#pepa in a rain dress
isa-inspired · 1 year
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Here’s Pepa in a rain dress! One of my favorite Encanto fanarts that I’ve made so far, she was really fun to draw and the dress was really fun to design!
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alexthebordercollie · 4 months
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I made this for an Encanto secret santa. Glad my kid enjoyed their gift ^.^ you can read the attached short story below the cut.
︵‿୨ - February 14 1912 - ୧‿︵
The hike up the steep mountainside was more exhausting in the rain. Slogging through the thick sticky mud that grew deeper the higher Bruno climbed. The closer he got to the source of the storm. Bruno spotted Pepa’s ruffled yellow dress peaking out against the murky landscape. The winds whipping the bright fabric about like a flag. Contrasted against the murky shadow the clouds coated across the lush greenery. Washing out all color save for that bright yellow dress. Soggy and miserable as it looked.
 “Can I sit?” Bruno carefully approached the small splash of sorry color sitting alone in the sea of sullen browns, greys, and blues. He pointed innocently to the patch of muddy ground next to his sister.
Pepa looked up at Bruno with the fattest pout. The rain blended with the tears that streamed down flushed red cheeks. Indistinguishable from each other. Green eyes narrowed before looking away. Pepa scooted an inch to the side to make space on her little patch of mud. Bruno sat down beside her. The ground squelching unpleasantly through his trousers. The wind blew Bruno’s hood about but he didn’t bother trying to keep it on his head. There wasn’t much point. He was already soaked clear through to the bone and had been for a while. From up here, the two siblings could watch the wild tears stream down the mountainside and into town. Occasionally a stray neighbor would step outside to brave the storm. They looked like ants. Scurrying wildly about the empty streets to dodge the rain.
“Julieta’s talking to Mamá right now.” Bruno stated awkwardly. Unsure how to make conversation. He knew Pepa didn’t want to talk, but Bruno figured she might feel better if they did. 
He didn’t have much reasoning behind the conjecture. After all, he was the one who caused this storm. Him and his big mouth. His bad luck. Bruno had a habit of making most things worse. He knew Pepa was upset but in her moment of stunned silence, he made the rookie mistake of trying to lighten the mood with a joke. He was stupid. He knew that, but then again… things couldn’t get much worse than they were now. He still wanted to help. Even if he wasn’t very good at it.
“Good for her.” Pepa huffed.
“Mamá’s pretty mad.” Bruno observed. He pulled his poncho over his lap and watched the water collect before wringing it out tightly in his grip. Not that it mattered. He’d stretch it back out again to watch another puddle form.
“Mamá’s always mad.” Pepa spat back in frustration.
“That’s not true.” Bruno countered meekly. Wringing more water out of his poncho. “She’s never mad at Julieta.” 
“At us Bruno!” Pepa snapped. Furrowing her brow in frustration at her brother. 
Bruno said another stupid thing. Of course he did. “Correcto, porque somos los jodidos.” He replied simply. Not sad or resentful. Just a statement of fact. One he knew Pepa was just as self-aware of as he was.
They both knew they were the problem children. Pepa because her emotions always got the better of her and Bruno? Well… what wasn’t wrong with Bruno? He couldn’t exactly explain what the problem was. He couldn’t answer that question if he tried. He just knew he was wrong. Everything he did or said. He was strange. Stupid. Bad luck…
“Ajá.” Pepa sighed in resignation. 
Bruno was just stating the obvious again.
Bruno tucked quietly under his poncho. Wrapping it tight over his knees and resting his chin on the flat surface the tent created. His rat Lupita squirmed up to his collar to poke her head out. The little doe sensed the tension in the air as the deafening silence settled between the two siblings. The storm was loud and raging around them, despite Pepa’s still silence.
“Estoy bien mija.” Bruno soothed to his furry little friend. Petting her sopping wet fur between the ears. He liked talking to his rats like this. When he talked to them he could pretend to be a grown-up. That was always nice. He somehow had a feeling he would never get to be a grown-up for real. He couldn’t explain why. It was just a feeling.
“Puaj, puf, puf, puf, puf, puf!” Pepa suddenly shrieked. Scrambling back away from Bruno. The thick mud staining the little yellow dress that stuck out against the storm. Smothering that little spark of color. “You brought one of your rats?!”
“It’s just Lupita.” Bruno defended. Plucking the small doe from his shoulder and cupping her protectively in his hands. “She’s nice. She was worried about you and wanted to come make sure you were ok.” 
“It’s all soggy and smelly!” Pepa whined. She shuttering and squirming as she leaned as far from Bruno as she could without getting up.
“But she’s so nice.” Bruno protested. Holding up the dripping little doe to show his sister. Showing off Lupita’s bright beady eyes. 
“Ay!” Pepa shrieked as Bruno shoved the rat into her face. Flailing and trying to shove it away. Lupita began to panic and squirm in Bruno’s hands. Attempting to flee Pepa’s shrieking. A bolt of lightning zapped the ground next to Bruno and made him jump. Barely dodging a very painful strike.
“Just hold the rat!” Bruno demanded irritably. 
“I’m not holding that thing!” Pepa yelled back over the howling winds. “It’s gonna bite me!”
Bruno huffed and puffed up his cheeks. He filled his lungs with air and gathered his courage before grabbing Pepa by her arm and forcing Lupita into her hands. “Ahí, ves?” Bruno challenged. Pepa kept squirming but Bruno held her hands clasped over Lupita. The frightened little doe curled up and shook in their hands. “She’s not gonna bite. Just hold her, you’ll feel better.” He insisted.
Pepa anxiously sucked in her lips. Her shoulders bunched up around her neck. Slowly she opened one eye and looked down. She gradually relaxed as she looked at the caged little creature in their hands. Trembling and sweet. Not an ounce of malice in Lupita’s tiny body.
“Feeling better?” Bruno asked softly. Watching Pepa slowly unwind. Bruno’s chest swelled with a sense of pride. He loved his rats. Knew just how sweet they were. How good they felt to hold. Bruno slowly loosened his grip on the girls and guided Pepa’s hands till she was holding Lupita comfortably. The little wet rat continued to shake for a bit before finally looking up at Pepa with wide pleading eyes.
Pepa sniffled and the wind gradually slowed around them. “She’s warm.”  She muttered softly.
“And soft.” Bruno chirped with pride.
Pepa nodded slowly before her puffy red cheeks began to swell. Her eyes welled up as she stared back down at Lupita. Broken wailing sobs escaped her, rattling her delicate frame.
Bruno’s heart lurched up into his throat. Panic setting in with the fresh wave of icy cold downpour that soaked him to the bone. “Oh, oh no, Pepa, don’t cry, I didn’t mean to…” Bruno rushed to try and hold his sister but couldn’t find an opening through the cracks of lighting and harsh winds.
“He said he dumped me 'cause I’m crazy.” Pepa sobbed.
“You’re not crazy!” Bruno scolded sternly. Shouting over the rain. 
Angry tears continued to pour over Pepa’s flushed face. She sucked in a few sharp wheezing breaths before choking out her words. “I feel crazy.” She hugged Lupita to her chest and sobbed into her sopping wet pelt. “No matter how hard I try… It always rains…” 
Pepa’s words dug into Bruno’s chest like a knife. They struck at something, at feelings he didn’t know how to put words yet. He knew Pepa wasn’t the crazy one. She didn’t deserve to feel like that.
“You’re not crazy.” Bruno mumbled as the howling winds died down again. The rain falling straight down like a bucket dumped onto the mountainside. Weighing Pepa’s hair and clothes down like lead. Bruno pulled Pepa close and hugged her. Resting her head on his shoulder. “You’re just a kid.” He told her. “It’s okay to be sad. It’s not your fault.”
Pepa sobbed into her brother’s neck. For a while, it was all she could do. Just sniffle and grieve. Exhausted and sad and broken. “I tried so hard.” She whimpered.
“I know you did.” Bruno replied softly. 
“I was going to be the best novia ever.” Pepa grieved. “We were going to get married someday.”
Bruno winced and tilted his head. “Well… I mean, I knew that wasn’t gonna happen.” He replied.
Pepa shoved him back with one hand. Lupita still perched in the other. “You knew he was going to dump me this whole time and you didn’t say anything?” 
“Oh, no,” Bruno held up his hands in submission. Shrinking back before he risked getting zapped. “I didn’t know what was going to happen I just, like, your baby, in the future, I knew they weren’t his.” Bruno told her. “I don’t know who you’re supposed to marry but I saw your daughter once in a vision.” 
Pepa grew quiet and hugged Lupita again. The tired stressed little rat looked like she was growing impatient with being squished but made no effort to escape her grip. “Could you uhm…” Pepa looked away and tugged at her limp braid with one hand. “Could you see who my husband is? Maybe then I won’t have to waste my time…” 
Bruno quickly shook his head. He immediately knew how that would go. A deep pit in his gut told him if he tried to it would only make life harder for his sister. “I don’t think that’s a good idea Pepa. What if I jinx it? What if I see you with someone terrible and ugly and then you're stuck with him?” Bruno challenged.
Pepa sighed. Her shoulders sagging. “I guess you’re right…” She conceded. She turned away to stare aimlessly back down the muddy slope at the town. Petting Lupita in her lap. “Mamá says real women don’t get their heart broken over stupid little boys.” She pouted softly. 
Mamá was always telling them what it meant to be a grown-up. All the things they had to do and be. None of it sounded very fun. Most of it sounded impossible to Bruno. He wasn’t sure he would ever be a real man. He didn’t know how to be, and seeing the future didn’t make the answers any clearer.
Bruno curled up and hugged his knees. Staring down at the town again. “I wouldn’t know anything about that.” He admitted. Manhood was already hard enough to wrap his head around. He couldn’t begin to figure out being a woman. “I’m pretty sure Mamá thinks I’m a stupid little boy.” He chuckled awkwardly and quacked out of the side of his mouth. “So I guess you better not let me break your heart.” He teased. Turning to look back at his sister. “Then we’ll both be in trouble and I won’t even be able to help cause you’ll be too mad at me.”
Pepa let out a little snort that turned into a laugh. One laugh turned into two, before devolving into more tears again. Her genuine smile a brief flash of light that was quickly snuffed out by a fresh wave of pain. “Dios mío, duele tanto.” She wept. Overwhelmed by a pain Bruno had yet to know.
“Lo siento.” Bruno replied softly. “I don’t know how to make it better.” He looked down at his feet and hugged his knees. His hair clinging to his face and forming thick black curtains over his eyes. He could just see his toes soaking into the mud between the clumps of black. The gentle sound of his sister’s cries just barely audible over the fat lazy raindrops plopping against the ground.
Bruno’s eyes scanned over the mud. Counting the raindrops. Eventually, his gaze landed on a long sturdy branch with a fork at the end. He perked up and squinted at the stick for a moment. A thought occurring to him. Pepa looked up at him curiously as Bruno got up to pick up the stick. He didn’t mind Pepa’s stares. She’d understand in just a moment. Bruno scurried about the slippery hillside and surrounding woods looking for the right sort of branches. It took some searching but he found another similarly forked branch and broke a bit off the end to make them the same length. More sticks, some large fronds that had been knocked from the towering wax palms by the storm.
“What are you doing?” Pepa narrowed her eyes at Bruno skeptically as he approached with his bundle of waterlogged kindling.
“Helping.” Bruno replied simply. 
Bruno dug a couple of holes in the mud on either side of Pepa and wedged his forked branches into them. Drilling them down into the ground and caking the base in mud till it was enough to hold them upright. Another branch draped between the two pillars. Its ends woven into the forks. Once he did so he laid a few other branches he’d stripped of any straggly bits diagonally from the ground to the top branch. He layered palm fronds over the frame he’d created till he’d built a decently solid little lean-to. The walls of packed leaves caught the rain as it fell and offered Pepa a small shelter.
Bruno could feel Pepa’s eyes burning holes into him as he came to sit back down beside her under the palm fronds. “En serio?” She chuckled softly.
Bruno shrugged. “What? I made a shelter. Now you won’t get rained on.” 
Pepa laughed again. A bit more genuine this time. “And? We’re both drenched. What does it matter? We’re still wet.”
“Sí.” Bruno replied simply. “But now we’re a little less wet.” He reasoned. Hugging his knees and listening to the rain hit the leaves and slide off. “I figure that’s still better.”
“Sí, creo que sí.” Pepa replied softly. She flopped sideways, resting her head on Bruno’s shoulder. Lupita looked up at Bruno pleadingly from her perch in Pepa’s hands. Pepa didn’t really know how to hold a rat right but Lupita was doing her best to be patient. Bruno was considering taking his rat back when the next words out of Pepa’s mouth took him by surprise and disrupted his thoughts.
“Gracias Bruno.” Pepa sighed. Closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the rain.
“De nada.” Bruno assured her. Resting his cheek on top of her head.
More Encanto short stories here-
To love for today - Chapter 1 - alexBDcollie - Encanto (2021) [Archive of Our Own]
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foreveranevilregal · 7 months
Encantober Day 5: Cold
It was a beautiful summer day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and best of all, Pepa had zero gift-related obligations. After a rainy spring and sunny summer, the crops were growing well without Pepa’s intervention, making this year markedly different from the last when she’d practically drowned the valley after...
Well. After something they didn’t talk about.
But things were better now. Deciding to start one of the books Félix had gotten her for her last birthday (the man spoiled her; she thanked God every day for giving him to her), she walked along the path, book tucked under her arm, until she found a nice shady tree. She sat down next to the tree and opened her book. Julieta had recommended it, having enjoyed it herself, so Pepa was looking forward to seeing what happened. Of course, she plugged her ears when Julieta mentioned anything more detailed than the basic premise. Books were an adventure she preferred to discover by jumping right in. Having someone tell her what happens would defeat the purpose.
She read for a little while, savoring the gentle breeze that fluttered the pages in her hands. This book really was good. But an uneasy feeling had crept into her. Something was…off. She couldn’t quite place it, but it felt almost like when she was hungry; her mood plummeting without explanation.
For a few more minutes, she tried to keep reading, but it proved to be an exercise in futility. The breeze had turned chilly, making it hard to concentrate. Frustrated, she slammed the book shut. She didn’t understand what had sunk her mood. The book was amazing! So many wonderful things were happening, and Pepa just wanted to share them with someone!
And there was no one around.
There was no one around.
Oh. Cold air swirled around her as the realization struck. As much as Pepa enjoyed having a free day like this, and indulging in her favorite pastime, it was way more fun to spend the day goofing off with…with…
A fat freezing droplet skittered across the cover of her book. Another soon followed. Alarmed, Pepa looked up to see a heavy white cloud looming overhead. One drop turned to two turned to a sprinkle of sleeting rain. Pepa tried frantically to shield the book from the precipitation to no avail. Frost crept over the grass around her, turning the vibrant green to a dull white. Desperate, Pepa tossed the book behind the tree, where it would be safe from her emotion-driven downpour.
There were days when Pepa would give anything for a few hours’ peace, away from her chaotic family and the demands life placed on her. But now, as her heart panged, her pain raining down on her, she’d trade everything for someone by her side.
No one specific. Just someone.
She drew her knees up to her chest, shivering, and found herself wishing she’d brought a blanket. The summer weather had, of course, rendered a blanket unnecessary when she headed out. Glancing around herself, she found the blades of grass weighed down with frost. Teeth chattering, she blew on her hands to warm them up, her breath visible in the cold.
This was ridiculous. She needed to find a way to pull herself out of this. Clear skies…clear skies… Think of Félix, who adored her; her two wonderful children who brightened her life; her sobrinas; Julieta…
Like winter followed fall, the hole that inevitably followed Julieta’s name threatened to consume her. Pepa tried so hard to talk herself out of the looming dread that she refused to name. Why should she care? It’s not like he did when he abandoned them. No; he’d been selfish and self-preserving, wanting to spare himself the repercussions of yet another disastrous prophecy. Pepa gritted her teeth, clenching her soaked dress in her fists. The freezing rain kept pouring and there was nothing she could do about it.
Just like there was nothing she could do to bring him back.
Startled, Pepa registered a blurry outline standing in front of her. Blinking back the tears, the image sharpened. “Mirabel. What are you doing here?”
The girl shrugged. “Everyone else is helping with their gifts, but I don’t have one, so mamá let me go play after I finished helping her.”
Pepa nodded, clearing her throat forcefully to expel the lump of sadness that had lodged there. “I see.”
Mirabel frowned, tilting her head, which knocked her glasses askew. “What’s wrong, tía? Why are you crying?”
Pepa tried for a brave smile, but her lips quivered. “Ah, the book I was reading, it’s so sad.” She waved dismissively, trying to play it off as no big deal. In all honesty, the book wasn’t sad until she’d gotten to the part where the family reunited after a series of trials. “Too sad for such a beautiful day.”
And it really had been such a beautiful day. Outside the haze of her cold front, the sun blazed as brightly as ever. She could smell all the plants blooming, ripening; glorious bursts of life marching on around her as she sat in her own personal winter. Why did she have to ruin everything? Why couldn’t she just enjoy what she had been given? Her mamá was right. She really could make the worst of a good situation.
Mirabel listened attentively; her big eyes trained on Pepa. “I don’t like sad stories either,” she shared, sitting down next to Pepa on the frozen grass.
Pepa’s eyes grew wide with fear. “Mira, I’ll get you all wet!” She protested, scooting away from the girl.
“I don’t mind, tía,” Mirabel said simply.
“Y-you don’t?” Pepa asked, bewildered.
Mirabel shook her head. “It’s only a little rain. The sun will dry us off. Plus you’re sad. You shouldn’t be sad all by yourself.”
“I-I shouldn’t?” Pepa was shocked by her empathy. Somehow, Mirabel knew exactly what she needed.
“Mm-mm.” Mirabel shook her head emphatically. “Being sad is a lot easier when you’re not alone.”
The way she said that made Pepa wonder if she was speaking from experience. Her heart broke to think about how Mirabel acquired such wisdom at such a young age. Awkwardly, Pepa wrapped her arm around her.
As if she’d been waiting for the invitation, Mirabel snuggled into her side with a contented sigh. “I hope you stop being sad soon, tía.”
“I hope so too,” Pepa murmured, playing with Mirabel’s hair absently. Already the grass was thawing and the cold fog lifting. “I love you, Mirabel.”
There was nothing but love in Mirabel’s eyes as she answered. “I love you too, tía.”
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
I do (Julieta x F!Reader)
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a/n: this got out of hand so, long post ahead!
a/n 2: Pepa’s kind of a bish in this one, don’t read if you don’t want to see her in that light.
"You look beautiful"
You didn't even look up when your future brother-in-law walked in. You didn't feel like seeing anyone, you just wanted to scream, cry, destroy the bouquet of flowers in your hands and tear your white dress to shreds. You just wanted to get out of there.
But you had nowhere to go. Your parents had been very clear about it, just like Alma Madrigal. It didn't matter what you wanted, it didn't matter who you loved, and it didn't matter if you agreed to this, you would marry Alma's daughter. No one seemed to care that it might be the wrong daughter.
"I should have listened to her" you whispered "I should have gone with her that night"
"Mom and Pepa would have known and it would have been worse for her"
You closed your eyes remembering the horrible bruise on Julieta's cheek after receiving a slap from Alma, and the image of Pepa's lightning striking too close to her eye would haunt your nightmares forever.
In the end, Casita had to intervene to allow the brunette to escape to her room, which she had not left since then. It wasn't fair, the only sin she had committed was saying that she loved you.
"It should have been me" you said, clenching your fists "Julieta shouldn't have been hurt, it should have been me."
"You know that Pepa would never hurt you" the man said, putting a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you.
"And what is she doing right now?!" you growled "she's forcing me to marry her, even though she knows I don't love her and never will! And all for what? To prove herself better than her sister"
"That is not true-"
"I'm a fucking trophy for her!" You yelled "You and I both know this is just to have something Julieta couldn't"
"Don't talk about Pepa like that" the youngest of the triplets said, frowning "You don't know her, she would never do something like that, she loves you and she loves Julieta"
"Of course she does, because you throw lightning at someone you love. Because you hurt someone you love. Because you tear the souls of those you love" you said bitterly "if that's her love, I don't want it"
"You're talking about my sister" the man told you, already annoyed with your attitude "I won't let you say bad things about her on her wedding day"
"It's my wedding too" you growled "And in case you forgot, Bruno, Julieta is your sister too, and guess where she is? Locked in her room, after your mother and your other sister attacked her. Beautiful family you have." 
"Stop it! We're all trying to make things easier for you, Y/N, you're being ungrateful"
It wasn't common for the man to lose his temper like that, but Pepa was his sister and he wasn't going to allow her own future wife to speak ill of her, you were being irrational about this. Although, a small part of him wondered if he wasn't so defensive just because deep down he knew you were right.
"You're just upset that things didn't go the way you planned"
"The way I planned?" you asked in disbelief "For it to rain on my wedding day would be a change of plans, for my dress to rip and I had to wear another would be a change of plans, for the cake to ruin would be a change of plans. Being forced to marry the wrong Madrigal sister just because she threatened with a hurricane if I didn't and to fulfill a whim is not a change of plans, it's fucking shit!"
"Julieta wouldn't have been a better match and you know it" Bruno said seriously "She doesn't have Pepa's energy, her passion, or her intensity. She doesn't love as hard as Pepa does"
"And so what?! I love her, Bruno" you hissed "I love her more than I've ever loved anyone. I love her simplicity, I love her calm, her way of loving without words, I love everything about her and no one is going to change it, no matter how many yellow dresses you make me wear, my heart will always be blue."
Bruno looked into your eyes while the tears threatened to fall, and he could not find in you a trace of a lie, only a deep sadness, anger, and a love so great that it hurt him to see it, knowing that it was not going to get where it should. Because at that moment he knew that no matter how bright the sun shined on you, you were never going to love it like you loved the moon.
"I…I'm sorry, Y/N" he whispered "I'm sorry it had to happen like this"
"Go away" you sighed "leave me alone. I have to compose myself for the ceremony...because I'm not going to give your mother, your sister, my parents, or the entire town, the satisfaction of seeing me cry"
Bruno looked at you for another second, while you turned around with your fists clenched. He knew that you would probably have fingernail marks on the palms of your hands, but there was nothing he could do. He walked out of there as quietly as he could, praying that this wasn't a terrible mistake, and if it was, that one day you'd forgive them all.
Pepa smiled when she saw you walk slowly towards her, arm in arm with your father. The day was perfect! It was sunny, the birds were singing, and there were at least three rainbows going through Encanto. It was just how her big day was supposed to be, except for one small detail. You. 
When she imagined her wedding as a child, she always imagined walking towards a strong, handsome man who loved her madly, not a girl who walked as if she were going to the gallows and whose gaze radiated hate. But it was what it was.
She supposed that on some occasions she also imagined her sister by her side as the bridesmaid, but as they grew older, the brunette had insisted on making her less, always being the center of attention and stealing the applause that was her rightful share, besides, considering that Julieta tried to steal her fiancée, the redhead was relieved that her sister was not present.
Not that Mom would have allowed it, of course. After the dinner scene a few days ago, when Julieta admitted her relationship with you (that woman's nerve! Dating HER future wife?!) and things got out of hand (the brunette was begging for one of her lightning bolts), she didn't even want to imagine what could happen if you saw her there.
Of course, Pepa knew that you felt something for her sister, but it was only because you had never had the opportunity to date her (Julieta's fault), just as she knew that any trace of pity you might feel for the healer would vanish in a few days, after seeing how wonderful she was! Oh yeah, you'd be the perfect couple!
And her mother would be so proud of her, the whole town would see how truly perfect Pepa was and they would apologize to her for having given that adjective to the wrong sister. Everything would be perfect for her.
What did it matter if Julieta cried every day? So what if it hurt her every time she saw you with her? It would be no more painful than what she and Bruno had been through since they were children and given gifts less perfect than to heal with food. It was the brunette's turn to suffer.
It was true that you too had been reluctant to cooperate, but she didn't mind, she would have you eating out of the palm of her hand in no time, and making you love her would be no problem. Besides, she had already won, you were already hers and Julieta wouldn't have a chance to tear you away from her. Perfection itself.
If you could only smile.
You kept your gaze straight ahead, not even deigning to look at the redhead next to you (you didn't take her hand either), or at your father when he withdrew. You hated them, you hated them all.
You could feel everyone's eyes on you, judging you, you could hear the whispers and imagine the frowns. A bride who didn't smile on her wedding day? Imagine it. Well, fuck them. You couldn't escape, but you weren't going to play the perfect wife that Alma and Pepa Madrigal wanted you to be.
The priest looked at you with concern, and then at the other bride. You didn't even have to look at her to know that she had a smirk on her face and the mere thought made you grip the bouquet in your hands harder, almost crushing it.
"Smile a bit will you?" Pepa whispered to you when the priest started talking to the crowd
"The only reason I had to smile is locked in a room in your house" you answered without looking at her
"Get over it, you did even better! You're marrying the most beautiful woman in town"
"You and I know that she should be in that chair, not you" you hissed hatefully.
Pepa frowned and for a moment you felt something close to happiness when the day darkened a bit. Not a hurricane, but you were happy that the redhead's "perfect" day had gray clouds after all. She deserved it.
The other woman didn't speak again during the entire ceremony, for which you were grateful, but she smirked at you when you said "I do", sending another wave of hate through your entire being. But you weren't going to let her break you, ever. If she wanted your marriage to be a declared war for the rest of her life, so be it.
When the priest said wives could kiss, you took the opportunity to whisper something to her, and stick a dagger into her chest. You didn't care if you were cruel or if it unleashed a storm outside (although many sure were confused by that). If you couldn’t wake up from the nightmare, no one could.
"I'm going to imagine that I’m kissing her" you whispered before sealing your lips with Pepa's
You smirked as your wife closed the door to your shared room with a loud bang. It was no secret to anyone that you took macabre pleasure in making her angry, which usually ended on a freezing or terribly rainy day. Excellent, fuck the whole town.
"You have to stop doing that" Pepa growled dangerously
"Do what, my love?" you answered, letting the venom drip from your voice on the last words "I thought you wanted me to get along with your family better, so I helped my dear sister-in-law to cook"
A thunder sounded over your heads when the redhead heard your tone when saying "dear". Her blood was boiling and she hated the way you could control her so easily. This was not how it was supposed to be. You had to fall at her feet, you had to love her, take care of her, pamper her, do what she asked of you, you were HER wife!
But instead, it had been her who had ended up completely obsessed with you. In those few months of marriage, she had done everything to make you fall in love but nothing worked, you only gave her looks full of hate and words loaded with impenetrable ice, which drove her crazy and made her try again more desperately. It seemed that the more you tried to get away, the more she wanted you.
Though she wasn't the only one receiving hostile treatment from you. Bruno would often try to strike up a friendly conversation with you, only for you to snap back, and her mother you just ignored, no matter how much she yelled at you or tried to correct you, it was like you didn't hear her, as of you didn't see her.
The only person who seemed to exist for you, not just inside Casita, but in the entire town, was exactly the one person you should NOT care about. Julieta. Of course, her sister would try to do something like that, take you away from her. Well, she wasn't going to succeed.
"I don't want you to go near her, is that clear?"
"No, it's not" you answered immediately "I'll be as close to her as the stupid bond that binds you and me allows"
"She's turning you against me!"
"You did that yourself!" you growled "when you decided you didn't care who you hurt as long as you won a war that only you are fighting!"
"That’s not true!" Pepa yelled "she started all this! She is the one who decided that she had to be perfect, that she had to be better than everyone!"
"That's what your mother did! Alma put that burden on her, Julieta just tried to do the best she could with what she had"
"Why are you defending her?!"
"Because I love her!"
A wave of satisfaction washed over you as a mighty thunderclap resounded throughout the room (and you were sure the entire town as well) and you saw the redhead clench her fists. However, the pain in her eyes took you by surprise, as did the slight flicker of concern in your chest.
"I am your wife" Pepa said slowly and dangerously "you have to love ME"
And right there, just as quickly as it had appeared, your concern and empathy for her drained from you. You hardened your gaze and stood up straighter, unfazed by the fire in her eyes or the darkening clouds above you. You knew she wouldn't hurt you, if only to not give you the perfect excuse to go back to her sister's side.
"You were my friend, Pepa" you said "I loved you like a sister, and you didn't care about hurting me, you didn't care about what I wanted, you didn't care about anything"
"It isn't true!"
"You didn't care about anything but proving you were better than Julieta!"
"I'm better than her!"
"Not for me" you said dryly "you will never be for me"
Pepa felt how her eyes stung and her tears threatened to fall at any moment. She couldn't understand how you could be so cruel to her when all she did was give you the best chance ever!
"You knew that I didn't love you" you continued "and still you forced me to marry you"
"You were going to run away with my sister!"
"I was going to marry MY girlfriend!"
Lightning struck a few feet behind your wife and the air around you suddenly turned too cold. You hugged yourself a bit, but you never stopped looking at the woman in front of you.
"You were going to do what?" Pepa whispered
"I was going to marry her" you repeated "the night you and your mother hurt her, when you threw lightning at her, when Alma called her a whore, she had just proposed to me"
"You're lying" the redhead said "it's not true! You just want to hurt me more!"
"Julieta proposed to me! And I said yes!" you yelled "That's why I told you that she should be the one next to me that day, she should be the one to kiss me! I owed her the 'I do'. HER, NOT YOU!"
You jumped as the next bolt of lightning fell at your feet and for a moment it was as if time stood still. It was the closest she had come to actually physically hurting you. You really had crossed a line and yet…yet you had no regrets. Once you crossed, there was nothing to stop you.
"I'm sorry" you said, making her look at you "but I don't love you, Pepa, and I never will. You took everything from me, you hurt the woman I love, you forced me to marry under threat...you took me away from her"
"She wasn't good for you"
"And who was? You?" you asked hatefully "on the wedding day I told Bruno that no matter how many yellow dresses you make me wear, my heart will always be blue, and it remains the truth. I love her, she loves me, and you're not going to change it"
"Why?" she whispered "what does she have that I don't?!"
"A heart"
Pepa felt as if you were sticking a dagger into her chest and the air left her lungs. Why did you have to treat her like this? Why were you so cruel to her?! Why couldn’t you love her as much as you loved her sister? Why was she losing again?
"Your problem is that you've always compared yourself to Julieta when you should be yourself" you said "you're not Julieta and you'll never be...you're Pepa, and I'm sure you can shine with your own light if you just stop trying turn off your sister’s"
Your wife looked at you with confusion, but also a hint of hope, and for the first time, you wondered if anyone had ever told her that it was okay not to be like her older sister, that it was okay to feel like herself and not a shadow of the brunette. It ached your heart to think that the obvious answer was no.
"You let yourself be consumed by a war that only exists in your head" you continued "Julieta has never wanted to fight with you, she has never tried to take your place, she only wanted her sister back, the one she played with, the one who hugged her and laughed with her"
"That girl has long since ceased to exist" the redhead replied bitterly
"I know. You, your mother, and the town took it upon yourselves to bury her" you said sadly "Now there's only a broken woman left, consumed by her own pain and anger. You're raining on people who never did anything to you"
"And what do you know?" she growled "you didn't even want to know me enough"
"Neither did you" you answered "You only dragged me into the fire. But I guess you got what you wanted in the end"
"What are you talking about?"
"You wanted your trophy" you said "Here I am...but remember that metal is cold"
You didn't even give her time to say anything else before quickly walking around her, not caring about the rain that began to fall, and leaving the room.
"You have to stop"
"I'm not doing anything"
Julieta held Bruno's gaze over the table with her arms crossed. She hadn't forgiven her siblings or her mother for what they had done to you, but her little brother's betrayal had hurt her more than anything.
She knew Pepa was in constant competition with her, even though she wasn't really actively participating in it beyond doing her chores. It hurt her to lose her sister like that, but she had long since given up trying to convince her that they didn't need to compete with each other.
Her mother was a lost cause. Since she got the gift, she quickly understood that she was just a gold coin to Alma, that she wasn't even a person anymore, she was a gift, a power, nothing human.
But Bruno...he was all she had left. She always tried to protect him, she always healed him, took care of him, and gave him the love that neither Alma nor the town seemed to want to give him. He was the only one who knew of her relationship with you, she had confessed to him how much she really loved you, how much she wanted a life with you... and yet he stabbed her in the back.
He had watched as Alma slapped her, while she and Pepa yelled horrible things into her face and her sister shot a light too close to her eye saying no one would think she was pretty with a scar. He had let them hurt her, and even more! He had agreed to the plan to marry you off to Pepa.
So no, it didn't matter how much he'd apologized after the wedding, it was too late and there was not a shred of kindness left in her for him or anyone else at Casita. The only thing holding her up was you.
You and your adorably stubbornness. You had made it clear that your true colors were hers and that you were never going to stop being hers, no matter what ring Alma made you wear in public.
And they couldn't even accuse you of anything because, as much as it hurt you both, neither she nor you had crossed any lines. Damn, she hadn't even had the nerve to kiss you after you were married, no matter how much she wanted to.
"You have to make Y/N stop following you" Bruno said, snapping her out of her thoughts "you're hurting Pepa"
"I don't think she or you are in a position to talk about hurting, hermanito" Julieta replied dryly.
"You have to grow up and let her go. She's your sister's wife!"
"She should have been MY wife!"
"But she's not!"
"And whose fault is it?!"
Bruno blinked. He had never seen such fire in the brunette's eyes and for a moment, he felt in real danger. His stomach turned with guilt, but he had to go through with his speech if only to not disobey his mother.
"Just...stop looking for her and let her be happy with Pepa"
Julieta scoffed and dug her nails into her forearms for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking directly into her brother's eyes.
"Do you really think that she is happy with Pepa?" she asked "Look me in the eye, Bruno and tell me that you really think that Y/N is or could be happy with her"
"S-she could be if you-"
"Look me in the eyes!"
The man jumped and swallowed hard, feeling increasingly uncomfortable in the presence of this new Julieta who commanded respect and fear with just one look.
"I-I" he stuttered.
"In the eyes, Bruno"
He took a deep breath before forcing himself to look his older sister in the eye. His stomach turned guiltily again as he realized the enormous sadness in them, a sadness he himself had helped put there. He couldn't hold her gaze for more than a few seconds.
"Tell me that you really think she can be happy with Pepa" Julieta whispered "and I swear I'll do everything possible to get away from Y/N"
Bruno stared at the floor and felt how his mind was divided between not wanting to anger his mother, protecting Pepa's happiness (although in those months he wondered more and more frequently if it really was happiness or just a whim), or admitting what he knew it was the truth. Maybe...maybe he owed it to Julieta.
"...no" he finally said "she won't. She will never be happy with Pepa"
The brunette sighed and dropped her arms to her sides. She knew that answer, she didn't need her brother's power to come to the same conclusion. But it felt good that someone else would admit the painfully obvious.
"...you have to be quick and quiet" Bruno whispered, approaching her carefully "go away at night, Pepa goes to sleep at 11"
"What are you-"
"We both know that there will never be a chance for you and Y/N to be happy as long as you stay in Encanto. Neither mom nor Pepa will allow it. You have to go"
Julieta looked at him like he was growing another head and hated herself a little for how fast hope was growing in her chest. What if it was a trap? Her brother had already shown which side he was on many times.
As if he read her mind, Bruno took her hand and intertwined their fingers the same way she did to calm him down when they were kids. The gesture felt a little strange because they hadn't done it in years.
"I supported the wrong sister" he said "and I can't apologize because I know I don't deserve it, but give me one last chance, one last trust"
The brunette looked at her brother's face looking for any sign of lies or false promises, she had always been good at reading him. But she found nothing, so either he had become an expert at lying...or he was telling the truth.
"...Just one" she whispered.
Bruno smiled gratefully and nodded. He looked around, afraid someone might show up. When he confirmed that they were still completely alone in the kitchen, he leaned close to her again to whisper in her ear.
"I had a vision a few days ago, but it was changing. Either Y/N stays with Pepa or she chooses you. If she chooses you, you can escape at night, no one will discover you, take food with you, your gift will work even outside of Encanto. It will be difficult, but I saw a kind and happy future for you"
He spoke as fast as he could, not wanting to risk any more than he already was. His sister wanted to say something, but he covered her mouth before she could.
"But, if she chooses Pepa, out of fear or pity, never out of love, I saw a cold, gray future and... without you in it"
Julieta gasped silently and looked at her brother. She doubted that he was referring to Pepa or someone else hurting her, but that she herself would take care of erasing herself from history. It wasn't unreasonable to think about it, if it wasn't with you, she didn't want to live her life.
"I need to talk to her" she whispered.
"I saw her leaving Pepa's room and because of the rain, it's obvious that they fought. She's probably in the river"
The healer nodded and for the first time in a long, long time, she smiled at her brother. She took him by surprise by pulling him and hugging him tightly, he wouldn't admit it, but he had missed his older sister’s arms.
"Thank you, Brunito"
He nodded and motioned for her to hurry up, she wouldn't have much time to talk to you before Alma called everyone to dinner. Julieta felt her heart race as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her, not caring about getting wet from the rain.
The only thing on her mind was you and the chance, however small, to finally be happy with you. She just hoped that unlike the night she asked you to run away so you wouldn't get married, this time you'd say yes.
You jumped a bit and quickly turned to see who had followed you. For a moment you were scared by the possibility that it was your wife because Pepa was getting better and better at getting empathy out of you and the pang of guilt you felt when you left her in your shared room was proof of that.
You didn't want to admit it, but a part of you was going soft, resigning yourself to being with the redhead for the rest of your days. You sighed in relief and your pulse raced with anticipation when you saw Julieta running towards you.
"Juli?!" you gasped as she lunged at you, hugging you tightly and not caring that anyone might see her (although with the rain it was pouring, you doubted anyone else was out of their houses, much less near the river) "what's going on?"
"I'm sorry" she said "it's just..."
The brunette squeezed you a little more before pulling away so she could take your face in her hands. She knew that her time was running out, but at that moment she couldn't control the wave of happiness that ran through her.
You blinked as she laughed and began planting several kisses on your cheeks (never on your lips. God, you missed her lips on yours so much) and you blushed deeply. Your mind was torn between pulling away from her for fear someone would see or pushing her against the nearest tree and kissing her as you'd wanted for months. In the end, you decided to just put your hands on her hips.
"What was that for?" you asked when she finally stopped
"I talked to Bruno" she said "he... he said we have a chance"
"A chance?" you frowned in confusion "a chance for what?"
Julieta just rolled her eyes in loving exasperation and stared at you, waiting for your brain to wake up. You looked at her, quickly getting lost in her beautiful eyes that you loved so much, forgetting for a moment what you were supposed to be talking about...but that was exactly what made you react and understand the meaning of her words.
"Wait...you mean" you whispered "no...no, Juli, that can't...can it? You mean-"
You felt your breathing quicken and your head began to spin as a small anxiety attack came over you. You didn't want to believe so quickly, you didn't want to fly high and high only to fall again, but deep down you knew that you would always hold on to any crumb of hope that would allow you to be with your brunette.
“Respira, mi amor, respira" Julieta hastened to take your hands and caress your knuckles to calm you "like that, breathe with me"
She gently guided you until your ear was on her chest, just above her heart. That had always managed to calm you down quickly, and her chest swelled with pride to see that it was still the case.
"I'm sorry" you whispered, a little calmer
You nodded and looked up, she was smiling at you with as much love and happiness as you hadn't seen her do in months and that just slammed all your hopes back into you.
"What did Bruno tell you?" you asked
"That we can escape"
"We can't stay here" she sighed "he said he saw two futures. One with me and one with Pepa-"
"When do we leave?" you asked, interrupting her and making her blink
"I didn't even finish telling you"
"It doesn't matter. If it's escaping with you and staying with Pepa, I choose you. Always you"
Julieta gasped silently and didn't even try to stop the huge smile that began to bloom on her face. She put her hands on your hips and pinned you to her body, making you put your hands on her shoulders. You shuddered against her as her warm breath collided with the cold of the rain and your wet skin.
"Are you sure?" she whispered and you could hear the fear in her voice, a fear you knew perfectly well where it was coming from.
"I'm done choosing fear" you said "I don't care if I have to follow you to the other side of the world, I will. I choose you…I choose an 'us', and if they give me 1000 more lives, I'll choose you in every single one"
The healer smiled again and her tears mixed with the raindrops falling on you. She grabbed your left hand and without hesitation ripped off your wedding ring, neither of you cared where it landed, and pulled from her apron pocket the same ring she had given you when she proposed to you, the one her mother had tried to disappear.
"It's enough that you choose me in this one" she whispered "so...Y/N Y/L/N...would you like to write a new story with me?"
You smiled and trembled a little as you felt her slide the ring onto your finger. As soon as she released your hand, you pounced on her, pressing her against the tree behind her and kissing her as deeply as you had wanted for so long, as it always should have been.
She couldn't even feel the cold of the rain or the hardness of the tree on her back, she could only feel you, your warmth, your love, the promise you were making. You smiled as you pulled away from her, pressing your forehead to hers.
"I do"
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yellowcry · 26 days
What's with the door?
Pepa was surprised, seeing a new name on her child's door. Was there something wrong?
Short piece of Dolores coming out to the second person in the family. Made for trans visibility day. So, reminder, you're all welcome in here and extremely valid
It was easy to miss. Even Pepa herself wasn't looking at *'s door too often to spot how the name had changed. The only time when it happened in her memory was when Mama's door changed her name to Abuela.
Camilo was the first to spot a change in his sibling's door.
"What do you mean?" Pepa asked, worried. She got out of her armchair. A light wind ruffled her hair. Was there something wrong with *?
Camilo nodded, taking her arm. "There's written Dolores!"
At first, Pepa didn't believe him. Why would the name on a door change all of a sudden? It had never happened before, there was no reason for Casita to put a random name.
It, indeed, was wrong. Strong cold wind wind rose as Pepa nervously grabbed her braid, pulling out her hair. What happened to her child? What if there was something wrong with * and Casita wanted to show it?
Worried, Pepa slowly knocked on a glowing door. She needed to get answers. "Mijo? I'm coming in." She announced, breaking inside when the answer didn't follow in a split of second.
Pepa's eldest fell off the chair in surprise. Isabela who stood just next to * tensed, helping her cousin to get up. Staring down, Pepa had finally noticed that * looked wrong. A normal costume was shown off, lying on the unmade bed. Instead of it, a lilac dress, which undoubtedly belonged to Isabela, hung like a bag. Too big for * slim proportions.
It took a moment for Pepa to suppress her shock. She called out her child's name. "What are you doing?" A nervous snowflake fell on her sleeves. * looked down for a moment as Pepa approached. "I'm not upset, I just want to know what is going on." She assured, kneeling down next to her child.
Isabela opened her mouth, but * reached her palm stop. "Isa, this is my talk," * asked, making Isabela retreat, taking a step back.
There wasn't anything strange with wearing your siblings' clothes. Of course. Pepa did it herself. But with * reaction... The wind grew stronger, as it was obvious that there was something more to it. Pepa could see it in her eldest's face.
* closed * eyes, cletching * hands together. "Mama, I... I need to tell you something. I am a girl." * breathed out, as she always did in tense moments. When the secrets couldn't be holden back in her mind.
Pepa froze for a second. "You are?" She reached, unsured. Her palm lay on her daughter (alive daughter)'s shoulder. Was it why the name on a door had changed? It all made sense now, the door now called her Dolores. It wasn't a mistake, just a new name for her baby.
Dolores nodded, a little tense. "You know how Tía helps some people to change their characteristics?" Of course, it happened from time to time. But she never thought her child would need it too.
Pepa smiled, a warm sun already dried the snow. She pulled the edge of a purple skirt. "You look beautiful." The entire thing with wearing Isabela's dress had so much more meaning now. Not as a childish game, but a really important act.
Isabela chuckled, crossing her arms. "Told you," it made Pepa wonder if her eldest niece knew about it. Considering the situation, Pepa was completely sure she did.
Pepa pulled her child closer in a hug. It was just so unbelievable. A little hard to believe that Dolores wasn't a boy.
Dolores pushed her face into Pepa's bright dress, her eyes left wet marks. Rain dripped over them as Pepa held her daughter close. Not from being sad, it just was so overwhelming.
"Do you know what it means?" Pepa pulled away, grabbing Dolores' wrist. "We're about to rob a clothing store."
Bright sun rays glowed on their faces. Pepa was joking, of course. She wouldn't mind doing it in reality, but for now, they could deal with it. Dolores seemed okay with wearing a bit unfit for her clothes. Maybe Pepa could give her something out of her old wardrobe too.
It took a while to calm down initial emotions. Pepa placed two steaming cups of black coffee on a table in Dolores' room. A bitter smell filled the room, spreading up to the ceiling.
Isabela followed behind, holding her own cup. Much to Pepa's dismay, she preferred café con leche. In Pepa's opinion drinking that thing was illegal, but it wasn't important right now.
Pepa pushed one of the cups to Dolores. "I'm so happy." She muttered, taking a sip.
Dolores' finger slid across the edge of her cup. She didn't drink such a hot coffee, unlike her mother. "I was worried about telling you." She confirmed, staring into Pepa's eyes. "Or the family in general."
"Well, you told Isabela?" Pepa muttered. She was happy, of course. It was pleasing to know how much Dolores trusted her cousin.
Dolores shrugged. "I was upset with her new pretty dress."
"You started crying over me asking how I look."
Pepa sighed. These two were such siblings.
It still was strange. Calling her Dolores was unusual, several times Pepa had to cut herself off when she was about to say the wrong name, but she did her best to control herself. Isabela wasn't much better, but got herself to using a nickname she had for Dolores when they were in kindergarten, to make it lay easier on her tongue. Dolores was grateful for them trying to use the right name, even if it was visibly strange for them both.
It turned out, Pepa wasn't much behind in time. Isabela was told just a few hours ago. And the door had changed after that. Pepa felt her internal guilt calming down. She was upset that she didn't realize the name had changed earlier.
Well, technically it was Camilo who noticed.
In the end of the day, it didn't matter if Dolores was a girl or a boy. She was Pepa's little child. The one that she carried for months, pampered and raised. Pepa loved her kids more than anything.
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hannahhook7744 · 8 months
What was Miguel's and Mirabel's wedding like?
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This is a tricky thing to answer because I don't much about their cultures but I like to think that it's a good mix of both Miguel and Mirabel's cultures as well as a good mix of them.
Like, they all wear beautifully designed and colorful clothes with embroidered symbols—especially Mirabel’s wedding dress, which bottom layers are decorated with little gold butterflies and a couple of tiny gutairs thrown into the mix.
Miguel's suit has a couple of gutairs and butterflies scattered in hidden places that are slightly more noticeable up close.
Mirabel's nieces are all flower girls (if that's a thing in their cultures).
Antonio is apart of Mirabel's bridal party as her bestman/man of honor(if that exists in their culture) despite being only thirteen, much to the jealousy of Camilo, Dolores, and her siblings.
Socorro is Miguel's best woman/maid of honor (if that exists in their culture) because he wanted her to be involved in some way other than her just being a guest.
Mirabel's nephew, Miguel Jr. (Who was named after Miguel), is the ring barrer.
Both their families are there.
The whole venue is decorated with Isabella's flowers and vines and cactuses.
There's a giant cake and a slight drizzle of rain because Pepa gets emotional at all her nieces weddings but no one minds too much.
It's a big, chaotic, colorful and loudish (because they are blasting music as loud as they can without hurtinf Dolores' ears) but beautiful mess.
Also they get married late at night on 'Dia de los Muertos' so that it rolls over onto 'Día de los Santos Difuntos' so that each of their dead love ones can attend (even if they can't see them).
It's a mesh of everything important to them with a splash of tradition.
At least I like to think so.
And yes. Mirabel’s adopted cousins from the isle of the lost are there.
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cheetee · 11 months
Hi! Do you have any headcanons about what Dolores' and Mariano's (like, the Mariano from Rumble Thy Bellyful) wedding will be like?
WOW THAT'S A GREAT QUESTION... If I were to write that fic, how would it go...?
I think a lot of the story would revolve around Alma, Pepa, and Dolores, who would all agree upon a very big traditional wedding. I think it would be a lot of Alma & Pepa re-hashing what went wrong with Pepa's wedding as they carry out the bulk of Dolores' wedding planning, and Dolores, starry-eyed, completely indifferent to anything but the notion of marrying Mariano, totally neutral on every decision, outwardly stoic and inwardly just glowing with joy. I think both Alma and Pepa lose a little control of the situation, I think some stuff happens, I think it's probably Bruno's fault just because that's funny, and I think it all goes disastrously wrong...
And then Pepa and Alma look at each other, I think, re-living the moment last time, and reflecting on how things were done then, and now looking to Dolores and Mariano, because Mariano (with help from Mirabel and Camilo and Antonio, of course, who else, it's my fic) has put together this ragtag romantic thing for her and it's the only thing in the world she cares about. Dolores, in a ruined dress and no shoes, just radiantly happy.
And Alma and Pepa laugh it off, and Bruno finally manages to break the tension with laughter, and they hand things over to Félix, because he's the guy who knows how to have a good time under any circumstances, and they put together a messy little party anyway. ("Her wedding was just like ours," muses a dreamy Félix, "The most beautiful day in my life... Don't you remember?" And Pepa does remember.)
...Gosh, that was a lot more detailed than I was planning on making my answer. But there, that's how it would happen! I think Bruno would especially be the butt of this episode. I think Pepa and Alma learn something valuable in this episode and Bruno will never in his life learn why he shoudn't have made the rain joke at Pepa's wedding.
I guess Mirabel or Camilo's POV would appear somewhere. They're probably riffing about what they want from a future wedding, where every time they revisit the scenario Camilo wildly changes the gender and costume of his future wedding.
It's not planned, but Isabela ends up being the best man.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Pepa done gone cray cray
Jk jk. But you all asked for more Housebroken AND I INTEND TO DELIVER❗❗ So while the actual story and fic is still under writing (i'll be writing and posting the first 3-5 chaoters like I usually do, so it's taking a while), I do have this little snippet❗❗ It's not definite but it is HIGHLY likely. Like 90% lmao
ANYWAY. This is a continuation of the last Housebroken snippet that I did like a month or two ago. Lemme know what y'all think <33
Lea get it
Julieta and Bruno chased after Pepa. It took them less than half the time to get out of the forest than it did to get there. Pepa was making a mad dash for Casita. The sky was dark, and thunder rumbled while lightning struck the group, rain pouring down hard. There was even small hail raining down.
The two had her in her sight and they swore she went crazy. She was just about running on all fours. They could hear her muttering and growling their mama's name as she ran towards the house. Her storm was large and it followed her speed.
Pepa ignored everything around her. Nothing else mattered. She didn't care that her tail dropped from her night dress, or that her headband slipped off and her ears were visible. She was more focused on getting to her mother. Because it was her fault that her youngest was now gone, to God knows where.
It was her that got them cursed, and even caused their father to have to leave to look after the kids. And he couldn't even tell them where the kids were. Pepa was already heartbroken because her kids and sobrina had left 5 years before. But she had hoped they would come back, so she opted to stay and not look for them. But now she had lost all of her kids. All of her nieces. All because of her mother's selfishness. And she swore was going to tear her apart once she got to Casita. Her mother was no longer safe from her. She was tired of being the one who let so much slide. Tired of keeping everything to herself, tired of her mother.
Pepa burst through Casita's doors and the house's shingle rattled in surprise. Pepa immediately bolted to the stairs but was stopped when the house pulled the stairs away. Pepa growled, using her claws to try and scale the pillars of the house but it didn't work. Before she could try anything else, Julieta pulled her back, locking her arms so she couldn't move. Bruno came soon as well, trying to get her to be quiet. If only they still had their antlers; they could easily help Pepa back.
"Let me go!" She barked, thunder crashing as she thrashed in her siblings' hold. Both Félix and Agustín swung the door rooms open, to see what all the commotion was about. It was a miracle that Alma hadn't woken up yet.
"Pepi? Juli? Bruno? W-What's happening?!" Félix asked, and Casita let both husbands down. Pepa was now pulling the two towards the stairs, eyes fixated on Alma's door.
"I-Isabela and Dolores came and took Antonio," Julieta explained and the husbands' eyes widened. "And Pepa is blaming mamá. While she's not wrong, she's just...I don't know!"
"They were here?!" Agustín said in shock and the two nodded, struggling more to keep Pepa back. Félix finally grabbed her torso, and he winced when Pepa scratched his arms trying to get out of his stronghold. Something was definitely wrong---Pepa would never do anything like that. Even with the curse, she had never hurt him, never on purpose.
"Then why is Pepa acting like this?" Agustín asked holding Julieta's shoulders.
"I-I don't know, this has never happened! It's like she's gone crazy!" Julieta said in a panicked voice. “The curse must’ve flared up and taken over after Antonio was taken!”
"We need to take her to her room," Bruno said, and helped Félix grab Pepa and bring her up the stairs. The woman was still growling like a wild animal---she seemed to be more like the fox part of herself in all honesty. She was thrashing around, yelling about getting back at her mother and how she was going to get her kids back. Even if it meant hurting her own mother.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" Pepa growled, pulling out of Bruno's arms, but Felíx managed to drag her into their shared room. While she was angry and was yelling in anger and cursing, they all could see the tears that flooded from her eyes that matched the heavy rain pouring over Casita.
Felíx fell to the floor with Pepa, and she practically jumped out of his arms, storm tearing apart anything that wasn't bolted down to the floor. Bruno barely managed to shut the door, and there was banging and yelling, along with more growling. Behind the door, they could hear Felíx trying to calm her down, though he was struggling.
Bruno slid down against her door, keeping it shut. One thing he had going for him was that he could keep a door closed, lock or not. Julieta huffed as she dropped down, Agustín by her side to make sure she was ok. Alma finally seemed to wake up, because her door slammed open, and she looked upset. Very upset. Agustín helped Julieta tuck her ears under her loose hair, with Bruno hiding his long ears under her curls and shoving his tail in his pants as quickly as he could. Luckily it was still rather dark, so Alma didn't seem to notice.
"What is going on?!" She demanded, wondering why it looked like a hurricane had gone through Casita. None of the 3 said anything, remaining quiet. "Hello!"
"Pe...Pepa just freaked we...we took care of it," Bruno huffed, trying to hide the fact that he was slightly out of breath from wrestling his sister back into her room.
"Why does Casita look like th---"
"PEPA'S IN HER ROOM," Julieta interrupted, looking up at her mother. Bruno saw the same crazed look in her eyes and on her face that he saw on Pepa's face. "We took care of it. Go back to be mama," she spat, standing up along with Agustín.
Bruno stood up, looking between the two. He was getting worried. What if Julieta snapped too? She had just watched her daughter run off as well. She was just better at keeping it hidden; it wasn't often that Julieta went off. But at this rate? With their mamá pushing like this? She just might.
Was he next?
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I gotta go now but. Lemme know if y’all want more and I’ll see what I can do <33
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starsfic · 1 year
"Whoa, whoa!" Bruno frantically waved his arms, cutting Pepa off before she caused a hurricane or something. "That, uh, that wasn't a prophecy! It's just, you we're sweating, and I wanted to lighten the mod, you know? Hehe..."
Clear skies. Clear skies. Clear skies.
The day was perfect. The sky was blue without a single cloud, the sun was shining, and it was the perfect temperature. The day seemed to have been plucked from a picture of the perfect wedding.
And it would stay that way.
Pepa took a deep breath. Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies. She grabbed the lipstick and carefully set to work on her makeup. Mama and Julieta had already come by to help her into the dress. Now her mother was receiving guests with Casita, Julieta was doing last minute details on the cake, and Bruno...
Was opening the door.
"Uh, hey." He sounded as though he wasn't sure he was supposed to be in here. Pepa barely avoided rolling her eyes to avoid the mascara now. Of course, he was. He should've been here earlier, cooing over her in her dress. "You...look good."
"I should," Pepa popped her lips. "It is my wedding day." Now that she was thinking about it, her eyes scanned her reflection. Was that a curl out of place?
And then he said it.
"It looks like rain?"
The moment he said it, Pepa's heart froze. Shit, shit, shit, shit! No, no, it couldn't rain! Not on her day! As her mantra became overcome by swearing, wondering what Bruno had seen in his vision, she felt a tug in her gut as her cloud formed-
"Whoa, whoa!" Bruno frantically waved his arms, cutting Pepa off before she caused a hurricane or something. "That, uh, that wasn't a prophecy! It's just, you were sweating, and I wanted to lighten the mood, you know? Hehe..."
Pepa blinked.
Just as far as it came, the train of swears disappeared, replaced by a blank nothingness.
And then fury came.
Bruno was immediately turning and shooting out the door as if his vision was also telling him to. However, he had forgotten that this was Pepa's room. A cloud that helped make up the furniture zoomed and scooped him up, leaving him on his back in time for the angry bride to slam into him.
As the duo who had been play-fighting since they were in the womb, the routine was simple. Shrieks and yells about smothering and strangling rolled through the room, Bruno finally breaking into mad laughter until Pepa found her own sides aching with laughter. Finally, worn out, she collapsed on him.
Peace overcame the room.
"Ah, don't be." Pepa sat up in time to see a rat peek out of the cloud, as if wondering if the fight was over. "You made me laugh. Mission accomplished."
Bruno sat up, eyes worried. "I ruined your hair, though." He winced. "And your mascara's smeared-"
Pepa sighed and grabbed his hand. "Then you'll fix my hair while I fix my makeup." She elbowed him and Bruno wheezed. "I missed you earlier."
Bruno nodded.
"Won't happen again, Pepa."
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sharknadoslutt · 2 years
For the 5 and 5 NSFW ask.
Bruno hiding under his SOs dress under the table (reason of your choice) and getting...distracted.
OKAY, because I was inspired you get a bit more than 5-sentences. Spicy ficlet under the cut!
Send me a NSFW headcanon and I’ll write a 5 sentence ficlet about it 👀👅
Bruno had been hiding from Pepa for the better part of an hour since she had discovered the man had eaten the last slice of cake, which she had been looking forward to eating since this morning.
Not wanting to feel the wrath of her rain, when she was heard coming down the stairs and into the dinning room to look for him, Bruno quickly slid out of the chair, crawled underneath the table and used his slim frame to his advantage to hide beneath your skirt under the table.
You barely stifled your squeak as he nestled between your legs, arms draped on your legs and face placed between your thighs in an attempt to remain unfound.
"Is my brother in here!?" Pepa cried in irritation, eyes narrowed at you, his lover, as you sat seemingly alone at the kitchen table.
Beneath the table, more specifically beneath your skirt and between your legs, Bruno's hot breath was against your bare thigh and nearly made you arch your back. At first you were too stunned to answer Pepa and this only made her more agitated.
"No!" You finally squeaked out, brought to do so by Bruno nipping the inside of your thigh.
"Ugh, I can't find him anywhere!" The red-head grumbled and took off back upstairs, leaving you alone once again.
Once she was out of earshot, you reaching down and gently smacked Bruno on the shoulder, scolding him for biting you.
"What?!" He defended himself with a soft chuckle, his hands then sliding higher up your legs. "You didn't answer her, I was just making sure you were okay!"
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mm-so-this-is-love · 2 years
Encantober prompt 1-Caterpillar
The thunder rolled above Pepa’s bed. Julieta hovered in the doorway for just a moment, before grabbing Bruno’s hand and pulling him from where he was hiding in the hallway into their sister’s room.
“Pepa?” she called quietly as they approached the bed. A soft moan was the only reply. Julieta sat on the edge of the mattress. Bruno hovered nearby, one hand clutching his opposite arm, looking like he wished he could melt into the rug below his feet.
“Leave me alone.” Pepa’s voice was muffled by layers of bedclothes.
Julieta pulled them back until she could see her sister, riotous auburn hair completely obscuring her face. “It’s going to be okay, Pepa.”
“Easy for you to say! Bruno saw your wedding, everything goes off without a hitch!”
“I couldn’t see who she was marrying though!” Bruno held his hands up defensively.
“And he saw your wedding too, Pepita,” Julieta began smoothing Pepa’s curls away from her tear-stained face.
“He saw me in a wedding dress in a storm!” Pepa bolted upright and lightning flashed around them. Bruno dove for the bed, ducking under the covers. “And then he tells me my boyfriend is going to marry someone else!” Pepa began swatting at him through the blanket.
Bruno yelped and tried to wriggle away from her without uncovering himself. “You asked for the vision!”
Pepa sighed and flopped dramatically into Julieta’s arms. “I really thought he was the one. That’s why I asked you to look.”
Julieta laid Pepa down and curled next to her so she could hold her. Bruno poked his head out to see if it was safe, then scooted up to rest his head on Pepa’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry about the vision. And about him.”
“I know, hermanito. And I’m sorry I asked for the vision. I said I wouldn’t anymore.”
“If I could just see who you two marry, we could skip all this.”
“I’m glad you can’t see,” Julieta piped up from Pepa’s other side. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
Bruno considered this briefly. “I don’t like surprises. And I don’t like my sisters getting hurt.”
Pepa’s eyes filled with tears and she reached for Bruno’s hand, squeezing it gently. Rain dripped off the canopy of the bed, but the thunder had faded away.
“I think maybe we’re just not ready to know,” Julieta said thoughtfully. “When we’re ready, Bruno will see, or he won’t, but we’ll know anyway.” Her eyes were soft, thinking about a distant future with an unknown sweetheart.
“But when will we be ready?” Pepa sniffled.
“When is a caterpillar ready to be a butterfly? He doesn’t know until he is.” Bruno made his “this is very wise and you should heed my advice” face that he’d been practicing dutifully.
Instead of filling his sisters with awe or reassurance, however, Pepa rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the gut before she and Julieta lost themselves in giggles.
Bruno figured laughter was just as good though, and the rain had stopped.
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casitafallz · 1 year
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LTRL AU | A quiet night to talk
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Felix gently continued to press his knife into the soft wood, gently carving out the last major notch before he reached for the sandpaper to gently smooth it down flat over its surface and gently set it down.
It had been a while since he had properly touched his wood works but he found it soothing in stressful times to relax. The smell of wood, the wood polish, and the wood dust brought back a lot of memories of growing up. His family thrived well in making instruments in Encanto and while he never got into it entirely, it was a job… a woodwork hobby, and certainly now, something he fell back to.
Especially now.
He felt exhausted.
It wasn’t often he felt this run down but in most cases, he had an outlet to decompress with. He didn’t have that right now. In the three following days, Pepa had thundered and rained about Camilo and so far they were following the basis of what Julieta and Agustín had chosen for Isabela.
One month of confinement to Casita—she was against that as she felt it would make Camilo feel like a prisoner in his own home. So far, he was being held to this rule on the basis of hypocrisy if they didn’t. He was glad Agustín had weighed on that to get Pepa to agree.
Chores—this was agreed upon, only Camilo was complaining about it so far.
No gift use—Pepa disliked that but Felix held strong; he had already accounted for the unconscious responses with his gift didn’t fall under this rule. He had learned that from Isa’s gift; some things just can’t not be used emotionally.
No friends around at Casita—again, another thing Pepa disliked was cutting him off from his friends but Felix was struggling to maintain that given Pepa’s reluctance and Camilo’s creativities.
No extra food—an agreed-upon rule. With Camilo shifting less to not at all, he wouldn’t need much more food aside from his dream-shifting.
No seeking out Isa. He didn’t let Pepa challenge him on that. Camilo’s attitude was the worst and having him have the option to go to her would only lead to tragedy. He’d rather not lose his great-nephew as a result of Camilo’s distaste.
8 pm curfew—Abuela’s rule there which… wasn’t something Felix overly agreed with but he allowed it. An early night would hopefully seed better discipline and Felix wanted either him or Pepa to spend that hour with him as parent to son.
That was… a list that Felix was comfortable with but trying to get a time length was the latest of their arguments. Pepa wanted three months minimum, and Felix wanted six months at the very least. So they were currently at an impasse on that front.
The whole Dolores debacle…. was another of his headaches but one that was worth it in the long run.
Even if it meant hiding down in his workshop at midnight because Pepa would thunder at the sight of him. The fact she wasn’t willing to hear him out said that she wasn’t ready to talk to him, first-hand experience throughout all three of their children’s pregnancies was enough of an indicator that she’d cool off, or miss him enough to ask for him.
Felix picked up a new tool, gently wiping away the walnut dust onto the floor and reached for his pencil to gently trace the line to cut out next to its middle, but he grabbed the grape sized beads to double check the sizing then set it aside for his hand drill and rose back to his feet.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
The voice almost made him slip; jumping and then spinning to face the doorway to see Abuela in the doorway, her hair down but otherwise dressed orderly in the doorway.
“Abuela.” He greeted warmly, though offered up his spare chair. “I’ve got a little more extra energy to burn, why not be productive with it?”
Abuela stood in the doorway for a long moment before she nodded and swooped in and gently sat down though he got back to work, drilling softly but keeping an ear out for her.
“What are you making?” Abuela finally asked after a couple of minutes.
“A rattle-teether.” He smiled softly, holding it up for her to see the half-made piece
It was a Monstera Deliciosa leaf in shape but palm sized with a soon-to-have a hole in its main center for a wooden ring of beech beads and a simpler removable wooden ring for options. It was a strong wood and had a beautiful color and grain. The beads and ring were Ash so there was a color difference that was going to suit well.
Since it was going to be a teether, he wasn’t going to paint it. A beeswax coat would be all it needed to be safe for the baby.
Abuela’s eyes lingered on it for a moment, her shoulders dropping a fraction. “I see.” She inhaled deeply, clearly troubled.
“I figured since I made one for each of my children and their cousins, why not the next one?” He smiled to at least lighten her mood about the baby. “Antonio loved his little lion-shaped one.”
That got a small warm smile on her face. “I remember. He’d scream whenever it was taken off him until he realized it was feeding time.”
It was one of the few times Antonio got really fussy and demanding really. He was the angel baby out of all his babies. Camilo was the most…loud and needy but he had grown out of most of his habits by the time he was four.
It made Felix smile nonetheless.
“I kept it to plant theme for Isabela. The beads, I have let to string up but that’ll go through the middle when it’s sanded and waxed. It’ll be an interesting experience for the little one to chew on when he starts to teethe and explore.” He set it down into the table clamp, reaching for the coping saw and carefully detached one end to slip it through the drilled hole.
“Have you…heard much from Isabela?” Abuela asked after a moment.
“Not a lot, she’s keeping to herself since the Lopez familia discharged her yesterday. Much happier which I think is a good sign.” Felix shrugged, “I think she’s got a name lined up for the baby as well…but she’s very tight-lipped about it when I saw her.”
Abuela nodded softly. “I see.”
Felix looked up to her at her tone, “You…haven’t spoken to her yourself?”
“No. Señora Rojas won’t allow a private conversation with me and her. Isa’s…very frosty with me. I can’t seem to talk to her.” Abuela looked troubled. “She’s furious with me.”
Felix hummed, not oblivious about the reasons why. “Have you done anything in regard to the Marquez family?”
“No. We have no proof they’ve done anything.” Abuela sighed, “I’ve asked a few people in the neighboring houses if they saw Mateo Marquez but… they haven’t seen him. One found blood on the street but didn’t think it was his.” The concern in her voice was valid, and Felix felt a swell of pity for Isabela and her son. Dolores’s insinuation was enough to indicate something terrible had happened and they couldn’t have stopped it.
“Sara didn’t raise any alarms?”
“No, neither did her father about his absence.”
“How long had it been since he…disappeared?”
“Over a week, getting close to two.” If his maths was correct when Isa was caught in a humiliating situation. A week alone was a long time for someone to be missing and not be reported which…was a huge concern in itself in the family dynamic. Something had happened to the boy.
“If…the family has done something to the boy…I don’t know how the Encanto should respond. Most don’t think something is wrong. But…if the Marquez family did something to the boy…the people should be weary.”
“Sara Marquez is…very well liked.” Felix spoke, gently and slowly sawing, “No would think of her as a…perpetrator.” Perhaps that was the point of the woman’s public demeanor. “There are no prisons in Encanto.”
“But if they killed him… there will need to be something done. Justice. Encanto was a safe haven to escape murderers and criminals. Not harbor them.”
“If, is not a certainty.” Felix sighed softly, because Dolores didn’t…outright say the boy was killed, only not to be found which could mean he was either dead or in hiding, “but right now, we’re hardly the ones to offer such a thing among what’s currently going on. The best we can do…. Spread rumors of his disappearance. See what comes of it. The lack of Mateo Marquez will be noticed when people realize it. He’s a very skilled carpenter.”
Abuela sighed deeply. “I suppose. I wish I could do more. It shouldn't have happened.”
Felix hummed but knew better than to bite on the fact Abuela had been the reason for his disappearance so far. It hadn’t been her intention but still, she didn’t need too much weight on her shoulders.
“How about you make something for the baby?” Felix suggested, “I know…you want her to be married but given what’s happened, the child’s going to be born a bastard. Best guess is, Isa will think you’ll hate the baby for it.”
Abuela looked up in alarm. “Hate—I don’t hate the baby.”
Felix shook his head. “I know that, Abuela. I know that. Not Isabela.”
Abuela’s frown seemed to remain permanent.
“If you make or…maybe buy something for the baby and give it to Isa, it might show her that…you’ll still accept the baby. Actions speak more than words with her, Abuela.” Felix undid the saw end and slipped it free and set it down to pop out the unnecessary center and did a second test of its diameter with the bead again. “The last nine, almost ten months, have been hard but there’s been a lot of things we should have done in that time that we didn’t do.”
He felt a lot of regret in not correcting Camilo’s behavior in terms of Isabela. He thought he’d get over it once Mirabel was…visibly better but… no. Instead, it now turned the tables and put the family once again in the middle of the mess. And yet Camilo believed he was right, regardless of the blood that got spilled.
He regretted not seeing his daughter’s distressful habits and not tending to her needs; letting her take the breaks she needed and to vent to when things got too much.
The only mercy so far was that Antonio was too young to understand what was going on and so far, Bruno was doing a marvelous job at occupying the kid when he wasn’t trying to befriend the unborn baby at every opportunity. It was…a relief to see him so happy, and determined.
Felix wasn’t so thrilled at the time, days ago, when he had asked where babies came from and interrupted his and Pepa’s…discussion about Camilo’s punishments. Pepa had thankfully taken that when Antonio had innocently suggested talking to Parce about it which…opened them up to the possibility of him asking and getting a lot of unsolicited answers from animals they hadn’t considered.
“I understand that.” Abuela nodded, “Every time I try and help, things don’t improve. I don’t understand where I am going wrong.”
Felix reached for the sandpaper again though turned his gaze back to his mother-in-law. It wasn’t often she…was this truthful, let alone with him but he supposed his charm and good nature made it easier for her. He’d take that, if it meant she could help more than hinder.
“Well, Abuela it’s not an easy thing. You’re an intimidating woman, even in your own family. You spent most of their lives seeing them for their magic and not them. What they can do for the magic, not what they need for…them.” He was kind as he spoke, “my daughter felt like a tool to be used. I…I hate that for her.”
Abuela nodded softly, “The magic is what keeps us safe, Felix. I have to protect that.”
“No, the magic kept us alive. Past tense.” Felix corrected. “Now, in this day and age, the magic could go and we’d still be okay without it. Everyone would need new jobs but we’d still get by as a family. Pepa would certainly be happy to not broadcast her moods and…Dolores might actually get relief from her gift.”
The unease was clear as day as Abuela fidgeted with the end of her hair, an unusual sight for Felix still but he had to hope there was weight to his words.
“I suppose…apologies are in order,” Abuela spoke. “If…I am the cause of so much conflict, I need to make the effort.”
“That’ll be wonderful to hear.” Felix praised, “But, Abuela…there had to be action behind the apology as well, otherwise it won’t be believed.”
“I know. Señora Rojas is far more blunt about it than you.”
Felix chuckled at that. “Ay, so I’ve heard. She put Agustín and Julieta in line regarding their daughters which, mostly seems to be working. Isa’s no longer telling them to leave her alone. Julieta seems…a little more happy. I’d say there’s already some improvement.”
He hadn’t been too much around Julieta but he should make more effort to check in with her and Agustín now. Maybe go down and see Isa himself once this gift was done. It’d be a good peace offering at the very least, not just a gift in case she had any sensitive feelings towards him. He doubted that but he had to make sure.
Felix blew more of the dust away feeling for any soft abrasions with his fingertips then got back to sanding.
“Your mother runs an instrument shop, your father makes the instruments, doesn’t he?” Abuela spoke.
“Yes.” He nodded, “Some of my fondest memories come from making instruments with my parents. My sisters and nieces work more with the leather hides for any drums drum heads, and outward designs. My father and his other grandsons work the wood mostly.”
Abuela brightened up a little. “Why don’t you put Camilo to work with his grandparents once his initial month in Casita is over?”
Felix looked up in surprise. He hadn’t considered that… and he could certainly see the benefit of it as well. Making instruments took work, and a personal ethic in the working business, and, it would lead to a finished result. Camilo was naturally a fast learner but… his attitude would not survive his grandparent's work.
Felix knew he got his good conduct and charm from his father but in the workshop; around tools, sharp edges of wood and metal, strings and hazards then that good demeanour was replaced with a stern, but kind teacher. Until provoked. Camilo had a lot of respect for his grandparents and… with Pepa blaming her more prominent moods to Abuela’s ‘interference’, it would probably be more acceptable for her too.
Plus, he was sixteen now as well, without his gift he would have little to do and him sitting on his ass would not serve him well. Isa had the sense of getting lessons to teach her new skills and now, she was well on her way to being far more productive than he expected her to be. He fully expected her to favor towards gardening; her work with her friends had crafted a beautiful pond that she still maintained.
“I’ll talk to them tomorrow.” He decided, “It might do him some good, and he’ll have a lot to learn.”
“Will you run it past Pepa?” Abuela asked, “. She won’t accept anything from me so you should take the credit for the idea at the least.”
“I will, for both.” He agreed. It made sense. “She’s still mad about the whole thing about Dolores’s moving out for a few weeks.”
“Probably more upset that you made the decision for her than anything.”
“I know.” Felix set down the nearly complete wooden leaf to the side. He was getting too tired. He could finish it in the morning. “She’s stressed with nowhere to put it and everyone to complain about it.” Which was hardly easy for her to bare but, he wouldn’t let her go through it alone. He was her husband. Thick or thin they were bound and he wouldn’t let her go, or to get the best of him either. It was a partnership.
“One thing,” Abuela rose to her feet, “I…I can’t seem to know Isabela any more. I don’t know what she likes… or doesn’t like. I’d…be open for suggestions for a gift.”
“I think… maybe you should ask Mirabel for ideas. That might be good for you and Mirabel to bond over.” Felix began to put his tools back away quickly, swiping more dust off the workbench counter, and reached for the boom.
When he turned, Abuela was gone.
 It was odd, creeping back into his own room, the candles were burning low and offered him enough to see and change before Felix stepped towards the bed.
He knew she was awake, the fog over her was not fully descended in light sleep and or gone if she was deeply asleep but rumbled in a low but tense cloud. She was facing away towards the window then to his side of the bed and didn’t seem to move as he slipped into the sheets. His place was surprisingly warm but he was glad to settle down.
She didn’t move into his arms, but he didn’t try to coax her just yet.
“Where did you go?” Pepa’s voice was soft, with a light crack.
“The workshop” Felix yawned, he probably still smelt of wood dust. “Making a gift for our great-nephew. Antonio’s still…piped up about meeting him.”
“Hm, he still has two months left to wait until it’s born,” Pepa remarked though shifted around to face him, her face masked by the darkness but he was glad to see her calm and…warm. “He’ll get impatient.”
“Our son is smart and let’s enjoy seeing him happy about it,” Felix suggested, settling an arm around his wife. “I know you’re still… not happy about the punishments but…I’ve been thinking that… it might be good for Camilo to get a job.”
Pepa’s head rose, her brow crinkling, “He has a job.”
“Not without his gift, My Vida.” He reminded softly, kissing her temple, “My parents make instruments. They’ve got a good work ethic and make beautiful instruments that everyone enjoys. It might be a good age for Camilo to start putting himself into a place where he could learn and expand his skills beyond his gift.”
“You think making instruments is what Camilo will enjoy?” There was skepticism in her voice.
“It’s more than just about his enjoyment, Pepi. To make something beautiful you’ve got to learn got to work and put effort in to see the results. Camilo’s never had that… and right now it’s hard to tolerate his more…disrespectful side. I’m not raising my son to think it’s okay to hurt people’s feelings or to think a rude comment is nothing. I’m sure you’ve noticed that.”
“What happened with Isa—“
“Pepa, I’m not talking about that this late, this tired. This was before he set a jaguar onto Isa. We’ve let it all slide for too long he expects to not be reprimanded.”
The cloud above their bed darkened.
He didn't let that stop him from simply carrying on instead, “If he starts to work, he’ll hopefully find new skills, but also will bond more with his other cousins his age, and my father expects or enforce a certain level of maturity and responsibility when working around sharp tools and wood. Shouldn’t we want Camilo to grow as a person, my amour?” He offered to soothe her nerves; to coax her to the easier side to see.
“We’ll talk more about it in the morning,” Pepa grumbled, settling into his side.
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Happy birthday @greenvillainredemption​ you wonderful cinnamon roll, who seems to enjoy breaking my heart with your fics 💕✨
Have some fluff! You deserve it 💕
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Maybe it was over-done by this point, but Mirabel loved making presents for her family. When it came to special occasions, she went all out.
The triplets’ birthday, the first one since Tio Bruno’s return home, was certainly a special occasion.
Truth be told, Mirabel started on these gifts months in advance.
For her mamá, it was a brand new dress. Something a little fancier than the practical clothes she usually wore. It was a tradition that Agustín would take Julieta out for a meal and dancing, just the two of them, the weekend after her birthday. As such, Julieta would need something nice to wear. Mirabel could certainly provide that.
She chose Julieta’s favourite teal colour, but the dress was made out of much lighter, more airy material. The sleeves were shorter and she added little sparkling beads to the hems of the sleeve and dress itself. She tied a darker blue ribbon around the waist and embroidered little silver hearts in between the beads and one heart at the neckline of the dress. Not too over-the-top, still quite simple all things considered, but by Julieta’s more comfortable standards it was a dress for a gala.
Sometimes, Mirabel was quite sure that her and her sisters’ love of clothes came from Agustín. After all, he was a tailor.
For Tia Pepa, she made a new blanket. Something to keep her cosy when she rained, be it while performing her duties or simply letting her emotions out at home. It was a warm, butter-yellow, thick and wooly, striped through with orange, red and gold. Sewing and embroidery were Mirabel’s strong suit; knitting took more time and she felt clumsy as she knitted the blanket. But, through trial and error (more trial and error than she’d like to admit) she managed to add a golden sun and deep orange umbrella towards the bottom of the blanket. 
Then it was Tio Bruno’s present. 
This one proved to be the trickiest. Mirabel had already made him a new ruana, which he’d nearly cried over, so Mirabel nearly cried and Luisa did cry. It became a whole big thing.
So, he didn’t need a ruana. Or any new clothes, really. She knew for a fact that Julieta had gotten Bruno a blanket of his own, mostly to help when he was feeling anxious or overwhelmed. 
Antonio, the little angel that he was, had gotten a rat plushie from the toy-store in town; Mirabel made a little green ruana for it. Isabela had grown a whole bunch of lavender, mint, chamomile and vanilla, all of which could be made into relaxing teas, or kept in the little sachets she made.
Tia Pepa had gotten him a lot of new books. Mirabel wasn’t even sure how many. She just knew she’d seen her aunt with an entire stack of them.
Agustín had bought him some shirts for formal-wear, but also a stained-glass ornament to hang by his bedroom window. Tio Félix had commissioned an entire play-set for Bruno’s rats. Dolores was going to handmake his favourite sweets (with guidance from Julieta), and Camilo had actually written out some of his own stories and plays, the ones Bruno loved best, into one ridiculously thick book.
Luisa wrote another song, but then she also put her new painting skills into practice: she painted their lake, the lake Tio Bruno had first discovered himself as a child. 
Abuela bought him notebooks, pens in all different colours, a sketchpad and new paints. The notebooks were beautiful, with blue, green and gold marbled covers. The colours of the pens were vibrant and rich, much better than the ones Bruno had now.
In other words, they’d all gotten gifts he’d love. Mirabel knew her uncle: she knew he wouldn’t expect much, he’d outright insist they didn’t need to get him anything. In fact, he’d already said as much and only shut up when Pepa threatened to rain on him all day.
Mirabel could hardly just get him more of the same stuff. She also didn’t want to get him anything to do with hourglasses, sand or time. God knew the villagers would push enough of that onto him.
She wanted to make something he’d love, but also something he could use. Something when he was feeling low, or just wanted to rest. Something to let him know that Mirabel loved him and was glad he was back.
Her eyes wandered over her room, the bright walls and unmade bed, her presents for Julieta and Pepa...
The bed!
Oh, Mirabel had an idea.
Truth be told, it wasn’t hard to buy a pillow in the size she needed. The main issue was finding one she felt she was soft enough. Her uncle had slept in a flimsy hammock for ten years, she was going to make sure this was comfortable, thank you.
Then it was a matter of making the cover.
It was green of course, a rich forest green. This time, she avoided any Gift symbols, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t use their family’s colours: swirls of yellow and blue, pink, orange and red; magenta, gold and yet more green. It was crowded and a little chaotic, but if that didn’t sum up her family, Mirabel didn’t know what did.
Once it was all done, Mirabel hugged the pillow tightly. It was big enough, it was soft, it was pretty and a maybe a little weird. 
Perfect, she thought with a smile.
And, okay, she’d admit she felt nervous at the birthday party. As much as she loved making and giving presents, part of her was always worried she’d give the wrong thing and let someone down. The perils of presents.
But Julieta gave her a tight hug, kissing Mirabel’s cheeks with her usual exaggerated dramatics, cooing “Look at my talented, caring little girl!”
“Mamá!” Mirabel groaned, blushing furiously. “Knock it off!”
Agustín wolf-whistled when Julieta held the dress against herself. That was even worse. Yuck.
Pepa took one look at the blanket and had to put it to good use, quickly drizzling and smiling all the while. 
And then there was Bruno, who’d stammered over his thanks at every present received, eyes wide and suspiciously bright. He seemed overwhelmed, but not necessarily in a bad way. His smile was shining as bright as the candle. 
He also immediately said, “Ooh!” and tightly hugged Mirabel’s present to his chest. “Oh, that’s comfy.”
“It’s for when you’re feeling anxious,” Mirabel explained. “You can hug it. But also, y’know, you can put it on your armchair when you’re reading, or on your bed, or- whatever. Wherever. It’s uh, multipurpose.” She smiled sheepishly and made jazz hands. “Ta-da?”
Bruno smiled at her softly and quickly pulled her into a hug, squishing the pillow between them.
“You’re brilliant, kid,” he said. “This must have taken ages!”
“Worth it,” Mirabel said immediately. “It’s always gonna be worth it.”
You’re worth it, she thought. I hope you know that now.
Maybe his real Gift was mind-reading. Bruno certainly looked like he knew what she was thinking anyway, making those big eyes, head tilted like he was listening for something.
But he didn’t make a fuss. He just hugged her again and said, “Thanks, Mira.”
She hugged him tightly, steadfastly ignoring her parents kissing in the corner of her vision.
“Happy birthday, Tio.”
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606xx · 6 months
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3/12 Happy Birthday Felix!! This is my post for Felix's birthday, it's something simple and static but I think it's cute anyway so I hope you like it ^^
I made him a dress inspired by both his clothes and Pepa's and I put some rain boots on him.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 3 months
Encanto Addams family HC's: The blue and yellow couple (rewrite hehe)
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(It has come to my attention by @miracles-and-butterflies that Agustin and Felix coming in as teenagers and joining the family whilst they were still minors, only to later get married and have children is a...not ethical...so had to rewrite this. @jacarandaaaas @dandylion94)
Felix loved everything about the weather. But not the sunny kind, the kind that causes catastrophes or floods, storms and rain, etc. No, never liked how many deaths or injuries they caused, but he couldn't help but love how fierce and spontaneous these things were.
Weird things had been happening to the town he lived in in the last 13 years. Random showers, snow, hail, small tornados, lightning strikes, storms, etc.
He found it fascinating that it just kept happening so randomly throughout any season. One day, he saw lightning sprouting out of an area for hours. The next day, same thing, it went on for four days.
So, he decided to go see what was going on but stay far away so he doesn't get struck. For some reason, the forest let him through and that's when he stumbled upon her.
A swirl of lighting striking the ground and swirling around in the air. This was extremely fascinating to him; it was a lightning tornado.
Then he heard...laughter. Manic laughter and giggles...coming FROM the lighting tornado.
For some reason he stepped closer. And closer, and closer...then he stepped on a twig.
The lighting paused...then harshly slammed itself into the ground. The smoke cleared and a woman with bright red hair and white sin appeared through the smoke. She looked to be in her 20's at best.
Agustin, being the nature lover he is, loved studying plants in the forest. He was actually studying to be a botanist and an herbalist. But if there was an odd-looking bird fluttering around or a non-threatening animal, he would try to sketch it.
One day, he went in to far and a jaguar tried to kill him and most likely eat him. Instead of running toward the village he ran deeper and deeper into the forest. The animal soon caught up with him and...hurt him badly. Before the animal could take a final swipe/bite at him, something spooked it, and it ran back to where it came from.
The dark forest led his body to the house; Julieta's garden to be specific. Casita alerted her and she went outside to stare at the badly bruised man.
He was cute, very cute. A nice moustache, chiseled features, and dressed very dapper. Yeah, his clothes were bloody and tattered, but she could see he knew how to dress himself.
And Julieta was aware of the forest leading people AWAY from their house, so if it brough someone here, they must be someone to trust. It happened to Pepa so this must be her new toy to keep too!
She took him back inside and nursed him back to health.
"Mama, can I keep him?"
"I think your old enough to own make that decision on your own now."
Alma didn't know of Felix at first, only four years into the relationship is when Pepa finally decided to tell her she had a boyfriend.
Julieta made her attraction apparent the first day Agustin was in their house. So, Alma knew she would be seeing more of him whether she liked it or not.
Pepa told Alma the exact way they met. Felix found her having a "lightning day" and it was love at first sight. Great...both her daughters fell in love with outsiders. But she was actually happy her daughters found someone to love, she didn't want them to be lonely forever.
Bruno did the over-protective brother talk to both of them...but more sinister
"If you hurt my Hermana I will cut your limbs off, make you eat them, burn you, scalp you, and let you starve for the rest of your days."
But they weren't discouraged, they visited the girls every other day. The girls were of age to do what they wanted, so they decided to have dates with the boys in the village they lived in when they got the chance.
Bruno usually tagged along but only to head off and do his own thing.
Alma spent her time at home doing her own things such as chatting with Pedro with a glass orb. He told her that she should get out more and for him...she finally stepped past the forest into the village with her daughters.
She hated it. Everyone was so friendly, smiley, and just...bright. The houses, the stores, the people...she didn't understand how her daughters or son could take it.
Maybe they dealt with it for their s/o and curiosities sake. Alma just tried her best to ignore it and look around to see if anything had changed.
She had the triplets in 1900 and now it was 1923, some things have changed in terms of clothing style and cars. Other than that, things were still the same. Bubbly people and horribly bright atmosphere.
Some years have passed at the girls were now married at 27/8 and soon had their first daughters at 29. Isabela and Dolores.
Bruno stayed single, he never had interest in romance. Only books and...other things.
Any questions or ideas, my ask box is open!
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lunamadrigal · 2 years
Bruno's kiddos would be the ones to enjoy buñuelos a lil too much.. Too much enthusiasm, with reckless abandonment and competitively, in the sweetest way possible.
The way @daliceus makes my heart go boom boom with her art is otherworldly mkay
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Lily Lore Facts:
🌟 Lily's birthday is Sep 19th 1956 / Virgo
🌟 Lily's full name is Lily Estrella Madrigal. Estrella meaning 'star' and is her mother's maiden name.
🌟 Nicknames: Lil, mi estrella, moonbeam & stardust
🌟 The name Lily is a tie back to one of Pedro’s poems (Lily Of The Valley) and artwork he left behind in a journal that Bruno found as a child.
🌟 Lily's gift, like both of Bruno’s biological children, is connected to time. Hers being the ability to manipulate time, stopping, reversing and altering the flow.
🌟 Her door is the only one in Casita to not show her image/portrait on it. Instead a glowing half moon is shown and when being used the magic of the door is active and it ticks through the lunar phases. Another tie to her gift.
🌟 A special moment that Diego and Lily gave Abuela was when they brought her back to meet Pedro in the past. Lily’s gift age reversing her back for that meeting.
🌟 Mirabel made Lily a Benji puma plushie of her oldest brother after he moved out and into his own home on their street, for when she misses him terribly and stop her trying to sneak over. Both Diego and Lily adore cuddles with Benji in puma form.
🌟 Pepa was highly disappointed when she wasn't Diego's favorite family member as a baby which she got redemption for when Lily came along and loved the sound of falling rain. Pepa would be the only one able to get her back to sleep when fussy cause of this.
🌟 The white streak in Lily's hair was an effect after receiving her gift on the night of the lunar eclipse and Bruno affectionately calls it "kissed by starlight".
🌟 Lily's full gift explained: time manipulation
Ability to affect the flow of time (by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it), astral projection on a full moon she can visit the dreams of loved ones (rare ability and only shown/used once for Luna), dream-weaver (can help ease and settle subconscious thoughts in order to allow easier sleep, the family always thought she was given this extra ability to help Bruno but ends up using it on Benji's brother the most.)
🌟 Her gift is strengthened by moonlight, on a full moon (lilies grew everywhere the moonlight touched on the night of the eclipse, a result of Lily receiving her gift)
🌟 Growing up with older brothers Lily can hold her own and doesn’t shy away from a challenge, although the boys spoil her rotten, allowing her to get away with anything when Luna and Bruno aren’t home (they scream sing her song ‘Queen by Hidden Citizens’ to her and let her dance on the table when they’re alone),
🌟 Lily is the biggest snuggler in the family and hates sleeping alone, especially on nights when the moonlight is hidden behind clouds. Bruno takes his old ‘bad’ prophecy tablets and smashes them up, crushing them into tiny speckles and mixes it into paint, giving her room its own glowing starry sky for her. Lily loves it so much they later fill jars with the crushed glowing glass as an extra form of nightlight she can use when walking in the dark.
🌟 Lily loves sneaking into Diego’s room at night to cuddle, much to his regret (although he's never kicked her out or brought her back to her room so more than likely enjoys her company too).
🌟 Since Bruno is the breakfast maker of the family, Lily and Mateo love joining him in the kitchen, mostly to eat anything before he has a chance to plate it. They are always covered in a mess of crumbs. Lily loves buñuelos, same as Luna.
🌟 Her style is described as creative, artsy, colorful, somewhat eccentric as she pairs odd bits of fabric and likes to wear sombrero’s (possibly to fit in with her hermano’s which she looks up to), sometimes a bit of a tomboy even in a dress or skirt.
🌟 Bruno had to learn to braid her hair cause she enjoys how he grumbles, mumbles and talks to himself while doing it. When Bruno isn't able to braid her hair she ropes Diego into it instead, which he's surprisingly good at.
🌟 Her artsy side comes out whenever Bruno naps and she has a chance to draw on his arm, loving to add her special flair to where his tattoo sits. Diego has learned to hide her pens whenever he naps to avoid her making him "pretty" (sometimes he misses her hijinks and purposely "forgets" to put away her drawing materials).
🌟 Lily is learning to play the violin from Agustín cause she loves watching Bruno teach Diego guitar and is hoping to surprise them with her own version of "fancy guitar".
🌟 Bruno's children are the Keepers of Time whereas Luna and Bruno are the Seers
🌟 Abuela's tokens from her chatelaine were passed down.
The key to Casita for Mirabel, next matriarch
The locket with Pedro for Diego, link to the past keeping family alive in spirit
The pocket watch for Lily, keeper of the flow of time
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