#sorry I don’t make the rules COUGH
ghost-bxrd · 15 days
Been reading the new World's Finest series. That definitely goes back to Silver Age characterization for Bruce's relationships.
BFFs with Superman, revealing his own identity to Clark as soon as he deduces Clark's as a sign of trust, carefully helping a traumatized metahuman kid through a meltdown...
Dick's age isn't explicitly stated, but he dates Kara who was fifteen when she arrived on earth and is now settled in well. So he's likely seventeen, or at least sixteen. Definitely after the age his relationship with Bruce soured and he got kicked out in canon.
Here he still has a good relationship with Bruce, enough to vent to him about an embarassing date. While Bruce isn't that happy about the Titans team, it's just normal concern about a group of unsupervised teen heroes, and he respects Dick's boundaries.
He's also unlikely to have issues with Jason being taken in. At one point the possibility of Bruce adopting a new kid comes up and Dick's response is to assign himself as the cool big bro and take off to introduce the kid to the Titans.
Wondering what would happen if Dick gets swapped with mainstream counterpart...
It'd be fun to have Dicks meet each other's Jasons, but the angstiest point to get switched would be when mainstream Dick is kicked out... Right when he is still convalescent from getting shot.
World's finest Bruce panicking because his recently injured son he's still mother henning seems to think he's about to get yelled at or worse for being in the Manor...
World's finest Dick being completely confused why Bruce is being so mean to him and convinced Bruce got possessed...
The World’s Finest comics are still on my “to read list” but good dad Bruce has me so excited already.
But yeah, that particular scenario is gonna end with Bruce either keeping other Dick (after getting his own Dick back, too), or finding a way to punch other Bruce in the face. Protective batdad for the win
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mypimpademia · 11 months
Writing characters that are usually stoic or aggressive w sickeningly sweet personalities towards their s/o’s just because I can >>>>>>
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moonstruckme · 11 days
hi! i saw you were requesting more camp counselor!james x reader, and i was thinking maybe james and reader's groups are having a lake day and james is playfully rough housing with reader (like tackling them in the water, reader holding onto his meck while he swims with her, just fun playful manhandling!)
Thanks for requesting lovely!
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 759 words
“Fishies, fishies,” James calls, grinning ear to ear as he lies in wait in the chest-deep water, “come out and play!” 
You’re not ashamed of using some of your kids as human shields as you all advance cautiously forward. Having James be the shark in this game was a terrible idea, but he won the last round and you suppose rules and rules. All you and the kids have to do to avoid losing this round is get to the rock about twenty feet from the shore, but you have to get past James first. 
He lifts his arms above the water, waggling his fingers menacingly at the kids closest to him. A couple of the boys from his cabin are bold, swimming just within grabbing distance. James waits until a few kids have already made it past him before shouting, “Shark attack!” 
Mayhem erupts. You’re kicked by a couple of small feet as the campers around you take off, and you do the same, swimming for the safety zone. You see the kids nearest James go down with splashes and dramatic screams of defeat as he catches them. Then, his gaze narrows on you. 
His grin widens when you start swimming faster. He takes a couple of powerful strokes in your direction, but you’re almost past him, you think you can make it if you dive under—big hands latch onto your angles. You’re jerked backward, water going up your nose before you’re pulled flush against a warm chest. 
It takes you a second to realize you’re out of the water, but then James’ hand is lifting the wet hair from your face. His body shakes behind yours while you cough and sputter. 
“Oops,” he laughs, turning you around and continuing to push pieces of hair away from your eyes as you blow water out of your nose. “Sorry, lovely.” He says it so simply, like plain fact. Your heart stutters. 
It takes you another second to be able to speak. James really does look sorry then, ducking to see your face while you catch your breath. 
“You alright?” he asks. His hand finds your sun-warmed shoulder, rubbing. “I didn’t mean to be so rough with you.” 
“I’m fine,” you say, smiling giddily despite the lake water still streaming down your face. “Sorry, just, water got up my nose.” 
“I could tell.” There’s both amusement and sympathy in his smile. “I’d let you get revenge on me sometime, if it would make you feel better.” 
You think on this for a moment. “It would, actually,” you say before hooking your ankle behind both of his and giving his shoulders a hard shove. 
James’ mouth pops open in surprise as he goes down, and you’re already laughing when he comes back up but it worsens when you see him. His hair has all slicked back, revealing more forehead than you knew he had.
“Minx!” he accuses joyously. 
Before you can think to get away, he’s got his arms banded underneath your back and thighs and has pulled you to his chest again. 
“Hold your breath,” he warns you graciously. You inhale just before he dunks your head under the water. 
You wish you had it in you to be mad, but the way his fingers dig into your thighs is scrambling your brain waves, and James is impossible to be angry with in the first place. When you come back out of the water you’re still laughing, frenetic giggles that have him grinning down at you too. 
“Your hair!” you manage, reaching up a hand to attempt to comb some of it back down. 
It’s not that James has an unusually large forehead, just that you’ve never seen it, and for some reason the sight worsens your delirium. You don’t even try to get out of his hold, entirely focussed on righting his hair, already curling at the ends despite how waterlogged it is. James’ smile softens. 
“Thanks,” he says. You’re so close you can see your reflection in his eyes, the glint of the water behind you flashing in his pupils. 
It sobers you, and you stop, pulling your hand back to your chest like you’ve hurt it. James takes the cue to let you go. 
“Think twice before you try to water wrestle me again,” he teases, and you do your best to smile in response. 
The kids taunt James for only having turned three of you into sharks, having let the rest of the campers get by after he’d caught you. He admits to having gotten distracted.
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islandofsages · 5 months
Hey, I wanted to ask for the housewardens with a male!reader from their dorm that have the same name as the Seven's sidekicks (?).
Example : Cerberus for Idia, Diaval for Malleus, FlotSam for Azul, ect...
And people (*cough* Yuu *cough*) always compared the reader with the housewarden and always say things like : "oh yeah, the new Diaval and the new Maleficent.." *looking at Reader and Malleus talking about Briar Valley.*
characters: the housewardens x male reader
tags: platonic, fluff + crack, imagines + scenario format; yuu is there, mentions of ruggie and jack in leona's, mentions of the leech twins in azul's, mentions of jamil in kalim's, mentions of ortho in idia's, mentions of sebek in malleus'
warnings: nothing
author's notes: i tried to choose characters that aren't already inspirations for the characters in the game so some of them end up being from the second movie and stuff LOL sorry if this isnt what you want anon but honestly i did have a lot of fun writing this
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Riddle Rosehearts — The King of Hearts
You’re not sure why and how but you’re dubbed as The King of Hearts of your dorm, alongside Riddle who is the Queen
Unsure of what to make of this, you ignore it and continue to devote yourself to the Queen just as any normal person would sorry this is kinda satire
Riddle is simply your friend. You cherish him a lot and you respect him and his beliefs. Even when he overblotted, your faith in him is unwavering
Speaking of the overblot, after the whole catastrophe, you’ve grown a lot closer with the other card soldiers, along with the magicless kid named Yuu and their pet (Grim was his name?)
They would greet you from time to time, stop by to have a chat when they’re free and check up on the dorm
One day, they made an offhand comment about you and Riddle
“You guys are paving the way for the new generation of the Queen of Hearts and the King of Hearts. Though, I guess the King of Hearts didn’t really do anything anyway.”
First of all, what the hell are you talking about?
Second of all, you’d say you contribute much to the dorm. For Yuu to assume such a thing for you simply because some “past King of Hearts” didn’t do so is ridiculous
You don’t voice these things out loud and shrug it off as them saying random things again, or making some kind of reference you don’t get
And because, third of all, you realize they broke rule 228: they definitely picked a rose in your garden. So you go to kick them out before Riddle could find out.
All in the day’s work for the King of Hearts.
Leona Kingscholar — Zira
You could say you and Leona are tight - maybe not Ruggie and Leona tight, but almost
And part of that can be attributed to the fact that you may or may not idolize Leona. But hey, it’s not strange. If Jack can do it, why can’t you? At least it’s not on Sebek’s level
Plus, you deserve to have some pride in yourself for being one of the only people Leona confidently calls a friend of his
Though, one person has been persistent about being Leona’s friend - Yuu, the person who just spawned out of nowhere apparently
You’d catch them talking to Leona sometimes and to be frank, there are times where Leona is less annoyed than usual at their presence
One day in particular, the three of you are hanging around Savanaclaw’s lounge, when Yuu drops a bombshell
“Ah yes, of course, you two are exactly like Scar and his creepily-devout follower, Zira.”
??? Yes, Zira is (a variation) of your name but you wouldn’t call yourself “creepily-devout”. Also, who even is Scar?
Leona’s ears twitch in annoyance, either because he doesn’t understand what Yuu means or that he’s put off by their phrasing
You sit in silence, deciding if this is a topic worth asking more about or not
Curiosity gets the best of you - you ask them. They basically dump all the information they could onto you
Yeah, you still don’t get it. But whoever this other Zira is, they’re kinda cool honestly.
Azul Ashengrotto — Morgan(a)
A lot of people consider you one of Azul’s henchmen alongside Jade and Floyd - God forbid working to the bone every day for the Mostro Lounge, right?
But you don’t take it as an insult. It’s no compliment to be so loyal to such a capitalistic bastard (said affectionately) but it’s just another part of your life
Plus. You’re friends with the dude. His cunning nature is what you’re here for
Maybe sometimes you feel a little inferior to him since everyone lauds him as some powerful mage but you tell yourself you don’t need such prestige
Though even outside of work, sometimes you see that Yuu person loiter around the Mostro Lounge in search of Azul (and the Leech siblings occasionally)
So you decide to sit down with them one day and have a nice little chat when-
“So you’re the Morgana dude right? You definitely give off the vibes. Let me guess: you have a love-hate relationship with your stronger, superior boss?”
You have to do a double take at what they just spouted - where are these assumptions coming from suddenly?
Also your name is Morgan.
They laugh and assure you it’s only a joke and a reference to a movie they like since Azul and you have an uncanny resemblance to the characters in that movie
Even still, you can’t help but feel confused… no way they just go up to people and reference things they enjoy right…?
You try to work on your vibes starting the very next day.
Kalim Al-Asim — Aladdin
You’re somewhat of an enabler for Kalim’s party animal and reckless tendencies which Jamil doesn’t really appreciate but also you don’t give a shit
Who can say no to free food and music? Well, a specific amount of people but you’re definitely not one of them
Kalim is friends with everyone; or rather, he considers everyone a friend and that considerately counts you too
But you two really are though - after the party’s died down, the two of you would chat late into the night about everything and anything. And it works because he’s such a good listener
At one of his many parties, the Yuu person who’s apparently from another world comes to party along with you
And so you eat and dance as one usually would under Kalim’s rule, learning bits of information about Yuu along the way
As per usual, the party dies down so you, Kalim and Yuu take the chance to relax and have a concrete conversation
At some point, Yuu comments on your name (and apparent namesake…?)
“Wait, so your name is Aladdin? Like the thief guy who fell in love with the Sultan’s daughter? Feels kinda weird since Kalim kinda reminds me of the Sultan himself…”
Well, yes, your name is Aladdin although you just tell people to call you Ali but everything else they just said is completely false
You all laugh it off because the mood is appropriate for an elaborate joke as such but the next day, when you think over the whole interaction, you have to wonder what was going on through their head at the time
You make a mental note to see if you’ll ever fall in love with a sultan’s daughter.
Vil Schoenheit — Raven
You’re a little intimidated by Vil but you have as much respect for him as anyone does
And somehow, you manage to gain his respect too, though you are a mere spudling…
You try not to let it get to your head (especially considering he has more respect for some other spuds than you) but it’s no easy feat to get a compliment from Vil Schoenheit himself
One person in particular has been getting a lot of attention from Vil lately, you’ve noticed
This Yuu person has been stopping by Pomefiore a lot lately, ever since the weird invasion at school where a bunch of robot people broke into the school grounds
You don’t question it because they’ve been interacting with Vil since the VDC but the thing is Yuu has been trying to get to know more of the dorm members
And one day, they get to you finally
They seem normal enough once you two sit down to chat in the lounge—
“Hm, so your name is Raven? I think I vaguely remember a raven being in Snow White…”
You have no idea what that means and before you could change the topic yourself, Yuu dismisses it; but then the next day, when you were thinking about the exchange again, you get curious as to what a Snow White is 
So you start to scour the Internet for this “Snow White” and it manages to consume you for a few days until Yuu tells you that it’s just a movie from their world
You don’t talk to them for a few days.
Idia Shroud — Meg
You and the Shroud brothers are more like frenemies than anything - you three banter like old friends who know too much about each other
Other than Ortho, Idia does ask you for some favors a lot and you like joking that he’s drowning in debt when it comes to you
Sometimes he pays back by gaming with you, sometimes he pays with actual money. Good money at that. You don’t complain either way
One day you run another favor for him (which he promises more good money for) to send some stuff to Ramshackle
A person named Yuu and their only other dorm member Grim had sent stuff to Idia for repairing and maintenance - not that you care about the details. You’re just gonna get it over with
Once you reach their dorm, the first thing you’re met with are the two dorm members bickering over something. You chuckle; it reminds you of your conversations with Idia
You excuse yourself for interrupting and go to drop off their things on the table in the middle of the lounge
They stop bickering then and Yuu greets you momentarily before muttering something under their breath
“Of course the new Meg to the new Hades dropped off our stuff.”
You assume they don’t know that you heard what they said and quite frankly you don’t want to care much but you admit you’re a bit curious of what they mean
When you get back to Idia, you ask him to decipher that cryptic message
He admits he has no idea what they mean by that, simply tells you not to think about it and pays you with some good old cash - and some fun gaming time so you forget all about it later anyway.
Malleus Draconia — Diaval
You are one of Malleus’ loyal retainers - you were bestowed the honor of being his “wings” even whatever that means
But Malleus sees you as an equal almost. You are no servant and you have your own wings to tend to; it’s the stuff that would move Sebek to tears
You do see him as a friend mostly, even if at first you started doing so out of pity
But now you see him making more friends around campus and you can’t help but feel happy for and proud of him
There’s one friend who he seems to be around a lot - the magicless human named Yuu
It makes sense since he does enjoy taking walks around their dorm, even before they came to occupy it
One day, you three make the time to have tea together and simply talk. It’s all very pleasant when Yuu says-
“You know, don’t you think it’s weird how your name is Diaval and you’re serving someone who’s strangely reminiscent of Maleficent?”
Well, you don’t think it’s weird because you have no idea what they’re referencing and who Maleficent is - and Malleus seems to think the same, with the confused look on his face and all
Also as true as it is that you’re Malleus’ retainer, you don’t appreciate someone phrasing it as you “serving” him
Yuu apologizes for the comment and explains what they mean by it. You both still don’t get it but it’s enough to make you shrug it off
Sometimes Yuu would still make such comments, thinking you don’t hear it but knowing it’s not that deep, it doesn’t affect the three of you’s friendship whatsoever.
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
Hello! May I request for more HCs of Kid and Killer being in a polycule with gn!reader? I love how you write them!!! It's fun reading your work, you got me liking the idea of being in a polycule with Kid and Killer lol. Thank you and have a nice day/night!
I did it finally! im sorry it took so long i was sick for the past week and a half
but here it is!
Warnings: Cursing, Kid
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okay so heres how the bed sharing works
Kid sleeps all sprawled out on his back (snoring so loud)
he takes like 76% of the bed
Killer takes like 18% of the bed cause he sleeps on his side
that other 6% is yours and you gotta figure out how to sleep comfortably on top of Kid
its rlly hard since hes either fighting god in his sleep or snoring so damn loud in your ear
Killer doesnt snore he just breathes really loudly
Kid literally hates when you leave the bed for literally anything
queue to you having to literally body slam Kid back into the bed just to get him to shut up and stop yelling at you
anyway so to avoid that happening again you have to walk to his snoring pattern
imagine trying to go to the bathroom and his snoring stops for like half a second
mini heart attack
When Kid gets sick
oh my fucking god
this man is insufferable
will complain about EVERYTHING
“i cant BREATHE”
“my neck hurts”
this man will not shut up unless hes alseep
he doesnt do anything in the period hes sick
he gets better in 2-3 days easily but god those 2-3 days are the worst
When Killer is sick Kid acts like hes gonna die
Killer will still do his duties but with lots of breaks to rest
Kid constantly tells him to rest more and the rest of the crew will do his duties
Killer once listened and when he came back the Victoria Punk was in shambles
he’s not doing that again he just takes more breaks
he blows his nose so much and Kid always goes “eewww”
mf acts like he don’t cough up mucus all the time when he’s sick
Killer is usually better in 3-5 days
When you get sick Killer constantly checks up on you and makes sure you don’t push yourself
Kid will just down right avoid you
“you ain’t getting me sick with your damn virus”
Kid makes you sleep in a different room
it’s okay Killer sleeps with you anyway
if you’re sick longer than 3 days he eventually sucks it up cause he hates sleeping alone
when you play board games with them Kid makes up rules as he goes along just to win
but Killer kicks ass in Uno and even if Kid cheats Killer will win
I have so much stupid shit to say about Kid hes so funny
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mrwavellswaps · 5 months
Santa’s Solution
(Christmas Special)
It was the night of Christmas Eve and all across the world towns and cities were lit up with sparking colourful lights to celebrate the holidays. Everywhere you looked there was beauty as there always was this time of year. And nobody could see that beauty better than Santa Claus himself as he soared through the skies with his sleigh full of presents and magical reindeer leading the way. Of course most believed him to be a fairy tale but he was very much real. Simply using a little Christmas magic to make adults who didn’t believe in him think the presents he’d brought were ones they’d bought themselves. And of course he used a little magic to make sure nobody ever saw him either. That was one of the number one rules. Nobody is allowed to see Santa.
Well this night it would appear something had gone a little wrong with his magic when he entered the home of Brett Rivers. Usually his Christmas magic would make it so nobody would be awoken when he stopped by to drop off a present or two or that they would just so happen to drift off to sleep when he arrived. However this night it would not go as planned.
Brett found himself fluttering awake to the sound of rustling coming from his small living room. At first he thought it was nothing but when he heard what sounded like footsteps, he knew he had to check it out. He quietly slid out of bed in nothing but a pair of boxers, showcasing his huge muscular physique. Thick and bulky arms, solid powerful legs and a pair of melons for pecs.
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He wasn’t at all scared by the noises being the buff guy that he was but he was sure to grab the bat underneath his bed just in case.
He silently made his way down the small corridor outside his bedroom and towards the living room where he turned the corner and saw none other than Santa Claus himself. Or at least a dude dressed up as Santa. He’d been expecting a burglar so the sight of the fat old man dressed up in red and white certainly had him lost for words for a few moments until he finally snapped out of it. “Oi! What the hell are you doing in my house!?” He shouted while bringing the bat up into a position ready to swing.
Startled, Santa whipped around to see the angry and confused hunk of a man standing behind him. “O-oh? You shouldn’t be out of bed Brett.” He said, knowing Brett’s name immediately, with an equal amount of confusion in his voice. “Oh dear… this has never happened before.” Santa hummed with a hint of frustration as he realised he’d broken one of the Christmas rules that he wasn’t allowed to be seen dropping off presents. “This won’t do at all.” He added whilst stroking his long white beard as if trying to come up with some kind of solution to the awkward situation.
“What the fuck are you talking about you crazy old man!” Brett shouted, getting angrier by the second. “How the hell do you know my name!?… N-no I don’t care just get the fuck out before I beat the shit out of your fat ass and call the cops!” He bellowed furiously before taking a few threatening steps closer to the intruder.
Santa sighed. “I’m sorry to do this my boy but I can’t allow that.” The jolly old man suddenly began rubbing his gloved hands together as Brett got closer. The hunk was about to give him one warning before suddenly Santa opened his hands again and blew what seemed to be fairy dust straight in Brett’s face.
The stud coughed as he stumbled backwards slightly, dropping the bat he was holding in the process with a loud thud. His entire body began to feel light and weak as his eyes fluttered. “W…What… did y-you…” Before Brett could even finish his sentence, he fell completely unconscious. Luckily Santa was quick enough to catch him before landed on the floor.
“Ooof… I’ve got you. Just sleep.” The fat bearded man whispered as his magic dust took full effect. Though as he held Brett’s unconscious body, Santa couldn’t help allowing his eyes to wander across the hunky form Brett had build. All the muscular curves and ridges that had been crafted into it along with the thickness that went along with it making Brett look like an adonis. Big Mr Claus couldn’t help licking his lips a little in a moment of perviness that was rather uncharacteristic for him. He soon shook his head however and got back to buisness.
Using a surprising amount of strength, Santa carefully hoisted Brett up onto his feet once again before taking a breath and tossing the muscular man over his shoulder. If his cheeks weren’t already so rosey then he probably would’ve been blushing slightly at having this big handsome almost naked man on his shoulder.
“You’re certainly a strong healthy lad aren’t you my boy.” Santa chuckled slightly as he gave Brett’s muscle ass a cheeky pat before rubbing his hand down the back Brett’s thighs and getting a good feel for those thick hamstrings of his. “Very strong indeed…” he continued to mumble as his hand slid back over Brett’s ass again.
With that Santa made sure he had a good grip on Brett before taking his leave and heading back to his sleigh. Once there he carefully placed the hunk in the back of the sleigh alongside his magical sack of presents. “What am I gonna do with you?…” Santa pondered as he stared down at Brett for a moment, still taking in that young gorgeous body. “Welp. I’ll have to figure that out later. Time is running out and I have presents to deliver!” He declared before heading to the next house that was in need of a couple presents from Santa.
The next time Brett awoke he found himself sitting in a cold wooden chair that certainly wasn’t his home. Instead he found himself in what seemed to be some sort of laboratory. It was hard to tell at first but as his vision cleared he began to make out a room filled with all sorts of machines that he couldn’t even begin to understand. There were multiple worktops full of gadgets and devices that’d seemily been crafted here, none of which Brett could make sense of.
“Finally back with us eh? We’ve been waiting forever for that slumber magic to wear off.” Said an elf beside him. “Took your body awhile to wake up after having you under for so many months.” The tiny worker added causally. He worked human enough besides the fact that he looked to have been scaled down a bit in size. And of course the pointy ears. The elf wore a pair of rather sophisticated glasses that sat perfectly atop his nose and would probably be one of his most stand out features if it weren’t for his thick curly beard. He was wearing a typical scientist-y get up comp,ste with the white lab coat you’d usually see yet Brett couldn’t help noticing the tuft of chest hair that stuck out the top of the elf’s collar. He was definitely a furry one.
“W-what!? What’re you talking about?! Months?! What’s-Grrrahh!” As his body began to wake, Brett attempted to jump up from the chair he was seated in only to find both his arms and legs had been tightly strapped down with restraints. “Hey! Let me go you fucking creep!” He shouted while continuing to struggle but his attempts to free himself were all in vain.
The elf who looked to be wearing a messy lab coat of sorts shook his head. “Sorry mister, no can do. Might as well save your strength.” He tutted as he pulled out what looked to be some sort of phone. The scrawny little elf tapped a few buttons before talking into the device. “He’s awake now sir if you’re ready to proceed.”
Brett was even more confused. By this point he was surprised he hadn’t had a panic attack yet. The last thing he could clearly remember was being woken up in the middle of the night before Christmas by some Santa looking fucker breaking into his house and now he was here in the freaky looking gadget workshop. What freaked him out even more though was as he peered over his shoulder he saw one huge machine sat behind him with what looked to be two helmets attached to it.
“What the fuck is that?!” Brett’s voice boomed through the laboratory. When he didn’t get a response however, his face grew red with anger and frustration. “Hey! Answer me you stupid little fuck! What the fuck are you doing to me!?” The jock struggled against his restraints once more in the hopes of performing a miracle and breaking out. But that was only fantasy.
The elf sighed. “Look man. I’ve been instructed not to say anything until the big man gets here. He’ll explain everything to you.” He explained somewhat bluntly. “You know I kinda felt bad for you at first but now… I think I’m starting to see why Mr Claus was okay with going through with this.”
The cryptic wording only made Brett more worried. “C-come on man. Just let me go. Please, I'll give you anything.” Brett’s anger from moments ago turned to pleas as he quickly came to terms with the fact that there was likely no way for him to get out of whatever this was. But once again he was ignored. He begged over and over but the elf had already turned its back to him. There was nothing he could do.
Despite this Brett continued to plead in vain but he would soon be cut short when the large metal door at the opposite end of the room made a beeping sound before sliding open. A wave of nervous anticipation washed over Brett’s body as he saw the fat lumbering form of Santa Claus step foot in the lab.
This time Santa dorned a long sleeved red and white striped button down that just barely managed to stretch across his massive stomach and soft pecs. It was assisted in holding his huge gut in place by a pair of red suspenders that were attached to a large pair of slacks of the same colour. Slacks that also fit the older man's robust frame rather tightly in a way that showed off his fat ass and legs rather nicely.
“Ah! Mr Claus! The machine is prepped and ready for you. Just give the word and we’ll begin the procedure.” The nerdy looking elf who’d been keeping Brett company chirped, seeming elated to be in the large man’s presence.
“Thank you Venix. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you and your team. I’ll be sure to treat you all to something nice after this is over.” Santa smiled warmly at his Head Scientist & Technician who was practically beaming at the words of appreciation. With that however, Santa was quick to turn his attention to the hunk strapped down before him in nothing but a pair of tight underwear.
Mr Claus took a few thunderous steps towards Brett, his belly shaking slightly with each one, until he was stood directly over the jock. “Why hello again Brett. Glad to see you’re back with us. We had to keep you unconscious for quite a few months while we finished this project but it seems it’s finally time.”
There it was again. Months. “What do you mean months!? How long have I been here?? What the fuck is happening?!” Brett panicked aloud.
Santa chuckled. “Well when I brought you here last Christmas this project was only in the planning stage. We hadn’t even begun building the glorious machine you see behind you. So naturally we’ve had to keep you asleep for awhile whilst my trusty elves got to work. And they’ve done a fine job by the looks of it.” He looked up at the large glimmering machine that sat behind Brett which had been charged with a mix between earth’s finest resources and a bit of magic sprinkled in to give it the energy it needed for its purpose. “And to answer your question, it’s now the middle of June.”
The realisation hit Brett like a ton of bricks. Had he really been here for six whole months?! There was no way. It had to be a trick right? “You’re lying!” He claimed. “If I’d really been out for that long I’d practically be skin and bone by now. But I’ve still got all my fucking muscle so cut the bullshit old man!”
“You’re right. Under normal circumstances you would’ve lost most of your muscle mass by now.” Santa admitted. “Luckily for us, the magic we’ve used to keep you asleep also acts as a preservative. Meaning your body has been able to retain its size and mass despite being inactive for so long. Also like you’ve been frozen.” He explained as he leaned forwards and shamelessly groped one of Brett’s thick pecs before then using his other hand to feel the hunks meaty arms. “Mmmm yeah. Perfect condition…” he grunted much to Brett’s own disturbance.
After having his fun, Santa walked past Brett before placing a hand on the machine. Admiring its glory after all the hard sweat and tears his elves put into making it. He couldn’t have been more grateful towards them. Once this was over he was already planning on throwing a big celebration for them all. With that though, Santa turned his gaze towards the other slightly bigger chair beside Brett.
“Well there’s no time like the present I say. Let’s get this show on the road!” Mr Claus announced as walked past Brett again and towards the adjacent chair. As he passed though, Santa couldn’t help jiggling his fat belly, seemingly in a mocking manner. “Take a good look at this stomach Brett because in a few moments it’ll be all yours…” he taunted.
“Huh?! What the hell are you going on about!?!” Brett screamed but he received no answer. Only a mischievous smirk from Santa as he sat down in the other chair. He could only watch in confusion as Venix strapped the burly man into the chair with restraints similar to his own.
Once Santa was securely restrained in the chair, Venix looked up at him with a small smile. “May I send them in now sir?” He asked. Mr Claus simply nodded in response. Of course Brett was once again clueless to what was going on but it soon became clear as Venix stepped out for a moment only to re-enter the room with a huge lobby full of other elves behind him. Most of them were other scientists and engineers that’d worked on the machine while others were just elves who were lucky enough to have been chosen to witness the event. And if that didn’t freak Brett out enough, to make matters worse Venix also mentioned that the camera’s were now on and were broadcasting to the entirety of the Christmas Villa.
The small crowd that’d come to watch the event live began cheering when Santa gave the thumbs up to start the procedure. Venix grabbed one of the helmets that were attached to the machine and first made his way over to Santa as he gently placed the device on his head before securing it in place. Once it was on, Venix swiped up the matching helmet and brought it over to Brett.
“No! Stop! Keep that thing away from me! Get away!” He shouted while writhing in his chair. But with how much he was being restrained and how his body still hadn’t fully recovered its energy after having been knocked out for so long, there was little he could do to stop the elf from forcing the helmet onto his head and swiftly securing it. “Fuck! Get it off!” He continued thrash around but his frustration was immediately drowned out by the growing cheers and excitement of the crowd all whilst Santa grinned in an almost maniacal manner beneath his huge white beard
Venix flipped a few switches and booped a few buttons on the big machine, causing it to roar to life as it started powering up. A sound that excited everyone in the room except for the kidnapped jock. And as the machine continued to hum and glow, Venix made his way over to a small nearby station with a control pad that was hooked up to it. He immediately began to punch in the correct settings before looking over towards Santa again for one last sign of approval before going ahead. A small wink from the big man was all he needed. With all the other elves rallying him on, Venix finally took a deep breath and smacked his hand down on the big red button that would set everything into motion.
The machine began to rattle before glowing even brighter than before. It was generating an incredibly fierce amount of energy that only made Brett more terrified. He wouldn’t have much time to dwell on that however as moments later a powerful current of magic and electricity surged down from the machine and into both helmets. Immediately both Santa and Brett gripped their chairs tightly and the energy flooded through them. It was a feeling that was almost indescribable. In a way it felt both uncomfortable yet satisfying at the same time.
The crowd simply watched in awe as both Brett and Santa’s bodies began to convulse. Brett’s muscle jiggling almost as much as Santa’s fat. Both men couldn’t help letting out uncontrollable groans almost in unison as their eyes began to roll. It was impossible to tell if they were in pain or pleasure. But that wouldn’t matter as soon Brett felt his vision starting to blur.
It was the most surreal experience. One moment it seemed as though he were looking down at the muscular body he was accustomed to and the next he was suddenly looking down at a fat wobbly belly held in place by the very same shirt and suspenders Santa was wearing. Brett’s vision continued to fade in and out between seeing both perspectives. At first he only saw flashes of the fatter body below him before returning to his muscled one but each time it lingered for longer. It was mind boggling in a way that he could barely even comprehend as his view was constantly switching back and forth. Buff to fat to buff to fat again.
The cycle of flashing perspectives continued as the machine fed more and more energy to the helmets until at last there was one massive jolt of energy that caused both men to writhe in their seats. The audience began to look slightly worried but Venix assured them it was all part of the process. And just as he said that, the machine began powering itself down after seemingly having completed its task.
Both Brett and Santa were left unconscious for a minute or so after the machine shut down. During which Venix quickly ran over to them both and removed the helmets but left their restraints in place just in case something had gone wrong. Every elf in the villa that was watching was practically holding their breath waiting to know the results. To know if Santa’s plan had been a success. So when the body of Santa began to groan and come around, they were all eager to see his reaction.
Slowly but surely Brett blinked his eyes open again. “Ughhh… what? What happened?…” he mumbled but immediately he knew something was wrong. His voice. It sounded much older and huskier than before. But that was the least of his concerns. Pretty soon his eyes started to focus and when he looked down, he got the shock of a lifetime.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?!” Brett shrieked as instead of the hunky body he was used to, he looked down to see the body of Santa! His belly looked fucking massive as it stretched out the very same shirt Santa had been wearing. And his legs looked so huge and fat as they filled out those red slacks. Clothes that never would’ve fit his old body were now hugging him tightly as if to emphasise just how fat he was. But that wasn’t all as Brett then quickly came to notice the massive beard that was cascading down from his face. And it was completely white! In that moment he knew what’d happened but his brain couldn’t accept it. It was impossible after all. There was no way he’d actually swapped bodies with Santa!?
It was then that Brett heard a low familiar sounding grumble come from beside him. He whipped his head to the right only to see none other than himself! His own damn body! And it seemed to slowly be waking up as well.
“Sir? Sir, are you okay?” Venix asked as he rushed over towards Brett’s former body.
The hunk shook his head a little as he squinted his eyes open. “Y-yeah. I feel… good.” Santa mumbled. A smirk slowly etched itself across his face as he got a good look at his body below. No longer was his vision obscured by the presence of a massive gut nor did he feel so heavy and old. Instead he felt stronger than he had in years! He could already feel a youthful energy pulsing through his very being! “I feel… absolutely fantastic! Quick Venix! Take off these restraints!” He commanded with excitement.
The elf undid the arm restraints first before quickly undoing the ones binding Santa’s legs. Immediately the man jumped up out of the chair and started to inspect his new form. First of all running his hands along his chest and stomach. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he groped his new pecs. They were so thick yet so firm at the same time unlike the flabby chest his old body had. But his stomach was what threw him off the most. He’d gotten so used to his big belly that he almost forgot what it was like to have a flat stomach. And on top of that he even had abs! There were hardly even words to describe what he was feeling right now besides pure wonder and astonishment.
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“God yes. I should’ve done this years ago!” Santa claimed as he started to flex. Loving how his thick new arms bulged with every movement. Feeling a rush of pure dopamine as his biceps peaked before his eyes. Despite being smaller than he was before, all the strength and muscle made him feel like a one man army. Like he could take on absolutely anything and anyone! All the while his elves continued to watch on in curiosity as their leader examined his new body.
“H-hey! That’s mine! That’s my fucking body!” Brett began to shout from the other chair, still strapped down but that didn’t stop him from struggling again anyway. “You can’t do this! Switch us back now or I’ll… I’ll…”
“You’ll what?” Santa asked smugly while turning his gaze towards his former fat body. “Sorry Brett but there’s nothing you can do. I’ve been in need of an upgrade for a long time and your body is the perfect fit.” He added before striking another cocky pose to which the elves began cheering their new Santa on.
“But you can’t… I can’t… I’m not old and fat…” Brett mumbled, looking down at himself again.
Santa sauntered over towards Brett with a confident swagger. “Sorry my boy but… you are.” He leaned in until their faces were only inches apart. It was jarring on a whole other level for Brett to be stared down by his own handsome face. “And I’m young and strong.” He taunted before leaning in even closer until Brett could feel his former body’s hot breath on his ear. “You’re fat and I’m buff. You’re old and I’m young. I’m gorgeous and you’re not. You have a tiny dick and I’m hung… as… fuck.” Santa whispered so the elves didn’t hear but every word shocked Brett to the core as it forced him to come to terms with reality.
“Oops.” Santa said as he glanced down at the already hefty bulge in his underwear starting to grow. “Guess I’m getting a little too excited.” He chuckled. With that he looked over his shoulder at Venix before asking the head scientist to clear the room and shut down the camera’s so they may have some privacy. Before long the elves had all piled out of the room and the two men were finally alone.
“Well I’ve got to say my boy, being inside your body feels even more exhilarating than I’d anticipated. You’ve certainly taken good care of yourself haven’t you? A body like this doesn’t happen overnight. A good diet, lots of exercise. I imagine it took a lot of hard work.” Santa continued to flex and explore his new form. Admiring the definition of each muscle he traced his fingers along. “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to try and keep up whatever routines you have to take good care of this body for you.”
By this point Brett was too beaten and embarrassed to even muster a reply. What could he even say at this point anyway? It was already made clear to him that this wasn’t being undone. Santa Claus had stolen his body and there was nothing he could do about it besides accept whatever his new fate was inside this massive new body.
“So what? Am I gonna have to go out on Christmas now? Deliver all your damn presents?” Brett mumbled.
“Oh no not at all. You might look like the jolly old man everyone expects but I’m still Santa Claus. I’ll still be delivering all the presents every Christmas Eve. Lord knows it’ll be easier with this fit body.” He commented before flexing his arm again and kissing his bicep. “You will stay here. My elves will take care of all your needs. They’ll get you everything you need whether that be food, entertainment or anything else within reason. Can’t have you going back to civilisation after all. Not after all this.” The jock sighed.
As bad as this all was for Brett, he had to admit that wasn’t the worst deal. No more responsibilities to worry about. No more work, no more bills, no more working out. He could just laze around and do whatever he wanted.
Santa glanced down at his crotch again. “Well I’m gonna head back to my house in the villa while I’ve got this new cock under control. I’ll send a few elves in to help you out of those restraints when I leave. They’ll show you to your new place.” He explained nonchalantly as he strutted towards the exit, loving the naturally confident way his muscular body moved. “Oh and play nice. If you try anything funny, I’ve given them permission to gas you with more slumber magic.”
With that Brett could do nothing but watch as the new Santa Claus walked away with his body. He still couldn’t quite believe this was all real. He kept thinking that any minute he’d wake up at home in his own bed having just had a bad dream. But as a handful of elves entered the room a few minutes later, it became clearer and clearer to Brett just how real this all was. Santa had stolen his body.
The elves couldn’t keep their eyes off the jock that made his way down the corridor. Instead of their usual happy greetings, most elves just looked on curiously. Not knowing what to do or say. Of course him being almost naked with a rather intimidating bulge in his underwear probably had something to do with that. Yet their locked gazes would only serve to make Santa feel even more cocky about his new body. Of course he knew it’d probably take some adjusting for them all in the long term to get used to his new look but he knew that before long they'd be looking at him as if he’d always been a muscle bound hunk.
As soon as he stepped outside, Santa felt a chill run down his body. He was cold. It’d been so long that he’d almost forgotten the feeling. His old body had completely acclimated the temperatures of the North Pole but this new one was unfamiliar. Strangely though he welcomed the feeling. It was yet another sensation that came with this body that almost seemed brand new, once again reminding him of his success. However that didn’t stop him from speeding up his stride to get out of the cold just a bit quicker.
He was released once he finally stepped inside his little house at the top of the villa. The warm and cozy feeling of the permanently Christmas themed home running over him immediately just as it always did. With a sigh Santa stretched his arms above his head as he walked through the living area and towards the bedroom. He passed the kitchen on the way and couldn’t help glancing at the fridge for a moment as he remembered what was in there. Mountains of tasty yet very unhealthy food. “I’ll need to clean that out and put some proper food in as soon as I get the chance.” He thought to himself, not wanting to risk ruining this new body.
Once he entered the bedroom however, that same grin from before re-emerged. Finally he was alone. No elves around to stare, No Brett around to curse him out or beg for his body back. Santa was all alone and finally able to explore the body he’d been fantasising about for months leading up to the swap. The one he’d been jerking off too every other night at the mere thought of touching it. Now it was his. Every inch of that gorgeous muscle he’d been admittedly jealous of while watching Brett sleep was now all under his control!
Right away he began examining his new form properly and where better to start than admiring all of that very muscle! He started by doing the obvious and bringing his arms inwards into an arms and pecs flex. In an instant that soft muscle on his chest hardened into pecs of steel. Veins popping down his forearms in the process while his biceps bulged with strength that Santa had never before felt. Sure he had a little magic power but this power was different. It was raw and physical in a way that made him feel superior.
He continued to go through the motions of performing the typical muscle man poses you’d see meatheads doing all the time. Continuing to flex his arms as he brought them up into the more traditional double bicep pose, his head whipping back and forth between looking at both arms in wonder. Immediately after he bent down slightly while keeping his arms flexed before twisting his body in a way that showed off his huge back and lats. It felt incredible! If he had an audience right now he was sure they’d be eating it up.
Once Santa had finished his little gun show, he moved on to simply groping at his new muscle instead as his hands roamed every inch of his new form. Naturally his pecs were the first to get a squeeze and doing immediately prompted a small groan and twitch from his new cock. Squeezing that firm muscle now that it was his own felt even more erotic than he’d imagined. So much so that both hands lingered on his chest for a good few minutes just groping away. It wasn’t long before he figured out the mind muscle connection to start making his pecs bounce and that action alone was enough to make him start chuckling like an idiot while his new cock grew harder with every bounce.
“Uuuughh… fuuuck yeahhh…” Santa groaned as he used one hand to continue groping at his chest while the other slid down to his crotch. Gently he began to stroke his cock through his underwear and the sensitivity of it was off the charts. He hadn’t even pulled it out yet but just the feeling of his hand rubbing across that fat member was causing shivers to run up his body. He supposed he’d been stuck with that old man dick for so long that he’d forgotten what it was like to have such a young and virile cock. “Mmmm come on Claus… gotta hold it together.” He mumbled to himself as he mustered up the strength to stop rubbing his cock. For now.
After giving himself a moment to calm down and finally being able to pull away from his pecs, Santa began hitting a multitude of different poses. Not just typical bodybuilder poses however. Now he was posing more like a Greek god as he relished in the amount of grace his new form was able to move and pose with.
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Poses that would’ve before been rather unflattering on him now looked awe inspiring. During which he couldn’t help admiring the sheer level of flexibility of his new form. Flexibility that allowed him to effortlessly move into positions that glamorised his muscular form in a way that would’ve inspired many to either look up to him or wish to worship him. Or perhaps both.
Soon enough though, his posing was once again brought to an end by the desire to touch himself. He gave his juicy muscle tits another quick squeeze before moving on to groping his biceps instead. Once again flexing them and loving just how firm and strong they felt. And once he was done with those he couldn’t but admire his thick boulder-like shoulders at least a little. Rubbing them in a way that made it look as though he were giving himself a hug. But after that his interests wandered further south yet again. This time going past his pecs and towards his stomach. Of course he’d already had a chance to admire his new abs a little earlier on but as he brushed his hands across them, he couldn’t help taking notice of the new tattoo on his left side just below his lats.
“Would you look at that. Ain’t ever had tattoos before.” Santa commented as he traced the ink. Of course he’d know about Brett’s tattoos. He’d seen the man pretty much nude enough times to know. But seeing those tattoos now on himself was still an intriguing experience. In fact it only prompted him to look further down at his body towards the much bigger and more noticeable tattoo on his left thigh. It was one of a snake that Santa had to admit looked pretty damn awesome. Though he’d never considered himself a tattoo’s kind of person before with his whole jolly old man persona, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the little bit of ink this new body had. Hell maybe he’d even look into getting a few more some day. Maybe a candy cane or something to reflect his Christmas spirit.
Whilst admiring the snake tattoo, Santa of course couldn’t help admiring the leg it was inked onto in the process. Both of his legs in fact. They were huge! But not in the fat way that they were before. No. Now they were thick and powerful with pure masculinity. He felt as though he could squat a damn mountain! Just every part of this body made him feel invincible to the point where he found himself wondering yet again why the hell he hadn’t done this sooner!?
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Once he was finished admiring his thick new trunks, Santa knew he had to check out the ass. He did his best to look over his shoulder and he could just about catch a glimpse of the round muscle ass he now carried on his backside. He couldn’t help himself. Before Santa even knew it, both his hands slithered towards his backside before latching onto his bubbly cheeks. Once again having a big ass wasn’t anything new to him but just like everything else, now it was large in a different way that was so much more satisfying. Santa just couldn’t stop himself from placing each hand below one cheeks before jiggling his ass. Feeling the muscle wobble behind him had to have been one of the most erotic things he’d felt in a long time. So much so that it looked as though his cock was going to burst out of his underwear at any second with how stiff it was!
He couldn’t ignore it any longer. This new cock was begging for his attention. Demanding it even. And who was he to ignore it’s call. And so rather than pulling off his underwear, in a moment of horniness, Santa uses his newfound strength to rip a hole in the front of them instead and doing so only turned him on even more. A youthful cock bucking and leaking as it was finally set free from his prison. And with a face full of pure lust, Santa gripped his stolen cock with an iron grip and started stroking it intensely.
“Mmmmm… soooo haaarrrdddd! Soooo haarrrrddddd!!!” Santa moaned using Brett’s deep tone as he was consumed by desire. He hadn’t had an erection this stiff in centuries. It felt so incredible to the point where the lust itself was driving him mad!and it certainly didn’t help that this body hadn’t nutted in months over the time that Brett had been unconscious. These new bull nuts of his were practically begging to blow his seed everywhere.
He was so horny. So god damn horny. The more he stoked, the harder it was to think about anything but his dick. “Gotta cum! Gotta cum!” He would start to groan. It was like his cock had taken over his mind and all he wanted now was to unload his balls. So much so that he’d begun jerking his dick with an incredibly fiery passion. All the while literally everything from the feeling of his muscular body to the sound of his new voice only continued to ramp his horniness up further and further .
Naturally it wasn’t long before he could feel himself starting to get close. But as he did his body reacted on its own. Instead of continuing to jerk his cock normally, Santa leapt onto the bed and immediately began humping his bed sheets. Rubbing his cock aggressively against the sheets as if he were fucking something. His thick muscle ass rising up and down with every thrust while his moans only grew needier. And just as his body was on autopilot, his mind was as well as he started to imagine his head scientist Venix on the bed below him. The small yet hairy little elf took the pounding of a lifetime as Santa stuffed his fat new cock inside the elf’s hole. God it was so hot as he thought of Venix’s cry’s of pleasure mixing with his own. It was sending him into a tailspin! At this rate he was gonna-
“UGH! UGHHH! UUGHHHHHHHHhuuuuuuuu…” Santa found himself clenching his new muscle ass while shooting what was probably the fattest load of his life all over the bed sheets below, splattering them in his thick jock seed. And it just wouldn’t stop. His dick was like a broken faucet that couldn’t stop leaking. Every time he thought it was over, his body would clench again and another rope of cum would shoot from his cock. It wasn’t until the bed below him seemed nearly drenched in cum did it finally seem to stop.
With that the hunk let himself drop limp onto the bed despite dampness. “Holy… that was… incredible.” Santa was at last able to say as his mind cleared again. After which he simply just smiled to himself as he closed his eyes and allowed himself to rest in the puddle of his own cum for a while.
Buuuut his rest didn’t last long. After all that Santa knew he was gonna need a nice long shower to clean up and he couldn’t have been more excited to lather up this new form with soap. And so he hopped off the bed yet again with ease with his cock still bouncing eagerly between his legs. Somehow after all of that it was already hard again! It was unreal but Santa certainly wasn’t complaining as he reached down and grabbed his still dripping before smacking it against his other hand a few times. “God it feels good to be young and hung.”
Santa quickly swiped up another pair of grey boxer briefs he had ready to go for once he’d taken this body and began pulling them on. He didn’t need to really but he was just curious to see if they actually fit him now. After awkwardly tucking his erection into the front, they fit pretty well. He loved how the tight fit showed off not only his bulge but his ass so damn well also. Following this however he immediately got to work pulling off his sheets and stripping it all down so it was ready to be washed.
Once that was taken care of however, Santa stepped foot in the bathroom and finally caught sight of his reflection. Somehow he’d managed to miss almost every mirror on his way home but now as he stood before his own bathroom mirror, he could finally see what he was working with reflected back at him. Instead of the flabby figure this mirror had grown accustomed to showing every day, now it showed something far superior. A jock. A hunk. A hot fucking meathead. But it wasn’t just his body, it was his face.
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Seeing that handsome face in the mirror was both jarring and at the same time the most incredible thing Santa could’ve imagined. Seeing every feature move under his own accord. Every blink, every twitch. All of it was him. Even after all that it was still hard to believe and his brain was still trying to catch up. Despite that he found himself reaching up and running his fingers gently across his new features. Inspecting them all so carefully. Running a hand softly through his thick brown hair before bringing it down to rub through his short new beard. Feeling how smooth his young new skin felt in comparison to the wrinkles he’d known for so long. Even simply finding wonder in the fact that things such as his nose were a different size and shape compared to before. It was all these little details rolled into one that made the whole experience so extraordinary.
He must've stood in front of the mirror for nearly an hour as he admired both his face and body. And half of that time was spent with his back to the mirror so he could stare at the reflection of his jock butt. It was addictive. And the whole time his cock was pressing angrily against his underwear once again. He’d really have to find a way to keep that thing under control otherwise it was gonna be hard to even leave the house without the elves all locking eyes with his crotch whenever he went anywhere.
“Well. Suppose I should actually get on with things.” He thought to himself with a sigh as he took one last look in the mirror before kicking off the new underwear once more. And with that he grinned as he flipped on the shower and stepped under the steaming water and allowed it to cascade down his body and cock. With how his monstrous member was already bucking at him again, Santa had a feeling he probably wouldn’t be stepping out of the shower again until he’d busted another nut…
Almost six months had passed since Santa had stolen Brett’s body. It was December 23rd and Christmas was right around the corner. Usually at this time of the year the elves had already finished making all their toys and they’d all be celebrating alongside Santa with a huge buffet meal. But this year things were a little different.
Brett, in Santa’s original body, was present at the buffet and digging in just as Santa usually would. The real Santa on the other had only stayed for a while to celebrate and eat his healthy prepped food but eventually he had to leave so he could get his last Pre-Christmas workout in.
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Even since before the swap, Santa had been getting a gym built out of preparation. It was a little side project he had going on while the swapping machine was being constructed. That said ever since the swap he’s been making incredible use of it. He’d been going in there at least 6 times a week religiously which hadn’t been too difficult thanks to the routine his new body already had installed into it. The workouts themselves however were a little rough to begin with. He did better than expected thanks to muscle memory but he still needed to do a lot of research before he was performing at the same level Brett once was in the gym. But with how determined Santa was to keep this body as huge and jacked as possible, it wasn’t long before he was practically a pro in the gym. He was lifting weight like a beast and always pushing his muscles to their limits. And he loved every second! The feeling of it was invigorating to him now. So much so that he actually needed to force himself to take a day off most days but even then he’d usually end up doing some cardio in the form of jogging around the villa.
It was almost incredible how well he’d taken to fitness. It was the only thing he’d been worried about before the swap. Worried that he wouldn’t be able to keep up the intense routine that Brett did to forge this body. Worried that he’d end up getting lazy and lose all the muscle he was about to steal. But the result was the complete opposite. If anything he was pushing himself even further than Brett ever could with how much more free time he had in comparison. Just in the last couple of months he could swear he’s not only been able to maintain his jockish form but has even grown a tad bit bigger!
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A small crowd of elves had even come to watch him workout which Santa didn’t mind in the slightest. If anything it just gave him a chance to show off just how fucking swole he was. He just adored seeing the shocked looks on their faces as he did multiple sets with weights that some of the elves wouldn’t even be able to move on their own. It only fuelled Santa’s cocky ego even further.
That was something a lot of eleven had begun to notice about their new leader. His ego. At the end of the day he was still incredibly kind and jolly but most had to admit that he wasn’t quite as humble as he was before. At least not when it came to his body. He never had any problems showing off his physique and flexing cockily for the elves just for them to shower him in praise. Even now as he wore his baggy Christmas get up that’d been resized to fit his new body, he still looked incredible!
Santa continued going through the motions of it all until finally his workout came to end. He racked up his weights and grabbed the fluffy red jacket he’d discarded part way through his session with a satisfied smile on his face as he made his way over to the pack of elves.
“Ahhhhhh… all ready for tomorrow night I think guys.” Santa commented while hitting a quick pose which was fast met with applause.
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“Can’t wait for my first big night with this form. Can’t wait to see how much easier it’s going to be now.” He laughed. It was truly an exciting occasion. Sure he’d done his Christmas run hundreds of times but this year he could tell it was going to be truly special. More so than it’d been in a long time for him. But that wasn’t just because he’d be checking himself out on every reflective surface he saw while delivering presents. It was also because he had an amazing present of his own waiting for him when he got home…
After that first day in this new body when he’d fantasied about fucking Venix’s brains out, Santa hadn’t been able to help making subtle moves on the intelligent elf who’d lead the project that’d given him this body. Dropping hints every now and then that made the elf blush profusely until one day Santa couldn’t stop himself. Without thinking he grabbed Venix and pinned him against a wall with ease before pressing their bearded lips together. After that it wasn’t long before the two found a supply closet in the laboratory building and Santa used his new fat cock to resize Venix’s hole.
Ever since then Santa had been fucking Venix constantly to satiate his cock’s desire. So much so that Venix practically moved into Santa’s little house. The two never explicitly why they’d made this decision but most of the elves had a good idea given this new ‘young and hung’ version of Santa.
And so the plan was for Santa to arrive back home on Christmas morning and as soon as the festivities were over, he and Venix would be spending the rest of Christmas locked up in Santa’s bedroom as he filled the hairy elf to the brim with jock cum over and over until Santa was finally satisfied. He’d say it was going to be a Christmas to remember but chances were all he was gonna remember were the sounds of his fat bull balls smacking loudly against Venix’s ass in every which position…
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Hope you all enjoyed this late Christmas Present from yours truly! Happy New Years to you all! 💜💜💜
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myhaikyuuacademia · 1 month
Totally Fake | Ant Vaughn x reader (Heartbreak High) ||
This is officially a series haha, trying to make it slowburn-ish but let's see if i can hold myself back
Fake dating, fem!reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Thankfully you had managed to get Ant’s number by Friday, not so thankfully you spent all day chatting with him about stupid, irrelevant stuff and Not about what your gameplan was going to be. And if, IF, you were actually going to the party later this evening, he’d probably be too wasted to talk about it anyway.  Which means SLUTS was the last chance you had with him still sober and not hungover. Except you had no idea how to go about it, especially without drawing the attention of your friends who had been watching you like hawks all week. You were the first one in the classroom, anxiously ripping your notebook paper into tiny shreds while thinking about all the logistics. You didn’t get very far when you sensed someone sitting down next to you. “What did the poor paper do to deserve that?” Ant asked amusedly. “Wrong place, wrong time.” You grimaced and shrugged, immediately stopping and throwing all the paper shreds into your pencil case. “Oh no, don’t stop because of me, I’m sure it deserved it.” He joked before settling in his seat. “You don’t wanna sit next to your friends?” You asked, with a nod to the table they usually sat at. “Nah, I’d rather sit with my girlfriend.” He said casually. You didn’t feel very casual as you choked on your spit. God how embarrassing. It took you a minute to calm down, Ant worriedly asking if you were okay, and offering you some of his water, which you declined with a hand gesture as you were starting to calm down.  “Sorry, sorry, I’m fine.” You coughed out. “Actually, that’s what I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” He looked at you, almost disappointed, “You’re backing out?” He assumed. “What? No!” You hurried to say. “I wanted to talk about lining up our stories and everything, ground rules and stuff, you know?” Relief flooded his face, “Ah, okay gotcha!” He seemed much happier. The class was slowly filling up and you were dreading the moment your friends would enter. “Well I already told pretty much everyone that you’re my girlfriend.” He added, catching you completely offguard as you watched the doorway waiting for the inevitable arrival of your friends. “Oh.” Surprised you turned your head to look at him. “Okay.” You added after a second. “What about your mom?”
“Nah, not her yet. But like, Spider and Dusty.” He clarified. Your face felt warm. “Did you tell them it was fake too?” You leaned in closer to whisper it, now that the class was almost full. “No.” He grinned at you conspiringly. You grinned back at him, his answer, and the way he looked at you, making your whole body tingle. “Oh. My. God.” Darrens dramatic voice came from opposite the table. “You two totally ARE together.” Amerie beside them looked satisfied with herself, while Quinni stimmed excitedly, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. They sat down at your table while Ant put an arm around your shoulder, “Yeah, so what?” He asked. Your face was burning, as was the parts where his arm touched you. Darrens mouth wide agape, while Quinni looked just as excited as before. “Oh my god, y/n, that’s so cute!! Congrats!” She said, happily, but after a second she looked a little less happy and a little more confused. Disappointed, even. “But why didn’t you tell us?” She asked. “Thrill of a secret relationship I bet.” Amerie added, feeling much cooler than she actually was. “But really, him?” Darren pointed at Ant. Wow rude. Your brows furrowed and you leaned into the boy next to you a little more without noticing. “What do you mean? You don’t think he's cute?” Trying to paddle back Darren stuttered out something a long the lines of, “No, that’s not what I mean, I just, I didn’t think he was your type is all.” “well, to be fair, we never knew what her type was.” Quinni added. “She never told us who she was crushing on, or what she liked in a guy, or girl.” You nodded, she was telling the truth, you usually kept things like that to yourself. “Well, I for one, am happy for you two, though I totally didn’t get any vibes when I was asking for a slap band earlier this week.” Amerie said, crossing her arms. She sounded accusing, like she was about to interrogate the two of you, when thankfully Miss Obah asked everyone to pay attention and started class. Ant didn’t take his arm off your shoulder the whole time.
When he finally did, after class ended, you couldn’t suppress your pout. Logically, you understood it was so both of you could pack your things, but this whole thing didn’t feel very logical, no matter how hard you tried. So instead, once both of you had finished, you grabbed his hand and threaded your fingers with his. Still slightly pouting. He looked down at you and laughed, “What now?” “I think she’s upset you took your arm off of her.” Darren, eagle-eyed gossip lover they are, supplied. “Oh, really?” Ant seemed surprised and looked at you for confirmation. “Yeah, kinda.” You mumbled embarrassed, avoiding his gaze. He chuckled before leaning in close and whispering in your ear. “I’ll touch you all you want at the party later.” Your face was beet red. “Ant!” You whisper shouted, scandalized and wide-eyed. He just tugged you along with him, towards the school exit. “They’re so cute together.” You overheard Quinni say to Amerie and Darren behind you. “Something’s fishy.” Both of them replied in unison. You ignored it, keeping going with Ant. “What now?” You asked once outside the school gate, still holding his hand. Refusing to be the one to let go, actually. “Well, I have some time before the party starts, which, you totally are going to right?” He asked in such a way that you felt a no would break his heart, so you just nodded. How come you are immune to peer-pressure when it was your friends but not when it was the guy you’ve been fake-dating for less than a week. “Great! Well, wanna hang out until then?” You smiled. “Sure!! Oh, we can talk about the logistics of it all, like when did we even start dating and what church do I go to? Or is that even something that’s important to your mother?” You dragged him along, totally rambling at this point about all the different things you had to decide on for the story to be foolproof. When you turned to look at him, waiting for him to say something, you noticed the way he was smiling at you. “Oh, what? Am I overthinking?” You questioned out loud. “No, no, it’s fine. I just don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk that much.” He still looked at you in a way you had trouble deciphering. “Oh. Well, I guess I don’t talk a lot. Usually. But also we haven’t really spoken before this week so…” You trailed off. “Hmmh, yeah, but we’ve been in the same year for a while now.” He said, before turning back to look at the way ahead. “You usually only talk when spoken to.” Oh. He had noticed that? He had noticed you? Before you ever talked to him? “Oh, um. I guess that’s right.” You squeezed his hand subconsciously. “I like hearing you talk.” He squeezed your hand back. “Plus, you’re so smart, I wouldn’t have thought about half of the things you mentioned. Maybe we should write it all down.” You nodded. “Yeah, good idea.”
“Woah, your room is awesome.”  Ant was currently walking through your room looking at all the little trinkets that were… everywhere frankly. Picking them up and putting them down again. “Haha, thanks.” You sat on the edge of your bed, not knowing what to do with yourself as you watched him. “Woah, you like Marvel?” He seemed genuinely surprised. “Uh yeah, I love it.” You laughed. He put the action figure down and turned around, very serious all of a sudden. “This calls for a movie night.” He explained. You grinned. “Sure, I’m always up for a movie.. But let’s talk business first.” You scooched to the side and patted the spot next to you. He groaned dramatically and walked over before sitting down. “Why does this feel like homework all of a sudden.” Your face scrunched up at that. “Sorry. But this is just so our story doesn’t fall apart.” He turned to look at you, head hanging to the side. “You really think it’s necessary?” “Well. Yeah.” You reply. “What if your mom asks us how we met, our what our first date was, and we say different things. Better to be prepared.” He pouts playfully, “Well, fine I guess.” In the end you agree on simple things, you met at school, duh, and worked a project together, after which you became friends, before Ant asked you on a date to the diner, and then a second date to the movies, before asking you to be his girlfriend. Easy enough. He said it was okay not to go to church as long as you were still acting Christian enough in front of his mom. Whatever that means. The reason he was only introducing you now was because you could disprove what was written on the map. You were scared of meeting his parents, so it had taken you a while to gather the courage, and he wanted to be sure before bringing a girlfriend home. Easy. Plausible. Good story. Boring, but believable. In the end you wrote it all down, twice, one copy for you and one for him, just in case you needed it. “Can we finally watch a movie?” He whined as you gave him his paper. “I don’t know, the party is soon, and I don’t know about you, but I definitely have to get ready. You think we can manage to squeeze a movie in?” He nodded, completely convinced. “How long can it take to get ready.” Not believing this was an issue. “Oh buddy…If only you knew.” You patted his shoulder before getting your remote and turning on the tv. It was difficult, at first, to concentrate on the movie, when he was so close and warm, shoulder against shoulder, and legs touching. Your body felt on fire. After a while he wrapped his arm around you too, pulling you ever so slightly closer, if that was even possible.
“Oh! I love this part.” He pointed towards the screen with the hand not resting on your hip. “What? No way, that’s my favorite part.” You looked up at him excitedly. “No way!” He turned to look at you too. You nodded emphatically. “You’re so cool.” He gave you a squeeze. He turned back towards the screen, and you did too, after staring at him for a little while longer. In the end, he ended up staying, watching you get ready, since there was no time for him to go home before Dusty’s band performed. “Whoa, wait, what is that?” You were about to put on your fake lashes, putting glue on the strip when Ant’s head popped up next to you, dangerously close to poking your lash with his finger. “My fake lashes.” You explained. “Your lashes are fake?” He turned to you, staring intensely into your eyes, inspecting your lashes. “No, well yes, sometimes. I have real lashes. The one you’re looking at right now.” You laughed. “But sometimes I put on fake lashes, which looks kinda-“ You  leaned towards the mirror to put your lashes on. “like this.” You said, leaning back to show him. “Oh my god that’s crazy.” He breathed out, totally stunned, which made you laugh even harder. After that he stayed next to you, watching you apply your makeup closely. “Hmmm..” You pursed your lips as you put the last thing in place. “I think that’s it.” You concluded.  Before you could even turn to the side to face him, his voice piped up as he asked: “Can you put some on me?” The request came unexpectedly, but you happily obliged. You opted for some chrome glimmery dark blue green ish, you didn’t really know how to describe it, glitter shadow to put on top of his eyelids. Dabbing it in softly, he leaned in closely and you could feel his breath on your skin. “Okay, try opening your eyes.” You requested softly, holding his chin in your hand and looking at him intensely, assessing your work. He opened his eyes hesitantly. Chewing on your lip you came to the conclusion that this look needed some black liner, so you added a line underneath his eyes on his waterline, dragging it out into a straight “wing”. A difficult job, with this being a sensitive area and Ant not used to having stuff put this close to his eyes. He kept squirming and blinking, but eventually you got the job done to your satisfaction. “This looks sick.” You say as you remove your hands from his face and lean back. Giving him time to admire himself in your mirror, you put away your brushes and powders and liners. “You want to do something to your hair too?” He turned to look at you at that. “Kinda.” You look on your phone to check the time, before grimacing. “Sorry, I don’t think we have time. Actually we really need to go if we wanna make it in time.” You stand up and hold your hand out to him, pulling him up from where he was sitting. Your friends were definitely going to give you shit about barely reaching out to them later.
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wilbursprincess · 4 months
Harvey fingering reader in the office? Maybe while Tim and blight are fighting again?
(I have a new obsession)
“Shhhh, Darling, Don’t Let Them Hear Us”
Sorrybur x Female Reader
Warnings: Semi-public, fingering
Combined your two Sorrybur asks for my own sake, ✨anon! The brainrot we’ve all been getting from these Sorry Boys videos, oh my. And all the people in my Discord going feral for the tie? You’re among obsessed friends, ✨anon.
Fic below cut!
“I’m going to get lunch,” Blight says loftily, shooting Tim a look. “Since I’ve been getting more sales, I deserve a longer break.”
Harvey just snorts, watching as Tim scowls and goes back to typing. “I don’t know why they didn’t accept the job of stapling,” he comments, shooting me a shy smile over the lid of his coffee cup.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the office, I’d started dating Harvey. We’d been keeping it quiet from everyone else, especially Blight, who wouldn’t hesitate to find a loophole in the office rules to break us up. Harvey was cute, funny, and genuinely one of the sweetest guys I’d dated, and we were planning to take our lunch break after everyone else to plan something for tonight.
“Hey, Tim?” Harvey asks. “We’re figuring out something here, it shouldn’t take long, but we need it to be quiet. I’ll give you 5 bucks for the vending machine if you take lunch now?”
Tim sighs. “10 bucks?”
“Deal,” Harvey replies, tossing some crinkled bills at Tim. “Thanks, man. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Whatever,” Tim grunts, pocketing the bills. “Maybe I’ll go make fun of Blight while he’s eating.”
The door into the break room shuts. Phil’s gone out with Ranthony for lunch, on the excuse that corporate’s paying, meaning Harvey and I are all alone.
“You’re welcome,” he says, eyes crinkling into a smile. “I didn’t want to wait to spend time with you.”
I blush a little, eyes darting to make sure the break room door is still shut before pecking him on the cheek. “Well, I’m flattered.”
He’d stayed over at my house last night, which wasn’t something I’d normally do this soon into a relationship. To be fair, it was an accident, and we hadn’t even had sex. I’d given him a handjob over his pants, and we both fell asleep while cuddling. Harvey had even apologized the next morning for falling asleep before he could repay me, but I told him I didn’t mind.
“I still feel bad for not returning the favor last night,” he admits, squeezing my hand. “I still want to.”
“Well, we can make plans for tonight-“
He shakes his head. “Now?”
“There’s nobody around, and it’s kind of hot to have to keep it a secret,” Harvey says, smirking. “And you are wearing a skirt.”
“If I drag my chair next to yours, it’ll look like we’re working on this alleged project,” I offer, heat pulsing between my thighs. “What do you say?”
Harvey looks over the moon. “Oh, fuck yes,”
We slide our chairs into position, making sure everything’s hidden under the desk. The raised voices of Blight and Tim seep through the break room door, and we both giggle.
“Now that’s a mood killer,” Harvey comments, making me laugh even harder. “Luckily, it’ll keep them busy.”
His fingers brush over the front of my panties, and I shiver.
“You’re sensitive, huh?“ His voice is barely a whisper in my ear.
I nod slightly, letting out a minuscule groan as he strokes my clit through the fabric. He has incredibly talented fingers, long ones at that, and it’s not long before I’m shaky, sweaty, and my panties are soaked.
Just as his fingers slip inside me, the break room door snaps open, both Blight and Tim storming out, clearly furious with each other.
“Don’t stop,” I whisper in Harvey’s ear, and he nods, pumping his fingers in and out of me, coughing to hide the noise.
“Harvey! He put my stapler in Jello!” Blight whines, staring at Tim who’s looking innocent. “Tell him to stop it!”
He circles his fingers around my most sensitive spot, and I have to pick up his coffee to hide my moan.
Snorting, Harvey shakes his head. “Blight, man, take it up with Tim, not me. I’m busy.”
“It doesn’t look like your busy,” he pouts. “Looks like you’re trying to chat her up.”
I hold up the report I was working on a few hours earlier. “Is this considered ‘chatting up’, Blight?”
Tim snorts. “Yea, Blight, you’re just saying that because you’re jealous Harvey gets bitches-“
“Tim! Language!” Blight snaps, and the two of them start yelling at each other again.
Through the yelling, Harvey’s fingers are sending me floating on cloud nine, and it’s impossible not to let at least something slip. I pretend to peer over his shoulder at his computer, letting out a whine in his ear.
“I know, baby, I know,” he replies, speeding up his fingers. “Shhh, darling, don’t let them hear us.”
I bite my tongue and swallow down a groan, hips shifting to ride on his very adept fingers. Middle and index inside me, thumb on my clit, and a few seconds later, I shudder and soak his fingers.
“Good girl,” he breathes in my ear, moving his hand to his mouth and making sure nobody’s watching before he licks it clean. “I’d like to do this again with my cock, not my fingers, if you’re free after work?”
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amongemeraldclouds · 3 months
better than revenge | chapter three: from moonlight to sunrise
Can be read as a standalone, Mattheo Riddle x Reader
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Chapter three summary: Flashback when you first spoke to Mattheo and he needed your help during winter break.
Warning: Blood, swearing, no use of y/n. I’m using my creative license to bend rules that may not work in the original setting (eg. apparating at Hogwarts and so on).
Author's note: If you read this as a standalone, it’s always gonna stay as sweet as it is, no exboyfriend!Mattheo plot looming about.
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Flashback when you met me.
The moon shines brightly outside the window. I feel a yawn making its way up my throat as I head for my dorm. The place is so silent at night with most students home for the winter break.
A loud crack erupts and someone apparates ahead. What the hell? I raise my wand defensively, but then I see a figure lying on his side, cradling his stomach. I run towards him, hoping he’s not seriously hurt.
I kneel when I reach him and nearly recoil as the metallic stench of blood hits me. There’s so much blood. I close my fist to keep me in place and gently place a hand on his shoulder.
He grunts and rolls to his back, wincing in pain. I see his face and recognize Mattheo Riddle. I’ve seen him around in class and in parties, he’s the type of guy your mother would warn you about. I’ve never spoken to him before.
“Can you stand?” I ask, offering a hand and he nods. I haul him up slowly, bringing his arm around my shoulders for support. He’s heavy but we take things step by step as I walk him towards my dorm, it’s much nearer than the hospital.
I lay him down my bed and prepare a washcloth and bowl of warm water. Once I stop the bleeding and clear most of the blood on his face, I hand him a glass of water. “Thank you,” he says.
I have so many questions, but I just ask the important one. “Whoever did this to you, will they come back? Are they hunting you down?”
“If you think this is bad, you should see the other guys,” he replies, sounding smug despite his bruises.
When he lays back down, I introduce myself. “You’re lucky I study healing magic, I know some spells and have potions here that can help you. You seem injured in your stomach area, would you allow me access?”
“I’m not normally like this,” he says, embarrassed. “Usually, I’d buy you dinner first,” he quips then coughs and winces.
“And that’s what you get for being a smart ass. Permission?” I try again. He nods this time and I unbutton his shirt so I can inspect his injuries. He has two broken ribs and soreness in his abdominal area but nothing further.
I cross my fingers behind me as I think of the right spells. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Mattheo interrupts my thoughts.
“Do you really have a choice?” I retort. “We can take you to Madam Pomfrey, but then you’d have a lot of questions to answer. I’m guessing it’s why you apparated here instead.”
“I meant to apparate in my room,” he tries to explain. With his injuries, I’m amazed he was able to do it at all without ripping himself to shreds in the process.
“Well, if you must know, I was the top student at my healing magic class level one and two,” I say. 
“Nerd,” he says teasing.
“You’re lucky you’re already injured or I might have a go myself. Now do you want to be treated or not?”
“I’m sorry, go ahead,” he sobers and wonders why the hell he was being such a shithead.
I recall the spells again and keep my fingers crossed behind me. I’ve never actually used them before on a living, breathing human, but he doesn’t need to know that. After three tries, it works. 
“I feel so much better,” Mattheo remarks, eyes brightening. It surprises me how captivating they are like stars twinkling in the night sky. I smile back at him.
“I just need to apply some potions, make sure you don’t get an infection then we’re all done.”
I beam after applying the last dose - all those classes and late nights studying paid off. 
“Now get some rest and I’ll take the couch. I need to monitor you for the next couple hours and reapply some of the potions. You’ll be right as rain by tomorrow,” I say.
“I can go back to my dorm, you’ve already done enough,” he says, moving to get up. 
I hold my hand out to his shoulder to stop him. “Nope, if you get up and something goes wrong, you’ll just make it difficult for me. Come on, doctor’s orders.”
He lies back down. “Fine, but the bed is big enough for the two of us,” he says tapping the side of bed for me to join him. “I’m not gonna let you take the couch. It’s not like I can move that much anyway, just don’t do anything to me,” he says playfully.
“If I had bad intentions for you, I would’ve done it already,” I say yawning, way too tired for all this.
He catches it and tamps down whatever annoying remark he was going to say. “Thank you for healing me. Come here, let’s rest,” he says in a gentle tone.
I place a pillow between us and join him after freshening up. Finally snuggled in my blanket, it doesn’t take me long to drift off to sleep.
Mattheo wakes up just as the first rays of sunshine filters in through the window. He looks beside him at your sleeping face, wondering how anyone could be so kind to him. Let alone someone he never spoke to before.
He also wonders why you had to be so beautiful? The way the light radiates off your face gives you an angelic quality. If you were truly an angel, he wouldn’t even doubt it.
Something in his heart flutters like an animal waking from hibernation. It was far more dangerous than any of the wizards he fought off last night. In fact, he’d rather face an army of dementors than explore this feeling.
But maybe, just maybe, he didn’t mind it at all.
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A/N: For the longest time writing this series, this was my favorite chapter.
Taglist: @hoeforvinniehackerrr @i-think-you-are-gr8 @thecraziestcrayon @adreamingpendulum @themarauderswife7 @midsoulz @ultramarinetovelvet @val-writes @lafrone @daisiesformylove @mildly-delulu @allebasi05
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moonchildxoxx · 10 months
Tonowari x fem reader x Ronal:
Where the reader is accident-prone and after going hunting Tonowari and the others the reader dose not realize that they entered themself and is bleeding out. (P.S- Can this be around the time that the Sully’s show up.) I hope this is not to confusing. Please message me if you have any questions. Thank you.
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My last words will be oops
A/N: so sorry the wait hopefully 🤞 you enjoy it
Pairing:Tonowari x Reader x Ronal
Word count:
[requests open]
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The large wave had pushed you downwards and into the rocks making you take in Water as you tried to swim upwards. You felt a large hand grip your arm pulling you out of the water and onto the rocks . You coughed up some of the water you had taken in and breathed heavily trying to regain your breath. Once you could breathe normally you sat upright and you felt a large hand on your back. You looked up to see Tonowari, he looked at you worried. “ Wari , I’m alright just a bit out of breath “ he looked at you then to the rest of the hunting party “ we will return to the village we’ve gathered enough for the clan”. He turned back to you “ and you will be riding back with me “. He left no room for argument, you signed softly but simply listened and rode back with him on his mount yours following not far behind. As you got closer to the village you both heard the horn blaring. You turned to look at Tonowari, he looked just as confused. You jumped off of his mount getting on your own to reach the village faster. He made his mount go faster and the creature took off flying.
As our mounts descended into the water we saw what warning for . There on the shore were 5 ikrans and 6 forest Na’vi. As you walked out of the water and made your way to the stand you decided to stay with the children. letting Ronal and Tonowari handle the unexpected visitors. This did not feel right, the last time ikran showed up was to bring word of the sky people’s return . You watched as Jakesully asked for uturu. You saw hesitation on Tonowari’s face. He then turned to Ronal they had a silent conversation, Ronal flicked her gaze toward you. You returned your own look to just agree with him when you saw how young his children were. They were no older than your own two. She finally gave in and agreed . Tonowari announced to the clan that Toruk Makto and his family would be staying with us and that we must teach them our ways. After announcing the crowd the dispersed returning to their duties.
As the crowd left you walked up to your mates, Tonowari absent-mindedly warped his arm around you. You let out a cry at the sudden flash of pain you felt. Both your mates turned to you, Tonowari immediately let go of you . Ronal looked at you then turned towards Tonowari she immediately saw the blood on his forearm. She grabbed your arm pulling you towards her and lifting it . Right alongside your ribs you had a deep and ugly gash. “ explain now “ she demanded. You opened your mouth to answer but immediately closed it not knowing how you got it. She saw your face and knew you had no answer for her. She looked to Tonowari instead,” it must have been when she got cot in the waves “ he answered.
Ronal give you an unimpressed look as you once again had injured yourself. “ to the healing pod” she spoke, and you knew that it was an order from the Tsahik and no longer your mate talking. You silently followed her to the pod where she forced you to sit on a matt. She began to pull out different salves and bandages . She came to you and began to clean the gash , spreading the salve that would number it and another to prevent infection. She did all this without speaking once you knew she was angry with you for getting hurt once again. “ oeyä syulang-“ you began to speak but Ronal gave you a look. You signed softly “ syulang, please don’t be angry with me… this time it really wasn’t in my control “. She finished wrapping your wound finally looking at you, her emotions getting the best of her. Her ear’s folding back, she let out a small hiss finally speaking to you.
“ I should knot your tail for worrying me so”. You grabbed her hands looking into her eyes “ oeyä syulang, i promise i will not worry you so any more, i will not take unnecessary risks . I will stay by your side, in the village until you clear me to go beyond the reef with Wari “. She looked at you her tail moving back and forth not believing one word.“ you will get sick of me with how much I will be with you “ you tell her. She waved her hand dismissively but finally gave in. Tonowari suddenly picked you up from the mat , you quickly grabbed onto him arm in surprise. “ Wari what are you doing i can walk '' , he ignores you and continues to walk out of the pod towards your home. You turned to Ronal for help and she shook her head no “ think of this as a punishment maybe next time you won’t be so reckless “. you grunted hiding your face in Tonowari's neck in embarrassment at being carried in front of others. As you walk through the village you beg once more to be put down. “ Wari , oeyä atan please I can walk “ I mumbled into his neck. Tonowari simply chuckled and kept on walking to your mauri pod.
( after Lo’ak and Neteyam beat Ao’nung ass)
Ao’nung sat on a mat well Ronal cleaned his cuts . You were livid with your son “ what were you thinking?! , picking on the Omatikaya children Ao’nung! You know better then this you are the Olo’eyktan son “ you yell at him. He stubbornly remains silent and not looking at you “ when you are done you will go home i do not want to see you outside for the rest of the day. tomorrow you will apologize to the suil children“. Ao’nung opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off “ I do not care who hit who first you started this “you tell him in a firm tone edging on livid. Once Ronal was done he left returning home. You shake your head, Ronal looks at you “ he is definitely your son being so reckless “ she tells you. You laughed “ no no , he maybe my son but that attitude is a 100% you , he picked that up from you syulang.” Ronal looked to your mate for help and he stepped back raising his hand signaling he was not getting in the middle of this .
© Moonchildxoxx 2023 | all rights reserved. do not republish, repost, steal, modify, translate or claim my work as your own.
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tang3r1n · 6 months
still on my shitty dabi kick and i think i struck a chord with @mostlyheinous so here’s random ass shit i think a deadbeat bf dabi would do
18+, hard dubcon, gaslighting, manipulation, smoking, forced drinking/taking of drugs, dabi purposely makes you have a bad trip on acid, unprotected sex, anal (referenced plus a thumb in the stink) i’ll add more idfk
kay first off, along the smoke vein, dabi would absolutely threaten to put his cigarettes/blunts out on you if you keep crying (openly, he loves watching you cry all quiet n sniffly)
he’s also no doubt changed you around the apartment with bugs/gross shit just to make you squeal and beg him to put it away
“baby it’s jus’lil beetle~” while waving a fucking 4in long roach he found outside in your face, “gimmie a big, sloppy kiss and i might throw Jeffrey away, as much as it pains me to.”
constantly making you exchange physical/sexual acts for practically basic respect
“show me your pretty tits and i’ll let you go hang with those stupid cunts— no i’m not gonna stop callin’em that, they’re dumb cunts.”
loves making you suck him off right after work, still all musky from the day, his cock even more salty from sweating all day (scent/smell kink is my fav im SORRY.) plugging your nose and jutting his hips out harshly to make you gag and cough around his cock, the sinfully wet noise making him groan out a chuckle as he watched you cringe
any and all attempts to change his behavior end with gaslighting and fake hurt plastered on his face as he breaks your fucking back in bed
“ungh- you’re such a fucking good girl f’me.. i love your, pretty, im so sorry you feel the need to accuse me of such things- god squeeze my dick like that again, fuck yeah- i..uh- gonna make you cum so hard, show y’how this noisy cunt ‘sall mine..”
steals your panties and jacks off with them right fucking in front of you, dick swinging and balls out as he strikes himself with your panties pressed against his face. his bright ass blue eyes piercing into you while he noisily huffs in the smell of your pussy and licks up the crotch of them like the perverted degenerate he is
oh and when you try to break it off, setting him down to explain that he is just..too much.. for you, he goes ballistic.
grabbing you by the hair and dragging you to the bedroom, placing you down still surprisingly softly as he ferociously tears off your clothes and starts eating you out like his life depend on it (idk to him it might, he’s a loser)
once he’s got you all whiny and soft after a few mind-shattering orgasms, he’ll start coping and trying to slip you back into the haze of his glaringly obvious manipulative love
“don’t say stupid fucking shit, pretty, jus’cuz y’on your period or what-the-fuck-ever is going on in that lil head don’t mean you can treat me like this.”
hell chastise you while he fingers you, fingers blurred as he finger-fucks you dizzy, fishing his cock outta his dirty jeans and scoffing as you whine and cry again, shuffling up the bed
he pulls you in again by your ankles, a scarred hand quickly silencing you as it softly pressed against your throat, a silent threat, as he spoke patronizing words to your sex and lust filled mind,
“just be my good angel one more time, pretty,” he forces a crack in his voice, flexing his throat so he sounds tearful and sad, “i just..i love you s’much, wanna show my pretty girl, my everything, how much she means t’me,”
the second you nod he’s grinning manically and flipping you over, forcing his cock into your wet cunt and rabidly humping against your ass, dick barely leaving and inch before pumping right back in as deep as it’d fit.
he’d spit on your other puckered lil hole, making your cry and squirm yet again as he pushes his thumb against it, gut burning with lust and a perverted sense of affection
“no- nononono angel- calm it down, i jus’wanna feel your cute ass ‘round me, promise it’ll just be my thumb— yes pretty i pinky promise
(he ends up cumming in your ass i don’t make the rules mb)
other than failed breakups and gaslighting, dabi also likes getting his pretty wasted
like… really wasted.
dabi’ll give you shit after shot, even making you sit pretty for him while he spits Jack Daniels into your awaiting mouth
he spikes literally all drinks he makes you and it’s so obvious but he just tells you it’s to ‘loosen your bitchy ass up,’ but in his own special, joking tone.
cut to you blowing cum bubbles while you suck him off, completely drunk, head dizzy and body fuzzy as he records you almost mindlessly salivating over him.
“say hi to Shigaraki f’me, pretty, little bastard is gonna love seeing you all horned up and slutty~”
he also shotguns his blunt/pipe/bong hits to you—never lets you hit in your own
dabi loves it if you sit on his lap during this too, a rare domestic scene of you both just vibing and grinding, soft praises and touches that feel unreal coming from him
the he ruins it by slapping your ass and making you cook him dinner
wait i had a funny idea hold on
“babe can we please go see my momma today— it’s just that it’s m’birthday and you made me skip it last year..”
“pretty, that bitch hates my ass, why would we go see someone who hates us?” (notice he says ‘us’ anyways)
[cut to momma glaring at dabi the entire time they’re over and throwing shoes at him once he opens his fucking mouth]
kay that’s all for now ig
sometimes when you’re falling asleep you can hear him obsessively rambling and mumbling abt how much he loves you, how disgusting everyone else alive is, how he’d kill anyone who dared talk to-LOOK at you, how he thinks you’re such a soft, beautiful little thing that he just wants to protect but oh how he fucking loves ruining your angel wings.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
I've been rereading the love potion series and it got me wondering, how would the other turtles (since you did Mikey's reaction already) would be to a y/n under the potion's spell?
Would y/n be clingy and lovey-dovey? Or flirty and just a big tease? Or maybe even shy and just wants cuddles/physical affection?
I'm really curious ^^' sorry for the ramble
Love Potion: Roles Reversed
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author’s note: it’s finally happening :D, I’ve gotten so many requests for y/n’s time to shine under love potion with dee, lee, & raph so here we go, I hope you all enjoy
warnings: cursing, established relationships, kissing, fluff, unedited
> mikey’s y/n under love potion influence <
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So clearly, he had left the glass on the counter unattended because he was whisked away by his brothers getting into a spat, BUT in his defense he clearly labeled the drink as his and for no one to touch, much less drink.
Yet when Raph came back into the kitchen the drink aka love potion was empty. Now why was he in possession of such a thing? Weird shit happens! And even weirder shit has so let’s leave it at that! It totally wasn’t because he was supposed to be the responsible turtle and Señor Huseo asked him to keep it safe for a day.
Raph looked into the empty glass with a shrinking stomach. He had one job! Leo would say his ‘chasm’ was getting bigger. “Shit!” He groaned, who could have possibly— the first suspect was obviously LEO! But he had just been with him, breaking up a stupid argument with Donnie… so was it Mikey??
Raph would’ve exited the kitchen in search for the youngest turtle if he hadn’t heard a hiccuped giggle. His brow bones came together in confusion as he rounded the island counter and crossed his arms at the sight of you, slouched on the ground, a giggling mess, “Y/n!!” He exasperated and watched as you lulled your head to the sound of his voice
Your eyes crinkled at the sight, “Raphieeeeee” you squealed, making grabby hands at your boyfriend. “I don’t even have to ask, but just to be certain, did you drink from the glass that was clearly labeled to ‘not’ drink?” You nodded quickly, still smiling up at him as he sighed. “Wanna tell me why???” he asked. You weren’t a rule breaker!
“The label was on the back of the glass! I didn’t see before it was too late,” you pouted. Your hands falling to your sides as you realized he wasn’t picking you up. The excuse sounded plausible, but Raph had been pretty darn sure he had the glass facing the right way. Another sigh left his lips.
“What am I gonna do with you?” His smiled despite himself, placing a hand atop your head and ruffling your hair. “Raphhhhh!” You whined, not wanting him to mess up your hair even though you liked his touch. Like really really liked his touch. More so than usually and your hands grabbed onto his wrist tugging down his hand for you to nuzzle your cheek into his open palm.
He coughed, his other hand covering his mouth as he blushed furiously, watching you nuzzle cutely into his hand. “Y/n! Stop that, you’re under a love potion, that wasn’t just some cool looking soda,” Raph explained. You wanted to be surprised but it made sense, and if the world was crazy enough to have yokai and mutants, love potions weren’t that wild.
“C’mere, let’s get you off the ground and home, I’m sure it’ll wear off in a bit.” Raph was hopeful that it would…
“No!! I’m not going anywhere. Especially not home!” You said, holding onto his hand even tighter and giving him big sad eyes that rivaled Mikey’s puppy dog ones. “Okay okay, but you ain’t staying on the floor!” He appeased you, then promptly picked you up like you were nothing but a leaf.
He carried you with care of course, Raph was a gentle-turtle. Now you were just snuggling into his plastron and he had to hold in satisfied churrs. “Raphie-pie, can I just stay in your arms forever?” He shook his head, that was the first time he’d ever heard such a nickname! “I doubt I’m that comfortable,” he joked and you went on to say his arms were the comfiest place ever!
Raph was in for a week of snuggles, cuddles, and embarrassing nicknames!
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“What’s that?” You asked as you watched Leo pour a pink fizzy liquid into your designated cup. He jumped at the sound of your voice almost spilling the drink. “ACK! Y/n! Give a turtle a warning huh?!” You smirked at his dramatics, “Thought you were a ninja?” You teased and he fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.
“The best ninja, actually, and I was concentrating!” He clarified. Then presented you the drink. “This my dear Y/n, is a love potion. And before you say ‘LeO tHaT isN’t rEaL’ it was brewed, before my eyes, by a witch!” You eyed the drink carefully, not taking it from him. “Ohoho! So you believe me!!?” Leo’s smirk grew bigger.
“Well.. I know New York is full of crazy, but it does sound like bullshit. Something out of a movie..” you took the cup. Giving it a closer analysis and even going as far to sniff, trying to see if it was just strawberry fanta. “Today, we make history! Y/n finally believes whatever I say ahahahaha!” Leo joked, bumping into your shoulder with his and making the drink slosh around.
“So.. you gonna drink it??” He said, giving you eyes that said ‘if you don’t I’ll make fun of you forever.’ You narrowed your eyes, “this isn’t really a love potion is it?” You wanted confirmation but Leo shrugged, watching you carefully with a crafty smirk. You scowled and went to put the cup on the counter, you weren’t stupid and whatever was in the drink was something that would entertain the hell out of your boyfriend.
“Chicken!” He squawked immediately and you whipped your head around glaring at him. “You spit in this?” His mouth dropped, “What?! No that’s gross!” He said defensively. “Is a bug in here?? Or some other embarrassing thing?” You gave him a pointed look and his sighed loudly.
“I’d never do that to you. To my brothers, yes. But to you? Ne-ver! Pinky swear~” he held out his third finger. “So you want me to drink a love potion?” You said as you rolled your eyes and hooked your pinky around his green appendage. “Yes! C’mon it’ll be fun!! Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, d—“
“OKAY!” You yelled, effectively shutting him up and he bounced up and down excitedly, letting go of your pinky. You gave the drink another wary glance and decided it was most likely not real… and drank a sip. He booed and you groaned as you downed the whole thing in one go. He whooped and cheered happily, giving you a bright smile and leaned in super close.
“How do you feel?” He said making sure to maintain eye contact with you. You smacked your lips at the taste, it wasn’t half bad, and when your eyes snagged onto his it was like time stopped. Leo was your boyfriend, of course you loved him. But this feeling, it was like everything had multiplied by a thousand, no a million! You blinked as a furious blush overtook your face, it was hot! And Leo was so close and all you wanted to do was plant your lips on top of his!
You backed up, staggering and shaky. “I don’t know!” You managed and he followed you, not giving you room. “Did it work??” He said giving you a curious look. “Outta the way!!” Mikey bellowed as he hauled shell into the kitchen, he was hungry and wanted to fix his lair famous pizza. Yes he sometimes made pizza when the pizza funds were running dry! When your eyes left Leo’s to look at Mikey, the blue clad turtle quickly grabbed your face.
“No no no, you gotta look at me!” He declared and stared even harder into your eyes. Mikey paused, giving the two of you a weird glance as he shuffled around the kitchen for pizza supplies. “Uh, what’re you two doing??” He asked but he wasn’t overly curious, his mind was still just on food. “Couple stuff, mind your business! And don’t look Y/n in the eyes!! It’ll ruin all my hard work!” Leo said but made no move to look elsewhere.
“Let go!” You squeaked, your face felt too hot, like you might pass out! You were sure you looked like a tomato but Leo wasn’t the type to give in. “Maybe it just takes awhile..” he guessed, still staring, and his hands were starting to brush your cheeks, he could feel how hot your skin was. Luckily his hands were cool to the touch. “Leo it worked okay let me go!” And that was all he needed to hear, “I knew it!! So you do feel something??? Do you love me ten times more than usual??”
He was grinning like a loon, and tugging you out of the kitchen. This touch was more acceptable and you squeezed his hand, unknowingly nodding your head to all his questions. You couldn’t really focus, all you knew was that his touch felt nice. And you didn’t really want him to let go, at least not from your hand.
Leo was in store for lots of handholding, (which usually you weren’t a touchy person) and you showered him in compliments, very much a words of affirmation type. You didn’t really want to leave his side, but if you did go topside it was because you wanted to see his face light up from a gift you had picked out especially for him.
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You knew the risks of trying your own love potion. You were a witch after all. But you had expected to be alone and wanted to see if the effects wouldn’t well affect if you didn’t make eye contact for a day!
You had movies in store, a whole day to just veg out! But after a couple of movies, you maybe sort of forgot about the no eye contact when your boyfriend Donatello opened up your window with ease. You usually left it unlocked for him, and he knew that so came and went as he pleased.
“Y/n! You’ll never believe what I just invented, it shall change this humble town- no! The world!!” He cackled like the mad scientist he was. You smiled, happy to see your purple turtle and gave him your full attention. But as soon as you met his excited gaze, your eyes widened with realization as you felt the side effects take place.
“Oh sweet Merlin!” You groaned and after you blinked you were up, moving your limbs, well struggling to move away from Donnie. “What? Where are you going?!” He hollered after you as he followed you throughout your apartment. “Dee, you may want to go,” you said through gritted teeth. You did not want him to go, not at all, and it took you biting down on your tongue for you to not take back your words.
You calculated that only a few hours had gone by since you had drank the potion, and it work so well that it felt like you had only took a sip just a few seconds ago. You wrote that down in your little notebook that had been left on the kitchen counter. Meanwhile Donnie was overthinking. You wanted him to leave? But why? Had he done something? He was looking at you with a dejected expression. Maybe you weren’t interested in his inventions anymore… maybe you weren’t into him anymore.
The look on his face had you breaking. “I’m sorry, really Dee I took a love potion for research reasons and I’m feeling the affects right now, I wanna jump on top of you but I know you won’t like that so I—“ Your explanation had him breathing out in relief.
“Well, I don’t know if I can handle you climbing all over me, but I can hold your hand,” he offered and you were at his side in two seconds flat. Holding his hand and breathing out your own sigh of relief. He pulled you to your couch in the living room, “Now as I was saying!” He cleared his throat on of his robot arms bringing out his invention while another setup a projector.
He had a whole PowerPoint ready, because unlike most others, you wanted to know about his work in depth and he loved being able to go all out to explain! You were all “whoa!” “so cool” “but what about this?” “oooh how about adding this!” Throwing in a few, suggestions about how you could do this or that with your magic.
You weren’t letting go of his hand anytime soon. Donnie was in for a week of more touch than usual, definitely more quality time together, and you wanting to give him all the magical charms you could conjure. “But Donnie, my love, this one is for protection! And this one is for strength, and this one is like a stress reliever,” the list went on and on and usually he could decline such magical offerings but you were quick to tears under the love potion influence so he reluctantly accepted your gifts even if they were magical. Even if he had tech protection that also helped with strength and had other ways that his tech could surely help with relieving stress.
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Carlisle x teen!reader - the snow
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Prompt 47 first snow good luck with Carlisle gender Neutral patient teen reader. Please You can make teen reader be a cooperative patient or one who has Carlisle chase them through the halls or something like that. Have fun. - @witchreporter 💜
47: “Some say the first snow is good luck.”
Slowly getting up from your hospital bed, you crept your way to the door and peaked down the hallway.
Grinning from ear to ear, you grabbed your jacket from the back of the door and pulled it on as you quickly walked through the hallways.
Turning around, you grinned and carried on walking backwards down the hallway.
“Hey, come on, you know the rules, no treatment you’re not allowed outside.”
“Sorry doctor Cullen, but I wanna go, so amma go.”
You spun around, running as fast as you could down the hallway.
Carlisle walked after you, you weren’t all that fast, and he knew exactly where you were going to end up.
Even walking quickly, he could easily catch up to you, and he wasn’t that far behind you when you tripped over your own two feet.
Carlisle caught you, and he held you up so you could steady yourself on your feet.
“I told you it’s not safe yet.” He said.
You laughed a little, standing up.
“Yeah it’s never gonna be safe, come on Doctor Cullen, please? I want to go outside.”
“You’ll get sick, and you know what happens when you’re sick.”
You turned around, grinned at him and he sighed.
“Okay, you can go outside for a short while.”
Carlisle held a finger up to you.
“But, first we need to run some tests, make sure you’re alright, then you need to wear your coat, and wrap up warm. If you show signs of getting worse, or in pain, or it’s too cold we go back inside, deal?”
The tests didn’t take long, simply to check on your heart rate and your breathing, and then he helped you into your coat.
Carlisle wrapped your scarf around your neck, and pulled your hat on your head as well before pulling on his own coat.
“Come along then, let’s get you some fresh air before it gets dark.”
You were practically bouncing with excitement as you went outside.
You walked along the path, and Carlisle smiled as he kept a close eye on you.
“Doctor Cullen?” You asked.
You turned around to look at him, coughing a little into your arm before smiling a little bit.
“Do you think it’ll snow this Christmas?”
He hummed a little bit.
“I think there is a rather good chance, yes. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just a little cold.”
“Come on, we’ll get you back inside.”
“No! Please I don’t want too!”
Carlisle chuckled a little, and he pulled his coat off, holding it out for you.
You let him help you put it on, and he did it up for you.
“You can’t keep putting your own health at risk like this, you know this isn’t good for you.”
You frowned a little bit.
“I know… but I just don’t know when I can get out of the hospital… no one else will let me out of my room but you…”
“That’s because you’re not supposed to be out of your room.”
“But you come with me, you don’t have to.”
He chuckled, holding his arm out and you took it, the pair of you still slowly walking around the outside of the hospital.
“I know, so, that makes me wonder why you insist on constantly trying to run out of the hospital.”
You grinned sheepishly.
“I have nothing but respect for you, and I wish nothing more than for you to get better. But you must stop risking your own health.”
“Come on, I’m sick, I’m a teenager, I don’t wanna be stuck in some boring hospital.”
“Well, I’m not that bad am I?”
You both laughed a little, and you looked up as you felt something hit you on the head.
In the sky you could see the grey flecks falling from the clouds, and you looked to the floor when they were hitting, softly landing.
Laughing a little bit, you held your hand up, feeling the cold flakes falling on your skin.
“I told you.” Carlisle smiled.
You looked at him with bright eyes, and he smiled.
“A few minutes then we need to go inside.”
You happily nodded and stood holding his hand as you admired the first snow of the winter.
“Some say the first snow is good luck.”
You turned to Carlisle a little confused.
“You have your test big operation tomorrow, it’s good luck to be out in the first snow you know.”
“Thanks…” you whispered.
He smiled.
You went back to admiring the snow, and he just smiled as he watched you.
He watched you go from completely frail and sick, to independent, troublesome and chaotic.
But you were still fighting, and had a long fight ahead of you, he could see that, and that part of him that cling to humanity so hard couldn’t just leave you fighting it alone.
You needed a friend, someone to be with you and help you.
He’d done the same for all of his adopted children, and now he was going to be the father you needed as well
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runa-falls · 6 months
scratches and bites - 4
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pairing: miguel o'hara x spider-girl!reader
cw: suggestive scenes, insecurities, a bit of cussing
wc: ~2.1k
a/n: god i am SO sorry how long this chapter has taken. i'm not the type of writer to have multiple chapters in a series done before posting them every week, i literally post chapters right when i finish them lol. thanks for sticking with me and being patient!
series masterlist | main masterlist
Miguel is still a grumpy man, sneering at anyone who dares to get in his way, still stressed out about keeping the multiverse on track and recruiting capable Spiders to assist him, but at least you’re no longer the main culprit of his frustrations.
Well, you’ll take that back, you’re no longer the one being yelled at.
Your transgressions are dealt with in another way…
Miguel is…insatiable to say the least. Since the day he reprimanded you through very unconventional means, seven suits have fallen victim to his desperation, shredded until they slipped into a pile below you.
Before he could destroy another one, you demanded a nanotech one of your own, tired of having to wait days in between for another one to be tailored, but he refused to give you one because he’s concerned about the unstable WIFI.
Eager fingers tug at the neckline of your suit. He groans, listening to the delicious sound of his claw tearing at the fabric. Red eyes darken as he watches each thread give out to the sharp point of his claws, slowly revealing the supple skin of your throat. He only gets down to your collarbone when you suddenly move away with a huff.
“Mig! Stop.” He frowns when you pull away from his touch, confused as to why you’d reject his advances.
“You’re always tearing up my suits.”
He’s still confused. You’ve never complained about it before. Actually, you seem to enjoy it, flushing with desire when he uses his claws on you.
“Look, I’m done wearing the extra shirts you keep in your office, Miguel. It’s…awkward having to navigate through HQ to get home without real clothes.”
Miguel’s frown grows deeper. He loves seeing you in his shirts, watching how your smaller frame practically drowns in the fabric and brushes against the softness of your thighs. There’s a hint of domesticity in a sight like that, one that he’s longed for since losing his family. It brings out a whole new side to him and he’s stubborn to let it go.
“Plus, all the Spiders wear their suits 24/7 so it’s even weirder that I’m only in a shirt!” You don’t seem to notice how lost in thought he is, how much your words are impacting him. “...so how about getting me one of those nano-suits? That way I don’t have to worry about bothering the seamstress for the fifth time this week…”
Miguel’s hands pull you closer, cradling the back of your neck as his thumb fiddles with the small tear against your throat. “Mm…no, nanotech isn’t super reliable…” His hand drifts down and cups over one of your tits, “and I’m not letting anyone see what’s mine under here.” He squeezes gently, watching avidly as your lips part with pleasure.
“Yes, but–”
“No ‘buts,’ honey. This isn’t up for discussion. You know exactly what I’m talking about…”
It’s true, you’ve seen the risk of technologically powered nano-suits first-hand when Miguel gave the Spiders a glimpse of his impressive *cough* stature *cough* during a debriefing meeting.
Needless to say, he was the talk of the city for reasons other than being the grumpy boss…
“Okay, fine. But still…I’m serious about the suits.
That’s when you established the first ground rule of the relationship: no ripping suits unless there’s another one ready to go.
Sure, Miguel sulked about it for a week, making sure you saw his pout when he’d peel your suit off you, but he still made an effort to follow it, carefully evading the sharp tip of his claws when he’d get too eager to see what’s underneath.
You weren’t surprised when you returned to your apartment a few days later to boxes full of suits. Miguel stood there with a proud grin, fangs and claws ready, eyes glowing like rubies. You barely got in the door with your suit still intact.
You also made another rule: no touching during work hours.
You were surprised that you had to make the rule as Miguel is universally known as a strict boss, but similarly with your shredded suits, sometimes he just can’t help himself.
There were enough instances of almost being caught and having to scramble for one of his shirts (or tug on the biggest piece of suit left on the floor) because Miguel forgot to lock the door, that you had to put your foot down.
You grumble as Miguel attempts to pull you onto his lap.
“You know the rules, baby.”
His arms loop around you as you stand between his legs, “But it’s five o’clock!”
“Mm…check again.” He looks up at the holographic clock, you were right, it isn’t five. “It’s four fifty-five.” He raises a brow, unamused.
“Hm…” He yanks you against him causing you to fall over his seated figure, “Fuck it.”
Sure, being with him is hot and fun, but Miguel isn’t exactly ‘boyfriend’ material.
But it’s not like you’re any better.
Back in your dimension, you were never interested in relationships. You preferred to coast through flings and crushes rather than get emotionally involved with someone.
So this, whatever it is, is all new to you.
That being said, you had zero expectations when it came to this thing between the two of you. You’re like an eager puppy, enthusiastically taking everything he gives you and returning it tenfold. This could mean everything…or nothing.
You assume it’s been a while since Miguel has been with anyone. He’s…hesitant with you, sometimes, like he’s holding a part of himself back. Like it would be too much if he were to fully commit to you and show you what he wants deep down. There’s a constant push and pull with Miguel and it’s either very intense or barely there at all.
It’s a dynamic you’ll never get used to.
Sometimes you spend hours curled up on his lap, content with enjoying his company without a word exchanged between the two of you as he works on his computer, matching anomalies to dimensions and answering messages from different Spiders.
It’s peaceful and oddly domestic. You can almost forget about the collapsing multiverse, the worries that loom over all Spiders, and pretend it’s just you and him.
But then, there are the other times.
Moments that you’d like to forget.
Sometimes he needs space. He needs time to methodically plan out missions and brood in his office until it gets late enough that you know he isn’t coming to your apartment.
Sometimes he disappears for days, or even weeks at a time, never giving you a hint of where he’ll be, just an, “I’ll be back,” thrown over his shoulder. And then you’re left at the entrance as he shuts the door behind him, desperately waiting for him to return so you can be happy again.
You don’t know why he turns cold, and you’ll probably never find out because he doesn’t talk about his past.
It could be your fault.
You never ask.
You never push him to tell you about that little girl whose photo floats on his desktop, or the ring that sits in a drawer right beside his side of the bed.
Sometimes you wonder if you should. If that’s what you’re supposed to do in a ‘relationship’ like this. If you deserve even a crumb of vulnerability from him. But you’re too afraid to lose the fragile thing you have.
You left everything for Miguel. Without him, you’d just be a girl floating in a sea of spiders.
For some reason, you’d rather constantly be on the edge of your seat than lost without him. Because that’s how it would end. You convince yourself that the good times outweigh the bad.
Your infatuation blurs the blue waves and disperses the confusion and hurt until it barely feels like a pinch. He buries your seeds of worry with delicate kisses and numbs the creeping feeling of defeat with the heat of his touch.
With every cold shoulder comes a warm embrace, and you’ll wait weeks in the chill if it means you’ll be in his arms again.
Hobie is back, again, despite claiming to quit a couple of weeks ago. Always expect the unexpected with Hobie because consistency is not in his (very British and barely decipherable) vocabulary.
“Oi, Black-Widow, long time no see, eh?” His eye must’ve caught on to your new outfit, a custom dark-gray suit with nano-tech details. Miguel finally reimbursed you after carelessly shredding through your one and only suit.
It’s really nice, and you’re finally more recognizable with this one than the old red and blue traditional you sported before. You turn, spotting his iconic hair and piercings.
“Hobie! You’re back!” You practically jump into his arms, and he catches you easily. “Where’ve you been?”
“Ah, you know, here and there.” A cleared throat echoes through the room and he sets you down on your feet before slightly stepping away from you. Right, you’re still in his office. Whoops.
“Brown.” Miguel acknowledges Hobie, barely, despite talking directly to him. Hobie looks between the two of you, picking up on the change almost immediately. Whatever he’s thinking, he doesn’t show it.
“O’Hara.” He replies with an amused expression.
“Ready to get back to work?”
He shrugs, clearly not shaken in the slightest. “S’why I’m here, innit?”
“Good. Go report to Drew, you’ll be leaving in 20.”
“Right…” Eyes back on you. “I’ll see you later, then?”
“Yeah, we can catch up later! Be safe.”
“Will do, Spider-Woman.” You catch Hobie sending Miguel a teasing smirk as he draws away from the two of you and leaves the room. 
Freaking bugger, he’s trying to rile him up!
“I don’t like that guy.” He says it after a few seconds of silence.
You sigh, “I know.”
You turn to face him, meeting his signature scowl as he continues to glare at the door.
“With you.”
“I know.”
You’re still trying to do things your way, which, in your opinion, is the right way. And Miguel is still webbing you to any convenient surface and telling Parker to watch over you so he can get back to work.
“Not today, sweetheart.” You tug against the wisps of glowing red webs, nearly growling in your struggle. He’s clearly upgraded their strength after you’ve been able to escape and secretly tag along behind him.
“Wait, but, Miguel–!”
“This operation is especially sensitive. I can’t have you window shopping in a crumbling mall again.”
“That was one time! And we weren’t even on a mission.”
He raises an accusing brow, “Exactly.” He starts to walk away, ignoring your groaning and moaning. “Don’t forget you’re still on thin ice after you disobeyed orders last time.
“Ugh! C’mon, that was eons ago. I think I’ve proven myself.” He walks away, clicking a few buttons on his watch before a portal appears.
“Yeah, on unauthorized trips.”
“Brown, you ready?”
Hobie pushes off the wall he is leaning on and gives Miguel a teasing salute, “Aye-aye, sir.”
“What?! I’m stuck over here, but he gets to go?” The Brit sends you a teasing wink.
“He’s dispensable, cariño.”
You look over to the other side of the room where Peter sits.
“Okay, and what about him?”
“He's on babysitting duty.”
“Really? We’re still on this?” You raise an annoyed brow.
Peter holds his hands up in surrender, “Don’t look at me, look at your boyfriend. You’re not the only one suffering from this arrangement.”
“Boyfriend? More like father…” You mumble grumpily.
Hobie’s mouth quirks up, “Father? More like d-”
“Don’t fucking finish that sentence, Brown.” Of course, this doesn’t discourage him, if anything, the low growl only makes him smile wider. Miguel sighs, releasing the sudden tension from his body with a quick roll of his shoulders. “Alright, we should be back in a handful of hours.” He begrudgingly looks over at his mission partner, “Let’s go.”
“Okay, call me if you need help!” You yell as Hobie disappears into a flash of neon lights and pulsing sounds.
Before Miguel follows and slips through the portal, he stops and looks back, not at you, but at your babysitter, “And Parker,” He pulls his mask on, always ready for battle, “Make sure she behaves.”
“Oh, come on–”
Peter grins and sends Miguel a half-hearted thumbs up, “You got it.”
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blessedwithabadomen · 4 months
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in love with the mess - day two
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : fluff, flirting and some compromising positions
length : 3.6k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken @justeli6 @starvingarsyn @floatinglikeaswan @somebodyels3
a/n : the story is picking up the pace, I hope you enjoy this chapter!! as always, asks, reblogs and comments motivate me to write faster 🥰🥰
day two
I didn’t know how many tours Oli had been on, but I had figured it would have been enough to expect him to be on time for bus call. I was wrong. Which is why I was currently kneeling on the floor of his hotel room trying desperately to stuff his belongings into his suitcase as he was in the bathroom getting dressed in a hurry. It wasn’t even a terribly long drive from Cardiff to Bournemouth but the last thing I wanted was to make room for any rumours that I was basically just a nepo kid being taken on tour by him instead of actually doing a job.
“Is there any rules to how you pack at all?” I shouted through the closed bathroom door, because, honestly, I couldn’t make out any. Everything was randomly put together, mixed in ways that didn’t make sense at all. How did he find anything in there? I was glad his show outfits were being transported separately because I was sure they would get lost in this void otherwise.
“Don’t question it so much, just chuck it all in.”
I ignored the door opening behind me, shuffling his shampoo into a different spot to make room for the pile of clothes that was still refusing to fit into the suitcase at all. I didn’t mind going through his belongings - he kept his dirty clothes in a separate bag, luckily - but I didn’t expect to find what I did, either. The condoms weren’t that much of a surprise. He was single, after all, and I figured it was better he was prepared for any potential plans to come along than to be stuck without them. The whip was more unexpected.
“Please tell me this is for a photo shoot,” I said as I held the black leather in the air, a sturdy handle with soft tassels at the end. Oli appeared in a heartbeat, standing next to me, not half as embarrassed as I was.
I was still staring at the offending item, when I felt his hand on my chin, slowly turning my head toward him. My eyes wandered from the grey sweatpants, ignoring that I was perfectly level with his crotch, moving upwards to his bare chest. Why had he still not put on a shirt? We needed to leave, like, five minutes ago, and he was half undressed. Half undressed and half-
I wasn’t sure if I imagined the twitch in his sweatpants. I wouldn’t blame him if it was real. I was in a more than compromising position, on my knees in front of him, perfectly obediently allowing him to move my head however he desired, looking up at him with what I could only hope wasn’t pure lust.
“Do you want them be for a photo shoot?”
I choked so hard that the brutal cough immediately destroyed any idea of whatever dirty ideas were hanging in the air. Oli crouched down next to me, his demeanour completely changed as he patted my back, waiting for me to get my breath back.
“Sorry about that,” he said but he did sound highly amused. “It is for a photo shoot.”
Letting go of me, he picked up a shirt from the open suitcase to put it on, before grabbing the whip from my hands and stuffing it in, along with the clothing still left out on the floor. He did it much more graciously than I had been attempting to, finally shutting the case and getting up. He lent me a hand to pull me up along with him.
“I might try it on Noah beforehand though,” he commented. “He seems like he could be awfully submissive when he allows himself to.”
And just like that, I was lost in another coughing fit.
“So, how come Oli got a rundown on your thoughts on the show last night and I didn’t?”
I hadn’t seen Noah coming, completely distracted by the fact that, somehow, chaos had erupted about the planning of which tour bus belonged to which bands and crew, so his voice behind me almost made me jump. He was leaning against the bus I was currently standing next to - he seemed to be leaning an awful lot, really - and I wasn’t going to lie, he looked pretty awful. It seemed that the jet lag still hadn’t lessened. He looked as tired as ever.
“Well, to start with, I actually have his number,” I replied. Noah hesitated for a second, but when he pulled his phone out of his pocket, he only took a moment to pull up his contacts and thrust the device in my hand.
“Easily salvageable.”
Typing in my number, I noticed he hadn’t set a contact name yet. So I let my impulsive thoughts win and noted my name as Oli’s slut, quickly shutting down the phone and handing it back to him. I wondered how long it would take him to notice. Or rather, to find my contact. If he started at A for Aubrey, it might take a minute.
“At least I still got a compliment out of it,” he remarked. I was confused for a moment, before remembering I had most definitely sent Oli a note about Noah looking pretty good in his mask. Well. It wasn’t like I’d been lying.
“Stop hitting on my girl,” Oli’s voice boomed out of nowhere. Noah visibly flinched, as if he had actually gotten caught doing something he shouldn’t, then Oli approached and deftly smacked Noah’s butt. It caused another flinch and - a slight blush on his face? “Nah, I’m just kidding, mate, make your move.”
“I wasn’t-”
“Don’t indulge him,” I advised as Oli continued walking past us, landing another slap but this time on my own arse. I was almost proud that it didn’t take me by surprise. I knew Oli well enough to have seen it coming. As soon as he was out of earshot I turned back to Noah, who still seemed adorably flustered. It was a gorgeous look on him, I decided, all shy in that massive build, tall and broad. “He likes to rile people up. If you show him that it works, it’ll only get worse.”
“I’m not sure if I can stop it,” he mumbled, a hand going to the back of his neck, awkwardly scratching at the skin there. My own hand reached out, briefly touching his biceps. It was meant as a reassuring gesture, but even through the hoodie he was wearing, I could easily feel his muscles underneath. It took all my self control not to reach out and grab onto it again.
“In that case, you have another two weeks of fun with that one ahead of you, big boy.”
“You’re not helping either,” he admitted, the blush deepening a little. Or was I imagining it in the morning light?
“Want me to stop?” I asked, in a teasing manner, but I was deadly serious if push came to shove. The last thing I wanted to do was make Noah uncomfortable with my… advances, or whatever my behaviour could be classified as. Even if staying away would be painful.
But he simply looked at me, brown eyes so kind and enticing that an earthquake couldn’t have torn me away from them. Then his hand was on my shoulder, a soft grip, his thumb ever so slightly running over my neck and my breath caught in my throat, right where he touched it. I swallowed, hard, and I knew he noticed. The smile on his face was telling enough.
“Don’t you dare.”
I shouldn’t have been surprised at the level of comfort the tour busses would provide after seeing the hotel rooms management had put us all in, but I was still in silent awe as I walked down the aisle, up the stairs, and quickly chose the perfect bunk for myself. It seemed like an ideal hideaway for some privacy, even if we wouldn’t necessarily be sleeping here, minus the odd nap on the drive.
Bending down, I crawled halfway into the space to dump my bags with the most important stuff in a corner along with the pillow I took everywhere. I felt the presence behind me immediately, even though I hadn’t heard the footsteps coming up the stairs. He could be as quiet as he wanted, I’d still sense him, I realised.
“Don’t even think about it,” I warned, pulling my upper body back out of the bunk and turning to stand in front of Oli, who looked positively flabbergasted.
“How did you know I was gonna do anything?”
I shot him a look. “Oli, I’ve been around you for over ten years, I can see an assault coming by now.”
“Well, but you don’t know what kind of assault I had plan, do ya now?”
He had that glint in his eyes that told me he was bad, bad news, and yet I didn’t do anything but raise my eyebrows at him, a silent invitation to show me if only he dared. I wasn’t sure why I thought there would even be the smallest possibility he wouldn’t take me up on it.
Before my brain could catch up with what was happening, he had grabbed my hips, turned me around to face the bunks again, and pushed me against the hard wood which was awkwardly digging into my chest and legs, but that was the least of my worries. Protest words were already on my lips, but then his hands turned soft, carefully pushing the back of my shirt up, revealing skin and the tattoo I had there.
“That’s new,” he mumbled, fingertips running up and down my spine, so high he almost touched the clasp on my bra. Goosebumps followed his every move as I felt him study the ornamental design covering most of my back. “When did that happen?”
My mind was a mess. Pressed against the bunks and his hands on me, causing a fire that rapidly spread through my whole being, begging my body to keep still, not to arch into him, not to show him how much more I wanted, begging my mouth to keep the moans inside, I hardly found the words.
“My-” I coughed, trying to get my brain to work. “My ex hated tattoos. So- um, so I got this as soon- as soon as we broke up.”
It was pathetic really, how much I was struggling to form sentences and there was no way he couldn’t tell. Still, he took another moment to run his hands over me, then they were gone and I could almost feel the tension escaping my body when I felt his lips press against my back, right at the centre of the design, and I didn’t even try to hide the gasp. He didn’t let me enjoy the feeling for long, peeling down the fabric of my shirt again to cover me before letting go of me completely. I felt cold and whiny, in desperate need of taking a few breaths before turning around again.
We didn’t exchange any more words. My breathing was still going embarrassingly fast, unable to keep my cool under his stare once again. I was loosing control fast. Whatever Lia had said, and however much I wanted to take her advice to heart, there was a massive barrier in my brain that didn’t allow me to move past it. The tour had barely started. What if I fucked this up? Oli was a flirt, alright, and he constantly had his hands on people, but there was a terrifying anxiety festering inside of me that he didn’t mean anything by it, that I would cross an invisible line and that I would never be able to take it back.
I couldn’t tell how long we stood there for, looking at each other, contemplating our futures, but whatever could or could not have happened was interrupted by Matt stomping up the stairs and roughly pushing between us to get to the front of the top deck.
“No flirting at work! At least not where I can see it!”
He was quickly followed by Oli calling him a fucking wanker and threatening to beat him, at whatever game they were planning to load up on the Playstation or in real life, I didn’t know. I simply crawled back into my bunk, properly this time, and pulled the curtain shut.
It took Noah about an hour to notice.
I’m starting to think you’re actually enjoying being someone’s slut
My heart started to race immediately, eyes glued to the message displayed on my phone screen. My fingers were itching to type something inappropriate back, an itch I probably wouldn’t be able to ignore.
It was strange how differently flirting with Noah was. An hour ago, I’d fallen into a pit of overthinking over Oli’s and my actions, but with Noah I was simply calculating how far I could take it. Maybe it was the fact that there wasn’t a decade-long friendship at stake. Maybe it was the knowledge he was from another fucking continent and I’d be able to avoid him much better if everything went to shit. The absolution he gave me earlier about continuing to flirt with him definitely helped. That, and the fact that he wasn’t my immediate boss and I did, kind of, need the money from this run.
You’d like that wouldn’t you?
I pictured him lying in his own bunk, the same way I was, perfectly able to preoccupy himself with whatever in the world he wanted, but instead thinking of me. Thinking of me being a slut, thinking of me potentially being with Oli right now, doing whatever Oli wanted me to. Thinking of what I would be doing for him too? The thought alone had me pressing my thighs together. It really had been too long since I’d gotten any sort of action and those two around me had me in a constant state of yearning and burning. If I hadn’t been in a tour bus with several people around me and in constant danger of one of them pulling the curtain to my bunk back to talk to me, I’d have let my hands wander a bit.
No answer from Noah. The self-doubt briefly crept up again in me, but remembering our conversation outside earlier, I swiftly decided to double down on my approach instead.
Or is it that you want to be one
This time, there was less hesitation in his reply.
Can’t a man have a little bit of both
My thighs clenched, a searing hot fire emerging between them as several images flooded my brain. Noah on his knees, looking up at me with wide eyes. Noah begging, pleading. Noah at my mercy. At Oli’s. Tied up and willing to let us treat him the way he deserved.
You can have anything you want, big boy
I’m sure Oli would agree too
What followed was the blurriest picture known to mankind. I desperately tried to make something out, anything at all, zooming in and out and changing the brightness on my phone, but it remained hurried lines and dark masses.
Sorry about that
Meant to send you a middle finger as a reply
But Jolly threw the curtain to my bunk back and scared the shit out of me
Can I still get the picture
You know, just to think about where else I’d like that finger
Noah obliged.
It was 7.40 and Noah was missing. Bad Omens had exactly ten minutes to go on stage. And no one could find the lead singer.
The crew's group chat was exploding with messages, everyone was checking off locations they had been and not seen any trace of him. The rest of Bad Omens reassured us that they had tried both the tour bus and the hotel. His phone must have been blowing up with messages, but no reply. I had split up with several people, each of us taking a different direction and checking every room, corner, and nook for him. Not only was the whole situation highly problematic - the venue had a strict curfew and no one could afford a band going on late - but worry was starting to appear on everyone's minds. What if something had actually happened to him? If he was in trouble or injured? Apparently, he wasn't the type to go missing without a trace.
Rushing down a corridor in the arena that should technically be deserted because it was unused this evening, I opened door after door, looking through rooms and closets, trying desperately not to let the hectic feeling that lay in the air take over. I cracked open one more door, spying inside the small room that seemed to house nothing more than a shabby sofa and a couple of blankets or jackets stacked on one end - when I realised the pile of fabric was moving. Rhythmically. Like someone's breathing.
Two large steps brought me to the sofa. I wasn't gentle when I pulled the blankets away, but it didn't seem to faze Noah, who was curled up in a ball much smaller the should have been possible with his broad frame and continued to peacefully sleep. I shook him roughly. There was no time.
Finally his eyes snapped open. He sat up immediately, rubbing his face with his hands. Apparently he had no problem realising he was in trouble.
“Fuck, what's the time?”
“Shit, shit, shit,” he chanted as he stood up abruptly. He seemed to regret the sudden movement as he swayed a little with dizziness. “Fuck, I need to be on stage. Do you have anything sugary by any chance? I need to raise my blood sugar immediately or I'll probably faint and make a complete fool of myself out there.”
I hopelessly patted my pockets as if I didn't know for sure there was nothing in there. My eyes darted around the room to figure out some way to get him to wake up properly, a snack, a cold drink, anything at all, but it was pitifully bare. Looking back at Noah I knew he needed the pick-me-up desperately. So I did the only thing I could think of.
Looping my arms around his neck, I pulled Noah down to my height and before I could second-guess my actions, I put my lips on his. The sleepiness was wiped from his system entirely. In an instant, his hands were on me, on my back, in my hair, pulling me so close to his body that it knocked the breath out of me. I gasped, surprised at the intensity, Noah took the chance to slip his tongue into my open mouth.
I was a mess. I was breathless and burning and about ten seconds away from going completely limp in his arms and he kept kissing me. I wanted to keep tasting him forever, keep exploring him, feel his hands all over me. Noah pulled at my hair, angling my mouth further toward him and I moaned so pathetically I would have been embarrassed if it hadn't caused him to press into me until I could feel the beginning of a hard-on. My fingers clawed at the back of his skull, instincts fully taking over, as one of his hands deftly gripped my arse and all I wanted was to feel him closer, lead his touch underneath my clothes, let him give me whatever he was willing to let me have.
The phone ringing in my pocket brought an abrupt end to our pending escalation. With a groan, Noah separated himself from me, once again rubbing his face, but this time in frustration and not out of tiredness. I figured that was better, at least. Quickly answering my phone, I let the person at the other end know I'd found him and that we were on our way to stage.
“Two minutes,” I informed him, nodding toward the door. He quickly walked ahead, adjusting his clothes as he went.
“If anyone at all comments on the state of my pants, I'll redirect them to you,” he complained.
I didn't mind all that much.
“What did you do to him?” Oil asked as we stood backstage, watching Bad Omens take the stage with only a minor delay.
“Nothing?” My voice sounded a little top defensive. “Found him napping backstage.”
“Is that why you're both completely red in the face, you liar?”
I watched Noah for a moment longer, suddenly quite glad he always performed Artificial Suicide in his mask, giving him some more time to calm down before he actually had to show his face.
“We did run here, you know.”
“Did he have his dick in you while you ran?”
I didn't hesitate in smacking the back of Oli’s head. I seldomly hesitated when it came to touching him in general, but giving him a well-deserved smack was satisfying it itself. It made me wonder how he'd react to a spanking. He rarely complained about me hitting him. I figured he'd look good on all fours, head handing low, ass red. I felt like Noah would appreciate it just as much.
“You're a fucking knobhead, Oli,” I groaned, turning away from him. “You go watch Bad Omens, I'll be the dressing room figuring out your schedule for the next days. You know, doing my job. Not fucking anyone.”
Even while walking away, I still heard Oli’s last sentence loud and clear.
“Think I can still change your contract to make fucking someone part of your job?”
I didn't dignify it with an answer. I was too afraid of turning around and letting him see the re-emerging blush on my cheeks.
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ellievickstar · 1 year
Your Choice
A/N: I am soooo excited for this. You guys are so sweet 🥹
Summary: When then mating bond finally snaps into place, what are you meant to do when you realise your mate has another in his heart, will you break it off to save yourself, or will your mate be able to save this heartbreak?
Request: N/A but you guys sent me so many messages to ask for a part 2 of His Second Choice? So this is it ♥️ I’m so sorry that this part is kinda short, I swear there will be a part 3 :)
Pairing: Azriel x Witch!Reader, Nessian, Feysand.
Warnings: Mentions of witchcraft. Males wearing dresses. No like seriously. Males wearing dresses.
My Masterlists & Rules
Part 1 — His Second Choice?
“Should I forgive him?” You asked the figure in the darkness. It tilted it’s head towards you and hummed. You knew who it was. Felt her power. Witches don’t have Gods but they have ancient ancestors. You waited patiently for the answer.
She seemed to think for a moment, crossing and uncrossing her legs, as if contemplating if she should answer. But eventually, her words rang out. “That is for you to decide, for the strings of fate we are attached to, will eventually lead you on the right path. Remember, everyone will hurt you. You have to decide who is worth that pain.”
Without another word, she lifted a hand. A dismissal to most but a sign of caution. One that the many queens had passed down to each other. Go and be free, but be careful. You nodded you head and reached out a hand as the first leader of witches faded out of view.
You’re eyes flew open as you sat up abruptly. You’re pain was gone, the ache in you lungs was probably the aftermath of the terrible coughing fit from before you had passed put. Before you saw her. You blinked back the blurriness in your vision as you let your gaze trail across the room you were in, no doubt one of the guest rooms in the House of Wind.
It was dark, no doubt nighttime. You doubted anyone was awake, but you stilled as the door opened, and the light of a candle streamed into your room, lighting up the darkness, and the face of your so-called intruder.
“Cassian!?” You gasped. Chuckling, he entered the room, carefully closing the door as to not awake the rest of the house, no doubt. He scanned you to ensure you had no more injuries before setting down the candle in his hand and pulling up a chair beside your bed.
“You had us all worked up. Nesta couldn’t sleep at all, I managed to finally get her asleep as long as i promised to check on you every other hour in her place,” A spark of guilt flickered in your chest as you thought of your friends, all who probably worried themselves sick while you were out of it. You leaned back against the headboard of the bed as you sighed.
“What time is it?” You asked and he shrugged. Rolling your eyes you sat up again. “Why aren’t I-” “Dead?” Cassian joked. You smiled. Even while you had your conversation with your long dead ancestor, you had missed the jokes and the laughter, the liveliness of the night court. Cassian was basically your brother and he never failed to make you smile, even when you had just came back from the bridge between life and death.
“Well, Elain took a big kick in the butt when she realised that people ACTUALLY care about you and not her dumbass opinion about you. Don’t get me wrong, she is a lovely girl, but that need to rebel is getting out of hand,” He shook her head like a disappointed father and you almost burst out in a peal of giggled. “Madja managed to keep you stable, the rest was you’re own fighting. Azriel…” He trailed off as your smile seemed to falter. Azriel. Never had you even thought that you’d think of that male and…nothing. You felt nothing. Reaching down to the bond, it was still there, but something felt different. Like it was stretched thin, on the brink of breaking.
Maybe your expression gave it away, because the next thing your knew Cassian had a look of worry written across his face. You shook your head. Asking him wouldn’t be a bad idea though, but, would this sound as stupid as it felt impossible?
“Is it possible for a bond to break?” You asked, he shook his head. “I have never heard of it. However, I had never heard of witches until we first met. It’s possible that you are a special case,” Sighing, you flopped on your bed and groaned into your pillow. Cassian chuckled, picking up the candle and walking out, but not before a quick goodnight.
You turned over after he left, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow. You’d deal with everything tomorrow. (A/N: I know this is supposed to be serious, but BET YOU DIDN’T EXPECT IT TO BE CASSIAN HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA)
Imagine the surprise on everyone’s face when you pranced into the dining room just in time for breakfast. Nesta dropped her fork, Mor screamed, Feyre’s mouth fell open agape, and Elain dropped her mug. You frowned at a crying-laughing Cassian. Azriel’s eyes followed you and as you reached down the bond, you were met with a wall of unflinching steel. Fine. Maybe you preferred it that way.
“You didn’t tell them did you?” He nodded and you grimaced. Nesta stepped Cassian on the back of his head and he yelped, rubbing the back of his head. She glared at him and the sight made your heart ache a little. Maybe you could have had that. Mor ran towards you and you let out an “oomph” as she embraced you in the tightest hug in all your life. A smile crept onto your lips as you returned the hug.
This was…nice. One by one they came and embraced you in their own way. Feyre gave a calm hug, one that had the care of a friend and the grace of the High Lady. Rhys’s eyes danced with mischief as he swept you up and twirled you around, you protested and hit him but he just shrugged in answer. Nesta slapped your arm first, demanding that you apologise for the heart attack you gave her and Cassian full on carried you over to the dining table where he set you down at the head of the table.
The rest of dinner was eventful, to say the least. You caught up wwith what had been going on the past few days, nothing much, but they had some funny stories to share when Mor and Nesta freaked out and ended up doing retail therapy armed with Rhys's money. They had bought dresses for both Rhysand and Cassian, dying of laughter as they forced both males to stay still while the tailor poked and prodded at them with needles.
"You should see it! Nesta and I manage to save the dresses before they could burn them!" Cassian glared at Mor. "Well, I for one think I looked absolutely delicious," Rhysand purred as he winked at Feyre who choked on her food. That made Cassian blanch as he made coughing noises pretending he was about to throw up at the sight of his High Lord and High Lady.
You laughed at the mere thought of Rhys and Cass in dresses and burst into tears when Rhys snuck an image of Cassian and Rhysand posing in the mirror together, their lips were puckered with lipstick and they had an excessive amount of makeup on. Cassian had even braided his shoulder-length hair into two french braids.
"You know what would have really completed the look?" You remarked, turning the image of the males over and over in your mind. Mor and Nesta smiled as amusement glittered in your eyes. "JEWELRY," You echoed simultaneously. The males paled as they realised, we weren't talking about royal jewels, or luxury accessories. We were thinking about flower crowns, bizarre friendship bracelets and clip-on earrings with tiny flowers and rainbows.
Rhysand and Cassian tried to make a run for it but were quickly stopped by an invisible wall of air, and as Rhysand turned around, a look of mock-betrayal on his face as he glanced towards Feyre's raised palm, the four of you grinned.
You spent a good portion of the late morning and early afternoon giggling and laughing as you, Nesta, Mor and Feyre surrounded the High Lord of the Night Court and his general with stacks upon stacks of make-up. For Rhysand, his off the shoulder dress was a bright lilac, complimenting his eyeshadow and his dark purple lips. With a bit of help, you manage to get a hold of a bouquet of violet grass which you quickly braided together to form a flower crown. Rhysand struggled at first but eventually resigned to his fate.
Cassian, however, yelled the whole way. Pushing away the illusion neck-lined scarlet red dress that had apparently been the 'most traumatic' thing he's ever seen. He pouted when Nesta applied the bright red make up all over his face, including some little designs on his cheek. And he screamed when he saw himself wearing a rose flower crown with a red-heart charm necklace and an absurd dangling rainbow at his ears.
"No. I am the general of the night court. You shall not degrade me to such lengths," He proclaimed dramatically. You laughed so hard your stomach hurt as you doubled over and began crying-laughing. Nesta tried to console Cassian but couldn't help as little snickers followed her every word.
You were still giggling as Rhysand and Cassian or "Rhysandra' and 'Cassibella' fled the room to change back into their tunics. However, your fun was quickly cut short when a towering presence entered the room. Feyre, Mor and Nesta quieted as you turned towards the door, only to be met with those familiar hazel eyes.
You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think as he entered the room, nodding at his High Lady while his gaze seemed to follow your very move. “I need to speak to you. Alone,” He said emphasising on that last word as Mor seemed to move closer to you. She glanced at you and exchanged glances with Feyre and Nesta. They wouldn’t leave unless you said so, and you were forever grateful for them. But, you needed to do this on your own.
You held Mor’s hands and squeezed it, her eyes gleamed, worry painting them, but you shook your head. You had to speak to him, that much was true. What had occured before you went unconscious still bore a heavy weight on you shoulders and you just wanted to be free.
“Okay,” You mumbled, if not for his fae hearing you highly doubt he would have heard you. “Let’s talk”. And with that, he grasped you hand and you winnowed him away, somewhere you both knew, somewhere that used to seem special.
His eyes seemed to soften as it travelled across the familiar and distant view. You had first discovered this hill just outside Velaris, it overlooked the city at one side, but on the other, there was a wonderful scenery of the trees in the forest as it melded into the horizon where you would watch sunsets and sunrises together.
You’re eyes travelled the picturesque view too, smiling at the bustling sounds of the city that could be heard even from all the way up there. And as you looked to Azriel, a pulse radiated in your chest, warming your soul.
“I know that you may never forgive me,” Azriel whispered, and he knelt in front of you as he clasped both of your hands together in his. “But, I want, no I need you, to give me another chance. I love you, Y/N. I really do, and there is nothing more in this world that I would rather do then court you the way that you houle be courted,” No one would believe the sight in front of you right now, the spy master of the night court begging for forgiveness from a witch.
You expelled the air from your lungs before taking deep breaths, in, and out, in and out.
You were torn between answer, not knowing whether you should give the male a second chance or turn away from the heartbreak that would tear you into pieces. But as you looked into the deepest parts of you heart, looked at your every desire, felt every thought, every heart break, every hurt.
You knew you answer.
~*~*~*~*~ taglist: @azriels-mate123 @penguinsworldsblog @hannahx1111 @jacksonpleasestopkillingme @positivewitch @happyseadreams @fuckthatfeeling @meritxellao @xiangping-28 @clarkie-carmody-blog @aroseinvelaris @azrielhours @shadowsinger-654 @azzydaddy @nisa-wisa @cosmic-whispers @cat-or-kitten @thecraziestcrayon
(If your user is in bold I could not tag you, sorry T^T)
A/N: HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH HOW YA LIKE ME NOW!? I love you guys…but you really didn’t think I wouldn’t end part 2 in a cliff hanger? Think again :D Love you guys, thanks for all the support <33333
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