#ooooooo thank you again for this!!
Sapphic September prompt 19- "Seems like we'll be here for a while."
Ingrid Rosworth/Reader
WC: 1.3k (almost. Wtf. /pos)
Contains: getting stuck in an elevator, Ingrid is sus, shy!reader, a meal is mentioned but no details, what else does one talk about when ur stuck in an elevator w your superior and you also have a crush on them????.
Type: suspense ig?, wlw, stuck in a small space
AN: I admit I was exciting for this one bc like its Perfect ok for stuck in an elevator. Also a lil sprinkle of more suspicious (read: vampire???????) Ingrid if you squint. Btw, there's a y/p mention: this means your/pronouns. I didnt want to just do she or they. Sorry if it makes it get clunky... I did my best. Anyway. Mommy? Please!!!
Summary: Reader and Ingrid get stuck in an elevator... how else can you pass the time with your superior?
The storm battering the office window seemed miles away as you typed away on your computer working on a case. The office was finally quiet after an unproductive day so you had decided to stay late and work in the peaceful space.
After a few hours had passed, you were satisfied with the amount of work you'd gotten done and glanced toward the window. Rain patterning against the glass and lightning flashing in the distance made you realize what time it was- late.
You packed up your things and turned off your computer, and went to retrieve your lunch container from the kitchenette. As you left, you saw someone or something in the corner of your eye.
When you returned to your desk, you checked the time. It was nearly nine in the evening- there's no way someone else stayed this late.
You grabbed your things and made your way to the elevator. As you entered it, you heard someone call to you,
"Hold it, please!"
You reached out your arm to stop the elevator doors from closing, and immediately worried that the thing you'd seen was what called for you to keep the elevator open.
But then you saw who it had been.
Ingrid Rosworth stood outside the elevator and then smiled as she entered. "Thank you," she said sweetly.
She pressed the button to the garage while you had selected the lobby.
Of course she had a car to drive herself. Why would I think we could walk together to the train? You wondered what kind of car it might be.
For what should have been a couple minutes ride in the elevator at most came to a shuddering halt.
The elevator stopped, the lights went out and the emergency lights flickered on.
Ingrid still seemed to glow in the red emergency sign light.
You shivered, she sighed.
"That damn storm..." she muttered.
"How long... do you think the elevator will be out? Should we do something?" You asked. You looked over and up at her, willing your heart to quiet down.
She always caught your attention anyway, her outfits impeccable and hair cascading perfectly around her. She was beautiful and intelligent, and powerful as a well-known lawyer.
You had nearly finished your graduate degree, but you were still far behind her in status. You knew you shouldn't put her on a pedestal, but you also knew you paled in comparison standing beside her.
While othe peers were eager to speak with her and gain advice, you were often too intimidated to do the same. It wasn't really fair to her; you were sure she was approachable. Just... not to you.
Not when sometimes you'd catch her eye by accident and look away, hoping your blush wasn't visible through your light makeup.
"Are you alright?" She asked, leaning toward you a little and raising a hand as if to brush hair out of your face.
"Oh!" You blushed, hoping this time the red light made the blush imperceptible. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. You?"
She chuckled. "You just seem a little nervous."
"I- yeah, I am, I guess," you confessed.
"I was asking you what you were doing here so late."
"Oh, uh, well, I wasn't able to get a lot done today, so I decided to stay late."
"Were you the one who ordered dinner at seven?"
"Yes, that was me," you nodded, then frowned. "How did you know?"
"I smelled it," she shrugged.
That didn't make any sense. Her office was in the opposite corner of your desk. Maybe she had stopped by the files and the smell had drifted over there... Still, it was strange.
"Did... you get anything to eat?" You tried to make conversation. The minutes were beginning to stretch, especially as you kept your imagination at bay. From fantasies or nightmares alike.
She smiled and nodded. "I certainly did."
A few minutes passed and she stepped forward to try the emergency radio.
"Hello?" She asked. No response. "Hello, this is Ingrid Rosworth in elevator three-one-six, from Baldr Legal? Is anyone there?"
Silence, not even static. She sighed and shrugged as she put it back.
"Seems like we'll be here for a while," she said. She turned to you and smiled, then gestured with her hands to the floor. "Shall we sit?"
"I've been sitting all day," you shrugged.
Your mind was racing. You had to admit you were worried. There was plenty to be anxious about, and while you weren't claustrophobic, being stuck in an elevator was far from your bucket list.
But then again, you didn't mind that it was with Ingrid. You didn't look at her as you leaned against the back wall, but you knew she had her legs crossed and stretched out across the floor. You wondered what she was thinking about. You wondered if she went home to an apartment or house alone, if someone was waiting for her. You knew you didn't have anyone at home, and would probably head to bed shortly after you got home. You wondered if she what she would do once she was home... does she shower in the evenings? With that gorgeous hair she must have some sort of hair routine.
You blinked your eyes open and looked down at her.
She chuckled again. "You seem to daze off easily."
"S-sorry," you muttered, embarrassed.
"You need to relax, Y/n. We'll be out of here in no time, just fine."
It was a kind gesture and attempt at reassurance, but you had to admit you were still nervous.
"Tell me about this case that got you so focused," she smiled. "It'll distract you."
You were thankful for the excuse. The case was interesting enough, it just called for more attention than you had been able to give it during the busy day.
She nodded and hummed along to your reciting of the case and its details, recounting the information you had just poured over.
"You're really good at this, you know," she said gently. "I'm glad I have you here at Baldr. Perhaps we can work on a case someday."
The idea was exciting for sure. Spending more time with Ingrid would be wonderful, especially if you got to know her a little more.
"What were you-"
The emergency lights turned off and the normal lights turned back on, the elevator continuing its journey downwards at its usual pace.
She took your hand that you offered to help her up, and you couldn't help but notice she seemd a little disappointed.
The elevator doors opened at the lobby and there was a security guard waiting there. He apologized to Ingrid profusely, rambling an explanation about the storm and power, etc, and that the radio in our elevator hadn't seemed to be working.
Once he was finished, she said, "you should apologize to Y/n as well. Y/p (was/were) in the elevator with me, suffering the same fate."
He turned to you and apologized, even if it was a little less enthusiastic. He then asked if he could escort you to your vehicles.
You explained you didn't have one, but thanked him anyway. Ingrid dismissed him, then turned to you.
"I wish you well on this case, Y/n," she said. "Make me proud."
It was a strange request, as you worked for Baldr rather than her, but you nodded and assured her that you would.
As you walked toward the doors to go to the train, you couldn't help but feel watched. You admitted to yourself you were disappointed that you hadn't said something or maybe even kissed her, but it was too risky. If you had made a mistake, you might lose your job.
You didn't mind her gaze being on your backside as you left, hoping something might happen another day.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Spicy Snacks
Bucky x reader, Steve 
Warnings: 2 high super soldiers who get into your stash of spicy snacks, fluffff 
“Dear god” 
You weren’t sure what it was you were going to walk into when you heard a ruckus in the kitchen but it was everything but this. Literally anything. The last time you’d seen such a mess was when Peter thought it’d be a good idea to babysit Morgan alone. Even that was salvageable. You should’ve known how bad it would be, given the trail of crumbs you followed from your drawer to the kitchen, but still. 
This was something else...
There were snacks strewn about left, right and center. Bags of chips and candy littering every inch of the counter tops. 
But what truly topped it all were the two massive super soldiers sitting cross cross apple sauce on top of the kitchen island, giggling like school children with their hands, literally in the cookie jar. 
“Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar” Steve sang to himself while stuffing a chocolate chip one into his mouth, practically swallowing it whole. 
“Steve stole the cookie from the cookie jar” Bucky snickered, taking the jar for himself and scarfing them down two at a time. 
“Who me?”
“Yes you!”
“Not me!”
“Then who?” 
“What are you two idiots doing” Your voice broke them away from their nursery rhyme, staring at your boyfriend first before turning to his bestfriend, the both of them trying to hide the jar behind their backs. 
“Nothing’ y/n” Steve gave you a dopey grin, his baby blue eyes glazed like donuts, snickering at his bestfriend attempting to stab an apple juice box with the straw.
“S’too hard!!” Bucky whined, sticking his tongue out in concentration, eyes wide, trying to get his straw in to no avail, looking back up to you for help. He gave you his most innocent puppy pout hoping you’d help him, sticking his hands out for you to take his juice. 
“Bucky get down” You huffed, trying to hide your smile when he clambered down like an admonished child with his head hung. You rolled your eyes, pushing the straw and giving it back to him, shaking your head at the grin he gave you, whispering a shy thank you. 
“Ooooooo you like herrrrrr” Steve howled, now kicking his feet, letting them hang off the counter while Bucky blushed, peeking at you through his lashes. “BUCKY HAS A CRUSH” 
“Nooooo” He drawled out, taking a long sip from his juice box. 
“We’ve been dating for 2 years you dork” You watched his cheeks redden more, which only made him more adorable but you weren’t sure how much more nonsense was going to ensue when the both of them were higher than kites. 
“She’s my girlfriend” Bucky giggled at the last word, now struggling with a new box while Steve’s eyes lit up, a classic God awful captain America plan had bean to manifest itself. He slipped off the counter, the effects of the gummies and whatever else he’d swallowed had knocked his agility off its rockers; he moved with the grace of a donkey. 
“Where are you going” you stopped him before he could sneak off, your boyfriend looking equally guilty. 
“Noooowhere” Steve shrugged but you gave him a pointed look while Bucky flailed his hands, hoping to silently communicate they were not about to do something idiotic. 
“Sit down. Finish your snacks and then you both need to go take a nap” You felt like you were talking to toddlers, not bothering to add they had to clean their mess because you were sure that would only end in more chaos. 
“But we were gonna go flying with Sam’s wings!” 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this” You muttered to yourself, pinching the bridge of your nose before speaking again, “No. You can’t just go take Sam’s wings and go flying. Now finish your juice boxes and go to bed” 
“NOOOO” Steve jumped onto Bucky, wrapping his long legs around his waist, holding onto him like a massive koala, giving you his best puppy eyes, matching his equally ridiculous best friend. “WE DON’T WANNA GO TO BED” 
“Please???” Bucky pouted effortlessly holding the captain up while your face scrunched up, mentally face palming yourself.
“No. No, you cannot go flying! You’ll end up hurting yourself or breaking the wings or- for fucks sake what are you doing?!” You gawked; Steve and Bucky had stopped listening many moons ago. They were back to rummaging for food, a stray sour patch kid falling to the floor. 
“5 second rule” Bucky shrugged, bending over to pick it up, not seeing the smirk that crossed his bestfriends face. 
“Chubby dumpling” Steve whispered, giving Bucky’s ass a poke, making him yelp. Bucky stared at him like a deer in headlights while Steve cackled to himself, tossing back another packet of nerds into his mouth. You were to engrossed at the scene in front of you to notice Tony walk in, his face equally perplexed at yours. 
“What it God’s name” Tony stared at the chaos that was taking place with you in the middle, “Do I even want to ask?”
“They got into my stash of....snacks...” You smirked while Tony cocked an eyebrow, waiting for you to elaborate. 
“Snacks, y/n? Really?”
“...Spicy snacks”
“Who would’ve thought this would be their downfall” He mused beside you “Oh-I think clothes are coming off-oh fuck” Tony ducked while Steve's shirt flew above his head, eyes growing wide when a pair of jeans followed.
“It’s so hot!!” Steve huffed, star fishing on the cool tile floor, arms and legs splayed out to the sides. “Soooo hottttt, n’I’m sleepy now” He yawned, stretching out like a cat before closing his eyes, a sugar crash sneaking up on them.  
“Okay, someone call for this ones bromantic partner to figure this out” Tony covered his eyes while calling for Sam, hoping to get Steve into some clothes before hauling him back to his room. “Y/n, I’m assuming you got terminator covered?” 
“Yeah, I- Oh no” you were met with your boyfriends Henley, followed by his joggers, landing on your head, squealing when you found yourself hanging off his shoulder seconds later. 
“Buck, where are we going?!” He mumbled something while making his way to the elevator in just his boxer briefs. 
“S’nap time” he mumbled sleepily, trudging with you to the bedroom and plopping down on top of you, using your chest as a pillow. “wan cuddles” 
“Mhm, then you get cuddles, baby boy” you giggled, carding your fingers through his hair, unable to stop smiling from how ridiculously adorable he was. He let out a content sigh, softly snoring moments later. You bit you lip to keep your laughs down, hearing the commotion outside your room in the hallway. 
“Steve, you need to put on pants”
“Pants are for the WEAK”
“No-Steve NO!-don’t take off your-for fucks sake” 
“That’s America’s cock and balls” 
“Please, for the love of God, go to your room” 
“Steve no”
“Steve yes”
“What’s the live feature” 
*Sounds of Steve shrieking and then a thump with continued muffled pouting*
“You’re never eating spicy anything again” 
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3cremepie3 · 29 days
"I think you have forgotten who you belong to. Let me remind you." He says as he thrusts into you at a rapidly fast rate, 1 orgasm blending into the other. He cums inside you, 1 time, 2 times, 5 times, 10 times... You lost count. His semen spills out as his dick touches your cervix, again and again and again.
"I'm not satisfied yet, so don't you dare faint on me."
He wraps his hands around you, touching your clit. And he got hard again. Another round, my dearest?
Again and again and again. You don't think you'll be able to walk for a week...
Tumblr media
Warnings - semi-public sex, unsafe sex, degradation, jealousy, mentions of breeding, overstimulation, jealousy. Lilia x female reader!
A/n - OOOOOOO thanks for all the details. I literally love Lila. And requesting solo fics is always the best bet! Sorry for the lateness I'm back from my tumble break!!
“Wow.” You looked up at him starstruck. His hands moved his long locks to the side away from your face where it recently pooled. He quickly brought his hand back to its rightful place. On your wrist that his large hand was holding down.
It would stop you from squirming as his knee dug into your heat. Your uniform skirt was raised fully up but you were still fully clothed. Lilia was practically busting out his buttons since his uniform was made for smaller him. You would have taken your free hand to assist him but you had places to be. “Lil’s we gotta go back out he’s expecting us.”
Lilia laughed his voice having the hearty deep mellow that never failed to send chills up your spine. “He’ll get the hint eventually to leave once he hears us.” We cant just leave a guest it’s rude Lilia. You turned your head to the side not meeting his eyes in a pout. “It’s rude that he comes over to my dorm and flirts with my woman.”
“Well since I’m clearly not enough for you I have to use my true form to show you that I’m the only one that can you feel this good.” But-,” you went to protest but he cut you off with his fangs biting into your neck. “Oww,” you groaned. “Sorry baby I just have to reclaim you now.”
“You know I thought people would respect our relationship now that we went public and all.” He spoke in between removing his uniform. His knee vanished from his previous spot on your pussy. You twitched on nothing missing the spot to grind on. “But it seems as though they want you even more. I just can’t win or so it seems,” he trailed.
“There is one way.” Lila’s crimson eyes met yours and your body from fear taking over you. Lilia was fully naked and for the first time you saw the “real him”. His body looked as though he was sculpted by gods but some battles from war remained littered all over his muscles. His figure alone was intimidating like he could easily destroy you. It held so much confidence while you shivered like a small puppy.
He finally released both of your wrist. Your hands dropped to your sides then down to unbutton your skirt. “There we go my love I knew you wanted it,” he chuckled. You were scared knowing that Lila now couldn’t hold back on you in this new form. All those war stories of him battling ferocious beast and fae were clearly not lies.
You could tell just by the grip he held on your waist as he thrusted into you for the first time. You barely had any preparation for his large member. For a while it stung as his body crashed into yours and your hands gripped his wide back pulling him in impossibly closer.
“So tight around me and I only just got in? Fuck your perfect. He huffed and his hair fell from behind his ears. Your hands went to grip the long strands keeping them away from his face that you now studied. Lilia looked pretty much the same only with a stronger jaw.
But you couldn’t keep your eyes off him. It was like he put you in a trance. One that caused you to want his dick even after you came all over his cock leaving a silky white glaze over his shaft. You juices combined together as he came soon after you.
You didn’t mind the sticky mess that he brought back to your pussy with each thrust. In fact you pushed him to go further. “Deeper please Lilia.” Your request didn’t fall on death ears although he didn’t respond. You could tell Lila was planning something. He quickly shifted your position so that you were both laying on your side.
One of your legs was lifted which allowed him to hit into you deeper. Your back hit his chest melting into the hold he had on your body. “Like this new angle? You quickly nodded your head to focused on taking him to answer.
“Look how deep I am.” His hand ghosted over the visible buldge that formed in your stomach. “Only I can get this deep for you huh?” Your eyes rolled in the back of you head as he brushed against your cervix pushing his previous load deep into you.
You felt so sticky as your sweaty bodies collided. One of his hands ghosted over your clit that was once previously neglected causing you to cum yet again. “You must want it again with the way you’re gripping down on me,” he gritted through his teeth.
His fangs dug into your neck again for leverage as he came deep inside of you. His load began to spill onto the sheets below you as he emptied himself into to you again and again forming a pattern that caused your neck to be full of bite marks.
“Your pussy Is just begging for a new position huh? It’s can’t even keep in all my cum.” You were flipped on your back once again and your legs were brought to the sides of your head in a mating press. Lila watched his cum spill out of your oozing hole. He couldn’t help but to lick it tasting the both of you on his tounge.
You almost came at the sight of his slobbering over your already ruined pussy. But you held it together until he attacked your clit. His tounge flicked at it until you saw the stars and squirted all over his face. You wanted to say sorry but Lila was very happy with his accomplishment.
You however had came so many times that your orgasms started to blend. It wasn’t until after he made you cum a second time from eating you out that your body shot up. You hands pulled his hair trying to push his head off you. “Lila!” You felt as though you couldn’t breathe you hyperventilated as he brought another countless orgasm to you.
He stopped eating you out and this time he slapped his thick cock on your swollen pussy. “Come on don’t pass out on me now. We’re just getting started!”
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bedoballoons · 9 months
Tighnari x Reader? They have a fight, Reader gets scared when being yelled at. I want Angst And fluff please<3 thank you❤️
Ooooooo I love it! I think angst and fluff is one of my favourites, so I hope you enjoy and thank you for your request! <3 Sorry if this was sent a long time ago, my ask inbox has been acting up :(
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Yelled at and afraid~༺}
CW: Yelling, Arguments, Tighnari suspects the reader might have cheated but it's NOT true, GN reader is afraid of yelling, angst to fluff!, making up and comfort in the end!
Tighnaris blood was boiling with rage, his hands clenched into fists, his ears flat against his head and despite his best attempts to calm himself down, he just couldn't, he was just...so angry. Meanwhile you were trying to stop yourself from having a stress attack, salty tears pricking at your eyes, getting ready to fall and your whole body shaking because you were so upset, "Tighnari let's s-stop arguing...I don't want to yell. I don't want us to fight.." Your voice quivered, you couldn't handle this...you couldn't handle his harsh words and his raised voice...
"No! No we are going to finish this! Stop acting like a victim and talk to me! Just answer me! What were you and Cyno doing last night?" You shook your head, covering your ears as he shouted...your heart racing..beating so hard in your chest, you just wanted the shouting to stop. Then it hit you...what he had said...the reason for all this, "That's w-what this is a-about? You think Cyno and i-i..." You couldn't even finish the sentence because your breathing was so uneven, you inhaled deeply, recalling the events of the night before with Cyno...and then it all made sense. "T-tighnari nothing like t-that happened."
"No you're lying! You told me you were spending time with Faruzan but you went to Cyno and I saw you with him!" He stepped closer to you, making you subconsciously take a step back, the room feeling cold despite it being a place you usually loved to be in. You shook your head again, looking right into his eyes, "Y-you're right I lied about Faruzan, but not for the reason you think. Cyno asked m-me to because we wanted to t-talk about you. He said he was was w-worried about you and wanted to know if you'd b-been overworking. I've been worried too, so we were trying to come up with a w-way to take you on a vacation to Liyue for t-the lantern rite. I swear...i'd never do anything with anyone else! Look I even have the planner!" You held it up for him...letting him read it...
And just like that...it went completely silent.. several moments passing before he spoke again, "You hugged him goodbye and you were all blushy like you get when you're with me, you had lied about Faruzan...all of it seemed like it had pointed to cheating." You felt calmer, walking up to him and placing a hand on his arm to comfort him, "I was blushing...because I asked Cyno to make sure we'd have our own hotel room... because I wanted to plan a romantic evening for us. As for the hug...I promise you, I hug you more.."
"Oh...my gosh...I'm...I'm so sorry. I'm so unbelievably sorry, I was so upset...so caught up in my imagination I didn't even stop to check if any of it was true..." He looked away, guilt taking him over as he hugged you, trying his best to make you feel better...even though he knew it would take time to earn his forgiveness, for things to become normal after such a argument. "I'm so so sorry."
You didn't answer, just cuddled into his clothes and tried to forget what had just happened, but you couldn't because..you also felt guilty...you had told the lie that started all of this after all, "I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have lied, Cyno asked me not to tell you, but that didn't mean I had to lie to you. I should've been honest and said I was with him..." Tighnari smiled a little, placing a very gentle kiss on your forehead, "You're forgiven, I just hope...you can forgive me..."
"I'll find a way..."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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berryhobii · 5 months
Do Not Disturb (myg x reader) A Drabble
Pairing: fwb!Min Yoongi x black!female!reader
Warnings: Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), sex while on the phone, doggystyle, fingering, orgasms(m and f receiving), ass slapping, fingering(f receiving), squirting, Yoongi wearing a chain, yes that’s a warning, he’s also obsessed with reader’s pussy duh
A/N: Hi everyone! I’m back with a little something something for my Yoongi stans. This is just the classic still fucking while talking on the phone trope. And making it fwb!Yoongi just felt right. I didn’t explicitly describe reader in this so imagine them however you want! Please enjoy and stay safe🩵criticism is greatly appreciated and please feel free to tell me what you think
The ringing of your phone made you slow down in your actions. Your bleary eyes glanced over to where it laid on the coffee table.
Best Friend🌸
What were they calling you for right now? Thank goodness your friend is so clumsy and their camera is broken so they couldn’t FaceTime you.
“Answer it.” The gruff voice of your fuck buddy said, his large hands squeezing at your bare ass.
“Are you insane, Yoongi?”
His skilled fingers tweaked at your sensitive nipples, a whimper coming from your mouth.
“Just answer it. You know they’ll call back.”
You didn’t have time to reject before he was grabbing your phone and pressing the answer button. You squeaked in panic but he had already placed the phone next to your head.
“Why the hell you ain’t answer the first ring, bitch?”
You sucked your teeth. “Don’t call my phone with an attitude, hoe. Now what you want?”
“Let me tell you what that old lady at my job did.” They started.
And Yoongi started to move your ass back and forth on his cock, your mouth dropping open as the head pressed dangerously close to your cervix.
“So I went on my lunch break early because I was starting to get a headache, right? No one else had a problem and it was slow anyway so me taking a break wouldn’t have did anything…”
“Fuck, this pussy is so wet.” Yoongi grunted, pushing your ass cheeks apart to get a better look at your creamy pussy sucking him in.
“Oh shit.” You gasped.
Your friend was still busy ranting so they couldn’t even hear your little noises.
“But when I was about to clock out, she gonna walk up and say ‘it’s not time for your break’. Like bitch, who the hell are you? I can take my break whenever I want. God I hate her so much.”
When Yoongi started thrusting his hips to meet you, you cursed out a, “fucking bitch.”
“Exactly! So I told her to mind her business before I give her some business to mind and she said she’s gonna tell our manager. Like I care. I’ve been ready to quit that job anyway.”
Your head hung low, hands gripping into fists as you began throwing your ass back on Yoongi. You felt ready to cum, that pressure building back up in your lower belly.
“Anyway, when I came back from my break, she told me I went 3 minutes over. Can you believe she was timing me? What’s next? Is she gonna start sneaking into my house to see what time I go to sleep?”
Yoongi’s hips sped up, the clapping noise of your skin meeting getting too loud for your liking. You reached an arm back to try and stop him but he just grabbed it and held it against your back. His other hand pushed his sweaty hair back out of his face.
“O-oh my….ooooooo..”
“What’s that? Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. I just…burned my finger.” You stuttered, trying not to make it too obvious that you were struggling to form complete sentences.
“Oh okay. But yeah, she is so annoying…”
With every thrust of Yoongi’s hips, it became harder and harder to hold in your moans. You were so close and you and him both knew how loud you got when you were about to cum. Not even the occasional gags you used could muffle your screams of pleasure.
He began scooping his hips to drive right into that spot again and again and you couldn’t hold it anymore. Hands scrambling for your phone, you pressed the mute button, your mouth opening to let out a cry.
“Oh my fucking god, Yoongi! Harder baby!”
His hand pushed your shoulders down so that your face was pressed against the cushions, hips slamming into yours hard enough that you’d think Trey Songz wrote that Neighbors Know My Name song for you two.
Yoongi released your arm to grab both of your ass cheeks again, gripping them like handles in his palms.
“I love this pussy. Damn.” He delivered three consecutive slaps to your ass. “I’m so close. Want my cum, princess?”
You desperately nodded your head. “Yes baby! Fill me up!” You moved your hand under you to begin handling his balls which were sticky and wet with your arousal.
Yoongi tossed his head back, eyes fluttering shut as fire burned hot in his belly. The combination of your slick walls squeezing around him and your acrylics lightly scratching at his balls was enough to send him right over the edge.
His hips stuttered, cock throbbing as he released deep into your clenching walls.
You moaned at the feeling of his warm cum filling you up. You were so close. You just needed a little more.
And Yoongi gave it to you.
Pulling out of you, he replaced his cock with his index and middle fingers, hooking them right into that spongey spot inside of you. You screamed into the air as he drilled his fingers in and out.
Your hips bucked as the pressure became overwhelming, his arm holding you down and preventing you from running.
Your hands scrambled for anything to hold onto, the back cushions of the couch the victims of your assault.
“F-f-f-uhhhhhhhh, oh! Yoon!”
“Cum baby.”
Your hearing blanked, vision blurring with tears and drool leaking from the sides of your mouth as your orgasm pummeled into you, harder than anything you’ve felt in your life.
Yoongi cursed as a hard spray of liquid squirted from you, pulling his hand out to rub furiously at your little nub.
“Yeah princess. Fuck, you’re so sexy.” He palmed at your ass, spreading your cheeks before leaning in to slurp at your clit. His hot mouth propelled you right into another orgasm, this one not as hard as the last one but still satisfying and so so good.
You reached your hand back to grip at his hair, pulling his face closer and deeper to you. His tongue lapped all over your creamy cunt, your combined juices and releases tasting sweet on his tongue. He couldn’t get enough of you. You were just too delicious, too captivating, too beautiful.
He pulled away from you and was just about ready to plunge his now hard cock in your walls again when your phone rang out.
You had completely forgotten about it. Your chest heaved as you lifted your head. You blinked your tears away to make out the name on the screen, finding your Best Friend’s ID flashing.
Oh shit.
You tried to stabilize your breathing before clicking the answer button.
“Oh are you finished? You know, next time you’re in the middle of that, just don’t answer my call.”
You gulped, tossing your braids over your shoulder. “W-what? What do you mean?” Your hand slapped at Yoongi who was rubbing the head of his cock up and down your slit.
You heard them scoff. “Don’t play dumb. You took me off mute. Y’all are nasty.”
“Oh. My bad. Uh….did you still want to-“
They cut you off. “Nope. Don’t even worry about it. I’ll just see you this weekend. Don’t get pregnant.” That’s all they said before that familiar ‘beep beep beep’ sounded.
They were not gonna let you live this down. Brunch was about to go crazy.
Clearing your dry throat, you turned your head to look at your fuck buddy whose eyes were focused on your pussy. You rolled your own eyes, this horny bastard.
“Yoongi. Did you hear that?”
He didn’t even lift his gaze. “Huh? Yeah. Ready for round 2?”
“Are you serious? My friend just heard us having sex and you’re ready for round 2?”
He snorted, eyes finally lifting to meet yours. You’re glad he made eye contact because if he wasn’t, he would have saw how your pussy just clenched from how devastatingly sexy he looked; pale skin marked up from from your scratching and biting earlier, his dark hair pushed from his face, and that annoying ass chain resting against his collarbone.
Okay. Round 2 didn’t sound like a bad idea.
He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Yoongi, I don’t think-AH!”
Suddenly, he flipped you over onto your back, grabbing your ankle to pull you towards him. He spread your legs wide enough for you to feel a slight burn in your hamstrings.
He leaned over you, that sparkling chain hanging right above your face.
“Do you really care that they heard? I know this slutty pussy doesn’t care as long as my cock is filling it up.” He emphasized his words by sliding his cock home, the girth splitting you open and making you forget your previous frustration. “Isn’t that right?” A smirk pulled at his lips, those pink lips looking absolutely kissable.
You whined out a yes, hands sliding up his arms to wrap around his shoulders. “Fuck me, Yoongi. Please.”
“Of course, princess.” He was about to start up but you stopped him again.
“Wait. Let me put my phone on silent.”
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basiatlu · 9 months
Um!!!! Hello!!
How am I only just finding your beautiful stunning gorgeous artwork now?!
It's so TASTY!! holy FUCK!
The lineart and the shape language alone is outstanding! I love the sketchy yet refined quality of your work, and the way you draw anatomy is just *chefs kiss*
There's a spindily sort of manga mixed with Tim Burton-esque vibe going on, except everyone's sexy???
Like everyone is so unbelievably hawt in your style like okay DAmN😳
Queen shit right there! 👑I love it, love you. Thank you for blessing the fandom 💕
Ooooooo~! Tim Burton-esque Harry Potter now I like the sound of that!
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Omg, Beanz!! Thank you so much I can’t tell you how much I squealed reading your ask. Tytyty 💖✨ gosh can I just say I’ve been a fan of your comics and art for such a while now??? Adorable and saucy in one big ol package like a Harry Potter enchilada.
Don’t even worry I’ve not been here posting in the fandom for very long hurhurhur. It’s only recently I’ve sort of exploded with the doodles.
And you think my bb’s are sexy?! Gosh I am so tickled thank you again. How many times can I say this-? Take me off the stage, team, I’ve been broken by lovely people on the internet.
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madameminor · 2 months
Fox Fire - Commander Fox x f!reader - Chapter 1
Summary: In an effort to forget your on-again-off-again, you head out with your friends - and they're determined for you to meet one Commander Fox. After all, the quickest way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
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Commander Fox x f!reader
Tags: Smutty mcsmutterson. 18+. NSFW. "Basically, all the good stuff."
Warnings: Nothing this round. Just build up.
Notes: Ok hi! Dunno why I wanted to do this, but I did. I'm excited for the story. Post-war, everyone's ok, that sort of thing. Thank you so much to @dumfanting and @rains-on-kamino for beta-ing and keeping my creative juices flowing. I've tagged all the people on my IMWTO list, JIC you're interested in following this story too. If you are, comment. If you don't, I'll remove you for next chapter. Thank yoooou. Let's get this party started!
You have to hand it to Chrisa. If her significant other didn’t work here, you would never have thought of coming to the Clone Bar for your night out - but it is PERFECT for what you need.
All the clones made it easy to clock strangers.
The entire vibe of the place is all about coming in and forgetting the world outside.
None of your or Marco’s mutuals would EVER just happen to be here.
You have a bartender on your side, so if anyone gets too handsy or in your face - insta-boot.
The anger from earlier has simmered into resolve, and any excess is going to be worked out on the dance floor. You’d had enough to drink before coming out to loosen you up, but not to spiral you down. You. Look. FAN-TASTIC. Nothing pumps you up like looking your absolute best - and knowing it.
Damn right. It was time to have some fucking fun.
Your gaggle stride up to the front doors, Chrisa flashing the front doorman a smile and a kiss on the cheek before sliding on in. The thick togruta grins as he waves you all in, the lively music thrumming up through your shoes. OOooooo YES! Here we GO!
Lights, bass, people, ALL of it. You’ve missed it. Your spirits lift at the beautiful sight of fun.
Chrisa leads you past the first few bars, piled up with people, making her way towards a third bar closer to the back. You all follow, chatting away excitedly and looking out over the writhing sea of people. Your smile is genuine. You missed this. You missed them. 
“Baaaaaabyyyyy!” your friend croons, leaning over the somewhat busy bar to kiss the bartender. The rest of you sidle up to the 3 empty seats between two groups of clones, offering your hellos.
“Well, look at this attractive group coming up to my bar,” the bartender, Ceese, says with a grin. Their eyes land on you. “Heard we’re celebrating tonight,” they say with a wink. “So let’s get you all started off on the right foot.”
Your girls cheer and you grin as Ceese sets out 6 double shots, filling them to the brim with your favorite alcohol. You laugh as each of your friends and Ceese all take a shot glass, gathering in close around you. 
“To taking out ta poodoo!” Lehla toasts, holding out her shot.
“KRIFF TA POODOO!” Five clinks as you all cheers and down your shots. The liquid comfort slithers through your body, and you breathe a bit easier. THIS is fun. You’re safe here. You slink your arms around Freen and Sizie and hug them close. They smile and hold you tight while Ceese pours out your drinks.
“There you are, drinks are up, get out there!”
You all cheer and grab your drinks, Chrisa leaning up to kiss them thanks for all of you as your crew saunters off to the dance floor. 
Lehla dives right into the center, turning to all of you, and, holding up her drink, proclaims with the gravity of a general headed into battle “Behbies, lets DANCE!!”
Pulsing, beating, swaying, living. You laugh and twirl and thoroughly lose yourself in the pleasure of being out with your friends. This was amazing. This was life as it ought to be. 
Only exhaustion and the need for another drink eventually pulls you off the floor, plunking you and your friends down into an open booth.
“More drinks, more drinks!” Sizie chants.
“Oh gods I can’t MOVE,” Freen whines as she leans back. She makes begging eyes at Lehla. Well, the Rodian equivalent. “Lehlaaaaa…”
Lehla good naturedly rolls her eyes. “ALright, alright. Chrisa, that's you and me. Lets go get the goods.” 
Chrisa laughs and loops arms with hers, the two heading back to the bar.
You fan yourself, glancing over your two friends as they gab away with each other, taking a second to get your bearings. The anger is burning off now, leaving just the sadness, the hurt… but its nice to remember everything you gain by… well, by things changing. Change is good. You take a deep breath, letting the comfort settle back in.
“Why do they keep looking over here?” Sizie’s voice cuts through, curious.
You look over towards the bar and see Chrisa and Lehla chatting with Ceese and a few troopers - commanders by their pauldrons. Of course Chrisa knew the regulars, probably catching up. And, uh, they all keep looking over. At you. Specifically at you.
Uh oh. “Oh Mother, what are they up to…”
Freen laughs. “Knowing them, something AMAZING.”
Chrisa and Lehla hurry over, both with a mysterious glint in their eye. Chrisa plops down next to you while Lehla leans in with a smirk, hand on the table.
“Soooooo,” Chris says with a sly grin, “do you think that clones are attractive?”
You side-eye her suspiciously. “Why?”
“Weeeeell,” Chrisa tilts her head to the side, letting you see past her, “one of my ‘friends’ over there happens to be Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard.”
Your stomach tightens with regret.
You sigh, your forehead in your hand. “Chris, you know I don’t-”
She waves her hand at you. “-get on with law enforcement, I know I know. BUT,” she grins, holding a finger up to halt interruptions, “that’s long term. Fox is usually super busy, so he doesn’t really have much time for women in his life. Like, EVER.” She smirks with a small eye roll. “His team almost has to blackmail him to go out with them and relax - and that almost NEVER involves a woman. But that doesn't mean he hasn’t had off-ers,” she says in a sing-song voice. The others giggle as they glance off towards where the Commander sits.
Chris continues. “SO. It wouldn’t be for long- a fling, a jaunt, a roll in the hay, something cas-u-al-and-FUN!” She emphasizes each syllable to get her point across. “You need this. Something different to show you that you can actually be HAPPY in bed, with someone who actually CARES.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “How the heck do you know he ‘cares’?”
She grins again. “I’ve known him for a loooong time. And on the rare occasion that he’s drunk enough to loosen up and actually go home with someone, they ALWAYS come in again talking about how GOOD he is.”
You blink in surprise, and a little shock. “People talk about that?
She shrugs good-naturedly. “Bunker bunnies do. No judgement, they just like to try ‘all the clone flavors’.” She winks. “And I love to hear the gos about the regulars.”
You smirk as the others laugh. Trust Chrisa to be the bar gossip gatherer.
“So, what, you want me to hope he gets drunk, present myself to him and say ‘hi, my ex is an ass and I broke up with him today. Wanna fuck?’”
“Oh NO,” Chrisa pulls a face, “I wouldn’t suggest it if it was that impersonal. See, apparently…” she leans her cheek on one hand, grin glistening with mischief. “He’s been looking over at you all night.”
You blink. You try to sneak a look over to the bar to try and catch a glimpse of this Commander Fox. Two of the red and white clad clones start waving and pointing excitedly between them at the seated one beside them, facing away with what looks like his forehead in his hand. You’re sad you can’t see his face, but you can’t help but smile to yourself. You kind of know how he feels.
“And he’s… cute?” You say hesitantly.
Chrisa perks up and grins. “Oh YEAH. I’ve definitely glanced at him a time or two, don’t tell Ceese.”
“And… safe?” 
“YES,” Chris almost huffs a whine in exasperation. “Who do you think I am??”
It’s not what you normally do…
…but you ARE trying to do things differently this time…
Just one conversation? You didn’t even have to say yes…
He could be cute…
You look around at your friends' faces. Are any of them unsure about this? Would any advise you that this wasn’t a good idea?
Nope. All of their eyes are excited, almost pleading.
“...ok. I’ll at least talk to him.”
You friends all burst out with a “YES!” You smirk and shake your head. Jeez, you didn’t think you needed it THAT bad.
Chrisa stands and gives a thumbs up to the two clones waiting at the bar. They both pump fists in the air before leaning down to talk to the hunched Commander- who simply punches one of them in the arm without looking over at him. You laugh to yourself. Yeah, you definitely know THAT feeling. The poor guy.
Whatever they say to him, it apparently seems to work. He begrudgingly turns around on his stool and stands, grabbing his helmet. One of his men claps him on the shoulder, which he pushes off angrily before taking a deep breath, turning, and starting his way over to where you and your friends sit. 
You feel your breath catch a bit in your chest, something your girls notice with a smirk. He’s GORGEOUS. His hair isn’t standard clone cut - its a bit longer on top and down the back, the sides cropped short. You can see whisps of gray at the side of his temples, almost looking like highlights, making him seem more mature. He has a scar across one cheekbone adding to an authoritative air - but not oppressive or dismissive. His eyes are a beautiful amber brown, serious, but not cynical. And, you notice with a small smile, right now he looks just a little bit… sheepish. 
A man like this has been watching you? A trooper who doesn’t normally take girls home had seen you and not been able to disguise it from his overeager companions? You feel yourself preen internally as he finishes making his way over. 
“Commander Fox, meet the rest of my besties - Freen (she waves), Sizie (a nod and smile), and of course, The-woman-you’ve-been-staring-at-all-night.”
He glances at her with annoyance as your friends laugh. You extend a hand out to shake his hand with your introduction.
“Its… very nice to meet you.” He nods, resigning to the awkwardness of being caught.
“Well, we’ll get out of your hair so you two can get acquainted,” Chrisa simpers. You give her a ‘stop that’ look as she and the girls all file out with winks and excited grins. Sizie even seems to shake little pom poms, mouthing “go, girl, go!”
You play a bit with one earring as you look back at him.
“Sorry about them,” you smile. “Teasing is their love language.”
He snorts with a glance back at them, relaxing a bit. “I know the feeling.”
You chuckle despite yourself. He seems to relax a bit, a smirk playing on his authoritative features.
“Would you care to step into my office, Mr. Fox?” 
He chuckles this time, giving you a quick appreciative glance before sitting down across from you, placing his helmet by his side.
“Excuse me.” A service droid waddles up with two drinks - one your usual, the other looks like a whisky neat for him. You look at it, confused, while it sets them on the table.
“Compliments of the bartender, with the accompanying message-” says the matter of fact tinny voice. “‘-Make out already-’.”  You look up to the crowd of onlookers from the bar giving you both a thumbs up. 
You show them a different finger. 
They all burst out laughing, but get the hint and go back to each other.
You turn back, catching an impressed smirk while he gazes at you.
“You sure showed them.”
 You chuckle while you take a sip of your drink.
“So,” you smile, “come here often?”
He snorts an appreciative chuckle before shaking his head and indicating the two Corries at the bar. “Enough. Though not as much as my men would like.”
You chuckle, glancing over at the excited huddle. “I didn’t know the men of the Coruscant guard were so invested in their Commander’s R&R.”
A sigh and an eye roll, another sip of his drink. “Apparently getting away from work is ‘necessary’ for a healthy, ungrumpy lifestyle.” You nod sagely, indicating you see the sarcasm. “Just my luck to have the subordinates that actually care about my work-life balance.”
“Luck seldom has anything to do with things like that,” you smile, leaning your cheek on your hand. You know what garners unerring loyalty and hard work. You know the kind of leader it takes to make men march into danger- just to drag that S.O. to the bar afterwards - the kind who men take care of, because he took care of his men. “You must be a great commander if they worry about you so much.” And smart, and firm, but kind under it all, and… hoo, slow down honey. 
For some reason, looking at him, knowing what it takes to be a leader, to be someone who watches out for others, you feel compelled to say something you’ve never said before.
“Thank you. For your service.”
His head quirks to the side, eyes interested as they take you in. “I can’t really take much credit for that… it wasn’t entirely my choice, you know.”
You chuckle. “Perhaps not. But I’ve heard of clones who have sought other lives now that the war is over and your rights have been won - can’t blame them at all. I understand not wanting to do what you’re ‘born for’.” You unconsciously watch the bubbles in your drink for a moment before realizing your thoughts are straying, looking back into his intrigued eyes. “So you did have a choice. And you chose to help the people of Coruscant.” You smile, and shrug.  “So, for whatever it's worth, thank you.”
“Hm.” He smiles thoughtfully, regarding you for a moment while he takes a sip of his drink. “Actually, coming from you, it means a lot more,” his eyes take you in again, admiring, intrigued, inviting.
It sends a happy warmth through your insides.
He sets his drink down again, folding his arms and leaning in on his elbows. “So. Born for, huh? Tell me, what were you ‘born for’?”
You smirk, waving a hand in dismissal. Definitely a cop. “Nothing that I’m doing. But I’m an event planner.” You shrug, knowing it doesn’t sound like much to someone who regularly risks their life.
“Hm,” he answers, intrigued. Like actually intrigued. “Can’t say I’ve ever met someone in that field before. What’s your favorite part of the job?”
Hm. You can’t help your smile. No one ever really cares to hear about this part. “Well,” you think, having a genuine look at your chosen profession, “I meet a fair amount of different, interesting people. I'm more active and involved than other jobs, I get to create something, after a fashion, get to create beauty and harmony for people to celebrate or commemorate something.” And you do it well, you know you do. You’re proud of the work you do. “Its satisfying. Like I’m doing good in my own way.”
He smiles at that. 
“‘Interesting people’, huh? Have any good stories?”
“Hah,” you chuckle. “Oh do I.” You perk up, leaning in conspiratorially. “And in your line of work, you probably know some of the main antagonists.” 
His eyes definitely light up with interest. 
Pulling no punches, you dive into tales about Senators, big wigs, their staff, their relatives, the drama before, during, and after. His laughter is all the more hearty knowing who you're talking about. He even thanks you once for making him laugh so hard he cries about a particular Senator from Naboo and a Jedi getting told off for inappropriate use of an ice sculpture.
Knowing you know the main players, he pays you back 10 fold with his own stories- ridiculous requests, entitled children put in their place, the shenanigans his men pull when they think he isn't aware. You swap stories back and forth, relaxing in each others company, unwittingly moving closer together.
He’s nice, you keep thinking. He’s cute. He’s serious, but can laugh. You wonder… what he’s like when he’s alone, in the dark, laying in his own bed...
You only realize how long its been when you take a sip of your drink only to find the cold, watery dregs of melted ice. As you glance into your glass, with a small curse, you hear him say quietly, almost like he’s talking to himself:
“How anyone could do something stupid enough to lose a woman like you is beyond me.” He says quietly, almost to himself. You duck your head, a bit bashful, but keep your eyes up. So he’s feeling it too. He still wants you. He… he likes you. 
Maybe its knowing that, or maybe its the drinks. Or both. But suddenly you feel… sexier.
You look up at him through your eye lashes. 
“Is it alright if I… get more comfortable?”
His eyes spark with excitement and intrigue. “Of course,” he says quietly.
You close the small distance and slide into his lap, your back to the (you are totally sure) excited onlookers. 
You feel your heart pounding at the closeness, skin electric at your own daring.
“Is this alright?”
“Yes.” His voice is much deeper than it was. “More than alright.”
“Good,” you smile, one hand tracing behind his neck, lightly trailing through his curls. He gently places his hand on your leg, his coarse gloves ticking along your thigh, bewitched eyes starting to turn ravenous. 
‘You are absolutely stunning,” he breathes, voice low and serious.
You smile bashfully. “Thank you, its true.”
He lifts his hand and cups your neck, thumb tracing the length of your throat.
“I definitely, definitely want to kiss you right now.”
You place a finger against his lips. He smirks, slowly opening his mouth to lightly bite your fingertip. You breath catches at the small, sensual gesture. His eyes darken at the sound, his teeth releasing you.
“Kriff, mesh’la. I’m going to take such good care of you tonight.”
He kisses you. 
It's like a fire has started in your blood, burning away anything that isn’t this moment right here. You want him. You want him so badly, with his locks between your fingers and his teeth on your throat and his cock in your-
And you can. Because there is absolutely nothing holding you back.
You pull away just enough that your words ghost against his lips. “Do you want to get out of here… Commander?
His kiss is more insistent this time, ending with a small bite pulling your lower lip.
“More than anything.”
You slide off of him before taking him by the hand. He barely looks away from you as he grabs his helmet and dutifully follows you out of the club.
Just-this-once taglist:
@ladykatakuri @ben-is-a-hoe @klay97 @kaitou2417 @dumfanting @kuromisheart @koifish08 @echo-is-worth-more-than-2000 @badbatch-simp24 @pointy-sharp @rainytears2 @gabile18 @nedxwynert @chopper-witch @nexxxxxxxxx @nightscissor @corona-one @babypandasugar22 @pumpkinkpatch @oohyesplease @princessclaire2 @just-a-shit-ton-of-trama @badbatch-simp24 @foreverhockeytrash @unholy-t-rin-ity @reeny26 @smurderous @xxeiraxx @discarded-beskar @just-an-anxious-ball-of-flesh @mybigfatspoonielife @whore4rex @andyoufollowyourheart @lokigirlszendaya @captain-splock-you @darkangel4121
@gluwu @stormweather99 @redpool @mysanityleaving @alwayssnivellus @chickentenderx @scioness-7 @moniicarlo @nekotaetae @cjoftheriver @ladykagewaki @charlie-boo @aconstructofamind @pb-jellybeans @burningfieldof-clover @thegirlwholovedblackholes
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Would be interested in a poll of the most important factor in the outfits when considering what to choose (ex color, comfort, layers/pieces, gender, etc)
hi dear anon! 💕
ooooooo you're right – that would make a super fun poll! 💖
I'm going to turn this ask/post into a little bit of a "open for public comment" section so that I know what options to put on the poll – please feel free to reblog/add tags, comment below, send in an ask etc. on what you think the 11 options should be! (I'll leave the last option as an "other" category probably since there's no way I'll be able to cover all the possibilities in 11 options lol)
thank you so much again for this idea! ☺️ I think this will be a super interesting poll! 🥰
tl;dr – let me know what options you'd like to see in a "what influences your choice of outfit MOST" poll!
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sensivs · 1 year
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Basic summary: your a very flirty man, you basically flirt with everyone in 141, but ghost takes your flirting to the next level bc he’s IN LUV WITH YOU OOOOOOO, and then he corners you and basically says “give me that dick”
(Btw your shorter than him, maybe 6’2/6’0 or however short you wanna be)
“Hey sexy, what you doing with all that?” You said to soap as he walked by, soap chuckled, “I’m gonna go to sleep”
“Awhhhh, can I sleep with you?” “Not today at least” you then again whined but let soap be on his way.
You were just gonna go have a walk outside, today had been a tough day and all you needed was a good refresher.
You stepped out of the base and just started walking, looking ahead into the black road. You then looked up into the sky, the stars glistened, fire blazing 40 trillion kilometers away from where you stood.
The moon shined the brightest, wanting all the compliments that the world had to say for it contribution.
Suddenly, you felt a tap on his shoulder, he looked back, readying to punch the shit out of whoever dared to touch you.
It was.. ghost? “Ghost what are you doing here?” “I was looking for you”, oh god what did ghost want from you now?
He already asked you to do 160 push ups earlier today so maybe he wanted more from you. “I-“ “no I’m not gonna do 160 push ups right now thank you”.
Ghost chuckled, “no I’m not gonna asking that, it’s just..” you grew more concerned on what ghost had for you, he was not the type of guy to hold back anything he had to say and was straight up.
“I was wondering about that thing you said to me earlier..” what? What did you say to him earlier?… oh yea.
You told him how fucking hot he was, no lies were told tho. “Oh yea, haha, are you here to beat me up for it?”
“Not necessarily” if he didn’t want you to do 160 push ups.. and if he didn’t want to beat you up for calling him a hottie then.. what did he want.
“I just thought.. if the thing you said.. did you mean it?” What? Did this guy never experience flirting? Tbh.. you really did mean it, no one just took you seriously bc you flirt too much.
“Oh.. yea I kinda did to be honest” you sheepishly rubbed your neck, not wanting to be straight forward with how much you really did like ghost.
Ghost looked kinda taken aback by it, even in the barely lit area you two were in, the moon shone on ghost’s mask and his eyes.
His eyes were fucking beautiful in the night sky.. the brown and white really went well together.
“If you want me to stop then I can do that” “no.. it’s just..” you could tell that ghost was struggling to say something, he was trying to make something out of the sputters that came out of his mouth.
He grew irritated and you realized that, “hey hey, let’s calm down alright?” You grabbed both of his hands, the warmth that your hands made ghost stop his sentence.
He looked into your eyes, he completely embarrassed himself and he knew that. He took a deep breath..
“I like you..” you heard him, but just to play with him.. “what?” “I fucking like you ok?” Your eyes widened a bit.
Ghost.. an absolute killing machine, has gone through so many traumatic things, cold blooded and didn’t care for anyone .. was in love with you?
“Oh yea? What do you like about me~?” “Shut up and just kiss me” oh wow.. what a straight forward approach for someone who didn’t know how to express anything.
Ghost lifted up his mask above his lips and collided them with yours. You kissed him with passion, you loved him with everything in you.
Ghost grabbed your ass, you took this as a chance to wrap your legs around his waist. “You gonna fuck me?” Ghost chuckled and shook his head, “no, you’re gonna be the one to fuck me”.
.. WHAT 😨. Ghost was.. A SUBMISSIVE AND BREEDABLE GUY???? This had to be a dream… cuz this is was exactly what you wanted.
“Oooo, how will everyone else feel knowing their killing machine is an absolute whore?” “I don’t fucking care anymore, just fucking take off your pants and fuck me with everything you got”.
You quickly took off your pants, along right ghost’s as well. Ghost’s ass was HUGE, I’m not kidding, you touched it, THAT SHIT JIGGLED.
You then had a wonderful idea.. you charged up your hand and slapped the shit out of his ass. You heard ghost moan from that..
God this man was an absolute whore for pain but you didn’t complain. You then took two fingers and pressed them against ghost’s mouth.
“Suck them babe~” he happily did so, drenching your fingers in so much saliva it dripped out of his mouth.
You took your two fingers and positioned them at his hole. You then pushed them into him, fuck was he tight.
He clenched a bit but you could tell that he was trying his best not to. You started to finger him, causing the big man to start moaning like an absolute whore.
“You like this don’t you?” Between moans ghost responded with a shakey “y-yes”. Once you stretched him again, you positioned your dick right in front of his hole.
But something came up in your mind.. you then had the perfect position for ghost’s and your first time.
You sat flat down on your booty, you grabbed ghost’s hips and pulled them closer to you. Right where ghost’s hole was now perfectly positioned above your cock.
You then pushed him down, ghost’s ass basically engulfing your cock to the base. Ghost moaned loudly, he knew that it was extremely loud but he honestly didn’t care. He just wanted you and your cock.
“Ride me big boy~” the way you said that made ghost shiver in excitement, he then picked up his ass and then slammed it back down.
You threw your head back, this bitch really knew how to ride a big cock. He kept bouncing his ass up and down, his huge ass jiggling every second he rode you like a rodeo.
You couldn’t take it anymore.. “o-oh fuck..! Cumming!!” You squealed as you then blew a huge load into ghost.
You huffed a bit, but ghost kept bouncing on you. “W-what the fuck are you doing? I already came!”
“We’re not stopping until I cum big boy~” ghost’s riding became too much to handle, he was overstimulating you and wanted all the cum you could offer.
You felt his hole clench, he was close. A few seconds later. He came.
You two sat there, trying to catch both of your breathes. “Sooo.. does this mean we’re dating?” “What do you think?….. of course we fucking are”
Sorry for not uploading for a couple of days, school is getting kinda tuff BUT WINTER BREAK IS COMING WOOOOOOOOO
be ready for upcoming smuts! And hcs <3333
LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!! /p
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joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 1
It's the start of your fifth year attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You enter through the magnificent doors to the Great Hall and are greeted by a rush of nostalgia: the smell of the floating candles' melting wax, the beautiful image of the clear night sky instead of a ceiling, and the sound of the other students chatting in excitement. You go to join your fellow Slytherins at their assigned table on the far left side of the room.
You are met with the traditional hugs and "how was your summer's." Just as you find a seat next to your friend, Maddy Dewmond, the crowd of fresh first years enter the room following nervously behind Profesor McGonagall. You chuckle to yourself, remembering how anxious you had been as a first year. The room grows quiet as the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, comes to the stand and begins his annual welcoming speech.
You listen halfheartedly to the headmaster. You've heard this speech four times already, so you busy yourself by fidgetting with the utensils on the table in front of you. Your gaze wanders gradually, and you find yourself meeting the eyes of a Gryffindor at the other side of the room.
Even while he is sitting, you can tell that he is tall, and his hair is a lovely rusty-orange color that reminds you of leaves during the fall. You recognize him as one of the Weasley twins... George maybe? The distance makes it hard to tell exactly.
He flashes a handsome smile and you can't help but return the gesture, though you're also suddenly flustered. You force yourself to go back to playing with the fork, but you discreetly watch through your bangs as he leans to the left to gently nudge his twin's shoulder. Soon, after Fred follows his brother's gaze, both twins are staring at you from across the room.
Now you are twice as much flustered. You can't ignore the pair, so you wave awkwardly in their direction. The twins waggle their fingers goofily in unison back at you in response, causing a grin to spread uncontrollably across your face. Excited butterflies come alive inside your stomach as you fight the urge to giggle outloud.
Your attention is caught by the sudden absence of Dumbledore's voice. Was the speech over already? By the way the students around you are whispering anxiously to each other, you think not. You must have missed something.
A woman with a toad-like face dressed entirely in pink, who you assume is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, gets up from the professors' table to join the headmaster at the stand. She introduces herself as Profesor Umbridge. Not far down the table from you, Draco Malfoy talks in a hushed voice to his cronies.
"...father told me about her," you hear him say. "Do this school lots of good, she will. I'd bet the last of my galleons that she'll be able to have Dumbledore fired by the end of the year. Y'know, with all of his bustle about You-Know-Who." Malfoy spots you watching him. You quickly turn away, but it's too late.
"Good to see you, y/n. How was your summer?" Malfoy asks. You can hear the mockery in his voice, but you refuse to let him get a rise out of you. Everyone between you and him is watching you, waiting for your reply.
"Fine, thanks," you say reluctantly. You, once again, return to the fork.
"Aw, come on," Malfoy pouts. "Won't you ask me how my summer was?"
You set the fork down, straighten your posture, and smile while trying to ignore the many eyes on you. "I won't."
Malfoy and his buddies respond with quieted, but obnoxious "ooooooo's" and vicious snickers.
"I think she likes me," Malfoy chortles as you turn away and let your hair curtain your face to hide the heat rising in your cheeks.
Maddy rolls her eyes. "Don't pay any attention to them, y/n," she whispers. "They tease you only because they can't have you." You nod, though you find her statement hard to believe.
You glance up for a brief moment and notice Fred and George are huddled close. George whispers, pointing directly at you. Then Fred speaks and nods towards Malfoy. The frustration Malfoy had caused you changes to curiosity as Fred pulls out his wand. Underneath the table, he points it at Malfoy and a mutters something.
"Ah!" Malfoy hisses as he jerks forward, tipping over a glass of pumpkin juice. It is as if something had smacked him in the back of the head. He turns around, furiously searching for his offender.
You look back to the twins who, at first glance, appear to be innocent. Fred's wand is no where to be seen and both him and George are looking at Dumbledore (Professor Umbridge has since returned to her seat). George even fakes a yawn. You struggle to hold in a laugh, and it almost breaks free when Malfoy ends up blaming Crab and cuffs him on the back of the head, gesturing angrily to the pumpkin juice spill in his lap.
"What's so funny?" Maddy asks.
"I'll tell you later," you chuckle. You make eye contact with Fred, who winks at you. You grin and mouth, "Thanks."
"Anytime," he mouths back.
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luckycharms1701 · 5 months
*crawls carefully over to a deep and foreboding gaping hole and peeks my head over the edge to look inside. There I see three feral tumblrs prowling around and laughing maniacally (y’all know who you are)
I pull back a little to glance at the warning sign written in bold lettering “Mikey Well: DO NOT ENGAGE IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO FALL IN AND SUFFER THE SAME FATE”
I let out a little hum and tilt my head curiously, inching back towards the mouth of the hole. “They look hungry though…And it is the holidays…I wouldn’t want them to feel lonely…”
Turn slightly and grabs something out of my pocket. I glance at the random ask request sitting in my palm, considering for a moment. Then I shrug nonchalantly and with a sheepish grin, cautiously drop the ask into the Mikey Well*
Just wondering on your take on how Bayverse Mikey would handle having a friend/SO who’s exTrEmElY touch starved, to the point that most touches become super overwhelming. I think it would be interesting to see how he would handle that being the most physically affectionate of the turtle brothers 🤔
And then also how would Mikey respond to said individual finally feeling secure enough to request affection? AnYhOo, Hope you have a wonderful New Year and may all the good come back to you in the coming days. May you always feel inspired and never experience creative blocks! Here’s a little request for y’all to gnaw on for a while and once again please know how appreciated you are!🧡✨
ooooooo, a new request to gnaw on, i love those!!!!
and honestly, anon-chan, i wouldn't call it **maniacal** laughter! just a little, you know, crazed
we're certainly not reaching out to bodily pull you in the well with us
anyway, thank you very much for the new year's wishes! may you have a year that you've only ever dreamed of!
oh man what a request too thank you!! as someone who is seriously touch starved myself i have Thoughts
Mikey has so many feelings the first time you flinch away from his touch. He is sad that what he sees as an overture of friendship is apparently rebuffed. He is upset that you, who has been so kind to them, must still somehow see them as monsters. Why else would you shy away from his touch? He is angry, because he once again has been denied something because of who he is. Because of something he can't help, something that honestly, deep down, he doesn't really want to change.
It takes him some time, and a lot of pushing down his natural instinct to reach out, to realize that you don't let anyone touch you, not even other humans. To be fair, he's not really in a position to witness you interacting with other humans a lot. But April, Casey, and Vern all receive the same flinch that he did, so it must be a universal thing.
He feels the same things all over again. Sad, because he can't imagine going through life without the healing power of another's touch. Upset, because he should have realized sooner. Angry, because you are the one going through this.
Mikey's not the type to let this stand. But it's not like he can really do anything without your agreement. And he can't talk to you about it, it's not like you're Raph. Besides, he's still feeling a little... cagey? No, a little cautious around you. He really, really doesn't want to be proven wrong.
So he opts for the agonizing option of waiting. It's so hard, but it's for you, so he does it. He takes every opportunity to subtly (like a brick wall, but no one has the heart to tell him that) let you know that he's available to be touched. He hopes that with time you will reach out yourself and give him the permission he desperately wants.
When you reach out and touch him for the first time? Well, sunshine boy earns his name. He is so happy, even if he can't pick you up and spin you around the way he wants to. So he tucks that feeling away, for a time when that will be possible. He hopes that time is soon.
And when that time does come? When you finally come to him and ask for the affection he longs to give you? Mikey can hardly believe it. He starts small, though this too is hard for him. A press of his hand to your arm. A brief one-armed hug. A ruffle of your hair. Even those small touches are enough to give him joy. He's so happy that you're letting someone in, and he's especially happy that you chose to let him in, of all people.
When he gets to pick you up and spin you around the way it feels like he's always wanted to, it's only natural for it to end with a kiss.
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rafecameronzwhore · 1 year
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"Happy birthday, birthday girl"
Writing myself a Rafe fanfic for my birthday.
Warning: smut, alcohol, mentions of coccain, kiara being a bitch
In this Sarah isn't a pouge, she was but then she became a kook again because they manipulated her for info.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes im the worst at spelling.
Your back is to Rafe as you sleep and 1 of his arms is wrapped around your waist stroking up and down your curves ever so slightly, while the other is being used so he can use his phone. Rafes an early bird and your not so normally Rafe would wake up before you.
Rafe starts kiss up your arm, to your neck, then cheek waking you up just how you liked it. You start to stir in your sleep, he whispers in your ear "goodmorning" in his sweetest voice to which you reply "morning" eyes still closed as you turn your body around so your head is now on his chest.
He wraps both his arms around you carresing your body, you finally open your eyes looking at him "happy birthday baby" you hum in response a smile finding a way on your face as he leans down to kiss you. You wrap your arms around his neck as he kisses you. The kiss eventually turns into a make out on your bed with Rafe on top of you.
Suddenly your phone starts ringing, you reach over to the bedside table and grab your phone seeing Sarah's contact on your phone.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE" she screams through the other side of the phone, "Thanks! Sarah" you reply as you roll onto your stomach and Rafe puts his head on your lower back making himself comfortable knowing that you too might take a while.
You and Sarah talked for a while and through out that call Rafe ate you out even though he wasn't feeling pleasure it pleased him knowing you were.
You and Sarah made plans to go shopping so you rolled out of bed and took a shower obviously Rafe joined and it turned into more sex but you loved it, the 2 of you got ready after the shower Rafe put on a dress shirt for work since Ward was forcing him to come and you wore...
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...this (or any other outfit of your choice)
You and Rafe walked down stairs giggling as he kept tickling and pinching your sides, you both walked into the kitchen and saw a plate full of chocolate pancakes and a note from your mom.
"Happy birthday hunny, unfortunately we arent here to wish it to you in the morning with hugs and kisses since we had work but we wish you the best birthday with your friends have an amazing day princess."
You smile as you read the note while Rafe warms the pancakes back up in the microwave,
"whats it say baby"
"Nothing much just mom and dad wishing me happy birthday"
Rafe hums in response and leans down to kiss your lips, which you gladly except.
Rafe dropped you of at the mall where Sarah was already waiting for you, as you walk towards Sarah after kissing Rafe goodbye you hear a all to familiar voice and you knew exactly who it belonged to.
Kiara carrera. You, Sarah and her were best friends in 9th grade and worst enemies in the 10th grade. "What a brat" you hear her say yet you ignore her and make your way to Sarah not wanting to let kiara ruin your special day.
(You and Sarah shopped, got your nails done and brought a birthday outfit)
You and Sarah laughed and made your way to her car, the too of you drive back to you house blasting super bass. As soon as you and Sarah got back you both started getting ready.
Sarah got ready in her clothes and you got ready in yours, you curled Sarah's hair and she did your make up, You and Sarah had gotten ready and you heard a knock on your door.
"Ooooooo that Must be Rafe" Sarah said as she wiggled her eyebrows
"Oh my god Shut up" you said in a playful tone as you laughed walking out of your room and to the door.
As soon as you opened the door you saw Rafe he's wearing a rainbow type polo and his hair was slicked back (as shown in gif ^^^) he had you favorite flowers in his hand. His eyes moving up and down your body as he saw what you were wearing.
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(Thats what you were wearing)
"Hey pretty girl" he said as he wrapped his hands around your waist pulling you into a kiss that turned into a make out as you pulled him inside and closed the door you were pinned against the door
"Hey baby" you said in between the kisses your hands finding its way home to his hair tangling in it.
"WRAP IT UP PEOPLE WE HAVE A PARTY TO GET TO" you heard Sarah scream from the top of the stairs, "JESUS SERAH" you heard Rafe scream as you jumped a bit from Sarah screaming.
(You and the camerons make it to the party that was held at toppers house since his mom isnt always home)
As you walked into the party Rafes hand was on your waist (Rafe dropped Sarah back to tannyhill so she could get your gift) keeping you close to him, as you walked people greeted you and wished you happy birthday.
Soon you and Rafe saw your friend group (Kelce, Topper, (Ur brothers name), lilith, Brooke and Sarah) you guys went over to them hugs were exchanged and they all wished you a happy birthday 🎂.
Soon enough your all drunk and as high as the sky, your all on the dance floor as grind on Rafe (making him hard) but make an excuse of "your dancing and hes in your personal space" no long after you and Rafe are in a room making out as you straddle him.
Rafe pulls you onto the bed so he's now on top of you as his body hovers over you he uses his free hand to pull the ribbons on your shoulders so it falls.
"No bra" he says as he leaves hickey's all over your breasts "prepared for me" the smirk on face only growing.
"Jesus baby your gonna make me go fucking feral" a chuckle escaping his lips.
"Hm then I woneder what would happen to you if you found out that I have no panties on" you say biting your lip seductively as he looks at you with those gorgeous lust filled eyes you always love.
Before you could process he pulled your shorts down and his eyes widened seeing u were telling the truth in fact "could've atleast spared my cute shorts" pouting teasingly as he scoffed "baby those shorts should be the least of your worries cause when you walk out of this room ill make sure everyone has heard how good i make you feel" and with that he lowered himself onto his knees his tongue working like a God on your pussy the flicks and sucks he made to your vigina made it impossible to not cum.
"Cum baby, cum all over my tongue"
And that's what you did, you came all over his tongue, he licked you clean as he kissed his way up your body his lips eventually finding yours as he kisses you he uses his tip to tease your entrance.
"Rafe" you whine his name as he kisses your neck most definitely leaving marks. He finally puts it in earning a moan of approval from your lips, he keeps thrusting into you at an ungodly speed your moans filling the room as the sexual tension in the room rises.
You were more then sure the people outside the room could hear you but none of you could care because you both craved the others attention.
"Me to baby, I want you to cum with me so I can feel your juice leak onto my cock as I fill you up with mine" his words finding meaning in your head, dying to fell that you finally let go, you creamed on his cock as he filled you up in return.
Rafe slowly slides out of you.
You and Rafe got dressed again but didn't go back down to the party as you just enjoyed each other's company until you hear....
The familiar voices of Kelce and Topper filling your ears as you and Rafe both look at the door then look back at each other.
As the too boys outside keep arguing you and Rafe walked over to the door and open it as they look over to you.
"Time to cut the cake" Topper says
As he walks away and Kelce follows.
"Is that all they wanted to say after arguing outside the door" you say as you look up at Rafe.
Rafe chuckles "its Topper and Kelce baby" he says as he leads you out the door to the party, you see the cake sitting on the kitchen counter. A smile creeps up in your face as you and Rafe walk over to the kitchen until your standing right in front of the cake and Rafe standing behind you.
They all start to sing happy birthday as your smile only widens.
"Make a wish and blow out the candles" your best friend Brooke says you look over at her and she gives you the "I hope your happy" look.
You close your eyes make a wish and when you open your eyes Rafe leans down to your ear and whispers
"Happy birthday, Birthday girl"
You turn around and look at him your smile melting his heart.
"Bro we get it, you too are in love just blow out the candles before I let my intrusive thoughts win" your brother states as you knew exactly what he was thinking.
You lean over your ass pressed to Rafes cock as you blew out the candles you turn around and look at Rafe as he leans down and kisses you, everything was perfect until...
You turn around at the sound of your name being called that sweet smile being wiped of your face as soon as the cake hit your top.
Tears forming in your eyes as everyone gasps Rafe immediately asks if your ok to which you don't respond you slowly look up to see who did it as you the the one person you said you weren't gonna let ruin your special day...
Kiara. She stands there grinning as everyone's taking photos of videos obviously your friends tried to stop it but you couldn't help that one tear that fell "aw what the brat cant handle it".
"Shut up Kiara" Sarah immediately says the both of them started fighting as the others tried to pull them away the light flashes and Rafes voice eventually became to much to handle so you just ran upstairs Rafe following behind you as you run into the bathroom shutting the door before he could get in.
Rafes heart breaks into a million pieces as he hears your sobs through the door. "Baby can I come in" he says softly knocking on the door you didnt answer and just stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes.
Your crying had eventually stopped but you didn't want to come out of the bathroom, Rafe was still outside you knew this because you could hear his feet tapping anxiously on the floor waiting for you to open the door.
You felt bad for leaving Rafe outside so you got off the floor and wiped some of the cake off your outfit and skin then you went over to the door and unlocked it.
As soon as you did the door opened to reveal a worried Rafe, he wraps his arms around you as you bury your head into his chest letting the familiar smell of his cologne comfort you as you softly cry into his chest.
"Shhhhhhh its ok baby" he says as comfortingly as he can. In all honesty Rafe didnt know how to comfort you because most of the time it was the other way around usually after fights with his dad the 2 of you would be in his bed just cuddling while u comfort him and encourage him into talking out his feelings.
Eventually your crying stopped but you kept your head buried in his chest until you both heard a knock at the door.
"Who is it" Rafe asked slightly annoyed that someone ruined the peaceful moment.
"Open the fucking door Rafe I need to see if my 4lifer is ok"
You giggled as you heard the voice of Sarah.
"Jesus fine"
As soon as the door opened Sarah rushed through the door with a gift box in her hand as she hugged you she said "im so sorry Y/n I promise i didnt invite her she just showed up"
"Hey hey hey its fine its not your fault anyways" you reassured her.
"ANYWAYS" Sarah said not wanting to start crying on your birthday.
"I got you this and I think it might be useful in this situation" she says handing u a gift box
"Oh and I kicked Kiara out by the way"
"Thanks" you say as you take the gift box from her and put it on the counter opening it.
Rafe peaked his head in to see what's inside and you immediately hug Sarah.
"Thank you I love it so much" you exclaim
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(This was the gift sarah got you...or any other outfit of choice)
"Your welcome!" Sarah said
"Are you guys just going to ignore me or are yous gonna acknowledge me" Rafe said clearly annoyed with the lack of attention he was getting.
You just giggled and pecked his lips
"You gonna put it on" Rafe asked
"Can I watch" Rafe asked with his iconic smirk.
"Ofcourse you can" you said with your iconic teasing pout.
Sarah then cleared her throat "still here ya know" she spoke rolling her eyes and walking out the door as you giggled.
Rafe then closed the door and you got changed.
You changed you clothes throwing them in toppers basket for dirty clothes and touched you makeup up.
You and Rafe soon walked out of the bathroom after making out and went back down stairs.
Everyone of course looked at you whispering to there friends but you didn't care you just carried on partying with you best friends.
Thanks for reading sweets. I hope you enjoyed my first ever fic 💖
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forbidding-souda · 11 months
hi! i was wondering if you could do korekiyo, rantaro and kokichi with their s/o being the ultimate librarian? but with librarian being more of a broad term, like they also know all about books (specifically classical literature?)
its okie if not! bye!! :D
Korekiyo Shinguuji and Rantarou Amami with their S/O being the SHSL librarian
my greatest apologies that I didn't include Ouma, which is something I like never do, but he is so complicated to write for me since I'm just barely starting to write DR again and I have to study him again so give me a second (all of you)
But ooooooo you guys missed me so baddd
No promises that i'll post more but I'll put in minimal effort and not just none. ^ Like with Ouma. Sorry.
-Mod Souda
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Shinguuji Korekiyo
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❤ Beautiful and certainly perfect. He was the one that noticed you first. He knew you from school. He would visit your library, checking out many books and though he knew all of the information within them, seeing you was worth it—the only thing he cared about learning was you.
❤ He saw you reading in the time between people coming up to your little info desk. When he went to check up yet another book, he looked over the desk and saw you reading Aristotle. His heartbeat quickened and he felt a smile form from under his mask.
❤ ^ He made a small reference to the book and you instantly let out an 'oh!' and leaned forward.
"You read that stuff, don't you?" You smiled. "You look like the type." "I study history." Matching your body language he put his books on the counter, letting his hands rest at the front. He noticed how your eyes light up. "Ah, we are rather similar. That's amazing, thank you for entertaining me today, it's been getting rather boring here." He doesn't respond and instead fidgets, picking up one of his books once more. "I'm finished with this book," his eyebrows lift as if he wants you to be impressed, "Have you read it? It's one of my favorites?" When you peer at it, you read the title: "The Blind Owl" by Sadegh Hedayat and it is in the original language. You nod and tried not to seem as impressed as you were: "Well, you might be my favorite customer." And then he started tapping his fingers until your eyes went to somebody behind him. Your voice quickly turned into customer service. "Well," you look up at him, "You can put that book in the drop-box over there thank you very much."
❤ He learned that you are the one that decorates and organizes the interior. The building itself is dark wood so you did everything you could to make the bookshelves and the tables match the brown shade.
❤ The first time you saw him in a romantic sense was when he was helping you with decorating for Valentine's Day. It was a bit funny when he tried to put Freud on the front display.
❤ "NO."
❤ The Sunday morning that you two started decorating for it had peaceful weather. It put you in a positive mood, which ended up being contagious. You were grinning as you hang up ribbons and strings with plastic hearts on the walls. When you moved to the bookshelves, you saw him browsing for the display and you realized you had never seen him in between these shelves before. He is beautiful, mystical when concentrating: you watch his eyes glance up and down.
❤ ^ From where you usually sit in the front, you only get rare glimpses of him when he reads, and the time you get to see him are only when he checks things out. For this Valentines Day, your gift is seeing him in his natural state: how he looks when he thinks nobody is looking.
❤ But when he looks up at you, your stomach drops. You are frozen, not looking away and forcing yourself to be brave and hold the eye contact.
❤ "Look at you," he said.
❤ And after that day, he started inviting you to go out to historical exhibits with him as dates. He showed you all the artifacts he adored and constantly looked over to see if you were listening. You never stopped paying attention, and you looked at him with such admiration that he almost stuttered.
❤ The next time he walked into your library he saw photographs of the artifacts. They are near the history and culture section, and the old-style coloring of the portraits match the aesthetic of the place. He adored you more than anything. He found somebody who perfectly admires his interests.
Rantarou Amami
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"Intelligence is admirable," you say while looking out the classroom's window, "I like anybody who is willing to read and learn." Amami listens intensely. "When I travel, there are so many people who are willing to tell their stories... that's when I learn the most." You smirk, "Are you trying to impress me?" When you look back, you see the casual smile on his face. "How so? But would you say that you are impressed?" To hide your smirk, you put your chin in your palm and look out the window again. "Try again next time."
❤ When you two started dating you'd hand him books that have small print as well as complicated sentences, sometimes with the big books you'll obnoxiously drop it on his desk.
❤ "Do you want me to write a book report?"
❤ You hum, "ooh." And after clapping your hands together, you give him sarcastic puppy eyes, "I'll give you a kiss if you do!"
❤ "Okay," he chuckles at you, "I'll consider."
❤ ^ The words made him hesitate a bit. He has always been patient with romance. He liked you for your random bursts of excitement with it came to book. Of course, with the SHSL Librarian it should be expected, but still, he had never seen somebody as passionate of history and knowledge as you.
❤ He wasn't desiring immediate romance or short-lived love, and you didn't even go into his house until around 5 months into dating.
❤ Though, he always read what you gave him (and esp the things you let him borrow) but sometimes it would take at least a week since you would purposely give him some complex texts just for your own amusement. With humor, he really would write a book report sometimes.
❤ The main thing you love about him is how he takes your interest seriously. He doesn't brush you off or half-ass it. He holds your love for books at the top of his list.
❤ If you ask him if he likes the book then he will give an honest review but focus on the positive parts.
❤ And sometimes... he will give you book suggestions. Which you read in half a day and he's like ??? bro.
❤ ^ Then you info dump about the author's life and their process with writing the book LOL.
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bedoballoons · 9 months
Genshin Men react to Their Thirsty fanart?😊
Ooooooo oh my gosh I love this!!! I hope you liked the characters I picked! If you'd like to see others just let me know! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Reacting to their thirsty fanarts~༺}
A/n: Slightly suggestive! A lot of characters this time because I went alittle crazy! (None of the artwork in this is mine! If you look in the reblogs the artists names are there! All credit goes to them and thank you again to that person who sourced them for me!)
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha, Childe and Neuvillette!)
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Diluc would clear his throat, inspecting the picture while his cheeks became tinted with a light pink colour, his hand running through his firey red hair as he tried to think of what to say, settling with a safer answer. "Well...this is certainly a very amazing piece of artwork. It does however seem a bit...suggestive...flattering yes, but not very true to life. I've personally never held my claymore in that way or sat in that particular.. position. Still, I thank you respectfully for taking your time to draw me...even if it might have given others a bit to much...inspiration."
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Lyney would take one look at the picture, a smirk playing on his lips as his violet eyes clouded over with mischief and flattery, possibly even a tad bit of lust, "Seems I've caught the attention of some incredible artists, their work is truly magnifique! Hmm..., because they've drawn me so beautifully and one of the main things a magician is supposed to do is please his watchers, I'll do a little comparison between the art and myself...so you can all see it for real~" He'd tip his hat before starting to recreate the pose, arching his back slightly and winking in your direction, his finger up against his mouth as he shushed you, his other hand holding the ace of hearts just right so you could see it. Seems he enjoys the attention the fanarts give him, even to the point of hoping everyone will creat more~
(...is he wearing bottoms in this picture? Cause like I'm not gonna lie...I'm not really sure...)
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"Goodness..." Albedo would stare at the artwork of himself for a moment, trying to collect his words as even his pale skin turned cherry red. His voice would be shaky because of his flustered state and he'd mess up words whenever he glanced at the picture, but eventually he'd manage to say this,"I don't really know where t-to begin, I mean the art itself is impeccable, v-very stylised...and ehem...the artist clearly...k-knows their anatomy. I-...thank you for drawing me." He'd look away, his heart racing in his chest and his mind plagued with new thoughts like...would he actually look good in that situation...would people want to see it...should he...try it?
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Wanderer would look at the picture, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth hanging open for a second, "W-what the hell is this?!? Why am I w-wet in it??? Perverts!" He'd clench his hands into fists, putting on quite the show as he tossed the drawing behind him and stomped away like he's just been highly offended...even though deep down, he found it slightly...appealing. To think someone actually had the nerve to draw him so scandalously...perhaps he'd have to find the artists who had done so, just to show them how wrong of a choice they'd made~
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"Oh my..." Kazuha would say, a blush spreading across his face and his calm personality faltering for just a second, before he quickly recomposed himself, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he chose the best words to say, "The art is very beautiful, I must say they've flattered me alot though...I don't truthfully look like that...not nearly as handsome. As for the marks...on the n-neck, I don't currently have any..." He'd probably mean that last sentence as a means to say he wasn't currently in a relationship, but to anyone who had heard it...they took it as a invitation to give him some~
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Childe would smile happily, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed and his chest slightly puffed up with pride, "Comrades please, you all make me blush, the art is wonderful and in no small part because I'm in it...,but I assure you the real thing is better. I win, even in regards to myself.." He'd wink at you, leaving you captivated by his charm even though what he had said sounded silly.
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Neuvillette would look at the art for awhile, his purple hued eyes widening as he scanned it into his memory and rested his chin in his hand, his long white hair drapping over his shoulders as he wondered if someone had caught him changing, since how could they make something so accurate otherwise... "Apologies, but where did you get this again? The drawing itself is indeed very beautiful and well crafted, I believe the artist who made this should be very proud...I'm just curious how they know what I look like shirtless...and who else might know as well."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚I hope you enjoyed*⁠.⁠✧
(Open!) Taglist: @kiokiee
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 months
What style do you think the twins have? Like fashion and music taste and really their personalities in general
Ooooooo okay I think Bella really embraces the era her dads come from. Like she styles herself kind of like an old magician, she’s always had this dream of being on stage like her pops was so she’s a big fan of a tux, sort of old Vegas style. She likes modern music though, being no stranger to the clubs in Hell when she’s older, she likes crowds and noise and dancing under bright lights. Though both twins are raised on a diet of jazz thanks to Alastor and they’ll always have a soft spot for the old forties songs Angel will sing them to sleep with as babies. Hungover after a late night out, Bella’s not too old to put on pleading eyes and ask if her pops will hold her and sing her those songs again.
Howie I think dresses a lot more comfortably, he’s very into the kind of clothes Angel Dust wears by choice, kind of cosy and oversized. He’s usually got a pair of goggles on top of his head, he’s always forgetting to take them off when he’s been hard at work in his little workshop, experimenting with chemicals and powders and gunpowder alongside Auntie Cherri. He gets all his music taste from her, he’s usually working with a pair of headphones on, blasting heavy metal and punk tunes. He’s a lot quieter and prefers to stick around the hotel but his sister can usually tempt him out on an adventure from time to time
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seananmcguire · 1 year
Not really an ask but a thanks. Thanks for posting ponies because I never thought I would be able to collect them again until I saw that you collect them. I'm finally an owner of baby Moon Dancer that I never had as a kid, but always wanted, and am getting a so soft Wind Whistler soon. So softs are fantastic stims for my flavor of ASD. I also love your books and music!
Ooooooo is there anyone you're specifically looking for right now?
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