#spanglish fanfic
creamecafe · 10 months
Spanish Nicknames other than "Mi Amor" to help you guys writing Miguel O'Hara/Earth 42!Miles Fanfics or any other Latino Character x reader fanfics
Before you read the rest, I want to say there's nothing wrong with using mi amor in your fics writing Miguel O'Hara or Earth 42!Miles. It's just the repetitiveness there is in fanfics. There's so many petnames in Spanish that are so cute for couples to use and sometimes Hispanic/Latino parents use on their kids in. Spanish used gendered terms. Nicknames or adjectives that ends in the letter "o" are meant for Male and adjectives that ends in the letter "a" are meant for female. There are also nicknames in Spanish that can be used for both genders or non-gendered. This one will be Gender-Netural
Don't need at all to tag me for these nicknames. But if you want to, go ahead!
Gender Neutral
Baby = Bebé
Heart = Corazón
My life = Mi vida
My sky = Mi cielo
My sun = Mi sol
Treasure = Tesoro
Pastelito = My little cake
My light = Mi luz
Sugar = Azúcar
Cariño = Sweetheart (I know this ends in the letter "o" but it can be used for both genders!)
Dulce = Sweet
The light of my eyes = La luz de mi ojos
My little love = Amorcito (Can be used for a short!reader or a daughter or son)
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sparklefics · 10 months
Bucky & Latina!reader
Warning: major spanglish use 😂
Wc: less than 200
Tags @creamecafe
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“Baby, I’ve been meaning to ask, and stop me if I’m being intrusive or rude, but I know you were deprogrammed from the winter soldier…”
“You can ask me anything, doll.” Bucky interrupted. “Go ahead.”
“Well do you still remember all the languages? I mean would you understand me if I started speaking Spanish?”
“I don’t know, maybe. Let’s try it out. ”
“Hmm. Me encanta estar así entre tus brazos.” You kiss his chest.
“No hay otro lugar donde desearía estar que aquí junto a ti, mi amor.”
Your body heats up and the squeal that bubbles out of you is more like a screech, you hide underneath the blanket.
“¿Muñeca? ¿Estás bien mi amor?”
“Cállate. Voy a necesitar que te calles.” You groan. “This is so unfair!! Why is your voice even sexier when you speak Spanish?”
“If it helps, your voice sounds sexier in Spanish too.”
“¿En serio?”
“Si, señora.”
“Señorita.” You correct him.
“Señora Barnes sounds way better.”
Can’t really argue with that.
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hannshines · 11 months
I love how they are giving Spanglish tutorials for writing and making a more realistic Miguel O'hara in fics.
And it's funny because they're right in saying that it's not just saying random words in Spanish, it's literally putting certain sentences and almost repeating the same thing but in English or more than repeating it is saying something else that reaffirms what you said in Spanish, if you want the other person to understand you well if they don't speak any Spanish at all.
But apart from that, the truth is that not much happens, obviously what will stand out the most in Spanish words and actually in anny kind of language are the expressions
If you are an English speaker but you moved to Mexico and now you speak Spanish almost all the time, the typical expressions that you used to say in the United States or wherever you come from will not go away so easily.
A good tip is to think in that way, if you were that character with a nationality or your parents are from another country and you speak that other language constantly, how would you speak? And what are the expressions you would still use un your language?
They handle that in the film in a decent way, because for example all the expressions that Miguel says in a sarcastic, desperate way and whispers to himself he says them in Spanish (giving you to understand that he is very familiar with the language in the sense of speaking it, so much so that he continues to use some phrases).
That unlike Miles who has a mother who speaks Spanish, he has spoken English all his life and although he is used to his mother's Puerto Rican Spanish (he understands her when she speaks some things) in reality he doesn't speak it, because he never had the need to speak spanish or to express himself with phrases in another language other than with his mother (if that were the case).
And considering Miles' mother, she speaks more fluent Splanglish and her accent is still quite thick, has anyone seen Sofia Vergara in Mother Family? She's literally Gloria
And here comes in also knowing the different expressions for the different Spanish speaking countries which would be almost the same as with American English and British English.
It is not the same to use expressions in Puerto Rican Spanish (which is what Miles' mother should use) to mexican expressions (which is what Miguel should use) to expressions in Spanish spain or other Spanish-speaking countries (which, as strange as it sounds, is what Miguel uses in the film and Miles uses in the short conversation he has with Miguel, calling him "tío")
And honestly it's not a complaint, because I adore Oscar Issac and maybe I understand a little bit about the accent and the words because my man is from Guatemala.
But again is not the same to say "automóvil" here in Mexico, the word means the same thing but here in Mexico we don't use that word much to refer to a car, we call it "carro".
There are words that do become common i'm diferente countries, but back to the expressions.
"Ay coño" is not a Mexican expression.
Yes in Latin America because is it used in other countries and in Spain, but here un México that word is used but almost nothing and not for the same, there are more expressions that are used in Mexico, that somehow I understand that it will not be used, I consider that the common Mexican expressions, the real ones, are very rude and vulgar, but that in some way characterizes us.
I was waiting for Miguel O'hara to say something stupid like "Me está llevando la chingada" (which means he's fed up with every situation and can't take it anymore) because it seemed that at some point the man couldn't take any more with a "mocoso" (brat).
Someone made a post with some expressions and words in Spanish, it is very good sincerely, I hope you see it, but if you want to enjoy a good movie in the dubbing is full of Mexicanisms, see Shrek in Latin American Spanish.
In the Hangover movie the dubbing uses expressions that would be used here in Mexico, if you want more rude expressions with the Spanish dubbing.
But remember that if you want to base it on a movie, all the dubbing should be Latin American which is the closest to Mexican expressions.
In fact that's a problem with Latin American dubbing, as it's mostly done here in Mexico they try to make it global for Latin America but they tend to put in a lot of Mexicanisms that are not understood in other countries but that kill us in mexico.
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cars3s · 2 years
Okay, hear me out.
An AU or a fic of SpUk /EngSpa/ UkSp with 'Spanish Love Deception' by Elena Armas.
It's literally them:
Fake pretend relationship, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, INTJ/ENFP duo, steamy slow-burn romance, angst with happy ending and "enemies to lovers" trope.
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dulceepapitaaq · 3 months
I was thinking about whether or not to upload the fanfic I have almost ready.
I feel a little nervous doing it because it's the first time so, yeah. I'm thinking about uploading it but it's not ready yet, I just need the end.
Estaba pensando en si subir o no el fanfic que tengo casi listo. (Primer post jaja)
Me siento un poco nerviosa porque es la primera vez así que, si. Estoy pensando en subirlo pero todavía no está listo, solo necesito el final.
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heyrainaro · 4 months
Spider-verse: ATLAS | Chapter 1
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Bueno, vamos a ver. ¿Cómo era la vaina? Mi nombre es Oriana Ochoa. Fui mordida por una araña radioactiva tan grande como un maldito perro y desde hace unos quince minutos, creo, y como repercusión del peor chiste jamás contado en la historia de los chistes, esta aracnofóbica empedernida es la Spider-Woman de este lado de Colombia. Y todo parece indicar que… no soy la única.
Well, let's see. My name is Oriana Ochoa. I was bitten by a radioactive spider as big as a damn dog and for about fifteen minutes, I think, and as a repercussion of the worst joke ever in the history of jokes, this die-hard arachnophobe is the new Colombian Spider-Woman... and it seems that I'm not the only one.
This... thing will be written in a veeeery cringe Spanglish and I apologize beforehand. This happens a little earlier before ATSV. All rights and wrongs reserved.
Thank you for reading!
Word Count: 1,826
You can read it in AO3 too!
La aguja en el pajar
Tú me tienes que estar jodiendo, la madre que sí. O sea, de los casi tres mil kilómetros cuadrados que tiene el distrito turístico, cultural e histórico de Santa Marta, de los ciento cuarenta y ocho metros cuadrados de este apartamento, tú decides aparecerte aquí, a escasos centímetros de mi pierna derecha. Y de todos los animales habidos y por haber, tenías que ser…
El salto que di del escritorio a la pared fue olímpico. Solo la gracia de Dios impidió que vomitara el corazón delante de aquellos cuatrocientos cuarenta y cuatro ojos. Era tan grande como la madre Rusia, y tan peluda como un maldito perro. Con todo y eso, la pobre, quieta como una tumba, parecía igual o más asustada que yo. Estoy de tu lado, le dije. Estoy de tu lado, malparida. Después de todo, eres una araña. Un alma bendita que nos hace la vida más llevadera eliminando toda clase de alimañas. En un mundo ideal yo me daría besos de lengua y hasta me casaría con cualquier cosa que mate polillas, la verdad. Y tampoco me estaba haciendo nada… fuera del evidente trauma que su sola existencia representaba en mí, pues. Así que… sí, esta pobre estúpida decidió ser la mejor persona. Y fue nada más y nada menos que el primer error en una serie de errores.
Después de lo que pareció una eternidad y hasta donde el pulso de maraquero con Párkinson me lo permitió, logré dar un paso hacia el escritorio, agarré un vaso de plástico y atrapé a la condenada. Contra todo pronóstico, sobreviví a la otra eternidad que me tomó depositarla sobre el alféizar de la ventana. Y pues nada. A partir de ahí todo pasó como un estornudo: rápido y doloroso. Ni siquiera alcancé a sentirme orgullosa por mi buena acción porque, antes de que me diera cuenta, la pequeña careverga peluda garrapateó de vuelta hacia mí y clavó los colmillos en mi mano izquierda. El grito que solté debió escucharse en toda la ciudad. Mi mamá y mi hermana llegaron a mi cuarto, y mi hermano llegó más atrás, justo a tiempo para evitar que me cayera al suelo. Cuando recuperé el conocimiento estaba en una camilla de hospital, con la mano tan hinchada como un guante de boxeo.
Y aquí es donde estoy ahora.
La araña no era venenosa, pero el solo susto me ha tenido en observación médica desde ayer. Al parecer el hecho de que me desmayara por primera vez en mi vida fue suficiente para que mi familia tomara en serio mi aracnofobia. Eso y las casi treinta y dos largas horas infestadas de pesadillas súper vívidas de patas largas y peludas. Una enfermera tuvo que quedarse conmigo anoche porque me la pasaba gritando, y solo pude volver a dormir a punta de quetiapina. Ugh. Maldita sea. Maldita suerte, vida hijueputa. Mírame esa mano, por Dios Santo. Parece un maldito durazno con varicela. Qué será más rojo, ¿la marca de la araña o el último rastro de mi padre sobre el pavimento? Espera, ¿por qué he pensado en eso? Papi. La muerte. Su muerte. Yo sobre su ataúd. Mi propia muerte. La maldita araña. Uy, no. Aquí fue. Me voy a morir. Me voy a morir, marica. ¿Qué es esta zozobra tan hijueputa? No, no, no. Ugh, ¿qué hago? ¿Quéhago-quéhago-quéhago? Ah, sí, sí, mi mamá trajo unos libros. Sí, tal vez lo que necesito es leer un poco. Bueno, vamos a ver. Uh, Frankenstein. Este me gusta. Siempre he querido crear mi propio científico loco. ¿Se imaginan morir y que cojan tu muslo con el tatuaje de atrapasueños para crear un monstruo? ¿En verdad alguien se tomaría el tiempo de sacar mi cadáver de su tumba? Qué parte de mí tomarían primero, ¿mis manos? ¿Mi cuello? ¿Mis pestañas? ¿El dedo meñique del pie izquierdo que se me tuerce ligeramente hacia la derecha? ¿Mis brazos? Estas líneas, en las articulaciones… Dios mío, ¿qué son estas cosas? No, no, no , no los estires tanto, se pueden descoser. ¿Y si ya soy el monstruo de Frankenstein? Tal vez hicieron y deshicieron conmigo y esta tormenta de pensamientos son la sumatoria de todas y cada una de las ochocientas ochenta y ocho almas que residen en mí. Déjame en paz, brazo. Cállate, vientre, y cállate sobre todo tú, coño. Cállense. Cállense. Cállense. Cállense todos. O desármenme. ¡Estira esos brazos! ¡Que se descosan esos hijueputas! Dios mío bendito. ¿Por qué de pronto tengo la mente tan escandalosa? Ugh, ojalá se me desprenda la cabeza. Oh. Oh, no. ¿Qué carajos? El libro. El libro está pegado a mi mano. Por qué no se despegaAAAAAH, AY, ayayay, mi cabeza, micabezamicabeza, carajooo, cómo dueleeee- y por alguna razón que escapa de mi entendimiento ahora estoy pegada a más papeles, a la mesita con los platos del almuerzo, al ventilador, al techAAAH-
Algo ha entrado al cuarto. ¿Una rata? ¿Un gato? Ay, no, no otra araña, por el amor de Dios… Esperen. No. ¿Es un niño? Bueno, es… pequeño. Y se distorsiona. En verdad no sé cómo describirlo. Cada parte de su cuerpo es imprecisa; se transforma por momentos en estática con unos ojos disparejos y heterocromáticos, abiertos como platos. De hecho es como si pertenecieran a dos, tres, hasta cuatro personas distintas. Parpadean como si tuviesen… no sé, ¿interferencia? Y de pronto parece como cuando el televisor se queda sin señal y te lanza un zumbido tras una celda de barras de colores. Sí, y ahora palpita de manera acelerada, y al mismo tiempo es como si estuviera derritiéndose. Y entonces toda la habitación parece conjugarse con él, con él y su distorsión, AHHH, ayayay, no, no, no otra vEEEH-
     ¡Peligro! ¡PELIGRO! ¡PELIGRO!
Hay algo más en la ventana. Alguien. Es… ¿cómo explicarlo? Imponente. Tiene unos hombros y unos brazos que podrían muy bien cobijar ese pedazo de cielo. Unos destellos colorados fulminan lo que parece ser su cara. ¿Me está mirando? ¿Qué es eso en su pecho? ¿Una araña o una calavera? Ay, bendito. Ahora sí fue. Me les fui, ahora sí es verdad. Me morí y vino la Parca por mí. Dios mío, ¿y si es un ángel? ¿En qué parte de la Biblia dice que los ángeles son tan grandes como edificios de cinco pisos? Ah, maldita migraña hijue-
"Hey. Hand it over".
¿Y en qué parte de la Biblia dice que hablan inglés?
Okay, okay, ¡ya entendí! Pero… ugh, ¿en qué estoy pensando? De ninguna manera puedo proteger a este pequeño de… ¡esa mole! ¡Un solo dedo suyo podría partirme la clavícula como galleta de soda! Ay, no, nononono, me está sangrando la mordida de la araña…
"What, what is it? Are you hurt?"
"Please, don't kill me!"
"W-what? I am not going to-"
"Am I already dead?"
     PERO QUÉ-
"No, of course not! Why would you say that?"
     Estoy de acuerdo con el desconocido: POR QUÉ-
"Because I am witnessing angels from heaven and everything".
"Oh, smooth. Can we keep her?"
"Chingada madre".
La migraña cede un poco ante lo que parece ser su ceño fruncido. VIRGEN DEL AGARRADERO, pero, ¿qué es eso? ¿Un hada? Más importante aún: ¿ese cristiano acaba de putear en español?
Las hadas también hablan un perfecto inglés al parecer: "Right, right, riiight. I, uh- I have eyes on the anomaly".
En lo que respecta a la pequeña figura acurrucada en mi pecho, me está mirando. Con todos y cada uno de sus mil quinientos ojos disparejos y derretidos, quiero decir.
"Wait, i-it's not a thing. They… T-They are… scared".
"It-", intenta decir el enmascarado. Luego suspira: "They don't belong here".
"W-what does that mean?"
"It means: they're dangerous".
Las líneas de su rostro resplandecen con esa última palabra en especial.
"I won't say it again, kid: Hand. Them. Over".
     ¡Peligro! ¡PELIGRO! ¡DETRÁS DE TI!
La mente clava sus garras, pero mi cuerpo no alcanza a reaccionar. Antes de que me diera cuenta, un brazo robótico del tamaño de la cordillera de los Andes me ha atrapado con una llave.
Una voz femenina y ronca grita: "Got'em, boss!"
Y el enmascarado parece contrariado: "Wait! Don't-"
No sé cómo describir lo que está pasando ahora. Una serie de polígonos ruidosos bañados en lo que parecen ser las luces más extravagantes y filosas que he visto en la vida taladran mis ojos. Destellos amarillos, rojos, violetas, azules, turquesa, ¿terracota con vivos en granate tal vez? Ah y otra vez azules y otra vez amarillos. Solo al estirar el brazo me doy cuenta que yo, la dueña del gigantesco brazo robótico y la figura distorsionada, ahora más aferrada a mí que nunca, estamos… cayendo. De espaldas. A través de un agujero de gusano.
Cuando abro los ojos veo que el enmascarado va cayendo también, aunque hacia adelante, con el brazo igualmente estirado hacia mí. Y entonces atravieso lo que solo puedo describir como un mal viaje de LSD mezclado con chirrinchi adulterado. Porque lo veo todo. Huelo los colores. Saboreo la aspereza del mármol. Y lo siento todo: el palpitar de uno, dos, tres, muchos corazones, el llanto de un niño, la sonrisa del arcoiris, el siseo de la serpiente, la sacudida de las alas de una paloma, eco de estática, gritos de langostas, la brisa del mar, el ruido del silencio. Ugh, tengo ganas de vomitar…
Y así como empieza, termina. Me encuentro a mí misma tirada en el suelo, en posición fetal y con el pequeño todavía acurrucado en mi pecho. La dueña del brazo robótico sacude la cabeza y se queja. Amortiguó nuestra caída.
Como puedo me incorporo, sin soltar al pequeño. No necesitaba de la confirmación del último disparo mental que aterrizó en mi sien para saber que ya no estábamos en el Hospital Universitario Julio Méndez Barreneche.
"Look! They're back from Earth 814", dice una voz femenina.
"Took them long enough", dice otra.
Un montón de personas enmascaradas me rodean, sin acercarse mucho. Una es una mujer que se ha quitado lo que parece ser una pesada armadura azul y otro es un hombre vestido de rojo que parece que estuviese entintado con meticuloso detalle.
"There it is! Wait, were there…?"
"I don't know, boss said it was just one", dice un hombre con… Cristo atado, ¡¿esos son patas de araña?!
"Hey, hey! Let her breathe!"
Esto lo dice la figura que tengo más cerca. Viste un traje rojo también, pero tiene un abrigo rosa encima. Ugh, maldita sea, esta hijueputa migraña me va a-
"Wait a minute".
Los demás se miran primero entre ellos y luego a mí. Un momento. ¿Por qué parece que todos estamos… vibrando? ¿Por qué de pronto se siente como si estuviésemos latiendo con un solo corazón?
"You're like us".
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crowwearingahat · 10 months
I can feel my klance obsession coming back and I don't know what to do
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catr4dora · 11 months
not ALL the time bro😭
like literally most of the fanfics are just rough smut and blah blah blah
LIKE WHERES THE FLUFF (heck even some angst)
AND NOT ONLY THAT WHERES THE FANFICS FOR THE MEXICANAS I’m Mexican myself and I hate that there’s only a couple w bad Spanish or spanglish
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kirbyskisses · 11 months
reading spiderverse fanfic and seeing
a. the terrible spanglish
b. the writers who have no idea how blk londoners talk
is very funny to me
seriously though, ask for help if you all want to sound authentic, we’ve already been posting guides to spanglish and london slang so don’t be afraid to ask around ❤️
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girls-are-weird · 10 months
YR fanfic pet peeves (and corrections): latin america edition
so. i was originally going to post this in january as a kind of "new year, new opportunity to learn about simon's hispanic heritage" kind of a thing, but life got busy, and then my computer died and i lost my original list, so i've had to reconstruct this from memory as best as i could. there may be some stuff missing, so perhaps i'll just keep adding to this post as missing/new points come to mind.
disclaimer 1: if you've included any of the points made here on any fanfic of yours, please don't take this as a call-out. this isn't intended to shame anyone, but rather as an educational opportunity. it's very rare that a latin american nationality that is not mexican or colombian or puerto rican is showcased in an international show, especially outside of the US, and it's given me such joy to have all of you lovely folks make the effort to be open to and research and understand the idiosyncrasies of simon's (and omar's) heritage because the rest of latin america tends to go overlooked in most other fandoms. so i don't intend to scold anyone with this. we can't all know everything about every other culture-- lord knows i don't know everything about sweden, but i want to be respectful to the country and its people and that is why i heavily research anything i don't know and ask people who do know when my research doesn't quite cover it and am open to corrections when even that falls short. i expect most of you come to write about simon's family background in good faith and also want to be respectful to his family's culture, and so i thought i might make things a bit easier for you all by putting the most common errors/misunderstandings i've seen in one handy post. but once again, it's not a call-out, i don't get offended by these things, and i'm in no way implying, if you've done any of these things in fic or in life, that you are a bad person. i understand people make mistakes when they don't know things.
disclaimer 2: i am not venezuelan myself. i was born and raised in the same general region of latin america, though, and i have venezuelan friends and have worked with venezuelan people and have visited venezuela. generally speaking, i feel their culture is very similar to mine (though our spanish is much closer to spanglish than theirs is, haha xD) and feel a deep kinship with them. but of course, i'm no native, and if you're venezuelan and catch anything here that you feel is incorrect, feel free to point it out and i'll add a correction in your name.
warning: this is very long. christ almighty. DX if you can't make it to the end, tl;dr-- feel free to ask if you have any questions or if anything isn't clear. my ask box/messages are always open.
1- "mijo." this is the only one that legit has caused me to click out of several fics/chapters, at least in the beginning, but i've learned to grin and bear it by now. it's not so much that it's wrong, per se, but rather it's more of a location issue. "mijo" is, to my ears, very much a mexican (or, if you stretch it, northern triangle) slang. it IS used sparingly in other countries, but rarely used unironically. instead, if you hear the term used in the caribbean region of latin america (which my country is part of, as is a large part of venezuela), it's almost always used… let's say sarcastically. for example, if your grown-ass adult friend is being a dumbass and doing something reckless, you might call out "oiga, mijo, se va a romper el cuello" ("hey, mijo, you're going to break your neck"). basically, it's a way of calling someone immature like a child. it doesn't have to be ENTIRELY unaffectionate (kinda like the way someone might call their significant other "idiot" or "dummy" but mean it endearingly. in fact, in colombia it's way more common for spouses to call each other "mijo/a" than it is for them to call their children that), but you can also use it with complete strangers-- like if someone cuts sharply into your lane while you're driving, you might yell at them "oiga, mijo, a donde le enseñaron a manejar, en un potrero?!" ("hey, mijo, where did you learn how to drive, in a horse paddock?!"). but even in these sarcastic/neggy cases, it's rare. and EVEN RARER to hear a mother call her children "mijo" or "mija" in this region. it's just not a thing. so when i read it in fanfic, it immediately takes me out of the story because it's so weird to me that linda would sound mexican-- it's a very distinctive accent, which carmen gloria 1000000% does not have. (plus, "mijo" in spanish is a type of birdseed. so it gave me a chuckle the first few times i read it in a fic because i always have that brief second of confusion where i go "why is linda calling simon birdseed?" before it clicks. xD i'm a dork.) it's much more likely that linda would just say "hijo" or "mi hijo," instead.
1b- the way you decide on whether to use "hijo" or "mi hijo" is important because "mi hijo" can sound overly formal in the modern context especially, much like it would in english. in fact, you can use the english version of it, "son" vs "my son" to guide you on which of the two to use. like for example, if linda were to say directly to simon "i love you, my son," she would sound oddly old-timey and anachronistic, so you would just use "son" ("hijo") in that case. whereas if she's talking about simon with someone else, for example saying "i told my son to be here on time," you'd be perfectly okay to use "mi hijo" in that sentence in spanish. it's very transferable in that case.
2- speaking of non-transferable, though, you can't use "cariño" in all instances you would use "sweetheart" or "sweetie." it really depends on the grammatical construction, and it can be tricky to get it right, but it depends on whether you're using it as a direct address or as an object. for example, if you're using it in place of someone's name-- say, a mother telling her child "te quiero, cariño" ("i love you, sweetheart/sweetie") is perfectly fine, because in that case, she could also say "te quiero, hijo" ("i love you, son") or "te quiero, simon" ("i love you, simon"). but if, say, simon says to wille "you're my sweetheart," you would not use "cariño" there; you'd go instead with some syrupy way to say "boyfriend," like "eres mi novio" or "eres mi enamorado" or even "eres mi amor," and if sara tells felice "you're a sweetheart," that would also not involve "cariño" at all. in addition, "cariño" is also very rarely used in plural; if linda is using a term of endearment for both her kids, or for a group of teens her kids' age, she would use a different term of endearment altogether: "hola, mis amores" ("hi, my loves"), "hola, bebés" ("hi, babies") or "hola, mis tesoros" ("hi, my treasures") among some examples. one exception is when you say "cariños míos" ("my sweethearts"), but very rarely the plural by itself. in fact, "cariño" is often slang for gift or present, especially in the diminutive-- for example, if you go to someone's celebratory party for some occassion (birthdays, graduations, baby showers, heck even christmas), you might hand them a small gift and go "te traje un cariñito" ("i brought you a small present"), and if it's more than one gift, or you're bringing gifts for several people, then you'd say "unos cariños" or "unos cariñitos" in the plural.
3- simon's skin is tan, not tanned. this… doesn't personally bug me as much because it's more of an english grammar issue, but i know people who might actually feel very offended if you get this one wrong with respect to them. "tan" is a color; a light shade of brown. "tanned" implies the original color of your skin has darkened with the sun. now, i'm sure simon can tan (lucky goat, says she whose skin burns even while indoors), but about 95% of the time "tanned" is used in YR fanfiction, it's used as a descriptor of the color of simon's skin as we see it on the show. that would imply his skin used to be lighter at some indeterminate before-time and has been darkened by the sun. this is incorrect; that is the natural color of simon's skin. so stick to "tan skin" instead (not tan PERSON, mind you. his SKIN is tan, he is not). and i would gently suggest that if you take away any single thing from this post, make it ESPECIALLY this point, as someone more sensitive than me might interpret this error as some kind of retroactive whitewashing. and i don't want anyone here to get in trouble for simply not knowing.
4- pabellón criollo is one dish, yes, but it's four different FOODS. it's not something a newbie would be able to make off of a recipe (i don't know how to make it and i've been eating it all my life), and it's not something that's likely to be taught in just one day. also, if you're bringing it to a dinner or a potluck, you're bringing four separate food containers, not just one.
4b- also, venezuelan food, for the most part, is not particularly spicy. you CAN make it spicy if you want, but traditionally, it is not. it's flavorful, maybe even saucy depending on the dish, but rarely spicy. i know the joke of white people being unable to handle spice is funny, but there's also plenty of us hispanic people who are equally terrible at it, because there's different levels of spice in the food from different regions of latin america. besides, as a friend of mine perfectly put: we are living in the 21st century now. if you can eat mild mexican food, you should be able to handle traditional venezuelan food just fine. and i'm pretty sure there's mexican food in sweden. plus, wille would probably be more used to international food-- not only does he have the means, but having traditional meals in foreign countries is kind of part of the job.
5- while i'm at it: simon is definitely half venezuelan. this is canon as of S2. there is no other place in the world where that dish is called pabellón. please keep that in mind when you're writing and researching.
5b- this, along with several of the points above, is important because it's a bit of diaspora trauma that whenever we venture outside of latin america and people learn we're latino, they immediately assume we're mexican, or that our culture and traditions are the same as those of mexican people. it happens often, and it's incredibly annoying. not that there's anything wrong with mexico or mexican people-- they're lovely, and their traditions and culture and food are fantastic-- but we are not them, and treating us like we are is reductive. the rest of latin america can be very different and incredibly diverse, and it can be dispiriting when people treat us like we're all the same. so that is why it is important when writing about simon, his family or his venezuelan roots, that you take care to actually research things as they are in venezuela, and not just pick the low-hanging fruit of latino facts you might've learned through pop cultural osmosis, which eight times out of ten will be mexican-only because most hispanic people in the US are mexican and the US exports its media all over the world. i've learned to just roll my eyes at it by now, but some people might actually feel offended or hurt, and i'm sure nobody here intends for that to happen.
6- although simon speaks spanish, neither he nor sara nor his mother nor any aspect of his mother's culture is spanish. "spanish" is what people from spain call themselves. people from spanish-speaking latin american countries are not spanish; we are hispanic, or latino/a/e. "latinx" is… let's call it controversial, at least outside of the US. most people born and raised in latin america don't like it; i personally don't get offended if people use it, but i don't use the term myself. also, you can say "latin food" or "latin music," but we usually don't refer to PEOPLE as latin, but rather latino/a/e. if in doubt, just use latin american or hispanic. they're also conveniently gender neutral.
EDIT: @andthatisnotfake also brought up a very important point: "if you spell it latinx, it makes it harder for screen readers to read (or so I've been told) and some people depend on those, so there's another reason to avoid it." (the unpronounceability of that term is at least part of the reason why hispanic people who live in latin america don't like it.)
6b- never use "the latino/a" on its own to refer to people. "latino/a/e" is an adjective, not a noun, so you would say "the latino boy" or "the latino man" but never just "the latino." kinda like it would be weird to point out the one japanese man in a room as "the japanese." there are some nationality/ethnic terms that just don't work as nouns in english.
7- spanish is not simon's one native language-- or at least not any more than swedish is. he grew up in a mixed-race household, speaking two different languages. it's pointless to call spanish his native language when comparing it to swedish. both are his native languages. also, while we're at this, wille is probably at least bilingual (i'm assuming he can speak at least english), although he only has one native language. it's hardly a competition between the two boys as to who's more of a polyglot.
7b- simon wouldn't take classes on the spanish language-- like to learn how to SPEAK the language-- since spanish is one of his native languages. he wouldn't take them at hillerska, nor in university, nor elsewhere. he wouldn't be allowed. you're literally not allowed to take classes on your native language, nor get credit for said classes. trust me, those would've been an easy extra 24 credits for me in college if that was a thing.
EDIT: have been made aware (thanks, @rightsogetthis and @plantbasedfish!) that at least in sweden and in finland one IS allowed to take classes of your non-swedish/finnish native language, in certain circumstances. i have to say, i'd be pissed if i were taking my french classes alongside a french native speaker, but hey, the system's the system, i guess. ;) so i've struck this one out.
8- dear god please don't use google translate for your spanish translations. listen, i'm not judging-- i do it with other languages, too, when i'm in a pinch. but google translate is literally The Worst (tm) so i always try to either check with someone, or stick to the stuff i already know is correct. seriously, you don't want to know the kinds of crazy stuff GT can spit out that people actually put out in the real world; some of them are quite hilarious. if you're unsure, my ask box/messages are always open and i looooove helping people with this kind of thing, hispanic language and cultural stuff. i know it seems like i'm hardly around, but i do check my messages. don't be shy, even if it's something really small.
PS: while i'm talking pet peeves, malin is wille's bodyguard, not his butler. she's nice enough to attend to him at hillerska because there's no other palace staff around and she's literally stationed outside his door, but she wouldn't do that in the actual palace. there's other staff for that. she wouldn't even guard him at the palace, i don't think, because the royal palaces in sweden are guarded by the royal guard, not SÄPO. if anything, malin might spend the time while wille is in the palace grounds at a gatehouse (like in YR 2x03 and onwards) or at some kind of security office in the palace, and then get called whenever wille needs to go anywhere. she wouldn't be giving wille messages from the queen or walking guests to wille's room or anything like that. that's not her job. (sorry, i had to get that off my chest, lol.)
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bagely · 2 months
Are they moving from Twitter to Tumblr? MISSASAURIOS DONDE ESTAN LOS INVOCÓ, NECESITO MUTIS EN ESPAÑOL AQUÍ VENGAN 😭😭😭 I need to cry over Missa in Spanglish
I'm bagely, un bagel sabo bueno y soy buena gente y asi, y hago fanfics a veces, y así. Leo mucho la Biblia y mi parte favorita es cuando Jesús baja del cielo y dice: "DEATHDUO MIS PAPÁS 🗣️❗❗❗"
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jaybirdstab · 2 years
You know what’s cringe?
People who don’t know what bilingual people speak like. Cuz like I speak English and Spanish and you know “Spanglish” is super fun. (I mostly see this in fanfics).
But I never go: Yeah and I was at la playa, you know— sorry I speak Spanish and I mix up words! Silly silly me, no se hablar English!
It’s more like: Y estaba en la playa when my mom called me and she was yelling at me and I didn’t even know what I did! I was like ‘Mami, Que hice? Why are you yelling!?’ (More or less something I told my friend a couple of weeks ago)
Then theres the whole “character forgets a word because they’re thinking in Spanish!”
“No, no, the flecha! You know, the thingy that lights up! Like— ugh, what’s it called? Its like— its a flecha! I can’t think of the English word!” (Arrow, its a light up arrow)
Its so awkward to read those.
Idk but being bilingual isn’t just adding a random non-English word into a an English sentence.
Or like having characters just go: “you’re my hermano/hermana, man!”
Or (the very cringe) “come on foo!” // “ese!” // “vato!” // or literally any other word associated with cholos or Chicano gangs.
Like pet names I get. I understand those. I used to call my ex “mi amor” “corazón de melon” “Bebe” “lindó” “guapo” and nothing else in Spanish. Those are understandable cuz those are pet names.
Make Spanglish sound real! (hmu if you want someone to look over your Spanish, specifically)
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vlixjule · 11 months
Quick reminder that if you're going to write fanfics of any hispanic or Latin character (Miguel O'Hara being the prime example) don't use Spanish words randomly.
Like my reaction is cringe and confusion, like what is this Google translate spanglish???
It's going to sound rlly harsh but I cringe to myself each time I read a fic of a Latin character and a random "mi vida" or "muñeca" comes to the fic. You can say "love" , you can say pet names in English, bc just using random Google pet names in Spanish rlly makes it unreadable.
Also, be aware from where your hispanic character is from, Miguel is mexican to my understanding, so try something more than just "muñeca" cuz it sounds so stereotypical latin lover. Even saying "chula" or something like that doesn't align with his character. I get it, you did your research on Mexican slang but... as a Mexican myself, Miguel wouldn't be the type to say this at all. "Chula", "Muñeca", or "Mi vida" sounds off. It's like you just found a list of Spanish pet names and went with whatever one sounded the best.
Idk, it's a little rant and advice for any non hispanic writers out there, bc there are fics I read that are so good! BUT!.... it gets soured with the random Spanish words... Trust me, we get it, they're latins, no need to make the latin lover stereotype for some fanfic.
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vip3r-r · 11 months
Hi guys!!
I’ve been reading lots of Miguel O’hara fanfics and I’m officially done with half of them (≧◡≦) ♡
Kidding but I am here to actually write a Spanglish fanfic because omg the STEREOTYPE pet names are driving me crazy ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
I’m Mexican (ciudad Juárez!) so I will try my very very best to satisfy all this people who seem over. And for those who think I’m telling you to stop or y’all suck— NO! Y’all are extremely good!
Hopefully y’all understood this post! See y’all soon with some Miguel content (•̀ᴗ•́)و
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stillinracooncity · 5 months
my account has suddenly filled up with +18 accounts which use the tags you are interested in, but have nothing to do with each other, I'm BORED to keep seeing pictures of girls promoting themselves naked. NO, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN SEEING THIS KIND OF POSTS WITH THE TAGS I FOLLOW FOR THE REASON THAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES IT. SEE POSTS THAT INTEREST ME! I'm not sure if it's the same for anyone else, but I'm completely exhausted of blocking accounts. I want to see my posts, my memes, my fanarts and fanfics!
Worst of all, the ones that get repeated the most are the COD ones.
Tumblr media
*sighs in spanglish disclaimers*
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alchemicalwerewolf · 6 days
I simple MUST know what your specific funeral instructions are
ok, ok, ok. The short version which I quote is the one I’ll use, because I go into immense detail last that sometimes and it takes a solid ten minutes to get through and I’m not typing that out.
When I die, I want my right hand cut off and cremated, and I want them to take out my brain like they did for the mummies.
alright, starting off, I wanna be in the most steampunk fit they can find. AND NO DRESSES!!! I have put it upon my brother to ensure this doesn’t happen. Dresses are what I hate most. I want everyone else to come in goth/emo/punk/steampunk/etc. like, sure you should wear the dark colors, but be cool about it, we don’t need to look like we’re going to a funeral.
I want by body to then be hung from the ceiling fan and swung around while thanks for the memories by fallout boy and I’ll sleep when I’m dead by set it off blare at top volume. I want my cremated hand to be tossed into the crowd like confetti at the exact moment my doppelgänger (my sister’s job to find) runs in with a very confused look and plays a pre recorded sound of me asking what’s going on, but all in old English and Spanglish. Then, I want them to stack up playbills from my favorite musicals and burn them, and dump them into the ground before my casket, to lay the ground for good. Then they’ll lower in the casket and everything, but I’ll have a mourner that wails at the top of their lungs and jumps into the ground with me. They’ll have to forcefully remove him. It’s my brother’s job to find this one.
After all that commotion, I want everyone to start to leave, but then, there will be fireworks that go off in the night sky, and they’ll all stop to look at that, and then my mom will pass around her famous queso and salsa, and they can dump some into my grave before they cover it, just so I can get one last taste of goodness. And they can look up to the stars and realize, despite all the commotion I caused, just like this, whether or not they cared about me. And the ones that decide they cared absolutely have to take care of my plants because I cannot let those die without me, I have out in too much work.
Also, I require there to be at least one episode of tangled the series going. Or vampire diaries. Not because I watch the show really, but because Damon is hit af.
oh, and I’ve left it to multiple people to make sure my fanfics all get completed after I’m gone. Can’t leave my readers on a cliffhanger lol.
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