#people are talking like theyre doing charity work about this stuff
varijacija · 1 year
Not to be mean but all these people talking about how they bought a game to "support gamedevs" like gamedevs are dependent on your sorry ass like ok bro go buy all the games in the universe to support the poor gamedevs 🤣 you arent "supporting" anything youre just buying the games you would like to play thats just buying stuff you fucking idiot
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queensqueercourt · 2 years
Rules: Copy and paste these questions and make your own post, please do not add onto this one, it’ll get too long too fast. Then tag some of your friends to let them know you’d like to hear more about their ocs!
Original by @/queen-breha-organa|| thanks echo!! this seems like fun
Name: Marcello (of wands)
Pronouns: he/him
Nickname: Marc(only called that by micha), old man (by the younger acolytes)
One Word To Sum Them Up: Shenanigan
Noun to Describe Them: pigeon
Temperament: if in a good mood he'll be willing to talk to you but otherwise not really
MBTI Type: ESTJ(Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging)
Enneagram Type: individualist
Other’s First Impression of Them: patient and always seems and acts like he has more important things to do. at first aloof but mostly because he only just met someone
General Likes: any sort of trinket he finds on holy crusades and from others, its the best way to get on his good side.
General Dislikes: believe it or not, other aasimars, especially if theyre a priest or cleric. he may be one but sees the others with "giant sticks up their asses and im the one here who can pull it out and give them a glimpse of how they REALLY are"
Romantic Status: sappy and loves romance but isnt quick to dive into it. people who are interested in him without fear right off the bat either wanna kill him or bone way to fast for comfort
Love Interest(s): a noble teifling named dijon, hes currently a silverquill coach/trainer who teaches long and close range magical combat
Good Friend(s): micha a half-elf paladin that marcello found alone and abandoned. he took care of him and decided to take him under his wing (literally)
Enemy: its more one sided but his noble family who constantly ooze over him in lots of unhealthy ways. hes always been put up on a way too high pedestal and constantly tries to abandon it but they never get the message
Hobbies: not much of a hobby but loves to go to market and sell some of his expensive trinkets that may or not be slightly cursed. he gets a good amount of money from that since being a priest is more of a long-term charity work
Songs They Relate To: sleepyhead by the scary jokes
Fictional Characters Similar To Their Personality: Not many i can think of off the bat but a real person i can relate him to and is his voice claim is comedian Chris fleming!
Fun Fact: hes the only aasimar in a family of elves. aasimar's usually get their divine providence by their parents being aasimar's or by random, for marcello it was the ladder
Free Space/Ramble: hes a fallen aasimar but didnt fall in his mortal life, he fell as a celestial and was supposed to be cursed to roam the earth as a wayward spirit as a sort of punishment instead finding himself as a blank slate in a mortal baby. marcello doesnt know why he fell but knows he fucked up real hard and his priest work is sort of his redemption so the celestials dont kill him on the spot. so far hes doing pretty well but has gotten away with some stuff that was outside of his oath rules. hes currently a priest at the temple of salvas.
Tags: @mel-mocha @toxicglitch @endlessscreams
doodle of him under da cut
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(this is the only recent doodle i have of him, may post some more stuff on him later)
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You said not to ask so please ignore this if you don't want to explain, but could you elaborate on your March 19th / May 1st theory? thanks!
ahfkafhksfh yeah no problem. its not a theory its just ... brain worms that have taken a specific shape but thats not new this is just the latest form. under a cut because i hate like. getting peoples hopes up over something ive entirely made up
greentext format but make it wordy
> i think frank has been like. suspicious lately. i dont know how to explain it beyond that. he’s done a LOT of press-but-not-press in the last month or so. sure, he’s definitely bored and stuck in his house like the rest of us, and he had a new EP come out, and the EP is technically the reason for the press. but it also ... isnt. like the bulk of it has been AFTER the EP came out, and none of it has been wholly focused on the EP. and to me, at least, it feels like, i dont know, easing the band back into public consciousness thru a press circuit without the band ACTUALLY doing a press circuit because MCR been pretty hard and fast about the ‘we dont need or want ur press’ when it comes to the reunion. 
> continuing off the last one, in the ... jim ward interview he did, i think? one of the more recent ones, at least - he got asked about his writing process and mentioned working with gerard in present tense. very very likely it meant nothing at all, but also like ... i dont trust him LOL part of me thinks it was on purpose. Im just suspicious of him after the broken clock thing. 
> not only did frank mention working with gerard in the present tense, for Months now, but especially during his recent mini press tour, frank has been really vague but consistent in talking about working with people on music remotely. id have to go looking for it and i dont feel like it, but it’s been something along the lines of ‘working with new people And people you know’. suspitcheous. 
> ONTO GERARD. Gerard like never uses social media. but then a couple days ago he pops up to mention franks EP (which is sweet) and makes sure to sign it so its like, obviously not something his social media manager wrote up for him. and in that post he mentions being down in the lab. and LORD KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK THAT MEANS besides the fact that he’s working on something. but hey, its gerard, when isnt he. 
> But Gerard’s also doing that charity stream on the 2nd. and we havent seen gerard in MONTHS. since august, maybe? and he’s not just speaking, hes PERFORMING. besides the shrine show, the last time he performed was for the muppet charity thing with ray in 2016, and before that, it was the last hes alien leg in 2015. None of us even expected him to perform when it got announced - it had to be confirmed by the event organizers. and that just ... pings something in my brain, same as franks little press tour. It’s gerard emerging from his cave, Being A Musician, you know? 
> SPEAKING of the last time we saw gerard, he teased us back in the summer by mentioning that he has something he’s been working on thats not comic book related that he cant talk about. maybe its a fucking line of hot sauces or a tripp collaboration. 
> Or maybe its music. 
> this is where we depart from reality a little bit more: 
> this has been trotted out again and again on here as a talking point, and i dither between agreeing with it or not, but: MCR spent two years planning their return. they had a plan, for whatever the fuck was supposed to happen - even if all that was supposed to happen was the tour. 
> and their plan got pissed on, doused in gasoline, set on fire, extinguished, and thrown into the mouth of a lion. But They Had A Plan. And theyve been fucking radio silent except the hipdot collab, and before that, rescheduling shows. I ASSUME their almost-year of silence has been them, in part, reformulating their plan. Changing whatever it was going to be to fit the new timeline, or making a back up plan in case things get worse. 
> But the original plan had them all free - as far as we know - after november of 2020. so they wouldnt have had active MCR stuff happening for the national anthem comic book release, the electric century album + comic release, the you look like death tua comic release. But those things still happened, because they didnt require having to be in the real world where the plague is. 
> so, what the worms hinge on, is that whatever the New Plan Is, Whatever They Are Doing Now, it involves waiting until all their obligations and projects that SHOULDNT have interfered with MCR stuff - but had to the potential to because of covid - ended. 
> and thats now. thats the next couple weeks. you look like death just finished up, mikeys album and comic are out, and national anthem finishes up in like a week in a half. 
> and then theres nothing (that we know of) until the rescheduled shows happen, or *knocks thrice on wood* they have to reschedule again. 
> and this is where we really enter crazy town:
> so i was thinking about all of these things, and the imagery / themeing for the return (what little we got of it) and how a year ago everybody was pulling out the wheel of the year trying to figure out what they would do next, and when. 
> and March 20th (i know i said march 19th originally, i’ll get into that) is Ostara. 
> if youre not vaguely witchy, its basically a festival for the spring equinox. light and dark are in balance, yadda yadda yadda. and i could go into full on insane depth about the black and white aspects of the return, the witchiness of an offering + a summoning but i wont. it boils down to: its the closest festival to when all of MCR’s calendars are clear as far as we know, and its almost a year to date of when they had to reschedule the shows. 
> and March 19th is a Friday. which is new music release day. Ostara / the equinox are technically on saturday, but its at 5am on saturday morning so ... technicalities. 
> so the worms in my brain say new single on march 19th. or Something on march 19th. or 20th. one of those days. 
> and the worms in my brain also say MCR are a bunch of cruel little shits, and theyre gonna make us wait before they give us anything substantial. 
> so we move to May 1st. 
> May 1st is also known as May Day, also known as Beltane. (We’re back to the wheel of the year for this one) Its the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. And its a Saturday. which is NOT new music release day - but hey, its close enough. 
> may day is also like, similar to halloween / samhain in that the veil is supposed to be thinner on those days, and i think theres a connection the imagery and over-all plan wise between coming back on halloween, and possibly doing something on mayday. i dont think they just came back on halloween as a birthday present to frank. 
> so second single on may day, or album? or announcement that theres gonna BE an album? maybe they wont give us a single on ostara but just tease us with something. i dont know. but i think theres something here. 
> im aware this was a lot of words and i basically gave you nothing, but i can only give you what the worms give to me. 
> sorry for being the way i am. hope this helped. 
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
since you came back i wanted to send you some more youtuber headcanons but these were on the spot so dont get your hopes too high (also these are all about al and i think some of these might have been suggested before so whoops)
al has his minecraft skin set as the phantom bc hes a nerd and the first time fans saw it there was an influx of fanart of al as the phantom and race as christine
at first people thought al was playing up how self conscious he was for more sympathy because sympathy=donations but one day he accidentally forgot to end his stream and you could just hear him sigh and start shit talking himself and it wasnt until someone donated some money that he realized he didnt end his stream and the chat was basically just "baby no 🥺"
al has an anonymous tumblr account and will reblog some incorrect quotes about him and race with "this totally happened" and everyone just thinks its another fan until one day he confirms that the account is his and everyone freaked out
al doesnt like to eat on stream and once he mentioned he hadnt had anything to eat that day and his chat bullied him into taking a break and to eat off camera
once he had media donations on while streaming and like every fan made animation that was donated he said "oh ive seen this one before i love this one!" and made sure to specifically shout out the artist
they did a 72 hour charity livestream because theyre masochists and al didnt want to fall asleep on stream because hes ✨shy✨ but eventually he passed out and everyone got to learn that he talks in his sleep
- this nerd i stg- he would adore every second of it, and race uses it as a reason to attempt to belt think of me at any given moment. key word: attempt
- IT WOULD SO HAPPEN UGH i love him so much and as the person these dumbass fictional fans are based on i am HEARTBROKEN. ‘baby no 🥺’ is right dhdhdh. but i also think of the donation popping up and him looking like a deer in headlights and then just ‘oh shi-‘ and then the stream ends and it’s kinda funny but i’m still very sad
- HE WOULD FUCKIN DO THIS. tbf it’s not a reach at all cause he’s already had an anonymous youtube that he comments with so nobody s h o u l d be surprised but everyone still is. can you imagine the heart attacks the fans that post this stuff would have when they realize he’s actually seen it omg
- he doesn’t particularly dislike eating on stream, and is actually pretty ok with it if race or just someone else is actually there with him, but he hates the prospect of extended ‘awkward’ silences while he eats so he just,,,,,, avoids it. he needs to take a break off camera anyway so he actually listens when they yell at him for not eating and let’s his mods blast music in area chat and let’s everyone talk amongst themselves
- yesssss i’ve mentioned it a couple times but al and race are SUPER fucking specific about giving artist’s credit. mostly cause jack drilled it into their brains for all of middle and high school, as well as every chance he got to do it after that, too. they also just- they respect the work that goes into having talent like that, and make sure everyone knows who put the time and sweat into making something incredible.
- “because they’re masochists” PFFFFT PLSSSS- mark is positively quaking his brand is being stolen. also not to be That Guy™️ but it wasn’t that embarrassing til he said race’s name, then twitter ✨fucking died✨ and he never lived it down
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you said you’d answer all
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go ahead 😌
flower crown: last night
fairy lights: do any of them share same feelings with me and who if so?
daises: unsure
1975: @thehugwizard 's stream last night most recent happy memory
matte: try and. fix my mental health, talk to parents about it etc etc and do stuff on my bucket list
black nail polish: yea, so. meet some online friends, go skydiving, and see iceland
pantone: uh... rather not tbh. sry. ik i said ill answer all but that one makes me a lil uncomfy
moodboard: not at all
stars: most likely when i cried last
plants: one of my online friends, we are so. awesome together. never met. i just want to be with them for a while.
converse: i have, tbh.
lace: uh it was noah @thehugwizard talking about a project we are working on. hes a really good friend of mine
handwriting: not sure who but i would say "thank you for making my life that much better i love you" would make sure i say platonically or romantically depending on the person cus idk who yet
cactus: brown eyes are my beloved. the way the light hits them, theyre so pretty.
sunrise: depression is being colorblind and constantly being told how colorful the world is - atticus
take that as you wish
oil paints: many mistakes, many new friends an adventure idk tbh.
overalls: invest it in nfts /j
but for real, donate to charity majority and keep some for myself. i mean like. not even 10% for myself. less than that.
combat boots: depends on what the person did
winged eyeliner: oh boy okay
hey me, i know we look different. just relax and enjoy the moments you have now. i know shit is rough right now but please stay strong. for us. just play stuff out, dont talk to (insert someones name here i rather not say publicly) for your own good. hug people. see the good in people. i love you. ( i know its not long enough but-)
pastel: punk
tattoos: self expression my beloved
piercings: nah just not my thing
cry baby: ajr and i loved them
grunge: idk some online friend saying how we can meet up
space: no i dont, and my rooms messy so-
white bed sheets: uh. i dont really have one, shower every day morning or night, and just be on tumblr then sleep
old books: this account exists
beaches: i would uh go green again ig?
eyes: no clue
lightning: never was either of those things
thunder: buy nfts
storms: listen to one song, i need different people for different things
love: yea i think i have but it feels like just. everything is good with them around you. in a way
clouds: what about the nonbinaries and others!?!
and yes. i rock black nail polish time to time
coffee: non fat no foam chai latte uh i trust my mom cus thats her order
marble: my online and irl friends
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Yer to that anon Tom never said he's just a kid so doenst speak about issues that was that weird magazine reporter that said 'it's easy for tom to say he's just a kid so won't speak about issues but he did speak about BLM, but not the US election'... that was such a weird thing to include in a movie interview anyway especially as he is not American,, but anyway just wanted to clear up Tom never said that so check your reading skills anon.
And PERSONAL OPINION from me: I feel like it's a very US thing for celebrities to be expected to use social media to talk about social issues. I find it to be a weird expectation. You can praise people for talking about 'woke' things, but don't then turn around and point fingers at those who don't? To me they're just actors or musicians or whatever- that's what they're experts in, that's their job and therefore they have loads of followers that come with the job- that doesn't automatically come with the instinct of oh I need to make a post about this social issue, oh this is happening in the world let me go on my phone and post about it! I think being a stan especially it's easy for these fans to forget life goes on outside the apps. There's so many experts in social issues who are working and fighting everyday because theyre in the thick of it and know what the fuck theyre talking about, so GIVE THEM PLATFORMS! Literally off the top of my head osopepatrisse, Rachel.cargle etc. are top activism and social justice accounts on insta that deserve bigger platforms, but people don't actually care enough to follow people like that, instead they want actors to speak about stuff that happens that they're literally seeing and learning about the same time as the rest of the world, when actual activists are right there with th best possible awareness, knowledge and advice? Make it make sense.
Tom uses the platform he's been given by fans for good- sorry if it's not up to peoples standards or in the exact way you want him to use it lol. But literally the first thing he did after the Civil War premiere was create a charity... He's handled the rise to fame with all the eyes that come with it amazingly, I think I would have deleted all public social media by now if I were him cus I could never stand these expectations of what I should post and when I should speak.
I'm tired and this was a rant sorry haha
No worries for the rant lol.  I do feel that US may differ on what we expect on social media maybe compared to others in different countries perhaps? I don’t necessarily mind when celebrities speak out on various political or social justice issues.  I know some hate it, but I don’t mind it. I figure, they are a citizen of this country just as much as I am, so why shouldn’t they speak out on politics if they want to?  It’s a “free country” with “freedom of speech” right??  🥴 Or is it just that they aren’t saying things that you agree with? 😏
Anyway, I do agree on some level that people should be focusing on REAL activists, and not celebrities.  But at the same time, I can see a die-hard fan of a celebrity wanting that person to speak out.... Not to get “brownie points” but because some like to feel like the person they idolize and love are people who align with their own values.  In addition, actors, musicians, artists etc may have certain professions, but they are still PEOPLE who live in the same world that we live in.  It’s nice to know that their fame and money hasn’t completely blinded them or  made them tone deaf to certain world events. So, I can understand why some like it when their faves speak out or at least acknowledge certain things.     
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writev · 5 years
nct dream as office interns
(this is based on my own experience at a news journal which had cubicles and threw a lot of events so take that as you will lol)
• the type to always have extra pencils
• puts a lot of effort into studying korean to the point where he can even help employees who have been there for a couple years
• secretly complains to his friends but stays polite to his employeer
• considered very responsible
• hums quietly while doing grunt work like copying
• felt really proud the day he got his work badge
• instantly sent a pic to his parents ;-;
• a lot more extroverted/comfortable around the other interns
• teases them... a ton
• whenever someone needs help they know they can go to renjun
• spends time shadowing the reporters and photographers
• h a n d s o m e
• it seriously intimidates people oml
• he showed up to his internship interview in a white button down and thin black tie and the secretary was Shocked okay
• just like "uhh the modeling agency is down the street ???"
• and he just kinda laughs and says hes here for an internship and shes like ???? okay ??
• he somehow stays humble god knows how-
• certain workers give him a ton of work out of envy and others go super easy on him, it depends
• so one day he's got nothing to do and the next he's running around for 8 hours straight
• poor kiddo
• theres a few cats in the alleyway next to the office so he brings them bits of food on his lunch break
• one of his co-workers notices and she starts feeding them on his days off
• the secretary is seriously confused when did the interns get Like This
• outgoing/confident to the extreme
• flirty but wbk
• does a lot of work with their sponsors, sweet talks people into attending charity events, etc
• he's just an intern but already indispensible
• they're Really trying to give him job offers so he doesnt go work for a rival company lmao
• he's also decent with stuff like phone interviews and press conferences
• since he started interning, their event attendance has gone up at least 20% he's a miracle worker
• flashes smiles, shakes hands, boom 50k for charity
• he really works hard tho, its not all natural talent
• literally keeps notes so he can remember names/companies
• here we gooooooooo
• decorates the shit out of his cubicle
• small posters, stickers, pictures of his friends, sticky notes with reminders, all that
• his desk is Chaotic
• every color imaginable of paperclips, pens, sticky notes, and folders
• another one who shadows reporters
• always wants to be where the action is but most of the time only experienced employees can go
• tried courtroom reporting once and Never Again
• a 6 hour trial no ty
• constantly finding breaking news on twitter
• almost always the first to know about a new press release and no one knows his secret theyre going insane
• the ceo's son
• never really had an interest until a few of his friends joined the journalism club and he found it fun
• just here for a good time tbh
• wants to learn as much as he can about as many things as possible
• so much energy
• like so much
• how
• could have had an easier time bc yknow ceo's son but he chose to go through the same interviewing process as everyone else
• doesn't want people to be able to say he got the internship only bc of his family
• hardworking kid
• ofc renjun is practically his big brother now
• the two of them talk a lot and it's adorable
• i can see him being decent with computers
• helps run the website and make sure everything is functioning
• updates their old ass web design
• sometimes people ask him to help with their cameras and he's lost
• yeah not his area of expertise
• he's the youngest intern so he gets pretty coddled lol
• sometimes gets stuck proofreading articles
• it's so boring but he's good at it
• brags when he can point out jeno or haechan's errors
• likes being given tasks one at a time, otherwise they pile up and he's stressed
• usually grabs lunch with chenle :)
• v shy around the older workers but tries his best
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galaxae · 4 years
3, 7 and 18 for as many as you can answer; btw do you still have an ocs page? like with introductions and all that
wow this took forever oops!
tysm for the ask!! i’ve been meaning to make a carrd or something with oc intros, but i have so goddamn many ocs and so little time now that i’m in college and all that. and i have the code saved from my old pages before i remade, but those are kind of outdated and incomplete
that being said i’m probably gonna end up making that carrd regardless of how busy i am cause special interest indulgence and all that, so i’ll post about it when i do
anyway! i’m putting the actual oc answers under a readmore because i’m gonna try to do all the ocs i listed and it’ll be kinda long lol
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
how does one even describe voices... ok here goes
avani: she’s my character for a ttrpg campaign, so her voice sounds basically like mine (which might not help much cause you don’t know how i talk lol), but when i’m talking as her i pitch my voice up a bit and make it a bit more nasally. she’s not much of a singer, nor can she whistle, but she can roll her r’s pretty well. also, since she’s autistic and hard of hearing, her tone of voice often comes off the "wrong” way
farhan: he’s another ttrpg character i play lol, or at least he will be next semester, so his voice is again kind of like mine. but when i talk as him i pitch my voice down and it’s a bit hoarse. ig his voice would also be more “masculine” than mine but whatever. he can sing and whistle but has a pretty small vocal range (since he’s, like, 13 right now and will be 16 when i rp him next semester)
carter: i imagine his voice as low and on the quiet and raspy end, with a tiny bit of a lisp. he’s way too insecure to try to sing or even whistle or anything like that, though if he practiced at it he’d probably get pretty good
calira: she’s mute so n/a i guess. but she talks pretty formally in her dialect of elvish sign language, which is definitely unusual
sam: they have kind of a low voice that’s also raspy, but with quite a bit of pep and variation in their tone. they can even sing pretty well and they like to whistle constantly while working. that creates some kind of whiplash cause sam comes off as a typical edgy teen a lot of the time
jizoriel: high-pitched with lots of voice cracks, peak pretentious preteen/early teen jerkass. he can’t really sing or do anything similar, nor does he want to very much
victoria: so quiet and raspy that you can barely make out that it’s low and has a soothing and pleasant tone to it. she can sing well, or at least she could once upon a time
rowan: just! the happiest and most cheerful voice you can imagine! so much love behind how she talks! her voice fills up her whole head and the whole room!! and she whistles sometimes while she walks
ace: defies any masculine or feminine labels, smooth and cool in theory but they stutter quite a bit
charity: gruff but with a hint of cheer and clarity behind it that comes out when she’s startled. she loves to sing but can’t whistle and can’t roll her r’s either
jamal: i actually have a voiceclaim for him! it’s this (the voice that sings from 1:51 to 1:58)
kimberly: her voice is a bit high and a bit... idk how to say it exactly... i guess shrill would be the word?
fabián: his voice seems higher-pitched than it actually is cause he talks higher when he’s anxious, and he’s always anxious. it’s a bit hard to describe his voice otherwise tbh. i can hear it in my head but i can’t quite put it to paper oops. oh yeah also he has a great singing voice but never uses it sooo
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
this question opens up a wormhole cause i have playlists for many of these guys but instead i’ll just provide one (1) song for each and vaguely describe their music taste, how does that sound
avani: honestly “mr. capgras encounters a secondhand vanity” by will wood is a “her” song to me. her music taste leans a lot more toward older music though (like some classics from the 70s and 80s and such)
farhan: he’s still very new so i haven’t really found a song for him yet. but i know he absolutely loves peppy and energetic pop music and also sappy gay love songs
carter: (slaps my hand away when i try to type another will wood song) “fantasy island” by the shins always launches me into daydreams about him. which kinda roughly aligns with his music taste, he listens to a lot of those “mainstream indie” artists. he’d also listen to will wood because he’s gay and mentally ill <3
calira: one of my favorite songs on her playlist is “maximillian von spee” by dirt poor robins. but the music she listens to is basically all invigorating church-loving stuff with medieval-era instruments lmao
sam: “sometimes” by nick lutsko is an absolute bop and very much a sam song. sam actually doesn’t go out of their way to listen to music though, but when they do they listen to either the most soothing and relaxing stuff or to the angriest metal emo music. no in between
jizoriel: i’ll go the less emo angle here and say a song that reminds me of him is “upside down” by jack johnson. jizoriel’s music taste is like. old choir music and shit plus incomprehensible magical music that doesn’t even sound like music. if he was from earth he’d like my chemical romance
victoria and rowan: i’m grouping these two together here because a song that reminds me very strongly of both of them/their relationship is “human” by dodie. which actually fits very well into both of their music tastes!
ace: again, going the less edgy angle here, “auntie earth” by walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra. but ace mostly listens to uh, classical flute music and flute covers
charity: absolutely “dance and cry” by mother mother, that’s pretty much her theme song. it’s among her favorite songs in canon too
jamal: “tire swing” by los elk, since his arc is about letting go of childhood and all that jazz. he’s more inclined to listen to fun. and other pop artists and rappers and such. he likes janelle monae
kimberly: “best tears” by the happy fits for sure. in terms of her music taste though, her taste is pretty similar to jamal’s. they bond over being janelle monae fans
fabián: by god does “heal” by so much light fit him. his taste is that he rotates through three (3) specific obscure indie artists lmao, so theoretically i guess that specific song is included in there
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
i am gonna do my best to keep these short cause this is a loaded question for all of them hoo boy
avani: how she sees herself: honestly the worst person alive. unless she spends every moment of her time trying to make up for what she’s done, she’s worthless, and she doesn’t deserve to love herself in any capacity how others see her: her brother (farhan) really looks up to her! most of the time. the superhero team she’s on (other people’s ocs) all think she’s generally smart and capable enough, and her boyfriend in particular thinks she’s incredible
farhan: how he sees himself: as of right now? a misunderstood emo middle schooler who’s still kind of cool i guess how others see him: his sister (avani) thinks he’s quite an impressive and charismatic young man
carter:  how he sees himself: 1/10 awkward and annoying how others see him: carter reminds calira too much of her old self, so she love-hates him. sam thinks he’s weak and cowardly but admires his kindness. and jizoriel clings to him as a caring father figure and loves carter’s passion for natural studies
calira: how she sees herself: it goes back and forth between “i’m the greatest chosen one ever im such a strong warrior” and “wow i’m literal trash why did the gods pick me for this” how others see her: carter is a bit intimidated by her but appreciates her attempts to vibe with him, sam thinks she’s an annoying pretentious self-important bitch (but their opinion softens over time), and jizoriel sees right through her facade and feels comfortable around her because of it
sam:  how they see themself: evil and in need of redemption, kind of similar to avani ig but with 10x more confidence in their skills and also much more violent how others see them: carter knows theyre doing their best even if theyre kind of an asshole, calira is a fan of their strength and determination, and jizoriel Hates Their Guts (at first) because they baby him too much
jizoriel: how he sees himself: a fucking fraud of a prince. all he has going for him is his abilities as a mage, but even then those are shaky how others see him: carter knows he’s very insecure and wants to comfort him, calira admires his magical prowess and noble air, and sam thinks he’s a snarky little pretentious douchebag but also he reminds them of their late brother and they want to protect him at all costs
victoria: how she sees herself: basically dead. only good for interacting with ghosts. not worthy of the human world or of friendship how others see her: she reminds rowan of her old self. rowan sees a glimmer of love and hope in her and wants to bring it out
rowan: how she sees herself: a fucking mess but she’s trying her best and that’s what counts! how others see her: victoria very much appreciates her cheerful air even if she doesn’t act like it
ace: how they see themself: way too weird to be human, way too weak not to be. their self-image changes constantly. theyre very confused about everything please help how others see them: charity is literally dating them lol she thinks theyre the cutest person alive, jamal appreciates how hard they try as a friend, kimberly thinks theyre an alien invader whom she can study and use to get further in life, and fabián knows more about ace than anyone else and loves them for it
charity: how she sees herself: a Teenager who’s struggling. she desperately wants to be young without the burden of her trauma but whether she thinks of herself as emo and sad and angry or not depends a lot on her mood how others see her: ace adores everything about her, jamal loves how cool and fun and sociable she can be, kimberly is annoyed with her rebelliousness, and fabián worries very much for her well-being and can’t shake the image of her as helpless (oops that’s gonna cause some drama)
jamal: how he sees himself: just a chill guy trying to get by. unremarkable. how others see him: ace is grateful for how forgiving he can be but is still terrified of him being angry over [spoilers], charity loves how sociable and fun he is and how protective he can be of his friends, kimberly secretly envies his carefree nature, and fabián sees him as a solid acquaintance to whom he did not give a good first impression
kimberly: how she sees herself: not good! if she can’t grow up fast and do science well then she’s useless how others see her: ace wants to be friends with her but doesn’t know how to do that, charity is annoyed by her rule-bound-ness, jamal thinks she’s cool but should unwind a little, and fabián resents her at first but would still like to play chess with her sometime
fabián: how he sees himself: he has a moral responsibility to help people Or Else. way too anxious and stuck up but he doesn’t know how to change that how others see him: ace fuckin Loves this guy, charity loves him too but she gets pissed when he tries to help her with anything, jamal genuinely thinks he’s a great guy and wants to get to know him better, and kimberly is actually impressed by him and envies his apparent confidence and charisma
ok ok that’s it i promise. sorry this is so long and tysm for reading if you made it this far!! feel free to ask more oc questions literally whenever, that goes for anyone reading this <3
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5secondsofrant · 5 years
imo Sierra performing is frustrating bc even if the other performers are tied w 5sos at least theyre making a name for themselves on their own. With Sierra it came out of nowhere, esp after her comment that she’s writing for other artists atm. I know this is for charity and all, &that’s great but I feel like it kinda is her taking advantage. It would be fine if she worked to promote her music/career but in the past year she hasn’t. You can’t be a silent musician to make something of your craft.
Yes! I totally agree with you! That’s why in the ask related to this in the response I said “I feel like you’re kind of pissed and I can understand why”. I actually was going to add that I felt frustrated when I read that they are performing at a charity event, because I thought she had taken the spot from another musician, but since it’s their event, I feel like it hurts less to give her a spot.
When I see this things happening, I try to put myself in the different points of view. And I was thinking about the boys’s and I can totally see why they would let her (or ask her) to perform (and put her in the poster, too). At the end of the day they’re humans, like you and me, so thinking about this, I know they might (probably) be biased. 
I feel like some of us are bothered because we all have gone through this situation. We all help our friends/partners. We all want to see them succeed. So when you’re in a position where you can help out, you will do it. When it comes to people that we appreciate, we’re really biased. and I feel like with them [the boys] is extra because they developed their most crucial years on a industry that is based on this. I feel like they think they have developed good skills at spotting when they’re being fooled but they truly haven’t. I also think they might think about them back in the day when they were beginning and say “well, so many people helped us out, it’s only right for us to do so” (which is fine!) but they seem to have poor judgement on who to help.
To ground this, I feel like it irks because we all have been in that group project where you have that friend that’s struggling and you’re like “hey, here, I help you with your part, don’t worry”, but we all know that after doing it two, three, four times, we start to notice they’re not changing. They’re not doing their part again. We start to get tired. We see that friend and we’re like ‘maybe this time…’ but they don’t do it. They don’t change. And at some point you just tell them the stuff on their face or your relationship with the person falls apart. 
As you say, if she were doing something, that would be different. She’s just… there. 
I feel like maybe this is happening for various reasons:
1. I feel like Sierra is really lost in her career path. Which happens, and is normal. Maybe she doesn’t like music at all and just did it because she wanted to please her couple and enjoyed it because it was with him. Maybe she should consider a band if she doesn’t like going solo. And if she’s not really interested in music, I think it’s alright to step back and say “hey, I was young and I followed my boyfriend, but I’ve realized I don’t like it anymore”.
I feel like she’s really lost in the sense of “what now”. Sure, she has a degree. But I feel like after being on the public eye and seemingly enjoy it, she’s trying to keep up with this facade of a singer. Maybe she should even consider being an influencer if she just likes being the public eye but not being involved in any type of entertainment area. And I say this because by what I’ve gathered, she really likes attention, she just pretends she doesn’t. I read that she was chosen like the nicest one or something along those lines, so it means she’s really social and not the shy person she’s trying to sell us. I know I’m walking in thin ice here, but for shy people, they can fake being social for a while, but to be considered the nicest, you have to be really involved with people (and to a lot of them). In my eyes, shy people tend to choose who they will talk to because they feel interested in some way. She’s not shy, she just tries to please everyone (and this might be rough, but maybe this is one of the reasons she and Luke get along).
2. I feel like behind the scenes, Sierra is like “guys i’m really working on new music but every time I do something, it backfires! I try to pull music out, it’s considered plagiarism. But I truly love this, I just need time to heal, etc��� and the boys believe this. I feel like they’re nicer to her because they might see themselves reflected on her. The boys went through rough times but the industry didn’t let them catch a breath until it ended up in a two year hiatus. I feel like they’re trying to be supportive and kind of protect her from what they have lived in the industry. 
And then, you have the most media-looking side of this and it’s the fact that it will probably bring more attention now that’s she’s going to be there. Fans posting about Luke and Sierra and gushing about them sharing their passion for music (and they’re angels because it’s charity). People buying the ticket to see if something happens. Something will probably happen and the daily mail will come up with their cheesy, stupid headline about Luke and Sierra showing their love to help charity. I think it brings buzz. It’s beneficial for all of them if you see it that way. 
This is how it goes. And for the non impressionable part of the fandom, is really shitty and might be even daunting to follow the band. 5SOS on their own is the shit. They’re great musicians. Funny guys. They seem grounded. They seem passionate about what they do. They are inspirational.
But with all the people and drama always surrounding them, sometimes it’s hard to stay. And sometimes it’s hard not only because it bothers you (even if it’s just a little bit), but also saddens you to see that their success is always eclipsed by other people, and it’s not even their fault or these people’s fault but their managers and the fandom.
Everything I’ve stated here are just opinions and perceptions, and I feel like I rambled about other stuff, but hopefully it made sense. In short: totally agree with you, anon.
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rqs902 · 5 years
qcyn ep 8 aka the loss of some real talent..... (but also, thankfully, some needed recognition was given as well)
psa im probably gonna be posting stuff involving some spoilers soon, so ill tag them as #qcyn spoilers and you can feel free to block those posts if you dont want to see them!
awwwwwww shi mingze helping mingming get people’s attention is the cutest friendship!!! mingming is so quiet... i love a supportive mingze!!! also thank you iqiyi for giving him more screentime!! i can notice it already!
LOL sun zelin in this rap heavy group..... but this group is already the most fun group hahahah omg ye ziming talking about the fact that he knows he’s not likely gonna make it so he needs to help those kids who are more popular get better......... UGH WHY DO PEOPLE NOT RECOGNIZE THIS AMAZING CHILD. oh my goodness this is so sad.... the fact that THE KIDS WHO KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING had to make a club dedicated to helping the kids who dont.... bc they know theyll make it instead of themselves....... that just means that they all know the next elim is gonna get rid of a whole lot of real talent. thats so messed up.... this whole montage is like iqiyi being like “thanks for helping our kids look nice on stage, once you’re done, you’re gonna be forced to leave. byeeeee” 
LOL lian huaiwei is just so funny just talking LOL. wait. so about that clip of lin mo helping chaoyuan and youwei that came out earlier this week. chaoyuan and youwei arent even in his half of the group. that means lin mo went out of his way to help them even tho he hasnt been practicing with them as closely as like huaiwei. wow he not only helped his own group but he went out to make sure everyone in their larger group got special help, AND youwei still called him “teacher” which means lin mo is probably regularly helping him. wow. man,, they didnt show any of lin mo’s group’s practice wtf........ i swear iqiyi is about to drop jia yi or something bc i thought theyd at least wanna show some of him.... but the small bit we saw of their dance wow lin mo is gonna do sooo well ahhhh he looks so good already, even in these lumpy practice clothes, im so excited to see him on stage
lol yaoyao (yao bolan) is in the super cute grouppp hahahhaha but ahh him talking about every faking their happiness really.... shows how observant and sensitive he is to his friends’ feelings, which is aw....
OMG THEY JUST SKIPPED ANNOUNCING the lower ranks ???? i mean i get u gotta be time efficient, but thats a little too efficient??? omg but sun zelin!!! and wu chengze!!! and wu zelin!! omg wang jiayi dropped so much. iqiyi has seriously just dropped him like a hot potato wow. CHEN SIJIAN WENT UP WHOOOO lol the creativity is real in this one hahahaha his speech
ok im sorry but wtf how did these three (14-16) get in front of lin mo, excuse me???? sigh.... oh well, at least hes still within top 20, i just want him to at least make it to top 20... lol they only let like 3 kids talk...... this is just too efficient yall.....
omgosh........ shi zhan and yaoyao........... ahhhhhhhhhhhh my heart ;;;;; yaoyao’s smile......... another bg project boy is gonna leave ahhh 
yao chi’s speech omg..... the child has seriously been through a lot of mental trauma look at how much he’s shaking goodness
omg i cant believe jia yi dropped so much...... wtf.......... are people blind???? iqiyi is really about to drop him omg i really think they havent been giving him enough screentime alskdjlk wow way to randomly cut off jia yi’s thank you to zhan yu.... wtf i need more jia yi + zhan yu time.... zhan yu is like jia yi’s favorite gege.... omg zhan yu’s tears ahhh zhan yu may say that he wishes he could be the maknae but he honestly cares so much for jia yi, even tho he’s not much older than him, its so aw.....
omg i just looked up ye ziming on weibo and hes friends with guanguan, changbin, zhu zijie and zhong yixuan??? omggg fandom clash wowow 
this segment with these kids with disabilities........ i dont know how i feel about this...... it feels problematic to me....... the trainees dont know what theyre doing, so how is this benefitting these children? if anything its just to make the trainees look like theyre doing some great charity work or something, but i dont appreciate the attitude some of them have towards these kids... i get theyre frustrated and werent properly prepared to interact with them, which i dont blame them for, but its like why is this segment even a thing, iqiyi??? theyre just coming in and using these kids as a backdrop to make themselves look nice, and not actually doing anything sustainable or meaningful to help them... what good is it to get these kids to like them and get familiar with them just for them to leave within a few hours? its just another person who came and left........ 
omg guan yue is second omg good for you, child!!!!!!!!!!!!! good good good im glad, he deserves it!!!!!!!
lol they better show the other rounds of this basketball tournament in the extra clips..............
these ads are getting more and more ridiculous im ??? cowboys ??? ?
NOOOOO ZHAN YU!!!!!!!!! 37!??!!?!!! I CANT BELIEVE THEYRE SO CLOSE AGAIN!!!!! ALSKDJLKJLK FIRST ZHEN NAN 61 AND NOW ZHAN YU 37 AGHHHHHH ok but i cant even be mad at yuzhi bc i know he deserves it too.
omg boyuan!!! they really like boyuan hahah but he deserves it too and zhuo yuan being so so happy for him is the sweetest ahhhh and junjie crying ahhh i love these 3 roommatesss
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ZHAN YU!!!!!!! YESY YESYEYS YES!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!??!? THAT MEANS WE HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE ALL 3 TYGERS ON THE SAME STAGE!!!!!!!!!! ALKSDJLAKSDJLAKSJDLJK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OMGOMOGMOMGG THANK YOU SO MUCH i was thinking “they really like zhan yu hahhaa they picked zhan yu last time, maybe theyll pick him again”---- THANK GOODNESS AHHHHHH ok but im kinda disappointed they literally didnt show lin mo’s reaction... only jia yi’s.... which i feel like is bc they enjoy playing off of jia yi’s emotions more.... which makes me feel (again) like theyre using the other tyger members as backdrop for jia yi, rather than respecting their friendship and group as a whole? like theyre all really amazing friends and people, theyre not just “jia yi and his friends”, if you get what i mean... but jia yi being so so happy i love!!!!! im so so so happy for them ahhhh yessssss you go zhan yu, you are amazing!!!!!!!!! get that recognition!!!!!!!
omg zhuo yuan being so happy for his friends is honestly the cutest. im sad that he didnt make it... yao chi and mingming being so happy i love!!!!!! good for yechen! his voice is honestly really nice and very unique!
frick i cant believe they didnt notice ye ziming.... and su yuhang.... they deserved better......... cheche crying ahhhh li you and kou cong deserved better too... ahhh seeing guan yue crying more than cheche or mingming crying more than kou cong, or ye ziming comforting others... its like the kids who are left are so sad for them, the kids who were actually eliminated.. this friendship is ahhhhh
man, i was just getting to know and like yaoyao and cui shaopeng too...
this is so sad for zhuo yuan and jiahao tho, like all the kids around them, physically and also in the ranking, went up, but not them.... i wonder if jiahao had been given screentime during his last stage, he wouldve gotten more votes... but bc of the hair thing, he got cut out of the ep even tho he was center......  
man, fangzhou is the last core one member left........
oh my goodness.......... that ending................. oh my goodness.................. why does this have to happen to huo zhong.................... oh goodness thats gonna be such a drastic change from huo zhong to the super cute song...... i hate to say it, but i feel like none of them would want to go there LOL ahhhhh how will guan yue choose???? laskdjlaskjlk ok im hopeful that he at least wont choose zhan yu (because hes not cute LOL) but i really really hope lin mo can stay too oh gosh.......... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guan yue....... (i know ding feijun is also there but im guessing guan yue is gonna be the main decision maker) but if hes smart he wont choose kids who will have trouble learning a whole new dance, which means.... he is likely to take more skilled trainees....... UGH IM SO WORRIED. but tbh i guess.... even if lin mo goes from super cool handsome center to a super cutesy backup dancer.... i guess... he’ll get to challenge himself and try a new style.......... which i guess... isnt terrible........ he’ll be cute, im sure.... so as long as he can still make it into top 20, i wont be terribly distraught. honestly i feel like im being rather reasonable as a lin mo stan, like I’m not asking for him to get as much screentime as like wenhan, just at least enough so that we can tell that he exists and was there (COUGHepisode7COUGH), and I’m not asking that he be center every time or that he get into top 9, i just want him to get recognition, respect, and into at least top 20. I think he can do it!!! hes working so so hard, despite being injured, and hes helping so many other kids..... i just wish his work can be acknowledged. 
oof now thats its down to 2 votes a day... its time we see who people’s real biases are... im guessing theres gonna be some drastic changes in the rankings from here, bc the kids who are just well-liked by everyone but not actually “biased” will be dropped like crazy. i know who im gonna vote for, but im sad it means i wont be able to vote for some kids who i know will really need votes too..... but i believe you can kinda tell which kids are “bias” material and which are more just generally well-liked. that’s all im gonna say about it, but for everyone who’s voting, just choose wisely bc some kids will need your votes more than others, just saying.... 
lol guan yue’s psa to eat more fruit..... okay guan yue, okay hahahahhaha
wow i cant believe chen you and li you both got clips in the ending credits and also ye ziming even got 2 clips......... i swear they only started giving ye ziming screentime after it was too late??!!!? like they finally realized hes super funny and talented and #amazing and felt bad but ITS TOO LATE IQIYI laksjdlaklklk ill say it again ye ziming deserved better. on his weibo he says he’ll be coming out with new stuff soon tho!!! so im super excited and will def be keeping a lookout bc im sure itll be legit c: 
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virtuissimo · 5 years
Pride by Ibi Zoboi (Review)
This book is a modern retelling of the Jane Austen’s seminal classic Pride & Prejudice. Zuri Luz Benitez is a black Haitian-Dominican teenager in her senior year of high school whose identity is constructed around her life in Bushwick, a neighborhood with a tight community that is going through aggressive gentrification. Across the street, in one of the new gentrified houses, the Darcy family moves in, including twins Ainsley and Darius, two rich private-school boys sticking out like a fish out of water.
Zoboi’s adaptation creates amazing parallels when compared one-to-one with P&P, but it can’t hold its own very well. The writing is a simplistic and the characterization for most of the named characters is extremely one-dimensional. I was taken a bit by surprise when I found it in the youth section, and the simple writing makes me confused about the age of the intended audience. In any case, I didn’t have a bad time reading this, but I was expecting a lot more than I got.
To expand a little on the intended audience, I think my confusion is mostly because of the conflicting styles. On one hand, Zoboi’s prose is very simple and almost hamfisted in how she handles her characters and story. Other than some nice and age-appropriate poetry from Zuri herself, the rest of the book isn’t very elegant in writing quality. So I said to myself, ok I found it in the youth section. It’s intended for a younger audience. However, all the central characters are in their senior year of high school, and there are numerous allusions to sex and cusses that I’m not sure would fly in middle fiction. I think those who are in this reading level will find the characters too old and teenagery, while those who are the main character’s ages will find the prose to be lacking. Zuri in specific is a voracious reader, and she herself would not have the patience to enjoy reading this book which is far below her reading level.
It’s easier to read this book for what it’s supposed to be saying rather than what it is saying, if that makes any sense. For instance, Darius when he first shows up is quiet and doesn’t offer much information about himself, but he also wasn’t very rude or belligerent upon first impression. I know “prejudice” is half the thing, but Zuri really jumps the gun and kind of started the whole feud in the first place. It just wasn’t that believable that he was some jerk who deserved her hatred like it was with Elizabeth Bennet, and similarly it wasn’t very believable when she later learns that she just misinterpreted his social awkwardness.
Also, I thought it was interesting that the title removed the “prejudice” when to me that seemed like a much bigger aspect of this version than in Austen’s work. For instance, Darius makes a number of disparaging remarks about Bushwick and its “ghetto” people, but even before he makes these remarks Zuri already “hates” him based on stuff she made up about him in her head. And then later, when they begin to get closer, she actually never confronts him about his prejudice and just. Forgives and forgets.
She also forgives and forgets when it comes to Ainsley and Janae. This bothered me a lot more than some of my other nitpicking because it actually changes one of the important themes of P&P. Not that Zoboi doesn’t have the right to alter thematic elements—she absolutely does! But the theme of family and the fact that Zuri would do ANYTHING for her sisters is told to the reader through a lot of exposition, but we don’t actually see it. The moment in the car when she finds out that Darius split up Ainsley and Janae is really representative of that for me. She got angry in the moment, but she never actually investigates to find out WHY he did it like Elizabeth in P&P. On that note, later on when she forgives him, she never asks him to account for it again.
In fact, character motivation and appropriate emotional buildup was a recurring issue in this book. Nothing hit quite like I think Zoboi intended them to.
The talk on gentrification and class difference is good tho. Perhaps incomplete, but there’s only so much space. They really show how class plays a role in a variety of different circumstances and scenarios, and I think Zoboi succeeds here where others have failed.
Some of the parallels that I liked:
-          Warren and Colin took me OUT when they first appeared. You can really see what Zoboi thinks about Mr. Wickham and Mr. Collins from the original lol.
-          The tour of Howard instead of touring the Darcy home was very interesting to me. I think it was a great introduction to how she wasn’t expecting her world to expand so much, and that there’s a lot of different experiences in the world that she’s missing, and she gets introduced to this idea by people who AREN’T Darius and Ainsley. I really liked that.
-          The leopard print and “inappropriate dress” that the Benitez family wore to the Darcy cocktail party. It seems like a good way to show how respectability politics still play into the modern day, and it added a bit of character to the Benitez family as a prototypical Latinx family that I really enjoyed.
-          The Warren and Georgia situation was also a good way to translate this into the modern day.
-          P&P: In order to avoid scandal, Darcy pays for a marriage between a 16 year old and a 20-something known scumbag, and this is seen as a good thing because it saved the Bennet family. Zoboi’s Pride: Darius beats the shit out of Warren. I REALLY CRIED, THIS IS WHAT I WANT OUT OF AN ADAPTATION.
Things I didn’t like so much:
-          Ainsley x Janae is treated like a veeery minor side story instead of being a secondary plot. One of the big things in P&P is that Jane and Bingley are the prototypical pure love story and they think they are the main characters. Ainsley and Janae are not given much space to breathe in the narrative, and their relationship comes across as an afterthought instead of as one of the principal plot threads.
-          The diversion with Darius’ grandmother was also thrown in there like an afterthought. It didn’t add much to the story other than showing that Darius will side with Zuri when push comes to shove. It still felt like it took up a lot more time than it needed to if the grandmother wasn’t going to appear again at the end of the book like in the original. If it’s role to the plot was going to be minimized like that, I don’t really understand why it was included at all.
-          Charlise and Colin as a pair also felt out of place. In the original, Mr. Collins and Charlotte weren’t a major part of the story, but they contributed to the narrative that Austen wanted to tell about marriage and the different types of marriages that exist in English society at the time. Charlise and Colin don’t really have that effect on the story at all. Both characters are completely irrelevant to the plot (except Colin in the last possible moment), and they’re only really there to BE an adaptation.
-          Some of the plot beats were rearranged. I didn’t mind this so much since any number of directorial decisions are valid so long as the have a positive impact on the adaptation’s goal, but I didn’t really see how they added much.
One thing I REALLY liked was the addition of Madrina. I’m not sure if she’s a reference to something I don’t remember from the text or a completely original addition, but I thought she made for some really interesting moments. I especially loved how much connection Zuri felt with her Orisha worship and that they called her “daughter of Ochun.” I would change NOTHING about this, it was pure and really sweet.
One adaptation I WISH Zoboi had made was to have Zuri call out Darius’ hypocrisy. In P&P, the Bennetts are certainly in a different social class from Darcy and the Bingleys, but they’re ultimately still property owners in Britain. The stakes are different here. Darius keeps talking about how things in his life aren’t perfect just because he’s rich (which is absolutely true, especially when Zoboi starts getting into his experience as a black teenager surrounded by white classmates), but he is STILL not really understanding the difference in experience between himself and Zuri. The thing is, although she’s not right to judge Darius’ whole personality, she absolutely IS right about a lot of his privilege at the very beginning, but she kind of lets that go after a while. Zuri confronts Darius about his wealth many times, but to me at least it doesn’t really seem like she was able to convince him that his whole outlook on life is fundamentally different because of his wealth. Idk maybe I’m grasping at straws here. I just wish that Darius had actually talked about like . trying to persuade his parents to donate more to charity, or doing community service, or idk DISTRIBUTING THE WEALTH. Darius doesn’t change much in the story. At the beginning, he’s like “sorry im rich but lmfao you’re being mean to me!” and then at the end he is like “I am simply a rich boy, I cannot change this” which is barely a difference at all.
Anyways. I really didn’t hate this book. I wanted to like it a lot more than I did, which is why I have all these criticisms about it.
I recommend this to anyone who wants to read a thoughtprovoking discussion on class through the lens of one of history’s most overrated love stories (speaking as someone who loves P&P: yea it’s overrated). Read it for Zuri and Darius, who are totally different people from Elizabeth and Darcy. Read it for nostalgia, because even though I don’t know what it feels like to be one of 5 Afrolatine kids in Bushwick, I Felt that family affection.
3/5 for having great ideas but not such great execution.
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ryoshan-a · 6 years
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ok. listen i know i havent been here in ages and this isn’t an original idea but hear me out:
RWBY as a live action tv series, and our characters as the actors, actresses, and crew.  
set in our world modern verse. featuring a small production company, employing and casting crew and actors from all over the world. not convinced yet? here’s why y’all should indulge me: 
your muse canonically dead or afk? not anymore!! they produce the show now. or write it. or just hang out on the set when they’re free. 
your muse a villain and hard to rp with other folk? not anymore!!! let them be pals with the most unlikely of other people. see how they deal with fndm hating their character. (or loving their char too much)
your char an oc? nOT ANYMORE. theyre canon chars now. maybe they write the show. direct. tell qrow off when he almost posts spoilers on twitter. ANYTHING
whats a crossover? the ocs you rp with are now actors/crew in their own universe’s movie/game/tv show. the chars from other fandoms are actors/crew in their source’s show/movie/game. 
your ship a rarepair u jump through hoops to put together? not anymore!! their actors are shacking up. 
lbr we’re all suffering the hiatus. who needs canon material for this!! they’re in shooting for the eps that’ll air in october. 
seriously, how easy would it be to get,, literally the entire community involved in something like this. TAG ME IF YOU DO!!! i wanna see what folk come up with!!
still not convinced? here’s some ideas i came up with, with the help of @iruzurru and @rosescattered. obv if i mention your muse and you wanna get in on this dont feel like you have to follow these!! these are just meant to inspire™
under the cut, cause lONG: 
taiyang and summer club together every year to fund a holiday for the entire cast and crew to celebrate the end of a season. they buy out an entire plane for the journeys and instigate travelling songs 
taiyang is a writer for the show who played ruby and yang’s dad more as a cameo, but got given more scenes when the character proved rlly popular 
summer is a writer too. noone, not even tai knows she’s gonna be playing summer when she shows up later in the show >:3c 
emerald and cinder being best friends who play up icly for the fans. emerald throws down on twitter with anyone who harrasses cinder for playing a baddie 
winter wasn’t an actor originally. she writes novels, but she was on set one day waiting for weiss to finish shooting so they could go to lunch. 
she was given first dibs on an audition to play weiss’ ic sister and nails it. weiss insists she’s not even acting, she’s just Really Like This 
winter writes fanfic of emerald/cinder on ao3 for shits and giggles dont @ me. noone knows its her bc she uses winter’s ic callsign as a username and ppl just assume its a winter fan
this is yang’s first big acting job, but she’s Known in celebrity circles because her mom is the Very Famous Raven Branwen.raven’s a household name 
raven subsequently gets cast as her real mom because it just makes sense and would boost the series’ popularity following her guest appearance at the end of volume 2 
qrow is very vocal about his character’s storylines and supports charities relating to substance abuse. he frequently finds himself in twitter discourse with fans because he loudly discourages romanticising his character 
this gets him accused of hating his character, which he doesn’t. fandom either loves him or hates him 
qrow and raven arent siblings but they might as well be because they’re so fking close and roast each other on twitter all the time 
neo’s actress is actually a really famous opera singer who’s breaking into acting. this gives rise to the popular fanon that neo actually can talk and has a bitchin’ voice but chooses not to. 
emerald’s an orphan. she bounced around kids homes and developed a great talent for lying in the process. hearing a drama teacher describe acting as ‘lying really well’ sealed the deal for her career choice. she’s had bit parts and lives in a shitty apartment until rwby becomes her first big break. 
coco was a big actress in france. she came to america seeking to break into hollywood, and found it pretty difficult. she’s emerald’s roommate, and it’s emerald who tells her about the opening for a member of team cfvy and pushes her to audition. 
ilia has to wear one of those green screen suits all the time so they can animate her scales. yang gets a selfie with her every time she’s wearing it. takes upon takes have been ruined by blake and sun laughing at her. 
it annoys ilia at first. then, she starts to find it funny. then, she gets her own back by purposefully making people laugh. she does the yoshi mlem every time she cracks her whip. 
pyrrha’s actress routinely gets bit parts and cameos in future volumes bc the cast and crew love her so much they want her around all the time. she’s like 50% of the reason a comedy mini-series where nothing bad happens exists alongside the main series. 
the entire cast and crew rallying around cinder after v3 when the fan backlash comes from pyrrha’s onscreen death. they throw a party after to celebrate pyrrha and cinders great performances. its a greek theme
team rwby, smartasses that they are, all come dressed as achilles with little papier mache arrows stuck in their heels
weiss is a Career Showman. she started off in ballet, then moved to broadway, then onto the bigscreen. she’s had a huge amount of success despite how young she is, and was continually pushed to land greater and greater roles. she suffered a very publicised breakdown because of the stress. 
she ‘disappeared’ in the showbiz scene when she went to live with winter in her remote little writing shack in the middle of assfuck nowhere to recharge. 
rwby is her first acting job since then. she was hesitant to start back at all, but finds herself extremely supported and refreshed by the small, close-knit production. 
blake’s had to work twice as hard for every role she’s ever landed due to being an ethnic minority. her professionalism makes her seem closed off and cold, so she hasn’t made many friends. she has a small, devoted fanbase, though.
summer is one of those fans, and has always wanted to cast blake in something. her character was written with her in mind, and summer was elated when blake accepted the proffered audition and subsequent role in rwby. 
ruby is summer and tai’s daughter!! they are not shy at all about saying that her part was written For Her. they don’t apologise for it either fuck u they created this show they cast who they want. 
the red trailer only initially existed for ruby to do a screentest of her character. it was so well produced and nailed so hard they made it promotional material and wrote the white, black and yellow ones to go with it. 
ruby grew up reading her parents’ stuff and writing her own, too. in school, she wrote, directed and produced an entire play for her classmates, but never thought of acting until her parents suggested she play the lead in this new show they’ve been thinking about. 
ruby and yang met on set. they’ve been thick as thieves ever since. 
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sometipsygnostalgic · 6 years
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@vrisbians​ maintenance helpdesk!
its a lot more engaging than being a cashier, which sounds like itd involve a lot of waiting. ive done cashier stuff before for a local charity shop and it can get boring fast.   
but we organise the entire maintenance for a clothing chain across the UK, which involves talking to the managers of each store every time something happens, talking to a number of contractors, and having a panic attack every time somebody threatens to escalate an issue with a sticky fire door to head office because their shop is in the middle of nowhere and you have literally no engineers available at 4:45pm on a friday other than one guy whos stopped picking up the phone.  anyway this is what happened Friday night just before i left! it completely destroyed me. turns out our engineer was onsite and the manager was too busy making threats at us to notice!
we also do some works for other chains! as a contractor. this is my specific job actually. to send guys out for these other stores that need someone urgently. the issue here is that some of the other chains can be a bit assy if something goes wrong, which it usually DOES, because the reason they’d hire us on a job is if something got neglected for a very long time. anyway, i dont want to see another water job heater again in my life. you know who you are, certain entertainment chain. this chain also complained about my service. its a shame, because theyre one of my favourite places to shop. that chain in particular has had their maintenance director’s name appear in my fucking bad dreams. work is weird   
but yep, while theres 12 people in the company, just 2 of us do basically all of this frontline stuff with picking up phone calls from clients and contacting engineers across the UK. 
i do hope nobody googling this stuff does find my tumblr though...
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linoholic · 6 years
Requested: nope 
 Pairing: BTS Jungkook x Reader 
Sorry for going awol for a bit. February suddenly became really crazy for me. This is just a quick little au I quickly wrote to get something out while I work on requests and such now I am less busy.
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Jungkook is a gamer on YouTube, and a streamer on Twitch
Surprise right? Not
He mainly plays Overwatch
And he is great at it, having even played for South Korea before
He also plays a lot of horror games, such as Outcast or Silent Hill
Sometimes he brings in fellow YouTubers and friends Hoseok or Seokjin to play these games with him, because their reactions are hilarious
And although he is known for being unafraid, that does not make him emotionless
He isn’t afraid of showing emotion
When he played Telltales The Walking Dead, he cried, you cried, Obama cried, everyone cried
Because nobody likes seeing baby bunnies cry
He often does charity streams as well, raising money for various charities in South Korea
He does this sort of truth or dare thing during these
People who donate a certain amount can ask a question that has to be answered, truthfully
And people who donate a bit more get to “dare” him to do something
One time someone asked him to make a daily vlog, which he did
One thing you should know, is that despite loving gaming, he also loves being active
And when they saw him working out, well, there were nosebleeds a plenty
He also sometimes uploads these animations that he creates, usually of the antics he and his friends get up to
And even rarer are the song covers
People go crazy over his singing
Not only can he game, is athletic and can draw, but he also has an angelic voice and isn’t a douchebag? A miracle
There was once a joke circulating about how he must be an android or something,,,until people realised how much of a meme he is and came to the conclusion no android would have such a high meme skill level
Now, you are also a YouTuber based in South Korea
And pretty popular at that, thanks to the fact that you sub your own videos to English which allows people outside of Korea to enjoy your content
You are also primarily an Overwatch gamer, though vlogs and such aren’t unseen on your channel
You know of Jungkook
You are a good friend of Taehyung, another YouTuber, and you often play together
And of course Jungkook is one of Tae’s best friends, so there is no way you couldn’t have heard all about him
You also watch his videos when you have the time
And you lowkey think he is really cute, but that is something you keep to yourself
So it is safe to say that when Taehyung invites you to play a game with him and Jungkook, you agree, wanting to get to know the boy
When you first join their discord call, Jungkook is pretty shy
Because nobody knows this, but after hearing about you from Taehyung, he looked you up, intending to watch a video or two, but turned into watching your stuff til 4 in the morning
So yeah, he is a big fan of yours
But he doesn’t fancy you in any way
What you on about?
Anyway, as you start actually playing a game, Jungkook starts coming out of his shell
And you start to see the hilarious person he is for yourself
It is safe to say that that is not the last time you talk
You start becoming friends with him over time, and soon enough you are as close with him as you are with Taehyung
When you start showing up on each others channels, your viewers are pleasantly surprised
Because the two of you have such great chemistry
The two of you can go from being the most intense and concentrated duo playing competitive; to being complete memes and doing the trolliest strats in quick play
And because you all live close by to each other, you also pull him into doing videos that aren't gaming with you
One time you did a competition to see who could eat the most spicy ramen; not something you will be doing again
There was also the time where Jungkook, Taehyung and you convinced some of the other friends to play Cards Against Humanity together for a video
Surprisingly Hoseok won that the most times
Jungkook also appears in a lot of your vlogs (looking very boyfriend if I do say so)And so it is no surprise that rumours surrounding your relationship start popping upYou join the list of people that Jungkook gets shipped with constantlyNeither of you do anything to confirm or deny the rumours, as far as either of you are concerned you are simply best friends (cue Tae and Jimin pouting in the background and clinging to one another, crying over how Jungkook doesn't love them anymore)
However, one day you are scrolling through and replying to comments on your latest vlog; one where Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and you had gone to an arcade
And amongst the comments your see ones saying things like "it's like a double date" "gah theyre so cute together!"
The one which catches your eye the most though: "I want someone to look at me the way Jungkook looks at y/n at 3.15"
It makes you curious; how does Jungkook look at you?
And so you watch the video yourself
And suddenly you understand
In the video you had just finished playing ddr and were laughing your arse off, and Jungkook is looking at you with the softest smile you had ever seen on his lips
What surprises you most though is the butterflies you get at th thought of Jungkook looking at you like that
And that is when it hits you: you have a budding crush on the meme himself, Jeon Jungkook
And judging by what you saw in the video, he may also feel feelings for you too
Over this time you start to notice things about him you had never taken note of before
Like how he cutely crinkles his nose up when you point a camera at his face; or how his brow furrows when he is in full concentration mode
All this continues to make your own crush grow
It is Yoongi who gives you the confidence to do something about you feelings
He "accidently" tells you about how Jungkook wouldn't stop talking about you when the two went out for lamb skewers
And while you are sure that is an exaggeration, you know that if Yoongi said something and was getting involved then there must be some truth to it
You knew Jungkook well enough to know that he would not be confessing any time soon, if ever
So you would have to be the one to do something about it, which is when you thought of an idea
Once again, you asked Jungkook to be in a video with you
You would be filming the boyfriend tag, for "clickbait purposes"
So there you were, sat on your bed, camera recording and answering questions such as "how did you meet?" and "what is your favourite thing about your s/o?"
Just the basic question that you can answer despite not actually being in a relationship
And you are just about to wrap it up when you put you plan into action
"Ok, last question. When was your first kiss with eachother?"
Jungkook blushes slightly, stuttering out a laugh and denial when you cut him off with a smirk at the camera
"It is right now"
And you lean forwards and place a quick peck on a very confused Jungkooks lips
Well, it's safe to say that the comments and twitter go wild
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championed · 6 years
im gonna ramble here a bit only bc i try and be quiet when people are dumb but i can’t stand how much false information is floating around on twitter rn its crazy
so two days ago sha & syd posted a joke laughing at chris bc he always panics and runs away from paps in the dumbest ways, but oh my god. dakota johnson’s fans are INSANE.
They always somehow twist every tweet we do into us bashing dakota which is crazy?? They also love to lurk on mine, syd’s, and sha’s twitter account because we sometimes post chris things first like photos and news (our twitter interactions on our tweets have grown exponentially since chris & dakota started dating jesus christ) which is like wtf why because why are they hate following us and trying to keep tabs on chris so obsessively he’s not your fav and a lot dont even like chris but i digress
Us three have ALWAYS made fun of chris and everyone around him and made sarcastic jokes and most of our tweets are inside jokes between us but we literally cant without a bunch of dakota fans screenshotting every tweet we do and spreading the idea that we loathe dakota by twisting every word we say. It’s kinda surreal cus i dont exactly like her for personal reasons, but i don’t hate her?? It’s chris’ life, not mine. i literally just dont care for her, the only time i get any news on her is if shes seen with chris or i see stuff bc the fans clog chris’ tags (and they wanna claim im stalking her....... i have no idea where she is since chris dropped her off at starbucks on the 6th anyways)
It’s like. I Get that we all used to provide mallis for people but thats only because no one else would. no one seems to notice stuff like this in the coldplay fandom so we posted it cus its fun sharing things and it was so much fun having others participate and i love annabelle after talking to her a few times so ofc i’m still fond of her cus she was so nice to me personally but. I’m not a Stan. Syd & I are the closest people to stanning her and we agreed we’d drop her in a heartbeat and kinda have sjfndjd whats even funnier is everyone accusing sha of being a mallis stan when she literally didnt care much for wallis when her and chris were together and even less so now that they broke up. We loved all of mallis because chris was happy, it was always about chris from the beginning
I’m not even gonna lie ofc i miss mallis but i miss the normalcy it gave me after two years and i miss annabelle because of how she helped turn chris from being suicidal into singing on ahfod about believing in love. People probably wonder why we dont post any dakota & chris being together and twist it into meaning we hate her when its something so simple: ITS NOT FUN ANYMORE. Chris’ search (and even coldplay’s sometimes) is clogged, i see horrible comments of dakota fans arguing or bashing chris (or bashing me sha and syd now), whats the point in posting things when people have reposted it 1000x esp when theres a good chance im gonna get my mentions flooded by dakota fans since theyre stalking us constantly now
im honestly just soooo tired of so many dakota fans trying to act like they know chris and where hes at when theyre 90% wrong most of the time, that he’s spending all his time with her when hes usually with his kids or doing some kind of charity work, some even believe that hes the devil because they hate him since he’s getting in between their tinhat ship (can you imagine thinking chris martin of coldplay is evil like wow... theyre so insecure they compare chris to some dude chris probably has never met before in his life), and so much other stuff. And i’ve gotten all this JUST from searching chris on twitter despite having a bunch of blacklisted words and blocked twitters, I don’t even want to imagine what else is being said thats wrong. i’d gladly correct others if they asked me but theyre just so irrational i just think whats the point
this is getting so long im stopping before people think i spent the past months constantly thinking about this when its been like 1% of my every day life. the past few days have only made me want to write this cus even tho it has been days people are still on our twitters right now to say horrible shit (idc about people saying stuff about our appearances cus whatever but theyre saying racist ass shit like calling us ghetto) all bc they think we want their fav to die when its just their wrong interpretation jsbdjdjd
anyways ! this was cathartic. bring back coldplay
tl;dr: i dont hate dakota, i hate all her fans, i love chris & bring back coldplay
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mxn-yoongi · 7 years
BTS as Kingsman (Yoongi)
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-Okay before i even start yoongi in a suit
-If thats not enough to make you want to pounce on  this man then what is
-Okay okay okay min yoongi
-Codename: Percival
-Yoongi was just a normal guy when he was recruited into kingsman like he had a 9-5 job and a small apartment and he just lived his life
-When he was recruited he was always quiet and distanced himself from the other trainees
-Not because he wasnt good at making friends or anything
-Like during training he always volunteered to go first and passed with flying colors and nobody expected that from a regular guy so when it was announced that he was top of the class everyone is just like ‘wth lol who even is he’
-WHEN THEY GET TO CHOOSE their doggo companions since hes top of the class he gets to go first and everyone expects him to choose the german shepherd or the rottweiler or even the doberman but when yoongi grabs the little brown toy poodle everyone laughs but yoongi doesnt care because LOOK AT HIS CUTE SON
-Yoongi justifies his choice by telling the others that he doesnt need a dog to back him up because he can take an enemy out blindfolded with one hand behind his back (he’s done it before)
-So when they get down to the last two and yoongi is faced with having to shoot his son holly or leave the kingsman hes in a state of inner turmoil
-Like thats his son
-But also kingsman
-But yoongi makes a decision and he clears his mind and hes holding this gun in his hand and his heart is beating so fast and he points the gun and his hand is on the trigger AND SUDDENLY YOONGI IS POINTING THE GUN AT ARTHUR!!!!!
-The room is so quiet bc there is yoongi standing with the barrel of his gun pointed at arthur and arthur is just standing there with his arms crossed completely calm.
-Yoongi is now smirking and arthur is like ’umm what’ then yoongi points the gun at holly and pulls the trigger and BANG
-Its a blank
-Yoongi tosses the gun at arthur and picks up holly while shaking his head because ‘you could have at least reacted to having a gun pointed in your face if you wanted to trick me. When you didnt react i knew it was a blank.’
-And arthur is dumbfounded bc did he just get outsmarted by a trainee lol
-Okay okay so anyway Yoongi is given Percivals spot
-Weapon of choice: cigarette lighter hand grenades
-You will never catch him without one
-I have this headcanon that yoongi is really good at negotiating and gaining control of situations hes not in control of so here we go
-Min yoongi a whole meal walks into this airport and of course the kingsman have their own planes and stuff but today he isnt percival hes min yoongi a man trying to go on vacation with his cute fluffball son.
-But i also feel like yoongi would get lost easily in a huge airport so here we have lost baby yoongs like yeah i can climb through the vents in the lotte world tower and find my exact target but this airport is new so im lost??
-He somehow wanders down a hall with a few doors and theres some god awful screaming and sobbing and yoongis like should i check that out or get an americano
-Americano it is
-Insert a loud cry for help and suddenly yoongi is bursting through the door he thinks he heard the cry of help from
-BEHOLD you, an ordinary citizen tied up to a chair with tears streaming down your face and 4 men surrounding you
-Yoongi is confused. What is going on. Why are you being adultnapped. Who. what. When. where. Why.
-Your eyes widen because fuck your screaming actually worked and you didnt think youd get this far but oh fuck he is a single ordinary hot man and these 4 guys are ripped now you might have someones blood on your hands
-Yoongi looks down at holly because hes growling and he gets a lil distracted because look at his son being all tough but oh shit if hes growling that means there are drugs in this room somewhere oh no there are bad guys right back to the situation at hand
-These 4 guys are suddenly like umm lol i guess we have to kill this guy because hes seen our faces and-
-Like maybe hes quick on his feet and he can bolt out of this room and find some police or maybe he can fight a little bit-
-‘Oh come on guys do you really think the boss is going to think she has the looks for being a drug mule? Shes not pretty enough to get passed tsa’ what a twist of events. This man you thought was here to help is also a bad guy??!!!!
-The other 4 guys are also confused because who the fuck is this guy
-Yoongi knows these guys. Hes seen their file before arthur accidentally deleted it. Theyre from a wanted drug cartel notorious for their body count and ruthless methods
-Hes pretty sure he knows enough to talk his way out of this or at least get this girl to safety before fucking shit up
-Youre crying again because you thought you were going to somehow get out of this but now it looks like youre being doomed to a sad life full of drug smuggling and sadness
-IN YOONGIS HEAD ‘oh no she is sad i must make her not sad i must help her i must protect her and make sure she grows up happy and healthy oh my gosh pls dont hate me’
-He lets holly’s leash go and the smol doggo runs over to you and just sits at your feet quietly waiting for his dads signal bc theyre gonna get you out of here
-‘I bet my dog could get more drugs on a plane than she can. How about your four find a decent girl while i dispose of this one and i wont tell the boss about your almost royal screw up.’
-These guys literally still dont know whats even going on but somehow they believe yoongi?  Hes just that good. Like this is his specialty. Hes got control now.
-The other guys are cutting you loose and they pull you up roughly and your legs feel like jelly bc this is it youre dead.
-You take literal baby steps over to yoongi and holly is trailing behind you after every step and wow why do bad things happen to good people. You pay taxes. You volunteer your time at animal shelters. You donate to charity. You work in a hospital making sick people not sick where did you go wrong.
-Yoongi grabs hollys leash off the floor and grips onto your arm tightly but not enough to hurt you it looks worse than it feels really.
-‘Why dont you guys take a quick smoke break before heading back out there. Hopefully we wont have to get rid of any other girls today. Pick a good one this time.’ yoongi just casually tosses a pack of cigarettes and a lighter at these guys before pulling you and holly out fo the room
-THOSE GUYS ARE STILL JUST NOT SURE OF WHATS GOING ON but theyve got cigarettes and a lighter so why not
-As soon as you guys are out of the room yoongi is literally sprinting away while dragging you like dashi run run run girl
-You are completely lost like why does this guy seem so panicked. Why are you running with him. Why IS HE SO HOT. when is he gonna kill you.
-You guys exit that hall somehow and yoongi is just mumbling things and trying to catch his breath.
-But then he starts whispering to you
-‘Okay theres going to be an explosion in a few seconds because that lighter i gave them was actually a hand grenade so just act the way you normally would during an explosion. Dont look suspicious’
-You just ???????
-Umm what.
-Yoongi has caught his breath and hes holding hollys leash in one hand and walking next to you casually.
-He just kinda intertwines your hands together before he begins a causal conversation but youre still flabbergasted but he needs you to be calm and casual and not suspicious
-But also When is the death part
-Like is he gonna kill you or
-‘So what did you want to do first when we land?’
-You dont get a chance to respond because umm
-Theres an explosion
-Just like he said
-And yoongi turns in that general direction with a shocked expression on his face like the other people in the airport and you do the same bc he told you to
-Everyone is panicking and running bc there was an explosion in the airport umm
-Yoongi is pulling you away in the middle of all the chaos and he pulls out a phone before punching in a few numbers and holding the phone to his ear
-‘Galahad, its Percival, i need you to delete the last 30 minutes of Incheon’s security footage. All of them. Also tell arthur the somin cartel has been kidnapping girls from airports to use as mule’s theyre getting bold. We’ll have to deal with them soon. Thanks.’
-‘What kind of a name is percival?What just happened?’
-Yoongis still holding your hand and you kind of want an explanation as to whats going on but his hand is also surprisingly soft and warm like you want to kiss these hands but they can also choke you bc look at those veins man DAMN
-‘So long story short i saved your life and now you get to continue living your normal life’
-He lets your hand go reluctantly bc youre beautiful and he just wants to protect you but he knows he cant because hes a kingsman and even his presence is a threat to you but oh god what he would give to make sure no tears ever slipped out of your beautiful eyes and no sobs ever left your kissable looking lips
-And youre looking at him with the cutest little pout and puppy dog eyes and hIS HEARt almost beats STRAIGHT OUTTA HIS CHEST
-‘Can i at least pay you back for saving my life? Do you like coffee?’
-He hesitates a little and shakes his head before trying to walk away but holly is literally refusing to leave your side so yoongi agrees
-And thats kinda how you started dating a kingsman bc he saved your life and everything
-But like
-‘You know i almost opted to get an americano rather than saving you’
A/N: okay so these are all completely unedited bc i just wrote them like in the moment type thing.
Also this was supposed to post earlier but somehow it ended up at 11 pm instead of 1 but when i noticed it didnt post i posted it sorry.
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