#suga domestic
mango-bango-bby · 1 year
Hi Mango, how are you?Can you write Sugawara with a pregnant reader? I'm just wondering how he's going to act with his paternity fuss.I miss reading Sugwara reader posts 🥰 Sorry my native language is not english. I love you.
♡ Pregnancy ♡
(A/N: Wahhhhh I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve written anything for Haikyuu and it feels so nice to write for them again 💖 I hope you like because I’d love to more for Haikyuu!!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, domestic yandere, pregnancy, childbirth, AFAB!reader, children
Summary: Pregnancy headcanons with Sugawara! (Yan!Sugawara x AFAB!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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♡ Sugawara really wanted a family with you. He had honestly been dreaming of having a family with you. He’d love a traditional family, although he would always put you before his wants. But when you told him that your period was late and that you wanted him to get you a pregnancy test. He was incredibly excited so he did get the test.
♡ You are either upset about being pregnant or you’re excited. Either way, Sugawara is very excited to start a family with you. If you’re upset, he’ll still comfort you but there doesn’t mean he’s not excited and won’t try explaining the positives to you. And if you’re excited, then he’s even happier! He hug you tightly but he’s already pulling back so he doesn’t hug you even though you’re barely showing.
♡ He gets very, very protective over you. And he isolates you even more. He just is so worried about you, there are so many things that could go wrong in pregnancy and there are so many complications that could happen. He takes you to the doctor a lot, even though he’s still protective of you, he still brings you to the doctor because he’s so nervous. He’s also scared for the baby for the same reasons.
♡ Sugawara reads up a lot of pregnancy and parenting so that he is fully prepared. He is at your beck and call honestly, he’s just so in love with you. He needs to make sure you’re comfortable and not stressed at anytime because it’s bad for you. Also definitely makes you food that you want because he doesn’t want you cooking because he sees as dangerous.
♡ He is already planning on spoiling the baby! He’s already spoiling you so much, he can’t wait to spoil the baby. He buys so many toys, play mats, clothes, everything! He just can’t wait, he’s very excited. Of course, he helps you decorate the nursery as well, whatever you like!
♡ Sugawara definitely brings you to a doctor. He’s very protective over you but he could not handle seeing you and you being in so much pain, so he definitely brings you to the hospital to give birth. He’s holding your hand the whole time, he is supporting you the whole time. He’s encouraging and definitely tells you how proud he is of you because you really are incredible.
♡ He lets you hold the baby first, then he holds them. He cries when he first holds them. Even when you all get home, Sugawara holds them while just relaxing with you. He ‘nurses’ you back to health, you just gave birth, he needs you to relax. So he takes care of you as well as taking care of the baby when you can’t.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
Suga and Spice
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pairing; chef!yoongi x female!reader
genre; fluff, humor, smut, established relationship, domestic au, chef au
warnings; mainly just wholesome fluffy content with a sprinkle of spice in the form of shower sex
rating; 21+ MINORS DNI
w/c; 3,588
a/n; missing my other bias and wanted to give him some lurv so here ya go. like + reblog if you enjoyed. feedback is always appreciated and helps keep this writer motivated. <3
networks; @ficscafe, @thebtswritersclub, @kflixnet
Your head was tilted back, eyes closed, and mouth gaping like a fish out of water. A moan that was on the borderline of being a whimper could be heard within the silence of the room as your partner gave out a sigh of content and on the verge of begging for more—
—he shoves another spoonful of the delicious and perfectly cooked food into your mouth to silence your whining that he knew was coming.
“You’re ridiculous, y/n.”
You opened your eyes to gaze into those of your lover’s and gave him a loopy Cheshire grin.
“How are you even real? Are you secretly AI? Is that how you’re so indescribably good at cooking?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head with mock annoyance, though the slight quirk of the corner of his upper lip said he was thoroughly amused by your shenanigans.
“You know what you should do, Yoongs?”
Dropping his hand to land flat on the table, he gives you his full undivided attention.
“What’s that, y/n?”
“You should marry me.”
He gave you a deadpan expression, and wordlessly grabbed your left hand with one of his own, holding it in front of you with your fingers splayed and used his other hand’s pointer finger to emphasize on the dainty but custom made engagement ring he slipped on your finger only two weeks ago on your birthday.
“Well I’ll be! Would you look at that?”
You leaned over the short distance to give him a chaste kiss on the lips, one he returned in kind without a thought, the action now second nature to the male. Never one to express his inner feelings, he only hopes that through his gestures and actions alone you’re able to feel what he might never say out loud.
Which you do, of course. Especially when you taste his delectable foods that he puts his entire heart and soul into.
“Did you still want to bake tonight? If not, we can just watch a movie or whatever.” He placed his hand over yours on top of the table, thumb mindlessly running over the groves of your knuckles as he asked, his eyes not once leaving yours.
Another thing you loved about Yoongi, that with you, he always maintained eye contact whenever possible. More of his love language coming out for you only.
“Sure! What did you have in mind for tonight, Chef Yoongi?”
He snorted at the formal words that inwardly made him swell with pride when you were the one saying them.
“Let’s make eclair’s. It’s considered a romantic dessert with the added bonus of it uses a lot of eggs so I can go through the extra carton you bought.”
“It was an accident! This is why I tell you it’s better if we shop together for groceries!” You whined childishly, making him crack a grin.
“I was only joking, y/n. But the recipe does call for quite a bit of eggs so it works out.”
Good enough for you. You’ve never made eclairs before, so Yoongi teaches you the ropes. This kind of pastry dough requires near constant mixing, so you trade off when your arms get tired. You eye his strong, toned arms dubiously as he mixes with a serious look of concentration when it’s his turn yet again.
“Do you even need to switch?”
“Maybe. Or maybe I just enjoy watching you work.”
You don’t miss the little smirk he gives as he says this and you narrow your eyes at his when he gives the whisk back to you. He leans on the counter next to you in what is clearly meant to be a seductive pose. He blatantly rakes his eyes over your figure as you painstakingly begin whisking again.
Deciding to give him a show, your own form of revenge to his snide remark from earlier, you lift the whisk out of the bowl and lick it as seductively as you can. This actually gets Yoongi to break, of all things.
“Gross! You’re still using that!”
“What? Afraid of a little bodily fluid?”
You’re talking about saliva and you both know it, but he’s never one to back down from an innuendo. So, he resumes his prior sexy stance and waggles his eyebrows.
“You know I’m not. The more, the merrier.”
It’s so absurd, yet true when it comes to him and his kinks that you can’t decide whether you want to laugh or jump his bones right then and there. Your thighs unconsciously rub together as your mind shifts from the innocence of baking, to one’s not so innocent.
Eventually, all the eggs are incorporated into the dough, so it’s ready for the oven. Just moments after the oven door is shut and a timer is set, you hear a loud crunch followed by something wet and cold on the top of your head.
You gasp with wide eyed disbelief.
“You did not just crack an egg on my head, Min Yoongi!”
“I didn’t.” He shrugged off casually, before continuing smartly. “I specifically smashed an egg on your head – there’s a difference. My way includes egg shells.”
You feel some egg white drip on the shell of your ear and your body shivers involuntarily. You can’t help yourself any longer. You leap after him but he shrieks with laughter and dodges out of your grasp. The sound is like music to your ears with how rare it occurs.
Filled with a wild frenzy, you chase Yoongi all over the kitchen and into the living room when he flees there. He’s quick, and no matter how fast you run he always seems to be just out of your reach.
Instead, you go for a different approach. Scooping some of the egg from your hair, you hurl it at him. It lands square in his neck with a satisfying wet plop and you let out a whoop of victory.
“What? Is that all you got?” He taunts you, not phased in the least bit when he wipes the egg white onto his shirt without a care. Now he’s in competition mode, but so are you.
“Not even close.”
You take another scoop and rub the eggy mess between your hands until they’re nice and gooey. Then, you reach your arms out towards him in a signature zombie pose.
He laughs, eyes crinkling and gummy smile on full display as he maneuvers back into the kitchen. Using the farther side of the kitchen island as a barrier between you two, he stares you down, both hands splayed on the marble countertop trying to predict your next move.
Your eyes zero in on the egg carton placed dangerously close to him that was left wide open when he used one against you; that was your mistake. He follows your line of sight and instantly snatches the carton into his hands, holding it in a vice grip.
“I don’t think so, hon—.”
In an impulsive move, you juke him to the left but run around to the right, barely managing to corner him between the fridge and one of the counters. Yes! You plant your still grimy hands on either side of his shoulders boxing him and the egg carton in.
You’re completely out of breath, and as you realize this, you see Yoongi’s eyes dart to your lips and back. You mimick his line of sight and notice he’s panting just as heavily. Belatedly, you realize – you are incredibly turned on. Judging from the look on Yoongi’s face and the way he’s currently licking his lips, so is he.
In an instant your arms are wrapped around him and you’re kissing, the nearly empty egg carton dropping between you both and only making a slight mess on the white flooring, not that either of you really cared at the moment. His hands roamed the curve of your spine before landing underneath the curve of your ass instead. The kiss becomes more heated and intense, the bulge pressed against your lower stomach let’s you know exactly how into this your lover is, the fact only turning you on more.
It’s amazing. It’s blissful. And it’s hot as hell.
And then it’s ruined by you feeling yet another glob of egg drop from your hair and this time into your neck, the mucus like consistency makes your whole body cringe into the kiss and makes Yoongi reluctantly pull away from your impromptu make out session early.
“You okay?” His words are low, and you can hear the amount of desire he still feels for you in his voice. The tapping of his fingers on your ass let’s you know that he’s also clearly impatient and wants to continue.
“Yeah. Just, you know. Covered in egg is all.”
“And? So is the floor? Doesn’t seem to mind that we’ll just be cle–,” Yoongi pauses, considers something with a faraway look on his face, and then a devilish glint passes through his eyes. “You know, I may just have a solution for that.”
“Oh? Pray tell.”
“It’s obvious we could each use a shower, a good cleaning. And guess whose shower is big enough for two people?”
The idea sends a thrill through your entire body, and you wordlessly take Yoongi’s hand and lead you both to his master bathroom’s shower.
Not wanting to waste any time, Yoongi let’s go of your hand to make himself busy with turning on the water. While it’s warming up, both of your clothes come off in haphazard piles on the floor only a few feet away from the entrance to the shower. You barely even think about it, mind too consumed with the idea of what’s about to happen, but when you catch sight of Yoongi you have to pause.
You’re absolutely breathless.
His naked body is strong and taut, and even under the fluorescent bathroom lights he’s absolutely breathtaking. For a moment, you think back to the first day you two met, and it brings a warmth into your chest when you see just how far you two have come from that fateful day. You don’t know how you got so lucky to find a man like him, but you know you’ll never take him or what you two have for granted.
When he notices you staring, he gives you a sultry smirk.
“See anything you like?”
“Not sure. I need to look a little more.”
He takes a step closer to your now nude form and grabs your hand in his, gesturing for you to take a little twirl of your own so he can soak in the beauty that is your own body in all it’s perfectly imperfect glory, and you do, with a small giggle passing through your lips.
A woman is a mystery a man just can’t understand. But he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to figure out the mystery on how you somehow chose him of all people to spend the rest of your life with. His heart yearns to always be by your side and his soul wants nothing but to please you and give you a life you deserve.
To him? You’re his soulmate. His forever.
“You’re quite the treat yourself, you know? Dare I say, even more mouth watering than the eclairs.”
He gives you a loving forehead kiss, knowing those are one of your favorites, and steps closer to you to reach around you and feel if the temperature of the water was good. As he leans against you, you can’t help but run your fingers down his chest, nails only lightly scraping the unblemished skin you’re so envious of, the action making his chest rumble underneath your hands as he lets out a low growl. The sound shoots straight to your core.
Deeming the water good enough, he leads you into the shower and underneath the ridiculously large rainfall shower head that at this moment, your body is grateful for as it sags in euphoric relief. Yoongi chuckles at your reaction and realizes it’s better to actually get cleaned up before your little shower sex session.
So, first things first, you both make quick work of cleaning the egg off of each of your bodies. You take turns dunking your heads under the water, scrubbing at your hair with shampoo and conditioner, and neck with soap as you do. Yoongi does the same.
After you’ve rinsed your hair out for the last time, do Yoongi’s arms snake around you. Though, more importantly, you feel his body flush against your front, the contact of your now hardened nipples against his chest only spurs both of you on even more.
Feeling handsy, you grasp his butt, his hips, and then ever so slowly you trail your fingertips down his ‘V’ line. You hear his breath spike as your hand finds it’s place between his legs.
His own hands roam across your body and down until his hand slips between your legs and you can’t help but groan at the contact. Your eyes have maintained contact this whole time so you’ve been fortunate to witness the steady progression of the hunger that’s deep within as it makes its way to the surface.
Then, his mouth is on yours and you’re all in. The water runs over your bodies as you hold each other under the stream. You brace yourself against the shower wall and the tile is cool under your palm, your leg is wrapped around his waist and you’re basically standing on your tip toes with your other foot to accommodate him. You let out a low whine when you feel the tip of his cock tease your opening, your eyes falling closed reflexively from the simple amount of pleasure it brought you.
Yoongi is focused on your face the entire time when he fully sheathes himself inside of you and lets out his own little grunt of content. He gives you a moment to adjust before you’re tapping his ass with the heel of your foot to signal the go ahead. Then, his body is moving and you’re meeting him with each thrust of your own hips, the sound of wet skin slapping against one another reverberates within the enclosed space along with the rhythmic pattern of the water still falling on the shower floor around you.
Opening your eyes, knowing that Yoongi yearns for it, especially during sex, you have to bite your lip and will them not to close again when he does a particularly sharp thrust that has you parting your lips to reward him with a loud moan. The water has plastered his hair to his forehead, so you push it away, eyes locking in a deep gaze. They’re wild with desire and you know that yours aren’t any different.
His breathing is starting to get heavier, and you can feel him tensing under your hands. He forces himself to slow down his pace in order to prolong his release long enough to give you yours first, an unspoken rule that he’s created for himself, you being none the wiser.
With one hand holding himself up from crushing you against the wall, he holds his other hand underneath the stream of water around him for a second, and before you have time to register what he’s going to do, his expert fingers are already slithering their way down your stomach and finding a new purpose on your swollen bud. Your entire body arches into his from the unexpected contact that has your mind reeling with a few colorful words, some falling from your lips in a low chant that soon get quieted by Yoongi’s own words of praise.
“Does that feel good, baby?” A rapid nod of your head is all you can give in the current moment, eyes still locked with his. “Are you going to be a good girl and cum for me?”
Your back arches, boobs pushing into his chest even more, with your hips picking up their own brutal pace against his as you chase your release with a fervor. He knows when your thrusts start stuttering and slowing down that you’re getting very close.
“That’s it. You’re doing so good. You’re almost there.” He dips his head into the crook of your neck to whisper the words into your ear, feeling your walls clench around him in a vice. He gives a moan of his own and it’s all you need as you let out a cry of relief once you reach your starry orgasm.
With a few more quick and deep thrusts it doesn’t take him long himself to find his own as his hips still against yours, his whole body weight leaning into yours has you squished between him and the wall with a breathy whine coming from you – both from the sudden weight and you still coming down from your high.
With what little strength he has left, he slowly lowers your leg so you’re standing on both, but makes sure he has an arm secure around your waist just incase you needed a moment to collect yourself and regain your own strength to stand on your own as he pulls his weight off of you.
“Sorry, needed a minute. Are you okay?”
His worried eyes flicker between your half lidded ones as you let out a breathy laugh at his question, though internally your heart swelled at his immediate need to make sure you were okay.
“I’m more than okay, actually. That was fucking amazing. Ten out of ten, would definitely recommend doing again.”
He chuckles, but doesn’t disagree with you. Pressing a kiss to your awaiting lips, he caresses your cheek before pulling away to turn the water off. Thus, ending your shower session. You detangle from one another to carefully step out into the now very cold air of the bathroom, the steam from within the enclosed shower no longer keeping your bodies warm.
He hands you your favorite robe that he makes sure is always clean incase you need to use it, and you take it with a wide grin, immediately shrugging the fluffy material on your nude body as you snuggle into the collar with a sigh.
He just smiles lovingly at you, and there’s a beautiful moment of post coital silence between you while you dry off, but then—
“Oh, shit. Oh no. No, no, no–,”
He runs from the bathroom, and for a second you’re confused on his rushed behavior, before your eyes widen in realization. The eclairs! Did the timer go off? You didn’t hear it.
Securing the robe around your body tightly, you briskly walk out of the bathroom, down the hall, and into the kitchen. You’re just in time to see Yoongi, stark naked except for a pair of oven mitts, pulling a slightly smoking sheet pan out of the oven. The smoke causes a brief cloud to linger above the kitchen and you hurry over to the kitchen window to open it and let the smoke naturally clear out.
You turn back around as he carefully sets the hot sheet pan onto the grill of the stove, then leans back against the counter next to it with his head tilted back, eyes closed, and a deep sigh emitting from his parted lips.
The corner of your lip quirks up at the sight, and you can’t help but let out a cheeky remark.
“I like this look on you.”
He spares you an affectionate, closed mouth smile as he opens his eyes to give you a mock glare. You walk closer to the male to see the extent of damage your shower sex caused. It wasn’t too bad, you don’t think. But you’re not the expert here. Focusing your attention on Yoongi, you see he’s already looking at you and your body fills with warmth knowing he’s never ashamed of being caught staring at you.
“Are they okay?”
He clicks his tongue, but his expression is neutral.
“A little burnt, but honestly could be worse.”
You nod in response. Okay. Crisis…averted? Mostly. Great!
He leads you back to his master bedroom where he fishes out some of your favorite clothes of his to wear for the night and you take them with a kiss to his lips. In the process, he finds some for him as well and you two get dressed in no time. Checking the clock on his wall, you both come to the conclusion that there’s still time to finish the eclairs.
Once again, you’re back in the kitchen and working on picking out the least burned buns, but other than that it’s pretty painless. Pastry crème in a piping bag, fill the buns, drizzle with chocolate – easy!
You triple check that the oven is off and there’s nothing else you’ve forgotten about, and then you and Yoongi sit down at the kitchen table to enjoy the fruit of your labor. It’s definitely a little over cooked, but who cares? Yoongi is glowing and you don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone more beautiful.
The dessert is amazing, but how could it ever compare with the man sharing it with you? The rest of the night passes by in a blur of kisses, cream and chocolate. Then you let yourselves fall asleep in each other’s arms in your shared bed and it’s bliss.
You could definitely get used to this. And you will, considering you had the privilege of the rest of your life to do so.
a/n; send me an ask if you’re interested in being in a taglist for anything pertaining to this series (if there is one) or all of my future works in general (or if you wish to be removed). be sure to specify when you apply.
taglist; @mwitsmejk
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poutyniall · 1 year
Something wakes you up and you feel like you slept just for 5 minutes. You were exhausted when you went to bed last night and you still feel the same. Yawning and blinking you finally realise that wasn't the alarm's ring or the sunlight filtering through the curtains or the warmth of Yoongi's body and his cute sounds when he snuggles up against you in the morning 'cause he doesn't want to tear himself away from the bed or from you that woke you up. It was the harsh, sudden gasp coming from Yoongi, the sound of air getting sucked in through his teeth like the sound of a sword cutting through the air. You awake utterly when you turn your face towards him: he's drenched in sweat, locks of hair stuck to his forehead and the light, baggy t-shirt he wears to sleep is now see-through. You can tell he's being tossing around for awhile, hands clasped tightly around the crumpled sheets, eyeballs darting frantically underneath the eyelids. ''Yoongi, love.'' you call him gently, laying a hand on the damp skin of his forearm to delicately rock him to try to tear him away from the nightmare that was holding him in terror. ''Oppa, please, listen to my voice. I'm right here, love. Everything it's fine, you're safe. Just come back to me, ok? Yoongi, Yoongi, please?'' your voice cracks, fear and concern leak out 'cause it's been so long since the last time he had a nightmare and you don't know how to reach him and you can't stand watching him in pain. It hurts. He wakes up abruptly, sitting up, shortness of breath, shaking, frightened eyes flinging around the room. You straddle him to hold him in your arms, his head resting on your breast as he weeps quietly, chest racked with silent sobs. His hands climb your back, firmly clinging to your shirt like he's anchoring himself to reality through you, fingers digging into your flesh. You brush your fingers through his damp hair with long and slow strokes and leave soft, tiny kisses all over his scalp until his breathing settles down. You don't dare move a muscle till you feel his body relaxing under your touch, willing to stay perfectly still till he needs you to. Once you think he's ready, you gently break the embrace and back away slightly so you can look at him in the eyes and cup his face, wiping away the tears trapped in his eyelashes. After a soft kiss on the tip of his nose you take his hand, intertwining your fingers, to lead him to the bathroom. Without a word or a question, giving him the time and space he needs, you take his sweaty clothes off and guide him under the shower. He lets you do it. He lets you wash and rinse his body and hair, letting the distress, the fear and the pain go down the drain along the soapy water. He lets you scrub the towel all over his body, he lets you dry his hair and help him put fresh clothes on. He lets you take care of him and he appreciates that you're not asking - not when he's not ready to answer - despite being so worried about him that your hands shake. After quickly changing your own clothes, got wet in the shower, you take him back to bed and wrap the both of you in the sheets. He curls up, letting you spoon him and you hold him tight in your arms, his back pressed against your chest, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you breath in his scent. ''I'm right here, oppa.'' you whisper to him. The squeeze he gives your hand as response: he knows.
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sailoryooons · 2 years
hi!!! for your writng event, i'd like to request a lil something for yoongi inspired by for Taylor Swift's Paper RIngs, especially the line "I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings".
thank you!! <33
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→ Pairing:  Yoongi x female reader
→ Summary:  Yoongi cheers you up in the kitchen after a bad day, reminding you of just how much you love him.   
→ Word Count: 1,027
→ Type: Drabble / Request
→ Genre: established relationship, fluff
→ Main Masterlist: here
→ Rating:  SWF
→ Warnings: Fluff. Some innocent kissing. Drinking wine.
→ Part of Hali’s Happy Agust writing event
→  A/N: NIXIE OF COURSE. I have to admit I was super unfamiliar with the song, but I really tried to incorporate some of it in here, specifically with the number of kisses meaning different things, the little imagery of reading the same books / jumping into the pool, and obviously the quote. I hope this brings you a lil fluff and warmth!
Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement or representation of real life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real life scenarios
By an unwritten rule, you are required to grumble when Yoongi hauls you up from the couch. You pout at him, trying to convey that the long work day has turned your bones to jelly and that there is no frame to hold your body up.
Seemingly, he gets it. Yoongi wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you tight as he presses his chest against your back. His chin slots perfectly over your shoulder and he steals a shy kiss on the cheek. That makes you grin a little – perhaps the first one all day.
“You don’t have to do anything except stir,” your boyfriend promises. He begins to nudge you forward, dragging your movements in sync with his. “If you still want to wallow after, you are absolutely in your right to do so. But you asked for one hour of no sadness a day, and we’re doing it.”
You hum, frowning as he manages to drag your ass to the kitchen. You did ask him to hold you accountable for monitoring bad moods and not letting them consume your days and your life. So far, Yoongi had been really fucking good at it, too.
Perhaps it’s the years between you that have given him such amazing insight into who you are as a person. He knows to set you up in the kitchen by placing a glass of wine in your one hand while he slides a cooking spoon in the other: work and reward.
Yoongi knows that when you pout at him as he tosses the meat into a pan, you need just a little extra love. So he lets dinner sizzle as he leans over to you, hand abandoning his task to gently slip a curved finger under your jaw, tilting your mouth to his in a soft kiss that tastes a little bit like sweet red wine and just… Yoongi.
“I know it was a long day,” he murmurs. He presses another chaste kiss to your lips, making your head spin. He pulls away and thinks better of it, stealing a final kiss, nose brushing softly against yours. Your mind is heady with his plush mouth. “It’ll be all right.”
You remember the first time you kissed Yoongi. It had come as a surprise, an act of bravery when you had been crying over failing an exam. He had been sitting next to you on the bench overlooking the lake on campus, and before you knew what was happening, he had pressed his lips against yours.
Even two years later, it makes your head spin. You had been friends with him for years, chewing on a massive crush like a dog on a bone. Being afraid to ruin your friendship has long since been a fear of the past. The softness of his lips at the minty breath of the gum he always chewed had chased away that fear then, and it does now.
Yoongi goes back to cooking gesturing at the noodles that you have now abandoned in favor of staring at his side profile: soft nose, feline eyes, pouted lips and if you squint, freckles.
 “What are you thinking about?” he prompts as you stir the pasta. “You have that look on your face.”
“What look?”
He shrugs. “A cute one.”
“I was thinking about the first time you kissed me.” He goes red from his button nose to his ears. You feel the smile growing on your face, hiding the grin in your glass of wine as you take a sweet sip. It’s a little too sweet, but it’s Yoongi’s favorite. “It was just… so unexpected. I never knew you liked me.”
He snorts. “Everyone else did. I mean don’t get me wrong, I like reading, but I curated my bookshelf after the pile I saw next to your bed freshman year.”
“Really?” He’s never told you that. He shrugs shyly, focused on the sizzle of the pan and popping oil. “That’s cute. Remember that time you jumped into Seokjin’s pool in the middle of the night after that cold snap? Jin didn’t really dare me to follow you – I just did cause I wanted to relate to you.”
“Huh. Kind of dumb, huh?”
“Well I get to sleep next to you now so… perhaps not.”
He grins. You’ve forgotten about your bad day. Forgotten about the way Monday makes your step drag, makes you sag at the edges. Yoongi always has that effect on you, taking your attitude and turning it around with gentle hands.
“I was always worried you wouldn’t return the sentiment.” Yoongi turns the burner off. You do the same, steam wafting around your hand. In tandem, you move around the kitchen, trained in the art of living around one another. “I didn’t have much to offer.”
“Yoongi,” you chide, pouring pasta into the strainer. “I didn’t care about that shit then, and I wouldn’t now.”
“I know, but it’s nice to know that now I have the stability to buy you a ring when we get married.”
“Is that a promise of marriage?”
He steals the fourth kiss from you as he turns on the cold water, cooling the pasta a bit. “It always has been. From that first kiss, I wanted to marry you.”
“Well as it turns out, ring or not, I would marry you.”
“Of course, I would. I love you. I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings.”
And you’re absolutely serious. Since the moment you started dating, you’ve pictured a life with Yoongi. Pictured being the one he leans into when he just needs a moment to cry. To be the person for him when he needs a steady hand to give him courage. To be the one that he saved that secret smile of his for, the one where he tucks his face into his shoulder, smile full of gums and eyes squinted.
When you turn to the fridge to get sauce out, Yoongi smiles. Runs his hand over the box in his back pocket. Watches as you stand on your tiptoes to get what you want. “Good to know,” he murmurs. “And I love you too.”
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trifoliumrex · 1 year
Vault 69
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A Yoongi x reader fic
When your vaults radiator leaks and poisons the air you're forced to make your way out to the waist land in hopes of finding medicine. The thing is the waist land's not quite as barren as you thought.
Soulmate AU, Fallout AU
word count 7729
AO3 Link
For @yoongsisbae
special thanks to @celestialvixen and @slaughter-mama
You stare into the sun. It's hard not to when you haven't seen it before. Pictures just didn't do it justice. A big light in the sky. You understood on an intellectual level that it was real but some part of you always doubted it. It's beautiful especially as it starts to make its way towards the west. A sharp elbow to your side grabs your attention. You wince. He’s never pulled any of the force and you hate that after all these years it still catches you by surprise.
Sam a tall man who’s always acted like his height made him in charge of whatever situation he’s been in, and if his height fails well his fists would take care of the problem. You’ve been with him since you were kids. Not really by choice. He said you were the prettiest out of the three viable options so you were his. No one bothered to disagree with him.
The overseer approved you as a match after you both came of age and that was that. He was bad but his lackeys were worse. At least he has a mind of his own. At least he had a spine and wasn't a coward. At least he had a plan. It wasn't much, but it was something. You told your self it was something. 
Open the vault and try to find rad-x in the great unknown. If any had survived that is. That was the plan. You had been told since birth though, that there was nothing outside of your underground vault. Sam had reasoned that it didn't matter. You had been running out of food for generations and with the reactor leaking radiation into the air? You were all sick but the four of you were the least sick.
The people with housing by the reactor were almost all walking skeletons now. Sick and dying and the medicine had run out years ago. If there was nothing outside that would be horrible, but it didn't matter because there was nothing inside either. You had to find something in the wreckage. You had to.
More impressive than the plan though was that he had actually done it. Ok mostly it had been John who was good with computers. Had managed to make the behemoth move but it had been Sam who had taken the credit. Maybe that was fair. Maybe when you had the ideas that was just how it went. It certainly meant that you weren’t the one with the gun. John got a security nightstick. Hell, even Paul, who was useless, got a baseball bat. 
You had a wrench. It was your wrench too. Your great times whatever generation had been before the war, Before the fall of man, grandfathers. You think he had been a mechanic of some sort. He had brought manuals to bikes you’d never ride with him instead of something helpful. Or fun. Paul had a series of comic books. He told you once you could read them if you sucked him off. He had ended up with a black eye and you had ended up in the holding cell for violence. 
That had been before your father had died. The first of the vault's population to succumb to the radiation. You probably would have been dead right along with him if you hadn't had the privilege as Sam called it of staying in his bed. He was going to be the next overseer of the vault anyway. Everyone knew it. 
“Sorry” you mutter, turning your eyes away from the sun. you’ve been walking for half the day. The sun is already starting to set and you’re already bone tired. So are Paul and John. You would assume Sam is too but he’s trying to hide it. You can tell it’s important even out here that you all think he’s stronger than you. Better than you. 
As if the barren rock landscape cares. As if the shriveled trees care who’s incharge. The current overseer, also Sam's father, not that that's why he’ll be getting the job oh no definitely not, has updated his pip boy with the map to the outside on his arm. Just him. Yours has a vague one but is updating as you explore. You hope he knows how to read it. 
“Sam. I’m going to need a break soon” you hate being the first one to say it but you see the relief in John and Paul’s faces. You might be the only girl and maybe the one with the worst radiation sickness but you know you're also the only one who’s not afraid of Sam. 
“We don't have time for a break, kid!” He’s maybe six months older than you. It had been annoying when you were kids but now as adults you see him for what he is condescending. 
“If we don't break now we’ll need a longer one later. We all need water. Maybe you don’t but we do.” Sam comes up to you and you can see you’ve made a critical mistake. He grabs your cantine. You make a grab for it. If there's one thing he hates it’s when anyone challenges him. He gives you a shove. It's not even particularly hard but it sends you into the rock. You groan in pain and watch as your water spills out onto the ground. 
“I said no breaks” You stand up ready to throw punches if it cam to that. What was he hoping to accomplish here? He would get you all killed!
“Why are you such a dick?! Sam what the hell is your problem” you feel your voice rising. You hate it. He always uses your displays of emotion against you. Like any reaction he provokes out of you means he’s won. Completely ignoring any point you make. Sam grabs your arm and starts pulling you along. His grip is bruising. It always is. You hate him. You hate him so much.
“Just shut the fuck up we have a job to do and” A crack rings out and makes you jump out of Sams grip. You look at his hand convinced he’s fired that pistol in there but no. It's not him. Shots? Is there someone else alive out here? And they have a gun. You all look around in panic. Dead. everything out here is supposed to be dead.
There's another crack and pain blooms along your side. You let out a scream that's more fear than pain really. And your hand goes to your side. Sam looks at you. At the blood and then at the others too. “Run!” he yells. To them. He doesn't give you a second look.
“Sam?! Sam!!” you scream as he leaves you without so much as a single look back. Another bullet whizzed past your face and you scramble back around the rock. You clutch your wrench to your chest, heart beating out of control. 
“I'm gonna tear you apart!!” A voice fast approaching calls. Your stomach drops. No. no no no no. This can’t be happening. The overseer was searching for people on the radio. He would know he would have told you. Would have–
“Fuckin' hide from me? You're dead!” another deeper voice calls out. You look around. There's an outcropping of rock not too far. You think you can make it, you just have to be quiet, you just have to keep your mouth shut. You take a deep breath and then another one and start running. Strong arms grab you from behind and for the second time today you are thrown into the ground. 
“Aww come on Yoongi, she’s just a girl all alone. Your friends leave you princess?” you look up at the small man with the clear high voice who’s tone and smile are nice enough but whose eyes are full of a cruelty that's evident. He’s looking at your pip boy. Its better then looking at your body. But not by much. Without the little computer on your wrist you would be almost blind.
Yoongi the one that grabbed you pins you to the ground and starts searching your pockets one hand pinning your wrists above you. You struggle against him but a boot to the wound in your side stops you. A tall one looking down on you wiggling his boot into your wound. “Careful Yoongi this one doesn't look so good.'' His voice is so deep you feel like you can feel the vibration in the earth. 
“You're just a pre-goulie bitch aren't you? Hu? That's right keep struggling. More fun thats way” You freeze up in terror eyes only for the one on top of you. The one whose name you know. 
“Please. Yoongi please” you get out. Yoongi's face twists in rage. How many fucking waistlanders have tried this trick on him? Read his soul mark on his neck and tried to get him to stop. Hell, maybe he killed them already. He shifts his weight kneeling into the dirt, his hands now around your neck not yet squeezing. 
Who cares if you’re running hot. He’ll just take a road away. It's better this way. Watching life leave their eyes. He's pulled back by his collar and to his feet. The man who does the pulling is a giant. You stare up at him coughing and trying to regain your breath. Yoongi turns on the man. “What the fuck Namjoon what the fuck?!” Namjoon throws him to the big man with a deep voice. 
He seems not to know what’s changed but he obeys Namjoon. “ Look at her fucking side Yoongi!” Your side? You don't understand if your eyes go there but you can't see past the blood. You instinctively go to hide whatever it is to stop these men from looking at you. Another one grabs your hand back and ribs at your already damaged vault suit. Your hands claw at his but he’s just as immovable as Yoongi.
“Pre-goulie. Well shit Yoongi it's your handwriting and everything.”
“That doesn't change anything! Just fucking kill her!” Namjoon smacks the back of his head making Yoongi growl at him but the rest of the men around you have already relaxed. They seem to have elected to ignore you. Namjoon gestures to you and one of the men takes a step toward you. 
His smile, unlike the small ones, seems genuine. You still don't want him anywhere near you. Your eyes go down to your side and widen at the dark blocky writing on your side. It takes you a moment to read it at an awkward angle. You're just a pre-goulie bitch aren't you? Hu? That's why right keep struggling. More fun that way. The writing looks angry and somehow deep. You look up at Yoongi and look angry enough to spit. 
“What did you do to me?!'' The men share looks all except the calm one. He looks younger than the rest. Cleaner. Calmer. Skin perfect save for a scar on your cheek.
“You don't know what a soul mark is?” You scowl at him. Are they making fun of you now? Teasing you before they kill you? The man, boy really in front of you nods like he is processing your reaction. He moves your arms too, not rough like the deep one. Gentle. Ah. a vault dweller. “I see. My Name is Jungkook. Can I have yours?” He’s digging around in his bag. 
Namjoon is tilting Yoongi's head. Observing his neck. The mark once faded and gray like his own has become fresh, vibrant. Beautiful. Namjoons own heart aches at the sight. Yoongi is looking anywhere at you and though his ears twitch at the sound of your name he makes no response to it. 
Yoongi had thought as soon as he got his soulmark, late for one to appear really, in his early twenties that he had already killed you. And now he finds out that you’re alive. He’s angry. Can feel the rage building in his body. 
Jungkook brings out a huge looking needle and goes to use it on you. You let out a little squeal and Yoongi's body reacts with a little half step before he regains control. This is how Jimin and Tae react. Pulled by the fucking thread. Yoongi has no interest in being anyone's puppet. 
“It's just medicine for your side. Then the rads”
“I'm not taking anything from you!” Your voice is high and distressed. Yoongi looks at you. At your unnatural clean. You're paler than you should be, he thinks, like your skin hasn't seen the sun recently, maybe ever. You look unhealthy. A gross mole person. He grabs the stimpack from Jungkook and stabs you with it. 
You cry out and when your side, just grazed by a bullet really, probably fired By Jin then. He always was a shit shot, starts to mend. you start to scratch at the newly forming skin abject terror in your eyes. Jungkook grabs your hands again. “Its ok. Just speeds up healing. Just medicine.” He grabs out some rad away and hands it to you. “Drink this. It will cure your radiation” Your eyes light up.
“It will? Do you have more of this?” 
“I don't. It's kind of expensive. Why?”
“We left to find this. There is a leak in our reactor. People are getting sick and”
“And what you expect people to just give it away you stupid ghoulie? Hu? You don't even have any caps!” Yoongi says the anger in his voice is evident. He gets more than one glare. You aren't supposed to be like this to your soul mate. “You don't even have any water!”
“You were all supposed to be dead.” You mutter. Not liking his tone one bit. You wish he still was. You don’t know what's changed but it seems like you are no longer in danger from these men. You don't give expensive things to people you are just going to kill. 
“A functioning vault and an honest to god vault dweller. I call dibs on her suit.” One of them calls you scrunching tighter on yourself. “Drink up so it's not too irradiated. I'm not trying to glow or turn into a ghoul.”
“What's a ghoul?” you whisper to Jungkook, apparently deciding that he's the one you can trust. “Am I a ghoul?!” you don't know what it is, only that it's bad. Jungkook gestures to the medicine and you drink it. It's awful and you almost retch but once it settles you look at your body. 
It doesn't hurt. You don't realize how much pain you were in until it was gone and so you sit mystified in this group of strange men. “Nah. Yoongi's just rude. He still calls me a tin man” you look at him confused until he draws up his sleeve and reveals a robotic arm. You reach out to touch it but Yoongi slaps your hand away. He glares at you but then shoots a glare at Jungkook. 
“How many times do I have to tell you not to show off you dumb hunk of junk!”
“Sorry Yoongi. She’s going to come with us though. She's your soulmate” 
“That's not real.” from you is tied with.
“No she’s not” from Yoongi.
“Ok sure” Jungkook says to both of you then Looks at Namjoon. The leader of their party. Namjoon is looking at you thoughtfully. 
“Do they have more of those suits back at your place?” He asks. You clamp your mouth shut and Namjoon admires the effort. If he wanted to make you talk he could but he'd prefer not to. He’d prefer you not to know that either. You seem like a nice kid. For a raider he has a soft heart. “They need meds. Meds are expensive. We could trade.” 
Your eyes narrow in suspicion. “ Why would you help me? He wants me dead” 
“He’s an asshole and my robot”
“Just patched you up. We get the meds, then we keep the extra caps.”
“You won't hurt the vault?” 
“Nah, we’ll even send Jungkook in to fix the reactor, '' Namjoon sais with a smile. You look around you don't know if you can trust them but you do know that there isn’t much of a choice either way. You hold out your pinky to Namjoon. He takes it with a grin. You seem satisfied. “You’ll have to come with us though. You going back only means more meds. And we’ll need your suit.”
“I had dibs”
“Shut up Jin.” Yoongi snaps at him. He sees the fear in your face at some thought undressed in front of them. “Later. We’ll get you something to wear.” When you look relieved, she rolls his eyes.
“I had water.” you say. To no one in particular. It was true they had seen the bottle. 
“Yeah? your friends take it?” Namjoon asks.
“No Sam he. He emptied it” You say frowning. Namjoon frowns too. They left you for dead three men and they left you to a pack of raiders. If it had been any other group other than Namjoon’s they could have left you for worse.
“Sounds like a dick.” 
“He is” at least this is over. You know you should probably try to find them but honestly. They can die. You don't care. That shove had been the last straw and leaving you? Your fingers trace over the mark on your side. It feels the same as it ever has but this mark. It saved your life and the mark on Yoongi's neck. It's your handwriting. You don't understand. You don't like it. You want to peel it off his neck. “Where are we going.” hopefully you can fine a potato peeler.
“The dome. A big city. Three days walk from here” He points in the direction of a setting sun. Far to go without water. A bottle is thrust into your hand and you look at the giver. The one with the mean smile. 
“The walks are not so bad. Can you fire a gun?” You shake your head. 
“Wasn’t cleared to use them”
“Well. that will have to change. My name is Jimin. Can you feel it?” He sees the confusion on your face and grins. “The Pull, me and Tae '' he points to the deep voice. “We can feel each other's pain.” He pinches his arm and Tae throws a rock at him that one misses. The motion is fluid. Practiced. “Can you feel his pain?”
“How would I know?”
“Cause I have this theory. Yoongi always acts like a little bitch because you were all sick and shit. Let me see your arm”
“Jimin” It's a warning from Namjoon. 
“Come on!” You give it to him. You think it might be better if he likes you. If they all like you. Jimin pinches you. You yelp and Yoongi stops. He looks at you glares then slugs Jimin hard in the stomach. 
“Fuck you and fuck Tae. I know you two are in this together” Tae moves to slug him too but you in a panic grab at his arm. You almost end up with a fist in your face but the other tall one. Jin you think. The one who wants your clothes interrupts. 
“Cheap shot Tae. you get her face and you might ruin my suit” You take a step back and almost run into the last one whose name you haven't figured out. He leans over lips almost on your ear. 
“Boo” You jump and your face turns red. 
“Are you and Jungkook all…” you gesture to Yoongi's neck to the mark on the tae wrist you assume is the same thing. 
“Don’t have soulmates” A look passes over Yoongi's face and then a wince of almost pain over Jungkooks. You nod once and punch. It hurts your hand more than it hurts him but still it feels better than nothing. “Ooooh Yoongi your soulmate is punchy” he grabs your hand and adjusts your fingers. “Elbow next time” Yoongi has to resist the urge not to shake his hand “ till you don't punch like a wastelander”
Hobi has looked out for Yoongi and vice versa since they were kids and unlike Yoongi he’s ready to welcome you with open arms. Hobi never had a mark. Unlucky enough, or lucky enough to either never meet his soul mate or for them just to be dead. Not like Namjoon. Not like their poor leader who had watched his settlement give his lover to raiders to appease them. Namjoon had killed both parties but it had been too late. It had almost killed him. No way was Hobi letting Yoongi go down the same path.
The rest of the group seemed to be of the same mindset. It's clear in the way you’re the center of the group. The only one who seems not to give a shit is Yoongi himself. He just keeps glancing at Jungkook.
There was that. What do you do if you meet your soulmate and you already have a robot lover? What do you do if you meet your soulmate and try to kill them and then it turns out they neither care nor believe in the concept?
It's not like Jungkook cared. Probably. He liked them all well enough and if you asked him to fuck he’d almost always say yes, especily to Yoongi but he never initiated him self. Best not to bring that up with Yoongi. With Yoongi it was almost always the best strategy not to talk about anything. 
You make camp sooner than expected and when you do you are confused until Yoongi whispers to Jungkook and he comes over and pulls off your shoes. They aren't meant for the wasteland. Just for the vault. Your feet are torn up from walking, Jungkook tuts. Yoongi’s a bit impressed. He only stopped when it became hard for him to walk. The soul bond does let pain travel but it's greatly lessened. 
Stimpacks are expensive so Jungkook instead empties a bottle of vodka on your feet and wraps you up in some bandages as best he can. You make faces and a few little noises but not much. Good, you're tough. You’d need that. 
Jin lays out a knife, a new pair of shoes and an outfit that looks old pre war maybe but preserved remarkably well. “Trade me” He says. Namjoon eyes him suspiciously but in truth while this would make you stand out it would be less than the vault suit. You take the knife. This you do have experience with though mostly in a kitchen setting. You head off behind a rock but you hear steps behind you. You grab your knife prepared to attack but you're disarmed quickly.
“Dont be stupid. If any of us wanted to do something we would and this knife won't stop us. A gun wouldn't stop most of us” Yoongi says with a look of disgust on his face. He turns around though. “The only thing stopping us is the fact that they would hurt me so. Calm down. None of them will hurt me.” You change quickly and look at your vault suit. 
You've never worn anything other than this and the sleep set version. Yoongi turns back around after what he’s deemed an appropriate amount of time and snatches the suit out of your hands. It's still warm and still smells fairly clean. Like the vault laundry. He harshly puts a hat on your head. “Look down in the city. Pretend to be a boy” Not that that will be likely to work. Not with a face like that. A body like that. “ don't talk to anyone. He grabs your arm harshly at first them releases his grip when he harms himself. He leads you back to the makeshift camp and throws the suit at Jin. 
Tae whistles at you and Namjoon looks at you seriously. The rest of them are in a curious mix of armor and armor made from recycled materials. You see what looks like a football uniform on Tae's shoulders. 
Some kind of harness on Jin that maybe was once moving straps. 
You look out of place amongst them. All except Jungkook who's in a shabby suit that's probably prewar but is almost falling apart. You take your seat by him. Yoongi thinks it's kind of cute. For a second before banishing the thought. That you think Jungkook isn't a threat. He could break you in half like a tree branch with no effort. 
“Synths don't need armor?” you ask. Jungkook smiles, glad not to be misrepresented as a robot. 
“We are very sturdy. You should get some. We’ll find someone soon”
“Find somepne?” Jungkook makes a little finger gun with his hand and points it at you.
“pew pew” you turn a bit green. These are bad men. You scoot just a tiny bit away and hear a snicker. You curl up in the ground just outside of the ring of light cast by the fire. You consider running but where would you run to. It's like being in the eye of a hurricane. 
Before you can make up your mind you’re already asleep. 
The second day is less exciting than the first. Just walking mostly. They are going slow. You pass by one group of people but they appear to be heavily armed. Jungkook puts his arm around your waist and waves. You wave too. 
There's talk behind you. Jungkook makes a good disguise but you? That pretty face? It makes sense why you’d have your own little private army. Especially if Jungkook was your lover. He looked rich and you looked expensive. 
Yoongi watched the casual touch and jealousy burned in him white hot. He pulls Jungkook away and in doing so pretends that fixes it. Pretending Hobi’s arm around yours when you almost wall off a cliff isn't just as bothersome. Pretends he has a choice about you after your marked into his skin. 
You seem to have more resistance. Being in the company of murders and theives though will help that. You do see them pass up more regular people. Wastelanders, you learn. Namjoon preferes to attack other raiders. Its still murder but you prefer it to what it could be. 
You’re surprised that they have left you with your pip boy. They had you put on the radio on it but none of them want to bother with learning it. Or so they say. They watch you fiddle with it though when a giant bug, a bloatfly, they tell you later, and stab with surprising accuracy. You explain how it works naively to Jungkook. 
It becomes on the table of things you’re not allowed to talk about. Your shared secrets between the group. You want to dislike them but they are all so charming. Sometimes they will sing along to the radio songs you have never heard before but all feel familiar and a few you can even join in on.
You like the way Namjoon and Jin make sure everyone has food before they eat even if you don't know what you're eating most of the time and think it better not to ask. You like the way that when Taehyung found out you had a map that was developing and could make marks on, he had you mark every interesting thing he saw. It seemed like he was the reason Namjoons little group had no permanent home. Why they wander around like a company of lost sheep. Tae couldn't stay in one place for more than a few weeks before he went a little stir crazy. 
You like the way Jimin will follow Tae and try to annoy him for fun but also when another one of the hideous blowflies tried to attack he shot it out of the sky without even looking. It's impressive. You like the way every single box they pass Hobi has to open no matter how long it takes. You like the way he hands an old soda bottle to Jungkook who opens it, then hands it right to you. The way they all watch you take your first sip of nuka cola quantum and fall in love with the stuff. The way if you have searched through a box Hobi doesn't need to double check a privilege apparently only afforded to you.
You like the way that your scrounge items are always laid out before Namjoon who examines your treasures and nods thoughtfully. Occasionally he’ll tell you to ditch something because it is irradiated or just too heavy but other then that just tells you they are nice.
Jin shows you his collection of his old odd treasures and is delighted when you tell him what one of his pieces is. An old motorcycle part that you recognize from the textbooks. You guess your great great whatever was had brought something useful after all.
You don't like Yoongi, you tell yourself. You keep repeating it to yourself. When you wake up with a blanket that you didn't go to sleep with, that Yoongi roughly takes back in the morning. You definitely don't like that he’s funny. That he’s made you snort more than a few times. You definitely don't like the way when he looks back he flashes you just a quick smile. His gums on full display before he remembers that he doesn't like you and scowls. 
It's not till the third day that anything is wrong. It's nothing big really. You had found a hollow shell of a house and Hobi was showing you how to open a safe with a bobby pin and a screw driver when the ground started to shake. You look up at Hobi confused. Hobi looks scared. Hobi never looks scared. “Hide!”
Hobi gives you a shove towards the stairs and yells at you to hide again before drawing his gun. The upstairs was in worse shape than the dilapidated down stairs but you have little choice, You dash up them. The structure groans at your added wait and one of your feet hits a soft spot puncturing a whole in the floor. You manage to scramble up and head for the wall. The only one still standing that has a dresser still upright. It’s throw another whole in the floor when you see it. A huge ant burrows to the surface. It's as big as him and locks eyes on him and attacks. It bites at Hobi and he screams in pain and anger, one he can handle but that's not the problem, the problem is more ants come pouring out. All just as big. They skitter around and you're horrified to hear some of their insectile legs start to crawl up the rotting wood. 
Hobi managed to shoot the one on him, stunning it into letting go, but has to retreat before he is pinned down. He can't take this many on his own and your little knife isn't going to do shit. “Hide” he shouts again. The upper floor is mostly just that, a floor, all the walls but one taken down buy either the bombs or the never ending march on time just time. Hobi watches you climb up on top of a burrow but the thing is shaking. Fuck they should have gven you a gun! You look at him just outside. Again. You can't believe that you’re being left to die again. He’s not moving though. He takes a shot at the one that bit him and you can see there's quite a bit of blood. 
“HOBI! There are too many!!” He should go. You dont both have to die here. the problem isn't so much that they can get you though at some point they might its more that the weight on the dilapidated floor is starting to make the wood groan. Hobi makes it to the crest of the hill and fires up into the air. It draws some of the man sized ants towards him. A line of predators set on prey. Not enough of them leave. Now that they've seen you they are intent on eating you. You let out the smallest groan. You hate bugs!
It also draws the rest of your little group. Yoongi seeing the floor swaying almost makes a dash for you but stops and thinks better of it. Impulsivity has never gotten him anywhere. How many bites from those things could he take? He turns to Jungkook. Jungkook scans the scene and holds out his hand. Yoongi put his gun in Jungkook's hand. The two of them don't need words. Never had. It had been Yoongi that Jungkook who had first spilled his secrets too. It had been Yoongi that made him feel like he was real and that the feelings he had were real. He knows that he’s going to get bit. It's better than you. Better than him.
Jungkook makes a dash towards the horde of ants and tosses the gun at you. It's a good throw. He was built to be perfect after all. You catch but only just and you lose your stable position on the furniture ending up in a far more precarious one. They hope your little wrist computer can help you aim. Tae and Jimin follow Jungkook, letting him take the aggression and firing at the ones that make it past him. They manage to push back enough that Jimin and Tae can start firing directly into the tunnel. Jin and Namjoon start bludgeoning the line after Hobi while Yoongi starts to stanch the bleeding on Hobi’s arm. They will need another stimpack later but as Jungkook is the one who carries them this is the best he can do. They are practiced at this. Even from your current state of near panic, part of you appreciates it.
Yoongi hears you start to fire. Not at the ants already on the floor but the ones still trying to climb up. Your rate of fire is steady and you have never been more grateful for the aim assistance your little pip boy provides. When you shoot one that almost bit Jimin's head off, the others are just as grateful. “I’m out!” you yell to no one in particular one of the ants on the top floor bit at the dresser and you almost fall off clinging to the furniture like it is a sinking ship. 
You hear more shots from far away and the ants around you stop moving. Namjoon firing from the top of the hill down after making sure Hobi was no longer in danger of getting bitten again. The floor below you however groans again and a few pieces fall. “You have to jump!” Yoongi calls to you now just outside the shell of a house. You look at him like he’s crazy.
If you jump you’re going to break both your legs. The floor makes another noise and you close your eyes and jump. Better your legs then your spine you suppose. You hit something. Not the ground softer and it makes a groan. Your ankle is the only thing that ends up hurt and not too bad. Not a snap of bone. You feel like you hit the ground anyway. “Ow” you mutter, opening just one eye and seeing you landed on Yoongi. 
“Shit” he says winded letting his head flop to the ground. You try to scramble off of him but an arm restrains you. “Wait for the synth” he says. Like he doesn't need you here. Reassurance that you’re safe. There's another crash as the second and first floor become one. You jump on instinct pressing further into Yoongi. He scoffs but the arm around you tightens. There's another louder boom and his arm tightens again. You're scared and he is surprised to find he doesn't like it. “Just Jimin closing the tunnel. You get bit?”
“No” Yoongi has to laugh. Lucky. You were so fucking lucky . First the raider that tries to kill you is your Soulmate then you manage to avoid a whole colony of ants. “Yoongi?”
“I don't like bugs. I really don't like bugs” He hears you sniffle and lifts you carefully. Almost gently off him. “Its so fucked up that you just have giant bugs out here? Did they eat Hobi?!”
“Hobi!” Yoongi calls. He comes over arm already healing. He looks at you, the tears and his eyes are scanning you for wounds. “See he’s fine”
“What's wrong?”
“You got bitten by a giant ant!”
“Oh, you didn't have those in the vault I guess.”
“There were big roaches. One bit me when I was a kid”
“Rad roaches? nasty about this big?” he mimes the size of a football and you shake your head and mime something the size of a small dog. Hobi flinches at the thought and makes a face of disgust. “Thats fucked up. I hate bugs”
“Me too” you say with a nod. Jungkook comes over and touches your ankle. 
“We’re out of stimpacks. This isnt broken but it's sprained. We’ll get it takes care of but”
“It's ok! You can lean on me” Hobi says quickly, eager to make up for his mistake. Yoongi's eyes narrow. He’s glad Hobi is ok. But he should have been more careful. There are ant holes all over the place. You might not know what they are but Hobi sure did. 
“That won't be necessary” Yoongi stands up with a bit of groaning and crouches in front of you. “ get on.”
“No way! I can walk!”
“Dont be stupid ghoulie”
“I'm not a ghoulie!” to his surpirse you get on his back. You don't want to be close to this place. You want to get the meds for your vault and have Junhkook repair the thing, lock the doors and never come back out into the awful wasteland again. “Stop calling me that.”
“Nah. when you sleep you still glow like a lightning bug”
“Hate bugs”
“You’d like these. They are small and pretty. Even Jin likes them and he’s a coward” He tells you about them. A low calm voice as they approach the dome. It's a raider city and a rough place but they have a doctor. You don't like the look off it and you like the look of the guards at the door even less. Jin comes up pretending to talk with Yoongi but instead adjusting your hat. Pushing your head against Yoongi's neck. 
Jungkook comes up close on the other side of Yoongi. He looks different taller, his face set hard. His hand touches your arm twice then goes to his gun. “Keep your head down for now” You look too new. Too fresh. At least they just had the forethought to get you out of that vault suit. The three of you make your way to the doctor.
The doctor is a creep. You know it the second you end up on his table. He looks over your eyes lingering on your almost totally un-marked skin. Your mouth full of white teeth. His check up is above the board but mostly because when he tried to unbutton your shirt to check your lungs a blade threatened to sink into his back. “Fine, fine. She’s got low level rads poisoning and needs a stimpack. 300 caps''
“You want to try again? I think she gets a discount seeing as how your eyes are still in your head” 
“200 and you don't administer it”
Jungkook does the administering. Yoongi’s face relaxes. A tension eases out of him. Rads fucking hurt. You look like you just learned that you’re no longer getting killed next week. Jungkook grabs something out of his pocket and puts it into your hand. Bottle caps. You look at him confused.
“From Namjoon. Go get yourself something to eat, then head to the hotel there’s a room for you” Jungkook ushers you out to start the real negotiations. You look at Yoongi and he gives you a nod. You should be safe enough inside the walls. He pulls the hat down low before you head out. 
You head over to what seems to be a food stall. There's a robot that takes your order and you understand why Jungkook dislikes being called a robot. Still the thing serves up a good cup of noodles and calls you partner in a cute accent. 
You get a few stairs but you still have Yoongi's gun, even if it has no bullets and that makes you feel safe. Namjoon also, a well known figure in the dome, has made a promise to those who count that if you get hurt he’d hurt them back. Throw in that you’re Yoongis, THE Yoongi, soulmate. Still though. After you leave Yoongi waits about two minutes then follows you out. 
Jungkook watches him go and knows it's the start of a new chapter for them. He doesn't mind. He likes you. You’re good for Yoongi and it's clear that getting your rads taken care of has changed things for him. 
Yoongi watches from the bar while you are still at the food stall. You’re looking around with wide eyes too full of wonder to be a wastelander or raider. You’re attracting attention and you seem to be aware of some of it but not enough. It makes him worried. 
He stands up when you do, and follows you to the Hotel. It's not till you get halfway there that he notices someone following you. He reaches for his gun but you have it. Shit. His pace speeds up just a bit. 
You feel a hand on your shoulder when you're just within the reach of the hotel. Your hand goes to the knife first and it lets Sam know everything he needs to. Your gun is empty. “Hey! Easy there!” You look at him clearly shocked. “You’re alive” You don't look pleased.
Your hands cross over your chest. “Yeah no thanks to you” Sam grins at you and goes to touch your face. He’s no longer in his vault suit and he’s got similar garb on to your new found friends. You think that’s probably a bad sign. Jimin likes to tell you stories about the worst of the raiders. Namjoon would stop him but it’s probably best you know.
“Come on now. They had guns”
“So did you! All I had was a wrench!” Sam shrugs and his thumb touches your lip. He’s had an ok time out here. Pauls dead, but he and John have a pretty sweet new gig. A new crew. Sure membership had cost Paul's life but who cares. 
“Yeah and you're fine now. How’d you get away? You trade something?” he eyes your body up and down. The big problem out here is that so many of the whores were not clean. You were always clean. You slap his hand away and he feels heat growing. “Dont be so fucking rude. You hear about this soulmate shit?” he unbuttons his shirt. There's the word am on his chest. It's large and not in your handwriting. If you had to guess a tattoo with the way it seemed to be irritated. 
“First I think that's all bull shit. Second, is that supposed to be me?”
“Your first word was my name after all” you roll your eyes. This was true. Your dad talked about it all the time. Thought it was the cutest thing. It was a result of the two of you being in daycare together. Nothing more. You pinch your arm and he just looks at it. 
“You’re soulmate feels your pain dumbass. Did you get the meds?”
“Come on. They’re dead anyway.” You give him a little shove and try to get past him. He grabs you and shoves you back against the wall of the building next to the hotel. You glare and try to push him off but you’ve never been able to have you? You let out a little sound of rage. You’re tired  of being shoved around.
“They aren't dead!”
“They will be. Come on, you can come with me. Sell your pip boy and just do what you've always done. Be my pretty little–”
“You think we’re still together? You left me to die!”
“You belong to me!”
“I have a soul mate Sam and he sure doesn't look like you!” Sam lets out another sound of rage and grabs at your shirt looking for your mark. It doesn't take long to find when your shirt is splayed open. He grabs your knife and presses it to the mark. If your mark isn't him he’ll just have to give you a new one. 
When Yoongi sees a man on top of you, a knife to your skin shirt opens his mind goes one place. He springs on him, a wire pulled from his pocket and slipped around his throat. He pulls and pulls and it's only when he’s choking, brought to the ground that he looks up at you. Your hands are crossed back over your chest and you're staring down at him coolly. “Do you want me to stop?” He doesn't want to stop. Have you ever seen a death though? Does he want to remind you of how you met?
“No. he was going to cut off my soul mark.” you crouch down face very close to him. “I'm not yours Sam. Never was” Yoongi was right. It is fun to watch him die. Yoongi slips the wire back in his pocket. Your shirt tore like paper. You need armor. You need bullets. That knife wasn't enough. 
“Your friend?”
“My ex. The fucker tattooed my first words to him on his chest”
“Fucked up.”
“Fucked up” You agree. 
The next morning both are in the chair by your bed. You notice that it looks a lot like what Sam had on him. The thought of taking what was his makes you smile too. Maybe its fucked up. But taking from the man who his whole life acted like you were his property? You notice the new shirt is not what he had on. Instead is cropped shirt that would show off your mark well.
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rec-review8890 · 2 years
Suga | Parents!au RECs
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(💦) ~ Smut , (🐑) ~ Fluff , (👊) ~ Angst ,
(📝) ~ Series , (🗒) ~ One-Shot/Dribble ,
(💜) ~ Personal Favorite
Request Guidelines | Fic Rec ML
NONE of these works are mine. Give all your love to the authors and their works. The links will either bring you to the Tumblr page or a Ao3 page of the work.
Title: Us, Plus Two 🐑🗒💜
Author: @deathbyyoongi​
Summary: Also pregnancy!au (reader is pregnant). This is so adorable and it was such a cute read!
↳ “You and Yoongi sharing a moment, relishing in the glow of your growing family when your daughter has a nightmare, and Yoongi has to take care of those pesky monsters.”
Title: Vegas, Series 💦🐑👊📝
Author: @plumxwrites (Ao3)
Summary: Ongoing. Technically a series of one-shots, but it’s very cute and there kinda all connected. 
↳ “Dating Yoongi as an Idol used to be easy, and effortless, like pouring you two a glass of wine after one of his shows… However, after the birth of your surprise baby girl, those effortless days have gotten a little harder, you being unable to travel with your daughter. After one lucky doctor’s appointment though, things seem to shape up…”
Title: A Quiet Morning 🐑📝
Author: @foxymoxy (Ao3) 
Summary: Ongoing. Domestic!au one-shot series. 
↳ “Snapshots of domestic life as you and your husband Yoongi settle into your life together and then disrupt it to grow your family. No overarching plot or purpose here, just a collection of connected one shots that will update as things come to me.”
Title: Recollections 👊🗒
Author: @Beingsuneone (Ao3)
Summary: Also rocky marriage!au. 
↳ “Perfect doesn’t last forever, that much you’ve learned. Your ‘perfect’ marriage has turned into the hardest and most frustrating thing in your life. You’ve both lost who you are. There’s a lot that needs to be worked out.”
Title: The One With Bows 🐑🗒
Author: @yoon2k​ 
Summary: This focuses more on the daughter and Yoongi, instead of Yoongi and reader, but it’s still very cute and all about that parent/domestic!au. 
↳ “Yoongi’s hair is getting too long, and he’s constantly having to push it out of his face. Luckily, his daughter just bought a new set of hair ties from Claire’s and is dying to use them”
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suga-kookiemonster · 2 years
You know, something about Yoongi being the handyman of the group and knowing how to assemble his studio makes me think of him searching and observing how things are made just to know the whole process works and now I'm crying over it😭😭😭 Yoongi, you're so fucking perfect, come collect me🥺
remember that time on in the soop where namjoon somehow managed to yank the fucking door off its hinges and yoongi calmly and casually just...fixed it? my panties flew off
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mykoreanlove · 2 months
the fluff bundle
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for when you need that extra portion of love
CHAN - you make me blush // all the feels // sweet whispers // insecurities // channie's way of helping you relax
CHANGBIN - dummy dummy, i love your tummy // handle you
MINHO - 🥀🖤🌹 // hardships // sakura // alternatives
HYUNJIN - submissive // manifested // conditional // artist's pov
HAN - the extra mile
FELIX - fake date me please? // bokkie's quest for tears // angel // whispers of love // body dysmorphia // flirting in a club be like // reassurance // fitting room
I.N - pet names
CROSSOVER - perceptions (Chan, I.N) // amnesia (ot8) // shy dating (maknae) // shy dating (hyung) // sexual abuse
JINYOUNG - things that made him run to you // starved // i wanna know everything, all about you
JACKSON - 🥃 realizations // on Kinjaz // daddy fever //nightmares
JB - can I see you tonight?
NAMJOON - sexy brain wasn't having it
SUGA - 🏀 Ballin‘
TAEMIN - his private messages to you // I want to live a different type of life - with you // sleepy no more // don't leave my side no // Similarities // taemotional Support System // long distance //baby daddy Taemin is coming home to you // domestic vibe with Taemin // back to lovers // christmas with Taemin // paris nights
MINHO - deprived
EUN WOO - afraid of love
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rinablet · 1 year
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living with suga must feel like the most domestic horror movie experience ever
context for headcanon that suga is a fan of horror movies:
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missuswalker · 6 months
UHMM HIII I LOVE UR WRITING SO SO MUCH ITS SO GOOD!!! uhm if ur taking requests,, do you think you could something domestic and smutty with a married reader x kit walker ,,, doing the do by the fireplace when he gets home from work,, feel free to change the prompt or not do this entirely i promise i dont mind ❤️❤️ u gotta do whats best for u!!
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲 || 𝐤𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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♰ summary: kit has to work overtime, but knows it’ll be worth it when he comes home for a quickie
♰ warnings: cute kit smut (not a warning, a blessing) piv, short, definitely not proofread
♰ notes: WHAT? by far fav request - ALSO YOURE SO SWEET WHAT?? ILY BE MY BFF 4EVERA (also who wants to be a sweetheart and work with me, it would be so fun to have a partner omg)
also, can someone give me feedback on what i can improve on?? i’ve never been super great at smut writing and i really wanna get better, you can just drop it in the ask box (i already know i should be more detailed, i need tips on that) 🎀 also, what pov do y’all want these in? 1st, 3rd, or keep it 2nd??
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while kit didn’t work late every day, it happened enough for you to know that he’d be extra tired when he got home. you currently stood over the sink, finishing up the dishes left over from making dinner. it was a quiet night, the house warm and dimly lit, your dog, pumpkin, curled up on the couch. a scratchy record spun on the player, the faint sound of one of frank sinatra’s christmas vinyls producing a cozy vibe in the living room.
the back door clicks, kit shuffling in and dropping his work over-shirt on the counter. “hey, suga’,” he sighs, wrapping his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “hey, there,” you smile, feeling soft kisses being pressed against the side of your neck. kit was always a sweetheart, no matter how tired he was.
the poor thing was so overworked, you could tell. you turn, giving your husband a quick kiss. “go sit down, dinner’s on the table. i’ll make you some tea,” you offer, pushing him out of the kitchen and tossing his work shirt into the laundry room. “you’re a doll,” he grins, giving you a wink. with a playful roll of your eyes, you step back into the kitchen, putting a kettle on the stove.
as you wait for the water to boil, you peek into the dining room, where kit ate dinner by alone. checking the clock on the wall, you’re surprised by how late it had actually was. you felt bad for kit, wishing there was more you could do than just make him tea.
pouring the water into a mug and dropping in a tea bag, you return to kit, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “here, hon. leave the plate, we can go sit on the couch, watch some tv if you’re not too tired,” you say, rubbing his back. he smiles up at you, taking the mug into his own hand. “that sounds nice,” he nods, standing and leading you into the living room.
he sets his tea on the coffee table, shooing pumpkin away. “get off the couch, dog, you’ve got a whole bed right there,” he huffs, pumpkin grunting and flopping over on the floor. “you gonna die anytime soon?” kit teases, nudging the poor old dog with his foot. “kit,” you gasp, smacking his shoulder. he hated that damn dog, it got on his last nerve, leaving fur all over his furniture and holes in his yard, but you loved the thing.
“he can’t even move, baby, you think he’s gonna live another 3 years?” kit jokes, raising an eyebrow. (surprise, pumpkin lived another four years, much to kit’s dismay.) “i thought you loved dogs,” you scoff, bending over to pat pumpkin’s head. “that’s not a dog, that’s the devil. he stands up and talks to me when you’re not around,” he teases, smirking down at you. “oh, yeah? what’s he say?” you ask, unamused. kit pretends to think for a moment, tapping his chin. “that he’s gonna take over my house, eat all our food.”
you shake your head, standing again and putting your hands on your hips. “pumpkin loves you, you be good to him,” you scold, pointing a finger at your silly husband. he just grins, bringing your hand to his lips. he looks around, noticing how dark it’d gotten. “i’m gonna make a fire,” kit announces, moving to kneel at the fireplace, sliding in a few logs. he pulls an old lighter from his pocket, lighting some kindling, and throwing it into the mix.
pumpkin stands, trotting off once the fire is lit. “don’t you go get on my bed,” kit shouts, though pumpkin’s probably already beat him to it. you roll your eyes, sitting down next to him on the carpet. “be nice to him, he’s old,” you say, though you couldn’t seem to hold back your laugh. kit chuckles, pulling you into his side. his lips find your neck again, the crackling of the fire soft.
“you could be real nice to me, y’know,” kit says, his hand finding the hem of your dress, tugging on it. you should’ve seen that coming, but your cheeks still heat up. “kit, it’s late,” you say, putting your hand over his. “c’mon angel, i need to be in that pretty pussy. work was killin’ me today, i couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you,” he mumbles, nipping at your shoulder.
his words drive you crazy, and not even a minute later, you’re letting him lay you back against the carpet. god, did this man have you wrapped around his finger. “you don’t even know how beautiful you are. make me loose my mind, those eyes,” he rambles, kissing your cheek and lifting your dress. you couldn’t tell if the fire was making you hot or if it was kit. he sits up on his knees, pushing his pants down with a sense of urgency.
“let me,” you tell him, hooking your finger in the band of his briefs and sliding them off. you repeat this action with your own underwear, letting the lace drop around your ankles. “i’ll be quick, i swear,” he says, tugging on your legs so they wrap loosely around his hips. “it’s alright,” you say, shaking your head. kit was always in a rush when he was tired, but you’d gotten used to the quick rounds around the house.
“is this alright,” he asks, bringing the palm of you hand to his lips as the head of his cock prods at your entrance. you nod, wiggling your hips a bit to get more comfortable. you were already dripping, something as simple as kits words could get you going. he leans down, kissing you sweetly as he buries himself in your cunt, letting out a sigh. “feels so good, always so good f’me,” he praises, kissing your chin and your nose. your hips buck against his, giving him the signal to move.
he brushes his thumb against your clit, sending a spark to your core. it wasn’t long before both of you were coming undone, kits face buried in the crook of your neck. “so, so pretty, i love you so much. my beautiful girl,” he huffs, thrusting into you one last time. you could feel his grin against your neck, you already knew he was going to say something stupid.
“maybe in nine months i’ll have two beautiful girls.”
“go to bed.”
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urghh not my best?? i love him so much though
i’ve been imagining him as a girl dad because he’s the perfect girl dad but he’d be so happy to be playing catch with a son who wants to be just like him omg ☹️☹️
ok nvm just thought about him wearing a tiara and having a tea party with his daughter
i’ll probably read this later and fix any spelling mistakes but i’m exhausted
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kingdaddydaichi · 5 months
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☆ title: redefining (ch. 11) | ( ch. 10 ) ☆ ( ch. 12 - wip )
☆ pairing: cop!daichi sawamura x single mom!reader
☆ wc: 2.5k
☆ synopsis: four years after leaving your toxic ex, you find yourself a single mom to a 11-year-old boy named musubi, who harbors a lot of misdirected anger. you hear from his fifth grade teacher, mr. suga, more often than your own mother and a resulting friendship is born. meeting suga’s best friend wages a war between your head and your heart - one that challenges everything you think you know about love and police officers. neither are to be trusted. both have left you lost and scared when you needed them the most. so, when a cop comes knocking at love’s door, just how strong is your resolve to keep your heart under lock and key?
☆ warnings/notes: sfw. cop!daichi. mutual pining. angst. domestic disturbance. fear. idk like, the way daichi talks to subi might come across as patriarchal? but it's the way i feel like daichi would speak to him under the specific circumstances, how he knew he would get through to him. i am deeply sorry for the massive real-life time gap between chapters //sob. but i'm committed to finishing this series. my love for daichi and this story is settled deep inside my bones. I'M BACK BITCHES /aff 🫶🏼
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she's falling in love now losing control now fighting the truth trying to hide but i think it's alright, girl yeah i think it's alright, girl
losin control - russ
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Life can be a rip-roaring bitch sometimes, y'know?
The first week or so after your fallout with Daichi had been relatively easy. The fact that you were still angry at him helped a lot more than you'd have liked to admit. The battle to get him off your mind was constant, but all you had to do was remember the way his eyebrows angled inward when he yelled at you. You’d never seen him like that before and it had scared you, triggering your fight or flight response on top of the heart-wrenching pain of seeing him being a little too friendly with his ex.
But what you kept pushing down with all of your might was the fact that daichi was right. He had called you on everything you’d worked so hard to hide from him. The fact that he’d seen you so clearly scared you more than the look in his eyes when he raised his voice at you. He had been angry, yes. But a lot of hurt had weaved its way into his words as well.
Halfway through the second week, however, things started to go downhill. You found yourself reaching for your phone a couple of times to tell Daichi about something ridiculous or funny that had happened only for your fingers to stop short as your heart sank.
Oh. right. I'm not supposed to do that anymore.
You’d even tried venting to Suga about Daichi in hopes that he would validate you, but he wasn’t as sympathetic towards your plight as you would’ve liked: “But isn’t this what you wanted?” he'd said. “You’ve been saying that whatever the hell was going on between you two had an expiration date…” “You’re right. It’s probably better this way so you and Daichi can each find the people you wanna be with...” That last one had really dug deep - the thought of Daichi with anyone else made your heart splinter and your stomach wretch. But you had swallowed your heartache down with the lump in your throat and nodded with a meek “Yeah, exactly,” knowing deep in your bones that you didn’t mean a word of it. Suga knew it too.
The week after that was the week from hell. Crying in bed every night because you missed Daichi so much was made that much worse by your shitty week. Life could’ve just given you a normal week but NOPE. Every single day, multiple times a day, you’d pick up your phone to send him an angry text about your boss or the rude ass lady at the grocery store. Or the fact that some really, really important notarized legal documents got lost in the mail. Three trips to UPS, two trips to the post office, and $91.00 later the paperwork finally reached its intended destination via next day air. You wanted to ask him to arrest the incompetent twat who put your mailer on the wrong truck in the first place and then smile at his reaction. To top it all off, your son’s behavior had hit an all-time low. You’d been hoping that it would’ve improved after the disciplinary hearing, which Subi had attended as well but, if anything, his behavior at home had gotten worse too.
You wanted to call Daichi. You wanted him to come over and hold you as you curled into a ball against his chest. To feel his hands in your hair and his lips on your forehead telling you that ‘everything’s gonna be okay’. Because you’d believe it If Daichi was the one saying it. He’d make sure of it. But you couldn’t do any of those things and it made you cry. Like getting kicked when you’re already down.
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Daichi didn’t have it much better. 
He’d called and apologized to Yui, who had called him a “fucking asshole”. There was the drunk driver who had puked on him while doing his field sobriety test (he probably deserved that, he’d guessed). Then there was the day he got stuck directing traffic in a torrential downpour. The police-issued waterproof ponchos had done nothing for his wet socks and the sloshing in his shoes. 
There were also all the little annoying things that kept happening to him - his washing machine quit working (mid-cycle, no less), he got a flat tire (in a different torrential downpour), he stubbed his toe one morning while getting out of bed (talk about a rude awakening) - nothing too serious but just enough to piss him off. 
The worst of it was finding out his mom had to be hospitalized for Covid. She had to be on oxygen, but the prognosis was good. She was expected to be okay and eventually make a full recovery, but of course it made him worry about her nonetheless.
And through every bit of it, you were on his mind. He missed you something fierce. But some of the things you’d said still weighed on his heart:
“...how cruel can you be?” “You’re not even my type.” “Just go back in there and fuck your ex-girlfriend!”
That last one had hurt the most. Did you really think that lowly of him to think he’d do that to you? 
To be fair, he also remembered some of the things he’d said to you:
“Would you have liked it better if i’d introduced you as my fuck buddy…?” “What? Not toxic enough for ya?” “...you don’t have to be a jealous girlfriend about it…!”
They made him cringe every time he remembered. Sometimes the words you had thrown at each other kept him up at night.
Tonight was one of those nights…
Daichi was reading in bed, trying to take his mind off of you when his phone buzzed on his nightstand. Thinking it must be work-related at this time of night, he picked it up to see who was calling. When he saw your name on the screen, his heart wanted to claw its way out of his chest. What could you possibly want? Best case scenario was you wanted to apologize, but that could wait until tomorrow. If you didn’t want him to make you a priority anymore, he was going to honor that. Worst case scenario was you were reaching out to him for another booty call, and he was done with that. 
Either way, he let your call go to voicemail, but just as he was about to put his phone back down, your text came through as three little numbers:
Daichi sat bolt upright and immediately tapped the call button. Halfway through the first ring, you answered. “Daichi?” You were crying and he could hear a young man’s voice yelling in the background.
He sat forward in his seat, wide brown eyes darting this way and that. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Subi,” you cried. There was a loud bang accompanied by a muffled sob from you. “He threatened to hurt me and now he’s throwing things…”
Before you could say anything else, daichi was on his feet, throwing on a pair of sweats and a hoodie before heading for his front door. “You at home?”
“Y-yes.” you were crying so hard you were wheezing. “Daichi, please…please help?”
“I’m on my way.” His voice was remarkably low and stern and comforting as he told you to go inside your bedroom, lock the door, and stay there. He made sure you didn’t have any injuries and stayed on the phone with you for the 10 mins it took for him to get there. It normally took twice that long to drive from his place to yours, but he had his blue lights on, going well over the speed limit. 
“Daichi, I’m so scared,” you sobbed. 
“I’m almost there, (y/n). Just five more minutes. Come on, deep breaths.” He talked you down enough that you weren’t crying as hard. “Alright, I’m here. Do you know if he’s still in the house?” 
“Yeah, I can hear him. But the front door is locked.” 
“Do you feel safe enough to come out of your room and open it?” 
You’d heard Subi’s voice getting further away and the slamming of his bedroom door. “Yeah, I think so.” 
You slowly came out of your room and hurried to the front door, nearly collapsing in Daichi’s arms when you swung it open. He hugged you and told you everything was okay. He walked inside slowly, noticing some broken glass and other, obviously thrown, objects on the floor, and called your son’s name. Your pre-teen came out of his bedroom to find a man he didn’t recognize standing in the living room. 
“Who’re you?” he asked. 
“I’m Daichi, a friend of your mom’s. You must be Musubi.” 
Musubi narrowed his eyes at him and shrugged in response. 
“What’s been going on, man?” 
Your son crossed his arms over his chest. “Maybe it’s none of your business.” 
Daichi’s dark brown eyes remained steady on him. “Well, seeing as how your mom is my friend and she’s scared and crying, I’d say it is my business.” 
The boy rolled his eyes. “Whatever. It’s not that big of a deal-“ 
“Wrong again. Your mom doesn’t feel safe in her own home. That’s a problem. It’s just the two of you living here, right?” 
Subi shrugged. “Yeah, so?”
“Then that makes you man of the house, doesn’t it?” 
Your son’s eyes met Daichi’s for the first time since he first spoke to him. “Yeah, I guess.” 
“And as the man of the house, don’t you think it’s your job to protect everyone in it, including your mom?” 
The boy didn’t respond, but his facial muscles relaxed as he maintained eye contact with Daichi. He had his undivided attention now. He was speaking to him man to man and your son was listening intently. 
“It’s a big responsibility to be in your position,” Daichi went on, nodding towards you. “Your mother and her safety are under your watch. She doesn’t feel safe with you when you’re the one who’s supposed to be protecting her.” The off-duty police officer's voice remained calm and even as he tilted his head. “So tell me, Musubi: do you really think you’re qualified to be man of the house?” 
You watched and listened with awe as Daichi took command over the situation, showing Subi what it means to be in full control. He leveled with your son while making him feel validated and understood. Rather than telling Subi how he should talk to you, Daichi did far more by showing him what it means to be a good man; he was teaching Subi how to treat others with respect in the way he spoke to him - by demonstrating to him that you get respect from others by being respectable.
Your son’s gaze fell under the weight of Daichi’s words. His beliefs about what it means to be a “man” had just been challenged and shaken to the core. He thought it meant being loud and aggressive, lording over others, calling the shots and expecting others to submit to him - no doubt all the tactics he’d learned from watching his father. 
“You think you’re in control here? Because, from where I’m standing, it doesn’t look like it.” The boy’s gaze followed Daichi’s as he looked around at the broken items in the room before looking over at you, still trembling and sniffling. “If you lose control, it means you don’t have it, Musubi. It’s that simple. Do we have an understanding?” 
The boy’s eyes locked with Daichi’s again and he nodded. 
“Good man. Now,” Daichi said with quiet authority, “Clean up the mess you made.” It wasn’t a request.
“Yes, sir,” Subi murmured as he started picking up the pieces. 
You couldn’t believe the words that just came out of your son’s mouth. Yes, sir? You looked up at Daichi - The Musubi Whisperer - wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Never even raised his voice and had him under his complete command. 
“(Y/n), can I talk to you for a minute in the kitchen?” Daichi said it just loudly enough that your son could hear how his mother should be talked to - by asking, not demanding. 
“Of course.” You followed Daichi until your son was out of earshot, then whispered, “How the fuck did you just do that?” 
Daichi shrugged. “I’ve had a lot of experience. Oldest of 5 kids. Team captain. Cop.” You smiled and nodded, wiping the last of your tears away. He put a tentative hand on your shoulder. “You okay, (y/n)?” 
“I think so,” you sniffed, wiping your freshest tear away with your shirt sleeve. “I’m so sorry to have troubled you, but you were the first person i thought of-” 
Daichi shook his head and pulled you into his arms. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m glad you called me.”
Whether it was the catharsis from the highly charged situation or your need to feel Daichi close was irrelevant when you fastened yourself to him. Before you could think, your arms were around his waist and your head tucked against his chest. 
“Thank you,” you said, your shaky voice muffled by the warmth and weight of Daichi’s arms wrapping tightly around you.
“If it happens again, call me again. If you need anything at all, call me,” he said, rubbing your back. This was the Daichi you’d known all along and fucking hell, you missed him.
You tightened your hold around his waist. You were so immensely relieved to hear him say that. Maybe he still wanted to be the one you called. Just maybe he wanted to be the one you needed. 
“I will,” you said, nodding against his chest.
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Before he left that night, he shook Subi's hand. “Take care of your mom.” 
“Yes, sir.” Holy hell, there it was again. Daichi hadn’t even told him to call him sir. Leastways, not with words. How did he do that?
“Do I have your word?” Daichi asked, squeezing Subi’s hand. “Yes, sir.”
“Alright, I’ll stop by in a couple days to see how things are going," he looked at you, "...if that's okay." 
Your son’s lips pursed as he fought back a smile as he watched you nod. “Okay.” 
After Daichi left, Subi said, “You should find a guy like him, Mom.”
Your mouth dropped open, your heart skipping a million beats. Your son had no idea who Daichi was, what he did for a living, or the highly complicated nature of your relationship with him. Finally, you smiled and said, “Yeah? He’s a good guy, huh?”
He shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “He’s alright.”
Your son turned to you with his shoulders slumped and tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Mom.” 
Your body shook with tears as you nodded against his shoulder. “I know, baby. I love you so much.” 
Subi squeezed you tighter as he told you he loved you too.
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ch. 10 ☆ ch. 12 (wip)
series mlist | daichi mlist
☆ taglist: @chaoskrakenuwu ☆ @ceo-of-daichi ☆ @honeybunny-sawamura ☆ @yuujispinkhair ☆ @luvkun4 ☆ @briokayama ☆ @mrs-sawamura ☆ @heroesfan101 ☆ @millenialfanfictionaddiction ☆ @citrustsuki ☆ @darthferbert ☆ @crystal-lilac ☆ @hannas16 ☆ @cookiesandmilksx ☆ @strawberrystepmom ☆ @anejuuuuoy ☆ @maexc ☆ @little-ms-awkward ☆ @patheticliesblog ☆ @strawbmarma ☆ @lomons ☆ @victorianhorrors @gazzybums ++ ask/dm/comment if you wanna be added to or removed from a taglist
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kanmom51 · 10 months
JK live 3/8/2023 10:26 pm or 22:26 KST
**This post was written by @dgtn. Little me added some of my own insight. As a whole this was a joint effort put together by the two of us.
A huge thank you to @dgtn for helping me with this.💜
And a shoutout to JK for taking a couple of days off to allow us some time to try and catch up, lol.
So let's just jump right into it.
JK came live to us on 3 August 2023.  With hindsight we know that he was performing at Suga's concert the next day and the busy schedule he was talking about included rehearsing for that most enjoyable performance.
When he first turns on the live all we get is a chair, curtains, and a stove top vent. Same angle as the previous live. You know, the one I personally feel there was someone in the apartment with him. Kinda feels like we were put in time out! (some ARMY deserves to be put in time out but I digress).   Also, lights dimmed, like he likes (which once again makes me think that in the previous live when he turned them way brighter it was for someone else's benefit).
We can hear him whistling and singing in the background and getting a drink with ice.  Then he talking to himself:
“I have to take medicine!  That’s right” – he is still not feeling well.
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“when do I clean my house? I’ll have to do a big cleanup”.   He’s been busy with other things, you know, conquering the world!  But of course domestic kookie places high priority on things being clean.
At around the 2 minute mark he finally comes into focus on the screen.  Typical cutie kookie, comes shuffling in wearing very cozy looking top (by one of his current fave brands, mihara Yasuhiro) with one of his signature beanies (which he takes off pretty quick after he realises, from the comments, that the beanie is same colour as the background and it looks like he has no hair - same effect as a green screen, lol).  He waves to the camera. Then he disappears again!!!!  Finally returns at around the 2 minute mark, sits down with his drink and says “hi”.
First words out of his mouth after greeting us: “I’m so tired”.  These 3 words set the tone for the whole live.  The man is exhausted!  Conquering the world requires a lot of energy.  Especially when it’s done in the span of about 10 days.  He looks absolutely toasted. Well, toasted and sick. Imagine having to do all this while sick. And suffering from insomnia to top it all off.
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He stares at the camera for a while, my guess is he at first is zoned out and starts reading comments that are popping up (to himself). 
“I’m sleepy”.
“I have to wash up.”  This is I think one of the things he absolutely hates doing at the end of the day.  I get it.  I will be honest, I have had many a day that I have said fuck it I’m so tired I’m going to bed with all my make up on, only to wake up in the morning looking like a raccoon.  I feel you JK.
Almost immediately he starts dealing with the usual stupid comments.  I don’t think the man could be any clearer when he says “Don’t call me Ian”   with a slight chuckle. You know the one he does when he’s really just over it but is still trying to be polite?  Hasn’t he said this before?  Like many times.  But of course there are those who refuse to believe that he might actually really not like being called Ian because they just keep on doing it.  It’s almost as if they care more about their needs and what they want to say then about how it makes JK feel……hmmmm.  Yeah, do we really have to ask ourselves that question?  Of course they care more about their own wants and needs.  If they actually cared about JK’s needs and wants we wouldn’t be getting the “Ian” comments, or the “speak English” comments, or the “touch your nose” or “why aren’t you acknowledging my comment?” and so on and so forth.
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Our ever polite JK flat out says don’t call me Ian and then it’s almost like an instant response to dial back the intensity with a little laugh.  But the message is still loud and clear.  He doesn’t like that name.
Then we get “Really” followed by him looking away from the camera in an uncomfortable way for a few moments.  Maybe he was wishing that all those stupid ass Ian comments would magically vanish.
And yet, once again ignoring his wishes later on in the live someone pulls the “Kor-Ian” joke.  Huh huh huh…
“I really want to sleep early today.  I guess I’ve been having insomnia lately.  I can’t fall asleep. I’m so sleepy, but I can’t sleep.  I can’t fall asleep.”  Our energizer bunny has never been good at falling asleep and I’m sure with his crazy schedule around the release of Seven it’s been even tougher.  Oh, and let’s not forget that when Jimin is not available that complicates things for him even more.  When you are used to sleeping with your partner next to you and then your schedule changes and doesn’t allow for that, it can be very difficult to sleep! Also, did anyone mention neuro divergent?
Next he reassures us that he ate dinner.  What are we, his parents?????  Long pause and drumming of the fingers on the table.  Seems like he is waiting for a good question to answer.  Doesn’t look like it’s going to happen so eventually he says  “I hung up lights in front”.  He’s taking charge of the conversation because he can’t count on us.
He starts talking about the TikTok Live.
How when he turned it on something weird kept popping up and can he turn it off (he’ll come back to this).
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The man is tired!  He’s going to finish his drink and go to bed. 
Then he starts looking around his apartment saying it’s such a mess and he needs to clean it and throw out all the useless things.  (around 5:00 min. mark). First off, never come to my house JK cause you’d be horrified and from what we’ve seen of his place there’s not much there to throw out so I’m not really sure what he’s talking about?  There is barely anything left (it’s almost as if he’s been slowly moving things out 😊).  Well, unless if he’s talking about all the old dorm furniture, including very possibly that TV that doesn’t seem to work properly, given that sooner rather than later there will be a brand new home to be moving into, and we’ll be doing that, I must assume, not with old dorm furniture.
Now back to Tik Tok “I can’t turn it off? Then don’t send it.  Why do you send that?  Don’t send it.  No!  I can just not do it” – sounds to me like he is talking about ARMY sending him gifts during his Tik Tok lives.  He’s asking ARMY not to do that anymore and wondering why it’s being done in the first place.  And him saying he can just not do it…does that mean no more Tik Tok lives if he continues to get gifts?  People, hear the man and stop sending him gifts!!!!! 
“Everyone! The cold didn’t die out, but it came back again.  So I went to the hospital yesterday.  Colds are so severe this time around.  It’s so annoying” (said twice).  When something is important enough, he’ll repeat it even over several lives if necessary (don’t call me Ian).  JK gets distracted by the refrigerator.  He says it’s loud whenever he does a live broadcast. 
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***Observation about JK.  The only one who can truly hold his attention is Jimin.  If Jimin is not there, you can guarantee he will be distracted; this includes his live.  He is easily distracted.  Well, unless JM is there, or on screen.***
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He’s asked if he is resting to which he replies: “I don’t have a few days to rest. I’m busy.”  (6:20 mark)  Back to ARMY assuming the parent role…when will people realize the man is 25 years old!
JK goes back to talking about his cold. Says he’s getting stressed.
Then says “yes don’t send that on tik tok.  Buy and eat something delicious.  I don’t know how much that is.  But don’t do it (shaking his head and hand at the screen). I shouldn’t do tik tok live.
Since then I think he turned off the gift option, so perhaps that will allow for more TikTok lives in the future?
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“I’m not in great condition. I just wanted to see you, so I came”.   
So, when he is not feeling well, he comes to ARMY to help him feel better.  We’ve heard that from him so many times, army are a source of comfort to him. 
He is being honest with us.  He makes a point in repeating this time and time again.  When he wants to drive in a message he tends to do that.  Tell us on repeat.  That he loves us.  That we are a source of comfort to him.  That he wants to be our friend.  That he’s not in touch with Tae.  That he has no use for his computer.  That he’s not gaming anymore.  That he’s not going to game ever again (yet to come).  Hammering in, repeating, sending a message.
And then he’s back to his house being a mess.  He says he should clean it when he has a day off as he is looking around in disappointment.  Again, don’t ever come to my house!  Also, can he not afford a cleaner?  Like seriously.
He says his house looks clean but it’s a storage room (ahm…yes?  The old dorm storage room I’d say).  It’s curious that he uses the words storage room to describe his apartment.  Why use that term? This is coming from someone who supposedly had a mattress laying in each room of his house in the past. What makes the apartment look like a storage room then? Like I said, could it be the dorm stuff being used/stored there? Yet another piece of the puzzle as to Brunnen being a temporary crash pad and not an actual HOME?
He says he has to take medicine but he’s too lazy.  Lazy is not a word I would ever use to describe JK.  Being neuro divergent myself (@dgtn), when I think of things I have to do, if it isn’t something I am excited about or want to do, it very quickly falls to the bottom of my to do list.  Sometimes even gets forgotten.
In between yawns he tells us that he went to the company today briefly because of his schedule.  And while he was there, he ate and he should’ve taken his medicine but he didn’t.  See here he says he forgot to.
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Now it’s time to watch tv but sadly the network isn’t working for him.
So the house is a mess and the network is shot.  He asks what is wrong with this house?  LTE isn’t working and neither is the internet!
Now he’s going to fiddle with the tv and see if he can magically make it work.  At one point he is actually side eyeing the tv.  Maybe I should try that next time too.  The TV is still not working and now he’s getting stressed (there’s that word again).  Next thing he’s off screen talking to something asking what is wrong with you.  When all else fails…..reboot.  Still nothing, and now he starts smacking the remote on his leg. (after 4 minutes of trying).  Around 6 minutes into trying almost everything he decides the tv doesn’t work after the last rain fall and he needs to get rid of it or something with a little giggle.
Now back to ARMY.  He says thank you to ARMY for worrying about him.  He starts laughing when someone says he should drink warm water instead of iced water. He proclaims that he will always choose iced.
And now he’s back to the tv again, saying it’s the house’s fault not the tv and he’s gonna try something else.
“I get pretty determined” ….. no kidding JK!  Now where have I seen him be determined before….let me think….oh yes….Jimin!
Finally, after about 11 minutes he decides it’s useless to keep trying.
Back to ARMY again.  Now he’s making a peace sign to show that he saw a comment and then starts making bubbles in his water.
He reads “can I see the lip spike?”  Doesn’t understand what that means.
***observation.  He really really wants to spend time with ARMY but is having a hard time finding comments worth responding too.  It’s all about the friendship.  Talking with us.  Having a meaningful conversation with us.  And when he doesn’t find that in the comments, he goes to tv and that’s not working either so back it is looking through comments.
Someone is asking for an air kiss (never gave one by the way).
Someone asked about his next shoot with CK to which he responds with “I don’t know”.  Cheeky JK then laughs and says “do you think I would tell you that?”  So there are limits to what JK will share with ARMY!  Good for him, start putting those boundaries in place!!!!!  “There are confidential things” – in other words I’m not going to tell you so back the fuck off!!!!
He reads that his voice makes someone sleepy to which he laughs and says it might be because he speaks so monotonously…. Ok JK, go ahead and sell yourself short.
He called out someone for asking him to infect them. To which he responds, “that is not okay”.  His polite way of saying That is seriously messed up.  Who says things like this! That may actually be the cringiest comment in this whole live.  People have zero boundaries. 
He wants to sing for us but he is not in great condition and he says he is sorry (always thinking of ARMY’s feelings).
“Bunny” he pauses with a little smirk after reading that.  My guess is he still likes his nickname.
What to do next since the tv isn’t working.  He wants to do something fun with ARMY and it’s pretty obvious he’s bored with all the stupid comments. 
He says the house is ridiculous cause nothing works … sounds like he might be used to being somewhere where everything does work…
He says he can’t fall asleep with us on this live because he needs to wash up.
Now we have JK personal trainer answering questions about diet and exercise. 
“I’m on a diet lately.  What’s the best exercise? Cardio is good for diets. But if…if you run to much it’s bad on your knees.  It could be too much.  There are cardio exercises that are less harsh on your knees.” He makes a rowing motion with his arms and says this is good.  My guess is he is talking about an elliptical machine.  “In the house, there’s the one where you grab on and the arms and legs go together, right?” Was this a slip of the tongue?  Which house? Whose house? Or did he mean the gym?  Yeah, not buying the last one, and we saw that he doesn’t have an elliptic at Brunnan.  I’m going with slip of the tongue.  Same slip of the tongue that RM had in their LA live back way when he was talking about the café they have next to their home.  All signs are pointing at a certain home of which we only got to see the gaming room and part of the lounge room…
Well, at least that was more interesting than the Ian jokes or the “infect me” comment… Also, maybe if I had JK as a personal trainer I’d actually be excited to go to the gym regularly.  Well, that after being totally ashamed of the state I’m in to start with…
“We’re family” comment.  He replies with a hmmm. And a small head shake.
Family, friends, all good. Just as long as it’s not bf or husband.  Oh, and not oppa either.  Yuck.
And back to the issue of the tv again.  It seems someone asked him why it doesn’t work.  He talks about being in the mountains so Wi-Fi doesn’t consistently work.  And he fought with the Wi-Fi ahead of time today because he knew he was going to be doing the live. (was this planned?  Knowing he’s in Brunnen alone and going live for army?)  He talks about turning over the house once (I’m thinking he means turning it over once and for all and being done with it) he says it’s too stressful and he can’t live this way.
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On to the Seven CD cover and the words overlapping.  He says it’s for real and on purpose.
Comments he’s reading:
I haven’t been working out much lately.
Even if I wanted to, he can’t listen to much music right now so what do I do?
He asks what does “air kiss” mean? Now we get flirty JK.  He says it’s not a hand kiss and asks if its’ this and shows a kiss. (around 29 minute mark).  Then he laughs and says “Do you like that.  Isn’t talking like this better?”   Naughty JK!!!
Now he’s wondering if an air kiss is in fact a whistle!  Then he finally figures it out!  A kiss with your hand to your mouth!  “That’s Jin’s signature!” (30 minute mark)
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“I can’t sing cause I have a sore throat” … all in English.  He actually says cause, but it’s translated as because.  I love how he very properly uses English slang by saying “cause” instead of “because”. 😊
Remember when I talked about the gaming and said “yet to come”?  Well here we are, once again with the computer.  He’s asked if he sold his computer as he had mentioned he was going to do on a previous live.  He’s not going to sell it, just get rid of it.  He doesn’t use it anymore, just uses a laptop for work.  He says he’s never going to play games. 
***observation…was that his way of telling us he does not game with Tae and/or the woogas anymore?????  First time he said he’s not using his computer anymore my thought was, well he’s gaming at JM’s.  But this here, it’s the second time he’s said he’s not playing games anymore, and this time it’s with an exclamation mark.  NEVER.  And do we remember what we said about him repeating messages he wants to get through?  Hammering them in.  Repeating them. Yep.  Interesting.
And today, after the premiere crap yesterday it is making even more sense. JK was invited to that premiere. JK did not show at the premiere. JK could have had a schedule that prevented him from going, that is true. Could have also 'missed' it intentionally. Not wanting to show up at the premiere. A choice made. Just like the choices made answering the Tae comments setting people straight or the choice to repeat he's not gaming anymore.
Topic of religion:
“I don’t have a religion.  They’re Christian on my dad’s side. And Buddhist on my mom’s side.  There was nothing like that since my time.  Nothing was forced either.  That’s why I have no religion.” 
“They’re Christian on my dad’s side.” – as in his dad family, but most likely not his dad.  He’d say his dad is Christian, not use that wording about his dad’s family. Same with his mom.  Parents simply must not be religious, hence the home not being religious either way.
*** Was this his way of debunking the bullshit rumors about him and Yubi?  I applaud you JK!!!
He tells people if they are hungry during the live broadcast to go ahead and eat!! 
***observation: Why are people constantly asking him for his permission to do things!!!! Maybe because he asks them if he can go to the loo as well?  Lol.
Now he’s talking about his jacket asking ARMY if they like it.  He says he’s been wearing it a lot lately and there is a long and short version of it.  He wore the short sleeve version when he did the dance challenge with Mingyu.  He goes on to say he should’ve bought several of them!
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Ok, so we know it’s a brand he’s been wearing lately.  JM as well.  We also know that JK has the tendency to buy multiples of things he likes.  Hint to bf to buy in multiples next time?  Lol.
Now the album:
He’s not sure when it’ll come out. (34:30 mark) He’s got to try something…. Curious!!!
Someone says they had a nice dream about him and his response: “really”.  That’s it, nothing else.  I felt like this was his way of acknowledging the comment and then dismissing it.  Again … Kinda cringey.
He’s asked about a new hobby, and he says he doesn’t have any but then he decides live broadcasts are his hobby. (around 35:00 minute mark)
***Observation.  He is SO damn tired at this point.  You can tell he is fading and needs to go to sleep.
His current favorite food is Perilla oil makguksu (buckwheat noodles).  They always turn out good for him! The colder the better! (36:00 mark)
He won first place again!  Thank you!  Our always gracious JK bows his head and says thank you twice.  And a third time 😊
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Now we get someone saying that they can’t understand his live because they don’t speak Korean.  (38:46 mark). Good lord, here we go again…His response in a nutshell…it’s hard for him to understand English so perhaps we can both study the languages and learn together.  “Let’s all study.  You should study Korean.  Our Korean, please study it.  It’s also tough for me.  How frustrated must I be as well? Try starting Korean!”
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***Observation:  This man is so done with all this speak English bullshit.  He is Korean!!  That is his native language.  He is learning English but would love for people to meet him halfway.  You know that mutual respect that he has been talking about more recently.  That respect that he is looking for from ARMY.
So now we’ve come to that point.  He wasn’t intending on doing the live for that long.
Sleeping for him is hard, he will close his eyes for about 4 hours and fidget the whole time.  He’s going to go wash up and if he wakes up, he’ll come back.  But don’t wait up for him!!!!
Well, I guess he fell asleep cause he did not come back live again that night 😊
Before I end this let's talk about the necklace a second here. It's dark and the video quality is not great to say the least, but he is wearing the necklace with the ring, and it does look like the same one he's wearing in his live the next night (or morning after next night, depending on your pov, lol). And although the chain seems to be different than JM's in Like crazy, that ring, it looks pretty identical. Anyway, something that will be discussed in next post about next live, which I have not yet gone to see, because I really need to brace myself for that 2.5 hr. live (silently crying inside).
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And to think that feeling this way JK went on stage the next day and performed with Yoongi. And to top it all he was so hard on himself for forgetting some of Burn it lyrics. I do hope that he is allowing himself some time to rest and heal at the moment. Probably not. But here's hoping.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 2 years
haikyuu in a long-distance relationship HCs
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Sugawara- he keeps a picture of you on his desk at work. sometimes his students ask about you and while he loves talking about you, he can't help but get a little sad as he explains that you're his partner and you live far away so he doesn't get to see you that much. His students would help him make a care package to send to you so you know that he's always thinking about you/
Ashai- He knows the distance is mostly his fault, he just travels so much for work. Ashai will always bring you gifts from whatever country he was visiting this time. and will stay up too ungodly hours of the night so you two can talk, and of course, when you do get time off he's more than happy to take you anywhere in the world you wanted to see. All of his models know about you because like Suga he never shuts up about you.
Kenma- you didn't realize that someone could be clingy over text. Kenma is messaging you constantly and will insist that you hop on a discord call with him to play games every night. He loves talking with you, he loves hearing your voice and seeing you smile. He always feels close no matter where he is
Kunimi- he steals from you every time you see him in person, your chapstick your clothes, it's all fair game. whenever he misses you he'll bring out his stash and pretend you're there with him. Of course, he doesn't just steal, he'll give you your stuff back when it doesn't smell like you anymore but he'll also sneak his own things into your bags so you can remember him too
Hanamaki- he's an absolute nightmare when it comes to saying goodbye he's just so strong and he won't let you go, it's impossible to escape when he's decided it's snuggle time. he sees you so rarely that you can't really get mad at him and it's not like you wanted to let go of him either.
Akashi- Akashi texts pretty often, and he calls almost every night but once or twice a month he writes you love letters, he'll also sends you packages stuffed with gifts. Keji's love language is gift-giving and he's not going to let distance stop him.
Ushijima- He brings you up in every interview, how much he misses you, how you are his rock, his whole world, and how much he loves you. Ushijima is such a quiet person it's a little shocking to hear him gush about his significant other.
Shirabu- he insists on taking 100,000 photos together when you do see each other not only so he can post you on his social media but also just so he can see you when he misses you. He has so many candid pictures of you mid-laugh, asleep, or otherwise just looking awful. he'd never delete them no matter how you beg, he loves seeing you.
Kita- he loves facetiming. it doesn't matter if you're even doing anything or even talking. He just likes being able to look over anytime he wants and see what you were doing. It feels domestic like he's right there with you. He will also make the most delicious home-cooked meals when you do see each other.
Suna- Suna will get some time off and just show up randomly, you'll text him that he should come over and bring food, and Suna will text you "bet" and show up an hour later because he was already on his way. god help you if he has a key to your place, you'll come home from a long day and your boyfriend will just be there. He never warns you about this.
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
I'm NOT a yoonminer but if this was Jikook moment, you all would've turned into Jimin updating JK with his everh schedule and what he's upto... making this a domestic couple moment isn't it ?
Now does this mean yoonmin is couple ? DEFINITELY NOT. All I'm saying is almost every other members share the same close bond... some hangout more than other pairs, especially according to their free schedules. None of this means 2 are dating. Just that rn they are free to hangout.. so they have fun together. No need to give it other meanings.
Another thing is show happened because Jimin wanted to film a travel show with JK like they planned before and not because it was a romantic trip before MS like shippers liked to belive.
Sometimes I delete y'alls posts and sometimes I curse you out. But other times it genuinely seems like you want something to be spelt out for you. Which i will do since you're not being rude or whatever.
Anon, i am going to explain this to you like you're in kindergarten just so we're on the same page. First of all, Yoonmin are close. Closer than other duos in BTS. No one is denying that especially not on this blog. Yoonmin are close, they hang out alot, that's super on brand for them. Suga has a Jimin bias and has never bothered to hide it. So no, I will not sit here and claim that Yoonmin aren't close. Secondly, OF COURSE if JK had told us Jimin called to update him we would have called that a couple moment! You know why?
Idk if you have a lover or not, but if people checked your call logs, yes, you call other people, yes you text other people but you call and text your lover the most.
JK records other members but he records Jimin, the most
Jimin loves all his members but he is the softest when it comes to JK. Praising him all the damn time, bringing him up and an example all the time, bragging about him all the time. He cares about all 7 but has a JK bias.
JK has carried all members at some point. But he carries Jimin, the most
Jimin has taken photos will all members and posted. But his photos with JK are the most in existence.
JK will drop honorifics with all of them. But he does it the most with Jimin and with him, JK isn't usually joking like with the rest.
Jimin will back hug all members. But he does it to JK, the most.
JK has reacted to all members content in chapter 2, but he's done it for Jimin, the most.
Are you getting my drift? So yes, if it was JK who had said Jimin called him to tell him about something, yes, we'd have added that to our list of Jikook moments. Since anon, at the end of the day, BECAUSE of the exclusivity and consistency that Jikook have with eo, even the little stuff that they've done with others, count as couple stuff to us. Because we have already found reasons to believe they are indeed a couple.
I hope I have made that as clear as possible. Good day.
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sailoryooons · 2 years
Re: Yoongi requests, get ready for the most annoying request in the world:
Literally anything, as long as he's wearing glasses. I'll take anything anything 🤓🥵🤓🥵
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→ Pairing:  Yoongi x female reader
→ Summary:  These types of evenings are your favorite: night in, rain against the window, and your boyfriend curled over a book, glasses sliding down his nose and hair mused.  
→ Word Count: 
→ Type: Drabble
→ Genre: domestic, established relationship
→ Main Masterlist: here
→ Rating: SWF / no sexual content
→ Warnings: Yoongi is drinking a glass of wine?
→ Part of Hali’s Happy Agust writing event
→ A/N: This was not the most annoying request at all. I am down bad for Yoongi in glasses. It always gives me either a daddy vibe or a soft vibe. I went with a soft, domestic vibe for this one! I hope you enjoy 🥰
Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement or representation of real life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real life scenarios
Steam permeates the air as you step out of the shower, careful not to drip water all over the tile as you shut the glass door behind you. Yoongi hates when he comes into the bathroom to find you’ve dripped water everywhere, even if he won’t tell you he hates it.
Yoongi likes to suffer in silence like that.
Towel-drying your hair, you strain your ears to hear your boyfriend anywhere in the apartment. There’s no sound of the TV, no sound of music coming from the second bedroom where he works, and no record player on.
Sliding into soft pajamas and stretching your limbs, you steal a book from your dresser as you pad into the living room, determined to finish House of Hollow and learn all of the tucked-away secrets of the Hollow sisters.
A teakwood candle flickers on the coffee table. You realize that the TV is on – Yoongi has a fireplace on YouTube crackling for ambiance, the orange flames casting a warm aura into the room. Soft rain patters against the window, a soft percussion to the crackling melody coming from the tv.
You stop in the doorway to drink Yoongi in: feet in fuzzy socks, tucked under him. Folded limbs with a glass of wine balanced preciously on the arm of the couch. A blanket in his lap, with Holly pressed against his hip. Hair damp from his shower, and his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he flips the page of his book.
Best of all, his glasses are sliding down his nose. He doesn’t seem to notice, charcoal eyes focused on the words printed to paper, on the world pressed between pages for him to imagine.
It’s nice to see him like this. When his shoulders aren’t bunched near his ears with tension. He’s not biting his nails. He’s not hunched over his desk, empty water cup next to his mouth while a new cup of coffee steams, calling to him.
Lightning flashes and paints the world silver and purple for a moment, breaking Yoongi’s concentration.
Yoongi looks up. His glasses cling to the end of his button nose, and he looks at you over the square, wired rim.
“Hmm?” It’s a question as you break from your spell and move to join him. Holly senses your approach and lifts his head, blinking owlishly at you. “Move for momma, Holly.”
The dog listens, shifting down the couch to let you sink into the now warm spot. Yoongi tucks you into his side, an arm wrapped around you. He smells like his eucalyptus soap and a hint of mint toothpaste. Holly curls against your hip, going back to sleep.
Yoongi radiates warmth. Leans into you. Presses a firm kiss to your brow that leaves a tingle, all while his glasses almost dangle off of his cute nose.
“Your glasses are going to fall,” you laugh softly, reaching a hand to gently push them back up the bridge of his nose. “How can you read with them that far down your nose, hmm?”
“No wonder the words were a little blurry.”
“What am I going to do with you?”
He squeezes you closer to his side. Resting your head on his shoulder, you close your eyes for a moment. It’s worthy of a picture, you and Yoongi pressed together with Holly at your side, a candle flickering in the warmth of your apartment, Yoongi relaxed, flushed and soft. The thunder is a soft roll of sound in the background of your evening.
You love Yoongi. More than words you can come up with. Words have always been his thing, even if he doesn’t say them directly. You pluck out the meanings in his songs, see the feelings between each constructed syllable and rhyme.
Yoongi also is good at being wordless. Picking up your dry cleaning when you’re running late at work, leaving a hot cup of coffee for you in the morning when he’s already gone, restocking the pantry because he noticed your favorite snack was gone.
Having him like this, dark eyes watching you and crinkling at the edges, is one of your favorite things.
“I guess I’ll keep you,” he muses, soft smiling appearing. “I like when you dote on me. Fixing my glasses, making sure my shoes are the same color, tying my ties.”
You hum in agreement. “I like when you wear your glasses.” You press a quick kiss to his lips and he sighs softly, delighted. “It just feels more like you.”
“I wear them so you can compliment me.”
“I compliment you all the time.”
“Maybe I’m greedy.”
“Only for you.” He grins, all gums and teeth before flicking the cover of your book. “What’s Iris Hollow up to these days?”
“Oh, you know. Confusion. Getting the creeps. Running from cryptids.”
“Let me know if it’s worth reading.” He settles back into his book, glasses sliding just a little down his nose again. You smile, cracking open your own book and wiggling further into his side. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You fall into silence, with nothing but the sound of the fireplace and the evening rain.
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firesighgirl · 1 year
athina’s endless list of fav seokjin fics
welcome! after almost 2.5 years of reading bts fanfiction and almost 1.5 year of deciding to use this untouched side blog as a bts fanfic review blog (bc i hate being a silent reader), i think it’s time to do a list of the seokjin stories that i liked the most! don’t forget to show love to all the fanfic authors!!! thank you for providing us such incredible stories❣️
key:  💖 indicates my all time fav stories
crystallised saga by @floralseokjin (complete, s, a, f, fuckbuddies2aquaintances2friends2lovers)💖 
hideaway by @bonvoyagenoona (complete, s, a, f, childhood friends2lovers)💖
effleurer by @sugaurora (ongoing/on a hiatus, s, a, sex work!au, boss!jin, bdsm themes)💖
instatiable by @heartbeatan (complete, s, a, succubus!oc)💖
fire & desire by @joonbird (ongoing/on hiatus, s, a, fuckbuddies au)💖
my tiny secret by @personasintro (complete, s, a, f, mistress!au, unplanned pregnancy)
girls want love by @raplinesmoon (ongoing? idk im just enjoying the ride, s, f, a, sometimes ft.hobi)💖
satisfy by @suga-kookiemonster (ongoing, s, f, a, kim line series, sex work au)💖
the platonic collection by @joheunsaram (ongoing? idk im just enjoying the ride, s, f, a, bestfriends2lovers, bdsm themes, idiots2lovers)💖
by your side by @sodoyouknowbts (complete, s, f, a, roommates2lovers, idiots2lovers, ft.joon)
show me yours & i’ll show you mine by @ktheist (complete, s, f, a, bff’s big bro!jin)
blurred lines by @yoonia (complete, s, coworkers au)
off limits by @floralseokjin (complete, s, a, f, big bro’s bff!jin)
the devil wears armani by @floralseokjin (complete, s, a, f, devil!jin, human!reader)💖
of bears and bonds by @yoonia (complete, s, f, a, were-bear/bear shifter!jin, witch!reader, fated mates!au)💖
made-up love song by @floralseokjin (complete, s, f, a, dilf!jin, single dad! jin, teacher!reader)
9 months to fall in love by @floralseokjin (complete, s, f, a, unplanned pregnancy!au, strangers2lovers to put it simply)💖
refinery29 by @kpopfanfictrash (ongoing, s, f, established relationship)
feral by @ilikemesometaetaes (ongoing, s, vampire!jin ft. werewolf!tae)
whims & inconsistencies by @hisunshiine (complete, s, f, a, historial!au, pride & prejudice vibes)
the light of dead stars by @ahundredtimesover (complete, s, f, a, arranged marriage, fake romance, ft. ex!joon)
chip and dip by @demonhoseok (complete, s, f, fuckbuddies!au)
feeling nauti by @ohharrow (ongoing, eventual s)
the a-listers by @httpknjoon (complete, f, a if you squint bc we all felt ANGSTY at some point) and confidential (ongoing, f)💖
little do you know by @yoongiofmine (complete, s, f, a, idol!ot7 ft. reader, playmate!au)💖
acquainted by @xpeachesncream (complete, s, f, a, professor!jin, engaged!jin, ft. jin’s little step bro!jk)
paraluman by @muniimyg (complete, s, f, a, sm!au, ft.bff!jk)💖
into the rush by @minisugakoobies (s, f, a, bff’s bro!jin, dodgeball!au)
internal conflicts by @yoongiofmine (s, f, a, step siblings!au but they didn’t grow up together so it’s not weird)💖
thank you, daddy by @ktheist (s, a, sugar daddy!seokjin, sugar baby!reader)💖
kairos and the follow up story, appetence by @luffles424 (two shot, s, a, f, a/b/o, alpha!seokjin, omega!reader)💖
warm this winter by @jamaisjoons (s, f, a, ft. ex bf/still bff jungkook, one night stand!seokjin)💖
all i don’t want for christmas is you! and the drabble by @minisugakoobies (s, a, coworkers, enemies2lovers)
aubade by @junghelioseok (s, f, one night stand, domestic vibes)💖
in the dead of night by @ot7always (s,f, friends2lovers, vampire!jin, human!reader)💖
sunglasses by @joheunsaram (pwp, dom!jin, brat!oc)
on the ropes by @raplinesmoon (s, f, a, ex boxer!jin, ft.jk) + the extra drabbles💖
arrogant by @dreamyjoons (pwp, enemies2lovers)
the end. by @jimlingss (a, f, prepare to CRY YOUR EYES OUT)💖
jealous by @hobisuniverse (pwp, idiots2lovers, friends2lovers)💖
god of mischief by @wwilloww (s, f, ancient god!jin, priestess!oc)
winter solace by @floralseokjin (s, f, a, friends2lovers, neighbours2lovers)
what he wants by @likeastarstar (pwp)💖
final sleigh and the drabbles by @floralseokjin (s, enemies2lovers, coworkers!au)💖
knotty or nice by @lavienjin (s, f, sugar daddy!jin)
once bitten, twice shy by @fantasybangtan (f, coworkers au, so much bickering)
salt + shadow by @floralseokjin (pwp, strangers2lovers, ft.incubus!tae)💖
view by @noteguk (pwp)💖
small tuna fish by @floralseokjin (s, friends2lovers)
launderette by @hamsterclaw (s, a, strangers2lovers)
call me papi by @jjksblackgf (pwp)💖
my type by @floralseokjin (s, f, virgin!jin)💖
copy room christmas by @feliix (s, workplace!au, boss!jin)💖
wet & wild by @jamaisjoons (pwp, friends2lovers)
glazed & dazed by @floralseokjin (pwp, pornstars!au)💖
sugar by @wwilloww (s, sugardaddy!jin)💖
wallflower by @heartbeatan (s, onenightstand!au)
ravished by two by @yoonia (pwp, a/b/o, ft.joon, fated mates!au)💖
opaline moon by @missgeniality (s, f, a, friends2lovers)
strings by @sugakookitty (pwp, s, f, dilf!seokjin, strangers2lovers)💖
kiss it better by @ppersonna (s, f, roommates2lovers)
last november by @kithtaehyung (s, a, exes2lovers)
messy by @minisugakoobies (s, enemies2lovers, bro’s bff!seokjin)💖
ghostin and pt.2 by @pradaksj (two shot, f, a, SO MUCH CRYING)💖
love, lust, and life mushrooms and following drabble by @miscelunaaa (s, f, a, established relationship)
pink lemonade by @jjksblackgf (f, implied s)
hit;record by @kithtaehyung (basically pwp, ft.yoongi)💖
winter whiskey by @kth1 (s, f, established relationship)
sin for you by @inkedtae (s, a, historical!au, priest!jin)
make you scream by @luxekook (s, monsters inc!au, monster!jin, human!reader)
fast lane by @yminie (s, f1racer!jin, pitcrew!reader, enemies2lovers)
switching positions by @lavienjin (s, a tiny bit of a, sex workers!au)
urgent matters by @aamalaaa (pwp, established relationship)
cool’n by @sugakookitty (pwp, sugar daddy!jin)
all wound up (harder) by @minisugakoobies (s, strangers2lovers, rockstar!au, ft.bandmate!jimin)💖
damelo dos, papi by @jjksblackgf (s, ft.hobi)
allez by @hamsterclaw (s, a, fencer!jin)
sunday by @here2bbtstrash (pwp, established relationship)
day 12 drabble by @minisugakoobies (f, s, established relationship)
count suckula by @dreamyjoons (s, f, friends2lovers)
all you’re giving me is friction by @hot-soop (s, f, a, lovers2enemies2lovers, surfer!jin, lifeguard!reader)
mood lighting by @sugalaritae (s, f, established relationship, dilf!jin)
knocked by @sailoryooons (s, roommates2lovers, streamer!jin)
just what i need by @sailoryoons (pwp, established relationship)
wallflower in bloom by @bluewhale52 (pwp, sugar daddy!jin)💖
christmas warfare by @gimmethatagustd (s, f, a, exes2lovers)
soarin’ by @aquagustd (s, f, a, established relationship, pregnant!reader)
shush by @mapofthesea (pwp, ft.tae, implied ot7 x reader)
roses by @taehyungsgrowl (s, f, established relationship)
cupid’s on holiday and picking peonies by @persephonesorchid (s, f, a, cupid!jin)
the one with seokjin and the marathon by @eoieopda (f, friends2lovers)
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