#really started getting on my nerves
varijacija · 1 year
Not to be mean but all these people talking about how they bought a game to "support gamedevs" like gamedevs are dependent on your sorry ass like ok bro go buy all the games in the universe to support the poor gamedevs 🤣 you arent "supporting" anything youre just buying the games you would like to play thats just buying stuff you fucking idiot
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evermorehoon · 2 months
I'm actually pretty sure those stans of atla are chronically online people who just love hating on Zuko, like you don't have to like him but it's really unnecessary to make fun of his scar regardless of him being fictional. Like it's literally a permanent reminder of the abuse he suffered.
The community being so hostile towards Zutara shippers that they'd literally send death threats and doxx and rape threats over a ship... idk like why would you do that? What's the genuine reason you come into a peaceful Zutara community and bash it with your Kataang stuff. It's giving fire nation honestly :/
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canisalbus · 2 months
i’ve been in a lot of undiagnosed pain recently and struggling with medical care for it, but your art and bits of lore have been giving me a wonderful distraction. you have my gratitude and appreciation!
I'm sorry to hear you've been in pain and not getting the proper treatment for it, that's awful. But I'm glad my art and ramblings have been able to take your mind away from it. I hope things work out for you soon!
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arrgh-whatever · 1 year
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mattodore · 9 months
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r4m1el · 9 months
This is. Kinda very long overdue. Work has been killing me but this has been eating away at my sanity. I'm not sure what to say other than don't fucking do this. Others have been blocked out because I'm not sure the extent of their involvement. But if you can't tell this is Leshy-of-the-old-faith.
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I really can't believe I have to say this either. I don't want to have to start putting those banners that tell you not to do weird shit with my art but I might just. If you want to use my art please ask and I'll tell you if I'm fine with it, but this is not funny coming from complete fucking strangers.
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voidimp · 1 month
really not loving this trend lately of acting like shaving makes you a disgrace to the whole fucking queer community
like we really went from "not shaving is totally fine and good, body hair is completely natural & not gross" (correct) to "shaving is disgusting and unnatural, why would you do that to you body" (hmmm sounds kinda familiar) & even "its literally impossible to have dysphoria or sensory issues due to body hair/want to shave for any reason other than to appeal to patriarchal beauty standards & anyone who says they do is lying" (real, actual things i have seen people say, what in the god damn)
you can shave your face you can shave your head but as soon as its below the neck suddenly shaving is some sort of unforgivable crime. god forbid someone doesnt like the way it feels when their clothes rub against every little fucking hair. god forbid they dont like how it holds in sweat. god forbid they dont like how it holds in heat. god forbid they dont fucking like how it looks on them.
like. is the word "choice" not in peoples fucking vocabulary or something
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crybaby-bkg · 7 months
omg I love how supportive my mom is!!!!! the other day I was complaining about not having any money and how I don’t wanna work yet bc I wouldn’t be able to balance it with school and I was like uhhh I think I wanna do fanfic writing commissions. but I was SO SCARED to mention it to her like she knows I write fics but idk I just told myself she would be against it. but she got so excited for me and started telling me how I could work everything out and how much I could charge and what she could do to help and!!!!!!!!! I love that lady!!!!!!!
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creative-hanyou-girl · 5 months
In the 1st book series I can have at least a little bit of respect and hope for Athena being a caring mother (as caring as the gods can be anyway).
But TV Athena? I wanna march straight up to Olympus and have a little....chat, with the Goddess of Wisdom about being a somewhat decent parent, possibility of being smited be damned.
I like both of these interpretations of Athena btw, even if TV Athena makes me want to commit a crime (preferably against her).
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vaniliens · 14 days
I do wanna post about my ocs here a little. Other than reblogs. But i wanna change the whole story and everything so bad firstt
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alumi-san · 4 months
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maggot-baggage · 4 months
Babycakes has been getting me out of bed by aggressively headbutting me and rubbing her face all over me until im too annoyed to stay put. And it works but i feel like she does it on purpose bc she'll always do it when I've been in bed for hours and somehow she manages to help me get up on days where i cant even get myself to walk to the bathroom. Even when her bowls are full and i give her attention she does this silly goofy thing to get me going and it makes me a lil soft or whatevah
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steviescrystals · 28 days
i seriously need to get a new job and start making money again asap bc i cannot keep living at home much longer it’s driving me insane
(wrote an entire essay in the tags without meaning to oops)
#i feel so isolated from everything bc i’m not in school rn but all my friends are and 90% of the ones who are in state go to the same school#so they’re all in the same town and here i am 45 minutes away#i never get invited to anything bc 1) my friends all tend to make plans really last minute#and 2) if we want to go out and drink - which we usually do bc that’s the stage of life we’re in rn - i’d have to stay the night with#someone bc i absolutely cannot afford a 45 minute uber home and most of my friends don’t like staying over / having people stay over#so i have basically no social life and it’s only gotten worse in the past couple months since i got laid off from my main job#not only did i love that job but i loved my coworkers and work was pretty much the only time i left the house and interacted with people#and without that job i can’t even do the little solo things i used to do to cheer myself up like go see a movie#or even just go for a long drive bc i’m broke (as in i have $17 in cash to my name and am like $1000 in debt rn)#so all i do is rot in bed all day and apply for jobs that i’m overqualified for yet still don’t get hired#i barely even leave my room bc i avoid my family which just makes me feel guilty bc i love my family#but they get on my nerves so easily and most of the conversations i have with my mom end in her lecturing me about something and me crying#and on top of everything it’s just straight up embarrassing to be unemployed and completely directionless about college and living at home#logically i know i’m still very young and it’s common to live at home when you’re 20 but literally none of my friends do#i had a couple friends who lived at home for the first 2 years after high school and went to community college but by now they’ve moved out#and they’re all at universities and either graduating this year or next year meanwhile the earliest i could possibly graduate is in 2 years#i should be finishing my junior year rn but i’ve only completed my freshman year#i hated the school i was at and planned on transferring sophomore year but long story short that didn’t work out#even longer story short i ended up doing a semester each at 2 different community colleges and failed all my classes both times#and took 2 semesters off so now i’m a full 2 years behind and even though my freshman year was miserable#i’m starting to wish i stayed at that school anyway bc at least i would be at a university and accomplishing something#plus theres a huge difference between staying at home for a couple years after high school then moving out later#vs living on your own right away then having to move back home after you’ve already experienced having your own space#and on top of everything i have an older sister who’s a literal genius and graduated last year#and a younger sister who just finished her freshman year at the school i hated but she loves it and got perfect grades and made friends#so they’re both thriving and here i am living with my mom and my 13 year old brother and just completely failing at everything#i’m just so miserable and obviously moving out again and going back to school wouldn’t magically fix everything#but at least i would feel like my life was going somewhere and i wasn’t getting left behind by everyone i know#i just have no idea how to move forward and i feel like ever since high school not a single thing has gone the way i wanted it to#vent
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palms-upturned · 5 months
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daisychainsandbowties · 8 months
20k?!?!? I've always been kind of stocky so I figured in a fight or flight situation I would need to at least look like I can put up a fight hence my goal toward pull ups and broad shoulders but damn the stamina you must have (in a non sexual way)
my dad was kind of a long-distance running champion when he was younger so he used to take me out on circuits and then i did cross-country running in school (predictably because a girl i liked was too scared to join up by herself. same reason i played basketball and camogie for years lmao) so i guess i built it up over time.
the long runs are really nice actually and sometimes a 5k can be harder because with the long runs i fast to carry as little weight as possible and after about 8-9k it doesn’t feel like running at all, like an airplane reaching cruising altitude. it’s the first few kilometres that you have to fight through.
and yeah there is a pace that just… might as well be a stroll to me. and you have to maintain it really carefully especially with uphill/downhill. can’t charge up can’t let yourself breeze down the other side. but there’s nothing more peaceful than 12k into it out in the plains with my music or just the wind. i’ve missed it so much 🥹
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lamentablesbian · 6 months
apologies, another n//sfw rant in tags
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