#sorry i only just answered this i didn't see it until now somehow!
I just wanted to let you know that whenever I see your blog name my brain sings it to the tune of The Lovecats by The Cure. Instead of 'we move like cagey tigers' it's like, 'we grew like fancy flowers'. Don't ask me why. I stopped trying to work out how my subconscious works years ago. 🤷‍♀️
I hope you have a good weekend!
woah i just got blasted by nostalgia!!! i loved that song as a kid and i forgot it existed til just now omg!!
fun fact! my blog name is actually from a song (i originally wanted growslikefancyflowers, but that was taken lol)
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getosbigballsack · 2 months
Random thought! Rebellious boyfriend Gojo Satoru X shy nerdy reader anymore cause now reader Chan is
"I'm pregnant!"
You're eighteen years of age, and you are still a senior in high school. You only had a few more months until college entrance exams and graduation, but the choice you made to sleep with your boyfriend on the night of his birthday is how you ended up in this situation.
But how? He was wearing a condom that night and when he finally pulled out of you a few long hours of passionate sex, the condom he used still held his cum. So how and why? You probably know the answer; it must have been ripped somewhere, but you didn't want to admit that.
You're devastated, to say the least. You couldn't stop crying as you stared at the pregnancy test in your hand. What were you going to do now, keep the baby? What if your boyfriend hates you for this? How is he even going to react? How are you even going to tell him?
Well, there's only one way to find out. He was already on his way to Shoko's house after receiving a message asking him to come over as quickly as possible.
So, in a matter of minutes, he was at her house in her room sitting on the bed with you and the pregnancy test in his hand. You couldn't look at him, too afraid of what his face might look like. Too afraid of what he might say. You were just preparing for the worst-case scenario.
"Take another one, just to be sure."
That is what he said to you, shocking you, Shoko, and his best friend Geto that somehow tagged along to be a part of whatever that was about to happen.
That was the last thing that you're expecting. And honestly you were about to ask him why you need to take another pregnancy test when he already had one in his hand that clearly reads positive, but then he rested his hand open your cheek and whispered, “Please, take another just to be sure.” 
So you did, and after five minutes of waiting, the second test came back positive.
“You really are pregnant,” he said in disbelief. He tossed the test on the bed and rested his face in the palm of his hands. Reality finally hit him all at once. “Shoko, Sugu, can you leave us here for a moment? I want to talk to Y/N alone.” And they left, not without looking back at the both of you, though. 
Soon, the door closed, leaving a weeping and almost drained looking Gojo Satoru. There is a moment of silence, an uncomfortable silence that had you assuming the worst. Is he going to break up with you? Is it over? You couldn't help the thoughts that were running through your mind all at once, the anxiety you felt sitting next to him as you waited for him to say something to you. Then, finally, he spoke. 
“Y/N I…” 
“Are you going to break up with me?” You said to him, bursting into fits of tears. Gojo’s eyes grew wide, and his hand quickly slung itself around your shoulder to pull you closer. “Please don't break up with me… I didn't… I-I.” 
“Y/N, baby, calm down. Who said anything about breaking up,” Gojo said, quickly pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his other hand around your waist. You laid your head on his shoulders, tears still running down your face and soaking his shirt. 
“I… I just thought that. I mean, we aren't ready for… you didn't - I'm sorry. I'm just scared.” 
“And I'm scared too,” he admitted. “But I’m not going to break up with you. I told you haven't I that you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives together."” 
“But I messed up. I… I caused such a huge mess that is going to ruin your life and, and I- I…” 
Unable to finish your sentence, Gojo gently fisted his hand in your hair and pulled your head back a bit just to kiss your lips in hopes that it'll calm you down. It broke his heart to see you in tears over something that wasn't your fault. If anything, he should be blamed. 
He should have checked the condom for leakage when he pulled out. He should have been more prepared. After all, he has a bit more experience than you, so he knew that it only takes one time, one slip up for you to get pregnant. 
“Y/N,” he whispered your name against your lips. He gave you one last reassuring kiss then he said, “If you are looking for someone to blame, then put it all on me.” 
“But… but I can't do that to you,” you cried. 
“Yes you can, because I knew better. I should've been careful knowing that anything can happen during sexual intercourse. So if you want someone to blame…” 
“No I won't, I can't,” you quickly spoke. 
He sighed, “Alright then,” before pulling you into a warm hug. You both sat there in silence for a while, Gojo was raking through his mind, thinking about what he possibly could say next. Well, he knew what he wanted to say to you, but he didn't want his opinion to sway you away from yours. 
“What do you want to do?”
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demonpiratehuntress · 3 months
recently read your baby!name x op characters and i was thinking what abt name x baby!op characters-
they somehow turned into babies for 24 hrs (like in your fic)
just randomly thought of this while scrolling thru baby op characters on pinterest lmao
anyways have a great day/ night~~
love this idea!! I just wanted to do baby (name) first since i've seen a few baby OP characters but im more than happy to do it!
i finally got my laptop back, but im actually so upset it took so long to be fixed, and that i couldn't get all your requests out sooner! im so sorry this took ages, and to everyone else who requested before i closed requests - yours will be out soon enough! once again, so so sorry everyone :(
taglist - @kabloswrld
baby OP Men! (Straw Hats, Law, Ace, Kaku)
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Law x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Kaku x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader
summary - the OP men get turned into babies for 24 hours and naturally, you're the babysitter.
warnings - none except that i haven't watched far enough to know what Law and Ace were like as kids so them and Kaku will just be wild guesses. and there is no longer yellow font so i will just be making Law's colour blue.
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Waking up to the sounds of things breaking and crashing against other things wasn't uncommon on the Sunny. It has been something you'd all become accustomed to on the Merry, which just carried over to the Sunny. More often than not, the source was Zoro and Sanji, so you just rolled over and went back to bed.
Until the cry of an infant woke you right back up.
You looked down at yourself, sighing in relief when you realised it wasn't you this time. However, if not you then who?
You got your answer when you walked into the kitchen and spotted a green-haired baby fussing and throwing pots at a scowling blonde cook.
"Devil child!" Sanji yelled, earning him another pot to the face.
You laughed at the sight, and both of them turned to look at you. Sanji breathed a sigh of relief, while baby Zoro crawled across the countertop to get to you.
"What happened to him?" You asked the cook as you lifted the moody infant up into your arms, where he relaxed and cooed happily.
"That idiot got too cocky and tried to take on a devil fruit user without knowing what the devil fruit actually was," Sanji explained, throwing another hateful glare at the baby swordsman in your arms. "Now he's stuck like this for a whole day."
You volunteered to care for him, something that no one else seemed willing or able to do. You supposed it was fitting, since Zoro threw a tantrum every time he was with someone who wasn't you. It was funny really, how he would scream and throw things when you set him down or handed him to someone else and then immediately fall silent when you picked him up again. Zoro was not a clingy adult, but he was certainly a very clingy baby.
But you didn't mind.
He was calmest when you sat and watched the ocean with him perched on your lap, bouncing a little on your thighs as he tried to see over the railing. You laughed and lifted him up, setting the green-haired infant on your shoulders.
"That better, baby?"
He cooed and clapped his tiny hands, indicating he was much more satisfied now. Then his fingers found your hair, and be busied himself pulling and playing with it as you chuckled and let him be. His attention span was short, but even shorter now that he was barely a year old.
"Not too hard now," you reminded him, laughing when he just pulled harder. "Even as a baby you're a bully." That only earned you a whine and a harder tug on your strands, but you only laughed more because it didn't really hurt.
He ended up falling asleep on your chest that night, small hand fisting your shirt. You were humming and singing softly to get him to sleep, so it was a bit of a relief when you saw his eyes closed.
In the morning, he hovered over you with a teasing smirk on his face.
"So I'm a bully huh?"
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After your encounter with the de-aging devil fruit user, you would think Ace would have been more inclined to avoiding him. But no, your boyfriend was super confident that he could take this guy on and not get hit with the de-aging beam, which is why you were now back on the Moby Dick with a very pouty infant Ace on your lap. He only wore a diaper, and had thrown a tantrum when you tried to put something else on. The crew was laughing and teasing him, which only made him poutier.
And also shoot little balls of fire at their shoes. He looked at you innocently, but you knew he did it on purpose.
Ace is just as naughty as you would think he'd be as a baby. If you lose sight of him for one second, he's gone and you're running around panicking and trying to find this troublemaker, which is much harder now that he's so small. You end up finding him under a table or crawling towards any set of stairs on the ship. And he'll giggle and smile innocently, instantly earning your forgiveness.
"You're a handful, you know that?" You huff as you pick him up right before he tumbles down some steps. "Stop trying to hurt yourself!"
Ace just cooed and reached for your face, patting your cheek affectionately before nuzzling his face against it. He becomes so clingy when you try to do work while babysitting him, always pulling your hair or squeezing your nose hard when you paid more attention to a chore than him.
"Ace! I'm trying to work, I'll play with you just now."
Ace babbles nonsense and starts to cry, making you sigh as you turn your attention back to him. Then he immediately stops crying and is happily giving you sloppy kisses all over your face, his mood changing in that split second.
You don't get any work done.
Ace also has a tendency to disappear when you set him down for one second, only to reappear by a screaming crewmate who's trying to put out a fire on their pants. The little 2nd division commander would howl with laughter and fall onto his back, before pouting when he realises he can't get up and then cries for you. Little Ace is a menace.
"You need to go sleep!" You sighed in exasperation as you rocked Ace back and forth gently, later that evening in your room. "Please?"
Ace just giggled and sucked in his tiny fingers, a very blatant 'no'. You sighed and sat on the bed, setting him on your lap. Trying to bounce him didn't work because he just got excited and more energetic. Then you finally remembered the one time he never fails to sleep, and you were almost mad at him for making you so tired and worn out that you'd forgotten.
You got him the softest food you can find in the kitchen, and watch in amusement as he falls face-first onto the bed next to the bowl. You quickly turn him over, laughing softly as you tucked him in.
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Law doesn't make mistakes often, but when he does they have extreme consequences. Like now, when you'd warned him about something but he overlooked it, claiming it wasn't important. Which ended up with him sitting on your lap, looking at you with big, innocent eyes - an infant.
You weren't sure what to do with this tiny version of your pale boyfriend. So for a while you just sat there and kind of...stared at each other. He was looking into your soul - you were sure of it, because no baby has a look that intense.
"So..." You started, "What do you want to do?"
Blank stare. That's all you got. Law was not so different as a baby, he was extremely quiet and reserved, he didn't move much and he just stared. It was almost like talking to a baby doll.
"Right, um...are you hungry?" You tried again.
He blinked. Then he crawled off your lap, attempting to jump off the bed but being caught by you since he would very obviously hurt himself. He tried to glare, but he was so small and cute it became a very adorable pout.
"You're tiny remember!" You groaned. "I know you don't like asking for help but come on, you're going to hurt yourself."
He rolled his eyes.
Then he giggled, something you didn't expect. Your jaw dropped, eyes going wide as he flat out giggled at your response to his little display of attitude. He was so cute giggling that you didn't want him to stop, but once he realised you were grinning at him he immediately went quiet and pouted again.
"You're impossible."
Another giggle, and you side-eyed him. He only giggled more before pointing to the bookshelf in his room. You sighed and took him over to it, letting him reach for whatever book he seemingly wanted you to read to him. Of course, it was a medical book.
You laid him against your chest as you leaned back against the headboard, opening the book and going to its contents section to decide which section to read to him. But he grew impatient, and reached out to grab a tiny fistful of pages and turn them over.
"Alright then."
As you began to read, Law listened intently and focused on the picutres, his eyes wide with interest. You smiled softly at the sight, marvelling at how cute he was when he was curious at this size. But he was still a baby, so after a few minutes of reading his eyes started to droop and he turned his body a little so he could grasp your shirt in his small fist. And then he was out, and you smiled and kisses the top of his head as you set the book aside and cuddled him.
Baby Law was so sweet and cute, even if his attitude was just like adult Law's.
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"And what have we learned?"
Of course, you couldn't expect a response from the man you were asking that question. That would be because he was now less than a year old, laying flat on his back across your legs and gazing up at you with big, innocent eyes. He just cooed softly and kicked his small legs lazily, reaching for you.
You sighed. The idiot had gone head-first into a fight he didn't properly think through. It was his most reckless move yet, and now he was paying the price as a baby. Simply because Jabra had pissed him off.
Kaku was a relatively calm and quiet baby. He didn't fuss much, and he wasn't too noisy. Adorably, he was also a shy and easily flustered little infant. But one thing he did want was your attention, and he wanted it the whole day.
So you carried him around the whole day, much like he'd done when you'd been babified. You rarely left him alone, and if you did it was only for bathroom breaks or like five seconds. You were afraid of leaving him around alone, because the other CP9 members could be mean and careless and some of them would definitely be rough with and bully him.
You had to admit, his little long nose was the cutest thing ever, apart from when he accidentally bumped it against you and then giggled. He was so sweet, rubbing the spot he bumped with his small hand and then giving you a sloppy kiss.
Baby Kaku is also very playful. Once he gets comfortable in his state. He tries to make funny noises with his long nose and then erupts into the cutest baby laughter right after. He will also curiously pull on his nose, only to have it wobble like a springboard when he's done, causing more giggles.
"Come onnnnn it'll be good!"
Unfortunately, he was very fussy with his food. You were trying to feed him some mashed potatoes, because that was the only appropriate thing you could find, but he just stared at you like 'really?' and kept his little mouth closed. After that, you were forced to go out and buy baby food.
Like Law, baby Kaku wants to be read to. But he won't be satisfied with the usual infant storytime books, because even as a baby he is much smarter than that. He prefers something historical, which may be boring for you but absolutely thrills him. He gets excited and bounces on your lap, tapping the book with his small hands while you're struggling to keep your eyes open.
When he's finally ready to sleep, he tries to fight it because he likes having you baby him like this. But eventually he drifts off when placed on your chest, because you're so warm and comfortable it lulls him into slumber.
When he wakes up an adult, he looks sheepish.
"We learned not to rush into a fight recklessly."
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If you thought Luffy was a menace as a teenager, you were really in for it when he got turned into an infant by the same devil fruit user who'd done it to you. Of course, Luffy being Luffy, he forgot about that and charged straight into the fight without even considering your plan. And that's what now led to you having to carry a very fussy, very tiny Monkey D. Luffy back to the Thousand Sunny.
As expected, he is an active infant.
"Luffy no!"
But not only is he baby Luffy, he is baby Luffy with stretchy abilities. As seen now when he giggles loudly and grabs the mast, before propelling himself halfway across the ship. If Robin hadn't been around to catch him using her own devil fruit ability, you're pretty sure you'd be facing a sobbing, snotty-nosed little captain.
You have to chase this baby around the ship to actually change him or do any of the basic baby care things. He is so quick to crawl away when it comes to diaper-changing, but he is even quicker to crawl back with the promise of food, as usual. You cannot take your eyes off him though, because if you do for even one second he's gone and a ship-wide hunt for the naughty infant has to be conducted.
Infant Luffy is VERY good at hide and seek.
"Now where could Luffy be?" You say out loud as you walk around the ship, amused when a little giggle follows your words. "Maybe he's in the kitchen." Another giggle. "Or maybe he's right...here!"
And when you uncover his hiding spot and grab him, he squeals and tries to wriggle out of yours arms. But ultimately starts giggling and laughing uncontrollably as you tickle his little sides and smother his tiny face in kisses. He loves having all your attention on him, and will not hesitate to trip someone from the ground or reach around you to pull on their hair if they take your attention away from him for even a second. Baby Luffy is a lot clingier than grown up Luffy.
But if you sit him down in the aquarium or in the crow's nest and let him watch the fish or the water while you tell him stories about Shanks that he's told you before, he'll calm down a little bit and relax. His eyes will go big and he'll stare at you in awe as you tell him all of these stories, even if he doesn't really understand. And when you make big gestures to try and show him, he cutely tries to mimic you and make those same gestures with his little arms. Which always has you cooing at him and him giggling at how cute you found it.
He was so hyper that you almost couldn't put him to sleep, and you didn't think he would ever fall asleep. But after a while of you - once again - chasing him around the ship, you finally caught him and managed (somehow) to rock him to sleep.
When he woke up a grown boy, there really wasn't much difference in his behaviour, even after you told him about his infant self.
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Honestly you don't even know how it happened. One minute you're engaging the enemy, the next your old friend with the de-aging devil fruit appears and this time targets your boyfriend. Which is why now you're sitting in the kitchen with a pouty baby cook on the table, the two of you just staring at each other.
When he realises he can't cook like this, the poor blonde bursts into tears, looking so upset it breaks your heart. You quickly pull him into your arms and cradle him, and he slowly calms down and looks up at you with his big, round eyes.
"There we go," you smiled at him, kissing his little cheek. "It's okay."
If you think Sanji is clingy as a grown up, his clinginess soars to new heights as a baby. He will absolutely not let go of you if you're holding him, not for any reason other than you needing the bathroom. He wants your attention on him for the full 24 hours, which of course is nothing new but still makes you laugh every time he gets pouty when you're not looking at him.
He's also a very sly baby. He uses his cuteness to his advantage to get Zoro in trouble, because every time he cries and points to Zoro, you glare at the swordsman or chuck something at him, much to Sanji's amusement.
"You're ugly and annoying even as a baby!" You heard Zoro shouting when you'd left them alone for one second to fetch some food for Sanji. "Stop looking at me like that!"
"ZORO!" You chided as you walked back into the room, coincidentally as soon as Sanji decided to start bawling to exaggerate the situation. He pointed at the green-haired swordsman as he cried, making you sigh and smack him upside his head. This caused Sanji to stop crying and giggle, earning a glare from Zoro.
"Why, you-!"
"Zoro, he's just a baby," you sighed, "He's going to annoy you."
"He annoys me regardless," the swordsman huffed, walking away. "Just keep that little demon away from me."
Sanji stuck his tiny tongue out at the bulky man's figure as he retreated, making you laugh and scoop the cook up into your arms. He immediately relaxed and cooed happily, playing with your shirt as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
Sanji is a fussy eater, which you kind of figured. He doesn't settle for just any soft food, he specifically likes pureed apple. So every time you have to feed him, you have to either feed him some you got from an island you had to stop at when you first found out about his preference, or you have to puree the apples yourself.
Changing Sanji's diaper is also easy, because he's very calm and he lets you do it without much fuss. You have no issues putting him to sleep, either, because once you've changed him for the last time at night, he's out like a light. And you smile and bring him to your bed to sleep, laying him in between your pillows.
When he wakes up, he's back to being a smug little mf because he woke up in your bed.
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Honestly you didn't even know what had happened while you had stayed on the ship to keep watch. The others all returned looking weary but otherwise okay, so you just assumed Usopp was too, and you didn't think to ask why Brook and Sanji looked so suspicious, passing something between them behind their backs. That is, of course, until you heard the unmistakable sound of an infant crying.
"What was that?" You looked at them, raising an eyebrow.
"What was what?" Sanji asked, laughing nervously.
The infant cried again, and you stalked over and pushed them aside to reveal your boyfriend...only smaller. Baby Usopp stared up at you with wide, terrified eyes, tears streaming down his adorably chubby cheeks.
"What the-How did this happen??"
You looked up, but everyone avoided your gaze and made excuses to leave. So you just sighed and picked the baby up, wiping his tears away and gently rocking him to calm him down. He did eventually, but the terror never left his eyes as he got hold of your shirt collar and never let go.
"Hey, hey," you cooed softly. "It's okay, I'm here."
When he calmed down, you realised he had been so scared that he'd messed himself, so you changed him. Poor Usopp was already so nervous and frightened as a grown up, that as a baby he was almost always shaking. But you put him at ease, and whenever he was in your arms he was calm, relaxed and very playful. He liked your hair, liked to play with it and also, apparently, eat it.
"Usopp no!" You laughed as you once again had to pull your hair out of his tiny mouth. His bottom lip trembled, and you quickly amended it by kissing his cheeks and giving him something else to play with.
He liked to tinker even as a baby. You gave him the safest things he could play with, and he would try to arrange it in a certain way that wasn't just a jumbled mess. You were very impressed when he managed to stack all the gold coins you'd given him to play with - under Nami's strict supervision, of course.
However, he was naughty when it came to being fed. It wasn't that he was a fussy eater, he just liked to play with his food. And he had incredible aim, so every bunch of food he threw landed on its intended target. Which was you. Sanji had tried to feed him, but the stress of wasted food got to him and you had to replace him before he yelled at poor baby Usopp.
Putting him to sleep is relatively easier than putting anyone else on this list to sleep. As soon as you noticed his eyes drooping while you told him a story - one of his own made-up adventures - you picked him up and placed him on his bed, and he was out.
When he woke up in the morning, all grown up, he groaned.
"That was the scariest experience of my life."
A/N: I'm so sorry if this seems rushed or isn't as good as you expected, it's been a busy few weeks and i'm so mentally exhausted but i really wanted to get this out for you! Again, requests that were in my inbox before i closed them will be posted as soon as possible! Please just be patient with me, 2024 is turning out to be a weird year for me.
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Three
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
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She spent more time in Renee's than she had expected. But she got no work done in her fathers house. Jack was warming up to her, curious as to what she was doing, and Toto and Susie asked her a million questions each.
Renee's cafe was the only place she could get any work done. Her laptop was open as she sipped her coffee, typing away at her computer.
She didn't know that Oscar had been in there every day since they first met, waiting for her to return. This time, when he walked in and spotted her, he ignored her, walking straight to the counter instead.
He didn't eat, he didn't drink, but he ordered a coffee anyway. As soon as it was in his icy cold hands, he turned and walked past her table. Nonchalant, like he didn't know she was there. And then, at the very last second, he turned to her. "Hey, Y/N, right?" He asked leaning against the empty chair opposite her own. "Jack's sister."
She stopped her typing and smiled up at him. "Oscar, right?" She asked and gestured to the seat across from her.
Oscar took it. He pulled out the seat and sat himself down with his coffee. "That's me," he answered with a smile, showing off his teeth and the smile lines around his mouth.
He was incredibly cute, that was undeniable. "What're you working on?" He asked, tapping the top of her laptop.
She shrugged her shoulders. "Just a gossip column," she answered. "I write for several different magazines." It barely made her enough to get by, but, until she could start making real money from her writing, it would do.
"Any magazine I'd have heard of?" Oscar hadn't yet taken a sip of his coffee, but she didn't notice.
"Not unless you read Teen Girl Pop Pink Bullshit," she muttered.
Oscar let out a laugh. "I can't say I've heard of that one," he said through his laugh. He lifted his now cold coffee to his lips and pretended to take a sip.
They talked and talked and, soon, she realised she wasn't going to get anything done at Renee's Cafe either. But she didn't mind, not when Oscar was the one distracting her. At one point she closed her laptop to laugh with Oscar. She didn't what he had said, but she still laughed.
They were in Renee's long enough that Oscar had to buy her another coffee and a pastry. "Do you want some?" She asked, tearing the pastry in half. She'd tried to buy it herself, but Oscar had insisted.
When Renee's closed up (had it really gotten that late?), Oscar walked with her through the car park. "Let me drive you home," he said, his hand on her back as he led her to his car.
His hand on her back wasn't pushing. No, it was somehow comforting, a guiding light in this now unfamiliar town.
She willingly climbed into his car. Oscar slid into the drivers seat, turned on the radio, and began driving her home. She tried her best to give directions, but she didn't know the roads well enough yet.
Oscar wasn't angry that it was taking so long to get her home. He didn't mind in the slightest.
It was dark by the time they finally found her house. "Sorry about that," she said through a laugh as she opened the door.
Wearing a grin, that same grin that showed his teeth and smile lines, Oscar shook his head. "Don't worry about it," he said as she picked up her bag. "Maybe I could take you out for dinner next time. Now that I know where to bring you home to."
She smiled at him, trying to match his grin. "I'd like that," she replied. She held out her hand for his phone and Oscar was more than happy to pass it over. She punched in her number, sent herself a text from his phone, and gave it back to him. She kissed his cheek and left him to it, walking into the house.
Oscar couldn't hide his smile. He pulled out of the driveway and drove through town, the werewolf side of town.
There were eyes on him. One quick look to his left and he could see the two wolves, following his car. When one of them jumped in front of his car, transforming back into a human.
Oscar slammed his foot into the breaks. The car quickly stopped and Oscar climbed out, staring at the wolf in front of his car. "Carlos."
Carlos. No wolf hated vampires more than Carlos Sainz. He couldn't stop himself from growling as Oscar climbed out of the car to face him. The other wolves, far enough back that Oscar had no reason to worry, watched on.
"You're on our side of town," Carlos spat.
Oscar let out a laugh. "You're joking. I had a reason to be."
"The Wolff girl," said Carlos. He hadn't stopped growling, not even to talk. "Stay away from her. The Wolff family are on our territory, they're under our protection. You have no reason to be here."
Still Oscar stared at him. "Who has a protection order on them?" He asked calmly. It was one thing he had over the wolves, his ability to control his temper. He looked from side to side, at the wolves that hadn't approached, wouldn't approach.
"Lando," said Carlos. Lando was known to the vampires, known to be rather out of control. As a teenager he'd killed two vampires that weren't part of Oscar's family, that were preying on the humans in town.
If Carlos thought mentioning Lando's name was going to be enough to scare Oscar off, he was wrong. Very wrong.
Oscar knew of Lando. They'd met for the first time when Lando had killed those two vampires. It was the only time they had worked together. Oscar had found him cute, especially when he was angry.
He didn't know when it had been a game of trying to provoke him, to get the biggest reaction out of him. If she was helping to get this reaction out of him, Oscar wasn't going to stop.
Oscar let out a sigh. "Let me go, Carlos. I'm not breaking any rules by being here," he said and climbed into his car.
An angered growl left Carlos's lips, but he got out of the way. He knew Oscar was right. By taking her home, making sure she was safe, Oscar wasn't breaking the treaty. Carlos couldn't touch him.
As Oscar drove off, he watched in his rear view mirror as Carlos transformed back and ran into the woods, the other wolves following him.
Carlos was streaming when he returned to the pack house. He, Alex, Valtteri, and Lance transformed back. The other three wandered off to the pack house, but Carlos stayed outside and punched a tree.
Carlos hated vampires. More than anybody else he hated them. He let out a howling roar and punched the tree beside him. If anybody was going to rid the town of vampires, it was going to be him.
we have an update! i promise these chapters are going to get longer, things are short and slow at the moment for a reason i swear
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silentcryracha · 11 months
❍ ‗ Big Boy (L. Minho) ‗ ❍
Pairing : f reader x Minho
Summary : You see your boyfriend shirtless for the first time in a while and realize he got buff in the meantime
Genre/warnings : pure smut (kinda soft bc I can't help myself), 18 + ONLY, unprotected sex, m oral receiving, reader is called kitty a few times (not big on the term but by now it's Minho's, just replace it with baby if you feel like it)
Word count : 1.5k
A/n : Inspired by this set of gifs because I'm actually on the floor as we speak, no thots just drool
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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The bathroom was completely steamed up as you entered, making you huff slightly.
"It's so hot in here" you said, then immediately stopping in your tracks as you took in the image of your boyfriend.
He was quietly standing in front of the full length mirror, only wearing a towel around his hips as he dried his hair with the hairdryer. He noticed you come in thanks to the reflection, turning off the noise and looking back at you.
"What was that?" his tone calm and casual, as if he wasn't looking like a literal marble sculpture come to life. You rested your hands on your hips, borderline annoyed at the fact that somehow you missed your boyfriend changing so much.
"When the hell did you get so buff?" Minho couldn't help but smirk at your words, slowly putting away the hairdryer to give you his full attention.
"Don't know, since I started working again with the PT, I guess." he spoke, walking closer like a cat that was about to catch his prey.
"You must've exploded in the last couple of weeks because there's no way that I didn't notice, with all the times that we've seen each other naked" you raised you eyebrows, placing your hands on his chest.
Minho's sly expression didn't falter, if anything became even more mischievous as your hands started to roam from his upper chest, to his shoulders, biceps.
"To be fair we were a bit too busy fucking to clearly take each other in. I've been so busy lately that we didn't even manage to take a shower together." his tone was so casual even saying the most dirty things sometimes that it made you blush.
"Whatever the reason, I won't let you out of my sight again, Lee Minho" your eyes looking up at him flirtatiously, while your hands slowly made their way lower towards his tummy. He sustained your gaze, his brown eyes intense as ever.
"How do I know that my kitten will not overlook me again?" the condescension in his voice instantly shifted the mood, sending shivers of excitement down your spine.
You decided to play his game, sliding lower and lower until you were kneeling on the ground. Hands on his hips, just lightly gripping the hem of the towel that was holding on for deal life to his shower-clean body.
"I'm so sorry. Will you let me make it up to my baby?" Your eyes still fixed on each other as you spoke. You waited for his spoken permission, even though the growing tent underneath the towel fabric was enough of an answer.
"I'll decide later. Wanna see how sorry you are, first" his cherry red hair fell a little on his eyes as his head was bent down, which made his gaze even darker somehow.
"I'll try my very best" the towel finally dropped to the ground with just a little tug from your fingers, revealing his hard cock. His abs tightened for a second as you took him into both of your hands, starting to move them up and down slowly but firmly, making it hard for Minho to not choke on air.
He tried to hide the noise by clearing his throat, simultaneously placing his right hand on your head, without forcing it, but merely resting there. You took it as a sign to take a step further, opening your mouth to take his cock, sucking on the tip.
His fingertips lightly grabbed at your scalp, but luckily, or not, for him, you had decided to take your sweet time. So instead you removed one hand from his dick to interlace your fingers with his, guiding his hand away from your head to his side.
He must've found it amusing, since he released a faint chuckle as he decided to let you lead for once, placing both hands behind his back.
For some reason, his sudden willingness to give up his usually dominant demeanor pushed you to try and do even better, desperately wanting to prove yourself to him. Your mouth opened even more as you took him deeper, his tip touching the back of your throat.
"Shit, my baby is really trying her best for me, isn't she?" he groaned, the humor in his voice never completely overshadowed by the arousal. The praise made you hum against him, which also made his hips buck onwards, making you gag a bit.
It wasn't exactly a mistake since he just kept going, with a steady pace, not thoroughly fucking your throat, but making sure that you gagged a bit at every stroke. Your head went still as you let him use you however he wanted, making the strokes of your hand on his cock almost automatic.
Tears prickled the corner of your eyes as your nails lightly dug into the flesh of his ass cheeks, making him hiss.
"Alright enough- I need to fuck you" Minho pulled back, releasing himself from your mouth and then bending down to reach for your face with his hands. His lips crashed with yours, immediately initiating a sloppy and messy kiss that was all teeth, tongue and lip biting.
Your hands gripped his arms for stability as he started to undress you, pulling down your pants and underwear in one go, and then interrupting the kiss to slip off your shirt too.
What he did after though, was unexpected, as he gripped your thighs and effortlessly picked you up, making you instinctively wrap your legs around him.
"Minho!" you gasped at his strength. He was always quite strong even when he didn't have as many muscles, but at least he looked like he did struggle just a little bit. But now, you could've easily been a sack of flour and it wouldn't have made a difference to him.
"You thought that they were just for aesthetic?" he laughed at you, crashing his lips to yours one more time before throwing you on the soft bed. Minho didn't waste time as he put two of his fingers, his pointer and middle, in your mouth.
"I'm sure you're wet enough, but just to make sure" he murmured, a glimmer of humor in his dark eyes. You eagerly did as you were told, sucking on his fingers and bobbing your head slightly too, just like you were doing moments before on his cock.
He groaned, too horny to let you continue your actions. He removed his fingers from your mouth, moving them south to rub up and down your slit. At the same time he leaned down to leave sloppy kisses to your neck, your arms wrapping around his neck and your hips bucking up.
"Such a good kitty for me. My good girl" he murmured against your skin, eliciting a hum from you that quite literally sounded like a purr. But of course it wouldn't be Minho without a whiplash, so he suddenly bit your shoulder, grazing it with his teeth and making you gasp.
"A good kitty that should remember to show love to her boyfriend, next time" his tone wasn't serious at all, but your response was. In addition, two of his fingers were now pumping in and out of you, getting you ready for him properly.
"So sorry, baby- ah, I'll make it up to you, I love you so much" he just chuckled at your desperate words, deciding to end both of your suffering as he removed his fingers from your pussy, replacing them with his cock instead.
"I know baby, I know" his voice much more softer, in stark comparison with the fairly quick strokes of his hips. "I know my baby loves me very much, I love you too" he continued.
Your legs wrapped around him, essentially pushing him deeper into you. Your mouth latched to his as you both moaned. It wasn't unusual to get these sweet moments with Minho, but his dominant side tended to show more in bed.
He just wanted to make sure that he knew that you loved him. That you found him attractive and cared for him, regardless of a few centimeters more or less to his biceps.
The new angle of his hips made sure that your clit rubbed on his pubic bone, which quickly got you to your orgasm. You moaned his name breathlessly as you came, lightly dragging your nails on his back. This action in addition to your walls getting impossibly tight around his cock made him come too.
Minho stilled for a few seconds as he came inside you, and made sure to gently ride out both of your orgasms afterwards. Unexpectedly, you turned your head to the side, leaving a teasing but gentle bite to his bicep, as his arms were caging you.
"You look really hot, by the way, if it wasn't obvious" voice dangerously teasing. Minho got his head up from your shoulder, looking at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"Careful or we might stay here all day, kitten" he responded, to then gently leave a kiss on your lips. "Thank you, by the way. Next time you can come see them in the making, if you want." he added, his head nudging to his arms.
You chuckled, still keeping him close as you moved some sweaty hair from his forehead. "I'd love to"
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chahnniesroom · 5 months
in sickness and in health
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pairing: kim seungmin x female reader
summary: you're the most important thing in seungmin's life, of course his biggest fear would be losing you. it means that taking care of you when you're not feeling well comes naturally.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: a little bit of angst, sickness (fever, feeling nauseous, etc.)
a/n: partially inspired by me being ill at work and my amazing coworkers taking care of me and making sure i didn't faint lol.
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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Seungmin loves being an idol. 
He loves to sing and performing in front of Stays always thrills him. He loves the other members and really, everyone else that he gets a chance to work with. At times it can be stressful, but for the most part, it’s fairly easy to manage the downsides of being famous.
But when he started dating you, he found out that there are parts of being an idol that he hates.
He always thought that he'd be different from a lot of idols and wouldn't be afraid to show his partner off. The second he met you though, he knew he'd do anything and everything in his power to keep you safe. You understand, of course, and do your part to make sure that only your closest friends and family are aware of who you're dating.
It pains Seungmin to do this, but he knows nothing good can come out of your identity being known.
The two of you are more than careful, sometimes Seungmin feels silly with how cautious he is about meeting up with you. Yet somehow his heart always feels like it will beat out of his chest whenever he sees articles that speculate about idol relationships.
You do your best to stop him from stressing, but it’s something that Seungmin can't quite shake. You're the most important thing in his life, of course his biggest fear would be losing you.
The first time his phone rings during a livestream with the whole group, Seungmin brushes it off. The caller ID says it's an unknown number and everyone he knows has been receiving a lot of spam calls and texts lately. 
He swipes away the notification and tries to focus on just reading comments when the same number calls back, a couple minutes later. He ignores it again, but on the third call, he nudges Chan’s knee beside him and subtly tilts his phone screen so that Chan can see. His phone is on silent so nobody watching the live should be able to tell that he's getting the calls, but the timing feels too coincidental for him not to be suspicious. 
"They keep calling," he says under his breath. 
"We'll get someone to look into the number later, just keep ignoring it," Chan advises quietly.
Seungmin takes a quick screenshot of the number, then tries to get back into the conversation to distract himself. The next time he looks down at his phone again, someone is once again calling him.
Seungmin almost reflexively rejects the call, until he realises it's your nickname flashing up on his screen.
You generally don’t call Seungmin without warning, especially not during the day when there’s a higher chance that Seungmin won’t be able to readily answer.
[sent - 3:12 pm]
sorry baby, working right now, can it wait?
His stomach drops when you just call again in response. He doesn’t want to alarm any of the members or the fans when he doesn’t know what’s going on, but he has a bad feeling about this. He once again flashes his phone to Chan briefly and leans in close.
“I want to take this, I don’t know why she’s calling, but something doesn’t seem right.”
Chan bites his lip, obviously torn for a second, before he seems to make up his mind.
“We’ve been live for almost 20 minutes, give me one second and we’ll end it so that you can talk to her, yeah?” Chan puts a hand on Seungmin’s shoulder and squeezes it tightly for a moment before clapping his hands together, effectively ending the conversation that the rest of the members were having.
Seungmin makes himself smile as they all say goodbye, but it's obvious that it's forced.
Even though the live ended as quickly as possible, Seungmin still has 2 new missed calls by the time he’s found himself an empty room to use.
"Uhm hello, is this Min?" a man asks hesitantly. His voice is unfamiliar and it scares Seungmin. The only thing that brings a little bit of comfort is knowing that you’re careful to never call Seungmin by his full name when talking about him with friends or coworkers, you even have his contact information set as a nickname.
"Who is this?" he asks instead. “Where’s Y/n?”
"My name is Hyunwoo, I work with Y/n-ssi. I’m very sorry for interrupting you, but Y/n-ssi said that you were one of her emergency contacts. We tried to call with another number previously, but weren’t able to reach you."
“Sorry, I generally do not answer calls from unknown numbers. Is Y/n okay?” Seungmin swallows hard, his mouth suddenly dry. “Can I- can I please speak to her?”
“She’s just not feeling well and needs to go home. She’s resting in another room, but I can get her, one moment please.” 
There’s a bit of background noise, the sound of footsteps, murmuring, then finally, your voice.
“Minnie?” you ask, sounding groggy. “I’m sorry for bothering you, I know you were working today.”
“Hey baby, it’s okay. You don't have to worry about me. You know that you’re more important than work to me right? I’m glad you got them to call me. How are you doing?”
“I'm tired. I'm okay, just, I was feeling light-headed and have a headache so I can't work. Hyunwoo said he thinks I have a fever.”
“Okay, I’m going to pick you up and bring you home then. Just continue resting until I get there. I'll see you soon.”
Seungmin doesn’t know what he’d do without the other members. As soon as he finishes explaining the situation to them, they’re already calling a car and working out schedules so that there aren’t any problems.
Hyunwoo eyes Seungmin carefully when they first meet, likely due to the face mask and hat he's wearing. When Seungmin removes the mask and shakes Hyunwoo’s hand, he's relieved when he doesn't appear to recognise him. It's not exactly a surprise, men are generally less likely to follow k-pop groups and Seungmin hardly looks like an idol when he's barefaced and in the jeans and t-shirt that he wore for the live.
“Thank you for calling me, Hyunwoo-ssi,” Seungmin says. “Sorry I didn’t pick up at first.”
“It’s okay, Min-ssi. Y/n-ssi mentioned that your work might make you difficult to contact.” Seungmin appreciates that Hyunwoo doesn’t make any attempt to pry further.
“And thank you for taking care of Y/n.”
“It’s not a problem. Y/n-ssi is a pleasure to work with and we all want her to get better as quickly as possible. Come with me, I’ll bring you to her.”
You’re lying in a small meeting room that has all the lights off and blinds drawn. The table and chairs have all been shifted to the side to fit a yoga mat that has been laid out. You squint up at Seungmin from under a mis-match of jackets with your head resting on a pillow that matches the couches that were in the reception area of your office.
“Minnie?” Your voice is soft and a little bit confused.
“Yes, it’s me, Y/n. How’re you feeling?”
Seungmin rushes to your side, crouching on the carpet so that he can cup your cheek. Your skin is flushed and hot to the touch. You reach out a hand and he clasps it tightly with his free hand.
“Mm, I wanna go home.”
“Let’s go home then.”
The company car is still parked outside of your office building, close enough that you insist on walking yourself. Seungmin tries not to hover, but he makes sure to keep his arm looped around your waist so that you don’t stumble. The drive back to your place is fairly short, but when Seungmin glances over you’re looking unwell. Maybe it’s just the dim lighting from the backseat, but you look paler than usual and your eyes are closed.
“You feeling okay?” Seungmin asks, squeezing your hand.
“A bit nauseous,” you murmur.
“We’re almost there, just take a few deep breaths through your nose for me.”
Even though it's only a few minutes before they pull onto the street that you live on, it feels like forever. Seungmmin tries to keep you preoccupied by rubbing circles into your palm. Instead of trying to help you out of the car and into your apartment, Seungmin thanks the company driver and opts to just carry you all the way in. 
He helps to change you out of your work clothes and tucks you into your bed. You link your fingers together and protest when Seungmin attempts to leave your side.
“I promise I'll be back in a second, I just want to get some things to help you feel better, okay?” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You agree, but reluctantly.
Seungmin tries to stay quiet as he rummages around your apartment, gathering some medicine, a thermometer, a glass of water, and some crackers. Next he dampens a face cloth and brings everything to your bedside table, folding up the cloth and laying it across your forehead. 
He supports you in sitting up slightly to take your temperature, brushing his fingers through your hair as you wait for enough time to pass. You lean into his touch slightly, humming in pleasure when Seungmin switches to giving you a light head massage. When the thermometer beeps, it confirms what Hyunwoo suspected, you have a low grade fever.
“You have a bit of a fever,” Seungmin tells you, keeping his voice low. “Do you feel up to having some water and medicine? It'll help you feel better, I think.”
“Okay,” you say, taking the pills that Seungmin hands you and swallowing them with a bit of water.
“Do you want to rest some more now? I want you to stay hydrated so I can make broth for you or get juice.”
“Do you have another schedule? You don't have to stay and take care of me.”
“I don't have to, I want to. And what did I say earlier? Don't worry about me. I'm not missing anything important.”
“So you are missing something,” you insist, your stubbornness making itself known. Seungmin can't help but find it endearing, especially the way that your bottom lip juts out to form a pout.
“Just vocal lessons. I already know how to sing, so it’s fine. Innie had his scheduled for tomorrow, the two of us are going to swap.”
“Oh,” you say, apparently satisfied by that.
“See, nothing to worry about. Now, what did you want? Broth or juice?”
“Broth,” you decide. “But that means you'll have to leave again. I don't want to be alone.”
Seungmin hesitates for a moment before reaching for something resting on the side of your bed.
“You won't be alone, Daengmo will keep you company, okay?”
Seungmin had gifted the stuffed dog to you the first time he had gone abroad after the two of you had started dating, even though it was only to Japan. You had insisted that he keep it at first, knowing how fond he was of the toy, but he had convinced you that it would prevent you from missing him whenever he was away.
“M'kay,” you say sleepily, wrapping your arms around Daengmo.
“You can close your eyes while I'm gone and I'll be back before you know it.”
“I'm not tired,” you say, although even in the dim lighting Seungmin can see that your eyes are starting to droop. “I'm going to stay awake until you come back.”
“Whatever you say,” Seungmin replies.
He leaves your room, closing the door behind him quietly, and heads towards the kitchen.
Seungmin prepares a couple of pots to make you soup. The first he prepares with some ingredients to make a simpler version of a ginseng chicken soup. He knows it'll take a while to cook though, so he adds water, powdered chicken broth, and ginger to the second. Within a few minutes, the clear broth is ready to serve.
Seungmin scoops a portion of it into a mug and slips an ice cube in so that you won't burn your mouth trying to drink it. He makes his way back to your room as quickly as he can, but careful to avoid the liquid sloshing over the sides.
When he eases the door open, he's greeted with the side of you with your eyes closed, clutching Daengmo tightly. Your breaths are deep and even, although you stir slightly when he sets the mug down on your nightstand.
“I'm here now," he reassures you quietly. “You just keep resting.”
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you say in a small voice.
“Of course, I’ll always be here for you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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ddejavvu · 9 months
criminal minds request:
Hotch and reader have a some tension between them ever since reader joined the team. They never acted upon it knowing that the relationship would be the hr nightmare.
They live in the same complex and reader is spending the night with someone from the bar and Aaron interrupts with the news of a case.
I love your writing btw
thanks! <3
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Aaron's been inside of your apartment only a few times before, but he could walk there in his sleep. That's almost what he wishes he was doing, instead of marching towards your door at one thirty-six in the morning, but duty calls, and though he'd tried to do the same, you hadn't answered your phone.
When he reaches your door Aaron can hear faint noise inside, and something like annoyance prickles at his chest at the thought that you'd ignored his phone call to watch television. But he finds himself seldom able to feel anything but secretly fond of you, so he tries to give you the benefit of the doubt.
What the door opens to is far worse than television. Instead of the faint glow of a screen lighting the couch, Aaron is met with the sight of a man, mostly naked and only draped in a sheet. Your sheet.
This man was in your bed.
"Yeah?" He asks, rather rudely, "It's the middle of the night, man. What do you want?"
He suspects you've asked the man to answer the door because you don't want to do it yourself, appearing alone at night in most likely very little clothing. Aaron commends you on your survival skills, but can't shake the feeling that he suddenly wants to try his hand at murder.
"I'm Y/N's boss," Aaron mutters, eyes set in a sharp glare, "She's needed at the office."
"Man, fuck off," Your houseguest scoffs, "That's not gonna work on me. Leave her alone, you creep, or at least come back with a better lie next time."
The man tries swinging the door shut, but before Aaron can wedge the freshly polished toe of his shoe into the gap, you squeal from down the hallway.
"We have a case," Aaron barks, voice still rough at the presence of the other man present, "You didn't answer your phone."
"I'm sorry!" You come running down the hallway while wrestling with the waistband of sweatpants Aaron hopes are your own, fully clothed in those and a tank top as you reach the door.
"Uh, Dominic, this is- he's my boss," You pat the man's bare back apologetically where you sidle up beside him, "I have to go."
Dominic doesn't seem to be particularly kind to anyone, Aaron muses. The man rounds on you with a furrow in his brow that Aaron doesn't like one bit, "Seriously? Some suited-up fuck comes to your door in the middle of the night and you just run off with him?"
"It's my job," You plead earnestly, "I'm sorry! It's just bad timing."
"Whatever." Dominic grumbles, turning to stalk off down the hallway to retrieve his clothes, "Bad timing my ass."
Neither you nor Hotch decide to tell him that you can see the very thing he speaks of. He's only holding the towel over his front half, and the back half being completely exposed doesn't help the tough-guy persona he's trying to put on as he storms off.
"I'm sorry," You breathe, sounding truly apologetic as Aaron stands in your doorway, "I didn't hear my phone ring, I was- we were... well. I'll be dressed and ready in, like, ten minutes." You vow, "I just need to get him out of here."
Aaron's not sure he can manage to speak after your admission, because up until now he'd been trying to pretend there was somehow some other reason for there to be a naked man crawling out of your bed at two in the morning.
All he can muster is a terse nod, and you take it as disapproval rather than a bruised heart. You rush off to get changed, and Aaron hears Dominic bicker with you before he storms his way out of the hallway and through the door. Aaron doesn't move as he passes through, and Dominic runs into his broad shoulders. Aaron keeps his balance steady, not sparing Dominic a glance as the man makes a fool of himself on the way out.
"She's not even worth it, man," Dominic sneers at Hotch from down the hall, "She must be some kinda whore. Called me the wrong fucking name, like she does this every night. Aaron must have been the last guy."
Hotch is stuck. If he hadn't heard his own name escape Dominic's mouth he'd have used what he's learned as a serial killer specialist to dispose of Dominic's remains without ever being caught. He doesn't like the way that the man spoke of you one bit, but when he hears you've been speaking of him, his spine stiffens and his legs lock into place.
"Tell her I hope Aaron likes her mediocre tits more than I did!" Dominic shouts as a sendoff, and Aaron knows for a fact that he does. Mediocre is the last word he'd use to describe them, but he respects you and won't dwell on what term would be best.
Aaron almost regrets seeing Dominic leave, because he'd have liked to grill the man on exactly what went down in there. How did you say his name? When did you say his name? Did you say his name when glancing over at your ringing phone, and ultimately deciding to ignore it? Or did you say his name through an open-mouthed moan, sweat beading on your hairline and certainly-not-mediocre tits bouncing wildly with each thrust?
Aaron's head is so clouded with thoughts of your fucked-out, sex-hazy state that he's startled to feel your hand on his arm, and he tugs it out of your grasp, jerking away like he's been burned. Sure, his skin is on fire where you've touched him, but only because he wishes you'd do it more, especially in other places.
You take his reluctance to be touched as a bad sign, and your face dims into a hesitant frown as you stand at the ready by Hotch's side.
"I'm sorry, Hotch," You murmur, tucking your hand into the jacket that you're clutching now that you feel you've made a fool out of yourself, "Um- it won't happen again, sir."
He wants to kiss you. He wants to duck inside, slam your door shut, and press you against the inside, demanding a detailed account of why his name had fallen from your lips earlier in the heat of the moment. But he can't, he knows he can't, and he has to blink at your forlorn expression instead, feet heavy as he drags them away from your door, like magnets trying to pull him to your bedroom.
"No need for apologies, Agent." He grits his teeth, "What you do in your free time-" like moan my name "-is your business. Let's go, we're briefing on the plane; wheels up in thirty."
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barcalover86 · 4 months
I'm not allowed to love you
Part 1 here
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Summary: You are too young for Gavi, but he can't help but fall in love.
"It's just weird to be taken care of.. my fan, you know?
"You nodded your head, understanding him completely.
"Then I'll pretend I'm not your fan." you say it seriously and he smiles lovely.
"Thank you."
Then he leaves the room with his crutches, leaving you alone.
This is going to be hard.
It's been 2 hours since you were standing in the living room alone. You thought plenty of times to go upstairs to Gavi, but first you didn't know where exactly he was, and second, you were really shy.
All of this caught you by surprise and it was hard to take.
But as well you couldn't stay there all night long, doing nothing. You didn't even know where you were placed to sleep.
So, just when you found the courage, you walked upstairs, looking for the boy. After all, you were his maid.
You knocked on some doors until one finally opened, revealing Gavi.
"Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you, but can you help me with some things, please?"
He looked at you and nodded before walking you to a different room.
"This is going to be your room, you can leave everything here. Feel free to feel like home." he smiles.
"Thank you so much. And um.. what do you want to eat?"
He thinks for some seconds before answering you.
"Do you know how to cook pasta?"
"Yes, yes, no problem."
He smiles.
"Tell me when you're ready then so that i can help you. It's a different recipe since I have to look out for a diet."
Then he closes the door before you could reply.
He seemed really nice.
Maybe it wasn't going to be that hard.
After some minutes, you went downstairs, letting Gavi know that you are ready.
He was being really nice to you the whole time, and it felt like the love you got for him was growing every minute. But you couldn't allow it. You really needed this job and he surely didn't want you.
You glanced at him for some seconds, admiring his features while he was putting the pasta to boil.
After you were done, you cleaned the mess you two made, and when you returned to the table, you were surprised to see him waiting for you.
He saw your face and decided to answer your question.
"Don't expect me to be rude. I still have manners, whether I like you or not."
You nodded, embarrassed, sitting down right in front of him.
For some reason, you couldn't eat. You were too shy to do it in front of him, so the whole time you were only playing with your food, looking down.
He was looking at you, not understanding what the problem was, but he let you be, leaving you alone.
After you were sure he was in his room, you started to eat, starving.
There're going to be some hard months for you.
Waking up every day at 3:30 to make Gavi breakfast, then hurring to not miss the train, because after all, you still had school.
Then hurring again to not miss the other train after school.
All that just to be back to Gavi's home at 19, ready to make dinner for the boy.
You didn't have much time to eat because you still had to clean the house and learn your mind out for school.
And after some weeks, you felt so, but so tired.
You couldn't even rest on weekends, because you had to take care of Gavi.
You two weren't talking much, just the important things. What do you want to eat? You have to take your pills.
And all those stuffs.
You knew it wasn't going to be easy, but you really needed the money.
Now it was another day when your train was late so you decided to buy some food for you and Gavi. You already told him that you'll be late and he announced you that Pedri will stop by at his house.
You didn't have a problem with it because it wasn't your home, but that meant that you had to give your food to Pedri because you only had two portions.
Somehow, you arrived earlier than expected, and just when you entered the house, you heard your name.
"So how is living with y/n?" Pedri asked.
"It's not like I see her much."
"Poor girl, for what you told me, she is working so much. I bet she's tired. Waking up at 3 to go to school just so that she could arrive back at 19 to do house stuff and to learn for school. I don't understand why someone would want to do that."
Gavi chuckles.
"Well i think she'll do anything to see me."
"What do you mean?"
"She is my fan, Pedri. She is doing all these things just so that she can see me. Sad that she thinks she might have a chance. I could never look at someone this young."
"How old is she?"
"She just turned 17. She's 3 years younger than me."
"It's not that big of a different, Gavi. And she looks really beautiful."
"I would never date my fan. Especially her."
And that hurt you.
"She is literally someone so obsessed with me. Now, who would actually do all those things just so that they could see me 10 minutes??"
You couldn't bare it anymore, so you walked in the room with tears in your eyes.
"You are so full of yourself, Pablo Gavi."
The boys turn to look at you with a panic face.
"Do you really think that I would sacrifice my time just to see you? Yes, a tone of girls would want to fuck you because they are so, but so obsessed with you, but just know that maybe some people just have to work hard so that they could accomplish their dream. And when I say dream, I don't mean the 'I want to fuck Gavi dream' , but 'I need to work hard because I need money to pay for my college', you idiot! Not everyone is a hoe or a psychopath! Yes, I am a fan of you because you I really appreciate what you're doing. You are the type of person that never gives up for what they wish and I thought that you might understand me as well. I DON'T want to do all this, even if it means to see you, because after all my health is in danger. I barely sleep, I work a lot JUST so that I could pay for may college bills because not everyone here is RICH!"
Gavi looks down, shame all over his face.
But you don't say anything else, you walk to your room to get your things. You are leaving for good.
Your eyes were red from crying.
"Pedri, you can have my food. It's on the kitchen table." you say it with a soft and sweet voice.
"Where are you going?" you heard Gavi's panic voice.
"No, y/n, please.." he stands up, hurting his knee bad.
"Sit down!" Pedri tells him.
"No, no, y/n please let's just talk-"
"We have nothing to talk about. I quit. You can always find another may. Maybe now someone who is older and prettier and-"
"STOP IT!" he shouted standing once again, walking towards you.
"Gavi, you are hurting your fucking knee!!" Pedri yells at him, but the boy doesn't care.
When he was about to reach you, he starts to cry. You look at him shocked.
Pedri comes right behind him and hugs him.
Gavi grabs your hand, afraid that you might dissappear.
"Does it hurt?" you asked.
He doesn't reply. Pedri looks at you and whispered. " Don't go."
"I have to.."
He shakes his head. "Please, don't."
You turn around, getting your hand off Gavi.
Pedri comes to you.
"He loves you.."
"Trust me.. he really does. Just look at him-"
You then turn to see Gavi looking at you with tears in his eyes.
He almost seemed like he was in love with you. Almost.
"He cannot, Pedri. I heard what he said about me-"
"He lied. He lied, y/n."
"And why would he lie?"
"Because his mother told him to not even dare to fall in love with you, because you need to concentrate on your studies."
"I don't believe you."
Pedri looks at you sad.
"I'm sorry then. But that's the truth."
Looking for the last time at Gavi, you turn around and leave the house.
Pedri then looks at his friend who wa starting to tear up.
"It's all my fault.. "
You arrived at the train station, having to wait 3 hours for the next ride.
Your eyes were still full of tears when you heard someone calling your name.
You roll your eyes, but somehow happy to see him.
"What do you want?"
"Just hear this."
He opened his phone, putting it next to your ear.
"What did she say?"
"She's leaving.. I'm sorry, I really tried to-"
"No, Pedri, no! She won't ever forgive me. I hurt her and it's all my fault, all my fault. I should've said nothing. Pedri, please help me. I cannot lose her, Pedri please." he sobs desperately. " I love her!"
"You for real recorded him?"
"He tried to come here, but his knee hurts him like hell now. So I came for him because I'm his friend and I know that he is suffering and I know that you are suffering as well-"
"Pedri, I must leave. I can't live like that anymore. It's just too hard to bare. I'm going home-"
"But he needs you-"
"I need myself more! I can't risk my health again. I sacrificed a lot for money. Time, days without eating, sleepless nights. But right now, all of this is more important. I'm sorry, but I won't go back."
He looks down.
"I'm sorry. It's so selfish of me to ask you to stay." He looks into your eyes with a sad smile. "Thank you for everything you've done for him."
Then he leaves just like you left Gavi.
You opened your phone just to see a message from him.
So that you won't have to worry about work anymore. Thank you for everything.
You look into your bank account to see a big amount of money from him.
Gavi was waiting for Pedri to come back and when he saw his face, he knew that he didn't make it. He looks down, trying not to cry.
Pedri went to hug him. (GIF) It was hard to see his friend suffer this much. First, because of his knee and second because of love.
Pedri was also surprised to hear Gavi's confess. After all, he also spent some few weeks with you and falling in love wasn't happening that easy.
But maybe this was faith. Or just a lesson.
And that scared him the most.
Gavi didn't want you to be just a lesson.
Ah, will you choose to stay with Gavi (love) or will you decide to go back home back to your studies (school)?
Write in the comments if you want part 3 and if you choose love or school!
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chronicowboy · 2 months
but when i tried to love him i loved at the wrong time
this is a two for one spec inspired by this post and my long lost love trapped dads
any complaints about this fic can and should be directed to @evankinard who bullied me into writing this for her after i ruined her day with a single dm. love you bby <3
Eddie breaks apart a little the moment Buck disappears from view, lets himself feel the wound in his side as an excuse not to feel the big unwieldy thing unfolding in his chest like a colonising panic. He hadn't wanted to leave him, not after half an hour trapped in that smoky room clinging to each other to ground themselves in the reality they were trapped in, but Buck had made several stubborn and convincing arguments about Christopher before announcing he wouldn't move if Eddie didn't. Eddie had tried, had tried to get Buck out first, Buck who had just found happiness with—with Tommy, Buck who has always deserved to live. But Hen and Chim had come in with the clinical wisdom of paramedics and said a rebar through the abdomen was always going to take priority over a fractured leg.
Now, Eddie is rolled out of a collapsing building, leaving behind Buck—a bird with a broken wing, incapable of moving.
God, the noises Buck had made when he'd dragged himself over to Eddie's side. They'll be haunting him for years, for whatever lifetime he has left. Worse somehow than the first time with an entire engine on top of him. Except this time, Eddie couldn't hold his hand. Not now, but not before either because... Because that was someone else's job now. And like a laugh from the universe, Tommy appears just as Eddie reaches down to put the brakes on the gurney before Hen and Chim can get him into the ambulance.
"Kinard?" Bobby greets him with a grim-faced nod. "What are you doing here?"
"Heard you might need an assist from air support." He shrugs, but the breathlessness in the voice and the way his eyes keep jumping around the gathered 118 like he's only counting the one man not there reveals his nonchalance as the act it is. "Thought I'd swing by."
"Isn't that a conflict of interest?" Chimney asks.
"Fine, so I stole a helicopter again. Sue me for wanting to offer a hand." Tommy's face draws as soon as he stops speaking, and he glances back at the building waiting to swallow Eddie's heart whole. "How is he?"
"Holding in there," Eddie answers, voice tight enough to have Tommy really seeing him for the first time. "Think his bad leg is fractured."
"Shit," Tommy hisses, clenching his fists at his side.
"Yeah," Eddie breathes out. "Can't get himself out because of it. I wouldn't have left him, but—"
"He insisted," Tommy says, something entirely too knowing in his voice and his eyes. Eddie swallows thickly.
"And, well..." He gestures weakly to the rebar in his side, Buck's undershirt, now soaked through with Eddie's blood, wrapped around it as a makeshift bandage.
"Shit, Diaz." Tommy grimaces. "Shouldn't you be getting to the hospital?"
"He's refusing care until Buck is out too," Hen deadpans, pressing a new pad of gauze to his wound a little too firmly for it not to be intentional. Eddie just grits his teeth.
"Of course he is," Tommy murmurs. Eddie is too much of a coward to face up to whatever expression is on Tommy's face when he says it, so instead he focuses on the Incident Commander approaching Bobby.
"Site's been deemed too unstable," he announces. "No more personnel are to enter until we've found a way to stabilise it."
"My..." Bobby calms himself when his voice comes out in a growl. "My man is in there."
"And sending another man in there would be a suicide mission." The Incident Commander grimaces apologetically. "Sorry, Captain. That's an order."
Bobby turns his gaze back to the building, something so tightly drawn in him that it makes Eddie hurt all the worse. He knows without a shadow of a doubt what Bobby's thinking. He can't lose another son to a burning building.
And here, maybe this would be where Eddie runs back into the building and drags Buck out all on his own, maybe this would be where he finally gets to repay the favour for the gravel burn on his back, maybe this is where he'd get to redeem himself from the helplessness he'd felt just lowering Buck down to the ground. Except. There's a rebar in his side. Even with the adrenaline, even with the love... Eddie doesn't think he'd make it three steps before falling to his knees—a prayer in and of itself.
Instead, Eddie turns to look at Tommy. Tommy who is already looking at him, something determined and understanding and loving trapped behind the wildness of his eyes. A beat passes between them, silence saying more than they ever could.
"Bring him back to—" Me. But. Not to me.
Because that's not Eddie's place anymore. Eddie doesn't get to ask that of Buck's boyfriend. Eddie doesn't get to ask that at all. He's no longer the person that will be shaking Buck's pain pills into his hand and fetching him a bottle of water. He's no longer the person that will be wrapping Buck's cast in a bin bag for a shower and listening to him lament about the indignity of it. He's no longer the person that will be pulling Buck out of bed on his worst days to remind him that he's real and valued and loved. No, that's not his job anymore. But, fuck, Tommy's the only better man for the job.
"Bring him back to us," Eddie tells him then, and it feels like he's finally let go of the baton in the relay race, sure Tommy's got a hold of it now. And Tommy looks as wrongfooted by this as Eddie feels, but he nods anyway and grabs Eddie's discarded helmet from his lap, strapping it on.
"Kinard, no one goes in," Bobby warns him. "That's an order."
"You're not my captain anymore." Tommy only smiles and shrugs before sprinting towards the doors.
Bobby curses, but there's relief in it. Hen and Chim just watch him go with something hopeful on their faces. And Eddie. Eddie's eyes start to droop.
"Hey, hey, Eddie." Chim snaps his fingers in front of his face, jolting Eddie back into semi-consciousness.
"Eddie, we need to get you to a hospital," Hen says calmly, reaching for the brakes.
"Move me an inch and I rip this rebar out of my side," he says lowly.
"Jesus, anyone ever tell you you're a drama queen?" Chim huffs.
"Yeah." Eddie chokes on his next breath a little. "The man trapped in that building."
A solemn silence settles over them then. They redirect their attention to the doors Tommy had disappeared into, and Hen lays a grounding hand on his shoulder as they wait.
It's not long before Tommy comes stumbling out of the building, looking every bit the action hero Eddie has never gotten to be for Buck what with his soot-stained face and Buck himself slung over his shoulder, splinted leg bouncing against his sternum. Hen and Bobby spring into action immediately, racing to meet them. Chim just unlocks Eddie's gurney and loads him into the ambulance, raising him up just enough to catch a perfect view of Tommy lowering Buck onto his own stretcher with a kiss to his forehead. The ambulance doors close, Chim knocks twice, the sirens begin to whine, and they lurch into motion.
"Did you draw the drama queen straw?" Eddie asks to distract himself from the tenderness of Tommy's kiss.
"Higher ups are a little more serious about conflicts of interest now Buck is officially my brother-in-law," Chim mumbles as he works on getting Eddie's IV in. "But also I'm better acquainted with rebars than Hen, so..."
Eddie huffs a weak laugh as his eyes drift to the ceiling, the clean white of it stinging his eyes.
"Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone, right?" he chokes out. He doesn't take his eyes off the ceiling, but the sudden silence in the ambulance is as deafening as the siren overhead.
"No," Chim says eventually. "No, it's not."
"But what happens if the person you love..." Here, his voice breaks. An almighty crack right through the middle. It sounds like the building behind them just came crumbling down in his throat. "What happens if someone told them first?" He turns to face Chim's wide eyes. "Should you still tell them?"
"I-I don't know..." Chim opens his mouth a few times, a fish out of water, before he makes a decision. He takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders. "But what I do know is." He clears his throat. "If you let a wound like that fester... It'll kill you, Eddie."
"Yeah." Eddie lets his eyes fall shut.
I can feel it already.
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Shovel Talk(s) Part 3
Part One 🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four
Steve wants to be self-sabotaging. He wants to give Eddie a reason to break up with him. To end this before Steve ends up hurting him. Yet he's also helplessly in love, so instead of being ten minutes late for their date, he's fifteen minutes early.
He forgot he was going to just honk the horn until Eddie appeared and only remembers he was going to do it after he's already knocked on the front door. Eddie answers, looking as beautiful as ever even though he wore that shirt yesterday, but the jeans are clean, and his hair is brushed. Steve does manage to hold himself back from opening the passenger door for Eddie like he usually does, instead sliding himself into the driver's seat.
Eddie does shoot him a curious glance but Steve's careful about not looking at him as he starts the car and heads towards the bowling alley.
Jonathan, Nancy, Argyle, and Robin are also at the bowling alley. It's not exactly a coincidence they run into them because Steve knew they would be here. (Sabotage was the goal. Turning their three-month-aversary into a group hangout might do the trick.) But Eddie likes bowling, and their friends, and also seems to be using the group atmosphere to hang off of Steve more than he would if they were bowling just the two of them.
And if Steve's being honest with himself, part of him knew that would happen, too. That Eddie wouldn't mind the group because their friends cover for them wordlessly. Eddie wraps his arms around Steve and suddenly Jonathan is standing between them and anyone who could see. Eddie leans in to give him a quick cheek kiss and Robin is at Steve's other side doing the same thing. Argyle and Nancy spread out across the seating, leaving barely enough room for Eddie and Steve to sit, so their close proximity looks forced rather than wanted.
And Steve's bad at not wanting Eddie. He finds himself reaching out and having to snatch his hands back. He plays hot and cold all night and it does have the desired effect. He can see Eddie's patience waning, can feel a shift in their dynamic and his stomach twists with shame.
He keeps conversation with Robin, and Jonathan, and Nancy, and Argyle. But not Eddie. He doesn't outright ignore Eddie, though. When Eddie talks to him, he answers but he doesn't initiate conversation. Uses as few words as possible to answer before rushing to take his turn.
He should apologize.
He can't say anything.
He's in love with Eddie, so Eddie has to leave him.
He's in love with Eddie, so Eddie leaving will ruin him forever.
Eddie should hate him, so this would be easier.
Eddie should love him, so this would be easier.
Steve's a goddamn mess all night, and no one calls him on it.
Why would they? They think he's going to hurt Eddie anyway.
"Did I... do something?" Eddie asks. Steve feels a little sick to his stomach as he puts the car in park in front of Eddie's house but doesn't turn the key. After tonight it's not likely he'll get invited in anyway.
"You've been distant all day, dude," Eddie says and Steve can hear the frustration in his voice. He also notices that Eddie called him dude, which he hasn't done since their first date. "Distant for a while now, actually."
"Sorry. I didn't realize," Steve lies, staring straight ahead. The voice in his head keeps chanting 'just break up with me already' because Steve knows it needs to happen, but he can't do it. But also he's thinking 'tell me you love me so I know we're in this together' and also 'I want to love you but I'm scared'. His whole mind is a contradiction right now.
Eddie looks at him, face carefully neutral, "What did I do?"
"Nothing," Steve is quick to say, because it is true and he doesn't want Eddie to think this is his fault somehow. "You didn't do anything."
"So, is it something I haven't done?" Eddie asks.
"No." Yes. But also no. Tell me you want this as much as I do. Tell me you hate me.
Eddie looks down to his hands, which are fiddling with his rings. They sit in silence because Steve doesn't know what to say. After what feels like an eternity, Eddie must decide something because he nods to himself and says, "right." before he climbs out of the passenger seat and slams the door shut.
The slam sounds so loud, so clear, so final, that Steve feels something inside him crack, echoing the slam. He rips off his own seatbelt and climbs from his car quickly, the need to reach Eddie before he closes himself behind his front door suddenly very important, suddenly overriding any other thought he's had. Steve just knows that if Eddie gets his door closed, then Steve really will have proven everyone right.
And he doesn't want to.
He feels it in his bones that if Eddie makes it into his house, and gets his front door closed before Steve says anything, that it will be with the thought that Eddie somehow fucked up their relationship and Steve will not be able to live with himself if Eddie believes that.
"Eddie, wait!" Steve shouts as he rounds the front of his car, beelining for the door.
His shout works, because Eddie, hand clasped on the doorknob, twists to look over his shoulder instead of opening the door. Eddie doesn't hide the hurt on his face, or the pain in his voice, "What, Harrington?"
Steve doesn't know what he's going to say, hasn't planned for this. He had never wanted either of them to hurt in this relationship, not in a way they couldn't fix (he'd promised Wayne three months ago-), yet he let his mind take him down the road of self-destruction. Self-sabotage. He'd fucking planned to ruin their date. Eddie should leave him.
And yet.
Steve might feel he's not good enough, or nice enough, or changed as a person enough to deserve Eddie, but in the end, Steve thinks, realizes, it's not his decision if Eddie finds him deserving or not. That's on Eddie.
And now, seeing Eddie, who always looks beautiful but now looks hurt, Steve doesn't want to just give up because everyone he cares about thinks he's not good enough. He doesn't want to have ruined this. If he can just be open, and honest, then Eddie will at least hear him out. He's just got to say something true. He opens his mouth and- "I love you."
Eddie's hand drops from the doorknob as his whole body turns to face Steve. His eyes are wild and wide as he asks, "What?"
That wasn't what Steve had thought he would say, but now that it's out he doesn't want to pretend he didn't say it. But he's possibly also having some sort of manic episode because he just starts talking and can't stop. "I'm in love with you, Eddie, and it fucking scares me to death, because no one seems to think that I can, or that I deserve to, but I do and I want to. I've just been spiraling thinking about it and about how everyone thinks I'm just going to hurt you, because that's the last thing I want to do, ever. But then I just spent this entire night trying to make you hate me which just means that I am hurting you. And, also, if more than one person makes a point to like, bring it up to my face, that I'm just going to hurt you, there's got to be some truth to what they say, right? Multiple people aren't usually wrong and now I've proven them right anyway because I've been an asshole to you this whole day, whole week if I'm really honest, and I hate myself for that beca-"
Eddie shuts Steve up by grasping both his shoulders and shaking him like a ragdoll. Steve didn't even register that he'd left the porch and had walked up to him. "Stevie, Steve, shh. You gotta slow down, sweetheart. That's a lot to take in."
"Right. Right, sorry," Steve's voice sounds watery to his own ears, and also Eddie looks a little watery, which is odd and- oh. He's crying, he realizes, when one of Eddie's hands moves to swipe a tear from his cheek.
"Go inside, sweetheart," Eddie nudges him towards the door, "I'm going to turn off your car and I'll be right in."
Steve obeys because he's pretty good at following instructions. Unfortunately, it does mean he just stands anxiously in the entrance hall waiting for Eddie to come in behind him because the only instruction was 'go inside'. Steve's not even aware that he's worried Eddie might not follow until he comes back into view and a wave of relief washes over Steve.
Eddie leads him down the hall to his bedroom before making Steve take off his shoes and clamber into the bed. Eddie fusses and arranged them so that Eddie is sat up against the headboard and Steve is cuddled up between his legs, head tucked under Eddie's chin. Steve worms his hands behind Eddie's back to hug him, and Eddie wraps his arms around Steve to return the embrace.
"Stevie, I got to be honest, I thought you were wanting to break up with me today," Eddie says.
Steve tightens his hold just a bit, "No. And yes. But also never?"
"That makes no sense."
"The thought of breaking up... I'm not going to lie, Eddie, I have thought it. But not because it's what I want. It's because there were moments when I thought it was what would be best, for you."
"How the fuck do you reckon it would be 'best for me' to break up with me?" Eddie is rubbing soothing circles on Steve's back, so he doesn't think he's in too much trouble.
"I let... I just got into my head about things. Your uncle gave me the shovel talk, which yeah, okay, fair. He's basically your dad, he's supposed to be on the lookout for people who would hurt you. But then, he wasn't the only one. And no one straight up said I would, for sure, end up hurting you, but then I learned that no one had given you a shovel talk and I just- Fuck. This all sounds so stupid! I don't want someone to threaten you. That's not what this is about but it's just- it feels like- why doesn't anyone care that I might get hurt, too? And then everything spiraled."
"Oh, sweetheart," Eddie presses a kiss to the top of Steve's head. Steve doesn't deserve this comfort.
"I just- I found myself thinking that like, if I just broke my own heart first, by breaking up, then they wouldn't be right. But also like, they wouldn't be wrong, because breaking up would hurt you, too, and then they'd pick sides and they'd pick yours because they were right about me but also, they're wrong because you have the power to fuck me up, too. 'Cause I love you."
"That's the third time you've told me," Eddie says.
"You don't have to say it back," Steve is quick to say, "I just- Now that I've said it, I can't seem to stop but you don-"
"I'm in love with you, too, you know," Eddie whispers, cutting Steve off as one of Eddie's hands comes up to play with Steve's hair. That thing that cracked inside him early, the feeling that made Steve call out to Eddie, settles back together somewhere deep within him.
Eddie plays with his hair for a bit before he says, "It's super fucking shitty of our friends to put that on you. And I'm sorry for not noticing that you were hurting. If it helps, Robin has given me a shovel talk. Kinda. I think she also gave one to Nancy at the same time? But for like, past you." That gets a chuckle out of Steve. "And Erica threatened to slash my tires if I hurt you, not even a full two weeks ago. And I don't think she even means like a breakup hurt. I think if she learns about today, she'll slash my tires even though we talked it out. Or, will have talked it out, by the time she finds out. Which I hope she doesn't. Because she'll slash my tires."
Steve is a little amused at the end of Eddie's speech because Eddie does sound, just a little bit, afraid of Erica. He tilts his head up and presses a kiss to the underside of Eddie's jaw and then freezes, because he's not sure he should have. Not after how he's treated Eddie this past week, and today especially. But Eddie doesn't react like he's upset. His fingers still glide through Steve's hair and his other hand rests on Steve's back in a half embrace.
"I'm so sorry, Eds," Steve says, shoving his face into Eddie's neck. "About today, this whole week, for- for everything. I'm so sorry."
"I'm sorry, too, sweetheart," Eddie whispers back, "I let myself think things of you, you know. Shit I know isn't true, and wouldn't be, because I was scared, too. That I'd fallen for you. I didn't let myself believe you'd love me back, so I thought some really awful things."
"Well, I acted on my thoughts, so you don't have to apologize."
"Yes, I do. And I accept your apology."
Steve huffs, breath warming his face along with Eddie's neck. "I don't think you did anything wrong, but I accept your apology, too."
They lay for a few moments more before Eddie's shoving softly at Steve, to get him to roll over, onto his side. He does, facing Eddie, and Eddie rolls onto his side to face him. Immediately Steve's hand seeks out Eddie's, he can't stand to not be touching him in some form right now. Steve slots their fingers together, and Eddie curls his fingers down to grip back. Steve brings their joined hands to his lips, placing a kiss on Eddie's knuckles before he says, "So, where do we do from here?"
"I don't know the where," Eddie gives him a soft smile, "but I do know that I want it to be together. So, I guess we just, go forward, together. With more talking. You have to let me know when you're hurting, babe. I can't help if I don't know."
"I know," Steve nods, "I know. And I'll try. I promise, I'll try my best but I don't- what if I can't?"
"I think you can," Eddie says. "You did, today, just now. And I guess, on nights we're really mad at each other, we go to bed mad but together. Same bed. Because I'll need the reassurance of you being here."
"Yeah, yeah, we'll do that," Steve says before pressing one more kiss to Eddie's knuckles, then letting their hands drop back to the bed. There's more talking to be done, Steve's sure. He wants to explain himself better, more thoroughly, but Eddie is content to let him lay here so Steve's going to take it for now. "Can I stay here tonight?"
"Yeah, sweetheart," Eddie says, soft smile on his face. "You work tomorrow?"
"No," Steve says, "why?"
"Redo date. Make it a whole day thing. Just us," Eddie explains with a shrug, "Not that the bowling wasn't fun. Just-"
"Yeah," Steve is quick to agree, both because he wants a redo, too, and because he doesn't want to hear the rest of Eddie's sentence. "How about we go to Indy for the day?"
"Sounds great. Now, let's get some PJs on and channel surf until we find something tolerable," Eddie leans in, giving Steve a quick kiss before rolling himself off the bed and beginning the search for pajamas. Steve's happy to watch him bend over the various piles of clothes around his room.
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chaichaiiskai · 1 year
Hello, can I request a Baki x male reader smut
Like baki was in class and they were doing a quiz and he didn't do it and never even wrote on his paper because he was staring at reader who sat in front of him, and reader is a really pretty boy and pretty thick and smol like bunny And baki kinda has a thing for him, so the teacher assigned pretty boy as bakis tutor and they go to bakis place, and baki admits his feelings and they do the dirty 👉👈
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baki hanma! x pretty boy! male reader
note: i’ve never written for baki before but fuck yeah i accept this request!! (if you see repeated paragraphs, its a tumblr glitch and i cant delete them w/o fuckin’ up the actual post so im sorry in advance 😭)
warnings: amab reader, male reader, he/him pronouns, homophobes dni, anal, fingering, unprotected sex,
How can a guy be so pretty? It doesn’t make sense.
Not to Baki at least, and he’s a pretty smart guy when he wants to be, which reminds him of the empty quiz paper on his desk.
For just a split moment he looks down at the paper after tearing his eyes away from you, sitting in front of him, diligently completing your quiz like the good student you are. Baki thinks you’re cute. Fuckable, actually, but he wouldn’t mind getting to know you better…
Eventually, his mind begins to wander as he stares at you, daydreaming, and sometime after, the teacher comes by and snatches his unfinished quiz from the desk, observing it. Baki hadn’t even written his name on it, let alone fill out of any of the answers. And what’s worse, pretty much everyone had already left the classroom for break besides Baki, you, and the teacher.
With a frustrated sigh, the man rubs at his forehead with one hand as Baki turns his attention from you for the first time in an hour to stare lazily at the irritated man in front of him.
“What’s the problem, old man? You’re gonna get wrinkles if ya keep thinkin’ too hard.” Baki smugly teased, crossing his arms over his well-built chest that’s a little too built for a third year High Schooler, leaning back in his seat with the most carefree look present on his face.
The irritation on the instructor’s face only gets worse but then he sighs, shaking his head. “If it weren’t for you, the class average wouldn’t be so low. You need a tutor…” His eyes roamed around the room for a split second before they landed on you, currently tapping away at something on your phone, completely unbothered and not listening to the other men chat in the classroom. That was until your heard your name being called, causing you to look up in curiosity at your teacher who’s now standing in front of your desk, motioning to your fellow classmate who’s now shamelessly staring you down with a smirk on his face.
Somehow, you’d ended up accepting your teacher’s (pleading) request to tutor the laziest (and hottest) student in your class. Now, you were walking by his side, looking like a tiny little thing in comparison to his hulking form despite being the same age and you were pretty sure you were a couple months older than him.
As Baki suggested, you would be tutoring him at his place and so here you were, walking with him to his home. As you approached, you took note of the egregious amounts of graffiti on the walls as well as the outside of his house, which piqued your interest. This seemed to not go unnoticed by Baki whilst you began to approach his front door as he spoke up, explaining the meaning behind the vandalism.
“‘s lot of people out there that I’ve fought who’ve lost, or people who want to fight me but know they can’t win, so this is the next best thing, the only thing they can do to save face. I don’t really mind, ‘s not a big deal.” He said, shrugging his shoulders as he took out his key to slide open the door and led you inside, taking off his shoes near the front door to start walking further into his home. You nodded sheepishly at his explanation, frowning a little at the thought of people being such cowards to do such a thing instead of facing him head on.
As you followed him deeper into his home, you realized the place was a lot cleaner than you’d anticipated and before you knew it, you were in his bedroom.
Baki watched curiously as you sat down on the floor at the table beside his bed and started to slowly unpack things from your bag, setting them on top of the table. He could practically smell how nervous you were and it amused him greatly. He was also thinking about other things (like how soft and pliable you look) but he saved those thoughts for later.
Following your example, he sat down at the table right beside you, barely leaving any space between the two of you, your knees knocking together. Subconsciously, you shivered and set the last of your things down onto the table, not daring to meet his observant eyes as he stares at the side of your face, waiting for you to do something. In your peripheral you can see him with his elbow resting on the table now, his chin propped up in the palm of his hand, staring at you with amusement lingering in his gaze.
Your tongue darts out of your mouth and swipes at your lips in an attempt to wet them which doesn’t go unnoticed by Baki. In fact, he wonders what it would be like to kiss you, better yet, to get beneath your school uniform.
Before he can open his mouth to /insinuate/ these thoughts, you’re already speaking up.
“So.. I suppose we should work on homework first for class and… and you can ask me for any help i-if you need it..?” You suggested, though it sounded more like a question than a set plan of action.
Baki grinned lazily.
How cute.
He thought about it briefly but then hummed in acknowledgement, deciding to play along for now before he could put his own plans into action.
Surprisingly, to you at least, Baki had started working on his own homework beside you, what was even crazier was that he’d finished before you and now he was just staring again. Almost like he was waiting for you to finish up with your responsibilities before he’d swipe down and attack you. The thought made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but it wasn’t exactly out of fear.
Some time passed, the room filled with strangely comfortable silence aside from the sounds of your pencil and your breathing. Noticing you finish off the last question, Baki set his plan in motion.
“L/N-san… anyone ever tell you how pretty you are?” Baki nonchalantly asked, watching as you skittishly flinched at the compliment, snapping your gaze towards to him to look at him in bewilderment, reminding him of a startled animal.
Unable to help himself, he reaches towards you and cradles your chin in his hand, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip in curiosity. His eyes are studying your face as he looks down at you, once again reminding you just how easily he could snap you in half even if he barely lifted a finger. However, the hold he had on your chin was gentle and caring, he was mesmerized by the feel of your lips over the rough skin on his calloused thumb, along with your skin.
Soft. Pillowy. Moisturized. You take care of yourself. He likes that. It is a strike contrast to his skin that’s been hardened by brutality and overzealous training that’s turned his entire body into borderline stone. You were just so soft, he wanted to see what other parts were the same.
And despite not getting a verbal and coherent answer from you regarding his previous question, he continues.
“Prettier than any girl I’ve seen. I’d call ya handsome but…” He watches as you blink in surprise, your cutesy lashes kissing your cheeks as you look back up at him, slightly pouting at the start of his backhanded compliment. “— don’t think that fits you. Y’know… ya kinda remind me of a little bunny. You’re skittish like one. And you’re tiny. Bet I could pick you up with one hand.”
His sultry voice and the teasing tone makes something stir inside of you, along with an unneeded erection in your pants. Were your pants always this tight? Sure, they always fit a little snug around your hips and thighs but— What was he trying to say? It would probably be in your best interest to ask him.
“A bunny…? Is that a compliment or.. or an insult?” You softly ask, awaiting for his answer, hanging onto every word that leaves his mouth. For some reason, your gaze has dropped from his eyes to the little beauty mark above his his top lip, and then down to his lips as they move, speaking sweet things to you.
“A compliment, of course. I wouldn’t insult the guy I like, after all.”
You paused, looking back at his eyes, your nose scrunching up along with your eyebrows as you decipher his words, the shock apparent in the look you’re giving him.
Baki smiles.
You really are a little bunny. Makes him want to protect you at all costs, even though he’s sure you can take care of yourself, which is something he also likes about you.
And then you parrot his words right back at him, mainly in disbelief as you feel the heat rise in your face and the rest of your body.
“You… you like me? Like— romantically or..?”
“Pfft. Yeah, romantically. I think you’re cute, smart, adorable, pretty… I wanna get to know you better, and I think I know how to get started.” His words make you curious, eyeing him in suspicion as you may or may not have an idea at what he’s hinting at. “Is that so? Alright, well, I’m open to whatever you have in mind..” You whisper, not rejecting his advances in the slightest without directly stating that you felt the same way about him.
Truthfully, you’ve had a tiny bit of a crush on the class’s sweetheart, but who didn’t? You weren’t even sure if he liked guys, especially not with the rumors of him having a girlfriend or two. But here he was, leaning in and smashing his lips against yours like he was trying to steal the oxygen straight from your lungs and give you the oxygen from his own.
You’d never been so passionately kissed before so it was easy to get lost in it, not even minding the way he effortlessly lifts you into his lap, your fingers tangling up in his cherry red hair, scratching at his scalp, causing him to moan at the unexpected affection.
As he’s holding you in his lap and your kiss turns into a flurry of open mouthed kisses, the sound of your soft pants being swallowed up by the larger man as he kisses you, his hands move down to squeeze at the plush of your ass, enjoying the feel of it in his hands. Rarely does he get to experience such softness beneath is fingers, he was going to cherish every second of this for as long as it went on.
With a little maneuvering from the both of you, you’re both soon rid of your school uniforms and were now in nothing but your boxers, bulging tents furiously rubbing against each other. Baki continued to fondle your ass while guiding your hips, rocking them back and forth so that were dry humping his cock with your own, his lips now connected to your neck. The sweet sounds you’re making spur him own as he litters your neck in love bites and marks that display that you’re his and only his.
The impatience between the two of you steadily grows but Baki takes the first step, standing up with you in his arms as he takes you to his bed and lays you down on top of it, moving to hover his bulky and muscular frame over your small but curvaceous one. In a moment of clarity, watching as he goes into the nightstand beside his bed to pull out a bottle of lube, you speak up.
“W-wait, what about your parents…?” You worriedly ask, not wanting to be caught in the middle of your risqué behavior by the adults in Baki’s home, to which he only chuckles and tugs your boxers down, exposing your bare lower body to his eyes. “I live alone. Don’t worry.” You squeak in surprise when you feel a rush of cold air brush over your cock, your shaft twitching as a bead of precum lands on your belly.
Baki grins at your reaction, finding you even more adorable as he tugs his own boxers down but not fully off, giving you a clear view of what he’s packing.
It’s big just like the rest of him. Should you really be all that surprised?
You gulped worriedly, instinctively backing up a little further up the bed away from him. “I— woah woah woah, I don’t think that’s gonna f-fit me.. Uh.. maybe I could just—“ “Ah ah ah. C’mon Y/N-sama,” he says, purring your first name in a way that instantly turns you into butter, “I’ll prep you first. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
Wait, boyfriend? Did that mean you two were exclusive now?
You had no time to ponder the thought when you felt something thick and slippery in your hole, instantly making your back arch off of the bed, a mewl of surprise, pain, and pleasure erupting from your parted lips.
Looking down to see the culprit of this strange feeling, you see that Baki’s lubed up his right hand and had stuck one of his calloused fingers in your ass, stretching you out with the meaty digit. After giving you a little time to adjust to the intrusion, he starts to pump it in and out, purposely hitting your prostate each and every time while he watched you squirm and call his name, begging him to slow down and give you some more time to adjust.
Baki does the opposite, in fact, he doesn’t stop fucking you stupid with his fingers until he watches you spray cum all over your belly, decorating your skin in your own white sticky nectar. Then, he slowly pulls his fingers out, watching you pant and tremble on top of his bed, your eyes glossy with blissful tears. You then watch as he scoops up the cum from your belly and sucks it from the fingers he’d just finished fucking you with.
“Fuck, you’re so cute… Think you can flip over on your stomach for me or do you need some help?” He asks you, watching as you looked up at him, still trying to calm down from your first orgasm of the evening, as well as seeing him eat your cum. When he gets no response, he laughs lowly and decides for you, promptly grabbing onto your plush hips and flipping you onto your stomach, propping you up on your knees so he can get a full view of your ass.
Pumping his cock a few times, he bites down onto his lip and grabs up the forgotten bottle of lube that was dropped onto the bed a little earlier, he pops it open and squirts a generous amount onto his cock and on your hole.
Then, he leans over you, pressing the tip up against your puckering hole while pressing his hand onto the bed beside your body, caging you in as he leans over to whisper in your ear. “I’ll go slow, just relax for me, will you? I know you can, bunny. You’re my good boy after all.” He whispers, kissing between your shoulder blades. The gesture and his words make your cock harden again even after cumming and you shake a little in shock at just how easily your body responded to him.
And that’s when you felt it, the ridiculous stretch of his tip as he began to push himself into your lubed up and slightly stretched hole. Baki grits his teeth as you start to swallow him up, making him groan in delight and satisfaction, going in inch by inch until his balls are snug against your perineum. He doesn’t move once he’s fully inside you and you don’t either, crying out as he’s stuffed you full. You’ve never felt so full in your life. It burned. It tingled. It hurt. It felt amazing. There were too many sensations going on at once and it was overwhelming you to the point of becoming delirious but Baki’s calming voice reeled you back down to reality with ease.
“You alright? Doesn’t hurt too much does it?”
You have half a mind to shake your mind but you know that any little movement would make the rest of your body move so you verbally responded instead, though your lips remained shut, a hum would suffice.
“Mm… mm.”
Baki chuckled and you lurched forward at the movement, making you gasp and suddenly scratch at his bed sheets, pulling at them as you buried your face into his pillow, smothering your face in the lingering scent of the shampoo he used. Sighing, he leaned back and rested his hands onto your hips, still not moving as he observes your body in this position. Your body was just as pretty as your face, he had his suspicions but this was exceeding beyond his expectations. He wanted to move, fuck you through the mattress and maybe even break the bed frame but he refrained, wanting to give you time to adjust. He knew that once he started he probably wouldn’t be able to stop or let up any of his movements so this was a the best course of options for the both of you.
However even he had his limits. As content as he was with you cockwarming him with your sweet ass, he wanted to start moving, and so did you.
Pulling about halfway out, he slammed back in, watching as your body bounced, especially your ass, and licked his lips, hearing the muffled scream come from you at his sudden movement. Then he waited a couple seconds to see if you’d protest but when you didn’t, he pulled back and thrusted again, watching in fascination as your ass rippled in waves with the impact from his hips. This earned yet another broken moan of pleasure from you, and so, he continued, rocking his hips at a slow pace, listening to your quiet cries of pleasure as he continued to grip on your hips.
The slow pace gradually increased in speed, and before you knew it, he was fucking you hard into his bed and you were pretty sure that if he wasn’t holding onto you he would have sent you right through the wall and out onto the street in front of his house.
Your little mewls and moans were music to his ears, mixing with his own groans and moans as he continued his rapid movements, his heavy balls slapping against your ass, the tip pushing against your prostate each and every time. The rigorous movement made your own cock bounce around without any restraint and you were sure you’d ended up dirtying up his sheets soon if he kept up like this.
What you weren’t expecting was him to suddenly pull back and slap your ass with his hand, making you cry out in shock, turning your head to the side so you could breath and then look back at him over your shoulder.
Looking back at you through his half-lidded gaze, he grinned at you and picked up his pace, just to watch your eyes flutter from the pleasure, your head lolling to the side as you were overcome with ecstasy and pain.
“Haah… sure this is your first time, bunny? You’re gobblin’ me right up with this fat jiggly ass of yours. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think your body was made for my cock and my cock only.” He teased, smacking your other ass cheek to leave them raw with two matching handprints.
Good luck going home after this, he’s not letting you leave, plus, its not like you’d be able to walk properly afterwards anyways. Luckily, you’ve got a loving new boyfriend to take care of you.
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fairlyang · 5 months
Obsessed: Mía 🕷️
miguel making sure you remember who you belong to
w/c: 999
pairing: possessive!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. extreme jealousy, possessiveness, friends with benefits, slight degradation, "slut" usage, spanking, fingering
notes: yet another universe where you aren't even dating him yet and he's already acting crazy bc : mexican men 🤥 (also wanted the total wc to be an angels number :D)
part one — part two — part three
"Miguel por favor- I said I was sorry!" You whined and he groans.
"Me vale." He mutters as he grips on to your arm and pulls you in to his apartment. (I don't care)
"You think I'm playing games huh?" He growls into your ear and pushes you against the door.
He pushes himself against you, grinding himself against you making you let out a quiet moan. "Eres mía, don't forget it." He whispers and moves his hands down to your hips.
He makes you move your ass back and forth against his crotch and you only whimpered. "Miguel-"
"Párale." He warns and you close your mouth and just lay your cheek against his door. (Stop it)
You weren't exactly going out with Miguel, it was more of a friends with benefits thing. An occasional booty call. The first person your friends think of when you say you're going to a dick appointment.
And although he's the one that put up the boundaries of "no getting feelings" and "only sex" somehow you ended up here, with him saying you only belong to him after he caught you at a club dancing with a stranger.
He quickly snatched you up and brought you back to his place. Your mind was confused but you didn't have the balls to question him right that second.
Especially as one of his hands began spanking you. He bent you over and straightened himself before smacking your ass again at the same spot. You felt a slight burn and you wouldn't have flinched if it weren't or the fact that it was cold as shit and you were already shivering.
You were already on edge from how he nearly caused a fight, a fucking scene at your favorite club.
Last thing you needed was to be kicked out.
Or have him bitch about the "no feelings" rule after this. Because it already looked like someone failing and somehow it wasn't you.
Suddenly he pulls you back up and grabs your hand leading you towards his bedroom.
This was the first time he's ever acted like this and you'd been having this arrangement for six months.
What changed for him to act this way? Who knows but maybe after tonight you'll find out.
And why did you apologize?
To help yourself be in less shit than if you didn't. But either way it didn't help.
He closed the door to his bedroom then grabs you by the waist to lead you to his bed. He has you sit down before he sits down next to you and somehow in a blink of an eye maneuver, you were now laying against his lap.
You knew what was to come and sure enough his hands pulled your dress up and over your ass until your tiny thong was on full display for him.
"Dressed like a dirty slut and you weren't even planning on seeing me?" He spat and roughly spanked your left ass cheek.
You let out a whimper, unsure on if he expects you to answer or not. But what was the point on waiting around to see if anything changes? You were single and there were many fish in the sea....
But you can't tell him that.
"Answer me." He says and smacks your right cheek harder than the first.
You groan and hide your face with your hands trying to quickly think of an excuse or anything that won't make him even more furious.
Or jealous per say...
"No, no I wasn't." You answered truthfully making him groan and smack you even harder one cheek after the other.
"Shit!" You swore and bite your lip.
You could feel how warm your ass was getting and it was stinging a bit now too.
"What do you want me to say?" You ask and are met with silence.
Instead he moves your thong to the side so he can inspect your pussy.
Because he knows you too well, he already knows you were going to be drenched.
And sure enough you were.
When he moved your thong a string of your slick separated from it. He kept his mouth shut not wanting to encourage your behavior but couldn't help but be so turned on with how wet you got from his jealousy.
"Such a dirty fucking slut, look at you." He groans and glides two fingers against your slit.
You kept your mouth closed and tried to stay as still as you could.
He teased your hole with the tip of his middle finger before suddenly slamming three fingers inside you.
He didn't let you adjust and started immediately pounding his fingers into you. You cried out and squirmed on his lap, trying desperately to adjust but he didn't stop and only went harder with your movements.
"Oh fuck-!" You cried and reached back with your arms to try and stop him but with his other hand he held your arms behind your back.
"Stay fucking still." He hissed and you had no choice but to do so.
You let out moans and clenched around his fingers as his fingers were going at a relentless pace and it was finally starting to feel good.
Somehow he already brought your orgasm out, maybe the extra finger helped him out this time and the fact you weren't prepared but he still started fucking your poor pussy.
You legs started trembling and your arms were starting to hurt, and you could slightly feel Miguel's bulge against your stomach. You cried out for him but he didn't care.
"Dime, de quién perteneces?" He asks, you barely heard him because you were so focused on your breathing, trying to stay somewhat calm. (Tell me, who do you belong to?)
You let out whimpers and finally speak, "a ti, nomás a ti Miguel." (You, only to you)
"That's fucking right." He mutters before pulling his fingers away and letting you go.
He flips you over and lays you down, then leaves.
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starswguru · 2 months
❝ castaways ; 명재현
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𖥻 pairing: loser!myung jaehyung x female reader
𖥻 contains: rockstar!au, childhood best friends to lovers
𖥻 warnings: inspired by 5sos "try hard" + "heartbreak girl" / english is not my first language so i am sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or misspellings, and i also forgot to proofread so i'm sorry in advance everyone
word count — 2.414
synopsis — you and jaehyun had been friends ever since you could remember, supporting and caring for each other. but little did you know that the boy you saw as the personification of a soulmate found in a friendship, saw you as the most perfect muse for all the songs he had ever written. you didn't know it yet, but jaehyun was doing his absolute best to make you see his true feelings.
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IT was no secret that looking back to your whole life, you’d lived more years being friends with jaehyun than not. it was natural — for the both of you — to share memories, habits, tastes, experiences, or whatever it was with the other; more natural even than doing so with your families. myung had always been there for you and you had always been there for him. always.
however, for a little over two years now, the two of you have not been able to see each other as often as you used to in the past. between you getting into university and him chasing his dream in the music industry, the necessary sacrifices took more from your individual lives than your teenage fantasies could’ve ever predicted when you were in high school.
the weather that afternoon was warmer than the usual autumn days and you couldn’t help but smile thinking that perhaps even nature knew that two halves of the same soul were about to meet again for the first time in eight months or so and was happy that this encounter was going to take place. there was a light breeze running through the city, refreshing the anticipation inside of you and making your hair dance with movements worthy of the highest class of ballet as you opened the heavy dark-wood door before you.
your eyes wandered around the ambience, looking for those large round dark of his you could recognize anywhere, no matter how much time had passed. “sometimes i swear i can see stars reflecting on your eyes, hyun”, you said one time when you were younger right after your first ever heartbreak and your best friend came to your rescue on the parking lot where your former boyfriend left you; jaehyun picked up the tiny broken pieces of your crushed heart only to somehow find a way to glue them back together until you found the strength to heal by yourself, and the musician never asked for anything in return, because that was who he was in the end. it didn’t take long before you smiled from ear to ear at the sight of him.
“hi, jae!” the excitement in your voice was noticeable to anyone close to the table at the almost empty café you were supposed to meet. “you look different. what did you do?”
the boy, at least you thought it was still the same boy you’ve known since childhood, let out a faint laugh as he hugged you tightly against his body, a good amount of centimetres taller than yours. just like he always used to do, jaehyun cupped your face with his right hand — the soft hand, the only one that should touch you, in his mind — and caressed it before messing up your hair while laughing a little more. “you noticed, didn’t ya?”
before you could answer anything properly, your attention was immediately drawn not only to the edge of the brunette’s lips but also to his left ear, and a confused frown took over your face. “is that a lip ring? and you got an industrial! jaehyun, you cut your hair!”
“but do you like it?” he asked raising his eyebrows in a split second before focusing on the menu. the music lover didn’t have the courage to say the real reasons as to why he did all that, at least not at that moment, but the biggest parts of his heart were praying that you enjoyed the modifications to his appearance like his heart was telling him you would, simply because his heart knew you better than his conscious mind did.
“i mean, yeah i do… it makes you look even more of a rockstar now, hyun, you don’t look like the good mama’s boy you always looked like.” with a chuckle, you decided to copy his moves, and turn your gaze back to the menu, even though you already knew what you’d order anyways.
jaehyun opened a smirk but that kind of good humor didn’t reach his dark eyes. he was twenty years old, over fifteen years had passed since the first day he ever saw you before him and the agony of suppressing the deep and unique feelings the musician had towards his best friend had been eating him alive for the majority of those fifteen years; living twenty-four months without having you as close to him as before was the trigger to make the myung open his eyes to the reality he tried to ignore so badly. all he ever wanted was for you to actually pay attention to the lyrics he wrote, to understand that everything you needed to have your heart in a safe and respectful place was to give it to him; ever since he was fourteen years old, jaehyun’s birthday wish when blowing the candles was always the same: for you to love him the same way he loved you. despite the depth and complexity of his feelings, the singer decided to keep it cool for a little longer; the last thing he wanted at that moment was to unconsciously push you away by bombarding you with all the words bottled up inside his heart since the very first day.
“so how’s school?” he asked once the waiter left you two alone after taking your orders. genuine concern and interest filled every word that came out of your best friend’s mouth, as there was no scenario in this world where jaehyun wouldn’t be worried about you.
you shrugged, looking away. “could be better, to be honest. the classes this last semester were three times harder than the previous one… it caught me off-guard.”
the kind-eyed man offered comfort with his speech, which warmed your heart a little bit more: no matter how much time passed or how much jaehyun changed his appearance, he was still the clumsy kid you met at kindergarten and defended from the other mean boys. in an attempt to take your mind off the stress that tool such a heavy tool on you, he playfully asked if at least there was anyone interesting in that fancy university you got yourself into — even though there was also shy and scared anticipation of his part towards your answer, as the thought of you, his muse, his best friend, his soulmate, being in love with someone who didn’t know you nearly as well as he did or that was willing to go the extra mile for you like he was, made his heart sink. even more so when you nodded.
“i mean, yeah… but it’s not going well. at least not like it used to. i haven’t talked to him in over a week or so, since we had this major argument and i needed to catch a break from that behaviour.”
myung watched uneasily when you played with your fingers, trying to escape his gaze. “why didn’t you tell me that, dove?”
“i didn’t want to trouble you with my petty problems, jaehyun. you need to focus on the band and making it out of here.”
when finally your eyes met his dark ones, the musician felt his blood freeze for a second. there was something different in the way you were looking at him, something he wasn’t used to suddenly was making those marvellous eyes of yours look a thousand times more special than normal. myung jaehyun couldn’t tell right there and then — because he was petrified by his own tornado of thoughts and feelings — but your cheeks were burning with a pink shade of embarrassment, only it was because you didn’t really know what to say or do as this was the first time you met your best friend after admitting to yourself that those feelings of care and affection towards him were due to something a lot stronger than just friendship.
“c’mon, y/n… you could never trouble me, dove.” jaehyun chuckled and took your hands between his with such gentleness that your heart began to race faster than any race car. “i’m here for you, okay?”
the following couple of hours went flying by like those leaves in the wind outside the café. your mind was blank and your thoughts, numb, as you tried as hard as you could to not let it show just how confused you were with everything taking over your judgement towards that friendship. you were scared to ruin it and you were terrified of the idea of not having jaehyun around anymore because of something dumb or did or said; but at the same time, much like him although you didn’t know it, your heart ached just from imagining what it would be like if you jumped off that cliff and confessed your feelings.
before you even realised it, the both of you were outside. the hot coffee from before didn’t really do much to keep you from feeling a shiver down your spine as a stronger breeze hit you colder than the ones from before; instead, jaehyun’s embrace felt like a personal fireplace. you couldn’t help but smile with that comparison, but even more so when he asked if would like to see what the studio looked like — with such invitation, the myung hoped it would create a nice setting for him to show you the newest song he wrote. if destiny decided that was the last melody jaehyun were to play to you, then he would do so with an undying smile.
the place was a little dark: deeper shades of brown and grey all around the walls and furniture but the acoustic panels were black and the only form of lighting came either from the computer screens and mixing consoles or from the few led lights on the ceiling above you. it smelled like cigarettes and scented candles in there, but you were too mesmerized by the fact of being in a recording studio for the first time in your life to pay attention to such details. as for jaehyun, he thought the studio was too small, too simple for you to be this enchanted by it, but your excitement brought joy to his heart and it felt like this was heaven for him; you with him in the one place he worked so hard to make his dream come true was what life should be like. this felt natural, and he only prayed that after that night, it would truly be like that forever.
“do you like it, dove?” the brunette asked, biting his lower lip while playing with his ear piercings.
“it’s so cool, hyun! look at all this stuff! what does this button do?” with sparkling eyes, you sat by the mixing consoles and bombarded your friend with a thousand questions per second. laughing, he only shrugged and rested his weight on the headrest above you.
“i don’t really know. taesan knows more about this than i do, i just stick with the guitar.” liar. jaehyun loved to produce as well, but he didn’t want to sound cocky to you so he decided to hold his tongue.
before the boy could say anything to keep you from pressing any buttons you didn’t know what they were for, your finger gently hit one of those and it triggered a recording from the night before. jaehyun had forgotten about it, but before leaving the studio, he didn’t delete the recording of him playing the acoustic guitar and singing the first song he had ever written about you; as the words came out on the speakers, the shame and fear paralyzed him so badly the guitarist couldn’t even stop it from playing anymore. his eyes were closed shut and he didn’t see how a smile took over your lips, that grew with every note because your mind was interpreting the lyrics and you understood what the song was about.
butterflies started a rampage on your stomach and your hands covered your face out of shyness, but the reality was that you felt like the teen version of yourself all over again in a matter of minutes.
“it’s beautiful, jae” you whispered by the time the song ended and you tried as hard as you could not to cry. “tell me about it”
those big, brown eyes you knew like the palm of your hand now stared at you with a feeling you had never seen before. you could feel every breath that escaped your lungs, every beat of your heart pounding against your chest, and every droplet of sweat that ran down your temples like a mustang crossing the grasslands. the entire universe had stopped for that brief moment to watch what would become of these two best friends who were exhausted of hiding their true feelings for one another; with jaehyun’s eyes tracing every little inch of your angel-like face, the repeating recording in the background was nothing compared to the symphony of two unaware hearts colliding into each other. how could you know he felt this way? how come jaehyun never did anything to show you the love prints engraved inside his heart god knew how long? worse than that: why didn’t you see your own feelings before?
“i can’t… i’ve waited too long to say this and now i can’t. i can’t say it with you looking at me like that, dove.” he whispered back and with a trembling hand, touched your face with just his thumb, scared that the roughness on the skin of his hand could scar a perfect face like yours. tears were forming in his eyes as the frustration of being incapable of confessing everything to the love of his life consumed jaehyun on the inside.
“then i’ll say it first: i love you, myung jaehyun.”
caressing his puffy red cheeks, the loving words slipped out of your mouth with such ease it scared you for a quick moment but as you repeated them back to him like a mantra, bringing his face closer to yours every time you did, the weight that had been destroying your shoulders and crushing your heart for the past year was finally gone and all you could think of was how gentle of a soul the boy you fell in love with had.
“i’ve loved you since the very first day, dove… i’ve waited fifteen years to be honoured with the privilege of being the one holding your heart. i swear i won’t ever drop it. your heart is safe with me, your love is safe with me.”
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loaksbitch · 1 year
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imagine how the sully boys would react to your sudden death right after you both fought or had an argument? — i don’t know why i wrote this but i had to write the pain i’m going through.
warnings — mention of death, numb feelings, losing mate, blood mention, lmk if i have to add anything.
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“i’m so sorry” — jake sully
jake would instantly know something is wrong, that something has definitely happened to you. he would fly his ikran to where his friends had called him through the neck microphone, worry settling in him.
right the moment he lands to the ground, the na’vi’s that were covering your body opened a way for him. jake doesn’t say anything, looking at their eyes and questioning what was wrong. they only gave him a sad gaze, avoiding his eyes.
he could feel his knees weakening as he kept getting closer and closer. his heart raced, mind drifting to ugly thoughts.
jake let a small whimper out when your body came to view. he swallowed the pain on his throat, blinking the tears away. you’re laying on the floor, eyes closed and your sister next to you, holding onto your lifeless hand and crying.
she would look up to his standing figure, shaking her head and crying more. jake locked eyes with her before returning his gaze back to you. he was slow when he kneeled next to your body.
your lips were dry, no life in your face like there was minutes before you two argued and left him. jake bites on his inner cheek, pushing the threatening sob down to the pit of his chest.
the world shut down, the only source of light was your body in his mind. “baby.” he says, voice cracking and ears folding to his hair. you didn't answer him and it was breaking him. “c’mon, open your eyes.” he would brush his hand on the cold skin of your cheek.
“they shot her, they shot her when she was trying to save us.” your sister cried more.
jake told you not to do anything, at least not until he gave you an order but you were always stubborn. you always said no to things he told you not to do, you were the opposite.
jake closes his eyes, sneaking his arm under your head and pulling you to his body. he just wants to be close to you. he doesn’t say anything, the na’vi people watching him in concern when he just silently hugs you close to him.
you’re dead now, you’re no longer with him.
if only you heard him, if only you stopped being a stubborn brat and followed his orders. he still remembers how he yelled at you, telling you nothing you do will be worthy.
you just wanted him to know you can protect the people. your people.
jake softly cries, tears free from his eyes. “i’m sorry.” he would cry, holding you close like you’re the only oxygen he needed. “i’m so sorry, baby.” he cries. jake was never going to forgive himself after this. no, he just can’t live happily knowing he was somehow the reason that led you to your death.
“i’m sorry.” he would whisper as he kept crying.
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“she’s not answering me” — neteyam sully
you died protecting him.
neteyam won’t ever stop taking the blame, not when you died taking a bullet for him. everything was in a slow mo, you screaming his name and throwing yourself on top of him.
he felt your body fall on top of him, tumbling him down to the floor. he cursed under his breath, arms wrapped on your waist to prevent you from getting hurt. “shit.” from the corner of his eyes, he can see his brother shooting the enemies and killing them all at once.
once everything was silent, neteyam held onto your back, about to get you up but he was met with a warm liquid smearing over his fingers.
he brings his hand up to see blood all over his hand and instant panic hits him. “princess?” he tries to shake you but you’re not budging. he was fast to roll you over, him on top of you and calling your name.
you’re not answering and it was eating him alive.
“don’t play with me, pretty girl, c’mon.” he taps on your cheek, looking down to see the hole the bullet created from your side to your stomach. neteyam can sense lo’ak walking close to him and gasping when he sees the mess.
“lo’ak, she's not answering me.” the panic and pain was visible in neteyam’s voice. your eyes are closed, not breathing, it was driving your mate crazy. “LO’AK! SHE’S NOT OPENING HER EYES?!” he was in pain, cradling your face to his large hands and humming.
“c’mon baby, lo-look at me.” his breath hitches, tears blurring his vision. “please, eywa, no.” it was in a blink of an eye when he lost you, when neteyam lost you to a fucking bullet.
he doesn’t care how he was looking maniac in front of his family that got here now. he can’t live without you, it’s hard without you. nothing was worth it without you and you’re just gone like that.
neteyam won’t be able to live one moment with you no longer next to him. he can’t and won’t accept the fact you died protecting him.
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“i can’t lose you.” — lo’ak sully.
lo’ak knew the trouble he causes would make him pay consequences and he knew dragging you into his problems would cost him high prices.
he doesn’t even know how things turned dark so fast, how the sound of you giggling while you two hide in the bush from the skypeople shifted to where you’re now fighting for your life and whimpering in pain.
“hang on baby, we’re almost there.” he holds you close, trying to sit you straight and help you lean on his chest while he flies you both with his ikran.
the skypeople found you two and tried to get you, but lo’ak was fast enough to get you both out of there but what he didn’t know was you had been shot on your chest while he kept dragging you by your hand.
“lo’ak, i can’t breath.” your loincloth was soaked with your own blood. lo’ak let a cry out, pressing his hand to your chest and commanding his ikran to hurry. “no, try to breath, i can’t lose you.”
he knew he was going to lose you, he knows you’re gonna die sooner or later but lo’ak was in denial. your vision was blurry but you know you’re not far from the village now. but the sad thing was you know you don’t have much time.
you’re barely conscious when the ikran lands on the camp. lo’ak sliding down before bringing you down and securing his arms under your knee and back. you cough, metalic taste on your tongue. “lo’ak…” he heard you whisper but he only shushed you, telling you not to waste your energy.
“SOMEONE HELP! MY MATE IS DYING?!” you can hear him cry, your head lolling to his chest. he knew you didn't have much time, the blood you lost was too much and was smearing on both of your bodies, your vision suddenly turned white, something pulling you down in force.
lo’ak watches the na’vi’s gasp in shock, your weight now heavy on his hold. he was scared to look down, his heart in pain when he didn't feel you breathing. lo’ak sucks a deep breath and looks at you, taking your relaxed features.
his knees were weak, he was now kneeling and placing you on the ground. “no,” he silently whispers. lo’ak glances at your chest and it’s not moving, you’re not breathing and something in him breaks. “no, no, no.” you’re gone too soon.
his bloody large palm pressing on chest, trying to get your life back. “you just can’t leave, wake up.” he cries, shaking his head. lo’ak brings your blood smeared and lifeless hand to his cheek, trying to feel your warmth but nothing was there.
“open your eyes fr’me, look at me.” he hates how the people are watching him in sympathy, his mother’s voice getting closer. your eyes are open, staring on nothing when you’re being cradled to his arm. your blood was all over his face, hand, chest.
no one knows what happened, you two were laughing when you left for a flying date but now lo’ak is back with a lifeless body of a person who he saw his future with.
lo’ak keeps crying, having your body close to him and hissing when the na’vi’s try to take you away. he knew his actions will have consequences but on eywa he never thought you were the price he was costing.
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are we feeling okay? i need thoughts on this cause i can’t be the only one suffering now teehee ;D — like + reblogs are super appreciated!
i love each and every one of you sm! ** mwah
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ectoentity · 3 months
Ectoplasm Gives You Wings 0.?
Hey here's a scene that happened long before Danny showed up have fun
Here is the subscription post
Need to know concept:
When you're in a world where wings are associated with ghosts, you're gonna assume that coming back from the dead with wings means you have some unfinished business. Harley Quinn POV.
Ever since Joker died, Harley expected his killer would come after her. She hadn't been with him for a couple years, but that hardly made up for the shit she'd done while they were together. Really the only surprise was that they hadn’t killed her first as a warning to him.
So when she walked into her apartment kitchen to see a guy with huge wings wearing a red helmet, Harley wasn’t terribly surprised. Not about the break-in or the gun pointed at her, at least.
"How'd'ya manage to fit those things in here?" she asked. The guy didn't answer. The wings flexed like he wanted to open them, but there wasn't any room.
"Harley," the Red Hood said, sounding very intimidating with some kind of voice modulation. "You know why I’m here."
"I can make a guess, big guy," Harley said sadly. "Nothing I can do to change your mind?"
"You let it happen. You helped him. Why should you escape justice?"
"I did my time for most of it. And I spent the last couple a years trying to put him in the ground. That doesn't fit into your equation somehow?" She tried edging slowly to a shelf where she had a gun of her own. Red Hood noticed. He stepped forward and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.
"Did any of that bring back the innocent people you killed? The children you tortured?"
"Woah, woah, woah, time out. I never did anything like that to kids." Harley held her hands up in a T shape above Red Hood's fist. "I did some awful stuff I ain't proud of, but I never tortured kids."
"You didn't seem to care that he did."
Harley sighed and lowered her hands onto Red Hood's arm and tried to look into the eyes of his weird helmet. "What do you expect to happen here? You want me to beg until you feel satisfied? Sorry, buddy. Not really my style! I don't like a lotta what I did back then, but I can't fix it. I'm trying better now. If that's not good enough for ya, that's too bad."
The Red Hood didn't move for a moment. It was kind of creepy, if Harley was honest. He didn't say anything, he didn't twitch. Was the guy even breathing? It was always hard to talk to someone in a full face mask. There was no way to tell whether they were even listening. Contrary to popular belief, Harley didn't talk just to hear her own voice! Not often, at least.
The hand let go of her shirt. Harley pulled back to regain her balance, but she didn't relax just yet. There was still a big murderous birdman with a gun in her apartment. Even if he wasn't about to shoot her just now, he was still dangerous.
"Fucking hell," the guy said. He seemed to stagger backwards until one of his wings clipped the half-wall separating the kitchen from the living room. Then he leaned against the pillar heavily.
"Shit. You're right. This is pointless. Why am I here?"
Harley took her chance to grab her gun just in case, but Red Hood didn't seem to notice. She stared at him with suspicious, narrowed eyes. "Do you mean here in my apartment, or are you really having an existential crisis right now?"
"I'm not having a- Fuck. I guess I am." He held his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, Harls."
Well, that was an unusual nickname. It wasn't something she heard much outside of kids from the Bowery or Narrows. Most other kids in Gotham got swept up by their parents before they could talk to her.
"You lose somebody?" she asked softly, gun tucked in her pocket. "Sibling? A kid?"
Red Hood choked out a bitter laugh. "Myself." When Harley's eyebrows did a wild semaphore of emotion, the asshole deigned to explain. "He killed me. I... I came back. Figured, y'know, I must've been brought back for a reason, right?" He sunk down further against the pillar, the white tips of his mostly-black wings spreading across the floor like the fabric of a cape.
Damn, Harley thought. That made a fucked up amount of sense. "I can't really blame you for thinking that," she admitted. "The feathers a new fashion choice then?"
"You could say that. Shit." Red Hood reached up to the bottom of his helmet and depressed some trigger there. Harley heard a hiss of pressurization before it popped off the guy's head. The first thing she saw was black hair. That wasn't surprising. The surprising thing was when he leaned his head back against the pillar, revealing a young face and a shock of white hair in his bangs. Then he opened his eyes, and they were as blue as the sky.
"Hey kid? What did you say your name was?"
He took a devastatingly long time to respond.
"They called me Robin, once."
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
He Doesn't Deserve You | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter One
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Summary: Life didn't turn out the way you wanted. You got the guy, and the job but everything else you had ever wanted has been crumbling around you. Pairing: Noona reader x Jeon Jungkook (She's 28 and he's 22) Word Count: 2.1k~ Warnings: yändere, manipulation, domestic violence, self harm, cheating, explicit language, hints at smut, angst, idk what else lol a/n: Ahh thank you so much for all of the love so far on the intro and even all the notes on the masterlist hehe. I'm really loving the direction this story is going in so I hope you guys will too! And thanks again to @kkusadmirer for the request!
Opening my laptop I pull up the most recent edit I had done on the next chapter I was working on. 
I'm a writer, not an incredibly famous one but a writer nonetheless. I make enough to get by and I'm able to work from home so that's all I ever really wanted. Just a silly girl, writing her silly stories, living her silly life. 
But unfortunately things don't always turn out the way you want them to. 
I thought I had it all, perfect grades and a perfect boyfriend with a loving family and a bright bright future. Now looking back at it all and seeing all of the stuff in the background that I somehow missed just makes me feel foolish.
How could I not notice Taehyung wondering eye? Why did I not listen to what my friends used to say about him? Why did I leave all of my friends behind for him? 
Being so wrapped up and so in love with him I didn't even notice the fact that my family was falling apart. My mom cheated on my dad and I never knew until they told me they were getting a divorce.
While my brother was struggling in high school while being around all of their screaming and fighting and finally got committed to a mental institution when he had a psychotic break.
I never knew anything about that. It's not like I didn't care, but I just never really reached out or gave them enough time to reach out to me. 
I was always like 'Oh Tae just got home I have to go' or 'Tae is expecting me so I need to get going'. My world has revolved around him for so long that my family and friends feel like strangers. 
How could I have been so stupid and neglected them, all for one guy?
The one that I wanted to build a future with and promised to do the same with me. Now here I am, 24 with student loans up to my neck and a sorry excuse for a marriage with a husband that is never home. 
I don't know what I managed to do in my past life that ended up royally fucking me up in this one but I'm sorry. Why couldn't I have done better so I would be saved from having my spirit broken and my heart ripped to shreds. 
The only positive thing is that this has given me is the inspiration to come up with an even more fucked up series of books that has been my only source of income for the past few years. 
Years, wow. 
Thinking about how much time has passed and how things went to shit so quickly helped me continue down this downward spiral and I don't know how to make it stop. Although the sound of keys jingling outside the front door is my rude awakening, my brain knowing I need to be conscious of what may happen next.
 I quickly wipe off the tears that I didn't even realized had started to fall and clear my throat. Moments later I'm met with the sight of Taehyung walking in wearing the same shirt I had seen him in yesterday but sports a brand new hickey near the collar, just barely noticeable but he makes no effort to hide it. 
"Y/n" I hear him call out, breaking me out of my train of thought. "Yes?" I question, hating that I've been caught off guard even though I was staring right at him. "I asked if we have anything to eat" he says, making his way over to the refrigerator, now going to see if he can answer his own question before I'm even given another second to speak up. 
"Um yeah I think there's some left over pizza from last night" I say and get up to walk towards him. "So how was work yesterday?" I ask tentatively, still not sure what kind of mood he's in. "Exhausting but it is what it is I guess" he says while stuffing his face full of a cold slice of pepperoni pizza. 
I turn to walk away while nodding my head, not bothering to ask anything else since it seems from his vague answers that he's not in the mood to talk. 
"Hey" he says, gently grabbing my wrist with the hand that wasn't occupied with the pizza, leaving me frozen in place. I know better than to walk away from him. Even if he's not mad at the moment doesn't mean that he won't be in the next. 
"Where are you running off to?" he asks pulling me close by that same wrist. Still doing so carefully but pressing on the bruises that he had left there from the last fight we had. 
He sees my slight look of discomfort and how my vision is trained on the wrist he's still holding and rolls up my sleeve, taking a quick look and seeing the evidence of his past transgressions.
"It left a mark huh?" he says examining the spot further and then bringing it up to his face where he places a few featherlight kisses on it, making a flash of heat run through my system when he looks back up at me with those eyes.
Those bedroom eyes that never fail to put me in a trance. He lifts his hand up towards my face and I flinch not knowing what to expect and see him stopping for a second, surprised by my reaction.
"Don't be afraid baby, it's just me" he says and keeps going, hooking his finger on the collar of my turtleneck to pull it to the side, no doubt searching for other marks. 
"There's marks here too. I guess it's a good thing you stay home. Don't want to have to make up excuses for those now would you?" he says tapping under my chin twice, a slight lilt in his tone, enjoying my clear discomfort in showing them to someone, even if it's the person that's caused them.
"What did you do today baby?" he asks, letting go of me and going back to grab a few other things out of the fridge to complete his meal. "Oh you know, just some writing" I say, trailing off and giving him the same answer that I've given him time and time again. 
"You almost done with it?" he questions, only really asking so he knows when my next big payday will be. 
I shake my head "No, not yet. I think I'm only about halfway though" I say, giving simple answers to his simple questions. "Well you better get it out soon. I bet your readers are dying to know what happens next" he says giving me a quick wink before taking everything he has in his hands and carrying it over to the couch. 
"Do you think you could grab me a beer?" he asks, but I know it's more of a courtesy than anything phrasing it like I actually had an option. I respond with a quiet yeah and bring it over to him, placing it on the coffee table. 
"Thanks babe" he says and grabs a ahold of my hand and angles his head up, clearly asking for a kiss to which I oblige. Again something I don't really have an option in doing. "I missed you" he says and rubs his nose against mine cutely, or at least it used to be cute. Now it just makes me sad thinking of all of those times when we were happy.
"Are you gonna watch the game with me?" this time giving me something that I actually have a choice in. "I think I've got some more writing I'd like to do" I say and he nods his head not even bothering to look at me or give me a verbal sign of acknowledgment before turning on said game and slumping back into the couch to watch. 
I walk over to my desk that happens to unfortunately be in the living room so I'm forced to grab my headphones to drown out the sound so I can hopefully get another chapter or two in before I call it a night. 
"Baby" I hear him call for me through my headphones after some time, that's something that I've had to fine tune. Making sure I can hear him when he talks to me no matter what so it's one less thing I have to worry about him getting upset about. 
I pull out my headphones and turn my attention towards him, half expecting him to ask me to get him a beer. "Yes?" I reply, waiting to see what he needs. "Come here" he says holding his hand out to me and spreading his legs, showing me where he wants me. 
I get up and walk towards him, straddling him once I get close enough and putting my arms around his neck. "Hi" he says in a deep voice sending a shockwave through my nervous system. "Hi" I respond quietly, intimidated at the thought of what he might do next. "How was the game?" I ask tentatively, hoping for my own sake that there was a favorable result. 
"We won" he says, mindlessly tracing his hands up and down my curves. "How's your book?" he asks leaning into my neck, placing kisses over the bruises he had noticed from before. "
It's going" I whisper, starting to feel breathless from his warm breath fanning the sensitive parts of my skin. "Ready for a break?" he asks, question laced with a mischievous tone. I hum in acknowledgment, tilting my head to the side so he can have his fun.
"I'm gonna head out but I'll be back later" Taehyung says while getting dressed with me still laying there with only a sheet to cover my body. "You're leaving?" I question, knowing he just said that but hoping he'll give me some sort of explanation.
"The guys wanted to meet up for a couple of drinks to talk about the game. Get some rest okay? I'll be back in a few hours" he says planting a soft kiss on my lips and one on my forehead. 
I nod as he pulls the comforter over me as well, starting to already to drift off to sleep. "Stay safe" I mumble and flip over to the other side to try and get more comfortable.
He looks down at me for a second and chuckles at my fucked out and sleepy state before walking out of our bedroom and soon I'm left with the sound of him closing and locking the door behind him. 
Although this night was bittersweet I'm thankful that it ended up like this. He's not a selfish lover when it comes to sex so I'm always left sleepy and satisfied except for the times that he's more rough, rough is putting it lightly so I guess I should say when he's more violent. 
I hate thinking about those nights and I refuse to let those dark thoughts cloud this physical euphoric feeling I have but I can't help but worry about what he might actually be going out to do.
 Would having a drink with the guys really make him want to leave his naked and freshly fucked wife alone in his bed? I just don't get it. If he's already been with me tonight could there be a possibility that he would wake up in another woman's bed and leave me waking up alone again tomorrow?
There's no use worrying about it though. It's not like it hasn't happened before, but why do I always let it get to me? Yes he's my husband but our marriage isn't like other ones in anyway shape or form. I'm here when he wants or needs me and that's it. I'm not allowed to want or need him because I'm just left disappointed every single time.
He doesn't love me, he just loves what I can give him and I need to come to terms with that. But it's nights like these where he's gentle and whispers sweet nothings in my ear that make me second guess things. 
Maybe he's changed? Maybe he's realized what actually matters? And maybe I'm just getting my hopes up. I can't keep lying to myself but I don't know what else to do. I feel alone most days but these little glimmers of hope are what keep me holding on and unfortunately that's all I have left. 
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