#like i really need to know more about wtf happened in their childhood because…
byclairs · 2 years
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this will always haunt me
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lovecaitlined · 2 months
My Honest Thoughts on KaySun after Episode 62 🖤
I Can Excuse Bad Characters, But Not Bad Writing
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Another ride. I’ve gathered myself and my thoughts up to once again marvel at the bad writing this show has. It’s only saved by KaySun’s chemistry thanks to Taro and Beril’s talents.
Before I begin, I want to say that all these are my own opinions, and I don’t think I’m a 100% right so I welcome other people’s opinions as well. Next, I don’t watch this show religiously—I only look at Kaya and Suna’s scenes, and even then I don’t watch it on the official channel live.
I also want to say I can excuse bad characters, but I cannot excuse bad writing.
I also wish the characters acted logically instead of for the sake of the plot and whatever politics goes behind the scenes (who is your backer, Buce? Onur?) but yeah.
Anyway, let’s start.
Bad Writing
Suna has been OOC for the most part; unfortunately, now, Kaya is as well. The cheating thing was too abrupt. The reason why I take issue with this is because characters are supposed to be driven by the motivations set up by them by the writer. The sudden, illogical changes in Kaya’s and Suna’s characters show that the writer is making them act out of character only 1) for the sake of the plot, 2) to be used as collateral for SeyFer parallels, and 3) to bring in the shock value and retain reytings—a cheap OGM move, because now the story is bad and has lost its value.
I will not excuse Kaya’s and Suna’s behavior. However, I wish they showed us that they were capable of doing such things early on instead of making them OOC. It’s giving me whiplash.
Kaya’s Cheating
I want to say, I hope this is an AsLaz (Yabani) and EsZan (Aşk Mantık İntikam) situation wherein the guy was flat out drunk / drugged and nothing actually happened. But even before that, he was being friendly and basking in Pelin’s attention. Granted, she’s a childhood friend, and he needed someone to talk to—but not someone to flirt with.
I hate how OOC Kaya is. You do not write someone to be a loser in love, who is a stickler for loyalty and protecting his wife, only to throw it all out the window for the sake of a cheap parallel plot. I wish they hinted at Kaya having a roving eye during his marriage with Suna. I would be able to swallow the plot more. However, they doubled down, making him very ideal and loyal, only for him to suddenly “cheat” on her after she acts a bit strange after…4 days? After he was waiting for her to call him?
The fact that he did it with Pelin (and not Pırıl—wtf happened to that plot, anyway?) irks me as well because he knows how Suna feels about Pelin. Maybe Kaya was really drunk (we know he gave up drinking after his ONS with Pırıl), but again, it doesn’t excuse his behavior. And it’s a slap to our faces to see him cuddling in bed with Pelin when we didn’t even get that post-halver scene with Suna.
I want to retain the hope that nothing is as it seems and it’s all an elaborate ploy by Pelin—she will blackmail him for sure, I just know it. I feel he will bring her to the mansion under the guise of protecting her from Serter, and maybe Seyran will beat her up. But I’m not taking my chances.
What do I think will happen next? I do hope Kaya shows remorse and guilt, I do hope he grovels for Suna. I think KaySun will be happy together for a bit before she finds out. However, there are alternative theories in the fandom that 1) He will fall for Pelin for real with his savior complex and make her an official mistress, and/or 2) Pelin gets pregnant. Personally, I don’t see any of those things happening, but who knows with such illogical, poorly planned writing? (Also, no one has sex like 4 days after a miscarriage and a C-section. The same way a loyal man won’t do a 180 after fighting for his wife for 4 days).
Suna’s Destiny
I think I’ve made my thoughts on Suna’s fortune telling arc quite clear in this other post, so I’ll try to keep this short.
We can see her waking up in this episode (we also see that İfakat was behind this sht). But unfortunately, her change of heart came too late—because Kaya has now potentially done something irredeemable?
I am also mad at how OOC Suna is because she’s clearly sane but SO illogically affected by a fortune teller. Make it make sense! She is so dumb (she used to be smart, anxiety-riddled but smart) and she is blaming the fortune teller for ruining her life, when it’s all her fault for misinterpreting everything. No one forced her to interpret things a certain way lmfao. She acted (OOC) of her own volition.
It’s such a huge step back from her character development. I hate seeing regression without reason or payoff. Once again, bad writing—she is acting weird because the plot demands her to, when the original character profile for Suna would never.
I know people are saying she cheated on Kaya emotionally for a teensy tiny moment when she rubbed foreheads with that fck@$$ driver. And yes, she was wrong! I’m not justifying her! But Kaya fcking someone else while still married to her was even worse imo.
I think she’s definitely going to try to make it up to Kaya in the next episodes, even though they haven’t closed the fortune teller arc yet. She’ll probably even want a kid. Will Kaya avoid her this time, out of guilt? Or will he hide what he did and carry on like nothing happen? (I really refuse to believe Kaya will make Pelin a full-time mistress, and I hope I am not wrong). Again, we might get happy KaySun and even halvet 2.0 (we cheered) and then when Suna gets pregnant with a son, she’ll find out about Kaya’s infidelity. Idk, we still have 11 episodes left until the finale on June 7, 2024.
KaySun Endgame
I hate to say this, but they will dig us out of the grave with minimal payoff and then make us endgame. As long as they want us to parallel SeyFer. And as long as Taro and Beril don’t leave the cast (and honestly, why would they, when KaySun trends always and has launched them a lot career-wise?), I am sure they will be 100% endgame. (But at what cost?) It’s unfortunate it had to happen this way, but yeah.
Another thing is Taro and Beril are finally doing promotion together. Maybe because Beril got rid of Ersh!t (rumor has it he’s dating the actress who plays the maid the show), and now they’re free to post like the besties they are. I truly do love and admire Taro and Beril’s professionalism, talent, and friendship. And someone pointed out how he posted about the important girls in his life—he included his mom, his pet dog Lila, and Beril, his co-star. They’re honestly so sweet and I love how wholesome their friendship is. Their chemistry and talent shouldn’t go to waste; I sincerely hope that they reunite it a hot digital project in the future, just like Boran and Miray did for HiLeon and HelSav. I want KaySun 2.0 to be better, too!
Also, Taro and Beril posting more photos just feels very genuine—and not just because my girl Beril is finally free. I also feel they’re trying to get us to continue to have hope for KaySun. Though I think they should demand a better plot too, but they’re too professional for that maybe.
I’ll definitely continue watching on the timeline, and I’ll root for Taro and Beril and KaySun happy ending always. But still! This is such clownery, and such new lows even from the most misogynistic production in diziland. I just pray they give us KaySun’s happy endgame.
Final Thoughts
Once again, I hate how OOC KaySun became, and I hope they fix this plot and make it so that what seemed to happen was not what really occurred. Wish they could be redeemable.
I pity Asuman…that guy is gonna blackmail her for money. (Also, Asuman would never sleep with a guy she just met. Wtf?)
I hate how the whole Yalı fcked eo during Ramadan except for KaySun. I don’t know why YÇ hates one of their most popular ships so much, but then again, it’s OGM. They hate women, logic, and happiness.
Binnur Kaya is a talented veteran actress, and I’m not surprised she is leaving, given how underutilized she was on the show. I hope we get a good final arc with Nunu and Kaya, but they barely fleshed out imo. (Why would she give her share to Orhan when he will steal it? 💀) I can’t blame the actress for departing, though Birsen did hint she is open to come back for S3.
I can’t believe I had to witness this during Lent. I have always been a good Catholic, but this show has made me turn to God and prayer more than ever. 🙏🏻
KaySun endgame, but at what cost?
Thanks for reading my thoughts. They may be muddled, but at least they were logical and slightly organized. 🧿🙏🏻
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doomed-era · 4 months
STEAMROLLS IN. dust clears and everytjing is perfectly fine except for me who has been steamrolled. mineru or purah hcs……,,,
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WEL. I will be doing purah since I haven't thought about mineru too much yet I just think she's neat
so. in general I think purah is a bit of an oddball, not just in how she dresses but also how she behaves and her opinions on a lot of things. she's brutally honest which is a characteristic she shares with impa, except uh. well impa basically only became that brutally honest in her old age and more or less held her tongue to an extent when she was younger. this isn't completely why I headcanon that purah is autistic (I just like headcanoning characters as nd because it's relatable to me sometimes) but it is part of the reason lmao
her and robbie are childhood friends! they latched onto each other when they were like. eight. and they still keep in pretty close contact in botw! robbie and purah have pretty much always understood their relationship to be completely platonic though they have been teased/questioned about it only for them to look confused and go "um no we are besties what are you talking about "
speaking of that. we're going to go into "stuff i just made up and have no evidence for" territory. but I like to think that even before the whole prophecy thing started and the divine beasts and guardians were excavated purah had a rudimentary understanding of ancient sheikah tech from poking around where she shouldn't have and experimenting. i really don't think the sheikah tribe a century ago had any interest in it for the most part. in fact i think they kinda. discouraged it. heavily. they still know the legends, and before the yiga clan emerges they were basically a boogeyman for young children—an almost comically exaggerated evil (and they turned out to be that way lmao.) so purah got a lot of "you're going to become like the yiga clan if you don't quit messing around with things you shouldn't!" when she was younger and robbie got punished along with her as sort of an accomplice/enabler lmao. they were not well liked and often kept to themselves.
yeah then the whole "the thing you need lies buried underground" or whatever happened. suddenly purah isn't the Freak Child Who Must be Punished but basically a prodigy and their only hope and incredible and stuff. this told purah and robbie one thing primarily: none of this praise could be trusted. the moment the tech stopped being relevant they would be discarded again, so they had to do everything in their power to stay useful and relevant. the guardians and divine beasts becoming corrupted was a huge blow to them both, especially robbie. also yeah the general consensus amongst the tribe after the calamity was that sheikah tech sucked now and though they didn't...prevent people from messing around with it it's still frowned upon to this day. that's kind of why symin never went back lmao. both he and purah do visit from time to time but mostly just to see their families.
speaking of family. purah adores her grand-niece. paya calls her auntie purah! purah's somewhat closed off about this. also she's worried about paya taking impa's place as chieftain because of what a doormat she is. she doesn't think impa prepared her very well and probably thinks cado or dorian should become chieftain instead lmao. (if we're going to talk abt totk, i think purah got really pissed at impa for just running off and leaving kakariko to get crushed by falling ruins and giving up all her responsibility to paya like seriously wtf. impa. one of your closest advisors/guards got their house crushed by a fancy rock and of course those dipshit hylian researchers aren't helping paya doesn't know what to do go back and HELP FIX IT. AAAAAAAAA)
hopefully i won't get more insatiably pissed about totk on main. but oh girl purah is not happy during the events of that game. hiding eyebags with makeup kinda unhappy. though i also think she has a horrible sleep schedule in general. i just dont really think she has any reason to be i mean yeah she managed to scrounge up what was left of her life's work even though most of it vanished without an explanation. so again she tries to stay relevant by helping develop the towers and the purah pad (minimally.) she's spearheading the development of a new town that I'm assuming will probably make an effort to restore castle town when it gets bigger. she is desperate for something to do, some way to be beautiful and useful and cool again, but she gets this looming feeling in the back of her head that none of it will last, and she fears for herself and her tribe, hoping to appeal to hylians and princess zelda as much as possible to avoid disaster.
did i mention i think she's very particular about her appearance? cause she is. she masks a LOT, and she does not like looking bad or foolish or weak to anyone. I mean she is fine with being weird, likes pushing that boundary to see what's palatable for other people, and tries to befriend and protect people who she thinks might be ostracized, but again, she fears not being palatable. she doesn't want to be bullied or shunned, and she wants to look like nothing affects her.
i also think she understates how much she and impa didn't get along as kids. they do generally get along better now, but they try not to step on each other's toes and they've tried to be there for each other during hard times. they love each other very much but yeah they do not touch...sensitive issues
her and josha have sort of a child and her weird aunt thing going on. josha just kinda latched onto purah randomly at some point purah was like "oh no" internally but befriended josha and yeah
she's not completely agnostic but she's about as close as you can get. does not care about religion and does what she does because she cares about other people
oh also she's a lesbian
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, djdrama, and 9,677,345 others
jackharlow They say, “you a superstar now” damn, I guess I am.
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yourusername Yes you are!!!!!!! ⭐️
yourusername Proud of you baby 🥹 sold out shows and everything, you deserve this and more. Continue taking over 🤞🏼🥳❤️
jackharlow I love you baby, thank you for sticking with me through it all.
yourusername Always, till the wheels fall off. Let’s get that out of the way, umm sirrrr that face on the second pic, I hope you were at least thinking about me 🤤
urbanwyatt What now????
yourusername He makes that face when he’s about to cum 🙈 🤤
claybornharlow WTF I didn’t need to know that.
yourusername We have 2 whole kids, how do you think they got here?????
claybornharlow I still don’t need to know the face my brother makes 🤮 now I can’t look at him
yourusername lmaaaooooo so is this a bad time to say we actually conceived little princess in your childhood bedroom?????
urbanwyatt OMFG 💀
druski2funnny 🤣🤣
claybornharlow WHAT THE FUCK ???? Jackman where the fuck are you at? You’re mighty quiet please tell me she’s just saying this to get me disgusted???
jackharlow Nope, bathroom too!!!!
yourusername 🤭🤭🤭🤭
claybornharlow I’m gonna tell mom you guys are nasty. How could you???? In my fucking room man??? Not cool 😩😩😩
jackharlow I’m pretty sure she knows since she washed your sheets the next day
yourbestiename Baby, are you really talking???? When we’ve done worse.
urbanwyatt You’re right 😂😂😂😂
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, and 8,678,345 others
champagnepapi If I ever proposed I know you woulda said no just so you could have one up on me while I’m down on one knees.
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yourbestiename DRAKEY POOH 🙈😍
urbanwyatt NO
yourbestiename Respectfully, no, no I wouldn’t. But then again, I would love to see you get on your knees, but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️
champagnepapi 😳 📝
yourbestiename Is that supposed to be a threat? Because it sounds more like a good time.
yourusername I have room for one more ring 💍 sooo I’ll probably say yes.
champagnepapi Jack is going to hate me
yourusername 🤫 He doesn’t need to know
jackharlow YOOOO BAABE NOOOO!!!
yourusername 🙈 We’ve been caught, y/bestie/name should we run away???
yourbestiename Only if Drake comes along.
champagnepapi 😂😂😂 The stories I’ve heard, y’all are wild and I’m cool with the one kid I have.
jackharlow My wife is a little freak 😋 and she also has a breeding kink, so I’ll keep her. Thanks.
urbanwyatt 🙄 You two play too damn much.
yourbestiename Stop telling people you’re down to have a hall pass then. Because if that’s the case, Drakey is ours!!!!!
jackharlow Ohhh so that’s what this is about 🙄
yourusername 🙈
champagnepapi If that’s the case then my dms are always open for you two ladies.
urbanwyatt Im about to block you from her phone.
jackharlow I will report your account. I better not see you in her dms. I love you but no!!!! Never gonna happen
yourbestiename YALL ARE BORING! All that talk for nothing.
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Liked by jackharlow, yourbestiename, champagnepapi, maluma, badbunnypr, and 9,678,345 others
yourusername You got something I’m trying to experience.
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jackharlow 🤤 lucky lucky me
yourusername Damn right 🤭
jackharlow Can you come upstairs real quick? While the kids are down for their nap.
yourusername No, you come down here 😉
jackharlow Shit, on my way! 🏃🏼 😛
claybornharlow YOU DO KNOW IM HERE RIGHT????
jackharlow Yea so?
claybornharlow WDYM SO?
jackharlow Either go outside or cover your ears.
claybornharlow WTF & IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM???? I’m out!!!!!!!!
champagnepapi 👀
jackharlow NO STAY BACK 🤺
@ yourusername added to her story
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@ yourusername added to her story
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@ jackharlow added to his story
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
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rottentiger-art · 11 months
I’m a grown woman obsessed with Logan and Quinn suddenly again like a 12 year old after that trailer. And I have some thoughts. We have possible outcomes that I can see based on the limited scenes we got. The bad case: they get engaged off screen and announce it to Zoey over FaceTime like we saw in the trailer. Then Quinn does a runner on the wedding day (we do get a shot of her running in a wedding dress), and the wedding ends up being about chase and Zoey getting back together. We see Logan has a headset on in pretty much every shot, including when he’s standing at the alter (wtf Logan?). Maybe Quinn sees this, and panics, and thinks money and work will come before her so she runs. Eventually they end up back together, and we then get that shot of him proposing again and promising it won’t happen (with Zoey there, why 🙄) and we are left with the implication they’ll get married eventually. It’s also the 1 scene between the two of them where he isn’t wearing his headset which adds value to the whole he’s a workaholic thing and Quinn’s had enough. The thing that makes me confused is that Quinn is 100% already wearing her engagement ring in that shot, and Logan 100% has jewellery in that box. The better option: Logan is jokingly giving her some jewellery in a ring box, and her nodding is just a weird cut to something else he said (I.e., not accepting a proposal). That scene is weird as well because Zoey’s 2 best friends of almost 20 years are getting engaged, Quinn is nodding yes and Zoey looks confused and worried. The confusing thing about it is Quinn’s hair is short, but it is long for every other shot. Cause Quinn and Logan look different in that shot to the rest of the movie, I was hoping that perhaps it’s a flashback to when they got engaged many years ago and it has just been a really long engagement. So when they tell Zoey over FaceTime, it’s not about getting married it’s about them finally setting a date? But that doesn’t tie into why Quinn has an engagement ring on already. Regardless of how it happens I know they’ll 100% end up together but I don’t want them to be plot devices to Zoey and chase. I may be losing my mind over this. I need a break but had to share my obsessive thoughts with someone.
oh man, where do I start. I'm also a grown person obsessed with a ship from my childhood. I said it a lot of times heheh but Quogan was my first ship and the first fanfic I ever read was about them. I didn't know what a fanfic was and really thought that was some deleted scene or something XD.
I would hate to if they don't get married at the end, that would be so disappointing, but it would not ruin the ship for me, I'd simply not consider the movie canon and make/read a fic fixing that lol.
I am bothered by Zoey being there for the proposal/or whatever that was, because ugh can we, please, have something? without her? please? I never cared about her character (or anyone aside from Logan and Quinn, really) So I hope they don't make that moment about them.
I do hope it's a flashback, but like you said, the ring makes it not make sense.
I was also wondering about Logan's headset, I thought it was more of him being a bridezilla and controlling the whole wedding and making it all about himself, excluding Quinn unintentionaly lol.
I need to rewatch the show to refresh my memory about the characters, it's been years after all. I never saw Logan as the workaholic kind, but I could be wrong or he could have changed, idk.
Either way, all I hope right now is that they end up together. If they decide marriage is not for them, I'll accept it as long as they don't separate. God please don't let that happen. Tho I won't deny I would be pissed, since they are advertising this using their wedding as a bait and for them to not give us that at the end? very shady. We would be quoganbaited lol.
Speaking of that, I too don't want them to be a plot device for Zoey and Chase. I can't stress enough how much I don't care about them. And I understand the movie is about finally getting them together, but please, let us have Quogan in peace. The two ships can co-exist without overshadowing the other (despite one being clearly superior ehem)
feel free to keep sending asks or dm me if you wish, I love talking about quogan.
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cgetbrmj · 5 months
hi hello I just woke up so I’m sorry if this is not coherent whatsoever!! Anyway, *throws my headcanons at you.*
Coriolanus Snow:
Literal definition of just a little guy. Does he go on to be an awful person? OK YES MAYBE but for now he’s a little guy
Probably like a baby regressor. I cannot be the only person who saw him in the hospital and was like ??? Are those children’s pyjamas ??? (It was a hospital gown and I know that now.)
Has such a strong hate towards regressing like he will actively avoid it,,,he’s probably never would’ve done it willingly if Sejanus didn’t talk him into it like a lot.
Def regresses because of trauma. He’s lived through a war and never really had a childhood!! *shakes your shoulders aggressively* HOW ARE WE SLEEPING ON THIS????
He is such a crybaby…but like in the way where he tries so hard to bottle everything up because he doesn’t want to inconvenience anyone (no I’m not projecting wtf are you talking about?? /sarc) anyway he fails every time
It’s also always a battle to get him to eat, you must act like this is the most yummy thing in the world then maybe just maybe he’ll take a bite.
Personal headcanon that he never actually gave the plinth family that photo, like he had full intentions too but dude kept it for himself and would get a little sad and small when he sees it :((
ANYWAY GOING BACK TO CANON NOT BEING REAL BECAUSE ITS SAD. Definitely like needs baby stuff like pacifiers and fluffy pyjamas and stuffed animals. Because first and foremost he’d look so cute with them and secondly Sejanus would so have the money for it like dude would probably build a nursery
Coryo is so anxious to use said baby stuff because he partially thinks he doesn’t deserve it and partially thinks that he shouldn’t be regressing in the first place which like :((
Final thoughts is that Sejanus is definitely main cg I mean hello?? And Lucy Gray and Tigris babysit him sometimes
Sejanus Plinth:
Caregiver. Fretting overprotective caregiver to an anxious crybaby Coryo. 
Definitely leans towards the sappier nicknames, “sweetheart, baby,” occasionally “kiddo.” 
Will spoil Coryo to hell and back. 
Not strict whatsoever, the biggest punishment this man would be willing to give would be a five minute time out. Realistically. He’s also morally against punishments so Coryo would probably have to do something absolutely awful to deserve that.
Definitely better with younger Littles, which is why him and Coryo fit so well together.
Realistically he won’t leave Coryo alone for even a second in headspace, one he’s just clingy like that, and two, he doesn’t want anything happening to him while he’s gone.
Brings Coryo his Ma’s homemade cookies. He knows this boy doesn’t eat as much as he should be.
:3 just felt a little silly goofy 
also love love love LOVE your hc so much thank you for feeding into my new obsession lol
Pretty sure we have opposite time zones then hahaha Thankyou for gracing me with your hcs!! Adding another break because I just kept ranting about them hahaha
obviously, Sejanus would spoil Little Coryo for sure - and I've definitely thought about Coryo being a regressor from trauma and lack of childhood because YES. ALSO THANKYOU!!! THE HOSPITAL SCENE??? So glad we have mutual feelings on that because he was giving some strong kiddo vibes there
I always get scared to hc characters as baby regressors - I personally regress in the baby/young toddler area and idk I just get worried I'm projecting too hard so that was a pleasant surprise to see you hc lol - I feel like Little Coryo would be in more of a toddler bracket most of the time but then slip younger when he's tired or emotional - or god forbid, sick.
also thankyou for totally understanding the crybaby thing - he's just an overwhelmed little kid - literally anything could be the thing to push him into a breakdown - he's trying his best!!
and YES can we PLEASE discuss Little Coryo's relationship with food because herbfi;erbfuibf - I think he's difficult no matter what, and I feel like it'd be one of the ONLY things he'd 'act out' about - I don't think Little Coryo would really understand why he feels weird about food - definitely whines about being hungry but then won't accept anything offered to him - says that he 'doesn't like' something when Sejanus knows for a FACT he does - stuff like that. Also (as someone who, no matter how badly wishes they did like it, I don't like basically any fruit ever 😭) HOWEVER, I just have a feeling based on nothing, that Little Coryo would love most fruit. Like it's one of the only consistent snack options that will work on him
Sejanus would 100% put together a nursery for Coryo and Coryo would 100% tell him to get rid of it immediately and then secretly adore it - the self hate Coryo would have over anything regression related is real
Coryo definitely plays very intricate imaginative storylines out with his stuffed animals and can never really explain it to Sejanus who would sit and watch and try to figure out what the hell is going on for half an hour
Sejanus my love - so overprotective - so gentle with Little Coryo. He absolutely uses 'sweetheart' and 'baby' all the time. In my opinion, he'd get so proud of anything Little Coryo does and would have such a hard time keeping his regression a secret because he'd just want to brag about his kiddo all the time. Drawings? Reading aloud? Eating? Looking cute? Sejanus is so proud of him! He wants everyone to know that Little Coryo is his! Sejanus would never do/say anything Coryo wouldn't want though - so he just makes sure to praise Little Coryo, all the time.
Completely agree - Sejanus would not be a strict caregiver at all - he does not see the point in punishing Coryo when he could explain why he shouldn't do something - especially when Coryo is going to feel guilty enough already for acting out
Also was thinking earlier about Little Coryo having a NEED to soak up all of Sejanus's attention and was thinking about how through his childhood Tigris had definitely looked out for him, but really they were leaning on each other - and also totally fending for themselves - Tigris was a wonderful cousin but she's barely that much older than Coryo - and then started thinking about how Coryo's mother died in labour, when he was already quite young, which would basically mean that most memories of his mother he has, she'd be pregnant. So pregnant mother and a father who's left to help fight the war when he's VERY young, then two dead parents, a grandmother who's pinning her faith on HIM, and a cousin who's doing her best to look after him, while he grows up scavenging and pretending he's not only fine, but actually living a perfect rich life??? The childhood trauma here is really unmatched - of course he's clingy and a bit of a cry baby when regressed, of COURSE he wants to steal every bit of Sejanus's attention!! When has he ever been the SOLE POINT of someone's attention? ughhh I can't stop thinking about all the fic opportunities.
anyway THANKYOU VERY MUCH for the hcs and I hope to scream about more of them soon with you lol <3
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mogekolover · 1 year
i was tending to some plants when it suddenly hit me: From where does manwha Lucas get his egocentric, lazy and irresponsible traits??
From the novel version of him, I know from where he gets them, but the manwha never makes it clear with him, while with other characters(Athanasia, Ijekiel, Jennette and Claude) we know at least the main thing that makes them act the way they are:
Athanasia: She acts sure of herself, is energetic and materialistic(although responsible and studious) because of her living in poverty in korea. Having so much money makes her energetic and carefree, which adds to her materialistic trait. her want to study comes from that lack of resources, and her responsibility too.
Ijekiel: He's what Roger wanted him to be, he likes what Roger approved he could like, and acts the way it's expected(and also Roger expected) for him to act. It's made clear when he himself says "He finally had something to call his" referring to his first meeting with Athanasia. Ijekiel was a puppet, he was destined to be Rogers poppet, and although this was broken by this unconventional meeting, he still acted the way Roger said to him he should.
Jennette: Basically the same as Ijekiel, just that Roger decided to go on a different route with her. While his son was supposed to be the most capable and notable person on the empire because of his achievements, Jennette was to be "The Kind-Hearted long lost daughter of Emperor Claude". She was supposed to be kind, gullible(because how else was he going to make her his second poppet), social and lovely. She was never supposed to be remarkable like Ijekiel, as we know Roger started pressuring her in her studies when he met Athanasia and learned she was nearly as intelligent as his son.
Claude: We all know his backstory. The abuse he suffered in his childhood and teenage years just made him an ice cube. Then Diana came along, he fell inlove and was happy, then she died and he was even more traumatized :D
But Lucas... In the manwha he's like, jesus christ or something, he just poofed into existence(according to him and what his master/teacher told him... wtf), so, does that mean that The World Tree(TWT) made him? If that's true, why did TWT *let* him develop such a personality trait?
We could say that the previous magician of the black tower may have done something for him to develop such a trait, but in the only scene we see of them together, Lucas is completely unable to understand nor feel empathy for the grief his previous master/teacher is suffering, and that's pretty contradictory if it's true the theory that TWT made Lucas.
If Lucas was supposed to be Jesus Christ of wmmap world, why let Lucas, not only completely ignore the messages the Tree sends him without receiving any type of punishment, but also being able to do harm to the Tree itself(Also without receiving any type of punishment)? Doesn't really make sense to me.
I mean, Lucas could be his first(?) successful attempt at making a human doll to make whatever-something happen, but that would be so incredibly grim if you think about it. Because that would mean that TWT NEEDED:
Lucas to, somehow, make Aethernitas(ESPECIFICALLY HIM) so mad at him to stay petty for 200 years.
From that pettiness, make Aethernitas dabble into dark magic.
Have Aethernitas target Anastacius(for what? Who the fuck knows) to then control/brainwash(?) Anastacius into being a piece of shit to Claude(and also dabbling in black magic).
This prompting him sleeping with Penelope and colluding with her to get rid of Claude(AKA making Jennette)
This making Claude despise him so much as to make a rebellion and basically wanting to kill him
Thus making Claude emperor and him meeting Diana, which makes Athanasia happen
Athanasia dying three fucking times, being abused in different ways in her first and second lives and dying not only hated by everyone and charged of a crime she didn't commit(WITHOUT A TRIAL BEING MADE) but also in such a forgettable(bc the news aren't going to cover that story, she's just a number in the total of people who ended up "dying from from the cold" that night) ways in both of those lives. AND LETS NOT FORGET how TWT only blessed Athanasia IN HER THIRD LIFE. Like, YOU LET HER DIE 2 TIMES TO BLESS HER AND SAVE HER FROM HER SUFFERINGS?!?!?!?!
And all for what?
Because it also doesn't make sense with the way TWT acts/thinks. Spoon herself showed us that he's always sending Lucas requests to go save some country from epidemics, floods, famine. That means the Tree cares for humans.
That's why I think it doesn't make any sense the way Lucas is so egocentric and so incredibly full of himself :D
Note: Can we just talk about how Lucas is so sure of his feeling towards Athanasia when he comes back from TWT? Is like he got his software updated and learned what "being in love" is lmao
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myherobirdbros · 7 months
BNHA Chapter 403: Review by Birdbros
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First let me just say that baby Toshinori is so cute I can't breathe. Now, to the actual review. I love that his childhood was good and beautiful. That he didn't grow up in tragedy and had a loving mother and potentially the reason why he's so invested in being a hero. Because she didn't discourage him and instead fostered his dream so he could be proud of who'd he become one day. Also may I just say that this entire All Might arc has been giving. It has given so much and I've loved every second off it because honestly some people needed to be reminded why this man was the number 1 hero. Still though, just the thought of his mother dying and All Might having to take on the world and fix it without here breaks me in a way I can't fully explain.
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Yeah no, nop, no. I won't let you do this. He's not gonna die. Not All Might. Not after everything. I refuse to accept it. He has so many other steps to take Okay! Stop it. What do you mean and end of an era?! AFO you absolute fucking clown, do not hurt him! I mean it!!!!!!!
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Damn..... he really cut off Toshinori's backstory just like that. Wtf man. We rarely get this man reflecting about himself and you had to go and do that!!!! The fuck is wrong with you!!!!! I hope you die a painful death AFO it's all you deserve you piece of shit......I'm getting way too emotional *sigh* Okay, let's try and be more logical here. Now that All Might hasn't been able to use Bakugou's quirk it means Bakugou might come back right? My boy might finally come back and save him, right? Right?! I mean it makes so much sense. Feels like the story has been building up to this. Midoriya fighting to win and Bakugou fighting to rescue. Like a reverse role. Please please Hirokoshi. You can't have taken Edgeshot from me and Katsuki too. You can't T_T Don't Nobara me man, please. Also once again, fuck you AFO your arrogance will def be the end of you. Toshinori won't die a hero because HE WON'T DIE AT ALL!
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Thanks a lot Stain. Seriously thanks man. You could not have done anything but lose your quirk to this man (turns out I lowkey hate Stain *sigh*). Ugh, I know it's not really your fault and you sort of tries to save my man a little while ago but fuck, did you have to lose your quirk to this loser too?! I'm already mouring Hawks damn it. I can't do this anymore. Look at Toshinori's face T_T No one should ever make him look this hopeless, ever. This shit is illegal. Also, imagine loving killing someone so much you literally tear your mouth wide open joker style, the fuck AFO, the actual fuck? My dude you really need to sit down and finish that ancient comic book of yours because this aint it fam. This really aint it. You're so villain it's not even funny anymore.
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Shoutout to Tobita (my absolute favorite villain - he makes me so soft protect him at all cost) and star's crew who just like me would have hesitated to fire at All Might. I love you all and I hope when Bakugou comes back he beats the shit out of AFO for you. (Horikoshi do not make a liar out of me). Also psycho eyes AFO. Once again this man does not fail to creep me out. Die!
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Is he... is he planning to tear All Might in two? Is he really about to do this?! WTF WTF WTF STOOOOOOP. I can't do this. My sanity cannot handle this. Someone stop him! Fuck Midoriya crying is breaking my soul. This is not okay. I'm not okay. Shigaraki you bitch stop laughing! Everyone just stop. This can't be happening T_T This is so grusome I'm legit tearing up. And Midoriya's eyes is killing me. This is so wrong so so wrong. Someone please please please.
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I...... Oh my God..... my baby. My baby. He's back!!!! He's back yall. I..... Katsuki..... oh sweetheart T_T
I'm so emotional I legit walked away from my screen to take a break from this rollarcoaster. Thank you thank you thank you Hirokoshi! Thank you!!!! Also can we take a second to appreciate the beautiful art people. U.I exploding, Midoriya's tears blowing in the same direction. The light that shines on that tiny figure on top of U.A and then that zoom in on Bakugou's weathered figure. It's all so *chef's kiss* beautiful. I'm in love. And def will print this panel out and hang it on my room because my baby is back!!!!!!!
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I take that back. I'm hanging this up. Me and Best Jeanist sobbing over this right now. Our baby is alive!!!!!!! But look at him, he's so tired and haggered and back from the dead. He deserves a nap, not to fight a psycho who can't just quietly go into ground and never come back. Also theory: now that Bakugou has essentially come back from the dead, might his quirk have evolved to the extreme edge like we've seen for many before him such as Touya and Uraraka? And since Katsuki literally died maybe his evolved even more? My biggest hope. Beat his ass Katsuki. Make him regret that he was ever born.
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Not a bakudeku shipper but I'm 100% a bakudeku friendship apologist so this, seeing Midoriya look up, tears flooding from his eyes because he's so fucking terrified he'll lose his mentor just like he lost his childhood friend only to then look up and see Bakugou is doing something to me I cannot explain. And Katsuki.... Katsuki with the ancient All Might card he's still holding onto for dear life. Katsuki remembering their baby selves. Katsuki being so out of it but standing up to fight for All Might like All Might stood up to fight for him at Kamino..... *sobs hysterically in a corner* Also the symbolism of All Might always having looked back at his past because all the steps felt so important just to now look forward because the steps his kids are gonna take are the important thing for him now..... yeah I'm not okay.
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This is truly the beginning of a new era huh. Bakugou and Midoriya, carrying on All Might's dreams and hopes..... Hirokoshi you bastard. How can you do this to me. WTF MAN WTF!!!!!! And look at Katsuki's eyes. The explosion within them. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. And now him and Izuku's feelings are one; they'll save All Might and redefine hero society.
*stands up and applauds like crazy* There has been several misses for me in this manga but moments like this is why I'm happy I never gave up on it.
Welcome back Katsuki darling. Welcome back, it's been too long.
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bigshotcirca1997 · 1 year
Okay people have been asking me to explains what stands out between snowgrave and no mercy/genocide . I struggle with reading and phrasing things so sorry if some of this sounds odd ,':3
how punishment works.
Snowgrave, albeit very dark and more blunt then no mercy, doesn't exactly punish you for putting berdly in a comatose state. THE most you get is noelle and susies relationship going back to susie thinking she's scared of her, and noelle also fearing her childhood friend but the player gets off scot-free. We haven't seen the whole game, but from what it looks like, you're going to be regarded as a murderer in that one fountain, where it doesn't even exist to the outside world. Nobody else is going to know how many you've really killed.
No mercy, on the other hand, everyone starts fleeing. People go from believing you can change, to trying to guard the barrier to stop you from getting out and doing it to your own people. Sans endangers a child, just to stop YOU from using this kid to hurt more people, which is why some people say his theme is the players theme (I don't believe this, because his theme belongs to another certain someone else too rendering this impossible?!).
The only person that believes you're capable of changing your ways is papyrus. His death leads to the rest of the bosses frantically wondering what happened, alphys especially.
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Both pap and alphys would be the two people to trust you right off the bat, and since you've broken that trust, they're doing everything they can to stop you where you stand, snowgrave doesn't do this! Nobody really evacuated, Nobody really got away before you decided to start hurting them. Infact, when you initiate this route its already far too late for them to start running.
Route play-out functions
I know ALOT of people have mentioned the dumpster countdown, and spamtons importance to how it functions, but this is what also interests me.
You do not know how many people are left, you have to be told by someone, guided by another monster, to know what you're supposed to be doing. No mercy lays everything out for you, down to the save points giving you exact amounts remaining in each area!
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Yes, they are direct copies supposed to mimic the way genocide functions, but the difference is an outer force is guiding you and giving you exact amounts to massacre entire areas of monsters that remain. Snowgrave gives you some puppet that suffered, and is using you and noelle as an outlet to get his revenge.
Youre being messed with WHILST youre manipulating kris's friend. You are just as vulnerable, you needed spamton for your next tool to ice berdly, whereas in genocide the only real roadblock is sans, but even his forces don't stop you if youre good at the game.
The tedious open spaces for snowgrave, the closed off areas that you can just pace around for no mercy!
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There is ALWAYS a save point nearby, so you can keep track of your kill streak. Snowgrave makes your journey far worse, once you've started you can't exactly stop. There's hardly save points, your items can only gather from junk you find laying around, and iced corpses will stay there for when you go back to get something.
Both have horrible amounts of work to stop you from marching foward, no mercy has stupidly high amounts of monsters for you to kill, snowgrave has a step-by-step plan for you to initiate it, and the further in you get the more ridiculous it is. Both games literally go "wtf??? You actually did it" each time you initiate the route. Snowgrave has jingles for each time you properly complete a part, no mercy has another person seeing you as a vile human each time you wipe out another area.
Human guidance (kris vs frisk)
Alot of people have spoken about this, but I think there's alot more people fail to mention. Kris is naturally a very quiet kid, but they aren't silent, or emotionless. Infact, they are way more expressive than the game is letting us know! For frisk, however, we only know that they were an outcasted child. YOU decide how frisk reacts to the monsters they've just met, your initial reaction helps them develop theirs, exactly the way a child learns from their parent how to react to someone you've just met.
Some people forget frisk is very young (for this, and MANY, MANY other things too. >:[), so the drastic difference is you're using an impressionable child to do your work, whereas in snowgrave you weaponise some poor teenagers friendships to re-traumatise all of them.
Both react very differently to what you're doing to them. Frisk has no choice but to listen to you, they're a kid, they wouldn't know it any different from an adult guiding them.
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They learn from your guidance that these monsters aren't worth the time, if you don't react they won't bother either. You turn them into a cold, careless killer. You teach this child to have the old views of humans, and in the process endanger humanity from it too. Alot of people turn both frisk and chara into the villains, but both of them are young children in a place they don't recognise, they're obviously going to rely on this nagging voice, this soul controlling them to help them get home. What happens during that process is out of their control, this is all on you.
Kris, on the other hand, is very clearly trying to let their friends know they aren't okay. Constant silence, barely any emotions, lashing out to let people know someone else is using their body to do harm on others. (Can't get images, mobile limit is WAY too small lul) you aren't even using kris, perse, you're using noelle. The impact of trapping berdly both hurts noelle and kris, yet kris will hold this guilt as long as you remain a constant force for them, and they hate you for it.
Using kris as a vessel to hurt noelle, and using frisk as a vessel to spread the old views of humans towards monsters. Noelle is more optimistic on things, shes not innocent at ALL despite what people say, but you use her close best friend to hurt her. Kris has to stand and take this all in, let you hurt her and their childhood friendship, because they aren't in control so long that soul keeps them in the backseat. Frisk has to go up to the surface with a warped view on regards to life, and who truly deserves to live.
Your impact on these kids stays with them, despite kris being very emotionally defensive, you still manage to hurt them. You manage to hurt noelle, too, despite not even having physical control over her. You use kris as the gearstick, making them the monster in noelles eyes. Kris constantly kindly tells you to fuck off, whereas frisk can't say or do much, because they haven't matured enough to know.
Other stuff :P
This one is something many people have pointed out, so I don't feel the need to say much more on it, but the way monsters die. Snowgrave is far more darker, you freeze them eternally, and leave them to die in a sealed fountain. Berdlys death is also horrible both in the way it plays out, and the way you torture noelle to get to it. No mercy is more "kill now, think about it later" kind of shtick. They aren't brutal, but it really makes you think on how it's so easy to do it, and then your actions come crawling back when you really are a danger.
Berdly and papyrus, the two people who strongly believed in frisk/kris, are violently dealt with and hurt for doing so. These two have parallels that are more complex, and I don't wanna fill this with MORE text, but you get the idea. You hurt "your" most trusting friends to get your way, and both deaths are a sign that you are now too far in to turn back.
Dialogue changes too, where it goes from chipper to regarding you as a force to not be reckoned with. Alot of people say chara is the narrator for undertale, I do think this too, but this also plays into you manipulating a child to get your way! Chara is already a very troubled kid, being raised in an environment that just wasn't made for them, so obviously they're going to be very upset in death for what you're doing, but they can't stop you aswell, so on and so forth, yadda yadda. You get it :P
Sans, noelle, kris and so on talking directly to YOU. I don't need to really talk about this, you can find alot of people mentioning it already. Everyone knows that you're to blame, not these kids you're forcing to hurt people. Don't need to mention that when it's been said enough XD
Spamton is a different case entirely, kind of based of him to use you to set his own plan into motion (KIDDINF OBVIOUSLY) but he's a different case that would need a different post and oh MAN do I have alot to say about him and his situation.
We've barely touched the surface for deltarune, so some of the stuff here could change! So far, though, this is what I've noticed.
Anyway, that's my thoughts on that . Thank you if you actually read my nonsense I don't really post my thoughts/analysis on stuff publicly :^]
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you are really gonna need to sit down with a drink for this drama
Because I'm taking a break from Ellie, I thought I'd go round out Victoria's character. She started out as a clean girl, celebrity actress, but became more of a player, OnlySims model. She's one of Barbie's friends but there is a bit of drama about her relationship with them.
Obviously, she's sleeping with Ken. She's also Lisha's husband Josh's childhood ex-girlfriend. Josh and Ken have a weird relationship because of that. Based on the weird texts that Kumiko sends, they're incredibly hot and cold, I'm gonna go with she knows about all of this but hasn't told Barbie or Lisha because she's sleeping with Ken too.
Victoria is also a drug addict ... Listen just strap in. Everything that has happened while I was playing her household has been so dramatic! I'm just gonna make a list.
Victoria got pregnant by Sergio Romeo
I tried to get her to miscarry but it didn't work
I had her just ask Sergio about expanding the family but he wasn't interested probably because he hates kids
Funny thing is, when I went to their house to make it nicer since Victoria has been spending time there (Joaquin is her drug dealer and she and Sergio have become a thing) they both have multiple kids by multiple women! WHAT!
Victoria didn't like that conversation so I had her go in a bender, get plastic surgery, get some tattoos, and unbaby herself the way that costs simoleons.
Sergio got arrested for taking drugs. That was a first for me. He's fine. It looked like he slipped away from the cop.
Later unsafe Victoria activities aka making love in this club (queue Usher) left her babied again. I swear she's on BC. WTF!
This time she miscarried. She was sad about something else. Drugs make her happy so I had her take some that were conveniently powered, in line off of her sink and it happened. I missed whatever the animation was. I was watching Fast 9. I looked away and all of a sudden there was blood on the floor.
It was Ken's baby this time. It took forever for Barbie to get pregnant. Ken has gotten Kumiko, Ellie, and Victoria pregnant at least once each. Why did it take so long for Barbie to get pregnant?!
Because of ALL of this going on I decide Victoria also should have an ED and not have a good relationship with how she feels about how she looks.
Yeah Victoria is not good
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Alright, thoughts on Double Savage, episodes 5 and 6 (SPOILERS INCLUDED):
First off, @miscellar wrote THE POST(s) of the week (here and here) on where this show has gone and maybe will go. @miscellar, I LOVED HOW YOU PUT your second post: there’s a show-within-this-show. There are plot points about intergenerational trauma and patriarchy that are unfortunately getting swallowed by the script/direction/editing to push the thriller-aspect of what we’re getting. There’s dramaaahhhticalllly heightened emotional interactions about what’s happening on the ground, without enough exploration into why all of this shit is happening (HELLO, BENG.)
In other words, right now, this show is being hijacked by the director’s need to be all action-y, when in fact, this is still a show and a study into Big Family Trauma (BFT) that really needs to be worked out!
UNLESS -- what might be happening, as I was mentioning to friends watching the show earlier today -- is that that BFT is assumed to be known by the show’s majority Asian audience, thus allowing the crew of the show to skip through the emotional contemplation that *I* think I need to see a *leetle* more of to be convinced about where we’re headed. (I mentioned in previous reviews that I’m really touched by young Asians going on TikTok to process this show as compared to their own childhoods with difficult parents, and this is still ringing really true for me.) 
Unfortunately, with seeing the preview for how Rung comes back, I think we’re still gonna be on the drahma/action-y tip next week. I think the show has really sped through Win’s turn into hating Korn without enough examination or heartache on Win’s end -- I think we need more flashbacks or some current engagement with the loss of his brother (although I have some thoughts on that below for why this speed might be intentional). 
I hope the ship can right itself back up from that. (WTF, Rung’s parents -- I really feel for that plot point and I wish it hadn’t happened, because I believed Rung’s parents were two people who could have helped bring Korn back into the fold.) (Also, DEAR KORN, dude, I get you miss your family, but like, you’re showing up a LOT in sensi situations, and just like our dear Rung, maybe hold off for a sec, my man.) (But also, thanks for taking care of Li at the hospital.)
ALL THAT BEING SAID, I do very much agree with @miscellar that there are MANY elements to this show that will keep me watching.
To the Win point, about his speedy hatred for Korn: Win is now the “man of the house.” We see him engaging in typical patriarchal behavior with Li at the hospital (”you and Mom take care of Dad, I’ll handle the rest.”) We see him receiving 100% good compliments from his dad earlier about his work -- all while Win is actually struggling at work. 
Win is attempting to take on roles that I’d argue he’s not emotionally prepared for. I think, as well, we’ve gotten a really great spotlight into Li in the last two episodes that had me meditating on sibling roles and family systems that I want to unwind.
Both Li and Korn -- despite the pressures of their father for Li to hate Korn -- embody roles as older siblings, with Li protecting both brothers and Korn protecting Win (and, to a large extent, Li herself). 
Not to judge younger siblings (I am one myself) but we haven’t seen Win engage in a practice of “protecting” anyone through the unspoken roles of Asian family systems conduct. When he attempts to “protect” Rung -- Win is shooed off. 
The older sibling paradigm is really huge in Asian family systems, and I saw this being reflected in the way Li/Korn/Win’s mom spoke to Li right before the father collapsed. I saw Li’s mom looking at Li as if Li was an extension mother. This is super common for older siblings, ESPECIALLY ELDEST SISTERS, to basically be a second mother to the younger siblings. (I know that this happens in large traditional Christian families in America, but I’m not as expert on family systems in that space.) Li’s mom knew that Li was still trying to care for Korn as much as possible. 
We also saw that Li’s mom is in quite the denial about the reality of Korn ever coming back home. I will say as a parent myself, and asking my own folks about this -- there’s nothing more painful to a parent than seeing siblings fight. Li and Korn’s mom probably can’t live while thinking that the siblings are fighting -- but she also bears the weight of the impact of the cultural patriarchy that has hampered her family, and she may not even have the objective judgement to KNOW why her family has splintered. Li’s mom just wanting Korn home so the siblings could get along again -- that’s her center of how she’s viewing reality, and likely is either in denial of Beng’s lifelong impact, or actually unaware of it. To me, that part is based in strong reality.
So: Li and Korn have taken on their roles as protective older siblings, and Li right now is the most active link among everyone. (Toei really killed it these last two episodes.)
WIN, on the other hand, is stumbling along. AND, he’s suddenly got this HUUUUGE hatred for Korn. Like, WTF. 
What I THINK is happening here is a parallel of the patriarchy between Dad Beng and Win. Dad Beng and Win BOTH hate Korn now -- they say he’s a jinx, he should have never been born, he should go to jail. 
Dad Beng and Win both have extrasocial reasons why they hate Korn. Beng hates Korn because Korn was a jinx...during an economic recession.
Win hates Korn because Korn is a criminal? Okay, sure. Actually, Win’s extrasocial factor is jealousy. Win knows that Rung still loves Korn. And that jealousy -- the feeling of blame that Win has towards Korn for how Rung ended up as a fugitive -- is the factor that tipped Win over. 
Those extrasocial factors are the drivers to Beng and Win’s own misaligned reality towards Korn. Again, unfortunately, the script is not SITTING with this enough. It is definitely implied. But Win is off doing his CRAZY-ASS THING without catching himself, and at least at this point, being reprimanded at work clearly isn’t going to change him. Something big and emotional needs to happen to get him out of this. 
This ended up being long, but I’ll cite @miscellar‘s excellent second post again from today in TOTAL AGREEMENT that there’s a show-within-this-show that’s really worth watching, that’s rending my Asian heart, and that CAN BE CARRIED by the ridiculous acting talent of the cast. The show’s structure is not holding up this week to what this show CAN HOLD by way of depth. 
I’m hoping for the best. We’re gonna get a bitter Rung next week and I’m so here for it. I want to see a more complicated Win. Ohm/Korn is carrying this show -- I want to see the rest of the cast engaged again by the script. Let’s see. 
(COME ON NEW SIWAJ!!!!!!!, cc: @shortpplfedup, @bengiyo)
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arrenlebanen777 · 1 year
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I see a lot of men crying about women/female nature and how they were manipulated/cheated/ betrayed and then they go to the gym to grow from pain, but they only become colder/ narcissistic/ egotistical and this stupid villain archetype that gets you pretty empty arguing and crying about women's bodycount/ their loose s*x lives/etc... But the stupidest thing is that the highest percentage of humans who consume p*rn, onlyfans, and all that shit are men, WTF?, if you see that this is happening it is mostly because we are allowing it. if men were really picky(mature), if we learned to manage our s*xual energy better, if we became more sensitive to life and less to our egos(minds), if we find something more transcendental than our beliefs/thoughts/feelings, and we become really clear about what we want from life/relationships and know what our real needs are...well, nothing of this would be happening. This whole issue of relationships/dating is something quite psychological and energetic, women are looking for the father figure that they did not have or had but is no longer in their lives in other mens, looking for the father archetype’s in each man (someone economically stable, independent, emotionally intelligent, funny, masculine, strong, wise, attractive, adventurous) and let me tell you that this is called: Divine masculine (the same thing happens with men). Why do men only look for s*x? Because if they unconsciously/instinctively see that a woman has nothing more to contribute/offer to a relationship other than demands and s*x, then they will only look for what gives them pleasure the most, that is s*x, and then they will forget about her / this goes both ways, and this my friends is called “Hookup Culture”. The funny thing is that as long men and women don't find something more transcendental than society, Ego, their minds and themselves... they will only continue to become more perverted, stupid, with shitty mental health’s, making decisions they regret, s*xually dirty /nasty because they don't know anything more transcendental than that. Also i noticed that depressed people are mostly sensitive people who don’t fit in with the superficialities of the society/world and well, traumas, childhood issues and all that too. Another thing, therapy is a very powerful / important but delicate process, so trying to do therapy on your own is like trying to do surgery on your own, because you are treating something very important but delicate that is your mind/mental health. Also therapy can make you really attractive, not the attractiveness of the Ego or Narcissism but genuinely attractiveness, Yes you can do the route of Ego attractiveness, it’s Okay, nothing is stopping you but see how it goes on the long run, it could make you feel very empty and is a really really hard working process, and therapy is a healing process, but you have to know how to go to therapy and this is where people stagnate or do not have good “results”, because many go to therapy just because they want to heal or be treated but they do not know very well what they need/want to heal, so my recommendation is to make a list of things that you want to treat in therapy, because that will open the doors and possibilities of your deep healing. So don't do things like self-diagnose and stuff like that because it's a pretty stupid move for your evolution/process. Another thing, if someone did you wrong or did hurt you your job is take care of yourself, of course you could talk with your friends about the issue and with your therapist, but is not your job destroying the life of that person, actually that is very nasty and it leads nowhere, because starting to destroy/expose the lives of the people who hurt you so that other people practically destroy them, you are committing a horrible crime, you are practically leaving no room for error and growth, which is part of human nature, you are practically using again the tyrannical practices that the Nazis did, yes I know it is painful, but your job is to take care of yourself, heal and move on, not destroy someone else's life, and if you think they should pay, believe me they will pay, Saturn will take care of that, don't worry. 🌿If you wanna see more posts like this, tell me on the comments<3🌿
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I saw your tags and I wanna say RitsuMao (I think that's the ship?) is the perfect ship for hanahaki in the way which you described.
Also, interestingly enough, I have written a hanahaki fic from the person who is on the receiving end of the crush, in a frustrated "why can't I return the feeling???" And not wanting to lose the friendship way.
So anyway I think that's a great angle to pursue and it's very big brain of you.
YESS thank you for the validation, this AU has been eating at my brains for a year but i'm just not very good at writing actual stories rather than just analysis so. it stayed in my brain.
yeah it is ritsumao and oh boy ritsumao with the flower actually removed would be a riot. they're childhood friends and so much of their identities are rooted in the relationship, so losing the relationship would destabilise the both of them so much.
to Make Things Worse ☺️✌️ in my AU, i made the surgery remove memories related to the person altogether rather than just feelings (although tbh it's also bc i never quite understood how you can "remove feelings" without fundamentally making the memory stop making sense. aren't memories a key way in which people make sense of the world and remember things?)
and this makes the story veer into exploring how one's memories and relationships with others kind of. makes you who you are. which a lot of hanahaki stories don't really explore.
that means ritsu just Forgets about mao and loses years worth of accumulated memories and self-narratives about how he became who he was. how did he manage rei's broken promise, who did he cling to? apart from chasing after rei, who made him want to 'enter the sunlight'? post-surgery ritsu would be a very different and a very confused person.
and considering how so much of their relationship was Just The Two Of Them (thanks ritsu), mao would have no one who shares so many of his memories. they'll probably find random trinkets all over their houses that either only mao or neither of them remembers the significance of. some matching keychains they got from an event. a pen with one of those plastic jewels that's the colour of mao's eyes, which ritsu used to like a lot but now just throws it away bc it's out of ink. maybe some random thing of mao's that ritsu stole when he was 6 because of some convoluted reasoning and jealousy, and which he never returned. and when they rediscover it mao is like "wtf i've been trying to find it for YEARS, why do you have this," and ritsu can only reply with "i dunno."
mao also can no longer use ritsu for the. to give himself self-esteem in his role as someone ritsu needs, or whatever codependent shit they have going on. he'll just have that pretty important aspect of the maintenance of his identity and self-image ripped from him because the flower is arophobic.
i just think ritsumao with the hanahaki surgery would just be rly tragic bc rtmo are the kind of friends who would want more than anything and who would do everything they can to ensure the other stays in their lives. or rather, they've been with each other for so long that they also don't actually need to bend over backwards to maintain their relationship. even when something does happen, i think they generally understand each other and value the other enough to resolve things sooner rather than later.
i think the both of them would choose not to have the hanahaki development in the first place if it meant that they could continue as they have always been. ritsu would never want to guilt trip mao with hanahaki (!! era at least, and not to make mao actually feel like shit for longer than a few hours at most). and mao would want to give ritsu what he wants as is usual but be unable to. so they're both absolutely miserable! falls face flat on ground.
anyway i can't believe i rambled this much but. after writing all that out i read that fic you wrote and. slams fist on wall and cries, you get it!!!!!! i don't know a thing about these two but oughhhhh. !!!!!!
(for anyone else who has somehow read to this point and who also has brainworms for Best Friend with Hanahaki, read it here before i spoil it below with my quoting)
the way Hak's first reaction is to do everything he can to solve things and his fear of losing 12 years of friendship. 12 years of memories. Their entire lives together. That was the price of getting it removed. while Soowon goes “But what if you find someone you have feelings for?” Soowon asked, “it’s not really fair for you to be bound to me this way.” and “Love” was too heavy a word to impose upon his friend
ohhhh my god. oh my god. It frustrated Hak, every time Soowon coughed up another flower and he couldn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t make it stop. Why couldn’t he make it stop?
it's the mutual love and care for the other!!!! screaming.
and the way Soowon just slowly fades away and Hak's heart breaks watching it happen. The way Hak finally says "I love you" and the way Soowon says "I know" and yet it doesn't do a thing because the flower is stupid and only cares about romantic love.
euggg this dynamic of hanahaki is really so interesting and real. i'm so glad you brought up your fic bc i have been trying for so long to find a hanahaki story like this. i get that the hanahaki haver's POV of keeping the illness and their feelings is dramatic and heartwrenching and all, but at the end of the day it's more or less just a more dramatised version of their already existing pining. the perspective of the one being loved, and of two friends trying and failing to save their relationship, is so unexplored in comparison. like these stories would require some very healthy, open communication, and yet somehow that is still not enough and that otherwise perfect relationship gets destroyed
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kpdeek · 2 years
On Porsche Bringing Pete to Vegas...
So, I mentioned this in my "Thoughts & Review" post, but I see other people (on here, Reddit, and Twitter) expressing the same annoyed feelings as me regarding Porsche's actions in this episode. Specifically, how Porsche--despite inferring that Vegas had something to do with Pete's beat up return--strikes a deal with the devil himself and makes Pete accessible to him.
My initial reaction: boy, wtf? we thought you was goood??!?!?!
Followed by: UGHH!!! How dare he! Pete would never!!!!!!
And Finally: Okay. Okay, Dee, think this through. Take a deep breath. There has to be an explanation.
Anyway, I've got an explanation 🙃
After rumination, more than I've ever emotionally and mentally processed a show (for the record, I don't watch things often because I'm easily affected by the characters. My mental state during KP is...it's something), I put myself in dear Porsche's shoes and tried to see things from his perspective.
My conclusion: Porsche is now more emotionally tormented about his parents' deaths than he ever has been before. What was once thought to be a tragic car accident turned out to be a cover up, and he wants to get to the bottom of it. We've seen how he's tried to deal with their deaths; accepting false narratives despite witnessing the crime, intentional memory loss (that's not a technical term, don't quote me), doing the best he can to be a parent figure to his brother while living the reckless life of someone his age (maybe a bit more reckless than that, even). So, it makes sense that he's after the truth now that he's learned what he knew was not it.
Now, why involve Pete? Why make a deal with Vegas despite thinking Vegas is the one behind Pete's tortured appearance?
Because Porsche has somewhat given himself up to the dark side. He's been part of this mafia family for enough time now that he's not only fallen in love with the heir, but he's desensitized to the killing, the double crossing, the torture. We've seen him express remorse and self loathing for shooting that man in EP3, but we've also seen him get deeper and deeper into the mindset of a ruthless bodyguard as time has gone on. Basically, doing bad things doesn't faze him as much anymore. At least, not as much as it once would have. Especially now that it's personal.
This is his family we're talking about. His mom and his dad. He's not doing it for Kinn, or Korn. Not to discover a mole or prove Kinn's ex is evil. This is him dealing with the people who've taken away his childhood, his innocence. So, he's going to do some not so good things, like reaching out to Vegas, who won't go behind his back to the main family because he's not in kahoots with them. In exchange for helping Porsche (because Vegas really has to reason to), Vegas gets to see Pete. Porsche delivers what he thinks is enough punishment for now (the punch. by the way, someone needs to keep track of how many times Vegas gets hit/punched in this episode. his brain is probably rattling pretty dangerously in that pretty skull), but then he gets straight to business.
I think it's important to also recognize that Porsche doesn't truly know the extent of what happened to Pete. This makes Porsche's actions worse, because Pete did show up with his body nearly entirely disfigured. Porsche gave him up to Vegas way too easily, but he's not thinking about Pete much, or Vegas, or even Kinn for that matter. He left Kinn with a note, hid his brother, and went to hand over 5 million baht to his lying, stealing uncle. He's no longer the Porsche we started the series off with. Morals have shifted, but his loyalty? He's got it for others to satisfy them, but it's mostly to himself.
EDIT: Porsche is also NOT becoming a villain. It's been said before, but there are no heros or villains in this show.
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darlenicy · 1 year
Let's watch: Winx Nickelodeon Special I
Okay, I made the step and watched the nickelodeon Winx Special. And OMG it’s so bad lmao. But today I am not alone reviewing – my best friend H-chan succored me and I swear, her comments are comedy gold. Just like I she knows Winx from her childhood but is no fan of it anymore so I am even more glad, that she agreed to watch it with me! Okay, let’s start. (H is her and L is me)
H: What's this for a really stupid new opening? I want "Heller als Licht*"!!! *the original German opening song for s1 and s2
H: Gardenia looks like in a bad computer game, the trees are floating 😂
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H: she goes to bed with her clothes on
L: At least she takes off her shoes
H: other outfits? that's totally confusing (everyone wearing their s3 outfits)
H: And Bloom rides her bike without a helmet. A very bad example again for the children
H: what??? Stella doesn't even have her real scepter!! It used to look like a hubcap. now it looks like a virus
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.....i mean she's not wrong
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L: Icy has a new voice actress in this one....wait! it's the same voice as Mai from ATLA!
H: Die Bloom, die!
L: also why does knut look so scary?? Wtf
H: At least it's not Katara from ATLA
[Bloom+family+Stella attacked by Knut and Troll] L: Why doesn't Stella transform? 😂
[the specialists arrive] L: Oh right, Sky is Sky in this one.
H: But then the whole conflict is gone. nothing will happen anymore. then what reason does Bloom have to be mad at him???
H: I always thought they had cool laser swords, but they can't do anything
H: Oh yes, I will fight against it, that will certainly help 🙄
[Faragonda appears] H: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 😬
[Bloom steps on Floras plant] H: Yes Bloom, the first thing you do is killing your roommate's plant 🙄
H: NOOO Flora has a new voice too 😖 (actually her new one from s3 ongoing)
H I always thought her [Flora's] outfit was super cool
L: this or the old one?
H: no, this one, the top of the old one looked like lettuce
jdjflksjfdsfkkdsfö I almost died laughing. I actually liked the old one a lot and never saw a lettuce in it xD)
[Transformation and everyone shouting their things, like FLORA FAIRY OF NATURE ] H: Okay but if Flora is the fairy of nature, that should contain water too. So everything left for Layla is being the fairy of jelly
H: Yes, AlFEA the school for FAIRIES. Someone was very creative on this one (in Germany it's even more obvious because fairy means Fee)
H: Why does Griselda want to punish them now? For eating pizza or for being almost killed by three sexy witches?
L: For the plot I suppose. So they put one of the most boring episodes in (Friends in Need)
[Musa: We would be done sooner if you know who helped us] H: As if Voldemort would help you
L: Riven be like NOPE
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L: Stormy has the same voice like Katara I think!
H: We know that when she says something with hope 🤣
H: Timmy has no laser sword. He has a flashlight 🤣
[Driven appears on screen]
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Also they completely left the part with the Prince of Darkness out because not even Rainbow knew what it was about xD
L: And of course BLOOM hat the idea. 🙄
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H: like the scrap drummers 🤣🤣
H: They could have died for not transforming so as not to break the rules, but they break into the office simply because bloom wants to
H: riven only turned on the light so the trix could see the others😌
[Faragonda hopes that Griffin will punish the Trix] H: yes of course, noo! she'd totally celebrate it. Besides, they're bad witches and then they do something bad and it's not right either???
Daphne: Bloom, do you recognise my voice? H: No, it's different from the one in the show
[In the simulation room ]H: Why is there no snow on Domino??? (that always fucked me up too in the show ahahah)
L: Why do the Trix already guess that Bloom has the dragon flame? Where do they know it from?
H: Because they're mega smart 😌
[Paladium: We have to get her back] H: yeh, you could have done that sooner
H: oh those are supposed to be wings when she makes that finger movement? I always thought she just couldn't do a heart
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nightskywonderer · 2 years
I'm not familiar with most of the DC comics regarding Superman so you can provide me with information to get a better understanding of the Lois & Clark pairing. As a kid, one thing I never understood about the Clark & Lois pairing is that she seemed to be more infatuated with Superman than Clark Kent. Whenever I would watch a cartoon series based on Superman this seemed to be the premise 90% of the time. I'm aware that Lois didn't know that they're the same person, but why would someone want to date a person who likes their alter ego but not their civilian self? Wouldn't that be a telltale sign that they don't really like you for you? Or wouldn't date you if you were two separate people?
That's one thing I never understood as a kid.
I can’t provide any information of understanding to that pairing because I don’t understand it myself. One reason being is what you’ve stated yourself. It’s all telling, not much showing.
What I’ve read and saw in comics and tv/movies has not nor will it ever convince me Lois even liked Clark. Lois was infatuated with Superman. The triangle of two which is childish and stupid to me. Clark was not being true to himself. If you can’t be 💯 from jump, how can you trust that person truly? Romanticizing lies? Where was the repercussions? It was actually history revisionism. They are suppose to be equals yet Clark is putting on a front. This was the dynamic for decades. The movies with Reeve showed how unhealthy the relationship was and theirs is predicated on Clark being a country bumpkin or which he is NOT the “woe is me for not being human” even the movies with Bosworth and Adams too.
The marriage was virtually forced on the comics and in comics she was never that into him. Just happened out the blue to accommodate the wedding on tv. He had to tell her his secret she never saw it, or him. Which is just awful because again, we are expected to believe they are so in love and meant to be etc etc, yet what builds a relationship was never there in the first place. Clark has been written to say Lois knows him more than anyone? Oh really? So why didn’t she know Clark Kent and Superman was one in the same for so long? The idea of the pairing has gotten by or got together rather arbitrarily just because "they've always been together.” Lois is by default because that’s her role. The love interest. That’s not a true challenge. Keep in mind also, the TV show is where the awful idea of choosing one identity over the other was reinforced even more since John Byrne had done so as well. “Clark is who I am, Superman is what I do” is and will always be a trash take. He is Clark/Kal-El/Superman all the same as one man. Ignoring or belittling part of himself to be accepted and fit in should not be. This is part of the problem with why Superman is in such a stagnant state. There’s no challenge, it’s just what it is and fans are suppose to settle for it. Not I.
It is on record, DC tried to undo the marrige the moment they did it because they felt it boxed him in. But they were stuck and had to try to make it work. And they do so by forcing out dated troupes and the biggest lie...he needs her to have humanity. BULLSHIT
He is a hero...he is supposed to have a moral compass and care for humanity because he was raised well and makes choices to help others etc and he considers us his adopted planet and people. WTF he needs her to have humanity?! So he needs to be romantically leashed to one human for this when the DCU is so diverse? No other people or races have emotion and care for their own? This care for humanity shit is just a kind of veiled bigotry, xenophobia, and borderline racism. I hated the notion of rebirth because they hailed the status quo as being right and true given the privileged American spoon fed lifestyle.
He is written as an idiot because women like Lana Lang and Diana loved him as he was. Lana is the girl next door, childhood best friend, the first love, high school sweet heart. She is the first to know of Clark’s truth, besides the Kents. They drifted apart to follow their own paths of adulthood yet remain close trusted friends.
Diana is the Goddess of Truth. She loves life…all life, and wants everything to be the very best they can be and live their wholehearted truth. With Clark, she sees a man that can truly be a leader and inspiration for better. To bring peace and unite worlds and cultures. This is what Superman was suppose to do and represent as well and yet, for years, he settles with living lies in a comfort bubble, repress himself as to who he is. Diana encourages him to do and be better. Not as some dictator or whatever bullshit detractors try to claim, but a world where everyone can feel free to express who they are and what they believe in without fear of being judged. This is why I love Superman and Wonder Woman as a couple. They are free birds. Their relationship is built on trust, honesty, and mutual respect. They are friends first and build to more over time. It’s not something that’s set by default. That’s what makes their relationship even more genuine to me.
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