#stop saying he was a bad kid he just flat out wasnt
scarlethood · 6 months
it is so incredibly funny when writers try to retroactively make young jason a "bad kid" cause theyre worse than the og jim 'ill have him break the arms of ped*philes and then everyone will hate him' starlin and he just ends up as a Goob level unreliable narrator
jason's narration: i was a horrid person always lashing out in anger
the page: a friend tries to touch a cut on jasons cheek and he brushes her off telling her not to worry then she thanks him for beating up/driving off the people trying to hurt her
jason's narration: ive always been a selfish asshole criminal in the making
the page: jason swaped out live ammo for blanks so kids wouldnt get hurt, tries to own up to take the punishment, patches up the friend who took it instead and tells him off, the friend then reminds jason hes the only person who looked out for him and he was paying back that kindness
you're making him look like this!
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thatemo · 16 days
I've seen people debating if Bruce Wayne was a good parent to some of his kids and I'm gonna be honest;
No, no good parent let's/helps their child endanger themselves every night
I'm kinda tired of this debate cuz, wasn't that Jason Todd's whole point?
Like yea he missed the mark of the message a few times (beating up Tim ect.)
But the point still stands, that's child engagement.
Even if we put that aside, there's a bunch of other bs there too, some more "intentional" than other sh*t.
Him hitting his kids. (I'm pretty sure he hit dick after Jason's death)
Him being emotionally like That. (Not communicating ect.)
To flat out lying about his children, especially Jason (yes I'm a Jason Todd fan, sorry there's not a ton of dick examples here I'm sure they exist) I mean he would literally make Jason out to be this impulsive angry kid for no reason, because he wasn't AND THAT WASNT EVEN WHY HE DIED.
The last one he even used to emotionally control his kids.
Also for the Tim fans, Bruce Wayne needed a child to stop him from almost ending people. A child he didn't even really know. Because he didn't recognise that if he's beating people up that bad, that he maybe shouldn't be out and about.
This is not me saying to not like Batman/Bruce Wayne.
I'm a Jason Todd fan and that man has done some insane stuff (aka beat up Tim for no good reason) cuz canon is just a suggestion.
So yea like Bruce Wayne and write fanfic about him being a great father.
But if you're debating if he really was/to which kids he was, please remember that that is a man that dresses up as a humanoid bat and goes out to beat people up in the night because He Can.
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aphroditarian · 2 months
Hate words for your moon sign <3
Aries moon- i seem to attract them, which is a problem because i hate these fuckers. Immature, selfish and irresponsible, they are oblivious to the fact that they need to work on themselves ( like literally all of us ) because they perceive themselves to have some sort of moral advantage for “always being right” ( my ass ). They also love weed and probably alcohol too ( cause god forbid they actually feel their emotions ). Theyre just big babies.
Taurus moon- unmovable, unshakable, will die on the stupidest of hills out of sheer stubbornness. They know everything since they were 3 and so theres no reason for them to get out of bed. Movies? Seen them all and if they havent, they already know the one you wana take them to is no good. Music? Pfft. Do you even know who bach is?
Gemini- yall have commitment issues the size of pluto and youre not doing anything about it. You are a menace. Basically draco malfoy but if he wasnt even rich and hot so he had literally no redeeming quality.
Cancer- even i, a particularly sensitive and emotional individual, cant handle your crying ass. Mommy issues WE GET IT!! Friends with this placement will make everyone in the group baby them and partners will suck your tits FLAT. Not to mention how EMO they truly are. Like 6 pete wentzs on the emo scale.
Leo- thank god none of yall seem to like me cause i swear to god you need 15 times more attention than the average human. Your redeeming quality is that youre funny. But if you dont stop acting like rachel berry im gonna laugh at you and not with you. Did i mention theater kid?
Virgo- youre so wrecked emotionally that i actually feel bad for you instead of wanna make fun of you. Like jojo siwas career. Its like you have the meanest most insidious person in your head judging every single thing you or anyone says or does or feels or thinks. Jesus christ, we all need therapy but you neeed therapy.
Libra- i dont trust a single word that comes out of yalls mouths. Youre people pleasing, co dependents, and eeeeverything must lead to you being good and nice. Youre no fun. And when you are its for other people to think youre fun. Also youre deeply delusional and limerant ( look it up ), and i can just sense you falling in love with everyone and everything for no reason. Ew.
Scorpio- listen here you piece of shit, i know you want everyone to be scared of you but im no fool. Literally no one finds you mysterious and intimidating, your just no fun. And yes, we can tell you cry to evanescence every night. Redeeming quality is that youre hot, but looks dont last and youre gonna be one cranky old peson.
Sagittarius- every time you tell i joke i can see tears behind your eyes. Youre not fooling anyone with your pseudo esoteric shit. Also chill tf out!! Please!! Youre either angry or excited.
Capricorn- like virgo, no amount of hate words coming from me will do a capricorn moon justice, because they are already hating on themselves so hard. They are under the delusion that its everyone around them that is the problem but deep inside they know, its themselves they feel bad about. And no you dont actually enjoy being productive, its just that your self worth is entirely dependent on being useful.
Aquarius- you are literally insane. The most delusional people ive met. None of your reactions make sense. You are constantly running away from being actually vulnerable and open, coming up with either brilliant or extremely dumb excuses, and your love life is suffering the consequences of your avoidant ass. At least your social life is good, but hey, at what cost??
Pisces- thank fucking god youre a rare species. Kind of like virgo, i almost dont wanna make fun of you because i feel bad. But in your situation i also have no desire to help your overly dramatic ass. Youre not just anxious, youre something on a whole new level and you probably require huge amounts of food/alcohol/tobbacco or something to keep it all bottled up. Good fucking luck to anyone who falls in love with you!! Ps if you wanna be a poet be a poet, dont be like umm UwU can i show you my poetry UwU 👉👈
If youre mad about this post, complain to my mother.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket’s Treatment of Abusers:
Fruits Basket is a story that focuses on the abused children more than their abusers. The abusers are only used to explain the trauma & tragic character of those children as a means of writing their growth. It has a message to the viewers of victory against the painful past & living again. While the message of moving on from one’s harsh past is hopeful, it will fall flat if no attention is giving towards the falling status of abusers. You can’t just cleanse yourself of the past without looking at who caused the scars. This post will explore furuba’s treatment of the abusers:
1. Yuki’s mom: (the abuser who was allowed to function in tiny doses~)
Yuki;s mom is a woman of beauty & lust for status & money. She abused her son by neglecting him & turning a blind eye towards his abuse. Without her agreement, yuki wouldn’t have been abused by akito at all. Yuki stood up to her & gently but firmly refused her control over him. Hence, yuki became free. Furuba treated this abuser by giving her a slight room of co-existence in yuki’s life. She was shown shocked at his growth, silent & deciding not to stop him, she was allowed to perform shallow motherly activities. Giving permission on certain things & saying: take care. She isn't completely involved in yuki’s future life but she doesn't need to. She thinks raised a successful boy, even if his success isnt how she pictured, but none the less, his success is part of her as it satisfied her lust for status. Yuki allowed her to co-exist in peace.
2. Akito: ( the abuser with atonement)~
Akito is the abuser that will be allowed to atone & get redemption. Why? cuz akito is not a parent, but a child abused herself. The author uses akito to say, hey~ even if you were a bully, or a bad person, you can still change. Powerful message that does not alienate those who were once in the wrong side of the road. You can stop abusing ppl & ask for forgiveness. ( I have issues with how akito’s change was done but that’s for my eps review, it doesn't contradict that I’m here for the it is not too late to stop wronging ppl & change for the netter message. I love that).
3. Isuzu’s parents: ( the abusers who got away~ )
Physically & emotionally abused their daughter. However, since they weren’t given faces or names, they wont be part of Isuzu’s journey after she’s taken by Kagura’s mom. Isuzu’s next abuse is done by akito. The writer only used them to write isuzu’s initial story & ditched them. Also, since there’re two of them, it cancels writing any confrontation possibility from a writing perspective. They out-number isuzu. Moreover, isuzu’s own role in furuba is a combination of her romantic love with haru & her friendship with tohru. So, Isuzu can have the past behind her if she focused on these two alone. She was shown healing in kazuma’s house with her two fave ppl visiting her: haru & tohru.
4. Akito’s mom: ( the abuser who was mentally unstable~)
Kureno introduced her as a woman who’s mentally unstable, she was easily manipulated by shigure, she held a knife & was allowed to stay in the sohma estate. She abused akito by not loving her & constantly challenging her. She is portrayed as this pathetic mentally & emotionally ill person. A grown woman attached to an empty box is no normal woman. Her demeanor & the way she walks & dressed invites pity just like shigure said. She’s allowed to be as she is, cuz she’s ill in the head. Perhaps punishing her in anyway, might invited unwanted attention of treating mentally ill ppl. So, I dont think anything bad or good will happen to her.
5. Kyo’s biological dad: ( the abuser who MUST be stopped).
Kyo’s bio dad is furuba’s poster picture for abuse. Kyo can be the cat zodiac or have a true form , it wouldn't have destroyed him if his dad didn't actively accuse him of murder. Kyo’s mom is shown as this broken woman who tried & tried to love her son & do her best, but was scared, tried & alone. Ultimately her decision to kill herself in front of her son ruined him, but if the father took another stance than accusing a 4 year old, things would have been different with kyo. I firmly believe that kazuma’s character was created so kyo wont go kill yuki & kill himself as he said he would in his mom’s funeral after his dad’s accusation. Kazuma’s love is powerful but couldn't erase the scars that this dad engraved in his son. Kyo’s dad is the only furuba’s character that is drawn with so much ugliness & hate all the time. Despicable attitude, wide eyes, small pupils, freaky grin, explosive emotions. He is the only parent that is shown with strength & power in all his scenes. Even in front of kazuma, he stood & shouted unafraid of him, uncaring of what he might think, I want “ it” locked till death. Refusing to even humanizing a child. The most despicable man! In kyo’s flashback, kyo’s mom was broken in tears, kyo’s dad wasnt shown fully, but his fists were clenched & he was standing up instead of bending & hugging her. Heck, momiji’s dad loved his son & wife & sought out to preserve both as much as he can. Erase the mom’s memory & exist in his son’s life from time to time, not the best solution but he tried! he really tried! kyo’s dad just wanted DEATH.
I’m an anime only, I duno what will happen next. but I’ve never hated a character as much as this guy. He represents all the disgusting abuser parents! those who drink & hit, those who suck the life out of their kids, those breath hate! I want furuba to win for all those children with such parents & stop this man! you can’t just brush him off. I dont want kyo to hit him, no more blood in kyo’s hands. I want him to be so small/weak & powerless in front of kyo. To watch as kyo becomes free from his toxic grasp on his life! To listen as kyo tell him off! 
All furuba’s lovely messages & powerful stories will crumble down if not a single filthy abuser is stopped & cancelled. The story calls for. No, it demands it. Make kyo’s dad the abuser who is stopped! Show me the face of abuse defeated & helpless. I’ll ask for nothing more.
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
really, really random but do you think you could write a shot of half blood prince tonks on christmas alone and she puts on the record player and dances to christmas music? (i know this is very specific ahaha)
I lovveeed this request so much! Thank you for sending it. I did write the whole thing and then re read the prompt and see if kinda strayed away from the prompt slightly, you asked for record player, so she does actually use a cassette player but I still hope you enjoy it!
As always request are open! Drop me an ask!
Check my Masterlist too!
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks ( only mentions of Remus. He does not appear )
Warnings: none. Just a very mopey Nymphadora
Tonks had never been one to take love all that seriously. In fact she’d thrown the word around almost carelessly, never really taking to its true weight and meaning. Falling in love with more people that she could count now. A ravenclaw girl in third year, a slytherin one in fourth, two different hufflepuff boys in Fifth and countless other short lived romances since. But when she looked back now she realised they weren’t really love at all. Because they hadn’t felt like she did now. When she thought of him. Remus.
It caused an ache in her chest, so deep it physically pained her. She knew that nothing else could hurt her as badly as this, only love. She hadn’t even meant to fall for him, she hadn’t planned to. He was wildly interesting and not to bad on the eye either, but she hadn’t being trying. It had just… happened. Friendly conversation became friendly touches. Friendly touches became late nights snuggled in the library by the fire. Which had become hand holding. Which had become kisses. And now… it had become heartbreak.
The argument they had had before he’d announced his departure had been a brutal one. She guessed it didn’t help that emotions were already running far too high with everything happening around them. She’d shouted. He’d shouted right back. He’d told her nothing she would say would ever change his mind and he was leaving. It was duty. His role in the war effort. To put his life as at risk as ever and plant himself in a werewolf camp for months on end. It’d ruin him, she knew it would. He’d told her about it from the first war, how much he hated it. How much it made him feel like an animal. Feral. Inhuman.
But she’d told him to go. Shouted at him and told him to get out of her sight, to go if that’s what he truly wanted. To never come back to her again.
She regretted that now. Of course she did. She wanted nothing more than to leave her parents house and turn up at Grimmauld place, drink tea and hot chocolate with him in the library, dance around to Sirius’ old records and talk about everything and nothing until the sun came up. But of course she couldn’t. Because he was gone.
To make everything truly worse, as another blinding hot blade to her chest, she couldn’t even turn to Sirius about it. Because he was gone too. And he really was never coming back. The loss of Sirius and her still healing injury from Bellatrix had knocked her down already, Remus leaving had just been the final kick. And it had all taken its toll.
She couldnt morph. Not a single fingernail would change the way she wanted. Thankfully for her she’d never really been one for tweaking her face dramatically , like she knew some with her powers did. But she felt lost without her bright hair, the tiny little tweaks to her nose and cheeks. She didn’t recognise herself anymore. She didn’t understand the face of the woman that looked back at her in the mirror, all limp dark hair and hollow cheeks. She wanted to blame him. Wanted to use it as some way to make her hate him. Forget him. So at least she couldn’t be relieved of at least one burden of pain, leave her with one less knife in her heart. But she couldn’t. No matter how hard she tried to.
“ You gonna come down love? Your mums made you some dinner. Even got some apple crumble for pud. Yeah? Try eat a bit for us? “ her dad appeared at her old bedrooms door, knocking slightly as he spoke. It had felt odd being back at her parents house again for Christmas, she’d hadn’t visited in longer than she wanted to admit. Work ask the order had been running her to exhaustion everyday. She’d hoped being back home would bring her some comfort. Being around her childhood things. But it hadn’t really been working so far.
Her mum kept silently crying to herself over Sirius, every now and then she’d look over at her and see tears streaming over her cheeks as she cleaned or cooked. Misery just seemed to follow her whether she went now.
“ Dora love? “ she turned around when he’d dad spoke again and forced a small smile onto her face.
“ yeah. Be down in a minute… save me a piece of crumble “ Ted gave her a sympathetic smile and quietly left her. One thing she loved about her dad was he knew when she didn’t want to talk, and left her alone when she needed it. Andromeda was one to fuss.
She took a deep breath and made her way out of the room and downstairs, knowing Andromeda would only send Ted back up if she didn’t surface within a few minutes. They were both sat at the table when she walked into the dining room, her father looking up with a cheerful smile.
“ here she is! C’mon petal before it gets cold “ Andromeda’s eyes were bloodshot as was the norm nowadays, she’d tried she her best to hide the fact she’d been crying. But there were still tracks in the makeup on her cheeks.
The entire house had been decorated for Christmas and she thought the fairy lights and the tinsel should be cheering her up. But she found it wasn’t. Even her dads cheesy Christmas jumpers weren’t making her crack her smile.
Dinner was painfully silent for the most part. Ted occasionally tried to get both women to talk about something but conversation constantly fell flat. She looked at her parents as he silently tried to coax Andromeda to talk, holding her hand under the table and looking at her with the same amount of pure love he always had done.
Tonks had always wanted a relationship like theres. And she thought she’d been getting there. Remus had looked at her like that. Gazing at her when he thought she wasnt paying attention to him. Sharing his mug of tea with her at order meetings, waiting up for her if she had a late shift at the ministry, making sure she had something to eat before she slept. Little things. Small ways he told her he felt the same as she did.
Until he’d thrown it all back in her face.
When Andromeda cleared their plates and went to fetch dessert, Ted too disappeared of a moment only to return with his hand behind his back and a grin.
“ look what I found today love. Remember this aye? “ he held his hand out with a proud look on his face. It was a cassette. One he’d made up for her himself when she was little. She’d always been fascinated with muggle things and she still had the cassette player buried up in her room somewhere “ your Christmas one! Fitting “ she took with the first genuine smile she’d mustered in a while.
“ thanks dad. It’s Brilliant honestly “ he sat back down again when crumble was served but his proud smile didn’t drop.
After dinner she made her way back up to her room with a muttered excuse of being tired and locked herself in. The cassette tucked into the pocket of her jeans. She rummaged around the various boxes of junk in her room until she found the player and pulled out the tape. She smiled slightly when she found the tape wonkily labeled ‘ Doras muggle Xmas songs ‘ , putting it into the player and waiting for it to play.
The first beats of ‘last Christmas’ started playing and she practically felt her hurt slipping away from her shoulders. She turned the volume up, the headphones now blasting the voice of George Michael into her ears and she forgot about her troubles for a while.
She danced around with the first full genuine smile she had in weeks on her face, every song that played transporting her back to some memory from her childhood. Even the slower ones had her smiling, waltzing with herself around her room. until the tape came to an end with silent night. She stopped dancing and the smile dropped as the almost hauntingly beautiful song played. She’d danced with Remus to the very song on that first Christmas of her being in the order.
She’d turned up at Grimmauld place on Boxing Day, on Sirius’ invitation that the three of them could have their own Christmas celebration but Sirius had still been black out drunk from the clearly heavy night before. So she’d spent the majority of the day with Remus, hiding away from the kids. Drinking, dancing and even singing when Sirius had joined them later to get drunk again.
Her moment of happiness had faded to pure nothingness and she pulled off the headphones, tossing the cassette player onto her bed. If she focussed hard enough she could hear Sirius laughing still, picture Remus’ face as he tried to look unimpressed by one of Sirius’ filthy jokes- and failing miserably. Or feel Remus’ arm around her shoulders, his lips on her temple. The purely joyful atmosphere where just the three of them could be happy, Remus not worrying about people thoughts on him showing affection to her because Sirius didn’t care.
She found her feet moving then at their own accord, out of her room and creeping past her parents bedroom, down the stairs and out the door. She jogged down the garden path and past the wards protecting the house, apparating the second she was out.
She turned up on the top step of number 12. She really shouldn’t be there. She knew she should just go back to her parents. It wasn’t safe. But her hands reacted on their own and she opened the door. It was quiet inside. The quietest she’d ever heard it. Now Sirius laughing- or snoring. No kids charging around and pestering Kreacher. No mad-eye stomping along the hall.
Her feet led her into the library and she felt tears brewing in her eyes. She wanted to see Sirius blacked out on the sofa, Remus sat writing up a report at the desk, a fire crackling away. But neither were there. And the fireplace only held charred wood. The ache in her chest made her breathless, the deep burning pain of missing a dead man and one that might as well be.
She’d never felt so alone. Never had such a overwhelming feeling of loneliness that it made she’d weak in the knees. She could picture Remus at the desk, the way his brow furrowed when he concentrated, or how his cheeks flushed when she’d sneak up behind him and wrap her arms around his neck. The countless nights they’d fallen asleep on the sofa, danced, kissed, laughed.
But now it was just an empty room. In an empty house. No laughter. No dancing. No Remus.
She wanted to be back in that library when it was full of life. When Sirius was alive. And Remus was by her side. But it was never to be again.
Sirius was dead. And Remus was gone. And she wasn’t sure he’d ever come back.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
i loved hotch’s top 3 parent moments, but what are his top 3 most defeated moments & how do the kids/mom help him cope/feel better
ooooh these got REALLY long so they’re going under a cut (they’re basically three drabbles so i included the ajf tag list (whoops))
a joyful future masterlist
aaron comes back home from very long day full of infuriating people and politics, and isaac has left everything all over the living room floor. he trips on something (probably shoes) and breaks. he doesn’t get mean or anything, but his bark is definitely harsher than he intended. isaac is so so upset, and he holes himself up in his room. aaron feels awful, instantly. mom runs interference, and spends some time in the dark with isaac so he can calm down with minimal stimulus. when isaac is ready, mom goes back into the living room and finds aaron distraught, his head in his hands. 
“i promised myself i wasn’t going to become my father.” 
mom just wraps around him like a koala and is like “you’re not. you just had a bad day. for god’s sake, jack snapped at me over something ridiculous yesterday, and isaac and soph got into a knock-down drag-out fight last week about a puzzle while caro was simultaneously throwing a tantrum about fruit snacks. we’re all allowed to have bad days, and you can make it right. he’s a smart kid - just tell him what’s going on and remind him that you’re not upset with him and that you love him.” 
aaron goes to isaac’s door, knocks, and waits for isaac to tell him he can come in. aaron sits at the foot of his bed, waiting. they sit in the dark for a long time, and isaac eventually crawls into aaron’s lap. his dad tells him everything that happened in his day at work, and rounded it all off with “it was wrong of me to get upset with you, little man. it wasn’t your fault, and i love you more than anything, all the time, no matter what. i’m so sorry, and i hope you can forgive me.”
“i can.” 
mom walks in later to find them asleep, aaron propped against the headboard with his ankles crossed, isaac sprawled across his chest. 
when the girls are older, maybe 14 or 15, he puts his foot down about an out-of-town concert with a friend and their older brother. the concert is a few days away, and sophia mentions it over dinner. 
without really meaning to, he goes into full drill sergeant mode and gets a little too specific about all the things that could go wrong. it was very clear in the moment that the topic was not up for discussion, that he was not under any circumstances going to allow the girls to go to a concert a couple hours away with only a nineteen year-old college sophomore as a supervisor. 
it turns into one of those “i hate you you never let me do anything” teenager moments. sophia gets up and shuts herself in the garage with the treadmill and runs until she’s tired, showering and going straight into her room without a word or glance in his direction. caroline really quietly sets her napkin on the table, and leaves out the back door, headed for the porch swing that faces the back of the property. she, too, goes to bed without saying goodnight. 
mom doesn’t say anything in the moment, and they finish dinner with the boys (isaac, now 16 or 17, and elliot, now 10 or 11) and get them ready to wind down for the night. when they settle into bed, he starts to doubt himself. 
“i was too hard on them, wasnt i?” 
before mom can answer, aaron gets a call from jack (now 26 or 27) on his cell. he tells him that sophia tattled to him about the concert, and he didnt mention this to them, but he’d be okay taking the day off work to take them and their friends, and even find a spot to stay overnight so they aren’t out driving late.
mom eavesdrops. aaron tells jack to hold on a second, and mutes him. mom says that would be a good compromise and reminds him that they aren’t little anymore, and they can mostly fend for themselves (thanks to a few weeks’ worth of self-defense with derek over the summer). “i know it’s hard, honey. i can’t say i’m wild about it either, but if jack goes, i’d feel a lot better about that than the alternatives.”
he sighs, kisses her, and tells jack that would be alright. “i’ll go down the hall and tell them.”
“have some sucking up to do, old man?”
aaron just rolls his eyes and hangs up before walking down the hall. he knocks on the door, and two flat “what”s come from the other side of the door. he opens it, and finds caroline and sophia facing each other from their beds on either side of the room. he could tell they were talking shit, the set of their mouths giving them away. 
they’re looking at him like he’s goddamn war criminal. he pulls caro’s desk chair and sits backward on it in between the ends of their beds. “your brother has very graciously offered to take friday off of work to take you and your friends to the concert and spend the night in norfolk with you.” 
“so, you’re letting us go?” 
he tries not to let the biting resentment in sophia’s tone get to him. “i am. i’m sorry for coming down hard on you at dinner. it was wrong of me, and i understand that it could feel like i don’t trust your judgement. i do.” he looks at them each in turn. “it just freaks me out a little that you’re getting older a lot faster than i thought you would.” 
caro’s lip wobbles, and she throws her covers back and crosses to him, giving him a hug. “thank you. we’ll be good, i promise.” 
“i know, my little love.” 
it takes him a little while to get back into sophia’s good graces, but when he picks them up from jack’s apartment at the end of the weekend, she can’t stop talking about how much fun she had. he’s pretty sure he’s forgiven. 
its when he first starts dating mom that jack starts to act out. he’s usually a really well-tempered kid, but sometimes he’d snap at her or withdraw and it made her feel awful. there were definitely a couple of nights were he’d snap at her over something small and she would retreat to the back bedroom to take a minute. it wore on aaron to tell her that she wasn’t an imposition, that she wasn’t replacing haley, that she isn’t his second choice or ‘the backup’
they both have this moment of total defeat - they’ve known each other for so long, and jack has known her most of his life, but the change in relationship status really brought up a lot of stuff for the kiddo. 
mom comes around faster, learning to understand that jack is just adjusting and having trouble with the idea that there’s a semi-permanent female figure in his life, and that his dad’s attention is divided. thus, when aaron inevitably breaks down about it, she’s there. 
“i feel selfish. maybe i shouldn’t have -”
“aaron. we are doing everything we can to make this an easy adjustment for him, but it’s difficult.”
“but nothing’s changed! you’ve been here for five years.” 
“love, everything’s changed, and we’ve only been dating for a couple of months. that’s a lot for someone who’s barely seven. you’re not selfish, you’re not a bad parent. you haven’t made a bad judgement call. he’s just really young and is having trouble handling these very big changes in his home landscape.” 
so aaron finds a therapist for jack to see twice a week, figuring it was a good idea anyway with all the trauma he may or may not remember. it’s still sucky for a while, but as jack starts implementing the coping mechanisms he learns and mom takes on a role closer to a peer or friend than a parent, things get a lot easier. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @fics-ilike @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @vintagecaptainspidey @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @thatreallyis-americas-ass @marvels-agents100 @newtslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @joemazzello-imagines @pinkdiamond1016 @sebbybaby0 @pan-pride-12 @hotchlinebling @lee-rin-ah @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @emmice9 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @bauslut @yourlovelynewsbian @sparklingkeylimepie @aili28 @kingandrear @reader4027 @spnobsessedmemes @rogers-mouth @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandi-ass-prentiss @songbird400 @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner @a-dorky-book-keeper @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst  @lcvischmitt 
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a-deadly-serenade · 3 years
overall this season was pretty decent. i have some thots whats new so im gonna share them below the cut if anyone’s interested :)
so!! first off i’ll say that there were a lot of things i did really enjoy from season 4!
the action was super fun as always!! i loved all the crazy enemies and callbacks! the skeleton fight and all those little goblins they kept killing throughout were a nice touch ;) sypha’s use of her powers is INSANE her ice-chainsaw?? her WALL of fire?? electric balls?? come on. and the animation was NICE. i really wanna know who did most of the fight scenes bcuz the style is so different and it just POPS but in a really good way? 
my favorite fight has to be ofc when everyone is REUNITED yes im basic. but the THEME song going off and well, im a whore for sotn references and i CAME when i saw the leap stone ref w the winged cape or when alucard turned into a hoard of batss AND THEN HIS WOLF FORM OOOOHH BABY!!! actually episode 9 is just a straight banger.
STRIGAAA. STRIGA. oh mama i was sweating during that fight. mad kudos to her va for them growlsss
carmilla vs isaac was a lot of fun and i loved the visuals but my hype was instantly ruined when i saw her kill herself 😭but thats smth i’ll complain about later.
not all the lines were bangers, some of sypha’s swearing seemed even a bit too much at times, and it was especially jarring to be having a face-to-face death-math with literal Death and hes acting like a naughty little 5 year old thats just learnt to swear. maybe cut back on the fuck-isms? just a bit? BUT when they hit they did GOOD. “the fuck what now?” yes
ISAAC. you weren’t in this season as much but man do u still shine through. i loved his introduction back in the town where he has his night creatures digging graves and rebuilding the city 😭 and then the conversation he shares w his flyman?? obsessed.
Hector chopping his finger off and giving lenore and carmilla a good ol FUCK YOU!! as he helps isaac. we love to see it
Trevor and Sypha’s “I love you!” “I know.” <3
oh! alucard actually having a story & purpose in the plot? :) luv it love to see it. that being said... the Plot. 
its... ok? it’s kind of split up into 3/4 parts, as the story progresses, one eventually merges with several of the others kind of? cohesively? while leaving the other to sort itself out.
now, i didnt have too many qualms with it, it was pretty straight forward. dracula is going to be resurrected and we have sypha and trevor looking in on it, while alucard helps the nearby village and hector and isaac go on about bringing on their inevitable showdown. however, the way the story was paced and some of the decisions they made... werent so great.
st. germain for example, brought the ENTIRE momentum from the last few episodes to a halt. you have sypha and trevor fighting through heaps and heaps of monsters only to find themselves back in Targoviste where they meet the mysterious Zamfir!! and Alucard!! he’s been asked to help save this village!! all jam-packed with crazy action and animation that leaves you fired up!! and then episode 5 comes to a screeching halt and we spend nearly the entire thing on st. germain’s backstory and explaining his motives for the rest of the season
like. imma be real with you chief: he didnt need to be here lol. you could have just left varney as the main vamp in charge of bringing back big daddy drac and he could reveal to his.. idk henchmen or something that he’s death. but u gotta fill them ten 20 minute slots somehow!! he just fell so flat and unfortunately, a lot of the side-characters suffer from this this season.
i enjoyed great and zamfir, i love their desgins esp, but they really could have been fleshed out more. zamfir is shown as nothing but a spoiled brat the majority of the time she’s on screen but they wait till she’s about to die to try and turn her character around? huh? greta is given a bit more screentime but this sudden confession of feelings in the last episode felt so... huh?? why couldnt she just be dedicated to her people and show that u can love someone w/out necessarily being their partnr? i thot that was her whole thing; taking care of her people. it’s like. where did this come from. they cant have known each other more than a week at most dog 😭
it sucks they dedicated to much time to scenes that didnt really need to be there where we could have gotten this proper development, like maybe have a scene zamfir and sypha connect over struggles they’ve dealt with in the past and that has her open up about how traumatizing dracula’s attack on her city was. u could have expanded upon her role in the court and WHY she worshipped the monarchy so much instead of making it a throwaway gag about her being “crazy”. but why have that when we could instead spend the first 5 minutes of said episode watching a monotonous back-and-forth b/w varney and that big burly russian vampire who’s name im sure mor than 98% of the audience cant even remember? 
just a lot of fat that needed to be trimmed so that the actual MEAT of the story could be slow cooked to perfection. people really arent kidding when they say less is more. 
another big problem i had was there... i dont even know what to call it, re-humanization? redemption? of Lenore. like lmk if im wrong but she manipulated hector, yeah? coerced sex to slip on that ring that binds him to her?? orr whatever weird shit warren’s into. but the way they interacted, ESPECIALLY in their first major scene together was sooo uncomfortable to watch lol at first i thought perhaps hector was only playing along because well. hes enslaved to do her and carmilla’s bidding. but no, he actually LIKES her. he spares her when isaac comes around, he says that he wants to keep her as his own. and in the meantime, lenore finds time to complain to a man that’s been beaten and enslaved how upset it makes her that carmilla got angry at her 😭 or says thats she tired of isaac keeping tabs on her and wants to escape this ‘cage’. to  aman thats literally been imprisoned since youve known him 😭her death is seen as peaceful, calm, they even try and tug at ur heartstrings by swelling this sad, dramatic music as the sun rises. really? LENORE?
and carmilla’s death happened WAYY too early imo. she was the villain for practically 3 seasons and this is how she goes? isaac couldnt get more than a stab at her? his night creatures couldnt take a nibble? HECTOR couldnt even be given a chance to do somethng like come on
the resolution was... strange? it was cute!! and happy!! but i dunno if they really needed to have lisa and vlad coming back, but, like i said; it was cute! definitely not the ending i was expecting. 
i’m glad that they put their focus back on what made the show so much fun and that was the FIGHTS. they definitely helped add some much needed spice to things when scenes started to drag, but im a gal that really luvs a good story and even though reviews were raving that this season helped closed the lid on all the themes theyd been exploring, i just didnt really see that. which isnt necessarily a BAD thing, i knew i wasnt gonna find some deep introspective themes in this hack n slash horror-fantasy, its just what can turn somethng like this from an ok show to a GREAT one. 
in the end, im glad they stopped at this one and im curious to see if they really DO go ahead on making spin-offs. bcuz unfortunately, i will always be down for som new castlevania content
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Chaotic family dinner
Cw: food, ask to tag
Ok to rb
Summary: thor, loki, starlord, pietro and dr strange go to a family dinner with Tony, pepper, Peter and jerico, Shenanigans ensue.
A/n: I cracked up so much writing this fic, enjoy!
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Strange stopped the car infront of tonys house.
-- now remeber-- he said-- behave, or jerico Will get in trouble
-- ah dont need to worry wizard-- thor said-- loki is taking all the mischief with him
Loki looks at his brother-- oh its on now
Meanwhile jerico waits in the porch with Peter.
-- what do you think they are talking about?--Spiderman asked putting an arm around his sister in reassurance.
-- probably stephe is lecturing them-- jer said-- god, I hope they behave, Last thing I need is them making a bad impression
Peter snorts-- hey the dinner with natasha and Carol went well
-- yeah because those two are the only civilized people on my relationshipp
-- ah Peter!-- pietro said lifting up jer--nice to see you Man whats up, didnt stay in the car, strange was getting boring--Jerico laughs as he kissed her-- I missed you
-- I missed you too
-- is the food ready?-- the sokovian Man said putting jerico back on the ground so she can say hi to the rest of her boyfriends
--almost-- Spiderman answered opening the door
Tony was happy to see most of them, but as soon as loki entered he scowls-- oh look who it is
Thor softly pats iromans back-- he'll behave
The god of mischief closes the door, pietro sets the table as jerico and both peters play videogames with Morgan.
--how was the dinner with natasha and Carol?-- dr strange asked serving the food-- jer dear the foods ready!
Everyone sits on the table Tony just shrugs-- fine, I never seen jerico that flustered
Jer sighs eating her food, pietro grins-- I did one time i--
Spiderman stomps on the speedsters foot looking at him with his eyes Open wide.
-- no no, let him finish-- ironman said.
-- Tony-- pepper said looking at her husband who grunts.
Thors food starts to Act up, he looks at loki who has a huge grin from ear to ear.
-- so, I know you all went to stay at the compound for a while-- Tony said-- anything interesting?
Jerico plays back in her mind all the chaotic Shenanigans that went on.
Loki, not missing one opportunity to rail thor up said-- thor Fell on the threadmill
Thor, already upset becuase hes been trying to eat his moving food who tried to scape his fork goes-- well, brother-- Spiderman takes jericos hand as both facepalm knowing whats Next-- If I remember correctly, I wasnt the one who got caught in the middle of--
Jerico and Peter Parker jump in-- lETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT!
Dr strange snorts eating his food enjoying the chaos before him
Starlord tries to help his girlfriend out-- me and jerico danced the night through to old 80s songs, we had such a Blast
-- oh you guys also saw footloose right?-- Peter P added.
-- you bet!
Pietro smiles mischeviously-- well you also slipped and fell flat on your ass
-- did you now Peter-- thor added.
Pepper looks at jerico who at this point is with her forehead against the table.
It quickly Turned in an argument between thor and starlord with loki putting more fuel to the Fire.
Jer looks at Tony, who in return just gives her a compassionate look--and you have to put up with this every day?-- he asked.
She nodds standing up.
Pepper leans in to Morgan-- remember when you told me you wanted to see your sister use her powers?well here you go-- Morgan smiles happily.
Jerico stands up, using her powers to knock out both Peter Q and thor.
She looks at loki-- you and I are gonna have a talk
-- you look so hot when you get angry-- pietro added winking at jer.
Stephen takes Jericos hand as she sits down again-- how long Will these two be out?
-- five more minutes I think-- she said eating her food.
Stephen nodds and keeps eating, the talking resuming into soft Adorable anecdotes and some more embarassing ones.
When both starlord and thor wake up jer pulls them outside with loki.
-- guys-- jer said putting her hands on her face-- you need to behave, two out of three of you have a bad record already okay? Just please...--she sighs leaning on the wall.
The three look at eachother and hug her tightly.
-- we're sorry dear-- thor said putting his chin ontop of jericos head-- we let our temper get the best of us
Starlord nodds-- yeah, ill just go back to making references with your brother, we Didnt mean to cause you any distress
-- we just want you to enjoy yourself, the most important people in your life getting togheter and we messed it up, we're sorry-- loki agreed.
Jer smiles hugging them tightly-- come on, our food Will go cold
They all go back inside and the night goes on without much fuss.
Peter Q stands up raising his glass-- a toast, for our lovely jerico, who is always there for Us even if we drive her up the walls...
Pietro stands up-- for accepting us rejects, from the most with unstable powers to the misunderstood
Loki raises his glass getting up from his Seat-- because she sees past the walls we put up
Thor copies his brother-- because she stays through good and bad, and loves us no matter what
Sighing dr strange also stands up, looking at jerico with tender eyes--to the best girlfriend, for everything she does for us, even when shes tired, who keeps Us in mind even when she shouldnt, we love you dear
Jer starts to bawl her eyes out, Peter Q, pietro and thor panic slightly as Spiderman hugs his sister.
Morgan softly hits dr strange-- you made my sister cry!
Pepper and Tony chuckle-- its happy tears honey -- they add.
-- you all are the best-- jerico says drying her tears.
--no dear-- dr strange added-- youre the best
She giggles and pepper looks at her-- something tells me you might need that chocolate Icecream now
Jerico nodds-- please mom
After dessert jer says goodbye to all of her partners and goes upstairs to sleep.
Stephen stands on the porch with Tony-- you raised her well Tony, shes a great kid
Iroman smiles-- well, you guys do a great job at making her happy, just one more thing, before you go strange
-- Keep her safe for me Will you?
He nodds-- of course
As Stephen walks to the car Tony adds-- and I dont want one more pop culture reference or innuendos!there are kids here!
Pietro rolls down the window-- We'll Keep it in mind mr stark!-- he said before being yanked Back into the car.
As they drive off jerico gets into bed,texting both natasha and Carol.
Nat: so, howd it went?
Jer: not bad, we had a good time
Carol:Next week its date night ladies,dont forget that!
Nat: yes we know ms burnt popcorn
Carol: oh come on it happend once! Anyway, night jer!
Nat: uh-huh,anyway goodnight babe
Jer: night you two, dont get into trouble okay?, love ya♡
Jerico plugs her phone going to sleep,waiting for Next week to roll around to see all of her partners again.
Today was a good daym
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crqstalite · 4 years
coasting. [f!shenko + post-war]
had a thought late afternoon yesterday, decided it needed to be written, even though i put off writing i have questions for a day lol. for @that-wasnt-so-bad ;)
kaidan takes shepard ice skating.
Shepard was usually good at a lot of things. Surviving the impossible, fighting off grotesque monsters three times her size, patching together alliances that really shouldn't have been possible, win a war that had been lost plenty of times before. Hell, she'd done all of that within a few months only a year ago, and was still alive to tell the tale. Picking up talents came easy to her.
She probably should've known something was up when Kaidan asked her to dress warm at the tail end of the year without telling her where they were going. Wary, she'd trusted him and donned a sweater and jeans (which he'd immediately shot down and sheepishly asked her to wear leggings with little explanation of why), curious of his intentions. Since getting out of the hospital a few months ago, she hadn't been out much. Seeing what there was to her new home on Earth piqued her interest.
Still, she hadn't expected to be clutching both a railing and his hand for dear life with literal knives strapped to her feet three hours later. She'd never been so glad to have quick reflexes, or she would've gotten a face full of ice a few times. Her nose was burning, her lips were chapped and teeth would be just nearly chattering if she weren't so worried about falling flat on her face.
What was worse was the fact he also had a very nervous grin on his face out the corner of her eye, and she was getting rather suspicious that he'd lied when he said he'd been skating before. Her first tip probably should've been when he nearly tripped after putting the skates on trying to help her balance herself off the bench. If also not the second time when he'd been trying to coax her onto the ice. And, the third time when he actually had fallen when she'd used him to keep from falling herself.
Okay, that might've been her fault. She had apologized, trying to help him up while he'd laughed it off. And then she'd fallen. So they were just a pair of people, slowly making their way across the ice. She'd never been so glad not to be in anything with the Alliance or N7 insignia. They were just a man and a woman, making fools of themselves together.
"Knives belong in my hands, not on my feet, Kaidan." She repeats herself for the third time and grimaces, a perpetual frown on her face since he'd strapped the damn things on her feet. Center of balance, Shepard had apparently never met her.
"You're still upright, you're doing fine, Shepard." He reassures her. If not for the soft smile that he gives her, or the way he looks at her to begin with, she'd be off this rink in ten seconds flat, forget the fact she barely knows how to. Yet, this was something he'd brought her out to do, supposedly because he enjoyed it, and she be damned if she gave up or refused him.
Well, at least until she managed to hurt herself again. There was already a bruise blooming on her bad knee after she'd fell. She was sure he'd fuss over it when they got home, as much as she doesn't want him to.
And, she hadn't even really understood the concept of ice skating before he'd told her about it. Growing up a spacer kid did nothing for her comprehension of Earth children's entertainment. Which is why she's entertaining the idea, but is having about zero of the fun that supposedly went along with it.
She shifts another two feet forward, trying to keep his words in mind, and nearly slips again before he pulls her back upright, "You're leaning too far forward."
"I thought you said to lean forward." She asks.
"Not that far forward."
Sighing, she glances over his shoulder. Kaidan follows her gaze, where she'd been watching a younger girl spin gracefully over the ice in the middle of the rink. To imagine she could shoot a Marauder's head off at a hundred yards and couldn't even glide any distance was disheartening, if not also embarrassing. Thirty three years old, a war veteran, and even the Reapers didn't have anything on the slippery surface beneath her feet. She raises her eyes to him again, "You've been skating before. Let's run with this visual learner thing, I step off the ice and watch you for a bit."
Concern flits through his eyes, "Shepard..."
"It's fine, I'm not going anywhere. Maybe I just need to watch instead of doing." And possibly sit to massage her knee for a bit.
"Shepard, you don't get it."
"No, I don't. So teach me then."
"No, Shepard," Red dusts his face, looking away from her for a moment before sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, "It's been years since I've skated."
A lightbulb goes off in her head, looking down at their hands and then back up at him, "You dragged me out here in the dead of Canadian winter, knowing full well I'd never skated before, and also knowing you hadn't either?"
"I have!" He responds, "Just not since I was a lot younger. And I might've thought my muscle memory would've kicked in by now."
"You need me for balance as much as I need you, huh?"
"No," He pauses, flexing his fingers in between her's, "Maybe I just like holding your hand." Kaidan responds, as unconvincingly as she expected.
But she had to admit he looked a whole lot more comfortable here than she did. And if she was putting her well-being back into anyone's hands, it might as well be his.
She shakes her head, "So we're really both out here with about zero idea what we're doing? Not that we haven't done that before, pretty damn successfully if the Reaper free galaxy is anything to go by, but we could've had a lot more fun at home that didn't include a perilous sport I have no business participating in."
"You, might have zero idea. You sound like you're expecting me to do what she's doing. I've held a gun longer than I've been on skates," He thinks to himself for a moment before looking at her directly, "You trust me, don't you?"
"I trusted you this morning, when you hadn't put your poor girlfriend in danger of breaking her nose," She pouts, "Y'know, the doctors are going to just love you when I come back with a broken bone, the only explanation being that you'd knowingly sent me to my icy demise."
"I'll make it up to you, I promise," He's still grinning when his grip on her hand loosens. Then it's gone and she nearly flounders, reaching out for the railing with both hands and grinding to a halt. Glaring at him when she feels safe enough to, he chuckles before skating just in front of her, stuttering for a moment when he slips backwards before holding his hands out to her again, "And I'm pretty sure those doctors love to have you there anyway. Might make patient of the month if you're lucky."
Tentatively, she releases one hand from it's death grip on the railing to reach over and let him take it, then the other as she slides forward into his grasp, "Can see the headlines now," She stutters, gripping his hands like a lifeline, " 'Great Commander Shepard hospitalized after easily avoidable skating disaster, Major Alenko suspected of the crime.'"
"Ow, first," He gestures to his hands as she loosens her hold only enough to know she's not breaking his fingers. If he really thinks she's about to let go, he's more delusional than the Illusive Man himself, "It's supposed to be fun. Second," He rubs his thumb over the back of her hands, eyes boring into her in a way that sets something in her aflame, "I've got you."
It isn't as promising as marching her way across the ice back to where they'd left their things, nor offering the stability that she'd once had with the metal barrier, but he talks her through it long enough that she's standing upright fifteen minutes later and honest to God actually pushing off enough times to earn her a smile from him. It's comforting to have him so close, ready to pull her back up at a moment's notice (usually because she has a tendency to lean backwards). Staring into his whiskey colored eyes once he asks her to stop looking at her feet and focus on moving towards him, not grinding the skates into the ice, definitely puts her a little more at ease.
Not that she hasn't lost her balance another three or four times, but she hadn't fallen again when the sun was beginning to set outside the windows another half an hour later. He teases her, as she'd expected and retorts accordingly. Almost feels like their days on the SR-2, except without Harbinger looming over their budding relationship. She watches as his confidence comes back to skate backwards without an eye over his shoulder, giving her pointers like he had with her biotics. Her nerves are lot less shot when he asks her to let his hands go after spending a majority of the day laughing, as nervous as she is, when she manages to half glide, half walk over to him. It's not perfect when he steps away from where he'd been in front of her, as she nearly runs into a wall before grasping it at the last second, but it's world's better than what they'd started with.
It's late, that much she knows, but they make it around the rink a few more times, switching back to their original position with his hand in her's. Slow, frustrating at times as she keeps forgetting how to turn without picking up a foot and dragging it into the ice, but it's nearly romantic if she forgets she'd taken up his entire day doing something she watches a five year old excel at. There are more people there than when they'd started, and she's terrified to say she's actually exhausted. Good and tired, almost funny if she didn't remember the fact she fought off husks as heavy as her only a year ago. She still has a stupid smile on her face when they step off the rink, and she nearly falls flat on her face from the different motion, had it not been for a strong arm around her waist.
She's more careful on her way back to their bench, running a hand through her hair as Kaidan pulls their things out their locker. She places her jacket over to her side when she falls back on the seat, sweat still beading on her forehead.
"Then I'm guessing you enjoyed today?" He asks, bending down to undo her laces. She nearly tells him off, to just let her do it herself, but she was more likely to get tangled in them before getting a foot out. And, he was a nice sight, "Knife shoes aren't so bad, huh?"
"If you consider toddling across the ice like a child fun, sure. Oh wait, apparently there are children who can skate circles around me," He raises an eyebrow before she relents with her mild hate of the sport, "Look, skating, not so much. I belong in space, with insurmountable odds against us and mag boots. But, I enjoyed spending the day with you."
"Thanks Shepard, that's sweet of you." He avoids her knee almost like he knows, before gently pulling off one of her skates.
"You skated a lot before you enlisted?" She asks, while he starts on the other foot.
"To be honest, my sisters were better at it than I was. One wanted to be a professional figure skater, I just got dragged along to her practices when I was younger, and they let me on the ice between sessions," He shrugs, "Wasn't a pastime, but I got good enough at it that I wasn't breaking everything when I got out there."
"So you brought me out here why? Especially if there even the chance I'd end up with my mortal enemy again?" She narrows her eyes when he looks back up at her with a half amused, half exasperated expression.
"Hospital beds aren't that bad."
"When they only fit one disgruntled war survivor, they are. Bonus points if they strap you in for months at a time with nothing but old vids to watch because you only get one channel. And Monica is more interested in the, and I quote, 'sweet Major that keeps coming by' than she is in anything I have to say."
"Right," He snickers, manages the other one off, and she places her feet back on the ground, cringing as she realizes her socks are wet, "Couldn't bring you to a shooting range, and I'm pretty sure you'd be pissed if I brought you to a pottery shop."
"Aw, you know me so well, as much as I'm pretty sure that's code for 'Shepard's a bull in china shop'," She stops him just before he stands, placing a hand just against his jaw and kisses him, "Thanks for today though. As many times as the rink tried to take me out, I like being with you. Without bullets flying over our heads."
"Love you too," He kisses her again, then standing, "And you just took out my idea for next Friday. Here I thought you'd like the idea of paintball."
She gives him the most quizzical look, trying to figure how the words fit together and why. She really needed to start reading up on this stuff if domesticity and odd Earth activities were the new name of the game, "...paintball?"
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knicole0527 · 3 years
How Did I Fall For Unwritten History?
So I’m in a whole relationship right? Like a whole fat ass relationship. Like me plus her equals nobody else . Its kinda dope and kinda like coccaine . If she was a drug I’d take it . She grounds me . She makes love to my mind , heart , and then my body . Her way of words sometimes makes me feel stupid because she uses words I cant imagine using . My vocabulary aint that big . But ask me about math or science ? I’m definitely ya girl . She was my missing piece . If that makes any sense at all . We definitely have our rollercoasters but I’ll killl anyone over her and I stand on that . Best part its with who I chose and not who my parents chose or approved of. I actually dont care whether they approve of me or not. Mom didnt want kids anyways. As she put it, she likes “ a return to sender kid “ I know she used to joke about it but I later found it to be true. So at this point either you like my happiness or you dont. But anyways, So we met the first time at work, Afni Call Center to be exact. She was a bet. By bet I mean with green money with coworkers. So I bet that I would get smashed by this girl and they would each owe me 50 bucks. I mean who can turn down money. Plus she was kinda cute and I know she was watching my little booty when I would walk away . I was 80 pounds lighter when we first met .
But here lately things have gone to shit . I can admit I fucked up . Well in the beginning . I cheated . She found out . But I was honestly gone tell her everything but she found out I broke her heart all that and then some . Since I put all my business out there . Only reason why I cheated was because I wanted a kid . I wanted her for sure but I wanted a kid . As time passed us by I realized she doesn’t want kids at all . So I had to make a decision , kids or stick around for my one true love in my adult life . So I looked her in the face , I probably had tears In my eyes and told her I chose her . She looked at me with confusion for a little and I dont think she anted me to flat out give up kids. But I was gone doe what I had to do to keep her by my side .
Now before we get to me cheating . I had an apartment on Old Morgantown Road . I loved that damn space man . Hard wood flooring . Storage unit . I had a w/d hook up . I had a good apartment and I could afford it and be able to live my best life . Rent was 475 a month . Utilities and water ran me about 80 . So I was well within my budget . But my dumb ass got involved with this man who I thought I could change . I was trying to hear from nobody about nothing . I wasnt trying to hear that he was cheating because I felt like I gave him no reason to cheat . I was giving him everything and then some . Hell I let his stupid ass cousin stay on my couch . So they were living rent free right , I know stupid Kendra always doing dumb shit . I should have opened my eyes but I didn’t .
Well he and I are definitely no longer together . He got my little cousin pregnant . I dont know whats worse . That she knew he was still living with me . That she knew we was kin . That he knew we was still together , fucking and living together and I never ask for a dollar . Or that my bosses had to call me in the office with another one of my cousins and sit me down to tell and show me that he was cheating and she was pregnant . It even shocked me that she tried to question me about my niggas car . Like girl he and I live together so yes maam I’m gone drive his car . and she was in shock to see me in the drivers seat . huh . Aint that funny how it all played out though ? But you know , karma got took his dick for a minute . He got the worst news of his life . His heart was just as shattered as mine . His trust was screwed if not worse than mine . He found out that while he was too busy cheating on me , she was getting knocked down by his cousin . LMFAO SERIOUSLY . He did all that cheating and got that girl pregnant and ended up getting played himself . So while I was his woman , he had a side bitch who had a side nigga , but THE SIDE NIGGA HAD A SIDE BITCH . I hadnt had sex with him in a while because things started getting to me and I was becoming very suspicious so I was still going to get checked anyways . But yea . What a fckd up love hexagon . Crazy how we all worked together . But when I reached my snapping point . I became a little on the ratchet side and called his mom and told her come get her sons belongings because he was homeless again . My cousin didnt have her own spot so somebody had to come take care of him because by that time I was done pretending .
Shit got bad for me mentally . I had me fckd up . I lost my job and went broke because I drank and popped it away . I know definitely wasn’t the right thing but I just wanted to feel numb to everything . I didnt really care how I got high just as long as I as high I was okay and at peace .
Alot of time went by and my past came back . She made me feel safe . And she saw me ; like the actual me . She knew something was up . Hell I gained 50 pounds since the last time we seen each other . But when she came back . I dont know if I was more so excited to see her or trying to fuck her right there on the floor at work . I walked in the door and the moment I seen her ... I didnt care who I was talking to , I think Wanda , I’m sorry boo but I seen my old boo and just had to do it . I could not help myself I had to hug her before I did anything else . I had a little more weight on me too because during our last encounter , hmm hmm , I was a bit smaller and hadnt grown boobs yet . So when she seen me running 90 mph to her ; baby girl was in for a shock .
Time went by and we started seeing each other a little more outside of work . Then she started to spend the night . But when she started doing that , I think I made things a little complicated for her at her moms . I had no intentions of doing so but it kinda got weird because she wasnt coming home very much any more . But yall , when I had her all to myself . Do you know how many times I undressed this girl with my eyes . I mean she standing there fully clothed and I seen EVERY INCH of her thru them clothes . It was bad yall . lol . She kinda eventually sorda moved in ; even though I thought she had already moved in . Time went by and things were okay ya know . We were just in the “ talking “ phase and just filling each other out . She started to grow on me a little more than I planned . and then I wanna say it was my birthday or after ? Baby girl was so drunk . She , our mutual friend , and I went to go grab food and drinks . Weeellllllll , I trapped her into drinking and drinking and drinking . We got home ? and she drank and and got funnier as the night went on . I remember that day like it was yesterday and the videos I have are absolutely the funniest videos I have ever recorded . “ butt clouds “ and the car honk that about gave her a damn heart attack .
Anywho times have went on . We decided to go to hilltop and live there . Who would have thought we would live together because I was stern on not wanting to live with her . It was weird living there . Always wondering if or when we were going to get a roommate . Then ? Thats the first time I ever broke a heart . See , she was always wanting to like distinguish a title. Meanwhile I am petrified of titles and labels and shit . Plus I have labeled myself for so long I didnt want to put a label on she and I . So I waited and waited and waited and decided to test waters . By testing waters meaning , I caught baby fever BAD . LIKE BAD BAD . I wanted a kid so bad I didnt think about talking to her first , I was just hoping one day I could be like , surprise baby we are having a baby ; butttttt I was gonna tell her how I got pregnant IF if actually happened . But she kinda beat me to it . She seen the messages on her tablet and as you know it went to shit from there . I broke her heart . I wasnt sure if or when she would or could ever forgive me . ( its JAn232021 ) and I know she still hasn’t forgiven me for anything . Not sure if she will ever get past it enough to love me love me .
We made it official , May 2019. By that time the only things that mattered to me were building a life with her. Come August 2020 . We got a place together and as time went on, I knew something was wrong but I would rather ignore it than have to go to the doctor because that just aint my cup of tea. I hate doctors.. they always wanna diagnose people with shit. I just didn’t wanna be one of those people so I held out as long as I could before it got to the point of being unbearable . I lost yet another good job . At first they thought it was covid and it wasnt . I tested negative for covid . Then I had like 5 appointments that following week . I was put on all types of stuff . I was throwing up everything . I was crying non stop . I was doing things not in my normal regimen . Thats when things fell harder on her . Harder as in bills , and stress and everything . I became that burden . I became the thing in the relationship that puts everything on the line . I became the complete failure in the relationship .
I wasn’t able to help like I planned . in fact my checks were so small that every pay day because I had all my bills and people I owed money to on auto pay and I kept making promises, put me in the negatives . I was in the negatives for 3 to 4 months . So imagine being the one in the relationship who didnt feel welcome . Who didnt feel like I deserved the love and things like that . All I wanted to do was help out and I couldn’t . Made me want to pack up and wait until I knew she was gone so I could leave . I didn’t know what to do . But I knew I was pretty much of no use . I knew that she resented me . I knew it pushed things back so far it may never come back to normal .
But now , Im better than I was still struggling though .  But I have this amazing job . I have a job where I can do my part and not hurt . I have a job where I can finally help out now . But its not enough . I’m not enough . The love is not enough anymore . I have became disposable . I have become the one who broke and shattered her heart and trust in her adult love life . How do I come back from it ? How do I rescue something that may have already died ? Am I worth it ? Am I better off without ? Do I deserve her ? She deserves the world and I want to give it to her I do .
But idk , maybe my mom was right . just maybe the only things I’m good at are singing and laying on my back . Havent accomplished shit yet . Got banned from a job because I tried to put my hands on someone . Got fired from 3 good fucking jobs because of my health .
Im crashing at this point . My future is on edge . I am on edge . this is not cool dude . But I will play the hand I’m dealt . Maybe I will win and marry the woMAN of my dreams . Or maybe I will just fck it up once again . We Will See .
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eremika-forever12 · 4 years
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Eremika Fanfic : Remember Me!?
Previous Chapter link- Chapter 3
Chapter: 4
Stirring a spoon in the bowl of stew....Mikasa glances at Eli from the corner of her eyes....from the kitchen.
Eli was being quite than his usual self....like he has that sadness and guilty expression on his face since he woke up from that bad dream of his...
It was night by now....Mikasa is making their dinner while Eli was just sitting in the dining space....staring at the book infront of him...
But Mikasa could clearly see through him....Eli was just lost in somewhere else but had no concentration in the book...
He was just 5 but he was a school going boy too....though he was in nurseries they did have some sort of studies and exams! Eli had a brilliant mind most probably it was because he was half Ackraman too....he is sharp and intelligent even the school authorities knew that....but due to the rumours of him being the child of the last holder of founding titan who almost crushed the whole world ....Eli is treated very differently! Mikasa knew that well but she doesnt care about the people around her....for her , Eli getting adequate knowledge from school matters the most.
Eli came out of his trance as soon as he heard Mikasa calling out his name....
Mikasa placing a bowl of soup infront him- Eli....You seem lost!
Eli stares at his mother shocked but then composes himself- Huh...What?
Mikasa raises her eye brows as she sat opposite him – Hmmm....you seem to be thinking about something else! Cause I dont see you studying for real!
Eli was confused about what to answer....it was true he wasnt actually studying....he was thinking about his dream and that stranger....but he cant let his mom know that!
Eli confidently as he argues back – Mommm....Can you stop overthinking ? Alright? I was....just feeling sleepy okay!
Eli tries to give a fake yawn and acts sleepy in his childish voice - aahhh....I am hungry! M..moomm...Lets get...done with the dinner!
Eli was about to take the empty small bowl and pour the soup into it when Mikasa holds his hand stopping him and says “ You....are Red! It means you are hiding something form me! What is it?”
Eli feels heat travelling through his round cheeks....he started to feel nervous & embarrass at same time.
He shrugs off her hand as he angrily says- Heyyyy Whats The Problem! Seriously? Why do you always suspect me of hiding something!
Mikasa rolls her eyes as she takes her seat- Always? Nope....you rarely hide something from me! Isnt it? Cause you are really bad at hiding anyways...so whatever it is you can tell me...I am your Mom after all!
Eli frowns at Mikasa and was just about to say something but she interrupts “ You can take your time....I am not forcing you Okay! “
Eli stares at his mom a bit stunned while Mikasa continues softly- You think I am just an annoying over protective stupid mother right? I am sorry about that....I just cant stop caring about you (pauses a bit as she stares directly into those green eyes) You are the only one I have now!
Eli could feel the sadness in his mother voice....he feels bad....as he realises he has somewhat made his mom upset! And he feels bad about it now...his mom is not annoying...yeah she kinda gets into his head at times but he loves her!
Eli with guilt ridden eyes and broken voice- Mom I didnt mean to hurt you by any way...
Mikasa looks at Eli a bit stunned as Eli says “ You know I Love You! Please dont say that you are annoying....”
Mikasa sighs seeing those eyes & the puppy face...
He resembles him so much....thinks Mikasa!
Mikasa smiles lightly- So you want to say something?
Eli lowers his eyes....he wasnt really sure about how his mother will react knowing he didnt go to school today rather ran off a bit far away without her ...he never really get the chance to roam around the city like other kids do. He is always stuck in his home, occasionally Mikasa just take him with her to market place...
Fearing his mother's reaction....Eli thinks maybe this isnt the right time....moreover if he actually tells about meeting with a stranger who kind of matches with the person he sees in his dream....his Mom gonna freak out a big time.
Seeing Eli being silent, Mikasa realised he was hesitating....but rather asking him again Mikasa calmly says “ Its Okay...You can tell me some other time! Let's have our dinner!”
Back of the mind, Mikasa was pretty much sure something was wrong....and she needs to find it out! If Eli doesnt tell her, she will find it out by herself!
Walking across the corridor of school, Eli heads for his class...his head was lowered as his gaze was fixed to the ground.
He was completely in guilt mood for still hiding about bunking the school day before.
So today he swore to himself....he will never do that again...
Today he will concentrate only at his studies and wont care about what people tell him...or joke about him...
Eli enters the classroom as he gazes upwards and finds other kids staring at him awkwardly .... same weird looks at him....
His green eyes rolled in a dull way as he heads towards a seat...
He could hear whispers around but this time Eli decided to be unaffected!
Eli was about to take a seat in the 3rd bench when a boy ran to him and pushed him aside while occupying the seat at the same time...
Eli looked at him with a scowling face while that kid simply showed him tounge sticking out...
Eli decided to ignore him as he walked to the last bench and sat there alone with annoyance on his face....while that boy just smirked at him evilly...
Eli sighed, he just doesn't understand why these people are so problematic towards him...
He just shoves off the whole feeling of being hated at that moment before it could take over his mind....just when the teacher entered the class and everyone stood up to show respect including Eli....
The Class got over as the bell rang...it was break time now...
Eli takes his back pack on his back as he starts walking out silently with a tiffin box in his hand. Just when he suddenly tripped off at door making him fall on the ground with thud as the tiffin box slipped of his hand and fell a bit far as it got opened with the sandwich falling out of it...
Eli was completely shocked by the incident as he just kept on laying flat on his chest staring at the falling sandwich on ground which his mother made for him....while the corridor echoed with laughter all around him...
Eli found someone with huge chubby legs standing infront of him as his green eyes travelled upwards to check who it was....
As soon as his eyes met with the huge chubby faced kid , Eli narrowed his eyes at him as the kid opened its big mouth “ Hellooooo....Titan Baby! Whats up ha? Didnt say Hi yet to me??”
Eli sighed heavily as he finally got off from the ground and stood on his feet....ignoring the huge kid infront of him Eli dusts of the dirt from his shirt as he passes by him with his head high....moves ahead to pick up the sandwich and tiffin box.
Watching Eli ignoring him like this surprises the kid, as he immediately kicks away the tiffin box bit far while picking up the sandwich himself.
Eli stares at him shocked as annoyance took over him immediately.
As he turns his hands into fists, Eli hears the kid telling him- Oi, What so hurry? We need to talk....
The huge kid shows the sandwich infront of Eli's face as he speaks sarcastically- Ooowwo Titan Baaby....Are You Hungry ? Want Some?
Eli glares at the kid furiously as he looks upwards at him, while his hands rolled into fists “ Put that sandwich back into my lunch box! “
The kid smirks evilly as he says “ Ah....Ordering me? You stupid little brat! You know what...this sandwich looks yummy and guess what! I want it for myself, you have any problem?”
Eli was completely fuming within himself as he tightens his fists trying to control his rage...while he says in his mind “ Calm down! I should just ignore him....and not react at all! Mom told me these jokers are not worth at all of any kind of reaction! Just calm down”
Eli softens his expression as he says with low but prominent voice “ Listen....kid! Stop these nonsense of yours....it only makes you look like a looser! Give my lunch box with that sandwich into it....I need to hurry okay! I dont have any free time to waste on you “
The kid evilly smiles as he immediately takes bite from sandwich and says while munching “ Yummm....This tastes good! So Titan Boy Your Mom Makes Really Good Stuffs...Ask Her To Make Some More For Me”
Eli was angry now but he needs to control it , without saying a word Eli walks toward his tiffin box and was about to pick it up when that kid stomped his foot over it leading a crack on the box....while Eli gasps in shock hearing the sound of crack...as he glared furiously at that huge kid.
The Kid in disgust “ You....Son Of Monster! ( eating rest of the sandwich) I dont think you need this box anymore as your food is finished and is in my stomach...all you need right now is run off your ass”
Eli green eyes shone brightly as he glared at the kid with rage....Eli's small hands were back to fist but he was trying hard to control his anger...
As the kid went on “ Honestly Why do you even come here? What fun do you get by being insulted everyday ha? Oh wait you actually deserve to get insulted! Thats your birth right “
Hearing this the other kids who were watching this drama for quite some time bursts out laughing....
Eli was damn done with this kid as he clenched his teeth and spoke with sharp dangerous voice “ Shut The Filthy Mouth Of Yours “
The huge kid stopped laughing as he stared at Eli shocked “ O wow! You have guts to talk too...do you even know....”
Eli screams loudly as he interrupts the boy “ SHUT UP DAMN IT “
The kid was shocked now to hear the intensity of Eli's voice....he kept on staring at Eli's rage filled eyes while rest looked at them completely horrified.
Eli while gritting his teeth “ Move your foot away from the box and hand over it to me.... & get lost from my sight! “
The kid was shocked for few moments and then suddenly he started laughing as he says “ Hahaha...What a fire! I mean seriously....no wonder my mom and dad keep on saying that you will be same just like your father when you grow up! A Titan....! “
Before the kid could say anything further....he felt a crushing punch on his chin which felt so hard on him that just made him fall on the ground.
Everyone around them was terrified as they watched Eli swiftly giving a punch on the chin of that chubby kid....
Eli couldn't hold himself back as he barked on the kid who was laying flat on the ground looked at him in shock as blood came out from his teeth “ KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! DONT WANNA HEAR ANOTHER WORD FROM YOU! AND DONT YOU DARE CALL ME A TITAN...I DONT KNOW WHAT IS IT! BUT ALL I KNOW I DONT LIKE THIS WORD AT ALL....UNDERSTOOD”
Saying this Eli kicked hard at one leg of the kid who winced in pain immediately!
Eli picked up his broken Tiffin box and put it in his bag while he could feel all the kids eyes on him in fear....he could simply care less about it...he was about to leave when he felt a punch on his face which made him fall the ground....in return everyone hooted all around in excitement.
Eli looked upward in anger as he found the chubby kid with blood in his mouth staring at him angrily “ Son of a bitch! Dont you have manners while talking to your seniors! How dare you raise your hand on me....I am gonna make you suspend from this school and throw you and your mom out of this town “
Before he could do anything....Eli all of sudden made a move and punched hard straight on the face of the kid....who immediately pushed with such a force and fell hard against a pillar leading him to immediate unconsciousness!
Everyone gasped in horror at the sight....while Eli who still didn't realise the consequences of his act until someone freaked out frighten “ Guys....Why! Why is he not getting up?”
Eli gasped in shock as he came out of his anger and stared at the fallen chubby cheek at far....who was completely motionless at the moment....
Eli was terrified suddenly....while everyone started gawking at him as few kids ran to call the teacher..
Eli walked towards the kid as he said nervously to the people “ He just got hurt badly I guess...nothing much “
He wasnt having any good vibes from this environment around as he spoke infront of the chubby kid who was still not in his senses “ Hey...Wa...Wake Up! Look...this...isnt time to joke! Get....up dude! Others are misunderstanding me! Hey...”
Suddenly Eli heard a kid coming back with someone while saying “ I dont know Sir....I think he is just unconscious or maybe....the way that titan boy punched him....I dont know maybe....he is in more serious condition “
Eli looked around in horror as he heard some saying what if he is dead....
Eli was completely terrified! He needs to go to his mother. As everyone got indulged in whispering Eli took the chance and immediately ran away from that place in opposite direction through the corridor...
It was raining heavily all around....thunders strike in the sky....
A boy with a back pack over his head sitting on the ground behind a huge garbage bin while trying to hide as much as possible from the people around....
A huge thunder strikes as flash of light fell on his face while making him shiver in fear....his green eyes shone in the light of thunder....
Eli was shivering due to cold as well as fear of darkness & people finding him...
Eli in his broken voice “ Mom Save Me”
Suddenly he felt nervous and guilty as he remembered what just happened back in the school....
He didnt intend to hurt anyone so much that will lead to death....period he didnt even want to kill him or something! Was it his fault completely? Did he do wrong by loosing his self control again!
Infact he was pretty sure that bully boy wasnt dead but unconscious but then why wasnt he moving?
Eli started to weep now as he trembled while it started to rain more....
Suddenly Eli found a huge amount of people with torchlight coming in this way....
He gasped loudly and got up from there...
He could hear the voices more close now “ That BASTARD Child! He must be hiding here somewhere! This time we are gonna kill him , cut into pieces and throw him in fire! He is nothing but just like his father....A Murderer! Who knows...what if he also posses titan power!? And then we will kill his mother that bloody Ackraman!"
Eli blinked his eyes in horror “ Mom? No....I wont let them do anything to my mom...I need to get out from here before they catch me”
Eli quickly got up and started to move upwards slowly as the place where he was hiding was bit sloppy....the place was pretty old and much far from his house....most probably no one really lives in this place...Now...
He was hurriedly walking upwards while glancing backwards time to time wondering if they already spot him or not, suddenly he tripped over a pebble and slipped as he winced in pain while falling...
Eli was terrified as he puts hand on his mouth so that no sound comes out...
But he was already late....as he turns around and find those gang of people were now speeding up their pace towards him as one of them falls the light on his face & shouted “ HEY....THATS HIM....”
Eli was scared as he began to shake again in fear, he quickly got up and started running upwards but he couldn't increase his pace as he was slipping up now and then due to heavy raining and his feet fingers were kind of hurting now....
They were quite close to him...Eli was in panic as he was gasping trying to catch breath while running...
Suddenly he got a pull on his arm....before he could react someone pulled him aside swiftly behind the wall of a house...
It was dark inside...
Eli was highly shocked at the sudden action as he couldnt understand what just happened...those people were close, he could hear them...
But he was still in shock that who just pulled him in...he turned his head around and just when the lightening stroke again revealing the face infront of him....
Eli eyes widen as he was about to say something but before that his mouth was forced to shut by a strong hand as Eli started to fidget under the hold in fear while the graspy deep voice wishpers ”SSSSH....CALM DOWN”
Just then both of them could see bunch of silhouettes near by....as the voice says “ Dont say a word....they are hear...”
Eli was completely in shock stage at the moment and was frozen at the spot while his wide green eyes were on the man infront of him...
They could hear those men saying “ Where did he go? “ “ I Saw him I swear...I guess he escaped from here” “ Lets hurry”
They were there for few more minutes...and then left from there hurriedly....
As both of them could hear their foot steps and voice fading away....Eli finally finds the hand away from his mouth as he says in deep manly voice “ Gone! You can breath now....”
Realising he was actually holding his breath for a while now, Eli finally breaths as he starts coughing slightly to get air...
Just then as the reality strikes....Eli widens his eyes and stares at the person infront of him, while he says “ Ah....So We met again? What a coincidence!”
Just then the thunder strikes again and lightening falls on that long hair person....Eli could see the face more clearly....he was none other than that stranger and the person possibly who was in his dreams...
The difference was there were no bandage on his head nor even that cane in his hand like the last time, though his half of the hair was falling on one of his eyes completely...
Eli finally finds his voice as he says in child like voice while trembling a bit “ You....Again?”
Just then the reply comes “ Oh...You can speak....back then I thought you were mute or something “
P.S So How Was This Chapter? Hope you guys enjoyed. Do comment , like & share.
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zeoia · 4 years
vent post about a parental unit who is in denial about so much fucking shit
so i made the offhand joke of needing instant gratification due to being involved in capitalist hell and my dad insisted that i dont NEED to be part of capitalist hell and im like “um... but we DO live in a capitalist society so we DO have to be part of it?????
he’s getting increasingly frustrated with me trying to explain to him that there’s not really a separation from being in the capitalist world and then he’s all like
“ever since you started that wearing black youve been in a bad place! and you still havent gotten out of it!”
and i was like ‘waitwaitwait’ and he’s trying to shut me up while im trying to get an understanding of his timeline of me and my development as a person.
the reason i was in a ‘bad place’ for a long time had to do with the fact that my parents were separated, i had a very strong attachment to my mother, i may or may not have been threatened by my abusive uncle, and our lives were very unstable during our developmental stages. (i say “our” because i have a brother)
i tried to explain to him that one of the reasons why i wore black back then was because it was easier to match black and when i was TRYING to give him that explanation, he cut me off and told me “I have been on this earth for 65 years. I know more than you have ever known. I know you. Stop trying to justify your behavior.”
like i wasnt trying to justify anything i was literally just explaining one of the reasons i did something??
then he told me to stop being so ungrateful, told me to look at my friends and see that i have a privileged life which ive never said i DONT have a privileged life and the reason why i see the hell that we live in is because i CONNECT with ACTUAL people who are GENUINE.
i told him that i was sorry that i upset him and he said he wasnt getting angry even though im the one speaking in a flat tone while he’s sounding like an angry customer who got the wrong order. Which, by the way, we did in fact get a wrong order today so that just kinda was the cherry on top of things i guess. 
the only way i was able to placate him at all was to tell him i was sorry and that i was wrong (which i dont even know what i would be able to say sorry for when i didnt do anything but state my opinion on things.)
anyway apparently my thoughts on my own personal development as a person dont matter because despite me being very conscious about analyzing my own behavior, i am just a stupid kid in comparison to the person who happened to be born before me. i will never know myself because he is the only one who can know me. (:
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I finally contacted a dentist! Progress. No appointment yet but progress none the less. 
But I am hurting pretty bad right now. And I am a little upset because I got a flat tire. Which was scary and not good. But at least happened in front of my own house so I wasnt trapped on the highway. 
Today wasnt a bad day but I was really tired. I woke up a little late so I was stressed when I did get out of bed. And the lack of time together was really wearing on James this morning so I stayed behind a little longer to give him some hugs. But I had to go. 
I had a pretty good ride in. Even if I was stressed about being late. Not that anyone noticed or cared. 
And again they didnt need me as a runner at all and I was just sitting there, salty. And lots of people wanted me to get them art stuff today, which made me feel useful at least. 
I headed up there at 9 and started getting things together. I made myself a little list. But I felt a little dizzy. That would happen a few times today. Mostly from the heat and from walking back and forth from the office. I tried to go easy on myself today though. Took breaks. Stopped myself from running all over without a plan. It was good. 
CJ was kind enough to bring me more easy cut stamp pads so I have plenty for the kids tomorrow. I cut that up so I had relatively even sizes. I did cleaning. I set up kits for tomorrow. And I started making lists for the next few weeks of projects.
I took a break. I was very tired. I ended up falling asleep for about an hour in my hammock. And it was very needed. My mouth really hurt and I didnt eat my regular breakfast sandwich. I did eat but I think the lack of protein kicked my butt. 
When I woke up I went and finally did eat. CJ came and sat with me for a while. And I started perking up. 
I spent more time prepping. Cleaning. I started working on samples for a later project based on those worry jars I used to make. I felt bad though because a counselor asked if I wanted to join them on a hike and I had to turn them down. But I took my own little walk to collect interesting rocks and acorns. I also finally got to try some of the wine berries. I saw so many more ripe ones today. 
And they might be my new favorite berry. I did a little research on them and it turns out they are an invasive species from Asia. They were introduced to Maryland in the 1890s! They are a cousin of the raspberry. But they are smaller and I want to say, tighter? The ski doesnt have the same squish. And the little pearls are much smaller. The flavor is brighter and sharper. 
I had a handful and it was great. And then when Charlotte asked me to cover one of the groups up at the barns me and those kids ended up eating so many more. 
Enough that we all kind of felt sick but we couldnt stop. It was very silly. Those kids were fun though. I had fun googling fun facts with them and looking up native nuts. We found some hickory nuts! Very cool. 
I took that group on a mini hike back to their home base. We had a fun little walk on a trail I go on a lot and they hadnt been on before. And we found more berries. 
But it was soon time for pick up. I had a snack. And sat on the porch. I was a little frustrated that someone apparently had a fever and they were still at camp. And refusing to wear a mask. But I kept mine on and I sent an email with my concerns about how this was handled. I really dont want camp to shut down. 
But that whole thing upset me. So I went and finished cleaning and headed out. 
I stopped at 711 and got pizza for dinner. Which was a good plan. 
Because when I got home our tire got popped. And I had to keep myself calm. Like I am so lucky it didnt happen on the highway. But basically what happened was that I was parking and someone tried to drive around me and scared me and I hit the curb and the tire like tore? It was crazy. Dad said that there must have already been an issue and that shouldnt have happened. But it was pretty shocking. 
I asked James to call me. Because I was freaking out. I needed his support. 
While I waited for him to be able to call me I just paced the apartment. But once he called I just cried. It was scary and also how was I going to get to work. I hate asking for help. I hate being a burden. 
But James helped figuring things out. His sister texted someone at work that lives down town and shes going to come get me in the morning. James is going to take the car to get fixed in the morning. Everything will be okay. It is still really upsetting. But I am so grateful that other people are willing to help. 
Now I just have to deal with my teeth. I just noticed that my hurt took has a swollen gum next to it. It hurts a lot to touch that. I googled it and it says it could be an absess. Because of course it is. Thankfully I have those antibiotics from my nose hurting that I never took. So I just took one. And tomorrow I will try to make an appointment with that dentist that emailed me back. Well see. Ugh. I just want to not hurt all the time. Why everything happen so much. 
Once most of the tire stuff was dealt with, I did play a little animal crossing. I was able to go and find a new villager today. I had to use like 7 tickets and found some really cute friends. But I landed on Nan the goat. And I am so pleased. They are so cute. I wanted a goat or a sheep so this was awesome. Even though the others I found were cute I think this was the best choice. 
I took a bath and tried to just chill. I washed my hair. And i tried to just be chill. Its hard. Why cant I just be chill!! But at least I can have the windows open right now. There is a really beautiful breeze and I am feeling good. I just wish James was here. I hope you all have a great night tonight. And you stay safe. Goodnight everyone. 
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frostygilbert · 5 years
bloody mess
request: could you do a robin fic where she gets like seriously injured. your sad one was really good (thank you bb) and I feel like everything with robin is all lovey-dovey you know
pairing: robinxfem!reader
warnings: cursing, graphic injuries
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not my gif
it wasn’t supposed to happen, robin wasn’t supposed to be there. she should’ve been in the car, with steve, going to that crazy radio thing dustin made. but instead, she was with you, basically shitting her pants.
that thing, the mind flayer or whatever mike had called it, was there in the mall. you two hid behind the counter of a random store, trying your best to not even breath too loud.
robins hand was clutching yours, gently squeezing every few minutes, to remind you that she was there. that you weren’t alone. you peaked over the messy counter, seeing the giant sack of flesh facing the other way.
“we can try and go through the gap,” you said into her ear, quietly. her eyes were closed, and her breathing was uneven. she was scared, and it broke your heart.
“hey, baby,” you whispered, a finger pushing her messy locks or of her face. “it’s going to be okay, i’m right here,” you tried to assure her. she knew you’d try your best, even if you were no match for a monster. robin didn’t say anything, only nodded her head, eyes locking with yours.
as you two ran towards the gap, your hands stayed interlocked. robin honestly didn’t think she would’ve even be able to get up if she couldn’t feel your warm touch, it was helping her stay calm.
but then, as if things couldn’t get worse.. robin tripped. she tripped over some dumb soda can that shouldn’t crushed under her weight, not make her fall face forward. she groaned as her head hit the floor, breaking the skin on her temple. her knees slammed into broken glass at they hit the floor, it was literally a bloody mess.
then, as if lucas knew exactly what was going on.. he practically saved robins life. he made a noise on the other side of the mall, grabbing the things attention before it saw you and robin. you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“robin, baby, are you okay?” your words were frantic, and your head was starting to spin from all the blood you saw. her knees looked like hell, and the side of her face was covered in the red liquid. her eyes were half open now, struggling. she was trying her best to not knock out after the impact on her head.
“y-yes,” robin stuttered out, but you knew she wasn’t. she didn’t look okay. she couldn’t even keep her eyes on you, that alone took too much energy. you felt a tear slip down your cheek, you hated seeing anyone in pain. especially if that person was robin.
“breath, okay? just focus on your breathing,” you helped her up, she couldn’t even stand up straight. she was doing as you said as best as she could. her eyes were closed again, you could only guess that it made her feel better.
your arm was around her waist, and her arm was around your shoulders. you were basically lifting her with one arm, and it was difficult. you didn’t want her to bend her knees, it’d only make the cuts worse. you could already tell she’d need some stitches.
you set her down in the gap, hopefully out of sight of the mind flayer. you grabbed the first shirt you saw, ripping it with your teeth. robin was too out of it to even ask what you were doing. her eyes were hazily wondering around the store, trying to remember what the fuck was happening.
“look at me,” you said, kneeling in front of her. her blue eyes met yours the best she could, you smiled softly.
she was strong.
“i need to get the glass out. then i’m gonna wrap these on your knees, and try to not make too much sound, do you understand?”
robin slowly nodded, and then winced as the pounding in her head increased. you kissed her cheek softly, tasting the salty tear that escaped her eye. she bit back whimpers as you carefully got the glass out of her knees. there was more blood now, pooling around her.
“i’m done with that part,” you said. your heart was breaking as you looked at her. you’d seen robin have a few scrapes her and there from her bike, but nothing near this. you were sure this was the worse pain she’s ever been in.
you wrapped up the wounds, which didn’t have as bad of an effect on her. you then wrapped a piece of the shirt around her head, trying to stop the bleeding there as well.
“thank you,” she choked out. even through all the pain she held a playful smile on her face.
“you can repay me later,” you joked. you two were up and moving again, this time robin was more aware of her surroundings. you two went out the back, trying to figure out how the fuck to get out of this mall.
that’s when you heard rapid footsteps, and you froze. you weren’t sure what to expect as you turned around, but seeing three kids was the highlight of your day. there stood mike, eleven, and max, all out of breath.
“i know where to go,” mike said, and you all followed.
it all seemed like a dream, as if nothing really happened. maybe that thing wasnt laying inside the mall. maybe your friend, billy hargrove, wasn’t gone forever. but the fire trucks and ambulances proved you wrong.
robin laid flat on a stretcher, a medical team surrounding her. you couldn’t see anything, they’d blocked you off, as if you weren’t the one who kept it all from getting worse. as soon as even one doctor made room for you to squeeze in, you took it.
“excuse me-“ one tried to say, you already knew they were going to ask you to back up.
“she needs me,” you said, starring at the man dead in the eye. he huffed, but didn’t say anything else.
robin looked at you with a sweet smile, she felt suffocated without you.
“they said i’m going to need stitches,” her grin was wide and goofy. only robin would be finding humor in her own pain.
“yeah, i figured that. you feel pretty hard,” the thought made you shiver. you never wanted to see robin go through that again.
they’d cleaned the blood off her face, and had a bandage on her wounded temple. her face was still shiny with sweat, and her eyes still had that hazy look to them. but yet, she looked so much better. life had made its way back to her beautiful features.
“you’ll have some badass scares,” you said with a smirk. she giggled lightly, which made her head hurt. but she ignored it, too happy cause you were here.
“thank you, y/n,” she said, “your clumsy girlfriend tripped over a damn soda can, and you stayed to help her. even if a bag of bones could’ve ate you, you stayed. and that’s pretty amazing.”
you were blushing now, a whole mess from her words.
“i wouldn’t want to save anyone else.”
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stories-mostly · 5 years
Stark's Bug
Tony Stark x Son!reader
I know that I'm like really late but I do have a good excuse. Which is: I....was doing....things :) anyway this and the next chapter play around the same time (basically one chapter chopped in the middle) and then well get into Iron man 2 territory. So enjoy!
Words: 1437
Warnings: shocking revelation about a certain crustacean, none
Chapter 13
The times were nearing Christmas. While your nightmares continued at irregular intervals you pretended that everything was fine once you woke up and were distracted by your father telling stories. Or showing funny videos of you as a baby. Everything was okay once you were awake.
In one of the videos you had slapped your sleeping father so hard across his face that it echoed. He had been sleeping next to you as you played on the living room floor. You were one. You had doubled over laughing.
You had written a list for all the people you wanted to give something and what that something was, as you did every year since you could write. On the list were your friends, family and 2 shield agents you had come to like. Phil and Fury. While you had only "met" Fury once you liked him a lot and he looked cool so you thought that he should become your friend. You had also accidentally written Obie on the list but you were a little better in dealing with your feelings about him while awake, so it didn't make you feel too bad.
You showed the list to your father who chuckled at some of the things you wanted to give the people on your list. He agreed in helping you get the things you wanted to give out and joked about whether or not he would get a gift.
"No" you deadpanned and walked away leaving him wondering whether or not you were joking.
Sometimes he really couldn't tell.
You went to work.
The gifts you wanted to give were all in need of a self made card. And so you put all your school learned skills in card making to good use crafting 8 Christmas cards for all the people on, and off your list.
The first one was a bright blue one with a little captain America cut out that held a present instead of a shield, for Coulson. It wasnt the best cut out but you are only 7.
Fury's had a Christmas tree with glitter. You didn't know him that well yet so you had to play it save. The card dripped with glitter as you put it to the side.
Your 3 friends all liked iron man so you put one on on each of their cards. Two wearing a different Christmas hats and one saying happy hanukkah instead of Christmas. Sammy had explained what hanukkah was at school after you asked why she didn't do Christmas cards for her family. She said they celebrated that instead. But she would still get a gift from you. To you Christmas was no religious holiday. And she did say she still got gifts because her family would all get together so what is one more.
Peppers card was purple, one of your favourite colours, with a fat reindeer in the middle. It looked more like a round dog with twigs on its head then a reindeer but you still liked it. And she would too. She likes almost everything you do.
Rhodeys was in your opinion the best piece of artwork that ever came out of your little hands. It was a plane, one like in the place where he worked, with him inside it wearing a Santa hat and the plane spilling out presents and decorations in a stream of yellow light.
You were really proud of that one.
And your dads had a drawn picture of you, him, Mr. Krabs, Dum-E and what you pictured Jarvis would look like given a physical form. All in a house together next to a small tree that had tools hanging from it instead of decorations. Just like last years tree had looked like.
Tony had forgotten about Christmas decorations despite promising you that there would be some. Because usually you just exchanged gifts over Christmas music and move on. So in a panic he had went out the day before Christmas morning, a Sunday, and bought the last tree the last place that was still open had while you were asleep. He decorated them at first with homemade decorations and then gave up and just hung his tools on the tree. A screwdriver with wings adoring the top of the scrawny disproportionate tree.
Nevertheless you were excited at the sight and begged him for a picture next to it with him.
So this year the tree was bought earlier but the decorations stayed the same.
Now it was time to tell your dad what you wanted for Christmas, and you were ready to tell.
"...a bike! And I want a PSP with three games. Oh oh and I want a fish!"
"A fish? You already have a fish. A Cray-fish." Your dad said chuckling to himself.
"What." You said with a fallen face. Realization ran over your fathers face. His eyes widened and mouth opened as to say something but nothing came out.
"Isn't Mr. Krabs a Lobster." The flat voice really unsettled him. It was like telling a child Santa wasnt real. Just that you had never once thought that Santa was real. The only thing you thought was real that wasn't, was that your beloved pet Mr. Krabs was a Lobster. And not a Crayfish.
And now he had to explain himself as to why Mr. Krabs wasnt a lobster all because of some dumb dad joke he was trying to play. Great.
"Y/n, Mr Krabs is a Crayfish. Not a Lobster."
"Why?" You frowned.
"A lobster needs saltwater, Bug. A crayfish is fine in freshwater. Hes easier to take care of. So, since they're basically the same thing I got a Crayfish instead."
You opened and closed your mouth trying to think of something to say and failing. Mr Krabs wasn't a lobster, you just had to deal with that. On the way back to your room you took a long close look at your pet. He didn't do anything wrong so you didn't hate him. And still, you walked past without the usual greeting
The betrayed feeling did not last long. After a day of thinking about it you were over it. He was a crayfish and no one could change that. Not to forget, you wouldn't want any other crayfish or lobster to replace the beast you could call your own. And the revelation did explain why he was so small. Nowhere near a lobster the same age.
When you went presents shopping a few days later you bought him a new plant for his tank as a gift and an apology for you ignoring him the day you found out.
Your dad was more willing to do stuff with you recently. Always saying yes to things without a second thought. So you had dragged him and Pepper out to get all the presents you had planned on in a nearby mall.
Obviously people looked, but nobody was rude so it's a win.
Pepper had dragged the two of you into a clothing shop to look for a dress. She showed you a picture of the friend it was for and told you to look for a nice dress that would look good on her.
You, trying to be helpful, pointed out every single dress you could find. Asking whether or not that one would be okay. In the end Pepper held two dresses in each hand and asked. "Green or Blue?"
"Green." Both you and your father said in union. Pepper nodded, put the bright blue one back and took the dark green one to the register.
You had the time of your life in the toy store. Like a kid in a toy store would, you stopped every few steps to look at something new. Your father had to remind you several times that you werent here to get yourself toys. And that Christmas was soon anyways so there was no need to get toys now.
You reluctantly agreed and left the nerf gun you held on the shelf where you had found it.
Afterwards you got to eat some waffles. You dropped Pepper of at her home and drove back being excited to wrap the presents and send them off to their new owners.
You had really been persistent in getting an address for Phil and Fury's presents. They were very reluctant to give you any sort of information like that. So you got the address of the Shield facility where they would work and was told to just sent it there with their name on them. And yours too. Something about it possibly being mistaken for a threat if you wouldn't.
The next day all the gifts you wouldnt personally give away were sent out. Rhodey, Happy and Pepper would come over sometime around lunch on Christmas day to receive theirs and exchange some themselves.
Tags: @shannonr2003 @art-estrange @nicholasbich @tater-thottie @tonystanktheirondad @gaylemonshark @emilaa2001 @kindahadeschild
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dazeyrains2 · 5 years
DECEPTION - A Multi Chapter, Hayffie fic - Prompt...POISON
Thanks @ellanainthetardis for the prompt.
Pt1 of Deception
Today was Thursday and Thursday's were quickly becoming Effies favourite day of the whole week in district 13.
Thursday's were when Coin held their weekly update meetings about Katniss and the war.
And Thurdays was also a day when they were allowed coffee!.
Astriss arrived a little later than usual with a full tray of steaming hot mugs and Effie couldn't stop the beam spreading across her face.
Whatever Coin was babbling on about did not matter to Effie for the next 10 minutes, because she would be holding a steaming mug of coffee between her hands and smelling the bitter sweet aroma of the black liquid and nothing was going to stop her from enjoying it.
"Thank you Astriss, you may serve" Coin six passively, waving at the girl with the tray.
Astriss was also quickly becoming Effies new favourite person.
Haymitch reached for a mug but Astriss batted his hand away...
"Not that one, that's for miss Trinket" The girl looked at Effie and winked "Double shot, just how you like it"
Coin cringed at the delightful squeal that came out of Effies throat.
"Oh Astriss, you are a pet!"
Haymitch grumbled something irrelevant and just took another mug.
"How come she gets two shots" he tutted and Effie jutted her bottom lip out towards him sarcastically
"Because Miss Trinket asked. And besides...she gives good makeup tips...tit for tat" she winked again
"Enough, Astriss" Coin begged "That will be all"
The girl left with a grin and a wave from Effie.
"Oh she's delightful" Effie trilled
Haymitch sipped his coffee and it tasted weak."Yeah, sure. Delightful indeed"
That evening in the cafeteria, Effie invited Astriss to join her and Katniss at their table for dinner.
"I don't think the woman dishing out this slop likes me very much" Effie grumbled over her tray of soggy vegetables and questionable meat. Katniss and Astriss peered over towards the serving station.
Effie had a point. If looks could kill. The woman behind the counter was throwing daggers at Effie almost too obviously.
"Has anything happened between you?" Katniss asked, knowing full well that Effie possibly brought it on herself, complaining about the food or something, but Effie shook her head.
"I know what you're thinking Katniss, but I've done nothing to offend that woman, just merely exist it seems"
Astriss lay her hand over Effies
"Hey, some of the people down here just haven't been able to accept the Captiol refugees yet" she sympathised "But if they want to live bitterly, then let them. You're a kind and generous person, Effie. They'll come to know it soon enough"
Effie smiled bright but her smile soon faded when she noticed the difference on her plate as to what was on Katniss's and Astriss's
"Look at that" Effie huffed, picking up a rather unusual looking slice of the rabbit meat that was on her plate. "Pure fat! And those vegetables look like they were drowned twice over..."
"Maybe she's just having a bad day and wants someone to take it out on?" Katniss suggested, but Effie wasn't bought.
"No, Katniss." Effie disagreed tiresomely "She's been treating me this way since I arrived here. Always taking my plate out of my hands and wandering off, only to return with what can only be described as leftovers fit for a mutt. I put up with it because I'm hungry, but heaven knows where shes getting my food from or what shes doing to it"
Astriss grabbed Effies plate suddenly and slid it towards herself "You're right Effie, this is disgusting and this is uncalled for, leave it with me"
Before Effie or Katniss could protest, Astriss was up and marching over to the counter to confront the woman.
The ladies couldn't hear what was said, but Astriss looked stern and the woman looked sheepish.
In less than a few more seconds Astriss had returned with a brand new plate full of healthy looking meat and fresh vegetables
"She won't be bothering you again Effie" Astriss beamed brightly "Not whilst I'm around"
Fair to say, Effie had just found her new best friend.
At dinner the next evening, the woman behind the counter barely made eye contact with Effie but Effies plate was returned to her bursting with fresh vegetables and dumplings.
On returning to her table, Effie couldn't help but feel suspicious.
"Saved you ladies some nice hot coffee!" Astriss smiled, sliding Effie and Katniss a cup each.
"Thanks Astriss" Katniss grinned but Effie was distracted by her thoughts
"She's smirking at me" Effie said, peering over her shoulder at the woman still serving the food.
"Effie, she's just smiling" Katniss assured "Maybe she's trying to make amends"
"What exactly did you say to her Astriss" Effie asked curiously
"I told her that if it wasn't for you slipping those golden tokens into the arena, then there never would have been an alliance with Finnick Odair, and Katniss and Peeta may not have trusted him and possibly not survived." Astriss stated proudly "I told her that the real hero here was you, no offence Katniss, and that she better start showing you some respect or I'd notify Coin of her behaviour"
Katniss and Effie shared a look but then Effie was beaming...
Astriss kind of reminded Effie of Katniss in some ways. Fearless, honest, brave and loyal.
"You're a good person Astriss" Effie smiled
Katniss agreed "Yeah, good job you're here"
Later that evening, just before she settled down to bed, Effie felt a whirring in her stomach and the room felt particularly warm that night.
She downed a glass of water, took off all of her clothes and crawled into bed, hoping the feeling would shift by morning.
The next morning, she felt no better but Coin had called an early 2nd meeting to discuss an urgent propo for Katniss, but Effie wasnt happy about it because it was still too soon, the girl wasn't ready. So, Effie had to be sharp and focused today and stand her ground.
She arrived late after spending the first part of the morning with her head over the toilet, but her excuses fell flat. Coin didn't strike anyone as a sympathetic soul.
"If you're under the weather, Miss Trinket, I suggest you sit this meeting out?" Coin challenged, but Effie was having none of it.
"No, no. I'm quite alright...go ahead"
But as Coin proceeded, Haymitch leant a little closer in to Effie and gave her a nudge.
"You sure you're ok?, I can fill you in later, you look a little pale?"
"That damn food server in the canteen" she seethed quietly "She's fed me rotten meat again, I just know it"
"Food poisoning?"
"I think so" Effie nodded "But I got the worst out this morning"
Haymitch turned his nose up at the thought.
"Vomiting, Haymitch" She assured "Not the other way yet...although, not too far off" The face he pulled as she rubbed her stomach was totally worth it. She chuckled at his reaction and told him she was kidding... but she wasnt kidding. Her insides felt alien.
"Just...drink plenty of water, ok" he suggested and Effie smirked curiously. Haymitch had never been one to care before... Ever!
"Ok" she nodded, and poured herself a glass.
As the meeting went on, the temperature in the room seemed to sky rocket. Effie could feel beads of perspiration running down the back of her neck.
"Look, just a few more weeks" Effie tried to argue "let's get her comfortable with that damn camera first, if you throw her in now, it'll be a disaster"
Haymitch had agreed with her, thankfully, but between the two of them and Coin and Plutarch, it was still two agaisnt two.
Plutarch tried to reason...
"Well, let's film rehearsal? She doesn't need to know the cameras are rolling, we might capture something good?"
"And if she figures it out-" Haymtich began until Effie interrupted
"Which she will! She will lose more trust in you than ever..." The room suddenly started spinning but Effie couldn't bow out now. "Look, just give her time"
"WE DONT HAVE TIME, TRINKET" Coin bellowed suddenly it was like a hammer had been smashed into Effies skull.
"Ouch! Why are you yelling!?"
Conversation erupted around the table but the voices seemed to become raised causing Effie to cover her ears.
Everything sounded weird and everyone seemed to be yelling now.
She pleaded one more time "Please stop yelling"
Confused eyes crossed the table to where she sat
"Stop moving, why are you all moving..." effie continued, trying to focus. The room felt like it was spinning
Haymitch reached out towards her, grabbing her wrist
"Effie, we're all sat down...no ones moving, no ones yelling...What's going on with you?"
Effie put her head in her hands for a moment, but as she tried to focus again, Haymitch noticed the blood
"Jesus ef! Your nose!"
Effie looked into her hands and saw a pool of sticky red liquid, she pressed her fingers above her upper lip and felt the blood running from her nose.
"Get her a tissue!" Coin ordered. Plutarch grabbed a box on the side and ran around the table to join Haymitch.
Hands were holding her arms for comfort but she didn't know who's they were as the room began to spin even more.
"I need to stand" she whimpered but Haymtich strongly protested
"I need to get out, it's too hot in here..." she begged
Her speech was slurred, Haymitch ordered one of the guards to fetch a doctor.
"Ok, let's get you up" He soothed "I'll walk out with you" But as Haymitch lifted her to her feet, Effies knees buckled immediately and she fell into his arms.
"Miss Trinket? What's happening?" Coin asked, looking to Haymitch for answers but he was just as clueless.
She was becoming a dead weight so Haymitch lay Effie down gently on the floor instead and whipped his sweater off to create a pillow for her head. That's when she started coughing.
"Turn her on her side!" Coin suggested
But as he did, her throat gargled painfully and she began to cough up blood. Not just a little...a lot...a whole lot. It started pouring out of her mouth.
"Effie!? Effie?!" Haymitch panicked now. He saw her eyes starting to roll into the back of her head "Stay with me, Ef. Come on, Breathe in! Breathe!"
Haymitch didn't know what to do or what to say, all he knew was that this doctor better hurry because this was no food poisoning or stomach bug, this was something else. Somthing far more sinister.
To be continued...
*what's going on with Effie!?? Will she be ok??? Find out soon... xx
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