#sometimes‚ you give your friend a gift‚ and the whole world receives it too
el-huddpudd · 7 months
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and for when somebody who makes gifsets takes a whack at this...
Critical Role: EXU Calamity - Excelsior - Episode 1 - 5:20
Dimension 20: Ravening War - The Seeds of Conflict - Episode 1 - 3:55
Critical Role: EXU Calamity - Fire and Ruin - Episode 4 - 6:05:40
Dimension 20: Burrow's End - The First Stoats - Episode 7 - 1:21:26
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cultrise · 10 months
oh my god, give me lovesick hobie brown.
lovesick hobie who cannot for the life of him keep his eyes away from you. and he won’t. he’s going to enter a room or speak to someone at HQ and see you in the distance and completely lose focus. his world just suddenly stops and his gaze remains glued to you until the person ‘bothering’ him leaves uncomfortably.
lovesick hobie who does not even perceive the idea of not touching you. even if you’re sitting at the restaurant somewhere with your friends he needs to touch you. thighs pressed against each other under the table, arm around your shoulders, interlocked pinkies — anything so he can feel you close to him. he needs to feel your body heat otherwise he’ll go crazy.
lovesick hobie who comes home almost everyday saying “this reminded me of you” and hands you something he made, bought from some street vendor or stole for you. it’s anything from clothes to little accessories to food. he just loves showering you with gifts and the happy smile on your face when you get handed one, the soft, gentle kisses he receives as a ‘thank you’ afterwards.
lovesick hobie who will make sure his arms are tightly wrapped around your waist in the morning so you can’t escape his embrace. he hates waking up early and he loathes to see you leave bed. he wants to wake up next to you, maybe spend the whole day in bed if possible. he needs his cuddles so badly.
lovesick hobie who watches you talk, head leaning to one side as he has a huge smile on his face. and he just can’t help himself to kiss you mid sentence. “do i bore you?” you ask with a smile as he pulls away, smiling as he caresses your cheek “no. just felt like it” he says before continuing to listen to you talk to him about whatever crosses your mind. he interrupts you many times more. don’t blame him, your lips are just too inviting for him to say no.
lovesick hobie who would sometimes get purposely more injured during fights just to feel your hands gently caress his wounds as you patched him up. you knew he did it on purpose. you scolded him about it many times. he never listened. his eyes just stayed fixated on your lips as you yelled at him before shutting you up quickly with a needy kiss. “you need to stop doing this!” you hit his chest annoyed after pulling away from him. he smiles, pressing his forehead to yours “i know. ‘m sorry. won’ happen again”. it does happen again.
lovesick hobie who denies being obsessed with you in front of others to keep his cool demeanour but is contradicted the moment you step into the room. like the time he was talking to gwen, miles & pav about how you were the one obsessed with him in reality. and you walked in, said hi to all of them and pressed a kiss on hobie’s cheek before attempting to walk away. and he just used his webs to drag you into his arms, muttering an audible “don’t go” to you before nuzzling his face into your neck. oh yeah, everybody and their mom knew hobie was not only obsessed, but extremely needy for you. he stopped contradicting pav after that encounter.
lovesick hobie who loves nothing more than mornings waking up next to you, the first thing that hits his nose being your sweet smell. you calm him down. he just wants to wake you up with tender kisses as you groan in annoyance. he doesn’t mind. he just runs his hand through your hair, whispering ‘good morning’ in your ear before pulling you into a lazy, sleepy kiss.
lovesick hobie who writes songs for you because you’re always on his mind. except they never have lyrics. he’s kinda bad at words. so he uses chords to express how he feels about you instead. he’d just sit you down, saying he has something you need to listen to. and he tries to play it off as cool, but he gets so flustered and excited it doesn’t work. and you can tell by the way he plays and by the way he avoids your gaze with rosy cheeks that he’s strumming from his heart. your feedback is lots of loving kisses.
i need lovesick hobie. he’s so stupidly adorable.
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© cultrise | don’t steal, copy or translate my works.
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part two: when i think about you, i touch myself
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: takes place directly after eddie catches you touching yourself in part one.
word count: 6.6k 
warnings: oral sex (female receiving), fingering, squirting, breast/nipple play, unprotected sex, brief choking/throat grabbing & finger sucking, mentions of male & female masturbation, dirty talk. this is pure filth from beginning to end. 
a/n: i know a lot of you have been waiting for this one, so i hope you enjoy it!! sorry for such a long wait, but as you can tell by the word count, this one is longer than the first part. also, apologies if you asked to be tagged and weren’t; the taglist would have been massive!
minors dni!
You were collecting yourself as you lay upon your bed, lost in bliss from your climax. A lazy grin was forming on your lips, basking in the afterglow of your own creation. Despite the fact that you thoroughly enjoyed yourself, you knew that familiar guilt would inevitably creep in—the type that usually accompanied the fantasies and how you chose to act on them. It wasn’t as though you were thinking such things about someone famous, or someone you barely knew; they were about Eddie, your best friend in the whole damn world. Of course, you couldn’t help the way you felt about him, nor could you just flip a switch to stop being sexually attracted to him. He was gorgeous, he was so fun to be around, he had the most radiant smile and the biggest, prettiest brown eyes you’d ever seen…
And you were head over heels in love with the boy. 
You hadn’t always been, though, nor had you been in love with him for very long. Your romantic feelings were fairly recent–about six months ago, give or take–but they were so damn strong. In fact, you couldn’t believe that there was a time when you didn't love him; he was everything you ever dreamed of in a partner. When you discovered that you were in love with him, it was as if a curtain finally lifted and showed you what you were missing beyond. The realization came after a particularly difficult period in your life, where he had been there for you constantly. No one else was by your side in ways that he had been–sleeping over, cuddling with you all through the night, bringing drugs & booze (not the wisest decision, but it helped, all the same), and listening to you when you needed it most. You spent those days lying in his arms, his fingers brushing through your hair as you lay together, sometimes in complete silence as you took in the solace of the quiet company. That’s what sealed the deal for you, and opened your eyes to your own feelings; but even still, it felt so dirty to be imagining him in the ways that you always did. 
The first time you got yourself off to him wasn’t too long after your realization. You were in bed, listening to the mixtape he made for you as a birthday gift, while flipping through the other half of the present–a scrapbook that he put together, of the two of you. It was such a thoughtful gift, and something that just seemed so unlike Eddie. Mixtapes, sure; he had a talent for making some of the best tapes you’d ever heard. Scrapbooking, though? It just didn’t seem to be in Eddie’s wheelhouse, but either way, you appreciated it. He chose some of the best photos of you two, and you couldn’t help but smile as you turned every page. Every photo of him, especially the ones where he was smiling or being goofy, made your heart sing with so much love. 
Then you got to the picture of him out at Lover’s Lake last summer, and you could do nothing but stare as you swallowed thickly. This particular photo was a shirtless close-up of Eddie, showcasing the tattoos on his body and faint traces of muscle in his arms & chest. His long hair hung over his shoulders, curls frizzy from the humidity as he flashed devil horns to the camera with a wink & his tongue out. You’d seen him shirtless before, and only felt a small stirring of something you could never identify; but you never felt it as intensely as in that moment. You eventually ended up with a pillow between your legs, grinding against it as you coaxed two orgasms with the downright filthy thoughts going through your head. You felt a strange sense of guilt and bliss when you were done, and you also had time on your side that night. You had the entire night to fantasize about him, feeling the wetness spreading through your panties every single time you pictured him with his head between your legs, or his guitar-calloused fingers deep inside of you, or how goddamn good he would probably feel as he fucked the absolute shit out of you.
Now, though, you didn’t have the luxury of time. You had to get up and start getting ready for Eddie’s visit, even though he was still hours away from arriving. You needed a shower after that little session, since you were basically covered in a thin sheen of sweat and your own cum. You also wanted to have a little wiggle room to get yourself looking nice, so spending that extra time on those things definitely wouldn’t hurt. You began to wonder what he was doing at that moment, and how well practice was going for him. The very image of him playing guitar, his fingers running along the strings as he tossed his hair, nearly caused you to start touching yourself again. Every time you went to one of his shows, you had to fight with yourself not to jump him right there on that fucking stage. It made for some interesting fantasies later on, though; you had to give yourself that much, at least. 
You sighed before you could start touching yourself again, propping yourself on your elbows. You shook your head, trying to free the thoughts from your mind as you focused on getting ready & what outfit you should change into. You thought about choosing his favorite, the one that he was constantly complimenting you on every time you wore it, and decided to see if it was even clean or not. If not, you would probably have to throw in a load of laundry, on top of everything else. You almost slung your legs over the bed, so that you could get up and start getting ready. You never made it that far, though; you were stopped dead as your bedroom door further opened, and Eddie walked in.
To say that you were shocked would be a massive understatement. Eddie was now standing in your room, his body language conveying anxiety, with his fly unzipped and a noticeable outline in the front of his jeans. You were mortified, and didn’t know what you should do. You didn’t want to believe that he heard anything, but you knew better. From the way he was acting, to the obvious erection straining in his pants, you had an inkling that he heard part of it, at least. Your heart hammered in your chest, your cheeks flaming hot as you ducked your head. 
“What are you…?” you began, clearing your throat after swallowing. “What are you doing here? I thought you had practice.”
Eddie smiled, rubbing the back of his neck as you drew the blanket further up your body. “Oh, that got cancelled. I thought maybe I’d drop by a little early and surprise you; seems like I did a pretty good job of that.”
Your cheeks were still scorching, and you lay back against the pillows as you kept your gaze away from him. “How long were you here? I mean…how long did you…?”
“I’ve been here long enough,” Eddie replied, and you thought that you could see relief settling on his face. “It sounded like you were having fun without me–physically, at least.”
Eddie stepped further inside the room until he was next to your bed, and you kept your head down to avoid looking at him. Goddammit, you were foolish to believe that this would remain a secret; as often as you touched yourself to him, he was bound to catch you sooner or later. His fingers brushed your covered thigh, and the simple touch sent a shiver down your spine. You finally turned your head to him, and he was beaming at you with that familiar arrogance. You swallowed, unable to believe that any of this was real. If you weren’t so transfixed in those doe eyes of his, or still feeling so ashamed, then you would have pinched yourself. 
“I’m sorry,” you managed, shivering again as his fingers circled your knee. “I wasn’t expecting you until much later.”
“Nah, don’t be sorry,” he said. “It’s my fault; I should have called ahead, or just waited. But you know, if it makes you feel any better, that wasn’t the first time I’ve ever heard a girl moaning my name.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, watching his fingers as they trailed along your thigh. His fingertips glided down your calf, then up to your knee, before the backs of his fingers brushed along your inner thighs. His touch was innocent enough, but it sent a fresh jolt of arousal straight to your cunt. You pressed your thighs together after he moved his fingers back to your knee, trying to quell the ache that was settling between your legs. He sat on the bed, one arm on your other side as he leaned over you, his lips pulling into a smile. His face was inches from yours, and it took every ounce of willpower you had not to close the gap and kiss him until you were both breathless. The fingers that were on your leg now came up to caress your cheek, his eyes boring deeply into yours.
“What were you thinking about?” Eddie asked.
“I don’t know what you–”
“Oh, come on, y/n. You know damn good & well what I mean. Look, you can tell me, alright? I promise that I’m not going to judge you, or that it won’t be weird.”
“It really won’t be too weird?” you asked, chewing your lower lip in uncertainty. “I mean, I know you just…heard me in here–”
“Not only heard, saw,” Eddie interrupted, moving closer to you. Your eyes grew big, and he shook his head with a reassuring, gentle smile. “No, no, don’t worry. I’m not grossed out or freaked out, or anything. It was fucking hot as shit, honestly.”
“You’re really not disgusted?” you asked. “Considering how close we’ve always been?”
“Let me tell you a little secret,” Eddie said, looking around the room for dramatic effect. When he turned to you again, his lips were now barely an inch from yours. “You have been my top sexual fantasy for the last two years.”
Your eyes widened in shock, and you weren’t even sure that you heard him correctly. “Wait, what? Are you serious?”
“Dead serious,” Eddie said, putting his fist over his heart as a signal that he was telling the truth. He gripped the back of your neck, caressing the skin there as his eyes met yours again. “You’ve actually been my ONLY fantasy for two years, so I guess I kinda bent the truth a little bit when I–”
“Can you please stop babbling and just…kiss me?”
He smirked, but couldn’t mask the surprise at what you’d said. It was written in his eyes, in the way his lips slightly parted before he smiled, in his entire demeanor. He leaned in closer, but hesitated when his lips were just a breath from yours. You had a hunch as to why he was so reluctant, because the same thought had also crossed your own mind. If he kissed you, everything between the two of you would change forever. However, when you considered the fact that he just saw you masturbating to him, a kiss was actually the most tame thing you could do. You curled your lips inward, and then pressed them to his when you felt a momentary surge of courage. 
His lips were soft and sweet against yours, so warm and welcoming. You could feel the tension in his body melting away at the contact, and his hand that was on the back of your neck now settled behind your head. One of yours rested on his shoulder, toying with some of his long hair as you wrapped it around your fingers. He shuddered, kissing you harder and more desperately as you hummed against his lips. He drew you closer by the waist with his other hand, which caused you to mewl softly. His tongue found your lips, subtle at first as the tip swiped over the seal of your mouth. His desire became more obvious, though, with the greedy pressing of his tongue against your lips. You opened your mouth to accept him, and his tongue swiped past yours as you whimpered. He was an even better kisser than you imagined, and you couldn’t get enough of him already. You sat up and slung your legs on either side of his lap, the blanket that covered your body falling to the floor. You braced your hands on his shoulders for a moment, straddling him before tangling your hands deeply in his hair. The two of you were still kissing, and his hands came down to squeeze your now-exposed ass. 
“Eddie,” you sighed as the kiss broke, your breath stolen as he began kissing down your neck. 
“That’s it,” he cooed, smiling against your skin. “Say my name, just like that.”
“I…” you began, crying out as he gently bit on the most sensitive area of your neck. You began to grind against him, rocking your hips against his clothed erection, the wetness of your pussy soaking the front of his jeans. You could feel his cock pulsating against you through the fabric, and your nails grazed his scalp as he sucked the area where your neck & shoulder joined. “I did this to you, huh? Listening to me get myself off made you throbbing hard like this?”
“Mmm hmm,” he hummed, the pressure of his mouth on your sensitive skin making your head swim. “Seems like I’m not the only one who’s turned on, though. It feels like you’re making a pretty good mess all over my pants right now.”
“I can’t help it,” you said, your hips still grinding against him as both of you mewled. “You just have that effect on me.”
“That makes two of us, then,” he said with a breathy laugh, but before you could respond, he was attacking your lips in a hard, messy kiss. 
You were still stunned over how right all of this felt. You had been so worried that it might be awkward, or feel forced, or that it would be so wrong altogether. But his hands trailing over your back, as he kissed you like you were the very thing keeping him alive, squashed those fears. The two of you kissed hotly, sloppily, both of you moaning softly in each other’s mouths as his hands dipped under your shirt. With every trace of his fingers down your spine, you fell even more in love, and when they finally made their way to the front of your body, you felt something else entirely. His fingers caressed the bare skin beneath the shirt as they slowly, teasingly made their way to your breasts. You nearly exploded, your body leaning into his touch as you anticipated his next move. You were lost in lust, drowning under the waves of desire until you were breathing in nothing but him. 
“Mmm,” you breathed, his hands enveloping your breasts. Your hands tangled even more deeply in his hair, tugging as he massaged your tits in his palms. His tongue pressed deeper into your mouth as he kissed you passionately, his groan vibrating against your lips. Your head fell back as he pinched a nipple between his fingers, and he took that as an opportunity to leave open-mouthed, rough kisses over your throat. “Fuck, Eddie…”
“Shit,” he hissed, tugging both nipples before rubbing the erect buds with his thumbs. “Did you think about me doing this? Or maybe it was more along the lines of this?”
He pushed you onto your back, sinking lower until his mouth was level to your nipple. He put his mouth over the still-clothed bud, and it peaked further under his lips. You sucked in a breath, grabbing his hair in one hand and the headboard in the other. His breath, hot and damp, felt incredible as the cloth of your shirt held it hostage against your skin. The sensation that his tongue left behind–the added friction, the pressure he used, the feeling of his breath–had you clawing at his scalp as he mewled. His eyes trailed up to your face, watching you closely as he sucked generously. He stopped after a moment and you whined, eyes finding him to see what he was up to.
“When you imagined me doing this,” he said, his chin propped on your chest, “I’m betting the shirt wasn’t part of the equation. Was it?”
“No,” you said with a slight shake of your head. “It…It wasn’t.”
“So, you did fantasize about it, then?” Eddie asked smugly, tugging your nipple in his teeth as you moaned.
“Yeah, I did,” you admitted. “I imagined you ripping off my shirt and sucking on my tits. The thought of that always makes me so wet; you have no fucking idea.”
“Ripping it off, huh?” Eddie said, smirking as he studied the shirt. “How much do you like this one?”
“I didn’t mean literally!” you cried with a laugh.
“I think I could tear it,” Eddie mused. “It looks pretty thin and flimsy. Shall I give it a shot?”
“You’re unbelievable,” you teased, watching as he grabbed the neck of your shirt. “Do your worst.”
It took Eddie two tries, but he actually did tear it. It ripped down the middle, and you felt heat rushing to your pussy as you heard the fabric tearing. He licked his lips as your breasts were now fully exposed to him, studying them for a long moment before his eyes trailed to your face. He ran his hands over them, looking into your eyes before his gaze flickered back to your chest. He dipped lower, kissing slowly between the valley of your breasts before stopping just below your collarbones. He went down again, kissing the tops of your breasts and rutting against your thigh with a deep groan. 
“You’re gonna make me cum in my pants like a fucking teenager,” he said with a chuckle. “I knew your tits would be perfect, but I had no idea just how much.”
“If you need to cum, maybe we should get down to it,” you said. “I don’t want you to suffer for too long.”
“I’ll be fine,” Eddie assured. “This is about you, and making you feel good. I’m bound & determined to make your fantasy come true, no matter how long it takes.” 
“No buts. All I want you to do is relax, have fun, and tell me what you were fantasizing about so that I can recreate it. Okay?”
“I guess that doesn’t sound too bad...”
“Not at all,” Eddie replied, flicking his tongue over your nipple before pulling it into his mouth.
You thought that Eddie sucking through your shirt had felt good, but it didn’t compare at all to this. His tongue was like velvet against your hot skin, his soft mewls sending slight vibrations through your nipple. You closed your eyes as you moaned, his lips working firmly as he applied pressure with his tongue. He swirled it, tracing circles as his fingers pinched the opposite bud. Your breathing was growing heavier, and you were a wet, near-quaking mess underneath him. His weight on top of you–fully clothed, bearing upon you as he lost himself in his actions–was almost too much to handle. It was incredible, and you needed so much more than what he was currently giving you.
“Tell me more,” Eddie begged as he switched to the other breast. “Please?”
“You...mmm…” you breathed, his tongue massaging your other nipple as you gave his hair a slight tug. “I asked you to finger me while you…while you were doing this.”
“Is that what you imagined as you played with these earlier?” he asked, squeezing one of your breasts in his hand for emphasis. “And while you fingered yourself, too? That IS what you were doing, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” you said. “I pictured you fingering me so deeply while you sucked on my tits. I also fantasized about you eating me out; that one came as I was rubbing my clit.”
“Thank you for telling me,” Eddie said, smiling as he looked up at you. “You were honest with me, so now I’m going to be honest with you. Not only have I fantasized about those things with you, but I can certainly arrange to make them happen. If you want to, that is.”
“I do,” you say, practically begging at that point. “Please, I want that so fucking much.”
“Then consider it done,” he said, taking your nipple between his lips once more.
This time, however, his hand travelled lower, slowly taking in the skin of your stomach, hip, and thigh. You hissed as one calloused fingertip made contact with your wet pussy, and he groaned as he felt just how soaked you were for him. He dragged two fingers from your entrance to your clit, his mouth working harder against your breast as he did so. When he finally put his full attention to your clit, you whimpered from the slight overstimulation as a result of your earlier climax. He let off a little, ghosting his fingers through your inner lips instead.
“Sorry,” he said, gazing at you through his hair that had fallen into his eyes. “You’re so fucking wet, y/n. All of this because of me? Because of the fantasies you were having?” 
“Yeah,” you panted, crying out as he pushed two fingers inside of you.
“Doing okay, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, grinning as you nodded quickly. “Good. That’s my good girl.”
The praise caused you to mewl, clenching around his fingers as they delved inside of you to just below the middle knuckle. You felt so full, and the coolness of his rings in contrast to your hot cunt caused you to shiver. His tongue wrapped around your opposite nipple as he fucked you slowly on his fingers, and you knew instantly that you were already addicted to him. He was so much better than you had ever imagined, and your fingers could never compare to how good he felt. He was moaning as well, increasing the speed of his working digits before rotating them slightly inside of you. The sounds of his fingers fucking into you, along with the soft noises falling from his lips, were driving you up the fucking wall with desire. You moaned, closing your eyes again as you yanked his hair, the pads of his fingers pressing rapidly into your sweet spot every time he thrust them inside. 
“Jesus, you feel so good,” you panted, and he smirked at you. “Don’t say it.” 
“Better than you pictured, huh?” he questioned smugly.
“I thought I just said–” you began, cut off with a loud moan as he pumped his fingers even harder. “Eddie.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, withdrawing his fingers as you whined at the loss. He sat up a bit, bringing his soaked, glistening fingers to his mouth as he made eye contact with you. He separated them, and you could see a sticky line of your juices bridging his fingers together. He shivered at the sight, drawing them into his mouth and groaning as your taste hit his tongue. He didn’t stop until they were sucked clean, his brown eyes blown even darker with lust. “You taste even better than I always thought you would, and that’s saying a hell of a lot.”
Before you could respond, Eddie was making his way down your stomach. He playfully bit at your lower belly as you laughed, and then he was pulling you to the edge of the bed. He knelt in front of you, and you swung your legs over his shoulders as he held onto your thighs. The anticipation of what he was about to do nearly killed you, and he began to leave hard, needy kisses along your inner thighs that only added fuel to the fire. His gaze settled on your cunt, and he drew back to get a better look. He made a soft sound of approval, before squeezing your thighs and delicately caressing the skin there. 
“You have such a pretty pussy,” he remarked, nuzzling along your groin. “Is it still okay for me to carry this out, or did you decide that your fingers would do a better job instead?”
“Oh, stop it,” you teased, chuckling softly. “I definitely still want you to. I don’t think anything could change my mind.”
Eddie nodded, spreading your legs further apart for even better access. He dragged his nose through your inner labia, nuzzling along as you shuddered violently. The tip of his tongue ran through your folds, teasing as you began to whine pleasurably. His hair tickled the insides of your thighs, the cool metal of his rings on your skin sending goosebumps all over your body. His dark eyes found your face, and yours settled on him, watching as he drew your cunt impossibly closer to his mouth. You were getting wetter, and he apparently took notice as he groaned softly & began eating you out vigorously. 
You had imagined this exact scenario far more times than you would ever outwardly admit. It had to arguably be your top fantasy when it came to Eddie, in any and all forms: Sitting on his face, lying on your back, him eating you out from behind, every single conceivable position and situation. The real thing was far exceeding any & all expectations, and all you could do was moan & writhe as he played your body perfectly. His plump lips were kissing from your entrance to just below your clit, his silky, warm tongue swirling and tracing all along your soaked pussy. 
“Fuck, you really do taste incredible,” Eddie said, licking around your entrance before rapidly darting his tongue in & out of you. “I think I’m already addicted to you.”
“I’m pretty hooked on you, too,” you said, his fingertips digging further into your skin as he fucked you faster on his tongue. “Eddie…”
“Does it feel good?” he asked, a bit of uncertainty in his voice. “Should I do something else?”
“No, fuck,” you panted. “Don’t you dare stop.”
“Your wish is my command,” he said with a wink, and set back to work.
He lapped at the inside of your pussy, moving his tongue around as one hand came toward your inner lips. His thumb ghosted your clit, swiping softly as your back came slightly off the mattress. That same hand snaked under your thigh to bring you closer to his face, his lips & tongue working feverishly against your aching, drenched cunt. He watched your reactions, two fingers pushing inside of you again as he moved his mouth to your clit. His dark hair fell into his eyes, which were still taking in your every reaction while occasionally flicking to your heaving chest. His lips enveloped your swollen clit, sucking the small bundle into his mouth as his tongue pressed firmly against it. He moved his tongue quickly back & forth and up & down, pumping his fingers in time with those movements. He curled the digits against your sweet spot, and your head tipped against the pillows as the pleasure threatened to swallow you whole.
“Still doing okay?” Eddie checked in, adding a third finger after you nodded. “Your pussy is the best I’ve ever fucking had.”
“How many times have you used that line?” you joked.
“Including today?” he asked, his fingers still fucking you as he wore a thoughtful expression. “Exactly…one time.”
“Bullshit,” you said with a laugh, moaning hotly as his fingers pressed tightly to your G-spot.
“No, seriously,” Eddie insisted. “I can’t wait to fuck you. I’ll warn you, though: I don’t think I’ll last too long.”
You chuckled at that, and before you could hit back with a witty remark, he was eating you out again. Your mind was hazy, full of absolutely nothing but the surrealism of the entire situation. You never thought that you’d be here–three of Eddie’s fingers filling your cunt as deeply as possible, his mouth focusing on your clit, his ravenous eyes watching your every move–but here you were. He increased speed, going impossibly fast as he moaned loudly against your pussy, shaking his head rapidly as he did so. The vibration sent a fresh bolt of arousal through your body, and the coil in your stomach was so close to snapping as your moans echoed around the room.
Your hands found his hair, holding on and pulling as his tongue vigorously swirled your clit. He curled his fingers quickly, making sure to press firmly on your G-spot every time. His mouth increased pressure on your clit, tongue flicking before trailing downward to explore the rest of your pussy. He slowed, causing you to whine, before nearly pulling his fingers out completely. You were ready to protest, but then he was slamming them inside of you again before resuming an even faster pace on your clit. 
“I’m so fucking hard right now,” Eddie breathed, his free hand leaving your thigh to slide up your body and settle on your breast. “Are you close?”
“Mmm hmm,” you hummed, hissing as he rolled your nipple in his fingers. 
“Go ahead,” he coaxed gently, both hands moving from their previous positions to hold your hips down. “Cum for me. Show me that I can make you cum harder than you ever imagined possible during your little fantasies. I wanna know if I can do it better than you can yourself.”
Your thighs were trembling violently around his head, your skin on fire and breathing heavier as your climax approached. He kept his gaze on you, admiring your form through his hair & eyelashes as he ruthlessly ate you out. Watching him, feeling his hard grip on your hips, and feeling what he was doing, catapulted you over the edge. You came harder than you ever had in your life, either alone or with someone else. You squirted in his face, his name leaving your lips in desperation as you arched your back, your grip like iron in his long, thick curls as your orgasm rocked your entire body. You could feel him grinning against your cunt, groaning as you tugged roughly at his hair. His tongue continued to work, albeit much slower this time, but you were so overstimulated that you couldn’t tolerate anymore contact just yet.
“You enjoyed yourself quite a bit, by the looks,” Eddie teased, drawing away as you pushed at his head. “Don’t remember you cumming quite that hard earlier.”
“I didn’t,” you breathed, still seeing stars from the force of your climax. “Fuck, you were…”
“I’m good,” Eddie said, standing from the floor and stretching his legs. His chin was absolutely drenched, his lips glistening, and the tip of his nose shiny with your cum. “You don’t have to finish that sentence; I could tell from the way you just super-soaked my face.”
“Sorry,” you said, smiling bashfully.
“Nah, don’t be,” he said, shrugging his vest & jacket to the floor before sliding his pants down. He kicked his shoes & socks off to join them, the jeans following suit before he yanked his shirt off. “Get the rest of your shirt off for me.”
You sat up, discarding the remains of the torn shirt to the ground. He glanced you up and down, whistling at your fully nude form. You admired the tattoos that decorated his body, taking them all in as he finished undressing. His erection was now present to you, and you chewed your lip as you admired it. He was bigger than you expected–not huge, but definitely not average, either. He had a lot of girth as well, his thick shaft beading precum at the tip as his balls hung heavy. You moved closer to him, taking his cock in your fist to feel the warm, throbbing weight of it against your palm. His hips stuttered in response, and he moaned before gently pushing your hand away with an apologetic smile.
“We’d better do this now, unless you want me to make a mess all over your hand,” Eddie said. “How do you wanna do it?”
“I wanna ride you,” you replied, propping yourself on your knees to kiss over his upper chest tattoo. “I’m tired of being on my back.”
“Well, I certainly won’t say no to that,” he said, his arms encircling your waist as he threw both of you backward onto the bed again. Your nude bodies pressed together perfectly, and he kissed you messily before rolling onto his back. He pulled you with him, coaxing you into his lap before you straddled him. He eyed you from head to toe, licking his lips as he did so. “Hit me with your best shot.”
You positioned yourself over his cock, grasping it in your hand as you guided it toward your pussy. His hands settled loosely on your hips, his eyes on yours as he waited. You took a deep breath, shaking off the last of your nerves, before bracing your free hand on his shoulder. You fully sank onto his cock, moaning filthily as his thick, aching length entered you. Your cunt felt so full, so stretched, and you swore that you never felt anything quite like it before. You’d used your fingers, toys, anything you safely could, but it all paled in comparison to Eddie’s cock. He seemed to be enjoying it, too; his head was thrown back on your pillows, his dark hair spread over them with some in his face, his grip on your hips tightening as filthy groans fell from his full lips. You took a moment to adjust and get used to how amazing he felt pulsating against your slick, warm walls, your lips slack as you met his eyes. He was gazing back at you with such desperation and lust that you nearly combusted on the spot, his fingers tracing soft circles around your hips. 
“Christ, you’re so goddamn wet,” he said, his hands running up your sides. “You feel fucking incredible, y/n.”
“So do you,” you replied, lifting your hips a little and coming back down with a whimper. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”
“Oh, you poor little baby,” Eddie said with a playful, mocking pout. “Were your fingers not good enough? Did none of the dudes before me have a dick this big?”
“Don’t get smart on me now,” you begged, finding a steady rhythm as you both gasped at the sensation. “Eddie, shit…”
“Mmm, that’s it,” he praised, his eyes on your breasts as you bounced a little faster on his cock. “Give me a show, sweetheart. Show me how desperate you are to cum for me again.”
Your hips moved at a medium pace, because you didn’t want to go too fast just yet, but you also didn’t want to go slow. Eddie’s hands grabbed your tits, squeezing them in his hands and giving each nipple a hard pinch as your head lolled. You mewled filthily as he kneaded your breasts, your lips open as he rutted upward to meet your rhythm. Your hands rested atop his before trailing down his arms, and finally settling upon his chest. You scratched him as he bucked directly into your sweet spot, his hands leaving your breasts to hold your waist as you rode him even more quickly.
“God, this feels so good,” you panted, trying to find a new angle so that he could hit into your G-spot more directly again.
“Did you imagine this, too?” Eddie questioned, his hands sneaking around to grab your ass. He gave it a playful swat, which caused you to groan hotly. “Riding me like this? Feeling me inside of you as I played with those amazing tits? Did the thought of any of this get that pussy of yours soaking for me every goddamn time you fantasized about it?”
“Yes to all of it,” you said. “Every single time.”
“What a little slut, getting herself off all the time because she can’t stop thinking about my dick,” Eddie said, and you moaned at the nickname. “You like being called that?”
“A little bit,” you admitted, grinding your clit against him as you brought your hips down fully. “I have so many fantasies about you. It’s kinda ridiculous.” 
“Doesn’t sound too ridiculous to me,” he said, his hand wrapping around your throat as he smirked. “Is this one of them?”
You nodded, and he reached between the two of you to gather some of your slick on his other fingers. Still holding onto your throat and tightening his hold slightly, he brought the wet fingers to your lips. He coaxed them open, inserting his fingers into your mouth and pressing them against your tongue. You tasted yourself with a groan, and he fucked them into your mouth with a grin. “How about that?”
You hummed and nodded as best as you could in reply, and he briefly cut your air off before withdrawing his fingers and letting go of your throat. “Noted. You’ll have to tell me more about these fantasies of yours later. I’m deeply curious now.” 
“I will,” you said, swivelling your hips for only a second before bouncing yourself on his cock again. “I promise I will.”
He took your hands then, placing them on your breasts. “Play with these for me.”
You do as he asked, massaging your breasts and tugging at your nipples. He just watched you, not taking his eyes from you for one moment. You ground your clit every time you came down, and Eddie soon got the hint. His thumb swiped at your clit, running circles over it as you rocked your hips at a desperately fast pace. He pulled you down for a hard, sloppy kiss, one that was full of moans and whimpers, both of you close to orgasm as you slammed yourself repeatedly onto his cock. Your wetness had gathered at the base, some of it dripping down his balls and onto the bed below. You sat up fully and Eddie followed, his mouth all over your chest as you embedded your hands within his hair. 
“y/n,” he panted, moaning as you clenched around him. “Fucking shit…”
You pulled at his hair, hands burying deeper into the messy locks as his mouth continued exploring your chest. You slammed down as the sounds of sex filled the room, his hips bucking to meet yours while he quickly rubbed your clit. It didn’t take much longer for you to cum, and you clung to him as your hips stuttered and body spasmed, your head thrown back as you cried out his name. Your body felt supercharged from every orgasm you experienced already, and Eddie was chuckling against your neck as he kissed it.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised, holding onto you while you whined from how sensitive everything felt. “That’s it, I’ve got you…”
Your hips kept moving, trying to help Eddie with his own climax. It came a lot sooner than you had anticipated; he twitched inside of you only seconds later, hot ropes of cum painting your walls. He moaned loudly, holding you tightly as he came, his head thrown back with a look of pure ecstasy written on his face. You mewled as you felt some of his cum dripping out of you, and you lifted your hips before he softened too much. You collapsed next to him, and he brought you into his arms as he kissed the top of your head. Both of you were breathless, sweaty, your cunt leaking his cum as his cock was drenched with your own. He felt so much like home against you, and you couldn’t help but grin as you lay your head upon his chest.
“Wow,” he panted with a chuckle. “That was fucking amazing.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” you asked, tracing one of his tattoos with your finger. “Is it bad to say that I’m really glad your practice got cancelled?”
“No, because I feel the same,” Eddie replied, tilting your chin so that you were looking at him. “y/n, this…this wasn’t just about sex to me. I mean…don’t get me wrong, it was so goddamn incredible, but...it was so much more to me than just that.”
“Really?” you asked, smiling as he nodded slowly, nervously. “It wasn’t just sex for me, either, if I’m being honest.”
That got his full attention, and his eyes widened. “Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously,” you said, giving him a tender kiss. “In fact, I wouldn’t be mad if we decided to be…maybe more than just friends.”
Eddie beamed at you, rolling you onto your back before hovering over you. “You wanna know something?”
“What?” you asked, fingers looping through his dangling necklace. 
“I wouldn’t be mad, either,” he whispered, sealing your lips–and your seemingly upgraded relationship status–with a kiss. 
taglist: @littledemondani @erosso @ranawaytohawkins @dumpsterfireoflove @fallinginfinitelyinlove @strangerthings64 @eddiemunsonssslut @pedrosrealgf @sweet-beliefs @dylobilysmomg @haiishodenki @eddiemunsn @patheticversace @madhatterweasley @eddiemvnsonworld @eddiethefreakk @hellv1ra @cailaif @2spock @cateycollins @aureateopia @homiesexual-or-homosexual @druigswh0ree @lunatictardis @strangerduchess
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lorkai · 6 months
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Wrote a lil something awhile back with this premise (link here) but as I'm catching up with the recent updates on diasomnia chapter, I thought "why not write this with them?", thus this idea was born. Though I haven't writed for the whole diasomnia before so lemme know if you think they're too ooc!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Here in Brazil when we met someone new or just as a form of greeting, it's customary to give them a hug and a kiss, or a polite handshake. And in general we are really affectionate with our friends. So I was thinking how some of the characters would react.
Malleus is touch-starved, plus he doesn't know much about the world and the customs of humans. So when you, a little human, constantly greet him with warm hugs and ask him to lean in a little so you can kiss his forehead and cheeks? Mal-Mal here is over the moon, wanting more of that affection he doesn't get so often, he wants to hear you making that high pitched voice while you hold his face and while you pat his head and stroke his horns. By seven, you certainly don't know what fear is. And little by little he returns your affection, laughing at your surprised expression when he kisses your forehead and smiles full of mockery.
Always so mischievous Lilia tends to use his powers to levitate you next to him every time you hug him as a form of greeting, at this point this is already a little tradition of yours. He loves receiving your kisses, pink adorning his cheeks every time, but he prefers to cup your face and pepper it with slow kisses, and sometimes sway and twirl with you from side to side as if you two were dancing. Lilia loves your small gestures of affection, even if they are just deep-rooted customs from your culture, they still mean a lot to him. I also feel like he would be the type of friend to create a secret handshake, something unique just for the two of you.
Sebek feels his cheeks flush, he tries to lecture you but only low murmurs and strangled screams leave his lips with every kiss you leave on his cheek and every hug offered. He's like a child who received the gift he's been waiting for his whole life and now he's so excited that he can't express himself, although he doesn't need to shout how he feels when his eyes express to you how much each of your gestures means to him. He will deny everything and try to act like he always does, but he is much softer on you after receiving your daily kisses and hugs.
Silver smiles, imitating your greetings as a sign of respect for you and your culture. Every kiss, handshake and hug exchanged leaves him warm inside, the other students are not as warm as you and he finds this change interesting. He likes to wonder if everyone in your country is as warm and welcoming as you, and he would love to hear you talk about where you come from. He would love to ask you to hug him while he takes a nap, but the idea is embarrassing enough for him to put into words, but maybe one day it will come true.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who's been bottling up their affectionate tendencies
Another very late sequel, for this post:
M6 with a touch/affection-starved MC
- to set the scene -
You learned very early on to suppress your affectionate impulses. As much as you love to spoil your loved ones with hugs and cuddles and homemade food and random gifts and helping them with tasks and clearing your schedule for them and complimenting them at every turn and maybe writing them a loving note or two in their lunch - you know better. You don't care to scare off new friends with that kind of intensity, and the few you've shown that side to who said they were okay with it usually ended up using you.
Nobody you know now would call you unfriendly, but you never initiate touch or ask for too much, and you certainly don't bombard them with gifts or compliments or acts of service or undividided attention.
But now, you're in a secure relationship with someone who adores you, who put their life on the line with you, who opened up their heart to you, who wants to build a future with you. You want to smother them with affection, and for the first time, you don't have to hold back.
You are about to rock their world.
One of the most affection desperate people you'll ever know. He's plenty familiar with driving people off by being or demanding too much
You've been the first person to accept all he offers you and hold onto him in return
Sure you're a little aloof sometimes, but he's happy just to be allowed to love you without the fear of pushing you away
And then a week or so after defeating the Devil, it was like a switch in your brain flipped and you sent him straight to heaven
Having you regularly remind him to eat, with food you made with your own hands?
Hearing your little affirming compliments multiple times a day??
Waking up to freshly cleaned clothes and a soft eyepatch that doesn't hurt his scalp???
When he made it to work one day to find a little love note tucked into his medical kit he nearly swooned on the spot
He doesn't know where all this has been hiding but he's not complaining. He will accept it all with outstretched arms
They left for trips so often that you learned not to get too attached so as not to cause unnecessary pain
Here's the obvious: so did he. He traded half his heart and only left to avoid hurting you
Every new liberty you take in loving them will be their cue to stop holding back as well
It's going to be insufferably fluffy for everyone around you until you get it out of your systems and learn to act normal again
If you wake him up with breakfast he'll surprise you on your break with lunch
If you hug them just because they were standing there, they are kissing you all over
Compliment wars that only get cheesier and more suggestive until you're both flustered
Close the shop for a few days so you can travel with him and he'll be your devoted shop assistant for the next week
Bring them something you saw in the marketplace and they'll appear a few days later with a bagful of trinkets
So, so, so many "I love you"s, because now you can both finally say it
She is not used to receiving affection. At all
She always interpreted her family's gestures as insults, there was no love in her marriage, and she hasn't been with anyone since
You, though, she loves to spoil you
And now - apparently - you love to spoil her
You drive her to distraction. Tell her she's the best on her way out the door and it'll power her through a whole morning of meetings
If you have a visiting Prakran teach you how to make spiced swordfish the right way she might actually cry
You pop into a meeting to drop off a love note before you go into town and kiss her cheek on the way out? She'll smile all day
Clear your evening for her and give her your undivided attention while she tells you about her ideas and plans? She's swooning
She's never been a hoarder but for you she is. She has shelves in her tower now where she stores all of your notes and gifts
Every time you show her your affection she lights up with surprise and delight. She can do anything with your love supporting her
You have to start slowly. For his sake
He's not used to a gentle world. Or gentle people. Or affection in general
He did not know the concept of emotional safety until you held him in your arms, and it both melted and terrified him
Loves it when you bring or make him food. Growing up without it makes it infinitely precious to him, especially from you
If he comes home to a clean space (floor, dishes, laundry, etc) he'll be silent and still for the next few minutes, just taking it in
Write him a list of all the things you like about him and watch his ears burn. He will make a waterproof pouch for said list and carry it everywhere
Show interest in the things he cares about and he'll melt. Help with the chickens. Play with Inanna. He can't look away
One loving glance from you and his heart will sprout wings and fly out of his chest
Seeing the way you love so freely is reminding him how to love in return - you, the world, other people, and even himself
She loves so freely, she's a little shocked when it starts to show how much you've been holding back
Her no-holds-barred approach to affection is all you need to lose your inhibitions
She makes breakfast. You pack lunch
You kiss her on your way out. She surprise tackles you with a hug when you return
You get Mazelinka to teach you some classic Nevivon foods. She smuggles you the Palace's finest dishes
You make her a magic charm. She takes you on a wild adventure to make use of it
You write her a love letter. She sends you her favorite poetry excerpts
Clear your afternoon to spend time with her and she'll take you on a spontaneous date
She's got a strong competitive streak too, so anything you do for her will be heaped back on you tenfold. If she doesn't have the skillset required she'll stuff you with pastries
Every day she writes down all the ways you showed her love. It's her favorite book, and it keeps her going no matter the obstacles
He's had it all already. Worship, adoration, flowery praise, luxurious gifts stacked to the ceiling, the best cuisine ...
But he's never had it from you. And he's never received affection from someone who meant it and didn't try to hide it
You don't compose symphonies for him. But you'll sing to him if he's scared
You don't give him the finest furs and silks. But you bring him trinkets that remind you of him in the most delightfully specific ways
You're not an internationally acclaimed chef. But you cook breakfast for him when he wants to sleep in
You don't wait on him hand and foot, but you polish his sword and cuirass
You don't heap praises on him like he's a god. But you know him, you see the good in him, and when you tell him you love him, he can trust you to mean it
You don't flinch when he looks at you or reaches for you. You meet his gaze with the patience that made him a better man and hold him every night. Oh, he adores you
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wordbunch · 9 months
SFW Alphabet: Pippin
a/n: whichever big brain anon requested this was absolutely right to do so! he is BABEY and this blog is gradually turning into a Pippin stan account? ALSO I've changed up the template for the alphabet a little bit, so you will see some new categories, yayy <3 i hope you enjoy, please be so kind to reblog and i'm looking forward to any comments <3
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A = AFFECTION (how affectionate are they and how do they show affection?) He is literally if affection was a person and he isn't particularly concerned with the notion of personal space. He will show you affection in any and every way possible – endless hugs, always being physically close, giving you little gifts, and most importantly making you laugh as much as he can on the daily basis.
B = BEST FRIEND (what would they be like as a best friend and how would the friendship start?) Very loyal, and of course chaotic and fun, always with some crazy ideas. There is never a dull moment, he likes to just randomly drop by and go on a little adventure with you. However, sometimes you need to be the person who balances out his craziness and energy, so that you don't end up getting into too much trouble.
C = CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle & how?) He absolutely LOVES to cuddle, and he would never stop if he didn't have to. There is no particular favorite cuddling position – they're all equally valid because he gets to hold and be held by his favorite person in the whole world. Some days he will wrap around you as much as possible, other days he wants to be the little spoon, it constantly varies.
D = DOMESTIC (do they want to settle down; how are they at cooking/cleaning?) Quite frankly, he didn't think about any of that before you – he is fairly young after all – but the second he fell in love with you (and you reciprocated it) he was like THIS is what I want for the rest of time!!! He can be a specifically organized mess, but he is very enthusiastic about helping you and learning how to do things around the house, it's really sweet.
E = ENCHANTED (what was their first opinion/feeling about you when you just met?) He was amazed and sort of fascinated by you. It wasn't love at first sight at all, it was just some kind of instant fascination and he knew he wanted to befriend you and get to know you immediately. Very soon, however, he would start feeling a bit too giddy if he ran into you somewhere, and mention you a bit too often to his friends.
F = FIANCE(E) (how do they feel about commitment; how quickly would they want to get married?) Once he is in love with you, he is all yours, with literally no interest in anyone else. Your relationship is basically best friends in love, so he doesn't feel limited in doing anything fun – you will probably just join in anyway. It would be pretty much the same if you got married, and it means having sleepovers with your best friend every single night! So he's totally on board with that, whenever you're up for it. Maybe really fast, actually. Impulse control who?
G = GENTLE (how gentle are they, physically and emotionally?) He is a BABY. Okay yes, he can be a little shit too, but first and foremost he is a baby. He takes too many things to heart and then overthinks them; and while he can admittedly be a little bit impulsive and rash in some decisions, he would never ever act harshly towards you in any way. He literally showers you with love constantly, it's just who he is.
H = HUGS (do they like hugs, how often, what are they like?) Loves loves loves hugs, and your hugs feel like the safest, warmest place in the world. Loves giving and receiving surprise hugs from behind, quick hugs in passing, long hugs to forget about any problems… Depending on the height difference, he'd be a big fan of giving you a side hug and then walking like that – holding hands is just too basic sometimes.
I = I LOVE YOU (how fast they say the L-word) Really quickly and maybe on accident, because he can talk a lot, and it wouldn't be the first time he spoke without thinking. When his own words reach his brain, his facial expression is absolutely priceless, all wide eyes and blushing cheeks.
J = JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get and how they act then) It's extremely rare that he gets jealous, he trusts you with his life and more. If he sees someone getting a little too friendly with you, his first thought would be something among the lines of 'oh nice, they're making new friends!' but if it goes on a little too long, he will feel a bit insecure rather than jealous, and go sulk in a corner somewhere until you find him; you thought it was worrisome how suddenly you couldn't hear him talking someone's ears of or singing on a table. Just go and find him and remind him that he is your favorite person and you would never ditch him for someone else, and the cheerful mood will return.
K = KISSES (what are their kisses like, where do they like to kiss you/be kissed?) Chaotic and cute and plenty! Like previously established, he is the biggest fan of physical affection, but sometimes he still hesitates a little bit when it comes to kissing you in public. Over time he gets more confident about it, and he will just dot a bunch of kisses all over your face until you're a giggling mess. If you kiss him on the forehead or the top of his head, he will melt into a puddle of love because it makes him feel like you're proud to have him.
L = LOVE LANGUAGE (what is their love language and how they show you love) I think his main two love languages, out of the five, would be physical affection and gift giving; but not any necessarily fancy gifts: more like a pretty flower he saw by the road and thought you would appreciate, or a silly little written poem. I know it's not among the five love languages, but MAKING YOU LAUGH is his absolute favorite thing to do, and you have more inside jokes than you can count.
M = MORNINGS (how are mornings spent with them) He loves to sleep in if he can, but once he's awake, he's awake, even if somehow he woke up at 5 am. You always wake up in a tangled mess of limbs and blankets, and in the mornings is when he is quietest, until you start making breakfast together and wake up half the neighborhood with singing, laughing, doing silly voices or accidentally dropping things.
N = NICKNAMES (do they like to use cute nicknames for you/you for them?) He will use every possible existent nickname, and he is partial to coming up with silly ones, just for you. He will most definitely blush if you give him one, it makes him feel super special.
O = OPEN (when would they start revealing things about themselves; everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He is talkative and trusting, so a lot of things might come out accidentally; and besides, he is quite easy to read anyway. However, when it comes to more emotional matters, or something serious that is bothering him, he might act a little more closed off. All you need to do is remind him once that you'll listen and try to help, no matter what it is, for him to tell you almost everything.
P = PATIENCE (how easily angered are they?) Literally never?? You've never met anyone so chill with the most 'it is what it is' attitude. The only exception is if someone else is in any way rude or threatening to you, then he won't hesitate to give them a piece of his mind.
Q = QUIZZES (how much would they remember about you – every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget most things?) It's very arbitrary, sometimes he will remember something very small and almost insignificant, but forget something more important, or the other way round. He certainly doesn't remember everything, but that's not to say he doesn't try. And it's really okay if he needs you to remind him of something every now and then.
R = REMEMBER (favorite moment in your relationship) The first time when you two spent his birthday together – you actually threw him a surprise party with the biggest homemade cake, a bunch of little presents, and of course, fireworks! There was music and delicious food, and all his friends, and you – it was one of his favorite days of all time, and it spoke volumes on how you felt about him and the things that you'd do.
S = SECURITY (how protective are they; how they'd like to be protected and how they protect you) It's a mixed bag – he is often scared of something happening to you, but also he knows you're perfectly capable of defending yourself and he likes to watch you being all tough and independent. Maybe just for the sake of his confidence, sometimes let him step in and be a little protective, it's cute. If you stand up for him when he is being criticized, he will blush profusely, and give you a shy 'thanks', but he will keep thinking about it for a while.
T = TRY (how much effort do they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, everyday stuff) He thinks you're too special and too wonderful not to be treated accordingly, and he will try to show you that through a bunch of little things. He loves to surprise you in small ways on at least a weekly basis, but for your birthday or anniversary or something „bigger“ like that, a huge bouquet of flowers is a must (seriously, it's so big that he barely carries it without stumbling), and he will try to make your favorite dessert for you too.
U = UGLY (some bad habits of theirs) Sometimes he unnecessarily doubts himself and even questions whether he is good enough for you, but luckily you can tell when he's overthinking those things almost immediately, and then you reassure him in more ways than one.
V = VACATION (how you spend lazy days and free time) The two of you always get up to something and it’s not that common that you’re just lying around, but in case you are, it’s most likely somewhere outside under the shade of a beautiful tree, catching some sun, talking each other’s ears off and sharing some delicious snacks!!!
W = WISH (something that they really want to do/experience with you?) He wants to do every single thing imaginable with you, because you make everything better and more enjoyable just by being there – the bucket list is endless!
X = XTRA (a random headcanon for them) He is organized but in a chaotic way: while his things might sometimes look like a mess, he always knows where everything is. And he really loves taking baths with obligatory singing.
Y = YUCK (what are some things they dislike generally or in a partner?) People who are mean and/or negative, because he is the exact opposite of those things, always tries to be nice to everyone and look for something positive in every situation.
Z = ZZZ (a sleep habit of theirs) For somebody that small, he takes up an astonishing amount of space in a bed – you have no idea how someone can be so sprawled, yet sleep without a care in the world.
taglist my beloved @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings @founder-of-imladris @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-placee @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorin-painter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3 @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @moth-makay
@bubbleyukismile @kitexvi @herstudios
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x011011x · 3 months
hi! could i maybe request a idia x reader short fic with fluff? if not that's okay ^^ and have a great day :)
Electronic Bakery
Idia x Reader Fluff Trigger warnings: None Word count: 2.2k+
So omg this was such a sweet ask!! I'm not used to this and this is my first fluff so I'm sorry if it's too corny or something. But I really enjoyed writing this and I really wanted to explore Idia's behaivour more and more!!
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Your eyes trail behind a cat. It was a nimble creature, prancing on and about around the island of the kitchen. The cat was a gift from Idia. She was keeping you company in the lone Ignihyde kitchen as you were preparing to bake a cake. She would sometimes stop and stare at you for a bit before resuming her haphazard march around the kitchen. 
You did nothing to stop her. Rather, you smiled. Because she reminded you Idia. A cat with the brightest yellow eyes. Long white fur, the tip of which were coloured azure in memories of him, courtesy of his brother; your friend Ortho and you. You called out to her, "You miss Idia?"
The cat stopped at that. The name was familiar to her, the name of one of her keepers. Keepers she realised were more like friends, with how affectionate they were. She blinked back at you with confusion, her eyes wide and shimmering. It looked like Idia's, two wonderful jewels set into an even wonderful cranium. Which jewels they were, if asked, you wouldn't be able to answer.
"I do, too," you answered back, though you had not received any answer in the first place. But you knew what the little creature meant. 
Because, just like this cat, Idia was a silent companion. It became a speciality of you to learn about how he felt through the way he moved, the way his eyes danced around, the way his mouth curled. Not by loud utterings that he wouldn't be able to muster up either way, too fearful to spill out his guts along with his feelings.
And now you were baking a cake for him, a wordless gesture of affection from you back to him. You realised those are the ones that Idia appreciates the most. The ones that pierces deep into his very much alive heart that he sometimes likes to call dead. The ones that bring out the most beautiful smile on his face. A smile that you'd give away the whole world for. 
Pressing a button on your phone, music started playing in the background to accompany you as you worked around the cool room. It was a light tone, the wonderful duet of a melodious grand piano and a violin. It made you want to twirl around, if only you weren't busy with the work in hand. 
Megara stopped by your feet, pawing at your calves with its soft fluffy arms. You looked down at her as you oiled the baking tray. You asked her, voice carried by a melodious lul, "What's up, Meg?"
She simply meowed back at you, trying to climb up your leg. You put the tray down with a light giggle that echoed around the empty kitchen. You picked the small feline up and pressed it against your chest, almost like you were carrying a newborn. You realised what she wanted. The melody was as dear to her as it was to you. 
The baking could wait. 
Handling her with one hand, the other held onto one of her cushiony paws. You pressed onto it as if holding the hand of an actual dance partner. Closing your eyes as the music melted into a more sombre note before rising up to that playful lilt that you loved, you started swaying around the room in smooth strides, that of a waltz. 
The music went on, the notes stringing along to make a wonderful harmony of romance. As you twirled around, the music taking you along a love story with all its highs and lows, you missed the sound of the light footsteps against aegean tiles. 
A figure paused it trek as his eyes met you dancing with the cat. It seems as though you were in a completely different world. He figured that much, considering the upbeat music playing on your phone. Something that would be normally perceived as romantic and lovey-dovey. 
He thought for a brief second how the cat felt about the music. Did it ignite any positive feelings in her as well? Or was it simply another set of sound waves that she was used to? 
But that wasn't what he came in here for, he reminded himself. Idia came here for a pack of instant noodles that he could cook up and chow down in the gloomy cave that he called his room. It might as well have been his whole world, it being hard to spot him coming out of there. Now, he was enthralled by your figure. The way you moved along in a perfect choreo, your carefree form not quite fitting in a dorm like this but still oh-so-dear to him. 
Megara, on the contrary, was not so impressed, a bored look present on her face. Only because by the blessings of the Great Sevens, she was much calmer than the average cat that she laid on your lap quietly. It wasn't horrible being swayed like this. Though felines, even as kittens, aren't used to being swayed on their back as much as they are used to being hung and carried around by the nape of their neck. 
All that aside, originally she wanted food. 
Not this complex set of weird movements you were subjecting her to. If given the ability to speak, without a sliver of doubt, she would go on an entire rampage speaking of the ways that, as much you did understand her as well– your random obliviousness filled her with so much disappointment that it was almost scarring to her soul. 
When her eyes met with Idia's, a new hope awakened in her heart. It was still the hope for food, of course. 
She meowed, calling out to Idia before trying to turn in your firm hold to jump out and go to him. You stopped yourself at that, looking around to see what caught her attention.
Olive met (E/C) and at once she let go of the Megara. She was all too happy with that, of course, treading towards Idia with a pep to her step and nothing but food in her mind. On the other hand, you froze. The song came to end on that very second and then there was just an awkward silence alongside the three of you. Megara sat by Idia's legs patiently. Idia kneeled down to pet her as he once looked at you and then her, then back at you again.
"What are you doing here?" He asked curiously as he didn't expect you at this time. 
"Um… stuff. What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean? It's the dorm kitchen. I'm getting food, of course."
"I'm getting food as well."
"From this dorm?" he asked, concern suddenly lacing his voice, "Did your dorm run out of food? Why that old headmage…"
You stopped him before he could get more annoyed, waving your hands to sign that it wasn't like that. You sighed because the act was up. There was no surprise to be given anymore. You raised your hands in mock surrender as you told him, "Look at the table, genius. What does it look like I'm doing?"
He looked past you at the table. There was flour, milk, baking soda and stuff like that laying around on the sleek countertop. He observed them and then looked back at you, "You're baking a cake?"
"For you."
"For me?!" he yelled, his voice echoing throughout the room and hitting your ear drums loudly. You covered your ears as he went on to rant, "M-Ms. (Name), you don't h-have to do this, we can j-just order takeo-"
"But, you're my boyfriend," you deadpanned. 
"I get that," he drawled out, and it seemed like life was being taken out of him from how embarrassed he was. The azure tips of his hair turned to a rose like hue as he covered his face. 
At the beginning of your relationship, he couldn't even believe he managed to get a girlfriend. A girlfriend that he loves, one who also loves him back. Now, it felt like he was elated. That girlfriend was also baking a cake for him? For a shut-in like him, it felt a great gesture of your shared affection. Even though, to you, it didn't seem like that big of a deal.
"You don't have to get it, Idia. I'll bake you a cake and feed you. It's a plan," you smile, winking, "Sounds good?" 
You asked the question but you didn't care for an answer. Stubborn thing, Idia liked to call you. But, if it meant it made your sweet boyfriend melt, baking a cake was hardly anything compared to how much more you were willing to do.
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He hummed around the silver spoon as he ate the cake delightfully. It was a blueberry shortcake. He had never told you he liked it before, but you made it from a hunch. It suited the blue that he and his surroundings were. Not the gloomy kind, though. The deliciously sour kind. 
"It's good.." he muttered out, still blushing. You were almost impressed how he had managed to not faint yet, being this red for the last two hours. You couldn't complain though, now you were blessed to see his content expression. What you had hoped to see from the start. 
You sat beside him on one of the counter stools. It was cushioned white and blue, a bit different yet still blending into the theme of Ignihyde. You yawned beside him, your shoulder exhausted after whisking the batter for so long. Idia insisted that you use the electric whisk but in your words, "It's not as romantic if I don't do the whole process by hand for you."
He watched you lean against the counter, and asked, "Aren't you going to eat."
"Feed me," you widen your mouth, "Aaah."
"Dude, what do you mean 'what'? Feed me." you sounded confused, you didn't get why he wouldn't feed you.
Mumbling something about being really embarrassed, he cut off a small bit of his cake using the side of his fork before holding it down to your mouth. Seeing your blatant disinterest in taking it for yourself, he gently put the fork inside your mouth and watched as you closed your lips around it before letting it go. The cake was gone. You were smiling. 
"I quite like it. What about you?"
"I-I like it as well." He stuttered out, countenance flushed even more from the sweetness of your honeyed words. 
"Really? I'm glad to hear that," you clap, excited like a small child would be from hearing praise from a guardian figure, "I'll make more for you in the future! Promise!"
"You really don't have to!" He tried stopping you before you made more decisions that were taxing for you. "It doesn't matter if you feed me sweets or not. I can see how exhausted you are and if that's so then I don't need the cakes…" he trailed off before adding at the end, hiding his face in the sleeves of his oversized hoodie, "Having just you is enough, Ms. (Name)."
Your heart soared at how considerate he was. A lover of sweets yet he didn't want you to bake any because he didn't want you to stress out because of him? It's like he gave you a reason to fall in love with him over and over again through the smallest things in both of your day to day life. 
It was an exhilarating feeling to know that what you had found was true love. It presented itself in the form of a small blueberry shortcake today but in the sweet things that you did for each other in the present laid the foundations of the adventures you'd go through and the life you'd lead together in the future. But, you'd suppose, it was futile to say these flowery words to Idia. 
He wouldn't get it, a true believer of the phrase 'actions speak louder than words'. So you'd have to wait for the future, a time which would slowly approach till the daunting challenges of graduation and life beyond come at your doorstep. And you knew at least one person would be by your side. 
It was odd to you. Before meeting him, you didn't realise that such small actions can make someone feel such layers of intricate emotions. Now, the more you stayed with him, the more you understood why he had a tendency to take things to heart. It was the first time you had baked for him, but it represented what was next and you imagined to yourself what you would bake him the coming months that would eventually slip into the years. 
As you watched him take another slice of cake onto his plate, you felt the urge to say something to him. Something simple, something that would backdrop him eating the cake perfectly. Maybe you could tease him? Maybe you could ask him what sort of cakes he wanted in the future?
All thoughts blended into one and you realised you had much more suitable words for him. Mesmerised by the beauty he could fester in the most mundane of actions. You whispered to him, voice filled with admiration, "I love you, Idia…"
He smiled, a smile that was so genuine and raw that it made your heart skip a beat. Internally gushing about his handsome features, you felt like your head would explode when he said those words back, this time confident on the sentiments he held "I love you too, Ms. (Name)"
Ah, how did you get together with such a sweet guy like this?
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Don't copy my work okay!? >:((
Though taking inspiration is always welcome <33
Be sure to like, comment and reblog if you like this fic, it'll definitely help in my goals of becoming popular.
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sucheonapologist · 2 years
A/n I got a request from someone and posted in accident and now I have to rewrite it 😭
➤; ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪs ʙʟᴏɢ.↶
How eleceed characters would react having a big fat crush on someone
Characters that are included; jiyoung Yoo, jisuk Yoo, jiwoo seo, kayden break.
Jiyoung Yoo
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♡Jisuk and Inhyuk notice the sudden change of her behavior, She would sweat whenever you're around or near her and sometimes couldn't main eye contact.
♥︎ She would send you gifts whenever you're having a bad day. She couldn't send it to you in person because she doesn't want to make a fool out of herself.
♡ Whenever you needed something she would get it for you! But this time she would do it to herself now that she's comfortable around you. She's now finding ways to spend time with you whenever there's an open opportunity!
♥︎ Jisuk congratulated his sister of course and asked if he could have a nephew but got smacked in the head by inhyuk.
♡ Inhyuk would give her advices about relationship and that she should give it a shot about confessing. She was hesitant at first but the thought of someone confessing to you before her pained her heart.
♥︎ She planned on hanging out with you while watching the cinema, after finishing watching the cinemas with her she planned to confess to you on the way out.
♡ When you accepted her confession her heart started pounding. I mean who would reject this goddess? This made her absolutely more happy and when she shared the news to inhyuk and jisuk they both celebrated with the chairwoman. Mostly jisuk since his beloved sister is no longer single!
Jisuk Yoo
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♡ he absolutely got bullied by subin! She would make fun of him for making a dumb move towards his crush.
♥︎ Subin would jokingly flirt with you to piss jisuk off and so that he would make a move and take you away.
♡ he always tries to avoid you but failed miserably. 'WHY ARE YOU EVERYWHERE?! ' That's the only thing that comes in his mind when you appeared out of no where.
♥︎ He would hiss at anyone who would talk to you behind your back like a territorial cat. The person of course feel the intense glare that they are receiving from Jisuk and left.
♡ He's a total mess around you! He would say the most weirdest things to you like " did you know that During World War 2, Japan bombed China with fleas infected with the bubonic plague?" And you and others would be disturbed by that fact.
♥︎ When his sister notice his strange behavior around you, she realized he had crush on you and so, she interrogated you, asking on what you like or what do you think about Jisuk.
♡ When Jisuk found out about the whole interrogation thing his soul left his body.
Jiwoo seo
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♥︎they can easily tell that jiwoo has a crush on you! He would say a lot of compliments to you like how that dress/suit looks good on you
♡iseul official sees you as another rival.
♥︎ He would constantly greet you even if you guys just talked with each other seconds ago.
♡ Whenever you two hang out you guys would get stalked by his friends in the academy along with iseul biting her nails.
♥︎ he would say something cheesy in text while kayden just eavesdrop, cringing at the sight of he poor boy who has no romantic experience.
♡ Kayden would tell stories about his past affairs and jiwoo would just hype him up.
Kayden break
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♡ oh boy... He would constantly flex on how strong he is, expecting you to be awestruck at his awesomeness but you got distracted by something else. His ego then deflated.
♥︎ Kartein would tease him for it saying he's pathetic when it comes to love. And thus where the cat fight begins.
♡ You don't know that the great kayden is actually stuck in a cat's body. He uses this as an advantage to snuggle with you while kartein just shakes his head at his shameful manner.
♥︎ He would flirt non stop even in his cat form! He likes rubbing his head in your leg so that you would pick him up and lay him in your lap. His smug is like every average creep in kartein's eyes.
♡ He would glare at cats who tried to get near you since this little chunky kitty only wants you to himself.
Sorry if this is really short I just rushed things since I accidentally posted the original anddeleted it:(
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lonelyrosebindery · 2 months
What is Lonely Rose Bindery?
If you're reading this, you're probably either interested in fanbinding, or a fic writer trying to ensure I'm not some rando on the internet trying to get your personal information or a scammer planning to illegally sell something. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns that aren't answered below!
I'm TS, but you can also call me Rose. I write fanfic on AO3 here and (previously) Fanfic.net here, blog about diabetes in fandom at @type1diabetesinfandom and @yourfavisdiabetic, and flail about misc fandom stuff on my main @too-short-for-my-own-good. I'm also on Discord @ tooshortformyowngood.
I've been in various fan spaces since the early 2010s, and I'll probably keep at until the day I die! I'm multifandom and multiship. Besides writing, I also draw fan art and make podfics, moodboards, playlists, meta, and headcanons. I've attended local and online cons and been to fan meetups.
And, at the end of 2022, I started fanbinding.
Why do I bind fanfiction?
It's March 29th as I write this, and I've read approximately 2 million words of fanfiction this year. I have over 1600 bookmarks on AO3.
I bind fics primarily to preserve them. I've seen many fics be deleted or locked before I downloaded them. (I'm sure we've all been there.) Keeping a copy on my shelf means I don't have to worry as much about losing a favorite story.
A physical copy makes rereading much easier! I get eye strain easily, and some websites just have horrible formatting.
I get to show a writer that I loved their story enough to HAND BIND it. I've met some amazing people this way!
Traditionally hand-binding fanfic pushes back against the notion that fic isn't "real writing."
What to expect on this blog:
Here, I share some of the fanbinding projects I've done, which includes fic, fan studies, meta, freely-available original fiction, public domain works, comics, and zines. Each book is lovingly crafted to honor its creator/s.
As a proud member of the Renegade Bookbinding Guild @renegadeguild, I'm part of a wonderful community dedicated to celebrating fic writers and preserving fandom's dying gift economy. It's an honor to contribute to this cause, and I love getting the chance to give people a bound copy of their writing/art--it's an amazing feeling to get to hold your own work in your hands!
To Authors & Artists:
To all the talented authors and artists whose works I've bound: consider this an open invitation to reach out to me for an author's copy! It's my small way of saying thank you for the joy (and angst lol) your projects have brought me.
I usually try to contact writers/artists directly, but sometimes it doesn't work. Don't be shy! I want to give you a gift!
I don't share any personal information (I would hope that's obvious, but this IS the internet...), and I encourage people to use a PO Box or a friend's address when being offered a fanbinding. Just make sure the friend or other proxy in question is ok with being sent fanfic!
If you don't want to risk receiving a physical copy, I can share the typeset with you instead! The typeset is the formatted PDF, to make the fic itself look like a traditionally published story. These can be plain or artistic, depending on the project and the style of the typesetter.
If there's artwork that's been made for the fic, please let me know! I look for that but it can be tricky, especially when things aren't linked together.
I do NOT share typesets to anyone outside the Renegade Bookbinding Guild, except the author/artist. Even in Renegade, I only share with established members via personal requests unless the author gives me blanket permission to share with the guild as a whole.
Lonely Rose Bindery operates on a NON-PROFIT basis.
Please note that while I pour my heart and soul into each project, I DO NOT accept commissions! I am a hobbyist driven by a deep, deeeeep love for fanfic. I bind purely for the joy of crafting, and the preservation of stories that mean the world to me.
If you are not the author or artist who worked on a specific fic, do NOT request a copy! You are welcome to ask questions and talk about the craft. My askbox is open, and reblogs are turned on.
Message me if you...
are an author/artist who wants to request multiple copies (i.e. for friends or family, or different editions)
kindly want to help with shipping costs (because international shipping is fucking expensive)
have specific colors or themes in mind for your fic
I will not take requests for specific materials, nor accept payment for any materials used.
Lonely Rose Bindery is not just about preserving fanfiction; it's about celebrating the creativity and community of fandom. With each project, I try to honor the stories and art that I love and to promote a gift economy against the rise of consumerism that has recently plagued multiple fandoms.
I look forward to sharing more fanbinds and continuing to improve my bookbinding skills. I never knew how many ways you can make a book until I started this!
Remember, my askbox is always open, so feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or just to say hello. Happy reading!
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hannahlovesluca · 7 months
I heard u do Nijisanji matchups can i have one please 🥺
Nijisanji male romantic matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you (lemme know if u wanna do a trade)
hello!!! honestly, you seem like such a great person!
i think you would do really well with…
Luca Kaneshiro!
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Honestly, you guys have such diverse personalities that I genuinely just think you guys would get along great! Luca has stated before that he likes a more cat-like personality and shy people!
• He’s my oshi so im lowkey jealous but omg imagine him knowing about your disorder and carrying you/ giving you piggy back rides when you don’t feel so well or moving is extra hard for you <3
• he will make sure you’re always comfortable going on trips with him!! esp if youre a part of NIJISANJI and you have to go on a trip with him!!
• also, if you try to hide the fact that you’re not doing too well, he wont actually be mad, but he will pout and tell you to take care if yourself and run around the house doing things for you. (omg imagine him making you something to eat in a little apron AHHHHHH)
• Luca does NOT hide his feelings, he loves telling you just how much he loves you (although he will be flushged unless you’ve been together for awhile, even then he might still stutter), he has absolutely no problem with PDA and poor boy just wants to show the whole world how much he loves you - NIJI rules be damned.
• if he gets jealous, say another man is flirting w you or got you something NO HESITATION HE WILL WRAP HIS ARMS AROUND YOUR WAIST im kicking my feet oh my god
• SPEAKING OF WAIST. you have an hourglass body OH MY GOD HE LOVES YOUR HIPS SM. you guys are cuddling, his arms are wrapped around your hips. Waiting in line? Hand on your hip. ANYTHING - his hands are on your hips
• Luca does not understand how you genuinely like reading, however, he will absolutely let you read him to sleep if he cant sleep!
• speaking of sleep if he’s sick and you read or sing him to sleep he will actually melt oh my god please love on this man he will actually do anything for you
• “Y/N, why do you love me so much?”
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misssakuramochi · 10 months
Hi hi, do you mind doing a Persona 5 matchup with one of the boys please?
Pronouns: She/Her
Personality: Bestie I gotta be honest and say I sometimes feel like I don't have like. A solid personality going for me? Because there are definitely some days where imposter syndrome hits and I feel more like a copycat or mirror than anything. But I think, at my core, I like exaggerating my emotions (mostly anger) for the Funny Bit(tm) around people I'm comfortable with! Think Brennan Lee Mulligan levels kind of anger. It's pretty funny since I'm really short--and by short I mean short enough to be mistaken for a child multiple times (having a babyface does NOT help)--so most people equate me to a tiny angry dog. Or cat! Either or honestly. I just like making the people I love laugh, you know? But there are times where I just want to sit back and listen to people speak, like an audience member instead of the actor. If you start talking about something I'm really passionate in, though? Get ready for me to bring in a whole entire powerpoint presentation detailing every. Single. Thing.
When it comes to taking care of the people I love, you can absolutely bet that I can go full-on mom mode. Friends don't tease me for being mom-like without a reason, you know! If I hear you didn't drink water? You're hydrating. No questions. Haven't eaten? We are going to a restaurant and EATING. Haven't slept? Here's your threat offer to get knocked out (gently). Literally, if worrying and fretting over someone counts as a love language, then that's mine for sure. Don't ask those questions to me though, because there are times where I uh. Actually forget to do any of those things due to procrastination and hyperfocusing shh
Speaking of love languages, I think mine are acts of service, quality time, gifts, and physical affection when it comes to giving? I'm not sure yet about receiving, but it's... definitely going to take a while for me to become comfortable about receiving physical affection from someone. It's not that I don't like it, I actually do enjoy getting physical affection once I've spent enough time with someone! But it can bring up some bad memories if you're not careful, and if it's really bad, I might even dissociate.
At my worst, I can be cowardly and give up rather easily. Perfectionism and anxiety are a horrid cocktail that I struggle with even now, where I fret over tiny details and 'what-if' scenarios so much that it actually causes procrastination. This can apply to how I love at first, too: I tend to love someone romantically at a distance, to not expect much of anything happening and merely wish the best for them. It's safe that way, even if it doesn't amount to much happening. At my best, however? Once someone gets past those barriers? I'm incredibly loyal to them, no questions asked. You can expect to have my full support and encouragement in whatever you do, kinda like your own personal cheerleader!
Hobbies: Writing, acting out scenes when alone, drawing, imagining fantasy-like worlds and characters, playing video games with an engaging story and/or characters, talking about said video game or story, sleeping if that counts, bathing in the sun in the morning in my room, taking note of every cat or dog I see when outside, making up unlikely stories about the people I see in my head, and baking.
Dislikes: Creepy crawly bugs, last minute changes, clubs, drinking, bathing suits, and sudden, unexpected loud noises.
Fun facts: I tend to walk around on my tip toes and pretend I'm like a cat sometimes! It spooks people how quiet I can be when doing that though. Also, puns are my jam, and I can absolutely be a drama queen if the situation allows it (aka for fun).
I match you with...
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○ Did you say making people laugh? Because even if he doesn't fully realize it, funny girls are 100% Ryuji's biggest thing. Though it takes him some time to be able to tell if you're seriously angry or not, he loves a good bit. Besides, your more aggressive(?) Or at least spicier front is definitely a point of attraction.
○ RYUJI IS HERE FOR THE POWERPOINT HE IS SITTING. Seriously though, Ryuji loves when your passionate side comes out. He does more of the talking usually, but he's happy to shut up and listen when you're on a passion fuled rant about something. He swears he's never loved you more than when you do that.
○ Petsonal cheerleader? Mom friend? Ryuji needs both. He can get down and insecure more easily than he'd like to admit, and he needs someone there to support him through whatever hell may come next. He also frequently neglects himself for the sake of others and it takes your stubbornness to her him to... well, not do that. All that being said, Ryuji matches your energy. All the love and care you put in, you get out.
○ Ryuji knows what it's like to feel small. He knows what it is to be discouraged and scared. He's the best support you could ever ask for in your weakest moments and he does it without a second of judgement. He's not delicate about it per say, and will tell you like it is, but Ryuji is always there for an honest pep talk and a shoulder to lean on.
○ Enemies to lovers anyone? At first, your tendency to mirror energy and be a little firey leads to a little butting heads between you and Ryuji. As you get to know each other though, likely through a mutual connection Akira, thr passion of your irritation somehow turns into infatuation.
○ Ryuji is the one that breaks. He pursues you so hard and it takes encouragement from all of your friends for him to understand your distance isn't a sign of you not reciprocating, and for you to take the plunge and give into his advances. He's so shy and tries to be so gentlemanly, even if he's really clumsy and doesn't always get it right
○ Pun wars. Everyone ends up snapping at you but you guys could go on for hours just making pun after pun. It's a funny little bit you guys do to see how long you can get away with it.
○ Because you're both kind of angry-seeming dogs tbh you have a reputation for being a bit of a delinquent couple. Which is sort of badass.
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chlocxli · 1 year
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Let me get my head aligned Help my life be worth your while
December 27th, 2022 8:38am
The first thing Chloe thinks is it’s way too damn early for the phone to be ringing already. After the past two days spent in the Otherrealm, she’d give anything to sleep for twenty-four hours straight, but the painful sound of her default ringtone vibrates across her bedside table, filling the room with this piercing tone that she can’t ignore. Especially as she grumbles awake, fumbling for the phone from where her face is buried in the pillow. 
Frankly, she’d let it go to voicemail, but with the anxiety that the world could fall apart again at any moment, she’d rather just answer and know if someone else was already on the precipice of death or if this was Connor having a crisis over Esme having a crisis, or whatever other typical Tuesday chaos could erupt from their little Midnight Underground chaos. 
“Hello,” She greets, groggily, voice still hoarse and tired from sleep. 
“LiLi! Are you still asleep?” 
Gregory Li’s voice floats through the receiver and Chloe groans. She had completely forgotten she agreed to call them after she got back from her... camping trip for the holiday. Even as Awares, Chloe didn’t feel like telling her parents she was going to be in a dangerous, magical fae realm with her best friend, the werewolf, and his wife the fae for Christmas. Saying she was going camping and would be without service until the evening of the 26th seemed like a safer bet. 
Of course, between her evening with Nora, and the absolute stress of the whole Poelanran, it had slipped her mind to call her parents and wish them a Merry Christmas, and so now she was being woken up at— she pulls the phone away from her ear to check the time —8:30 am, apparently, to chat instead. 
“Baba, time difference, remember? It’s only 8:30 here.” 
“And, the early bird catches the worm.” 
“Yes, well, the early bird works the evening shift at a Casino, yeah?”
There’s a sound of something like dismissal over the line, lighthearted, but she knew this was not the last time she would get a call in the early hours of the morning while her Dad could not conceptualize timezones well enough to understand that the afternoon for him was basically sunrise for her.
“Aye, well LiLi, I wouldn’t be calling if it wasn’t for the fact that you forgot to call us after your Christmas camping trip. How was that? It was your friend’s birthday, right? What’s his name again, Conall?”
“Connor, Baba. But, yeah, his birthday is on Christmas day.”
“Well, that must be difficult, what with Christmas. How does he manage that?”
“Connor doesn’t really celebrate Christmas. He celebrates Solstice, you know? Like Grammy and I did.” 
Gregory was a good man at heart. Born and raised by May Li, he watched her descent into the obsession with her gift. His Father left at some point, moving to Portland, Maine when all the sights his Mother would claim to see became too much. He watched the way it destroyed his Mother from the inside out despite the face she tried to put on to keep all his worries at bay. He watched as she lost herself into journal after journal, sometimes in lieu of housework or school functions. 
In their small town of Camden, news travelled fast of her odd behavior and visions. Many people thought it to be the Devil that had touched his family, others viewed her as a mentally ill woman, and a poor pitiful Son trying to hold his two person family together. Gregory knew she was no liar and no crazy in terms of what she saw, but he also knew that all of her investment into her gift was driving her mad and sending her into isolation. 
When Chloe was born, it immediately became an uphill battle. Anna Mei, his wife, and himself did not want Chloe to be given the sight. Anna had not even grown up surrounded by the world he had. She believed there could be an element of the Devil involved in it all, and she didn’t want that touch her Daughter. 
But, Gregory knew more truth than her. Chloe would see things, their family cursed by Cicerone to allow those atrocities to be witnessed only to be strung up and called a witch or a freak by the people around them. He thought by pushing his Mother to leave Chloe be, he was doing her a service. The gift could end with her, and Chloe could grow up a normal girl. 
But, his Mother had all be insisted. Assured him that Chloe would be different. That she had seen it, she was destined to be a powerful Seer like May’s own Great Grandmother.
And, despite himself, he acquiesced with the caveat that he would not support it. If May were to do this, Chloe would be her responsibility. 
That he had followed through on. His Mother died, unexpectedly, when Chloe was only twelve. Still untrained and uncontrolled her visions, unaware of much of her family history. History that Gregory refused to impart. She had been given some of the journals, with the exception of his Great Grandmother’s which he feared would tell her too much of Ruì’s story. Plant ideas in her head that she could be something more than she was. 
All he wanted was to protect his daughter.
“Ah, well, I suppose that works in his favor, then. Didn’t realize he was so similar to you, LiLi. Is he a Seer, too then?”
She can hear the switch in his voice. It’s less lively than before. He’s already upset, and they hadn’t even discussed anything worth being upset about yet other than Solstice. “No, Baba, he’s not. Like I mentioned, there’s a lot of different kinds of people here. I promise, there are more than just Oracles in the world.” She tries to make it sound like a joke, but it doesn’t quite land the way she wants it to.
Great. This was going well. 
“I really think you’d like Connor, Baba. He’s smart. He has an English Degree, and got into UCLA even though he couldn’t go. And, we were talking about doing some furniture flipping for my new apartment. I thought maybe you could help us with steps and some history stuff.”
There’s silence on the other end for a bit, and Chloe squeezes her eyes shut, just waiting for this all to implode. “He’s a part of your little club?” 
That was one way to refer to the Midnight Underground. 
“Yes, Baba, he is. But, it’s not that big of a deal. He’s not all evil like you seem to think everyone in this city is. He’s my friend, and a very good person. I promise you would like him.”
She winces as the words leave her mouth, shuffling so she’s sitting up in bed now. The Underground was always a fight strater between the two of them. Chloe had never been one to be particularly good at leaving well enough alone. And when it came to Connor, she couldn’t help but defend him. Even if there was a possibility that it was going to turn this conversation into a fight.
“Chloe,” The Given Name. Now Chloe knew this was going to turn into a fight, “I’ve told you what your Mother and I think about you being there. I don’t understand why you don’t just come home. Anna doesn’t even know how you can stand a city like Vegas. Don’t you miss New England? Maine?”
He had watched his Daughter grow up a Seer after losing his Mother. Lost in the world, seeing things just like May. He watched her become the town pariah in a sense, the girl who saw things. The one just like her Grandmother. Possesed. Demonic. Ill. Everything he had tried to protect her from had just come right back around. 
And then her Best Friend died, and she hollowed. The once bright, bubbly girl seemed to collapse in on herself like a supernova, leaving a black hole where his Daughter used to be. When she finally graduated, she was gone within two weeks. Phone calls were inconsistent, and here whereabouts were almost never clear for years. It was like he was grasping desperately at the shell of the girl he had raised as he tried as much as he could to get her back. 
Like some sick, twisted jab from his Great Grandmother, he remembers the day she called from Vegas so clearly. It was the first time he had heard so much life in her voice in years. She sounded happy. And, he felt like a horrible Father for dreading it. But, he knew that Vegas had been the beginning of the end for their family. Proud, powerful Seers had ended when Ruì left. After everything she had seen, she thought it better to be forsaken by the God she had once worshiped then to be a part of that world still. She had moved her family so far from the very place his Daughter had landed and felt she had some ‘connection’ to. She didn’t know how right she was, and certainly didn’t have the heart to tell his Daughter the truth. Because, if she knew the truth, how would she react? 
It would be anger. She was always angry that he hadn’t helped her more. That he had left her on her own. But, he was just doing what he knew to be right. What Ruì knew to be right, too. May had imparted more than enough on her, what Chloe did with it from there had always and was always going to be her business.
So, he played dumb. He pretended like he didn’t know the significance of Vegas or Chloe’s connection to the city. He could only hope that she would never find herself in the middle of it all. That he had kept her in the dark enough that her power would not be enough to draw attention. 
“Dad,” Chloe cuts in to his thoughts, “I like it here. I do. I fit in, I have friends and a life here. I own my own apartment now, even. I’m doing well. Can’t you just be happy for me?”
“You know what I think of all of that, Chloe.” 
She scoffs. “You don’t leave much to the imagination. You know, you’re no better than anyone else in Camden, right?” 
“And, what is that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like, Dad. You sat there telling me that people would hate me for my visions. You watched them treat me like a freak, and told me that was the way things were. That you loved me, but that was just how it was going to be. I’m important here. I’ve helped save peoples lives. And, you continue to act like I’m doing something wrong being a part of something where I’m treated good and loved. Why?” 
“LiLi, what happens when they don’t like what you see? Or you’re wrong?” 
Well, from her last vision? The world would likely be destroyed.
“Are they still going to love you when people die on your watch,” Gregory continues, “No. They’ll turn on you. They’ll hurt you, just like everyone else would. You may think you fit in there and that you belong, but you don’t. You’re just a kid.”
“I am twenty-six. Twenty-six. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions, and I am choosing to stay here. You’re wrong, okay? You’re just wrong.”
“I love you. And, I am trying to protect you, Chloe.” 
She swings around in the bed, so she’s sitting up, feet hitting the floor to ground her. Chloe knows where her Father’s heart is, but she also knows how incredibly misguided and unfair he’s being. He believes he knows everything, but he’s not a Seer. He’s not the family Oracle. He doesn’t understand all that she’s facing.
“I don’t need you to protect me! If you can even call it that. All my life, all you’ve ever done is try to keep me in the dark. Why, Dad? Not for me. It’s because it made you uncomfortable. You tried to do it to Grandma, and now you’re trying to do it to me, too. Why? What is so wrong with me? Do you think I’m a freak, too? Possessed? I know Mama does, but do you?”
Silence falls over the line again, and Chloe can hear the muffled sounds of shuffling and then muttering. Clearly she had struck some sort of nerve. Or, better yet, maybe she had hit the nail on the head. Maybe she had finally cracked the case, and had learned the truth about the fact that her Father saw her as nothing more than a freak.
“Chloe, if you think I have any goal other than to look at for you, you are sorely mistaken. I saw first hand what visions did to your Grandmother, and heard stories about what they did to her Mother before her. And her Mother before her. I know more about this than you do. You were a little girl.” 
“Then why didn’t you tell me anything? Huh? Do you not trust me? If you know so much more than me, why am I trying to scrape together bits and pieces of my family history by myself? If this was really about love and protection, then you’d give me the education I need to protect myself.” That’s not what this was about it. It was about fear. Chloe just wishes she could figure out where that fear was coming from. “Am I just not good enough for you, or something? What is it, Dad?”
“We’re not getting into this again. Chloe, I love you. Your Mama loves you. Whether you chose to believe it or not, all we want for you is the best.”
Chloe lets her head fall against her hand, the heel of her palm pressed against her temple. It’s like this every time, a never ending cycle of this fight where Chloe asks for what she believes to be simple: Answers. And, everytime, she’s shut down. Told that she’s loved, and that her family only wants what’s best. Even if they won’t listen to her about what she believes is best.
“Baba, I gotta go, okay? I need to meet a friend for Breakfast.” 
“Okay, LiLi. I love you, alright? Call again soon?” 
“Love you too. Yeah. I’ll call.” 
The line disconnects, and Chloe tosses her phone into the pile of sheets on her bed, frustrated groan falling past her lips as she drops her head into her hands, willing away the small headache that’s formering at her temples. She’ll never understand her Father’s insistence that she’s not capable handling this. That he, a normal person with no sight, knows more about what she’s facing than her. It’s always been clear to her that she’s on her own in all of this. She has been since she was a teenager. All she can hope for is that Lilith finds something that gives her the explanation her parents refuse to.
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orchardisland · 2 years
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━━   𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
Let me tell you the story of one of our unfortunate residents who seems to be a LIFESTYLE BLOGGER on the island. Fate has assigned this individual guidance from THE WORLD REVERSED card. But they needn’t worry, their secrets are safe with me.
DOB: november 21st, 1995 DEFINING TRAITS: resilient, confident, extroverted, tactless, self-absorbed, unaware. RESEMBLES: actress kim hyejun
Choose for me
Fanned out before her, the deck of cards represents opportunity and perhaps guidance. Though she had never been one to seek outside help in charting a course for her life, she felt like a ship lost at sea. There had to be another purpose for her out there but stuck in a storm, she couldn’t see past her present. The future was hazy and perhaps the cards would give her some sort of clarity. Perhaps by placing beliefs in things that were outside her control, she would receive some divine inspiration. There could be no harm in just playing along. Reaching into the deck without really thinking too much, Myunghwa dragged her fingers along each of the cards not immediately picking. Though she didn’t put too much faith in something like a tarot reading, she couldn’t help but be nervous. An uncharacteristic fear kept her from doing what her otherwise impatient and reckless temperament would have made her do before. What if even the cards determined that her future was bleak? Would she be able to live with such a prophecy? So, despite reaching without reflecting, Myunghwa chose to not pick a card, pulling her hand away at the last moment. Her entire life, ignorance had been blissful. There was no reason for that to change today.
It was said that the time Lee Myunghwa was born, the heavens cried through fierce rains that were unrelenting through the night. Or at least that is what she would like everyone to believe. As the first and only daughter in the family, Myunghwa was pampered by her parents in many ways. Her older brothers had already taken on responsibilities for their father’s empire, leaving her with few expectations or family pressures. As a child she was left to do as she pleased, given absolutely everything she could want and more. Sometimes she would receive a gift before even realizing that she needed it. She only went to the best schools, wore the latest trends, carried the finest of bags, and had the newest technology. Her whole childhood, Myunghwa was ignorant of any real struggle or financial instability. She was aware that her father came from humble roots but knowing was far different from seeing. Traveling in only circles similar to her own, she was sheltered from any difficulties in life.
She was seven years old when she first fell into ballet. She followed a friend to lessons and was told that she was naturally gifted. While Myunghwa had never been the type of person to focus on anything for too long, dance was different. Something about the art caught and kept her interest for longer than she had imagined. Quickly the hour-long lessons twice a week turned into daily training as she prepared for shows and for competitions. From local to international, Myunghwa competed and gained recognition for her talent. By the time she was 14, she wasn’t even thinking of pursuing a degree like her brothers had or like her father had wanted. Instead, she was focused only on going abroad and joining a professional ballet troupe. After some back and forth, the only time that her and Taeho had ever disagreed about anything she wanted, the elder Lee begrudgingly relented to his daughter’s wishes. She left to join an international school and two years later, she was apprenticing with the Paris Opera Ballet.
The rest of her teens and early twenties were spent with the company, visiting home only occasionally. Though she did her best to stay in touch with her family, the business paired with her grueling schedules made it difficult for her to maintain close connections. She was drifting away from her parents who had given her everything that she wanted in life but in the moment, she didn’t recognize the distance. Life seemed to have other things in store for her. Her twenty-fourth birthday brought with it the same rain as when she was first born. Dangerous conditions and reckless driving combined to land her in an accident which altered the course she had set for herself forever.
Overnight the one thing that Myunghwa had loved in life was taken from her when she was told that the extent of her injuries meant that she would be unable to dance again. No matter how much physical therapy she went through, she would not be able to regain the form that she once had. And just like that, her stint abroad was over. Her mother stayed with her for a few months hoping to find a way to lift her daughter’s spirits. But it was futile because Myunghwa had lost herself. Unable to see her daughter as a shell of a person, her parents both decided it was better for her to get away from Paris. She moved to Gwasuwon into her own private apartment that her father had already readied for her when he was developing Dangam-eup.
With time, her wounds healed, both physically and mentally. But Myunghwa was lost, without purpose on what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. She finished a degree through some classes at the local university though studying had never really been her strong suit. Her parents never pushed her to find a job, leaving her to do as she wished as they always did. Their wealth alone would be enough to sustain her for the rest of her life. On a whim, she began to document what she did in a day and the luxury of her lifestyle enamored enough people to earn her a moderate following on social media. Since then, she has become a lifestyle blogger and influencer. Though she isn’t sure that is what she wants to do in the long run, for the time being she is having fun with it, not really thinking too far into the future.
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macksalotl · 7 months
I love my friends
I love my friends a whole lot, and I would do absolutely anything for all of them. I have so much love to give sometimes, and I think that’s why I’ve stuck around. I love helping others, and sometimes that’s just being there and telling them how much they mean to you. How boring it would be without them there with you. Sometimes it’s giving them a little gift because they mentioned liking something vaguely, or them mentioning needing something so you get it for them before they even have to put in the effort of getting up. Sometimes it’s just sitting in silence and letting your presence fill the room (or the call) for them. Sometimes it’s a tight hug that goes on for way too long and is way too warm for either of your likings, but you don’t let go until they do. Sometimes it’s being on call with them and reading a book aloud even when your throat begins to hurt because you don’t want to disturb their slumber. Sometimes it can even be leaning against them and letting your eyes drift closed, to let them know that you trust them and feel comfortable with them there with you when you’re your most vulnerable. I love loving. It’s my favourite thing to do and it’s the best quality I possess.
I do love receiving love in return, but sometimes I just love helping others feel like they belong on this planet just a bit more than they did before. If only I were a bit more poetic, then maybe I would find the words I’m looking for to tell them this. So, instead I will write this and send it off into the world, to let it know that I cherish and love the people that both it and I have surrounded myself with.
This goes out to all my friends; To the people that have told me to tell them when I’m feeling uncomfortable so they can step in and help me, to the person that jokes about my insecurities, not to upset me, but to make them feel less like something that would destroy me if given the chance. To the person who held my head in their lap when I blacked out once because I stood up too quickly, whispering to me how I was going to be alright even when I couldn’t hear their voice. To the person who sends me videos of bugs with little comments about them because I mentioned how I liked seeing them. To the person who gave me their jacket when I was feeling sickly, even though it was freezing out and they didn’t possess another. To the person who told me that I could never annoy them and that they look forward to every call we have together. To the person who insults me playfully, but who told me that they enjoy playing horror games with me because I held their hand through all the scares and made it a fun experience. To the person who leaves me alone when I am upset, who respects my space and privacy and who steps in when I feel better to let me know they want me there. To the person who saw me at my worst and who cut my hair without question when I asked if they were able to do it for me. To the person who shares fun facts with me, and tells me about the things they love, wanting to share that joy with me. To the person who told me to message them if I wasn’t able to sleep.
I love you all more than anything on this earth. You guys are all so special to me, and I wish I could carve out a place where we could all relax and enjoy ourselves. I find all of you in things that are completely unrelated to you, and that will never change.
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jandjsalmon · 10 months
2023 FFRC - July🌞
Hello friends! July passed in the blink of an eye. I'm definitely not looking forward to the end of summer (because it snows like 9 months of the year where I live and I just want to freaking enjoy my back-yard okay!?) Anyway - I hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine.
As far as the @fanfic-reading-challenge goes- I’m 5 tasks away from finishing the whole thing - (4 of which I can’t finish until December) so that’s neat. Gotta get up to 15 million words and then I'll just be waiting to finish the monthly tasks. This month I got to help Juulna sort out next year's list of tasks though and that was a super fun time.
July 2023
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As you can see, I read lots of really great stories this month. I reread a lot of fic and then double read fics too - there isn't a lot of new content for Wenvier so I reread over and over again. It's never a bad time to reread. I also read a Needle Bughead story that I'd held off on because of the tags - but it was wonderful - as all of her stories are. I'm glad I came back to that one. And given the circumstances, I think I'm going to deep dive into some Fexi favourites this week - so if you have any suggestions, please send them my way. 💔
As always - I’ve gathered a couple recs but I'm going to put them under the cut to save your dashboard. I hope you enjoy them.
Dear Annabel Lee by @ozmathegreatand (Wenvier - T 6/6)  Summary: Wherein Wednesday is forced to Cyrano her own love story when she is tasked to take up the mantle of Annabel Lee, the school newsletter's biweekly advice column, and receives a letter from Xavier asking for advice on how to get over her. Notes: It's always a special treat when someone gifts you a fic. BUT it's even more special when the fic is as fun and lovely as this one. Wednesday is forced to be an advice columnist and Xavier unknowingly bears is soul to her. It's funny and sweet and yet still perfectly in character. It's wonderful. Read and Review. Do it! 😉
Xavier Knows Wednesday Loves Him (series) by Agmo (Wenvier - T/E 4 fics) 
Summary: Xavier keeps a running list in a notebook in his desk drawer.
Notes: This story started out with one story with bullet points of how Xavier knew Wednesday Loved him - then expanded into this SUPER cute fic with a chapter for each one of those points (but the chapters are sometimes only a few lines long). Then there are a couple more one-shots to really flesh out some of the bigger points. And each and every one of them was delightful. All told, the series of 4 stories is only 20,000 words, so it's not long but it's wonderful and funny and touching and perfect. Give it a try!
Starving Faithful by @shesonlylittle (Fez/Lexi- E 1/1)  Summary: In most respects, he’s a nineteen year old. With the glaring exception that he can feel where his wings have been clipped— and that he can nudge the material world a little, here and there, from time to time.  He has childhood memories, a normal human’s wants and desires, but he also knows he’s got a divine mission. And that he has it because he fucked up somehow. Ash was supposed to be his redemption. He was supposed to watch over him, keep him safe.  -- or: Fallen Angel Fez has one last shot at redemption, his new charge Lexi Howard. Guardian Angels probably shouldn't be down bad for the humans in their safekeeping, though. Notes: I have a lot of feelings right now. After yesterday's news - the first thing I did was go find and read a Fexi fic to calm my broken heart. This one is SO good. Fez is SO well written. And there is a lot of neat religiosity that fits with him too. It hurts to read because we've lost Angus - but it has a happy ending and it's beautiful. So you should read it too!
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See you back here in a few weeks! Happy reading! 🖤
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clarklovescarole · 1 year
January 1937: Parnell Sideburns
Jan. 1, 1937 – Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Clark Gable’s Christmas gift to Carole Lombard a thoroughbred three-gaited saddle horse. 
Jan. 1, 1937 – Austin-American Statesman
Carole Lombard’s intention to give up breakfast in bed and do more riding (on the horse Clark Gable gave her for Christmas).
Jan. 2, 1937 – The Kansas City Times
Lombard, usually voluble, is in the midst of a real romance. Her case with Gable is progressing, one might say. She knows the whole world knows it and doesn’t care. She does suffer a rise in temperature when she finds herself quoted concerning it. 
“I’ve never discussed the matter,” she says.  
Jan. 3, 1937 – Democrat and Chronicle
The arrive of Carole Lombard on any set where she happens to be working is no casual incident. Things may be dull and routine before she comes, but the moment she bursts in upon the company one begins to hear the crackle of electricity. The whole set seems to come to life. 
Amid the shower of good-mornings Miss Lombard makes for her 8-by-12 dressing room on the sound stage. The dressing room is green outside, white inside; always, in the mornings, is fragrant with freshly-cut flowers. 
Sometimes the flowers come from Clark Gable, sometimes from Mitchell Leisen, the star’s director in her current Paramount picture, “Swing High, Swing  Low,” sometimes from herself. 
Jan. 4, 1937: Unusual gifts
An after-Christmas survey of starry gifts discloses the fact that among all the diamond and sapphire bracelets and gorgeous cars and houses and lots exchanged in Hollywood this bumper year, the most unusual gift was received by Clark Gable! 
Gable’s present from his “girl friend,” Carole Lombard, was a two-wheel buggy, with whip and all equipment, together with a trick cane that opens out and measures a horse’s height. A sort of follow-up gag for the old broken-down automobile she gave him several months ago, which Clark had dolled up with white paint and college boy gadgets. He drove it, too. 
So we fully expect to see Mr. Gable dashing down the boulevard in his two-wheeler with his race horse, Beverly Hills, hitched thereto! 
Carole and Clark are the village cut-ups. Mitchel Leisen, who is directing the current Lombard film, “Swing High, Swing Low,” expressed a desire for a horse this year to race at Santa Anita. 
C and C gave him a hobby horse wearing a holly wreath for bridle. Zeppo Marx fared a little better – his Christmas gift from the pair of cut-ups was a decrepit donkey, which he found standing in a forest of hay on his front lawn Christmas morning!
Jan. 4, 1937 – The Boston Globe
Jan. 4, 1937 – Asbury Park Press
The boy who takes around the plug-in telephone from table to table in the studio restaurant is a literal table-hopper. At Metro, only commissary where the meal-disturber can get right into your soup, Robert Taylor, Clark Gable and James Stewart get the most calls (most of the stars lunch in their dressing suites). When Taylor, Gable or Stewart is on the line, romantic gossips figure that Barbara Stanwyck, Carole Lombard or Virginia Bruce is on the other end.
Jan. 5, 1937 – The Gaffney Ledger
Clark Gable has been lunching with Mary Anita Loos, who used to be Francis Lederer’s best girl. But don’t come to any false conclusions. Carole Lombard is still head-woman in Clark’s life.
Jan. 8, 1937 – Standard Sentinel
You draw a blank if you ask Bing Crosby to discuss, for instance, the importance of crooning. He’ll talk golf and horses, though. Carole Lombard is mainly interested in people, but if you ask her what she thinks about one in particular, you get no place fast – that person is Clark Gable. It must be love. 
Jan. 9, 1937: New godparents
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Jan. 9, 1937 – Los Angeles Times
Carole Lombard and Clark Gable were relegated to supporting roles in a one-act playlet last night when Dennis Clark Moriarty “stole the show.” 
For it was Dennis Clark’s christening and neither film stars nor anyone else were going to take any honors from the month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarty. The father is a screen actor. 
Gable and Miss Lombard acted as godparents for the baby at its baptism by Rev. John Conlon, pastor of St. Mary Magdalen’s Church. 
The baby, born December 6, was named Clark in honor of its godfather. 
Jan. 9, 1937 – Los Angeles Times
Jan. 9, 1937 – Chattanooga Daily Times 
(Sheilah Graham)
Mrs. Rhea Gable is telling people that the reason she does not give Clark Gable the divorce he desires is to prevent his marriage to a certain film star. Is she referring to Carole Lombard? 
Jan. 11, 1937 – The Bristol Herald Courier
When Clark Gable stands beside a roulette table, the other players watch him and forget to bet. Carole Lombard is the coolest of feminine gamblers. 
Jan. 11, 1937: Sideburns for Parnell
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Jan. 11, 1937 – News Journal
What! Sideburns on Gable? Clark Gable growing sideburns for his newest role, Parnell, Irish freedom leader, aids Carole Lombard by lighting her cigaret. The camera caught them in an off-guard moment at a Hollywood function. Clark has been linked romantically with Carole recently. 
Jan. 13, 1937 – Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph
Honors now rest about even in the Carole Lombard-Clark Gable practical joke contest, but Carole shortly will prove herself the arch-ribber of the two by carrying the fight to the screen itself. With the aid of Director Mitchell Leisen, she is pulling a gag at Clark’s expense in her new picture, “Swing High, Swing Low.” 
There is a scene in the script where Fred MacMurray and Dorothy Lamour go to a race track and put all their money on a certain horse. The dialogue has been switched so that you’ll hear them yell:”Come on ‘Beverly Hills’! For once in your life, win!” Beverly Hills is the name of Gable’s race horse. He has been kidded plenty about the fact that it never wins. The horse in the picture won’t either. 
Jan. 13, 1937 – The St Louis Star and Times
Where there is Carole Lombard, there is tomfoolery – and most of the time, Clark Gable. The night Clark was to broadcast his “George Washington” skit over the radio, Carole beat him to the studio.When he arrived for work she had decorated his dressing room fit to startle a circus press agent. On the wall hung a huge picture of Washington, and beside it an equally enlarged photograph of Gable. Beneath was a placard which read: “Fathers of our country.” Miss Lombard had also brought in two small fir trees, on  which she and a property man tied scores of preserved cherries. Two small hatchets completed the ensemble.
Jan. 16, 1937 – The Ithaca Journal
Carole Lombard, Hollywood’s No. 1 gagster, has started an epidemic of ribbing which includes even a scene in one of her pictures. Clark Gable is included in the ribbing, too, and it was to him that she recently sent a two-wheeled trash cart, presumably to be driven behind his race horse. She also sent a ton of hay and an $8 mule to Barbara Stanwyck and Mrs. Zeppo Marx, who are operating the Marwyck horse-breeding ranch in San Fernando. Mitchell Leisen, Miss Lombard’s director in “Swing High, Swing Low,” got into the feud innocently enough merely by stating that he wished he owned a race horse. Mr. Gable forthwith sent him a wooden hobby horse. 
Leisen topped the rib by getting all dressed up in jockey clothes of the Gable pattern and colors, and having his picture taken on the hobby horse. The photo, framed and sent to Gable, was captioned: “Jockey Leisen Up on Beverly Hills” – Beverly Hills being the name of Gable’s non-winning nag.
Jan. 17, 1937 – The San Francisco Examiner
Hollywood Gossipers Hit Low Score in Guessing Romances 
The batting average of the Hollywood gossipers, who see a romance in every mixed twosome, is notoriously low and it’s getting worse every year… Carole Lombard was practically engaged to writer Robert Riskin – until she started going about with Clark Gable. 
Jan. 19, 1937 – The Owensboro Messenger
Carole Lombard is still incapacitated, and Clark Gable is running for her.
Jan. 20, 1937 – Monrovia News
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard visited a phonograph shop not long back, and bought one of those newfangled machines that combine radio, home-recording, loud speaker, and play twenty-four records at a time. Gable watched its performance, then said to the salesman, “The darn thing does everything but cook.” At which Miss Lombard snickered, “You might say the same of me.” 
Jan. 25, 1937 – The Los Angeles Times
A new thrill was discovered yesterday by Clark Gable and Carole Lombard. They “truck” in the moonlight. No, it isn’t a dance. 
Gable bought a new, up-to-the-minute station wagon, with radio, upholstered seats and everything. It was delivered to him at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. 
With his makeup still on, he climbed into his new toy and headed for Carole’s home. She was in the midst of her dinner, but Gable couldn’t wait. He loaded her into his shining new wagon and away they went – to go trucking in the moonlight, cold or no cold, and it has become a nightly habit with them now.
Jan. 31, 1937 – Star Tribune
Carole Lombard is suddenly stricken deaf if some new writer lands in our town and asks her when she expects to marry Clark Gable. Carole, one of the grandest scouts in the world, can freeze up to a temperature as cold as California orange groves have been this last week if that question is put to her. 
On the other hand, Clark is equally noncommittal and frosty if he is asked about La Lombard. The subject of his friendship, he feels, is nobody’s business and he is probably right. Both of them have learned publicity can ruin any prospective romance. 
Jan. 31, 1937 – St. Louis Post
Jean Muir and I were having lunch at the Vendome the other day, Jean perfectly turned out in a black velvet suit and the smartest looking cape of the same material falling to the hip line. … 
While we were sitting there Carole Lombard and Clark Gable came in and sat at a nearby table. Carole immediately attracted the attention of all with her large picture hat of black alligator skin and a bag and gloves to match. 
We stopped to speak to them as we went out and Carole told us that when she finishes work on her picture she is going to take a six weeks’ vacation and not go away any place, but just spend her time driving about in a racing sulkey which she has just ordered, and riding the horse which Clark gave her for Christmas. 
The day after I saw them, Gable went to bed with the flu. He is the major casualty of the epidemic so far as the studios are concerned. 
Jan. 31, 1937 – The Des Moines
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Jan. 31, 1937 – The Des Moines
Amazing! Probably it’s a romantic gaze Carole Lombard is giving Clark Gable – they’re one of Hollywood’s current romances – but it looks almost as though his sideburns startle even her. 
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