#sirius black/gellert grindelwald
mycupofrum · 14 days
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Thank you @shivstar for such an interesting prompt and this rare pair! It took me a while to figure out how to write these two interacting together, but I love a good challenge. :) I hope you enjoy what I came up with. Here's Gellert Grindelwald/Sirius Black. The pairing is mostly implied because of the pre-dating phase.
Rating: G
Out of time
He knows something has gone wrong the minute the world stops spinning around. His knees buckle and he collapses on the floor.
He's shaking and gasping for air, and a wave of nausea threatens to overtake him. A force yanks his wand from his hand, then the metallic object from his pocket.
Sirius Black raises his head, blinking. Everything is dark, until a wand lights up a few metres away from him. Decorated stone walls. Large fireplace. Arched windows. He's in a castle.
A man comes to stand above him, blond strands peeking out from under his hood. His pale blue eyes stare down at Sirius, cold and curious.
"And who do we have here?"
1920. He went back in time 76 years.
The Ministry. The Department of Mysteries. Death Eaters. Everything was a chaos. Curses flying around. Bellatrix's spell hit Sirius squarely on the chest – and on the Time-Turner hidden in his breast pocket as he was flung backwards towards the veil.
He picked up the object when they rushed through the Time Chamber towards the Death Chamber. He didn't really know what he'd do with a damaged Time-Turner, but it probably saved his life, even if he's now stuck in the past with nowhere to go.
He hopes with all his might that Harry is safe.
"Who is Harry?"
It's him. The Dark Wizard he only knew from history books until now.
Sirius doesn't reply but hastily tries to clear his mind, even if he barely knows the basics of Occlumency learned years ago. He'll never yield willingly.
"Interesting." Gellert Grindelwald smirks. "You'll talk eventually. We've got all the time in the world."
He's been imprisoned in the bedchamber for a month. The irony of it all is staggering. At least his bed is comfortable, there are no Dementors or cranky house-elves around, and he receives regular meals that are surprisingly tasty.
Based on the amount of cheese and pastries on the menu, as well as the mountainous view from his window, he must be near the Alps. How the Time-Turner transported him to another location, he doesn't know. It must be the result of magic having behaved unpredictably under such special circumstances.
Grindelwald visits his room every day with questions about the future, and, confusingly, to play chess with him. Sirius remains tight-lipped but agrees to play the game, if only to pass the time. He's surprised that the man has let his mind stay unpenetrated, even though it probably wouldn't take much effor to break through Sirius's mental walls.
Grindelwald always leaves the room with the same infuriating smile on his lips. Why hasn't he just forced the answers out of Sirius yet?
It's baffling.
After two months, Sirius has come to the conclusion that Gellert Grindelwald isn't the same kind of monster as Voldemort. He's similarly smart, calculating, charming and polite when he wants to be, though beneath the surface, there's undoubtedly a more ruthless side. Sirius isn't naive. But Grindelwald has the capacity to feel something for another person; he mentions an old friend with whom he used to play chess once upon a time, and Sirius knows the look of loss when he sees it.
The blue eyes bother him. They always study Sirius, his every move. He supposes he does the same with Grindelwald.
There's curiosity there, and it's not one-sided.
He could try to prevent Grindelwald from committing the horrible things he's going to do. He could try to make things better.
Sirius needs to do something.
"So, Sirius. You have finally decided to talk?"
The light from the fireplace flickers in Gellert's eyes as he leans closer to Sirius over the empty chess board between them.
Sirius licks his lips. Three months in, he's made his decision.
"I can tell you some things. But nothing that will endanger those closest to me."
Gellert smiles. "Very well."
They clink their glasses of amber liquid together, and the gesture holds the promise of something more to come.
"I'm surprised you didn't just force me to spill my secrets," Sirius finally says.
"I did consider that," Gellert muses. "But you're out of your time. Stuck here with me. I thought we could have some fun together, you and I, once you got used to the idea."
"Fun?" Sirius raises his brow.
"Why, we're both intelligent men. Surely, all the strategising we do day by day requires a release."
Sirius finishes his drink in one gulp. His cheeks flush, either from the alcohol or the implication in Gellert's words.
"I'm sure it does."
This time, he responds to Gellert's smile.
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kazuza-art · 2 months
Four different men four different body types XD
In order Sirius black, Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort xD
My babus ofc is the best one 🧐😤😌
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lord-save-me · 5 months
I'm going to say it, a LOT of the Dumbledore hate is absolutely unnecessary and is no right of him to be judged to harshly by INSTEAD of the things he should actually be judged for.
Like him being forced to choose between sparing one boy or saving the entirety of wizarding Europe? Gosh he's just the devil, that man!
Him actively dating and encouraging a man that's on the same level of villainousness as Voldemort? But aren't they such a tragic couple?
To quote Ron, you need to sort out your priorities
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teaforthotxxx · 5 months
Albus Dumbledore was never a hero or a villain. He was the definition of the bystander effect and unwillingness to get his own hands dirty.
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metalomagnetic · 2 months
What kind of ✨ toys ✨ would your Voldemort’s partners bring in the bedroom, and what are his reactions?
Ok, so I spent way too long thinking about this.
Bella from Beauty and the Beast sometimes brings rope. Bella from Stop all the Clocks, brings Rodolphus (the world's best service top) 😂 Voldemort is highly receptive in both scenarios.
Tom from Ouroboros doesn't as much as bring a toy, but he transforms the world around them into a toy. I think he likes playing hunter/prey games, with high stakes, chasing each other through some super cursed ruins somewhere. Voldemort thinks this is very childish, but he indulges Tom, and always enjoys a good hunt, especially when his hunter/prey is someone as intelligent and creative as...well, him.
Harry brings himself. He is the toy. He enjoys being at Voldemort's complete mercy. Voldemort will never tire of this, having the bane of his existence submit to him.
Albus brings a chess game. Look, I know that is not technically a sex toy, but they are huge nerds, ok? The games are spectacular, and it stimulates their minds, so they are all hot and bothered by the time it's time for bed. Voldemort is especially bothered if Albus wins the game (and he almost always does). Also, I feel Albus would wear some really colourful lingerie under his robes. Maybe some stockings, too (especially for Lesser Evil Voldemort). Voldemort is 10000% obsessed with Albus (in Meta and in Lesser) so he's up for everything his redheaded man wants. Fawkes wishes he would be blind, and has taken to flying far, far away as soon as the door to the bedroom closes for the day.
Abraxas brings a cock cage. A very expensive, custom made one ( what do you mean he bought it from the filthy muggles? Keep that slander to yourself! Abraxas would never! He *totally* found a wizard that makes sex toys, somewhere in the otherwise very puritanical wizarding world). It has precious gems, and it's made of gold and everything. He thinks he's going to convince/bribe/beg Tom into wearing it. Tom does, and they have sex, and then he puts it on Abraxas, curses it so only Tom can open it, and sends him home to his big Manor and his wife. Good luck trying to explain to your father why you can't get your wife pregnant, Abraxas!
Gellert and Voldemort are into some really crazy stuff. I won't even mention it. Dark artefacts that should most definitely not be used for sex find their way into their bed. Insane spells and potions and whispered plans for world domination.
Sirius brings a leash, of course. It isn't entirely clear who will wear it. Voldemort would accept pretty much anything, because if they're having sex, then that means Sirius can't leave, can he now?
(Sirius from White Bishop will eventually bring some handcuffs, and they both have belts on them at all times, so they're going to be quite busy.)
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Reader being Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore granddaughter and being introduced to the black family.
Yandere Sirius black is the boyfriend and wants to marry her. He’s afraid of her grandparents to ask yet.
In fact, for the first time, Walburga and Orion were proud of their son, Sirius. They were a little relieved when he said he wanted to marry you. Marriage would ensure the continuation of the lineage, in addition to making him a more perfect man. That's what his parents thought. He told them to propose to you immediately. Sirius and you have been lovers since the fifth year. The only thing you didn't know was your boyfriend's inclinations towards you. Sirius took you to the Astronomy tower and made a marriage proposal. You were both happy and scared. You didn't know what your grandparents would say. When you told your fears to Sirius, he immediately calmed your fears. He promised to make everything right. He wouldn't let anyone take his girlfriend away from him.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Hi! Really enjoyed the Harry is gay post, very well researched! Are there any other characters in the series you would also think are gay? Don't wanna say anyone just yet, just want your unfiltered opinion
Thank you so much!
Can't say I have other characters I feel as strongly about their sexual preferences. A large part of it is what Harry chooses to pay attention to. So, I don't have much evidence for anyone else, but I can say who I think is likelier to be gay (or at least not straight) from textual evidence. Some of them go into headcanon territory, but here they are, off the top of my head and in no particular order:
1. Dumbledore and Grindelwald
I'm pretty sure these two are canon, so I don't need to say much. But:
“Yes, even after they’d spent all day in discussion—both such brilliant young boys, they got on like a cauldron on fire—I’d sometimes hear an owl tapping at Gellert’s bedroom window, delivering a letter from Albus! An idea would have struck him, and then he had to let Gellert know immediately!”
(DH, pages 308-309)
Gellert— .... (This was your mistake at Durmstrang! But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met.) Albus
(DH, pages 309)
“Grindelwald. And at last, my brother had an equal to talk to someone just as bright and talented he was. And looking after Ariana took a backseat then, while they were hatching all their plans for a new Wizarding order and looking for Hallows, and whatever else it was they were so interested in.
(DH, pages 480)
2. Sirius Black
I think Sirius might've been gay, or at least bi. It goes into headcanon territory, but I think Sirius used to be in love with James. He just always gave me that vibe. (I don't think they were ever a thing, I think Sirius took his feelings for James with him to his grave).
Here are some quotes that gave me the feeling Sirius is not interested in anyone but James:
Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James’s nor Harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed.
(OOTP, page 642)
“He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed. “I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately.
(OOTP, page 670)
Plus, Sirius' general fixation on James and his constant reminiscence about him. And the two-way mirror they made just for them cause they couldn't handle an hour apart in detention:
This is a two-way mirror. I’ve got the other. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you’ll appear in my mirror and I’ll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.
(OOTP, page 858)
But we don't really know about any romantic interests Sirius may have had. So, it's more of a headcanon than anything.
3. Dean Thomas
I think Dean Thomas is bi (not gay, I think he did like Ginny). And I have only one qoute evidence for it, but it's a really funny one and I don't think I've seen anyone mention it so I'll put it here:
He certainly wasn’t the only one who was sorry to see Professor Lupin go. The whole of Harry’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class was miserable about his resignation. “Wonder what they’ll give us next year?” said Seamus Finnigan gloomily. “Maybe a vampire,” suggested Dean Thomas hopefully.
(POA, page 429)
Dean Thomas clearly read whatever 1990s version of Twilight that exists in the HP universe and wants a love triangle paranormal romance with a werewolf and a vampire.
4. Draco Malfoy
I think he was a little too obsessed with Harry. Like, I don't actually ship Drarry, but I can definitely confess Draco was way too interested in Harry for it to not appear a little gay.
He rummaged in his trunk up in the luggage rack and pulled out the miniature figure of Viktor Krum. “Oh wow,” said Neville enviously as Ron tipped Krum onto his pudgy hand. “We saw him right up close, as well,” said Ron. “We were in the Top Box —” “For the first and last time in your life, Weasley.” Draco Malfoy had appeared in the doorway. Behind him stood Crabbe and Goyle, his enormous, thuggish cronies, both of whom appeared to have grown at least a foot during the summer. Evidently they had overheard the conversation through the compartment door, which Dean and Seamus had left ajar. “Don’t remember asking you to join us, Malfoy,” said Harry coolly.
(GOF, page 168)
Draco literally comes to find Harry on the train, uninvited, every year (except 6th). Throughout their time at school, he also makes an active effort to seek out Harry to a level that is kind of ridiculous. It always looked to me like Draco was desperate for any sort of attention from Harry.
Harry looked down at the hawthorn wand that had once belonged to Draco Malfoy. He had been surprised, but pleased to discover that it worked for him at least as well as Hermione’s had done.
(DH, page 444)
Considering how loyal unicorn hair wands like Draco's are, it seems Dravo feels more friendly about Harry than he likes to pretend.
5. Aunt Muriel
It sounds weird, I know, but I have a reason here. So, Muriel is from the same generation as Dumbledore, more or less, from her words in DH. And we know, back then she had expectations to marry and have children as a (seemingly) pure-blood witch. Those expectations would've been prevalent when she was a young woman in the early 20th century, even among the less blood-purist families.
The fact that she didn't seem to have settled down with a husband and children implies she wasn't interested in doing so. This allows a reading of her as either interested in women or not interested in sex or marriage in general.
6. Alphard Black & Cassiopeia Black
For the same reasons as Muriel. Neither Cassiopeia (born 1915) nor Alphard, Sirius' godfather (born circa 1927-ish) married or had children. This is something that would be expected of them, so the reading of them as not straight is very plausible.
So, that's it. These are all the characters that off the top of my head I could give textual evidence for a not straight reading of. I don't have as much evidence, and that's why I consider this more headcanon than theory. Obviously, people can headcanon wherever, these are just the ones that I could recall evidence for.
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expectopatronum81 · 8 months
Let me just say it, jkr is brilliant at writing friendships and individual characters but absolute shit at writing romance. None of the main ships were well written, the side ones were much better, though probably because we don't have enough info for them to be ruined
Ships I like :
Bill and Fleur - 💯💯💯 second best ship in the books imo
Molly and Arthur - for some reason the fandom hates this ship. U need to be a solid team to pull off a family of 7 kids ( especially with 6 boys). They also clearly love each other, they even call each other cute nicknames. What's not to like?
Dumbledore and Grindelwald - this is going to bring me hate, but they're my fav couple in the whole series. I don't need a couple to be morally good to appreciate the pairing. Probably the only well written one because they're both fleshed out as characters. Their relationship only makes them more complex and interesting than they already are.
Ships I dislike :
Harry and Ginny - The protagonist's love story was a disappointment. Ginny could have been such an interesting character, instead she was made into the boring 'perfect girl tm' just to become Harry's 'ideal partner'. She's basically made into a female version of james without his flaws being called out. Harry's 'chest monster' was cringe asf, sounded like something tht could hv been picked out of Twilight 😂😂
Ron and Hermione - i like the idea of them, but i don't think it was executed well. That bird attack practically made its appeal non existent for me ( i love Hermione but wtf)
James and Lily - we know a lot about James's character but very little about lily despite the fact that they're both dead before the series starts. James hexing Snape behind Lily's back doesn't set a good precedent, seeing as they get married the very next yr. Lily almost smiling at Snape's underpants being exposed is never addressed when Harry's being critical about james. To me it honestly feels lyk shipping james with a ghost as we know nothing substantial about lily.
PS: I also really appreciate the fact that Sirius was never paired up with anyone. He was far too broken and rebellious and traumatized. He had different priorities and I m so glad his character wasn't forced into one. Single characters for the win, they're such a rarity in fiction
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artemis-and-athena · 1 month
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gellert-1899 · 10 months
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pbielik · 3 months
do you feel ashamed...
...when you hear my name?
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1) Albus Dumbledore i Tiana Lupin-Black
2) Invidia Lestrange i Miranda Cremonessi-Pucey
3) Amelia Bones i Venus Cregence
4) Tiana Lupin-Black i Syriusz Black
5) Godryk Gryffindor i Morgana LeFay
6) Syriusz Black i Regulus Black
7) Marcjanna Król i Ambroży Nalepa
8) Gellert Grindelwald i Galatea Grindel
9) Iria Rodriguez i Esperanza "Hope" Lupin
(tak szczerze to mogłabym zrobić listę osób, którym życie zniszczyli Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Marcjanna, rodzina Black, Gryffindor, Invidia etc. - problem w tym, że zabrakłoby miejsca)
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graycious-tea · 1 year
I feel like I just had an epiphany… canonically spells don’t work (especially unforgivables) unless you truly mean them. So like I’m just saying say someone uses kadavra but the recipient doesn’t die… the angst potential y’all THE ANGST my mind rn is thinking Jegulus.. or like spy regulus who has to keep up appearances OR fucking Peter or snape given an order but the spell doesn’t work omg what about grindaldor (idk their ship)!? Like the only reason grindlewald is in prison was because dumbledore tried to kadavra BUT IT DIDNT WORK and vice versa
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I've seen some dumbledore defenders saying that a reason people don't like him is they were disillusioned from his apparent omnipotence
but if you think about it, that's really his unravelling because this realization allows people to fully realize his incompetence as a leader
cause legit, there's so much he seriously dropped the ball on:
the prophecy
hiring decent teachers (snape, trelawney, binns, most of the DADA teachers...)
lockhart (dude deserves his own bullet point, the dipshit)
figuring out the real traitor
taking james' invisibility cloak at the worst possible time
his own hubris
making sure harry's living arrangements were not, you know, abusive
literally tom riddle's first and second rise to power. if the wizarding wars were wwi, riddle is germany and dumbledore is the uk and france relying on hope and prayer that voldemort is following the treaty of versailles (edit: i do not support the analogy of death eaters to nazis; this metaphor is specifically referencing this one event in history)
opening hogwarts up to ministry influence, not once, not twice, but four times throughout the series
and we know none of this was just lack of experience or naivety/gullibility because he made the exact same mistakes multiple times throughout a nearly 80 year period - it's hard to believe this kind of repetition wasn't on purpose - especially the later ones
that last point is particularly important in the disillusionment argument. how could dumbledore stop the ministry - one of the few entities that had more power than him? well, obviously, he can't, but that's the problem. cause he's either super powerful with a ton of sway in not just the wizarding world, but the ministry as well, or he's just a guy that rose to power for no other reason than he was smarter than the alternatives.
but that doesn't make a leader - that makes an arrogant man with an unjustified amount of power.
and back to the repeated mistakes argument - the idea that dumbledore "collected" people that would be useful to him in the future is really appealing to me because
1) remus and the other marauders - despite not being able to see the future, dumbledore seems to have the uncanny ability to tell where a person will end up.
a. toward the end of the first wizarding war, james and lily went into hiding, yes? they were no longer helping the cause, but their son, if the prophecy was true, had the potential to destroy voldemort, making harry useful, which leads into peter
b. dumbledore could see peter was pulling away from the order - he knew about all of the missions, and peter certainly was not on as many as he said he was, which meant one of two things - he was deserting, or he was the traitor. why not investigate at that point? pull up his sleeve, give him some veritaserum. it wouldn't have been hard. bringing me to sirius
c. dumbledore let sirius rot in azkaban for 12 years without a trial and with not just reasonable doubt but solid evidence that sirius was not the traitor - and even if he didn't have that info, all that means is that it's one more thing that dumbledore dropped the ball on. this is not something that he could only have known if he was omnipotent or could see the future - it was literally his job to know/figure out sirius wasn't the traitor. and again, if the problem is dumbledore didn't actually have a hand in any of this, that only proves he was lying about the amount of sway he had in the ministry, a problem in and of itself. bringing me to remus
d. man, there is so much I could say about dumbledore and remus, but I'll try to keep it short. dumbledore purposefully made remus feel like dumbledore was his saving grace. without dumbledore, he would have been homeless, penniless, probably running around with a pack of werewolves or dead by bigoted wizards. but, honestly, dumbledore just did his job as a teacher. oh, wow, good for him, he gave a kid an education, let's give him a cake and award ceremony - no. this is not special, but remus was conditioned to think it was - and despite it all, dumbledore never advocated for werewolf rights. he never admitted another werewolf or tried to help adult werewolves get an education. it makes a person think - what was so special about remus? probably nothing. he was just the right age. but dumbledore made him completely obedient, and he knew about his missions with the werewolf packs, yet didn't defend him when everyone thought he was the traitor. he was useful until he wasn't, and then he was useful until he died
2) dumbledore also seems to have the uncanny ability to find the most powerful people with the most potential
harry (this one I'll give it to him as an accident, but the point still stands)
again, remus
mad eye moody
trelawney (but only for the prophecy)
hagrid (this is more a case of manipulation, but hagrid brought the giants and made the forbidden forest creatures loyal to him (sort of) so I'm including him)
legit most of the teachers
there is no denying dumbledore is a strategist - but how far was he willing to go to defeat voldemort?
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teaforthotxxx · 5 months
The biggest difference between Grindelwald and Voldemort was that Gellert was not a blood purist. Gellert hated muggles cause he saw what muggles did to witches and wizards during witch trials. He didn’t actually care if you were a muggleborn or a pureblood. That was why his message was so persuasive. Albus agreed with him because muggles used to bully his sister and she became an obscuris.
Meanwhile, Voldy was blindsided by the pureblood’s power and wanted to be the most pure wizard because he felt like his mudblood made him weak.
That’s why Voldy was so disappointed when he met Gellert. Cause they had two very different causes.
Also: I feel like people won’t get this but GELLERT WOULD HAVE APPROVED OF WOLFSTAR!! He would have respected Remus as a werewolf!! He could have easily convinced Sirius to join him.
The real tragedy of Gellert is that he was so intent on blaming large groups of people rather than the authorities that set the issues in place. He killed muggle towns but those muggles weren’t the same ones who conducted the witch trials. He attacked wizards but those weren’t the ministry members who looked down on him. And, he was so sure he was right that he wouldn’t listen to Albus.
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ibahibut · 2 years
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Expression practice on my Instagram story to break my artblock.
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litsetaure · 13 days
Strictly Speaking - Chapter 18
Rita Skeeter's gossip continues to cause a stir and starts a war on social media as another week begins. As he and Gellert take on the samba, Albus is faced with some alarming emotions and ends up being put firmly in his place. Nonetheless, he becomes more determined to win over his partner, both on and off the dance floor. On Sunday, during the results show, an emotional professionals routine with his best friend leaves Sirius unexpectedly shaken.
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