#little green tank engine
elijones94 · 6 months
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🚂 All aboard the little green Christmas train!!❄️🎄
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crinkly-spinkly · 9 months
Who is your fav engine and why?
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And glad you also think so too, anon 💙 With all the pouring rain here in Jersey, my colds and allergies have been a mess. I tend to project my own conditions onto Henry, only because they feel so equivalent to what Engine!Henry had to go through.
He deserves soup and lovins 🍲
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thunderxleafart · 6 months
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"I like the new colour, Ben, it really suits you!" "Suits you too, Bill!"
Just a quick post today to prove that I'm still alive LOL
This was loosely inspired by the Thomas & Friends Episode "Bill or Ben?", but instead of the blue livery they recieved in said episode, I thought it'd be fun to give them the liveries based on the IRL inspiration for the twins; Alfred and Judy.
It also unintentionally kinda gives them a more "festive" look, which... considering December's right around the corner, that's pretty appropriate, I think! xD
And while the yellow is iconic (and even their blue livery from said episode was pretty fun), I gotta say, they don't look too shabby in green! ;D
I'm working on some bigger projects atm (as well as getting hooked on yet another game god dangit x'D), but I still wanted to post something for November. And since the Train brainrot is still going strong, here ya go! :D
A silly lil doodle of some equally silly tank engine twins for you all to enjoy!
That's all for now, though! December's likely going to be a busy month but I'll still try to post at least once more before the year end! But alas, I guess we'll see! x'D
And as always, thanks for looking everybody!~ ^w^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bill & Ben (c) Thomas & Friends Art (c) Me! <3
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (224)
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shelli-gator · 1 year
what ttte ships do you have besides 2x5, if any?💙❤️
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I do I do! 🥺❤️ thank you for asking anon! It makes my day!
🖤💚 I loooove Donald and Duck. I love their playful back and forth, and I think for all his teasing, Donald is quite enamored with Duck's fussiness and practicality. It makes him an easy target for his teasing, but really it comes from him being in love and dumb about it. Duck is also the only one who can reign in Donald's temper, and get the two brothers to stop arguing. Mostly because Donald won't listen to anyone else.
My partner and I have a human au and in it Duck is the manager of a quaint little general store (the kind that sells organic and fancy stuff, some luxury goods and fresh produce marked up really high, that sort of thing), and next door is a hardware store manned by Donald and Douglas. They share a breakroom. Donald's favorite pass time is taking drinks and snacks from the general store without asking, and playing with rubber ducks and putting them around the store for Duck to find. Sometimes Duck will hear incessant quaking coming from the break room, and he'll charge in to yell at him only to stop short because Donald is smiling HUGE at him, turning to his brother to be like "See I tol' yoo Douggie I speak 'is language! That's 'is matin' call, that is." And Duck's shoots back with a "YOU OWE ME M O N E Y!" Don't worry. Duck will just go take it from the cash register in the hardware store later. With a little note detailing all the things he knows he took.
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(You know Donald would call him is quackeroo)
For all his teasing, Donald really loves him, and that scares him. Duck aspires to what he believes to be bigger and better things with his life, dreams he won't stop chasing. And that makes Donald scared he'll leave him behind. What's wrong with what they have now? Some would argue it's pretty good...
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💚💙 This leads into my next ship, but it's really just an unrequited, quite surface-level thing; Duck and Edward. I won't say too much since it's in my fic, but Duck rather likes his old friend. And it makes him and James scowl at each other all the more. But of course, it's not to be. Edward cares for him, but not in the way Duck might want (or at least, THINKS he wants, or really DOESN'T). It's all very confusing when you don't even believe engines should or CAN love and what purpose does love have when you're MADE to work. There's the right way of doing things, and the wrong way...
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💙💚 Another ship I dabble in is Gordon and Henry, though I'm not as mentally ill about them as I am with James and Edward. I like the complexity that comes with Henry having been designed as a bootleg Gresly to start, only to be totally overhauled, and WOW that must have been well and truly fucked. You would think there would be some mockery or resentment there, but Gordon doesn't hold it to him. Deep down, I think he had compassion for him that he couldn't really express because he's so fucking emotionally stunted and you gotta keep up appearances. And we see that compassion in It's Good to Be Gordon. He felt so awful to have made Henry feel worse that nothing else mattered.
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I've been reading A New Way of Life, and I adore how the author characterizes their relationship. Being there for an anxious, panicky partner doesn't always have to be gentle and saccharine. Gordon grounds Henry in a way only HE can, not through words and coddling, but with a big, firm hand to squeeze and hold him. And that tells Henry he isn't alone. That he's got him. It pulls him back, and I really like that for them. Gordon is an anchor, and Henry needs a pretty big anchor.
So yeah, I like that for them! And I'm just as susceptible to big men being dumb and in love and finding solace where they might not find it anywhere else because big men have big problems or whatever.
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💚🩵 this next ship is like, I mean, okay. It comes with a disclaimer. I really like Thomas and Percy, but NOT in the traditional romantic sense. I mean there's really not much romantic to me about it, but that's also why I think it's as sweet and funny as it is. They're best friends that trip each other up and fight over the Xbox, and they really wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Thomas can't even think of girls (who terrify him anyway) because he just wants to go hang out with Percy. I guess I see it as kind of crack ship, and that's why I love it. As humans they would hold hands and get so red and spooked over it that they never really do anything else WHEEZE. And as engines well, they spend all their time together, that's enough for them.
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Most of what I like about them is in our human au, and it's insane. They're the worst. Percy waking up Thomas in the middle of the night because he doesn't sleep and he's looking for his vape. "Where's my vape Thomas, have you seen it, come on I think you're lying on it roll over. Sorry! Thomas. Thomas where's your vape can I use your vape what flavour is it. Thomas-" (my partner is so fucking smart and funny for this)
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I'm sure I'll come up with more as I go along. Like I really want to find someone for Emily, I like her as a headstrong Scot so very impatient and so very very right about everything bossing people around WHEEZE. She's the worst ❤️🥺🤩 but also really kind, and the only one practical enough to actually go talk to Toby when everyone was very happy to just believe he was being scrapped (even Edward which is SO funny and cute to me it kills me). I think she'd make someone very happy. I'm open to suggestions! Very susceptible to good marketing if you know what I mean 😏
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(I see Caitlin back there hmmm I've heard good things 👀❤🧡🩶🩷💜 🤔👭)
I still need to watch Emily in the middle but I also think it would be so funny Donald and Douglas vying for her attention when it's really only Douglas that fancies her and Donald is just fucking stupid and getting in the way because he can and Douglas wants to throw him off the rails in frustration because why can't he just have this WHEEZE.
Anyway thanks for reading sorry it's long!
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hkpika07 · 1 year
Baby Greendon please?
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The younger brother who thinks his older brother is soooooo cool. Oops now he's missing him.
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greendreamer · 1 year
You know, a TTTE X MLP crossover is an obvious choice. As the engines are already iron horses.
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casiia · 1 year
virgin!ethan landry buying condoms before attending a party with chad (idk this would be so funny and awkward😭😭😭)
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[ 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐞 ੈ✩‧₊˚]
pairing .: ethan landry x reader
genre .: suggestive
word count .: 3k
warnings .: suggestive content (minors dni.), female reader, alcohol indulgence, dry humping 
author's note .: SORRY NO SMUT! just a lot of plot! but i had soo much fun writing this, whoever requested this i think you’re so funny! i originally was going to add smut but lack of motivation. my little nerd boy psycho getting teased by shirtless farmer chad makes me giggle. but i hope you guys love this as much as i do because i’m giggling soso bad. also i don’t have a dick i’ve never bought condoms b4 so i tried my best errr. also also guys please b careful when drinking at parties. this is just a lot of plot and lowkey ethan x chad (im slash jay) but if enough people want it i will write smut in a part 2. 
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“wait why are you turning? we’re supposed to go down this street for another light.”
the muted sound of rain echoes inside the car; droplets of water splattering against the fogged windshield blurred the bright traffic lights, a mixture of green and red reflecting against the dash.
“pitstop. gotta pick up some stuff.” chad taps his fingers against the steering wheel impatiently – waiting for the light to turn green. his thumb smooths over the grooves that were engraved in the leather, frustration threatening to expose from his composed state. “get the fuck off your phone! go, the light is green.”
“pick up stuff? not drugs, right…?” ethan looks up from his phone, his illuminated screen lighting his features from the shadows of the night. with a buzz, he focuses his attention back to his device. a smile graces his lips as he reads over your notification, fingers moving quick to type a response to you. 
“no, not drugs. condoms.”
adjusting the seat belt that suddenly became uncomfortable around his neck, ethan swallows thickly,  a blush creeping onto his cheeks. “oh.”
“i mean, you’re gonna need them. i doubt nothing’s gonna happen between you and her tonight.” pulling into the lot, chad cheekily smiles over to his friend, playfully hitting his arm.
“w-what? we aren’t anything serious, i don’t think she looks at me like that.” leaning towards the window to escape chad’s ruthless teasing, he resisted the urge to check the notification that had vibrated his phone – knowing it was from you.
“she definitely does, she’s always giving you that look.” throwing his hands up in gratitude when he found a parking spot, chad carefully pulled into the tight spot. “you guys are so annoying, everyone can see it but you two.”
“what look?” unbuckling his seat belt with a click, ethan chews on his bottom lip to stop the smile that threatened to show on his face. 
“the ‘i want to fuck you’ look.” turning the engine off with the twist of a key, chad unbuckles and climbs out of the car. “just fuck already, what’s stopping you.” watching ethan take off the cardboard helmet of his costume, he chuckles lightly. “i mean, she wants to fuck a guy dressed up as a cardboard robot.”
“hey. it’s from that movie murder party, and maybe put on a shirt before you comment on my costume.” opening the passenger door, ethan reaches into the back seat, grabbing a plain white tank and tossing it to the shirtless farmer standing in the drizzling rain. 
“oh right.”
“i don’t think there is a ‘fuck me look’ i think you’re thinking way into things.” stepping out and shutting the door, ethan stuffs his phone and wallet into his back pocket, walking towards the pharmacy with long strides to avoid the rain.
“what would you know, you’re a virgin.” locking the car with a loud beep, chad swings his lanyard around his fingers, letting his keys jangle against each other carelessly. laughing loudly when he catches a glimpse of ethan’s shocked expression, he holds his hands out in reassurance. “well i mean, after tonight you won’t be.”
“i’m not gonna do anything with her unless she wants me to.” walking past the automated doors, he waits for chad to walk in front of him, not wanting to waste time and lead the two into the wrong aisle. 
“well of course, but it’s better to be safe than sorry at the end of the night. don’t wanna get her pregnant or anything.” chad grins, walking towards an aisle in the back – almost too easily, like he’s been here a million times. 
“right. how do you…put one on?” glancing at the many colorful boxes to his left, he clears his throat when turning to his right, staring at the shelf of the pregnancy test. 
“open the wrapper, careful not to rip it that’s important, then just slide it on. if it’s that much trouble just ask the girl.” chad hums to the music playing overhead in the store, squatting down to get a peak at the bottom shelves. 
“oh, okay. what about lube, think i’ll need that?” eyeing the different brands of condoms, he  feels his phone buzz again, the weight of his phone all of a sudden feeling heavy in his pants. 
2 messages from angel girl
ethan smiles at the notifications, quickly swiping into his phone to answer you. warmth bubbles in his chest as he replies, watching his message turn from sent to read in just a second.
“hey, are you listening to me?” 
“huh?” looking up from his phone, his smile drops, snapping out of his dazed state.
“i said, lube is a waste of money. just use spit, works the same if you can also get her wet.” picking up a box of magnums, chad stands from his squatted position, patting out the creases in his pants before heading to the register. “there’s nothing to be worried about, bro. just make sure you focus when it happens, stay in the moment. the usual.”
“mhm.” now very anxious, ethan trails behind his roommate with twisted fingers. “maybe i should take the costume off?” picking at the hem of his shirt under the cardboard vest, he laughs awkwardly; imagining you taking his ridiculous costume off before climbing under the blankets had him shaking his head.
“maybe just keep the helmet, can’t not dress up at a halloween party.” grabbing his wallet from his pocket once they reached the self checkout machines, he scanned the box before swiping his card. “we should go, mindy’s been on my ass.”
the two of them ran to the car, seeking shelter from the rain that turned from a light drizzle to a thundering pour. ethan ran his hands through his hair, combing his damp brown hair out of his face. leaning back into the leather seat with a huff, he groaned dragging his hands down his cheeks, the cardboard around his chest stiffening his movements. 
slipping his arms into the cut out holes, he shimmied the fake armor over his head and let it clumsily fall into the back seat. memories of you and him making the costume made him frown; he thought back to how pretty you look with ruffled hair, sitting on his bedroom floor in only pajamas, cutting away at the cardboard material with kid scissors, cursing at him when he accidentally cut out of the traced lines.
the loud crinkle of plastic strips him of his thoughts, chad loudly tearing into the box. “take a few. i’m just gonna leave the box in the car…for later.” 
“think you’re gonna end up with tara tonight?” ethan teases with a smirk. picking at the golden packs, he holds them up to the window, letting the plastic shine against the dull streetlight. 
“shut up, now strap in. we’re already late i cannot take another text from mindy.”
the far-off sound of music caught ethan’s attention as chad pulled into the neighborhood, a variety of cars piled into the driveway and along the street, lights flashing from the windows inside the house. 
grabbing his poorly made helmet made of cardboard, he slipped it over his head, making sure it sat comfortably and evenly on top of his hair.
“did tara tell you what she was gonna wear?” checking his phone for your notification, ethan frowned slightly when finding out you had left him on read. he was only a few paces from the house, where he would soon find you. although the more he thought of you, the more the nerves began to eat at him. would you even want to sleep with him, what if he was going to make a fool of himself – what if you friendzoned him. rubbing his forehead with a sigh, he stuffed a few condoms into his pockets, his heart beating out of his chest. 
“pirate i think, wanted to match but it was too last minute. what about your girl?” making sure the car was locked after they had got out, chad shoves his keys into his pants, letting the lanyard hang within view. 
“she didn’t want to tell me, said it was gonna be a surprise.” feeling his heartbeat in his ears, ethan balled his fist tightly, fingernails digging into the palms of his hands. he didn’t want to mess things up with you, he was scared – scared that he would mess things up and lose the best person that had ever shown up in his life. 
“relax, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“i’m trying, i’m just nervous. i don’t want things to go the wrong way tonight, what if i misread her.” stopping outside the door, he could hear the roar of music, walls vibrating with each base drop. the faint smell of marijuana and alcohol tickled his nose, his face churning immediately at the unpleasant smell. 
“whatever happens is for a reason, don’t make sex your first priority. if she wants to fuck you, which im sure she does, she’ll make it clear. stop worrying.” chad places a hand on the brunette’s shoulder, squeezing comfortably. 
“right. make sure i don’t drink too much? i actually want to remember this night.” taking one last deep breath, ethan turns the knob on the door, finally arriving at the party. an overwhelming amount of people crowded the kitchen, abandoned red solo cups lingering all over the house. 
pushing through the crowd of people with curt apologies, ethan scanned over the horde of tipsy college students, looking for your face in the midst of it all. relaxing a bit when he saw anika in the corner of the room with mindy, he glanced over his shoulder to see if chad was following him before nudging his way through to his friends across the room.
“where have you guys been? i thought we agreed to be here 45 minutes ago!” mindy throws exasperated hands in the air, eyebrows raised mockingly.
“traffic. where’s y/n?” frowning when he didn’t see you amongst the other girls, he turned back to the kitchen to see if you were stuffed in there.
“she was here a second ago.i  think she went to ask tara if she knew where you were, but honestly who knows where that little pirate could be.” anika shrugs lightly at the question, repositioning her legs over her girlfriend’s. “what’s going on with you two anyways?”
spinning on his heel at the sound of your voice, he can’t help but let a smile paint his lips. his voice catching in his throat when he sees you, he drops his arms to his side. jaw dropping ever so slightly, he couldn’t stop the way he looked you up and down, engraving your image in the back of his mind.
you were head to toe in white; high socks that squeezed the fat of your thighs, a white mini skirt  that just barely covered the curve of your ass, a semi see through corset, and to top it all off – a pair of small feathery wings that sat on your exposed shoulders.
“an angel.”
“surprise! where’s the rest of your costume? we worked so hard on it.” stepping closer to him to fix his lopsided helmet, you brushed hair out of his eyes with a pout. 
“left it in the car, didn’t want it to get ruined or anything.” looking down at you with a smile, he lets his hands wander to your hips; his thumbs caressing your skin just above the waistline of your short mini skirt. 
“oh, that’s a shame. you looked so cute in it.” pinching his cheeks in a playful manner, you bit your lip with a laugh, watching him squirm away from you. “let’s get a drink, i’ve been waiting for you.”
grabbing his hand in your left, you intertwined your fingers together, pulling him to the crowded kitchen. half filled bottles and empty plastic cups littered the marble countertop, a sticky residue sheening over the surface of the table. 
“hm, i think there’s enough for a couple shots.” 
letting go of his hand but still keeping him close, you leaned over the island to grab cups; unscrewing the cap of a half empty vodka bottle, you chewed your lip in concentration, completely eyeballing the amount of liquor you poured into the plastic cup. 
“bottoms up, baby!” bringing the cup up to your lips, you cringed lightly, the smell of alcohol making your eyes water. squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you tilted your head back letting the liquid flow into your mouth before swallowing. shaking your head with a groan, you stuck your tongue out feeling the booze burn down your throat, almost instantly warming your chest. “so gross.”
ethan hesitated before drinking the foul smelling alcohol, coughing abruptly afterwards. “not worth it.” hearing you laugh at him, he teasingly shoved your shoulder with a soft smile. “do you think…we could talk?”
“we’re talking right now, pretty boy.” starting to pour another round of shots, you briefly glanced up at him at his silence. “is something wrong?” 
“nothing’s wrong, i just meant talk in private.” taking off his fake helmet, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck – patiently waiting for you to finish taking another shot before replying.
“let’s go upstairs.” wiping your lips with the back of your hand, you tossed your now empty cups in the trash before grabbing his wrist and pulling him through the house. music blaring uncomfortably in your ear, you took in your surroundings before leaving; people at every inch of the house, a line forming for the bathroom, corners where couples made out, and a couch where all of your friends sat. catching chad’s eye, he gave you a knowing smirk while raising his eyebrows. flipping him off in return, you squeezed ethan’s wrist lightly, guiding him up the stairs and to an empty bedroom. 
ethan tried his hardest not to look up your skirt while you walked in front of him, but of course he failed. he caught a glimpse of your undergarments – pretty pink panties with a white lace lining the edges. swallowing his guilt, he shifted his gaze back to the ground, fearing that he would get worked up the longer he stared. “do you know where you’re going?”
“not in the slightest, but it’s a big house, there’s bound to be one more vacant bedroom.” jiggling the knobs of each door, you giggled quietly hearing the muted moans from inside occupied rooms. “oh here.” twisting the handle and peeking inside, you opened the door for him when deeming it was clear. 
closing and locking the door behind you, you made your way over to the bed, sitting on the edge with your hands neatly folded in your lap. “what’s on your mind? you’re kinda scaring me.” 
dropping his costume prop near the door, ethan covered his face, groaning into his hands before finally piling up enough courage to look you in the eye. “what are we?”
“what do you mean?” furrowing your brows with an awkward laugh, you could feel heat creep up your neck, the liquor settling in your stomach. 
“you’re always calling me these names, and touching me in ways you don’t do with anyone else. i just want to know if you’re playing with me.” sitting next to you on the bed, he kept a fair distance respecting your boundaries. “i like you a lot. more than i want to, i need to know if you feel the same.”
“i-” sighing loudly with shaky hands, you shifted your position, sitting on your knees while facing him. the hem of your skirt creeping up your thighs as you sat back. “i like you too, i just didn’t know how to tell you.” crawling closer to him, you reached for his hand, pressing his palm to your heart. “this is how you make me feel. all the time.”
“can i kiss you?” 
nodding with a big grin, you let him lean forward to connect your lips. putting a hand on his shoulder to stabilize yourself, you hummed softly feeling him pull you closer, straight into his lap. the kiss was sweet and soft, lips moving slowly against each other, teeth clashing together with inexperience. you wrapped your arms around his neck, slightly grinding your hips down into his. “fuck, sorry.”
whining into your mouth, ethan squeezed your hips harshly. “no, please. again, m’felt good.” pulling away from your lips with a heavy pant, he cupped your face, thumb smoothing over your cheekbone.
“yeah? s’that why you brought me up here?” giggling, you rolled your hips again, the seam of his pants nudging at your clothed clit. lips parting with a quiet moan, you bit the inside of your cheek, a blush painting your cheeks.
“maybe.” tilting your head up with his thumb, he pressed kisses down your exposed neck, nibbling and sucking numerous marks along the way. “fuck, i want you.” slipping his hand down your back, he squeezed the fat of your ass, mumbling against your neck.
“i know, baby. but not tonight.” pushing him away just enough to see his face, you pressed a sweet kiss to the button of his nose. “want your first time to be something you’ll remember, not even a little bit fuzzy.”
opening his mouth in protest, you shook your head – your opinion already set in stone. pecking his lips one last time, you climbed off of his lap. 
“you’re such a tease” 
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🏷 .:@loaksbitch @sullybby @dilfverz my stinkies
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chocochipsushi · 5 months
𝐁𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐭, 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲?
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Happy 2K followers to me! Here's a short scenario I came up with in reference to this tiktok video I saw.
🌸Warning: SFW Biker!Toji but there is a one-liner that is a tad bit suggestive
🌸AU: Your dad tries to embarrass you in front of a hot biker but you still stay winning anyway
🌸Word count: 824
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“Dad, please don’t!” you beg, just knowing what your father is going to do the moment he notices you getting distracted by the biker waiting for the red light to turn green. 
Your dad smirks at you, not saying anything. As the both of you walk towards the pedestrian crossing, he clears his throat and spares no time to humiliate you. He puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly, rudely. Then, he points in the biker’s direction. You can see the slight tilt of the black helmet as he watches you and your dad. 
“My daughter thinks you’re hot!!!” 
You slap a hand over your mouth in shock and disbelief that your dad would actually humiliate you like this. You are still gaping at the biker like an idiot when he leans back and flips his visor up. Your thumping heart races even more when you notice his dark eyes sliding up and down your body. Even from a distance, you can see his slit eyes crinkling. 
“Can I get her number, Old Man?” the biker shouts back, though his voice is muffled by the helmet he is wearing. 
And because your dad is an asshole, he shouts back, “No!!!”
“Oh my god, dad!” you cry, extremely embarrassed. You’re speed walking across the pedestrian crossing, wanting so much just to run off and hide, when you hear the engine or the motorbike start. 
You turn, expecting to watch the bike zoom off. Instead, you see him driving to the side of the road where he kicks the stand of his two-wheel drive. He swings his leg over the seat and he is off the motorbike in a second. Your heart races when you notice him walking in your direction. 
Surprised and anxious, you start jogging to the other end of the road. The moment you reach the pavement on the other side, you turn around, only to freeze when you see the biker just a few steps away from you. You could see his dark green eyes crinkling slightly. 
“Need your number, doll,” he declares behind his helmet. 
“Need?” you repeat mockingly, laughing a little. 
He chuckles and hands you his phone. “Need,” he confirms. 
Amused by his response, you reach for his phone. You glance back to see your dad rushing to your side of the road to catch up to the both of you. Quickly, you save your number and name, and pass the phone back to the man. He reads your name experimentally in a low voice, then looks up at you, as if to confirm that it is your name. 
You nod, just as your dad reaches this side of the road. Embarrassed, you quickly shoo him away, “Okay, nice to meet you. Your bike is being ticketed!” You point at his motorcycle across the road. 
The man chuckles in amusement. “Yeah, that’s not working on me.” He sees your father walking over from the corner of his eye and he hums. “But I’ll go. You be a good girl for your daddy,” he says huskily, knowing exactly what his words would do to you. 
Heat shoots up your body and blood rushes to your cheeks. Just then, your father stands next to you and faces the biker, giving him a good, intimidating look. Unfazed, the man with the helmet takes off the headpiece in respect, hugs it under his arm, and holds a hand out to your dad. 
“Toji Fushiguro, sir. Thanks for setting me up with your beautiful daughter,” he says. 
You’re not quite sure what your dad responds to that because you’re staring at the handsome man with his black hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, his green eyes contrasting so beautifully against his dark features. You only snap out of it when the pedestrian light turns green again and Toji throws his thumb behind him in the direction of his bike. 
“I’m gonna go fill up my tank to get ready to bring your daughter out to a nice place tonight, sir.” He glances at you with a cheeky glint in his eyes and a smirk. “If that’s okay with you,” he looks to your father now for permission, who shrugs. 
“It’s her time to waste, not mine.”
Toji laughs and nods. As he takes a step back, he waves his phone at you and calls your name. “I’ll text you. Wear jeans!”
“Who said I’ll say yes to dinner with you?” you retort. 
He is still backtracking even as he crosses the road. He shouts, “Of course you will! You think I’m hot!”
Feeling your ears get hot again, you can only stare at his vehicle and yell, “Your bike’s getting towed!” 
The male grins. With a wiggle of his fingers, he turns on his heels, slides his helmet back on, and runs back to his undisturbed, perfectly parked bike. 
You’re going to have to start thinking of what to wear tonight.
© chocochipsushi 2024 all works are mine, please do not rewrite/plagiarise
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onsunnyside · 1 year
🍓° 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | Mafia!Ari Levinson x lovesick!reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | fluff, sweet soft!reader, she’s a little oblivious. size difference: 6’8!Ari, he’s a total beefy hunk. neighbours au, a little tumble, stripper!reader, brief mentions of mafia business, undeniable daddy energy.
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | It was a little ridiculous how in love you were… With a single glance, he could make you melt until you’re a pile strawberry ice cream, tied with a pretty ribbon, and sitting on his doorstep.
𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑
𝗪/𝗖 | 2.45K
𝗔/𝗡 | just a little something I wrote inspired by Melting by Kali Uchis (also where the title is from). this is my first mafia fic but there isn’t much detail since this is a real itty bitty au. as always, all mistakes are my own. [all posts/asks]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
˗ˏˋ𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ 𝐂.𝐄. & 𝐂𝐨. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Time seems to slow when he jogs by, clad in shorts and a loose tank top with sweat seeping through the grey. His tan skin is covered in a light sheen, making the dozens of tattoos appear darker. From your seat on the porch, they still look like black blobs and lines stretching from his broad shoulders to his hands. 
You’ve never seen them up close, but you have a few ideas of what they might be—a whole page in your diary to be exact. 
Your eyes fall to his muscled legs, firm and thick thighs strain his shorts and just the beginnings of dark ink poke from underneath the fabric. You barely notice the ice cream melting down the cone to your hands, too deep in a daze when tingles blossom from your chest to your toes. A dreamy sigh flows from your lips as the wind flutters through his long brown hair, brushing along his bearded cheeks. 
He turns to you and flashes a bright smile before turning the corner and disappearing down the street. That single glance makes your heart pound ten times faster, and all of your thoughts tangle into one ball of ribbons, varying in colours, prints and lace, but so evidently you. 
If you could, you’d gift him that mess just so he could know how much he affected you without even trying. 
"Oh no!" You quickly wipe your hands from the melting strawberry ice cream but it's useless, the pink stains your white dress and drips down to the ribbon around your ankle. 
It’s almost too symbolic—the pretty pink bleeds all over your ivory clothes, ruining your life just like the fluttering trapped in your rib cage. 
Honestly, it would’ve been easier to hate him, but he was so damn big that you didn’t have any space left in your heart to hate him. 
To say you're in love would be an understatement. In every fantasy and daydream, he's the main focus, your co-star, your lover, your saviour draped in silk button-ups and silver rings. Oh, he's everything you've ever wanted! As if you manifested him when you were a young child and wrote about the perfect boy to sweep you off your feet and make your life a living fairytale—everything you scribbled in glittery pen has come true before your very eyes.
You don’t even mind that he and his biker friends rev their engines at three in the morning, but your roommate doesn’t agree, she’s never agreed. 
The front door slams shut and you stiffen, hurriedly flipping through a random page in a magazine and desperately trying to act like you were not staring at his house next door. 
"Did you do it?"
"Do what?" You ask, voice already on edge. Vibrant red hair comes into your peripherals, as well as a pair of angry green eyes. 
Natasha groans, setting down her bag on the kitchen counter. "You chickened out again? I need my sleep before I lose my mind. I can’t get any if he and his dumbass friends treat this street like a fucking race track!”
“They aren’t even that loud—and I bought you earplugs.” 
“I am not touching those things until those assholes learn how to be decent human beings!” She rolls up her sleeves and grabs your arm, yanking you from the barstool. 
"Wait! What are you doing!" 
Her heels stomp on the hardwood floor, nearly shaking the picture frames on the walls, “I messed up five drinks today, do you know how bad that looks when they’re my recipes?” She huffs, "he's out there right now mowing his lawn and you're gonna talk to him."
You grab onto the nearest thing which happened to be the couch and clutched it for dear life. “No—you do it!”
"He doesn’t listen to me!" She digs her fingers into your sides making you yelp and feebly swat her away, but you just screwed up big time. “Just try, baby, please! For me!”
That’s the last thing you hear as you stumble out the front door, tripping over the damn welcome mat and tumbling down the stairs. It’s only a few steps, but it stings when your back thumps onto the stone walkway, your poor elbows cushioning your fall.  
You barely catch the engine cutting and rushed footsteps before he appears. 
He stands over you with sweat brimming at his hairline, a deeply concerned expression etched onto his face, "awh shit, are you okay?" 
As always, the air goes thin and you’re under that dumb lovesick spell again. The sun glows around his head like a halo, melting you to the bone, and leaving a mess on the stone in the same shades as your love—strawberry ice-cream pink. 
It’s terrible that you don’t know how deluded your tender heart is.
"You're bleeding," he crouches low, gently examining your elbow, "did your roommate push you down the stairs?” 
"No! No, I-I fell.” Obviously! “But I'm okay." You utter, avoiding the peeping redhead through the curtains. Your gaze lands on his long fingers wrapped around your arm. He’s warm, warmer than you thought. Heat radiates off his body and envelops you like an old friend, familiar and calm. 
"Are you?" He inquires unconvinced, "here, let me clean you up." He leaves no room for protests as he helps you up and leads you to his porch. 
After you sit on the couch, he disappears inside the house before emerging with a large white case. He sits next to you and opens the kit on the table.
"That's a lot of stuff." You note, staring at the packed first aid kit. There are various rolls of gauze, different ointments, and bandages, far more things than your tiny plastic box under the sink. 
Judging by his shiny sports car, and his collection of perfectly tailored suits and watches, Ari lived a very different life than you and you’d do anything to know about it. Your naive heart aches for him so badly it almost hurts. 
“It’s better to be safe than sorry. Can I touch you, sweetheart?” 
You watch him tend to your injury with slow and careful movements, his dark brows knitted in concentration. You’ve never been this close to him, the sudden rush of blood almost makes you lightheaded, but his scent brings you back down. The woody cologne floods your nose, followed by a dash of vanilla with underlinings of musky spice.
“What happened to your other dress?” He glances up, eyes shaded under his thick lashes. 
“Oh… It got dirty.” 
He hums, “what a shame.” He delicately presses down the edges of the bandage. “That’s one of my favourites. It always makes my day to see you wearing it.” 
You swallow down a whimper and clench your thighs, seconds away from dropping to your weak knees. Embarrassment fills your chest, tinged with guilt, “I’m sorry, sir.” The words slip out before you could think.
He cracks a small smile, shaking his head, “it’s okay, just be more careful next time, yeah? Can’t have you ruining the little purple one too, that’s my second favourite.”
Dull thumps hammer inside your head, muffling his raspy voice. You nod silently, digging your sock-clad feet into the concrete. 
You take the chance to memorize his tattoos, from the intricate rose by his wrist following the thorn stems up his arm where they entwined with a heavily shaded skull. Thin script is scattered along his skin, you can’t make out the exact words but they’re in swooping cursive, clinging to his flesh like wet chiffon. 
His arms tighten as he cleans up, the muscles shifting under his paper-thin t-shirt that left nothing to the imagination. Every unconscious flex clouds your head, tunnelling your vision until he’s all you can see.  A small whine sounds from your throat and his eyes flicker to yours, blue as can be. 
“I don’t see you leave very often.” You were either inside or sitting on the front porch with a treat and a magazine, or in the backyard tending to that small garden. “Do you work?”
“I… I did, then I got fired.” The wound was still a little fresh. “But it wasn’t my fault, I swear!”
Ari perks up in interest, although he knows plenty about you, this was strikingly new. Aside from your basic profile, he knew about your past as well, including where you grew up, where your parents lived, and how long you’ve been in this city. 
It was only right to know about the two girls living next to his late grandmother’s house. Curtis insisted since Ari wouldn’t let him stay in the old two-storey home, but instead the house down the street.
He came here to be alone and mourn, but that was hard to do with a cute neighbour always staring at him. Yet he stopped caring after you left a small bouquet of hand-picked flowers on his doorstep and an adorable ‘welcome to the neighbourhood!’ note. 
He forgot how good it felt to be sought after, rather than feared and honoured like a living legend. You gave him that sliver of normalcy with your longing loved-up looks and quick dashes inside when he pulled into the driveway. To you, sweet-spirited you, he was an ordinary guy, not someone with a history coloured in hues of red and dripping all over his shoes, smearing the black ink of his future; an eternity tied to his family’s glory that’s now his. 
“This customer was being so mean and I know I should’ve stayed professional but I was havin’ such a bad day already.” Your bottom lip trembles, flashes of that terrible day flickering through your head, “first I slept through my alarm, then I missed the bus, and my make-up broke in my bag a-and everything was all ruined.”
He reaches out, rubbing your knee soothingly. Poor girl, if it was up to him, you’d never be mistreated. “Where did you work?”
“Venom Vixens.” You sniffle, hoping he isn’t the judgemental type, you’ve known too many people who would humiliate you for your chosen career. “I, uh, I wasn’t one of the girls on stage since I was still new but I liked it there. My coworkers were nice, I got free drinks, and…”
“I felt,” you look down at your hands, they were so much smaller than his, “I felt pretty. People go there to look and flirt, and I didn’t mind being on the receiving end of it.” 
Ari wouldn’t mind giving you all of that instead. 
He licks his lips, imagining you in a tiny lace set, the sheer fabric clinging to your figure while you swayed around the dimly lit club. A piece of art in the sea of ogling and drooling patrons, blooming beautifully under the flattery. 
“You liked the attention.” 
You giggle, “Yeah, a lot. Sure, some customers were gross and would say nasty things, but others were nice, real nice—they’d tip a lot and compliment me. Most of them were just lonely, they wanted someone to talk to or someone to spoil.” 
You don’t regret accepting their fawning or expensive gifts, hell, most of your jewelry was from your loyal clients. Sparkly things paired with sweet words were a one-way ticket to your good books. 
“How about your boss?” Ari asks, “how did he treat you?”
Venom Vixens wasn’t only a haven for the lonely or where perverts got their fill, but of course, you wouldn’t know that. You’d have a heart attack if you knew of the shady people who walked in and out of those doors, you’ve probably served a few of them, flashed that bright smile and earned yourself a big tip—unknowingly pocketing the filthy, blood-stained money. 
“Mr. Hansen was very friendly, but everything went through him. If we wanted to change a routine, we had to perform it for him first and get his approval. He said it was protocol.” Ari snorts but you don’t catch it, all too distracted with twisting the ring on his middle finger. “He was nice when you were nice to him.”
“So he must’ve always been kind to you. You’re the loveliest girl I’ve ever met.”
You preen under his praise and nod happily, questioning why you were so nervous around him in the first place.
Ari was a flirt—and you loved being flirted with. 
“Mr. Hansen called me his favourite before he fired me. That was over two weeks ago, and Nat said I could take my time but,” you sigh, “I feel like a bother.” 
He wonders if your best friend would still hate him if she knew he was the reason that her cafe was still standing. Without his ruling over the South district, there would be chaos, and that little joint would’ve been ransacked long ago. 
Did he also call for extra protection because you frequented the establishment? Proudly so. 
“Are you still looking for a job?” He takes your distant hum as a yes, “Do you want to work for me?”
Your head snaps up, your sparkling eyes wide in surprise. 
“I’m opening a new club in a few days and I’ve got a spot left for a performer.” He didn’t, but he had no problem giving someone the boot to make room for you. 
Your mouth opens and closes several times, and the thought of Ari owning a club flies straight over your head. You’ve watched him more than your favourite movie but you still didn’t know a damn thing about him, except that he smokes, liked to work out and alternated between a white mustang and a sleek black motorcycle. 
Oh, and sometimes he changes in front of his bedroom window. 
“You’ll be my boss?”
Say the word, and he’ll be much more than that.
He smirks, gripping your jaw and turning you from side to side, blue eyes flickering over your features, “Sure will. I have a feeling this pretty face will be the main attraction every night.”
Your heart swells when his fingers dig into your cheeks. “I-I would, but Nat won’t like that. She kind of hates you… and your friends.” He adds pressure and your lips pucker, “you’re all s-ho loud wit ya’  bikes ‘n engines.”
Ari bites his tongue, it was either the motorcycles or the blood-curdling screams of the poor soul in the basement. He made a mental note to speed up the process of that soundproof room, he couldn’t have you losing sleep over his business. 
“She doesn’t have to know.” He replies, releasing your face in favour of loosely grasping your throat. Your pulse thumps under his fingers, hard and fast, speeding up as he leans closer, “c’mon, don’t you want to be a star? Get all that attention again and make me proud?”
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: i just love sweet!readers, they're my faves 🥹 and pairing them with big hunky (secretly soft) men is heaven !! i can't get enough !!!!
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞! I love you all very much 😚🫶
As always, I hope you all enjoyed this and I’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback !! <3 — ☼ 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 ☼
I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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fryingpan1234567 · 5 months
canonically Jason and Tim have motorcycles, right? and B and Duke too but the other two are more well known I think
ANYWAYS what if everyone in the batfam had one tho? because. the potential.
Dick takes his off of roofs sometimes, but it’s built for it. before all his modifications, it was just a blue and black chrome Yamaha sports bike, nothing special. he added a Nightwing sticker on each side, a bunch of weapons (mostly electricity based), grappling hooks, Nightwing things. there’s even a sidecar for Haley.
Babs (before the wheelchair days) had a purple and yellow one that matched her suit perfectly. it sort of meant she couldn’t use it during the day, but occasionally she rode it to work with extensive concealing of the random dangerous gadgets. hers was also a Yamaha (same model ^^)
Jason canonically has a black shapeshifting one like some maccadams shit but it’s fine— it’s loud as shit, so he doesn’t really use it for patrol, but he loves it during the day. because it’s just black, it’s pretty easy to take it out for completely non-suspicious speeding law breaking joyrides. no harm done!
Cass has a jet black Ninja, and her reputation on the streets is about the same as the nightfury’s at the beginning of the first httyd. dark, deadly, and it’s even quiet in Gotham’s busy streets. watch your back for her.
Tim’s got the BATCYCLE it’s CANON. it’s also canon that it’s got a liquid-cooling engine and a Robin-themed paint job, but fuck that, I say it’s dark red and electric and he rides it to work. so sometimes (most of the time) he pulls up with ruffled clothes and helmet hair, which Conner nearly fainted at the first time he saw it, but we don’t talk about that. he doesn’t use it for patrol because Kon said he’d carry him everywhere if Tim gave him rides in exchange. on the bike. he has said on more than one occasion “wear the helmet, ride a biker” and Tim punches him really hard
Steph’s bike is purple, and the wheels do the hover-shift-glowy thing like in Mario Kart (also purple). she’s not scared of you or anyone; she will ride that shit to school and use it on patrol with the hovering and distracting color and everything. fight me.
in canon, Duke’s bike is electric with a bunch of lights and black and yellow and lowkey built like a tank. I kinda like it! I think it’s a fabulous bike for a fabulous man so therefore he gets to keep it I won’t be taking criticism
Damian gets a green and red and black electric Ninja, plus a helmet that he painted with feathers and paw prints n shit. Jon likes the spare, which is just black but has a red mohawk. what more could you want? he could fly everywhere, but he also could just have his badass motorcycle bf drive him everywhere while he wears his dope ass helmet and vibes to whatever 2000s pop shit Damian lets him play. he’s a professional backpack.
did you think I’d stop at the Batkids? sorry imma keep going
I like the idea of Brucie having a black sports bike that’s 90% modifications like in the movie. no one remembers what it was before he took it all apart and added Bat-stuff, but it looks great now! it’s blown up more times than you can count, just because it’s a really good target for rogues.
Kate has one that’s almost exactly the same, except hers is maybe a little closer to what it was originally. she doesn’t quite have all the same stuff Bruce does, but they’re the same vibe!
anyways that’s the vigilante weirdos club, so like it’s expected that they’d all have a dangerous vehicle. slightly less expected— Alfred freaking Pennyworth has a Harley with tall handles and sparkly black paint, but nobody knew that for such a long time because he barely leaves the manor. all the kids lost their minds when they found out. what can I say
anyways some Bat-bike shenanigans that have ensued:
street races between all the Batkids at least once a week, whether that be on patrol or in civvy clothes
Jason obnoxiously revving really loud whenever he sees one of them in the street, on a date, when he’s picking them up from something, just as often as possible. obnoxious revving. old people hate him
cool lesbian aunt Kate picking up kids from school with her badass bike and epic helmet
sometimes Dick will be talking about “his child” or “his baby” and no one’s sure if he’s talking about his dog or his bike
bike-related thirst traps on social media
“race you to the next light”
not a single one of them has left a Gotham speeding law intact even once (not even Alfred, although he won’t admit it)
Wally likes to get Dick to race him on his bike even though he knows he’s going to win
both Jon and Conner have said something along the lines of “I bet I could pick up the bike with you on it” as a show-off attempt, but Damian and Tim love their paint jobs too much to permit them to try
Batfam on bikes❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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jameskellygf · 14 days
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| Biker! James | f!reader |
collection of blurbs abt biker!james, sex outside, fluff
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| Late night drives |
you’re on the back of his bike, arms wrapped tightly around his torso as he weaves through traffic, speeding past cars and you can feel him laughing at the honks and yells he’s getting from the other drivers on the road. once the road ahead is clear he speeds up a little more, turning his head and yelling to you “hold tight, darlin’!” as he cranks the gas and the front of the bike pulls up in the air, chuckling at your shriek and slowly hitting the brake to bring you guys back down, taking one hand off the bars and patting your arm. “you’re alright, sweetheart.” he assures, leaning back forward and revving the engine, speeding up and pulling behind some trees, bending you over his bike with his hand over your mouth, thick cock splitting you open deliciously. “fuck, babydoll, takin’ me s’good.”
| Babydoll’s first bike |
he’s crouched down, tightening a bolt on the part he’s just installed on his bike. he’s got music playing softly in the garage, you’re perched on a table near by, watching him rebuild this bike. he stands back up, wiping the sweat on his forehead with a rag and walking to the table you’re sat on and leaning on it with his hands on the surface. “i think i can get her up and runnin’ in a week” he says, turning to lean his back against the table, looking up at you with a small proud smile. “oh fuck yeah. whatcha’ got left to do, jamie?” you ask, hopping down from the table and going to inspect the broken down bike. “well i just got the transmission in, i think all that’s left is replacing the gas tank, changing the filters and then putting the panels back on. and then a buddy of mine’s gonna repaint it for me, i’m thinkin’ of doin a dark blue, maybe dark green.” he explains, pulling you back into him by the hips, peppering kisses along your shoulder and hands sliding over your stomach. you lean back, resting your head on his shoulder as you talk. “ooooo dark green! that would look amazing, especially if you got a matte top coat.” he nods and kisses your cheek, gently squeezing your hips and going back to the table and grabbing more tools. a week later he’s pulling you into the garage, presenting you with a set of keys and pulling the sheet off the bike. the broken and tattered bike now the dark matte green you’d suggested. “jamie. what are you doing?” you say, surprised expression taking over your face. “you did not. no. what the fuck? baby! oh my god!” you laugh, and he just smiles cheekily. shoving the keys in your pocket and pulling you in for a hug by the fabric of your jeans. “you’re welcome, babydoll. your very first bike, built by your one and only.” murmured into your hair, soft kiss planted on your head.
| Leaving |
you’re greeted with his voicemail yet again, throwing your phone down on the bed and walking briskly to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of smirnoff, popping the lid, gulping down a third of the bottle. it’s been 2 weeks of james not coming home until the middle of the night, slowly climbing into the bed as to not wake you, plans failing because you spent most of the night awake waiting for him to get home. you plop onto the bed, taking a few more drinks and clicking the tv on and flipping through channels before landing on some stand-comedian.
it’s about 2am when you hear him pull into the drive, keys jingling as he unlocks the door and shuts it softly behind him. “where have you been?” you ask, throwing the blankets off your legs. you don’t dare look over at him yet, tears already welling in your eyes. “and don’t fucking tell me it’s work. there’s no reasonable way you can cover up whatever it is you’re doing with work.” you spat at him, lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke out in a cloud. he jumps a bit, not expecting you to be awake and he sighs. “babydoll, it’s not what you’re thinking. it’s frankie. he got in some shit again and he got me roped up in it. i’m takin’ care of it.” his tone is soft, and he walks towards you slowly, setting down his backpack and peeling his jacket off. you scoff, eyes rolling as you throw your hands up. “oh of course, frankie needs his baby brother to save his ass again. jamie, when the hell are you gonna realize you can’t save him.” your eyes meet his, staring daggers into him.
his shoulders drop, frown apparent on his face. “what’d’ya expect me to do, y/n? let him go back to jail? c’mon, baby. i’ll have it figured out by the end of the week. i’ve always taken care of it, you know that.” he wraps his arms around your waist, going to kiss your cheek but you lean back and push his arms off of you. “no. no, you’re not gonna do this. you are not gettin’ out of this that easy. the last time this shit happened you came home with a broken nose, arm and bruised ribs. he’s gonna get you killed one day, jamie!” your voice grows louder, taking another drag of the cigarette and putting it out. “or the one time you ended up in a damn coma for a week. james, you’ve gotta stop trying to save him. i’m sorry, but i can’t keep standing on the sidelines here.” your voice softens, hands swiping at the tears that rolled down your cheeks. his shoulders raise, hands in the air as he scoffs in disbelief. “baby, come on you can expect me to j-“ he’s cut off by the sound of your stomps, you open up the closet, grabbing a bag and shoving clothes into it. “woah, hey, baby no. come on, hey i’m takin care of it! i can’t have it finished by tomorrow, that’s just not possible.” he tries to reason with you, but you meant what you said.
“i’ll stay at a friends tonight. i’ll be back tomorrow to grab my stuff.” you sniffle, pushing past him and slipping your shoes on. he follows closely after you, pleading with you. “no, baby put the bag down and take off your shoes. i’ll sleep on the couch. it’s late, i don’t want you out there. just give me a week. i’ll be done with it in a week i promise you!” he begs, blocking the front door with his body. “move, james. i’m leaving.” you mumble, ducking under his arm quickly and walking out of the door, strapping your bag to the motorcycle and sliding the helmet over your head. “y/n get in the fuckin’ house.” he yells, stopping once he’s reached the bike. you swing a leg over the bike, starting the engine and flipping the plastic shield down on your helmet. he blocks your path with his body, sad eyes looking into your rage filled ones. “y/n, please. come back inside. please” he breathes out, dropping his head between his shoulders momentarily. “please.” he says again, looking back up at you. you shake your head, revving your engine and stepping on the gas just enough to jerk forward. he jumps out of the way, shocked expression on his face as you pull out of the drive, speeding down the road. and all he can do is watch with his hands on his head.
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steam-beasts · 2 months
Something Scary
(Part 3 to Something Splendid)
Meanwhile at Knapford, Percy pulled into the station hauling the mail train, blissfully unaware of what was happening with Thomas and James.
He whistled to the workers as they all went to get the bags of packaged mail from his trucks. He then felt his fireman pat his side "We'll be back, Percy. We must give these fellas a hand with the mail"
"Ok, Mr Fireman" Percy replied happily as his crew departed from his cab.
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As Percy's crew left to assist the other workers with the mail, he let out a yawn, unaware of the strange transformation about to befall him. However, as a tingling sensation spread throughout his frame, he couldn't ignore the growing ache that accompanied it. It felt odd and uncomfortable, like nails were digging into him.
Percy winced and let out a dog-like whimper as the discomfort intensified into an ache "Ow...ow...owww" He muttered. The weird ache was getting sharper and stronger, his firebox fizzling in response to the strange sensation.
Suddenly, the quietatmosphere at Knapford was shattered by a very loud wheeshing noise anyone had ever heard, causing everyone to gasp and point in shock.
Sir Topham Hatt rushed out of his office, his expression a mix of confusion and concern as he heard the noise. "What the bloody hell?!" he exclaimed, his voice cutting through the air as he sought to make sense of the sudden commotion.
As the steam and smoke gradually cleared, revealing the spot where Percy once stood, the onlookers were met with a sight that defied all logic and expectation. Instead of the familiar green saddle-tank engine, sprawled out on the rails before them was a towering 16-foot-tall humanoid figure.
With a pudgy yet muscular build, the grey-skinned man possessed digigrade legs adorned with small green locomotive wheels on his ankles. His face was obscured by a thick mane of curly brown hair that cascaded down his back, while a stumpy little funnel protruded from the top of his head. Adding to the surreal spectacle, the humanoid sported cat-like ears on the sides of his head, completing the baffling transformation.
The workers and passengers stood frozen in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the incomprehensible sight before them.
As Percy's driver and fireman exchanged bewildered glances, reeling from the sight before them, the possibility that the giant figure lying on the rails could indeed be their beloved engine was high. But only the fireman could see that.
"I- what?!" the driver spluttered, his disbelief evident as he scratched his neck in confusion. Could it be Percy? Why the hell is there suddenly a giant 16-foot-tall man laying on the rails unconscious?
The fireman stared on wide-eyed, his mind racing to make sense of the inexplicable transformation. "Jesus... do you think that's Percy?" he whispered, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"Percy? You think that giant MAN is Percy?!" the driver exclaimed incredulously, shaking his head "It's probably just a coincidence. There's no way that's... that just can't be him."
The fireman shrugged, his expression still filled with uncertainty. "Dude, Percy disappeared in a huge puff of smoke. LITERALLY. Then that thing appeared," he pointed at the giant man on the tracks. "That's a pretty huge coincidence."
"Percy's a steam engine. That thing is... well, I haven't got the foggiest idea! There's just no way," the driver argued vehemently, his disbelief becoming borderline stubbornness.
Sir Topham Hatt soon approached the two, his expression shifting from sternness to shock and confusion as he surveyed the scene before him. "What on earth...?" he murmured, trailing off as he struggled to comprehend the inexplicable transformation that had unfolded.
"What happened?!" Sir Topham Hatt demanded, his tone stern as he focused his attention on Percy's bewildered crew.
The fireman raised his hands in defense, looking uncertaint. "We don't know, Sir! Percy just... turned into that!" he explained, gesturing towards the giant humanoid figure lying on the rails.
The driver quickly interjected, his voice tinged with doubt. "But we don't know for SURE if it's Percy!" he added, earning an unimpressed look from the fireman.
Sir Topham Hatt stared at the scene before him, his expression a mix of frustration and bewilderment. "Oh dear, oh dear... out of all the strangest things that happen on this damn island, this certainly takes the cake," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Having his engines become beasts was already stressful enough, but humans??
"Can one of you at least go down and check if it IS Percy? If it isn't, I don't have a bloody clue on what else to do..." he sighed, his exasperation palpable.
The fireman put his hand up "Not it"
The driver grunted and rolled his eyes in annoyance before reluctantly and carefully hopping off the platform, landing on the ballast covered ground below (good thing he had strong legs).
When he looked back up at the creature that was supposedly Percy, he gulped. The size of the creature was much more daunting and intimidating than on the platform. Taking a deep breath, Percy's driver carefully tiptoed up to the beast.
The humanoid's ear twitched a little, and steam puffed out of its nostrils, albeit covered by its puffy hair.
The driver delicately brushed his fingers along the strands of hair before slowly pushing a good amount of its hair. As he took in the details of the colossal man's face, he gasped in even more disbelief;
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It is Percy.
"Oh god! It IS Percy!!" He exclaimed. Sir Topham Hatt gasped "Wait, it is?!" He asked in disbelief, his voice now tinged with worry for his engine. He along with a few other workers quickly made their way down the platform to see for themselves. All the while, they desperately tried to avoid looking at Percy's...ahem...jewels
The driver continued staring at Percy's face in shock until Percy started to stir; he was waking up.
Suddenly, a soft growl could be heard from Percy as he began to stir more and more, making everyone back up in fear. The humanoid saddle-tank's nose twitched and his nails dug into the ground as he came around. He yawned and opened his eyes tiredly.
Once he saw where he was, Percy frowned in confusion "Huh..?" He mumbled as he noticed everyone's faces. A strand of curly hair fell on his face. Thinking he was in his monster form, Percy sat up and simply reached up and pulled it away, only to yelp in pain as it felt like something was pulling at his skin as he tugged on it.
More brown curls then fell over his face, and his tried pulling those away, only for more sharp pain "Ow!" Percy grunted, pulling his paw away.
But when he looked at his paw, he noticed something very off; his paw was more slender looking and his fingers weren't as stubby.
The workers watched in hushed silence, not knowing what to do as they watched Percy flex his fingers, his expression becoming more and more horrified.
Percy saw his driver and whimpered "D-Driver? What's happened?"
The driver reached up, trying to sound calm and reassuring "Okay...uh, Percy. Everything's ok...just don't look dooowwnnn..." Percy did the exact opposite and looked down at the rest of his body "....and he look down" the driver sighed to himself, mentally face-palming.
Percy let out a mighty scream that echoed through the station as he took in the details of his body. He cried and continued to scream as adrenaline began rushing through him, making him instantly stand up, only to fall down due to the unfamiliar feeling of his new legs.
The workers and Sir Topham Hatt quickly cleared away as Percy whimpered and cried, tears of fear streaming down his cheeks as he clutched on to the mail truck for support. The wheels on his ankles spun frantically, his claws digging into the wood of the trucks as he began hyperventilating.
"What– What's happened to me?!" He sobbed.
Sir Topham Hatt, albeit quite stressed out himself, tried to calm him down "Percy! I understand this is very distressing, but please calm down!" He called out. Percy looked down at his controller through teary eyes, choking on a sob, he replied "S-Sir...? I–"
Percy's ears pricked up as he looked ahead of the tracks to see two other humanoid creatures like himself. One was the same size as him and the other was very tall. Both of them also had very familiar faces...
"T-Thomas...James...?" He hiccuped, letting go of the truck. He then made a weak attempt to crawl towards the two "H-Help...me" He whimpered, reaching his hand out to grab either Thomas or James's.
Thomas himself wasted no time and quickly crawled towards Percy, grabbing his hand and helping him on to his knees. Everyone watched as the two smaller humanoids then hugged each other for comfort, James slipping in to join. Thomas let out a shaky sigh and whispered;
"I-It's ok, Percy...everything's gonna be...ok..."
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melkyt · 2 months
Spiderman AU - LawLu
Luffy is a perpetually broke college student who is constantly looking for jobs to do. He tends to help around the neighborhood or the several labs around the city. He's studying to be anything that lets him have some adventures. His classes are sporadic and all over the place, and he is going for several degrees. One of those classes is in the science building. So, he has a lot of random interactions with med and science students. He talks to everyone.
Law works at the college as a researcher, having graduated when he was still a kid. He is trying to find a cure to his illness as anything he found until then was just a treatment, not a cure.
He works for the Donquixote family corp that is known around the city for being shitty behind the scenes (oscorp vibes). Law is one of their kids, and most avoid him for that fact alone. So when he tries to find one of the trade kids to help with more physical experiments, they say no.
Luffy overhears this conversation and immediately says yes. He doesn't ask for details. Law doesn't think that anyone not in the trade he's looking for will be useful with the amount of engineering required, but Luffy says he has a friend who can come by, and they can both help.
Luffy and Usopp show up a few days later at a lab tucked away in a part of the city that is not considered great. Luffy grew around there with Ace and Sabo, so he doesn't care, but Usopp is terrified. He grew up just outside a gated community where nobody locked their doors.
Law had given them the code, and they let themselves in. The lab is a mess, there is tech and half-finished experiments all over the place. Tanks with green bubbling liquid it. Law is focused on a microscope.
Luffy notices the bugs being kept in their habitats and immediately beelines it for that area and starts chattering away, asking questions.
Law is surprised by how much Luffy just casually knows about bioengineering and many other topics. Luffy manages to tell what experiment he is doing just from one glance. They talk bugs for a bit until Usopp clears his throat and says that he can only be there for a short few hours and what does Law want him to do.
They work through most of the evening after that. Usopp eventually leaves, but Luffy decides to stick around and talk more bugs with Traffy.
They talk well into the early morning, Law running on energy drinks and willpower crashes around 4 am mid-conversation.
Luffy chuckles, picks the man up as though he weighs nothing and brings him to the office couch, and goes to search for a blanket.
While on his quest, he noticed that one of the bug cages was ajar. Did they bump it when they were working? "Hope the little guy is still there."
It was not. The spider habitat was very much empty. Luffy decides to find it before leaving. First, he gets a blanket for Law though, he grew up with a brother who tends to overwork himself and crash and then get colds, he doesn't want his new friend to get sick.
When he does find the spider by instinct alone. It's calm and crawls up his arm as though they have known each other for years.
Then Law wakes up, he comes out of the room all groggy and asks why Luffy is still there.
The spider gets spooked and bites Luffy, who moves quickly to drop it into its habitat. "Had a little escape." He smiles and pretends that he wasn't just bitten by a potentially poisonous spider.
"Oh, thanks." Law nods. "I'm gonna get some more sleep. You should go home. Classes start soon"
"Yeah, yeah" Luffy waves it off, he still has plenty of energy to go to class and stay up another day.
He leaves Law's lab, takes the subway home, and as soon as he is through the door, he crashes. Much to the alarm of Ace and Sabo, who he shares an apartment with.
When he wakes up again three days later, the doctors blame it on exhaustion. Nobody who knows Luffy buys it, there must be some other explanation. Ace, having lost both his parents to illness, insists that Luffy stays so the doctors run more tests. Luffy says no because it's boring and expensive even though the college job contract pays for his insurance.
So he is driven home, and as soon as Ace and Sabo leave for their obligations, he is out the door. He wants to see Law and say sorry for flaking. He promised and failed. The lab isn't far away, so he can walk. Something he probably shouldn't do right before dark in his neighborhood. Ace often tells him that's how you get shot.
On the way, he doesn't quite pay attention. He hears gunshots, but that's normal. They stop eventually, and he thinks nothing of it until a car comes roaring around the corner. It's too fast, but his body reacts, and he jumps into the air, landing on a nearby building and sticking to the wall.
He has powers from that point on. The first person he visits is Usopp, telling him everything! Then, everyone else in his group of friends, he doesn't keep secrets from them or anyone really. They are going to have a hell of a time trying to keep Luffy is Spiderman a secret xd. He'll tell Ace and Sabo later when they stop fussing over him, almost getting by a car, which is how he started the story.
So after that, he goes to Law's lab, only to find it dark. When Usopp manages to turn on the lights, everything is broken, and there is blood on the floor and walls. Something bad happened here. He knows the blood is Law's
Luffy decides to make this his first case as Spiderman. He and Usopp clean up the lab as best they can and make it their own, looking for clues.
They find out that Doflamingo Donquixote sold this lab to the city and marked it abandoned, and well, it is the city that moves slowly, especially in lower-end neighborhoods. It went into limbo. Nobody owns it now. That also means there is now news of Law or what happened, or where he is now.
Usopp as the constant voice of wisdom (self-proclaimed lol) says they should just leave it and not get involved with DQ Corp, that it is a bad idea.
Luffy just says meh and that he has to find Traffy. He was cool. They talked about bugs all night, and that might as well be a proposal.
So Luffy with Usopp providing the tech support starts going after DQ buildings around town, finding out a lot of crap that they pull and more about Law's situation, that he was practically bought out of college to do illegal experimentation for DQ. They were looking for immortality, and there was an accident. In the files, the law was just labeled a failure and a criminal for getting away with proprietary info.
With no leads, Luffy decides to say fck it and just go on instinct. He swings all around the city until he reaches the docks. There are large pipes leading into the harbor, and one of them has its grate broken.
Luffy goes in without a second thought that it will be dangerous.
Inside is a makeshift lab, stealing power from the dockyard above.
"TRAFFY! I found you." He pulls off his mask. Luffy is absolutely giddy at finding his friend. They may have only known each other for a week and a day, but Luffy knows who he wants even if he only saw them for a minute.
Law jumps and runs, pressing himself into the far corner of the room. 'Don't Look!'
Luffy, of course, ignores him and gets in his personal space. "Heh, you got scales and a tail! That's so cool"
Law relaxes a little bit then more and tells Luffy everything. How he had gotten a breakthrough in the immortality serum he was making for Doflamingo and he needed a test subject even though DQ would provide him with what they called 'disposable personnel'. Law wasn't about to let them do that, so he used it on himself, partially out of desperation as his treatments stopped working. It cured him, but the side effect was he was more lizard than human now and also wanted dead so Doffy could dissect him to see what made him tick. As Law destroyed any notes and had no intention of telling him, the side effects were too much to allow human testing, which is the next step to work out the problems.
Luffy only half listens, snapping awake when Law is done and telling him to leave that it is not his problem.
"Nuhuh, I like you, Traffy! Come on. My friends can help yah." He puts on his mask and lifts Law as though he still weighs nothing despite the tail adding more than a couple of pounds.
"Wait, don't just--" Law tries to complain, push away, that is until they are flying through the air. Then he clings, he is not good with heights.
Luffy brings them to the dorm, building his friends are at, going for the common room where they are all gathered, just relaxing.
He sets Law on the couch, "Hey guys, this is Traffy, he's gonna be my boyfriend!"
"What? No, I'm not!" Law snaps, bearing his new fangs, scales glisten in the light. He realizes they are all staring at him, he tries to hide his tail.
"Aw, why not" Luffy crouches with a pout "Dont you like me?"
"I went along with your bullshit because I need help with all this" He gestures all over himself.
"Yeah, we'll help, but I also like you, Traffy, that's how I found you!" Luffy says it with full confidence.
"Argue with Luffy later," Nami interjects. "He's not gonna drop it"
"Yeah, dinner is almost ready anyway." Zoro opens one eye to look over from the couch where he is chilling.
"Food!" Luffy throws off his mask and runs toward the kitchen.
"Dont you all care?" Law looks around, confused that they aren't freaking out.
"Luffy's a spider. You being a lizard might as well be normal." Nami shrugs, taking some chips out of a bowl on the coffee table.
And thats that, they let him into their makeshift family as though he has always been there.
They talk about their plan, Luffy's being just to break in and punch Doflamingo in his stupid bird face and tell him to leave his 'future boyfriend' alone. He always says it with such confidence that Law almost agrees every time, but he holds back.
When not talking about destroying the biggest corp in the city, they talk about science and biology as Law tries to revert his condition. Luffy adds new ideas that Law would have never even thought of. They are highly experimental and impractical but genius.
These discussions usually end in Law curled up in Luffy's arms, tail around his waist as they fall asleep. This arrangement made both Law and Luffy have something akin to a good sleeping schedule.
In time, they take down DQ, it's a dramatic fight with Luffy getting injured so much that he has to recover for a whole week even with his healing abilities.
When he wakes up again, Law is there at his bedside, wearing a fancy oversized coat to hide his tail.
Luffy grins. "Will you be my boyfriend now, Traffy?"
With the right of Doffy's control gone, he's free, and for the first time, he feels comfortable enough to say yes. Their fight is not over yet, but now they are together, for whatever comes next in making the city free.
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ikoarts · 1 month
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Sonny the Well-Tank Engine (my HC :p)
More of my Sonny Bunny, I wanted to show some comparisons, mostly with his livery and overall appearance, over the years in my headcanon for him.
This is my baby and I am fighting Mattel for wasting such a good boy
I'll add some rambling under the cut to read if you so wish x
So, just to get one thing out of the way first, my Sonny is not a sibling to Bellerophon, or Bellerophon herself, but in fact a bootleg created to the same design for work on a colliery in the south (which explains his inexplicable southern accent lmao)
The original livery for the colliery's engines was that navy blue he's seen in in canon, of course being changed when the NCB was founded, I don't know too much about the NCB liveries (there's a lot) but I opted for him to wear the same green as Bellerophon did.
Some time after, as dieselisation took hold, he was restored back into navy blue, in hopes he could serve as a heritage engine.... thoooough those plans fell through when the colliery ran out of funds, and Sonny was sent to be scrapped.
After that, he was "rescued" by Baz and Bernie. Feeling indebted to them, he did them the favour of being their getaway vehicle, and brushed off their abusive behaviour towards him, as he was just thankful to be alive. Unable to do much about it anyway, any protest he did have towards their actions stopped, as he became apathetic and hopeless. My headcanon gets a little darker than whatever non fleshed out silliness we got in Marvellous Machinery, maybe a little bit of murder involved, who knows!! Hence the blood... Oh dear!
After finally being rescued FOR REAL by the NWR, he was taken in as a private engine on the Earl's estate, working alongside Stephen, Glynn, and Millie, mostly working to pull goods to and from Ulfstead Castle. Millie does most of that work, and being narrow gauge, it limits where she can go and what she can pull, Stephen and Glynn probably shouldn't be doing that sort of work, so, Sonny feels perfect here. He IS an old Victorian engine, bootleg or not, he catches the interest of the Earl, and he's keen to have him on his estate. Sonny is just happy to have finally found a home at last, his past is troubled, and he has the scars to prove it, but he made it in the end!
Anyway I'm wrapping him up in bubble wrap and keeping him close, he deserved much better than BWBA and Marvellous Machinery, but alas, if he's gonna be given nothing then I'll have to do it myself
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mynameismckenziemae · 6 months
She’s a Fire-Chapter I
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x OFC/Reader (no use of y/n)
She’ll be my 3rd degree
(next chapter here)
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Warnings: dry humping, fluff, etc.
A/N: I don’t believe you have to read Ain’t No Sunshine but I think it might help.
You pull into Penny’s a little before 11 and she meets you in the driveway.
“Rowan, how nice to see you again! How was the drive? You must be exhausted” she says as she takes a bag from you.
“Nice to see you too! It wasn’t bad, I tried to pull over and sleep but I couldn’t. And yes, I am pooped,” you laugh as you follow her up the stairs. “Thank you so much for this and everything, Sunny too. You have no idea how much stress this has taken off me.”
“No problem at all. Sun left most of the furniture except her bed, she said you were bringing yours?”
“Yeah, my apartment in Denver was furnished, but I bought my own bed. I think the movers will be here Monday, they’ll get the majority of my other things too.”
“Sounds good, I hope you don’t mind, but I made up the pullout for you.” She says as she unlocks the door for you.
“Oh, you are a lifesaver. Thank you! I was gonna crash on the nearest flat surface.”
“You’re welcome. Here’s the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom is here and the bedroom next to it. Do you want help getting anything else out of your car? Otherwise, I’ll get out of your hair and let you rest.”
“Oh, thank you, but that’s okay. I’ve got everything I need for now in these 2 bags, I’ll bring up the rest later.” You yawn.
“Sounds good, let me know if you need anything. I’ll be at the party later, I’ve got to take Amelia to her dad’s first”.
“Great. Thank you again.”
She squeezes your shoulder and closes the door behind her.
You slip your shoes off and set an alarm before plugging your phone on and falling into a deep sleep.
A few hours later you arrive at the Hard Deck; showered, hair curled into loose waves down your back, and clad in a green sundress. You feel great and look even better.
It’s only 3:40, so you take a seat at the bar while you wait. The door swings open and you check out the hunk who walked through. Tight jeans on thick thighs, a white tank stretched over his pecs under a godawful Hawaiian shirt. He somehow pulls it off, same with the mustache he sports. You look away before he sees you staring and poke at your drink.
You check your phone in your lap to see if Sunny’s texted, but nothing. There’s movement to your right, someone’s taken the empty seat beside you. It’s the pornstache hunk. You can feel him staring after he orders.
“Before you ask, yes. The curtains match the drapes.” You say with a smile, not looking at him.
He chokes on his drink. “What? I didn’t- I wasn’t going—“ he sputters, choking on his beer.
You laugh as you turn towards him. He’s even more handsome up close. Brown eyes, a strong nose, and scars on his cheek add character. A flush is crawling up his neck, you caught him off guard.
He’s looking you over too. Deep green blue eyes, pouty painted lips, long red hair.
“I haven’t seen you here before. I’d remember you.” He says, eyes dipping to your lips.
“You’re right. I just moved here from Colorado.”
“What made you decide to come here?”
“Job offer and I wanted a change of scenery”.
“Oh yeah? What do you do?”
“Chemical engineering.”
He whistles lowly.
“What about you, pornstache? What do you do for a living?”
“Pornstache?” He chuckles. “I’m a naval aviator.”
“Ah, I see. Call sign?”
You glance at his groin before meeting his eyes again, cocking a brow. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he says, voice a little husky. He clears his throat and takes another drink. “You here alone?”
You shake your head, “No, I’m meeting a friend here, she should be here soon. You?”
“Same, who are you meeting? I might know them?”
“Her name is S—oh shit,” you say as a drunk uniform spills his nearly full beer in your lap.
“Ohhh, my bad. Need my help taking your wet dress off?” He slurs, his stale beer breath hitting your face.
“No thanks,” you say, sighing as you try and mop it up.
“Come on, I was just kidding. You should lighten up” he leers, putting a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“She said no thanks. Apologize and get the hell outta here, Ensign Johnson. I’ll be having a discussion with your commanding officer on Monday about teaching you to respect a lady.” Bradley says from behind you with a commanding tone.
“Fuck, sorry. I didn’t know she was with you, Rooster, I mean Lt. Bra—“
“It doesn’t matter if she’s with me or not. You spilled a drink on her, didn’t apologize, and then tried to hit on her. Now, apologize.” He rises to his feet.
“I-I’m sorry ma’am, for the drink and…and”
“It’s fine, you better go now.” You reply, still trying to mop the mess.
He and his buddies scurry away.
“Come with me, I can get you some towels. I used to work here.” He says, holding out his hand.
You take it. “That’d be great, thanks.”
He brings you to a storage room and hands you some clean towels.
“Damn it. It’s no use. It’s satin, so even when it dries I’m still gonna look like I peed my pants” you laugh, holding the wet material off your thighs.
“Could your friend bring you something to change into?” He asks, taking the wet one from you.
“I’m sure she would. Wait, I have clothes in my car yet. Know how I told you I just moved here? Well…like literally moved here today and didn’t bring all of the boxes in yet. I’m gonna soak my underwear thought if I don’t get this off soon.”
“Do you want me to get you something from your car?”
“You’d do that?” You asked, surprised. You were used to men who did the bare minimum.
“Of course, gotta show you how most naval men act, not like that jackass. Give me your keys and I’ll grab you something.”
“Thank you, it’s the white Volkswagen in the back. There’s dresses on top in the trunk, any of them should work.”
“You got it, be back in a second.”
You unzip the dress and step out of it as soon as he leaves, unable to stand the feeling of wet satin sticking to your thighs. Leaving you in your heels, bra, and lacy boyshorts. You turn to look for something to put it in and you see a box of plastic bags on the top shelf. You stand on your tiptoes and almost have it…
“Does this one work? I think it’ll look nice with your eyes. Shit, sorry!” You hear the door close and he turns around.
Oops, he was back faster than you thought.
“No worries, I just had to get it off, it was irritating my skin. I figured this is no different than seeing me in a bikini” You walk up behind him. He flinches when you touch his shoulder to turn him around to take the dress.
He slowly turns to you and gulps, looking towards the ceiling, trying to be respectful.
You’re not sure what’s gotten into you as you step closer and ‘accidentally’ brush the bulge growing in his jeans as you reach for the dress.
“Yeah, Rooster makes sense.” You smile as he sucks in a breath and drops his head to look at you.
You rise to your tiptoes to kiss him, which he returns immediately with enthusiasm. His hands go straight to your ass and squeeze, groaning into your mouth. He’s an ass man apparently.
His hands slide lower and he lifts you, turning to pin you against the door, his jean-clad erection pressed right against your core. You pull off his lips with a whine, and he kisses a path down your neck, his mustache tickling in the best way.
His hips continue rocking against yours, and he groans as he can feel your wet heat through the layers.
“Keep going, just like that” you pant, surprised that you’re getting close.
He groans again, lower this time, and sucks a bruise below your collarbone. The little zing of pain is enough to push you over the edge. Your legs tighten around his waist and your hands weave into his hair to tug his head up for a kiss and he swallows your whimpers.
Once you catch your breath, he sets you down, “That was so fucking hot” he pants against your lips.
You smile and bring your hand to his zipper, ready to return the favor but his phone dings, startling you both.
“Shit! What time is it? My friend was supposed to be here at 4.” You say, pulling your dress on and smoothing your hair. Thankfully the dress covers the mark he left by your collarbone.
“4:33, my friends are here too.” He says, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“I’m sorry about your…situation, but I really gotta go find my friend but I’ll be here for a while tonight, come find me?” you ask as you grab your purse.
“It’s okay, I gotta go too. I just…need a minute,” he chuckles, “but yeah, I’ll find you”.
You run your fingertips across the front of his pants and kiss his cheek. “See you around”.
You spot her curly hair from across the bar.
“Sunny!” You say, wrapping her in a hug.
“Row! Sorry I was late, I was uh-preoccupied?” Well, that explains her baby giraffe legs. “Hey, this is Bob, my boyfriend.” She says.
“Nice to meet you finally, I’m Rowan,” you say with a smile, shaking his hand. He returns it.
“Are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed.” Sunny asks.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just a little nervous is all.” Yeah, she’s not gonna buy that.
“Don’t be! Everyone’s gonna love you. Oh, there’s Bradley now. I’ll introduce you.” Sunny says, waving someone over.
Pornstache’s eyes widen when he sees you behind Sunny.
“Bradley, this is my good friend Rowan from college. She’s the engineer moving here from Colorado, staying at Pen’s apartment,” Sunny turns to you, “and this is Bradley, my childhood friend. Our dads flew together in the Navy”.
“Rowan. That’s a pretty name. What does it mean?” Bradley asks you.
“Little redhead. I bet you can figure out why my parents chose it” you smirk, holding out your hand. “Great to meet you, Bradley.”
He takes your hand. “Likewise” he murmurs, looking at your lips, which turn up into a seductive smile.
Wellllllll there’s part one. Whatcha think? Lmk if you want to be added to this stories taglist!
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