#like reg loving Walburga and Orion still
the-only-country · 3 months
Unrequited love…….
But with parents
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"I'm having his baby- No, I'm not, but you should see your faces."
~ Taylor Swift (But Daddy I Love Him) Pairing: Jegulus - Rating: T - Trans!Reg
He wasn't sure what made him say it. Perhaps it was that he was sick of his parents' constant lecturing. Maybe he was feeling particularly rebellious. Reconciling with Sirius had had a horrible influence on his rule-following abilities. It could be that he just wanted to cause some drama.
But as they were once again going on and on about how he was to break up with James Potter, marry a nice traditional pureblood, stop his testosterone potions and become the child they expected him to be, he just snapped.
"Well, I'm pregnant," he said flatly, interrupting Walburga's insane ranting.
"You- what?" she asked, eyes bulging.
"Yes. Potter's knocked me up with his crazy, Muggle-loving bastard baby. So what now, Mother?" he asked, rubbing lightly at his stomach, fighting back a grin at the way she looked to be experiencing an aneurism. It was a lovely sight.
"Orion. What do we do?" she asked desperately, turning to her husband, who was still gaping like a fish out of water.
But, feeling quite done with the conversation, Regulus stood. "I'm not actually pregnant. If you'd bothered to pay attention to anything about my life at all, you would know my potions make it so I can't get pregnant. But I think I am leaving. Goodbye, Mother. Father."
And with that, he swept from the room, his mind already on the quickest way to get to Potter Manor.
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natti-ice · 3 months
Wrong Assumptions- Regulus Black.
Pairing: Regulus Black x fem!reader
Summary: The Marauders come to visit for the summer, Regulus does everything to avoid the love of his life
Warnings: written in third person (she/her pronouns), this is two parts in one (2.7k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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Summer breaks at 12 Grimmauld Place weren't always eventful. It was quiet most days, a rare conversation here and there. The Black brothers got along to a certain extent. Even when his parents were constantly comparing him to his brother, Sirius did love his brother. Regulus wouldn't say it out loud but he loved his brother too. 
This break was different than the rest, Walburga and Orion were out of town for a few weeks. This meant the boys had the house to themselves. Sirius took advantage of this immediately. He sent an owl to his friends the second his parents left, telling them to come asap. 
Regulus didn't care they were gone, or that Sirius had friends over. He kept to himself most of the day anyway. He wasn't overly fond of Sirius' friends, they were the complete opposite of him. Loud, obnoxious, just all over the place. Well, that was mainly James.
He could tolerate the tall one, the short boy didn't look in his direction so Regulus didn't mind him. He liked Y/N, only because she was his friend first.
Growing up, their parents were friends. Y/N would come over and play with the boys, she was always closer with Regulus even though she was a year older. She wasn't into the things Sirius liked. He was more into physical toys, while Y/N and Reg would create fantasy lands with their imaginations. 
One day they could be pirates finding lost treasure at sea, the next they were doctors performing emergency surgery on a teddy bear. This went on for a while till it was time for her to go to school. That's when she and Sirius became close, it seemed like she completely forgot about Regulus.
Most people thought Sirius and Y/N were in love the way they were never separate. For a while, Regulus didn't think that until he saw Y/N and Sirius cuddled up at the great lake one day. 
The Marauders arrived a few days ago, nothing crazy had happened thankfully. No kitchen fires or broken vases, just loud voices that reminded Regulus of their presence. 
It was about 8:30 in the morning, the house was quiet. Regulus figured they were all still asleep, he didn't like to leave his room when they were about the house. He went downstairs to the kitchen to make himself breakfast.
Walking into the kitchen, heading straight to the cabinet to make his morning tea. He failed to see someone already sitting at the dining table
"Good morning Reggie" She said
"Morning" he said with a thin-lipped smile
"How have you been?" she kept the conversation going
"I've been fine" he sat in front of her, stirring his tea
They made small talk for a while, catching up on what the other has been doing over the years. They hadn't had an actual conversation in who knows how long. Small waves and hellos in the hallways were the extent of their friendship.
The conversation was easy as if they'd never stopped talking. A few laughs here and there, until the boys woke up. Thumbing could be heard from outside the kitchen door, the boys came into the kitchen all at once. They were already talking about something probably meaningless. Regulus took this opportunity to slip out of the room.
It kind of hurt Y/N to see him leave, but she understood. He wasn't a people person. She would see him around school, always by himself. He would talk to some boys in his house, but she knew they weren't his close friends.
"Y/N/N get dressed, we're going into town today" Sirius told the girl as he buttered his toast
She listened heading up the stairs to her room to pick out an outfit. She passes by Regulus' room, stopping, backing up to be in front of his door.
She figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if he wanted to come. She knocks on the door
"Hey Reg, can I come in for a sec"
"sure" muffled by the door, she cracks open slightly stepping into his room.
It was very neat and elegant for a young man. A tall bookshelf and desk furnished his room.
"The boys and I are going out later, I just wanted to know if you wanted to come" she smiled
"Oh, no. Thank you, though" he said quicker than she'd like
"Okay, I'll see you later then" she left his room, it was probably for the best. The boys would've flipped if he came.
The sun was almost completely down before the Marauders came back. They went all over London. 
During their absence, Regulus thought back to that day at the lake. He was studying some plants for herbology that lived in the water. A few feet away was his brother's little friend group. Sirius was leaning up against a tree, while Y/N was rested under his arm with her head on his shoulder.
A small pain struck Regulus' heart, he didn't understand it back then but he knows now. He's in love with her, the feeling was new to him. He felt sick to his stomach any time he saw them together after that day.
That's why he didn't want to go out with them, if it was just Y/N, he'd go anywhere she wanted. 
The boys had worn themselves out today, they all were asleep by 11:30. Y/N laid in her bed, trying her best to fall asleep. She was restless, she didn't have as much fun as she pretended she did. Throughout the day Regulus ran through her mind. She missed being around him, watching him grow up on the sidelines was painful. They should've done it together.
When he got sorted into a different house, she knew there wasn't a chance for their relationship to be as it once was. 
She left her bed, she walked the halls of the house trying to cure her boredom. She decided to go up to the roof. It was a place she and Reggie would sneak off to when they'd gotten in trouble. No one ever found them.
She climbed up the hidden ladder that was installed into the ceiling of the top floor. A warm breeze hit her face as she got to the roof. She sat down against the brick wall that's connected to the chimney.
 She sighed, finally some fresh air. She loved her friends, but sometimes they were too much.
"Y/N?" A voice said
"Reggie?" she asked back
A tall figure came from behind the wall, sitting next to her. 
"What are you doing out here?" He asked
"Just needed a little air" he nods, "I didn't know you still came up here" she says
"Yeah, it's my own hideaway" a small smile on his face
They sat in silence for a minute or two. Y/N taking in the beauty of the night sky.
"Can I ask you something?" Regulus asked randomly
"Sure, anything" 
He takes a short pause, thinking of how to word the question. "Are you in love with my brother?" he asks in a quiet voice
She looked at him searching for any sign he was joking. He was being serious. She had to laugh. 
"What's so funny?" He was confused by her hysterics
"I'm sorry, it was just funny. You think I like Sirius?" 
"You don't?" He was even more confused now
"No! I love him, just not in that way. I don't know why everyone thinks me and him are a thing." She explained
"Okay... what about when you two were cozied up at the lake?"  
"Are you stalking me Reggie?" she teased
"What? No." He was thankful for the darkness, he could feel his face heating up
"It was cold that day, I forgot my jacket. He was being a good friend is all. Plus he's not really my type" she said
"Oh. I don't think he deserves you anyway" he smirked "What is your type then?" He needed to know, he knew it would eat him up if he didn't know.
It felt like she was taking forever to answer, he could hear his pulse. It was so loud, he almost missed what she said.
"I'm sorry what?" he asked
"I said, you" She smiled
This was something he had wanted to hear for a very long time, now was his time. Something came over him, and he went for it.
"I love you" he blurted out
"I was hoping you'd say that" she leaned in slightly, inches away from his face "I'm going to kiss you now" she whispered
Regulus closed the distance between them, holding her cheek in hand. This moment was what he thought about every day. He was afraid he was dreaming. Finally pulling away for air. 
"I love you too, Reggie"
They didn't stay on the roof for long, the summer nights were quite warm. Sleep wasn't an option for them, rekindling their friendship and starting a new relationship gave them an adrenaline boost.
They thought of things they could do that were fun but didn't risk them getting caught. Regulus was trying to come up with something when he remembered a little secret of his.
"I know something we can do, but if you tell anyone I'll deny it" he started
"What are you talking about? Should I be worried?" She asked, his bold vague statement made her very curious
"I own one of those muggle television sets. I was tired of hearing the kids at school talking about them so I had to see what the big deal was"
He nods,
"Oh my" she laughs, "Who would've thought, the pureblood has a liking for muggle things"
"Hey, it was only-"
"I'm teasing, Reg!" she smiled at him "I'd love to watch tv with you"
"C'mon I show you where it is," he said, standing up offering her a hand.
She accepted it, pulling herself up. They climbed back down the ladder into the house. Regulus took her hand, leading her down the dark hallway to a small room in an abandoned part of the house.
The room was pretty bare, with only a small tv and a two-person couch filling the space. Reg walks over to the television turning the dials finding his favorite channel. It played reruns of the American show 'Charlie's Angels'.
Both of them sat down on the couch, closer than they would've this time yesterday. He had already seen this episode before, he filled Y/N in on what she'd missed.
The couple sat together enjoying the program, neither of them could believe they were finally together. They were still getting used to being around each other again. It was a little awkward at first, but as their nerves calmed they eased into it.
"Y'know what would make this better?" Y/N said
"What?" his voice raspy from not speaking
"You're absolutely right" he smiled
Walking downstairs, trying their best to be quiet. They knew if the boys found out, it would be a whole fiasco. It was best to keep it to themselves for now.
Y/N took the lead stepping into the kitchen pushing open the door, the fridge light was already illuminating the room. Sirius had woken up and decided to get something to drink.
"Oh hey Y/N/N... and Regulus?" he furrowed his brows together "What are you two doing?" he questioned
"Just hanging out, we couldn't sleep" She came up with on the fly, Regulus silently stood behind her, maintaining eye contact with his older brother.
"Right, can I talk to you for a minute, Y/N" he said pulling her into the other room
She kept her composure, she knew he had many questions. But she wasn't ready to tell him everything just yet.
"You and him are friends now?"
"We've always been friends, Sirius. We just haven't talked in a while that's all" she told him
"Okay, just answer me this one question" he sighed, dreading the answer. "Are you messing around with my brother?"
"WHAT?" She said a little too loudly "No, I am not messing around with him" she whispered, Regulus was probably listening
"I'll take your word for it" he put his hands up in defense "I've got to go back to bed, Goodnight"
"Goodnight, Sirius" she watched as he ascended up the stairs
She released the breath she didn't know she was holding, going back into the kitchen.
"How'd it go?" Regulus asked
"Fine, but he is very suspicious. If we want to keep this a secret, we'll have to be more discrete." She didn't like keeping secrets from Sirius, but she didn't want to jeopardize her relationship with Regulus.
He walks up to her, taking her face in his hand. "We'll tell him soon enough, don't worry dear" he tells her, placing a small kiss on her forehead
It was the Marauders last week at The Black's house. Every night Y/N and Regulus would stay up, take every moment they could to be together before she had to leave.
This also meant they were exhausted during the day. She still had to hang around the boys, so she sacrificed her sleep to keep her secret. The boys noticed her tiredness but didn't pay it any mind, figured she was worn out from being around them for so long.
There were a few times they had almost got caught, barely getting out of each situation. Like the time James decided to be an early bird.
It was 4:45 am, Y/N and Regulus had accidentally fallen asleep in the living room. Y/N was laying on top of Regulus. James half-awake walked past the room, thankfully it was quite dark in the house. He could only see her figure on the couch.
"Psst, Y/N" This caused her to stir, she realized whose voice that was. Slowly turning her head to face James, thinking she was caught.
He wasn't looking in her direction thankfully
"Yeah?" she answered
"Go to your room, there's no way that couch is comfortable" he walked away
She frantically woke up Regulus after she saw James' silhouette was gone. They both had to tiptoe back to their respective rooms.
Today was her last day. One by one the Marauders were leaving. James and Y/N were the last to leave. She, James, and Sirius were waiting in the living room. Her parents would be there any minute, so she wanted to say goodbye to regulus.
"I'm gonna go say goodbye to Reggie" she told the boys
"Careful, he might bite" James laughed
Rolling her eyes, she made her way to his room. Lightly knocking on the door,
"Hey Reggie, can I come in?" she asks
"Of course," he replied
She walks into the room, he was standing in the middle of the room. He'd been waiting for her to come up there.
"My parents will be here soon, I wanted to say goodbye" She walks up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He snakes his arms around her shoulders, squeezing her tight.
"School starts back soon, Won't be long we'll see each other again" he says pulling away slightly so they're face to face.
"I love you, Y/N" He leans down, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss.
He's so happy he finally got the girl. The girl he always wanted, even when he thought she loved his brother.
"Hey Y/N, your parents-" Sirius says walking into his brothers from
The couple pulls away from each other, not fast enough for Sirius not to see.
"Haven't you heard of knocking" Regulus questions his brother
"I thought you said you two weren't messing around?" confusion slapped across his face
"We're not!" she panics
"Right, then what the hell was that?" slight anger in his tone
"We're not messing around. I love him, Sirius" She had to tell the truth
Sirius didn't say anything, only eyed the couple. Sighing he finally replied,
"I know,"
"You know?" Regulus asks
"Yeah, I've always known you loved each other. I just didn't know how to feel about it"
"How do you feel about it?" Y/N didn't want this to ruin anything being her and Sirius, he's her best friend
"It'll take me a while to get used to, but I want you guys to be happy"
Y/N walks up to him, wrapping him in a bear hug. "Thank you" she whispers
A car horn is heard outside the window
"I should probably go" she let go of her friend, walking back over to her boyfriend
"I love you, Reggie" giving him a quick peck
"Ew, please don't do that around me," Sirius says, a sickened look on his face
"You're gonna have to get use to it" she shrugged walking out of the room. Regulus follows behind her, standing next to his brother
"Goodbye Y/N" Sirius yells down the hall
"Goodbye boys" she says, heading down the stairs
Once he heard the door shut, Sirius turned to his brother
"If you hurt her, I promise you I will make your life hell" he put on a fake smile
"I wouldn't dream of it" he matched his brother's smile
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neytirisheaven · 7 months
she’s all i wanna be so bad
warnings: no use of y/n, slughorn calling you sweetheart (a jumpscare in itself), regulus being oblivious, slight angst
regulus black x fem!slughorn!reader word count: 1.2k (part two)
summary: being slughorn’s daughter, you were immediately sorted into slytherin, where you befriended the infamous regulus black. throughout your five years at hogwarts, you only grew closer to the youngest son of walburga and orion black, and you just so happened to develop feelings for him. unfortunately for you, a beauxbatons transferee would steal his heart before you could even manage to grasp the fact that he had yours.
notes: THIS IS UNBEARABLY SHORT I’M TERRIBLY SORRY, i wanted to get something out for you guys so you wouldn’t have to go through a long wait!! i do have a part 2 in mind if anyone would like to read it, and while this is definitely not my best work and i don’t really like it.. i PROMISE it’ll get better once i get the hang of tumblr fics!
THE EERIE SILENCE of the Slytherin common room was relaxing at night, the high-positioned windows allowing the dim moonlight to shine through the dark living space. The light crackling of the sparks from the fireplace echoed against the stone walls, and the only other audible sound was the crinkly noises of your book’s pages. 
They had been soaked with water just a day prior, when an entourage of snobby Ravenclaws ‘accidentally’ tipped their goblets over. You were only grateful it wasn’t pumpkin juice, just as they should’ve been grateful that your best friend was there to hold you back from hexing them in front of your professors. 
Everything would have gone red if it weren’t for Regulus. He was always there for you when — wait, where was he? You couldn’t quite remember where he told you he was running off to, only that he had the most shit-eating grin you had ever seen him bear. His pearly-whites were shining ever-so-brightly, and not even the appearance of his parents could dampen his spirit.
Being the most amazing best friend you could be, you didn’t pry and only let him be, ultimately deciding to head down to the common room and read your book in the peace and quiet that came with it. 
“For the love of Merlin, Reg, you’re practically bouncing your leg off,” you had commented during Potions.
Regulus had been spinning his quill between his fingers as if he hadn’t just dipped it into a fresh pot of ink, biting a smile back as he gazed off into the furthest wall of the confined classroom. You were snapping your fingers in an attempt to gain his attention, but your efforts were to no avail. All he did was hum and spit out a “yeah, sure.”
“Have you even been paying attention to any of the instructions?”
“Of course, I have, dimwi—“
And then she walked in. A pretty girl, one of the prettiest you’ve ever seen, with long, luscious, blonde locks cascading down her shoulders and back. You were sure you could run a pine cone through her hair, and it still wouldn’t get tangled. It was like she had some sort of glowy aura radiating all around her.
You hated it.
Correction, you hated the way he looked at her. The way his eyes almost popped straight out of his skull at the mere sight of her undeniable beauty was unbearable for you to watch. 
That’s why he was giggling to himself, you thought to yourself when the whole class went dead silent. Your father shot her a welcoming smile and trotted over to her with his hand extended out. You could make out the small, white paper that the girl held in her hands — oh, Merlin, her hands. They were absolute perfection; her figure itself seemed like it was sculpted by the Gods. 
No wonder Regulus was completely and utterly awestruck.
“Is this the correct class?” Her accent, from what you could tell, was a very thick French accent, a sign that she was from the Beauxbatons Academy. And there was no way you could compete with a Beauxbatons girl. “You are Professor Slughorn, yes?”
Your father nodded his head and led her to the front of the class, “Indeed, I am. You’ve come to the right class! What is your name, dear girl? Go ahead, introduce yourself to the class.”
The girl clasped her hands behind her back as she spoke. Her posture was impeccable, straight enough to hold the whole library on her head if she wished to. Her voice was full of light and confidence, which only added to the already-long list of reasons why your best friend was head-over-heels for her.
“My name is Adaléne, and I am a transfer student from Beauxbatons. Thank you for welcoming me into Hogwarts,” she beamed, her rosy cheeks lifting when she smiled. 
Maybe it was the intensity of your emotions, or maybe it was just the fact that you were a Slytherin, but you were glaring so hard that if looks could kill, she would’ve been six feet underground the second she stepped foot into the Potions classroom.
Your father said a few more things to her and the class, but you had tuned his words out. You only focused back when you felt Regulus’ soft taps on your thigh. Your gaze immediately softened as you looked at him, the sole feeling of his fingers against your leg being enough to bring you down from the rage that was building up inside of you. He nodded towards your dad, who was now looking straight at you with a concerned gaze. 
“Sweetheart, could you and Mister Black fill Adaléne in on the curriculum and the topic for today?” He asked, already bringing the blonde girl over to your table before you had enough time to respond. 
You and Regulus looked like complete opposites, his excited grin contrasting with your deadpan look. For the rest of the class period, you sat there expressionless, watching Regulus and Adaléne flirt with one another. Just watching.
Now, you sat alone on the couch before the fireplace, toying around with your bookmark as your eyes fluttered over the inked words on your pages. Your ears almost perked up when you heard Regulus’ voice trailing through the entrance of the common room, your book becoming the least of your worries. 
You heaved yourself off the green couch and plastered a grin onto your face while you tugged on the knitted sweater you fished from your best friend’s clothes. The sleeves fell just past your fingertips, shielding you from the chilly temperature of the dungeons during wintertime. You opened your mouth to call out the boy’s name, but before a word could leave your mouth, you heard his name leave her mouth.
“Oh, Regulus,” she sighed dreamily, her black Hogwarts robes draping down to her expensive shoes. You could hear her giggle behind her hand, and as soon as the boy’s figure came into your line of sight, your smile dropped.
Regulus had his arm wrapped firmly around her waist, and his face was littered with pink lipstick stains. His cheeks were flushed just as rosy as the color of Adaléne’s lipstick was, and his hair was run rugged from what you could assume was the girl running her hands through his thick curls. Maybe you were jumping to conclusions, but every detail only led you to worse and worse ideas.
You could barely manage to stand there without feeling the urge to vomit or scream. For the few seconds you looked at the two, you saw Regulus’ wide grin when Adaléne cupped his cheeks and beamed up at him, and all you could wonder was why that wasn’t you. 
Your book found its place in your hands, and as quickly as you could, you swiveled on your heel and dashed into your dorm. 
You didn’t even notice the bookmark you dropped, and you definitely didn’t notice Regulus’ regretful, burning gaze piercing through the back of your skull.
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moonaged-moony · 2 months
Okay, hear me out. a jegulus miraculous au.. James is ladybug, and his superhero name is Helios (named after the sun god). Regulus is chat noir, and his superhero name is Astraeus (name after the star god)
Regulus, like Adrien, has to live up to his family's expectations, and the only time he can be himself is when he is Astraeus
James is friends with everyone and will do anything he can to help them, and everyone loves him like marinette!!!
also imagine the love square?! Astraeus loves Helios, but he's in love with Regulus, who denies his feelings for James because he loves Helios!!! Also, the black brother angst would be amazing, Sirius escaped the family and became a rockstar while Reg is stuck doing whatever his mother tells him to do.
the characters would be something like
Marinette - James (ladybug - Helios)
Adrien - Regulus (chat noir - Astraeus)
Shadow Moth - Walburga
Mayura - Orion (He does whatever Walburga asks him to)
Alya - Sirius
chloe - Severus
sabrina - Lily maybe?? like how she realises her friendship with sev is toxic, but she doesn't want to leave him?? Obviously, if I wrote this au, I would nake it so that she leaves him, but so that she still cares for him and wants the best for him even after everything he's done to her, yk?
Kagami - Barty (Can have some bartylus, but they realise they're not meant for each other, and then it turns into jegulus and rosekiller!!)
Felix - Evan (just in the sense that i NEED rosekiller and i feel like they would have a similar dynamic to kagami and felix, also i kinda love the idea of Evan and Reg being cousins)
Rose - Pandora. They're both so sweet and everyone loves them.
Juleka - Emmeline (i dont know much about her, but the fics I've read with emmadora are adorable. I love them, and i feel like they'd have the same sort of relationship as juleka and rose)
Tom and Sabine - Effie and Monty ofc
For Mary, Marlene and Dorcas I'm not entirely sure but I don't think the characters have to be the exact same as they are in the show. So I think Marlene and Dorcas could be
Marlene - Mylene
Dorcas - Ivan
I'd really want Mary and Lily to be together, and I don't really know who Mary would be? Maybe Zoe? But if I made her Zoe, I wouldn't want her and Severus to be siblings, but I feel like Sabrina and Zoe's characters could have a good dynamic? If anyone has any ideas PLS lemme know
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artemisia-black · 4 months
Do you think Walburga and Orion physically tortured Sirius or reg when they're being rebellious?
No I quite emphatically don't (will discuss below the cut with a TRIGGER WARNING: DISCUSSIONS OF ABUSE).
1.0 Emotional abuse is devasting
There was clearly emotional abuse and neglect, the gravity of which can often be lost in depictions of gratuitous physical violence. In some fandom spaces, there appears to be a perceived hierarchy of abuse, wherein emotional maltreatment is often regarded as less severe or less compelling to portray. In the case of the Blacks, there was undeniable emotional abuse and neglect. The significance of this type of abuse can frequently be overshadowed in narratives that focus more on explicit physical violence, potentially diminishing the recognition of the profound impact emotional trauma can have.
Walburga's portrait denounces Sirius as the "Shame of her flesh," and Kreacher incessantly proclaims that he is unworthy to "wipe slime from Walburga's boots." Furthermore, the indifference displayed towards permitting a penniless, underage child to leave the home is striking. These instances provide indisputable evidence of emotional neglect and abuse. Additionally, Sirius's almost tentative proposition to Harry regarding living together, coupled with his near disbelief upon receiving an affirmative response, indicates his struggle to believe that he is indeed loved. This vulnerability, evident in his shyness and the slight fumbling of his words, contrasts sharply with his overtly murderous demeanour in the preceding scene.
In my WiP Pietas, I explore how constant criticism makes Sirius feel profoundly lonely, yet he never calls it abuse. This aspect of the narrative underscores the significant internal gaslighting that often accompanies emotional abuse. Victims may internalise the constant belittlement and devaluation to the extent that they question their own feelings and perceptions, doubting the validity of their experiences.
At his words, a sense of kinship stirred in Sirius’s heart and an odd sensation began to build in his stomach. Thoughts of confessing his frustrations and his inner turmoil rose to the surface, like drowning men clamouring for desperate gasps of air. But before he could form a sentence, Leone carried on speaking.
‘But while you are a guest in my house, I ask that as a gentleman, you prioritise my sister’s honour above all else. She is very dear to me, and I do not wish to force her into a marriage.’
He had halted once more, looking over at the girl still seated on the bench with an undisguised fondness that made Sirius ache with a profound sense of loneliness. He could not remember the last time any member of his immediate family had looked at him with anything but anger or dissatisfaction and to his embarrassment, his eyes began to sting.
2.0 The Cruciatus tus as a disciplinary tool is like swatting a fly with a nuke
In canon, the Cruciatus curse comes with a life sentence in Azkaban and is an actual means of torture (not the equivalent of a punch- which is bad enough).
"He had been hit again by the Cruciatus Curse. The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that he no longer knew where he was. ... White-hot knives were piercing every inch of his skin, his head was surely going to burst with pain, he was screaming more loudly than he’d ever screamed in his life — And then it stopped." GoF
“Pain,” said Moody softly. “You don’t need thumbscrews or knives to torture someone if you can perform the Cruciatus Curse. GoF
It seems highly unlikely that this curse, notorious for leaving the Longbottoms in need of long-term care, would be employed for disciplinary purposes. Moreover, given the Blacks' self-perception of near-royalty, it seems implausible that they would willingly subject their offspring to such torment, risking permanent harm to their lineage.
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florsial · 4 months
There isn't enough Bartylus content, I'm throwing a fit
And here's a lil playlist i made and realized gave off slight bartylus vibes<3:
Spectrum and Hot Gum gives off such bartylus vibes!!
Here are some Bartylus hcs!!!
-I do believe in canon Barty is younger than Reg by about a year but I don't really like that, so I imagine Barty is just younger than Reg by about a few months (i do what i want)
-Though they first met at a pureblood event when they were both 8 years old and Barty finds himself being pushed to talk to the sickly-looking boy who clung to Evan Rosier while his brother was being pulled away by Walburga and Orion. He didn't get to talk to Regulus at all that night, but Evan was nice.
-When he sat with Evan and Reg on the Hogwarts Express for the first time, Regulus still didn't talk to him. Just starred. It was then that Evan explained that Regulus didn't know any English, only French.
-So Barty tried to teach some to him, but since he was pretty stumped on English too, being used to Italian most of his life, it didn't do much for Reg. Though it did make him laugh.
-They started dating in their 4th year, at first it was just casual dating, neither of them actually thought they would last so long but that did. Though with a few split-ups here and there.
-Once when Regulus got extremely sick, Barty took a walk to pass the time (since Reg insisted that his boyfriend keep a distance so he wouldn't get sick too) and ran into a stray black cat. It reminded him of Reg so he took it with him and presented it to Reg who opted to name the cat Artemisia
-Regulus likes to write letters and poems so he can slip them into Barty's bag for him to read.
-Cue soft dancing between the two, they def do it in private as a way of comfort
-Barty finds random shit he thinks Reg will like and just bring it to him like a cat, Reg a has about 2 boxes for it all
-They both know exactly when the other is lying. Both of them grew up in households that would lie often so they would see through each other so quickly. This is why surprises between them are basically useless but Reg likes to do so anyway because it's the thought that counts in his head
-In my little head they ran away to elope and just never told anyone. In canon compliant, I would imagine them eloping in the middle of wartime and planning to announce it when everything was over, but it just never happened cuz Reg died.
-I think it would be more fun if it was in a muggle/modern au where shortly after Sirius runs away, Reg and Barty run away to elope and they just disappear until years later when Sirius sees his little brother who he thought was still living with his parents and the little fucker is married to the psychotic bitch who threw knives for fun in high school (i might actually write a fanfic on this holy shit)
-wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses tehe
-Regulus paints Barty's nails cuz Barty has shaky hands that can never keep still
-Partly blond Regulus who lets Barty dye his hair
-They like to play tag together, while on the outside it's just a sweet thing, it is always a bit more symbolic than what people think
-Regulus knows how to sew so when he sees that some articles of Barty's clothes are ripped, he takes them and fixes them up. When Barty takes notice of this, he takes care to buy Reg a bag of candy and extra kisses as payment
-I don't really see them as super chaotic more like, unnerving in the sense that someone will be like: Evan: Yo your boyfriend is creepin me out Barty: K, he does that Barty: anyways you wanna see this macabre painting I made of someone getting eaten Evan: . . .yk what sure
-Painter Barty/Writer Regulus who are each other's muses hehe
-Barty learned how to make rings out of paper clips so he would make them and just throw them at Regulus. He started making them in 3rd year and has yet to just give them to Reg. He has to throw it. Barty says it's tradition, Evan calls bullshit, and that Barty just likes seeing Regulus confused about where the ring fell on the ground (it's true)
-Regulus likes to sneak up on Barty but over time Barty has become more aware of Regulus sneaking up on him.
-They share jewelry but the vibes are always the complete opposite when they wear it so people don't realize they are wearing the same piece. Regulus would wear it in a fancy and sophisticated way and Barty would wear it in what I think of as the "dirtbag" way (idk how else to describe forgive me)
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queerregulusablack · 1 year
James rolled across the bed and onto his stomach, abandoning the campus map he’d been annotating in favour of reaching for the other boy sat with him in his bed; and he smoothed the sticker balanced on his thumb onto the apple of his cheek with an efficient little sweep of the digit, smiling when he’d achieved his goal.
Regulus Black held himself very still for a moment, eyes still on the book open in his lap, before they finally flicked up to meet James’.
He arched an eyebrow at him incredulously.
“What have you done to me, Potter?”
James’ grin widened, and he shuffled closer on his stomach; and for a moment, just took in the sight of his lovely boyfriend, cross legged on his bed while he read through one of James’ University textbooks, devouring pages on Cultural Theory for no reason but that the book had been out when he’d come over.
Even longsuffering and watching James with that dry, amused smirk pulling at a corner of his mouth, he was all kinds of breathtaking, long hair mussed around his face from the enthusiastic snog James had initially greeted him with, his most recent stolen-jumper gaping around his collarbones, knees peeking through the tears in the knees of his jeans.
James loved him all the time, but this was always special. When he was dressed how he wanted, wrapped up in Sirius’ hand-me-downs and the secret things he’d purchased with years-worth of scraped together pocket money - the lilac converse abandoned beside James’ bedroom door, his favourite floral-printed sunglasses - instead of primped and polished to his mother’s standards.
He was hot when he was dressed up like that too, of course, but James felt too full when he was like this.
When he was James’ Regulus. Not Walburga’s, or Orion’s, but James’, loose and comfortable and smiling with his eyes.
On the apple of his cheek, where his blush always stained darkest, the little purple star James had stuck there cheerfully read ‘good job!’ and, well, yeah. Accurate.
“Just a reminder of how good you are, Reg,” he informed him airly; and predictably, Regulus went bright pink across both cheeks before he reached to carefully peel the sticker from his face, and look at it himself, the star stuck to the tip of his pointer fingers while he peered down at it.
He scrunched up his nose - but didn’t stop blushing, in fact turning an even darker pink once he’d read the words - and looked back at James, before he reached out and stuck it to James’ forehead instead, right above his eyebrow over an old chickenpox scar Regulus liked to trace his fingertips over when he was granted the opportunity.
The smile that pulled at his lips was the briefest flicker of upturned lips, tiny and soft and so thoroughly pleased, and James stared at him and thought I love you, I love you, I love you.
“Stop that,” Regulus murmured, poking him between the eyes; and James grinned back at him, before tackling him to the bed, and ducking in to swallow his giggles.
Several minutes later - when Regulus had been kissed to James’ satisfaction for the time being, because while he would never have kissed him enough he understood that sometimes the other boy needed to breathe - James pressed his lips to Regulus’ cheek, directly over the spot he’d previously placed the sticker; and Regulus huffed back at him, both hands braced against his chest, before he murmured into the space between them.
“You’ll come back to visit sometimes, right? After you’ve moved on campus, you’ll still come back and visit. Not just on holidays to see your parents.”
He wouldn’t meet his eyes, instead staring resolutely at James’ collarbones; and James sighed, and reached to take hold of the hand resting over his heart, holding it tight against his chest.
“I told you at the start, when you were still trying to pretend you didn’t like me back. There’s no getting rid of me, Reg. I’ll visit so often it’ll be like I never went away at all. Hell, you’ll be sick of the sight of me before Christmas even rolls around.”
Regulus scoffed softly, but he’d relaxed again, and he turned his hand in James’ grip so he could interlock their fingers instead; and James hummed happily, and scattered more kisses over his face, lips brushing his cheeks and his eyelids and the tip of his nose.
“I’m not ever going to be sick of you, Jamie,” Regulus whispered, in the millimetres of space between their lips before James could kiss him properly; and he froze, chest suddenly so full he felt like he could burst, breathing out shakily.
God. God, I love you.
James used his free hand to cup Regulus’ jaw in his hand, and led him up into the next kiss; and when they met, he felt him sink into it.
I love you, he thought, and I’ll never leave you, not ever, not for anything, not long enough for you to miss me.
And for a perfect, sun-kissed moment, it was the absolute truth.
(for @siriuslythatbitch)
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regulus-books · 4 months
warnings: depression, anxiety, arguing, angst, mentions of suicide (regulus saying he'd rather kill himself than see james hurt), mentions of walburga and orion's A+ parenting, tell me if I missed anything.
wc: 1.3k+
notes: I've been craving smth angsty and sad so this is kinda hurt/comfort. the timer thing for reggie is something my brain does too and it's actually so annoying, im not sure if other people go through that but it sucks and I'm here for you:). also the main idea for this was actually from a tiktok here
Regulus can't help it. Their time is almost up. He can hear the alarm ringing in his head, telling him its time to go, it's time to leave. This time, its different. He doesn't want to.
2 years. Consistent. It's been rather healthy, there's no reason to leave, he loves him. The alarm gets louder day by day, his days grow worse and worse and he fears that James knows. James knows how he's feeling, he knows that their time together is up. But, against what Regulus' mind is telling him to do, he stays. He lays in bed. All day long.
James comes home at 17:26, like he always does. Regulus can hear as he places down his bag, and his water bottle. Regulus hears him throw away his trash from lunch and clean the dishes he used, and Regulus can even hear him put away his lunch bag. The sound Regulus dreads the most, though, is James trudging up the stairs, Regulus isn't ready to face the brightness of the sun, he wishes to stay under the comfort of the moon, not harsh, just enough light to get by.
Regulus turns away from the door, their comforter covering his whole body, including the back of his head. The door cracks open just enough for James to slip through.
"You awake, mi estrella?" Regulus wants to stay silent, to not move, to pretend he's asleep. Instead, he does what he knows he should do, and lets out a quiet hum of confirmation. James walks over to the bed, crouching in front of Regulus, finally coming into his line of sight.
James has always been beautiful, there's no denying it. His brown skin decorated with moles and freckles, his eyes big and doe-like, framed by square shaped golden glasses. Beautiful.
"Hi, baby," James smiles, flashing his white smile. Regulus attempts to smile back as James presses a soft kiss to his cheekbone. "Are you feeling sick?"
"No." Regulus answers, quietly.
"You hate to rot in bed, love, why are you still under the covers?"
"I don't know, Jamie, just not feeling too brilliant." James cocks an eyebrow, chuckling softly.
"You're not sick, though?" James unwraps one of Regulus' arms from the blanket, holding his hand.
"Nevermind, it's hard to explain." Regulus shakes his head.
"Okay, love," James kisses his forehead, and rakes his hair back. "Talk to me about it if you find the words. I love you." As James leaves the room once more Regulus simply hums.
The next day, Regulus still doesn't feel right. James was right, he doesn't like to rot away in bed, so he gets up. Instead he spends the time cleaning his house. He should be at work. Fifth day in a row he's called in sick. No new articles from R.A.B are posted in the prophet.
James gets home, normal time, and does his usual routine. Regulus thinks he might smile at how clean their home is, but instead he nearly scowls.
Regulus seats James at their table, he made sure he had dinner laid out so James could eat as soon as he got home.
"What's going on, Regulus?"
"What?" Regulus answers simply, sitting at their large dining table.
"What's going on?" James and Regulus have both finished their meals, the plates discarded in the middle on the table.
"Nothing. The house was dirty, it was bothering me."
"Not the house, Reg, you. You would never clean the house, you hate cleaning. What's wrong?" James' eyebrows knit together, and Regulus is ready to deny it.
"I'm not sure what you mean, James, I got a little stir crazy and the house needed to be cleaned."
"Regulus if you were stir crazy, you'd attend work." Regulus is taken aback by this. He visibly flinches back.
"You're the one that told me I should take time off, James." Regulus scowls.
"That's not what I meant, Reg, and you know that. I mean, yesterday you were in bed all day. You didn't move an inch. I thought maybe you'd take the time to visit friends or something!"
"I visit my friends all the time, I don't know what your on about." Regulus crosses his arms and leans back further into his chair.
"Really?" James scoffs, "When's the last time you and Pandora had a brunch date?" Regulus scrunches his nose and thinks. He doesn't remember. "Exactly."
"What do you want me to say James? It's like you don't even understand me anymore." But James is quick to clap back.
"I don't understand because you never talk to me about anything!" Regulus looks down at his fingers, picking at the skin around his nails, tracing over the veins. "Is this what you want, Regulus? Us fighting all the fucking time!?" James slams his hand on the table, and Regulus can't help but to flinch. He looks at the ground, and freezes. What is he to do?
James seems to notice almost instantly, just as Regulus' lip starts to wobble. "Oh, honey, please, I didn't mean too. I'm sorry, please, baby, I'm so sorry." James walks over to him and kneels on the ground, taking both of Regulus' hands into his own.
"I-." Regulus cuts himself off, trying to keep the tears in his eyes. He can't let James see him cry, not like that.
"C'mon, baby, I didn't mean it. I would never hurt you, I love you, you know that." But Regulus knows all too well that love can quickly be turned into violence.
"Sirius." Is all Regulus can even think at this moment.
"Get Sirius." Regulus can muster, his hands tightened into fists, his nails digging into his flesh. James nods, sadly almost, and stands up. He goes through the floo, and he doesn't return, only Sirius stands in his place.
"What's wrong, Reg?" Regulus can barely move his eyes to look up at his brother, "What happened."
That's when Regulus breaks down. He lets his face crumple up, tears stream down his pale face.
"He yelled at me," Regulus sobs into his hands, "and-" he sniffles softly, "and he hit the table." He shakes his head, he sounds so pathetic. "It just scared me, you know? Reminded me of when mama and father got into arguments."
"Oh, Reggie," Sirius holds one of Regulus' hands in his own, pouting slightly. "He's nothing like mum and dad, darling, he'd never hurt you."
"That's the worst part, Sirius, I flinched. I didn't see the look on his face but I'd rather kill myself than see it. He thinks that I think he'll hurt me." Regulus sobs quietly now.
"He's okay, sweetheart. He's with Moony, they're talking about it. What's wrong? Is that head of yours bothering you?"
"It's happening again, Sirius, the bell. It's going off. It's time for me to let him go." Sirius shakes his head.
"Oh, you stupid, stupid, brilliant boy." Regulus almost laughs, "Ignore the stupid bell, it means nothing. You're afraid that he's got better things to do, is that right?" Regulus nods, "Come on, Reg. He's a professional quidditch player, he has a loving boyfriend and an amazing family. What else could he ask for?" Regulus trys to think, but he comes up empty handed.
"I don't know."
"Exactly. His life is nothing short of perfect. He loves you."
"Can you go get him?" Regulus says once he's finally dry of tears.
"I'll be happy to." So, Sirius goes and James comes through the fireplace once more. He doesn't move he just stands there.
"What are you doing, James, come out?" James sighs and slightly relaxes his tense body.
"Remus told me I should give you space." James' face is slightly pink, probably from crying.
"That doesn't mean literally, stupid." Regulus let's out a sigh and opens his arms up. James slowly, cautiously, steps into them, tightening his arms around Regulus' waist. "You don't frighten me, James, please know that." James starts to quietly cry into the crook of Regulus' neck.
"I'm so sorry, mi estrella, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you."
"I know, mon amour, I know, I love you too, Jamie."
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t1oui · 3 months
hcs that the marauders & the valkyries & the slytherin skittles are all best friends and also gay as hell.
james is the first of the marauders to come out, he's pansexual
his first crush is on lily, who he loudly proclaims his love to. she immediately turns him down on the grounds of 1) being lesbian and 2) being 11 and they become best friends instead
meanwhile in the skittles they sort of all come out at the same time. like they all become friends and then are like hey wait we're all gay
dorcas is lesbian, regulus is gay, pandora is pansexual, barty and evan are both bi & evan is ace
meanwhile, marlene is lesbian, mary and remus are bi, peter is aroace, and sirius cannot be bothered to label himself past "moony is pretty and girls occasionally are too"
eventually the groups begin to mingle both through quidditch and various crushes
aka marlene sees dorcas looking bored out of her mind while watching a gryffindor v slytherin quidditch match and falls in love
(she then gets hit in the face with a bludger and is in the hospital wing for a week)
eventually lily also starts crushing on pandora and james starts crushing on regulus
lily and pandora get together first because they, unlike their friends, are normal about having feelings
eventually mary also starts dating them because hell yeah polyamory
they go on cute dates in hogsmeade and spy on their friends :)
james and regulus get together next, everyone knows james loves very loudly and with all that sunshine focused on him, there was no way reg could last
james, lily, and mary are fed up with marlene pining after dorcas and they get regulus and pandora to help them set the girls up
(as it turns out, dorcas is confident until she's faced with a pretty girl with no boundaries)
of course there's also wolfstar and rosekiller
rosekiller has probably been together this whole time (nobody knows when they started dating, including them) but remus and sirius are painfully oblivious so they don't get together until 7th year and then they seem to be kissing 24/7
("ew," james said, looking up from where he was cuddling regulus in the middle of the great hall)
oh yeah and there's no voldemort in this universe. the only angst comes from the occasional black family nonsense
i just realized i haven't mentioned alice and frank yet so here they are:
they're a few years older than the marauders/valkyries/skittles
james totally had a crush on frank and lily had a crush on alice (another thing they bonded over)
regulus and alice are best friends because alice and narcissa are dating
bellatrix is still kind of insane but in a fun way (idk how to write her as a sane person 💀)
andromeda is the big sister of the skittles, and once the skittles start hanging out with the gryffindors, she becomes their big sister too
walburga and orion still suck. there is just far less angst regarding them.
sirius still runs away first because he and regulus don't get along super well yet. not so much because of houses or family, though those are contributors, but also because they're just very different people. regulus ends up moving in with narcissa and alice and is living his best life
they all go off into the world as best friends and do not die young or in pain or scared and instead live fun lives with each other in a peaceful world, as they were supposed to :)
i will probably write this, at the very least some oneshots for it because AAAA
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cressthebest · 1 month
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 22
chapter 38:
1. “"Right, so, your stylist?" Marlene asks, settling in as they continue to sway. "The one who looks like a fucking goddess? Yeah, so get this, she says we're friends…"”
james and marlene gossip sesh <3333333
2. 😧 MCGONNAGAL??????????
3. wait i think mcgonnagal is good. i’m pretty sure she’s from the phoenix. i’m not sure. i’m hopeful. i’m so hopeful
4. aww huey is kinda sweet. i like that’s he’s reg’s breath of fresh air when it comes to talking to the hallows
5. reg, i understand your anger, but please don’t make one of the only good sponsors feel bad
6. jealous james >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
7. “"I like your tea," James offers. "Maybe I'm biased, but it tastes better than anyone else's. What do you do to it?"
Regulus hums and lightly says, "I spit in it."
Without missing a beat, James replies, "Ah, that explains it."”
8. “"Would you—" Regulus chokes on another relentless giggle, gasping a little. "Wait, would you actually drink my tea if I spit in it, James?"
"Love, I would let you spit directly into my mouth," James announces with absolutely no shame in his tone whatsoever.”
😭😭😭😭 james i love you
9. awww i love that barty is the most consistent part of reg’s life. i love barty
10. 😬 riddle is unconvinced in their love story. i- yikes
11. okay, right, mcgonnagal is good. thank god
12. dorcas wants to keep marlene out of the war, but only one of them has had a pov so far, so i’m not hopeful
13. oh shit marlene sounds hot
14. also, to add in, i’m so fucking glad there’s like no homophobia (that we know of) in this world
15. i do NOT want dorlene to be a tragedy in this universe
16. 😟 she gave back the ring. AHHHH
17. oh no. shit shit shit shit shit what did riddle do
18. “Riddle didn't even grant the liberty of leaving bodies behind for them to bury.” 😟😧
(but also, orion and walburga were dicks, so like, i’m not sad, just scared)
chapter 39:
1. aww regulus finally invites james in for tea
2. “On the day he accidentally kills a bee while tending to his flowers, he goes through the five stages of grief in less than an hour, which has nothing to do with the bee and everything to do with Vanity.” STOP! THE VANITY MENTION HURTS TOO MUCH
3. “When Regulus wants more time with him, he adds bagels, which James has now unconsciously been Pavloved into thinking of as his favorite food for that very reason.” STOP THATS SO GAY
4. sirius being dramatic about james and reg liking each other is TOP TIER in this fic, in the most realistic, aggravated, obnoxious, and completely loving way
6. oh shit, (i’m not the best comprehensive reader, but i should have figured this out sooner), but from sirius’ perspective, he has to do the back and forth with remus his whole life. he doesn’t have the knowledge that i do, that a war is coming and they’ll finally get a chance to live together. he thinks he only gets to see remus once a year for two weeks at a time. this- this shit is heartbreaking yall
7. “”I watched him stand to his feet and tip himself into a river of blood in an act so tender that I'll never again be able to look at him with anything less than pure love. Every other member of the Black family, including you, fought and clawed their way home to their family, oftentimes to a family that never truly made them feel loved at all. Regulus? He fought and clawed through that arena, the entire time, for James. He's far more gentle than anyone gives him credit for."”
y’all, i’m crying over this. this is so lovely. effie is right, and i’m crying over how right she is
8. 😒 i know what’s coming. riddles a bitch. a right bitch. he’s gonna announce that previous victors are competing and i’m PISSED
9. so far, all three potters offered reggie food. they’re so hospitable, i love them
10. “He hasn't forgotten what it is to long for James. He still knows what it is to want him so badly that he'd be willing to kneel at the altar of James Potter and beg; he'd drop down on his hands and knees and crawl if that's what it took, if that would prove his devotion. He is the manifestation of longing built up with nowhere to go, and he craves, he yearns, he covets.”
both of them are so down bad
11. omg reg is so horny. his inner monologue is literally only like “”””“rip my clothes off please, read my mind and rip my clothes off”””””
13. effie is a queen. she is a godsend. and i’m so upset right now
14. not effie making them promise not to volunteer, and immediately james and sirius arguing over who’s gonna volunteer for her
15. i’m seething. i’m pissed beyond belief. i’m so angry it’s indescribable. my babies are going back into that arena. honestly, fuck riddle
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addisonstars · 7 months
"the many masks of regulus black"
written for day 25 of october for @jegulus-microfic with the prompt "mask"
608 words!
James came into the house and he knew something was wrong. Nothing was different about the house or anything; the lights were still on, a candle burning like normal, and he even saw soup stewing on the stove. That’s a little unsafe, thought James, but he didn’t think twice about it. So no, nothing was really wrong, but his…call it his spidey sense, told him something was wrong. 
He kicked off his shoes, checked the pot on the stove to make sure it wasn't going to burn down the house and headed into his bedroom, disrobing as he went. James, walking into the bedroom, noticed then what was wrong. 
It was Regulus, he was curled in a lump on the bed with the lights off, blinds shut and everything in the room just off. James stilled in the doorway wondering how to approach the situation. He could turn away and leave Regulus to stew in his feelings. Or if he should go over and comfort him and snuggle up with. 
The answer seemed obvious, as ninety-nine percent of the time James knew what Reg needed, but that one percent was constantly looming over James. Had they been married for a little over two years now and had they known each other for over a decade? Yes. But they were learning new things about each other every day. 
James went over to Reg and gently rubbed his back, waking him from his slumber. Regulus rolled over and groaned, stretching his arms out rubbing his eyes. He must have been asleep for a little bit. 
“Hey love,” James whispered softly, so as not to disturb Regulus. 
Regulus blinked, trying to find James in the dark of the room. “James.” 
“Yeah baby, I’m home.” 
“Mmm,” he rolled back over to the wall, back once again facing James. He sounded happy to see James, but it looked like he didn't want to be with James. James knew then that Regulus was in some sort of funk today. 
It happens to everyone, and definitely happens to Regulus. Not because of anything specific, but he knew that Walburga and Orion had an effect on his depression. And on days like these, Regulus gets into a funk, and James tends to be one of the only people who can pull him out. Sirius as well. 
James undressed and climbed into bed with Regulus. Regulus scooted even closer to the wall, avoiding James even more. 
“Reggie,” James started. He didn't want to be imposing on Regulus, but someone can’t drown if you don’t let them go in the water. 
“I’m fine babe, just tired.” He was breathing steadily which was good, a nice reassurance to James. “Hey, can you go check the soup, I forgot I had it-”
“Reg.” James said a bit more sternly. He hated being like this, but he knew that Regulus was close to the deep end. “Drop the mask, don’t lie to me.” 
Regulus rolled over and he buried his face into James' shoulder, taking slow breaths. “I am tired though.” 
“And?” James prompted. 
His voice sounded a bit muffled shoved into James' shirt. “I’ll tell you in a bit. Ok?” James frowned. It’s not what he wanted to hear, but he guesses that it’s better than radio silence. “I promise I’m not lying, I will tell you, but I just…need, I dunno-” he paused, “you? Quiet? A little bit more time to think about what’s inside my head?” He said softly, timidly.
James frown turned upside down. “Ok, Reggie dear, I’ll be here.” He kisses Regulus’ forehead and once he heard his heartbeat slow down, James shut his eyes too. 
...am i proud of myself for this line: "someone can’t drown if you don’t let them go in the water" yes, yes, i am :,,)
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
hey cas! hope youre well!
i saw you wanted microfic prompts so how about a jegulus fic where regulus has just turned up at the potters' despite telling james he wouldnt run away? preferably fluffy rather than angsty though haha
no pressure though! ❤
I LOVE this!
"James...I can't. You know I can't."
The words rang through James's brain constantly, distracting him from every action he tried to complete. He wasn't just worried. He was terrified. To know that Regulus was at that horrible place, with those evil people?
He hadn't slept in days.
He didn't talk about it much. He knew Sirius was worried, too, but he didn't bring it up because he didn't want to make his best friend even more anxious. But really, he was one wrong step away from a complete breakdown.
He settled into bed that night knowing he wouldn't sleep. He tried, really, but he just couldn't close his eyes without picturing Regulus cowering on the ground, Walburga or Orion pointing their wand and screaming at him. If he thought about it too much, the tears came, and he just lay there, crying and cursing, frustrated that he couldn't do anything to protect the vulnerable piece of his heart that currently resided outside of his body.
So he was decidedly awake at 2am when there was a noise outside. A knock at the door.
His heart skipped a beat as he rose, tip-toeing down the stairs to the front door, peering into the peephole to see.
"Reg!" he exclaimed, far too loud for this time of night.
Opening the door, he didn't hesitate to pull the shorter boy in his arms, suppressing a sob of relief as he did so. "What happened? Are you?" he asked as he released his boyfriend and held him at and arm's length, trying to get a better look at him.
"I'm okay," Regulus murmured, looking pale and nervous. "I just...I realized that...I want..." he took a breath and steeled himself. "I want to be here. With you. If you'll still have me." He stared into James's eyes almost defiantly as he said it, like he was daring James to reject him, to let him down like so many others had.
"Love...I've been waiting for you this whole time," James murmured, pulling Regulus into his arms again. "I'm never letting you leave."
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 2 years
Beyond Rumours
Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Chapter One
Summary: Y/n is a Malfoy. A Pureblood. A pretentious, blood-status-loving Slytherin. At least, those are the rumours, but since when has Remus Lupin ever really cared about rumours?
Warnings: Walburga Black
Word Count: 1.9K
A/N: Hi everyone! Welcome to my new fic! I hope you enjoy!
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Thursday, 1st of September 1977
The familiar sound of train whistles and people bustling around filled my ears. Students hurried across Platform 9 and ¾, some of whom I'd met and seen previously at school, as well as a few first years that I'd never seen before, their eyes wide and trunks ready to go. I remembered when I was like that – eleven years old and ready to learn magic.
I stood silently beside my brother, Lucius, and his girlfriend, Narcissa. Both of them stared across the platform boredly, showing no emotion. I was pretty sure my brother was going to propose to Narcissa soon. She was nice enough, but... this was an arranged marriage. At least they looked happy.
"Ah, there are the Blacks," Lucius said, spying a group of three people across the station. "Come along."
I followed after my brother and his girlfriend across the busy platform. A few people parted to let us through, and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. We stopped in front of the Black family and greeted each other.
"Y/n," Regulus acknowledged stiffly.
"Regulus," I said with a nod.
I looked at Regulus's parents. Orion Black wore a smart set of midnight-blue robes, each button polished to perfection, no doubt shined by their house elf, Kreacher. Regulus's mother, Walburga, was wearing a modest set of black robes, her hair up in a tight bun, no stray strands. She was looking over at someone in disdain, and after a quick glance, I saw Sirius Black standing with his Gryffindor friends. My stomach coiled. Sirius had left the Blacks behind about a year ago, cutting ties with his family and the rest of the purebloods.
"Well, you'd best be getting on the train," Lucius said.
I nodded quickly.
"Goodbye, Lucius," I said.
Lucius smiled at me, and that's all I got. Not a hug - affection was never shown in public in the Malfoy family. Not that my brother and I were that close anyway. I glanced at Regulus and the two of us walked together to the train in silence. We found an empty compartment, the seats as cushiony as always, and put our trunks away before sitting opposite each other, still in silence. The train began to move, and it was only once the station was out of sight that I tackled Regulus into a hug. Regulus laughed and hugged me back tightly.
"I missed you, Reg," I said, pulling back to look at my best friend.
Regulus laughed.
"'Course you did."
I smacked him lightly and he laughed again.
Regulus and I had been friends from a very young age. Our families were close, and we basically grew up together. We'd stopped hanging out at home, though, because once we'd turned fourteen, our parents had begun hassling us to agree to an arranged marriage together. I loved Regulus, but just not like that, and I knew he felt the same about me.
"How was your summer?" I asked, sitting down beside him now.
Regulus shrugged, stretching his arms.
"Not as bad as it could have been," he admitted. "You?"
"Same," I sighed.
I hated going home in the summer. My parents and my brother had such high expectations of me, and I hated the way they spoke about Muggleborns and 'blood-traitors'. I could only pretend to agree for so long.
I had been raised to believe that I was better than everyone else because I came from a pureblood family. While it was true that my family had a lot of influence, I honestly didn't believe that my blood-status made me better than anyone else. It had taken me a few years at Hogwarts to realise it, and I was disappointed in myself that I hadn't figured it out sooner. Regulus shared my views, but we didn't dare talk about it with our parents. They'd call us disgraces, blood-traitors, and then they'd kick us out and disown us.
Regulus and I continued to catch up, talking about pretty much everything. The trolley lady came by, and we bought a few lollies to share between us. It was by complete chance that I glanced out of the compartment door as someone walked by, and my heart skipped a beat.
Remus Lupin passed by the compartment door, wearing an oversized sweater and jeans, his brown curls framing his impeccably gorgeous face. He didn't look into the compartments as he passed, and I sighed as I watched him go.
"Still in love with him?"
I was broken out of my thoughts by Regulus's voice, and I shook my head as my cheeks heated up.
"I'm not - I'm not in love with him," I said quickly. "I just... fancy him a little bit, is all."
Regulus rolled his eyes at me and chewed on his liquorice wand.
"Sure," he said, dragging the word out. "You know, I read somewhere that if you've had a crush on someone for more than five months, it means you love them? And you've had a crush on him for, what, five... years?"
"It's only been three years," I mumbled, crossing my arms.
Regulus sat up triumphantly and pointed a finger at me. "Ha! That's more than five months!"
"I am not in love," I grumbled. "I've only spoken to him four times."
It was true. I met him when I was in second year, and he was in third. We'd literally bumped into each other, and I'd dropped all of the books I'd been carrying. He'd helped me pick them up, and as soon as I'd seen his hazel-brown eyes, I knew I'd be thinking about them for weeks.
But that didn't matter. Remus Lupin didn't hang out with Slytherins, and I, Y/n Malfoy, did not hang out with Gryffindors. So what if I fancied him? Nothing would ever come of it.
The train shook and a loud boom sounded, and Regulus and I looked at each other in slight panic. There were a few shouts, and then laughter. I heard someone distantly yell something that sounded suspiciously like 'Potter!'
"What's the bet that was your brother and his friends?" I said, relaxing slightly.
Regulus rolled his eyes and took another bite of his liquorice wand. I was aware he'd taken the leaving of his brother pretty badly. I knew they'd been close, but Regulus had always tried to impress his parents, while Sirius didn't care about them. I decided to change the topic in an attempt to spare my friend some heartache.
As the sun began to sink closer to the horizon, Regulus and I changed into our school robes. Regulus put his Prefect badge on (he'd decided to leave the Prefect duties to the fifth and seventh years during the train trip), and the green and silver flashed, standing out on the black of his robes.
The train began to slow, and then stopped, and Regulus and I exited the transport, bumping into other students getting off the train. I heard the familiar voice of the groundskeeper, Hagrid, calling out to first years. Regulus and I headed towards the horseless carriages that would bring us to the castle and we ended up sitting with a few Ravenclaws, but none of us spoke.
I looked down at my hands. I knew about the rumours that were whispered about me and Regulus. Blood-status-loving purebloods. I supposed my brother had helped keep that circulating, based on how much he bullied Muggleborns. Regulus and I had never bothered to prove the rumours false, in fear of the wrath our families would bring.
Soon enough, we'd entered the castle we called home, and taken seats at the Slytherin table with Pandora Lestrange, Evan Rosier, and Barty Crouch Jr. They were the closest to what I'd call friends, but I didn't hang out with them often. I'd never spoken to them about their views of blood status and Muggleborns, but the fact that they never spoke about it and rarely bullied Muggleborns had led me to believe that our views may be similar, so I didn't mind socialising with them.
"Hey, how was summer? Didn't see you on the train," Evan said.
"It was fine," Regulus replied with a shrug. "Not much interesting happened. You?"
Evan recounted his summer in great detail, with Barty making a few sarcastic comments every now and then that made me laugh.
I saw Remus and his friends at the Gryffindor table, but I quickly looked away. There was no point in hopelessly pining over him, especially since I was starting my first year of N.E.W.T classes. The first years filed in after Professor McGonagall, and the Sorting Hat sang a song. I fiddled with my fork instead of listening, and eventually the sorting began. As always, there was a pretty even split of kids, and quite a few of them joined the Slytherin table.
Once the sorting had finished, Dumbledore stood up at the High table.
"Welcome," he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"
He sat back down, and a variety of different foods appeared on the table – delicious smelling roast chicken, golden potatoes, and green beans swimming in butter just to name a few. I filled my plate and ate, listening to Reg and the others talk. I noticed a new teacher sitting up at the teachers' table. She had brown hair, and was talking to Professor McGonagall like she knew her well. Soon enough people had eaten their fill, and the food and dishes disappeared, and Dumbledore stood up to say a few words.
"Just a few things. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well." Dumbledore's eyes flashed in the direction of the Marauders (a nickname they'd given themselves a few years ago and had stuck), and they all grinned at each other. "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. Also, the Yule Ball will be held this year for fifth year through to seventh year students."
A loud murmur went through the students of Hogwarts at the prospect of the Yule Ball. I heard a few girls talking about what to wear already.
"And I would like to introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore said, gesturing to the new teacher, "Professor Emily Laufeyson."
There was applause and whispers as the witch stood up and nodded her head. I could have sworn she looked directly at me and smiled mischievously, before she cast her gaze to the Gryffindor table.
"Apparently she's married to some really powerful wizard," a second-year whispered across the table. "Loki Laufeyson or something. I think he's Nordic."
"And how do you know that?" a fourth-year asked.
Dumbledore hushed the crowd, before sending us all to bed. Regulus took his duties seriously this time and helped the first-year Slytherins to the dorms. I trailed after them, letting Regulus do his duty. No one spoke to me – apparently people were too afraid to – but I preferred it that way.
We reached the dorms and I said goodbye to Regulus before heading to the girls' dorms. The light was green, and we had our own separate rooms. Apparently the other houses didn't have separate rooms, but most Slytherin families were rich, so they probably paid someone to have the rooms built separately. Or maybe Salazar Slytherin just wanted his students to live in luxury.
I opened the door that had been mine since I was eleven, and walked in to see my trunk at the foot of my bed. I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed, sleep consuming me quickly.
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quillkiller · 2 months
I have just seen this and maybe you have talked about it before but Effie x Walburga
I’m like shaken because I can’t imagine James mom ever wanting to be with someone probably cruel from birth. I mean they would have been together in the fifties, idk it made em giggle
would you all still love me if i said i was a walburga defender… :(
ok ive been pondering this all day, and ive also spent an insane amount of time on public transport trying to find a post i made in defence of walburga. @sugarsnappeases pulled up her laptop as my own personal hacker and stalker and couldnt find it either. however i found a snippet of an ’what are ur unpopular opinions’ ask and found this:
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and that’s the gist of it. if anyone remembers the post i made or know how to find it pleaseeeeee send it to me. me and kara went through hell and back to try and find it :(((((((
1. i hate the concept of people being born ’cruel’ or ’evil’. people are people and sometimes people do bad things. i think its important to still acknowledge that abusive people aren’t monsters who just couldn’t help themselves. abusers are people and those people chose to treat you like that. that was a choice they didn’t have to make, but they did. abusers aren’t monsters or monstrous. it’s important to me, due to personal experience, to remember that abuse is a choice. it allows me to feel betrayed and hurt and angry that a person chose to do that to me
2. i think walburga was a victim her whole childhood. atleast my own depiction of her. it’s different when she becomes an adult, has children, etc, and she should know better. there’s no excuse for her abuse towards her children/no excuse ever for abusive parents. and i want to be very clear about how there are NO excuses !!!!!! i am not team walburga and will never ever be team walburga !!!!!
3. walburga was a woman in the 70s, she held no power over orion what so ever. he was the man in the house. the head of the family. the abuse was allowed because quietly sat back and allowed it. absolutely ridiculous to me that walburga would be worse than orion. i simply think its an ignorant and misogynistic take. a silent father will always scare me more than the active abusive mother. like.. the patriarchy in the 70s in pure blood families ? lets be real here
ive seen posts saying orion was scared of walburga and thats why he never did anything. like are we being serious here. no way she got to choose her husband. and he’s a powerful man from a powerful family. in the seventies. why woud he be scared of her she has absolutely no power what so ever
4. i love exploring the womens narrative in the marauders fandom because their canonical narrative is based on sexism and the nuclear family. i guess you think it’s outlandish that effie would fall for walburga (cruel from birth) because shes james’ mother, and the anti walburga in the way she opens up her home and basically adopts sirius and makes a home for him ? to me that’s not interesting sadly :/ i love effiebarty because i get to explore good housewife effie tearing down her walls and acting on her desires and urges. like…. i want her to leave both james and monty behind out of pure selfishness. like.. im the girl writing the baby killing fic where lily is the sole survivor….
5. to me walburga is sort of similar to alicent from house of the dragon. what did she ever do that wasn’t expected of her? she was a girl in the 60/50s in a powerful family and had less choices than either reg or sirius ever did. she didn’t leave like sirius did. she stayed like regulus. and for similar reasons reg stayed probably. and she’s a woman. her sons are more priveliged than she will ever ever be. even disowned sirius is more priveliged than her.
6. i want to be very clear again. i am not a walburga apologist. i think there’s a clear distinction between her child- and adulthood. at some point the abuse becomes a choice. she didn’t break the cycle and she’s bad and rotten woman who abused her children. no excuses !!!!!!!!!! however. it is interesting exploring the circumstances which led to the woman she is
7. to actually answer your question. i dont necessarily care for effie/walburga but i can see the appeal. maybe i’ll get into it we’ll see……. like honestly they wouldn’t be that different from jegulus?
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regulusttars · 1 year
Family is what you make it
I wrote a fanfic of Regulus having dysphoria because i was dysphoric and posted it on AO3 but i'll post it here too
TW: Mentions of Walburga and Orion's A+ parenting (child abuse)
Fuck fuck fuck. I look like shit. I look like a girl.
Slow tears fell from Regulus’ eyes as he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. He and Sirius had run away to the Potter’s last year and were lovingly accepted into the home. Sirius had come out to Walburga and Orion who did not take kindly to having “mentally ill” transgender children. They had barely made it to the Potter’s before they passed out. 
Over the year,  Regulus and Sirius mended their relationship. Both very happy to know their sibling was going to be safe at home, Regulus drifted towards Fleamont both being on the quiet side, preferring to observe from a distance then being there head first and Sirius to Effie, loving the energy she brought to the home with her smile and cooking.
I need Monty or Remus or someone. Fuck. 
“Amor, you ok in there ?” 
Shit I forgot about James
“I’m fine, J”
“Ok, you ran out the bedroom”
“I’m sorry if I scared you but, um, could you get Remus for me please ? Tell him that it’s an emergency”
“Sure,  Reg, um I know it not the best time to say this but, I love you”
Regulus could hear the smile in James’ voice
“I love you too James, please go now”
Hearing his steps get farther away from the bathroom Regulus let out a heavy sigh, sniffling slightly, he looked into the mirror, only to immediately regret it and look away, trying to control his tears. 
After a minute or 2 a new voice called out from behind the door. 
“Reg ?” 
“Come in, Remus” 
“Hey. I brought your binder and one of James’ massive shirts”
“Thanks Remus, I just. I don’t even know how to describe it. Like, one minute James and I were cuddling, then he wrapped his arm around me and I guess my chest just decided to appear, and then- fuck” 
 Regulus swallowed a sob. 
James probably thinks that I hate him
“I’m sorry for stealing you from Sirius, you can go back now Remus. He’s probably confused”
“Are you sure Reg ? I mean I get it. Before top surgery I got dysphoric all the time. Shit Reg. Some time I still get dysphoric, I’m here for you if you need me” Remus softly smiled as Regulus nodded his head 
As he slipped out of the bathroom Remus poked his head back in “Oh and Sirius said that they wanted me to tell you that he loves you”
“Tell him I love them back”
“Will do.”  and with that Remus was gone.
Slipping onto the clothes Remus gave him, Regulus felt a sense of familiarity as the binder compressed his chest.
Allowing himself to breathe, (as much as the binder allowed him too)  Regulus washed his face and walked out of the bathroom and into the Monty’s lab, which was really just the basement that Monty used for potions
“Monty ? are you done here?”
“Over here kiddo !”
As Regulus’ eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the basement he could make out ingredients. 
“What are you making ?”
“Pain and sleeping potions for Sirius once he gets his top surgery done soon. They are wonderfully excited about it” 
“They’ll be excited under their hormones are outta wack”
Monty let out a chuckle. “What are you down here for, anywho Regulus ? Not to say that you can’t just be down here, to be down here but you did call out for me while walking down.”
“I just wanted to sit with someone and didn’t want to steal Remus away from Sirius”
“Well you’ve come to the right place my boy, Sit, read, study, try to make a new potion, this is your space.” 
“Thank you, Monty.”
“You’re welcome Regulus”
~~~~~~~About 45 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Fleamont!!” Effie’s voice rang through the basement
“YES, LOVE ??”
With a gentle flick of his wand the ingredients went back into their respective places with the books stacked neatly in the corner of the room.
“Alrighty then. You coming Regulus ?”
“I'll be there in a little bit, Thanks for letting me hangout with you.”
“Anytime Kiddo.”
And with that the basement was empty of people, bar Regulus. 
Shit, I left James all alone, no explanation, nothing. He’s probably worried. Ahh I should apologize. I didn't mean to. It just happened. 
Breathing in Regulus began to climb up the stair only to be met with a face full of James Potter
“SORRY MAMA, Hey Reg. Are you ok?” 
Instead of responding with words Regulus, buried his face in his boyfriend's chest breathing him in, slowly nodding. 
“I’m glad you’re ok” James' voice had dropped to a soft whisper. “I’m sorry by the way. You need me to stay-
“James, it’s ok. Things just happen. It’s ok.”
James audibly breathed out. “Merlin, I thought you hated me for a second” 
“I could never sunshine, I could never”  Regulus smiled softly, wrapping his arms around James
“I know, but I worry sometimes.” James softly pressed a kiss into Regulus’ hair 
“James,the day I hate you is the day the world ends, I love everything about you” he said with a smile “from your messy hair, to your stupid glasses, your somehow incredibly hot deep morning voice, I love you”  he pulled James into a tighter hug resting his head on his chest “I even love when you tease me for being short” he chuckled.
“I love you too, starshine. Even when you fight with Sirius over who's taller when you're both the same height, I love when you yell at me in French cause you forgot what language you’re speaking in. I love your stupid friends and your gray eyes, that you use to get me in trouble with your brother, the bastard doesn't know when to shut up” 
“James, not the time, not the point” he murmured, leaning back to look up at James.
“Whatever, I love you.”  
“STOP BEING SO FUCKING MUSHY” Sirius’ voice called from done the hall “YOU’RE MY BROTHERS, IT’S BASICLLY INCEST” 
“Toujours pur?” 
“James, shut the fuck up” pulling away from the hug, Regulus began walking toward the kitchen. 
“Sorry, Mum”
“Sorry Effie”
“I’ll probably cuss again, but sorry Effie.” 
“Come on Reg, let’s get to dinner”  
And with that Regulus kissed James one last time, pulling his hand walking to join his family at the dinner table. 
My AO3 is regulusttars
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