#making it all the more funny that he gets caught almost immediately
hairmetal666 · 2 days
Steve wins the bat plush at a fair when he's seven. He doesn't care about bats, but it's the prize for making all five baskets in the basketball game, so he gets the little bat. Its eyes are a little crooked and one wing is slightly smaller than the other, but it being lopsided sort of makes it cuter.
He and his dad, they're supposed to be going on rides now, but his dad's pager keeps going off. He puts Steve next to a funnel cake stand, tells him not to move, and goes in search of a pay phone. Fifteen minutes pass, and Steve is bored under the flashing lights and tinkling music. He wants to play not sit and wait.
Eventually, he drifts back towards the midway, watches the people rushing by, searches for a sign of his dad's return. His attention is caught by another boy at the basketball booth. He has to be about Steve's age, with a mop of dark curls on top of his head and a jean jacket that's slightly too big, sleeves flopping over his hands as he lines up his shots.
This boy, he's terrible at basketball. Every shot is too high or too short or goes wide, but he's trying. Even from this distance, Steve can see how hard he's trying. He uses up his five balls, fishes into his jacket pocket for more money, and gets five more.
He misses every shot. This time, when he goes back for more money, he comes up empty. Steve thinks he sees his lip shaking.
A man, one in a leather jacket and boots that Steve thinks look mean, comes up to the boy, drops a heavy hand on his shoulder. He's too far away to hear the conversation, assumes the boy asks to play again and the man's response is a shaken head and a tight smile. They walk away from the games, right towards Steve, who slinks back to the side of the midway, not wanting to be caught staring.
"What was it you wanted? That stupid bat? Just another piece of trash you wanna bring in my house." Steve hears as they pass.
The boy nods, but keeps his eyes down and to the side.
He feels bad then. Felt bad before, but now he looks at his own bat, at its funny eyes and poorly attached wings, and wishes he could hand it over to the boy who really wants it. Steve almost does, then, makes to go after them, but his dad appears, dropping a hand to Steve's shoulder and saying, "ready to hit those rides?" And he knows the opportunity is gone, knows his dad will say it's too soft, not what men do.
Steve manages to lose himself for a while in the swirling lights and funhouse music and carnival rides, forget about the little bat in his back pocket and the boy who wanted one so desperately. But then his dad's pager goes off some more, he goes back to the pay phone, and Steve ducks into the low brick building that houses the bathrooms.
His eyes immediately land on the same boy from the basketball game. His eyes are red, face damp, obviously from tears, and Steve just--
"Here." He shoves the bat into the boy's chest.
For a second, the brownest eyes Steve's ever seen widen at him, before narrowing in a harsh glare, the boy's teeth barred.
"Why?" He snarls.
Steve thinks he may regret every choice that led him to this but he says, he says, "Because I want you to have it."
The boy blinks a few times, hand reaching out to gently pinch the bat's smallest wing. "You sure?"
Steve nods and the bat is slowly withdrawn from his grasp.
"No takesies-backsies?"
"It's yours."
The boy looks at the bat in awe, and Steve says, "see? It already looks happier with you."
The boy's beaming smile is cut-off by a voice calling from the door, "you in there,? I ain't got time to be waiting for your boohooing."
"Coming!" The boy carefully tucks the bat into an inner pocket of his jacket. "Thank you," he whispers, eyes big and glistening and happy, before he disappears out the door.
13 years later, give or take a few months, and Steve stands in the cracked shell of a bisected trailer, rummaging through what remains of a life well-lived, searching for anything whole. He's already found a few undamaged mugs and clean hats, but this room--it took a lot of damage. The brunt of it, really. Some sick sort of joke, after everything.
It's mostly rubble in here, scraps of fabric; slivers of notebook paper, magazine, poster; crumbled shards of vinyl and cassette plastic. A few times he comes across the disembodied limb of one of those dnd figures, and something weird happens to his throat.
In the far corner there's half of a dresser collapsed into itself, and he shuffles through the debris to see what he can find. There's something, soft and black, just the edge of it, peaking out from under half of a drawer face. He pulls it out, careful as can be and it's--it's a plush bat. It's a little dirty, but unharmed, though its eyes are a little wonky, and one wing is smaller than the other.
He holds it and he stares and he has to brace himself against the wall. It can't be--it's not the same one--but he remembers those big brown eyes and the curls and--
"Harrington," a warm, rich voice calls from what's left of the hallway. "You get lost in there?"
Eddie shuffles in, slow, careful with his crutches. And it--it took so long, months and months of convalesce and physical therapy, still physical therapy, but he's here. He's alive. He's perfect. And the something blooming between them, it's not spoken yet, but it's there, growing, and now, now--
"Oh my god, you found Lilith! I thought she was toast."
"Lilith?" He's still cradling the little lopsided bat in his hands, but moves closer to hand it over to Eddie.
"Yes, Lilith." Eddie takes the bat, presses it to his chest. "The first boy I ever loved gave her to me."
His heart turns over in his chest and when he swallows his throat clicks. Eddie doesn't notice, he's smiling softly at the bat, at Lilith, but then, "why are you looking at me like that?"
"First boy you ever loved?" He says. He thinks he sounds normal.
Somehow, Eddie's smile grows even softer. "Yeah. Roan County Fair, years ago. Tried to win her, but--" he clicks his tongue--"never had great hand-eye coordination. And then this kid just gave her to me out of nowhere. I used to think I was going to marry him."
"And now?"
Eddie laughs. "I grew up, Steve."
And for a second, he doesn't know what to say, but then, "I was right then, huh? That she'd be happier with you."
He stares at Steve, those same big brown eyes, wide and glistening. "Steve that was--Steve?" Eddie presses a hand over his mouth, overcome, before launching himself into Steve's arms. The crutches clatter to the floor, but Steve has him, will always have him, no matter what.
"I can't believe you kept her," Steve whispers.
"God, I carry her everywhere. She's Corroded Coffin's mascot, and you--Steve, I can't believe that was you."
"Surprise," he bumps Eddie's forehead with his.
They hold each other in the center of the destruction, but none of that matters right now, not when it feels like every moment since they very first met as children was leading them to this.
From the other half of the trailer, they hear footsteps, chattering, Wayne and Robin and Dustin, but Steve wants this to last a little longer.
"So, marriage...that still off the table?"
Eddie laughs softly, nuzzles his face against Steve's neck. "Are you kidding, sweetheart? No way I'm letting you go."
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calqlate · 2 days
SUMMARY: Yamaguchi Tadashi always saw himself as a side character. However, there came a day whereby he did not want to live like that anymore. He wanted to be seen, to be noticed, to be perhaps, loved — all because of a single person: you.
PAIRING: yamaguchi tadashi x gn! reader
GENRE(S): pining (one sided)
WC: 1559
NOTE(S): inspired by baek yerin's november song + dw it has a happy ending
TAGLIST (italicised blogs are unable to be tagged): @deeomi
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Yamaguchi Tadashi was that boy: the awkward, quiet boy who sat in the corner of the classroom right next to the windows. He never spoke unless he was spoken to, and he only talked more than he needed to to Tsukishima. He was always seen by girls as Tsukishima's friend, the one that can be used as a channel to get close to the tall blonde. (Yamaguchi had always felt bad for them, because Tsukishima never paid them much attention in the first place.)
Yamaguchi always saw himself as a side character. If he were to appear in a fairytale, he would be the page boy appearing on page fifteen, or perhaps even the faceless gardener drawn in the background. For him, just being there was okay, as long as he was not disrupting the flow of anything. It was okay if Tsukishima was the focal point and he was the 'but'. As long as he was not a forgotten face, he was okay with it.
However, there came a day he did not want to live like that anymore. He wanted to be seen, to be noticed, to be perhaps, loved — all because of a single person: you.
It was funny, was it not? To have lived like an extra of a major production but wanting to be noticed all of a sudden? To be the star, the protagonist, the hero? (Maybe he did not want to be the hero, per se; he just wanted to be seen as a someone for once.)
"What's wrong with you?" Tsukishima asked one day, his patented impassive, blank look still on his face, "You're happier and, I don't know... jittery, these few days."
"M-Me?" Yamaguchi stuttered, then rushed to fill in that dubious reply with a scoff, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes," the blonde sighed through his nose, "Yes, you do."
Yamaguchi did not say anything else. Arguing with his friend would not get him anywhere; Tsukishima was perpetually right all the time. Winning an argument against him would be doing the impossible. It would be akin to proving that Newton was lying when he proved that gravity exists.
So it was natural that Tsukishima was proven right once again when he caught Yamaguchi staring a tad bit too long than usual at a particular person. Tsukishima recognised them: it was [F/N] from the next-door Physics class.
"So, [F/N]?" Tsukishima said after class, a hint of mischief in his golden-brown eyes.
Yamaguchi immediately turned a few shades darker of red, wishing he could disappear into his hair or thin air, he did not mind which.
"You can't be just simply staring at them, you know," the taller male said with a little sigh, "They won't be able to notice you that way."
"I just don't want to embarrass myself," the freckled male said meekly, then added in a softer voice, "I'm just... me. There's nothing special about me."
"No, there is," Tsukishima said, "There are things about you that make you special."
There was a brief pause as Tsukishima frowned, before he elaborated, "Being caring, for instance, and being nice. Not everyone has a soft heart like you, Yamaguchi."
Yamaguchi's jaw fell slightly, and he stared at his friend with wide eyes. Tsukishima had never really complimented him before, so this was something new and big. Monumental, even.
He smiled, "Thanks, Tsukki."
Catching a person's attention, however, proved to be difficult. He did not know how Tsukishima managed to do it, but he was surely envious of whatever the blonde had that he himself was lacking in. However, he thought of a plan that he found always proved to be successful in almost every drama his mother watched.
"[F/N]?" he said one day as he approached you, your name rolling off his lips easily yet oddly, like it was meant to be.
You quirked an eyebrow up at him, beckoning him to continue.
"I-I was wondering if you'd like to study together," he said, stuttering unintentionally at the start, to which he mentally berated and kicked himself for, "Additional Mathematics, especially. I can't quite grasp linear law." That was a lie; he was rather good at Additional Mathematics, and his best topic was linear law.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, "But aren't you good in Additional Mathematics?"
He winced internally. Drat, he was caught. Time to deploy Plan B.
"I was thinking it could be more of a revision session," he said before any doubts could cross your mind, "I can't prepare with Tsukki either; he has tuition classes."
"Oh, okay," you said, shrugging your shoulders slightly, "How does Saturday afternoon sound?"
"Sounds good," he said, smiling and hoping it did not look too creepy or off-putting in any way (because God forbid he scared you off after his very first interaction with you), "We'll do that."
The revision sessions did prove to help; Yamaguchi got closer to you. Perhaps it was even a little too fast-paced than he originally thought it would be, since he clearly did not plan too far ahead when he realised a harmless little crush turned into a full-blown and slightly dangerous love. Every little accidental touch sent both of your hands jerking away from each other, every slightly prolonged glance sent both of your cheeks burning whenever they were caught, and every smile set both of your hearts pounding furiously against both of your ribcages.
"You're in love with them," Tsukishima blurted out one day during lunch, which caused Yamaguchi to choke on his rice.
"W-What?" he said as he pounded on his chest, looking at Tsukishima with wide eyes, similar to that of a fish's.
"[F/N]," Tsukishima said casually, picking a cherry tomato from his lunchbox with his chopsticks.
Yamaguchi covered his face in his hands, "Is it really that obvious?"
"Anyone would know," Tsukishima said plainly, "It's that obvious."
A pause followed as Tsukishima chewed on the cherry tomato, then, "Aren't you going to confess?"
"M-Me? Confess?" Yamaguchi stuttered as he dropped his hands to his sides, "It's not that easy, you know!"
"What century are you living in, Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima asked with a snort before closing his lunchbox, "It doesn't matter who asks the other person out. Anyway—" — The blonde paused and stared at his friend before continuing — "Don't you want to make a lasting impression on them?"
Yamaguchi bit his lower lip. He was never one to be macho or manly in any way. He was the shy and gentle guy; he would be a stammering mess with pink-tinted cheeks. However, Tsukishima had raised a valid point. It was time to "man up", like Tanaka-senpai had always said, and make the first move, like chess.
Tsukishima stood up, taking his lunchbox with him.
"Be confident," Tsukishima said, patting the dark green-haired male on the shoulder before walking off, "I know you can do it."
And so he did; he puffed his chest out and summoned every ounce of willpower he had to brave through the confession, to enunciate his words clearly without hesitation.
He expected rejection. Which person, in their right mind, would say yes?
Apparently, you were that person, which pleasantly surprised him.
He always wondered, what exactly did you see in him that made you agree? He hoped you were not just doing it out of pity, or worse, using him to get close to Tsukishima. (A lot of people liked Tsukki better than the plain old Yamaguchi anyway.)
However, you always reassured him gently, all while taking his hands, that you did it because you reciprocated his feelings. You were not lying to him in any way, neither did your actions have any underlying meaning. You were willing to be together with him, to be his other half, to be the one supporting him at one hundred percent.
Whenever he felt down, whenever he felt useless, whenever he felt like the world was against him for some unknown and odd reason, you were always there to give a hug, to tell him that everything was going to be alright, and that you were physical proof that you were there and would not be going anywhere. It was during times like these that Yamaguchi knew for sure that this love was meant to be his and it was uniquely his, that a bond like this would never come again in his entire lifetime.
Even if this love was broken, trampled on, and tested, it would never fade. Both of you would always come back together, like unlike poles, the right puzzle pieces filling in the gaps.
Maybe this love was not romantic according to society's standards, but that was okay. It was the bond and overwhelming feelings that words could not describe make this love special, one that cannot be recreated.
He hoped he could be the one for you, too: the shoulder you could cry on, the first person you would share good news with, the Mr. Right in your happily ever after. That future was close in reach, but he did not know that. For now, he was content with the way he lived with you, and that was perfectly fine.
As long as the two of you were connected, like two single lines diverged together into one, everything will be fine.
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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#Double Crossbones#Donald O'Connor#I don't know how to make gifs so making these was v. time consuming but I persevered bc I have to talk about this#a) this movie is amazing and has the most movie of movie pirates ever committed to celluloid#(except that they don't have West Country accents- that's the only lack- they throw in some old timey lingo but it's real weaksauce)#anyway it is a action adventure musical comedy with slapstick tapdancing and swordfighting#the plot is ludicrous and everything is very silly except the corrupt official bad guy who is kinda legit threatening#our hapless unlikely golden hearted-hero accidentally becomes a pirate lord through a series of shenanigans#eventually he enjoys it but he's gotta rescue his girlfriend from the evil governor#he fucks it up and she ends up rescuing him instead and then there's a happy ending and even more shenanigans#the jokes are cheeseball the costumes are over the top and all the pirates are hamming it up#the swordfights involve the most EGREGIOUS flynning and dance-fighting#there is straight up cartoon logic involved#so in conclusion: FLAWLESS. NO NOTES.#b) this disguise is one of the few main character disguises in cinema history that is actually convincing- he is unrecognisable#if I hadn't been spoiled by someone's blog post b4 watching this I would no joke not have known it was him until he gives it away#I fully buy even his girlfriend wouldn't clock him on sight#making it all the more funny that he gets caught almost immediately#anyway he's being hilariously ott posh and dandyish#my point was: maybe I'm seeing what I want to see but I feel like he based this on Leslie Howard in the Scarlet Pimpernel#he sounds so much like him! he does some of the same business! I want this to be true so bad#I chose to believe this is a reference/tribute
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s0dium · 26 days
Pervert!Yuuta x Reader
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Synopsis: Yuuta has avoided the touch of women for years due to having a homicidal jealous curse attached to him. Hell, he has even avoided touching himself. But something happens that makes him break
Warning: Male masturbation, pillow humping, edging, mentions of breeding, pining
Having a homicidal jealous curse attached to you 24/7 that threatens to murder any woman that comes close to you, changes a man.
In Yuuta's case that meant that sex was out of the question. In fact, everything involving the slightest bit of physical intimacy was out of the question. Handshake? Yuuta would rather not risk it. Hugging? Sure if you wanted to get your head chopped off. Even when Yuuta joined Jujutsu High and became able to control Rika better, his ways of avoiding women had already been so ingrained into him, that any kind of intimacy was just foreign to him.
This didn't mean the Yuuta didn't think about it. He even indulged in the small things, like replaying the sex scene in a movie or eying the women in Todo's magazines he would bring on occasion. But that wasn't enough to quell the thrumming in his head or the whisper in the back of his mind craving more. Yuuta truly thought he could ignore it all though, that is, until he met you.
At first, it was easy for him to treat you as nothing more than a friend, a classmate. He could ignore how peculiarly beautiful and kind you were. He could brush off how your witty remarks during tough missions always made him laugh, and how the light, airy giggles that escaped your mouth when Yuuta did something unintentionally funny made butterflies swarm in his stomach. Then summer rolled around, and you started wearing more revealing clothes—short skirts and tights instead of long pants, which were apparently "easier to train in" you told him.
And it was only when you innocently bent over to pick something up one afternoon, when Yuuta accidentally caught a glimpse of your white underwear that dug into the fat of your plump butt, that the dam finally broke. When you turned around to bashfully apologize for accidentally flashing him, Yuuta was already gone. Unbeknownst to you, he had fled to his dorm room, struggling to hide his painfully hard dick in his pants.
Yuuta barely makes it to his bed before he is pulling down his black uniform pants and wrapping a shaky hand around his thick cock. He's not an idiot, he knows how to jack off, but there is something different right now. When in the past the few times he touched himself was to quickly get rid of arousal, now Yuuta finds himself yearning for something more.
He slowly drags his hand down his shaft and the satisfaction is immediate: just one stroke sent electric flesh arrows of pleasure through his entire body. The pleasure is mind-numbing, and just a taste of it has him yearning for more.
“Oh fuh-“ Yuuta's voice comes out breathless. He screws his eyes shut and darts a tongue across his lips to wet them. Almost immediately his mind wonders back to you, how delicious your ass looked, how beautiful you are, how beautiful you would be with your lips wrapped around his dick. How would your breasts feel in his palm? What would your face look like if he tweaked and sucked on your nipples? God, what would your pussy feel like.
Pap pap. Yuuta was starting to create a semi fast rhythm, white precum collecting in the spaces of his fingers as he furiously glided his tight grip up and down his dick. He doesn't just want to think about you; he wants to obsess over you. He doesn't just want to feel pleasure; he wants to drown in it. No, he wants to drown in you.
He's practically panting right now imaging himself inside you. If he felt good right now, how good would the real thing be? Oh he bet the squeeze around his dick would be delicious, he can practically hear you whining his name. Yuuta's legs trembled as his hand gilded over his overstimulated red tip and down to his heavy balls. Jesus this was good, so good, he needed more, Yuuta needed more friction because god if he couldn't have your pussy right now he at least needed to pretend.
Through heavy pleasure-filled lidded eyes, he glanced to the pillow next time him.
He was becoming greedy.
Fuck it.
Without much of a thought, Yuuta grabbed the pillow, folded it in half, laid on his side, hastily put his dick between the white cloth, and started to thrust. The friction is delicious. It makes his toes curl and desperately thrusts his hips into the soft pillow.
“Mmmm,  mmm mhm” he whimpers. Your name is on the tip of his tongue, but he can barely speak so much as think. There’s a tingly warm feeling building in his stomach, the pleasure is overtaking him. What would you think if you could see him like this? Would you call him a pervert or maybe would you help him? Oh, what a dream that would be, your soft hands wrapped around him, oh he bet that you could make him feel better than this pillow ever could.
“Ah-Ah Y/n please….” The thought of you is consuming him, you don’t know it but you are giving him the best pleasure he has ever experienced in his life. Yuutas thrusts are becoming frantic, desperate, he could taste his release on the tip of his tongue. His black hair is starting to stick to his forehead from the sweat and he realized he should have taken off his white uniform coat because it was getting so hot. He was so close, so close to cumming, he hates how this pillow isnt you, isn't your pussy, after this, he promises to himself that he won't ignore you or your beauty anymore, he’ll obsess over you, kiss the ground you walk on, he’ll take care of you so good and -and oh, oh my god, he wants to breed you, fill you with cum-
Yuuta’s hips stutter into the pillow and thick ropes of cum coat the fabric. The pleasure makes his legs and mind go numb and he’s left panting, whimpering from the after shocks.
No, after this Yuuta will never avoid you again.
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avisisisis · 2 months
been rewatching rtte
toothless is called T multiple times, but the letter T doesn't exist in the alphabet of this world
i think hiccup was also called H???
hiccup went to the wedding of the man who tried to kill him and his family multiple times. no wonder he thought he could change drago's mind
snotlout is canonically a theater kid
"you're so small and cuddly" "please never say that again"
the twins are really smart, but they're also just stupid
hiccup straight up disappears when he's working on something
heather had a super noticeable crush on astrid
fishlegs got a love interest!! a plus size main character actually has a cool, badass love interest!
it was super hetnormative but it was cute
there was an island full of flying women who were implied to regularly commit cannibalism
hiccup taught all the riders how to fly with toothless, that's so sweet
everyone is a flat earther except for the twins
hiccup almost directly killed a lot of people
and killed a LOT more when destroying their ships
“scalding– cal..ding--" "toothle, plama bla!" was pretty much the funniest part of the entire series
dagur was bullied as a kid by a guy 8 years older than him who literally tattooed an imagine of him beating up little dagur in his arm??? What was that all about
actually we need to talk about how messed up everything about dagur is and about how the things that could've/did happen(ed) to him may be the reasons why he's Like That
just why was he imprisoned by the outcasts??? he didn't do anything to them directly
oof my brain is spiraling. "he loved you" "ig now we'll never know" what do you mean he didn't know if his dad loved him
there's a technically musical episode
tuffnut became hiccup's defense attorney and immediately got him the death sentence
hiccup regularly jumps off cliffs
he also jumped off a boat, with his arms tied and without toothless. just where did he think he was going
snotlout's annoying attitude is actually because spitelout pressures him too much and he feels like he has to be perfect for his dad :((
viggo is the best httyd villain change my mind (you can't, swords at sundown, you may bring backup but i will win on my own)
skrill comeback skrill comeback SKRILL COMEBACK!!!!
what is a boar pit???
oh my god i had missed this series so much. it has no right to be this funny
this was my childhood. it has forever shaped the way i am
berserker heather the unhinged >>>
actually good disability rep! yay
hiccup complains about his peg leg pinching him
he straight up cannot walk without it and it is shown many times
"well, there are the benefits of a metal leg" after it got caught in a bear trap
funny moments, like snotlout trying to steal it to use it as a weapon
the jokes!! toothless laughing at the jokes!!! hiccup being so fucking done with the twins, who are always making the jokes!
there's an episode where everyone is so sleep deprived they actually start spiraling
astrid becomes a happy go lucky girl, hugs snotlout and tells him he's handsome
the fucking mood swings snotlout got were insane
the twins were straight up just hallucinating
"i sent them to wash their dragons, how could they mess that up?" cut to heather falling on her face with a bucket full of water in her hands
fishlegs becomes so paranoid, he's yelling at everyone all the time
"don't you know the trapper's trap can trap the trapper?? ...oh gods, i must be losing it, i'm quoting dagur"
YOOOO VALKA!!!! it's so nice to see her
hiccup tried to murder dagur to stop him from getting to toothless, which is scary bc it shows just how far he's willing to go for his bff, but also funny because hiccup. that was not going to work
oh the hiccstrid slowburn, how i have missed you
the twins's made up language
there was a beach episode turned murder mystery and a musical episode held at gun point
hiccup has a whole little speech that he periodically gives astrid to remind her that the twins serve a purpose
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mooshywrites · 4 months
Just the male bg3 companions reacting to their tav saying i want a baby can we please have a baby
I want a kid with all of these men so bad its not even funny ;-;
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Art commissions
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Halsin -
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~ Halsin would’ve been absolutely over the moon when you asked him to have a baby
~ He’d pick you up and twirl you around, chuckling with a big belly laugh
~ He’d immediately begin talking about everything under the sun
~ Where to make a nursery, toys he needed to whittle, people he needed to tell, all the works
~ He sat you down and immediately went around to all of your adopted orphans, telling them they were going to have a little siblings
~ You had to follow around after him, nervously telling all of the kids it would be a year or two before that happened
~ When you finally caught up to Halsin, he had an impossibly big grin across his face
~ “I can’t wait to bring a little one into the world. I hope they look just like you, my heart.”
Astarion -
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~ Astarion was… hesitent at first
~ He poked and prodded you with a smirk, asking to make sure you didn’t want to just practice having a baby
~ When you assured him you wanted an actual baby, his face took on a vulnerable expression
~ He never thought he’d be able to have a family, and the idea scared him just a little
~ He was even more afraid he wouldn’t be a great father figure
~ You held him close and told him that you thought he’d be a wonderful parent, that he had so much love to give if he wanted to
~ You offered to wait another decade or two to talk about it again, afraid to make him too uncomfortable with the idea. If he didn’t want a baby, that would be fine. You loved him, after all
~ He shook his head quickly, talking about how it was something he wanted. He just needed to be brave enough to think it was something deserved
~ “Besides, darling. It would be a crime to humanity not to continue these gorgeous genes.”
Gale -
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~ Gale thought you were joking when you asked, he laughed along with your question
~ As soon as he realized you weren’t joking, he froze before breaking into a bright smile
~ He pulled you into a close hug, nodding, not being able to put his thoughts and feelings into words
~ He wondered aloud whether your child would be a wizard like him or not
~ Whether Tara would teach him how to parent since she spent so much time with him as a child
~ Tara sat for a while, telling stories of toddler Gale and how much of nightmare life would be if your kid was anything like the man
~ Gale wrote out a letter to his mom before you stopped him, reminding him that you weren’t actually pregnant yet.
~ “You’re absolutely right. Should we get on that now, my love?”
Wyll -
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~ Wyll crushed you with a hug before the last word exited your mouth
~ He was so excited at the thought of being a father, almost to the point that everything took a backseat
~ Most of the time, he talked about how he could help Baldur’s gate, what else he needed to do to serve the people
~ But lately, all he talked about was the thought of having a baby
~ He was incredibly kind about it, having long conversations with you whether you wanted to adopt or have the child yourself
~ He wanted you to be completely comfortable with the process, it almost seemed to pain him to think of you holding the brunt of the responsibility in the decision
~ At night, you’d catch him reading faded books on parenting
~ You read one, almost laughing at how old-fashioned some of the advice was. He just gave you a genuine smile when you pointed it out
~ “I just want to be the best Father I can be.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
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uluvjay · 5 months
So i love your Max & innocent Horner reader au! So i thought that I could add in with a request that might spark up your mind
Christian catching max groping his daughter and he immediately makes a face, but then later walks in on them clinging to each other in his drivers room
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Max Verstappen x Horner reader!
Warnings?; groping, cursing, being caught, kissing, sorry for any errors
Max x Horner reader masterlist!
To say Christian was a used to the relationship between max and his daughter would be a true, he didn’t mind seeing them close however the pda was something he still had to grow used to.
From the kisses before he got in the car, the kisses after the race, how max would pull her into his lap at any given chance, or how no matter what max always seemed to have a hand resting on her.
And because of that Christian swore that if max didn’t need his hands to drive they would’ve been broken off a long, long time ago. Especially after catching Max’s hand on her ass.
Christian was stood beside his driver when you entered the garage, grunts leaving both of their mouths as they saw the tiny, tight dress you wore.
Max’s grunt was out of pure satisfaction, the white material hugged you perfectly in all the right places, the snug fit it had on your ass made him ready to bend you over right there.
While your father felt that you were exposed, the dress was short, just glazing your mid thigh, while much of your skin was shown to all the eyes of the paddock.
“Hi” you smiled sweetly as you approached them.
Placing a kiss to your father’s cheek before giving him a small hug and moving over to max to give him the same greeting but with a kiss on the lips.
Christian eyed the boys hand on your waist, how it immediately went down to rest on your ass, his fingers instinctively gripping the skin.
“Max if you want to continue your driving, i suggest you move your hand away from my daughters bum”
“Dad!” You scolded, cheeks aflame as you looked around hoping nobody was listening.
“What? He can learn to keep his hands to himself when I’m around.” The Brit smiled, and with that he was off to go analyze data.
“I’m sorry” you blushed up at your boyfriend, whose hands were now at his sides.
“He was right, but i honestly didn’t even realize I did it.” He laughed.
“Still that was embarrassing” you grimaced at the thought of your boyfriend being yelled at like a teenager.
“Schat it’s really okay, I’m not embarrassed. It was honestly quite funny.” He smiled down at you.
You went to say something else but were cut of the when max told you you to “shush” and suggested a quick nap in his drivers room before free practice.
And an hour later while the entire redbull team searched high and low for Max Verstappen that’s where Christian found him, body between your legs while his head was tucked contently in the crook of your neck.
You were both asleep, soft snores escaping from the both of you. Your arms were wrapped around his back in a tight hold, almost as if you were protecting the large man from anyone that might want to get him.
“wakey, Wakey lovebirds! Time for practice!” The older man called, laughing at the way your face immediately contorted into annoyance.
“Dad go away.” You groaned, arms tightening around max.
“No can do sweetheart, need my driver.” He laughed.
With a huff you shook max awake, a soft grunt of displeasure leaving the man at being woken up.
“What?” He asked as he slowly sat up.
“Time for the first practice session.” Christian laughed.
“I’ll be down in one minute.” Max nodded as he stood up with a large stretch and went to began to collect his belongings.
With a nod and a soft goodbye to you, your father shut the door and made his way out of the small room.
With his water bottle and helmet in hand max leaned down to give you a bruising kiss, his tongue slipping in just enough to leave you wanting more before he pulled away.
“See you in a bit.” He smirked as he back up.
“Mhm, see you later.” You smiled despite the faux attitude in your tone.
“Love you.” He winked with laughed before forcing himself out of the room.
“I love you too, drive safe.” You called behind him, a blush growing deeper on your face as he turned around to shoot you another wink and sweet smile.
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stuckinthesun · 9 months
Firstly, I want to tell you that I really enjoy your writing. Your works are really good :)
And well if you would maybe have time and you would be willing to give it a shot I would be more than greateful if you could write Luffy x fem reader where they are in established relationship and the reader is talking with Nami and Luffy is extremly needy and he interuppted them and asked if he could "talk in private" with the reader. And when they come to their room Luffy is imediately on the reader. And then they have some smutty time and during it someone from the crew interuppted them because he was looking for Luffy and Nami said that he went to his room.
However, if you dont feel like writing it its completely fine, so no pressure.
Have a nice day:)
You’re so sweet, tysm!! I hope you enjoy this!!
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Luffy x Fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW MDNI, oral (m receiving), needy luffy, hair pulling, face/throat fucking, inappropriate use of devil fruit powers??, getting caught
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Watching you talking with Nami and Robin, sipping on the special drink Sanji had made for you, as your lips curled around the straw had Luffy’s dick twitching in his shorts.
It wasn’t very often that the Captain felt sexual need, but when he did? He didn’t like waiting, and watching you wrap your tongue around that straw for the last five minutes had him imagining you wrapping it around something else.
“Y/n!” Luffy called out, making you look up at him.
“Yeah, Luf? What’s up?” You asked, looking at him confused, and silently wondering why he was standing so far away.
Luffy gave you his big signature smile and stretched both of his arms out towards you, wrapping them around your waist. You only had a second to widen your eyes before he was tugging you out of your seat and into his arms.
Your boyfriend laughed at your startled scream, and smiled brightly when you wrapped yourself around him, “You’re coming with me!”
“Luffy, what the hell? You can’t just-“ Nami started ranting as Luffy walked off, you in his arms completely stunned.
“Uh, Luffy?” You mumbled, “where are we going?”
“Somewhere private so you can suck me off.” He answered honestly, looking down at you to see your eyes bulging out of your head, making him laugh.
“Your face looks funny!” Luffy giggled as he finally made it to the guy’s dorm, pushing the door open.
Once the door was closed behind him, his laughter instantly stopped as he had no reason to hold back anymore.
Dipping his head down, Luffy captured your lips in a messy kiss. His tongue pressed into your mouth when you let out a surprised gasp, and after a second, you began kissing back just as desperately.
Luffy’s unnaturally long arms snaked all around you, slipping under your shirt and squeezing your breasts. You moan at the feeling, making you break from the kiss and making him pout.
“Thought you wanted me to suck your dick?” You asked, looking at him with lust filled eyes and Luffy immediately perks up.
“Oh yeah!” Luffy nodded and dragged you over to the nearest bed. He sat down on the mattress before grabbing a pillow and setting it on the floor. You knelt down on the pillow, thankful for his thoughtfulness, and settled yourself between his legs.
“What brought this on, anyway?” You asked as you begin unzipping his jean shorts.
“Was watching you drink your smoothie and wanted to replace the straw with my cock,” Luffy shrugged, lifting his hips to help you get his pants off. He watched as your face flushed at his blunt words and his cock hardened even more, making him whine, “Now hurry, I need you!”
“Okay!” You huff, shaking your head before leaning down and licking a long stripe up the length of his cock.
“Suck it, not lick it!” Luffy groaned impatiently, hating the feeling of being teased. You chuckled and wrapped your lips around his tip, slowly working the length of his dick into your mouth.
“Yeah, like that.” Luffy moaned, hip’s bucking up without a care and his hands flying into your hair.
His grip in your hair was so tight it almost hurt, and he didn’t wait for you to adjust to the feeling of him in your mouth. Instead, Luffy almost instantly began thrusting, fucking your face and throat, making you gag a little.
You didn’t mind though. In fact, your boyfriend using you like this for his pleasure caused heat to coil in your abdomen, and you unconsciously started rolling your hips against the pillow underneath you.
“It feels so good, y/n!” Luffy praises, pulling you impossibly closer as his thrusts get sloppy, making you gag more around him, “I’m-“
“Luffy are you-“ Your heart stops when you hear the door open and Usopp’s voice fills the room. If it wasn’t for Luffy’s tight grip in your hair you would’ve immediately backed away from your boyfriend, embarrassed beyond belief.
Instead you’re embarrassed while still in the same position, because it’s exactly that moment that Luffy spills down your throat. His hips snap up again your face as he grunts, cumming down your throat and making you choke.
Behind you, you hear Usopp let out a startled scream and stuttering out apology’s, before he suddenly stops and says, “Wait a second, is that my bed? IS THAT MY PILLOW?!”
“Oops, sorry about that.” Luffy laughs, recovering quickly from his orgasm and not caring one bit about being caught.
You, on the other hand, were slowly crawling underneath the bunk while still trying to catch your breath.
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I hope I did Luffy justice his personality is so unique that I’m always nervous to write him😭
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gabseyoo · 9 months
content: female reader, established relationship, public indecency, car sex, blowjob, handjob, ball sucking. word count: 1,3k.
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“So… are you feeling better?” You asked your boyfriend—who was resting his chin on his palm looking out the car window—after several minutes in silence.
Kiyoomi shook his head and replied without even looking at you, “Give me another minute.” You couldn’t help but giggle, and that apparently didn’t please your grumpy boyfriend. “Stop giggling. This isn’t funny.”
“It absolutely is.” You said with a smile and decided to tease him a little more by poking his arm as you added, “You like me that much, baby?”
“Stop.” Kiyoomi finally turned to see you though still with his elbow leaning against the window. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”
The accusation almost makes you burst out laughing, “I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did.”
“I won’t kiss you anymore if you don’t want me to. But apparently you like my kisses too much for that to even be an option.” You noticed how a chuckle almost escaped his lips before he playfully rolled his eyes and looked back at the window. 
No matter what Kiyoomi said, this was funny.
You were supposed to have a dinner date to celebrate your anniversary, and in fact, you were already parked in the restaurant’s parking lot. 
The thing is that you decided to give your boyfriend a small kiss just before you got out of the car, well, if a ‘small kiss’ means sticking your tongue in his mouth for more than three minutes— but you just couldn’t help it! You were happy and excited for tonight. 
Anyway… the result was that he got hard, and now you’ve been in the car for for who knows how long waiting for him to ‘feel better’. 
Honestly, you found the situation as funny as you found it sexy— your handsome, big, tall boyfriend getting rock hard just because you gave him a kiss. That also had an effect on you, which obviously wasn’t as noticeable as the big bulge in his pants, but you still couldn’t stop those not-so-decent thoughts that had you rubbing your thighs together. And well, it’s not like you have a lot of self-control. 
“I can help you, you know?”
That apparently caught his attention, because he turned to look at you curiously. “Huh?” 
“I can help you feel better.” You said innocently, leaning your elbow on the middle console to rest your chin on your hand. 
Kiyoomi was quick to understand what you meant.
“We’re in a parking lot, baby.” Despite his words and the dim lighting, you could see that hint of excitement in his eyes as he looked around, perhaps analyzing how empty the parking lot was. 
“And? It’s not like we haven’t done this before.” 
“I know, but—” At  that moment he looked back at you and his words got stuck in his throat when he realized that you were already looking at him with those doe eyes you knew he loved and couldn’t resit even if he tried. “Doll, don’t give me that look.” 
“What look?” You tilted your head slightly to one side as if you really had no idea what he was talking about.
Kiyoomi didn’t respond, but his actions spoke for him, maybe it was on purpose, or he did it by reflex, but when his hand that rested on his thigh went to cup his bulge—perhaps in an attempt to soothe himself—it turned you on. Fuck, you wanted his dick in your mouth now. 
“So, Kiyoomi?” Your other hand went over his, forcing him to put a little pressure on his erection that made him moan. “I’ll be quick. After all, judging by the way you look right now—” You leaned close to his ear to whisper, “I don’t think you’ll last long.”
A second later, his lips were on yours, kissing you as desperately as if it was the last time he would ever taste your lips. 
He moved your hand to hastily unbutton his pants and pull them and his boxers down, just enough to release his throbbing erection. Immediately, you wrapped your palm around his dick and began to stroke it up and down slowly before breaking the kiss to see his face and the pleasure reflected on it. 
Kiyoomi tried to maintain eye contact, but when your thumb circled his tip while your other hand moved to fondle his balls, he couldn’t help but close his eyes in pure pleasure. He already seemed to be in heaven, and you hadn’t even used your mouth yet. But that will change soon. 
You lowered your head down until your face was close to his cock and spat on it to lubricate the rest of his length with your palm before taking the tip into your mouth.
Kiyoomi cursed under his breath as you made circles with your tongue, tasting his precum, and without waiting any longer, you slipped the rest into your mouth to start bobbing your head up and down, not taking long to find your rhythm. 
Your hand kept massaging his balls while with the other you kept stimulating what couldn’t fit in your mouth, and you knew that now you had your boyfriend in actual heaven by the moans coming out of his mouth. 
Although many wouldn’t expect it, Kiyoomi was a vocal, and you loved it. That’s why you shoved his entire length down your throat until you gagged, knowing how much he loved that. He sighed your name as he pushed his hips up and his hand settled on your head, holding you there for a few seconds until you couldn’t take it anymore and had to pull away to catch your breath.
Kiyoomi used this moment to recline the seat and spread his legs further apart, “You have no idea how sexy you look right now.” His words were accompanied by his hand caressing your back before moving it down to your ass, where he squeezed the flesh over the fabric tightly before slipping his hand under your dress and doing the same but now with direct contact with your skin. “So fucking perfect, I— fuck!” He couldn’t finish his praise because at that moment you put one of his heavy balls in your mouth, sucking it a little and then doing the same with the other one while you kept pumping him with your hand. 
Kiyoomi threw his head back when you took his length back into your mouth, resuming your previous rhythm. He was practically panting now, completely immersed in the pleasure you were giving him. 
“Baby, I’m going to cum.” He mumbled after a minute, and without resisting any longer, he brought both of his hands to your head to now guide your movements, making you go faster and deeper each time you lowered your head. 
More tears came out of your eyes every time you choked on his cock on every downstroke as you tried your best to breathe through your nose. It was hard, but you managed to hold on until he came in your throat with your name leaving his lips.
You swallowed what you could as Kiyoomi continued to move your head now more slowly until he emptied himself. Seconds later, he released his grip and you licked the cum that had oozed from the edges of your mouth as you sat up straight.
A smile appeared on your face when you saw that he was still panting, trying to recover from his climax. You watched him with lust in your eyes as he pulled up his underwear to cover himself, without even bothering to fasten his pants. 
“Well, problem solved.” You said, breaking the silence and Kiyoomi snorted as he turned to look at you with a smirk. 
“Still want to have dinner?” He asked with a suggestive tone, “Or should we go home?” He added before leaning toward you to kiss you again. Slower, but no less eager. 
“Dinner was the plan, wasn’t it?” You answered playfully, still with your lips on his, and you deepened the kiss a little more before speaking again. “But you know? Now I’m the one who needs to feel better.”
He smiled against your lips, “And I’m more than willing to help.”
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+ note: happy anniversary i guess <3
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darby-rowe · 2 months
18+ | nsfw | mdni
cw f. masturbation, NONCON, toys (vibrator), r is weird & perverted & i love it
you made sure jj maybank was dead fucking asleep before you even thought about moving a muscle.
in the stickiness of the outer banks heat, you found yourself restless and uncomfortable sleeping in a bed next to your best friend. you were shocked — in awe, even — at how fast jj managed to fall asleep like a fucking baby while you had to suffer.
so you did the one thing you knew would surely put you to sleep. reaching into your nightstand, your fingers fumbled around in the darkness until they wrapped around a familiar phallic shape. you nearly jumped at how much louder the vibration was when you were genuinely trying to be quiet. discreet and silent my ass, you thought.
you peeled off the shorts of your matching pajama set and gently kicked them off the side of the bed, a worry for later. almost immediately you got a feel for how wet you already were. coincidentally, you caught a whiff of jj’s natural musk the same time your clit throbbed desperately.
the vibration touching your pussy made your body jolt, legs spreading wider but not wide enough to touch the sleeping boy next to you. a mistake was made, however, in which your head turned to the side and eyes fell upon jj’s tousled, messy blonde hair as he rested peacefully next to you. and you hated to admit it, but the smell, sight, and even feel of him made your neediness even worse.
your mind flashed back to all the times you watched jj rip off his shirt to take a dip in the waters, and how he would come back up all wet and breathless from the energy exertion. you remembered how you always felt funny when you witnessed him half-naked, bathed in the golden light of the evening sun.
and now jj’s smell was even more prevalent, invading your nostrils and clouding your brain, making your hand move faster on your clit. the vibrator seemed to hit you in all the right places. you wanted to whimper and squirm and bury your nose in jj’s hair. but you had to calm down. you had to finish the job so you could get at least a blink of sleep.
you found yourself parting your lips and squeezing your eyes shut, and your imagination was filled with thoughts of jj’s large dick entering inside your mouth, practically fucking your throat. nosing his cum-filled balls, inhaling his scent, and then shoving his cock inside your weeping cunt. you imagined how hot he’d sound panting down your neck, telling you how wet and tight you were.
your hand became more desperate moving on your throbbing clit, pussy contracting around nothing as your orgasm exploded within your body. it killed you to repress your moans. your body jerked as you willed yourself into overstimulation. you didn’t want to stop touching yourself. your mouth watered at the thought of rolling jj on his back and just shoving his cock inside you as he slept. and for a split second you seriously considered just doing that.
but miraculously you restrained yourself, turning off your vibrator and throwing it back into your nightstand. and you still couldn’t manage to fall asleep.
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penny00dreadful · 7 months
Before He Cheats
“Munson Home for the Recently Deceased, you stab ‘em we slab ‘em. How may I direct your call?”
There was silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds before a light chuckle crackled through the speaker.
“Is that really how you answer the phone?”
Eddie smiled to himself. “Got you to laugh didn’t it?”
“Plus, no one calls the landline anymore unless they’re trying to sell something. You trying to sell me something?”
“No. No, I uh… I’m looking for an Eddie Munson?”
“Only an Eddie Munson? Only one? What a terrible fate. Well you’re in luck, my good sir. This is he. What can I do you for?”
The voice on the end of the line gave a light laugh once again but went silent almost immediately after. 
Eddie stared at the wall in his apartment, waiting for something to happen. In the quiet he could hear the guy letting out little nervous breaths before one big inhale.
“I um. I’m sorry to have to tell you like this, I’d prefer to do it face to face but I don’t know where you live and you probably wouldn’t even want me at your house afterwards and I did find you on social media but it’s not something I wanted to do in DM’s, you deserve better than that-”
“Okay, hold on, slow down.” Eddie tried to ignore the panic starting to kick around in his heart. “Is someone dead? Is someone injured?”
“No! No, Jesus, I’m sorry. I told Robin that I’d be terrible at this but I couldn’t just let it go on without saying anything-”
“You haven’t really said anything. You’re just rambling.”
“Right. Sorry. Again, blame Robin. I’m around her too much. But… okay. Do you know Rick Lipton?”
Eddie felt the panic leave him, replaced only by irritation as he sighed through his nose. “What did he do now?”
“He… um. I’m sorry to ask this but are you his partner? Like, romantic partner?”
Eddie scowled. “And if I am?”
There was movement against the line, almost as if the other guy was nodding. 
“Shit.” He muttered before picking back up in volume again. “Listen, I didn’t know. He told me he was single and I only found out because Robin lives in the same building as you and she saw him with you and asked the neighbours and they said you’d been a thing for like two years and you have to believe me if I’d known I wouldn’t have touched him, I don’t fuck around with cheaters-”
“How long?”
Eddie had expected to feel betrayal or sadness, devastation or heartbreak and they were there. 
They were just lost under a tidal wave of anger and indignation. He was even surprised at himself that he didn’t feel more caught off guard. 
Rick had never cheated before (that Eddie was aware of) but he had always had a wandering eye and a few off-colour jokes about 'going to find someone more his speed’. 
They’d never really felt all that funny.
Maybe it was because their relationship had felt dead for the last few months. 
They barely talked, they just existed around each other. The sex had all but dried up as well and whenever they did have it, it was completely impersonal. Get in, get out, move back to separate parts of the apartment if either of them even bothered to stay over. 
More often than not one of them would make a quick exit back to their home.
Eddie had been thinking a breakup was on the horizon for a while. 
But that was no excuse to cheat. 
At least have the fucking decency to end the relationship first before going out and chasing tail. 
“Um, like four or five weeks." The guy on the phone muttered, clearly ashamed. "I’m so sorry Eddie, I swear to god if I knew I would never… I have- I have proof if you need it.”
“If it’s a sex tape I don’t think I want to see it.” Eddie was trying really hard to maintain his calm and not snap through the phone. 
If what the guy was saying was true, then he was an innocent party in this.
Didn’t make it hurt any fucking less though.
Didn’t make him any less pissed.
“If- no it’s not a sex tape.” The voice sounded scandalised. “Fucking hell, do people actually do that?”
There was a pause, as though the guy was waiting for Eddie to continue but Eddie just let it hang in the air. He wasn’t ashamed. 
But he was definitely going to have to purge those files now.
“Okay well… It's just a photo. I posted it to my insta a week ago but he was really weird about it being up, which in hindsight makes a lot of sense, so I took it down.” He said, quiet and sad. “I can send it to you if you want.”
Eddie pursed his lips. 
“Please hold.”
He unceremoniously dropped the phone with a clatter, leaving it dangling from the cord, bouncing against the wall and probably blowing the guy’s ear out. 
Maybe in the morning Eddie would feel a little bad about that, but for now it just felt very satisfying. 
He rifled around in his bedsheets for his phone before making his way back to the landline. 
“Still there?”
“Yes. Ow, by the way.”
Eddie just shrugged, well aware the guy couldn’t see him but whatever. He wasn’t in the mood. 
“Send it on.”
Only a moment later his phone pinged with a notification and Eddie opened the photo.
There was Rick, in amongst a crowd at some nightclub, plastered to the side of some pretty boy who looked like he had a regular workout routine. 
Eddie couldn’t handle gym bunnies, the amount they could bench or whatever was all they ever talked about. But this must be the guy on the other end of the phone. 
Rick had King Steve’s earlobe in between his teeth and from the angle of the selfie Eddie could see his hands were wandering.
It looked like some kind of Halloween night, if the teeny tiny little sailor outfit was anything to go by.
God damn.
But even so, Eddie still wanted to be sure that what he was seeing was… well. What he was seeing. 
“Steve, is it?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I didn’t realise I hadn’t given you my name yet.” Steve let out a nervous laugh, like he was expecting Eddie to jump through the phone and strangle him.
Eddie was fit to strangle someone but Steve wasn’t in his crosshairs.
“Don’t worry about it. Tell me, what does Rick have tattooed on his ass?”
“Uh…” Steve paused. “He doesn’t have a tattoo on his ass? Not that I’ve seen anyway. But I can tell you he does have his taint pierced. For some fucking reason.”
Eddie gave a quiet laugh at that, despite the monumentally fucked up situation and the final cracking piece of his heart breaking away. Rick had that piercing by the time Eddie had met him. He insisted he’d gotten it because it was sexy. Eddie was pretty sure he’d just lost a bet.
Eddie was no stranger to intimate piercings himself. He had his frenum done a while back. 
That one he’d definitely done because it felt sexy.
He looked back down at his phone, idly flipping through Steve’s profile and all of his other photos. 
He probably shouldn’t be thinking about how hot Steve was, how it was juxtaposed with a soft cuteness that almost felt like it didn’t belong to someone with such broad shoulders and defined arms. 
He hated himself for thinking about Steve’s attractiveness. 
It felt wrong.
Even though he was pretty much single now.
Even if Rick didn’t know it yet. 
But fuck him. 
He’d find out.
One way or the other.
And Eddie was nothing if not a drama queen.
But he wouldn’t do anything tonight.
No tonight he would just… hurt.
And smoke.
A lot.
“Eddie?” Steve’s voice came through to him. “You okay?”
Eddie swallowed, finding it a little more difficult than he expected it to be and realised he’d just been staring down at his phone in silence. 
The screen had gone black.
“Yeah.” He answered, his voice thick. “I’m fine.”
Steve hummed. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Eddie laughed. It was wet and sniffly and vulnerable and horrible. “What are you gonna do from over the phone far away… wherever you are?”
“I dunno. I could just… talk to you I guess? Help you plot Rick's murder?”
Eddie laughed again, a little brighter this time. "Yeah, that could be good. But if I'm plotting murder I want to be a little more comfortable." He unlocked his phone and hit the follow button on Steve’s account. “This conversation requires lounging, not standing by the landline.”
“How do you feel about a video call?”
A notification popped up on his phone, letting him know Steve had followed him back.
“A video call is fine.”
“Great.” Eddie paused. He wasn’t even sure how to end this call with the guy his boyfriend of two years had been cheating on him with and who he’d just asked if he wanted to video call so Eddie could smoke his feelings away. 
He just didn’t want to feel alone right now. 
He could have called Chrissy or one of the boys to come hang out with him but that would require explaining everything over again and he really didn’t want to do that right now. 
Before he could think much more on it Eddie said a quick “Okay bye,” and hung up.
Steve knew the story and Steve had been wronged too and maybe they could just be mad and sad together. 
He unlocked his phone again as he walked back into his bedroom and hit the video call button, not even bothering to turn his light on, leaving himself and his room shrouded in darkness. He propped his phone up on his desk, angled towards the window where he sat on the sil and started to roll, using the streetlights streaming in the window to see.
Steve picked up only a moment later and Eddie got his first good look at the guy live in action and not through a photo online.
He was sitting at what looked like a kitchen table fully lit by the overhead lights, a pair of wire framed glasses perched on his nose and his hair messy and dishevelled, like he’d been stressfully running his hands through it, which he probably had been. 
Eddie didn’t know how stressed he would be if he had to make a call to someone to tell them their long term partner had been cheating.
He was leaning forward, elbows on the table in a cosy yellow sweater with a slight worry between his eyebrows. 
He looked so soft. 
Nothing at all like the nautical sea queen look he’d been giving in those photos. He looked comfortable and gentle and a little worried.
“Mm-hm?” He hummed, bringing the joint to his mouth and lighting it up before pushing open the window a little more and exhaling out into the dark rainfall outside.
“You okay?”
He shrugged. “I will be.”
“I’m not asking about whether you will be, I‘m asking about now.”
Eddie looked over and watched Steve as Steve watched him through the screen.
“Alright, then no. I’m not okay.” He took another drag. “I’m fucking pissed. I’m sad, I’m upset, I’m hurt, I’m angry, I’m disappointed and I don’t know if all of that is directed more at him for doing this to me or me for not expecting it.”
“How were you supposed to expect it?” Steve shook his head in disbelief. “No one should have to expect to be cheated on.”
“Dunno.” Eddie shrugged, looking back out the window. “Relationship was dying anyway.”
“Okay, and? That doesn’t make cheating okay.”
“Suppose not.”
“I’m sorry, for what it’s worth. For my part in it.”
Eddie glanced back over, taking in the downward tilt of Steve’s mouth and his big sad eyes.
“S’not your fault. You were wronged too.”
“I guess, but…” Steve bit his lip and looked up from the screen, casting his eyes around his kitchen like something was going to pop out and answer whatever question was running through his head. 
Eddie waited. The guy had been very gracious so far and he seemed to genuinely feel bad for all the mess he’d been wrapped up in. 
“I…” Steve continued. “I know how this thing usually goes. You find out you’ve been cheated on and you still love your partner so you tend to focus all your anger towards the person they cheated with rather than the person who actually wronged you.” He looked down, fiddling with some kind of flash card on the table in front of him.
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.” Eddie stubbed his joint out, happy enough with his current buzz. He was sufficiently mellowed, he hadn’t cried yet though that would probably come once he was in bed, but his anger had simmered down to a level where he didn’t feel like putting his fist through a wall but still angry enough to plot.
“I am, I guess.”
Eddie nodded. “This happened to you before?” 
That was probably rude. His filter malfunctioned at the best of times but when he smoked it was all but gone.
“Yeah.” Steve stared down at the cards in his hands. “My mom had to put up with my dad’s infidelity a lot. And my ex-girlfriend cheated on me a while back.” Steve paused before taking a deep breath. “Rick was actually my first attempt to get back into the dating world so…”
“So we can both be sad and angry together.”
“Yeah.” Steve smiled and Eddie stood up, plucking his phone from his desk and settling it on his bedside table, switching his lamp on and throwing himself face down on his bed, probably barely visible to Steve.
“We can be sad and angry together.”
Eddie glanced up. Now that he was closer to his phone, he could better see exactly what Steve was fiddling with, he could read some of the text on the card.
“Stevie.” Eddie sat up, moving closer to the phone and unable to stop the smirk running over his face. Steve’s eyes snapped up towards him. “Did you write out flash cards for when you called me?”
Steve’s eyes widened before he unceremoniously swept all the cards off the table in front of him, his cheeks turning a terrific shade of red and he leaned his face on his hand, trying to act as nonchalant as possible. 
It was adorable. Incredibly dorky and adorable.
Eddie laughed, full on braying belly laughs, collapsing backwards onto his bed. When he peeked back up to look at his phone through his giggles, Steve’s face was somehow even redder. 
“Oh my god.” Eddie breathed. “That’s darling.”
“Shut up.”
“No, no. It’s really very sweet.”
“Ugh. Whatever.” Steve rolled his eyes but was still smiling, still had a blush lighting up his cheeks.
Eddie settled himself back against his headboard. “Actually, listen, let me ask you something.”
“Does Rick know? Does he know that you know? Or that you told me?”
“No.” Steve answered, finally relaxing his fake nonchalance into real relaxation, folding his hands on the table and propping his chin up on them. “I figured if anyone had the right to rip his balls off it would be you.”
Eddie nodded. 
That he could understand. 
“I get that, but there’ll be no ball ripping from where I stand. No, I want to hit him where it hurts.”
“Woulda hurt me plenty.”
“Oh, I’m sure. But the only thing Rick loves more than his own balls is his car.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, he’s like, obsessed with that thing. It’s weird. It’s not even that nice of a car.”
“I’d love to say he has bad taste but considering he picked the both of us, I’m pretty sure his tastes are actually immaculate.”
“Just his decisions are bad.”
“Well.” Steve sighed. “I’d love to help any way I can. I hate that I was involved in this, in what he did to you.”
“To us, Stevie. To us.”
“Right, so what’s the plan then?”
“When are you due to see him next?”
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Eddie pulled his van into the parking lot of the bar. It was halfway across town and a place that he never frequented if he could help it. Rick liked it though, always had. Eddie just liked other places around town more.
But it could be cute, he supposed. A small little country and sports type place that had a rainbow flag behind the bar and a small number of regulars who, according to Steve, wouldn’t do anything unless you got between them and their drink. 
He knew that Steve was inside with Rick, playing up the flirty angle and acting tipsier than he actually was to put him at ease.
Steve had mentioned one of his signature moves involved pool, bending over the table and wiggling a little bit to keep the attention on him. Pulling out a little pout whenever he missed a shot or asking for help to line up his cue.
Eddie would be more upset by the fact that he was missing the sight of it if he didn't know he'd have the opportunity to see it himself at some point in the future.
They had talked for so long that first night, long enough that the sun was starting to come up by the time they'd both dragged themselves away from their phones to sleep.
They’d talked about their families, their friends, what they were doing in life right now as opposed to what they had hoped they would be doing when they were teenagers. They talked about their school selves and their dating lives and as the conversation wore on Eddie found himself thinking again and again about how long it had been since it had felt so easy to talk to someone like that.
It had been a very long time since Rick had put any effort into getting to know him as he grew through their two years together, like he expected Eddie to stay the same person as he was at the start of the relationship.
After that first night where they’d figured out their master plan, he and Steve had just… kept talking. Throughout the rest of the week up until tonight, they were in almost constant contact, only really taking a break to sleep and work.
Eddie felt connected to Steve and in some roundabout way he was thankful to Rick for bringing him into his life.
He’d even met Robin in passing one day, living two floors below him, holding the door open for him as he tried to wrestle with grocery bags. 
She was so weird. He kind of loved her the second she opened her mouth. Honest, but with the sharpest tongue he’d ever met on a person. 
She had knocked on his apartment door later that evening to tell him Steve was calling over to visit and asking if he wanted to come around to meet him. 
Steve had apparently delegated the asking to her because he was too nervous to do it himself.
Again, adorable.
Steve was somehow even sweeter and even saltier in person than he was over the phone and Eddie tried hard, he tried really hard not to look too much or let his fucking horomones run away with him but Jesus. H. Christ it was difficult. 
The sweetness of his soft sweaters and polos, his gentle smiles and understanding words matched with his salty mean girl attitude that would slip out every so often and the bitchiest of eye rolls that made Eddie’s heart jump.
Eddie was also trying to feel bad about what was happening but honestly, he was losing reasons to care that much.
He hadn’t texted or called Rick once in the last week and Rick himself had never reached out which all at once made Eddie realise he was the primary communicator in the relationship and it hadn’t been reciprocated in a long, long time. 
Adding onto that was the knowledge that Rick was still fucking cheating on him and was in regular contact with Steve left Eddie only half heartedly feeling bad.
He and Steve would go over the screenshots of the conversation together every night and every night Eddie found it harder and harder to hang up the phone.
He was pretty sure Steve was feeling the same way. 
They kept just catching each other staring. Or smiling or, pulling back from touching too much and he was almost sure that as soon as Rick was out of the picture for the both of them, something was going to blossom.
Even now, with Steve inside, flirting up a storm with Eddie’s ex-boyfriend who didn’t know he was an ex yet, they would be ending the night together. 
Robin was waiting back at her apartment with an alibi ready if Eddie needed it though he suspected he wouldn’t.
Neither he nor Rick had a great track record with the police and it would be more trouble than it was worth to get them involved.
Speaking of, Eddie spotted Rick’s car, some souped up four wheel drive monstrosity of small dick syndrome sitting in the shadows and away from the cameras of the bar where Steve had convinced him to park with a suggestion of something happening in those shadows later on. 
He hopped out of his van and threw open the back doors, grabbing his bag of goodies before sidling around Rick’s car to wait.
When the chords of some Shania Twain number started to leak through the walls, the signal he’d been waiting for, the sound loud enough to drown out what Eddie would be doing, he dropped his bag to the floor.
Curling his keys into his fingers and with almost a skip in his step Eddie began to carve a stripe through the immaculate and expensive paint work. Working his way around to the drivers side, he lifted the key up before bringing it back down.
With a little bit of sickening glee, he hacked the word CHEATER into the side of the car, the side that would be immediately visible from the bar door and the side Rick would have to see every time he wanted to get in and get out of the driver's seat.
At least until he paid a bomb to get it fixed.
Eddie had connections in this town. Working as a mechanic here for years would do wonderful things to extend this pain. 
Rick knew fuck all about cars. 
Tucking his keys back into his pocket, he sidled back around to his duffel bag, unzipping it and pulling out his Stanley blade.
Unsheathing it, he gripped it tight in his hand and punched it down into the nearest tyre, listening with satisfaction as the thing slowly deflated before moving onto the other three.
A second Shania song had started up. 
He could hear Steve crooning out from inside, getting louder and Eddie knew he was running out of time. 
He pulled Steve’s baseball bat from the duffle and gave it a little twirl, the same one he’d seen Steve do when he’d first handed it off and he had tried so hard not to be attracted to it. 
He’d failed miserably. 
Maybe Eddie could deal with a gym bunny if that gym bunny was Steve.
With an almighty swing, he brought the bat down, shattering one of the headlights with an almighty crash that wasn’t quite drowned out by the karaoke inside.
Rearing back Eddie swung again, smashing the other headlight and while the music didn’t cut off, he could clearly hear Steve inside calling out for Rick to “Wait!”
Okay, only a few seconds left.
Pulling the bat back and letting the anger and betrayal and indignation flow through him, he brought the bat down hard into the windshield where it embedded itself, the spider cracks of the tempered glass making the thing practically opaque.
The bat was fucking stuck.
Eddie knew that if he was able to pull hard enough he would be able to release the whole windshield from the car but he didn’t even have the strength in him to budge the bat.
“What the fuck?!”
Eddie slowly released his hands from the bat and turned, looking at Rick standing in the doorway of the bar, his mouth hanging wide open in shock, unable to believe what he was seeing. Steve was standing just behind him, with one hand over Rick’s chest.
To anyone else it would look like a comforting gesture, maybe. A show of support. 
But Eddie could tell the hand was there to hold Rick back if he decided to lunge. 
Both Steve and Rick dragged their gaze over the flat tyres, the word carved into the side, the bat stuck in the windshield.
“Hey sweetheart.” Eddie called across the distance, feeling comfortable enough to turn his back to pick up his bag, trusting Steve to at least shout if Rick was about to tackle him.
“Eddie,” Rick breathed, still open-mouthed somehow. “What in the god damned hell has gotten into you?!”
“I wasn’t talking to you.” He slung the bag over his shoulder and held his hand out.
Steve patted Rick twice on the chest and stepped out from behind him. 
Rick watched him walk away looking even more bewildered than before.
With one hand Steve took Eddie’s and with the other he grabbed the bat, wiggling it a few times before pulling it free. 
They broke apart as they reached Eddie’s van, Steve climbing into the passenger seat and Eddie throwing his bag in the back before starting up the van from his position in the driver's seat.
He leaned over Steve to shout out of the window, “Have a nice life, asshole!”
As the van tore out of the lot, Steve stretched both hands out of the window, two middle fingers extended until Rick, still frozen on the spot, was out of sight.
When he pulled himself back inside, Eddie saw him glance his way, a huge grin on his face.
Eddie had a smile to match, whooping into the night as they sped down the road.
Big thanks as always to @hbyrde36 for her magnificent beta work and to the STWG for their motivation.
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winchester-books · 1 year
This Isn’t What it Looks Like
Based on- OBX
characters- jj x reader (john b’s sister)
warnings- language, suggestive themes
w/c- 500
summary- john b accidentally traumatizes himself when he walks in on jj and his sister doing what he thinks is the “deed” but is really nothing of the sorts.
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You opened your eyes once again, glaring at the ceiling as JJ’s alarm rang in your ears from the room next door. You grabbed your phone to check the time, anger only growing when it read 6:00am.
Never in your life had you seen JJ Maybank up and moving before 9.
You ripped the covers off, goosebumps rising on your legs from the cool air. “JJ, Maybank I am going to kill you,” you grumbled, storming into the chateau’s guest room which your brother’s best friend had claimed as his own.
“JJ!” You reached forward and shook him when you got no reply. Immediately, you were met with him swatting your hand away with a groan. You repeated yourself, only for him to yank the covers over his head and roll over.
You snatched his phone, silencing the alarm that was still ringing. No way in hell you were gonna let him sleep through the morning after his alarm had ripped you from yours.
JJ let out a yelp as you seized the pillow out from under his head and smacked it down onto his head. He jolted up, eyes narrowing as he realized you were the culprit, “Y/N! What the hell?!”
Before you could reply he was taking hold of the pillow and hitting you back.
“You’re the one who set an alarm for the ass crack of dawn!” You shot back, dodging his blows as best you could. You stepped towards the door to make your escape, but not fast enough. JJ grabbed your arm, pulling you into his bed with him.
After taking a few more hits, you managed to get on top of him, grabbing the pillow back and laughing as you smacked it down onto his face. Your success was short lived though, he quickly got ahold of your shoulders and rolled you beneath him, grinning as he did so.
“Not so funny now, huh?” He mocked, regaining control of the pillow and landing it to your face. You tried to shove him off, but had no luck as he kept you pinned to the mattress.
“God, it’s literally six in the morning could you guys please keep it down-” John B cut himself off, no longer half asleep as he stood in the doorway and caught a glimpse of what didn’t look so innocent, “Shit- gross, ugh!” He stumbled over his words almost as much as his feet as he backed out, dragging the door closed as he did so, “At least close the door- JESUS!”
JJ dropped his head down in silent laughter as your eyes grew wide at your brother’s insinuation, “John B, hold on! It’s not like that- this isn’t what it looks like!”
He didn’t seem to be listening, you could here bits and pieces of him rambling to Sarah who was probably just trying to sleep in his room.
JJ finally rolled off of you, plopping down next to you in bed.
“There’s no way that just happened,” you groaned, covering your reddened face with your hand.
JJ chuckled again, “And to think of all the times he hasn’t caught us…” he smirked. “Of course he thinks something’s up the one time we aren’t doing anything,”
You rolled your eyes, lightly smacking him. “This is mortifying. We weren’t even-” you sighed as you trailed off, beyond embarrassed.
You turned to look at JJ as you felt him reposition himself in the bed, now on his side with his hand on his chin as he looked at you. He rose his eyebrows, shrugging slightly, “I mean, if the cats out of the bag… might as well take advantage of it,”
You rolled your eyes, but found yourself smiling as you looked at the blonde boy. He leaned over, lips pressing to yours as he pulled your body closer to his by your hips.
“If he thought we were loud before, he’s about to be pissed,” JJ joked, rolling himself back on top of you.
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softlee · 10 days
;Submission to Coquette - lee minho.
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Copyright © 2024 softlee
Pairings: Lee Minho x Reader
Word Count: 7.3K
Genre: pwp (well maybe just a little plot), smut, fluff, established relationship, domestic relationship!AU
Synopsis: You take on the challenge of making your boyfriend "Coquette". Will you succeed? Minho only has so much patience when you request him to be submissive. So, ultimately trying to tie him up and use him might be his breaking point.
Warnings: Minho constrained in pink ribbon. Do I really need to add more? Grinding, Bondage via ribbon I suppose, squirting, light dirty talk, reader attempts to be dominant but really how far can that go with Minho? Oral (female and male receiving), and Minho shenanigans (minho just being minho).
Notes:  I was supposed to finish this at the beginning of the year when the coquette trend came out on Tiktok. This trend on TikTok IMMEDIATELY made me think of Minho, I just think this theme fits him perfectly. I mean? When I saw this picture on TikTok of this guy in ribbon my mind immediately went to Minho. I hope you guys enjoy it cause I know I did making it :) 
Here's a TikTok off the overall idea/theme of this fanfic: here
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With the telling ding of Minho’s cellphone in his left pocket on his way home from work, he already had an inkling on who the sender was.
It was, as he suspected, a message from you—his girlfriend, his girl, his lover, his other half.
But to you? No, you were only his errand runner when it came to things you needed before he made his familiar trail back to your shared apartment. 
You: I know you don’t wanna go but can you pleaseeeeeeee get me some pink ribbon before you come home? :) [4:56 PM]
Minho lets out an agitated sigh before washing his hand over his disgruntled worn out face; A repercussion of his stressful day at the office. 
He waited for you to finish typing your thoughts because he knew you weren’t done.
You are his other half after all.
You: Please? It’s for you xox [4:57 PM]
“It’s for me?” He exaggeratedly stated in his mind while he skillfully dogged a piece of gum on the sidewalk before trudging forward more. 
He scoured every crevice of his mind to come up with the most plausible reasoning as to how himself and pink ribbon correlate in some way. 
After a few determined seconds of thinking, he came to the conclusion that there were none and therefore, there was no way in hell he was stopping at the store for pink ribbon of all things. It just wasn’t going to happen. Minho was stubborn and if he set his mind to something, it was going to stay that way. Forever. 
Minho isn’t one to be easily swayed. 
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“I can’t believe you actually stopped to get the ribbon for me!” Minho is greeted at the door of your shared apartment with a love bomb attack. Arms and legs hurling towards him until they somehow get caught into his arms, you attached with them funny enough. 
You’re hugging him, and kissing him like this is the last moment you are together. Peppering his nose, forehead, and cheek with kisses before Minho becomes overstimulated by all the touching and he’s grunting in protest and faking a look of annoyance, face scrunching like he’s trying to get away from your assault of love. 
He’ll truly never admit it to you but this part of the day, almost like the day was mirroring itself every weekday was his favorite part; you meeting him at the door once you got the satisfying notification that your boyfriend was back home. 
Pecking him all over his face like you were some kind of bird.
He’ll never admit it. 
The bag with the ribbon of course fell onto the ground when you flung yourself onto him. 
Minho with his cat like hearing of course hears this, not even looking. 
“Look you probably messed the ribbon up by the way you violently threw yourself at me. It’s almost like you don’t even want it.“ He teases, feeling you slither your way out from the corner of his neck to fully make eye contact with him. The little smirk he has plastered all over his face is slyly gone once you're peering at him. 
“Of course I want it! I was just excited to see you! I haven’t seen you all day.“ You whine a little before Minho gives you a glaring stare, of course none other than to surprise you with a peck to the lips, softly letting you down onto the hardwood floor. 
You quickly swoop to floor level to retrieve the bag with your latest conquest, discarding the bag and holding the spool of pretty pink silk ribbon in your hands before you wiggle your eyebrows in what he would expect to be a playful way. 
“This.” You point at the ribbon, “is going on you.” You smile enthusiastically, pulling your boyfriend by the arm to walk him over to the couch.
He feigns annoyance, throwing his head back in an exaggerated way while making an ungodly noise. He looks like a little boy who is being dragged by his mother because he’s gotten in trouble. 
“Can I at least eat first? I'm tired and just got back from work.” Indirectly trying to crawl his way out of whatever the hell you were trying to do; Minho wasn’t going to let you win without a fight. That’s just how he’s always been. He’ll nag and nag some more, but since he loves you, he'll eventually give up.
“I promise if you do this for me right now, I’ll make you something yummy.” You traverse your eyes on his own, watching as you get no physical reaction out of him. 
He plops down onto the couch. 
You stand in front of him, both hands on your hips quicking scanning your brain to figure out what exactly you can make to get him to comply. 
Suddenly a light bulb switches on in your mind and you gleam, crawling into your boyfriend's lap, disregarding the ribbon on the side of the couch for right now. 
Throwing your hands around his neck, “How about ramen and kimchi? I think we still have some kimchi left over.” You swivel your head over to the direction of the refrigerator. In comparison, Minho refuses to acknowledge you on his lap, the dinner choices, and how you on his lap is suddenly clouding his judgment.
You turn back to face him. 
“I’ll make you some pork belly too?” Suddenly Minho is intrigued, giving you his full-facing attention before a little smirk takes over his face, unable to contain how good that sounds in reality. 
Suddenly intrigued by the music in the background he didn’t seem to hear at first, he looks at the TV behind you. 
“Were you just about to play Fortnite before I came in?” He randomly asks in the midst of you discussing dinner options. 
Brows twisted in confusion for a second, they return to their natural state when you remember that you were indeed about to play Fortnite. 
“Oh, yeah I was. The season is almost over and they had Poison Ivy in the Item Shop! I had to get her and play a couple of matches with my new skin!” You protest, feeling the warmth of your boyfriend’s arms slide around your waist, fastening you to his body. 
He displays a toothy grin at your comment. “You’re such a nerd.” Yet when he states this comment, you see nothing but love in his eyes. You smile as well, not about to let him get away with his words. 
“Well, you can’t be the one to talk! You also-”
“Fine, I’ll do it. Now hurry up before you change my mind.” He suddenly states, grasping the ribbon in his palm before he looks up to literally see you light up at the words. 
That’s all he had to say, you immediately withdrew yourself from the warmth of Minho’s lap, telling him to stay put while you go to collect a few necessary items to make your dreams come true. 
You come back in record time, three minutes; Minho watches the array of items engulfed in your arms as you make it back to the sofa of your living room, dropping the items onto the coffee table as if they were somehow heavy. 
“Alright,” You grab the black shirt from the assortment on the table, “Let’s put you into this shirt first.”
You turn the shirt inside out, showing him that it indeed wasn’t a plain black shirt like he thought. It was decorated with the words, ‘I love my girlfriend’ right where the top of his chest would be centered if he were to put it on. The word ‘love’ instead being a familiar red heart. 
He chuckles out of bewilderment, eyes turning into your favorite half moons. 
“When did you get this shirt for me?” He’s intrigued.
“I got it about a week ago in preparation for this exact moment!” You wink at him softly, getting closer to him sitting on the sofa.
“So you’ve been planning this huh?” His eyes are wide, trying to figure out exactly what your evil plans had in store for him. 
He tries to grab for the shirt so that he can put it on, but you bring it closer to yourself, shaking your head.
“You said you were tired right? I’ll put it on for you.” He throws his arms down, somehow not making a fuss about you doing this for him.
“Wowwwww,” you’re amazed, he’s glaring whilst he holds his arms up above his head, waiting for you to pull the shirt he’s been wearing all day, off. 
You reach for the ends of his shirt, pulling upwards, “You’re so obedient right now.” You tease, getting him out of his shirt before you reach for the one you’re exchanging it for. 
You’re now sitting down on his lap again, looking up at him while you get the shirt into formation so you can pull it over his head. He obviously didn’t like what you stated, his dark brown eyes beaming intensely into your own.
You look down quickly to run away from them, meeting direct eye contact with his bare chest. He was definitely getting more toned, the lines of his abs becoming more visible. 
Before you could let his naked upper body distract you, you decide to pull the shirt over his head, and watch as you pull each arm one by one into the short sleeves. 
His hair gets ruffled in the process, looking like he just woke up from a nice long nap.
“Cute.” You giggle at this, before you smooth his hair out, back to its familiar state before you’re taking him all in with the shirt now on, smiling again. 
Minho of course doesn’t like such comments, narrowing his eyes and trying to make himself more intimidating by giving you his signature gaze; eyebrows furrowed and lips in a tight line. 
It doesn’t work on you though, he just looks even cuter earning a hearty chuckle at your motion as you throw your head back. 
You turn around in his lap, eyeing the other items plastered on the table as well. You lose balance a little while doing this, so as Minho does with his quick reflexes, he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Next,” You grab an assortment of your most valuable plushies. “I’m gonna put these around you before we start.”
Minho’s eyes washes over your brightly colored plushies; Kuromi, Hello Kitty, and some other bunny looking creatures he’s forgotten the name’s of. Regardless, he watches you in fascination as you start to place each plushie, one by one onto the sides of him, in the corner where his left shoulder rests, and one remaining one (one of the bunnies) in between where you and Minho meet on his lap. 
He raises one eyebrow. 
“So, where does the ribbon come in with all of this?” He questions, your hands reaching behind you on the table once more to secure the scissors in your hands. 
You also obtain the ribbon that fell between the cracks of the couch cushions, before you gleam at him. “Right now actually. I’m going to make you coquette.”
You gleam.
“Coquette?” He’s so puzzled he manages another smirk, letting out a breathless chuckle. 
You hum in agreement, delicately brushing a hair that has decided to fall where Minho’s left eye lays, his eye twitching in the process.
“I saw this Tiktok trend where girls would tie their boyfriends up with ribbons, and put bows made of ribbon on them. I’ve been wanting to do the same to you in private…. and hopefully get some pictures out of it.” You gulp after saying the last sentence. You look down to see that Minho has now closed his eyes. He breathes exaggeratingly outwards, almost like he’s trying to compose himself. 
“So, you’re doing this because really you want to see me tied up and you want pictures of that?” You instantly turn red, quicking seeking cover into his neck to hide how shy you feel when you say, “Yeah, I think it’s hot. It’s one of the things I’ve always wanted to do to you.”
No matter how hard you sometimes tried to hide your motives Minho always saw right through them. He can read you like a book, and that’s truly why you always just plainly tell him what you’re doing before you do things. 
You slowly uncover yourself from the shelter of his neck, finally peering at him to discover he already is, “One of the things?”
Too embarrassed to even mention what else you’ve always wanted to do to him, you reposition the scissors and ribbon in your hands and start measuring how big you want the bows to be. “Hmmm, how many should I put on you?” You successfully dodge the remark as he crosses his arms, glaring at you and your lack of response.
You squint your eyes while looking over his figure, deciding mentally to place two bows on him while tying his arms up. 
You hold your left hand out like you're waiting for him to give you something. 
“Give me your arms so I can tie them up.” You demand. 
Intrigued, Minho does as you say. “How would you like me to place them?” 
Demonstrating, “Lay them flat out where the sides of my hips are.” The warmth of his touch suddenly surrounds your body once more, Minho covering all of your senses. His perfume still lingering from the reminisces he covered himself in this morning before heading to work, his magnetic gaze that was locked on you and your movements, his voice which suddenly woke you out of your Minho heightened trance, and as for taste….well you were already craving him in more ways than one since he was being like putty in your hands right now. 
His lenient mannerisms and compliancy this evening were working you up in all the right ways. 
“I’m waiting for you to tie me up?” His voice continues. It startles you in some way, never imagining you’d hear those words come out of your mouth. His brow ticks. 
“Oh…right.” You begin lacing the ribbon in a tying motion, starting just short of where his biceps start. 
Minho wasn’t one to be submissive. Everytime you guys engaged in sex, he always naturally was the one to take control. It was just in his nature and it was just in yours to be more submissive, complying to almost anything he proposed. And of course, you thoroughly enjoyed it. 
Although, after being together for about a year and two months, you were ready to try something new. Unbeknownst to Minho, you are actually a switch. Yet after the beginning of your relationship you retired that part of yourself naturally when it came to him, since he was very dominant. 
So when you found this trend, you got the sudden urge to try something new and spice up your sex life with your boyfriend. 
And it wasn’t like you guys were vanilla, but you usually stuck to the things that were not foreign to you as a couple. But, you were ready to step out of that comfort zone. 
And right now, it seems like Minho isn’t too opposed to such an idea. That gives you the confidence to continue.
You finish your makeshift confinements on your boyfriend’s arms by cutting and wrapping the ribbon in a bow before you admire your handiwork. 
You softly smile in satisfaction. 
“Alright, now I’ll make a few more bows and stick them to you in different areas.” You look back down at Minho’s arms, “Is it tight or can you easily get out of the ribbon?”
“I mean, I can’t really get out of it, but if I wanted to then yeah I could.” He answers vaguely before humming, agreeing with himself. 
You narrow your eyes, deciding to trust him. 
You make the two bows you plan to plant on him and then begin to place them. 
Taking one of them and putting them on his head, he just stares at you as you manage to securely place it on his black hair so it isn’t easy for it to fall off. Then lastly, you settle with putting the last ribbon in a peculiar spot. Right on his crotch. 
You press it in for good measure, causing Minho to simultaneously move his hands to grip your ass as he lifts his hips, somehow to chase the feeling of your hands ghosting over his dick. He clears his throat after showing a sign of weakness, looking away from you but not shying his hands away from your ass. 
He actually chooses to grip onto it harder.
You tilt your head in feigned curiosity and innocence. 
“You alright?” 
He seems dazed because he doesn’t answer you for a beat.
“Hmm? Yeah, I’m good. What made you choose to place it there?” He questions, now looking up and directly into your irises. 
You shrug, actually not having a particular reason. You just wanted to see how he would react.
You hum to yourself like you’re somewhat proud of your work.
“So coquette.” You drop this outlandish word again, Minho having enough of not understanding exactly what the hell it means.
“What? What does that even mean?”
“It just means you look pretty I guess. I don’t really know what it means either. It’s just a Tiktok trend.” You slowly start rubbing your hands over his shoulders, letting them fall downwards into his lap. You decide to unleash yourself of his hold by standing up quickly.
You search for your phone, grabbing it off the coffee table and positioning it in front of him to signal you want your photos like promised.
He doesn’t look pleased. 
“Give me a pretty smile!” You give an example of your own before you’re waiting for him to repeat the action. It goes by ignored, instead being met with a nonchalant gaze that screams “I’m being held hostage. Please help me.”
You frown. 
“Please smile. You’re not aligning with what your shirt says. Don’t you love me?” You whine. 
‘Oh, so you’re pulling that card huh.’ He thinks. 
He smirks. 
“Yeah, I heart you. Just like the shirt says.” He goes for the literal meaning of the shirt, wanting to visibly displease you.
You pout. 
“You’re so annoying.”
Finished with the photo torture time, you throw your phone on the other couch in fake irritability, turning to face him yet again while standing. 
You give him a glance over and then softly smile, picking up your arms to do away with your shirt first and then your pants. You were wearing just some comfortable clothing; An old ‘May the force be with you’ Stars Wars T-shirt paired with the Yoda printed sweatpants you frequented about once a week. It was nothing too fancy of course. What came as a surprise was what was under it.
In preparation for the evening, you wanted to dress up for your boyfriend. Specifically in lingerie. White lingerie.
Whenever you wanted to spice up your sex life, or suprise him, you always took extra care of yourself. This meant taking an “everything” shower, putting on perfume, doing your hair, as well as doing some light makeup. And your choices for lingerie sets always happened to be in the colors you thought that looked best on you; red, black, and sometimes your favorite nude set. 
About two weeks ago, Minho suggested that you try a lingerie set in white, as he thought you would also look sexy in that color as well. He liked the other sets, but he thought that color would really look good on you. You were a little hesitant at first, but his suggestion paired with a kiss on your forehead, his credit card, as well as the words “surprise me” were all you needed to go out of your comfort zone. 
And hell, it surely did surprise him. 
You slowly saunter up to him, getting right back into your claimed spot, his lap (throwing the bunny plushie somewhere else on the couch), and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Do you think this color fits me babe?” You rapidly bat your eyelashes, obviously fishing for compliments. Minho's annoyance from earlier, sleepiness, and hunger completely fades away. His mouth slowly parting in awe. 
“Of course it fits you, you look in anything. God.” He groans, trying to take you all in. 
It was a simple dainty set. A white ribbed corset top with shoulder straps as bows which you tie at the shoulder. There was a collage of cotton flowers joined at the middle of the top, a decorative touch to the already light and airy feel of the lingerie. The bottoms were plain panty underwear, the same cotton flowers in the middle of them as well. 
You looked so good. That’s what he thought to himself before he realized that he had to, no needed to touch you. Right now. 
Right as he does so, his body moving at will is obstructed by the familiar feel of the pink ribbon you had just adorned to his arms, securing him in place. 
“Fuck,” He whines, almost like he’s in pain, “And I can’t even fucking touch you right now?” With all the strength he can muster, he tries to pull outwards to break the ribbon, but he’s too slow. You already knew he’d try something like that, so you, in defense, hold his arms in place.
Suddenly feeling red, you look down.
“You can’t touch me or get out of this ribbon until I say so. You have to do as I say tonight.” Shy, you slowly look up at him again, noticing that his whole demeanor has changed since you’ve uttered those words. 
A light airy chuckle escapes him before he can even hide it.
“What, are you controlling me tonight? Gonna use me?” 
His teasing tone almost sounds like a challenge. He doesn’t think you can do it. Your confidence grows in opposition.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be the dominant one tonight.” You lean in, ghosting over his lips, “And you won’t cum until I say you can.”
You fully press your lips onto his, pulling him as close as you can by wrapping your arms around his neck again, getting a high off of you being the one to order him around tonight. 
It gave you a sense of confidence you’ve never felt when having sex with him, his light moan giving you the confirmation you need to kiss him with a little more fervor. 
You slowly begin to start your pace, your hips beginning to gyrate over the crotch of his black jeans. You feel him reach for you, for something, his hands attempting to latch over the bottom of your ass. 
You smack his hands away, pulling away from the kiss. He desperately chases. You stop your pace.
“You can’t touch me,” You echo again, “I can only touch you? Got it?” Your palms are covering his own, proving your point that he had to do as instructed or he wouldn’t be able to have you. Not in the way he wanted. He throws his head back, as that's the only disobedient way he can act out right now, his long strands of hair sheltering his eyes. 
“Fine, have your way with me. I’ll see how long it’ll truly last. You know you love it when I tell you what to do. When I tell you to fuck yourself on my cock. When I have you cum multiple times on my tongue before I even begin to fuck you. I may not be able to touch you, but I can say whatever I want to you and you’ll be begging me to touch you. ” He mutters, shifting his body deeper into the couch. 
His words send a shiver through your body, the remaining of it fading right into your core. Truly, he was right. You loved it when he touched you, it’s how you completely got off. Yet, somehow denying yourself the satisfaction of feeling his touch and edging yourself was making you wetter than you could even believe.
To you, this was foreplay, and getting the privilege of having Minho in this way was what you could only dream for. You couldn't imagine though, even in your dreams, how he would react to you taking control. That’s what led you to this moment, once again leaning back down to the crook of his neck, whispering. 
“It’s just something I’ve always dreamed of doing to you. It’s one of the things I’ve been wanting to do with you, to you. Now, let me fuck you my way.” You truthfully speak, setting your motion against the fabric of his pants again.
Your boyfriend stays silent, once before being able to stare daggers into your soul, now avoiding eye contact all together. He was clearly flustered. You could tell because he was starting to fill up the space in his pants, his length slowly hardening below you. 
“Awe babe, you’re already getting hard. Tell me how good it feels? Hmm?” You push your pelvis harder into his lap, wanting to get a reaction out of him. 
It’s quiet for a moment. Minho desperately tries not to moan to show the effect you have on him before he gains his composure enough to speak. 
“Tell you how good it feels? How about you stop this charade and explain why you’re already this fucking wet? I can literally feel it through my pants already.” He spits out through his breathing which is slowly getting shallower and shallower. His ears are red, this is how you could tell he was turned on, even if he wouldn't admit it. 
“Of course I’m wet, I have my-” You moan, “My boyfriend in a way I’ve always wanted”
You continue your rebellious movement of your hips against his hardened cock, gasping when it hits your clit in a harmonious way. You look down at your panties, expecting to see your arousal escaping from the thin layer of fabric that is holding you all together. 
To your dismay, there was no visible evidence that you were incredibly wet. But, because of Minho’s comment earlier, you decide to take two of your fingers and check, feeling the remnants of your arousal, making you groan. 
He watches you in suspicion, noticing the way your fingers were easily sliding over the laced cotton of your underwear. His mouth involuntarily opens in awe.
“Ugh, I’m so wet. I’m gonna use you to cum. You can’t take your eyes off of me, okay?” For good measure, you lightly tease your fingers that you just used to touch yourself over his soft lips, Minho taking no time to lick your wetness off your fingers before you lightly rest your hand under the left side of his chin, forcing him to watch you reach your high.
In reality, you didn’t even need to do this, he was going to observe regardless. 
You pick up your pace, grinding up and down and then swirling your hips on his as your moaning gets louder. Your other hand stabilizes yourself on his chest while you begin to melt into your high, the line blurring between where your pleasure starts, and where you end. 
Minho throbs below you, eagerly waiting for you to ride out your orgasm. 
You cum, staring directly into his eyes, rocking back and forth slower to balance out your pleasure. You sigh as you come back to your senses, your hand balling up into a fist to pull your boyfriend closer to you for an everlasting kiss. 
Minho moans into the kiss like he’s cum himself, but truthfully, it was because of the way you just used him to get yourself off. Since he couldn’t touch you, he was feeling very understimulated. He was burning for desire for you, its imminence in the way he still continuously pulses below in your lap as you finish kissing him.  
You get up from off of his lap and sit on your knees below him on the floor. 
“You’re awfully quiet now, what happened to your cockiness?” You smirk, grabbing an elastic band on the coffee table to collect your hair out of your face. 
Your boyfriend decides to stay mute, watching you do away with your hair as you begin to graze your hands up his thighs, your hands meeting at the buckle of his belt. 
You unclasp it, looking up at him to see what he’s doing to see that he’s admiring you contently. You look back at your task at hand, pulling at the belt as Minho simultaneously lifts his hips so you can remove it. 
Currently, you’re wondering why he is so quiet. Did he finally submit? Was he so stunned at your ability to dominate that he was okay with you having your way with him? Or was it because he was so turned on that he couldn’t speak, his flushed body a solid indicator. But his body always gets slightly red when you guys have sex, so that couldn’t be it. 
You don’t let these thoughts bother you anymore, you decide maybe it’s a combination of everything, becoming overconfident in the job that you were doing. You let this spur you on, pulling both his pants and underwear down at once to free his hard cock. He lifts the bottom part of his body, viewing the way you let both articles of clothing to collect at his ankles, not fully taking them off. 
You were too focused on what was in front of you, him rock hard. You grab at his length, eyeing him to notice that his breath hitches, your hands beginning an up and down motion. 
His hips follow the rise and fall of your delicate hands, his breath quickening. The scene placed in front of you was heating up your body. You’ve never seen him this pliant under your hand, so eager, so willing to follow or let you command or do whatever you wanted to him. You’re not even being touched, yet your breath follows in sync with him, steadily increasing. 
Noticing he’s still quiet, it starts to concern you. Trying to busy yourself to distract from his silence, you lock eyes with him once again, noting that he was peering at you before you even were. You softly simper, pushing your head down until you take him all in one go, now breaking eye contact to focus on sucking him. 
As you embark on bobbing your head over his throbbing length, multiple things happen at once. At the same time, you hear something snapping and a piece of clothing falling onto the floor. A split second after, you’re moaning over his length, not because it was bringing you pleasure, but because you were being pulled quickly off of his dick. Your eyes go wide once you realize what happened, it comes together when your back hits the arm of the couch with Minho on top of you. 
He broke free.
Your mouth is open in shock as his mischievous smile stares down at you. 
“Minh-” Calling his name, he managed while freeing himself, to collect the ribbon you had used on him. He was pulling your arms above your head as you were trying to get your sentence out.
Minho successfully traps you in your own game. Similar to him before, your hands were now tied with pink ribbon at the wrist, you bewildered at the whole situation. He changed the game. 
He softly pulls you down the couch a little so your arms are comfortable above your head. Then, he leans down to give you a quick soft kiss. 
“Got you.” He arrogantly declares, reaching his hand over the table in front of the couch to grab the scissors, so he could cut the endless length of the ribbon he had tied to your wrists. 
He places the scissors back onto the table.
“But I was supposed to be the dominant one tonight.” You pout. 
“And you did good babe, but you know you love it when I touch you,” He leans in to trail kisses down the corner of your neck, listening as he hears you groan, “and kiss you, “his hands start to graze your body before it gets to your pussy, cupping you between your legs, “and fucking you open with my tongue.” You let out an embarrassing loud moan, not being phased by it since Minho loved to hear you. 
His kisses, which stopped just before your covered breasts, continue their pace until he’s leaving a trail down your stomach, purposely skipping over your throbbing core to kiss the inside of your thighs. Your whole back arches off the couch, whining when you can’t push Minho’s head in the place you need him most. 
He chuckles. 
“Now you see how I felt when I couldn’t touch you hmm? It was killing me watching you grind on me when I couldn’t push your hips or when you took me all the way into your mouth and I couldn’t push your head down.” His kisses start getting closer to your pussy once more. 
He teases as if he’s about to kiss your core over the thin fabric of your underwear. Instead, he stops his mouth just before he reaches it, talking right into your heat. 
“It’s not fun is it? You better be glad I lasted as long as I did in that ribbon.” He explains, looking directly into your eyes. 
You throw a fit, your legs shaking on the sides of him in annoyance because he won’t touch you where you needed him. 
He lets you out of your misery finally as you are whining, the whining turning into a satisfied hum when he latches his touch onto the soaked cotton of your underwear. He groans when he tastes you on the material, taking his time to lap up the juices spilling out. 
“Touch me.” You cry, rolling your body towards his lips, wanting more. 
Minho ticks his brow and lets out an airy chuckle. “I am touching you babe.”
He finds you cute and decides to give in to your requests since he knew what you meant. 
He tugs at your underwear which is clinging to the sides of your hips, pulling them down your legs until they're out of the way, throwing them carelessly onto the floor somewhere. 
You ache in anticipation for him to mouth at you, watching him get back into position to give you what you desired most at this moment; his mouth fully on you. 
The moment his lips kiss softly at your clit, you begin to see stars. He proceeds to lick you straight after, your head throwing back in immense pleasure. 
“Fuck,” You groan, your eyes following your head and rolling back. 
“Tell me how you feel ___.” He chimes, watching as your body tenses below him. It turned him on to great heights to see you this fucked out, his hips rocking into the couch to relieve himself. 
“Good.” You manage to get out between shaky breaths, Minho sucking at your clit before he licks a long stripe across the span of your pussy, him humming into you in satisfaction. You feel the vibration of his groaning below you, adding to the pleasure and washing an intense feeling throughout your body. You were close, and you needed something to grip onto.
Normally, when you were about to cum from Minho eating you out, you had your hands clutching to the back of his hair, pulling him impossibly closer to your pussy. It helped you balance the unstable feeling that overcame your body whenever you were about to release. Now, since your hands were tied, you couldn’t brace yourself. You didn’t know what was about to happen with this knot in your stomach when you were about to release at any second. 
All you could do was announce it. 
“I-I’m about to cum. Minho, I can’t, I don’t know ho-” You lewdly rushed, your body beginning to shake in cosmic tension. 
Too busy with the objective of making you cum, he lifts his left arm out to successfully hold your hand, nonverbally letting you know that he has you and that you’re okay. 
The wave of your pleasure strikes down like a tide that is beginning to crash down onto the shore of a beach, strong yet beautiful. It collects into one singular emotion before it releases in one single motion, Minho lapping at your pussy as you let go. Your body spasms as your orgasm comes to its final end, a gush of remaining pleasure that wasn’t released at that one moment, now finally letting go. 
With your eyes closed, you try to collect your breathing before you hear your boyfriend louding moaning below you, grabbing your attention. You look down, eyes widening in shock. 
Minho’s face was completely wet, a few front pieces of his hair that frames his face damp as well. As you put two and two together, you drop your jaw in collective embarrassment surprise. 
You just squirted on your boyfriend’s face. 
Because of this stupid ribbon, you can’t even cover your face, having to watch him as his ears quickly become red again, the flushing slowly diffusing to his face. 
You physically can't talk right now, not when you just squirted all over his face. It could have been anywhere else, yet it had to be there the first time you squirt. You close your eyes, waiting for him to say something, anything to get rid of this terrible silence. 
Quickly, you feel him shuffle and he’s on top of you now, passionately kissing your lips. You slowly start to kiss him back and slowly open your eyes, feeling him grind his bare cock on your wet pussy. You groan before he detaches. 
He looks you dead in the eyes. 
“I literally had to stop myself from cumming after you just squirted all over my face. Fuck, that was the hottest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re perfect.” He goes in to peck your lips once more before he squabbles off of you a bit to grab the scissors again, cutting away your restraints. 
Suddenly, you’re no longer embarrassed. Sharing the same soft loving smile he gives you as he cuts your ribbon off. 
He once more places the scissors safely back on the table before he brings his attention back to you, laying on top of you again. 
He searches your eyes. 
“Got one more orgasm in you? Let me make love to you.” He softly speaks, waiting for your approval. You nod, excited since you can actually grip his hair now and touch him. You’re sure he’s in pain now since he’s been hard for a while. He always makes sure you orgasm first before he does.
He starts by tugging at the left and right bows of your corset top which are keeping it on you. You arch your back, waiting for your boyfriend to unzip the corset so you’re free. He discards it onto the ground. Then he lowers himself and latches onto your left nipple, observing as you wilt in pleasure, you pressing his head down closer as he grips at your right breast with his other hand. 
He again grinds his pulsing cock into your center, humming into your tit. 
Realizing something, you softly push him off of you. He looks at you concerned. 
“My plushies!” You suddenly realized your near and dear plushies were probably getting squeezed on the couch under Minho’s legs. He quickly searches for them, pulling all three from under his weight and putting two of them on the side where your head was, while he remains holding one of them. 
“What?” You look at him bewildered like he doesn’t realize how important they are to you. Minho doesn’t understand, so trying to fix the problem, he covers the eyes of the one he’s holding, as if they aren’t supposed to see us naked. 
You laugh wholeheartedly, “You’re so weird,” You tease, “I just didn’t want them to get squished before we continued.” 
“Oh.” He states, like saving them was the most important thing in the world right now. 
Knowing he’s done with you right now because you stopped having sex with him to save your expensive plushies, you push him to sit on the couch below you while you sit on his lap. 
“Now, I’ll fuck you since my stuffed animals are unharmed.” You tease before you softly smirk.
You bring your hand to the middle of your bodies, aligning his cock to your entrance before you slowly sit directly on him, taking him all the way in.
He groans, swiftly holding onto your hips to help stabilize you as you bounce on top of you. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, now staring at him. 
“Now, admit that me being dominant does turn you on.” You playfully suggest, circling your hips on his lap as you continue your pace. You moan, leaning down to kiss his lips before you await his response. 
“Of course it turns me on, but-” He holds you harder at your hips. “I just like fucking you more.”
He lifts his hips off of the couch, and begins a ruthless upward pace into you, completely taking you off guard. You hold onto anything you can find, dumbfounded that Minho’s stamina can reach even higher heights.
You moan repeatedly, letting him pound into your pussy below you as you feel another orgasm approaching. You don’t even have to let him know you’re about to cum, he can feel it with the way you go silent, and the sudden tight grip you have around his cock that is also stringing him closer to his own release.
Minho starts to sweat, his stamina even putting a toll on himself. Thank god he and you were about to cum soon.
Your eyes begin to roll back, his pounding finally demolishing you from above him even though you were the one that had the power in this position. 
You cum without warning, legs squeezing as close as they can below you as you fall, laying your head into the corner of your boyfriend's neck, utterly spent. Minho keeps up his pace, signaling to himself that now that you’ve cum that he doesn’t have to hold back anymore. 
He slows his motion, instead replacing it with a hard lingering pounding into your pussy. He cums just like that, quick and with a loud grunt. He wraps his arms around your back, hugging you softly as he comes back down from his high. He finishes off by pecking your forehead with a soft “I love you” that he didn’t say earlier when you put the shirt on him. You wrap your arms around him in return and squeeze, letting him know you heard him.
After a few minutes of recovering, you leave the comfort of his neck, sitting up in his lap to look into his brown eyes. 
He smiles at you. You lift your hand to move the strands of hair in front of his eyes. 
Then suddenly, he’s chuckling, then full out laughing. 
Your eyebrows twist in confusion.
He speaks.
“You know…we just fucked to the Fortnite loading screen music this whole time?” Refusing to believe him, you listen closely to your surroundings, noticing some music.
Omg, it was the Fortnite loading music.
You throw your head back in a fit of giggles.
“Either way, I’ll be glad to make you squirt again if this is the kind of music that you're into, we can make a playlist.” He teasingly comments.
You playfully hit him softly before you’re covering your face in embarrassment, revisioning the whole encounter with the background music. 
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This was my first ever fanfic on this account! Let me know what you think! :)
Copyright © 2024 softlee
All Rights Reserved.
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jealousy, jealousy || Lee Know x Reader
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Summary: "Sure, Minho missed an opportunity to spend more time around you in a relaxed setting, but is he upset about it? Does he get annoyed when he hears you talk with the guy behind him? Does hearing you chuckle at the guy’s stupid jokes, probably just to be polite, ‘cause he’s not that funny, make him want to claw the dude’s eyes out?
Well. Yes."
Or: You're working with a different partner for a group assignment, and Minho's totally chill about it.
Word count: 4.9k
Genres: college AU, coffee shop AU, strangers to lovers
Warnings & Tags: jealousy, kissing, minor language, tooth-rotting fluff, seriously this is so fluffy, reader is implied to have social anxiety, Thunderstorm
series masterlist
A/N: This is the second story I've written where Lee Know's a barista and cats are involved. It probably says something deep about me, but what? I hope you'll enjoy the fic, please consider letting me know your thoughts and reblogging the fic if you do~
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Minho doesn't know exactly when he noticed you, or when you started appearing in his life. It’s kind of annoying actually, because he knows he noticed you because he kept seeing you around, but he has no way of pinpointing it. What he does know is that you started showing up at the coffee shop where he worked, twice every week. That wasn’t that big a deal, you were far from being the only one the only one, but it was a shop that was pretty out of the way, near an old building that was only used for a few classes, as far as he knew, so it wasn’t that frequented.
In fact, you could almost say that the people who bothered to come here were the weirdos who wanted to avoid the other permanently full coffee shops on campus. Which was fine by Minho, who wasn’t paid enough to deal with that sort of crowd.
Anyway, at some point, Minho’s brain had to have put together he was seeing you around quite a bit, and finally he managed to figure out that it was because you were in one of the classes he was rudely forced to take outside of his major. In his defense, it took him so long because he didn’t really like people, as a rule, and he paid as little attention to them as possible. His friends were enough of a hassle to deal with already.
It makes it all the more frustrating that he can’t tell what it was about you that caught his attention. It has to have been something. Once he starts trying to understand it, more things come to light. Like the fact that your lips move but your voice doesn’t come out when you thank him for giving you your order, or the sigh of relief you always seem to heave out when you let yourself fall at your favorite table, the one in the corner, where you sit with your back to the window.
Actually, from what he can see, you appear to do your best to stay out of people’s way. It’s a multitude of little things, from how you always sit in the middle of rows in the amphitheater and wait until everyone’s cleared out to leave, to how you keep close to the walls in the hallways, eyes usually on the floor, to how, on the couple of occasions when your voice can be heard in class, it’s only after the professor’s been waiting for an answer for an increasingly embarrassing amount of time.
The first time it happens — the first time Minho notices it happening, anyway — he has to make you repeat yourself louder, and it seems almost painful for you to raise your voice.
Then there’s that time when someone accidentally backs into you and the books and papers you’re carrying spill onto the floor.
“Shit, sorry,” they say, and you reply immediately, like it’s a reflex, “Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it”, but afterwards, as you kneel next to the papers, you let out a defeated sigh, just staring at the mess for a few seconds. And that’s when Minho can’t stay in place anymore.
“Oh, thanks, you don’t have to do that,” you say, again, with that cadence that makes him feel like these are sentences that pour out of you without you getting much of say, so deeply ingrained in you that you can’t control them.
Then you glance up at him, and your eyes widen, little mouse caught in the cat’s gaze. He feels his lips curving into a grin. You recognize him, and you’re being very obvious about it too.
“Thank you,” you repeat, taking your stuff from his hands and dipping your head to stop looking at him once you get control of yourself again.
“Vanilla latte, right?” he asks, and he probably shouldn’t be this amused by the way your head snaps back up and you freeze, but it’s— It’s kind of adorable. Though you’re obviously trying to reign yourself in, there is something so sincere about it that he can’t help but be enticed by it.
“Um,” you say. “Yes.” And then you visibly search for something to say next, rolling your lips together as if they’ll figure something out of a list of socially acceptable answers. As fun as this is, Minho decides to put you out of your misery.
For now anyway.
“I’ll give you a discount on the next one,” he says, and then he’s gone before you can start saying “You don’t have to do that”.
He actually slides the next one to you over the counter and tells you that it’s ‘on the house’. You hesitate for a few seconds, and he thinks you’re going to refuse, before you bow your head politely and thank him for it. You don’t quite look up at him after that, but a bright smile has spread on your lips.
Cute, he thinks, again, and then he doesn't think of it much at all. A part of his brain was intrigued by the novelty that you represented, and that part has been satiated now.
At least, that’s what he assumes.
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You get his attention again a few weeks later. It’s fairly early in the morning and, as Minho does whenever he gets a chance, he’s behind the half abandoned building near the café, setting up some food for the cats that have taken residence here. It’s something he’s not really allowed to do, but also he’s never asked permission, so no one's told him that yet, which means that he’s not not allowed to do it either.
Still, when he hears footsteps approaching as he’s surrounded by a chorus of meows, there’s a part of him that considers making a run for it.
But then he’d have to run.
Which he doesn’t like doing.
You appear at the corner of the building before he’s made his decision. When your eyes meet, he half expects you to turn around and pretend you haven’t seen him. He’s pretty sure you’ve done that after a class, recently. You swallow, but you keep walking towards him, kneeling by his side and petting the cats as the braver ones rub themselves against your legs.
Whoever said that the surest way to a man’s heart was through his stomach clearly wasn’t obsessed with cats, because liking cats is maybe the most important requirement for Minho.
“Hi,” you say, at a surprisingly normal volume, and then, cadence a little too fast, “I have some cat food.”
Is it weird that he finds that attractive? It’s probably weird.
“Have you been stalking me?” he says more than he asks, vaguely aware of the fact that there’s something ironic about him saying those words.
Your eyes widen and you quickly shake your head.
“No! I— have classes in there,” you point at the building, “and I’ve— seen you come around here. We’ve been told we couldn’t feed the cats,” you add with a slight pout. “We still do it when we can get away with it, but it's good that someone is also taking care of them.”
And you break the law for the sake of cats. Isn’t this amazing.
“I can help you buy food,” you say. “If you’d like.”
He doesn't reply right away, and when the silence stretches a second too long, you start speaking again, faster and your voice lower now.
“Or not, you know, I don’t want to impose anything, I mean, I didn’t want to intrude—”
On the one hand, that seems more like you, based on the glimpses of you he’s been getting, and on the other, he’s not sure how to shut that down. The truth is, he can barely fit the expenses in his budget. He literally can't afford to refuse your help — but he doesn't think he’d do it if he could.
“You can help,” he says, interrupting you in the middle of a sentence where you’re basically apologizing for existing, and that seems to knock the breath out of you.
“Oh,” you say, “that’s good.”
He wonders if you walk into interactions with a prepared set of sentences and panic when anyone goes off script. That sounds kind of exhausting.
“I’ll bill you,” he adds, and the feeling he gets when you let out a light laugh is one he can’t quite explain. There’s a sense of pride in it, but also some much deeper satisfaction at the feeling of having gotten you to let that guard slip, even for just a few seconds.
“I have to go to class,” you say, getting up while you rummage through your tote bag to hand him a package of dry food. “But I’ll, uh, see you around?”
There’s an expectancy to your tone, a hope even. He wonders if you’re aware of it. Either way, that sincerity, which he’d noticed before, remains pleasantly refreshing.
“Sure,” he says.
The next time you show up at the coffee shop, Friday a few minutes after six, like always, he has your vanilla latte ready.
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After that, Minho finds it fascinating to see how differently you react to him, depending on the situation. Every now and then, you meet him behind the building, usually early in the morning, before there are too many people around. They would probably recognize you, and then you’d get in trouble, you explain. Your voice is lighter then, your body more relaxed. You manage to chat with him, to make small talk.
‘Manage’ really is the word for it, because your behavior is worlds apart when he sees you in class. It’s clear by now that this just isn’t your element, so you stick to your script, and Minho just isn’t a part of it. He doesn’t take it too personally, considering that no one else seems to be either.
It’s obvious to him that you get there with the objective of being in and out of the building as efficiently as possible, and with as little interaction with others as you can get away with. He does approach you still on a couple of occasions, one of them being when the classes before yours ran late and everyone was waiting in the hallway. You're focused on your phone then, and you jump when he says your name.
“How are you doing?” he asks, leaning against the wall next to you.
“Oh,” you say, which he thinks is just your filler word to give yourself time to figure out what to say next. “Um. Good. How are you?”
Someone else would bristle at the awkwardness of the exchange, but Minho is mostly amused by it. After a few seconds of very visibly searching for something to say, you come up with “…and how are the cats?”, though your tone is hesitant, unsure.
“They’re good too,” he grins. “Went to visit them this morning. Also, I might have found an association that could them spayed.” He certainly can’t afford to pay for it.
“That’s great,” you say.
This time, he’s the one who takes it upon himself to save the conversation, casually pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“Wanna see my cats?”
You light up at the question, and Minho feels the same sort of pride he does when Dori jumps into his lap to ask for pets — instead of ungratefully evading him like the little shit he is.
It doesn’t last long, the class before yours ends soon, and after that you get back to your ‘just getting in and out’ state. It’s almost physical when it happens. The smile disappears from your lips as you press them together, you straighten your back, but the most impressive change is the way your eyebrows tighten, a small line forming between them. Minho almost wants to reach out to wipe it from your forehead, but he doesn’t. Baby steps, that’s what you need, not him invading your personal space by that much.
He doesn’t ask himself, even for a second, why he’s willing to go through that much trouble to get closer to you. He just goes with the flow, as he always has, and that works fine for him.
He doesn’t sit next to you in class, thinks it would only stress you out more, make you too aware of his presence and of how you react to it. Instead, he takes a spot right in front of you, where he can’t see you but can easily check on you if he wants to — which he does. He refrains from doing it too much though, because on more than one occasion, he caught you looking at him, and you averted your eyes quickly, acting a little too invested in your note taking.
He still thinks it’s cute, but he doesn’t want to make you go in hiding, so he holds himself back.
Which comes back to bite him in the ass, rudely, when the teacher announces that he wants people to work in pair for an assignment.
He turns around to ask you to work with him, and sees, right in front of his eyes, as the guy sitting next to you asks you the same thing in a casual manner. You reply too fast, one of your knee-jerk answers, he can tell, but it’s still done before he even got the time to open his mouth. He also knows, instinctively, that you’ll feel embarrassed if he asks you now, so he doesn’t, turning to his own neighbor while holding back the strange urge to hiss at the guy.
…maybe he spends too much time with cats, actually.
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Minho’s fine with the situation. He is. He still gets to be around you some mornings, and you now look him in the eye when you place your order at the coffee shop. You also don’t recoil as much as you used to when he leans over the counter, ostensibly to flirt with you — though he’s like, 98% sure you haven’t realized that’s what he’s doing. He’s making progress in getting you to feel more comfortable around him.
Sure, he missed an opportunity to spend more time around you in a relaxed setting, but is he upset about it? Does he get annoyed when he hears you talk with the guy behind him? Does hearing you chuckle at the guy’s stupid jokes, probably just to be polite, ‘cause he’s not that funny, make him want to claw the dude’s eyes out?
Well. Yes.
He’s been moody about it for days, to the point that Jisung pouted at him, asking him “what was wrong with him these days”, and Changbin looked him dead in the eyes to ask him if he needed help to get a girl, because he clearly needed to get laid.
A conversation he got out of by replying “do you want to die”, which is a card he’s maybe been playing a little too much these days.
He’s been in a good mood today, though. He’d seen you in the morning, and you’d helped him try to make a small shelter for the cats, because it had been announced that there would be heavy rain over the whole week-end. It had been a fun time, and maybe he’d used the opportunity to get closer to you than usual, enjoying how flustered it made you. Just brushing against you as he grabbed some planks you’d sneaked out of the building, totally accidentally touching your hand when you handed him something, that kind of things.
He had somewhat ruined the effect by accidentally dropping a plank on his foot, but that had made you laugh, so, it was— No, it still wasn’t worth it, he didn’t enjoy pain, but it made him slightly less annoyed about it.
So, as he waited for you in the coffee shop, as the skies outside darkened and fewer people than usual showed up, he wasn’t in as bad a mood as he’d been lately.
It started to rain at around half past five. He would have loved to run to get you with an umbrella, but he, unfortunately, needed his job. He did get a towel ready to hand to you, in case you didn’t have anything to protect yourself from the rain.
And then you came in.
Under an umbrella.
Which was in the hands of the one guy that was your partner in that one class.
Violent thoughts of murder flash before Minho’s eyes.
“Hey,” you say as you walk to the counter, giving him a bright smile, “this is Jooyeon, he’s in—”
“Class with us,” Minho completes with a smile that’s very much fake, “yes, I recognize him.”
Actually, technically, Jooyeon hasn’t done anything wrong, but it doesn’t help that he’s been looking at you and following you around like a damn puppy. What annoys Minho the most is probably the fact that you seem a lot chiller around him, a lot more natural than you are whenever Minho’s around. That’s— upsetting. He wants to see these sides of you, too, and not just from afar.
One vanilla latte and an americano later, you and Jooyeon sit by the window, in your usual spot, and Minho can’t stop himself from glaring. Jisung, or anyone, really, would call him out on it in a matter of seconds, because he’s not being subtle about it, but there’s no one around right now. The room, which is rarely full, is emptier than usual because most people rushed to get home to try to avoid the downpour.
That means that there is nothing to distract him from the intrusive thoughts that are trying to convince him to just throw something at Jooyeon. Anything would do.
When it starts becoming a little too tempting, and considering that he doubts anyone would brave the rain that’s falling at the moment, as thick as a curtain separating the coffee shop from the outside world, he decides to grab his computer and try to get some work done.
Of course, because some divinity out there must have decided to target him today, he’s just getting started and finding his rhythm when the lights flicker above him. He glances up. In the distance, the thunder rumbles.
There’s a flash outside.
And everything goes dark.
Fuck. His. Life.
With a sigh, he pulls out his phone to turn on his flashlight. At least, in this day and age, most people in the shop have the same idea, and soon enough he can see what’s happening.
“It’s probably just a power cut because of the storm,” he announces loudly, because it’s his responsibility to reassure the clients — if that had been something they’d tested for when he was interviewed, he would never have gotten the job. “Lights might come back on soon.” Or not, how would he know. “No reason to panic.”
He scans the faces of students, though he’s not sure what he’s looking for. Some people look worried, others, no doubt those who know that this happens semi-regularly on campus when there’s a storm, because why would your tuition pay to ensure that you have reliable electricity in here, just seem prepared to wait it out. Someone’s already gone back to tapping on their keyboard, though the sound of it is swallowed by that of the rain.
But then, he does a double-take, just to check on an impression that he had, and that confirms what he thought.
You’re not in the room. Most likely explanation is that you’re in the bathroom, but he has to imagine that it’s a pretty freaky experience, when all the lights turn off without warning and you’re all alone.
So, without thinking much about it, he makes his way in that direction. He’s hesitating in front of the door when it pushes open, and he’s suddenly blinded by cellphone light.
“Sorry!” he hears you apologize before he can make out your face. “I, uh, is the power out?”
“It looks like it,” he answers, and then his tone softens. “Are you okay?”
There’s a few seconds of silence, and he can’t quite discern your expression, because you’ve both lowered your lights. He resists the urge to reach for you, to inspect you to see for himself that everything is fine.
“I’m fine,” you answer. “I just—”
Then there’s the crack of thunder, and you jump, gasping, before closing your eyes in obvious annoyance.
“Fuck,” you say, and he wonders if it’s the first time that he’s ever heard you swear. And if it’s weird that he’s kinda into it.
“You scared of storms?” he asks, trying his best to contain the amusement in his voice.
“No,” you protest, a little defensively. “I don’t like being surprised— Fuck!”
Minho knows he shouldn’t laugh, that making fun of you could ruin the trust he’s been trying to build this past month, but at your annoyance for letting yourself be taken by surprise, and considering your obvious lack of fear, he can’t help it. It comes out higher than his usual pitch, a little airy. You roll your eyes at it, but you don’t seem to miss the humor in the situation, because a smile forms on your lips as well.
At that point, because he isn’t one to let an opportunity slip, he reaches out to take your hand in his. Your palm is soft, if somewhat calloused on the spot under your fingers, and after the first moment of surprise, you squeeze his hand in response.
“It’s okay,” he says. “It should be over soon.” Then a pause. “Or maybe we’ll be stuck here until we have to decide who we’re going to eat.”
You laugh at that, brief and light, and as cliché as it is, Minho thinks that is quickly becoming one of his favorite sounds in the world. Especially when he’s the one making you laugh, and not that jackass Joo— Ah, the kid hasn’t technically done anything, and it feels silly to blame him when you’re here with your hand in his.
So he’ll let it go. For now.
As much as he would like to stay here with you, in the dark, away from everyone else, Minho unfortunately has stuff he needs to take care of right now.
“Wanna go back with the others? I think I have to keep an eye on them.”
“Sure,” you say. You don’t attempt to take your hand from his, and so he pulls you along with him. He’s not going to let go if you won’t.
Things in the café are still quiet, and people don’t pay a lot of attention when the two of you come back, except for Jooyeon, who gets up from his seat.
“That must have taken you by surprise,” he says with empathy. “Everything okay?”
“All good,” you reply warmly, and there’s a pinch in Minho’s chest again. “I think we’ll have to postpone the session though. I’ll let you know when I’m free, if that’s okay with you?”
Ugh. Minho tunes Jooyeon’s response out, only waiting for an opportunity to whisk you away. He probably shouldn’t feel this strongly about it, is aware that you’re entirely within your own rights if you want to pick Jooyeon over him, but from his perspective, that doesn’t mean he has to let it be an easy decision to make. He’s not the type to lie down and just watch as that happens.
So the second Jooyeon’s eyes flick back to his computer, Minho’s taking you towards the counter with him. He checks the register once he’s there — which he definitely shouldn’t have let unattended without verifying that it couldn’t be accessed without electricity, oops, his bad — and after having confirmed that everything’s fine, his eyes go back to you.
The spike in his heart rate when he finds you already staring at him surprises him a little. He supposes that he can’t be that jealous without also having that sort of reaction to you. It’s not… unpleasant, actually, though the strength of it surprises him. It’s not the kind of emotion he usually welcomes, he’s used to them feeling less sharp, duller. But he doesn’t reject that one.
Gently, he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, enjoying the feeling of your skin against his.
“Is there an issue between him and Jooyeon?” you ask, voice soft.
Ah. For someone who’s so completely oblivious about his interest in you, you were sure quick to notice that.
“You could say that,” he replies, and you frown.
“I didn’t know that,” you say, words coming out slow, like you’re figuring out what to say as you go, instead of defaulting to your usual pre-built answers. “Can I ask why?”
Minho raises an eyebrow. Then, wordlessly, he shifts himself so that you’re against the counter, with him standing in front of you. It’s interesting, because he’s almost exactly in the spot where he is every day, and every time he steals glances at you to make his day marginally better. He puts his hands on either side of you, hears you take a sharp breath.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
His voice comes out soft and muted, and as he asks, he feels something squeeze at his heart. Maybe because he’s not sure of what you'll answer. Maybe because he could have misread you, thought that you were oblivious when the truth was that you weren't interested. He could be keeping you away from your one true love, Jooyeon, who you’re going to go on to marry and have three k—
“Yes,” you squeak.
Ok, never mind.
Technically you’re in public, but it’s not like anyone’s looking your way, or like they'd see something other than silhouettes when he leans towards you.
It feels so natural when he kisses you. You lift your arms to wrap them around his neck, his hands find their place on your hips. Much to his surprise, you’re the one who presses yourself into him, lips moving softly against his, and it sends a jolt of electricity through his body. Suddenly there’s urgency running through his veins, desire, and his fingers dig harder into you. He kisses you with more intensity, like he’s trying to get rid of any space left between the two of you, and the soft sigh you let out only spurs him on further.
He’s seconds — fractions of seconds — away from doing something stupid when laughter and claps fill the room.
He parts from you, feeling his ears and cheeks turning red already, and discovers that the lights treacherously turned back on, and everyone is looking at the two of you. Protectiveness rushes through him, and he’s about to say something snappy, thinking that you’d be uncomfortable with it, when he realizes that you’re doubled over in laughter. Yes, you look a little embarrassed, but mostly, you seem fine with it.
Which is good, because otherwise he thinks he might have lost the shop a number of customers.
Everyone looks amused and happy for the two of you. Even Jooyeon’s grinning, though the look he gives Minho says, essentially, “Oh that was your problem”. It doesn’t capture people’s attention very long, but there’s something very sweet and human about the moment and how happy it seems to make everyone. Some regulars even exchange glances that seem to mean ‘I told you so’. Ha, he didn’t think he’d ever become campus gossip.
Once there are fewer eyes on the two of you, Minho leans towards you.
“I’ll take you on a date anywhere, as long as it’s not to get coffee.”
Your face lights up.
“I’d love that.”
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Working at a coffee shop is not something that Minho finds very fun. Someone who enjoys human interactions more than him might, but it just feels very repetitive to him. Doing the same movements, asking the same questions, having to deal with the same issues from asshole customers who are different but also fundamentally the same person. The ding of cash register, the one of no contact credit cards, the buzzing of the coffee machine. It’s repetitive, but in a way that fills and numbs the mind.
There’s just one sound that he minds a little less now, and it’s the one the door makes when it opens.
Because, every now and again, it means that you’ve just come in.
“Hey,” you say as you reach the counter. You’re smiling so bright, and he loves it because he knows that it’s another one of those things that you can’t help. You’re smiling because he makes you happy, and isn’t that the best thing in the world?
“Dating the barista doesn’t entitle you to free coffee,” he says as he slides your vanilla latte over to you, though he has used his employee discount on everything you’ve ordered lately and he would very much give it to you for free if you didn’t insist on paying for your own stuff.
“We’re still on for tonight?” you ask, taking the coffee from the table.
“You think I’d let you get out of it?” he replies, and you laugh, before taking off to go to your usual table.
After that, he keeps going, keeps doing the same movements, asking the same questions, hearing the same noises. But sometimes, he glances in your direction and finds you focused on your computer, biting your lower lip as you’re deep in thought, or looking at him with a smile, and it makes it all more bearable.
Because you give him something to look forward to.
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Taglist: @lethallyprotected @jisuperboard
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spacexseven · 1 year
Subordinate Reader: *grabs mic*
Subordinate Reader: *points at Dazai* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Chuuya* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Fydor* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Akutagawa* You're cool
Akutagawa: *thumbs up*
Subordinate Reader: *points at Mori* and fuck you I'm out
*throws the mic at Dazai's face*
contrary to what you may expect, dazai finds the whole thing amusing, at least at first.
singling him out in front of a crowd, to him, shows just how much you must be thinking of him. since your message doesn't register in his mind immediately, he's over the moon at the thought that he stood out so much to you. that is, until he hears your comment to akutagawa. were his previous warnings not enough? the fact that you even got a response from him enrages him even more. you thought this was funny, did you? poor you, because now dazai, seething with the mic in hand, is convinced you've forgotten your place, and he's already planning a week-long trip for the both of you—didn't he tell you that you had to help him investigate a new ability group outside the city?
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chuuya's angry enough as it is, and now you had to go and piss him off even more. the crowd watching you already had his blood boiling, but your rude remark to him almost blew his fuse entirely. what was this whole stunt for? all this time he was trying to make things bearable for you, unlike dazai who only knew how to torment you without any consideration. he's practically sulking in the corner, waiting for you to make your way off stage so he can pounce on you and demand an explanation.
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the hope that fills akutagawa at your bright smile is quickly crushed once he feels the burning glares directed at him, despair starting to sink in. still, despite the definite trouble this would get him into, he can't help but find some delight in the situation. the two of you could never stand on equal footing, not as long as you were here, but at least he was worth a single moment of consideration from you. that was enough for him.
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fyodor hasn't actually done anything yet, so by doing this, you've inadvertently caught his attention. why is someone from the port mafia so agitated by his presence, when he's only just stepped foot in yokohama? watch your back when you're making your way home, because fyodor just might be waiting in the shadows for a little conversation.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
For The First Time
Summary; Closed off older Eddie, slightly cynical, bit of a fuckboi who falls in love for the first time with you.
Bits of angst, mostly fluff and a lot of Smut, reader falls first and thinks Eddie doesn't feel the same, he falls harder. 18+ minors go away. Modern au
Older Eddie Munson x Reader
The reader is in her 20's and Eddie is 41.
If you enjoyed this then pls consider liking or reblogging ❤️✨🌸
I don't give anyone permission to copy, repost or translate my work.
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Eddie takes the beer Steve hands to him and nurses it for a little while. He's exhausted after working on a car all week and his last hook-up with a woman called Sarah? Sasha? Two weeks ago.
Fuck, he can't even remember. He didn't make it a habit to be with the same woman for too long, they would try to get to know him, get him to open up about life and things he never wanted to discuss.
It's not like he disliked the women he was with, he liked them and had fun but that was that. He made it clear that nothing more was to come from it.
The only thing that was troubling him is someone had caught his eye, a friend of Nancy's who worked with her on the biggest newspaper in Indiana.
Yn was your name and he hadn't been able to stop thinking about you and your tight little skirt all day.
He met you a few days ago at a party Steve and Nancy had thrown for their son's 10th birthday.
You were shy, yes but after talking to him for a bit you began to relax and let your guard down.
Fuck, you even made him laugh and he can't remember the last time that he's enjoyed talking to someone so much.
Not only were you funny and smart, but you were also beautiful and a sweetheart. It stunned him that he was keen on speaking to you again.
He just doesn't know quite how to approach you.
Turns out though that you were in your apartment. Thinking of the very same thing
The next time you meet the chemistry again is off the charts, you can't help thinking about how sexy Eddie is.
You know he's older but you don't care, you've never been so attracted to a guy in your life.
He moves with confidence and knows he's the hottest guy in the room, leather jacket and jeans, rings adorning his hand and a smirk on his face.
Yeah, he knows he's hot shit.
Nancy can see straight away that your crushing on Eddie.
"He's a great guy but he's a bit of a fuckboi so just be careful okay?" you nod and assure her that you'll be fine.
He's hot but it's not like you'd fall in love with him or anything and you approach Eddie even though nerves are racing in your stomach.
His eyes light up when he sees you and you immediately start chatting.
It's like the first time you got talking where you immediately feel at ease with him, except now the way you look at each other is more intense and its obvious how much you both want each other.
When he asks if you would like to talk somewhere a little more private you agree.
Though not much talking was done at all as the minute that you reached Eddie's place and you were inside, it's like all the tension between you boiled over and he backed you up against the wall claiming your mouth in a searing kiss.
Your clothes fall away as you head upstairs, Eddie tossing his jeans to the side and kneeling down to kiss over your stomach and between your thighs.
Your hands tighten around his hair which he sweeps into a messy bun. He looks so hot that you almost combust right there and then.
His lips are everywhere on your body, hands cupping your breasts, mouth closing over your nipples and you moan.
"You're perfect" he growls out as he looks up at you through thick lashes and those big brown eyes are darker than usual, full of need and desire.
All you want to do is feel every inch of Eddie, and you do having him at your mercy as he stands up to kiss you and you drop to your knees, losing all your previous shyness and wink at him.
The look on his face, the little Oh his lips form as you suck him off imprints in your mind.
He's moaning, begging for you to take him deeper and when you do he loses all control, his eyes closing, veins throbbing at his neck as he comes hard, you lick up every drop and he watches you do it with a hungry expression.
By that point, you are both desperate for him to be inside you and he lays you on the bed. Your bodies entwined.
Eddie sheaths inside you and his head throws back as he moans in pleasure.
"Fuck baby, I love how tight you are, feel so good" he grunts out and thinks that he could lose himself being buried inside you forever, the feeling of you clenched around him was more intense than anything he felt in his life.
He comes hard and fast again, a guttural moan escaping from his mouth that joins your fervent cries of his name as you come.
"So fucking mind-blowing princess, he coos, I hope you know that I'm not finished with you yet"
The biggest smile lights up your face and you giggle.
"I hope not, think you can keep up with me old man?" you tease and he laughs... Oh, he'll show you...
Eddie and you meet very frequently, he can't get enough of you and you can't stop thinking about him.
It was the best sex both of you ever had and you loved the feel of Eddie's head between your thighs.
Or when you sucked him off and he looked at you like you were a goddess, that was pretty good too.
He made a point to tell you early into your relationship, fling? Whatever it was - that he hadn't been in love before so this would be strictly physical.
A friends with benefits type of thing, which you were fine with because you didn't want to stop seeing Eddie, you liked being around him.
"Don't you want to fall in love?" your curious to know after he tells you all of this and his big brown eyes lock with yours, there's a vulnerable edge to them that you haven't seen before but just as you're about to say something, he shakes his head.
"No, I don't. Now sweetheart. Enough talking. I'd rather have you naked and at my mercy" He kisses you and you forget about the conversation soon after.
Eddie's naked body is entwined with yours and your hands trail over his tattoos, move to trail over the scars on his body but before you can touch them he flips you over and has you on all fours.
His fingers knead your ass and he smirks.
"Fucking gorgeous" he moans and you feel so overstimulated but Eddie's voice in your ear is spurring you on just a little bit more.
"Come on princess, think we can do one more orgasm huh?" he croons and you feel one building fast as he fucks into you relentlessly.
The orgasm makes your knees buckle and you cry out in pleasure, Eddie tilts your head back so he can kiss you, his moans of ecstasy filling the room as he comes, spilling inside of you.
"That's my sweet girl" he coos and his lips brush against your neck as he pulls out of you and you curl up on his bed.
You're exhausted, legs like jelly and completely happy and sated though a little sore.
Eddie's bed looks so inviting and it smells like his cologne, like he's wrapping you in a big hug.
Eddie watches you for a second with a small smile on his face, his fingers caress over your hair for a brief moment and the tender touch startles both of you.
He clears his throat and moves away and you secretly wish he could keep doing it.
"You can stay here sweetheart. Have a ton of work to do for a clients motorcycle and shit" You nod sleepily but capture his hand before he leaves.
''Can you stay? Just for a little while?" you don't think he will say yes but you just wanted to ask.
For a second he looks hesitant then he agrees which elates you.
"Just until you fall asleep princess?" and that is fine by you, it's just lovely to cuddle into him for a little while.
"You're dangerous" he mumbles as his head rests on top of yours. His words puzzle you and you look up at him wanting to know what he means.
"Me" you whisper in disbelief and there's warmth in his eyes as he explains what he means.
"That little pout could get anything you wanted with that" he teases and you rejoice inside that he likes it.
The thought and sleepiness from all of those amazing orgasms lull you to sleep. When you wake up an hour later hes gone and you can hear him tinkering outside.
The fact he did stay with you for a little while though is enough to send you back to sleep with a big smile on your face.
A little while after that night, something in your relationship shifts again. The first time he stayed the night.
You hadn't expected him to stay. Not really, yet he did and you find yourself enchanted by Eddie when he's asleep, all of his defences down, peaceful.
Eddie lays on his stomach fast asleep, he's out for the count and his long limbs are sprawled across the bed, one of them entwined with yours.
He shifts a little and gives you a view of his chest.
Subconsciously your hand trails gently over a large scar of his, there are a few scars or scar tissue on his body and you want to ask what happened for him to get these marks.
You want to ask but you don't because you know it's a sore subject for him. Ever so gently you place a soft kiss on the scar tissue on his chest, then the one on his neck that is hidden by a tattoo.
When you look up at him he's watching you his gaze slowly turning gentle.
"What are you doing?" his voice is low, sleepy and sexy, it makes you tingle.
"Kissing you" His gaze trails down to the scar on his chest.
"My scars" he corrects you and you sit up, wanting to reassure him.
"I know you don't talk about them. Just wanted to give you kisses" He grins, then chuckles.
"Could you be any fucking cuter?" he asks you and it makes you feel giddy then he's silent for a moment before speaking again.
"I was attacked by bats princess" Bats? You raise an eyebrow.
"Vampire bats?" he motions for you to sit between his thighs, your head rested on his chest.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, baby, I haven't told this story to anyone in over twenty years" This intrigues you even more and you turn around and cup his cheek with your hand.
"I'm a good listener, try me" and so he did tell you, after you promised you would never tell anyone else. That's when you found out about the Upside Down, interdimensional monsters, demogorgons, demobats and Vecna.
"Like Freddy Krueger but real and more terrifying sweetheart"
You find out he was wanted for the murders Vecna committed because the first girl Chrissy killed by Vecna was murdered at his trailer when she was there for a drug deal due to the visions she had been having of Him.
He tells you about how he almost died and he has nightmares about The Upside Down, it's why he doesn't stay the night with anyone.
Until now.
That's the first night you realise how deeply you're falling for him.
Time passes and you fall for Eddie more and more. However Nancy's words play in the back of your mind about him being a bit of a fuckboi.
Or his friend and Nancy's younger brother Mike's words that he's surprised you've been around for so long because Eddie grew bored easily.
The words wouldn't leave your head because Eddie warned you that he hadn't been in love before, that he didn't want to and yet here you were with your heart laid open to him.
That earned a terrifying glare from Nancy and Mike scarpered.
She apologises but the words are saying heavier and heavier on you and you wonder how long it will be before Eddie grows bored of you.
You're scared you'll fall even more in love with him the longer you continue to see each other, the thought of him moving on without a care in the world leaves you hollow and leads you to react to protect your heart.
Eddie can see how upset you are and he has you in his arms, soothing you. Kissing your head, calling you his sweet girl.
It's like you could pretend that hes in love with you too but you know that isn't possible.
"Hey, talk to me sweetheart?" he caresses your cheek and it only makes what you have to say even harder.
Why did he have to be so wonderful? You curl up into his chest for a second before you move away.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore," you tell him even though it devastated you.
His eyes widen then flash with pain or at least that's what you think because he turns away very quickly.
"Why?" there's a crack in his voice and tears pool in your eyes.
"Because I've fallen in love with you" you admit truthfully.
"What, no you can't" He looks so stunned and you feel yourself shaking, the pain you feel is agonising.
"I do love you and you don't fall in love. That's what you told me and it was pointless because I did then I had some fairytale notion that maybe you might fall in love with me. Stupid huh?"
His fingers grip the table he's leaning behind and his expression resolves.
"You deserve better than me princess" princess, the thought of him not calling you that or hearing his voice devastates you but you have to be strong.
You can't force him to feel the same way about you, feelings don't work like that.
"That's where you're wrong Eddie, you don't know how lovely you are" you walk over to him and press a tender kiss to his lips.
"Guess this is goodbye then?" you murmur and choke back the tears. He is about to say something when Steve comes in and looks between the two of you.
"Uh, what's going on?" you flee before your emotions bubble over.
Don't cry, don't cry you say in your mind over and over again and you don't. Not until your in the privacy of your home and the painful emotions swallow you whole.
Eddie doesn't need you. He doesn't, he keeps telling himself that, thinks if he says it enough times that it will sink in.
But he misses you, he wakes up to an empty bed with his sheets smelling of your perfume and there's that burst of agony in his chest again.
Steve takes him out to a bar to cheer him up but all he can think of is you.
Every woman who comes up to him is turned away because they aren't you.
He can't even think about being with anyone else because all he craves is you.
It takes one more full day of misery, where Dustin and Steve finally have enough of his moping about and Robin and Nancy encourage him to find you again so you can talk.
"Eddie stop being a dingus when it's obvious you love her too. Life's too short to not grab happiness when you find it" Robin tells him and he gets up at that point, having enough of moping around.
He does need you, the time he's spent with you has been the happiest of his life.
He wants to see you, he wants you back.
It's late at night when you hear a knock at your door, you aren't expecting anyone but figure it could be Nancy or Robin coming to check on you.
All you planned to do tonight was pig out on ice cream and watch horror movies- you were staying far far away from romance films for a little while.
Wiping your eyes you get up and answer the door.
Eddie is standing outside and he's holding a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers, ones you can tell that he picked himself that are also mixed with your favourite flowers.
"I had to see you" You take in his appearance, the stubble growing over, the way his eyes have shadows under them like he hasn't slept.
He looks like how you feel inside.
"Hi," you murmur and he half smiles.
"Can we talk?" you nod and motion for him to come in. Why was he here? Was he here to tell you he had moved on or something?,
The thought is like a vice grip on your heart, that doesn't make sense though maybe he's here to return some of your things? You had one of his shirts here.
Or maybe he misses you as much as you miss him a hopeful voice says in your head which sounds a lot like Nancy.
"I miss you" he admits straight away and you itch to cuddle him and never let go.
"I miss you too" Your voice cracks and the tears come again and hes at you at once wiping them away ever so tenderly.
"I can't do this sweetheart, I can't not have you in my life" His confession stuns you because you convinced yourself so badly that he didn't feel the same.
"You know I love you Eddie, I know I can't force you to feel the same way, I never would force you to feel the same"
His voice is soft, cracking for a second then grows stronger. "I know that but here's the thing I've fallen in love with you, sweetheart, I can't imagine my life without you in it and I don't want to. I want you and only you for the rest of my life"
"Eddie" you sob and he smiles taking your hand in his, pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
"I love you today, tomorrow and forever if you'll have me" You nod and the euphoria hits you, the feeling that this wonderful man loves and wants to be with you.
"Yes. Yes, I love you Eddie Munson" He smiles and holds you tight, lips on your forehead and a whole new world of happy possibilities blooming for the two of you.
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