#my sweet archenemy
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comic-book-fan-us · 2 years
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Read My Sweet Archenemy.
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cyeayt · 2 years
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This is from the webtoon “My sweet archenemy” which is my favorite and I love blarshmeild so much it’s blarshmeild everyone I’m losing my mind over blarshmeild.
Also this is my first ever post
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Golden Boy vs. Dirty Boy (1) - The base
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Summary: You end up between two tidal waves.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader x Soldier Boy
Warnings: banter, arguments, sexism, misogyny (SB), fighting, violence, talk about sex, characters death (the bad guys), mentions of decapitation
Golden Boy vs. Dirty Boy masterlist
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“Did you have to break that man’s neck? You didn’t even give him the chance to fight back,” Steve complains on your way toward the next complex of the building you, Steve, and a new ally, calling himself Soldier Boy try to infiltrate.
Well, he’s not new in this world. Rather an old archenemy slash concurrent of Steve. Locked away for centuries, just like his super-soldier counterpart. Soldier Boy is a stark contrast to your ever so gentlemanly and old-fashioned Captain.
“Do I look like I give a single fuck?” Soldier Boy flashes you a smirk while insulting your Captain. “How about you give them pet names and offer tea while I rip their heads off for killing innocent people for fun?” He challenges now. “When they signed up for becoming mass-murders they knew what they were getting into.”
“Cap, he’s not wrong,” you interject, hoping you can stop them from butting heads, or worse. “We shouldn’t waste more time, though. There are only three of us, and there are hundreds of them. Backup is not available for another five hours. So, let’s get in without making too much noise, get the information, and start the countdown to destroy the base.”
“Good idea, agent Y/L/N,” Steve ignores Soldier Boy’s angry stare and pats your shoulder. “Always so reliable and loyal.”
“Sure, Captain.” You quickly reply, unsure why Steve’s eyes look a little darker. You stare at his mouth for a moment, mesmerized by the way his tongue wets his sinfully pink lips. “Anytime.”
“I bet I can make her salute even faster,” you squeak when Soldier Boy grabs a handful of your ass. Leaving you stunned and oddly aroused. He’s crass and misogynic, loud and just the right kind of wrong, “while my cock ruins her sweet ass.”
“First and final warning,” Steve raises his index finger at Soldier Boy. The thick vein in his neck bulges, and damn that man is flexing his muscles. He grimaces, and angrily glares at Soldier Boy while images of his bearded face between your thighs make your knees buckle.
“OR what?” Soldier Boy challenges. “Do you think you can stop me from ripping that cute tactical suit off of her ripe body and make her cunt my home? I don’t think so.”
“Guys.” You sigh and forget about your secret fantasies for a moment. “We don’t have time for this. If we don’t change position, we are all fucked, not only my juicy ass.”
“What?” Steve swallows thickly at your words. His concurrent whistles and makes another crude comment about your ass.
“MOVE!” You grunt and push against Steve’s back. “I don’t want to end up dead because you had to fight with him again. Shield accepted him on the team. Stop moping and start moving your asses before I slap your bum.”
“You want to slap my bum, agent?” Steve cocks a brow, looking more amused than surprised. “I’d like to see you try.”
“I’m not against a little spanking,” Soldier Boy throws in. “On both ends, sweetness. Let’s get out of here and inside my apartment. I’m gonna show you heaven.” He looks you up and down, and hums. “Or hell, if you want me to.”
“I want you to shut up and do your job,” you snap at the cocky supe. “I know you two believe we all are only foot soldiers following your lead, but this is my mission, and you will do as I say. Move soldier, now.”
Steve watches you dismantle Soldier Boy’s charm. He grins and nods in your direction. “Let’s hurry then, agent. We don’t want to ruin your mission.”
“Aw, he tries to impress you with his submissive side,” Soldier Boy cackles. “I’m not some foot soldier you can order around, sweet cheeks. After we finish this, you’ll pay for yelling at me.”
“Eat me,” you bite back. “If you are brave enough.”
You stomp off, Steve hot on your heels. Soldier Boy watches you leave. He licks his lips and cups his crotch. “Oh, I will eat you, sweetness…”
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“Y/N, down!” Steve throws his shield at another enemy. He growls your name and throws himself into battle to run another attacker over. “Down, agent.”
“The fuck no!” You fire your last bullet at the next guy attacking Steve. “I’m not some damsel in distress.” You pant, and slam your fist into the last man’s face, breaking his nose. He grunts and tries to take you down.
“Hey, that’s my pound of flesh to pound,” Soldier Boy throws his shield at the man attacking you. He decapitates his head, laughing as you shriek and ungracefully jump backward. You land on your ass, crawling away as the head rolls toward you.
“What did I say about killing people?” Steve grunts while you try to not look at the head, and the dead man’s eyes staring back at you.
“I had to save our damsel in distress.” Soldier Boy shrugs. He picks up his shield, cleaning it on the recently deceased man's jacket. “Now, back to the mission. I want to get out of this suit and inside a warm cunt.”
“Gross,” Steve holds out his hand to help you up while your other team member is busy looking inside the cabinets at the laboratory you successfully infiltrated.
“You’re jealous, that’s all,” Soldier Boy opens another cabinet. “I can fuck whoever I want without ruining my reputation.”
“Shut up!” You grunt. “You almost killed me with that fucking shield!”
“You’re alive, and still got your tongue to talk back,” he shrugs. “What do we have here?” Grabbing a vial he smirks. “Do you think this is a drug? Maybe kinky shit helping you get the stick out of your ass, Cappy?”
“Don’t touch shit at the lab!” You try to stop Soldier Boy from doing something stupid. Again. It’s not the first time he got you into trouble.
“DON’T!” Steve screams as Soldier Boy carelessly drops the vial to the ground. “You idiot! NO!”
“Steve, what’s wrong?”
“He just killed us all,” Steve runs toward the broken vial to read the broken seal. “No, it’s even worse.”
“What can be worse than getting killed?” You huff.
“He doomed us to do the unspeakable,” the captain replies.
“Damn, I’m jazzed,” Soldier Boy claps his hands and grins at Steve. “What will we do?”
“Fuck.” Steve replies.
“Yeah, well we got that we are fucked, Steve,” you pat Steve’s shoulder. “But what was in the vial, and what will happen?”
“WE WILL FUCK. Anything and anyone coming to our path until it’s out of our system, Y/N. And if you don’t step away, I’ll go for you first,” Steve turns back around. His eyes are dilated, and he salivates as his eyes roam your body. “Get away from me. Now.”
“Fuck? OH!” Soldier Boy grins. “We will fuck!” He snickers. “Let’s do this then. I can’t wait to get my dick inside of you and ruin your holes.”
“Guys, that’s not funny,” you giggle, but press your legs together. “We should call for help. Right?”
Soldier Boy looks at Steve and then at you. He doesn't feel the influence yet but is more than happy to have the chance to get his hands on you and Steve.
“So, who wants to get dicked down first?”
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paxarsenal · 10 months
A WaveWave (Soundwave x Shockwave) fanfiction I had sitting in my notes app since June.
I'm so normal about them ✍(◔◡◔) <(💜💙💜💙...) Spreading Wavewave propaganda all around!!!
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Everything they’d established was mutual. Everything was temporary.
Soundwave worked through long cycles at a time. Although Vehicons worked as equals with said con, they would often head out in herds and murmur amongst themselves, turning towards their higher upper in ignorant secrecy. “He wouldn’t go… Workaholic… Always so quiet…” They would say and leave, yet the communication officer didn’t care. He liked it alone. He… was alone.
Being alone wasn’t too bad as Cybertronians put it to be. Sure, all sentient beings such as humans are social creatures. Why wouldn’t a biological AI be? Soundwave scoffed in silence, amused by discussions of socializing and friends, some bot to lean onto. He has no need for that, but somehow in some way, he still felt empty.
Mega-cycles prior to the events of the Civil War, he was just a gladiator within the rings of Kaon. Almost besting even the then most notorious Megatrous, and as an ex-senator, he had ways to keep himself occupied. Soundwave was as loyal as Orion Pax to Megatrous. The latter would then become the last Prime and Megatron’s archenemy, but Soundwave saw the light Megatron envisioned and showed. The Decepticon saw himself as the only one deemed inseparable from the Decepticon cause and to Megatron until he was wrong.
Shockwave… was a newcomer and was immediately impressed by this visionary. He devoted himself to the cause with the knowledge of science at the back of his servo. He was of great use; easy to bond with if you were Megatron.
… If you were Megatron… or…
Soundwave found himself side to side with Shockwave when calculating the future events that would behold on their precious planet. They hardly talked. Well, Soundwave never did, but it seems as if Shockwave could read his thought processor and always understood him no matter the situation.
They found themselves together through their work and even areas of leisure. Each one’s company filled the other with unexplainable warmth, craving it yet never so close. It was vulnerable and bitter, but also sickly sweet.
Everything they had was mutual. Everything was temporary.
Shockwave never returned to the Nemesis after their last battle at Cybertron. He assumed he sacrificed himself for the fruition of the Decepticon cause… or lost his life to a disposable Autobot. However, he kept those words to himself as he always did. He never showed his concerns. Not even the worries of a lost friend…
Thoughts of Shockwave bored into his processor as days went on.
When Shockwave did come back, Soundwave held his tempered emotions between his empty exterior, wondering still thoughts and muted feelings. As the meek Starscream and honorable Megatron discussed the whereabouts of Shockwave’s new discovery, Soundwave turned his HUD mask to that scarlet orb of a con. He stared at Shockwave, spark still alight.
Soundwave found Shockwave admiring the space of blue and violet at the Nemesis’s large interior window. Soundwave usually patrolled the corridors before heading to his berth. It was a mere task any mech can do, but he found it as an excuse to clear his mind off of the stress the crew caused numerous times, be it their own or the Autobots.
He stood by Shockwave, neither inching closer or away. He too glanced up at the night-lit aurora that passed through each universe. The stars reflected on SoundWave’s screen; it was beautiful.
“Surely my disappearance didn’t cause too much of a strain for Megatron or the faction,” Shockwave started, his free limb swayed to meet his chassis as red optic focused on Soundwave.
Soundwave shook his helm. “Negative: Decepticons, steady process.”
“Affirmative: Soundwave… ” He stopped himself. He couldn’t start now. How uncharacteristic it would be, the silent and vicious Communication Commander, speechless for words. But even then, he wouldn’t lie to Shockwave, so why now?
Shockwave nodded the best he could for an Empurata. “I expected as much, for a high command, you are valued - for me, not as much.” His partner resisted the urge to scoff, to break the vow of silence to argue it was not. However, he said nothing. Instead, he turned to Shockwave and latched his paper-thin fingers over Shockwave’s oppositely sharp ones. They mindlessly took hold of each other’s small embrace, their figures never unmoving until their chassis touched and faceless helms pressed into gentle bliss.
As opposed to Soundwave’s cold exterior of a vision field, Shockwave was hot, radiating heat that warmed the equally cold-sparked mech. The way Soundwave cooled Shockwave’s underlying heat which never faded from Kalis and the Enforcers.
Despite this mutuality, there was indeed something. War was a terrible, terrible concept that separated many physical and mental bonds. At best, Shockwave and Soundwave never made any. Still, their existence lingered within hard metal and soft sparks.
Even if everything they had was mutual… everything was temporary, they had everything.
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mighty-mepoe · 17 days
Interesting (All Might) fic finds
Cute/Slice of life fics:
Slightly Cracked by Krisington
Really sweet, a bit bitter at the start.
The more Izuku made friends at UA, the more he realized that All Might was just as friendless as he himself had always been. Despite All Might's insistence otherwise, Izuku found this to be completely unacceptable.
Secret Identity fics:
Yagi-Sensei by Swiftwidget (or also HERE)
A short drabble inspired by a post by alicekaninchenbau on tumblr. An AU in which "All Might" was not hired to teach at U.A. but instead Toshinori Yagi teaches Foundational Hero Studies and no one but Principal Nedzu, Recovery Girl, and Izuku know he is All Might. Toshinori actually does come through the door like a normal person.
Mr Yagi by Swiftwidget
Amazing, makes me smile every time.
Mr. Toshinori Yagi from the Second Secretarial Office: A kind, generous man with an uncanny knowledge about the Might Tower Staff who never hesitated to make their days brighter. At least, that's how they knew him. / Inspired by the Vigilante 006 Beta chapter in which Detective Tsukauchi meets Toshinori Yagi at Might Tower for the first time.
Missing Everything by Haptronym
Izuku misses a very important reveal and ends up with a villain-filled soda bottle instead. In the ensuing chaos, he befriends someone named Toshinori Yagi. All Might misses the chance to make a snap decision and ends up mentoring a very heroic, very determined child who has no idea who he really is.
No Such Thing As a Hopeless Case by Origamidragons
I read this fic ages ago and it has lived rent-free in my brain since then. Dead since 2019, but what is written is worth reading.
The story of how Toshinori Yagi (not All Might, Toshinori Yagi) singlehandedly defeated his archenemy's League of Villains by accidentally adopting them all. Or: Toshinori's gonna redemption arc everybody, just watch him.
GOT THIS POWER THAT IS TAKING ME OUT (shall I go now? you'll like it, you'll be the hero) by canbreathe, debesys (canbreathe)
<<"You do not have any kind of teaching qualification, do you Yagi-san?" "I, um," he desperately grabs at straws, "cleaning? I've done. Cleaning.">> All Might, or rather, Yagi Toshinori, becomes a janitor at U.A. It goes much better than expected.
Badass Small Might:
to measure time by sundefeater lou (sundefeater)
Dad Might becomes feral.
Five minutes. Five goddamned minutes. He had just wanted to restock some essential supplies at the nearby konbini while Izuku got some much needed rest with the aid of the last of the cold tablets and a cool compress. Or: Izuku is sick, the villains don't care, and Toshinori has had it up to here with these assholes.
Mr. Yagi by writers_writers
Beginning of manga-Bakugou learns some practical lessons.
With Aizawa still out of commission on the Monday after the USJ attack, the question is, who is going to teach Class 1-A. All might is out recuperating as well and the rest of the teachers are already stretched thin working on the security on top of their own classes. The kids are shaken and on edge from the devastating events the week prior and need someone with a steady hand and a kind voice to get them back to a sense of normality. It's a good thing that All Might's secretary offered to come in for the day just to keep an eye on them.
Yagi-san by soulofdarkandlight
All Might finds a way to be a hero without using his quirk.
When Nedzu asks All Might to retire, he surprisingly agrees. Little does he realize, it's All Might who agreed, not Yagi.
Harmony in War by Quisanne
(Restricted to AO3 users) Dad-Might and Dad-Zawa for your enjoyment. Also some Bakugrowth towards the end. I just love Aizawa's POV.
Aizawa and All Might go on a warpath to raze Aldera Middle School to the ground. A story in which Aizawa is the one smiling at people and All Might is the one intimidating everyone.
Quirkless Yagi Toshinori:
Thunder by Hayato (TheLennyBunny)
Yagi Toshinori manages to become a quirkless hero in the harsh world of his youth.
This Autor has a whole mountain of amazing fics.
In this universe, he never meets anyone. He sits as an island, isolated, standing with stacks of notebooks and muscles gained from years of self-defense. He tells his middle school counsellor he wants to be a hero, and she laughs in his face.
Angst / Harsh fics (no bad endings):
Statistic by aconstantstateofbladerunner
When victims and bystanders are gaslighted into believing it's their fault, help is difficult to come by.
In a world where All for One was defeated the first time around, new villainous groups are constantly bubbling up just under the surface of society. New crimes need new tactics, so in an effort to flush out an alleged anti-quirkless group, All Might decides to go undercover as Yagi Toshinori, quirkless middle school teacher. But Toshinori hasn't been quirkless in a long time, and he learns the hard way how much things have changed.
Toshishan and Baby 'Zuku (I Know How the World Treat Us) by 18ems_girl
Super-cute! And it has some iteresting character studies.
A de-aging quirk affects Izuku and Toshinori and, while baby Izuku is happy to meet heroes, teen Toshinori is scared because he knows people treat quirkless kids awful.
When Monologuing To Your Nemesis Goes Wrong by Ilentari
Crack. Also SPOILERS.
Ugh, he didn’t want to be subjected to this boring monologue anymore. Perhaps this was All For One’s plan? Rant to him until his ears began to bleed? All For One cleared his throat and started back up where he left off, and All Might sighed in irritation. “Why are you like this?” he groaned, wanting the villain to shut up. All For One initially had seemed annoyed by the interruption, but quickly brightened at the question. “I’m glad you asked!” He flourished his hands dramatically. “You see, once upon a time there was a baby born as evil as one could be—” That was stupid. All Might snorted. “Babies aren’t born evil.”
Take My Place on the Witness Stand by Quisanne
Hilarious. (Restricted to AO3 users) I also recomend the rest of the Series.
[Officer] Name, age, current address, and quirk, please, if you would. [Suspect] I'm afraid I can’t tell you most of these things. [Officer] Oh? And why would that be, I wonder? Would it allow us to track you down and find your stash of other stolen IDs? [Suspect] ...It's a matter of national security. [Officer] Yeah sure, and my mother is a late descendant of the Emperor. ----- OR: Yagi Toshinori gets arrested for having All Might's possessions on him and his friends are amazingly incompetent at getting him out. Maybe they're having too much fun with this.
The Torrid Affair of All Might and Yagi Toshinori by Speedwagons_Glorious_Mane
It's the perfect cover. No one will ever suspect that All Might and Yagi Toshinori are the same person if everyone thinks they're dating.
Healing (literally):
Flashback by Psyckosama
Amazingly self-indulgent. A bit spicy at times. Really well written even if at first it seems it will be a chaotic fic.
On the day Izuku Midoriya was to receive All Might's quirk, the sacred torch of One for All, a young girl glowing with a corona of power runs up to the mentor and student yelling for them to stop as she desperately contains the energy within her. After pleading with Izuku to, impossibly, take One for All from *her*, she lays the weak and crippled Toshinori Yagi's hand upon her sparking horn and All Might is reborn in his prime. But who is this mysterious girl, how did she know the fateful exchange that would be taking place on that isolated beach, and what ominous portents does her appearance that day fortell?
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t-0ne25 · 5 months
“You’re the one I trust.” — Option A2: Nephrite/Jade
[Make sure to please read Chapter 25 of Red Lights first, before you continue.]
“The jade necklace it is,” you tell Soyeon, when she enters the little room. The director gives you a soft smile, before handing the green dress to you. After putting it on, you step back into the ballroom. 
You find Jisung there, his mouth falling agape, eyes widening—he’s severely overwhelmed, looking as if he was petrified. So, with a grin on your face, you take a few steps towards him.
“Did… did you choose me?!”
You nod, a little giggle slipping past your lips, “Yeah, Sungie. It’s you. You and me. You’re my prince.”
“Fuck… I’m… I’m speechless, shit, I’ve never expected this,” he says, unable to hold back the giggling that spills from his mouth.
“Shall we go upstairs? Spend some time together alone, no cameras or microphones?” you ask him.
Soyeon told you there’s a romantic suite in the mansion that was just prepared for the both of you. You’re dying to be alone with Jisung, not getting filmed and all, just the two of you.
He hastily nods, before he seals your lips with a kiss. You allow his tongue inside pretty fast, getting entangled with your own, as you let out a little chuckle. His palms are attached to your hips, pulling you closer. The passion increases and so does the heating makeout session. Jisung guides you towards the huge door, almost unable to keep his lips away from yours.
You just have to get upstairs, which seems to be a little more complicated than it should be, when you can’t take your hands off one another. It’s adorable, really. In the process, one of your shoes falls off your foot, tumbling down the staircase. Laughing along with Jisung, while feeling like a real life Cinderella, you pick it up again and hurry to the suite together.
A minute later, you make it inside, taking a second to admire the beautiful bedroom. The sheets have the same colour as your dress, a scent of vanilla is filling your nostrils. You look at Jisung, ready to share your excitement about the environment, when you realise there’s something on your mind.
Everything between the two of you happened rather quickly. Three days ago, you still thought he was your archenemy and now you’re choosing him to be your true love. Perhaps, this is going a little fast, right? Do you even know each other that well?
“What happens after the show?” you dare to ask him then.
Jisung gives you a soft smile, reaching for your hips again, to have you near, “I’ll take you on a date… and on another date… and another one… until you call me your boyfriend.”
You shyly giggle, “Okay, deal. Where are we going first?”
“Wherever you want to go, baby. I was thinking of that strawberry themed café that just opened,” he suggests.
“I’d love that,” you admit.
“D’you know what I love?”
“What, Ji?”
“This,” he says before smashing his lips into yours again. Jisung grabs you by the waist, all passionately, before he guides the two of you to the huge bed. He sinks down, hovering you onto his lap and you’re happy to oblige.
You start grinding over his hardening bulge, forcing a sweet little whimper out of his mouth. Your kisses switch their destination—wandering over his neck now, while you hastily open the buttons of his shirt in order to place your mouth more south. Jisung lets you do the work this time, his head almost crashing into the headboard.
Your palm finds his crotch, stroking his length through the thick material of his suit trousers. His hands are grabbing your face, the lust in his eyes begging for more. You reach for his belt then, as he hastily nods for you to get rid of it. A moment later, you’re pulling his pants and boxers down, revealing his erection.
“Sungie, can I please taste you? Please–“ you ask with a pout.
He absolutely loves that look on you. It reminds him of the night on his birthday, when you were so eager for his cock, too. Which is why he decides to tease you a little more, not ready yet to let you have the upper hand in this.
“Beg a little more, doll,” Jisung whispers, clicking his tongue.
“I need to suck you off, Ji. God– when you fucked me against the shower wall, your cock felt so good inside me–“
“Okay, baby. You convinced me,” he chuckles.
He spreads his legs a little, while you make yourself comfortable between them. You decide to get your dress off first, leaving you in the pretty red lingerie you chose for today. Despite having seen you with even less fabric on your body than that, Jisung lets out a ‘wow’ and a few curse words. There’s something about you in the lacy underwear that makes you even hotter than you already are. Still, he can’t wait to rip the material off of you.
Your hand reaches for his base then, giving his dick a few pumps. Jisung lets his head fall back, letting you do the work. You’re teasing him, he realised that—he can tell by the mischievous look that you carry on your face. 
“Make me feel good, doll. Show me what a good girl you can be for me, hm?” he orders and all you do is nod.
You get your head closer to his length, giving it a few kitten licks, before a long stripe on his shaft follows. You’ve already got him under your spell. Jisung wanted to have you like this on his birthday, too. He wanted to do even more than this but knew you needed to be taught a lesson at that time. Yes, he went to the bathroom after, squeezing his cock to completion at the thought of your pretty lips wrapped around it, since he wasn’t ready to give in that night.
However, he is now, which is why he guides your head to his tip, before you take him into your mouth. You try a few centimetres first, your hand still seizing around the base of his dick, as you slowly start bobbing up and down.
“Yeah, that’s right, make it all nice and wet, baby,” Jisung encourages you, admiring the view.
Slurping sounds are filling the room, as you grant him the most stunning sensation he’s ever experienced. God, there’s nothing that comes even close to that pleasure right now. And on top of that, you chose him as the winner. Out of eight other men, he is the one you seem to like the most.
You let go of him, suddenly, with a loud plop, looking at him with a smirk. You’re still stroking his length, not stopping your movements. But Jisung knows that you just want him to speak more, he realises how much it gets you going when he talks dirty to you.
“Come on, spit on it, doll. Make a fucking mess,” he tells you.
You do exactly that, a string of saliva hitting his cock. Your tongue smears the liquid all over him, when you swirl it around his length. Taking his cock back into your warm mouth, you continue with the movements.
Jisung’s hands reach for your hair, tugging at the strands to guide your motions.
“Deeper, baby, I know you can take it,” he says, his cock brushing the back of your throat.
You’re a mess for him. Slobbering all over him like that. The cute little moans you let out, will get the rest of his sanity, for sure.
“Fuuuck, look at you, drooling all over my cock, huh?”
You feel him getting closer and although you’re dying to taste his cum, you need more of him. Deciding to be selfish, you let go, his cock slipping out of your mouth. Jisung looks at you dumbfounded but his thoughts are silenced, when you slowly take off your bra first and your panties next.
“You still can’t get enough, hm?” he asks, while you start straddling his lap.
“Your cock is just too good, Sungie,” is all you say, before lowering yourself onto him. The lack of preparation is bearable, although your pussy walls immediately start clenching around him, sucking him in. Once you’re adjusted to the sensation, you start bouncing up and down, working yourself on his dick.
“Shit– you look so beautiful like this, doll,” he tells you, realising he definitely won’t last long like this.
Jisung brings two fingers to your mouth and you eagerly let them in, your tongue swirling around them. He guides them out and between your legs next, before he starts playing with your clit. His other hand is busy massaging one of your tits, while the pleasure threatens to take over him.
“Yeah, just like that, baby,” he cries out, knowing that he will perhaps be the first one to reach his relief tonight.
“Let go, whenever, Ji. I want you to cum inside, okay?”
He believes he sees heaven, when he listens to your sweet words that linger in his ears. It’s all he needs to allow the feeling to fully take over him, when he paints your walls white. Jisung makes sure to keep rubbing your sensitive nub, so, a few seconds later, you come undone too, your cunt clenching around him. You moan his name like a mantra, before his lips shut you up with a messy kiss.
For what feels like eternity, you stay like this, before he tells you to get up so he can get a towel to clean you. Once you feel fresh again and calmed down a little, the two of you slip under the blanket. Jisung can’t help himself kissing you more, as if it’s his favourite thing in the world. At some point you both doze off to sleep, dreaming about your first date together once you’re back in Seoul.
© j-0ne25 2023 | copying, translating or stealing my work is prohibited
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cerisesakurainspring · 3 months
Kageyama Tobio / Hinata Shoyo
AU: Kageyama who suffers from achromatopsia meets Hinata.
~~A tinge of sun in a grayscale world~~
He stood somber at the edge of the street
His orbs stare distantly-
Into the dismal shades of grey
Devoid of hues; filled with dull shade visions
What’s crimson; what’s indigo?
To him, color was a mere concept
A distant notion
He only sees light and shadow
But then, in the backdrop of grey
A man stood aglow
In the night
As if the sun came to play
Trickled in warmth
Hair bathed in sunlight
A vibrant shade of orange
Warm like the sun; Sweet like tangerine
A surreal feeling; like his veil lifted
As if released from the confines of his grayscale world
For the first time
In the expanse of black and white
Was a man who stood aglow
Head luminously bright; like a glaring halo
Chatters of the crowd muted
As his heart bled
He was seeing color
From the man who stood aglow
His eyes focused solely
On the elusive lad whose hair a vivid hue
He wanted to touch his hair
Wanted to be close to it
But would the man permit?
His yearning gaze lay bare
The man who stood aglow
Took notice of his stare
A radiant smile on his supple lips
Brighter than the sun
He found himself drawn in
And he pushed his way,
Against the sea of grey
Towards the man who stood aglow
Each step echoing in his ears
Closer, he thought
Closer, he begged
The crowd moving like a swarm of fishes
In shades of bland hues
Except for the man who stood aglow
A beacon of hope
In a backdrop of grey
Though his thirst for color quenched
His hunger remained unsatiated
He wanted more.
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I am so tempted to expand this into a multi-chapter fiction, but I already have an ongoing AU project.
Also, I'm fearful of a writer's block. It's my absolute nemesis.
I've been on a writing streak, and my lone brain cell is nearing its extinction. I feel my archenemy slowly creeping in. 😩
Poem inspired by @ariosesae 's post. I know I said I can't do this concept justice, but I took on the challenge anyway 😅
This whole "summer/winter solstice" thing is giving me a plethora of ideas, but man, I don't have enough magic dust to bring them all to life.
I got the achromatopsia idea from the fact that winter solstice is the longest night of the year. It's symbolic of peak darkness, but it could also be representative of something physical. In this case Kageyama's inability to see colors.
Then there's sunshine, baby Hinata born on a summer solstice, bathing the world in golden sunlight. He is the epitome of jovial.
Their lives are intertwined. Hinata is the light Kageyama has been hoping for. The warm color in his monochromatic world. They're bound together. It doesn't have to be romantic. It can just be platonic.
Okay, damn there goes my rant. K, I'll go ponder under a rock on how to write this fic.
Do I even want to write it? Yes.
Do I have the artistic means and the time? Heck no lmao.
Maybe I'll write, but I'm feeling quite ambivalent on this one.
Be back in 250 business days.
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chndelure · 30 days
i used to have a twitter for liveblogging about webcomics but twitter is dying so i deleted it a few months back. that said, i miss having a webcomic posting account so badly, so webcomic Tumblr Sideblog now
main is @asexualzoro and i read smth like 200 comics week to week because i am normal
some favorite comics are Lavender Jack, Eleceed, Your Throne, Castoff, and Broccoli Soup!, but i’m reading way more
longer list of comics i like below cut (not the full list of ones im reading). in alphabetical order, w some more favorites bolded
anything for you
ask white pearl and steven
a spell for a smith
baby tyrant
the beast of hadingley hill
the blind prince
the botanist
blood bound
brain in a jar
castle swimmer
circuits and veins
city of blank
the crimson lady
cursed princess club
the curse of pirate's bay
damselfish in distress
daughter of 1000 faces
the dark lord's confession
dark zone
divorcing my tyrant husband
desert duo vigilante au
doom breaker
DPS only!
the dragon tutor
dungeon death dispatch
eaternal nocturnal
elf & warrior
fictional skin
the first night with the duke
forever after
for my derelict favorite
four leaf
fox fires
from a knight to a lady
garden club detective squad
go away romeo
gourmet hound
grand ma
guide to the land of monsters
heir's game
heroes of thantopolis
high class homos
high spirits neoma
how to be a dragon
the hunt for the holy pearl
i abdicate my title of empress
icy copper
i'm the grim reaper
i'm the queen in this life
ingress adventuring company
i want to be a cute anime girl
jupiter men
the last dimension
like wind on a dry branch
the lone necromancer
lorena immaculate
love me to death
lucid memories
magical mom
magic words
makeup remover
miracle simulator
my husband changes every night
my in laws are obsessed with me
mythos redone
my sweet archenemy
nevermore (originals)
nevermore (canvas)
nobody's library
not so shoujo love story
not your typical reincarnation story
omniscient reader
parallel city
the peculiar compendium of victor van wolfe
plague muffins
the princess and the pirate
the princess plot
prism world
purple hyacinth
rain girl
the red archer
the remarried empress
rose tide rising
sable curse
school bus graveyard
seasons of blossom
the second lead syndrome
the secret knots
the secrets of soulford
see you in my 19th life
señorita cometa
seven days in silverglen
sleepless domain
soil that binds us
somminum theatre
soul food
space boy
space princess
the spark in your eyes
spellward bound
spontaneous world shifting
suitor armor
survival diary
surviving romance
susuhara is a demon!
sweet home
swimming lessons for a mermaid
tiger, tiger
to knight the faithless
to the stars i love
trash belongs in the trash can!
the tyrant wants to be good
the uncommons
villainess for hire
warrior executioner
when the third wheel strikes back
where the heart is
the wizard of cedel
the wrath & the dawn
yuna and kawachan
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cerinelle-stellarium · 4 months
The Ultimate Magical Girl/Boy Starter Pack
Parodies that make fun of the genre, edgy deconstructions and anything that's problematic (Poorly thought out transformation mechanics, age gap romances, excessive fanservice, incest) will be excluded.
Acro Trip
Akazukin Chacha
Alice 19th
Cutie Honey Flash
The Demon Girl Next Door
Earth Maiden Arjuna
Esper Mami
Fairy Idol Kanon
Flip Flappers
Floral Magician Mary Bell
Flying Witch
Full Moon
Hana no Ko Lunlun
Healer Girl
Hime-chan's Ribbon
Himitsu no Akko-chan
Idol Dreams
I. O. N.
Jewel BEM Hunter Lime
Jewelpet (Skip seasons 1 and 3 if you don't want to see surprise incest in your kids' anim)
Kaitou Saint Tail
Kamichama Karin (Personally recommend the manga and its' sequel over the anime)
Leda: The Fantastic Adventures of Yohko
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar
Little Witch Academia
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magic Users' Club
Magical Angel Sweet Mint
The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies
Magical Meow Meow Taruto
Magical X Miracle
MagiLumiere Co. Ltd.
Mahou no Mako-chan
Mahou Shoujo Lalabel
Mahou Shoujo Taisen
Mahou Tsukai Chappy
Majokko Meg-chan
Majokko Ticle
Mao-chan (aka. Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan)
Marvelous Melmo
Mary and the Witch's Flower
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Mei Company
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (Skip both the sequel manga and the anime; both have plot loopholes for the former plus a poorly done ending for the latter)
Miracle Girls
Miracle Shoujo Limit-chan
Mistress Fortune
My Wife Could Be A Magical Girl
Ojamajo Doremi
Onegai My Melody
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Phamtom Thief Jeanney
Popin Q
Powerpuff Girls Z
Pretty Cure franchise (Avoid both YesPre seasons + the 2nd sequel series, and Hugtto as they have age gap romances in them)
Pretty Sammy (+ its' spinoff Sasami: Magical Girls Club)
Pretty Series franchise
Princess Comet
Princess Tutu
Promise of Wizard
Rilu Filu Fairilu
Sailor Moon (Manga and reboot anime recommended)
Saint October
Sally the Witch
Sarutobi Ecchan
Someday's Dreamers
Spellbound! Magical Princess LilPri
Star Driver
Studio Pierrot's classic original magical girl lineup
Sugar Sugar Rune
Suicide Girl
Super Doll Licca-chan
Super Pig
Sweet Valerian
Time Stranger Kyoko
Tokyo Mew Mew (Manga + its' two sequels, both anime adaptations recommended)
Tweeny Witches
Twin Princesses of Wonder Planet
Ultra Maniac
Umi Monogatari
We Are Magical Boys
Wish Upon the Pleiades
Witch Hat Atelier
Witch Watch
Yume no Crayon Oukoku
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hi i know you have a draco-yule ball writing already but could you do a dracoxreader enemies to lovers type yule ball situation. where the reader and draco always bicker and don’t get along but at yule ball all fancied up with other dates, they come to the realization of their feelings for each other?
Thanks for the request! I somehow really enjoyed writing this and hope you will enjoy reading just as much.
Audio version
Potter stinks
Support Cedric Diggory
The letters fleshed bright before your eyes. As if Harry hasn´t gone through enough yet, now the entire school hated him and they were not afraid to show it. You could see Harry’s face redden as you walked through the corridors, accompanied by calls like “Eww, I smell Potter.” or “Cedric is our true champion!”. As if he didn’t know. As if he wanted this. Hermione and you tried to shield Harry as good as possible from the deadly glances and mean comments. But obviously, he noticed.
“They´re just jealous.”, you tried to cheer him up and Hermione nodded confirming.
“As if someone would be jealous of this scar face.”, you heard a familiar voice behind you. You sighted. Malfoy was the last person you needed right now. Harry and he had been archenemies since the first day and as the years had passed, Malfoy and you had developed your own personal hostility, that was about much more than just his arrogant behaviour and his attitude towards non-pureblood wizards, especially muggle-borns like Hermione. You just detested each other with every inch of your body and you were not afraid to show it. Madame Pomfrey was already used to the two of you appearing at the hospital wing regularly because you had hexed each other, poisoned your food or sabotaged your school supplies. She always told you that one of you would kill the other one one day. And it wasn’t even that unlikely.
“You like my badges?”, he sneered. He smiled proudly as he pressed it and the Support Cedric Diggory button changed, the red letters turned green as they switched their positions, now forming Potter stinks. Of course, it had been him. Who else? You could feel Harry tense next to you.
“So lovely.”, you said in a honeyed voice. “That you spend so much time thinking about him and make that much effort. All for him. Now he will get even more attention, thanks to you.” You threw him a sweet smile while Hermione and you turned Harry around again, who had already grabbed his wand. “But you have to excuse him now, he still needs to prepare for the first task. You can go and tinker some banners, because you will only get to watch it from the distance.” You walked away with your friends, with a smug grin on your face as you knew you had managed to hurt Malfoy where it hurt the most. His pride.
You had every reason to celebrate. Harry had survived the first task, even if you had doubted it at some point, and he even managed to be in the first place. You were more than proud of your best friend. Even better, Ron and Harry got along again, which also pleased Hermione and you, since you didn’t need to commute between the two boys anymore. Now you had only to solve the riddle of the egg and Harry would actually have some good chances to win this Tournament.
But you didn’t had much time to think about the riddle since the next surprise was already waiting for you. Professor McGonagall announced that it was a tradition that every school that was hosting the Triwizard Tournament would also be hosting the Yule Ball. It was a formal Christmas celebration and -most importantly- a dance. While the girls of you were really excited about it, the boys didn’t seem to look forward to it. Except Neville, who was a surprisingly good dancer. But he was the only one since most of the other boys never even seemed to have heard something about rhythm or choreography. And they weren’t exactly interested in learning about it.
Luckily, neither Hermione nor you had to worry about a potential partner who might step on your feet and leave you with some broken toes, because you were asked out by some very handsome Durmstrang boys. In fact, Hermione had been asked by Victor Krum himself, how she had told you in a low voice after she had stormed into the common room with red cheeks. You were more than happy for her to have such a chance. The both of them really seemed to like each other and you were glad that Hermione didn’t seem to be that angry anymore about the fact that Ron didn’t asked her out. Even though you had to promise that you wouldn’t tell him who her date was, since she wanted it to be a surprise. You were already looking forward to the look on Ron´s face when Hermione would show up with Victor Krum.
But you couldn’t complain either. You had been asked out by one of Krum´s schoolmates. You didn’t know much about him though because he barely spoke your language. You knew that he had also thrown his name into the Goblet of Fire at the beginning of the school year but now he supported Krum in every way possible. You admired that he did so even though they had been rivals before. Plus, he didn’t look exactly bad, in fact, the tall and trained boy looked actually very good. Now there was only one question left. What should you wear?
“Don’t you think it´s too much?”, Hermione asked you, narrowing her eyebrows. You took a closer look at the picture of the dress she had just shown you. The gown was periwinkle blue and just looked amazing. You shook your head firmly.
“It is just perfect. The people won´t even notice Victor if you will be wearing this.” Hermione smiled at you thankfully. The two of you kept on chatting about your outfits.
“I still need to practice walking in those shoes.”, you sighted. You had chosen some with a higher heel, not really high but still more than you were used to.
“I guess that’s the disadvantage of a tall boy.”, Hermione chuckled. “You have to decide if you want to look him into the eyes or be able to walk properly.”
“At least it will be easier for him to overlook you.”, Draco joined in on your conversation. You hadn’t even noticed him sitting at the table right behind you, listening to your talk.
“I just pray your date will be taller than you then. Or that she has some really high heels. It would be unreasonable to look in your face the entire evening. If you even find someone who will take pity on you and go with you.”, you snapped back.
“Oh, I know Pansy is already looking forward to this evening.” Somehow Draco sounded slightly annoyed. “But I already feel sorry for the boy who asked you out. Are you sure he really wants to go with you and won´t jilting you?”, he asked with a mocking tone of concern in his voice.
“Don’t worry Malfoy, even you won´t be able to ruin this for me.”, you smiled.
But he nearly did.
It was the morning of the ball. Everything was ready, you had a tight schedule. You quickly jumped into the shower. In your head, you went through all the steps you had to take until the evening. You felt a small smile creeping on your face. This was going to be your night. You just knew it. You got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. While you dried your hair with it, you turned around and looked into the mirror above the sink. You froze.
“NO!”, Hermione dropped her book as she heard the scream from the bathroom. She got up quickly, headed towards the room and opened the door.
You still stared at your reflection in disbelief.
“(Y/n), what… oh no!” Hermione stared as at you as well.
Or more precisely at your hair. You had always loved your hair, especially its colour. But right now, any colour would have been better than the bilious green it was now.
“What happened?”, Hermione asked.
“I don’t know. I just took a shower and then I got out and… Hermione, you have to help me. Save my hair, I´m begging you.”, you pleaded.
“Don’t worry, I got this.”, Hermione tried to calm you down.
But she didn’t. No matter which spells she used, your hair was still shimmering in a bright green.
“I can´t go to the ball like this.”, you whined.
“We will ask Madame Pomfrey. She will have an idea.”, Hermione told you, still scandalized that none of her spells had worked. You grabbed a cap and pushed all of your hair under it. No one should see you like this.
As you left your dorm you bumped into Ron and Harry. But you just rushed past them.
“What happened?”, Harry asked confused.
“Emergency!”, Hermione shouted over her shoulder.
“What emergency?”
“Hair?”, Ron chuckled. “Oh yeah, hair is an urgent emergency.” He laughed but went silent as you shot him a deadly glance.
“I still don’t know how this could happen.”, you stated as Hermione and you rushed towards the hospital wing. “It was the same shampoo I always used.”
“Don’t worry. Madame Pomfrey will fix this. And it can´t get worse from now on.”
And for the second time today, Hermione was wrong. Because as you ran through the corridors, suddenly someone stepped into your way.
“Well, well, well, look who´s here.”, Malfoy stated with a small grin on his face. “I wondered when you would come (Y/l/n).” You narrowed your eyes. How would he know? Except…
Malfoys eyes trailed up to the cap on your head. “But it isn’t even cold here (Y/l/n).” Before you could react, he grabbed the cap and pulled it away, revealing the mess on your head. His grin only grew wider. “Oh, you dyed your hair. How lovely. I´m sure your date will appreciate this. But then again, I honestly think green isn’t your colour. You aren’t a Slytherin, are you? Maybe you should try a nice red next time?”
“You. You mixed something into my shampoo.”, you spat. Malfoy kept smiling, confirming your suspicion.
“But you said nothing could ruin this night love.”, he mocked you. “If that´s so, why are you so upset then?”
You pulled out your wand, and Malfoy grabbed his as well. The two of you stared at each other. You were furious. You would hex him so badly, he would have for sure a worse day than you.
But Hermione had different plans.
“(Y/n), we have to go.”, she said pulling you away from Malfoy whose gaze followed the two of you, still ready to defend himself if you would attack him. “We have to get to Madame Pomfrey and then we have to get ready.”, Hermione said in a vivid tone. You obeyed.
“Oh yeah, take your dirty mudblood friend and run away.”, Draco shouted as the two of you disappeared behind the next corner.
Madame Pomfrey was truly an angel. You were sure of that. It nearly took her one hour, but she managed the impossible. When you left the hospital wing your hair looked perfectly normal, with no traces of green left.
Hermione and you rushed back to your dorm, finally getting ready for the night. You were still cursing Malfoy for what he had done. Since you had come back, your only topic was the revenge you swore him.
“I still wonder how he managed to do this.”, you said for the fifth time. “I mean, he had to sneak into our tower and then he had to get in here. Not even our boys can do this.” You stared into the distance. Hermione let out a small chuckle. “What´s so funny about this?”, you asked confused.
“Sometimes the two of you act like an old married couple.”, she said.
You turned around and raised your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“You are fighting the whole time. And you spent so much time and energy on each other. And you talk about him all the time. Sometimes I wonder…”, she stopped.
“Wonder what?” Then you realized. “No, oh no. Definitely not. This spoiled bastard who thinks the world is his just because of Daddy´s money. But I´m not one of those people he can buy. The only thing I feel for him is disgust. Nothing more.”
Hermione grinned. “If you say so.”
You grabbed one of your pillows, throwing it at her. She caught it with ease.
“C´mon, no time for fun, we have to get ready!”
You checked your reflection one last time. You looked absolutely gorgeous. Your make-up was light, highlighting your eyes and lips. Your hair was arranged artfully around your head. The dress was absolutely amazing. It stressed your curves. It was high-necked in the front but the deep cut-outs at your back left little room for imagination. After weeks of practising, you finally managed to walk in your high-heeled shoes as well.
Hermione looked at least as beautiful as you. She was actually wearing the dress the two of you had been talking about before you had been interrupted rudely and her hair looked very smooth.
After complementing each other for solid ten minutes, it was time to leave.
Victor Krum greeted Hermione right down the stairs. She threw a small smile at you, before he disappeared with him into the crowd. Your date, on the other hand, wasn’t there yet. But you saw the other boy that you had been looking forward to seeing tonight. But as you saw Draco Malfoy in his dress robe, standing on the bottom landing, you forgot why you had been looking forward to this. Originally, you had planned to make this evening the hell on earth for the boy. But now that you saw him standing there you could only think about how absolutely flawless he looked. His eyes wandered around until his gaze settled on you. Involuntarily, he raised his eyebrows. Since when did you look so breath-taking? But he quickly regained control over his facial features again. He smirked as he slowly walked toward you.
“Didn’t expect you to come here.”, he said. His voice sounded a little bit shaky as he talked to you. He stopped right in front of you, his eyes trailed up and down your body. You felt your cheeks heating under his intense gaze. You had never noticed the silvery shimmer in his eyes, but now you couldn’t unsee it. And it suited him very well. Godric, what was wrong with you tonight?
“And I didn’t expect you to dare to come here.”, you countered.
“Wouldn’t want to miss this”, he answered while his eyes still lingered on you. “Besides, I couldn’t leave my date alone.” He wrapped his arm around Pansy Parkinson´s waist who looked at you with narrowed eyes.
“Oh yeah, my deepest condolences.” You smiled at Pansy sweetly.
“(Y/n)!”, you heard a voice behind you. You turned around and saw your date heading towards you. You wanted to leave Malfoy and Pansy behind, but Malfoy grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer.
“I miss the green, it suited you.” Then he let go of you and you walked towards your date. The boy greeted you with a kiss on your hand.
Little did you know, Malfoy was still watching you, his eyes traced down the bare skin of your back and as he saw the boy kissing your hand and you smiling at his actions, he felt a strange feeling in his stomach area.
“Draco?”, Pansy asked in a nagging voice, jealously watching her date checking out another girl.
“Let´s go.”, Draco mumbled, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her away, not without shooting a last glance at you who already seemed to have much fun.
And oh boy, you did. Your date was an amazing dancer. The two of you had much fun, even though the language barrier made it difficult to actually talk to each other. But that didn’t keep you from dancing closely. But while you danced your gaze somehow regularly drifted off to Malfoy and Pansy who were still dancing as well. For some reason, you didn’t enjoy this picture and not only because you grudged him the fun. There was something else, a strange feeling, making your heart clench in your chest as you watched Pansy resting her head on his chest while he smiled down at her. But then he looked up again, his gaze met yours. And somehow neither of you was able to look away. Your eyes were interlocked for many moments. Somehow you felt a stronger connection to the boy on the other side of the room than to the one that was holding you in his arms right now. But then your partner spun the both of you around and Malfoy was outside your field of vision. Still, you could feel his gaze lingering on you many times that night.
After a few hours had passed, your date and you separated and after he kissed you on the cheek, he went to his friends and you went, looking for yours. But it weren’t your friends that you found, it was a certain blond boy who you hadn’t managed to get off your mind the entire evening. You didn’t see him coming but all of the sudden, he stood right in front of you.
“Where´s your boyfriend?”, he asked, blocking the way you had planned to go. You didn’t answer, you just stared at him. Malfoy returned your gaze.
“He… he is…” Damn it, since when did you stutter when Malfoy asked you something?
“I don’t know, where´s your girlfriend?”
“She´s not my girlfriend.” Your heart beat faster.
“He isn’t my boyfriend.”
“Then we cleared that up.” He smirked.
“I… I really have to go now.”, you stated.
“Dance with me.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “What?”
“Dance with me.”
You hesitated.
“It´s unpolite to turn this down. So, dance with me.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a command. And you obeyed.
Malfoy grabbed your hand and lead you back to the dance floor. You flinched as his fingers touched yours. It felt like a shock rushed through your body. You wanted to pull away but he held your hand tightly, refusing to let go.
A new song had just started. Carefully, Malfoy placed your hand on his shoulder before he touched your waist. It was a tender touch that sent chills through your whole body. You still weren’t sure what to do.
“C´mon, just one dance.”, Draco whispered as he slowly started to move to the rhythm of the music.
Finally, you gave in. You wrapped your arms around his neck, looking into his grey eyes. He returned the look. The grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you closer. Your face was now only a few centimetres away from his. You could feel his hot breath on it. His gaze fell down, fixing your lips, before it shot up again so quickly, you weren’t sure if you had just imagined it. He pulled your body closer and closer until he held you in a tight embrace. You buried your face in the crook of his neck while Draco´s hands traced up your back and then back down. The feeling of his hot fingers on the naked skin of your back made you shiver.
“You look so beautiful tonight sweetheart.”, he whispered in your ear. You just hummed in response, not trusting your voice. It felt like hours had passed but then again only a few seconds. The two of you holding each other impossibly close, enjoying the comfortable warmth of the other one and inhaling each other’s scent.
But then the song ended and another, faster one started. It felt like you woke up from a dream, slowly coming back to reality. You slightly pulled back. Draco loosened his grip and looked down at you, smiling slightly.
You could get lost in the way he looked at you, letting yourself fall, letting you consume by him, but something held you back. All the pictures of the last years flashed through your mind, all the fights, the assaults, all the things he has said to you. You didn´t know what you were feeling right now but you knew that it was wrong. And you had to stop whatever this was before there was no turning back.
You took a step back, and his hands that had still rested on your waist, slipped down. He looked at you worried and somehow disappointed.
“Is everything alright? Did I do something wrong?”, he sounded genuinely concerned.
“You said one dance. That’s it. So I can leave now.”
You span around without waiting for a response and left. You didn’t dare to look back because you knew it would break your heart. Where the hell were your friends? You didn’t see them in here anymore. Even better, because then you had no reason to stay as well. You quickly left the hall and rushed up the stairs. Only when you were that far away from the feast that you couldn’t hear the music anymore, did you slow down. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest and you breathed heavily. Finally, you came to a halt. On the sill of a huge window, you sat down, staring into the night. It was dark outside and you could barely see anything, not only because of the dark but because of the snow flurry outside the window.
You shook your head in confusion, as if you tried to shake off the thoughts that were running through your mind right now. You heard Hermione´s voice inside your head. “Sometimes I wonder…” You had brushed it off. Draco and you never liked each other. You hated each other. But now that you thought about it you didn’t even remember how your hostility had begun. Obviously, he and Harry never got along but that had never been your business. But Draco and you had your personal relationship, your personal rivalry. Of course, the tricks he played you were often below the belt but so were yours. And if you were honest, even if his jokes annoyed you, without them, something would be missing. Without him, something would be missing. You had never realized how much space Draco took in your thoughts as well as in your life. And Hermione was right, this wasn’t normal. Not for two people who just didn’t like each other. Maybe there was something more you felt for him. Maybe there had always been more, but you had just been too afraid to admit it. But even if you felt something for the handsome boy that didn’t mean that he would feel the same for you. How could he have grown to care for you if you had been so mean to him all the time?
But what was about tonight? What was about those glances? What was about the dance? You could still feel his fingers tracing up and down your back, still remembered the intensity in his looks, still remembered his scent, lulling you in.
You knew it had been wrong. And that it could never happen again. But then again, how could feel something so wrong so right?
“(Y/n)?” You froze as you heard the soft voice behind you. It had been the first time he had called you by your first name. And it sounded like music, coming from his lips.
Not him.
Not now.
“What is it Malfoy?”
You heard the steps coming closer, until he stood right next to you. You didn’t dare to look at him.
“Are you okay?”
“Told you I´m fine.”, you huffed, still looking out the window but you could see his reflection in the glass. He seemed to hover there like a ghost. At least you could admire him like this secretly.
“You just disappeared…”
“What did you expect?” Your voice sounded rougher than you intended to, and you could see his reflection flinch.
“I… I just wanted to check on you.”
“Well, you did, so you can leave now can´t you?”
“Are you mad at me?”, Draco asked. He sounded sincere.
You couldn’t help but laugh. Finally, you looked at him.
“Oh, I don’t know? Do I have a reason to be mad at you? Maybe that just this morning you ruined my hair and teased me about it? Or maybe every other mean trick you had played at me since the first grade?”, you snapped.
Draco looked at you in confusion. “C´mon, (Y/n), this wasn’t just me. You played your role in this too.”
“Yeah, but I don’t suddenly act as if I care about you even if I don’t.” You could feel tears stinging your eyes. All the frustration of the last few years had now come back. “What was your plan, hm? Did you want to make fun of me? Hex me? Poison me? Or did you want me to care about you because if you did, then congratulations, you´ve done it!”
You immediately realized what you had said and bit your lip, but it was too late. You had said it and Draco had heard it.
But contrary to your expectations, he didn’t make fun of you, neither he burst into laughter. He just smiled.
“Can I try something?”, he asked, catching you off guard. Taken by surprise you just nodded.
“Close your eyes.”, he demanded.
You sighted. You didn’t know what he was planning but it probably couldn´t get worse. So you did as he said and regretted it at the same moment. This was probably the most stupid idea that you ever…
Your thoughts were interrupted by some soft lips gently pressing on yours. And just like that, all your doubts disappeared. You felt his lips slowly moving against yours. It was a tender touch, no demands, no pressure. You gave in to it, mimicking his movements. You placed your hands on his chest, while he placed one on your cheek. And even if you wouldn’t have expected Draco to be capable of this, the kiss stayed sweet and innocent until the very end. Then both of you pulled away, breathing heavily, cheeks rosy.
Draco looked at you in admiration and tucked some loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“Was it worth the try?”, you mocked him with a cocky grin on your face. He returned your smile.
“Might need a second try.”
You gave him a slight nod and the next thing you knew was that you found yourself pressed against the wall, as Draco pressed his lips hungrily on yours again. You could taste the bowl from the fest on his lips and something else, you could only define as him. Your hands wandered from his chest to his neck, playing with the collar of his robe and brushing through his soft hair. His hands on the other hand first cupped your cheeks before they slightly brushed your neck on their way to your back again. His fingers danced along your spine before they slipped under the hem of your dress, not enough to consider it inappropriate but just enough to make you sight into the kiss. Neither of you wanted to pull back at first but after a few minutes, you had to because of the lack of air in your lungs.
Draco pulled you in a tight embrace, placing a small kiss on the crown of your head. As you looked up you could see some true affection on his face.
“Would you…” He scratched his neck and avoided looking at you. “Would you like to go out with me sometime?”
You smiled at him.
“Only on one condition”, you paused dramatically. “Promise me to never touch my shampoo again.” He looked at you as if he didn’t actually thought you would agree. Then he gave you a shy smile you had never seen on his face before.
But then another thought crossed your mind.
“Draco? Do you think we can work this out? I mean, all we ever did was fight. I don’t think I even know how to properly talk to you.”
The boy in front of you let out a low chuckle. But then he became serious again, looking deep into your eyes, making you feel as if he could see down to the bottom of your heart.
“Well, I´m afraid we will have to.” He placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose, making you giggle. “Because now that I tried this, I will never let you go again.”
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cornmagnot · 2 years
Our gods have abandoned us, left us, instead take up arms, take my hand, let us waltz for the dead
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Avril and myself have an au where, because of Jon’s machinations with preventing the eyepocalypse and a series of unfortunate events, Jonah’s forced to body-jump again. And Jon is forced to become a canonically accurate eldritch demigod. And with time passing by it seems that you know your archenemy so well it’s too late to get rid of each other. So why not try something else? Something sickening sweet, perhaps?
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Revenge served cold - Kinktober 2
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Summary: You meet your rival from high school and her ex...
Rating: Explicit
Kinktober Special: Cuckolding
Square 1 filled for @anyfandomgoesbingo​​​: Rivals
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Warnings: language, smut, protected sex, fingering, dirty talk, semi-public sex, daddy kink, dominant Andy, cuckolding
Words: 1,9 k
Kinktober 2022
Any Fandom Goes Bingo masterlist
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“Y/N, look at you,” you roll your eyes as your nemesis, the girl that tried to make your life living hell during high school, hugs you. She presses he lips to your cheek, leaving red stains. “All grown and you lost some weight.”
She steps away to look you up and down. Laurie waits for you to return the compliment but you just glare at her for a moment. Why should you compliment your archenemy, your rival?
“Do I know you?” you would pay to get a picture of Laurie as she purses her lips and narrows her eyes. “Sorry, I can’t remember every person I went to school with.”
“I’m Laurie,” she coos now. “You must remember me. You all elected me head cheerleader. We were friends.”
“Laurie, hmm…doesn’t ring a bell. Sorry, I was more into getting good grades, not shaking my ass to get the boys' attention,” you quip, enjoying the struggle on her face. “I remember every friend I ever had since middle school. You weren’t one of them.”
“Well, maybe you don’t remember me as you always were jealous of me,” now she shows her true colors. “I can imagine it was hard for you to see me getting all the attention.”
“I think things were very hard for you” you step closer to whisper in her ear. “With all the dicks you had to suck to get so much attention. Rumors said a head cheerleader was getting around pretty much.”
“I-“ she gapes at you. It must be the first time you see Laurie, head cheerleader and self-declared dream of every boy at your high school, speechless.
“Just saying,” you smile sweetly, “sometimes it’s better to focus on one dick and do it right. Not take the whole football team within a few weeks…”
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While one of your former classmates chats you up, you sip at a too-sweet drink and let your eyes wander. You sigh, as you rather go back to your hotel room and enjoy the perfect mattress.
“Do you remember we had biology together?” he tries to get your attention, but you rather push your empty glass into his hands. “Y/N…”
“I remember you liked to call me nerd and goody in two shoes,” you snap at the now bald football captain. Unlike some others, he didn’t age well. “Just leave me alone.”
“Don’t be like that,” he steps closer to drink your appearance in. Your black, curve-hugging dress reveals enough cleavage to get his attention. “I always knew you weren’t just a nerd and wanted to get my hands on you.”
“She said that she wants you to leave her alone,” another former classmate steps toward the man trying to get in your pants. “Get lost before I make sure you get lost.”
“I got this,” you turn to leave. “I didn’t need your help, Barber. Go back to your wifey and leave me the fuck alone.”
“A pleasure to see you again too, Y/N,” Andy chuckles as the other man finally leaves your side. “I tried to get you alone all night. It seemed you were busy getting all the attention.”
“I think that’s your wife’s specialty,” he laughs as you turn to leave. “As I said, go back to your wife. I’m not in the mood for one of her games, or yours.”
You walk away. It’s not your style to leave things unsaid; but in Andy’s case, you must leave. He hurt your feelings once, and you won’t let Laurie rub salt into your wounds.
“I said wait,” he grasps your arm, lighting tugging to get you to follow him. “I want to talk to you, Y/N.”
“About what?” you huff. “How about that you asked me to be your valentine only to go with Laurie to the prom? Or, how about how you pretended to be interested in anything I have to say only to act like you don’t know me the other day.”
“I was a foolish boy,” his features soften seeing the insecurity in your eyes. “Laurie was the first girl giving me a blowjob, and I didn’t think with my upstairs brain. We were friends and…”
“I don’t think we ever were friends, Andy,” you try to wiggle out of his iron grip, but it’s no use. He starts to walk toward the restrooms, not caring about the people watching you fight his hold on you. “Let me go.”
“We will talk,” he pushes you against the wall. You can’t escape him. Andy places his hands on each side of your head, caging you. “Back then, I was a foolish boy. I fell in love with the wrong girl and married her.”
“Thanks for the reminder,” you try to ignore you can feel the heat come out of his body when he leans closer. 
“Shush, now,” he leans impossible closer to whisper in your ear. “Be a good girl. Let me end my speech. I practiced for months. Since I got to know you will come here too.”
“Fine…talk,” you breathlessly say. 
“As I said, back then I was a foolish boy,” Andy rasps. “Now I’m a grown man. A divorced man.”
“Divorced?” you dip your head to glance at his left hand. He’s not wearing his wedding band. “You’re not fucking with me Andy, right?”
“Not yet,” he cups your face and presses lips to yours, taking all your doubts away. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, and you allow him to move one hand under your dress to cup your ass. “But I’d like to have my way with you.”
“What about your ex? And why now? You never showed interest.”
“You were cute and innocent back then,” he purrs in your ear. “I dared not to ruin you. But now, you are all grown up and I want to make you my little slut.”
“Andy,” you shouldn’t let him grope your ass, or call you his slut. And you surely shouldn’t let him guide you inside the restrooms to bend you over the washbasin…
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“Have you seen Andy?” Laurie coos. After she failed to mess with you, she tries to find Andy to talk to him. “Hello?”
“He barked at me when I was talking to Y/N.”
“Y/N? What has he to do with that bitch?” Laurie grunts as her phone starts vibrating. “What now?” she gets her phone out, smiling as Andy just send her a message. “Meet me at the lady’s restrooms. Oh Andy, you bad boy…”
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“Andy, anyone could walk in on us,” you try to push him off you, but it’s no use. 
You barely made it inside the restrooms before he was on you. He shoved your dress up to your waist and almost ripped the straps of your dress off to reveal your chest to him. 
“Be good now,” his hands cup your breasts to slowly knead the plush flesh. He pinches your nipples, making you gasp. “Only good girls get to cum.”
“We should go somewhere else,” he slaps one of your tits at your words. Your eyes meet Andy’s in the mirror and you know, he’s not the kind of man you want to mess with. Not if you want to cum. “Andy.”
“I’ll have my way with you right here and now. Hands-on the washbasin, and not a word,” Andy moves his hands to your hips to slide your panties down your legs. “I know you are wet for me, but we should have a look.”
You whimper, at his words. Your panties got ruined the moment you felt his hands on your body. “I’m wet for you, Sir,” you test the waters. “You make me so wet…always did.”
“Dirty girl,” he wraps one arm around your body to hold you against him. “Do you want to feel me inside your tight little cunt? I bet you want me to fuck you right here like the whore you are for me.”
“Please fuck me,” Andy groans as you slowly grind against his erection. You’re watching his reaction in the mirror and smirk to yourself. You’ve got him right where you want him. “I’ll be good for you, Sir.”
“Shit, I’d like to take you on a date first, but I need to have you right fucking now,” biting your lower lip you watch Andy unzips his pants. He simply shoves them down his legs, along with his boxers. 
“I feel so empty without you, Andy,” you never acted like that before. Tonight, you will get your revenge, though.
“Just a second,” he fishes a condom out of his jacket, hurriedly ripping it open with his teeth. “Fuck, I’m so hard it hurts.”
“Then you better get inside of me,” Andy rolls the condom over his length. “I’m waiting, Sir.”
He grips your hips with one hand to tease you with his cock. “Fuck, I can’t believe you are the first woman I fuck after my divorce.” He slowly slips the tip in and you grip the washbasin tighter. “Have my cock, all of it.”
Andy slams into you, making you cry out as he spreads you. “Fuck, you did grow up,” he cups the back of your neck to force you to bend over the washbasin. “ANDY.”
“You’re mine now,” he gives you a few shallow thrusts. “Yeah, that pussy is mine. To hell with Laurie and her vanilla sex. I knew you’ll be the right woman to fulfill all of my secret desires.”
“Like fucking at the restrooms?” you eagerly push back onto Andy, even though, he grips your neck a little tighter. “I’ll be everything you want me to be if you give me something I dreamed of for years in return.”
“Just let me fuck you first,” he grips your hips and starts to move in earnest. Every thrust makes you gasp. You urge Andy on, praise him as your core begins to bloom. “Shit, you’re so good for me. You’re taking daddy so well.”
“Daddy?” he moves one hand back to your neck to hold you down while he has his way with your cunt. Andy speeds up and starts to hammer into you without restraint. He gives a shit on people passing the restrooms by, or that anyone could walk in on you.
“Say it again,” his thrusts become more erratic when you clamp down hard onto his cock. “NOW!”
“That’s right. AGAIN!”
“Andy?” you need to hold back a smirk the moment Andy moans your name while his ex-wife watches him sloppily thrust in and out of you. “Why? Why did you tell me to come here to watch…this.”
“I didn’t…I…fuck…this is the best pussy I ever had,” you lift your head to grin at Laurie. “I could happily live inside of your cunt, Y/N.”
“How does it feel knowing Andy wants to fuck only me? How does it feel to know that only I can make him cum so hard,” she gasps as you continue. “Did you know he wants me to fulfill all his desires? You just don’t do it for him…”
“I-“ she storms out of the room, while you smile to yourself.
“It was you…right? You told her to come here,” he slips out of you to discard the condom. “Why?”
“I wanted to show her what happens if you mess with me,” you look over your shoulder to smirk at Andy. “Call me if you want to do it again…”
Andy mirrors your smirk and drops his eyes to your puffy cunt. “OH, sweetness,” he slaps your ass. “You have been a very bad girl and we will make sure you’ll be only good from now on. I will not let you out of my sight until I know you are my good girl…” 
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ashesbreadandbutter · 2 months
Douma + Claude x Fem! Reader Snippet || One's True Nature
So I spun a wheel for a cross fic type of thing. Did it a couple times so if you want to read the others follow and follow my progress.
Anyway, the two characters are obviously Claude Faustus (Black Butler) and Lord Douma (Demon Slayer). I'm having fun with this already.
Think I'll add cross fics to my commission list.
Douma + Claude x Reader
What it'll include: Spanking, biting, marking, breeding, dom and sub, choking and maybe a few others.
Goal : 10k words
It's been many long years. 
Many years since he was first beaten, destroyed by an archenemies who he had spent so much time on for such a silly reason. Said reason being some brat's soul because who was he without as the creature that he is. 
Claude lurks in the shadows. His form is different now from his previous life though not vastly so. He's of a toned build, with smooth, pearly white skin except for his hands and feet which were made up of claws. His body isn't the only thing that has changed but so has his location. 
These weren't the streets of London, lanterns and art lingered in every which was like a colorful dream as humans below seemed to have a celebration of sorts; drinking alcohol, laughing, and whatever else. 
To be fair, Claude has a hate for it. The loud noises, the colors, but ever since he's come back he's been struggling with a deep hunger, one that he hadn't been forced to deal with previously when he was in Europe, one that seems to lure him into more primal needs and sensations. 
It's annoying, the way that he's never been allowed to show this side of himself, to express his hunger like this… when he had been practically trapped in his last deal. He remembers the days, serving that young brat day in and day out and even with how hungry he was he was forced to stay in control, to tame his needs, just for him to lose control in the end anyway. 
Claude could admit that he didn't regret it, crushing that boy's… Alois’s, head in his strong hands until it seemed to pop like a grape and spill blood all over him. 
Even with how calm Claude presented in many cases back then of course he still had his emotions and when it came to Alois all he could do was feel annoyance, dread, anger… and Claude had put up with it until he simply couldn't. He could also admit that he paid the price, going against his arch enemy… Sebastian, even going out of his way to try and steal the other's demon's prey. His death… as humbling as it was to say, was one that was bound to happen and maybe Claude had done all of that just to end the suffering. As demons as he and others could do was live as they are and with Alois Claude had been needy, starved. What else was he to do but to go after what he could which has been that stupid, idiotic boy… though, here… it seemed different. 
Very different. 
Claude could smell the scents in the air, he's not as strong as he used to be but he seems now that he has the potential to do so now and such much more. 
He was… free. And freedom has never tasted better. 
There's so much food around but as the creature he is, the last thing he wants is a corn dog or poe of some sort… he wants blood, meat… and a lot of it.
One scent in particular seems to jump out at him suddenly and Claude doesn't hesitate to snap his gaze over in the same direction as if to follow such a smell. It's fruity, sweet,... Tempting and Claude feels a rush of heat run through him when he locates the owner. 
She's beautiful, as soft and sweet as she looks and dressed in sine silks. Claude hadn't cared much about the history of this place previously, the scenery, the festivals, the fashion trends but the second his eyes landed on her they stuck. She seems to order herself a snack and as Claude stands from his squat and decides to silently get closer Claude can't help but admire her. It's her sweet face, his soft skin, her feminine figure and if Claude was human his heart would be rushing. 
He is a demon again yes but never had he felt like this and if he had it must've been a feeling that had become long forgotten to him. Never once had he felt quite as… warm and hot like this over some random human woman and he isn't exactly sure what it is that makes him feel so drawn to her but it has him feeling like he was having a hard time keeping control of himself. 
It's interesting how difficult this new life of his was, how different it was from his old one. Never once had he felt a craving like this, with Alois, or even Ciel… it's like he quite literally wants to jump down there and tackle her to the ground, jump on her as if he was some sort of leopard, an animal, a beast and she… some sort of deer, prey. Outside of his rebirth he doesn't know anything about this new life he's been giving but what he does know is that suddenly he feels… hot. He wants this woman and while he still isn't sure what for he's confident in his choice. 
He needed to get closer, if not to know this woman than to touch her… caress her skin with both his hands and his lips and maybe he'd proceed by… keeping her, like some cute little pet at his side. Maybe if she agreed to stay by him and at his side he wouldn't kill her immediately. 
She walks along the streets and he follows like a lingering shadow as he tries to think about the best way to go about this. As she now sits at a bench by herself he settles on the building just behind her, looking down on her with bright eyes. He's still thinking and it's only when his eyes snap aside and land on an approaching figure that Claude feels like he has in fact wasted to much time. 
Whoever this guest was he was tall, broad and Claude could admit that the man's physical appearance was rather… impressive, distracting even. He wears a kimono just as everyone else has and even with such clean and gentle looking garbs Claude can practically smell how strong this male is. It's intimidating and Claude had come to an understanding that in this life demons in fact had ranks. Of course they always had but this was so different, so new and even though another other demon would have probably scurried away, Claude lingered even with the rush of tingles he feels race up his spine. 
He proceeds by watching the two, the only prominent features he's kept from his last life was his bright golden eyes which now watched the two figures. The male greets her, bowing his head to the woman before reaching out to take her hand and with a little giggle she gives it to him after her flashes a charming smile. Claude suddenly feels a bit more… annoyed, his eyes narrowing slightly at the scene because though he knows nothing about either one of these two and probably couldn't care less to do so but something about this guest… this man was reminding him of…
It's only then that her laughs rings through the air and Claude clears his mind to focus again only to look down and freeze when bright eyes are looking back up to him. 
A second passes where they stare at each other for a moment and then something seems to burst within Claude's chest. He holds the other demons gaze and the rush of emotion he feels makes him feel both ignited and frantic, as if that the moment their eyes connected with each other had been a deal of some sort all on its own. 
Claude reels back before he can help himself, jerking back and blinking owlishly. There's a rushing in his chest that makes him reach a shaky hand up and clutch his heart. 
Now. What the fuck was that? 
Claude wasn't sure at all but after a moment of silence he finds himself wanting… more. 
It's like something had woke up in him, jerking awake in fury and Claude was s man who would sit here and lie and say that a man couldn't possibly win his heart but the way his was racing in his chest suddenly made him feel many, many things. 
“Do you…happen to come here often?” A smooth and charming voice suddenly rings out over the sea of others and something tells Claude he shouldn't and yet… he decides to peak back over the length and as he thought, the man was now speaking. He looks at the woman with a fond smile, reaching out a hand to her and she giggles softly as she does so, humming as he seems to raise her hand to his lips and lightly brush his soft lips over her knuckles. “I'll admit that I haven't seen you around here much.” He continues and she hums. 
“What's your name pretty? I must know it so I never forget.” He continues as she smiles.
“Y/n. You can just call me y/n.” She answers him and her voice is so soft, so smooth and Claude finds himself leaning in to hear more of it as if he couldn't get enough. The man makes a noise of acknowledgement while Claude personally saves such into in his head and as the man moves to sit beside her, his hip pressing against her own, he finally responds with his own name. 
“You may call me Douma-Sama. Everyone calls me it.” Douma chuckles but something about it sends a shiver running up Claude's spine when he hears it as if the man's name was a curse all on its own. Not only that but… their eyes connected again, his and Douma 's as the other demon looks from the wan to him from the corner of his eyes. 
It was an interesting name, Claude could give him that but something about the way the man had said it, practically purring it out but each syllable and everything was enough to make Claude's cheeks feel…warm. 
Claude reaches a hand up to inspect his face and soon comes to the realization that he was lightly blushing. His cheeks a light pink and he's spooked into silence, even when he and Sebastian battled as much as they did in his previous life never had Claude allowed himself to blush this easily with the man even when that's what Sebastian clearly wanted out of him. He had always waited until he could get alone where he could be stuck with his thoughts all of his own for as long as needed, and maybe he had many, many fantasies and ones he tended to act up on and wasn't exactly sure what it was but just as Sebastian had, this demon… Douma-Sama, had managed to piqued Claude's interest. 
- A
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willowcrowned · 11 months
my archenemy (perpetual travel migraine) and my sweet sweet superhero girlfriend (glass of cheap white wine) are duking it out and I (me) am the swooning damsel dangling over a pit of acid
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