#rocket still causes trouble
exponentialb-zukas · 2 months
what was rocket like when he was younger?
Quiet, that was when I first picked him up. Had a lot of troubles but the kid has grown these past years.
He's still a damn troublemaker though.
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timegears-moved · 1 year
new favourite pokeani scene just dropped
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insanityisfine · 5 months
Ohhh while Jesse is with Delilah she and Ash are kind of awkward around each other and Jesse tries not to act too much like a mom cause she knows that'd be weird and besides Delilah is the kids mom not her....
Then one of other rockets like Cassidy or Bitch try to attack the kid while Jesse is there (maybe he's hurt or something from a stunt he pulled and she came to check on him?) And she just goes full protective mama bear mode and kicks their asses barehanded because how *dare* they attack her kid?!?
James and Meowth are recording and eating popcorn on the side.
Following Kiana's (head)canon, Cassidy and Butch also left Team Rocket, and I personally like that path for them. I see them being ~fancy~ thieves myself, so robbing museums and jewlery and such, so, leaving Ash and his friends behind. (also love the typo of you calling Butch Bitch, because, well, he is one lmaooo).
I definitely see Jessie being agressively protective over Ash when he's injured/in trouble (or she thinks he is), but I think it would be hilarious if it came out randomly, and during the period of time where they're still getting used to each other.
My version of this perfect scenario would be Ash training some of his Pokémon, and everyone gets a bit too excited, and Ash ends up falling to the ground. Cue Jessie, who was keeping an eye on things, both because she knows Delia would want her to, and she's a Pokémon nerd herself, running in, guns and eyes blazing, flipping a grown ass Torterra on his back with her bare hands, yelling at it to not hurt her kid.
James and Meowth are stuck in place, because their brains can't decide between laughing, helping Torterra, thinking it's kinda cute, and teasing Jessie over her parental instincts. They're just there like
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Both Delia and Professor Oak are at work, and both sent James and Meowth respectively to keep an eye on Jessie keeping an eye on Ash. Both almost get heart attacks when they take too long to come back.
In the end, Jessie gets over James' and Meowth's teasing because Delia is even cuddlier than usual, and Ash starts wanting to train his Pokémon by making them fight Jessie. They don't like that idea and go on strike, with Meowth as their spokesmon.
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lagomoz · 7 months
Proseka headcanons
-as rui’s childhood friend, nene has extensive fire safety knowledge
-shizuku is adopted, hence why she looks so different from shiho. she was adopted shortly before the moon rabbit event and it contributed to her clinginess
-shiho forgets this fact sometimes. she’ll casually mention something like shizuku got all mom’s good genes so unfair and ichika has to be. um. shiho
-kanade is mildly nearsighted/myopic but spends so much time at her computer she hasn’t noticed
-emu is buff. she climbs multiple stories without breaking a sweat and is canonically part of the swimming, handball and rhythmic gymnastic clubs, you can’t tell me she doesn’t have some muscle
-saki helps out as a human notepad for tsukasa, reminding of him things he would otherwise forget within 5 minutes
-the vocaloids also help. at first it was unnerving to have hatsune miku be an extension of his psyche that knows his darkest secret (stole saki’s candy when he was 6) but now his phone has a more reliable catgirl themed reminder system
-you know that classic nightmare of leaving the house without pants? tsukasa has legitimately done that as a kid. he forgor. (saki will never let him live it down)
-in the kamiyama student council/hall monitor room, an has put up at sign saying “_ days since last kamishiro incident”
-the shinonome siblings both figured out the other one was gay before they figured it out about themselves
-airi’s great at trivia from her time as a variety show star. she still can’t beat minori at idol trivia, though
-ena keeps a diary with fort knox level security. try to read it and you’ll lose a finger
-saki learned to crochet from the old ladies in the hospital
-shiho’s most treasured phenny is a somewhat lumpy crocheted phenny holding a very lumpy crocheted bass guitar
-tsukasa snores. he falls asleep in 10 seconds and sounds like a dying lawnmower
-mizuki has learned a small bit of french from their sister and uses it exclusively to teach rui and an how to swear in french
-emu still celebrates her grandfather’s birthday, even if he’s not there to celebrate with her
-ena is allergic to dogs, the middle point to airi’s cat allergy and akito’s dog phobia
-rui has various small scars from his experiments over the years, but nobody ever believes the real causes (rocket launcher, robot bite, exploding balloon animal, etc.) so he just makes up a new cause every time someone asks
-mmj! has had repeated incidents of minori and airi’s little siblings walking into frame when streaming at their houses. shiho understands the concept of a livestream but has still been caught failing at creeping past like that one new broadcast of the guy crawling along the floor
-kanade has pots & eds, this one I have a reason for look at her symptoms. chronic exhaustion, heat and cold intolerance, comorbid sleep issues and depression, dizziness when standing up, fainting after standing up, very pale skin, family history of medical issues, pain at normal physical activities, exercise intolerance, vertigo at mild exertion, she just fucking dies during the entire baseball event, I could go on. she canonically gets pain in her hands from opening a jar girl that is not just being out of shape that is physical disability. this one I will go conspiracy board on listen to me I’m right
-kohane ate bugs as a kid. an is horrified, toya is confused, akito is impressed
-ena and airi got in trouble in middle school because they’d keep starting fist fights in defense of the others honor. if they saw the other in a fight they’d jump in guns blazing no hesitation no questions ask ready to throw the fuck down
-vbs!rin and len were given a skateboard by an and then promptly had the skateboard confiscated by meiko for property destruction
-haruka is horrible with slang. she asks the stream chat what poggers means and immediately uses it completely wrong, killing all viewers on impact
-minori is torn between thinking it’s cute and wanting to die
-toya has been banned from arcades before because he made them lose too much money/they suspected he was cheating
-ena brought kanade over for girls night and nearly scared akito half to death because he went down to get a late night snack and there was some Ghastly Creature looming in his kitchen
-kohane's parents stick out like a sore thumb when going to her live shows. it mortifies her that everyone on vivid street can recognize them as the only milquetoast middle aged couple dressed in normal clothes loudly going YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE that don't know the first thing about music
-minori knows basic programming. she mostly uses it for forums, blogs, html, other web design things usually related to idols as a hobby, but she's become the groups designated anti-shizuku tech support
-mafuyu has always been able to see ghosts but after adults figured she was just playing pretend as a kid so she shrugged and figured it was normal and not worth bringing up again
-honami has one of those massive extended families and somehow keeps track of them all. at any given time cousin #57 can crawl out of the woodwork and she remembers their new job, favorite food, past three romantic relationships and list of allergic reactions
-mizuki does doll customizing as a hobby. they prefer making human sized clothes, but it's fun to make them miniature too. they've introduced shizuku to it and she loves it, but doesn't have the heart to do anything that would hurt the doll (sawing limbs off, dunking them in boiling water, shoving wires in them, etc.)
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sugurizz · 4 months
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ── So this was an interesting ask cause it was a big, hard CHALLENGE. Just like Jaekyung's D- *Ahem* Aaanyways Jae and fluff are scientifically opposite terms. So trying to merge the two together feels more difficult than buiding a rocket. But I did it, and tried to keep HIM in character as much as I can, cause let's be honest…he has his tiny fluffy moments too...sometimes, yeah. heh. Anyways enjoy some RARE Jaekyung 'fluff' folkss.
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐒𝐊.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Just...fluff, Ig?
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You stared at a gloomy, greyish sky through the huge bay window. The spacious emptiness of your roommate's apartment hit heavier in his absence. The raindrops trickled down, gradually getting thicker and louder under the thunderblasts of an imminent storm.
You did a few casual chores around the house, train of thoughts constantly derailing towards him…
− He took you in for a rather transactional reason, and you didn't particularly hate it either. You were in times of rut, torn between multiple jobs and restless days. And he needed someone who had it in them to take him, regardless of his temper and turmoil.
He had a professional to help maintain his fighter career by all means, and you had a luxurious roof over your head. And thus was your secret pact with the charming athlete.−
A louder bang shook you out your thoughts again. The storm running fiercer and wilder added to your unease. And the recurring, almost detonation-sounding noises strained your already worried heart.
You liked the rain, it even soothed you at times. But the violent thunderstorms often made you troubled, almost terrified. it brought fear and unrest in you.. some emotions and memories that you didn't like being brought back to the surface. The tall walls of the apartment resounded with louder rumbles. You cried out as you ran away, an inner instinct in you seeking a hideout narrow enough to shelter you…
'What are you in the damn closet for? Thought you were away.' He stared at you; curled up and shaky, holding your knees close to you chest as your hands wrapped over your ears.
You flinched at him sliding the closet door open. The chaotic noises outside had you barely notice him coming home, let alone walking on you in your hideout.
You raised your head and opened you mouth, struggling not to burst in tears. watery eyes and choked hiccups trapped in your throat, you took a deep sigh and tried explaining.
'I…got scared. I hate storms and w-was all by myself…I needed to hide somewhere.' You stuttered, face heating up with embarassment.
The timing was anything but convenient, especially with him fresh out the shower, cheeks pinkish and hair still a bit damp and messy with a towel over his shoulders.
'The heck? You a kid or something?' He huffed with a mean smirk, eyeing you down like some stray kitten on his lawn.
'Ugh. Just get out of there. I'm here anyways, the boogeyman won't eat you this time.'
He crossed his arms over his chest, staring at you sternly. The storm outside was still pretty audible to your ears, and so were the lightning flashing every now and then.
'I-I said I'm afraid…I'll just get out when I settle down.' You uttered, holding your legs closer to you again.
He didn't take what you said for an answer. Neither was he the type to reason with someone. Rather pulling your arm and caging you between him and the closet door sounded like the easiest way he had in mind.
'Still scared now?' He stared dead into your eyes and raised an eyebrow. You locked eyes on his, mortified, no words ready to leave your mouth.
'You're a grown woman, doc. Ya can't be sobbing because of a damn thunderstrom.'
Your head leaned forward, resting on his chest. The pent-up fear made him almost seem like a safe haven to you, and so did his overly tempting closeness against your body.
The tight muscles on his broad chest felt so warm, despite you only touching him for a couple seconds. It had your silly self almost wishing he would actually hold you tight…or even nuzzle you into his neck...
'Oi doc, let go now would ya?' He huffed with an eyeroll, turning his gaze away.
'Y-yeah…sorry.' You flinched away and shook your head, hoping he wouldn't notice the few warm tears you left on his shirt.
'Quite the scaredy cat you are.' He gave you a faint grin as you wiped your cheek.
'I'm hungry. Don't feel like cooking.' He turned around and walked out, hinting at you as he led the way towards the kitchen...
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Can I request platonic Mewtwo hc’s? Maybe Mewtwo could also communicate with its trainer through telepathy, similar to the anime.
Ohhh, Mewtwo could be fun! Sorry for the long wait :)
Overprotective! Mewtwo Concept
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Mind reading, Violence, Murder, Blood, Slight gore, Forced companionship.
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Before meeting you, Mewtwo spent most of its life in isolation.
It was created from Mew's DNA to be a weapon... a powerful Pokemon devoid of compassion.
When it escaped the labs, creating destruction where ever it went, it fled into one of the deepest caves in the Kanto region.
Mewtwo didn't expect to be found... It didn't want to be found.
Humans only caused trouble....
But then, years later, he met you.
You were Kanto's newest "Champion" who had heard rumors of a rare Pokemon deep in Cerulean Cave.
Once you managed to surf your way through to the cave and crawl deep within... you were greeted with Mewtwo.
Mewtwo wasn't fond of you, the idea of humans still finding it down here irked it.
"You are a foolish human to come down and find me."
The voice of the Pokemon rings in your head, its tail flicking.
"Begone with you!"
So battle ensues.
Your team was trained to deal with strong threats like this so you mostly handled things quite well.
By the end of it, a ball was tossed and Mewtwo was sealed.
Your "bond" with the legendary starts rocky.
Mewtwo was used to violence and being used.
It often ignored you and the little communication it did in your head with telepathy was usually cruel.
You often tried to get along, feeding the Pokemon and trying to touch it.
Mewtwo usually batted your hand away with a snarl.
"Stop trying to be nice! I am at your command, aren't you going to use me for your pitiful ideals?"
However, no matter how cruel Mewtwo was with you... You were never cruel back.
Mewtwo often observed how you treated your own team.
Despite how strong they were trained, it was done with care.
Mewtwo never understood compassion...
Not until it grew closer with you.
You surprisingly rarely used Mewtwo in battle.
You stuck with your team but kept Mewtwo around.
It had no idea for what... for chatter?
Why do you enjoy talking to it?
Mewtwo wonders if you know about its true nature.
Did you know that it's killed before?
Are you naive?
Mewtwo had no idea why it even decided to play along with this.
Did it really enjoy your company?
You treated it more like a fellow human than Pokemon.
You often wanted it to speak with you through telepathy... and it felt comfortable with this.
Mewtwo eventually began to see you as a companion.
You were technically its master, but it didn't see you like that.
Soon enough the powerful legendary even allowed you to pet it.
It felt nice... it has trouble admitting that.
Mewtwo has a vague sense of what compassion is, but it's still a weapon.
Compassion is only given to you and maybe some of your Pokemon.
You have tamed Mewtwo for the most part.
However... all that comes crumbling down the moment you're attacked by Team Rocket.
Mewtwo already had issues with other trainers.
The Pokemon would glare at those you communicated with, still not used to human contact.
Although, Team Rocket was a group Mewtwo couldn't cooperate with at all.
Mewtwo remembers what they did to it.
Which is why when it senses you in danger and comes out of its ball... the Pokemon freezes.
Team Rocket heard that the Champion had managed to tame Mewtwo and wanted to utilize that.
The thought makes Mewtwo shake.
Not from fear...
It's at this point you lose control of the legendary
"How dare you touch them... I am not for you to use! I belong here... and I plan to stay beside them."
You can imagine that the end result isn't pretty....
Mewtwo has killed before, if you didn't know that before... this was proof.
Mewtwo doesn't feel any remorse when it attacks.
By the end of it there's corpses on the ground and Mewtwo's covered in splatters of gore.
"They'll blame you... You know that, right?"
Mewtwo's voice echoes in your mind, turning to you with a piercing purple gaze.
"Let us flee. I can find somewhere they'll never find you or me."
When you don't move, the Pokemon frowns.
"You see me as a monster, don't you, Champion?"
When you stare, Mewtwo steps closer before using telekinesis to drag you close.
The Pokemon mimics an embrace, even if you fear it.
"Let's be honest, human... I was always a monster... something that shouldn't exist..."
Mewtwo pulls you along, away from the murder scene.
"You may have changed me slightly..."
Its grip tightens as it carries you.
"But I will always be that very same monster."
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miss-dollette · 7 months
I was thinking in random hcs? Maybe your thoughts about the character? something general? Nothing like nsfw stuff, 'cause it’s all what this fandom have lol
Sure, how 'bout some relationship headcanons! And some character headcanons. Basically, what I believe he would be like in a relationship. At least, the more positive side of being with him. He's a goofy guy, and people take him wayyy too seriously.
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Eats food like he's in a competitive eating contest. Consumes enough to feed a small village—your grocery bill might just fund a lunar mission. Don't throw a fit, though; Mr. Riley's mission is to ensure your wallet stays plump at all times. He's a provider through and through.
Transforms into a human fortress at the mere hint of trouble. If someone dares hurt you, Mr. Riley becomes Mr. Ghost in the fraction of a second. And trust me, taking a hit from him is like receiving a love tap from a freight train, minus the love.
Navigates family gatherings like a penguin on roller skates. His military background remains a classified mystery, and his family tales are as fictional as a unicorn on vacation. American relatives? They're convinced he's the next NFL sensation, begging him to join their backyard football league. Spoiler alert: he's more of a brick wall than wide receiver.
Master of the unexpected headlock, coupled with a smirk that screams, "You wouldn't be able to get outta this if you tried your best." Yes, he's a bit of an asshole, but he's your asshole.
Enormous nerd alert. Chuckles at his own jokes. No, he's not ashamed of that.
His humor is on a level of sophistication that revolves around fart and poop jokes. He's not afraid to assert his dominance with a fart, maintaining eye contact for that extra level of charm. Try throwing a pillow his way, and he'll throw it back with the force of a thousand sun's (may have broken your glasses once).
He's British—like, sipping-tea-in-the-rain-with-the-Queen British. The epitome of Brit-ness in a world filled with brits. Probably has a secret stash of crumpets somewhere.
Experienced a growth spurt at eleven that defied the laws of gravity. Shot up from 5'1" to a towering 6'4" by the time he graduated.
His taste buds are stuck in the bland era. Thinks anything spicier than salt is equivalent to summoning fire-breathing dragons. Pepper in his food? Cue him giving you vicious side eye. Introduce any other spice, and he'll act like you're conducting a culinary assassination. Consider yourself warned—he takes his seasoning very seriously. But he'll still eat your food, with a side of milk, of course.
Love Language: Fluent in acts of service and physical touch. To unlock level 10, you'll need a lot of patience, kindness, and understanding. Once you get there, anything you request, he'll do—no complaints, just a casual acceptance of his fate, like a loyal sidekick in a superhero movie.
His commitment is so strong; he'd probably agree to build a rocket to the moon if you asked. He'd do whatever it takes to make sure you get what you want.
Always keeping a hand on the nape of your neck in crowds—part protective gesture, part GPS system. It's his way of ensuring you don't accidentally take yourself off a cliff.
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I have so many more ideas.
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luffyvace · 4 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂💗
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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starlight-eclipsed · 1 year
Rockets Pointed Up at the Stars (Pt 2/2)
Part I
Despite what Phantom had implied, tracking down Batman wasn’t done in an instant.
Sure, they’d be back seconds after when they left. But with time travel in the mix, that could be hours or days apart. They’d already followed him back to his initial landing time, when Neanderthals were still around (and wow, was there a difference between factually knowing some people had been around since the dawn of humanity and physically seeing Vandal Savage in the flesh as a caveman). According to the trail left by Clockwork, the ghostly guardian of the timestream, they were getting close.
Apparently Bruce couldn’t make things easy and was also making jumps through time, which if left unchecked would cause the timeline collapse that Clockwork had recruited Phantom for. Specifically Phantom, as it turns out the thief that liked messing with him on weekends was also the Master of Space and the King of everything.
(Phantom insisted it was just a title, and he was only king of the Ghost Zone. It just so happened that the Ghost Zone was also known as the Infinite Realms, which contained every reality of every universe in existence.
And he’d won that title by defeating the previous ruler in single combat.
The High King had to scramble to catch Tim when his knees gave out at the realization that he had unknowingly gone toe to toe with someone who made Darkseid look like a toddler in a sandbox. What the fuck, Phantom.) 
As of now, they were waiting for the actual Blackbeard’s ship to dock to investigate the fabled Black Pirate he supposedly fought a week ago, whose description matched Bruce’s. Phantom had gone to grab them something to eat while they waited in a tavern, leaving Tim to save his seat. If someone told him even a week ago that this was where he’d be, Tim would’ve interrogated them for hours to try to figure out what it meant.
But no, he was just sitting at a table in the 18th century, a medallion from the Master of Time hung around his neck, waiting for his hero-turned-king-gone-rogue to return with food while they waited for Blackbeard the legendary pirate to show up. Jason would probably kill to be here in his place.
Tim was broken out of his thoughts when Phantom returned, two bowls of soup in hand and balancing an additional plate of tough-looking bread on his forearm.
They’d been forced to ditch their masks when Puritans tried to have them hanged a century ago, now dressing in more accurate clothing to better blend in. Phantom had apologized for discovering Tim’s real name, going as far as to reveal his own secret identity: a black haired blue-eyed teen named Danny.
“Heads up, it’s gonna be either too salty or bland as wood. I’m pretty sure the cook wanted to strangle me for asking too many questions about the ingredients.”
Tim snorted, accepting his bowl, “Is that why we don’t get spoons?”
“Nah, the owner doesn’t trust customers to return the utensils. Drink from the bowl, though you might want to soak your bread if you don’t wanna pull a muscle chewing it.”
“Noted.” Tim dared to take a sip, mulling over the taste. It wasn’t anywhere near Alfred’s level, but a step above his own adventures in the kitchen before getting a hard ban post-pancake incident. It tasted closer to brine than soup, but it went surprisingly well with the bread.
Phantom hummed in pleasure, proving yet again that his standards for food consisted of ‘isn’t actively resisting consumption’. Tim could hardly judge him for it, seeing as his own bar wasn't much higher.
“So, I’d say we have an hour or two until our man arrives. Want to go over the plan again?”
Tim shrugged. “Unless it’s changed from ‘confirm Bruce was already here before following the nearest skip in time’, I think we’re good.”
Phantom nodded, silence falling over them as they ate their way through dinner. Tim kept an ear out for trouble, but the tavern was quite peaceful this time in the evening. It was likely to change once the Queen Anne's Revenge finished docking, but for now he’d savor the ambiance.
“Wanna play twenty questions?”
He blinked, refocusing on Phantom sitting across from him. “Huh?”
“I just figured it might pass the time. Twenty questions, no lies, though you can reject them if you don’t want to answer.”
Tim considered it before nodding, “Sure. How old are you?”
Phantom grinned, “Seventeen, same as you. Why Robin?”
“I wanted to help Batman after the previous one died. Nobody else would intervene, so I stepped in. Why Phantom?”
“Okay, hear me out…it’s a pun.”
Tim paused, gesturing for him to elaborate.
“Before I was half-ghost, my last name was Fenton. So as a ghost, Danny Fenton became—”
“Danny Phantom,” Tim groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I can’t believe I ever thought you were subtle.”
“Hey, nobody expects the dead guy to moonlight as a living person. Sunlight? Whatever. Favorite hobbies?”
“Photography and skateboarding. Favorite power?”
“Ooh, that’s a hard one. I’d have to say flight. Nothing beats flying at night. Sexuality?”
Tim spluttered, making Phantom laugh as he blushed. “What the heck?!”
“Hey, you can always skip,” the asshole offered.
“No, it just caught me off guard. I’m bi. You?”
“Pan. And trans, while we’re at it. Ghosts can shapeshift, so I got a perfect transition at the low cost of death.”
Tim snorted, “Death is an ally.”
“Absolutely, it comes for us all,” he winked. “If you had a single power, what would it be?”
“Something so I wouldn’t need to sleep. I can manage otherwise. What determines the things you take?”
Phantom grinned, “Once a detective. But seriously, I just aim for things that look cool and won’t be missed too much. Some people will kick up a fuss over their trash if they think it’s worth stealing. Thoughts on soulmates?”
He stopped, some part of him catching on how serious the otherwise silly sounding question was phrased. As if the way he answered this could mean life or death. “You mean, a couple acting like they’re made for each other?”
“Ah, I wasn’t sure whether you had them in your universe. On my Earth, everyone is born with some kind of connection to at least one other person. Shared thoughts, a timer countdown to the time they first meet, stuff like that. Platonic or romantic, they were called soulmates.”
“So…someone you’re destined to meet and get along with? Is it magic based?”
A nod. “Humanity’s done research but they haven’t concluded on that yet. I asked an Ancient whose domain was centered around it, and they said it was determined by a soul’s resonance. I don’t know the specifics, but something about how all souls that resonate a certain way are born with soulmarks, so that they have an easier time finding each other. There are studies about how soulmates tend to understand each other easier, but other than that there’s no empirical proof that they’re different from any other relationship.”
Tim considered it. What it might’ve been like, to be told the second he met Dick that fateful night at the circus, ‘this boy will permanently alter the course of your life’. To have been able to approach Batman that first time, point to his wrist, and automatically be listened to instead of resorting to blackmail. How much easier it would have been to avoid the misunderstandings that defined their whole family.
Then again, it would be just his luck to have been born in that world and not have any soul connections to the Wayne family, making him work twice as hard for the same level of trust. Or to be born without resonance at all, and be left knowing that he was truly beyond reach. What would that do to him, in a society where people could point at the worst criminals and say ‘even that monster has someone they love’? To be soulmates with a genuinely terrible person?
“It sounds like a mixed blessing,” Tim said, meeting Danny’s gaze directly. “I would love to have someone like that by my side, and I’d be terrified of being defined by it.”
Danny leaned back, wearing a self-deprecating smile that Tim was quickly learning to recognize. “Yeah, that’s fair. Your turn.”
“What…what is your personal experience with soulmates? If I’m allowed to ask.”
He hissed out a breath through his teeth. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought you’d say.”
“I can ask something else?”
Danny waved a hand in dismissal. “I’ll answer, just lemme figure out how to put it.”
“I’ll return our dishes while you think through what you want to say.” Tim stood with his empty bowl, easily accepting the other bowl and plate as they were handed to him.
Walking back, Tim cataloged the people hanging around the tavern. A group of friends huddled around a dozen plates, decked out in gear that made it look like they just finished having some grand adventure. The bartender, a sly smile on her face as a drunken man clumsily flirted with his own wife. The cook instructing a boy to retrieve the dishes from Tim, sending a calculating glance in Danny’s direction before nodding at Tim and turning back to the fire.
Tim didn’t spend a lot of time in public anymore. His fame attracted far too much attention now that the press could consistently recognize him. But maybe once things settled back down again, he’d try civilian life again. There was something different about living alongside the people he worked to save, instead of far above looking down.
By the time he returned to his seat, Danny looked ready to talk.
“My soulmate rejected me when we were little.”
Tim blinked. “You can do that?”
“Ah…sorta? Depending on the connection, one side can choose to shut it down. Mine let us exchange messages. I was a dumb kid, and sent out a ton every day to try and get any kind of response that they were out there. They got sick of it and blocked me.” Danny laughed, but it wasn't very funny.
“I’m sorry. That sounds awful.”
“Don’t be. I annoy everyone—it was only a matter of time before I did something to chase them away.”
“Would you stop doing that?”
Danny blinked, tilting his head in silent question.
“Look, I get that you went through a lot of shit before coming to Gotham. But you keep acting like it’s a given that everyone you meet will be awful to you, and it sucks to hear you talk like that when I’m having fun with you. It wasn't your fault, so stop claiming credit for it. If I can’t justify losing Robin, you can’t justify being abandoned.”
“...alright then.” Danny huffed, folding his arms and pouting. “Neither of us can talk shit about ourselves.”
The twinkle in his eyes was enough for Tim to know he got through to him.
— - —
Tim leaned up against a fence in the Wild West, shifting uncomfortably in his dust coated clothes. Danny was perched beside him, smugly radiating a cool breeze that may very well have been the only thing keeping Tim upright in the summer sun.
“There’s too much sunlight here, it’s unnatural.”
“That’s just your Gothamite showing, city-boy.”
“Fuck off.”
Danny’s laughter had become a staple of the past few days spent traveling through history. In turn, Tim found himself happier than he’d been in ages, making sarcastic comments about anything that caught his eye in an attempt to get Danny to laugh more.
So far, he’d yet to fail to bring at least a smile to the other’s face.
Right now they were in the late 19th century, following rumors that Bruce had somehow crossed paths with Vandal Savage again. It was bordering on ridiculous, and a part of Tim wondered if this was why the legendary criminal stayed well away from Gotham waters. He was going to have to ask Bruce what was up with that after this whole mess was over.
“So,” Danny started, leaning closer to him. “Have any plans for when we’re back in modern day?”
Tim shrugged, “I see a lengthy report to Batman, hours spent explaining everything he missed while he was gone. I swear I’ll be up all week helping him catch up.”
A snort. “I meant about Robin. No offense, but you looked miserable in your new costume.”
He paused. He hadn’t quite processed the knowledge that bringing Bruce back wouldn’t also bring back his role as Robin. It was obvious whenever he actually thought about it, but to him Bruce coming home was still synonymous to going back to how things were before he was lost in time.
“I don’t know…Red Robin was just supposed to be temporary. It was one of Red Hood’s old aliases, not really mine.”
Danny turned to him. “Do you want a new one? If you decide now, we can lay the basis for some local legend to act as future inspiration for the new title.”
Tim elbowed him, “We aren’t messing with the timeline to establish lore for my new identity.”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! I did it back in my original world, there’s ancient frescos of me winning chariot races and everything.”
“How are you and Clockwork still on speaking terms?”
“Oh, he totally finds it as funny as I do. He just has to pretend to be serious all the time so the Observants don’t crack down on him for shirking his duties.”
“You’re a bad influence on the embodiment of time,” Tim concluded with wide eyes.
A wide grin stretched across Danny’s face as he lied through his teeth. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“How did you even—he’s millennia older than you!”
“Counterparts, remember? It’s not a soul bond, but it’s easy to see ourselves in each other. Besides, time is relative; he's like a weird grandpa-uncle-cousin.”
Tim shook his head, but couldn’t quite force down the laughter in his lungs.
“Hey, I know for a fact I’m not the only bad influence here. No matter how much you claim that sleep is for the dead, I’m physical proof against that.”
“Whatever. You know when the next jump is?”
Danny tilted his head, as if listening for something only meant for his ears. “If Bats already came through here, there’s only two big timesinks left he could be in. Either sometime in the 20th century, or in a designated Vanishing Point.”
“Vanishing Point?”
“Yeah, it’s something of a collaboration between the Observants, Clockwork, and Ghost Writer. Each universe has an archive set right around its eventual heat death. It’s like an empty room in a video game with props the devs left in to keep the system running after inadvertently designing the whole code in reference to a lemon.”
“I…never mind. Why would Batman be there?”
“Oh, ‘cause he’s traveling through time without one of these,” Danny tapped Tim’s chest, right where his Time Medallion lay under his shirt. “They’re designed to safely disperse the energy gained each time we make a jump, among other things. Otherwise we’d just be building up enough to wipe the timeline from existence. Or something like that, I wasn’t really paying attention.”
Tim suddenly realized that this was what his former teammates meant when they complained about him executing strategies without explaining his thought process first. He still stood by his stance that it was more effective to explain things as they happened, but he was developing a new sense of empathy for them.
“Okay. Batman is a time-charged universe level bomb threat, and is getting funneled into the Backrooms so he blows up with everything else in existence. What can we do to stop that?”
Danny blinked. “Sorry, I thought it was obvious. I already carry a medallion with me wherever I go, so I was just gonna have you put the spare Clocky gave me on him to filter it out.”
Yep. This was karma for never giving people the full story behind any of his plans.
“I’m going to need you to go over everything we need to do when we get to this Vanishing Point. Twice.”
“Okie doke! So I’m gonna leave you with my spare medallion to help Bats while I throw down with Darkseid’s hyper-dimensional mind slave he sent after him to ensure his demise—”
Gift baskets. Tim owed so many people gift baskets for putting up with his bullshit.
— - —
When Tim found him, Danny was perched on the same apartment building they’d last met on.
His hood was down, freeing his flaming white hair to burn without heat in the night. His face was turned towards the sky, looking for all like he was somehow stargazing in spite of the thick smog that blanketed the city. It would’ve made for a stunning picture, if not for how soul crushingly lonely the scene felt.
Danny startled when Tim’s grappling hook latched onto the rooftop beside him. The halfa was quick to brighten upon seeing Tim down below, scooting over to make room for him as he reeled in the line and pulled himself up.
“Fancy meeting you here, Detective.”
Tim huffed, readjusting his utility belt. “The others won’t stop pestering me about how Batman was brought back when I shouldn’t have access to any time travel devices. It’s a miracle I was even able to get out of the Batcave without getting smothered.”
“You didn’t tell them about me?”
“You didn’t want them to know.”
Danny looked stunned. He physically shook himself out of it, a glowing green blush rising to his cheeks as he turned away. “Thanks.”
Tim absentmindedly nodded as he smoothly slipped a black marker from his belt while Danny was distracted. This had the potential to either go very smoothly or backfire completely, but it had to be done to sate his curiosity. Now that Bruce was home and he’d gotten the time to think over their conversations, pieces had started to align in his head. It was just a matter of taking the leap and confirming it for himself.
Reaching up to his own cheek, Tim wrote in practiced motions, focusing on the thought of sending it through to whoever was on the other side.
Danny jumped, hand slapping to his own cheek as he whipped his head around to stare at Tim in open shock. He shrugged sheepishly.
“Your description of soulmates was familiar. Between that and the cloak, I really should’ve put it together sooner.”
“You’re…not mad?”
Tim shifted, stashing the marker back in its rightful place. “I wish I knew sooner. I never meant to hurt you—Batman was getting on my case about the writing on my arms being recognizable in costume, and I never thought to wonder why it was happening in the first place.”
Danny shook his head, a wet chuckle escaping his lips. “You couldn’t have known. It would’ve freaked anyone out, getting messages from a different universe on their skin.”
“Neither did you. Know, I mean. Me blocking the connection was never on you.”
“I mean it.”
“Fine, fine. So…does that mean…?”
Tim carefully reached out his hands to grasp onto his soulmate’s, intertwining their fingers. It was remarkable how easily they fit together. “I don’t know if it’s romantic or not, but I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”
Danny collapsed forward into Tim’s arms. He could hardly make out the muffled affirmative, but the message was crystal clear. Leaning down to set his chin on the top of Danny’s head, he let himself savor this moment.
Tomorrow, he could beg Danny to experiment with the extent of their bond. They could talk about new ideas for his hero name, and Danny could get another shot at convincing him to go on a worldwide anti-multi-billionaire tour. The two of them had potentially forever to work out this newfound aspect of their relationship.
For the time being, Tim relaxed back against a chain link fence with his soulmate in his arms, the word ‘BOO’ scribbled in black marker across both their faces.
— - —
And that's a wrap! There's definitely room for more, but these were the all the scenes I wanted to cover ^-^
I think in this universe, Danny and Tim end up working as a slightly morally grey hero duo. They go global for a bit, Tim wanting to train under more people to better keep up with Danny (who follows along invisibly as backup). This eventually gets the attention of Ra's, and you can imagine how that goes XD
They're a bit overly attached; neither of them really have a healthy sense of boundaries, which causes a bit of conflict here and there. Tim is the one that insists on taking breaks to avoid becoming too codependent, which only really results in them deepening the soul bond to a ridiculous degree. Ironically it's during this that Tim discovers how he can send pressure marks through to Danny, who immediately converts it to morse code (oops).
Thanks for reading!
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shaineybainey · 1 year
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 initial thoughts
[ NOT spoiler-free ]
For me, this is one of the few franchises that got better and better as it went along. This third movie was just absolutely phenomenal. As someone had said, it is a great send-off to the movie and the Guardians we've known.
They did a great job exploring Rocket's origin. It really explains why he's never wanted to talk about his past. It was violent and heartbreaking. Nebula's line of "They did worse things to him than Thanos did to me" (or something along that line) summarized it best. You also understand why Rocket can be so violent: it wasn't much because he learned it from the people who engineered him, but because the last time he tried to get away safely, quietly, his friends - essentially his family - all got killed. And the person who caused it was so cold about it. So while he could be extreme, he does it so that no one can hurt him or any of his friends ever again.
Which leads to this other point: Rocket is a grump and a cynic, but deep down he actually really loved the other Guardians.
Adam Warlock! I didn't know what to expect from him, but after seeing the movie, I want to see more of him.
Also: it's great that the movie managed to give Adam his own origin story, his own motivation for why he eventually ended up being a guardian.
Drax was hilarious in this movie, as he always is, but Mantis kinda came for the crown a bit! The fact that she made him fall in love with a sock for fun and made one of the guards they had to get through fall in love with him were some of the funniest moments in the movie.
On a more serious Drax note: "Drax. You weren't meant to be a destroyer. You were meant to be a dad." One of the best lines in the movie. I never would have thought that this is how Drax would "grow up" as a character, but it all made sense. It does.
Kraglin had a fantastic growth too. He'd been trying to train with the arrow Yondu gave him over and over and over, trying to concentrate and plan and think. And he kept failing over and over and over. But when Knowhere was in danger, he finally remembered what Yondu told him: "Fly it with your heart." When he realized that he needed to get out of his head, man did he do some damage. It was amazing.
The bad dog/good dog argument 😂
Gamora. I like how they approached that. They didn't make her fall in love with Peter, even after all the fighting that they did as a team. They were barely even good friends in the end. Also, it's nice that she has a different family to belong to now (the Ravagers) but who still loved her just the same. It's good that they didn't try to change her. They made her realistic.
Lol "You guys are just making up what he's saying" when Groot would talk
Nebula. Oh, man, where do I begin. I've started really liking her as a character since GotG 2, and even more so during Endgame, but wow. She's really grown. She looks after the people of Knowhere, the Guardians look to her for big decisions and even resolution for internal problems of the team. The team respects her, even more than Peter most times. She still has rage inside, and she has trouble expressing other feelings without it, but I think she's made tremendous progress. And it's so obvious that she cares deeply about the team and even the lives of others, even if she doesn't outright say it.
Okay. There's a lot to unearth with the not-so-subtle hints at Peter/Nebula. First off, it's obvious in this movie and even in the Christmas special that Nebula's been looking after Peter. But the fact that she would take him home whenever he was totally wasted and put him to bed, making sure he was comfortable? And when Gamora was going to hurt Peter out of frustration and Nebula jumped in to stop her, practically telling her to back off? And that when Gamora suggested that the woman Peter's describing, the one that he's fallen in love with because she's grown from being ruthless to being caring, is Nebula, and Peter started looking at her differently? Bruh. I don't know what they're playing at here, but alright. I'm onboard.
Speaking of Peter, I like that he decided to come back home to Earth to reach out to his grandfather. I'd like to think he got a little help from the Avengers to get to that doorstep (info, means of transpo, things like that). It was great to see him in a normal life setting in the post-credit, too, where he's just eating cereal, talking smack about someone behind their back lol
Okay, that's it for now. Will come back when I remember the other things I liked (spoiler alert: there's a TON)
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Dp x bnha headcanons part 2! Or just weirdly specific things I see happening, idk just my thoughts on stuff.
Tsuyu gets super sleepy around Danny because of his ice powers and almost always struggles with being directly next to him, unlike Todoroki he doesn't have a warm side she can stick to.
Iida almost breaks down when Danny refused to listen to his rules by clicking on his aids (suppression for his sensitive hearing) Bakugou on the other hand finds it hilarious and takes to turning his own aids off when he no longer wants to listen.
Sato invites Danny to his weekly “sugar time” to teach him how to bake as a favour, Danny is surprisingly good at it and eventually him and Sato work together to include ectoplasm into their baking (without it coming to life) so Danny could top up his energy.
^^Bakugou refuses to let Danny near him when he cooks because of that very reason, he'd seen what his ectoplasm can do to food, he does still cook for him on occasion because he's never seen anyone savour his food the way Danny does! It most definitely goes to his head. Danny savours the food because 1. His parents can't cook to save their life. 2. Bakugous food is so much better than any type of take out and 3. He never knows when his next proper meal will be back home and is taking full advantage.
Danny goes to Hatsume for help with making a Fenton thermos (just in case) and she falls in love with the blueprints because what in the world was that layout, it's a mess that she finds thrilling to decipher it. Actually talking to Danny she realizes that no its not a mess he just has ADHD and can't write it down in a way anyone but him understood. (Danny is a genius and you can't convince me otherwise, he just has untreated ADHD 😭)
When Toga drinks Danny's blood her body has trouble with picking what form she changes into and they merge together, eyes changing and flashing in between green and blue and her hair being a mix of black and white. Her face almost looks exactly like Danny but something is off, his eyes are a little too big, his ears are a mix of pointed and normal and his skin has blotches of tan skin and deathly pale. She is fascinated with his green blood though and really wants to taste it, when she finally does get to it burns her tongue and throat and leaves her craving more. (If she separated the ectoplasm from the blood, which is virtually impossible, she'd be able to use the blood for Fenton and ectoplasm for Phantom. Because its the same DNA her quirk registers it as one person when mixed together and that's what causes them to blend)
Stain on the other hand would hate the taste and then finds out his quirk doesn't actually work on him properly, it makes his body heavy and very hard to move but it doesn't paralyze him completely because of the ectoplasm. He also definitely sees the potential Danny has.
Danny info dumps about space to everyone and everything at any chance he can, someone asks a question that shows they have a mild interest in the subject and he's off like a rocket. Izuku joins in with his own info dumping about heroes and their quirks, it somehow merges together and they start talking about space quirks and space themed heros.
Uraraka brings up sending him to space with her quirk halfway through a disagreement and Danny straight up drops it and asks her is she would. "Don't worry I can survive if I'm in my ghost form, it's for science! Hey- No wait don't walk away!" He ends up moping around for a whole week after and when Aizawa asked why he loses 5 years off his life. "Please don't ask your classmates to try and kill you." "But sir I'm already dea-" "get out!"
He duplicates himself so he can hold both of Eris hands to swing her, Eri loves to try and figure out which one is the original and she's surprisingly good at it.
Todoroki uses his fire side to help with Danny's chronic pain, after a while it becomes a habit to hold hands and all their spare time they're glued to eachother, neither of them are complaining.
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tilebytiles · 4 months
star treatment - a.t. (part 2)
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summary: there's a strange man named alex that has a strange obsession with you, and he makes the strangest offer of your life. word count: 3.2k warnings: none part 1
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You had fallen asleep a while ago. The stars, although breathtakingly beautiful this far out in space, had eventually gotten tiring to look at, and your brain itched for something else. You were still too tense to talk to anyone else on the spacecraft, and Alex was nowhere to be found, although you doubted you'd talk to him anyway. With no methods of entertainment beyond staring out the window, you fell asleep rather quickly, your imagination conjuring up strange dreams about the hotel you were heading to.
The only thing that woke you up was the sound of rustling clothes in front of you. Drowsily, you forced your eyes open and your body to come up onto your feet. You were a little wobbly from trying to do so much so quick, but you regained your balance rather quickly and began to follow the journalists down the narrow aisle between the rows of seats. If there was anything science fiction films had taught you, you should have been floating through that rocket instead of walking. Your feet, however, remained firmly planted on the carpet, a fact that was rather disappointing. Floating would have been cooler.
The interior of the seating area was done in soft, warm colours, offering an inviting atmosphere. The seats were a navy blue with an off-white stripe down the center, and the walls were a shade of pink, something close to salmon, you thought. The floor was done in the same colour, but down the aisle was a red carpet. There weren't many seats, so the rocket could only house a group about the size of this one at any time. You didn't mind; the less people you had to awkwardly avoid, the better.
You realised the giant window at the end of the aisle that you'd thought was for stargazing was actually a port. As soon as you stepped into the giant see-through tube, you heard the door slide shut behind you, sealing you off from the rocket. You couldn't help but marvel at the empty chasm of space that surrounded you, as well as the moon that rested beneath you. From here, you could make out the complex building you were realising was meant to be the hotel. It looked futuristic and retro at the same time, an effect that wasn't hard to achieve; the architecture looked like the kind that was popular in the 70s, providing a sort of nostalgic feel, but it was sitting on the surface of the moon. This definitely wouldn't have been possible in the 70s (you could hardly believe it was possible now).
One of the journalists spoke up, shattering the awestruck silence. "He's a bit mad for doin' all this."
The journalist beside him shrugged. "It's kinda cool, though, don't you think?"
"Well, sure, but imagine having these kinds of funds ... and you waste it on a lunar hotel?"
You hardly knew Alex, but it made you feel a little uneasy to hear someone speaking ill of him. You wanted to speak up, but a third journalist beat you to it. "If anything, he's proving we can even do this kind of shit on the moon. It's better than some of the stunts billionaires have been pulling."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Miles," the first journalist grumbled. "Stop kissing his ass."
The journalist named Miles rolled his eyes, then glanced over at you. You hadn't even realised he was walking beside you. He grinned at you and held out a hand for you to shake. "Miles Kane," he said.
You slowly shook his hand. "Y/N L/N."
"You don't exactly seem like the reporter type. What're you doin' up here with this pretentious lot?"
You liked him already.
"Alex invited me," you told him. "I haven't really figured out why yet."
He nodded, seeming to ponder over the information you'd just given him despite it only being two sentences. "I'm sure we'll get along perfectly," he finally said, smiling at you again. "If any of these pricks cause you trouble, just lemme know."
"Thank you." You smiled back at him.
When you made it to the other end of the tube, the door in front of you slid open, allowing your party of prose into the hotel. Your eyes widened once you stepped through the door. The room you were in, which you guessed to be the main lobby, was absolutely gigantic - or at least, it felt that big. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the whole space with sconces mounted on the walls to light up the spots the chandelier couldn't reach. The walls were a warm, perhaps almost burnt, shade of orange, and the floor was made of lush carpet, the pattern almost hypnotising. Squiggles of colour stretched from wall to wall above a black background. The wall to your right, close to the door, held floor-to-ceiling windows, showcasing the moon and the stars in all their glory. To your left was the reception desk, the lift to its left and the stairs to its right. Chairs and tables were scattered amongst the space, providing plenty of spots to sit and rest. Mounted on the wall behind the reception desk was a flat-screen TV. You were impressed it could pick anything up out here.
Your group wandered over to the reception desk, and to your surprise, someone popped out of the door that had an 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' plaque, grinning at you all. "Pleasure to meet you!" he said. "Mr. Turner told me you'd be arriving."
Alex's last name was Turner?
"Hold on," the first journalist from before said, "you mean you've just ... been here?"
The receptionist nodded, still smiling. "We've had more than enough resources to last us, don't worry. And they're replenishable! But we can get into that later."
"There's more than one of you?"
"All the staff were busy prepping for your arrival. We hope you enjoy your stay. Let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino. My name's Mark, and I'll be your guide for the tour today."
You admired Mark's genuine enthusiasm. Then again, you didn't think it'd be very hard to be enthusiastic about a job like this.
He came out from behind the desk and motioned for your group to follow as he headed for the open doorway across from the door you'd just come through. It opened out into a long hall, branching off into different rooms. "This is where the café is," he said, pointing to one of the sets of doors you passed by. "That's where you'll be eating all your meals, although your options will differ depending on the time of day. That," he said, pointing to another set of doors, "is the gym. There's all kinds of equipment in there, and it's completely free for all guests, so don't be afraid to stop by."
He continued leading you down the hall, pointing at different doors and explaining them. Connected to the café was a greenhouse that provided different types of produce, and it was available to guests ("take a tour or let the little ones learn how to garden!" he had said). There was a library, a laundry room, and even something like a patio at the very end of the hall, allowing you to get as close to the moon itself as you safely could.
When you came back up the hall and squeezed into the lift, Mark explained how the actual hotel rooms would be the last part of the tour; that way, you could all rest as soon as you got to your rooms. Your first stop was the very top of the hotel, where you could see the large hexagonal neon sign spinning slowly on top of its pole. They had built a pool into the roof, complete with a ladder to make getting in and out easy, a diving board, various chairs set up, umbrellas that you weren't even sure were necessary and bathrooms and changing rooms, the latter of which were fully stocked with robes, bathing suits and pool toys.
Heading down a floor revealed the hotel's partial namesake: the casino. The lights were significantly dimmer here than they were in the rest of the hotel, but they weren't so dim that you couldn't see at all. Machines had been pushed up against every wall and were lined up perfectly around the room. It was almost overstimulating, and you were grateful you left when you did, although the aftereffects of all the lights remained in your vision as colourful blobs for some time.
Your whole group was staying on the same floor. You didn't know if you were glad about it or dreading it. At least Miles would be nearby, you thought. He'd been making the occasional quiet joke to you throughout the whole tour, and you did your best to stifle your laughter to avoid dirty looks from the others.
"I'll talk to you later," he said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You hadn't even realised you'd made it to your rooms. His was across the hall from yours. You nodded and flashed him one last smile before unlocking your door with the key Mark had given you and stepping inside.
The room was lavishly decorated. You almost felt guilty for staying there for free. A four-poster bed stood tall, the frame painted a creamy white and the mattress covered in a white sheet. A thin fabric, something like lace, hung from each corner like curtains. The blanket looked soft, inviting, and after many, many hours of being stuck in a rocket and sleeping in a (albeit comfortable) chair, slipping under the covers and taking a proper nap sounded heavenly. You forced yourself to hold off on that nap, though, and continued your exploration of the room.
The overhead light was built into the ceiling, and upon discovering a small remote on top of the chest of drawers across from the bed, you realised the brightness could be changed. There was a floor-to-ceiling window built into the wall across from the door, offering yet another stunning view. The closet that was built into the wall rested to the left of the bed, and to the right was a small nightstand. In the closet, you found all sorts of clothes. At least there was comfort in the fact that no matter what happened, you'd be well-dressed for the occasion. Not far from the nightstand was a door, and when you opened it, you discovered the bathroom.
Ah, yes. It was about time you took a shower.
The water was perfectly warm, and the shampoo smelled lovely. Although it had only been a few days, you still felt gross for having gone so long without a shower; you guessed it was only because you were used to showering every day. When you finished getting cleaned up, you slipped into the cosiest pair of pyjamas you'd ever gotten your hands on and made sure to turn the light off before slipping into the unnecessarily fancy bed.
You wondered what Alex was up to. You hoped you'd see him tomorrow, mostly so you could thank him for inviting you in the first place. Although the concept of a hotel in space still felt a bit mad to you, you were beginning to realise it really wasn't as bad as you'd expected it to be. Maybe you were even a bit proud of him.
The next morning - at least, you guessed it was morning - you made your first trip to the café Mark had shown you. You had to admit, you were starving. Although you'd been given snacks on the rocket, they were exactly that - snacks. They hadn't been near enough to keep you full, and now your stomach felt like it was going to gnaw its way through your entire body if you didn't get something to eat soon.
A few of the journalists were already in there, including Miles. You headed towards the counter, where the employee behind the till smiled at you. "What can I get for you today?"
"Uh ..." You stared at the imposing menu on the wall, assessing your options. "Can I have the egg croissant, please?"
"Would you like a drink with that?"
"Water's fine, thanks." The employee nodded, punching your order in, and when the small number popped up on the digital screen sticking up from the till, your eyes widened. It was cheaper than you'd been expecting. You quickly fished your wallet out of your pocket.
Once the transaction was complete, you headed for Miles' table and sat across from him. He was scribbling something in his notepad, but when he heard the creak of your chair, his head snapped up. When he realised it was you, he grinned. "Hey, Y/N."
"Hey," you replied. "What are you doing?"
"Writin' down some notes for that article I gotta write. We've been here for less than a day, and I already have enough info to crank out a goddamn essay."
That made you laugh, earning a sideways glance from one of the journalists. It was the one that had been questioning Alex's motives before. You heard Miles scoff, prompting you to look back at him with a raised brow. “Trouble in paradise?”
He snorted. “Hardly paradise with that prick around.”
“Who is he?”
“James Schwartz, also known as one of the biggest dickheads on the planet. Old money - his dad runs the paper he writes for, and his dad ran it before that, and so on. Heard he’s in line for the throne.” He shook his head. “He’s willin’ to do anything for a story. Can’t keep a girlfriend for more than a few months, either.”
“What do you mean, he’s willing to do anything?”
He eyed you for a few moments, as if he was debating whether or not he should unveil James’ moral crimes to you. Eventually, he sighed, leaning back in his chair; so much so that the two front legs rose from the floor. “The best of it, so to speak, is that he flooded some poor shop owner’s voicemail until they phoned him back.”
“And the worst?”
His lips pressed into a thin line, and his gaze sauntered over to land on James, who’d put a pair of headphones on at some point and remained entirely oblivious to your conversation. Still, to be on the safe side, Miles’ voice lowered, forcing you to lean over to hear him. “He dated a girl, some model from Bristol. A couple of months later, she broke up with him, and then suddenly, her nudes were up on the Internet, free for all perverted fucks to see. He was one of the first to cover the story, and his article painted her in a suspicious light, spoutin’ some shite about how she shouldn’t have let anyone take such compromisin’ pictures of her. She quit modelling not long after. It was never proven to be him, but …” He shrugged and looked back to you.
Your stomach churned at the mere thought of what he’d gotten away with. “Surely someone questioned him?”
“If they did, he probably paid them to keep quiet. Either way-” He dropped his pencil onto his notepad. “-I would stay away from him, if I were you.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” you mumbled.
After your food had arrived and you’d satiated your hunger, Miles suggested heading up to the pool for a quick dip. You agreed, although considering you’d just eaten, you didn’t think you would actually do any swimming. This notion seemed a bit funny to him, and he even asked if you were chicken, but he didn’t press the matter any further.
Much to your delight, there were swimsuits in the dressing room, and you slipped into a black bikini on the off chance you hopped into the water. Wrapping yourself up in a plush white robe that had the hotel’s acronym embroidered into the left breast, you stepped out onto the pool deck. Miles was already in the pool, clad in a pair of black swim trunks and swimming from one end to the other, engaged in an intense race against himself. You plopped down onto one of the pool chairs and stretched your legs out, watching as Miles swam to the edge closest to you with a grin. “The water’s lovely.”
“I’d rather not get cramps,” you said, making him laugh. He playfully splashed water in your direction, spraying small droplets onto your calves and the chair beneath you. The water was cold against your skin.
You heard the entrance to the pool open, making you turn and look over your shoulder. Alex stood in the doorway, and when he saw you, he managed a small smile. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“I could say the same for you.”
“I was looking for Miles.” He glanced around you and spotted the man in question, who offered an enthusiastic wave that was akin to one from a child. “Mark said you’d be here.”
“You should come join me, Mr. Turner,” Miles replied, assuming an exaggerated air of pompousness. “Have you even tested your own pool?”
Alex seemed to genuinely consider that question for a few moments. His hands slid down into his pockets, and his lips pressed together before finally parting to form the words, “No, I haven’t.”
And with that, he found himself in swim trunks exactly like Miles’ less than a few minutes later. It was the first time you’d seen him in anything beyond his perfectly crisp suits, and it also offered you a chance to admire his physique. His abs were lightly defined, as were the muscles lining his arms; the veins in his forearms protruded, as if all they needed was a small push before bursting from his skin; his legs had about as much hair as you could have expected, and there was a light smattering of hair across his chest. Draped over his chest, sinking into the dips of his collarbones, was a thin gold chain, the same one you’d seen him wear a number of times at the café.
Miles whistled, snapping you out of the spell Alex’s body had put you under. “She’s oglin’ ya.”
“Am not!” you protested, glaring at him.
He only rolled his eyes. “There’s nothin’ wrong with admirin’.”
You didn’t say anything, only crossed your arms over your chest. It wasn’t like you needed to respond, though; the heat that spread across your cheeks like wildfire spoke volumes.
If you were being perfectly honest with yourself - which you did reluctantly - Alex had always caught your eye. You mostly attributed it to the mysterious aura that he was always shrouded in, brought into existence by how little he spoke, how much he kept to himself, and the documents he primarily occupied himself with. Even if you now knew what those documents had been for, there were still heaps of things that remained locked away from you. For fuck’s sake, you’d learned his last name from a complete stranger.
In some ways, his mystery was a siren call, coaxing you in for what you thought might be your untimely demise. If there was anything the piles of romance novels in your flat had taught you, it was that strange men- especially rich ones- shouldn’t ever be trusted with matters of the heart.
As Alex lowered himself into the pool, though, you let yourself ogle for a little while longer.
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jadeazora · 3 months
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Honestly tho, this is years off, probably more than a decade, but I hope just because we're getting a Kalosian Legends game, that they don't skimp out on giving Kalos an actually GOOD remake when the time comes.
Especially as far as Team Flare-centric characters go. They had the most potential as a villain team, and XY dropped the ball so bad with them, I would hate for a BDSP-esque remake to do the same. No joke, these guys were most of the reason I wanted Z back in Gen6.
Like, Lysandre is pretty much at the forefront of Kalos' tech and communication, and is a very influential person there, they could do something with Malva running cover-ups for Flare in the news media, the entire organization is probably full of politically powerful people given the wealth of their members (Kalos could be quite corrupt for all we know), they have this secret stranglehold on the region, and it's scary, like no one in Kalos really had any idea how fucked they were until it was (almost) too late. Even the Champion was likely completely in the dark, their strongest line of defense was a total no-show, even when the Ultimate Weapon had been raised.
We can definitely pin that on Malva tho, since she keeps all of Kalos in the dark with her job in the news media, and as a mole in the E4, she likely keeps any sensitive information from Diantha too. And she gets away with ALL OF IT. Diantha never even knows, like even as far as Masters, she doesn't seem to be aware of Malva's true allegiance. And Malva never shows any regret or anything for what she did, she tries to justify it. She's even actively hostile to the player for taking them down, and routinely threatens to burn them up where they stand. (And this is before she becomes an accessory to murder in Masters, like, this woman smiles as Lysandre prepares to have Volcanion flash-boil a couple Rocket grunts. What is wrong with her.)
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Even the grunts, they're essentially a genocidal secret police of elitist fuckheads who don't give a single flying shit about throwing everyone else under the bus so long as they survive, listening in on Holocaster conversations and having some implicit plainclothes agents (showcased more in Masters tho), and given how wealthy the organization is, it would be very easy for them to make problem people disappear. Imagine if they played up that paranoia factor they have, like, you're on their radar getting into battles with them and interfering with their plans on the regular, Lysandre calls you at multiple points (and definitely knows you're the one causing trouble before the player character finds out he's their leader), you're definitely not safe.
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Also, it would have been neat if Sycamore had been in on it too somehow, maybe a joint leadership with Lysandre or something with how he plays off the man's blatant bloodlust as just him being "passionate"? I was side-eyeing him my entire first playthru. But even tho that turned out to not be the case, it would have been cool if one of them tried to save the other, be it Lysandre kidnapping Sycamore to try to spare his friend from the culling, or Sycamore joining you on the front lines to try to talk some sense into his friend. It was such an interesting dynamic at the time, and it was always such a waste it barely got any development. (At least Masters and Evolutions have made steps to fix that complaint since, but still.)
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I have been o b s e s s e d with your bayverse kid series. Obsessed! Read them all yesterday before bed and noticed Mikey doesn't have one like his brothers >:O
Now I admit, I mightve not seen when the others were posted but I'm just curious! Will Mikey have one of those "kid stories" like the others have? Totally cool if not! I was genuinely just curious
Puss och hej, leverpastej
Children of Michelangelo (Angst/Fluff)
Bayverse!Michelangelo x reader
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A/N: Of course Mikey’s kids are going to have a story. I just haven’t gotten around to write one yet, but now I have😂 This is a bit different that the other ones, because this time, they aren’t “causing trouble” on purpose🧡
Hva’ så Sverige. Klar på maj i Malmö?😜
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Warnings: Children getting lost, scared children.
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Compared to their cousins, Sunny and Luis were a pair of angels, rarely causing trouble and rarely fighting. But that did not mean that they never caused trouble, only that they never really did it on purpose.
Sunny and Luis had always been curious children, taking after their father. Wandering off to places they shouldn’t be, simply because they couldn’t help but wonder what could be hiding in these strange places. You and Mikey didn’t have anything against your children being curious, often helping them to tap into their curiosity, and their will to explore and learn about the world around them. However, there were times where their explorations would go too far, sending them into somewhat dangerous situations, where you and Mikey would have to step in.  Like the time Sunny had helped Luis crawl up to a high beam with a camera, wanting him to take a picture of the living area from above, wanting to know what it would look like for a giant. But of course, it was not as easy getting down as it had been getting up, and soon you and Mikey ran to the living area, to the sound of Sunny crying and pointing at Luis, who still sat on a high beam, crying ever since he realized he couldn’t get down. Well, thank goodness for Mikey and his rocket powered skateboard, and his ability to calm down people easily, otherwise things would have gone very bad, very quickly.
That day had proved a valuable lesson to Sunny and Luis, teaching not to climb up further than they could handle. But that did not put a stop to your children's curiosity, one bit. At the age of 6, Sunny got tired of exploring the lair, as it seemed she had found every place that was worth finding. Soon, with you and Mikey’s permission, Sunny would start wandering around the sewers, not going any further than you and Mikey had allowed her, along with a time she had to return home. And Sunny followed those rules closely, never giving you or your husband any reason to worry.
At the age of 4, Luis too wanted to explore the sewers with his 7 year old sister, loudly begging for you to allow him. And you finally relented, instructing them to stick with each other, and follow the rules you and Mikey had already set in place. And so, Sunny and Luis let out happy screams, taking each other by the hand, before running past you and Mikey, and out to the network of sewers.
Your kids continued to do this for half a year, running out to the sewers just after breakfast in the short time period before training, then again after lunch, and then lastly after dinner. It had suddenly become their favorite pastime, telling you and Mikey with happy smiles about what they had gotten up to. But one day took a turn, proving to be not as joyful as the others.
All of you had just finished dinner, with Sunny and Luis jumping over Romeo in order to load their plates into the dishwasher as the first, almost making Galileo stumble when they ran past him. They quickly hugged you and Mikey goodbye, going over the rules one more time. Don’t walk too far and come home at the promised time. It had almost become routine at this point. And with that, the two children ran through the living area, out the door and out to the tunnels of the sewer.
The laughter of Sunny and Luis rang against the rounded brick walls, carrying up and down the long stretches of tunnels, mixing together with the sound of splash water that flowed through the drains. Sunny and Luis was jumping back and forth over a small stretch over running water, laughing their hearts out, whenever they landed on the other side, yelling out words and phrases they had heard their father and uncles call out during training, sometimes even mimicking their grandpa Splinter, in the way he would still call out the turtles every once in a while.
“Straighten your back!”, Sunny yelled, mimicking Master Splinter, as she jumped over the water with a bright smile.
“Bring your legs higher!”, Luis yelled out, mimicking Master Splinter as well, following Sunny with a jump.
They continued to do this for a while, until their attention moved on, thinking of other games they could play, just like any other healthy child would do. They soon settled on tag.
Luis ran from Sunny with a joyous scream, knowing he had to run fast in order to outrun his sister’s longer legs. He turned a corner with Sunny hot on his heels, screaming again when he narrowly avoided her outstretched arm and reaching hand. With a laugh, Sunny regained her balance, before continuing her chase after her little brother. They jumped over water and duck under pipes, and squished through narrow passage ways, before continuing their chase on the other side.
Sunny and Luis' healthy and strong legs carried them around for long, running for what seemed like several joyful hours, before Sunny finally managed to catch up with her lightning fast little brother.
“Tag! You’re it!”, Sunny said, as her fingers finally managed to touch Luis’ shoulder.
Luis stopped, ready to turn in order to run after his sister, but when he turned, he found her looking around in unease. Luis followed her gaze, taking in the surroundings of the sewer. It was not an area the two of them knew, let alone ever seen before. It was darker here, with pipes leaking and dripping, along with a strong horrible smell, worse than another other place they knew.
“W- where are we?”, Luis asked, looking to his older sister for an answer. However, he was horrified by her answer, and fear started to grow inside of him.
“I don’t know”, Sunny said, feeling herself grow fearful. But she couldn’t get scared now, not with her little brother around. So therefore she took his hand, and started walking in the direction they came from. “Come on, let's go home”.
The siblings started walking down the dark tunnels, following the route they had taken. But soon they found themselves at a crossroads, standing in front of several tunnels leading in different directions.
“I- I don’t r- remember this place”, Luis said, grabbing onto Sunny with both of his hands, trembling against her.
“Neither do I”, Sunny said quietly, not wishing to lie in front of her brother, nor wishing to scare him more than he already was. But that was exactly what happened, with Luis suddenly janking down on her arm, tears in his eyes.
“Are we lost?!”, he asked, fighting a sob, his lower lip trembling.
“No”, Sunny said, looking down the tunnels. “Not yet. Let’s try this way”.
And so the two of them continued down one of the tunnels, only to end up in another part of the sewers, the two young children had never seen before, only causing further distress.
As they wandered the sewers, looking for an area they could recognize, it didn’t take long before Luis started crying for you and Mikey, clinging onto Sunny with every muscle in his body. Sunny continued to drag him along, hoping soon to find a place she knew. But no matter where she looked, she found nothing. It didn’t take long, before she too started crying, pulling Luis close as they decided to hide in the corner of one of the tunnels.
Sunny and Luis did not know how long they sat there, nor did they know what was going to be of them. The wild imagination of the children had already managed to create horrible pictures of monsters in the sewer, jumping in fear whenever they saw a shadow, thinking it was one of the monsters coming for them. And when they suddenly saw a shadow grow from one of the tunnels, along with the sound of footsteps, the children duck further into the corner. It could only be a monster. One of the monsters was coming to get them. But then…
“Sunny! Luis! Are you in here?”
At the sound of the familiar voice calling out their names, the kids stopped their silent crying, before running to the tunnel, when the growing shadow slowly turned into the welcomed form of their father. The sight of Mikey in the dark tunnel, caused cries of joy from the kids, as they hurried over to wrap their arms around him, before Mikey crouched down to them, letting them cry out their worries against his shoulders. Mikey held them close, feeling relieved that he finally had found them.
“There you are”, he whispered, letting them lean their weight against him. “Goodness I was worried? What are you two doing here? Are you okay? You know you’re not allowed to stay out for so long, and especially not so far away”.
“W- we g- got l- lost”, Sunny whimpered through sups, burying her face against Mikey’s shoulder, while Luis started climbing into Mikey’s arms, wishing for him to carry him home. “W- we w- were s- scared”.
“Me and mommy was also scared”, Mikey said, stroking her head with his hand, before taking her into his other arm, so he could carry them back the way he came from. “Come, let’s find the others. Mommy and the others are out looking for you”.
“H- have w- we b- been g- gone for l- long?”, Luis asked, his tear stained cheek resting against Mikey’s shoulder.
“Yeah, you were supposed to be home two hours ago”, Mikey said, turning the corner of another tunnel, finally getting to an area the kids remembered having ran past. “That’s why we went out looking for you. We thought something had happened to you”.
“S- sorry d- dad”, Sunny said, rubbing her eyes.
“Aww, little sunshine”, Mikey said. “You don’t have to say you’re sorry. I’m sure you didn’t go that far on purpose, and I’m just happy that both of you are okay”.
Mikey continued walking through the tunnels, making sure to keep his kids talking every step of the way, knowing how it always calmed them down. And it didn’t take long before he found you and the other turtles, all searching through the tunnels. At the sight of your husband carrying your tired children down the sewer tunnels towards you, you ran towards them, feeling happy tears pressing against your eyes. You tired children reached out for you, holding onto you as you threw your arms around them, pressing kisses to their foreheads, relieved that they were home once again.
That day Sunny and Luis learned a valuable lesson, and would never walk too far away from their home. Or, at least not without their parents, or making sure they knew their way home again. And for the next few days, the children would stay inside the lair to play, before they finally ventured out to the sewers once more, feeling their curiosity come to life once again. However this time, they were more aware of their surroundings, and would never get lost in the sewers again.
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
Bean Eclipse Au has my love and seeing any post makes me very happy but now I want to get to know your Space au a little. May you give us some funfacts about the characters to get to know them better?
Aw thank you! I'll do my best describing some things! Its been a moment where I dont know what ive said about them on here. ((The ladies, are by @nekojaf so if u want info on them you gotta ask her!)) First, We got Eclipse (yes thats his name, unless we go au hopping its-)
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-He's a captain of his own spaceship (however its mostly a ship that can house just a handful of people.)
-He's self confident, he's got leadership qualities and doesn't stand down often. However can be a huge flirt (as Beige unfortunately deals with). -I've mentioned before but Eclipse (like other models of his kind) are far more Emotive than the previous models.
-Eclipse is the reason Lunar has a collection of plushies. The guy is very good with sewing. -He's not familiar too much with the 'Star' like SAMS' Eclipse is. At least not currently. He's far more concerned with other things.
-His relationship with Earth is rather... interesting. He may be vocal about not wanting to speak to her but its mostly cause she's like a mom who tends to baby him. (Although he can't blame her frequent check ins.) -Most people avoid him, but that's cause he's made an interesting name for himself.
Lunar, my BOY who started this whole au actually.
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-The space suit was given to him by Eclipse. Who may have taken it.
-He comes off as sweet, but don't think less of him in comparison with his brother. He's mischievous as well, and cunning when needed.
-Far better at keeping his emotions in check than Eclipse.
-Unlike Eclipse (again) he's actually rather good at y'know. Getting the girl.
-However, he is younger than Eclipse. In part not as experienced with the whole line their apart of.
-Rather handy with his shots, but better at driving. Also has a bit of a name for himself.
-Cannot actually believe how his brother acts around Beige from time to time. He's judging his brother immensely everytime. Just let her clear the hyperdrive so they can go!
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-It should not be a shock he's still a scientist in this au. (Mad scientist Sun would say...)
-But in part of that, its due to being part of a Space Camp. He's suppose to be in charge of the sciences of how rockets run. However he uses most of that to make his own things.
-It usually does end up with the kids handling it. Unless Sun gets involved. Kids love the anti gravity chamber a lot.
-Also in this AU he is still AroAce.
-However since Sun and him are under a company, they don't usually leave the Camp. They can't really.
-Moon has made a Star.
Sun, sweetie my darling.
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-Although him and Moon run the Camp together, Sun mostly handles the kids. (Although, Sun more or less just doesn't want them getting hurt cause of Moon's experiments.) -He's been having trouble with some outsiders makings noise lately but it's usually something he can handle. The dome around the place keeps the camp relatively safe (and Safer with Moon's additional technology)
-He goes by his own checklist, although the one from the higher ups isn't something he wants to fully deviate from. It's kept things running, and their own job secure.
-He may be dressed up as a Spaceman, he's uh... not actually one. At least not by astronaut standards.
-They don't talk to other models of themselves.
-Earth and Sun usually can talk for hours. However, he tries not to keep her too long. She's got others to check in.
Bloodmoon, yes it's him!
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-The possibly second youngest.
-He's the only model of his type that... well Ruby's seen actually.
-An avid fan of Invader Zim, due to many movie nights he's had with Ruby. (In an effort to help him learn some things about people...without being near too many.) -He doesn't understand why he needed clothes, unaware of his own autonomy.
-Unfortunately for everyone, WAS destroying planets and ships, destruction in his wake. No one could keep him contained. Until Ruby. But she's not really trying to contain him.
-His curiosity mainly keeps him in check, at least in regard to his learning program. He still seeks some chaos, even if it is on a isolated ship in the meantime.
-Comet Boy! Danger, do not engage.
Angel, y sweet sweett bababyyy
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-Probably the oldest? He's quite a mess it's hard to tell.
-Has been passed around here and there from job to job so he's very well versed in many skills!
-Earth finding him again was a blessing. She thought she lost him. Incredibly thankful for Cosmo.
-Is far more interesting in helping Cosmo than being helped. He's survived quite a bit!
Killcode, don't you forget my giant man.
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-Was made by Moon, or from Moon. In doing so, he's got a few quirks he picked up.
-Such as... He's actually less violent. However able to withstand radiation, rocket blasts, high velocity impact, mundicide... Assumingly.
-Incredibly Tall. A normal person would maybe feel incredibly intimidated by how much he towers.
-A darling cook, he mostly has to kneel for that though. Not many ktichens he's been in are for his height.
-He's a rather calming personality, has no qualms to start fights.
Earth and Solar Flare (or welll... the ACTUAL Sun)
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-Two AI's made for well.. as you guess the Earth and the Sun.
-Earth is as expected to be motherly, warm, stern with her own wants. While SF has less expected results of being rather recluse, cold, to the point and selective in their interactions.
-Earth is partly why the actual planet is far cleaner. With her being actually forthright about the planets condition. It helps if theres someone who may be disappointed if you throw your trash on the ground, or company's dumping waste. She may have been made, but she more or less is her own being. Most don't mind since her main concerns usually fall with her own planets affairs. That doesn't mean she doesn't have concerns of other places.
-SF was made as a safe bet to monitor the sun. However, hue to unexpected AI developing their own personality. SF doesn't fairly speak to much anyone aside Earth. He rather feels she's better at relaying information than he is. Ironic, they find.
-Recently some reptilian android has started to make some impressions on Earth, SF doesn't normally hear her talk about individuals like this aside the 'children' she oversees.
-Earth also ended up supervising the celestial and eclipse models. Attaching to them far more than expected but due to- [The Rest is too glitched to make out.]
Well that was more typing than I thoguht it'd be. But me and Neko have quite a bit of art. The main inspiration for a lot of it is retro futurism. But thank you for asking! You also got Earth in there too. My sweet lady I love her.
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deathbyexhile · 10 months
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RETRIUBUTION (part one) — jackson rippner x reader
Summary: Jackson Rippner is back from his failed mission and no one is happy about it. You finally do something about that cocky attitude of his. Contains spoilers for Red Eye (2005). Read the prologue to this series HERE. Pairing: Jackson Rippner x F!Reader , previous hookup Content: smut, dubcon, handcuffs, facesitting, domination, overstimulation Word count: 1918
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Of course, you had fucked Jackson Rippner. And it was something he never let me forget, even if it was almost five years ago. We had both just been brought onto the team. You didn't know that he was the charmer...the smooth talker. If you did, then maybe you wouldn't have fallen right into his trap.
He still brought it up of course, whenever we were alone together or if looked particularly stressed he'd say, "Come on baby, let me help you." and "We had fun once, we could do it again."
You always felt his eyes on you, taking in every inch as you entered a room. He was just subtle enough that the other members of your crew didn't notice. If they did, they just thought it was Jackson being Jackson, flirting with every woman he could find. You promised yourself that he would never manipulate you like that again and you'd never find yourself beneath him. That was a lot easier said than done now that you were spending every day with him. He had every opportunity in the world to let his fingertips brush against your skin and bump up against you as he passed by.
You were pacing around your small room on the cargo ship trying to plan your next job, boots echoing as you walked from one end of the room to the other. Jackson was sitting on the edge of your bed, nibbling on his fingernails while he watched you grow increasingly frustraited. He had thrown out twenty ideas that were all as ridiculous as the Keefe plan that got him caught.
Finally, you had enough, you snapped at him. "Shut up Jackson. Just shut the fuck up." He looked a little impressed with his head cocked to the side, but not enough to stop talking. When he opened his mouth to speak, you crossed the room and slapped him. The sharp sound echoed against the metal walls. It felt so good to do that. You had been waiting so long. Your eyes narrrowed, you were in charge now and there was no going back now.
Jackson moved to stand up but you pushed him back down. He let out a confused huff. Before he could react any more your straddled his lap and pinned his hands about his head. "I said shut up." He furrowed his brows in confusion. You thought he would have learned by now that girls can fight. "Stop talking about rocket launchers, blackmail, and girls. Your big ideas and cock have gotten us into enough trouble."
"Why are you talking about my cock?" his sour voice rang in my ears, "is it because you know it's big."
You laugh and grind your hips into his lap, "Funny. It doesn't feel big." You tease him some more until you can feel him straining against his pants. It doesn't take long. You whisper in his ear, "I wouldn't touch your dick even if you begged me."
You drop his wrists and pull on his long hair. He's been able to shave since we got here but with no barber aboard, he lets his hair grow long. The prettiest little moan escapes Jackson's pouting lips. He closes his eyes and you feel his cock throb. Interesting.
You change direction to grind up and down his length. He keeps his eyes closed but his hands move to yout hips. He's trying to take control. "Stop it," you grab his wrists and pin them to his side. "I'm in charge here. Open your eyes and look at me." he obeys. "Good boy," you coo and begin to grind on him again. His breath is heavy and a few times he tries to close his eyes. You say his name and he opens them right up again. "You can be so good, yet you cause so much trouble. I think you need to be pushed for failure in Miami. Don't you?" You reach back to play with the underside of his cock as you grind on top of him.
"Please stop," he whines and tries to push me off. "You're going to make me cum in my pants."
"Oh?" you laugh, and he looks up at you with a red hot face. This was a look on him. "Could I make you cum right now? Could I ruin your pants?"
"Yes, you could," he admits and his body writes beneath me. He looks so different from the Jackson that I'm used to seeing.
"I have to admit, it's intoxicating watching your ego melt away like this. Do you want me to take your pants off to help make you cum?" He nods his head quickly. So eager.
"Okay, but we're playing this by my rules." You lean over, open your bedside table, and pull out a pair of handcuffs.
Surprisingly, he puts up no fight as you cuff his hands to the metal headboard. The protest comes when you take your shirt and bra off. He tries to reach for your breasts only to be reminded by the sound of metal against that he is cuffed.
He lets out a frustrated sigh, hot air coming out of his nose. You slip out of your pants and underwear, unbutton Jackson’s shirt, and then pull down his pants. Leaving him in his underwear. You tease him through his fabric, rubbing the head of his cock where I see it leaking and forming a wet spot.
"Please, oh god please," he pleads without shame. "Please take out and fuck me."
"Is that what you want?" you mock him. "No."
"No. You're going to make me cum first."
You crawl up the bed and straddle his face. You look down at him through your legs. You see his blue eyes looking up at you and you feel powerful. "Time to put that tongue to good use," You smirk and lower yourself onto his face. Jackson moves quickly, he parts your folds with his tongue and searches for your clit. When he finds he flicks and sucks on the sensitive bud. "mmm fuck," you moan. He continues on sucking and flicking until he decides to try something new.
"Ride me" his voice is muffled against your skin. You ease up and he repeats, "Ride my tongue until you cum." He looks so desperate to please and I am more than eager to oblige. You nod and smile. Jackson sticks out his tongue and you lower yourself onto it. You spend the next few minutes humping his face, grinding your clit against his nose, and feeling his tongue explore cunt. After a while, you were worried you'd strangle him but he just kept going and moaning the whole time. You grip his silky brown hair and pick up speed.
“Keep going, Jackson.” You moan. “I’m almost there.” He nods his head and hums against your pussy. His hands grab onto the metal bar he’s cuffed to for extra support.
“mhmmm, Mhmmm” When you cum, you cum hard. Your whole body shakes and your thighs clamp down on either side of his head. As soon as you come down from your high, pull yourself off of him.
You have to admit, Jackson Rippner has never looked more attractive than he does right now. Cuffed to your bed, his hair all tousled, his face,  dripping with your cum, and his cock threatening to burst through his boxers. The pre-cum soaked spot has grown twice in size. “So you can be a good boy,” You say as you slink down next to him. He’s quiet, still catching his breath. Your fingers creep down to the elastic band of underwear.
You pull it down and free his cock.  It’s long and slender. The head is red and weeping pre-cum. You rub your palm against the head, coating it. Jackson closes his eyes and tries to bury his head in yourneck, but the restraints hold him back.
“Mmm…keep going,” he begs and you comply. You stroke him very slowly. Up…Down...UP…DOWN…UP…DOWN. Your hand runs along his entire length.
“You like that?” You ask and push a few strands of his sweat-slicked hair out of his eyes.
“Yes yes,” he answers quickly. You pick up speed, stroking him faster and focusing on the head. “Wait wait,” he struggles against the cuffs again.
You pull your hand back and glare at him, “What?”
His cocky attitude returns for a moment, “I’m close and I want to cum inside you.”
“No,” You reply without hesitation and stroke him even faster. You focus on the tip and about an inch blows it. His tip reenters yourfist with every pass. Jackson cums in a matter of seconds.
“Oh fuck, baby, fuck,” his face contorts and his hot cum coats your hand. You give him a second to breathe, to enjoy this bliss.
You begin again. You straddle his legs, pinning them down with your body. Yourleft-hand holds his cock steady while your right rubs circles on the sensitive head. You're polishing his tip with his own come.
You give Jackson a taste of his own medicine, smirking down at him as you watch him realize that he just has to take it. For as long as you want to give it he’s going to take it. He was stuck in place bound by your legs and metal cuffs. “Please stop, baby, it’s too much.”
“I’m not your baby.” You callously reply and continue on.
He repeats himself, “Please stop. Please I can’t take it.” His face is growing red and he can barely keep his eyes open. This cocktail of pain and pleasure is too much for him.
“Tell me that you need me and you’re done with your stupid plans.”
“What?” He asks in confused defiance.
“Tell me that you need me and you’re done with your stupid plans. No more rocket launchers or grand ideas.”
“okay okay,” overstimulated tears drip down his face. “I…I need you and I’ll stop with the stupid plan.”
“Good,” you say but you don’t stop. “I just want one more orgasm from you.” Jackson closes his eyes and lets loose a song of ungodly moans and screams until your rip one last orgasm out of him. His spent cock shoots out three bursts of cum and begins to shrink as soon as you let it go.
You get off of him and admire your work. He’s too tired to move or fight against the cuffs. You’ve taken down Jackson Rippner, and reduced him to a pile of tears, sweat, and cum. You look at his scarred body, the body that you helped heal. He might have considered himself a god before, but now he’s mine.
You step into the bathroom and wash the cum off your hands. When you come back, he’s lucid again. You free his hands and set the cuffs down on your bedside table. They click softly as they hit the surface. You climb over him and crawl under the covers. “I’m taking a nap. Join me or get out.” He slides out of bed and you think he’s leaving, so you tell him, “Shut off the lights on your way out.”
Jackson turns off the lights and gets into bed with me. You feel his arm wrap around your waist and pull you close. “Maybe next time I can put it inside you.” you can practically feel his cheeky smirk. I roll your eyes and stay quiet. He chirps up again, “How about a goodnight kiss?”
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