#hope lupin
postnuclearel · 2 days
Imagine your son gets bitten by a werewolf when he’s four, and you have to lock him in a closet or whatever every month and listen to him calling for his mum and dad knowing you can’t go to him.
No-one in the wizarding world world would be prepared for that. They wouldn’t know how to raise a werewolf because it’s not something you would ever expect to have to do. Yes, he was probably distant, emotionally and physically, but he tried his best.
Some fics hc that he killed himself because Remus was a werewolf. That could be taken as that he was ashamed, but honestly it makes so much more sense that he felt guilty. His four year old son was attacked and he didn’t/couldn’t stop it, and then he had to deal with listening to his son in pain every month, probably blaming himself 24/7, convincing himself that it’s his fault that his son will never be able to go to Hogwarts and live a normal life.
And then imagine him watching Remus get the letter in the post. Imagine how scared he must have been for him. Imagine him spending every full moon restless and unable to sleep, terrified that this time would be the one where Remus was sent home, or worse, sent to prison.
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theprongspotter · 5 months
Euphemia: *sighs*
McGonagall: They never listen, do they?
Pomfrey, rubbing her temples: It’s exhausting.
Hope: Being a mom is hard.
James, sitting down beside them: Tell me about it.
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engie-ivy · 10 months
(Lyall Lupin being a Good Dad for his anxious son in law😁 For @wolfstarmicrofic)
9th: Cosy
1039 words
Lyall goes to use the toilet, and ends up adopting a new son.
Your New Family
“Really, Lyall?” Hope places her hands on her hips. “We just got here!”
“Sorry dear,” Lyall says cheerily. “But that’s the price you pay for becoming an old man, very frequent toilet breaks. Besides,” he adds. “With all your fretting about not being late, we’re like twenty minutes early, so now’s the perfect time.”
Hope rolls her eyes, a gesture Lyall is all too familiar with, and goes to inquire whether their table is already available, while Lyall strolls to the restrooms.
When he’s relieved himself and walks over to the sinks, there’s a boy pacing up and down. Well, maybe he’s more a young man, looking rather handsome with his fancy shoes, crisp white shirt, fitted suit jacket and long hair neatly tied into a pony tail, but to Lyall, he’s still a boy.
As Lyall is washing his hands, the boy leans on the sink next to him, staring at his reflection in the mirror, while taking what seem to be calming breaths.
Lyall meets the boy’s sharp grey eyes in the mirror. “Everything alright, lad?”
“Ah,” the boy says, looking slightly flustered. “Yes. Yes, I’m sorry, sir. Please, don’t mind me. I’m just...” He gestures vaguely with his hand. “Anxious, I guess.”
Lyall smiles at him as he turns off the tap. “On a big date?”
“No,” the boy says. “Not really. I mean, sort of, I guess.” The boy makes a move as if he wants to run his hand through his hair, showing that he’s not used to having it tied up. He settles for tugging at his pony tail. “I’m meeting my boyfriend’s parents for the first time. They’ll be here in...” He checks his watch. “Fifteen minutes. Fuck.” He presses his hand against his forehead. “Pardon my language,” he says after a quick glance at Lyall.
“Ah,” Lyall says, as something starts to dawn on him. “And you don’t think they’ll be... nice people?”
“They’re the best people!” The boy exclaims. “Going by what my boyfriend has been telling me at least, they’re really great.” He shakes his head. “But that’s just the fucking- I mean, that’s just the bloody problem, innit?”
Lyall tilts his head as he dries his hands with a paper towel. “How so?”
The boy shrugs. “My boyfriend comes from this warm and loving family, and he’s really close to his parents. It’s important to him that I get along with them.”
“Right.” Lyall nods in understanding. “And that of course puts a lot of pressure on you.”
The boy sighs. “I’m just scared I’ll fuck it- sorry, I’ll mess it up. I mean, what do I know about bonding with parents? I couldn’t even get my own bloody parents to even like me, and they’re supposed to have been programmed to love me!”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Lyall says sincerely.
“He’s envisioning this whole future, y’know?” The boy continues, now letting it all come out. “Coming together for birthdays, celebrating Christmases together, Sunday brunches at his parents’ place... He’s picturing this harmonious, cosy family, and I sure as hell can’t offer him that from my side, so if his parents don’t like me, I’ll take all of that away from him.”
Lyall looks at him sympathetically. “Sounds like it’s really important to you.”
The boy looks away. “I just don’t want to disappoint him,” he says softly. Then he lets out a humourless laugh. “God, I’m sorry. I swear I don’t normally trauma-dump on strangers in the restroom like this!”
“No, no,” Lyall says. “I asked, so don’t worry about it, lad. And the fact that You’re so anxious only means that this guy really means a lot to you.”
“He means everything to me,” the boy says without a moment of hesitation. He smiles to himself. “I can’t even explain. I mean... if I can’t give him everything, if he can find someone who can, who will make him happier, then I want him to break up with me, y’know? Even if it’ll completely destroy me. It’s like.... nothing matters besides his happiness.” He shakes his head. “I’m probably not making much sense. I’ve honestly never felt like this before.”
Lyall feels a warmth somewhere in his chest. “You know, lad, all a parent want is for their child to be happy...”
“But I don’t know that,” the boy interrupts, before adding quietly “Mine sure never did...”
Lyall feels a surge of fatherly protectiveness wash over him, for a boy he only just met! “I’m sorry you had that experience,” he says, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “But take it from me, if they are indeed the good people your boyfriend has made them out to be, then that will be the only thing that matters,” he says firmly. “So if you love your guy-”
“I do,” the boy immediately says. “I love him so, so much.”
Lyall regards him fondly, gently squeezing his shoulder. “Then trust me, that will be enough for them. It won’t matter if you’re wearing a fancy jacket, or if you’re hair is neatly tied up, or if you let slip the occasional curse word. If he loves you and you love him, and you make him happy, then that is going to be more than enough.”
The boy gives him a grateful look. “Well, then I have nothing to worry about,” he then says with a grin. “Loving him is actually my specialty!”
Lyall lets out a laugh. “Sounds like you’re going to be just fine!”
Suddenly, the boy gives him a hug. Lyall is startled for a moment, but then easily hugs him back.
“Thank you,” the boy says, pulling away. “I’m sure this isn’t what you were expecting when you just wanted to use the toilet, but I appreciate it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Lyall says. “And I’m sure your new family will grow to love you.”
The boy grins at him. “Alright, here I go. Wish me luck!”
“You don’t need it, lad.”
The boy chuckles. “If Remus’ dad is even slightly like you, I’m sure I’ll be fine!” And then he dashes out of the restroom.
Lyall looks in the mirror and smiles to himself. “I’ve got a sense that he will be.”
Now with a part 2!
Part 2: Your New Son
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lulublack90 · 11 days
Prompt 8 - Bodyswap AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 8, word count 1209
CW- Cronic Illness, Child Abuse (Not described, but you know what's happened).
Sirius and Remus regularly bickered. It drove their other friends mad. Remus thought Sirius was a spoilt rich boy brat, and Sirius thought Remus put on how sick he felt because he loved the attention that came with it. 
The bickering got so bad one day that Remus shoved Sirius, and Sirius shoved him back. James had to come between them and break up the fight. Remus’s eye was swelling shut, and Sirius’s lip had burst open. 
“I wish you two could walk in each other’s shoes for a day. Maybe then you wouldn’t bicker so much.” They scowled at each other until it was time to go home. 
Remus awoke the following morning feeling better than he’d ever felt before. He stretched, and nothing hurt. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open onto an elegantly decorated room. 
“You are late for breakfast. If you are not presentable at the table in five minutes, there will be consequences!” A woman who wasn’t his mother screeched through the door. 
He got up and opened the ornately carved wardrobe. The clothes inside were not his and most definitely wouldn’t fit his tall frame. He rubbed his eyes, grabbed a perfectly ironed shirt and held it up to his body. He used the mirror on the back of the door to see how it looked. He dropped it on the floor. The reflection staring back at him was not his own. 
Sirius had never slept worse in his life. He felt like he had the flu. His joints ached no matter what position he slept in. The sun shone through too-thin curtains, stopping him from falling back to sleep. A gentle knock came at the door as it slowly opened. 
“Good morning, darling,” A sweet honey-haired woman cooed at him. “I’ve got you tablets and some toast. When you’re ready, I’ve got porridge keeping warm for you. Don’t rush, though, my love.” She opened the curtains and planted a kiss in his hair before she walked back out, closing the door behind her. 
Sirius panicked. Pills? What pills could he possibly need? He jumped out of the unfamiliar bed and rushed into the little bathroom across the hall. He stared at the boy in the mirror above the sink, higher up than he was used to. His hands came to his face, and so did the reflections. He pinched himself hard. It hurt a lot. So he wasn’t dreaming. 
“Sweetheart, there’s a phone call for you.” The woman’s sweet voice called through the door. 
“C-c-coming,” He stuttered as he stumbled to the door. He took the portable house phone from her and put it to his ear. “Hello?” He said into the receiver. 
“What the hell is going on?” They said together. 
“Are you in my house?” Remus asked.
“I think so. Do you have blue striped bedding and a yellow lamp?” 
“Yes! And do you have a ridiculous wardrobe and an insanely gigantic bed?”
“Does it have green bedding?”
“Oh my god, Remus! What the actual.” Sirius ran his hand through his hair. His fingers came away too quickly. Remus’s hair was a lot shorter than Sirius’s. 
“Your mum seems like a lot,” Remus tried to make light of it like he always did. “Apparently, I was late for breakfast. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Now, I’m meant to be self-studying. Then there’s a Latin tutor. Sirius, I don’t speak Latin!”
“Yeah, she doesn’t abide laziness. Your mum seems lovely, though. She brought me toast and some pills. What are they for?” Sirius followed Remus’s example. 
“Oh, you need to take them. Believe me. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” Remus warned. 
“Sirius, where have you gone?!” Sirius heard his mother’s voice over the phone and flinched. 
“Remus, you need to hang up now and go do whatever it is you were meant to be doing.” He couldn’t help the touch of panic in his voice. 
“What are you on about? I’m only on the phone.” Remus chuckled back at him. Sirius heard his mother’s heels click against the hardwood flooring. 
“Remus,” He whispered in a shaky voice. The line went dead. 
Sirius knew what was about to happen to Remus, and he wished he could take his place. He snatched up the pills off the bedside table and swallowed the lot. This he could do for Remus, at least.
Mrs Lupin beamed at him when he walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh, love. You look a bit pale. Why don’t you go snuggle up on the sofa, and I’ll get you some tea? She fussed over him all day, making sure he was comfortable. He had full control over what they watched on the TV, and she never uttered the word homework. He was glad he didn’t have to do too much, as his body felt so delicate. Plus, with the bad night’s sleep, he was exhausted. “How do you feel about pizza for dinner?” She asked when it began to get late. 
“Yeah, Mrs—Er, yeah, mum. That sounds perfect.” He smiled at her.
He asked to go up to his room after they’d finished eating. 
“Of course, you can silly. I don’t know why you’re even asking. Oh, don’t forget to take your evening pills before you go up,” Sirius did as he was told. The stairs were hard to get up. He was out of breath before he’d gotten halfway up. 
He spent the next hour doing all of Remus’s homework for him. By the end, he just got into bed and passed out. 
When he woke again, it was morning. His alarm was blaring next to his head, and his emerald sheets were wrapped around him in a tight ball. He could feel the bruises. She’d proper walloped him this time. He wondered if Remus had talked back at her. 
He got ready for breakfast, but before he could leave his room. Regulus came in. And for the first time in years. He hugged Sirius and hurried back out when Walburga’s shoes clacked across the hallway floor. Monday couldn’t come quickly enough.
Remus, for once, got up early and arrived at school before any of his friends. He watched the town car pull up and deposit Sirius and Regulus onto the curb. 
Regulus hugged Sirius and disappeared off into the building. Sirius and Remus stared at each other. Sirius moved first and gently wrapped his arms around Remus, knowing now how much that body ached and why he needed the extra care the school gave him. Remus gripped him as tight as he could. He’d had no idea how bad Sirius had it. His parents made their lives look so perfect. 
Sirius sucked in a breath when Remus squeezed against one of the bruises. 
“Oh, shit, Sirius. I’m so sorry.” Remus panicked, loosening his hug. 
“No, no. It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Sirius knew how much effort Remus was putting into that hug. 
“Aww, isn’t this sweet?” James smirked as he walked up to them. “Nice to see you hugging rather than fighting.” Sirius and Remus looked at each other, smiling happily at each other. Finally, they realised there was so much more to each other than they ever could have guessed.     
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emxmarauders · 4 months
Remus Lupin who was extremely close with and loved by his mum. Remus Lupin who would tell his mum everything. Except for being gay because he was scared of their reactions. Hope Lupin who secretly knew without being told but didn’t say anything until Remus told her. Remus Lupin who came out to Hope before Lyall because it felt easier. Both of them always love him no matter what.
Remus lupin who brought his friend Sirius black home for Christmas in 3rd year (James went on holiday). Hope Lupin who immediately saw that Remus viewed Sirius as more than a friend. Hope Lupin who knew before Remus knew. Hope Lupin who pretended to be surprised when Remus told her he and Sirius were dating in sixth year.
Hope Lupin who does nothing but support.
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largecoldbrew · 1 year
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Lyall, Hope, and Remus
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wild-flowerhoney · 3 months
sirius and regulus run away AU but make it moonwater/moonseeker
they do go to the potters and sirius immediately fits in, they're a family of eccentric extroverts and that's exactly the kind of people sirius adores - regulus doesn't, though. he still has hang ups about james, euphemia is Amazing but he's truly not comfortable with her expansive nature and fleamont is just barely better.
anyway remus stays for a bit during summer and the plan is to bring him home (the lupins dont have a floo connection) and stay for dinner there. except. hope is immediately enamoured with the tiny, sarcastic teenager standing moodily behind his older brother - reg is quiet and looking at the bookcases more than at them but still managing to snark and jokingly insult the others in a way that makes her genuinely laugh. and remus is so clearly fond of him, the two of them going back and forth easily.
and regulus likes her too - hope is warm but quiet, motherly but in a subtle way. and lyall is gruff and clearly doesn't know what to do with all these teenagers but he still looks at his family with love even if he doesn't know how to show it. they're a little broken, a little less clean and polished than the potters are. and regulus likes it that way, prefers their quaint little home (with the yellow paint peeling off of the old wooden front door) to the splendour of potter manor.
he visits often, during that summer. until he's pretty much only going back for sirius (living without his brother, even after everything, would be too unnatural) because he's got his own bed at the lupins', his own bookcase and space in remus' closet.
(sirius knows his younger brother. he pushes reg to accept the offer of staying over more often, even if it feels weird to have breakfast without him outside of hogwarts. he stays at the lupins' himself, as much as he can, just to give reg more opportunities. sirius has a mother in euphemia, regulus wont let himself admit the same about hope.
sirius has only ever wanted happiness, for his little brother. he wont let regulus give up on it for his sake. )
this is all to say: reg at home with the lupins, building a close friendship with remus and falling in love with him through late night talks and mornings spent together and long nights crying softly under the light of the full moon - hope has two sons now, both happier than they've ever been. lyall watching his wife and son welcome another boy into the family is exactly the kind of shock he needs to start proving that he can be part of it too. remus and regulus being loved and loving in return. life has never been so good.
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the lupin family has a farm btw. lyall bought it shortly after remus was bitten.
remus had a favorite cow named cookie. pandora loved the chicken (she called them all dora)
there was a big shed in the woods secured with magic so that remus could run around in it every full moon in hopes he would be less injured (it help a little bit)
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foxalade · 2 months
Okay somehow I must have imagined writing part of my chapter?? Or it's gone
It was the good part too so now I'm gonna try ro rewrite it but I can't remember exactly what happened in the scene :(
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wolfstargazer · 3 months
Jan 10 - Good - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 296
Hope very much wanted to ask him. They had always been close, and Remus often shared things with her that he would never share with others.
But Hope knew his still waters ran deep. So she didn't want to push if he wasn't ready.
They were sitting in companionable silence one afternoon. The sun hung low in the sky, tinging the room in orange and grey. Hope had brought in the tray, and the tea was brewing. She'd patted the sofa beside her for Remus to sit down.
"Tired?" she asked, eyeing his weary face with motherly concern.
Remus shrugged.
Hope reached out and softly pushed his hair back from his face.
Remus said nothing, although he smiled a little at her touch.
"Talk to me," Hope offered, leaning forward and pouring the tea.
As though he'd been waiting for permission, his words came tumbling out.
"Well, there's exams. I'm not sure I've done enough to prepare. For Charms and History of Magic, at least. The term is going so quickly and..."
Remus trailed off.
Hope studied her son's face. She knew he'd find the words in the end.
"And then that's it. All finished. I'll leave..."
He was anxious...about leaving...and what the future held...
But there was more. She knew it. It hung in the silence between them.
Hope handed him the tea and a slice of cake and suggested, warily, "And leave them behind too?"
"Yes. James and Peter and..." Remus' voice wavered. He looked down into his cup.
"And Sirius?"
Remus said nothing, but his face told her everything. He sipped his tea, leant back, and took a bite of cake.
Hope knew he wasn't ready.
But she'd be there when he was.
She placed a reassuring hand on his arm, looked down at the cake, and asked, "Good?"
"Good," he replied.
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snorp-snorp · 1 year
Lyall Lupin in canon:
I love 💕 my wife and son. My prejudices used to be a fault, but after my son turned into a werewolf, I worked hard to provide Remus with the accommodation he needs. Even if I over-worry at times, it’s not because I don’t trust him, but because I’m weary of the bigoted, incompetent system I used to support. I’m grateful for the education and friendships Hogwarts was able to supply. I’m always happy to see Remus, and will offer all the support I can as a father :)) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lyall Lupin in fanon:
nah fuck my son 🥱 lame ass doggy bitch
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just some proof btw (source: Pottermore)
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engie-ivy · 4 months
Merry Christmas everyone!🎄
1365 words.
“Well, I've never decided that I wanted to stop seeing him!” Hope says defensively, crossing her arms over her chest. “That he's no longer a part of your life doesn't mean he should no longer be a part of mine.”
“He's my ex!” Remus exclaims. “You're my mother! That's exactly what it means!”
Wonderful Once Upon a Time
Make It To Christmas - Alessia Cara
“Well, well, well. Who do we have here?”
Hope Lupin freezes from where she had been sneaking into the house. No, not sneaking. It's her own house after all. Just walking. Inconspicuously. Without making any sound. Trying to not get noticed.
The last part clearly didn't work, as Remus is sitting at the kitchen table, arms crossed over his chest, giving his mother a stern, but also slightly smug, look.
“Remus!” Hope says, just a tad too high-pitched. “Oh my, you startled me.” She lets out a very unconvincing laugh.
Remus just arches an eyebrow. “Where have you been?”
“Oh,” Hope says, trying (and most likely failing) to sound casual. “I was just visiting your auntie Joy.”
“Is that so?” Remus asks slowly.”How strange. Auntie Joy called about an hour ago to tell you she isn't making the Christmas pudding this year. Now, why would she call here to talk to you while you're over there?”
Hope makes an awkward chuckling sound. “Did I say aunt Joy? Silly me, I meant aunt Faith!”
“Oh,” Remus says in a light voice that really should've alarmed her. “How did you like her big Christmas tree?”
“Oh, yes, it's lovely, very lovely,” Hope replies quickly.
“Ahha!” Remus points his finger at her. “Auntie Faith doesn't have a Christmas tree this year, as she's afraid the cat is going to climb it.”
Hope curses inwardly as Remus gets up from his chair and walks over to her, looking at her intently. Hope tries not to squirm under his gaze.
“I ask you again,” Remus says emphatically. “Where have you been?”
Before Hope can answer, Remus’ gaze shifts down for a moment and he notices the package in Hope's bag. His eyes narrow. “Are those… Rosemerta’s cookies?”
Damn Rosemerta for always giving Hope some cookies to take home, and damn herself for being too weak to resist!
“You've had lunch at The Three Balls of Holly,” Remus concludes. Then his eyes widen in shock. “Mother,” he hisses. “Are you having an affair?”
“Yes,” Hope immediately says. “You've caught me. I was out on a clandestine rendez-vous with my secret lover behind your father's back!”
Remus stares at her for a moment and then shakes his head. “Okay, so it's clearly not that. Now tell me where you really were.”
Hope gives up, and decides to come clean. She sighs in defeat. “I was out for lunch with Sirius.”
“What?!” Remus gasps.
“Well, I've never decided that I wanted to stop seeing him!” Hope says defensively, crossing her arms over her chest. “That he's no longer a part of your life doesn't mean he should no longer be a part of mine.”
“He's my ex!” Remus exclaims. “You're my mother! That's exactly what it means!”
“Come on, darling,” Hope says appeasingly. “You know I've always been very fond of the boy.”
Remus doesn't look the slightest bit appeased.
Hope makes herself a cup of tea, with Remus sitting back down at the kitchen table, with a sour look on his face, moping. She sits down across from him and stirs her tea, waiting patiently.
She doesn't have to wait long.
“So,” Remus eventually says reluctantly. “Sirius is back in town, huh?”
“He is,” Hope only replies.
Remus groans in frustration, and forces the next words out. “How was he?”
“Good,” Hope decides to stop teasing him and starts to talk. “He finished art school before the summer, and then spent some months working in New York, building a clientèle, before only recently coming back to town. He seemed well. Still very handsome.” She takes a sip from her tea before adding “And still single.”
“Mum!” Remus warns.
Another silence falls, during which Hope, again, waits patiently.
“Did he…” Remus begins hesitantly after a moment. “Did he say anything about me?”
Hope looks at her son fondly. “Darling, do you really think that Sirius could go and have lunch with your mother and not talk about you?” She giggles. “I was teasing the poor dear-” maybe she does that a bit too often, now that she thinks about it “-and I started telling him all about your father's bad knee, to see how long he would last. He made it an impressive five minutes, before blurting out ‘how's Remus?’ right in the middle of my sentence.” She shakes her head, smiling. “When I told him you now work at the local school, he said he could easily imagine you as a teacher.”
Remus also smiles. “Just like I can easily imagine him in his own art studio, surrounded by his paintings.”
“Oh,” Hope says. “I didn't tell you! You know Mr Kettleburn’s old cottage, in the woods at the edge of town? The one that hasn't been used in almost a year? Well, Sirius bought it! He's going to turn it into his workplace, a calming place for him to paint. Of course our town doesn't quite have the art scene New York has, or much of a market to sell art, but Sirius says he just doesn't feel the inspiration he feels here when he's in the city. He hopes that with the name he has already made and the clientèle he has already built, he'll be able to sell his paintings from here.”
Remus stares at her. “Huh. So Sirius is staying in town.”
Hope tilts her head. “Does that surprise you?”
Remus shrugs. “I guess I just always thought he would either accept that job as Creative Director at his family's company and travel the world meeting interesting, important people, or open up some fancy art gallery in some trendy, artsy neighborhood in New York, or maybe travel to all the major art capitals of the world showcasing his work… I always thought that this small town simply wouldn't be enough for him.”
“Sirius has always been very clear about that,” Hope says gently. “He has always told you that he loves this place, that it feels like home. That this town, his paintings, you, are all he needs.”
“Yeah,” Remus says. “But I always thought he was just saying that, y’know? I was…"
“You were listening to your own fears and anxieties, instead of listening to him,” Hope finishes for him.
Remus rubs his temples. “I really fucked up when it comes to Sirius, didn't I?”
Hope purses her lips. “I certainly wouldn't use that language,” she says. “But yes, I do believe the way you pushed Sirius away was a mistake. But,” she adds in a softer tone. “Sometimes mistakes can be fixed.”
“Right,” Remus says bitterly, averting his eyes. “Like Sirius would ever want to talk to me again after what I did to him.”
Hope holds back a groan of frustration.
Like Sirius would ever want to stay in a place like this. Like Sirius would ever want to talk to me again.
“Well,” she says coolly, crossing her arms over her chest. “If you still haven't learned your lesson about deciding for Sirius what he does and does not want based on your own insecurities rather than talking to him and listening to what he's actually saying, then yes, it's better if you just leave the poor boy alone.”
Remus closes his eyes for a moment. “I really am doing it again, aren't I? I'm sorry. I just…"
“He really misses you, Remus,” Hope says, reaching out and taking her son’s hand. “And I know you miss him too. Sweetheart, everybody makes mistakes, and that's okay.” She squeezes his hand. “Especially if you learn from those mistakes and don't make the same mistakes twice.”
Remus gives her a small smile. “I suppose I could talk to him some time. Especially now that he's gonna be around for the foreseeable future.”
Hope smiles back at him. “That's good to hear, darling.” She gets up from her chair, places her cup in the sink, and walks over to the kitchen door, before turning around in the door opening and adding “Because I invited him over for Christmas brunch tomorrow.”
Remus jerks his head up and stares at her wide-eyed. “Mum!”
“Now excuse me,” Hope smiles innocently. “I've gotta go hang up some more mistletoe.”
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lulublack90 · 7 days
Prompt 12 - College AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 12, word count 408
Remus didn’t think he’d make it to college. He’d scraped through his GCSEs, and A-Levels would be so much harder. But he felt better now. The doctors had finally figured out which meds worked for him, and he could go the whole day without feeling horrendous. But the piece of paper he clutched in his hand gave him hope. 
His parents sat across from him at the kitchen table, waiting for him to tell them what it said. 
“What does it say, cariad?” His mother asked. He looked up at her, blinking the tears back. 
“Well?” His father asked impatiently. 
“I got in.” He grinned at his parents. “I got in!” Hope jumped to her feet and enveloped him in a hug as he began to sob. Lyall rolled his eyes but came to join in the hug as well. 
“Well done, son. I’m proud of you.” His father told him. Remus didn’t think he’d ever said that to him. 
“Can I call Sirius?” He pleaded. They were supposed to be going out for the day. Lyall had them on a strict itinerary, and Remus had already wasted time staring at his letter. 
“Oh, let the boy call his Beau, Lyall. What’s ten minutes?” She cooed at her husband as she purposely wrapped her arms around him and used her slippered foot to push Remus towards the door. She winked at him when he looked back. 
Sirius picked up on the first ring. 
“I got in!” Remus trilled. He knew Sirius had been worrying as much as he’d been and didn’t want to keep him in suspense. 
“Really?! Yes! So did I! Remus, this is amazing! We’re going to have so much fun!” Remus indulged his boyfriend, letting him make plans for them for the next two years. He made Remus a promise to help him with his coursework if he wanted him to and got Remus to promise to help him if he needed it. 
His father appeared, tapping his watch, and Remus nodded.
“Sirius love, we’re going out for the day, and my dad’s waiting.” He reluctantly cut Sirius and his sweet ramblings off. 
“Oh, no worries. Have fun. Say hi to Lyall for me and give Hope a kiss from me. Love you.” He blew a loud kiss down the phone to Remus, making Remus smile. 
“Love you too.” 
So far, this was shaping up to be the best day he’d had in a while.   
75 notes · View notes
marinlupin · 29 days
37 notes · View notes
fruitcoops · 6 months
So I just reread the fic about Jules birthday, and I’ve always liked the part where Remus tells Jules that he’ll always be more important than hockey. Could you write a fic about that if you haven’t already? Like Remus leaving in the middle of practice or something like that? Idk it’s up to u:)
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Fic O'Ween Day 3: Midnight! Read more amazing works from these prompts at @noots-fic-fests and of course, character credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
TW illness (coughing, mentioned vomiting, fatigue)
Remus leaned against the countertop for support and stared at the floor. “But he’s okay, right?”
“He’s okay,” his mother answered. She sounded beyond exhausted.
Remus nodded and rubbed his fingers under his eye. The night suddenly seemed so much darker. “How’re you and dad? Taking time off?”
“We’re alright.” He knew that low edge to her voice—it was the same one his own took on when he was trying to hide his hurt. Silence fell over the line.
“Your dad can’t get PTO this week and neither can I.”
She cleared her throat; he closed his eyes. “Can Leanne keep an eye on him?”
“Visiting her daughter in Florida.”
No parents, no neighbors, no way they’re getting a babysitter for a sick kid… “I’ll be on the next flight.”
“Remus, no.”
“There’s nobody else—”
“Honey.” He could see the way her eyebrows drew together in his mind. “Honey, you’re on the road this week.”
“I know.”
“In Montreal.”
“They can handle a couple games without me.”
“You’re practically a rookie, Remus,” his mother insisted. After a pause, she lowered her voice. “You’re not going to damage your career when we can get a babysitter, or—or I can find a couple days off. Hell, your dad’s got a pullout at the office he can rest on.”
“I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon, okay?”
“Remus John, you have a responsibility to your team.”
“Jules comes first.” If there was one thing Remus would stand by no matter the circumstances, it was his family. The Lions would survive a roadie without him. Jules would never be alone and sick on his watch.
His mother was silent for a long time.
Remus picked at a chip in the granite. “There’s no babysitter that will watch him, is there?”
A sigh traveled down the line. “I guess we’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too, baby. Give Sirius my best. Sleep well.”
“I will,” he lied. The call went dead and he turned, bracing both hands against cool stone. Sirius’ footsteps were soft, his hand gentle. Remus sniffled. His chest was a vise. “Mom says hi.”
Slow circles pressed between his shoulder blades. “What happened?”
“Jules got the flu, and they can’t get time off work to stay home with him.” Fucking assholes in fucking corporate. Remus swallowed around the clog in his throat. “Sounds like he’s pretty sick.”
“Does he need to go to the hospital?”
Remus shook his head. The hand on his back slid down and wrapped around his side, guiding him to lean on Sirius’ chest. “Do you want me to book your flight while you call Coach?”
“Yeah.” His voice was rough. He didn’t let go. “God, I hate being so far away.”
Sirius’ other arm came around him and held him tight.
Remus and his father talked the whole ride home from the airport, and said nothing at all.
The house was just as he left it at Christmas. No snow remained, and little frost—crocuses peeked out of the lawn where the squirrels had snatched and buried them.
Apologies for the late notice, but due to a family emergency, I will be in Wisconsin until the 22nd. Thank you for your understanding.
Rapid responses. Cranky responses. Remus had tried to keep a level head, even through the tremor of his hands on the computer keyboard. The organization wasn’t happy with him, but when were they ever?
It didn’t matter either way. Fine or not, suspension or not, they weren’t going to stop him from making chicken soup and raspberry Emergen-C for his sick little brother. He was damn lucky to have Arthur on his side, easing the retribution from men in offices who had hardly bothered to meet him at the start of the season.
“Your mother’s worried.”
Remus glanced up from his hands. His father was facing forward, brow pinched while he pulled into the driveway. “Yeah.”
The engine turned off with a sputter. “Be gentle, okay?”
“It’s not your fault they wouldn’t give you time—”
“Be gentle.”
Remus bit the inside of his lip and nodded. A goldfish cracker peered out at him from the crevice by the door. This passenger seat always made him feel so small. He slung his backpack out of the seat well and stepped out, letting the crisp air nip his face and bring him back. He needed to come back more. The heartache had lessened, and distance was simply exhausting now. Running fast and far to Gryffindor had seemed so smart before.
The front door still squeaked when he turned the doorknob. Remus was glad for that, at least.
His mother smiled when she saw him. “Hi, baby, how was your flight?”
“Hey, mom.” It was good, he started to say, only to have the words fall from his mind the moment she stepped around the kitchen table and wrapped him in her arms. It’s been a lot I love you I missed you how are you where’s Jules—“Uneventful, thankfully.”
“Good, that’s just the way you want it.” She gave a little sway, one hand cradling the back of his neck. He felt a light pulse of pressure. Her back, ever tense, relaxed slightly. “It’s so good to have you home.”
Remus breathed deep. Lemon-scented cleaning spray and drugstore shampoo, laundry detergent and just-sharpened pencils. He pressed his nose tighter to her shoulder and felt her squeeze him, just a little. “Missed you.”
“Oh, Re,” she sighed. A hand rubbed along his spine for a few hard, grounding, wonderful seconds. Warmth seeped in around his edges. The floor was solid beneath him, the walls sturdy. A kiss found his temple. “Baby, we missed you, too.”
A rattling cough made him wince. “Jeez.”
“I know.” Her face crinkled into a grimace when they separated and she looked back down the hall. “That started up two days ago. Poor thing. Keeps him up at night.”
“Aw.” The cough was followed by a rough throat-clear that made Remus frown. “Fever and everything?”
“102, as of this morning.” Hope ran a palm over his shoulder, the way she tended to right after he came home. Remus tried not to think about that too hard, or else he made himself sad. “You’re sure about this? You could get sick. It’s the middle of the season.”
Remus tried for an encouraging smile. “My immune system’s great, mom. I’m in good shape, I take my multivitamins. Eat my Wheaties, and all that.”
“Hmm.” She scrutinized him for a beat. “You better be.”
“I’m basically indestructible.”
Her laugh bounced off the corners of the house like it always had. “Let’s not get hasty, hon.”
Remus’ heart sank.
“Dad?” Jules croaked, a little louder. “Did the neighbors come over?”
“Hey, J,” Remus called. The floorboards gave a light groan when he set his bag down at the end of the hall. “It’s me, bud.”
Silence followed. The bathroom nightlight was on, casting the hall in gentle blue. His hand drifted toward the first door on reflex (cool metal knob, lock on the inside, jimmy it three times in the winter when the frame sticks), but he managed to step past it and knock lightly below the ‘J LUPIN. DO NOT ENTER.’ sign scotch-taped to the old wood.
“Jules? I’m opening the door.”
The first thing that hit him was the smell. Stale, sweaty, feverish—Remus did a double-take without meaning to.
“Jesus Christ, dude.”
“Oh, you weren’t kidding,” Jules rasped from somewhere to his right. “Hey. Hi, why are you here?”
“You slept too long. It’s June. I’m here for the summer.”
“You’re sick, dummy.” Remus tried to be subtle about propping the door open wider with a loose hockey glove. “I’m taking care of you.”
With the new, faint light from the hallway, he could see just how terrible Julian looked. His unconvinced squint didn’t help the sallowness of his skin or the heavy bags carved under his eyes. “Nuh-uh.”
“Nuh-uh, you have a roadie in—” Another hacking cough interrupted him. It shook his tiny frame hard enough to make his knees bend under the covers. Remus’ heart gave an acid lurch.
Agitated heat radiated off him to the point that Remus could feel it when he perched on the edge of the bed. The sheets were a tangled mess; one blanket half-tucked, the other mostly on the floor. “Deep breaths,” he soothed when the coughing turned to a few aggressive sniffles. “Take it easy.”
“Montreal,” Jules finished in a mutter. He wiped his nose on the edge of his baggy t-shirt (almost certainly their father’s, with the way it dwarfed him) and laid back with a long huff. “You got a roadie in Montreal. Dad ‘n me are gonna watch the game.”
“Dad and I.”
He smiled to himself and tugged the top blanket down to shimmy the next one into position. “Well, you and I can watch it. How’s that sound?”
“No, you need to play,” Jules groaned, but even that was weak. He curled onto his side and peeked out of his huddle, dull-eyed and flushed. “How come you’re here anyway?”
“Told you. I’m taking care of you.”
“But hockey.”
“But you.”
“But you.” His stomach gave a little pull. “You’re more important than a couple games, bud.”
Jules didn’t look like he believed him. “…okay.”
“I’m serious.”
“No, you’re R—”
“Don’t you—” Remus bit back his words (and his grin) and whacked lightly at the outline of Jules’ legs under the blankets, coaxing a crunchy sort of laugh from him. “Watch it. I’m in charge of feeding you for the next few days.”
Jules’ giggling trickled out with a last sniff. “Mom and Dad gotta go to work, huh?”
“Yeah.” The wrinkle of his nose was almost certainly reflected on Remus’ face. “But hey, we’ll have fun.”
The air shifted, along with his gut. Jules’ breaths were heavier. His eyes, lidded. His forehead was far too hot against the back of Remus’ hand when he checked it. “Tired?”
Wrapping him in a dozen blankets and cuddling him as tight as possible wouldn’t help. Logically, Remus knew that. The temptation was still there. “Too hot?”
“Want me to take a blanket?”
Jules shook his head. His eyes were closed fully now. “Weight’s nice.”
Every inhale hitched when Remus rested a hand between his shoulder blades, feeling for his pulse. That, at least, was calm. Jules had sweated through the old grey fabric there. He combed a few strands of hair off his burning brow and swallowed around his dry throat. “Want me to leave you alone for a bit?”
“Gonna nap.” Jules’ twitched, as if he was trying to readjust but lacked the energy. “Here when I wake up?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be here.”
The evening passed without issue. Night rolled in with a gust of wind that hissed across the windowpanes while Remus dried the last of the dishes. Jules had managed to get up and come to the table for dinner, but he had looked even worse in the brighter light and barely ate half a bowl of soup. He could see their mother struggling not to fuss over him, not that Jules had any oomph to give real protest.
What kind of family emergency is this, Lupin?
A family emergency. I can come back the 22nd.
You’re missing two games. Do you understand that? Weasley won’t play you for the third, either.
I understand.
Is this a funeral?
A wedding?
It’s a request for nonvital time off, then. This could very well result in a fine.
I’m aware of that. Time off for a family emergency is covered in my contract. I’m permitted to miss four games.
Are you really going to put in a request for this? For a nonvital midweek trip instead of two NHL games?
That’s precisely what I’m requesting, yes. This is an emergency and therefore it is vital.
Remus had not missed the bureaucracy of the NHL during his time on the ice. There was still administrative irritation, of course, but it had not been nearly long enough since he played email tag with someone determined to make his life harder. ‘Nonvital emergency’. It made him want to laugh and lose it at the same time. What a fucking joke.
A sudden rustle and thud—likely Jules’ elbow hitting the wall between their rooms, ouch—startled him from half-sleep. Clumsy footsteps pattered on the floor; a door creaked and closed, quickly followed by a dry heave. Remus winced in sympathy.
This bedroom felt too small. His feet touched the end of the bed if he stretched out. There were only a few inches’ allowance for his shoulders on either side before he hit a wall or the edge of the mattress. Even his stuff felt smaller, as if the books shrank in his hands and the trophies had been made for someone Jules’ size.
He supposed they had been. Juniors was a world away, these days. He had turned the idea of keeping a potential you-know-what ring here instead of in Gryffindor, but never really committed one way or another. That, too, felt far off. He was stuck in the middle of a spectrum, where nothing felt quite right.
The toilet flushed, but he didn’t hear Jules leave. The low timbre of their father’s voice buzzed in the hall for a second; he didn’t catch Jules’ response. Remus swung his legs over the side of the bed with a huff and stood despite the creaking protests of his knees.
The blue light looked eerie in the cover of real night. He propped Jules’ door open again as he passed. A little ventilation couldn’t hurt. He paused in the doorway of the bathroom and crouched down, lowering himself to the cool linoleum with a soft groan. “Sup?”
“M not gonna throw up again.”
“Okay.” Remus flexed his ankles against the cabinets and tilted his head back. The soft towels buffered him from the wallpaper. Next to him, Jules’ forehead was stubbornly pressed into the crease of his elbow where he rested it on the toilet seat. “Still sick?”
A wordless mumble answered him.
“I’m gonna make chicken and dumplings tomorrow.”
Jules weakly raised his head. “Really?”
“Yup. Protein, veggies, sodium, starch. All that good stuff.”
Quiet fell over them for a long moment. “What are you talking about?”
“What, you don’t want a science lesson?”
He knew it was going to happen before Jules’ first jerk forward and caught his side when he wobbled, giving gentle pressure until he was upright. “It’s okay,” he murmured. “It’s okay, I got you.”
“I know. You’re doing great, J.” It was over as fast as it started. Jules trembled lightly under his touch, sweaty again, all too warm again. His knuckles stood out in harsh midnight shadows where he gripped the porcelain, thin arms shivering.
Jules sniffled. “I wanna go to bed.”
“I bet.”
“I’m tired.”
“Can you stand up?” It took Jules a moment to even start moving; when he did, it was sluggish and unsteady. Remus hovered his hands close and resisted the urge to scoop him right up. Jules wouldn’t like that. He hated being babied. It was still fucking hard to watch him pull himself to his feet.
A rinse-and-spit and a cool washcloth on the back of his neck made Jules sigh. He leaned right into Remus’ hip, head at the base of his ribs, and staggered along on foal legs while Remus guided him back to bed with a lump in the base of his throat. There was no fuss about being tucked in—he simply sighed again, so content it hurt. Remus smoothed out the hem of the comforter by his neck just one more time, once more, just so he could be sure.
Their parents were out by the time Remus woke. He distantly recalled the sound of them leaving, but the plane left him groggy enough not to notice or care. Jules was still snoring loud enough for him to hear it through their shared wall.
Breakfast, then. Something light. Oatmeal or eggs, if he could keep it down. Broth, if not. Remus would have to check the fridge for Gatorade and lemons.
It was strange to be functionally alone in the house. The carpet felt too soft, the curtains too still. A bright pink sticky note was stuck to the table with his name written in big letters at the top. He’d check it later.
Message To: SB <3
Morning :)
Fever’s still going, nasty cough, the works. I’ll keep an eye on him today.
Miss you
He clicked his phone off and set it aside—hopefully, Sirius wouldn’t be awake for some time yet. They didn’t have practice for two more hours in his time zone. He liked to sleep in on days like that. Remus, on the other hand, had work to do.
Quick eggs and bacon for himself took fifteen minutes. He parked himself at his usual seat without really thinking about it, pulling a dish towel and a fork from their drawers with an absent mind. He hadn’t dared to check his email yet and seriously contemplated leaving it alone until he was back in Gryffindor. Time off was time off. Professional hockey wasn’t big on ‘work from home’.
Jules shuffled in half past ten and made a beeline for the couch.
“Good morning.”
A grunt answered.
“Sleep well?”
“Want oatmeal?”
Jules’ mumble seemed vaguely affirmative. Remus set the kettle on and dug a pot out of the cupboard, then turned to rummage in the pantry. This was setting up to be a silent morning.
Measuring for a sick preteen was almost as strange as picturing his childhood bedroom as a normal size. Remus had only cooked for himself for years, then himself and Sirius, with the occasional potluck dish for a team dinner or holiday party. A single cup of anything was a novelty. “Want sugar?” he checked once the oats and milk were simmering. Jules snuffled in response, dragging one of the knit blankets further over his head. “Lemme check your temperature and then you can tell me, yeah?”
A quick search of the medicine cabinet revealed no thermometer, and the same went for the hall closet. Remus spent a good five minutes riffling through the bathroom drawers and Jules’ desk before he found it propped against the base of his dolphin lamp. It had been left uncapped; gross. He made sure to give it a thorough wash before moving back into the living room.
“Blanket down.”
“I can’t see your mouth. C’mon, just for a second.”
“Cold. Bright.”
“Twenty seconds, J. I promise. You can count.”
The blanket lump shifted. “Twenty?”
“Fifteen. Then I’ll bring your oatmeal over and leave you alone.”
A handful of shallow breaths filled the silence before Jules’ forehead poked out, then his glazed eyes, and finally the lower half of his face. Remus grimaced. His nose was red and chapped from tissues, and a faint crack split the side of his lower lip. “Have you been drinking your water?”
“Fifteen seconds,” Jules slurred.
Remus knew he wasn’t getting a better number than yesterday. Not with this vague lucidity, and not when Jules was hardly able to hold a fragment of a conversation. All the same, it made his gut sink when the thermometer beeped.
“ ‘S worse?”
A resigned nod told him Jules expected as much. The blanket swallowed him up again. Remus pulled it down over his feet before heading back to the kitchen.
Three hours passed with all the rush of a snail on codeine. Jules rallied to choke down his oatmeal before going down for a noon nap, let Remus rouse him to gulp down about a gallon of water, and overall remained sedentary while Remus channel-surfed for anything even slightly interesting on daytime TV. They settled on NCIS from one to 2:30, NCIS: Miami from 2:30 to four (with a brief break for sandwiches, or toast, in Jules’ case), and rounded it out with NCIS: LA while Remus tossed some rotisserie chicken and chopped vegetables in a simmering pot of broth.
“Yeah, bud?” Bisquick puffed over the side of the mixing bowl in a soft cloud.
“My stomach hurts.” Jules’ voice wavered. “And my mouth feels weird.”
Fuck. “Bathroom, hustle.”
The glimpse he caught of Jules before he vanished down the hall confirmed it: pallid skin, dilated pupils, sweat gleaming on the back of his neck. Remus rinsed his hands in the sink and dug the box of Pepto Bismol tablets out of his bag, and sent a silent thanks to whatever small mercy it was that left him without a reactive gag reflex.
He spent twenty minutes sitting sideways with water seeping into his pants from the bathmat. “I’m gonna throw up until I die,” Jules whined, pressing his forehead to Remus’ palm.
“You’re not gonna die. Definitely not while I’m here.” He slid his hand around to press against the nape of Jules’ neck and gave a light squeeze. “You’re almost done. Work it out, buddy.”
“Gonna miss the game?”
Despite the sweat, despite the illness, despite it all—Remus smiled. Of course Jules would be thinking about that when he looked like death warmed over. He wouldn’t be a Lupin with anything else on his mind. “We’ve still got half an hour.”
Jules gave a faint push back into his hand. His lower lip wobbled. “I don’t want to miss it.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll make it.”
“I don’t—” His voice cracked, but it wasn’t even slightly funny. He took a shuddering inhale and sniffled again, harsher. “I don’t want to be sick anymore, I don’t, I’m so done, I don’t like it.”
“Jules…” The redness had flooded his cheeks and ears, inching down his neck with each horribly choked breath. Jules’ eyes were bright, but not like usual. He blinked and a drip tracked down his nose. His exhale wasn’t much of an exhale at all—it wracked him, made him sway. “Oh,” Remus murmured. “Oh, hey, c’mere.”
The edge of thirteen had left Jules gangly, all bones and joints. He still fit just right in the hollow of Remus’ chest and arms. A shivering, overheated mess, but a mess that fit all the same. Fuck it, Remus thought as he tightened his arms around Jules and let him fall apart in the safe dark. He didn’t care if he got sick. This was the most vital emergency he could possibly think of. If the administration had a problem with that, he’d happily turn his gear in before leaving Jules to burn through this alone.
“I’m tired,” Jules whispered through shuddering breaths. “My head hurts ‘n my stomach hurts ‘n everything else, too.”
“I know, bud, you’re being so brave.”
A damp, wounded noise made Remus wince.
“But hey, you haven’t thrown up in, like, five minutes.”
Jules felt around blindly for a tissue and blew his nose several times before answering. “I guess.”
“You ready to get up? Have some dinner and watch the game?”
“Okay.” He pressed the wrinkles out of Jules’ shirt with his palm and felt him go limp. “I brought some super special secret hockey medicine, if that’ll help.”
“…is it Gatorade?”
“No, but we have that, too.” He rattled the box next to Jules’ ear. “Pepto Bismol. My secret weapon.”
“Nuh-uh. That’s the pink sh—stuff.”
“Nice save,” Remus said dryly. “This is the same. It’s easier to keep down, though. And it works faster.”
“Makes my stomach stop hurting?”
“It might help.”
He waited a beat, then two. A clammy palm extended from the tangle of limbs near his middle. He dropped two of the chalky tabs into it and loosened his hold by a degree, enough for Jules to pop them both in his mouth and frown immediately. “Yuck. It’s crunchy.”
“Keep chewing.”
“Why is it coming apart like that?”
“Keep chewing,” Remus repeated through a light laugh. “Doesn’t work if you talk the whole way through.”
Jules tucked his legs closer to himself, pushing him further into Remus’ lap. As horrible as the past twenty minutes had been, he seemed better for it. The fevered sheen to his face wasn’t quite as nuclear. His breathing sounded more even and controlled.
“You finished?”
Jules might have looked better, but Remus didn’t have the energy to fight the coddling urge this time. He slid his free arm across the back of Jules’ knees and hefted him up like a cat gone boneless, and received no protest whatsoever. Instead, Jules curled into him with a long, relieved sigh. Remus’ heart may have shattered a little.
The pregame show was just wrapping up when he set Jules gingerly on the couch and pulled the blanket around him. Half of his waterbottle was gone in a few desperate swallows; Jules wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and all but collapsed onto the throw pillows, a heap of exhaustion. The belltower by the middle school tolled six. His sandy hair was damp at the root when Remus passed a hand through it. They’d fix that eventually. Fluids first (hockey first), then everything else.
New Message From: SB <3
Heading to the rink. Miss you love you : )
Remus smiled down at his phone as he set Jules’ bowl on the coffee table and folded himself into the armchair.
“Tell Sirius I say hi.”
“He’s literally right there,” Remus laughed, gesturing at the TV. “He’s not gonna see it for ages.”
“Still.” Jules poked around with his spoon for a few seconds before attempting a small sip of broth. An approving nod followed. “It’s good.”
“Glad it meets your standards. Eat. Protein, veggies, sodium, starch.”
Jules’ eye roll was weak, but very much present. “I know, I know.”
“You gotta know that stuff.”
“I’m not gonna be a doctor.”
“Yeah, but you’re still gonna be a person.” Remus cut a dumpling in half with the side of his spoon. “If you don’t know how to feed yourself by the time you move out, I’m totally making fun of you.”
They both booed when the Habs skated out, and cheered when the Lions appeared soon after. Jules couldn’t muster much more than a rough whisper, but the soup and a bottle of Gatorade seemed to help. Remus made him get up and stretch during the first period intermission (to immense complaints, but eventual acquiescence) before letting him rest while he washed up in the kitchen.
New Message From: SB <3
First period up.
How’s J?
New Message To: SB <3
Haha yeah we’re watching
Temp’s high, still pretty sick. Getting better tho
Made soup
The response was almost immediate. Remus’ heart skipped at the thought of Sirius glued to his phone even after a rough period, just to chat with him.
New Message From: SB <3
Oooo jealous
New Message To: SB <3
Yeah you should be
It’s a real rager up here
Miss you. Go get ‘em.
A simple heart and hockey stick emoji followed. The grey bubble cycled for a moment before disappearing. That would be the midgame meeting. Remus was glad to be home—wouldn’t trade this—but he had to admit the hockey ache was still there. Even easy choices had consequences.
By the time he looked back, Jules was asleep. Remus checked his forehead as delicately as he could and was pleased to find it slightly cooler than that morning, if altogether too warm. The pattern of creaky floorboards laid a map in his bones as he moved through the house: first to open Jules’ window, then to let his blankets air out, and while he was at it, he may as well wash the sheets. The nightstand and bookshelf needed to be wiped down. It wasn’t hard to get that done while the washer rumbled on the other side of the hall. In the meantime, the soup had cooled enough to pack up in Tupperware to stack in the fridge for later. Who knew if Jules would suddenly get his appetite back? The kid was a bear when he was hungry.
He lingered for the end of the second period and swapped the sheets into the dryer at the start of the third with a cookie and a cup of Emergen-C for himself. He damn well better not catch whatever germs Jules had percolated from the hellscape of middle school. Sirius had called him ‘stubbornly healthy’ on too many occasions for it to be disproven. Besides, the administration might actually fire him if he came back from an emergency and was immediately out for three more games.
The sound of a quiet voice took Remus’ off-guard in the last few minutes of the third period. “What’s up?”
Jules shifted around until he could prop his chin on the throw pillow and blink blearily at Remus. “Did we win?”
“Game’s still going. 4-3, Lions.”
“How much time?”
“Just under five.”
Jules attempted a whistle, though it came out as more of a shaky breath. “Almost there.”
“Dad texted. They’ll be home in a few, traffic was rough.”
“Oh, okay.” A small smile lit his face. He burrowed back under the blanket. “That’s good.”
“They’ve been asking about you all day.”
“Did’ja tell them I was fine?”
“Something like that.” Sort of. Maybe. He had been gentle about it, at least. Gory details would only make them panic.
He made sure to poke Jules awake for the last minute of the game before shepherding him down the hall to brush his teeth and shower. It was only 8:30, but Remus felt weary all the way to his core. He made Jules’ bed while the water ran and tried to tuck the sheets in along the wall a little deeper this time, just in case one tried to end up on the floor again. If he had the time, he may as well do it right, pinched fingers notwithstanding.
It was all worth it when Jules trudged back into his bedroom and threw himself into bed, only to gasp aloud. “Aw, man, this is great.”
“You’re welcome,” Remus laughed.
“Oh, wow.” The bumps of Jules’ feet kicked happily under layers of fabric and down. “It’s all warm, and cozy…”
“Get some sleep,” he reminded him, and turned out the big light. “If you need anything, I’m right next door.”
He made it halfway across Jules’ carpet.
“You—” The faint outline of Jules’ head was backlit by his lamp. Remus could see the shadows of his hands fidgeting with the top blanket. “Will you…can you tell me about the soup stuff? The proteins and all that.”
Remus hesitated. “For real?”
“Yeah,” Jules said with a surprisingly enthusiastic nod. “It sounds cool.”
“I mean—yeah, sure. Uh…” Jules’ desk chair looked wildly uncomfortable for this time of night, so edge of the bed it was, he supposed. The sheets provided a nice cushion when he sat. “Okay, have you ever heard of macromolecules?”
“That’s a made-up word.”
“It’s what you’re made up of, actually. How about DNA? You know that one?”
Lyall opened the front door with a muttered curse for the bitter wind and the worse traffic. It was brutally unfair that the one day he tried to come home early, everything went to hell and kept him an age and a half longer. What kind of karma came after a father trying to get home to his sick kid?
“It’s awfully quiet,” Hope remarked behind him. The door opened at last; warm air rushed over them. “Boys? Are you up?”
The NHL postgame show was playing at a low volume, next to a plate with crumbs on it and a mug so old the pattern had washed off it. One of Hope’s blankets from her knitting phase was haphazardly piled on the couch. The evidence of both of them there, present and accounted for and safe, plucked at his heartstrings. “Why do I feel like this is exactly where they sat for the entire day?”
She shook her head. “Good for them. I’m jealous. Remus? Julian? Are you home?”
Remus’ bedroom door was closed. The bathroom fan was still on, and steam clung to the corners of the mirror next to a still-damp towel. It couldn’t have been long since they went to bed, then. Lyall pushed Julian’s bedroom door open wider and covered his mouth with his palm.
They had nearly rendered each other invisible, save for Remus’ legs stretched over the side of the bed and Julian’s arm resting atop his pile of blankets. Julian’s congested snoring drowned out the heavy, even rhythm of Remus’ breathing. As far as he could tell, only one of them had actually been prepared for bed.
“Oh my goodness,” Hope whispered at his shoulder. Her grin was radiant, even half-covered by her palm. “I don’t want to move them.”
“Re’s going to wake up with one hell of a side cramp if we let him sleep like that.”
“You do it, then.”
Hope scoffed fondly and tossed her hands in the air, then kissed him on the jaw as she stepped deeper into the bedroom. The whole place felt lighter, Lyall noticed. Julian had been holed up in here for two days, refusing to come out for anything but necessities. Whatever Remus had done, it worked wonders.
“Remus,” Hope singsonged in her quietest voice. She shook his shoulder, soft enough that for a moment, Lyall forgot Remus wasn’t a toddler anymore. “Baby, you need to wake up. It’s bedtime.”
“ ‘M asleep,” Remus mumbled without opening his eyes. “In my bed.”
“This isn’t your bed, lovey,” she laughed. “Come on, up you go.”
“Goin’ to sleep, promise.” His eyelashes fluttered, nose crinkling. “Talking ‘bout—‘bout proteins. Jules wanted to know.”
At the head of the bed, Julian didn’t show so much as a hint of waking. Lyall stepped forward and braced his hands under Remus’ arms, then hoisted him into a sitting position as gently as he could manage with the unexpected weight of an athlete to counterbalance him.
Remus jolted, startling into consciousness. “Woah—”
“Shh, shh.” Lyall helped him stand on clumsy legs and guided him to the door with a last playful glance at Hope. “I’ve got you, buddy.”
“Fell asleep.” Remus blinked hard. “Jules’ bed. Wanted me to stay. Time is it?”
“Almost nine.”
“Oh, god, ‘s early.” A yawn overtook him, spilling more of his weight into Lyall. He didn’t seem to know where his own feet were, but he went easily into the room next door.
“Alright,” Lyall huffed as he helped Remus stumble toward the bed and splay over the mattress. That old thing was definitely too small for him these days. Funny, how times changed so rapidly. That same bed used to make Remus look like nothing more than a pile of sheets. “Brush your teeth?”
A drawn-out snore answered him.
Lyall smiled to himself in the darkness and ruffled the back of Remus’ hair. “Night, Re.”
A single socked foot twitched in response. That was good enough for him.
(Jules’ fever broke the next morning. By the end of the day, he was well enough to go with them to the airport and give Remus the fiercest goodbye hug either of them had experienced, with a pinky-promise that the Lions would win the next game he played.)
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I don’t know how long it’s been going on for, but at least the last few years, people been having Remus’s parents be abusive or neglectful. Where did this come from? There’s nothing that suggests that either Hope or Lyall were bad parents! Lyall literally overcame a prejudice and even before that, He could have but didn’t, report that Remus was bitten. They were both seemingly fine with Remus having friends and
Same thing with The Malfoy’s. They can excuse/Forgive murder and Genocide, but they weren’t bad parents in general, it’s just their beliefs that were wrong. Lucious did tell Draco that they had to pretend while in Public and both of them were willing to lie to Voldemort in order to protect Draco. (Unless Lucious was just trying to save his own skin, I believe that Lucious was just using Harry as an excuse to find Draco.)
A fanfic. The most popular "canon compliant" Marauders era fanfic. It is a Wolfstar fanfic. You cannot escape its influence in the Marauders fandom. It is not "canon compliant". It is considered "canon" and "essential" reading to the Marauders fandom.
Malfoys, Blacks. This is more complicated. Part of it is lazy fanfic writing. It is easy to say "they were beaten/abused" than to say "this parent is not nice but is not evil or abusive". I suspect it is writing by younger or immature authors that got popular.
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