#sometimes someone will come on too strong (they normally have to be An Adult) and he'll get a little intimidated and walk back to me?
sergle · 7 months
I really really REALLY enjoy when Hugo gets to meet people/kids and gets petted. It's fun for me to just stand back and watch, especially since he'll happily let kids get all up in his face.
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lazycats-stuff · 2 months
Batfam x M reader hwere the reader is Bruce's older brother, who decided to move away from Gotham after a really big fight between him and Bruce (before Dick was adopted) Bruce wanted to reach out, but never really did because he thought the reader hated him. At some point the reader decided to come back to Gotham and meet with Bruce because he got married and had a kid, but his partner died and he needed support + his kid wanted to know about their uncle. Now total shock on the batfam part because they have an uncle??? And Bruce didn't tell them??? Now they try to build a relationship, but Bruce is still a bit distant because he feels guilty
Oh, this screams angst and fluff at the same time, aaah. Also, 1.5k followers, thank you everyone. My questionable writing is nice and good it seems.
Summary: Bruce's and (Y/N)'s relationship broke down. (Y/N) reaches out.
Warnings: fluff, angst and all in between.
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(Y/N) wiped his tears yet again. He lost his husband a month or so ago and it wasn't easy by any means. They had adopted a little girl a few years ago and they named her Anna. She is an adorable little girl and a smart one too. But kids are always perceptive in certain ways. (Y/N) put the photos of his husband down and turned to the little patter of feet coming towards him.
He turned to his little girl, putting her in his lap while they sat on the couch quietly. (Y/N) smiled at his daughter, but just that made him hurt. But he needed to be strong for his little girl. She needed a strong parent right now, more than anything in the world. That was something that she needed.
Not weakness. Anna was hurting too and she needed nothing but support... But (Y/N) needs his support too. He needs someone to turn too. He can only be strong for so long. And not to mention, there were so many bills to pay and he didn't know how... Oh dear God.
" Hey honey, can't sleep? " (Y/N) asked his daughter, who nodded yawning.
" Yeah... I miss papa. " She said quietly and (Y/N) took everything in him to not break down in front of his daughter.
" I miss papa too honey. "
" Can you tell me more about uncle Bruce? " Anna asked in her innocent childlike way, not knowing how complex the situation was. (Y/N) didn't blame her in the slightest, wanting to know more about your family is something normal. Even though you are a child and adopted one too, wanting to know more makes (Y/N)'s heart even warmer.
" Well, your uncle Bruce is my younger brother. " (Y/N) started, smiling at his daughter, despite the pain he felt. Bruce was always a sore subject for him. Deep down inside he loved Bruce, but the fight they had broke that love. He adjusted his daughter in his arms and continued.
" He is brave, courageous. Annoying sometimes, but that's normal. Everyone is a little bit annoying sometimes. " (Y/N) said, making Anna giggle, for the first time in a few days.
" Why he never comes? " Anna asked and (Y/N)'s heart was hit with sorrow and pain.
" We don't like one another. Sometimes adults don't like each other and don't speak about it. " (Y/N) said and Anna tilted her head in wonder and curiosity.
" Why? "
" Adults are complex. Complicated. " (Y/N) explained and the little girl hummed, tilting her head.
" Really dad? "
" Yes love. " (Y/N) responds and she simply gets out of his lap to look at the pictures of her papa. She sighed quietly and glanced back at her dad.
" I want to meet uncle Bruce. " Anna stated and (Y/N)'s heart started beating faster and faster. He doesn't really want to. He doesn't want to open up those old wounds...
Would Bruce even want to meet her?
" I can try honey. " (Y/N) swallowed and Anna's smile was worth it. Really worth the anxiety and the stress he is about to go through. And maybe he needs family in this situation.
Support sounds great right now.
" Thank you dad. " Anna said and left to go back to her room. (Y/N) smiled. Bruce would love her.
But (Y/N) isn't going to like this.
That next morning, Anna went to kindergarten and (Y/N) has decided to call Bruce to set up a meeting. He can't just come by unannounced, even though the manor is also his, he just can't. It would be rude, considering the fact that Bruce had four boys, one biological it seems.
And Bruce took over the Wayne Enterprises too, so he must be busy. And being Batman too is not an easy feat. But around 10 am, (Y/N) called Bruce, nervous and anxious beyond belief. This is not something he would have done if it weren't for the fact that his daughter asked him too.
" (Y/N)? " It rang out in (Y/N)'s ear and (Y/N) took a deep breath.
" Yes, it's me B. " (Y/N) answered, using an old nickname from their childhood.
" It has been what, 5 years... " Bruce hesitated and (Y/N) let out a little yeah in response.
" How is life? " Bruce asked and (Y/N) teared up for a second before calming down.
" My husband passed away recently. " (Y/N) said and the silence was loud.
" I'm sorry to hear that... I didn't know you got married... " Bruce said and (Y/N) winced quietly.
" Yeah... It was small. We also adopted a little girl. " (Y/N) said and he swore he heard a deep breath on the other side.
" A nice change. " Bruce said and (Y/N) chuckled. A joke about the fact that Bruce has all boys... It's nice to joke around.
" And Anna wants to meet her uncle Bruce. "
" You talked to her about me? "
" Yup. She was curious. " (Y/N) answered and Bruce chuckled again. " And I need help... I feel like I'm drowning. " (Y/N) said, wiping his tears.
" What do you mean? " Bruce asked, wanting more explanation.
" I'm drowning in bills and I need some emotional support. And I don't want to seem like I'm calling for money, but- " (Y/N) started rambling, but Bruce cut him off.
" Don't. I know you didn't call for money. Besides, that's your money too. "
" Well, I lived humbly for so long, I forgot I was rich I guess. " (Y/N) chuckled quietly, sitting down on the couch in the process.
" I guess so... If you need help, I'll... I'll be more than happy to help. " Bruce offered, but (Y/N) sensed something more. But none the less, he decided to leave it be for now. " You can even move back with Anna. You know the manor has more than enough room. " Bruce offered and (Y/N) hesitated.
" Well... I would have to move Anna's kindergarten... And all that stuff." (Y/N) started and Bruce cur him off yet again.
" Don't worry about that now. You and your daughter need to have a stable environment. So drop by the manor. You can meet your nephews too. "
" It wouldn't be a bad idea. "
And that's how (Y/N) and Anna went to the Wayne Manor, the little girl being excited in the backseat of the car. She let out a sound of pure surprise when she saw the manor in it's full glory. " This is where uncle Bruce lives?! " She yelled and (Y/N) chuckled as he parked the car inside the manor yard.
" Is it true I have cousins? " She asked as (Y/N) quickly left the car and then moved to unbuckle her. She quickly ran out and (Y/N) sighed.
" Not so fast young lady! " (Y/N) yelled after her and the girl stopped, smiling at her dad, taking his hand as they walked up to the door. (Y/N) rang the bell, waiting for Alfred to open up. Oh God, this is weird to be here yet again after these 5 years.
Alfred quickly opened up with a smile and gave (Y/N) a tight hug.
" Oh I missed you master (Y/N). " Alfred said and (Y/N) nodded.
" You talk funny. " Anna said and Alfred chuckled, leaning down to look at the little girl.
" That's right, I do. Now come on miss, lets meet your cousins. " He said as he led the little girl inside, who was giggling happily. (Y/N) took a deep breath to compose himself before entering the manor, the place where his life started and changed so many times. He walked inside, breath hitching at the sight of his nephews, both adopted three and one biological, who looked just liked Bruce at that age...
It's just eerie...
He was caught off guard by a sudden hug from the oldest son by the looks of it. (Y/N) huffed from the force, but patted the back of the oldest son.
" I'm Dick, nice to meet you. " Dick said once he pulled away, a big smile on his face as he was shaking his hand with a firm shake.
" (Y/N), nice to meet you too. " (Y/N) said quietly, quickly glancing at Anna who was talking to Bruce quietly. Bruce seemed gentle with her and that's more than enough to ease his heart.
" I'm Tim. " Tim introduced himself to his uncle and (Y/N) noted to himself how tired Time looked, but maybe it's due to the fact that he was a vigilante. But something else was off, but that's something for another time.
" Jason... How come Bruce never told us about you? " Jason asked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders.
" We... Didn't end up on a good note... I guess guilt and anger. " (Y/N) says and Bruce listened from his spot with Anna, who was just talking away.
Jason hummed and moved to allow Damian to say hello to his blood uncle.
" Uncle. You look different than I imagined. " Damian said in his voice and (Y/N) swore it really was Bruce at age...
" Damian. You are a copy of your father. " (Y/N) noted and glanced at his daughter for a second, seeing how Bruce was holding Anna in his arms.
" I know, I've been told that. " Damian responded shortly. Just like Bruce. Jesus. It's eerie beyond belief.
" Anna, do you like books? " Bruce asked her and she nodded happily. Bruce turned to (Y/N) and his boys. " Can the boys take her to the library? " Bruce asked and (Y/N) knew that they had to talk about their relationship. What to do now and all that.
" Sure. " (Y/N) said and the boys, including Alfred, led the little girl to the library. She was so happy, just giggling, not even a sense of her father's turmoil.
" Can we go outside? I need a smoke. " (Y/N) said, taking his pack out already. Bruce simply opened the terrace door that lead to the garden, where they sat down.
(Y/N) lit up his cigarette and took a long drag, trying to ease his nerves. He let the smoke out and glanced at Bruce.
" This is weird... "
" I know. Look, you can always come back home. " Bruce said dryly and (Y/N) noticed the distance. Noticed the look.
" Look... We were stupid to fight like that... And you are not to blame... I am to blame too... " (Y/N) said as he took a long drag.
" No, it was me. All on me. " Bruce said, looking at the garden ahead, refusing to look at his brother from guilt.
" Don't say that... I think we need to repair our relationship. For your boys and for my daughter. And us too. I do miss my little annoying brother. "
Bruce didn't respond and just sighed.
" Don't blame yourself. " (Y/N) said as he blew the smoke yet again. " Do you want me to move back? Anna would like that. And it would make things easier for me too. " (Y/N) said quietly, finishing his cigarette in the ashtray.
" Don't be distant Bruce. "
Bruce sighed yet again. It was hard not to be distant in this situation. Especially when you think you are at fault for the fight.
" I would love to meet my niece more and try to be that fun uncle. I want to take some of your stress too. Some burdens off too. " Bruce said, still looking away.
He couldn't even look (Y/N) in the eyes.
(Y/N) just sighed. They really had a long way to go.
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
The art of hospitality (Nanami Kento x fem!Reader)
Life wasn't that good after you dropped out of college. Luckily, a friend of a friend of a relative was willing to take you to live with him so you could watch over his weirdly big house while he was away on endless work trips. Nanami never thought that investment in the kindness of his heart would pay out like this. He is not complaining.
Tags and CW: Yandere, mild dub-con, non-consensual masturbation, Nanami is a panty stealer, light age difference, power imbalance, housewife kink AO3
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Some people are just not built to fend for themselves. Nanami can name a few, even though the sentiment leaves a bitter, bun-haired taste in his mouth. He shouldn’t think like this – like him – but it’s as impossible as not thinking about a panda bear after you just been prompted with hot imagining one. 
He can only repeat that he isn’t like this. It isn’t like him. Some people are just not built to fend for themselves, so people like Nanami are doing everything in their power to protect them. Weak are ruling the society and this is exactly how it is supposed to be. Strong should be content with not having any gratitude, happy that they were able to help. This is exactly how it’s supposed to be, and yet… — Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Nanami-san. With the lease and everything coming up, I just… His cheeks aren’t dusted red because this won’t be a normal answer to the situation. He isn’t blushing because he is somewhat not used to receiving a little thank you from a nice girl next door that he allowed to live with him and watch over the house while he is away on the missions(dumb, dumb girl got kicked out of the apartment after a failed lease renewal and found him through a friend of a relative). He knows how grateful you are – not having many things or a lot of money saved, you probably would have moved back to the countryside if it weren’t for him. For a girl like you, it would be kissing your dreams goodbye. Not like sleeping on his couch is any better for someone your age. There is curry on the kitchen island. He recognises the packaging – generic brand from the convenience store he sometimes walked passed during missions in Asakusa. Hm. Last time he touched your cooking(four days before, when he actually managed to drag himself to the house without losing too much sweat) it was made from scratch. He isn’t complaining because he still wasn’t the one to cook it. Asking a girl in dire circumstances to play housewife would be… You don’t pay rent, you get half of the groceries from him(ever-lasting meal planning for everything, even when half of it gets thrown away after a nasty curse hunt is leaves him on the other side of the prefecture for few days in the row) and you don’t sleep on the couch. He has a perfectly comfortable guest bedroom with fresh sheets for you. 
Maybe, you could play housewife a little bit. It’s so stupid for someone in his position, but the packaging of a store-made curry almost made him question the decision to help you in the first place. He didn’t…didn’t expect you to cook for him, of course. He only took you in because being a young adult is tough and not having any friends in a city as expensive as Tokyo can crush a girl like you. He doesn’t know what is this feeling blooming in his chest. Maybe, the remains of the last exorcism are still clinging to him. — You found a job? You tilt your head, your (adorable) lips in a surprised impression. You probably never thought he’d give someone like you this much of his mind – not with how little you talked before. He might come off as too harsh – but he still looks you in the eyes, his gaze only softens because of the glasses he still insists on wearing even inside the house. Nanami promised to himself to not bring work home – but it’s hard to even determine what is home anymore. Maybe it’s a space on the couch, right next to your sprawled legs. Maybe it’s his bedroom. Maybe it’s… — Yes! It’s a convenience store, so it’s part-time, but… He frowns. You close your mouth immediately, lips pursed. Nanami doesn’t want to intimidate you – it’s just six thirty, already too late to be in a serious work mood – but it’s hard when you look simply divine with that scared impression of yours. He shouldn’t bully non-sorcerers, but some people are making it hard. Impossible. He almost understands Satoru. — This is all? — Well, they allowed me to pick more shifts, so I could actually start paying rent. N…not all, but just to thank you for letting me stay with you. You’re kind, he must give you that. Most people in your situation would already make him feel like overstaying their welcome, breaking the simple comfort he found in living on his own, and deflecting his family’s worries about not having anyone to settle down with. He isn’t thirty yet, he shouldn’t worry about it – yet, the thought itches at the back of his mind, Empty house. Most of his older coworkers were itching to ditch overtime because they wanted to meet with their families. He did it because after fighting curses(and returning to doing so) normal human life isn’t something he’d give much thought to.
— You don’t have to pay. I thought we established that. — I have to start somewhere, right? M…maybe I could save up and get a proper apartment. Still, Kento doesn’t like the idea that he might come home one day and won’t find you sitting on the couch and watching TV. Not because you just went out for a quick girl walk, or decided to go shopping – but because you got a big job, a normal job, and you won’t rely on his kindness anymore. 
Some people aren’t made to fend for themselves. Nanami wonders what would you look like if you ever saw a curse. If you were affected by at least one. He…he shouldn’t think like this. You’re lucky that you’re normal. — Paying for three months' rent, the key, and the debt would be impossible with a part-time store job. — I could live with a roommate! Or three… — What difference would it make for our current situation? He puts a hand on the back of the couch. Mere inches from your head – and he can see the surprised expression on your face only getting…more surprised. You are cute for a dropout – ahe he certainly doesn’t mind having you sleeping here. Taking care of the house for him. If he only knew that you also weren’t fully against the proper commitment to this place. Like that little job of yours has any value in terms of experience and…
— I don’t want to intrude too much, Nanami-san. I’ll just get out of your hair as soon as possible, yeah? He would love for you to get into his hair, come to think about it. He had some terrible headaches lately – maybe it’s the job taking its toll again, maybe it’s a lingering curse that he is too exhausted to notice. He doesn’t sense anything besides the overwhelming need for you to come around – and yet he knows he can’t expect you to do that. — I can pay you. 
— What? He wonders if the surprise on your face is going to be embedded in your features forever. He wonders what expression would you have if he’d proposed something more provocative. With something that would leave you panting and gasping and gaping. He shook his head. Too early for this – and too late, also. He already loosened his tie and it made the headache less permanent, but if he’d proceeded to imagine how your pathetic, useless (normal, college dropout) mouth wide around the base of his cock, he would have to excuse himself from the house altogether, Preferably moving back to the countryside you tried to run away from. — If you insist on working…there instead of taking time to actually improve yourself, I could pay you to watch over the house. You gulp, tensing up immediately. He must have come off too strong – but he is way too tired to control his tone, and you should be mature enough to handle the conversations like this. He wasn’t kicking you off – quite the contrary, in fact. But, young adults should take the time to be young. But, young adults should be serious enough to behave like adults – and you shouldn’t bury your ambitions while living with four roommates and their boyfriends and college and drinking and… Sometimes he forgets how not much older he is than you. Maybe this is why you’re so hesitant towards getting help from him – someone that you could imagine in the position of a boyfriend instead of a providing and caring figure. That’s bad, really. Nanami would like for you to see him as your husband. — I couldn’t accept it, Nanami-san. You’re already…already doing so much. “Too much” he can get from your frowned expression. Too much of a lonely man with a big house and no one to watch over it. Too much for a man who doesn’t acept any form of payment from you – a man who didn’t even insist on having you cook and clean, since he got a system that would be too much bother to teach someone other than him. System that you cracked in first few weeks, almost making him believe that the salryman dream he lost after returning to Jujutsu Tech, can be still obtained. Still within the reach of his fingers. 
The woman of his dreams – if a man like him allowed to have them – is sitting on his couch and gushes over paying him for letting her stay. Like he isn’t the one who should beg for her to not run away. Alas, even dream girls can be a bit…dumb. Stupid. Pathetic in a way that would be insane to anyone else. 
Nanami is ought to be a bit more firm with his dumb girl that still thinks she isn’t his. — I would appreciate you cooking way more than any money I’d have to take out of your savings. — But… — You shouldn’t rush into jobs just because you think I would throw you out. I won’t. — It’s…funny. In a way. 
— What is so funny? His hand creeps over the edge of your seat, edging on taking a handful of your hair and tugging. Not because he wanted to hurt you – but because setting you in place would be the desirable option right now. Your inability to believe in the kindness of his heart is almost adorable, if it weren’t also so frustrating. It’s a smart choice, although – would be insane to ask you to believe that a man who took you in did so out of the kindness of his heart. But, Kento doesn’t want for you to be smart and make choices that would benefit you. But, Kento wants for you to rely on him – and making smart choices isn’t going to include that. He could just force you, your weak points already accessed – he knows where to push, where to cut, where to ass a little pressure, so you’d stop being so stubborn. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but sometimes you need to crack a few eggs in the process. Sometimes being good doesn’t mean being nice. — I thought you really wanted to get rid of me at first, Nanami-san. He has been stealing your panties since you first stepped foot into his house. It was a mistake at first – neither you nor him knew how to live with someone so close after reaching adulthood and moving out of dorms where the social boundaries are much, much less permanent. You were silly and forgetful, sometimes mixing your laundry with his. Something as small as a pair of panties, no matter clean or not, were prone to get lost in the laundry area, forgotten in a pile of clothes you already washed – and if Nanami was a lesser man, he would have scolded you for not having the basic courtesy of keeping your things away from his. If Nanami was a bigger man he wouldn’t have slipped a lacey pair into a pocket of his pants, fidgeting on the fabric while you gushed over having to buy so many necessities all of a sudden, or apologized for wrecking havoc in his bathroom. Even now, when you’re embarrassed and warm, trying to explain your point of view to him, he is still playing with your underwear, buried deep within the pocket of his work clothes. He luckily didn’t run into Satoru today – he doesn’t really want to know if his Six Eyes could detect something as scandalous. Not in a normal sense, of course – you’re an adult, if a bit irresponsible – but in the form of him having connections. Someone to return to. 
Nanami wants to push you on your knees and take his rent right out of that surprised, open mouth of yours. You don’t wear any makeup, you’re at home, after all – but he would buy you some adorable lipstick, some sweet lipgloss, just so you could smear it all over his cock, choking and drooling. He wants to be a good man, a patient man, but he has your panties in his pocket already, and it’s always a fresh pair every few weeks – not enough to make you suspicious that this isn’t the washing machine eating it, but also desperately low for someone like him. 
He wonders if you would be even softer than the tender silk of the things you wear. — Why would you think I accepted you, then? 
He knows why you might be nervous – his attitude isn’t the most welcoming one. He can be soft if he has a reason you – but being soft for too long will make you spoiled. Bratty. He likes women with character, but not women with attitudes he can’t control. Even your sitting position, with both of your legs on a couch, is something he could change with a few spanks on the bare skin he can clearly see from under your shorts. Wearing this when there is a man in the house – how scandalous. How precious. He wonders if all the lingerie sets he already bought for you (getting exact sizes is quite easy when he already knows your proportions divided by 7), will be a nice look on you. For you. 
— Maybe it was your one good deed for the month, but then you’d get annoyed and… He touches you – for the first time in weeks. Maybe the first time since he shook your hand all those time ago. The first time he touched you while you weren’t sleeping, at least. Fully conscious, aware of the man in front of you. (Nanami liked to watch you sleep, sometimes. Stressed people have a bad habit of attracting curses, and he wanted to make sure you wouldn’t invite anything in the safety of his house. It’s what he keeps telling himself when he inevitably ended up at the food of your bed, hands on his cock, stroking it slowly, knowing a dumb girl – naive girl – won’t wake up even if he’d decide to finish on your face. He never would – not until you’d ask him to, at least. He hopes that he will be a good person even after you do) Nanami’s hand is on your cheek, holding you softly. Gently. You’re surprised because this is the first time he touched you so softly – so intimately. You’re blissfully unaware of the fact he was touching you so, so much already. Stroking your ass, your tits, your face when he felt particularly tender – when he knew you were too tired of whatever you were doing while being unemployed and having everything catered to you to notice that he is touching you. — I won’t get annoyed with you. 
You press your face against his hand, taking in his touch. He has soft hands – cared for, manicured carefully. He takes care of his appearance and you’re embarrassed to appreciate that about it. To even notice – he isn’t yours, probably doesn’t want to be, but he allows you to live in his house even though you suck at being a proper housewife, and it should mean something. It does mean something – you smile and close your eyes. You want to do something for him because he already did so much for you. The possibilities are making your ears burn. — How can I repay you if you don’t want rent then? He can think of a few ways. The possibilities will make your ears burn. — You can start by actually cooking. 
And he will call in to fire you later. 
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theprettynosferatu · 9 months
CW: Orientation play/conversion. Remember that your sexuality is valid, and conversion is NOT a thing beyond fantasy. Also, fuck "conversion therapy"
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“All I’m saying is…”
“Look, you’re speaking out of your ass”, Ava said, barely containing her frustration.
“How am I speaking out of my ass? It has been done and thoroughly…”, he tried to reply.
“Yes, yes, Pavlov, blah blah blah. But you’re talking about something else entirely, not conditioning reactions”
“Not Pavlov, Skinner! Actions can be conditioned too. Look around you! Mobile games, casinos, even the goddamn army uses conditioning to…”
“Can we agree that there’s a difference between conditioning obedience in a controlled setting and whatever the fuck it is you’re suggesting? You’re not talking about tapping on impulse to buy funbucks in a game! You are talking…”
“It’s only a difference of degree, not of kind. With the right combination of techniques…”
“No, there’s a core there that you can’t just… overwrite. Some things can’t be changed. Like… like how you can’t hypnotize someone into doing something they would never do”
“You know that’s bullshit, right? The whole hypnosis thing. You absolutely can make someone do whatever the fuck you want. It’s just a matter of how you approach it. Like, you would never harm a person, okay? But if I change what your idea of ‘person’ is, say, by making it more narrow you would absolutely harm someone I made you see as a not-person. Or maybe you can be made to believe you’re helping them, not harming them”
“That’s some creepy cult shit, dude. And anyway you can’t write a paper on this because a) there’s no evidence and b) doing the research to get evidence would be absolutely immoral. So I say look for another topic and for the love of God don’t go around spewing that bullshit if you want to ever get laid. Oh, speaking of! Linda will be arriving shortly and we have a date night, so please, please try to be a normal roommate and not freak her out. For me, okay?”
“When have I ever freaked her out? Linda loves me! And who knows, maybe she has an opinion on our little debate”
“Dude, she’s an Art student. I doubt she’ll be interested in our weird Psych dissertations”
“Perfect! Fresh eyes!”
“See, that’s the kind of weird shit I-”
The buzzer cut through the air, and a moment later Linda was inside the apartment, all smiles as usual. He took a moment to watch them as they embraced. 
They were almost comical in their contrast. Linda was tall, taller than he was, willowy and slender, her limbs graceful and shapely, her hair a long, flowing river of playful copper that almost seemed to dance on its own volition– with her green sundress she appeared to him as some sort of elven princess ripped from the pages of a fantasy novel and stuck into a mortal world in which she didn’t really fit. Ava, on the other hand, was probably the shortest adult he had ever seen. He might be tempted to call her petite, but that had a connotation of a lithe frame, almost like a tastefully proportioned doll. Ava was the complete opposite of that. Sometimes he felt Ava was an experiment aimed at testing how much of a person’s weight could be tits and ass, held up by strong, thick thighs. He felt quite guilty about such thoughts, and he understood why she wore nothing but oversized t-shirts and hoodies. It was logical: an early, spectacular growth spurt, heightened by her small size, had made her the target of relentless bullying by jealous classmates and awkward come-ons by hormonal teen males. It enraged him, he realized. Ava was beautiful and the cruelty of idiots had made her feel pain about it instead of pride. He made a point to never stare at her, even if he sometimes failed. It made their relationship as roommates a tad hard, he had to admit. 
Not that he had a shadow of a shot, of course. Ava had no interest in men.
Unless, of course, he was right in his theory. And he had good reason to think he was.
“So, Linda: Ava and I were having a bit of a debate…”
“Don’t start, dude”, said Ava.
“Oh, a debate! Do tell!” chirped Linda.
“Do you think we can be completely conditioned and changed, or is there some part of us that cannot be modified, no matter what?”
“Huh. Hard one. Like… a soul? I don’t know I buy it. I feel there isn’t really a self, you know? Like… Buddhism. The self is an illusion and all that”
“Come on, you can’t be serious! You can’t change who someone fundamentally is, and it’s sick to even consider it!”, said Ava.
“Well… what if I could prove to you it can be done?”, he stated, barely able to hold back. He know what he was going to do. He had been reluctant, but now it felt like a certainty.
“You can’t, so stop being an ass”, said Ava.
Fine. Game on.
“Linda, I love your socks! Pride socks!”
“Yup!”, said Linda
“What the hell–”, mumbled Ava.
He took a deep breath.
“Linda: rainbow socks…”
She replied in an instant.
“Are for sucking cocks!”
Ava felt as if reality had shifted into some horrible, twisted nightmare. She was about to scream something, anything really, to make Linda take that back before something stopped her in her tracks. Her body heard it before her mind did: her roommate's voice simply commanding her. Watch. 
And she watched. She watched as the love of her life smiled and went on her knees. Ava could do nothing but watch in disbelief and pain. Linda had never been with a man. Ever. 
“I might have… started testing my theories. On you both. Not that you’d remember, obviously”, he stated casually as the beautiful girl in front of him lovingly undid his pants. “I’d say Linda’s sexuality is part of her core self, wouldn’t you? Let’s see how that holds up after the months of conditioning I’ve subjected her to”
He felt guilty, sure; but there was such a high to it, such an entrancing quality to the combination of seeing instant, complete obedience and the final, definitive proof of the truth he had known to be right all along. Was it wrong? Yes. Did he care? Not at the moment. Ava’s eyes were a poem to him. Suddenly he was ripped from his reverie by the soft, loving touch of Linda’s tongue on his dick. He hadn’t even realized he had gotten hard just from the sense of complete power, of total, undeniable conquest. This was a primal, ancient arousal. Ava could do nothing but watch, and he took that sight in. God, he could almost taste it.
Linda moaned. The cock was so beautiful. So perfect. She felt so… silly, like she was now, for the first time, seeing in color and realizing the sky was, in fact, blue. It was obvious. Simple. Natural. Cock deserved worship. Cock deserved devotion. Cock demanded obedience. It was as if it was growing in her mind, taking over more and more of her, pushing who she had been out effortlessly. It expanded. It corrupted. It twisted and shifted all within. Cock. Cock. Cock. She kissed it with reverence, in awe of it. It was all that existed to her. All that mattered. She needed to please it. Needed to feel it throbbing inside her. Needed to be taken by it.
Ava saw her girlfriend slide a hand between her legs and felt nauseous. As much as she knew this wasn’t Linda’s fault, she could feel her heart breaking, her anger rising… and worse, her pussy getting wet. Her body betraying her. She hated him, and she hated Linda, and she hated herself most of all.
Suddenly, Linda couldn’t contain herself. She relaxed her throat, looked up at her Master and took his entire manhood inside her mouth. She almost came instantly. It was peaceful and sexy and just simple, like his cock was the puzzle piece that fit her perfectly, completed her, made her whole. She existed to be conquered, and realizing she was putting his pleasure over her ability to breathe was the final sign of her complete, loving surrender. She let it out, watched it glisten with her spit, and started licking it and loving it and she didn’t know how much came from her own need and how much it was a silent command by the man who had shown her the light. Her mind was too fuzzy to make such distinctions anymore.
He took a deep breath, fighting back the first signs of an orgasm. He needed to make a point.
“Linda… do you love Ava?”
The blonde stopped for a moment, shocked by a myriad of contradictions.
“Yes”, she decided. Her voice was shaking.
“Tell her”
Linda looked at Ava, the woman she had loved above all others.
“I love you…”
“But you have more to say, don’t you?”
“I… hmph… I…”
“Tell her”
“I love you… but… but… I love his cock so much more! Fuck! I need it! I need to feel it, to suck it, to be fucked by it… I’m sorry… but… I love it, I love it, I love it! I want it to fuck my throat, to take my cunt, to ram my ass! I need it! I need to be a slave to it, a whore for it, a fucking living toy!”
“What if you had to choose between Ava and my cock?”
“Fuck her! Sorry, my love… I do love you, but… You can never do to me what… what Master does to me, what his cock makes me feel! I hope I won’t have to dump you but… I would leave you for this cock in a minute! I’d do anything. Anything. Anything!” If she had more to add, her need to serve cock snuffed it. She took it all in with desperation, with total, shameless abandon. She needed to feel... used. In her proper place.
Ava felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her knees buckled in defeat. She didn’t even care. It was all gone. Her life, her love, all gone. And she could feel her eyes drawn again and again to the cock that had destroyed her. She felt her mouth watering.
“Linda, would you say you’re a lesbian?”
“Fuck no!”, she said before immediately wrapping her lips around the cock’s head.  
He felt a swell of pride. Of triumph. He knew Ava sensed the truth as well. He was right. He had proven his point. And now Ava’s full conditioning would take hold. A little bet with himself, making her own mental acknowledgment of his theory her final trigger. She took off her t-shirt. She would never wear it again. No more shame, no more pain about her figure. Only arousal and pride. His gift to her.
She crawled to him on all fours. The girls kissed– but now, they kissed for him, to arouse him. They were lovers, only they both knew there was a higher love. A truer love. Ava looked up at her owner and opened her mouth, greedily awaiting his blessing. Linda used her skillful hands, aiming his cock and teasing it, jacking it off, using just the right amount of pressure and speed. 
No man could resist such a sight.
In a few seconds, Ava was covered in his cum, more beautiful than she had ever been. Linda certainly felt that way, and she licked and kissed her sister slut clean.
He watched carefully, looking for signs of defiance, and finding none. In fact, Linda put his fears to rest with a simple statement.
“Ava, we need to buy you a pair of rainbow socks”
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luizd3ad · 22 days
Every Step Of The Way | Regulus Black x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader WC: 1,213 CW: heavy talks of depression, depressive episode, depressed reader, self invalidation, no use of Y/N. Author's Note: I've been having a hard time lately and I just needed a comfort fic, this is purely based off my own experience with depression and how I feel when I'm in a depressive episode. If you don't feel like me that's okay, mental health is different for everyone! Just remember you're so valid and so loved <3. Summary: You're just having a hard time but Regulus is always there for you.
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⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
At some point your mind wasn't supposed to be your enemy anymore right? At some point the ‘teen angst’ was supposed to go away and you were supposed to be an adult with relatively healthy mental health right?
The crippling depression and anxiety was supposed to go away with puberty. At least that's what you'd been told, that things would get better and your mind wouldn't mess with you as much.That was what was supposed to happen, but when do things ever go as planned?
The only difference between now and your teen years was that you recognized the symptoms faster, you understood what was coming before it was fully there. Now every so often you can catch it, do things to make the bad thoughts go away or lessen, then other times… you would feel paralyzed.
The numbness would consume you, invite you in like an old friend, along with the loss of appeal to do anything. You didn't want to eat, drink, read, or listen to music. 
You didn't want to do anything and sometimes without even realizing you would spent the whole day looking into nothingness. 
Regulus would notice the mood change almost immediately. He would pick up on the sign and the overall change in your personality.
Not only would he notice because he was hyper aware of the behavioral changes around him (thank you Walburga. Sarcasm) but also because he dealt with the same feelings. 
The emptiness and numbness of it all, it wasn't until Pandora explained it to him that he learned that those feelings were not exactly ‘normal’. 
It was normal to be sad, to have a depressive episode here and there especially following a tragedy but it was the consistency that wasn't normal.
The feeling of emptiness that always felt like a shadow following you, the feeling of being the happiest you've ever been but still feeling that emptiness in the back of your head.
It was one of the things you both shared. Sometimes it wasn't a good thing. When both of you were in that state of mind it was hard to help each other, to be there for each other.
How could you stop someone from drowning if you're drowning yourself? 
But other times it was a good thing. You knew each other's signs, you two could pick up on the signs before the other person even realized that they were slipping, sometimes. It gave you time to either try and stop it before it went too far or just get prepared. 
This was one of those times Regulus knew he needed to prepare. 
He had seen you starting to detach for about a day now. Regulus knew this was going to be one of those episodes he couldn't stop, the kind where you were there physically but not mentally.
You just were floating through your days, you were on auto pilot almost the whole day; you weren't really listening, hardly responded and if you did it was short.
Regulus preparing for this meant doing a few things, taking a few days off work, letting Sirius, Pandora and Barty know that he wouldn't be really available so that he could focus solely on you. Making sure your favorite foods were home and ready to encourage you to eat, having some of your favorite movies, books, everything and anything accessible in case you were in the mood to do anything or if you just wanted to try and distract yourself for a while.
It also meant mentally preparing himself to be understanding and patient since it wasn't exactly his strong suit but he'd do anything for you. 
When an episode fully hits it isn't always you wake up and start to feel depressed. Sometimes you would be fine most of the day and then suddenly you were hit with a wave of nothingness.
Most of the time nothing would trigger it, nothing would happen, your brain would just decide that it was time to be sad, to be numb, you guessed.
“Mon Amore, would you like to eat something? You can have anything you want.” Regulus touched the side of your face and brought you out of your head. You just shook your head not really looking at him. “No, thank you.” You whisper.
He just nodded and sat next to you. He knew when to pick his battles and since you ate that morning he knew this shouldn't be the hill he dies on. 
The rest of the night was spent mostly silence with a few words exchanged here and there, Regulus was there ready and willing to do whatever you needed him to do to make you feel better.
He got you to eat a little eventually and you shared a shower with him. He had helped you wash yourself since you didn't have any motivation or energy to do so. 
By the end of the night you were both cuddled up in bed while Regulus ran his hand up and down your back just to let you know he was there.
He liked when you knew he was there, he felt like it helped even just a little, especially to make you feel a little less alone.
Eventually you broke the silence with a sight. “I'm sorry.” You felt regulus's hand stop moving, he stayed silent for a moment.
“Why are you apologizing? You haven't done anything.” By the sound of his voice you knew he was frowning, he knew exactly why you were apologizing but a part of him was hoping, praying, that he was wrong.
“For being this way. You shouldn't have to deal with this. We're not kids anymore, I should be over these feelings by now.”
Regulus sat up, making you sit up in the process, reaching over to the lamp on the bedside table turning the light on. “Do you choose to feel this way? Do you make the conscious decision to feel like this?” Regulus was looking you in the eyes with raised eyebrows waiting for a response.
“Not necessarily, but-”
“Exactly, you don't. You can't control your emotions. You didn't ask to feel this way nor do you choose to. There's no point in apologizing for something that you have no control over. Your brain is amazing and beautiful but sometimes it isn't the nicest to you and that's okay. Do you know why? Because even if your brain is mean sometimes it still makes you who you are and you're so amazing, mon cœur. We’ll take care of this together like we always do. It's going to be hard sometimes but it is not impossible, and I'll always be here with you every step of the way, because I love you more than anything, tu es ma raison de vivre, mon amour.”
Regulus cupped your cheek and whipped a few tears you didn't know you had shedded. All you could do was whisper a ‘thank you’ as you threw yourself in his arms. 
You fell asleep that night in Regulus’s arms while he whispered sweet nothing to you.
You weren't better by any means but you felt loved, you felt understood. You knew that no matter how hard things got, Regulus would be there for you, every step of the way.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
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cemeterything · 1 year
you said you grew up by the sea!! can i ask what the sea means to you? i am so emotional about the ocean i've always been so unspeakably fascinated and enamored by it
it's hard to describe because the ocean was such a constant presence that it was just kind of a part of life for me growing up. i didn't really realize how fortunate i was to have it so easily accessible until i lost it when i moved to the city.
i guess the best word to describe it would be "powerful". like i said, you could never forget that the ocean was There, even if you weren't standing anywhere near it. on days when the wind blew strongly enough in the right direction, you could hear it, and smell it. the smell of brine and seaweed was the backdrop of daily life for me growing up, and the town i grew up in was so small that whenever i left the house i was almost guaranteed to pass the ocean on my way to wherever i was going.
the danger of it was simultaneously something you quickly became desensitized to and something you never really forgot. there was always a part of you that knew that the sea could just take you at any time, no matter how careful you were. it wasn't uncommon to see a pile of flowers on the promenade as you walked by marking where someone had been washed out and drowned. pretty much everyone knew someone who had died despite the sea walls and warning signs. there were days when the waves were so strong that even the grey concrete walls that were several feet thick in the most reinforced places couldn't keep them from crashing over onto the walkways.
the beach was sand and stone, and the water was full of clouds of silt too thick to see through even with protective eyewear. you never knew how deep the water was beneath you unless your feet could touch the bottom, or what was down there. it was something you quickly got used to, the knowledge that you'd never be totally safe but were willing to take the risk. most people who got hurt or killed were, predictably, teenagers and young adults who decided to push the boundaries of how much of a risk they could take. i was one of those kids. most of us were. despite being all too aware of the danger, we never really believed that it would happen to us. at the same time, we knew we weren't immune. that's why we did it - for the thrill. i still have scars from all the times i was thrown against rocks and barnacles, stepped wrong while scrambling over rocks and slipped, or was scraped over the ocean floor. i still remember staggering and collapsing onto the shore with my heart pounding so hard my chest hurt after almost being swept out to sea, realizing how close i had come to being drowned or smashed to pieces. i remember shrugging it all off and heading back in five minutes later, accepting that the sea would take me if she wanted me and that there was nothing i could do about it, so i might as well enjoy myself.
knowing how to swim was basically mandatory, even if you never got in the water. if you could learn how to swim and didn't, you were a fool. the local swimming pool offered free lessons, and safety campaigns were a regular feature of school and community event. i could still recite some of the slogans and warnings to you now, they're so ingrained into my head (not that i didn't choose to ignore them sometimes).
small businesses thrived on the waterfront. there were so many cheap food places to choose from when you wanted a snack, from ice cream vendors to hot fried food vans to cafes and corner stores. people didn't even bother to put their clothes and shoes on over their swimwear to cross the road and grab a bite to eat on warm summer days.
body and gender neutrality was extremely normalized. nobody cared who you were or what you looked like; once you were in the sea the clouds of silt hid your body from view, and the water made everyone look more or less the same - like a sopping wet beast.
the natural environment was incredible. there was so much life everywhere - sea plants, crabs and smaller crustaceans, seabirds and fish. you could buy fresh catches each morning from local fishermen. sharks and seals were a rare novelty, a community event of sorts.
community events often made use of the seaside. sailing was easily accessible; even if you couldn't afford your own boat, there was a sailing club with a surplus. the local horse rescue volunteer association i worked at took the horses down to ride by the beach and in the water in summertime, and it was some of the most fun i ever had galloping through the waves, soaking wet and shivering with excitement and cold. there were bonfires on the beach in the fall, and fireworks and hot drinks and stories around the fireside in the winter. it was an incredibly, terrifyingly free place to live, where the only real limits were your own. i honestly can't do it justice in words. i miss it every day.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
What if Male (Y/N) who is tall like 6'6 and he personally was seriously calm and chill and not get angry easley but when they do it angry it was scary
Now one question-
"How the monkey king well react?"
my second request cuz the first one I forgot to say "monkey king" 😅
Hey thanks for the Clarification i'm sorry I couldn't answer your first request because I don't watch demon slayer. But I have no issue answering this one👌👌👌
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(Lmk Wukong) Purrs into your chest like all the time. Your so tall and strong and gentle and Loving. He loves cuddling and spending time with you. One time you were in the middle of a makeout session and exchange was getting Frantic and heated before some random demon came under island and challenged, the monkey came to a fight. Wukong Was mildly pissed from being interrupted And he was getting to the good part. So he told you to remain your spot. Then he will take care of it quickly he'll be right back. But it wasn't all that quick because the Challenger was putting up a good fight And the challenger had the audacity to go and insult. The monkey came on his capabilities of battle. And it was your turn to lose your cool and you jump down leaving a crater on the ground And the next thing anybody know the demon. Challenger was picking up his teeth off the ground and running off. That's what he gets for insulting your monkey king. When you turned back around, you found monkey king half naked on his cloud Drooling with heart eyes he knows he should be afraid But you looked so sexy he couldn't even control himself. What are you waiting for? Come and get your prize big Guy💋💋💋🧡🧡🧡
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(MK Reborn Wukong) He tends to blush a light when he stands next to you. Do you love someone who could just tow or overhim? Then look down with him with such a calm, gentle smile, but he would never admit that. Your calm demeanor also does wonders for his type of personality. You don't get into verbal fights too often because you're calm, Reasonable voice helps with his outburst and sometimes it'll feel bad for it, so he tries low-key tries to remain calm like you but sometimes it doesn't work that way. One day, a group of demons came to try an attack. Master tang but monkey can gotten the way of course and so did you. One of the demons was able to get the drop on him to bleed a little bit. That was all it took for you to absolutely lose your mind. Those attackers were basically cadavers by the time you were done with them. Everybody was slightly afraid of you after that but Wukong He couldn't help but quietly make Sexy promises right in your Ear.
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(NR Wukong) This man is flirting with you on the daily base says. That's because he loves his big man. How you tower over him and you can pick him up with ease. Thankfully, the mask hides the blush and the drool whenever you come up from behind him. You make him very hot. You two were flirting one day until you guys were surrounded by some demon thugs. Of course, he was annoyed that his time with you was interrupted. So he wanted to make this quick so we can get back to you. He was easily fighting them but One of them somehow caught him off. Guard and smacked them dead in his face. And apparently the smack was hard enough to break part of his mask. And that's when you lost it. You are screaming and shouting and yelling profanities as you beat all of them to a bloody pulp. He had never seen you like this. And why is it incredibly turned on by it. After you were done, you picked up the pieces of the mask and said That you would help him fix it. But he said that he doesn't need his mask For what he's about to do With you now.
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(HIB Wukong) He normally sighs whenever you calm around. You're both the chill kind those who wanna be left alone from the outside world. Or his favorite activity being he's alone with you. You can do whatever you want together. Sometimes even adult theme things but that's a story for another time. One time One of Hun Dun's Goons We're Harassing some of the villagers and one of them was bullying little Liuer. That's when you blacked out and turned every single. One of those demons until blood stains and the grass. After that you went to apologize for losing your cool like that but Wukong ran up to To you and kiss you all over your face. In fact, he was frantically kissing you, it was totally out of character Durham. I'm sure you know what happens next???
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(Netflix Wukong) This boy is blushing every second of every day. You are so chill and patient and understanding of him it's insane. Not to mention you love to cuddle him and keep him close to you because you miss him alot. He can handle it sometimes, but he's about to love you even more in a little bit. One day, the 2 of you were spending time together before demons ended up attacking the village again and he went off to go help them. But what he wasn't expecting was for the Demons to start bullying and insulting him. Not taking him seriously what so ever. Of course, this was affecting him a little bit because of his self-worth not being where it should be quite yet. But what he wasn't expecting was for you to completely fly off the handle and run afraid with every single one of those demon invaders. None of them got out alive as you went over to check on Wukong. Baby monkey boy showered you with kisses of thanks. And he's quite happy to know how highly you think of him.
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The Kings Hostage Part Two
He was, wasn't he? Steve Harrington was currently holding Eddie Munson hostage against this wall in a shitty bathroom in an even shittier hospital. Steve's hand was pressed tightly against his mouth and nose, close enough to suffocate Eddie a little as he fights to breath normally. Even with the overwhelming scent of hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol burning the edges of his nose hair off.
A moment passes as Eddie stays frozen in his spot, hands up in the air in an attempt to show the other that he wasn't a threat. He wasn't sure if it was working, but what he was sure of was the fact that Steve Harrington was currently stoned off his gourd. His eyes were way to wide to be the look of a sober mans, they were also extremely glossy. The glossiest he has ever seen, and he's witnessed a lot of men going on powerful trips in his lifetime. Not even his father had that distanced look when he was under the influence which made this whole situation even more nerve wracking. He has never dealt with any kind of drug that was this strong.
Steve's eyes blink rapidly, having a very long delayed reaction as he finally processes that Eddie was safe. He nods his head, mumbling under his breath before something seems to click. "Oh fuck!" he curses as he stumbles back a little. Hand moving up to his hair, obviously in distress over something as he stares down at the floor. Eddie was too nervous to ask the other what he was freaking out over. He doesn't seem to have to as the other nearly flops over.
Eddie moves as quickly as he can, helping the other slide down to the floor. Back hitting the door of a stall, that was not a very sturdy surface to slide down as it pushed back from Harringtons weight. Nearly causing him to fall backwards and crack his head open on the edge of the toilet seat. "Robin... need Robin. Fuck need to find her before the Russians. Can't let them torture her like me." the others mumbling so bad that Eddie barely understands what he's saying. What he did catch though seemed to be ramblings of a mad man.
"What?" Eddie asks feeling like he was out of the loop of something. Eyes carefully watching the others every move. Not letting one single twitch go past his sight, just in case the other decided that their momentary truce was over.
And fuck. Eddies heart breaks a little when he watches Steve, who was younger than him. Still barely an adult, looks up at him with eyes filled with tears. There was something terribly wrong happening, if Steve truly believes that something horrible was happening to him and his friend. There was no way a simple mall fire could cause so much pain and paranoia in someone who's barely nineteen years old. Slight puzzle pieces seem to click into place.
What happened to Steve Harrington that he was apparently showcasing signs of PTSD? Why was he currently higher than any drug Eddie has ever encountered? Most of which were some form of drug that the hospital had, sometimes stronger with the mix of street drugs. His gut was telling him something was off about all of this.
"My best friend... Best Friend in the entire world. Robin. Need to find her. Can't let her be by herself. She must be so scared." He sniffles rubbing his eyes a bit. As if he was unable to control his emotions as if everything that was once bottled was breaking through.
What shocked Eddie was the fact that the guy seemed to genuinely care more about someone else's well-being than his own. Considering the fact the guy was currently sitting bear ass on the floor. More specifically the men's bathroom floor and god only knows what diseases are forming down there.
"And oh god. Dusty Buns and America." Steves eyes somehow grow even wider, and Eddie can't help but be reminded of a deer. Bambi to be specific. Though he's sure he was going to need a translator soon because not one thing the other was saying was making sense.
Their time seems to be up as Eddie hears the security guard coming back down the hallway. Boots echoing loudly, along with his radio constantly making random noises. And oh fuck, Harrington is starting to shake. Face going white as he starts to ramble out words. Moving and trying to hide in the stall, pulling Eddie along with him. How the other could stand up that quickly was beyond him. Nor did he know the answer to why Steve Harrington pulled him in close in a cramped-up stall.
Chest to chest as Eddie stumbles forward and his hands land on the wall behind Steve to keep his balance. Afraid that he was going to accidentally tackle the guy in whatever messed up world he was currently in. Eddies nose brushes up against the others jaw as Steve looks in the direction of the door. Hands shaking as they grip onto Eddie's 'Diary of a Madman' shirt. Wrinkling the clothing together making Eddie look just as disheveled as Steve.
He's sure that both of their hearts were racing pretty bad, he does know that they were both breathing offlay loud. Eddie could smell the others after shave, even though he could see a few stray hairs on the others chin from where he stood. He snaps back to when he hears the door handle of the bathroom Shangle a bit. He thinks quickly as he shoves himself off the wall, forcefully pulling himself from Steve who had a reasonably tight grip on him.
Eddie doesn't know why he does it. But it feels right. Moving his hands back up he lays them on either side of Steves face. Trying to get him to focus. It was such an intimate thing to do but he doesn't care. He needs the other to focus on him. With whatever was in his system and the guard trying to open the door Steve was barley keeping any focus. Eyes moving wildly, and the other was clearly running off from emotion not logic.
He's careful not to hurt the other with his rings simply cupping both sides of the others face watching the way he turns into Jello under the contact. Eyes still blown and hazy as he's forces to look at listen to Eddie. "Listen, I'll handle this. Why don't you get changed and I'll handle the guard hm? Think you can handle that big boy?" He keeps a cavity inducing smile on as he ignores the door for a second. Keeping his words hushed and calm as he makes sure the other understands what was going on before he even thought of leaving the other out of his sight for a second. When there is some form of confirmation from the other, he gently pats the others face. Careful to not hit any cut or bruise.
He pulls back a moment later, moving and picking the clothes up and giving them to Steve. Who presses them against his chest as his eyes never leave Eddie, not even to glance at the door when keys are heard from the other side. Eddie is quick to pull a cigarette out, lighting it as he takes a puff of it as he unlocks the door before the guard could come in. It's been a while since he's needed to act, but he has gotten in trouble numerous times to know how this should go.
He creaks the door open, pretending to hide the cigarette behind his back. Careful not to catch it on his shirt. He puts a more fake smile on his face compared to the one he gave Steve. Eyes meeting a pair of suspicious blue, glancing over Eddies shoulder in an attempt to see if Steve was with him.
"Sir, you can't lock the bathroom door." His voice is stern. Though Eddie can't take him seriously. He was no Jim Hopper. He smiles tightly about to explain when the other finally gets a sniff of his cigarette. "And you can't smoke on hospital grounds." Eyes pinched together as he starts to work to his walkie talkie. Probably to report it. Before he can Eddie begins to ramble out an explanation.
"I'm sorry, It's just.. I didn't want to leave to far from the waiting room. Didn't even think about the no smoking rule, I'll put it out right now. Promise." He does a thing with his fingers, pretending to cross his heart with his free hand. Now not bothering to hide the cigarette. The guard hesitates, sighing after a moment as he nods his head in understanding,
"Alright, don't let it happen again. It has been a long night, and I'll let it slide." He moves stepping back from the door before asking, "Did you possibly see a patient run by? In a blue gown, brown hair and has his face is pretty much dented in?"
Eddie pushes out his lip out a bit, pretending to be in thought as he shakes his head no. "No, sorry. Wish I could help." he smiles. Before doing something awkward with his hand before they both just awkwardly smile at each other before Eddie closes the door. Waiting for the other to leave before locking it again.
Sighing in relief, he moves to see how Steve was getting along. He really doesn't understand how he got himself into his mess but here he was, standing in front of the stall he left Steve in watching him fight to get a pair of shorts on. That were apparently to tight to on him. Though the gown had been forgotten, laying on the ground as Steve fights with his clothes. Eddie pinches his nose with a groan as he watches how ridicoulous the other looked.
"You know what, who needs pants."
This probably has one more part left to it, I just enjoy the format of writing it into parts and posting when finished. Though the entire thing will be put up on ao3 possibly.
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kandyzee · 3 months
What do you think fionas childhood was like 💓
I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY thanks for asking :pp.
I used to be a reallly big fiona fan, so I've thought about this a lot.
I imagine fionas upbringing was similar to Debbie's in alot of ways. They both find themselves in problematic relationships, forced to look after their siblings.
Fiona is mentioned to have a LONG sexual history as early as s1, where she's only 21. Given the lack of attention and validation she was getting, I think fiona has been having sex since she was a child. She probably fell into the "mature for her age" group. Her parents were neglecting her, possibly physically abusing her (we've seen Frank hit his kids in the show), and she wasn't able to get academic validation because she had to drop out. It wouldn't surprise me that this led her into having older bfs and stuff like that.
This makes even more sense to me given how she reacts to her siblins minor /adult relationships. Fiona didn't have anyone to tell her that her relationships were wrong, so when she saw her siblings going through the same thing, she saw nothing wrong with it. Like when she says that ned and Ian is "just sex"
We also see that she , like Debbie and a lot of the other female characters, is scared of abandonment. She tells Jimmy Steve that everybody leaves and keeps going back to Jimmy even though she knows he's bad for her because she's desperate for someone to stay. She rushes into relationships, remember when she married someone after like a week of daiting ?? Fiona has a hard time accepting love even though she craves it. She cheats and ruins one of her most stable relationships. I think that all comes from the way she was treated in her romantic relationships as a child. Of course, a lot of her abandonment fear comes from Monica, too.
Okay moving away from guys.
We know fiona ran track in school and that she was really fucking good at it. This was probably one of the most stable things in her life, an activity away from her siblings and the stress of home. Running is a good way to feel in control. I think fiona developed problems around running ? I'm not sure what exactly you would call it. Fiona would push herself too hard on the track so that she was responsible for the aches she felt instead of them being stressed. I can also imagine having an ED around this time. Her siblings are young, so they're struggling even more with money than normal. She starts to skip meals, and eventually, she finds control in what she eats when she's forced away from track.
I imagine fiona to be relatively popular in school, mainly with guys, but she struggles to keep real outside of school friendships. This changes when she meets Kev and V. I think they probably met after she dropped out of school. V is like 23, I think, in the first season and Kevin 25 ish ? I'm not really that sure, but we know fiona didn't go to school with them. Kevin and V helped fiona a lot, and she definitely needed them. They started to help her with the kids, and for once, she had people on her side. Things get better for her when she meets them.
Baby fiona (5-12) was definitely the in ur face demanding respect, kinda kid. She was sassy and always trying to seem as strong as possible. She will haggle prices for anything and isn't afraid to scam and cheat to get what she needs for her family. But I also imagine her being good at acting sweet. She's a great sweet talker. This is a prominent trait Ian has, and I think he got it from his big sister.
Teens, she's all about drama. Boy drama petty teen girl drama, watching reality TV when she can and stealing gossip magazines. I think she latches onto the typical teen girl image hard. She definitely has a short phase of always getting dress coded. I don't think this lasts that look tho.
Same as in the show, she's always got a new job, sometimes working 2 or 3. She's stressed ofc but learns a lot. She has little hacks and tricks for almost any job. She's resistant in the way she will do anything. Nothing is too dirty or hard for her.
Her relationship with Frank is complex. Fionas Frank's favourite, but she's also the oldest and likely the one he takes his anger out on most. When ur someone's favourite, it hurts them even more when they feel you messed up. I don't think Frank was consistent with his abuse, but it was definitely there. Frank was a 'good' dad sometimes. Fiona gets to know Frank when his alcoholism and drug use wasn't at its peak (He gradually gets worse with age) So fiona got more good dad moments but also felt the disappointment harder as she watched him get worse.
Fiona tells lip (pretty sure it's him) that he's always been Monica's favourite in s1, and I think she has always thought that. Later on in the show, u obviously see Ian and debbie are monicas favourites, tho. I don't see Monica and fiona ever being particularly close. Fiona was hit hard when Monica leaves for the first time, Frank's a mess, and now she has the unfortunate job of explaining that she's gone to her siblings. Unlike her younger siblings, who are probably too young to fully understand what's going on, fiona feels the abandonment full force.
Fiona is 4 / 5 yrs older than lip, right? (Their ages confuse me so bad) so she I'm guessing she was always in a different school than him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if he's in elementary school, she's in high school. Fiona has to miss school to run all over the place and collect her siblings from different places. She might have to be the one to unroll her siblings in school, too, a couple times.
Finally just some random things
She has a purple flip phone at one point that she's super protective of
She loves family movie nights and would try to do as many as possible.
She cried when Debbie was born cause she was so excited to have a sister.
Similarly she cried when Ian was born cause he was a boy and she wanted a sister.
She really wanted a pet when she was young
She has 100s of diary's from yrs and yrs of writing in them (we see Carl read one)
Would always struggle with her hair cause it's curly and v helps her learn how to style it even tho she hardly does
She's the kind of person who finds comfort in sitting on the floor, in the bathroom, bath tub
Had a pink hating phase
Had a collection of different fake IDs by the time she was 16
Definitely got in at least 1 fight in school cause of boy drama
Hated cooking
ANYWAY I love fiona
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
I saw you already have a tag on Harry/Louis physical touches/flirting that are different from the other boys or more than friendly. Which, I agree. But after combing through hours of videos I feel like I always see at least British person comment how it’s just typical British behavior. One even said “Louis isn’t flirting. He’s just British.” I’m American and only been to the uk once so I can’t form an opinion and idk where you’re from/if you’d know but I do wonder about the cultural differences?
Hi, love. With all due respect to my lovely mutuals and friends here, IMO these kinds of discussions only make sense if you’re British or American. I’m neither. So as someone “in-between” that grew up somewhere with enormous cultural diversity and significant influence of both places... it's confusing as fuck why people get stuck in these kinds of things sometimes lol.
I’m from South America and I lived in England for a while so what I can say is that this is definitely a thingTM. British boys are very "touchy" and affectionate with each other, and that ends up being a striking contrast to British adults or Americans in general, that are not touchy people at all. So I do agree that Louis was very British in that sense, he was very touchy with everyone and when he got older he really started owning this very strong cultural background in many many ways. So it makes perfect sense. With that being said, his behaviour never came across as something new to me, people are very warm where I come from, and I can clearly see the difference between what was simply culturally normal to Louis and the kind of physical intimacy he had with Harry. That was a whole different thing, which also came from Harry's side, and the excuse of being "too British" was never used on him, so. Listen... boys will be boys, okay? They're stupid and innuendos are very funny to them and blah, blah, blah. But the thing with Harry and Louis is that it went so much further, them being touchy and affectionate barely scratches the surface. So I think this argument is very superficial, coming from people not looking at it on a bigger picture.
Brits please feel free to add to my post and give your perspective. (please just don't send me anons about it, just add to the post and I will reblog)
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Sugar Fairy One Shot: Namjoon Handles JK's Rut
Story: Sugar Fairy, but can standalone as a one shot Characters: rutting bunny hybrid Jungkook x responsible hybrid owner Namjoon Length: 5033 words Warnings: explicit sexual content, hybrid universe, mxm, handjob, masturbation, so. much. cum., rutting, moral quandry, bi-questioning? or just supportive?, rutting, submissive JK
It wasn’t that Namjoon had never meant it when he offered to help Jungkook through his ruts. The offers had been sincerely made. He just hadn’t ever really thought through what it would mean if Jungkook said yes, because he always said no. Without ever talking about it, Jungkook had identified a hard line himself when it came to family. He insisted whole-heartedly that family was not where he wanted to turn for help with a rut, no matter how desperate he got. Which was good, because Namjoon had sisters, and even the entire family hadn’t felt confident about that line to never be crossed, the whole dynamic might have been different. 
“I won’t die from it,” he always insisted, with big eyes and a trembling lip if he remembered how bad it could get. “But I don’t want to take advantage of pity and kindness…And I’d die if anyone in our family saw me like that…”
Not that there had ever been an issue when they were younger. Namjoon’s parents had modeled good hybrid care never making Jungkook feel ashamed of the suppressants he took, or the visits to the hybrid center when the suppressants weren’t enough for his adolescent hormones. Until he was of age, the help the centers gave was in the form of education and toys, and then later with the matchmaking for heat partners. He was never left to suffer; at the first signs of suppressants not working, he was whisked off to the center, no matter the last-minute expense.
Namjoon learned this process with care, knowing that he’d be responsible for making sure Jungkook’s needs were met once they stopped living at home. He knew the suppressants and when to take them and the off-brand names and tracked when refills were needed, since Jungkook wasn’t good at keeping up with that kind of thing. When they moved out, Namjoon made sure to visit the nearest hybrid centers before they needed them. Once he started making money, the hybrid centers knew he was a sucker for buying whatever toys they pushed on Jungkook when he came around for his occasional rut –a few a year too strong for normal suppressants was decidedly normal at his age. Whatever Jungkook wanted, Jungkook got. Even if it was multiple colors of the same pulsing fleshlight with a poofy washable bunny tail. 
Namjoon was proud of being such a prepared hybrid owner/brother. Because it was true the lines were a little different between he and Jungkook than they were for many hybrid owners, who adopted someone much younger than them once they themselves were an adult. Jungkook had always believed himself to belong especially to Namjoon, and Namjoon believed Jungkook belonged especially to him, even when Jungkook was also considered just part of the whole family. They were brothers! But also not brothers, because Namjoon was older, and human, and sometimes Jungkook seemed even younger than his age. Namjoon knew that wasn’t uncommon for hybrids especially before they reached true breeding age, their life stages a little different than humans. Namjoon read books and watched TED Talks and took his role in Jungkook’s life very very seriously.
So why, why, why had he failed so badly this time?
Namjoon leaned against the door to the bedroom of the suite and felt sick at the pained noises coming from inside. 
He had all the excuses.
He wasn’t used to traveling for work yet and had been so excited at the opportunity, and allowance to bring Jungkook too, that it had distracted him from his usual responsibilities.
It wasn’t the time of year when Jungkook’s ruts usually overpowered his suppressants so he hadn’t expected anything out of the ordinary.
He had packed Jungkook’s suppressants, he just didn’t realize Jungkook had stopped taking them because he thought they were making his face puffy.
He hadn’t bothered going to find a local hybrid center upon arrival because they were only going to be in London for a week.
He had believed Jungkook when the hybrid insisted he just wanted to ride out the symptoms in the bedroom and he’d be fine. “It’s not that bad,” Jungkook had insisted at the first signs and realization of what was coming. “Don’t worry about it.”
“It’s not that bad,” he’d insisted, already sweating and flushed and looking like he needed to vomit. That had been a day ago, long before he’d locked himself in the bedroom and begged Namjoon to never enter on pain of death.
He should have known Jungkook would ignore his own needs in favor of enjoying the trip until it was too late. He should have known Jungkook’s rut would be worse now that he was older since the last time he’d gone through one unassisted. He should have known even a nice hotel like this would have walls thin enough that neighbors called the desk to complain about the noise.
His body flushed with shame at the hiccup of despair from his hybrid who’d now been unseen in the bedroom for twenty-four hours. Namjoon had opened the door only once to pile in food and Jungkook had yelled at him to get out, but the heat and smell of the room had been overpowering. Namjoon had wisely slept on the couch and left Jungkook alone but…
But he couldn’t leave him alone forever. He couldn’t let him just suffer. It was his fault they’d gotten to this situation anyway.
“Jungkook? Hey man,” Namjoon called at the door, knowing Jungkook would hear him standing there anyway. “I’m going to come in, ok?”
He couldn’t hear Jungkook’s groaned, “No, hyung, don’t…” until he’d cracked the door.
“How are you doing?”
“Fine.” The whine, the way his voice cracked, the way Jungkook was nothing more than a dark lump in the center of a blanket nest on the bed, it all said the opposite. The curtains were closed, no lights on, bathroom door closed. The air was stale and heavy with a scent beyond anything Namjoon had been in before.
Namjoon clicked a light on and Jungkook whined and turned his face away. His whole naked body twitched as Namjoon came closer, dark hair and years draped across the white pillows. Usually his hybrid was so shy about nudity but now he just lay there, everything on display. It was impossible not to notice Jungkook’s swollen dick twitching against his stomach, such a dark red shade it was almost purple. It looked painful. Namjoon shifted uncomfortably, feeling sympathy pains in his own crotch. It was strange to see, even beyond this display of unabashed nudity from his hybrid who was usually so shy about it. It was strange to see a dick that at once looked so sensitive but also somehow called to mind a painful need that he was sadly familiar with, having no girlfriend in recent history: the desperation for touch, for relief. Maybe his own had never been that bad but he could feel it now, like an echo of Jungkook’s.
“...so close…” Jungkook murmured. He shivered, his skin clammy and red under the harsh yellow light of the lamp. 
“What’s so close?” Namjoon asked but Jungkook didn’t respond. “Hey I found a hybrid center nearby. I’m going to call our place at home and have them fax your records over and then they’ll let you check in– I already talked to them about it–”
“No.” Jungkook’s head thrashed on the pillow. “No, so close… I can’t move…” He said something too quietly. Namjoon had to lean close, nose wrinkling as his hand touched a damp pillow. No way of knowing whether it was sweat or cum, both which soaked the blanket nest Jungkook had made for himself. 
“I can… carry you,” Namjoon offered. 
“No, no, so close…. Just… just a little more… I’m so close,” he said, voice laced with pleas. His eyes were closed and tears began to squeeze out from the corners of his eyes. The tracks caught the light. 
“You’re almost done?” Namjoon asked. Jungkook nodded, the motions sharp and jerky, like he wasn’t in total control of his body. Namjoon tried not to look down at the way the motion traveled down Jungkook’s body like a shiver, ending with his dick bouncing, but it was hard to miss. Thin cum dribbled from the tip, a gossamer string of it drawn to just beneath Jungkook’s naval. Thicker cum dried across his lower abdomen, flaking, congealed, just a mess. 
“Would a shower help? We could wash off–”
“No,” Jungkook wailed, and curved suddenly like his hips were trying to thrust his dick up into something –or someone– who wasn’t there. 
“Are you sure you’re almost–”
“Just…. More… please, hyung…” 
Namjoon froze, entire body made of stone.
Was Jungkook asking him to…
Jungkook’s arms twitched like he was trying to lift them but they went nowhere. Jungkook, gym bunny, practically made of muscle, and his arms and legs were noodles. How much had he jacked off?! Namjoon refused to look too closely at the sheets, afraid he’d start to calculate how much cum had already been expelled from Jungkook’s body, and yet still his balls were stuffed to the point of pain.
“Sorry, sorry hyung, you don’t have to… sorry.” The burst of words after everything else was so strained made clear the embarrassment cutting through it all. It called on things deeper in Namjoon than embarrassment.
Jungkook was desperate.
Jungkook was in pain.
He was exhausted dealing with this on his own because Namjoon had gotten too excited about his own job and forgotten his responsibilities to his hybrid. 
He loved Jungkook as much or more than he loved himself, and that love was definitely stronger than embarrassment or discomfort.
“Hey, it’s ok. Look, if you want me to uh… to help you, you can say that. I can do that. That’s… fine. It’s fine,” Namjoon said, trying and failing to sound confident. “We’re just people with bodies and it doesn’t have to be any different than when you took care of me that time I had the stomach bug–”
“It wasn’t a bug, you partied too hard,” Jungkook forced out.
“Ok well see, point stands… uh…” 
“It’s ok, hyung, it’s not the same…” Jungkook turned his face away. He still hadn’t opened his eyes, not once, and his chest was heaving with sobs he clearly tried to bite back. 
“Do you want me to…”
“It’s ok…”
“Look I don’t mind helping you but I don’t want to do something you don’t want me to do,” Namjoon blurted out, driven by the pain in his stomach over seeing Jungkook like this. “I need you to be really clear. Do you want me to uh, touch you? I mean your uh… your dick. Just to be clear about it,” Namjoon said. Be direct. Be mature. He’s your hybrid, don’t make him feel ashamed about this. That’s what he’d read in all the literature, so why was he being such a wuss now about putting it into practice? It was just a dick. He had one too! “Do you want me to jack you off?”
The whimpered response wasn’t a clear enough answer for Namjoon. Jungkook twisted like he was going to curl onto his side, but he went nowhere. His dick bounced and a few more beads of cum oozed out.
“You have to answer me. I don’t want to–”
“Yes. Yes, hyung… yes, anything… please… just make it stop, it hurts so bad…”
Shy, careful Jungkook so desperate– it was breaking Namjoon’s heart. He hated himself right now for letting this happen. He clung to that through his own embarrassment as he awkwardly sat on the edge of the bed.
“Ok uh… I’ve never um… I’ve never done this to another guy so– but it’s fine,” he said, as if he could sense Jungkook’s sensitivity to any glimpse of embarrassment on his part. “New life skill. I’ll figure it out, just… uh… communicate. Tell me if something is wrong or–”
“Yah, hyung…”
“Or if you want me to do something different…”
Namjoon looked around for the bottle of lube he knew Jungkook would have had; it lay tipped over on the nightstand, empty except for a dollop smeared on the woodgrain. Namjoon scooped it up before realizing it wasn’t lube, not entirely, but– well, it was enough. It would work. And he was just going to have to not be bothered by someone else’s cum right now because, well, it was everywhere. 
Namjoon approached his task as methodically as he could, smearing the lube across his hands before carefully grasping Jungkook’s dick as he would a sore wrist. Except Jungkook hissed, his chest lifting from the bed as more dribbly precum leaked out –enough precum to make up for the deficit in lube. Definitely more precum than Namjoon’s own cock leaked, no matter how hard he was. Hybrid in rut thing apparently…
Namjoon dragged his hand loosely down Jungkook’s dick, gentler than he would handle his own. Even at the light tough, Jungkook whimpered and gasped, hips twitching as his hands fisted in the sheets.
“Harder… hyung–”
“OK ok I just don’t want to hurt you,” Namjoon said, calmly, gently, in total contrast to the way Jungkook whined as Namjoon slid his palm around the swollen, leaky head to gather more of the precum. 
“You won’t.” Jungkook’s voice cracked but there was a solidity to it that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
Namjoon shifted on the bed so he could use both hands, wrapping them around Jungkook’s dick and trying not to compare it to his own. He wasn’t sure it would be a favorable comparison right now. It wasn’t like he’d never seen Jungkook naked before, not in a situation like this, but bunking together, sharing a shower house at summer camp, whatever. This was not what Jungkook had been packing back then. Jungkook back then had been upset to be smaller, embarrassed to be a bunny, but apparently Jungkook was now… a rabbit. 
Yah, was this too much to be thinking about?! He tried to focus instead on nothing.
The way Jungkook trembled as Namjoon twisted his hands and gripped tighter pulled him back from the nostalgia of summer camps gone by. One of Jungkook’s legs moved, knee bending away as if to give Namjoon more room to work. He squeezed at the base of Jungkook’s dick and dragged up this time. It was like pulling a metal flashlight that had been left on too long and was overheated, just on the verge of burning your palm.
The cry Jungkook let out must have been audible through the hotel walls. At first Namjoon pulled his hands away, convinced he’d just broken his hybrid.
“No, hyung, hyung more– don’t–”
He quickly returned his hands and Jungkook cried out and bucked his hips upwards, fucking himself into Namjoon’s hands. Another string of whimpery cries came out and–
Well, if Namjoon was honest deep within the recesses of his mind… it was kind of cool. It was kind of cool to touch someone and have them react so strongly. He’d never heard Jungkook make these noises before –or anyone for that matter. This was apparently more pleasure than he’d ever given a woman… damn. 
He knew a thing or two about yanking his own dick, obviously, and began to apply those now, experimenting to see what would make Jungkook lift off the bed like that. It was less strange to him when he approached it that way, like a backrub just in a private place. Twisting both hands around and around through the lube, up and down, faster and faster certainly did the trick. Jungkook’s broken cries and incoherent words were the only warning Namjoon had before Jungkook’s muscles all clenched at once. Cum erupted like a pot boiling over, not with force but with volume. The sticky white fluid ran over his fingers and down to Jungkook’s stomach and thighs as his body twitched, every muscle still strained as though he was trying to hold himself still. 
“Please,” Jungkook whimpered, “More… it’s more… so good, it’s so good, hyung…” He drew in a deep, gasping breath like he hadn’t had oxygen for hours but was getting closer to the surface. 
Pulling away would be a mess Namjoon wasn’t prepared to deal with yet anyway, so he just kept going. Any sensitivity Jungkook felt at still having active hands dragging around his dick were lost among the noises and motions he’d already been making. It was impossible to tell whether it was good or bad or too good. Namjoon scraped the cum from his knuckles onto the sheets if it got in his way but otherwise slowed his hands to work it up again, the cycle of rest, build, release. 
“Is slow good at all?” he asked, slipping his palm around and around the head. 
“...s’ good,” Jungkook murmured, mouth hanging open in absolute surrender. 
Now they’d come this far, Namjoon found the shakness had left his motion. Why shouldn’t he give a handjob to his poor hybrid when he was rutting and miserable? It was just care like anything else except private in nature. It wasn’t like they were fucking, he was just… just performing a service. He wanted to be a good hybrid owner, so he wanted to be good at this too. There was a point of pride to it, honestly. 
“Ok, what about this?” he asked, making a tight circle with his thumb and forefinger and fucking it quickly down over the ridge while his other squeezed and twisted more slowly at the base.
“Yes yes yes,” Jungkook panted, more cum gushing out as he slid into another anguished cry. Did orgasm hurt right now? Was it pain and pleasure combined? Namjoon was curious… and secretly a little jealous. He wanted to cum that hard someday! At least once in his life.
He cleared his throat and muttered, “Fuck, there’s really a lot in there… no wonder it hurts…”
“It hurts,” Jungkook parroted, breaking off into a throaty moan as Namjoon closed his hands and pumped his whole dick up and down, trying to work out the rest of that orgasm since there hadn’t been as much. His whole dick was still so rigid though. Without even thinking about it, Namjoon scooped his balls up because that’s what he would have done on his own body and worked those into the rub down. The cries Jungkook gave as more cum fountained from the head, more forcefully now, actually made Namjoon shudder. It shocked him into stillness as Jungkook suddenly bucked roughly against his hand. He really wasn’t into guys in any way he’d ever thought of but damn, it was kinda hot, wasn’t it? Or only because he wanted his dick to do that?
“AH, sorry, hyung, sorry fuck!” Jungkook cried, wrapping his hands around Namjoon’s to hold them tight as he jackrabbited through them. The cries, the way Jungkook’s sweat-shiny body curved and bucked, there was something intimately beautiful about it, ropes of cum dashing across his stomach and chest. Broken curses fell from his lips before crackling off into wordless whimpers and gasps. He grabbed and squeezed his own thighs as his back arched off the bed and his knees bent away and Namjoon felt like he was witnessing Jungkook’s entire soul drain out through his dick.
He’d done that to Jungkook.
Honestly, he felt pretty fucking smug about it.
Jungkook’s breathy whines leveled out as he collapsed back against the pillows, red chest heaving. One arm draped over his face.
Fuck, there was so much cum. Namjoon stared with shock at what seemed like an alarming amount. He had always thought he cummed a little too much but by comparison… 
Speaking of comparisons…. Jungkook’s dick settled against his stomach. Namjoon let his hands hover in the air, looking Jungkook over to try and understand where they were at right now. It didn’t look like Jungkook’s dick was going soft yet but maybe it took time? He honestly had no fucking clue anymore. 
“Is that uh… is there any more?” he asked, not totally sure what he was even asking. There could not possibly be any more cum in that dude’s body.
Jungkook didn’t say anything. His breathing was still labored though not as bad as before. He wasn’t whimpering anymore, which seemed like an improvement. But he still had his arm over his face and he still wouldn’t look at Namjoon, and there was the matter of the still-hard dick.
“Little bit more?” Namjoon asked, trying to sound casual. “You can tell me, Jungkooka.” He hesitated, wondering how reassuring he needed to be in a situation like this. “I want you drained so you’re comfortable and relaxed.”
“I’m in this with you now,” Namjoon added. “No reason to get shy on me now. If I keep going, think I can get a little more out of you or are you done? I don’t want to hurt you.” Namjoon tried not to listen to his own words. Would Jungkook think he was being too much? He was very much not trying to dirty talk Jungkook, just put him at ease, but the whole situation had him a little dazed himself. No one in their right fucking mind could listen to the noises Jungkook was making and not feel it in their gut, especially when they were the one massaging those noises out.
Embracing the mess, Namjoon shifted one more time, settling between Jungkook’s bent legs. He pressed his hands along Jungkook’s thighs and rubbed up towards his crotch, as if there might be hidden stores of cum in there. He rubbed Jungkook’s lower belly, scraping the puddles of cum out of the way and dragging his fingers against Jungkook’s muscles down south. He scooped Jungkook’s balls again, thumbs pressing around the expanse of skin behind them, not quite all the way to Jungkook’s asshole, though for a second he thought prostate… 
He wouldn’t go there unless he really needed to. For now, Jungkook’s shuddery breath seemed sufficient. He rubbed and squeezed along these paths again, trying to drag any last tension towards Jungkook’s dick –hard but less concerning of a color now. He felt more competent now, grabbing and sliding. He wished there was more lube because the cum was drying but–
Well, make do. He leaned forward and spit a few times to add moisture back in. That worked nicely and let his hands glide around with ease. 
Jungkook had removed his arm from his face, Namjoon noticed. He didn’t comment on it. He could see Jungkook’s dark eyes watching through narrowed slits, like he wouldn’t be noticed. A rough yank made Jungkook’s eyes squeeze shut as a pleasured croak choked from deep in his chest.
“Think I’m getting pretty good at this,” Namjoon muttered to himself proudly. He slid his hand back down beneath Jungkook’s balls, pressing to see if he could still do the prostate thing without suggesting a thumb in his hybrid’s asshole. Jungkook’s hands unfurled from his body like limp spaghetti. The words he said were incoherent but sounded like they were supposed to mean something. “Good, huh? Had a girl do this to me once and it was just like–”
Namjoon actually laughed at the shushing but obeyed the request. Probably Jungkook wanted to pretend it was a pretty hybrid girl doing this to him and not have Namjoon’s deep voice break the immersion. He felt the muscles tighten beneath his touch and watched the trembles dash across Jungkook’s flushed skin. Namjoon’s knuckle slid beneath Jungkook’s balls as his other hand pumped Jungkook’s dick from tip to base, slow and tighter. Jungkook’s leg twitched, his foot jerking almost rhythmically with the stroke of his knuckle. 
“Ah, there… bet this will be a deep one,” Namjoon murmured. Jungkook licked his lips but seemed to forget halfway through and just let his mouth hang open. It felt good, Namjoon knew, and was glad Jungkook could finally have some relief after struggling with this for almost two days now. “Yeah, just let it build,” Namjoon said, squeezing a little harder at the base during each stroke. “Hold it in until–”
“Hyung,” Jungkook whined. “Just–”
“Ok ok I’ll be quiet.” Namjoon sighed, but Jungkook couldn’t see. He was just getting into it, ok? He wanted to make sure this was the orgasm to end all orgasms for Jungkook and it could finally break his rut fever and let him enjoy the rest of the trip and assuage Namjoon’s guilt about the whole thing. 
Jungkook’s muscles started to relax. Namjoon wasn’t sure what to take that to mean, but Jungkook hadn’t told him to stop, and his balls were still swollen and hot and his dick was still twitching, so Namjoon kept palming it. The low noise Jungkook let out almost sounded like a pur; he was just relaxing into it, Namjoon realized. Namjoon worked his hands harder, trying to orchestrate every touch and stroke. 
Gradually he increased the tempo and pressure of his hands. Jungkook’s breaths began to fall apart again, rhythm lost. The sighs turned into strained gasps. His eyebrows pinched and he reached up his hand, fingers looking for purchase on a cloth headboard that wouldn’t give him any. He grabbed the pillow instead, and one ear.
“Ah ah ah ah,” he whimpered, tone rising. He pressed his hips down into the bed, tensing beneath Namjoon’s touch. 
Namjoon bit his tongue not to praise him as Jungkook suddenly let out a deep, low strangled groan. Cum squeezed from his dick, milked with every stroke of Namjoon’s fist. He traded his hands over each other, stroking stroking stroking, keeping the motion going to drain every last drop. The strangled noise from Jungkook didn’t even sound human and Namjoon felt a deep envy; he wanted to feel whatever caused that noise. Jungkook’s whole body twisted, like it too was wringing itself out. The cum changed consistency, thinner now, spurts instead of a rush, and then nothing. 
Namjoon stroked several more times until suddenly Jungkook’s hand reached forward. He cried out as he pushed Namjoon’s hands away. For a moment they both just existed, frozen in place. 
Finally Jungkook licked his cracked lips and opened his eyes to slits and groaned out, “I think it’s done… so tired… ah…. Ah, I can breathe…”
“Ok. Good. uh… get some sleep then and shower and then, uh… I’ll see you for dinner maybe or something…”
Namjoon paused but when Jungkook curled onto his side and tucked into the blankets again, he moved out of the way. Already Jungkook looked less flushed and his breathing was calmer, so Namjoon thought he was probably right, it was over. Was it thanks to Namjoon, or were they up against the clock anyway?
Namjoon decided to be proud of himself anyway as he rose from the bed and flexed his stiff, sticky fingers. His arms and hands were coated in cum, some dribble across his pant leg too where he’d been in range. His back was stiff from hunching over. He felt uncomfortable in his own skin and so went straight to the bathroom, stripping down just outside the shower as the water warmed.
It meant something to him that his own dick didn’t get hard until he’d stepped under the water. For him, it gave him the level removed he wanted to feel ok about what he’d just done for his hybrid and sort-of brother. He’d lent a helping hand, that was all, but once his skin was clean and the warm water relaxed his muscles, the concept of pleasure awakened his own body to a need for touch. He felt powerful to draw that pleasure from someone else, even a guy, and he would have liked someone in the shower with him now to return the favor but, alas, it was up to himself.
He didn’t cum quite as good as he’d made Jungkook but good enough. At least it put a cap on his afternoon, unexpected as it had been
Jungkook wound up sleeping until the next morning. Namjoon sat on the sofa he’d been sleeping on, eating cereal as he watched British cartoons before he’d need to head to work. He heard the bedroom door open for the first time but only glanced in Jungkook’s direction as the younger man shuffled forward and sat heavily beside him on the couch.
“How are you feeling?” Namjoon asked, taking the initiative with his casual greeting. 
Jungkook just nodded and looked down at the ground, ears curled forward and practically over his face as he said quietly, “I’m sorry you had to get involved… I was really desperate…”
“Yeah, I know,” Namjoon assured him. “I’m sorry I let it get like this… I haven’t been paying enough attention with the new job and–”
“It’s my fault. I’m an adult, I should be able to take care of myself, you shouldn’t have to–”
“Well I did, and if you’re feeling better, it was worth it.”
“Can we uh…” Namjoon waited for him to find the courage to ask whatever was on his mind, “Can we never talk about it again?”
Namjoon laughed and nodded, “Yeah, man, we can forget it ever happened. No problem. But don’t feel bad about it, ok? I’d take a bullet for you.”
“Yeah but…”
“I’m just saying. But we don’t have to say anything about it again,” Namjoon assured him, and clapped a hand on him.
“Thanks, hyung.”
“And hyung… ah… you’re going to take really good care of someone someday…”
Namjoon’s face erupted into a grin as he stammered out, “Thanks, Jungkook. I look forward to it. You too.”
“I didn’t do anything. I just lay there and–”
“Maybe you’ll find a girl who likes that.”
“No girl likes that.”
“Don’t be so sure. Anyway, looks like you showered, are you planning to go with me today?”
“Yeah. Back to normal. Nothing weird going on here.”
“Yep. All’s good,” Namjoon assured him and went to put his dishes in the kitchenette, glad to have Jungkook back. 
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Cap marvel headcanons I Will integrate into a fic one day but also have Zero basis in canon to my knowledge (this ended up being LONG):
The living lightning is an ancient force akin to the speed force, and the 'true' guardian of magic, being possibly the first 'magical creature' ever created.
The rock of eternity only recently became based on earth, in the past several thousand years, with the planet's deities acting as mountains in the rain cycle - funnels to safely channel the magic back into the Champion. It's a fully symbiotic relationship that benefits the planet and its people immensely.
This means previously the rock has been based on alien planets. Previous champions are ancient aliens, many from species that no longer exist, either because the species died out or evolved into something unrecognisable.
The champion of magic may have inspired the oua (?), the creators and high council of the green lanterns. Ooh maybe an oua was selected as champion, which is how they learned of it!
The living lightning, when not in a mortal vessel, rests in the heart of the Rock in a large brazier, with a smoke lid of white edged with gold in a familiar pattern. It is tradition, or perhaps instinct, for a Champion to light the brazier whenever they visit the Rock. It will be lit for as long as the visit lasts, and be extinguished the next time they come.
Should it choose to take form, the living lightning resembles a washed out combination of each of its previous Champions. Its form is solid and clear, strong and made for battle, but distinctly uncanny. It doesn't leave its brazier, nor speak.
The 'ideal form' of a hero varies all the time, doesn't it? Especially if you're a kid still growing and learning about yourself and the world. Headcanon cap ever so subtly changes features sometimes. Gradually. Height and build changes sometimes. One of the league members has noticed but they really can't prove it to themselves and it's driving them crazy. Billy has no idea.
On that topic, the 'ideal form' also includes the clothes, right? The red costume? If Billy transforms with the intent of doing something outside his normal hero things (ie, attending a celebration), the outfit has every reason and ability to change to reflect that! Everyone expecting cap to show up in his normal gear and ready to throw a formal suit at him to wiggle on over his costume and he shows up in a red and gold set with a little one shoulder cape like 'yeah I have no idea either'.
Cap marvel Is An Adult. Billy isn't, but cap is in every single way that someone could count. This is probably canon but in some fics I think the jl forgets lol. It's still the same soul, just, with an adult filter instead of a kid one. However that filter manifests.
Not sure this is canon too, but the idea of the mind/soul/whatever of cap manifesting as this great impossible mass. A storm, or a tiger, or a barrier of lightning. This giant, untouchable, dormant mass of power and implied Danger™. Again, Billy has no idea. J'onn is eying warily from a very safe distance.
His wiki practically waxes poetic about his abilities and skills in strategy, mathematics, nigh precognition from ability to spot and manipulate patterns. Captain marvel is unbeatable at chess. Batman has lost to him. Billy cannot do fractions and it drives him up the WALL.
The champion, and ONLY the champion, can share his powers. If shazam wants a second champion he has to give a new set wholesale or convince the champion to share. Similarly, those patroned by the champion cannot transform unless the champion is also transformed. Because otherwise that would be too easy for Billy lol.
Every time Billy asks, tawky gives a different canon origin story. Billy has no idea which is true.
Billy's parents died accidentally freeing Adam on their expedition. Probably crushed by rubble :(. The wizard is the only one who knows and really isn't inclined to share, and Adam either hasn't connected the dots or never really noticed they were there.
Cap and Billy love each other, regardless of whatever version their whole thing is. They're the only reason the other remembers self care and that kind of self love, even if he's not sure he deserves it, makes a world of difference with how they portray themselves to the world.
Cap doesn't need to breathe to speak but he never remembers that and has repeatedly choked in water and space. Superman empathises but tries not to find it funny after the third time it happens.
Billy has showed the wizard memes.
The wizard internally refers to Billy as the 'sassy, lost child'. He has a pointy hat like any good wizard but refuses to wear one since Billy keeps asking him to, pretty please.
Cap once won an arm wrestle with superman by pretending to lick his hand. He didn't. Billy would have.
Cap marvel CANONICALLY bites but after the first time he regulates his jaw strength. Thankfully it was Black Adam so no one lost a hand. He had him in a headlock so who's fault was it really.
Ebenezer doesn't have a strong opinion on cap marvel either way. Billy thinks that's almost worse.
The living lightning isn't lightning. It was around before lightning. It is living, however. It is that 'living' that forms the main consciousness of the Champion form, in this case Marvel. Its not sentient or sapient itself, that's the vessel, but it is the building blocks of it.
In dc (again no idea if this has any basis in canon) magic is the fifth state of matter, above plasma. Yes this interferes incredibly with quantum physics and theoretical science. No the magic users don't know how it works either. No they will not help you they have their own research (into the exact same thing) to do.
If the Rock is obliterated cap marvel will die (along with pretty much everything else but irrelevant). However, if he manages to save the brazier, he will continue on. Magic as a whole deal won't be very happy and aeons of magical knowledge and history and artifacts will be lost, but cap will live and can rebuild from the ashes. The brazier is Heavy but enough super strength can move it if you don't mind bringing a chunk of floor. And the rock is so weakened it's literally falling apart but those are the right circumstances anyway so.
#We should be able to put multiple read mores in posts#I had more headcanons than I thought#If anyone has anything proving/disproving any of these PLEASE let me know :D#I'm still pretty new here and I don't know a lot of the canon material#Wish we could get post checks from others without having to @ them I'm not RUDE#but fr if anyone wants to whip out their reading glasses and comically large Well Actually book of references please do#dc comics#captain marvel#dc captain marvel#billy batson#shazam#headcanon#long post#I REPEAT LONG POST#also blanket permission for anyone to use these if they give you Ideas#I really want to write a fic where the jl (mainly superbat) help cap with saving the Rock and fail#But at the last second he swaps to desperately trying to rescue the brazier but his powers failing and he can't move it he's in tears#And superman has to haul it out while someone else carries an inconsolable cap#And when they get outside to safety they're like 'so what's the deal with this over literally everything else in there' and poor Billy just#Has had possibly the worst day of his life his powers fading just tries to scrabble into the brazier (he needs help and its uncomfortable#for everyone involved) and curls up like goodNIGHT and pulls his cape over his shoulders which turns to stone and he dissolves#To sleep and recharge and now the jl is stuck with the source of all magic which is big and heavy and has their unconscious teammate in.#And also it can't leave earth so no watchtower to put it! Very angst hurt comfort identity reveal methinks. HEA ofc#So.... Yeah
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chomperblue · 11 months
Intro Post!
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[Icon made using CIM by Dolldivine]
Hey all! Maeve here, thought I should introduce myself. :)
I'm 26, live in a small town in Hoenn, and often visit family in Alola. I'm the local 'Pokémon Wrangler,' which really just means I take care of any Pokémon in town that end up where they shouldn't. When not called on a job, I sell honey from my Combee hives and jams and berries from my orchard. Many Pokémon consider my property their home, and I don't discourage them from visiting so long as they remain friendly.
My team (or really, the Pokémon who hang around the house the most) is currently six Pokémon strong!
Astrid is my Garchomp and my partner Pokémon. She tends to be standoffish, but she's a sucker for poképuffs if you have them <3
Cassia is my Luxray, she's very protective of me and offers comfort when I'm upset. She's wonderful with kids though, and I take her with me whenever I'm invited to a school to talk about Pokémon safety.
Bryony, my Mudsdale, helps with my work in the orchard and is my ride Pokémon whenever I travel. She's stubborn, like any Mudsdale, but my most loyal friend.
Dusty is my Arcanine, and definitely in love with Cassia (probably the main reason he sticks around). He likes lazing around in the sunbeams on my porch, and I sometimes have to clean up scorch marks when he soaks up too much heat.
Atlas is a Totodile, and adopted rescue from one of my wrangling jobs. He has been adopted by Astrid and she's been taking wonderful care of him; this is unexpected, but promising for Atlas' well being. Atlas loves running around after Astrid and being held by people.
Kiska is a shiny Mareanie (yes, I know her image is of a normal one) who I adopted from Floaroma Sanctuary. She's feisty, but has proven to be a great friend to my established team. I'm definitely keeping her away from the local kids until she's been trained.
That's most of my info! Questions / Asks / Interactions are welcome :)
ooc: As I am developing this blog information about the character(s) may change. Please keep content surrounding my blogs and interactions with me positive and respectful. No NSFW, drugs, or mentions of being drunk/inebriated. Thank you!
Current character list page here: chomperblue.tumblr.com/CharacterList
There are a couple of characters associated with this blog, but Maeve is the official 'owner' and so is the default speaker. Each character will have a tag associated with them to clarify who is speaking on each post or ask response. For example, Maeve is tagged as "#Chomper says hi," and Helena is tagged as "#Helena Posts."
//mod info below!
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[Picrew Here]
Hi! Call me Sundew. I’m a young adult, busy from Uni, based near the Arctic Circle. Please be kind! I curate my internet experience very harshly and will not interact with anyone/anything that makes me anxious. Tone indicators help a lot! (Especially when it comes to jokes) If you’d like to RP or plan an interaction drop me a DM!
I’d prefer if people under the age of 16 didn’t DM me. I want this blog to be enjoyable for anyone, but I’m uncomfortable with privately talking to someone younger than any of my real-life friends. Feel free to send an ask though!
If you want to send an ask to me instead of my characters, just address it to Sundew. :)
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grimmed · 5 months
oc + acc promotion!!
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Name: Taeus
Age: Unknown (adult, presumably in their 20s)
Species: Buzzinga
Hobbies: Journaling, exploring, collecting, playing music!!
Likes: Anything spicy or sweet, warmth, being around others.
Dislikes: The dark, cold, silence.
Positive personality traits: Optimistic, helpful, kind
Negative traits: Jealous, cowardice, quick to assume
--- more info below (long texts + link ahead) ---
Taeus is one of the few(?) Buzzingas still out there, Taeus loves to approach people and make friends! Their open approach and easy going attitude really makes them seem more like a normal monster than a myth, especially considering how active they are with other monsters from other islands.
they're quick to get onto people's good side, though ignorance truly is a killer for them. They try their best to see the good in everyone, and treats everyone the same, because they don't see a reason to be mean to others. Even when around rude monsters, they try their best to be respectful and smile through it all, they treat everyone the same in hopes they'll be treated with the respect they give others, but it doesn't always happen. They don't like being vulnerable around people, they want to be seen as someone who is reliable and strong, so when they're upset, their instinct is to run away as fast as possible, they believe that if monsters see them cracking under pressure, they will see them differently.
They wish to find someone they can trust opening up to, but they just don't know where to start. While they are happy for and admire it, they are jealous of others who are able to express their emotions freely without worrying what others think. They are easy to scare, they are absolutely horrible with anything scary (even though a lot of monster tales are intended to freak monsters out, and that just so happens to be something they're very interested in) or anything sudden, they always plan ahead before setting out to adventure, the idea of getting lost in a place where they can't access their abilities freaks them out too much (and yes, this has happened once.)
They are often quick to assume given by appearance, voice, and the like. They are not explicit about this unless they feel nervous, and try to be as open minded as possible when it comes to communicating. They're pretty good at this, and their initial beliefs usually go away after a few minutes, but sometimes they'll slip out their thoughts/former thoughts without thinking.
- Musical abilities, well thats a given. They aren't super confident in their musical ability, but they're moreso focused on having fun then anything else.
- They can create portals to other islands.
- They can fly! (...Obviously)
- Their music *can* have a soothing effect if played right.
Fun facts:
- Taeus is one of the youngest Buzzingas to exist right now
- Taeus loves to collect flowers! They will often press them in to keep in their journals
- (headcanon) Buzzingas cannot survive in cold climates, and do very poorly when somewhere that is cold. Taeus is not an exception, let's just say their visit to cold island wasn't the most fun.
- They love to sing, but don't do it often.
- Their favorite color is teal
- They like to read in their spare time, they usually read what monsters recommend them.
thats my rp acct! yes i had to make a new one because i realized making a side blog doesnt make it an actual account oops 😭 but it exists so feel free to follow and everything!!!! thank you for reading :)
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ddoxhan · 1 year
happily ever after
I wished, but wonders only exist in fairytales
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word count : 0.7k words
genre : angst; hope was dreadful yet she showed you, wonders
tw : none ?? though it's quite depressing
a/n : uni has been taking a toll on me with assignments and expectations :') trying my best to cope with it and I'm not losing :3 enjoy !!
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a day, 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds. what are the chances that I'd be able to get past these dreadful numbers? and all of them make up only one day out of the many I've endured. I'd try so hard to remind myself that I've got people around me who cherishes my presence so I need to get past these life obstacles. but what if I said, I don't think I deserve to be part of anyone's life because all I am is just a burden and nuisance.
that's just how I've felt, for almost my entire life. if not entire, majority. sometimes I'd get that feeling that I don't deserve to be happy, delighted with the fact that I am so blessed with supportive parents and great friends. I still felt alone, no matter whatever moment we've spent together. It's like I'm bound to this feeling of solitude that would never leave for life, regardless of whether I have people in my life or not.
I've grown tired; tired of whatever life had been throwing at me. when one problem seems to be solved, another kicks in and have me worrying and overthinking it. sometimes it doesn't even need the completion of one problem for another to start. every year, I'd wish for it to be better than the previous one. I'm not even close to half a century and not even to the half of that.
what have I done wrong in my past life? what have I done wrong in this life? why does it feel like I'm being punished for my wrongdoings that I am not aware of? am I not trying hard enough to live this life? every time I throw these questions, there aren't any answers to them. one may think I'm too pessimistic to see the brighter side of life, but was there a brighter side to mine in the first place?
questions with no answer, conversations with no reply, sounds with no echo. emptiness would be the appropriate word to explain whatever I'm feeling right now. I've fought every minute till I feel nothing anymore. I don't know what to feel anymore.
my world revolved around trying to live normally, but was it at the cost of happiness and contentment? trying to live normally only resulted in me being not sociable enough, not striving academically enough, not active enough. just not being enough. I was not enough to be someone who could survive society.
there were days I'd wake up with no worries at the back of my head. however, those days could only stay in the past and never have one again. because I am growing, and I can only wish that I never become an adult as becoming one would only mean I'm expected to suck it up. suck everything up till I'm only just a shell, with nothing else inside of me.
as if I'm not already trying my very best to suck everything up and be the mature one, more problems arise and solutions seem like an impossible achievement. I have only one wish now, is to live normally and see the ending of this eventful life. even if it means at the cost of myself.
at the end of the day, I will end up alone. so why give myself hope that happily ever after was the ending of my story? when every path I took never seemed to be the right one, ning yizhuo, you showed up, brought yourself into my life and just told me that maybe that my pain is a way of life. everyone goes through it but you just had it harder. you gave your everything to the world, then a time where the world gives back to you would come.
you made it seem like my problems were nothing compared when the world was against you. yet you stood your ground and became the best version you could be. being the total opposite of myself, I was attracted to you who was optimistic and strong, both physically and mentally.
and that's when I fell. in love? perhaps. but it didn't just stop there where it grew into admiration. you became my role model in life and it fueled my will to live on.
wonders were only in fairytales but you showed me that fairytales were real.
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flare-dragon · 2 years
Okay, not normally something I do, but:
Jake English ramblings
Thanks to a whole bunch of wonderful posts discussing this dude, he's probably been one of the few characters in any media I've managed to have many complex thoughts about. (How much of it's an internal echo chamber? No idea~)
It's interesting how much can fit into one character in terms of potential and missed opportunities, especially since it takes having the seeds of a good character for such potential to really shine in the first place.
There's lots of characters in Homestuck who fit this bill. Jane, Aradia, Tavros, Feferi, Nepeta, and more. Each characters who had elements of good that never quite got to shine, whether it was simply the nature/course of the comic, the complexity they'd need to show that was unwilling to be put in, ideas that were already formed that (at least to many of us) just aren't as good as what could've been, and sometimes just the nature of having such a large roster that not all characters can share in the limelight.
Honestly, why Jake, of all characters, would attract me seems arbitrary (in all honestly, I didn't see him as much until I figured out a HoH headcanon for him, which opened me up to seeing more of his character. Relatability seems to be important pfft), but he really does strike me as one of the characters with the greatest amount of lost potential (right next to Jane, Nepeta, and Feferi).
(Seriously, Jane and Feferi could've been super interesting with working through social expectations and expected leadership, become explorations of breaking these downs, and Nepeta was an interesting example of kindness amongst the harshness of Alternia, seeing through Karkat and Equius' harsh exteriors even as (or perhaps because) she doesn't see the complexities of Alternian social classes and expectations)
When we look at Jake on the surface level, we see a teen who has all the same bravado and aspirations to adventure as his alternate adult self, shown with the new light of being a complete social buffoon (at least we're lead to believe this; how much is put on comes under all the hidden potential he has as a character)
If only see at this surface level, his cowardice later one feels almost expected, with Grandpa Harley always running, with his final destination being an island with nothing but butterflies and his daughter. The patheticness turned up to 11 by the end of the comic, he seems like he's meant to be the pathetic loser who dreams big but is too afraid to take them.
And yet, when broken down into fundamental parts, we start to see so many potential explanations to his character, we begin to wonder "Who is Jake English really?"
(I wanna say that his descent into "loserdom" by the end of the comic was Hussie basically giving up on him being a decent character or him playing the long game, building him up so that when he falls, he looks spectacularly shitty, which makes me wonder how seriously to take it as part of his original intent)
I don't think I'm gonna try getting into answering the "who" (there's a bunch of great people to check that, such as @4lph4kidz, @abraxas-calibrator and @hemoanarchist), but the fact that he in particular can have so much analysis on who he is and could be, despite how he's treated? It strikes me as super interesting
(Like, you can make those kinda of analysis on the Striders and Vriska, but they've always been treated well in terms of showing them off as well-designed characters - Vriska especially - and Terezi and Jade, as pushed down as they get, still come across as good characters you're meant to like who also have depth, but Jake doesn't fit into this kind of list, and yet he also has so much hidden depth, it's almost paradoxical. Almost~)
How can you have a character who's the "Strong Female Lead but male", as well as "a spectactularly goofy kid", and yet also potentially be someone who purposefully hides his true intentions because he never wants to hurt (himself and his friends) yet always seems to fail that? Amongst all the other things he is and appears to show elements of?
I dunno. Jake just...strikes me as super interesting in that regard.
Very much "full of potential who could be so much", living up to his classpect heheh
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