#there is straight up cartoon logic involved
reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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#Double Crossbones#Donald O'Connor#I don't know how to make gifs so making these was v. time consuming but I persevered bc I have to talk about this#a) this movie is amazing and has the most movie of movie pirates ever committed to celluloid#(except that they don't have West Country accents- that's the only lack- they throw in some old timey lingo but it's real weaksauce)#anyway it is a action adventure musical comedy with slapstick tapdancing and swordfighting#the plot is ludicrous and everything is very silly except the corrupt official bad guy who is kinda legit threatening#our hapless unlikely golden hearted-hero accidentally becomes a pirate lord through a series of shenanigans#eventually he enjoys it but he's gotta rescue his girlfriend from the evil governor#he fucks it up and she ends up rescuing him instead and then there's a happy ending and even more shenanigans#the jokes are cheeseball the costumes are over the top and all the pirates are hamming it up#the swordfights involve the most EGREGIOUS flynning and dance-fighting#there is straight up cartoon logic involved#so in conclusion: FLAWLESS. NO NOTES.#b) this disguise is one of the few main character disguises in cinema history that is actually convincing- he is unrecognisable#if I hadn't been spoiled by someone's blog post b4 watching this I would no joke not have known it was him until he gives it away#I fully buy even his girlfriend wouldn't clock him on sight#making it all the more funny that he gets caught almost immediately#anyway he's being hilariously ott posh and dandyish#my point was: maybe I'm seeing what I want to see but I feel like he based this on Leslie Howard in the Scarlet Pimpernel#he sounds so much like him! he does some of the same business! I want this to be true so bad#I chose to believe this is a reference/tribute
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the-main-idiot · 2 months
my chnt swap AU will now be called
camp this and that
idea originally provided by @fall3nash2339
all info about characters+ art links under cut😋😋!!
all the characters have the same physical appearance (except for sydney), personalities and roles are changed
the nurses~
head nurse: Elijah Volkov, he makes all the announcements, and is mentally decaying. Boy oh boy, is he quite the man. Silly little bpd man, collected mental illness like Pokémon. But he's caring, and will do just about anything in his power to help the campers out when needed. He has a knack for elephants, likes sharing fun facts, not only about elephants but anything and everything. No filter😋 if he's thinking it, he'll say it, obviously nothing bad will come of that. Trust issues, yummy.
assistant nurse: Adam Uptin, always carrying snacks with him, he can get you to share how your parents wronged you then shove a bag of skittles in your hand and walk away. Adam isn't a fan of leaving the nurses cabin, let alone his side office, something about being a vampire and ""ahhhh the suns"",,etc etc. Although, you can lore him outside with some sunscreen, an umbrella, and an apple.
camp counselors (all camps stay the same)
Cabin Dung Beetle: Juniper Sloan. long neck, dirty blonde. British man, he's scared of the water (blah blah blah "i'm experiencing the past, present, and future all at once and i can't breathe." yadda yadda yadda) besides the meltdowns and break downs, he's pretty silly
Cabin Grasshopper : Marisol Yuchengco, 👁️dresses in gothic attire, but she's one of the most understating counselors you'll ever meet. Salem de La Marnierre, 👁️scene kid vibes, lowkey really chill though. The two are dating<3 (basically just the same as chnt, just,,, ya'know,, swapped.)
Cabin Magpie Moth: Rowan Chow, the goofiest mother fucker in the entire camp. He can actually produce sound effects, he doesnt choose them or when they happen, that's up to the universe, they just come from his general area. This man runs off of actual cartoon logic, dont question it.<3
Cabin Silkworm: Yvonne Marley, femcel. That is truly all i have to say about her. She pull's misinformation straight from the internet and spreads it like mold on moist bread. Joshua MacHeath, tictok eboy, he can make a killer flower necklace though. Joshua will sit with the kids who can't/won't participate in certain camp activities and teach them how to make bracelets out of, well, anything and everything!
Cabin Tarantula Hawk: Lucille Bertuccelli,👁️ she's an older counselor, a sweetheart though. Not only does she keep cabin tarantula hawk up am running, but she also is in charge of the arts and crafts cabin! Gracie Liu (👁️lowkey, i forgot gracie liu existed, so all of her color are just inverted. no matter how you picture her in ur brain, just invert the colors)
Cabin Ladybug : Soren Baltimore, 👁️a bit of a quiet lad, it wears a cape given to it by fennel. soren wears pants that are cover completely in pockets, those pockets are practically infinite, anything you can imagine, soren has it in its pockets. Fennel Marlborough, 👁️our favorite camp taxidermist (don't tell anyone) they have the art of life preservation down to a tea, now if they can only get em to start moving again. soren and fennel are tightly nit, they made up two languages, one between only them and the other for the entire cabin.
Cabin Widow-spider: Matthew Napoleon, 👁️he is the void, don't be scared of him just based on looks though. Matthew will teach you about things you thought you knew (you didn't). Because matthew cant actually talk, due to all that void, he communicates in a fun mixture of sign language, charades, and various static esc noises. Matthew is also involved, if not running, most water based activities (and sometimes juno+mila helps out around the cabin)
the cafeteria: Mila Alcorn 👁️and Juno Matsouka, 👁️i say "and" instead of giving the two separate descriptions because they are inseparable, trust me, i've tried. these two fish folk work together in the kitchen to provide food for all the campers at camp this and that. Practically gourmet chefs, these two are quite creative. Even though there's two of them, you'll never have to worry about chaos in the kitchen, mila and juno always compromise with each other, causing for some never before tasted flavors
special doodads
head of camp: Warren Earthman,👁️ he's a, stern, tired, grumpy, old man. also the walls in are covered with different brands and types of chainsaws. beside the threatening aspects of him, he also openly picks favorites and doesn't listen to anything that doesn't openly concern him or the government.
the rot: Sydney October Sargent, a weird rotting man who lives in the woods surrounding the camp. Don't get to close to him without a gas mask, please, the spores that emanate off of him are damn near hallucinogenic. Besides the skin falling off his bones, the various species of bugs living within him, and all the mushrooms/fungus living from his decomposing self, he's almost harmless. I mean, he's in shambles, a corpse who just won't let go, just try not to breathe near him.
Martime: Jedidiah A.M. Martime, a man who keep appearing in my dreams, I don't have dreams often, why is here, in color no less. this annoying, clock obsessed, not even real, man keeps trying to tell me that he's "here for you," and "it's ok, you can take a brake, you have enough time." what that man needs to do is pipe down and accept the fact he doesn't even exist in the physical plane.
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
I often see that people don't want to include Joey in the process of Bendy's creation which makes me a little sad because i love Joey's character.
Bendy usually portayed as Henry's son from the point of being a drawing and to the point of the ink demon himself
Judging by logic,it would be impossible for Joey to lie about being involved (Tiol was released physically and Abby was around)
Personally i think that it's so important for Joey's character. The way he calls Bendy his "firstborn" in Tiol,the way Nathan said that Bendy was Joey's child and him having drawing in his apartment of two other toons holding Bendy's hands.
Maybe i should really stop talking about Joey in this fandom bc it always ends with "Joey has nothing to do with Bendy/ There's no importance of his involvement to the plot"
(I'm joking,not dropping my man lol)
What do you think about Joey being involved in Bendy's creation?
IDK Anon, last I checked there’s still some complex-Joey-likers in this fandom!
Anyway, I disagree that it would be impossible for Joey to lie about this, given other things we are PRETTY CONCLUSIVELY SURE that he’s lying about in the same book (Sammy’s hiring being an entire year off? As though nobody at JDS is going to remember that Sammy did music for cartoons before October of 1931?? Or, even worse, Joey giving himself two entirely different birthdays in the same book????????) -- I don’t think Joey’s lies are like, logically sound or carefully calculated. I think he just says things that create the story he wants to create in that moment and expects the sheer force of his personality to carry the story, so that people believe him even when the facts don’t quite line up (and I think writing things down created a bit of a handicap for him, since he is not actually good at keeping his story straight, just good at making people accept the story he’s telling in this moment). Joey doesn’t hesitate to just make things up.
I’ve talked about this before, but I think the thing with Joey’s telling of the creation of Bendy in The Illusion of Living is that if Joey wanted to invent a story… this just doesn’t seem like the story he would invent. He’s so off-balance and unsure in all his interactions with Henry, while Abby and Henry are much more confident and orchestrating this whole thing. Henry’s the one who gets the design Joey can’t. Abby’s the one who sees Henry’s potential when Joey can’t. If Joey wanted to lie about Bendy’s creation….. I just don’t believe that this is the lie that the terminally insecure Joey Drew would tell, which makes me more inclined to believe that there’s truth there. Why wouldn’t he just say he came up with it, that he doodled Bendy on a napkin one day like he did with Bendyland, that he passed his doodles to Henry and Henry was inspired and just touched them up a little? It’s not like Henry’s around to challenge that narrative.
Thread once suggested the idea, and I really like it a lot, that this one moment, a moment with his two best friends sitting on the floor with him and brainstorming the character who would become his absolute favourite together, was actually too special and emotionally meaningful to Joey for him to change it. He claims full credit afterwards, to a hilarious degree, but it’s still the one thing he couldn’t bear to unwrite – him and Henry making Bendy together. So… it's possible he could be lying. But in this instance, I’m inclined to think Joey’s mostly telling the truth.
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decepti-thots · 6 months
in lieu of tf fanon, can we all just agree that the fanon around seekers is just WAY too pervasive???? genuinely. why is seeker fanon Like That. why are seekers sometimes treated as a whole exotic subspecies. i feel like people got too attached to starscream, looked at the silly color swapped jet models due to budget in the original 80's cartoon, and just decided to invent a new kind of weird robot racism. sorry that this is on the bitchery side of anons but weirdly set-in-stone fanon stuff like seekers is what turned me off from reading tf fanfic
The answer to this, that is 'why is seeker fanon Like That', is gonna by necessity involve some discussion of NSFW stuff so I will cut this. But it's kinda. Necessary for the topic, lmao, so. And I do think it's worth actually going through ig. I've seen a lot of folks recently express this exact irritation and confusion, so...
OK so the honest answer: a good chunk of it's just fetish porn tbqh. And people, they are horny for those jets, lmao, and Starscream, exactly. Kink with some worldbuilding scaffolded around it as setup. Which to be clear, when someone is straight up just like 'hi, here is some cheerfully self-aware kink about breeding and shit, do not read too hard into this fantasy nonsense as a coherent narrative- we are here for horny egg laying and the implications will not be expanded on beyond that' I am usually like 'yeah cool go for it!!', lmao. Not my thing, can still go places in execution I'm like 'uhhhh think this through better please' about ofc, but like. Kink's kink, and all. Pretend adult fun times engaged in with full self-awareness are fine, a lot of the time.
My irritation really comes with when this bleeds into stuff that is taking itself seriously and is uhhhh. Not that? Or when it's engaged in by people who clearly don't have a level of self awareness about the above. And the answer is... IMO it's just regular fandom racism tbh, with an extra layer of obfuscation over it because it's got the fantasy analogue thing disguising it. Some people enjoy a lot of tropes that derive from certain strands of commercial genre romance, and honestly a lot of classic SFF as well, that are based in things they do not fully realise are rooted in racism, or any number of -isms tbh. And there's also a lot of people who sort of do notice, but they still want to keep enjoying those things without guilt, so they try and take the underlying logics and apply them to fantasy constructs or whatever in the hopes this will make the thing they like Not Racist. (Spoiler alert: the issue is rarely who the tropes are applied to alone, and this basically never works, because humans have pattern recognition and know how analogies work.)
People like stories about Scary Barbarians, or Submissive Sexually Exotic Androgynes, or whatever. And then someone points out 'yeah but mate, those are racial stereotypes, have you heard of orientalism' or whatever, and people feel bad but they sort of. Want to keep enjoying those stories in a way that is not harmful! That strips out that element succesfully. So they try and write an alien fantasy version, but again. This doesn't actually work most of the time, tbh. Because humans have pattern recognition and the tropes, the logic underlying the ideas in the first place, are often the actual issue. Shrug.
And IMO, this is where you get 'biologically distinct races frametypes who are Just Naturally For Breeding' shit, or whatever other example I can pull out of the TF fanon hat, in ostensibly serious stories about geopolitical conflicts or serious personal drama, ones which expect you to engage with this as an actual framework for how a world could work and not just as a loose excuse for 2000 words of smut. It's not as though canon is totally immune to this to be clear- ask me sometime about how I feel about the mess that is functionism being an analogy for 48563 things, lmao- but fanon is more pervasive because you're contending with decades of this stuff being super pervasive in fandom spaces and it becoming standard for fic. We were having discussions about this exact stuff like. When I was 15 on LJ, lmao. And it wasn't new then! I don't think it's anything unique; it's just got those extra layers of abstraction to sort through in terms of 'why IS this happening with these fuckin planes'.
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okayto · 1 year
Mini-Review: The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Kusuo Saiki is a psychic. And a telepath. And a telekinetic. You know what, just assume that any psychic power you've ever heard of is available to him. But apart from that, he's a regular grumpy sixteen-year-old boy who just wants to be left alone to enjoy his coffee jelly. Unfortunately for him, that's not likely to happen – with the school's hottest girl crushing on him, friends who either can see ghosts, think they're superpowered, or are too dumb to live, and parents who can't quite keep it together, Saiki's life is anything but calm as he finds himself using his powers to keep the world functioning.
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The first time I watched Saiki K was several years ago, before I was even logging all my viewing via these reviews. I was just getting back into anime, after a combination of first college busyness and then a soul-sucking job saw the time and energy I had for fun things dwindle. After a couple years at a new job, I realized that I was doing a lot of work that left one of my monitors open, and that no one was nearby to care, so I pulled up Netflix and was immediately distracted by a pink-haired cartoon boy.
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Saiki is a comedic mashup of school and shounen tropes, and keeps its tongue firmly in cheek as it follows Kusuo Saiki (Saiki being the family name and what most characters call him, as is normal in Japanese culture) as he deadpans and snarks his way through life, just trying to get through high school without getting discovered for the immensely-powerful psychic he is. Unfortunately, a bunch of annoyances (his view)/friends (their view) hang around and hijinks ensue.
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This is a series that just wants to be silly. The first episode helpfully explains not just that Saiki is super powerful, but that he has affected the world so things like brightly-colored anime hair are normal (so no one questions his naturally-pink hair), among other things. It's explicitly "anime logic works because we want it to," which was fourth-wall-breakingly hilarious the first time I encountered it. (It's still funny, 3 or 4 watches later.)
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Saiki is, of course, the star of the show, reluctant as he may be. His deus ex machina powers mean he can fix pretty much anything, but his desire to hide said powers, as well as a (however-reluctant-he-is-to-admit-it) kind personality lead to involvement in everything from deadly stage magic to Santa Claus impersonation to saving island castaways.
And really, all the guy wants to do is eat coffee jelly, and occasionally watch media or play a game without getting telepathically spoiled for it.
His dry, sarcastically deadpan voice drives the show as he narrates straight to the audience. You often can't tell whether he's speaking to himself/the audience, or to another character, putting him in the position of a narrator unwillingly drawn into the story itself. (Fun game: try and spot how many times Saiki visibly uses his actual voice, based on whether you see his mouth move when he speaks. It's not often!)
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(Incidentally, other people on this site have brought up the personality similarities between Saiki and Murderbot of the Murderbot Diaries books. Both protagonists would like to be left alone to their hobbies, both are unwillingly befriended and acquire a group of people they care about and also have to keep rescuing. If you like Murderbot, Saiki is personality-wise a very similar mood.)
The extended cast really makes the series. While there are episodes that focus on just Saiki (Saiki and multiple quests to obtain coffee jelly, Saiki vs. cockroach in his house, etc.), most involve his family (odd), preexisting friends (rock-brained Nendo, fantasy LARPer Kaido), and classmates that attach themselves to their expanding group through the series.
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My favorite was a character who showed up in season 2, Mikoto Aiura. She's a fortune-teller and while she doesn't have Saiki's prodigious talents, she could potentially be a threat...or an ally. Truly, one of the most fun things through the series is not just seeing Saiki's reluctance to calling his friends friends starting to wear down, but the two other characters with specialized powers themselves. They give Saiki a way of being known that he doesn't usually get outside his family, and it's fun to see him realize he can enlist others to help on occasion.
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English Dub? Yes for the first season, and the fourth (6-episode) season, although the latter had a different cast. Both casts are fine, and I can't be entirely sure that my preference for the first season's cast isn't mainly due to the fact that I had more exposure to them, but Jerry Jewell's Saiki is so dry and sarcastic it wins me over. The second dub cast was good in its own right, and the cast did an excellent matching voices. There are several in the second dub that I prefer--Saiki's rock-headed friend Nendo sounded more like a person and less like a cartoon the second go-round, and several female characters were less high-pitched in ways I preferred.
So really: the dubs are great. It's sad that the entire series isn't dubbed, especially because the rapid-fire snark means subtitles sometimes go very quickly.
Visuals: Meh. It's not bad, but no one is going to watch this for the art, and it's often pretty simple.
Worth watching? Oh HECK yes. It's incredibly fun--I have watched this at least three or four times. It's silly and comedic, perfect when you want something lighthearted. Each normal-length episode is also broken up into five minisodes, so it's perfect for when you won't be watching for a long time, or if you get interrupted frequently.
Important to note that despite there being four "seasons," only the first two are normal-length (24 episodes each). The third are two extended-length specials, while the fourth consists of 6 episodes.
Where to watch (USA, as of June 2023): Funimation (season 1 only; sub & dub), Netflix (all), Tubi TV (season 1 only; sub), BR (season 1 only; sub & dub)
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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gen-is-gone · 2 years
I've been deeply stuck on that post talking about certain groups of young people on (I think it was) twitter insisting that it's inappropriate to masturbate to the thought of someone without their permission. This is a little wild and all over the place, but bear with me.
People generally followed the logical conclusion to that horrible but of discourse down one path, which was that obviously, it's way creepier ask friends, acquaintances, and strangers for permission to jerk it to them, than it is to just do it and never speak of it, but I think that maybe misses the point, which is: yeah, they know it's inappropriate ask someone you're not in a pre-established sexual relationship with if it's okay to think of them while masturbating. The point is that they think that masturbating under most circumstances is wrong and inappropriate anyways. Or rather, that it's fine to masturbate, probably, but *thinking* about the wrong things or people (read: *most* things and people) is wrong. And it's all, again and always, the christofascism.
See, this is the thing with a lot, a huge amount of radfem sex-negative ideology and why it's so frustratingly easy for them to recruit under that theme: it's what a lot of young americans believe anyway. Sex-negativity and general hatred of non-normative (or honestly even pretty damn normative) sex practices slots comfortably into place within the mindset of people raised by white american christianity because it requires absolutely no adjustment of one's bedrock moral values. If you grow up in an american christofascist cult, as a lot of americans do, you are generally taught to believe that sex is almost always wrong and inappropriate, that it's uniquely damaging, and that it will, if not treated with caution, leave lasting moral taint. The whole current anti/purity/moral panic bullshit as it's manifesting in generally non-straight, generally leftist, most quite young online spaces, centers around the same basic conceit only with different set dressing, ie, sex is almost always wrong and inappropriate, that it's uniquely damaging, and that it will, if not treated with caution, leave lasting traumatic scars. Protestantism in a gay hat, yes we've all seen it, etc. A lot of folks only realize how damaging the beliefs they were raised with are when they realize they are marginalized by those beliefs, especially non-straight, non-cis folks. So when it comes to something like masturbation, sure, you don't belive in white american christianity, it's not a sin to rub one out, but. But.
Live action, filmed porn is inherently exploitative and no sex work could ever be truly ethical, also porn rots your brain and leads to addiction and an inability to distinguish real sex from porn/fiction from reality. Erotic art, cartoons, and hentai are bad becauce they are exaggerated and anatomically improbable and again lead to an inability to distinguish fiction/porn from reality. Wanking to the thought of celebrities is wrong because you don't know them or have access to them and thus they cannot consent to your sexual fantasies about them. Wanking to the thought of friends and acquaintances is wrong because even though you do have access to them, by asking for their consent to feature in your sexual fantasies, you have already nonconsensually involved them in said fantasies. (And like, yeah, that one i think we can all agree with, that asking people for permission to masturbate to the thought of them *is* nonconsensually involving them in your sexual fantasies, but note the Catch-22 there). The end result is that the range of permissable sexual fantasies becomes so narrow as to be functionally nonexistent. In other words, masturbation is wrong and inappropriate, uniquely damaging, and will, if not treated with caution, leave lasting moral taint *and/or* traumatic scars not just on you, but on anyone you fantasize about. And at the root of this, left unexamined because white american christianity best prefers to exist as the unquestionable default, is the idea that your thoughts themselves can be morally wrong,and that thinking the wrong things, regardless of whether you act on those thoughts, will make you a bad person. These young people agonizing over perfectly normal desires and wildly expanding the boundaries of any one person's right to consent, still believe in thought crime, that they'll be surveilled, judged, and punished for thinking bad thoughts/things, except instead god doing the surveilling, it's a panopticon of their own built up terror and anxieties.
And like the thing is, I imagine for the vast majority of these folks, all of this is happening well-below conscious thought, in the realm of, again, unexamined bedrock belief. They don't have to examine it, because it fits so easily already.
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mliter · 1 year
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Hi-Fi Rush.
Revealed during some showcase Xbox was having that day, this surprised literally everyone when we learned that it was available right at that moment. No marketing. Any nay-sayers were immidately shut up because the game was right there to play. It was a real ballsy move.
Due to how Forspoken soured any attempt at comedic writing in video games around the time, i immediately turned off the trailer for this game the moment i heard "Yup, that's me." My attitude would quickly change after pressing the play button by accident again.
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I had an extra code for 2 months of Xbox game pass (christ this is a good service) & downloaded it when it was available. Immidately starting the game, i'm introduced with a well animated intro cutscene that seamlessly transitions to the beautiful cel shaded visuals.
At this point, i realized that everything in the world is synced to the beat. the player character's footsteps, his jump (if you can time it right) and almost everything working in the background. After stepping out, i truly recognized how much style this game got.
For one, the character design & art. Look at this!
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Everyone's has a look that i would see at 6:00 PM on Teletoon. Everything that happens makes me think of something that would be written by man of action. Makes me think of Slugterra. Storm Hawks. This type of Disney XD Awesomeness character design is distinct and it blew my mind to see it return in such a fashion. I don't see it that often and i hope this inspires more to look into it. I know it did so for me.
The presentation is some of the most consistent and high quality i've seen in a video game. I felt the same wonder i felt seeing the Lego Movie for the first time while running through this. The animation, both 2D and 3D is outstanding. Hi-Fi Rush likes to flip between the two on a dime, without warning. The cartoony artstyle and how they utilize it is exceptional. Radical color changes, motion lines, visible effects straight out of a comic book, expressions that snap on a dime, allowing for gags to be easily pulled off with little use for realism logic. The cutscenes like to jump to an fps of 24 to keep it up. The sound effects and things that happen within them are all to the beat. There is an insane amount of detail and polish here. This is a playable cartoon, through and through. There's very little to break the illusion they're selling you. There's even animation of both Chai and 808 messing around as you transition to the other part of battle. They don't have to do that, but they did. There's so much love in this project. I see the vision and you will as well. I played the entirety of this just in awe of what i was looking at. This is what happens when you let creatives just. go wild.
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As RANK10YGO put it, everything about this game feels like a can of Fanta on a hot summer day.
The combat is masterful. I hear that people that were involved in some of the greatest character action games were on this project. You've got parrying, movement, and allies that you can swap in to extend combos and disarm specific enemies. The combat isn't really deep, but good lord is it fun. Also, take all of that and put it to the beat of the music.
Exciting camera work, explosive effects, an energetic UI, voice acting that gives everyone life, everything on the screen is moving. All to the beat of Shuichi Kobori's glorious compositions. This is the exact stuff my mind dreams up of when i space off.
The boss fights are absolutely jaw dropping by the way. You think it's gonna go the way you think it is, but it doesn't. It's something different every time, some of them aren't even fights!
Even after finishing off the great story, i unlocked some extra features and a postgame that encouraged me to play again on harder difficulties. Character customization, a model viewer with a wealth of character information & a music player was immediately available to me. Most AAA games like to lock that content behind DLC or pre order bonuses. I thought i was missing out on not getting the deluxe edition. but i felt like i wasn't. The game isnt really that long as well.
It's clear that this game was designed with fun in mind. Profits probably came second, but Tango Gameworks clearly wanted to create something fun and memorable. This is a title that i would've seen in 2010. Not 2023. I had not one bad experience going through this title. It felt like there was absolutely no corporate meddling, nothing holding the team back as they developed it. This shit is what dreams are made of. It's been years since i've been taken in and enamored by a video game like this. I had so much fun. I love Hi-Fi Rush with all of my heart. I'll never forget this.
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alyjojo · 2 months
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April 🤯 2024 Monthly - Aries
Preshuffle: You’re either working together with others, getting or providing help, through what seems to be a difficult or disappointing situation - or you’re disappointed with the lack of cooperation and support you hope to get.
Meditation: Outside of your door, you were getting ready for a race! Your legs were winding up like a cartoon, and you took off FAST, ready to impress, ready to wow 🤩 and amaze. But there was no one on the sides of this race, nothing you expected, and it was really, really long. You went for awhile, determined to win, but with the lack of cheering from the sidelines, no water available (seems important), no support…no one else even racing, what’s the point of winning? Is anyone even waiting for you at the end, or is this just an empty track? At some point, it’s just running.
Main energy: 2 Wands
Your oracles are really encouraging, you do have victory, success, positive attention and recognition coming in, or if not yet then that’s the overall goal. 3 Swords was the first card out, you could be dealing with any number of heartbreaking situations, but I don’t see it getting you down for long, at least not consistently. You’re still in action mode, trying to chart your road to success, moving in silence and maybe being silent about what your plans are from other people. Family? Saturn Cancer can show family, especially children being difficult for you to deal with in whatever this goal or path is. Or someone else’s. Bottom of the deck, you’re healing wounds, probably emotional ones. Or want to.
What’s going on in April:
3 Swords:
Something sneaky may have occurred, or whatever was being “secretively planned” is likely to come out and cause these are the same wounds that are at the bottom of the deck. Or you’re/someone else is being sneaky in order to avoid defensive responses, in whatever way that would apply. You may not be planning in silence at all, you’re just planning to BE silent with someone else. Or they are. Plan accordingly, move how you need to, avoid anyone knowing shit about shit and you can live your life freely however you choose. The only issue I see with that is family, children, whoever else is involved that you would need to hide something from. Or this is switched, because you have victory on your side.
Queen of Swords:
This is Libra energy, you could be dealing with one, or you’re embodying this no nonsense, straight shooter, tell it like it is Queen that is kind, fair, and willing to discuss things that are true, but come at her shady or wrong and she will immediately cut you with that sword. Someone is acting like they don’t see the issue, a problem, maybe not taking accountability, ducking and dodging or sneaking around and lying, that kind of behavior, and Queen of Swords is like who tf are you fooling? If they didn’t see before, they sure do now, or you do. The only thing they don’t know and can’t see is whether or not something toxic is done, addictions are overcome, is it the same merry go round of bullshit that it was before - in whatever way this applies to you. I’m not getting a particular work, home, or yo mama sort of lane. Someone may be breaking silence that’s lasted for awhile, directly confronting and addesssing things they’ve ignored, or had to heal. Or you are. If the plan is to be quiet, idk if that’s going to work out, but I don’t see that being a bad thing. Someone may not know how to overcome something, how to end it, how to heal, and they’re either asking you or going with head & doing what’s most logical to them.
The Magician:
I assume you are creating some kind of new reality for yourself, based on whatever you know with this Queen of Swords energy. You’re tired of living in Moon energy, where there’s no sun ☀️, no clarity, just a bunch of fkn confusion and fear and you’ve been waiting for this - 3 Wands at the bottom, your energy of anticipation, expecting your ships to come in. Before they may not have, 7 Pentacles rev shows having to give up because something just isn’t working, it’s not bearing fruit. So though it breaks your heart, I don’t see you stuck to anything, you’ll just pick up and move in another direction. Maybe not say anything about it this time, in case it fails. I don’t see anything failing 💯
5 Pentacles:
Something has been or needs to be abandoned in order to move on with whatever you’re planning. Saturn Cancer has heavy nostalgia, can be past related, or this is regarding family. If there’s some get together (hopefully not your birthday but could be), you could feel abandoned by the people you care about and them not showing up for you as they normally do, or should. You could be expecting something based on what you’ve done for others, maybe you give them a lot of your time, attention, money, you’d like some recognition & appreciation. Someone could be abandoning a celebration at the last minute or because of a lack of funds. Or maybe it’s you that can’t afford to go out and no one offers to spot you this time, give you a ride or whatever the thing, no one steps up to the plate to do anything. You’re hurt because you would.
Page of Cups:
You will get an apology from whoever has let you down, someone may be going through a Tower moment you aren’t aware of, maybe they weren’t clear about that, they just said they can’t make it. It’s a misunderstanding. Or this person doesn’t realize how much they’ve pulled the rug out from under your feet, and have deeply disappointed you. Someone may have lost a job and just hasn’t said anything, 10 Pentacles at the bottom, or they’re having a family emergency of some kind. If you don’t know, don’t assume the worst. This could be someone that needs money but never comes around or does anything with the family, and it rubs you the wrong way, there’s no equal, you feel like they don’t care about you. If it’s this Queen of Swords, then you’ll be crystal clear on their intentions, but what about yours? Maybe not. Or switch it.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Libra, Leo, Cancer, Taurus, Pisces
Oracle: ✨
37 Emotional Release 🌧
We all want to be strong. As humans we value strength and independence. But also as humans we need the support of our family, our friends, our tribe. Trying so hard to be strong, pushing down emotions such as fear, anger, betrayal, sadness, only forced them to grow and become stronger. The bubbling up and release that eventually comes takes everyone involved by surprise, and sometimes does harm in terms of hurt feelings and words that cannot be taken back. Get into the practice of voicing your feelings - even if it’s just acknowledging them to yourself. Journal, create, dance. Find a way that you can safely feel your most feared emotions. Feel them and then let them go. This is a potentially deep healing for you.
Justice ⚖️
Equality - Neutrality - Logic
Triumph 🏆
Success - Victory - Achievement
Fortune 🥠 Sun - Leo
Charity 😇 Saturn - Cancer
We enter into April as:
Bahana Beige 🎨
“I quietly listen, allowing you to color your own palate.”
If you are drawn to Bahana Beige, it is time to take an impartial look at your situation and drop the excuses. Your answers will come when you remain still. Take no action at this time. The action of Bahana Beige is to listen. Now is the time to consider the other side, because there may be some valuable insights in another point of view. This technique can help produce great strides in communication in your relationships. When we are fixed on a position (or opinion), we are not in the neutral space of Bahana Beige.
This is an opportunity to see who you are in a relationship. Ask yourself, “How does my present attitude or position serve me?” When you answer this question, you will begin to gain more insight into choosing what is for the highest good in any situation. Another way to position a question is in thinking from the other person’s point of view. Is there another way to see this situation? What do you see now?
What is to be learned in April:
Aqua People 🌊
“I need more, better, bigger. Yes, that will make me okay.”
Aqua People is about getting “caught up”. We all say we will stop when we have “enough” in our lives, but there never is enough. Stop already! Before moving past your dissatisfaction, you must find more purpose for water than just having it. Balance is needed in all areas of our lives. To ask for more from an abundant situation is wasteful. You are not fully using that which you are currently receiving; in fact it may be time to give back. You must begin to use your own resources because you do have all you need. If you cannot find what you seek inside of yourself, you will never find any peace. Color your world with more than one focus. Give up the belief that your way is the “only way”.
Remember the turkey drowns in the rain because he cannot stop looking up at it. You must nourish what has nourished you. If you are seeking a love relationship, Aqua People tells you that you have chosen to be around people that are self-serving as you have been. This may indicate difficulties in that area. If we give up the need to “have it all”, we can be it all. It is then much easier to coexist with one another. If you presently have a relationship in your life, be aware of not seeking to blame your partner for your own dissatisfaction. Since what we focus on is what we create more of, it is time to acknowledge and thank the people you love, and begin changing your focus.
Aqua/Teal may be a lucky color 🩵
Happy Birthday Aries! 🎉
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blockgeni · 8 months
On a laptop or smartphone, artificial intelligence can create an autonomous robot in less than 30 seconds. It's not need to panic just yet about anyone being able to build a Terminator while they're standing in line for the bus, according to a recent study, because the robots are merely straightforward machines that move in straight lines without doing more complicated duties. (Interestingly, though, they never seem to acquire a configuration that involves wriggling, moving like an inch worm, or slithering.) But with more effort, the approach might democratise robot creation, claims Sam Kriegman, a computer scientist and engineer at Northwestern University and the study's lead author. According to Kriegman, it truly restricts the variety of the problems being posed when only big businesses, governments, and big academic institutions have sufficient computer power [to create with artificial intelligence]. What's really fascinating is making these tools more accessible. Design may appear to be the logical next step given that AI can currently drive vehicles and write essays. According to Columbia University roboticist Hod Lipson, who was not engaged in the research, it is difficult to develop an algorithm that can successfully construct a real-world product. The latest study, according to Lipson, is a huge step forward, but there are still a lot of questions. The technique builds robots that are capable of a particular task—in this example, forward locomotion—using a simulation of evolution. Before, evolving robots required generating random variations, testing them, improving the top performers with fresh variations, then testing those versions once more. According to Kriegman, that calls for a lot of computing power. As an alternative, he and his coworkers used a technique called gradient descent, which is more akin to directed evolution. It varies from random evolution in that the algorithm can evaluate how well a certain body plan will perform in comparison to the ideal. The process begins with a randomly generated body design for the robot. The AI can focus on the routes that have the best chance of success for each iteration. We gave the [algorithm] a way to determine if a mutation would be beneficial or detrimental, according to Kriegman. The researchers created their robots using random shapes in their computer simulations, gave the AI the task of creating terrestrial locomotion, and then let the nascent robots loose in a simulated world to evolve. Reaching the ideal state just required ten simulations and a few seconds. According to research published on October 3 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, the robots were able to start moving from their initial, immobile body plans at speeds of up to 0.5 body length per second, or roughly half the speed at which people walk. The study also discovered that the robots consistently evolved legs and began walking. Lipson thinks it was impressive that the AI could develop something practical from a random form after only a few repetitions. By 3-D printing a mold of their best-performing robot's design and filling it with silicone, the researchers created examples of the robot to test whether the simulations were effective in real-world situations. To simulate muscles flexing and expanding, they pushed air into tiny gaps in the form. Each of the resulting robots was approximately the size of a bar of soap, and they moved like clumsy tiny cartoon figures. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="720"] An AI designed this little walking robot. Credit: Northwestern University[/caption] Because AI-simulated robots don't often transition into the actual world, Kriegman adds, they were really excited about it just moving at all and moving in the right direction. N. Katherine Hayles, a research professor at the University of California, Los Angeles and a professor emerita at Duke University, claims that despite the robots' simplicity and limited functionality, the research represents a step towards more sophisticated robot design.
How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics, published by the University of Chicago Press in 1999, is another book by this author. It would be powerful to combine the brains and bodies, she argues, because the gradient descent method is already well-established in the building of artificial neural networks, sometimes known as neural nets—AI approaches that are inspired by the human brain. According to Hayles, the real innovation in this area will occur when you combine an evolvable body with gradient descent methods to develop neural nets. Then, as with biological beings, the two may coevolve. According to Lipson, AI that is capable of inventing new products might free humans from a number of nagging issues, such as designing the next-generation batteries that could slow down climate change and discovering new antibiotics and drugs for diseases that now have no known cures. These simple substantial robots are a step in that direction, he claims. All bets are off, according to Lipson, if we can create algorithms that can create things for us. There will be a tremendous upsurge for us. Source link
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signalwatch · 10 months
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smolsidesandco · 3 years
Can have cg sides hcs? Even th dark ones plz an thanks u
Ackkkkkk i forgot to post this but,
Yeah! I would love to share some headcannons! I already have a lot for Janus just because I have written them as a cg, so I hope these are good!
• Janus is wonderful at helping smalls when they need to be distracted from icky thoughts.
• They have many textured baby and kid toys for the smol to choose from.
• They aren't a very strict cg but they do use the techniques of gentle parenting with the smol they're looking after.
• They're the go to side when it comes to a smol having a meltdown or tantrum. They're reassure them that what they feeling is valid and calmly talk to them about whats wrong and options they could choose to feel better or could use to get their emotions out.
• They tend to be able to find loops holes in the rules depending on specific scenarios that they would happily use to be able to sneak the smol a secret cookie or candy.
• When its time for a smol to go to bed they either team up with Roman to tell a nice bedtime story, full of voices and soft things. Or teaming up with Patton to gently rock and hum smols to bed.
• Normally they don't like having their scales touched, but if its for a smol, they tend to let that slide and let any smols use the textures to stim.
• They don't change their sarcastic sassy attitude when they're helping a smol. They don't do the whole baby talking either. They don't enjoy treating a smol like they don't know how to do anything.
• They'll keep an eye on the smol and ask them if they need help or if they would like some help. Reassuringly them that if they do, they would be happy to help and that its okay.
• If the smol their watching does something on their own, you can bet Janus is proud of them.
• "Oh my, you did all this yourself? Well you did a wonderful job on it!"
• They enjoy being a cg in the same way someone would regress to get a break from the big world.
• They can also make sure a smol is taking care of themself
• Patton is without a doubt a very snuggly and excited cg.
• They love baking for and with their smol!
• They absolutely let whatever smolntheir watching that they can link the batter off the spoon (much to logans dismay)
• They hold the smols hands and help them mix batter or cutting out cookie shapes!
• If its a bigger smol, they'll let you crack an egg and throw it away all by yourself!
• Patton falls into baby talking a lot whenever their watching a smol.
• Baby talking, plus helping the smol with most things.
• They tend to assume that the smol will need help with most things, and its almost second nature for them to help with everything.
• Patton is pretty good at watching younger smols. Older smalls tend to be harder for them to help, since they tend to want to do a lot of things theirself, but they tries their best.
• They love taking their smol kiddo outside to play.
• Having picnics and going to the park is one of their favorite activities! And they'll pack the smols favorite picnic safe food!
• Loves trying out cute pintrest food trends. And packing the smols lunch in cute themed lunch boxes.
• Surprisingly Logan helps Patton a lot with making food, and making it look really nice.
• Their logic states that a smol will be more inclined to eat their food, including veggies and the sorts, if it looks nice.
• Maybe a unicorn themed lunch will get a smol to eat their carrots. Or a sky themed one will get thoes mash potatoes off their plate.
• Logan has done quite a lot of research on this topic, especially if it due to helping the smol.
• For every smol they know, they plan/analyze/ and write down atleast five different lunch options and themes that would work the best based on the smols pallet and what they like.
• Of course this all also means they expect the smol to eat all their veggies and if you don't eat them you don't get dessert.
• Using the excuse of not liking the veggies seems impossible as well since each meal is catered to the person.
• They create schedules for the smol to follow, filled with times to eat, sleep, play, and even watch cartoons.
• They tend to be rather stuck on what they shedual is and won't take a straight up no when they say its bed time.
• Of course communicating and making sure there isn't any other reason or deeper meaning to the smol not wanting to do something they should is something they try to figure out first.
• They love watching documentaries with the smol!
• Especially ones about space, the ocean, or how something is made.
• They have many worksheets, learning games, and puzzles for the smol to work through with them if they would like.
• Another carer/baby sitter that loves puzzles is our favorite wacky ratboi.
• Surprisingly, seeing a smol is almost an instantaneous flip to them.
• While they're basically the same wacky fun uncle as normal, they know how unpleasant icky phrases or words can be when a safe space like this is involved.
• Its also nice for them because their brain sort of does it automatically, so its a well wanted break from all their intrusive thoughts.
• They will actively find every way they can to break the rules with a smol.
• Whether that be skipping bedtime, eating icecream for breakfast, eating so much candy.
• In their mind 'chaos needs to be chaos, and I rather the smol chaos happen around me so I can make sure the chaos doesn't hurt anyone'
• They don't mind letting the smol put glitter or whatever in their mustache.
• They work well with older smols who can jump around and do a lot of things with supervision.
• Watching horror movies or scary ghost shows is something they're happy to watch with the smol! (As long as the smol wants)
• They'll sneak any veggies you don't want off your plate and eat them for you.
• Mixing everytype of icecream sounds like a good idea right?
• 10000 percent make 'magical potions' with you with all the shampoo and soaps.
• Pranks galore
• When the smol isn't causing chaos or watching cartoons, Roman will make sure the smol feels like a royal.
• That includes dressing up, makeup, hair, and going on adventures!
• They love setting up little quest for the smol to go on and solve.
• Helping them defeat dragons, monsters, and all kinds of things!
• They work better with older smols but can watch a younger smol and be their princely knight to protect the baby royal!
• They like going outside and letting the smol explore with them.
• Sometimes in the woods looking for cool sticks and rocks to bring home and let Logan look over.
• Other times going on the nature trail at the park and saying its a serious quest.
• They don't activatively try to break the rules with the smol like Remus. They more so simply forget that they're are rules and things like bedtime for the smol.
• Arts and crafts are another fun thing they're good at with the smol. They have so many coloring books and craft supplies.
• Pretty much prepared for simple coloring, all the way to paper mache.
• Whenever a smol is afraid of something, they try to 'defeat it' whether its needing to spar and imaginary monster in the closet and sending them back home, or vanquishing the horrible spider by taking it away to a safe place.
• They sing songs and lullabies to help the smol calm down or sleep.
• Disney move marathons galore.
• So many spinny hugs.
• Virgil is the best with younger smols.
• They're less likely to wander away when they're not looking.
• Easier to help them when they need help
• They don't tend to want to do things by themselves. Which is good for them because just sitting there isn't good for their nerves.
• They tend to stay close by.
• Virgil is better with younger smols because they find them easier to watch in general.
• Its also a good time to wind down and focus on someone that isn't themself.
• They always have baby wipes and bandaids on hand.
• Isn't really the one for baby talking with a smol.
• They're really good with sounds and making sure the smol isn't overwhelmed by loudness or things being too quiet.
• Lives for creepy crawlies and Halloween things with their smol.
• Binge watching Tim Burton movies while eating rice crispies.
• Let's the smol cuddle up into their arms and sleep whenever they want.
• On occasion will let the smol wear their jacket.
• Is extremely careful when it comes to food and making sure the smol doesn't get hurt.
• Whenever the smol is scared they either call Roman to come be the knight or helps them feel safe by promising their fear is valid but they're safe. Virgil knows a lot about danger and scary things so they gotta know something about the scary thing
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Could you do hcs pf amy getting turned on by jake BUT because of things he does like saying somehing smart or the moments she realizes he's not that bad when "his moral compass is on fire" (pre dating or not)
ah I see what you mean! :D
- I know the moral compass thing has been a joke in the show of being a 'recent' thing thanks to Amy, but I believe he's always had a pretty good one in situations where it counts. Like she and Jake and Rosa were setting up a prank on Charles and Jake was all giddy and excited until Rosa went a step too far in her suggestions and he suddenly turned superserious, telling her 'No' so strictly even Rosa was surprised (and she's seen how strict he can be if he wants to). Like he knows where the line is for Charles, which is pretty far out, but he's not going to cross it and hurt his friend. That moment of his concerned face and the way he said 'No' replays in Amys head for at least a week after...
- two words: interrogation room. Jake without a smile on his face and with dark eyes questioning a perp they KNOW has done something horrible, his voice all deep and serious, and his entire behaviour is just so... mature, and authoritative, it goes straight to her fantasies
- likewise those moments where his lightbulb turns on and he solves a case with a rush idea, scrambling through evidence pictures or throwing together files and recounting the story he's just figured out is a Gold Star in sexiness to her. It's literally his brain in overdrive using his detective skills, and he IS smart, in his very own way, and how could anyone not be attracted to that?!
- "Are you mad that I corrected you? Are you superproud? Are you secretly turned on?" YES to all of those, goddamnit, the rarest moments where he catches a mistake of hers, whether it was grammatically or logically or something in her files drives her absolutely wild, because she does not fail, but it also drives her wild the other way, because he's noticed and he's definitely learned that from her and there's just this mix of pride, anger, possesiveness and arousal raging in her
- the softes kind of 'oooh mama' moment happens when they've been together for a while and she doesn't really need any fantasies or imaginary moments anymore. They've got a little girl in the precinct who was involved in a pretty nasty drug bust - she's not a witness or a victim, but they can't let her go either because her dad is currently in a jailcell and her mom can't be reached, so they have to wait for Social Services. She's scared and Terry has tried his best to talk to her but he's also tall and kinda intimidating, and Charles is weird as usual, and Amy has been stumbling over her words because she's so worried about her. Rosa is still involved with the actual case, but she probably wouldn't be helpful if she was there either. But Jake is just Jake. He offers the girl some of his candy and tells her he knows a secret code for the vending machine if she wants to try it out, he gets her to play 'toss the popcorn (we just stole from the vending machine) into sleeping Scully's mouth' and high-fives her when she beats his record. He doesn't mention her dad or the case or anything that she went through that day, really, he just treats her like a little buddy, and she absolutely blooms. She's asleep snuggled into his side on the breakroom couch watching some cartoons on his phone when her mum shows up (who was unreachable at work, thinking her mother-in-law was taking care of her daughter and absolutely inconsolable when Amy finally got through to her cellphone). Jake carries her down in his arms like a little monkey to her mom's car, and when he comes back saying he gave her his number if she had any more problems, Amy knows that he's not going to sleep that night if she gets any say in it. Who knew that seeing the man you've already decided you're definitely gonna marry someday be sweet and kind and perfect with a child was this sexy?
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 years
Weird week behind me weird week ahead of me but I’ve done a lot of self reflection and came to the weirdest epiphany. The older I get the more I realize all my ‘problems’ with VivziePop - her thoughts on criticism;  the choices she makes in story telling; some of the people she’s worked with (not that any of that’s my business; I’m not her mom) really aren’t about Viv, but more about her fandom.
I’m speaking of the preHazbin era Viv here and as someone who’s only watch horny fish jump at the surface rather than jump straight into the Hazbin-fandom, but given my ‘noncritical’ fellow fans have told me that the Vivziefandom now is also terrible - I guess I’ll go over my experience and make the most out of what I do know.
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I followed Viv in 2009 and fell off in 2013 cause I kinda just lost interest and found myself wrapped up in other fandoms. I’ve always felt amicable about her content; I could give or take designs or the way in which she wrote characters -- ((Zech represent!!!)) but it’s honestly surreal and really fun seeing this person I recognize make it big and improve so much. Like I’ve said before I am very happy and very impressed with Viv doing all she’s done in the span of TWO YEARS. wow gurl.
Trouble is, there was the particular breed of fan who really made me...uncomfortable. They felt almost possessive of Viv’s attention. They sang praises about her work in a way that just made me want nothing to do with it because I was worried if I drew those characters these people would be like ‘hey, I’M Viv’s fav artist, not you!”. They would  unironically write Viv messages like:
“you are a GOD” -- “I’m so not worthy compared to you” --“I wish I was as talented as you” -- “YOU ARE EVERYTHING AND CAN’T DO WRONG VIV”.
The kind of messages which were meant to sound flattering but, intentional or not, came off as gaslighting, like they were guilt tripping Viv about being better than them. This behavior, treating your favorite artist/internet personality like your superior and groveling like Starscream, it strikes a nerve with me; partly because I was this way with my favorite artists and influences back in the day,  but also because once I got a taste of that treatment myself I realized just how bad it could be:
There was once a girl on dA who was jealous of me because of the attention I got on my art instead of her. I told her that I wasn’t gonna stop drawing but also that there was nothing wrong with her art and she’d find her place. It was weird being put in that position where someone is very clearly upset at you but also looking for your approval.
The second was some scumball who I blocked in 2016. He wouldn’t speak to me, only write condescending, backhanded comments on my art; check on my profile daily; call me a bootlicker (cuz I took commissions) behind my back; redrew my art and would talk about me in his personal artist notes about how I ‘probably wouldn’t see this’ - oh yeah all the while he did fan art of my characters but again never spoke to me when I replied. When I finally messaged him about his behavior he said he thought I was “really overrated” and “bad for the fandom” cuz I took money and kept him from getting the love he deserved. It took messaging another person within our fandom, one I had been in spats with online before, to finally realize I shouldn't put up with that bs....
That guy who was stalking me btw did so while I was well under 1.K watchers and am still pretty obscure. Anyway, I had one guy unhealthily watching me for the wrong reasons. Just one. This is why when Viv says she “hates creeps” I 150% believe this woman and am not about to call her a liar who just can’t take criticism. Like, if you really think that, I’m sorry but you don’t know what Viv’s gone through from both her critics AND fans.
Of course, a lot of people will be like “I bet you’re just jealous and really just want that kind of attention yourself so you’re preaching to the choir”, but like...no. I am envious of just about any creator who’s the social butterfly I’m not, but, like, if I'm jealous of an artist none of that is that artists’ fault. Ever. It’s my own issues with being comfortable with myself are at stake. If I criticize Viv’s work it’s not because I see her as competition or my Squilliam Fancyson; it’s because I’m a critical fan of animation and cartoons and have my own thoughts to share on the cartoons of an artist I’m familiar with.  Jealousy/envy/mixed-admiration/godIwishthatwereme.jpeg feels are totally natural and valid emotions when you’re a creator. Envy becomes a problem when you internalize, weaponize, and scrutinize people on the basis of them being what you aren’t which -yes - some people do in the name of criticism. ((Although, I would hardly say some of the nastiest AntiViv folk are jealous as much as they are angry that this project they think is harmful is getting attention and using that as justification for some really shitty behavior of their own, which no, this post is not a part of by virtue of coming from a critical fan.))
Critique can come from either a good place or bad place; good critique can be used to bad ends and bad critique can come from a well-meaning place, and vice versa.   It’s the difference between many a criticalfan having a sour taste in their mouth regarding the Viv’s base but persisting in a critique+admiration separate of that, and this asswipemonster trying to weasel his way into Spindlehorse while also bashing Viv on a public forum for clearly vitriolic reasons. He was a creep.
So yeah um please stop insisting that every Hazbin critic is just jealous’ because a) there are people who have a past with Viv’s base and that clouds their judgement, but in a lot of cases that doesn’t invalidate their feelings or thoughts on her work separate from that, and b) I’ve seen what clingy gaslighting jealous fans are. Spoiler: they’re not so much Annie Wilkes as much as they are Tommy Wiseaus. You don’t want Tommy Wiseau following you.
Another bad vibe I really picked up on that I can kinda confirm is still probably the case now: people think that they know Viv and the Spindlehorse crew and have the right to send them shit they don’t need or WANT to be seeing.
Like, I talked with Viv once ages ago. I don’t remember what I said other than we were talking about Frankenweenie, I think. She was nice. Outside of that she said “thank you” to my comments on her deviations but that’s it. I DO NOT KNOW THIS WOMAN AND unless you’ve worked with or are a legit friend/mutual of hers, NEITHER DO YOU. But I don’t think every Vivzie stan/critic knows this. Whether it be people assuming she MUST think they’re headcanon is now canon-canon cuz she liked a comment they made; or some critic thinking they must have seriously hurt her pride because they’ve been blocked by her on twitter (or you know, maybe she and the rest of Spindlehorse is tired of getting @s and don’t have to time to read through your analysis so they’re gonna just block and move on cuz they’re busy).
Just because the creators talk with fans doesn’t mean fans are literally their best friends and have a part in the show’s direction. And yes, critics and reviewers fit that bill as well. Know your damn boundaries people.
If you find/make some kind of contribution as a viewer that’s awesome but you should never expect nor DEMAND the creator see it. The most obvious horror stories involving this and Helluva/Hazbin have been the Instagrams made by the crew being harassed by incestpedo enthusiasts, but it applies even to just @ing creators as well.
I’ve seriously had someone tell me to just take my criticisms directly to Viv and like...no. Why would I do that?
I respect Viv and the artists working with her enough to know that they’re working their asses off on an animated series and should not be bothered. I don’t want them to stop all they’re doing and reply to me. I want them to keep working. Also, that kind of logic makes me wonder how many critics Viv’s found because she found it on her own or if some obsessed fan told her about it - which is really messed up cuz if it IS just good critique you’re, again, just pestering her, and if it wasn’t critique but full on harassment WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU MESSAGE HER ABOUT THAT ANYWAY? I’m sure she doesn’t need to be reminded that people drew and said really awful shit about her on Tapatalk. My point being I’m sure what people think they’re doing is
“OOOoh Viv lookitwut this person is doing in our fandom we need to ban together against this toxic behavior”
but what they’re actually doing, and sounding like, is -
“Hey Viv I know you are working so hard on the show and you’re trying to figure out where to go from here but LOOKITWHUTTHISHATERSAID. LOOKATIT! VALIDATE ME VIV AND PUT’EM IN THEIR PLAAAAAACE!”
TL;DR Viv’s fanbase back in the day consisted of everyman artists and interests but there was this one breed of fan -who I hope was just a vocal minority- that ruined it for everything else.
Call it stanning or ‘simping’ or as it’s classically known, ‘white knighting’, whatever it was it really soured a lot of people on her because of those fans.
That’s why the DollCreep drama got so bad from what I can tell. Doll and Viv had a falling out and then called out eachother online where people who took it upon themselves to speak for them starting throwing mud.
Back in the day I remember Viv used to get mad at artists for ‘stealing’ her style. I think this attitude from Viv directly has vanished but I remember it happening because one of the people she thought was stealing her style did art for me at some point and they were basically shamed/chased off deviantART by a gaggle of these really nasty Vivfans.
I don’t know that. And honestly, where I’m inclined to believe she’d do something like that then I think Viv is really different and has improved her business and public image from her college days. I’d be very disappointed in her if she was pulling a Butch Hartman or Derek Savage, but I just don’t think she is one, k?
Viv is more self critical and aware than any of these uber protective-gatekeeping fans give her credit for. She said on the Pizzapartypodcast that she knows the Hazbin pilot wasn’t perfect; she’s been able to identify the problems with old Zoophobia; this woman knows that criticism of all kinds need to exist and from what I see she sounds like she’s trying to get used to that. It’s just, you know, when you have nasty antis badgering you, stalkers, obsessive yes-mam’ fans, opinionated shit posters, r34 artists, entitled shippers and the NDAs of a company alongside your own branded image - all that negativity, even the constructive bits, tend to clump together and you just want to scream at it so you can finish the damn cartoon already!!!!
VivziePop/mind is basically indie Tim Burton.  Her work is fun, shallow and made with love but is marketed as being for everyone when it’s really not. Parts of it I love to watch; parts of it drives me crazy cuz of reasonswhatev this isn’t a review.
BUT any fanbase where people tell me I should just “expect what’s coming to me” when I’m trying to argue against dragging creators into fandrama is troubling. People have a parasocial bond with fandoms and their creators and they need to learn when to back off.
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anti-porn-unicorn · 3 years
I’m a girl (18 now) who got exposed/addicted to pornography at a really young age, and I wanted to share my specific story on this blog so that the platform can get it out there.
Under the cut is my full story, and it’s a little long winded, so if you don’t want to read the whole thing, I bolded in purple the general topic/idea of that section. Just look for whichever of those interests you and the section will be about that. The first and last paragraph are good for context and end goal, though.
Thank you.
I don't fully remember my first exposure to porn. I know I was in third grade (6-7 yrs old, I had skipped a grade). The reason I had wanted to share my story, in fact, is because I don't see many stories with circumstances similar to mine. Most I see have at least one of the following 'modifiers', for want of a better word. Most I see have at least one of the following 'modifiers', for want of a better word. Most I see have at least one of the following 'modifiers', for want of a better word. 1. The person is a victim of CSA/grooming. 2. The person was at a generally pubescent age (~11-14). And/or 3. The person experienced porn as a quick disturbance. To be clear, these stories are as valid and important as mine, and I simply think more perspectives make evidence of the effects of porn more airtight. I've never been the victim of SA, harassment, or grooming, ever in my life. My story shows the effects of exclusively porn.
The first memory I can recall about this was actually the first time I got caught. I was 6 yrs old, and very into video games,so on this day, I was playing a 3D porn game on my crappy hand-me-down laptop. I kind of knew that what I was doing wasn't acceptable, so I was sitting in my room in the corner as far from my door as possible. My mom walked in so I just slammed the laptop shut because I wasn't that good at hiding things. My mom obviously asked what I was doing, and I tried to keep her from looking, but it was right there when she reopened it. This is where the battle of it begins.
From ages 6-14 I don't have a good timeline of events but a few pop out that exemplify the severity of the issue. These are very probably out of order.
I got an iPod Touch for Christmas (~6-7), and every night I would watch porn on it until they caught on. I literally still remember some names of the sites, most that don't even exist anymore. My parents have always been amazingly caring. I couldn't ask for more. During the earlier ages (~6-8) I was put with a child therapist for fear of a deeper issue. My parents started either taking technology away in the night and/or setting restrictions on the internet. Unfortunately, between my slight tech-savvy, and my crazed addiction at this point, this wasn't a solution.
The addiction got DEEP. It warped my brain. When I had no technology, I used everything I could find.
Whenever I had access to less restricted internet, I used it. Once I asked my older cousin to use her iPod and watched it on there.(she noticed and told my mom. I remember my mom had asked me "Is there anything you need to tell me?", and I knew what she meant, but I just said "nope!" and walked away. At one point my dad's work provided him with a Blackberry, and I asked him could I play one of the built in little games. Once I had it, I watched porn. (when I gave it back to him he pressed the "back" button, and I was caught.)
I used Youtube. This was when YouTube was way less moderated (back when the app was a little old timey TV). I learned I could look up "striptease" and "nip-slip" and other stuff like that, finding more soft-core videos that could suffice when the internet in general was locked down.
I straight-up found out ways to disable the restrictions. Once I found out my mom's PIN for the controls, I went and disabled them, but changed the PIN so it would look like they were still on, and so that she couldn’t access and re-enable them. (I made it 7399. Spells "sexy". My mind was a mess.)
My parents bought a book called "The Classical Tradition". I'm just learning now as I'm looking it up that it was a Harvard Reference Library book (probably why it was so damn thick) about ancient Greek and Roman culture. I didn't know that. I had realized that sprinkled throughout the book there were pages that were more glossy than the rest, which you could see from the sides of the pages (the book was HUGE). These were the photo paper, which had the classical paintings and sculptures. And because these had nudity (Think "The Birth of Venus" type) I would regularly flip through this book when I needed a "fix". Absurd.
My parents got me an American Girl book that was made to ease worries about the developmental years. The pages on breast development / the anatomy of the vagina were what I looked at the most. When my parents had gotten me the child therapist, there was the logical fear that I might have been molested. The therapist gave me a book where there was a page with two cartoon mice, a boy and a girl. They were wearing swimwear/underwear and the point of that was "anywhere the clothing is covering is somewhere that adults can't touch you without telling.” They might as well have been stick figures, there was NO detail. But since they were in ‘underwear’ I'd always look at that page a lot. Anything barely vaguely sexual.
During this part of my life, I got no real pleasure out of this, I was just obsessed. For the first year I even watched it on mute out of fear of being caught. The lowest point during this period was when I very unfortunately filmed a video of me touching myself. I got nothing out of it and had no intent on ever sending or posting it. I was just emulating what I had been seeing. I deleted it the next day. I was 9 then.
From puberty until now (11-18) is when my sexuality was shaped by it. The addiction was far more controllable, I could spend a couple weeks to a couple months without it, but I'd always come back. Because it was now tied to my body. And while my need for it to be constant was gone, now I had to deal with the tolerance issue.
Over time what I watched became more and more depraved. I had the personal preference of hating anything amateur, because of the low quality, so I managed to avoid anything obviously non-consensual or involving visibly underaged girls, but that doesn't really mean much with the stuff the studios were putting out. During the middle points it got REALLY violent and disturbing. Bordering on torture (extreme kink) and even bodily deformation. As a young woman, I couldn't really tolerate any of the role based Kinks (father-daughter, babysitter, schoolgirl), so more extreme for me meant more extreme acts. Just absolute destruction of women's bodies for the purposes of sex. I moved away from that when tumblr banned porn and I started using reddit for it, and also during that time I was realizing how fucked up of an addiction that this was, even before I found feminism/anti-porn. I actively started trying to quit it, for good. But I always went back.
One big effect is heavy confusion with my sexual orientation. A lot of people face this, but the addition of porn for me really throws things off. Like: Am I bi, and a form of comphet/denial/inexperience keeps me from seeing women in a romantic way? Is it a mix of that and porn? (relatively likely) Or am I just straight, and the porn has completley shaped my mind (likely). 90% of the time I watched solo female content or lesbian content, and could only stand to watch certain specific forms if it included men at all. In real life I find a fair amount of men attractive but their bodies in a sexual sense are tolerable at best, but usually cringe inducing. l've never been attracted to a woman romantically, but exclusively women's bodies are sexual to me. It feels like everything in my brain that I would have been able to use in order to figure myself out has been permanently overwritten with incorrect information. Because of porn.
I've still got it bad. Every once in a while, I’ll read something vaguely sexual, or see a woman in a risque photo, and then the seed is planted. I'll always say "I'm not going to do it, I always feel disgusting after, it’s not even really enjoyable at this point, I can do better than this”. I always give in the end of the night. I'm 7 days off of it. I've been on this earth for 18 years. 12 of those years I've been cripplingly addicted to pornography. Two thirds of my life, and for as long as I can remember. I can never undo it. Just like an alcoholic will always be an alcoholic, only able to achieve remission, I will always be a porn addict. I have to be careful. But I have to hope for the future. And with finding the community that is speaking the truth about this, I'm heartened to do better. To no longer be held down by an addiction to consuming my own oppression.
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nicholasmage · 3 years
People will really write whole essays on here with all this grandiose language trying to appear academic and logical but they never come outright and say "I like to look at drawings of kids having sex. I spend alot of my time thinking about and looking for drawings/stories of children in graphic sexual scenarios."
You can use all the fancy talk to want and talk about "anti" this and that, but at the end of the day maybe think about why won't you just straight up say it? Just say you like to look at cartoons of and read graphic stories about kids fucking!
Why won't you just say it? Could it be...the subject matter you spend all your time thinking about and creating and defending... might reveal something about you as a person??
No technically you're not "hurting anybody" but really really think about why you won't directly admit that you like to watch/read about KIDS FUCKING.
It's because you KNOW it reveals something about YOU.
It's not just like having a favorite genre like "I like to read about space! I like to read crime thrillers!"
No, you like to read/look at content that has no other purpose than sexual gratification involving children, but you won't even admit that that's what it is for you.
And that's what makes me laugh every time I see these people's posts.
You're all cowards in the end hiding behind the anonymity of the internet because you know if you admitted these things in real life, people would be concerned.
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gamergirluprising · 4 years
Hello, everyone, I’d like to share somethings that have urked me and outright surprise me when getting deeper and deeper into this whole shebang cause honestly, this is too much to NOT notice. If you're wondering what I am talking about I am referring to all the stuff I found out about Viv and the fact that she never truly seemed sorry for what she's done to said people based on what I have found out and what she's said in recent years.
Now you all may say "G, she said she's sorry and that's that. Don't bring up things that happened years ago or have been resolved." and look, man, I'd leave it alone if it was CLEAR that she was truly a person of her word, wasn't a hypocrite, and didn't cause 3 people to be suicidal and cause/know of witchhunts that she KNOWS happened and/or wanted to happen. You guys can like her all you want and defend her, but be sure they are good defenses, understand WHERE I am coming from, and be mindful of what I am saying. Don't just ignore everything she did just cause you THINK she's super nice or because she's your idol.
I will also emphasize that I wish for NO ONE to send any unnecessary hate or anything of the like to Viv. You don't stoop to someone else's level just cause they did some bad crap. I just wanted to say any of this, loud and clear, cause its straight facts that shouldn't be buried just cause she wants to hold onto her image the best she can. That isn't at all fair to those victims who have been wronged and had their names tainted over her destructive and mean-spirited hypocritical behavior. AGAIN DO NOT ATTACK VIV AND DON'T THINK ME CALLING HER OUT IS A REASON TO HATE HER. We can be better than her in terms of handling things. Do not also think me calling her out shouldn't have been done JUST CAUSE you don't wanna hear it or not. If you don't wanna see it, you don't have to read it.
with that being said, LET'S DISSECT.
 S T A R V A D E R
First I have to start off relaying to you guys what Starvader had stated at the beginning of the document so you'll get a jist of why she even spoke up in the first place. 
 "I type this document with no malicious intent only my personal thoughts on how I feel recently about the situation since its been on my mind well every day now since 2013. At least five years I’ve had thoughts below as to my personal experience of meeting an ex idol and why sometimes meeting your idol isn’t the best approach. For me, that ex idol is Vivienne Medrano creator of Zoophobia and Hazbin Hotel. I’m not aiming to defame this creator nor do I think people should stop liking their work or stop supporting them. If you like their work there is nothing wrong with that but I will refuse to silence myself any longer due to how much this rarely leaves my mind and tends to come up. This has been a situation swept under the rug and most would probably state ‘ well why are you bringing all this up now it was so and so years ago you guys squashed this etc etc “ that being the case, sorry doesn’t fix emotional trauma that comes up frequently during depressive episodes and comments do tend to stick to people in a certain way. Apology or not, words have a heavy weight to them."
I put this here even though I will be putting a link to her doc because people will most likely not read or press the link and just act as if Starvader wanted blood. No, she stated her mind and was clear when saying she wanted no harm done to Viv.
In this link It tells anyone who comes across it what she and some others mentioned here had to go through when being compared by Viv, wanting to do what's right and still being "called out" and bullied while getting hate sent to them, and having been told how her dreams would never ever be achieved and that she should practically give up, how she put friends against one another, etc. It showcases screenshots of these examples. 
It all began with the accusation of art theft. The very thing she played the victim in with someone else. I'm sure some of you old-time fans of Viv know who this person was and are aware of the beef they had with one another. After reading Starvader's Doc, I want you to look at the post Vivziepop made to defame someone known as 
  D O L L C R E E P
This may be a throwback to you and you all may have thought this person was abusive. I won't say that they did absolutely nothing wrong since they themselves have said they did some wrong in the situation, but I will say that one was more of a problem starter than the other. 
Notice in this post that the very things she did to Starvader she said DollCreep did to her and how she tries and paint DollCreep as this SEVERELY abusive person. Hell even in Starvader's document you'll see that DollCreep told SV that he talked with Viv about the whole thing regarding SV and Viv and she apparently listened at the time. Not to mention that the screenshots Viv put in that post were either take(very possibly) taken out of context or not even bad to begin with (though his reply about the face thing was odd and shouldn't have been addressed b but due to circumstances, I think that's why he was so cautious). I don't know DC like that, but this kinda makes me feel as though he wasn't a bad person Viv makes him out to be and more her trying to destroy his image ENTIRELY for her benefit, cause till this very day she still calls him an abuser and someone she doesn't want to meet again. 
if you continue on into the post she made, you'll see that she has made characters, EERILY SIMILAR to DC's, some WAY MORE than others. SV was willing to change some of the designs and even wanted to stop, Viv, however, seemed to take great offense over such an accusation and took to social media to make her frustrations known. SV kept this hidden from 2013 to 2018.
Oh btw, if you read the doc you'll see that SV wanted to commit suicide. DC actually attempted it. The cyberbullying ran that deep and it ANGERS me.
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here’s what someone who saw the sitch had to say.
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can find everything here regarding what DC said about the sitch. You guys DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HURT THIS PERSON. It actually pisses me off that people even attacked DC and blindly believed Viv. It’s Johnny Depp’s situation all freaking over again
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Here’s the picture of Viv saying that he was abusive, completely ignoring her behavior, and knowing hate would be sent to DC. Again won’t say that DC was completely innocent but damn man, was this necessary? DC even said that they talked it out and everything 
Don’t even get me started on the whole character credit fiasco that Viv refused to properly fix.
Look at this as well.
it mentions SV again, but it also brings into light a parody character meant to mock DC during all of this drama. 
DollCreep does the same thing back and is treated like the enemy. Hypocrisy at its finest.
now, most of you guys will be saying that this all happened in the past. It’s over, some will say, She’s changed (some of you may even say that these people deserve it. Yes people actually have said stuff like this to me or others) but here’s the problem, She still pulls crap like this to ruin people or to make others feel stupid. Just last year she was laughing with JaneGumball (who APPARENTLY made up with the victim) saying that she deserves it for being rude when the girl just said her opinion and was still a fan of Viv at the time, meaning she didn’t even mean to hurt Viv’s feelings and, hear me out, even if she did WHY FIND HER CYBERBULLYING FUNNY AND JUSTIFIED OVER AN OPINION? What sort of logic is that? That’s GREATLY immature and unnecessary, especially for someone her age (She’s 27 or 28 guys while the victim was 15, come on man!)
 and I’m sure some of you know what happened with the person who made a meme regarding HH and other animated cartoons.
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She’s VERY MUCH AWARE THAT THEY WERE ATTACKED....and this is how she responds....wow O K A Y.
So no, she didn’t actually change because she most likely didn’t think she had to. People kept supporting her thus making her believe that what she did was correct. Oh and Faust is practically Viv as well. (As seen by the SV doc and this tweet thread)
Hell Viv seemed to ignore this too, as well as a lot of shipping drama if it involves a specific ship, but I won’t delve too deep into that subject since I am not very aware of the things that go down in that side of the fandom. 
and there’s this 
and this
I’d advise you guys to hear these things out. 
Oh and Viv is the type to be a Hypocrite regularly,
I could send you all the screenshots of her tweets but that should be another post on its own cause THERE IS A LOT. Like her Cancel Culture tweet, that tweet where she said, and I quote, “The hypocrisy is strong” back in 2014, November 29th. That time she had a thread of tweets saying, and I quote “never let someone dictate your value as an artist! Never seek the approval of someone else and conform to what they say you should do!” Despite doing this to StarVader.
If you guys want screenshots I can either personally DM or make a post showing her hypocrisy. Cause honestly this is rather, dare I say it, TOXIC. She’s manipulated people and has used them when they don’t abide by her rules or make a mistake that could have been resolved privately, she attacks and it’s saddening. I am TIRED of people getting hurt by her and I am tired of her abusing her power. If she wants to change I am COMPLETELY DOWN for that, but change starts when you want it. You can’t say sorry and expect people not to see past the lies or see that you obviously didn’t change. Sorry should mean what it means, feeling regret or penitence, but if you don’t at all exhibit these things then how are we supposed to believe that you are at all sorry for anything you’ve done currently AND in the past? I mean damn dude did you guys even know what happened to the cosplayer that Viv was mad about?
Now look, if you like Viv’s content, that’s your choice. I for one very much do like some fan content that i’ve stumbled onto and find some very creative and my cup of tea and while I’m not a huge fan of HH I still very much find the premise very creative. What I do if a creator of something is majorly sketch or strange I simply seperateb the content from the creator. I simply wanted to point out things many peeps don’t know about and any person who is a fan of Viv, I hope you’d at least understand WHY I am at all saying anything I am saying. I want there to be justice but I want things to be fair. I don’t want Viv to get hurt, but I want her to actually learn from her mistakes. I am not here to discourage you from anything, it’s your choice if you choose to stay and I will not judge you for it. I am a girl who SIMPLY wants people to be more aware of who exactly Vivienne Medrano is. She’s mistreated both fans of HH and ZP and it boggles me.
If you guys want more info, like her tweets that I mentioned, just message me.
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