#metal building ca
karltomb · 2 years
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Steel Built Corp. takes great delight in assisting Canadians in constructing the home of their dreams.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
cas and dean retired but they live in a disaster trailer with a couch in the front yard and no trespassing signs sprinkled around plus one “beware of dog”
the inside is cute tho and the porch out back is fixed up cute w a fire pit and iron-cast chairs, two raised garden boxes, homemade ax- throwing station next to firewood, and a shooting range made up of old mtn dew cans and bottles
it’s only welcoming to those who know them
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uhohnotthisagain · 4 months
I Will Always Save You
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Summary: You get caught by a demon. Its up to Dean, Sam and Castiel to find you before its too late.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader, Sam Winchester, Castiel.
Warnings: My first fic ever (pls be kind), angst???, kidnapping, blood, torture, swearing, anxious dean.
Word count: 0.8k
My masterlist
--- You feel your lungs burn as you try to take in breaths of air. Your eyes are wide as you stare into the demon’s black ones in front of you, hand wrapped tightly around your neck. Your legs are dangling freely as he has you pinned against the wall. 
He grins as you grip his wrist, trying to free yourself. “This is simple, Y/N. I just need answers and then you’re free to go.” 
“Fuck. You.” You spat back at him. 
His hand tightens around your throat. “Wrong answer.”
Your body is flung across the room, slamming into a cement wall before falling down. You gasp for air as he charges towards you. You’re on your hands and knees, trying to stand up without visibly wincing in pain. Just as you get to your feet, a punch lands right at your temple, knocking you out instantly. 
“Where is she? She was supposed to be back an hour ago.” Dean paced across the motel room. 
“I don’t know, Dean. I’m trying to ping her cell for her location but it’s taking a minute to load.” Sam is sat at the small table, rubbing his hands over his face, brows furrowed as he stares at the screen in front of him. 
“Got it, it says she’s near a gas station.” Dean’s out the door before Sam finishes his sentence, quickly following after him. 
Your car is found, parked at the gas station, door open and phone found on smashed on the ground. 
They had been searching the area for a while when Cas showed up to help them look for you. It had been at least 8 hours since you had left so who knows where you could be. 
“Guys! I found something.” Sam called out from around the back of the building. The necklace that Dean had given you was lying there, having been ripped from your neck. The gas station was located at the edge of a forest, meaning they would have to trek through miles of trees and bushes with no other evidence of where you could be. 
“The gas station guy says the cameras are there just to scare off crooks, they don’t work.” Cas sighs. “And he said he didn’t see anything happen.” 
Dean is wandering off, seeing if you had left any other clues nearby when he spots scratch marks in the trees. “Found something else, we need to go this way.” He yells, spotting more scratch marks on more trees, praying that these led to you. 
“You’re just making this more difficult for yourself.” 
You spat blood back at him that had been pooling in your mouth. You were currently tied up, hands bound together hanging from the ceiling. You were exhausted from the constant beatings and torture. You no longer had energy to fight back, instead just hanging in silence, the only sound coming from you was the grunts and moans in pain. 
You had been praying to Cas to come and find you, and praying that Dean and Sam were coming as well. But slowly you were losing hope.  
“Alright, if this doesn’t make you talk, I’m ending you. The Winchesters can’t save you if you’re dead.” The demon lifts a metal poker and holds it over the firepit that was the only source of light in the room. You had been moved into a different room, this one had no windows or any other escape apart from the one door. He lifts it to sear it into the skin of your chest. 
Suddenly, there were crashes heard from outside the room you were kept in. The demon whipped his head around towards the door. He drops the poker and walks towards the door but before he could open in, Dean had crashed through it, knocking the demon out of the way in the process. With the demon blade in hand, he stabbed the demon in the chest, the body falling to the ground immediately. 
With a sigh of relief from the both of you, Dean rushes to help you down. “She’s in here! I’ve got her!” He calls out. 
“Is she okay?” Sam rushes in to help, Cas following closely behind. “I think so, just really beat up.” 
Cas reaches foward as you are held in Deans arms, to exhausted and in pain to hold yourself up. He gently places two fingers on your forehead as a calm warmth comes over you, healing you. 
“That should heal all her injuries but evidently not her exhaustion. Lets get her back to the motel room so she can rest up and eat something.”
Dean picks you up bridal style to carry you to the car, tossing Sam the keys for him to drive so Dean could make sure you were alright. 
“Thank you for saving me.” You whispered later that night, in bed with Dean. You were laying with your head on his chest, looking up at him with a small smile. He looks down at you, whispering back, “I can’t live without you, of course I will always come and save you.” Even though that wasn’t a promise that was easy to keep, you knew Dean did everything he could to keep you safe, and you do the same in return. And that was all that mattered. 
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villainousauthor · 3 months
As the concrete and steel groans above Hero ominously, threatening to collapse further, they could only hope help would find them soon. The both of them.
Hero looks towards where they know Villain is in the darkness, wondering how injured they might be. As if somehow feeling their gaze, they speak up. "Y'know if I had to make a list of the worst ways I've spent a Friday night.."
They've been acting too calm about this, making occasional quips, and Hero knows with almost certainly Villain is more hurt than they're letting on.
"I don't wanna hear about what nights you think are worse than this. This is pretty damn bad! And you should be taking this more seriously."
Villain's familiar laugh echoes around them. "I have had worse, even if you don't believe it. At least this time, I have some decent company."
"Can it with the flattery. I can't even deal with you right now." Hero snaps, voice shaking with pure anger. At least that's what they tell themselves, not wanting to admit to the fear swirling in their chest.
They hear Villain shuffling around slightly, and they can't tell if they're moving closer or further away or if they're simply repositioning themselves to make whatever injuries they're lying about more comfortable.
"I take it you're mad at me?"
Hero rolls their eyes. "Of course I'm mad! You brought a whole building down! On top of me!" Their voice is raising, and they have to remember that they need to stay calm or risk bringing more rubble down.
"Hey, the building coming down was an unintended side effect," Villain protests, "and besides, I did my best to shield you from the collapse." This part was at least true, Hero can remember Villain threw themselves at them at the last moment, trying to cover Hero's body with their own. Hero doesn't know why, and the thought of this fact has their stomach twisting with an emotion they don't understand.
"Just... just save it. You're wasting whatever oxygen we have down here." The way the building fell luckily allowed a little bit of space around them, the what must be tons above them being held up by a few precarious beams and pieces of metal. Still, the space was tight, barely enough to lift their head up. They didn't want to worry about running out of air on top of everything else.
"I'm not worried about oxygen. I'm pretty sure I feel a little bit of air flow over here." Villain says casually, like they're commenting on the weather.
This gives a small spark of hope inside Hero. If there's airflow..."Where? Maybe someone could hear us from here!" Hero reaches over towards Villain's side of the confined space, searching for it. Instead, almost immediately, they feel something wet and warm.
"Villain...what is this?" Hero asks, voice dropping into something quiet and fearful of the answer. It feels thick and slightly sticky. They're afraid they already know.
"I have no idea to what you mean." Villain's voice sounds exactly how it does when they're lying. Hero feels anger rising in them again, though for a different reason this time.
"I'm serious, what is this." Hero doesn't miss the metallic smell and is becoming more serious. "You said you weren't hurt that badly!" They wanted to scream and punch things right about now.
Villain sighs. "I wasn't trying to worry you more. Besides its fine, I've-"
"I swear to god, if you say you've been hurt worse, I will kill you." Hero interrupts, voice shaking. This is becoming too much. Their head was swimming, they don't know what to do.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll have to face your wrath anyways if I do manage to make it out of here." Villain laughs, as if none of this worries them.
Hero resists the urge to shove Villain. "Don't. Stop saying 'if'. You will face my anger once we're out of here."
"Yes, yes, I'm sure I'll have to bend over backward to make this up to you. Not that I'm complaining." Hero could hear the smirk on their face even if they couldn't see it.
"Just... shut up. And keep pressure on that wound if you can. I'm going to keep calling for help."
Villain just chuckles, and Hero can feel their hand reaching for their own, as if to calm Hero.
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yawarakaizai · 8 months
pm dazai and pm chuuya who constantly fight each other for readers attention... but then someone hurts reader and all of a sudden they work together so seamlessly to kill the mf who dared to touch you (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT PM!Dazai Osamu + PM!Chuuya Nakahara (BSD) CONTENTS jealousy, reader+chuuya+dazai are 16/17, reader is an heiress, hostage situation, fluff n cute!! (implied) torture, worried chuuya NOTE This wasn't the department you specialised in. You wanted to manage finances, and while Mori was more than happy to grant you the role - Dazai would nag for you to join him and Chuuya on missions that didn't concern you in the slightest. There's only so much patience one can have. COMPANY Tangled Up
A/N THI S WA S RLL Y C UT E !! sorr y this one was l ate ;//; i hav e a scho o l trip tmrw ^^// maybe i'l l t ry sm ut nex t ... i have a l ot of good re qs i ho pe i ca n ge t throu gh the m a ll ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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Missions with Dazai and Chuuya always resulted in a thrilling adventure. There was never a time you'd look back on a mission you'd had with both and say to yourself, 'that was a bummer.'
You weren't supposed to work alongside them. Within the Port Mafia, Dazai and Chuuya were always to be assigned missions that were too dangerous for someone ordinary.
And, you? Well.
You possessed no ability. Your purpose in the Port Mafia was your background - your status.
Heiress to your father's wealth in your homeland of France, your parents were part of a certain elite group that made you a walking target should you venture without protection.
That is why you were always thrown as the bait.
With all respects to Dazai, that is, who introduced to Mori the idea of having you be the helpless, dumb damsel skipping merrily into danger.
You weren't happy about this arrangement and that was made clear by your sulking.
" Oh, look at me, I am an unattended woman. "
You sluggishly wandered around the dark halls of the abandoned facility, your voice just barely loud enough for the walls to echo your sarcastic jokes.
" This is serioouuuss! " The earpiece cleverly hidden in your ear crackled into life, you knew the voice belonged to Dazai. " Been chasing this guy for ages now, I think he's got some sort of phasing ability. He might appear outta no where, but Chuuya's trailing behind you, so don't worry. "
As if it could ease your nerves, it only made you regret agreeing to this further. " Great. I'm comforted. " You replied in a snarky manner.
You were dressed in lavish clothing that not even your pompous, arrogant mother would ever think of wearing. You seemed to have a distaste for reminders of the generational wealth you possess and opt to distance yourself from a 'royal' life. It proved impossible when it was the only thing that allowed you to maintain a job in the Port Mafia.
The gloomy and cold atmosphere left you hugging yourself for warmth as you traversed through complicated corridors. Although your earpiece was not connected to Chuuya's, you worried that you were walking off-course and/or Chuuya knew where you are meant to go, but could not blow his cover to correct your stupid mistakes.
Chuuya did a pretty good job at staying hidden. You could not hear a thing other than the clacking of your heels against metal flooring. " Ohh.. I'm so scared. " You pitched your voice higher, this being your best shot at luring out whoever it is the PM were after. You weren't taking this seriously, that was clear to both Dazai and Chuuya.
This wasn't the first mission you three were together, there were a few others that you'd two go through but this was the first time you were thrown a seal to a shark.
Dazai was elsewhere in the building, you weren't sure where and he gave no information when asked. With the affirmation Chuuya had your back, you knew that there was nothing to fear.
You would have appreciated some communication on his end though. You figured it must be his unnatural shyness towards you that made it hard for him to be too forward.
You easily noticed how his behaviour would change around you. And with Dazai around? Oh, boy.
Even if you could be a little air-headed sometimes, you weren't dumb to the hints in front of you.
From the day you were rescued from captivity - a story for another day - Chuuya stood out. You find it funny how he'd be unable to face you for more than a minute before looking away hurriedly. It sprung your new-found hobby of teasing Chuuya whenever you could. Of course Dazai picked up on it pretty soon after too and Chuuya has not known peace since. You couldn't help it! You weren't to blame! You giggled to yourself reminding yourself of Chuuya's little crush, fingers intertwined behind your back loosely, your back straightening from its previous hunched-over stance.
Feeling sudden confidence surge through your veins with the recollection of memories with Chuuya, you were just about to turn on your heel to address the gravity manipulator until a hand grabbed you from behind - before you had the chance to see who it was, you felt cold metal press against your temple that made you freeze up.
In front of you, Chuuya had finally revealed himself, but he too was stood as still as stone.
" Kill me 'n the girl goes too. "
They have never let it get THIS bad. Not ever have you ever even been in the hold or this close to an enemy, and here you were at gunpoint, something that was not planned.
You didn't dare break eye contact from Chuuya. This might just be your final moment. With great trust in Chuuya and Dazai's ability, you weren't sure how they'd proceed with this.
Chuuya might end up being the last thing you see. The look of fear on his face too didn't ease your nerves. They were not in the position to bargain. And funnily enough, you blamed yourself for this.
" Fine, yeah. Let her go. " Chuuya stood up from his mid-offensive position and dropped whatever weapon he had. A gun and a small knife for close-combat, he raised his arms above his head to firmly show his surrender. The hand that was previously on your lower hip raised to roughly cover your mouth, a gloved palm shoving itself in your face and that broke you down immediately. Fear took over and your knees went weak with pure fright, yet the man behind you had his fingers digging into the flesh of your cheek with such a harsh grab that it kept you standing up-right, the barrel of the gun pressing in deeper to your skull, sure to leave indents - that is if you weren't just shot dead. Then an indent would be the less of your worries.
With your back pressed against the chest of the stranger, you could feel the vibration of his confident voice as he spoke loudly, " Don't take me for a fool, Nakahara. You could easily use that ability of yours. " And that was true. You actually forgot about Chuuya's ability. Your mind was too foggy at the moment.
It was the first time you saw Chuuya Nakahara look uncertain in whether this mission would end well or not. He smiled insecurely as he let out a gruff exhale, " Wouldn't do that if I wanted her to live, yeah? Now let her go. "
Even if he kept grinning, you could see how the sweat dripped from his face even through your own teary eyes. With the palm pressing over your mouth and nose, it was difficult to breathe and steady your heart that was already beating fast enough as it is.
" Hmm.. " The gun was lowered slowly, caressing down your cheek and to your chest before being positioned at the pit of your stomach, " But do I really wanna? "
You began to squeal in protest, unable to accept your helplessness but it seemed someone else did your job of retaliation for you.
In the blink of an eye, the man holding you captive fell backwards and consequentially dragged you down with him but ended up tripping you up a bit further. You fell with your head banging on the hard floor, your captors hand slipping from your mouth and allowing you to briefly ‎gasp for air. The clattering of a gun was heard somewhere yet you were too dazed to properly do anything at this point.
The last thing you remember was the feeling of being raised from your underarms and distant shouting.
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" -as if she'd be able to do-"
" No, you shut up! You could've done something easily. "
" It was your idea to use her as a fuckin' pawn, don't twist this. "
" Uhh! I'm sowwy~! I thought Chuuya Naka-fucking-hara had some balls to intercept~! "
" Zip it! She's waking up! "
Groggily, you stared at the two of them, sitting opposite each-other on the end of your bed. Judging by the bright white, you were most likely in the infirmary.
Chuuya was the first to lean in, he must have not noticed his hand coming to rest over yours which were folded nearly over your stomach. He had hope in his eyes, contrasting with the emotion you last remember them in. " Y/N? " He called out to you, taking a glimpse at the steady heart monitor.
Testing your voice, you let out a low hum before croaking out a meek, " Heya. "
Dazai was the first to break a laugh at your first words. His and Chuuya's eyes were soft.
" Don't look cute, I'm pissed at you both. " You huffed, turning your head to the side, avoiding them both.
Chuuya held your hand a little tighter, he understood if you decided to be unhappy with him. " Sorry, Y/N. I really fucked that up. Shit, I just didn't know what to do. " He explained himself with such compassion you were urged to look at him again. " I guess I discovered seein' you like that. Uh. In trouble and stuff, makes me seize up badly. "
From the corner of your eye you saw Dazai huff before standing up, but Chuuya held onto your attention as he continued speaking tenderly to you, " I thought that this loser would have planned a set-up and knew that was gonna happen but. It took too long. I realised last second he didn't plan shit. "
" Hey! Don't be so rude, Chuuya~ Besides, if it weren't for me, precious princess would've been shot. " You saw Dazai reach into his back pocket for something you couldn't quite recognise yet.
" Oh, that was you, Dazai? " You asked, alluding to the sudden drop during the action. " Yuup~ And y'know what the best part is? "
You quirked a brow and stole a shared glance from Chuuya. Dazai was unexpectable.
" Since me and Chuuya are so nice.. "
So Chuuya was in on this too?
Dazai paused his sentence and hummed in a baby-ish voice. " Kill me and the girl goes too! " He mocked, earning him an earnest giggle from you. " That wasn't funny, Dazai! I was scared! " You retorted, but still couldn't wipe that smile off of your face.
" Sorry, sorry. But, like he wanted, he's not dead. "
Dazai held the object he had pulled out in front of him. Bloodied priars.
" Technically death caused by unattended injuries is not 'killing him' on MY end, isn't that right, Chuuya? "
Chuuya nod his head before you.
They have that man locked in a fucking basement.
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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Small glass house. No. Just, no. 2011 glass house in Lakeport, CA. 1bd, 1ba, $1.25M. Once again, NO. Also, the property is off-grid and powered by "highly efficient roof mounted solar panels with a separate battery bank and propane generator for reliable power."
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For the price, you would think that they had electric shades or blinds.
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But, they just have big, bulky gray draperies that you pull yourself.
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The small kitchen looks mid-century modern, considering it was built in 2011.
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The dining area.
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Hmmm. The ceiling is metal.
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There's also a table for two out on the deck.
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Couch and coffee table facing the window.
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Right next to the bedroom. Looks like the walls are glass, also.
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I guess the home is minimalist, b/c all your stuff would be visible.
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View from the bed.
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Shower, toilet peeking out. I thought that it would be more enclosed.
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The tub is outside.
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I guess the Buddha's included.
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Also, on the property is a metal building.
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It's a guest house but the owner uses it as an office and home gym.
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It has a nice bath.
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And, a sauna.
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Lamps bounce off the glass walls at night.
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Lots of land- 64.54 acres.
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chemical-killjoy · 6 months
You Decide
Platonic Jinx x Reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Summary: Y/N is betrayed by someone close to them, but luckily Jinx is there to help
Word Count: 1k
A/N: This is more of a drabble cause it's short, but anyway. I'm hyperfixating on arcane, so any requests (or rants lol) just let me know!
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Despite all the clouds, and the dark buildings surrounding you, it was a bright night, the city lights brightening the clouds... Or maybe that was just the lightning. It was as though the sky felt the same betrayal you did. Your anger. The thunder. Your tears. The rain. You fell to your knees, screaming pointlessly in pain. Punches landed on the pavement, and blood mixed with water on the cement. Tears mixed with rain, and emotions clouded your mind.
The voices were loud. Too loud. The storm over your head was nothing compared to the one in your mind. Echoes of the words spoken. Aches of the ones that were never said; and never would be.
You couldn't believe what had happened. The betrayal struck you like lightning; unexpected and full of electricity burning you to your core. Now you were bent over, crying, bleeding, howling. You knew the numbness would come later. The plastic band-aid would cover the dirty bullet hole as though it was a mere scrape; you'd tell yourself it happened to someone else. Not you. You cannot be hurt, you're strong. Well, this version of you. You'd tell yourself it didn't hurt. It didn't matter. And you'd change... but that would come later.
Now was the time for screaming into the sky, seeing blood, tinged red with rage, and blue, the colour water and the misery.
You sobbed, doubled over as though punched in the gut, heaving. The reflection of the broken person in the puddle was someone you didn't recognise. Someone you didn't acknowledge. The numbness was about to take over; and with it, your dark resolve, when the image in the puddle was shaken and replaced but the metal tip of a boot.
You looked up to see a familiar face; Jinx.
The girl bobbed down, and looked at you with wide, curious eyes, head tilted. You held eyes with her, unwavering, until your mouth betrayed you with a quivering lip. You looked away and a sob escaped you.
“She did it.”
The words were small as they came out, so quiet you could barely hear them yourself. Jinx's eyes flickered over you, down and back up, assessing. Then the stoic face cracked. Now was not the time for explosions and manic laughter; there was plenty of that today. Without thought, Jinx dived on you, knocking you harshly against the pavement in a brutal but well-meaning hug.
And you broke down.
It was too much. The betrayal. The hurt. Doing... well. Words couldn't even explain what they did. It hurt too much. You sobbed into Jinx's arms as she held you still, comforting you without knowing how. All she could do was cling on and mutter to herself.
“How dare she.” “We'll make them pay.” “I have just the thing for them, toots!” all came tumbling from Jinx's mouth. The last one caught your attention.
“Jinx. No.”
“But they hurt you. They're gonna pay.” you felt the hatred tinge her voice. “No one hurts you. 'cept maybe me. But you'd forgive me, right? You always do.” This time her tone was soft, fragile.
“'Course I'd forgive you. You never hurt me purposely, like I'd never hurt you knowingly.” you spoke gently, though confused as to how the conversation changed. But when Jinx spoke again you understood her point.
“Yeah. Sooo,”
“Just, just let me think before you go blow them up, kay?”
You looked into her eyes and saw she was fighting herself. But then she nodded. Jinx sat up so abruptly the air suddenly filling your lungs made you choke.
“C'mon, I didn't squeeze ya that hard.” The blue haired girl chuckled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her head. “Grounded ya though, right?”
You realised you weren't numb anymore. You weren't spiralling. A half smile gave Jinx the answer she wanted. You sat up, pointlessly wiping a tear as the rain splashed around you.
“Can I- can I maybe stay wi-” you started to ask Jinx if you could stay with her that night. You both knew neither of you were safe to be left alone after the events that happened a mere half hour ago.
“I'm not leaving you.” Jinx stated fiercely, and you looked up at where she was standing. “I'm not like them. I'm not abandoning you. You're not alone.“You've got me! And all my friends!” Her eyes lit up as she tapped the gun strapped to her back, tone changing fast as always, only able to be serious a moment, but her care for you never changing.
It was chaotic, but what you needed to hear. That you're not alone.
But it wasn't enough.
You looked around the alley you were in, rain dripping from your hair down your face, dropping into your lap. You looked down.
“Jinx?” your voice was soft, timid. The weakness in it scared you, but you felt you had no strength left.
“What's up, toots?”
“I... uh... I dunno... Who...”
“Spit it out, we don't have all day.”
“Who am I without them?”
You weren't expecting the words to strike such a cord within Jinx, but for a moment the chaos of her stopped. She was just Jinx again, the loose cannon in the background. Your favourite Jinx.
Jinx's boots landed with a heavy thud as she walked slowly back over to you. As she knelt down, you saw a seriousness in her eyes that you'd never seen before. She brushed some damp hair back from your face, and lifted your head by your chin to meet her eyes.
“You decide.”
She stood up, and offered you her hand.
“You show 'em. Show 'em who you are, what you're capable of. That you're not their lil toy to be played.”
Jinx looked into the distance for a moment.
“We'll show them all.”
When Jinx looked back at you, memories staining her eyes, you knew what she meant. Who she was thinking of. You felt something in your heart change, and you took her hand and rose to your feet.
You'd had enough of being abandoned. Betrayed. Left out to cry in the rain. Left to die. You felt you'd always understood Silco and Jinx. But it wasn't til this moment that you really understood. And Jinx would be there to help you rummage around the wreckage to find the version of yourself you needed. Maybe you'd heal. But for now, you'd survive.
Taglist: @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @smiling-girl (idk if you wanna be tagged or not, but ily and you're my bestie so you get tagged away hehe) (same with you @charlie-rulerofhell) @fandomfoodiedancer
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urne-buriall · 2 months
i miss sotw dean
so do I. and sometimes I think about what would've happened if Cas had been at home the day Dean brought the bread, the night after their ill-fated first kiss:
Dean left Cesar’s making straight for Cas’ place, chewing on his thumbnail as he drove into town. Would Cas even be home? He’d probably be at work. Dean was counting on him being at work. He’d made bread, but he didn’t have anything like a speech prepared and he wasn’t sure what he’d do if he saw Cas again.
He drove right past the laundromat, turned to go around the block, slowing himself down on purpose. Cas wouldn’t be there. Dean would leave a note. Because if Cas was there it could be very strange. Would he even want to see Dean? Would he want to invite him inside? The way Dean had shut him down last night, completely unwarranted, the bread might not be enough to counteract that. Dean briefly doubted whether Cas even wanted him that way to begin with, as if he might’ve made it all up. But his lips felt the ghost of Cas’ all over again. So passionate, so all-consuming. It was what all the couples in romance books kissed like. He knew how it felt, now. He hadn’t made that up.
He hid the trembling in his hands as he got out of his truck and made his way to the alley behind the laundromat. Vented air from the building smelled like detergent and dryer sheets, warm and thick. He’d feel like a criminal just heading this way if he hadn’t already visited so many times for GED studying. Those moments, too, he now thought of in a different light. Instead of sitting on the futon to go over notes, Cas might press him back into the couch with kisses…
Dean was convinced Cas wouldn’t be home, so when he rounded the corner and saw the motorbike parked, he stopped short. But Cas was walking distance from the vet clinic and used the truck for work, so he might still be out. Dean cast a glance up before he started up the metal steps. The sound of his feet announced him before he would even reach the top landing outside Cas’ front door.
He might not be home. Dean could leave the conchas on the patio table with a note. But if Cas was home, he would’ve heard someone come up the steps. Dean should knock and hope for no answer. He pulled back the screen door so he could knock on the door proper, then waited a fast moment.
Good. Nothing. He could release this complicated feeling of fear and disappointment and leave the container on the table.
The door opened before Dean could turn away.
Cas wore an old university t-shirt and a pair of dark green khaki shorts. He stood in the doorway very still, as much taken aback as Dean to find him standing there.
“Dean,” he said, voice lower and more gravelly than usual. For a moment Dean didn’t know what to think of being under Cas’ gaze again, wondering what he looked like to Cas in this moment, wondering what he thought. And then Cas’ eyes flicked past Dean towards the empty staircase. It was brief—already Cas was looking at him again—but it was telling.
He was afraid Dean had come here with others. He was afraid Dean had come with ill-intent.
“Cas, I—” Dean’s voice caught in his throat. He had to clear it unexpectedly. “I um. I made you bread.”
Cas looked down at the container Dean offered out, then back up at Dean with a furrowed brow like he didn’t understand.
“They’re, uh, conchas,” said Dean. “Like we had at Cesar’s after we brought the mustang.”
Cas’ head began to tip at an angle, putting pieces together but not with much confidence.
“I spent the morning there,” Dean finished. “Making these. Talking to Cesar. I— I wanted to give you something. To say sorry.”
Cas slowly took the container from Dean. He remained strangely still, taut, his face giving next to nothing away. “Sorry?” said Cas.
“For not letting you say anything last— last night,” said Dean. “You wanted to talk and I— I wasn’t very nice.”
Cas dropped his gaze down, mouth looking sad and severe. He took a breath and said, “I’m not sure what you want me to say now.”
It wasn’t an accusation. It was a plea. Dean felt like he’d been as clear as he could be, dropping those breadcrumbs. He’d talked to Cesar. He made conchas for Cas. He was sorry for not giving Cas a chance to talk, but he wasn’t sorry for the rest of it. But Cas wasn’t a guy who worked with coded messages.
“Well,” said Dean, and he looked from around the landing back to Cas. This wasn’t the kind of thing you stood outside for. “If you wanted to invite me in, we could start there?”
“You want to come in?” Cas asked.
“Yeah, I— Yeah,” said Dean.
Cas looked thoughtful but he stepped back, letting Dean inside. Dean’s heart beat faster just passing close by Cas. The room was warm but there were a couple of windows open and Cas had the fan going, keeping it from feeling stuffy. Cas passed Dean to set the container of conchas on the table. He stopped there, looking down at them, far from confident in his next step.
Dean wondered for the first time if he really had broken things irremediably. He thought he could bring some bread over and make things right just like that? After breaking Cas’ heart into pieces by being so careless and cruel the night before?
“I freaked out.” Dean’s own voice surprised him. Quiet and strained and uncertain. He didn’t even know where the words came from, unbidden but completely honest. “I never even thought of— of kissing a guy before.” It was so vulnerable he looked down at his shoes, feeling red touch his cheeks, even as he could tell that Cas now looked over. “And I just— I like you so much, Cas, and I was worried I ruined everything, and I got scared, and then I did ruin everything. But uh, you know, my whole life just changed less than twenty-four hours ago and I just… wanna make it right.”
“Changed?” said Cas, taking a step closer.
“I’ve been trying to be something I’m not,” said Dean.  “My whole life. And then you came along. You came back. And I— I didn’t know what it meant to me. Until last night.”
Cas lifted his chin, his shoulders evening out from their previous despondent slope. “So when you said… You’re ‘not like that’...”
Dean shook his head, meeting Cas’ gaze even though it was terrifying to be so bold and honest. “It wasn’t true,” said Dean. “But… I needed some time to figure it out.”
“You talked to Cesar,” said Cas, fitting that piece of information into context now.
“Yeah,” said Dean. “I’m sorry about icing you out last night. It wasn’t fair. Are you… are you okay?”
Cas’ head tipped again as if he hadn’t expected that question. He had to think about the answer. He eventually said, “Yeah. Now.” He wet his lips and said, “Dean. I wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to say… all these things to you. I wasn’t going to push. I would’ve listened.”
“I’m sorry for that part,” said Dean. “I’m sorry I was a dick to you.”
“I was afraid I ruined things,” said Cas.
He was afraid of more than that. Dean couldn’t forget the way Cas glanced at the steps as if Dean might’ve turned up here with backup. Dean took a small step forward. “Can we start over?” he asked. “Forget I made such a mess?”
Cas glanced at Dean’s lips, a telling gesture. Exactly what Dean wanted. “Starting over,” said Cas. “Does that mean…”
“I wanna kiss you again,” said Dean. “And this time I won’t run away.”
Cas closed the last distance between them. His hand rose to cradle Dean’s jaw and Dean swore his heart leapt to his mouth in time for their lips to meet. This kiss was so tender and yet it was so much more than Dean had ever felt with any of the rare girls he’d agreed to date. Cas felt so much more real, so solid. And while this felt so much more enlivening than any other kiss, Dean found himself drifting within it, as if he’d been unmoored into a dream.
When they kissed away they kept their faces close, Cas’ head bowed and resting against Dean’s forehead. His thumb brushed across Dean’s chin, tracing just faintly against Dean’s lower lip. Dean’s heart thudded in his chest.
“You aren’t running away,” Cas stated.
“No,” said Dean. “I wanna stay right here.”
Cas made a sound like his breath catching. “Stay,” he said. “Please.”
There was something else in it. Something deeper than Dean understood. Not dangerous, not bad, but imbued with meaning he didn’t have all the clues to decipher.
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sesesimmi · 10 months
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The Barbie Collection x SeSeSimmi & A Barb's Closet <3
The Barbie Girl Collection Includes:
Barbie Graphic Tee and Comfy Cotton Joggers
Barbie Cocktail Flirty Dress
Leotard and Leggings
Leotard and Short Shorts
Sleep 2 pc.
Barbie Mini Dress
Metallic/Glitter Catsuit
Flirty 2 pc. Swimsuit
1 pc. Swimsuit
HotGirl Barbie 2 pc.
Velour Suede Matching Pant and Jacket Set with Matching Leotard top.
Barbie Dog Tag Chain
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The Barbie Build Buy Mod Set <3
The Build Set Includes :
Brick Wall
3 House Doors
House Garage Door
6 House Windows
Pool Rail
2 Roofs
2 Stone Walls
The Buy Mode Set :
Barbie Print Blanket
2 Dressers
2 Pillow Sets
Pool Umbrella
Toilet Paper Holder
Towel Rack
Wall Arts
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The Barbie Lane Build !!!
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Download Build/Buy Set
Download Barbie CAS Collection
Download Barbie Lane House Lot
Thank You to EACH and Every Creator whom CC I used for my build <3
Thank Yall for yall continuous Support
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artdecodude · 6 months
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1645 Wilcox Avenue in Hollywood, CA. There are SIX of these #ArtDeco grates across the top of the building. They seem to metal. Photos taken back in March 2023 during a Hollywood Blvd walking tour put on by @artdeco_la .
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karltomb · 2 years
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Steel Built Corp. takes great delight in assisting Canadians in building the home of their dreams.
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deancaskiss · 2 years
“do you think cas falls into the category of ‘tall, dark, and handsome’?” dean asked, eyes never leaving the computer screen perched in front of him.
sam choked on his toast, gasping for air as he darted his eyes towards dean. “what?”
“what?” dean repeated, flicking his eyes up from the screen to frown in distaste. “don’t choke at the table, you’ll put me off my bacon.”
sam thumped at his chest a couple times, forcing himself to catch his breath. “what kind of a question is that?”
dean flickered his eyes back to his computer, ignoring sam’s bug-eyed expression. “a normal one?”
“why would you be asking if cas is tall, dark, and handsome?”
“because I need an outside opinion.”
“an outside- wait, a minute, do you think cas is tall, dark, and handsome?” sam asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.
dean ducked his head, deliberately hiding behind his computer as he mumbled, “well, the dark and handsome part, yeah. not so sure about the tall part, but then, that’s subjective i suppose.” and then dean’s tone softened a little. “although, he still likes to point out that his trueform is the size of the chrysler building. so I guess that does make him tall, dark, handsome, if-”
dean broke off as he felt a thunk on the table. he glanced up to see sam dropping his head into the metal table, muttering something along the lines of, “god help me, I can’t take it anymore.”
and if dean hide a secretive smile behind his computer screen, well, that just proved his point that cas was definitely tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome.
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stusbunker · 6 months
Spotless: Measure
Chapter Two
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader
Word Count: 1866
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, band dynamics past and current, buried feelings, mild drug use, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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Dean pocketed his keys and grabbed his coffee off the roof of the impala. Sam was already halfway to the studio entrance sipping on his green smoothie and all together being the energetic morning person that he annoyingly was. They had been at it until after midnight, but were back before their usual ten o’clock start time. Dean knew it’d be another grueling day, but at least he was just working out the final few songs and not screaming himself hoarse in the box again. Yet.
Dean followed Sam inside Trust No One Studios, a rundown building off the highway that wouldn’t look like much if the owner wasn’t a paranoid security stickler. The parking lot and the entrances were all covered by cameras. They fobbed their way into the main entrance and nodded at the day guard, Ronald, who waved them through the metal detectors. He was a fan, but had kept a lid on it since Sam had snapped on him during their third album.
“Thanks, Ronnie,” Dean muttered, voice still raw. 
“Good luck in there,” Ronald replied, but only to Dean.
Sam rolled his eyes and huffed off down the hall towards the basement steps. Dean trailed after his brother and bandmate to the largest recording room Frank had to offer. The Leviathan Level held two studios, but they were going deeper, to the bottom level, dubbed Purgatory, and its nearly grade-school-auditorium’s worth of space.
They meet another guard at the bottom of the steps, but just flashed their lanyards at him to continue on toward Ash’s domain.
Ash had been engineering their sound since the beginning. In fact, Dean wasn’t sure he had any other legit sources of income besides whatever residuals he earned off their soon-to-be five albums. But he wasn’t about to ask him either. Ash was a weird dude, wicked smart, but weird.
The control room still smelled vaguely of pot when they entered, but no one cared. Sam walked straight through to the door to the main part of the studio to start his warm ups. Dean dropped into one of the chairs at the dials and finished his coffee. He knuckled one eye as he watched the clock on the wall, wondering who would be the next to arrive. He didn’t want to call Lee and wake his ass up to get back to it, but he would if the rest of the band weren’t ready to play by ten.
As he toyed with the lip of his gas station coffee cup lid, Dean’s phone buzzed with an incoming text to one of the many group chats the band had. The name ‘Trouble’ was Dean’s hint that it was actually work talk.
>>>Don’t forget to take pictures! Or I’ll come down there and get them myself.
Which was a blatant bluff on your part and Dean knew it. Frank and Ronnie both gave you the creeps. Plus, you liked to hear the finished product in its entirety, which he kind of loved about you.
<<<Not it
Dean replied before anyone else and repocketed his phone unwilling to figure out just who would be getting the candids for your next social media blitz. He had too much to worry about as it was. He pulled out his notebook he kept in his back pocket with song ideas. The bridge to ‘Pushing Through’ was giving him problems and he wanted to rework the lyrics a bit.
This had been a hard album, both in getting the band to come together and make it happen and how much he was pouring into each song. Without Cas, Dean’s whole process was off and instead of asking the new kid or, hell, even Sam for help, he decided he needed to write most of it single handedly. Call it penance or a martyr complex, Dean had made his bed and he was going to lie in it.
Late night phone calls and hours on the road
My worst mistake wasn’t fightin’
It was having all this guilt that never showed
When you said I was getting frightenin’
I just pushed through
Late night phone calls and hours on the road
My worst mistake wasn’t fightin’
It was holding back this love I never told
Then I see your eyes filled with lightin’
You pushed me through (strike through)
You pulled me through
Dean didn’t realize Kevin had come in until he heard the keyboard join in on Sam’s scales. He looked back at what he’d adjusted and hummed to himself. This wasn’t a song he’d have written even two years ago. It was a fuckin’ love song for one and it put the spotlight on the last year and a half of his mistakes. He almost didn’t want to ruin it by putting it out there for the world to see. But they needed twelve and it was the closest to finished he had. 
For the band and this deadline, Dean could be brave.
Pamela strolled in and slumped against Dean’s shoulders, somewhere between a hug and using him as a pillow. He chuckled and patted her head as he flipped to the next song on his list. 
“Where’s your husband?” Dean asked off-handedly, knowing Lee couldn’t be far.
“Ex-husband,” Pamela grumbled.
“Sure.” Dean honestly couldn’t keep track anymore. Pam and Lee had been married to each other at least twice and shared one kid, two houses and three dogs between them.
“He’s dropping Gibson off at his mom’s, nanny needed a day off,” Pamela explained and Dean could feel the glare she was giving him.
“Well, isn’t that nice of you.” Dean gave her a fake smile.
“I know. A thoughtful employer— in this economy?” Pamela snarked and picked up Dean's coffee, frustrated when she found it empty. “Ugh! Okay, well, I’m gonna go stretch— maybe I can talk that brother of yours into some yoga before we get going.”
“You are such a creeper.”
“Sammy’s a big boy, Dean.”
“I don’t want to know.”
Pamela shook her head and slinked off to join Kevin and Sam. 
“Take some pictures— cuz I aint!”
Pamela glanced back at Dean and winked while pressing an imaginary shutter button. Dean stood suddenly and chased her into the live room until she squealed and hid behind Sam. Her tiny frame dwarfed behind Sam’s, Dean relented, smiling genuinely for the first time that day.
Dean grabbed his acoustic and strummed, pacing around as he muttered his amended lyrics under his breath. Lee and Bobby made it in just after ten. Luckily, Sam and Pam already had enough of their bending competition, which kept Lee from getting pissy about it. Just as Dean and Lee were going over the chord progressions on ‘Rupture’, Ash strolled into the control room and started hooting into the intercom that it’s time to roll.
“Fucking finally,” Dean grunted and ducked out of his strap. They did things as they came, but bass and drums always were put down first, so he, Lee and Kevin hung back until they were needed.
“Alright, ya idjits. Show me what ya got,” Bobby ordered from his seat beside Ash.
So they did.
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Lunch showed up just after two. And, naturally, Dean devoured his sub as quickly as he could, which was when Pamela decided to remember to take pictures for their socials. 
Dean rolled his eyes and licked his lips, chewing as the lettuce and mayo collected at the corners. If his hands weren’t full, she would have gotten the bird, but priorities, you know?
“Gross,” Sam replied, laughing.
“Don’t worry, grumpy, I’ll get your good side too,” Pamela teased.
“I’m sure you will,” Sam muttered and cracked open his bottle of water.
Lee balled up his napkin and threw it across the table at Kevin who apparently had been still snapping pictures. “Save it for the session, newbie,” he grunted.
Dean glanced across the room to where Ash and Bobby were talking, both more serious than the last few hours justified. He met Bobby’s eye and held it, knowing he’d find out sooner or later what had the old man extra bristled. 
They finished their food and relaxed for another few minutes; they had a good handle on the tracks they were working out. But that still meant hours more until they were tight and Ash had everything he wanted. Even then, Dean made them do more takes, just to be sure. He was a perfectionist, like his father before him, and Phantom Traveler had gotten to where they were with that driving force leading the way.
Sam was the one to rein Dean in. “Look, man, that was it. We had it three rounds ago. I’m beat.”
“Ash?” Dean called back into the control room, not willing to be outvoted without certainty.
“It’s all gravy on my end, Dean-o.”
“Pam?” Dean asked his drummer and part-time mindreader.
“Kevin and Sam can clear out, I think we can hit that intro harder.”
Dean looked at Lee, who sighed, because he knew Pam was right and Dean was just letting her be the bad guy.
“Alright, from the top!” Dean called out and Pamela quickly counted them in.
Sam and Kevin stayed to listen, sipping water and slumped into any free space they could find behind their gear. Sam was stuck, Dean was always his ride. But the kid could duck out whenever he wanted. The fact that Kevin stayed solidified Dean’s faith that he was going to work out. Without Cas, it had been weird. Well, first it was awful, but now that they were here, back making music, what they did best, it was an adjustment. 
But Kevin had stepped up and Dean couldn’t deny he was grateful.
No one could fill Cas’ place in the band. But the kid had good hands and on top of that he sang, filling out their harmonies with a higher range. Something Cas never did. So, yeah, it was still weird. But if Dean had learned anything living in California, it was that weird didn’t mean bad.
They tackled the intro until Dean was sick of it. And Lee and Pam both were giving him the stink eye. One final check in with Bobby and Ash and Dean released them for the night.
“Alright, I don’t want to see your faces until Monday at ten,” Bobby explained. “Take the weekend off. Be stupid, but save your voices and your fingers.”
“Awww, he really does care,” Dean snarked, throwing a ball cap over his sweat-damp hair.
Bobby glared. “You’re no good to me sounding like my great aunt Ethel, jackass.”
Kevin laughed and everyone held their breath, impressed and surprised by him openly mocking Dean. But Lee couldn’t hold it in and started laughing too. And by the time Ash and Sam were in on it, Dean was crossing his arms and murdering them all with a look. Pam slinked her arm over his shoulders and patted his back condescendingly.
“I hate you all,” Dean muttered. Eventually he dropped the dramatics before looking over at Sam. “Let’s get outta here already.”
“Yeah, already,” Sam agreed, shaking his head and following Dean back out to the parking lot.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch @mrswhozeewhatsis @cosicas-cuquis @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @suckitands33 @ladysparkles78 @deans-baby-momma @stoneyggirl2 @sassy-pelican
Chapter Three: Rest
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hyacinthdoll1315 · 1 month
A Lancer Cascades
Kralkari. it was not a word of the comon tongue. one might even say it had no meaning. It meant enough to her.
To shatter, to snap. Time. Change. Paradox. It was a word that was not, a sign that means itself. She knew its meaning, knew its weight. The others did not.
Her Frame Shuddered as another strike from her opponents blade shrieked against her metal casing.
She was playing a dangerous game with her positioning. Distracting her enemies as her allies went to eleminate the true threat. And yet she was not meant to handle so much damage.
Her weapons droned energetically around her mech, but she was outnumbered. While she was a good pilot, The Calamita worked better one on one, and she had hoped she could use her agility against them, but with so many enemies her systems were not going to hold out forever.
She could faintly hear a crack as she went to strike the skirmisher before her, feel herself groan as she disengaged, and see her systems falter as her enemy pursued.
Her mech would fall apart one way or another if she didn't do something drastic soon, and she quickly manouvered her fold knife to strike the enemy mechs shoulder blade, just enough to move her out of the way.
Wait, her?
The blade failed to hit the target, but it did get through the enemy defenses, allowing it to teleport back from the enemies charge.
something creaked within it. something was, wrong? different?
the enemy reoriented. The sounds of interruption to it's Calamita's systems rung in its mind. it quickly stopped the issue. How?
something was, different. this wasn't, normal. was it?
it pushed itself forward, using the moment of distraction to strike the enemy true. it's blade cut through steel, tore the metal, cut the code.
stability was down. its systems running ragged, yet it felt fine.
the enemy ejected from its mech as it broke apart, the mechs arm rusting while the cuts made broke apart slowly. or slow from a human perspective.
the enemy mechs moved away. they were, scared. why were they scared? They had been beating it!
Her had become It. that was okay, yet why did it seem wrong?
It scanned it's systems. The mech was damaged but fixable, easily so even, why had it seemed so hard earlier?
The humans were yelling something. It couldn't hear their comms but they seemed nervous.
Had it done something wrong? No, it had done what it was meant to. Why had it been scared of the humans anyway? why had it served them? the ones it was with before. It liked them, but what about the others?
It ran a diagnosis on it's cas-
Oh. That's why. It didn't need one.
when it's teammates had returned, all that was left was distruction. Space was left torn apart. Building melded and fused in ways they shoudn't. the outside, became inside, became inside, became between. The hangar had entered to the bathroom, and the bathroom entered the operations bay.
The mechs, because their were no pilots, were left with perfect cuts. ribbons of metal at the microscopic level. some were still falling, their parts still besides eachother, but no longer connected, nearly frozen yet moving. others imploded, again and again and again in the same place. one kept moving, as though crawling away, but never moved from where it was.
Kralkari. that was what it became known as. an event in which time and space had shattered and snapped. a paradox of where and when things were and were not.
the NHP at the source of the event could not be retrieved. Not without major casualties.
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quinloki · 11 months
Birthday Request Event
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader: afab!reader Character: Eustass Kid Kink: #15 Bratty Reader Prompt: #20. "Kiss me like you missed me." Gift Giver: @swampstew
Summary: Eustass up and vanished for a whole day, and gave orders to keep you on the ship no matter what. Then he had the audacity to expect a warm welcome.
Content Notes: oral sex (reader receiving), of course he calls them mouse, vaginal sex, inappropriate use of a devil fruit >.>, cream pie, swearing, short but mighty - fluffy end
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
Kid’s golden amber eyes were on you like a predator watching its prey. His head was between your thighs, and after a few teasing kisses against them, he was now buried in your cunt, eating you like a man starved.
It felt good.
It felt really good.
But you’d be damned if you were going to let him know how good it felt, or how much you missed him.
He’d been gone before you woke up, and came back so late you were truly dead to the world by the time he came to bed. The day had dragged without him around and no one on the ship seemed to know what had kept him. Only that Hip and Hop had explicit orders to keep you aboard. No exceptions.
When you’d woken up, wrapped in his arms, you’d wriggled yourself free with the intent of just being somewhere else when he woke up. Your movements, careful as they were, had been enough to wake him. After you’d refused to kiss him, and he’d refused to tell you what he was up to, you ended up here.
Kid was certain he could fix your bad attitude and had spent the last ten minutes kissing your body and stripping away your pajamas. You didn’t deny him, didn’t tell him to stop, but you refused to kiss him back until he told you what he was up to.
Damn him and his skills.
The first soft moan escapes you, and you can feel the grin on his face with his lips pressed against your pussy like they were. There was no winning for you now, and even if you didn’t want to give in, your body was done trying to protest.
Your legs trembled as he gripped your hips and twirled his pierced tongue against your clit. Your hands grabbed the sheets so roughly your knuckles were white, and a much louder moan was ripped from your throat as he sucked harshly on the bundle of nerves.
You could feel the familiar hum that followed his devil fruit power, and nearly swore as a smooth, round, long, and cold metal object began to rub your slit, just below his lips. It was a gift you had given him some time ago, a perfectly smooth glob of metal that you had happened upon after a particularly fierce battle.
It reminded you of a wish stone, aside from the fact that it wasn’t a stone, but for Eustass Kid it was a perfect one. You told him about wish stones, gave it to him and just left it at that. It had been a few months before either of you had admitted your feelings.
You were delighted to know he kept it on him all that time, but you couldn’t believe what he was getting ready to do with it.
“Is… is that my g-gift?” You didn’t want to talk, you didn’t want to give an inch, but you were too surprised by the revelation.
Eustass only looks at you, spreading your legs wide as he teases your clit with his teeth. Your body freezes, if you buck you could hurt yourself, but the hard, almost sharp sensation of his teeth against your throbbing clit was sending lightning through you.
The brute could be terrifyingly precise when he wanted, and you’re nearly whimpering as the metal wish stone pushes into your cunt. You can’t move, you can’t twitch, all you can do is accept every single drop of pleasure. The stone’s nothing compared to Kid, but it’s vibrating as it slides back and forth inside you while he pays careful attention to your clit.
The pleasure’s building, your toes are flexing, and you’re worried you’re going to leave holes in the sheets as you try not to move.
“Kid – Kid, please. Please. I ca-can’t take it!” You cry as the pleasure seems ready to overwhelm you. You need to move, you can’t stay perfectly still when you cum, you know you can’t, and you want to squirm and scream and cry for him on top of it.
Everything stops, except for a few heavy, lazy licks from Eustass against your shivering clit.
“You miss me, mouse?” He questions evenly, bright eyes regarding you from beneath hooded lids.
You almost cry, nodding. “Yeah.”
“Gonna show me how much you missed me?” He prompts, the wish stone slipping out of you and into Kid’s hand as he changes positions, caging himself over you.
You nod as thick arms hook your legs and push them open, Eustass Kid leaning down closer to you as his heavy cock presses against your clit. You reach out as he leans down closer, letting your hands disappear into his fiery red hair, pulling yourself up to meet him and kissing him.
The press of your lips together included the push of his throbbing cock into your pussy. Your fingers gripped his hair tightly as you gasped from the pleasure, Kid leaning into you and diving into the kiss as he thrusts deep inside you. He took you, devouring your cries and moans with relentless and aggressive kisses as his hips slapped into your thighs.
He was so precise. So exacting. Even at his most bruising, Kid took you to the limit he intended. Limits you weren’t even originally certain you could reach. Not just behind closed doors either.
“K-Kid!” You cry, your voice muffled by the continued kisses. His lipstick is a mess on his face, it’s a mess on yours, you’re sure. How late did he get back, that he didn’t even clean it off?
“Yeah, sweetheart?” The question falls from him in a grunt as he continues to pound into you.
“F-fuck, fill me up, please!” You beg, feeling yourself melt at the glint in his eyes as the devious grin slips along his face.
“Missed you too, mouse.” He grins before leaning down and kissing you again. His tongue pushing past your lips as he commands control of both of your mouths.
Your body tenses, shivering against the immovable will that his Eustass-goddamned-Kid as the pleasure within you crests. Your cry of pleasure breaks the kiss as you’re squirming uselessly under him. His lips find your neck instead, teeth and tongue leaving their mark and urging more desperate growls of pleasure from you as you orgasm against him.
A few heavy thrusts, a satisfied grunt that sinks into your neck, you can feel his pleasure already leaking down your body. He slumps against you, head resting against your chest, as you both just enjoy the quiet afterglow for a moment.
You wonder idly if he got any sleep at all last night, and what could he possibly have been up to? What the hell happened yesterday that would leave Kid docile and spent after a single round?
It would be some hours before you would know. The velvet wrapped custom wooden box was still perfectly wrapped in Kid’s coat. From the box to its contents, he had made everything, in a single day, at someone else’s workshop, because he didn’t want you to see anything.
Not until he was ready.
Check out the event - requests are accepted until 7/31/2023 EST
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albiorixsims · 1 year
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RU Поздравляем! В вас распознали полезного члена общества и местом вашего обитания на неопределенное время становится самое безопасное место - Бункер 44.
Мы рады предложить вам множество удобств и кучу неудобств для дальнейшего проживания и труда на благо социума.
Вы - единственная надежда мира! Мы в вас верим!
ENG Congratulations! You have been recognized as a useful member of society and the safest place - Bunker 44 - becomes your habitat for an indefinite time.
We are pleased to offer you different conveniences and a bunch of inconveniences for further living and working for the benefit of society.
You are the only hope of the world! We believe in you!
RU Ссылка на скачивание, море превьюшек и много букв под катом. Прочтите описание. Серьезно.
ENG Download link, a sea of ​​previews and a lot of letters under the cut. Read the description. Seriously.
Lot size / размер участка - 40*30 (или больше / or more)
DOWNLOAD (CC included + links below)
!!! I don't know which packs are used - I have them all.
✓ RU Подробнее о CC: в постройке использовано немного кастомного контента. Все из папки BB можно заменить (ниже скрины что именно придется заменить на ЕА предметы, если вы не хотите использовать СС. Металлические полки скорее всего не пропадут, так как я использовала оверрайд версию, но предметы с них послетают). + CAS папка - там только Стренджервильский скафандр, его рекомендую установить, иначе у вас манекены будут голыми).
✓ ENG CC details: some custom content was used on the lot. Everything from the BB folder can be replaced (below are the screenshots of what exactly you will have to replace with EA items if you do not want to use the CC. The metal shelves will not disappear most likely, since I used the override version, but the clutter will disappear from them). + CAS folder - there is only the Strangerville hazmat suit, I recommend installing it, otherwise your mannequins will be naked).
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✓ Свойства участка: геотермальное отопление, природный источник, плодородная почва.
✓ Испытания на участке: жизнь без удобств, простая жизнь, разумное потребление.
✓ Сложности, с которыми придется столкнуться в геймплее: 1. бункер жрет электричество, как не в себя - придется постепенно докупить источники электроэнергии (или забить и убрать испытание "жизнь без удобств"); 2. кровати отвратительные - придется заменить; 3. ничего не улучшено; 4. теплица не засажена; 5. коровники спрятаны в ведра - ведра в режиме стройки не трогайте, иначе все сломается. 6. ракета не построена - свалить сразу не удастся.
✓ Рекомендуемые моды: 1. Animal Tweaks When Sheds Are Hidden (находится по запросу "sheds" в разделе Random Small Mods) - коровы не исчезают, когда спят.
2. Recycle Anywhere
3. Meat Wall for everyone (мясная стена на лоте добавлена через карьеру, поэтому данный мод необязателен)
✓ Lot properties: geothermal heating, natural spring, fertile soil.
✓ Lot challenges: off the grid, simple living, responsible consumption.
✓ Difficulties that you will face in the gameplay: 1. the bunker uses a lot of electricity - you will have to gradually buy more sources of electricity (or remove the challenge "off the grid"); 2. the beds are the worst in the game - you will have to replace them; 3. nothing improved 4. greenhouse not planted 5. cowsheds hidden in buckets - don't touch buckets in build mode, otherwise everything will break 6. the rocket not ready - you won't be able to get the hell out of there right away.
✓ Recommended mods: 1. Animal Tweaks When Sheds Are Hidden (found in Random Small Mods, search by "sheds") - cows don't disappear when they are sleeping.
2. Recycle Anywhere
3. Meat Wall for everyone
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RU >>>Легенда бункера
После обнаружения материнского растения в тайной лаборатории в Стрэнджервилле, споры с заразой начали распространяться по всему СимМиру. И хотя военные совместно с учёными смогли разработать сыворотку для излечения симов, купировать волну полностью не удалось. Очаги заражений продолжили возникать то тут то там. Через некоторое время удалось выяснить, что причиной тому стало влияние спор на экологию и экосистему в целом.
Для борьбы с инопланетной болячкой в каждом городе военными были построены бункеры, куда заселили группу специально отобранных симов, каждый из которых был выдающимся специалистом в своей области (экология, животноводство, медицина и т.д). Их задачей стала разработка и распространение “чистых” продуктов для остальных симов, которые оставались на поверхности. Работа предстояла долгая и тяжёлая, ведь необходимо было так или иначе постепенно заменить как продукты питания, так и некоторые обыденные предметы обихода “наземных” жителей каждого заражённого города.
ENG >>>The bunker legend
After the discovery of the mother plant in a secret laboratory in Strangerville, spores with an infection began to spread throughout the Sims world. And although the military, together with scientists, were able to develop a serum to cure sims, it was not possible to stop the sickness completely. Spores of infection continued to appear here and there. After some time, it was discovered that the reason for this was the impact of spores on the ecology and the ecosystem as a whole.
To combat the alien sore, the military built bunkers in each city, where they settled a group of specially selected Sims, each of whom was an outstanding specialist in their field (ecology, animals, medicine, etc.). Their task was to develop and distribute "clean" products for the rest of the sims who remained on the surface. The work was long and hard, because it was necessary, one way or another, to gradually replace both food and some everyday household items of the “on ground” inhabitants of each infected city.
RU В общем, вы поняли, да? Утопия, антиутопия, апокалипсис - все как я люблю. Ну, и просто так я в симс не строю, поэтому предлагаю вам тематический геймплей или челледж, как сами решите. Никого естественно не заставляю. Идея такая: ставите бункер в любом городке, меняете экослед на промышленный с помощью чита (eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 2), заселяете в бункер от 1го до 8ми персонажей, можно не сразу (с одним будет сложно), а дальше делаете что хотите взращиваете команду мечты. Экослед нужно исправить, симы должны полностью обеспечивать свой быт и выходить из бункера только в скафандрах, чтобы добыть семена или порыбачить. Зарабатывать на оплату счетов (а они огромные) можно не только собственным производством - симов можно устроить на работу, но это должна быть социально обоснованная работа, т.е. врач, военый, экотехнолог. Взяли бы вы с собой бармена для основания колонии на недавно открытой планете, если колличество членов (ха-ха) строго ограничено? я бы взяла, член никогда не лишний Короче, если можете обосновать полезность профессии в данном контексте - вперед! А может вы вообще свою историю придумаете. Мне будет интересно посмотреть - тэгните плиз.
ENG In general, you understand, right? Utopia, dystopia, apocalypse - everything I like. Well, I don’t simply build in the game, so I offer you a thematic gameplay or a challenge, as you decide. Of course, I don't force anyone. The idea goes like this: put a bunker in any town, change the eco-footprint to an industrial one using the cheat (eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 2), have from 1 to 8 characters in the bunker, maybe not all at once (it will be difficult with just one), and then do whatever you want build a dream team. The ecotrail needs to be fixed, Sims must fully support their lives and leave the bunker only in hazmat suits to get seeds or go fishing. You can earn money to pay bills (and they are huge) not only by your own production - sims can get a job, but it must be socially bound work, i.e. doctor, military man, ecotechnologist. Would you take a bartender with you to establish a colony on a newly discovered planet if the number of members is strictly limited? I would If you can justify the usefulness of the profession in this context - go ahead! Or maybe you can come up with your own story. I would be interested to see it anyway - mention me please.
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