#by that I mean. when dogs feel uncomfortable or threatened and maybe pop off a little growl
sergle · 7 months
I really really REALLY enjoy when Hugo gets to meet people/kids and gets petted. It's fun for me to just stand back and watch, especially since he'll happily let kids get all up in his face.
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
yandere mw2 characters with a reader who tries running away? (price, ghost, and alejandro)
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Warning: punishments and angry boys.
A/N: hope you enjoy :]!
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Captain “Price” John:
Less pleased about the incident. Cursing out, throwing out his cigar before checking your location.
He's immediately right behind you, yelling your name while catching up to you; immediately grasping your shirt, pulling you onto his shoulder, and taking you back home from the long journey that you started.
Once at home, Price is staying calm, a type of unnerving calm that's extremely uncomfortable. He's sent you to your room, like a child, and doesn't come in till he calms down to talk to you.
— "Why can't you see that I need to protect you?" He asked sternly, arms crossed against his chest as he looks at you sitting on the bed.
You stayed silent — like you always did. You heard him sigh before feeling the weight next to you deepen, signaling he was right next to you. "I just want to protect you. This is for your greater good. I don't want to do the extra mile with you, but if I have to. I will."
His reaction is very... dad like. While he does forgive you, he will not let you get away with it without consequences.
The 'extra mile' is stripping your privacy and removing your social life, completely.
That means that you won't be able to contact any of your friends, family, or simply anyone you enjoy time with. As well as for privacy, you won't be allowed to be alone for more than 2 minutes; having him constantly following you like some type of guard dog.
Need to make yourself breakfast? Let him do it. He's better at cooking; plus, you might hurt youself. Want to watch TV? Sure, just let him sit beside you. Want to head out and do a run? Maybe, depends on the weather. Even then, he's coming along.
While Price is easy to forgive, it doesn't mean he forgets. If the two of you get into a fight, he will bring it back up and threaten you with it. Possibly, add that he should've done more.
Although, the worse he will do is chain you to the bed. Possibly take away any electronics and things that bring you joy (ex: reading books, sleeping with stuffed animals, eating sweets, etc.)
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Simon “Ghost” Riley:
Expected it. Already thought it through, he's already ahead of you, chasing you down with his swift moves. He's efficient to know exactly where you are. The minute you think he's away, he's right behind you, a strong hand against your lower back as he carries you back to the shared home.
At first, he's angry — upset that you would thrash and run off when he has to protect you. But, after realizing that yelling was not doing so well; he was forced to put himself in your shoes.
I mean... waking up in a random bed, in the middle of nowhere, and somebody you thought you could trust; it's a big deal to process.
That being said, he will leave you alone, then come back with dinner an hour later. Sitting down in the bedroom with you and looking at you with a intense look.
— "Look, you don't have to speak. That's fine. Just let me talk." He stated, grabbing a chair and scooting it closer to the bed, sitting on it with a sigh and a few pops coming from his knees:
"I understand you're upset. But I need you to understand I'm doing this to protect you. For this reason, because of what happened today, I'll need to some change things."
His reaction is more... stricter after this incident.
The 'change' around the house consists of him being too over your shoulder; stripping your privacy by 90%.
Being in the bathroom for more than 5 minutes? He's knocking on the door, asking if things are fine. Want to go outside? Sure, but he has to be with you. Showering alone? Yeah, no. He's either joining you (with consent) or staying the in bedroom to watch you.
All the windows and doors are placed under severe locks, and some of them are insanely protected to the point its almost bolted shut.
At night, his grip around you is much tighter. He's always staying up later, watching you as you read books in bed or TV, whichever one you prefer. He'll try to strike up a conversation, watching your body language and skills.
While he is mad, he won't hold it up against you. Ghost would rather forget about it and move on. That doesn't mean he forgets. If this does happen again, the consequences are not lighter, rather semi-harsher.
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Alejandro “Colonel” Vargas:
Stunned and displeased. At first, he was shocked; he thought you didn't have the guts. But, what did he know?
Much like the others, he's completely onto you. A trained soldier who's much faster than you. He's catching up with you, like a game of cat and mouse that's about to end.
In a second, you're caught in his hold, and quickly pulls you into a forced hug. him insisting that you need to calm down.
Sure, he's angry — you could've gotten hurt. Or worse. But, he hides it; doesn't show it to scare you or make the situation worse than it is.
Immediately, he's giving you space. He's going outside, leaving you alone in the house to think it through before approaching you with your favorite food and drink.
— "I understand you're scared, I know you're confused, mi amor. I do." He stated, crouching in front of you with his hands surrendering in a 'peace offering'.
He looked at you, watching your lip tremble with uncertainty. He reached over and grasped your hand, watching your body language before continuing to talk.
"But you don't have to be. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? What you did today, isn't your fault."
While he does blame the two of you, he mostly blames himself. Much like Ghost, he forced himself into your shoes; witnessing your confusion and uncertainty about the situation.
His reaction is guilty, and anger. They're both portrayed as him, he's upset at himself for not showing you he's not capable of protecting and loving you. While his reaction is more different from the others, he's more concerned about your opinion of him.
Though, he will do extra things to make this doesn't happen again. He'll have Rudy come over more, and have cameras set outside. Specifically in the entry and exit areas.
Certain windows and doors are bolted shut. The doors he and Rudy come in have certain locks and passcodes.
Just like the others, he will be more observant and coddled around you. If you decide to cook, he has to be in the same room or participate in it. Wanna head outside and shop? Sure, just don't shove his hands around your lower waist or back. Let it stay where he wants to put it.
During the night, he makes sure to hold your hand and cover you more. Kissing you and showing you he's not a threat. Buying you things and spoiling you more than he should. But, you deserve it.
Although, he will give hints that the next time you do this, he will make sure everything will be a bit more difficult.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking. Stay well!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Hi I need to ask a favor of you... Can we get like,,, the reader trying to set cc!dream up with a friend of theirs and he actually likes the reader so we get like dream trying to say that he likes the reader. Idk if this makes sense but I just want a dramatic like "ARE YOU DUMB" moment. Thank u, I'll exit the stage.
Okay so long story short, I had a series about Dre that I was going to write (like a million years ago even before e!k) and I tuned up the confession scene because it fit with the request. Idk idk. It was back when I was having my romance novel phase. N E WAY. happy reading :) ♡ g
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𝐄𝐆𝐎 & 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. ♘ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
± warnings: language, angst, being so overdramatic, mentions of rivals to lovers, being in a shower, kinda cringe ngl
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Dream eyed you over his glass from across the table, his legs long enough that he was invading your space beneath the surface. His green eyes burned into you, which you attempted to let roll off your shoulders innocently. Your friend was talking up Sapnap, completely destroying your plan put in place. It seemed like Dream could tell what you were up to as well, and by the look he was sending your way and the tension in his shoulders, you could tell he wasn’t in the mood for it. Sapnap asked the girl beside you how she was doing in her classes and before he could boast about his own achievements, you butted in. “You know, Clay’s ranked fourth in our sociology class.” Dream rolled his eyes as your friend’s brow perked at your statement.
She cracked a grin in his direction. “Oh really? You some kind of a genius?” She joked, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
Dream chewed the inside of his cheek and folded his hands together on the table, uncomfortable now that you had shifted the subject matter to him. “Uh, I wouldn’t say that. It’s an intro course so…” he mumbled. She hummed in response and he wet his lips.
You jumped into the small bit of silence. “Come on, don’t downplay! He’s also helped me pass calculus last year,” you boasted. Dream shut his eyes briefly as if it were taking every ounce of his being not to scold you. You didn’t care.
“That’s awesome! I’m actually a mathematics major,” your friend eased. “Maybe if you are some kind of genius you could help me figure out homeomorphically irreducible trees sometime,” she jousted with a small wink. Dream chuckled and you thought maybe… finally… they were clicking. You knew you were right, you knew they were a perfect match. Dream just had to put forth a bit more effort.
Dream’s eyes flashed to you again briefly, as if a symbol of telling you he’d kill you for pushing this. “Oh, I don’t know anything about math really, but Sapnap knows a lot of the math professors,” he turned over with a soft smile, sending your friend back into Sapnap’s metaphorical tract. The two started rambling to each other and Dream shot you a dirty look. “Cut it out,” he bit, barely loud enough for you to even hear. You took this as a challenge.
Another round of drinks came to the table, Dream had yet to completely finish his first as it seemed like something was weighing on his mind. You had gotten into the habit of picking up every subtle tick he had and picking at it. You silently listened to the conversation between Nick and your friend as it wound down, giving you the opportunity to strike up something else about Dream. “So Clay, what was your beer pong average last semester?” You asked, taking a sip from your straw innocently.
He sent you a deadpan expression, but Sapnap answered for him. “Oh, trust me, Clay’s the one you want on your team at every frat party,” he praised. You knew how much your friend liked the whole idea of winning pointless party games.
“I think it’s time I walk you home,” Dream mumbled after standing before you could answer. You followed him out of the restaurant, sending your friend and Sapnap an awkward grin. They had barely noticed anyway; too caught up in their own conversation. You jogged a bit to catch up to Dream as he shoved his fists in his pockets. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He grumbled.
You furrowed your brows, nudging his arm playfully. “What do you mean? I’m trying to get you laid!” You chided. He rolled his eyes again. “Loosen up! Come on, she’s pretty isn’t she.”
Dream sighed deeply. “Of course she’s pretty. Just quit with meddling in my sex life,” he hissed.
You laughed mockingly. “You are so tightly wound!” He pushed the door open to your building. You could tell you were pushing his buttons as he pursed his lips instead of firing something back at you. “You’re such a killjoy,” you joshed, pinching his side.
He swatted your hand away, attempting to ignore you. “Quit.”
“Fine, whatever. Go home and make fast with your hand.” That was it---the last push.
Dream grabbed your arm and yanked you down the hall behind him. You could practically see the steam rolling off his shoulders as he turned a corner and you began to grow tense. You knew he'd never hurt you but the sheer anxiety of what he was going to do next weighed on your conscience. Had you gone too far this time? You'd pushed him past his limit before, but he'd never taken you with him when he needed to remove himself from the situation.
You were shocked as he threw open the door to the communal showers, your brows knitting together in confusion as you began to claw at his hand. "Clay, stop! What are you doing?" You gritted, struggling against his grip. He threw open one of the stall doors and tossed you inside, your back hit the linoleum tiling with a quiet thump and you glared at him with scolding eyes as if to bite ‘don't you dare touch me’ into his skin.
He pursed his lips as if his anger was threatening to boil over and he turned the knob behind you, instantly soaking you and your clothes in freezing water. You painstakingly jumped for the dial and he grabbed your arm again, pulling you inches from his face. "You need to cool the fuck down. I'm serious!" He snapped.
Your eyes felt like they were going to pop out of your head in disbelief at the audacity he had. His jaw tensed as he glared at your features and you drew his arm closer, turning on your heel so he replaced you in the water. His reaction was subtle to the dowsing; instead, he released his grip on you. "What the hell is your problem!" You yelled. This was unknowingly becoming your breaking point. You hadn't woken up that day and realized today is the day I choose violence but Dream's medieval form of communicating with you was striking a hidden nerve.
"My problem? MY PROBLEM?" He let out an exasperated sigh, turning slightly to twist the knob for hot water before laying into you. Why he didn't just turn off the water was unbeknownst to you. "My problem is you!"
You rolled your eyes heavily. "Me?" You tsked at him. "Why don't you get a fucking life-"
"Are you really that fucking stupid?" He bit. Your disgusted look you made sure to exaggerate twisted something behind his eyes. The shower began to produce steam over his shoulders. Dream's hair had begun hanging in short ringlets around his ears. His long-sleeved t-shirt clung to his body enough that you could see every dip in his chest. Every breath he drew in to calm himself down rippled through his silhouette. In the slightest way, it seemed as if the dragon was finally baring his soft underbelly to you.
His hands balled into fists at your look of disbelief at him calling you dumb. He groaned deeply, bringing his palms to his eyes and gritting his teeth. He then pushed his fingers into his wet hair, plastering it back from framing his face. Dream's bright eyes studied you with his features set in stone. "How could you not realize?" He let out a short exhale, his hands seemingly gripping for his own thoughts as they moved with his search of words. "I know you aren't as aloof as you put off. I know you know that I-" he stopped himself short with an aggressive shrug of his shoulders. It was almost humoring to see him standing like a wet dog in front of you and at a loss for words. That big head of his was proving to be a difficult landscape for him to form sentences. "... That I-" he bit into his lip, frustration settling into his brow.
You rolled your eyes again, your wet clothes feeling uncomfortable as they began to shrink against certain parts of your body. The steam from the water was enveloping the two of you in the small space, but your close stance kept a breath of clearance in your visions. "Spit it out, Clay. Obviously, I'm too dumb to put two and two together. You're gonna have to man up and get over it," you snapped and his eyes flashed up to the ceiling.
He gritted his teeth again. "Fuck. What am I trying to say?" He hissed. The gears in his head were beginning to rust with overstimulation, and you could tell. He was hesitant as if debating what would be his next move. The tall man before you was slowly unraveling into unarticulated emotions. The minuscule thought tugged at your mind that Dream was attempting to tell you he felt something for you. It was oddly satisfying to juxtapose your ill-fated seven minutes in heaven experience when you had met him with the close, wet atmosphere you were in now. Even back then Dream couldn't figure out what to say.
He swallowed, his anger had melded into something less aggressive and more inwardly scorning. "I care about you," he blurted, his voice coming out uneven. He wasn't nervous and it seemed as if he'd practiced this in the mirror yet was crumbling under the pressure of you actually standing before him. "I care about you," he repeated, his face still tense and severe.
You were taken aback by his simple statement, awaiting his next move. You didn't dare arrest your eyes from his, your mind blurring about what to say to his confession. You knew that was big coming from him at the way it tugged at your heartstrings, making you blush in the ferocity of the steaming stall. The beat of silence was broken as he took a step toward you, taking your face into his large hands in a gentle gesture. His fingers threatened to snake into your hair as his thumb traced the bend in your jaw. Droplets of water fell off of him to splash against your sopping wet clothing, the warmth of his figure nearly pressed against yours sending rushes of goosebumps across the plain of your skin.
His eyes searched yours as he hesitated, as if savoring being close enough to taste you, yet the anticipation of sealing the fated and quarrelsome air between the two of you with his kiss was nearly too unrealistic for his mind to comprehend. The pad of his thumb brushed lightly against the flesh of your bottom lip as if he were wondering if the shade was their true color, all of his movements completely foiling the way he'd always handled you.
His look of desire and unsteadiness gave him the appearance of an explorer wandering around a foreign planet with the consistency of practice but restraint. You'd heard other girls talking about being with Dream---a fumbling night of drunken fun or a quick use and jading---but the Dream standing before you now seemed to be his own breed. You let your mind flicker to the fantasy that maybe the boy itching to mark you was a figment of him reserved and stocked only for you.
You found yourself leaning on your toes as his eyes began to close, drawing you in with his subtle caress. The water thundered down against him as his towering frame shielded you from the shower, the sound of its stream bouncing off the floor and your matted articles of clothing mixing with Dream's soft breath. As he pressed his lips against yours, it seemed like he was hesitant as if you'd snatch yourself away from his cradling like you always had, but sure enough, your sneakers were glued to the floor beneath you. Wherever you were going in the next few minutes would be to follow his lead.
His fingers dipped into your locks, bringing you deeper into his gesture of passion. Your mind clicked into the reality of the situation as your shoulders sank into a sense of calmness. Your hands found purchase around his waist, wanting to reassure him that you were reading his actions as your fingers traced the lines and dips in his back.
He kissed you with a needy passiveness that bled into the echoing taste of mint, bitter coffee, and the soft embrace of his mildly chapped lips. You'd been close enough to him in the past to dig your nose into his clean scent, but as he pressed against you, it was all you could focus on. He kissed you as if his lips were studying to be experts on your own; a kneading of exploratory gentleness met with a keen sense of wanting to pour everything unsaid between the two of you into this action. It was like he hungrily wanted to know the curvature of your mouth like the back of his hand.
He broke away from you breathlessly and your floating sense of calm clouded and compacted your words. You hesitated to open your eyes as you felt him settle his forehead against yours, not wanting to extract himself from you yet. You subtly enjoyed the fact of sharing air with him as you drew in a deep breath, the taste of him still lingering in your mouth. You wanted that taste to live on your tongue.
Clay stepped back, shrugging out of your hold reluctantly. His hand moved to settle over his mouth as if he was silently apologizing for the suddenness of that action. Your mind was running wild with the thought of him. You parted your lips, stunned enough that you could barely remember how to stand on your own let alone string together a sentence.
He swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding your eyes. "I- um," his tongue darted across his lips and you yearned at the fact that you wanted to be pressed against him again, selfishly needing to be tangled among his long limbs or you'd surely die. "I'll see you around," he stated, undoubtedly noticing how verklempt you were and what kind of effect he'd had on you.
He moved to step around you and your eyes glued to where he was standing before. He halted when his shoulder brushed against yours, his gaze turning to trace against your features as you struggled to meet his eyes. You knew he was biting back a smirk as he went on his way again, leaving you to decompose at the mental imagery of him.
You heard the door swing shut behind him and you pushed your wet hair away from your face, turning off the water. As you stepped from the stall, you met eyes with a girl who perked an eyebrow in your direction. She froze in the middle of brushing her teeth, having obviously seen Clay leave, and at the sight of you, she smirked. “Alright, alright. I see you, Elizabeth Bennett,” she winked, swaying a bit before continuing on with her routine.
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Dream Tag List: (follow this link to be added ;))
@karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @more-like-reyna @honk-izzie-was-taken @marrymetheonott @froggyy06 @ghoulandghost @savingpluto @marshmallow-babe @drunkpumpkincake @unstableye @tinyegg @behzzyboo @darphobic @twist3dtinkerbell @sparkletash @lindsayhunz @shroomieissmall @mintmochiii @clubfairy
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
prologue, chapter one, chapter two
Derek rolled his eyes, slinging an arm around your shoulder roughly, his cheeks rosy with an alcoholic glow. The pint of beer in his hand sloshed dangerously, threatening to tip over the side until you righted him, shaking your head at the man's actions.
"Oh come on, not one anecdote of your childhood with our resident genius? I need to know what the kid was like, I mean, did he wear sweater vests as an eight year old? Did he always talk as fast as he does now? How did you two even meet?"
Your eyes rolled playfully.
"Please, Y/N, we've been dying to know what our Boy Wonder was like as a kid." Penelope took another long pull of her drink- probably too long of a pull given the amount that she had already had. Everyone had been drinking that night, which made sense provided that the team was at a bar. The case had ended fairly quickly, the unsub playing right into the waiting hand of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, and it had sent you all home within a couple of days.
Penelope had been the one to suggest a bar. Her waiting figure had been posted at the elevator doors, a rather pointed look thrown in your direction, one that screamed 'You can't get out of this even if you tried', and you had looked to Spencer almost immediately. You had noticed yourself doing that these past couple of months because, even with all of the history weighing the two of you down, pulling you like sinking stones to the bottom of the murky, muddy water, the two of you hadn't said much to each other at all. In fact, you could probably count the number of interactions since that first day on one hand.
That first day.
You poked at the olive at the bottom of your brink ruefully, popping it into your mouth, relishing in the remnants of the vodka lying on the glass.
"Are you just gonna stare at me from behind that fridge door or are you gonna say whatever it is you're thinking in that big brain of yours?"
The coffee in your mug warmed your hand, which worked well for you. Your body was still attempting to find itself accustomed to the dreary weather surrounding Quantico, and you would be damned if you were to say you were entirely de-thawed from that morning's walk in the gloom.
The scent of the stale coffee sloshing around in the navy blue mug was enough to make you want to toss it into the trashcan all together, but you knew good and well enough that you would force yourself to drink it all the same. The coffee you had that morning was wonderful, good enough to make you long for it as you gazed into the mass-produced black coffee from a Mr. Coffee machine that looked like it had seen better days.
Spencer Reid righted himself from where he was previously crouched in a position in which he thought to be rather stealthy.
He had been waiting all morning for the perfect opportunity, waiting an agonizingly long time, sitting through dozens of handshakes, introductions, desk tours, all of which he had stayed painfully silent through. The team had watched as your initial greeting had made Spencer's face pale, how your eyebrows had scrunched at the lack of response from the Reid man, how the two of you seemed to skirt around each other- well, that wasn't entirely fair. You weren't doing the skirting. It was Spencer.
Spencer was the one who was avoiding you like the plague.
And, you had noticed, of course. Just like you had noticed how his eyes had followed you as you stood from your newly claimed desk, empty of any personal markers, void of any personal belongings, and made your way into the break room for what he knew was your second cup of coffee that day. He had seen you grab that first one, he knew that now.
As if you were a magnet, Spencer had found himself standing, his feet directing him toward you as if he had no control over it. No control at all, and it suddenly felt like he was no longer in the FBI building. He was no longer wearing his converse, sweater vest, and FBI badge that sat proudly on his chest. No longer did he feel as though he were 29 year old man, 6 feet tall, 2 inches. No. No, now, he felt as though he were that tiny little child who still hadn't hit their growth spurt. That small child whose best friend was taller than him, a fact he found a bit embarrassing because she was a girl and just about every book he read portrayed men as the tall, strong protectors and he was dutifully failing that role and his best friend seemed to have no trouble picking up the slack.
He felt as though that tiny little child had replaced him in just that instant, reverting back to the small boy who would've followed you anywhere without question, without hesitation, because he trusted you that much.
All those moments of trust, the moments of dancing in basements, or you encouraging him to jump off a high tree branch, or even showing him how to do a neat trick on his bicycle (he had fallen quite badly after that one, but he hadn't even let you apologize because the problem did not lie in your teaching methods, it simply laid in his inability to do anything remotely active). It all came rushing back to him, echoes falling upon his ears as he attempted tp act casual, hiding behind that fridge door and pretending to inspect the contents. Well, that is, until you had spoken.
His lips pursed, eyes flickering up to peak over the top of the fridge and peer at you. His fingers twitched, closing the door and reluctantly rising from his hindsightedly awkward crouched position. Your eyes fell to his fingers, lips almost quirking at the corners when you noticed they still did that thing.
That thing they had done almost since the day you had met him. That thing where they moved, like re-wiring a bomb, or turning the pages of a book only he could see. The things where they danced upon the moth air, catching your attention and letting you know that his nerves were at an all time high. When you were children, it acted up whenever the boy was uncomfortable, spiking when the two were surrounded by bullies, or when he had to go home early (he didn't quite enjoy being home all too much back then). The memory of the Reid's slender fingers dancing that same dance almost made hers begin her own. Her hand twitched, as if to reach out and grab as she did so many years ago, as she had always done. Her hand longed to reach out and grab his in her own and give him that smile- knowing and reassuring, letting him know that she was there, that he was safe, and that he had no reason at all to be nervous.
But she didn't. Her hand remained at her side, and Spencer shoved his hands into his pockets just as soon, rocking on his heels awkwardly.
It was quiet for a moment, only the hum of the newly purchased refrigerator to fill the abyss blanketing the two agents. The old one had given up almost three weeks ago. Spencer could still remember the smell it had reeked when the team had discovered just how broken it was. Penelope had told them when they had gotten back from a case, ranting about how her milk had gone bad, cheese going rotten and they hadn't quite believed her. "Are you sure it's plugged in?" Rossi had asked teasingly to which the blonde had scowled and turned on her heel, Derek nipping at her stilettos.
They had soon discovered that the tech analyst was, in fact, correct, the smell putrid and intense  enough to make the Reid man's eyes sting when he opened the fridge. Hotch had to make room in the budget but he had chosen almost an exact replica of the old fridge. The only difference was that this one was new.
"I never thought I'd see you again." You broke the silence. It was true. Because you couldn't quite remember the last time you had thought about him. Those months after he had left he had been all that you had thought about. Your best friend. Spencer. Your Spencer. And he had just...left. Just as you had always known he would, so you couldn't even particularly act surprised about it, but you could act 'mopey' as your father had called it with a grumble.
He was all you had thought about because best friends don't just stop being friends just because one moves away, they stop being friends because eventually someone loses interest in the other and right now you couldn't quite remember if that had been you or him.
Spencer's lips screwed up into that uncomfortable smile that he had done as a kid and now looked even sillier on his fully-grown and matured face. "Me either."
It was hard enough for him to get that sentence out and it was two words. Two words and three syllables and it was enough to make him dizzy because he just felt so...bare. He felt vulnerable and insecure and slightly embarrassed because here, in this building, in the Behavioral Analysis Unit he was.. well, he was Spencer Reid. He was boy genius, the kid who was a child prodigy, could read at incredible speeds, had multiple PhD's, and seemingly knew everything about anything. He was a superhero. Okay, maybe not a superhero, but at least in this building he could imagine that some people actually thought of him that way.
They admired him for his intelligence and they didn't see him as that dorky kid from Nevada with a schizophrenic mom who sometimes forgot to feed him. And now, you did. You, who had played cops and robbers with him in his backyard or returned books back to him with the pages dog eared that always drove him nuts, or picked out peanuts from your ice cream because you hated them. You would see him that way. As the way that he had tried so incredibly hard to bury, and Spencer felt his throat close up at the notion.
"Did you follow me here?" It wasn't what he meant to say. It wasn't what he wanted to say at all. He wanted to ask where she had been. What she had done, who she had met. He wanted to know it all but what had come out was a snarky remark that implied the girl had nothing better to do with her time than follow around a boy she had met so many years ago and while he was hopeful she wouldn't take it as such he saw that familiar twitch of her brow and narrow of her eyes as she let out a scoff.
"Funnily enough, they recruited me, are you sure you didn't stalk me and send in that paperwork yourself?" Your words were light, light enough that any passerby might have thought the two were joking around but he knew you. He knew that the fierceness in your tone was a warning, an indication to your ever-growing temper that always had a tendency to flare up at both the worst and best moments was in the process of rising.
Spencer's eyes widened. "I didn't, I wouldn't- I haven't thought about you in decades, actually-" Your lips pursed and the Reid man's hands flew form their place of rest in his pants pockets and began to fly in the air around him as he tried to fix his mistake but he had never been quite as skilled as you with the whole social interaction side of friendship and very quickly the man felt himself making things worse. "That's not what I meant. Look, I just find it a bit strange that you're here-"
The coffee stirrer in your hands halted in their movement as you pulled it from the light brown pool of liquid sitting in your mug. Your fingers flicked it into the trashcan, nodding stiffly. "Well then." Your hand tipped your glass to the man who was trying entirely too hard to conceal the panic racing through his mind. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. JJ offered to give me a tour of the place, I think I'll take her up on that-"
"Y/N-" he hadn't moved form his spot, despite his brain yelling at his feet to move. Spencer could've been glued to the floor for all he knew but what he did know was that he simply was not budging. You turned with a confused look on your face, one that made his stomach churn because his behavior had caused it.
"It's fine, Spencer, we were friends as kids, doesn't mean we have to be now." His mouth opened, lips parting to say something, anything to keep you from walking into the bullpen, unaware of his internal conflict to you bring in the building rather than just thinking he was the world's biggest jerk, but nothing came out and your hand waved in the air passively. "It's okay, Spencer, seriously."
And with that, you had left.
The team stared at you expectantly, awaiting the answer to Penelope's inquiry and you threw a glance over your shoulder, landing on the genius to your left. You had all chosen a booth to sit at, close enough to the bar to retrieve drinks and far enough away to avoid the issue of crowds. The Reid man was pressed against the wall side of the booth, eyes glued to his drink of choice- a water, as far as you could tell but you didn't question it (Had you questioned any of his decisions in the last couple of months? No, that would have required talking.)
Your hand dropped the olive skewer softly, easily placing a faux smile that hurt your lips to create, eyes on the child prodigy shrinking his body so far into himself you thought he might collapse entirely.
"He was a good friend."
Penelope rolled her eyes, Emily booing as Derek through a pretzel that landed squarely in your curls. Hotch and Rossi watched in interest, JJ giggling at the teams antics but you weren't watching them.
You were watching him.
The stiffness that had taken over his posture, the stillness in his breaths.
"A good friend? That's it? Oh come on, sweetheart, we're gonna need a bit more than that, give it to us." The Morgan's eyebrows danced upon his forehead in a way that made you laugh, your eyes closing for the briefest of moments. But the moment was fleeting enough to let Spencer look at you, eyes flitting from the condensation on his water glass he had been concentrated on for the better half of the night to you. Your head tilted back, neck exposed as you chuckled. Your eyes were closed, just that happy grin consuming your features and he could imagine that he had been the one to cause it, just as he had done so before all those years ago reading the back of popsicle sticks and Laffy Taffy wrappers in funny voices because he knew that it made you laugh no matter what. He could imagine that he hadn't screwed up all those months ago, that he had pestered you with the questions that had stormed his mind that day and continued to flood him everyday since and that he was sitting next to you as he should be now. That the two of you were... the two of you once more. As you should have been. As it always should have been.
But then the moment was over and your eyes were opening to find Spencer staring at his glass once more.
"I don't think I will." Your smile drained at the sight the man and you deflated slightly, letting out a puff of air before holding up the empty glass, focusing your eyes back onto the Morgan. "But I will grab us all another round."
The chorus of boo's followed you like a billowy cloak wrapped around your shoulders and you turned on your heel without a second thought, heading to the bar for another drink.
TAGLIST- message me to be tagged:)
@fangurl215 @lauren2408 @moonstarrnghtsky @uwu-sebastianstan
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thequeenb · 4 years
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Pairings Poppy x MC
Zoe dragged me into this frat party where once again i had to see Poppy's face. I grew fond of her cruel words and her sharp glare. Everywhere i go i feel like i am being followed, that must be because everyone is so interesting in our stupid fights.
I am now sitting on a bench as the loud music consumes me. Zoe is playing beer ponk with the boys. She insisted on playing but i wasn't in the exact mood for that. Luis practically got offended saying he wants to team up with me again and kick their asses.
I chug the bitter liquor from my cup as i feel it burning my throat. What am i even doing here? Tomorrow i must grade the essays Professor Kingsley gave me. I probably drank more than i intended too but that's because of my latest encounter with Poppy.
As i stand up someone bump into me and the remaining liquor on my cup goes flying on my new shirt. Great, just what i needed. I glance up and see Veronica put her phone away looking at me apologetically. I never saw her alone without Poppy's dogs but now she looks different, more carefree
"You should really watch where you are going" she says smirking "here let me" she grabs a handful of napkins from a nearby table handing them to me
I roll my eyes "Maybe stop being on your phone that much"
Veronica chuckles sitting beside me "My followers will hate me if i do"
Wow how soothing. I try to clean the remaining alcohol knowing well it will leave a stain. I sigh running my hand through my hair, what am i supposed to say now?
"Are you here to livestream my failures or did Poppy send you?"
She looks at me skeptical and the silence is stretched out way to long "You know Poppy needs me i don't, i already have a platform"
I know well trust me. Me and Professor went through all of that a couple of weeks ago and luckily i am aware of the people around me
"Then why are you running behind her all the time?"
Veronica sighs and i can tell this question makes her uncomfortable "You dont have to tell me anything..you hate me anyways"
"I don't" she says looking at the chaotic party around us "i tried to put some sense into their heads but"
But they are a bunch of bitches threatened by a small town girl i know Veronica.
I laugh surprised at her statement "And why would i believe you?"
"I had a fight with Poppy. She wanted me to search something embarrassing about your past"
I am not surprised. Since day one Poppy has been nothing but bitter and cold towards me
She takes her phone out typing fast. Ok this girl is no joke. Finally she shoves her screen into my face and i gasp
"Oh my god delete that!" What the hell? How did she found my old account on Instagram
She laughs loudly "Gosh that selfie with the pig is amazing"
For a moment i think she will post it but she actually deletes it looking at me while typing a message. That's some skills.
"I mean no harm. I actually meant to bump into you" she takes a deep breath, her shoulders tense a little bit
"Oh really? Am i that interesting?" I chuckle as i gaze at her. She is indeed beautiful. Her hair is tied in a tight bun a little bit messy if you ask me. A lock of hair falls into her face and without realising i tuck it behind her ear
Her eyes have a hidden desire behind them as she lean in. Is this really happening? That until a loud cough bring me back to reality and of course its Chloe and Poppy
"I thought you said you are going to the bathroom not in the garbage"
I roll my eyes pulling away from Veronica who just sit up "What are you even doing with her? You know you really need to learn how to dress" Chloe says crossing her arms. She is two steps behind Poppy, her shadow basically how sad Chlo.
"Said the barbie wannabe" i stand up ready to leave when i hear Poppy clapping
"How charming Newbee thinks she is something, i can take you back to the bottom of the list but i feel to sorry for you"
Ugh yes Min-Sinclair i am so scared of you. I fight back the urge to respond to her as i head towards Zoe. She smiles warmly when she sees me
"Girl come here we are going to kick some ass!" She says excitedly passing me the ball
"Are you serious V you can't be seen with her in public" Chloe says looking up at Poppy for approval
Veronica rolls her eyes "Why don't you bring me a drink doggo?"
Before she can even respond Poppy waves her hand dismissively "Do that"
As she disappears they are finally alone and oh my her eyes are filled with anger
"If you felt nostalgic for the bottom food chain i can drag you there gladly"
Veronica laughs crossing her arms "What's your problem anyways, she is 20 on the rankings"
Poppy takes a step closer and i swear if this was a cartoon smoke would come out from her ears "Listen here you stupid cow i make the rules"
"Says who? The T? Or dozens of stupid brainless students?" Veronica claps back not backing down
"If i see you one more time near Hughes i won't hesitate to end you" Poppy spits out angrily as Chloe comes back with a drink
"I like her she is actually interesting"
Uh oh V you shouldn't have said that. Poppy is holding a drink i wouldn't test her. But instead she storms out with a low scream
Chloe is about to follow but she stops her tracks "Don't you dare follow me!!"
I am laughing with the boys felling the alcohol flowing through my veins. With the corner of my eye i see Poppy sitting alone on a bench. Where are her followers? Did Min-Sinclair fall off her high horse yet?
I sigh as i let my cup down approaching her. Zoe gives me a worried look and i nod thinking i am doing the right thing.
The more i approach the more clear i can hear. The music fades behind me and i can actually hear sniffing. Is Poppy crying? The heartless monster that tries to ruin my life has actual feelings? Wow shocker.
"What do you want? Talk to me when you find your sense of fashion" ouch i actually start to regret approaching
"You don't have to pretend, no one is around anyways" i say sitting a little far away from her testing the waters
She sighs letting her walls down "I don't like this party anyways Carter is giving no attention to me"
I try to hold back a laugh and i think she noticed "If you make fu--"
"Oh shut up i am trying to have an actual conversation with you"
"Don't kiss my friends, better yet forget Veronica because if you approach--"
I stand up throwing my hands in the air "Why are you so obsessed with me??" Oh wow i am actually impressed with myself
Poppy looks stunned for a second before standing up to face me "No one gets to talk to me this way Newbee especially someone with an annoying voice and no wearable clothes"
Gosh why do you have to be so annoying? I feel the alcohol kick in and i want to go as far away as possible before i say something i will regret
"You like me" yup there it is, i tried to warn you Bea.
"Excuse me? I like you?"
I suddenly get a notification on my phone. I ignore her outburst as i open the message noticing its from Veronica. Great timing V
"Will you look at that? Veronica wants to meet up so ta ta!"
"No!" She yells and i smirk. Good job Pop, very convincing
I laugh looking at her expression. I can see her faint blush under the neon lights. She is actually beautiful if she wasn't such a bitch. She looks uncomfortably around noticing we are all alone. Very subtle
"I don't want your dirt near my circle" she finally says crossing her arms. How cute
"There you are" Veronica appears at the best time looking between me and Poppy
"Am i interrupting something?" She says ready to step away but i walk towards her
"Actually i was about to come and find you" i say shooting a small smile at Poppy
"See you around!" I grab Veronica's hand leading us away. Oh its on
"AAAAAAA" i can hear a scream but it fades as we step into the dancefloor. For once i feel like i am winning. I dance my worries away as i enjoy making Poppy jealous as she watch us dance close. I will make you work for it darling, make your life a living hell.
As time passes i take a sit exhausted from dancing. Veronica had to go livestream promising she will be back soon. Aaand her comes Poppy once again approaching dangerously close
"What could you possibly want n--" but before i can even finish my sentence Poppy throws her arms around me pulling me into a heated kiss. What.Is.Happening?
I pull away stunned gazing at her shinny eyes "Never approach Veronica again" she says trying to catch her breath. Did she just kiss me?? Before i can even comprehend what we just did she blows me a kiss leaving "See you around Newbee"
I let out a laugh knowing well this is going to be fun.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @lilyspencerswife @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @justastranger-passing
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scullydubois · 4 years
one-shot: does a scully pee in the woods?
read on ao3 |  msr flirting and fluff | 1.6k | rated t | s6, pre-Field Trip
tagging @today-in-fic
While driving to North Carolina, Scully has to resort to some dubious tactics to convince Mulder to stop so she can use the bathroom. Unfortunately, she doesn't specify where he should stop...
He promised they would stop once they made it out of Virginia. What Scully didn’t realize is that Virginia is five hours worth of highway, and despite his assurance that he is “driving as fast as he can” and his natural tendency to cruise as much over the speed limit as they can go without getting pulled over, they have still not made it out of the state.
“The next exit, Mulder, please,” she begs, squirming in her seat. She is not used to driving this long. Usually they hop on a flight--with a bathroom, thank you very much--and then head just a few miles out to their destination. But of course, the FBI is cutting their budget, and according to Skinner, the only way they could take this case is if they agreed to make the six and a half hour trip to North Carolina by car. Which hadn’t sounded that bad to either of them. I mean, the open road, the radio, and each other for six hours? What could be wrong with that? Then again, they hadn’t stopped to consider how early they would have to leave DC to make their lunchtime meeting, nor the exponential decline in their ability to tolerate one another with each increasing hour.
Mulder drums the steering wheel in time with the beat of the classic rock song playing. “I’m telling you, we’re almost to the state line. If you’ve made it this far, you can make it another twenty minutes.”
“Are you willing to test that theory?” Scully prods, an eyebrow elevating itself. “Because I know you are a man of many theories, but I really don’t think this is one you want to mess with.”
“Oh, I do.” He flashes a quick smile at her, as if to confirm that, yes, he is amused by her suffering, if she hadn’t noticed.
“ Mulder…” she whines, not even bothering to construct a coherent argument. It’s time to play the card she never plays, the one that will catch his attention and show him that she is serious about this. She hates to stoop this low, but at this point, it’s either play the card or pee her pants.
“Mulder,” she makes her voice sound languid and far out, “has anyone ever told you that you bear a great resemblance to Cary Grant in his young and handsome days?”
He is rather unphased by this. Too unphased for Scully’s liking. “No, and I really don’t, do I?”
“Oh, absolutely.” She lets her voice flutter through the confines of the car. “Dreamy, boyish, yet somehow retaining your masculinity. It’s astonishing, really.”
She sneaks a glance at him. He’s stopped tapping along to the song. He turns the radio down to listen to her like a dog’s ears pricking toward their owner’s voice.
She looks through the windshield, continues her reverie. “He looks like such a gentleman, but I can’t imagine that he’s a gentleman in…” She trails off suggestively, waiting for Mulder to raise some objection.
When she looks at him out of the corner of her eye, he is already looking at her. “What?” she offers innocently. “Do you have proof otherwise?” It’s always a contest of right or wrong for them.
“No, but I might have proof of aliens. Bounty Hunter, I know that’s you, what have you done with the real Scully?”
She considers what would happen if the Bounty Hunter had disguised himself as her and was driving alone with Mulder in the middle of a five lane highway with dozens of other cars. “You know, you’d be screwed right now if it were.”
“Yeah, I get that feeling.”
She wets her lips, navigates the next sentence with precision. “But since it’s not, you can get screwed instead.”
Mulder almost swerves into a jeep in the next lane. “Jesus, Scully!”
“I’m sorry, did I make you uncomfortable…?”
He focuses on the road. “Something like that, yeah.”
“Gee, I wonder what’s that like.” She looks at him with a devilish closed-mouth grin.
Mulder registers this and looks away just as he cracks his own smile. Silly, misbehaving, rebellious Scully has a power over him that would be comparable to religion, if he had one.
“So what I’m hearing is, you want to forsake your opportunity to make it the whole way through Virginia without stopping just so that you’ll actually have some semblance of comfort?” He checks to see if she’s smiling and is happy when she is.
“Something like that, yeah,” she says, imitating his reply from earlier by donning a outlandishly deep voice.
He coughs to hold back a laugh. “Well, the lady’s wish is my command, though I must warn you that the next exit’s not for another seven miles.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, we just passed a sign.”
“Mulder, I don’t know what kind of bladder you think I have, but I’ve drank two cups of coffee since the drive started and one before I left my apartment. I would classify this as an emergency.”
“I’ll pull over, then.” He switches lanes, turns on the emergency lights, and presses the brake slightly as he pulls onto the shoulder, all before she can protest.
“This is humiliating, Mulder,” she laments as he unlocks his door, pulls it open.
“While we’re at it, I’ll go too. Save us a stop in North Carolina.”
He’s way too excited about this, she thinks. She unclicks her seatbelt and climbs out of the car like a child dragged to church by their parents.
They proceed toward the woods at the edge of the highway. Mulder leads the way, a subtle spring in his step about getting to return to nature, so to speak, and to embarrass Scully while doing it.
As they hit the dividing line between grass and trees, Mulder looks back at this partner.
“Have you ever peed in the woods, Scully?” he asks with a smirk. “I’m assuming that’s what’s happening here, since you mentioned the coffee.” Scully winces at the rather disgusting image his implication puts in her mind.
She puts on a scholarly, serious tone as they head deeper into the trees. “You know, Mulder--and I’m glad we’re clearing this up-- I have peed in the woods actually. I seem to remember we were stuck in the woods overnight just last year. In Florida, was it? And contrary to what you may believe, I actually did relieve myself during that period of time. Thanks for asking.”
“Wow, you learn something new everyday,” Mulder jokes.
“Exactly.” Scully can’t help but laugh. What a funny little situation this is. They have shared so many instances when the stakes were much higher, life-threatening even, and this is what feels so grueling.
The vehicle noise having quieted significantly, Mulder gauges that they’re far enough from the roadway now. He stakes out a pine tree and steps up to it.
“Don’t look, Scully!” he teases, as if she needed the reminder, as if he really cared.
As he stands there, pants unzipped and all, he can’t help but wonder how many years this tree stood here before some human just decided to come over and do their business on it. That has to suck, huh? You’re just going about your usual tree life--swaying in the wind, rooting deep into the Earth, maybe providing a home for some critters--and then this creature that’s like, fifty times smaller than you comes over and pulls their pants down. What the hell?
A few yards away, Scully hunts for a place that might preserve an ounce of her dignity. Not that she has any left at this point, but it’s a nice idea. There’s some bushes not far off, or she could take a cue from Mulder and squat against a tree. This process is so much more complicated for a woman--you have to get down low, check the ground around you, not hit your shoes…
She chooses a spot behind a bush and crouches down. She hears Mulder zipping his fly, wonders if he’ll be able to see her when he turns around. She can’t see him, so theoretically he shouldn’t be able to see her,  but he’s so much taller that she’s never sure. Then again, she’s not as objected to being seen by him as she expected herself to be. Still, she waits for him to say something.
“Scully, please tell me this wasn’t just some elaborate plot to abandon me in the woods.”
“I’m over here, Mulder,” she reassures. “But don’t come over.”
“Why, what are you doing?” He laughs at his own joke.
“Very funny,” she says, trying to cover the sound of her faculties. This feeling of release is so desperately needed that it’s almost orgasmic. She finishes, then rezips her pants while staying as crouched as possible. Sated, she stands up, pops into Mulder’s view. She tightens her belt as she walks over to him.
She sighs. “I’m glad that’s over.” Mulder smiles. She’s been through far worse, in far more unpleasant conditions, and this is what bothers her. A complex being, his Scully is. They retrace their steps toward the highway.
“You do know that toilets weren’t invented until like, the Renaissance, right?” he teases.
“Sure, but they weren’t just squatting in the woods!”
He pulls the car keys from his pocket. “I guess we’ve solved another X-file…”
Scully gives him the look she’s been giving him for six years.
“...does a Scully pee in the woods?”
She bites her lip, obscures her smile. That’s her Mulder.
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fanfic-me-up · 4 years
Yoga with Bakugou Katsuki
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Your weekly competition with archrival and secret crush, Bakugou Katsuki, takes a turn when you invite him to yoga class. Maybe your hope to become something more is not so one-sided after all?
Title: Winning in Downward Dog
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!Reader
Warnings: Bakugou trying to be a flexible pretzel and failing 😂😂
Word Count: 2,696
a/n: This is basically a crack fic pls forgive me lol If you enjoy, pls like and reblog! 💖 You can request more here. Side note: For anyone wondering, this was originally posted on my first bnha blog, but that has since been deleted. 
You’re currently pinned beneath Bakugou in the middle of a training exercise where you’re supposed to be on the SAME TEAM. 
“Yield,” Bakugou says.
“Never,” you say.
It’s known in Class 1-A that you and Bakugou have a weekly competition where each of you pick a different activity to see who wins. This competition sometimes gets in the way of school. Most of the time you understood the concept of forgoing pride for the sake of education, but when it came to Bakugou fucking Katsuki you became equally hot-headed and stubborn.
Class 1-A groans in unison. 
Midoriya raises his hand.
“Sensei, you’re going to erase their quirks, right?” He looks genuinely concerned.
“Ugh, I hope so! I don’t wanna be here all day. Again.” Mina complains.
You knee Bakugou, but he won’t budge. He smirks at your struggle.
“Tch. You have to do better than that, dumbass.”
He places more of his body weight so there’s no escape. You can’t help the flutter in your chest at the sudden closeness. He’s radiating pure heat and the faint aroma of caramel emanating off him does little to clear your head.
Yes. It’s true. You have a crush on the one person who’s more concerned with pinning you to the ground during a training exercise than pinning you down on his bed where you belong dammit!
“Can ya’ll wrap this up? Some of us have plans tonight!”
Of course Kaminari would interrupt your fantasy just when it gets to the good part.
“Chill, bro, the movie doesn’t start ‘til 7,” Kirishima says.
“Can I come?” Mineta asks.
“No.” The Bakusquad reply in unison.
You buck up against Bakugou. Your leg slips from his hold and you manage to wrap it around his waist, flipping him over. He grunts as his back hits the ground. You hear crackling, but before he can set off his quirk, you counterattack, leaving him with no opening.
Class 1-A  collectively gasps as you pull an UNO reverse card. Cheers erupt from the girls at the same time the boys groan.
The class has an ongoing bet on who would win your competition at the end of the semester. Bakugou is ahead by one, but you might even the score today.
“You get ‘em girl!” Mina shouts.
“Awww dude way to let the boys down!” Kaminari shakes his head.
“Shut up, shitty hair!” Bakugou shouts.
He glares at the rest of the class, daring them to utter another word. They don’t. A couple minutes pass of Bakugou trying every which way to get out of your hold and you countering every one of his moves with ease.
“I could do this all day,” you say.
“Me too,” Bakugou spits, sparks erupt from his palm.
“I can’t,” Aizawa says, erasing both of your quirks.
Class 1-A groans in unison once again.
“Ugh! But Sensei it was finally getting interesting!” Kaminari says.
Yeah, just like my fantasy was getting interesting until you interrupted it! Hmph!
“Guess nobody wins this time,” Kirishima shrugs.
“Technically I won,” you say.
You gasp as you feel the wind get knocked out of you and suddenly you’re looking up at vermilion eyes.
“No, I win.” Bakugou smirks.
You can’t bring yourself to be upset as his hands grip your wrists. You’d lose a million times over if it meant Bakugou touching you.
“Say it.” 
You cock your head, “Say what?” 
“Say ‘I win’.” 
“I win.”
Bakugou’s nose scrunches in frustration.
“That’s not what I- you know what I mean!”
Aizawa clears his throat. 
Both of you turn to see Class 1-A hanging onto your every word like they’re watching the final battle in Avengers: Infinity War. Kaminari is munching on some popcorn, passing the bowl around to the rest of the class.
How did that boy even…? Nevermind.
It’s best for you not to think about the weirdness that is Class 1-A. It would only give you a headache.
“Nobody wins. You both failed the exercise,” Aizawa says, “And get up. You’re both making me uncomfortable.” 
You and Bakugou make awkward eye contact before he gets off of you. You swear a tinge of red flushes his cheeks as he offers his hand for you to take, but you know he’s only offering it as a sign of respect. That doesn’t stop your hand from shaking as you reach out to take it. You mumble a quick ‘thanks’ and he responds with a soft ‘whatever’ as he helps you to your feet.
“Class dismissed,” Aizawa says. Mina and Kaminari whoop before racing to the dorms. Everyone else follows, leaving you and Bakugou trailing behind. You’re racking your brain trying to come up with something to say. You don’t want to let this opportunity of getting Bakugou alone go to waste. 
C’mon, Y/N think of something…  Oh! I can ask about the movie they’re watching tonight? No… he’ll think I wanna come along or something, which I do, but I don’t want him thinking I do! 
Oh lord have mercy on me.
You’re about to fuck it and pull a ridiculous comment about the weather out of your ass when Bakugou speaks up.
“I won.”
You raise an eyebrow. He’s still on that?
“I did.” 
“Why do you have such an obsession with winning?” There’s no malice in your tone. You just genuinely want to know.
“You wanna die!?” Bakugou puffs his chest, tiny sparks fizzling in his palms, ready to blast at any second.
You throw your hands up in surrender.
Please don’t kill me. 
“Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to strive to be the best. That’s why we’re all here. But we were on the same team today, Bakugou, and you still couldn’t handle the fact that I would be the one to lead our team to victory. Why?” 
You’re just as competitive as the next U-A student trying to go pro, but even you knew when to quit, especially if it jeopardizes the team or the mission. Your quirk was just a better fit for this particular exercise and Bakugou knew that.
“I don’t need to listen to this bullshit, especially from a fucking extra.” Bakugou stomps off.
“Wait! Bakugou!”
You stop him by touching his arm; he jerks at the contact as if he’s been burned. 
“Don’t touch me!”
You try to hide the hurt as you take your hand off his arm.
Of course he’d hate the idea of touching me in any way besides holding my hand to arm wrestle. Ugh! Why can’t I have a crush on literally anyone else!?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“Whatever. What’s the challenge this week?” he grumbles, looking away from you.
You didn’t want to push any further and make Bakugou hate you even more. It’s sad to know you don’t have a chance with him which is why you look forward to these competitions. If this was the only way to spend time with him, then you’re gonna take it. 
“Yoga tomorrow at 8.”
“Tch. Yoga? My grandma does yoga on her deathbed.”
“If you don’t show up, guess it means you forfeit and I win.”
You walk away knowing full well Bakugou won’t back down from a challenge. You hear him shout from across the way.
“Like hell I’d forfeit, loser!”
You’re warming up before class when the doors swing open and in walks Bakugou with a permanent scowl etched on his face. The class regulars (who are all girls) huddle together whispering about the “hot new guy.” 
Bakugou unfolds his mat next to yours.
“Oi, Y/L/N.”
You turn to him, “Morning to you too, Bakugou.”
“Get ready to die,” he smirks.
You roll your eyes at the dramatics. 
“Please, I’m sure I can beat someone who yells ‘DIE GERMS’ every time he brushes his teeth.”
Bakugou’s teeth clench at the dig against his personal hygiene habits. You could see the vein on his forehead threatening to pop. Teasing Bakugou always brought a smile to your face. He was just so cute when he got riled up.
“You wanna go, shitty woman!?” 
It’s too easy.
“Save that for the field,” you say before returning to your stretches, but you’re interrupted once again.
You turn to the girl next to you.
“You know him?” She nods at Bakugou stretching with his earphones in. The scowl on his face reads “fuck off”.
“Yeah, why?”
“He’s hot.” The girl sighs in a daze.
I know, girl. Trust me, I know. 
Every aspect of Bakugou’s body screams power. He trains harder than most and it shows. The long grueling hours spent going to the gym and honing his quirk have really paid off. From defined shoulders, to the lines of his six pack visible even underneath his shirt, all the way down to the powerful thighs that could crush you in an instant and you would happily thank them for it.
“I can hear you,” Bakugou snaps. 
Your heart skips a beat, afraid you pulled an Izuku with thinking out loud. Thankfully, he’s referring to the girl next to you who squeaks and returns to her stretches. 
Phew… That was a close one. 
You clear your throat.
“You better not get us kicked out of this class, too. I actually like yoga.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” he smirks.
Bakugou got you both kicked out of the chess club when he went all ‘sparky sparky boom boom man’ on the chess board after you won. The president of the chess club cried. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Now, you both have to play chess in the dorms.
The class begins with simple stretches. You sneak a peek at Bakugou who looks oddly calm for once. You’re used to him either being angry or… being angry. There really was no in between for the boy. But right now, with his eyes closed, he looked almost at peace. 
“I can do this in my sleep.”
And of course the moment is ruined the moment he opens his mouth.
“This is only the beginning, my friend,” you say.
Bakugou loses some of his vigor halfway through. He’s huffing and puffing as you go into an intense hip flexor stretch.
“You okay there, buddy?”
You’re sweating a bit by this point, but not as much as Bakugou who’s struggling to keep up.
“I’m fine,” he snaps. 
The class goes into the splits. Your split is perfect, but Bakugou is still a little ways off the floor. He tries to subtly wipe the sweat beading down his forehead.
“You know yoga has a ton of amazing benefits. If you keep at it, you could knock someone out going into a downward dog.”
“Shut up,” he grunts. His knees buckle under the pressure of the new position.
“Y/N, can you assist our new student?” Your instructor asks.
The rest of the class turns to you and Bakugou. 
“Oi! I don’t need any help, old hag!”
You grimace at his loud tone, a harsh opposition to the otherwise calming atmosphere.
“He doesn’t really mean that,” you try to cover for him.
“Yes, I do! Oi! Stop looking at me dumbass, yes, you over there-”
You muffle his screaming with your hand against his mouth. You place your other hand on his waist and guide him into the correct position. You can tell he’s holding his breath.
“Breathe. That’s it. Now tighten your core like this,” you whisper in his ear. Your hands glide down his stomach. His ears are beet red and he’s looking anywhere, but at you.
“Are you okay?” 
“Tch. I’m fine. Now, get your hands off me, shitty woman.”
You sigh. Of course. Should I expect anything else at this point?
All the women bounce up to you at the end of class. They’re giggling and sneaking glances at Bakugou who’s rolling up his mat.
“Who is that?”
“Do you know him, Y/N?”
You’re taken aback. Since when were you on a first name basis with any of these girls? For the past three years you preferred to stay in the back of the class and leave once it ended. The women are a bit… much and they don’t pay much attention to you anyway, just the way you like it, so it’s startling when eager eyes are on you awaiting a response.
“Is he single?” Another girl asks.
I certainly hope so.
The group shushes each other as Bakugou walks up to you.
“Same time next week, loser?” 
Next week is his turn to choose the competition. Does he really think he has a chance of getting his splits down in a week?
“You want to do yoga again?” 
“Not for our competition, idiot.” The excitement radiating from the group of girls behind you only feeds your heart fluttering in your chest. You don’t want to get your hopes up, but Bakugou has never been interested in meeting up with you outside of class if it’s not for your competition. 
You want to be sure of what he’s asking. You couldn’t bear the thought of believing this is leading to something more only for Bakugou to say it’s not. 
“If not for our competition, then what for?” 
Bakugou looks at you, his cheeks are flushed red and you know it’s not from the yoga anymore. 
Holy shit, is this it? Is Bakugou fucking Katsuki actually asking me out? After we just spent the last hour in downward dog? Note to self: I’d like to give a shoutout to the yoga gods that made this possible. You the real ones.
You lean against the wall in an attempt to be casual, but it’s only because your legs are literally shaking from the excitement that Bakugou is asking you out. 
Bakugou glances at the girls behind you murmuring between themselves.
“Tch. Forget it.” He grabs his bag and walks out.
Wait. What? No! Come back!
You hear the girls gossiping with each other, all of them excited that Bakugou’s becoming a yoga regular.
“He’s coming back next week!?”
“Ugh! He’s so freaking hot! I can’t even!”
“What should I wear!?”
You don’t pay them any attention as you run out the door in an attempt to salvage... whatever you have with Bakugou. It’s complicated, okay!?
He doesn’t look back, but you know he heard you. 
“Bakugou! Wait!” 
“What!?” He snaps, but the blush on his cheeks give him away.
“I’m down for the same time next week.” 
He crosses his arms and scowls.
“Are you deaf? I said forget it.”
Bakugou sighs; his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck in a gesture you’ve only seen a couple times from him.
Wait is Bakugou… nervous? 
“I know I’m gonna pop off on one of those girls and I don’t want to get you kicked out. I know you like yoga for whatever goddamn reason…” 
“What if we had a private yoga class?” 
You’re fully prepared to be rejected. Your relationship was one of rivalry and competition, what you’re suggesting would be breaking into new territory, but you were tired of pining. It was better to know he doesn’t like you than to spend your time at U.A. wondering. 
Bakugou doesn’t expect that question and you certainly don’t expect his response.
“I do need to practice my splits more.” He looks down at the ground, ashamed for admitting he needs practice. You can tell he doesn’t admit this to just anybody. Your heart skips a beat at the thought of Bakugou viewing you as more than just the extra he claims you are.
“I can help with that,” you say.
“Tch. I don’t need your help.”
You shrug, “Fine, don’t come crying to me when you break your hip. You’ll never be able to take someone down in downward dog.”
You laugh as he childishly stomps off, gripping his palms tight to keep from exploding.
Way too easy.
Bakugou ended up taking Midoriya down in downward dog. Nobody saw it coming, but you. He thanked you with a movie date and a kiss at the end of the night. 😊
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 1: Wolf Moon (Part One)
Hey there beautiful reader! If you’re new here, this is a series I’m writing where each chapter is an episode from the first season of Teen Wolf. If you’ve been here before, hey! I missed you! Previous and future chapters are linked at the end of each part if you want to catch up.
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader (eventually)
Notes: Welcome to Episode One! Buckle in, this series really takes on a mind of it’s own...
I enjoy writing it so I hope you have just as much fun reading it! Let me know what you think! I love hearing from you lovely people. 
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I rested my head against the cool glass to my right and let out a tired sigh. We’d been in the car for what felt like days. I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to get comfortable against the door. It was a couple hours past sunset by the time the first sign of our new home came into view. It was made of wood and looked no less than a hundred years old. Four words were sprawled across it in big, white letters.
                     WELCOME TO BEACON HILLS
As soon as we passed it, moms fingers tightened against the steering wheel.
“Hey, no more incidents, okay honey? This town is our last option.”
I closed my eyes tightly and tried to ignore her condescending tone. I was well aware of my mistakes and the fact that this was our fourth move in the last year. I knew it was my fault. I didn’t need her to remind me.
The rest of the drive was silent. It wasn’t exactly tense, but it wasn’t pleasant either. This unspoken rift had formed between us not long ago, and it grew with each of my slip ups. With every new move. She was trying her best, that much was obvious, but there are only so many new places to go. I guess that’s why she said this is our last chance.
My last chance.
It was nearly midnight now, and I was no closer to sleep than I had been when I plopped myself down onto my new bed. Mom bought everything and had it delivered before we got here, like she always does. It was kind of our routine at this point.
Just then, I heard screaming from outside my bedroom window. It was like two people were taking turns scaring each other. One yelled out, then the other, until they eventually fell into silence. I sat up in bed and wandered over to my window. I peered toward my neighbors house, where the noise had come from, and saw two boys out on the porch.
One had a baseball bat that he was waving around animatedly, while the other was somehow hanging upside down from the roof. I opened my window as quietly as I could and let my elbows rest on the edge. A shiver ran down the back of my neck as the chilly night air brushed against it. I stuck my head outside to listen in on their conversation.
“Look, I know it’s late, but you gotta hear this.” The upside boy said excitedly. “I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called, they’re bringing in every officer from the Beacon department and even state police.”
The other boy lowered his bat. “For what?”
Despite being outside in the middle of the night, the two weren’t talking quietly. I could hear everything they were saying clearly as their voices echoed my way.
“Two joggers found a body in the woods.” Upside down boy gracefully fell into the bushes below.
My breath caught and my stomach tightened uncomfortably at his words. A body was found nearby? I thought Beacon Hills was a secluded, safe town. 
“A dead body?” As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I noticed that one of the boys had slightly shaggy hair and was wearing a red zip-up hoodie. He leaned over the wooden railing to look at his friend.
Upside down boy popped back up and slammed his hands on the railing. “No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass! A dead body.”
I couldn’t help but snicker at that. The guy was funny, although this didn’t seem like a joking matter. 
“You mean like...a murder?”
Upside down boy, who for some reason was wearing way too many layers to count, swung himself over the porch railing. Seriously, he had on a t-shirt, a flannel, and a thick jacket. It wasn’t that cold. “No one knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties.”
“Hold on. If they found a body, then what are they looking for?” They were facing each other now, the bat forgotten on the floor.
“That’s the best part! They only found half!” My brows pinched at the guy’s excitement. Why would either of them care about a dead body? Especially if it were as gruesome as that? 
I stepped back into my room and shut the window tightly, my stomach churning. I chewed on my bottom lip anxiously. That was weird. They were weird, and I wanted no part of it. I padded back toward my bed and crawled under the covers. I sighed as warmth enveloped me and tried to forget everything I’d overheard. I needed to get some sleep. The first day of school was tomorrow and I had to make a good first impression. It was only my first night in this town. I couldn’t be tangled up in anything weird.
I couldn’t make the same mistakes already.
I woke with a harsh gasp, my throat constricting in pain. I blinked rapidly, trying to force my eyes to adjust to the darkness around me. My palms were damp, and the tips of my fingers numb, as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. I stilled at the squishy feeling under my ass and brought my hand up toward my eyes slowly.
My breath caught again at the sight of dirt on my skin. My head whipped both left and right as I realized I was outside. Not only was I outside, but I was nowhere near my house. I was in the middle of a forest.
“No, no, no...” I muttered, staggering to my feet.
This cannot be happening again. Not already. I haven’t even been here for one freaking night. My teeth started chattering as the freezing air brushed against my bare skin. I was only wearing a pair of leggings and a short sleeved shirt. It was enough to keep me warm inside my bed, but not here. 
I took a few steps forward, but stopped as the sound of crunching earth echoed my way. Lights flashed, and a dog barked aggressively. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sudden noise and moved to hide behind a tree. I peered around and saw one of the boys from before—the one with buzzed hair and too many layers—fall to the ground with a shriek. His friend ran off somewhere to hide.
“Hang on! Hang on!” An angry voice shouted. “This little delinquent belongs to me.” 
A man who I quickly registered, due to his uniform, as the Sheriff stepped between the boy and a still barking dog. The few officers around him backed off at the wave of his hand. He turned on a flashlight and shined it in the boys face, who bounced back to his feet and wiped his hands on his loose-fitting jeans.
“Hey dad, how ya doin?”
So the Sheriff is his dad. Makes sense given the two boys earlier conversation. Maybe that will prevent all of us from getting into serious trouble if we’re caught. I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. How the hell would I explain why I was here?
“Oh hi, I’m the new girl by the way, and I just sleep-walked myself deep into this unfamiliar forest. No big deal though. It’s not like this has happened before.”
Yeah. I don’t think so.
“So...you, uh, listening to all of my phone calls?”
“No! Well, not the boring ones.”
“Where’s your usual partner in crime?”
“Who, Scott?” The boy tried to catch his breath while he thought of a believable lie. “Scott’s at home. Said he wanted to get a good nights sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. It’s just me. In the woods. Alone.”
Not bad, actually. Except for that last part. I got the sense that he talked a lot when nervous, but figured he had more than enough practice lying to his father.
“Scott, you out there?” The Sheriff’s voice echoed through the dense trees. He moved his flashlight in my direction and I quickly pressed my back against the other side of the scratchy bark. I winced as it bit into my skin through my thin shirt. “Scott!”
My heart was threatening to burst out of my chest, it was beating so hard. I sealed my eyes shut as a moment of quiet passed.
“Well, young man, I’m going to walk you back to your car, and we’re going to have a discussion about something called invasion of privacy...”
Their voices slowly faded away. I stood painfully still for several seconds afterward to make sure they were gone. Just as I was about to move, I heard a twig snap to my left. My gaze fell on the other boy—Scott, apparently—who’s back was to me. He took off running before I could even fully register that he was there.
I blinked once, twice, three times. My body sagged against the tree in exhaustion. Whatever I had just witnessed was not good and I needed to get home before mom noticed I was gone. Or now, preferably. I groaned in pain as my head suddenly began to throb harshly.
“No, no. Not right now...”
My knees hit the wet ground and I clamped both hands over my temples. Images flashed behind my eyes as I squeezed them shut tightly. 
Scott running, glowing red eyes, a guttural scream of agony.
I let my eyes pop open with a gasp. Before I knew what was happening, I was sprinting in the direction he’d gone. I could hardly control my body as it took me to where my vision was about to happen. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Scott rolling down a hill. I grimaced as his body practically bounced with each hit to the ground and ran to the top so I could see better.
Once he stopped moving, I took a step to check on him, but stopped almost instantly. A pair of glowing red eyes illuminated in the depths of the forest, just a few feet away. My jaw went slack in shock and fear. Whatever the hell it was, it wasn’t good. It was almost like the air had shifted into something darker with its presence. I watched in stunned horror as a huge black mass ran by Scott. It was only visible long enough for me to see the thing dig it’s teeth into his side. He screamed in pain, just like I’d heard before, and I covered my ears.
It was all too real.
The monster ran off and Scott looked around, startled. He groaned and clutched his side tightly as he slowly managed to get to his feet. A moment later, he was gone. I wasted no time in following him, hoping he’d lead me to the edge of the forest. I stayed far back, not wanting him to know I was there. 
Within minutes I was standing in the middle of an empty road, Scott nowhere to be found. I was surprised I hadn’t gone into cardiac arrest already with how fast my heart was racing. I was exhausted and on edge after what I’d just seen. Whatever it was. 
I ran a shaky hand through my hair and started what I knew would be a long journey home. 
Episode 1, Part Two
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narcosmx · 4 years
narcos mexico headcannon list: them being protective would include (pt. 2)
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a/n: just when i thought i couldn’t get any fucking softer i go and i write this, next i’m off to tackle request thank you for being patient with me ... also needed to use this pic bc fuckin wow offended
so for this i divided this up into two categories divided up by how the narcos men would primarily demonstrate their protectiveness
the two groups that they fall under are physically protective and emotionally protective 
physically protective was part 1 and here we are to go into what is for sure going to be the death of me which is those who are emotionally protective 
okay when i say emotionally protective, i’m thinking that they make you feel safe; there isn’t as much concern about a whole army of people following you at all times and willing to kill someone for you but it’s about you knowing that they’re there for you 
not that these motherfuckers wouldn’t kill someone for you but it’s not that they wouldn’t kill someone for you, we all saw the palma scene you know what i’m talking about
it’s just like they’re more likely to kill someone because they disrespected you than because they got too close to you 
anyways the three people that fall into these categories are the softest of narcos men 
palma, benjamin and  chapito i’m sobbing so let’s begin my torture 
hector palma 
my fucking sweet soft ass daddy 
like i want you to think about that scene where lupe comes out crying from the room when clavel tells her that miguel sent out to kill palma
the way he was so freakign soft with her, already reaching out to hold her when he sees her crying 
that is what palma is all about making you feel emotionally safe; like you can tell him absolutely anything and he will be there to 
i am heart eyes at the idea that he would for sure be the one to come check on you to make sure you were okay all the time 
like when you’re at a party and maybe he’s out talking to the other plaza bosses he keeps his eyes on you, stands so he can keep an eye on you 
would make excuses to go get a drink so he can walk by and check on you 
him reaching up to like caress your face with his thumb and leaning down to kiss your forehead and gently lifting your face by your chin to look up at him because he wants you looking into his eyes 
‘todo bien, mi vida? hmm?’ whispering gently before giving you a soft kiss on the lips 
and if he takes too long because you’re like cooing up at him the other guys are smirking and yelling at him to stop being a madilon (being whipped) but he wouldn’t give a shit 
him turning back around after you reassure him you’re okay like 24 times he nods and turns around with his stupid smirk flipping the other guys off and he’s like ‘ya calmanse, tranquilos morros’
notices when you’re off right away, like even if you’re like in the slightest mood he is on it trying to make you feel better
palma will literally call his men to figure shit out today by themselves ‘porque me voy a quedar con mi reina hoy y punto, hijos de su reshingada madre’
will do whatever you need, this bitch would happily stay in bed with you all day/ you want your favorite meal? he will slave in the kitchen all day and just have you curled up in a blanket sitting at the kitchen table
can you just imagine freaking palma with a trapo slung over his shoulder, looking over at you and winking at you, before coming over and squishing your cheeks just being like “ugh mI SHULADA”
but yeah him squishing your face would be something he does often because he’s convinced you’re the cutest piece of shit he’s ever encountered 
will do anything to make sure you’re happy and holy shit if someone makes you unhappy ... if someone upsets you palma’s going off
like baseball bats to he knee head popping off you know
the level headed one amongst a family of complete human firecrackers; calm and collected god he’s such a soft daddy
but also conservative daddy on the streets for sure 
benjamin wouldn’t be one, LIKE HIS BROTHER, to be smacking your ass, kissing at your neck and grabbing at you 
it’s very much like he doesn’t want anyone seeing him be intimate for you; those things are only shared between the two of you 
benjamin treats you and respects you like a queen and he will not fucking stand for anyone treating you like anything less
can you imagine the amount of times he has to smack the shit out of pancho’s and ramon’s head 
angry hissing at them, this isn’t the time where he’s yelling at them this is when he gets in his really low whispers and pulls them really close to threaten them through closed teeth 
like ‘no puedes ver que hay una dama, no quiero oir tus grocerias enfrente de ella, estamos?’ 
and if that’s what he’s out here doing to his brother’s imagine how he would be around literally anyone else 
min makes it a point that you mean so much to him
since he isn’t the biggest in pda, he feels like he needs to constantly reassure you that he still loves you 
 like very subtle acts of pda, holding your hand and giving it a soft squeeze so you’ll look up at him and he’ll give you his warm smile and kiss the back of your hand 
cannot leave the house without a goodbye kiss and being able to tell you to be safe and call him if you need anything 
like he can’t go on with his day if he hasn’t reminded you of those two things 
and at first assuming the whole ‘call me if you need me’ thing was just a thing he said to make you feel better but wouldn’t really be able to do 
but then you call him one day; maybe you’re having car trouble and you need help being like ‘i’m sorry amor... i know you’re busy and...” 
and benjamin is already snapping at someone to get the car ready and is immediately telling you he’ll be there in a few minutes, telling you there is absolutely no reason to apologze he meant it A N Y T H IN G 
i just his protectiveness is all about taking care of you, making you feel safe in the fact that no matter what he got you... you don’t have to worry about anything as long as he’s here 
mi chapito
chapito absolutamente el amor de mi vida i am sobing 
chapito’s protectiveness is about protecting and perserving yOUR HONOR THAT IS SO FUCKING HIM
he’s pretty fucking positive you’re an angel walking on earth 
has told his mom that you’re the angelito that diosito sent him to keep him safe and showing him there’s still some good in this fucking world
anyways you’re the purest and most precious thing in his life and he’s going to make sure you stay that way
needs everyone to see you as their pure bean too okay
the moment that i keep imagining is in season 1 is  when ramon makes fun of chapito about him getting it up 
if anyone made even something approaching a sexual comment around you he would be squaring this person up doesn’t give a shit that is ramon who’s half a foot taller than him no one disrespects his bebe
if some moron said a sexual comment about you fucking forget it okay the sinaloa cartel is fucking savage i need you to consider that palma, THE BOSS, beat someone to death with a baseball bat now imagine what chapito would do as the person PALMA SENDS OUT TO FUCKING MURDER PEOPLE 
in conclusion, chapo would tear someone limb from limb for your ass 
and again on the sinaloenses; they are the biggest fucking group of buttholes they will roast each other all day every fucking day 
and chapito isn’t unaware of this, i mean cochi is his closest friends he knows what this shit is like
and oof fucking chapo can dish it out too and he’ll take it from anyone BUT THE SECOND THAT THE JOKES MOVE TO YOU HE’S SHUTTING THAT SHIT DOWN IN AN INSTANT 
even to coshi he’s like ‘aye aye no te pasas cabron, de mi princesa no se habla’ and gets his most serious face because cochi’s trying to laugh it off 
similar to palma and that he’d be checking in with you all the time; as much as he can and as frequently as he can 
and he doesn’t give a shit about what other people may think of him but if something is upsetting you, making you uncomfortable it is fucking cancelled and he’s going to make sure of it 
always worries about making you feel safe because you are his safety... you are home to him and he’s going to make sure of it 
also protective in like stupid subtle ways wanting to make you feel safe; walking on the side closest to the street on the sidewalk, keeping his hands on your waist when you’re walking through a crowd, always checking the house to make sure everything is locked up, always sleeps with his arms wrapped around you 
i have this idea of him buying you a guard dog so that he knows you’re safe when he’s away... s o  b b i n g
i will end this before i end myself 
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sgtbuckyybarnes · 4 years
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“You’re my family” For the Marauders and Dax. 
Requested by @isaaclahys <3
Daxia winced slightly as she lowered herself down onto the sofa beside Sirius, despite all of the treatments she had received over the years from Madam Pomfrey and the healers in the order her old Quidditch injury in her knee still gave her issue. 
“Here,” Sirius said, reaching his hand out for her mug of tea before she spilled it everywhere. He kept hold of it until she was comfortable, tucking her feet beneath his leg, before passing it back. 
“Thank you,” she answered as she took it, wrapping her fingers around the warmth and closing her eyes as she breathed in the smell of the honey inside. James always knew how to make the perfect cuppa. 
As his hand landed on her knee a laugh lit up his face at something James was mouthing to him from across the room and she couldn’t help but feel her heartbeat skip slightly in her chest. He had been gone, off on a mission from Dumbledore, for far too long and, despite the tension it caused between them, she almost couldn’t believe she finally had him back. 
“Oi Lestrange!”
Her eyebrows raised as her attention was drawn from the sweet smelling liquid warming her palms. Glancing up she smiled as she was met with Remus pulling a face “Yes Lupin?”
“You were in your own little world then and, as exciting as I am sure the side of Padfoot’s face is, we need you back in the room,” he said gesturing around the lot of them. He was sat opposite, almost buried beneath a pile of cushions James had thrown on the floor to accommodate both him and Peter, while James was staring over to her from where he was draped across the armchair in the corner. 
“If you had the chance to sit beside this-” Sirius paused to circle his face with his hand “- Moony I’m sure you’d be distracted too,” he said with a smirk, glancing to Daxia and sending her a wink as she rolled her eyes. 
“What riveting conversation was I missing then?” Daxia asked as Peter came into the room, flopping down on the cushions beside Remus. Despite the environment he still seemed to be uncomfortable as he gripped onto the bottle of butterbeer in his hand and glanced around his friends, his movements even more awkward and his eyes extra watery. 
“I was just pointing out that this is the first time the Marauders have been together, alone, with nothing else on our minds, since Hogwarts,” Remus explained before Daxia could ask if Peter was alright.
“We did try not to have things other than ourselves on our minds at Hogwarts,” James mused, reaching up and ruffling his hand through his hair “So Lily keeps reminding me anyway.”
“Is she telling Harry lies about us already?” Daxia asked with narrowed eyes “I’ll be having a word and telling him my versions of those bedtime stories as soon as possible,” she continued before taking a sip of her tea “He’ll love the one about the bowtruckles.”
“Bowtruckles? That one was weak!” Sirius exclaimed, smiling sweetly as Daxia sent him a glare “I’m just saying the day we enchanted all the History of Magic textbooks to sing when they were opened up was better! The look on Binns’ face was priceless.”
“You’re only saying that one because it was your idea,” Daxia huffed, digging her elbow into his side “What about-”
“All right, all right lovebirds,” James cut through with a chuckle “We all know the day we got the Giant Squid on side trumps them all. Moony? Tell me you agree?”
“You’re all focussing too much on the pranks when we literally wrote the Marauders Map,” Remus answered with a shake of his head “I do hope someone finds it behind that bookcase in the common room.” 
“I still think we should have brought it with us,” Daxia said with a pout.
“What was the point in us having it here? We need to influence the future troublemakers coming through those doors!” James exclaimed, laughter lighting up his face “Hey, maybe it’ll be Harry who finds it.”
“It better still be there for Harry to find,” Daxia said with a grumble “How about you Peter?”
“Huh?” Peter answered, jumping slightly at hearing his name “Oh yeah...the bowtruckle one was good.”
Remus shrugged as Daxia’s eyebrows fell into a frown “Think the butterbeer has gone to your head Wormtail,” he said reaching over and nudging his friend’s shoulder with his knuckles “You’re on another planet mate.”
“You’ve always been on another planet haven’t you Pete,” Sirius said teasingly, their comments seeming to bring Peter back into the room a little more “Harry will hear plenty of stories from us all,” Sirius continued “He’ll probably get sick to death of us reliving our glory days at the dinner table.”
“Can you imagine what it’ll be like when he goes to Hogwarts?”
“He’s one Dax I think we’ve got plenty of time to prepare,” James chuckled.
“And by prepare he means tell him all the tricks in the book,” Sirius added on with a wink. 
“I’m not sure Lils would be as impressed by that Padfoot,” Remus chipped in.
“I dunno, we got you guys pretty good on occasion!” Dax argued with a smirk, pausing for Peter to add something only to be disappointed once again “It’s nice to just be sat here,” she mused before taking another mouthful of her tea “Not worried about what’s to come.” 
Sirius sent her a reassuring smile as he squeezed her knee. There wasn’t much he could say to ease her troubles these days, especially with him soon leaving once again to head abroad with the Order. 
“You’re at the meeting tomorrow right Lestrange?” James asked, waiting for her nod of confirmation before continuing “I’ll pop by yours on my way, we can go in together.”
“Yeah,” Daxia answered, her fingertips tapping against her mug nervously “Yeah I’d like that.” 
They lasted another hour, Peter retiring back to his mother’s place to see her before they were placed on their missions once more in the morning and Remus heading home yawning after lasting as long as he could so soon after a full moon. 
“Come on then you,” Sirius said reaching for Daxia’s hand as she rubbed at her tired eyes “We better get going before Lily arrives to kick us out.” 
“Lily would do no such thing!” the redhead herself exclaimed as she emerged from the kitchen, sending her friends a grin before greeting James with a kiss “I snuck in through the back,” she explained to the confused faces glancing her way as she unwound her scarf from around her neck and slipped out of her coat “Have you asked them yet?”
“I was waiting for you!”
“I told you if I wasn’t here to just go for it.”
“And now you are here and we can ask them together.”
Sirius and Daxia exchanged glances “Is this some kind of married people code we’re not a part of?” he asked “Because we have no idea what is going on right now.”
“We want you both to be Harry’s Godparents,” Lily exclaimed, her hands soon slapping over her mouth as she sent James an apologetic look “Sorry,” she said, her voice muffled “I know you wanted to ask them.” 
Sirius and Daxia both looked on at the excitable parents with arched eyebrows, their jaws dropping open “Us?” they both asked at the same time “Are you sure?”
“Are you kidding?” James answered, pausing his whispering with Lily to glance at them with furrowed brows “You’re my family, I couldn’t imagine asking anyone better.” 
“Me too,” Lily added with a grin as wide as James’ “If anything were to happen to me or James-” she began, quickly adding “Which it won’t!” when she spotted Daxia’s bottom lip wobble slightly “We couldn’t imagine anyone who’d do a better job. You both already love him like he’s your own,” Lily said with a smile before turning to James “He has been sleeping hasn’t he?”
“Haven’t heard a peep from him,” Daxia answered automatically “I popped my head in earlier when I went to the toilet and he was cuddled up with that dog cuddly toy Sirius got him for his birthday.”
Sirius smiled sheepishly “I popped my head in too earlier, snores like his dad.”
James and Lily exchanged another one of their irritating, know all, smiles “And you’re wondering why we’ve asked you both?” James asked with a shake of his head “Actually you haven’t even given us an answer yet.” 
“Yes!” both Daxia and Sirius said at the same time “Yes we’d love to,” Daxia continued for the two of them, letting out a loud laugh as Lily jumped on the spot and threw her arms around her best friend, James and Sirius mirroring them.
“Thank you for trusting us,” Sirius said as they swapped hugging partners, Lily patting him on the back and pressing a kiss to his cheekbone.
“We trust you with our lives, both of you, Padfoot,” she said, happy tears twinkling in her eyes “So of course we trust you with Harry.” 
“Come on,” James said, reaching out and grasping hold of both of their arms “Come and have another cup of tea. We need to discuss the christening!” 
They hesitated for a moment, tiredness threatening to overtake them, but ended up exchanging grins. As much as they knew they would always be welcome at Godric’s Hollow and could pop by at any time there was something different that night, something keeping them with their friends. 
“Put the kettle on James!” Daxia exclaimed “And don’t forget the honey.”
Tag List - @jewelswrites-ish @foxesandmagic @prophecy-grrl @ocfairygodmother @stanley--barber @eddies--gazebos @ochub @oreostars
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Even at ten o’clock, Gedonelune Town was still bustling. To be honest, as exciting as it was, it was also weird. In Reitz, most things closed around seven so no one was out later than that. For the city to be alive right now was different and exciting. Time didn’t stop anyone here!
“Let’s move along! We don’t want to get to the Academy too late.” My Acceptance Letter to my dream school, which was unfortunately animate and a jerk, popped out of my pocket.
“Let’s get some food first. I’m starving,” I told him. I tried to head towards a cafe, but he got in my face, forcing me to take a step back.
“No. You need to get to campus as soon as possible,” he said.
“I mean, it’s already night and I need to get used to being up late anyway since I’m in the Night Class,” I pointed out.
“Keep your voice down!” he shrieked, trying to cover my mouth with one of his corners. I quickly grabbed him and forced him away.
“You’re literally yelling,” I pointed out angrily.
“I’ve had enough of your attitude! I’ve guided many students to the Academy, but none of them have been as rude as you!” he scolded me.
“Excuse me?” Okay, NOW I was mad. “You rushed me out of my house at six in the morning, barely gave me time to pack and I only had time for one meal on the train. You’ve been belittling me through this whole trip. If I’m the rudest student you’ve ever had, it’s because I’m the only one speaking up.”
Maybe I was being rude. Maybe he was right. But I was running on too little sleep and after this long day, I wasn’t really feeling like going along with a letter that told me a couple hours ago that I was lucky to get in and that he wouldn’t be surprised if I flunked out.
“If you keep up this attitude, you’ll be sent home before you can even have your Judgment!”
“I’d rather that happen that refuse to stand up for myself!” I fired back.
“Well, if that’s how you’re going to be, then I’ll just be on my way!”
“Your way?”
“You can wait by yourself for Prefect Nox. And I hope by then you’ll realize you need to listen to others!” How dare he?! I’m fine behaving when the people around me behave too! I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind but in a puff of smoke, he stiffened and glided limply into my hands. The slight glow around his edges were gone.
“Mr. Letter?” I called out.
“Well, okay then…” I rolled the letter up and stowed it away in my bag. Maybe it wasn’t the best thing I got into a fight with him, but he was so rude! I wondered if everyone at the Academy would be as terrible as he was. No… Surely no one will be as bad as him, right?
I sat down on a nearby bench and watched people pass me by. I had no idea what Prefect Nox looked like, so I just had to hope he’d find me somehow. The minutes crept together and the gnawing feeling in my stomach grew and grew. There weren’t any nearby food stands for me to grab something to eat. Sure, I could go somewhere, but I didn’t dare leave before Prefect Nox found me. We agreed to meet here and I needed to stay put.
My eyes glossed over as I stared off into space but suddenly, a Magic Note floated in front of my face.
“Huh?” I grabbed it and quickly unfolded it. The handwriting was kind of sloppy, to be honest. I could still read it, but clearly, this had been written in a hurry.
I’m sorry, but Rex and I can’t come get you. Something happened on campus and we have to focus on that. We will give you your orientation later. - Nox
“No way…” I murmured under my breath. So I was on my own. There was a bit of disappointment; I had really wanted to meet one of the prefects but apparently, that wasn’t in the cards.
At least I could go eat now.
I gathered up my things and wandered into town, looking for something that looked good. Places were already starting to close down, it was so late. That wasn’t good. I turned off the main road and found myself in front of what looked like a large warehouse. The sign outside said “Hidamari Market” and it looked festive, with golden lights hung up and the lights in the windows still on. Maybe they had some open food places?
The marketplace wasn’t lively, per se, but it wasn’t empty. A few people sat on benches placed in the walkways, but most people were in the stores. I turned into the first restaurant I saw. There was a very handsome blond man sitting with a dog-like familiar in the corner, notebooks in front of him alongside his food. A blonde girl around my age was behind the counter, counting something. She looked up and gave me a warm smile.
“Sit wherever you like! I’ll be with you in a moment,” she told me. I nodded and snagged a booth, appreciating the plush seats. That bench hadn’t been very comfortable.
I opened the menu, looking over the fare. It was a mix of Hinomotan and Gedonelunian food, the menu written in both languages. I liked that. But man, everything sounded so good that I had no idea what to get… As I stared at the menu, trying to decide on something, there were footsteps right beside me. Oh no, I’ll have to tell the waitress I’m not ready. But when I looked up, there wasn’t the waitress. It was a guy who looked about my age with piercing green-gray eyes and spiky hair the color of dark chocolate.
“Mind if I grab this seat?” he asked. I blinked and he didn’t wait for me to say anything. He just slid into the seat across from me.
“Uh, hi?” I replied. There were more footsteps and a waitress appeared, her face in that perpetual smile food service people had to always wear
“Hi there, welcome to Haru’s! Are you two ready?… Oh, it’s you!” A look of surprise came over her as she stared at the guy opposite me.
“You didn’t see me come in?” he asked. She gave him a tired look.
“No. I don’t keep an eye out for you. And what do you think you’re doing, dragging your poor partner on a date this late at night?!” she demanded, hands on her hips.
“Date?! Oh no, he just sat down here -” I said quickly, but the guy cut in.
“It’s not a date right now, but maybe in a few minutes it will be.”
I was going to commit murder in this restaurant tonight.
“Jeez,” the waitress rolled her eyes. “Well, should I get you the usual, Zett?”
“I’ll just have some water,” he replied.
“Okay. What will you have?” she asked, turning to look at me. She adopted that friendly smile again and if I didn’t already feel confused, I certainly did now.
“Um, can I have the cheeseburger and some water? And bills separate, please?” I asked. The waitress was clearly fighting back a laugh.
“Of course! I’ll get that right out for you. And I’ll tell Kevin you’re here, Zett. Haru already went home for the night,” she added, turning to him and dropping that smile.
“That’s fine. Thanks, Kristina,” he gave her a nod. She left us alone but came back moments later with our drinks. Zett didn’t look concerned at all, sipping away and leaning back in his seat like we were friends. Honestly, it kind of irritated me.
“What’s with the face?” he asked.
“Um… Aren’t you going to order anything?” I didn’t even know where to begin.
“So you’re just… going to sit there… while I eat?”
“Yeah. Is that creepy?”
“I mean, yeah? You just came and asked if you could sit with me and then didn’t wait for me to answer,” I told him. He laughed.
“Well, it’d be rude to let someone as cute as you sit all alone.” He leaned in towards me, a charming smile on his lips and a devilish shine in his eyes.
“I’m not interested,” I shot him down. He immediately straightened up, that flirty look on his face melting away.
“All right, that’s fine.” He sounded nonchalant, but I needed to stay alert. He knew the waitress and I couldn’t count on her if something went wrong. You can’t talk like that to someone you don’t know well. Maybe the man across the aisle could help me? The market seemed pretty big, so I could probably find a good hiding spot if worse comes to worse.
“So, are you just using me as an excuse to sit here?” I inquired.
“No, I’m actually waiting for a package from the restaurant owner,” he told me.
“‘Package?’” He grinned
“It’s a secret.” He winked at me. Gods above, give me patience not to slap this weirdo.
“Hm. That sounds sketchy,” I commented. If I couldn’t hit him physically, I could at least get some verbal jabs in.
“Maybe that’s for the best,” he laughed. “I’ve got a bad boy image to preserve.”
“You can’t preserve what you don’t have,” I said. Zett choked on his water and burst into laughter.
“That’s rich coming from someone who looks like they call their boyfriend ‘daddy’ and would burst into tears when told their age regressing in public kink makes other people uncomfortable,” he replied.
“Excuse me?!” What is with people trying to get on my last nerve today?! I stared at him for a moment, trying to think of a good comeback. “You look like a pastor’s son who’s going through a punk phase to punish your dad for taking away your vape.” Zett howled with laughter, head thrown back and shoulders shaking. The waitress, Kristina, smiled softly as she approached us, placing my food in front of me.
“I’m happy to see you two are having fun. Zett, Kevin’s back in his office waiting for you,” she said.
“Thanks, Kristina.” Wiping tears from his eyes, he got up and gave me another grin. “I’ll be right back.” He left, following Kristina to the counter, chatting with her. I slumped back in my seat. But I barely had time to be alone. The blond sitting across from us walked over to me.
“Is Zett bothering you?” he asked, voice tense.
"Sort of?" I wasn't sure what vibe I got from him. He seemed like a devilish kind of guy, but did I feel threatened by him? Not exactly, but it was always safe be be cautious. "I don't know him and I wasn't too comfortable with him sitting with me all of a sudden." The blonde man’s shoulders slumped.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I wasn’t sure if you two were a fighting couple or not. I can ask Kristina to get you a box so you can leave, if you want,” he offered. I thought about it. It’s true I needed to get to the Academy before it got too late. My food would be cold once I got there, though. But maybe that was the best option. I could reheat it, anyways.
“I’d really appreciate that, thank you,” I replied.
“Hey, Kristina? Can we get a box and their check?” he called out. Kristina poked her head from around a corner.
“Sure!” She quickly came over with a cardboard box and I quickly started filling it up. “Here’s your check, Mr. Hagakure.”
“Oh, I actually need theirs,” he replied, gesturing to me.
“Theirs is already paid,” she replied. “Zett covered it and the tip before he went to talk to Kevin. You’re good to go.” He… he paid for my food? That didn’t seem right...
“He did?”
“He did.” She gave me a wry smile. “You’re awfully lucky. He’s usually pretty stingy.”
“I’m stingy? Kristina, you’re killing me, here.” Out of nowhere, Zett returned, a large package tucked under his arm. Part of me wondered what was in it. He glanced at the table, looking at the box. “You’re heading out already?” he asked.
“Yeah, I got places to be.”
“Do you want an escort?”
“If they wanted one, they would have asked,” Mr. Hagakure cut in.
“Where are you heading?” Kristina asked.
“The Magic Academy.” Her face lit up.
“Oh, really? My brother goes there! I’d walk you over, but I still have a couple hours to work.”
“I’ve got some friends there. I could take you, if you want,” Zett offered.
“Oh, uh, it’s fine! I couldn’t possibly impose,” I said. “Mr. Hagakure said he’d given me directions, so it’s fine.” It sounded like it was going to be a long walk, but it wasn’t like I could get a hotel and go in the morning.
“Well, then. I’ll see you later,” Zett spoke up as I stood up.
"Later?" I wasn’t sure what else to say. I gave him an awkward wave and hurried down the path Mr. Hagakure told me to take. As I walked, I couldn’t help but think about Zett. He seemed so strange. Secretive, slightly annoying. There was something about him that I couldn’t quite place. While he didn’t feel that threatening to me, it felt like that could change in an instant. Perhaps I was overthinking things. After all, it was night and I was alone. Of course I’d be more on-guard than normal.
But still. I wondered if I’d see him again. Probably not, since I’d be cooped up in the Academy most of the time. At least he made my first night in Gedonelune memorable.
Somehow, I managed to get to campus and the Night Class dorms. The map that’d accompanied the packet I’d received along with the Acceptance Letter wasn’t great, but after wandering, luck was on my side and entered the dorms.
The building seemed so dark yet grand on the inside. A large staircase wrapped around an elevator shaft, dark wood gleaming in the light of several chandeliers. I can’t believe this is my dorm. It’s so extra. I took the stairs up to my floor. The hallways were lined with windows and stern stone statues. Honestly, even if it was fancy, there was a goth touch to everything. This place could seriously double as a haunted house during Halloween. Just throw up some cobwebs, splatter some fake blood everywhere, and it was good to go.
Suites were labeled with letters and lists of names. How many would be in my class? Who would be in my class? Would we all get along? I sure hoped so. I wouldn’t want to be in a class where no one got along. That’d be a special kind of hell.
Even though class was in session, most of the doors to the suites were wide open. At least I wouldn’t need keys for getting in. And finally, on the second floor, I found my suite, my name tacked on to the bottom of the plaque. That looked like the only bit of personalization in the suite. The doors weren’t decorated at all. I peeked my head through one of the open doors to find a plain kitchen with a girl sitting at the table. Her long, curly purple hair framed her beautiful face and when we locked eyes, she jumped a bit.
“Oh, sorry!” I spoke up. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“That’s fine… Uh…” She looked at me blankly.
“I’m the new transfer student,” I told her before properly introducing myself. Her cheeks flushed a bit as she got up to come shake my hand.
“Right, Nox told us you were coming. Sorry, I’m a bit sick and my head’s just not on right today,” she laughed. I made a mental note to wash my hands as soon as possible. “I’m Isabelle, I’m in the center room. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too!”
“Are you going to be joining classes later tonight, or...?”
“No, I’m just moving in and then going to the Prefect’s office for orientation,” I told her.
“All right, well, I’ll leave you to it! If you need anything, I’ll be in here or my room.” She gave me another warm smile. I’m sure we’d become fast friends!
The doors were labeled with names so it wasn’t hard to figure out which one was mine. It was a smallish room. There was enough room for a bed, a dresser, a desk, and a chair. This would be my home for the next couple of days. Hopefully longer, but after all, I was just a provisional student. I still needed to pass my Trial first to become an official member of the student body. The next few days were going to be hard, I knew that, but I have to do my best.
I refuse to fail.
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theobsessor1 · 4 years
A Silly Idea
summary:  Deceit should know better, going through with another one of Remus’s ideas. He thought it would have been a one time deal, just something for them that night to experiment with his more reptilian side. But he’s starting to regret it with the growing nest of eggs, and horrible uncertainty of feelings swirling in his chest...he might be in some trouble here. 
pairings: qp Demus, implied intrulogical
Warnings: implied eggpreg, implied mpreg, implied mpreg, (i dont go into detail about any of this) 
 Word count: 1959 (wish to support me buy me a coffee :3)
Chapter 1 of “Say Something” series
Deceit growls as he pops back into the subconscious. He could never understand those-those buffoons! He just wanted to help Thomas, just like any of them, refused to listen to him!
They were such idiots!
He sighs, taking off his hat to run a hand through his hair, tossing it to the coffee table as he comes around and plops himself down on the couch with a huff. 
Conjuring himself a glass of wine in one hand and summoning the television remote in the other. Planning to spend the rest of the evening mind-numbingly watching the tv and drinking wine till he passes out. 
A perfect plan for his dreary mood. That is of course what he planned but not everything seems to want to go his way today. He surfs through the channels as movement in his peripheral catches his attention. A short flicker of his tongue snatching the faint scent of blood and some kind of soap confirms that Remus has appeared on the other side of the couch. 
“HelloOoOo my fave pair of snitties!” 
Deceit scrambles to not spill his glass as Remus drops onto him, burying his face into the snake sides chest all the while cackling and wrapping his arms around the other in a tight grip like an octopus entrapping its prey with its tentacles. 
“Really now is that all you see me as Remus?” Deceit fakes an offended scuff “Just some over glorified snits for you to use as a pillow?” he tries to keep from smiling, lips twitching with a slight smirk as Remus giggles...or well his equivalent of giggling. 
Remus takes a moment to settle, keeping his head resting on the other dark sides chest as he finds a comfortable position for his legs. He can hear the creative sides stim toy, the joints of it crackling slightly as he uses it, can feel the side glancing up at him as he takes a gulp of wine before returning attention back to the television. There’s a strange unnatural whining growl that comes from the duke “I could knock their skulls in! Ripp off their arms and feed them to dogs! Or just steal their kneecaps!” Remus makes a quick gesture of snatching something “They would have to listen to ya if they can’t escape!” Deceit lifts an eyebrow, shaking his head. 
It’s the same thing almost every night, coming back frustrated and drowning his anger in alcohol, Remus threatening the proclaimed light sides...always the same. 
Deceit gently shakes his head “Thank you Remus, but I must decline… They might listen to my words but they would not hear my meaning...They never do.” 
Remus takes the time to think for a moment, eyes darting at all the channels Deceit is still scrolling through before he finally just settles on a nature documentary, seems the topic for the day is snakes. 
“...You wanna talk about it?” he finally asks, offering up an ear to listen, and let him babble like Deceit would offer him. The snake side can hear him fidgeting more fervently with his stim toy, trying to keep quiet and allow him to vent. It’s a kind gesture, but Deceit was tired of venting. 
Tired of it all. 
He wanted change. 
“What is there to talk about...Virgil fights against me, Patton is trying to do what he sees right, Roman is lost, Logan listens but follows the rest of the flock.” Deceit can’t help but sigh, he can’t fault them for how they act. Yes he gets angry at not being listened to, but they are only trying their best...even if their best isn’t the greatest...hell they have recently been ignoring one of their own!
Remus growls faintly, unhappy as he gives Deceit a tight squeeze. Mumbling to himself in the ways that would get one labeled as a madman. 
Deceit hums chugging down the rest of his glass before willing it to refill, a smirk playing on his lips “Speaking of Logan, how are those secret adventures to his room going?” He attempts to change the subject with practice ease.
He holds in a snicker as Remus’s cheeks become dusted pink, the intrusive side hiding his face in the other’s chest. “I tried to gross him out again, try to spook em, ripping out my heart and dropping on the book he was reading. And the delicious nerd had the audacity to get excited and ask to dissect it!” he humbles into Deceit’s chest before looking up at his scaled face distraught and still blushing lightly “It was horrible!” 
Deceit lets himself laugh this time, chuckling at Remus’s demise, “oh it sounds absolutely dreadful.” 
Remus nods before hiding his face again, hips wiggling slightly with a frustrated shriek that causes Deceit’s ribs to seemingly feel like they were rattling, he merely runs his hand through the duke’s hair letting him scream it out. 
It takes a few minutes for the side to finish, mumbling something about gross feelings, Deceit’s ears ring softly from it, but he doesn’t mind. 
The room settles back into a comfortable silence for the moment, the only sounds being of the creative sides’s stim toy and the television’s narrator drowning on about the process of a female snake going through pregnancy. 
“Dee-Dee can you lay eggs?” Deceit startles, giving a surprised blink, too used to sudden outbursts. Remus had quickly sat up, staring at him with wide mischievous eyes and large maniac smile on his face.
“Ree, if you hadn’t noticed, I’m male and that’s a female snake on screen. I highly doubt I could.” He replies almost fondly to the strange idea. He can see the other’s eyes flickering over his face as his thoughts raced. You could almost see them flashing through his eyes if you stared into them.
“But what if you could?” Would you eat it, cracking it open to slurp out the insides?” 
Remus cackles bouncing slightly “Or-or maybe keep it around and let rot. Turning it into a festering ball of stink!” 
The snake side couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose “As delightful as that all sounds, I don’t think I would do any of that. Though you’re welcome to do so with yourself.” He can’t help but raise an eyebrow as the side moves closer, breath smelling of his latest snack. 
“Do it with me! Let’s make an egg!” Remus moves closer, softly knocking their foreheads together and shaking his head to nuzzle their noses against each other's. “I bet they would be massive! What do you think we would make, some mysterious mix of snake and octopus wriggling inside ready to devour souls hehe!” 
Deceit can’t help roll his eyes, he loves Remus, but really he is not going to willy nilly and start making eggs with him. Remus probably didn’t even actually care about making eggs the sneaky bastard. 
He gently pushes the Duke away “Remus-” 
“Pleeeeeese Double Dee, just some egg making between two bros cause they gay!” ugh, well now how was he supposed to say no to that. 
“Alright fine, I’ll sleep with you tonight-” Remus’s face had gone from pouty to instantly a wide smile that would unsettle anyone “But only once! And then we go to bed after.” 
Remus lets out a dramatic groan as he climbs the back of the couch and flops onto the ground on the other side “Fiiiine, you’re no fun…” 
“Oh yes, I’m such a party pooper aren’t I” Deceit drawls sarcastically before quickly downing his second glass of wine, disappearing the glass with a small poof before standing up and walking around the couch to his fallen friend “Really would think you’d be grateful, considering I’ve let you change my anatomy before~...” Remus had never let go of that one special snake fact he learned from Logan. 
The creative side bolts up from the floor with the sound of bones popping “hmm I do so enjoy that little change~” he purrs towards Deceit, childishly wiggling his eyebrows before grabbing the snake sides hand to tug him off to his room. 
One would be surprised by how clean the duke’s room actually was, save for the mystery stains of course. One could never be sure if its blood, paint, ketchup. Or many other things in the splattering of dark colors in the carpet. 
Everything sat neatly in its place, bed against the back wall, with sheets semi neatly made, weapons rach against a side wall next to the closet and a desk on the other side of the room. Littered with papers with chaotic scrollings and detailed doodles all over them. A couple of shelves lined with Shelves sat over it, lined with grotesque clay figures, disfigured to missing limbs or pouting out guts. 
Remus lets go of his hand to scramble onto the his bed, snapping away his clothes and summoning a bottle of lube on the bedside table. Looking to Deceit with eyes like a predatore ready to eat him alive. 
Deceit can’t help but smile heatedly as he returned the look “So, where do you want me~” 
Two weeks!
Two weeks after Remus’s silly idea! 
He foolishly hadn’t thought he was serious about it but here was evidence on his bed that Remus had indeed changed up his anatomy somehow. 
Two weeks of feeling strange. The first couple of days, just extreme hunger and then a complete loss of appetite the rest of the time. Feeling uncomfortable at all hours, only lessened when he was in his snake form. 
He hadn’t understood why it had been happening at first, but with what sat on his bed in front of him...Well he can connect the dots. An egg on his bed, feeling tired and sore...he’s thankful he’s imaginary. 
The egg was surprisingly aesthetically pleasing, going from a bright green-yellow color on top mixing and shifting into a dark olive green to the bottom. The egg was seemingly layered almost like a pinecone and large enough to take up Deceit’s whole hand… well it hadn’t been that size when he first laid it, thank Thomas.
 It had only grown bigger a moment after...Would it keep getting bigger?
Deceit ran a gloveless hand through his hair, hardly any clothes on as he had just woken up for the day and, spending most of his time as a snake, he hadn’t needed them. 
What was he supposed to do with it now? Remus hadn’t said anything after their night together about the eggs. He wouldn’t put it past the duke if he had forgotten, with that mind of his often racing so fast, jumping from idea to idea. 
He could always just bring it to him and remind him of it...but for some reason that made his gut twist unhappily with this strange tightening feeling in his chest.
...He supposed making a nest for it wouldn’t hurt? It’s not like something would actually hatch from it right?... He hoped nothing did, anyway. Surely he wouldn’t be good for the child, if it hatched. 
With another huff, he conjures up two large fluffy blankets and small throw pillows making a nicely sized nest in the corner of the room. It looked like a comfy sitting nook for reading, to disguise the fact that the egg was there.
It’s fine... It will be fine. He fed himself the lie, willing it to wash over him and calm his nerves. Tasting its bitter scent. 
The snake side forces himself to turn away and get dressed for the day, he still has a job to do. He can figure out a better plan to deal with the egg later. 
It was just one egg. No harm.
Everything was fine. 
It’s fine.
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shinsousbedroom · 3 years
oneshot/drabble, 1K~, AU future fic
[Read on AO3.]
It was anyone’s guess how Kazuya and Mei maintained a friendship despite themselves. Certainly no one else from Ina-Jitsu bothered with the hassle of keeping in touch with Kazuya after high school. Then again, the others hadn’t aggressively tracked down Kazuya to recruit him as a key asset for their dream high school baseball team in the first place. 
Or maybe, Kazuya thought, eyeing the way Mei tapped his fingers against his cheek, eyebrow quirked and not bothering to hide the glee of having Miyuki Kazuya bend his pride to ask for help, maybe we’re still friends exactly because this relationship is 75% spite.
“You really don’t know who Sawamura is,” Mei singsonged, crossing his legs as if he were judging from the lofty heights of a throne and not a lumpy twin sized mattress in his oddly clean dorm.
Maybe 90% spite. 
Kazuya stood up, most of his weight on the arms of the desk chair as he hovered over his seat. “If you act like that, I’m going to leave,” he threatened.
Mei waved a royal hand in the air, shooing him out. “By all means, go. See if someone else will tell you what you want.” 
Kazuya kept up the act a second longer before thumping back down. “I hate you.”
“Tell it to someone who cares.” Mei leaned under his bed to pull out two magazines. He tossed two yellowing MBK editions at Kazuya’s feet, the edges of the pages curling back against the floor.
“You keep his articles under your bed? Why, Mei—”
“Oh, shut up. I’m too smug to care because I knew this was going to happen. You haven’t been subtle since you ran into Sawamura at the charity game. The whole team knows you’ve been trying and failing to wheedle out information about him from anybody who went to Seidou.” Mei tossed his bleach blond hair, unconcerned that he’d shaved most of it off recently. “News flash: they still have a grudge against you.”
“Why do I get grudges and you get the devotion of all the wannabe pitchers?” he asked, stooping over to grab the copies. The first one he picked up was ripped and creased to shreds, the battered look of a well-read magazine.
“I’m infinitely more lovable than you.”
“You’re certainly something, alright.”
“Do you want my help or not?”
Kazuya dragged his eyes up from the cover’s bright orange, blocky promise of More Inside!, keeping in his laugh at Mei’s obscene, exaggerated pout. “Oh, magnanimous one, please impart to me the knowledge I seek.” 
“Much better.”
Kazuya thumbed through the pages. The news snippets that caught his eye were barely recognizable, pinging the back of his memory and returning empty matches. Finally, near the middle of the issue, Sawamura popped out of a spread, his cutout mid-throw towards the spine of the pages. Mei’s photo stood triumphant on the other side of the article, pointing right above Sawamura’s head.
Mei craned his head to see what Kazuya was looking at, neck tilted at an uncomfortable angle to get the height he needed to peer from across the dorm. “That’s as good a place to start as any, I suppose.
“They called him the next ‘Narumiya Mei’ for a season back in high school. Always dogging my damn heels. Got all the way to Koshien with Seidou, once, bombed drastically, and then injured his pitching elbow so bad he couldn’t finish up his high school career.”
“How did I miss him,” he said under his breath. He trailed his fingers across Sawamura’s short write-up among star southpaws. The page caught against his fingertips, a sticky slide on magazine gloss. 
For the first time since Kazuya came for help, Mei faltered. “This might’ve been the Koshien after…your dad.” He picked up a different magazine laying beside him and pawed through it, too fast to take in anything on the pages.
“Ah.” He willed his mind to slip past the long-standing grief. “You never told me about him.”
“We didn’t think it mattered once you got back and he was gone.”
Something about Mei felt off. Blushes never meant much with him when every hint of emotion made his cheeks bloom dark red, like they were now. But even the reminder of everything that happened after his dad died didn’t account for the reticent conversation. Mei should have been methodically unloading every petty piece of gossip he’d uncovered since high school, waffling between contempt and begrudging respect all the while. The only reason he wouldn’t would be if…
“You're hiding him from me!” Kazuya said, straightening up in his seat, shocked and a little offended. “Why? Has he been helping you with your form? I knew there was someone new, I can tell when you’re fucking with your pitches, Mei.”
Mei snatched the magazine out of his hands and hissed, “This is why I didn’t tell you.”
“You ignore me and the pitching coach, but go to a random high school rival for help? What are you playing at?” 
“Don’t turn this back around on me. You’re the one who came to me about him first!”
“If you’re trying to embarrass me about him, joke’s on you; I don't feel shame!” Mei grabbed the pillow at the head of the bed and screamed into it. Kazuya ignored him. “Between the two of us, I don’t have the reputation of being snooty about staying in my own little baseball cliques. You’re acting weird here, not me.”
“I’m not that bad!” Mei said, nose turned up with a haughty sniff. “And I’m not so proud I won’t take advice from people who have the skills I want.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Fine,” Mei snapped, “I am. But I also like being Japan’s premier southpaw, and if that kid helps me keep my spot, I’ll keep using him.”
“‘That kid’ is not even a full year younger than us.”
“He is a child, regardless!”
Kazuya tucked his hand under his chin and narrowed his eyes. “He’s not the only one, I’d say.”
The pillow fwumped into his face. It fell to the floor, revealing Mei’s irritation. “Enough, I’m done answering your stupid questions. If you want any more info on him, either ask him or do the normal thing and stalk his social media!”
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Survey #362
(this is actually from yesterday but i never posted it and now i don’t feel like updating the answers, so yeah)
Have you ever been cheated on? No. Who’s car were you last in? My mom's. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It's been pierced multiple times, but each time the hole closed after my piercings had to be taken out at the psych hospital. The final time though, it closed because the damn stud fell out in my sleep for the billionth time, I couldn't find it, and I let it close out of annoyance. Have your parents ever smoked pot? My dad has. Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I mean, I don't think so. I hope not. Are you good at giving directions? NO. Like, I can't. I would accidentally lead you to the middle of the ocean. Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room? She'd be confused as fuck because I live with her so she knows for sure I'm not seeing anyone. Did you speak to your father today? No. Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen? No, it was actually a month after turning 16. Could you go a day without eating? Nooo. I've said before and I'll say it again, I don't deal with abdominal pain well, so yeah. Are your nails always painted? They never are. Have you ever met any bands/band members before? No. What color is your hair? Boring 'ole brown. .-. Your best friend needed somewhere to stay, could they live with you? She absolutely could. I know Mom would welcome her without hesitation. Have you danced in the rain? No. When you said something naughty when you were little, did your parents wash out your tongue with soap? No, but it was threatened. What do you think of spanking little children when they do something wrong? Okay or not? No, it is absolutely not okay. You do not teach children through fear, ever, nor do you show children that it is ever okay to hit people when you're upset. Who was the last male you hung out with? Uhhh, I think Girt? I haven't truly hung out with a guy in a long time. Who is your favorite person to text? Sara. Who did you last take a picture with? My sister. What’s your favorite brand of jeans? I don't have one. Which show is better: Spongebob or The Fairly Odd Parents? The latter. Both can be funny, but Cosmo cracks me up. Has anyone ever told you that you looked like someone else? I actually think the only time I was ever compared to someone else (make-believe, at that) was when I dressed up for Halloween one year and a friend told me I looked like Eileen Galvin from Silent Hill 4: The Room. Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning? Yesssss. Who is the most overrated singer? Idk, I don't even know who's "in" right now. What is your favourite planet? Saturn. Do you have any pets that you had since you were born? No. Do you own anything that you had when you were a baby? Yes, stored away. Do you enjoy Mario games? Mario Kart is fun, but otherwise I'm not a massive fan. What’s your favorite online game? World of Warcraft. Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class? I think so. I was always terrified of the days we got to play dodgeball or whatever, like that shit hurts. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? No. Who was last to cook for you? My ma. Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? Usually. Who is your most trusted person? My mom, probably. How late did you stay up last night? God, I don't even know. Last night was my sleep study, and I was so uncomfortable in that bed that I slept maybe only an hour or two. Hell, or less. I also couldn't sleep on my stomach, which really didn't help because that's always how I sleep. I'm exhausted now and have such a headache. When/where are you most likely to sing? In the car, I guess. I very rarely sing anywhere. Would you ever wish to explore a cave? FUCK YES. You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do? Panic like a motherfucker internally, avoid eye contact, and try to evade him (not like he'd actually pursue me) without being too obvious. Have you been/are you depressed? Both. Are your pop-ups blocked on your computer? Yes. Have you ever ridden in a car with someone who was high? Yes, because I was afraid to tell her I didn't want. Thank fuck we got home safe. I was absolutely, positively terrified we'd be pulled over. Who is the best hugger you know? Ha, actually the person I just mentioned. Have you ever had to be put to sleep for an operation? Yes. Does anybody have any proof of stupid things you have done? Oh, Facebook comments... Why did you text the last person in your inbox? I was replying to my mom. Have you ever been able to do a split? No. Did you ever date the last person you kissed? Yes. Are you intimidated by the last person you know talked badly about you? She doesn't "intimidate" me, no. She just gets on my last goddamn nerve every time she opens her mouth. Have you ever cried in school? Yes. Last person of the opposite sex you screamed at? I've never screamed at a guy because I'm afraid of them. I've sobbed at Jason, so like my voice was raised, but it definitely wasn't screaming. Do you have any weird sleep habits? Well, speaking of screaming, my nightmares have me shrieking in the middle of most nights. I also talk in my sleep like, a lot. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Very. When was the last time you had a headache? This morning, I'm sure because of how shitty I slept. When was the last time you encountered a puppy? Prepare for a rant... We have one right now, even though our landlord told us specifically no puppies because of all the housetraining they require. My mom has been wanting a dog, and Tobey finally agreed to it, and she's been looking for a while. So my sister Ashley randomly shows up with a stray puppy a friend was keeping, terrified and LOADED with ticks, and she's reminding Mom and I why we DON'T WANT A PUPPY. She's peeing everywhere BUT outside (specifically on a stupid fucking expensive carpet that Tobey will have a cow over just ONE stain), is terrorizing my cat, and has an overwhelming amount of energy. Ashley specifically told me that if Mom doesn't let Ash know, I needed to tell her if the puppy was stressing Mom out, "because this isn't supposed to be a stressful experience for her." Well, she's been sobbing again and again and I literally just came back mid-question from comforting her because she broke down so hard she could barely breathe because now she had diarrhea on the fucking carpet. Ashley's all bitchy now about it for no apparent or even remotely valid reason, and by God do I want to cuss her the fuck out over this bull she brought on. Safe to say we're not keeping the dog, but not quickly enough. When Mom hurts, I hurt, and I am so goddamn furious. Is there anything that happened a long time ago that you still laugh about? Yeah, a number of things. Do you ever try to interpret your dreams? No, given I don't believe most have any meaning. It's brain word vomit, lol. What was the last thing you bought impulsively? I don't have the income for impulse purchases. When I get money, what I'm after is well-planned. How do you feel about singing songs out loud in front of other people? I don't, usually. I'm very self-conscious about it. When was the last time you were feeling really, really nervous? That nervous, I'm unsure. I've been nervous, sure, but I haven't had a massive anxiety episode in a while. If you’re no longer in school, what is something you miss about it? If you’re still in school, what’s something you think you’re going to miss about it? I miss feeling productive and like I was going at least somewhere. Do you use your turn signals when you’re driving? Yes; I hate when people don't. How exactly are you feeling right now? Mad at my sister. Have you ever had to board up your windows because of a hurricane? No. Do you tell anyone to chew with their mouths closed? No, to avoid "confrontation" that is too negligible to even quality as conflict. I'm just a lil bitch when it comes to stuff like this. Have you ever ordered pizza and sent it to someone else’s house? No. What was the first thing you drank when you woke up this morning? My nurse or whatever her position is (I don't mean that dismissively, I genuinely don't know her title) brought me some orange juice. Do you think stretch marks from having a baby are ugly or badges of honor? Oh my god, fuck off. Anyone who can carry a child for nine months and then endure what I assume is the worst pain (usually) survivable has every ounce of my goddamn respect. The natural result of making room for a like 6+ lb. human being is not "ugly." It's a part of life and to me shows an incredible amount of bravery and love to be willing to go through something I could absolutely never. Ever done a keg stand? Haha, no. My dizzy ass will pass. Who is the last person you lent money to? My mom. Do you share clothing with anyone? Mom and I will share bras or pants sometimes. Have you ever visited anyone in a rehab? No. Was the last thing you drank a Coke or Pepsi product? No, I have lemonade right now. Honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? IF I wanted to be a parent, I feel like I definitely would be. Not like... overbearing, but still extremely protective in cases I think it's called for. What was the last kind of chips you ate? Veggie chips yesterday, actually. They're honestly not that good, but it's a doable snack with salsa. What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t? Economics. I dread taking care of my own money because idk what the fuck to do with taxes and such. What is the last thing you charged? My phone. Have you ever held a snake? I've held plenty of snakes, I love them.
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OC Universe: Rowan
Chapter 2 Summary: Rowan wakes up in Peter’s home and meets his friend, Cordelia.
Trigger Warnings: Threats, that’s literally all I can imagine at the moment.
Rowan stumbled as fallen branches and long weeds threatened to catch his feet as he ran through the forest, the vicious barking of dogs and shouts of soldiers slowly getting louder as they gain on the small boy. He felt his chest burning from the effort it took to outrun the search party and his legs were growing numb. The added weight of the shackles on his wrists made it harder to keep going. The only thing keeping him from falling was the thought of what they would do to him if he was recaptured. All he wanted was something to eat, did he really deserve to be punished for that? For a moment the sounds quietened and he paused for a moment to listen. There was no way they had given up, their Lord wouldn’t have allowed it. But for now the panic was off.
Rowan stirred gently to the sound of a crackling fire, the comforting smell of tea filled his nose and he realised he was wrapped in blankets on the floor, propped up on pillows. He sighed softly, lifting a hand to clear his eyes, a link of chain hit him in the mouth and he winced. “Ow!” He rubbed his eyes and his gaze landed on Peter, who was standing beside a woman with a stern face and brown hair. “Hey, buddy,” Peter smiled and walked towards him, he flinched as Peter knelt beside him. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” Peter said and held up his hands defensively. “Hi,” He muttered nervously and Peter smiled softly. “How are you feeling?” He asked and rested a hand on Rowan’s forehead. “I-I’m fine, thank you.” He mumbled and Peter scoffed. “Your leg is broken.” He smiled and pulled his hand away. “I doubt you’re fine.” Rowan looked away sheepishly and shrugged softly. “My leg does hurt.” He whispered and Peter frowned. It hurt a lot, actually. His entire calf was throbbing painfully and any attempt at shifting it caused him to feel the bone scraping against itself. “I’m sorry. When you were struggling you caused a fair amount of damage to the tissue. I have some medicine for pain, but we were wary of using it while you were asleep.” He said. “I-I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Rowan replied and Peter shrugged. “You looked awful, no offence. Sleep was probably the best thing for it.” Rowan’s eyes flicked to the girl as she walked across the room and snatched a cup from the dining table in the corner of his eye. “Don’t mind Cordelia, she’s harmless.” Peter said, following his gaze. “Only to you,” She commented in a gruff voice and Rowan swallowed. “She won’t hurt you.” Peter said, not breaking eye-contact with the woman. “I guess not.” She sighed and sipped from the cup. “I’ll get you some food and something to drink, all right?” Peter asked and Rowan nodded eagerly. “Thank you.” He said and Peter smiled, standing up and moving to the kitchen where Cordelia was resting. “Luckily your leg shouldn’t take too long to heal, it was a simple break. Once you’re feeling a bit stronger I can break those chains off, too.” Peter spoke hopefully as he returned with a bowl and a cup similar to the one Cordelia was drinking out of. “So, what’s your name?” He asked and the boy looked up from the meal. “M-my name?” He asked and Peter chuckled, nodding. “Oh, ah, Rowan, sorry, my name is Rowan.” Peter smiled and nodded gently. “Nice, well you eat up, I’m just going to get some more wood for the fire.” He said and stood up. Rowan wanted to ask him to stay, afraid of being left alone with Cordelia, who didn’t seem too happy to see him, but before he could even think of the words to ask, Peter was out the door and a cold gust of wind where he remained.
“I’ll warn you, Rowan,” His eyes snapped to Cordelia as she spoke. “Peter trusts you, so I’ll let you stay here.” She said and stepped closer to him like a predator approaching their prey. “But if you do anything, anything at all to him,” She leant down so their faces were inches apart and bared her teeth aggressively. “Whatever you were running from will be nothing compared to what I will do to you.” Rowan swallowed nervously and she grabbed his chin tightly. “Got it?” He managed a weak nod and opened his mouth warily. “I understand,” She released his chin, satisfied, and returned to where she was standing before as Peter returned with more wood. “Don’t mind me,” He said calmly as he stepped around Rowan to reach the fireplace. “I’ll just pop these on and then I’ll get out of your space,” He glanced down as he placed the split logs on the embers and noticed Rowan’s food remained untouched. “What’s wrong with the food? Do you not like it?” He asked and the boy looked at the bowl eagerly. “Oh! Ah, no, no it’s really good,” He lifted a spoonful into his mouth and chewed gratefully. “Thank you,” He said through the mouthful and Peter smiled. “Good, you eat up, then, let me know if you’re still hungry when you finish.” He said and settled down nearby to where Rowan lay. “I’m sorry we don’t have a spare bed,” Rowan’s eyes shot up to Cordelia when he heard her voice. “I’m leaving for work in a few days, though. So you can have my bed.” Her voice was perfectly pleasant now, and it was hard for Rowan to recognise this as the same woman who threatened him moments before. “I-I’m fine, thank you.” He said nervously and she smirked, sipping from her cup. “Can I do anything to pay you back for helping me?” He asked, turning to look at Peter. “Oh, well not just yet, maybe we can figure something out when your leg gets better,” He replied uncomfortably. “Until then you just take your time and rest up.”
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buckysrighthanddoll · 4 years
Baby Girl
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Enhanced!Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of past trauma and illnesses, infertility, fluff
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(Y/N) loved Steve with everything she had. He put the moon and stars in the sky, and she was mesmerized. There was no end to what she would do for him, and the same rang true in reverse. Steve worshipped her like the goddess that she was. Aphrodite had nothing on her beauty, Athena couldn’t match her ferocity in battle, Artemis couldn’t shoot her bow straighter than she could. (Y/N) was perfection in Steve’s eyes, despite any faults that she obsessed over.
They were a great couple. Not territorial or jealous, hardly ever fought, always communicated, the works. The entire team, as well as she and him, were all certain that they would be together forever. They would eventually marry, retire their superhero positions, get a house, have a couple of kids, get a 401-K, and retire and live a long life. They were the definition of the apple-pie-life that many members of the team fantasized about having.
Steve most certainly wanted to marry and start a family with her. She was his everything, after all, and he wanted to have everything with his everything. The thought of having a little version of her running around the tower or their own home made Steve’s heart smile in the best of ways.
She had considered children in the past, although she didn’t want them anymore. She used to be in a serious relationship for all four years of high school--got engaged and started planning a wedding--but she realized that he was actually incredibly toxic, plus she had certain abilities that he didn’t know about.
She had gotten her abilities after an experiment gone wrong. She had been type one diabetic since she was seven years old, and she hated it with everything in her. So when the doctors referred her to an experimental “cure” when she was 17, she jumped at the opportunity, as well as her parents. It was a serum of sorts that was supposed to restore her beta cells and change her immune system so that she could produce insulin. It worked, for sure, but she went to plug in her phone one night at the hospital and was electrocuted. She was dead for twenty minutes before the staff had saved her, but now she had these powers she couldn’t explain.
It was after that when she realized just how bad she didn’t want that apple pie life with the guy she was with. She no longer wanted to marry him, no longer wanted kids, no longer wanted to go to college. She wanted to save people.
(Y/N) was twenty-nine when she had met Steve Rogers. She had been taking her own “missions” for eleven years, but she didn’t know that Steve had been sent on the same mission by Tony Stark. Steve didn’t see the man in the corner of the room that had spotted him, but she did. So, naturally, she flipped herself onto his shoulders and broke his neck with her thighs. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.
Steve caught (Y/N) before she had slipped away from him, and he brought her back to the compound to conduct an interview. Tony was in the room as well, and both of them listened to her story, conflicts, and her new-and-improved outlook on life. They took her in and trained her properly, and she fell in love with Steven Grant Rogers.
There was a part of (Y/N) that wanted kids with Steve. There was a larger part of her that didn’t, though. She knew how shitty her own genetics were, and how shitty the world was, and the direction it was going in. And she would be damned if she would raise a kid into this. But that didn’t stop her from perhaps wanting to give it a try, just because it was Steve and she would do anything for that man. He was like kryptonite.
(Y/N) had to admit that she adored how good he was with kids. Whenever you went into public and he stopped to take pictures with children who approached him, her heart fluttered in her chest and a warm smile found its way onto her face. Whenever they would go to her family’s house for the holidays, he would play with her nieces and nephews and cousins, and her parents would ask when she would have a child. She would just smile and shrug, not wanting to break their hearts by telling them that she didn’t plan on giving them another grandchild.
Even the team would tease the living hell out of them. Tony and Bucky were the worst, but even Wanda had her own quips and remarks that she would throw in conversation. Everybody seemed to know that they would live out the apple pie life and get married, settle down, and get a mortgage. They had been dating for five years now; it seemed like any day Steve would pop the question and (Y/N) would say yes a thousand times over. She was just terrified to tell him that she didn’t want kids. She just knew that he would want to leave her and find another woman who wanted to give him a family.
It was at a routine check-up that her doctor found abnormalities. They ran scans and tests and took a biopsy and found out what was going on.
The years of diabetes plus newly found endometriosis had rendered (Y/N) infertile. She physically couldn’t have children. Couldn’t give that to Steve. Nausea hit her so hard that she thought she was going to vomit everywhere.
It was one thing to not want kids. That was something that perhaps be changed with time. But this was something else. This was years of medical history smacking her in the face--no, the uterus--and taking away her Steve. She couldn’t comprehend that this was real. Her choice was suddenly taken away from her, and now there was no way she could be with Steve. He deserved a woman who was whole. And that wasn’t her.
That same day, there was a team breakfast. She hadn’t told Steve yet, she couldn’t figure out how she wanted to say it. (Y/N) just wanted to cave into herself through the entire meal.
“You know, Morgan could use a friend around here,” Tony trailed off, smirking at (Y/N) and her boyfriend, who was holding her hand under the table. Multiple pairs of eyes flitted over to the two of them, smiling cheekily as Steve smiled.
“Yeah, we’ll get right on that,” Steve quipped, although it felt more genuine than a joke.
“I admit, a little version of Steve and (Y/N) would be adorable as hell,” Sam chimed in, sitting back in his chair as he smirked a bit.
She was getting uncomfortable, and that same pit dropped into her stomach as it did when the doctor gave her the news. Her hand unintentionally squeezed Steve’s a little harder, but he had misread it as something comfortable for both of them.
“Could you imagine a kid with Steve’s eyes and (Y/N/)’s hair?” Nat mused. “Adorable.”
“And you know that child would be athletic as hell,” Bucky added, shoving a fork full of eggs into his mouth afterward.
“Would you want a boy or a girl?” Clint added. “Both are hard to raise, though.”
(Y/N) couldn’t handle it anymore. She stood up abruptly, pivoting on her heels and practically running off to her and Steve’s room. She started grabbing armfuls of her things, moving them back into her old room that was three doors to the right of Steve’s. She knew that he wouldn’t want her now. It would have to come out eventually that she wasn’t enough, wasn’t whole enough for him.
Steve knocks on his door just under a minute later. Almost all of her belongings were moved out already since she didn’t see the point in cluttering his room when she had a perfectly good room.
“(Y/N)?” He asks cautiously. “Can I come in?”
She opened the door, tears threatening to spill as much as she detested it. “It’s your room, Steve, you can come in whenever you’d like.”
He stepped in and quietly shut the door, resting his hands on her shoulders as he inspected her facial expressions. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”
She heaved a heavy sigh, aiming her gaze downward so that she didn’t have to see the disappointment that was bound to find its way on to Steve’s face. “I can’t have kids,” She mutters quietly. She was sure that he wouldn’t have heard it if it wasn’t for the serum in his veins.
(Y/N) cleared her throat, closing her eyes as she repeated herself a little louder this time. “I can’t have kids, Steve. The doctor told me that I’m infertile.” A stretched silence ensued, so she stepped away from him and moved toward the door. “I get it, Steve. I wouldn’t want to be with me either. I’m not whole, and I understand that.”
“Are--do--are you breaking up with me?” He asked, turning back toward her.
“Don’t you want to be with someone better? Who can give you a family?” She asked, her eyes trained on the floor in front of his feet. She couldn’t look him in the eyes. Not now. Not when she knew she was losing him.
“(Y/N), baby girl, it doesn’t matter that you’re infertile,” Steve said. She could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, and she finally, finally brought her gaze up to look him in the eyes. “I love you as you are. Your sister told me a while ago that you didn’t want children, not since high school. And I understand,” He says, stepping toward her and pulling her toward him. “I’m perfectly content living with you. If you were to ever change your mind, we could adopt or get a surrogate, if you’d like. Kids aren’t what’s important right now. Right now, it’s just you and me, me and you, and we’re going to get married, and when we retire, maybe we could get some dogs or cats and settle down. But only when we’re both ready.”
She clung to him, crying into his shirt as he held her soothingly. “You mean that?”
“Every word, sweetheart,” Steve said into her hair, kissing there as well. “You are whole. You are enough. And I love you.”
“I love you, too, Steve,” She smiled, pulling away just enough to lean up and kiss him. It was smooth, gentle, and reassuring--exactly what she needed right now.
“And I’ll talk to the team about it if that’s what you’d like. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“You are literally the best,” She laughed. He steps away from her and kisses her forehead.
“Only for you, baby girl.”
The team stopped talking about it after that. Steve talked to them at that same breakfast, telling them that she was heartbroken about it, but that it was going to be okay.
It was going to be okay because (Y/N) loved Steve wholly, and he loved her deeply. They would go to the ends of the earth for each other, and not being able to have children certainly wouldn’t stop that love. Nothing could.
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