#not everything has time stamps because i could. not. be. bothered.
werewolfsmile · 14 days
The Eliot Spencer Details Masterpost
I have been recording details about our beloved Eliot Spencer on my latest watch through. And now, it's finally time to reveal the details!! If I have gotten any details INCORRECT, I beg of you to correct me, at which time, this post will be updated and credit given. (Note: S1 was aired out of chronological order. I am going by chronological episode numbers - aka the correct order - and providing the episode titles as well to minimise confusion.) !! This post contains details from Leverage: Redemption! Read the episode references carefully if you are wanting to avoid certain spoilers !!
Shirtless Moments
S1 E7 The Two-Horse Job: The flashback scene when Aimee asks Eliot what his excuse was for not coming back to her, we see him being dragged/tortured, shirtless. "Tell us what you did with the monkey!"
S2 E2 The Tap-Out Job: Eliot is shirtless for the fight match.
S4 E9 The Cross My Heart Job: Ehh he's not completely shirtless here but whatever. At about 16 mins in, Eliot and Parker are getting changed together, Eliot strips to a singlet then throws his shirt at me the camera. (I didn't include other scenes of Eliot in a singlet here because in this scene he's actively undressing, whereas in others he's not.)
The earliest sighting of his guitar pick necklace is S1 E2 The Homecoming Job. It continues to pop up frequently in episodes, though noticeably less in S1. I thought about recording every occurrence of it here but ... lmao it's in legit waaayyyy too many episodes for me to bother.
S2 E10 The Runway Job: Honourable mention of the necklaces Eliot wears with his fashion week outfit. The longer one is kinda dogtag-esque, the shorter one is ... I think it's a fleur de lis? He also wears a range of chain necklaces later in this episode.
S4 E18 The Last Dam Job: Bird pendant (possibly kingfisher) visible at 34 mins 39 seconds. Full credits to @wolves-in-the-world for this one including the time stamp! You can check out their reblog of this post with more details here!
Dammit Hardison
S1 E13 The Second David Job: The FIRST INSTANCE of dammit Hardison in the entire show! Said upon discovering each other in the gallery, around 4 mins 15 seconds.
S2 E1 The Beantown Bailout Job: Said around 22 mins 30 seconds, immediately following, "What are the odds that Eliot's crotch will actually explode?" Iconic.
S2 E6 The Top Hat Job: When setting up for the magic show and discovering the rabbit missing, roughly 19 mins 45 seconds.
S3 E3 The Inside Job: Running from security, around 31 mins 30 seconds.
S3 E4 The Scheherazade Job: Trying to enter McRory's at the same time, around 1 min 30 seconds.
S3 E5 The Double Blind Job: This is an honourable mention because this time NATE is the one to say dammit Hardison! 9 mins 15 seconds.
S3 E6 The Studio Job: Upon discovering the master tape isn't in the case, roughly 32 mins.
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Eliot and Hardison running in the woods for their lives, arguing as always. This one is a bonus 'dammit' because Hardison says it straight back to Eliot after Eliot yells it at him! Around 21 mins.
S3 E12 The King George Job: Discussing Hardison's forgery work, followed by Eliot regretting touching anything. Around 23 mins 55 seconds.
S3 E13 The Morning After Job: Pretending to be cops and accidentally ending up with a prisoner to take back to jail, around 16 mins 20 seconds.
S3 E14 The Ho Ho Ho Job: Honourable mention of Chaos mocking Eliot by saying dammit Hardison. Roughly 21 mins 15 seconds.
(phew, S3 was rough on Hardison! given what Eliot was going through with the whole Moreau thing.... ooh that's delicious angst)
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Honourable mention for Sophie saying it this time! While playing the role that was meant for Eliot, around 24 mins.
S4 E6 The Carnival Job: Mixing chemicals for a distraction, roughly 25 mins 30 seconds.
S4 E17 The Radio Job: Hardison running away from being thrown off a high floor, around 5 mins.
S4 E18 The Last Dam Job: Sneaking around at the Bellington Dam, roughly 13 mins 35 seconds.
S5 E1 The (Very) Big Bird Job: 'Accidentally' putting a brew pub menu in front of Eliot, around 10 mins 20 seconds.
S5 E15 The Long Goodbye Job: Emotional scene that we do not speak about, around 12 mins 40 seconds.
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: After knocking Harry out and asking Hardison to help carry Harry, and Hardison refuses. 11 mins 40 seconds.
RS1 E2 The Panamanian Monkey Job: Upon discovering that security is headed to the vault where Parker is, and the only way down there is through the vents. Around 34 mins 10 seconds.
RS2 E1 The Debutante Job: We get 3! In this whole episode! Probably to make up for Hardison being gone for most of Redemption. Anyway! First one when Eliot and Hardison are in Ralphie Roy's place and Hardison has no idea who Ralphie is, around 23 mins 15 seconds. Second is when they're breaking into the elevator and Hardison won't help fight or move the unconscious guards, roughly 37 mins 40 seconds. And third, after the job when Parker says that Hardison was the one who took out all the guards. Around 45 mins 10 seconds.
RS2 E3 The Tournament Job: Right at the start after Eliot says gaming isn't a sport and Parker texts Hardison, so Hardison starts blowing up Eliot's phone. Lmao. Around 4 mins 20 seconds.
Dammit Parker
S1 E4 The Snow Job: Parker jumps out of a second floor window, Eliot catches her. 15 mins. (Parker gets a dammit from Eliot before Hardison does!!)
S3 E8 The Boost Job: Parker driving erratically, Eliot thrown around in back seat. (Technically there's a pause between dammit and Parker but I'm still including it) 35 min 35 seconds.
S5 E12 The White Rabbit Job: Searching the mark's house, Parker wants to steal a shirt. Again, this isn't technically a proper dammit Parker, as Eliot instead says, "Put it back! Dammit." But I'm still including it because it was aimed at her. 21 mins 20 seconds.
RS1 E10 The Unwellness Job: At end of episode, after Parker admits that she didn't even learn Eliot's name till after the team broke up the first time. 44 mins 30 seconds.
RS1 E13 The Hurricane Job: After washing up on shore and entering the Beacon Inn, Parker and Eliot are bickering about Maria. He doesn't strictly say dammit Parker but there's absolutely no doubt who he's directing the dammits towards. 3 mins 30 seconds.
RS2 E6 The Fractured Job: When farewelling Billy and Parker says next time she'll finish telling him about the robot bodies. Again, it's just dammit not dammit Parker but it's close enough. 41 mins.
RS2 E8 The Turkish Prisoner Job: Another standalone dammit that is most definitely aimed at Parker! When breaking Romero out, Parker says she's a firefighter (with far too much glee), around 14 mins 30 seconds.
RS2 E11 The Work Study Job: A full dammit Parker this time! When Parker reveals that it's super easy to steal from a university and produces a whole bunch of stuff, roughly 22 mins 40 seconds.
Very Distinctive Moments
S1 E2 The Homecoming Job: Eliot ID's the weapon from the gunshots, around 8 mins. Later, he ID's a guy off his knife fighting style, around 18 mins 50 seconds.
S2 E6 The Top Hat Job: ID's a CIA guy from his stance, roughly 7 mins 45 seconds.
S3 E11 The Rashomon Job: ID's the smell of peppermint on Hardison's breath, around 21 mins.
S3 E12 The King George Job: ID's former British paratroopers by their haircuts, 30 mins 10 seconds.
S4 E1 The Long Way Down Job: ID's a former spetsnaz guy by his footprint, 13 mins 45 seconds.
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Honourable mention of Eliot ID'ing ex-military personnel by their stances, he just doesn't say very distinctive. 18 mins 50 seconds.
S4 E11 The Experimental Job: Honourable mention of Eliot ID'ing a helicopter by the whumpa-whumpa (there's 7 of them did you know). Around 7 mins.
S5 E3 The First Contact Job: ID's military satellite transmission by the static, 7 mins 20 seconds.
S5 E9 The Rundown Job: ID's a Navy Seal who enlisted between '90-'95 by his watch, around 16 mins.
RS1 E2 The Panamanian Monkey Job: ID's a drone (Breanna's) from the sound. 11 mins 50 seconds.
RS1 E3 The Rollin' On The River Job: ID's Russian mob by the tattoos, 36 mins 30 seconds.
RS1 E7 The Double-Edged Sword Job: Honourable mention for Maria ID'ing the way Eliot disarmed her gun, 7 mins 50 seconds.
RS2 E4 The Date Night Job: Eliot ID's a guy as not having a distinctive anything - which is what is so distinctive. 20 mins 40 seconds.
RS2 E13 The Crowning Achievement Job: ID's MI6 off their search pattern, 6 mins 50 seconds.
Known Family
S1 E6 The Miracle Job: When discussing Bibletopia, Eliot says his nephew would like it. This is the ONLY mention of a nephew in the entire show, Redemption included; nor is there any direct mention of a sibling beyond this (which leads me to believe that this nephew is actually the son of a close friend/cousin/military buddy, rather than a direct family relation, but that's just my headcanon).
S2 E3 The Order 23 Job: When talking to the abused boy, Randy, Eliot says he has an uncle named Randy.
S5 E11 The Low Low Price Job: Eliot's dad owned a hardware store and he wanted Eliot to take over one day. But Eliot wanted to get out of that small town, so he joined the service. Fought with his dad the night before he left and hasn't been back since. He goes back at the end of this episode and knocks - but his dad never answers the door 😭
RS1 E9 The Bucket Job: While interrogating/torturing Eliot with Red Haze, Bligh says that Eliot's dad's friend from Vietnam has invited Eliot to join them for Christmas. At the end of the episode, Eliot goes to join them for dinner, only to get a message from 'J' that his dad was a no show. This 'J' is widely accepted as Eliot's unknown sibling but that is incorrect! 'J' is Eliot's dad's buddy from Vietnam!
RS2 E6 The Fractured Job: The ultimate Eliot family backstory episode!! (if you haven't seen it yet and don't want spoilers, skip this one!) Eliot was adopted by a black couple, Billy and an unnamed woman, after being abandoned/surrendered at a hospital as a baby. His father was a war hero who got none of the glory and sustained a wound, ruining his civilian career path, so Billy never wanted Eliot to follow in his footsteps. Eliot loved the stories of his dad in the military so joined up to be like him. His mother died while Eliot was on an op and he couldn't get leave to come back for the funeral, deepening the rift between him and Billy. Ultimately, they reconcile, (Eliot says his dad was always a hero to him, Billy say's he's proud of Eliot, they hug), and I cry every time 😭❤️ [Edit: Eliot being a baby at the time of being found at the hospital and consequently brought home by his adopted mother is unconfirmed and my presumption. We have no clear info on his age at adoption. Thanks to @nival-kenival for picking that up!]
Phrases: Ain't
S1 E4 The Snow Job: Said to Nate, right before Nate tells him to go skip some rope.
S1 E9 The Stork Job: Says it twice while conning Irina.
S1 E10 The Juror #6 Job: Upon being told to go help Parker instead of watching a sports game, Eliot takes his beer back.
S2 E2 The Tap-Out Job: Discussing the fights the mark runs, says they ain't the UFC.
S2 E3 The Order 23 Job: Said right before threatening to throw Randy's abusive father over the railing of a stairwell.
S2 E4 The Fairy Godparents Job: Upon spotting a hitman sent to kill McSweeten and Taggart.
S2 E8 The Ice Man Job: After hearing Hardison call himself the Ice Man, says he won't bail him out when things go wrong.
S2 E9 The Lost Heir Job: While trying to get Parker to the court room and end up cut off by the police.
S2 E11 The Bottle Job: When Hardison wants help to clean up Nate's apartment and Eliot refuses.
S2 E14 The Three Strikes Job: When Nate says to meet outside the ballpark but Eliot refuses because now he's sucked into the sport.
S3 E3 The Inside Job: Twice while arguing with Hardison about how to rescue Parker, once when Parker offers him a lift down the stairwell with her on her harness rig and he refuses. This is the most he says ain't in a single episode!
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Once when the militia try to make him kneel, later when the militia kid catches him and Hardison near the train tracks.
S3 E11 The Rashomon Job: When Sophie changes her story to mock Eliot's accent and mannerisms.
S3 E15 The Big Bang Job: When confronting Moreau with Hardison.
S4 E1 The Long Way Down Job: Upon arriving at the base camp and complaining to Nate.
S4 E7 The Grave Danger Job: When looking for a buried Hardison and hearing the sprinklers.
S4 E10 The Queen's Gambit Job: At the end, swearing revenge on Sterling.
S4 E12 The Office Job: Arguing with Hardison about Eliot's sandwich while searching the warehouse.
S4 E13 The Girls' Night Out Job: When trying to convince Nate to socialise at the very start.
S4 E14 The Boys' Night Out Job: Exactly the same as the previous episode, so this one barely counts.
S4 E17 The Radio Job: In the patent office, when trying to figure out who lured Nate into this situation. The same scene is used later as a flashback.
S4 E18 The Last Dam Job: Warning Nate of the consequences of taking a life with your own hands.
S5 E2 The Blue Line Job: When ambushed by Marko when leaving the ice rink.
S5 E9 The Rundown Job: Once when going to wring information on the hit out of Riley, once when Hardison steps on the trigger plate of the claymore.
S5 E13 The Corkscrew Job: First time talking to Betty about how Leonard's a jerk.
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: Twice when ambushed by RIZ thugs in the warehouse.
RS1 E2 The Panamanian Monkey Job: Once when discussing Ryan Corbett at the start, once when refusing to let Hardison have a turn with the diamond-tipped drill.
RS1 E3 The Rollin' On The River Job: When warning Breanna to be certain of her calculations for how to get him and Parker out of the casino's vault.
RS1 E8 The Mastermind Job: Once when discussing hiring people to overthrow a government, once when discussing how they're going to do like 6 things at once, including saving Harry.
RS1 E9 The Bucket Job: Said twice while talking with Blanche, after Blanche helped rescue Eliot from RIZ.
RS1 E14 The Great Train Job: While digging through the tainted soil with Harry.
RS2 E1 The Debutante Job: When trying to get to Volkov's plane with Parker and seeing that two guards are in the way.
RS2 E5 The Walk In The Woods Job: Talking to Paul after rescuing Harry, who was pretending to be Eliot.
Fun fact: for every ain't that Eliot says, Hardison says at least two more. And that's too many for me to bother recording!
Phrases: Y'all
Never. Not even once.
Hardison, on the other hand, says y'all all the damn time - every season, multiple times, sometimes even multiple times in the same episode.
Honourable mention for Chaos saying y'all as an incorrect mockery of Eliot's accent in S3 E14 The Ho Ho Ho Job.
... Okay, okay! So Eliot says it a few times in Redemption! But only in ONE episode!
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: Said 4 times when playing a character and convincing people to clear out of the auction house.
That's it.
These are all the names that Eliot's gone by or used on cons that I could find, not just full blown aliases.
S1 E1 The Nigerian Job: Detective Lieutenant Carden (the scene with this alias was cut from a lot of versions of this episode)
S1 E4 The Snow Job: Vince Fetkey, Hans Von Schwesterkrank
S1 E7 The Two-Horse Job: Brad Mackie
S1 E9 The Stork Job: Dale
S1 E12 The First David Job: Professor Sinclair
S1 E13 The Second David Job: Professor/Dr Adam Sinclair
S2 E2 The Tap-Out Job: Kid Jones (on the fight match poster)
S2 E4 The Fairy Godparents Job: Coach Brewer
S2 E5 The Three Days Of The Hunter Job: Earl
S2 E9 The Lost Heir Job: Officer Hilts
S2 E10 The Runway Job: Julian
S2 E14 The Three Strikes Job: Roy Chappell
S3 E1 The Jailhouse Job: Dr Abernathy
S3 E2 The Reunion Job: Lloyd Hickey
S3 E4 The Scheherazade Job: Guy Hamilton
S3 E5 The Double Blind Job: Phil
S3 E6 The Studio Job: Kenneth Crane
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Agent Quint
S3 E8 The Boost Job: Skeeter
S3 E9 The Three-Card Monte Job: Detective Moffat
S3 E10 The Underground Job: Eric
S3 E11 The Rashomon Job: Dr Wes Abernathy
S3 E16 The San Lorenzo Job: Ray Laroque
S4 E2 The Ten Li'l Grifters Job: Charlie Siringo
S4 E4 The Van Gogh Job: Lieutenant (only granting him this one because CK played him in the flashback)
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Tom Boonen
S4 E12 The Office Job: Mr Dennis
S4 E14 The Boys' Night Out Job: Luigi
S4 E15 The Lonely Hearts Job: Jackson Cooper
S4 E16 The Gold Job: Tobias Bowden
S4 E17 The Radio Job: Cowboy (*cough* John McClane *cough*)
S5 E2 The Blue Line Job: Jacques "Jack" Labert
S5 E3 The First Contact Job: Willie Riker
S5 E5 The Gimme A K Street Job: Steven Turner
S5 E6 The DB Cooper Job: DB Cooper/Young Steve Reynolds (again, technically not an alias but whatever it's here anyway)
S5 E7 The Real Fake Car Job: Barry McElroy
S5 E11 The Low Low Price Job: Archer
S5 E14 The Toy Job: Carl
Honourable mentions of Eliot being called: "Emeril" by Parker in S1 E3 The Wedding Job [thanks @aardvaark for this one!]; "Sparky" by Parker in S1 E10 The Juror #6 Job and by Tara in S2 E15 The Maltese Falcon Job; and "Skippy" by Hardison in S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job.
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: Will Gallagher
RS1 E6 The Card Game Job: Glenn the Savage
RS1 E7 The Double-Edged Sword: Emmett Milbarge
RS1 E8 The Mastermind Job: Frank Farmer
RS1 E10 The Unwellness Job: Hank
RS1 E12 The Golf Job: Reed Wilkins
RS1 E13 The Hurricane Job: Calvin
RS1 E15 The Muddy Waters Job: Armus Vagra
RS2 E7 The Big Rig Job: Kris
RS2 E8 The Turkish Prisoner Job: Nick O'Brien
RS2 E10 The Work Study Job: New Blood
Honourable mention of Eliot being called "Skipper" by Hardison in RS1 E16 The Harry Wilson Job.
Known Associates
This is in direct reference to hitters/people from the criminal world that Eliot knew or was aware of prior to the Leverage Team. Quinn is not included in this list due to that distinction (sorry Quinn).
S1 E3 The Wedding Job: The Butcher of Kiev
S2 E7 The Two Live Crew Job: Mikel Dayan
S3 E15 The Big Bang Job: Chapman, Damien Moreau
S3 E16 The San Lorenzo Job: Damien Moreau
S4 E4 The Van Gogh Job: Frank, Randall
S4 E6 The Carnival Job: Roper
S5 E4 The French Connection: Rampone
S5 E9 The Rundown Job: Riley
S2 E6 The Top Hat Job: Eliot claims he only sleeps 90 minutes a day, and that he cured his claustrophobia as a kid by locking himself in the woodshed behind his house for a couple nights.
S3 E6 The Studio Job: Eliot is nervous to perform in front of an audience, to the point that Parker startles him and she's surprised that she did. Interesting to note that he seems to have no issue playing sport in front of crowds.
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Eliot says he hates beets.
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Eliot chews gum. He does this throughout a LOT of episodes across the seasons but I've only noted down this one episode for it.... thanks, past me 🙄 [Edit: thanks @nival-kenival for more info! Another confirmed episode is S1 E2 The Homecoming Job!]
S4 E9 The Cross My Heart Job: Eliot says he fought a guy with a Nerf sword in Damascus, 2002.
S5 E11 The Low Low Price Job: Eliot drives an F-150 to his dad's house in Oklahoma. This is a THIRD vehicle that apparently belongs to Eliot, in addition to the Chevrolet Silverado and Dodge Challenger we see in other episodes. The F-150 is not seen again.
S5 E12 The White Rabbit Job: Eliot has 'special sedatives' aka a little psychotropic he picked up outside of Bogota.
Eliot mostly walks at the back of the group, presumably to be the rear guard and make sure no one falls behind. See ... just about every damn episode for evidence.
RS1 E3 The Rollin' On The River Job: Parker says that Eliot has cut his way out of an ice cave, escaped a gorilla enclosure, and catered a wedding for the mob.
Eliot is seen wearing glasses throughout various episodes. A flashback in S1 E1 The Nigerian Job shows him wearing presumably his own glasses. All other instances of him wearing glasses (that I can think of) are when he takes someone's glasses for a con. It is unconfirmed if Eliot actually needs glasses to correct his eyesight or not, but is a fandom headcanon. In S3 E1 The Jailhouse Job there is an interaction where Nate ribs Eliot for taking so long in a fight, and Eliot says it's because of new glasses. An argument could be made that this means Eliot does require glasses. [Thanks @independent-fics for picking this up - for pretty much all the details pertaining to Eliot's glasses!]
And there you have it! All the details that I've spent the last 3 months collecting!! Now it's time for me to take a good, long break because my brain is fried! 😂
Once again, let me know if you find any errors so I can update the post. Data from Redemption S2 is where I've most likely missed things, since I don't have it on DVD and it's sooo much harder to scrub through streaming footage to find things. When will they release RS2 on DVD I need itttt.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope this post can be a helpful reference for you!
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dfortrafalgar · 2 months
Special Delivery
(Sanji x Fem!Reader- Offscreen)
Sanji reaches out to Zeff for the first time in years.
I wrote this many, many months ago now, and it was the first fic i posted anonymously on AO3. I got a few requests after it was originally posted to write a second part, which I eventually did!
You can read Part 2 here! Original AO3 link
(I figured I should let my blog breathe a little in between the really heavy and emotional Law fic im writing, and what better way to cool down than some sanji fluff <3)
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A sharp squawk awoke Red-Leg Zeff from his daze. With a grumpy expression and a low grunt, he peered towards the direction of the sound.
A messenger coo was seated on the railing of the Baratie's upper deck next to where Zeff stood slouched over with his forearms leaning against the wooden support. It cocked its head to the side as if it was deconstructing Zeff's appearance before reaching into its pouch and procuring a parchment envelope. Zeff found it strange. Messenger coos only usually delivered the newspapers or the latest bounty reports, very rarely were they put in charge of personalized letters. It must have been paid off by whoever wanted this delivered.
The gruff man took the parchment from the beak of the bird and watched as it took back off into the air, leaving a few molted white feathers behind in its wake. He looked at the envelope.
All it said on the front, in very elegant handwriting, was "Captain Zeff." He flipped the paper around, revealing a wax stamp holding the opening down, which he peeled off with a calloused thumb.
Tucked neatly inside the envelope was a white piece of paper, tri-folded over itself. Zeff slipped the paper out, unfolding it to reveal the written contents of the letter. The penmanship was impeccable, and the ink was very sleek. He knew immediately it was from Sanji, not many other pirates had handwriting as good as his. He had completely lost track of how many years it had been since the curly-browed boy left with that ragtag group of pirates to sail to the Grand Line, but Zeff had every single one of his bounty posters. He'd never admit it, but they were tacked up on the wall of his sleeping quarters. Every time Sanji's bounty increased, Zeff felt pride swell in his heart.
"How are you doing, you old geezer. It's been a little too long since we've had any contact, so I thought I'd write to you just to see how you've been. You're no slouch, I'm sure you've been keeping up with the world's events over the past however-many years. Do the Marines even bother to keep sending our bounty posters to the Baratie anymore? Well, regardless, I'm sure you can read right through me. I can't deny it, I miss you, old man. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life, and such a huge part of that is thanks to you and the guys back on that old cruiser. Every recipe I try to make, I imagine you screaming in my ear and telling me that it tastes like shit. Some days I really wish I could be back there, but most of the time I'm joyful. Life has been really, really good. A few years ago, I met someone. Last year, we got married, and soon after our lives changed so drastically. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, and she's as sweet as an angel. I mean it, too. I know you'd probably think something along the lines of me playing up my affections again just because she's a pretty woman, but I mean it. You'd love her, Zeff. Living as a pirate is the most stressful thing anyone could ever do, but she makes every day worth it. The crew was discussing the possibility of returning to the East Blue a bit ago, and when we do, I'm going to introduce you to her. I've spent the last years talking all about you, how you taught me everything I know about cooking, and I can tell she's just as excited as I am to finally see you. This letter's gone on long enough and I don't want to use up all of Nami's paper.
-- Sanji"
Zeff felt a lump in the back of his throat. Sanji had grown into such a fine young man, eloquent with his words and his feelings. He knew how big of a deal it was for the boy to be so honest and open. But one thing in the letter caught him off guard. What did he mean by, "Soon after our lives changed drastically."?
Zeff peered into the envelope, where another, smaller envelope was tucked inside. He almost didn't see it. Pulling it out, he held the letter and original envelope in between his fingers while he opened the second. Sanji was thorough with his packaging, that's for sure.
Inside, there were three photographs printed on thin, matted paper. The first was of Sanji and you, the wife he wrote about in his letter, taken by someone else holding the camera. Sanji had his arm around you, holding you against him, and you had your face nuzzled into his neck. His other hand held a cigarette away from the two of you, like he was in the middle of telling a story. The two of you were smiling brighter than the sun, Sanji's eyes completely closed with the motion of laughter, and yours creased, your irises looking up towards him.
The second photo made Zeff's eyes water. A photo of you and Sanji on the deck of the Sunny, exchanging rings. Sanji was wearing a sleek navy blue tuxedo, while you were wearing a gorgeous white ballgown. For pirates, you cleaned up phenomenally. He could just make out tears in Sanji's eyes as the photo displayed you sliding a band onto his finger. A skeleton with poofy hair stood between the two of you, which Zeff found a little odd, but he chuckled at the absurdity of it all.
Zeff flipped to the last photo.
The tears that were welling in his eyes from the previous image finally slid down his cheeks in heavy, salty droplets. His lip quivered.
Sanji sat in a chair, beaming down at a bundle of cloth held gently in his arm. He was crying in this photo as well, and was reaching a finger over the top of the bundle, where a smaller hand was reaching outwards to grab onto it. A small glimpse of blonde hair could be made out from under the cloth securing the baby tightly. On the back of the film, Sanji wrote the birth date and the name of the baby.
Zeff used a sleeve to wipe his blubbering eyes. His lips quivered, but he couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face.
Was he allowed to call himself a grandfather now? He figured it was only appropriate.
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ravenadottir · 6 months
ok, i understand why fusebox is taking down the old app from a financial perspective, and with it the first three seasons, but if that's not the biggest shot in the foot idk what is.
there are so many people that start playing the stupid games this shitty ass company puts out there because of said seasons, so like... no. it's by far the most commented seasons in any discussions on reddit and it's still a winner when it comes to fics and headcanon posts on tumblr, like ????
i get that it hasn't been lucrative for them probably (?) but it's a stamp of what fusebox used to be and how it could improve... and that empty promise of remastering the seasons to bring it back?
no thanks, i know y'all are gonna kill some storylines like you have been doing for 3 years now, so don't bother. just take down the only seasons that are worth playing so we can just get the fuck out of here and concentrate our attention on the fics.
now, i tried playing seasons 4 and 5, couldn't go pass a few chapters because everything seemed so stupid e pointless. i was determined to get through season 5 (don't ask me what dumb title it has, i can't be bothered to remember) but like, i couldn't ???
it was so disengaging i would rather do a jakub route and cheat so i can get dumped by returning!islander than going back and trying again. i guess this is it for me regarding fusebox.
and since i'm on the subject, i have been feeling like that for a while, just waiting around for a season that is worth my time, and it hasn't happened yet. i'm over this shitty company and whatever they released after season 2, that's just it.
if you like what they did, and has been doing, good for you, i can exist on this corner absolutely hating everything and you can love it all, my problem is with the company not the people that find joy with the work they put out here (which apparently there's a bunch of evidence of AI and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest). well, that's it. that's all i have to say on the matter.
i've barely been here due to several personal life issues, and i fucking guarantee my personal life and the gossip i've been digging up from my family would make a far more entertaining game than whatever the fuck they're doing now.
i'm still gonna continue updating the fics though, and maybe eventually turn my inbox on again ?
but for now, i'm still going through a lot and time has been wasted on multiple problems in my personal life, maybe i'll expand on those on a different post because i do need to shout into the void about everything that has been happening.
this post is not nearly as articulated as it could be, but that's just me venting. anyway, carry on with your day.
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berryhobii · 16 days
Class In Session PT 2(jhs x reader)
Pairing: DanceInstructor!Jung Hoseok x Stripper!Black!Female!Reader
Word Count: 2K+
Warnings: Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), a sexy pole dance to Chris Brown’s Take You Down because that 3J performance still haunts me, a little nipple play, oral(f receiving), eating it from the back, dumbification, dirty talk, size kink, begging, BigD!Hoseok, Hoseok goes from shy and kind of nervous to daddy and in control, pet names(pretty girl, pretty), reader is called tiny by Hoseok but I didn’t really specify much, doggy style where reader is standing but bent over, reader is flexible, ankles behind ears position, a little clit play, clothed s*x?, unprotected s*x(don’t do this unless you’re sure and clean), creampies
A/N: This is pure filth with a little sugar sprinkled in🩵🩵Read Part 1 here. This can be read as a stand alone
“I always assumed you never invited me over because your house was a mess or something but this is a pretty good reason too.”
Hoseok marveled at the vertical pole that stood smack dab in your living room. He hadn’t even had a chance to really acknowledge any of your other furniture or the home cooked meal you were preparing him. His attention was immediately taken by this eye catcher.
Sheepishly chuckling, you turned off the stove and walked over to stand next to him.
“I thought it would be a little too…..hard to explain.”
“You know, I honestly don’t think I would have asked about it.” He grabbed the pole, yanking on it a little to check its sturdiness. “I probably would have just pretended not to see it.”
“Oh yeah? Why?”
He shrugged. “I wouldn’t have wanted to overstep. I think seeing this pole before we were official would have been too much.”
Tilting your head and crossing your arms, you stated, “You’ve literally seen me pole dance a bunch of times.”
“Yeah but that’s in a more professional setting. In private would have been a different story.”
At that moment, an idea struck you. One that should stamp your name in the history books. A Cheshire grin that matched your devious eyes spread on your face, unbeknownst to Hoseok who was still studying the pole.
“Do you want to see a routine I prepared for my next class?”
Hoseok’s heart could have leap out of his chest and ran the Boston marathon. It took everything in him to keep a straight face and not get down on his knees and praise you like the angel you were.
Swallowing, he tapped into his professional side, slowly turning his head to look at you before croaking out a, “sure.”
You could see right through him but decided not to pressure it.
“Awesome. You wait here. I’m gonna go change.”
He didn’t even have time to react before you were already gone.
Hoseok was sweating. He know he looked crazy from how he kept sitting on the couch, getting up, pacing, and then sitting back down. You’ve been in your room for less than 5 minutes and he felt like Jigsaw was about to come out of nowhere on that tricycle. This had to be some sort of game, right? You were just fooling around with him. Teasing, that’s all this was.
Then the clicking sound of your platforms rang in his ears, his entire body stiffening and and he knew this wasn’t a damn game!
His back was facing you but don’t think his rigid reaction had escaped your sharp eyes. Like you said before, Hoseok has seen you pole dance a bunch of times and a few of those times had been when you were alone. However, this would be like giving him his own personal little strip show.
Truthfully, after that fateful night where Hoseok found out everything, you didn’t stop being a stripper. You thought about it. Was your job more important than Hoseok? It payed the bills which was a necessity and Hoseok was your partner which was also important. He insisted that your job really didn’t bother him that much. While he still wasn’t super comfortable with the idea of his girlfriend flaunting her body in anyone’s face that wasn’t his own, he understood that it was still your job and he didn’t want to be that guy who told you how to make your money.
At least you only went twice a week and he accompanied you everytime just to keep an eye on you and any brazen drunkard who was stupid enough to cross the line. You assured him that the club’s security was very protective and there was even a barrier between the stage and the club goers. That reassurance still didn’t stop him from sitting off just to to side of the stage during your sets.
Don’t worry though, you always made sure to flash him a little extra whenever you rounded the side he was on. That let him know that all these people could look(ugh) but you were going home with him at the end of the night.
Once you were close enough to him, your hand reached out to run across his shoulders. “You okay, baby?” The low purr of your voice made him shiver, goosebumps pebbling across his skin.
“Why don’t you sit down?”
Yes. He should sit down because your touch and voice were about to take his knees clean out the frame.
Gulping in an attempt to quench his dry throat, he stiffly moved to the couch.
And the sight that met him when he finally turned around was enough to make him want to pay all of your bills for the rest of your life. Fuck that job. He’d throw money at you right now if it meant you’d be his personal stripper.
Clad in a light purple nylon romper that was practically see through with all the purposefully placed cut outs that allowed him to see practically every inch of your skin, same colored platforms on your feet and probably the tiniest white thong that he’s ever seen in his life.
He’s never gotten hard so fast. Thank goodness he was wearing sweats because he could have split the zipper on a pair of jeans from the hard on he was sporting.
Smirking, you walked over to the coffee table to retrieve your phone and hooked it to your Bluetooth speaker. From that first guitar riff of Take You Down, Hoseok was about ready to explode.
Placing your phone back down, you sauntered over to the pole, grabbing it with both hands before starting your routine.
Hoseok’s eyes followed your every movement; from the dip of your spine when you bent over to the ripples of your ass and the curves of your breasts. And whenever you bent over, he’d get an HD view of how your cunt practically suffocated against that sorry excuse for a thong. And you were going to be teaching this to a class? He’d be damned.
The thud of your platforms when you touched the floor after spinning in the air for a little sounded incredibly loud in his ears. The song had drawn to a close meaning the end of your routine, right? He could finally breathe, right? RIGHT?!
Like a lion stalking its prey, you strode over to where he sat, your devious and cat like eyes staring him down like you were about to devour him.
His fingers twitched when you finally reached him, a light sweat had broken out at the back of his neck and his heart was thudding a thousand miles a minute. Your feminine perfume blinded his senses and the touch of your hands on his shoulders made him feel hot all over.
Your fingertips lightly trailed down his jawline to his bobbing Adam’s apple, eye contact never breaking as you leaned closer to where your lips were just a breath away.
“What’d you think?”
What did he think?! Was that a rhetorical question? You looked like sex on legs and just spun around a pole to a song that people made babies to and you want to know what he thought?!
“Don’t teach your class that.”
You teasingly smiled with a tilt of your head. “Why not?”
With a quickness, Hoseok was yanking you down on his lap, your warm body pressed right against his. He wasted no time in pulling you in for a breath stealing kiss, a rough one that had you heating up like a pot of boiling water.
He released your lips with a ‘pop’, your chest heaving and eyes slightly glazed over from the arousal that had been simmering in your belly since you started.
“Because I only want you to perform it for me.”
Running your hands up the back of his neck and through his hair, you whispered, “private dances are extra.”
Fuck it.
Your giggles were boisterous when he hoisted you up, your feet locking behind his back. His lips attacked your collarbone and neck, hands gripping your ass like his personal stress ball.
Tossing you down on the bed, he was all over you, kissing and touching any piece of skin he could reach.
“You’re so pretty. My pretty girl. So small and cute.” He whispered lovingly against the skin of your neck, hands trailing up and down your sides.
A flutter of heat burst in your tummy under the endearment, your response just a wide smile and a tender caress of your fingers up the nape of his neck. Was this how falling in love felt? If so, you wished you could have it forever. Only with him….
Nimble fingers traveled from your sides to your barely covered breasts, velvety brown nipples peeking out through the material of your romper. A pleasurable sigh fell from your lips when his thumbs ran across them, the stimulation progressively hardening them to stiff peaks. His kisses went from your neck, across your collarbone and down to your nipples to suck one into his mouth.
He made sure to give the other attention, pinching and rolling the bud between his thumb and index finger before switching sides. You couldn’t stop squirming under his ministrations, part from the tingling pleasure of him playing with your nipples and the other part from the throbbing of your pussy as arousal boiled in your belly.
Hoseok chuckled lowly at your whiny tone. Releasing your nipple with a ‘pop’, his glittering eyes zoned in on your beautiful face; your pouting lips and almond shaped eyes that were practically begging for him.
Getting up, he backed up off of the bed. You sat up on your elbows, eyebrow raising in curiosity.
“Stand up.” He demands, holding out his hand for you. You took it, standing on your high heeled feet. Suddenly, you were turned around, a hand pushing your shoulder blades down until you were bent over. He groaned at how easily you moved, mentally sending praises to the flexibility gods. Dropping to his knees, his warm palms met your hips and smoothed over the curve of your ass. His thumbs dug into the skin of your inner thighs, eyes taking in the imprint of your cunt and the patch of wetness that soaked your tiny thong.
“How much did this romper cost?” He randomly asked.
You were confused but answered regardless. “Uhhhh like $30?”
“I’ll get you another one.”
Now it was your turn to be shocked as Hoseok gripped your romper and pulled, ripping it off with a loud sound. Your surprised gasp melted into a moan as his hands pulled your panties to the side to suck your clit into his hot mouth .
Your body shudders, that burning feeling climbing and climbing as Hoseok’s tongue becomes more firm and precise on your already needy clit. You don’t think you’ve ever gotten this close so fast. Hoseok must really have an affect on you.
He would probably be thinking the same thing the way he was moaning and slurping up every bit of wetness your cunt offered. He’s been wanting to get his hands on you for weeks but he’s been taking it slow as it not pressure you. But now that he’s had a taste, he’s never letting you go.
Cock straining in his jeans, he pulled away from your pussy, lips and chin shining with your slick. He slapped you on the ass a few times for good measure, your hips wiggling side to side and enticing him even more if possible.
“Fuck, put it in, Hoseok.” Your desperate voice begged.
A part of him wanted to tease you a little more but considering he was just as needy as you, he decided to pocket it for another time. He didn’t even bother taking his pants all the way off, just yanking them down until his cock was freed. Hand gripping his cock, he lined up with your waiting entrance.
The stretch burned in the best way, the air getting squeezed out of your lungs as he pushed past your tight ring of muscles.
Honestly, you already knew Hoseok was packing when you met him. He was wearing sweats the first time you met him and you definitely caught sight of the way his print pressed against the material when you had walked in on him practicing. There were also those few times you’ve caught him adjusting himself in his jeans. You tried hard to ignore it, not wanting to be seen as thirsty especially once he found out what your job was but that was easier said than done. Hoseok was smoking hot; fit, handsome and he had a big dick? It was like all of your prayers had been answered and now you were about to get your back blown out by him? It almost felt too good to be true. Way too good.
Gritting his teeth at the way your pulsing walls constricted around him, he paused, “you gotta relax, baby or I won’t be able to stretch this little pussy out like it deserves.” His dirty talk only made you tighten up more, his voice scratching your brain just right.
You tried to regulate your breathing, hands gripping the sheets as a way to keep you from floating away.
“Y-you’re so b-big….ahhh. I can’t….”
“Does it hurt?” He asked and you shook your head in response.
Readjusting his feet, he gripped both sides of your waist and took a deep breath before yanking your hips back. A scream ripped from your throat as his cock filled you all the way up, the head pressing incredibly close to your cervix and against every hidden spot in your clenching heat.
Mouth dropped open, you tried to form words but nothing would come out but airy gasps and strangled inhales.
Hoseok was barely holding on himself—your tight walls made it almost hard to move and he could feel your wetness already leaking down his balls. It was embarrassing how close he was to busting his load and you’ve barely done anything.
Pulling back halfway, he gave you a few experimental thrusts, your leaking arousal improving the fluidity of the glide through your walls. Even these half strokes were throwing you for a loop, pleasure burning across your skin and stirring in your belly until you felt ready to cum already.
Hands digging into your hips, Hoseok started up a fast pace, his hips clapping off your ass with a resounding smack. Your hands bunched up the sheets, face buried in the bed as you let out moans and calls of his name.
Hoseok’s head hunt low as he stuffed you full, trying so hard to hold himself back but the way your cunt was trying to break his cock off was making it difficult. Paired with your moans and the visual of your bent over for him and he was ready to explode.
Weakly turning your head, you looked at him your watery eyes. “Hoseok, ‘m gonna cum.”
Pulling out of you, he roughly maneuvered your body until you were on your back. His cock throbbed at the sight of your heaving chest and spit soaked lips—ripped up romper and high heels just adding to the visual. He grabbed your ankles and bent your legs back before instructing you to, “hold them”.
Deciding to take it a step further, you bent your legs even further, bringing your arms behind your knees until your ankles were effectively locked behind your head.
Hoseok swore he heard angels singing. your glistening cunt and winking ass were on display for him like a fucking full coarse meal and he was about to dig in. Kicking his pants the rest of the way off, he climbed onto the bed, lifting you up a bit so that your ass would rest on the tops of his thighs.
He grabbed his stiff cock, slapping it against your wet pussy a few times. You moaned at the sharp sting against your clit, greedy hole spilling out more slick in anticipation. With your hands free, you could reach down, spreading your slippery lips open for him.
With a flutter of your lashes, you begged again, “Seokie….please put it in.”
With a smug grin, he lined up before slowly pushing inside. You gasped, mouth dropping and eyes focused on how your tiny hole stretched to accommodate him. The sight was enough to send you head first into a body shaking orgasm.
Hoseok felt the way you clenched impossibility tight, your head falling back against your feet only to return upright.
Squeezing the meat of your thighs, he sank the rest of the way inside. “Did your little cunt just cum, hmm? Just from me filling you up, my pretty girl?” Pulling back, he thrusted inside once, twice, three times knocking staggered moans out of you with each push and pull. With this position, he seemed to reach even deeper to the point where you swore he was rearranging your guts.
His hips sped up a bit, stroking you long and deep for you to feel every inch he had to offer you. Everything was so wet and hot, the squelching sounds of your cunt spurring him on until you were cumming again.
Drool leaked out of the side of your mouth to trail down your chin, tears finally spilling over as Hoseok sent you spiraling. You felt like his cock was all the way in your throat, invading every space in your body until you could only think of him.
Hoseok’s grunts and moans clashed against your whimpers and cries of his name, his heavy balls slapping against your ass with every push of his hips. The sight of your blissful and fucked stupid face making him want to devour you.
Grabbing your face with one hand, he squeezed your cheeks until your lips puckered, your unfocused eyes staring up at him. “This tiny cunt is squeezing me so tight. It’s all mine, isn’t it? Those fuckers at your job can watch but who gets to fuck you? Answer me.”
“Y-you! It’s yours!” You babbled as your body shook with yet another orgasm. The sheets were definitely ruined by now but you could worry about that when Hoseok was done knocking your brain loose.
His hips sped up again, carving his cock into your stomach where you’d never forget. “That’s right. It’s mine. A-all mine.”
Bringing your hand down, you began to rub at your clit in fast circles, alternating rubbing and slapping it a few times and propelling yourself into yet another orgasm but this one was so strong that your vision actually went black for a second.
Hoseok wasn’t far behind, thrusting his hips a few more times before burying himself all the way inside your luscious walls and emptying his cum into you. He weakly thrusted a few more times before pulling out and collapsing next to you.
You untangled yourself from your contorted position, legs falling limply as you both struggled to regain your breaths.
After a few moments, Hoseok spoke up. “Oh my god. That was…..amazing.”
Your giggle made him smile. “That was so cliche and cheesy.” You moved around to grab his hand, lacing your fingers together.
“Just being honest.”
You hummed, turning over on your side to face him. He turned his head to the side, captivating brown eyes locking with yours.
“It was really good for me too.”
He brought your hands up to place a kiss on the back of yours, that dazzling smile lighting up his face. Those flutters you had earlier breaking out into full blown butterflies, heart pounding in your chest as you gazed upon the man who had stolen your heart. Now you knew, this is was falling in love felt like and it felt so wonderful and light and….
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snowdrop-ivy · 7 months
Chasing the Clouds: A Journey Back to The Beef | 1
Summary: Mikey left the restaurant to Carmen, Natalie, and you.
Trope: Second chances
T/W: Cursing, unresolved mental issues, trauma, suic!de, angst, and smut.
Word count: 4695
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The sound of the alarm woke Carmy. 4:00AM. He had this dream on how things were a year ago, how he was in a different place being berated by the head chef. The time he always woke up everyday since he decided to move and leave everything behind. He waited for the alarm to finish to listen to the voice very familiar to him. He sat up on his bed and lit a cigarette before heading to sit in front of the window to look at the city lights Chicago has to offer him. There were little sounds he could hear that bothers him. The sound of the train. Kids laughing at the street. And your voice. The message you left him before cutting him off completely for bailing on you. Carmy played it one more time, as close to his ear as it can get.
I know you're off and I know you can hear this so I'm just gonna say this one last time.
I miss you.
I miss how we used to be. How we used to be friends. How you and I would stay up and talk about everything. I know things got messed up when you left but I think what you don't know is you also left me. For no fucking reason. And the craziest thing is that I trusted myself you wouldn't do that. That you would not bail on me like your brother did to you but you did. 
But you did… You fucking did it, Carm. And I still miss you. Every fucking day and I wish I can lock our memories in letters and drown myself in ink of you. God, I can fill empty canvases with your paintings because all I fucking see is you. But then I realized that after that, life's too fucking short to dwell on it. So if you want us to stay that way, that's okay. We'll each have the chance to be happy on the things we like and the person we love. And that's what I'm gonna do also. And hey? If you don't want to. That's okay too. I'm moving on, B.
So… This is the last time I'll chase you. Not because I got tired but because chasing you is like chasing the clouds.
I hope you become the best of what you really want. 
Bye, B.
Carm clenched on the phone in his hand as he listened on the voicemail you left 5 years ago. He still gets updates of you from Rich and Sug. But that was it. You really meant what you said. And he blames himself for it. And the hole in the wall on his apartment when you left him that message. He knows what he did but also he, himself, doesn't know why he did it. Why he thought leaving you would be a great fucking idea. 
He got up from his seat and got ready for work. Mikey left the business for him, Sug, and you to take care of. He thought that after Mikey passed away he would get a glimpse of you but nada. He got to the restaurant and stayed in his office. Or what used to be Mikey’s. He took a look at the bills with red stamps that said they’re past due dates and sat down. He got out and took a look at the kitchen, the bar, and the dining area. All of it reminds him of his brother. Of you. Or what he thinks the things you redid. Carm knew that you managed the restaurant before he passed away. Mikey told him that whenever they got a chance to talk. How you convinced Mikey to switch mayos, chairs, and cutlery. The crew came in and Carm decided to close the restaurant for the day to clean it. Every fucking inch of it, they cleaned, wiped, moped, washed dishes. Carm was hanging the penalty they got from the CBH since the restaurant does not comply with the sanitary standards. He heard a knock on the window and saw Uncle Jim. They sat by the window. Unc asked him how the restaurant’s been.
“And then you know, the produce bill is due, you know,” Carm answered pointing at the window. “And the power comes in and I can’t build enough of a parachute. Even if we got this place packed, that’s only like a week of survival cash.”
Unc sighed. “Exhausting listening to this.”
Carm knitted his brows, confused. “You ask me what’s goin on.”
“No,” Unc waved his finger. “I asked you where you’ve been.”
Carm tilted his head to the back. “You’re looking at it. This is where I’ve been,” He sighed and leaned on the chair.
“Carm, this place is bullshit,” Unc told him. “Right? I mean, you’re never gonna fix it. You can’t start at fucked. You understand that, right?”
He sarcastically chuckled. “Then why’d he leave it to me? Or Natalie? Or even your daughter for God’s sake.”
Unc sighed and looked at the window. “She’s doing good, by the way.”
“Who?” He asked like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Don’t fuck with me. You know who?” 
They looked at each other before chuckling.
“She’s got a job in San Francisco as a head nurse but she still got her photography gig as a hobby. You should see her photos, Carm,” Unc amusingly said with sparks in his eyes and wide smile.
“Yeah?” He answered. “You must be proud then?”
“Of course,” He laughed. “She’s making me proud since the day she was born”
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merakiui · 10 months
any freminet crumbs? personally i kinda think he’d be a little crazy like his older brother lyney,, it’d just take a harder push for him to give into his urges
Freminet strikes me as the silent observer type. He's sweet on the surface, but he's picked up a few nasty tricks and habits from Lyney. Freminet doesn't mean to stalk you; really, he's just so...fascinated. It's so difficult for him to put his love for you into proper words because he's just so breathless every time he's near you. He feels so warm and shy when you so much as look his way, and he'll often spend time at the bottom of the sea to decompress and escape his embarrassment (though he's often plagued with more flustering daydreams of you). Escaping to the sea is his version of screaming into a pillow. He's just so overwhelmed; he doesn't know how to approach you, and he dreads confessing. He just can't! It's too much. No matter how many times he practices on Pers, he can't muster the courage.
Freminet is a sweetheart, so he'd never want to hurt or frighten you. This is why he watches you from the sidelines, taking pleasure in the shadows. You shine so brightly when you aren't paying attention to him. He's just happy you even bother to exist near him... He doesn't deserve to be in your presence. If you were a god, then he is merely the ground you walk on. He worships you and everything you are. Lyney often likes to meddle, pushing you and his little brother together in hopes that Freminet will finally tell you his true feelings. It leads to more embarrassing mishaps than actual confessions, but it does bring you and Freminet closer together. It creates the wonderful thing known as inside jokes, which you often bring up when you cross paths with him. Freminet is mortified you'd remember, but then another part of him is flattered to know you think of him. Maybe he isn't so insignificant in your life as he once thought.
Freminet has patience (though mainly it's because he's too scared to admit his feelings to you), so he'll play the longest waiting game ever, choosing to drown in dreams of you. Sometimes Freminet likes you more than he likes himself, an obsessive trait he's picked up from Lyney. He can't help it; you're just so perfect. Everything you do, even your flaws and shortcomings, are perfect and beautiful to him. He wants you all to himself. You may think he's not nearly as severe as other yanderes, but Freminet is an "if I can't have you, no one can" yandere. He refuses to let you slip through his fingers. He loves you too much; you've brought so much light into his life. You stamp away his inner demons like they're nothing. You are a savior, a beauty, and a wonder all in one. He can't let anyone have you. He won't.
He thinks about confining you to the sea. He could find some way to put you in a glass box or construct a little home in which you can live freely but forever trapped. It's possible, and no one would ever know where you went. It will be a magical disappearance. Lyney's been teaching him how to make things disappear. He can do it if he's really determined. He keeps his secrets close and his infatuation even closer to his chest. It's as Lyney always says: the most devastating secrets are often the nastiest, so dress them up or hide them well. An obsession like this is all kinds of wrong, but you must understand that Freminet only wishes to love you. He won't cause you pain or stress, and if he does he sincerely regrets and apologizes for it. But this must be done. Sometimes a little pain is necessary before pleasure, much like how after a brutal storm there is a glorious rainbow (as Lyney once said).
Sometimes Lyney gets in his head, saying things like, "If you sit idly by, you'll miss your chance," or "Maybe I should try my luck with (Name). I wonder how far I'll get..." and then Freminet is so worried about asserting himself so that Lyney (or anyone else for that matter) won't steal you away. Though he's kidding (mostly), Lyney just wants to push Freminet in what he thinks is the right direction. But sometimes he fuels the obsession, gifting Freminet a ribbon of yours or a ring he's swiped from you whilst showing you a magic trick and Freminet treats these fragments of you like they're the holiest of all things.
No matter what happens, Freminet knows you're the one for him. Even if you look at him with disgust, even if you despise him for what he's done, he will continue to love you, for his adoration is as wide and deep as the sea; and he will drown you in it. You don't know it yet, but you'll love him, too. Soon. One day. He's hopeful.
Until then, he watches, a quiet, secret admirer whose love is tangled and twined with something dark and obsessive.
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The Spider Chronicles: Lloyd Hansen
Title: His One Weakness
Word Count: 511
Warnings: Language! Spiders!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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His one weakness
It had been a long day and all you wanted to do was relax, maybe have a nice bath, definitely with a glass of wine. It had been a hellish day at work and you had to get groceries on your way home since you knew Lloyd would not have done it.
You didn’t bother announcing your arrival, heading straight into the kitchen to start unpacking the shopping. You were just putting away the very specific expensive bottle of juice Lloyd requests, glass bottle and everything when you heard the sound of gunshots ringing through the apartment. You startled, dropping the bottle of juice which promptly smashed on the kitchen tiles.
“Oh for fuck sake Lloyd” you screeched stamping your foot in frustration.
You stormed through the apartment in the direction the gunshots came from. You had told Lloyd repeatedly not to shoot his gun in the apartment. You didn’t care if he was bored or wanted to do target practice. If someone was breaking in then it was fair game, but that would never happen so you were pissed.
You found Lloyd in the ensuite gun aimed at the floor still, eyes wide with a mad look in them. His shoulders heaved as he breathed deeply. You looked down to find bullet holes in the floor of your very nice tiled flooring.
“What the hell Lloyd!” You yelled alerting him to your presence.
“Pumpkin when did you get home?” He asks frowning as he looked back up at you.
“Just a few minutes ago now why the hell have you shot holes into our nice new bathroom flooring!” You exclaim gesturing down to the damaged floor.
“There was a spider,” Lloyd says shrugging his shoulders.
“A spider!” You shouted in disbelief “a fucking spider! You shot your gun at a spider!”
“Yeah, so what?” He huffed pushing past you to leave the bathroom.
You huffed in annoyance grabbing your high heels from your feet throwing one at his back as he walked away.
“Don’t walk away! Why the hell did you do that!“ you shout.
Lloyd whips around “because they’re fucking disgusting and I don’t want that in my apartment!” He shouted pointing back to the bathroom.
“Then use a glass and piece of paper or kill it by stepping on it like a normal human being,” you say throwing your other shoe at him, which he easily dodged.
“Fuck that! I’m not getting within five fucking feet of those things” he shouted.
You blinked a couple of times before realising why he was reacting the way he was.
“You’re scared of spiders” you state in disbelief.
“Ha yeah right!” He scoffs but even you could tell it was a bare-faced lie.
“Yes, you are! Oh my god!” You laugh shaking your head.
Lloyd growls stepping forward until his chest met yours “you utter a single word of this to anyone I will kill you pumpkin” he warns.
You let out a huff of a laugh “don’t worry Lloyd” you say patting his pec “your secret is safe with me”
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Comments are appreciated and encouraged!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
I don’t have a taglist but follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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pigeonwhumps · 1 month
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A look at what a BBU Tumblr dashboard might look like!
CWs: BBU, pet whump, dehumanisation, everything that comes with that
🐢 turtleonhigh
As you start contemplating gifts for your loved ones, remember guys, a pet is for life, not just for Christmas! If you've never had a pet before, Domestics or Platonics are the best starter pets, but make sure to do your research thoroughly to keep your pet happy and healthy. Additionally, adopt, don't shop! There are so many pets desperately in need of loving homes. If you're insistent on purchasing from a supplier such as WRU rather than a shelter, choose refurbished. Give a pet the second chance they deserve!
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🌟 thetruthinourstars
In Liberation this month: The shocking truth of WRU training away from prying eyes
🥸 bookworm420
(again. A year and a half after the first article and they're still having to expose it because no-one will listen...)
Oh come on, OP, everyone knows that's bullshit, spread by pet lib manipulators. Everyone: this is what bad actors look like!
🦀 just-a-crab
#and before anyone leaps on me #i mean both of you #a reminder to always check where informations coming from
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🍵 tea-and-pets
If prev was a pet, what would you give them as a little treat?
🐳 awhaleofatime
You guys are sick and perverted fuckers, I hope you know that
🌵 prickle
You're in the minority there mate
🐳 awhaleofatime
🌞 sunshinestarlight
Stfu and let people have their fun, dude
#if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all #pet love #srsly dude leave us alone #polls
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🐭 mouseandsammy
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Sammy just adores his new outfit! Look at him go!
🌞 sunshinestarlight
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🪶 fansofafeather
Ew, why am I getting WRU adverts on my dash constantly? Do I look like someone who would buy a pet to you?
🪶 fansofafeather
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This was originally just a vent, but since you asked so nicely...
Does it help? Does it really?
Stats show that 42% of vulnerable young people surveyed are scared of being picked up by WRU. Furthermore, spending on welfare in the UK has decreased by 26% over the past ten years, with ministers even saying that those who need help should become pets and go where they're wanted, where their "place" is. Vulnerable people need help, not encouragement to sign their lives away, and the pet industry isn't helping with that (even if you say that it isn't WRU's fault for merely existing, their adverts aren't glowing examples of a non-manipulative company).
I could go into way more detail, about the manipulation and propaganda, and what's been associated with them over the years, the politicians in their pockets holding up legislation that would hinder sign-ups, not to mention that this is actual, literal slavery, but I'll leave it here for now. If you're actually bothered you can ask, but I get the feeling you're not anyway.
How do you see your future? | YouGov
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How do you feel about the alleged forced sign-ups by WRU and similar companies? | Liberation
Fact-check: Has welfare spending increased? | BBC Verify
Secretary for Work and Pensions overheard suggesting that welfare recipients "go where they're wanted" and become pets | The Guardian
WRU adverts 2000-2024 | National Archives
👯 pet-love
Callout post
Be aware. User @/sam-the-multifandom is an active member of the pet lib community, who has engaged in targeted harassment of pet owners and supporters. Evidence is in their top posts. Block and report, and spread the word to other members of the community so we can stamp out this disgusting behaviour.
👁️ eyesonthewall
Oh ffs OP. This is your evidence? Seriously? Stop lying and go back to the hole you crawled out of.
💗 nolongeracult
Proving OP's point right there. I'm former pet lib, and I can honestly say it's the most toxic community I've ever been a part of.
🍰 twopets-twocakes
Even more than the Star Wars fandom? 😝
💗 nolongeracult
#pet love #their choice #petlib is toxic #love your pet #pet for life
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saltygilmores · 11 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls Season 2, Episode 15, "Lost And Found", Aka The Bracelet Has Breached Containment, Aka BraceletGate, Aka QuarterOnAStringGate, Part 6
Five minutes to go. We've finally arrived at the rotting meat of the episode. Since I won't watch Teach Me Tonight (or the episode that comes after it), this is the last episode for a good long while solely focused on Lorelai Gilmore's paranoia. Thank Gawd. I am drained.I have nothing left in me. She has sucked out my life force the way she sucks the lifeforce out of Dean Forrester. Parts 1-5 (!!) and all other episodes can be found in my pinned post.
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Out of context, this looks terribly ominous.
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Jess was seriously going to just go home and not even bother to ask for any money (well, he did say "I'll be back to collect it later, I know where you live", like the old timey Italian mobster he is). But he could have used that $5 (I do wish I could tell how much she's holding). Even though Jess must wait on Lorelai's table at his place of employment at least once a day every single day, I wager this is the first time Lorelai has ever paid him or tipped him squat. The boy was too stunned to speak. Better make sure its not Monopoly money or something.
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I love how cautiously he takes it. He's such a smart boy, he knows this is a trap.
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Time for my favorite #SadBaby joke, one I made up myself many years ago: Why does Jess Mariano love Santa Claus so much? Because unlike his father, at least Santa Claus visits once a year.
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You dropped this, my king.👑 The fact that he's so utterly unbothered by Lorelai, making this a completely one-sided argument by an adult with a minor child will always be hilarious to me. Lorelai: Why would you do this? Oh, the DRAMATICS! I would never be dramatic.
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"Don't whatever me, you ittle jerk! You let Rory run around PANICKED! Thinking she lost her boyfriend's bracelet! She was MISERABLE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?"
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You ever wonder if Dean Forrester is perched on a rooftop somewhere with a sniper rifle and if Lorelai doesn't say "Dean is great" "Dean is tall and pretty" "Dean is the best lover I've ever had" out loud at least twice a day, it's lights out for her? It's either that or he's blackmailing her and is going to spill their illicit relationship if she doesn't kiss his ass on the regular, or maybe he used some advanced brainwashing techniques on her (this one is highly unlikely, he's barely literate) there are no other possible explanations for this behavior.
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Way to go Lorelai, that's four rapid fire lies, exagerrations and falsehoods in the span of mere seconds. I'm impressed. I think Jess has to be dying of laughter on the inside right now listening to this crazy bitch's lunatic rantings. Actualy, in the second picture, from that angle it almost looks like Milo is smiling lol
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Baby, you're so smart. I know you didn't finish high school, but you should still win some kind of award for smartness. #AdmireTheBaby
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Lorelai can't call Dean "son", it would clash with his other title, "Rory's Future Stepfather."
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Lorelai's face after Jess pointed out Rory didn't miss the bracelet for two weeks. SHE KNOWS HE'S RIGHT. Come on, just admit this kid is right and we can move on with our lives!
Lorelai goes back to the living room to contemplate how Jess Mariano is right about everything all the time.
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Okay, since we know Luke isn't getting a new apartment, I'm intrigued. Ahhh, a second Nuclear Luke rant in one episode! It almost makes up for the rotting meat of the previous scene. "Taylor is systematically buying up the whole town! He's gonna turn it into Taylorville! Everyone will wear cardigans and have the same grass height! He's gonna buy the building next to the diner and turn it into a plate shop for freaks without enough brainpower to buy stamps! I walked around in a blind rage. I was crazy. I bought one of those Belgian waffles with the ice cream dipped in chocolate. But I didn't eat it, I'm upset, not suicidal." LMAAAAAO. Oh Luke Danes, I love you so fucking much. "I had your voice going around and around in my head, I heard you saying, "take a chance Luke, make a move! Can't have a single bed! So I bought the building!" Told you Lorelai's nagging wields tremendous power, leading men to emotional and financial ruin.
For a few brief moments, Lorelai is the voice of reason and rationality. She suggests he could back out of the purchase, or barring that, expand the diner or rent the building to someone Taylor really hates, which is an idea I could get behind. Luke has 100k to spend on real estate, huh. I've said this before, I envision an au where Luke signs the paperwork to just get Jess his own seperate apartment. Even he had to wait until his 18th birthday. Jess could contribute to some of the rent and bills and Luke could pick up the rest. Everyone would be happy. I just want Jess to thrive and be happy. I'm going to imagine him thriving and happy.
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A moment later, Lorelai is back to her old self. Holy hell, woman. The fuck is wrong with you? Poor Rory! Can Luke front some of that 100k to pay for Rory's future therapy bills, that she'll surely need after the damage you've caused?
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I honestly have no idea what the fuck she's talking about. When have they been "thrown together"? When you think about it, Rory and Jess so far have had minimal interaction aside from some brief conversations, the majority of which Lorelai isn’t even aware of, and we're 10 episodes in after Jess' arrival. Do you mean the Bracebridge Dinner? The thing you set up and invited him to? Literally, Lorelai doesn't even know that Rory and Jess interacted in her backyard this afternoon. Or do you mean the picnic basket auction? Where Jess committed the unspeakable crime of having lunch with Rory?
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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Luke thinks Rory and Jess would make a good pair. Lorelai is so in awe of the power of Jess Mariano that she fears coupling him with her daughter might rip a hole in the very fabric of space and time.
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Luke is my favorite Literati shipper.
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"If Rory dates Jess, my shnooky-ukkums Dean will stop coming over to my house. Jess Mariano must die."
At least the last minute of the episode brings us one of the most splendid endings in Gilly Girls history.
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Promotional poster for my horror movie called The Hollow: Luke Danes' Revenge. He's got a sledgehammer, a troubled nephew, and a thirst for Taylor Doose's blood.
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I LOVE how hard Milo flinched when the hammer went through the wall. THIS EPISODE IS OVER. I SURVIVED THE ENTIRE THING. Where's my cookie?!
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darkspellmaster · 1 year
A Phantomhive in Night Raven College, or One hell of a twisted tale...has now reached Chapter 80
I'm rather shocked at myself for getting this far in the story. Usually I end up getting stuck at some point, but somehow this is working out for me.
To Summarize: Ciel has so far been taken to Night Raven College, met Grim, befriend Ace and Deuce after nearly getting killed by a possessed dwarf. He's become the Ramshackle dorms Housewarden and prefect, and dealt with Riddle Rosehearts. Joined several clubs, or been sucked into them. Created an investigation club, and then dragged into investigating Leona, and Savannaclaw. He's built his own new Funtom store, thanks to Cater and Idia, made friends with the Heartslabyul boys, Savannaclaw boys, Rook and Epel, became friends with Ortho after saving Idia from a dark hallway. Ended up dealing with the Phantom Bride, became closer to friends with Most of the Diasomnia boys, and is now participating in Halloween. Oh and Che'nya is making a move on Lizzy.
Preview below the link.
With a quick pace Ciel hurried after Azul and Jade who were making their way from the library and down towards Main Street and he called to them.
            “Azul, Jade, could you wait a moment!”
            Azul stopped and gave him a smile. “Yes Phantomhive? What can I do for you?”
            “I’d like to have one of those pamphlets you’re selling if you please.” Ciel requested and Azul looked at him curiously but asked Jade to hand one over to Ciel who flipped through it. “Ah…I see you did a page about my location too.”
            “Yes, they’re all in there.” Azul smiled happily. “We made sure everyone was included.”
            Ciel stared at it. “Oh. And I see you gave your location an extra page regarding the Monstro Lounge.”
            “Of course. It is there for guests to come and visit.” Jade told him. “We wanted to make sure that people knew where it was.”
            “Uh-huh.” The young Earl said and stared at them. “So this was why you were in there to help Idia. Not because you were worried about him, but because you didn’t want him shutting down his location and making you do a reprint.”
            “Well that is true.” Azul agreed. “It would be costly to…”
            “Liar!” Ciel snapped and stared at him and Azul scowled.
            “Excuse me? How am I lying?”
            “It wouldn’t be that costly to you because of how you went about getting the tank for your location.” Ciel pointedly said. “Even though it’s nicely made you probably did a deal where menus or other items for your lounge would be printed by the company that made this. You wouldn’t be doing this for anything expensive.”
            Jade chuckled as he smirked. “Oh? Someone has been actually paying attention it seems Azul.”
            “Yes. I see that.” Azul said frowning. “And what of it if I made a deal? Surely you, as a businessman, must understand the reasons behind what I’m doing?”
            Ciel stared at him. “I’m not saying I don’t. What bothers me is the cost. This is a ONCE a YEAR event. That means that this would be useless after a year’s time, since none of these locations will be back next year. It’s one thing to charge for a location that is always there, a museum, but this…this is robbery.”
            “Robbery!” Azul coughed. “How is this robbery? I’m charging a fair price.”
            “Twelve thaumarks is NOT in any way a fair price. It’s two marks per page, and this paper is not expensive enough to cover that.” Ciel told him and stared at the Octavinelle Housewarden. “You’re charging more for something that should be given away at the front with the stamp card.”
            “I see no problem with this. I’m fixing a problem we’re having.” Azul pointed out. “And people that want to be in the know and don’t want to be missing out, well they can just pay. Everything has it’s price, Phantomhive.”
            “The same way you tried to fix Silver’s problem?” Ciel snapped and Azul’s eyes went wide and then narrowed.
            “What was that?”
            “You were trying to get Silver in your debt, just like you’re trying to get Idia in your debt by promoting his location.” Ciel hissed. “I know your game. I’ve seen it in action before being done by other people. You should at least offer some sort of free or less expensive option, Azul.”
            “Are you accusing me of something, Phantomhive?” Azul glared and Ciel held his head up.
            “Perhaps I am.” Ciel stated and Azul laughed.
            “Please, and what would you think I would do with Idia or Silver?”
            Ciel crossed his arms. “With Idia, use him for doing something with your lounge. I don’t know what exactly, but you’re the type that probably has plans, upon plans. Silver, that’s an easy one. You want access to Housewarden Draconia.”
            Azul stared at him for a moment and Ciel smirked. “I’m right aren’t I. You weren’t worried at all about Idia. In fact I would wager you could give a damn if he shut down the whole location, but for your damn pamphlet here. Just like you could care less about Silver, and instead just wanted to use him for your own social climbing.”
            Jade blinked and then a strange smile came on his face. “Well, well, he wasn’t lying when he said you would be interesting.”
            Ciel glanced at Jade who chuckled. “Sorry this is between you and Azul.”
            The young Earl raised his eyebrow at the older blue-green-haired boy for a moment then turned back to Azul when he snapped.
            “My business with Silver and Idia is none of yours. As for the pamphlet, it’s up to the customer. They don’t have to purchase it if they don’t want to.”
            “I know that, but I also know you made it difficult for them not to.” Ciel said and held Azul’s stare.
            “You’re one to talk,” the sliver-haired boy said with a sneer. “You’re selling your toys at your location. How is this any different?”
            “I’m letting people win them as well. So while they can purchase a Bitter Rabbit or Grim Cat, they still have a chance at getting them free.” Ciel pointed out. “You’re not even offering that option to them.”
            “And it’s my choice to not. A child like you wouldn’t understand.” Azul said with a huff. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have other places to be, Phantomhive.”
            The Octavinelle Housewarden stormed off, leaving Ciel to fume by himself. As they were walking away Jade glanced at Azul and warned him softly.
            “I would be mindful of Phantomhive. He’s more cunning than he lets on.”
            “I doubt it.” Azul said, not realizing Ciel was already plotting against him.
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bloomingdead · 8 months
i work as a receptionist in a private office and today someone came in for their appointment but was here quite early, so they had to wait. i always let the news play while i work because it's the only thing on tv i can listen to without wanting to watch it. after sitting down, less than 3 minutes passed before the client told me that they can't relax with talk of war on the tele and asked that i turn it off because it's too negative. i sheepishly responded "okay" and turned to the next news channel, talking about local current events. the client's eyes darted back to me with a grimace on their face. okay, not even this, i thought as i changed the channel again. it bothered me so much but i couldn't think of the words to describe why it bothered me without saying something rude in return. now i can.
if only the Palestinian people could just turn off the violence. if only they could shut down the Israeli militant state that is destroying their home. if only they could just change the concentration camp called the Gaza strip they've been forced into. if only we could just turn off war.
how sheltered we live in the United States of America, where our distance from such violence results in our ability to "turn off" what we don't want to face. if you are someone who shuts off or scrolls past the news every time, you are apart of the problem. if you blindly believe our government when they claim that Israel needs our support, then you are part of the problem. if you are comparing the situation in Israel to 9/11 without acknowledging how the US and Israel brought both upon themselves, you're apart of the problem. why is it that every time a fringe group of rebels tries to defend their people, we stamp them as terrorists and do everything we can to drown out their reasoning?
this is why our world is being pushed further from understanding one another even though we are better connected across the globe than ever before. ignoring big world issues will not make them go away, they will only fester until they pop up somewhere else, maybe somewhere closer to you. so close you can't ignore it. this is why democracy has been trampled underfoot in recent years, and the people feel their voice matters less and less. because of people who prefer to disengage rather than carry the weight of knowledge that makes them slightly uncomfortable. if watching the news makes you so uncomfortable you need to hide from it, i'd say you've lived a pretty comfortable life so far. maybe it's time for a little discomfort. ignorance is bliss, until you're bleeding out in the middle of the desert because of a war perpetrated by your own government. nobody deserves this, and nobody should be doing everything they can do avoid the ugly truths of war.
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woneuntonzz · 13 hours
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hypothesis || smau — c.s, j.wy
➤ chapter 25-B (back to chapters)
highschool senior!san x highschool senior!reader x highschool senior!wooyoung
contains: humor, angst, confrontation, fluff, highschool au, reader is named & afab
» So much gray, I feel so gray.
⛦ ᴊᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ!
more under the cut .ᐟ -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
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(ignore all time stamps!!)
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The next day...
You have done a few rituals for the night so you could prepare yourself for whatever’s bound to come. You thought about everything Yuri had “revealed” to you —the info from her boyfriend— and pieced it together with the things Wooyoung has said and done. It made sense, but just because it did, doesn’t mean it would be true.
You’d meet him at another class you shared. He was his usual self with others, but not with you. He didn’t avoid you completely, you’d even make eye contact more than twice. It’s just that he was acting like his hobby wasn’t bothering you through text or that he didn’t give you a bunch of hello kitty accessories out of nowhere. Like he didn’t hold your hand so dearly after massaging it. 
It was so easy for him to walk past you to get out of the classroom, but you wouldn’t lose the chance for anything. With a firm grip on his shoulder, you made him stop in his tracks. “Wooyoung, can we talk?”
He could sense what you had called him for, and when he turned around, he could read it in your eyes. “What is it?”
“Yuri, she told me something that you had told Jongho —or your other friends. Woo, there’s really not much to puzzle out here since you’ve been avoiding me—”
“It’s not you.” you quietly gasped when he had cut you off. “It’s about the girl I like, isn’t it? cause if it is, it’s not you.”
Your face grew hot, and you could feel tears building up at the back of your eyes because of how mean he sounded in such a serious situation. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s the girl who confessed to me just a while back.” you could only nod at him, forcing a smile.
“That’s cool. Well, I’ll leave you alone now, sorry.”
“F-y-i, I’m not avoiding you. Just distancing myself since, you know, you and San have something going on. Would be rude to interrupt." then he turns around and walks away. 
Anyone in your place would think he didn’t give a fuck anymore, but his facade would fall once he was away from your sight. Your movements and speech were quite jittery, and by the look in your eyes, he felt guilty and selfish for talking to you that way. It was one truth and one lie, because it’s always been you, and he’s afraid it’ll only be you —but it wasn’t a lie when he said someone had confessed to him before, and it was someone he had to turn away from because of you. 
Three days later...
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⁀➴ @davinashifts333 @wrotebyrini @wooyoungyeo
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Post regarding MM behaviour prior to meeting zpH
Dear Skippy do you or other bloggers recall this article about MM (sorry have no receipts )
I knew/ had a business interaction with Meghan Markle before she became an A-list celeb. My god, the amount of wild drama that ensued from her end…
I’m not here to trash Meghan. I’m not a hater. I was one of those people who truly wanted to stan Meghan Markle (before and after her engagement to Prince Harry). I met her 1 year before she started dating Prince Harry. I can’t say the line of work I was in…but let’s just say I needed to work closely on a photo shoot with her. I was a c-level exec for a certain company that contracted Meghan to do a photo shoot. I hand selected her for the photo shoot. I believed she was going to become HUGELY successful in the future, that’s why I chose her. We had everything lined up (world class vogue photographer, stylists, location, hotels booked… the works!). Meghan agreed to do the shoot. We spent many weeks discussing the shoot with her and her “PR” (a mysterious woman that we couldn’t call. We could only speak to via email ). Meghan had a lot of outrageous demands for someone that very few people actually heard of at the time… . Nevertheless, we gave her what she requested.
Everything went well up until 1 day before the photo shoot. Next thing you know (skimming over a lot of the story here), Meghan’s “PR” is freaking out at us because someone from our team (Mind you, this person received previous authorization from HER PR) posted a social media post about the upcoming shoot. My god, the friendly, mysterious PR turned into a down right psychopath overnight. She cursed us out, threatened us, and acted damn right insane (all via email). When I say insane, I mean INSANE. Discombobulated sentences, all caps, 10 pages of PURE, incoherent madness. Long story short, the photo shoot ended up being cancelled! We had to scramble to find a new celeb last minute. FF to a few months later, I met up with Meghan at an event. She was nice and lovely (as she portrays herself to be on camera… But I have a very sharp intuition when it comes to people. Every-time I spoke to her, she seemed off… contrived to me as if she was hiding something). I told her about her PR’s behaviour and she seemed genuinely shocked. She claimed to have no idea that her emotionally unstable PR ruined the photo shoot OP with us. She claimed to have been genuinely interested in the gig and mentioned that her PR said we were the ones who cancelled the contract. That day, I spoke to a friend of mine who worked for another company. Their company contracted Meghan for a photo shoot as well and shared a similar story of Meghan Markle (mind you, the companies that my friend and I represented at the time were big league brands that worked with several MUCH bigger celebs in the past). After the event, Meghan sent me an apology email. I had a nagging suspicion about her and ended up cross checking the location stamp of her email as well as the one from her PR (for those of you who don’t know this, it is very easy to trace the origin of an email)… Guess what? Both emails originated from the exact same computer and location (her home in Toronto).
This woman has serious issues. Her cancelling the photo shoot is not the part that bothers me. How she did it creeps me out. No sane person behaves that way! If you saw the email, you would understand what I mean. I was not exaggerating when I said the email was totally psychotic. The person who wrote it was clearly having a mental break down. I strongly believe she wrote that email. For the longest time I didn’t want to accept what I found out about her. Even after what she did to us, I wanted to Stan her as the first “black-ish” princess. It wasn’t until I read about her constantly loosing staff at the palace, and the tempestuous relationships she would have with people, that I realized she really must have psychological issues
Sorry…no idea where this is from….anons.❤️
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
My, thank you for your constant service with providing fics to us! I wonder, do you happen to know about any fics where Crowley is turned back into an angel?
You are so very welcome! We have some risen Crowley fics here, and I have some more for you now...
Unwanted Redemption by CaspianTheGeek (T)
The angels decide that it hurts appearances to have an angel in a relationship with a demon. They can't force Aziraphale to fall, so instead they redeem his demon. Crowley, however, is of the opinion he was perfect just as he was.
"Crowley staggered to his feet. No, no they couldn’t have. It’s impossible. How. There was no way this could happen. He glanced around to be sure no humans were nearby and then let his wings unfurl.
They were white. As white as Aziraphale’s. Their obsidian beauty washed away. He reached for his familiar scarf, just to give himself something to touch as his brain ran wild. Only to realize it was gone. He glanced down and saw his clothes had changed into a white suit.
He hissed."
White is Not the New Black by AughtPunk (G)
You know, I thought to myself, I've seen so many lovely 'Fallen Aziraphale' fics but not a single 'Risen Crowley' fic. Time to fix that.
Or: Crowley wakes up with an odd warm fuzzy feeling in his chest and doesn't like it at all.
forgiveness (can you imagine) by snowkatze (M)
And hungrily, hungrily, he dreams, a soft warm hand grasping skinny fingers. Yellow eyes and dark heart forgotten. What was once wretched. What was once wicked. Forgiven. Skin that has forgotten the shape of scales. I recognize you. I see you. We are the same.
After Beelzebub slams the door to Hell in his face, Crowley walks to Aziraphale's bookshop, but he can tell that something is off. He falls to his knees in pain - and then he realizes. She is making him Rise. It's painful. It's what he would never admit that he wanted. (Maybe now he can be loved.)
Parallax by Crystalshard (M)
God's ways are ineffable, but She rather likes this angel and demon duo who prevented the Apocalypse. So She gives Crowley the choice to Rise back to Heaven. Taking that offer, however, leads to more trouble than anyone (except possibly God) ever expected.
Some strangeness in the proportion by trailingoff (T)
‘I assume your punishment involved the destruction of the demon, but I am not aware of the details,’ says the Angel. ‘The description was redacted from your file and labelled “Highly Classified” with a red stamp.’
Aziraphale is trying to mourn in peace, but the cause of his grief keeps bothering him.
When We Find There's Life on Earth After All by jane_with_a_j (T)
An angel awakens in Heaven from a six thousand year coma, the result of a head injury taken in the First War.
He's missed everything. The entire history of the Earth. Well, except for one thing. He hasn't missed the apocalypse, because the apocalypse, for some reason, didn't happen, and no one seems to know why - or if they do know, they won't say.
He has questions. And if the rumours are true, there's one angel who might have answers: the Principality Aziraphale.
Aziraphale isn't at all what he expected.
And nothing, as it turns out, is quite what it seems.
- Mod D
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So one thing that bothered me about the Skyrim Romance Mod was the Grand Crystal Ball, in that such an event couldn't be held in Skyrim, especially with the civil war. (Not that a Jarl's longhouse palace would have a ballroom anyways when they're more content with mead halls for feasts.) However, I haven't played Oblivion or Morrowind because of motion sickness- do you think a Barbie princess ball like that could feasibly be held in Cyrodil or Morrowind?
I completely agree with you. The dresses and the ball itself are entirely anachronistic for Skyrim. I raise you: if Elisif can barely afford to protect Haafingar during the war effort, then how can she afford a giant ballroom fiasco like that? And who are these guests, anyway? People from neighboring High Rock? They certainly don't strike me as any kind of local nordic aristocrats.
The Grand Crystal Ball has the Falk Firebeard Stamp of Disapproval on it, I'll tell you that!
Do I think this kind of gilded gala could appear in Morriwnd or Cyrodiil? Yes . . . and no. In Morrowind, definitely not like this. I imagine in Imperial Mournhold back during the Third Era when everything was "honkydory", there were dances and balls. Not like this one by any means. I'm referring to the kind of social and political events that would have been more common amongst the elites of say, the British West Indies or in an English manor (I like regency fiction and this idea is based nearly entirely off of that). Those sorts of events that advance people's social, political, and business careers.
That is exactly why I think they're right at home in Cyrodiil (and High Rock, but we're not here to talk about that). Cyrodiil is home to counts, countesses, lords, ladies, and other nobles and aristocrats. It is also the cosmopolitan heart of the Empire. Back to my regency reference, picture it like this: a bunch of rich and influential people want to further their own politics and expand their purses while sucking it up to the royals to gain MORE wealth and influence. They also really like showing off what they have. Is there a war on? Time to blame the politicians and go to Lady so-and-so's soiree or dinner party or assembly or—
So to answer your question, I think balls and other such engagements have a place in certain parts of Tamriel, chiefly in Imperial or "civilized" centers, but not a one would look like the Grand Crystal Ball. It's too gaudy and the dresses look like Victorian era rejects.
This is why I am completely overhauling the Grand Crystal Ball in my fanfic, Keeping Count. It's out of place. In the mod, it serves to fuel a princess fantasy where her knight in shining armor sweeps her off to a magical ball where she gets to dance in a Cinerella dress before a dashing rogue comes to steal her away. That is what it's there for. It does nothing else. Trying to fit it into the rest of Skyrim is impossible because it is so sonically different from the rest of the game's tone.
To incorporate it in my fic — do you want spoilers? — I'm scaling it down to a small party held at the Breton High Commission in Solitude, a place entirely fabricated by me in an attempt to expand a wider awareness of interconnected world politics. We'll actually get a little more of Leara's political background as she will have to explain some things to Bishop, who is an absolute idiot and knows nothing about politics or diplomacy. Because he's stupid.
Who knows? I might even try to turn Casavir into a half-decent character. But then, where's the fun in that?
Gosh, the whole thing really would be better if Leara and Ulfric had a dance-off. Or if Brynjolf stole Bishop's lifestuff.
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Wait so what happened between Finnish people and Lordi? This is the first I'm hearing about their reputation being trashed there :0
This is going to be one of my thousand-word essay answers, so strap in.
I also did not know how badly they were treated during the years following Esc until Yle published this article in May 2021. It is in Finnish and I can’t be bothered to translate the whole thing, but the article consists of our previous representatives Lordi (2006), Hanna Pakarinen (2007), Kuunkuiskaajat (2010), Paradise Oskar (2011) and Sandhja (2016) telling about their Esc experiences and how the Finnish public and music industry treated them during and after that (spoiler alert: it wasn’t great). The article was linked to the Finnish Esc forum and I remember us all being very shocked and upset because it was the first time we actually heard about the negativity and hatred Lordi experienced. I do think most of us just assumed their hype went away quietly. What follows is based on my own memories of the time as well as what the band has told publicly.
I remember the 2006-2007 being full on Lordi craze. Their merch and albums being sold at supermarkets. Lordi Cola, Lordi candy. Lordi themed restaurant in Rovaniemi. Celebrations, awards, statues. Squares and buildings named after them, their faces in credit cards and postage stamps. The Arockalypse being the most sold album of 2006, selling triple platinum. In Emma Gaala Lordi won Band of the Year, Song of the Year and Export of the Year, Hard Rock Hallelujah was the most played song of the year, everywhere you went you saw kids wearing Lordi shirts (...sounds familiar?😶)
The way I see it is that by just participating in the national selection, let alone Esc, Lordi had lost all the credibility they had left in the eyes of rock/metal puritans, selling themselves and whatnot because Eurovision a cringefest as we know. I don’t know if music based subcultures are as gatekeepy and stick-in-their-ass level of humourless as they used to be in the mid-to-late 00′s but I pray to satan they are not because that time was ROUGH and I think it might have something to do with what happened to Lordi. 
During those years I spent a lot of time hanging on metalhead and goth discussion forums (because social media wasn’t a thing yet) and I remember it being exactly oh you like this band? name their every song kinda tiring stuff. People arguing about genres and if some band was heavy metal, heavy rock or just metal, or if you could be a goth if you rode a bicycle (??) or listened to anything else besides Joy Division, or if you had the right to wear a band shirt if you couldn’t name all the members, or that if your favorite song from a band was a big hit were you considered a poser, or could a goth person like Nightmare Before Christmas merch or was it too emo, and so on and so forth, and everything was super serious. I remember people even throwing a fit when Children of Bodom wore Hawaii shirts in promo pics.🤦‍♀️So considering the attitudes of the era and the fact that Lordi had been a divisive artist already (can’t take anyone seriously if they wear a costume or are in character) long before Esc, it is in a way no wonder that the music puritans turned their backs on them. Goes without saying how ridiculous that is imo, but anyway.
Normies, aka not fans of the contest or the band beforehand, on the other hand jumped on the Esc boat for the year when Finland was the reigning champion. Our stupid little nation LOVES competing and being champions, so much so that we have a habit of inventing our own ridiculous contests just to win. Like, everyone wanted to get tickets to the live shows in Helsinki, more people joined the Finnish OGAE than ever before, everyone bought the Esc album of 2007 and so on.
And then when the glitter had settled, our hosting year was over and we didn’t do so hot at 2007 & 2008 Escs despite sending “heavy” entries, I guess that normies just returned to their default attitude towards Eurovision which is viewing it as embarassing, pointless, glittery, gay, good-for-nothing waste of time and money in which none of the music can be taken seriously because it’s Eurovision and thus by default shit. 
In the article I linked at the beginning Mr. Lordi tells how performing abroad and in Finland was like night and day. During the Deadache tour 2009 they sold out arenas in Central Europe but couldn’t sell even half the tickets to a club in Finland. Finnish audience spit at them, yelled obscenities, showed middle fingers, asked the band to play quieter or play the eurovision song. Like, I have no idea why you would buy a ticket and go to someone’s show just to be a dick. Teräsbetoni (Esc 2008) has also told in the interviews that at one point they had a group guys in the front row at their shows who just kept yelling GAY during the whole gig 😑
In conclusion: Finnish people got Eurovision hangover from the ridiculous Lordi craze of 2006-2007 and then moved on. Meanwhile Lordi had lost both their original fanbase and failed to gain a new one as the ESC hype went away, that’s how I see it at least.
I could go on a full length tangent about how the BC fever gives me not-so-positive flashbacks to Lordi graze, but I’m too tired for that. What I want to point out though is that I’m not that worried about BC getting the Lordi treatment for two reasons: they weren’t big before Esc so they had practically nothing to lose, and they didn’t win (THANK GOD). Niko & Joel have also brought up this in interviews which makes me admire how smart they actually are for always having known what should be the next move for the band. I also want to believe that Eurovision has changed from the campiest times (2000-2010) to more serious direction and simultaneously gained back the ability to produce global hits and stars again (Måneskin, Duncan Laurence, Rosa Linn) which is something we haven’t really seen since 1988. As a side note I’m really glad to see some of that bleeding into our national selection as well, because before BC and Bess the last time someone became successful thanks to our Eurovision NF and not despite was in 1989.
As @reunalordi importantly pointed out in their tags, this is/was what happened to Lordi’s popularity in Finland specifically. They still have a big fanbase abroad afaik and if someone knows more about their popularity/success nowadays, please do correct me <3
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