#mirko's hot takes
mirkodoesstuff · 5 months
Hot take: I think there should be more non-object AND non-joke characters, that would be important for either their OCs lore, their show lore etc., because who wouldn't love to have an OC, who's, for example, a cat that is actually important and isn't there to just make a joke about how they're not an object or just do nothing and get eliminated/get hated.
Like, seriously, why are you all afraid of making interesting non-object characters, that aren't joke characters? Of course I have nothing against non-object joke characters, because I love Yellow Face from BFDI series and also I really like David and Dora, but MAN things could be way cooler if there were more non-object non-joke characters, who were for example guards over objects, or even were a co-host, or heck, had lots of knowledge over objects.
Just imagine the scenerio, where a bunch of objects need help and, instead of going to the host of the competition/their other friends - they decide to go to, for example, a cat to ask for an advice for help and the cat actually helps, instead of being there for humour. Or even better - a group of objects have to save the world from something and they're deciding to get help from a dragon, who helps them get rid of the danger!
Just imagine it... Imagine it how epic those things would become if we got to see more important non-object non-joke characters!
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kozumaguchi · 1 year
BNHA at a Waterpark
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Featuring - Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Iida, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Dabi, Shigiraki, Toga, Uraraka, Tsu, Jiro, Momo, Mina, Aizawa, Hawks, Tamaki, Mirio, & Neijire.
Warnings - Possibly Suggestive but not really.
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Midoriya sunburns slightly, but isn't fazed by it. He convinces himself to go down a huge waterslide, nearly losing his trunks and dignity once he reaches the bottom.
Bakugo doesn't sunburn, but does walk around in crocs Kiri bought him and some fancy ass sunglasses. Cursing off anyone who splashes him.
Todoroki is a plus one to whoever wants to go down a tubing waterslide, he also pays for alot of the drinks. Some kid said the sunburn on his eye looked sore....
Iida is practically a lifegaurd, making sure everyone is all right and not in any trouble, he also packed tons of sunscreen, towels, water bottles, and a whistle.
Kirishima wears hot pink trunks with 'manly' written across the back. He is a hype man for anyone who goes down a scary ride, and threatens Mineta throughout the trip.
Denki buys two slushies for himself to see how blue his tongue can get, and nearly gets convinced to wear a speedo by Sero, but doesn't do it because of Bakugo threatening him.
Sero dances casually to whatever song is playing over the radio, before going to bumper boats and destroying Mina and random children with his impeccable aim.
Shigiraki didn't go, he refuses to.
Dabi is paid to go in Shigiraki's place, simply holding onto whatever drinks and food Toga bought while she goes on every ride possible with Twice.
Toga cuts in line, doesn't follow the posture rules while on the slide, and hammers water balloons at innocent bystanders. She truly is in her prime when at a Waterpark.
Uraraka goes on a few rides but prefers sitting at the picnic tables eating or going down a lazy river. She does take quite a few photos to show her parents.
Asui flips over the floaties her classmates are on, and swims around pools with only her eyes visible. She somewhat scares a few children, but she doesn't notice.
Jiro doesn't like Waterparks, pools, or summer for the matter. She sunburns like crazy, hates crowds, and can't swim well. So she just clings to Momo for the whole day.
Momo helps Jiro with her swimming and sunburns, whilst getting numbers from different dudes. She rejects them all, before eating four cotton candy cones in peace.
Mina loves going on the craziest rides, bribing her friends (Denki/Sero) to join her. She recommends the rides to everyone while her friends are shaking on the benches from fear.
Aizawa looks over Eri while she splashes around in the pool. He laughs quietly when she constantly asked the 1A students to watch her while she does a cool water trick.
Hawks was a volunteer lifegaurd because Mirko said she would to it too... But she backed out on purpose. So he sits around eating some popcorn while he rips up all the different phone numbers he got.
Tamaki burns very easily, so he's wearing a full body suit and has his face smeared in sunscreen, he will go in a some gentle rides, but is intimidated by anything to high.
Mirio wears a speedo proudly, visiting Eri once and while to give her some food and drinks. He has no fear while going on rides, and was the one who smeared Tamaki's face with sunscreen.
Neijire seems like she'd be sweet and peaceful at a Waterpark... But that's all wrong. She has a plan to destroy everyone with water balloons and water guns. Even the pro heroes aren't safe.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 10 months
I Idk if you accept nsfw request but if you do how about fem s/o trying to top midnight/mic/miurko! Expect s/o gets much to flustered
(Hey Anon, thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy. Also unrelated but I started thinking about it and I need to write about Mirko more often)
Pro Heroes S/O Trying to Top but Gets too Flustered
(Characters Included- Midnight, Present Mic, and Mirko)
(Warning: NSFW content and swearing)
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⛓️Nemuri Kayama⛓️ (Midnight)
- She would find it very amusing that you tried to dominate her but it would also turn her on greatly.
- She knows well that you get really flustered easily so she knows that soon you’ll be a flustered mess.
Nemuri has always been the dominant one in the relationship and you were happily the submissive one. She always patiently took care of you, spoiling you, giving everything you could ever asked for and you deeply appreciated that.
But today you wanted to try something different.
Today you were going to dominate The R-rated Hero herself.
You and Nemuri were relaxing in your shared bedroom and she decided to go to the dresser and change into her nighttime attire in front of you since you guys had already seen each other naked before. She had her back turned to you and you decided that this is the right time. You watched her as she took off her shirt and silently walked over behind her, wrapping your arms gently around her waist. One hand sliding down to rub on her sensitive areas and the other rising up to grab her tit.
Nemuri knew exactly what you were doing and decided to play along. “Oh my- ah yes touch me like that~”
You instantly froze. Mouth apart slightly from shock.
“That’s what I thought, darling.”
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🎤Hizashi Yamada🎤 (Present Mic)
- At first he’ll be confused on the sudden change. He thinks it’s looks hot when you try and dominate him but he also thinks it looks hotter when you’re flustered.
- But you better be really prepared though because he WILL tease you a lot.
You guys were sitting on the couch watching a comedy movie as you both shared a small bowl of popcorn. Comedy movies were Hizashi’s favorite type of movie because as the name suggests they’re funny.
When he was dying laughing at a corny joke that one of the characters made, you decided to take the opportunity to dominate him when he least expects it.
Keeping your eyes on the movie, you slowly moved your hand up his thigh and to his clothed sensitive part. His laughter died down when he felt your hand and gave you a certain look.
“Oh my bad, I thought the popcorn bowl was there~” You said in a teasing tone, looking at him and you immediately got all hot and flustered at the way he looked at you right now.
“Since when did you become so bold?” He said with a playful smirk.
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🐰Rumi Usagiyama🐰 (Mirko)
- Like Midnight, she would also find it really amusing that a person that gets flustered easily is trying to be the dominant one.
- That being said she still won’t let you dominate her and if you do try then you’ll get what’s coming.
One of Rumi’s hobbies is working out and due to her being very popular because she’s the number five hero, she gets a lot of attention whenever she’s in public. So to avoid the media interrupting her workout sessions to ask for a interview or something, she works out at home.
You loved it when she works out, you love to admire all of her (especially her muscles) and you feel so blessed to be in a actual relationship with her.
Right now Rumi was standing up lifting weights doing curls with them and you were silently watching her, you wouldn’t change nothing about this moment well that’s what you would’ve said but you did wanna try something different today.
As she was lifting the weights you came up to her, pressing your chest against her back and started to slowly feel her muscles.
She stopped what she was doing when she heard you say “You’ve been so stressed recently so how ‘bout you just sit back and let me make you feel good.”
“Appreciate the offer but it’s my job to make YOU feel good.” Rumi says dropping the weight on the floor and grabs you by the neck to pull you in for a rough kiss. Taking you by surprise, you moan into her mouth as she smirks against your lips.
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brxttydevil · 6 months
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Characters: Miruko x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Miruko are having a photoshoot together. Tags: fluff, little smut Word Count: 1.1k A/N: if you would like to see other kinds of fics you can request them
Tag List: @cringeycookies
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You kept staring at her sometimes. All you can think about is her beauty. Out of everyone in the whole world she chose you. Your love for her is something no one has seen. That’s why you all have been known to be the power couple due to your amazing skills and how well you work together.
“You are gonna look really beautiful miss.” The make-up artist smiled at you while putting on your lipstick.
Miruko got done first and when you finished she took your hand and led you to the photoshoot area. A guy walked up to you two. You assume this is the director.
“So, this is the lovely couple today?” He asked. He looked both of you up and down and smiled. “I see you two choose our deluxe set first. Good taste. Come! We have much to do!”
You two both followed him. He had you on the floor leaning your head onto Miruko's lap as she was sitting on the chair.
“Look up at your wife.” He said to you. Then he shifted his eyes to Miruko. “Hold her jaw softly while smirking down at her.”
You two did just that. But seeing Miruko like that after what happened in the dressing up. You started to feel hot in between your legs. And she knew. She knows your body from all of the times she pleasured you.
It felt like hours for them to finish taking a couple of pictures but when you went back to the dressing room, Mirko pinned you against the wall.
“Is someone all hot and turned on by our little couple pictures?” She teased. You pouted at her. She knew what you wanted. “Aww poor baby. I bet you are so wet right now. And you are ruining the lingerie. Such a naughty girl.” She gave you a little kiss and then started to kiss your neck. When she hit that spot that made you moan, she kept kissing that area.
“Miruko, they are gonna see if you keep it up!”
“Let them. You look so beautiful, bunny. Seeing this lingerie on you makes me wanna rip it up. I know you like seeing me kissing you all over. You want to feel that sweet pleasure I always give you at the end of our love. And I know how much of a freak you are for public sex.” She whispered all of this in your ear. Then smirked seeing you all hot and bothered then went to go change into the next lingerie. “Are you coming to change love?”
You knew the game she was playing. You changed into a different one as well. This showed more skin than the last but it was white with pink hearts. You knew she would love to touch you so you played hard to get. You would cave in sometimes but mostly you kept your distance. You smirked at seeing how this was doing to her.
When she finished her pictures she slapped your ass. She walked back to the dressing room to change out of these clothes. You know what she is going to do to you when y’all get home and that’s the exciting part. You finished your pictures pretty quickly.
As you went inside of the dressing room you just saw Miruko sitting on the couch. She was watching you as you undressed right in front of her.
“Take a picture it would last longer love.” You said to her.
"Oh, I will when we get home." She smirked. She waited for you to get dressed then took you home to do whatever she wanted to you.
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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Requests Closed!
Thank you guys, for the support and requests! I'm glad to know you're interested in them*w* I put all requests I intend to write in a list. These will be written in random order, progress will be updated in this post, I'll add a link to my pinned post later :)
Note: If you didn't state platonic/romantic/erotic then I put them under platonic. If that's incorrect feel free to leave me a message!
Also if there were double requests with the same lee/ler/dynamic I combined them! Last but not least, these are a lot so I'll try my best to write them but cannot promise anything, and it'll probably take me ages hehe.
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Ler!Tsukishima & Reader: 50. “So why don’t we see who’s more ticklish?”
Lee!Xiao & Reader: 41. “No, I’m not ticklish there.”
Lee!Muichiro & Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Lee!Akaashi & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + “I really can’t believe how ticklish you are.”
Lee!Boothill & Reader: 03. “I thought you weren’t ticklish.”
Lee!Luke Pearce & Reader: 43. “Don’t tell me you actually forgot how ticklish you are?”
Lee!Freminet & Reader: 49. “Please don’t tell me you heard that?“
Lee!Blade & Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Lee!Zayne x Reader: 22. “Don’t laugh, I’m trying to talk to you!”
Ler!Aventurine x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + 09. "You and I remember this game very differently."
Ler!Kuroo x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Ler!Scaramouche x Male!Reader: 16. “I was trying to sleep!”
Lee!Xiao x Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Ler!Sugawara x Reader: 06. "Could you… do that to me?"
Ler!Gojo x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Luigi x Fem!Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Loid Forger x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Hawks x Reader: 35. “Maybe next time when I can actually move?”
Ler!Wriothesley x Reader: 32. “It’s been a while since you laughed.”
Ler!Hatori Sohma x Reader: 01. “I promise I won’t tickle you.” + 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lee!Blade x Reader: 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lers!Kate & Yelena x Reader: 05. “I didn’t steal anything!”
Ler!Loki x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Vyn Richter x Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Ler!Diluc x Male!Reader: 11. “So, what will be your next excuse to tickle me?” 
Lee!Caelus x Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.” - anon I received your message while I was finishing this post so exactly the right timing!
Ler!Chigiri x Reader: 17. “You have three seconds to run.” - this came like 1 minute after I closed requests so still accepted dear anon!
Lers!Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Lyney x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
Ler!Diavolo x Fem!Reader: 08. “I know other ways to make you laugh.”
Ler!Aventurine, Blade or Ratio x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 18. “Wait… That tickled?” 
Ler!Rosa x Fem!Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.”
Lee!Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae x Reader: 49. Please don't tell me you heard that.
Lee!Albedo x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
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Not accepted / Pending:
All requested non reader pairings, sorry guys but it's specifically a x reader writing event, no ships this time 😭
Alastor x Reader - idk who that is ^^;
Ler!Jiraiya x Reader - sorry anon I barely know/remember Jiraiya's character, if you want feel free to send another one (check my list for guidance).
Ler!Toji x Reader - he looks hot but I still haven't seen JJK S2 hehe oops, I'm afraid I can't write it but might change my mind if I end up watching it later on.
Ler!Mirko x Reader - I kinda totally forgot about her character, sorry!
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Hobie can't find Diane. He hasn't seen her in days. And sure, he's not one to worry. But how could he not? He checks everywhere, and then as a final resort - he asks Miles.
"You've seen Di?"
Miles gives him a sympathetic look. "Hobie, I'm really sorry." He says, and for a second Hobie thinks something is wrong. But no, it's even worse than he can imagine.
"I...I got her into this anime and now... I don't know man."
Miles introduces Disco-Spider Diane to Anime
[Aka Diane loves Gojo and writes smut on the DL]
Now Hobie has NEVER been jealous in his life. He'd be damned before he lets himself get jealous.
But when your girl is laid up on the couch watching JJK for two weeks straight and you walk in on her staring at this on the screen???
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Going "Gojo~ 🥺 ... Sigh..."
When she starts watching BNHA, it's game over.
She's always talking about how cool Dabi is and how she wishes she had a hot morally questionable superpowered boytoy to squeeze.
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Meanwhile Hobie is sitting besides her like 'I guess I'm just chopped liver, ain't I 😭. Might as well take this bloody guitar and end my misery, why don'tcha?'
She sees one photo of Mirko and goes 'Oh my god, Bie. She's literally just like me right? Babe, she's just like me? I remind you of her right? We like.. the same person 🥺'
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And then THE COSPLAY BEGINS. Not that Hobie is complaining about Diane walking around in sexy cosplay outfits. It's just weird when he compliments her outfit, and she's like "Thanks! I got it from-"
And then proceeds to show him the most ridiculous anime character ever.
It starts leaking into real life.
They're in the middle of fights and whenever they win she stops to do a Jojo pose.
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She wears Sailor Moon cosplay to Spider Society HQ and loudly proclaims "I'm a Sailor Scout. Not a Spider-person."
(Spider-Scout, the half Sailor-Scout, half Spider-person is not amused)
She says very loudly during a meeting "OMG isn't Miguel like, Levi from Attack on Titan but tall? Like he has to use the lazer webs to fly in the air the same way Levi needs the wires to kill Titans and-
And everyone is like GIRL WHAT and Gwen, the only other person who has ACTUALLY seen AOT is like "No?? Diane. What are you talking about??"
It all comes to a head finally when one day Hobie comes to eat lunch with Diane.
He's always fashionable late within reason, but he walks into the cafeteria to see Diane hunched over a notebook, writing away.
That's rare.
With her dyslexia, Diane hardly ever writes - typically Hobie reads books outloud, recording them on cassette tapes for Diane to listen to later. But here she was, scribbling away.
And even in her twisted tiny handwriting he could make out the words
'Gojo x Black!Reader: Eyes like Oceans'
Hobie has no idea what the word 'Smut' means, but she's written it all over the page with the words "MINORS DON'T READ!!!!"
When he asks what he's doing, she jumps out her skin.
Hobie fights back a smile. And maybe even a laugh. "You writing fanfiction?"
"Maybe. No. Yes."
"What? You think Imma tease you? Can't be that bad can it-"
Cue Hobie reading most raunchiest, detailed, hoe-ish Gojo smut imaginable while Diane sits there like
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Meanwhile Hobie side-eying the hell outta her 😭😭
She's like "We don't need to talk about the blindfold part-"
"And the part with the spankin-"
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Finally, after weeks - Hobie caves.
He agrees to watch ONE anime with her and Miles, cause he wants his girl back wth 😭😭
Miles gets to choose - and he chooses one he thinks Hobie will like: Death Note.
Hobie doesn't just like it - HE LOVES IT.
"Oi, why's this L coming after Light? Mans is in the right."
"Uhhh?? No??? He's killing people with a magical notebook. L is in the right."
"And I kill people with a guitar, ain't no difference."
"Yes there is-"
"Oh but when Jogo kills people it's fine but when I-"
"FIRST OF ALL his name is Gojo and second of all Do NOT bring up my man. Hobie we will get to brawling right now, don't test me-"
Meanwhile Miles is like "WILL THE TWO OF YOU SHUT UP 😭😭😭😭 GODDAAAMMNN."
.... They agree to disagree. And Miles regrets his decision.
Now Everytime Hobie catches her watching anime Hobie will point at the screen at Diane's character crush and go "Bet I could beat his arse" - just to establish dominance.
Is he jealous? NO! Is Gojo his mortal enemy because he stole his girl without even being real? YES!!!
It's okay Hobie. Just cosplay as Sasuke Uchiha and you'll have her back right away. Maybe.
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one-more-fangirl · 2 years
pretty — keigo takami
the sun rays filter from the curtains of the huge window. they illuminate the whole room, brightening the colors, reflecting on the water in the glasses on the table.
and they frame his face perfectly. his tan skin looks flawless, the rays dance across his cheeks, they kiss his closed eyes, his strands ressembling real gold in the lighting. awe swirls in your eyes as your fingers run through his locks.
"my birdy senses are tingling, pretty," he speaks up from your lap.
no need to open his eyes when he just knows you're staring. he can feel it, and he loves it. an attention whore, you'd say. ah, but just for your attention, he'd answer. instead, you scoff.
"i think i should be the one calling you pretty."
his nose scrunches as he runs his gears through that one.
"i don't know... i think "hot" or "sexy" would be more fitting," he bargains.
"nah... i think mirko falls more into that category," you tease, fingers pinching his nose.
at that, an offended gasp leaves him, eyes shooting open to glare at you, and he's so ready to take you down by force if he needs to. but then he sees your face. and your eyes.
nobody has ever looked at him like that. his fans have adoration in their eyes, they look up to him, but this tenderness is new.
someone cares.
"...say it again."
"you can call me pretty," he mutters, and if you'd ask he'd blame the warmth of the sun for the redness on his cheeks, "so long as you give me my kisses."
"you big baby," you snicker, leaning down to give him his kisses.
"your big baby."
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domxmarvel · 1 year
My favourite thing
Pairing: Mirko/Rumi x Female!Reader 
Request: Could you do a rumi x fem!reader where r comes home sick but doesn’t tell rumi, and she doesn’t find out until r like passes out or throws up or something lol. Best gf rumi takes care of her gworl
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You knew from the moment you woke up that you were sick,but you powered through and got up. Rumi had already left so she wasn't there to stop you from leaving. You made it through the day but you felt far worse than you did earlier. You were hoping to get back before Rumi but the second you walked in she was already waiting for you.
"Welcome back,carrot cake" Her smile fell once she got a good look at you. "Hey what's wrong? You look a bit pale" 
"I'm fine,just tired" You lied,but immediately you felt like you had to throw up. Covering your mouth,you ran past her and into the bathroom. Immediately she was there behind you,holding your hair back. After that there was an awkward moment of silence before she quickly picked you up. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" You just stayed silent,looking at anything other than her. She sighed and backed away. "I'll get you some medicine and I'll make you some tea" You knew how hard she worked and you didn't want to burden her any further. Being a pro hero she hardly had a break or anytime to herself and you didn't want to take up whatever small amount of time she had. You hadn't heard her come back,until you heard the cup on your nightstand. "Careful it's hot" 
"Not as hot as you" She went red,not ready for what you just said. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I didn't wanna burden you,you already work so hard and I don't wanna add to that. You should be able to come home and just relax instead of taking care of me"
"Y/N,you're never a burden to me. I love you and there's nothing I'd rather be doing than taking care of you. So what do you need? I can make you some soup or do you want a massage or I could-"
"Maybe some cuddles"You interrupted. She held onto you tightly,kissing your forehead.
"Taking care of you is my favorite thing"
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kusuguricafe · 1 year
Happy Year of the Rabbit 🐰
A/N: wrote this on a whim after seeing the new hori sketch. there was so much potential I couldn't not write a quick drabble
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this. just this.
Characters: switches Midoriya and Bakugou, ler!Kirishima
“Damn Deku, what’re you doi—PFFFT!”
“Kacchan!! We’re doing a photoshoot for New Year’s!”
“And you’re wearing that?”
“Of course! Me and the others, and Mirko! So, how do I look?”
“Not even a little cute?”
“Aw, Kacchan, don’t be like that!”
“How did you even, fit, in that?”
“With difficulty, heh…”
Bakugou gave him the once-over. Were his thighs always so, so… Well, for lack of a better phrase, fucking hot?
“You sure you can handle taking a picture in that?”
“Yeah, I’ve gotten used to it.”
“But, your thighs are so…”
Deku cocked his head. “So…?”
“So damn exposed! What would you do if someone were to just come up to you and—” without thinking, Bakugou reached out and gently squeezed Deku’s thigh, eliciting a squeak from the smaller boy.
Completely flustered, Bakugou decided to turn the tables as fast as possible the best way he knew how.
“Eh!? whACCHAN! Matte, MATTE!!”
Bakugou pounced. Deku fell to the floor.
“Damn nerd, you’re practically asking for it.”
Bakugou was expertly kneading Deku’s bare thighs, digging his thumbs into all the spots he knew drove the boy wild.
“Oh? And what’s this? Looks like your hips are exposed too. You really didn’t think this though, did you?”
Deku flushed bright pink. “NOT THERE, NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!!!”
“Tickle tickle tickle, damn nerd.”
“Oi! Be nice, Bakugou!”
Bakugou froze. No way. No way this was real.
Kirishima smirked. “What do you think of my outfit?” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Bakugou was still frozen with Deku panting beneath him. Then, the feeling of Deku grabbing his wrist snapped him out of it, and, not knowing how to handle this situation at all, he continued his ruthless attack on Deku’s poor defenseless thighs and hips.
Kirishima smiled. “Coming!” He leapt into action, running up from behind Bakugou and digging his fingers into his underarms.
“WHAAAHAHA KIRISHIMAAAAA!!” Bakugou fell back into Kirishima’s lap and burst into laughter, now in between the two bunny boys’ legs.
“Th-thahanks, Kirishima,” Deku sighed in relief.
“Now’s your turn to help me out!” Kiri encouraged.
Bakugou was doing his best to twist around in Kirishima’s grip, but he was unrelenting.
Deku sat up so that his previous position was reversed. Now straddling Bakugou, he gently wiggled his fingers into his ribs.
It was a good thing Bakugou had his eyes closed right now, because he’s pretty sure he'd die if he had to watch while these two bunny boys tickle him to pieces.
This went on for a few more minutes until Bakugou tapped out. He lasted an unusually short amount of time, most likely due to his already incredibly pre-flustered state. When he finally opened his eyes, he quickly realized he was laying between two pairs of beautifully toned bare thighs, and immediately covered his blushing face in embarrassment.
“You guys are the wooorst,” Bakugou whined.
Kirishima and Midoriya laughed.
“You started it!” Midoriya said.
“I didn’t start shit,” Bakugou mumbled from behind his hands. “Now would you two get offa me!??”
“Oops, sorry, man.”
“Sorry, Kacchan.”
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happyk44 · 10 months
Enji grooming Hawk's wings after a rainy dirty patrol. He slipped into a puddle, got into a tangle with someone with a mud quirk, was tossed into a dumpster.
It's a miserable day and when he gets back to the offices, Enji is there for some miscellaneous meeting.
Everything feels soaked. Grime plugged into his skin and it's drenched so far under his wings, it gonna be a bitch to clean out. He just wants to go home and soak in a tub. Knees to his chin, watching the water dirty up.
But he flashes smiles and grins and agrees to go out with Mirko that evening and has no choice but to give himself a quick once over.
Soaking will have to wait.
Enji is there. Mirko bullied him into coming to the bar. Dirt is drying to the underside of Hawk's feathers. He hates it. It itches. It makes him feel heavy and lopsided.
But he drinks and talks and holds himself stiff and still and smiles and smiles and smiles.
Enji stares at him for a few minutes after a couple hours before pinching Mirko's floppy ears and telling her goodbye. Then he grabs Hawk's and drags him off with him.
Mirko whistles.
He's never been to Enji's house before. It's devoid of people but there are a few family photos here and there.
"Didn't think you'd be so forward, Endeavor," he purrs but Enji's look shuts him off and he follows him quietly to the bathroom.
As he fills up the tub, Enji talks, his voice subdued. "If you need time to yourself, take it." He stands up. "Strip. Get in."
Hawks obeys.
He used to dream about this. But in his dreams, it was more romantic and less… Aggressive.
It's weird. Enji's fingers are hot and thick. He shivers as the other coaxes his feathers apart and cleans him off with a rough damp cloth. He feels like a child. He feels small.
They don't talk.
The soap smells nice. Or maybe it's just the heavyset man kneeling beside him. Sometimes, with how strict Enji is, he forgets that he has kids. That he has a family.
It hits him in this moment. He's probably done this before. Messy muddy kids with dirt in their hair and grass on their knees. Scrubbed deep and raw until they were pink.
The showerhead detaches. He rolls the setting from one to one to one and then rinses off his soaked feathers. Grime and mud flow around Hawks' ankles.
When he's done, Enji rinses the tub out then throws the washcloth at his face.
It's new. Clean. Hawks' dampens it under a light spray, applies a little soap and cleans off his legs and skinny ankles. Enji grabs another cloth and cleans off his back.
It's nice.
"You shouldn't let it set in, no matter how much you want to go out." He squeezed out the cloths into the sink as the showerhead sprays over Hawks' head. "Only poor heroes run the risk of inhibiting their Quirk."
Hawks hums, turning his back to the spray. "How'd you know?"
"You're not at subtle as you think," is his only response. A towel drapes over his shoulders. "Dry yourself off. I'll take you home."
He's alone right after that. The smell of a burning campfire still lingers. Hawks passes the towel through his hair and breathes it in.
The ride home is quiet. He understands for a moment why Enji didn't take him there right away. His apartment is farther away from the bar Mirko chose. Probably as an incentive to drag Enji along - "It's close to home! You can walk if you feel too drunk. Blah blah blah."
The heater from the car is on. Enji's eyes never stray from the road. With an equally steady gaze, Hawks traces his jawline. Then moves his focus around. His hair is freshly cut. There's a faint scar under his earlobe. His shirt is loose over him but even so his muscles bulge.
He can already see himself in his dreams. Draped on his stomach, dark burning eyes and thick fingers and strong arms above him, stroking through his feathers and along the length of his spine.
It's a nice daydream.
"If I asked, would you do it again?" He tilts his head and strokes a hand down his own thigh. "There's always a build up somewhere."
Even small spots take him about an hour to clean out. It's partially the poor reach-he can't really move his arms back like that without breaking.
"Are you asking?"
Are you accepting, slides to his tongue but he looks away instead. "Yeah."
"Then fine."
He smiles softly to himself and nuzzles into Enji's side. "Knew you were my favourite for a reason."
He thinks he spots a darkening to Enji's cheeks before the other shoves him away because he needs to focus on the road.
The rest of the ride is warm and cozy. He feels cleaner than he has in a while. Makes sense. Cleaning out his wings on his own was always difficult. Sometimes he considered just shedding them all to do away with it. But now those thoughts didn't need to permeate his head.
Enji pulls up to his building. He reaches over to the door handle, feels it unlock under his grip then pulls back. It's a chaste kiss. Fleeting but hot. Enji's lips burn and when Hawks pulls away, his own continue to tingle.
Enji rolls his eyes. "Tch."
Hawks grins and finally exits the car. "See you later, Endeavor."
He watches Enji bid him goodbye before pulling out and back onto the road.
His lips still tingle.
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depravitycentral · 11 months
I’m begging you to elaborate on Shizuku. Sounds kinda hot (please and no pressure, hot ladies do something for me😫)
Tw: non/dub-con, oral, strap-on usage, fisting, forced cuddling/kissing, Shizuku is a menace and you'd better hope she doesn't get horny in public because she WILL fuck you in front of other people without any hesitation
Sure! I'll eventually have both a general and nsfw profile for her up, but in the meantime, just know that Shizuku (along with a few other women spanning the fandoms I write for - specifically Mirko and, to a lesser extent - and with significantly more grace - Pakunoda) are anything but subtle when it comes to their desire to be intimate with you.
She doesn't try to hide the way she's feeling - regardless of whether she's in the mood to intertwine your pinkies, cuddle you for hours, or shove her face between your legs. She doesn't see a point in trying to hide her desires - why should she? The whole reason she kidnapped you in the first place was to have free, easy access to your affection and attention, and it just doesn't make sense to limit herself.
You can tell her to have things like 'common decency' or 'self respect', but she doesn't really understand why you seem to think she's lacking these things. She's not diminishing her common sense when she grabs your wrist in an iron lock and pulls you against her back, so that you're spooning her and listening as she hums happily and snores lightly.
It's not belittling, like you seem to think, when she makes sure your hand - still trapped by her hold, even in her sleep - is made to cup her breast, so that she can fall asleep to your touch and perhaps influence her dreams into having a more risqué plot. (And sometimes, when she wakes up, forgetting that she put your hand there, she's more than willing to indulge you in some morning sex - you'll feel hair tickling the inside of your thighs as you rouse awake, Shizuku's voice cheering a good morning, baby that gets muffled against your cunt.)
She's not even remotely embarrassed when she looks at you and taps her chin, her voice genuinely contemplative when she asks you if you'd rather have her sit on your face, or ride your thigh? It'll take a while either way, you know , because I'm pretty horny right now and I want to come a few times. Let's go with your face - you'll have more fun that way, too.
(Nevermind that she always drops all her weight on you, and while she's not particularly heavy, she doesn't really acknowledge when you're tapping at her thigh or squirming under her, begging for air because her slick is just everywhere, and you can't seem to find any room to breath - the only thing you seem to be able to inhale is her her her, exactly how she likes.)
She'll always be asking you sexual questions - she doesn't just let things happen naturally (not that you want them to; she's kidnapped you, after all), instead always broaching the topic with the most apathetic, flat expression she can manage. She's not ashamed in the slightest - she's never denied the fact that she wants to fuck you in every way she possibly can, and because she can overpower you without even trying, you won't have much of a choice in the matter.
She wants to do everything to you - except, Shizuku is much more selfish in bed than she realizes, because while she enjoys getting you off, she'd much, much rather receive than give. She wants to be the center of your attention, to be fawned over and worked into her orgasm. She wants to feel the way you caress her skin and kiss every inch of her, your pretty eyes watching as she sighs and hums and cards her fingers through your hair.
She manhandles you, and as soon as an idea comes to her about something sexual she wants to do with you, she'll pull you away from whatever you're doing, free hand already working at the button and fly of her jeans, and tell you, nonchalantly, that we're going to fuck now. Bed or floor? How charming.
A few extra thoughts about her that I wanted to mention:
When you're eating her out, she'll physically pull your face closer to her cunt. Like, fingers grasping your head and pulling you forward with all her strength until your nose is literally buried between her folds, mouth pressed against her and your eyes just barely able to see her biting her lip from over the mound of her pelvic bone. It makes it hard to breath, and you'll always end up getting her slick all over you, making you a sticky mess and always smelling like musk and her. (She won't let you wash your face afterwards, either - she's too intent to cuddle with you when all's said and done, and she'll always giggle a bit when she sees you with the ring of white around your mouth.)
I know I briefly mentioned it in the post you're referencing, but she has this strap she bought a few years ago on a whim - it's a dark purple color and it's thick, enough to get you wincing a bit when she shoves it inside you. She likes watching, because while she doesn't have a dick herself and doesn't particularly like imagining anyone with a dick fucking you, there's something about the way your cunt flutters and sucks the plastic in again and again that gets her drooling and rubbing her own thighs together. She's always thrusting hard, fast, and deep, leaving you sore and nearly screaming because it's just all too much. She's like a man who doesn't understand the concept of thrusting, rather than jackhammering.
Conversely, she wants you to fuck her nice and slow when you're wearing the strap, and she likes when you're facing each other. She'll lay back and let you do all the work, her pillow princess tendencies really shining in these moments. She wants deep, languid thrusts, with lots of touching and pinching at her nipples, hickies sucked into her neck and a finger - your finger - constantly rubbing at her clit. She's high maintenance, and she doesn't even realize it.
She's a little bit into fisting - she just likes testing your limits and seeing how far your pussy can stretch and how much it can take. It's like a morbid fascination for her; she'll lean over your pelvis and stare as her fist disappears inside you again and again, making this squelch noise each time. She's staring, dark eyes boring into your body, and she's talking, too. Her voice is normal, not any hint of her arousal at watching as she tells you that you're taking this so well, you must do this a lot. Did you used to do this, back before we moved in together? I bet you did, and I bet you thought of me while you were doing it, too. At least she's kind enough to only bother shoving her fist inside when you're actually wet enough to try it.
She also kind of has a thing for public sex - there's something hot about the idea of someone watching you and her, and while she'd never let anyone else touch you, she likes having an audience. It's like showing off exactly how much you love her, because you're fingering her and kissing her right in front of a red faced Machi and Phinks (innocents who were merely caught in the cross fire in the public space of their latest hideout, though the prominent erection Phinks is sporting and the clear outline of Machi's nipples through her shirt tell Shizuku they're enjoying the show more than they'd care to admit). She just likes when people watch because it feels dangerous and exciting, and because it means other people can see that you're hers.
Shizuku does have some strengths in the bedroom, though, I promise! It's not all bad - she almost always gets you to orgasm, and she's actually very good with her fingers. She's gotten herself off enough times to the thought of you that she can get aroused and wet very easily when you're involved, and eventually she'll get you to have that same response, too. Honestly, it's a bit of a Pavlovian response - the minute you see her shuck off that black turtleneck, you're already feeling a bit of a warm sensation between your legs, even if it's just your body desperately trying to lubricate itself rather than actual excitement for what's coming.
Hopefully this is what you were looking for anon, I actually love Shizuku! I think she's a good example of an entirely non-self aware yandere who makes everyone in the room uncomfortable, not just you. So at least there's solidarity in numbers. Except, not a single person will be helping you, even if her behavior makes them shift awkwardly and look away. They're all Spiders, and if you're what Shizuku wants, then you'll be what she gets.
Thanks for sending the ask :)
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Here, Kitty, Kitty (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnilingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: If T*mblr flags this chapter, I swear I'm gonna have a stroke. I had a request fill flagged already & I may just have to post it on Ao3. Anyways, stay safe & wear y'all masks cuz the air is trash rn! Also, this isn't proofread so I'm sorry if some of the grammar is shit lmaoo. If you read it on Ao3, it's better -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
Hours into the night, the energy in the club finally dies down and Nemuri is passed out with her head in Mic’s lap and her hair in her mouth. 
“Now she knows not to ever try to drink with Mirko,” you giggle. That bunny girl can drink anyone under the table. You swear that her lungs are made of steel. “You sure she’s gonna be alright?” You worriedly glance up at Mic who has a land on Nemuri’s head, stroking it gently. 
“With me?” Mic chuckles. “She’ll be more than alright! I’ll make sure this beauty makes it back safely.” Nemuri groans softly, earning a quiet laugh from Mic. It is the end of the night for you which is usually signaled by aching feet from dancing and the need for sleep. The club is still jumping, but you’re in need of a hot shower and your soft bed to end the night off strong. 
“You just worry about gettin’ yourself home, okay?” Mic tells you over the music. “I know you’ve got those claws, but still.” He peers at you worriedly from behind his shades that sit perched on his nose. 
You smile at his concern. Always the worried wart, he is. “Don’t worry, Mic; your friend is going with me.” You nod towards the door where Aizawa waits for you, scrolling through his phone and looking incredibly sexy while doing it…or maybe that’s just the alcohol talking. You couldn’t believe it when he offered to walk you back to the dorms when you announced to the group that you were tired and wanted to go home. 
However, not once did you protest or deny his kindness. After being so close to him tonight, you are more than eager to hopefully get closer to him tonight. Even a silent walk side-by-side back to campus will be enough for you tonight. He’s like a drug to you–you just can’t get enough of him. 
Mic looks between Aizawa and you, shocked. “Aizawa’s walking you home?” he asks in complete awe. You slowly nod, wondering what the big deal is. He then cackles, joyfully slapping his knee. “That sly flirt! I knew he was coming out tonight for you!” 
Your heart picks up speed at his words. “What do you mean?” you ask, confused. Mic’s joyful smile turns into a secretive smirk, a glint in his eyes. “Ask him,” he chuckles, nodding over at his friend standing patiently by the door. You make a confused scowl at him, wanting to shake the truth out of him. Aizawa couldn’t have possibly came out tonight just for you. It just doesn’t make sense to you in your boozed-out mind, like a purple sky. 
Nemuri groans sleepily from Mic’s lap and her eyes peel open to meet yours. “Hey, honey,” you coo, gently stroking her hair. “Mic’s gonna take you home later, okay? Don’t worry; Shouta is walkin’ me back to the dorms.” 
Nemuri pulls a sour face at this new information. “Tell him if even thinks about hurting you, he’s dead,” she grumbles, abruptly sitting up. “I mean it! I’ll knock his ass out with my quirk, strangle him, hide the body, then…” She pauses, pressing a hand to her forehead. “Too many cocktails,” she groans in anguish before plopping back down onto Mic’s lap. He looks at you with a smile, patting Nemuri’s back. “Get goin’,” he chuckles. 
And so you do. After saying goodbye to the rest of the crew, you walk over as best as you can on tired feet to Aizawa. He immediately pockets his phone and stands at attention when he sees you. “Ready?” he asks. You nod, giving him a smile. “Absolutely.” 
He keeps a hand on your lowerback as you walk out of the club, the feeling of his warm palm making your tail curl excitedly. Once you’re outside in the late-night air, you and Aizwa begin slowly walking in the direction of the UA campus. During the walk, you two don’t talk much, but you don’t have to. The silence is comfortable and peaceful, making you feel content in just feeling his presence next you and sneaking glances at him now and then. 
You enjoyed being with him tonight. He revealed a different side to you that you’ve never seen before–one that is more laidback and carefree than the usual grumpy, standoffish, and sarcastic person you’re so used to. He was extremely protective toward you, always sitting near you or somewhere close by to keep an eye out while you enjoyed yourself. It wasn’t at all overbearing to you. If anything, it was so fucking hot how he refused to keep his guard down around you. 
Even when he was enjoying himself. At one point, he did a shot contest with Mic with some kind of sour mango concoction and Mic nearly passed away on his fourth shot. And then there was that dance…that dance you can’t seem to get out of your mind. The way he held you; twirled you; moved your body this way and that to the music while staring deep into your eyes. You can still smell his cologne on you and feel the warmth of his hips pressed flush against yours. 
Need coils inside of you as you walk beside him, doing your best to calm yourself. You want him. You want him more than anything, and it isn’t just the alcohol talking. You would think tonight would open the door for something new between you; something you may both want. ‘That would mean you’d have to tell him everything,’ a nagging voice in your head hisses. ‘You sure you’re ready for that?’ 
You push the voice away, not wanting to go down the road. Even if something is to happen tonight and you do invite Aizawa into your bed, or vice versa, there is no need for talks of dating or romance. Tonight could just be about the attraction you both feel for one another. That’s it and that’s all. But even as you try to think of tonight going that way, you feel sick. You don’t want to be just a booty call, and you’d be lying if you said you’d be okay with that. 
You want more with Aizawa. You want him now, tomorrow, and longer after that. You don’t care how long it could last. You just want him for the time he’ll allow. But you need to hear that from him. You need to know with unwavering certainty that he wants the same thing as you. These wandering, pestering thoughts finally take the backburner when you arrive at the faculty dorms at UA. Aizawa walks you to your dorm first after telling you he plans to pick Eri up in the morning. “It’s too late,” he explained. “Shinso needs his sleep.” 
When you finally make it to your dorm, you finally break the silence that has now turned awkward without the serenity of nature and the city views keeping you company. You turn to Aizawa, smiling and clutching your purse. “Thanks for walkin’ me home. I would’ve just taken a Lyft.” 
Aizawa shakes his head, standing at a good distance from you. “Nah, I wouldn’t have let you do that. Lyfts are pricey at this time of night, especially on a Friday. Not to mention that I was plannin’ on leavin’ early anyway and we both live in the same building, so…” He pauses, putting a lull in his stream of consciousness spilling from his lips. “I’m rambling,” he sighs, looking absolutely embarrassed, his cheeks flushed red. 
“It’s okay,” you giggle, just as bashful and melting at how damn cute he is. “I appreciate it either way.” You awkwardly toe the floor with your heel as silence falls around you again. You don’t want to go in just yet. You don’t want tonight to end. “I had a lot of fun with you tonight,” you softly confess, peering up at him through your lashes. 
He stares at you in awe as if he can’t believe what he just heard. Then a genuine, soft smile curls at his lips. Those lips you desperately want to feel against yours. “I did, too,” he replies, the warm tone of his voice making your stomach flip. 
For a while, you just stand there in the hall, silent and both burning with questions left not asked. You want to ask him to come in. Or have him ask you to follow him to his dorm. Would he even want either? Would you be okay with that kind of disappointment? Other than arousal, the truth is also burning a hole in your stomach. Maybe you should tell him now while you have liquid confidence and privacy. You can’t keep him in the dark forever. 
Aizawa clears his throat, snapping you back to reality. “Well…I guess I’ll leave you here.” With his hands still in his pockets, he turns and begins to walk away. The truth begins to bubble inside of you, desperate to be released. 
‘Tell him! Tell him now!’
“Shouta,” you say, your heart leaping in your chest. The pro stops and looks at you over his shoulder. Ignoring the way your hands shake gripped around your purse, you swallow your pride.  “Do you wanna come inside?” you ask. Aizawa’s eyes flash with something unreadable, but it’s there. Was he hoping you’d ask him? 
“For some tea maybe?” you softly add, hoping that will make this sound less suggestive. Still, he holds that unreadable expression as he slowly turns towards you. The air has completely changed between you. It’s charged and tense; stiff with desire...at least on your part. “Do you want me to?” he asks, raising a tentative brow. 
“Well, I’m usually very particular about who I let into my private space…” You bend down to take your key from under your welcome mat. “But I suppose I could make an exception for you,” you purr, giving him a smile before unlocking your door. “Come right in.” You open the door wider, revealing your spiffy dorm room that smells of vanilla Yankee Candle spray. You mentally pat yourself on the back for cleaning your dorm before you left tonight. 
Aizawa hums as he steps into the living room, looking around at your little home. “Cute place.” You shut the door and come up next to him, tossing your jacket onto the couch as you do. “By the way, you were wrong about my scratching post bein’ in my office,” you say, nudging him with your hip. “I moved it in here along with my catnip.” 
You nod toward your window overlooking your favorite cherry blossom tree where, sure enough, your scratching post sits along with a plastic ziplock baggie of catnip on the top shelf of your bookcase. A chortle bubbles from Aizawa’s chest, making you laugh along with him. It’s so contagious. “That. Is. Adorable,” he chuckles. “And absolutely hilarious.” 
Glad to have the ice finally melted, you wander into the kitchen. “Take a seat and I’ll get you that tea.” Aizawa does so, taking a seat on your couch as you rummage around in your kitchen preparing tea. Once you get the kettle going, you dig into your box of assorted tea bags for the right one. “Which kind would you like?” you call to him. “I’ve got green, black, oolong, chai…” 
“Black, thanks,” he says. You snort to yourself. Of course, it’d be black. 
After brewing him a mug and fixing yourself some green tea with extra honey, you bring the two mugs over to him on the couch. “Here you go,” you say, holding his mug out for him. As he takes it, your fingers brush against each other, sending your heart into a frenzy. Why the fuck did you think bringing him here was a good idea? 
You have no choice but to sit next to him, noticing how the couch dips slightly because of his weight. You eye him up and down as he silently sips his tea, realizing how tall he actually is. Even sitting down he is still a head taller than you. Your giggle, slightly influenced by the drinks you had earlier, makes him look over at you, a questionable smile on his face. “Sorry; you just look so big sittin’ on my couch. You make my dorm look like a dollhouse.” 
Aizawa smirks into his tea, breaking through that tension more and more. “Sorry about earlier,” he suddenly says. You stare at him, confused. “You know, with that Snapshot guy. I know him, and he just seemed like a douche from where I was standing.” You roll your eyes at the mention of Kenji. “C’mon, he was a nice guy!” you protest. 
“Yeah, just to get in your pants,” he grumbles sarcastically. “Nemuri’s words, not mine. She sent me over there to get him away from you, but the dancing wasn’t a part of it.” Then, just like that, the air begins to change again. It is different and tense with unsaid words, the desire rising in your body with every second you don’t ask him what you’re dying to know. 
Finally sick of waiting, you lower your mug down on the table in front of you and cross your legs to stamp out your arousal. “You know, Mic told me to ask you something,” you blurt. Aizawa’s eyes flicker to yours. “Apparently, he thinks you came out with us tonight just for me.” 
With the question now out in the open, the silence transitions to one of awkwardness again. You laugh to yourself, hoping to ease the tension surrounding you. “He’s just being silly, right?” you awkwardly giggle. 
But Aizawa doesn’t agree or explain himself. He barely even moves. Instead of at you, he stares at his mug and the contents inside of it. You blink at him, confused and a little scared (that damn alcohol!). 
“Shouta?” you squeak. Your ears point backward, unsure of what’s happening and if you should be alert. Did you go too far? Did you anger him? 
Suddenly, he lowers his tea mug next to yours and turns to look at you. As soon as he does, you understand everything that he must have been feeling for you the entire night: desire. It is pure, it is molten, and it is there in his hooded gaze that he pins right on you. You’re speechless, your tongue heavy and mouth dry. His hand sneaks across the couch to meet yours, his thumb caressing your knuckles. “I’m not good with words as you probably already know,” he breathlessly says, “so if it’s alright with you before the liquor wears off, I’d like to show you. Is that okay?” 
There are so many things you want to say to this man, but the one word that you’re able to choke out is the only one that is clear in your mind that is hazy with need: “Yes.” Instantly, you find yourself wrapped in Aizawa’s arms and his lips are finally, finally, on yours. His lips are soft and plump. You can feel the prickle of his facial hair and taste the faint hints of alcohol and mint gum on his tongue. Unable to stop yourself, you moan into the kiss and press a hand to his cheek, feeling his soft skin and beard against your fingertips. 
Aizawa snakes a hand in your hair, cradling the back of your head as his lips dance with yours. It feels so, so good. Better than you ever could’ve dreamed, and you have dreamed of kissing him many, many times. You want to moan more into his mouth. You want to whimper; beg; scream for him. You want to let him know how desperate you’ve been for him. How touch starved you are for only his hands and skin. 
You get the green light to do so when he suddenly pulls away from you to soft whisper through heavy pants, “I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve wanted you for months.” He sounds just as hoarse with need as you feel. Overwhelmed with joy and arousal, you press your other hand to his face and bring him in for more heated kisses. “M-Me too,” you breathlessly stutter against his plump lips. “Kiss me more, Shouta. Show me that you feel the same that I do for you.” 
And he does. After gaining your permission, Aizawa lets out a throaty groan as he snakes his big, muscled arm around your waist and yanks you closer to him. You giggle through the kiss, even more turned on at his strength and ability to switch from soft to rough at the drop of a hat. You are now pressed flush against him with one leg thrown over his lap. If you are to shift just a little bit, you’d be sitting in his lap. Aizawa’s hands drift down to your hips to cup your ass but he doesn’t fondle or squeeze it like you want him to. 
He pulls away, his charcoal eyes concerned. “Is this okay?” he whispers. “We can do whatever you wanna do. I don’t care; just as long as I get to keep you here like this.” He hugs you closer to him, pressing a kiss to your jawline. You smile at him, filled with happiness and feeling hot all over. “And you say you’re not good with words,” you purr before diving in for another kiss, slipping some tongue between. 
Aizawa moans in surprise at your boldness but isn’t displeased either. You can tell by how he eagerly begins to swirl his tongue with yours, chasing and dancing with it. The wet sounds your lips and tongue as you continue to kiss makes your panties wetter. You need more of this. More of him. So after pulling away, you take the initiative and slowly climb into his lap, straddling him. You softly gasp as you feel his hard-on pressing against you from inside his pants. 
Aizawa stares up at you, lips parted and eyes hooded. He wants you. That much is clear from his molten-hot look as if his bulge doesn’t tell you anything. “I know we don’t know each other all that well,” he huskily says, “but I’d be lying if I said wasn’t extremely attracted to you.” He grips your ass in his hands, making you softly moan and your tail curl in pleasure. “So if you don’t want somethin’ to happen tonight, you’d better tell me now.” 
He sounds so sure that there’s a possibility that you don’t want anything to transpire between you two tonight. Does he see how hot you’re making him? Do you need to show him? Obviously, you do, so you take his hand from your ass and slide it underneath your dress to press against your panties. “Shit,” Aizawa hisses at the feeling of the wet fabric. His fingers begin to slide against your panties without your assistance, rubbing against your sensitive clit. 
“Does that answer your question?” you softly moan, shamelessly grinding into his hand. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding him close. “We can get to all of that ‘getting to know you’ stuff on a second date…‘cause I want that second date.” Aizawa chuckles at your answer, the soft sound making your pussy pulse against his fingers, and he presses another passionate kiss to your lips. Christ, can he just fuck you already? You can feel the cat inside of you growing impatient as her heat increases, desperate for something. 
Aizawa must sense it too because he asks you, “Bedroom?” while still peppering your mouth in kisses. You make a noise of protest and pull away, vigorously shaking your head. “No,” you whimper. “Right here is good for me.” He looks unsure of this, but any protest or argument you stop when you nibble on his bottom lip, gently pulling the flesh between your teeth and letting it pop back into place. “I don’t care where we are,” you whisper. “I just want you.” 
A noise similar to a gasp leaves Aizawa’s lips as he devours your mouth again, his hands moving along your back and ass, squeezing to his delight. “Grind into me,” he growls. “I know you want to.” And so you do. You begin to grind your hips down into his bulge, your fabric-covered pussy gliding across his hardened dick in his jeans. You’re practically teeming with need at this point, especially when you feel his hand brush against the base of your tail. 
He immediately moves it as soon as he touches it but you’re not letting that slide. “You wanna touch it?” you breathlessly ask. “You can if you want. My ears too.” You hope he sees the need in your eyes as you stare into his. ‘Please!’ they beg. ‘Please touch me, for fuck’s sake!’ He seems to take the hint though because his hand moves back to your tail, his skin brushing at the soft fur. “J-Just be gentle,” you plead. “They’re a bit sensitive.” 
Aizawa moves his lips across your neck and jawline, peppering them in intoxicating kisses. “Tell me how to touch you,” he murmurs to you. You can barely speak as you shift in his lap, arching your ass up a bit to meet his hand. “Start lightly stroking my tail with your index and middle finger. You can do the same with my ear.” 
He nods and does so, taking his index and middle fingers to your tail where he begins to lightly stroke it up and down. Your mouth opens agape as pleasure zings through your entire body, starting at your tail. With his other hand, Aizawa begins to lightly pet one of your ears, paying attention to your body language and reactions as he does. You’re in pure heaven right now. His hands feel so good that the pleasure they emit should be illegal. “Ohhh, that’s good,” you moan, unable to hide the pleasure you’re feeling right now. 
“Yeah?” he teasingly asks you, his voice in your ear making your clit jump excitedly. “You like that, kitty?” As soon as the pet name leaves his lips, he swears and your ears perk up at the new, foreign word. “I’m sorry. That just slipped out.” He looks sheepish, still slowly stroking your tail and ear. 
The nickname brings something out of you: the desire to be that “kitty” for him. To want to submit to whatever he wants. It shocks you but it also excites you. “Don’t apologize,” you giggle. “I like it.” And you do. You fucking love it. You place your hands against the hard plains of his chest, wanting to feel him. “Could you call me that again?” you pleadingly ask, hands stroking up and down his chest, indulging in the hard pecs beneath his shirt. A twinkle appears in Aizawa’s dark eyes and his hand moves away from your tail to squeeze one of your ass cheeks. “I’ll call you whatever the fuck you want,” he softly growls. “Just keep touchin’ me.” 
You’re happy to oblige. You’re even happier to make your touch more direct. You slip your hands underneath his shirt to press your palms to his warm skin and hard pecs. You can feel his heart hammering against your hands, making you realize how excited he is for you. It makes you even wetter than you already are. You lean in, pressing your lips to his pouty ones. “You’re wearin’ too much,” you purr against his lips. “I am, too.” 
With a heart-stopping smile, Aizawa helps you down off of his lap and proceeds to help you undress him. You’re only able to get his top off because his hands are already grappling for the zipper to Nemuri’s dress. He pulls it down in one swift motion and the piece of clothing comes tumbling off of your body to reveal your lace bra and panty set. Aizawa’s eyes widen an inch. “Jesus,” he exhales, drinking in your naked form. “If you would’ve gone home with Snapshot, I would’ve pulled up and strangled him.” The sudden brashness of his comment makes you laugh hysterically, the awkwardness of being semi-naked in front of your crush melting away. 
He pulls you to him so you’re standing between his thighs and he sits up straighter so his face is eye-level to your breasts. He doesn’t hesitate to pull down the bra straps on your shoulders, causing the cups to your bra to slowly slide down your stomach and reveal your naked breasts and hardened, brown nipples to him. 
His fingers brush against the sides of your breasts, emitting a soft moan from your lips. He takes one hand away and replaces it with his lips, softly sucking and nibbling at the tight nipple. 
Your mouth falls open and your hands move to his head, caressing and running through his soft, black locks. The sounds coming from you–so eager and desperate–egg him on, leading him to pinch your nipple with his other hand. A spark of pleasure shoots through you, making your panties sodden wet with your arousal. His mouth and hand switch positions, his lips now latched on the nipple he was tweaking with his fingers before. 
You grip his shoulders, your claws threatening to jut out and sink into his skin from the sheer pleasure. His mouth and fingers just feel so good! Your pussy throbs and gushes in your panties, wanting to receive the same treatment. “Shouta,” you softly moan. His lips make a suckling sound as he continues to suck softly on your nipple, his tongue swirling around and around the hardened peak. “Mmm-hmm,” he hums in acknowledgement. 
You pull yourself away, causing him to stare up at you in confusion. “Touch me,” you plea. “Right here.” You take his hand and press it between your quivering inner thighs, right up against your mount. A wolfish grin appears on Aizawa’s lips as he stands, taking your hands in his and kissing them. “I can do more than that, kitty,” he responds, his voice but a low whisper that makes your pussy gush into your panties. “Sit here and just relax.” 
You do as you’re told, sitting down on your couch and lying back against one of the pillows. Aizawa stands before you, looking like a piece of art in the moonlight that cuts through your window as if he was carved from stone and sculpted like one of those naked renaissance era sculptures. His muscles ripple as he kneels down, his eyes still on yours, and pries your thighs apart with his big hands. He leans in and first begins to kiss your panty line, his lips giving the thin fabric open-mouthed kisses. Every time he does so, his nose nudges against your clit which sends sparks coursing through your body. 
You don’t need to beg him to take your underwear off. After a few short kisses, Aizawa loops his fingers through the waistband of your panties and, with your help, takes them down your legs to expose your wet, glistening cunt to him. He verbally swears, his gaze growing darker and more lustful as he gazes at your sex like it’s a piece of the finest dessert. “S-Shouta,” you softly stammer but you can’t say much when he leans in and proceeds to dive straight into your pussy. 
You thought Aizawa was a great kisser but he’s even better at eating pussy. His mouth alternates between using his lips to suckle gently on your pussy lips and clit to using his tongue to slowly flick the inside of your walls. He takes his time, his movements deliberate and methodical, taking each moment to draw a moan or a whimper out of you. You’re losing it. You toss your head back against the pillow and grip the couch, your claws jutting out and digging into the couch’s fabric. “Oh, God, Shouta!” you shout to the ceiling. How the fuck is he this good with his mouth? 
Aizawa looks up at you, his eyes shining from between the V of your inner thighs. “I want your hands on me and nowhere else,” he demands, his voice like a vice to you. “Touch me, kitty.” Quickly retracting your claws, you do as he says and grip his shoulders as he keeps his hands firmly placed on your inner thighs, pinning them to the couch. Such strength. Such dominance. 
‘Control yourself,’ you think, forcing yourself to keep your claws in. The last thing you need is Aizawa catching you and asking about them since you told him don’t have any. But fuck, is it hard, especially when he swirls his tongue around your clit and dips into your little wet hole to pay attention to you there. He slurps up every ounce of you, not leaving a single drop to waste. 
You hope he’ll be able to handle it when you cum because you can already feel it rising. That chord in your core is about to snap with how soft his lips are and the way his nose constantly keeps nudging against your sensitive little button. “Shouta,” you moan in a warning. “I-I’m gonna–” 
“I can feel it,” he groans into your pussy, still lapping away. “Cum on my face, kitty. I wanna taste all of you.” He grips your thighs and moves his jaw faster, coaxing you further toward that edge, his tongue flicking mercilessly against your clit. “Cum for me,” he demands. “Don’t fuckin’ hold back.” 
And you don’t. The strength in his hands pinning your thighs open and his wondrous mouth push you over the edge. You begin to grind your hips into Aizawa’s mouth, chasing that orgasm like a high. Finally, with a mewl-like moan and your eyes screwed tight, you burst all over Aizawa’s mouth and the couch cushion beneath you. Your orgasm crashes into your body, making it shiver and shudder with aftershocks as Aizawa continues to softly lap at your pussy. He groans appreciatively at your taste, eating you up like an hungered animal. Your mind is hazy and your body feels as light as a feather as you begin to come down from your high. It is by far the best orgasm you’ve had. 
Finally, once he’s sure you’re cleaned up and way too sensitive for more, Aizawa removes himself from between your thighs. His chin and mouth are shiny with your cum and his saliva, the sight making your overly-sensitive pussy twitch excitedly. “Mmm,” he hums, licking his plump, pink lips free of your juices. “I was right: you taste absolutely delicious.” 
You sit up on your elbows and take every inch of him in. Seeing his abs and pecs glistening in the moonlight, the lust in his eyes, and the hardening bulge in his jeans from pleasing you transform you into someone else entirely. All of that shy shit goes out the window. You want him and you want him now. 
“I still need my taste test,” you boldly say, quickly moving off of the couch. He watches you, confused, until you give him a look that has him sitting back down on your couch. Though he is taken aback by your boldness, you can tell you have him right where you want him when his hard cock begins to twitch in his jeans. 
You find yourself salivating for a lick. You gently push him back against the couch with your hand, giving him a sexy smile that curls onto your lips. “Just relax,” you purr, lowering to your knees between his muscular thighs you just can’t help but stroke and kneed. He moans at your touch, his cock twitching impatiently. You work quickly with his belt and zipper, having both loosened and unzipped as fast as a wink. Aizawa chuckles at your impatience but he is just as eager when he helps you take his pants and underwear down his thick, muscular thighs. 
Your eyes leave his only for a moment to revel in the gorgeous dick in front of your face that has haunted your dreams for weeks now: thick; veiny; curved upward and dripping with precum from the pink, bulbous head. The gorgeous shaft protrudes from a patch of trimmed, black locks that trail up to a delicious-looking happy trail and a V-line. He has quite the dick, and it’s all yours for tonight. He makes that very clear to you when his eyes demand yours to look at him. “I’m all yours,” he breathlessly says. “Take what you want from me, baby.” 
And you do. With a fire igniting inside of you, you wrap a hand around the base of his dick, biting your lip at the fact that you can barely fit it all in your hand. You start by spitting a copious amount of spit onto his cock and stroke it up and down his shaft, making him shine with your saliva. Aizawa groans softly at the feeling of your tiny, soft hand wrapped around him, his head tilted back and eyes closed. You love seeing him so relaxed. You want to give him more of this feeling because he deserves it. 
After lubing him up, you lean in and press small kisses along the head of his dick, throwing some kitten licks in the mix. He loves that. His toes curl and his hands clench at his sides as more porn-worthy sounds drift from between his lips. After gaining enough courage, you finally open your mouth wide to accommodate to his size and take him into your mouth. “Fuck!” he grunts as soon as your lips and tongue make contact with his dick. You begin to bob your head up and down along his dick, sliding him in and out of your mouth. You stroke in time with what you can’t gobble down, making sure to keep a secure grip along his slick, wet cock. 
He tastes good. He smells good. He feels good. He sounds good. All of your senses are completely taken over by him as you suck and gag on his dick, hollowing your cheeks and opening your throat to take him deeper. “Such a good girl,” he groans, one hand curling in your hair. “Takin’ me so deep. Such a good kitty.” 
His lewd words encourage you to take him deeper, so much that you start gagging because of how thick he is. He practically fills your throat, making you nearly choke on it. But you never give up or stop. You’ll be damned if the first blowjob you give him is the worst one he’s had. You take things slow, allowing yourself time to get used to his size as you slide your head up and down, up and down, along his dick. His moans get louder, his grip tighter on your hair as you gag on his dick like no one’s business. Saliva drips from your mouth down his heavy balls, and you find yourself wanting to suck on those too. 
“Stop,” he suddenly groans, attempting to pull your head off of him. “Stop, kitty, or I’ll cum.” You pop your mouth off of him with a wet pop and glance up at him. “You don’t want to?” you timidly ask, confused. Doesn’t he want to cum deep down your throat? You know you want him to. You want to taste every creamy ounce of his cum in your mouth. 
“Of course, I do,” he growls, looking down at you with the most intense stare you’ve ever witnessed. “But that can come later if you still want it.” He takes your hands into his and coaxes you to stand before bringing you over to stand between his open thighs. “If I’m gonna cum for the first time with you, I wanna be inside you first…if that’s what you want.” 
You blink down at him, baffled as to how the fuck you managed to get him. Is that what you want? Does a bear shit in the forest? “Hell yes, that’s what I want,” you practically gasp before grabbing his face and pressing a passionate, wet kiss to his mouth that he absolutely appreciates judging by his dick twitching against your thigh. 
“Bedroom?” he mumbles against your lips. You moan in protest before pulling away to stare into his eyes. “No,” you answer. “Just do me right here.” The smile that curls onto Aizawa’s lips could make even the most uptight woman’s panties drop in a flash. 
Speaking of in a flash, he has you on your back and underneath him as soon as you tell him you want to get fucked into your couch by him. You squeal, giggling as he scrambles on top of you and yanks you closer by your legs. ‘Godddamn,’ you think in awe. He’s just so strong and attentive and everything you want in a man. At this rate, you’ll cum again before he’s even inside of you. 
“You got a condom on you by any chance?” he asks as he kisses down your stomach. “I don’t have one.” He flushes as he says this, a nervous look in his eyes. “It’s been a while for me.” You don’t know how long ‘a while’ is, but you could care less when you’re the first girl he’s had sex with in a hot minute. 
“Me too,” you softly say, running a hand through his soft, black locks. A small, happy smile stretches across his handsome face, making your pussy gush. He’s just so damn pretty. “I’m on the pill though, so don’t worry.” 
“I’m gonna worry anyway,” he murmurs as he presses a soft, chaste kiss to your lips. “‘Cause I want you to feel good when I do this.” He takes his cock in his hand and proceeds to stroke it up and down your pussy, so tantalizingly slow that you can feel yourself losing every single strand of your composure that is left.
“Can you do that for me, kitty?” he asks. You whimper, beginning to lift your hips to take him in but he isn’t having that. He takes his dick and slaps it against your clit, emitting a whine from you. “Answer me,” he softly demands. 
“Yes!” you whine loudly. “Yes, I’ll do anything, Sho! Just please fuck me already!” Aizawa grins down at you, happy by your answer and your eagerness. “Such a good kitty,” he chuckles. “Well, if you insist…” He then takes his dick in his large hand, lines it up with your entrance, and slowly juts his hips forward, sinking his tip into you first. 
Though it’s just the tip, you feel a stretch and a slight sting that comes with it. You’re glad he gave you that first orgasm because the man is thick. You gasp as soon as he’s in you, gripping his shoulders. He looks down at you, alarmed. “You okay?” he murmurs. “Is it too much?” 
“N-No,” you softly stammer, shifting your hips. “Just need a minute to adjust. You’re kinda big.” He chuckles at the compliment, earning a smack on his shoulder. He patiently waits for you to adjust, rubbing small circles over your clit that definitely help. After a few moments of deep breathing and clit stroking, you give him a nod and a reassuring smile. “Okay,” you whisper. “You can move.” 
Aizawa looks uncertain but does so anyway, moving inch by inch inside of you and out again. He repeats his process with every new part of his shaft that slides inside of you, emitting gasps and whimpers from you. He continues to rub your clit with his thumb and fingers, switching between each every time his hips grind against yours. With every pulse of pleasure that his ministrations give you, your pussy adapts more to his cock, stretching to accommodate his length. 
“You feel so good, kitty,” he groans, his black locks hanging in your face. “So damn good…” Every muscle in his body tense. He’s holding back for you, trying not to rail you into the couch. You can feel it in his shoulders. You press a hand to his handsome face, clammy with sweat, and coax his eyes to meet yours. “It’s okay,” you whisper to him. “You feel good too.” 
You lift your hips to meet his, emitting a luscious moan from him. “Fuck me, Shouta,” you murmur. That’s all it takes for Aizawa to lose all composure. When you lower your hips to the couch, he takes one of your legs and tosses it over his broad shoulder. The new position causes his cock to sink deeper inside of you, causing you to gasp and clench the pillow beneath you for dear life. He’s so, so deep! You can feel all of him stretching you out and stroking your pussy walls that clench and pulse around him. 
“Oh, my God!” you shout, unable to hold yourself back, especially when Aizawa begins to rock his hips into you. He smiles down at you, his pearly whites glittering and strands of his messy, black hair falling loosely around his head. “That’s it, kitty,” he encourages you, still flicking your clit. “Lemme hear you. Lemme hear how good this dick is makin’ you feel.” 
His words only make your pussy clench and gush even more, causing him to groan and roll his hips a little faster. It’s enough to make your titties jiggle and your breath come out in desperate, urgent huffs as he fucks you into his couch. Your eyes shut at the feeling of him stroking your pussy walls, filling you up to the brim with himself. He feels better than you ever could’ve dreamed. “Look at me,” he demands, a growl in his voice. “Look at me while I fuck you.” 
You do as you’re told, your eyes little slits due to the sheer pleasure. But when he suddenly shifts his hips and hits your G-spot, your mouth falls open on a gasp and your eyes widen, blown from the ecstasy. Aizawa’s eyebrows knit together slightly and he stares down at you in a way that makes you feel insecure. Does he not like how you look? “What?” you breathlessly ask, confused as to why he’s looking at you like that. “What’s wrong?” 
He begins to slow down his thrusts though still rocks against you, strokign your clit every single time. “Your eyes…” He trails off, still staring at you as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing. Your heart begins to thump, anxious. “They what?” you timidly ask. 
He pauses, blinking rapidly, his mouth hanging on unspoken words. Finally, he presses a kiss to your foot. “Nothing,” he assures you, stroking your thigh. “Nothing, baby. You just look so pretty right now, I almost don’t wanna flip you over.” 
He takes your leg off of his shoulder to avoid hurting you and leans down to peck you on your lips. “I wanted to stroke that cute lil’ tail while I make you cum,” he murmurs teasingly, his cock still pulsing inside of you. You nearly cum right there from his words. 
Quickly, you nod your head, agreeing to his nasty little desire. He slides his cock, wet with your juices, out of you only to slide it back in when you turn around on all fours, ass and tail on full display for him. When he bottoms out inside of you and begins to roll his hips, you swear you see stars. Everytime he thrusts, his cock strokes your inner walls so nicely and his balls hit your sensitive clit that is nearly reaching her breaking point. 
You can’t help it: your mouth falls open and your tongue hangs out from the pleasure. It’s almost too much for you, especially when Aizawa’s begins to stroke your tail from base to tip. “I see that tongue, kitty,” he chuckles. “C’mere…let me taste it.” With a mewl of pleasure, you turn your head to meet his and his mouth envelopes yours in a sloppy, wet kiss. Tongues swirl, moans travel from one mouth to the other, and his hips continue to bump against your ass again, and again, and again. 
He gradually gets faster, so much so that the couch begins moving and your ass bounces against his lower stomach. You’re a moaning, gasping mess, gripping the cushion below you. Your arms turn to jelly and you find yourself planting your face in the couch while your ass stays up, getting gripped and massaged by Aizawa’s big hands. You can feel your second orgasm of the night quickly approaching, your pussy clenching and your clit swelling every time Aizawa works both. 
“Shouta,” you whine. “I’m close! S-so close!” He grips your ass harder, no doubt leaving handprint marks, and rocks his hips a little faster, coaxing your pussy to explode all over him. “Go ahead,” he grunts. “I’m close too. Please cum with me, kitty! Don’t hold back!” 
You grip the couch and let the motions take you, falling farther and farther into the sea of bliss Aizawa drags you under. You can feel his cock pulsing and swelling inside of you, warning you of his oncoming orgasm. You desperately toss your ass back into him, meeting his desperate thrusts, and bringing you both to an orgasm that knocks the shit out of you. When you cum, you cum with a high-pitched moan and a string of swears that would make even a sailor blush. The fur on your ears and tail stand on end as pleasure courses through your entire body, even in your fingertips and toes. 
“Fuck, kitty!” Aizawa groans, his hips stuttering slightly as he cums inside of you. He grips your hips for dear life as he pauses, letting out a long, loud moan that would no doubt have the neighbors calling the cops. You feel his cum stream inside of your cunt, filling you to the brim. You do nothing but gasp at the feeling, especially when his nut begins to drip down your inner thighs. 
But he doesn’t stop there. He continues to slowly roll his hips, stroking your pussy walls and coaxing out the rest of your orgasm until you’re moaning in protest. Your pussy does the same, pulsing and throbbing around Aizawa, begging him to stop. With a soft moan, he slowly slides out of you, causing the rest of his cum to drip down your thighs. You softly whine at the loss of him. He then presses a kiss to your back and coaxes you to lay down on your side on the couch. 
You do so, your body exhausted and limbs feeling like jelly. You feel Aizawa position himself behind you, one arm snaking around your midsection and stroking your skin. You smile tiredly at his touch, your orgasm sedating you. “Oh, my God,” you softly sigh. “That was…that was…oh, my God.” 
Aizawa chuckles softly behind you. “Glad I left you speechless,” he hums, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “It was amazing for me, too. I’ve wanted to do that for you for months.” Your ears perk up at his confession. Slowly, you turn around to face him and sit up on your elbows. “How come you never said anything?” you softly ask, peering down at him. 
He stares up at you, his eyes soft and soft, black hair a mess. You reach down to run your hands through it. “Didn’t know how you’d react,” he mumbles, shrugging. “Plus, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to be the partner for you that you deserve with me bein’ a dad and all. And there’s other stuff…” He adverts his gaze from yours, alluding to some secrets he’s keeping, but you don’t push it. You don’t even ask. After all, you have your secrets too. 
His eyes flick back to yours, serious and so vulnerable that it leaves your speechless. “Sure you can handle someone like me?” he asks, sounding so sure that you’ll refuse or even reject him. The fact breaks your heart. Does he realize how long you’ve wanted him? Does he understand how much you’ve craved him? 
Slowly, you lean down to show him these emotions by pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You then lean up an inch and suck on his bottom lip, emitting a gasp from him, before moving to nuzzle his neck. “I can handle anything you throw at me,” you purr. “I like it rough.” Aizawa groans as your lips make contact with the sweet spot on his neck. “So you’ve shown me,” he chuckles, his hand moving to grab a handful of your asscheek. “Wonder what else you can handle.” 
He suddenly lifts himself up on his powerful arms and tosses your legs apart. “Maybe this?” he teasingly asks before pressing a kiss against your overly-sensitive clit. You gasp at the feeling, your back arching. “Or this?” His tongue juts out to slowly swirl around your clit and along your pussy lips, his tongue making lewd, wet sounds in the process. 
You grip his hair, your body shaking at his evil work. “S-Shouta, please,” you whimper. “I’m sensitive!” 
Aizawa just chuckles, moving his lips away to allow his finger to stroke down your lips. “Thought you said you could handle it, kitty,” he softly growls from between your inner thighs. “Should we find out with a second round?” He peeks from between the V of your thighs, his dark eyes glinting with heated promises. 
Two rounds turns into about five. 
You awaken hours later to the blaring sound of police sirens outside your window. 
Your eyes peel open as soon as you hear the sound of them and your heart begins to beat in anticipation against your ribcage. You’re staring at the ceiling in the darkness of your bedroom, but you’re not alone. That you know for sure, and you welcome it. 
You turn to your right side, finding a sleeping and very naked Aizawa sleeping peacefully on his back. His broad chest, sinewy with hair, rises and falls with every calm inhale and exhale as he sleeps next to you. The sheets are low on his hips, giving you a peek of the well-defined and yummy V-neck that trails down to a place you could spend the rest of your life in. 
You twist around to stare at him, your eyes making note of each beautiful imperfection on his face and body–the small scar under his eye shaped like a moon crescent; the dark circles under his eyesockets that seem indented there; the messiness of his hair because he forgot to tie it up; the ghosts of bruises and scars surrounding his skin and during across his muscles from years of fighting. He is quite beautiful. And he is yours…at least for the time being. 
The police sirens get louder, causing your ears to perk up straight on your head at the blaring sound traveling through your open window. The spring air wafts through, causing the drapes to billow in the warm breeze. Slowly, you get out of bed, careful to not wake Aizawa, and tip-toe across the floor to your open window. You peek out of it to find the police car zooming by, its siren wailing in the quiet night. 
‘Follow them,’ your body tells you as it gravitates towards the window. ‘They could need you.’
Despite the fact that you’re completely naked, you know you could shift into cat form right now and pick up your hero gear before following the police car with the crime tracking app on your phone. The urge to do so is strong, filling your entire body with shivers. 
A soft sigh comes from your bed and you abruptly turn, your heart lurching into your throat. Aizawa is still asleep but is turned onto his side, his back to you. You can now see every ripple of his back muscles and the dip into his hips that you remember digging your nails into hours before. 
Your excitement for the hunt for crime is suddenly dampened by an astronomical amount of guilt. Here you are, ready to leave the same man you’ve been pining after for months when he’s finally in your bed, all for some ass-kicking. You’re not even a real hero! You have no license, no credentials, and no resume to prove your skills in fighting villains. The truth sinks in, leaving you feeling quite shitty. What are you thinking? 
‘The police are taking care of it,’ you think, trying to assure yourself that you’re not needed. ‘You don’t need to be out there tonight. You’re needed here.’ 
Before you could change your mind, you quickly leave your window and head back over to the bed. You climb back in and snuggle underneath the sheets, curling up against Aizawa’s bigger, stronger body. You softly sigh as your head lulls against his chest and you press a kiss to his collarbone. He feels so good. So safe. His body warmth feels like a constant to you, and it helps you fall back asleep. 
But even as you slowly fall back into your dreams, the sound of the police sirens in the distance brings with it a flare of guilt that eats you up inside. 
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quirkwizard · 8 months
So this isn’t something really addressed in the series, but aside from Commission agents like Hawks and Nagant, my assumption was that, for the average hero, killing villains would be considered a crime, as that was the charge given to Nagant after killing the former Commission head. Not only have Endeavor and Stars and Stripes each blatantly attempted to kill Tomura but even All Might believed that he managed to kill All for One without seeming to face any legal or social repercussions. (1/2)
Not to mention how characters like Bakugo and Mirko each can blatantly state their hostile intent without anyone viewing it as a serious issue. So my question is do heroes licenses grant the authority to kill, but due to popularity being an important factor in their jobs, that it isn’t a common occurrence? Or is it more that in hyper specific cases for high profile heroes that it’s often the decision that national security is more important than holding heroes accountable? (2/2)
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I believe that heroes are not allowed to kill. While you could argue it being a image issue, as heroes killing would certainly be unpopular, it would certainly be more of a moral issue. The whole point of heroes with license is to prevent needless harm and death when using their powers. Heroes are trained to handle situations with the most care they can. Giving the heroes the right to decide who lives and dies would fly in the face of that. And just because Miruko and Bakugou are very hot blooded fighters doesn't mean they can or will kill someone. Fat Gum outright says that heroes' win condition is to capture without any victims. "Victims" is something that clearly extends to people the heroes are fighting. And if you go by Illegals, even excessive force is prohibited as well, with Detective Tsukauchi finding people Kncukleduster beat up and threatening to have their hero license revoked. It's why the Hero Commission has figures like Hawks and Lady Nagant to kill people extra judiciously. It's why the two needed to be so hush hush about doing so. It's why Hawks killing Twice was such a big deal and shocked the nation when it happened.
As for All For One and Tomura, I think that comes down to appropriate force. Endeavor is only pumping out that much fire against All For One because he can take it and anything less wouldn't be enough to stop someone that big of a threat. I really doubt he'd pull out the Prominence Burn on a car thief or cat burglar. Now, Stars and Stripes and All Might are different. Cathleen's little heart stopping stunt was clearly intended to kill Tomura and Toshinori believed that he killed All For One after their first confrontation. Though I believe that could easily be explained by the fact that the two would acting out of bounds, both in their actions and in the threats they faced. Between Toshinori's one man war against an invisible enemy and Cathleen going rogue, it's safe to say they aren't exactly operating within standard parameters in those situations. On top of that, All For One and Tomura are massive threats to the country, if not the whole world, that cannot hoped to be truly stopped or detained in most cases. I don't think anyone on the planet would blame them if they were to kill either one of them.
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multi-lewder · 8 months
So Izuku, how's the training going with Mirko? Heard that she had a special training influenced by her bunny quirk, how's that going, care to share it to us?
"Y-yeah, Mirko said she wanted to try out a special training based on her quirk... But she didn't know One For All is way stronger than a bunny no matter how hard she tries~" Izuku grins as he stares at the thicc cumdumpster bunny bitch who is full of his cum and looking pregnant after he fucked her hard and rough. She had tried to do her special bunny breeding program where she pins down a cute guy and hops on his dick until he cums himself dry but it turns out Izuku's such a hot and hung stud that after five minutes he grabbed her ass and pinned her on her back so that he could take control of the situation and fuck her hard and fast for six hours without any break and cumming inside of her so many times that she got totally bred. Even a bunny like her can't resist his superior OFA powered cock.
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silverynight · 7 months
Would you ever write a Dekubowl short fic Halloween edition?
"Does it really look good?" Izuku asks, finally looking at himself in a mirror and wondering if the Mirko costume really suits him or not.
"You look hot as hell, sweetie. Everyone's going to love you!" Ashido assures him as she adjusts her witch outfit. "Let's go to the Halloween party!"
Izuku is still not sure, but there's no time to change into his All Might costume now... besides, he wore that last year.
As soon as he takes a step in the common room, everyone turns to look at him; at first he gets a little bit nervous because no one seems to be dressed as a pro hero until he spots Yaoyorozu wearing a Midnight costume and Shinso looking almost exactly like Eraserhead.
Ashido takes his hand and pulls him to the center of the room. Izuku is desperate to find Uraraka and Iida when he gets startled because Todoroki's head is on fire (well, just half of it).
"You look great, Midobro!"
"Can you turn around, Midoriya?"
Izuku is about to do as Kaminari asked, when Katsuki comes growling from the other side of the room (he actually chose a werewolf costume which suits him pretty well) and tries to cover Izuku's lower half with one of his jackets.
"Kacchan, your nose!"
"Don't worry about it. It's fake blood."
"You don't even know how to lie, Blasty."
It's a weird party, but Izuku has a great time anyway.
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insomnyahhh · 13 days
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko) as your gf
sfw & nsfw ( mdni)
- obviously the strong one, she can lift up all your groceries at one go
- teases you by bridal carrying you
- she loves buying things for you, you could be eyeing an item and she’ll catch you staring at it and , immediately buying it for you
- gives great massages
- would randomly take you to a fancy restaurant just cause she felt like it, spoiling you to bits
- isn’t very music savvy so you usually introduce her to artist
- loves old school 2000s comedy films. she watched white chicks with you 100 times
- kinda finds it hot when you’re mad at her.
- one word, strap.
- she makes you ride it and demands eye contact. she loves seeing you blush, smirking at you while you’re barely keeping it together
- top obvi, she loves taking control
- loves naked cuddles.
- loves being rough, she will cover you with hickies
- loves mocking your moans
- randomly smacks your ass
- after tearing you up, she prepares for after care. a relaxing bubble bath with soft r&b music and champagne. cuddling in the bath with candle lit room
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