue the twins appeared from around the corner of the hallway. Clark raised an eyebrow at his boys who only shrugged it off.
Once the three teens were out of sight, J'onn let out an exasperated sigh. "Her mind, it's broken" He managed to say, sitting down on a chair. "What did you see J'onn?" Clark asked his friend.
"Fragments of memories, but no answer to how she arrived in our world or this portal you mentioned" J'onn told the couple, a soft pang in his heart. The poor girl didn't know what had happened to the people she loved. "Is there anything you can tell us?" Lois asked him.
"She's scared. She has no idea what is really happening to her. But there was something... something igniting in her" J'onn recalled the small blue-ish purple flame he saw. "Something bad?" Clark asked. J'onn shook his head, "No, but I feel as if this young girl has no idea that she may be more than a human"
"If you ever need me, I'm a call away. That includes Ms Danvers" J'onn handed her a folded piece of paper. "Thanks J'onn, It was really nice to meet you, like I've always wanted to meet you" Emma smiled at him before he reverted to his martian form. The twins ran up next to Emma, watching the martian fly away from the farm. "That was cool, right?" Jordan commented from Emma's right. "Class" Emma smiled, watching the man fly away.
The boys had gone to the Schuster Mines to meet up with Sarah at the bonfire party. Emma sat in the kitchen, Lois and Clark sitting in front of her. "So what happens now?" Emma asked the couple, nervous under Lois' gaze.
The pair looked at each other before Clark cleared his throat. "First we are going to have some documents written up for you to legally stay in America" Lois started off, fidgeting with her wedding band. "You mean Winn or Cisco are gonna forge papers" Emma corrected, smirking at Lois.
She let out a small laugh, smiling at Emma. "You really do know your stuff" Lois commented. "Coping mechanisms are awesome" Emma joked, causing concern within the couple. "Anyways, until we find out exactly what happened to you, you'll be staying here with us" Clark told her, smiling like Lois.
Emma looked at them, shocked at Clark's words. "Are you serious?" Emma asked them. "Yes, we want to help you and figure out how and why you got sent here off all places" Lois told Emma who was beaming with utter joy.
Clark found her expression quite amusing, maybe it was the fact she got Jordan to smile but he felt thankful for her presence in the house. He noticed that Sam's ELT had begun beeping.
'It's another nuclear facility' Sam's voice spoke knowing Clark would be listening. Lois also seemed to know. "It's Sam, right?" Emma asked him, her tone a bit sour. Clark sighed, nodding at Emma's question. "Hey" Lois cooed, taking his hand in hers. "We're gonna be alright, okay? Go" Lois reassured him before he left the room in a gust of wind.
Emma was slightly dazed from his sudden exit, causing Lois to smile. "Come on, I'm sure I have a few old clothes that will fit you" Lois told Emma, getting her to follow her upstairs. "Why are you two being so nice to me?" Emma asked Lois, following her around the corner of Jon's room. Lois turned to Emma, hand resting on the doorframe of her and Clark's shared bedroom. "Because you're a scared teenage girl who has miraculously appeared in a new world. I doubt being a bitch would end well?" Lois raised her eyebrow.
"Fair point, but I'm a literal stranger who fell outside your front door" Emma fought back. She always said she'd love to get in a debate with Lois Lane back home. "If Martha and Jonathan thought that about Clark he would have never become Superman" Lois shot back, turning to find the clothes she was on about.
"True, he would actually end the world in a different earth" Emma recalled, Conner wouldn't shut his mouth about it for a month. Lois looked at her with wide eyes. Emma shrugged, mumbling a quick "Comics are weird" before Lois dumped a few clothes in her arms.
"Okay. Go try these on while I'll try find the rest" Lois brushed off, ushering Emma to the guest room. Emma rolled her eyes before walking away from the woman.
Emma felt a weird tingle in her hands. 'Stupid carpal tunnel' Emma thought before both her hands started to shake viloenly. Her head began to pound before her veins turned an electric blue.
She fell to the ground with a very loud thud gaining Lois's attention almost immediately. Lois ran to Emma, noticing her glowing veins. Turning her onto her back, Lois gasped. Emma's eyes glowed the same blue as her veins. It took only a few seconds before Emma shot up from the floor gasping for breath.
"Jordan... Jordan's gonna blow up the bonfire" Emma gasped, confused about what just happened. "How the hell could you know that?" Lois asked her, just as confused. "I saw it" Emma whispered.
"Holy shit, I was right!"
"She was right!"
Both Lois and Emma exclaimed when Clark and the boys told them what happened at the bonfire.
"What are you talking about??" Jordan asked his mother and the Irish girl. "Shit! Nana's gonna bathe me in holy water again" Emma silently freaked out, forgetting that no one else in the room was brought up by an Irish Catholic family. Clark looked at the girl very concerned. "Emma? You okay?" He asked her. Emma looked at him, murder in her eyes. "When you tell your very religious Irish Catholic grandmother you tell her that I might have a girlfriend or boyfriend it can lead to a small bit of trauma" Emma answered, dead serious with her words.
Lois patted her back gently before answering Jordan's prior question. "Emma somehow had a vision of Jordan blowing up the bonfire" Lois explained to the boys. Clark looked at her in surprise. "You're a psychic?" Jon asked her. "Just because Nana predicted fucking England winning that cup one time! Everyone thinks your fucking psychic" Emma muttered, rolling her eyes. "I have no idea how I even did that glow-y thing" Emma explained to the family, pissed off at the world.
"Okay, first language" Clark started scolding Emma. "Second, you two are getting tested" Clark pointed at Emma and Jordan. Emma started waving her hands. "Fortress?" Emma asked, praying he wouldn't say hospital.
"You really do know your stuff" Clark complimented her. "Why do you know all this stuff?" Jon asked Emma. "Trauma plus having no friends equals escapism. Superheroes kinda land in top place" Emma smiled painfully.
The brothers looked at Emma concerned while their parents did the same behind her. "I think it's getting late. Time for bed you three" Clark forced out in a cheery tone. Emma hummed in agreement.
"Thanks for everythin'" Emma smiled at the reporters before going upstairs behind the boys.
Jordan couldn't sleep. He tostled in his bed, shifting under the covers every so often. Clark had flown off to some emergency and Lois and Jon were asleep so there was no one to talk to really.
No, that was a bad idea. Why would he spill his feelings to a girl who showed up on the front lawn less than twelve hours ago. He needed something to drink, that would calm him down for sure.
He reached the bottom of the stairs when he felt a cold breeze on his bare feet. "Weird?" He muttered before hearing a sobbing sound. Jordan looked around the hallway, noticing the front door was wide open.
Jordan went outside to see Emma sitting on the porch steps crying into her arms. "Emma?" Jordan called softly from behind her. Emma turned her head quickly, wiping her tears with her arm. "I'm fine, go back inside" Emma cracked, faking a smile at Jordan.
Jordan plopped down beside her. "Look, I know we only met but you can tell me if somethings wrong" Jordan sighed, looking at Emma. She had a lot of freckles on her face that lit up with the starlight. She looked cute. "I... just miss home. I mean I'm grateful that your parents are taking me in, it's just surreal" Emma admitted to Jordan. "Never in my entire life did I ever believe I'd meet Lois Lane never mind your Dad and now I'm staying in the same house as both of them and I'm supposed to be calm" Emma half-lied to the Kent.
Jordan raised his eyebrow at her, making Emma laugh weakly. "I doubt that's why you're crying" Jordan pointed out nudging Emma gently. "Fair... I just can't bare the silence. Usually I hear my brothers or cousins fighting in the middle of the night over something stupid, or my little sister is climbing into my bed because she afraid of the dark" Emma explained to Jordan, a pang in her heart when she mentioned her family.
She knew deep down this wasn't ending well for her.
Jordan placed a hand on Emma's shoulder. "I get it. I'm not used to the silence either. There's no late night traffic in Smallville or traffic at all really" Jordan compromised, making Emma laugh. Emma started to shiver, the cold breeze blowing over the farm. "I never thought Kansas could be cold" Emma muttered with a dark glare. "Here" Jordan said, taking off his hoodie and giving it to her. Emma's cheeks were red, Jordan assumed it was from the cold. "Oh...Thanks" Emma mumbled taken back by his gel steer as she put on the hoodie carefully.
"So? You kissed Sarah Cushing" Emma stated, a smirk on her face. Jordan groaned, his head falling back. "Don't remind me" He groaned as Emma laughed at him. "How's your face? I've been in a few scraps but never healed that quick" Emma noticed. "Must be an alien thing I guess" Jordan slumped. "You know me and my cousin threw a gardaí motorbike in the bonfire a few weeks back. Doesn't match laser eye explosion but got some chase of them when they found out" Emma told Jordan, nudging his side. Oh, she loved messing with the gardaí.
Jordan only smiled at her shaking his head. Even though he could barely understand her, he found a sense of comfort in her words. There was something about Emma that made Jordan feel different. He couldn't explain it but she had this vibe that made him feel... confident in a way. He had barely met her and she already had this affect on him.
"Thanks Em, I needed that" Jordan slipped out, making her blush harshly. "No one has ever called me 'Em' before. May family wanted to be out of the box with them" Emma thought. It was a common one but they Jordan said it was different. Jordan shrugged at her, "Well the only nickname I got were from bullies so I doubt its gonna be hard to find a good one". " Jord" Emma suggested knowing that Jor was too weird if she was planning to mock Jor-El's A.I.
"Jord and Em it is" Jordan declared in a faux British accent. Emma snickered at him, gently pushing Jordan to the side. "Oh my Rao you are just... something else" Emma commented while trying to hold her laughter.
Little did they know Clark had landed on the other side of the home, smiling brightly. Maybe staying in Smallville would be the best for his boys.
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medicaldoctordana · 6 months
Dad, I'm Dating Superman
no one said my writing was good, but that's not going to stop me from doing it anyway... Read on ao3
She didn’t ask for this assignment. In fact, this assignment would have been the last thing she would have asked for. Especially now. Lois had this nagging feeling that Clark was going to propose soon, and the last place she wanted to be right before that happened was a dangerous war zone. There was a small chance she may not come back from this assignment.
Perry White wanted his best reporter out there. An anonymous donor offered to fund her trip and at the behest of finding out why, The Planet couldn’t refuse such a generous offer. Plus, questions needed to be asked, answers needed to be got and there was no better person for the job than intrepid reporter Lois Lane. Even if she was a woman– and a white woman at that; she was small and non-threatening. Surrounded and protected by the United States Army, Lois Lane could gain access to the spaces she needed and ask the questions that required answers.
The only downside to the assignment was that Clark Kent would be stuck at home covering her beat while she was gone.
“You okay, Lois?” Clark asked as Lois stormed out of their boss’s office and back to her desk.
“No,” came her curt reply. “I’m fine. I’m stoked! I’m pissed, I’m fine.” She enunciated each emotion with a different tone.
“Those sound kind of contradictory, Lois. What happened?” Clark had a sympathetic look on his face. He smoothed down his tie and scooted in closer to her on his rolling chair.
Lois glared at Clark, “What, you didn’t use your super hearing to listen in?” She whispered the superpower, not wanting the entire office to know his secret.
Clark spun out in his chair. He thought they were done with this fight. He’d spent two week’s worth of paychecks on flowers just to get her to speak to him again. He resettled his glasses on his face and took a deep calming breath in. “No, Lois. I made a promise to you and I intend to keep that promise.” He spoke sincerely and mentally put ‘flowers’ on his shopping list again.
“Sorry,” She bowed her head in shame. “That– That wasn’t fair. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just– Perry’s putting me on a plane tonight to go off to work with my dad .” Lois rolled her eyes and slumped in her chair.
Not many people were privy to the location of a four-star general. But from the information shared in the briefing she just received, the mission was headed by General Lane and whoever was sponsoring her plane ride seemed to ignore the conflict of interest by picking the only Daily Planet reporter related to the head of the special unit of the Department of Defense.
It was just her luck, honestly. Right as things were going incredibly well in her personal life, her work life had to drop the story of the century in her lap and take her away from it all. She was not looking forward to all that dust in her hair. But she was looking forward to the possibility of the Pulitzer nomination if things went her way. In the most humble of ways, of course.
“Your dad? Isn’t he in–?” Clark asked.
Lois looked at him wide-eyed and serious. “Yeah,” she nodded open-mouthed. The most fucking dangerous part of the world right now.
“Lois!” Clark acted all surprised. Mostly that Perry would send anyone to cover that story so early in the fighting. There was likely no information to gather as very few pieces on the table even existed, let alone were moving with a plan in mind. It seemed reckless and premature in Clark’s mind.
“I know!” Lois responded with equal enthusiasm. “Some unknown billionaire is paying for the flight and protection and the Planet could really use the good press and the money. You know things have been tense ever since Bush took office.” So much for working for a non-partisan, unbiased paper.
“I know, I know. But Lois, it’s–” Clark widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows like he was afraid to put a name to where she was headed.
Lois recoiled. “My dad will be there along with way too many military personnel and I bet they’ve got the tents and camp on high-security alert. There will be armed transports with a convoy of at least five tanks. Plus with all the extra padding from the mysterious benefactor, I’m less worried about my physical safety and more concerned about my mental safety. I mean, Clark. It’s my father. You know how he is about me and dangerous situations. I bet they haven’t even told him who they’re sending in.” Lois wished for anything that she could call him up and warn him about her arrival. He might have been able to get her out of this if it weren’t for the haste in getting her there. It was too late to do anything now but show up unexpectedly.
“Do you– Do you want me to come with you?” Clark asked hesitantly. They were still working on their dance of partnership. He still wasn’t sure when to implicitly step in and when to let her figure things out on her own. He was getting better at it but it had only gotten harder since he revealed his identity to her.
“No, Clark. You need to stay home. Perry needs you to cover my stories here.” Lois brushed him off and played with the loose strands of her sweater. She wanted nothing more than her big, buff boyfriend to follow her everywhere and support her. But she was also Lois Lane and fearless in the face of danger. She could handle herself on a little makeshift army base and didn’t need any man watching out for her. However, Lois was secure enough to admit to herself that it was okay to want him there.
“That’s not what I meant, Lois,” he used that tone with her, shifted his voice low, and inched ever so slightly into her personal space.
Lois felt her cheeks heat and she smiled shyly as if she just remembered her boyfriend was also Superman. “No, Clark. I don’t need Superman coming to the rescue to shield me from my dad. I’ll be fine.”
Sam Lane liked Clark well enough, but he hated Superman. Something, something, Clark was a bumbling idiot and she could do better but at least he was safe. And Superman. God, Sam Lane hated how he refused to pledge allegiance to the American Flag and its people.
“Whatever you say, Lois.” Clark scooted back with a playful smile. “The offer still stands, just call my name and I’ll be there.”
Lois’s lips turned up and she leaned in to give him a quick peck on the side of his mouth. “Thank you, Clark.” She whispered her admission then stood up and gathered her bag. “I have to get home. My flight leaves in three hours. Come with me and help me pack?” Lois reached her hand out and felt warmth radiate through her body at his touch. He would follow her anywhere.
An unmarked car picked her up at her apartment at the exact time noted on the itinerary Perry had given her at their late meeting. It drove her to a private airfield and dropped her off outside an unmarked jet. The entire way there, she didn’t interact with a single person. There weren’t even people on the tarmac. Lois’s investigative reporter senses were on high alert. A sinister feeling was brewing in the air and for once, she couldn’t wait to see her father– if only to provide a touchstone of safety and familiarity.
She took her own bag with her up the stairs to the plane and wished she had Clark’s x-ray vision to check for bombs. Lois took a seat overlooking the right engine and wing and buckled her seatbelt. 
An automated voice came over the intercom system and welcomed her to her flight. It announced the newly established safety protocols and gave an estimated time of arrival for her destination. The stairs automatically pulled up and it was final. The engines started and the plane began its drive down the runway.
Lois was locked into staying on this flight until it landed or crashed. She wasn’t sure which was more likely.
Immediately, Lois took out her notebook and started jotting down notes. She had a list of questions storming in her head from the second the car arrived outside her apartment and Clark kissed her goodbye. 
They were simple questions at first, Who? Where? Why? But with each passing moment, they grew more complex. More suspicious. Who would go through all this effort? Where were the people orchestrating this from? Why me?
As she was writing her second page of thoughts, a person finally emerged from the cockpit. He was a tall and stocky man. A blonde-red hair covered his head and face. He looked familiar but Lois couldn’t quite put her finger on how she knew him.
Lois scrutinized the man in front of her further. He wore a black button-down with slacks. She suspected he wasn’t a pilot, but perhaps was the man behind this all. He had a look of privilege and evil in his eye and she couldn’t quite shake the bad feeling she got from him.
“Miss Lane. Glad you could make it on such short notice. I’m Aaron Dexter Hull and I’ll be your cruise director for this trip. I’m sure you have many questions and I promise we’ll get to those in due time. Please, feel free to stretch your legs once we hit our altitude and grab any refreshments from the bar in the back. Enjoy the flight.” His voice was scratchy and weathered.
She wrote down his name in her little notebook before reaming him with her questions and demanding he give her answers.
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superbat-love · 9 months
Lois: Clark, I know you’re very concerned about Bruce’s recovery after his near-death experience but he doesn’t need to you watch over him every second.
Clark: No I don’t!
Lois: [Sighs] Right, so you’re scowling into space because your apple pie tastes bad? Look, the man’s probably just having lunch right now and it’s highly unlikely that he’s going to keel over from eating his chicken soup. So as your BFF, I’m advising you to ease up on the spying.
Clark: I’m not spying on him! And he’s not eating chicken soup, he’s eating a sandwich. Wait, is that a bone in his sandwich? I’ve got to warn him.
Lois: Clark…
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
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Hey remember when Selina turned Clark into a cat??? Yeah…
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binsandcans · 5 months
So, I'm reading @froizetta ’s (Love) Traingles Have Multiple Centers and I couldn't resist drawing this scene from The Obligatory Gala Chapter. (Lol, I love the chapter title).
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It ticks all of my boxes:
Sexy Superbat? CHECK. The story itself doesn't have smut but the author wrote behind-the-scenes smut in a separate story so rest assured.
Superbat identity porn with IC Bruce? Check. (I have a real weakness for identity porn and Bruce being IC is the cherry on top of the cake).
Clark being a sweetheart and never failing to be embarassed? Check.
Bruce having a hard time parenting Dick and messing up but in a way that doesn't make me want to shove him into an incinerator and watch him burn? Check.
Very IC and wonderfully written Lois Lane, who's equal parts sophisticated city girl and would snoop and steal to get a story? Check!!!
Go and read it NOW!
(P.S. Lois here reminds me of Terri Hatcher's Lois from the 1993 show. I love it).
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stardustinthesky · 25 days
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You need a cover. What better cover than honeymooners in the honeymoon suite?
+ bonus
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gwenkatana · 11 months
Battinson needs a Superman like the Superman in My Adventures with Superman. Bruce at the end of The Batman no longer wants to be vengeance and instead wants to inspire hope in Gotham. And I think meeting someone as altruistic and kind as Clark would be inspiring for him. Give him something to aspire to.
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crow-aeris · 1 month
So i’ve been thinking (shocking, really) about the world building for my reverse robins wingfic.
ike, sure, it’s a little fic and ppl prolly won’t notice, but i just cant help but speculate.
in this au, everyone is born with wings unless afflicted with a certain illness, disease, or genetic defect that leaves you with no avian traits (which is the excuse the kents use).
but how would having wings influence the infrastructure? well, i’m glad you asked! cities are more compact because there isn’t really as big a need for transportation unless you’re an aves that’s just not built for long-distance travels like various passeriformes birds.
planes still exist, but they’re utilized by the avians who aren’t able to fly long distances. avians who have wings like albatrosses or terns or other soaring birds would probably require licenses to do their annual migrations and travels- same applies to regualr migritory species like ducks and geese- where the instinct remains despite not needing to migrate.
of course, with the constant migration through countries, i think there would be more mixing of races and ethnicities especially within the migratory bird communities, so there would probably be less overall hostilities.
now, there will still be discriminatory and hateful ideals, and some are shown in my fics. For example, Gotham’s elites are mostly made up of raptors and birds of prey like eagles, kites, kestrels, hawks, falcons, ospreys, owls, etc- birds who actively hunt down mammalian or lizards for prey (in the real world i mean), that is because of displays of powers. Scavengers like condors, vultures, buzzards, are regarded lower on the social ladder but not as low as perching birds and song birds simply because of their ability to have sustained flight.
like i mentioned briefly, songbirds and perching birds (passerines) are regarded lowly in general due to their “weak demeanor” and overall flashiness, which gives them the reputation of being only suitable to work in brothels and such regardless of gender (but especially dudes where the aves species exhibits sexual dimorphism, eg. cardinals, peacocks, golden pheasants, etc.)
there are definitely some exceptions, being corvids. some cultures have corvids as villans, whereas others may portray corvids as intelligent and charming.
now, we arrive to genetics. im still not 100% sure how i want the phenotype of an avian to be passed down. so far, it’s mainly just sons are the same aves as their fathers (like thomas wayne, bruce, and damian are all harpy eagles, but martha wayne was a kingfisher and talia is an imperial eagle), but im not sure abt daughters. genetics is messy, but i think i’ve managed to sertle on a 50/50 chance of being born either the same aves as their mother, or their paternal grandmother. like if damian had been born with xx instead of xy chromosomes, then he’d either have been an imperial eagle like talia, or a kingfisher like martha wayne. intersex people exist too, and i think their wings would be a blend between both their mother and father’s.
now for the the supers and the other metas:
as mentioned previously, the kents claim that their adopted son had a genetic disorder that basically prevented him from growing wings (or just left him in a state similar to humans before they were all “cursed” by a diety to have wings, or whatever. in the dcu, that probably woulnd’t even be too far fetched), so clark lacked a major social component to his childhood. without wings and a tail, others would have a harder time reading his emotions, seeing as these appendages are crucial in nonverbal communication between avians, and that gives clark a leg up in reading other people, but having them not understanding what he’s thinking.
now with jon and kon, they have two VERY different situations. for jon, since his paternal side is wings-free, i just gave him lois’s ave- western kingbird- instead of making him no-winged. kon, on the other hand was a test-tube baby, so it was a toss-up on whether he’d get lex luthor’s purple martin wings, or clark’s no-wings since they’re both guys. I think kon would’ve enjoyed wings, so i gave him the purple martin wings. Plus, they’re pretty much invulnerable, and their wings are no different.
diana and the other ppl from themyscira wouldn’t have wings since they aren’t human, and same applies to the other jl members who aren’t humans.
on a wholly separate note: the lazarus pits. here, not only does it give you white streaks in your hair, it’ll bleach out your feathers. so liek if a peacock was thrown into the pit, not only would they die and come back manic, their feathers would make them look like piebald, or have different markings or white ticking.
anyways, that’s the end of my long post, and i hope yall enjoyed listening to me speculate and talk about birds and my silly little guys!!
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ao3sbatfamily · 4 months
'Half in Love' by timeturners
Author: @timeturnerz
It’s Batman, the man with whom Clark is half in love.
“I won’t ask again,” says Batman.
Clark is deriving a lot of amusement from the fact that Batman doesn’t know that Clark is Superman. He feels giddy. This has never happened before, that Clark-as-a-civilian has run into Batman.
“I’m a journalist – my name’s Clark Kent and–”
“I know who you are,” Batman says shortly. “I asked what you’re doing. You’re supposed to be in hiding.”
“How do you know that?” asks Clark. “Did you run into Bruce?”
“He’s calling the police right now.”
“Good,” says Clark. “I need to find him and get us both to safety.”
Batman stares at him for a second. “He’s accounted for. It’s you whom I need to get to safety.”
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Chapter Four
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Maybe home is nothing but two arms holding you tight when you’re at your worst.
-Yara Bashraheel
{Emma’s Perspective} 
“So, who’s winning?” I asked Clark. “The other team” He told me. “Why won’t you wear a jacket or use an umbrella?” Jon asked me, his annoyance clear. “Because I love the rain. Besides, if Zeus wants me dead, let him kill me” I told him, taking another shot of the field.
I looked back to the stands, seeing a familiar head. I groaned, nudging Clark “General Lane is here” I told him, pointing behind me. Clark looked back, a sour look on his face.
I quickly took a picture on my phone, snickering as I did. Clark gave me a questioning look. “It’s a thing in my world. Sourwolf” I snickered while setting the picture as his contact photo. “God you're weird” Jon moaned from beside Clark. “I’m weird, sweet and borderline psychotic. What’s not to love” I told Jon, a big smile on my face. 
“All right, let’s go. Defence. Let’s go. Pick it up. Kent!” Coach shouted, Jon, running up to him out of habit. “Yes, Coach?” Jon asked. I closed my eyes not even wanting to witness this moment.
“No, not you. The other one. Shortstack!” Coach corrected, looking back at Jordan. He ran up to Coach, helmet in hand. “Yes, Coach?” Jordan asked. “Look, I need you right now. I need you to get me that ball. You hear me?” Coach told him, pointing out to the ongoing game.
“Yes, Coach” Jordan answered, his voice a little unsure. I walked up to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. “You can do this Jord. I know you can” I smiled at him. Jordan smiled back before giving me a fist bump. “Thanks, Em” He told me before Clark walked up behind us. “Good luck” I told him before going back up to Clark and Jon.
Clark raised the umbrella over me, smiling kindly at me. “Thanks” I muttered, gripping the umbrella handle. Jon pulled me in close, wrapping an arm around me. “Now entering the game, number 24, Jordan Kent!” The announcer called. I cheered for Jordan as the game commenced, having no clue what was happening. “He got the ball!” I yelled, jumping up and down. “Jordan, go!” Clark and Jon chanted. 
I jumped and yelled, having no clue what was happening until I saw Jordan go past the line. “Touchdown, Crows!” The announcer called, and the stands went wild. “Let’s go, Jordan!” Jon and I screamed. I looked back at Lois, seeing her face darken. “Something you wanna tell me?” Sam said in a low voice, the words echoing in my head. I turned around, shocked at how loud the voice was.
 Jordan came running over to the three of us, hugging his Dad and Jon. “I did it!” He smiled at them. “Told ya you could do it. I’m always right” I smirked at Jordan, who only laughed at me. “I guess you are” He smiled back, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back as tight as I could.
“Thanks for believing in me Em” Jordan whispered into my ear. I felt the heat rush to my face, my stomach fluttering like a tornado had begun to swirl the usual butterflies faster than my heart rate.
I patted his back before a hoard of excited football players came to whisk him away. “I’ll see ya in a minute, kay?” I told him, breaking the hug. He nodded before the entire team and Clark followed Coach Gaines into the locker room.
I ran to the music room, finding Sienna playing the piano. “Ms. Clarks?” I called from the door. She turned to me with a kind smile. “Who won the game?” She asked me, continuing her song. I walked in, sitting a few feet away. “Smallville. Still don’t know how but they did” I shrugged, swaying to the music. 
Sienna smiled, humming a tune to her own work. “Stars begin to climb” I sang low to myself, finding it quite familiar. “So, how is everything at Kent Farm? Still having nightmares?” Sienna asked me once she played the final chord. I bit my lip for a moment.
Ever since the cloaked figure gave me that USB, the nightmares have dialled it down. Now instead of manipulating my memories, my dreams are just about my trauma. Still figuring out if that’s an improvement or not. “They are more… mild than before” I smiled kindly at her. Sienna nodded at my answer as she stopped playing. “That’s progress. What about opening up? I know you’ve mentioned your birth mother to Clark. Have you opened up about anything else?” She asked me, turning to face me properly.
He was the first person I told about my Dad since I was ten. Yeah, I didn’t go into detail but the only people who actually knew about what happened to my Dad were my Nana Madge, Jeju and Conner. “Kinda… but I haven’t gone into any details with anyone” I told her, looking down at my wrists, the clean skin making me cringe. “Can you tell me why?” She asked me, something about her voice making me tear up. I wiped my eyes quickly, holding back a sob. “Last time I trusted someone…they didn’t…stick around” I answered, twisting my rings around my finger.
I walked through the CUH, two cups of coffee in hand. Room 312A. That’s where he was. “Emmy? You okay babes?” I turned to see Jeju, a worried look on her face. “Sorry Jeju. Just worried about Conner” I told her, handing her a cup. Jeju gave me a sympathetic smile. Her normal work scrubs had a few stains from staying at the hospital for the entire weekend. Her eyes had bags underneath them dark enough to make Savitar jealous. I wasn’t doing as good either.
From the room window, my washed-out pink hair was in knots upon knots. I had a huge gauze on my left cheek. I was wearing a Teen Wolf lacrosse jumper that Jon Jon packed for me and an old superman pyjama pants. My skin looked sickly pale from the medication I was on. “Any news on Marty?” I asked her, leaning into her side. Immediately her hands started combing through my tangled hair gently. Of course, there wasn’t, she never got caught. “Just that he’s stable, he’ll wake up soon babes” She tried to convince me but we both knew it wasn’t true.
And it wasn’t. Conner’s gone and it’s all my fault. I grabbed my phone that had fallen beside me. “I’ll see you Monday. Thanks for the vent” I smiled at her before leaving the room. I opened my contacts to ring Lois for a ride.
I jumped at the voice, a chill running down my spine. I turned around looking for the cloaked figure. I saw something run towards the front entrance. I ran after it, something in me screaming to run. “Hey!” I shouted as I ran through the front entrance doors. I fell to the ground immediately. I groaned as my entire body felt as if it was on fire.
The cloaked figure walked toward me. I couldn’t see their face, only the glow of a dark purple. “My sweet Elrisia, so naive just like Conner” the voice merged into one. No, it can’t be her. “I know what your thinking? How did I get here? Why did you end up here?” She taunted me, forcing my head up by grabbing my chin. “M-Ma… Ahhh!” I screamed as I felt something sharp pierce my side. Only from the corner of my eyes could I see a green glow. Kryptonite?
“Don’t worry, I made this so it only affects you” She sneered before slashing my face. Tears swelled in my eyes as the pain burned my insides. “Why?” I managed before coughing so hard I could feel my throat bleed. She kicked me over on my back, her foot pressing against my stomach. “How have you survived without me? You always needed me to survive, you can’t on your own you silly little girl” She spat, holding her knife to my neck. It was infused with kryptonite, but why was it affecting me so much? She grabbed my phone from my pocket, a smirk on her face.
“I see you’ve met Kal-El. Perfect” She commented before the faint sound of the dial tone reached my ears. “Emma? Everything okay?” Clark’s voice was low but I could still hear him thankfully. “Emma can’t come to the phone right now Kal-El” She scoffed before I could feel a gush of wind. The pain was getting worse the longer she held the knife to my throat. 
She sighed before lifting the knife away from me. “Looks like this puts a halt to our reunion Elrisia. Till next time” and just like that, she was gone in a leap as if she could fly. I started to cry, unable to do anything else. My body wouldn’t listen to me. I tried to get up, to move but it was like she locked my body.  Clark’s face came into view, his worried expression making me so guilty. 
I felt the bile rise in my throat. The world was getting dark. Too dark. Clark’s words were muddling together as I felt my eyelids close every moment or so.
‘You failed Elrisia. You always fail’
“No! Billy don’t” I laughed as my best friend jumped off the tree. She was pissed and that vodka only made her more careless. I tried to help her up, my bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand as I used the other to support her body weight. I wasn’t as drunk as everyone else, I can hold my drink well.  Morgan and Caitlin were trying to make tiktoks, Adam kept running it per usual.
Jordy was trying to get a kiss out of Adam, even though he was after at least four joints and Adam don’t smoke. Jonathan was tryna flirt with Morgan. Morgan’s his girlfriend. “Emma! Look, I gotta girl!” Jon Jon shouted at me, kissing Morgan’s cheek. She laughed at him, shoving him gently. He fell on his back and stayed there. “I still have no idea why I go drinking with you lot” I snickered, falling next to Jon Jon in solidarity. 
My Jack Daniels was almost gone, my buzz steading ever so slightly. Jordy fell by my side, giggling over the fact he got a kiss on the cheek. Adam tripped over his legs, there goes the blue wicked. “Adam!” We all groaned at him. He flipped us off before rolling off of Jordy. The girls joined the little circle we had going on, Billy Rose just deciding to use me as a pillow. “Uhhh, lads and ladies…. Marty coming in hot” Adam groaned, seeing my birth mother.
She looked as toxic as ever. Her oversized tracksuit jumper and a pair of blue jeans were covered in small patches of white powder. “Your coke delivery went well I suppose” I coughed, pushing Billy off of me. She glared at me. “Come on girls, parties over” Marty sighed, latching her hand onto my forearm. “Ow!” I yelped as she dragged me up from the ground. Morgan glared at her while Caitlin was helping Billy Rose from the ground. 
“Hands off her!” Morgan snapped, smacking Marty’s hand off of me. “Nice one M” I smiled at my friend. “Always needing others to help you, Elrisia” Marty smirked at me. I threw the bottle of Jack Daniels at her, missing her face by an inch. “My name is Emma” I snapped, walking ahead of her. 
“That’s fine! We’ll just call a taxi!” Jon Jon shouted before Marty grabbed my shoulder tightly. “Why don’t you take shotgun Emma” She spat like a mild venom. The look in her eyes made us shiver. The woman had instantly put us in a cautious sense of mind. Martha Clarks has a plan.
“Nah! I’ll take shotgun, my legs are killing me Ms Clarks” Billy Rose smirked, opening the passenger side of the front of the car. I could see the steam come right out of my mother’s ears as she practically stomped to the driver's side.
I sat in between Morgan and Caitlin in the middle seat. The pair were talking with Caitlin’s mam, a plan we devised when they first learned about my birth mother. “Uhhh… Ms. Clarks, why do you have your indicator on?” Billy asked, seeing her click the switch to do so. I looked up from my phone, the slight red glow in Marty’s eye caught me off guard.
“That truck” She said with a sadistic smile on her face.  “Mam!”
I woke up gasping for air. My entire body froze in place, the lingering feeling of the crash never leaving. The strands of my hair ended up soaked from the spit in my mouth. I couldn't move my arms to fix it, fear freezing me in place. I barely took notice of my surroundings as Billy's scream echoed louder in my ears. Why was it so cold? I couldn't feel my fingers? Why can’t I feel my fingers?
“Son, she is awake”
I turned my head to see… Jor-El? “Fuck your fatter in person” I told him. Guess Clark got Lara’s good looks. “Excuse me?” Jor-El asked, his little offended by my comment. Clark had walked into view, noticing the scowl on Jor-El’s hologram face. “It’s not like you have emotions, you’re an AI” I stated, making the hologram sigh. He knows I’m right. “Emma, please” Clark sighed, his head dropping at my tone of voice. I rolled my eyes at him.
Jor-El turned to Clark, a grumpy look on his face. “The kryptonite should not affect you or the twins, but I highly suggest keeping her away from the public. It will take a couple of days before it leaves her immune system” He informed Clark before disappearing in a small flash of light. Clark raised his eyebrows at me, hands on his hips.
“What?” I asked innocently. Clark sighed once more, “Can you try for just a moment to be nice? Especially to my Father?” Clark asked, his voice sounding desperate. I slumped my shoulders at him. “I just said the first thing that came to mind. You do realise I know way more than you think right?” I reminded him, getting up from whatever I was sitting on.
Clark gave me an odd look. Probably because I was just attacked and seemed super unfazed by it. Amateur. “So, what time is it?” I asked, almost slipping on the icy floor. “About eleven at night, Lois is trying to keep Sam in line while the twins are worried about you” He told me. I groaned at Sam’s mention. I’ve had enough toxic parenting for one night, I don’t need to add his and that stupid military crap on top of it.
{3rd Person's Perspective}
Emma smiled awkwardly as she walked from behind Clark into the house. The scuffling of feet made her jump as the twins came to greet her. “Emma!” Jordan exclaimed, running to hug her. Emma wrapped her arms around his shoulders, giving him a tight squeeze. “I’m alright, I’ve had way worse than a green glowing rock in my system” Emma brushed aside as she broke the hug. Sam let out a deep, very fake cough at the young girl’s statement.
Emma felt her brief feeling of peace die out faster than her will to live. “What is worse than Kryptonite Ms Ní Chroídheán?” Sam asked her. Emma held back a sigh. “As of right now your presence” She slipped, giving the man an unpleasant look. Jordan and Jon held back their laughs while their parents tried to be unfazed by the teen’s comment. “Excuse me?” Sam spat, already not liking the girl. “I didn’t realise you were that old you needed hearing aids” Emma asked, her head feeling like it was gonna explode. Lois quickly stood in the space between the two. Lord knows what they could cause. 
“Dad, this is Emma. Emma this is Sam, my–” Lois didn’t even finish her sentence. “Your dad with the same ‘toxic honour above all else’ bull as my mother who just attacked me. So please don’t feel offended if I’m not gonna take your bullshit” Emma glared before walking up the stairs. The Kent family and Sam all looked at each other, Clark the most worried. “Did she just say her mother attacked her with Kryptonite?” Jon asked out loud. They heard a loud crash and Emma’s normal string of curses. Jordan looked at his Dad worried when he asked, “Did Holo-gramps say anything about… that?”.
Clark only sighed, knowing Sam is gonna have very, very strong opinions on this. “The Kryptonite was made to only affect Emma, if she says that her mother attacked her then we need to learn more about her” Clark explained. He knew that she wasn’t a great mother but if this is a ‘tame’ attack, he didn’t want to imagine what could be the worst.
Sam let out another cough, hoping the twins would leave the room. Thankfully they had gotten the hint and went to check up on Emma before bed. Lois quickly shifted from concerned to annoyed faster than Clark could fly around the world. “Really Dad?” Lois huffed, hands on her hips as Clark stood next to her. “Excuse me? That young girl needs to learn respect” Sam began to argue with his daughter.
Lois felt like a volcano ready to erupt. “She was attacked, Dad! She’s only a kid, so if she doesn't want to deal with your crap then she doesn’t! You are not the one who is looking after her wellbeing!” Lois argued back, her hands going everywhere to prove her point. “She shouldn’t be your responsibility! Where are her parents?” Sam pointed out.
“Dad’s dead! Mother’s a psychopath! Everyone else is probably dead! So can you both stop fighting about me!” Emma’s voice screamed, already sounding sickly. Lois and Sam stopped in their tracks and looked to where the stairs are. “What?” Clark asked, seeing Emma stand at the top of the stairs.
Emma had already changed into a pair of jammies and a hoodie as she rubbed her nose with the cuff of her sleeve. She already looked done with everything and everyone. “Emma, can you remember what happened?” Clark asked her. Emma took a step back, what she said had finally registered in her head. “I’m not stupid. I’ve seen and read enough to know” Emma answered him, looking down at her feet. “Know what Emma?” Lois asked, ignoring the rude looks from her father.
“My world. It’s gone and I’m just waiting until you guys are sick of me at this point” Emma choked back a sob, her eyes emitting a soft green glow. The glow started to climb around her body, jagged, straight, long and short glowing lines became see-through. “Emma” Clark began walking up the stairs gently. Emma began to sway as a thick line manifested on her neck.
“Aunt Natalie?” Emma murmured before falling back. Clark sped to her before she could hit the floor. As he caught her, the glowing died down. The lines became a light pink on her visible skin. But the one place the glow didn’t die was her left wrist. Clark carefully pulled up her sleeve. 
‘El Mayarah’ was written in cursive and so were four small hearts with the initials ‘S.O’B’ ‘B.R.O’ ‘N.O’B’ and ‘C.C’.
Lois ran to Clark’s side. She quickly noticed the tattoos on her wrist. “Isn’t that…?” Lois trialled off. “Kryptonian and the meaning behind the crest?” Clark questioned before letting out a sigh. “Yes, yes it is” He answered, knowing that Sam was going to gloat when he finds out.
Emma woke with a start, the sound of her heart beating in her ears. She didn’t recognise where she was, the small sparks of anxiety had flickered in her panicked state. It wasn’t until she felt a warm hand take her own did she looked to her left. Jordan held her hand, his eyes bloodshot as he looked into her own. “Jord? What… What happened?” Emma asked him, her cheeks tinted red from their close proximity.
“You fainted and…” His eyes went to her hand, his thumb ghosting over a light pink line on the back of her hand. Emma’s eyes widened as she pulled her hand closer to her face and her sleeve up. “They’re back” She whispered, her fingers tracing the scars with the tips of her fingers. Her eyes welled with tears as she closed in on herself, cradling her left hand. 
Jordan hesitated for a moment. He knew that nothing he said was going to comfort her. He did the only thing he knew could give her some sort of comfort. He wrapped his arms around her sobbing body and held her close.
Emma didn’t know what way to feel. For almost a month she had felt wrong. How could she? The parts of her that she has always had were gone. How could she prove that her mother was cruel when the only evidence she’d ever had disappeared and she didn’t know-how. Now that they’re back, her scars, her tattoos, it felt… Her scars.
She could see the flashes of knives, bags of white or brown, and the sinister smirk her mother would wear. And the same sentence she muttered every time, “You’re becoming stronger princess” with venom tracing her words to sound ever so sweet. I could barely hear Jordan’s soft voice over the loud ones that screamed in my head. ‘Pathetic, Useless, Filthy, Repulsive’. She’s a mess. All Emma ever could be was a fake, lying mess that covered up everything.
Emma knew the minute she spoke about her mother that no one would believe her. How could they? All they’ll think is that she’s an attention-seeking brat who can’t function without someone helping her. “It’s okay, Em. I’m not going anywhere” Jordan whispered, rubbing calming circles into her forearm. And they stayed like that, in the comfort of each other's arms.
Usually, Emma would force herself to stop and then tell whoever that she was okay now. Hell, she’s done that to Jordan before. But now? All that Emma could do was let him comfort her. There was something about this moment that made Emma wonder why? 
Why have they let her stay when she’s an emotional wreck?
Why is she allowing herself to break? No one has ever been okay when she broke. It was always words that forced her to keep it together. She was the rock her family fell to when they broke. Her brothers, that includes her cousins and best friend, always came to her for everything. Hide weed, money, need to find a place 'cause your mother was drunk again, she could do it in an hour tops. Come to think of it, the only thing she hasn't done was hide a dead body. 
Like her Nana always told her, 'the women of our family are the glue that keeps us stronger than time'. Ever since her Aunt Natalie died, she not only had her brothers and sisters coming to her, but her Jon Jon, Adam and even Jordy. She had to be the glue, she was the last female O'Brien and the Eldest of her mother's family. 
Yet when she was in his arms, it all melted away with his embrace. She felt safe listening to his heartbeat over the voice of her mother insulting her in the back of her head. His hoodie felt soft even though she was crying on it. 
"Why are you still helping me? I'm a mess" Emma asked in a hushed whisper, her fists holding his oversized hoodie. Jordan gently broke the hug, one had on Emma's shoulder and the other ghosting over her cheek. "I care about you Em, I'll never stop caring about you" Jordan told her, the small gap between them becoming very aware to Emma. 
Clark gave Emma a glass of water, her dark green veins highlighting her pale skin. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked her, concerned that the young girl had said the infamous words 'we need to talk'. "Yep, but first things first. Kilgrave. You need to go" Emma pointed at Clark. The she pointed at Sam with a scowl on her face, " 'Cause you are sadly right. He's gonna escape using chewing gum?" Emma questioned before waving her hand everywhere. "Something really science-y and typical for a villain of his stature" Emma waved off.
Ignoring the shocked faces of the three adults, Emma took a breath as she decided on what to start with. 
"The first time I ever saw drugs, I was three. My mam was stuffing it down my nappy. I was used to smuggle drugs from the Republic of Ireland to the UK. She used me till I was six. Most of these scars, they had drugs behind them. Weed, Heroine, Cocaine. You name it, she used me to either smuggle, test or both. I've been in a child rehab because of it. I'm a heroine baby, I was born with the shit in my system so I can get hooked way too easily. When I was five, my mam collected from an overnight stay with my dad. I was missing for three months. I don't remember it, doctors chalked it up to drugs or some sort of mental protection from my brain. 
It was fine after that, sure she would still use around me and my older brother, Conner and while she was pregnant with my little brother, Antony. Then it was just a couple week after my seventh birthday. My dad bought me my first Superman comic. She got angry, I've never seen her so vicious. My dad hid me in the kitchen cupboard under the sink with his phone. I rang the guards the moment I heard stuff breaking. But when it got quiet, I came out and I swore just for a moment… my mam's eyes… they were red. My dad was on the floor… he umm, he died in front of me" Emma stalled a breath, her eyes closed tight as she held back the tears. She couldn't look at Clark or Lois, she knew they probably wanted to kick her out. Not that she'd blame them, that's what the Lordans did, along with throwing glasses and forks at her legs. 
She felt a weight on her hand that made Emma open her eyes. Lois gave her a sad but sympathetic smile. "It's okay, you don't have to tell us if you can't" She told her. "No, I have to be honest. You and Clark have done so much for me in the past month. You two should know what I am. A drug dealer's daughter" Emma admitted for the first time ever. Lois nodded, allowing the young girl to continue. 
"After my dad died, I bounced from foster home to foster home. Some good, some bad. Adding to my scar count. When I was nine, I was fostered for the first time with my brothers. My mam was pregnant again and they wanted us to be in the same place. But when Sophie was born, the woman who was fostering us, adopted us along with Sophie. It was okay for a while, My aunt Natalie came back from working abroad and came out as bisexual. She started dating my Jeju's sister and they got married, adopted a kid I knew from an old foster home. I actually made friends on my own… Like Billy" Emma stalled, her breaths becoming fast paced. Clark tried to help her but Emma only pushed his hand away weakly. 
She stood up, walking a few steps away from the table. She bawled her hands into fists as the dark green in her veins glowed brighter than kryptonite. "Ahh, why is this so hard!" Emma tried to keep down her scream of agony. Her veins were on fire, every part of her body was like she was in a sauna for her own blood. "Emma" Clark called out, grabbing her by her arm. His skin let out a hiss before he pulled back. 
"Did you honestly think it would be that easy?" 
Emma looked up from the floor, the cloaked figure standing above her. She could see the smirk on her face. Emma held onto the wall support beam as she rose from the floor. She formed a snarky grin. "Martha Clarks, hiding under a cloak. Thought you were proud to be a dealer" Emma spat, her nose bleeding as she did. 
The figure went from the middle of the living room to holding Emma up by her throat against the wall. The hood fell as red eyes glowed. Emma felt her entire body shatter. "You… You're—"
"Kryptonian. Took you long enough daughter" She snarled, ready to blast the girl to dust. "I poisoned you with kryptonite. How did it take you so long to realise?" Martha hissed at her daughter, her eyes slightly simmer down as she lowered Emma to the floor. She scoffed at the girl who scuttered away towards Lois and Clark. "Pathetic. How are you… a scared and gullible child supposed to carry on the Alor family legacy? You don't even react to a yellow sun" Martha spat at her, the woman's voice changing from its unrecognisable echos to a very known British accent most likely from Nottingham with the way she pronounced her words.
Emma was lifted from the floor by Lois, her legs barely strong enough for her to stand. Martha only smiled at the state of her daughter, a rush of joy coursing through her abnormal veins. "Weak legs. Check. Glowing veins. Check" She began to listing off, her smile growing wider as her eyes became infatuated with the sickly look. "I wonder when you're gonna hear the voices" She ticked her tongue. 
Emma felt her stomach drop with her mother's tone. "Voices? What voices?" Emma asked, her voice raspy and her breath shortened. "Your father, Billy Rose, Conner… Natalie" Martha listed again walking closer to Emma, for only the table keeping the distance. "Every person who died… because of you" 
"You killed them… Natalie died from…" 
"An attack outside her own pub. A knife that left water in the wound" Martha let out a breath, the air becoming a mist as ice formed in her closed hand. Once she opened it, a dagger made of ice sat nicely on the palm of her hand. Emma left the support of Lois as she slowly made her way to her mother, clinging to the kitchen chairs for dear life. 
Martha was taken back as her daughter's burst of strength. But she remembered that family is a powerful tool for good or evil. Emma stood as best she could in front of Martha before her hand curled into a fist and swung at the blonde. Martha caught her fragile fist, pouting with fake innocence at the child. "Did you truly think that through?" She asked her daughter before holding her fist tighter. 
Emma gritted her teeth from the pain, her knees giving out as she fell to the floor once more. Exhaustion crawled its way to Emma's body, her veins glowing even brighter than ever. Martha looked at the sickened adults, mostly her gaze on Clark. 
"Alor. A little bit of family history you should know Kal" 
As the sun rose from its slumber, the Kent twin simultaneously made their way downstairs. There was a swift and normal silence between them as Jordan walked barefoot alongside Jon who wore a pair of gray socks. 
However when they came into the kitchen, there was no small talk from their parents or even teh sarcastic comments from Emma, who has taken up the role of entertaining them with weird facts in the dull mornings. 
"Okay, this is officially weird" Jon smacked his lips. Clark and Lois shared a look before turning back to the boys. "Why don't you both sit down" Clark suggested, gesturing to the kitchen chairs. Jon looked to Jordan, who did the same. The curly haired twin was gonna sat something until his focus became the support beam close to his brother. 
"Was that always like that?" He asked, walking to the beam. The pristine white paint was chipped at the edges and the natural brown wood was chipped and sticking out. "Jordan. Take a seat" Lois sighed, pleading gently with her eyes. Jordan sat down next to Jon. 
Clark and Lois took a moment before the latter spoke up. "Emma's mother stopped by" Lois started. Both boys looked at their mother with wide eyes. “Isn’t Emma from an entirely different world than ours? How could her mom be here?" Jon asked, taken back by the news. Clark only sighed at the question. "We don't know yet, which is one of the reasons I won't be at practice today"  He told them, quickly facing the sad looks on their faces. 
"Only one?" Jordan asked him. "Emma warned your Dad about something, he needs to stop it. So You’re mom will be driving you to practice today" Sam's voice appeared as he walked in, fully clothed in his D.O.D attire and a mandela folder in hand. Lois gratefully took the folder from her father, giving him a smile. "That's everything about Martha Clarks that I could find and a few bits from Hank Henshaw" He told them before turning to his grandsons. 
He gave them a quick smile before ushering them to get ready, hoping that he could get at least two minutes with Clark. The twins quickly ran upstairs wanting to check on Emma before they left.  Jordan was the first to enter her room after a low 'okay' from the girl. 
Jordan felt a pang in his chest as his eyes met Emma's. Instead of her bright icy blue, her eyes where a grayish-blue that made her sickly pale skin look even worse. Her veins glowed a dimming green, with a burst of light Emma coughed roughly into the pillow behind her. Her arms were too weak to move. Usually Jordan would find the girl with the blanket up to her chin, always complaining of the cold. But now the blanket reached to her waist as one of her legs hung over the cold floorboards. 
Emma gave him a weak smile, her hand gently lifting for his touch. Emma knew what she was doing was stupid, but she desperately needed to feel his touch. She wanted the butterflies to replace the pit that her mother planted last night. Emma knew the minute the voices began, he would know the small secret she had been keeping from both him and Jonathan. 
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Jordan asked her, holding the girl's hand like she could break any minute. "Like shit. Why couldn't it be pink kryptonite" Emma rolled her eyes. Jordan looked at her with an amused sign. "Sarcasm, that's a good sign of health" Jordan let out a breathy laugh. Emma's smile got bigger, Jordan couldn't have guess that he referenced a line from the show Emma constantly referenced when Clark was around due to his doppelganger role but he still made her smile. 
Jordan felt a bit of pride when Emma's smile grew, his heart beating faster that he was the one to do that. "What's pink kryptonite? I thought there was only the green stuff?" He asked her, his thumb caressing her knuckles subconsciously. He didn't know that it was making Emma feel at ease or that her obsessive thoughts where fighting agasint her heart as it yearned for his presence to be so much more than Platonic. 
"It's artificial kryptonite made by Lex Luthor. It makes kryptonians gay" Emma snickered gently, the memories of Jordy and her reading that comic issue making her smile fade. "That sounds really homophobic" Jordan mentioned, however the thought of a rock making his dad gay slightly amused him. "Yeah, but being bisexual and making fun of that issue is hilarious" Emma mused, gently tightening her loose grip on Jordan's fingers. 
She saw the far way look in his eyes. She knew that look, the gears in his head doing a 360 with every thought that came to his mind. "Jord" Emma called out softly, taking his attention away from the voice in his head. He looked at her as if she was given stars by the universe only to show him what true beauty was like. Jordan noticed a stray strand of hair poking out from her tight ponytail. He gently brushed it behind her ear, his fingers lingering on her cheek. 
"I'm gonna be fine" Emma told him, her voice barely above a whisper. But her words failed to reassure the boy, as I fher goal was to convince herself more than him. "Ju… Just promise me that you'll call me, if anything happens" Jordan pleaded with her soflty. He knew that Emma wasn't his grandfather's biggest fan. 
"I swear" Emma told him. 
The morning was gone to quick for Emma's liking. She thankfully had enough strength to reach the bathroom, her lower back making her want to curl up into a ball to cry. So it was no surprise when she saw blood when she painfully pulled down her pants. She actually thanked whatever God made her take her phone with her to the bathroom. 
After a few moments of the forgiven dial tones, the sound of her call being answered briefly caught her focus. 
"Emma? Is everything okay?" Lois asked from the other end. 
"Uhh.. Where do you… keep your tampons… or or the pads?" Emma asked, praying the older woman used tampons as the latter made her break out in a nasty rash down there. 
Lois must have been taken back before answering the young girl. 
"The tampons are in the cabinet under the sink. Do you need me to pick up anything? Chocolate, ice-cream, a bag or two of chips?" 
Emma just mumbled a no. Lois had done enough for her already and she didn't want to burden her more. "Umm, no I'm okay. Thank you" Emma responded before hanging up. She quickly cleaned herself up, making sure that her hands were clean of any blood. She changed her bottoms before throwing them in the laundry basket of the guest room. 
She then curled into a ball as the period pain collided with the kryptonite pain. Tears rolled gently down her eyes as she took the pain. 
Kono slapped Emma's hand away from her car stereo as Arctic Monkeys' latest song played. "No trying to read my messages" Kono scolded her sister as they stopped at a red light. Emma looked after sister with a bored look. "You won't even tell me where we're going or why we are taking the same route to the hospital" Emma pointed out, huffing as she laid back in her seat. 
As the car started up again, and soon enough the sisters were at the local hospital where their mother and aunt worked. Kono took a moment before exiting the car, catching her little sister's attention. “Listen, I didn’t say anything because I don’t need another reason to collect you from the gardaí station” Kono began, catching Emma’s attention like wildfire. 
“What happened?” Emma asked, her body freezing in place. “It’s Mam. She’s in surgery” Kono told her very carefully, making sure to lock the car doors. “Why! I swear to every god who has ever been thought of, if it was Marty I’m gonna kill a bitch” Emma seethed her mind jumping to her surrogate.
Kono sighed, “This is why you go to therapy” she muttered, hitting her head off the steering wheel. Kono then sat up straight and stop her little sister mid-murder planning. “Mam’s kidney is failing, so we need to be tested to see if we can donate. If not, Mam will be on a waiting list or we will call her family up in Northern Ireland” Kono told her, a hand on her shoulder.
Emma nodded before a familiar car drove up beside them. “Fuck” Emma groaned loudly as the driver tapped on the window beside her. Emma plastered a smile more fake than Clark Kent’s glasses and pressed the button for the window to go down.
“Detective Twomey, what a lovely surprise” Kono spoke first, a similar smile on her face. “Kono” She nodded at the blonde before looking at Emma with a sarcastic smile. “Emma Ní Chroídheán” She greeted with a playful tone.
“Hi Audrey, still tryna find my burn book” Emma smirked at the woman, who only shook her head. “Actually, I’m not here for you kid” Audrey admitted, fixing her uniform jacket. Emma was a little taken back. “Did Antony try to spray paint a wall or something?” Kono asked, unlocking the car.
Audrey bit her lip back. “No, the hospital called. Whatever put your mother in surgery, it wasn’t natural. It was drugs” The gardaí gave the younger girl a side glance. She watched Emma’s face morphed into a seething rage.
Jon and Jordan walked on the side of the road. Practice was uneventful so there wasn’t much to talk about. Yet Jon couldn’t help but notice Jordan checking his phone every two minutes.
“She’s sick, not ghosting you” Jon pointed out.
Jordan looked up at his brother with a confused look. “Sorry what?” He lied, pretending not to know who his twin was referring to. “Emma” Jon rolled his eyes. “She’s probably sleeping. She’s always complaining about not getting enough of it” Jon shrugged, his brother knowing it’s true.
Jordan sighed, putting away his phone. “I know, I’m just worried about her” Jordan admitted to his brother. Jon swung his arm around Jordan, pulling him in close. “We all are. But Dad will figure something out” Jon reassured him.
His brother didn’t seem to react to the semi-positive words. “Did you know that when Emma’s nervous or scared she uses Irish slang?” He asked Jon, raising an eyebrow. Jon was taken back for a moment before the realisation settled in.
That lovesick idiot.
“Really? You know Irish slang?” Jon asked him, already knowing the answer. Jordan only shrugged his shoulders. “I looked some stuff up and when I saw the definitions it kinda made sense. I mean the first time you pissed her off she called you a fean” Jordan reminded him. Jon only shook his head. “What does fean mean then? Idiot” Jon guessed.
“It’s just an informal way to say man. That’s why I’m worried, if Emma was scared that her entire home was gone would she be so calm about it” Jordan pointed out, making Jon finally understand his point. “So you think that Emma has known this entire time?” Jon asked as they turned into the farm, the mailbox open with today’s mail.
Jordan only shrugged before seeing Emma sitting on the porch, her head resting against the wall. Jordan walked up to her, noticing the blanket wrapped around her as she slept in the worst position he’s ever seen.
She looked worst than ever. Her skin was way too pale, almost like a sheet of paper. Her veins were a darker green like poison you’d see in cartoons. Her hair had changed too. It was a beautiful caramel brown but now it was almost grey like the colour had faded.
Jordan gently shook her awake, “Em” he called out gently. Emma gently opened her eyes, pulling the blanket tighter around her. “Jord?” She mumbled. That’s when she opened her eyes properly. The gorgeous ice blue eyes had drastically faded into a dark grey with the rims of her iris’ were also green.
After returning from the failed prison transfer, Clark had wanted to try and speak to Emma. Even with the Man of Steel there, Kilgrave still escaped with the help of a mysterious woman. Emma’s mother.
He walked up to her room to see his boys watching over her with concerned looks. “What happened?” He asked, the small smell of something metallic in the air. Jordan couldn’t form a word as he watched Emma mumble to herself.
“No… please don’t hurt him” Emma whimpered, her hand reaching out weakly for something that wasn’t there. It had started, she was hearing the voices Martha had warned them about. “When did this start?” Clark asked the rushing over to the young girl.
“After she left the bathroom. We called Mom and she also said she got her… monthly thing” Jon told his father, hoping he’d understand what he meant. Clark only nodded before lifting Emma into his arms. “She needs to stay at the Fortress until we figure this out” He declared before flying away from the farm.
Once he landed in the fortress, Clark immediately laid Emma down in an incubator. Quickly awaking Jor-El, he began to run tests on the girl. “Father, is there any chance she may be—” Clark began looking at the A.I.
“—Kyrptonian? Yes, it seems her cells needed to adjust to our worlds yellow sun before her DNA could show us, hence why the first test was inconclusive”
Clark nodded as he looked over to Emma who was mumbling again. Something about a motorcycle? He then looked at the holographic display his father made of her body. Almost 60% of her body was infected with the altered kryptonite. What was he gonna do?
“Father, who were the House of Alor?”
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ramonahblog · 2 years
Sooo *shoves another shameless fic plug at you*. 
This time written in a rush to get this idea out of my head before 2x14 airs. 
Title: Useful
Fandom: Superman and Lois (2021)
Rating: T
Summary: With Superman out of commission, everyone needs to step up. If Ally got this powerful by merging...Then there is one thing Jon can do to help defeat her.
Tags: Sad/Angst. Author is back in her angst phrase apparently. I’m sorry. Not sorry enough to keep it in my drafts though.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39650913
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ssomagni · 1 year
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Image source: World's finest 16 swimsuit variant
@clarkkentweek Day one: Sunscreen
Pairing: Superbat
Summary: After Clark gloats a bit too boldly about the strength of his skin Bruce starts to doubt if he can feel anything at all, it puts a strain on the physical aspects of their relationship. Lois suggests something a bit unorthodox to shake things up.
Story Link: Block some sun see some stars
Requests open: Yes
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warriorgay07 · 8 days
Supercorp fic prompt:
Supergirl visits Clark and lois. She meets the teenage boys and they bond. Then lena arrives through a portal. She has Kara's new suit. (Suit is sleeveless to show off Kara's muscles.) Lois is aware of Lena's intentions and calls her other on it.
(Humor centric one-shot)
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dc-fanfic-sideblog · 6 months
So… I don’t really have an update on the costume designer reader, just some more little facts because I can’t help myself. None of this is in any sort of order. I’m treating Reader like a character for now in this post, i will eventually start to use “you” in place of “she/her/reader”
I’ve never really written x reader fanfiction before, so I’ll try my best to make it as inclusive as I can (while being a little self indulgent as a treat)
If y’all have any questions or maybe even requests then please send in an ask!! I want to practice writing!
Various DC characters x fem!reader
Reader is going to Gotham University on a full ride scholarship, but she doesn’t live in the dorms (if the Uni even has dorms because i can’t find any information on it) she has a shitty little apartment, basically a studio apartment because they’re a collage kid and can’t afford shit.
Every so often some small time villain will find their way onto the roof of their apartment building and reader is just chilling outside and she’ll ask “yo… do you have a costume yet?” And she may or may not design something for them or give criticism on whatever they’re already wearing
She asks Superman why he wears tights lol
SPEAKING OF SUPERMAN, i believe when reader goes off to Metropolis, Lois is all over her in like a mother hen kinda way. Giving tips on how to interview people, about asking good questions and keeping their interest
Clark is also there but after reader meets Superman she catches on almost immediately. Because hello, he’s just wearing glasses and fixing up his hair differently, what are the drinking in Metropolis?? (I’m heavily basing this Superman after the 1978 one because he’s so silly and pretty)
Batman/Bruce Wayne definitely has his dad instincts kicking in as soon as he hears about some college kid wanting to talk to VILLAINS that are in ARKHAM going to Gotham University on HIS FULL TERM SCHOLARSHIP.
Damien meets reader with Batman supervising him to make sure he’s not overly rude to reader, and Damien (as Robin) starts asking stuff like “why are you interviewing villains? Frankly that’s stupid and dangerous” and Bruce just scruffs him like a kitten and says goodbye lol
At some point I think Bruce meets reader as Bruce Wayne after one of her classes to be like “hey I’m the one giving you money so you can go to college. I heard about you talking to evil people and while I think that’s dangerous here’s a special ID to get into Arkham so you don’t get kidnapped by random villains on the street. Talk to these people while being supervised please”
His kids make the joke that he’s ready to adopt another kid, but he denies them just to let them freak out (he not gonna but he thinks it’s funny to mess with them like that every once in a while)
Jason follows reader as Red Hood when they’re going to Arkham for the first few months. The visits aren’t often because of classes and work, but they’re at least once a week.
Reader/you work as a work study for the theatre department, meaning reader has access to a lot of different materials and good strong sewing machines. There’s a pretty good sewing machine in the apartment but the university ones can handle thicker materials and can run for a lot longer
I’m kinda debating on including Morpheus/the Sandman just for funsies because I want to write him interacting with a slightly unhinged college student
Anyways that’s it for now, sorry I abandoned this account for so long lol but I’m back! (We’ll see how long that’ll last)
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stardustinthesky · 20 days
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I missed you.
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cardierreh15 · 11 months
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**I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warning 18+: Mentions Of Sex but , Clark being the man we always wanted . ✨ amazing ✨
Pairing: Clark/Kal-El x Lois Lane (Black!Plus Size female)
Description: Clark doesn’t exactly know how to explain to Lois that he is Kal-El, Superman.
Word Count: 2.0K
Song: Magic by Coldplay
One Shot
‘Clark, this has to be the dumbest idea you’ve ever come up with!’ Lois squeaked through her teeth as he managed to push her forward. She was on her heels, backing her weight against him but somehow, he was not budging. He just kept on pushing.
Clark chuckled as they finally came to a stop at what had seemed to be the edge of the world. ‘Trust me… I’ve thought of dumber things.”
Lois was still far enough to see the cliff but not what was beneath it. Her knees were practically buckling and her teeth were damn near chattering. ‘N-no! I’m convinced, this is the dumbest!’
He’d walked ahead of her and placed his hand on his hip before turning around to face her, ‘Y-know, for you to have been pushed off of the globe of the Daily Planet, you’d think you’d grasp the idea of heights.’
Offended, Lois raised a brow and popped out her hip, ‘Excuse me?!’ Her face began to grow hot with irritation. That had to be the most insensitive thing he had ever said. Leave it to a man to say something stupid.
‘Before you get mad… Let me finish.’ He sighed for a moment, ‘The only way one has truly ever fallen from something high like this is because they were either pushed, or they jumped.’ He then turned to walk towards the edge of the cliff.
‘CLARK! BE CAREFUL!’ She yelped.
He turned halfway and lended his hand out towards her.
Lois stared at her boyfriend for a moment. His deep blue eyes were so gentle, and so sure. They offered her a place she had only felt with him: safety. She knew that whenever he was around, she would be safe. It was a strange feeling… but it was blissful and comfortable too.
So, Lois sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘Fine. But if I fall off this cliff Clark, I will haunt you for the rest of your life!’ She said as she walked over and placed her hand in his.
‘Haha, sure— sure. Look,— look at this view.’
Ahead, was the melancholy vastness of the ocean. The sun shone brightly down on the crystal blue waters. Waves sparkling and shimmering as if it was a sea of jewels. A few tiny yachts and sailboats floated on the horizon; only adding to the breathtaking sight.
‘Wow— Clark… this is…’ she scoffed as she just held his hand a little tighter than before. She just needed clarification if he was real or not. All of it just felt like a dream. Her being on a much deserved vacation with the love of her life. Life felt too good right now. But somehow, it was going to get a lot better.
Clark stared down at her with a gentle smile cracked on his face, ‘I know.’ He then wrapped his heavy arms around her waist, giving her a soft squeeze before kissing her cheek. Then, he rested his chin on her shoulder gently, loving the sound of her now calmed down heart beat. A rhythm that had put him to sleep on multiple occasions.
Placing a kiss on her shoulder and savoring the moment, he let out a gentle sigh, ‘Lois, I have to tell you something.’
Lois then looked over her shoulder at him with concern, ‘What is it, Clark? Is everything alright?’ She then turned around to face him, her small manicured hands on his sturdy chest.
He grabbed her small hands in both of his large palms, ‘Yes— … sort of. I—‘ he looked off to the side and then took a deep breath.
You have to tell her, Clark. She’s important to you. You plan on asking her to be your wife one day. She must know.
Letting out another huff that seemed to come from his soul, he closed his eyes as he asked, ‘Do you trust me?’
She raised a brow in confusion, a skeptical half smirk curled on her lips, ‘Uh… we’ve been dating for 6 months. I would like to hope so.’
The couple let out a short litter of laughter before Clark pressed his lips together.
‘Then there’s something I have to tell you… well, showing is better than telling.’ He then grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. ‘Just… give me a few minutes. I left something down in the rental. Wait for me?’
Now she was curious. What could be so important that he just couldn’t share with her now? Or, why did he leave it in the car? Was it on purpose? Oh my god! Is it a ring?! Shit! Was he going to ask her to marry him?!
Her mind raced with these ideas! All of these what ifs! Her heart began to pick up pace again. ‘Well—‘ she swallowed her spit, ‘O-of course, Clark! I mean— I ain’t goin’ nowhere.’ She giggled nervously, her cheeks burning with excitement and her ever growing smile unwavering.
Clark chuckled and gave her a gentle nod. He could hear her heart begin to pick up its pace again, but he just kept it cool. She was as nervous as he was. That was evident in the way she smiled.
‘Alright then. Just hold tight. I’ll be right back!’ He then placed another kiss on her cheek and jogged his way back towards the marble staircase that led them here.
She spent what had felt like an hour up on that cliff. She picked out a pretty pink flower and stuffed it in her big poofy ponytail. Then, she took some selfies and made sure she looked good for the special occasion. Adding on a little bit of gloss on her full lips.
Then, she heard her name being called.
Closing her mini makeup mirror, her eyebrows tugged into one. ‘What the hell? CLARK?!’ She then shoved it in her purse and walked back towards the edge of the cliff.
Catching herself, a few small rocks fell off of the edge. Damn, that was such a far fall. Letting out a shudder of a deep breath, she felt like she could only hear her own heart hammering in her ears.
Him calling out to her didn’t bring her out of her own head until she saw a familiar bright red cape.
He was standing at the large rocks down below where the waves crashed and eroded the cliff.
Lois made a face, getting down on her hands and knees to lean a little further over the ledge to see and hear him better.
‘CLARK?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WEARING?!’ He was just so far down below, her eyes couldn’t make him out. Only the bright red cape that blew in the wind.
The same question from earlier, she sighed out before slapping her forehead, ‘YES! CLARK! I TRUST YOU! BUT YOU’RE NOT EXPLAINING TO ME HOW AND WHY YOU ARE DOWN THERE AND NOT HERE!’
Her eyebrows tugged into one. Now she was more worried than she was curious. Whatever plan Clark had rolled up his sleeve, she was not feeling it. But she’d allow herself to hear him out. She was in love with him after all.
Clark paused for a second, knowing how she reacted just standing up there was just the beginning, but he was about to ask a lot of her. But he had to try.
Lois’ eyebrows pulled into one, ‘YOU NEED ME TO WHAT?!’
He sighed out and pressed his lips together, ‘LOIS! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU TRUSTED ME!’
‘IF YOU DO … I PROMISE IT’LL BE WORTH IT!’ He reached out towards her.
She stared down at him, her eyebrows tugging into one as her eyes were finally able to make out a bit of his attire. A bright burgundy “S” carved into his chest. ‘Oh my god…’ she whispered to herself, covering her lips with her fingers.
Lois felt her heart pounding in her chest, her head grew dizzy and her palms shook.
She thought her brain was going to shut down on her. But she had to face this! This was her boyfriend! And her coworker! It’s not like she could avoid him, hell, they came here on this trip together! So she let out a deep breath.
‘w—what if I can’t?’
When she heard those words, it was like her adrenaline had kicked in. She needed that reassurance, she needed that reminder of who she was! And from her sights, it looked like she was up here and her boyfriend, better known as Superman, was waiting down below to catch her.
So she stood up and walked towards the edge and took another deep breath. ‘Alright… “you’re either pushed… or you fall…”.’ she repeated his words from earlier, ‘Who are you going to be Lo? The person who gets pushed? Or the one that takes that leap?’
Lois closed her eyes, ‘OK.’ And she opened her arms out and just pushed her body forward. ‘AHH!’ She let out a short scream as she began to free fall.
In the beginning of her fall, the moments seemed so serene and peaceful. Like nothing really mattered! She didn’t fear what would happen if she didn’t land in Clark’s arms. It was as if she was embracing death with open arms. But the longer she was in the air, the more anxious she became. She was starting to doubt him and even began to count. ‘One… two… threeee— CLAAARRRR—Oof!’
Abruptly, she felt herself being hit with the reverse of gravity. Landing right in his arms, Lois felt like she was floating! One of her eyes popped open to look all around, and then the other one popped open to look up at her lover.
‘Clark.’ Lois shuddered out as she stared up at him in awe.
Clark smiled down at her, one arm tucked beneath her knees and the other around her back.
Lois looked from his face to peak down below. They had to be at least 50 more feet off the ground.
‘I told you all you had to was trust me…I will always catch you, Lois.’
She smiled before looking up at him, ‘I know… I’m sorry I doubted you.’ She said, smoothing out the back of her fingers on his clean shaven jaw. ‘I love you, Clark.’ she said softly as her finger tips traced along the intricate detailing of the embroidered “S” on his chest. It wasn’t like any kind of fabric she had seen on Earth. It was so full of pigment and color. Remarkable!
‘I love you too, Lois.’
Clark then leaned down as Lois stretched up her neck to meet him in an Earth shattering kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her body flush against his. Their tongues fought one another for dominance and want.
Lois had broken the kiss but her eyes remained closed as her forehead rested against his. ‘Wait!’ She stirred out of her thoughts for a second and looked up at him, ‘Is that why we haven’t slept together? Because you were Superman the whole time?’ She held back her giggles.
A bright red hue grew on his face and he started to laugh, ‘Partly,’ he said before pressing his lips together, ‘But now that the cats out of the bag… I plan on indulging you… any way my mind sees fit.’ He said with a bit of Once we make it back to the hotel.’
‘Well, I like the sound of that!’ Lois squeaked as she clasped her hands together.
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