#plus a few new songs i found while creating the playlists
itskaeee · 1 year
my fingers slipped and made these
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the last one is like two years old but I thought it was funny to include all three of those
Fun fact, did I ever mention that I'm actually working on a house of memories playlist?
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allmoshnobrain · 10 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 17 of ? | masterpost
word count: 3117 | ao3 link | fic's playlist
We kicked back and enjoyed our breakfast, talking and laughing while the music played softly from the record player. I smiled, soaking in the scene, letting it stick in my memory: the morning sun streaming in, sneaking through the window, hitting Dave's ginger hair and lighting up his face. His hands deftly cutting the fruits, the juice from the strawberries he held dribbling down the knife blade as he chatted with me, the sound of his voice filling up the room.  It was calm.  Like pure happiness.
✦ summary: Amidst their new shared life, Dave and Nore create a memorable celebration for Nore's 19th birthday, with a surprise date and unexpected gifts.
✦ on this chapter: dave mustaine x female!oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, romance, fluff
✦ a/n: Hello! I think this is one of the longest chapters in the story so far, but I wanted to keep it all in one part since it's a special for Nore's 19th birthday! Plus, I wanted to give them a cute moment before the angst makes a comeback, hehe. By the way, in case any of you were curious, Nore was born on June 20. Yep, she's a Gemini! In my mind, that makes a lot of sense lol Hope you enjoyed it, and comments and feedback are totally welcome! ❤
✧ when I’m sad, she comes to me / with a thousand smiles / she gives to me free / it’s alright, she said / it’s alright / take anything you want from me / you can take anything, anything ✧
Dave and I were happy living together, at least for the following weeks. Those were the days when we were more in love than ever; Dave’s love for me burned as bright as the anger he felt towards the world and his past. He was like fire, intense and desperate, and I remember knowing, even back then, that I would never be the same again after being loved like that.
Our routine was calm, even though we had our fair share of hurdles, especially when it came to money. Dave worked at a car wash for a few weeks, but then he went back to just selling his drugs. He said it was just easier this way, plus it gave him time to focus on his music. He’d spend his days jamming, practicing, and creating, perfecting old solos, sketching lyrics for his songs.
I ended up going back to my old drawing hobby; it wasn’t too long before I found myself sketching all sorts of portraits of him, trying to capture the way his forehead would scrunch up a bit when he was too focused, the curve of his jaw, the shape of his lips. Our days were filled with art and each other's presence. And, for a while, that was enough.
As the days rolled by after being kicked out of the band, Dave's low spirits started to ease up, being replaced bit by bit with a fierce determination. Dave was still kind and sweet to me, but to the rest of the world, he seemed even more rebellious and angry than before. He was getting into fights even more often than usual, and he was having a real hard time getting a new band together, as many of his friends just didn't want to deal with his more and more common bursts of anger.
I watched these events unfold with a heavy heart, trying my best to help him. I knew he was putting on this front because he was hurting. He never let himself cry in front of me, but his sleep was restless, and many times I would wake up in the middle of the night because of how tormented he was by his nightmares. He'd hold onto me real tight, like he was scared I'd just vanish, and only then could we both finally go back to sleep.
In the middle of all the chaos, he loved me like he’d never loved before, and I knew that most of my days would end with me wrapped in his arms, surrendering to his touch as he undressed me, kissed me, and loved me. And there, with him, I felt alive.
Sometime down the road, I scored a new job at a neighborhood’s record store. The owner had a daughter around my age named Patricia, and even though the store got pretty busy, things there had a pretty chill pace. We'd spend our days talking and reading all the music magazine articles in the store. Turns out we had quite the same taste when it came to music, and it didn't take long for us to become friends.
Time flew by quickly, and before I knew it, my birthday had arrived. I stretched with a sigh as I woke up, soaking in the sunlight sneaking in through the curtain. I sat up in bed, surprised that Dave wasn't there; he usually snoozed in later than me. I got up, heading to the living room still in my pajamas, and caught a nice smell of cooking in the air.
"Hey there," I yawned when I spotted Dave, looking very focused while cooking something. 
"Morning, birthday girl. Happy birthday," Dave looked up and flashed me a grin. I leaned on the doorframe, watching with a smile as he turned off the stove and plated the scrambled eggs he was whipping up. "Was gonna bring you breakfast in bed, but you beat me to it."
"I can totally go back to bed if you want," I teased. He chuckled, coming closer, and put his hands on my hips before planting a little kiss on my forehead.
"Don't sweat it. Go get changed, I'll set the table."
I went through my usual morning routine and changed up before heading back to the living room. Stepped into the room, and there was Dave, all set up at the table with various foods: he'd chopped up some fruit, whipped up scrambled eggs, poured orange juice, and there were even some pancakes. A Fleetwood Mac song was coming softly from the record player, which made me smile because they were one of my favorite bands.
"Not claiming to be a master chef here, but I hope you like it," he said, flashing a smile as he took his spot at the table. I poured some juice for myself. 
"I loved it, Dave," I grinned right back at him. "Thanks." 
"So, you got work today or what? 'Cause I've got a few things lined up for us," he asked. 
"Nope, not today. Boss gave me the day off," I said, tilting my head, kinda curious. "What's the plan?" 
"Ah, now that's a surprise," he grinned, and I playfully rolled my eyes, giving a little chuckle.
We kicked back and enjoyed our breakfast, talking and laughing while the music played softly from the record player. I smiled, soaking in the scene, letting it stick in my memory: the morning sun streaming in, sneaking through the window, hitting Dave's ginger hair and lighting up his face. His hands deftly cutting the fruits, the juice from the strawberries he held dribbling down the knife blade as he chatted with me, the sound of his voice filling up the room. 
It was calm. 
Like pure happiness.
Our moment got thrown off by a sudden knock on the door. Dave furrowed his brow, looking annoyed at the door before he got up to answer it. I watched, curious, as he swung the door open and headed outside to talk to someone who looked like a delivery person. He was taking way longer than I thought, and I was about to go check things out, but it wasn't needed. I jumped when Dave came rushing in, looking more excited than I had seen him in weeks. 
"You've gotta check this out," he said, grabbing my hand. "Come on."
"What?" I laughed, trailing behind him as we ran down the stairs of the building, making a beeline for the garage. But he just chuckled low and kept tugging me along. "Dave. What's going on?" I let out this little shriek that turned into laughter when he came to a sudden stop, almost causing me to crash into him if he hadn't steadied me, holding me close. I took a step back, a bit out of breath and kinda baffled, a little smile creeping up on my lips. "Alright, tell me."
“You tell me,” he said, handing over an envelope. I furrowed my brow, puzzled. "This one's for you." 
"You brought me down to the garage for an envelope?" I joked. 
"Nope," he laughed, nodding towards our apartment's parking spot. "Check that out."
My mouth opened in amazement as I glanced over at the parking spot. Right next to Dave's old Mazda was the most jaw-dropping motorcycle I'd ever seen, shiny and new with an electric blue paint that almost seemed to glow. 
"Dave, what the fuck?" I turned to him, totally incredulous, and he laughed. "Did you buy this thing?" 
"I wish. That envelope came along. Maybe you should open it."
I popped the envelope open quickly, excited to crack this case, and my eyebrows shot up when I yanked out the motorcycle keys and a letter, with a handwriting I instantly recognized as my mother’s.
"Dear Eleanore, 
I hope you know that despite recent events, your dad and I care deeply about you. And of course, we couldn't forget your birthday! 
I must admit, I was a bit surprised to hear that you're living in Los Angeles instead of staying with your cousin. You know Long Beach is right around the corner, so your dad suggested that a decent ride would be an ideal birthday gift. 
Consider it a vote of trust after what happened last year. 
Enjoy your day! 
Clémence Burton 
p.s.: We heard you're living with your boyfriend. We hope to meet him soon."
"Check this out," I said, handing him the letter while I scooted over to get a closer look at my gift. Dave skimmed through the text in the letter, raising an eyebrow. 
"You're a spoiled little rich kid," he laughed, flicking the letter back at me. I caught it and rolled my eyes with a grin. "Your mom sounds kinda scary."
"That's just how she is. But don't stress over it," I replied. 
"It's kinda hard not to think about it all," he said, gazing at the motorcycle with a sort of longing look. "Damn, Nore. I knew your family had money, but..." 
"Yeah, they're loaded. But I'm not," I said, playfully. Dave rolled his eyes but smirked. 
"If my mom was packing cash, I'd be hittin' her up for way more than your basic allowance every month. You've got any clue how many drugs you could score with the price of this bike?" 
I scoffed, my face getting a bit warm. It was sweet to get a gift like that, no doubt, but even though my parents had money, I wasn't too keen on relying on it. I learned early on that taking their money meant taking their rules, and that wasn't something I wanted anymore.
"Let's go back inside," I changed the subject, grabbing Dave's hand. He laced his fingers with mine, the warmth of his skin helping to shake off some of the frustration that talking about my parents always stirred up. We went back up the stairs to our apartment.
"Can I get a killer bike like that for my birthday?" he blurted out, and I laughed. 
"Isn't your birthday kinda far off?" I quipped as we reentered the apartment. I watched as he grabbed his leather jacket and house keys. “You headed out?“
"Yeah, but I won't be gone long," he grinned and planted a small kiss on my forehead. "Got some deliveries to make. Be ready for your surprise when I'm back, cool? We're going out at five."
“Do I need to wear something specific?” I tried to squeeze a hint about his scheme out of him, but he just grinned back, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. 
"Nah, just look stunning. I mean, that's a given with you, anyway," he cupped my face in his hands, planting a bunch of small kisses on my lips and making me giggle. "See you in a bit." 
"Later, Dave."
Dave left, and I focused on clearing the breakfast table, nibbling on the leftover fruits as I stored the food and tidied up the dishes. Then I focused on picking the outfit I would wear to celebrate my birthday. I was on the hunt for my Motörhead tee in the pile of shirts at the end of the bed when I heard the phone ring and rushed to answer it.
"Hey, Nore."
"Cliff?? " I asked, stunned, a mixed bag of feelings flooding in as I heard his voice. I missed him, because we hadn't been talking for weeks. I was angry, too, because there was one very obvious reason why we weren't talking; I hadn't exactly worked through the sting of Dave being kicked out yet. And even if I wasn't ready to admit it, I was stoked to hear Cliff's voice again. To know he was there. "How'd you even know my number?" I finally managed to ask. He let out a sigh.
"It ain't rocket science when you've given your address to my mom... I can't believe you're living with Dave." 
My cheeks warmed up.
"Yeah, he asked and I... I didn't think it would be a problem."
“Your mom’s pissed, you know?” 
“Yeah. I figured. But you know I don't care.”
He let out a soft chuckle.
"Happy birthday, by the way," he said.
"Oh, thanks," 
"Do you want to chat with Lars and James? They wanted to wish you a happy birthday too."
I paused. The way Cliff spoke, it was almost like the past few weeks of silence because of Dave hadn't happened. I could never hold a grudge against him for too long, but being upset with Lars and James was a new experience for me. It was kind of confusing, especially after that call from James a few weeks back. I admit I tried not to dwell on it — the desire and longing I had heard in his voice that night, the way he seemed genuinely distressed not to have me around. 
I definitely wasn't ready to deal with that.
"I think I'll pass for now," I said quickly. "It's just that..."
"You’re still pissed off at us?" Cliff's tone carried a tinge of disappointment.
"It's not exactly that. It's just... complicated. But please tell them I appreciate it."
"Alright. Will you be around when I'm back?"
I hesitated, but who was I kidding? Despite all the trouble with Dave and the guys, I couldn't really stay away from Cliff.
"Yeah, sure," I said, a small smile involuntarily creeping onto my lips.
"See you then."
"Later, Cliff."
Dave showed up right at five to pick me up for the birthday surprise. I was in the middle of fixing my outfit when the jingle of keys at the door hit my ears. Soon enough, he showed up, casually leaning against the bathroom door frame.
"Hey, babe. You look hot," he said, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
"Hi," I finished fixing my hair and turned to face him with a smile. "I'm all set. So, are you gonna spill the beans on where we're headed?" 
"Patience, my dear. You'll know soon enough. Ready to roll?"
I followed him to the car, sneakily studying his expression for any clues about what was in store, but he just shot me a knowing smile as we cruised out of the apartment parking lot.
"Why are you staring at me?" he smirked.
"Just curious. You gonna let me in on the secret plan?" 
"Guess patience isn't your strongest suit, huh?" he chuckled, and I playfully rolled my eyes.
At last, we pulled up to a spot where a line of cars had already formed for parking. I looked at the scene curiously, letting out a soft chuckle when Dave used one hand to cover my eyes. 
"Dave, what's the deal?" 
"Just keep 'em shut, alright? Trust me, it's gonna be worth it."
I followed his lead, even though my curiosity was on the brink. I waited, a smirk tugging at my lips, while he kept driving and then deftly maneuvered the car. Finally, he parked, and I heard a rustling sound as he grabbed something from the back seat. I fought the urge to sneak a peek. 
"Alright, eyes open," he announced, and I obeyed, taking in the scene unfolding around me with a grin that just kept growing; we were in an open field, the sun dipping toward the horizon as cars settled around us. And right in front of us, a big screen stood, still turned off.
"A drive-in theater?" I exclaimed, my excitement evident. I looked over at Dave and noticed he had a bunch of snack packs and soda cans in his hands. 
"Well, you're a movie fan, right? Figured it'd be a cool idea," he handed me a bag of chips and a can of cola. 
"I love it," I grinned, reaching for his hand. "What's on the movie list?" 
"Indiana Jones. I know it's not exactly the most romantic choice, but it was the only flick playing today..." 
"Dave, you brought me to a drive-in on my birthday. That's pretty romantic in my book," I quipped with a soft laugh, and he smiled, pulling me a bit closer and planting a gentle kiss on my lips. "Plus, I like Indiana Jones," I added, and he chuckled.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, stars started to twinkle in the night sky, and the movie began. I tried my best to follow the storyline and enjoy the chips and soda Dave had considerately gotten, but I couldn't resist exchanging glances and grins with him. Before long, those glances turned into his hand finding my waist and pulling me close as I surrendered to his kisses, the movie almost entirely forgotten as we basked in each other's warmth.
I let myself stay in his embrace as the movie wrapped up and the credits rolled, a smile gracing my lips as I absentmindedly played with his hair, feeling a light flush in my cheeks as he gazed back at me.
"So, did you enjoy your day?" he asked softly.
"It was amazing. Thanks, Dave," I smiled.
"Hey, it's not over yet," he teased, and I let out a soft chuckle. Leaning over, he popped open the car compartment and retrieved a small package, handing it to me. My eyes fixed on the little box, and then I glanced up at him, intrigued. "Couldn't let the day go by without a little something." 
I opened the box, a warm feeling spreading through me as I caught sight of its contents: a silver necklace with a delicate blue stone pendant. Dave gently took the box from my hands, sweeping my hair aside to clasp the necklace around my neck. His fingers traced the curve of the chain, cradling the tiny stone in his palm before he looked at me with that familiar smile. 
"Reminded me of you when I saw it. Thought it'd suit you," he shared, and I chuckled softly. "Even if it's not quite as grand as that motorcycle..." 
"Shut up, Dave," I whispered, drawing him into a tender kiss. His laughter brushed against my lips, the kiss as easy and familiar as always. Pulling back, I met his gaze, my eyes locked with his as his hand cupped my chin. "I love it. Thank you." 
A soft smile curved his lips as his hand found mine, our fingers intertwining while I rested my head against his shoulder. I allowed myself to linger there, embracing the happiness I felt, the solace and comfort his presence brought, and how things had certainly changed for the better since the disaster of my last birthday.
I didn't know what the next year held for me, but I hoped it would be just like that day: brimming with happiness and peace, despite everything.
And with the boy I loved by my side.
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kays-kg-works · 1 year
General Update + ‘My Love, My Life’ Fic Announcement
Wanted to post a sort of update on my lack of activity as well as let anyone who used to follow my KakaGai fic series I was working on know what’s up with that. Putting everything below a cut to keep it from clogging up anyone’s dashboard, but the main points will be about this blog, my art, a little of what’s been keeping me away, and ‘My Love, My Life’.
Soooo obviously I haven’t been active almost at all on here, OR my side-blogs recently. A large part of that is due to all this health stuff I’ve had going on getting me down, but I’ve also recently started going back to school for the first time in seven years to continue pursuing my degree in 3D animation (currently taking 3 courses), and have two D&D campaigns I’m DMing for. Plus I think that for a while there I just lost my inspiration to write fic/draw fanart. Or to create in general, really.
I’ve still been hanging around, checking in from time to time, but overall I just haven’t really been motivated to work on any projects I had such big plans for. To the point where a lot of the ideas I’d had written down with the intention of writing them out or drawing at some point are now like, 2+ years old. I still love a great deal of the concepts, and would still really like to take the time to put them out there, but a couple things are starting to feel... not dated, necessarily, but I’ve had new thoughts.
That’s where we get to the stuff about my ‘My Love, My Life’ KakaGai fanfic series that I started... a little over three years ago now. And the last time I updated it was about 2 1/2 years ago. Since then, I’ve worked on it a little bit, but the next chapter isn’t even done. I’ve recently been going over the ‘outlines’ I had for what each chapter should be from start to finish (barely a few sentences for each in most cases) and found that...
I don’t really like the plot layout I had planned at the time anymore.
Not to say I’m gonna scrap it all - there were still some really cute ideas I had in there. But I’m looking to do... a full rework of the series from chapter seven (the one after the last published chapter) on. I’m talking about changing the number of chapters per fic, changing the titles I had planned for each chapter (thus changing the order of the playlist since every chapter is named after a song and I have new thoughts on that playlist’s contents). Possibly even changing the number of planned fics in the series.
As a bit of a peek into what that would mean at least for the first part, ‘All I Want’, I was originally planning on having that last 22 chapters and cover from Gai and Kakashi first meeting up to Rin’s death. It’s a lot of ground to cover in that amount of time, but I thought back then that it would be alright. I now think I either want to make it longer or split it up so the first fic is maybe from first meeting to Kakashi ending up on Minato’s team with Rin and Obito and the second part covering his time with that team up until some of the aftermath of Rin’s death?
That way, what was originally planned to be part 2, ‘Unravel’, would still start around the same place as I’d intended (Kakashi being considered for Anbu), while still giving me extra room to play around in the earlier parts of his life without having something that ends up being 50 chapters while every other part is like 20-25ish.
Yes this means that I am intending to continue the series. I know it’s been a long time, but I yet live (barely) and am not planning to ever truly give the series up. If I eventually find myself in my forties writing gay Naruto fanfic, so be it. I have a lot of love for the series, and for KakaGai as a ship still. It’s just a matter of reminding myself that every chapter doesn’t have to be perfect - it just has to be.
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kierancampire · 5 months
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So YT Music has been driving me crazy with 2 things.
1. It keeps only playing the same few songs from my playlist over and over, occasionally it will add a new one, but if I wanna listen to anything else I have to manually add it.
2. My playlist has nearly 1,500 songs, yet whenever I click shuffle it will only pull up around 30 songs, then randomly auto-play songs based on my likes/listening, but like, not particularly from my playlist, it can be any song ever, it just plays random crap.
After going crazy with both these issues I found out the only way around this, for some reason, is to have nothing currently playing, then clicking "Play next" on the album, then it will load my entire playlist and let me listen to it. But this creates an issue in itself, besides being tedious. So obviously it will play the first song in the playlist every single time, which is this one, and like, one of my big issues was there there are so many songs I no longer listen to (funnily enough this being one of them) due to the fact that any time I click shuffle on YT Music, it always begins that playlist with 1 of 10 songs, which yes, this is one, and I got so fucking sick of hearing them/the intros that I just can't listen to them anymore, it's like having my neighbour in my playlist. But now, while that has technically potentially stopped that issue for almost all the songs in my playlist (no idea if shuffle will still favour a select few and not be completely random), that means any time I want to hear my full playlist and not the same 30 songs, it's literally always going to start with this one. It's destroying this song because I'm gonna hear it every time I want to listen to music (for some reason another issue with YT Music is it'll randomly close playlists and make me lose what I was listening to when I close the app, so randomly I'll need to restart the playlist).
And I'm not switching services as YT Music is the only one that has all my music on it and I am not redoing it all on another platform, plus if I am paying for YT Premium either way, I can't/am not paying for another streaming service for music. What's frustrating is it never had any of these issues before, YT Music used to work fine! It never randomly closed playlists, it played all the songs, it randomly played any and all songs, it would actually play the song it showed (recently it shows one song but plays something completely different), if I accidentally opened YT Music but closed it as I didn't need it, that was fine, now when I open it, if I don't play at least one song it glitches and closes my playlist every time. Like it's just issue after issue! It worked fine, I dunno what they did to fuck it so bad! Now it seems like sacrificing this one song is my only way to stop multiple issues!
Also, as I am venting about this shit app anyway. The *AMOUNT* of times I have been listening to a playlist and had set up a bunch of songs I love/to fit a mood and wanted to play them, but wanted to manually add either one more song, or a few more songs, just particular songs I wanted to listen to in that moment to fit the mood. But it's the tiniest fucking dots and instead of clicking the dots, my finger is apparently a single nanoparticle off centre, so it opens the song, and then all that time and effort setting up that playlist and all those songs I wanted to listen to are lost and gone, as it opens that song and creates a new playlist based on that song I accidentally clicked. My god it happens so fucking much. I wish the dots were bigger or the system was different.
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yami-writes · 3 years
if your asks are open & my request isn't too much. could you write a secret relationship one shot with mina & a skater fem! reader? so like the bakusquad wants to have a movie night, but like mina declines since girly had a date with her cute skatergirl planned on that day already & like she snitches out to the date & like both of them snitch into minas room later & cuddle & kiss, reader on her lap clinging like a fucking koala on her & how her classmates would find out, react. please my bisexual ass needs more girlxgirl content here, espacially with the mha girls 😔✊
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(✨) paring(s) — Ashido x fem!skater!reader  (⚠️) warning(s) — none! (🔖) word count — 2.3k (💌) yami's note — yuhh fr tho 🤧 we need more mha girls but dw i gotchu 😌✨ 
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“What? Why?” Kirishima questioned, poking his head out from behind Bakugo, “We’ve been planning this for weeks! You can't just flunk on us like this!!” Kaminari exclaimed, causing Mina to rethink the amount of time that went into tonight's now somewhat ruined plans “Aha~ yeah... sorry about that guys. Maybe another time.” she scratched the back of her head. 
Mina was about to leave before being stopped by a hard grip on her wrist “Oi, raccoon eyes. You better have a good excuse for this.” Bakugo glared, his crimson eyes almost seemed as if they could pierce holes in her soul. ‘Why does Bakugo of all people care!?’ She fumbled on her words, trying to find a reasonable excuse that would reward her the get-out-of-jail-free card without spilling the beans on anything private. “Uh- well- I uhm…” 
“Bakugo, leave her alone. Forcing yourself into her business isn’t very manly of you.” Kirishima chimed, ‘Right before I was about to get blown to bits! Thanks, Kirishima!’ Mina sighed in her head, before checking the time. 2:54pm. She promised to meet her date at 3pm.
Before anyone knew it, Mina was dashing down to the common room and out the door, almost appearing as a pink blur to everyone around her.
“Wha-what was that??” “I think that was Mina~” “Where is she going that fast!?” “I don't know,,”  “Mina’s fast but I didn't think she would be able to pull off those kinds of speeds.” the class-A girls conversed, wondering in concern what's got Mina in such a rush.
“Shit! I'm gonna be late! This isn't even the first time!!” Mina panicked, still racing over to the park the two of you had planned to meet at. 
Mina recalled the time she came almost 20 minutes late to a date because she didn't know what to wear, digging through her closet to find something she thought you would like. Dresses, skirts, sweaters, shorts, jeans, you name it, she probably tried it. 
To say the least, Mina was nervous. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Mina continued to race towards the park she had agreed to meet at. Her pace began to slow as her stamina got closer to reaching its limit. “Hey, Mina!!” she heard a familiar voice call out. “Y/n!! Hi!” huffed out as she came to a stop. Mina took a moment to gather her breath, her hands on her knees as she pants. “Did you seriously run all the way here from your dorm?” y/n questioned after a minute of silence.
“Of course I did! I didn’t want to be late,,, again.” 
“You’re a riot.” 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The weather outside was nice and the view the park offered was wonderful. Flowers of all sorts bloomed on the flowerbeds. Mina could see daffodils, tulips, alliums, sunflowers, all of different colours. The clouds created gorgeous patterns in the sky, larger ones blocking out the sun and giving the area a slightly darker atmosphere, nobody seemed to mind though. Trees shaded parts of the park, most of the adults seemed to linger around there, watching the children play together. 
Mina and y/n took a seat at one of the benches that was shaded by a tall and broad tree, the smell of nature flowing around it, their hands intertwined. Mina wasn’t the best in some compartments, but one thing she is good at is conversation. It's hard to find a dull moment with her, maybe that’s why people like being around her so much. y/n definitely wasn’t at her level when it came to social skills but the conversations between them flowed so effortlessly, the two of them just seemed to click in the best way possible. Two puzzle pieces that were meant to be together, created to be together. 
“Hey! Mina, look!!” y/n pointed to an ice cream parlor across the park, a small line of children with their parent’s 5 dollar bills in their hands  “Let’s get popsicles!” 
“Sure! Last one there has to pay!!” Mina ran off towards the parler.
“Hey-! No fair!!” y/n ran after her, taking an extra moment to pick up her skateboard, the thought of riding it to pass Mina not crossing her mind. Mina was a fast runner, most of the men in her class not able to compete without their quirks, same thing goes for y/n. It was possible her skateboard wouldn’t even be able to put up a rewarding fight. 
Mina waited by the parler, almost mockingly stretching her arms as she waited for her date to catch up. “Took you long enough~!” Mina giggled
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” y/n got out a $15 bill from her pocket before immediately having it taken from her hands. “I was joking! Let me pay instead!” Mina pleaded “I wanna make it up to you for coming late,”
“Babes, you were a minute late..” 
“I made you wait an extra minute!! And what about all those other times I-” Mina was cut off by the Parler man clearing his throat to get their attention. She shoved her money onto the counter before ordering y/n’s favourite flavor and a strawberry popsicle for herself. The Parler man took the money before opening  his parler and handing them the requested flavoured popsicles. 
“Thanks, sir!” Mina chirps before taking y/n’s hand, bringing her back to the bench the two of them were sitting at before. The two of them unwrapped their cold treats, enjoying and sharing them with each other. 
Conversation continued to flow between the two, time quickly passing by. Parents began taking their children home, young adults began walking home from their jobs, the city seemed alive. 
Wind blew on the three branches of the park, a chill starting to coat the air. 
“It’s probably gonna get cold soon, maybe we should get inside.” y/n proposed
“Yeah... Hey! You should come to the dorms!” Mina was quick to suggest, she’s always wanted to bring y/n to her room. The idea of having y/n close to her body, sharing snacks and watching funny videos on instagram always brought warmth to her heart. The idea of getting caught never really crossed her mind. 
“Are you sure? Your classmates are definitely gonna find out.” 
“No they won’t, I promise!”
“Mina, they’re heroes-in-training…” 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
When mina was set on a decision, it was hard to get her to settle for something else, that’s something y/n’s learned many times. Mina dragged her partner to the UA dorm buildings, planning out loud what they could do together. Face masks, tiktoks, nails, and dancing are only a few of the activities that came into question. 
“I like the sound of face masks, I've been needing one for a while, my acne’s been acting up.” y/n groaned. “Dancing also sounds pretty fun, do you have any new playlists?” 
“I always have new playlists! Plus, Jirou recommended me some new songs the other day, her music taste actually isn’t that bad,” Mina giggled, “For a goth, that is.” y/n laughed at her comment. 
Mina talked about her classmates often, sometimes even gossiping about them. She never said anything hurtful, though, it was usually just a few mentions after finding something that reminded her of them. She once found a icyhot packet in the store and went on about this hot and talented guy in her class, a frog jumping around near a pond caused her to ramble on about her friend Tsu, and the taste of a tea served to her at a cafe reminded her of the tea her friend Momo would serve at the tutor sessions she hosted. 
Soon enough, the couple was standing in front of Heights Alliance, preparing a plan to get inside without being noticed. “Everyone’s usually elsewhere at this time, probably in their rooms or off training or something~” Mina opens the door to the building, “We should be good.” 
Mina peeps her head inside, making sure no one was in the common room before she proceeded. She motioned for y/n to come inside, before walking further inside the building. “C’mon, my room is this way!” Mina took y/n’s hand, passing by the common room and to the elevator. y/n couldn’t help but look around, she had never been in the Dormitories until this point, it was much nicer, and bigger, than she expected. The elevator ride was quiet, the fear of having classmates hear them while they continued their loud conversation through the halls on their minds. 
The elevator stopped at the selected floor, Mina took y/n’s hand again before leading her to their destination just around the corner. “Here is it! Come on in!” Mina smiled before unlocking and opening her room door. 
“Oh wow, so… pink.” y/n gasped “Yeah!! Do you like it?” 
“Of course I do! Your whole room just reminds me of you, I love it!” y/n wrapped her hands around her date “And I love you too!”
“I love you more!!” Mina giggled, returning the hug. Her embrace was warm, warmer than one might expect, that might be the result of such a pure heart. 
“Whatcha wanna do? I have a bunch of stuff here,” Mina pulls out a box from under her bed and begins to dig through it, “I have face masks and beauty supplies here, snacks and candy hidden around my room, we could also watch some movies or find a show to binge!” 
“Face masks are a good idea, and I’m down to watch a movie while we wait for them to dry.” y/n gets down beside her on the ground, watching her sift through her box of stuff.
“Awesome! What movie should we watch? I have a bunch of DVD’s on my shelf but we could always find something on Netflix. Oh and pick your favourite face mask!” Mina presented about 12 different face masks for y/n to choose from. 
“Oh~ I like that one! It’s my favourite colour, and it has a nice scent.” y/n picked up the f/c bottle, reading the labels on the back and admiring the smell emitting from it. “Nice choice! I’ll go with this one!” Mina holds up a pink, sparkly bottle with grapefruits and strawberries on the front. “This one’s my favourite, I use it all the time!” 
“I can see why,” y/n laughs, Mina joining in. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The two of them sat comfortably on Mina’s bed, y/n on her lap and arms wrapped around her. A movie the couple had agreed on plays in front of them on Mina’s laptop as they wait for their face masks to dry, sharing candy she had hid around her room. Mina occasionally placed soft kisses on y/n’s cheeks, jaw and neck, it was her favourite thing to do in this position. While Mina enjoyed receiving affection, she seemed to love giving affection even more.
Soon enough, the movie ended and credits began to roll, giving y/n and Mina a moment to stretch after sitting in one position for over an hour. “That was a good movie.” y/n said between stretches. “Yeah, I’m gonna recommend it to Hagakure, she’s been looking for good movies to watch lately.” Mina got out her phone to check the time, “We still have a few hours, wanna watch another one while we wait for our nails to dry?”
“We’re gonna do nails too?”
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Uhm i’m not sure how to continue and end this so i’ll do HCs for this part LMAOO
I gotta get better at writing smh 
Anyways, after Mina took you to her dorm for the first time you started coming over more often
The two of you always have a shitton of fun when you do
Not like you ever not have fun with Mina 
Although this one time was different~ 
Your skateboard had dirt and mud on it from riding after a storm, so you had left it by the door to avoid tracking any of it in Mina’s room 
But it so happened Denki was walking by and found it in the hallway floor 
And seeing it was outside Mina’s door he decided to not knock and ask if it was hers
He caught yall cuddling while binging your favourite anime 
“Yo, Mina, is this skateboard you-”
He went 👁️👄👁️
After an eternity a few seconds of pure silence Denki’s like BHJNBHJVHJ WHO’S THAT???? AND WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE TO THEM-??/?????
Mina sighs and explains the whole thing about how yall have been dating in secret and going on dates and stuff
The look on the boy’s face was literally surprised pikachu 
Mina asked him to keep a secret but c'mon now we all know Mr. Kaminari cannot keep a secret for the life of him👩🏾‍🦯 big mouth headass
He told everyone. 
the look on Mina’s face when Sero brought up her secret girlfriend the next day was priceless
“Denki told me.” 
Denki: *choke* 
He knows he’s ‘bouta get his ass beat.
As for reactions, they’re mainly looking pretty positive ✨
Denki, kirishima, bakugou and sero are the first people to find out, and probably one of the only people Mina talks about you to besides the other class a girls
They’re happy for her (although bakuhoe wouldn’t admit it- he pretends he don’t care but c'mon we know better than that), and definitely wanna meet you sometime soon 
All the class A girls and basically screaming 
Cuz like- wHAT
How could Mina keep such a big secret grrrrr >:((
She ends up bringing you and the rest of the girls to her room to meet you
Expect expect like 30 questions from each of them about various different topics that may or may not matter
Remember the boys who didn't care about seeing the girl’s rooms in that one episode? Yea this squad is still on their shit🧘🏾‍♀️
Okay well they do care, just not as much dnjskbjdkn
Sato would bake you a yummy cupcake! 
You ain’t neva eating something that delicious ever again just sayin~ 
Everyone else would silently wish to meet you one day 
Tenya is probably the only person you should look out for
if you don’t have Aizawa’s permission to be on campus he probably won’t let you inside🖐🏾
aizawa don’t care tho so getting permission isn’t a problem 
Overall, 1-A’s reaction to Mina’s girlfriend is pretty positive! 😗✌🏾
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agustdef · 3 years
That Couple
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Pairing: Yugyeom x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.9k
Warning: Mildly suggestive behavior. 
Rating: PG-13
My Lovely Beta: @hobeemin​
A/N: This is going to turn into a oneshot series. So... look out for that. LOL
“If you make me run through this again, we’re going to have a problem,” YN said right as Ariana Grande’s Positions began to play through the speakers.
The dancers behind her all nodded, but it was in the way they began dancing to the song that told her that they truly heard her. Every move was what it should have been with everyone’s own flair. They all moved where they should when they should and didn’t lose energy at any point as they performed. At a certain point, she stopped focusing on them and focused on herself as she danced with them.
Watching yourself through a mirror was a weird out of body experience, but over the years YN had gotten used to it and managed not to focus too much on her face as she watched. The mask that she wore also helped her out a great deal with the temptation that arose sometimes. Plus, she wanted to see if she herself was on par with what she expected from the others.
All that focus made the song pass quickly and then brought on the collapse of everyone, except her, onto the floor.
“And to think if you’d just done that six run throughs ago you’d already be off living your lives,” YN joked.
That earned some groans and curses from the girls, but they knew she was right. She’d only wanted about two hours to run through their performance for an upcoming concert and they’d done well until they got to Positions which was why she’d had them go over it more times than anything else. 
They probably hated her a little, but she wanted to ensure they were prepared. A K-Pop group’s first concert was one to remember for everyone and could change how people saw them if they gave great performances or phoned it in. And having worked with many groups that ended up disbanding or not reaching the heights they could always made YN work harder to ensure the next group or artist did as well as they could. 
And she thought that the girls she was working with were capable of greatness. Even as they crawled across the floor to grab their towels and water bottles.
YN smiled. “We’re done for the day, but I want y’all to do another run through before the day is over and twice tomorrow. Don’t repeat things, just go through the whole setlist to ensure that you have it. I know a lot of this is new choreography, so it takes a bit to sink in. But you’re doing really well.”
That seemed to give them a bit more energy and after a few more minutes of pulling it together, they packed up their things and left with promises to do as they were told. And with them and their managers gone it left YN on her own in the studio.
She didn’t mind it much and was happy to get some time to herself before she had other things to do. Especially since it had been so long since she’d had a moment to dance because she wanted to be silly for over a month. Work was a lot and she either created for someone else, taught, or danced in the background for something. By no means did she see that as a bad thing, because three years prior twenty-six-year-old Lisa struggled to keep consistent work, but it was all so tiring. By the end of most days, she ended up in bed or wanting to do anything but dance.
So, with her little window of time, she decided that was the time. YN redid the ponytail because she’d sweated and her hair got bigger, downed some water, and reapplied lotion to her elbows. The things were a darker brown than the rest of her from how often she hit them or did a move that had her pressing them into the floor. It was annoying, but not the end of the world.
Once ready she put her playlist on shuffle, turned the volume up, and got to it.
The first few songs were slower, which meant she had to adapt from all the more intense moves she’d done earlier. She was intentional and fluid with her moves, finding herself wrapped up in the music and truly just vibing. So, into it and watching herself that she ended up ripping off her mask and throwing it to the side, not even bothered by the sudden view of her full face.
However, despite the way those songs made her feel it wasn’t enough. YN needed more. She needed something that hit hard or something that allowed her to be a bit freer with what she was doing, so she stopped dancing and switched playlists to something that lacked the slower tempo songs. And the first song out of the gate rewarded her.
Ciara’s Goodies played and she danced the routine she’d learned as a kid for competitions. It was the first one she’d been allowed to choreograph herself and it had gotten her a high mark. Plus, it was just fun to fall back into something she knew so very well and thought was funny as hell.
From there it was more upbeat songs that she’d performed in the past or didn’t have a routine at all. It was just her moving however she wanted and she lived for it. 
About five songs into her second playlist the door to the room opened and she almost stopped until she noticed that it was just Monster Woo and his crew of dancers plus a few friends. She simply nodded at him and continued what she was doing. None of them interrupted her, in fact, they shouted greetings and cheered her on as she went.
Until Megan Thee Stallion’s Circles came on and then as if they’d practiced for that moment two of them - friends of hers - joined in to perform the dance they’d worked on the week the song had been dropped. It wasn’t something they taught or performed ever, just something that they did for fun.
YN was so into it and having so much fun that she didn’t notice more people enter the room, let alone who was amongst those people.
And she continued to not notice as the song ended because as each new one came on there was a different set of people joining her to dance along to them. Until Bruno Mar and Anderson .Paak’s Leave The Door Open came on and then they left her there. She hadn’t met with any of them to dance to it and though they seemed to move off to the side to do something they had they left her front and center.
The song had been her love for two weeks and though her first dance moves alongside it had been a slow dance with her boyfriend, they both came up with something for it together later so that’s what she went with but solo.
Sensual and smooth was what the song was, so she matched that and found an easy groove in it. She was so into it that she barely looked into the mirror and almost missed the approach of someone behind her. However, she saw a hat fly and her gaze met theirs in the mirror.
He saw her the moment she noticed him and smiled, something she returned despite her still dancing along. Not that he left her alone for long, just as the last line of the pre-chorus hit his arms were wrapped around her waist and he helped her spin to face him. 
Though YN felt a flutter in her stomach as she looked up at him and wanted to stay there for a while longer she didn’t. They moved into the next moves with ease and danced what they’d come up with in perfect harmony. Albeit while probably being a little too intimate with the moves.
Not that anyone complained.
“Get it Yugyeom!”
“Yes, YN! Yes.”
And other encouragements were yelled out as they danced and even after they finished. 
YN was used to them being like that when she did anything remotely sexy, especially when Monster Woo was in the area. The man enjoyed trying to make her blush and had succeeded a few times, though only usually when Yugyeom was present and dancing with her.
And that time was no different. The final position was similar to the move that Yugyeom had joined her with, but their faces were much closer. And since she could feel his breath on her face and could see the way he smiled at her she couldn’t help the way her cheeks burned. Though that kind of went out of the window once Yugyeom leaned down and kissed her lips. YN returned it with enthusiasm and only pulled away when she grew tired of the gagging noises.
After they were apart they moved to the side to let the others continue dancing to whatever played. Yugyeom laced their fingers together and didn’t let go even when they’d found a place to stand.
“I thought you would have been gone before we got here,” he said.
She shook her head. “No. Something got moved and so I don’t have anything until later and it’s just me recording the moves for another group plus a few errands.”
For a moment Yugyeom pouted, which was beyond cute, but it confused YN.
“What’s wrong?” 
“You left me alone in bed this morning. Didn’t even give me a kiss goodbye.”
The pouting intensified after that and YN laughed, throwing her head back a little. She’d been in a rush to get to work and he’d gotten to bed late so she’d let him sleep in. But she was being wrongly accused.
“Just because you weren’t awake for the kiss, does not mean the kiss didn’t happen. I gave your cute little lips multiple kisses before I left. You just didn’t wake up for any of them.”
That made him flustered, the pout vanishing as he fought down a smile and looked anywhere but at her. YN loved doing that to him, though she knew he would get his revenge on her later.
“That -” Yugyeom started only to be interrupted.
“So, you do have a thing for older women,” Jay Park said.
Just from hearing his voice, YN rolled her eyes, but then when she turned to face the little intruder she couldn’t help but do it again.
“It’s literally a two-year difference,” YN said.
Jay waved her off and focused on Yugyeom who’d gotten a little shyer about things when he was being confronted head on. It didn’t help that it was Jay and Loco who were staring him down.
“You could have just told us it was little YN, man. We know her. She’s cool people,” Loco said as he reached out to lightly poke YN’s cheek right where her dimple rested. A habit he’d gotten after he stopped gushing about how deep it was.
“I told you I was going to tell you at the end of the week. It’s not like I was keeping it a secret. We were just going to tell people outside of those who know at our own pace.”
“GOT7 knows? JYPE staff?” Jay asked.
Yugyeom nodded and that made Jay frown, but he didn’t say anything and before anyone could break the weird silence Blackpink’s Pretty Savage came on, and just like that YN was gone to dance again.
That left Yugyeom watching on again and YN threw him a wink every so often since they’d changed the choreography up quite a bit and that left for more sensual moves. 
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Practicing Witchcraft in Secret
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I love things that are traditionally “witchy.” I love dressing candles with herbs. I love setting things on fire. I love making poppets and charms. But not everyone is able to be so obvious in their craft. For various reasons, some witches choose to be secretive about their magical practice.
Why Would You Want to Keep It a Secret?
Historically, witches kept their practice a secret because it wasn’t safe to be open about their beliefs. In the late middle ages, the Catholic Church began to actively persecute witchcraft, herbal medicine, and folk spirituality with the publication of “witch hunting guides” like the Malleus Maleficarum. This witch hunting fervor would continue even after the Protestant Reformation, with some of the most famous witch hunts (such as the Salem trials) carried out by Protestants.
It is important to remember that the witch hunts were political at their heart and that very few of the people executed for witchcraft were what we would recognize today as witches. They were mostly women, poor folks, or members of ethnic or religious minorities. But even so, the danger of being accused of witchcraft and/or devil worship drove many medieval witches, herbalists, and pagans to hide their practice.
The United States experienced a modern witch hunt of sorts in the 1980s with the “Satanic Panic.” We still don’t entirely understand what caused this cultural phenomenon, but what we do know is that it resulted in widespread paranoia about devil worship. Anything that could be misconstrued as “satanic” was shunned or outright persecuted, from Dungeons & Dragons to heavy metal music to nature-based religions like Wicca — and, yes, witchcraft. People who had been comfortably open about their spirituality suddenly found themselves practicing behind closed doors. If you’re over 30, you may remember this. If you’re under 30, the Satanic Panic probably shaped how your parents view witchcraft and paganism, and they may still be grossly misinformed as a result.
Even today, a lot of witches choose to keep their practice a secret because it would be unsafe or uncomfortable to go public. Many witches have family members, friends, or coworkers who would be uncomfortable if they knew about their witchcraft, and may even choose to end the relationship because of it. Some witches live in culturally Christian areas where it might be harder for them to get jobs or make friends if they were openly self-identifying as a witch. Some of us live in places where an outdoor ritual could get the cops called on us, or have missionaries showing up to save our souls.
On the other hand, some witches just like privacy. You may feel like your spirituality is nobody’s business but yours, and for that reason you may prefer to do witchcraft in a way that is more subtle and secretive. Desire for privacy is a perfectly valid reason to stay “in the broom closet.”
There are also some magical traditions that require members to swear a vow of secrecy and to keep the group’s secrets. However, these traditions usually require an in-person initiation, so I won’t be discussing them here.
Inconspicuous Witchcraft
If you haven’t read my posts about magical journaling and kitchen magic, I highly recommend you check them out. Those are two forms of magic that are very easy to practice discretely.
No matter what your reason for keeping your practice a secret, here are a few tips for making magic without drawing attention.
Use scented candles. Candle magic is one of the easiest and most versatile forms of spellwork, and all it requires is a candle and your intention. Scented candles are perfect for undercover witches because, rather than adding herbs and oils, you can simply buy a scent that matches your intention. (For example, a vanilla candle is great for love, while a pumpkin spice scent will attract wealth.) Plus, they’re so commonplace that no one will think twice about seeing one in your bedroom or on your desk at work. If you’re a purist and want to make sure you’re using real plant materials, you can get all natural candles scented with essential oils — but lots of witches use artificial scents and get good results, so don’t feel like you have to go with the more expensive option.
Diffuse essential oils. Essential oils contain the concentrated essence of a plant, which makes them a must-have tool for witches. Essential oils are also extremely popular right now, both for holistic healing and for aromatherapy, so you definitely won’t attract any negative attention for using them. You can get a good essential oil diffuser for under $20 online. Some brands overcharge for their oils, but you can find good quality oils for under $10. When choosing an essential oil, look at the magical correspondences for the plant it is made from. You can diffuse oils to infuse your space with their energy, similar to the way you would use incense.
Enchant your perfume. You can choose a perfume to match your intention or make your own custom perfume by mixing essential oils in a carrier oil. Focus on your intention as you spray the perfume, letting it infuse your energy field with magic. You can also buy magical perfume blends from witch-owned businesses online or on Etsy.
Learn shufflemancy. “Shufflemancy” is a modern form of divination that is done by putting a playlist on shuffle — whatever song plays first contains an intuitive message for you, either in the lyrics or in how it makes you feel. You can find playlists specifically made for divination by Googling “shufflemancy playlist,” or you can make your own by compiling a playlist of songs from different genres that deal with different topics. Just be sure to keep it diverse — if your playlist only has love songs on it, you might not get very helpful messages if you have a question about your career.
Learn bibliomancy. This divination method is similar to shufflemancy, but much older. Bibliomancy is done by asking your question while holding a book, focusing on your question while connecting with the book’s energy, and then opening it to a random page. There is a long, long tradition within Christianity of doing this with the Bible — if you feel connected to a certain sacred text, you could use it for bibliomancy. You could also use a book of poetry, a novel, or even a dictionary. However, I think it’s important to use a book you feel a connection to, rather than something randomly grabbed off the shelf.
Use Pinterest and Spotify as manifestation tools. You may have heard of vision boards, a tool used to manifest something by creating a detailed collection of images that match your intention. Pinterest boards are already essentially virtual vision boards, and creating one with focused intent can be a spell by itself. Likewise, you can use Spotify playlists for manifestation. To do this, create a playlist of songs that match your intention (songs about money or love, for example) and listen to it while meditating on your desired outcome.
Choose your outfits with intention. You can pick clothes based on color correspondences (see this post for a guide to color magic), the material they are made from (a wool sweater vs. a cotton T-shirt), or some other symbolism. For example, if you want to feel empowered, you might wear leopard print to channel the energy of a fierce predator.
Enchant a piece of jewelry for a specific purpose. You can choose your jewelry based on the correspondence of the metal or gemstones it is made from, make your own piece, or use whatever you already have on hand. You can enchant this jewelry by passing it over the flame of a candle or through the vapor of an essential oil diffuser. State what purpose you want this charm to serve, either out loud or in your mind. Wear this jewelry whenever you need to tap into that energy, and make sure to cleanse it often.
Create magical art. If you want to manifest something, draw or paint a picture of it. You don’t have to be a skilled artist — what matters is that you are taking your mental image of what you want and bringing it into the physical world. Fold up the picture and keep it in your pillow, or in some other special place. Likewise, if you want to banish something, draw or paint a picture of it and then rip it into little pieces and throw it out. This ritual allows you to purge yourself of the negative emotions tied to the thing you are banishing.
Take a magical bath. We rarely have more privacy than when we’re in the tub. Taking a bath is already a ritual of sorts, and it’s easy to add magic. You can, of course, make magical bath salts by mixing essential oils into Epsom salt, but you can also create bath spells with household objects. For example, a bath with salt and vinegar will clear up nasty energy, while adding milk to your bath will attract love and abundance.
Practicing in secret does not have to mean a less deep or well-rounded practice. There are lots of magical acts that can be done subtly or kept private. The suggestions in this post are by no means exhaustive, and I hope they will give you some ideas for other ways to fill your life with undercover magic.
“Introduction” from The Malleus Maleficarum at http://www.malleusmaleficarum.org
The Fat Feminist Witch podcast, “Episode 34 — Witches, Midwives, and Doulas”
“Most witches are women, because witch hunts were all about persecuting the powerless” by Bridget Marshall for The Conversation
New World Witchery podcast, “Episode 118 — The Satanic Panic”
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youth | tsukishima kei x reader
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characters: childhood friend!tsukishima kei x g/n!reader
genre/warnings: fluff, a tiny crumb of angst, typical unrequited love EXCEPT IT’S NOT UNREQUITED, maybe crack if you really squint, no warnings except maybe cussing? anyways they slow dance in a playground 💞
words: 2.4k
summary: you and tsukishima are on a late-night snack run when you pass by the playground where you met as kids. together, you reminisce about childhood memories, make a few realizations, and make plans to fulfill an old promise.
notes: listen to youth by troye sivan while reading if you’d like. also, i tried to make the reader gender-neutral, hopefully i didn’t accidentally miss something
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The sound of distant traffic and rustling leaves filled your ears as you and Tsukishima walked home from your trip to the nearby 24-hour convenience store. The snack packaging crinkled in the plastic bag he carried, and your footsteps fell into a comfortable rhythm beside him. The orange gleam of the streetlamps created tall shadows of your silhouettes, stretching across the pavement in front of you. Turning your head, you recognized the familiar metal railings of the old playground you visited countless times as children.
You tugged at his sleeve to stop him and pointed to the entrance. 
“Do you remember when we used to come here all the time? Let’s go sit for a while, I don’t feel like going home yet.”
“Suit yourself. It’s cold, I’m going home,” he responded, a scowl on his face. He hands you the bag and continues walking.
“Hmm, I bet you just want to leave so you can go text your crush. Your mom would be pissed if she found out that you left me out here alone at this hour, though. Auntie loves me like I’m her own child, you know that” you called out, grinning mischievously. 
He stops in his tracks. “____, are you threatening me?”
“Nope,” you replied in a sly tone. “I’m just a master of persuasion.” You don’t wait for him to reply and started cheerfully towards the swings, knowing he would follow you. You grinned even wider when you hear his strides coming closer.
You couldn’t see it, but a ghost of a smile softened his expression as he trailed behind you.
“You’re annoying,” he muttered. 
Fine, whatever. As long as it makes you happy.
You set down the plastic bag next to the swings and nudged his shoulder as he approached you. “Look, I’ll treat you to a hot drink to make it up to you. There’s a vending machine over there, what do you want?”
“Coffee’s good.”
As you hurried over to the machine, he gazed at your retreating figure illuminated by the dim glow emitting from behind the glass. He chuckled as you propped your chin on your hand, carefully pondering the options before you.
Your eyes flitted over the labels before finally settling on what to get for yourself. 
Milk tea it is.
You returned, tossing him his coffee which he caught effortlessly. 
He met your eyes with an amused look. “Took you long enough.”
“Hey, it was a difficult decision!” 
You plopped down on the swing next to him and popped open the tab on your own drink.
You swayed back and forth, tracing circles in the gravel with your foot as you and Tsukishima recounted your childhood antics. Breaths rise in puffs as you nursed your drinks.
“Sometimes I wish we could be kids again. We didn’t have anything to worry about…”
He hummed in agreement. You snuck a glance at his handsome features. Moonlight reflected off his glasses as he sipped from his can and you felt your cheeks burn when you realized you were staring at his lips.
And I didn’t have to hide anything from you. Especially not my feelings. I didn’t need to suppress my jealousy when girls asked you for “help” on solving problem sets, or when you brought up your crush. I didn’t have to act like I wasn’t sulking when you received other people’s chocolates on Valentine’s Day. I didn’t have to worry about ruining our friendship.
You quickly caught yourself and shook it off, putting a plastic smile on your face. “…I want to go back and relive it again,” you continued.
He quirked an eyebrow. “You sure? What about the time you tried to play hero when Yamaguchi was getting bullied, and then you ended up twisting your ankle?”
“I didn’t expect those boys to actually fight back. Plus, they were nearly twice my size, I didn’t think they would be that low,” you huffed.
“Who knows what would have happened if I wasn’t there.” 
“Luckily, my knight in shining armour came to the rescue,” you giggled, recalling how he had to carry you home on his back. “Anyways, if that didn’t happen, then we wouldn’t have become the Three Musketeers.”
“Dude, stop calling us that, it’s embarrassing.”
“The point is, as far as I know, all my memories with you guys are good memories.”
Tsukishima felt a smile tug on the corners of his lips yet tried hard to conceal how happy that made him feel.
“You’re such a sap. That’s because for the last ten years, I was constantly saving your ass and cleaning up after your messes,” he scoffed.
But I don’t think I’d mind doing that for another ten years. Or twenty.
You noticed faint music coming from his earbuds and perked up.
“Hey, you’re using the earbuds I got you for Christmas!”
“Of course, dumbass. What else would I do with them?”
“I still think you seem cooler with headphones but at least now no one gets to call you broke,” you joked.
He winced. “Isn’t that a dead meme? Also, they’re convenient and I like how they’re wireless.”
You just beamed at him.
He loved how pleased you get over the smallest things. He loved how your eyes became crescents when you smiled. He loved how easy it was to read you. Your emotions were always written on your face and you never made him guess.
God, I’m whipped. 
You finished your drink and placed it on the ground. “So, what are you listening to?” You reached over to take an earbud and found a saccharine love song crooning in your ear. “I didn’t know you listened to stuff like this,” you teased. 
“That’s because I don’t. Did you forget that you were the one who added this to my playlist?”
“Excuses, excuses. Just admit it, it’s a good song.” You leapt up and made a move to pull him up. “Let’s dance.”
“The hell? No way, why would I?”
“Come on, there’s no one else here except us, and I really want to.” You gave him your best puppy eyes and begged. “Kei-chan…Please?”
Tsukishima felt his resolve weaken.
This is bad. Why is it so hard to say no?
“I told you already, drop the -chan,” he said, reluctantly letting you drag him away.
You wrapped his arms around your waist and looped yours around his neck. “Oops, I guess old habits die hard.” You looked up at him. “Kei.”
The tips of his ears tinged pink and he felt the back of his neck heat up.
Shit, shit, shit. Calm down, she only said your name. Stop freaking out.
“Hey, your neck feels really warm right now. Didn’t you say you were cold?”
“Shut up, that’s just because of your sweaty hands.”
“Deal with it.”
You gently swayed to the tune and closed your eyes, savouring the moment. 
He glanced down. The moon shined on you and accentuated your long eyelashes, cute nose, and rosy lips. A slight breeze swept over the two of you and your hair fluttered softly in the air before coming to a rest, framing your face once more.
When did this brat get so attractive?
He averted his eyes just in time before you noticed. The current song ended, and a more upbeat track began to play. It was “Youth” by Troye Sivan.
“Do you want to stop? This is probably too fast to dance to, and you’re going off the beat,” he pointed out.
“No, it’s alright. I’m having fun and I really like this song.”
You reached into his coat pocket to put the song on loop then laid your head on his shoulder. Truthfully, this was the most romantic thing you’ve ever done. You wanted to press pause on the entire world and stay in your haven for as long as possible.
“Kei, do you know what just came to mind? This is the place where we first met, and I remember being obsessed with you at first because I thought you looked similar to the main character from my favourite movie. Back then, I made it my goal to marry someone just like him.”
You smiled wistfully at the memory, recalling how you followed him around everywhere like a lost puppy. You found it hilarious that you liked him even then.
He smirked. “Yeah, I avoided you like the plague and I got so fed up because you wouldn’t stop pestering me to marry you.”
“Yup! You even told me that kids are too young to marry but I just made you swear not to kiss other people and to marry me when we were old enough,” you laughed. “Now that I’m looking back on it, that was a pretty stupid promise.”
He honestly didn’t think it was that stupid. There were things that were more stupid in the world. One of them being your taste in men, for instance. He was tired of hearing you gush about a new guy every month.
You and Tsukishima allowed yourselves to get lost in the music and immersed yourselves in the lyrics.
My youth, my youth is yours Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours Run away now and forevermore
My youth, my youth is yours A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth My youth is yours
  “We should go soon. You mentioned you had plans tomorrow morning, right?” he asked.
“I do, but it’s nothing too important. I’m meeting up with Terushima-san.”
His expression soured. “You mean that greasy bastard with the tongue piercing who tried to hit on you at one of our games? Why are you going on a date with that guy?”
“It’s not a date!” you protested. “He asked me to hang out with him once and then he’ll stop texting me.”
He tightened his hold on your waist.
Don’t go.
“You should have just ignored him, it’s not like you owe him a date,” he grumbled.
Why are you wasting your time on him?
You shrugged. “Too late now, it’d be rude to cancel so last minute.”
He rolled his eyes.
Are you trying to make me jealous? Open your eyes, I’m right in front of you! 
You froze. 
Did I hear that right?
You slowly pulled out of the embrace and scanned his face. He looked at you with an indecipherable emotion. Your heart sped up and you hesitated, wondering if you should say something. 
But why would he be jealous, that’s just wishful thinking right? Isn’t he in love with someone else?
You questioned him with a hopeful tone. “Kei. Can you say that again? I might have misheard.” 
Tsukishima’s expression morphed into one of perplexity. And then it dawned on him. 
Oh. Oh. Fuck, fuck, FUCK. 
You started talking before he got a chance to collect his thoughts. “I heard something about jealousy, and I think I heard you say, ‘Open your eyes, I’m right in front of you.’” Your imploring eyes nervously met his own. “But that can’t be right. You were just telling me about the person you were in love with last week.”
Shit. So, you heard it all. 
His mind was racing for ways to take himself out of the current situation. He didn’t think there was much damage control he could do at this point, but you seemed confused and skeptical of what he just said. Maybe he could try to play it off. 
Or... what if I took the opportunity to come clean?
He took a deep breath. “Actually, I’m in love with you, ____. The person I was talking about was you.”
You couldn’t believe your ears.  Never in your wildest fantasies did you entertain the possibility of him returning your feelings. 
He’s in love with…me? This is a dream. This has to be a dream. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to respond. This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” he continued. “Look, just give me some time, it doesn’t have to be awkward between us or anything, we can act like how we were before.”
He loosened his hold and started to pull away when you suddenly gripped his shoulders.
“Kei. Pinch me.”
“Pinch me,” you repeated. “Ow!” You rubbed your cheek. “Okay, this is definitely not a dream then.”
You gazed up at him and carefully placed your hands on both sides of his face. 
“Listen, I feel the same way. I love you. I’ve loved you since we were sixteen.”
His eyes widened. He gathered you in his arms and engulfed you in a hug. He felt relieved. He felt like he was in the clouds. He felt like he was on a high that he would never come down from. 
You laughed and wrapped yourself around him. 
After a couple minutes, he finally spoke. “____, this might be happiest moment of my entire life. The only thing that can top this would be the moment I see you walking down the aisle towards me. I’m serious. I fully intend to marry you.”
“I have no complaints. As long as you don’t go back on your words, I guess you’re stuck with me.”
“I’m your idiot now,” you grinned. 
He kissed you on the forehead and smirked. “That’s right.”
You melted at the rare display of affection. Almost immediately after, an amusing idea came to your attention and you cracked up.
“What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking, I feel like I should pat myself on the back and congratulate myself. Six-year-old me would be very pleased at how things turned out.”
He snorted. “Yeah, maybe you were onto something there.” 
“There’s one thing I’m curious about though. When did you realize you had feelings for me?”
“I’m not exactly sure. I think it was sometime during the first year of junior high that I started seeing you differently and noticed that I liked you as more than a best friend.”
Your jaw dropped. “You’re kidding. For real? You’ve suffered for way longer than I had.”
His cheeks flushed scarlet and he avoided looking in your direction for a few seconds. “Well, I wouldn’t call it suffering, but at least now you know.” Then, he caught your eyes and stared at you intently. “Hold on, you’re not still going on that date tomorrow with Terushima, right?”
You smiled reassuringly. “Not anymore. I mean, tonight changed things. I have a boyfriend now, yes?”
“Yeah. Unfortunately for him, you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.”
My youth, my youth is yours A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth My youth is yours
My youth is yours
My youth is yours.
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a/n: okay if you actually read to the end, thank uuu!  i’ve had the idea of slow-dancing in the night while listening to youth for a couple years now, it’s just been floating around in my head and i decided to take a chance to write it out! started as a cute date idea but alas, i have no partner to re-enact this with... so there you go! i honestly wanted to write kageyama for my first piece but tsukishima fit a bit better lmao. please feel free to give feedback or general thoughts!
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catwithangerissues · 3 years
Weekly prompt thingy, Miles by Mother Mother with Yachi or Daishou please! Thanks :)
Miles by Mother Mother - Yachi Hitoka
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I am IN LOVE with this idea. That’s all :) enjoy!
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“Miles and miles and miles
Before we reach the sand
Cacti and cacti for miles
Miles of dry land
Dry land”
You were on your way to your favorite spot on the beach, you in the drivers seat and your precious girlfriend, Yachi, in the passengers side seat. It was where you two always hung out, on stressful days or peaceful ones. It was calming and comforting for both of you, the familiar sand and twigs, the rocks you always sat on and the familiar wave patterns.
It was chilly outside, the sun just barely peaking a sliver above the horizon, making it beautiful shades of pink, orange and purple, with the front windows rolled down, a blanket draped over both pairs of legs. There was soft music playing in the back ground, Yachi had control of the aux at the moment, and was really seeming to enjoy the playlist shuffling between classic sing alongs and the smooth lofi beats you would randomly send her because you knew she loved to study to them. You’d been driving around since 10pm that night, it was now nearing 4:45am, your girlfriend insisting you hang out since you’ve both been stressed due to school, work, and life in general. You were enjoying it, glad she suggested the idea.
“We gonna make it
Ooh, we gonna make it
We gonna take it
Ooh, we gonna take it easy
Once we feel the sea breeze”
She wore the sweatshirt she knew you always kept in your car for when she got cold, and some short shorts she’d grabbed before leaving the house, with a pair of cat socks you’d bought her a few months back that she thought we super comfy. Her feet were in your lap, your right hand tracing gentle circles on her soft skin, shoes long forgotten on the floor by her seat. The two of you spent hours just talking, laughing, dueting, and letting the stresses of the world melt away.
“My lover, my maker, my breaker
Take me by the hand
We could go walking for miles
Once we reach the sand
The sand”
She was facing the window, softly humming to the music, and fiddling with the hem of your sweatshirt between her nimble fingers, a habit she always had. She always enjoyed looking at the scenery when you took drives, so you always opted to be the driver, just to get an occasional glimpse of her blissful expression. Her hair was down, and it hung perfectly by her shoulders, ‘side from the occasional wind that made it blow slightly. She looked perfect, and super cute. You quietly mumbled curses under your breath about how you wished you could pull over and just kiss her right now.
“We gonna make it
Ooh, we gonna make it
We gonna take it
Ooh, we gonna take it easy
Once we leave the city”
Once you’d arrived to the beach, you tossed a pair of sweatpants you’d packed before leaving to the blonde, knowing she’d be cold once you left the pocket of warmth you’d created with the blanket over your legs. She giggled at you, appreciating how you always thought ahead and knew what to expect of her. She gladly slipped them on over her shorts, and you couldn’t help but smile at your girlfriend clad all in your clothes.
You both stepped out from the car, after parking not far from your spot. She quickly ran towards where you two always sat, carefully and cautiously walking along the rocks, balancing like it was second nature for her to be there.
You trailed behind her slightly, walking along the cool sand as you stuffed your hands along with your keys and phone in your joggers pocket. You smiled and lightly chuckled at the short girl, she always seemed to be an early morning person, so this was her prime time to shine and be energetic.
After joining the cute girl on the rock, the one she’d spent ages carving both your initials into with a plus sign between them, and her leaning on your shoulder while you wrapped an arm around her, you two had talked until the sun came up, watching it rise together like you had so many times before, but it never got old.
“We gonna make it
Ooh, we gonna make it
We gonna take it
Ooh, we gonna take it
We gonna make it
Yeah we gonna make it easy
We gonna make it
Ooh, we gonna make it
We gonna take it
Ooh, we gonna take it easy”
In a fit of energy due to the suns new morning rays, you both had got up from your spot to walk around the beach. You watched as she flung her shoes off carelessly, only for you to pick them up with two of your fingers, and walk behind her as she played with several different twigs, the sand, and even the edge of the water, all while keeping a bright smile and that sickly sweet giggle. You couldn’t help but be in awe of her beauty every time she did this. You knew Yachi through and through, and she knew you just as well. It was a sense of vulnerability you’d never experienced with anyone else, but she always made you feel warm and safe, completely welcome in her metaphoric embrace of acceptance. She loved you for you, and you adored her all the same. You realized then, at 6am on a random Saturday morning, where you had been up all night, driving around the city and countryside with your girlfriend only eventually reaching the beach, singing along to different songs like you always did, now watching her be in awe of every little seashell or small creature she found- that you really wouldn’t mind marrying her.
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✨Tag list!: @sunalma @toworuu ✨
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🌱This made me so emotional 😭 I love Yachi!! Please give me your thoughts on this one!
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez realizing they’re in love with their s/o while working on a duet
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 11k5.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
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Hongjoong was spinning around, on his chair. He was thinking about the lyrics he needed to write for Eden. He didn’t want to disappoint him, so he did his best, as always. Knowing that your best friend was busy and stressed, you came at his studio to support him or help him as you could. “Is that a love song?” You asked, reading the first verse. “Yes, it is a summer love song. Like the person you met in vacation and developed feelings.” “There’s a ton of summer love song Joongie.” You warned. “Why not a love song about friendship?” you proposed. “I-I don’t know how it feels,” he stuttered. “Hum… I’ll help you.” You grabbed a pen and a paper and started to write few sentences that he could turn as lyrics.
Hongjoong looked at you, struggling, but he found you cute. You tied your hair in a messy bun and few hairs were falling on your face. Hongjoong could say that you were completely focus because you were chewing the pen and your fingers were lost in your hair. “You never felt this feeling? Like this person that you consider like your best friend is more than that? You think about this person all the time and want to see her every day?” You asked him. Hongjoong ignored if it was the sudden proximity or the way you looked so cute, but he realized that he might feel what you just explained. “Or the feelings like what you could do everything with this person? That both of you can fight the world, together?” You added. Hongjoong continued to stare at you, “yes I probably did.” “Then let’s go write about it!” you smiled, enthusiastically. “I feel like it will be easier to write good lyrics if you there.” He claimed, grabbing his notebook. You didn’t fully understand what he wanted to say but you liked it.
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Seonghwa was working with another idol for a special performance at MMA. This opportunity was incredible for him so you tried to help your friend the best as you could. You knocked at the practice room door and entered instantly. “Oh Y/N!” said Seonghwa when he saw you. “Hello beautiful! I’m here to help you!” You greeted him enthusiastically, “let’s practice!” “You don’t even know how to sing idiot.” He teased you. “Bla bla bla,” you rolled your eyes, “I heard that your duo was busy today. So, I’ll do my best to help you.” “Okay then… tell me how I can change the last verse. I want it to be more…” he stopped to search for the good word. You grabbed the paper in front of you. “More tender? Soft?” “Exactly,” he snapped his fingers at you. “You are just talking about how you fell in love but not what you like about her or him. You can add more physicals details. So, your fans could relate a lot more.” You explained. “Hum… that would be good idea.” Nodded Seonghwa. “If I was your girlfriend for example, what would you like?” Seonghwa blushed lightly, the idea of you being his girlfriend didn’t bother him at all. “I guess that I would love how you are always so supportive and funny even if your jokes are… not really good.” He chuckled. “I would love how you are kind with everyone even if they don’t deserve it. I love seeing you playing with your hair. Your eyes are always sparkling too, even if you are sad. This is beautiful to see.” He gulped. “I could stare at you for long hours.” “And finally… being next to you is my favorite thing. Your perfume is addictive, and your presence is warm.” he said quietly. “Hum… okay,” you giggled. “I think that you found enough details to write your lyrics.” He nodded, “yes. And I think I found something else too.” He whispered, enough for you to not hearing it.
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“Argh… why composing is so hard!” Sighed Yunho sitting between you and Mingi on the couch. “Are you inspired?” asked Mingi, watching TV at the same time. “Not at all… I don’t know how Hongjoong Hyung can think about good lyrics all the time.” Declared Yunho. “Why you don’t go and ask him for help?” you asked grabbing his large hand to massage it. “I need to do it by myself.” He simply replied. “I’ve never been in love or I don’t know how it really feels.” “My mom told me that you feel full every time. Like if you ate a good meal.” Said Mingi cutely. You giggled, “yes, kind of.” Yunho sighed and rested his head on your laps. “How should I start? Or what I should do?” “Maybe you can describe what would be your favorite date?” proposed Mingi. “Hum nah… to kitschy.” You stopped your friend. “I think that the melody would need to stay soft and cute but with a powerful chorus or bridge.” “Yes maybe,” he sighed. “Like a smooth melody,” you rubbed his hand softly like if it became a piano. “Plus, it’s a duet so you can use your voice to set the atmosphere too and create a surprising effect.” You added. Yunho was staring at your fingers playing on his hand. The smoothness of your digits made his heart race unexpectedly. “But… you both now better than me anyway,” you said awkwardly. Mingi pocked Yunho’s waist, noticing that he was still on this trance. “Huh? Yes! Thank you!” He almost yelled. Yunho stood up and almost ran back to his bedroom. You stared back at Mingi, “is he okay? Did I say something bad?” He smiled, “no. I think he just realized something. Finally.”
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You had this little argument earlier with Yeosang. He said something that hurt your feelings a bit and didn’t apologize yet. He noticed that you were mad because you were quiet. You stayed on the couch, looking at the ceiling. Since the past hour, none of you started to talk. Yeosang was humming alone. He needed to write his part for the new comeback. It wasn’t a romantic song but a simple one talking about friendship. Funny when you see the context. Yeosang threw once again a ball of paper in the trash and buried his head on his arms, frustrated. Not liking to see your best friend so anxious, you asked him: “No inspiration?” He hummed, “nothing matches with the beat. I can’t do anything right.” You stood up from the couch and crouched down next to Yeosang. You felt him jump a bit when he felt your hand rubbing his back. “You can do it Yeosang-ie. You are so talented. You just need to find the good words.” You cheered him gently. He sighed, lifting his head a bit, “it would be easier to do this duet with you and not a stranger.” “I know but I’m not an idol.” You giggled, hugging him. Yeosang felt instantly relaxed. Your presence was always so warm. “Why everything is so simple with you?” “Just relax and the aspiration will hit you,” you added. His heart was racing. It wasn’t the first time that you were hugging him but today it felt different. “Oh! I need to go,” you looked at the clock. “What already?” He pouted. “See you tomorrow, okay?” You kissed his forehead. “Love you!” You wave at him exiting the room. “I love you too…” he whispered. “And maybe more than I thought.” He added, hand on his chest trying to calm his heartbeat.
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You desperately wanted to watch a new avenger at cinema. It was available few days left, or you would need to see it on your TV. You asked San, your childhood best friend to come with you but he needed to finish his production first. So, you were dancing crazily in the studio. Your friend was jamming and composing in the same time. You were supposed to help him, but his playlist was not helping. “Y/N, weren’t you supposed to write lyrics with me?” he giggled, seeing your failed silly twerk. “I know, but I need to dance! It’s like you played all my favorite songs!” you explained. San was staring at you. Not like a friend would but like a lover would. All these years, he saw you growing up with him and he discovered how amazing you were. “Oh! Sing with me!” You ordered him, pulling San by the hand. He giggled, “no I can’t I need to focus on it if you want to watch your movie.” “Well okay…” You stopped the music and sat next to him, “let’s go.” San handed you the lyrics he already wrote. You put all your attention on it. “It’s terrible,” he claimed. You shushed him, finger on his lip and continued to read. “They’re pretty good already!” You exclaimed. “I like how you compared the first and innocent love story to a powerful and hot volcano.” He blushed a bit, “ah really?” “Yes!” You wrapped your arm around his shoulders, giggling next to his ear. “You’re a genius! Not many people can compare these 2 things.” “I guess I had a good inspiration,” he whispered, trying to hide his red cheeks. “I think you just need to add a little more of feelings, so people could relate. Okay?” you mentioned. He nodded, “thank you.” “Anytime,” you smiled. San hesitate at first, but he finally asked. “Do you want to go on a walk someday? At the Han River?” “It feels like a date invitation,” you chuckled, ignoring that it was a real one. San gulped, for sure something changed for him.
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“Song Mingi Focus on your work!” You scolded your friend again. “I’m trying but you are breathing crazily!” he replied. Instinctively, you threw a ball of paper right at the back of his head. “Don’t scold me while you are the only one who’s doing his work at the last minute.” Lucky for him, you didn’t see the way his eyes rolled, or you would throw the whole notebook. Mingi needed to write a rap verse for a duet that he would perform with Kevin from TheBoyz. Sadly, because of his schedule and his laziness, he didn’t write anything. He called you at 2AM to help him since Hongjoong was busy with his individual schedule. And he would probably kill him too. “Do you have any idea about what Kevin could have wrote?” you asked, laying on your back, staring at the ceiling. “I know that he’s the one who need ‘to confess’ the first.” He sighed, leaving his desk to join you on his bed. “So, you need a powerful verse. Something that could really attract your fan.” You claimed, rolling in his side, resting your head on his shoulder. Mingi froze. These days, he felt shy toward you every time you were to close to him. He was used to you being clingy time to time, but it never bothered him or made him feel this way. “Maybe, you could sing and not rap. It could be nice.” You giggled. He played with your hair, removing it from your face. “I could give a try,” he smiled. You coughed, a bit before rapping, imitating his deep voice. “Ayo! I’m in love with you! Would you let me date you? I’m your Romeo so please be my Juliette for the good sake! Draaah!” Mingi laughed so hard, next to you, “that was terrible.!” Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arm around you to pull you in a tight hug. “I know that you like when I imitate you!” You giggled in his arms. “Yes, I do,” he whispered, enjoying you being so close. “I like it a lot.”
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Wooyoung was stuck in the vocal room for 3 hours now. The inspiration wasn’t coming at all today. He buried his head on his arms, sighing and claiming that he was a loser who couldn’t write. “You will find something good Wooyoung-ie.” You reassured him. “It’s been 3 hours, and nothing came yet!” He replied, disappointed. You put your phone on a side and next to your best friend. “Come one… it shouldn’t be too hard to write love songs. It’s always the same thing…” you declared. “For you maybe…” You sighed, you really needed to find a way of comforting him. “What about a kitschy brainstorm?” you asked. “Oh? Why not,” he accepted. “Ok, I start,” you smiled happily. “Oppa*… is your father a thief?” “Hum… no why?” he simply replied, cringing a bit at the nickname you chose. “Because he stole all the stars to put it on your eyes.” “Cringyyyyy,” he laughed. “But okay, it was a good one.” You smirked, proudly “I know. Your turn now.” “Okay.” He coughed, preparing mentally. “Y/N… if I was a policeman, I would arrest you instantly. For an excessive beauty limit.” You faked to throw up and pinched his arm, “good one but I didn’t say my last words.” You grabbed his hands, “Wooyoung-ie. You know why I’m the luckiest girl in the world?” “Why?” he raised a brow, feeling his hands becoming moist. “Because I have you in my life.” You declared, looking right at him. Wooyoung blushed instantly and his breathe became heavier. “Seems like I won!” you shouted happily. Your friend balbutiated few words but finally managed to say: “You should go back at home okay! It’s late! Call a taxi and stage okay?” He practically threw your jacket at you and pulled you out of the vocal room. “Ouch! Wooyoung! Your inspiration, you-“ “Yes yes! See you later!” he greeted you before slamming the door right at your face. He left himself slide against the door frame. “What is happening to you Wooyoung?” he whispered, panicking a bit.
*Oppa: literally means “older brother of a female person”. Older brother, very close friend who is older (but not much older!), romantic interest, boyfriend, and sometimes even husband, if they are older.
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Jongho was busy the whole week. It was your childhood birthday and he couldn’t manage to spend some time with you. So, if he couldn’t come to the party, the party would come to him. Without even knocking, you entered his bedroom. “Hello Choi Jongho!” He blinked a bit trying to know why you made this fabulous entry. “What are you doing here idiot?” he giggled. “I don’t want you to get all the fun alone,” you said sarcastically, putting delicately the cake on his bed. “It’s not fun at all, I need to find good lyrics, but I need more lessons.” “Did you tried to play guitar in the same time?” It could inspire you.” You said, looking for the lighter. “Yes, I tried to, but nothing fits well.” He stared at you, struggling to light the cake. “Do it again! I want to hear it and at least I can give you my opinion.” You smiled widely. “Okay, if you say.” He accepted, grabbing carefully his guitar, humming the melody. While he was searching for the perfect lyrics, you settled the cake at the center of the bed. You hung up a little birthday banner on the bedhead and listened Jongho, carefully. The maknae loved the atmosphere you prepared. He managed to sing a full verse just by looking at you. Being here for him. As always. “That was pretty good Jongho!” You are just too hard with yourself.” “Probably!” he smiled shyly. You patted the bed, making him understand to sit here, “come here so we can blow our candles.” He nodded and joined you. “Let’s wish to stay together forever okay?” you smiled. “That’s everything I want.” He replied. “More than anything.”
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f-117-nighthawk · 3 years
Playlist Update? From MY Brain? More Likely Than You Think
can't remember the last time I posted these all together but I just put a few new songs in. I've been playing Arknights bc STARSET songs keep being used in the trailers, and then I was listening to Transmissions while making dinner, and uhhhhh there's two new Transmissions songs on the playlists, plus whatever else the spotify links needed to update to my ever-changing apple versions.
This is just the main playlist, because this one is now 3h 40m, and the other three playlists are about an hour each. I’ll give them their own post tomorrow. Under the cut, because it's also Write Random Snippits and Include Important Lyrics time
Dark Matter
Surprise surprise, this one’s got probably the most work done on it. A lot of that is moving things around, a few deletions, and the additions.
DM now starts with Your World Will Fail, Dark Matter, and Eater of Worlds. Turn the Lights Out still kinda applies, but I stopped vibing with it starting everything, and wasn’t really sure where else it should go so it got dropped. It’s role is sort of picked up by a UtA song later? Anyway, the opening three are still very much about not only the birth of [REDACTED], but the birth of the universe itself. And that’s why it feels better to start out with YWWF. Because it is the start.
(Your world will fail my love/It’s far beyond repair/Your world will fail my love/It is already there)
(Bring me your soul/Bring me your hate/In my name you will create/Bring me your fear/Bring me your pain/You will destroy in my name)
(Can’t imagine the violence/The rage and the love in my madness/I am the eater of worlds and I’m looking for someone to feed me)
Remnants of Stars is a hook to Filaments at this point, but stays way up here because the thing it’s about connects back up to those three ^ and is something slowly realized by the Paladins throughout the series. There’s kinda three different points that they realize something new about this (at the moment, I Am the One, Cosmic Vertigo, and Centigrade).
(Shed all you know and make way for a galaxy of light/Answers found hidden inside the smallest stone/Bringing forth a new way of life/Open your heart to the sky)
Apocalypse 1992 hasn’t changed. Still about The Fall, still the turning point for the entire damn war. Still about poor Krolia. Still the Rogue One of DM. It happens between parts of Awakenings, detailing the rise of [REDACTED] and the final hours before the destruction of everything sentient species knew beforehand.
(Fly high through apocalypse skies/Fight for the world we must save/Like tears of a unicorn lost in the rain/Chaos will triumph this day)
Apex is the final moments of Apocalypse 1992 from the Red Lion’s perspective, and connects nicely (just as in the albums lol) to the next UtA songs. Which we’ll get to in a bit.
(Brother mountain/Now we sleep/For a thousand years/I will see you again/Something is coming/Coming for me)
You Keep What You Kill covers the slow degeneration of the Empire between The Fall and the Battle of Arus. The knowledge harshly taught by the Thuanial War is forgotten under the influence of Zarkon, Haggar, and [REDACTED]. Marzin and Galraasa quickly rise the ranks as the Empire’s left and right hands, like omens of destruction before them. The four are the ‘holy half-dead,’ the ones who shape the devouring of the universe before them.
(Defying dimensions/These ruthless creatures will steal your soul/Breaking away from the chains of mortality/They won’t be taken down/Bow now to the holy half dead/The master to death mongers calls)
The Glory and the Scum is partially here bc I missed having Delain, I’ll freely admit that. (Delain split up! Like six months ago! I’m still sad!) Here, it’s (most) of the reason why Krolia isn’t around until MGHM. Think Winter Soldier-ish. It’s also from Krolia’s perspective as she’s talking to Kolivan in a conversation I implied in Shatterpoint. Perhaps it shall see the light of day.
(Look at what we've done/Take a step back/Shake your head at what we have become/We're the glory and the scum)
The Seven Sisters is about Keith, mostly, and connected to Closure via its influence on Child From the Stars (Lost in the Dark) and also to Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met. Also the thing about the Pleiades has kinda become A Thing associated with my two favorite halfbloods.
(I cast my hope upon The Pleiades/The Seven Sisters who would come for me/They’d fall to Earth to grant a child’s dream/But I’m still waiting)
Starlight is the Adashi song. Here, it’s the sad part, based around the time that the SFSS Genesis launches for Kerberos. It also is sort of about Shiro’s thoughts throughout the war as he watches ‘from distant skies’ (and influences String Theory kinda)
(At night the earth will rise/And I’ll think of you each time I watch from distant skies/Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite/I’ll think of you each time they wash me in their light/And I’ll fall in love with you again)
Waking Dream and Abyss are Awakenings. They’re specifically the Red Lion waking up on Sendak’s ship to her new Paladin, but also sort of the rest of the Lions as they find new Paladins for the first time since The Fall (and, also, an accidental hook to the end of Filaments just by virtue of being on the same UtA album…)
(Centuries like flowing streams as years go rushing by/Waiting in the dark for afterlife)
(Open my eyes in a daze/How long has it been? Am I so out of place?/Warmth I can no longer feel/My mountain is gone, I’m surrounded by steel/The strangest of structures arises ahead/Seems to be held up by nothing/Where have I gone, do I dream?/How can the stars be all I can see?)
Who Will Save You Now is about the Paladins in First Contact. It’s the video messages they send to their families, the warning that Something Is Out Here that they need to prepare for. It’s a declaration of protection for Earth, but a recognition that the Paladins may not be able to do what they say.
(I will not take from you and you will not owe/I will protect you from the fire below/It’s not in my mind/It’s here at my side/Go tell the world that I’m still alive)
Then there’s The End of the Beginning. Which is, well, the eponymous fic. And don’t forget the String Theory connection! Fun fact: part of the last chapter leads directly into part of String Theory at the moment.
(Every night I die just a little/All this time, I’m caught in the middle/All your life, you fought with no winning/This is just the end of the beginning)
A Simple Plan is about anything but a simple plan. Lotor is making his secret bid for the construction of the Sinkline ships, but there’s one more thing he needs before it can come to fruition. Haggar has suspicions, and knows one thing that she needs to keep from both him and Voltron. Team Voltron is still struggling to fit into their new roles, especially with a Black Paladin who adamantly does not want to be Black Paladin, and is in desperate need of one thing to fix the last of the damage done during the Battle of the Sarnan Nebula.
(How long can we hold off ending?/How long can we pretend we’re ok?/No one goes on fighting it forever/I know I’m better this way)
Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met. Such a short song for such an important fic. It skips all the way over Naxzela to the Mission to the Baaria Shipyards, the first major offensive that isn’t somehow connected to canon (even if only a very very small part of it is actually at the shipyards lol). This is also the song that solidified Keith’s very queer identity in Dark Matter. And more Pleiades stuff!
(In this lonely place, bathed in silence and thoughts of you/I can’t see your face but I’m trying to envision you/So are you really out there? Are you awake with memories/Of a boy you haven’t met yet who’s wished upon the Pleiades?)
There’s another fic in here that I’m still waiting for a song to catch my ear, but it’s pretty big so I’m putting it in here. For the moment, it’s called MGHM 2.0: Electric Paladinloo. Featuring the Whispers, Voltron, and a few mullets.
And then. Hoh boy. The beast of beats. TRIALS (reimagine), Dark On Me, String Theory, and I Am the One. We’ve got [REDACTED], we’ve got [spoiler], we’ve got the first major turning point in the entire war, and the first revelation of the true nature of [REDACTED]. Hence the honor of being the separation point of my two main DM folders. TRIALS is the first part, the horrifying realization. Dark On Me and String Theory itself are from Shiro’s perspective. I Am the One is… an image song? I guess? That’s all I’ll say on that. (I would like to note that the STARSET songs bar OWtT tend to be about the Shiroganes…)
(Hear me from the bottom/Forged in regret, I'm the silversmith/Doomsday, you we had it coming/Marching the streets with an iron fist/Obey no more in silence/The steel in our hearts will be monuments/Today, they'll hear the violence/We'll rise from the dark like Lazarus)
(You're the cause/The antidote/The sinking ship that I could not let go/You led my way, then disappeared/How could you just walk away and leave me here?/Light the night up, you're my dark star/And now you're falling away)
(You don’t believe in space/You don’t believe in light/You don’t believe that anything is well beyond your might/We walk across the sky and beneath the ocean floor/We’re never going anywhere we’ve never been before)
(I am the one/I am the architect to rule your fate)
House on Fire is the aftermath of String Theory, and a large vibe of We ARE Struggling Together! It’s about family, never letting go of something you care about, and the slow act of trusting.
(So I’ll just hold you like a hand grenade/You touch me like a razor blade/I wish there was some other way right now/Like a house on fire we’re up in flames/I’d burn here if that’s what it takes/To let you know I won’t let go of you)
Belgrade is The klance song! It is a) a bop b) always stuck in my head because it is That Good. The line in the chorus about ‘sweet songs of seduction’ is eternally funny to me bc a)they’re both ace and b)QPR’s don’t usually involve seduction. Belgrade also leads almost directly into…
(We pretend in the darkness/We pretend the night won’t steal our youth/Singing me the sweet songs of seduction/Let me be the fool, fool, fool/Who will live and die for you)
Here to Save You is about Sam. Mostly. It’s also about Pidge. And Zaivorge cannons.
(A slave for humankind/I made sure I would survive/To stay alive/Now it’s time to move on/When there’s nothing left to prove/I’m coming to get you)
Iron is the third Closure fic (the second is End of the Beginning, forgot to mention that. They’ve slowly moved away from actually being related to it in anything but name and general idea). It’s about Keith coming to terms with parts of himself, and learning how to use them to great effect. Also has a huge info dump about the Blade.
(You can’t live without the fire/It’s the heat that makes you strong/‘Cause you’re born to live/And fight it all the way/You can’t hide what lies inside you/It’s the only thing you know/You’re embracing that, never walk away)
The second major turning point in the war is Monarch, Birthright, and Firewall. I really recommend reading the whole lyrics for Monarch, because the entire thing is very much a Lotor song. I had a bit of trouble picking a lyric to use here. Monarch is here because Lotor is also the ‘singer’ of Birthright, and both songs are to a very specific high-level target of the Coalition. Firewall is a little different as it’s a Team Voltron song not a Lotor song, but happens because of the same thing the other two do. They’re all not exactly a direct result of Iron, but they wouldn’t happen how they do without it, and then [REDACTED] swings back into the fray and things learned in String Theory/the framing story for Through Apocalypse Skies hit in full force.
(I am not the person you remember from before/The one you patronized and stepped on, the one you hurt/And I have pulled the arrows, now my skin has become stone/No longer am I prisoner to your empty fucking words)
(The voices in my head have all begun to sing/(The voices in your head have all begun to sing)/And they sure as hell hope I am listening/(I sure as hell hope you are listening!))
(They come to your dreams with illusion/They come to bring shape to your mind/You know how to stop the intrusion/We all have to fight for our lives)
and then, The Day the Earth Collapsed
(How much time has been elapsed/Since the day the earth collapsed?)
Here Comes the Reign doesn’t come into full effect until several months after Birthright/Firewall, but starts with The Day the Earth Collapsed. It’s largely about Haggar and [REDACTED]
(You made something they can’t take away/Now bring the fire of the burning sun on everyone)
Supersonic is here… kinda as a placeholder? Things have shifted around since its original purpose, and frankly it’s here still as a framework for what I like to call The Meme Battle. It’s generally about the increase in Coalition support and general winning as they go after warlords in the aftermath of Feyiv, culminating in I Need a Hero which is, of course, The Meme Battle.
Yes, it’s the Shrek version. It’s the Meme Battle.
(Supersonic, polyphonic, this is our war/Mustering the armies, marching faster than before)
(I need a hero/I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night/He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast/And he's gotta be fresh from the fight)
But Tonight We Dance isn’t exactly a klance song, but it’s here for them. On a diplomatic mission gone wrong, the Red and Blue Paladins of Voltron uncover a literally-buried government conspiracy, a rebel cell, and nearly die. A normal days work for the two of them. But they’ve really gotta stop having relationship milestones in the middle of a warzone.
Another reason it’s here is Tonight We Dance is a very aro song to me. “A language universal, but I speak not its tongue” hits hard. I felt like I needed a bit in here to remind listeners/readers that romance isn’t a language Keith speaks. And it becomes very explicit in this fic, just like Belgrade.
(Tomorrow we might wake in servitude and silence/I will give you everything if only you would have me/Tomorrow we will sweat and toil/Our hands will quiver, caked with soil/Tomorrow we'll give it one last chance/But tonight we dance/But tonight we dance!)
But Tonight We Dance is the last of the Closure fics, which is why it’s here. Closure in general is a lot of Keith’s character development and some of the struggles he goes through to accept his place in the universe and the fact that yes, he does have people that care about him. The last fic is me shining a brighter light on Closure’s chorus and taking a ‘last goodbye’ as never needing to say it again
(I am the child from the stars/That got lost in the dark/Between heaven and hell/I am forced to live on/I am the cause when you sin/I am the demon you skin/But there is no more tears to beautify/This is my last goodbye)
Then we step back into the universe-level action with Soulbound. Revelations from String Theory and Firewall swing back in with a vengeance on a joint Whispers-Voltron mission, leaving them reeling and Krolia questioning her very identity.
(Soulbound, endlessly forever/Locked between the darkness and the light/Don’t drown in the swarming, blackened rising/Hold on to humanity and fight)
About three months after that is My Darkest Hour and Faster Than Light. Haggar realizes something and goes searching for her fifth [spoiler], sending the Blade and the rest of the Coalition scrambling. These also lead directly, and I mean directly, into…
(When the sun comes crashing down/When the world is spinning round and round/I will face what must be my darkest hour)
(Once more we’re flying fast as light/Dark matter passing in the night/Pursued by a force we can’t outrun/As we hurtle towards a dying sun/We maneuver through the remnants of a moon/On the solar winds of supernovas/There is not a place to hide, the Matriarch is close behind/It’s plain to see she’s coming for us all)
Cosmic Vertigo and Other Worlds Than These. Together they are the second of two revelations in what, exactly, is [REDACTED]
(Banish me like burned down planets/Write my fate with sparkling lies/I am the universe; you're just one sky)
(Pull the wool out from your eyes/It won’t shade your frail belief/In the end we cannot hide/There are other worlds than these)
Godhunter is Team Voltron, well, hunting for gods, even as one of them disappears.
(She’s been watching for a century/With hatred, and with scorn/If you know the hunter’s coming/Then you hide or keep on running/'Cause she’s slain the gods before)
Trophy Hunter, Ember, and Redemption are the culmination of Godhunter. I’ve been thinking of them as akin to the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2, if that gives you an idea of what the hell they run into. Also I switched which specific Redemption is on the playlist, because I was listening to Red Handed Denial again and their Redemption was vibing way more than the Hammerfall one. They link up to Godhunter and Soulbound in subject matter, and lead directly into…
(You, you won’t escape me, I’ll rise from the deep/In this final moment, no words left to say/I can’t let you be when a life fades away/You, you won’t escape me ‘cause I’ll set you free)
(Dark matter falling from the sky/Dancing flames reflecting in your eyes as you watch them burn/Watching all your riches witches burn)
(Remember me not for the mess I’ve made/But who I could have been/Finally I’m going home)
World On Fire, This is a Call, The Reckoning, The Wind That Shapes the Land, and Louder Than Words. Switched the order up a bit so it makes more sense chronologically, because the message ‘sent by forces beyond salvation’ has to get there before the reckoning can begin.
(World on fire with a smoking sun/Stops everything and everyone/Brace yourself for all will pay/Help is on the way)
(This is a call to action/This is a call to arms/All lives for one, together/There are no false alarms)
(I see your face, find peace of mind/Between the madness and the sadness and the fire burning/The end of war, the great divine/We’ll see the day of reckoning)
(Search within/Uncover the will to win/Turn against the tide that washes o'er/Find the strength to fall and rise again/Open up the gates, unleash the force/I am the wind that shapes the land/Old as time and twice as strong/Oceans arise at my command/I alone can carry on)
(We have the force to fight/We have the blinding light/A war is more than heard/Coming in louder than words)
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I don’t know about you, but this felt like a long month. I just looked back on my August post and that felt like another life. Putting together this list I couldn’t believe how much I was able to watch with the start of the semester. There was a lot of great ones, so let’s get to it!
Our usual spoiler warning....
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The Umbrella Academy
Umbrella Academy was a show that I started at the end of August. Many people I know were shocked I had never watched it and honestly I don’t know what took me so long. It was great and made even better by the second season getting released this summer. Now I had even more episodes to watch. 
I love how chaotic the Hargreeves are. The things that happen to them would only happen to them (if you know what I mean). I also love how they always put family first. Despite everything that’s happened to them. They might all be a mess (and honestly who isn’t), but deep down they love each other. For the first season I thought it was great how they formatted the plot. These characters were new to us and they didn’t give us all the backstory. (When you think about it we still don’t know how Ben died.) It made me continue tuning in and figure it all out. I always sensed Vanya had powers and I know it’s shocking that I wasn’t spoiled coming into the show so late. I liked the irony of the family essentially creating the apocalypse themselves by locking Vanya up.  Leonard aka Harold always felt shifty to me. I also liked the way they set up his story. Five and Klaus are definitely my favorites of the siblings. I love how Five is such an old man in a young kid’s body. The way they show his teleportation is really cool. The early scene in Run boy run, episode 2, is definitely one of my favorites from the whole show. The images paired with the song are chilling. Really nice job there. I love how Klaus’ power has been explored. We see more of it in season 2 and it’s something I wasn’t expecting. I love his and Ben’s relationship and I easily fell into the Klaus/Dave ship. We only got a slice of their backstory and I was already too invested. Season 2 took me a little bit to get into with the new setting, but after about two episodes I did. I really liked the plot and found it funny that there was yet another apocalypse. With that cliffhanger, I can’t wait to see where season three is headed.
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Derry Girls Re-watch 
2020 felt like a good time to re-visit my girls in Derry. I wanted something familiar and funny and this was perfect. I just love this show. It makes me so happy after watching it. I’m so thrilled that we’ll eventually get a third season (even if it will be the last). This watch through I am noticing how many songs are in each episode. (Might help I’ve been watching it with subtitles.) There are so many bops. Sister Michael is always my spirit animal. She is hilarious! I also feel Gerry gets funnier as the season goes on. When he’s making the sandwiches at the funeral I crack up EVERY.TIME. I also love the seriousness of the show too. There are SO MANY great parallels. In the season one finale when the historical bomb goes off and the girls are shown at school unaware and just dancing with Orla it is so pure. Then we see Da put his hand on Gerry’s shoulder. Wow. It shows how the generations were affected. I will suggest this show to everyone no matter what they like to watch. IT IS THAT GOOD! So, why aren’t you watching it? (Or Re-watching?)  
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Violetta Season 3
We can all rejoice! The third and finale season of Disney’s Violetta was released onto Disney Plus mid month. As someone who recently finished the second season, it was no surprise that I was ecstatic and wanted to watch it ASAP. This season is hands down the fastest one I have gotten invested into. Usually it takes me a bit to get into the new plot and characters. Because I’ve gotten so attached, I’m worried that means it will go downhill. I’ve heard mixed things about season 3. But let’s focus on the positives! There is so much music so far (both old and new songs). I am loving a lot of the new songs: En Gira and Armor En El Aire. I like how they started on tour and how they included actual footage from the real tour. Now they are in their last year in the studio (so I guess Seniors?). Lots of changes are already occurring including people leaving the Studio. Some are headed to Gregorio’s Art Rebel. I have to say that Gregorio has grown on me so much and now he is one of my favorite characters. I love his relationship with Diego and every time they call each other Papa and son. OMG it’s fantastic! So great to see them happy. This season we have a new teacher, Milton and I honestly can’t figure out what his deal is. Why is he so mean? I’m in episode 18 now and I am happy Leon and Vilu are still going strong. Obviously, they’re going to have issues (and they’ve already had minor ones), but it’s good to still see them in love. (It is adorable how they call each other Amor.) I also like that their “love triangles” seem to be misunderstandings right now. I’m in the VERY early stages of Fran and Diego and honestly I am so in love with them already. I’m going to fall hard for this ship. I know it. I am so tempted to continue watching spoilers, but I feel they’re not true spoilers if I can only find them in Spanish with no subtitles. ;) 
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Sunshine on Leith
My journey through watching George Mackay films continued with Sunshine on Leith. This was a great choice and I highly recommend. The main difficulty is how to access it. I couldn’t find it fully anywhere online or through a streaming service, so I wound up purchasing it through Amazon and getting it as a UK DVD. This means you need a Multi-region DVD player to watch it. (I know. It’s weird that not all DVDs are the same.) Of course, I have one of these. I am a TV/Movie junky and love a lot of British programs that are unavailable to purchase in the US. I got it a few years ago also on Amazon and it was pretty cheap. I haven’t had any issues with it, so I highly recommend. 
The movie musical includes songs from the Proclaimers and takes place in Edinburgh. As someone who got to visit Edinburgh it was so cool to see the characters in places I’ve actually been. Before watching the film, the only Proclaimers song I knew was (of course) 500 miles. While watching I realized I actually new more and those I didn’t know I really liked. So, now I have a new playlist on my phone. Some are the original songs and others are from the movie (because I prefer their voices on some). What was cool to see was how not all the actors had the strongest voices, but could sing really well. I’m not sure if this was a purposeful choice or not. (I’d have to look more into it.) At times the plot felt a little rushed. Overall it was a fairly short musical, so that was probably why. Characters seemed to know each other really well really fast. So, if a lot of time would have passed I didn’t notice it. I can’t wait to re-watch the film. George Mackay in the cast brought me to watch it, but I stayed for a great story. (And of course I fell more in love with my crush on Mackay...No shock there :) 
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I Am Not Okay With This
Netflix’s I Am Not Okay With This had been in my queue since the beginning of this year, but I didn’t get the chance to watch it till now....when I heard it got cancelled. [Netflix hit us with this news about a month back when they released that shows that were originally picked up were now getting dropped for a second season. I Am Not Okay With This and The Society were on the chopping block.] To make the comment everyone else already has, I am Not Okay With This. 
Despite knowing the show got cancelled, I still wanted to watch it. As I was watching Derry Girls, I wanted another show that was contemporary. I was very surprised to see how few episodes there were as well as how short they each were. It was a very quick watch because of this. While I expected this show to be contemporary with a touch of the supernatural, as Syd has powers, I was not expecting it to be so much more! This show blends so many genres and it does it so well. I honestly don’t know if I’ve seen it done before...at all. Which makes it hard to compare to some others. It feels like an Indy/Contemporary Coming of Age with both supernatural and thriller vibes. It even touches into horror-ish towards the end of the season. If only there was another season to see where it would go. And that ENDING! Is it bad I laughed? I think I did because I was not expecting it to go down like that AT ALL. Syd was a very dynamic main character and I really like how they had her explore who she truly is. Her and Stan’s friendship is one that I strive for. (Speaking of, where can I get a Stanley Barber? I need one in my life.)If you’re willing to be upset that the show got cancelled and there is no second season in the works, then I definitely suggest you just out I Am Not Okay With This. 
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Enola Holmes
Man, I feel like I’m giving a lot of support to Netflix this month, but there was a lot coming out/ a lot in my queue so it makes sense. Overall, I would give Enola a 7/10. I had a lot of hype for this one (as it was one of my highly anticipated watches for September), which I think hurt my overall reaction. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining and enjoyable. I loved the female empowerment message as it was very strong. Millie Bobby Brown was fantastic and so charismatic as Enola. I loved the feature of her talking to us as well as giving some really great facial expressions. I am a sucker for a retelling (of any kind, but especially Sherlock Holmes), so I loved the concept and how they included a younger sister to the Holmes family. I know there has been some conversation about how Sherlock was portrayed and that’s not really Sherlock, but I had no problem with this (and I’m not just saying that because he was played by the dashing Henry Cavill). Honestly, Mycroft’s character bothered me more. I get that there had to be a “villainous” character (well other than the one in the mystery), but he felt a little too over the top. The movie felt a little too long at times and I still don’t like the reason for why her mother left and the conclusion to that plot. It did set it up as if there could be a sequel and I would definitely watch it. 
I would also like to add that I cannot get enough of the cast. Thanks to the YouTube interviews Netflix keeps uploading, I am falling more and more in love with this trio. They just seem like so much fun and I would love to be a part of this cast. They feel like siblings! 
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Another one in my watch-list for September can be checked off! Harriet has been a film that I have been wanting to watch since it came to theaters last year, but I felt like it came and went pretty fast. Luckily HBO just released it in the past month or so, which made me to tape it. I am so happy I did. 
WOW! Why didn’t I know about these facts about Harriet Tubman sooner? Why aren’t we taught these parts of history in school? I already knew she was amazing, and this just put her over the top. She did SO MUCH! It’s super impressive that she was a part of the Civil War and fought. Not only was this something difficult to do as a Black person, but also as a woman. I didn’t know about her visions, so that was something I Googled right when the film was finished. She never lost a freed slave in their journey to freedom. The list goes on and on how amazing Harriet Tubman was. This film showcases that so well and Cynthia Erivo is amazing as Harriet. (I have to start finding synonyms for ‘amazing’.) Her voice...WOW! Before watching the film, I have loved listening to “Stand Up,” but now afterwards it takes on a whole new meaning. Especially when you understand the direct quote from Harriet Tubman: “I go to prepare a place for you.” CHILLS! This film was nominated for multiple Academy Awards and it should have gotten one. WATCH HARRIET!
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The Crimson Field
I’ve noticed that most of the programs I watch through Amazon Prime Video are mainly period dramas. So it was no shock that I would tune into The Crimson Field, a 7 episode series following the nurses and surgeons in France during WWI. As someone who is often more drawn to WWII, I am finding myself interested to watch more things involving the first World War (ie: 1917 and Tolkien). And this show was just what I needed. The pressure was on to watch it though, as it was only available through Prime Video till September 30th. Luckily with only 7 episodes this was an easy feat to accomplish, plus the first couple I marathoned because it was so good. As with any show it took a little bit to understand the setting and the cast, but I feel like I got to know them rather quickly, which made me invested to know what would happen next. I did find it strange that Prime Video only had access to the show for a month as it originally aired on BBC one and then PBS in 2015. The streaming service has programs older than that readily available to watch any time. 
The beginning of the series was definitely stronger in my opinion. I like how they gave breadcrumbs into people’s backstories, such as the main character Kitty. There was a lot of mystery there when we first learned she had a kid and then of her scandalous marriage. There are still a few things that I don’t 100% understand, but that might be because they thought they were getting a season 2 (but they did not). And with the way they ended the show it definitely had the feel. I enjoyed Kitty and Tom’s romance, but more at the beginning than at the end. With Tom’s character, I feel like they set him up as the super nice guy while Miles was the player, but then as the show progressed they decided Tom should have more Mr. Darcy traits and I just thought that was out of his character. Either way, I did still like him (and Miles) and could listen to Richard Rankin’s Scottish accent ALL DAY! It wasn’t until I looked up his IMDB that I made the connection that he is on Outlander now. Can you see the resemblance to him now? 
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   Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
And don’t we all just feel against the universe sometimes?
I know my range for this month is all over the place, so is it that shocking that I would add a cartoon to the mix. Definitely not...especially because it’s Phineas and Ferb. One of my favorite Disney Channel shows. Watching this film feels like FOREVER ago because it was so early in the month. I’ve only watched it the one time (because I don’t think it needs a second watch...I guess that tells you something), so let’s see how much I remember...
It’s been a while since we’ve had a new installment of Phineas and Ferb grace our screens and it was great to see the citizens of Danville once again. In a way, it felt like no time had passed. (And for them I guess it hadn’t because it always seems like the same summer.) It just felt like the moment for Phineas and Ferb. While I was really happy to see our beloved characters again, the plot of this film felt familiar. Very Queen of Mars. Now thinking back, it’s hard for me to relay what happens and I think that’s a good way to describe this movie. It was very familiar, and I wish they would have done more with it. I can’t even remember any of the songs (and that’s often my favorite part). Of course, it had all the classics antics and jokes. I love how Perry was helping out the kids and had to be very secretive about it. I always love a good Candace and Venessa team up. Dr. Doof was hilarious as usual and his pairing with the kids (specifically Isabella) was a great time. My favorite part was when they got meta and did the reverse engineering of their animation and then we saw the creators in front of the story boards. That was really cool and unexpected. Overall, it felt like Phineas and Ferb and made life in quarantine a little bit easier. 
Well! That’s a wrap. These were some of my favorite picks to talk about (even if it took me longer than usual). I hope you watched some great stuff last month and continue to find new picks for October! 
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amandaklwrites · 3 years
Top Ten Favorite Musicians
Here we go with another Top Ten! And this one is different from the ones I usually do… musicians! Now I know it may seem too different (since I usually do movies, tv shows, books, etc), but let’s be honest—musicians are storytellers! They are a part of this world too! Plus, I use music so much in my writing world, especially while I’m writing, along with creating playlists for stories. So, I thought I would include a top ten for them as well! These artists are ones that I love so, so much. I love pretty much every single song of theirs and at least one of their songs are on current playlists of mine. So here it goes with this top ten, in no particular order!
1. Frank Sinatra
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I grew up listening to Frank Sinatra (and a lot of other classic music, thanks to my family), and there’s something about him that just gets into my soul. I recognize his voice every time I hear it (even if it’s faintly playing in another room in my house), and I feel happy and delighted every time I hear it. Plus, I love learning about him. I know he was an asshole at times in the past, but I’ve also learned about the human in him, which makes me love him even more. Not only is he handsome and talented, but his music is just something else.
Top Fave Songs: “Nice n’ Easy,” “That’s Life,” and “Witchcraft.”
2. ZZ Ward
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I discovered ZZ Ward a few years back when I heard her sing a song during the end credits of a movie. I instantly fell in love with her voice. So, when I got home, I did some research on her music and I ended up loving every single one! She’s brilliant! Her music and voice are astounding. And I was lucky enough to see her in concert before COVID happened and it was absolutely magical when she sang my favorite song of hers right to me.
Top Fave Songs: “Blue Eyes Blind,” “Ghost,” and “Let It Burn.”
3. Bob Dylan
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He’s a recent favorite of mine, thanks to a coworker/friend. I’m still learning and growing with him, discovering more love of him and his music. So, I haven’t heard all of his songs, but I seem to love him more as I do listen to more and more. And I’ve been learning a lot about him too, which somehow makes me love him even more? He’s usually not the type of sound I listen to, but I like his storytelling and the way he thinks about life, so I just connect with him.
Top Fave Songs: “Blowin’ in the Wind,” “The Times They Are A-Changin’,” and “The Ballad of Hollis Brown.” (Though these could change as I listen to more of him).
4. Oh Wonder
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This group I discovered just recently, though I think I had one of their songs on my playlists for a long time. And I love them! I decided to listen to more and I found myself enchanted by each album that I listened to. Their sound is totally different to what I usually listen to, but the combination of their voices and the tone just does something to me.
Top Fave Songs: “Drive,” “Lose It,” “Heavy,” and “Drunk On You.”
5. Banks
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I found her a few years ago as well. Her voice is sultry and soothing to me at the same time, and I think the sound of her music just puts me at ease and sets off my creativity as well. I could listen to her all the time.
Top Fave Songs: “Trainwreck,” Poltergeist,” and “The Fall.”
6. Verité
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She’s a lot like Banks for me, as I found the two of them at the right time. There is pure magic with her voice and music, and I find myself playing her songs a lot in my car when I’m driving home from work.
Top Fave Songs: “Control,” “Saint,” and “Death of Me.”
7. The Score
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I heard this band offhandedly during a commercial on the horse races I believe. I heard this song and was blown away, and got into them pretty quickly. I use a lot of their music for writing, especially one series I wrote in particular, and I love them every time they come out with new music.
Top Fave Songs: “Legend,” “Born For This,” and “Good To Be Alive.”
8. Sam Tinnesz
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I found him around the same time as The Score. And I love his voice! I think besides Frank Sinatra, he’s my favorite male vocalist of all time. I seriously could listen to his voice all the time. He’s another one I have on a lot of story playlists for sure.
Top Fave Songs: “Legends are Made,” “Fight on,” and “Dead Man Walking.”
9. Ryn Weaver
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I discovered her a couple of years ago, and I don’t know why, but I connect her so much with my time at university. I think because I was listening to her on repeat during my last semester of college before I graduated. So, she has a great voice and music, and she connects me to a good time in my life.
Top Fave Songs: “Runaway,” “The Fool,” and “Pierre.”
10. War*hall
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Another band I discovered while searching for music to write to. And I love their sound. It perfectly reflects the kind of music I use for writing almost all the time. There are a lot of similar bands to them that I really love, but this one seems to be the one I turn to the most. So yeah, they’re great and hardcore to me.
Top Fave Songs: “Iconic,” “It’s My Night,” and “Gotta Lotta Love.”
So there you have folks! My Top Ten Favorite musicians! What are yours? Have you heard of any of mine per chance?
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Seven
~sweet home~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, han jisung/lee minho
warning: mild language
words: 4.7k
summary:  Home is where your bros at right? right.
a/n: I actually like this chapter, shocker. i hope you enjoy 
Minho stared at the video file sitting on his computer, on the familiar application site that had been haunting his mind for the past couple years. The debate he found himself in with himself on whether or not to submit another application, had become his default subject of thought for much of the past few weeks. All building up to right now. Something had tipped the scale though. Something that reminded him if he didn't submit an entry this year, that he might as well have given up on his one dream. His one goal. The only thing that had been keeping him motivated through university. So once again he found himself rationalizing, and knew that if anything he had to try, at least just one last time. 
Upload complete, Thank you for your entry!
Minho sighed loudly. He had sent it in. The first part of the application. It was just a basic dance routine supplied by the academy. He had practice and recorded it all within one sitting. Having been a part of a dance crew for much of the past year had allowed him to quickly pick up choreography and perfect it. The other reason being that he wanted more than anything to get the overbearing presence of the audition tape out of his head space as soon as possible. A heavy sigh left his lips as he laid back down on the studio floor, not too long after a ping of his phone revived just enough for him to check his messages.
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
2:50 pm
I hope your day has been going well~
Sadly, no updates on when ill be free :/ 
They’re working us hard for the debut
It’s alright Ji, work hard!
You better be taking care of yourself tho...
4:03 pm (new)
Have you heard this song? Made me think of you :)
{link attached}
I hope you like it!!!!
Oh, no i havent
I’ll give it a listen ^-^
As of late it wasn’t uncommon for Jisung to send the older songs he thought he would like. Always saying some cheesy line that was so blatantly sweet it made Minho flustered everytime. This time of course was no exception. 
I knew I was rubbin goffon you 
Dont get too ahead of yourself 
atleast I can still type coherent sentences
Boo :p
Why Jisung was so persistent about sending him songs was lost on the older, but it was a sweet reminder that someone was thinking about him. It had been a while since Minho had even imagined that someone took a few minutes of their day to actually consider how he was doing. It didn't quite make sense to him that suddenly out of nowhere, there was his boy, man, person, who purposefully took the time to dedicate brain cells to his existence. Wild. 
Minho hurriedly clicked the link to the song that Jisung had sent. It was an upbeat song, with a strong but subtle strumming of a guitar to keep the song’s pace just quick enough to be comfortable. “There's no one else that could ever hold me like you do.” The lyrics were in the realm of positive longing and companionship, but the dips into minor chords and tone of the singer created a mood of desperation. More than anything, the song brought forth a story to Minho. One that he could see with his eyes close and feel his body wanting to move to. 
A smile stretched across his face, as he rose from his spot on the floor, dusting off the dull ache and pressure in his shoulders from having just finished a routine not even 10 minutes ago. 
“But I know that I'd be crazy, Not to wanna be the one to keep you up all night”
Woah there Jisung, at least take me out to dinner first. He made a mental note to tease the younger later about his “Made me think of you :)” line later. Already stretching and drawing a plan in his head, Minho took his phone and saved the song, pressing the repeat button twice, to allow the guitar chords and chorus harmonies to carry on endlessly. A smirk stretched into an excited smile. Not wanting to jinx himself, a shy “finally” was whispered in the back of Minho’s mind at the surge of inspiration, but not spoken aloud just yet.
Flashing lights, heavy makeup, hot clothing, and too much fog from the smoke machine is all Jisung had thought about for the last couple hours. 3RAHCHA was in their last photo shoot for their debut. The concept photos would be released later through the week, slowly revealing the three members and their group as officially signed with JJP ent. 
The multicolor lights had been running through his vision for so long that as soon as he walked into their Green Room, he had almost forgotten what color everything actually was. Looking in the mirror he saw the blonde highlighted streaks in his hair had settled nicely, slightly slicked back. The stylist had surely done their jobs well. Painting the three rappers up to look less like the nightcrawlers they were, and into something that leather and fishnet clad superstars might look like was definitely a challenge. Jisung had his makeup done just enough to give his eyes a smoky look to them, and grey contacts to emphasize his gaze. The ensemble he had on looked like something that had come straight from a catwalk. Fishnets crawling up his arms from his gloved hands and an asymmetrical shit he for sure would not have been able to put on without the help of his stylist-noona. All that plus some leather pants and combat boots, he definitely looked more like his persona J.One than the notorious hoodie clad couch potato named Jisung he usually found himself as. 
Having just finished his own solo shoot, he signaled Changbin to head on to the set as he returned. The older nodded from his chair in front of the makeup station, as the artist finished the final touches to his eyeliner. Jisung watched as the shorter rapper walked out to the set in a white puffer jacket that he somehow pulled off, even with the bright red pants he wore. A part of Jisung was thankful his stylist hadn’t taken that many liberties with his outfit, but the makeup and outfit Changbin wore really only emphasized his intimidating stare and the wideness of his shoulders. It was undeniable that their concept photos would come out well. 
Chan, who was seated on a couch, eating some of the provided sandwiches, was already hunched over his computer and mixing equipment again, airpods in. Probably working on tracks for their third comeback knowing him. Not wanting to jump right back into work Jisung snagged a few snacks from the buffet and found a chair he could lay on. Listening to music that wasn't work had become a rarity for Jisung in the years he had been with 3RACHA. Of course he always tried to stay on top of the recent pop and hip hop trends, but straying any farther than his trusty morning and workout playlists was more than unlikely. 
Lately though, Jisung found himself looking through a lot of random indie, alternative, “western” pop, and especially dance music. The versatility of the genres was comforting to Jisung in the rather turbulent state his emotions and mental state have been in, as the debut approached. Also Minho. Meeting Minho definitely had introduced a whole new set of feelings Jisung was still working on navigating. As he listened to the different songs that populated this radio, he told himself he was just looking for some inspiration for his lyrics and 3RACHA’s new music, but even he knew that was mostly a lie. 
Ever since that night at the bar with Minho he found himself always considering the older and what he would think of a song or how he would dance to it, or if he would even like it. After pointing out that he liked a particularly upbeat pop song with melancholic lyrics, during their impromptu karaoke session, Jisung had been delvinging into all related categories to find songs he thought the older might enjoy. He wanted more than anything to inspire his older companion? Partner? (that was a later Jisung question.) but he wanted to repay the man who had allowed him to get out of his creative slump. That night, as soon as the youngest rapper had returned to the 3RACHA “house” he felt the start of at least 5 separate tracks and choruses appear in his brain. His two hyungs jumped into action along with him as Jisung desperately tried to write and record everything that was jumping out of his brain at once. 
Jisung remembered Chan’s smile and encouraging words as he fitted a few of his new verses to songs they had previously put on the shelf. After finding a particularly emotional but upbeat song he immediately wanted to send it to Minho. He always got hung up on what to say with the link. Other than the thought vomit that occurred every time he chooses to send him a potentially good song: “Found this song? U Like???” No Jisung, what are you five?? “I think you will enjoy this song. Please give it a listen? :0” No that just sounds desperate. 
“You doing alright there Ji, I can hear you sighing through my earbuds?” Chan peeked out from under his styled bangs with a raised eyebrow, sending Jisung into a red embarrassed mess that he had been caught. He hoped his layers of foundation would cover it up. 
“Yeah fine fine, don't worry. I’m FINE.” Attempting to hide Jisung curled up tighter into his arm chair. Just be casual Jisung it's a song not a marriage proposal dear god. “Have you heard this song? Made me think of you :)” Good, yes fine. Send.
Minho responded immediately and cutely with an emoji that made his heart jump a little. Minho would respond always with a variation of a “Thanks! I’ll go listen”, but Jisung had yet to receive any confirmation that the older actually enjoyed the links he sent, much less had found some inspiration in them. At this point the only thing he could do was hope. He wanted nothing more than Minho to be smiling because of him.
Officially exhausted, it wasn’t until late when the 3RACHA boys had finally made it back to their apartment. The day Jisung had, had been anything but short. Almost collapsing immediately on the couch. Sana notified them that she had already ordered food to be delivered for dinner and that they should go to bed as soon as they had finished eating. Chan looked like he was about to pass out on the couch before the food even arrived, which was more than likely at this point. After their shoot they were immediately sent to a few other meetings laying out their marketing and schedule plans for the upcoming weeks. Although glad they were able to part with their artistic and career decisions with their company, it did add a lot of work and responsibilities to the trio. 
Jisung’s phone had died somewhere after meeting 3 of 5 and he had submitted to having to carry the lifeless brick with him anyway. Not ideal for his wandering mind and anxiety that comes with a few too many stressful meetings. Once finally arriving home he went and plugged his phone in at the charger on the kitchen counter. Lighting up with notification buzzes as it rebooted back to life. 
[ 5 new messages from Lee Minho hyungie]
Immediately cursing himself internally for not bringing his charger with him, he opened his messages from Minho ignoring all others. 
[Lee Minho hyungie]
5:45 pm
Hey Jisungie, just finished up practice!
Actually may or may not have danced to the song u sent…
Maybe I’ll show you some day hehehehehehehehe ;)
7:21 pm
Han Jisung, did you forget your charger again >:/ 
Well I’m off to my late shift, I hope you have a good night~
Jisung always found himself smiling at Minho’s before work texts. They were always so cute. Either some sort of sweet well wishing or some other Minho-esque goodbye, along the lines of “don’t die mysteriously while i'm gone ;p” or “Have a good night, try not to miss my WONDERFUL company too much <3”. (The hearts always made Jisung grin hard, even if they were sarcastic)
This night though, Jisung found him almost jumping in victory at Minho’s text. 
[Lee Minho hyungie]
12:35 am
What did you like about it? 
When can I see????
You better not leave me on read after work!
Jisung tried to imagine what kind of dance Minho would do to the track he sent,and suddenly found himself flush at the thought of watching the other dance. Somehow, watching Minho dance, felt more intimate than any other situation that they’ve shared. Thankfully Minho seemed to want to hold off, so at least of the time being Jisung’s heart was safe. The exhaustion and stress from the day faded ever so slightly as soon as he thought of Minho with coordinating blush to match. 
Jisung you lovestruck fool.
“Jisung! Food’s here!!! If you don't hurry Chan’ll eat your portion again.”
“HEY! It was one time.” Laughter filled the apartment gently as they all respectively fought gravity to get up and make their way to collect the food from the delivery man.  
Minho tore up the stairs and through their apartment door as quickly as he could without spilling the carry out food he had in his arms. The clock was ticking a little past midnight and fear set in that the older would miss their planned celebrations. 
Bursting through the door, “Did I beat him?!” The oldest was frazzled from rushing in order to beat their third roommate home from work.
“Barely! I was afraid you wouldn’t make it, with having to bring the carry out.” Hyunjin’s sigh of relief was visible throughout the boy's now relaxed body. He had spent the last ten minutes hoping that they would still be able to pull off their surprise party for the youngest. Pacing around and failing to come up with any backup plans if Minho had been later than Felix. Thankfully for them both, Minho had a way of always being on time. 
“Hey all that matters is I made it. Is everything else ready?” Looking around Minho could see that Hyunjin’s bed was transitioned back into the couch setting and that the floors had been tidied up. A couple stray balloons littered the floor as well as a home made “happy birthday felix” sign hung from their living room screen divider. 
“Yep, I've just been waiting anxiously for you to get home for the past half hour.”
The door handle of their apartment began to jiggle, signaling the two boys to spring into action. Minho setting down the carry out, and Hyunjin frantically lights candles on the small cake on the coffee table. The door swung open, revealing a disheveled after-work Felix wandering through the door. As soon as the boy turned toward their living room, he was accosted with shouts and the flailing limbs of his hyungs. 
“Surprise!!!” “Happy Birthday!!!” 
Felix’s smile erased any of the signs of exhaustion off his face immediately as soon as he spotted his hyungs excited expressions. The cake, the streamers, the balloons, and sign all sparked some joyful tearing of his eyes as he set down his things and made his way to the small cake with a few random lit candles on top. The clock had crossed over into the next day as Felix had made his way home, that he had almost forgotten that it was now technically the early morning hours of his birthday. Coming home to joyful cheers instead of their usual exhausted silence had given him a certain happiness that he hadn’t realized he was missing. 
For all of three of the roommates this was their first time having a celebration in their small home together. By now the sense of home was undeniable and without realizing it all of them had begun to consider each other and their shared 3 room apartment, home. 
The disjointed singing of happy birthday followed by the laughter and conversation surrounded their coffee table as the three enjoyed their small carryout feast and cake. The warmth that their company gave each other lasted well into the night.
“Hyung! It's my birthday, stop eating all the cake!!!” 
“I have no idea what youre talking about Lixie.” Minho says while actively taking another bite of their 2 person sized cake. 
“Hyung!” The laughter of the oldest filled the room followed by the other two’s not too long after.
“Happy Birthday Lixie~” The smile hadn’t left the freckled boys faces since he had sat down, and remained as he pulled his two roommates into a forceful hug. It was his birthday so the boys both submitted to the clingy nature of their third roommate, as always.
It was late into the early morning by the time Minho had checked his phone. 
[ 5 new messages from Rich Boy Han Jisung]
A soft pang of guilt hits his chest after reading the younger’s texts and realizing that he did in fact leave the other on read for the better part of the last two hours.  
2:43 am 
I’m so sorry Sungie!
We were celebrating Felix’s birthday, and I didnt check my phone…. 
Look at the cute cake we got him!
{photo attached}
Minho sent the selfie of the three of them with Felix’s cake, if anything just to lessen the guilt in his chest. Hoping that the cuteness of Felix’s smile would be enough to forgive him for low key ghosting him for a few hours. Minho knows that on the days Jisung has the most schedules are the hardest for him mentally, and he always tries his best to be there for him and send him a message or two to lessen the load on those nights. The fact that he hadn’t been there tonight filled him with some worry. A part of him hoped that the younger would’ve been asleep by now but their late night track record did not exactly support that. 
Jisung had been lying painfully awake in his bed for an hour when he heard the buzz of his phone. Slightly upset with his body for not giving into the exhaustion he had gathered from the day, and just letting him sleep, he turned to the side table to check the messages. Awake fully ,but only mentally half conscious, he read through his messages:
Minho. Oh, yay, it's Minho.
Felix’s Birthday. Oh right he had mentioned that coming up.
Cute cake. Aw that cake is really cute… wait. 
I have one of those, around this time to- 
I missed my birthday. I forgot my birthday. Everyone forgot.
The cute picture Minho had sent was so filled with happiness that Jisung almost let the pain slide and pass the moment by. But something just didn't feel right in letting himself forget his own birthday. The fact that the others hadn’t remembered didn’t bother him too much. Chan, Changbin, they were all busy with schedules and he can't blame them. Especially since he, himself had forgotten. No birthday text from his family either. Unsurprising though since he rarely got in contact with them since moving to Korea in high school. He forgot though. 
He wasn’t quite sure why this was bothering him so much. Some people don't even celebrate their birthday, or remember how old they are, but Jisung had always prided himself on never letting his work take over entirely who he was. To exhausted-Jisung, he couldn’t help but feel like this was one step toward losing the grip on who he was, and that was in itself, terrifying. 
The coldness of his bed and the dark expanse of his room seemed to only perpetuate the way Jisung felt. Floating, alone, lost. His insecurity was starting to come into focus, and no wonder it had been keeping him up. He had been spiraling for days probably, without even knowing it. The buzz of his phone lit up his face, snapping him out of his own thoughts for a moment. 
[Lee Minho hyungie]
2:50 pm 
You okay Jisung? 
I hope I didn't wake you
Jisung noticed that the app had revealed that he had read the messages and was indeed awake. Unfortunately, exhausted-and--spirling-Jisung was the only one present enough to send a response. Hopefully Minho wouldn’t mind him too much. 
You didn’t wake me, was already up :/ 
It looks really fun hyung
I just realized something too
My birthday was yesterday
I forgot it
Jisung found himself fighting the watering of his eyes as he sent those messages. Why was he crying? He just forgot, he was busy. It was okay. Right? The tears seemed to only cloud his vision more, blocking him from reading the messages from Minho that were buzzing and populating the screen. Not bothering to wipe his eyes, he let them blurr.
Wh- do you- mea- ???
Jis--ng ar- y-- ok--?
I-- sorry i- di-nt -----
---- wa-t --- ca-l?
A few moments passed, without him realizing it, as his phone buzzed some more, screen changing to the incoming call screen. Sucking up his tears and drying his damp screen, it took a few tries before answering the call.
“Jisung!?” Jisung nearly flinched, just nearly. 
“Hi hyung, How was work?” hoping to cover up his tears by changing the subject. Jisung thought it was a pretty good attempt.
“How wa- what, no. Jisung are you okay?” There it was again. The undeniable worry in Minho’s voice. Ow. 
“Yeah I’m okay.” Despite Jisung’s efforts it was obvious to Minho that the other had in fact been crying. Not wanting to push the younger though, he allowed him to change the subject
“.... okay, I just want to check in on you. I worry you know, Sung!” 
“About me? that's silly hyung.” The distance in his tone replaced Jisung’s usual brightness, and it hurt Minho to hear it. 
“I don't think so. How am I to know what my favorite customer is up to? You may be a soon to be rap star but that doesn’t keep you from ignoring your hyung.” Even though Jisung giggled at that, the irony of the statement wasn’t lost on Minho. A wave of guilt washed over his chest as soon as he said it. 
“I am sorry though. For not answering sooner and everything.” 
And for reminding you of your birthday, and making you cry, and not being there to make you smile.
“No don’t be sorry! That’ll only make me feel worse for bothering you… I think the exhaustion was just making me delirious, I haven't been sleeping well these past few nights.” Minho had to fight his initial protective instincts that told him to scold the younger for not taking care of himself, because a part of him knew that the younger was certainly trying his best to do so. 
“Well if you can’t sleep ever, just call me okay? I’m usually up from my shifts anyway. Plus if I'm not up surely one of my roommates is. Felix will probably never let go of you once he finds your birthday brothers." Hearing Minho's laugh lightened the tight pressure that Jisung hadn't realized had been settled in his chest.
"Okay hyung, i'd like that I think."
"You better. My time rarely comes free, and this is a limited time offer." Jisung’s laugh is a little bit more enthusiastic this time. 
“Of course hyung.” A silence came over them for a moment. Not an awkward one, more of a point of realization and relief. Like the feeling after having a good cry, in Jisung’s case. 
“Happy belated birthday Jisung.” 
“Thanks hyung… Did you have a fun time with Felix?” 
“Yeah! It was actually a lot of fun. Just some carry out and cake after work, but it was good to relax with them. We don't always have free time together, and haven’t had the chance to celebrate anything until now. Hyunnie luckily found a cake on sale at the mart today, sparking this whole thing.” 
Minho remembered the frantic call from the younger as he delved into his plans for giving Felix the “perfect surprise birthday celebration” because he had “found the perfect cake to match Felix’s cuteness.” It was on sale. Also because “Come on Min-hyung Felix would absolutely do the same for us.” Explaining the situation to Jisung really did solidify the fact that Minho knew Felix, would in fact, plan some adorable birthday celebration for the older two if given the opportunity. 
“What would you guys have done if he hadn't found the cake?”
“I’m not sure maybe it would’ve just been a carry-out celebration.”
“Still sounds really nice hyungie. You and your roommates seem so close.” 
“I suppose shared rent does that to people.” Minho laughed it off but he had begun to cherish the brotherly bond that had grown between his roommates. 
Not having ever considered it before, the fact that the roommates were only able to buy a cake because it happened to be on sale, revealed to Jisung that their financial situations may have been farther apart than he realized. Money had never been a barrier that Jisung had to face, always having family (or honestly Changbin) help pay for his living and pursuit of his dreams. Sure he’s had part time jobs in the past but he never found himself worrying about not making enough each month. Not going to university definitely was a large factor in maintaining his “affordable” lifestyle.
“It's nice you do things for each other. I can't remember the last time my hyungs and I have done something together that didn't have to do with our music.” Jisung started to feel some sort of jealousy at the closeness that Minho and his roommate had found in each other. Financial guilt and emotional jealousy are a strange combination for a half conscious Jisung to say the least. 
“Are those fools not taking care of my Sung properly? Illegal, tell them to call me I have to yell at them too. They better not be working you too hard.” 
‘My Sung’ Jisung almost choked. Almost. 
“Nonono Hyung! They take care of me fine, we're all just exhausted with work.”
“Hmmmm okay they get a pass this time, but please relay my threat.”
“Okay okay I will.” 
“You should probably get some rest soon. You're busy tomorrow right?” 
Jisung yawned in response, which was enough convincing for Minho that he needed to rest. 
“Okay looks like it's sleepy time for hardworking Jisung~”
“Wait hyung!” Jisung wasn’t quite ready to sleep yet, even though his body was actively fighting him.
“Yes belated birthday boy?”
“Thank you for not letting me be a sad gremlin all night. It would've been nice to have spent my birthday with you, but you still made me feel better.”
The musings of sleepy Jisung were just about enough to let the fondness burst from Minho’s chest. As much as he continues to hide it, the fondness still seeps into his voice, “Of course, Jisung we always have next year.” A promise he wasn’t sure he could keep but Jisung always made him want to try new things. 
“Next year?” The sleepiness had definitely taken over, making his voice much softer than his usual bright edge. 
“Yes next year... Goodnight Sungie, call me back if you can't sleep okay.”
“Mmkay, G’night hyungie.” Already half asleep by the time he hung up, Minho was glad that the younger was finally able to rest. Glancing at his roommates huddled together on the couch already drifting off, Minho accepted that it was his turn to finally rest knowing that all his younger companions were all safely sleeping. Hyung instincts he supposes.
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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klutzymaiden123 · 3 years
Some Tips on How I Keep Motivating Myself to Write
This post was inspired by a response I recently got from @pastelnightgale and obviously, I’m not an expert (I’m literally on year 6 of a fanfic rip), but I still wanted to type something up about this. 
I find that the hardest part about writing is finding the motivation to actually start it . . . and then keep it. You can have all of these intricate fantasies in your head, with twists and turns and even a playlist you made on spotify, but actually getting up and writing it is ridiculously hard. 
Especially if, like me, you suffer from perfectionism. 
I kinda wanted to write a post about how I personally motivate myself to write, both fanfiction and my own things. Obviously, what I write is flawed and needs a lot of improvement, but I’ve come really far and I’m proud of the progress I’ve made. 
So, here’s some tips I’ve picked up over the years. Feel free to apply this to whatever art you personally create, but this is primarily for writers.
1) Listening to Music
This is my number one. Easily. I’m someone who has a lot of attachment with the music I listen to (as most people do, I’d assume). Though I’m picky with the overall sound, I prefer music or artists who really put a lot of thought into their lyrics specifically. Or even when they use certain effects to carry across emotions or add more emphasis to specific lines. It’s why I’m such a fan of Taylor Swift; her songs are basically poetry packaged as pop music. 
It personally helps me to listen to music not just because it’s enjoyable, but it helps create scenarios in my head. We all shoot music videos in our head, why not try doing it with your characters? Plus, if the artist you’re listening to plays with words through metaphors or similies or imagery, it’s a massive bonus. I seriously recommend turning to music, whatever genre you listen to, and letting that sometimes paint the picture for you.
2) watching Movies. 
This is a massive one for me. I don’t know how high this would be on anyone else’s lists since films are obviously a completely different medium to books, but I find there’s a lot of things that can be useful about movies. For one thing, movies just have better fight sequences. Kinda obvious statement, but I don’t mean in a ‘well you can see it so therefore film is better’ no, I mean, film literally has better action sequences. 
Obviously, as a writer, you’re never going to be able to properly adapt the quick pace of fights in movies. But you can adapt the details in how they move. Fight scenes in movies are better then books because they’re choreographed. Now granted, I’m still beginning my journey in reading, but so far, I haven’t been impressed with what I’ve seen. Either the author writes a scene that describes the action, but with no focus on the strain it has on the character’s bodies, or they gloss over the fight completely. It makes me feel like I’m reading fanfiction, but written from the younger side. 
It’s just super dissapointing, so I try to challenge myself by studying how the characters moves, the impact of their movements on each other, and then how tired that can leave them. 
But also, movies can have other things that I think writers should learn to adapt. Like a character’s mannerisms. Now, I don’t just mean mannerisms as in what they do in their day to day lives, I mean facial ticks. Like, the minute sequences their features will go through as they’re processing news. Or their stances. Or what they do with their hands. Actors are very detailed about how they’re protraying their characters, and I just find myself aching to carry that over in my own portrayal of my characters.
It’s obviously important to realise that film and novels have both their benefits and disadvantages in what they can and can’t portray. But it’s even more important to realise that different mediums can also teach us things about our sense of portrayals.
3) Reading books
This may be surprising that it’s not number one, but honestly, I didn’t start reading actual books until late last year. I kinda used to read some in high school, but those were few and far between. This year I’ve actively been trying to emerge myself in more professional writing, as I do find it a little strange to want to write so badly without taking any infleunce from any other writers. 
Previously, I used to take inspiration from fanfiction and fictionpress, which I guess I still do. There’s definitely benefits in exclusively reading them (for instance, I prefer characterisation, romance and comedy in fanfiction) but I personally find books to be better in overall world building. I mean, obviously.
World building and setting are my weak spots, and I find that reading literal books actually helps me easier improve on these areas. Oh, and length. I’m a pretty detailed writer, but it’s sometimes hard to navigate what should and shouldn’t be getting so much focus. Fanfiction is pretty short (typically only a few pages), but books can be a whole lot longer, and how they use that space and length helps me translate it into my own pages. Granted, I tend to write way too much, but it’s still really helpful in navigating what should and shouldn’t be getting focus.
Oh, and bonus points for booktubers. They review a variety of different books, and for me personally, whenever they critique books, it motivates me to write something brilliant so they could maybe read it and smile. My favourites are WithCindy and Dominic Noble.
4) Tumblr—Specifically writing blogs. 
When I tell you that I did nothing in my last years of high school but secretly read fanfiction and writing blogs on tumblr in class, I--
Obviously, I’m biased, cause I’ve been reading tips on here since I was a kid, but I really recommend following some good blogs on here. They give such good advice, specifically on how to research, or portray certain emotions and, most of all, representation. Tumblr was actually where I learnt to write my fight scenes—about how to portray the feeling of a quick sequence of events, while balancing it out with your character’s limited view. They write things I haven’t even seen professionals talk about (and honestly, I think they could benefit from reading a tumblr blog). 
My personal favourite blogs are: Nimble’s Notebook, and Clevergirlhelps
5) Re-writes.
Okay, this is a massive one I should’ve mentioned in the beginning. Never compare what you have on your word doc to what others have published. Why? Because I can tell you that they did not start off like that. They went through massive amounts of editing and drafting and re-reads before coming out like this clean cut version. Trust me. No one’s that quick. And even if they are, who cares? It could take you two drafts, it could take you four, it could take you nine--we all work at our own pace.
It’s something I have to keep reminding myself when I’m on my first and second draft. Because they are shit. I always feel untalented when writing my first draft--oh, and that’s not a purposeful dig at myself to get compliments, I genuinely mean that. I will never let someone read one of my early drafts because they are literally so bad, and not only that, but those drafts are for me. They’re not there for anyone else yet. Early drafts are just so you can start to build your empire, they’re your foundation. You can reach for the sky the more you keep building. 
Don’t get on your own case if you don’t like your first draft. It’s fine. It gets so much easier the more you rewrite it. Trust me.
6) Write Things for You.
This is one of my favourite tips. Oh, and I don’t mean it in a ‘you’re not writing for an audience, you are the audience’ kinda way. No, I mean literally write things for you. And only for you.
If you have a story in your head that you don’t want to write because you know it’s just a phase, it won’t last long enough for you to make something out of, or you’re not confident in it, or whatever, fuck it—just write it. 
Open your word doc and type it out. Then don’t post it. Or share it. Keep it on your computer, stored away in a folder you won’t ever share. You might be asking, why would you waste your time on a project no one will ever see? Simple. 
It takes away the pressure.
A major hindrance to a writer actually writing is sometimes . . . not feeling good enough. You’re worried that an audience will laugh or mock what you’ve written, or that it won’t turn out just the way you planned it too, or even that the plot is too corny. Well, what I’ve found is that writing for myself stops me from judging myself so badly. I have so many documents on this computer of corny borderline wattpad stories that will never see the life of day. And it feels great. Cause I’m still actively writing and improving myself while eliminating that huge amount of anxiety that plagues me. 
This is such a massive tip, please consider it. Obviously, if the story turns out really well, go ahead and post it if you’re super proud of it. But otherwise, just write something with the intention of not sharing it. Keep it to yourself, so you can look back on it with fond memories. 
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Goodnight, Aaron (Aaron Hotchner x OC) Chapter 4
Summary: With Hotch’s blessing, Sebastian begins to assimilate into the Hotchner household. 
Tagging: @sunlight-moonrise, @clean-bands-dirty-stories, @genevievedarcygranger, and @davidrossi-ismydad
Chapter 3 // Masterlist // AO3 Link // Chapter 5
Dropping Jack off at school proved to be the easiest thing in Sebastian’s day, despite not waking up past ten o’clock for the past few weeks.
Packing his possessions only took two hours in comparison to the literal hellscape that was the cleaning up. His tiny bedsit hid plenty of nooks and crannies that hoarded dust and grime. On his hands and knees, Sebastian scrubbed away with anti-bac spray and wipes in hopes that he would get his deposit back.
He really fucking hated cleaning. It always took him way too long. Probably because he got putting on a video for background noise – it had to be something he found interesting to help pass the time but not so interesting that he would be pulled into watching it. A fine wire to walk and Sebastian had terrible balance to match his attitude. There was also the fact that he would often put off cleaning with the excuse of doing it all in one big go.
Past Sebastian was a bitch and Present Sebastian was suffering because of it
After a quick lunch of his leftovers, he lay back on the floor and dialled for his best friend. She picked up after three rings and he whined loudly to her.
“Bellamy, help me. I’m drowning in used wipes in my shitty shitty bedsit.”
“Hmm, delicious,” and Bellamy hung up.
Sebastian didn’t bother ringing up to see if she’d appear in the room. He decided that he would find out if she was on her way or not in the next hour.
Turns out it only took twenty minutes for Bellamy to push the front door open with the tip of her wedges.
“Why’d you call me to help you clean? Sexist pig,” and she swung her leg over his head.
Sebastian didn’t bother trying to dodge, letting the air shoot past his ear, a few stray hairs fluttering in Bellamy’s wake, “Because Klaus would make more mess, and I love your scintillating company – did you bring anything?”
“I got me coffee and you Haribo’s.”
Just another reminder as to how all that kerfuffle with his work visa was worth it.
He clasped his hands together as if in prayer, “I adore you; I owe you my life.”
With a grin, Bellamy tossed the packet his way, “Give me a cloth and tell me about your new boss then.”
Another thing Bellamy brought was the tunes. She was mumbling lyrics as she scrubbed away at the skirting board, Sebastian harmonising in terrible ways. The tasks didn’t get completed much quicker, but it was much more entertaining for Sebastian. Who knew what Bellamy was up to before this, she didn’t tell him.
Bellamy tossed a bag into the garbage can and peered in despite the smell, “Somehow still better than my flat.”
“When are you moving out by the way?”
“Who knows, maybe I’ll move into your bedsit.”
“Don’t, landlord’s a prick.” And Sebastian looked over his shoulder, a belated measure
“Still better than mine.”
Bellamy stayed right up until all the belongings were crushed into Sebastian’s car and the door was locked by them for the final time. It was a very unemotional time when Sebastian tossed the keys through the letterbox, and they left down the murky stairwell together.
To say Jack enjoyed the sight of all Sebastian’s bags pilled together in the backseats was an understatement. The drive back, he was more elated by the tracks leaking from Sebastian’s stereo. His chatter on the drive back about the games in the playground filled the time, and Sebastian was drawn into the world of spies Jack had created.
The energy dipped when Jack and Sebastian had to carry all of Sebastian’s belongings inside. The lift worked, thank God, but Sebastian was still weighed down with his bags for life. Plus Jack could only carry so much. He was only somewhat eager to drag Sebastian’s wheelie suitcase down the corridors. And even less so was Jack to get on with his homework once the car was clear of baggage.
Sebastian sneaked a sly glance at Hotch’s list of Jack’s preferred snacks before he made up some apple slices with peanut butter. Gotta trick the kids into eating their five-a-day.
Somehow, after that snack break, Jack transformed his mood into “very understanding” about doing his science work - especially for an eleven-year-old. He listened to Sebastian’s reason, one he wished he’d thought about and listened to when he was Jack’s age, was heard.
The Lego break was greatly appreciated too. Especially since it was coupled with the front door opening at quarter to seven to reveal Hotch.
“Hi, Daddy!” Jack trotted over and hugged his middle.
“You’re home early,” Sebastian cheered from the kitchen counter.
“On time for once,” Hotch set his stuff on the side, and his gun into the drawer swiftly after. “Don’t expect it to happen often.” Then, as Jack went back to the dinner table, Hotch knelt down and removed a second gun from an ankle holster. Sebastian didn’t comment. He must have just missed that last time.
“What you doing, buddy?” Hotch joined Jack at the table, subbing in where Sebastian left off. He brought his own pile of paperwork with him. But it stayed in his briefcase.
“Let’s have a look.”
Sebastian’s cooking playlist continued with its lyricless songs. But it was turned it way down and Sebastian felt more self-consciousness about each song still coming up. Towards the final seconds, he would hover over the skip button before deciding that it wouldn’t be so bad if it continued.
One of Sebastian’s favourite songs came on, but he had very little time to enjoy it.
When Jack heard that it was playing, he bounced on his little butt with excitement, “Sebastian wants to get married to this song!”
Looking between Jack and Hotch, who was looking expectantly for an answer with a little grin, Sebastian noticed his jaw was slack and promptly shut it.
“I would like to have my first dance to this song,” He explained, a little slower than Jack who continued:
“We listened to it in the car! But he doesn’t like a bit in the middle so he’s going to change it.”
Sebastian bit his cheek and got back to stirring the cabbage around in the saucepan in a triangle.
“Is this it?” Hotch tapped his pen against the homework, “The part you don’t like?”
“Not yet,” Sebastian replied, “There’s a change from three to four beats per bar in a sec first.”
And, as if he wanted to make things even worse for himself, Sebastian began to wave out the time signature with the fork he’d been using in the saucepan. Hotch and Jack watched the movement the movement change from a triangle to a lightning bolt as the song shifted into its denouement.
“So maybe I’d have to get it edited,” Sebastian finished, his voice fading out the more he spoke.
He didn’t point it out when they reached the moment of upbeat, just before the closing bars that didn’t fit with the traditional wedding idea. Who knows? Maybe he’d be unconventional if he got married, jam out with his significant other on the dance floor.
But he wasn’t about to discuss that with Hotch - or continue it with Jack for that matter. And he didn’t look up from his cooking until it was done and ready to be served.
Hotch ate with them, sat beside Jack while Sebastian was opposite. Jack gave an enthused rehashing of this spy game’s narrative beats. His fork was his baton as he orchestrated a rich tapestry of how he and his friends crept about the playground together. Interjecting appropriately, Hotch offered him tips of the trade, like some hand signals to use while sneaking underneath the windows of the classroom.
“Did you move in alright?” He suddenly addressed Sebastian.
Prayed none of his food was stuck in his teeth, Sebastian replied, “Yeah thanks, I’ll probably be unpacking for some of tomorrow though.”
Jack helped Sebastian load the dishwasher after dinner while Hotch disappeared into his office. It didn’t go unmissed, the way Jack’s behaviour slumped as soon as his father turned to walk away from him.
However, when Hotch reappeared sans suit jacket and tie, Sebastian bit back his laughter. Not because he thought the sight was funny, but he was just so pleased for Jack as the two began setting up a film. It was such a beautiful event to watch unfold from the kitchen table, where Sebastian was flying his Minecraft avatar about the server in search of something to do. He wanted to ring his mum, but by the power of time-zones, he was rendered incapable. So instead he punched a tree until it fell.
“Sebastian! Are you going to watch with us?” Jack said, his neck craning as far as he could go to look at his nanny while he pulled the puppy eyes on him.
“Um,” Sebastian threw a glance at the horrendous clock tower besides Bellamy’s mansion, “I’m gonna work for a bit, sorry Jack.”
The puppy dog eyes grew wider – how that was possible, Sebastian didn’t know – but Jack accepted the answer with relative grace and settled with Hotch on the couch, his legs buried beneath a blanket.
Sebastian decided to start building, something productive. But the further he got into his project, the further he wanted to jump into the ocean because of how ugly everything he made turned out to be. The booming opening titles of a Star Wars film brought him back to the apartment, where Hotch was retrieving something from the fridge, barely giving Sebastian just enough time to switch tabs to his email before he walked behind him.
But then he stopped beside him and spoke under his breath, “You live here too now. You don’t have to worry about bothering us.”
“Ah, I don’t wanna encroach on your time with Jack. And I was just gonna go to the shops. You want owt?” It all came tumbling out of Sebastian’s mouth pretty quick.
“‘Out’?” Hotch repeated.
“Owt, anything, it’s slang for anything.”
“Oh, no thank you. We’re all set,” and he held up the chocolate bar in his hand with a little smile. Sebastian’s stomach tensed but he returned the smile and closed his laptop lid, off to his room to get his rucksack.
Hotch’s arm rested around Jack on the back of sofa. They took turns breaking a square off the chocolate bar, Jack occasionally going for another between
“It makes sense that ‘owt’ is ‘anything’, if ‘nowt’ is ‘nothing’,” Hotch remarked, his head falling back on the couch to look at Sebastian. He shot him back a single finger gun.
“Now you’re getting it.”
“You don’t have to keep your shoes by the door either.”
“Oh, your poor carpets,” Sebastian let out a laugh at his oh-so-very-lame comment, making eye contact with the dress shoes that rested beside Hotch’s feet in pewter grey socks on the floor.
The shop was only a ten-minute walk away and he knew what he wanted. Sebastian still looped around the aisles as if he did not know where his next minute would be spent on this mortal coil. Eventually he settled on a slice of banoffee pie from the bakery. He answered the phone at the till, not so subtly bringing up the subject of their Minecraft time to Bellamy on the other end:
“Have you been on the server yet?”
“No, I’m marking some homework. Why? You wanna hop on tonight?”
“Ah, I’m gonna wait until Jack is off to bed first.”
“I’ll keep you posted on how the little buggers do with their homework.” And there was a clink of a glass in the background, “But I’m telling you, if I read one more ‘Curly’s wife’s nails are red because red means danger’.”
“Make it a drinking game! Don’t, don’t do that.”
Sebastian just missed the rain on his walk back. Thankfully so because his hoodie wouldn’t provide much protection for himself or for his pie. Upon re-entering the apartment, he was greeted by Jack and Jack alone.
“You alright, bud? Where’s ya Dad?”
“He had to get the phone.”
Speak of the devil, Hotch returned to the sitting room with his tie neat in place and suit jacket returned on his back. As he collected his belongings from his safe, he caught sight of Sebastian, “I gotta go to the office, shouldn’t be more than a few hours.”
He kissed the top of Jack’s head and nodded goodbye at Sebastian before leaving. It was then Sebastian saw that the movie was paused and Jack was eating the last square of chocolate.
“Do you want to finish the film, or wait until your dad comes back?”
“Finish it, please,” Jack drooled a little and Sebastian grabbed a tissue to mop it up.
He poked away at the pie before eating it. The pair watched in quietude before Sebastian remembered the last of his snacks at the bottom of his bag.
“You want a Haribo?”
They went through the usual routine: the Millennium Falcon speeding away with the gang barely intact before the credits rolled, teeth brushing, Sebastian reading Where The Wild Things Are until Jack was dozing off and not fighting his nanny easing him lower into his pillows.
The ugly-as-hell clock tower was demolished in favour of making a little paddock for the cows. Bellamy joined the server and insisted on an extension to their little home.
When he realised how dark his room had gotten, Sebastian checked the time.
He closed the lid of his laptop. Then he lay down on his bed with his eyes open and listened. Just his breathing and the beating of his heart were heard, slow and steady for Lord knows how long.
Then the front door creaked.
Footsteps padded across the floor, and the hall light snapped on. A shadow beneath the door passed by. He heard Hotch go into Jack’s room. Then the light went out again and a bedroom door closed.
Sebastian turned over and closed his eyes, now that he was ready to sleep.
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