#sorry I don't normally get ranty but here we are
paperclipninja · 15 days
I'm gonna sound very old person yells at cloud but I don't care, I feel like I need to say this. We all (well most of us) know that messaging Neil with any headcanons/theories/wishes/hopes/dreams to do with the show is a no-go because it could potentially compromise the story he wants to tell or ends up telling. And yes, he is a grown up who chooses what to respond to etc and I think it's wonderful he engages with fans and answers a lot of lovely and interesting questions about his process, writing and journey etc.
However, there is another reason not to send theories and ideas about how the show should go to the show creator in the hope of a response: it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether a theory is correct, or a speculation may or may not play out. That is why fandom exists.
Online fandom is where we all come together to yell and cry and throw around weird-ass ideas and theories and look at art and read fanfic and unite in our love of characters and a show. A huge part of being in fandom, is the way fandom theories become like an understood little bit of fanon lore that some people attach to, others disregard. But it doesn't matter. And part of the fun of fandom, is when a new season or a new episode of the show comes out, you have this collective catalogue of ideas and theories and headcanons and you get to yell and scream, "omg it happened1" or "lol that that thing was ever talked about" or "thank god that theory didn't come to pass".
Wanting to know now (not that we ever will) and not wanting to wait until the next season to find out the answers diminishes the fandom experience. I cannot stress enough how much we are in the absolute peak of the fandom experience right now. The between seasons time is the ultimate time to be a part of a fandom (as I'm sure many people are well aware), knowing there's another season coming energises everyone to create and connect and speculate and it's glorious! I know it feels like it'll be like this forever, but it won't. Next season is the last and yes, there will be a flurry and uptick of all the energy and excitement once again, and I absolutely believe Good Omens fandom will live on and remain active and thrumming. But there won't be theories and what ifs and hunting for clues for the next season, and over time it will dwindle a little and plateau and some people will fall into other fandoms, and while it will probably bubble away, there won't be the anticipation that sits with us now.
My point is, fandom is where we get to throw around ideas and flail and be ridiculous and also serious sometimes, but it's all for us. For the fans. Showing Neil theories or getting in a flap about a particular speculation and asking if x, y, or z might happen isn't just about putting the creator in an awkward spot, it takes away what fandom is about. Just let this time be ours. If you haven't been in fandom before, enjoy it! Don't be in a hurry to seek definitive answers or know things either way.
It doesn't matter if any or none or all of the things that float around end up being correct or incorrect. Fandom isn't about being right. It's about being a part of a community and being able to share ideas and it's about it being FUN.
So TL;DR Stop sending Neil fan ideas because that is for fandom, not for the creator.
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entropy-sea-system · 6 months
OK OK impromptu rant but I need to get this out there as I still feel somewhat connected to the aro community-
I have been watching the tags, I've been talking the people in my local a-spec community and I think it amazes me just how incredible the relationships put forth by aro and aces are, while the communities just don't reflect any of it.
I've stopped identifying with the aroallo label because there was no sense of community associated with it. The a-spec spaces are made for aces only and the ace stuff in them is abhorrent. I am tired of people passing it off as repulsion, while still seeing people saying "hookers" are disgusting in a-spec tags. I'm tired of people saying PDA is bad. I'm tired of people acting like aros and aces can only be clueless cinnamon rolls. I'm tired of people being so so so stuck in their own perspective of the world they act like people in romantic relationships can't be happy. So on and so forth.
The concepts we have are passionating. They're the coolest ones I've been exposed to in queer communities. However, nobody thinks about them. Nobody speak about them. All we have is endless messages about how the world is so so confusing or hatred directed at sex and romance. I get that but I wish we went even a tiny bit past that really. It's a community filled with adults that feels so immature and I honestly think there is some sort of self infantilization going on. I don't like that I don't have symbols that aren't associated with uwu smol bean dragon lover stuff. It makes me sick and is why I don't identify with it anymore but it's genuinely sad to see because technically that's still the people who will relate to me the most.
It feels like people are always desperate to understand how the norm works and how they can best align with it instead of fully experiencing their identity. And that's an understandable thing to do but the community is just that with sex and romance negativity sprinkled on top of it.
I wish they were angrier. I wish they were more introspective. I wish they thought about breaking the norms more instead of headcannoning every female character without a love interest as aroace and talking about how gross sex is. I wish I felt like I can connect with the people who are supposed to be at least partly like me.
Anyway you're cool and I hope you're doing well! Sorry to drop all of this onto you but yeah I trust you with my ranty feels about the community.
We didn't really expect this ask but thank you for sending it!!
There are a lot of issues with the aspec community, especially online, (we have no experience with irl ones yet). And what you described here explains the issues with it quite well.
I feel like most of the aspec community ends up catering to mainly aces, and to a lesser extent aros, and slightly to apls, while other atertiary is hardly discussed (and agender ppl often just lump w gender stuff instead even though its aspec). I think the community is also rather divided, personally.
We're in some discord servers w mostly other apls and aros/run by other apl aros (often also romo aro) and they tend to overall be normal about aspec identities without being negative about attractions or actions or gatekeeping aspec labels. Currently we logged off discord a bit but we have in the past been in aro spaces that had many of the issues you mention , and still come across people being that way on tumblr.
I think there is a problem where some aros think that calling romance inherently toxic is somehow "activism" and deny that romance negativity exists, then claim that they "don't have to consider every culture ever" when people state that some cultures are romance negative and do harm people for engaging in romance.
They seem to think its "punching up" and some alloaros in particular try to justify it by acting like the united states is the only country that matters and citing sex negativity as a reason for romance negativity "not existing". When aces do this about sex its harmful, but thats not supposed to be a reason to deny that being romance negative is toxic and harmful to others even if their country doesn't persecute people for engaging in romance.
I also personally see a some aros hesitant to id with ace or acespec terms that technically fit them because of how bad the ace community has been about sex and anyone who isn't ace, as well as aces and aros generally forgetting about atertiary ppl. Some of them prefer terms like lightspec or such or allospec partly because of that.
It's understandable that some people feel a disconnect from labels like aro and ace as a result of how the communities tend to be tbh. I've had moments when I didn't want to id as aro because of this, and I consider myself both aro and alloro due to my arospec orientation.
Also being tertiary repulsed and being repulsed by sex repulsion (it just happens to repulse me a lot to read about even if not stated in a sex negative way), makes it a bit hard to be around other aspecs. I feel really disgusted and triggered when other aros talk about squishes and qprs and friendships, even if I think they should be able to talk about that. Which makes it hard to be around some other aros.
I also get what you mean about people trying to align with the existing norm. I'm seeing a rise in people maligning labels they don't understand and this attitude of "the only kind of weird thats fine is the kind of weird I am", which the aspec community has certainly not been immune to either.
I feel like for some reason most aspecs I see online, especially aros, are minors? Maybe because the aromantic label only really caught on after 2005 iirc so older people less likely to have heard of it? Im not a huge fan of how aspec tends to be infantilised either. I find issues with how some of the aro symbols are very derivative of ace symbols because we are not some extension of ace we're our own community. I can also see how ppl may find it too infantilising to have symbols like frogs and griffons etc.
Also yeah what is with people doing that about characters who are women or girls and express that they don't want to get married??? Or even just don't have a love interest. I understand if aroaces want more headcanoned rep or non-aspecs I guess idk want to fill some headcanon diversity quota without actually supporting aspecs but.
Not wanting marriage or not having a love interest is not inherently equal to not wanting romance and/or sex. I feel especially that people like to assume not wanting to have children means not wanting sex (which I find pretty reductive in that its acting like thats the only reason ppl have sex, especially as a sex favorable person who doesn't want kids). And all aspecs deserve more canon rep to begin with. I think I have a gripe with ppls aspec headcanons almost always being alloace or aroace. It's like they forget other aspecs like apls, alloaros, neu aros, non sam aros, atertiary, etc. even exist!
Additionally I think its partly because romance is emphasized more for female characters that even fans decide to make their interpretations about romance/a lack there of as if its the character's only personality trait. In my opinion its just as obsessive about romance if someone thinks all there is to a character is not engaging in it. I also see people act like they're solely worried a woman/girl character is going to fall for a man/boy character they hc as aro but not often the opposite like. Just say you see romance as gendered/feminine in some way and go I guess lol.
I also feel like mainly allistic non-aspecs do this but when ppl hc an autistic character as ace or aroace it feels infantilising if theres literally no other rationale behind their headcanon. I feel desexualised at times as an autistic and thats mostly bc ppl pick up on some kind of nd thing and they assumed I'm too "innocent" to like romance or sex, or because they view us as "unable to consent"(which can be true of some people if their neurodivergence affects their ability to consent to things even as an adult, but isn't universally true.) . I think some of this perception is also rooted in eugenics (due to people equating sex with having kids and viewing disability and/or neurodivergence as a tragedy and thinking its 'bad' for disabled and/or nd ppl to have kids).
So I don't really appreciate implications that someone is ace just by virtue of being autistic. I think its also unfair to autistic aros and aces because our neurodivergence can influence our orientation, but being autistic does not mean that makes someone inherently ace and/or aro.
My physical disability is relatively mild and less talked about (chronic pain and fatigue), and I don't reveal it to most ppl(ppl who dont live with me won't know I get exhausted from non-taxing to abled ppl activities, and chronic pain is not visible at all and we can't get mobility aids due to not being independent yet) so Im not fully aware how people view my apl and aro identities in that regard.
And there is definitely an issue with aspecs trying to enforce NEW norms. They cry about how people are forced into performing romance and sex to fit in but then turn around and tell people they need to love or have friends or family or pets in order to be a good person. It's also very harmful to aspecs bc some of us are loveless or atertiary etc. in ways that aros and aces apparently hate lol. A lot of aros in particular are very platonormative.
The aro community is also rather hostile to romo aros. There are still people who exclude romo aros from the aro label or act like we have to bend over backwards and acknowledge that we are "amatonormative oppressors" for liking romance or feeling some connection to it.
I think also the meme about putting a box away on a tall shelf away from a child is relevant here. The word amatonormative is constantly misused by a lot of aros. I've seen aros call alloromantic apls "amatonormative" and act like "amatonormative" means 'person who engages in romance'.
Its not a term abt engaging in romance or liking it. It's also not an excuse to pressure people to have or like friends either. I think aros should have actual discussions about amatonormativity that aren't just US-centric and about romance(wow do aros love to ignore that monogamy, non-queer, cis, etc. are social categories deemed more valuable under amatonormative societal norms), instead of using it to describe anyone they deem as interested in romance .
On that note, a lot of them use some examples of toxic relationships as reasons to call romance toxic and almost advocate for romance to never exist(which is especially disgusting to see for me, as in my country a lot romance negative conservative rhetoric is literally worded the same way). These people almost never acknowledge that other relationships like friendship can be toxic too.
I think some of these people believe in 'morality of repugnance' in that they think if its something they personally find repulsive in some way, that means its inherently immoral, which is not conducive to having unbiased views of the world, or critical thinking. I think a lot of ppl my age and younger are especially trying to do this because Ive lost count of how many I've seen be like "ewww thats gross/weird and so its wrong/immoral", and literally spouting conservative rhetoric while thinking they're politically liberal/leftists, perhaps with different wording but yeah. (I think that one tumblr post abt ppl in that age range being 'conservative on accident', especially in the united states- though that is concerning given the way ppl from other countries tend to absorb american opinions and such too much, describes this phenomenon)
I think some aros are also still so caught up in how much of a tragedy they think their aromanticism is, and I feel bad for them but thats not all there is to being aro and its a bit weird when ppl act like it is.
I think one of the best things about being aspec for me is feeling more like I can engage in and not engage in relationships (Im only favorable to sexual partnerships w no label other than 'sexual partner', and romance only w two partners as of now, and completely averse to all tertiary/nonrose. before I fully realised my aspec identities i pressured myself to have friends and felt like I'd be obligated to be favorable to nonsexual romance if someone wanted that with me, to 'be an ally to aces', even though it repulsed me. I also felt obligated to want qprs especially after realising Im aro. Realising Im atertiary helped me stop forcing myself to want nonrose relationships.)
Anyways that was a lot of rambling but probably most of my opinions on the aro and some extent aspec community.
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Since i lurk here occasionally, i randomly get posts from here in my "for you." i saw that confession about the person who assumed their follower would buy a doll they had because it was said follower's grail really made me feel some type of way. Obviously i can't be 100% sure that person was talking about me, but there was enough detail they gave that i am pretty certain it was. Also after seeing that confession i realized a particular person was no longer viewing my insta stories or posts, and thinking back a few weeks, actually hadn't for a while, despite them being a staple viewer for a long time. They were otherwise active (posting, stories)
Tldr version is: i thought you knew the type of person i am, and what my issues are, and if you wanted me to buy it, you should have DM'd me first so i could let you know i couldn't at the time. And i'm unsure how i feel about you muting me months after the fact.
Very long winded ranty version:
Now, since this person was nearly always seeing my stories, they should know that i am A) autistic and B) disabled without steady income, as i post things about those topics in my stories often. So being autistic, yeah i hyperfixate and mention 1 topic often. In this case being how expensive this grail doll goes for. I am a firm believer that dolls DEpreciate in value, even limiteds. So yes, a doll that goes for 2-3x the og price is ridiculous to me regardless of how much i want it. I will absolutely not spend upwards of 1000usd for 5+ year old doll that i can't even see in person. For that part, sorry not sorry i was "annoying" about stating that on my own personal instagram story a few times.
Anyway, at the beginning of 2023 this person mentions they may be selling this grail. I DM them saying i'd be interested. They tell me it may be a while because they're lazy about sale posts. I say cool beans and move on. MONTHS later, like near the end of the year, they suddenly post the doll for sale. And for significantly less than market price. I'm excited of course, but unfortunately just COULD NOT at the time. As stated before, i don't have stable income (and this person should know this). So with a heavy heart, i share the sale post to my story saying something like "what a fantastic price! If i could currently afford it, i'd totally grab him, but since i can't someone else should!" And yeah i assume it sold quick. Maybe around a month later i happen to mention again that people normally sell it for a crazy price. I wasn't aware i had to specifically mention in that story "oh except so-and-so, their price was great" like.. i said your price was wonderful. I just wasn't financially able at that moment, and i'm not entering a layaway with an unstable income. That's just irresponsible. Since then, i haven't mentioned the doll or its price at all as the hyperfixation has waned. It's now been a few months since then.
So my main point is.. if this person was going to be SO SALTY they had to confess about about me not immediately snagging their oh-so-generous-for-my-benefit deal MONTHS after i mentioned my interest DIRECTLY to them, they should have contacted me DIRECTLY first. Life happens. Things change. Stuff has to be paid. If they had just DMed me before making their post i could have told them "that's so generous, but i sadly can't right now." And they then could have sold it at a higher price if they so felt inclined. This is the logical thing to do, and what i myself do if i know a follower wants a doll i am selling. To then mute me a few months after the fact because they're STILL SALTY is petty and if i'm so annoying then they could have unfollowed me at any point. This is a person that i considered myself to be "rather chummy" with as we interact a bit more than i do with other followers. So for me to see that confession and then notice that person no longer seeing my stories and posts.. it's a bit hurtful? Annoying? Maybe i'm angry? I'm not sure because i have trouble figuring out how i feel. I didn't unfollow them or anything because i'm giving the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was a similar situation with other people. And that's also why i'm not going to confront them about it. However if that person sees this, and then i see they unfollow me or something.. well then i guess i'll know. I'll quietly unfollow them too and i'll be a bit sad because again, i kinda saw us as chums but that'll be that and we'll both just move on with our lives.
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miyamiwu · 1 year
I have some unpopular opinions. Sorry that they're long and became a bit ranty.
I like Igaguri and the Wanima brothers.
I wish Reo got more meaningful interactions with characters besides Nagi, it feels like atm he has no friends outside of Nagi (RIP Zantetsu, Chigiri is Nagi's friend but hasn't been shown as being more than "friend of a friend" with Reo). He's one of the best-written characters (especially whenever Nagi isn't in the scene), it's sad how he's so often reduced by some fans to just being a Nagi simp whose entire world revolves around Nagi and who will die if Nagi spends even a millisecond breathing the same air as Isagi.
Nagi and Chigiri's friendship is underrated and I wish we got to see more of it. It's just a genuine normal friendship, Chigiri is Nagi's first normal friend with no strings attached, they just became friends by fooling around. They even continue hanging out (with Bachira too) after Isagi leaves to see Tada-chan despite Nagi saying he was going to leave too.
Rin-Isagi is the most boring of all the rivalries in the series. Their personalities, designs and playstyles don't clash enough for what is seemingly set up as being the story's main rivalry. It also doesn't help how one-sided it is for most of the story and we don't get to see any of it after Rin acknowledges Isagi as a rival. They feel too similar atm, so it comes across more as a minor rivalry (like Niko-Isagi) instead of a major one (Kaiser-Isagi, Shidou-Rin).
Speaking of Rin rivalries, Rin-Bachira could have been a great one. Bachira needs a proper rival, he's pretty friendly with most of the relevant cast and outside of Isagi, none of his relationships with the rest of the cast really stand out except for him being a bit passive-aggressive with Rin and Shidou. He has a lot of personality, design and playstyle clashes with Rin that it would have been fun to watch/read. A bit of a wasted opportunity.
Hey @08theverysmallhuman here’s a fellow Igaguri fan. As for the Wanima brothers, I don’t really have much of an opinion on them. We haven’t seen big bro in a while.
And Reo is friends with Isagi! We don’t see them together much, but these two has had several meaningful conversations. This one is my favorite:
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We’ve also seen Reo reach out to Kunigami:
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I agree with you though that Reo deserves more friends! He’s more than just a Nagi simp.
And oh, I’d love to see more of Nagi and Chigiri just hanging out. Maybe we’d get to see more of it if the manga shows us the aftermath of the Germany vs England match on nagireo’s side. I think Nagi and Reo are gonna have another conflict soon. When that happens, Chigiri can be there for Nagi.
As for the Rin-Isagi rivalry, I actually think it’s similar to Kaiser-Isagi but of a lower level since Kaiser is on a higher level. Both the Rin and Kaiser rivalries are similar in that Rin and Kaiser are basically just better versions of Isagi. What Isagi learns from both of them is a more advanced way of seeing the field–improved spatial awareness, so to speak.
And actually, I don’t think Rin is Isagi’s main rival. Rin is only the main rival in the Second Selection and u20 arc. In the NEL arc, the main rival is Kaiser.
After ch202, I think we’ll see more variety in the Isagi rivalries where it isn’t just Isagi vs Better Isagi. Isagi has achieved metavision, which is probably the peak of his spatial awareness weapon. Now, he needs to work on his physical skills to really be the best striker.
May I also push my agenda that Isagi’s main rival/final boss is going to be Bachira? Bachira is a very skilled player, and skills are what Isagi lacks the most. Not to mention the contrast in how they operate: logic vs intuition. There’s a lot of build-up for it too. I’m gonna have to write a meta on it someday.
And yesss, I also really want Bachira to have his own rival. Rin-Bachira would be interesting, but so is Kaiser-Bachira. But those two are already Isagi’s, so I hope the rival is a new character or a character not yet explored much. I’m hoping it’s Aomori’s Messi, Nishioka, who we are yet to see. Bachira-Ness and Bachira-Kurona would be good if author wants to explore Bachira’s midfielder potential. But personally, I prefer if it’s a striker vs striker rivalry. And seriously, among the list of possible striker rivals, only Bachira-Isagi has been built up a lot.
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badsongpetey · 2 years
Sorry, this is a bit ranty, I'm in a mood today lol.
So I just want to say to all the artists out there, and I want to clarify that when I say "artists" I mean all creatives -- visual art, music, writing, textile arts, dance, spoken art, craft art, chefs and bakers, on and on, all of it -- I want to say to all of you, YOU ARE VALUABLE, I VALUE YOU.
I think the pandemic taught us that life without art, without creative outlets, is not life. Yet society continues to undervalue artists at every turn. "You want to be paid? Don't you just do it because you love it?" Would you say that to your surgeon? Your plumber? Hell, how would you feel if someone said that to you about your work, something that you probably studied for, trained for, have put untold countless hours of work and practice into?
I see artists apologizing for not pumping out art at, frankly, punishing rates. Even if they do it for free, for "fun". You pay $1/mo for someone's patreon, and they're giving you $50 of content every month and thanking you. I hear stories of artists getting stiffed on commissions because they took more than a day to do it. I've been offered the "opportunity" to do free art for someone "for experience and exposure" so many times I need to lay down to make the stupid stop hurting.
How about we normalize appreciating all the work, skill, talent, time, and love that go into being an artist. How about we don't cancel someone because they're not creating "fast enough". How about we recognize the value of all the free art we are given (how many FREE novels have you read on AO3?).
I should say, nothing bad has happened to me to say this, EVERYONE has been so kind and wonderful to me here and on AO3 and on my other socials. I love you guys sm! I've just been seeing stuff the last few months and I needed to voice my support for my fellow artists. You're all amazing and beautiful, and you make life better with your gift of art to us all <3
Go tell your favorite artist that you value them today! Trust me, it'll make their day, probably their whole month :)
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I don't know if this is an adhd thing or a social anxiety thing or what but this happens a lot. It has happened to me all throughout my youth and even recently and I feel like I'm going nuts or something. It shouldn't distress me to the verge of tears but here we are.
Me: *talking normally to a person*
Person: *listening and responding*
Me: *still carrying on the conversation as normal*
Person: *starts snickering/cringing/looking angry or annoyed*
Me: What? What did I say? Why are you (doing that)?
Person: *continues snickering/rolls eyes/cringes more, and doesn't answer me*
I sincerely have no idea what I could be doing wrong. My therapist said I might be on the autism spectrum too and they want to test for that soon. I feel like I'm going to cry because, as soon as I get comfortable and start talking "normally" THIS shit happens and I want to cry my eyes out because I feel like a fucking freak.
What happened yesterday was the last straw for me.
Me: *talking about my little story with Vanilla*
Friend: *listening and responding*
Me: *says how I headcanon his birth name to be "Ezekiel" and other stuff about his childhood*
Friend: *starts snickering like I said something raunchy?*
Me: What? What did I say? Does Ezekiel not mean what I think it means? What's wrong with it? Do I need to change it?
Friend: *just continues laughing* I don't know.
Never gave me an answer and I kept googling and looking up what Ezekiel means just to make sure it wasn't anything bad or whatever. What did I do? I swear all I said was, "His parents named him Ezekiel and he grew up in an orphanage," etc just casually talking about my backstory for him.
When I worked retail and at a movie theater, customers would snicker at me too. I would say normal things like, "Enjoy your movie/Have a wonderful day" and would get snickered and cringed at. Maybe I'm just ugly or my voice sounds weird or I have a lisp/my accent is weird and I don't realize it. I'm so freaking confused, I really have no idea why people would give me grossed out looks or snicker at me and look me up and down when I say normal things. Again, maybe it's the adhd making me oblivious to what is and isn't "normal behavior". I swear to god, I thought I was acting normal, but I guess I'm not.
And people irl wonder why I never fucking talk.
I'm really sorry this is so long and ranty, but I just don't understand...
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thejellybeanboys · 1 year
Wait Luis do you know that your mum is Wordgirl???
(Not_W0rdgirl [/command: Isolated ask])
(Not_W0rdgirl connected only)
Luis: “Needed to try that out eventually, don't be confused on what I just did, we all have the power here in the blog to isolate a specific ask and answer it individually for privacy sake, meaning the others won't see this.”
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Luis: “But yes I very much know that my Mom is--or well was Wordgirl, I'm just keeping it under wraps from the others and pretending like don't know since mom asked me to. While she hasn't been a hero in years she's still concerned over her past secret identity stuff. I mean I didn't really want to hide it in the first place since like whatever my mom used to be this city's everything and I should be happy to get attention through that but...*sigh* no I'm hiding it now for other reasons, mostly that I don't want everyone to see me as her, that "oh well you sure do look like her and you the potential to be like her, c'mon Luis why not be her!" Junk. I want to be my own person here, and ugh there's not to mention the whole half alien thing... I'm good at hiding it compared to my sisters since I have literally nothing for powers. Oh yeah another reason why I shouldn't come out as Wordgirl's son...i was born a powerless runt, hehe good thing I wasn't born on Lexicon. I-i just don't know how to feel about myself with this, in my head I'm a normal human boy and my mom is now normal human lady with my normal human dad. My sisters...well they have powers and they are loved by everyone for them so they get to be the exceptional ones, why bother me on continuing on Wordgirl's legacy when Matty and Tori Lori have that covered now.”
Luis: “Uh... sorry if this was all ranty or unreadable, I tend to ramble when it comes to myself and stuff like this. Dad says it's because I haven't been journaling like Doctor Ivan told me to, buttttt...idc this is my blog and I get to be emotionally charged and mindless as I wanna be. If anyone is curious to know...Codey and Leroy are the only people here who knows about my mom being Wordgirl thing and the whole half Lexiconian stuff with me. Which yeah I'm definitely not itching to tell the villian fraternity about it either, ugh them finding out would just make them even more annoying.”
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
hi cowboyjen! how are you doing?
I (23F) was wondering if you'd be up to helping me with something. my girlfriend is coming to meet my parents next weekend. it's my first relationship, I came out to my parents three years ago, and told them I've been in a relationship (almost six months now) two months ago. my dad seemed pretty fine with everything. my mother however, coming from a more conservative background, has had her reservations, particularly about where we're going to sleep (as she'll be staying the night here). she asked me, "she'll sleep in the spare room and you'll sleep in yours though, right?", and I had just assumed beforehand that this wasn't gonna be an issue and we'd both stay in the spare room, as we usually spend the night at each other's houses anyway. so I said I thought we'd both just sleep together, and asked her if that made her uncomfortable. all she said was, "whatever you want", in a dismissive, disapproving tone.
now, my question lies in whether I should stick to what I want, which is sleeping in the same room, or given that my mother's probably gonna be uncomfortable enough as it is with the whole situation, give her this one thing, and sleep in separate rooms. my dad said it didn't have to be a big deal, and that it didn't matter, and I agree! I'm just overthinking now and don't want to give her any reason to hate my girlfriend or make her feel unwelcome or something...
sorry this is long and ranty and silly, it's okay if you never get to answering, I understand you're a busy person dealing with their own hardships and I do wish you the absolute best in everything! I've just always admired you and your blog and thought I'd turn to you in the hopes you might get a chance to read this in time and maybe answer :)
again, wish you the best and hope you're doing well 🤗 thanks for reading!
I am on a bit of a time crunch with a quick break between picking Jr up from school and my part time job but I know this weekend starts today.
When I was finally out to my parents and with my first girlfriend in my early 20's we did have the occasion to spend a night or two due to bad weather. My mom was clearly anxious about having us be in the same room over night and dad was like yours... he didn't see why it was a big deal either way. In my mom's mind she was thinking "they are haivng sex in my spare room" and dad was like "one less room to to mess up".
My brothers and sister had always been allowed to have their SO in the same room ONCE they were committed. If they were just casual or maybe not serious I think she would have had a bigger issue. We decided to stay in the same room. Bascially my thought was that mom was going to be uncomfortable either way since me being a lesbian was fairly new to her BUT I really didnt want my girlfriend to feel alone or isolated. Having her be in a strange place (room) by herself did not sit right with me.
We did decide, out of respect, to not have sex while under my parent's roof just to keep any weird vibes out of the air. Mom was fine the next day. She greeted us at breakfast and even talked with Jen (my ex) about some family stuff while dad and I went outside to putter in the garage.
If it was me, and you can even put it to your mom this way, you don't think it is appropriate for your girlfriend to be alone in a strange home and you want to be with her both to make her feel "at home" and because you love her. Your mom is already uncomfortable and adding the weird stress of your girlfriend feeling isolated over night is not going to help. I think your mom will be fine and dad might be helpeful since he is not giving her fear any energy.
Do be respectful and maybe keep phycial contact around her to a little less than you are used to having. And probably no sex because you might think you being quiet but we all know how that can go.
Not wanting to hear your adult children having sex is not homophobic.. it is being a normal parent. (I can say this from experience LOL).
I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.
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[ I don't own these photos, creds to owner! ]
13/100 days of 100 days of productivity challenge!
8:21 PM | Jan. 19 | 2019 | Ah, today was much better than yesterday. I had some good food, and I also did another water change. Apparently the reason why the water has been getting kinda gross faster than usual was because of me. I was overfeeding them. :/
But I'll now feed them less and their tank looks nice and clean! And also I didn't know they were spoilers at first, but they were. It was for bnha. I read volumes 15 & 16 but I do know a website online so I'll catch up to understand what everyone was saying. It's kind of a bummer when I get spoilers, but thankfully it doesn't always ruin it for me. Unless they were spoiling like over 10 chapters or someone died, it's not always the worst.
Anyways, I got really off topic but this whole thing will be not so studyblr. I also got some nice sweaters + a cute rainbow belt (i love rainbows). Today I kinda was in a bit of a bad ish mood bc I went to the store and I was overly awkward and it made me feel embarrassed and a little anxious.
Not only that, I accidentally bumped my cart into another person's cart and they gave me a dirty look and that made me feel really bad and self-conscious. I said sorry but I should have said it louder. Plus I almost pushed the cart into an old woman and my mom was like "Be careful you almost hit her!" and like it made me feel worse bc I was already feeling a bit upset bc of the incident before that. She wasn't trying to make me feel bad but it was like, awkward.
My mom usually pushes the cart that's why I was moving it so weirdly. It also kind of annoyed me that some people knew that they would have to move but like, they kept walking in that same direction and it just made it more difficult for me. Maybe they really didn't know but it still made me a bit stressed out. Idk why I get kinda upset over little things like that in public.
Lastly, when we were checking out these two little kids wouldn't move when I had to push the cart forward and their mom was yelling their names in spanish. I felt bad. Considering the things I want to do require public speaking and social interactions, I just pray that I don't get so nervous, awkward, anxious, and overly self conscious when I have social interactions. I hope this changes soon. :(
But, I'm actually happy right now I don't feel bad like I did earlier. I got some Jamba Juice too. Also, I cleaned. I usually do but bc of my laziness on Friday and Thursday I didn't. Again, this is a normal thing because I have time to do it but I did cook myself a good breakfast.
Hopefully I finish my semester assignment tomorrow or on Monday. My teacher is going to be grading my assignments and filling in report cards. I don't want my grade to go down because she marked it as 0 before I submit. Okay, that's all today, sorry for getting really personal and ranty on here.
Take care everyone, stay safe, and stay hydrated! I'll update you tomorrow! Arrivederci!
~ Valentina ✨
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fightostudy · 7 years
Hello. I was wondering could you maybe keep your comments on posts in the tags? I understand it's your blog but I wanted to ask just in case. It would save people a lot of time not having to keep reblogging posts from the person you reblogged them from in order to get rid of the comments. I don't mean to be rude. And like I said I definitely understand if your answer is no.
hi!! thanks for the ask, it’s defs interesting to hear it from your perspective! I completely understand where you’re coming from. Firstly, I apologise - i personally don’t mind having other people’s comments on reblogs so i thought we could still delete additional comments. i didn’t realise this isn’t the case anymore! 
However, I do respectfully say no. The reasons being: firstly, i rarely ever comment on posts. 
Secondly, 95% of the time I do comment on them, they’re posts with tips or advice on them - i normally want to add to the tips, or point out ones I find really important. When i started studyblr (like 4 years ago omg i’ve been here so long), there would be these really long posts about college advice that was overwhelming to read - especially since there were so many of them. I found it helpful when several people would emphasise one of the tips. In the same way, and i mean this in a genuine way, I comment usually not for myself, but in hopes that I can help others. (Edit: i’ve just been reblogging stuff for a while and realised I do put comments in the tags, they’re usually the kind of comments where it’s like ‘omg this a super cute notebook’. Not that relevant but just a personal revelation, haven’t really thought of when i tagged things, besides my own posts!)
Finally, although I started studyblr bc I wanted to give back to people, it is my blog and my safe space and I treat it as such. I used to be very conscious of what I posted on social media and was scared of being judged, but now I post what I feel like posting because it’s a space that’s mine and where I have full creative control. Hence, series such as DOALS (Diaries of a law student) which are very very low quality, ranty posts. 
I hope that explains a bit and thanks for messaging me about it! I’m sorry if I can’t do more to make your experience more comfortable. And thank you heaps for being respectful and nice about it, a really do appreciate it - people can be mean on anon sometimes. Also, if you really are frustrated about my posts/don’t agree with what I post or whatever reason feel uncomfortable with my blog, please feel free to unfollow me! I won’t take offence and I wouldn’t notice at all! Have a lovely day/night :)
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