#poems about aromanticism
trickstersaint · 16 days
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an aromantic person is someone who (fill in the blank here) // april 10 2024
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runarelle · 1 year
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Lately been feeling the weight of amatonormativity.
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irritablepoe · 5 months
What is this thing called love?
If nobody had told you, would you still be able to feel it?
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~by me
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vulpinesaint · 16 days
knocked out three poems for the night. not caught up entirely but getting to where i need to be! and where i need to be is. asleep in my bed. got work tomorrow haha
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crazyboyonthebus · 23 days
unfortunately i think im a little in love with you
ive always been someone who loves obsessively
like a fish out of water
gasping for air
i was so grateful for my fishbowl
but i could not turn around in it
at least i could breathe, i suppose
but now!
now i swim in an ocean.
over 200 million fish are killed per day
you must cry awfully often.
im sorry i will be added to a neverending list of names that dont exist
i really didnt mean to fall in love
i guess i just tripped and hit the ground
when you get down to it,
earth and water arent really so different.
i find myself awfully desperate
its shameful, in some ways
ive always been a freak
and i dont want you to see that in me
i worry my love is stupid
and that you will laugh when i tell you
but i dont know how to take it back.
ive started watching the sunset and thinking of you
there is no turning back.
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lesbiankordian · 6 months
aromantic thoughts
in one book about transness i read, the author said that even if you go through transition, even if you accomplish everything trans related you wanted, the feeling, the years, of sadness and alienation just don't go away and are always somewhere deep inside you. you may still compare yourself to cis people and still not feel enough. even if transphobia magically evaporated, your transness wouldn't - even if you had a perfect life with no transphobic incidents.
and it's exactly the same with aromanticism. i generally feel good. but there are days where i just can't understand why i can't feel the same way as other people do. why i can't understand that one (supposed to be universal) beautiful poem about love. why most people's values are a bit different than mine. why i can't be truly happy in a queer club, because there are people in love everywhere and my friend's talking to me about her love problem with a guy and the people next to me are all flirting with each other and a girl's hitting on me but i'm afraid bc she'll probably stop when i say "hey, i don't wanna go on a date. ever. but we can kiss if you want". (don't even know if i actually like doing that).
many times i feel like that while talking about friends. life. attitude, not necessarily towards relationship things. it doesn't have to be anything romantic. bc romance as a norm goes so deep you're reminded everyday you're different, and that your difference - if you show it to others - is a rather bad thing in their morality spectrum. everytime i think about that i wonder if i'm not confusing aromanticism with sth different, but i do think aromanticism falls under that category too.
the author of the book i mentioned said that when she first realized she was trans, she was terrified of the thought that was how her life was gonna look like - after all those awful years, it'd only go downhill (realization, transition process etc), this time bc of her own actions. similarly, i know the way i live now is the best for me (probably). but i do that deliberately. i could stop anytime and try to go against myself, caring for someone the way my friends seem to be able to. i long for that, simultaneously knowing i wouldn't last a minute.
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pack-the-pack · 11 months
Things that should have tipped me off to the fact I'm aromantic but didn't because I'm dumb idiot who wouldn't see the colour of the sky in a clear cloudless day:
- I received (potted) flowers from someone I was involved with and my first thought was not that it was a cute gesture, but that they were a dick for giving me something to take care of that I would certainly kill by accident.
- Kissing felt gross at worse and like nothing at best, but I just thought everyone felt nothing while kissing and they just did it to reaffirm each other's feelings.
- When the person that gave me the flowers asked me whether or not they should ask me to be their girlfriend I said "you're the one who has to know that. I don't mind either way".... I. don't. mind. either. way.... God.
- When I was younger I saw in all the american shows and movies that girls would put pictures and posters of celebrities they liked on their walls and corkboards. So I was like "okay this celebrity is attractive in a way most people can agree... To the corkboard you go", and then I just completely forgot abt it. Idk I thought everyone did it just... Because?
- Looking back at all my "crushes" I had growing up... They were not crushes... At all... I just either found them pretty or wanted to be like very close to them because they were my best friend at the time...
- When I imagined a future for myself when I was younger it never contained a romantic partner. Even when I explicitly would be getting married in these grade school daydreams. I even pictured having pet giraffes or wolves better than a partner in these....
- And in high school the fantasies upgraded to me living with my best friend and each of us having our own children... No partner in sight for either of us... I--
- One time in 9th grade my friend asked me what my perfect boyfriend would look like. I described a character from a game I played at the time... "White hair, monochromatic eyes and dressed in victorian clothing" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
- The most exciting part about dates to me were the dressing up part and the place we'd be going to... Not who I was going with...
- I did not understand why people played sports to "impress the girls/boys in our class". I was like "Pfff what an idiot, we're all here because we want to win, right guys?.... Guys?".
- I write poems and people usually were like "so romantic, have you written anything abt someone you love yet" and I was like "... Why would I do that?".
- I've had dates before, boyfriends and girlfriends. But none of their companies for a whole day ever felt as fulfilling and enjoyable as an afternoon with my friends. And I should have noticed this before because I am still friends with some of these past partners and the way I just enjoy their companies infinitely more now without a romantic element in play should have been a dead giveaway!
This is all I can think of for now. Feel free to add on to your own experiences of you being blissfully oblivious of your own aromanticism your whole life. Thank you all, and God bless us oblivious idiots.
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our-destiny · 1 year
☁ Destiny's Masterlist ☁
This only includes posts that I have written not posts that I've reblogged. Will be updated regularly.
Includes Obey Me!, Twisted Wonderland, Marvel and links to the poems I've written because it's my masterlist and I worked hard on them.
☁ <- means it's one of my most popular posts
Obey me!
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
Multiple Characters
Languages they know Includes: All except 13
☁ Side character pact headcanons Includes: Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephistopheles, feat. Solomon
Rambling about Dark! Brothers Includes: mostly Satan and a little bit of Mammon
Lucifer as a father figure headcanons
Having a queer platonic relationship with him headcanons
Being friends with Satan + being aromantic headcanons
Being friends with Asmo headcanons
Soft Solomon scenarios
Having a bubble bath together
Rambling about Solomon and you being soulmates
Soft Solomon headcanon
Dancing with Sol
☁ Soft Solomon things
☁ Another soft Solomon headcanon
☁ Soft Solomon imagine
Safe - Raphael comforting you after a nightmare
With an mc that talks a lot
Imagine making Raph laugh in class
Michael the Archangel
Rambling about Michael + the celestial realm
☁ Dark! Caregiver! Michael forcing reader to age regress
Dancing with Michael
☁ Becoming friends with Mike while in the Devildom
Twisted Wonderland
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
Multiple characters
characters love languages including: Cater, Deuce, Ace, Leona, Ruggie, Azul, Floyd, Kalim
Lgbtqia+ headcanons Includes: Riddle, Ace, Cater, Leona, Rook, Epel, Jamil
Neurodivergent headcanons Includes: Riddle, Cater, Deuce, Ruggie, Azul, Floyd, Jade, Kalim, Jamil, Vil, Epel
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
Bucky Barnes
30 Days Writing Challenge masterlist
☁ Yandere Bucky
Bucky as a father/father figure headcanons
☁ Dark! Masochist! Bucky
☁ Happy Birthday - Yandere! Bucky birthday oneshot
Yandere Winter Soldier x Hydra Reader
Yandere Bucky sees Darling's self harm scars
Thor Odinson
Yandere best friend Thor headcanons
A poem about aromanticism
A poem about healing from mental illness
A poem about the meaning of life
A poem about misogyny
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slightlyplant · 19 days
literary figures i have been compared to when writing poetry about my aromanticism (before the workshop group knew what the poems were about):
- narcissus
- basil hallward
- more to be added ?? ??
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jeff-from-marketing · 11 months
The next person who says anything like "oh you and [person] would make a great couple!" or "you and [person] should totally date!" is going to get bit. And not in the friendly way that a cat might bite someone to show affection, no I'm 100% going for blood and tearing out flesh.
At the cost of breaking one of my personal rules of being on a social media platform, imma be real and go through my personal history, because there's a number of reasons I'm extra prickly whenever someone brings up anything like that and context helps.
So throughout a lot of my years in the hellscape that is highschool, I was actually very lucky to have some very close friends. Highschool was shit, but the people I got through it with weren't. Now, an important detail about me is that my preferred method of telling someone I care about them and love them is through physical affection. I suck with words like a vacuum attached to a kazoo, but I'm a god damn fucking poet writing... fancy poems, when it comes to communicating with physical affection.
Now, this isn't a problem... Unless you're Big Society. Because I, according to highschool dickhead logic, made the mistake of having friends who also just happened to have boobs. And as well all know, if you're close friends with someone that's the opposite sex to you, that obviously means you're romantically interested in them! Definitely can't be that I just actually really enjoy their company and think they're cool people that I'm glad to have in my life. God forbid I also hug them or anything...
... years I had to deal with that. I didn't know I was aromantic, I didn't even know that was a thing back then. In hindsight yeah it's fucking obvious I didn't want a romantic relationship, but I didn't know that then. All I knew was that I was fucking inundated with people trying really fucking hard to get me to date the people I hung around with. Fucking christ, I couldn't even go watch a fucking movie with some of my friends without everyone going "oOoOoOh YoU wEnT oN a DaTe!!1!!!11!" and it actually fucking ruined me for a while.
So many other people doing this shit to me, and I really enjoyed spending time with said friends and was happy around them, so maybe there's at least something to it? At least that's what idiot teenager me thought, and man do I wish I could slap them at times. Long story short: no, that's just called having really good friends who care about you and put effort into their relationship with you. But, because of just how people reacted and just were, I eventually conflated "friendship with good human" with "romantic interest" which, I shouldn't have to tell anyone is not even remotely correct or even healthy thoughts. It definitely had some very bad results mental health wise on more than one occasion.
It would take many years (and several crises) after highschool for me to actually figure out "actually, I don't do the whole romance thing." Now you'd think once I actually settled down on the fact of "no, I do not want a romantic relationship" combined with just not being in highschool anymore, that the bullshit I was describing earlier would stop.
I mean sure, it's happened far less since then, but the number isn't zero so therefore it's too fucking high. I've had a friend try to set me up with another friend WHO HAS ALSO SAID THAT THEY DON'T WANT A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP. THE FUCK EVEN?? And like, that was their main basis on why we should be in a romantic relationship???? The fuck???
And I've had one person mockingly say to me "awww, what a lovely couple!" just because I was cuddling up with them on the lounge in a fucking queer space of all places. The one fucking place where I'd expect my aromanticism to be understood and respected (and yes, the person who made the comment did already know about me being aromantic, so that's not an excuse)
Even now, I have a friend who keeps getting pushed into romantic relationships that they don't fucking want because other people in their life keep going "oh my god oh my god oh my god you should totally date them!" and doing the same shit I went through. Only they're still figuring things out, and let me tell you it's not a fucking easy journey.
Even ignoring how fucking childish the whole thing is, why the fuck is the default assumption of spending time with or having any sort of physical affection with someone just "oh they're dating/should date!" Are people not allowed to have fucking fulfilling relationships without it being romantic? Are people not allowed to just be fucking happy with their relationship as it is? Do people really have to push their fucking standards on how certain social dynamics work on everyone else?
God I'm fucking tired of it. Just let people fucking be happy. Let people be happy together the way they are.
So like I said: if you dare say that I should date anyone I spend time with or display any affection towards, I will be tearing chunks of flesh out of you with my teeth. That is a threat and a promise.
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trickstersaint · 5 days
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it really is fine, but i'll take a lollipop anyway // april 25 2024
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pondering-aro · 1 year
Wrote a poem about aromanticism for my poetry writing class. I got the feedback today and my professor wrote “I believe in this poem!” and I cried for 10 minutes because I feel like no one has believed in me talking about this before. Lots of sad and happy feelings there
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antis-hell · 7 months
Reasons why I cannot love
A poem about love, aromanticism and trauma
By Asmodeus "Anti" Of The Sora project
(Tw abuse, implied trafficking, lmk if I should add anything more)
I can't love.
At least I don't think so
I think they took that chance away from me
I don't know whether to be sad or happy
Love seems weird
Love also seems nice though
I don't think I've felt either of those
I don't think I have a heart left to break
And I think I've met enough strange people that even aliens would be just another person
I don't know if I want to love
They took a lot from me
Not everything I miss
I know what the real world is like
I know I'm going to die
Maybe that's why I can't love
Because how can one love something so temporary?
One day none of us will matter
So why love it?
Maybe that's why I can't love
I didn't matter
I was child number 2071
Worth 40 dollars
Maybe that's why I can't love
The first hands I met weren't loving
I was a way to get money first and foremost
I think I got it from that
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v-anrouge · 1 year
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dhampiravidi · 5 months
jotunn culture as pertaining to my portrayal of Skadi
(I made all of this up in RPs. Most of this is applicable to both Marvel/urban fantasy Skadi & Skathi, her D&D verse)
They use various grunts & growls as secondary communication. While a jotunn’s face may seem calm/unreadable, the noises they are making easily betray their emotions. Jotunn begin to communicate this way from infancy, allowing parents to understand their child’s basic desires.
Their sharp teeth have adapted both to rip through tough meat for digestion & to stimulate their partners so they produce the fluid necessary for procreation & climax.
Their race is prone to deformities caused either in the womb or while out in the harsh mountains.
Impacted by the prior point, 1 of the most important values is being adaptable, which is why many who lack certain limbs (for example) often cover parts of their bodies w/their own strengthened ice to use as weapons.
Another value is independence. Though Jotnar often go out hunting in small parties, those who actually make kills (especially if they are unassisted) get the bulk of the meat.
The most common pastimes of Jotunn are wrestling & singing (both folk songs & oral poems/epics).
Their language resembles German, in comparison to Asgardian, which resembles Norwegian.
Though Jotnar are born with ridges & grooves in their skin, some are actually tattoos used to represent important achievements (like a 1st successful hunt). Skadi, being half-Asgardian, was born w/o these, so she uses blue paint to make her markings before she goes on hunts.
Jotnar religion is animistic, so they believe that their environment is full of spirits worth praying to. These spirits were said to grant things like speed & strength, but only temporarily.
Most of the animals hunted by Jotnar resemble our mammals given the tough skin & appendages of reptiles/dinosaurs.
Jotunn can resist the cold w/o clothing in most cases, so they go about naked, genitalia resting w/in the body (as is the case w/many reptiles) for both males and females. Skadi wears clothes both because her tolerance for cold is somewhat lower compared to her father’s people & because other people tend to become uncomfortable when she doesn’t.
Frequent storms/cloudy skies led to the Jotunn having red sclera (part of the eye that’s white in humans). This makes them vulnerable to UV rays, both in terms of extreme heat & light.
All sexes & genders are considered equal, due to the fact that all must brave the harsh climate (& all, from a biological standpoint, are responsible for the continuation of the race). They just are sex-positive to the point where asexuality (note: not aromanticism) is frowned upon & they see themselves as superior to other races (in part because Ymir was the 1st humanoid).
They are grouped into various tribes that have their own rules, but ultimately they all answer to the same king & queen (whose rule can be challenged at any time). The royals have a harem & every child conceived therein can be considered legitimate.
Those who wish to marry must wrestle at least 1 of their fiancé's admirers & win the fight(s). Otherwise, they are seen as "unfit" & they may be shunned from the tribe.
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You know I've repeatedly run into the issue that my mum didn't really understand aromanticism. Well, partially bc of a recurring misunderstanding, but still.
Well, today I was talking about baroque and sonnetts and some stuff behind all that bc, hey, I just found my own poems scribbled on the back of the analysis page and you're gonna hear all of the context before I read it to you. Because it's interesting!
And I was speaking in the same generalized terms as my teacher, said that sonnetts were often about love bc everyone can relate to that.
And my mum looked at me and was like "we know better, though. Not everyone. Not everyone falls in love."
And it was so surpring and so cool and it made me so damn happy.
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