#sirius being dramatic for a thread
inmy70schaos · 1 year
If the marauders group had social media, what would be their app?
inspired by @redadidassneakers
snapchat. 100% He would spam his stories daily talking about quidditch or filming remus with voice effects and filters when he is trying to study. He would change his bitmoji weekly, and he would die to keep his streaks
Lily would absolute love instagram. She would post really pretty and wholesome things on her feed like flower gardens and cats in cozy blankets, and use her instagram stories to post daily inspirational quotes and do brand deals with scented candle companies.
He would definitely have an unhinged addiction to tumblr. He just knows he is hot, and thrives on telling the world about it. He would post pictures of his messy hair and rank his favourite cigarette brands, and also write cringy blogposts at 3am about how in love with Remus he is
Very much a dad on social media. I think he would enjoy facebook, purely to just keep up with his friends and maybe share his thoughts on books he was reading from time to time. Bonus, I can see him owning wattpad to read fanfiction, and telling nobody except Lily that he has it. They definitely read fanfictions together and rate their favs
Her favourite app would definitely be twitter. She would post all of her most unfiltered chaotic midnight thougths, and start political arguements with old men on the internet about womens rights.
I think she would love Tiktok. She would definitely be on cottagecore soft side of tiktok. She loves to bake and would post recipes, and would also post alot of videos with Marlene like "my girlfriend dresses me like her for a week" or "rating my girlfriends playlists"
Youtube would be Peter's favourite. He would watch alot of prank videos and gaming channels, and post mukkbangs occasionally.
I can also see him baking and making recipe videos with Dorcas.
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writtenbymoonflower · 5 months
You bruise easy and Sirius likes to be dramatic. fem!reader
1k words
cw: mentions of bruises and mild health issues (vitamin deficiencies)
You breathed in the cool of Sirius’ bedroom, grateful for the change from the humidity-filled bathroom you had just showered in. The air was mostly crisp from the open window, slightly tinged with the sandalwood candle burning and the smoke from Sirius’ cigarette. 
Feels like home. You thought as you looked at your boyfriend sat on the bed, who still hadn’t noticed you. He was focused on some sketched design he had brought home from work, reading glasses still perched on his nose. He was still wearing the day, but he couldn’t look any lovelier to you. His inky black hair was pulled away from his face, allowing the full view of his side profile. He had grown slightly pale as his job was getting busier in the past few weeks, his shaped eyebrows were slightly furrowed with a notch in between (that you desperately wanted to kiss until it smoothed), and his jaw ticked when he was frustrated with his design. For your boyfriend's sake, you didn’t want him to be stressed or annoyed. But you did admit to yourself, irritation looked good on him. You were caught staring him down when he whipped his head around and slightly startled to find you standing there.
“God Babydoll, you’ve got to stop sneaking up on me. You’re gonna make me go gray with all the scares you give me being so quiet.” His words for scolding but his tone adoring as he took you in. His eyes quickly and unashamedly looked up and down your form before opening his arm to beckon you to his side. Him sitting and you standing meant you were slightly taller than him as you hugged. The top of his head went under your chin and his arm wrapped behind your legs so his hand could grip the side of your thigh, exposed from the shorts you were wearing. He could feel the soft material of your sweater against his face and the cool of your drying legs under his palm. Once his fingertips lightly pressed into the fat on your outer thigh you remembered that you had run into a chair earlier that day and by now probably had a large bruise forming on the area. You winced at the unexpectedly sore feeling. 
“Tender.” You instinctively hissed, trying to free your leg from his grasp. You looked behind your shoulder, twisting your leg to bring the upset skin into view. Sure enough, there was a fresh, deep purple bruise, still slightly reddish. 
“Ouch Baby, where’d you get this?” He looked up at you, pouting in sympathy. His cloudy gray eyes looked into yours, gentle and steeped in sympathy 
“Bumped something at work, nothing bad.” You stroked his hair placatingly. You leaned down to press a small kiss on his forehead. 
“You’ve gotta be careful! Poor thing, that looks like it hurts. Did you bump it or hit it with a hammer?” He looked up at you, features playful but laced in concern. His eyebrows were still set and furrowed, but his cloudy eyes sparkled, still framed by the glasses. 
“It’s not that bad Siri, ‘is just a little sore. It’ll be gone in a day or two.” 
“Oh, sure.” He challenged. His mouth curved into a grin, displaying his slight vampire teeth. He leaned down to kiss the area, audibly giving his love to the bruise. When he pulled back you heard another dramatic gasp. “Dolly! You have all of these ones too!” He traced the tender skin with a gentle finger. 
“Those are old!” You contradicted. Your hands were still threaded through the pieces of hair that were hanging loose down his neck and shoulders. “I don’t even remember what those are from?” He looked back at you incredulously.
“Oh please! Because that makes it better!” He was attempting to scold you but he couldn’t stop smiling. “Maybe you should get checked out.” His tone grew more serious and you rolled your eyes in response. 
“You’re so dramatic.” You admonished. “It’s really nothing! I’m just klutzy.” You reached down to wrap his hand in yours tightly. Mostly to keep him from prodding at your legs any longer. 
“But you could have like a deficiency or something. You’ve been bruising like a peach, Love. Every time I see you I could swear you have more.” He pulled your hand into his lap and pulled the baggy sleeve of your sweater up to the middle of your upper arm.
“Sirius-” You tried to interject but he still dramatically pointed out the fading bruises on your arm. 
“See! Exactly! Do you even remember what these are from? You look like someone played tennis with you, Babydoll.” He started to grip your arm tightly before he corrected himself, not wanting to upset your injuries (They didn’t even hurt anymore, he was just overly sweet when it came to you). 
“No, but that means that it didn’t hurt when I got them. I bump into things at work a lot.”
“Well then I’ll just have to keep you here and safe with me all day.” He grinned big and wide at you. He caught you off guard and pulled you on top of him, onto the bed. He wormed both of you under the fresh sheets to keep you fully trapped against him. His fingers were pressed into your sides, not too hard but enough to make you squirm and giggle. “See, you’re stuck with me.” He smiled smugly.
“Oh, I’m sure my boss will love that. You’ll get to answer for me when work blows up my phone.” You looked up at him. He had slipped his glasses off after the wrestle. His pretty gray eyes were heavy, and looking at you intensely. 
“Your boss scares me too much. Maybe we’ll get you a bubble suit, just keep you cushioned all around. You’ll be a trendsetter, Dolly.”
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twenty-thirty-two · 1 year
Poly!Marauders x female!reader
Warnings: mention of nightmares, brief description of mini panic attack (nothing too detailed), reader has hair that can be braided (doesn’t necessarily mean straight)
a/n: long overdue! I’m not too happy with how I ended this, had the right idea but can never figure out how to wrap it up :,)
Please understand that because I am 18+, I do not want minors on my page or reading my work
I also do not consent to my work being reposted on other sites, translated or copied
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They’re your minds way of telling you that you’re not safe, even when you’re asleep
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The sudden drop of your stomach was enough to wake you. Rather jolt you awake. You laid there, staring up at the ceiling trying to gather your thoughts and even out your breathing. Nightmares plague your nights, not one day passes where you’re not awakened with the memory of loved ones dying, or indescribable monsters attacking. No matter what it is, it’s after you, relentlessly.
Despite being recently awakened, you couldn’t remember what it was that scared you in the first place. You just felt this daunting feeling and now you’re awake, laying next to Remus, who is blissfully none the wiser of your current situation.
You debated waking him, he’d gladly stay up and hold you until you’ve drifted off in his arms.
That’s the issue- he’d do it without a second thought. You’d feel too guilty about waking him from his current slumber.
You sat up slowly, pulling your knees up to your chest. You run your hands over your face in frustration. Looking over, you see Sirius and James, entangled in one another’s arms, soundly sleeping.
Their serenity brews a feeling of jealousy in you. How you wish that was you.
You grab a nearby cardigan (you’re not even sure whose it is at this point) and slip quietly out of the dorm. You don’t even know where you’re going or how long you’re going to be out but you needed to get out of there.
Back in the dorm, Remus, half-asleep, throws his arm over to your side of the bed in order to pull you closer.
Upon hitting the empty side of the mattress, he lazily patted the area in search of your warmth. In a sleep-ridden haze, he became increasingly aware that you weren’t in bed, opening an eye, he peaked around to look for any sign of you. When he didn’t see you or your shoes, he assumed you were in the bathroom, and that seemed to calm his mind enough to go back to sleep.
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You found yourself outside, breathing in the cool air of the night. A light breeze surrounded you, now ever so grateful that you brought some coverage. Ultimately, you decided that a midnight stroll around would be your best hope.
Wrapping the beige-color cardigan tighter around your body, the welcoming scent of James’ cologne overwhelms your senses. You fiddle with a loose thread on the left sleeve, no doubt the work of Remus during late night study sessions long after everyone else is asleep. The barely noticeable, yet, clear as day stain near the end aisle of buttons brings you back to the day when Sirius and James had a butterbeer drinking contest, the golden liquid dribbling down either side of the boy’s mouth, ultimately staining the cardigan, the rambunctiousness of the event was enough for Remus to chastise the aforementioned boy, going as far as to continue shoving drink after drink while you kept encouraging James.
The moon, acting as a guiding light as you make your way through the dark grounds. After some time aimlessly walking through, you decided to make your way back to the boys’ dorm.
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For some reason, tonight was just one of those nights for Remus, when he simply could not get comfortable. The soft mattress has become a bed of stones, he hypothesizes that the floor would be much more comfortable at this point. As he’s dramatically throwing himself to face your side of the bed, he feels your side to be cold. This causes him to immediately sit up, messy tussles of hair standing in all directions. He throws the blanket off of him and sets out to the common room where he supposes you’d be.
Just as you’re welcomed into the common room, you’re startled by Remus’ sudden presence.
“Where’ve you been, bunny?” He pulls you into his side as you wrap your arms around him and bury your face into his chest.
“Can’t sleep.” He manages to make out the muffled words and sighs.
“Had me worried when I woke up and you weren’t there.” You mumbled an apology that would’ve resulted in a quirked eyebrow and quick scolding.
He ushered the two of you up to the room and back to bed. Sleep didn’t come easy for you that night, and when you finally did fall asleep, you jolted awake every so often. The same feeling you get when you’re dreaming that you’re falling. You knew that sleep was very important to Remus, always making sure that none of you stay up late and always making sure to get an early start to your morning, much to James’ dismay.
After what felt like a lifetime, you managed to drift off. Not long before you’re awoken by screaming and Sirius shaking you awake. You can hear Remus calling your name and a caressing hand on your head. You’re quick to realize that the screaming is coming from you. Your heart beating erratically and suddenly feeling like there’s not enough air in the room. You try to sit up but the most you can do is prop yourself up onto your elbows as sobs begin to escape from you.
To your left, you see Sirius running into the room with a glass of water and some cookies, shoving them into Remus’ hands. You’re looking at the situation in front of you but you cannot seem to focus, everything is too loud, too bright, and too overwhelming.
“Y/N/N? I need you to take some deep breaths for us, honey. Here, feel my heart- In and out.” Remus is sitting next to you, attempting to direct your breathing but you can only see straight ahead, hand limp in his hand.
James’ anxiety always skyrockets whenever one of you is in distress, he finds himself never doing enough despite having done the opposite. He’ll often look to Remus for instructions but always finds himself trying by one’s side bringing in his own form of comfort.
Sirius remained stoic, scared out of his mind for you; he didn’t know what to do, internally kicking himself for not jumping into action right away. He wanted to hold you- close to his chest and hide you away from all the pain in the world.
After another couple of minutes, A single tear slipped out, the sudden wet contact against your skin startled you. Your eyes drifted between the boys, a mix of worried, scared, and overall concern pales their faces. Teary eyes lock with James, his eyes full of sympathy and kindness. One after another, tears flow and a sigh of relief is released from your lungs.
After a beat, Sirius is the first to speak.
“What happened, bunny?”
“Haven’t-” A hiccup escapes
“Haven’t been sleeping well- nightmares.”
James leans forward and places a delicate kiss to your forehead, his hand cupping your face.
“How long?” Remus’ head cocked a tad to the side.
“‘Dunno, while maybe.” You mumbled. He taps your chin to get you to look at him.
“Know you’re tired, but I need you to speak clearly, honey.”
“I don’t know, few days?”
“Is that why you weren’t in bed last night? Y’had a nightmare?” You nod.
“C’mere.” Sirius holds out his arms and you crawl right into them
“This can’t continue, you know.” You nod.
“Siri’s right, Y/N/N, you need hours of uninterrupted sleep, running on 10 hours of sleep throughout a span of a few days isn’t healthy. Tomorrow, we’re going to see Pomfrey, see if she can give you something for the time being.” Remus smiles halfway as he notices that James has pulled you away from Sirius and begun braiding your hair.
The rest of the time the boys spent doting on you, making sure you were satisfied. You were hungry? Sirius brought you a plate of fruit. Thirsty? Remus made you a warm cup of tea. Need affection and cuddles? James practically pushes the two out of the way to plop himself beside you. They felt for you, they really did, nothing was worse than seeing their favorite person in the world in misery and not being able to do anything themselves. They’d take away all of the misery and pain at the drop of a hat if it meant that you were safe and happy all the time.
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petitemistletoe · 1 year
Hi i was wondering if you could write something for James Potter x fem!reader already in a relationship. Maybe they’re at a party and some guy makes her uncomfortable and won’t leave her alone and it’s just James being the protective bf he is.
If not don’t worry!!! xx
Title: Protection Charm
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault/harassment, eventual smut
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: Y'all are real lucky that I've been in a marauders era and have been reading ATYD. Read ATYD here! Feel free to request more from this era!
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“But why do I have to go this party?” Remus whined as he took a bite of his eggs. 
“Moony! It’s your birthday party!” Sirius said, looking completely affronted that Remus would ever suggest such a thing. 
“Come on, Remus! We went through all the trouble planning it and inviting everyone and-” James started but Remus cut him off. 
“Wait a minute,” Remus held his hand up and looked at his friends sitting in front of him, “who exactly did you invite?”
“Well…everyone! You’re very popular, Moony.” Peter said with a grin. Remus looked like he was going to blow him top sooner rather than later and you thread your hand through Remus’s arm. 
“What would you like to do for your birthday, Remus?” You asked.
“Get drunk with you lot,” he shrugged. 
“Isn’t that what we’re going to do at the party?” Sirius threaded his fingers through his hair and looked at Remus had just been dropped from space.
“I mean just with us!” Remus shook his head, tearing a piece of toast in half and handing you the bigger piece. 
“How’s this, Remus? The party is happening whether you like it or not so let’s get really pissed tonight and next weekend we can get even more pissed at Hogsmeade.” You suggested, dodging the bigger piece, grabbing the smaller one and spreading a bit of marmalade on it. 
“Fine. But I’m not blowing out any candles.” Remus said, draining his tea and standing up. 
“Where are you off to?” James asked. 
“Have to turn in an essay to Binns. Told him I’d get it to him first thing in the morning.”
“See you later, Remus,” you called to the lanky marauder. 
“Cheers love,” Remus gave you a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing from the great hall. 
“Now hold on a second,” Sirius started and you only knew that he’d begin with the dramatics, “why on Earth does Moony get to kiss your girlfriend?” Sirius turned his head sharply to face James. 
“I’m a person!” You protested lightly. 
“Remus is like her older brother. I also don’t control what she does,” James shrugged, moving closer to you so he could put his arm around you.
“So can I kiss her?” Sirius asked James. 
“Still a person!” You rolled your eyes. 
“No. Remus is an older brother. You’re a dog, Sirius.” James rolled his eyes and tightened his arm around you. 
“Are you jealous, Mr. Potter?” You said with mock shock.
“Not jealous, just making sure you don’t get fleas from Padfoot.” James laughed, dodging the piece of bacon that Sirius had flung at James’s head. 
Classes always seemed to take longer when a marauder’s party was scheduled to follow. You promised that you and Remus could have a little dinner just the two of you so you snuck off to Hogsmeade for a quick dinner of pub food and butterbeer at the three broomsticks before the party. 
“Listen I know you said you wouldn’t blow out any candles but,” you pulled out a cupcake with a single candle in the middle. 
“God I’m glad James is dating you,” Remus said, blowing out the candle and cutting the cupcake in half. He handed the larger half to you, which you refused because there was no way you were going to allow Remus to have the smaller half of a cupcake on his own birthday. 
“You’re such a sweetheart,” you said with a grin. 
“Don’t tell the boys but if you and James ever break up, I’m on your side.” Remus smiled. You walked back to the Gryffindor common room with Remus’s arm around your shoulders. The common room erupted with cheers with the guest of honor entered and Remus sent you a bewildered look. 
“Firewhiskey?” You asked him. 
“Definitely,” he nodded as Mary, Lily, and Marlene cornered him and started peppering him with ‘birthday pecks’. You could see James and Sirius playing beer pong and by the sound of their cheers it seemed like they were winning. You poured Remus a strong glass of firewhiskey and then a glass for yourself when you felt a hand on the small of your back. You knew Remus was still cornered by the girls, you could hear James and Sirius at the pong table, and you could see Peter sneaking off with some girl in Hufflepuff. So who’s hand was on your back? You turned to see an attractive seventh year Slytherin, Lucius Malfoy, grin down at you. 
“Hi darling, who’s the other drink for?” 
“Hi Lucius,” you shrugged Lucius’s hand off and stepped away so you were facing him, “the other drink is for Remus.”
“Oh of course, the man of the hour,” Lucius sounded like he was making his voice extra sultry. 
“Surprised to see you here. Didn’t think you were a fan of Gryffindor parties.” You said cautiously. 
“I’d never turn down an opportunity to see you, love. I do have a question for you, though.” Lucius’s finger hooked under your chin so you made eye contact with him. 
“Are you dating Lupin?”
“Remus? Oh no-”
“Excellent,” Lucius leaned down and kissed you rather forcefully. You put your hands on his chest and pushed him back. 
“Lucius. I’m dating James,” you didn’t want to make a scene but Lucius’s grip on your arms was pretty tight and he gave no indication that he was going to let go. You glanced back at James but he was currently absorbed in making Sirius drink from one of those funnels that Mary had brought back from the muggle world. 
“I don’t see him around.” Lucius said, leaning his head down to kiss you again. His lips were against yours but you didn’t kiss him back. 
“Let me go Lucius, I’m serious,” you said, trying to pull yourself away. 
“Come on now, don’t be a bitch,” Lucius said, his grip tight on your wrists. You were beginning to panic when you felt Lucius pull away from you. You looked up in time to see James punch Lucius right in the jaw. 
“What the fuck, Potter?” Lucius said, holding his jaw with one hand and pulling out his wand with the other. 
“Get away from her, Malfoy. Get out of Gryffindor tower before I hex you,” James said, positioning himself in front of you. 
“Not if I hex you first,” Lucius said, hissing out a curse. James was ready with his own but Remus yelled, 
“Expelliarmus!” Remus snatched both James and Lucius’s wands, “Now you two are making me exercise my prefect duties on my own birthday. Detention for you both. Malfoy get the fuck out of here.” 
“Fuck off, Lupin.” Malfoy said, clearly not thrilled at the idea of returning to the dungeons with a bruised ego and a bruised jaw. 
Peter and Sirius were struggling to hold James back and you heard Sirius hiss at his brother Regulus, 
“If you’ve ever done anything good for me ever in your life you will get Malfoy out of here right now.”
Regulus was not going to disagree and along with a few other Slytherins, they hauled Malfoy out of Gryffindor tower. 
“Let’s do a round of shots!” Sirius said with a grin. He had no intention of letting the party halt because of some interhouse drama. James turned and wrapped you in his arms, 
“Are you okay?”
“Let’s get out of here.” You said shakily. James nodded and you both slipped out of Gryffindor tower. James’s wand was raised just in case you ran into Malfoy again but it seemed that Regulus had made sure that Malfoy didn’t linger. He lead you to the astronomy tower where you sat on the edge with your legs dangling and shared a cigarette. 
The energy between you was uneasy, uncomfortable. James was obviously still upset with Malfoy but was trying to keep calm for you. You were still processing Malfoy’s disgusting behavior. You couldn’t help yourself, though, and you started to laugh. Little chuckles at first but then full belly laughs and finally you were doubled over trying to catch your breath as James stared at you. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He finally asked, after pulling you by the forearm after you almost toppled over the edge of the tower which only made you laugh harder. 
“You were jealous,” you giggled, your hands clasped firmly over your mouth. 
“I-” James started but he too started to see the humor in it and he started to laugh too. 
“How’s your hand?” You asked, picking up James’s left hand and examining his knuckles. There were bluish bruises forming already and you knew he’d probably need to go to the hospital wing in the morning. 
“It’s fine. Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked. You let out a weak chuckle and nodded. 
“Yeah. Thank you for…you know.” You said with a smile. 
“Of course, love. I’ll always be here for you,” James practically whispered. You brought his bruised knuckles up to your lips and kissed them lightly. You kissed around his hand and then on the sides of his fingers and then you slid one of James’s long fingers into your mouth. James took in a sharp breath and watched you, mesmerized, as you slid your tongue around his digits. James let out a strangled moan when he saw how deep his fingers stretched down your throat. You released his fingers softly and looked up at him with doe eyes. James’s eyes were lust blown and he was looking at you while breathing very hard. 
“Come here,” he pulled you towards him and kissed you hard, his hands knotted in your hair as he practically consumed you. He was starving and you were his last meal. He kissed down your jaw and down your neck before coming back up to your lips. 
“We should have sex,” you panted. James nodded. 
“Yeah definitely.”
“I don’t think I can make it back to the dormitory,” you shook your head. 
“No, I can’t either.”
“You got an Outstanding in transfiguration right?”
“Yeah,” James looked at you like you had grown another head for talking about school at a time like this.
“Then transfigure these desks into a bed.” You said, your fingers fumbling with his belt buckle. 
“Oh! Yeah, fuck…yeah.” James nodded, throwing his sweater somewhere across the room.  He was fumbling in his pockets for his wand and you sunk to your knees, pulling his wand out of his pocket and handing it to him before pulling his cock out of his underwear and putting it in your mouth. 
“Oh my god,” James gasped, one hand on the brick wall of the tower. You let the head of James’s cock brush the back of your throat before you made eye contact with him and pulled away. 
“James, the bed,” you grinned before leaning down and taking one of his balls in your mouth while jerking him off.
“In my defense,” he said in a strained voice, “it’s a little hard to focus.” James was able to transfigure the desks into some sort of futon before letting out a strangled moan and saying “please stop before I cum in your mouth.”
You stood up and took your shirt and bra and dusted your knees off before reclining back on the futon. 
“Are you going to fuck me?” You asked, spreading your legs and pulling down your underwear. James watched with pure shock and adoration as you let your panties dangle on an outstretched foot before letting it drop to the ground. 
“Yes, yes! Absolutely.” James nodded, diving onto the futon and burying his face in your pussy. His lips immediately attached to your clit as he maneuvered three fingers inside you. James kissed you deeply before you broke away from his lips and moaned into his open mouth. 
“Fuck, don’t stop I’m going to cum.” You panted. James grinned and if you had been able to open your eyes you would’ve seen how embarrassingly fogged up James’s glasses were. He was also rutting against the edge of the futon and moaning into your own mouth. Your fingers wrapped around his wrist as you rode his hand into your orgasm. You barely had a moment to come down from it before James was fully ripping your skirt off and pushing himself inside of you. 
“I learned-” James could barely get two words out through his moans and you had to take a minute to wipe the inside of his glasses so you could actually see his eyes, “-a charm hold on a minute.” James stayed inside you as he reached over your head for his wand again. He mumbled something and pointed his wand at one of the crystal balls. The ball shot itself into James’s outstretched hand and transformed into a rapidly vibrating clitoral stimulator. James pressed it against your clit and you dug your nails into his bicep. 
“Where on earth did you learn a charm like that?” You gasped, feeling a second orgasm coming on. 
“Moony is a genius,” James said, before practically screaming, “I’m going to cum!” 
You could nod as you came, nearly sobbing and moaning. James came too, moaning loudly and resting his forehead against yours. You pushed the vibrator away and took a few minutes to breathe laying back while letting James rest his head on your chest. 
“So wait a second,” you said once you and James were able to restore your heart rates to a normal BPM. 
“What is it?” James looked adorably goofy with his glasses all fogged up again and you took them off and wiped them. 
“What do you mean Remus taught you that charm?”
“He’s a man of many talents,” James said with a shrug. 
“He deserves a much better birthday party then.” 
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deathnguts · 3 months
My current Roman Empire is my natural headcanon that Sirius is unknowingly exactly like his father.
How can one be that way without knowing? Well, I feel like the Black family dynamic is reliant on Walburga for more proactive abuse while Orion is a bystander. Not an innocent one, mind you, he just prefers to ignore that he even has a family altogether since he never wanted this life and hates his wife and finds his children to be annoying nails in his coffin. He throws himself into work just to have an excuse to be away from them and it works. Sirius probably doesn’t even remember the last time he as much as saw his father, so how could he say he knows him enough to compare himself to him? And in terms of those similarities, I feel like a lot of them aren’t even glaring in their eyes. They’re just completely blind to them because they rarely interact.
Like they look exactly the same, if you went back in time you would just see a more cleaned up Sirius in Slytherin robes roaming the halls of Hogwarts. If the other marauders ever saw Orion their first thought would be ‘Sirius but older.’ And their physical similarities run bone deep. They have the same dramatically annoyed (like everything around them is below them) air about them when forced to do something they don’t want to, their eyes look exactly the same when wielding furious glares that settle within and fester until they explode, when drunk and angry Orion even stands the same as Sirius with his shoulders back and head at the same regally rebellious tilt he’d perfected in his own teen years, they roll their eyes the same way and scoff an identical sound in Walburga’s face when being reminded of their ‘duties,’ and the way they carry themselves when they talk to Regulus with guilt over something or other (reproachful and not willing to apologize but letting speaking to him at all be atonement) gives the youngest Black the same eternally small feeling.
But like neither of them know that at all while that’s all anyone around them can see. Orion’s closer family tease that Sirius is just him a second time (same brooding teenager) and he thinks they’re just insulting him. Walburga is the first to notice they share the tendency to say the same sort of stabbing words when agitated and looking for a fight, and Regulus is the first to notice they wear the same like caniving shit eating grin while wielding their knivish tongues. Regulus had always been more partial to his father when Sirius was away because he could see his favorite person behind the veil of age. Walburga jumped to fight with either and both her husband and oldest sun almost back to back with one another because it’s the same face frowning at her and the same voice biting back at her and she can’t properly control either of them.
And the more tragic half of it all, I mainly mentioned their similarities when angry because Orion is just always angry. He’s always stewing in emotion and never relaxed enough to be happy enough to parallel that side of Sirius. Orion used to be the same angry boy from the same angry house with the same angry parents and grew up with the same stupid duties and the same stupid expectations, but he molded to them eventually. He never got out. He stayed regal and he stayed angry. He never had anyone to pull him out. (There’s the lingering threads wounding into a tragic cloak for Regulus to wear in that.)
There’s no way of knowing how truly tightly the knotted the tie between the father and the son is when the father doesn’t have a smile for the son to mirror. There’s no way for the son to see history repeating within himself when he can’t make out his father well enough to witness their edges blurring together.
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tortoisebore · 8 months
Im so in love with this fic like I cannot tell you how many times I've read and reread it!!! absolutely dying till the next chapter but I just had to come over here and ask: how did the whole conversation/reveal of Sirius and Remus finally getting together happen with their friends?
eeeeeee i love this question 🤭
okay so like by the time they finallyyyy get together, nobody’s really surprised. they’ve been moping around & pining & huffing & puffing ab each other for months at this point & making everyone else’s life hell along the way, so when the news breaks & everyone starts to find out, it’s mostly a bunch of teasing
sirius texts marlene mere hours after he & remus have that Big Talk the morning after getting together. remus is in the other room & he makes a break for his phone and ignores all the notifications from james waiting on the lock screen & goes straight to his thread with marlene and it’s like:
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and ofc marlene goes straight to dorcas to break the news so she’s immediately texting remus:
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and ofc dorcas is telling lily so she’s also messaging remus:
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and now remus is well and truly fed up & he’s running back to the bedroom & sirius is just laying there smiling at his phone typing so fast there’s practically smoke coming off the screen. and remus is all “sirius. i am being harassed.” and sirius goes “what?? wym” and remus is all “how did you already tell everyone??” and sirius goes “ohhhh. oh. i…..told marlene. 😗😬 u know how news travels fast ha. haha” and remus huffs and sighs and looks real put out about it but he’s secretly (not so secretly) rly excited that all his friends know he bagged the prettiest boy in school
meanwhile sirius is responding to all those texts from james:
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and then james is probably renaming the group chat to “The Official Black-Lupin Fan Club™️” and going:
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and remus is blocking everyone’s number and sirius is renaming the gc to “james kys challenge 💕”
and peter is just in the chat like “OH???” and then it all spirals into a very dramatic & exaggerated text retelling of the last two months from everyone else’s pov & they’re all sharing anecdotes & stories & laughing it up at how stupid & soppy & idiotic those morons have been
and they’ll eventually find it later when sirius locates his phone again & they’ll scroll through all the messages together & send very pointed corrections and edits that no one else takes seriously
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earlsocksiii · 10 months
tekken is such a funny series. like it is at its core an emotional, highly dramatic and personal story of the clash between bloodlines, the centre that holds it together is just amazing. (sometimes it’s written badly. but that’s ok). But then it’s just got a big shell of weirdness and the most insane shit a game series could ever have. I cannot figure out a good metaphor for this
most people’s impressions of tekken is the core, sure, that it’s a serious series of normal-looking guys beating eachother up, but.. it is so weird past the surface
like you got Heihachi Mishima, intimidating bastard with incredible hair falchions, who.. has trained three separate bears in his personal Mishima-style fighting karate. And he names them all ‘bear’ in Japanese or Panda. because she is a panda
Bryan Fury seems like just a normal criminal sociopath guy who is a bastard, but he’s actually just a full cyborg with an entirely artificial body. who is also a bastard sociopath guy who enjoys causing pain
the director of the series Katsuhiro Harada, infamous stubborn as hell guy, has confirmed that having the devil gene, bloodline powers that invoke the name of Devil (devil being both an adjective and a person here) prevents the Mishima bloodline from having male pattern baldness
there is both incredibly accurate and beautiful martial arts animation, of real techniques that looks like it had so much love and care put into it, Hwoarang’s taekwondo, Eddie’s capoeira, Steve’s boxing, Leo/Julia’s baji quan; so much of it is incredible. but they also put in a bunch of not very credible but. pretty cool stuff, and they make that also look so beautiful and perfect, Leroy’s wing chun, Marshall’s jeet kune do, a guy named King with a jaguar mask who does actual pro wrestling on people. just in tekken 7 they added Claudio, a fucking exorcist of a secret millenia old order who does Sirius-style Exorcist Fighting Arts and uses Real Magic. it’s all so satisfying and good
this series makes me both so excited for each narrative turn and also has like 20 different plot threads they created and forgot about (the nature of Asuka’s powers, Kazuya/Paul’s rivalry, Julia’s whole deal about defeating the devil gene, literally all of Leo, Feng and Hwoarang’s backstories in later games) (I guess that part’s because of how many characters there are, not everyone can be focused on and developed even with like a new sentence of development in their bio)
I truly love tekken and it has forever touched my heart. and also the music is real good. yodeling in meadow hill (hidden retreat) tekken 6? kinder gym tekken 7?  dr. bosconovitch theme tekken 3?
man. I can’t wait for tekken 8. I wanna play Leroy so bad.
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sliebman10 · 1 year
The Party
“Everything ok?” Remus asked, searching his eyes.
“Yeah,” Sirius said. Harry came over and looked up at Sirius and grinned. “And where have you been, mister?” he asked, picking Harry up. Harry was getting too big to do so, but he delighted in it anyway.
“We were playing Uno in the game room.” Harry said, holding onto Sirius’s neck. Regulus was hanging back, but Sirius drew him into the group. “This is your Uncle Regulus. I don’t know if you remember him.”
Harry regarded him thoughtfully. “I think so.”
Regulus gave him a small but genuine smile. “I remember you, Harry. But you were much smaller last time I saw you.”
“Alright!” Alphard boomed. He was wearing an apron that said, ‘The Hostess with the Mostess.’ “Thank you all for coming tonight. It is always a blessing to have the family gather for Hanukkah. Sometimes, we have to make our own family and Levi and I are happy to welcome you into ours,” he said with a glance at Regulus. “Now…Andromeda, will you do the honors?”
“Of course,” she said, taking the matches from Alphard and lighting one. A hush fell over the party as everyone started singing the blessings together. Once the candles were lit, Alpahrd gestured the assembled group into the dining room where a buffet of brisket, latkes and toppings were laid out.
Sirius helped Harry make a plate and found a spot for the four of them to sit on the floor. Andromeda and Ted joined them and Andromeda coaxed Regulus into the group. Regulus’s eyes were wide as he took in the party.
“It’s different isn’t it?” Andromeda asked him softly.
“Yes…it is different. But it’s not scary in the way that our parents say it is,” Regulus said, cutting into a latke and nibbling it.
“You know…people fear what they don’t know,” Andromeda said, carefully, with a glance at Sirius. “Once you see more things, you realize…they’re not as scary as you might think.”
Alphard sat down on the floor with them and Harry immediately moved closer to him. Alphard ruffled the boy’s hair affectionately. “Glad to have you among us, Regulus.”
Regulus was quiet for a beat. “Thank you, uncle. I suppose I was being dramatic.”
“Nonsense,” Alphard laughed. “You’re looking at the two biggest drama queens in the Black family,” he said, elbowing Sirius. Sirius scowled. “You’re allowed space to think about what you want..”
“My parents don’t agree.”
Sirius could feel rage boiling in his stomach at the mention of his parents and Remus squeezed his arm. Sirius gratefully threaded his fingers through Remus’s.
“Your parents don’t have to live your life, Regulus. You do,” Alphard said.
Regulus sighed. “I suppose I know that.”
“Take all the time you need…you always have a place in the Home for Wayward Blacks,” Alphard said with a wink.
Read more on AO3.
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"I got it. The Mark, I mean." Regulus announces. Barty chokes. "You did?" Regulus nods, picking his fork up delicately.
Dorcas stands. "Well. That's that then. I'm going to sit with Pandora." "Cas-" Barty starts, but she doesn't respond, storming off to sit at the Ravenclaw table.
"I'm sorry," Regulus says softly. "I didn't mean to- to upset anyone. I just figured you should know. I didn't want to hide anything." Barty shakes his head, scooting closer to him and placing an arm around his shoulders. "Don't be sorry, it isn't your fault."
Regulus shrugs, pushing his breakfast around. Barty gently pulls the fork from his hand, setting it down. "Let's go to the dorm, yeah? We can miss our first lesson."
He stands, helping Regulus over the bench and they walk off. "Evan will talk to them, don't worry darling," he murmurs, threading his fingers through Regulus'. "It's going to be alright."
"What was it like?" Mulciber asks.
"Did it hurt?" Avery chimes in.
Regulus blinks. "What are you talking about?" Avery rolls his eyes. "The Mark, obviously."
Regulus chokes, turning away from Slughorn's lecture. "How did you both know?" Mulciber tilts his head. "Rabastan said his brother saw you at a meeting, and you've been extremely careful with your arm. Then Snape was talking about how you told Crouch and the rest of your group about how you got it."
Barty subtly places a hand on Regulus' knee, stroking it with his thumb. "I. . ." he stutters for a moment before his face closes up. He gives a small smile. "I'll tell you about it after lessons."
Avery and Mulciber grin.
"Sirius has been trying to corner me for days," Regulus says quietly. "I think. . . I think he knows. Or rather, I think Snape told him."
"My hatred for Snape is unmatched at this point. How are you doing?" Barty asks, massaging his calf gently. "I'm fine." Barty flicks his leg. "Ow! What the hell- I- Okay fine. I'm going to be fine. It's not that upsetting. I don't have to do anything, I just swore my loyalty and go to meetings. It's fine. Better than being disowned I assume." Barty hums. "Well. When Evan and I join up, it won't be as bad. You'll have us, yeah?" Regulus nods.
They sit quietly for a few more minutes, before Dorcas comes in. Regulus quickly stands up. "Dorcas, listen-" "I said I do not want to speak with you, Black. Leave me alone."
Regulus flinches back from the anger in her tone, sitting back on the couch. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," he mumbles. "I didn't mean to anger you or upset 'Dora." Dorcas scoffs. "Do you not know what it means to be told no? For Merlin's sake, leave me alone Black. Worse than your bloody brother, I swear." she mutters, grabbing her book and storming off to her dorm.
Barty grabs Regulus' hand. "Let's go to our room, yeah?" he asks, pulling Regulus up.
He leads him to their dorm room, locking the door, and gently pulls him to sit down on his bed.
"She hates me," Regulus says quietly. "We've been friends since we were eleven years old. And now she hates me." "Oh, love. . ." Barty sits down next to him, pulling him to his side. Regulus sniffles quietly, leaning his head against his boyfriend's shoulder.
"She doesn't hate you. She just doesn't get it." Barty tries, gently stroking up and down Regulus' arm. "It's going to be alright. I promise."
Dear Barty,
Thank you. Thank you for being there for me, regardless of how dramatic I can be. Thank you for being my boyfriend, and for loving me unconditionally despite not being able to be very public about it. Thank you, for everything.
You are everything to me, and I hope you know that no matter what, I will never stop thinking about you. I am eternally yours, mon cher.
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dazzlemebaby · 11 months
flickering shadows of love -- 5.4k
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tw: domestic abuse, child abuse, SA (all non-graphic, and mainly told from an outside perspective)
Wolfstar oneshot!
The Gryffindor common room was bathed in warm firelight, the orange glow perfectly accenting the bright red decorations and gaudy gold accents. Every student in the common room was separated into cliques, off in their little bubbles as inane chatter filled the space. When Remus Lupin walked into the room, heels clicking against the varnished wood floor, three heads immediately perked up from their places at the very center of the room. 
James was sequestered away into a little armchair, sun-browned limbs hidden away under a fluffy blanket, and square glasses perched at the very tip of his nose. Only his moppy head of black curls was visible, hidden away for the time being to rest his heavily-exercised muscles from a frankly grotesquely lengthy Quidditch practice. Peter was curled into a heap on the rug, clutching his sore sides with thin hair soaked through with sweat. But Remus only had eyes for one of them.
Sirius was sprawled out on a couch, blinking up at the ceiling like a lazy cat. His shoulder-length black hair was wind-tousled, a few strands falling across his pale forehead and slate grey eyes. His eyes crinkled as his red lips pulled upward into a slightly drunk-looking smile. Remus felt something warm and fuzzy settle and take root inside his chest. 
“Hey, babe,” Remus greeted, reaching a hand down as he passed to further ruffle Sirius’ hair. It ran between his fingers like silk threads. Sirius snorted, slapping his hand away with a chuff. 
“Fuck off, Moons,” he groused jokingly, settling back against the couch. Remus nudged at Sirius’ outstretched ankle with his knee, and Sirius moved his feet out of the way so that Remus could sit down before carelessly plopping them back in his lap. “Weren’t watching us practice,” Sirius observed off-handedly, and Remus shrugged carelessly, stroking a mindless finger up and down Sirius's shin. 
“Was in the library, with Evans,” he explained through a yawn. “Wanted to get some extra revision done for um… McGonagall’s quiz tomorrow, on complex animal transformations.” Sirius slapped a delicate hand over his mouth, snorting a laugh into his splayed palm. 
“Coulda just asked us for help with that, mate, we’ve kind of made ourselves experts in the bloody subject.” Remus hummed non-committedly. 
From the adjacent chair, James Potter poked his head out from his blanket to join the conversation.
“Evans?” Sirius groaned dramatically, tossing the back of his hand over his eyes in a sort of woe-is-me gesture. James sat up further in his chair, the fluffy blanket falling to rest in his lap, exposing a grass-stained wife beater. “Hey, Moony, you don’t s’pose she might have-”
“No, James, she didn’t mention you,” Remus interrupted firmly, watching with distant sympathy as James deflated back into his seat. He looked a tad pitiful if he was being perfectly honest. Like a kicked dog. 
“Christ, Prongs, give it a rest, ” Sirius begged, tossing his head back in disdain. Remus found himself briefly distracted by the long, pale column of his best friend’s throat. “She’s just not interested, mate, it's been years. Don’t you think it's time to get over this crush?”
“You’re one to talk about crushes, Pads,” James snapped back, raising a single, sardonic eyebrow. An aggressive flush took over Sirius’ face as he threw a pillow at James’ head. “Sorry, sorry, sorry- ”
“God, can’t you lot settle down?” Peter begged from the floor, still curled into a fetal position. “Everything hurts.” James, as of their sixth year, had been promoted to Quidditch captain – which meant everyone on the team, including James, was being worked ten times as hard to meet some unattainable standard. Even Peter, a substitute Keeper, had been run into the ground. Remus was very glad he’d decided not to join Quidditch with the other boys – he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle all of… that. 
Sirius still had a lingering pink flush on his high cheekbones, and he buried the side of his face into the couch cushion like he was hiding. Sirius never would have reacted like that had he been well-rested, but when he was with the boys and on the very brink of sleep, a lot of previously carefully-built walls tended to dismantle themselves. 
“Well, now that Moony’s here, we can head to bloody bed,” James groused, standing up from his chair with a huff and dragging his blanket along behind him as he trudged toward the stairs. Peter, after a pained groan, drug himself after his childhood friend. “Off we go, boys!”
The marauders had this habit with Remus – well, with any one of them, really – where they positively refused to leave the common room unless each member was accounted for. These habitual rituals had begun, as most things did, with Sirius. The Slytherins, particularly those who were pureblood, had a habit of hating all of the marauders… not necessarily without good reason. But Sirius had always seemed to face the brunt of their disdain, particularly at the hands of his relatives. After one too many incidents where they’d gone to bed without Sirius in the dorm and woken up with news of him being in the infirmary, nursing welts from stinging hexes, they’d made the first vow of many; never to turn in for the night unless every marauder was together.
It’d worked, mostly. Remus didn’t like to think about the times when it hadn’t. 
Remus liked to think of his life in two phases. There was before meeting Sirius Black, and after. Before meeting the dog animagus, he’d been able to enjoy a lot of other simple pleasures. His mother’s love and warm cooking. His father ruffling his hair. His favorite color had been red, dark, and rich, and he’d loved the quiet. The quiet of a dusty library, the calm that enveloped him with the smell of old books. 
Sirius Black had taken everything Remus Lupin thought he knew about himself and pummeled it into the ground. 
He still basked in the love of his mother, but he couldn’t appreciate her kind words and good cooking without thinking of Walburga Black’s cruel tone, or the way Sirius came back to Hogwarts at the beginning of the summer thin and drawn, collarbones pressing against delicate skin and creating deep pits across his chest. He couldn’t hug his father without remembering Sirius’s broken tooth and crooked nose from a particularly eventful Christmas break. Red had been his favorite colour until he remembered the way it had stained his best friend’s skin behind the herbology classroom, stamped out of him by Lucius Malfoy in their first year. And he’d never been able to appreciate the quiet since falling in love with Sirius Black, because silence had absolutely nothing on Padfoot’s ringing cackle and the cheeky tone that became present in his voice when they pulled off a successful prank. 
Sirius was the single best and worst thing that had ever happened to Remus Lupin, and he’d never realized that more than he did at that very moment. 
Sirius climbed into his bed most nights. After the first few times, Remus had begun waiting up for him; wanted to be awake when he finally crawled under his sheets, curled himself into a ball at the very edge of his mattress, and let himself sink into the warmth and smell and Moony. But now, Remus could wake up at the drop of a hat; had trained his body to recognize the dip of the mattress, the shift in his blankets. 
Remus could usually grasp what kind of mood Sirius was in by the timing of his breathing. If he was running from nightmares, or wanted the physical connection, or….
“Moons?” Sirius whispered as he crawled under the quilts, making himself small. 
“Hi,” Remus murmured, stretching long limbs. “You okay?” He tried his best to mask the sleepy thickness of his voice, propping his head up on one hand and staring across at his friend on the other side of the mattress. 
“Mhm… well… um…” Sirius frowned. Remus waited patiently, privately thinking that the crinkle Sirius had in his nose when he was confused was very endearing. “Just… um…. Wanted your opinion on something…” He trailed off, going silent for a moment.
“Oh?” Remus prompted. “C’mere,” Remus pressed, guiding the other boy closer like a child. They were a hair's breadth apart, now, Sirius’ silky black hair splayed across his pillow like a fan. Remus sort of wanted to reach out and touch it, but…
Well, Remus wanted a lot of things that he couldn’t have. No matter. 
“Ophelia Vickers asked me out earlier,” he quietly confided. “She’s a Ravenclaw.” The raven-haired boy looked worn and drawn, lips pressed together in a tense, severe line. For a moment, Remus wanted to pry a gap between them with his fingers. “And, um… my parents would like her, I s’pose.” Remus couldn’t quite contain a disdained sigh, and Sirius winced. And it's not like the sigh, nothing more than an aggressively expressed breath of air, had been directed at him but….
There were moments in his life, in his life with Sirius, that he couldn’t help but treasure. Little pockets of time that were worth their weight in diamonds, special and secret, tender things that fluttered at the slightest brush of plush lips. This was one of those moments – when Remus had Sirius alone, away from James and Peter and their professors and fucking Ophelia Vickers, where the other boy was soft and defenseless, sleep-tinged and soft, not worrying about appearing confident and funny, with another high cackle constantly stored in his arsenal to be perfectly executed at the right time. 
During the day, when the sun was shining almost as bright as Sirius Black’s smile, it was easy to forget that Remus was in love with him – it always pulsed in his chest, hot and throbbing, but it rarely shoved its way through to the front of his brain to shout out its truth to the world. When Sirius was small, and drawn – when he was quiet, sleep-soft… all Remus could think was I love you, I love you, I love you. 
“Don’t care how your bloody parents are going to feel about you going out with this Ophelia Vickers girl,” Remus murmured, trying his best to keep his voice as soft as worn cotton, even with the jealousy pooling like hot, sticky syrup at the bottom of his stomach. “How do you feel about her? Do you like her?” Sirius gnawed on the inside of his cheek, working over his answer in deep thought. “Hmm?” 
“She’s gorgeous,” Sirius finally admitted, somewhat reluctant. “Told her I’d go out with her this weekend, for the uh, Hodsmeade trip, but I’m thinking ‘bout bailing. Dunno. Just don’t want…. I dunno.” He sighed through his nose, sharp and quick, anxious. Remus breathed. 
“Don’t have to go out with her if you don’t want to, Pads. You could always cancel on her, y’know?” Sirius shrugged hopelessly. “Be better than just standing her up, y’know? That way you’re not the ‘bastard lady-killer’ in the rumor mill again,” he quipped. Sirius couldn’t help but huff an amused breath, because yeah, that had most certainly been an issue in their fourth year. The light laugh was immediately followed by a throaty yawn, stretching the older boy’s jaw until Remus heard a just-barely-there click, and the werewolf felt himself soften. 
“Don’t apologize for being tired,” Remus stated firmly. “Just get some sleep. Think on it some more in the morning, when you’ve had your rest, yeah?” Sirius nodded sleepily, eyes already beginning to droop. 
With such proximity, and with Remus’ already enhanced hearing, the sandy-haired boy could clearly hear his friend’s heartbeat begin to slow into a regular, steady pace. His chest rose and fell in deep, steady breaths – his cherry lips remained parted for every exhale, long black lashes resting on ivory cheeks. He was gorgeous, and Remus fucking hated it. 
He took a deep breath and firmly rolled over so that he was facing the opposite direction as his friend. 
It still took him forty-seven minutes to fall asleep (he’d counted every single second). 
When he woke up in the morning, Sirius was gone. 
Remus tried his best to pretend that it didn’t hurt. 
Sirius had been dating Ophelia for seven weeks now, and Remus was sure that the best day of his entire school year was going to be when they finally split up. 
Seven long, drawn-out weeks without late-night visits from his best friend. Sirius didn’t sit next to him in the common room anymore, or the Great Hall. That seat had been claimed by Peter, and despite how reluctantly fond Remus had grown toward the smaller boy, he tended to forget to put on deodorant and he had a severely deviated septum. Being in close quarters with the fourth member of their quartet was often a malignant experience… if they could even be called quartet anymore. Lately, they seemed to be existing as more of a trio. 
They couldn’t get Sirius alone anymore, which was the problem. It had started around a week into his blossoming relationship – Ophelia had started sitting with them at the Gryffindor table every other day. And it had been fine, he supposed – Ophelia was an alright girl ( and she’s not exactly horrible to look at, the teenage boy side of his brain liked to point out) – she was decent conversation, even if the only one who she seemed to enjoy talking to was Sirius. 
But then, Sirius had sat with the Ravenclaws one day for dinner, and he’d never really come back.
At mealtimes, he was sitting with Ophelia. During free periods, he was sneaking around somewhere with Ophelia. If the Gryffindors had any classes with the Ravenclaws, Sirius sat right next to Ophelia the entire time. If Ophelia was absent – joyfully, blissfully absent – Sirius appeared to be in a bit of a daze, not particularly paying attention to the lesson being given by the teacher and doodling little circles on his notes with the tip of his quill… likely thinking about Ophelia. 
And sure, Remus was sure that the complete emotional extraction of Sirius from their day-to-day life was affecting him mentally, but for James, it appeared to be on a damn near physical level. 
Their Quidditch captain looked drawn, worn, and plain miserable without the presence of his best friend. The light that had previously sparked constantly behind his brown eyes had been almost entirely extinguished, he constantly looked exhausted, and even his mop of curly black hair looked less vibrant and cared for. If Remus didn’t know any better, he would have thought James was going through withdrawal. 
Remus hadn’t spoken with Sirius in four days. It was the longest they’d gone without correspondence during the school year… maybe ever, and Remus could practically feel the separation anxiety crawling under his and James’ skin. 
The last time the Marauders had properly hung out altogether had been over three weeks ago during Remus’ last full moon, and Remus couldn’t even bloody remember it. His next change was due in a week, and he was practically counting down the days, eager to be able to spend a moment of bloody time with his absent friend. 
When Sirius informed them, three days before the full moon, that he wouldn’t be able to attend Remus almost cried. Almost. And then he yelled instead. 
“Sirius, what the fuck has been going on with you, mate?” Remus demanded aggressively. Sirius only glared off at some point above Remus’ shoulder. “Just tell me what’s fucking wrong, Padfoot, you’ve been so fucking–” Distant? Absent? Bloody invisible? Remus couldn’t even put it into words. 
“I’m fine, Moons,” Sirius muttered, something pinched and pained in his face; like he wanted to comfort Remus, or something, who fucking knew, but he wasn’t sure how, and that– 
Since when did they not know how to talk to one another? 
“Padfoot,” James butted in, looking just plain sad, and honestly seeing that emotion on James Potter’s face felt like some sort of – law against nature, or something, he didn’t even know. “I haven’t even seen you at practice, mate…” Sirius scoffed. 
“I’ve just been busy, Prongs,” Sirius sighed. “I’ve got a bloody girlfriend now, it’s not like I can just spend all my time with you lot–”
“Oh, so this has all been about your fucking girlfriend?!” Remus demanded, temper flaring. So close to the full moon, his emotions were always resting on a hair trigger. He wasn’t exactly sure what the scientific or magical explanation for that was – a flood of testosterone, maybe, but it was a bitch to deal with, and now all that anger was spewing out of him like a flood of burning acid. “Is that was this is?” he asked, getting in Sirius’ face. He watched the shorter boy’s jaw tick. “She’s got you so fuckin’ whipped, you can’t even spend one fucking night with your friends to help me out –” Sirius's jaw tensed, and Remus knew he was biting his tongue bloody to stop himself from saying anything back. “ What? Am I wrong? Am I fucking wrong?! ” 
“Remus,” Sirius said evenly, “back up.” Remus snorted. 
“No.” He took another step forward, chest bumping against Sirius’, and looking into his grey eyes was like staring into a vat of molten steel – furious, burning. 
“Moony, maybe you should–”
“Shut the fuck up, Peter!” Remus snapped. Remus's eyes shuttered, like blinds being drawn closed over windows, and his face went stoic, but he could still feel the storming inferno brewing inside of his chest. “I think I know what it is,” he muttered. He tilted his head to the side – quiet, dangerous. Hair trigger. “I think I have a fucking theory.” 
“Moons…” James whispered from across the dorm room, but Remus only had eyes for Sirius – typical. 
“Are you scared of your girlfriend, Sirius?” Remus asked, quiet and sardonic, and Sirius’ red skin burned hot with humiliation. “You scared that little fucking Ravenclaw is going to hurt you? Hmm? Is that the fucking issue? Or…” Sirius's head had fallen until his chin rested against his chest, breathing in deep, steadying breaths. 
“Remus. Stop, ” Sirius choked. 
“Did Mummy and Daddy say you had to stay with Ophelia, Sirius?” Remus asked, sickly sweet, words sharp – he wanted him to hurt. “Did Daddy say he’d hurt you again if you didn’t spend all your time with fucking Ophelia Vickers? Is Mommy making you bloody marry her, Sirius?” Sirius sniffed, and Remus felt two seeds take root in his gut – satisfaction, and nausea. 
“You don’t know what you’re fucking talking about, Remus!” the other boy roared, face blotchy red and eyes bright. His shoulders were rising and falling rapidly, and his hands were clenched into tight fists. 
“Then fucking enlighten me!” Remus begged, fury taking on a new trajectory. The desire he’d had previously – to hurt Sirius emotionally, to break him down and make him cry, morphed into a need for an explanation, some sort of reasoning behind why–
Sirius shoved past him, making it towards the door with powerful strides. Remus growled, grabbing the other boy’s shoulder from behind and yanking him back, and Sirius spun around before aggressively shoving the taller boy away. 
“Do not fucking touch me!” he snapped, and there were tears in his eyes then, hot angry ones that slipped from his eyes in baby rivers, lower lip quivering. “You don’t get to fucking touch me! No one gets to–” He swiped at his eyes angrily, letting out a frustrated groan when the tears kept flowing. “Fuck… fuck! ” the boy shouted, kicking the post of the closest bed – James’ – with a bare foot. 
“Sirius,” James murmured, voice taking on the faintest edge of a begging tone, “what is going on? ” 
Sirius looked at the older boy, black eyes meeting chocolate brown, and let the tears continue their wayward track down his face – didn’t bother swiping them away again, because there was no point. They were there. They existed, even if at the moment Sirius, Remus suspected, wished that he didn’t. 
Sirius's chapped lips opened around empty words, the only thing escaping his mouth little huffs of air with no sustenance behind them, and Remus was foolish enough to hope that, even for a moment, Sirius would be honest with them. 
And then Sirius's mouth firmly closed, wired shut like a steel trap, and Remus felt that hope snuff out like a cigarette in an ashtray. 
“I’m okay,” Sirius said, and no one was quite sure what to say to that. 
Sirius left Gryffindor tower fifteen minutes after the end of their altercation, snatching James’ invisibility cloak on his way out, and he didn’t return until close to four in the morning. 
Peter and James had long since gone to bed by the time Sirius dragged his ass back into the common room, feet and lower back sore from hours of mindless walking (after other activities) and hair smushed down flat on the side from the sort of borrowed invisibility cloak. 
He stood in the entryway to the common room for a while, bathed in warm firelight, and decided to use the quiet moment for a bit of self-assessment – to pinpoint what was different, and to hide what was not appropriate for wondering eyes. 
There were small, pock-shaped bruises on the corner of his jaw, trailing down to just beside his Adam’s apple and his collarbones. A scarf tomorrow, then. His lips were red and kiss-bitten, but that would fade by morning and, if not, could very easily be attributed to his rather well-known nervous habit of chewing on his lips. He could feel nail marks on his shoulders and down his chest, but so long as he carefully changed before and after Quidditch practice – assuming he ever bloody went again – he should be fine. 
He’s fine. This is all fine. 
There was stale breath trapped in his lungs. He wanted to sleep; he was so tired, and he was mentally prepping himself to climb upstairs to the dorm room when he noticed Remus Lupin sprawled out on the couch. 
Grey eyes met amber and didn’t break away for several long, cautionary moments. This was one of those moments where Sirius felt like he could drown in Remus’ eyes when looking at Moony felt like getting baptized in bourbon. He could almost feel it, burning in his skin. 
“Shoulda went to bed, Moony,” Sirius muttered, and even if he felt so sore he could have been subbing in for Sisyphus, he sat next to him on the couch criss-cross. “It’s late.”
“Noticed,” Remus huffed, and his throat sounded thick with sleep. “Told James and Pete to go on to bed. They were bloody exhausted anyway, and I don’t get much sleep so close to the full moon anyway, so….”
They were quiet for a while, the only background noise being the quiet crackling of the fire. Remus was barefoot, long legs causing his feet to dangle off the side of the couch even while he was curled up into a ball. Sirius was still dressed in his school uniform, feet clad in a pair of shined dress shoes, leaving black scuffs on the fabric of the blood-red couch. They’d be gone by morning. He was sure that the furniture must be charmed. 
“I’m sorry,” Remus finally spoke, forcing the words out like they were physically painful because Remus was a lot of things; intelligent, kind, and generous, but his fatal flaw would always be his pride. “I shouldn’t have– you asked me to stop, and I didn’t. I kept pushing you because I was angry, and that is not an excuse– but it’s what happened. And I wanted to hurt your feelings. And I touched you, and I scared- um. I upset you. And I’m sorry. Okay?” 
“You didn’t scare me,” Sirius scoffed, even if he could still remember the way his mind had whited out and gone static when Remus had grabbed him – even if he could still feel phantom pressure, hours later. I’m not scared, Sirius restated internally, like if he repeated it enough he might start to believe it. 
He wasn’t scared. 
“Okay, Sirius,” Remus murmured. “I didn’t scare you.”
He was never scared. 
“And anyway, it’s not a big deal,” Sirius brushed off, running a hand through his hair which was now on the decidedly unattractive side of the messy scale. 
“It was a big deal, Sirius,” Remus sighed, and Sirius's jaw clenched, feeling the confrontation ease into his skull. It was building up. Fight or flight. Anger or fear. I’m not fucking scared. “I was in the wrong. I never should have done that, or said those things, okay?” Remus had dark circles under his eyes, and they looked like they had been placed there with a charcoal smudge. He always looked tired, especially before a full moon. 
“It wasn’t any different than any other argument we’ve had before,” Sirius sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“It was, Padfoot!”
“Literally how? ”
“Because you didn’t fight back,” Remus answered, eyes glassy with welled-up shame. “You didn’t fight back, and you were reasonable, and you asked me to stop, and to step back, and I didn’t. I should’ve listened to you.”
“ I’m in the wrong, Moony,” Sirius argued. “You need me on your full moons – you need all of us – and I’m the one abandoning you, okay? You had every right to be upset. It’s fine. ” A frustrated flush began its slow climb up the amber-eyed boy’s neck. 
“It’s not, ” Remus snapped, hands clenching into the fabric of his pajama bottoms. 
“I was fine, Remus!” 
“You weren’t! ” Moony huffed. “Sirius, you told me to back up, and I kept getting in your space even though I knew–” Remus scoffed, scrubbing a hand down his face in frustration. “ No means no, Sirius, and I ignored that, and that was fucked up. Okay? It was fucked up. ” He swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down the column of his thin throat. “I. Am. Sorry.”
“Remus, why are you making such a big bloody deal out of all of this?” Sirius gasped in disbelief. “This really isn’t that important, mate. It was nothing.”
“It was not nothing.”
“It didn’t bother me!”
“It did! ” the taller boy shouted. “And if it didn’t, it should have! It was not nothing!” Remus's voice was slowly rising – thank Merlin for sound-proofed dorms – and Sirius could feel his heart rate rising along with it. I am not scared. I am not scared. “I’m so sorry, Sirius.”
“Stop apologizing.”
“ No. ”
“Remus. Moony, I’m trying to tell you– it’s okay. Can we not just–”
“Not until you understand that what I did was wrong, Sirius,” he protested. “I need you to–”
“I don’t understand, Remus!” he interrupted. “I don’t bloody understand, because there is nothing to understand! Move on, Moony! Merlin!”
“There is a lot you need to fucking understand, Padfoot,” Remus growled, jaw ticking. “There is a fucking lot to understand.”
“ Remus! ”
“I completely violated boundaries you probably didn’t even know you fucking had–”
“Jesus, has Evans been feeding you this Muggle ethics crap–?”
“Sirius! I ignored you. I got in your space,” Remus took steadying breaths, voice strained under his efforts to remain gentle-toned, like he was speaking to a toddler – like Sirius was a toddler. “You asked me to stop.” He put his hand on Sirius’ knee, and the older boy saw red. 
“ When has me saying no ever fucking mattered! ” he shouted, and Remus’ answering shocked gasp was lost under the sound of all the blood rushing through his ears. “It’s not–”
“Sirius…” He sounded so sad, so heartbroken, so not Moony, and he hated himself a little bit for it. His heart was pounding– the stress was eating away at his nerves, and he couldn’t–
I am not scared. I am never scared. 
“Sirius, are we… are you talking about your parents or Ophelia?” Remus finally asked, and Sirius pressed the sleeve of his cloak against his burning eyes and nose to stave off the torrential downpour. Do not cry. Men don’t cry. Men don’t cry. I am not scared. 
Bloody idiot. 
His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and there was a roaring in his ears, and there were two hands gently resting on his shoulders, and no– get the hell off, he didn’t want to, get off–
His eyes flew open, and he flinched away, palm shoving outward at Remus – an abandoned mug in the corner of the room shattered into a million pieces, and Remus looked horrified, and–
“Sirius, are those… did you have those hickeys when you left the dorm?” he asked, and Sirius swallowed hard as several things seemed to fall into place behind Remus’ eyes. “Oh,” Remus intoned because he wasn’t sure what else to say. 
“They’re all bloody idiots, anyway,” Sirius had scoffed, hidden away in a tiny nook with Ophelia, still red in the face with frustration. “The lot of them – don’t know a fucking thing, and–”
“Well, there’s no use whining about it, love,” Ophelia rolled her eyes, playing with the lapel of his school shirt with a fixated interest. “Just stop bloody talking to them, like I’ve been telling you for weeks. It’s not like you’re all related. Just cut them off, and then you can spend more time with me…” Little fingers walked their way up his neck and buried themselves into his hairline. 
“Sorry,” he murmured, choosing to ignore the ‘cut them out of your life’ part of that request. “I’ll stop complaining.” Ophelia beamed up at him, a smile as sweet as a maraschino cherry, and Sirius couldn’t quite contain a small shudder. They kissed – softly, sweetly, at first, carefully controlled so that it was just how Sirius liked it… innocent, with no intentions, until Ophelia licked into his mouth and Sirius pulled away with a slight gasp. “I’m tired, lovely,” he murmured, keeping his smile small and apologetic. 
“But I missed you,” the girl pouted. “And you promised me you would spend more time with me…” she trailed her fingers under his shirt, standing on her tip-toes to bite gently at the corner of his jaw. Sirius could feel his skin crawling there, like fire ants. 
“I really don’t want to,” Sirius protested, even as she trailed kissed down his neck to suck at his collarbones. “Ophelia…”
“I love you, Sirius,” she said, dipping into his mouth again, and Sirius felt his mind become blissfully detached and blank. 
When he ‘faded back in’, as he liked to call it, he’d been walking around the castle aimlessly with a crooked tie for at least two and a half hours. And then he kept walking and just tried his best to pretend that the bruises on his neck weren’t unpleasantly achy and that the scratches she’d left on his chest with her nails weren’t scabbed. 
I’m not scared. 
“Sirius, can I – do you need –”
“I don’t know what to do,” his friend breathed, sounding young, small, and panicked– everything Sirius felt, and something flared to life in his eyes – something distasteful, as if he was gazing at something particularly disgusting – and Sirius supposed he was. 
“You’ll do nothing,” Sirius answered, voice firm but lips trembling. There was sweat collecting on his brow, sticky and tacky. Everything ached, like his tendons had been pulled too taut, and– 
I’m not scared. I’m not scared. 
His heart was pounding, Remus knew, Remus knew because his Moony was smart, but so was James, and James made a big deal about everything, and he’d have some call to action moment regardless if what had happened – what had been happening – was wrong or not, which it wasn’t, and – 
He felt disgusting. It didn’t matter. 
I’m not scared. 
His heart was pounding. 
Please make it stop, please make it stop, please make it stop–
Two large hands settled on his warm cheeks, cupping his face, and it was like a tether – it was like someone had cast a floating spell on him, and he was slowly lifting up, up, up, and Remus was the piece of twine tied around his ankle, keeping him firmly on the ground. 
“Sirius… what can I do?” Remus asked, quietly, desperately. He was so close – his face was inches away, but Sirius felt like he was isolated, untouchable, stuck floating between two planets, freezing and alone. “Sirius, how can I help you?” He was begging. Begging for something, even if Sirius didn’t quite know what, and–
I’m not scared. Make it stop. I’m never scared. 
I’m never scared because I’m always fucking terrified. 
Sirius pulled in a harsh, ragged breath, and it felt like inhaling for the first time in years. It shredded his lungs. 
“I don’t know,” he sobbed, clenched fists pressed against weeping eyes – and Remus dragged him into his arms, sobbing, gasping, flinching as he was – 
And that was that. 
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inmy70schaos · 1 year
If Remus and Sirius raised Harry
my headcanons
I can fully picture sirius preparing Harry's school lunches while wearing an apron that says "number 1 housewife". Sirius wouldn not make the lunch properly though and it would just contain sweets and crisps so remus would have to take everything out and redo it
When teaching Harry how to swim, Sirius forgets that not everybody had traumatizing parents that chucked them into the water at the ripe age of 2, so he would stick him in a floating ring and pass him off to remus like he was a time bomb.
Sirius has a desperate need for children to think that he is some eternal badass, and would exaggerate stories from their days at school to impress a fucking 5 year old. So he would recall a time where he tripped on his way to the library and would say "I BROKE MY FUCKING BONES. IT WAS TORTURE. I COUDN"T MOVE. I SAW THE LIGHT!!" with Remus just standing behind him in awe after having broken every bone in his body during the full moon.
sirius would dress Harry, claiming he has the better style, but he also never dresses correctly for the weather. If it is snowing and he is feeling "booty shorts and a crop top covered in rhinestones" that day, then that is what he wears and just suffers. Remus had to remember to pack extra clothing for Harry in case he got too hot/cold.
They decide to wait until Harry is 11 to tell him that Remus is a werewolf, so up until then he just thought remus was some super cool secret spy that dissapeared for a mission every month.
When Harry comes home from school and tells the boys that he has to make something for Valentines day, they are opposite forces. Remus tells him to make pretty cards for everyone so nobody is excluded, and Sirius follows that up with "fuck off, get the hot ones or die."
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oraclekleo · 11 months
🖤 Kleo 🖤
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As I said I'll be up for your experiments sooo here I am 🤭 . I'm hella excited as like this kitty 😺 🤣.
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Okayy my all time fav universe ... Harry Potter but make it in the Marauders Era . Yes I'm more invested in them than Golden trio 🤧. Now if you have your general synopsis then go for those questions but if not then I want you to focus on these particular question :-
■ The beginning or what is my role in this ?
■ My relationship with the character Sirius Black ?
■ Would I be able to stop the war and make peace ? More like saving James and lily and stopping Sirius to go to Azkaban ?
■ What is my overall fate with Sirius Black ?
Initials :- S.P moon sign :- Taurus
Thank youu and have a great day ahead 💓
Hello and welcome to your Storyteller tarot reading.
I’m sorry I couldn’t stick to your suggested questions but they were way too specific for me. I’m not familiar with the Harry Potter saga and I have zero knowledge what is Marauders or Sirius Black (apart from sounding like a name that a 12yo girl would come up with). I stick to the questions I used for my reading, which are more general and the reading is also very likely to be more general because I don’t know the details of the HP story. 
Thank you for understanding!
P.S. You’re a tarot reader yourself. Haven’t you tried to do this reading on your own?
What would be your story about?
Cards: 9 of Swords, XIV Temperance, 3 of Swords (The Everyday Witch Tarot), Make a Move (The Everyday Witch Oracle), Death (Wild Mystic Oracle)
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There’s some heavy energy in your cards and in the story of yours. It might include drastic changes in the life of your character and Sirius Black. Death, heartbreak and worries are likely to be the major themes of the story. A little bit of emo vibes I can sense here. One of you might find yourself imprisoned, having no way to break free from stagnancy and inertia. They have to only observe the story going on while not being able to affect it. The other one of you is likely to find a way to reunite with this prisoner, to set them free and help them move on and push the story forward. It’s pretty much a teamwork and plenty of action might be needed. I imagine some dramatic prison escape with being chased by guards or something like that. I see a certain remorse. Maybe there’s somebody else in the prison you will leave them there.
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What relationship would you have with Sirius Black?
Cards: Knight of Swords, 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords (The Everyday Witch Tarot), Play (Wild Mystic Oracle), Knight, Addict (Archetypes Cards)
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In terms of your relationship with the character of Sirius Black, the cards suggest a certain dependency. Your character might slip into blind worshipping of him. He might present himself as a thief of hearts masked as a chivalrous knight. While it’s good to honour someone, there’s a thin line between self-sacrifice and self-neglect and your character in relationship with Sirius Black might walk that line like a drunken clown. There’s a heavy duty and dedication energy suggested and it’s quite possible that the bond between you and Sirius Black is mainly formed due to a common task might break like a dry twig once there’s no goal you pursue together. 
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What would be the ending of your story?
Cards: 7 of Swords, 3 of Wands, 5 of Wands (The Phantomwise Tarot), Meditation for Clarity (The Everyday Witch Oracle), Martyr (Archetypes Cards)
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A deception or even treachery are suggested. It’s possible some outside forces will cause a fallout between you and Sirius Black. Dispute over something minor growing into a monstrous scale and getting out of hand. While you might seek for clarity and look into the future, Sirius Black is likely to take action and stand for his beliefs and even die for them. The red thread of self-sacrifice has been going through the whole reading and it culminates in the end of your story where someone might need to put their life at stake. Your dispute muddied the waters and prevented you both from seeing who’s the real bad guy in your story. Once you are no longer a team, you become more vulnerable. Sirius Black might lose his life while you flee to regroup and come back in a sequel.
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I hope this satisfies your curiosity. If you have done reading on this topic, too, I would love to compare the results and see where we might have picked similar vibes and where our points of view differ completely. 😊
Thank you for reading!
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sacred-algae · 1 year
Did you know there are David Bowie tarot cards? Yes. David Bowie tarot cards. Let’s just ignore logic about when they were made and say Sirius Black owns a deck. And he’d be obsessed with it. (Before he lost it for some very stupid reason) So…
Things Sirius Black has said about his beloved David Bowie tarot cards, a thread:
• “You know what this sleepover needs? A tarot reading!” *groans from everyone in the room* “Feat. David Bowie!”
• Sirius: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this...” *pulls cards from the inside of his jacket* “Never mind, David Bowie says it’s all good. We can proceed.”
Remus: “No we fucking can’t, the brownies have started to fucking mold.”
James: “If we’re lucky we’ll hallucinate too.”
• “My precious…” *making the Golem voice while staring at the box and stroking it tenderly*
• Sirius: “We must remember the fallen on this day, this most important of days, the day I lost my one true love…”
James: “Remus is right there.”
Sirius: “My other true love.”
James: “Mate, I’m right here.”
Sirius: “No, the other one.”
Pete: “He means his Bowie cards.”
Sirius: “Thank you… you know my pain.” *sniffs dramatically*
James: *pats his back and frowns* “It’s okay, they’re in a better place now.”
Remus: “I really need to get replacements.”
Pete: “You really really do.”
• *Mad at Remus for something petty* “At least I know my Bowie cards will never betray me, they’re never wrong.” *pulls a card calling him out for being petty* “You are wrong! How dare you betray me!”
• *hugging the box (its a considerably sized box) like that meme where people put the album cover and headphones over it*
• Remus: “Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend, and his David Bowie tarot cards.”
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spindrifters · 1 year
Find a Word Tag
I snagged the open tag off @sliebman10 for fun and then gradually realized that almost all of these had to come from marginalia which is like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ simply what happens when you have a 116k+ and counting monster fic I suppose. 
The rules are simple - find the word (or something close enough) in a fic (WIP, published, whatever) and share the excerpt it’s in. Tagging @crushofdoves, @soloorganaas, and @mkaugust.
Words I was given: affection, slide, golden, heat, tinted 
Your words: awake, notice, personal, scream, bright 
affection: marginalia
He breathes in the air of the warm fireplace, and even the tired fever creeping at his neck and temples isn’t enough to break the moment. He leans his head back on the couch and laughs, smiling broad and true.
When he's finished, he turns his head to look at Sirius, dark eyes and fine aristocratic features crinkled up in a Cheshire cat smile that’s so purely him, and Remus can’t help the surge of affection that swells in his chest. Suddenly, he doesn’t feel particularly ill at all.
“Wanna go chuck shit up Peeves’ nose?” he asks.
Naturally, Sirius very much does.
slide: marginalia
He stays perfectly still as Sirius slides down to the floor next to him, untwisting the bottle once again. He doesn't move, not even as Sirius moves the dropper along the path of his deep and scabbing gashes, one clear drop of dittany at a time, the wounds sizzling as they close and melt away. They don’t burn, though, or sting. The effect is something more like being bathed in cool spring water. One by one Sirius heals the four long clawmarks, only stopping when he comes to the end of the final two, where they trail down below the waist of his trousers.
“I don’t…” says Sirius, almost awkward. “Do you want to…?”
He offers him the bottle.
golden: marginalia
Underneath is a photo, alive in vivid color.
The man is young, Remus thinks, barely in his thirties. He’s toweringly tall, wearing finely-tailored robes of midnight blue, and has an embarrassed sort of look, like he’d rather be somewhere else but is facing the moment with a decent measure of humor and goodwill. It’s the face of a stranger, not the one Remus sees in the mirror at night. Because the man's eyes are blue. His skin is pasty white. His hair may be a familiar tawny, golden-brown, but it’s straight as straw.
Hair color and height, Remus thinks with a lurch, and a sudden release of relief he didn’t even realize he was holding onto. That’s it. That’s all I ever got from you.
And then — The rest, that’s all Hope.
heat: death by honey
His eyes go wide. “You stopped by my parents’ place?”
“That I did, Monsieur Moony, that I did.” Another Tupperware snaps open, revealing a stack of moufletas, and Remus’ mouth by now is watering. “Grease is perennial and the season for oily food is always, only your lot were the only ones clever enough to dedicate a whole holiday to it. Not a chance I'd let us miss out. Also, your mum said to tell you they’re coming round in the morning, by the way. Also, your aunt’s well fit.”
“Don’t even think about it,” Remus says, peeling a moufleta off the stack and brandishing it like a threat.
Sirius puts a hand on his chest in dramatic display of mock outrage. “Dessert before dinner? You heathen. What in Merlin’s name have I let in my bed?”
“I’m an invalid, I’ll do as I damn well please.”
“Oh, and so uncouth, too.”
glint: marginalia (I couldn't actually find tinted anywhere so I went with glint instead)
Remus doesn’t swim, and whether that’s because of the algae or the scars hidden beneath his clothes or perhaps because he doesn’t know how, Sirius doesn’t ask. Instead, he crashes back towards the little floating dock, held aloft now with a bit of their combined magic, where Remus has peeled off his socks and rolled up his slacks to cool his feet in the chilly water.
Head thrown back to soak in the summer warmth, the sunlight glints in gold threads woven into Remus’ tawny curls. It refracts like gemstone off the long column of his olive neck, the elegant slope of his nose, the delicate lids and dark lashes of his closed eyes.
Well, that simply won’t do. Bloody rude of him, really.
Sirius draws back an arm and manages a fairly impressive splash, then promptly and thoroughly fails to avoid the wall of water conjured in retaliation. Remus grins in that fucking way as Sirius draws up to rest his elbows and forearms on the dock alongside him.
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luveline · 2 years
Hello! Congrats on 800! Can I request a 🌾 for Sirius.
Basically Sirius being in love with James' little sister (Potter!reader) and he's a softie around her so the marauders making fun of him for being a simp but he denies his feelings until jealousy swoops in when he sees her with another guy or something?. Idk lol go crazy with this trope that's all I have to say.
tada! sorry it’s so late, i hope this is alright! thanks so much for requesting <3
"You're looking at her again," Remus said lightly, turning a page in his novel.
"I am not," Sirius said, furiously averting his eyes from you.
James scowled. "He was."
"And how would you know, Remus? You haven't picked your head up in hours. It's a party!"
"Don't need to pick my head up. You're infatuated."
"Grow up," Sirius said.
"Take your own advice. Couldn't you fancy literally anybody else?" James said testily, circling his glass, drink teasing the rim.
"I don't fancy he- hi, Y/N!"
You smiled softly as you approached, glancing between each of the marauders in turn. "Evening, boys. How are you all? Sirius?" you asked, turning to face him head on. He melted under your eyes.
"Great, yeah, brilliant. How are you?"
You nodded, though you seemed a little unhappy. "I'm good."
"You sure, princess?"
James made a sound like he was being choked. Sirius ignored this, giving you a reassuring smile.
You sat down heavily on the sofa armchair beside him. "Tired. What about you, Remus?"
Remus smiled and looked up from his book, finally. "Great."
"Oh, good," you leaned into the sofa, your arm at Sirius' shoulder. "Jamesie?"
"I'm fine, you harlot. What's wrong with you, anyways?"
"Nothing!" you protested, fingers running along the fabric of Sirius' shirt, tracing the creases.
"Boy troubles?" Sirius asked quietly, trying to contain a shiver at the feeling of your fingertips on his soft shirt. You snorted, scratching his arm with your nail delicately.
"No. Lack of boy troubles, probably... Sorry, James, you don't want to hear it."
"I absolutely don't," he agreed.
"I do. Let's hear it," Sirius said, ignoring Remus' pointed you will hurt your own feelings glance.
"I just… I thought maybe Ben would come tonight," Ben was your on again, off again fling.
"There's still time, it's early," Sirius said.
You picked at a stray thread on his shoulder. "I don't know, it's stupid. I don't know if I actually want him to come. There doesn't seem to be much of anything between us these days."
"Good!" James said happily, sipping at his beer. "Fuck that guy."
"James," Remus scolded.
"What? He's an arse. You can do better, dearest sister. After you get me another beer," James said impishly.
You groaned, using Sirius' shoulder to climb up from your perch.
"You don't have to do that, Y/N," Sirius said.
You shrugged. "I want one myself anyways. Thanks, guys," you said, making for the drinks table.
“I can’t believe you fancy my little sister.”
“I don’t, Prongs. For fucks sake.”
Remus laughed quietly to himself. Sirius frowned. “Fuck you too, Moony.”
“‘You sure, princess?’ Oh, I could just projectile vomit where I stand,” James imitated his friend, before dramatically keeling over.
“You’re sitting,” Remus said, laughing loudly now.
“Pads understood the sentiment.”
Sirius blessed his best mates with the bird, sinking down into the sofa in a sulk. He didn’t fancy you. He was attracted to you in the way people usually were - you were lovely, soft-skinned with shining hair, a vision in multicolour. He’d have thought not being attracted to you would’ve been the less believable situation.
“There’s no shame in being whipped for a woman. I myself have been whipped for women in the past, and continue to be whipped for a woman as we speak,” James babbled. “That being said, literally any other woman would do. She’s my sister, and you’re my brother, and that’s literally incest.”
Sirius wrinkled his nose in disgust. Remus responded in turn, moving his leg to dig his foot nastily into James’ side. “You freak. That’s hardly the reality here.”
“You’re vile,” Sirius said, though he was laughing, “and Remus is right. You’re delusional.”
“You’re delusional if you truly believe you’re not infatuated with her,” Remus said.
“Who’s side are you on?” Sirius asked, though he knew Remus was never on anybody's side - he was justly fair.
“Look! If you don’t like her, you won’t mind that her boyfriend’s here.”
James gestured over Sirius' shoulder. He whipped around, heart in his mouth, to see that Ben had in fact decided to come, and had commandeered your attention. You giggled at something he said, the sound a song, and it made his stomach roil.
“I’m indifferent,” Sirius said decidedly, though he couldn’t look away as you pressed your hand to your neck, grinning like a kid at Christmas. “I’m happy for her.”
“She doesn’t even like him these days,” Remus said encouragingly. “Go save her.”
“She doesn’t need saving,” James protested.
“Go steal her,” Remus amended.
“She’s not an object,” Sirius murmured, getting to his feet without thinking.
“And get my drink while you’re at it,” James called, as Sirius walked away, towards you, towards your tinkling laugh and sunny smile.
He found himself standing a half foot away from you and your not-boyfriend with nothing to say, floundering for words.
You threw him a rope instantly, eyes sliding to his. “Hey, Sirius. I forgot his drink, didn’t I?”
“He’s feeling spoiled today.”
You rolled your eyes. “Isn’t he always?”
“Only on days ending with Y,” he said. He winced as soon as it came out of his mouth, though you laughed like it was the funniest thing you’d ever heard.
“Oh, he’s the worst. Let him get his own drink and stay here with me,” you said, eyes bright.
Your not-boyfriend cleared his throat, looking at you expectantly. Sirius could feel himself about to say something rude when you said, “Ah, sorry, Ben. You’ll excuse us?” and pulled Sirius off to the drinks table.
He squeezed your hand in his, looking down at it between you both with something like wonder.
Oh, he thought to himself, I do fancy her.
“What are you drinking?” you asked him, stopped at the cider.
“I was thinking - you?” he asked, suddenly struck by a white-hot confidence, drawing strength from your lovely hand in his.
You grinned. “That could be arranged.”
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annasinsane · 3 years
Extraordinarily ordinary morn |S.B|
Sirius Black x Reader
Warning: suggestive (very much so), character death. Slight angst, lots of cheeky fluff
Words: 1.3 k
“You know I love you, right?” Sirius mumbled against your bare shoulder, resting his entire body weight against you as though he was a child and not a fully grown man.
“I would love me too.” You grinned, feeling cheeky as you took a page out of his book. Maybe Sirius really was rubbing off on you.
He bit the spot he’d been kissing in retaliation. You hissed, more for the affect rather than pain.
“I guess I love you too.” You drawled, tilting your head back to capture his lips in an easy kiss.
“Oh you better.” There was a playful growl in his response. “I gave up my eternal bachelor status just for you.”
You laughed out loud at that. Truly, in your sixth year, Sirius finally denounced his crooked ways- as he so dramatically put- and devoted himself to you and even now, seven years later he liked to remind you every once in awhile. True to his word, he’d never strayed, never wavered or hesitated. He remained by your side faithfully, as you had on his.
When the world had turned against his back you had stayed. You had stayed and fought for him, helped prove his innocence and get him custody of his godson. You had even convinced a heartbroken Remus to help you and to trust Sirius. Together, you had hunted Peter and gotten your then-boyfriend-now-fiancé out of Azkaban.
Getting Harry back had been both surprisingly and unsurprisingly harder. Albus Dumbledores word was almost law, and while he believed what he was doing was best for Harry, you knew better. Lily had told you about her sisters cruelty and her hate for the wizarding world that has stemmed from jealously. You knew he’d be mistreated there and that was unacceptable, to both you and Sirius. At the end the pair of you, with Remus in tow, had met with Dumbledore in private. You had explained everything is detail, forcefully divulging parts of Lily’s life she had confided to you in confidence. You had to, and you knew she’d understand for the sake of her son. There had finally been an agreement where Harry would spend one day a year at his aunts place until he was seventeen.
The day Harry had finally been back in your arms was the day you finally took a breath of fresh air. Relief had flooded you with such intensity that you’d nearly plummeted to the ground. Sirius had cried that day, tears of joy and sorrow. He finally allowed himself to mourn the loss of two of his best friends and rejoice in being reunited with his godson and finally being whole and alive with the love of his life and his last remaining best friend. It was a bittersweet moment for everyone.
Now, two years later there was finally a semblance of peace in your life. Sirius smiled more often, laughed with a spark similar to back in your school days, Remus finally started looking for a job and you, you could finally think of your late friends with fondness, not just overwhelming pain and sadness. You couldn’t deny the major role little Harry had played in bringing back the joy in your lives. His laughter had the tendency to physically light up the room (in your eyes atleast) and every time tiny giggles would escape him as you blew gently at his face, you swore everyone breathed easier. His presence brought warmth along with it.
You loved him. You loved him like he was your own. One day you’d have to tell him about his brave and loving parents, of their sacrifice and the cause behind it. You’d have to tell him why he was famous. That day scared you, they say you’d place the world on his small tiny shoulders. That day wasn’t today though, that was enough to bring a smile onto your face.
Sirius saw it, mirroring your gesture like a ripple affect. He leaned down and kissed you again and again and again, short pecks that had you grinning wide and before laughing out loud. He could go on for hours if he wanted to but you had to get out of bed soon. Harry would be up any minute and then the day would truly begin.
“We need to get up and I need to get dressed.” You tried reasoning with him amidst breathless sighs as he completely ignored you, opting to tighten his hold on you instead. His kisses were now heading south, open mouthed and passionate against your throat, the base of your neck and the dips of your shoulders, wearing your resolve down. Letting out a defeated whimper, that had Sirius smirking against your peaking cleavage, you pulled him back up, pressing your mouth against his. You’re own desire and need slowly making you loose your remaining control. You kissed him urgently, pressing your body against him, while you all too willingly opened your mouth to his silent request. You were always like this when it came to him and his oh so addictive touch. He knew exactly how to turn you into mush with afew well phrased words or purposeful touches. Obviously today wasn’t any different, not with how you were arching up into Sirius, moaning slightly, thanks to his toe curling ministrations.
“Sirius…” you whispered, breathless, not sure if you wanted to say something or just utter his name in something akin to devotion.
“My sweet darling.” Sirius countered, just as tender, with his hands sending a trail of hot want as they moved underneath your-his-shirt. “My beautiful girl.”
“My angel.” His hands began their decent, kneading the flesh they came in contact with.
“My sweetheart.” Your chest began heaving, breaths coming out in short pants as he continued, pressing his lips against your throat.
“My good girl, my lovely girl, MY girl.” You knew he could hear your heart beating wildly against his lips, could practically feel your whimpers. You also knew just how much it turned him on. He practically derived his pleasure from yours.
“Mine!! All MINE. yes?” Oh how badly you wanted him, he was so alluring, enticing and just so so insatiable. It brought out your own primal need for the man. He was possessive, specially in bed when he let himself go, when his charm and confidence couldn’t veil his internal insecurities and self doubts. He held you closer, tighter, craving words of affirmations and love and loyalty.
“Yours Sirius.” You felt his hum of appreciation travel against your throat and spread throughout your body, particularly warming your core. “I’m all yours, heart, body and soul. I love you with everything I have.”
Sirius groaned loudly, rearing back like you’d shocked him before coming back with a renewed vigour that had your toes curling.
“I love you more.” He gasped coarsely lapping at your skin, while simultaneously trying to expose more. “I love you so much that sometimes I feel like I’m going to combust from feeling too much.”
“I know baby I know” you knew exactly what he meant, because you felt it every time you looked in his direction, this sizzling heat that warmed you up and burned you in the most beautiful ways. “I feel it too, all of it.”
“You’ll be the death of my Y/N” Sirius gave you a devilish grin, that did wonders to your sensitive body. “And I’ll die a happy man.”
You opened your mouth to reply or perhaps tell him to take you completely when that little pleasurable bubble the two of you had made burst, in the form of tiny inconsistent yet urgent raps against your bedroom door following by a small pa’foo and ange. Only one little person called you ange, short for angel, and it was your little angel himself. He had caught on Sirius calling you angel and decided to do the same. Now Sirius was Pa’foo and you were Ange.
The second knowing session with a louder call for you and Sirius and you scrambling out of your bad, and subsequently your fiancé’s hold to go to your godson. This time the groan Sirius let out was very different from the one you had heard before but you knew he was being dramatic, nothing was more important then little Harry.
Sure enough, when you threaded back into your bedroom with Harry nestled into your arms, cooing, Sirius was smiling warmly, eyes shifting between you and the precious life now playing with your hair. You kissed Harry’s unruly locks as you got back into bed, before pressing one onto Sirius’s cheek. With Harry between the two of you, using your chest as pillow and his godfathers presence as a shield, he drifted off again clutching onto a lock of your hair. Sirius patted his tiny back for awhile before falling back to slumber himself with one last peck to you.
You stayed awake alittle while longer though, staring at your boys and wondering how you got so lucky. The were yours, your beautiful boys.
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