#oh his eyes are sparkling? i couldn't tell you if his eyes were red or blue
gentlemenbarstools · 3 months
realising a huge part of me struggling to write scene descriptions/anything other than play-by-plays oh god that's embarrassing is that i, personally, have never noticed a thing in my life.
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mondaymelon · 6 months
first time in this account lol Idk if you're taking requests but I saw that post some minutes ago and... Idk, wanted to request something lol, if you didn't do it yet! What about headcanons with a reader who doesn't show physical attention until some years of knowing them? Like, they know each other for about 5 years and just then the reader decides to do some small act of physical affection... I wanted the headcanons to be with Childe, Arlecchino, Wanderer and Furina! If you can <3
₊˚ෆ 𝐈𝐅 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔… | childe, wanderer, arlecchino, furina x gn!reader
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( childe's part might be a little ooc. havent done that part of the archon quest yet cries. also mwah arlecchino we love her in this household !! )
[ You were always someone who wasn’t fond of physical attention. Fleeting touches and kisses to the cheeks were never your forte, yet what should happen if the lover you’ve had for years is suddenly on the receiving end of such affections? ]
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"physical affection... ah- it's okay if you can't show that to me, there's plenty of other ways to tell that you love me!"
CHILDE was the one to say those words to you, and the held the most certain truth. You were his lover, and a hug or two couldn't sway the fact! While the harbinger is quite the puppy and often yearns for your warmth, he'll respect your boundaries and allow you whatever. A lover like Childe places your happiness as a priority over his, wanting more to see your eyes sparkle than his own.
"Love, you wouldn't believe what happened in the courthouse today." You glance up from your spot where you're curled up on the couch, snuggled into a fluffy blanket and holding a warm drink in your hands, one of Inazuma's light novels sitting on the armrest. You hear the door to the two of you's home shut and lock, and listen to... Childe's footsteps. How strange, is he stumbling?
Glancing up, you internally gape at the cuts on his body, your eyes instantly drawn at the red splattered across his features. "'Taglia, what hap-"
He lets out a dry chuckle, grinning sheepishly as he rids his shoes at the door. "No worries, the blood isn't mine. Most of it, at least. I managed to get out of there in time, so all's well, yeah?"
As if that'd provide you any comfort. You narrow your eyes, glaring at him unyieldingly, until Childe has no choice but to force out another tasteless chuckle. "Come on now, I'm home, so let's do something fun instead of just being mad at me, 'kay?"
The man flinches, his deep ocean eyes rounding. When you call him that and not his nickname, he knew that he had landed himself in deep shit. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." He says that, but the sentence rounds up in a change of his tone, sounding almost suspiciously like a question. "It won't happen aga-"
The world itself seems to stop.
Your head is buried into his chest, arms wrapped around his waist. Archons, can you hear how fast his heart is beating? You've made him into a complete and utter mess. He's blushing, his ears practically on fire, and any thoughts once in his brain have been seared away in single second. It takes him to the count of three to remember how to breathe once more, his chest erratically heaving up and down as his shaking arms wrap around you hesitantly, wondering if it'd be okay to do so.
"I- I thought you-"
"If it's with you, I'm okay."
Oh, how those words tug at his heart. You look so perfect in his arms - yes, you looked simply perfect all the time, he'd admit in a split-second. The messy nest of hair atop your head when you woke up in the early mornings, the dark bags under your eyes when you didn't sleep until late at night, your smile, your laugh, even your scowl. It silenced any effort to not fall in love with you.
A smile tugs at his lips. A bright one, a warm one, if that was even possible. Perhaps his eyes are shining with tears, or perhaps it was merely a trick of light, but he holds you all the closer, not wanting to let you go.
"Love, I... Archons, I don't think I'd be able to love anyone but you." ₊˚ෆ
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"..great. i don't want your filthy hands on me anyways, so there shouldn't be a problem, hm?"
WANDERER's words were just that, would it kill him to be a little nicer? It didn't matter... you knew your lover well, or at least well enough to tell that what he said wasn't the complete truth.
Sure, you had seen him shrug off and make expressions of disgust directed towards particularly touchy people that he'd become somewhat acquainted with. And you most certainly had witnessed his frustrated outbursts and rants when he returned home to your shared abode, whining and grumbling about any trivial error someone had made - that is, brushing fingers with him while passing him papers. Something that couldn't exactly be avoided, yet he had glared at the wall for a good amount all the same.
Ah, but then there were moments when he thought you weren't looking, and that was when his eyes would drink you in. Grazing over your eyes, to your lips, then to your hands, where'd they linger on your fingers for perhaps longer than they should.
And you'd catch the times where you were inclined to say something flirtatious - words that were never all that flirtatious in the first place, Wanderer just happened to be unusually susceptible. Chin resting on your hand, eyes staring into his, you'd say something about how pretty he was, and then he'd just about go into neurogenic shock, likely not speaking to you the rest of the day, the tips of his ears, if one squinted to a certain extent, pink.
"Love." You glance up at him, a slight pout fixed on your lips. He'd been immersed in minor tasks, and those pesky things were what stole his attention away from you. An ironic twist of fate, as you were usually the one to be drowning in work, and he'd be the one practically begging for affection.
He hums, yet doesn't even bother to look at you.
"Do you want to go for a walk?"
"Go get something to eat?"
"Visit the... House of Daena?"
"Shall we feed the finches?"
A slight pause. "...No."
"Then... let's hold hands?"
He froze at your words, and it seemed that the male lost the function of inhaling, for he sat there unmoving for what seemed like hours, his expression petrified in its form of his large eyes, raised eyebrows, and mouth slightly ajar.
"...Excuse me?" It seemed that he doubted his own ears, for he set his work aside and fixed his focus upon you, fingers trembling just the slightest.
"Hmph, have you suddenly forgotten how to think?" You frowned, yet your eyes curved into crescents all the same, and Wanderer felt his breath hitch at how ethereal you were. The sly fox you were, you took his moment of shock, settling by his side and intertwining your fingers with his. "Like this, is it not?" You were smiling now, and for the first time you glimpsed the red on his ears, but now on his face too, a rosy red descending upon his cheeks.
"What's..." Perhaps you were right. His vocabulary had suddenly dwindled, and now he had nothing but questions - that, and the growing warmth in his chest. "What do you think you're doing right now?"
Whatever attempt he had to sound "mean" had failed. You knew him too well for that. "Holding hands, what else? Your hands are cold you know-" And at that he flinched. "But it feels nice."
D...Did it really?
"You, no... love, let's stay like this. You're... warm." ₊˚ෆ
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"when you sought me, i thought it'd be a serious matter. there's no trouble in it, truly, so there's no need to look so dejected."
ARLECCHINO hadn't even batted an eye. Was there a reason to? Yes, this certainly crossed off any thought of romantic couple things like kissing and hand holding, but it wasn't like she'd gasp dramatically and fall to the ground, blaming you for setting boundaries-
As if she'd ever. Your imagination was running wild today, perhaps it was the lack of sleep finally catching up to you? It was a stark contrast compared to Arlecchino, who went days without rest, shuffling through paper after paper on her desk and constantly relaying messages to her subordinates. She was a hard worker - a trait most easily overlooked, but it was a point of adoration for you. A point among many. Arlecchino was an easy person to love, despite the bristling thorns she'd show at first glance.
"Darling, a cup of tea, please?" Her gaze flicked up from her work to you, a thin smile decorating her lips. It was more a less a habit the two of you established - that is, pouring her tea. Her favorite cup was the one you had gifted her when you first started your relationship, shaded in a dark hue and embellished with roses, their blooms, petals, and thorny branches spreading across the expanse of porcelain. You placed said cup on her desk with a breath of satisfaction, tilting you head in questioning at the unusual amount of papers on her desk.
"Arle, did something happen?"
She merely chuckled to herself, her eyes shining with delight. "Ah, why don't you wager a guess?" You were her "subordinate" of sorts, although your true association was far more intimate. You knew of her plans with Fontaine, and helped carry them out. She revered your loyalty, but your warmth far more.
"...Has the hydro gnosis been secured?"
She snapped her fingers in one swift motion, her small smile widening into a true one that played across her ruby lips. "Correct, I'd expect nothing less of someone as capable as my lover."
"Then, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet..."
"They've done well." It'd be hard to forsake the note of pride in her voice. Setting down the sheets in her gloved hands, she stood from her seat slowly, letting her eyes scan over your body. "You've asked your question, now shall I ask mine? Darling, I did quite well myself, did I not?"
Her expectant gaze read one thing, but instead of the usual quality time spending the two of you'd share, this time, you had rather differing plans. Smiling, you walked up to her, not letting the way her eyes sparkled just the slightest escape your sight. Promptly, sneakily, you flung yourself upon her, beaming as your hands found refuge winding about her torso, nearly instantly trapping her into your death hug. "You did, Arle~!"
"..." At her silence, you glanced up, only to be met with a sight that drew blush upon your own cheeks. Her usually composed, mystery-shroud features were now conflicted with crossing emotions... of what, however, was rather indecipherable. Arlecchino was a person of many masks, yet now it seemed that her "mask" displayed but one thing - love.
"Darling, I... you look perfect in my arms, so shall we stay like this a moment longer?" ₊˚ෆ
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"is that so? a trivial matter, is it by law that i must hold you in my arms in order to prove my love for you?"
FURINA's multicolored irises and teardrop pupils twinkled, their shine dancing on the moonlit breeze. A hand daintily held a teacup, its fragrant contents swirling about the porcelain basin. Her laugh accompanied the cool evening wind, and she fluttered her eyes shut in a smile that brightened her expression. "Come now, why so shocked? Wouldn't this be expected from someone as benevolent as I?"
It was a scene that would remain forever painted in your mind, like a beautiful mural that one's eyes could not possibly forsake. The way her mouth tugged upwards and the manner in which her eyes curv-
"Hey, are you even listening to me right now?" A familiar voice tugged you out of your reminiscence of the confrontation months prior. Furina displayed a childish frown on her lips, her partly furrowed eyes sharpening her gaze into a rather particular one.
Oh, lost in thought once more. You let out a soft sigh, nodding sheepishly. "Yes, love, I am.."
"Mhm..." Your words left a no, you clearly aren't!" Furina sat up, her intensifying discontentment apparent on her features. "I said I got you access to front ticket seats to the hottest new court case! You know, the one involving the robbery... the one that's quite literally got the entire Steambird in a chokehold? Yet, you're not excited in the slightest!?" She sounded offended, and she likely was, for her cheeks were flushed the slightest in rash frustration and her narrowed eyes creased at their corners. "Appreciate my efforts, why don't you?"
"Appreciate" indeed.
Ah, but was a sudden, tight embrace overshooting it? For she tensed in your arms, her frame absolutely suspended in your hold, her slack jaw giving the slightest tremor. "Mon amour, just w-what are you-?"
"Come now, Furina, am I not permitted to hug my own lover now?" The jesting in your voice faded as the sarcastic grin on your face formed a smaller, more genuine one. "I'm... ah, I'm okay, if it's with you. I'll be okay."
She paused at your words, contemplation of them flashing in her gaze, and let out a gratified exhale. "Then..." she nearly melted in your embrace, leaning her head into your arms compliantly.
"Don't you dare think I've forgotten about your previous transgression, but... ah, it can be forgiven, can't it, mon amour?" ₊˚ෆ
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(a/n) hc hc hc hc furina calls youfrench petnames because french oui oui baguette.. AHEM my sincerest apologies to any french or french speakers...
REBLOGS APPRECIATED!! please consider following me as i amm soosososoo close to a follower goal ive been wanting to reach and itd be crazy if i could reach it before christmas!!!
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment ♡) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @scara-is-my-wife, @lupicalbestwolf, @justyoureader
-> teehee what if yall left a message on my christmas tree 😶😶😶
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windstrikenbard · 1 year
"What a mess..."
Various genshin impact and Honkai starrail men... With a gender neu lover (pussy) who doesn't know when/if they cum, and gets veryyyyy wet very fast
a/n: this is a very self-indulgent post ngl. Featuring various genshin and Honkai men, not proofread.
18+ / MDNI
characters: Jing Yuan, Zhongli, Gepard, Kaeya
Jing Yuan, who'd simply freeze in shock upon the revelation. His thick girth is pulsing inside your tight walls, sweat dripping down onto your face (and tasting delicious, fyi)
A cruel grin lit his face, eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh? So then..." He jerked his hips, causing a shudder to run through your body. "I can't make you cum with me, hmm? I suppose I'll just milk you so much you pass out. Surely you'd know you've cum by then?"
His thick hand makes its way to your neck, a gentle pressure that doesn't restrict your air flow. The action heightens your senses, pussy clamping around Jing Yuan's cock as more waves of pleasure flow through you. If only you felt a difference when you came...
Zhongli would lick his lips and corner you against the wall, sliding a hand down to play with your clit. You gasped and moaned as he leaned in, flicking his tongue across your ear.
"that's okay~ I'll just tell you when you cum. You'll be so good and loud for me, yes?" His voice was honey-coated, sending more ripples down your core.
"y-yes. Okay." You gasp, his fingers scissoring in your core. Your walls clenched, but you didn't feel anything building inside like Google had said you should. A soft laugh left your lover's lips, and his pace quickened.
"that was quicker then I expected. Good job, my love."
Gepard would choke on his half-chewed food, the pieces falling into his plate as he turns a burning red face on you.
"You tell me... at the dinner table...!?" His eyes were wide, and you couldn't help but laugh as you noticed a growing erection beneath the table.
"I just thought you should know, Geppy~" the purr in your voice has him forgetting about his food. Eyes focused on you, he slowly slides to his knees and places his head between your crotch.
"S-shall I finish my supper here? Perhaps.. teach you how to feel it?" He could already feel the warm juices soaking through your pants as you murmured approval and pet his head gently. The moment approval was given, the man was pulling down your clothes and shoving his head into your delicious pussy.
Kaeya stared in utter shock at the milky substance between his fingers, jaw agape. Slowly, his gaze turned to face you, and he sucked the juices from his hand before speaking.
"I barely touched you and you came." It was a statement, his usual flirty attitude gone with his shock.
"Yeah about that... um... I don't even know when I'm close to cumming. Or when I do cum. Sorry..."
But why would his princess be apologizing? Kaeya leaned up and kissed your lips, spreading your own taste into your mouth before rutting his hips against your leg. "Let me teach you, then."
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Small thing, may or may not continue, sorry if it's wonky lmao.
When Sam had told Danny and Tucker that Gotham Galas were a whole unknown level of boring, they hadn't believed her.
That had been before they'd gone to one with her, after much begging of her parents and many compromises for them all.
She had been so right, it sucked so bad.
So in Danny's defense, he'd needed fresh air and if he could fly while invisible, why not?
To be entirely fair, Danny hadn't meant to find the Batcave. Neither had he meant to find Batman with his cowl off, revealing a very tired Bruce Wayne.
And he really, really hadn't meant to find Bruce Wayne in the middle of a mental breakdown all alone in that big, lonely cave.
Floating forward, and very carefully remaining invisible, Danny looked over the overly-large screen to see what had the man so-ah. It looked like a mission had just ended, and judging by the chatter he could hear Red Robin was missing.
Apparently, the warehouse had blown up, and no one wanted to assume the worst.
Well, one intangible and super-strength minor superhero on the way then. He couldn't see Red Robin's ghost, which meant the other hero was probably just unconscious or hurt.
He'd have to hurry though.
But Danny didn't want to leave Mr. Wayne here, muttering how he never did it right and how it was all his fault. The man clearly needed someone to talk to, and that person could not be Danny.
Danny wasn't good at emotions, nor was Mr. Wayne in a place to meet a new hero if the rumors about Batman's paranoia were to be trusted. It was better to have the man meet a new unknown on his own terms than to randomly show up in his city when he was raw and hurting.
Frowning, Danny thought hard before letting out a breathless sigh and tugging out his phone, sending a text before dialing Jazz, and placing it on top of the keyboard in speaker mode while removing it's invisibility. Mr. Wayne could look up who owned the phone and make his own conclusions; Danny knew who he was, so it was only fair.
And Jazz was the best Emotion Person Danny knew. Whether the man talked to her or not was his choice, but the least Danny could do was throw it out there.
Without looking back, Danny memorized the coordinates and teleported as close as he could get based on landmarks.
He left just as Jazz answered and Mr. Wayne flinched, and arrive just in time to see another small explosion. Probably a propane tank.
The temptation to make a propane and propane accessories joke was strong, but Danny valiantly resisted and sunk through the rubble.
The search was quick and done quicker; Red Robin was definitely still alive and protected by two steel beams that had landed perfectly to form a protective cross over him. Unfortunately, those had probably also been what had knocked him out.
Danny frowned, thinking. He knew he wasn't supposed to move people with head wounds, but then how was he supposed to....well. Surely one of the other heroes digging above and around him would know.
Danny sighed, floating up. He really wasn't looking forward to revealing himself to heroes associated with the League, but saving a life was a bit more important.
Danny found himself at the end of way more weapons than he would have liked, and almost stumbled over his next words.
"I found him!"
Great news, the weapons were gone. Instead they were just staring at him, barely-there hope sparkling in their eyes. He got that. They didn't want to get it just to find out he was lying or against them.
"But I think he's not safe to move? I don't know for sure, but I think he got hit in the head, and I'm not a doctor."
"Is there a pulse?" Nightwing asked, his voice shaking as he stumbled forward.
"Yeah, he's alive. Just like, really hurt-" Danny didn't get a chance to elaborate before Red Hoods helmet was shoved into his hands, the Red Hood himself getting into Danny's face.
"This has a video feed, take this and this-" and oh hey, something was being shoved into Danny's ear, and Hood's hands were shaking really badly- "-and do what she tells you."
A little bewildered, Danny nodded.
"Um...Hello?" He tried, and a brisk, no-nonsense voice answered.
"I don't know who you are, but show me Red Robin. Now."
Damn, the voice in his ear was demanding. Fair enough, though.
"Yes ma'am," he said, not bothering to go invisible and just going intangible instead, floating down through the wreckage until he found Red Robin again.
What followed was roughly thirty seconds of silence as he dutifully held out the helmet and let earpiece lady look at the fallen hero.
"I need a list of your powers, now."
Danny jumped slightly, almost losing his grip on the helmet.
"Uh, um, I...I can turn invisible, I can fly, I can go intangible, I have super strength, I can scream really loud, and um...regeneration? But only for me. And Ice. And Teleportation, but that one's new and I'm not very good at it so there's like a 50/50 chance of ending up halfway through a wall-"
"Okay. Alright, focus. What's your name?"
"Uh, Phantom."
"Clarify Ice" "I can create it and control it, and it will never melt unless I want it to."
"Staunch the bleeding by freezing the wound on his head. Do not move his head if you can help it."
Danny nodded, forgetting she couldn't see him, and set down the helmet to move forward. It took a bit, but the headwound was in a fairly awkward place. Luckily, he couldn't see skull bone, and he tried not to let the smell of blood get to him as he froze the wound. Human blood always smelled so different from his own.
"I'm. I'm done freezing the headwound, Miss Lady."
"Oracle. Now for the next part I need you to make a neck brace out of what you can that's around you. You said super strength, can you bend steel rebar?"
"Yes, easily."
"Use that, just stay with us so that we can remove it once we get him treated."
Arts and crafts, huh? He could do that, no problem!
Thirty minutes later and Red Robin was as stable as he was going to get under a collapsed building, and Danny managed to maneuver him onto a door he had found to act as a backboard.
"Okay, I'm gonna turn us intangible and go above now, we ready up there?"
"Yes, the team is ready to get him out of costume and into civvies. After that, you're taking him to the nearest hospital."
"Got it."
Danny carefully floated himself and Red Robin up and clear of debris, and even more carefully held himself and Red Robin still as Robin and Spoiler hurried to cut Red Robin out of his hero get-up and haphazardly throw on some jeans and a random torn off shirt sleeve.
"Now go," Spoiler whispered, pointing in the direction of the nearest hospital.
And Danny went.
part twoooooo
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kurosstuff · 4 months
Lute x fallen angel! Reader: Fallen
Short fic- tell me what you think! Hope you all enjoy it-!
Summary" lute SHOULD hate you. But. How can she?
Warning(s): blood/fights, love at first sight, maybe ooc lute? Idk yoy tell me I never wrote her, heartbreak, also from my knowledge? Wing movements(from birds please correct me on the info if I do it wrong I do not own birds) in denial, Adam and his vulgur language
Ngl I love lute-
Lute a cruel sadistic woman. Odd place for a woman in heaven. But given her status as the leader of the executioners. The one who leads the battles against those vile sinners. Who trains the angels picked to fight herself. The woman second in command to Adam himself.
It's a fitting role.
Never in a million years(and she HAS been around for that long. Or so she lost track of such a useless thing) would she? A ruthless exterminator encounter this thing other fully pure angels speak of.
Why would she? Lute is a fighter. A warrior. The one who Adam HIMSELF entrusts his life too. Why would she fall for anyone? She doesn't even know if she CAN feel such a thing.
But as always- Life(or afterlife?) Is full of surprises. She was well aware of a new angel coming in. Recently passed in some horrific accident she doesn't care for the details just knows- need to pick them apart see if their ruthless enough to fight. But the second she went into the room her eyes widden- an odd feeling in her chest as If her heart- her cold heart was heating up.
"Hello~ are you uh Lute?" You asked shyly- which given the situation even the most outgoing would be just as shy. She blinked, glad for the mask to hide the flushed expression - the confusion on it.
Clearing her throat, she nods slowly, ensuring you saw "I am. Welcome to Heaven, " she greeted uncharacteristically polite- gentle. If you were to be mistaken, she ignored the odd look Adam gave her, looking at the name tag, even your name is pretty- she blinked.
She did NOT just think that. She did NOT Find you pretty. Gorgeous. She does NOT notice how your eyes sparkle how friendly your smile is as you both talked. She most certainly doesn't notice how your wings are the single most gorgeous pair she's ever seen. How white it is- signaling how pure you are. How the gold etched into it- putting to shame her grey and black wings- smiling soft behind her mask. How how she wishes to touch the- she stops she will NOT think that
It became as clear as day to her and anyone else. Lute? Is inlove. And not just anyone. The new angel- the kind soul who? Adam states follows her around like a lost puppy or in Adam's kind words "Hey look. It's lutes bitch!" Oh how she wishes to punch him everytime- hit that smug look off. But she won't. Not yet.
A common tradition in heaven- like the birds in the human realm(maybe a odd similarity she presumed. She doesn't care for the human realm after all) finding a mate, a lover with the most gorgeous wings. It was no surprise you gained such attention
Much to her displeasure.
Grumbling watching as how you yet again were surrounded by angels around you- and ad always rejecting them before that smile she oh so adored. Yet would never state aloud was sent her way- making her scowl darkly(but on the inside? She was warm) quickly making your way to her she noticed how you fidgeted. How red you were "out with it. What is it?" She grumbled out no matter how warm and soft she was on the inside? Her words on the outside could never match. No matter how she wished it
White cleared her vision making her back up scrunching her nose before finally realizing what it was- a feather. Not just any old feather. Your feather "i.. i want you to have it.. I know the meaning bur when I was preening my wings u couldn't help it.. I want you to have my feather" they whispered watching as she gently took the feather.
Silently accepting them courting her with a soft smile. Maybe she can make it a necklace?
As great as it was up there. There were rules. Easy to forget. Easy to break. But rules nonetheless. Once Adam instructed her to strip a betrayers wings, Lute sighed. Grumbling loudly going to the room. Ignoring the odd almost somber pitiful look Adam gave her. Hiding the feather in her shirt tucked safe near her heart, she hummed, stepping inside fixing her helmet before freezing
Her heart dropped paling more then she was already at the bloodied sight
She roared storming to your bloodied frame she couldn't help but break her never-ending composure for the first time, kneeling to your side "do you HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS?" She snarled ripping her mask off showing her teary face. Knowing her counter was now a sinner. Her angel was a traitor. A million emotions went through her head glaring down at you with every emotion but the one she should feel.
It wasn't hate.
She ignored her feelings, swallowing it down she ignored the reasoning of what you did. Of what you SAID. putting her mask on, she steeled herself. She was an executioner. A peacemaker. She takes care of the issue. So she pushed you down with her foot grabbing your once gorgeous wings now bloodied gold- in her one hand grabbing her spear she sliced. Ignoring how she was covered in your blood. The deafening screams of pain. Of agony. How you begged for her. She took a sigh taking her mask off giving you the chance to se her one last time. Without the mask. How she stared cold at you.
Before the ground opened up, "lute. Before I go- please I lo-" she cut you off, kicking you in. Closing her eyes as the ground closed. For the first time ever. She fell to her knees, holding the now broken wings sobbing out for a sinner. How was she not a sinner to for showing the regret. Showing the selfishness in this?
It wasn't long before she saw you again. Traveling down with Adam to meet with Charlie and her girlfriend- to Lute it was a vile relationship. Not because of the sex- no- because of the liar Vaggie is. How that bitch betrayed her kind and then fell for the ruler of hells daughter. She could almost laugh.
Blinking, ignoring the yelling match of Adam and Charlie. Looking out the window, she froze mouth wide open- even though the demons back was turned. No wings but a tail and horns. She knew that laugh. She knew that smell. No matter how different you looked. Eyes soft watching you turn. Even as a demon. You truly are a beautiful creature. She softened her gaze behind her mask before looking away in disgust. Not with you.
But herself.
Lute a angel? Finds a demon attractive. Sure it's you but. Your a demon. A angel and demon together is vile. Disgusting in all sense of the worse.
But even now. She can't help but still long for you. Long for the almost relationship. Frowning, she looked back at Adam, who watched her with a frown. She knew they'd have a talk. Sighing, she followed after him with a deep sigh
She truly wished this outcome was different. How she longs to see you once more. Touching the feather on her chest she sighs
The only way she would be with you. Is if she was fallen as well. What a cruel irony.
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sillylittlefreakgirl · 6 months
You awoke slowly. The heaviness of dreaming gradually lifted, little by little, but not fully. It was comfortable. Safe. You didn't want to open your eyes or move. You wanted to stay and dream a little more.
Despite yourself, you began to feel the sensations of the waking world. A warm breeze across bare skin. Soft grass beneath you. Light dancing across your face. Music in the distance. An odd smell in the air. It all felt so *good*.
A pretty voice rang like soft bells in your ears. "Oh poor pet. Are you lost?"
Your eyes opened just a crack. There was a tall, pale, red-haired man above you. Or, you thought it was a man. It was hard to tell. Everything was so fuzzy.
It took a moment before you realized you were supposed to respond, but at the same time, you realized you didn't know how to answer. Were you lost? You couldn't remember, but it didn't feel like you were supposed to be anywhere else. You felt at home.
Where was *here*? you wondered. Opening your eyes just a little more, you saw a sunlit clearing surrounded by odd trees. Colors danced in the air above you, and though it was midday with a bright sun, you saw stars share the blue sky. You couldn't find the source of the music, nor that strange smell.
Then, of course, there was the man. He wore clothes woven from autumnal leaves. You wore nothing, you realized. The man knelt down beside you, his face above yours. His breath smelled sweet, and your mind grew fuzzier.
"You must have stumbled through here," he murmured. "Poor thing. Your kind doesn't adapt well to this place." Hearing him speak filled you with such joy and wonder and *lust* that you couldn't hold back a giggle. His fingers traced your cheek in response. "I can't let you go back to your home, now, can I? You'll not be happy in your world now that you've sipped from mine. It'd be cruel."
You had no idea what your home was, but you didn't want to leave this place. You wanted to stay with this strange man and listen to his voice forever.
His fingers left your cheek and now run along your neck, your shoulders, down your side and around your thigh, and a small gasp escaped you. You wanted him to keep touching you, more than anything else. He stopped then, though, and as his hand left your skin you whined in disappointment.
"Sit up, dear," he said, and so you did. The fuzziness, the colors, the music, everything felt so muffled and blissful and you just *knew* that it would all feel so much better if you did what he said.
He opened his hand to reveal a slender chain, sparkling in every hue and more. He tenderly wrapped it around your neck, hidden clasps locking it tight. "Some choose to walk, some prefer to crawl," he whispered. "It's up to you."
As he walked, holding your chain, you crawled alongside him.
He led you through a sea of trees decorated in more alluring flowers. As you came close to them, the odd scent strengthened and it became harder to think. He led you through gloaming twilight and fiery autumn, until, together, you found a verdant glade ringed with stone columns. Within the circle were others like you, men and women alike, all naked save for a glittering, slender chain, the ends of which were fastened to the pillars. More tall, fair, red-haired creatures filled the ring too, serviced by the mortals within. The sounds of whimpers and gasps filled your mind and you wanted desperately to join them.
The creature behind you tied your chain to a pillar and patted your head. "Here we are, pet. Your new home. The world outside is dangerous, but you'll never feel anything but happiness again."
Your arrival was noticed by the many tall creatures, who paused their fucking and stepped away from their pets, who begged them to return. But the creature's eyes were fixed solely on you, the new addition. "Please," you whined, your first words spoken in this realm. You said nothing after, your mouth wide open as your new owners drew closer.
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gojowsddy · 4 months
Tipsy Invitation
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𖨆♡𖨆 Rafayel x fem!reader
: ̗̀➛ you planned to host a party for your friends at Rafayel's place, but everyone has cancel due to the sudden heavy snow. The party decor is pointless now, and you end up trapped by the storm in Rafayel's home...(inspired by rafayel's veiled whisper five star memory)
: ̗̀➛ TW: nsfw content, bondage, porn with plot, riding, fingering
: ̗̀➛ word count: 2.8k+
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We spent countless hours decorating Rafayel's house for a party that turned out to be a complete waste of time due to the blizzard. You are sitting on the floor in front of the couch. You can feel the weight of exhaustion bearing down on you as you wearily take a sip of the delicious wine. You gaze out the window, watching the snow falling and wondering how long the storm will last. 
"Can this really be a party when it's only us?" You murmured, taking in the tantalising aroma of the cake and red wine wafting through the air.
"You're right. It's a date then." Rafayel's lips curled into a sly smile as he teased.
"Those are two different things...!"
Rafayel chuckles, loving your flustered reaction, "Hold off on the alcohol for now. Didn't you prepare a lot of party games? Shouldn't we play first?"
"They're meant to be played with a lot of people.. I've practised my dance moves-"
As Rafayel strolls over to the radio, you notice a mischievous glint in his eyes. A soft, soothing melody emanates from the speakers, and he extends his hand towards you.
As the music fills the air, Rafayel pulls you close, his arms wrapping around your waist. Moving in perfect harmony, he leads you across the dance floor. With each step, his touch sends shivers down your spine, and you can feel your breaths mingling together, the heady aroma of red wine. It's as if you are under a spell, lost in the moment, lost in each other. The world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you, joined together by an unbreakable thread of intoxication.
"Is this how you imagined the party would be?"
"...I don't know."
"Well, it's exactly what I had in mind. Buuut you'll probably feel a little queasy after drinking and spinning around, yeah?"
His hands rest on the small of your back, and his warmth seeps through the fabric of my clothes.
You can't tell if the heat is because of our dance or is it because of him.
You can only think about the scent of red wine.
You can feel his shirt against your body and his slow caresses on the back of your hand. They all seem to overwhelm your senses. Making you feel the dampening wetness growing in your panties.
"I'm feeling... a little thirsty," you muttered, trying to ignore the arousal that is burning inside you. Rafayel beckoned you towards the window and gestured over to the mini-fridge. He starts rummaging through its contents, searching for the perfect drink to quench our thirst.
"What do you wanna drink? There is some sweet stuff. Or maybe something light? Oh, I see sparkling water here."
"How about you mix one of your special drinks? I remember we've stocked up on plenty of cocktail ingredients." Your heart skips a beat as Rafayel looks my way, a mischievous grin playing on his lips while he tilts his head.
"My dear guest, alcohol isn't gonna make you less thirsty. You'll just be more drunk."
"Then make me something refreshing and won't get me drunker, please."
"If you insist. I'll do my best. Give me a moment."
Rafayel's hands moved with the precision of a seasoned bartender, as he grabbed two glass bottles and gave them a once-over. You found yourself captivated by the way he scooped some ice cubes and added them to the shaker. His hand closed around the shaker, holding it tightly as he gave it a vigorous shake. You couldn't help but notice how attractive his hands were. As you were lost in thought, a colourful, icy beverage appeared before you, snapping yourself back to reality. 
"What's this?"
"It's sparkling fruit juice. And the best part? It quenches your thirst without getting you drunk. The bad news is that there is no alcohol."
"I ordered a cocktail. If there's no cocktail then what's the point."
"Sorry, sorry, the bartender here plays it by ear." Rafayel places a hand over his chest, leaning slightly to look apologetic. All the while, he wears a smile clearly for the spectacle.
"Well it's delicious, but it's still not what I ordered. If you can't make me another drink, you need to compensate me in a way that makes me happy." You decided to play along with his game. With a fierce expression on your face, you pushed your finger against Rafayel's chest, causing him to lose his balance and stumble backwards into a nearby chair. Breathing heavily, you watched him nudge a present away with his foot before taking my hand and giving me a troubled look.
"How should I make it up to you, my dear customer~?"
"Well..." Suppressing a grin, you reach for the satin ribbon that's been carelessly draped over the back of the chair. You move slowly around Rafayel, taking in his every detail. The way his broad shoulders fill out his crisp white shirt, the hint of stubble on his chiselled jawline, and the intense look in his purple-pink eyes. As you make a few more rounds, you start to wrap the ribbon around his torso, feeling the heat emanating from his body. The crimson colour of the ribbon is almost mesmerising, darker than the rich wine you had been drinking earlier.
"I choose you."
You hold the delicate ribbon, trying to tie it into a perfect bow. That's when you notice Rafayel's piercing gaze on you, and your heart races with anticipation. With a sly smile, he breaks the silence with a soft chuckle, "All right. Consider it compensation. I'm yours for the taking."
"...Why do I feel like I'm walking into a trap? I can't blindly accept this gift." The ribbons fall onto Rafayel. But because you denied him, an invisible tension grabs him. A strange playfulness is ignited in his gaze like he's about to pounce.
"You haven't even started unwrapping me. Am I gonna be thrown away just like that?"
"Oh, but I've seen this gift before. I don't need to unwrap it to know what it is." 
"Really? You..you think you have me all figured out, do you?"
You realised that there was no need for me to answer the question. It was evident that he already knew the answer and what he was trying to achieve. At that moment, your fingers slowly crept behind the back of the chair, reaching for the stem of a rose that was resting there. Its deep, rich colour reminded me of a fine wine, and you couldn't resist picking it up and twirling it between your fingers.
"Hmm, I wonder where that came from." 
You were sorely tempted to slap the cocky grin right off his face. However, you decided to be somewhat gracious and extend him a bit of kindness for the evening. Taking the rose that was in your hand, you gently rubbed it over Rafayel's sensitive ears, which were visibly flushed with heat. The redness that had overtaken his ears began to spread to his cheeks, creating a vivid flush that was impossible to ignore. You felt a sense of satisfaction at the sight of it.
"mhm..a-always, full of surprises, huh. You're good at catching people off guard." His breath hitched. A whimper escaped him, creating a symphony of desire that wrapped around you like an intoxicating mist. 
You couldn't control the growing wetness in your pants and the anticipation of wanting to just fuck him on the spot was so irresistible. You wanted to tease him more and more. With a rose in your hand, you ran it across his chest, making him feel the petals brush against his clothed skin. You gently rubbed against where his nipples would be.
"n-ngh..mhm...I'm not sure who's suffering more - me or the flower." Rafayel squirmed restlessly on his chair, the soft petals of the rose that he had rubbed to his nipples caused him to release a breathy moan. It was so clear that his nipples were peeking through his shirt. 
"C-can't you be a little more gentle?" His body is lumped restlessly on the chair, struggling to catch his breath while also trying to contain the growing pressure in his crotch. Your gaze follows the visible signs of arousal, starting at his flushed face and moving down to his throbbing cock poking against the fabric of his pants unsuccessfully hiding its desire. He shifts impatiently on the seat, clearly unable to resist the urge any longer. The sight of him struggling with both physical discomfort and overwhelming arousal only adds to your arousal. You can feel your heart rate accelerate as you watch him fidget and fight against the temptation.
"W-worried about b-breaking me? I'm not that fragile." He looked at me with begging eyes. You felt even more excited about the idea of 'breaking' him. However, thoughts lingered about not being enough to reach his satisfaction. 
"Are you still concerned? I'm down for a slow, thorough inspection." 
Your hand reaches around the back of the chair and your face meets with Rafayel, there is a sudden flash of light and a rush of energy that courses through your body. Your lips connect with his as you kiss him deeply inserting your tongue in his mouth, taking full control of his mouth. He feels warm against your skin, almost like it's pulsing with energy.
"All right, that's enough. I'll let you off the hook. Let me untie this - " Your eyes widened seeing that Rafayel grabbed your arm.
"When did you untie yourself?" A lump in your throat blocked you from speaking as your heart started racing so fast. 
"You know there are plenty of old escape techniques on the Internet," Rafayel smirked, dragging your arm, and forcing you to sit on his lap. Your legs were shorter compared to Rafayel's long legs, making you spread your thighs and expose your wet panties. 
Rafayel watches you intently, his gaze locked onto your every move. His cock throbs insistently against your panties. Despite knowing that giving in to your desires would mean submitting fully to Rafayel's control, the thought of riding his hardness is becoming increasingly captivating.
As you continue to struggle against his lap, your hands quickly find their way around Rafayel's neck. Your body starts to force itself to grind harshly onto his lap. 
Your head fell back, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Your body forcefully presses against his lap, grinding with intensity. Your actions grow more desperate, as you feel yourself descending further into a state of bliss.
Rafayel's body was writhing with desire, his moans of pleasure echoing through the room. His eyes were dark and filled with lust, his cheeks flushed with red and the intensity of his need was noticeable. You could feel his stare on you, hot and hungry.
"pleasepleaseplease....raff...I want more-" you whined. Now it's Rafayel's turn to bring you down.
He slowly unzipped his jeans and lowered his boxers. As he freed his cock, you couldn't help but gasp in surprise at the sheer size of it. It was thick and throbbing, with a deep red tip that looked almost painful and the precum leaking down his tip. Your own body trembled with anticipation as he began to stroke himself, his movements slow and deliberate.
With a low growl, Rafayel closed the distance between you, his hand still working his shaft. He pressed his body against yours, his lips hot on your neck as he whispered dirty promises in your ear. You could feel his erection pressing against you, and you knew that you wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me.
"please..r-rafayel..please.." you begged him desperately.
"hah..where did your confidence go..beg for it," he has that cocky grin again and you don't want to fall for it but you wanted him so bad right now.
"please..raf..fuck me...I want your dick inside me...make me your cumdump..pleasepleaseplease-" As he moved closer to you, you could feel your heart racing with anticipation. Your mind was a blur, unable to focus on anything except the overwhelming desire that was coursing through your body.
He snooks his fingers underneath your skirt, squishing one of your asscheeks before slapping it harshly. With his hand wrapped securely on your waist while his other hand plays with your panties. Pulling them side to side aiming for your sensitive area, making you attempt to close your thighs.
He brushed his fingers against your pants, pushing them aside to reveal your soaking cunt. His fingers traced along your clit, making you arch your back into him as he continued to rub your clit. It made it more difficult to shut your legs together.
"Here that? It's fucking soaking wet for me." He chuckles, making you bite your lips to not suppress a moan.
He enters both of his fingers into your cunt, you feel a rush of heat flood your body, making it impossible to think straight. You couldn't stop the whine that came out loudly and arched your back even more. In split seconds, Rafayel's fingers sped up his pace thrusting into you harshly, sending waves of pleasure through your body with every movement.
His fingers worked amazing the way he curled the tip of his fingers, successfully finding your g-spot and in seconds you were in a moaning mess, toes curled, head tilted to the side, it was driving you insane.
The silence was only filled with your moans and whines, which got louder every second, and the wet noises coming from your pussy. You begged him to go faster, desperate to reach your climax, but he refused to give you what you wanted. Instead, he pulled his hand away, leaving you gasping for air and trembling with frustration.
"Not gonna let you cum that quick," he said with a cunning smirk on his face. "I'll tell you when you can cum."
The anticipation was almost too much to bear, but you knew that the wait would be worth- 
He thrust his cock into you, leaving you no time to think. You felt a surge of pleasure that left you moaning uncontrollably. It was stretching you out so much and it isn't even halfway in. You felt so full and so stuffed.
You waited for him to do something but he was only staring at your desperate reaction.
"W-what..what are you doing? Please move..plea-" Before you could finish your sentence Rafayel thrust his dick into you, making his dick press against your cervix. Rafayel's sudden movement caught you off guard, causing you to scream.
The sensation sent waves of pleasure throughout your body, and you instinctively arched your back in response to the intense stimulation. Your hands grab a fistful of his shirt trying to resist the pain.
You moaned loudly as you felt the weight of his thick shaft filling you up completely, your tight pussy clenching around his length. 
"I-I...can't..t-take it any more..too f-full-" you couldn't form proper words as Rafayel continues to thrust his dick into you.
"Y-ye-..fuck..yes you can. L-loosen up, will you?" He stutters. Your gummy walls were making him absurd. The way it is sucking him in. The way it tightly suffocates his tip. He wraps his arms around your body, his chin lays on your shoulder and his eyes tightly shut. He just wants to stuff you full with his cum.
Rafayel couldn't control his thoughts. He suddenly manhandles you and forces you to be on the chair. Before you open your mouth to say something, he starts rummaging his dick in you. Forcefully, thrusting all his power into you. Your back is arched in a perfect 'C' shape and your toes are curled as he continuously fucks you hard. You couldn't stop moaning it was so fucking good sogoodsogoodsogood~. With each thrust, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
"I-i'm closee...imcloseimclose..please..let me cum..please," you begged. Rafayel could explode right now from the look of your pleading face. 
As Rafayel continued to thrust into you, you felt the string in your belly snap. The sensation was intense, and you couldn't help but close your eyes tightly shut. You were completely lost in the moment, and your body was responding uncontrollably. Your breath became ragged as you called out his name repeatedly, riding the waves of pleasure that coursed through you.
Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to catch your breath, but Rafayel wasn't done yet. He continued to shove himself inside you, his movements becoming more urgent and forceful. His tip pressed against your cervix, a noticeable bulge poking through your abdomen, adding to the intense pleasure you were experiencing.
He was overstimulating you too much, you couldn't help but whine, "T-too much..please..i-its too much.." 
But your pleas fell on deaf ears as Rafayel continues to fuck you to reach his own climax.
As he continued to thrust into you, you felt your body respond in ways you never thought possible. Every nerve ending was on fire, and you were completely lost in the moment. You surrendered yourself to the pleasure, letting it consume you completely.
Finally, with one last thrust, Rafayel reached his own peak, cum squirted all over your stomach and collapsed onto you. You and Rafayel were left panting and gasping for air, your body still sticky and trembling.
"I-I’ll get you back, Rafayel.."
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p.s: This is my first smut writing. Please tell me how it is and any tips on improving.
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thelukesalvez · 8 months
Luke Alvez x Reader: It's About Time
Prompt: The reader and Luke pretend to be dating so that the rest of the team will stop trying to set Luke up on blind dates.  
Word count: 3k
Warnings: none
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You've really done it now, Alvez, Luke thinks to himself.  
Of all the names he could have blurted out, he just had to choose yours. God, the Queen of England would have been better.  
He thought back to the conversation in the bullpen that had started this whole mess.
"I-I can't go out with your friend," Luke stuttered, wishing his coworkers would stop pushing him to go on all these blind dates just because he was single.
"C’mon, Luke-” Tara pressed. “She’s smart and accomplished. I think you two would really hit it off-"
"Because I'm seeing someone," he blurted out spontaneously, mind racing to come up with a name.
Tara and JJ all looked taken aback, then suspicious, their eyes narrowing in unison. Tara raised her brows, "Oh? Who?"
Luke’s mind went blank, his brain nearly sizzling as it worked fast to come up with something. He should have chosen someone random- the girl who always walked her dog by his house, or the one who made his coffees in the morning. Someone the team didn’t know.  Hell, a completely made up girl would’ve been better.  
Suddenly, a warm smile and deep, sparkling eyes flooded his mind, and Luke couldn't stop himself. "Y/N."
JJ’s jaw dropped, a gasp escaping her lips. "Y/N?"
Instantly, Luke’s entire insides flood with regret.  
You worked in the Counter-Terrorism division of the Bureau. Luke first met you in training at the Academy when he joined the FBI. You had become quick allies, before graduating and moving on to your assignments.
There had been a time, in the Academy, when Luke had a thing for you, quickly reigned in by your charm. He admired your work ethic and constant ability to make him laugh.  
But everything changed once you finished the Academy.  You remained in Quantico while Luke traveled with the Fugitive Task Force, gradually losing touch.  
It was only recently, with Luke joining the BAU, that you two were able to reconnect. Now that he was stationed in Quantico full time, you actually saw each other quite frequently. At first, just in passing- a consequence of your offices being so close to one another.  But, as time went on, you started rekindling during work gatherings and even meeting for drinks after hours.  Your friendship with Luke was easy and natural.  You even were introduced to his team- who all took a quick liking to you.   
Sometimes Luke thought you were closer to Penelope, Tara, and JJ than you were to him. He cringed realizing they would never buy it. "Yeah," he confirms anyway.
"Luke," Tara said slowly, "why haven’t we heard anything about this?"
"We... wanted to take things slow,” Luke lied. “It just... sort of happened."
“Well, I mean, it’s about time. I think Pen called this months ago,” JJ said. 
Luke’s face flushed bright red. 
"We have to tell her," Tara agreed. 
“Yeah, Luke, you should bring her to Garcia’s house party this weekend. I’m sure Matt would love to meet her.”
Luke slid off the desk he was kneeling on and nodded in confirmation, “Yeah, great idea,” he lied again. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans; positive this whole thing was going to bite him in the ass.
The next morning, Luke arrived at the Bureau early. He needed to talk to you before anyone else could.  
He had a hunch that he might be murdered today.
You were heading for the elevators when it happened. You had your head down and were 20 minutes early to work, per usual. Normally, you didn’t encounter anyone on your way inside of Quantico. But you let out a startled squeal when suddenly, someone threw their arm between the closing metal doors, forcing them to reopen. Breathless from the scare, you quickly turn to realize it was Luke. You let out a sigh of relief before playfully shoving his shoulder. 
“God, you scared me,” you said. 
But Luke didn't laugh. Instead he tugged on his shirt uncomfortably, an awkward smile on his face. 
“What’s the matter with you?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“So, uh-” how the hell was Luke supposed to casually bring this up?  “It’s a funny story really..”
“Spit it out, Alvez,” you said, you immediately could tell something was up.  Luke was never this fidgety. 
He bit his lip harshly. “The entire BAU may or may not think we’re dating-” he spit out quickly. “That’s not true-” he corrected.  “The entire BAU definitely thinks we’re dating.”
You gawked at Luke, not entirely processing what he had just told you. “What?” Your cheeks were growing hot with embarrassment. “Why?”
Luke offered a brief, cheeky smile, one that was layered with guilt. "See, now that's a funny story-"
"Spit it out, Alvez."
“-Because I told them we were.”
Without even thinking you turned and pressed the stop button on the elevator, locking the two of you into place. This conversation was going to take a lot longer than the minute it took to bring you to the fourth floor. 
“You what?” You gasped.    
“Like I said- it’s really, kind of a funny story-” 
But you cut him off. "You have ten seconds to explain before I strangle you to death in this elevator.”
Luke’s eyes widened with shock, even though that was exactly the reaction he expected.  
“Talk. Now.” You demanded, cornering him.  
"Tara was trying to set me up with one of her friends- and to get out of it I told her I was already seeing someone. When she asked who, I panicked and said you."
Your nostrils flared and Luke thought he could almost hear your teeth grinding. "Why wouldn’t you just say no to the date?" You asked. “Instead of lying?”
“Because it never stops- every gathering, every party, they’re trying to set me up.  It’s like I scream lonely or something.”
Your mouth tightened but you stayed quiet.
“I needed something that would shut them up for good.  Or at least a little while.”
"And so you said you were dating me..." 
Luke sighed. “I know it was stupid. But I’m tired of going on meaningless dates that never turn out good. I just needed a break... I mean, it's exhausting, really- and never ending. But I get it- I mean, I get it's not fair to you. But I panicked- and just reacted." God, he was blabbing. "But I’ll tell them it was a lie, I’ll go on the date-”
You crossed your arms. "You done?"
Luke nodded. You waited a moment, mulling the whole thing over in your head.
It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right? Except, it was. Because back at the Academy, when you and Luke first became friends, you had developed a small, barely-there, tiny crush on Luke. However, now that he was stationed in Quantico and you two were seeing each other more often, your crush had only grown into a full fledged, real-life feelings.  
But the thought of Luke going on another blind date made you cringe, so without giving yourself a chance to do the responsible thing here, you blurted out a quick, “Okay.”
“Okay?” Luke said in disbelief. 
“What would I have to do?”
“Uh-” Luke stammers, like he’s still in shock. “Garcia’s party-  You could come to Garcia’s party with me.”
"Garcia’s party then," you declared. "We pretend to be together for the party."
Luke’s eyes met yours and he gave you a convincing smile. “Are you sure?”
You shrugged before pushing the button to start the elevator back up again. “Yeah, what the hell?”
You pulled into the driveway of Garcia’s home and both of you sat in the car, tensed.
“I’m sorry again about this. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this mess. I owe you one. I just… didn’t want to do the blind date thing and you’re the only person I’d feel comfortable doing this with and-“ 
You cut Luke off and slid your calm hand over his shaking one. You hope the small admission was lost somewhere in Luke’s rushed, jumbled apology.
“Luke, it’s fine. I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t want to say yes.” You squeezed Luke’s hand, gently demanding for him to look up and into your eyes.
Luke obliged.
“I’m happy to be here with you. There’s no one else in the world that I’d rather be in a fake relationship with.”
Luke thought that, ‘or a real relationship’ was hanging somewhere in the air between them. But neither of you had the courage to admit it.
You squeezed Luke’s hand again before hopping out of the passenger’s side, going to the backseat to collect the bottle of wine you’d brought.  
To say Garcia was excited to see the two of you holding hands on her doorstep was an understatement. 
“Oh my gosh,” she said, looking shocked. “Oh my gosh. You guys are so beautiful together. I always had a feeling about this. Made for each other, you two. I called this.” 
“Hi Penelope,” you said through a smile.
She waved you in excitedly, and you and Luke exchanged glances before following her into the house.
Luke carried the bags in and you carried the wine. Luke couldn’t help but think that this is probably how it would go if you two were really dating. Luke doing all the heavy lifting of the bags, and you letting your friends whisk you into the kitchen to chatter about something.
Luke shook the thought out of his head.  
“So tell me about how you guys got together,” JJ asked later in the night.  
Penelope’s eyes widened and she hurried to set down her glass before flailing her arms. “Oh, oh, oh!” she bounced excitedly. “I want to know too!” 
Everyone in the room’s attention turned to you. You opened your mouth to speak, but hesitated. 
While you floundered in your explanation. Luke wished he could go to you, wrap an arm around your waist, steady you and remind you that it was okay.
Luke was midway through the thought when he realized that oh… he could actually do that right now.
He crossed the room in a hurry before wrapping a steadying arm around your waist. He pulled you into his side, smiling at you as he felt you lean into his body, one of your arms snaking behind him to grip his hip. 
Luke could get used to this. 
But he won’t be getting used to this. Because this is just for the party and then you and him will go back to being just friends. 
“It uh-” Luke fumbled with his words, too distracted by the way your fingertips felt against the flesh of his hip. 
But you swooped in to save him, jumping into your story quickly. “It happened after work a little while ago. We were riding down in the elevator together and he finally just asked me out.” Luke squeezed your arm, as your voice trailed off. You looked up at him, smiling. “It was an easy yes from me, I’d been waiting for him to do that for a while- pretty much since the day we met.” You let the moment carry you through the story, let your real, raw feelings show, for once. And you hoped that Luke was listening to every word. You hoped it registered to Luke that not all of this was for show.
It took a small whimper of a sob that came from Garcia's mouth to snap the two of you from your trance. 
“Oh, you guys. I’m so happy for you both. This is wonderful. From the way Luke’s always talked about you, I figured that he was just in his own head again… he’s been head over heels for you for quite some time –“
“Oh wow, Garcia,” Luke choked on his words, his eyes wide. “That reminds me, we brought your favorite wine! Let’s get that opened, yeah?” His skin was the same shade as the Pinot Noir he was currently reaching for.
Garcia smiled and nodded, clapping her hands together before shuffling off to grab three wine glasses from the cupboard. But you were looking up at him with a blinding grin.
Just for show, Luke thought. Just for show.
Penelope returned with a handful of glasses, which she filled with a generous serving of wine and held hers up like she was about to give a toast. Luke groaned. He hadn’t anticipated how much his team would dote over his fake relationship. 
“To you, Y/N. For making my Luke the happiest I’ve ever seen him, and for so many years to come.”
You all clinked your glasses and sipped (in Luke’s case, chugged) before Garcia led them into the living room.
Luke found himself sitting on the couch listening to Rossi tell stories about his early days with the BAU.  Somewhere during the story your fingers laced together.
Luke wasn't sure when it happened or who initiated it.
But he certainly wasn’t complaining.
“God, how he drooled over you. I swear, his jaw dropped to the floor anytime you entered a room.”
Luke was going to kill Rossi. 
You, on the other hand, were laughing hysterically on the couch next to him. Luke was far past the mortification of it all at this point. His team had graciously taken it upon themselves to test if he could actually die of embarrassment. He assumed they’re about halfway there.
Somewhere between the stories of Luke’s desperate pining over you and your fond smiles, Luke had refilled his glass of wine.
He wished he had something stronger, because wine wasn’t exactly cutting it for him in this mess of a conversation.
You, however, looked happy.
Your second glass of wine had caused your cheeks to gently flush, while your full grin was on display. 
“Time for cards!” Garcia announced as she waved everyone into the kitchen. 
Before standing up, you leaned into Luke’s side. “You okay?" 
Your voice was soft. Luke pressed closer to you without thinking about it.
“Yeah. I-I’m fine, just… don’t listen to them, okay? JJ and Rossi are trying to wind me up, and Garcia’s just happy that I’m with someone. I promise I’m not some… some like.. I didn’t… what they said-" 
There was no way to explain what the team had said that wouldn’t result in Luke lying to you. All of those stories were true, they just sounded more pathetic when they were told all together like that.
You shook your head and grinned.
“It’s okay. Besides, if we were actually dating, I think I would be a little angry at you right now for not making a move sooner.” You winked before standing up, holding your hand out for Luke to take. 
Luke pushed himself up from the couch and linked his fingers with yours again, grabbing his glass of wine because he would probably need that to get through this night alive.
“She’s good for you, Luke. I’m glad that you finally mustered up the courage to ask her out.” Rossi clapped Luke on the back as he and you gathered up your things at the end of the evening.
All Luke could do was nod and smile in return.  
You, on the other hand, were in the middle of a shockingly long hug from Garcia, who was making you promise that you’d visit soon. 
Luke bites his lip, wondering if maybe this whole thing had gone too far. How was he supposed to keep up this facade when he showed up at work the next day and everyone asked about you? 
He was still thinking about it when the two of you got into the car.  
You exhaled a breath of relief as soon as you sat down. When you look over, Luke’s staring straight ahead, his jaw clenched. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked. 
Luke shook his head, chuckling uncomfortably. He stared down at his lap for a moment. 
You shifted in your seat, angling your body so that you were facing him. 
“Tell me,” you urge, your voice softening. 
Luke met your gaze, his lips turned into a small smile. “I’m just thinking about what I’m going to tell the team tomorrow.”
Your confused face urges him to continue. 
“I don’t know, I mean they love you- I think more than they love me. They’re gonna be asking about you all the time.  Do we fake a breakup now?”
Without thinking, you reached out to cup Luke’s cheek before leaning in and kissing him, softly and gently. 
You didn’t want to pull your lips away, and suddenly, Luke was kissing you back.  Only when you were desperate for air did you pull away.  
“Were they looking?” Luke asked quietly, still keeping his soft brown eyes locked on you. 
Narrowing your eyebrows, you shake your head. “No,” you tell him.  “No, they weren’t looking.”
Luke’s mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape, his jaw dropping slowly. 
“Luke-” you said slowly, hoping that you weren’t painfully misjudging the situation. “I think we both know that tonight wasn’t fake. Tell me if I’m wrong.”
You both looked at each other in fond silence before Luke nodded slowly, too shocked to speak. 
“Am I wrong?” you asked, your confidence fading quickly. 
Luke shook his head, “No,” he blurted out. “No, you aren’t wrong.”
With a grin you just couldn’t wipe off of your face, you nodded again.  “Good,” you whispered.  
Luke licked his lips, only now realizing how dry they were. “So maybe we don’t have to have a fake break up?” His sentence finished as a question. 
“Luke Alvez,” you said, scooting even closer towards him.  “Are you finally asking me out?”
Luke nodded while simultaneously closing the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips together in a sweet kiss.  You were both smiling into each other’s touch.  
When you finally break apart, your face was flushed and you were out of breath. You smiled, little tears gathering in your eyes that Luke swiped away gently with the pad of his thumb. 
“It’s about time,” you told him smugly. 
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Hi! Can I request a Carlos Sainz x Reader?
The reader is a fashion blogger and one day got asked to do a photoshoot for Mercedes with Lewis Hamilton, it turned out great because even the fans are starting to ship them online and all over social medias. Carlos gets adorably jealous of seeing her in other team’s color and the fans reaction didn’t help either.
It's not nothing
table of contents/pairing: carlos sainz x reader
summary: check request !!
warnings: some cursing, mentions of alcohol, suggestive content but no actual smut.
message from A☆: Has this been sitting in my drafts for weeks ? Yes. Did I fully scrap the original fic ? Yes. But here it is !! I felt this kind of trope was especially fitting after Carlos' win in Australia, so I tied that in. ALSO, WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK. Again, sorry for taking so long to get this request done, but I hope you enjoy...
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It was just her job. That's what Carlos kept telling himself as he looked at the pictures. Y/N, one of his closest friends and a very popular fashion girly, had done a photo shoot with Lewis Hamilton, his replacement. Now sure, Carlos hadn't left Ferrari just yet, hell the season had barely even started, but it was just a sad coincidence. The longer he stared at the photos the more jealous he became, he felt stupid for it. But she looked gorgeous in silver and green, even though she'd look better in red, and the way they had Lewis pose with his hands around her waist made him want to claw his eyes out. And to make matters worse, fans all over the internet kept making little comments about the idea of her and Lewis being together. He needed to keep reminding himself, they were just friends. Just friends. But friends didn't think of each other the way Carlos thought of Y/N. Friends didn't crave each other the way Carlos craved Y/N. But it was whatever, it was nothing, he had remind himself.
It. Was. Nothing.
Ok, so maybe it's not nothing. He was trying to celebrate his win in Australia, enjoy himself with his team and his friends, but he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Mercedes had invited Y/N to the Grand Prix, so she'd been in the paddock the whole weekend. It was easy to distract himself from her when he was wrapped up in his work, but now watching her from afar as she swayed her hips on the dance floor, it was too much. Her dress sparkled beneath the lights, her hair swished around in tandem with her body, she looked perfect. It was eating him alive, he needed to do something. He needed her.
"Carlos!" She screamed excitedly over the music, looking up at him with an almost drunken gaze. It wouldn't be shocking if she was drunk, they were out partying, and as much as Carlos didn't want to admit it he was a little tipsy too.
"Hey..." He said as he took her waist in his hands. She didn't stop dancing, letting him press her body into hers as they swayed to the music, what's the worst that could happen? They were best friends. Friends dance together. It was nothing. But then dancing turned into teasing touches, and then kisses, and then running off together to Carlos' room. So yeah, it definitely wasn't going to be nothing the next day.
He was the first to wake up of the two. The sight of her tangled in his bedsheets and arms made his heart want to sink. What if he'd ruined it with a drunken mistake? He grounded himself with a deep breath, hoping she wouldn't freak out once she awoke.
About 20 minutes later, Y/N began to wake up. She looked around confused for a moment, until her eyes met a very familiar pair of brown ones. Oh shit, she thought to herself, I've fucked everything up. She went to try and speak or stand up, but she felt Carlos' hand on hers, stopping her.
"Look Y/N, I know this is..."
"Carlos, I'm so sorry, I'll leave ri-"
"Cariño, relájate (darling, relax)...look, I don't know if i can keep lying to myself and you. I like you, a lot. And it just seems so stupid to me because you're on of my best friends in the whole world, friends shouldn't want each other the way I want you. It felt like it just blew up in my face after you did that photoshoot for Mercedes with Lewis, and all the stuff that's been happening. It just made me feel so...like I needed to have you all to myself. But at the same time I don't want to ruin what we have, so if you don't feel the same just forget this ever happened..." He kept going on his rant, and she just stared at him a little bewildered yet flattered.
"Carlos...who said I don't like you like that?" She giggled, taking his hand in hers once again. He looked into her eyes with a wide-eyed and relieved look, smiling brightly as he took her face into his hands and gently kissed her. He pulled back seconds later.
"I'm going to fast, aren't I?" He said with a bashful look to him.
"I mean...we're already here, so might as well" She smiled up at him with the warmest smile and the most loving eyes. If anyone happened to see the pair they'd think they were soulmates, which they very possibly were. And so in that moment, Carlos thought to himself, maybe it's not nothing anymore.
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Imagines: Ring of Fire*
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Summary: The night after getting engaged in Portofino, Italy on Valentine’s Day turns into one of the best nights you and Joe have ever had.
(Part two to - Part 1)
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
February 14th, 2023
Joe had gotten dinner delivered to the Airbnb, and soon after we were done he couldn't wait much longer to get down to business.
He had just taken the empty take-out boxes into the kitchen fully clothed but by the time he walked back into the bedroom he was just in his boxers.
“Lose a few things on the way there?” - you giggled
“I’m a good multitasker.” - Joe shrugged
“C’mere goofball.” - you
Joe didn't waste any time crawling on top of me to fiercely press his lips to mine.
He shifted around till more of his body was on top of mine so he had something to grind himself on.
I could already feel his familiar erection through his thin cotton boxers, and the more he ground against me the deeper the ache of wanting him grew.
“Joey.” - you whimpered into his mouth
“What is it, baby?” - Joe
“Wanna touch you.” - you
Joe groaned as my hand wandered down his torso, making a beeline straight for his crotch to run my fingers over his bulge.
“Okay before we do anything, I need to admit something.” - Joe
“What’s that Joe?” - you
“I have fantasies about this night for years, and I kinda uhm… I don't know…” - Joe
“You already have a plan for how you want to have sex tonight.” - you finished his sentence
“Exactly. You don't have to, but I really want this to play out a certain way.” - Joe
“After everything you've done for me the past two days, I think sex your way might just be the perfect repayment. Just tell me what you need, and I'll do it.” - you
Joe nodded and stood up from the bed. I watched him grab the full-length mirror from one side of the room and set it up against the wall in front of the bed.
He quickly discarded his boxers and flopped onto the bed where he was sitting directly across from the mirror.
“Come here.” - Joe
I was about to stand up from the bed thinking Joe wanted me on my knees for him, but he stopped me and told me to sit behind him.
“Take your clothes off first… please.” - Joe
Giggling at his remembrance of manners, I discarded my clothes and scooted to sit behind him. My legs were on either side of his and my chest was to his back.
“So… no head today?” - you
“Nope.” - Joe
“What do you need, baby?” - you
“Your hand.” - Joe
“Oh okay… uhm should I take my ring off?” - you
“Hell no! Oh and… please use your left.” - Joe
I was slightly taken aback by Joe’s request because I couldn't remember the last time he asked for a handjob.
“Please, baby.” - Joe
He seemed whiny as if he wasn't able to wait any longer, and when my gaze flicked down to his fully erect cock… I understood why.
Joe’s shaft was fully red and throbbing, precum dripping out of his tip and onto his stomach practically begging for attention.
Now I needed to touch him.
After spitting into my left hand, I immediately wrapped it around his cock.
He groaned as I gave one slow pump but as soon as my pace got quicker, his head fell back onto my shoulder.
“Fuck, y/n…” - Joe grunted
It felt weird in this position with him. Joe was always dominant in bed… but right now it felt like the roles had reversed.
The mirror was such a hot move. Just watching myself stroke his dick as he looked completely blissed out.
Joe’s eyes were clenched closed, his glistening chest was progressively heaving, and his top teeth were sunk into his bottom lip.
He knew that if he opened his eyes and saw your hand, and that engagement ring, around his dick, that he'd immediately cum.
And a few minutes later, that's exactly what happened. Joe opened his eyes and immediately moaned when that ring he put on your finger sparkled in the light. You felt him harden even more and he immediately warned you of his upcoming climax.
“Shit! Fuck, I'm cumming!” - Joe
I let go of his slowly softening erection and rubbed over his chest. His breathing was irregular and I just wanted to get him calmed down before the next round.
“You good, baby?” - you
“Mhm. Just… gimme a minute.” - Joe
I took this time to get up and grab a washcloth to wipe off my hand and clean Joe up.
A few minutes later Joe was ready and he quickly crawled on top of me after laying me down.
“You drive me crazy…” - Joe whispered in your ear before he slowly kissed the side of your neck
“You drive me crazy.” - you laced your fingers into his hair
Joe slowly kissed my neck before he started moving his lips down my body.
Once he was close to his prize, Joe gently grasped my thighs and spread them.
“You are gorgeous.” - Joe groaned
Not long after that, he dropped his head and connected his lips to my dripping core. He gave a thorough suck to my clit before thrusting his tongue between my folds.
“Joe! Fuck!” - you moaned
Despite eating dinner just ten minutes ago, he ate me out like a starved man.
“You taste so good..” - Joe moaned
He was working me so well, continuing his assault with that fucking magic-like mouth. God, calling plays isn't the only thing it's good for.
“I’m close!” - you
I whined out of protest when he pulled away from me but just a second later he easily sunk two thick fingers into me.
“Oh god!” - you moaned
Joe leaned up to where his face was just inches from mine, and I could feel his breath on my lips.
“Can you take another one of my fingers?” - Joe
“I-” - you moaned
“Words, baby.” - Joe
“Yes!” - you
He slipped in a third finger and started rubbing me with his thumb.
“Joe…” - you whined
“Come for me. Come on my fingers.” - Joe
Not long after that I felt the built-up feeling in my stomach snap like a rubber band and I came hard.
Joe softly kissed my cheeks and lips to calm me down, and gently pulled his fingers out.
The sight of Joe sucking my essence off of his fingers was so fucking hot.
“God… you taste like candy.” - Joe leaned forward and pressed his lips onto yours
Tasting myself on his lips caused me to moan and arch up into him, feeling his hard cock on my thigh.
“Come here. I need to get inside you.” - Joe
He gently pulled me down to the edge of the bed where we were earlier and sat me on his thighs.
“I want you to ride me reverse cowgirl and watch how hot you look while doing it in the mirror. Sound good?” - Joe
There's the dominant Joe I know and love.
“Yes…” - you
Joe sat me on the ground and turned me to where I was facing the mirror before picking me up and setting me back on his lap, this time my back was to him.
He had me to where I was just barely hovering over his cock, Joe would tell me when to take him.
“You look so pretty, baby.” - Joe looked at you in the mirror
I watched him move his hands from my thighs to my stomach, then he moved them even higher till he was eventually cupping my breasts.
“Ride me.” - Joe
Sinking onto him, both Joe and I moaned when I was fully seated.
“You're so tight.. and so fucking wet for me.” - Joe
My eyes met Joe’s in the mirror and I watched his flick down to my engagement ring. When it did his cock twitched inside of me and I knew we both weren't going to last long.
“Who’s making you feel good?” - Joe
“Y-you.” - you
“Who?” - Joe
He reached down and pinched my clit, making me see stars and clamp down onto him hard while getting closer to my climax.
“Joey!” - you
At some point, Joe and I were both watching his thick-length move in and out, in and out, in and out.
“You like that? Watching my cock?” - Joe
“Joey... please.” - you
“Please what?” - Joe
“Make me come.” - you moaned
Without telling him what I specifically wanted, he nodded and started thrusting up inside me as I bounced on his lap.
“Fuck.” - Joe groaned into your shoulder
I slid my hands up my own body to cover Joe’s wanting to have even more contact with him.
“Who’s are you?” - Joe grunted
“Yo-your’s.” - you
“Exactly. You're all mine.” - Joe
My head fell back onto Joe’s shoulder as he continued pounding into me, I knew I was going to have an orgasm soon.
“Joey I'm so close!” - you
“Me too, baby. Almost there.” - Joe groaned
He laced his fingers with mine and grunted loudly as his thrusts started getting more sporadic.
A moment later, Joe dropped one of his hands to use his thumb on my clit, and after one certainly planned hard thrust my walls clamped down onto him hard.
“Joe, I'm cumming!” - you
“Fuck, y/n!” - Joe
We practically came in sync and I wasn't at all surprised when Joe collapsed backward and I tumbled on top of him.
Joe gently rubbed over my stomach for a few minutes, letting both of us catch our breath before he pulled out and laid down next to me. He pulled me into his chest and softly kissed my forehead while whispering words of praise.
“You did so well, my love.” - Joe gently stroked your cheek
“I love you.” - you nuzzled yourself into his neck
“I love you too.” - Joe wrapped an arm around your back
Minutes later Joe ushered me into the shower. I protested even getting up but he told me he'd do everything for me while we were in the shower… and he did.
Joe had an arm around my waist just in case I fell asleep standing up and washed my remaining makeup off before shampooing and conditioning my hair. He had to let go of me to wash my body, but the feeling of his hands softly rubbing over my body made up for the loss of contact.
Soon we would be leaving the warmth of the shower. The feel of the cold tiles on my feet made me shiver so Joe immediately wrapped a towel around me that had been on the warmer. I was so grateful to have such a great boyfriend fiance.
Joe slipped one of his large T-shirts over my head and put on a pair of boxers before ushering me into the bed.
As soon as he was under the covers I snuggled up to him, wanting to be close enough to him to feel the warmth his body emitted.
“Pretty girl.” - Joe moved a hair out of your face to kiss your forehead
“Handsome boy.” - you buried your face in his chest
“I love you.” - Joe
“I love you too, sheisty.” - you
“Goodnight.” - Joe chuckled
“Wait can I ask you something?” - you sleepily mumbled
“Of course.” - Joe
“Does my engagement ring… turn you on?” - you
It was a serious genuine question, so when Joe chuckled loudly I cut him a look that had him giving me a sheepish smile.
“No, the ring itself does not turn me on. Seeing it on you, knowing that I put that rock on your finger that physically shows that you're taken… turns me on.” - Joe
“Really?” - you giggled
“Yes. Guys will see that ring and be like… ‘damn she's got a nice fiance better not mess with her’ and I think that's so goddamn hot.” - Joe
“Sounds like insecure possessiveness.” - you
“Wait I didn't mean it like that… its hard to explain but…” - Joe
“Babe, I'm kidding. I just can't believe that I made you come that hard from a handjob earlier.” - you
“For real. I think I understand what Johnny Cash meant when he sang about a Ring of Fire.” - Joe
“Joseph Lee!” - you giggled
A few jokes and giggles later, I fell asleep in Joe’s arms. We fell asleep not as boyfriend and girlfriend, but for the first time, a couple engaged to be married.
Authors note: on the 8th day of Christmas I gave y’all some smutty smut smut ❤️
Hope you enjoyed!! 🤍
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house-of-daena · 1 year
my dear puppet [kabukimono x amab!reader]
content: no specified pronouns, afab!kabukimono, dom reader/sub kabukimono, nsfw, virginity taking, vanilla, corruption, size kink, tell me if i miss anything.
꒰ (pre fatui scara btw) this was supposed to be for a different post, but it didn't fit the concept so i just made this into a separate post. hi am back ꒱
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he makes it so easy for you to lose control.
to just grab him by his ridiculously slim waist each time he presses his body against yours, to push him against a wall and finally capture his lips each time he pouts so cutely at you, or to make him cry prettily as he takes in your cock whenever he looks up at you with his big, innocent doe eyes that sparkle at the mere sight of you. he was so small compared to you, your own hands could easily grab both of his wrists if you wanted to.
though, he doesn't realize your struggles when it comes to restraining yourself against him.
he clings to you, almost too much, ever since you discovered the abandoned puppet inside shakkei pavilion. he cries your name whenever he's uncertain, he tugs on your sleeves when you've begun to stray farther from him- he was similar to a baby duckling. he was far too pure and innocent for the world you live in, and you intend to help him; teach him everything you knew; happiness, sadness, anger, love- about being human.
unfortunately, his innocence proves to be more of an inconvenience, especially to you. there are just some things that the puppet couldn't understand, no matter how many times you've clarified it to him.
he doesn't understand the immense desire you have to have him laying underneath you, squirming and crying whilst he rakes his delicate fingernails down your back. truly, it was his fault for filling your mind with such uncouth fantasies. he may be innocent, but he just wouldn't listen. the more he learns more about the world, the more stubborn and curious he becomes. so he unknowingly pushes your buttons to the limit.
his soft, unblemished hands touching you in places you'd warned him not to; fingertips lightly caressing your inner thigh as you sip on the tea he had prepared for you, slowly testing your patience by brushing his slim fingers over the growing bulge on your crotch, his face suddenly oh so close to you, lips inches apart. despite all of this, his eyes were filled with pure, genuine curiosity... and a tiny bit of mischief from disobeying you.
where did he learn all of this? you'll have to talk to the married ladies in your village later on...
the raiden shogun herself can strike you down if you were lying, you exasperatedly swore to the people who'd notice the puppet's rather explicit advances towards you that you've explained to him what these actions meant. still, he continues to be curious, wondering why your face gets all red, your breath getting caught in your throat, your hands itching to touch him, instead of looking down at him in disgust and pushing him away.
the kabukimono doesn't really understand the whole concept of what he was insinuating, making love, as they call it, but he does know that it's meant to deepen the bond between two people. people that are in love. and even he could tell that when you look at him, it holds a different kind of fondness. him, and only him. he kisses you on the corners of your lips, hands pressed against your wide chest- slowly, he became more bold. you've told him to stop, but you hesitate. you never once told him you were discomforted at his actions, he could sense that you were quite enjoying it, craving desperately for more, but would rather gently scold him for the nth time.
you're just, but a man after all. a man with wild carnal desires for the puppet that straddles your lap. he was too innocent, too pure for you. once you delve deep into your urges, he will become corrupted, perhaps starved for more; addicted. merely touching him sent shivers down your spine. you had warned him, hands shakily settling on his hips as he lowers himself down on your lap finally, and yet he chose to accept it. if it was you, the person he loves with his whole heart, the person that never treated him differently than others, the one who taught him everything when it comes to love, he would let you corrupt him again and again, just to hold you close to him, to feel you, your love and your entire being.
he doesn't understand the weight of his words or the consequences of his curiosity. so you'll make him understand.
you shouldn't have doubted that your dearest puppet could never get more precious than he is now. lashes glittering from the tears that rolled down his pink cheeks, and lips that opened and closed simultaneously as the pretty noises that you never thought you'd hear escaped him. his chest heaved at each moan, his legs tightly wrapped around your waist as if he refuses for you to ever pull away from him, and his hands, so gentle and small, cupping your face. how he managed to maintain eye contact with you whilst you slowly plunged yourself deep inside his walls makes you wonder, but it only added more fuel to your burning fire of passion and lust for him.
he was so sweet, whispering loving praises only meant for you as you fuck into him. as much as you want to just grab his ankles and fold him, to just relentlessly pound your thick cock deeper into his quivering pussy, you held yourself back for the sake of the love of your life. he cried at the feeling of your dick drag agonizingly slow in and out of his pussy, clamping so tight onto you despite the foreign feeling of being so full. he desperately desired more as he pulled your face closer to him, kissing you like there's no tomorrow.
but you wanted to be gentle with him first. you wanted to make him feel how much you love him, that you accept him for who he is, despite all his flaws. with every inch, you bury deeper amounts much more of your affection for him. leaning against his caring touch, you bring your hand up to your cheek and placed it atop his hand.
you could always do the things you've fantasized about him now that you have him wrapped around your fingers, you know he'd let you do anything to him. as long it was you, only you. you'll return his love for you by sending him into a deep spiral of pure bliss by simply loving him.
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stormberry-12 · 9 months
faceless // P2: show my face? ~ charles leclerc x reader
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!driver!reader
includes/authors notes: language, lack of equal rights/ gender equality, readers an unknown figure in the races, fem!reader's gender assumed as male, use of "y/n".
Bold Italics are the past.
Normal Italics are thoughts.
summary: "There is a new mysterious driver on the grid. Nobody knows who he is, the only thing we know is that he races for Red Bull with the number 66. Other drivers call him the faceless driver for none have ever seen his face or heard him speak. The faceless driver is a legend in the making and even giving Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen a run for their money…”
Charles had never been a good cook. Bless his sweet soul, he tried so hard but nothing ever turned out. As the pancakes sizzled on the pan, he knew he was about to burst into tears if one more of the damn things started burning. Light footsteps drew his attention from the food and he looked up to see your sleepy face walk down the stairs.
"No!" he gasped, "Go back to bed-"
"Charlie..." he watched you yawn and shuffle towards him, it was clear you were not a morning person. Wrapping your arms around his body and nuzzling into his frame, he swore he felt his heart flutter. "Hi," you whispered.
"Hi," Charles chuckled placing a kiss on your head, arms wrapped around you as well. "Happy Valentine's Day..."
You looked up at him in confusion and he looked back with a small smile on his face. 
"Oh my god..." you chuckled, with everything that had been going on you had completely forgotten what day it was. "Happy Valentine's Day Charles,"
 He grinned and hugged you tighter burring his face in your neck. Admiring the warmth, scent, and long soft stands of hair that brushed his face.
"What's that smell?" you sniffed slightly, scrunching your nose.
"Shit!" he exclaimed, cursing at himself for completely forgetting about his pancakes. You looked over to the stovetop, where Charles was frantically trying to remove the burnt food from the pan.
God, this is embarrassing-, he thought, dumping loads of syrup on the pancakes, trying to remove the charred taste. He placed the pancakes in front of you motioning for you to try it.
Your eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and adoration washing over your face. You sat down and reached out to pull the dish towards you. Gaze shifting from the very burnt pancakes to his hopeful expression.
"I can't believe you did all of this," you said, voice filled with genuine warmth. "Thank you, Charles..."
"Oh, it's nothing. Honestly, because it's going to taste like shit-"
Your laugh rang through the air and Charles couldn't help but admire every little detail about you—the way your eyes sparkled when you smiled, the gentle curve of your lips, and the way your laughter filled the room with warmth. Every moment spent with you felt like a dream come true, and Charles had to remind himself that this incredible person had chosen to be with him.
You stabbed a pancake with your fork and brought it to your mouth, Charles tried not to laugh at the look on your face. Trying to mask the disgust with a smile and swallowing the food slowly.
"It's uhh, really good!" you choked.
"Love, I can tell when you're lying." he laughed. He noticed your face falter slightly, your smile was not as prominent and your eyes clouded over suddenly, just like they had the night before on the way home from the race. Trying to reassure you he said, "Don't worry about it, I was just joking-"
Your face shifted once more, "No, I know, thank you Charlie this was very sweet!"
He took the fork from you, finishing off the pancake you had started, "Ooo, it's crunchy,"
This had you giggling uncontrollably, Charles's eyes lighting up at the sight of you. During clean up he made a point of throwing out his charred meal by seeing how many baskets in a row he could make as the pancakes fell into the trash can. He then hummed a happy tune as the two of you did dishes, it made you happy that he was happy.
Charles was very excited about this weekend and he wouldn't stop talking about it, qualifying was tomorrow and his team had made some upgrades to the car that both Ferrari drivers were ecstatic about. The promise of better results had Charles dreaming of coming out victorious ahead of the faceless driver.
"Look, I have a huge favor to ask you," Charles spoke trying to word his request in the best way possible, "So I know you don't love the media-"
"But just hear me out, love," Charles pleaded, watching you sort the forks from the knives in the cutlery drawer.
"Come onnnn," He hugged you from behind causing you to sigh.
"No." You said again.
"I'm going to talk about it anyway," Charles sighed, he looked down and played with the bracelets wrapped around his wrists. "My PR manager wants me to take you on a hot lap, it'll be so fun, you won't even know the cameras are there!"
"A hot lap?" you turned around in his arms to face him, his light eyes locked on yours making your chest flutter.
"Yeah, you know, like when Hamilton takes all his British actor friends around the track, they're on YouTube-"
"Yeah, I know I just... don't know," you sighed at the wording.
"Pleaseee?" he was practically begging, "For me? Oh! I know, for Valentine's Day because I know you forgot."
Well, shit. you thought. He had got you there.
"This helmet hurts my head," you complained. Charles ignored the complaining and smirked at you, doing up his seatbelt. "It's just one lap, right?"
"Yes, love,"
This is actually good... you thought after a while. You had never driven this track before, so getting a little tour would hopefully help you on the weekend. The last race's crash was a little too close for comfort, you could still see Charles looking at you angrily after pulling you out of the car, his stare was intense as if he wanted to see your face from behind the visor. 
Christian Horner called you the day after the last race and made it clear there was going to be no risk-taking on your part moving forward. You had to follow instructions out on the track or he would have to 're-think his driver lineup'. His threat was surprising, but you didn't feel any worry, the team would be lost without you.
Re-think your lineup my ass.
"How are you not moving?!" Charles exclaimed, pulling you from your thoughts, "You're a natural!"
Shit. He had started driving and you were supposed to be jolting around in your seat because you were an 'amateur'. It was time to put your acting pants on.
"Well, my knuckles are turning white and I'm not breathing so I wouldn't say I'm a natural..." you choked out.
"Please breathe, love. And talk to me so I know you're not dead, I can't look over at you while I'm driving 300 miles an hour-"
"Right, right-" you said, trying to just have a normal conversation with your boyfriend and forget that there were cameras all over this car. "What should we talk about?"
"Something, anything, just don't stop breathing again-" He laughed. God, he was good at this; turning an awkward lull in conversation into a joke. He glanced over at you for a split second to try and read your face, "Do you hate this?!" Charles asked, talking very loudly over the engine of the car,  "I can't tell,"
"I don't hate it. I just don't like it at all and it's terrible," you replied calmly, trying to play the part of terrified girlfriend. The grandstands that would usually be filled with thousands of people were empty and dark, they flew past you in a blur as the car sped up on the straight section of track.
The car drifted suddenly, causing you to grip the seat and brace yourself, "CHARLES-"
Charles laughed again, but it wasn't the fake laugh he put on for the camera. It was his real laugh, the stupid giggly French laugh that he only did when you were alone in your apartment. This made you laugh too because he sounded like a little girl.
"You broke too late into that corner love," you teased him without thinking.
"Uhm..." you chuckled awkwardly and he fully turned his head studying you curiously. You just shrugged.
"Your right. I have no idea how you knew that, you surprise me every day Y/n L/n..."
"I don't know either, you're welcome though,"
Charles rolled his eyes and smirked, "Did you like the breakfast I made for you this morning?" he asked.
"Yeah, it was amazing," you lied and you could see the look on his face as he grinned because you both knew it was far from perfect. "I like waking up to the smell of bacon, " you laughed.
"Wish I had enough time in the morning, I would make it for you every day," he smiled.
"Me too, I make it work though-"
"The smell of the bacon,"
"Well, you're gone a lot and since I don't have a butler, I do it myself. Most nights before I go to bed, I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman Grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill, I go back to sleep again. Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon."
Charles cackled, almost hitting his head on the steering wheel. "I need to try this,"
"I can do eggs too, they just don't smell as good," You grinned.
"That's why I always slip on my way to the shower-" Charles wheezed with his thick accent.
"Yup. I do it in the bathroom because I don't want to get the grease all over the carpet-"
"Y/n, love, you're killing me-" 
"Don't die on me Charlie, you said it yourself we are going 300 miles an hour,"
You and Charles were laughing so hard it was bringing tears to your eyes, and before you knew it the "hot lap" was over and you were exiting the car.
The next morning, you and Charles got up at the break of dawn and drove to the track. He pulled his car into a stall and kissed you farewell, darting off to the red Ferrari garage. You headed over to a common area in the Paddock, where you usually pulled out your laptop and pretended to be doing something important. That way, fewer people came up to talk to you and you could set up an image that you were disappearing to take work calls. However, today you had no time to set up an alibi and sprinted down the back ally of the paddock until you found a pile of your racing gear outside the back door.
You rattled the handle but the door didn't budge. 
Why were your things outside and why couldn't you get in? 
You felt a sick urge in your gut that someone was trying to set you up; but, it wasn't like you could waltz in the garage with the suit in your arms and ask the pit crew who locked you out.
This lovely alleyway would have to do. You slipped into your fireproofs and race suit, stuffing your jeans and shirt in your backpack and the bag behind a dumpster. 
It would have to do. 
You sat on the ground and pulled out your phone, 15 minutes until qualifying started. You shot a text to Christian, saying you needed him to double-check that your door was unlocked before the race tomorrow, before opening up your social media to see that the hot lap had been posted and the video was blowing up. Some comments were about Charles that made you smile at how much his fans adored him. The majority ended up being about you and you felt your pulse quicked as you scrolled through them.
What could people possibly find so entertaining about you?
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You sighed and rubbed a hand through your hair, you were breaking the internet and nobody even knew your full identity. It did surprise you however, the very small amount of hate comments that were under all of the tweets, and the amount of people that would shut down the few scattered in the mix. Random people you didn't know were defending you on the internet, it was a weird feeling.
"Holy shit-" a voice rang in your ear.
Your head snapped up, your helmet wasn't on, and Lando Norris was standing across from you with his jaw on the floor.
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bluemusickid · 11 months
Please write us some jealous pedro
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, a lil angst (you know me lol), feelings of jealousy, unprotected p in v sex (don't be silly kids, wrap your willy), oral sex (f receiving), 18+, minors DNI
Author's note: UFFF I have a jealousy kink (if that's even a thing). Hope you like this anon; ngl i'm a lil rusty and nervous putting out new stuff, heh. Yes ik it's a cliche plot but trust me, it is the BEST trope and I would DIE if this happened to me lmaoooo.
Jealousy. An ugly word, and an ugly emotion. No one wants to be jealous, but it just happens. And when it does, hoo boy. It can either go very right, or very wrong.
Pedro didn't consider himself to be a jealous man. He prided himself on being someone who was secure with himself and his emotions, not allowing malice and grudges to hold him back. He had to, especially in his line of work and the industry he was a part of.
That was until he met you.
You, with your beauty and grace and perfection. He had never met anybody like you, who had turned his world on it's head. Which is why the break up was a shock to him; but he knew in his heart that it was the best step. He was no good for you, and he couldn't give you the time you needed to be properly courted and loved.
But it hurt when you left, when he was told by your friends about how you were broken and hurting. And it hurt him even more when he learnt that you had moved on and begun dating. It was irrational, true, but he felt possessive towards you. You were his and his only and he would do anything to get you back.
Which is how he found himself tucked in the corner of the jam packed club you and your friends were in, partying away. It took a lot of bribing your best friend Ashley, who very reluctantly told you their whereabouts (and also the consequences of hurting you again which involved kicking his ass). At first, he couldn't recognise you at all. A seductress stood in your place, wearing a little black dress which accentuated all your luscious curves. Your eyes were ringed with kohl and your red lips, oh dear God; Pedro nearly came at the mere thought of kissing you and smudging that lipstick. He came here to try to win you back but all he could think about now was fucking you into the next week.
He was just about to set his plan into motion, when a blond haired jackass approached her, placing his hand on the small of her back. Pedro's heart sunk when he thought that it must be your new...guy. But then he saw the look of mild surprise on your face as you took in the stranger, trying to place some distance between the two.
Blond jackass was trying to pull his best moves, flashing those baby blues and grinning at you like a weirdo. He could tell that you weren't interested at all, but simply being polite. Tutting, he was about to take a swig of his drink when he saw the bastard caress your hand, trying to get closer to you.
Although he'd promised himself that he wouldn't intervene just yet and let you enjoy your night, Pedro found himself making his way through the crowd, his focus only on getting to you as fast as he could.
"Hey baby." he crooned softly in your ear, leaving a kiss on your cheek as he put an arm around your shoulder. A subtle way of saying Back off, prick.
Wide-eyed, you stared at him in confusion till it dawned on you what might have happened. You turned to look at Ashley, who wisely averted your gaze and focused on her conquest of the night.
"What are you doing here?" you asked dryly.
"I'm here to party with my girl." he grinned, his eyes sparkling with a teasing glint.
"Well I was just in the middle of talking to this VERY nice gentleman here...umm.."
"Justin." the blond stumbled, a little intimidated by Pedro who was staring daggers at him.
"Justin, of course! We were just about to hit the dance floor before...well, you already know."
Pedro was livid at the thought of you even talking to that jackass, but he couldn't let you know that you were winning at this game. He was determined to ride this out and have you come back to him.
What he hadn't anticipated was that ugly face of jealousy that would pop out of the woodwork as he saw the both of you dancing together, your bodies too close together for his liking. The last straw was when he saw that fucker Justin run his hands over your body, pulling you to him.
Pedro didn't think straight as he strode towards you, grabbing your arm and yanking you away from the crowd towards the back exit. He knew that the consequences wouldn't be the best, but he simply couldn't bring himself to care. He needed you, right there, right now.
You found yourself pinned to the wall next to the back exit, his arms caging you in. Staring into his beautiful brown eyes, you see them darken with a mix of emotions. At first, you thought it was pure anger and annoyance, but then it hit you; he was scared. Of what, though? He was the one who wanted to end things in the first place.
"Why?" you softly asked.
"Why, what?" he said, huskily, his face dangerously close to yours. You could feel his eyes on you as you trained your eyes on his wonderful lips, only remembering how they felt on you and how they had the power to bring you to your very knees.
"W..why did you...go..?" you gasped as he softly kissed your cheek, the action felt in your very bones. The man hadn't even touched you properly and you were already putty in his hands.
Running his nose against yours, he left a soft kiss on the other cheek, then on your forehead, your nose, and after a beat, he crashed his lips to yours, derailing your train of thought. Hesitant at first, you found yourself drowning into the kiss, pouring all the hurt and love you felt for him into it. You wound your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as the kiss turned even more heated. You were disappointed as he pulled away, much too quickly for your liking.
"I had to." he mumbled, his lips making a path from your jawline to your neck. Sighing, you turned your head to give him better access winding your arms around his waist. Warning bells were ringing in your head, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. He was all you wanted, a breath of fresh air in your life. It nearly crushed you when you'd broken up, and you knew that this was a bad idea. But the way he was leaving open mouthed kisses along your neck, his hands roaming over your body, lighting you up from within; it made all your trepidation evaporate as a more volatile emotion took its place: lust. It was coursing through your veins as you pulled his hips towards yours, desperate for some sort of contact.
You could feel his smile against your skin as he hitched your leg onto his hip, his erection pressing into you.
"I'm still mad at you." you grumbled, gasping as you felt him thrust against you.
"I know." he panted "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, and I am truly very sorry. It was the biggest mistake of my life, pushing you away. I want you, need you to know that I can't live another second without you. I love you."
Your heart swelled at that. That was the first time he'd properly said those words to you, and it made you feel 10 feet tall. You beamed, eyes moist with tears.
"Take me home."
Pedro was great in bed, something that was a constant in your relationship when you were dating. But a jealous Pedro? Whew.
Gone was the gentle lover who would lovingly stare into your eyes as he made sweet, slow love to you. No, this time, he made you understand the true meaning of the phrase "legs shaking".
It started off as pretty innocent, him hugging you from behind and leaving soft kisses as you tried to open the door amongst all the distractions. As soon as you entered, though, it was like a switch had flipped. You found yourself pinned to the wall next to the door, Pedro's lips crashing against yours. Lips biting, tongues meshing, teeth briefly clashing; it was pure lust in every bit of that kiss.
And now, here you were, on your bed, Pedro's lips still joined to yours as he reacquainted himself to your body, his hands smoothing over you. He had nearly torn your dress off in haste, as you pulled off his sweatshirt, hands moving to his belt. You needed to taste him, feel him on your tongue; it had been so long. But before you could do that, he pushed you back down on the bed as he moved lower, right to your core.
You held your breath as he tore off your panties, his breath quickening seeing your wet folds. To see you as turned on as him, if not more, made him want to bury himself inside you right then and there. But not yet. No, he wanted you to lose your mind. Was it a punishment? No, not really. It was more a reminder.
"Oh, my sweet girl. She's missed me, huh?" he whispered, leaving a soft kiss on your lips. You groaned, your hips canting ever so slightly. He hadn't even made proper contact and you were already sensitive.
He chuckled at your enthusiasm as his fingers circled around your swollen nub. If only you knew how much I need you, babe, he thought as he lowered his mouth to your core.
You gasped as he left a tentative lick before attaching himself to your clit, his fingers moving inside you in tandem with his mouth. You arched your back off the bed as you struggled to keep your legs open; the only thing keeping them from closing were his broad shoulders. You could feel yourself get closer to orgasm, and you were sure that it was going to be intense. And you were right; your walls constricted around nothing as you felt the dam break, a litany of his name leaving your lips as you tried to catch your breath. You looked down at him to urge him upwards, but all you saw was his mischievous grin as he lowered himself to your core yet again, not even giving you time to calm down.
"W..wait..Ped-ro..I c-can't.." you stuttered as his fingers worked their magic on you.
"Yes, baby, you can. Make me jealous again and this is the price you'll pay." he rasped wickedly as his tongue made you see literal heaven. You'd quite frankly lost track of time and the number of orgasms he had coaxed from you, your throat drying up from screaming his name and fingers yanking on his hair. You were sure that Mrs. McNally next door would be nosy and ask you a million questions, but you didn't care.
Pedro kissed his way upwards to your mouth, stroking your hair gently till you caught your breath. Staring into his eyes, you saw pure love and admiration, something you had always craved to see from him. Pulling him to yourself, you kissed him softly, pouring all your love into that one kiss.
Pulling back, he looked at you, silently asking for permission. You reached down between you, pumping him and running a thumb over his sensitive head. He groaned loudly, thrusting himself into your hands as you swept your tongue over him, the salty tang turning you on like nothing else.
Pushing you down, he took himself in his hand as he slowly sunk into you inch by inch, till he bottomed out. The feeling could only be described as out of this world, and the both of you groaned in unison as you became one. Pedro had to concentrate on not coming then and there, as your tight wet heat enveloped him in the best way possible. He began to move slowly at first, and then speeding upto a rhythm that was unlike anything you had experienced before. There was no other way to put it except that he was pounding you into the mattress. You moaned loudly, fingernails scratching his back as you bit onto his earlobe, trying to contain your feelings of extreme pleasure.
Sitting up, he pulled your hips off the bed hitching your legs over his hips, changing the angle of his thrusts. You yelped, the sudden position change making you see stars. He was hitting your g-spot square on, to the point where you couldn't even distinguish between pleasure and pain.
"This pussy is mine. This body is mine, YOU are mine, you understand?" he growled through gritted teeth. "No one gets to look at or touch what's mine."
"Seeing you in that little dress tonight; it took all of my self control not to throw you to the ground and fuck you in front of those men, just to show them who you belong to. To show that blond jackass that only I can fuck you this good."
You whined, his words going straight to your core. Your legs were shaking, and you weren't sure if you could take another orgasm, but it seemed that Pedro had different plans for you in store.
He bent forward, pushing your legs back till your knees met your chest. You yowled, yanking on his hair as you approached your peak, legs shaking and quivering. You screamed something unintelligible as you reached your apex, your walls squeezing Pedro, who grunted at the feeling.
"You feel so good, sweetheart. Like silk. Makes me never want to leave this tight pussy." he rasped.
You could sense that he was close too, as you wrapped your legs around him, urging him on. He moved urgently, his hips a blur as he reached his end explosively, pouring himself into you. He moved inside you slowly, till every last drop poured out. He collapsed on you wearily, tucked into the crook of your neck whispering sweet nothings.
There was nothing said as he spooned you, holding you as your body still trembled from all the stimulation. There would be lots of time to talk tomorrow. But for today, you silently thanked the green eyed monster.
A/N: EEEEEEEP I FINALLY DID IT YEAAAH BABEHHH. To say i'm nervous would be the understatement of the century, but I truly hope y'all liked this. Reblogs go a looong way, so pls do reblog if you liked this! Love and hugs to all!
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harmshake · 8 months
i miss amanda and joe again 🥹
You know what, bestie? I do, too...that's why I wrote this a few weeks ago. I didn't post it because I wanted to write my WiPs list in order but whatever! Lol.
Hope you enjoy! 💖
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Roman Reigns x Amanda (Fem!Black!OC) | 18+ ONLY, NSFW, smut | ~2.4k words
Happy reading! Read more Joe and Amanda or my other Roman stories here, if you'd like. ✨
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"You were laughin' mighty hard at his jokes. Too hard," Joe said with a cute smirk on his lips as he stood across from her at their hotel's kitchenette island counter. His long fingers gripped the granite, watching her with that mischievous glint twinkling in his eyes as she poured the sparkling water she just pulled from the refrigerator into a glass of ice.
"You're so childish," Amanda giggled and took a long sip. She couldn't believe he was still salty about Jon's innocent ribbing at the club earlier in the night. "And like you said, that ain't been a problem for you since you were seventeen. You a grown ass man now, baby. But that shit was funny, I'm sorry."
She knew he found it funny, too, but his pride got in the way. She let out a little chuckle at the thought of Joe when he and his cousins were rowdy ass teens.
"Man, we would sneak out at night and meet up with Joe at a new shawty's house damn near every weekend," Jon said as he pointed to his twin brother next to him on the leather sectional sofa in their private lounge. Sefa sat next to them and shook his head as he chimed in about how he was left out of those excursions because he was nine years old, but that he always heard them climbing in and out of their bedroom windows.
"I never told Mom and Dad, either. I wasn't no snitch," he added with a laugh and Jon patted him proudly on the shoulder.
"Crazy thing is, you ain't snitch and we still got in trouble 'cause of Joe's ass," Josh said after taking a sip of his rum and Coke. Joe sat across from his cousins on the other side of the sectional with his arm draped over Amanda's shoulders and a scoff on his handsome face.
"No you not 'bout to tell that story," Joe snarled yet he wore a sheepish smirk.
"What story? I haven't heard this," Amanda glanced up at her boyfriend with curiosity filling her eyes, and he glanced down at her with a slightly uneasy look in his deep brown ones.
"Nothing, baby," he started but Jon was already launching into storytime.
"Cuzzo, check this out, right. We got busted sneakin' back in the house after leavin' Joe's ol' girl's house one night. We were probably there all of fifteen minutes. I'm with my girl on the couch. Josh in another room with his. And Joe with his in her bedroom." Jon leaned his elbows onto his knees and raised his voice so Amanda could hear him over the pounding bass of Beyoncé's "Virgo's Groove." She heard Joe at her side let out a loud groan in a weak effort to drown his cousin out.
"Hush!" Amanda playfully popped him on the chest with the back of her hand. "Okay, then what happened?" she looked at Jon.
"Okay, so, we all gettin' in it and havin' a good time...for 'bout ten minutes." Jon paused to toss back the rest of his mojito mocktail before sliding the glass onto the cocktail table between them. "'Cause next thing I know, Joe's girl stormin' around the house yellin' at him, me, and Josh to get the hell out."
"She was goin' off, Uce," Josh piped up with a chuckle.
"Why?!" Amanda's eyes widened with a grin as she brought her Chardonnay to her lips.
"Oh, my god," Joe groaned again, his head falling back onto the couch as he sank in his seat in shame.
"Because yo' man bussed in, like, three minutes and pissed her off so bad she had to ruin the fun for everyone! Me and Josh ain't get shit but he got his real quick!" Jon recounted and made everyone burst out laughing, including Joe. However, when Amanda took a peek at him, his cute face was bright red from embarrassment.
"Baby, that's what you ain't want me to hear?" she asked softly as she choked back another chuckle. She placed her hand on his burly thigh in his black slacks to give him a comforting squeeze as she tried to compose herself from the giggles and added, "You were just young and inexperienced. We all been there!" 
Joe ran his hand over his face and beard as he giggled again, too, but still shot her and his cousin a mock glare. "Swear you talk too damn much!" he spat at Jon. But then he pulled Amanda closer to his side with his hand teasingly kneading her arm until she wiggled and smiled as he confidently announced, "Luckily, that ain't a problem anymore. Ain't that right, baby?" 
"Shidd, we know. Y'all loud as hell on that damn bus," Sefa cut in as he took a swig from his beer bottle, making everyone laugh again.
Amanda couldn't hold back the chuckle that jumped out of her as she thought of how Jon roasted her man afterward, and she watched Joe across the counter as his lips parted with pretend shock.
"It was that funny, huh?" he asked as those full, pink lips then pulled into a smug grin. But before she could respond, he rounded the counter to stand behind her, those long fingers of his sliding onto her waist and caressing along her thick hips as he bunched up her little, black dress into his big hands. Her laugh slipped suddenly into a gentle moan as he yanked her close to his warm, hard body, surprising her when she felt his thick dick already growing hard on her backside as he put his soft lips to her neck.
"Yeah...funny," Amanda nearly whispered as her lips curled into a smile when she felt his on her skin do the same before he kissed her throat. She couldn't stop another moan from escaping her when the fingers of his left hand covered her hip, squeezing her, while the others swiftly found themselves in her panties, teasing down her clit and into her little hole that was already growing wet for him.
"You ain't gon' be laughin' when I'm poundin' in this pussy, though..." He gently pushed his middle finger inside, up to his knuckle, and nudged at her sweet spot a few times, feeling her twitch around him as a raspy sob fell from her lips. "Yeah, you want Daddy in this pussy...put that damn glass down."
Joe didn't wait for her to obey, but instead snatched the glass of sparkling water from her hand and slammed it on the counter before he spun her around, lifted her, and placed her on it, too. "Oh, so you really mad, huh? You're so petty, I swear," Amanda joked as Joe reached his hands under her dress again to yank down her panties until they fell past her black stilettos and hit the tile floor. She couldn't help but mess with him because how could her big and mature boyfriend be embarrassed about shit they did as lanky, silly teens? She had to admit it was adorable.
Yet her heart raced as he sank onto his knees between her bare, brown thighs, grabbing them into his hands to spread far apart as he gazed up at her with a devilish chuckle. "Oh, I'mma show you petty," he said before he pressed his full lips to her slick pussy lips, using his tongue to slowly split them and taste her nectar in one long lick that ended with the tip flickering lightly around her clit...but not adding any pressure to her sweetest spot that was beginning to throb for that contact.
"Ooh, fuck," Amanda breathed as she eased back onto her elbow, putting her other hand on the back of Joe's head to push his mouth deeper onto her pussy. But he resisted. "Daddy, stop teasin' me, damn," she groaned as his tongue focused on her opening, pushing inside with short, succulent thrusts that made her squirm. It felt delicious but she needed those thrusts on her clit. Now.
"You think this a game, baby?" Joe said when he pulled back a little to look at her. His laugh was dark before he added, "I'm just warmin' up...'cause I'mma drag this shit out. I'mma make this pussy cum for me over and over. Right here..."
He slowly ran his tongue up and down her wet folds once, still avoiding her clit and making her cry out as her body trembled on the counter. "...In the shower..." Joe licked at Amanda again, pulling another moan from her as he softly pulled her right set of lower lips into his mouth to suckle. "...In the bed..." Then he switched to the left set, clutching her hips in his hands when she shook again.
"...And wherever else I want. 'Cause I'mma wear this pussy out for as long as I want," he whispered gruffly. That's when he met her eyes and licked his lips before he finally flattened his long tongue against the bud of her sensitive clit, lapping at it and lifting the hood with the tip of his tongue to pull it between his pillowy lips with delicate pressure that grew deeper with her every whimper that grew longer, louder.
"Babyyy...I'm cumming," Amanda tried not to shout and yank his hair from his head as Joe's mouth feasted on her for a few minutes and gobbled her up into a heated bliss that had her splayed out on the counter, panting and arching her back as he devoured her and her juices that flowed on his tongue and mustache.
He barely let her recover before he scooped her up into his muscular arms and carried to her the bedroom where he did what he said he would: Wore her out all over it, starting in the shower where he gripped her ass in his palms with her legs around his waist as he fucked her into the wall while the hot water rained down on them.
After Amanda climbed out of the steamy stall on wobbly legs and made her way to the marble sink to do her night skincare routine, Joe wouldn't let her rest. She saw his reflection as he loomed over her, his naked, tan skin glistening with droplets of water that dripped down his muscles as he stared down at her round ass before he grabbed at it and made her bend over the counter.
"Naw, you thought I was playin', huh?" he grunted as he thrust his big ass dick into her tender, gushy pussy. He took a handful of her damp, red-auburn coils that fell to her shoulders and made a fist as Amanda softly grunted back, watching her face, smeared with lotion he didn't give her a chance to rub in, contort with pleasure as he forced her mouth to fall open from how he hit her with hard, luscious backshots she felt in her lungs.
"Fuuuuck," she cried, losing her breath, as he met her eyes in the mirror before they trailed down to her squirting on his dick that he made disappear inside her over and over.
Joe left her crumpled on the bathroom floor with a chuckle as he let her gather herself and struggle through finishing her skin routine with weary limbs...but he was waiting for her on the bed, stretched out with his arms tucked behind his head.
Amanda was exhausted but her pussy still throbbed in excitement to see him and his silky, dark hair on his shoulders and his beautiful, bulky muscles, especially that long, thick one twitching on his thigh as it got harder at the sight of her. He hadn't allowed himself to cum both times he fucked some sense into her, clearly trying to prove a point. It made her roll her eyes but she grinned and bit her plump, bottom lip as she joined him on the bed. 
"What you lyin' down for? Get on this dick, baby," Joe growled on her lips as he kissed her and pulled her on top of him. 
"Really? After you've turned my legs into jello?!" Amanda contested with a mumbling moan as he pushed his warm, hard flesh into her.
"Not my problem, sweetheart. Told you what I was gon' do..." he said and took her petite waist into his giant hands to move her as she straddled him. Even as she tried to plant her hands on his broad, tatted chest, she fell into him as she was too weak to withstand his indulging, grinding thrusts that filled her, tapping her core as he made her bounce on him.  
Joe mercifully allowed her to lie there as he dug in her with his hands on her ass, his lips pressed to her ear as he kissed it and talked his shit. 
"You still think I'm funny? Say somethin', baby..." he uttered a demand as Amanda uttered only cries, getting dizzy from his hypnotic, winding strokes up into the pit of her belly.
"Mmm, talk to me. Thought it was a joke, huh?" Joe nibbled on her earlobe and spanked his hand on her ass to make her yelp to him. "Gon' on and laugh now. Lemme hear it, sweetheart. C'mon..."
She knew there wasn't anything funny other than how laughably easily he could control her pleasure as the angle he stroked off in her kept him buried on her overstimulated g-spot. Amanda hid her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder, breathing heavily and tasting his sweat on her tongue as she licked and kissed him, making him moan back to her.
"Unnhhh, Joe...mmmuhh, Joe!" she squealed and rasped as her voice gave out while her orgasm made her give in. She clutched at him as she felt feverish with hot waves of ecstasy cascading through her while she drenched his dick and balls with her juices spurting and dripping on their skin and the sheets beneath them.
"Daddy don't play 'bout his pussy, do he?" Joe breathed in a low, lusty growl. His strokes in her got louder and messier as her love nectar made their skin slap and stick together. Amanda could hear it in his voice and feel it within her that he was throbbing and aching to release now that he'd done her in. She found the strength to nod to his question before she slumped back to his chest with gasping breaths as he let out a sweet, deep groan. "That's right, baby...mmmn, goddamn."
He jolted underneath her as he suddenly nutted deep inside her, holding her down on his dick as he bucked his hips up to empty himself into her stomach. All Amanda could do was whine and cling to him as she transcended into euphoria with her man as her only anchor to this realm as he kept his hands on her.
Joe's hands didn't leave her even as he finished and carefully shifted her to the bed at his side where he cuddled her from behind, pushing her hair out of her face to graze his lips on her cheek with soft kisses. Amanda felt so delightfully depleted that she could barely muster up a giggle when his silly ass grinned and whispered in her ear, "Who's laughing now, sweetheart?"
Thanks for reading! 🖤
Tag squad 🫶🏾
@harlem11680 @mzv11 @visionarymode @miyuhpapayuh @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @angelreigns444 @vebner37 @flawlessvictory2020 @dreamsinfocus @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @jeyusos-girl @nayys-world @msbigredmachine @purplehairgawdess @dayjlovesromance @solosikoasgf @mohawkmama @smuts-whore @po3ticb3auty @alyyaanna @murrylove @papireigns-05 @vintage-pvssy @christinabae @itsautomaticfaegirl @bebesobrielo @urasunflower @iguessilikewrestlingnow @seeingstarks @555sage @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @theninthwonder @tabletheofhead @weirdosandhopelessromantics @venusesworld @ariieeesworld @sassginaswanmills @twocentuar @2-muchsauce @gomussy @jstarr86 @theglamclosetsl @baeusos @empressdede
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sumaneun-stars · 6 months
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Pairing. Sunghoon x reader
Genre. Fluff
Warnings. None:>
Synopsis. In which a dare from your friends could either ruin or spark a relationship with the absolutely gorgeous man you met at the mall.
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You got the second text from your group chat, after you had a girl's day out two days ago. 
Chaewon: "Y/n! A reminder, don't forget the dare!"
You rolled your eyes at the message.
Y/n: "I don't have memory loss, Chae”
The dare, in fact, was an embarrassing one for an introvert. You couldn't even talk to a child without stumbling over your words, let alone tell a good looking person who's about your age, that he's handsome.
You walked away from the counter, bags in hand after you got carried away while picking a birthday gift for your classmate. I mean, it had been a while since you went shopping. You waited for the elevator beside another person who you didn't focus much on, and got on once it arrived.
“Which floor?” The person asked.
“Ground” you said simply, too busy shifting the bags to a comfortable position to look at his face.
‘9th floor to the ground floor, might take a while’. 
You let air fill your mouth in boredom, looking around the elevator, until you caught a glimpse of the person's face who stood beside you from the spotless walls. The air left your mouth like a balloon being let go, leaving your lips in a pout.
You looked up at him, starstruck. ‘An angel. He's not real. Am I dreaming?’. He looked like some ice prince or an angel descended from heaven. Maybe even an alien, considering that his features were out of this world. Whatever he was, he was certainly not human. He was simply unreal.
Your mouth was slightly parted in disbelief, resisting the urge to poke him to see if he was real or just another one of your hallucinations. Except you did poke him. A dare is a dare. Your mouth opened to speak, but once he brought his attention to you, you were lost for words. 
His eyes sparkled as his lips were brought into a polite smile. He held a confused yet gentle expression, and you couldn't help but stare at him with heart eyes. He cleared his throat, bringing you back to your senses.
“You're handsome” your voice came out as a mumble.
“Hm?” He leaned closer to you. You got a slight whiff of sandalwood and cinnamon. You could faint on the spot, no joke.
“You- you're extremely good looking” you said without thinking, still staring at him.
He brought his hand on his mouth, chuckling at your words. ‘Oh. My. God. This man has the prettiest hands ever’. He removed his hand, still holding that gorgeous smile of his. He had fang-like teeth. It's probably illegal to be this perfect. 
“You too- I mean- you're pretty” he replied, smiling with his eyes. Your cheeks flushed red, but you knew he said that out of politeness. You hid your face in embarrassment, looking away as your cheeks boiled in your skin. ‘You're such an idiot, y/n’. There was an uncomfortable silence between you two, until the elevator door opened.
You walked with fast steps out of the elevator, too embarrassed to even look back.
“Wait” you heard his honey-like voice once again. It was probably in your head, or was it? You stopped in your tracks when you felt a hand on your shoulder. ‘He's so tall’. You looked up at him in silence.
“Do you mind if I- I get your number?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. 
You couldn't process his words.
“My number?” You asked in disbelief. He nodded in response. You started glitching. Your hands went back and forth from your head to your hair, and finally to your pocket. You took out your phone and gave it to him. He chuckled at your wallpaper- a poorly drawn frog with a crown on its head, with goofy handwriting spelling out the words “frogs are queen cards too”. One of your artworks, of course.
“Oh that's just what I did when I was bored, I'm actually talented” you mumbled to defend yourself and your dignity.
“It's cute,” he said, making your heart race at the smile that formed on his face.
“Sunghoon!” You heard from a distance, and saw him turn at his name, probably. It came from a group of boys- his friends, of course.
“I gotta go,” he told you, pursing his lips in guilt. “Bye, queen card” he said with a slight smirk, before handing over your phone after typing out his number and running towards his friends. 
You were left speechless. You watched as a few boys hit his shoulder, teasing him as they screamed a few ‘ooh's and ‘ah's at him. He had a shy smile on his face, before he looked over his shoulder at you one last time. 
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meiru-sama · 11 months
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♡Yandere bullied x bully reader♡
This story contains: masochistic tendencies, bullying, degradation, stalking, obsession, a jerk reader, slight nsfw.
You let out a loud laugh while you stared down at the boy who was on the floor, his face covered with bruises and blood while his things were scattered on the ground.
You leaned down closer on his face with a smug smile. "You idiot. I told you not to tell the teacher or anyone about this shit right?" You hissed while you pulled his brown locks making him groan in pain and pleasure.
"P-promise (Y/N), i promise--- it was not me! It was hannah, she found out about this and she quickly told the teacher about it but trust me-- i didnt want anyone to find out about this!" The male defended, you just smiled at him, tugging his hair harder.
"Oh well Hiro my love, i guess i have to leave you alone now." You shrugged while you let his brown locks free. You stood up from the ground, while you dusted your skirt.
"W--what? No-- please (Y/N) dont leave me alone!" The boy pleaded, while he looked at you with so much desperation.
You just smirked, knowing how you got him wrap around you fingers. You just pushed him with your heels making his back lay on the floor. You placed your heels on his chest while your eyes landed on a book, a yellow book that has writings on it saying. "For my eyes only!"
You chuckled while grabbing it. "Is this some kind of diary, you weak freak?" You were about to open the book but the male underneath you shouted at you to stop as his face started to turn red.
"Are you telling me to stop baby boy?" You rose a brow while the male just can feel himself getting harder when you called him by that pet name.
You opened the notebook and you started to read it out loud but lucky for him, both of you were on the rooftop and no one else was there expect just the two of you.
"Dear diary, it was just a usual routine wake up, get ready for school, study ,get hurt by (Y/N) and sleep. Loser!" You laughed before continuing. "She punched me to the face again but it was harder and fuck it was.... fantastic. I want her to do it again" your smile dropped while you decided to silently just read all of the pages and everything was about you, it even have some images of you! Sleeping, showering, gossiping with your friends or studying.
You threw the diary to the ground, while you stared down at the male, disgusted, who just stared at the diary you threw as tears started to form in his eyes but to be honest you were amused, ignoring the fact that he always stalked you and was jerking himself of every night while thinking about you.
"Well, i knew you were a creep baby boy." Hiro stared at you with wide eyes. Y- you werent mad?? Infact you are wearing a smirk right now! Means.. you like him too?!
The brown haired boy's eyes sparkled with joy and excitement. "Such a dirty boy huh? " you said before removing your heels on his chest making him breath more freely.
"Anyways make a copy of that image where i was sitting on a couch eating a popcorn and on the shower part. I look good on those." You said while giving him a wink before leaving him on the rooftop alone.
Hiro stared at the sky for a moment before letting out a laugh, his cheeks were still hot and red, his thing still hard.
It was unbelievable, he couldn't believe it!you were interested with him too? You were completely fucking unstable and a lunatic like him too?
(I think im gonna re-write this, im so fcking sleepy rn)
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