#sorry I need to get my 2 cents in
1pepsiboy · 17 days
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but y’all need to calm the fuck down about their content/videos. What I think actually happened is they burned themselves out doing 2 vids and the pod every week for SO long. FOR YOU GUYS.
They could also be reeling back on vids cause of their personal projects/adventures. Should seriously give them a little grace. Especially since they want their brands to be so much more than “a YouTuber brand” and to be for everyone. It’s a lot of planning, production, marketing, etc.
Y’all need to stop putting them on these pedestals and whenever it seems like they’re not giving 100%, it’s the end of the world! “They’re not trying anymore”, “their content isn’t high quality”, etc.
It’s just kinda sickening tbh. Imagine if that was you in their position. You’d want your fans to have some compassion and understanding during a transition period. It’s honestly a lot to handle, especially from a creativity standpoint. It’s SO EASY to get burned out creatively. Also totally normal.
That’s it. Thanks for reading my rant🤙🏻
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roseworth · 10 months
the only people that say that comic books arent hard to get into are the people that have been reading them since they were a kid. and the only people that say that comic books are too hard to get into so you shouldnt try are the people that have never bothered opening a comic book.
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miirohs · 6 days
all yours, all mine [c.l.c]
pairing: Mob Boss!Charles Leclerc x Wife!Reader wc: 1.3k cw: again, slight yandere/possesive tendencies, allusion to abuse an: guys i am feeling uninspired lately,,,, needed to pull everything in me for this one. sigh. its 2 in the morning what am i doing with my life i need to sleep not be up to this bs GODDDDDDD strike me down.
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Charles knew you weren’t truly his wife.
He himself had shot his bride to be, too loud and too lecherous to realize how she’d met her end, bragging about killing him for his money in his club.
He thought that’d be the last of it, that their family wouldn’t be brave enough to show face again.
Yet, they became audacious, sending him a woman, a woman who was nothing like the bride he had seen. 
Hell, you didn’t even look the same as the other.
There was no way their family didn’t know by now that he was the one who killed their only daughter, yet he could only imagine this was their attempt at faking normalcy because he’d never seen his bride before, right?
He laughed, in all honesty. 
He could’ve played along, see what would’ve happened, and have been done with you by dinner if he wanted to. But part of him wanted you to show your true colors, to be able to kill the venomous woman hiding behind the veil.
That day never came though.
He was too baffled by the sight of you clinging to their sides, eyes down as you could barely keep up in the shoes slightly too big to be yours.
He pretended not to notice. 
At dinner he questioned you, much to your visible discomfort. He could see the glances you gave the other members of your supposed family, meekly responding back as they glared sharply at your head, only smiling when they noticed his stares. It didn’t take long for him to connect two and two.
It was there and then he’d made the awfully irrational decision to go forward with the marriage. He wanted to pull you out of your shell, see who you really were under the supposed mask you had on in front of everyone.
Your marriage was a grand affair, bosses from all around the globe visiting just to see the ceremony. He had refused to give in to their demands for a smaller wedding, going all out just for you.
And true to his word, he treated you with more respect than he’d ever cared to show anyone else. For him, hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks as he tried to pull you out of your shell.
It was a while before he got the first laugh out of you. He felt like he’d won everything when you gave him small smiles. He did everything to get them out of you. Showering you in lavish gifts, surprising you with expensive dates, it made him feel like he was finally doing something right. 
Seeing your full smile was what truly made it worth it, easing the pain of your time with your former family, if he could even call them that. 
He’d made sure to cut all contact with them, and he knew you were contacting them against his wishes, so he took it into his own hands to make sure they couldn’t bother you for a single cent again. He plotted behind your back and as sorry as he felt for lying to you, he paid for his guilt in consuming you with his neediness, wrapping you tightly from your waking moments almost as if you’d disappear forever if you left his field of vision.
You didn’t question it, but you couldn’t lie and say it didn’t startle you a bit.
He hummed as you gently ran your fingers through his hair, pit forming in your stomach as you heard him mutter in Italian on the phone, pen scratching against the paper of his notepad.
You heard the bare sentences of his conversation, too fast for you to understand, but you thought you had a good idea of what he was planning.
“Dovremo metterli a tacere (We'll have to silence them)-”
A couple heartbeats passed as he listened, your heart clenching almost painfully as you held the cuff of his suit jacket between your thumb and index finger. Maybe he had figured it out, maybe he was already plotting ways to dispose of you for tricking him in such a grievous manner. You hadn’t heard from the family in weeks, and it made you anxious.
“Non sono d'accordo? Bene, uccideteli (they won’t agree? fine, kill them).”
For a moment there, you didn’t see your husband, but the Devil of Monte Carlo.
He didn’t say anything, and you couldn’t bring yourself to, letting your hand slip away from his crown.
“Y/n? What happened?” He frowned, hand rubbing against the small of your back.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say it, words lying on the tip of your tongue as he cocked his head at you.
“It’s nothing.” You moved your hands away from his neck, balling into little fists in your lap.
“It’s not nothing,” He pressed, staring you down firmly despite the gentle tone of his voice. He knew you, almost too well.
“I… i don’t know how to tell you. You’re going to hate me if I do.” Your voice warbled out as he kissed you on the neck, too light and breezy to mean anything serious.
“Try me. You’d be surprised at how well I take things, and I'm not unreasonable.” Another kiss, leading up the column of your neck as you squealed at the feeling of his warm lips on cooled skin.
“Well, uh, i-” He bit down lightly, earning a soft smack from you in the back of the head, “-Char, what are you doing?”
“Trying to cheer you up.” He said, kissing on the spot he’d bit with an incomparable amount of gentleness.
“I just have something to tell you and i-”
“Is it important in any way that actively harms our lives?” He butt in, giving you a curious look.
“No, but-”
“Then I don't care.” He shrugged, placing a kiss on the corner of your mouth. You didn’t even know you could’ve gotten that loud, when you finally spit it out.
“I’m not your real wife, Char. I never was.”
He didn’t say anything, humming against the crown of your head as his hand snuck up your back and held you closer to him.
“Char, please.”
“I knew that, this isn’t new news.”
You held on, mouth gaping slightly.
“You… you knew this whole time, and you-”
“I deliberately didn’t tell you.” He scoffed, pulling your chin down to look at him. “I knew you’d run back to that so-called family that I did if I had told you. You barely trusted me, and it was their fault. So that’s why I'm going to make sure all of them take a nice long vacation.”
You couldn’t really feel the abject horror anymore, melting into sheer relief as you finally looked at him once more.
There was something about the way he looked at you, tantalizing and hypnotized almost.
‘But, aren’t you mad about me…?”
“Oh I was, I was furious.”
His lips ghosted over yours, the hint of a smile somewhere there.
“But they ended up giving me something all the more precious, something I couldn't replace. You know what that is, mon amour?”
You didn’t even have to say it, as he kissed you, lips smooth against your slightly chapped ones. The expensive perfume grew smaller, closer and closer to you as the space between you closed.
“I’ve done some unspeakable things.” He panted quietly against your lips, landing another soft kiss on the other corner. “But nothing as unspeakable as killing your so-called “family” this late in the game. Some part of me wishes i had done it earlier to spare you that grief.”
You didn’t respond but he continued nonetheless, hands wrapped around your waist to bring you closer to him .”Remember that you're mine and I'm all yours. I would do anything for you.”
And the worst part is, somewhere deep down, you knew it to be true. He was always yours, and you were always his. He'd made sure of it, and you weren't entirely complaining.
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defectivefanboy · 1 year
Hi darling! How are you? How have you been? Sorry for bothering, I wanted to request! You really write very well and keep up with the good work! So anyways.. Can I request smut for Alastor, Lucifer & Crimson reacting to their girlfriend wear a lingerie?
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day/night!!
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Imma go ahead and ignore that icky word that's in there and make it S/O because I want to write Alastor. Here is my request page for anyone who wants to in the future. Please take a read before you come into my inbox :D
Can I request smut for Alastor, Lucifer & Crimson reacting to their [REDACTED] wearing lingerie?
Overall notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and while I don't mind female readers on my blog/interacting, love my girlies, hey girlies~, but I do not write female reader, and if you are a fetishizer. fuck off??? ew. How would you even do that on an x reader???
C/W: NSFW topics, Each character will have their own respective warnings, Sexual content, duh, no pronouns used, Bottom! reader favored, Established relationships. OOC?, I mean this would never happen, so yeah ooc
Notes: the giggle I had to stop when I got to Alastor good god, but Lucifer was honestly the funniest and most enjoyable to write. I had a smile on my face the whole time
Crimson ♧︎...
C/W: Slight Voyeurism (mention of his right hand man Alessio), Degradation, he def has a sir kink, don't lie to me, mention of stealing/sugarbaby (hes an asshole) mention of stalkers? admirers?? idk he just mentions people leaving you gifts,
For being an old (mafia) man. He's not opposed to a little dress up
Only if its you though. He would NEVER
He would be into something with a little more class.
Never will his darling look like some 2 cent floozy
So none of that crotchless bull honky. While he wouldn't be mad at it, he would rather leave more to the imagination. Something to work for, y'know?
And he would certainly work for it.
You really wanna get him going? Accentuate your hips. That's something him and Moxxie can agree. They like their darling with a little bit of width~
If you are gonna wear something for him, you best put on a show while you're at it.
He waits to do business after dinner, so why not let him enjoy his meal
For an asshole he has some manners now
Always making you cum once or twice before even taking your outfit off.
It likes to wait before unwrapping his gift <3
But once he gets more accustom to your interest
He's definitely going to be the one buying you the set
well its his money that's being used, Al is the one who goes and picked them up. Poor baby...
"You're so needy, baby. But did you need to go and make yourself out to be a whore in the middle of a meeting?" Crimson said as he placed a hand on your waist. His desk might not be the most comfortable place, but it will do for now. It's not like he can ignore you when you got all dolled up for him.
"I don't remember buying this one. Alessio leaving you gifts now too?" His fingers slid under the thin fabric as you let out a soft whine before answering, "I got them,.. custom made, sir." you said, trying to steady your breathing as his hands wandered between your legs. You let out a yelp as he spreads your legs out more for himself.
"And where are you getting this money from, huh? Hope you're not stealing it from me, brat." He gives you a soft glare and a questioning look as his eyes scan over the fabric that covered you, before his spotted the embroidered 'C. Knolastname' on the front of the waist band. With his index finger and thumb, he hooked them around the band and traced the deigned. Crimson gives you a smirk and placed a kiss right under your belly button before moving down.
"Hmm... maybe i do have a use for that ring then after all, but i should repay this favor before hand. Right, (Y/n) Knolastname?"
Lucifer 𓅰...
C/W: light choking, another one with a superiority kink, mentions of god (he calls himself it), size kink for the fact I thought this man was like 5'8-10 come to look up his like 6'2-3, slight crack fic (because he wouldn't take anything seriously until truly needed, he giggles when you change in front of him, it's always a crack fic with him)
god how my perception of these characters have been warped
but he has most definitely bought you outfits before, probably the only one to go out of his way to get matching ones.
Even got a few custom ones made, you can always tell by the little duck embroidered somewhere on them.
He's game for anything you wanna wear. He isn't gonna stop you, if anything he's gonna encourage you to wear more.
He's helpless for you in such a pretty outfit and it's all for him?
He feels loved and he's sure to pay that back ten fold in the bedroom.
You might not allowed to be in heaven, but he can show you what it was like~
I maaay..be a bit delusional, but in private I feel like he's all giggly and shit.
Oh an he definitely was the first time you pulled this from your hat of tricks.
Almost a little to giggly i'd sat, to think the ruler of hell would be this flustered over an article of clothing is beyond me
But once he starts to become use to it. He starts to expect it. What? He is the king of Hell after all.
And he truly expects to be treated like one. (He's a brat when he doesn't get attention)
Be it sinner, hell-born, or even the 'perfect OC/that everyone loves who is half angel half devil/stronger then god/etc' he's gonna ask you one thing constantly...
"Please, my angel of death? Just one time, for me? Then i'll never ask again. Promise."
"I'm not wearing a duck tail while you fuck me. When- Where in hell did you even get these made?" you asked as you held up the pair of yellow lingerie with a duck tail sown on the back of the waist band.
"You shouldn't need to worry about that, my love. All you need to worry about is wearing them for me." He said with a light sigh and a shrug of his shoulders, a soft smile resting on his face.
"Again, I am not. fucking. wearing. them, you prick-!" As soon as you got the name out you felt yourself against the wall. The soft smile gone from Lucifer's face as a dark look pooled in his eyes, an unsettling stare never leaving yours. Before you could apologize, his hand wrapped around throat, his index finger pushed your face up to his as he spoke with a low voice.
Almost like that cheery devil was just a front...
"Oh, how far from grace you have fallen, my dear. Seems you already forgotten your god. But that's no trouble at all, for tonight..." His grip on your neck got tighter as he got closer to your ear and a sinister smile made itself at home upon his pale face. Y'know, you really only notice how big he is when he gets like this... oh that wasn't a complaint. Not when his presence alone encaged you against the wall, let alone the possessive grip that he had on you.
"I'll teach you how to praise my name once again."
Alastor 𐂂...
C/W: Teasing, sadly abo mention, WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME I AM RIGHT, blood mentions, possessive behaviors, light choking, mentions of cannabalism, duh, playing more into the abo, uhm, sniffing? idfk leave me alone its late. oh ft: a guest at the end.
Another man with class, just not as much. I mean, come on, he's still a sinner~
though when you present yourself to him in your outfit, he can't help, but raise a brow as he tried to keep down his smile at the sight.
Definitely a big tease, a BIG tease
Especially when you look so cute for him, squirming under his indifferent gaze. Oh how he wants to squeeze your cheeks and leave you begging for release~
He's also one for a game of cat and mouse.
so when you go out into town with him make sure to slip his favorite pair of lingerie under your clothes
And if you're one wear revealing clothes, then I hope you're ready for a possessive (and bloody) overlord, ad pray for anyone who thinks they can touch you, let alone come near you.
oh AND OHHHH wanna know how you really got him? How you really got to him??? When the static cuts out and that Louisiana drawl' comes out of him. (I would die. again.)
(If I say he has a rut would that be considered A/b/o? I mean he is a deer demon, same with other demons in a similar case)
for someone who normally has a distaste for touch that isn't initiated by him, He'll enjoy a night or two (on the rare occasion) where he lets you indulge yourself
though, do be careful now, he's a gentleman up and foremost, but he's not always a patient man at that. He's always willing to return the favor tenfold~
And if you already couldn't tell, he loves the color red, basically lives in it. So it's safe to it sets something off in him
be the cannibal in him, or maybe he just likes the color a little too much
but at the end of it you'll more marked up then a rough draft <3
"Bless your heart, Dear. Did you think I wouldn't notice... your little getup? His clawed fingers trailed your sides as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. His frame trapping you in your seat and god, would it be terrifying for any mere sinner in this position, if it wasn't for the playful twitch of his ear that told you otherwise. Someone was enjoying this more then he let on...
It wasn't the first time you had teased him in public, but it was the first time people really had the courage to come talk to you. To give the poor souls benefit of the doubt, you were just sat at the bar talking to husk. Though, you would also think the red pinstripe outfit and microphone that rested at your side gave itself away.
"And it seems i'm not the only one. Now, if I were to kill everyone in this god forsaken hotel. Whose fault would that be, hm?" A clawed hand made it's way around your throat as it softly pulled you back, letting him have full access to your neck. Burying his face in your neck, he took in a deep breathe as static radiated off him.
"Or maybe I should have you for a meal tonight. You do smell quite... appetizing, my darling. Such a shame I have to ruin that pretty little outfit of yours." Before you could even gasp a grumbling and angry voice rang out, bringing you both back into reality.
"Can you two not fuck at my bar please? You are just as bad as that damn spider."
"Oh of course Husker! We'll get out of your fur right now actually! Wasn't like these pathetic things were going to get a taste of you anyways."
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buckys-metal-arm · 29 days
The Man in the Mirror
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Bucky x GN!Reader
Description: When a bad nightmare leads to you finding Bucky in the bathroom with a pair of scissors in his hand, you offer to help him recognize himself in the mirror
Warnings: fluff and angst, Hurt/Comfort, haircuts, facial shaving, gratuitous use of pet names, Bucky’s trauma, HYDRA abuse/torture, mentions of blood, mentions of… forced haircuts I guess? I dunno if that’s a warning but there it is
A/N: I think we as a society need more “Bucky gets a haircut” fanfic in the world, so here’s my 2 cents
((18+ only below the cut please and thank you!!))
It was the scream that woke you up
You groggily reached your hand out to the other side of the bed, searching for Bucky’s warmth
 But it was  empty
You noticed the bathroom light was on, and had knocked on the door, calling out to him
When he didn’t respond, you had decided to let yourself in
“Baby, I’m gonna open the door, okay?” You called softly before opening the door.
You weren’t entirely sure what you expected to walk in on.
But a shattered bathroom mirror and your boyfriend leaned over the bathroom counter, his Vibranium hand gripping the marble, something clenched in his other was not one of them
“Oh my God, Bucky!” You quickly grabbed your slippers and slid them on, rushing to his side, “what happened?”
 You grabbed his right hand, removing what you now saw to be a pair of scissors as gently as possible
“Are you okay?” You began to search his body for injury, “Honey, what happened?”
Bucky didn’t respond.
His glassy eyes met yours, looking at you but not really seeing youYou took his face in both hands, leaning your forehead against his and gently stroking his cheekbones
“It’s alright, Baby,” you cooed, brushing his hair out of his eyes and tucking it behind his ear, “it’s okay, Bucky, you're safe, Sweet Boy…” 
His breathing slowly started to even out as you continued to hush him, slowly starting to come back to you.
 “Doll?” He asked in a quiet, broken voice that broke your heart.
 “I'm here, Honey,” you wrapped your arms around him, cradling his head against your shoulder, “I'm here, it's okay…” 
He’d sobbed into your neck as you held him, rocking him back and forth and rubbing his back
“It’s alright Sweetheart,” you’d cooed, pressing little kisses against his temple, “you’re alright, it’s okay…”
When he’d finally calmed down, Bucky told you about the nightmare that had sent him into this spiral, the vivid flashbacks of HYDRA’s torture
“It felt so fucking real, Doll.” Bucky’s voice shook. You hugged him a little closer, “they had these…taser things. Cattle prods, really. They– they would jam them into my sides for hours. And I swear I could feel it. When they decided they'd had their fun I felt them grab me by the hair and start dragging me, they used to do that a lot. I woke up before they could toss me into the Chair.”
“Oh… oh, Bucky,” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair, “oh, baby…”
“I tried not to think about it,” he whimpered, “I just went to go splash some water on my face, but when I looked in the mirror all I could see was the Soldier and I couldn't take it.”
He motioned to the scissors, “I tried to take care of it myself, but I couldn't stop fucking shaking.”
You hugged him close, “oh, Baby. I’m sorry…”
 “I just… I can’t keep my hair like this,” he said, hiding his face your neck, “I can’t keep seeing the Soldier every time I look in the fucking mirror.”
 “I know, Baby, I know,” you told him, “how about this, help me clean up the glass, and then I’ll cut your hair after, okay?”
 “I think I want to shave too,” Bucky replied, “could you…?”
“Of course, Honey.” 
Cleaning up the glass was quick, so you sent him to get the kitchen ready while you grabbed the supplies
 You found him in the kitchen, seated in a chair and twiddling his thumbs You kissed his cheek and draped an old towel around his shoulders, setting down the things in your hands. 
“I thought I could start by putting it in a ponytail and cutting the length off,” you explained, “then maybe trim the top and then clean it up with the clippers. Does that sound good?”
 He nodded, and you began to comb your fingers through his long locks, gathering it up to put in a hair tie. He hummed at the feeling of your hands in his hair. 
“Did I ever tell you about my first few decades at HYDRA?” Bucky asked as you finished the ponytail, his eyes not meeting yours.
 You shook your head, confused.
 “They shaved my head for a long time. Sanitary reasons. I didn’t really get a lot of chances to shower. It’s easier to keep your hair clean if you don’t have any,” his blue eyes focused on the ground, “I guess it was for medical reasons too. They always had things stuck on my head in the early days.”
Bucky took a deep, shaky breath.
“I hated it. They would always cut it before tossing me in the Chair,” he continued, “it felt like I was being fucking scalped. They had to hold me down, I fought them every time. ”
You wrapped him in a tight hug, “I’m sorry.”
“I’ve been letting my hair grow out because I couldn’t stand the idea of that again,” he murmured into your shirt, “bad memories and all.”
“I won’t hurt you,” you promised him, “I won’t ever hurt you. I promise Buck, you’re safe here.” 
“I know, Doll. I know,” Bucky took a deep breath,“we should get started. Before I lose my nerve.”
You nodded, straightening up and grabbing the scissors, “can I make the first cut?”
“Yeah,” he straightened up in the chair a bit, “Go ahead.”
He sucked in a breath as you carefully snipped off the chocolate colored ponytail, holding it out for him to see once it was off
“Good job, Sweetheart.” You smiled, “first cut’s done. Do you want to keep going?”
Bucky stared wide eyed at what you’d cut off, “I didn’t realize it had gotten this long… Uh, yeah. You can keep going.”
 You hummed and continued.
He was doing so good, keeping so still for you as you worked. 
“You’re doing so well, Honey. I’m so proud of you,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “I’m gonna use the clippers now, is that alright?”
 Bucky nodded, closing his eyes and resting his head against your stomach
He flinched away hard when he heard the clippers buzz on, despite your warning about the noise.
 When HYDRA had shaved him they’d used manual clippers, raking them along his skull with little care. 
It felt foolish, but on some level he’d forgotten those weren’t the standard anymore. 
You switched the device off immediately and rubbed his shoulder, trying to give him what little comfort you could
“You okay?”You asked, “talk to me, Bucky-Baby.”
“The…the…” he stammered, shifting on the seat, unable to articulate what was in his head.
That the buzzing was loud in his ears, bringing him back to a hand dragging him towards a room he knew too well, to metal clamping down on either side of his face and screaming as his mind was torn away from him. 
“The buzzing,” he finally forced out, “The Chair…”
You nodded, understanding.
 “You’re not back there,” you whispered, stepping in front of him and holding his face with both hands, “you’re home with me. I won’t hurt you, I won’t let anyone hurt you, Buck.”
Bucky nodded, taking a deep breath. 
“I know, I know you won’t,” he assured you, taking a deep breath and forcing himself to calm down, “just… just do it. I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m ready, I’m okay.”
You kept a hand on his shoulder, “okay Baby. Deep breath, okay?”
He obeyed, and you kept your free hand on him as you carefully cut away his soft hair.
“You’re doing so good, Sweet Boy,” you cooed as you gently trimmed his sideburns, Bucky tensing at how loud the buzzing was, “it’s alright, you’re alright…” 
You switched off the clippers once you’d finished, running your fingers through his shorn locks, loose bits of hair falling down his back and onto the tile.
 “There we go,” you stood in front of him, holding his face, “your hair is all done, Sweetheart. Do you still want to shave?” 
He nodded, and you grabbed his shaving cream.
You sat down on his lap and Bucky instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist
 You began to carefully rub the cream onto his face, planting a little peck to the tip of his nose, earning you a little smile.
 Once his face was sufficiently lathered, you grabbed his razor and smiled softly
“Ready?” You asked.
He nodded, and you began to carefully shave his face. 
Bucky was shocked by how gentle you were with him, moving his face as you needed with only the tips of your fingers and pressing little kisses to each patch of smooth skin that was revealed
Once you were done, you gently patted his face dry with a towel and applying his aftershave.
“Very handsome, Sweetheart.” You smiled, gently tilting his face from side to side, inspecting your work.
“You really think so?” Bucky asked with anxious eyes. 
“Of course I think so. Why don’t you take a look?”
The mirror is still broken so you held your phone up with the camera opening, allowing him to see himself.
You watched him examine his new look
 He chewed his lip, staring at the short hair, the clean-shaven face.
“What do you see, Buck?” You asked, his silence making you nervous.
“I… I see me…” his right hand reached up and touched his own cheek, “I see me…”
You smiled softly, cupping his face and lightly stroking his smooth skin, “you look so good, baby.” 
Bucky hugged you tightly to him, and you leaned your head against his collarbone.
“Thank you,” he murmured into your hair, “thank you so much.”
“Any time, Buck.” You stood up, taking his hand, “c’mon, Honey, why don’t we get you some rest?”
 “But what about the mess?”
“It’ll still be there in the morning.”
You guided him back to your bed and pulled him into your arms, his head on your chest.
 You ran your fingers through his hair, so much shorter but still just as soft.
Bucky smiled softly up at you, and you cupped his cheek 
“I’ll miss the beard a bit, I’ll be honest,” you murmured, stroking your thumb along his cheekbone.
“Thought you might,” Bucky chuckled, remembering how often you touched his scruffy cheeks, “maybe I’ll let some stubble grow in, give you something to run your hand over.”
“I’ll love you no matter what you do. You’ll always be the most handsome man in the room to me,” you kissed his lips softly.
“Thank you,” he whispered when you pulled back, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles, “for helping me look like me again.” 
You smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he settled back down in your arms.
“Of course, Bucky.”
A/N: this guy might get pulled and edited/rewritten at some point. I'm not sure how I feel about it quite yet, I feel like there's a lot unnecessary stuff in here. I dunno, we'll see what the reception is. I hope you enjoyed 💜💙
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callmegaith · 10 months
The only thing ineffable bureaucracy showed me is how hyper focused this fanbase is at seeing one thing and one thing only and everything else is a result of that one thing
1) no, Beelzebub and Gabriel are not a straight couple. Nor is Crowley and Aziraphale a gay couple. Stop the non-binary erasure or go outside and talk to an actual non-binary person cuz clearly you have no clue what non-binary is "they're straight presenting" wtf? If you think that please give me your name so I can block you. Cis people, I fucking swear.
Reminder that Beelz used they/them pronouns btw. Sorry that Beelzebub doesn't "pass" for you, it doesn't make them any less non-binary. Not to mention it was stated and already IS CANON that none of them have genders. They're god damn demons and angels, bruh.
2) "it's Gabriel's and Beelz's fault that ineffable husbands didn't get their happy ending": no. It's their own damn fault for not communicating and Aziraphale's inability to accept Crowley as he is. Gabriel and Beelzebub put each other first. Y'all sound salty as hell cuz two people managed to work their relationship out and yours didn't work out. "But if they didn't get together---" y'all really saying shit like this??? Do you hear yourself? That's so sad. Wishing for the doom of one LGBTQ+ ship cuz the other fucked themselves over. THEY CAN BOTH CO-EXIST. And you know what? They will. Cuz Ineffable husbands is clearly canon, the story just wants time with them cuz they're the main characters, not like Beelz and Gabriel who were side characters so had their story summarized.
3) "that should have been ineffable husbands" no, cuz Crowley and Aziraphale aren't Gabriel and Beelzebub. They're different characters with different backgrounds, personalities, relationship structure, and different relationship dynamic in general. They'll get together in a way that fits THEM. And that way requires ups and downs that makes them finally understand that they're perfect for each other without the need for either of them to change.
4) Gabriel was such an asshole wish Crowley got his revenge and--- bla bla BLA : Crowley was happy for them. You hold a grudge over Gabriel that Crowley himself doesn't. Y'all worse than a literal demon. Smh.
Be happy for what we got and look forward to the future where ineffable husbands will certainly become canon and it'll be worth the wait. Don't tear down the LGBTQ+ presentation we got just cuz the main ship didn't get the limelight THIS TIME.
Let things cook, that's how writing WORKS.
But I'm just an Agender demi person and tbh? I would prefer if things took their time.
I love both ships a lot but I'm not gonna hold pitchforks over one ship getting a happy end and one still developing. Come next season, that happy end for Gaberiel and Beelzebub might not last. We DONT KNOW. Do we really need to sacrifice one for the other? Why can't we be happy to have both?
Just really think the vibe of the fanbase rn fuckin SUCKS and I'm not enjoying trying to go through the ineffable bureaucracy tag and seeing people complaining about how it should have been ineffable husbands or how it's their fault.
Okay? Alright.
After this imma start blocking ppl I swear. Just had to throw in my two cents.
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bloodyodyssey · 1 month
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COMM POST IS BACK UP YAYYYY 🎉🎉🎉 This time with up to 8 slots at a time, 3 for busts, 3 for half body, and 2 for full body! Each listing also allows for up to one extra character to be added on at half price!
***If you don't want to commission me that's also fine i'd apreciate just a regular kofi dono or just sharing this around bc my finances are maybe extremely worrying right now. i will also be considering opening a google doc or some other order form to allow payments via cashapp. Anyways heres a general breakdown of the pricing system and my will's/wont's under the cut:
So how do I (you, the buyer) choose what I want?
SO when you open up the request form it should look something like this!
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We're using the bust order as our example here. At its base price, $15, it is set for the black and white option. If this is what you would like, then you don't have to worry about the add ons at all and you go straight to submitting your request! Now, if you're choosing add ons, it'll look something like these:
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The first would be an example of an order of a flat color bust + an extra character bust with flat coloring as well. The color option adds the extra $10 (to match the listed price on the poster for $25), and the extra character with flat coloring adds half of that $25 to the order (well a little less bc i knocked off the .50 cents) which is why it comes out to $37.
The second would be an example of a black and white bust order with an added black and white bust character. This just adds an extra $7 to the price totaling $22.
What will you (the artist, me Brutus) draw?
If you want me to draw your oc or fanart of your favorite character I GOT U!!!
I'm also comfortable drawing blood and gore though I'll have to keep it on the lighter side (I enjoy blood if it isnt obvious by my url though so depending on what you want we might be able to go a little further with that).
I can do characters with armor as well, however I will require a reference of some sort from you, the client, as I'm frankly not going to attempt armor off the dome. I won't design armor myself either.
Pinups (not full nsfw due to how much of a struggle it is to navigate different site policies) and other suggestive works are also a-ok! a tity does not bother me if that wasn't made clear by my commission card 👍🏽
What will you (the artist, me Brutus) NOT draw?
Im not comfortable trying to draw real people as of right now sorry! I'd hate to mess that up and have somebody clown me for messing up their beloved's features so that is off the table right now but it's subject to change.
I also won't do furry/anthro just because that isn't my forte as I haven't practiced drawing animalistic characters. There r plenty of talented furry artists for you to choose from and I could talk to someone to guide you to a few
(I can do more humanoid fantasy characters however. like mermaids, satyrs, etc)
More extreme gore and body horror is also off the table.
I may love mecha but as it is like armor and a bit more extreme, I'm not drawing it sorry. And also as stated above I'm not drawing armor regardless without a good reference.
Certain fandoms are a no-go for me due to my own comfort. A quick list would be: mogeko games, omori, south park, hetalia, attack on titan, mcyt, hazbin hotel/helluva boss. if you're not sure just ask!
I reserve the right to decline any comission request for any reason. Getting paid is nice but my comfort is nicer yknow.
And that should cover everything! If you still need to ask me anything, my main is @odysseys-blood (since you cant recieve messages on a side blog). Thank you so much for reading and a little extra thank you if you decide to commission me ❤️
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redsaurrce · 1 year
LOVE SHOT - Dose 2 <remember your promise>
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synopsis 💉 Where jk becomes the part of an experiment where he wasn't supposed to take the love shot but ends up taking it in high dose and gets obsessed with yn by mistake
pairing 💉 YANDERE Scientist!jeon jungkook x Scientist!fem reader
genre 💉 scientist!au
word count 💉 1,132
warnings 💉 mouth sucking, profanity
taglist 💉 @aajjks @effielumiere @dearsullix @canarystwin @yourslut16 @imwithurmother @perfectlyfangirling @pnibts @bloodline1632 @hopeonysus @roundedreluv12 @jub-jub @maqsxi @kooscameras @jungkooksleftbigtoe13 @thatblena @yawnyanii @viridiphile @milkxgukk @outro-kook @puppiliciouslove @mata0-0mata @pk-jimin @jungchanie @ziraspells @twisted-loved @lunaofsun @inlovewithallmusic @sassyfoxunknown @teugiie @hsaranghoe @jjhmk @mryuyux @xxoverthinkerxx @fandems @hollyverday @ohmygodddsblog @fly-on-the-wall @lookformyvoice @slutforwwh @shakashakaa @meikoo @emochicksasukeee @dearly-somber
@mymomsaid-no @madnesstaking0ver @miyoung23 @outofst1le @jiminstreble @kanvis @k3lynn @imagine-this-motherfucker @dontcallmeelle @jkbabiey @1-in-abillion @bangmechanpls @uarmyhore @devils-blackrose @hrndez2008 @azur3s @erennjim @cherryunie @vynmin @fragmentof-indifference
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Shin-won had left to attend the lab results meanwhile you fidgeted while sitting next to Jungkook.
Damn this is getting awkward.
Jungkook cleared his throat, "Um.. about earlier.."
"Hm?" You looked at him in anticipation.
"Uh., it wasn't my intention to react to your touch- I- I MEAN.. ugh" Jungkook immediately buried his face in his palms, "I'm sorry." He sighed.
"Well.." You scratched the nape of your neck, "It wasn’t really your fault, I understand." You said in a tone which was a mix of awkwardness, sympathy and uncertainty.
Jungkook removed the hands from his face and looked at you, "You sure are not pissed at me? I mean... I'm just saying, what.. if.. it happens again? What should i do?" He asked you with worry swimming in his orbs.
You shook your head, "i dont know.. Ah! Why dont I consult the chief about this?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "You think he'll help us? I highly doubt that.. still, there's no harm in asking anyway!"
You rolled your eyes, "Again with your daily slander about the chief, anyways i'm calling."
You fished out your phone from the pocket and dialed your chief's number.
"Hello chief?"
"Yes Y/N, how's your experiment going on?" Oh great, he's enthusiastic about it, he'll surely give his two cents of advice.. or so you thought.
"Uh.. well.. we've actually encountered a crisis so hoped if you-"
"Y/N sweetieee... if youve encountered a crisis, you ought solve it, not call me!"
"But I-"
"Y/N you're my most trusted junior, if there's a problem then I firmly believe that you'll definitely succeed in overcoming it. Now now I'm getting late for a seminar, update me when you're ready with a sample."
And he cut the call before you could say anything further.
You scoffed, "Hah?" You were baffled totally! "Look at him, not even bothered to listen! No wonder his wife doesn't love him-" You stopped as soon as you realised who was sitting next to you.
Jungkook who kept looking at you in amusement burst into a fit of laughter, "And I thought someone had a problem with me slandering the chief."
You looked at the smug smile on his face which made you poke your tongue inside your cheeks, "Fine I admit! He really deserves the slander."
You sighed and cracked your knuckles, "About the problem we have at hand, it's best that I keep monitoring you.. and.. uh.. maybe.." You hissed, "Maybe I can continue to help you with.. that.. yeah." You bit your lip while thinking about the possible consequences.
"You said it yourself Y/N, don't back out later." He said, his voice turning serious all of a sudden.
Why he did he become serious all of a sudden? Why... Did he feel he was in danger? Does he not trust you enough that he needs a solid answer from you?
You gulped, "Yeah, I know I said that and I'll remember it. I only want the best for you and--" You paused as soon as you looked at sweat forming on Jungkook's head, you contorted your eyebrows, is it repeating again?
"And- and.. what?" Jungkook said while lightly panting, he clearly looked uncomfortable yet he didn't utter a single word of help.
"Jungkook you don't look okay?" Yes he didn't, and it clearly looked that he was feeling dizzy.
"Jungkook you need my help right???"
"Ah- ah.. I .. ah.." He was gasping for air now with his right hand hitting his chest.
Of course Y/N he clearly needs your help, it was an emergency!
You sensed that and quickly kept your hand on his forehead.. To your surprise, nothing really happened.
"Y- Y/N I ca- can't... ahh... breath.. ahhh" Your eyes went wide and you didn't know what to do, you didn't even have any inhaler in your house and buying one and coming back is too risky for he might die in that time.
You kept your hand on his chest, "Jungkook, my touch isn't working I don't know what to do!" You were panicking, completely.
Jungkook looked at you in daze and before you could do anything, he latched his lips onto yours. You were taken aback and was about to punch him on instinct until you realised what he was doing.
He was sucking the air out from you.
So you tried to keep on helping him with breathing in air from your nose and him sucking it out from your mouth.
After a few minutes it seemed that he could finally breathe on his own so he detached his mouth from yours.
You were still facing in his direction trying to process what both of you just did while he let himself sink in the sofa and stared at the ceiling.
"Ah.. it feels much better now, thought I was going to die or something." He said and closed his eyes peacefully, suddenly the image of your lips appeared before his eyes. He slowly opened his eyes and touched his lips with his forefinger.
He felt a throbbing inside his pants.
Unnoticed by you, Jungkook had a slight smirk on him which he quickly hid the next second.
He turned towards you and called out your name, "Y/N!"
"Yes, what is it?" You asked him.
"Is.." He tilted his head and continued, "the antidote even working?"
You had no answer, all you could do now is to pray for it to work ASAP.
"I failed as a scientist, didn't I?" You said while feeling ashamed of yourself, "None of this would've happened if I didn't present the idea of making this shot that day, you wouldn't have suffered like this and---"
"Hushh!" Jungkook shut you up while placing his forefinger on your lips, "I and Shin-won are together in this with you since the very beginning so don't you dare say it was you who caused all of this."
Of course Jungkook knew it was his own fault for taking the dose triple the safe limit but he won't say that aloud just yet, because he had other plans in his mind.
He slowly rubbed your lower lip with his thumb and then spoke, "You are not a bad scientist as long as you keep your promise of continuing to help me. You didn't forget it just yet, did you?"
Jungkook didn't really do anything bad yet why did you shiver at his question?
You grew pale as you didn't know what was waiting for you ahead.
They say that a man fears darkness is because he can't see, he fears what he can't see and doesn't know what lies there in the unknown, he fears that what he can't see may harbour something deadly.
Which was exactly what your future looked like with him to you.
EHE BOYY YAN!JK IS FINALLY SEEING HIS AWAKENING JAJKJAKJKAKASKJ ALSO SMUT IN NEXT CHAP HAKAJSKJASKJ stay tuned ;) <33 alsooo the responses for dose 1 really caught me off guard ughhh ily guys sm 😭😭💟 may ur pillows be cold tonight!! Mwahh
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rojacatmisa · 1 month
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Starting over In Madrid
Chapter 3 : Calmly panicking 
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
Chapter 1 ➤ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➤ Clearly on a bad slope
Holà, this is chapter 3. Not sure about the trigger warnings but I don't think it needs one. I think the way I want to tell my story works better by leaving some suspense. Let's say it's a slow burn and obviously and they will make out one day, so at a time there will be some explicit but not crude scenes.
Reminder : I'm french. Don't hesitate to tell me if there there's very strange sentences or things you don't get. Sorry I hope to get better by writing.  
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"That one’s actually very good, Hayley !" The camera screen displayed the goalkeeper in the air, her jumping body suspended as she grabbed the ball in her gloves. Droplets of sweat nimbed her forehead and spread all around her. Her thick brows were frowned in the effort. In addition to her beauty, what made the photo stood out was the technically tricky to capture action of Misa s’moving body. 
Things were surprisingly going well at the Ciudad. Nothing had changed between Misa and I and as I was getting very fond of my job so I had commited for it to stay that way. We were having photo lessons almost every day after training sessions, occasionally joined by the northern girls Sofie, Freja and Caroline. But most of the time, it was the three of us that sat in a pitch corner, talking for hours until the staff would finally kicked us out of the stadium. 
"Thanks Nicky! I’m thinking about buying a camera, I love photography for real!." Boasted Hayley. 
"You should, teacher says you’re ready". Hayley had indeed proven herself an implicated student. She had applied my technical advices but she had also been willing to experiment on her own. As a result, she showed a taste for moving models and lights effects. Sometimes she would take neat actions with sharp details, sometime she’d rather set the presets to create blurry scenes where the bodies outlines melted in the background. 
As to Misa… well Misa’s photos were Misa’s. She was having a hard time to concentrate and her taste level was really questionnable. She would put too much grain or contrast. Every shots were oddly framed. When I tried to guide her toward subtler artistic choices, she had said "Pero me gusta el efecto !" or "Vale Nicky, but I am the artist" with her now well known over the top manners. Misa was much: pretty, athletic, funny, goofy… and stubborn. She was doing everything at a hundred per cent, perhaps except listening.
So, I was rather irritated when she sat on the grass, ostentatiously sulking because I had not complimented her own work. Hayley, of course, wasn’t helping. "Maria Isabel hasn’t done her homework but wants to be praised!". 
"I did but teacher doesn’t like me !" She moaned. 
"Maria Isabel should be in detention." I said calmly. 
"Por qué !? No !" She shot me an offended look and grumpily crossed her arms on her chest. 
"Porque no escuchas nada and teacher is fed up." I was clearly enjoying myself at teasing Misa with the most calm. 
"You don’t like my style, that’s all." She laid on her back, arms still crossed. Hayley walked over her, bent and angled the camera into her face and started taking pictures of the moody girl. "It’s because you don’t have one sweetie" She said. Misa opened her mouth wide, outraged. She rolled over on her belly, hiding her face from Hayley unceasing photoshoot. "Come on Misa! I’m sure you can do better, you’re not even trying!" 
"I may have one last idea to help Misa get it…"Both head turned to me." There is a photo exhibit at Matadero Art Center just now. Maybe we should give it a try. And Misa will find what she likes." 
"That would be great !" Said Hayley. She had stopped taking pictures and was now sat besides the goalkeeper. Misa moved to the side. "I already know what I like" she said frowning. We stared at her, eyebrows raised. "All right, we’ll go to your museo…". She sat up still pouting. "But before…" She stood up and reached out to me with an incredible speed. She easily heaved me in her arms and had me laying on my back before I got to know what was happening. "Misaaaa what the fuck ?!"
Misa, on all four over me, smirked and pined me to the ground with her strong hands. "Let’s switch roles ! Hayley come over and take some silly photos of Nicky for a change !" I was laughing hard and… getting aroused by Misa topping me. Her firms grasp and her weight were burying my hands into the grass. A naughty smile appeared on her beautiful face. "Let me go !" I shouted. I was breathing hard from struggle against her and from growing frankly excited. Hayley clicked madly on the camera trigger. She couldn’t see Misa’s penetrating gaze. Was it me or was she breathing harder too while keeping me lying down didn’t seem to cost her in the slightest? I closed my eyelid, too aware of the lens focused on me to look Misa in the eyes. Too turned on by everything that was going on… appart from the oppressing clicking noise and Hayley’s presence. 
"I think we’re good and that it will be ugly, I promise" I heard Hayley. I felt the pression of Misa’s hands disappeared. I opened my eyes to find she had straighten up. Her legs on each side of my waist, she was peering down at me intensely. "I think you deserved that" she said, satisfied. 
"I don’t think I deserved that much" I responded, catching my breath. 
"You two, go get a room it’s becoming embarrassing ! Cuidad is closing, we have to leave". I had almost forgotten Hayley. Her voice was taking me back to reality. We both smiled nervously. 
Misa got up, held out her hands to help me standing. As I took them she pulled me a bit too strongly, I lost balance and landed against her. My mouth touched the base of her neck only a second. She smelled a mix of sweat and perfume. She steadied me in her arms an instant. "I just saved the teacher, does it mean I’m no longer in detention ?" She released me. She hadn’t lost her smirk. 
I composed myself again and took my authoritarian tone at once. "You are grounded for a month, both of you ! And in detention at the museum without question!"  
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I called Angela on the evening. I felt the urged to talk. Not especially about me. I just wanted to feel the connection with my best mate again but surely the conversation topic went on my new footballer friends. 
"… and you’ve given them photo lessons almost every day ? Wow, Nicky I didn’t know you had that kind of patience !" 
"How you would you know Angela, Madrid is changing me. I am a much more sensible and patiente personne." 
"Still hard to believe… Anyway, I’m glad you hang with them. I like this Hayley, fuck the clause I would have seen you getting together. She has a sensitive fiber like you and seems fun !"
"humm, no Hayley’s a friend." I was laying down in my bed, calling Angela for at least an hour and a half now. I pictured Hayley in my mind. In derry, she was the total package and the two of us were really getting along well. But as pretty as she was, I wasn’t attracted by her. I was, despite all my efforts, always caught up with my attraction to Misa. Her poor photographer skills and moody behavior were so endearing to me and I felt more and more charmed by the goalkeeper’s whole personality. 
"Nicky are you there ?" I didn’t realized I had stopped listening. 
"Sorry ? What ?" 
"I was saying I admire you, just being friend with such hotties ! I couldn’t !
"Yeah, incredible right ?! I closed my eyes, I was sure Angela had heard the nervousness of my tone.  
"Oh no Nicky! Which one ?!" I smiled. It felt good she knew me so well.
"You won’t believe me…" 
"Spit it out !"
"It’s Misa…" I was gazing at the celling, my absent smile widened as I spoke her name. 
"Misa?? But she seems… I mean you don’t seem to have a lot in common."
"I know, anyway I shouldn’t even think about it…"
"But you do… ?" 
I heavily sighed. Misa’s smirking face appeared in front of my eyes. "Yes… but I also think about the clause, the fact that I’m bound to it, that my working visa depends on this job that I love, and so is my lease…"
"Ok ok Nicky it’s alright, calm down. You’re finding a girl cute, what a big deal? You’re at least allowed that ! You are not doing anything wrong, you’re not doing anything at all, relax !" 
"You’re right" As usual, Angela had found the words to reassure me. "But still, fucking clause !" I sweared. 
"Fucking clause…" echoed Angela. 
I received a message from Hayley on the morning before the exhibition visit. 
My family are paying me a surprise visit just now. They came from Sidney I had no idea !!! This is crazy sorry for the museum I really wanted to go but I’ll spend the day with them. Im so happy 
I answered it was ok and to enjoy her family time. Then I texted Misa. 
"Hayley’s family’s just showed up and she can’t come. Do you still wanna go ?"
Misa’s text bubble appeared and disappeared a few times leaving me wondering what answer I was wishing for. 
"Do I have the choice ? I thought it was my punishment…" 
I grined, loving her playful side. Or was she … flirting ? 
"You’re right but teacher would rather you go to your detention willingly." 
"huh teacher wants a lot. What else teacher wants from me ?" 
I gasped. She was flirting ! My mind ran wild, imagining the numerous things I craved from Misa. I breathed out deeply, tried to focus again as I pictured myself fiery kissing her. I had to take control of my brain again. I had to bury the surging wave of desire I felt at the simple idea of Misa wishing to give me what I wanted. 
"Teacher wants you to have a good time" was the most diplomatic and sober answer I could come up with. I quickly added "See you then" to put a stop to that dangerous conversation. 
"I’d say let’s see what’s going to happen. See you Nicky"
Wow, she was going for real ! How the hell was I going to survive the afternoon ?! 
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I was gulping down hard when I joined Misa at the entrance of Matadero Arts Center of Madrid. I felt so tensed when we hugged but Misa appeared to be her usual self. Once again, she gave no sign that something was going on between us and once again I wondered if I hadn’t misjudged her intentions. 
We headed inside. The center was formed by many huge bricked houses which happened to be old slaughterhouses. None of the previous gloomy functions of the place has remained, it was now very pleasant to walk in the large aisles between the red buildings. In the middle of the afternoon, the sun was knocking hard on our heads. Misa was looking all around us, her hand above her dazzled eyes. "It’s a shame I’ve never been there before, living all these years in Madrid" 
We reached the exhibition hall a few minutes later. I bought the tickets. Misa was following me closely. She clearly wasn’t in her element as we moved forward inside the vast hall. The exhibition was called "Deportes: fotografía en movimiento" and shown various approaches of taking picture of athletes. I was surprised to see Misa very focused. She looked at each photo, paused a long time when she seemed interested or intrigued by something. 
"Misa, look at this one" The framed picture was showing gymnasts doing incredible acrobatic tricks. "Look at the geometric composition, that's what I was trying to explain about framing." Misa shook her head with enthusiasm. "I think I get it now, yes. But I have found what I want to do." 
She took my hand and led me to a more hidden corner where another series of photos were displayed on the walls. "Wait, what ?" I let out. There were cats and dogs on every pictures, and even a baby pig. "They are the athlete’s pets" She said happily. She hasn’t let go of my hand. "I think I want to photograph animals, or nature." She came to face me with the cutest smile, and thought I had severe doubts this was going to help Misa progress technically, I replied "Yes! Ok! Let’s give a try on naturalistic photography!". 
She smiled more widely, her hand still in mine, and her fingers softly stroked my palm while she loosened her grip. I started to panic. Her lips wore a more discreet smile as she watched me unsurely. She took a step forward. I had to react quickly but I didn’t want her to feel rejected. 
"Come on, I’m taking you to the park along the river. There is plenty of birds and plants for you to shoot." I grasped her hand back to take us out of the hall and out of the prickly situation. 
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However, as we arrived at the park, I realized I had put myself in an even more perilous condition. The sun was setting. A light breeze was blowing in the trees. Birds were melodiously twitting nearby. An empty bench shield from the view was waiting for us at the end of a very lovely flowery path. I tried hard not to look at Misa. She was walking close to me, unusually quiet. I dared to take a look at her. She caught my side-eye and a shy smile appeared on her lips. What did I do? She was probably getting all wrong, imagining I had picked such a romantic place on purpose! 
We reached the oh so welcoming bench. None of us spoke as we sat. I starred at the distance. I was feeling my heart pounding hard in my chest. Misa was looking at her laps, timid all of a sudden. I had to say something. 
"You should try to shoot those flowers for a start" I tried as a diversion. "The red and bleu ones that look like the Barça kit. See, I’ve learnt about football." I added wanting to diminish the growing tension. "Oh no Barça please…" She rubbed a hand across her face. I had clearly said the wrong thing. 
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you" I put my hand on her shoulder. Her long hair was partially hiding her face. "Do… do you want to talk about it ?" I said hesitantly. She tensed. 
"You don’t know about the Clasico. We keep loosing against them every times and honestly, I’m used to it. It’s ok even though I’m doing my best but…" her voice trailed down as she took a deep breath. "Next Clasico is one week away and that’s the finale of the Copa de la Reina." She lifted her head to look me in the eyes. "I don’t know if I can take the pressure this time..." She was talking so openly to me. The fierce and funny goalkeeper was allowing her unsecured part to finally surface. And that was when I realized I cared for her. 
I took Misa into a hug. She sighed and buried her face in my neck. "You can do it Misa. I don’t know you for very long but I am certain that you can." She stayed there, her heavy breathing gently blowing my hair. "I really want to win!" She almost cried. "We keep doing better but we haven’t won any Spanish championship! Quiero ganar ostia!" She lifted her head again and I stopped hugging her. I was glad to see a frustrated grin back on her face. "You can do it! Hala Madrid! I feel part of the family now." I genuinely said to boost her up. She let out a soft laugh and ran her fingers through her hair. She took my hand again. "Gracias" she muttered. Her brown eyes found mine again. Her expression was so soft at this very moment. Her gaze went down to my mouth. I wanted to kiss her so bad. Her slightly parted lips quivered. My chest was about to explode as I slowly moved my face closer to hers.
At that precise moment, a loud buzzing sound came from Misa's pocket and had us both jump in fear. Misa straightened herself and took her phone out. I sled appart on the bench, breathing out a mix of relief and deep frustration. 
"Holà Jenni" Misa answered in a slightly irritated voice. "no, no conozco las noticias…" She rolled her eyes at me. I was too shaken to be amused by the situation. Misa and Jenni kept on talking on the phone. In fact, it was more like Misa was listening to an unstoppable Jenni. I wasn’t getting much of the quick flowing Spanish of Misa. Besides, I was once again buried deep in my thoughts. My heart and reason were battling heavily against each other. Misa was getting seriously annoyed the call wouldn’t finish. She was founding hard to even speak a world between the endless sentences of her best friend. She turned for me to read the word "Perdón!" on her lips several times as I scrolled mechanically on my phone. 
Minutes went by and night started to fall when Misa finally hung up. "I’m so sorry I should never have taken that call !" She sighted. I got up quickly "No prob. But it’s getting late, we should get going". Reason had won over heart for now. Or at least, chance had buy me time to really sort things out. Misa looked up at me, surprised. She hadn’t expected that. This time I didn’t dared to even take a glimpse at her. As I gave her no reaction, she let her head fall down in her hands. I heard her taking a deep breath before she finally stood up and started following me. 
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Lulled by the light swing of the train, a part of me had cooled down. An other part was going crazy for real. Misa was wanting me. A calm, almost pleasant panic was filling me entirely on the way home. 
Chapter 4 ➤ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➤ Valleys and peaks
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 months
To the anon who was asking abt sex! Here’s my two cents based off of experience..
1. Cockwarming is not like,,, pleasurable. Like when I read fics abt it and the reader is all squirmy and whatever it really doesn’t make sense. If the guy isn’t moving then it doesn’t really feel like anything, and it gets a little uncomfortable after a few minutes of no movement. It’s kinda like using a tampon. I definitely think that the pleasure derived from this is more mental than physical. Only the guy really gets anything physical out of it.
This kind applies to vibrators too. Like internal vibrators are not crazy stimulating but it is enough to make you distracted. But to each their own I suppose.
2. Sex in general. Internal stimulation (P in V) is good, and if I had to describe it I would say it feels like a bruise repeatedly. It’s hard to describe. Like it hurts but not in an ‘ow’ way, it feels good. Definitely a feeling that gets the legs shaking after repeated thrusting against that spot.
BUT, I cant finish without stimulation to my clit. It’s definitely different for everybody, but in my case I need clitorial stimulation or else it just feels like I’m on the edge the whole time (which, by the way, is a very unsatisfying feeling).
And thrusting it all in like in one go isn’t possible, remember that your vagina is one giant muscle, and when you stretch a muscle to hard and fast it strains and it doesn’t feel good. Foreplay is very helpful bc it loosens you up first, but even then you can’t force it in at one go. You kinda gotta start with the tip first and use short movements to slowly fit the whole thing in.
AND YES!!! THE STRETCH HURTS!!!! If you aren’t prepared properly or your partner just shoves it in it feels like your skin is being stretched (like a rubber band being stretched so much that it’s about to snap) and it’s a sharp pain and you could tear. SO FOREPLAY MATTERS!!!!
3. Cervix stuff… 😭😭😭 Guys. You can NOT thrust into the cervix. These fics are LYING TO YOU!!! It’s literally like trying to thrust through bone, the cervix is hard and even inserting thin items like a Q tip fucking HURTS. Unless it’s like monster fucking with ovipositors then it’s just straight unrealistic. A díck can NOT push through.
Some women find it painful even when their cervix is just thrusted against. (It doesn’t hurt for me so I don’t mind but majority of all the gals I’ve spoken to DONT like it. One of my friends even threw up during sex one time from the pain.)
4. Mind break. Not a real thing. Sorry. After so many rounds, no matter how high your drive is, the sex just starts to feel uncomfortable. Don’t push yourself past that point, listen to your body and know your limits. Because once it feels uncomfortable it kinda starts to hurt. This applies for the guys too. It just stops feeling good after a while and you leave that sort of lust-haze and become very lucid (post-nut clarity LMAOOO), which also makes you feel the discomfort even more.
So yeah, mind break via sex just isn’t a thing because your body literally has a limit. Overstimulation is real but your body has limits for that too. Like after so many orgasms I can’t touch my clit or it feels like a sharp pain. (Again, everyone is different but that’s just me)
And yeah. That’s all I can rlly think of.
This was an interesting read!!!!! I think that smut may or may not have poisoned my brain a little bit so this felt like a breath of fresh air. Of course, one should never take smut too seriously as it is primarily for entertainment, but it really does feel like things can mess you up if you're an inexperienced pookie such as myself!
Truth be told, sex scares me. Like, a lot.
I am in my early 20's and there is this societal expectation that I need a boyfriend. I also live in a fairly conservative country which honestly doesn't help me at all. And it's low key expected from couples to just go at a few months into the relationship, sometimes even after a few weeks depending on the person. That's how most of my friends/acquaintances did it anyway.
Just the thought of a man seeing me so naked and vulnerable like that, it brings tears to my eyes. It legit scares me so much. Buddy, if you see me in my birthday suit you are NOT going anywhere LMAO, you'll have to marry me, I'm sorry -
I've been called an uptight and boring prude for having this kind of mentality and I get it. But I can't help it, I just can't. I don't think I'll ever be able to have that kind of physical connection with anyone unless I know them inside and out 😓 I'm too scared and too insecure for my own good... I also have a few stretch marks on my stomach, which I really hate, I really do. I don't think I could handle the humiliation of another person ever seeing them.
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On the Subject of TAOCC Angst
Hiya hiya hello, it’s me, Elsie lol. Time to throw in my two cents, maybe make a THIRD FREAKING POLL (so sorry q.q), and present us with some options.
Let’s start with being very blunt. TAOCC is a bit of a directionless mess right now. We’ve got tons of characters, which isn’t a bad thing on its own! But unfortunately a lot of these characters have the same mod (hi hello i’m kind of part of the problem :’D). This means that we have a Simarillion’s worth of lore and not much of an idea of how to move anywhere with it. If anyone joins or returns after hiatus, they’ve missed a ton and have to figure it all out again from scratch, especially because we do not have ANY form of filing system for any of this. Too many characters, too many events, no organization, and a borderline insane amount of angst.
So, we have a few options of how to move forward here.
Autumn’s Solution/reset
Reset. All of it. Start with the characters and nothing else.
Pros: No more angst! And we get to have all that bonding all over again.
Cons: This doesn’t factor in backstories, and how backstories are often angsty and will instigate angst pretty much no matter what. Angst kind of has to exist in-universe forum the very nature of TADC itself, and just starting from scratch won’t change that.
2. “Move forward”
Don’t change the past, but do change the future. Make things slow down, but not because of any major event. Just have things Calm. Down.
Pros: less angst!
Cons: still too many characters. And still a lot of pre-established lore and no way to file it.
3. Extinction.
Kill off/incapacitate/retire half the characters. Then have the remainder unite over that and fix stuff.
Pros: less characters, possible less angst
Cons: extreme angst in the process.
4. Abandonment/new game/Lann’s solution
Restart with new characters. Or just make a new rp thing entirely. Maybe make a filing system this time around lol.
pros: less characters, less angst maybe.
cons: pretty much anything getting rid of all of our work over the last few months is kinda…wasteful and extreme, in my opinion.
5. “Software update”
A less extreme version of the reset, where we have a software update installed. Keep the old lore/characters, but dampen the angst for later. Give the characters some new coats of paint maybe, and figure out which characters to focus on for the near future.
pros: less angst, doesn’t break the lore or delete our hard work
cons: we still have to figure out what the heck to do with these characters and make a deliberate effort not to have as much angst
6. Other/anyone else’s solutions
exactly what it says on the tin.
tagslisting ALLLLL the mods:
@star-on-a-beach @sh4tt3rg1rl @silhouette-anon @feiar @lightthepathwithalantern @bob-the-cemetery-ghost @yourlocalboxhead @starbies-hellhole @andy-aka-lilcsca @castingspellsinyourasks @theautumnalcat @tailsbot98761 @master-dealmaker @anartistwithamask
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
26 ASKS! :DD THANK YOU! :}} 🥓
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I mean, knowing me I'll come back around to it someday. I love Octonauts and tend to loop back around to that show every so often.. Its just that I've had a lot of uncomfortable experiences in the Octonauts fandom. Especially recently..
I don't really wanna go into detail, but I will say that I've encountered more upsetting situations in the Octonauts fandom, than I have in nearly every other fandom combined. Which is rather surprising considering its a kids show. And also unfortunate, since I don't really feel free to have fun in the Octonauts fandom the way I want to..
I'm hoping that at some point I can get my confidence back and find my way around that fandom and have the fun I want. But for now I'm just kind'a keeping my distance and thinking about it. I don't need any extra stress rn-
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I use FireAlpaca! :D As for how to draw injuries and bruises.. hmm.. well.. injuries are different from drawing to drawing and hard to explain.. but bruises? aaa how do I explain it--
Well, for character with pale skin. Like Wario and Waluigi.. I find I just airbrush some deep purples and reds in one spot on their face and put some dark purple/red scratches on top.. and how much purple or red you use depends on the freshness/severity of the bruise. If that makes sense..??
Like- Using this post with the Wario "bros" as an example, the bruise on Waluigi's chin/cheek is a muddy purple and has dark purple scratches on it. I feel like using purple makes the bruise look little older and likes its healed some.
Meanwhile on Wario's chin the bruise is pink/red-ish. Making it look "bloody" and fresh. I think so at least--
AGHHG- sorry, I'm not the best at explaining things. I hope you can look to that post as a reference and draw some bruises. I used the airbrush and pencil tool to draw them if that helps! <:D
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@untitled-7613 (Comic in question)
Hmm.. my favorite Disney character.. I know that Disney bought Pixar and now owns all the characters. So I'm trying to think of characters that Disney made, not bought.. and I'm having some trouble remembering the older movies..
I think I liked Tarzan! Though I wouldn't say he's my favorite.. hmm.. I like Mufasa from the Lion King and I like the Genie from Aladdin! I also liked John Silver from treasure planet! (That was Disney right?) But idk if I'd say they're my favorite Disney characters.. hmm..
Now, if you're asking what my favorite Disney/Pixar character is? Well that's easy 👇
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XDD Thank you so much! :DD I'm glad you like it! :}}}}
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:x I have not seen the welcome home update-- all my info comes from MatPat/his channels. I'm way too lazy to actually go look into any welcome home stuff myself <XDD
ALTHOUGH!- I have heard that Julie has monster paws! :DD No doubt she has them for different reasons than my Julie, but still! it felt like an Apollos dodgeball moment for me! XDD
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I'm not sure why you're telling me all this.. but I suppose I'll put in my 2 cents while you're here-
While some of this is true, this sounds like a rather 1 sided view of Alphys' character. I know most of the Undertale characters are beautifully complex and thought out, Alphys included. And I don't think this view is accurate to who she really is.
For example, as far as I remember she wasn't watching anime to "slack off". I'm sure she was severely depressed and extremely overwhelmed with everything going on in her life atm.
I think it would be a good idea for you to watch some character analysis videos on Alphys. Since I don't remember her very clearly, I cannot defend her very well. But I recall seeing a lot of posts/videos in defense of Alphys and explaining why she did the things she did.
Basically, I think its worth your while to actually look into Alphys and give her a chance! Who knows, after gaining some more understanding of her, you might just like her! :}
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And hey, I get where you're coming from about the whole art theft thing. :( That is my biggest struggle being here on Tumblr. The constant art theft is so disheartening. In fact there were several times in the past where I almost threw in the towel and quit Tumblr all together over it.
But what's kept me around is people like you! :D There's some folks out there that really care about what I make. And are excited to see what I make next! The nice comments they leave me and the engagement with my work has really stuck with me. And it's what keeps me coming back! Maybe someday if you decide to take that first step and post some artwork, you'll find a lotta nice folks that make the art theft seem not so bad :}
Also giant watermarks. Giaaant watermarks that are just annoying to look at. That might discourage art theft <XDD
As for Jevil and Grillby.. In my AU, Jevil has this power to create mirrors and jump from timeline to timeline through them.
At some point when it was just him and Seam traveling together, they wound up in this Snowdin at night. Grillby was about to close his bar but he saw these too tired and hungry people so he let them in.
At some point while they were sitting at the counter and talking to Grillby.. Jevil could feel in his soul that this timeline they were in was about to collapse. Killing everyone in it. Jevil reacted on instinct and grabbed Seam and Grillby's arm and pulled the three of them through a mirror. The timeline was destroyed as soon as they disaapered.
What this meant is Jevil had saved Grillby's life!.. But his AU/timeline no longer existed. All of Grillby's friends and family were gone.. his home was gone.. He was now a homeless wandering traveler just like Seam and Jevil.
Deep down, Grillby doesn't really hate Jevil. He just took the grief of it all really hard and blamed it all on Jevil in response. He wished that Jevil hadn't saved him so he could have just died with the rest of his family.. and not have to experience this grief today..
Overtime he gets better.. and he understands that Jevil didn't want for any of this to happen. Eventually they talk about it a little and they end up on better terms. Maybe even becoming true friends someday. :}
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@astaherussy (Recent development post on the Wario "bros") (Old Wario "bros" post) (Old King Boo/Boos post)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like what I've made! :DD As for Wario and Waluigi.. the main changes I'm working on are visual/design changes. In their outfits especially. And I'm thinking of taking away their hats. They looked obviously very similar to Mario and Luigi's..
When it comes to their story, that is also being developed. I think I wanna keep the aspect of the Mario bros getting in some trouble and the Wario "bros" rescue them. Though with recent developments.. I don't know if the whole thing in Shy Guy woods is gonna work out-
In other news, actually no! :0 I wasn't aware that Spidercrab is so liked, but I am very glad to hear that he is! :DD
And a lot of those vibes was what I was going for! Tired, traumatized, has anxiety but is better at hiding it. Though the father figure is unexpected XD but I guess it fits! He's rather introverted and prefers quiet and space. But he is also the crews medic, and boy does he worry and care too much for his own good. He cares too much about them to spend all his time alone. He not only cares about their physical health, but he cares about them as people.
He wants to be there for his crew. He want's to be the first to notice when something is wrong or one of his crew is unwell. So he tries to participate in all their gatherings. Despite how much he'd rather just go read a book in his hammock <XDD
Though, he is still antisocial/awkward.. so there could have been many times he noticed one of the crew seemed off. But he didn't have the guts to talk to them. So he would go and tip off one of the other crew members to check up on them. Stuff like that I imagine is his way of showing he cares. :}
WAHG! I rambled a bit there didn't I? <XD Well I hope it was a fun read at least- as a thanks for taking interest in Spidercrab! It means a lot to me :}}}
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Thank you so much!! And indeed he is! I'm so honored that you remembered him! :DD Though he's looking at some major re-designing and a biiiiit of lore re-structuring too <XDD 💔💔
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<XD Unfortunately for many reasons I cannot/will not drink any of the things on that list. But! I can drink water! :D
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<XDD I suppose so, at the very least I'm dipping my toes in and having some fun!
Hmm.. out of all the Mario games I can remember.. I think red shells from Mario kart got on my nerves the most <XDD
That, or this one very specific Zinger from Donkey Kong country. But I get that a DK game might not count XDD
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Thank you!! :DD
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Ahh, I see, thank you for the info! And I'm glad you like my interpretation of them anyways! :DD
And oh yeah, his children's safety is his #1 priority. He's probably getting Kamek to create more Goomba's and rearranging his troops. Setting up a big chunk of them to just be on watch duty around his land. In case the hero's decide to come back..
He's also probably tightening the defenses around his hidden palace. (Where the Koopalings, Kamek, Kammy and the Blue paratroops all live.) Most likely by stationing more troops there and hiding out there himself. He wasn't able to beat the bros but he will still be an obstacle for them if they ever make it to the palace and try to hurt his kids. (Mario and Luigi wouldn't do that most likely but Bowser doesn't really know anything about them at this point- other than the fact they are very powerful and very scary)
I didn't think much about K rool when I made my version of DK. But that guy and his species are intended to exist and be causing problems on DK's island. Though all the details I'm unsure of.. perhaps its what you said, maybe they want the special beets and fruits that the kongs eat? Or maybe they came from another island that didn't have much to eat and now they're here to take over.?? :00
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Sorry, I don't take requests! And my ability to draw rn is rather limited anyways... 😅
BUT! May I direct you to this post and point out a detail in the background? Cici only ate the frosting off her cake slice. So Bibi offered his slice so she could scrape off his cake frosting and eat that too XDD What a sweet brother he is :}
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I am not familiar with those sites.. <:0
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<XD Mike was kind of a jerk though. Now don't get me wrong, his voice was killer! But I don't think he really changed as a person by the end of the movie.
If they had put him in the second movie he was gonna need a major personality change in order for me to like him <XD
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I think its alright. :0 And if I have drawn one of the characters? I cant remember doing it <XD
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(In relation to this post)
Aw, I'm sorry that you have to deal with all this. It doesn't sound fun that's for sure. :( But thank you for the info! :DD
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XDD IM GLAD YOU LIKE HIM!! And these are all good questions! Unfortunately I haven't thought much about these things- so let me make some of it up on the fly- <XDD
I imagined he likes to mess with the crew sometimes and pull little pranks. Its all in good fun! Just a bit of goofin off. And he mostly does it to Coco XDD
Now his favorite crew member.. hmm.. I feel like that might be Ellie. Despite her cold exterior, she had a big heart and really does love her crew. Even the butthead that is Tuna <XDD I can see her getting the other crew members to lay off and give Tuna some space. She is known for cooking food to everyone's specific preference, no matter how much longer it takes to make. And she would do the same for Tuna. Cooking what ever he wants, how ever he wants it cooked.
That really means a lot to Tuna.. if he can count on anything, he can count on Ellie to cook a perfect meal just for him.
Now the crew member that understands him the most would be who ever has had similar experiences to him, right..? In that case it might be Pinwheel. Orrr Coco.. maybe Spidercrab..? Ah, I'm gonna need to do some more thinking on that one <XD
The crew member he doesn't feel so comfortable around could be Cuttlefish. She is very mysterious and some would even say untrustworthy. He is probably spooked by her and doesn't fully trust her. Though I'm also experimenting with Tuna having trouble with authority figures. So mayyybe he's less comfortable around Seafoam and Octo..?? :00
Also thank you for your enthusiasm and interest in Tuna! Its the biggest compliment to me/my OCS 🥰🥰
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XD Yup! Its me! And thank you! :DD
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XDD Do they say that? Are there popsicles in the oceans from that game??
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I'm not sure.. I'd assume so..? Keep in mind that these character were made from a game that I know next to nothing about-
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Maybe? :00
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@yeetmysoulintothevoid (Post in question)
No its not a sexual dimorphism thing, its all about stress, exhaustion, health,, etc.
Peach and Daisy have very thin blue markings (like their species is SUPPOSED to have) because they are well fed, well rested, and pampered as princesses.
Wario and Waluigi's blue markings are very large and puffy becuase they eat garbage, get very little to no sleep, and are fighting for their lives on the daily pretty much- if they had a saver living environment and a secure source of food, their eye bag would be much less noticeable-
Now Rosalina's blue marks are noticeable and puffy mostly due to her grief and depression. And partly because she isn't exactly.. aliiive..? Anymore..?? <:D
And yes! Everyone's ears are emotive! :}} Maybe subtly though. They can perk their ears up or droop them down, much more than a human typically can. But they cant do really fine and quick movements to improve their hearing/listen in a certain direction. Like Dogs, cats and rabbits can for example. Its all slow and mostly intentional movements.
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Nope, I don't have plans to finish that comic. The writing was horrible and everyone acted super out of character all in the name of angst. 👎👎👎
If anyone wanted to know the ending, Kwazii was gonna patch Barnacle's face and the rest of the crew was gonna show up in the gups. They get him in a gup, take him to the octopod and he gets situated in the sick bay.
Then Kwazii and Peso have this stupid emotional talk about how Peso feels bad for not being there for the captain and blah blah blah. VERY out of character for Peso. The entire point of Peso's character is that he "helps any creature who is hurt or sick, no matter what." There is literally nothing on earth that could have stopped him from helping his own Captain, no, his friend in his time of need. That writing is juuuust so dumb.
Plus Kwazii was a total idiot in that comic- realistically Kwazii would have taken that situation very seriously and would have listened to anything that Peso told him to do. And even if for some reason he was being stupid and continued to approach the Captain, Peso would have stopped him.
And this is even beyond the fact that this whole comic starts with Captain Barnacles doing a series of very stupid and irresponsible things that he would not do. And then a perfect storm of "whoopsies!" happen ever so perfectly to have him wind on that island.
Over all its a veeeeery bad comic. Not my best! 0/10 would NOT draw it again! XD I don't even want to re-write it to make it good. Becuase that whole situation just wouldn't happen from the start.
Although, I am keeping the idea that Barnacles has a very sensitive nose/face. (Due to him being a polar bear with many muscles and nerves in his face) And if he ever got hit in the nose/face? It would be incredibly painful and he would be very disoriented for a time. But the rest of that comic can go down the drain XD
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
You know what obnoxious thing I keep seeing in fandom I wish would stop? This absolute need some people seem to have for their ship to be Representation in some way. Shipping is just imagining scenarios between two characters! You don’t need it to be a Special reason or whatever? I have a ship that is popular and people make weird vague comments about how the fandom is racist because both of them are white and there are other ship options that have poc so the white ship being big is a reflection on how racist the fandom is but the thing is…
Look I’m going to be real with y’all the fandom is for the game Detroit: Become Human and let’s just say the two major black characters are basically stereotypes written by a neocon lib boomer in a story that itself is imho…let’s call it tone deaf and corny af rather than overtly racist but yeah. Black folks on twitter regularly mock this game for good reason. It is very much a boomer white man’s idea of the civil rights movement but with robots. The robots sing actual slave hymns. The main character is essentially a light-skinned Martin Luther King Jr (dubbed Markus Luthur King by blktwt lol) and the religious allegories of him as a savior figure are very on the nose. It is bad lol. It’s not that I wouldn’t want to explore the black characters but the fandom is full of young white people singing the praises of this writing while patting themselves on the back about it which is genuinely uncomfortable to be around. Just my 2 cents but the virtue signaling and insane policing around those two characters makes it unbearable to interact with their content it is deeply sanitized and you WILL get death threats if you attempt any nuance or are critical of the (kinda racist imo) way they were written in canon.
The worst part of this is that Markus has a popular ship with a character a lot of people read or interpret as a more soft or femme gay man and you know what zoomers hate? Femme gay men. So obviously this is made to be ‘problematic’ in some way because these people can’t just admit to being femmphobic/homophobic themselves.
Sometimes it’s easier to stick with the boring white characters in the background because they aren’t being closely guarded by stupid reactionary people who are used to flashing their favorite fictional poc characters as tokens of their own goodness and virtue.
The pinnacle of this game is that moment when the black lady lectures her son about why they need to run the robot underground railroad to Canada.
I watched some playthroughs. Unsurprisingly, I liked the buddy cops with the good development, not the cringey activism plot with too many foils and not enough development of any single relationship and not the the Women Care About Babies plot.
But if I were going to do something fannish with Markus, I'd write him having a fucked up relationship with his mentor's son post game—the surrogate son who thought the guy was great and the estranged son who knew he wasn't but who has also done a bunch of shitty stuff himself.
It's especially hilarious when tryhards think the problem is not enough people shipping Markus with North as if the slashers are going to be into 1. het and 2. yet another unnecessary traumatic sex stuff backstory for a lady.
Even worse, half the whining isn't even about that Nines fanon nonsense being more popular than Markus: it's about how Markus/Connor would be better than Hank/Connor because old people are ew.
Sorry, children, a lot of people are here to thirst for Clancy Brown and because they'll turn up for any Caves of Steel ripoff. Other Connor ships were never in the running.
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simpleeindulge · 4 months
It's a Work in Progress
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Context: This takes place after a few months of Law setting sail for the first time with Shachi, Bepo, and Penguin. They are a new pirate crew finding their way to the Grand Line. Desperate for funds, Law’s crew resort to kidnapping.
Info: fem/readerxLaw, kidnapping, 1st time meeting, slow-burn romance, multiple parts, cursing, mild threats of violence, possible mature content in future chapters
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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Y/N uttered an enraged cry as she was tossed into a small closet and heard the door slam shut. If the man didn't want to listen to her, he should have just said so. Instead, Law pulled her up from the chair and unnecessarily picked her over his shoulder. Y/N shouted for him to set her down and listen to her.
Law felt a twinge of satisfaction when he dumped the spoiled brat onto the floor. Who the hell was she to tell him what to do? This was his ship and crew. He would protect them from her insane father how he saw fit. Law left the office and quickly headed to the control room.
Thankfully, the new helmsman, Hakugan, knew how to handle the Polar Tang. He expertly dodged the cannonballs being fired at them.
"Captain! That man is crazy! Does he know we have his daughter?!" Hakugan shouted as he turned the wheel.
Law huffed and walked into the center of the room, ignoring the question. "What's the damage so far? Are we able to dive?"
The crew glanced at each other to see who would tell Law the bad news. Law made an annoyed sound and glanced at Bepo, who immediately responded, "Sorry, Captain! We have taken too much damage to dive underwater, and most of the repairs are already destroyed!"
He gives in so quickly! The crew thought together.
Law growled and turned to head towards the deck.
"Um, Captain, what are you-?" Bepo asked with a confused expression.
"Everyone stay here! I will handle this!" Law shouted before turning out of the room. The crew glanced at each other again, and everyone but Hakugan went to see what Law planned to do.
Law stood on the deck with his sword, Kikoku, over his shoulder. He sighed as three cannonballs whizzed through the air and lazily lifted his hand.
“Room.” He drawled and the wide phantom dome spread over the ship.
His sword then cut through the cannonballs before they hit the ship. This would do to protect them for now, but Law knew he needed a better plan. The Polar Tang was still in close range, and the crazed noble didn't seem to be giving up as Law sliced eight more cannonballs.
Law gritted his teeth as a bead of nervous sweat ran down his temple. If only he had a chance to get more information about the island and the royal family living there, but it was supposed to be a quick pit stop. He sliced up twenty more cannonballs when Bepo came running with a transponder snail in his paws.
"Captain! It's a call from the enemy ship!"
Law sighed and took the receiver. "This the Captain of the Heart Pirates; if you're asking me to surrender, you're wasting your time."
"Where is my Y/n, you scoundrel, and what have you done with her?!"
Law looked toward the advancing ship to watch for more projectiles.
"I have her locked up and a safe. Nothing will happen to her so long as you slow your chase and deliver 3 million beli-"
A sharp laugh cut off Law's demands. The boisterous sound made Law wonder if anyone in this damn noble family acted normal.
"Hey! This is not a joke! Stand down, or I will sever her head and toss the rest of her in the ocean!"
He waited for an answer, and it came in the form of more cannonballs.
"Captain!" Bepo screamed as he pointed, and Law growled as he cut them down.
"You think you can order me around! I'd rather see you at the bottom of the ocean than give you a single cent of my money! If I have to drag her lifeless body from your ship to bring her home, so be it!" The snail shouted at Law with a manic cackle.
The message was then cut off as the snail went back to sleep.
"What now, Captain?" Bepo asked worriedly.
I don't know! I can't keep holding the 'room' forever, and we can't close enough for me to dismember their men or damage their ships. Not when our own ship is in danger!
The ship suddenly swerved to the side, making Law and Bepo grip the railing. Their course was changing! But why?! Had Hakungan devised a plan, or was there another issue with the ship?
A cannonball nearly landed on the deck but missed as Law quickly used his ability. He couldn't leave to see what was happening, so he looked to the entrance where Penguin and Shachi held on to keep balance.
"Go check on Hakugan! Now!"
The two nodded and ran further into the ship. As their course changed, so did the Royal fleet. Once steady, Law looked to see where they were headed and saw a field of rocks and whirlpools. This part of the sea surrounding the island was Law's only information, and he had planned to avoid the area. And now they were sailing towards it.
The transponder snail had fallen onto the deck, and it rang again. Law snatched it up, and the voice didn't wait for Law to speak.
"So! You're going to challenge me! Very well! I'll have you know that I've sailed those waters many times and lost serval ships doing so!"
That's not something to brag about! Law thought as Bepo screamed at the sight. The whirlpools appeared and disappeared, moving the rocks with them. The field changed so randomly that it seemed impossible to navigate. Yet, according to that insane old man, it could be done.
"I should thank you for saving me the trouble of destroying you, but I'm sad to lose my youngest daughter. Apart from me, she is the only one who knows the trick to-"
Law wanted to hurl the snail away but shoved it into Bepo's paws instead. The man kept talking as Law stormed off to the control room. Somehow, she was behind this! There was no way in hell she was worth all this trouble! Not even 3 million beli.
Penguin and Shachi gave Law a guilty look when he entered the control room, and next to Hakugan was the woman guiding him. No, not just guiding him, but holding him hostage with a scalpel from Law's desk.
Hakugan may be a new member, but Law's blood boiled when he saw his life being threatened. As Captain, his life was Law's responsibility.
Before Y/N spoke, she saw Law do something with his hands. The next thing she knew, the hand holding the scalpel fell to the ground. She expected blood to come gushing out and cried out as she covered the stumped end of her arm.
The pain she also expected to feel never came, and she looked towards Law only to find him standing in front of her. His dark grey eyes now held gold flecks, and Y/n found it hard to breathe in his presence.
"What do you think you're doing?" Law asked as he towered over her. All the bravado she had minutes before was gone.
Y/N’s breath heaved as she tried to stay calm. The horrendous pain she was expecting to feel never came, and she supposed that it was due to her adrenaline blocking it to help her survive the situation. She stared back at Law and said in a strained voice on the edge of hysteria, “I’m trying to get us away from my father.”
“You’re trying to kill us all.” Law replied in a low tone.
Y/n shook her head and her skin began to pale.
“No, I’m not! I know this ocean. My father has shown me many times how to cross it!”
Law was ready to silence her for good when Hakugan shouted, "Captain! If she knows how to cross these waters, then for our sake, don't kill her yet! We're caught in the current, and I can't get us out!"
Hakugan's hands and arms shook as he struggled to steer the ship. Over the intercom, a female voice was heard as alarms went off.
"Who the hell is steering the ship! We'll be torn apart before I can make any progress fixing the repairs!"
"Captain! Orders! We're still being attacked from the rear!" Shachi shouted as he looked through the periscope. "That lunatic is still chasing us!"
Y/N swallowed as she willed herself not to faint just yet. She had lost a hand but not her life. She breathed and hardened herself as her father (the foolish old goat) had taught her.
"It's your call," she said to Law as he looked around. He whirled on her and stared into calm, steely eyes.
"I can get us through and away from him. He knows of one way, and I know of two."
Law heard Hakugan struggle as their new mechanic, Ikkaku, shouted over the head along with the alarms. Law sighed and made a decision he didn't like. Y/N watched as Law bent to pick something off the ground. He then grabbed her 'injured' arm and pulled it out in front of her.
Y/n was three seconds from passing out when she saw her hand reattach to her wrist. A monster. He's a monster. She thought as she swayed on her feet. Law then gripped her shoulders and shook her.
"Not now!" He said harshly as he held her and turned her around so she could see the sea. "Guide this ship out, and then I'll deal with you!"
He then eyed her jeweled earrings and was tempted to rip them from her pretty lobes. Instead, he unclipped her necklace and pocketed it. He may not get 3 million beli from her father, but he'll get what he can.
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rizsu · 11 months
cashier's revenge gojo satoru.
sum. annoying ex!gojo gets his lick back. not beta read !
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satoru's existence itself is a warning. is it a harzardous warning? not quite, but it's also not a good one. at this very moment, at this very precised second, gojo satoru is contemplating the consequences of clocking out of work before his shift is up. in his eyes, if it's executed properly, it can work. the only downside would be the possibility of getting fired.
he cannot afford such a tragedy. being a man in today's day and age comes at an expensive cost. one day satoru promises to find AND deliver punishment to whoever created the "men are the breadwinners." motion. he suffers from society's insane capitalism and boy might he just dive into hell. head first, even. perhaps even toes first, if he's feeling special.
satoru's current employment stems from two reasons. not one, not three, but two:
1. his urge to prove that he can be better off without you.
2. getō suguru, someone's that's just as bad as he is, told him he had the chance to do the funniest thing ever.
now, don't mistake him! gojo satoru is not easily influenced ( he is. ) he knows right from wrong ( sometimes. )
prior to him signing up as a cashier, your break-up was mutual. he agreed to let you go and you agreed that you weren't committed to being in a full relationship yet. on his vision, he hated that he had to let you go; his attachment grew and he couldn't go two days without bothering you.
it would've disgusted satoru if he made you stay with him but god he wished you would've done so.
bored and bothered, satoru fiddles with his fingers, unable to find entertainment elsewhere due to his phone's low battery warning.
"if no one enters in the next five minutes maybe i can — fuck," feeling his right eye twitch, satoru exhales a deep sigh. not only did someone enter but that unlucky customer happened to be you, y/n l/n.
his eyes following your body, praying that you magically decided to no longer buy anything. unfortunately for him, he cannot get everything he wants in life. watching you make your way to his position, he chants a line of curses before going into automatic-customer-service mode.
"hi," satoru begins, forcing his sunshine-like smile, "what would you have today? any menu specials?"
"hello! i'd like to have a — oh my god it's you.." stopping mid-sentence, you clutch the strap of your handbag. the odds weren't one hundred but they definitely weren't zero.
'am i a curse or what?' gojo thinks. your expressions most certainly didn't bypass his radar. setting his offense aside, he continues, "i'm sorry, we don't have an "oh my god it's you" on the menu!"
"sorry, i'll have the daily special," counting the money needed, you wait for him to finish his cashier duties.
"that'll be ten dollars and ninety-nine cents," satoru says, raising his hand to collect the money. for some rather peculiar reason, it seems as though a twenty dollar bill is stuck on its owner's hand.
"miss, please let go of the bill."
"whatever do you mean?"
scoffing, satoru yanks the bill out of your hand. he watches as you twist your face into disgust and shake your hand off. he's sorry, really, but he has to put himself first at times.
although satoru was set on escaping early, he now has a reason to stay longer. going out of his way to deliver your meal, satoru sits in front of you. he has the plot and the platform.
"here's your meal, bill, and change," sliding everything to you, he sits with folded arms. this position means business. formal business.
"thank you — but what are you doing there?" you question him, squinting your eyes at his choice of movement.
"don't question me. how have you been though?"
pulling out your fries, you tilt them to his direction, offering them to him. "i've been wonderful, you?"
"my life has been fine. i've recovered ever since you broke up with me," taking a single fry, he shakes his head as he munches.
"that's crazy but why're you even here?" you couldn't contain your curiosity.
"ever since you broke my heart, i needed to get my life back." gojo takes two fries this time, munching them in sadness.
"ah, i see." you reply.
"it's amazing that you can see ever since you broke up with—"
"do NOT finish that sentence." glaring at satoru, you shut down his pity party. whatever he has going on needs to stop.
"you stop me from doing stuff the same way you stopped my heart ever since you —" satoru tries to finish but was met with a burger being shoved in his mouth.
smiling to himself, he compliments himself as he managed to annoy you. satoru can only thank the gods that you don't despise him. even if you do then that's a problem for someone else.
on your side, you're regretting handing over your burger to him. you were sure that breaking up with him will cause a broken heart but it seems like someone's doing fine. taking a sip from your drink, you look at satoru who's happily eating your food. 'he looks cute' you think.
"satoru," you speak up, redirecting his attention from the burger and onto you.
"hm?" he hums, wiping away the sauces on his face.
inhaling a deep breath, you mentally prepare before asking him, "wanna come over tonight?"
satoru's mouth shaped like an 'O', he thinks for a while before agreeing, "i'd love to — especially after you broke up with me."
"i swear i will kill you, satoru."
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Jottings: Season 7, Episode 2. Nothing compares to them
A tiny, but welcome disclaimer: I have not read all the OL books yet, so do not expect witty repartees and connecting the dots with the current book follow-up by the series. In fact, I am still struggling right now with Voyager, after I gave a resolute middle finger and an excruciating amount of time to Dragonfly in Amber, which bored me to death with its sketchy depiction of eighteenth-century Paris. Unpopular opinion, I know: I can't help it, since I consider Paris, for many personal reasons, as my second, beloved home.
There go my two cents, with little to no spoilers. There is much to savor in there:
I thought I couldn't bear to watch one more single time Sinéad O'Connor's rendition of ye olde Skye Boat Song. I was wrong. I think it is exactly what this season needs: a bit bruised & battered & breathless. The perfect tinge of rough around the edges. This is no walk in the park and hers is the right cue, setting the tone for all the rest.
Vlachos. Excellent. Loved every second of it.
I suppose everybody will talk about the Look Jamie gave Claire right after Insufferable Bree gives birth to wee Mandy. I cackled all by myself, which is not even surprising. And so will you, Shippers United. Mark me.
SS upgraded a bit her game, to the extent she doesn't sound all the time like reciting United Airlines' flight schedule. She and Rankin finally manage to pull off a decent rapport (chemistry will always be at a deep-frozen 0). So, rejoice: at least they don't look like the mean troop leader forced them to share the same tent at Camp Sunrise. It's all fine and dandy, until she relaxes and slips back into that horrific, East Coast wannabe accent. Sorry, not sorry.
Did Lizzie say ”Fraser's Fridge”, when reading the birth announcement, or am I hearing things again? Now that's an earworm, sheesh...
Vandervaart looks promising enough, but what do I know, after a two-minutes scene with SS? Court is adjourned.
LJG & JAMMF, what a powerful, ambiguous, elegant scene. Tension is mounting, and this is when you crack open the Netflix & Chill'd ice cream bucket. It will come in handy, trust me.
The fireflies' scene was the death of me. There is something extraordinary about S's superb ability to speak volumes without uttering a single word. There is so much love and such despair to capture Bree's face, Bree's voice, Bree's alien joy when she mentions damn Mickey Mouse, and keep them forever. Did I ugly cry? I let out a sincere Fuuuuuck and couldn't help it. This is when the box of tissues came in handy, and you know, damn the consequences.
Yeah, sure. She missed that point five seasons ago, why do I even bother?
Spoiler: "What was it like.... there? It was.... magical". BOOO-HOOO-HOOO (I have no qualms).
Jeremiah's wooden toy plane in the streets of Wilmington and then the real thing across the sky, just after the little family gets through the stones. Clever reminder of that plane landing in Boston, with Claire, Bree and TMcG... ho-hum ... Frank Randall, after Culloden.
And finally, since I would really like to let you enjoy the wonderful last quarter of it, Jamie and Claire. That unspeakable tenderness that keeps us all completely spellbound. This is S&C acting, how could it be otherwise: and splendid, at that. But their acting, since that chemistry test, is informed by clear, present, deep feelings. We know. They know we know.
And they got their mojo back. I always hoped and prayed they will go out with a bang, not a fizzle. And it seems I was right. Fingers crossed. I trust them and, as always, I trust my gut.
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