#no one besides a person getting laid on the daily
the-oblivious-writer · 5 months
Poison Ivy & Daisies
Clarisse La Rue x Demi-god!Reader
Summary: Clarisse La Rue has been on your mind since the day you saw her, but because of your nervousness and her stand-offish attitude, you could never build up the courage to actually talk to her. At least, that was until you tripped on a rock
Warning(s): Swearing, mentions of r being clumsy, no pronouns used, & nervous/awkward!r
Notes: This is my first work for Clarisse. I'm still getting used to writing for her character, lemme know what you think
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From the moment you stepped into camp, your mind has been plagued with thoughts of Clarisse La Rue—literally. The first time you saw her you thought you were looking at a princess. The person who was showing you around immediately warned you as soon as they noticed your longing stares.
You were then informed about Clairsse’s more… violent ways. You could care less. All you knew was that she was the most beautiful woman you have ever laid your eyes upon—but of course, you didn’t get the courage to talk to her until two months after you got to camp.
She was definitely stand-offish, that was evident. It wasn’t until you accidentally bumped into her that you finally spoke to her.
You were walking, not paying attention, when you suddenly tripped on a rock. You yelped as you tripped, but instead of meeting the ground like you expected, you bumped into someone. This person stumbled back a step before glaring at you, a glare so deadly you could feel it. 
Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest when you caught sight of the person. Clarisse fucking La Rue. Just your luck. You gulped as you looked back at her. You opened your mouth to say something, but the sound failed to come out. 
“Watch where you’re going,” the Ares kid seethed with her fists balled up.
“R–right. Sorry, I didn’t see you,” you nervously apologized.
“Don’t let it happen again, or else,” she threatened before walking off. You were too busy wiping dirt off of your shirt to see Clarisse looking back at you one more time as she walked away.
The incident continuously haunted you. You finally get a chance to talk to your crush, and that is how it happens? 
The next time you saw her face to face was the following week. You were practicing your sword fighting when suddenly somebody approached the dummy near yours. You didn’t think much of it as you continued to focus on your swinging and slashing. 
“That’s my dummy,” you heard from beside you. You look over to see it was Clarisse who you heard. Any bit of confidence you had before instantly vanished.
“Your dummy?”
“Did I stutter?”
“Um, no—no you didn’t. I just—I just didn’t know.”
“And your slashing is pathetic,” Clarisse added before pushing you to the side. “You’re supposed to cross then stab. Not the other way around.” She rolled her eyes before demonstrating for you. After she showed you, she looked over to you again. “Are you just going to stand there? Repeat what I did.” 
You weren’t sure how, but from that point on you started going to daily practices with Clarisse. You’re still a little confused on the specifics. One moment, she seems repulsed by you, but the next, she was training you. She never outwardly said it, but daily training with Clarisse automatically became apart of both her and your routines. You weren’t complaining. 
Months and months of training led to this moment; capture the flag. You were surprised when Clarisse told you she wanted you on her team, usually people wanted the opposite. It didn’t take much convincing to get Annabeth on board. You couldn’t blame her; it’s not that you were bad at fighting, you just had the tendency to be clumsy at the worst times. 
Your job was simple—stick by Clarisse’s side. You missed the looks Clarisse’s half-siblings gave her when she revealed this part of the plan, and the glare she sent their way. 
You and Clarisse were crouched behind a tree, waiting for the right moment to act. While Clarisse’s eyes were busy surveilling the area, you were too busy admiring her in her armor. How could you not? It wasn’t until you felt something hit your chest armor, that you were pulled out of your trance. 
You looked down, startled, and saw that it was Clarisse who hit your chest armor. “Stay focused.” She said as she continued to look around.
“Right. Focused.” You cleared your throat, eyes following to where the other girl was staring. “You look really nice by the way. The armor suits you,” you complimented. You had no idea where the spur of confidence came from. All you knew was that Clarisse was gorgeous, and you hoped she knew it too.
The compliment caught her off guard. She had no idea as to why you said what you did, frankly it confused her. But before she could utter a word, she saw her teammates signal to her. Guess her response would have to wait.
After the incident—that being Percy breaking Clarisse’s spear, and then him being claimed by one of the big three—everybody made sure to steer clear of Clarisse. The scream she let out was a reminder of why. It has been awhile since anybody has seen her that enraged. The only person to not follow this unspoken rule was you. You knew enough to know how important that spear is to her, so you could imagine how infuriated, and upset she was to see it rip in half. 
You went to knock on her cabin’s door, but pulled your hand away when you noticed it was already open. You lightly pushed it open more before walking inside. Everybody else was gone, and it seemed like Clarisse was too until you caught sight of her sitting on the edge of her bed with both halves of her spear on her lap. She didn’t need to look up to see that it was you who walked in. 
“What are you doing here?” She inquired, not looking up from her broken spear. 
“I just wanted to check on you,” you responded in a painfully soft tone. 
“I’m fine.” Her tone was dry and monotone. You carefully got closer before sitting down beside her, and to your dismay, she didn’t tell you to go away. You watched as her thumb brushed against her spear’s handle. 
“Do you wanna talk about–”
“I don’t need your pity, nor your comfort,” Clarisse interrupted. 
“Right, sorry,” you responded as you nodded your head. You suddenly remembered what was in your back pocket. “Oh, I uh,” you pulled out a daisy from your back pocket. “I saw it and I just thought of you,” you shrugged as you held it for her to see.
“A daisy.” The flower's stem was a slightly bent, the pedals were a mess, yet it was still beautiful.
“Yeah—if it’s stupid I could just–”
“No!” Clarisse said louder than intended. She cleared her throat, “It’s fine, I mean.” Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she watched a smile graze your face. 
“Here,” your smile never faltered as you handed it to her. As she went to take it from your hand, her hand touched yours. The action caused heat to rush to the other's face.
“Thank you.” She averted her gaze, looking down at the daisy you handed her. “It’s… nice, I guess,” she uttered as she continued to study the flower.
“You welcome,” you replied as you looked at her admirably. “Sorry if it’s a bit messed up. It’s been in my back pocket for, like, a day.”
“It’s perfect.�� Her words catch you off guard, a warm familiar feeling rushes through you—the same feeling you get when you think of the woman. 
“Perfect flower for a perfect girl,” you said with such fondness in your voice. Now it was your turn to catch Clarisse off guard with your words. She pulls her eyes away from the daisy to look at you. Nobody has ever called her perfect before, and she knew you meant it. 
Her eyes flickered down to your lips, an action that doesn’t go unnoticed by you. It was just then that you realized how close your face was to hers. You both subconsciously begin to slowly lean in; “Can I kiss you?” You murmured. Instead of giving you a verbal response, her hand reaches up to softly cup your face before she leans in further. Her lips touches yours, sending electricity down your spine. Her lips were soft and welcoming as you kissed her back. 
But before the kiss could go any further, the cabin doors abruptly opened. Your lips tear away from hers as you both look over to see who was at the door. Of course, the person who happened to catch you and Clarisse kissing was an Aphrodite kid. You looked away with flushed cheeks while Clarisse tried as hard as she could to hide her embarrassed expression.
“What do you want?” She asked impatiently, her arms crossed.
With a smirk, the other camper responded. “I need Y/N’s help with something.” 
“Coming,” you managed to say. You got up to follow the camper, but not before looking back at Clarisse with a lovestruck expression. Clarisse could feel her heartbeat pick up as you made eye contact. When you left, she let out a sigh as she brushed back her hair.
No doubt this would be the talk of the camp by dinner. But for once, Clarisse didn’t mind.
A/N: Dior is actually so painfully gorgeous omg
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
He was your loyal, attentive knight. You had been childhood friends, ever since you saved him after sneaking out of the palace walls. Since then, he had been training so one day, he could take care of you.
At first, he saw you as what you were, the princess he was meant to serve. You were intelligent, beautiful, and most importantly you were kind. Your people loved you, and you loved them.
And you loved him too, a fact you would share daily throughout your childhoods. When he started training to be a knight at the young age of 10, you were always there to bandage him up and let him lay his head in your lap after a tough day. You were both children, but he clung to you like a child would his mother. He was often scolded by the maids and senior knights for his clingy behavior. You were the princess and he was getting too old to be staying so close.
He would be a teenager soon, which meant the days of childhood innocence and days of fun spent with his princess would be over. Once she turned 13, she wouldn’t be able to interact with any males besides her personal knight.
He worked his way up the chain, seeing you in secret when he could manage. You missed him, and as the years passed by his innocent, platonic love was starting to shift into something more… lustful. He caught himself staring when you bent over to pick up your fallen books, his eyes following your plump hips as you walked away.
No, he couldn’t see you that way. It was against his code of conduct, his knightly duty was to protect you and your innocence so that you could find a suitable husband one day and bear an heir to the throne.
But at knight, when he laid along in his chambers, he would stroke his hardened cock to the thought of filling you with his seed, claiming you both body and soul. It was a nasty, sinful thought he had to keep to himself, he knew that.
It was hard though, when you were just so tempting.
It took him 6 years to become your own personal knight. You were 19 years old now, marrying age. He held you to his chest as you sobbed at night with the knowledge that you would have to marry someone you didn’t love.
He tried his best to comfort you and push away his feelings of love and lust, but god did it get difficult when you begged him to help you escape. He should have refused and reported your urge to flee to the king… but he didn’t.
“I’ll help you escape, but… I need to ask you a question first.”
You nodded, clinging to him desperately as his hands ran over your hair. “My princess, you… cry as if you are already in love. Could I know the person who has won your heart?”
It hurt him to ask this, making his own heart wrench painfully. You nodded, sniffling slightly as you look up him through tear filled eyes, your cheeks warm. “Yes… it’s you. I love you, I have for years… being apart from you has been so hard… please, I don’t want to marry anyone else but y-“
Before you could finish your sentence, he had already pinned you down, his lips pressing into yours. That was all he needed to hear, he would be claiming you for his own now, and as soon as he was done he’d be stealing you away.
“Mine… my princess, my everything…”
He spent the night worshipping your body, making sure you knew just how much he truly loved you. He fucked into you, his finger rubbing soft, attentive circles into your needy clit. It didn’t take long for him to fill your womb with his seed, making you his and his alone for all eternity.
He had deflowered his princess, taking her virginity and her innocence, the exact opposite of what a knight was supposed to do, but he didn’t care anymore. You were his princess, yes, but you were also his first and only love.
And he would never let you go.
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nouearth · 9 months
blue current.
clark kent x male reader headcanons.
warnings: fluff, co-workers at the daily planet, maws!clark, soft!clark, intern!reader.
a/n: it's been a hot minute since i've written anything! i feel so bad because i've been swamped with school, so hopefully this will hold you guys over until i post my next fic! it's not much, but i've been feeling fluffy as of recent, and clark is the perfect candidate, HAHA. idk, i've been feeing low-key creatively stuck for writing, so hopefully this well get me out of the slump!
gif credits to: fukutomichi!
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—clark was smitten from the moment he first laid eyes on you.
—it had only been the fourth month into his internship, but it was no secret that the higher-ups, and even his colleagues, have been impressed by clark's rapid growth.
—it was enough to ensure their trust in clark to train the new intern as the lead journalist had taken a month off for vacation. while he had his doubts if he would do a good job, clark always loved challenging himself.
—his mother had always reminded him: one who feared failure will never achieve greatness.
—sure, you weren't being mentored by the best journalist in the city. though, you had to admit that you felt defeated since miss lane was the only reason why you chose the daily planet over other internships.
—but bitterness turned to throat-drying, cheek-flushing, and hand-flexing sweetness when you came in your first day and met the man who would be training you.
—for clark, it was the drowsiness in your gaze that suddenly brightened when he met your eyes. if he could have seen his own face, clark would reckon that his eyes lit up the same way yours did upon meeting you for the first time.
—he's so... handsome. maybe training him wouldn't be so bad after all...
—his blue eyes sucked you in like heavy ocean current, but instead of fighting back the pull like any sane person would, you allowed him to drown you in the gorgeous wash his gaze doted on you with.
—god, are you toying with me right now? have you finally come around to my reckless behavior back in high school? i knew you always would!
—it began with a handshake. when clark's large hand cupped into yours, a current of sparks flickered from the bone of your knuckles to his own, and you both released with a gasp.
—"sorry! it must be my vest or something—has a lot of... cotton, i think—" clark assured with a laugh, but cursed his lame excuse in between breaths.
—"no, you're fine! i guess your sweater vest knew i was half-asleep, huh?" you laughed with him, and almost as if it was choreographed, you reached back to rub at your nape when he does, and the discomfort left the collective laughter in a fleeting dance.
—"well, lucky for you, our first stop is the break room! i'll show you how to make a poor man's mocha if you get sick of the coffee here!"
—from then on, you two had quickly become close friends.
—where clark would teach you more hacks to spice up an ordinary roast of coffee, you would return the favor by surprising him on random days with lunch that you prepared the night before.
—on nights where you were too tired to function, you simply settled for sandwiches and prepared an extra meal for clark.
—whether he claimed he forgot his lunch, or was too busy to even take a glance at his lunchbox; eating lunch had become a rarity for him.
—unless it was with you.
—even before opening the brown paper bag, clark knew it was going to be delicious.
—you always remembered what ingredients he liked and disliked since the first time you had lunch with him.
—clark smiled to himself as he ate the meal you didn't have to prepare for him in big bites.
—and then laughed when you watched in amazement and mirrored him like a parrot with messy bites.
—somehow, the thought of cared for was more filling than the actual meal.
—in moments where clark suddenly felt guilt for liking you as more than a friend, he sat silently, staring blankly ahead, with the tissue crumpled in his hands.
—and you sat beside him on the bench, compelled by his silence, while the birds watched from their home of oak and birch.
—it had been happening more frequently: clark's sudden mood shift. no matter how much he tried to deny it, how much he attempted to pacify your silent worries with his handsome smile, it was clear that something was bothering him.
—at first, you tried to break him with a joke.
—"geez, was my sandwich that bad?! i guess i shouldn't have used that expired mustard..."
—you've studied clark enough to anticipate a half-hearted chuckle from him; weak, but still had the intention to please. to masquerade his thoughts.
—instead, the birds chirped in his absence, and your frown only deepened as clark maintained a fixed gaze to the pavement.
—"clark?" you nudged him once on the arm, and he immediately dropped his head in between his legs with a heavy sigh.
—"what's wrong?"
—"there'ssomethingigottatellyou..." he muttered into the crook of his elbow, and your brows knitted together in worry, despite your amusement at the fact that he was behaving similarly to a puppy throwing a tantrum.
—"huh? didn't quite catch that when your mouth is full of linen." you gently nudged him once more to vacant the space between his legs, then another with a gentler squeeze to his arm when he doesn't.
—"clark, come on. talk to me." you squeezed harder to the sound of his groans. "people are staring—"
—then another squeeze.
—"there's something..."
—and another.
—"i gotta tell you..."
—and before you could alert him once more, clark returned the pressure into your own palm when he suddenly took your hand into his, and held it as if it was a pirate's lost treasure.
—the warmth of your skin compelled him to sit back up, but he refused to look at you. instead, he gazed every perimeter that didn't involve your eyes.
—the birds again, the sky, the trees, anything to drown out the sight of potential rejection.
—but how you wished he would turn to you right now, because you smiled. wide enough to sting the apple of your cheeks, and as much as you wanted to yell out his name for him to do so, you wanted to let clark do it for himself.
—to take upon the challenge of potentially meeting failure or success.
—heat crept onto his cheeks as he stared at a couple who were charmed by chubby ducks floating on the nearby lake. for a brief moment, he could see you two walking hand-in-hand, while the other free hand threw feed at the eager ducks.
—he was lost in his imagination. a blink turned into a dream, and a dream turned into a desperate paradise.
—it wasn't until the trail of your hand that looped your fingers into his, tightly sharing the warmth of anxiousness with a sticky clamp, that clark opened his eyes again and finally turned to you.
—wet eyes and shaking blues, they told a story that you didn't need to read into.
—silence filled the space between the two of you, then groaned in annoyance when you scooted closer until your knee was pressed to clark's. you folded his hand into yours, still clutching onto him tightly, and laid the joined affection on your lap.
—"i like you too, smallville." your thumb ran several laps over his knuckles to calm the tremors clark had possessed.
—he watched, open-mouthed as if he was about to respond, but the shock trapped the remainder of his words within his throat.
—you lounged back and squinted at the radiance of the sun, the brights of the sky.
—the sunlight faded into the background as the beauty of your best friend came into frame once again. he absorbed all the color and light of the world until your focus was on him.
—"i really like you."
—the sigh on his lips told a different tale compared to the previous exhales. it curled his lips upwards and finally pacified the shakes that had been bothering clark for months.
—when he pressed his palm back into yours, folding his fingers over your own, you braced for impact as you felt the electrical current from the first day you met him return in stronger pulses. it nipped at your skin, then at clark's, in its desperate escape.
—but clark held tighter, as did you, until the shockwaves melted in his skin, into his veins, then into his blood, and became one with the victorious cheer of his heart.
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© nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like! feedback is also much appreciated!
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bones4thecats · 4 months
When They Protect Their S/O From Harm
Type of Writing: #6 - Poll Result Characters: Izana Kurokawa, Kakucho, Ran Haitani, and Rindou Haitani Name: When They Protect Their S/O From Harm Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: This was fun to write, ngl!
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🎴 Izana is a possessive person by heart, since he has lost so many people in his life, he doesn't want to ever feel that same pain again, and he made that very clear the day you started your relationship
🎴 And while he does trust you with his life, he was not amused by the newest recruit of his gang
🎴 Kakucho had informed his friend that the new member was seemingly acting very out of sorts and was getting far to close to you, asking you questions that were mainly about the gang
🎴 Ever since then, he has had the Four Heavenly Kings watch over the guy, just to make sure he wasn't attempting to cross a boundary
🎴 But, when the man jumped out from the gang during a confrontation between a fairly new and dangerous one, he wasn't surprised
🎴 What did surprise him was how he was so bold with his actions, not caring who he was hitting, he even lunged and began to attack Ran and Rindou without someone beside him
🎴 He definitely had balls
🎴 Izana gritted his teeth in a smile as the numerous members fell by his hits, the only reason his smile faltered was when he saw how he lunged after you with his fist raised
🎴 His eyes darkened as he sprinted away from his intended hit and kicked the guy with full force into a nearby wall, growling lowly as he noticed a long knife, one similar to a butcher's fell from his jacket
" If you ever try harming my S/O again, I'll kill you so painfully that you'd rather have your organs torn out by a vulture's pointed beak. "
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🍂 He trusted you with his life and his jealousy level never was sky-rocketing like his friend, Izana's
🍂 Despite that information, Kakucho was getting nervous with how a new member of Tenjiku was acting around you, and he was trying to keep it not super obvious
🍂 You were speaking to the young male near daily, and he could tell that he wanted something more than an ally or friend in you
🍂 Watching as he just wrapped an arm around your waist in a hug, he clenched his fists, providing amusement to Ran and Rindou, who were prodding at his jealousy
🍂 He could tell you were getting uncomfortable with how touchy he was with you, and he was attempting to let the guy down nicely with his words
" Excuse me, would you take a hand off my S/O. You're making them uncomfortable. "
🍂 Kakucho watched as the guy's eyes widened as the yells of Rindou's entered the base, and Kakucho knew what he was yelling, there was a rival gang invading
🍂 He glared as the man took out a blade and held it to your neck, yelling on how he was gonna slit your throat like a pig and let you die unless they let him go
🍂 Izana ran up behind Kakucho and laid a hand on his shoulder, giving him a nod as he readied himself for battle
🍂 Your boyfriend began to walk around the guy as Izana lunged, making the man holding you hostage back away and hold his blade up to attack
🍂 Thankfully, Kakucho ran around and kicked the guy from behind as Izana caught you from falling, saying how Kakucho would be back and the guy would be thoroughly punished while the rest of the gang handled his
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🐈‍⬛ Due to his stance in many different areas of the delinquent-life, Ran has made quite a few enemies in the past few years, and he swore he would keep them far away from you
🐈‍⬛ But, Izana had banned him from trying to unleash fights inside of Tenjiku, pushing his anger to be further enlarged as he saw the guy playfully mess with you
🐈‍⬛ That was his job, not his
🐈‍⬛ As his anger grew, he could tell you were getting suspicious of the man, since his questions were drifting to more of your boyfriend and you than the gang or any upcoming fights
🐈‍⬛ When the man revealed himself to be working for a rival gang, due to the constant pressure from Hanma, you ran behind your boyfriend, to make sure the guy couldn't grab you
🐈‍⬛ But, unfortunately, while Ran was handling him, another member of the guy had snuck behind you and began to chock you out
🐈‍⬛ Turning around and not finding you standing there, dodging attacks was something that Ran did not expect, so, when he saw the guy holding you down and obviously saying things only he should be saying to you got him pissed beyond belief
🐈‍⬛ He grabbed his baton from his side and swung it so hard the guy was knocked out and bleeding from one shot and one shot alone
" Nobody touches my S/O in that way or even talks to them in that way other than me. And if anyone else has a problem with that, come at me bastards. "
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🐈 Rindou, much like many different characters in Tokyo Revengers, is protective over his S/O
🐈 And while he understands they can defend their-selves to a specific amount, he cannot help but think the worst of what could happen
🐈 Unfortunately, this happened because of a certain traitor in Tenjiku, and that situation ended up with one person possibly on the brink of death
🐈 Your boyfriend was arguing with his twin, which was quite common, and you just chuckled as they argued like two teenage girls, since Ran had decided to tick off Rindou for fun
🐈 He was busy dealing with Ran when Kakucho announced from the entrance to even look around for you, he expected you were ready to fight, like always
🐈 Sadly, he was completely wrong...
🐈 He had heard a loud slam and he turned around to kick someone back when he saw your body, completely unconscious with blood lightly coming out of your head
🐈 Anger consumed him as he noticed Ran launched him forward alongside him, and he understood he knew exactly what he was going to do
🐈 Ran held his baton up as Rindou pinned the guy down in a lock, his famous locking the man's joints and eventually putting enough pressure in to break his limbs while his twin began to beat him senseless with the metal poll
🐈 The man yelled in pain as Rindou let go and kicked the already broken leg of the male's deeper into the ground, and he ran to your body, carrying you in a bridal pose and brought you to a safe area
🐈 Ran could hold his ground for a little while
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priniya · 6 months
SYNOPSIS. when doctor reid finds himself enamoured with a certain actress with bright future ahead of her, she gets kidnapped and all he wants to do is save her by any cost.
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going to your father’s bureau for the first time could’ve been considered an usual experience, something that could occur on a daily basis — a daughter, stopping by her parent’s workplace to possibly drop him off breakfast he left at home.
for you, on the other hand, it was a stressful occurrence. it was one of the first times at the BAU, where agent hotchner’s been working for years. the reason behind your rare visits there was relatively simple, you weren’t aware you even had a father until you turned sixteen and your mother has passed away. it was, when the social services found out that beside her, you had other living relatives, so… instead of an orphanage, you moved to quantico. building a relationship with a man, who already had a wife and a son, and no idea that his high school relationship has resulted in a kid, was rough. but here you were, six and a half year later, nervously standing inside the elevator, hoping that nothing would go wrong.
however, it had to go, you wouldn’t be yourself if everything went smoothly. as you looked into your phone to check a notification that popped up on the screen, you were met with a person — too quickly to realise that you were bound to bump into someone. the man in front of you was holding a half–empty cup of steaming coffee that other half spilled all over his brown sweater. a flush washed over you immediately, having taken a notice of what just happened.
“i am so sorry, sir.” your nervousness reached its peak the second your eyes laid on the man in front of you. he was tall, definitely taller than you, almost towering over you, glasses were resting on the bridge of his nose as he grimaced. from the plastic plate on his chest you read his name. spencer reid.
“well, uh. it’s alright.” he muttered, walking past you to change out of his stained piece of clothing, giving you all the reasons to overthink this situation, feeding your anxieties.
the confident attitude you tried to put on was now long gone as you made it through to your father’s office. it was a struggle, because you couldn’t remember how to get there, but when you did, your cheeks flushed even more upon seeing spencer, standing next to your dad, his stained shirt nowhere to be found. “excuse me, uh–” you started, announcing your presence, earning a few curious looks. “dad, you left the breakfast at home.”
“dad?” you heared a female voice whisper, and you swore your guts to know that she looked around the room for an answer, while, unfortunately for her, being left with nothing more than a shrug. the last name on the plastic clipped onto your shirt didn’t match with their boss’, which only confused them more.
hotch cleared his throat, giving you the tiniest smile as he took the brown bag from you. “y/n, these are special agents morgan, prentiss, rossi, garcia and doctor reid. you already know jj.” he said, confusing them even more. “this is my daughter, y/n.”
“hey, i know you from somewhere.” a woman spoke out, her colorful dress catching your attention immediately. “oh my gosh, hotch why didn’t you tell me that you’re daughter is playing on the russos life? i love that show!” her words brought heat to your cheeks.
the russos life was your first bigger gig that got you a little bit of recognition in show-busines and social media. at the beginning of your small acting career, you promised yourself that you’d not go to the television, because theatre was your thing. you can’t even recall the moment when your point of view changed, maybe it was after the call from your agent suggesting you that you should take the role, because the producers were already interested. or, most likely it was when you fell in love with a role you were proposed.
you stayed in the conference room (and in the building in general) for the next few minutes. after you had left, the sweet sound of your voice was still lingering in spencer’s mind that somehow went unnoticed by the team. he was sitting at his desk, frowning over something, when the clock hit three and the decision was quickly made in his mind — go grab a sandwich or you’ll go crazy. the funniest thing for people around him (if he ever let them know) might be that he couldn’t quite grasp the reason of his interest in you. reid found his thoughts trailing off to you as he hovered over the raports he was filling out that he almost wrote your name in there. he pushed the door of a nearby cafe open, intuitively scanning the place. his eyes were all over the place until he felt someone at his back.
“shit— sir, i’m sorry, i don’t know what’s happening with me to–” you began to rumble as the man you bumped into turned to face you. your face grew redder, the second you realized it’s the same person you’d bumped into already, which only made you feel more embarrassed.
“doctor reid, i’m really sorry.” you hoped your words came off as genuine, because they were. it almost seemed like you had some sort of scheme against him that you had to bump into him whenever he’s around. “at least i didn’t have a coffee on me, right?” an awkward smile crept on your lips, trying to ease the situation.
the corners of his mouth twitched slightly as spencer was taking in your beauty. the way your eyes flickered, the way lipgloss coated your lips, the way you had your hands behind your back or the way you tilted your head to get a better view of his face. the height gap between you and spencer wasn’t a lot, but it was definitely a little troubling. “thank god, i didn’t exactly have another spare shirt on me.” his repsonse made you chuckle quietly, feeling the embarrassment wash away with each word that left his mouth.
you don’t even know how much time had passed since you started your little conversation with doctor reid. even though you were the one rambling on and on, he has asked you a few times about your job, genuinely interested in what you do on set and what is your show about. he remembered the cheap looking show lila had played in, back when the bau had her case. you told him all about the plays you partook throughout the entirety of your school year and he dumped all the facts he knew about the plays on you.
you could see yourself getting fond of his presence around you, it felt eerily comforting, which for you was strange. until you moved to your dad’s place, you had rare contact with the opposite gender outside the plays, no real father figure, no closer relationship with a guy before, you had never felt so comfortable around a man, who you just met. so… it wasn’t really strange that you ended up exchanging numbers, what could be strange (for reid’s friends) was that he was the first one to call.
he kept calling, while you kept happily responding. it grew to be some sort of your thing, almost as if each of you were one another’s happy place. whenever he got frustrated with a case, he’d call you to take things off his mind, which always went smoothly. spencer was probably the biggest fan of your endless rambling about your classes or people you found annoying during the day.
the phone calls got more and more regular with each week passed, and when you didn’t call him to say good morning one day, his conscience was going absolutely crazy, his guts telling him something was off. nevertheless, his thoughts were pushed aside as his phone rung out with a call from jj, alerting on a new case.
“NYPD asked for our assistance in a possible serial killer case.” jareau explained as she handed the case files to the rest of the team. “over the course of last few days, four females were strangled before the unsub stabbed them multiple times.” she took a long sigh. “each of the girl was around the age of twenty to twenty three, studied in the state and majored in the arts fields, lived alone, but were socially active.”
a shiver ran down spencer’s spine as he heard jennifer’s words. the victimology were too familiar to you, making the unsettling feeling come back to him. pulling out his phone from the deep of his pocket, he managed to send you a quick text, asking to call him as soon as you see his message.
but you didn’t call him back. he was thinking about you all the time they were gathering more information, but there was some that shocked the team the most. the letters craved on each of the victims’ bodies. at first it seemed… like random letters, a code maybe.
“what if it’s an anagram?”
after that, spencer wrote the letters on the board, his throat tightening when the realisation hit him. the letters could be put in as your first and last name. “hotch, uh, i– can we talk, in private?” he muttered, before leavng the room the NYPD set up for them. his hands were shaking as he paced around the room, trying to find the right words to tell hotchner about his theory.
“y/n and i have been talking lately.” spencer started. “i–i got this strange feeling today, she often texted me in the mornings, almost every day in the past few days and–and she didn’t do that today.” he took a deep breath, flattering his brown shirt. “maybe i’m biased, but i think something bad happened to her, the anagram was– it was her name, hotch.” his words were falling out of his lips almost too fast for your dad to understand.
but aaron hotchner has always been the smartest guy out there, the meaning behind spencer’s words almost immediately got to him, because once again his child was in danger, he had a feeling, when he learnt the victimology, but when spencer said those words, his suspicions were confirmed. “reid. i need you to go to her apartment, i suppose you know the address?”
fifteen minutes later, young doctor was at the door of your apartment. it wasn’t exactly the first time he was there, but it didn’t matter now, not when you could be in danger with a serial killer, looking for you. “y/n?” he knocked on the door three times, when he got no answer, he did the morgan speciality, kicking the door open.
your entire flat was quiet, completely out of place. the last time he was there, around two weeks ago, it wasn’t as neat as it was right now. you had your scripts scattered around the coffee table, pillows disheveled on the couch, dishes laying around the counter, although now, everything was clean. almost too clean. then he found it, a small piece of paper underneath a cup that you made him coffee in.
you won’t keep us apart.
he recognised the fact that your handwriting was different, even though you liked keeping your place a little more messy, often calling it ‘artist’s mess’, your handwriting was neat and precise. you didn’t write this note.
“sir? you’ve gotta take a look at that.”
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the last thing you remember was walking down the street, a phone in your hand about to send a quick message to reid that you’d call him as soon as you get to your flat. it was a habit of yours, texting the young doctor to give him a notice you’d call to ramble about your day. just the thought of talking to him had given you butterflies, a thought of hearing his voice after a long day at university and on set was enough to make your day better. you were about to send the message, when a guy bumped into you with so much force you barely kept yourself on ground. before you knew it, you felt an overwhelming rush of pain, passing out soon after.
your consciousness was regained, but the place wasn’t familiar. a small room with window covered with a black fabric that didn’t let any light inside. the walls had pictures stuck all over them. pictures of you, from at least four months back. each day when you were coming back from campus, there was a photo, of you at the library, at the club with your friends, going back from school, even one that captured how you giggled at one of spencer’s facts, when he visited you.
the level of anxiety peaked, when the person who locked you up came back, a bouquet of flowers in his hands, the one you loved so dearly, the one’s your mom had always put up in vases at your house, the one you got from your manager after wrapping up the season one of the russos life. “we’re sorry.” he spoke out, his voice hoarse, cracking here and there.
“but we’re finally together, y/n/n.” he whispered, getting closer to you with each word. “no one will be able to keep us apart. we’re together, for eternity.” his hand grapped your jaw to make you look at him, his lips barely inches apart.
you could feel the overwhelming pain washing over you again, realizing that he probably stabbed you back there on the street — with that realisation, it hurt even more.
his hands were rough on your skin, almost leaving a burnt mark on your cheeks. he caressed it, trying to maintain a gentle manner, causing you to tear up. “please, let me go.” you whispered, looking at him with teary eyes. “please.” his rough, yet gentle hand slapped you across the face, attitude changing immediately.
“no.” he groaned angrily, gripping your jaw even harder than the first time. “you’re not leaving. not when we’re finally together. eternity, sun. together for eternity.” his words almost burnt into your mind.
how long were you there? days, weeks, months maybe. you couldn’t know. the lack of sun, barely any food and water was driving you crazy, nevertheless, right when he left you alone, you realized something that came up to you as a moral of reid’s story he told you about a certain case with a man obsessed with a woman. you had to play into his fantasy, no matter how it hurt and how painful it was, it was necessary to gain his trust.
and you did, played right into his delusional fantasy of you until he trusted you enough to make a mistake. leaving the door unlocked. you left in such a hurry, you couldn’t breathe. the air was suffocating, it was dark, so dark you felt scared that someone would attack you again.
“oh my, miss, are you okay? you’re bleeding.” a lady called out to you, grabbing your shoulder in a soft manner, the presence of a female soothing your nerves a little.
“i– i need to make a phone call, please, could i use your phone?” before you knew it, you were dialing one of the numbers you memorised by heart.
“doctor spencer reid, can i help you with anything?” his monotonous voice rang out in the phone, causing you to sigh in relief. “sorry?” he added. you imagined him frowning, like when he tried to teach you how to play chess and you kept giggling at how frustrated he was getting, while you pretended to not know a thing about chess.
“spence.” another escaped left your lips. “i– i don’t know where i am. i know you’re in quantico, put please help me out, there’s a guy, who—” you started rambling, your vision getting blurry.
“y/n, i know.” he whispered. “we’re in new york, garcia’s tracking your location right now, please stay on the call with me.”
“spence,” you started, holding onto the woman next to you for stability. “i– he’s done something to me, i think– i think, i might pass out.” your tone was quieter with each words, almost stuttering as you felt your limbs weakening.
your world was crushing down on you, the nearby buildings suffocating you, not letting you breathe, the stab wounds overwhelming. the next thing you knew, you were in the hospital, machinery plugged into you, your eyelids heavy as you opened them.
“you’re awake.” a familiar voice filled your eardrums as you tried propping up on the bed, stopped by the ripping pain. “hey, hey. don’t move, you’re okay.” his hand was in his, holding you so gently and tenderly you wanted to cry. it wasn’t like their unsub’s, doctor reid was genuine, the way he held your hand was almost… symbolical.
you had four stab wouds on your stomach that the man wrapped into a foil to stop you from bleeding out, but it ripped when you ran away. your face was bruised, marks left by his hands visible on your upper neck and jaw.
“you’re okay.” he repeated his words almost as if spencer tried to reassure himself that nothing would happen to you anymore. definitely not on his watch. “i won’t let him do anything to you again, i promise.” he planted a tender kiss on your hand, squeezing it softly. none of you realized that the rest of spencer’s team, including your father, was standing in the doorway, observing the little moment between you and doctor reid.
the one thing that burst your bubble was derek’s laughter, after having told a joke that obviously involved you, spencer and the fact that he was the first one you called after getting out of the unsub’s place. “looks like pretty boy stole your daughter from you, hotch.” morgan’s elbow nudged your dad’s side.
aaron wasn’t dumb, and from the very beginning, he knew that there would be something going on between the two of you. hotch knew that from the way reid’s lingered on you, when you visited the bureau. how his eyes would always slip to his phone or how he had to get away from the office to make a phone call, lasting all through his lunch break, so when four days ago he told his boss about the suspicions, it all came together.
“i know it’s early, but you have to tell us if you remember everything from those days.” your dad’s tone was soft. if he wasn’t so good at this job, you’d think he tried to make you relive the moment again, but hotch has always been great and you knew it, he wanted to catch the person who did this to you.
“it was, uh.” the words coming out of your mouth was weak, which was no surprise for anyone, since you could barely have your head up to look at the concerned faces of people in your room. “a white guy, his late twenties maybe. i don't remember much beside his hands. i thought of it as something that maybe would let you catch him.”
“what about his hands, sweetheart?” morgan asked. he was standing next to prentiss and rossi, who noted all the important things you said. “did he lack any fingers? had only one hand?"
“no, no.” you shook your head. "spencer told me that, um, most of the sophisticated killers have smooth hands. his weren’t smooth at all. it was rough, like if he was working since he was a kid.” images were flashing through your mind at the speed of light. nevertheless, it didn't feel enough. “it looked like he was in the middle of psychotic break or was off meds, he kept using plural pronouns like if there was another person, but he was alone the whole time i was there.”
when the interview was done, jj stayed behind to talk to you a little. her facial expression revealing that she was interested in your friendship with the young doctor from her team. “so… spencer told you?” she lifted her eyebrows, sitting on the edge of your hospital bed.
“yeah…” your reply sounded a little sheepish. “i kind of ran into him twice, when i came to your office half a year ago, the first time i was too embarrassed to say anything other than ‘i’m so sorry, sir’, but the second time was on his break, i think and it kind of… went smoothly from there.” a blush spread over your cheeks, but jennifer didn’t comment on that.
“you’d look cute together.” her words made your brain go a little fuzzy. maybe she was right, but something in your gut told you that nothing would be happen between the two of you, spencer was the type of guy in love with his work, not a random girl he met on a random tuesday. although, his mind was an enigma, how could you be so sure of that?
“c’mon, jj.” you mumbled, looking away. “we’re friends, strictly platonic.”
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the unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach was there, even after the unsub was caught two days after you were free to leave the hospital. it was only growing, when you were alone with a man you weren’t exactly close with. as bad as it made you feel, being around your dad’s co–workers was almost paralysing. morgan, rossi, the cops involved in your case, who tried talking to you about the entire thing, it was making your hands shake.
“spence?” you whispered, after having knocked on the door of his hotel room, a day before they left.
he opened the door immediately, almost as if his guts told him you were on the other side. he looked like you’d just woken him up. his hair all over the place, his gaze sleepy. a t–shirt loose on his body as he pulled you inside, closing the door behind you. “hey, sorry. i didn’t mean to wake you up, thought you’d be still up.” you couldn’t bring yourself to speak louder.
“i had a feeling you’d swing by.” his words made your cheek grow hotter, because to be honest… you were thinking about seeing him, laying down on the bed unable to sleep. “what’s on your mind?” he asked, bringing his hand to your chin, causing you to look at him.
“are all the profilers doing that?” you asked, mesmerised by the way his eyes roamed around your face, a small smirk appearing on his lips.
“subconsciously, yeah.” you chuckled. “don’t go off topic. something is bothering you, you know i see it.”
“i just… wanted to see you.” embarrassment rolled off your tongue, knowing that probably lots of women had already told him that. mostly, because morgan told you about the time, when prostitutes tried hitting on him during one of the cases — spencer had his charm, but you couldn’t be sure if he knew. “jesus, you can’t look at me like that, when you’re all that.”
“all that?” reid’s laughter rang in your ears as he made a step towards you, reducing the distance between you two.
“yeah? have you seen yourself before you opened the door? man, i had four stab wounds and—” you began to ramble, but his smirk and the look on his face make you stop, before another chuckle left his lips. “what?”
“reid!” you groaned, punching him slightly in the arm as he still held your face, tilting it upwards.
seconds later, his mouth were on your, his lips moving against yours tenderly. his free hand squeezing your waist gently, pushing you even closer. it was the first time you felt any type of comfort in the past few days. you were completely speechless as the kiss broke off, looking at him with big eyes.
“i– you–.” you stuttered.
“it’s funny, you usually can’t stop rambling, but now you’re a stuttering mess.” he chuckled once again, his arms firm, yet gentle on your waist as he continued to tease you with a smirk that wouldn’t get off his face.
“i thought if i did something wrong, i’d not see you again.” he whispered, his nose brushed against yours. your breath hitched in your throat at the proximity. “it made me realise how many things i should’ve done before, how important you became to me, y/n. i can’t go on without a thought of you in my mind, you’re like a plague that i don’t– that i’d never get rid of.”
“i know this job is hectic and that i’m a mess most of the time, but you’re the only one that keeps me sane after what i see.” his lips brushed against yours again and you didn’t protest.
“so… you’re saying that you can’t stop thinking about me.” it was your turn to smirk at him, your heart tingling with a feeling unknown, yet so familiar that always appeared around him. “i can’t stop thinking about you, too, you know. i, uh, had this feeling that if i get out, you’d be there somewhere to keep me safe.”
“i am, and i always will, promise.”
“is it you asking me out right now?” a quiet giggle escaped your mouth, earning a hum in return. “only if you’re gonna say yes.”
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
Hello!! I love your writing 😍 Would it be okay if you wrote Karlach, Lae'zel and whomever you wish with a tiefling!Tav that loses both a horn and an eye during a battle and can't quite find balance in their fighting afterwards bc of it?
Reacting to Tav losing a horn/eye
[Hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, nb!reader, Tiefling!reader]
[Karlach, Laezel, Wyll, Halsin]
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She swears she can still hear it, your agonised scream, the splatter of blood, the crunch of bone being torn apart.
As if the world slowed down for a moment, an eerie quietness surrounding the battlefield for the uncomfortable stretched out seconds. Your companions turning to look at you, clutching your eye with your back hunched.
Dread filled her stomach, one of your horns laid on the bloody floor next to your feet.
She doesn't remember the rest. Only when she stood atop the burnt rubble of what used to be the battlefield, did the all-consuming rage fade away from her mind.
Karlach is immediately at your side after, apologising for not being there sooner.
She's by your side as you heal, making sure to bring you anything you might need. As your struggles to adjust to combat again in the aftermath become more and more evadint, she is one of the first people to suggest fully leaving combat to her.
Yes, you are capable. Yes, she has seen how strong you are. But sometimes life just doesn't go the way we plan it. You can relay on her instead.
You don't have to go back to the cruel world. You can let her take care of it. Karlach really can't afford losing you. She'd claw her way up the heavens and steal you away if your fate took a turn to the worse.
She completely disagrees with Karlach. This is nothing but a minor setback if anything. Laezel completely has faith in you to relearn how to find your balance, and she'll teach you if she has to.
As long as you can still stand on your feet and carry a sword, then you can fight in her eyes. She will give her sincere apologies for letting you down in battle and not doing something before enemeis got the chance to best you, but besides it, you'll get no pity from her.
Why is everyone acting as if you died? You're clearly still the same strong and capable person she knows. If anything, each scar is evidence of how your enemies' failure to put you down, you should show your broken horn with pride.
She has enough self awareness not to impose her views on you, no matter how much she thinks her companions are being dramatic and oversensitive, is she noticed you being fully uncomfortable with her approach she will take her leave from your bedside.
But you got fed up with people infantlising you, then she will be the first to 6pull you back into an intense daily training routine until you regain your footing.
While Karlach and Laezel were too busy arguing about your own fate, Wyll was there for you throughout every stage of healing. He knows what it's it like losing an eye. He can relate to the horror and dissociation that happens whenever you look at the mirror to see a piece of yourself missing.
He still hasn't gotten used to his own horns himself, and losing one of yours must have been painful to bear. He will stay by your side until you feel better, no pressure to discuss the future or your fighting abilities or anything.
Wyll will make sure you don't feel alone, that the dark thoughts don't consume you too much. Share you worries with him, let him help carry your burdens, please. It kills him seeing someone so dear to him suffer when he can't do anything or help.
His heart breaks, seeing you coming back to camp limbing and bloodied that day. He prays to Silvanus to ease your pain as he takes shift with Shadowheart to nurse you back to health with healing spells.
Nature can be so unforgiving sometimes, to some animals, losing an eye or horn can be a death sentence.
But he has seen even the most withered of plants suddenly flourish and regain their strength, he has personally stayed up countless nights to care for the weak kittens that their mother refused to even acknowledge.
He has seen them grow, nurtured them into a strong healthy state.
Don't surrendered to the darkness, when the abyss starts whispering about how this is your end and how your potential was wasted you yell at the abyss, bite, claw and fight your way out of this rut.
True strength lies in the heart, give yourself time to rest, and don't rush your healing. Eventually, you'll be back on your own two feet with a new view on the world before you can realise it.
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jaegersdevil · 9 months
the lamest prank [satoru gojo x reader]
a little something i came up with in like half an hour, enjoy :P
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"...You're up to something, aren't you?" Satoru's voice cuts through the silence in your room, causing you to jump in surprise.
Glancing over your shoulder, palm to your chest, you glare at your best friend. "You scared the shit out of me."
Satoru shrugs, stepping further into your dorm, his eyes narrowing at the packet of Oreos and toothpaste tubes laid out in front of you on the floor.
"Why are you devising the lamest prank in the world?"
You roll your eyes and turn back to your project. "This was meant to be for 'Guru, and you, but I guess the cat's out of the bag."
Satoru threw his head back in laughter, his hand on his stomach. "You're so cute."
Your eyes widen as you spread the toothpaste onto one side of the cookie. "You don't sound particularly upset about being the victim of my prank."
"Oh, I'm not," He says casually as he moves around you to sit on your bed.
You squint at him. "Then why do you look so annoyed?"
Satoru says nothing, but his bright eyes behind his sunglasses tell you everything you need to know.
Sighing, you hold out your hand with a tube of toothpaste and an Oreo in your palm. "You're upset I didn't include you, aren't you?"
Taking the items from your grasp, Satoru smirks. "A little..."
"Well, you usually don't invite the person you want to prank to help you set it up, do you?"
"Guess not. But it's good my daily snooping resulted in something interesting today... It's better than yesterday... Haibara will not like what I saw."
"What?" You furrow your eyebrows. "You're such a nerd, 'Toru."
"Yeah, whatever," He rolls his eyes, white hair falling over his eyes. "Pass me that knife, loser."
After his fingers graze yours, you nod your head toward the uncapped tube in his hand. "You better load that one up good. Suguru used my shampoo yesterday, and then he stole my leftover sashimi in the fridge."
"Oh, that was me. That was so fresh, so delicious," Satoru moans. "Best I've ever had, actually."
Your jaw falls open, and you shake your head. "Fuck you, Gojo."
"Nuh-uh, you don't get to curse the only one who's gonna help you out of this situation later," He raises an eyebrow. "Wait, why were you pranking me? What did I do?"
You give him a deadpan look. "It's more like, what haven't you done?"
A gasp leaves Satoru's lips, and he leans down to place his finished cookie on the plate next to you. "You wound me, my love."
"And you are the most annoying pain in my ass ever, so we're even."
"You love me," Satoru coos, ruffling your hair. You swat his hand away, laughing.
"In your dreams."
"Wow, I didn't know you were psychic!" Satoru reels back dramatically and lays on your bed. "What else can you tell me about my future?"
When he's met with silence, Gojo sits up to see you holding an Oreo out for him.
"Snack?" The sickly sweet smile on your face is to be expected when you're dealing with his shit, so Satoru takes the cookie, unsuspecting.
"Oh, and you're giving me treats?" He clutches his chest. "You really are the greatest thing to ever exist, aren't you?"
But soon, his face screws up in disgust when he realises the cream between the cookie isn't vanilla but minty sludge instead.
"The ultimate betrayal!" He splutters, spitting the cookie into his hand, his hair swaying with each movement. "That's fucking disgusting."
A small, real smile pulls at the corners of your mouth. "Get out of my room, Satoru."
He tilts his head at the softness in your voice and stands. "As you wish," Gojo takes one step but crouches beside you. "Good luck with your little experiment."
You hum in response, rendered speechless when he leans closer to kiss your forehead. But when you don't wipe it off like usual, Satoru feels his heart skip a beat.
"Though, I'm telling Suguru to keep clear of the Oreos in the common area," He whispers. "And I used your shampoo too... he doesn't deserve to endure the pain I just did."
You gasp, dropping the objects in your hands onto the plate below.
At your reaction, Satoru laughs and stands. "Kidding."
"I hate you!" You throw a tube of toothpaste at him as he runs out of your room, slamming the door behind him.
But, later that afternoon, Suguru could be heard gagging in the common area, and you knew Gojo loved a lame prank.
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theroyalyandere · 1 year
Hi! May I request some headcanons for the yandere emperor & a fire mage? Maybe a fire mage that works for him/the empire?
yandere!emperor x fire mage!reader
authors note: I would like to make this gender neutral if you don't mind :> I added some spicy scenes but not full on smut!
content warning ⚠️: dark content, yandere, murder, noncon/dubcon, kidnapping
let's set the scenario shall we? you first met the newly crowned emperor as the new fire mage of his empire
when he first laid his eyes on you, he thought you were the most loveliest being he has ever seen
he kept his eyes on you so intensely that he never looked at anyone inside that room besides you
his eyes tell a dangerous story, so you look away trying to focus on the words of your master introducing you and a few other mages to serve the empire
the emperor immediately approves and makes a request for his servants to escort all of you to your rooms
a week in the palace, the emperor always took time to visit the mages' chamber to check the latest updates on everyone's work but actually he's there just for you
he's always behind you, following almost breathing down your neck
he keeps asking so many questions you try to keep up with him as he is the emperor
everyday, despite his duties he always manages to find time to see you even during your times of relaxation
he's very possessive and obsessive, he found out your schedule through his spies and every person you interact with your daily life
if someone ever gave a hint of interest with you small or big, it doesn't matter because that person will be declared dead the next day
it worries you what has been happening around you, you later confided with the emperor who has now become a sort of companion to you despite his presence by your side making you isolate yourself from everyone else
his eyes had a glint but his words were full of reassurance that no harm will ever come in your way, just continue being his little mage and he will secure you for life
you did as you were told so, you were often called to be by his side to the point you couldn't even work properly due to the amount of time spent with him
he loves to see you perform your magic infront of him, always watching with a fascinated grin
he indulges you and your fixation towards your experiments and he always gave you the latest gadgets and things that would help you improve
he also moved your chambers right next to his without your permission, despite your protests he says it's for your safety and so you will no longer walk far from his own
he makes it very clear for everyone that you are untouchable
as your relationship progresses his actions became a little more... Intimate
you found his hand lingering with whatever skin he could find or brush his hands on it
he also has a thing with pressing your back to his chest
you would not resist fearing for his anger when he gets too close for your comfort then he breathes you in like a drug
he took a liking to showing you as you were his spouse by making you stand beside him at balls earning the stink eyes of the nobles and whispers
it would definitely reach to him and immediately that person is either dead or fallen from nobility
one of the mages bitterly expressed the obvious favoritism towards you and the next day they were found dead
you grew cold when you found out, it's no denying who's the cause behind the deaths that has been circulating
however you are not a fool and you kept your mouth shut despite the urgency to run away because you no longer felt safe
the emperor could sense your anxiety and he knew it's only a matter of time he has to make extreme actions to keep you by his side
despite your magic he is still smarter than you
you thoroughly made a plan on how to escape the capital and yet to no avail you found yourself cornered by his men
you used your magic against all of them defeating some but they did not relent and still decided to pursue you
you felt something hit you and you fell unconscious
when you wake up, you are in a extremely dark place only wearing a thin robe with shackles around your wrists and ankles making you immobilized
your struggle echos and soon the door opens with the emperor coming in with a dim expression on his face he sits infront of you and tries to brush your face but you turn away
you beg him to let you go and stop the madness but your begging only spurned him on
"you think you could run away from me my love? I am not the emperor for nothing dear. you should never underestimate me. ever. again." he says with a growl his expression almost looks manic
it scares you what he has turned into
he gets on top of you and you try to kick him away
"tsk tsk, stop being defiant now obey your emperor and submit. I will guarantee you everything you want if you obey me."
he places his hand around your throat to stop the flow of oxygen and slowly your movement ceased then he let go
he gets closer to your face and licks the tears streaming down your eyes, his hands untying the thin robe covering your body
your nakedness makes your vulnerability even worse as your stomach fills with dread with what is about to come
his hands rub and grope your skin making you nauseous with his actions
he breathes raggedly almost salivating at the thought of consuming you whole
you cry out more
"If you don't stop from being naughty, I guess I have to go with the rough way."
okay this is kinda meh I'm sorry 😞
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kremlin · 9 days
I do computer work but it's not very hard and kind of boring. How do I get to do hard computer work? Do I have to go to grad school?
hi i tend to miss these because of slipshod ublock custom filters im too birdbrained to fix.
i worked for a large american technology company which sold business machines internationally for close to a decade until laid off in successful accounting fraud scheme a few years ago. started as developer, erm, pardon me, i started as
junior developer
which is a role similar to routinely-executed court jester and human meatwave conscript meant to soak up enemy bullets to cause exhaustion of enemy bullet supply and finally guy that comes in big gross truck with a pump and a tank and a big hose used to suck the shit+piss out of portable toilet/malfunctioning sewer etc. this is for when you are 20 years old or so and they hit you with this work to calm your ass down a bit. my case was cloud bullshit on ancient rickety php stack. 5% keystrokes/clicks are php, 95% remainder is jira and other members of the axis of evil. LOT of dick sucking and butt fucking. Going into men's bathroom and making eye contact with cubicle neighbor before entering stall and fearlessly making disgusting noises. microwaving fish lunch thrice daily. you get the idea. meager paycheck but six figures takehome technically
next is staff dev, wait, god damn fucking tumblr, you can't adjust fonts mid-paragraph, and Big Text is just another type of font, in case you wanted Big Specific font. fucking fuck hold on. next step is
staff developer
no effective change besides greatly increased workload (click those motherfucking jira buttons!! suffer coworker's asinine bad-faith code review comments that HE AND HE ALONE must manually accept your responses to, on HIS time, before you are allowed to click the jira buttons that start the human meat sausage factory to get your 20 line maximum change into an RC and then release and then push candidate and then prod push!! pay raise one thousand dollars annually (lol). Emails. Now you deal with project manager too. speculate as to what sorts of grievous head injuries that man must suffer daily to describe his logic. his job is like the guy from office space that brings documents from one desk to another but he randomly reorders the words on the page in-flight. make plausibly-deniable wife fucking jokes about his wife in earshot. you're almost at the top of the suffering function. next is, no fucking cute font this time, senior developer, sounds cool right, lol, lmao, "senior" "developer" is like "tallest" "midgit".
no pay increase no workload increase but now manager emails you about extremely, extremely personal issues he's facing and also makes his most difficult problems from his boss your problems. one week will pass and then they will hit you with the "we're considering you for a team lead position". answer:
answer no as this is the prescribed path, you take that role, you are maxxed out in workload, you are dealing with forty employee's worth of bullshit, another one thousand dollarinos a year raise, employer has solved efficiency problem with your sanity and burnout as variables. you're supposed to quit or kill yourself within seconds of hitting 30 y/o. don't fall for tricks. say "NO" in a creative way such as "i have tabulated some data and made it into excel pie chart quantifying diff. departments work output and am considering sending it to whoever Dave is, the guy that is one or two or three report levels over your boss' head, you know, his boss' boss' boss or whatever. or say "you are harassing me sexually, racistly" that kind of shit. make threat clearly.
was worth mentioning before, throughout all of this make as many friends and as much of a splash for yourself as possible as its time to trade on that goodwill, tell your boss you want an open relationship and you're going to fuck and suck other managers, and then find the good one with the good team of old fucking geriatric guys who could never be fooled into working more than a reasonable amount daily and also can kill people with their minds since they have been sitting on the bleeding edge of computing since 1969. their boss will usually be, suspiciously, one report rank higher than everyone else. e.g. their boss has a whole other boss + his reports under him. usually small team. go to their boss, say, hi, look at me, look at my beautiful plumage and captivating mating dance, please hire me, pleassseee. his team will say no, they will say things like "I don't know about that kiddo", "That guy seems like a candy-ass", they will read your papers and look at you in the eyes and say it is not compelling, the boss will kind of hire you anyway. if he doesn't you're fucked. if he does you're now a
for fifteen minutes and then
and the suffering is over. no code minimal jira + squad of gremlin zerglings under your boss whom you can rank-pull and delegate bullshit to, they will be mostly suckers, take advantage of this. 80% of keystrokes/clicks will be in production of beautiful wonderful lovely .docx and .xlsx's, what a godsend, only in an emergency are you allowed to fuck with your zergling's code, usually in a cool way with bullshit procedure removed.
i worked on high performance computing shit. "what the fuck do you mean 2PB or so in and out a day on flash memory", "what the fuck do you mean special infiniband intel MPI library on CD-R stored in Craig's filing cabinet???". Meetings with company people: webcams off, responses optional, snideness allowed. Meetings with client: you must have your dress shirt starched and white glove the shit out of those motherfuckers. timezones = skill issue. i don't care where germany is, i don't give a shit, wake up at 3am for a 20m meeting i take on the toilet or while eating a boiled lobster complete with cracker + lobster bib. customers countable on one hand, invoices to customers not countable with 32 bits. no fucking mistakes ever allowed except for like whitepaper drafts, you cannot fuck the pumpkin on this one, your actual job relies on your ability to hit a button and suck down a week's worth of compute and millions of dollars, boiling swimming pool's worth of TDP, one mistake that leads result data to being able to be characterized as flawed and your balls are getting ripped off. Quarterly IRL meetings = normiepilled normiemaxxing. Dress sharp. leave at 5pm on the dot, go to bar with Old Fucker coworkers, drink wrecklessly with them, have a blast, let them give you a tour of a lab you are absolutely 100% not allowed to be inside, buildings that have posted weight limits per sq. ft. exceeding 250lbs, such a blast. every paycheck a FORTUNE every dinner a banquet every meeting an email every keystroke life or death. you get to meet /lib/doug mofos too one of whom i wrote a very poor kind of poem thing about. thats about it. hope this helps
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jirachis-tag · 2 years
~Larry X Reader~
Word Count: 2024
Content: SFW
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-Lunch Break-
It wasn't a new occurrence to hear people make fun of your colleagues and subordinates, as the Chief of the Department. The mindless gossip never disturbed you, knowing well how draining and monotonous the daily assignments of everyone's jobs were first hand. Never had you gone out of your way to participate nor break their fun, deeming it an unnecessary activity for yourself. If anything, it seemed to have had a stress relieving effect on the employees, so you thought: as long as it stays harmless, you wouldn't intervene or react.
Except for that very day, apparently. One name made your ears clatter like a passing truck, your eyebrows furrowing until your forehead hurt. "Larry". The energy with which it was said was undeniably scornful, jeering, an urge to crush the knees of and crack open the skull to whomever had started it steadily arising within you. Your eyes scanned the area where Larry was usually seated. Almost hidden behind stacks of papers and binders was his head laid upon the desk top, fast asleep, one rarity that struck you as entirely odd.
Larry was a hard, responsible worker. He didn't quite enjoy his position, maybe even less so than others, having heard him mutter complaints under his breath and sigh miserably every so often. He wasn't violent or ungrateful whenever those would slip, nor were they aimed at anyone besides himself to hear. 'So unfortunate, I'm really so unfortunate', you've caught him murmuring. You'd glanced at him to see if you could assist him, hear him out at least, yet the chance didn't seem to have existed after all. He'd already begun doing paperwork, an aura of inaccessibility and distance constructed all around his work desk. As per usual.
"Larry?", you put a hand on his shoulder, gently rocking him back into consciousness.
He hummed in a low, tired tone, not exactly realizing who was speaking to him, why, or where he was at the moment.
"Are you alright?", your palm pressed against his forehead gently, checking for a fever.
That seemed to have woken him up immediately, as he quivered and jerked away from you, catching your wrist.
His eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise and embarrassment:
"Chief… Excuse me. This must be bothersome", he averted his eyes to the crushed up documents whose lettering was a little faded, the handwritten notes at some spots barely legible.
"No", you shook your head reassuringly, covering up the preceding exasperation exceptionally well, "You need a break, pronto. Come with me", you tugged the wrist in his grasp gently to guide him up, which he released right away, saying another apology.
You smiled at his caution and care. There weren't many instances of you two communicating before, however, from what you've gathered so far, he was often grouchy on the surface, but in reality a really sweet man who just needed someone to look after him when it gets especially tough. You wondered if he had anyone like that; a close friend, a lover, a spouse perhaps. Despite the curiosity, you forcefully disregarded the thought. Your personal crushes should lay low after all. That's what you've always been telling yourself, in fear that your professional demeanor would falter, that you'd lose the little authority you held at this part of the building. Yet you didn't manage to hold your enthusiasm in check that afternoon. And how could you? It was that perfect of a chance to make acquaintances, let Larry know you were available to communicate with on a less formal basis, emphasize on your presence in his everyday office life.
"I'll be back to work, I apologize. It was a shameful moment of weakness."
What was actually shameful was the way your thoughts would focus on him at all the wrong times in a variety of equally wrong ways. Sometimes him being unsociable and too lost in his tiredness to notice the existence of those anomalies was desirable.
"And you risk it happening again. Come on. Have coffee with me at least", the way he still didn't look convinced that he should be taking care of himself more made you change your stance, "Just for a little while. This can wait. Your health cannot. Don't make me turn it into an order."
"The big bad boss won't hear about this", you played that one off as a bit of a joke, ensuring it would be understood as such by sealing it with a wink.
Larry cleared his throat and stood up with a groan, some joints even letting out a crack. You could tell he secretly longed for leaving that chair, maybe even quitting work for that day altogether. Frankly, you'd happily join him if that were possible, as monitoring, check-ups, paperwork and phone calls weren't fun for you either.
"Mind telling me what happened? In secret, of course", you struck up conversation as you two were making your way towards a nearby coffee vending machine.
His eyes were on the verge of closing, taking him a considerable amount of time to come up with an acceptable explanation:
"Trouble sleeping, I guess. That's all there is to it."
You crouched while waiting for your drinks to brew. Looking him up and down, his undesirable posture standing out the most, a worried 'I see' crossed your lips. You considered asking whether you could give the man a hug, a pat on the back, a few meaningful, reassuring words you'd sprinkle in, hoping they'd get to him, enough to soften him up. You hated seeing him so down in the dumps all the time; a depressing sight, really. Nobody deserved to feel like that, passion and commitment to excellence and improvement destroyed, squashed down and shattered, leaving behind an empty husk, an individual who might've been an accomplished young man in the past.
Hoping to see him smile, you sent the best one of your own his way while handing him a steaming paper cup, the scent of coffee tickling your nose. It wasn't returned.
"Can I help you somehow, Larry? Please tell me if you need to talk about it, I promise to at least hear you out." To that he didn't respond. You tried again. "If you have any doubts about being a burden, clear them up right away. Let's go sit outside on the balcony. There are benches there; not too uncomfortable, if I may say so."
"Alright, if you so insist. I don't have anything to say, however."
"That's alright. We can just relax", you paused for a second, having just remembered a little something about him. Larry really liked food. "Would you… want half of my sandwich? It's not too big, and I don't know about the quality, but I'd-", he cut you off, putting his hand up, not needing an excuse of any kind.
You made eye contact with him again, his bushy eyebrows just barely raising for the first time that day. He almost looked excited. In a very Larry way. Your heart fluttered for a moment. You swallowed a lump in your throat.
"Thank you."
You tilted your head gently. In case that was an agreement, you couldn't have been more joyful. Fortunately, he noticed your puzzled expression and curtly nodded. You desperately needed to control every atom in your body not to approach and tightly embrace him. Your arms were a bit faster though, raising themselves half way before you caught yourself, lowered them and turned around to make your way towards the door leading to the outside lounge.
You wished he'd grab you by the shoulder, stop you, like in romance movies, having cleverly read your intentions, and hold you close for a while, share body heat and ardent emotion.
But, no, that's Larry, actually. Just Larry. Your most 'unfortunate' instance of puppy love yet. And you should expect nothing.
Then you did a double take when he surpassed you and held the door for you. You blinked, mouth half open. Larry didn't seem to think much of it, gaze focused on the coffee he was delicately swirling around in his cup.
He positioned his foot to stop it from closing, running the now free hand through his hair. He looked at your figure frozen in place, then motioned for you to come through.
"I'm sorry, I zoned out for a second", you tried covering up your flustered poise with a cough, "Thank you kindly."
When you got out of sight, your hand flew to your mouth, locking away a squeal. You couldn't fathom how the most basic of gestures sent your tummy in a state of ache, wings of those persistent butterflies grazing your insides.
"Chief", Larry called out in a monotonous volume, "If I'm being impolite, I apologize in advance, but in all honesty you seem of worse state of mind than myself at the moment."
The length of his sentence made you look over your shoulder. He suddenly wasn't so far away from you, and you didn't know how to respond, surprise and shock winning you over.
"Mm, I might just…"
He pointed at the bench, implying you should continue there, ingeniously passing you the spotlight, something you didn't plan on having. Did he do that often? You doubted so. How many people converse with him on a weekly basis anyways?
'Just some average nobody', you've overheard the employees today, 'He's kind of weird, in my opinion. Does he creep you out a bit, or is it just me?'
Before you knew it, you were seated next to each other. Both hunched forward, leaning against your knees, sharing your lunch. Yet mostly in silence. You'd steal glances at Larry, him patiently chewing, perhaps savoring it. He hadn't looked at you once.
"What is it?", he asked after a few minutes, taking a small sip.
"You seem like you want to say something."
So he's been paying attention.
"I've asked you before, though. However, I get now that you prefer not mentioning it."
"It's not just that, is it?"
"Now I myself am not sure whether I'd want to talk about that."
"And why not?"
"You might not be too thrilled to hear it", were you really brave enough to shoot your shot?
Rejection didn't sound desirable, but as things were going, it seemed like the most plausible scenario. You didn't know what to expect otherwise.
He sighed again:
"It's alright. Go for it, I suppose. What's the worst that can happen?"
"Look at you, reading my mind. Been wondering the same", you fiddled with your thumbs nervously.
Larry just shrugged.
You continued with a laugh:
"I know we don't know each other that well, but I'd really like to get to know you better, if that's alright with you."
"What?", his expression drastically changed from before, into a mix of astonishment and badly suppressed joy.
His chest rose and fell more dynamically while he was struggling to find convenient words. He started stuttering, not sure where and how to start answering.
You yourself were taken aback, relieved to see him so innocently vulnerable. Your heartbeat picked up its pace.
Darn it all.
Your hand enveloped his, giving it a firm squeeze in an attempt to snap him out of that nerve wracking state.
"It's alright! Sorry if I upset you too much, it wasn't intentional."
He blinked at you, his grip ever so slightly tightening as well. Your other hand was shaking, which you weren't aware of, the tingling in your legs becoming too much to bear.
All of it stopped the moment he regained his composure, your small smile replaced by a grin so wide you thought your cheeks would hurt for the next few hours:
"D-Do you want to go have dinner with me after work…?", it wasn't an upbeat kind of voice, yet you had seen through it, confirming that he was just as eager.
"I would absolutely love that", then you proceeded to fantasize about sharing bites of your meal with him. Maybe seeing him smile just once.
He nodded, saying nothing else. Well. Scratch that actually. Take it slow. He is just Larry after all.
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dokifluffs · 6 months
Early Birds | Akaashi Keiji
Pairing: Akaashi X Reader (female)
Genre: Cute high school fluff
Author's Note: I am beyond rusty; forgive me ;-; edit for after writing: IM SO BAD KAJSHD🧎‍♀️
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The streets were empty except for the occasional elderly person taking a morning stroll
Your body was warm but the crisp air crept through your jacket and the tights under your skirt
the cold chill woke you up a bit more on your morning commute to school - always early when the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon in the distance
it was peaceful and quiet
it was the only time you could think and be in your own little bubble
home was cozy but too rambunctious with your three younger brothers and your parents scrambling to get them up and to school
so you always left right when the chaos was beginning
and you were always early before most of the student body
winters were always brutal, especially for you
it felt no matter how much you layered on, the coldness still found a way in
the school came into view and grew bigger and bigger as you got closer and closer
snow crunched under your steps
the wind howled, blowing some loose snow from all around the campus into the school entrance as the door closed behind you
you changed your shoes and took off your coats and winter outerwear you wouldn't need in class
but you kept your pocket warmer knowing your hands would probably freeze off without them
school always felt like a whole different world before the rest of the students came in
it made you feel like a ghost roaming or haunting the schools
you slid the door open to your class, a faint warmth greeting you as you stepped in and closed it behind you
it was always warm around the center of the classroom but your seat was right by the window where the cold always crept in, right in the back too
in the springtime, the view was always breathtaking
but the view in winter was... still somewhat warm
the seats in class were sat in pairs and with the luck of the gods, you were sat beside akaashi, your boyfriend
you folded your arms, one hand holding your pocket warmer
your sweater sleeve was fuzzy against your face but comfy
it was either you laid on your arms or the cold wooden table
there was still quite some time before the rest of the school came
this was always your favorite time to take a quick little nap before the school chaos started
You watched the class, your eyes wandering all over the place, seeing all the things you've seen already every morning, but there was always at least one little thing you noticed was new
the classroom slowly began disappearing in your vision until it was completely gone
Akaashi stifled a yawn as he walked down the hall, waking a little too early this morning from having fallen asleep earlier than usual last night
but at least now he could sit in class and read and study ahead for the finals
he slid open the door, letting out yet another yawn, the cool metal on his hand and a warm little gust welcoming him in
He walked in and made his way over to his seat in a few strides
your hair was sprawled out over your desk and a little over his too
"y/n?" he was quiet as he carefully pulled out his seat from beside you, and took his seat
you stirred just a little, pulling your hand closer to your face but stayed asleep
"What's that?" he peeked at your hand, loosely holding onto a pocket warmer
he carefully placed his finger on it but as he suspected, just as he felt it coming from the windows, it was cold
He knew you always had pocket warmers, bringing one on a daily but it was at least warm when class started
you were always cold and shivering yet the teacher never did anything or moved any seats around
Akaashi took off his blazer and draped it around you to keep you warm
he knew you were always pretty timid so it would be rare for you to confront the teacher sternly
you mainly kept to yourself, you weren't the best at speaking but you always seemed comfortable around him and only him in class
you two even slid little notes back and forth every now and then
but it was true
you were so cute to him
you weren't the biggest fan of speaking or asking for help when you needed it but akaashi was nice enough to care and always noticed when you were struggling
he always helped you whenever and wherever you were on schoolwork
over some time, you slowly began to wake up but somehow, you weren't entirely freezing, mostly your legs
"You awake?" Akaashi tilted his head to see your slow blinking eyes, your head lifting up with a subtle confused look on your face
you felt something hanging on you but most importantly
Akaashi was already here - much earlier than normal
"Mmhm.." you rubbed your eyes
you realized the hanging thing on you was his blazer. You began to take it off of you when he stopped you
"you can keep wearing it. I know you're cold."
"Are you sure? Aren't you cold?" you hugged it closer, letting the warmth and subtle smell waft over you
"I'm okay, you need it more than I do." He patted your head but not messing up your hair
he knew you came early but was it really this early?
"Do you always come so early?"
"mhm," you nuzzled into his hand more. "I like how quiet it is.."
You rest your head back down, now wearing your arms through his blazer sleeves
"Well, I'll start coming early too." He mirrored you, leaning forward to rest his head onto his folded arms
"Why?" you brought his sleeve up to your mouth
"Because you're here. And I need to keep you warm." he leaned in close, pressing his warm forehead to yours.
"See? Even your forehead is cold. What'll I do if you get sick?" He put his hand on your forehead and you melted
he was so warm
"You feel so nice~"
He leaned close as you took in the nice feeling of his warm hand and went for it
he gave you a kiss on your lips, catching you off guard
as different as he seemed while playing or with Bokuto, you were the only one to see Akaashi's heart
he was the warmest view every winter
"I love you," he smiled, pressing another little kiss to your warm, rosy cheek
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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selyeji · 16 days
pedri gonzalez x reader
summary : lovers resting to their own corner in the woods, taking a break from social interactions.
warnings : none
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you sat on the opposite side of the table from pedri in the party, loud music playing in the background, chatter filled the building since it was a team celebration. you were done eating your food, occasionally taking a sip from the juice you ordered. you started getting uncomfortable from the amount of people.
you crossed your arms on the table, your eyes darting below. everything was so loud, needing to just shut it out. staying here too long being an introvert was definitely a bad idea. your heart races from new faces entering and walking around. you pulled your leg up to touch pedris. looking up to his face waiting for him to notice. of course, he immediately stops talking to others, bringing his attention to you. once he saw your eyes, he understood.
smiling, he grabbed your hand with his, excusing yourselves from the conversation. bringing you outside to the balcony, to get fresh air. you breathe in, taking a break from the smell of drinks. pedri still staring at you with admiration with a smile on his face. “thank you pedri, it’s like you’re the only one who understands me. you’re the only person i need” you said, blushing. “im glad, i’ll always be here, im yours.” he said, tucking your hair behind your ear, kissing your temple. “c’mon y/n. let’s leave this place.”
you and pedri entered a local convenience store. grabbing snacks off the shelves, quietly making jokes and laughing at this late hour. you check out the items, grabbing the plastic bag and going back in the car. pedri started driving, turning on music as he drove to a special spot up in the mountains. he parks his car before you both get out, walking up since you weren’t allowed to drive any further.
“race you up there!” you yelled as you ran before him. you knew pedri would outrun you, obviously he’s a footballer, definitely way more fit than you. before you knew it, he was right beside you running, effortlessly going past until he pulled his hand out, turning his head waiting for you to grab it. you reached out, running along side with him. it was hard keeping up but you grinned happily anyways.
out of breath, you arrive. it was simply just a bench on top of the mountain, but it overlooked the city. dim yellow lights that stretched throughout streets, people living their daily lives, going home from work, the palm trees softly waving. it never failed to amaze you.
you and pedri sat down, opening the snacks you bought earlier. you bring out some pieces, bringing it to pedris face, feeding him. you couldn’t give him as much due to his diet, but he was fine with it.
this spot was truly special to the both of you. deep conversations, truthful thoughts and any sort of laughter was safe. whatever was said stayed there, it helped you get away from people. sometimes we just need a break from life, not completely shutting people out. all it needs it someone you can talk to, you had each other. being introverts, your social battery going out often, you two fitted perfectly like two jigsaw pieces.
no matter how tired you are, your heart would never be exhausted of pedri. you take your earphones out, connecting it to your phone as you open spotify. placing and earbud on your ear, the other on pedris as you scroll through your shared playlist. you both share your love for music, being diverse in almost ang genre. quietly watching people on the streets below working, children going home after playing the whole day, street musicians bringing life into the night sky. birds chirped in the trees nearby, squirrels rustling through the bushes. sometimes throwing nuts for them to eat.
quickly finishing the snack you opened, placing the wrapper back into the plastic bag since there wasn’t a trash bin nearby. as you both sat there in silence, the music still playing. pedri laid his head on your shoulder, you adjusted your position so he could be comfortable. resting yours on his, pulling out your hand to play with his hair. massaging his scalp as you softly smile at the beautiful city with your lover.
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daily click to help palestine
a/n : lowkey rushed,,,
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kitsuvil · 4 months
— confines [picturesque/ayato smau]
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[ masterlist ] — last chapter of the first arc ! this has a written part
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I rubbed at the crust in my eyes, knowing that there was no plausible way for me to actually fall asleep again. Being in such close proximity with Ayato made my heartbeat spike, despite having told myself multiple times that it's a normal reaction and doesn't really mean anything. What could it possibly mean, anyway?
It's nothing new to feel excited or have adrenaline when you're with someone you appreciate. Of course, I never felt this way with any of my friends, but perhaps it was just a new platonic feeling. Right. Just platonic.
My gaze fell on his sleeping face, quiet and at peace. Until he slowly opened his eyes and stared at me, disoriented confusion glazed over his squinting eyes. "[Name]?" He looked around. "What time is it?" Ayato yawned like a tired cat.
"It's still morning. I'm sorry for accidentally staying the night, on your couch with you no less," the last part came out in a whisper. "As long as you had a pleasant sleep." Ayato's morning voice had an alluring rasp to it, some of his words slurring together.
"The sleep was fine, but after waking up... I can't say the same," I laughed in pity of my churning stomach. I did this to myself, so I couldn't whine and complain, but the more I sat around, the worse it felt. Silly hot pot challenge.
"I would question it, but I think I already know why."
"This is your fault for making me add the weirdest ingredients into the hotpot. And Thoma still won against me."
"You two share the competitive spirit," Ayato laughed as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and attempted to get up. "Do you need me to take you home?"
He stretched his limbs out from the stiff position he was sleeping in, and I couldn't help but admire his look in the mornings. Only he would look so charming after a night of sleeping on the couch.
"I would say yeah... But this couch is so comfortable. What if I stay here."
"You're welcome to, I won't stop you," Ayato's eyebrow raised in curiosity.
"If I go home, it means I have to return to the daily routine of doing more and more classwork. Tomorrow is Monday, and immediately, I'm back to the same schedule," I sighed. "On top of that, my stomach is gluing me to this couch..." I trailed off awkwardly as my stomach grumbled.
"Aren't you enjoying your time in university? Majoring in photography and all, doing what you love?"
Ayato sat back down on the couch beside me. I wasn't going to elaborate any further, but with how willing he was to listen and the distraction to my stomach pain, I found myself bringing more thoughts to the open world.
"Of course. But what else do I face other than assigned work and unwilling projects?"
I continued, not wasting a chance to get my words out. "I feel privileged to be studying my dream already, but the more I struggle to keep up, the more it feels like a chore."
There was no way Ayato would have felt this. Being forced to sit through courses when all you really want is to be out there. He's the one who had the ability for a sudden trip overseas and was able to experience so much. Not to mention, he willingly began to attend. He's skilled, but it was already laid out for him.
And it makes me feel like I'm falling behind.
I didn't want to look at him negatively, I knew how hard he worked, so perhaps the problem was with me. University made me feel like a cooped up farm animal.
"[Name], if you feel this way, why wouldn't you speak about it earlier on? Not in a pressuring way, but you shouldn't have to bottle up frustrations like this. Part of the reason why I'm so successful is because I learned to speak for myself early on."
The fatigue of the situation was almost completely gone as adrenaline took over, part of me anxious that I was whining about my personal thoughts to Ayato like this. "It's for the exact reason I mentioned earlier. It's already such a special thing to attend Teyvat Uni for photography, which is why I shouldn't be expecting more."
"Do you know why I began to attend in the first place?"
"Because you wanted to fool around and get a taste of this life?" I laughed, slightly sarcastic.
"Not at all. [Name], I signed up for this university to meet people, great people like you who have so much potential. There are many students who visibly dull their own shine by putting themselves up against people who do things differently. Do not contain yourself to a single box when the world is out there waiting for you."
"But the world is like a galaxy away when I'm confined to projects and such."
"It doesn't have to be. Just because you set yourself to this standard does not mean you belong in it. Humanity is unique. Perhaps this confined life just isn't meant for you."
I pursed my lips, pondering over his advice. A leap into the world without formal education was like a leap into the abyss.
"How about this, next time I have a place I want to visit, we'll travel together. We can come up with ideas for your future. Two brains are better than just one, right?"
I had to laugh at his poor attempt to drag me into his strange and successful life. However,
"Fine. But if it doesn't work, I'm going back to drowning in assignments."
I fell into that sirenlike attempt.
"Thank you for hearing me out... For now, I think you need something to help with that stomach bug. How does some soup sound?" Ayato stood back up.
"Soup? I'm not sure if my stomach can take any more weird things. Is this your girl math at trying to cancel one with the other?"
I felt warm from his words. It's like a few photos had finally printed out, and there was a new stack of film sitting in my heart.
"No! I promise, it's the soup Thoma makes for us when we're unwell... I just don't know how well it'll turn out. I never do this kind of thing. There's a reason Thoma is like a mother to us... but I can try."
"Then, I'm sure even your suspicious attempt will work to improve my health. Thank you. For trying to not only make me feel better physically, but for being here to listen to my strange sick ramblings."
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— hehe this chapter has much cuties much fluff much comfort!! unfortunately couldnt translate that in just photos aaaa </3 taking a few days from writing as a break until act 2 starts teehee
— taglist; @griseoo @fangygf @boxxd @driftwoodmanor @meigalaxy @kyon-cherri @xiaossocksniffer @quacking-simp @kaitfae @imgayandshesanime @lxry-chxn @ni-ki-ismyluv @cante-lope @kookiibun @kamisatoyato
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boobav · 9 months
Seaside Blue
Neuvillette x Reader
content: pure fluff, I honestly wanna write so much more for him but I'm gonna wait for the archon quests to continue...
word count: 1.3k
also on my ao3!
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A canvas of purple and pink paints the sky as the sun gradually falls beneath the sea, leaving you and the land to settle into cool darkness. The sea reflects that range of colour whilst also maintaining that pure blue that the nation of Hydro commonly emitted, and clouds were splattered up above in picturesque perfection. Besides the lapping of waves and peaceful chirp of birds, there was silence all around. 
Teyvat's evenings were consistently beautiful. The colours of the bright sky varied from nation to nation, but always, they were stunning.   
You shift to get comfortable, leaning back on your palms whilst sat on a hill by the Fontaine waters. There was a light drizzle falling, enhancing the overall melancholy that joined you this evening. It wasn't an uncommon emotion, not for you nor anyone else, but it was certainly enhanced by quiet, lonely days that ended like this. It's strange how you tend to end up sad when surrounded by such magnificent nature. It made you wonder- were melancholy and content really such juxtaposing emotions? In times like these, they seemed to fuse, just like the colours in the sky came together to form a blue darkness.  
You sighed, and laid back in the grass.   
Lumine and Paimon were waiting, you knew. They were waiting for you at a hotel in Fontaine, deciding to splurge a bit instead of spending the night camping as you three usually did. You'd been in Fontaine for about two months, and not much progress had been made in regard to talking with Furina... You weren't surprised, not after seeing her personality on show during all these trials, but it was frustrating nonetheless. It felt like this journey was simply your group running in circles, witnessing history that you never intended to be a part of, over and over in an endless cycle. You could sense the frustration building in Lumine too, despite the pure kindness she housed within her heart. In the end, all you could do was keep moving forward. Such a thought should be comforting... But the prospect of doing this forever was not very appealing. Camping endlessly, never settling down, getting involved in root-deep schemes from the Fatui... It was certainly not an easy life. 
Footsteps from behind make your ears perk up. Treasure hoarders? Fatui? Every possible threat passes your mind as you pull yourself to your feet, eyes narrowed, sword in hand- but no, instead of danger, a few meters from you stands the Iudex of Fontaine, the Chief Justice himself.   
"Monsieur Neuvillette?" Your voice comes out meek, but pleased; he stops in his tracks, and there's a moment of silence as he finds the right words to say.  
"I'm sorry for approaching unannounced." He clears his throat. "May I sit with you?"  
"Oh, sure, no need to apologise..." You chuck your weapon back to the ground and return to the floor, patting the spot next to you. He appears hesitant for a moment, as if he hadn't expected you to say yes, but soon strides over. "Any court cases today? I didn't have time to read the Steambird."  
"Only one, but I had a great amount of work to get through, so that's for the better." A soft sound leaves him as he settles on the ground, looking rather out of place in his fancy court garb. His hair is so long it settles partially on the grass, and you wonder, does he have to brush it himself in the morning? Does he have some kind of assistant to help with his daily life? The thought causes a rogue pang of jealousy in your heart. "What did you do today? If you don't mind me asking." His words pull you back to reality.  
"Well..." You start, glancing away from his curious gaze, "I joined Lumine and Paimon for some adventuring. Didn't find much besides confirmation that this nation has stunning scenery, but still, I think Liyue can't be beat in that category." You lean back once more and stare out at the sky as its colours drain to a dark blue; the waves continue to lap in your ears as the trees darken against the skyline, shadows of their former bright selves. You want to say something more, something deeper that'll bring the two of you closer- but you don't.  
You never do, and neither does he.   
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. The nation has certainly gotten livelier since you three arrived." His voice is composed and has a tinge of coldness as usual; you can almost feel it in the air- the heaviness of words left unsaid. You hum in agreement, and turn to see his eyes have yet to leave you. Neuvillette sits stiffly as if he has no clue what to do in this casual setting, too used to standing and sitting straight as a board. It's amusing, really.  
"Are you comfortable in that suit?" You ask, because clearly, he wasn't. You reach over to the button on his ornate waistcoat and pop it open- the choking noise he stifles is not lost on you. "Take your coat off, it's warm anyway."   
Your glance meets his, faces much too close as he shrugs his jacket off. It never ceases to amaze you how absolutely ethereal his eyes are; they're every shade of blue in one, finer than the sky and deeper than the ocean. The words spill softly from your lips, barely louder than a breath, "Your eyes are beautiful." And he looks away abashedly, like he doesn't know how to react to a compliment.   
For a while, the two of you sit together in deep silence, too distracted to focus on neither the sea nor each other. Despite knowing his hard exterior is easier to crack than porcelain, you still find it difficult to find the right words. Though, Neuvillette doesn't seem to mind. He browses the scenery he's viewed a thousand times before with curiosity and awe, his lips unmoving as if words would simply get in the way. He has made his intentions clear by simply coming to see you all these evenings, in his mind. You find that soon, a dull sleepiness washes over your eyes, inviting them to close; you end up leaning your head against his shoulder without even realising it. He tenses, for a brief moment, before all stress leaves his body in a gentle exhale.   
"What do you think love is?" He asks, seemingly out of the blue, and your eyes re-open with effort. You look up, and smile at the curious expression your companion has. Curious, but not unhappy with his lack of understanding.   
"I think..." you start, "I think love is when you really feel alive. You feel emotions deeper than before, without even understanding why. Colours appear richer than before, trees look somehow more real against the sky." Neuvillette's hand hovers over the small of your back, hesitant, before wrapping around your waist. You carefully move his silky hair out of the way, and press up close to him. "Love is just viewing life in a new lens. Those amazing sights were there before... But sometimes you need help to notice them, I suppose."   
His gaze is soft now, not as piercing as usual. He brushes a stray strand of hair from your face, then looks away, back towards the sea.   
"It's an emotion that has eluded me up until recent history." He says, "Not to say I have never felt love. But listening to you explain it is like listening to poetry. Humans have a way of making even the most mundane things sound wonderfully exciting." His cerulean eyes come back to you, and a small, distant smile is present on his lips.   
"I think you're giving us too much credit." You say, but really, he was right. Maybe because only one lifetime is guaranteed, humans tend to find ways to make that short while an adventure, no matter how mundane it truly is.   
"Perhaps." His hand comes to cup your face, and you lean into it. "If it's not too much to ask, would you continue helping me learn what love is?"   
And with a soft, tired smile, you nod. You kiss his palm and feel human love at its highest peak. 
...You weren't quite sure when the rain had stopped.
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koisuko · 2 months
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Tw: gn reader, apocalypse AU, alcohol, parties, my oc as your bestie, use of "you"
Veins of Valor chapter 1.
"no one is coming to save you, get up."
A reoccurring dream haunts your mind, causing more questions than answers every time you close your eyes. Unfamiliar faces burned into your brain, mourning over the loss of something you never had. Every waking day, you stand in the mirror, looking into the reflection staring back at you. It was like looking at a stranger, ever since these nightmares began looming over your sleeping figure, the bags under your eyes prominent, evidence of your recent affliction. Who knew that people you had never met, could affect your life so much. Who were they? Why did they feel so familiar, so close to you? So many questions ran through your mind as you stared at the stranger before you, the lifeless eyes assessing your features as you let out a deep sigh. "Lets get this shit over with." You said to yourself, building up the energy to drag yourself to your morning shift, rubbing the last remnants of sleep off your face like dust on a shelf. With one last look into the mirror, forcing a smile, you shrug and make your way out the door.
"You look like shit."
An all too familiar voice rang through your head, a chuckle causing a smirk to tug at the corner of your lips, finally breaking the permanent frown you've had since this morning. "Thanks, Keres." The short woman sat on a stool across the counter, her elbow laid across the surface as her head tilts with a teasing smirk. "The usual?" Your hands busied themselves with a cup, moving through the routine making of her favorite coffee, "you know me too well," she quipped, watching your every move as if to commit it to memory.
Having done this daily for her, it only took a few minutes to finish her order, handing her the cup with a smile. Keres took a sip with a sigh, smiling in content, "you never fail to make it perfect." You found yourself feeling a sense of pride swelling in your chest at her words, Keres is your best friend after all, her words always rang true and sincere. You respond with a simple smile, a genuine one, your mood now lifted for the day, a skip in your step as you move to take the order of the next customer.
"Are you sure you want to go out tonight? You aren't looking the best."
You simply waved her question off, nodding in response, "I'm sure," you shrugged, "besides, I need a good distraction right about now." Although she accepted your answer, the look of concern never left her face. Keres gave you one last squint of suspicion before locking your arm with hers, "alright then, lets go have fun!" Her tone cheerful as she lead you to her car, opening the passenger side with a bow, "your chariot awaits," she smirked, earning a light chuckle as you entered the car. The ride to the club was mostly silent, unusually so, as you looked out the window deep in thought. You thought on the nightmares you'd been having recently, wracking your brain with any possible explanation. Thinking so hard on where your brain could have picked up those faces from, anything to possibly chalk them up as a simple subconscious feeling to be decoded. You shook the thoughts away, a headache forming from the strain of your knitted brows. Now was not the time to dwell, its a Friday night, a time to loosen up and have fun with your closest friend.
The club was loud, vibrating your eardrums with each thumping beat, the crowd of people downing their drinks while sweat stuck to them like a second skin. Friday nights were always the most full, the building spilled with seas of people as they release the tension of the prior work week. It was common for you and Keres to visit the club, or a bar if you felt a bit less social, during the weekends. You never felt like too much of a party goer, but meeting Keres changed that for you, her shining personality always seemed to bring the best out in you, making parties a little more enjoyable. Tonight, you managed to snag the two of you a booth, somewhere to get away from the crowd yet still feel the good vibe of the people nearby.
Despite wanting to stay at least a little sober, the long stressful week possessed your limbs to down your fourth shot, the cool liquor sizzling your throat on its way down. By this time, Keres was already ready to move to the dance floor, making her sloppy attempt to coerce you into the crowd. You wanted to, but that fifth shot was calling your name. A look of annoyance crossed your features at the realization that you needed to order another round. "Come on, it'll be fun!" she remarks, giving you a pleading look, "lighten up, bestie, it's a party." Ultimately, you let Keres drag you into the sea of people, right to the center where a spot was conveniently open for the two of you. Stiff, is how you'd describe your way of dancing, it wasn't something you practiced at all, if ever. Yet, Keres still looked at you with beaming eyes, her face mirroring the joy of the music pumping through her veins. She looked so effortless, so care free, you almost wondered if maybe, just maybe, taking that next shot would make you feel just how she feels.
It had only been a few minutes before Keres paused mid dance, looking at you with shock and..disbelief? It took you a moment, and a confused brow lift, to realize she wasn't looking at you, but in fact behind you. Before you could turn to meet what she had seen, a hand had made its way to your waist, dragging along your back before meeting the side of the man who had done so. "Evening, ladies," he said, his lips pealed back in a dazzling smile, sparkling white teeth flashing with each beam of the club lights. Keres was quick to approach, squealing at the stranger beside you, "Oh my god!" He chuckled in response, "hey sweetheart, recognize me?" The man asked, almost as if he had known the answer already, but wanted to hear it from her. "You're Johnny Cage, I am such a big fan!" The excitement from her was evident, looking as if she was bound to burst any moment and scream. You looked between the two, the name was familiar, but it didn't ring any alarms in your mind. Clearly, he was famous, based on the looks and giggles from the surrounding women in the club. But not famous enough for you to recognize, but his appearance looked oddly familiar to you. So familiar, that you stood, staring and studying his features under the dim lighting of the nightclub. "Something the matter doll face?" His sudden spotlight on you brought you back from the search through your mind. You had been so deep in thought, that you hadn't realized the stank expression on your face, something you hadn't meant to do. You took a moment to reply, shaking your head before smiling politely, "Oh, I'm fine, thanks." You tried not to sound disinterested, but you didn't exactly have any desire for an autograph or anything. Johnny looked at you for a little bit longer, before shrugging, seemingly satisfied with your answer. He turned his attention back to Keres, who was eagerly holding a pen and paper out to him to sign, "your Ninja Mime movie series was so good, is it true you did your own stunts?" As he scribbled down a quick note on the paper provided, he smirked at the mention of doing his own stunts. He nodded in response, "I always do my own stunts," he grinned, jabbing a thumb at himself, "you're looking at a martial artist superstar baby!" You subtly rolled your eyes at the ego steaming off this guy like a cartoon pile of shit. You bit your tongue, wanting nothing more than to walk away, but staying for the support of your best friend was more important at the moment. She continued to ramble for a moment, to which he promptly ignored, only giving weak nods to appear intrigued in her fan girl behavior. He scribbled one last line on the paper before nodding once again, "mhm, and what's your name beautiful?" She seemed to freeze, a sparkle in her eye at the word 'beautiful' being directed at her from her favorite actor. Had she stood still any longer, you would have needed to snap her out of her 'am i dreaming?' trance yourself. "Keres," she uttered out, in a breathless blurt, with that dreamy expression still plastered on her face. He loosely dragged the pen across the paper, writing her name before finally ending with a quick signature. Johnny passed the small notebook back to her, shooting us both a wink before turning on his heal to disappear back into the party, likely to some private section somewhere. You watched him blend with the surrounding crowd, studying his form one last time in a trance of deep contemplation. Why did he feel so...familiar? Something about him felt connected somehow, like you've known him from somewhere. A hand on your arm startled you from your stare into the endless bodies dancing around you. Averting your gaze, you met Keres’s comforting violet orbs, who was wiggling her brows in your direction, her grin akin to the grinch on Christmas. "He's hot isn't he?" she teased to which you laughed sarcastically, "hardly!" She gave you a look of doubt, not taking your answer seriously. She hummed, rolling her eyes playfully before dragging you to dance with her once again.
Hours had past, and you were partied out. Keres on the other hand, was still full of energy fueled by the buzz of the devils juice and loud music. You insisted on sitting in your booth, to which she begrudgingly obliged, a compromise to suit the both of you. As you sat, observing the people surrounding you, you caught a glimpse of the man from before, Johnny Cage. He was sat on the floor above, leaned over the railing beside a man in a suit, a blindfold tied around where his eyes were meant to be. The two were deep in conversation, occasionally laughing or taking shots together. You squint in their direction, still desperately trying to discern why Johnny seemed linked to your memories, and oddly enough, the man beside him did as well. It was almost giving you a headache, making your head spin in different directions, or maybe it was the alcohol, you were too caught up in your thoughts to know at this point. Suddenly, you locked eyes with Johnny from across the club. Smirking, he elbowed the man beside him before nodding his head in your direction. The blindfolded man, somehow, looked directly at you, despite the cloth obscuring his vision. It startled you, the two of them chuckling at you before returning to idle chatter. It startled you to the point that you had spilled your drink on your clothes, without really even knowing how you had done so. Were they chuckling at you because of that? You blushed of embarrassment at the thought. With a frustrated huff, you grabbed a nearby napkin served with the bowl of chips you previously ordered, and began vigorously scrubbing the drink from your shirt — and failing miserably to remove the stubborn stain. You groaned, turning to Keres who seemed lost in thought, "I'm going to go to the bathroom and wash this out, will you be okay here?" You were worried for her, but knew full well that she was a capable woman. She smiled, giving you a quick nod before looking back out to the club.
You tossed the wet rag into the trash, having finally managed to clean your outfit, to an extent. Approaching the sink, you leaned over it, giving your outfit a once over one last time before settling your eyes on your face. For a moment, you simply looked on at yourself, once again swallowed by your thoughts. The question echoed in your mind, 'who is he?'. As if your mind answered, you suddenly could see the reflection of your bedroom in the bathroom mirror. Your sleepless face from this morning, that you had covered in makeup for tonight to look at least a little put together, had made its return. The dark under eyes, the saddened spark masked by a stoic and agitated expression, the messy locks from rolling around in your bed. Then it hit you, "my dream!" you called out accidentally, having a sudden epiphany. You remember the two men from your dream, except they looked more...alive and happy than last you had seen them. Your stomach churned as a thought invaded your mind, you thought it had just been a dream, yet here are these unknown men from that very same nightmare streak. The only difference, was that there was no dead men walking, and there were still two more men missing from the picture.
In the reflection, you could see Keres walk into the bathroom, the exhaustion finally catching up to her, evident in her face. "Hey, you've been in here a while," she seemed slightly concerned, but dropped it as soon as she saw you weren’t hurt, "ready to head home?" You turned away from the reflection to look at her head on, giving her a small nod in her direction.
Finally, your legs like jelly as you flopped yourself face first on your bed. The anxiety of your dreams lingered, plaguing the very idea of sleeping. But tonight, you were far too tired to stay awake, eventually closing your eyes. Perhaps, you hoped, your dreams would carry answers. Or maybe, you were just overthinking it, who the hell knows.
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mmingooo · 10 months
again and again ෆ⸒⸒ kim mingyu (김민규)
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ෆ⸒⸒ summary: wonwoo just can't seem to get a break from interrupting you and mingyu.
ෆ⸒⸒ genre: fluff, crack, slightly suggestive but nothing too crazy
ෆ⸒⸒ mingyu x gn!reader
ෆ⸒⸒ wc: 696
ෆ⸒⸒ notes: this is sort of a continuation to this fic, but can be read as a stand alone!
⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆
In the bustling chaos of your daily life, tranquility was a rare gem to find. Sleepless nights and early mornings had become all too familiar, and the pressure of meeting strangers' expectations was exhausting. Some days, you yearned for the luxury of simply erasing people's memory of your existence, curling up in bed, listening to music, and, of course, cherishing moments with your god-like boyfriend.
But today was different; today, you could pretend to be just an ordinary person enjoying a peaceful morning. The sun's gentle rays caressed your face, with no alarm or urgent calls to disturb your rest; you woke up naturally.
Beside you, Mingyu lay on his stomach, facing you from just a few inches away. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. You couldn't resist running your fingers through his hair, gently scratching as he began to stir awake. His eyes opened, and a lazy smile graced his lips upon seeing you with drowsy eyes.
"Hi," you whispered softly.
"Hi," he replied, turning onto his back to stretch.
Resting your head on his bare chest, he planted a lazy kiss on your hair, making you feel all the more at ease. Several weeks had passed since your accidental encounter with Wonwoo, and ever since that incident, you two have grown closer. Now, visiting Mingyu at his apartment felt more natural and comfortable.
"Did you sleep well?" Mingyu asked, turning to his side, his arm now supporting your head. You nodded in response.
"I had a weird dream though," you noted.
"Oh, really? What was it about?"
As you began relating your bizarre dream, Mingyu playfully showered you with kisses all over your face.
"Er— are you listening?" you chuckled.
"Of course! You were... flying around in space, right?" he teased from the side of your neck.
You snorted, "What? Did you hear anything I said?"
He pulled away and looked at your face, trying to detect any hint of annoyance, but all he found was amusement. He smiled back at you, "Not really. You just look really kissable this morning."
"Thank you?" you giggled.
"You're very welcome."
You shook your head and pecked his lips, intending for a chaste kiss, but Mingyu had different plans as he passionately kissed you. The kiss deepened, and he laid you on your back, gently moving the covers to allow more breathing space. His hands started exploring your body, and you reciprocated, your breathing becoming more intense as the desire for each other grew.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and there stood Wonwoo, the perpetual interrupter of your and Mingyu's intimate moments.
"Hey, Gyu, is this toothbrush yours or mine?" he started, then abruptly stopped upon seeing the scene before him. "Oh!" he exclaimed, covering his eyes with his forearm.
Mingyu quickly brought the covers back up, though nothing had been exposed. You felt your cheeks flush as you scrambled down under the covers.
"We're not—like—doing anything weird," Mingyu stammered, and you playfully slapped his arm. Why did he have to say that?
"I mean... anyway, what can I do for you?" Mingyu tried to regain composure.
"Uh, I was just wondering which toothbrush was yours. I got one of the same color, and now I don't know which one is mine."
"I think mine has a line on the sides with a slightly lighter color."
"Ah, alright then. Thank you, goodbye," Wonwoo said, exiting the room, pausing briefly before shutting the door to bid, "Goodbye, Y/N!"
"Bye..." you responded weakly, too embarrassed to say goodbye properly.
When you two were alone again, you scrambled back up, and Mingyu uncovered you.
"I think I might actually move to another country and ghost everyone," you said, bringing your hands to cover your reddening face.
"Even me?" Mingyu pouted.
You gently placed a hand on his cheek, "I'm sorry, life is unfair sometimes."
He smirked smugly, "You can't live without me. You would never ghost me."
You sighed, realizing he was right. You couldn't argue with that, and maybe you didn't want to. With Mingyu by your side, life's chaos felt a little more manageable, and you wouldn't trade that for anything else.
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