#q and a session
bathsaltsmcgee · 4 months
My thoughts on HH and some other stuff, too
Wow, y'all. Just... just Wow.
Okay, first off, I just wanted to say that I am absolutely blown away by the sheer amount and scope of all the attention that I've gotten this past week or so regarding my story BtM. I was truly not expecting that, and for my readership to explode exponentially since the last time I posted, it's amazing to me the number of followers I've gained, the people who've stopped by to say hello, the messages, the comments, the subscriptions and favorites, the everything else, and I just wanted to say thank you.
Reading everyone's reactions and seeing them get so excited and hyped up about something that I truly care about really makes writing worth it.
So, I'm thrilled that everyone's having so much fun. :D I know I am!
Anyway, I've had a couple people reach out to me, requesting my thoughts regarding the first season of Hazbin Hotel, and I thought to myself, 'Oh, why not?'
So, here we are.
Overall, I greatly enjoyed it. The animation was crisp and pretty to look at, the songs were absolute bops, as was the background soundtrack, the overarching narrative was interesting, and the characters, barring a few notable exceptions here and there- *cough* icky moth man who needs squished flat with a metal cleat and the world's first grandiose malignant narcissist- were quite enjoyable.
They were all well written, of course, but, good Lord, some of them were just truly heinous people.
I think, out of that of all of the new characters to which we were introduced in the series that didn't hold speaking roles in the pilot, I think my favorite was a tie between Rosie and Emily. Rosie was exactly who I hoped she'd be, Dolly Levi with a dash of Mary Poppins- she even gave out her business card to that one cannibal lady like Dolly did all the time in 'Hello Dolly'- and Emily was such an adorable little bean. We need more of both those ladies in the future.
The biggest surprise out of the whole show for me, though, was finding out that the hotel actually worked. I genuinely was not expecting that, and I suspect that the exercises that Charlie was making everyone do didn't really do that much, but the situations in which the characters found themselves and how they chose to react to those situations because of their experiences at the hotel were what really clinched it in the end.
I'm very proud of Pen, though. Good for you, man. Goin' out like a champ and getting into Heaven by total accident. Well done.
Mind you, I did have a few gripes here and there, such as the rushed nature of the pacing, but I doubt that I'm alone in that particular camp. The pacing of the overarching narrative was a bit rushed for my taste, and when I'm watching a show, I would prefer not to feel at the end of it like I was in the middle of a caffeine bender.
If I'm going to do that, I'll drink two pots of coffee, follow it up with a latte, and see where it goes from there.
It was almost like deciding to make soup, but not adding any water to the condensed can, so it ended up way too thick and not nearly as smooth as it could've been, had the water been included.
Had they taken the same amount of plot and spread it out over twelve episodes, instead of just eight, it would've been a bit more evenly balanced, and we might have gotten more character moments and interactions to really sell the growing bonds between the main cast, which would've made the other narrative points that much more powerful, such as Pen's noble sacrifice.
However, the number of episodes was probably down to studio constraints and the bigwigs decision to keep the series compressed because money, so I won't hold that against the production team.
That's just business. It happens. No big deal.
So, all in all, it was a fun little romp. Alastor is still my favorite character, because he's just so interesting and multifaceted, and by the end of the season, I had far more questions about him than I did answers.
This is a good thing, though.
I'd be disappointed if he were too easy a character to read.
There's a lot going on there with him, and his morality is too grey and muddled with far too many unknown factors to make a definitive take on him just yet. I still think that my initial understanding of him is on the right track, such as his MO, but I am curious to see where this goes in the official narrative.
So, yes, I will be staying tuned for the next season.
However... just curious here.
Are we really going to have to wait another two years for the next season?!
Because I heard a rumor circulating that that was the case, and I'm kind of hoping that's not accurate.
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nat111love · 2 months
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I’m yours.
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mochinek0 · 6 months
Daminette December 2023: 1-Mystery Theatre
"Welcome back to 'The Mystery Box'." Marinette declared, "I'm Ladybug."
"Robin." Damian stated.
"Now, last week we were going over The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Afterwards, there was a list of recommended books posted.
1.)The Puzzle Master by Danielle Trussoni
2.)The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
3.)Bullet Train and 4.)Three Assassins, both written by Kotaro Isaka and translated by Sam Malissa
5.)The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz
And for the more adventurous, 6.)Helter Skelter: the True Story of the Mason Murders by Vincent Bugliosi, Curt Gentry
You were also free to recommend your own favorite tastes for mysteries and crime. Today, we have special case in 'The Mystery Box' and I have a feeling everyone will like this one." she smiled.
Robin sighed, "That's what I'm afraid of."
"We know that many people have already left or are heading home for the holidays." Ladybug began, "So we thought of something-"
Robin sneered, "You thought of something."
"Don't get your feather's in a twist, Bird Boy." Ladybug cooed, "We wanted something everyone could enjoy; no matter how far. Today the mystery is: Ladybug and Robin! You are allowed to send in your questions, but if we feel something is too personal or close to giving away who we are, the question will be thrown out."
"Let the questions flow in." Robin commented.
Question one: Is there anyone you don't want to see during the holidays? There's always that one family member.
Ladybug smiled, "From the comments, I can see that lots of people agree with you; whether an uncle or aunt, a parent or a sibling. I'm afraid there's no one in my family I want to avoid, but there are old friends who turned out to be assholes. Those people I could go without."
"My family." Robin stated, "There was a reason I moved out, but I'm expected to be home because of my grandfather. I'm....excited to see my pets, though."
Question two: Are you going home for the holidays?
"Unfortunately." Robin sighed, "The show will be on hold until the break is over."
"No." Ladybug spoke.
"You're staying?" Robin shouted, "Why is this the first I'm hearing it?"
"My parents will be out of the country." Ladybug replied, ignoring her partner, "A relative is sick and they're leaving soon to help I've been looking up single holiday recipes to try this year."
"Lucky." Robin pouted.
"Robin, you can't cook." Ladybug retorted, "You'd end up burning the school down."
Robin should stay!
Robin, don't leave us!
Robin, what are you making for dinner tonight?
Robin, I'll teach you how to cook!
We can go out to eat!
Shut up! Let the bad bird burn down the school!
"Should we be concerned how many people want you to burn the school down?" Marinette questioned.
"I assume it has to due with finals." Damian smirked, "Also, I'm not doing it. I don't want to move back. I like my dorm."
Stay with us!
I got a C-, okay!
I failed -_-'
I don't want to retake that stupid class next year!!!
Need the evidence gone!!!!
Ladybug giggled, "Well, I can certainly say, it's no mystery how much our followers have faith in your cooking skills."
"Ha-ha." Robin spoke, rolling his eyes, "Besides, I can always order out."
"That would require you talking to people." Ladybug rebuffed.
"Not if I do it online." Damian answered, "Like you're one to talk; you're more introverted than I am. I know you have classes in person because there was no other option."
Question three: Are you dating? If so, why not invite her over?
"Not dating." Robin stated.
Ladybug declares, "Robin is my friend and he respects my boundaries."
"I'm Bi and lean more towards guys." he responds, "Girls are too clingy."
Ladybug scoffs, "Chat Noir was clingy."
"No." Robin declares, "Your mental ex-partner was obsessive and should be given a restraining order, should he ever find out who you are."
"Not arguing with you there." Ladybug replied.
Question four: You know each other? What makes Robin different from Chat Noir?
Ladybug rolls her eyes, "Yes; Robin and I know each other, personally. As many of you know, Chat Noir and I did not. To the people who aren't aware, I use to have my own podcast. Chat Noir is someone who reached out to me for a collab. We became known as the 'Bug and Cat Team'. We mostly spoke about the problems at school and social events surrounding the area."
"You don't have to say anything you don't want to." Robin spoke.
"I've talked about it before and several times after the incident; I'm fine talking about it now." Ladybug replied, "A topic came up during a podcast. Someone felt pestered by another individual; they claimed the person wanted to date them and had already rejected them. The person got more insistent and 'tried hard to win them over'."
"They harassed them." Robin sneered, "Just say it like it is."
Ladybug cleared her throat, "During that podcast, Chat Noir sided with the harasser and I didn't. I shouted at him and declared that I couldn't work with someone who thought harassing people was the right way to form a relationship. I shut down my side of the cast and blocked him. Suffice to say, the collab failed and I quit speaking my mind for awhile. Many people blamed me for the way the podcast ended. Some said Chat Noir was only joking. Others declared me the 'School's Voice of Reason'. Robin was the one to figure out who I was and reach out to me. He is the reason I'm back."
Question five: Do you think you two ever will date?
"I don't know." Robin explained, "I'd have to test her, first, if we ever got feelings for each other."
Ladybug smiled, "Oh, you're gonna test me? Is this part of the test, right now?"
"I prefer to get cheap food on the first few dates." Robin declared.
"Oh Kwami!" She laughed, "That reminds me of that stupid list we found: 'List of restaurants/places women refuse to go on a first date. Have you seen that list?"
What is it?
Who doesn't like pancakes?
Someone doesn't like pancakes?
They must live under a rock!
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"I saved that list. It is now my go-to list for dates." Robin spoke, "Again, bye Ladies."
Ladybug laughs, "That list was so stupid! I would eat at any of them! The mystery is what ladies did that person talk to and why do they hate those places so much?"
"It was probably written by the same people who wants a six-figure working guy." Robin shrugged, "Sugar Daddies and Mommies."
"People!" Ladybug cried, "College people are broke! We are still broke when we finish! We got to pay back those stupid loans!"
"We don't have the money for some five-star Michelin resturant because you got a $2000 dress on clearance for $300 and you want to feel special!" Robin declared.
"You don't want fast food or some homecooked meal someone spent the day on? You don't want a family resturant? Guess what? You're gone! We don't want you either!" Ladybug shouted, "I don't know who told you that's the only way you're getting someone good for the rest of your life. Why do you think so many are invested in celebrity gossip? There's always someone cheating or divorcing; some scandal. Being rich doesn't mean you're happy and you're life is perfect!"
"I agree with Ladybug." he spoke, "If I desperately wanted a homecooked meal, I could just ask Ladybug to make me dinner and I would owe her a favor."
"How about a two star resturant in return?" she commented.
"Deal." Robin responded.
They both laughed.
"You can bring your boyfriend, if he wants to come; a friendly dinner." Ladybug continued.
Robin nodded, "I'll let him know."
Question six: I hear clicking sometimes. What is that?
"Oops!" Ladybug spoke, "Sorry; that's me! ADHD kicks in and I'm usually messing with a pen or a figit toy. I didn't realize the noise was getting picked up."
Pen clicker here
I tap my nails on my desk
Leg bouncer!
They have tiny figit cubes!
Marinette smiled, "I'm so glad you all understand. I see a lot of links to....what look like toys. I'll look through them over the holiday."
Question seven: major?
"Uh, that's too personal." Ladybug commented.
"Agreed." Robin added.
Question eight: what made you start a podcast?
"I was bullied a lot." Ladybug answered, "Not everyone listened to me, even when I was right. Slowly, I stopped trying to speak up and just watched and waited for everything to fail. I decided I wanted my voice heard, even if a single person was listening."
"I prefer the illusion." Robin declared, "There's too many people in my life and sometimes, I'm not heard."
Question nine: Who is taller?
Robin began to snicker, causing Ladybug to glare.
"I am!" Robin stated, "Ladybug is....what is that term?"
"Don't you-" she began to scream.
"Fun-sized!" he finished.
"Fuck you!" Ladybug shouted, making him laugh.
"I'm not that short!" Ladybug yelled, "You're just taller and like to pick on me!"
How cute!
Tiny bug?
Tall bug?
Robin lying?
Sibling vibes
Question ten: Ladybug, what recipes are you looking at for the holidays?
"Oh, a bit of everything!" she commented, "I saw a charcuterie board and some chips and dip. Maybe some soup? I don't want to make anything to complicated. Honestly, it all sounds good. Cookies are definetly being made on Christmas Eve. Usually, I would make chocolate chip or shortbread, but I want to try something different this year. Any recommendations?"
Peppermint Mocha
Hot Chocolate
Lemon Cups
Christmas Kitchen Sink
Peanut Butter Blossoms
White chocolate with candycane pieces
Red velvet
"I'm sure Ladybug will look through all of your recommendations and will let you know which ones she chose, when we return after the holidays." Robin spoke, "I will try and come back earlier, but don't hold your breath. We don't need a campus mystery."
"Remember to think out of the box" Ladybug cheered, "and Happy Holidays!"
"Ugh, " Marinette groaned, "I can't believe my knitting needles were being picked up but the mic."
"I'll see if Barbara or Drake are free to look over the audio and maybe find a way to tweak it." Damian stated, "I'll walk you to your dorm, Miss Staying-For-the-Holidays."
"Well, Mr.-No-Five-Star." Mari teased, earning an eye roll, "Want me to cook you dinner?"
"Only if you promise to come over for Christmas." he answered.
"Think Jon's jealous?" Marinette questioned.
"Of me eating your cooking?" he spoke, "Always. He told me if it wasn't for my martial arts training and swordsmanship, he'd be fighting me to date you."
Marinette rolled her eyes and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek.
"You know." Mari spoke, as she cuddled into her boyfriend's arm, "You could have just said I think my girlfriend should meet my family. I would have said yes."
"Still think it was better to keep our lives separate?" Damian asked.
"You mean our personas on the box away from who we really are?" she questioned.
He nodded in return.
"Yes; I do." she answered, confidently, "To many people, I'm soft-spoke or clumsy. I'm not someone people listened to. I don't regret starting my podcast on the side. I am glad you found me. You didn't let one person ruin me and who I was turning into."
"Well, I'd like to see Ladybug come more into play." Damian whispered, "I know she's in there and I like her just as much as I do Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
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mechanicalinfection · 19 days
Ask away anything about ASA in my inbox!
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He likes questions, I promise.
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ambivartence · 1 year
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GYU IN THE SOOP: cozy black hoodie 🖤
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transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
delighted by the thought of someone asking in passing why Steve Harrington is considered attractive and Eddie's rant being the equivalent of him going "I'm glad you asked! Here is my PowerPoint presentation and here is an indexed record of all the incidents I will be referencing, here are several songs I wrote, here's a photo album with 100+ polaroids in it and towards the end we will have a Q&A. Please sit down now"
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tidalskii · 5 days
Q&A? Q&A.
Kind of an uneventful day… random Q&A I guess, ask me anything!
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ofthebrownajah · 11 months
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Rosamund calling the fandom weird is an honor actually
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grimvestige · 5 months
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Let's go, fighting from the heart / I'll tear the world apart / No, I can't stand to see you be with anyone but me
Shaking my GM (/pos) for using this as nightmare fodder for tiarnán in last night's session
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autistic-britta-perry · 7 months
predictably Roier assuming Pac must've made a mistake and breaking the door and unintentionally crossing his boundary and Pac immediately going no he's right I shouldn't have done that bye boundary is making me feel things
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femmefatalevibe · 7 months
I have a lot of exams coming up in uni rn and im feeling burnt out, any advice?
Hi love!
I would say the first thing to do is to ensure you have a healthy sleep, nutrition, and movement regimen in your everyday routine. And then, here are some of my other tips:
Schedule your studying around your breaks/rest time, not the other way around. Even if you're studying and writing the same amount as you would be otherwise, this change in perception can lessen your stress levels thereby freeing up brian space
Give yourself something to look forward to every day. It can be as simple as a nice and soothing shower, a face mask, a walk with a great playlist, watching an episode of TV show you like, getting your nails done etc.
Consider your "why" for this exam season and how this motivator facilitates your other/long-term goals. Perceive your exams as a useful stepping stone to reaching certain goals vs. a reflection of your capabilities, intelligence, or self-worth. Depersonalizing and objectifying the discomfort is key
Hope this helps xx
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tenyrasims · 23 days
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Since you voted on Tumblr and Youtube to see Kiyoshi&Daiki first for a Q&A post as follower special -here you go♥ hope you guys enjoy it~ (I know i got a lot of question for Ashina&Aidan too, dont worry they will come next - Jimin&Sora too)
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Thanks for all the support I really appreciate and luv you guys ~ ❤️
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fatherrussia-69 · 2 months
For the lovely bois<3(Sun and Moon): When you guys first started your adventure to the dragon, did you ever expect it to turn out this way? If you were to tell your past selves this how would they react?
For Elliot: Not a question, but you are amazing! Thank you for being here for MC :3 This is a question, do you ever miss your family?
For Clovis and Alister (I hope I spelt that correctly): Not a question, but you guys are so cool!! And very very loved/p
For Damari (I hope I spelt this right too): Do you ever miss your family? How do you feel about the adventure so far?
For Eclipse: Not a question, your pretty, slay king slay
For amazing creators: Have you guys ever thought of how different the story would be told if it was from like Aun and Moon's perspective? Or Eclipses?
Henchman A here!! This is the third to the last question! Sorry for taking so long, Father R has a lot going on in terms of work. No ALTs or VOs, sorry! 😅😁
For the lovely bois<3(Sun and Moon): When you guys first started your adventure to the dragon, did you ever expect it to turn out this way? If you were to tell your past selves this how would they react?
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For Elliot: Not a question, but you are amazing! Thank you for being here for MC :3 This is a question, do you ever miss your family?
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For Clovis and Alister (You spelled it correctly): Not a question, but you guys are so cool!! And very very loved/p
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For Damari (This too): Do you ever miss your family? How do you feel about the adventure so far?
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For Eclipse: Not a question, your pretty, slay king slay
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For amazing creators: Have you guys ever thought of how different the story would be told if it was from like Sun and Moon's perspective? Or Eclipses?
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radiant-vulpine · 10 months
Starting on August 10th...
I will be hosting another new Character Q&A. The characters will be as follows. - Tenna - Ann - Mike - Camellia - Rae and Mote - Arty - Nat - Dirk - Eska - Orion - Mantle Keeper - Seam - December - Gonner - Doctor W.D Gaster - Hex - Ralsei - Susie - Noelle I'll definitely be sort of policing what people ask this time, but I intend on using this Q&A to reveal some new info leading up to future releases.
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bananamilkbunni · 11 months
greetings Miss Bun,
one of my best friends rts your account on twitter often and from what i have seen i have come to the conclusion Bun is somewhat of a Tartaglia analysis expert.
therefore i was wondering if you knew or had a guess about Tartaglia's loyalty to The Tsaritsa.
Do you think part of the reason Tartaglia is so loyal is because he believes it's what's best for his family, that the Tsarista does know best? or does he love the Tsaritsa & is loyal for a separate reason regardless of family? If Tartaglia had to make a choice to stay loyal to the Tsarista at the cost of his family getting hurt, do you think Tartaglia would make that choice? Is Tartaglia's family getting hurt worth making the Tsaritsa's vision come to fruition?
i understand if this is too heavy a question or if there simply not enough information to make a guess, just curious as to what Bun thinks as a fellow lover of Childe.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, hope you have a wonderful day
Thank you for asking! It's true that we don't have much solid information on this, but I'll do my best to answer your question based on the current info and my own personal interpretation.
Judging by what we've learned thus far, Childe's loyalty to the Tsaritsa is partially due to being granted a purpose.
There are three separate instances in which purpose/motivation is mentioned in regard to or by Childe, making it a recurring and significant theme for his character.
Childe's Collected Miscellany. In this video, Dainsleif says, "Since becoming a Fatui Harbinger, fighting for the Tsaritsa is his new motivation as a warrior." This statement raises the question of what his motivation had been prior to the Tsaritsa, or whether he even had a motivation at all. My personal theory is that he did not have one.
Labyrinth Warriors (Limited Event). "All those who stalk the battlefield yearn for meaning and value." This quote comes from Childe himself.
Childe's Act I Story Quest. The quote from this requires the full context, so I'll expand on this below.
In Childe's story quest, Teucer gets the opportunity to see Childe fight for the first time. After the fight, he says to Childe, "I wanna learn to fight too. I wanna be cool like you!" to which Childe responds, "...Fighting isn't about looking cool. You can only continue to get stronger if you know the reason why you're fighting. I can teach you. But think carefully, first. Why do you want to fight?"
Teucer briefly ponders Childe question. Soon, he replies, "I want to protect sister Tonia."
This dialogue between the two of them is crucial in understanding Childe's own individual purpose for fighting. Later in the quest, outside of the abandoned ruin guard factory, Childe references Teucer's response when speaking to Paimon, after she asks if he is concerned for his little brother's safety. His words are as follows:
"Of course I am...but no matter what the danger is, I will parry it. Isn't that what any older brother would do?" followed by, "Even Teucer understands that, now that he knows what he's fighting for...It's the very same reason that's been nestled in my own heart for so many years."
This means that, much like how Teucer concluded that he wished to protect Tonia, Childe wishes to protect their entire family.
According to the description of the Funerary Mask obtained from Signora, the Fatui's primary goal is to go against the Heavenly Principles, against Celestia. It reads, "...Only those who possess an obsession close to or exceeding the level of delusion might be willing to join this group that so rebels against the Heavenly Principles..."
This is to say that the Fatui possess a wealth of information and knowledge beyond the average citizen in Teyvat. They have knowledge about Khaenri'ah and Khaenri'ahn technology, the Abyss, Irminsul, the truth of the world—and Childe, a Fatui Harbinger with firsthand knowledge of the Abyss, who traveled deeper than any other living human being, is not exempt from this. He is aware of the stakes, and of the war they'll have to wage to defeat the Heavenly Principles. He knows what will happen if they lose.
With that being said, to sum it up, we can assume that his loyalty is in part due to 1) gratitude for being given a purpose and 2) to ensure a safer world and future for his younger siblings and the rest of his family.
As for whether Childe loves the Tsaritsa or not, that remains to be seen. Since the Tsaritsa is implied to be the god of love, this could serve as one of the numerous plot points for the future main archon quest of Snezhnaya in 2025. What does true love mean to a god, especially to the god of love herself?
The question also reminds me of a past discussion between myself and a good friend of mine, as to whether worship and love can be equated. Is love a result of worship, or vice versa? Is it possible to worship without love? Can it even be deemed worship without it? And how would these complexities influence Childe's path? How would this internal dilemma affect his relationship with his family? Who would he choose if it came down to that?
Personally I believe that, because Childe's devotion to his family is such an integral part of his character, it is unlikely for his loyalty to his god to surpass that, in the event that his family would come to harm. In fact, it is my personal belief that this is the one line that can never be crossed. It would be his tipping point. Not only are they an inextricable part of his life, but I have reason to suspect that their role goes even farther beyond what we've been shown or told. I believe that his responsibility to his family, as well as the love of his younger siblings, is the very thing that has allowed him to maintain his humanity.
(But this is already way too long. I cannot get into that. Lmao)
In Labyrinth Warriors, ran in version 2.2, we learn about Childe's sense of dehumanization—self-dehumanization, as it is self-imposed and reinforced by himself (though it was undoubtedly cultivated by the Fatui). The event's story contained strong parallels between Shiki Taishou—a shikigami in search of his master—and Childe. Both perceived themselves as weapons, and Shiki Taishou says an interesting line: "If I am able, I wish to retain the kindness in my heart until the very end. But a weapon cannot betray its master's will. If he was able to create me, then he is able to control me."
This evolves into a harrowing conflict when applied to the context of Childe's own individual story, especially with the addition of Xinyan's perspective on Shiki Taishou's dilemma.
"All you gotta do is find the thing that was most important and righteous to you."
In other words, my personal prediction for the course of Childe's journey as a character is this: Caught between multiple worlds, there will come a time when Childe is forced to make his own decision. Will he carry out the Tsaritsa's orders, or will he save his family from harm? Should a situation arise in which his family is in danger, I believe he will ultimately choose to protect them, even if it means going against the deity he loyally serves.
In a nation ruled by a god of love, a character choosing love above all else would be extremely impactful, a perfect fit for the narrative and a profound moment for Childe's own story and development. After all, I think that is the entire point of his character—someone who, against all odds, retains his kindness, even if he himself is not entirely aware of it.
I hope I was able to answer all of your questions! I apologize for how lengthy this response is, but I'm just always very excited to discuss him. If you ever have more questions, you're always welcome to ask! I promise not ALL of my responses will be this long lol
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viktheviking1 · 6 months
Okay… quick question for ya! What’s ya favourite Helluva boss character? Don’t mind me being curious!
Why ya gotta make me choose?! Okay, but it probably flip flops between Stolas, Fizz, and Ozzie. All the hot gays, and twinks (accept for Ozzie who is a bit more himbo). No I don’t have a type. Your mom has a type.
Your username and the answer to this question was included in the Q&A chapter of my fanfic posted on ao3, fanfiction.net, quotev, and wattpad! Go check it out if you like :)
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