#no FNAF bois around here
blametheeditor · 2 years
Mike Messed Up: Chapter 1
Author’s note at end!
Warnings: frequent cursing. Mentions of murder and death.
Back Of Book Summary: Mike was just another night guard waiting to be killed by the end of the week. No more, no less. The thing is, how exactly are you supposed to react to your victim never hearing Phone Guy's messages, and instead is assigned to clean the dining room long after the clock strikes midnight?
Fuck whoever came up with the night shift.
Mike stares at the iron doors he has in command to keep out...something. He doesn't believe a thief would have the power to break something like that in a million years, but there's never a reason not to be careful.
He was honestly surprised when the manager took one look at him and said he was hired for the restaurant's position of night guard. Didn't need any training, no need for papers to be signed, not even a resume. All he had to do was get to work on time.
And that's exactly what Mike did, showing up at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria at 11:50 PM.
Spinning around in the chair his eyes wander over the many relics sitting on top of the desk pressed tightly against the wall of the small room. A tablet of some sort sat on the edge, an old fan, a creepy pink cupcake with giant eyes, and…
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," he mutters to himself. Leaning forward his eyes scan a single piece of paper addressed to him.
Mr. Schmidt,
As stated in your duties as a night guard, you are required to do a few tasks to get the restaurant ready for the morning. Simply complete these tasks by 6:00 and you will be able to leave on time. Thank you.
Mr. Seal
"'Thank you' my ass." Mike growls as he turns over the paper to see basic cleaning needed to be done in the dining room. The thoughts about the steel doors are pushed aside in favor of getting his mind on track.
Glancing at the watch on his wrist he stands up and trudges down the hallway to where he saw a janitor's closet, hoping the tools he needs to complete the list are there. After gathering the essential supplies, he then walks into the dining room and gets to work, back turned against the three animatronics to keep himself from getting too creeped out.
Freddy was quite surprised to see the newly hired guard walk into the restaurant so early, afraid he already had a clue as to what the group of animatronics would be accomplishing before his shift ended.
A smirk lights the bear's face though as the man, Schmidt his badge read, dragged his heels as he walked. Observing the new guard further, this one simply wanted to arrive on time, not having any clue as to what awaited him. This one will be easy then, a simple stuffing where Bonnie can walk into the office with no qualms and catch him completely off-
"Fucking boss," a voice echos. A shadow marches down the west hallway to reveal Schmidt walking into the dining room, completely vulnerable.
Freddy feels his servers loosen up as he shakes away the chills of not being able to command his own body. Something about this new guard seems, off.
"So fucking stupid," Bonnie smirks, offering a smile to Freddy. This will honestly be the easiest kill yet, making sure the guy never comes back a second night.
The purple rabbit and yellow chicken start to walk off the stage, when Freddy's left paw is held in the air, signaling them to stop. The two stare at their leader incredulously but stay where they are, looking at the lucky night guard who managed to earn Freddy's good graces.
"O', Freddy! Wha' be the hold up!" Foxy calls.
"He doesn't realize what happens to every other night guard."
All three of them look at the bear animatronic as if he sprouted two heads, but after hearing liquid being moved around, they turn to see the man, mopping.
For some reason, this one didn't stay in the office and listen to the tapes. He didn't even have the tablet connected to all the different cameras that's proven so helpful with keeping the miserable humans alive in the nights. He doesn't even look at the stage, simply mopping with a concentrated look as he hums a tune.
"We are only going to watch him tonight. Tomorrow we'll see how it goes." With that Freddy allows himself to be locked back into his original position. Bonnie scowls the man working but complies, never wanting to go against his leader even if the consequences seemed so small compared to the prize.
"Freddy, he got this job for a reason. He probably is a menace to the world, doing nothing more than being good at mopping floors," Chica hisses quietly, not wanting the guard to notice her speaking. The leader doesn't say a word and she huffs but also locks herself back into position.
Freddy's eyes watch the man the entire time, studying how he simply works, never checking the stage or pirate's cove, nor making sure the two areas are in his line of sight. Mr. Schmidt truly doesn't know about the horrible things the Fazbear Gang have done.
Mike on his part kept cursing the person who hired him every two minutes.
He knew he was doing these chores for cheap labor. Being a night guard in a place that has nothing to steal is an easy job, and therefore can be paid at minimum wage for just sitting and watching the restaurant. The day time workers have to deal with people and parties all day and are paid more. Telling Mike to do all the chores just let the bastard keep more of the money earned through the shit hole of a restaurant.
"Fucking asshole. Who does he think he is? Pushing me around like shit." It takes at least a solid hour to mop the floor clean, but right after that Mike goes to wipe down the tables, the next part of his list.
After five straight hours of cleaning, the man finds a random chair and flops down into it, his breath gone from all the hard work. Sure he could've half-assed it and saved the time, but the floors and tables really needed a good cleaning.
Freddy's eyes widen at how good the restaurant looks after Mr. Schmidt's work. None of the employees ever took the time to make sure the job gets done right, and even then their hard work becomes dirty again before the cleaning supplies could do what it was meant to, children running around and placing their hands on everything to mess it all up perfectly.
Looking at the clearly exhausted man Freddy stares at him. Why would he do all that work? Was he told to do it? But even if he was, why do it to the point where he's out of breath at the very end?
Very interesting this new night guard. Very interesting indeed.
True to his word Freddy doesn't so much as move a finger the entire night, even when the new worker slips off into a light slumber.
"Can't we check him out Fred?" Bonnie asks after the guard fades off from the waking world. Blue eyes searching the rabbit's red ones, and the bear finally nods once then resumes his position. They won't kill the man as long as Freddy requests it, and it's too cruel for him to not allow the others to move around freely during their only time to do so.
"Finally. C'mon Chica. Let's see what this guys all about." With a graceful hop the purple animatronic lands on the dining room's tile floor, taking the time to set down his beloved guitar on the stage before stalking over.
From far away the new guard is just a normal human, male and average height. Nothing fancy about him, though his hat always seems to dip on his head.
"Think I should scare him?" Bonnie smirks, leaning so close to the guard's face he can feel the soft breath.
"Freddy wouldn't like that," Chica says as she ambles over. Her eyes flicker over his prone form and softens a bit. "Poor little guy. He worked so hard to clean the place up."
"I can't wait to stuff him. Maybe tell Foxy to rip out his spine this time."
"You're always so gory. I think he's really sweet." Chica scans the man once more, taking note of his badge and the word Schmidt on it, when she spots a piece of paper on the table. Grabbing it she looks it over then thrusts it over to Bonnie. "I know why he didn't stay in the office."
Snatching the paper from her the rabbit scans it as well, eyes widening at what was stated.
"Someone wants him to get killed," he breathes.
"Why woul' anyone wan' tha'?" Foxy questions from his curtains.
"He could be a murderer who never got convicted of his crimes," Bonnie smiles, leaning menacingly over Schmidt.
"Oh hush! Mr. Seal probably wanted him to do something other than cower in fear all night. Good thing he did or else those pizza stains would never be wiped away," Chica berates. Taking one last look at Schmidt, she trudges back to the stage, swiping up her cupcake and plate before falling into place.
"Can we talk with him this time then? Ask why he did such a great job on the place?" her friend whines from behind.
"You can always talk with them. Only if it doesn't give away your position before you attack," Freddy answers.
"'Course Fred Bear. I'd never let them know I'm coming to get them," the rabbit purrs. Looking back at the guard he sighs at the lost opportunity but climbs up the stage, also checking to make sure his prop is in his paws. Foxy ducks back into the dark cove, just in time for their servers to lock up once more and a day time worker to unlock the door.
Mike didn't know what happened. All he remembered was finally finishing the cleaning put aside for him by the dick who hired him, only to suddenly get screamed at by a random guy.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" he screeches, flying backwards and out of the flimsy chair.
Bonnie and Chica, for their parts, try their hardest to control their laughter, though a few snickers carried through the pizzeria. Fortunately, with Mike's crash both humans were busy trying to help him back up and missed the animatronic's amusement with the situation.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. You just wouldn't wake up to me simply saying your name so I had to get louder."
"No no, it's okay," Mike smiles as he stands up. He straightens up the chair and offers a real smile to the startled man watching him worriedly. "Thanks for waking me up. I don't think the boss would appreciate how I was sleeping on the job."
"I get it. It's the night shift and it's really late. I don't envy you. Well have a good day, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow morning when you're done." With that the man walks away to do his job as Mike walks to the doors.
Wait, he hopes to see me tomorrow?
Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |  Chapter 6  |  Chapter 7  |  Chapter 8  |  Chapter 9
Well hello, hello!
To start with, this particular writing is fairly old, at least four years old. It was my first ever FNAF fanfiction, and also one of my first ever complete one (as in with chapters instead of oneshots)
I went back and forth with the thought of ‘should I move this to tumblr or not, and if I do should I rewrite the entire thing’. It’s been on a different platform this entire time and to be it felt...weird? to put it over here if I didn’t rewrite or edit before hand.
The thing is: I love it. For what it says about how I wrote before. How far I’ve come in making a different writing style. Maybe one day I will completely rewrite it, but after I finish the plot in my head in which I haven’t written for in several months it’s bad.
Hopefully this will give me more motivation to get those chapters written! Maybe both platforms will have this story stay on hiatus until twice a year a chapter gets knocked out. At least on here it ain’t uncommon ;)
Just wanted to let ya’ll know there will be a chapter popping up for ‘Mike Messed Up’ every week! Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoyed ^^
Have a wonderful day!
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darkwingswarrior · 2 years
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hear me out...
What if moon/ sun had the “kitten reflex” when you grab his handle. 
I will be abusing this idea now... 
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starswimmingart · 2 years
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Some doodles for my (possible?) first ever fic, a selkie y/n DA au where you, dear reader, are the selkie, and the DA’s (one in each body this time!) are oceanic exploratory robots built to gather research and study! However, the owner of the coporation funding these robots, might not exactly have the best interests in mind, completely unknown to the DA’s..  not sure what to call it yet so for now it’ll just be The Selkie Search!
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lucaplushie · 7 months
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will n henrys fursonas
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cherrysnax · 11 days
oh yeah we were also wondering why we flock to media with dead kids that haunt the narrative both figuratively and literally and uh :) yeah we know why
#child death tw#rowan seemed so much older when we were kids#but realistically she was barely like 14#maybe even 12 or 13#Jason Todd chara and asriel. them mfs from fnaf and maria#they’re dead kids but at the end of the day they’re all apart of someone else’s story#and a lot of them come back. in one way shape or form#with the exception of maria they all come back wrong and hurt and twisted by their deaths#but still deserving of love. still craving it more than anything#being a vessel for someone else’s opinions. barely even themselves#rowan died. and a part of us died with her#that was probably uh.. yknow. That guys last real time being here#cheri took all the stuff as kid. all of it happened to them but buddy boy was still kinda around#and then rowan died and then. She did too#and then Jay had to take over for years and then cheri came back but didn’t know they were cheri until#like they were 17 because they just repressed repressed repressed#and obviously those are very shallow views of those characters#but to a hurting kid who resonated so much with them they were everything#I have no clue why I’m so introspective tonight#but my friends do call me the emotion guy so#I guess it means something. but yeah something died in us when rowan died#but something was also born. rowan was a person. a little girl who should’ve grown up and that’ll never change#but I think this year is the year that we learn to let her go#im happy i got the chance to know her when we did#I hope she’s a fucking butterfly or something really cool like an alligator if her next life#also we already knew why we flocked to this media because duh. but like it helps to know which part of us needs more healing#who needs a therapist when you have me ;)
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glitchafton · 2 years
First though as I wait here, useless headcanon of the day: Obviously yes, William and Michael suffer from same face syndrome just 20 years removed where the biggest natural difference is that William’s eyes are a lighter blue and Michael has a bit of a larger nose (there’s also just scar differences, Michael has one under his eye, both of them have at some point broken a nose that didn’t get set properly but in the oppose direction....things like that)
However past both being 6′6 they have different body types, William’s overall broader to start with, and works out more regularly can be described loosely as a bit of a unit.
Michael is just a lot more leg based and narrow to start with(ie longer legs, shorter torso), started ballet as a little kid as a way to spend time with and/or relate to his mother, kept up with it through adulthood because it helped him focus somewhere else for a few hours a week, and when I said leg based I also meant power is contained in the legs. And full body but he’s got a much leaner build. ...There’s an element of wanting to ready to fight his father at any time.
The William one has been a standing one, but I think I got tired of sad noodle boy Michael and decided he needed a more interesting reason to be there.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 7 months
a/n- Give my boy a break 😭 no warnings, angst to fluff. But this is like my second time writing for him so I don’t have his character completely down and analyzed ): hopefully it’s good
fnaf masterlist
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You knew he was having a hard time with everything. His hands were on his forehead, as Abby rambled on at the dinner table. His eyes stayed glued on the bills, wondering how he’d pay for it.
He was just fired from another job, some job at a pizzeria this time. The pay wasn’t good, anyways, but it saved Abby from having to go to Jane.
“Hey, Abby, why don’t you go show me your new drawing?” You said, interrupting her rambling. Mike looked up at you, shaking his head. His eyes saying “it’s fine.” But you shook your head back, and gave him a small smile.
“Okay.” She said, jumping up from the seat and grabbing your hand, leading her to the room.
After a while, you tucked her in. In a way, she thought of you as like a mother.
“Goodnight, Abby.” You said with a smile, she smiled back and you shut the door.
You went into the living room, where Mike was staring off into space as he cleaned up the dishes.
You came up behind him, he jumped, not expecting you.
“She asleep?” He mumbled.
“Yeah. Mike…” you started, as he dried his hands.
“Come on. Let’s sit down for a second.” You said, he furrowed his eyebrows. Was this your way of breaking up with him? A million thoughts ran into his head, his anxiety getting the better of him.
“Hey, it’s nothing bad.” It’s like you could read his mind. You put your hand on top of his as you sat on the bed. He sat across from you.
“What is it?”
“I just.. I noticed you’ve been stressed, and I didn’t really wanna tell you this cause I know you would be all ‘we’re fine!’ And stuff. I got a second job. And I think that you just need to take a break for a second-“
“Wha- Y/n- how’s that even gonna-“
“Work out? It will. I promise. I’ll still be here every night, and I know you’re struggling. Mike, I just want the best for you.” You said, looking up at his glassy eyes. You were too good for him, he thought.
“We’ll make up the bill, and we’ll figure everything out. Together. I promise.” You said, smiling at him again.
“But why would you-“
“Because I want you to relax. I love you, and I would do anything for you. A second job isn’t gonna hurt, okay?”
Tears start to fall down, the weight of everything was crashing down on him. Abby, getting fired, Garrett, and now he felt like he was burdening you.
You frown, and scoot closer to him. You wrap an arm around him, he cries into your shoulder.
“You’re not a burden, Mike.” You mumbled.
“I love you.” He said, and you smiled. That was all you ever needed from him.
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sqvishii · 1 month
My personal headcanon is that the way Fae asks for their lover's hand in marriage is by weaving them a flower ring and proposing to them, they either cast a spell to not wilt or to change the flower ring regularly
So imagine the shock when you jokingly proposing to any of the diansomia boys with a flower ring
(This applies to qny of them, but i had silver in mind)
(Also just dumping my tjoughts here)
fuck ir this is so cutr im doing all of them
• sebek zigvolt
both of you were walking in the garden, while he was talking about how great malleus is, you busied yourself with a flower ring
it was a bit simple to make, you wondered if your half fae boyfriend would like your little creation
while he was still talking, you went in front of him and presented him the ring, making him stop for a moment.
his reaction was priceless, just a blank stare with blown eyes once he realized what it was LMAOOO 😭
"sebek what."
turns out you didn't know a thing about fae stuff and all that, he calmed down and accepted the ring
.. silver saw him staring at the wall blankly with tears running down his eyes before looking out the window, revealing you messing around with ace
he was a bit sulky once he found out you didn't know a thing about fae culture and actually thought you were proposing 😭🙏
keeps the ring on, you can see his flustered face whenever he walks around and lilia is teasing him about it
• silver vanrouge
as usual, silver was asleep in the garden. typical
while bored out of your mind, you decided to make a flower ring for your sleepy boyfriend so you can surprise it with him once he wakes up.
with your fingers delicately working on the flower and stickig it onto the ring, you felt silver wrapping his arms around you
his head resting on your shoulders as he asked what you were doing while he was still half asleep, his eyes widened a bit once seeing the object in your hands as you showed it to him.
"[name], are you sure you want to marry me? im not an ideal husband, but i can try to provide and such. if we were to have kids then-"
"silver wtf are you on about."
oh. yeah, you didn't know anything about fae customs.
he was taught about fae culture from lilia lolz, he embarrassingly hid his face from you as you put the ring on his gloved hand.
he wears it daily and often asks lilia to cast a spell on it whenever he sees it withering.
• lilia vanrouge
while you were out somewhere, probably at sams shop, you saw a pretty looking flower ring.
thinking of lilia and how he would rather enjoy the small gift you bought for him, you purchased the said items alongside a few more.
walking back to the campus, you could only be fnaf jumpscared by lilia who popped up in front of you, upside down, like a bat.
recovering from your surprise, you quickly boop him on his nose, makig him laugh before standing up like an actual human being.
sitting down on the ground, you showed him everything you purchased. from antiques to books.
once you showed him the flower ring, his smile turned into a straight line as he stared at you.
it wouldn't be long until he smiled sadly, knowing you didn't know a thing that you just did.
"are you trying to propose? haha, in fae culture, we usually propose through flower rings."
"oh.. then, consider this as my promise to marry you!"
.. just like meleanor.
he could only laugh as he puts it on, did the shine in his eyes get larger?
he wears it wherever he goes, he hopes the day of your actual proposal is soon.
• malleus draconia
you were staying in your dorm before you heard the knock, like, the knock. your boyfriend is here to take you out on a nightly stroll!!
grabbing your jacket, knowing it's a rather chilly night, you noticed the flower ring your made yesterday for him. bringing it with you, you opened the doors and saw him patiently waiting.
holding your hand in his, the moon shining its light down on the pavement the both of you stepped on, the both of you either talked or kept on walking in comfortable silence.
the next moment you brought on a new topic, you pulled out the ring, making him stop taking a few steps forward as he stood there in shock.
it wouldnt be long until fireflies decorated the area near you two, giving it a melodramatic scene as you stood there, utterly confused.
"i accept, man of child."
"malleus what do you mean 😦"
turns out you knew nothing, not even a shred of fae culture.
the fireflies would be gone and it would start raining LMAOOO
he thought you were serious, well, you were; about the whole ring thing, but he didn't think that,,,, ☹
very well then, he shall be content with the trinkets he has now.
having the ring on him, he gets all giddy now whenever he looks at it and never takes it off.
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sant-riley · 7 months
Yeah but like what if one day Gaz walked into a room and saw Y/N FNAF lore dumping to Ghost
[Infodumping the boys]
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(Mostly Platonic tf141 x gen neutral! reader, hints at Ghost bc it’s me and I’m biased.)
Summary: Teddy aka You, decide to gather the gang and tell them about five nights at Freddy’s before the movie comes out.
Word count: 800 ish
Warnings: Possibly of for the boys (idrc tho lmao), Teddy is this readers callsign, reader is implied to be at least early 20’s, I can’t think of anything else tbh but lmk if this does need something tagged!
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It wasn't uncommon for you to infodump your teammates, they're all older than you and have significantly less screen time than you (it ties into being older). Most of the information you give them is something they take as fact, this is no different.
Gaz of all people knows your interests best, you two being the closest in age means you both realistically grew up with the internet and its most popular series.
The last thing he expected walking into one of the many meeting rooms on base, was you at the front of the room, your laptop hooked up to the projector and Price and Soap sitting down, dutifully listening with varying degrees of attention.
Price is to your left, staring down at mission documents that no doubt need to be turned in by tomorrow. A glass of some liquor next to his stack, a cigar box that's propped open right by it as well.
To anyone else, it would seem like Price isn't listening and he's just here to keep you from bothering him to come but Gaz can see the Captain's eye flick up every so often, his eyes softening when his gaze falls on yours, listening for a few beats, a miniscule upturn of his lips until he's looking back down again, grabbing a pen to make a correction.
Soap on the other hand is sitting next to Cap, a hand resting under his chin, the other flipping around a pen in his hands. He's nodding and asking questions as you flick through. Below him is a notebook that seems to have scribbled in it, if Gaz walked in further he could see little drawings of Monty Gator and Soap himself, a Venn diagram with a large red writing saying "Mohawk!!"
Ghost being there probably should be a shock but it isn't. The man is known to follow you around like a shadow, he humors you arguably the most out of the four men, letting you drag him to and from places with minimal complaint. He bets Ghost is gonna be the one to take you to the five nights at Freddys movie premiere.
Simon's dressed down to just his hoodie and his balaclava mask, attentively watching you as you speak passionately about each character and their role in the series. his dark eyes flicking around to stare at the drawings you inserted so everyone could see what the animatronics and others looked like.
You would've thought this was a mission debrief with how focused he was on your words.
Gaz lets out a fake cough, announcing himself to the room and he watches as your eyes immediately latch onto him, he ignores how his heart skips a beat when he sees the crinkles of your eyes, seeing you shoot a glowing smile his way.
You always look at him like that but he never tires of it.
"Gaz! Finally, you're here!"
Rushing over to him, you grab at his hand, quickly intertwining fingers, and start dragging him to the seat next to Ghost. He sits down with a huff, amusement swimming around his eyes. You move to go back to the front of the room, gleefully rocking on the balls of your feet as you look at them.
"What's all this about?" He questions, after getting nods in acknowledgment from the other 3 men in the room.
"Teddy here is tellin' us about five nights at…Frankies?"
"It's Freddy's, Johnny." You roll your eyes playfully.
"No shot you're making Ghost and Cap listen to this."
"I'm not making them do anything, they're here of their own free will, thank you very much." Sticking out your tongue, moving to click to the next slide.
"Is that true Cap?"
"It's background noise," John murmurs with a shrug, taking a swig out of his glass. He leans back in his seat, seemingly taking a momentary break as he looks around at the table.
"Got nothin' better else to do," Simon answers easily, looking at Gaz from the corner of his eye.
"You ain't gonna ask me, Garrick?"
"Nah, you of all people would enjoy it."
"What's tha-"
"Boys! Shut it! We're getting to the good part!" You clap your hands together and Soap immediately cuts himself off, looking back at you.
With all the boys' eyes on you, you clear your throat and push a button, there, from when Gaz remembers, is Michael Afton in all his purple nasty body glory.
"Fucks wrong with him? Why does he look like that?" Simon remarks, an eyebrow shooting up.
"I'm so glad you asked, you know actually the more I think about it, You and Michael actually have a lot in common.”
"How so?"
"Asshole dad, the oldest brother, daddy issues, I can keep going if you want."
Ghost just grunts in acknowledgment, raising a hand to his head and rubbing at his temples.
Price chokes on his liquor, coughing as it goes down the wrong pipe.
Soap audibly drops an "oh."
And Gaz just stares, truth be told, yeah. Yeah, he can see the resemblance.
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americasass91 · 6 months
Use Me
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Hello there! I know I’ve been M.I.A. for awhile. And literally haven’t written anything in like 8 months. I’ve been going through a shit ton. (Divorce, job change, all kinds of fun stuff) And I really lost my spark to write. And then the Fnaf movie came out. And seeing Josh Hutcherson on screen again lit a fire inside of me! That boy was my original crush (long before Evans). Peeta Mellark will forever have a piece of my heart. That being said, here’s a little something starring Mike Schmidt! I know, I know. It’s not a Chris Evans character? What’s wrong with me? Josh is fucking pretty. That’s what’s wrong with me. Like, I have a problem. Don’t get me wrong, I still think Chris is pretty and hope the best for him. But…he’s not been my muse lately. I said a long time ago that I wanted Josh to fuck me like a screen door in a hurricane. And it apparently still holds true today! So, I hope you enjoy it even though this is not a part of your regularly scheduled programming! Also, this takes place after the events of FNAF. Also, Also. Not sure if the people on my Taglist for Chris’ characters want to be tagged in Josh’s. If so, just let me know!
*DISCLAIMER*, If you’re under 18, this is nothing for you to be reading. Go away.
Words: 3.3k
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut, p in v smut, oral(f rec), unprotected sex, language, Mike being good, um I think that’s it
“Listen Y/N, I’m gonna need you to stay and work the next shift.”
You turn around and look at your manager as if she had suddenly grown 3 heads. “Excuse me? I don’t think I heard you right. It sounded like you said you needed me to stay and work the next 8 hour shift.”
She rolls her eyes as she goes back to charting the current patient she’s working on. “You know that’s exactly what I said. Look, I have no other options. Hannah called off.”
“Again? This is like the third day in a row! How is that fair exactly?” You put your patient’s paperwork down and cross your arms over your chest as you stare at her expectantly.
She doesn’t even bother looking at you as she answers. “I don’t know what to tell you Y/N. She says she’s sick. I can’t have her come in if she’s sick.”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes. “If by sick you mean hungover! She literally posted on Instagram last night about her night out on the town!”
She glances over at you. “There’s no way to prove if that was from last night or if it's older. Now just get back to work and I’ll let you have an hour and a half break instead of an hour.”
Now you’re pissed. “Yeah, see, that's not going to work for me. I’ve already been here for 16 hours because Kim was late. I’m not working Hannah’s whole ass shift. I have plans. I finally get to see my boyfriend after weeks because our schedules weren’t lining up. I’m not staying.”
“You really don’t have a choice. I wasn’t really asking you, I was telling you. There’s no one else to cover.”
Tears started welling up in your eyes out of frustration, exhaustion, and the possibility of not being able to see Mike again. “There’s a bunch of other people that can cover! What about you? You’ve only been here 8 hours. It would make more sense for you to stay.” 
She turns in her chair to look at you now. “Y/N, I have actual plans. My husband has a work party. And the rest of us have husbands and children to attend to. Not just ‘hanging out with my boyfriend.’
Now you’re seeing red. “So what you’re saying is because I’m the only nurse on this floor not married, I get the shitty end of the deal and have to cover when other people call off?”
“No. If you had legit plans then I’d be more sympathetic. But you haven’t even been with this boy that long. You don’t need to spend every free moment with him.”
“I’m sorry but who do you think you are? My mother? Because I’m a grown ass woman. And if I want to hang with my boyfriend on my time off then I’m going to! I don’t really need your approval for it. I’m not staying.”
You grab your Stanley and start heading towards the locker room to grab your stuff. 
“Y/N! If you don’t stay, then you can forget about this job.”
You turn around just before reaching the end of the hallway. “Well, then I guess you’re going to have to stick around and cover Hannah’s shift. Stick it up your ass, Jan. I quit.”
You don’t even stay to hear what she has to say. You quickly run to your locker and grab all of your stuff out before you start to cry. You can’t believe you just quit. And it’s not just because of your boyfriend. You haven’t been treated right since the first week you started. This was just the last straw. You just hope Mike won’t be disappointed in you.
After a quick shower and outfit change at home, you reluctantly find yourself pulling into Mike’s driveway and getting out of the car. You haven’t gotten to see him in about 3 weeks and you know you look like shit from not only your long ass shift but also because you cried on the way over.
You head to the front door and open it up. He always leaves the door unlocked when he knows you’re coming over, and get hit with the aroma of pasta. Mike’s cooking you dinner. That makes you want to start crying all over again. He’s the sweetest.
“Babe? Is that you?” You hear him call from the back of the house. He quickly comes towards the front and sees you. His smile falters when he sees the state you’re in. “Babe, are you okay? What happened?” He quickly wraps you up in a hug. 
You try your best to keep it together but a few tears fall. “I quit today.”
He pulls out of the hug but keeps his arms around you. “You did? Babe, that’s fantastic!” He pulls you back in for another hug and picks you up to twirl you around.
Your mood instantly lifts and you can’t help but laugh. “It is?”
He sets you down and pulls you in for a quick kiss. “Of course it is! That place was treating you like shit! And Jan was a bitch! What finally made you do it?”
He lets go of all but your hand and leads you into the kitchen so he can continue making spaghetti. He sets you down at the table and pours you a nice big glass of wine he bought just for tonight. “I want to hear all about it.”
He goes back to the stove and continues making dinner while you rehash the last 16 hours.
He turns around with the sauce spoon in his hand and his other on his hip. “Hannah called off again? Jesus, how does she still have a job? Didn’t she do this to you last year during Christmas?”
Oh, shit. You had forgotten about that. She did do this last year! You had plans to fly home and see your family for the holidays when Hannah unexpectedly came down with ‘the flu’. Jan had called and needed you to work since nobody else could cover. You felt like since you were still new at the time that you couldn’t say no. Now you’re getting pissy all over again. 
“Oh my god! You’re right! Maybe the bitch has some vendetta out against me. I’ve never done anything to her though! I’ve been nothing but nice!”
Just then your phone dings, alerting you of a text. You quickly check it. It’s from Hannah.
I can’t believe you threw a tantrum and quit just because I wasn’t feeling my best and couldn’t come in. Wow. All so you can hang out with your piece of shit delinquent boyfriend. You sure have your priorities straight.
“Fucking cunt!” You yell as you throw your phone across the table. Then immediately you slap your hands over your mouth just as Mike turns around to see what you’re yelling about.
“What’s wrong? Who was it?”
You remove your hands from your mouth. “Mike, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to curse that loud. I hope Abby didn’t hear me.”
He waves you off. “Babe, she’s not even here. She got invited to a sleepover at Natalie’s house. We’re alone. You’re good.”
You sigh in relief. “Thank god! I don’t want any of my bad habits to rub off on her.”
Mike just chuckles and turns back to the sauce. “If she turns out anything like you, I’d be entirely okay with that.”
You can’t help but feel a blush creep up your neck. He was always saying sweet stuff like that. You get up and hug him from behind and press a kiss to the back of his neck. “You’re too sweet.”
He turns around in your arms and grabs your face and gives you a proper, toe-curling kiss. “I mean it.”
After a few more shared kisses, Mike finishes up dinner and fixes you both a plate and a glass of wine for himself. As you’re sitting there twirling your spaghetti around your fork, you can’t help but think about Hannah’s text again. And then all of the little snide remarks she’s ever made to you come flooding back.
You snap out of your thoughts and Mike comes back into focus. “Yeah?”
He puts his fork down. “I asked if there was something wrong with the spaghetti? You’ve hardly touched it.”
You look down at your plate and realize you’ve just been twirling it around your fork. “No, it’s fine. Just thinking about what Hannah said and how much it pisses me off. I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to ruin our time together.”
He smiles and grabs both of your plates and gets up and places them on the counter. He comes back over and holds his hand out to you. “Come on.”
You grab his hand with no hesitation and let him pull you out of your chair and let him lead you to his bedroom.
He turns around to face you right before you get to his bed. “First of all, you could never ruin our time together. I love getting to spend time with you no matter what. Second of all, it sounds like you need to let out some anger and need a distraction.”
You can’t help but feel all tingly at the smirk he’s giving you. “What did you have in mind?”
He backs up a little and sits on the bed and looks up at you. “Use me, Y/N.”
You shake your head. “What? What do you mean?”
He reaches out to grab your hands to pull you towards him. “I mean use me. Use me to distract yourself and to take your anger out on. I’ll be a good boy and do whatever you need.”
That almost had your knees buckling. “Oh.” He lifts your shirt up and starts pressing kisses along your stomach while running his hands from your back to your hips and down to your ass. You’ve never been in this position before. Sure, you guys have only been together for like 5 months but anytime you’ve ever been intimate, he’s been the one who’s taken charge.
He pulls back and looks up at you. “Use me, baby. I got you. Tell me what you need.”
You decide to run with it and take control and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “I wanna sit on your face.”
He lets out a little whimper as he moves back on the bed. “Fuck, baby. Please sit on my face. I want you to suffocate me.”
He lays back and patiently waits for you to remove your pants and panties. You hesitantly climb up on the bed. You’ve never done this before with anyone but have always wanted to try it. You climb up until you’re straddling his waist and lean down to kiss him. 
He returns the kiss enthusiastically and grinds you down onto him so you can feel how hard he already is for you. It makes you let out a small moan into his mouth. The making out only lasts for a few more minutes before you pull away and start climbing up until you’re hovering right above his mouth.
Before you fully lower yourself onto him you grab his hair and yank so that he has to look at you. He lets out another beautiful whimper. “I’m going to ride your face until I can’t think of anything else but your tongue. You’re going to be good and make me cum as many times as I want, right?”
He nods instantly. “Yes, I promise I’ll be good for you.”
“Good boy.” You tell him, which makes his eyes roll to the back of his head. Hmm. Who knew he had a praise kink?
You let go of his hair and grab onto the headboard with both hands before you slowly lower yourself onto his waiting mouth. 
He immediately grips your thighs and pulls you even harder on him and starts eating you out like a man starved. “Oh, fuck!” You throw your head back and start grinding on his tongue. He gives you a few more licks before he sucks your clit into his mouth and starts lapping his tongue back and forth against it. “Oh, god. Fuck, Mike! You’re so fucking good at that.”
Your praise has him moaning and whimpering into your pussy, heightening the experience that much more. He moves his right hand towards your ass and gives it a nice squeeze before moving towards your pussy and immediately inserting two fingers.  It makes you start grinding faster, feeling yourself already close to the edge.
He starts pumping his fingers in time with your grinding, pushing you even closer to the edge. You can’t believe how quickly he got you there. 
“Mike, please! Gonna cum! Make me cum.”
He pumps his fingers even faster and lightly bites down on your clit, knowing it’ll make you fall over the edge.
You scream his name out and grind on him until it’s too much and you lift yourself away from his mouth. To which he whimpers out, “where’s that pussy going? I wasn’t done yet.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “Jesus. I almost passed out from how hard I came. Give me a minute.”
“So I did good?” He looks up at you with big eyes and his chin glistening with your juices.
You pat his hair. “You did so good, baby. Made me feel so good.”
He smiles and wraps his arms around your thighs and presses soft kisses to the inside of them. You close your eyes and take a minute to enjoy that before you look behind you and see his erection pressing painfully against his jeans. You need that inside of you. Right now.
You remove yourself from his face and he lets out a little whine. “Don’t worry. I’m not done. Need your cock, baby.”
You’ve never seen him undo his belt and slide his jeans down that quickly before. It almost makes you chuckle. “Eager, are we?”
He nods as he pushes his jeans down far enough that his cock springs free and hits your ass. “Need to feel you around me, babe. Please.”
You lean down and pull him into a kiss which he returns generously. You can taste yourself on his tongue. He grabs his cock and hits it against your ass, signaling that he’s ready for you to slide onto him. You take the hint and lift up and back until he catches at your entrance. He’s the first one to break the kiss as you slowly slide down onto him. The little whimpers he lets out as you sit flush against his thighs is music to your ears.
You decide to tease him and just stay resting there for a minute while looking down at him. He has his eyes clenched shut and a death grip on your hips. He opens his eyes after a few moments and looks up at you. He reaches his right hand up and places it on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. “Go ahead and use me babe. Take what you need from me.”
You slowly start moving your hips back and forth, never really lifting them up and down. The friction against your clit is so delicious. You place both hands on his chest and start moving your hips a little faster. “Oh, fuck baby. You feel so good. You’re so deep.” 
“Yeah? Am I making my girl feel good?”
You smirk down at him. “Oh, yeah. You’re being so good for me.”
He lets out another whimper as he grabs you by the back of your head and pulls you in for a heated kiss. This one sloppy and desperate. His hand that’s still on your hip starts moving you a little harder against him. He pulls away from your mouth and kisses his way up your neck towards your ear. “Come on babe. Cum on my cock. I can feel you clenching around me. Cum for me so I can be good and cum for you.”
This time you’re the one letting out a whimper. “Yeah? Want me to be your good boy and cum for you? Fill you up?”
“Please.” You whine out, moving your hips even faster than before. You can feel your orgasm coming like a freight train. There’s no stopping it. 
“Oh yeah. I can feel it. You’re gonna cum for me. Do it. Make a mess on me babe. Please, I need it.”
“Yeah? You need me to cum for you? Need to feel me cum? Oh, god Mike. I’m almost there. Please don’t stop.”
He continues helping you grind your hips against his. You’re almost there. Just a little something…..
“I love you, Y/N. So fucking much.”
That did it. You’re pitched off the edge and silently scream out. The edges of your vision going white. You can vaguely hear Mike whimpering out your name as he does as promised and fills you up. You slow your hips down until you can’t move them anymore and slump down against him with your face tucking into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around you and rubs his hands up and down your back.
You both stay like that until your heartbeats return to normal. You lift up your head just until you can see him, almost nose to nose. He’s the first to speak. “So, did I do good for you?”
You let out a chuckle. “You were so good, baby.” You can feel him twitch inside of you at the praise. “But, we need to talk about what you said.”
Mike scrunches his brows for a few minutes before his eyes go wide and he realizes what he said. “Shit, I did not mean to say that.”
You can’t help the disappointment that crosses your face. “Oh, well that’s okay. It was in the heat of the moment.”
He quickly wraps his arms tighter around you. “No! That’s not what I meant. Shit. I one hundred percent meant it. I just wanted to make it special when I told you. Not in the middle of an orgasm. You deserve better than that.”
You smile and press a kiss to the tip of his nose. “I appreciate the thought. But I really don’t need anything special. I already have you.”
His smile lights up his entire face. “I love you, Y/N.”
This time you press a kiss to his lips. “I love you, too Mike. Like, a lot.”
“I bet not as much as I love you.”
Just as you’re about to retort, Mike’s cell starts vibrating, causing you to jolt with fright since his phone is still in his pocket which your leg is pressed up against.
“Jesus Christ.”
You quickly get up so that he can grab his phone. “Hello?”
You go into the bathroom to clean up. You come back in with a wet cloth to clean Mike up. He just hangs up as you come in the room. “Everything okay?”
He smiles in thanks as you hand him the cloth. He goes about cleaning himself up. “Yeah. That was Natalie’s mom. Apparently Abby has decided she doesn’t wanna stay the night so I have to go get her.” He stands and pulls his jeans back up and smooths his shirt out. “Sorry we won’t be alone anymore.”
You pull him in for a quick kiss. “Nothing to apologize for. I love you Mike. And that means loving all of you. Which includes Abby. Whom you know I just adore. Go get her and we’ll have a movie night or something.”
He shakes his head and pulls you in for another kiss. “I still don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
You just smile in return. “After the past year you’ve been through, you deserve to be happy.”
He chuckles as he heads out the door. “Ain’t that the damn truth!”
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dinozarr · 7 months
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⠀ “please~.. i’ve been such a good boy, baby.”
i need him in my bones. but, CRYBABY MICHAEL that needs to feel every inch of you. he loves when you make him beg for it; until the point of tears streaming down his face. the sense of pure ecstasy that trickles through his bones at the endurance of you sliding down him is like no other. he can’t tell if he wants to cum, cry, or beg for you to keep going. which you do regardless. your sleek walls wrap around him oh so diligently. it’s nasty. it’s demeaning. you’d be shunned for how vulgar your intimacy was. “f-fuck baby please. please let me cum, i’ve been so good for you. s-sssuch a a good boy.” his pleas were humorous at best. if that’s how he was going to act you sure as hell wanted to make sure you dragged it out for as long as you could. his nails delved into the raw flesh of your exposed hips, that familiar white pigmentation dispersing all over his knuckles from the pure aggression he was suppressing. his agonizing tip poked your womb with each sultry movement you bounced on him. you switched speeds every so often, watching in pure delight at his expressions mixing together from the overstimulation. his girth was surely something you had to get used to, from his tip to his base; the size only expanded. when you weren’t trapping his mouth with your own and swelling his lips even more, you were praising him for being the good boy that he was. he was so good for you. so good to you. some would think you were evil for causing him to cry like such, but rest assure the man enjoyed it more than he did actually hitting his climax. he loved feeling inside of you. being so close with you yet so far. he craved nothing more than having his tip kissing your cervix every passing second.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “just like that. please baby please- o-oh fuck~.”
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NOTEZ : sorry for not posting in a while, been working on my kpop blog. also here u go my love, @vilsoo , my second favorite fnaf fan/michael afton simp 🌚
© TAKST4Z 2023 — all rights reserved. mature discretion. please do not plagiarize or steal any of my works or graphics.
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theehoneeybee · 7 months
Talking In Your Sleep. Chapter 1.
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Talking in Your Sleep - Blue Monday
The new security hire doesn't realise he's in deep. There's more than just abandoned arcade games and dusty decorations at Freddy Fazbears Pizza.
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader
Word count: 2.2k
a/n: I haven't written in like a year but the fnaf movie altered by brain chemistry. this series is cross posted on my ao3. lmk what you think!
series m.list
next part >
The halogen lights flickered, lighting up the black grey room, it's peeling walls covered in fake-motivational posters. Dream Big! Work Hard! What bullshit. Mike bounced his leg anxiously. Yet another job gone because of his temper. That was the third one this month. At this point, he had spent more time at the career councillors office than at an actual job. 
"Number 27," the receptionist called out drearily. 
Mike grabbed his jacket and made his way to the councillors office, already dreading the outcome. This councillor wasn't one he had met before. He swivelled around in his chair, skimming through Mike's file with a less than pleased expression plastered on his face. Amongst his cluttered desk strewn with paperwork from the hundreds of others looking for work was a black and gold name tag. Steve Raglan. 
"What is your deal Mike?" he asked, gaze not lifting from the manila folder. "What are you, some kind of headcase?"
Steve reads aloud the incident which landed Mike in his office. It was all a misunderstanding. Mike had seen a confused, lost young boy wandering through the shopping centre, so when a strange man dragged him away, he couldn't sit idle. Of course, he should have talked to the man first instead of immediately brutalising him and traumatising his poor son in the process. He knew that. But at the time, all he could think about was protecting the boy. The loss of Garrett eats away at him. Steve lists out his past jobs. One week. Terminated. Two weeks. Insubordination, terminated. 
"It's like you're not even trying, yet you sit before me asking for help," Steve sounded almost amused. "I'm just trying to figure out who you are, Mr Michael Sch-"
Steve's expression changed. He rereads the last name printed on the page, glances up at Mike, staring at him with an unreadable expression. He gets up to pour himself a cup of coffee with shaky hands and a furrowed brow. 
"I'm going to be brutally honest with you here Mike. Given your track record, your options are gonna be extremely limited." 
"I'll take anything. Any job you've got," Mike bargains but Steve insists it's not that easy. Defeated, Mike gets up to leave before Steve quickly speaks again.
"I have a job for you." Mike sits back down. "It's a security gig. Full disclosure: it's not great. But you only have to worry about one thing, keeping people out. And well, keeping the place tidy but-"
"That's two things," Mike interrupts. 
Steve shrugs. "Do you want the job or not?"
"How's the pay?"
"Not great, but the hours are worse," Steve explained with a smile.
Mike's expression fell, rubbing the back of his neck. He muttered out, "I can't do nights."
Steve chuckled. "That's such a shame." As Mike got up to leave, thanking him, Steve gave him his card.
"In case you change your mind."
The roads were always empty at this time of the night. Your car hummed quietly as you made your way to work. 11:48pm, the clock read. These night shifts had really messed up your sleep schedule. You yawned, pulling into the parking lot and stepping outside. The icy breeze ran straight through you, the cheap security vest doing little in the way of warmth. You hugged it tighter to yourself, eager to get inside and escape the cold. Immediately you were hit with the smell of dust and rot, something you had become familiar to over the past weeks. You navigated through the pizzeria, kicking broken glass from the many break-ins out of your way. Even with the curtains drawn shut, as you passed the animatronic show stage you could feel eyes burning into you. The whole place gave off an unsettling vibe. When you had gotten the job, they explained to you the owner was sentimental which is why he kept the place up, rather than demolishing it. You couldn't understand why. As you entered the security office, you grabbed a chair and wedged it under the door handle. It had become routine. Doors would randomly open and more nights than not, footsteps could be heard down the hallway. Yet, you never saw anyone there. You sat down in the cracked leather chair, booting up the monitors to begin yet another long shift. 
You swivelled around in your chair, trying to entertain yourself. Every room in the pizzeria was decked head to toe in cheap Freddy Fazbear merchandise. It left a sour taste in your mouth. As a child, you had spent countless hours in the pizzeria against your will. Instead of paying for childcare, or taking time off work, your parents would just dump you at the pizzeria. After school, weekends, whenever. From open to close. On more than one occasion, you had tried running home only to find the house locked. It was only once you started getting older they gave up on the pizzeria, leaving you at home instead. It was almost ironic that you chose this job after all the time you had spent here, but money is money. On the plus side, you never had to deal with annoying co-workers or rude customers. One by one, the hours slowly ticked by. Tonight was quiet. No sounds of footsteps or random clanging. Everyone was right in their place. Some nights you could've swore you had seen Foxy move. The curtains to Pirate's Cove didn't close properly, allowing you to see inside. Maybe you were just sleep deprived, but one night, about a week ago, it looked like foxy had moved and was staring directly down the camera. It was like they knew you were there. But after you had rubbed your eyes, he was back to normal. The second the clock struck six you were out, avoiding staring at the show stage as you rushed out the door.
Mike stared at the phone, idly toying with the business card Steve had given him the day before. He couldn't work nights, that hadn't changed, but he was at a point were that was his only choice. Aunt Jane was trying to take custody of Abby, citing Mike's inability to care for his younger sister and lack of employment. As right as she was, Aunt Jane was a bitch, and there is no way Mike was letting her take custody of Abby. Mike turned around to look at Abby who was sat in front of the TV, drawing as always. Abby didn't talk to Mike much, too absorbed in her drawings and conversations with her imaginary friends. He sighed and dialled in the number, holding the phone up to his ear as he waited for Steve. 
"Hello?" The crackled voice through the phone answered.
"Hi Mr Raglan, it's Mike."
"Mr 'I can't work nights'." Mike could hear Steve's smirk through the phone.
"Right. I was just wondering if that job is still available?"
"Oh, it absolutely is. Why? Have you had a change of heart?"
Mike turns around again to look at Abby. "How soon can I start?"
As you were getting ready for work, the phone rings. You answer it, holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you struggled to lace up your shoes. "Hello?" you asked.
"Hi, it's Steve Raglan," the man replies. Shocked, you grab the phone properly and sit up.
"Oh, Mr Raglan. What can I do for you?" You prayed to every God in existence that he wasn't firing you. As little as the job paid, you needed every cent. 
Almost like he was reading your mind, Steve replied, "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. But, we are making some changes to the job." You listened anxiously. "We've hired another security guard. Given how big the place is we thought you could use an extra set of hands. He's starting tonight so you'll have to train him but I'm sure you guys are gonna have no problem." Before you could protest, Steve wishes you a good night and hands up. You groan, leaning back in the chair. The solitude was one of the very few things you enjoyed about this job and now that was taken away from you. You snatched your keys and left, slamming the door behind you. 
As you drove the the pizzeria, you wonder what kind of person was desperate enough to take this job. Well, you, but who else? You arrived in the parking lot at the same time as your new co-worker. As soon as he stepped out of the car, you noticed how tired he looked. His dark hair was messy and bags hung heavy under his eyes. He definitely didn't want to be here. The two of you walked silently to the door. You glanced at him and introduced yourself as you unlocked the doors.
"I'm Mike," he replied, barely looking at you. Okay, rude. 
You let him inside and began to give him a rundown of the job. "It's not that hard," you explained. "Ninety percent of the time you're just sitting around watching the monitors. Occasionally I'll clean stuff up or go investigate a noise, but there haven't been any break-ins so far."
As you walk past the show stage, Mike peeks behind the curtains. You smirk and decide to give him a fright. You press the big, red Showtime! button next to the stage. Immediately, colourful lights illuminate the room and loud 80's music plays as the curtains draw back. Mike steps back in shock, watching as the animatronics on stage start to sing and move about. He shoots you a look of annoyance for scaring him. The show is cut short by the fuse box tripping, the lights flicker off and the curtain draws. 
"Amazing, right?" you say sarcastically. "The power here is pretty shitty. If it goes off, there's a breaker. Just flip it off and on and it should work again."
Mike stayed silent as he followed you to the security office. He watched you curiously as you wedged a chair under the door. 
"It's just for safe measure," you explain. He gives you a half-hearted nod and investigates the office. You sighed. It was going to be a long night if this is what he was like. 
You turned on the monitors and showed Mike how to use them. The technology was old and half of the buttons were jammed and caked in dust. It didn't take Mike long to figure out how it worked.
"I'm gonna do a check of all the rooms. Just keep and eye on the cameras and give me call if you see anything," you said. Mike gave you a quite okay, keeping his eyes on the screens. You left and wandered through the abandoned pizzeria. As bad as it sounded, you didn't think he would last. Why was he so unfriendly? Nothing you had said or done was mean yet he was so standoff-ish. The building groaned and the old lights flickered. From down the hallway, you heard a hum. It sounded like someone singing. You stopped in your tracks, pointing the flashlight down the hall. You never heard anyone come in, but something about the song didn't sound human. It was familiar, something you had heard before. You slowly walked away and snuck back into the security room. 
"You okay?" Mike asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Um, yeah..." you trailed off. "Yeah I'm fine. Did you see anything on the cameras?"
Mike shook his head. You sighed and slumped down into the chair. You must just be tired. 
It was only 3am. You looked over to Mike who was barely awake. "You can sleep," you offered. "You look really tired."
"I'm fine," Mike insisted but you narrowed your eyes.
"These shifts will ruin your sleep schedule. Try get some while you can."
Mike chuckled. "It's ruined enough thanks."
Your eyes caught onto the book on the table. Dream Theory. Curious, you picked it up and skimmed through the pages. You looked up at Mike with a slight smile. "I didn't expect you to be into this stuff." Mike looked embarrassed. 
"Apparently, everything you ever hear or see is stored somewhere in your mind," Mike began to explain. "You can access them through your dreams when you use familiar sights and sounds," he paused. "You think I'm crazy, don't you?"
That was the most Mike has said all night. You shook your head. "I think it's cool. I don't really get it, but it's cool." He looked surprised by your response.
Slowly, your shift came to an end. The sun was slowly starting to rise. You were ready to crawl into bed and sleep for the rest of the day. Mike looked like he felt the same. He intrigued you. yes, he was closed off and honestly a bit rude, but there was definitely more to him than he lets on. The metal of the gate was freezing against your hands as you locked up the pizzeria, your breath visible the the cold morning air. Mike tucked his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, squinting as the bright morning sun beams into his eyes. As your make your way to your car, you give Mike a small wave.
"I'll see you tomorrow night."
He nods and you think you almost see him smile. "See you tomorrow."
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ntls-24722 · 6 months
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many times, when fnaf artists are requested to draw music man/dj music man, they get them mixed up!!! which is reasonable!!!!!!! we know almost nothing about them, google mixes them up constantly, and a certain matpat meme has only made it more confusing!
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They all have very similar faces, but they've got some staggering differences!!!!! so im detailing them and also giving some trivia/our known knowledge of them!!!
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The OG music man! He made his debut in FFPS/Pizzeria Simulator and makes another appearance in UCN. He is!!! weird!!
He's not built like a spider-centaur, he's literally like a minecraft creeper with a torso and a bunch of legs at the bottom.
He's got a design unlike any other fnaf animatronic, even deviating from the style of the human ones, though this is speculated to be because he seems to have design elements from enemies and bosses from Scott Cawthon's other game, The Desolate Hope.
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He's described to have "something undesirable" inside him (it's never explained what) and in the Posh Pizzeria group he is the only one to have a liability risk at times - in UCN he's the only one of the posh pizzeria that can and will kill you. Also, weirdly enough, in UCN he's the only animatronic other than the original Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy to use the FNAF 1 scream. Despite being called Music Man, his gimmick in UCN is that he hates noise and you need to keep it down for him to not kill you - music also counts as noise for him.
He's voiced by Matthew Curtis, who also voices nightmare Balloon Boy, here are his lines for UCN!
DJ MUSIC MAN (Security Breach)
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DJ Music Man! (Always abbreviated to DJMM in-game)
If MM is built like a creeper then DJ is built like a pig - he's Horizontal and looks more spider-y
There's even less info on him, but here goes:
He's a party host who makes up all of his music on the spot, but in between sessions he cleans around the Plex! The reason why he goes nuts and tries to kill Gregory is that he has an experimental but prohibited bouncer mode that was turned on, which is why he's chill afterwards. He also doesn't speak, unlike Music Man.
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Windup Music Man!
Designwise they're almost identical to MM, but they look like they got microwaved and scraped across asphalt at mach 10. And also got a windup key stuck in their back. And TINY
Ingame they're described to be a prototype of Music Man that escaped the little museum part of the Plex, and that's all we really know. Other than that, their dynamic together is kind of comparable to a bunch of ants working together. They also JUMP and can be seen conversing/playing together.
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ALSO: Those cymbals are not legs, they just have a really weird stance similar to actual tarantulas.
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There's technically 394 Windup Music Men because the game randomly generates them from a collection of fucked up parts.
There's no height indication for Music Man but here's one for the security breach cast by @/musings-of-astromonster
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happy music man-ing
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angrygirlromero · 5 months
A/N: hi! I’d just like to say that this is based on the show, because I haven’t read the books as yet, and I’m so very in love with Luke and don’t worry I do know what happens to him, so hope you like it!
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Apollo fem reader
Warnings: established relationship, mentions of asma attacks, bad parenting, soft luke, possible grammar mistakes.
REQUEST ARE OPEN! For: pjo, got, Saltburn, hotd, hunger games, fnaf, etc.
Adeline Basset had always been a daddy’s girl, doing everything in her power to prove herself worthy of her father’s affection no matter what it was or what it took, and even without all her efforts, Apollo would’ve still call her his favorite.
The Apollo girl had been in the infirmary all morning long attending to a young Ares boy with asma problems, “I know it’s the third time this week” explain the boy in embarrassment to his elder sister, Clarisse shook her head slightly in disapproval lifting her hand to play with younger boy’s hair, “it’s alright nick, if you ever feel the least bit breathless then just tell me” said Clarisse with a sympathetic smile.
“Now that you’re better remember you have training in an hour so go ahead I’ll catch up with you” ordered the Ares girl to which her half sibling nodded before getting off the infirmary bed, “thanks so much Adi” said the little boy with a grin, “anytime” to which Adeline replied with a friendly smile as she put away the tools she had used to get the boy’s breathing under control.
Leaving the two girls alone Clarisse spoke up, “I’m sorry about the timing” “it’s alright as long as he’s okay” smiled back the Apollo girl, “thanks by the way, I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t here early” said Clarisse with a stressed look overtaking her face.
“I’ve been reading up about his condition, and I spoke to my dad, and he said that there should be some herds in the enchanted forest that could help him” explained Adeline, “but it’s gonna be hard to get my hands on them” she went on.
“I could try and get them for you” offered Clarisse, “it’s not that simple, but thanks for the offer I’ll see what I can do, just make sure he has his inhaler with him at all times” said Adeline, to which Clarisse nodded, “I will thanks again” “it’s my pleasure” Clarisse gave Adeline one last thankful look before leaving to start training her siblings.
Ever since the night of the arrival of Percy Jackson Adeline had not seen much of her boyfriend, not because she did not want to, but rather because she had been more busy than usual at the infirmary.
From the very moment she had met the boy she knew he would do great things, despite his sassy personality Adeline and become quite close with the young boy, despite the short time of their meeting.
Adeline could remember that night clearly, she had stayed late in the infirmary with Luke that night, “come on pretty girl, you’re over working yourself, I’m sure there are other solutions” said Luke as he kissed his girlfriend’s cheek, his large figure wrapping around her from behind as he watched her scramble through old enchanted books.
“No I’m not, his condition is worse because of his father’s genes he’s harder to heal” said Adeline not moving her eyes from the book, “it’s late you haven’t slept in days, you need your rest, besides the Ares kids are always mean to your siblings they don’t deserve your hard work” spoke luke.
“I’m not doing this for them I’m doing this for him, for nick he’s so young and innocent, he can’t walk for two minutes without coughing” “are you sure you’re doing this for him, or is this you trying to prove yourself to your father?” Asked Luke as he turned Adeline around to face him.
Adeline kept her head down, Luke frowned at her reaction lifting his fingers to her chin to look up at him, “hey, hey I didn’t mean to make you mad pretty girl” he said, “no you’re right, it’s not only about nick, it’s about proving myself worthy of my father’s affection, he’s been talking to me a lot more recently, he’s been giving me more gifts and we’ve been bonding, and I feel bad for my other sibling that he doesn’t even talk to…” explained Adeline.
Luke paused for a moment leaning down to press a deep kiss on her lips, “you have nothing to prove, Apollo has adored since the moment you entered camp and you and everyone knows it, it wouldn’t matter if you weren’t the best archer or the best singer and song writer, even if you didn’t have your powers or knowledge, you’d still be his favorite. All the Gods are selfish and they know they have other children but they choose to acknowledge the ones they think are worthy” spoke Luke, “it’s not fair” “I know pretty girl it’s not” said Luke leaning down to press his forehead against his girlfriend’s”
“Adi! Adi!” Called out Grover as he entered the infirmary with Mr. D, Chiron and some other campers breaking the two lovers from each other, “what’s the matter?” Asked Adeline, “it’s the new kid, he’s injured he killed a Minotaur!” Exclaimed Grover.
“Set him on the bed” ordered Adeline, which the campers quickly did, as Adeline rushed to check him and begin to heal him.
Luke stood in the corner admiring his girlfriend work, doing what she loved, “aren’t you supposed to be in your cabin?” Asked Mr. D causing Luke to jump, “I-“ “get to your cabin kid” ordered Mr. D causing Luke to rush out of the infirmary stoping at the door to look back at his girlfriend, smiling as he watched her hands glow as she pressed her hands onto the new kid’s arm to heal him.
“Hey Adi” called out Perch smiling at her from the door way of the infirmary, “we’re heading to lunch, you ready?” Asked Percy as he glanced at Luke who stood behind him leaning against the door with a charming smile on his handsome face, “yeah I’m coming” replied Adeline smiling at her boys.
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raphael-angele · 3 months
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Then Took Them to Camp Later-er Part 1
This will be a side series where I list down things that happened as Hades and the entire Underworld raises Bianca and Nico. Of course, Bianca does not die because I am in denial and I refuse anything bad that happens
Bianca's Violin
I've been having this headcanon for a while now that Bianca knows how to play the violin.
She was formerly taught how to play by Maria, before the Lotus Hotel. When she and Nico arrived in the Underworld, Bianca wasn't settling in very well so Hades got her a violin as a welcome present. It didn't exactly cheer her up but she felt a little bit more comfortable.
Here's the thing though, she brings that violin to Camp and she plays it as much as she can and all she knows how to play are songs and pieces from the 1900s. One of the pieces she's perfected is Los Toreadores, which if you don't know, is the famous FNAF soundtrack.
Everytime she plays this, other campers would panic where the sound was coming from. Bianca has no clue what they're talking about, growing up in the 30s and all that.
Bianca looks around the infirmary in search for a particular blonde boy with blue eyes that glowed like the sun itself. "Bianca!" she hears from one side of the room and she sees him walking towards her. Lee Fletcher, one of the few people that bothered to make friends with her and her brother when they first came to camp.
"Lee, hi." She greeted with a soft smile. "What brings you here?" Lee asks, looking her up and down to find any injuries. "I need some bandages. Four of them." Bianca answered. Lee looks at her, a little confused. "What do you need that many bandages for?" He asks. Bianca holds up her left hand, showing him her bloodied fingers. The blood had stained her entire palm and dripped from the tips of her fingers. "My fingers are bleeding." She says, unfazed by her injury.
"GODS!" Lee panicked, seeing her hand. He quickly took it into his and examined them carefully. It looked as if something had sliced the skin. "What in Hades happened?!" He asked, pulling her to an empty cot. He made her sit down as he pulled a chair from the side and sat down. Bianca was confused by Lee's worry. It wasn't like she was dying; it barely hurt.
"Will! Go get me the first aid kit, please." He ordered the boy passing by. He looked to be around Nico's age. Quickly, the boy, Will, set the sheets he was carrying and ran off to do what was asked of him. "What happened?! Why are your fingers bleeding?! Is this from archery practice?!" He asked. Will came back with a small red kit with a white cross on the front. He put it beside her and opened it.
Lee took some hydrogen peroxide and dabbed it on some cotton before carefully applying it on her fingers. "I was playing the violin. I didn't realize how hard I was playing until I saw how red the strings became." Bianca explained. "Who on Earth wouldn't notice their hand bleeding?!" He asked, still a little shock. "Apologies. I get distracted easily playing the violin" she says. Lee sighed, "Be careful. You'll never know, strings are really dangerous if you play too hard" Bianca rolled her eyes as he dabbed betadine on her fingers.
Will stared at her, as if examining her. "Hey, you're Nico's sister, right?" He asked. Bianca looked at him and smiled before saying yes. "Does Nico play the violin, too?" He asks. "Uh, no. No, he doesn't. He doesn't like the sound of the violin much either. He says it's too squeaky and annoying." She answered.
"Lee, can Bianca play the violin at the campfire?" Will asks, hoping his brother would agree. "Will, her fingers are hurt. I doubt she'll be able to play for the next few days." Lee explained, wrapping her fingers in a white bandage. The younger boy frowned. "Maybe next time, William." Bianca smiled, ruffling the younger's hair. He smiled back and nodded his head before going back to his other works.
"Okay," Lee exclaimed as he finished off with the bandages. "A few things. Sorry to say, but no violin for the next few days." She sighed. "Secondly, your archery training might be affected so take it easy a bit. Maybe ask for finger guards. I have some extras if you want. And I need you to come in some time after lunch so we can change the bandages." He said.
"How long do I have to wear these?" Bianca gestured to her bandages. "I reckon...no longer than a week" Lee replied, walking over to the nearby counter. "Don't worry. They didn't look too deep of a cut. But I recommend that you take it easy on archery practice and dagger training with Annabeth." He came back with a jar of lollipops. "Now, since you were a good patient, have a lollipop" he gave her a wide smile as he opened the lid. Awkward silence drifted.
"You're giving me a lollipop." Bianca deadpanned. "Yeah. We give all our patients lollipops." Lee continued to smile as Bianca continued to blankly stare at him. "I'm not a 5 year old, Lee."
"There's a grape flavored one" Lee informed her. Bianca quickly stuck her uninjured hand into the jar in search of the grape flavored treat she was promised. She pulled it out, along with two lollipops; one grape, the other lemon. "You mind if I take two? Nico's gonna ask where I got it and I don't want him to end up in the infirmary just to get a lollipop." She said. "Go ahead." Lee replied. She put the lollipops in her jacket pocket and stood up. "Alright. Thank you for helping me." She said, heading for the door.
"Anytime, corpse girl. See you at dinner!"
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blackypanther9 · 7 months
How to turn a Killer into a Bunny – (FNaF Movie)William Afton x Male!Reader
Part 1 – Steve Raglan
Mike just lost his last job and M/n huffed in annoyance. Michael Schmidt was M/n’s best friend and he wanted to help him and his Sister Abby out as much as he could. He looked some things up and then decided to drag Michael to a Career Counselor.
There they sat. M/n decided to come with Mike and be his pillar. After all, he always was and Mike wasn’t all that social with new people.
“Are you sure this will help me ?”, Mike asked.
“You don’t have many options anymore, Mike. You need a job, you have a bad record of keeping jobs and with that, you need help and a stable job now. I am sure here you will get help, if there still is a chance for you.”, M/n assured.
“If ?”, Mike repeated.
“Mike, you didn’t study anything great, you are bad in keeping a job and you are always tired, also, you don’t work nights. These things mostly scare away people that want to give you a job.”
Mike lost hope right then and there. They waited for a while and Michael spaced out.
“Number 27.”, an elderly Lady called out.
M/n pulled Mike out of his thoughts and they listened to the woman. She said a number and that the name of the Career Counselor is Steve Raglan. They arrived at the door and knocked gently.
“Come in.”, a voice called from the other side.
M/n opened it and stepped inside, with Mike in tow. They saw a man sitting at his desk, back turned to them, file in hand.
“Good day, Mr. Raglan. My name is M/n L/n and I am here with Mike. I am his emotional support.”, M/n introduced himself.
“Good day to you too, Mr. L/n. My name is Steve Raglan and I will be finished with reading my file in a bit, then we can start.”, Steve replied kindly, not looking up.
M/n and Mike sat down and waited patiently for Mr. Raglan to finish reading everything.
After a bit, Steve began to hum and flipped back the pages, he then turned around and looked at Michael.
“What is your deal, Mike ? What are you, some kind of head case ?”, Steve Raglan asked.
M/n looked at Michael, knowing why Steve said all that. His latest job...was a bit bitter to say the least. He sat there and let the man finish, who looked back into the file.
“You beat up a man in broad daylight. In front of his child.”, the older man said.
Mike started to fumble with his words.
“It was a misunderstanding, I thought...”, he hesitated.
“He thought the Father was kidnapping the child. I was there that day and saw it too. It seemed like he snatched the child away, dragged him away and the boy had no clue what was happening. Mike acted wrong, but he meant well, Sir. I already gave him a scolding for it.”, M/n replied smoothly and softly.
Steve Raglan looked at M/n as he explained and nodded with a thoughtful hum. M/n felt like he had to add it, to Mike’s case.
“Many Security guards wouldn’t have paid attention to that kind of behavior at all. Mike did, but acted wrong. He shouldn’t have jumped at the man and started to beat him up, he already knows that. It won’t happen again.”
The older male looked at Mike and then again at M/n.
“Is he not going to say all that himself ?”, Steve asked.
“He would, but people love to interrupt him when he tries to explain himself and he needs a moment sometimes to find his words. He is socially very awkward, with new people, that’s why I am here. He can speak for himself, but he and I already experienced what happens when he talks. Everyone interrupts him and doesn’t listen.”, M/n answered.
Raglan looked at Mike and then nodded after a few seconds. Then he looked back into the file of Mike.
“Your Employment Record really looks bad, you know that ?”, Steve asked him.
“I...I know...”, he replied lowly.
“Tire Zone, Sales Associate, two months, terminated. Insubordination. Media World, Custodial Staff, one week. It’s like you’re not even trying here.”
Mike looked away, feeling very awkward and frustrated with himself.
“Yet you sit before me, asking for help.”, Steve Raglan then said, looking back at Mike.
He was dead silent, while M/n was already hoping, that Steve will have at least ONE job for Mike.
“I’m just trying to figure out, who you are, Mr. Michael Schm-....”, Raglan interrupted himself and looked closely into the file.
Then he took a closer look at Mike and M/n was unsure what he should think of that. Then Steve put down the file and got up, looking at the two males.
���Coffee ?”, he asked.
Mike was confused.
“No thank you, I am not a big fan of Coffee, too bitter.”, M/n kindly declined.
Steve nodded in acknowledgement that M/n didn’t want any, while he made his way to his Coffee Machine.
“W-what ?”, Mike asked confused about this sudden change of behavior.
“Eh, would you like some...some Coffee, I made some Coffee.”, Steve replied to Mike.
“No, thank you.”, Mike replied a bit confused.
Steve poured himself a cup and then held his back to the two males for a short while.
“I’m-I’m gonna be brutally honest with you here, Mike.”, Steve started and then slowly turned around taking his time to get back to his seat, “Given your Track Record, your options...are gonna be extremely limited.”
“I’ll take any job you got-“, Mike started.
“No, look, I get that part.”, Steve quickly interrupted, “Um, it’s just...you know, it’s not that easy.”
Mike was now really hopeless. M/n took a deep breath and used one last thing, in hopes to sway Mr. Raglan’s mind a little bit and perhaps change his mind. One last chance, that Mike CAN’T screw up.
“Can you really do nothing about this ? One last chance for him, Mr. Raglan ? This is really urgent and important, not just to the community and him, but also for other, more pressing matters. Not even a minimum wage job ?”, M/n asked with a bit of desperation in his voice.
“Pressing matters ? How pressing ?”, Steve asked a bit curious.
He leaned forward and looked at the two males.
“Usually I don’t like bringing it up, but Mike has a huge Family problem. You see, he has a little Sister, she is underage and can’t work herself yet, so Mike is all alone in this. Parents are dead and he only has an Aunt. She doesn’t want anything to do with him and wants full custody of his little Sister, to get more monthly income for herself. So she only wants to use her for more money, Mike needs a job, no matter how little the pay is, to keep his Sister around.”, M/n explained vaguely.
Raglan leaned back in his chair, processing the information. He looked at Mike, who didn’t make eye contact.
“That explains why he looks so tired. The bills, the family issues and on top of that finding a proper job. That’s a lot of stress for you to take, Michael.”, Raglan said with respect.
“Mike is just fine...”, Mike replied softly, but still didn’t make eye contact.
Raglan looked at M/n.
“And you ? Do you help them out ?”
“As much as I can, but even I can only do so much. I am currently paying his bills, so he can stay in his house. I can continue doing that, but paying anything else, is even for me a problem. I don’t get money for three people, I get money for ONE person in my job. I’m glad that it is enough to pay two different rents and get me fed over the month. I can’t pay the babysitter, nor their food.”, M/n answered.
“So Mike is also in debt to you.”, Steve concluded.
“I am doing this, because he is my friend. He doesn’t owe me anything.”
“But if he would, how much does he already owe you ? Roughly guessed.”
M/n was in deep thought and then looked at Raglan with certainty.
“Roughly guessed he owes me nearly $5 000 already, but because he is my friend, he owes me nothing. I am not a gold digger, nor greedy.”, M/n said with an assuring voice.
It was for Mike. Michael was always afraid that M/n will hold that over him one day, so M/n tries to make sure, to always let him know, that he is not like that. Steve whistled softly and looked at Mike.
“You really are in trouble. You are lucky to have such a friend, Mike.”, Steve said and then rubbed his stubbled chin in thought.
After a while he sighed and looked at Mike.
“I have a job for you. But a fair warning, it’s nothing big.”
“What is it ? I’ll really take anything I can.”, Mike replied, hope in his voice.
“It’s a Security gig. Full disclosure: It’s not great. High turnover. That’s what we call it in the Business, but you get to be your own Boss. Sort of.”, Steve explained.
M/n and Mike looked at him, listening intently.
“And you only have to worry about one thing: Keeping people out. And-and, you know, keep the place tidy.”
“That’s two things.”, Mike replied.
M/n elbowed him roughly, making him wince.
“Ow...”, Mike replied softly and looked at M/n.
“Count it as ONE thing then and shut up. He is trying to help, so shut your smartass mouth up, Mikey.”
Steve was slightly amused, then he looked at the two.
“You want the job or not ?”, he asked Mike.
“How is the pay ?”, he asked.
“Not great, but the hours are worse.”, Steve told Mike.
Mike was quiet for a moment and then sighed softly, leaning back in his chair.
“I can’t do nights...”, he muttered.
“Hm ? What was that ?”, Steve asked.
“I...I can’t do nights. The babysitter won’t watch my Sister at nights and I can’t leave her all alone at home either...”, Mike explained softly.
There was a moment of silence, a heave silence. M/n was in thoughts and then sighed loudly.
“Look, you talk with Max about this. If she agrees to watch your Sis, then she is there, if she won’t agree....I will watch her.”, M/n suggested.
Mike and Steve looked at M/n and Mike stared at his friend for a long time in shock.
“I can’t do that to you, M/n. You already pay our bills and help me where you can with jobs. You will lose your own job if you also watch Abby now.”
“We would find a solution, Mikey. We always did, did you forget ? But you NEED a job and if this is the only one, you can get, right now, you can’t be picky.”, M/n told Mike.
Michael looked at M/n and then at Steve. He was conflicted. M/n sighed and looked at the Career Counselor.
“Do you perhaps have a card with your number on it, Sir ? Maybe Mike will have a clear answer, after he sorted everything out with the Babysitter. He is definitely interested, but he needs to sort things out first, so he can arrange everything quickly.”
“Of course.”, Mr. Raglan replied quickly and gave M/n his card.
The man took it gently.
“Thank you, Sir. We will make sure to give you a call, as soon as everything is arranged, so Mike can tell you the situation. Is there anything else, we would need to know about the Security job ?”
“Hah...just don’t fall asleep on the job.”, Steve replied.
M/n smiled and then chuckled.
“He won’t sleep on the job, I promise you that. If he does and someone catches him doing so, I will kick his ass personally.”, M/n joked.
Steve chuckled and smiled.
“That is good to hear. Well then, it was nice seeing you and I hope everything works out.”, Mr. Raglan said and got up, stretching his hand out for a handshake.
The two males got up and Mike shook his hand first.
“Thank you, Mr. Raglan.”, he said and then left.
M/n shook the older man’s hand next, but didn’t leave yet. He looked if Mike was still near the door, which he wasn’t and then leaned closer to Steve, to whisper to him.
“Mr. Raglan, can I leave you my phone number ? I know Mike’s Aunt and she will most definitely show up here and get information about Mike and where he works, without having any rights to do so. She is the kind of person who loves to sabotage Mike’s life. I would just leave my number here, for you, to call me if she showed up and wanted something. This will then be used in court against her. She has no rights to snoop around in his life.”
Mr. Raglan looked at M/n and gave him a small smile.
“Of course. May I ask, what is her name, in case I need to recognize her ?”, Raglan replied.
“Her name is Jane Schmidt. She is a blonde too and her facial expression screams arrogance. She always acts high and mighty and makes a show out of everything. She is mostly seen with her lawyer, Doug. You will know it’s him, when you see him. An average sized man and has a very full figure. I am NOT kidding. But he is a kind man usually, just spaces out a lot.”
The Career Counselor nodded and wrote the descriptions down, while M/n wrote down his phone number on a separate piece of paper.
“Alright noted.”, Steve replied.
“And here is my number.”, M/n said and gave Raglan the piece of paper.
He took it.
“So if she shows up here or calls us and asks about Michael Schmidt, I should call and notify you and not give out any information to her, right ?”
“Yes, exactly.”
“Okay. I will notify the rest of the staff, so no one will let anything slip out.”
“Thank you, Mr. Raglan.”
“Steve and you are welcome.”
M/n smiled and nodded. Steve couldn’t help but feel attracted to this man. But he knew that he couldn’t. He may be Bi, but this boy seemed to be straight.
Then Mike came back and looked into the office.
“M/n, are we leaving or what ? We still have to go shopping and I have to get home to Abby.”
“In a minute Mikey. Give me just one more minute. I am wrapping something up with Mr. Raglan here.”, M/n replied kindly.
“Okay. See you at the car then.”
“See ya.”
With that Mike left and M/n looked at Mr. Raglan again.
“If there is anything else, just call me too, yes ? If Mike did something stupid that you heard of, tell me and I will sort everything out, if something happened on his job or under his watch, I am always there to be contacted. Most of the times it is a misunderstanding or his Aunt was trying to sabotage him, that happened at the Media World job. She arrived, made a scene and then he got fired. She has her connections.”
The Career Counselor nodded.
“Of course, noted.”
M/n nodded to and gave him a small smile.
“Thank you, Steve. This means a lot.”
Then he left the room and Steve slumped back down in his chair. His heart was racing, he felt warm and he was a bit excited.
‘Shit...not on the fucking job...’, Steve groaned in his head.
M/n did it to him, BAD.
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