#now it’s more like wondering if you should name your shower chair
lokilysolbitch · 10 months
god bless Jessica kellgren-fozard and any other disabled creator responsible for rewiring my brain at the age of like 15 so that learning im disabled and need mobility aids did not ever feel like a death sentence
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starkwlkr · 3 months
can u make an imagine where Noah is graduating pre-k or something and the whole family would be there like imagine proud dad max 😍😍😍
and a little family interaction between reader max and Noah 🥲❤️
oh, the places you’ll go | max verstappen
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You, Max, his mother and sister were in the assembly hall of Noah’s school. It was his graduation from pre-kindergarten and you were holding back tears. Your baby was growing up. The ceremony was going to start soon and Max was getting his phone ready to film and take pictures.
“Do you think he will see us? Maybe we should change seats, there’s some empty ones up there.” Max wondered since they were seated right in the middle.
“It’s fine, Max. I let him know where we are sitting. I’m sure when Noah is on stage you’ll stand up and yell his name so yeah i am positive he will see us.” You chuckled. Then Noah’s teacher came out with a microphone to let everyone know the ceremony was starting.
“Please welcome our graduates!” The teacher announced as music started to play while the line of kids started coming in to the assembly hall.
The kids were lined up by their last name so Noah was near the end, but that didn’t bother him. He was happy since he was next to a friend of his. As he walked towards the stage, Noah kept looking for his family. He then spotted his father waving his hand so Noah could spot him.
“Look! That’s my dad!” Noah told his friend. Noah then waved back to Max.
“He saw me!” Max smiled brightly.
Finally, all the kids were on stage in their little plastic chairs facing the audience. After everyone was seated, Noah’s teacher, Ms. Dutton, have a speech about how proud she was of the kids. She then announced that each kids would come up to the microphone and say what they wanted to be when they were older.
Many of Noah’s classmates said the common careers like astronaut, teacher etc. When it was Noah’s turn, you got ready with your phone to take a video. Noah had told you what he wanted to be and you knew that you needed to record Max’s reaction to your son’s answer.
“Noah, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
“When I grow up I want to be the team principal of Red Bull so my dad can win more races and be world champion a lot of times.”
Laughter erupted from the audience, many parents knew who Noah’s dad was so they thought it was funny. Max laughed as well loving the answer. He didn’t even notice you were recording his reaction.
“He’s going place.” Max said while clapping for his son.
“Another Verstappen in Formula 1!” Sophie laughed.
After every kid said their answers, it was time for them to receive their diplomas. Now it was Max’s turn to be the photographer. He made sure to get the right angle when it was Noah’s turn.
“Noah Verstappen.” Ms. Dutton said as the Verstappen family clapped and cheered for Noah.
“Hi dad!” Noah waved to Max from the stage. Max waved back then continued to take several pictures of Noah being handed his diploma. His phone was pretty much pictures of Noah anyway.
After the ceremony, you all went to pick up Noah at his classroom. When you arrived, you found him sitting at his regular seat with his friend playing with toy cars. It took him a second to realize his family had arrived, but when he spotted you, he ran towards you and Max.
“My beautiful boy just graduated! I’m so proud of you, Noah.” You picked him up and showered him with kisses then set him down.
“Congratulations Noah!” Sophie hugged her grandson. “Are you going to help your dad win more championships?”
“Yes! And he’s going to win a lot!”
“Watch out, everyone, another Verstappen is coming to the paddock.” Victoria teased.
“Dad did you see me?” Noah asked as Max picked him up.
“I did! Did you see me?”
“Yeah, I heard you so many times and I told my friend that you were my dad and he said that he likes your car because it goes so fast.” Noah explained.
Noah then decided to show his dad around the classroom and show him some of his work that was stapled to the cork board while you chatted with Sophie and Victoria. Max payed close attention to everything Noah was telling him even if half of it didn’t make sense, he still listened. Noah then showed him a drawing that he made of Max, you and him with his car.
“This is you and mommy and me and your car.” Noah pointed out. “You don’t have your trophy because you didn’t win it yet.” Max assumed it was a drawing of them from Abu Dhabi 2021 before the race started.
“It’s beautiful, Noah. I’m going to take a picture of it so I can show everyone in the paddock.” Max them took his phone out and took several pictures.
From where you stood, you watched your boys. It was too adorable seeing Max with Noah. You knew that Noah would be loved and protected by Max everyday. You thank your lucky stars everyday that Max came into your life.
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queer-n-here · 3 months
Making Poe/Sigma ride a dildo PLS.
Also you're a great writer
Hey, thanks! Hope you like this one, too.
Also, I fucking love Sigma. I fucking love him. Him and Tanizaki are the two characters that I simp so hard for I would do anything to have them.
Contents: Making Sigma ride a dildo cuz you had a wet dream about it
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, masturbation, sex toys, nipple play.
It had been on your mind for a while now. More accurately, ever since you'd had that dream about Sigma riding a dildo like a bitch in heat, eyes glued to yours and hands bracing against the floor.
You wondered now, stepping into your shared room at the Sky Casino with a bag in your hand, if Sigma would agree to your little request.
You found him sitting at his desk the way you always did. Him, hunched over numerous sheets of paper spread out so he could see all of them at once. You walked over to him, wrapping an arm around Sigma's shoulder and placing a kiss on his temple.
He barely even looked up, murmuring a, "Welcome back," half-heartedly. You didn't mind, ruffling his hair gently and putting down the bag in your hands on the bedside table to go freshen up. When you emerged from the shower, hair dripping water onto the fabric of your T-shirt, neither Sigma nor the bag had moved. You plopped down on the bed, grabbing your phone to pass time.
"Say, baby," You said casually, and Sigma hummed to show that he was listening. "I went down today for an emergency supply run."
'Down' meant back to the surface of earth.
"Mm-hmm," Sigma's eyes were still glued to his paperwork. "See anything interesting?"
You couldn't help but smirk at his words. "Why, I did actually."
"Hmm," Was his only reply, attention stolen completely by his work.
You didn't mind; being in a relationship with someone with the personality of Sigma had that requirement of patience. His work could wrap him around him like deadly vines sometimes. Only when it started suffocating him could you step in, beating back its branches and freeing your boyfriend from them.
And Sigma himself had agreed to your suggestion that after 10 o'clock, he should forget work and just be your boyfriend. So you waited.
The very second the clock in your room struck ten, you threw your phone down and left the bed, going to stand over Sigma instead. You bent down, and picked Sigma up from his chair, making him yelp in surprise and latch onto your neck for balance.
"[Name], what-" He began, but you cut him off.
"It's ten," You jutted your head towards the clock.
Sigma glanced at it, sighed, and then wrapped his arms more firmly around your neck, his expression resigned. "Fine."
You grinned unapologetically, and carried him to the bed, setting him down on the soft mattress and laying down beside him on your side, an elbow propped up against the bed to support your head up with your hand.
"So," You said, looking down at Sigma with a mischievous combination of a smile and smirk plastered on your face. "Did you hear what I said earlier about going down for an emergency run?"
He racked his brains. "Oh, yeah, you said you saw something interesting. What was it?"
Your smile-smirk-combination turned into a full smirk, and you reached over to the bedside table to grab the bag you'd brought with you, depositing it on Sigma's chest carefully.
"Is it a present?" His face lit up, eyes shining as he scrambled to sit up to open the bag.
"Mn," You nodded, eyes glued to that expression of his. "Two, actually. One of them is for you, and the other one might be for me."
Sigma frowned. "But if you brought it for yourself then-"
"Just open it," You raised your head to kiss his lips gently. "Either way you're gonna use it."
He shrugged, "Okay," and reached into the bag. The first thing he pulled out was a small jewellery box made of oak wood, its surface shiny and well-polished. His face lit up again, throwing you an excited glance before opening it, making you smile at him fondly.
It was a silver bracelet, somehow sturdy and delicate at the same time, which was why it had reminded you of Sigma when you'd seen it in the glass case of a jewellery shop you'd been passing.
"It's beautiful," Sigma said, looking up at you with that ecstatic expression on his pretty face.
"You like it?" You asked, and he nodded earnestly. "That's good, then."
You sat up to place a soft kiss on his forehead, and he turned to hug you tightly.
"Thank you," He whispered against your chest as you stroked the back of his head. "I'll cherish it."
You smiled. It felt so good to be able to make him smile, it was surreal.
Sigma got up from the bed to carefully put the bracelet in a drawer, face all split from that wide smile on it. He returned for the second gift, the one you had deliberately placed lower in the bag so he would see it later.
Sitting down next to you again, he took up the bag and reached into it for a second time. When he pulled his hand out, sitting on his hand, all innocent looking and perfectly stationary, was a bright purple dildo.
His eyes widened, and a heavy blush rose up to his cheeks. He dropped it back into the bag, turning to you accusingly as his face burned with shame.
You met his gaze with a calm one of yours, smirking. "How d'you like it?"
Ten minutes later, you received the answer to your question.
You had somehow managed to convince a very flustered Sigma into cooperating with your plans. Now, he was on the floor next to you, hole tight and pathetic around the dildo that you'd stuck to the floor.
You sat close to him, letting him clutch your shirt in his hands as he huffed and panted, eyes wet and shoulders shaking.
"I think you're ready to move now, right, baby?" You asked, supporting most of his weight as he leaned against you.
Sigma nodded, and slowly began moving. He raised his hips till only the tip of the dildo was in him, before engulfing the entire thing again. His thighs shook, and moans spilled from his pretty mouth as he began riding it. You let him bury his head into your chest, knowing full well the shame that made him red now would be gone soon.
Sigma began gaining a rhythm slowly, his hips speeding up as your hand reached for your own waistband. Supporting him with one hand, you used the other to pull your cock free from its retraints. You began stroking just as Sigma's moans grew louder, each thrust of the dildo against his gummy walls making him more breathless than before.
"Look at me, baby," You said, hands fast on your cock.
He did, fingers of both his hands clenching you so tight you wondered if he'd be able to tear your skin through the shirt. His eyes were leaking tears down either side of his red face, and his sweat-soaked and messy hair was sticking to his forehead. His eyes were wide, pupils all blown out and blurred up. You leaned down and kissed him, swallowing each of his moans as he bounced on the dildo.
You continued jerking off to the sight of your boyfriend riding that dildo, knowing full well it could have been your cock if you'd asked for that instead.
"Move faster, baby," You told him, and with tears streaming down his face, he did as he was told.
As Sigma bounced wildly, your eyes glued themselves to the point where the dildo plunged in and out of his already swollen hole. He bit his lips, throwing his head back and letting you lower your head to bite at his pale flesh and kiss his nipples. His shame, as you had predicted, had already vaporized into thin air, and he made eye contact with you as he rode the dildo, mouth open and spilling lewd sounds. You licked and bit and kissed and teased to your heart's content as Sigma's body moved beneath your lips.
Soon, his moans turned into cries, and his movements grew sloppily and wilder, arms wrapping around your neck desperately and pulling you closer. Your hand sped up around your cock, knowing from his mannerisms that Sigma was close to his orgasm.
"Let's finish together, hmm?" You said, and Sigma nodded, leaning up to catch your lips in a kiss.
You reached over with your free hand to stroke his length, making him gasp and try to pull away, but you held on firm. You stroked both cocks in rhythm till he was crying, burying his face into your chest and just sobbing, his orgasm strong and unavoidable as it washed over him.
Ropes of cum shot out of your cock as Sigma collapsed onto you, breathless and tired. You reached forwards to pull him up and away from the dildo and onto you, wrapping both your arms around his shaking frame.
You let him calm down and come down from his high, stroking his back and pressing kisses into his temple. Soon, he pulled away to look at you, tears dried on his cheeks.
"Was that good?" He asked.
You nodded, smiling. "So good, baby. Now that you've had practice, d'you wanna try the real thing?"
Sigma's eyes widened, and he flushed impossibly darker.
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straylightdream · 6 months
what am I missing?
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act thirteen: “You’re my everything.”
feat: bang chan x f.reader, seo changbin x f.reader, han jisung x f.reader
↳ in your mid to late twenties you’re left wondering if you missed your sexual awakening. With a the help of friends you start to really find yourself.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: for the story as a whole angst, a little fluff, body image issues, and self doubt, cussing all smut warnings listed below for what is in this story.
series masterlist
𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬.
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𝐚𝐧: please let me know your predictions for what is going to happen.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: for the story as a whole, oral (fem & male receiving), piv, unprotected sex, groping, threesome, use or traffic light system, choking, and spanking, the mc calls herself a slut more warning to come. Soft but dominant jisung, kinda sub reader for jisung. Being tied up during sex, anal play, use of a butt plug, names such as baby, princess and good girl
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Work was long and you were relieved when Changbin asked you to join him and the boys for pizza and beer at his house. You had been picking up more shifts than normal since you were trying to save some money. You showed up before Jisung arrived. Chan was taking a shower after coming over after working out.
Standing in the kitchen with Changbin you listen as he’s telling you about a song he’s been working on. There is something about Changbin when he’s passionate about something that you find so attractive. He absolutely loves making music and loves talking about it. You could listen to him talk about it for hours.
“It’s been awhile since the three of us hung out,” he says changing the subject.
“I know things have been different recently.” You can’t help but wonder if your sexual activities with the boys are ruining things. Things have definitely been different because of it.
“It’s not a bad thing that things are different,” he says.
“I’m trying not to overthink things,” you keep telling yourself you can’t get in your head right now. You start to overthink things you feel like you might mess everything up.
“Before the boys come in here I wanted to ask if I could see you again, just the two of us.”
“Of course you can. We haven’t really gotten too much alone time.”
“I know work has been pretty crazy and I’m trying to let you see the other boys. I’m trying not to get jealous of them getting time with you.” You had no idea Changbin was trying not to be jealous about you seeing the boys. You thought he was completely fine about everything being casual. “Let’s plan a date night soon.”
Before you can say anything else Chan walks into the kitchen dressed in a pair of sweatpants a black hoodie. Without saying a word he pulls you into a big hug. There is something about the way he’s always hugged you that has made you feel safe. He gently kisses your forehead earning a smile from you.
“Hey you.”
“Hi, Chan.”
“So the pizza should be here soon, and Jisung is about five minutes away with a case of beer,” Changbin speaks up. You pull away from Chan looking over at Changbin. He just gives you a crooked smile.
Jisung arrives right before the pizza. You help Changbin step up the coffee table with plates, while the other two boys are opening bottles of beer.
Sitting down on the couch you aren’t expecting Chan and Changbin to move quickly to make sure they get to sit next to you. Changbin sits next to you first. He puts his hand on your thigh and squeezes it before shooting Chan a glance.
Jisung doesn’t move. He stands in front of the coffee table with a smile across his face as he watches everything unfold. Chan sits on the other side of you trying to act casual.
“I’m just gonna sit in this chair away from whatever that was,” he laughs before sitting down.
Jisung flips through Netflix as you all work on eating your pizza. The whole time you’re watching the anime Jisung put on it’s like Chan and Changbin are trying to make their presence known. Changbin’s hand never leaves your thigh. Occasionally he’ll rub your thigh and then every so often he’ll squeeze it. Chan on the hand gets comfortable and leans against you.
Throughout the whole night you can feel Jisung watching what is unfolding. The whole night both the boys stay close to you.
When exhaustion finally starts to hit you know it’s time to call and Uber to come get you. You help the boys clean up the living room before hugging Jisung goodbye.
“Did you want me to give you a ride home?” Chan asked, standing by the front door.
“Do you mind swinging by my place?” You planned on calling a ride to pick you up.
“Come on, I'll take you home.”
You walk over to Changbin who is watching you carefully. He pulls you into a tight hug. “Can I ask you out on a date?”
You pull away slightly while he’s still embracing, “yes.”
“Thursday night let’s go out to dinner.” He kisses the top of your head before pulling away.
“You ready?” Chan says catching your attention.
Walking down the street to Chan’s car he walks close to you. You can’t help but feel like your night with Chan is far from over.
“So did you want to have a sleepover?” He asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
“At your place or mine?”
“We can go to your place.” The idea of another sleepover with Chan made you very happy. You love being able to fall asleep in his arms. Your place is a short drive from Changbin’s apartment. Chan parks his car and waits for you with his hand out. He wasted no time lacing his finger with your leading into the lobby of your apartment.
Walking into your place Chan comes inside locking the front door.
“You can make yourself at home. I need to shower.”
He raises his eyebrows and smiles, “can I join?”
“Didn’t you shower at Changbin’s?”
“Taking a solo shower is very different from showering with you.”
“Okay you can join.”
Waking into the bathroom you slide the shower door open and turn on the warm water. You strip away your clothes quickly. You look over at Chan who is doing the same. He’s left standing there on full display. His naked body is absolutely mouth watering. You can’t help but feel self conscious about how soft and squishy your body is compared to his.
“You’re so hot,” you can’t help but blush saying this to him.
Cutest smile spreads across his face as he eyes wander your bare body. “I think you’re hot too.” There is something about the way Chan looks at you that makes you feel confident. Right now standing in the bathroom naked with him you don’t feel like you need to hide your body or any part of yourself from him. He steps forward taking your face in both of his hands before he presses his lips to yours for a kiss. Pulling away he’s wearing that same smile, “we should get into the shower.”
Stepping into the warm water you can’t help but let out a sigh. Chan walks in closing the door behind him.
“Can I wash your hair?”’ He asked.
You've never had a man ask to wash your hair before. You simply nod your head before stepping fully under the warm water.
He pours your strawberry scented shampoos into your hair and gently massages your scalp. Turning around you let the warm water wash away your shampoo. It seems like Chan has every intention of keeping this shower innocent. You step away from the water and wash your body with sweet scented body wash. You watch Chan carefully as he closes his eyes letting the warm water cover him.
This feels so intimate without being sexual. He moves away from the water letting you step under the warm water.
Turning off the water Chan steps out of the water and hands you a fluffy towel. You both dry off before getting ready for bed. He gets dressed in only a pair of boxers, and you put on underwear and just an oversized shirt.
The moment your body hits the bed Chan pulls you towards him. Curling up close to him you rest your head on his chest. His hand slowly runs up and down your back. It doesn’t take long before you drift off to sleep. The last thing you hear is Chan whispering, “good night baby.”
Sleep doesn’t find Chan as easily as it does you. He continues to rub your back gently as he listens to your breathing slowly even letting him know you’ve fallen asleep.
There are so many things he wishes he could say to you but he knows he can’t. He hopes you’re asleep and don’t hear him as he says one of the things he’s been dying to say. “You’re my everything.”
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Regarding my taglist: I’m tagging so many people like 300+ people and the the amount of reblogs and interactions I’m getting compared to my taglist make me quite sad. I kindly ask if you request to be tagged that you interact with my writing. It takes me a really long time to make sure I tag everyone. Im going to start removing silent readers and blank blogs to make tagging easier. If anyone wants to be added to this stories taglist I have decided to close it for now. I can’t add anymore people unfortunately. Im really asking for interaction if I’m spending the time to tag you.
Thank you to anyone who has been replaying to the post and reblogging them.
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ghouljams · 1 year
NO BECAUSE imagine cowboy!könig listening to darling after a long day of working and he gets worried because she sounds so breathless and whiney and then bro just realizes she's touching herself
i'll see myself out bye
Oh you are absolutely fueling the stalker cowboy thoughts I have in my head. The bug is technically in the living room but Darling lives alone, so the whole house is really free reign for her.
It's become a sort of daily ritual. König gets in from tending to the horses, showers, and switches on the receiver as he fixes dinner for himself. Usually you're making food around that time too, the sound of your absent-minded singing filtering through the static and filling his kitchen with life. Sometimes you talk to yourself, bitch about your day, praise yourself on jobs well done, remind yourself of things you need from the store, day-to-day minutiae that you must think no one would care about. König cares. Every little detail is stored for future reference and use. How else is he supposed to drop by with just what you need right when you need it?
You're very quiet tonight. He turns the volume up with a frown, did you go out? That would be good, you need more friends. König goes to the kitchen window to check the pasture. No sign of Honey, so you haven't gone chasing after her. Maybe he'll just go over and check on you. The soft whine through the receiver stops him from reaching for his bandana.
Concern hits him first, moving to turn the volume up more. Did you hurt yourself? Were you alright? 
Another breathless sound, high and tight, and Needy. Not a whine, a whimper, "Fuck, mm." He recognizes the slick sound under your whimpering. Maybe not from you, but… his fingers itch the dial up higher, leaning over the table to listen. Your moan echoes through the kitchen and König's grip on the table scratches hard enough to splinter the wood. 
Naughty, Needy little thing. He could almost see you on your couch touching yourself. Your fingers dipping into your soaked cunt, dragging that wetness to ease the slide as you circled your clit. Fuck. You whine and he sits heavy on his kitchen chair, fingers working to undo his belt and pull his rapidly hardening cock out.
His cock is barely free before his hand wraps around it, grip punishing as he strokes the length of it. The wet sound of your dripping cunt fills the room. He wonders: are you fucking yourself on your fingers, or do you have a toy? The way you whine, whatever it is seems to be doing the trick. 
König rubs his thumb against the head of his cock, God if you only knew how it was drooling for you. Would you whine on your knees for him? Stare up at him with those big doe eyes and whimper like you are in your living room? Fucking yourself where anyone could hear you like a little slut. If he walked over there now would he have time to catch you? Would he even be able to control himself when he saw you?
"Please, please, König, fuck," you gasp and König groans. You are just perfect for him, aren't you? Already know who you belong to. Are you imagining his fingers, his cock? Do you want to cum, is that why you're begging him so prettily?
"Not yet, Schatz," he mumbles, imagining the drag of his calloused fingers might be your slick cunt. You whine in response, suppressing a moan that should be his. He's so close. Heat coils tight in his stomach, the stroke of his hand slick with pre-cum as he listens to the delicious whimpering coming over the receiver. He wants to hear you cum, wants to pretend its from riding his cock and not whatever puny thing you’re fucking yourself with. God he wants to break you, and you’ll beg him to.
You already are, your pleas chant like a prayer, his name falling from your lips like water as you moan. That’s all he needs, feeling his balls pull up tight as he cums into his fist with a low groan. He can hear your heavy breaths in tandem with his own as he leans back against the chair. Fuck. God, you don’t know what you do to him, but you will. You will.
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Pairing : Lee Felix x SoftDom!F!Reader TW : suggestive ; mainly fluffy though ; 1 use of the word "cock" Word Count : 1.9k Request : Anon : Hi! I was wondering if I can request something fluffy and suggestive for Felix where you visit his dorms while he’s playing video games and (you being the soft dom) end up straddling him and distracting him from his gaming and you guys end up making out with each other until a member walks in 🥵 thank u!!
The phone rang and rang until it went to voicemail while you sat at the bus stop. This was the fourth time you had tried to call him to let him know you were on your way, and it’s not that he didn’t know you were coming, you just liked to let him know before you showed up so that he knew to open the door for you. “Hey, Lixie! I’m at the bus stop now… I’ll probably be there in like… 20 minutes maybe? I can’t wait to see you, I miss you!” 
He had just finished another comeback, and the entire time he had been preparing for it you could barely see him. It’s not that it was a particularly bad thing, it seemed like after a couple months of not being able to see each other as often as you’d like to it was like… The relationship was brand new again and you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. 
The bus ride over to the dorms was pleasant, their newest songs playing in your headphones as the smile that you had been wearing since you woke up that morning only grew wider the closer you got to the building, closer to him. Your legs were bouncing with your excitement, and once the bus squealed to a stop, you practically raced to the doors to be the first one out. 
Three quick knocks at the door and it was opened for you, your immediate reaction was to wrap your arms around the person in front of you, and that’s exactly what you did, squeezing him tight as you let out a little squeak of excitement. “I’m excited to see you too, Y/N, but I don’t think Felix would be very fond of you hugging up on me like this.” The voice definitely wasn’t Felixs, and when you quickly stepped back, you now understood why the person you were hugging was much more awkward than he should have been. 
“Ah… Sorry, Jeongin.” You whispered, embarrassment taking over almost completely as you shuffled awkwardly in the doorframe. “Is he not here?” You asked, looking around the wide room and noticing that Felix wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Had he forgotten that you were coming over? 
“He’s in his room right now, I think he just got out of the shower.” Jeongin answered awkwardly, trying not to make direct eye contact, knowing damn well what went on inside of Felixs room when the two of you were together. “Chan said to be ready for dinner by 8 though, we’re going over to his dorms.” Jeongin called after you as you already started walking down the hall to Felixs room. 
You gave him a quick thumbs up to let him know that you heard him before slipping into the bedroom. The lights were dim and the only bright light was coming from the computer screen, completely illuminating Felix who was absorbed in whatever game he was playing. You thought that maybe he’d notice you coming in, but clearly he had tunnel vision at the moment and the only thing he was focused on was the game. 
“Felix…” You whispered his name, leaning against the door and staring at him, but of course, you realized that his headphones were not only on, but turned up so loud that you could hear the people he was playing with from across the room. “Really?” You groaned, trying to fight back the irritation that you felt. He knew that you were coming over but he still decided to get deeply invested in his computer. You tried to excuse it, he had been so busy that he probably hadn’t had much time to play… You just wished that he hadn’t chosen today to do it. 
“I told you to go around the back! Shit!” Felix shouted into the headset, his head falling back against the chair before shooting forward to focus once more on the screen. “We’re gonna fuckin’ lose! I swear to god I’m carrying this whole team!” His fists slammed against the desk as he let out a loud groan and that’s when you decided it was time to intervene. You walked over to the desk, leaning over it and resting your chin against your knuckles as you stared at the screen. “Oh! Hey angel…” He said, although the greeting was nowhere near as enthusiastic as it usually would be. “No! Not you! Fuckin’ losers! Shut up!” You rolled your eyes, moving to the back of his gaming chair and running your hands over his chest, hoping that maybe your touch would excite him enough to get him off the game. “I’m almost done, babe… Let me just finish this game…” He murmured, taking a second to grab your hand and kiss it during the load screen before letting it fall back against his chest once the game had started up. “I do have a girlfriend! No! I’m not making shit up just to leave the game! Shut the fuck up!” 
You huffed loudly, but even that didn’t seem to get his attention, so you walked away, dropping down on the bed and falling bad, pulling your phone out of your bag to text him. You could hear his phone vibrating against his desk, but he didn’t even pick it up. Was this what he had been doing the entire time? Is that why he didn’t answer your calls? It was time to take desperate measures, and it’s not that you were desperate… You just missed him and you wanted to kiss him and love him and be loved by him. 
“Ha! Get fucked!” He shouted when he hit a particular shot that put his team in the lead. You wished he had gotten that excited when he saw you. Quick steps carried you over to him once more, and this time, you weren’t going to beat around the bush about what you wanted. You pulled his chair back just enough, and strangely enough, not even that got his attention. He really was hyper focused on the damn game. “What do you mean I’m cheating?! Get good dumbass! Oh… What’s up, angel?” Now you got his attention as you climbed onto his lap, your legs straddling his waist as you draped your arms over his shoulders. 
“Just missed you…” You hummed as you nuzzled into his neck, placing kisses along the exposed skin. You were glad that you had worn a skirt today, it was really coming in handy now as you pressed yourself down against him and you could hear his breath hitch in his throat as you felt his cock twitch in his sweatpants. 
“I… I missed you too… Just finishing up this game…” He stammered, and you could feel his body heating up as his hips seemed to instinctively buck up against you. “Yes! I’m talking to my real girlfriend! In real life! My real life girlfriend that I have!” He was still so fixated, it was time to up the ante. You rolled your hips against him, and you could feel just how hard he was already, the friction causing you to gasp softly against his neck. Muttered curses rolled over his tongue as he leaned back a little in his chair, his hands momentarily moving away from the mouse and keyboard to grab your hips, adjusting you just enough so that you both would feel each other better. “Right there, baby…” He whispered, and you could have sworn his eyes rolled back for a second when you pressed down on him again. 
You took it upon yourself to move back one of his headphones, kissing up his neck before stopping just beneath his ear. “Want you so bad, Lixie…” You whimpered, and you felt his body shudder beneath you before his hips bucked up once more, causing your head to fall forward, your moan stifled against his shoulder. You were enjoying this, and while it was extremely hot to listen to him try to hold back his own whimpers and moans so the people in the game wouldn’t hear him, you were becoming impatient. 
Once again, you began trailing kisses up along his neck, but this time, you weren’t going to stop, and he wasn’t going to stop you either. Your lips moved along his jaw until they were pressed against his, your hips rolling faster against him now and he seemed almost grateful for the kiss, moaning into your mouth as his hips continued to push up against you. “Baby… The game…” He murmured, although he wasn’t stopping either, his lips moving against yours so desperately you’d think it was the first time he had kissed you. “Don’t care…” You muttered, your hands moving to tangle in his hair to deepen the kiss. “Hold up… One second…” He gasped as he pulled back, adjusting the mic and you could hear the quick clicking of the mouse. “Gotta go! Girlfriend needs me! Yes! Real girlfriend! Fuck off!” With a couple more clicks and then the removal of the headset, his hands were now on you, running up and down your hips and along your thighs as he smiled sheepishly up at you, his freckled cheeks blushed a light pink. Where were we?” 
You didn’t even respond, crashing your lips against his once more, and now his hand was fisting your hair as he groaned deeply, the sound vibrating in his chest, his other hand moving down to slip under your skirt, kneading your ass and landing light smacks against it that had you whimpering out curses and begging for more. 
“Fuck, I missed you so much, angel…” He whispered breathlessly when he pulled back, his eyes lidded as he looked you over, his tongue dragging across his bottom lip. “Do you wanna go to the bed or… Ah… Fuck it… I need you now…” His hand pressed against your back, pushing you down to him once more, his tongue slipping into your mouth and wrestling with your own as his hands moved down to hike your skirt up before slipping his thumbs into the waistband of your panties and yanking them down. 
“Oh shit my eyes!” The screech was heard from the doorway without any kind of knock to warn you. “Chan said it’s time for dinner! Nasty! I’m never sitting in your chair ever again! Why do you even have a bed!? Disgusting!” Jeongin shouted, and Felix was fast, faster than you thought he’d be in this kind of situation, grabbing one of his hoodies from off the floor and draping it over you before gently lowering your head so you could hide in the crook of his neck. 
“Get out!” The scream rang out in your ears and Felix quickly murmured an apology as his hand pet over your hair. The sound of the door being slammed shut had you slowly lifting your head, your lips squeezed tightly shut as you tried not to laugh. “Can we just go to your place? I’ll order us something?” He pleaded, and from outside the room you could hear Jeongin ranting about what he had just seen. 
“Hmm… Nope.” You chimed, pressing a kiss to his cheek before getting up and adjusting your skirt, the stain of precum on his sweatpants extremely noticeable against the gray fabric. “If you would have ended the game faster we would have already been done. You played yourself, now let’s go eat.” 
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 20 days
the albatross ii - matt murdock
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a/n: my first part two! i really love odd reader shes my favorite person ever. uh i don't really have much else to add i just love their dynamic. sorry the beginning is kind of bad im trying to figure out how much i want to delve into readers past like that. also im going to start a taglist for this so let me know if you wanna be included :)) warnings: cursing, drinking, lots of talk of death, reader has a lot of insecurities, reader has boobs my bad, oh! like a very brief mention that reader has sexual trauma, and lots of talk of sex though nothing happens-- word count: 5.2k summary: if there's a stunning woman with questionable character in the room, matt murdock is going to find her, and foggy nelson is going to suffer. pairing: matt murdock x winter soldier!reader the albatross series : i // ii now playing: the albatross - taylor swift "i'm the albatross/i swept in at the rescue/the devil that you know/looks now more like an angel/i'm the life you chose/and all this terrible danger"
September 19th, 1972
When you wake up, you’re freezing and out of breath. The initial moments after those long-term freezes were always frightening. You do not know how long it has been since you were taken, and part of you wonders if you ever will. You’re only ever conscious here, surrounded by generals and guards.
As soon as you wake up, a muzzle is clamped over your mouth. You’re a screamer, or at least you used to be. But now the muzzle is put on as a reminder that you are truly trapped and have no autonomy.
Someone will come in soon to say a list of words that will snap you out of your brain—Maybe snap is the wrong word. You will be locked out of your brain, conscious enough to know what you are doing but not at all in control.
You’re sitting in this big metal chair that might have scared you all those years ago, your arms strapped to the arms of the chair. The dimness of the room almost makes you scared as if you are a six-year-old who is afraid of the dark.
 A gruff looking man walks into the room, and behind him, you can see some soldiers dragging along an exhausted man, whose hair is long, but your eyes are drawn to him. Are there.. are there other people who are in the same situation as you?
In the back of your mind, a foreign emotion sparks, something that you cannot name at first, but then you find it— hope. Maybe hope is a strong word, maybe what you should be feeling is dread, that the things you are being forced into are happening to some other poor soul. You almost want to throw up when you realize it, but like everything else in your exhausting existence, you are ripped out of your thought by commanding forces around you. The man in front of you follows your eyeline to see you watching the man, and you think you see him grimace.
You have found something that was meant to always be a secret from you. You recall a foggy memory that isolation is the key to abuse.
The man nods towards you, and suddenly, you feel a violent shock go through your body as the man wills you to forget the small detail that you will hang on to for as long as humanly possible.
When a second jab of shockwaves hits you, you black out for a few seconds, only—
• • •
You sit up in bed, gasping or air as you try to orient yourself. Your hands come up to push sweaty hair out of your face, and you grip it tight to try and ground yourself. Your heart is racing as you take deep breaths in your nose and out of your mouth, not wanting to spiral into a panic attack.
You get up from bed to go shower, before changing your now drenched in sweat sheets, and it’s only then do you turn on your light and grab the book you’ve been reading.
You sit on the floor next to your bed, feeling disgusting and upset. You try to read, but you are rereading the same paragraph repeatedly. After twenty minutes of that, you grab your flip phone off the bedside table and dial Matt’s number.
You know it’s four in the morning. He’s asleep. He has to be up for work in the morning, but you cannot help it. You have been seeing the handsome stranger for a little under a month, and he has become your drug.
But there’s a couple of things.
First, you are still lying to him. He has no idea about your time as who is known in government circles as “The Midnight Agent”, and he has no idea that you will never be able to give him the life he deserves. Hell, you haven’t even spent the night with him, your relationship has been the definition of taking it slow.
Which leads to this: You have not slept with the man.
Back in 1945, you were surrounded by purity culture. Sure, you could have had a handsome soldier in your bed, but there was a part of you that always felt guilty when you looked to your large catholic family who were always insistent on saving yourself for marriage.
But you recall the memories of your time trapped, of guards who went unchecked and memories of men who took advantage of the fact that you were brainwashed, and how you might freakout if Matt’s hands wander too far..
And you recall Matt’s comment on your first date, about how he thought a long time to go without a date was a few months.
He picks up the phone before your thoughts can spiral any further.
“Hey, baby. You okay?” His voice is thick with sleep, and you feel a pang of guilt for waking him up. But you also melt at the simple pet name, not quite used to it yet.
“Hi.. I’m sorry I woke you up..”
“No, no, it’s okay.” He lies, “You didn’t..”
“Okay, you got me.” He chuckles softly, “But seriously, it’s okay. What’s up?” He asks, and you let out this sigh. What to tell him, what not to tell him..
“Can’t sleep.” You sigh, rubbing your eyes. “Wanted to hear your voice. I tried to read The Outsiders, but I couldn’t focus.” You cannot seem to do anything right..
“Okay.” He says gently, “Why can’t you sleep?”
“I had a nightmare.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“..Not really..”
“Okay, that’s fine.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
You pause. It’s a good question.
“I dunno..” And then after a few moments you ask, “Matt?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Is it okay that we haven’t had sex yet?” The question eats at you. You recall Matt’s assumption that a ‘while’ since your last date had meant a few months. You’re worried that you’re not satisfying him and that he’ll get bored. Bored of you, bored of your quirks and oddities, bored of all of it.
And you don’t know when you’ll be okay to have sex with him, or if you’ll even be able to make it all the way through when you get to that point. And it’s eating you up— You could at least be good at something if you insist on being odd and bizarre throughout this whole relationship.
“Of course it’s okay,” He promised, “Why wouldn’t that be okay?” Sure, Matthew had his fair share of partners in the day, but this was different— You weren’t just a date to him, you were fascinating. If he hadn’t been such a realist, he might have accused you of being a time traveler.
And sure, sometimes he thought about you, about being buried between your thighs, about making you shake and cry with pleasure, and about how well he could fill you up..
But those lewd thoughts always take a backseat to how utterly interesting you are— Your odd taste in ice cream, odd movie and book tastes, the way you speak, some of the things you say..
“Because you’re hot,” you blurt out and then sigh. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, you’re so fucking handsome and I can’t even..” The words die out in your mouth, as you curl up into yourself on your floor, holding the phone pressed tightly against your ear.
“Oh, sweetheart, I don’t need to sleep with you to know that I care about you.” He promises. “Do you want me to come over? Maybe you’ll sleep better if we’re together.” He says softly.
You hesitate, looking around your apartment. If you had a nightmare, he’d question what happened.. But on the other hand, you were fucking exhausted, and maybe Handsome Matthew would be the trick to you getting some sleep.
“Sure.. but uh.. My apartment’s super messy..” You confess, and he just chuckles.
“Somehow I don’t think that’ll bother me.” He teases, and you laugh.
“Right, Right.. Sorry..” You say. “I’ll see you soon, then?”
“See you soon.” He promises, and as soon as he hangs up, you immediately get up and start shuffling around to clean your apartment.
You do the dishes, you throw all your dirty clothes in the hamper, you make your bed with pristine edge and of course.. You grab the gun you keep under your pillow and stuff it right next to your vibrator next to your fuzzy socks.
You’re finally finishing up with your minor chores when you hear a knock at the door. You open it and have to take a beat to catch your breath since Matthew looks especially good with his grey sweatpants and black sweatshirt.
He grins at you, leaning into greet you with a kiss as he steps into the apartment.
“So, this is where the magic happens, huh?” He asks, and you smile bashfully.
“Something like that.” You shrug, letting him lead you through the apartment. His cane tip-taps against the floor, and your hands come up to rub your arms. It is your apartment, and yet, you feel absolutely exposed. “Uh, just… Keep going straight and the bedroom is on the right. Do you need anything?” You ask, unsure if he has some weird hypervigilant bedtime routine at.. you know.. Four in the morning.
His cane shifts hands and he holds his free hand out behind him, for you to take.
“Just you.” Your face flushes as you take his hand,
“You’re such a flirt.” And he laughs.
“How can I help myself when I’m in a pretty girl’s place?” he asks, and you go to answer but he leans against the wall right next to the doorframe, dropping his duffle bag and cane in favor of pulling you close, your chest against his. Your breath catches and he smirks as if he can see your flustered nature.
“You’re a decent young man,” you start, “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that it’s rude to grab people?”
“No, the nuns never mentioned that.” He does that adorable half chuckle before tilting his head. “Why? Do I make you nervous, sweetheart?”
Your face flushes.
“Everything makes me nervous, Matthew, you know that.” You accuse and he laughs again, nodding.
“Yeah, maybe I do know that. Seems familiar.” He hums, his grip on you loosening a bit. He presses another kiss to your lips. “Let’s get you to bed, sweetheart.” You don’t protest, simply grabbing his hand and pulling him along to bed. He’s more than happy to follow you through.
You find yourself laying in the bed, and he’s standing to the side as if he’s staring at you. You raise an eyebrow to him.
“What? What is it?” You ask, and he quickly moves, jumping on top of you. You laugh a bit to hide your nerves, and he grins. He leans down and presses a long kiss to your lips before whispering,
“If we never have sex, I’ll still stay with you forever.” He says gently, and your face is deeply flushed.
“Forever?” You ask gently. He nods, leaning down and pressing another kiss to your lips.
“As long as you’ll have me.” He says gently, and then, he rolls over and lays next to you. His hand finds yours and he laces his fingers with yours. You look at him for a long time, just holding his hand. “What is it?” he asks softly, glancing over to you.
“I just..” you laugh a bit. “I’ve never had a boy in my bed before.” You confess, and he laughs, his arms wrapping around you.
“You’re so odd.” He says softly, his hands finding your hair to play with it gently. “I love it.”
• • •
And this is how you spend your early morning. You sleep soundly in the arms of the one who loves you, something you have never had the privilege of before.
You slip out of bed rather early considering that you don’t have work today. But you can’t help yourself, you find yourself making breakfast for Matt. Pancakes, sausage, and coffee, just for him. At some point, he calls out to you,
“Hey, babe, where’s the shower?” And it’s rather domestic, in a way that makes you both uncomfortable and giddy. At the same time. Weird.
“Uh, right across the hall from the bedroom,” you tell him. And after about twenty minutes, Matt comes out to the kitchen. He’s dressed for work, but his tie is undone, sitting on his neck. His jacket hangs over his arms, and for a minute, you are just as you were always meant to be—
A young woman, in love with a man who has a good career, who loves you and is kind, whom you cook breakfast for and anxiously wait for him to get home.
And before you can stop yourself, you walk on over to him and begin to fix his tie, and he tilts his head.
“Where’d you learn to tie a tie on someone else?” he asks curiously. Your brain flashes to the soldiers who were never taught to tie a tie, so you learned, making sure to help them make sure their uniforms were in pristine condition.
But better than telling your boyfriend about that, you settle on a different truth.
“Needed to tie my brother’s tie a lot before work.” You settle on, and he smiles. That was the first time you had mentioned any of your family, so he just nods.
“What was his name?” ‘Was’ is a cruel but accurate detail.
“Anthony.” You tell him, finishing your work on his tie. Then, you press a kiss to his cheek. “Ready for breakfast?” He smiles and nods, as you direct him towards your table.
Yes, even though you ate mac and cheese while sitting on the floor when you first met him, you do own a table.
“What’s for breakfast?”
“Pancakes and sausage. Oh, and Coffee,” You tell him. You serve breakfast and sit across from him, placing a jar of jam on the table as well as syrup. When you pop the lid off the jam, Matt tilts his head.
“Why do I smell strawberry jam?” He questions, and you just raise an eyebrow.
“For my pancakes?”
He begins to laugh.
“This is what I mean when I say you’re odd. The only other person I know who’d do that is my dad, who learnt it from my grandparents.” He tells you. You shrug.
“I grew up with jam. Syrup’s too sweet.”
“Of course you did.” He smirks, taking a bite of his breakfast.
• • •
After Matt leaves for work (After breakfast, a make out session and then ten minutes with you fixing his disheveled look), you begin to actually clean your apartment. But your apartment is only so big, so by lunchtime, you’re bored again.
So, you start cooking and making these chicken ceaser wraps and french fries, before hopping in the shower. You’ve never dated anyone who you’ve felt the need to make and bring lunch to, but there is a first time for everything.
When you get to his office, you take a while to notice and observe every little thing about the walk. When you get to the front door, your hands run over the sign that reads ‘Nelson, Murdock & Page.’ And then you remember that in going up these stairs, you’ll meet his two best friends, and your stomach flips at the idea of it.
But your fingers twitch at the idea of seeing Handsome Matthew again. You’re incredibly down bad for the man you refuse to sleep with, so you push open the door, making your way to the office. When you step inside, you’re faced with a blonde man holding a cup of coffee, talking to a different, more blonde, woman who eats her lunch. 
Maybe you have the wrong office.
“Hi— Uh, I’m looking for Matt.” The words tumble out of your lips, and you wish you could say something more.
“Yeah, he’s in his office, I can grab him for you.” The man says kindly, and steps towards the only office door that’s closed. You nod and stand awkwardly. This is weird, you know that. You are a stranger in this office holding a big lunch box.
Matt steps out of his office and smiles in your direction. Immediately, you relax. There he goes, Handsome Matthew completely messing up your thought patterns and making you go against everything you ever thought you’d do.
“Hi.” He says, leaning in to give you a quick kiss.
“Hey.” You smile, and you see a moment of recognition on the faces of his coworkers.
“Oh, you’re the girl—” The man starts, and then it clicks that these people must be his best friends.
“And you’re Foggy and Karen.” You smile, sticking a handout for them to shake, and they do. You introduce yourself, and they do the same. It’s not as awkward as you would’ve thought, but you’re making it so much worse in your head.
“What’s going on?” Matt asks, and you redirect your attention to him.
“Uh, I made lunch. I thought I’d bring it to you.” He smiles at this.
“Thank you. Here, let’s uh, eat in my office.” He takes your hand, and you tell Foggy and Karen that it was nice to meet them, as he closes the door behind him. You sit down in one of his chairs.
“Sorry for just barging in on you guys. I probably should have called first.” You decide, but he shakes his head.
“No, no, it’s perfectly fine.” He smiles, sitting down in his own chair as you unpack lunch. You’re seriously not used to any of this, so it’s as if you’re taking foreign steps.
The two of you make pleasant conversations before Matt asks you,
“Hey, do you want to come to the bar tonight?” He asks, “We have a usual spot we go to. I thought it might be a good way for you to get to know my friends.” He hums.
“Oh, I don’t want to intrude...”
You also don’t really want to get drunk around Matt, afraid of what you might say. But he answers,
“Don’t worry, Foggy’s wife is going and so is Karen’s boyfriend.” You notice the shift in Matt’s body language.
“You don’t like Karen’s boyfriend.” You immediately recognize.
“What? No—“ He chuckles, “It’s just a complicated history..” The part of you that never grew up, that wants to dive head first into drama, the part of you that is still twenty something, clutching the arm of your sister as she spills about all the people she doesn’t like gets to your mouth before you can stop it,
“What do you mean, ‘complicated’?” You ask, and he just laughs a little.
“Really, sweetheart, it’s not—”
“Let’s make a deal,” You say, “In exchange for me bringing you a delicious lunch,” You start, “And for telling you something about my messy past, you have to tell me about that complicated history.”
“Okay, than spill.”
“You remember a few years back, the uh, Punisher?” He asks, and you tilt your head. No, you don’t. It was probably before you were allowed to have autonomy and live on your own.
“Uh.. No.”
“What? It was all over the news.”
“I wasn’t living in New York until a few years ago.” Not untrue, you were living in the middle of Europe until recently.
“Oh, right.” He nods, “Well, he killed a lot of people he thought deserved it, and, as someone who has great respect for human life, I don’t know, I just can’t imagine dating someone with a kill count at all, let alone over thirty people.” He sighs, “But Karen sees something in him, I guess.”
A shiver runs down your spine. You realize that you can’t ever tell Matt about what had happened to you. He wouldn’t understand, he’d see you as a monster. Well, you are a monster, but you cannot ever tell him that! Is this a mistake? Are you supposed to break up with him now not to hurt him?
“Yeah, I can understand that.” You take another bite of your wrap.
“I believe I’m owed some of your messy history.”
“Right,” you nod, “Well, Before I moved here, I was living in Europe.” You tell him.
“Really? Where in Europe?”
“Here and there.” You shrug. “I just sort of went wherever I was needed.” You explain, again—Not a lie. Definitely not a lie. You were ordered around and told to go here and there.
“What did you do there?” He asks.
“It’s all kind of a blur,” You’re really being truthful now.
“Has anyone ever told you how weird and odd you are?” He acts, voice full of affection.
“You. Last night.” You grin, and he just grins back.
“Right. I really have a way with words, huh?”
“Yup. You’re a real charmer.”
“I meant it though.”
“Which part? The part where you called me strange?”
“The part where I asked you to come out to the bar with us tonight—And the part where I told you I’d stay with you for as long as you’ll have me.”
“Yes you’ll come to the bar with us or you’ll let me stay with you for a while?”
You get up, circle around his desk, before placing your hand on his jaw, tilting his head up to you. Your other hand comes up to take his glasses off. For a minute, you just admire him, before pushing the hair from his face. Then, you lean in to press a kiss to his lips.
When you pull away, his lips try to follow yours, but your thumb just gently wipes away your lipstick stains from his lips.
“Yes.” You repeat, and he just grins.
He absolutely adores you.
• • •
You make sure to fix your hair before you leave your apartment, and then, you find yourself leaning on the brick wall outside of the bar. Your heart is racing, and although you do not smoke, god you need a cigarette.
Your foot taps anxiously against the pavement.
This will be fine, you tell yourself. Matt likes you, surely you can get the others to do the same. Or at least, you can try your damn best, and not just sit out here like a bitch.
Your head glances over to the door as a rather tall and gruff man approaches the door. He sees you staring at him, and opens the door before asking,
“You coming in, kid?”
You’re a hundred years old, but okay.
“Uh, yeah.” You answer, before heading into the bar, “Thanks,” He just nods back at you. You walk in and look around for Matt and his friends. You immediately soften when you see him. Of course you can do this.
As you make your way over to them, the man who opened the door for you also heads over to them. You tilt your head as you get to your boyfriend and his friends before Karen comes over to you guys, sends you a smile, before greeting the man with a kiss. Oh. This is the boyfriend that Matt doesn’t like.
Matt greets you with a kiss, before Karen asks,
“What are you drinking?” You realize she’s asking you. What do you drink?
“Uh, whatever. I kind of like everything,” You smile weakly, before shrugging. She just nods, and then her and her boyfriend head over to the bar. You glance over to Matt, and smile. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He smiles and kisses you again. “I’m glad you decided to join us.”
“Well, I did say yes earlier.”
“Yeah but you were being very vague and odd.”
“You said you liked that!”
“Shhh,” and then he kisses you again.
“You two are gross.” His friend, Foggy, says, and his wife just swats his arm.
“Sorry,” You smile, and then Frank and Karen are back at the table, and this large bottle of whiskey is placed on the table, and six glasses are placed along side it.
“Woah, big bottle.” Foggy whistles, and Karen shrugs.
“Long week. Lots of whiskey required.” Matt leans over to you and says,
“You don’t have to drink that if you don’t want to—”
“I said I like everything,” You told him, “And I meant it.” You remind and the people around you laugh, so it definitely gratifies your desire to please them.
“See, this is the type of energy you needed in a date,” Foggy grins, and Karen laughs as she pours the whiskey for you all.
“I agree, I like her a lot more than I liked the last one.”
“Flattered, I love when people talk about me like I’m not here,” You tell them, as you take a long drink of your whiskey.
“You are odd,” Foggy says, and again, his wife swats his arm.
“Franklin, you cannot say that to someone you just met!”
“I was just joking, really it’s fine,” You assure, and take another sip of your drink. Then another drink. Your eyes get a glint of dog tags hanging around Frank’s neck. You nod to him. “Military?” Everyone’s head snaps to look at you, and then to him.
“Marines.” He answers, and he waits.
“I was a nurse overseas for a while.” And you almost slap your hands over your mouth, horrified at the words that just left your lips. Everyone looks at you, very confused, including sweet Handsome Matthew.
“Wait, you were in the army as a medic?” He asks, and you just nod.
“Yeah, I don’t.. really like talking about it..” You sigh, “It was a long time ago.. Before I was in Europe doing whatever, I was in Europe being a nurse.”
“Europe? There hasn’t been active combat in Europe since the 40’s,” Frank says, and you shrug.
“That’s where they had me. It’s where I learned to drink.” You finish your drink and go to refill it, “You’d be surprised how many young cadets try to assert their dominance over drinking games.” You laugh fondly at the memory.
Matt leans in to kiss your cheek, whispering in your ear, “Odd.”
• • •
You and Frank get into your own form of a drinking game as the night goes on. After two glasses, Foggy and his wife stop drinking, something about brunch with her parents in the morning.
Matt stops drinking after three, and Karen after four.
But here you and Frank are, swapping war stories like old army buddies as you make your way through the bottle. Five, six, seven.. You can’t remember by the time the bottle is empty. All you know is you’re leaning against Matt, and Frank is holding Karen close, and you are happy.
You don’t feel hidden anymore.
When the bottle is done, Matt’s fingers run up and down your arm.
“We gotta get you home, honey.”
“You need to kiss me.” You blurt, too drunk to know what you’re saying.
“What?” He grins.
“Kiss me. I want you all over me,” and you lean over to kiss him, and after a few moments, he pulls away from the kiss.
“Alright, but let’s get you home first.” And then you nod, because that’s a good idea. You don’t want Frank and Karen to see all the vicious things you want to do to Handsome Matthew. He helps you up and wraps his jacket around your arms, before glancing back to his friends. “Have a good night guys. See you Monday.”
You take a minute, before smiling at his friends.
“Thanks for having me. I had fun.” You cannot remember the last time you had this much fun. “Sorry I’m so fucking odd,” You start giggling, “But I had fun.” Everyone else, too tipsy and drunk to say much else, just laughs and sends you on your way.
You and Matt stumble home, as you mumble soft things about how much you like him, how pretty he is.
When you get back to your apartment, he locks the door behind you and helps you to your bedroom. Once there, you begin to kiss him.
“Sweetheart,” He mumbles into your lips, “Wait,” He pulls away and smiles at you. “Pajamas first.” He requests, and you nod.
“Yeah. Great Idea.” You mumble, going over to your drawers (Not the one with your vibrator, socks and gun) and pull out an old tee shirt and shorts. You begin stripping down, and you stop and glance to Matt, in just your shorts and bra, before asking, “Wait, how do I know you’re not staring at me?”
He almost laughs at how drunk you are.
“Honey,” he begins softly, and then taps the space between his eyes. Then you laugh, feeling silly.
“Oh.” You unclip your bra and slip on your tee shirt. You sit on the bed, and then lay down. You sigh deeply, your bed surprisingly comfortable after all of those drinks. You watch as Matt begins to strip down. “Handsome.” You mumble, and he laughs.
You fall asleep as he kicks his pants off before crawling into bed with you.
• • •
You wake up at some god-awful hour, maybe around two in the morning. You run over to the bathroom and vomit into the toilet. After a while of throwing up, you wander on over to the kitchen.
You take a big, long drink of water, before sighing deeply.
Your stomach growls. You find a loaf of sourdough bread you had brought home from work yesterday and begin to butter a few slices. You munch on your food, and remember Matthew in your bedroom.
Your Matthew.
You finish your snack, and then find yourself sitting on the floor of your kitchen. Just like you did the first night. Your lean your head back against the cabinet. You think about your boyfriend, and you think about everyone you lost.
In your half drunk state, You only smile when Matt sits next to you on the floor.
“What’re we doing on the floor, baby?” He asks softly.
“Just.. Sleepy..” You mumble, and then a grin spreads across your face. “I’m thinking about my best friend.”
“Your best friend?”
“Taylor.” You say softly, “She was my best friend.”
“And where is she now?” He asked, leaning over to brush your hair out of your face.
“Oh, she died ten years ago.” You say, and then laugh as if it’s funny. “Natural causes.” You shrug. She had died of old age.. And you weren’t there for her. Your best friend..
Matt’s arm is around you in an instant.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He says gently, and leans in to kiss your head.
“And you..” You glance over to him. “You.. I don’t even know what to do with you.” You laugh, and he frowns.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I..” You sigh. “I mean that no one’s ever made me feel like you have..” You mumble, and then you admire him, only in his boxer briefs. “I love you, Handsome Matthew. And I don’t know what to do about it..” You mumble.
Matt just leans in to kiss your head again.
“If I said I love you too, would that help?”
“It would be a start..”
“I love you.”
“Even though I’m odd?” You ask, “Weird and bizarre? Off my rocker, completely out of my fucking mind..?”
“Especially because you’re odd.”
taglist: @writtenbyred , @indestructeible
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k-n0-x · 3 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid-Chapter 3·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N: Hii everyone! Sorry this chapter is a little later than usual, burnout happened, school happened, the whole shebang! This chapter is a doozy though, hope you all will love it <3
The sun rays peek through your window and the birds’ chirps awake you from your slumber.
Or maybe it’s the snoring of a drowsy Adam, who was lying beside you, though you’ve inured yourself to his unconscious noises for ages.
You get up from your bed, just to almost have your legs give way under you, thanks to the fact that you had to be pounded by your husband, as you promised to him.
Last night felt like a chore. You feel really bad for thinking it, but it really did. 
You’re not an expert, but sex should feel enjoyable, by all sides involved, but with Adam, it feels like an obligatory activity.
You spend the next 25 minutes brushing your teeth, showering and getting ready for the day. Since there’s nothing to do at home (well, there’s nothing to do at home) you decide that this is a good time to be productive.
You head into the kitchen and scrutinise each and every ingredient that graces your pantry.
“Hmm, maybe this would work…”  You grab flour, eggs, milk and a frying pan…
The smell of buttery pancakes drifts throughout the kitchen. You sit down in your chair and take a bite of your breakfast.
The pancakes themselves were lovely; the consistency was just right and the flavour was something to die again for, courtesy of Heaven’s always perfect ingredients.
‘Perfect’ Heaven.
Up until a few weeks ago, you would have believed that sentimental saying that you hear being thrown around on multiple occasions, but now, those words seem like direct opposites of each other, an oxymoron even.
The mere thought of it sets an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
You shakily finish one pancake, and neatly leave the rest in the microwave. 
You have more pressing matters to get on about today, and pancakes aren’t one of them, though you want it to be. 
“Welcome to Heaven, how can I help?” The Saint looks up from his logbook with a face coloured with surprise when he recognises you.
“Y/N! How’ve ya been?” 
“I’m doing good,” you smile up at the angel behind the pedestal.
“So, what can I do for the wonderful wife of Adam, hm?” St. Peter clicks his tongue and finger guns.
“Well, Peter, is there a chance you could show me the list of Heaven’s recent residents? There’s a certain person I’m looking for…” Realisation hits you like a truck. Would this information be classified? You wouldn’t know until-
“Yeah sure, here!” The Saint passes you a page with written names and dates.
“This is a list of  Heaven’s newest angels from up to a month ago. I hope you find who you’re looking for!” 
“Thanks Pete, you’re a Saint,” 
“Well, I am Saint Peter after all, ah bye-bye!” 
Well that was easier than anticipated. 
Now you need a private place to mull it over…
You walk through the brightly lit heavenly streets and bump into someone, sending you and your papers flying.
“Oh my, misss, I am ssssso ssssorry,” The person bends down to collect the papers.
“No, no it’s fine, sorry-” your voice gets stuck in your throat. You take a close look at the person collecting your papers.
The person, or, you should say snake, was sporting a smart coat, top hat, and eyes in his hair?
He was familiar. Where have you seen him before?
Your eyes dilate in recognition.
He was pixel perfect to the mural that Charlie showed you the other day.
“Excuse me for asking, but are you Sir Pentious?” 
The snake demon, or angel, looks around before leaning in. 
“Depends on who’sssss asssking,”
“Oh uh,” you think for a moment. How do you explain that you know he was a demon, without seeming like a stalker of sorts. 
Clearly, this isn’t the subject to have casually in the street.
“Here, let me explain over tea and cookies, hm? My treat!” You grab the hand of Pentious gently and head to the nearest café.
“And ssso, thisss Adam guy just sssnapped me out of existence, and now I’m here, but without my egg boisss,” Pentious explains while indulging himself with a Pain un Chocolat, eyes welling while doing so.
“Huh, I see. So Charlie’s plan does work,” you mumble to yourself. “And I apologise for my husband, by the way,”
The snake pales, his skin now ashy.  “He’ssss, your husssband?” he instinctively pushes away from you in his seat.
“Yes, but don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I just promised Charlie that I would help her with the hotel and redemption and all that…”
“Oh I sssee. Here’ss my card if you need anything more,” He produces a card and hands it to you, and you accept it graciously, despite it having a slimy residue on it. 
“Great! I have to go now but it was nice meeting you,”  you shake his hand and leave the café.
“So, what’s it like having sex with the first man? What are your orgasms like?”
“Angel, don’t torment the poor girl,” 
“Whaat? Just askin’” Angel groans and puts his phone on the countertop of the bar.
Apparently, Charlie has gone AWOL, along with Vaggie and Lucifer, the three people that deserve to be the first people aware of the gratifying information you are holding.  
This tension is getting you antsy, but you answer your newfound bestie’s question.
“Overrated to be honest. Not meaningful in the slightest,” Your blunt answer stuns Angel and Husk for a moment.
“What’s this about orgasms?” You turn back to the entrance of the hotel.
The one person whom you didn’t want to hear you say that, was standing in front of you, holding about 10 shopping bags, his daughter and his daughter’s partner  following suit.
God, what must he think? You want to slam your head into the table, but you refrain yourself.
“Uh Dad?” Charlie taps her dad’s shoulder.
“Maybe let’s refrain from talking your way into the sex life of guests? Anyway, how are you, Y/N? I hope everything’s alright?” Charlie inadvertently snapping you out of your apparent embarrassment.
“Oh yes! Not just alright; absolutely amazing actually. I have important information to tell you so forgive me for my impromptu visit, but it clearly cannot wait,” you practically jump out of your chair, bursting with energy. 
My, you haven’t felt this emotion since…
Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
“Well, I did some digging and…” you grab the crusted card from your bag.
“Well, congratulations to you, Miss Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell, because your dream is a reality!” You flourish the card to Charlie, and she takes it.
She blinks. 
Everyone else blinks.
“Uh, what is this exactly?”
You groan. Fun police much? 
“Sinners can be redeemed, I found Sir Pentious in Heaven just this morning,” you concede, impatiently tapping the card.
“Wait really? You aren’t just messing with me?” Charlie’s eyes practically shone with stars.
“Angels aren’t known for that darling.” 
As soon as you say that Charlie squeals and jumps up and down, ecstatic.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyooouuuuuu!” She gushes and hugs you extremely tight, constraining your lungs, but you really don’t care.
“This is a pleasant surprise,” You pull away to have Alastor behind you, with that ever-so-familiar-yet-unpleasant grin. 
When did he get here?
“Seems like out little Morningstar is becoming quite the entrepreneur,” Alastor places a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, as though they are father-daughter.
Father-daughter, where the daughter’s biological dad is directly beside them. 
“Hey, hey now, get your slimy claws off of my daughter, would ya?” Lucifer asks the Radio demon, half laughing.
“Oh? The same daughter you’ve abandoned for countless years on end? The same daughter who had to build this establishment by herself, with no support. The same daughter I’ve been faithful to, in comparison to you? I’ve stuck through thick and thin with her. Hell, I probably fit the Dad position by definition,” 
The room is loud with silence; you could probably hear a pin drop.
Alastor’s voice carries those words in a seemingly defensive manner, but you can tell that those words don’t hold any meaning to him.
It seems like you’re the only person to realise that, because with the slam of a door, Lucifer exits the room, leaving an aura of pure anger and jealousy behind.
“Charlie, maybe you should give him a breath of fresh air-” Vaggie tries pulling her back.
“No! Vaggie, he needs someone to be there with him. God knows what he will do and what if-” Charlie is in a craze to get to the door. 
“I’ll go,” you say abruptly. Without question, you go through the door.
“Hey, it’s really hot out here, you know,” you stand at the garden door, as the king gazes out on Hell’s not-so-perfect landscape depressingly.
“Alastor was just pulling your leg back there, he just wanted to piss you off,” you stand beside him, keeping an appropriate distance.
“I know. That’s not the problem. The problem is that-” his voice hitches.
“Go on,”
“The problem is, is the fact he’s not even wrong; I left Charlie with nothing, she had to support herself before help came along, I barely was there for her throughout all of this, until the very last moment, when she didn’t even need me anymore,” The King of Hell rambles, and fidgets with a small yellow thing in his hand. A bird of some sorts.
A duck? 
“I can’t do anything right,” he continues.
Okay, you have to stop getting sidetracked by meagre things. 
“Lucifer, listen. Yes, you may not have been there for her before, but you’re here now, and you are ready to help. Yes, I know it’s scary, yes I know it’s hard, but I have an inkling that Charlie would love to start having a bond with her father again. Also, you know her and how she is; she isn’t the type to shut you out. Just try to put some work into it, okay?” 
That felt like more of a ramble, than advice, but it seems to suffice for the King of Hell. 
“Thank you. I really know why Charlie has taken a liking to you…” he trails off, continuing to fidget with the rubber duck. He squeezes it, and it plays a short, spunky tune. 
“And see? Atleast you’re doing something small for now, you should take it easy. By the way, that’s the most adorable rubber duck!” You gush at the plastic fellow, earning a smirk from Lucifer.
“Oh? Changing the subject are we?” The fallen angel teases.
Well, that was out of nowhere, but you just go with the flow.
“Yeah, and what? That’s a fuckin’ cool duck, so I apologise for acknowledging that fact,”
“Ah well, I have better. By the way, why are you talking about orgasms to that porn star- I mean Angel, back there?” 
Oh yeah. That happened. 
“Gee, why does everyone want to know the juicy details of my life? But really,he was just interested in my sex life, that’s all,” 
“Interesting. You know I slept with 2 of Adam’s previous wives?”
“Don’t even try,” you give him a playful shove.
“Eh, worth a shot,” 
You and the blond-haired demon go back inside, giggling about some disastrous function you went to when you were younger, and how you may or may not have been the leading cause.
Thankfully, the only person in the lobby was Charlie, who jumped to hug her father the second she saw the two of you, making them both cry and profusely apologise to one another.
Yeah, maybe it’s a good time to go. Maybe quietly too this time. 
You open the portal, and you are back in Heaven again, in front of the pearly gates of the place you call home. 
As you open the door and turn into the living room, you nearly jump out of your skin.
“Hey,” The sound of your husband’s voice rings through your ears.
“I ate your pancakes from this morning,” 
“Alright. I’ll make dinner soon, but I’m tired right now,” you pave your way to your bedroom, when Adam pulls you back.
“Where were you even?”
“Places,” you try to pull away, but the First Man doesn’t relent.
“Where? You weren’t in Heaven, were you?” 
“Alright fine. I was in Hell, cleaning up the mess you and your little play soldiers made by the way,” 
“Were you not there the other day? Why are you so attached to this-” Cogs turn in Adam’s head.
“You were with him, weren’t you? You fucking slut,” Adam’s hand swiftly slaps you across the face. A small cut of golden blood streaks down your face.
“What the fuck? Of course Lucifer is gonna be there, you dumbass?! Why do you think I’m gonna sleep with-” You dodge a flying porcelain jug that was headed in your general direction.
“That fucking demon, thinking he’s hot shit and- and all, just fucking whoever he wants-” The Angel starts storming around the living room, just throwing random shit about, like a kid having a tantrum, making colourful insults while doing so.
You sigh and go into the kitchen to make dinner; hopefully Adam would have blown off enough steam by then.
“Oh and- You better not go back there again, you got it?” 
“…Fine,” You slam the door behind you.
Clearly, you have to be more furtive about your visits to the underworld.
For now, maybe you should cook some dinner, and a warm bath.
Your back really hurts.
Word count- 2264
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karteinss · 8 months
Reminiscent. | M! Reader x Xiao
Slight Angst, NSFW.
TW: Mentions of Homophobia, and Mentions of Suicide.
Ps. Mostly Reader x Ayaka for plot.
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Xiao and M/n were always a duo everyone on School would see together, no matter how busy and unavailable they were- They were still together.
They were the "Cool" seniors but they were complete opposites, personality and looks wise. But somehow, they had enough chemistry to destroy any opponents, making them place #1 in almost every competition they joined.
They were close, to the point there were even rumors of them being gay lovers that spread like wildfire throughout the school, it was a taboo topic indeed.
But they didn't care about those rumors, or how weird 2 guys were being with each other, they never stopped hanging out with each other.
Really, they were an unstoppable pair- Always participating in competitions and never losing.
An unstoppable pair of best friends that couldn't be stopped nor separated, or that's what people thought at least.
That's until a sudden confession from M/n ruined their friendship and reputations, automatically drifting them apart.
The disgusted looks people were giving both M/n and Xiao were visible, nothing can undo what M/n had done.
And Xiao hated it, hated the fact that his reputation was tarnished just because of a stupid confession.
All the dirty comments about them finally reached the principal's ear, and they were finally suspended for "Being Gay".
Eversince that incident, no one has seen them being together, not even once.
That, was the end of their story and friendship.
M/n was the one who confessed to Xiao, and he regretted such a stupid decision. Their friendship was in pieces because of it, even with the amount of texts of M/n apologizing for making such a rash decision, he never got a respond back.
M/n regretted it, he really did. He hoped for too much, he knew that Xiao was straight and most likely homophobic, so why did he confess? Why did he make such a rash decision? He asked himself many, many times. The questions repeating inside his head were too overwhelming, he wanted to get rid of them.
He wanted to get rid of the past.
The memories.
Even his love for Xiao.
6 years had passed by ever since that certain incident, M/n has moved schools, met new friends and even got himself a girlfriend named Ayaka. All the things he did was just to move on from that incident, even his now bestfriends don't know what happened- Not even his own Girlfriend.
Xiao- He had always been on his mind, there was never a day where he didn't think of him.
The boy he fell in love with; Black hair with teal highlights, pale skin and red crimson eyes and his special tattoos.
His oh so muscular shaped body whom M/n wishes he had seen more under his baggy clothes- If his biceps were that big, he wonders how big it was down there..
M/n sighed softly at the thought.
Wait, what the fuck!?
Goddamn, what are you thinking M/n!? You have a girlfriend!
M/n smacked himself on the face to get him off of those lewd thoughts, that was no way to think of your best friend! Oh, right. Correction: Ex-bestfriend.
M/n lets out yet another exaggerated sigh as he looks at the loudly ticking clock, it was already 5.02PM. He should take a bath, it was almost night after all.
M/n stood up from his chair as he grabbed the already prepared towel on his small bed as he walked towards the bathroom, taking off his clothes and immediately walking into the hot shower.
He sighed in relaxation, the feeling of hot water against his body was relaxing. He lets out an unexpected smile as he closed his eyes, letting himself getting wet from the hot water.
It was too relaxing for him, it was a perfect shower when you had a stressful day. He wonders if Xiao's embrace would be as comfortable as this- Wait.
What are you thinking, M/n!?
You fucking pervert!
M/n internally screamed at himself as he felt his cheeks reddening even more.
Fuck, he was messed up. He kept thinking of Xiao! His goddamn Ex-bestfriend!
He lets out yet another sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose, he thought he would stop thinking of Xiao at some point but every goddamn day he keeps thinking of him!
It's as if Xiao was playing with his head.
Oh god, he thought of Xiao yet again. His muscles, his wells sculptured body and his cold but pretty face is so-
Fuck, he definitely has to rub one off.
You're disgusting, M/n.
He thought to himself.
As M/n finally walked out of the shower, a blush still visible on his face as he puts on his T-shirt and short pants. As he was drying his hair with his towel, he saw how a text message appeared on his phone as he picked it up, confused.
› 𝗔𝘆𝗮𝗸𝗮 ❤️
[1 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲 !]
⟩ M/n, what are you doing? :D
Oh, it was a message from Ayaka.
M/n smiles as he clicked on her chat.
⟩⟩ Just finished showering, why?
⟩ Ohh, I just wanted to ask if we could have a date today, do you wanna go?
A date? It has been quite a while since they have went on a date, there's no reason to decline an offer.
⟩⟩ Sure, what time? I'll pick you up (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)!
⟩ Is 5.45 okay? I just need to put on some makeup and I'm done, is that alright (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)?
⟩⟩ I don't mind, go ahead! I'll go there rn, ok?
⟩ Okayy, thank youu❤️❤️
M/n smiled at her response as he immediately stood up as he tries to find a decent outfit to wear to go out.
This is definitely going to take a while.
M/n was finally dressed neatly, using a turtle neck with short sleeves and some long pants. He was satisfied with how he look, it was as if he was back in his senior years where he would dominate fashion competitions with Xiao.
Ah, that was a really fun memory.
M/n smiled fondly but he quickly shook off his thoughts as he heard s ding coming from his phone- it was Ayaka.
› 𝗔𝘆𝗮𝗸𝗮 ❤️
[1 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲 !]
⟩ I'm ready, are you otw?
⟩⟩ No I haven't yet but I promise you to make it on time, just watch ;D
⟩ Haha! Okok, ill wait for you ❤️❤️
M/n giggled softly as he saw Ayaka's sweet text, he smiled to himself as he pocketed his phone as he walked outside his small apartment- A smile visible on his face.
After a few minutes of driving, he finally arrived at Ayaka's nicely lightened up house. As Ayaka went inside the car, she immediately showed M/n a picture of where they're going to head to.
"M/n! This is the place we're going to, are you familiar with it? I'll use Google maps if you don't know the way-" Ayaka said excitedly as she showed M/n the picture.
The man just smiled as he looked closer at the picture.
It was a field of sunflowers, a beautiful sight indeed. It was like the same place as Xiao and he used to hang out in, a place filled with M/n's favorite flowers. They both would admire the scenery as they both sat next to each other in the steep hill, looking above the field of sunflowers.
A comfortable place indeed, everytime they were done with an exam, they always sat together on top of the hill in silence, the cold wind blowing against their uniforms and hair. Even if they didn't talk much during those moments, it was still memoriable and lovely to reminiscent back on.
Oh, all those memories made him smile a little.
"M/n?" Ayaka suddenly calls out, making him snap out of his thoughts as he blankly looked at his girlfriend.
Ah, right. He was supposed to enjoy this night with Ayaka.
"Yes? Uh, I'll use Google maps, It doesn't look too familiar for me." M/n responds hesitantly as he looks at Ayaka's worried face.
Ayaka blinked once, then twice as she finally nodded. "Alright then," Ayaka was typing something on her phone as she finally placed it on the car's phone stand "Here, I already made sure to insert all the shortcuts, lets spend this night together, M/n!" Ayaka says excitedly, her oh so kind smile was visible yet again on her face as Aether nodded.
Ah yes, I should spend my time tonight all for my girlfriend. M/n thought to himself.
He “likes” her, after all.
They both arrived at the designated place as both Ayaka and M/n were amazed by the sight, they were taken aback by how beautiful it was.
"M/n, look! It's so beautiful, isn't it? I picked out this place because I knew you love sunflowers!" Ayaka giggled as she got out of the car to take a closer look at the scenery.
M/n smiles as he too got out of the car as he stood next to Ayaka as he admired the beautiful scenery.
The night lights were showing the bright colors of the sunflowers, the stars and the moon was making it an even more beautiful scenery.
It was just like his teenage days with Xiao, where he would spent countless nights together with Xiao in the same place and same time.
A smile creeped up on M/n face as he yet again was fond of the memory he had with Xiao, his ex-friend.
Suddenly, M/n felt a hand creep up under his arm as he looked to his left to see Ayaka's hand on his arm, she was focused on looking at the beautiful sight Infront of him but he just couldn't get his eyes off of Ayaka-
Her smile was just like Xiao's.
Ayaka seemed to notice M/n looking at her as she looked at M/n with a fond smile visible on her face. "Like what you see?" She teased as she lets out a small giggle right after.
"mhm" M/n hums in satisfaction, his eyes looking back at the scenery Infront of him.
This was just like how he and Xiao spent their time together.
"It reminds me of Xiao." M/n suddenly says as Ayaka turns her head towards him with a confused expression.
Oh fuck, he messed up.
M/n was practically sweating right now as he looked over at Ayaka, "Uhm, he was a friend of mine." M/n told her truthfully.
Ayaka just nodded "Ah I see...He sounds familiar, what's his Full name?" She continues to ask.
"Xiao Alatus."
Ayaka eyes widened as she heard what he said.
"Xiao Alatus?" She repeated as she took her hands off his arm slowly.
"The teen who committed suicide in that Sunflower field?"
He just nodded.
"Yeah, him."
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agaypanic · 10 months
Holy cow, you are going through these requests super fast. Woah! Also congrats on graduating. So am I. This isn't detailed at all but maybe a graduation fic with Hyde or Kelso. You can do whatever you want with it.
Proud of You (Steven Hyde X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Hyde never cared for school or big events that didn’t revolve around him getting wasted. But he always shows up for his favorite girl.
A/N: congrats on graduating to you too!! Also, reader is in Jackie’s grade. Also number 2, even though i write for hyde I DO NOT SUPPORT THE ACTOR!!! kk that’s all, hope you enjoy :) F/f means favorite flower
You loved your boyfriend; you really truly did. But part of you didn’t believe Hyde when he told you he would be in the front row of your high school graduation. He didn’t even show up to his own graduation! You expected him to forget and find him sitting in his chair in the Forman’s basement, watching some stupid show with the guys.
You still kept your hopes, though. Steven Hyde could always surprise you by showing that he cared. Besides, even if he didn’t come, your other friends would surely show up to see you and Jackie walk across the stage.
But as you sat in the overcrowded, echoey gym, all you could think about was making sure you didn’t miss your name being called by the class president. It was hard to focus with all the camera flashes and cheering families.
“Y/n L/n.” You stood up at the call of your name and moved through the chairs and up the stage. You heard cheers from the crowd of friends and families but couldn’t differentiate any of the voices. Grabbing your diploma and shaking the principal’s hand, you looked out to the audience. Unable to see anyone clearly, you shrugged and returned to your seat.
The ceremony felt like it went on forever. The names and claps seemed never-ending, but after God knows how long, caps were thrown, and you were released to meet with your families. Your family got to you before you could reach the bleachers. You were showered in affection, congratulations, and flowers.
So many flowers.
“Mom, you’re smothering me.” You laughed as your mom crushed you in her embrace and continuously kissed your cheeks.
“I don’t care. My baby graduated!” She took your face in her hands and peppered your forehead with more kisses. Your dad had to pull her off of you, whispering that you should go while you had a chance. As much as you loved your mother, you took that chance.
Speeding off, you looked all around to see if you could find any of your friends. It was an easy task; Kelso was a giant, so you were quick to find him smothering Jackie with affection while the rest of your friends surrounded them, clearly grossed out.
“Hey!” Donna spotted you first, bringing you into a hug before passing you around to everyone else. “We were starting to wonder where you were.”
“Mom got emotional.” You laughed as Eric patted your head, telling you, ‘Good job.’ Everyone else gave you the same sentiment, except for one. The one you were looking forward to the most. “Hey, where’s Hyde?”
“That’s weird,” Fez said, looking around the room. “He was just here.”
“Yeah, he’s around here somewhere.” Using his height advantage, Kelso searched through the crowd. His eyes lit up in recognition somewhere behind you, but he quickly turned around as if someone was telling him to look away. A few seconds later, you felt an arm around your shoulders, bringing your back to a familiar chest.
“Hey, Doll,” Hyde whispered in your ear, kissing the side of your head. “Congratulations.”
You squealed in delight, turning around in your boyfriend’s arm to hug and kiss him.
“I’m kind of surprised you’re here.” You looked down at the hand that wasn’t holding you. “With flowers.”
“Of course, I’m here, Y/n.” Hyde handed you the bouquet of F/f, making you thankful that you passed all the flowers you had already gotten to your dad before you ran off. His now free hand threaded through the hair at the back of your hair and brought you forward so he could kiss the top of your head. “I always show up for my girl.” You grinned.
“I’m so glad you came.”
“I’m proud of you, Doll.” Hyde leaned down to whisper into your ear. You could practically feel the smirk on his lips. “Maybe we should find an empty classroom so I can show you how proud I am.” You laughed, trying to ignore the heat rising in your face.
“Oh my gosh, shut up.”
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tuiccim · 1 year
Though I Have Never Read It (Part 5)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2009
Warnings: Angst
A/N: Special thanks to my hype princess & beta reader @whisperlullaby.
Though I Have Never Read It Masterlist
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Tuesday rolled around and you debated with yourself for most of it whether to join the team for dinner that evening. You triple checked everything on the jet for the team to leave on their mission the next day. Killing time, you kept yourself busy with mundane tasks on the jet until Bucky called your name. 
You turn in surprise, "Hey. What's up?" 
"I was just wondering if there was anything I can help you with before the mission?" Bucky asks. 
"Um, no. I've taken care of everything. Are you ready? First mission with the team, right?" you ask. You're still nervous in his presence. Despite being fairly sure he doesn't remember his past encounter with you, he sometimes looks at you as if he knows something is off. You wonder if something might trigger his memories of you, if there are any. He also seemed to pull you into conversation often when he runs into you around the compound, in the hangar, the kitchen, the laundry, and you question if the meetings are so happenstance. You've debated with yourself about whether to tell him. Not everything but that you had met when he was the Winter Soldier. 
“Yeah, first mission. Are you, uh, coming to the team dinner tonight?” Bucky asks. 
“Um, I don’t-”
“Please come. It’ll be fun. Besides, we'll be gone and out of your hair for a couple of days after tonight,” Bucky looks at you hopefully. 
“Sure,” you say with a little laugh and shrug.
“Great. I’ll save you a seat,” Bucky grins as he gives a quick wave and leaves. 
You stare after him with your stomach in knots. Biting your lip, you debate with yourself all over again. Is his subconscious mind pulling him towards you? Maybe you should tell him. What if he remembers himself and is angry that you didn’t tell him? What if- Stop it, you tell yourself. The longer this went on, the more it ate at you. You were so torn. Taking a deep breath, you finish what you were doing and decide to head to your room to shower and change for dinner. 
The last one to arrive in the dining room, you look around nervously and lock eyes with Bucky who smiles brightly. He stands and pulls out the empty chair beside him for you. 
“Thank you,” you say, trying to hide your surprise as you sit down. 
“You’re welcome. I told you I’d save you a seat,” Bucky replies. 
“I’m so glad you came,” Wanda draws your attention away from Bucky. 
“Thanks for the invite,” you smile at her. 
“You’re always welcome,” Steve says with a knowing smile. Walking over to Tony and Sam, he asks in a low voice, “Did you notice how he lit up when she entered?”
“I wonder if she noticed,” Sam raises an eyebrow as Tony simply smirks. 
“I’m hoping she feels the same. It would help Bucky come out of his shell more. He was always  the suave ladies’ man who knew how to turn on the charm but he’s stiffer now,” Steve had watched as Bucky tried to get close to you as unobtrusively as possible. 
“Well, your little matchmaking scheme with Clint’s sky-cycle project didn’t progress things much,” Tony says. 
“They both seemed interested in the other but it’s like there’s some line in the sand that neither of them want to cross,” Sam accurately identifies. 
“I don’t know what else to do,” Steve sighs.
“Nothing to do at this point, Capsicle. Gotta let them take that step. Or lock them in a room until they figure it out,” Tony smiles and Steve immediately shakes his head. 
“No, Tony,”Steve looks over at Bucky and then you. 
You notice Steve staring at you and tilt your head inquisitively at him. He snaps out of it and mouths sorry. Shortly after, the plates are passed and everyone began to eat. You hung back in the conversation that circled around but enjoyed the obvious camaraderie among the team. It really was like a family, something you missed desperately. 
“Hey Abu,” Tony gets your attention. 
“Yes, Mr. Stank?” you answer with a smirk. The sudden burst of laughter around the table and especially from beside you makes your mouth twist even more. 
Tony simply narrows his eyes before continuing, “Well, I was going to say that since the team will be gone the next couple of days, you should take some time off but maybe I was being a bit too generous for my own good.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be for me. I will have Eva for the next few days,” you bat your eyes innocently at him.
“Fine. For the kid,” Tony grouses.
“Is everything okay? You don’t usually have Eva during the week,” Natasha asks.
“Yeah, Mark just had to go out of town for work unexpectedly,” you explain. 
The rest of dinner goes by with lots of laughter and conversation. You find yourself wanting to join in more as the evening progresses but with Bucky being so kind and solicitous toward you it makes your anxiety about the whole situation skyrocket. That’s why, when your phone rang, you used it as an excuse to leave. 
As soon as you were out of the room, you answered the phone without looking at it. 
“You are still alive,” comes the all too familiar voice through the phone. 
“Mother,” your gut clenches as the title slips past your lips. 
“Daughter,” she says disdainfully, “I’m surprised you remember my voice.”
“What do you want?”
A deep, frustrated breath is released before she continues, “I’m getting married.”
“Congratulations. What does that have to do with me?” You can’t hide your own aggravation with the conversation. 
“My fiance, kind-hearted man that he is, wishes to meet my child and for you to attend the wedding.”
“Just explain to him that I’d embarrass all of you by wearing something from a dreadful department store and probably get grease on the furniture. I have to go,” you hang up the phone feeling no guilt whatsoever. She was half the reason you ended up in Estonia hidden away. Hell, if you really wanted to, you could put it all on her. That ambitious, self-centered, vainglorious… you could go on for days. Shaking yourself, you head to your room.
Bucky wasn’t sure what he had just overheard but he knew there had to be more to it. You were never rude, never unkind. He wondered what your mother had done to garner such a cold reception from you. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but you had left so quickly, he was worried something was wrong. You had gotten increasingly tense as the dinner progressed. He had watched you. One moment you would be smiling and laughing and the next you would look stricken, like you were enjoying the company of the team and then feeling as if you shouldn’t. It worried him. For some reason he couldn’t explain, he felt drawn to you. 
“Hey Buck. Everything okay?” Steve rounds the corner. 
“Uh, yeah. I’m heading to bed.”
“Same. It’s going to be an early morning,” Steve claps him on the shoulder. “I’ll walk with you. Nervous?”
“Not really,” Bucky shrugs. He had debated whether to go to your room and check on you but Steve had curbed that. He was pretty sure his best friend was aware he was harboring feelings for you but no reason to confirm it and have him and Sam making comments. Better to leave it alone for a while. 
Forty-eight hours later, the team had returned from a well executed mission. Bucky was heading to the kitchen from his room. He wanted to grab a drink and maybe an ice pack for the bruised rib that was aching. Not that he’d admit that to anyone. It would heal quickly but it still hurt like a bitch at the moment. As he entered the kitchen he heard you and Eva in the common room. 
“Will you read this to me?” Eva asks. 
“Are you sure you want this one?” You ask curiously. 
“Pleeease!” Eva begs. 
“Okay, Diva. Cuddle up,” you pause for a minute and Bucky pictures Eva curling up in your lap. A small smile curls his lips despite the throbbing in his side. He leans against the wall and listens as you begin. “The Princess Bride by William Goldman. This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it…”
As you continued, Bucky’s smile slowly faded as flashes of memory assailed him. Bitter cold surrounded him as he watched a woman… as he watched you carry firewood into a small cabin. A fireplace, soup, a warm bed, and a story read to him by the same beautiful voice. Bucky's breath shutters as he remembers drifting to sleep with your hands in his hair. 
“Hello?” you call from your seat. 
“Why did you say hello?”  Eva asks. 
“I thought I heard something. Sorry, kiddo,” you resume reading the story. 
Bucky takes soft steps as he retreats. His mind reels as he makes it back to his room, the pain in his side forgotten as his mind takes him back to the bits and pieces he remembered of that night. You were as he had known you here, more kind than he deserved. You gave him shelter, food, and even comfort. He had escaped somehow or been separated from his captors. He remembered the night, remembered you, he could even recall the taste of the soup you fed him. He concentrated harder, trying to remember anything beyond that night, but everything was a blank beyond the comforting feeling of your hand in his hair as he fell asleep, warm and safe for the first time in decades. 
Bucky paced for hours. He was tired from the mission but his mind wouldn’t stop. He relived the time with you over and over again. Then the questions began, why hadn’t you told him? It made sense now the times you had slipped and called him James. It was the only thing he could remember and it had made him feel human again to be called something other than Soldat. Were you scared of him? You didn’t seem to be when he was around. Tentative, unsure, but not scared. Were you protecting him? Did you not want to remind him of his time as Soldat? His head began to ache as memories and questions overwhelmed him. Finally, late into the night, utter exhaustion hit him. His body fell into the bed and his eyes fluttered closed. 
But even sleep did not allow his mind to rest. Nightmares plagued him. Memories of the atrocities he was forced to carry out. Abuses he endured. The faces of those that he killed. And then a haven, a tiny cabin with few luxuries provided one night of peace that he never thought he’d experience again. A beautiful woman who gave him shelter, food, and eased his tormented mind for a few blessed hours. 
Then flashes, pleasure hitting him like a ton of bricks for the first time in decades. Dry humping against your sweet body and then rolling you under him. Forcing your pants past your knees. Your pained face as he forced himself inside of you. You going into the bathroom after. The shame on your face as you snatched the cover over the bloodstained sheets. Then smashing your cabin to pieces and setting fire to it. 
Bucky woke with his chest heaving as he panicked with the realization of what he had done. No wonder you kept him at arm's length. Obviously, you were able to see him as Bucky and not as the Soldat who had violated you, but how the hell could you look at him, speak to him, or treat him with any form of kindness? He wouldn’t blame you if you had run screaming from him the moment you saw him. 
Rousing himself, he goes to find Steve and Sam. What the hell should he do?
Part Six
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Updates and taglist: My taglist is currently full. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction and turn on notifications for updates. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when an update or new story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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cuttergauthier · 11 months
Enchanted By You | Chapter Two
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Series Summaries: In which a hockey sister falls for an Formula 1 driver... Sadie Hughes Moves to Monaco to get away from the hockey world and falls in love with Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc...
Word Count 1.1k
Au Sadie Hughes x Charles Leclerc
Social Media | Real Life
National Hockey League | Formula 1
Enchanted By You Masterlist
Warning: This Story will contain Mature Language, Alcohol consumption, Cyber Bullying
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May 2022
⭐︎ R e a l  L i f e ⭐︎
I woke up with the sun shining in my room, I squinted my eyes to see where my phone was on my night stand, I picked it up to check to time, it's only 8:00 a.m. i rolled over and looked out my window. i threw the bed sheets off my body and made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
I took a warm shower, once I was done i dit some light makeup and curled my hair into beach waves before making my way back to my bedroom. I live in a two bedroom apartment since it's only me I didn't need anything that was too big.  I decided to wear a knee length green skirt with flowers and a white straight  neck tank top and pair it with my white airforces.
When I was dressed i made my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I made myself some avocado toast, and sat down at the dining table to eat.
I decided to scroll on my phone at the same time i ate.
It's still very early back home so No one was awake yet.
i finished eating so I washed the dishes so i don't have to do it later. it's now 11:00 a.m. when i was done so i thought i would go explore Monaco more, i explore a little bit with my mom a bit ago when she helped me move in. I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way out of the apartment.
I walked downtown Monaco It's so beautiful here. I should probably try and make some friends, i saw a caffe where you could sit outside so i made my way in to order myself a coffee.
once i got to the counter the barista smiled at me.
"Bonjour" she said happily. I smiled at her.
"Bonjour, could I get a (Favourite coffee)" i asked nicely.
"Of course, that will be 5 dollars" she said with an accent. i paid and gave her my name for the order, I made my way to the waiting area.
It went fast.
"Order for Sadie" the barista said.
I made my way over and took my coffee, i gave her a smile.
"Thank you, have a wonderful day" i said.
i made my way outside hoping to find an empty table.
luckily for me theres one left. I sat and and took a sip of my coffee and scrolling on instagram.
"excuse me?" I heard someone say. I looked up to find a girl looking at me.
"Oh hey" i said smiling.
"Do you mind if i join you? I wanted to enjoy my coffee outside but every table is already taken" she asked smiling.
"Yeah of course."
"Thank you so much" she said as she sat down at the chair across from me.
"It's not a problem, I'm Sadie" i said introducing myself.
"I'm Francisca but everyone calls me Kika" She introduced herself smiling.
"I love your name" i said.
"Thank you, that's so sweet, Where are you from sadie?" she asked.
"I'm from Orlando, Florida but I grew up in Michigan, what about you?"
"That's so cool, I'm from Portugal but I spend most of my time here in Monaco or traveling"
"I've always wanted to visit Portugal"
"It's a lovely country. are you in Monaco on vacation?"
"No, I just moved here actually, i wanted a change of scenery and I visited Monaco a few years ago and i loved it so I decided to move here" I said smiling.
"Thats amazing, you're going to love living here"
"I hope so, one day I just told my parents i'm moving to Monaco, they looked at me like i was crazy but they supported me anyway." I said which made her laugh.
"I mean it is a big decision but Monaco is a beautiful place to live." she said smiling.
"I've only been here for a week and I'm already in love with this place."
"I bet, I have no plans for the rest of the day, is there any chance you would like to explore the city with me?" she asked.
"I would love too" i said smiling.
we finished our coffee and continued to get to know each before we started to walk around and explore some more.
"are you a student?" she asked me.
"No, I graduated form University of Michigan in business last year, i'm a model and social media influencer but i am currently working on starting my own swimwear line for both men and women"  I said happily. her eyes and smiled widen.
"Omg that's amazing. let me know whenever that swimwear line is out, I'll definitely be checking it out" she said smiling brightly.
"I definitely will, what about you? what do you do?" i asked curiously.
"I'm a model, but I do it less now then i used to, my boyfriends travels a lot for work during this time of the years around different countries, and since I love to travel sometimes i got with him, unless i have a photo shoot or something then i stay back, like right now, I had a photoshoot yesterday while he was in Spain, so i stayed back, he'll be back here tomorrow morning and i can't wait to see him" she said happily when she talked about what she does and her boyfriend.
"That's awesome, two of my brothers also travel a lot for work expect for them it's around Canada and the United States, I think if they traveled around the world I would follow them" i said chuckling.
" How many siblings do you have?" she asked.
"Three, my twin brother Lives in Vancouver Canada, my middle brother lives in New Jersey, and my baby brother still lives in Michigan, he's still in University" i said smiling thinking about them.
"Wow you guys are really all over the place" she said making me laugh.
"Yeah i guess we are, what about you? any siblings? "
"two, a half brother on my mom side, and one half sister who was just born a few months ago on my dads side"
"I'm sure when they grow up there going to come to you for all the advice" i said making her laugh.
"You are my new best friend" she said happily.
"Same here, i'm so glad you asked to sit with me today" i said smiling
"Me too"
We spent the whole day together exploring, once it was getting late we exchange numbers and promised we would hang out again before we both made our ways to our homes.
i'm happy I was finally able to make a friend, and Kika is so sweet, plus we got along great.
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taglist : @luciaexcorvus​
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crossedsabers10s · 6 months
@splatooshy RIP shower scene, you shall be missed dearly
It ain’t done, but I do have the bones of some stuff:
I keep my heart under the floorboards (in the dark, far away from yours)
Amnesia trope. Damon thinks it’s sometime before canon starts—pre meeting Elena. Technically set during S5-6 but timelines meh
“Maybe we should untie him,” the girl with Katherine’s face says.
Who is not Katherine.
She had been very adamant about that one.
Despite looking just like her, knowing Damon’s name, and being a vampire.
Damon does his best to smile benignly at her from where he is chained to a chair in the middle of the Boarding House den. The rest of the furniture had been cleared back and away, leaving him the main attraction.
He’d woken up here, restrained and surrounded by strangers and slightly more familiar strangers.
There’s Not-Katherine—who smiles back at him, but it’s strained around the edges—orbiting around the room, around Damon at its center, but she never comes too close. Right now, she’s hovering next to one of the other girls.
The one Not-Katherine is standing next to is blonde. Baby faced with big blue eyes, she looks to be around Stefan’s age. She also, Damon knows just from her expression whenever she looks his way, hates his guts.
For some reason. That he can’t remember.
There’s another girl, one who looks just slightly older than the other two, who had been the one to pronounce him cursed upon entering the room and getting a good look at his aura or vibes or whatever it is that witches use to determine such things. She is both tiny and cute and gives him the impression that she is both capable and fully prepared to set him on fire.
His brother—one of those oh-so-familiar strangers—frowns Damon’s way when he sees him smiling at Not-Katherine. Probably (correctly) divining that he wants out of these chains and isn’t above seducing someone to do it. His hair is different from when Damon had last seen him, but that displeased twist of the lips is just the same.
The man lounging in the corner—blond and settled into his skin in a way that means old vampire, beware—is as unfamiliar as the witch and the blonde. Something about him and his bored amusement at the situation puts Damon’s teeth on edge.
[Tries to act innocent/uneasy to win sympathy. They all know him way better than he realizes. It doesn’t work.]
Plan A foiled, he settles in to people watch.
Elena-Who-Not-Katherine and Stefan are standing intimate-friend-or-more close to each other, speaking in hushed voices about a bunch of names Damon doesn’t recognize. Them being so up close and obviously cozy makes him want to frown. Or pry them apart with a crowbar. She may not be Katherine, but she looks exactly the same, and the scene is bringing back memories he’d rather forget.
Bonnie is trailing one finger over the pages of what Damon would put good money on being a grimoire.
That’s when Enzo walks in.
He glances Damon’s way, raises an eyebrow, then deposits the cloth-wrapped parcel he’d been carrying onto a side table beside the witch. He sets a steaming beverage down next to it.
Oh, Damon thinks, realizing something, watching Bonnie thank him before going back to her book.
He’s dreaming.
That’s it.
That explains everything.
Kind of a strange dream, but whatever. He’s had stranger.
He frowns down at the chains, trying not to wonder what Freud would make of his subconscious deciding on this.
“Why is Damon in chains?” a voice more familiar than the face it belongs to asks.
Damon would like an answer to that one too, but doesn’t want to soul-search to get it. He’d need a compass and maybe a map.
“Magic retrograde amnesia,” Caroline explains airly.
“Right,” Enzo’s voice says. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be? But the chains?”
[Exposition on how they ended up with Damon cursed. Damon, believing himself to be asleep, starts being more blatant in his escape attempts. He begins to injure his wrists trying to break the cuffs, rationalizing away the pain and blood as it being a realistic dream. He’s also beginning to dissociate, and the pain takes longer to register than the scent of blood mingling with Bonnie’s coffee.]
“If I unlock this,” he says, reaching for the chains like him unlocking them is a forgone conclusion, but is curious as to the answer anyway, “what will you do?”
This is, of course, where Damon promises not to harm a single hair on any of their heads. He’s going to school his face into—not earnestness, as they’d never believe that from him—but stoic agreement and swear to behave. It’s in his best interests to do so.
If this was a real situation and not a product of his fucked up brain, he might have.
“I don’t know,” he says, honesty raw as his wrists.
Enzo unlocks the chains.
[Damon stands up—except his body language is off. Enough so that the others notice. Moving too fast, blurring between motions and then being too-still.]
Staring Not-Enzo (It Can’t Be Enzo, Enzo is Dead, Damon Killed Him) dead (ha) in the eye, he bends his right index finger back until it’s pointing in the wrong direction.
He barely notices when half the room recoils at the sound.
“What was that for?” Enzo’s ghost asks him, unflinching.
Damon frowns at him, then down at his hand. He sharply twists the bone back into alignment.
He looks around the room, taking in an array of wary (Stefan and Bonnie), worried (Elena), and disgusted (Caroline) faces. Klaus is watching him like he’s a boring movie that has just become interesting enough to pay attention to.
The pain from that hadn’t worked either. He’s still dreaming.
Unable to quite help it, Damon looks at his favorite nightmare. “Yes?”
Dark eyes drop down to where Damon’s finger is healing. He flexes his hand, finding it most of the way there. “Why?”
“I want to wake up,” he explains.
“Not that I don’t like seeing you—not hating me even!” he tacks on, lest he somehow hurt this dream shade’s feelings. He’s sick of hurting Enzo in his dreams. If he can avoid it, he will. “But I want to wake up now. Before the screaming starts.”
Or the smoke.
That’s what he remembers most. Not the fire. Not really. It’s the smoke. Thick in the air, in his throat, his nostrils, his lungs. Bodies beginning to burn and vervain-perfumed failure.
Dream-Enzo keeps his hands in his. It’s warm, bordering on hot, to Damon’s chilled fingers. He half expects the touch to begin to sear any moment now, or for Enzo’s visage to crumble away to ash. “You always do that?” he asks, dark eyes unreadable. Or maybe they are readable, and Damon just doesn’t want to read them. “Hurt yourself to wake up?”
Damon shrugs best he’s able. “If it works….”
Something about that slow nod, the understanding there in those eyes, makes him keep talking.
“Sleepwalking was the worst, but that didn’t last too long.” Only a measly year or two. What’s a year to forever? “Sleeping with people made it better, but I kept waking up to corpses in the beginning. Which, gross. Cleaning up a body first thing in the morning sucked.” When he bothered to clean them up.
The smile doesn’t quite reach those eyes—which are almost spot on, but there’s something different there, something new that doesn’t match his memories all the way; something about that hurts, that he can’t remember Enzo quite right, even while dreaming—but it’s close. “Shave, brush your teeth, hydrochloric acid?”
Damon flexes his fingers, regretting it when the dream takes that as a sign to have Enzo let go and step back. He doesn’t let that distance linger. This is his not-yet-nightmare, he’s going to milk it for all it’s worth. He captures Dream Enzo’s hands with his own, reveling in how lifelike this is.
Apparently, the action has surprised his own subconscious, because Dream Enzo blinks a little down at their entwined hands, one eyebrow briefly raising.
Blah blah blah—technically the scene ends with Damon having issues with his switch, fluctuating back and forth between too many emotions and suppressed ones.
I should prob finish it …at some point lol
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ramcharantitties · 5 months
Other woman
Short angst, Ram(rrr) x reader
You were never mean. You were never mean, never rude, never negative and always wanted the best for everyone. You were clever and polite. You knew how to give love and how to appreciate when you received love. You knew how to keep people happy, but that didn't mean that you always did something to keep people happy. You loved yourself and everyone around you, and it showed. It glowed on your face like the sunlight passing through the honey jar. Then why did the bees sting?
You sat in the dining room. Your husband of a year, Ram, silently ate his dinner beside you. Your plate was untouched and Ram took notice, but didn't utter a word. There was a scent unfamiliar to you near him and it made you barf.
That scent has been lingering around him for a month now. You tried your best to avoid our ignore, considering it to be just something new at his police station. But when you arrive there once, to deliver his lunch, it only stank with old blood and sweat. The only sweet smell was the extra sugar chai. Ram didn't use perfumes, or deos. What kind of smell was this? So feminine, intoxicating and fruity.
Akhtar mentioned that his Ram Anna is more busy than usual, that he needs to go somewhere for his work first instead of coming home or staying longer at the station.
You were not sure that your overthinking brain was taking you at the right place. You shook your head and decided to eat when you caught the site of something you shouldn't have- the chain in his neck had a pink bead dangling from it. From what you remember, you don't have anything pink. Your eyes didn't leave its sight, wondering how a pink bead could accidentally come there?
You touched it softly, the heat from his body could be felt on the chain. Ram's face went pale when he realised what you've seen. "Where did that come from?"
Ram tried to answer, but stuttered. "Oh- uh that's something, you know that one-"
"Are you cheating on me?" Even you were in disbelief when you asked that. Of course, it wasn't true. Ram has always loved you. Everyone knew that, they knew the efforts Ram puts for you. Showered you in affection and called you his. Supported you when no one else did, making you the strongest person. You should apologise for being so insensitive-
"I am sorry" the three words that left you rooted. The roti in your plate was cold and your fingers froze. You tried to see any aspect of lies or fakeness in his eyes, anything he was hiding. But there was nothing, just remorse. There were three words that filled your heart with despair, and there were three words that once made your heart beat faster and cheeks warm and blush. That was the first time Ram ever professed his love for you.
You slumped back in your chair, crying softly, when he cleared up the table. It didn't even look like he was ready to break it up with the other woman. Or were you the other woman? "What are your relations with her?" You wanted to know more, to understand the situation. Because you were the only one who hasn't given up. Ram sighed. "We met during a case, and I kept meeting her for a few days." That wasn't so bad. Emotions can change; if you try hard, maybe he will stop visiting her. "We've slept together once".
Nevermind. You could feel your heart shattering, listen to it audibly. "Did you even think about me?" You didn't want to sound so, affected. But what could you do? "Did you regret it?" Ram looked at your broken face. He did. But what was the point, if he just threw the so called guilt out the window?
"I don't think I'll, come back to you"
When was Ram planning to tell you this? Where did you lack that you had to face this situation? You stared at him. Everything was perfect, you both were perfect together, he was perfect. The only warmth you had was of your tears. You rubbed your face, crying in your hands. Ram stood there silently, unsure what to do. "Y/n" felt like committing a sin to take your name. You pulled your knees closer to you, hugging them. This wasn't how you planned your life out. Having two kids, sending them away, retiring and going back to the Village. This wasn't your life, but you had to live it.
S/n: why did I write a cheating Ram now? This was a hazed brain sleepy head idea.
Tagging: @vijayasena @yehsahihai @dumdaradumdaradum @chaanv @nerdreader @ramayantika @phoenix666stuff
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
Better Love
Summary: You're helping him learn who he is, who he'll become. Bucky doesn't know much about that, doubts he'll ever become more than he used to be. But he's sure that wherever he's going, he wants you by his side.
Word count: 1.5k
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x gn!reader
Warnings: former brainwashing, Hydra's evils, themes of violence and reference to self-harm. Bucky is in the in-between stage of recovery and WS. Fluffy ending!
If any of these themes upset you, please do not read!
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The window was open, screen having been slid out of the sill and was now carefully resting against the wall. You could hear the sounds of the city, riding on the summer air, making you feel not so alone in the vastness.
The window had been closed before you went to sleep.
He didn’t startle you, when you finally made the outline of him at the foot of your bed, so still you wondered if he was breathing. But—yes, you could see the rise and fall of his shoulders, careful and measured, like every breath might be his last.
You weren’t afraid. You never had a reason to be. 
"Can we close the window?" 
His eyes were always the first feature you were drawn to. They darted to the window, then back to you. There was hardly any light, save for the dim bulb of the broken streetlamp outside but the blue was crisp, almost gray in the dark. 
Gunmetal, you always thought to call them, but didn’t know if he wanted to hear that his eyes reminded you of a weapon. 
He still had trouble reacting to that name. Not everything was totally clear yet. He was still remembering things, still trying to navigate what it was like now to be untethered, floating around in space like everybody else.
“‘M sorry.” His voice was rough with disuse.
“Couldn’t come in through the front.”
He hesitated, then crept to the window, shutting it silently. You smiled gently, nodding. Bucky didn't react. 
“I know. You didn’t scare me.”
Instead of replying, he came around to the side of your bed and knelt, palms flat on his thighs.
His face was dirty, smudged with what looked like soot and far more blood than anyone should have on their face. There was mud and blood caked in his scalp, crusted in strands of his hair that hung over his eyes.
You reached your hand out slowly, palm up, and Bucky leaned forward, resting his chin in your hand. 
“Where’ve you been?” you whispered, thumb brushing his jawline.
“Had to take care of some stuff.”
Well, that was not a good enough answer considering he’d been gone for almost two months, but more pressing issues had arisen. Like, for example, the blood.
“Most of it isn’t mine,” he mumbled, because you were that transparent. 
“Do you want to shower? I still have some of your clothes from last time.”
Bucky hesitated, eyes flickering up to yours.
“I can go.”
You shook your head. 
“Stay, it’s okay.”
He stood, your hand dropping back to the mattress.
“It’s not safe. I… I’m dangerous.”
“I’ll be alright, Bucky. It's you. I trust you.”
"You shouldn't."
You threw your legs over the edge and went to dig through your dresser for the simple t-shirt and sweatpants you’d gotten for him the last time he was here. 
“Come on, I’ll get you a towel.”
After a few more seconds of hesitation, he followed. Bucky stayed outside of the bathroom while you turned on the shower and set up some toiletries for him. He hunched, trying to make himself appear smaller. You yawned and gave him a warm smile, eyes half-lidded and sleepy. The tension in his shoulders ebbed a bit.
You left him to his own devices, going about reheating the leftover lasagna. As far as you knew, Bucky was back to eating solid foods. You hoped this wouldn’t overwhelm him. 
Bucky was efficient, taking no more than three minutes exactly. He reappeared, standing silently in the hall, still partially hunched. His skin was red, scrubbed raw in the shower. 
“Are you hungry?” 
You patted the chair at the table and he slunk out like a cat, not making a sound as he settled.
Bucky ate as efficiently as he showered, and maybe, in the future, you could introduce food as something to be savored. But this was enough for now. 
He automatically stood and took his dishes to the sink before you could protest, mechanically washing and drying and carefully returning them to your cupboard. Bucky let you guide him back to the bathroom where you handed him a toothbrush.
“I’ll set you up on the couch, okay?”
He followed you out though, toothpaste beginning to melt on the brush as he watched you gather a few pillows from the closet. You stopped, smiling gently.
“What’s up?”
It took three of Bucky’s tense breaths before he responded. 
“I remember… when I was here last, we shared the bed.” 
You nodded in understanding, wearing your fondest smile, only reserved for Bucky in the dark. 
“We can share again if you want. Only if you want to. I thought you might want to be alone.” 
"I… like being with you." 
He ducked his head, checking your face before continuing. 
"You said you wanted me to ask for things. Right?"
"That's right," you agreed. "Of course we can share the bed. Come in after you finish."
Bucky nodded once, turning back to brush his teeth. He came out a few minutes later, minty and clean. You’d already climbed into bed, pulling the sheet back to welcome him in. Bucky stood stiffly, arms at his sides. 
“You want the sheet?”
He remained still, like he hadn’t expected to get a choice. You waited until he shook his head. 
“I overheat,” he murmured. 
“That’s okay. Just shove me over if you feel too warm.”
His eyes widened in alarm.
“I won’t hurt you,” he said fiercely. 
“Not literally,” you soothed. “Sorry. I meant, you know, just roll me over a bit if my body heat is too much. Okay?”
He looked down at his arm. 
Bucky watched you get comfortable, then pulled out a pistol from his boot, placing it in front of you on the nightstand. Your heart climbed to your throat and you swallowed, forcing the sudden tears back. You’d hoped he’d understood from the last time, but you knew very well that progress wasn’t always linear.
“Bucky,” you began weakly. “We’ve been over this, remember?”
“For termination,” he reminded, as if you could ever forget the explanation he’d given the first time he’d come here. 
“Bucky, I’m not going to…” you paused before your voice cracked, taking a deep breath. “I’m not going to—to terminate you. You’re a free man now. You are in control.”
“It’s to protect you,” he insisted.
“You’re not someone I need protection from.”
That threw him for a moment, and he watched as you got up and returned the gun to his boot.
“I am not your handler. You don’t have a handler. No more handlers, no missions, no killing. It’s just you, Bucky. You exist on your own, and I’m your friend. Just like Steve. Remember Steve?”
"The man on the bridge."
"Yes." Your voice was hushed. "A friend. Like me. Friends don't hurt you. Friends want you to be safe. Okay?"
Bucky nodded, probably not fully understanding, but that was okay. He was still learning and recovering, and you would stay through it all. He deserved someone to stay with him. 
You lay back down, turning on your side and propping your head up on your hand. Bucky slid in beside you and turned his head to face you. His hair was damp, smelling like your shampoo. You pushed aside a fallen strand carefully, gauging his reaction. Bucky just stared.
“What made you come back?” 
He was silent for a long time, eyes downcast. You continued to push hair behind his ear, brushing his cheek, lingering on his jaw.
“The way I feel when I’m with you is… unfamiliar,” Bucky began, eyes following your hand on his face. “But I miss it.” He paused, meeting your eyes. 
You hummed, finally resting your hand on his cheek. Bucky leaned into your touch, relaxing. 
“I’m happy you came back. I like when you’re here.” 
“Why?” because he really didn't understand why you’d be happy for him to be here, in and out, when he was still foggy and always looking over his shoulder, brain rotted and still not as right as he could be. Certainly nowhere near what you deserved. 
“You make me happy.” 
He searched you for any indication that you were lying, searching every blink for a hint. You smiled. Bucky’s arm cautiously slid around your waist, giving you time to pull away. You shuffled closer, lying flat. 
“Is that… okay?” 
He watched, ready to retract in an instant. You pulled yourself into the shadow of the crook of his arm. Bucky kept his metal arm as far away as possible from you, but you would work on that, if he wanted. 
“I want to stay longer this time.”
You hummed into the darkness, forehead resting on his bicep. 
“I want you to stay longer this time too.” 
“I can stay?” he asked carefully.
You exhaled slowly, searching for his hand. It was warm, because Bucky was always warm, even in the bleakest chill, surrounded by ice. 
“You can stay,” you confirmed. “Always. As long as you want.”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
That was just beautiful 🥲🤧 poor Rinnie, poor stupid love dumb Rinnie❤️
Thank you so much for answering my request! I have so many more ideas, but I am just terrible at writing! I have another request for you! Another Rindou Angst, like I said previously, I /live/ for it. 🥺
AU Rindou where he comes from money (his dad being a CEO or something) and he meets a girl, falling madly in love with her. Their relationship having been kept a secret until they were caught fucking on the family dinner table. Afterwards being sat down to be told he could never be with her because she doesn’t “fit” that Haitani image.
A Special Affair: Rindou Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 681
tw: smut, angst
"Come in; no one's here."
"Are you sure, Rin?" you wonder, stepping into the lavish apartment. "This place looks guarded to the teeth."
"You're my father's personal assistant," Rindou laughs, holding his hand out to you. "If he asks, we were just... discussing his birthday arrangements." You give him a quick roll of the eyes but take his hand and walk further into the apartment.
Your heels clack on the polished floor while Rindou shows you around, pointing at things rich people like and buy. You're sure that just the rent costs several times your annual salary, but you say nothing, opting to give Rindou a smile or two. At the same time, he parades you about, his eyes glowing as he mentions some renaissance painter's original artwork hanging above the spiral staircase.
"My brother hates these," Rindou mentions, shaking his head. "He's more of a Basquiat fan." You know that name, so you nod and giggle. But your tour is quickly derailed as he sweeps you into the dining room.
"Glass," you breathe, looking at the furnishings carefully.
"You can literally watch yourself eat." The man places a finger on the table and then lifts it. "And it's smudge-proof."
"No such thing," you gasp, but Rindou raises a brow, smirking.
"Want to test it out?"
You think you're going to test out the theory by wiping your hands over the surface, but Rindou has other plans. More like... taking you from behind as you stare at your reflection, completely entranced by the sight.
"You're so... fuck... right. I can watch myself..."
"Yeah, watch yourself..." Rindou huffs, holding your ponytail in his hand. "Watch yourself taking that dick."
You go two more rounds over the course of the evening: fucking on the couch, on the master bedroom floor, and finishing things up with a long shower.
"In the morning," Rindou yawns. "I'll take you back to your place. But for right now..." He turns over to you in the bed, holding you close. "Just need some sleep. Love you, babe."
"I love you too." You kiss his forehead and then slip into a deep sleep in his arms.
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"Rindou." Mr. Haitani looks over to you after addressing his son. "Y/n." You swallow hard, looking at the older man with trepidation. There's only one reason why he would call both of you in like this.
Rindou adjusts his glasses and clears his throat before crossing his arms. "I have a lot to do today, dad," the younger Haitani mutters. "Whatever it is, can you hurry up and tell us?"
Without words, Mr. Haitani leans back in his chair and picks up a remote. The TV behind him flicks on, and the black-and-white footage begins to loop. You watch as the two of your trapeze around the apartment, half-naked, then fully naked and fucking wherever it pleases you.
Pieces of the footage are stitched together to make a continuous loop of you spread-eagle, Rindou bending you over the dining room table, and a blowjob that ended with Rindou again spreading you out on the floor.
The footage pauses. Your breath is caught in your throat. The elder Haitani leans forward.
"I could go on and on about how inappropriate this is." Silence. "But that would be a waste of my breath." Rindou opens his mouth but is immediately cut off by his father, who stands. "I should fire you, Ms. Y/n, but my idiot son would just hire you and make you his personal assistant." You hang your head, nodding. "As for you, Rindou..." The man walks from behind the desk, straightening his jacket. Rindou shrinks as the man approaches, anticipating the following action.
The two slaps are entirely too hard. You hear the hiss, but you don't dare to look anywhere but at your feet as the elder Haitani mutters, "Why can't you be like your brother Ran?"
After you're dismissed, you find that Rindou doesn't even look at you on his way out. He leaves you without a word, with a reddened face, and tears in his eyes; never to speak to you again.
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