#nah i am
neverchecking · 10 months
I want Legend to spit in my mouth.
Everyone publicly shame.
Me too fr fr
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meathounding · 11 months
am i autistic 😭😭
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khaoticcryptid · 1 year
Random headcanons that I've been thinkin' about all weekend: - Alexi has a pet Gambian pouch rat she adopted from a friend who owns and operates an exotic pet rescue group. His name is Bojangles (yep, like the mouse from The Green Mile) but she always calls him Bo-Bo. His favorite food is bananas and she's trained him to do all sorts of tricks. - At the time she was away in Salem for her celebration stream, Bojangles was being looked after by the friend that helped her adopt him in the first place. As far as Alexi knows, he's still with her, so while she misses him terribly ... she knows he's in good hands. - She's born and raised in Miami and leans very hard into the joke of the stereotypical "Florida Woman". Despite being raised in a very Hispanic family, her Spanish is extremely bad. Not from lack of exposure, it just never really "stuck". - She understands it far better than she can speak it, so when having conversations with family or Spanish-speaking friends, she often speaks in English while they speak in Spanish--something outside observers often find confusing. - Alexi almost went to mortuary school to train as an embalmer or forensic specialist, but ultimately couldn't handle it. Fresh bodies with severe injuries didn't bother her, but the inevitability of dealing with extremely decomposed corpses was just too much to stomach. - She did 3 years at a community collage, never selecting a major, before eventually dropping out and settling for a boring retail job. She just got too frustrated and discouraged by her inability to decide on anything that she was serious and motivated about and was tired of schooling assignments and attending classes. She got her fill of that during her childhood and teen years. - She's always struggled with forming relationships with people in real life, be in as friends or anything more. She's extremely self-conscious about her interests and hobbies when talking to new people and it makes her very awkward in conversation. - Becoming an online personality has helped her develop her social skills in a "safe space", though, which is how she's been able to make the few friends that she DOES have. - Alexi's love life is a hot fucking mess, though, and not really the good/fun kind. She seems to subconsciously gravitate towards emotionally-abusive manipulative assholes. Some have at least been AMAZING in bed, but most didn't even have that going for them. - Several more cheated on her behind her back, which she often didn't find out about until long after they had already broken up. To say she has trust issues would be a massive understatement.
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whitesunlars · 2 years
with each percabeth fic i write i become more feral which means there will eventually be one without a happy ending
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disgustinggf · 10 months
i may not be the prettiest or the smartest or the funniest but i sure am the sleepiest
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strangepersonhere · 2 months
Being aroace is so cool, but so, so hard sometimes. Watching all the persons you hold dear finding *their* person. Grieving the idea of an allo relationship. Realizing that, maybe, somehow, you're the second choice fo everyone. Because friends are great, but **lovers** are the goal in our society.
Most of the time, i am sooo happy to be aroace. And then, when im alone in bed, at 3 am, i find myself crying by fear of being alone.
And I think it's normal. It's grieving a certain way of thinking. And it's hard, especially when you were raised this way, and that everyone keeps doubting your identity.
So yeah. Shout-out to all the aroace people, wanting a deeper connection, without wanting romantic love.
I love y'all
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jibberjibbsart · 11 months
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Oh to be the Hero of Hyrule
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itsthislake · 3 months
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it's all about freedom really
Credit goes to An Sifakah for the poem. Enjoy!
Support me on Ko-fi maybe?
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 24 days
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1, Omake (Extra): Master of Time - (here)
Act 1: What was left behind. - read here
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
"Mams, I have some news for you." You say, hands behind your back at a weird angle, clearly hiding something.
"Not now, MC, the Great Mammon's busy." The Avatar of Greed dismisses you in an attempt to take his focus away from the way he perked up like a lovesick puppy when he heard your voice.
"But Mams, it's super important."
Mammon looks up from his DDD and stares at you expectantly, when he once more realises he's behaving like a lovesick puppy, he stares at his nails instead, scoffing. "This better be good, human. Do ya think I have all day?! Cus I don't!"
"But Mams! You're a dad now! You have to make time for your family!"
Mammon splutters, dropping his phone and falling off of his bed. "I'm a WHAT??!!! MC who's lyin' to ye! I'm not a dad!!!"
"Yes you are!" You bring your arms out from behind your back to reveal a small little black blob with small little golden horns, wearing an equally small black top hat with yellow accents.
"Papa!" Little D No.2 exclaims from your arms.
"ARRRGH!! The Great Mammon is not yer papa Little D!!!" Mammon shouts, attempting to cover the blush on his face.
You pout, Little D No.2 mirrors your expression. "But Mams! He's the spitting image of you! He's even got your horns! Are you abandoning our child?!"
"Yeah, Papa are you abandoning our chil-...wait hold on I am the child-....Yeah! Papa are you abandoning yer child?!"
"See! He even talks like you! He said yer!"
"T-t-that proves nothin'!! I-I'm not a dad!" Mammon splutters.
You look at him sulkily. "D-do you not wanna have a family with us...I mean how could you say no to this face?" You pinch Little D No.2's cheek and push him out towards the Second Born. "He's adorable! He gets it from you!"
"Fine! I'm a dad! Now please....stop poutin'?" Mammon almost pouts himself before his learned bravado makes another show. "Ahem...! What I was tryna say was....I, the Great Mammon don't care if you pout or not!"
Little D No.2 stage whispers to you. "Psst, what Mammon means to say is that he's so deeply unequivocally in love with you he hardly knows what to do with himself!"
Mammon sputters and shouts something in protest, but you just grin. "Awww! I love you too Mams!"
Mammon subconsciously preens at the praise before staring daggers at a sniggering Little D No.2 as you cradle it in your arms like a baby and coo to it things like 'You look so much like your papa! Yes you do!' and tap its little top hat before booping the small creature's nose, or where a nose should be on a Little D.
Mammon cracks a soft smile watching the scene; not that he'd ever admit it. Even though Little D No.2 was a little shit, he wouldn't mind someday having little shits of his own with you and starting an actual family, except he hoped they'd look like you.
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kaitcake1289 · 21 days
vampire empire.
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spawnnfrog · 6 months
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Robin... meet Robin.
I want to make a sequel with the other Robins—like Maps, Duke, Matt, that one mechanic one... just all of them! But there's so many like woah. Why am I so into characters meeting different iterations of themselves like first Link meet Links aus and now Robin???
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
sorry for not posting here more lately i was working on a video about fern sex and then i moved to working on a video about ranking plants by hubris and whimsy and then i moved to learning calculus so i could understand cursed biology and then i built a tiny pin loom to learn how to weave with yarn so i could make a little stuffed creature with it and then i moved to learning how to hack a little circuit board but to do that i need to learn how to solder you know how it is
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hyakunana · 9 months
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When you need to lie, but you're a good boy.
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miku-meeku · 5 months
[Now... Choose me.]
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was listening to mafumafu's otome game song and my brain kicked in and was like "yes the dol LIs in an otome game instead"
now i contemplate if i wanna render this cuz once again, im too lazy dies,,,
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also they tried winking, how attractive, very charming.
[anws uh,,, ref pics,,, just in case,,,]
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go listen to mafumafu, he's amazing.
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hajihiko · 11 months
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Chicken noodle soup for the soul
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