#like hold up wait a second hang on as in LET ME COOK btw. i am a visionary
bluewaterhigh2005 · 1 year
the thing about only knowing gays in their 20s is i can say shit like i think tobias menzies and bradley whitford should do a romcom together and all my friends will say hold up wait a second hang on
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aaronhotchswife · 7 months
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Drew Starkey x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Warnings : alcohol, panick attack, angst, want to give the reader a hug, smut, loss of virginity
Chapter 2
"If two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find their way back into each other's arms, no matter what."
Drew's point of view
I look at her, sleeping on my shoulder. She looks so peaceful, her breathing is serene. I look at her lips, that even if I kissed them a lot for the sake of the show, I wonder how they would taste if it was for real. I had agreed to watch Tangled with her since I know it's her favourite movie. For the year she lived with me, she asked me to watch it with her. She was always watching it alone but I finally succumbed to watching it tonight.
She moves slightly, causing me to hold my breath.
'"Hi," she says, repositioning herself on the couch. "Sorry about that," she glances to my shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry," I speak softly, my gaze went back to the movie, a lantern scene playing.
"I woke up just in time for my favourite scene"
"This is your favourite scene ?" I chuckle, incredulous.
"Yeah ! It's so romantic. The ways he looks at her and the song, it's cute."
"It is," I say, looking over her.
We finished the night both laying on the couch, showing each other tiktoks and funny Instagram reels. It was nice to just hang out, like roommates and friends, even if in my head, I always had that little thing, where she might likes me back.
Y/N's point of view
I come back from the grocery store, rubbing my hands together from the cold outside before setting the grocery bags on the counter.
"Drew ?" I spoke loudly, waiting for him to answer me. "Are you home?"
Without getting any answers, I emptied the grocery bags before laying on the couch, a cooking TV show playing in the background.
To : Cut the camera
Mads : the guys chose the bar for tonight. They say it's a pub kind of place
Y/N : girlsss idk what to wear
Lacia : you should wear your blue jeans with your black silk top 🥵
Mads : I AGREE
Mads : btw Odessa's gonna be there tonight
Y/N : that must be why Drew isn't home
Y/N : i already didn't feel like going now it's worse 🙃
Madie : c'mon girl, you're gonna have a great time with us!! And it's the last time that we're gonna see each others before everyone leave for Christmas soooo
Since Drew and Odessa were filming a movie together, they were always hanging out. I tried my best not to be jealous of her but it was hard. I felt like she was prettier, skinnier, funnier than me. And Drew seems to find her really interesting. Which was ok. I was just his roommate and his best friend. Just his roommate and his best friend.
The pub was crowded just enough. I was sitting next to JD and Lacia, talking about crazy fan theories.
"Oh there he is!" JD exclaim, reaching out his hand to do a handshake with Drew. I felt my hands getting clammy, feeling a bit anxious seeing him with her.
"Hi man, hi Lacia, hi Y/N." Drew said, his eyes scanning the booth.
"Hi guys!" said Odessa.
JD and Lacia said hi at the same time, but I find the straw in my drink a lot more interesting than her. I looked over Drew, making eye contact with him before letting my gaze fall back down to my drink.
Drew's point of view
I saw her, wearing her cute jeans and that black top that embraced her curves.
She looked over me, her eyes filled with something else than usually. Her expression changed the second she saw me. I sat at the booth, next to JD. Even if I wanted to sit next to her, she seemed more absorbed by the straw in her drink that by my presence. Odessa sat next to me, putting her hand on my back, making me stiffen. I saw Y/N's gaze looking over me, before she got up, walking over Madelyn and Chase. I get up, walk over them to say hi to my friends. She is standing next to me, but she is still looking everywhere except where I want her to look. I leaned over her, my hand finding a place on her back.
"You ok ?" I asked.
Her tone is dry and I can't think of any reasons of why she would be like that.
"So you brought Odessa ?" Chase asked, making me come back to reality.
"Yeah, well we're spending a lot of time together these days because of Hellraiser and she's nice and —"
"In that case you should go see her before she starts missing you too much."
I turned back to Y/N, my brows furrowed. The tone is which she said it is harsh, something that would normally not happen with her. She doesn't look at me and instead, before I can answer anything, her eyes find Rudy, Austin and Madison talking next to the bar and just like that, she's gone.
Y/N's point of view
I'm sitting at the booth, listening to Rudy asking Austin a Truth or Dare question. I am here, but I feel as if my head is somewhere else. Somewhere alone with Drew. Somewhere where he is in love with me.
"Drewbear, if you saw me on Tinder, would you swipe right ?"
I can hear Odessa giggling while she's asking her question to Drew. Even if I do not want to hear his answer, I suprise myself raising my head and listening carefully. I can't invent the way his eyes look at me before making their way to Odessa.
"I would."
I feel my heart stop. I know I didn't have the right to be jealous of her. We are just friends, even if sometimes it feels like we are more than that. I try to smile, making it seems like it don't affect me, but the way I see Madelyn look at me, her eyes filled with pity, I feel the tears raising in my eyes. I get up to go order a drink, asking everyone if they wanted a refill. I could hear my voice shaking, trying my best to control myself.
"I'll come with you," Drew says, raising from his seat.
"You don't have to."
"C'mon Y/N/N, you can't bring 5 drinks by yourself," he smiled, following me to the bar.
I ordered the drinks, watching the floor and playing with the rings on my fingers waiting for the drinks to be ready.
Drew's point of view
"Did I do something wrong ?" I spoke softly. I could feel something was wrong and it made me sick in my stomach, thinking that I could've hurt her. "You're acting weird ever since I've arrived."
She stops playing with her rings, lifting her head to watch me.
"You didn't."
"Then why are you acting like that ? Being mean about Odessa, ignoring me ? You're in your little world since the beginning of the night, looking everywhere but at me. C'mon, you know we're best friends and that we say everything to each other."
"Do we ? Do we tell each other everything Drew ?" Her voice was trembling.
The moment was cut by the bartender, handing us the drinks.
"I want to talk about it Y/N." I talk louder, making our way to the booth.
"There is nothing to talk about."
Y/N's point of view
As I sat at the booth, my phone vibrated. I look down to see a text from Madelyn.
'You really should tell him how you feel'
Another vibration.
'He's in love with you. You should see the way he looks at you. He's just trying to make you jealous'
'Yeah right' I write back.
'It's working'
"Y/N, truth or dare ?" Odessa asks.
There's is no way I trust this girl enough for a dare, so I answer truth.
"How many persons did you have sex with ?"
I feel the heat creeping up on my cheeks. Even if being a virgin in my 20's sucked, it was always something I could hide. Except for now because the way she looks at me, I'm pretty sure she realizes what I am.
"Oh oh, are you a virgin ?" She laughed sarcastically.
Everybody at the table is silent. Because even if mostly everyone knew, the tone is which she said it makes everyone feel tense. I feel my breath getting shorter and I start getting dizzy. I can't breathe. I can't feel my heart. I can't even focus on the faces of my friends in front of me. I feel like I'm in high school again, with the mean girls. I feel like I will die. I look at Drew, a pleading look on my face. I want him to do something even if I don't know what. I need air, I need the cold air of December to help me breathe.
Drew's point of view
Everybody is silent, everybody is looking at me. Madelyn gets up, running to the door, yelling Y/N's name. I turn to face Odessa and I know she can see the anger in my eyes.
"What. The. Fuck is your problem ?" I speak loudly, not a care in the world if I'm causing a scene. "You should leave. Now." I tell her before exiting the bar, looking for Y/N.
I find her outside, on her knees. Madelyn is next to her, on her knees as well, rubbing her back. I can hear her crying, her respiration is twitching as she tries to speak.
"I–I–don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm not good for anyone," I hear her say between tears. "I–feel like I will die. Why did she do that. Why can't he love me," I see her hyperventilating and I want to say something. To do something. But my feet are stuck on the ground.
"Shh, it's okay. You're okay. You're alive. You're with me. It's okay," I can hear Madelyn comforting her.
"You should go. I think you're the last person she wants to see at the moment," Madison speaks loudly behind me, Lacia following her . Madelyn raises her head, as does Y/N.
"Make him leave Madie, please, make him leave."
I heard her, I look over the girls, tears forming in my eyes. I don't understand anything that is happening right now. I don't understand how my best friend is on the floor have a breakdown because of me.
Y/N's point of view
I run outside, falling to my knees on the ground. I can't breathe. The blood is pounding in my ears. My heart is thudding in my chest.
"Y/N!" I hear Madelyn say, but I don't have the strength to turn back. I need to be alone, I need to breathe.
"Y/N," Madelyn is reaching to me, holding me close to her. My breathing is shaking and I try to control it, to control the tears falling down on my cheeks. I feel humiliated, I feel as if I'm going to die. I don't hear Drew running out the door and I don't see him standing there, his face broken.
"It's okay. It's okay. Breathe with me." Madelyn says, inhaling and exhaling. I try to do the same but my breath gets stuck.
"I–I–don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm not good for anyone," I say between tears. "I–I feel like I will die. Why did she do that. Why can't he love me," I rambled, unable to say anything that make sense.
"Shh, it's okay. You're okay. You're alive. You're with me. It's okay."
I don't hear Drew running out the door and I don't see him standing there, his face broken. I only realized he's there when I hear Madison and Lacia telling him to go home.
"Make him leave Madie, please, make him leave," I begged.
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0cta9on · 26 days
Chaewon Fluff but best friends turn to lovers pleaseee!!! Really love your writing btw!!!
Thank you for the request and the kind words, sorry this took so long to put out :^) Hopefully I made up for the wait by making it extra cute and giving it that rom-com corniness :]
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“Well that was…”
After weeks of catfishes and awkward talking stages, both you and Chaewon finally found dates from a dating app. Things were going fine at first - the girl you matched with was cute, funny, and matched your energy, and it seemed like things were going well with Chaewon and her match too. You brought up the idea of a double date at a KBBQ place as a fun way to get to know each other’s dates. Chaewon is your best friend after all and you wouldn’t want her to end up with the personification of a red flag.
You got to the restaurant first, talking and flirting with your date while you waited. For once, it seemed like your dating life was going in the right direction. However, that all changed when she made eye contact with Chaewon’s man. Coincidentally, both your dates were exes in a toxic relationship, evidenced by the screaming match and the mess of thrown side dishes they made as they stormed out of the restaurant, leaving you and Chaewon completely stunned.
You slump into your seat, letting out a resigned groan. “God dammit…” You mutter under your breath. Chaewon sits across from you, unsure of how to react from the altercation. The server comes by to replace the side dishes that had been tossed out by your dates alongside the meat you ordered and a bottle of soju.
“Um, we didn’t order any soju,” you say, confused.
“”Don’t worry about it, it’s on the house. You two look like you could use it.” She gives you a sympathetic look before disappearing into the kitchen. You twist off the cap and bring it to your lips before Chaewon stops you.
“Yah,” she utters, holding up a shot glass. “Give me some too.”
Chuckling, you pour her a shot which she downs almost instantly. Fatigue hangs in the air between the two of you, yet it’s almost comical in a way. Truthfully, you’re almost glad that all of this blew up in your faces. For years, you couldn’t shake the feeling that every girl you’ve ever dated was just “wrong” for you. You thought it was stress from school or work that made it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship, but that feeling lingered even at the best of times. The fact that you don’t have to go through the ordeal of breaking up with someone again felt refreshing.
“I’m sorry that happened,” you say, finally breaking the prolonged silence.
“Eh, it’s fine. To be honest, I’m kinda glad that happened.”
Your ears perk up with intrigue. “Really?”
“He was a nice guy and all, but something just felt… off,” she admits, blankly watching the meat cook on the grill as if she’s lost in thought. “Maybe I’m just not cut out for dating.”
“I’ll drink to that.” You pour out more shots for the both of you, the smooth liquid slipping down your throat and slowly releasing your inhibitions.
“What about you?” She mutters. “It looked like you really liked her.”
“I mean…” You lean back in your chair, staring at the ceiling. Did you really actually like her, or were you just playing the role that you were supposed to play? You bought her gifts, you kissed her, you slept with her, but aren’t those things boyfriends are expected to do? Did you really, truly feel anything for her?
“I don’t know. I thought I did, but… maybe not.”
Chaewon snickers as she pours another shot, a glimpse of a smirk dancing on her lips.. “I guess we’re both just unlucky, huh.”
You can’t help but laugh at your predicament, downing another shot like it’s water. The alcohol swims around in your system, loosening you up and making you forget about the girl in a matter of seconds. In fact, the only thing you can think about is the girl sitting in front of you, drinking her problems away just like you are.
“I just had a funny thought,” Chaewon snickers, the alcohol taking a noticeable toll on her already. 
You lean forward, intrigued. “What is it?”
“What if…” She pauses for dramatic effect, peering deeply into your eyes. You feel warmth enveloping your cheeks and you're not sure if it’s from the soju or her. “...Never mind.”
“Yah, Kim Chaewon!” You exclaim, annoyed.
“It’s nothing, it’s stupid.” She sinks into her seat, covering her face in embarrassment.
“I promise you, there’s nothing you could say that could make this night any worse.”
Her gaze falls to the ground as she nervously twiddles her fingers. She looks so cute when she makes that face like she’s deep in thought. Her nose scrunches and her cheeks puff up slightly, it makes you want to just pinch her cheeks. For the first time that night, you notice her outfit - like really notice her outfit. The black mini dress hugs her petite frame, making her look like a doll. You want nothing else but to hold her and kiss her pretty face and tell her how beautiful she is and-
“Why are you staring?”
You shake your head, getting a grip on reality for a moment. “Nothing. Anyways, what were you going to say?”
“Fine, I’ll tell you. But… you can’t laugh,” she says, her words slurring just a bit.
“No prob, bob.” You laugh at your own joke, which goes unnoticed by Chaewon.
“When we turn 30…. Why don’t… we get married?”
You freeze completely, unsure of whether or not you heard correctly. Is she that drunk already that she would suggest something as insane as that? You two have been best friends since diapers, you grew up together, you’ve seen each other at your lowest lows and celebrated each other's highest highs. You know everything there is to know about Kim Chaewon. A strange warmth fills your chest, a warmth that’s definitely not from the alcohol. Before you can even think, the words are spoken aloud.
“Why wait?”
Chaewon’s head shoots up, flustered. “W-what?!”
It takes you a second to process your own words. As you meet her eyes, you feel something that you never felt for the other girl. That lingering feeling you’ve had for ages has grown, filling every cell in your body. “I-I mean… we’ve known each other our whole lives. It only makes sense right? No awkward talking stages, no misunderstandings. Just… you and me.”
Time freezes around you, neither of you saying another word or even blinking. Suddenly, Chaewon storms out of the restaurant, leaving you drunk and confused. Did you say something wrong? Or maybe you didn’t say anything at all? Maybe you drank so much that you’re actually passed out on the table and this entire thing is just a weird dream.
“Yah, are you gonna go after her or not?” You turn towards the sound of the voice to see the server standing over you, a look of urgency in her eyes.
She slaps your shoulder. “Hurry up fool, she’s getting away!” The pain in your shoulder is a sign that this is all very real and not a dream. You quickly grab your jacket and run out the door, a gust of cold air sobering you up.
“Chaewon!” You frantically search through the crowded streets, illuminated by a few dingy street lights. In the distance, you spot her hailing down a taxi. You shove through the crowd, receiving some dirty looks and expletives from strangers, but you don’t care. You just need her. You’ve always needed her. And she’s one foot inside the taxi, about to disappear forever.
Right as she goes to shut the door, you reach out and grab her wrist, stopping her. “Wait!” You exclaim.
“W-what?” Her voice quivers like a delicate feather in a harsh wind, threatening to break. Chaewon’s head is turned away from you, not daring to meet your eyes.
“Don’t go. Please. Not until we talk about this.”
“W-what is there to talk about, it was just a stupid idea anyways-”
“No, it’s not!” Your entire body feels warm despite the frigid winds as your heart thumps with the weight of an entire sun. “I don’t know why it took me so long to realize, but I just can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you. I thought maybe if I kept looking, I would find the one, but… You were right here all along.”
Chaewon finally turns to look at you, revealing the tears falling from her eyes, glistening like diamonds against her skin. “I-I can’t…”
You gently cup her face, wiping her tears away with your thumbs. “We can make it work-”
“No!” She shouts, hitting your chest with her fist. She collapses into you, sobbing, and all you can do is hold her until she eventually calms down. Fear, confusion, pain, all of these emotions swirl in your mind like a tornado, wreaking havoc on everything you know and feel, making it impossible to think straight.
Chaewon pushes away from you slightly, still sniffling. “Every relationship I’ve ever been in… It always ended badly… A-and… I don’t want you to hate me too…”
You wrap your arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. “Nothing you could ever do could make me hate you. You could hit me with a car and I would still love you,” you joke.
“Yah,” she exclaims weakly, laughing through the tears. “Don’t try to cheer me up, you’re too good for me.” Suddenly, her face turns serious as she peers up at you. “D-did you just say you… love me?”
You pull Chaewon into a delicate kiss, causing her to freeze in shock. Eventually, she melts into the kiss, wrapping her arms around your head and lazily playing with your hair. Her plush lips feel like heaven against yours, a feeling that you never want to let go of. Everything about her feels correct. No lingering thoughts about another girl, no expectations of filling a role, just pure love.
“I’ve always loved you, Chaewon. And I always will,” you say as you look straight into her irises. Chaewon smiles before pulling you into another kiss, one that warms you up despite the shivering breeze blowing past. A kiss that is nothing short of perfect.
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hardboiledteacozy · 9 months
"Making a big deal out of any dish they make for you" combined with "help fix their outfit before they leave" for any combination in 4ggravate. You can pick two, three, all four, i just want to be at least a little vague for revenge.
You definitely get to be a bit vague for revenge since my own prompt was pretty vague. Wonderful prompt, btw, so thanks Alex 💜
Prompt list here
I surprisingly ended up focusing on Kavetham, though the whole thing is still 4ggravate and does involve all four of them. I tried to be brief because otherwise I would have ended up with a multichapter thing here.
Story under this readmore:
"Will you hold still for a moment?" Kaveh hisses.
His hands pull at both ends of a dark green silk tie which currently hangs listlessly around Alhaitham's neck, as though it has given up on ever getting tied. Haitham sighs, not for the first time this evening, and rolls his eyes far back enough that his head tilts back with the motion.
"I swear, you're like a petulant child sometimes," Kaveh goes on to say, but Haitham can feel the warmth rolling off his tongue, completely at odds with his words of choice. The architect's fingers find their way to Haitham's chin and hold him in place. "There, stay just like that. I'll be done in just a second."
"Why are we doing this again?" Haitham finds himself asking. He actually holds himself still this time, perhaps enjoying the way Kaveh's breath tickles his exposed neck as he leans in to do an intricate knot that will inevitably feel too tight the rest of the evening.
"It's our anniversary," Kaveh replies matter-of-factly.
"Our anniversary was two months ago."
Kaveh's hands stop, but they keep a gentle grip on Haitham's collar. This lets him know Kaveh is not done with him yet, so he does not move. He does, however, stare the man dead in the eye and cock his brow at him in silent question.
"You actually remember." It should feel insulting that Kaveh sounds so surprised, but Haitham supposes he can't blame him. It's not like they've ever made a big deal of it at any point over the years.
"How could I forget? I even cooked for you that evening."
"You mean you made that yourse-- Alhaitham! You should've said something. I thought you'd just happened to order takeout that day."
Haitham sighs, again. "I learned the recipe from the owner of the tavern because I know you like that dish. Before you say anything, Cyno was the one who did the actual talking. I don't know if he sweet-talked it out of the man or just intimidated Lambad into giving it to him. He just handed me the paper, and I simply followed the instructions."
Kaveh opens his mouth but can't seem to find the words to say, so he just closes it again. He repeats this motion a few times, lips flapping uselessly, before finally remembering he has a half-tied tie in his hands and Haitham is still waiting for him. So he pulls at the ends once again, this time to wrap the tie up in an intricate knot that contrasts beautifully with the subtle pattern on Haitham's dark suit. He then pulls him by the tie into a kiss, hoping this will convey all that he cannot bring himself to express in words right now.
"You're welcome," Haitham mumbles against his lips once Kaveh pulls back. "Now why are we doing this again? Since we've established it's clearly not our anniversary."
"Not our anniversary," Kaveh corrects him, poking Haitham in the chest and then pointing to himself. "Our anniversary." And as he says this, he draws a circle in the air to also encompass two people who are, unbeknownst to Alhaitham, currently waiting for them at a candlelit restaurant in another part of town, overlooking the moonlit bay.
"Oh," is all he can think to say.
Haitham takes a moment to think back and try to pinpoint the exact day Kaveh is referring to. It's clearly not the first time the four of them shared a bed; that happened some years ago during a shared leave where they had happened to coincide in their choice of lodgings at that lakeside resort in Fontaine. It couldn't be when they'd teamed up to overthrow the government because they weren't all together at that point yet. Perhaps Kaveh was thinking of something more mundane... And that's when it hits him.
"You mean when the four of us had that talk at the tavern last year."
"Of course."
"You've been keeping track?"
"You mean you haven't?"
Haitham ignores the jab. He takes a deliberate step back, turning around to look at himself in the mirror where Kaveh had been touching up his make-up before he saw Haitham struggling behind him.
Not bad, he thinks as he inspects Kaveh's handiwork on the tie. Having given himself time to think this through, he finally speaks, "Not keeping close enough track to consider today as significant in our relationship, or to even think of it as our shared anniversary, no. Especially not as our first one."
Kaveh steps up behind him , chin resting on his shoulder as he joins him in the contemplation of their reflection. Their eyes meet in the mirror. "Then when /would/ you consider is a good date, since you're getting pedantic about this?"
Haitham doesn't answer right away, taking the time to consider the significant times the four of them have shared together over the years. They've toed the line between casual involvement and established relationship for quite some time, perhaps never actually needing to give it a name or anything like an official status.
It wasn't until a year ago, when they had been gathered at the tavern on a regular night out, that the topic had been broached - by Kaveh, no less.
Cyno had been idly shuffling a deck, talking about the beauty of probability with Haitham, who was in turn debating with him over the use of strategy in a controlled environment. Tighnari had been lightly leaning against Haitham, partly to listen in to their conversation and partly just because it was a cool night and Haitham's cape always felt comfortably warm to the touch. Kaveh, half-finished wineglass sitting before him, had been sketching them, as much for the dynamic posture the three men had adopted as for the simple desire to capture this moment and freeze it in time, even if just in a simple drawing.
He had suddenly stopped and looked up from the sketchbook, waiting for their shared attention to focus on him before asking, "What are we?"
The ensuing debate had continued late into the night, spilling out of the tavern after closing time and back to Haitham's house.
And the rest, as they said, was history. Perhaps Kaveh was right in this regard. This simple night probably did count as their 'official' anniversary, in a way.
"I'm not being pedantic," Haitham clarifies first. "I just hadn't considered that we even needed a shared date, especially since the process itself was a lot more involved than just the four of us deciding we were together. Are we supposed to celebrate every iteration of our joint relationship?"
Kaveh shrugs and moves away, rummaging through a small lacquer box where he keeps his jewelry as he looks for the perfect accesory to go with his white suit.
"I don't see why not," he says as he reaches back to tie an emerald pendant around his neck. Haitham wordlessly grabs it from him and attaches it himself. Kaveh nods in thanks as he continues speaking. "Any excuse for a celebration is worth pursuing, isn't it?"
"Says the man who likes to lavishly spend on everything," Haitham chides him.
"This is just a one time thing. Tonight is special... Well, they're all special, but tonight is a cause for extra celebration because it was a culmination of sorts. I'm sure even you can see that."
Haitham sighs. "Alright, you've made your point, and I see where you're coming from."
Kaveh beams, and Haitham swears the room feels a little brighter than it did a moment before.
"So you agree?" Kaveh prods.
"I never said I agreed. I just said I see your point, which is not the same."
Kaveh then grumbles for some time, as though debating with himself whether to take Haitham's bait or not. Eventually, he throws both hands in the air with a huff. "You know what? Fine, I'll take that. I'm sure Nari and Cyno will agree with me anyway."
"So long as this doesn't set a precedent for how we're supposed to celebrate our respective anniversaries in the future," Haitham warns him.
"Don't worry. I'm sure you and Cyno can keep locking yourselves up in your room all day."
"And Tighnari will still be perfectly content not even acknowledging the date beyond sending a flower and a simple homemade dish," Haitham agrees with a curt nod. "Where are we going now anyway? You wouldn't have made me dress up like this just to head to the tavern."
"It's a surprise," Kaveh sing-songs.
Haitham makes a face at that. He does not like surprises. He does not like having to deviate from his usual routine. Kaveh is more than aware of this fact, so he's quick to amend. "Don't worry, it's just going to be us four, and the place is quiet. Nari and I scouted out the site beforehand to make sure you'd be comfortable."
"I trust you," Haitham nods, and Kaveh knows this encompasses all of you. He looks visibly less distraught too, which feels like a victory. Kaveh is confident he might even convince Haitham to repeat this every year, if he plays his cards right.
Haitham goes to fetch his keys, wallet, and book, stuffing them inside his belt pouch before opening the front door. No turning back now. "Fine then, let's go."
Kaveh is in the process of grabbing his own set of keys when a thought belatedly occurs to him.
"...Wait. Does this mean you've had Lambad's recipe in your possession for two months, and you haven't let me have it yet?"
"We're going to be late."
The two men step out into the night, softly bickering all the way to the restaurant. Here, at the only occupied table, one of the two men opens his eyes, one long ear twitching.
"They're here," Tighnari states.
"Did you h-ear them coming already?" Cyno asks with a grin.
Tighnari masterfully manages to avoid even acknowledging the pun. "They're talking about hummus, apparently."
"And they say romance is dead."
This actually earns Cyno a chuckle from Tighnari, but their conversation is cut short as they spot Haitham and Kaveh approaching. Nari waves at them and sees Kaveh visibly perk up as he spots them sitting at the table.
"Sorry for the wait," Kaveh greets them. "We ran into a little problem."
"I hope you two have bean well," Cyno replies, getting up to kiss the two in greeting.
"You heard us talking about hummus, didn't you?" Haitham states as much as he asks.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," is all Cyno will offer.
As Haitham sits at the table and regards the three men before him, he feels something tugging in his chest, and the feeling only intensifies as both Cyno and Nari reach for his hand and give it a gentle squeeze to welcome him.
As they raise their glasses and toast to the four of them, to whatever it is they have cultivated here, Haitham admits one thing to himself, albeit privately. Perhaps Kaveh was right in this regard. Perhaps some things are worth celebrating, if only as a culmination of their existence.
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brettlorenzi3 · 5 months
So something just happened and it's the most surreal experience of my life and I needed to write it down somewhere and tumblrs the best option so let me cook.
There's this guy I have in a few classes and I've had a MAJOR crush on him since my sophomore year of college but we don't talk much and I only ever really see him in passing. Quick side note- this is probably the most beautiful man I've ever seen and I'm being so fr(his names Ryan btw) like he could probably be a model but in sort of a more rugged way. Like he isn't super chiseled or unique looking in a model-like sense, but he is still very very hot.
He's also SUPER tall and literally perfect. He's 6'5" and has like dirty blonde hair that was buzzed but now it's like grown out to the perfect length. He has hazely-greeny eyes and is so funny and charming and athletic and intelligent he's literally like my dream man.
ANYWAYS, so back to the story. My roomate and best friend Kaitlyn knows him a bit better since they're in more classes together than me and are currently partners for a project in one of their classes. Kaitlyn keeps offering me Ryan's number to talk to him but I'm too nervous for that. (Keep in mind, I'm not an introverted person and neither is he, I have absolutely no problem going up to random peop!e and making small talk or becoming friends, I'm probably one of the most extroverted people in my school. Howevef, I get soooo nervous when it comes to talking to Ryan. Usually I can talk to and flirt with guys easily, he just makes me so flustered.) She thinks I should at least try and hold a conversation with him but I just don't have any opportunity to since I barely see him. I know he's nice and sociable from what Kaitlyn tells me but I just don't want to potentially embarrass myself in front of someone I really like.
So Kaitlyn has Ryan over in our apartment to work on the assignment and she told me she'd try and FaceTime me when they took a break from eorking. So luckily for me, I have really good lighting in my families house and I was literally serving in the little FaceTime selfie camera. At around 7 o'clock she called me and said that they weren't taking a break but I could be there in her phone while she worked so that it was like I was there with her. I tried to act normal but I could see Ryan's shadow moving around in the background so I figured he was taking a break. The way Kaitlyn had her phone propped he must not have been able to see that I was there or have heard her talking to me. I was literally about to hang up at one point because I was sort of bored but Kaitlyn told me to just wait and she would spill some tea after she was done working so I was like alright bet. AND WHAT A GOOD THING I STAYED. About a minute later I was reading something on my laptop and Ryan was up walking around in the background and he must not have seen me in Kaitlyn phone because he asks her "who do you share this apartment with?" to like make small talk and she says " oh I l ive with Brett Lorenzi ". Now here's where it gets crazy. I was startled by hearing my name but once I looked up at my phone Kaitlyn put her finger up to shush me and sorta moved her phone so I could see Ryan. He goes "brett, who's that?" (my heart kinda broke for a second but wait) and Kaitlyn points to a photo we have up on the wall of us at a concert earlier this year and it's the best picture ever taken of either of us do we had it printed out for our humble abode. Both of us are caught mid laugh but our outfits and hair were eating and our faces look so perfect(pretty sure it's the picture on her tinder profile). So she points up to me and says that's her. Ryan looks and says "oh that's that super pretty girl" and Kaitlyn goes wdym and he says "wall I see her on campus all the time and she must be the hottest girl in school". At this point I'm pretty much shitting my pants and Kaitlyn being the wingwoman she is asks him to like elaborate and I can see him sit down on our coach and he goes "I've had a crush on her since like freshman week. I only have her in a few classes though and I'm scared to talk to her, she probably thinks I'm crazy though because she caught me staring a couple times (actually, I thought he caught me starkng at him but oh well)" At this point I was actually like almost passed out and Kaitlyn was getting giddy while she was basically staring at Ryan. He must've thought she was judging him though because he shrugs and says "my friends think she's too pretty for me but I still would do anything to go out with her" AND BRO WHEN I TELL U I ACTUALLY WAS ABOUT TO DIE WHEN I HEARD TTHATT
Then he sort of got a bit quiet, probably thinking he overshared, when Kaitlyn was like "well she is my best friend so I can give u her number if u want, I'm sure she won't mind". Then Ryan was like okay and pulled out his phone and she told him my number(it's so cute she has it memorised) and asked if he should text me yet and Kaitlyn said no like wait a while so ur sure about what you want to say.
At this point I waved to her and hung up because I was going crazy and the moment my phone was off I literally screamed into my pillow and almost cried tears of happiness. Kaitlyn just texted me a half hour ago saying they finished the project and he was in his way back to his apartment so now I'm sitting in my bed with my dogs and my spaghetti, waiting for a text. I'll keep y'all updated. Keep you're fingers crossed for me, pleaseee 😩
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
they find out you hooked up with their friend/teammate before you started dating | 3
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characters: akaashi + iwaizumi + osamu + suna + (gn!reader)
requests: can you do a part 2 to the 'he finds out you hooked up with his best friend' with iwaizumi, suna and bokuto ? thank you and i LOVE your page 💞• by anonymous + s skfhsk s please do a they find out you hooked up with their friend/teammate before you started dating for suna osamu (even better if yn hooked up with his twin omfg) and akaashi 🥺 i love your writing please i will pass away • by anonymous
warnings: the second one is a lil angsty and the last two have suggestive tings 
notes: y’all are too sweet, everyone is 18+ in this! (i’d already gotten another request for bokuto by the time i got the first request so he’s in pt two) + they’re all different lengths btw sorry abt that <3
part one | part two | part three
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so you and bokuto hooked up like way before you and akaashi started dating
it was in high school but it wasn’t like there were any feelings involved
...okay maybe he ended up getting a lil crush on you but he got over it
your friends had dared you to hook up with someone to loosen up and you were too nervous to ask your real crush, akaashi (plus you’re not even sure if he was at that party)
and bokuto was kinda chatting u up so u thought why not
(this was before akaashi let him know that he liked you)
it wasn’t until one day that the three of you were hanging out that akaashi found out about it
bokuto had been talking to you and his best friend about this girl he met at a café, he wanted to ask her out but he wasn’t sure how to go about it, so he was asking you two for advice. 
“i’m thinking i take her to watch the stars and then i can swoop in and do my special move. that’ll have her swooning for sure, right?” he smiled to himself and looked at you both as if for reassurance that he was going about this the right way.
akaashi was about to respond when you spoke up first. 
“that thing you do with your tongue?” bokuto nodded, his brows raised up and down, showcasing his confidence. you shook your head immediately, “that’s a little too bold to do right away don’t you think?”
he deflated a bit,  “well... i’m not––” he backpedaled, looking to the side to cover his tracks, “not gonna do it right away...after... a couple dates maybe?” 
before you could say anything else, akaashi spoke up, placing a hand on your thigh to get your attention. you turned to see him looking at you intently, brows slightly furrowed, a small frown on his face. 
“how do you know about his special move?” 
“oh, um...” you blinked a few times and then looked back to bokuto. “we kind of hooked up?” you turned back to your boyfriend and you could see the thoughts processing in his mind. “it was only once though–”
“and what a time it was!–” 
you turned back to look at the loud boy incredulously and he shrugged. “what? i’m just saying you know what you’re doing–”
you rolled your eyes, “you’re not helping here.” you turned to face akaashi fully, taking his hand in yours. you noticed he was a little tense, clearly uncomfortable. “if it makes you feel any better, it’s not like i liked him or anything...to be honest i would’ve hooked up with you that day if i was brave enough to ask you...” 
he looked up at you, eyes wide and quickly glanced down, his cheeks turning pink. 
bokuto spoke up, “wait a minute, so i was second choice?” he crossed his arms and sunk down in his seat, mumbling to himself like a kid. 
you were about to make a comment when you felt akaashi raise your hand and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles. he gave you a soft smile, “i would’ve liked that...i was too scared to ask you out for a while, bokuto-san is actually the one who convinced me to in the end, so i guess he’s off the hook for using his move on you...” 
bokuto perked up again, “oh great!–”
he pulled you closer to his side, his face serious. “but don’t ask y/n for any more kissing advice or i’m kicking you out.” 
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when iwa found out that you and oikawa hooked up before you started dating, admittedly he felt a little jealous
but it was mostly just his insecurities, he was used to everyone fawning over his best friend 
and the thought that you were potentially one of those people wasn’t surprising but it kinda upset him
what if you wanted to leave him for oikawa?
you and oikawa were actually the ones who told him that you’d hooked up, while the three of you were hanging out at your place, not thinking much of it since it was a one and done kind of thing for both of you
but you’d noticed the way he’d gotten a bit quieter afterwards, the way he seemed a bit more tense
you waited until oikawa went home to say something
he came back to sit on the couch after locking the door behind his friend and you turned to him. “baby?”
he grunted, eyes focused on his lap. 
“look at me please?” your voice was soft and he couldn’t help but listen, looking up into your eyes sheepishly. you put a hand on his arm, “what’s wrong? i can tell something’s bothering you.”
he looked away and shook his head once, “it’s nothing i just...”
you squeezed his arm reassuringly and he sighed. “just started thinking about you and... shittykawa.”
you moved to sit in his lap and his arms immediately came around to hold you. you placed a hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes fondly and sternly to get the message across. “haji listen to me, i love you and only you. i would never leave you, okay?” 
he nodded but you could tell he was still in his thoughts, so you went on. “i love how thoughtful you are, how sweet you are to me and to your family.” you kissed a spot on his face between every sentence. “i love your voice in the morning when you wake up and the way you tell me you love me every day. i love the way you hold me,” you trailed your hands down to his arms. “and i love your strong arms––” you let your fingers trace his veins and he shifted under you, flustered from your touch and your words. “i love everything about you, haji. i hope you know that...”
he brought his hands up to your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss, “i know, doll. thank you for that. i love you too, so much. it drives me insane how much i’m in love with you.” his cheeks were dusted pink as he spoke to you and it couldn’t have been more endearing that he was still nervous around you, despite having been together for a good while now. 
“any time.” you smiled, pulling away after giving him another sweet kiss. “plus, you’re a way better kisser than him.” 
he threw his head back and laughed, his hands squeezing your sides as he looked back into your eyes, before kissing you. “oh i’m so telling him that.” 
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you and atsumu had hooked up once in high school 
see you were both kinda wasted at a party when it ‘happened’ 
the most you did was kiss and feel each other up, but after you accidentally moaned osamu’s name–––
things ended pretty quickly after that
you don’t know if it’s because you were drunk and mistook atsumu for his brother or if you were secretly wishing it was him, or both
all you know is the two of you agreed to never speak of that ever again
it was embarrassing enough for the both of you
but unfortunately it was one of those memories that came back to haunt you every now and then...even years later, now that you were dating osamu, and living with him
you visibly winced as you thought back to the awkward silence and the way the two of you paused when you said osamu’s name. you shouldn’t have been thinking about this, especially not now, when osamu was literally cooking dinner for you in your home. 
you spaced out for a bit and hadn’t noticed your boyfriend calling for your attention until you saw his hand wave in front of your face. you blinked quickly and looked up at him, “hi! yes i’m here–”
he raised a brow and laughed, amused, coming around the kitchen island to wrap his arms around you and put his head over your shoulder. you sunk into his embrace and he hummed, “what were you thinking about? i asked you what side dish you wanted and you were completely spaced out.” 
you shook your head, “oh um, nothing. i think what we had yesterday would be fine.” 
you tried to move on but he wasn’t having that. he narrowed his eyes as he turned his head to look at you. “well if it’s nothing then you won’t mind telling me, hm?”
his tone was calm but you could tell that he was suspicious and starting to get a little worried. you took a deep breath and buried your face in your hands––it’s not that you wanted to hide it from him, you were just embarrassed is all. 
your shoulders sunk down and you meekly admitted to what you were thinking about, your voice muffled by your palms, the only word osamu able to decipher being his brother’s name. 
he took a sharp intake of breath and stood up, rolling his eyes. “’tsumu? what did that idiot do now––”
you shook your head and took your hands away from your face. “no...it’s not something he did...it was me.” 
osamu crossed his arms and looked down at you, more curious now. “what happened?” 
“it’s not...it wasn’t recent––” he only looked at you blankly, silently telling you to continue. 
you sighed, “well we...hooked up in high school.” you could see his jaw clench. “it was only once, though. and he didn’t––we only kissed and we were fully clothed. honestly it only lasted a few minutes.” 
that seemed to put him at ease a bit more. “well that’s––fine...”
you looked down, “that’s not the bad part.” 
osamu’s hand came under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him, the look in his eyes warm. “come on, you can tell me.” 
you bit your lip, knowing he’d never let you live this down. “it was at suna’s party our third year and we were pretty wasted...we went to a random room and we were kissing and i...” you trailed off, your pride not wanting you to finish your sentence. 
you took a deep breath. “i moaned your name.” 
he blinked at you, once, then twice before he poked his tongue to the side of his mouth, clearly fighting off a laugh. “are you serious?”
you rolled your eyes, “like i would joke about that.” 
“i don’t know if that’s really funny or really sad, i feel like it’s both-”
he laughed, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” he pulled you in for a hug and you reluctantly held him back. “oh man that must’ve been such a blow to his ego,” he cackled.
you frowned, “stop samu, i felt really bad, i still do–”
he rolled his eyes, “he’s fine.” he looked down at you with a smirk, “so you’ve had a crush on me since we were juniors, huh?”
you raised a brow, “do i have to moan his name now to fix your ego?” 
he narrowed his eyes, “not unless you wanna be punished, no.”
that honestly didn’t sound too bad. 
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you and osamu hooked up on and off for a few months 
you were kinda friends with benefits tbh but no one knew about it 
well atsumu found out but that was an accident he just came home earlier than expected one day and caught you two
but other than him, and your best friend, no one knew
not even suna
i mean why would you tell him, it’s been years and it didn’t matter
you’d pushed it to the back of your mind and hadn’t expected it to come up ever again
one day suna went to hang out with his old teammates and atsumu for some reason decided to blurt out that you and his brother used to hook up, not thinking much of it––honestly it’s a shocker he kept it a secret for as long as he did
when suna came home, you were lying down in bed, scrolling on your phone and you perked up when you heard him get in, looking back to your screen. 
“hi baby, how was it?” 
he didn’t answer and you were about to sit up when you felt to hands pull you down by your legs. you looked up, eyes wide to see your boyfriend standing above you, a spark hiding behind his seemingly bored eyes. 
you tilted your head questioningly and he took your phone from your hands, throwing it aside. “atsumu told me something real interesting today.” 
you raised a brow, thinking it was something ridiculous. “oh yeah?” 
he nodded, his hands reaching for the hem of your sweatpants, making your breath hitch. “mhm. and you know, it’s not that i care.” he pulled them down after making sure you were okay with it. “but it did bother me, i won’t lie.” 
he reached for your underwear as well, licking his lips when they were out of the way. “he told me that you and osamu used to be fuck buddies.” you looked up at him, speechless for a few seconds but he kept going. “m’not mad, that would be stupid.” he lied down between your legs and looked up at you, a glint in his eyes. “but i feel like reminding you you’re mine, so i’m gonna play with you for a while, okay?” 
how could you say no to that––
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
I hope i'm not late for the screenshots thingy!
Here's who i got!
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(i got lucky cause Epel and Idia are my faves LMAO)
And for the theme, maybe them reacting to MC cooking them meals from their world? Or maybe them visiting MC's world with them? You choose!
(romantic btw!)
LET'S GET THIS BREAD!!! I'm sorry it took some time to get out
I'll do a half and half~
Let's go!
~ Other Worldly ~
With: Epel Felmier, Idia Shroud, Vil Schoenheit, Jack Howl, and MC
Them reacting to MC cooking food from their world, and visiting MC's world
First off, let me start by saying that a good 3/4 of these characters are super picky(? with their food, Vil and Idia being the most critical (according to what Master Chef events tell us)
Hope you have some super cooking skills and/or premium ingredients at hand! ^^''
Some headcanons didn't come out too romantic orz
🍎 Epel Felmier 🧹
Foreign dishes
Epel noticed the peculiar cooking going on in Ramshackle after visiting one time
While he may be critical of ingredients and overall resulting taste, Felmier is curious to try new things (specially if it's in big portions, unlike Pomefiore's dinners)
He approaches MC shily, asking if he could have a taste of what they were eating at the time
"Sure, no problem! In fact, let me cook some for you fresh!"
Before he could even protest to get them to stop, the Prefect already got to work
He tries to help, but MC shoots him down and tells him to patiently wait
Epel's appetite and curiosity are increasing with every second
Once the food's ready to be savored, he digs right in! And will provide some feedback about what he liked about it, what it reminds him of, and if needed be points out what he thinks it lacked
Eager to try out more of the food MC was accustomed to eating back in their world!
Visiting a far away land
He's eager to visit all the places his love adores! Make some memories and have a blast discovering the place such a wonderful person comes from
He wants to know how their two worlds differ, how a world without magic unfolds before his eyes
Let's be honest: this boy right here is excited to wreck havoc in supermarket and fast food places' parking lots. Y'all probably woke up at 3am once and decided to go scream and mess around at your nearest McDonald's parking lot
Please show him vine compilations, I'm positive Epel will love to get to know the humor of this world (although he once used a vine reference when talking with a cashier once, thinking it was common knowledge for everyone in MC's world)
Out of the four guys here, Epel is the one most open to improvised plans
Eager to try out any strange fruits and vegetables, interesting snacks and bizarre cookie flavors that catch his eye
"How can your world have such specific flavors? Rosemary garlic jalapeño bread chips? How???"
💀 Idia Shroud 💙
Foreign dishes
MC probably brought some of their homemade food over to Idia's dorm after getting concerned that this boy's diet heavily relies in junk food and sweets, and when he does eat it's a very small portion
So in MC comes and asks Idia if he would like to try some food they prepared, one of their favorite dishes
At first, Idia is very reluctant, saying how he doesn't feel hungry
But the Prefect has a trick under their sleeve: a crestfallen expression with an adorable pout
Seeing them having a meal on their own while occasionally sighing sadly has the flaming haired boy debating what he should do
Then a memory of Ortho's voice resounds in his skull: "Meals are typically shared between people to develop or strengthen a bond. If you want to win [Name]'s heart, you should take them out for dinner."
That and he can't deny the contents of that container in their hands look appetizing
Shroud finally accepts and brings you over to Ignihyde's kitchen to grab a couple of plates
He's hesitant, but takes a nice first bite of food. Chews it carefully as he analyses the taste, texture, consistency
"I've never tasted something like this before. What is it?"
"One of my favorite dishes, [food name]!"
Silence followed, "Huh? I-I'm afraid I have... never heard of it..." He said
"Yeah, Ace and Sebek said the same when I introduced them to it. Makes me believe this is something only seen back in my world."
A nice chat develops and, before they know it, the food's gone and Idia himself ate a nice amount of it
It's in the walk back to his dorm, when they're enveloped in a nice comfortable silence, pinkies entwined, that MC confesses they purposefully did all that out of concern for how much he eats
It ensues some light pushing-and-pulling around and tickling, him saying how that was a tactic well taught out, but also saying how he eats just fine and they shouldn't worry about that. You know, light banter between a loving couple
That dish ends up in Idia's list of favorites. He has asked Mc to bring it with them a couple of times when they hang out together and play games
Visiting a far away land
Frankly, he's curious and very nervous about this trip
MC of course is aware of Idia's dislike of crowds and being out in public, so they prepared a nice and calm trip for him
Visiting the less frequented parts of town, quiet cafés (cat cafés!! because those normally have controlled influx of costumers for the kitties' safety), couple of history museums, supermarkets late at night for snack runs, lots of staying at home to play a plethora of videogames and watch many anime series and movies
He's amazed at the variety of games MC's world has, and is also surprised by how some titles are similar to those he likes to play. Same goes for some anime series
While he appreciates how the Prefect tries to show him what their world and society there is like, he much more prefers their stay at home time
He gets to cuddle with them in their room! Their actual legit room with many memories of their life!
He may not look like it, but Idia likes to snoop around and ask what this or that photo, a toy or poster is about and what memories they hold
Honestly, Shroud came over to his lover's world to know about their life, not so much to learn about the world as a whole
Baby pictures, photo albums, the occasional video of their childhood, diaries and old Valentine's cards, he looks through and reads them all!
He will treasure every bit of information he learns about his partner and their life in this world. Probably takes one of their baby pictures with him back to Twisted Wonderland
👑 Vil Schoenheit 🍎
Foreign dishes
Vil is the hardest to convince to try your food out of this group, no doubt
He does know MC cooks, and knows that some of their dishes are uncommon, but the model has yet to asked them for a taste
It takes one brave "Do you want some?" for the model to finally have a taste of the food
He's very hesitant, you can see it clear in his expression, but it all fades away after the first bite
He will openly state if he likes it or not and why
"Perhaps you have other dishes that suit my fancy better? Come on, I want you to show me more."
He genuinely does want to taste more of those unique dishes
Visiting a far away land
Eager to take a little vacation to a world full of opportunities
I see Vil as someone who would like to visit the most prestigious places (though MC will have to tone it down and remind him they don't have an unlimited amount of money to spend)
Art museums and a couple theatre plays are his go-to, along with nice restaurants, popular cafés, and lovely parks to have a picnic on (he jumps into the idea of attending one of those outdoor cinema projections, those are probably his favorite because he gets to cuddle with his lover under the night sky while a movie plays)
He will want to learn about the history of MC's world and the way society, politics work there
He gets word of the horrible things that happened and the threat of climate change, human rights violations and he will want to take action to protest against it
Okay, but Vil will get along so well with the Prefect's younger siblings and mother/aunts/fem guardian if they have one
Get ready to have him judge favorite makeup products. Prefect better lead him away from the beauty and skincare sections of farmacias and supermarkets
All in all, having Vil over to their world allowed MC to visit many nice fancy-ish places and allowed them to enjoy some simple things they forgot
A wonderful person to have by your side in any world and universe~
🐺 Jack Howl 💛
Foreign dishes
With his fine sense of smell, Jack detected the food MC was preparing for their little date was something unfamiliar
"What's that? Something new?"
Yet MC tries to keep the surprise until the plates are presented and served
Seeing the smile on their face, Jack can't help but think that this dish will taste wonderful due to the love shining on their face
"This is [dish name], one of my favorites back in my world. Haven't seen it offered in the cafeteria, so I decided to try my hand and prepare it for you, Jackie!"
First bite, fluffy tail wagged. He compliments their cooking with a smile before diving in for a couple morsels
Jack isn't too picky, he enjoys food truthfully
I think he will be curious about the story behind the dish and why his love categorizes it as a favorite. Ingredients, techniques, tell him all about it!
I'm sure this boy will be happy to try more of the unique dishes found in a world ways away from his!
Visiting a far away land
A visit to his partner's world, huh? Well, Jack is certainly excited to see what sort of outdoor activities and exploring can be done in this new place!
Dates with Howl in the Prefect's world will consist of visiting natural parks, gardens, forest trails, perhaps do some fishing or bird watching
Jack grew up with snow as a constant. He would like to explore the winter sports scene in this foreign world (if MC lives somewhere with snow/with designated paces on which to practice said sports)
Aside from these outdoor sporty visits, the wolf would like to attend concerts or maybe a local team's game
However, he soon finds out these events aren't suited for his acute hearing (poor baby 😭)
So he's content with spending time inside MC's house, get to know their family a little, look through their family pictures, and have pleasant late afternoon walks in the nearby park
Something as simple as going out for icecream is tremendously pleasant with Jack by your side
(but poor MC if they aren't athletic or into nature because this big puppy will drag them to loooots of nature watching dates asdfg)
-- --
Ngl, this prompt was a little hard to fulfill. I'm well aware this isn't the most romantic, but hope it was enjoyable
Thank you for your request!
and sorry again for taking long
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miastideclock · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction To Their S/O Being Shy About Their Singing-Talents
anon asked:
Can you do stray kids reaction to their s/o being a good rapper and singer but they get shy and have low confidence? - 🐻💙
Of course love! I hope you like it x So sorry for the wait! While we're here, I just wanna say I'm sorry for the length difference of the individual reactions! * y/n/n is what i use for your nickname btw
Word Count: 3.5k-ish
Bang Chan
Silence. At least for the most part. You clicking the keyboard of your computer, Chan humming slightly as he clicked around on his own, as well as twisting and turning the dials on his audio mixer, connected to said computer. The sounds had sort of blended into the silence though, so neither of you really noticed it at this point.
A click louder than all of the others soon came from Chan's computer, meaning he was going to connect his progress to the speakers of his studio, so he could fully take in the track he was working on. He had played it what seemed like a million times already, but you didn't mind. You were already so phased out that he could be announcing the break up of Stray Kids', and you honestly wouldn't even catch it.
The familiar beat of their upcoming title track boomed through the speakers, and as if on autopilot, you sang along. You had heard the beginning of that very song so many times now, the lyrics were as good as engraved into the inside of your eyelids.
Once the first verse and chorus were over, the song stopped, as did you. It was when the song didn't play again you finally snapped out of your computer-trance. You shifted your eyes from the screen over to your boyfriend who was sitting on the other side of the room.
You then realized you had been singing along, and probably not as quiet as you had thought. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to distract you. I'll keep quiet." You quickly apologized.
You were hanging out with your boyfriend, yes- but he was still at work, and you'd hate to be the reason for him switching out of his creative-mode.
"No! No, no, don't worry. You're just so good? How come I have never heard you sing before?" Chan grinned as he turned his spinny-chair to face you and fell back into it, looking at you with admiration.
You had been sitting on the floor with your back against the seat of the couch, so the coffee table by the mentioned couch had your laptop at shoulder-height, meaning you had to close the screen of your computer to see your boyfriend. Once you had done so, you moved your hands up to your face, covering your cheeks.
"I don't like the attention. I hate it when people look at me like- exactly like you're doing now, stop!" You giggled when Chan leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He decided to mess around with you and started staring you down. You laughed and begged him to stop, but the more you did, the more intensely he stared at you- until he eventually cracked, sending you both into fits of laughter.
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Lee Know
"First things first rest in peace Uncle Phil."
The music blared from your headphones straight into your head, being the only thing keeping you motivated as you did some housework. Seeing as you were mopping when the J.Cole song started playing, you figured the handle would prove to be the perfect microphone.
"For real, you the only father that I ever knew." You continued, singing and rapping along while shaking your butt and cleaning the floor. Maybe not the world's most efficient cleaning strategy, but my-oh-my did it get the job done.
Due to the loud volume in your headphones, you didn't hear the front door open and shut, as your boyfriend came home for the day.
Minho didn't even get the chance to put down his bag before his attention was completely wrapped around you having a concert in your living-room. He quickly recognized the song and let his head bob along to the beat, even though he could only hear you rapping, and not the song itself. He kicked off his shoes and placed his things on the ground before he slowly made his way into the living-room, doing a little boogie as he did so.
It wasn't until you finally turned around almost a minute later you saw your boyfriend joking around, dancing to your rapping. You instantly dropped the mop and let out a little scream as he startled you, covering your face with your hands once you saw it was just him.
"Minho! What are you doing?" You cried out in embarrassement after removing your headphones. Minho couldn't help but chuckle at you before he came closer and gave you a kiss-hello.
"Y/n, I never knew you had such voice-control! You've never rapped in front of me before, why?" He asked when he pulled away, his arms still wrapped around your waist, but his face a few inches away from yours.
"Because you're an actual rapper in an actual band!! That's like showing Michelangelo your drawing!" You argued back, a massive smile on your face. Minho then continued to shower you in compliments, making you hide your blushing face from him by burying it into his chest.
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The kitchen had all kinds of different smells as you were stirring the pot of soup you had on the stove in front of you. The kitchen-window was open, letting in a fresh spring breeze, and the radio was playing a familiar song.
"Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast This is La Vie En Rose." You softly sang along, your body swaying back and forth to the tune. You continued to sing along as you used the wooden-spoon to stir around, making sure it didn't burn.
(bro, i think i fucked up my sOUP)
"Hey, Y/n/n." It suddenly came from the doorway to the kitchen, instantly causing you to stop singing and spin around. "Hi, Binnie." You gave him a smile and then turned back around, squeezing your eyes shut, only for a second- as if you were trying to erase the past ten seconds. You hoped the radio was louder than your voice, but that hope soon came crashing down.
"No, why'd you stop?" He asked as he placed a few sheets of paper on the table and continued over to you. You started smiling like an idiot for a second before you raised your hands to cover your face. Chanbin noticed and chuckled as he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. "Don't be shy!"
He then spun you around so you were facing him, but your hands still covered your face. This made Changbin just chuckle even more. He tried to jokingly pry your hands from your face, but you just shoved your head into his shoulder so he wouldn't be able to grab you properly. You either couldn't help but chuckle as you messed around, but quickly stopped once you remembered you were cooking.
You turned around to keep stirring your soup, Changbin never let go of you. "But tell me, why have I never heard you sing before when your voice is THAT good?" He asked, but you ignored him.
"For real?" He tried again, but you pretended he didn't say anything.
"Would you like some soup?" You asked him, turning slightly to look at him. He seemed amused, but he just nodded, accepting your choice of lunch.
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Hot water poured down your back, the whole shower smelling like your body wash. You had just gotten back from a run and decided to clean up a bit before Hyunjin came back from work. So after getting out of your leggings and hoodie, you had grabbed your speaker and headed for the washroom.
Knowing Hyunjin wasn't home, you qued the best of the best from your playlist, getting ready to absolutely shred the imaginary rap battles you were about to have. Banger after banger played as you sang into your microphone. Your mic being an empty shampoo bottle you had yet to throw out.
You were mid-shampoo when Streets by Doja Cat played, and you almost slipped and fell while hurriedly reaching for your microphone.
"Damn, papi, you a rare breed, no comparing." You borderline yelled, as if you had just gotten out of a failed relationship where you still loved your partner, when in fact that wasn't your case at all. You were very much in love with your boyfriend, and you were on great terms- but for the sake of your rap battle, you had to get into it.
"When other chickens tryna get in my coop 'Cause you're a one in a million There ain't no man like you!" Not to toot your own horn or anything, but you could confidently say you absolutely bodied that verse, and you were soon let know you weren't the only one who thought so.
(I don't actually think he is the one to cuss, but this is simply because I cannot think of another way to say it, so for the lack of a better word:) "Fuck it up, baby!" You heard Hyunjin hype you up on the other side of the bathroom door, making your stomach drop for a second.
"You're not supposed to be home yet." You answered him after turning off the speaker, and the shower. You stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around you, then went to open the door.
"Well, I had to hurry home when I heard the rap God themselves was having a concert in our bathroom." Hyunjin chuckled once you opened the door with almost a shameful face. "Should I talk to JYP about getting you a rap-audition, or..?" He dragged out the last word, kind of he was taunting you, but in the most loving way possible. Feeling your cheeks grow hot, you closed the door back up and locked him out.
"I'm never leaving this bathroom." You announced as you covered your face, even though Hyunjin could no longer see you.
"Y/n/n, I was kidding! You were great though, I might actually talk to JY-" He started again, but you cut him off by groaning, causing the both of you to break out laughing.
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Clicking of a pen. Gentle tapping of a foot. Frustrated hair ripping. You had seen these symptoms before- that's right, Jisung was in a slump.
You were at the studio with your boyfriend, and you were both seated in the sitting group, Jisung leaning his elbows on the table, head in his hands, tugging at his hair as if it would activate his creative juices. You had tagged along just to get out of the house, and maybe Jisung needed moral support, and wouldn't you have guessed- that was exactly what he needed.
"You good?" You asked him after he let out the umpteenth sigh in the past hour. He then finally confessed he just couldn't get the ending of the second verse down. "Why don't you sing it, so you can hear what's missing, rather than just reading it?"
He did as you suggested and sang through it. When he came to the part he was talking about, you also heard it. Something about it was just kinda.. off.
You tilted your head to the side as you were thinking of ways to better it, to try and help him. An idea popped into your head, and maybe it could work- after all you were no song writer. You tried your best to explain to Jisung what it was you were thinking, but about half-way through, you could see he was as lost as that one time Chan and Changbin had accidentally left the two of you behind at IKEA.
"I'm so sorry, babe. I don't fully understand what you mean." He confessed, and you nodded, knowing well that was him being sweet about the fact that you sucked at explaining things. So in the spirit of making it easier for him to understand, you just sang it. You sang through the song and added the part you had tried to explain.
"Did that make more sense?" You asked when you were done, looking from the sheet of paper up at your boyfriend, who was sat there, his lips slightly parted as his jaw hung lose. "Jisung? Babe?" You tried to snap him back to reality as it seemed he had zoned out, but only for a moment.
"Wait, that was so good? Since when were you that good?" Jisung suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree, smiling and almost bouncing in his seat. He continued to shower you in compliments, making you feel like a turtle trying to get back into its shell.
"Stop. If you ever mention me singing again, I will throw myself out the window." You said, both humor in your tone, and being dead serious at the same time.
"Okay, dramatic much?" Jisung joked back, making you shove his shoulder as you chuckled alongside him.
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A car zoomed past you as you walked on the pavement on the side of the road, admiring the spring at its full bloom. You were almost a bit disappointed when you reached your home as you wanted to continue to look at the flowers, but that thought soon fell right out of your head. As you walked up the staircase to your apartment, you heard a constant noise grow louder and louder. You were about to turn the key when you realized the noise was more rhythmic than you originally thought, and that the music was coming from inside your apartment.
Curiosity completely consumed your body when you finally opened the door, and was met with a wall of noise. You took a few steps in and shut the door behind you, protecting the outside world from the sight you had in front of you.
Felix was using a hairbrush as he jumped around both on the floor and in the couch, crying out the lyrics to a song you didn't quite recognize. You laughed at your boyfriend as you kicked off your shoes and hung your coat in the closet.
Felix finally spotted you and quickly pulled out his phone that was connected to the speakers, and changed the song. The familiar intro of your favorite song soon played, and it didn't take as much as a second before you were as hyped as Felix were. You began jumping around and dancing with him, matching his energy.
Felix screamed the lyrics into the hairbrush before he swiftly tossed you the brush, letting you pop off as well. You rapped the words perfectly into the brush, standing on the couch as your concert evolved.
The song eventually came to an end, causing the both of you to fall breathlessly to the ground, heaving for air- massive smiles on your faces. The ground was cool against your now sweaty backs. A few seconds passed before Felix spoke.
"I don't think I have ever heard you rap before." He admitted. You kept staring at the ceiling, ignoring the boy at your side for a few seconds before you decided to answer him.
"And you will never hear it again."
Both you and Felix could back the claim that he had never moved as fast as he did when you said that. He had jumped up so he was on his elbows, facing you with wide eyes.
"No!! Please! You were so good!" He cried out, making you laugh at him. You just gave him a wink before you got to your feet and went to get the groceries you had left in the hallway.
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"How about we go in there? Maybe I can find you a shirt?" You spoke after pointing to a store.
You were currently out shopping with your boyfriend, Seungmin. He had asked you to get him an outfit, not for any special occasion of anything, just for shits and giggles. It was your favorite type of dates, the ones where you don't really plan anything, you just end up doing fun and silly things.
Seungmin nodded and you soon dragged him into the store. The layout of the shop was like any other, so you soon made your way to the back where the mens clothing was.
As you were casually roaming the racks of clothes, the speakers soon started playing one of your favorite songs, making it impossible for you to not hum along. You kept looking at the different items of clothing on your left, Seungmin behind you, looking through the clothes on your right hand side.
Soon, the song picked up, you quietly jamming along, allowing yourself to softly sing along as there were no other customers near you.
Your hand suddenly slid over a material that caught your attention. It was a green oversized tee, with some colorful and funky letters on the front. You cut yourself off to turn around and show Seungmin the shirt, asking him what he thought about the item.
You held it up, but no reply. "Seungmin?" You tried again. It was odd seeing as he was looking at you with a slight smile, yet he was not replying to your question. You then lowered the shirt and waved your hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"You okay?" You asked him once he gently shook his head to re-focus his eyes. He nodded gleefully.
"Sorry, your voice was just so good that I completely forgot where we were." He admitted, giving you a look. You pursed your lips and spun on your heel, so he wouldn't see your burning cheeks.
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Date night! You and boyfriend Jeongin had just been at a local restaurant for a cute night out. Nothing overly fancy, just a chance to enjoy each others company, since you both had been busy lately.
After you had paid your bill, the two of you went for a walk to enjoy the warm, evening air. With nowhere in mind, you just casually wandered down the street, your hands intertwined as you swung them back and forth, pulling and pushing at each other in a joking manner.
"Woah, when did this get here?" Jeongin suddenly asked as you passed a building with a bright neon sign hanging out front. You looked to your side to see what it was he was talking about.
Karaoke, the neon sign read. You turned back to your boyfriend and gave him a smug smile, hoping he was thinking the same as you. He returned the smile and suddenly you were being shown to a private room by the hostess.
The first few songs were just the two of you messing around, screaming ABBA into your respective microphones. At one point while picking the next song, Jeongin saw a song he really wanted to do, but as you didn't know the lyrics, you decided to sit this one out.
He belted his heart out to the tune you found unfamiliar, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. Jeongin was after all a singer in a world-renowned band- boy had talent.
The song came to an end, resulting in you giving him a standing ovation as he playfully bowed repeatedly.
"I'm your biggest fan!" You raised your hands to your mouth and pretended to be yelling it at the 'stage', like he just held a concert for thousands. You both laughed at yourselves before Jeongin announced it would be his turn to sit one out. You took that as you cue to get up from the couch and pick a song.
You were no singer, never was- never will be, at least not in public. So when you had to pick a song, you didn't care if it didn't 'fit your range', or 'suit your voice'. You picked a song you liked and ran with it.
The melody started, and you raised your mic to your lips, singing the words that were showing on the large screen in front of you. You found it wasn't as fun to sing without your boyfriend, but got through the song anyways.
As most things do, the song came to and end. You placed the mic on the table and turned around to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Mid turn, you saw your boyfriend like you never had before. His eyes were wide and his jaw was lose.
"What?" You asked him, uncapping the water bottle and taking a swig.
"Where did that come from?" He asked, eyes still wide as dinner-plates. You raised your eyebrow in a questioning manner, as if you were asking him to elaborate. "You're an amazing singer! How have I never heard that before?"
You felt your cheeks grow hot, and your eyes instantly found the ground, suddenly too shy to look at Jeongin. He chuckled at your reaction, and leaned forward so he could reach your hand from where he was sitting. He then pulled you back so you fell to the couch, crossing your arms over your chest, your shoulders up to your ears by now.
"We have to do this more often so I can hear you sing more!" He stated as he poked your arm, trying to get you to be less shy- and somehow it worked.
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Hope you liked it! Feel free to request again!
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Sooo, about the ask thing. First off all congratulations I love you and your writing 💜 you seem like such a nice, intelligent and funny person. But was thinking what if namjoon comes home drunk and guilty about something he did and vixen comforts him. Love u💋
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Title: Drunk (&) In Love
Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 2.6k
Genre: crack, fluff, (also, vaguely allusive)
Synopsis: apparently Namjoon's stag party went a bit too wild. Mostly since he was drinking guilt away. What could that possibly be about?
Trigger warnings: swearing, consumption of alcohol, horny!drunk Joon, he clumsily tries to seduce his fianceé in front of yoonjintae (second-hand embarrassment), stressing over vows, mentions of kinky letters, they discuss future and the fear of marrying young and pretty much out of the blue and they be mentioning the idea of having kids. Also, watch Vixen being the caregiver.
Author's note: Thanking the sweetheart @ironicarmy !!! I love exchanging WIPs and Beta reading! It was so fun and I AM LOVING YOUR WIP SO HARD IM GONNA EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for it to be out so I can fangirl in public LOLOLOL; also thanking @dopesportsoperatorzonk for this request! (I got your feminism ask, I promise I'm almost done, I wanted to have a quite thorough view before replying and I'm still thinking about some stuff, but it'll be readdy super soon!!!)
Here's my masterlist, btw, and enjoy 💜✨
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You weren't supposed to wait up for him, but it was like your sixth sense was telling you to do precisely that. And your premonition turned especially accurate once you were met with the sorry sight of Namjoon hanging off Taehyung's and Seokjin's body, grinning as he saw you appear at the door, head to toe smitten, only to turn to his friends with a sneer as he realised you were wearing his favourite silk robe. The deep crimson colour seemed to spark the colour of your hair on fire, and make the lineaments of your face sharper, older, with a kind of allure he still couldn't understand. “Little fox,” he said, going grabby hands while his arms were still around his friends' shoulders.
You tried to keep your expression stern as you looked at the two men literally holding him up. “What is this? Didn't I tell you to bring him home whole and safe?”
Taehyung lowered his gaze to the floor.
“Is this your idea of safe, Seokjin? I expected better.”
“You know him. He did this to himself.” Yoongi spoke neutrally from behind the three.
“Yoongi. Him being a fucking grizzly doesn't mean he can hold his liquor. Bring him in,” you said, freeing the entryway for the triplet coming in, Yoongi in tow.
“We should have brought him to the dorms,” he muttered.
“Dorms?!? Aneeyo…” Namjoon babbled, shaking his head, falling with his ass on the sofa. “No babylove in dorms,” he said with a hiccup. “Hello, little one,” he purred, grabbing your hips and trying to pull you towards him.
You blushed and slapped at his wrists. “I'll deal with you later—”
“Feisty brat,” he spoke sultrily, making Yoongi shake his head while Seokjin and Taehyung snickered before being chastised by your scolding stare.
“How come he's drunk off his ass and the three of you are perfectly okay?”
“He's the one getting married,” Taehyung replied, matter of factly. “And yes, he was the one who swallowed a bottle of hard liquor without even flinching.”
You glance at Namjoon with a scornful expression.
He did some very drunk, very clumsy attempt at a wink that made you inhale as you desperately looked for a crumb of patient left.
“You'd better go home, before I smack you all on the head,” you said, shooing them off.
“You'd have to reach it first,” Taehyung muttered, making Seokjin giggle, Yoongi rubbing his face at the verbal violence that was about to come.
“Kim Taehyung. I may not be tall enough for your royal head, but your girlfriend is my best friend. I won't say much more because I'm sure your friends aren't interested in your ass getting bruised.”
Yoongi smiled smugly at that one.
“Hell yeah…” Namjoon chuckled from the sofa, one hand reaching for the back of your thigh.
“No. Not now.”
“Later then?” He asked with puppy eyes before they turned into a very tipsy version of his intense dragon glance. “You’re so sexy when you’re mean,” he rumbled, a hand reaching for your thigh underneath the robe.
“Kim Namjoon, if you don’t stop I will unwife you in this instant.” Still, the other three men in the room were a mess of embarrassed coughing and teasing snorts. “You can all go home right now,” you said with a curt tone.
“You’re not gonna be able to take him to bed by yourself.” Yoongi cocked an eyebrow as he spoke calmly.
“Mh, Vixen, take me to bed, please,” Namjoon murmured as he tried to seduce you, just as you looked at him and replied, “No need to take him to bed. He’s sleeping on the sofa tonight.”
“See? I told you she found out! She has a sixth sense for this stuff! She can sense it! She can smell fear! I told you!!!” Namjoon babbled, grabbing your wrist. “Little fox...” he cooed, making a fool of himself.
“Go home. All of you. Now.”
Taehyung was the first to leave without even saying goodbye. He knew he would pay for it. Seokjin was the next, saying bye to Namjoon very briefly before bowing to you — just slightly. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience, goodnight,” he apologised, making his way out.
He rubbed his neck. “I’m sorry. Really. I— I didn’t do my job.”
You shook your head. “This is a mess I’ll have to deal with.”
“You know you’ll kind of have to deal with him for the rest of your life, right?” Yoongi looked at Namjoon, head in his hands, fingers tugging at it nervously.
You followed his gaze, meeting Namjoon in the poorest of states. “I know. He’s my business now. Go.”
Yoongi left without much resistance after that, the door of your apartment finally shutting for good.
“I’m sorry,” Namjoon said, staring up at you as you stood before him. “I fucked up, I’m sorry.”
You placed your hands on his cheeks. “What happened, Joonie bear?”
He shook his head, lip going wobbly. “I’m so sorry!” he babbled again, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
“Oh, no, baby…” you managed to whisper before he dove for your lap, burying his face there. “What happened, love?”
He shook his head.
“Nothing’s gonna change the fact that I love you, big bear.” You caressed his hair as his voice confessed, half-muffled against your tummy.
“I sneaked a look at the dress.” You could hear his words coming out from a pout.
“Please don’t unwife me!” He cried out, his voice way too high pitched. “I don’t want to sleep alone ever.” He hugged your legs and held you closer. “I want to sleep next to you until I die.” He got even more emotional as he went on. “I want you to always pet my hair and tell me you’re proud of me and cook for me and be my sweetheart and my babylove and my little fox forever, even when we’re old and I get bald.”
You smiled and invited him to let go of your legs before sitting down, your legs slightly parted laying across the sofa. “Come here, big bear,” you said, patting your stomach. He did as he was told, laying his head below your chest and stretching his long body all over the seat. He struggled a little, his sense of balance temporarily worse than usual. “Soon I’ll be lawfully your bride. Forever. We’re almost there, honey. Just a week.”
He nodded.
“And then I’ll be your little fox until I’m nothing but ashes. And then some,” you reassured him, petting his lovely head, digging your fingers into the knots in his upper back.
“Writing the vows was so difficult.”
“I know baby,” you kept rubbing at his trapezoi until he released a relieved grunt. “I know that must have been really stressful for you.”
“I had to rewrite them sixteen times. Sixteen!” His hand absentmindedly reached your thigh and started rubbing small circles there. “Everytime, they were too long, or too cliché, or something I just couldn’t read in public because you know our letters.”
“I know our letters,” you confirmed, thinking about his messy handwriting on cheap paper, and entire sheets of words that he sent you everytime something important happened, everytime he had to travel for his job, everytime he just needed to make love to you on a deeper level. And then, thinking of your replies, always heartfelt, emotional, with fine calligraphy on expensive ivory sheets often marred with rough spots where a tear fell — most of the time because of joy and gratitude and obliterating, overwhelming love. “Will you read to me the other sixteen versions too, once we’re alone?”
He nodded. “I’ll read them all. I’ll write new ones every day. Small, simple, absolutely mundane. Stuff like, ‘I’ll do the dishes tonight’, or ‘Let’s go out for dinner’, or ‘I wanna grow old with you’ or ‘I don’t wanna watch that porn tonight, let’s just stare into each other’s eyes while naked and have the best tantric sex ever performed’.”
You chuckled and placed your hand atop of his. “I like the last one.”
“But I couldn’t say it in front of your parents, therefore I couldn’t write it in our vows.” He scoffed and shook his head before planting it between your breasts, nosing at the lapels of the robe until he could kiss your naked skin.
“I might have written something along those lines in one of my drafts.” Having this conversation with Namjoon while he was halfway drunk off his ass was extremely entertaining; however, you felt sad at the possibility of him not remembering this moment.
“What else did you write in that draft?” He closed his eyes, waiting for your soft voice to calm him down.
You smiled and slightly teared up at the thought, his chin propped on your chest, one of his thumbs reaching out to dry up a tear. “I wrote that I hope I get to make you smile every day and see that insanely cute and sexy dimple of yours every morning after you wake up. And I want to be the only one listening to your deep bedroom voice waking me up. And I want to listen to you as you talk to our children. I wanna hear all the stories, and watch your smile shine on their faces.”
Namjoon hid his face against your chest, feeling tears roll down his cheeks.
“I want them to have your eyes. I want to see your complete wonder as they learn about the world, as you teach them about the world in that grand and beautiful way you see it.” You sniffled and he cupped your face, kissing your lips so slowly, the heavy tang of liquor barely tainting the moment.
“I want to walk by your side, until we’re too tired to walk and watch time pass by, without worries, without haste. I don’t care where we’re walking because you were the place I was destined to be.”
Namjoon couldn’t explain tenderness or love or devotion or faith as deep as the ones he felt for you. He probably wasn’t skilled or trained enough.
“I know we’re young. I know this is more of a bet than an actual marriage. I’ve seen people who have been together for years part ways so easily and I don’t even know why you said yes to me. Sometimes I doubt I’m deserving and I see in how many ways I’m lacking and I ask myself, 'why the hell did she say yes to me?' ” He snickered sarcastically. “I wouldn’t have said yes to myself.”
You shook your head and kissed his brow.
“But I’ve been with other people and you have too and… I don’t know, sometimes I feel like this will take a lot of effort but then I hear you laugh, I hear you calling my name and I know, I can feel that that’s what it is supposed to sound like.”
You smiled at him, fixing your position so he could lay on you without worrying about smashing your body.
“I’m so confused and so grateful for this. It’s like… Suddenly winning the lottery. One minute you’re just a person and next you realise you’re going to be a husband. And you don’t know what’s going to happen to you, how your life is going to change, but with you I’m not scared.” He chuckled. “Well, I am. But you make me braver than my fears. And I know I could lose you any day. I could fuck up, or we could just drift apart or something. But any moment spent with you is bigger. It’s better and brighter.”
By now you were a teary mess, face drenched in tears, his arms around your torso as he held onto you. “My soul has found a home in you and I will cherish it. I’ll take care of that home. I’ll make sure nothing damages it. I’ll help you work on it if you want to change it. I will make more room when our family gets bigger. I will fix it when I can. I’ll stay by your side when I’m not skilled enough to heal you. To fix you.” He sniffled, voice hollow and weak as he spoke through a lump in his throat. “And I’ll leave if you ever ask me to.”
You shook your head and hugged him, letting him sob in your arms. “I hope I never lose you.”
“Don’t be a silly bear,” you comforted him, lulling him, holding him close to your heart. “I’ll be your bride. Your spouse. Your wife.” You kissed his head. “And your home. Your relief. Your dirty, secret affair. Your devoted companion too. Your goddess and your toy. I’ll be your friend. And the mother of your children, when we want to.”
God, if he wanted to… But first, he needed to enjoy having you all to himself for a couple more years. Just to make sure you hadn’t been both bold and immature and absolutely stupid about getting married almost two years after meeting for the first time.
“So I’m not getting unwifed for sneaking a peek at the dress?”
You shook your head. “It looks completely different once worn.”
“Really?” His expression exploded with euphoria.
You smiled. “Really.”
His drunken grin was back. “So I’m gonna sleep on the bed right?”
You acted as if you were even thinking about it. “You’re really drunk.”
“I’m soberer now.”
“And you embarrassed me in front of your friends,” you reminded him with a cocked eyebrow.
“Not my fault my wifey’s so hot,” he said with a slightly more accomplished wink.
“Not your wifey yet,” you reminded him.
He tutted. “Just a matter of days.” He kissed your sweet spot, on the side of your neck. “It’s only a technicality.”
You looked at him suspiciously. “A technicality, you say?”
He nodded and held you tighter.
“This technicality could still leave you at the altar, waiting,” you teased.
“Come on, I want to sleep next to you.” He kissed your cheek. “On our bed.” He kissed you again. “Where we’ll be making so many babies.”
“Stop right there, mister.” You placed a finger against his plush lips before you shook your head no. “No babies for a few years. I want you all mine, hubby.”
He chuckled and pressed his forehead against your chest bone. “Okay, fine, but I just meant hypothetically. You know, for practice.”
“Yeah, I think I could use some practice. I want to be perfect at it.”
He smiled and kissed your nose. If only she knew how perfect she is, he thought, haphazardly sitting up and waiting for you to help him on his feet, the whole discourse sobering him up enough that he managed to sit on the bench in the bathroom as you washed his face and brushed his teeth, as you undressed him and helped him in the shower, undressing and joining him, his body too tired and unstable to initiate anything fancy.
And then you towelled him up, rubbing body lotion on his always-too-dry legs before helping him in his boxers.
And through the process, he understood how it was that you loved him so much anytime he got you ready for bed. He should let you do this more often. Especially when he wasn’t exhausted or drunk, so he could properly enjoy being cuddled and fondled and babied.
What he didn’t expect was for it to feel so comfortable when you slid up against his back on the bed, spooning his ridiculously large body with your smaller one. “Sleep tight, big bear,” you said before kissing his nape. “Eight more sleeps and we’ll be married.”
He smiled. “Goodnight, little fox.” And with that, he caught your hand in his and fell asleep.
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Better than when you found it -Part 2-
Part 1 Here
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-The Second Day: Saturday- 
Ekubo: Yawwwwn~~What are we doing today?
Reigen brushing teeth: There’s a DVD rental kiosk around the corner. Wanna check it out? 
Mob: Yes I’m here
Reigen: Wait, Mob what? (btw you have foam on your face.)
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Mob: Weren’t you asking me where I was?
Reigen: No?
Serizawa pops out: Did someone say movie?!
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Mob thinks: I keep hearing someone calling my name.
One unspecified adult: What movies are we getting?
Another unspecified adult: Lets go take a look at what they have.
--20 Minutes Later--
Unspecified Adult: Alright! What do we have? 
(It’s not specified who is speaking here, but based on the speech form it’s either Reigen or Ekubo, not Serizawa)
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Ekubo reads: The Hunger Games?
Someone else: We’ll that’s....
Mob: I’ve heard of it before.
Ekubo: Yeah?
Mob: Master told me about it. -He holds up a clothes hanger-
Mob puts the clothes hanger on his head: Yeah! Hunger Games!
Ekubo: Um....
Reigen: NO NO, That’s not it.
(Can someone explain this reference to me? I’ve never seen the Hunger games. I have no idea what this is about.)
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Somebody: Whatever. Lets try it. 
There is a loud scream from the TV. Serizawa is startled into dropping his tea tray. Ekubo covers Mob’s eyes. 
Reigen is pissed: WHO PICKED THIS VIOLENT FILM?! Take care of Mob!
Mob peeling Ekubo’s hands off his face: Um... I’m fine with it. I just.....I just feel like something is wrong. 
(He’s actually referring to the presence of the spirit in the apartment. He’s been talking about it since the first panel. The adults are having too much fun they forgot.)
Reigen: You.....You’re not likeing this violence are you?  hmmmmmm
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Reigen: Okay Mob! Listen up! I’m gonna teach you the right way to approach media like movies and TV.
You gotta put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist.
(I LOVE THE WAY THIS PANEL IS DRAWN. The framing of the panel is encouraging and mentorly, like a coach telling his player to go out there and do his best, ........except it’s Reigen...teaching Mob to watch movies.... He’s 14, I’m sure he’s seen movies before.)
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Reigen puts his hand on Mob’s shoulder: You think you can do it? 
Mob: um....
Reigen: Try it out! I guarantee you’ll get a different experience out of it.
Mob is watching intently while all three adults look bored. The room is filled with fighting sounds.
Mob: That looks like it hurts.
Reigen looks over at Mob and fails to notice the rustling behind him. 
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Reigen’s Phone Rings: Crap I forgot
Mob: Is it a client?
Reigen: Yeah
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Reigen: I’m just going to go on my own, it’ll be quick.
Ekubo: Are you gonna be okay on your own?
Reigen: Yeah it’s fine, It’s just an in-office consultation. I’ll be back at around noon.
Mob: Okay, see you later
Reigen: yep
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Ekubo: So.... what are we gonna do?
Serizawa: Ummmmm
(I like how Ekubo hangs out on top of Mobs head, the way he does all the time as a spirit.)
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Serizawa gets an idea looking at the microwave: How about we cook while waiting for Reigen to return?
Mob: That’s a good idea, he’d be hungry when he comes back Mob thinks: I don’t know how to cook though. 
Ekubo rolls up sleeves: Lets do it! It’s not like we’re busy. I’ll show you my signature dish!
Serizawa: Ekubo-kun...
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Ekubo: Alright lets divide up  the work.
Mob: Okay
Serizawa: ah! Yes!
They start cooking. Mob cuts himself chopping vegetables.
Serizawa: Ah! You’re bleeding!  Mob: Ow ow... Ekubo: You cut yourself AGAIN?!
They’re almost done.  Mob: Im hungry Ekubo making fried rice. Should we make something more than just this? Serizawa: Ah, we can add a salad!
It’s 12:42
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Reigen Returns: Ugh this place is so far from the office. I’m starving.
He’s jiggling the key in the lock: lock is acting up again. 
(This is a callback to the beginning when he was working the lock, he told everyone to do things in pairs to avoid being possessed. He forgot and went off on his own.) Reigen gets possessed
The door clatters and he enters the apartment. 
Mob: ah! Master! Welcome back!
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Mob: Master?
Reigen: What have you guys busied yourself with? 
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Ekubo: Um.... what?
Serizawa: We made lunch
Mob: eh? ehhh?
Reigen:THIS is what you’ve decided to whittle away the last few hours on?
(This is so hard to translate, but it’s what I love about translating. His word choice here is saying that 1. they acted without permission. 2. they did something that wasted time, and resources and was ultimately unnecessary. 3. they’re screwing around like children.)
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Reigen: No one asked you to do this. Why you did is beyond me. 
Others: ?!
Reigen: I put a lot of effort into planning what foods to bring and what the meal plans were going to be.
(Reigen doesn’t normally have light colored eyes. That’s a nice touch.)
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Ekubo is looking at Mob
Mob: I....Im sorry
Ekubo remembers how eager mob wanted to cook for Reigen, how he cut him self trying. 
Serizawa: Mr. Reigen, this is very unlike you. Is something wrong?
Ekubo to Reigen:  I don’t like your tone.
Serizawa: Ekubo-kun!*
Ekubo: Look, I’m not sure what’s gotten into you but.......
Reigen: Hmm?
(*This wasn’t made all that clear in the manga, but Serizawa is ALWAYS very deferential around Reigen. He’s never direct with him, meekly suggests things rather than outright stating them. He doesn’t treat their relationship as that of equals, he’s the subordinate and he expresses this in the language he uses and the tone he takes. As opposed to Ekubo who is direct and not afraid to confront Reigen. Ekubo’s pronouns, word choice and tone expresses the belief that he is an equal if not better than the people around him.
Which is why Serizawa is shocked that Ekubo is so direct. Like, How could he just outright say “I dont like your tone” TO Reigen?)
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Reigen: got something to say? 
Ekubo: ....how dare you? What gives you the right?
Serizawa: ....?
Reigen: What gives YOU the right? It’s not YOUR body. It’s not like I asked you to possess this man. You did that yourself. 
Serizawa notices that there’s something on Reigen: Ekubo-kun w...wait!
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Ekubo: Bastard, if you don’t stop running your mouth....
Reigen smiles: Hmmm? Are you not an evil spirit? You REALLY think you live a normal human life again? 
(I love that panel with Reigen’s silent open-mouthed smile, he knows he’s won.  He’s gonna pull the trigger now.)
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Ekubo: ..... I see 
Mob: Eku~ Ekubo: I understand now. -He walks out and closes the door being him-
Mob stands at the door: Ekubo?
Serizawa: Ekubo-kun
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Reigen: Enough.... he’s so much trouble.
Mob is still at the door:..... Ekubo
Mob: When we were cooking, he said....
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Ekubo: He’s considerate in a way.... For an evil spirit like me, he treats me no different than anyone else around him.... that’s something. 
Mob: Eventhough Ekubo is an evil spirit, and a dangerously powerful one at that,... he’s an uncharacteristically a good person.
Mob opens the door and runs outside after him. 
I like this part SO GODDAMN MUCH. Reigen is really good at reading people and knowing what to say. He can use his words to get people to feel how he wants them to, and the idea of him getting possessed and unleashing his ability on other people to destroy them is so goddamn cool. 
You’ve heard of Empaths. They are people that easily understand the emotions of others. But in psychology, there’s a lesser known personality type called a “Dark Empath” that can understand peoples feelings well but is also a sociopath that has no problems hurting other people.
Dark Empaths use their understanding of other people to hurt, defraud and other take advantage of others. These are people that convince others to commit suicide or charm people out of their life savings etc.
I wish there was more Dark Empath! Reigen fics. This is something I’ve not seen in Fanfiction, in fact, this comic is the only place I’ve seen it. It’s such an interesting concept. Like, if there were fics that cast him as a villan, then it’s perfectly in-character and logical for him to be a Dark Empath.
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ushiwakaout · 3 years
The series of the things the haikyuu boys will say is so good i love it! Do you write for Kita??if yes may i request what would he say?kita is baby he need more love <3
Thank you it means a lot 😭
I love kita 🥺 underrated for fuxking sure
i’m really behind on the haikyuu anime but i’ve read the manga so i hope i can depict Kita well. This will be timeskip kita btw so he’s a rice farmer. ⚠️WARNINGS: TIMESKIP HAIKYUU ⚠️
i will legit write for all haikyuu characters, you can request more: here
let’s just say you work at Origiri Miya w Osamu, good? good.
“Hey, sugar... I gotta go to work.” (4:30 am)
“I left you some brekfast that you can reheat, go back to sleep okay?”
*will push the hair out of your eyes to kiss your forehead*
“Don’t forget to wake up.”
“I’ll call you, you’re gonna forget.”
“Nope, i’m calling you.”
“Goodmorning lazy.” (7:00 am)
“You up yet? Yeah i didn’t think so.”
“I called a little earlier because i forgot my lunch back and i need you to bring it to me.”
“Don’t worry i let Osamu know that you’ll be late.”
“Because if i didn’t do it, you wouldn’t have and then Osamu would have scolded you for being late and lazy.”
“You know i’m always blunt, i gotta go now but being me my lunch at 10 will ya?”
“Yeah, love you too, i’m hanging up now.”
“Ooo you’re here.” (10:00 am)
“Good i was getting hungry.”
“Sit with me, i told Osamu you’d be there at 12 instead of 11.”
“It’s not my fault you put you’re uniform on beforehand.”
“Shut up you look fine.”
*talks with mouth full*
“Are you sore from yesterday?”
“Hey, don’t hit me! I’m asking because i’m concerned.”
“Don’t look at me like that you know i don’t care if other people hear us... They work for me anyways.”
“I’ll see you later today because i gotta deliver orders.”
“Come on give me a kiss and then you can go to work.”
*will slap your ass in front of all his colleagues bc he really doesn’t give a shit bc he’s literally the boss*
*will make Osamu Miya his last stop bc he wants dinner and has time to sit down and watch you serve*
you: “The usual?” (3:00 pm)
kita: “That... and a pice of you of course.”
osamu: *shivers in disgust bc he can’t say anything rude to his senpai*
“Yes of corse the usual.”
*you can face away from him and since he’s always in the corner by the kitchen he will pinch your ass while you’re taking orders*
you: “excuse me one second *turns around to look at Kita just eating*
kita: “what? don’t blame me, it’s your fault. Keep working sugar.”
*hes such a smug asshole*
osamu: “stop pinching y/n, she keeps stuttering”
kita: “i can do what i like with my s/o, and if that’s pinching hed ass, then i’ll pinch her ass”
*goes to the back against osamus rules and kisses you goodbye*
*osamu has 100% heard y’all fucking in the storage where he keeps the cleaning supplies, never mentions it and has barely started looking you in the eyes again*
“I’ll pick you when you’re shift is over.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m on the way.”
“Make me some onigiri to go.”
“Well tell Osamu that his elder says so.”
“Give osamu the phone.”
“What do you mean you have to stay clean up?” (6:00 pm)
“I’ll be here then, pour me a drink, will ya?”
*will start getting handsy on the 3rd drink*
*it starts getting slow so you just stand by him waiting for people to show up, his hand hooks around your thigh and his hand is just squished between your warm thighs*
“How’d you get so lucky with you?”
“I wanna tell you something- i think i grandmother is waiting for to propose and i just might.”
“Why are you blushing? There’s no point in blushing, i know i wanna spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Don’t cry~ You’re still working, come on, get to it.”
*you’re sitting a table and someone starts getting handsy*
osamu: “don’t i got it.”
kita: “fuck you, that’s my s/o.”
osamu: “their my best friend!”
kita: “Hey asshat, get you’re hand off my s/o!”
osamu: “If you’re not gonna respect my worker. pay and get the fuck out.”
you: “hey, hey, hey- calm down. i got this.”
*you take their food and set it down at an empty table. picking up your checkbook and slapping the person who sexually harassed you*
you: “if you don’t get up from my table,
“I’ll be taking them now.” (11:00 pm)
“You okay? I know you got thick skin but that wasn’t okay either.”
“Come here give me a kiss.”
*reaches hand out for the onigiri bag*
you: “you only love me bc i give you food.”
“That’s somewhat true *snaps bag out of your hand* Thanks sugar, now hold my hand.”
*he’s a little drunk so you’re stumbling with him while y’all walk home bc it’s 10 mins away from your work*
“Help me in the bath.” (11:20 pm)
“Come in the bath with me.”
“You need to relax, come here.”
*will start sucking on your neck, hand going down your tummy and just goes to town*
*will make you cum on his hands while he’s holding and kissing you, he’s such a giving person that he swears that he doesn’t need help but the second your out of the bath you go on your knees and milk his cock because he’s such a good boyfriend*
*will also fuck you so good because you deserved it for working so hard*
“You looked really sexy when you slapped that person tonight.”
*starting kissing your face over and over again and squeezes you into his chest*
“I love you so much.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“I’ve never felt so worthy to have someone, but you make me feel so loved.”
*will kiss your nose and your eyelids*
“I’m gonna take a day of tomorrow, and i’ll take you out on a date, I miss being with you.”
“Goodnight sugar, sleep well” (1:10 am)
“no i don’t like your coworker, he’s an asshole.”
“why should i care about what they say about me? i only care about you.”
“my grandmother wants grandkids so.... when are we gonna do that.”
“gran sent you this... how should i know what it is?”
“Come sit on my lap sugar.”
“Hey, what’s with your mood? You’re cranky.”
“Shh, i’m watching Atsumu play.”
“You’re jeans look good today.”
*slaps you ass*
“Come here.”
*will lay his head on your hips and caress your ass as you stand in front of him*
*if you have tittys, he will 100% go behind you while you’re cooking and reach to caress your tits under your shirt*
*Kita is a titty man, you can’t tell me otherwise. he loves you leave love bites on your chest*
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summary: when a relationship starts breaking, previous promises are broken too.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: pure angst! Is a sad one :(
a/n: I got inspired by my favorite song to write this piece, this song is very dear to me and i loved how this turned out. Let me know what you think of it, please! (btw, the title translates to ‘you promised’)
you can find the rest of my masterlist here
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・
The distance can make people grow closer, or it can break them apart. When the second happens, the results are two people with a broken heart and a lot of problems unresolved.
In the beginning, things were great. Harry would pick Y/N up at the airport every time she would go visit him on tour. He’d have her attached to his hip all the time, grabbing a chair for her to sit and watch him rehearse, put her on his lap while his hairstylist was doing his hair, going straight to her arms after every show and going straight to their hotel room to make love to her just like he knows how to.
When her time to leave would arrive, he would beg her to stay just a little more, claiming she was his lucky charm and needed her with him at all times. He’d never say goodbye, simply because he didn’t like that word. He’d much prefer to leave a kiss at the top of her head and make her promise she’d come back soon.
And every time she kept her promise.
Six months passed since Harry began his tour, and in every visit she made she’d notice him more distant, and even if she didn’t want to admit it, she could feel how he was slowly slipping through her fingers.
He’d no longer make the trip to pick her up from the airport, he’d tell her to wait in his dressing room until the concert, leaving her alone for hours without any sort of explanation or sight of regret. She started to feel more like a baggage, an intruder.
Regardless of how she felt, she decided against talking to Harry about it. It was obvious he was stressed, so she sat and watched in silence how the love of her life slowly changed into a person she didn’t know anymore.
Suddenly, she found herself starting looking forward to saying goodbye instead. The question of why she was still wasting her money on plane tickets to see a person who didn’t even look happy to see her was a real enigma, but she still did it anyway. No matter how many text messages Harry would leave on read, or how many unanswered calls landed on his phone, she still loved him and had faith this would only be temporary.
The tour finally made its stop in London, and the reason why Y/N was looking forward to this particular stop, was because Harry had a week long break before his next show. Which meant he was going to be completely free from any obligations, and his mind would finally be stress free.
He hasn’t been sending her many messages lately, but he did tell her his plane got delayed and he’d arrive later than expected. She took the extra time to cook dinner at his house, as a welcome gift.
Harry’s flight was supposed to land at 6 pm, however, it was already nine and he hadn’t come to his house yet.
Y/N got worried and sent him a couple of messages asking him about his whereabouts but he was yet to answer. So she insisted. She was tired of being ignored.
However, after finally receiving an answer from Harry, she immediately wished she didn’t.
Can you stop being so annoying?
Y/N felt as if someone ripped her heart from her chest as tears immediately threatened to spill out of her eyes. Dozens of questions started to run through her mind, still having trouble at understanding the situation.
She contemplated her options. She could either leave, or she could stay and wait for him to come home and one and for all demand an explanation of his behavior. She chose the latter.
So she sat on the couch, looking directly at the flat screen hanged on the wall even though it wasn’t even on. She flinched when she heard a jingle of his keys, following from his footsteps.
None of them said anything as Harry approached her, sitting beside her on the couch in complete silence. He sighed.
“I don’t think this is working anymore, Y/N” He whispered, turning to look at her. He caught how one single tear fell off her left eye, not answering him. She swallowed the rest of them though. “There’s so much going on right now, and I had to make a massive readjust of priorities…”
“And I suppose I didn’t make the cut” She interrupted him. Harry took a deep breath. “Did you stop loving me?” Finally turning to look at him, Harry’s heart break into a million of pieces when he saw her, bloodshot eyes from containing her tears. Harry shook his head. “Then what happened?” she almost begged. “Because it looks like you did and you’re just lying to me to make me feel better”
“I haven’t stopped loving you, never will” he confessed. “I thought I could balance it all. Tour and… well, you. I haven’t been a good boyfriend and you deserve someone who puts you first because… because I can’t”
“I know I’m not perfect, I was certain that my place was next to you. And I tried to keep my promise, I really tried, Harry” She couldn’t contain herself anymore as she started sobbing.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest, allowing himself to also cry. He felt how Y/N’s tears stained his shirt, but he didn’t care. She tried inhale Harry’s essence as she felt like it was going to be the last time she’d be able to do it.
“I know you did, I do” He started kissing the top of her head multiple times. “This is on me, baby. Is all on me, I’m sorry”
She pulled away from his chest, whipping her tears only to receive new ones. “You could’ve spared me so much time of uncertainty, you know? If you didn’t want this anymore, then why you didn’t say something sooner?”
“I… don’t know. I guess I didn’t want to accept it was time to let you go”
Y/N’s lip started trembling. Deep down she knew Harry just didn’t love her anymore, and although that thought hurt, she would’ve preferred hearing that rather than a really vague excuse. She needed to get out of the house, otherwise she’d collapse.
She stood up abruptly, starting to look for her purse. Harry panicked, standing up from the couch as well. “Please don’t go while you’re like this”
“I don’t want to stay, Harry” she choked a sob. “I really need to go, please” she begged. Harry looked unsure, but he still let go of her arm he didn’t even realize he was holding.
So he watched grab her purse and leave. In that moment, Harry knew he was making the biggest mistake of his life, one that he’d forever regret. But even if he already knew, he still did it anyway.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・
Y/N cried until there weren’t any more tears to spill. She woke up the next day with a wet pillow and a broken heart. At first, she thought it was all just a bad dream, but memories from the night before passed through her mind and a new wave of tears came.
She felt like her whole world was falling apart, suddenly feeling lost and… empty. Her chest felt empty. And it was because her heart didn’t belong to her anymore. Harry had it.
And despite he knew he held her heart in his hands, he still broke it.
Or perhaps he forgot he had it.
It wouldn’t be the first time he’d forgotten something.
Y/N just wanted it all to end. The ache in her head and in her chest, it was becoming too much to handle and she didn’t know what to do anymore.
After spending her whole afternoon in bed staring at the ceiling, she came to the conclusion that in order to stop her soul from aching further, Y/N needed to erase the past three years of her life from her mind.
It was an impulsive decision, but she didn’t realize it until she was in front of Harry’s front door with a couple of duffel bags in the back of her car, waiting to be filled with all her belongings.
Harry wasn’t home, of course he wasn’t. He had a concert to do. He had a career and a life that was waiting for him, and Y/N wasn’t part of that anymore.
Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the bags and entered the house with her spare key, feeling sad about thinking it would be the last time she’d use it. She placed the key in the table beside the door and headed upstairs straight to Harry’s room.
A wave of memories invaded her mind. Times where they were happy, times where being in love was the only thing that matter for them.
His room. A place Y/N loved but now was bittersweet to stand in. She placed her bags on his bed, allowing her palm to touch the white sheets and closing her eyes for a second.
His bed. Where thousands of promises were made through soft whispers and tender touches. She remembered how Harry would promise her it would always be them against the world, how he bowed he’d never leave her alone, loving her until the end of times, through thick and thin. No matter the situation, it’d always be just them. Just Y/N and Harry.
And she, being her, believed him blindly.
It seemed like Harry forgot all those things along with so many others. Along with the fact that today would’ve been their fourth year together, not that it mattered anymore.
Once her bags were full, she let herself have one last look at the room that used to be her favorite room in the entire house. She took out the promise ring Harry had given her a year prior, letting it rest on his nightstand.
Just like last night, Y/N had two options. She could either leave now, or she could stay and wait for him for one last goodbye.
And this time, she chose the first option, and didn’t look back.
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
christmas lovin’ // d.m
Summary: Oh hi!! Idk if your requests are still open but if you could, could you write a hufflepuff reader x draco post war?? In which they think that the other one doesn’t love them (THE PINING! THE LONGING) and they bake, and read together? With feelings being confessed? If you can’t it’s totally okay!! love your fics btw!
Warnings: none. so soft.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: sorry to those still waiting for their request to get written. my inbox is crazy and my request list is hella long so i’m trying my best. hope you enjoy this soft fic!! xoxo
“Oh, come in, it’s freezing outside!” you grasped Draco’s shivering figure lightly by the shoulder and ushered him into your apartment, dusting the snow off of his hair and his shoulders as he placed his hands over his nose to warm it up, “Sorry I made you wait so long in the cold, I couldn’t hear you knocking in the kitchen.”
“No worries,” he shrugged off his coat and hung it by the door as you locked it shut, “I’m indoors now and that’s what matters.”
He smiled at you, the fluttering in your heart already beginning at the gesture. He removed his gloves and placed them in his coat pockets, proceeding to remove his shoes, kicking the snow off of them and nearly placing them by the doorway, a proper habit of his. He never left anything scattered anywhere.
“Something smells good,” he stepped off the carpet with his emerald green wool socks and closer to the fireplace in the living room, placing his hands in front of it and warming them up, “What’re you making?”
You flushed, pointing to the kitchen counter, “Christmas cookies. They’re my mum’s recipe. It’s a family tradition. I kind of need that, especially this time of year.”
Draco senses the sadness in your tone, stepping away from the fireplace and pulling you into a hug, “I know. I’m sorry. I’m here for you, though.” You could feel the warmth on him from having stood by the fireplace seconds before, but it was comforting. Despite having the fire going, you were still cold.
In the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, you felt like you had lost everything. You had spent all of your years in Hogwarts learning how to be the best possible witch you could be, but when faced with the actual dangers that lurk in the magical world, you struggled coming to terms with what happened.
You felt like you owed your life to Draco, in a way. Neither of you were overly close in school, but he had saved you from a curse when you found yourself otherwise distracted. After that, you couldn’t let him leave your life. After all; how are you supposed to forget someone who saved you?
His company was comforting, safe, and a reminder of how precious and important every moment in life was. He brought you happiness and you did the same for him — there was no doubt about that. Every time he was over, you would forget about the outside world and solely focus on him in that moment. Whether you were watching a film, making dinner, cleaning, it didn’t matter. When he was in your presence, he was all you could focus on.
He would stop by your place nearly five times a week. You both dealt with so many mental and emotional traumas post-war, and your found comfort in each other. To the point that you’d find yourself missing him mere seconds after he left. He’d leave in the evening after spending the day with you and you’d find yourself going to bed wishing he was closer to you.
Safe to say, you’re in love with him.
You pulled away from the hug and nudged your head in the direction of the kitchen, “Do you wanna make them with me?”
He tilted his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows, “Are you sure? I don’t want to impose on a family tradition.”
“You’re not! I’m all alone, come with me,” you linked your hand in his and led him into the kitchen, where the dough was complete and the cookie cutters were messily thrown around the counter, “Put on an apron.”
He chuckled and looked over to where you kept the aprons hung, “Hm, I’ve got an option to wear one with little blue flowers, or one with yellow butterflies. Well, I think the blue flowers bring out my eyes.” He joked, pulling the one with the flowers off the hook and putting it on, twirling as if to model it. Somehow, even in a silly apron, he was the most breathtaking person you had ever seen.
“You look quite dashing,” you grinned, looking him up and down. He always had looked really good. Even when you were a young Hufflepuff, Draco’s natural charm and suave attitude had caught your attention.
“So do you,” he pointed to your apron, the giant red letters saying ‘kiss the chef’ written across it, “Very fashionable.”
The heat rose to your cheeks at his teasing smirk — you had forgotten about the childish words written on apron you were wearing. In hindsight, considering your feelings for Draco, this might not have been the best apron to wear.
“Just come help me bake,” you shook your head to sway from the playful conversation, moving over to give him some counter space next to you, “You do know how to bake the muggle way, right?”
He gazed off at the wall as if trying to remember before he nodded slowly, “Actually, yes, believe it or not. Made some with mum many years ago.” You noticed the sad smile he gave you, your beard aching for him. He had a falling out with his parents after the War and he hated talking about them. It was your ultimate goal to avoid mentioning them, so you took control of the conversation once more.
“Here,” you handed him a Christmas tree cookie cutter to bring him back to reality, “Make some trees.”
He chuckled, taking out a bit of the dough and rolling it in his hands, laying it out in the floury mess that was taking over the counter, “What shape do you have?”
You did the same, rolling a ball of dough and laying it out flat on the countertop, “Reindeer. Oh — and I have the best icing colours.”
“Well guess I’ll have to stuck around and you’ll have to show me these icing colours to prove your point,” he smirked, slowly beginning to produce some Christmas tree shaped cookies, placing them gently on the cooking tray you had placed in front of the both of you.
You flushed again, focusing your energy on cutting the cookies perfectly in attempts to not become too overwhelmed by the way he seemed to effortlessly flirt. Was he just always a natural flirt? You kind of hope he meant it, but you wouldn’t admit that out loud. Somehow, baking was becoming more of an intimate moment shared between you two and you never wanted it to end.
After filing up the tray, you placed it in the pre-heated oven and closed the door, marking the timer and grabbing another empty tray, “What shape do you want now? I’ve got snowmen, snowflakes, Santa hats... anything you can think of.”
You placed the tray down on the counter and pushed the box of cookie cutters in his direction, giggling slightly at the way his eyes widened.
“How many cookie cutters do you have? Bloody hell,” he chuckled, taking some of them out and analyzing them with a hint of amusement in his eyes, “Oh, wait. I like this one.”
“The cat shaped one? It’s not even Christmassy!” you laughed, rummaging through them as well and pulling out the Santa hat shaped one for yourself.
“I can make it Christmassy with your ever-so-colourful icing,” he winked at you, sending your heart into a frenzy. You momentarily forgot how to breathe.
He retuned to rolling the dough as of unaware of his affect on you. His usually tidy platinum hair was hanging in his forehead, lose stands dangling as he continued to cut the cat-shaped cookies, eyebrows furrowed in concentration in attempts not to mess up the shapes. You were worried he wasn’t enjoying himself, but every time he placed a new cat-shaped cookie on the tray, he’s grin proudly, telling you that he was in fact having a good time.
You were so distracted by his good looks that you almost forgot you were making cookies as well.
“Alright, done!” he clapped his hands, flour clouding off of them and into his hair and face. You stopped your cutting, clutching your stomach in laughter as he tried to wipe the flour off of him, coughing as it went up his nose, but making it way worse. Smears of white flour were now in his hair, cheeks, and nose.
“Priceless,” you struggled to catch your breath while laughing, lifting your hand to wipe even more flour across his nose, laughter not dying down when he turned to glared at you.
“How dare you,” he scowled, struggling to hide his own laughter, “That’s not fair. I have to retaliate.”
You stopped laughing, trying your best to give him a stern look, “How? I already did all the messy work. Can’t catch me off guard.” Placing your hands on your hips to emphasize your point, his eyes darted around your kitchen in search of something to do. You had thankfully put away the eggs and milk and other ingredients, so unless he went searching through your fridge and pantry, he wouldn’t find anything else to douse you with.
“Can’t catch you off guard?” he scoffed, stepping closer to you, “I beg to differ.”
You nearly choked on your breath from the immediate closeness, his body heat enveloping you to the point where you weren’t sure if you were warm because of him or because your nervous heart was thundering away.
You could smell him — the mixture of mint and cookie dough was intoxicating. He had always smelled good, but it took your breath away every time.
“How so?” your voice was soft, luckily covering the nervous tone. You wanted him to kiss you, to pull you close to his body and hold you forever. His hugs had always been unmatched, you could only imagine how good his kisses were.
Fortunately, your thoughts were confirmed as he leaned down and whispered, “Like this.”
His eyes fluttered shut and he placed his lips against yours, kissing you as if he had been waiting to do so for years. As if you were everything he ever needed. You kissed back immediately, melting into his touch and becoming weak in the knees. You felt like you were floating; the feeling of his lips against yours was unreal. He was loving, gentle, everything you thought he’d be.
You couldn’t help but feel as if everything you had been waiting for had come into play. You pined for him, longed for him, and you finally got to have the connection you had been waiting for. You’d never admit to him, but you had imagined what it would be like to kiss him. You’ve imagined the feeling of his lips moving in sync with yours, passion overcoming the two of you like a tidal wave. It was safe to say it was way better than you’d imagined.
His hands gripped your waist lightly as he broke the kiss, his flour-covered face smirking down at you, “Caught you off guard yet?”
You smiled, breathless, “Y—Yeah, I’d say.”
He kissed your nose lightly, shooting your a wink and turning back to continue the cookies you hadn’t cut due to your distractions. You felt frozen in your place, as if the events that just unfolded couldn’t register in your mind.
He had just kissed you. Kissed you.
“What’s wrong, love?” he chuckled, turning to face you with a knowing smirk after he cut the rest of the cookies, holding the pan in his hand to place in the oven.
“You kissed me,” you said, sounding exhilarated. You thought you sounded pathetic but your mind felt so distant and afar that you couldn’t mask a calm tone of voice.
He placed the cookie tray down, “That I did. I’ve been waiting to do that for a while, actually. Don’t laugh, but I’ve always fancied you. You’re so sweet, just incredible. And you’ve let me into your life, making me the luckiest person ever.” He had said it so casually, but his eyes held every bit of sincerity. He gazed down at you with a level of adoration you had never seen before.
“You have?” you gaped, heart still aflutter in your chest, “I—I’ve been waiting for you to do it too, actually. Almost did it myself a few times. I’ve fallen for you, and laugh if you want, but I’m so relieved you finally did that.”
He was now positively beaming. He placed his hands on either side of your face and leaned in to kiss you again.
Nearly an hour later, all the cookies were baked and you were comfortably nestled on the couch. The fireplace was warm, the blanket surrounding the two of you was soft, and the plate of cookies on the table in front of you was delicious.
You were reading a book silently, leaned up against Draco’s chest as he twirled a strand of your hair in his fingers, occasionally pressing a delicate kiss to your temple as you delved into the story in front of you. Each time he did it, your entire body got covered in goosebumps — it was a feeling you wanted to experience forever.
Draco wasn’t reading, but he was perfectly at bliss with you in his arms, head against his chest, and the warmth enveloping you two as the snow continued coming down outside.
You reached over, grabbing another cookie and taking a bite and being careful not to get crumbs all over your pages, decided to check the clock above the fireplace, “It’s late, Draco, I just realized.” You felt a little fluke noticing how late it was. You didn’t want him to leave. The evening had been the closest thing to perfect you had ever experienced.
He chuckled, placing another kiss to your forehead, “I know. I don’t want to leave though.”
Flushing, but agreeing, you closed your book and placed it on the table before turning around to face him, readjusting the blanket so you were both still cocooned, “Unless — I don’t know — do you want to stay the night? You don’t have to, but we could stay in bed and be warm and cozy and—,”
He cut you off by placing his lips on yours, rendering you speechless before pulling away and mumbling against your lips.
“Thought you’d never ask, love.”
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skycollides · 4 years
I have another idea if that’s okay😂 Have you heard the whole “you’re really quiet today” and the other person says “nobody plans a murder out loud” could you maybe do that with angel like someone’s flirting with reader and he’s staring and hates it and gets jealous/annoyed but in the end reader reassures him she doesn’t care if people flirt with her bc she only wants him? Just for it to be a fluffy ending? Thank you so much if you take it💗💗
Babe I hope you enjoy this one. 💜🥰
Nobody Plans A Murder Out Loud
Angel x Reader
Authors note: I apologize in advance for grammar mistakes
English isn’t my native language.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
Warning: none
Words: 1.949
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You didn’t get to see your boyfriend Angel that much during the past couple of weeks. Him being busy with the club and you with work so you’re quite happy when Angel came home early and told you to get ready.
This is what you’re doing right now! After you took shower and finished your makeup you’re now standing in front of your wardrobe not sure what to wear. You look around and finally see something that catches your eye. The dress Angel loves to see you in the most. You decide to go for it and grab the matching heels. You try to zip it up but it won’t work. You actually wanted to surprise him with your outfit but plans chance. Your only hope now is Angel.
’’Angel?’’ you yell his name frustrated.
’’I’m here querida what’s wrong?’’ he asks you and wraps his arms around your shoulders while resting his head on your head. He watches your appearance in the mirror closely. You look at him with a pout on your face and grab onto his strong arms.
’’Can you help me with the zipper? It’s kinda stuck.’’ you ask him and he nods.
’’Anything for you.’’ he kisses your head and shorty after he’s done and places a kiss on your neck. You turn around and wrap your arms around his neck before kissing him.
’’Thank you Angel.’’
’’No need to thank me baby. You look absolutely breathtaking.’’ he says and you blush. No matter how long you’ve been together he still manages to make you blush.
’’You look quite handsome Mr. Reyes. I’m one lucky girl. C’mon’’ you say and grab his hand.
’’we gotta go’’.
About 20 minutes later you and Angel reach your favorite restaurant. The waiter bring you to your table and the both of you sit down. 
’’Thank you baby for taking me out’’ you say and smile at him.
’’No need to thank me mi dulce. It’s the least I can do after being busy with the club and not being able to send much time with you lately.’’ he replies and grabs your hand brining it to his lips kissing the back of it softly.
’’I love you!’’
’’I love you too so much’’
Shorty after the waiter returns with the menus and hands one to Angel before he turn to you handing it to you with the words.
’’And one for the beautiful lady’’ and winks at you. You take it not giving him a second thought and look through it which is why you missed Angels glare.
’’Baby what are you getting?’’ you ask him and look up.
’’Not sure yet. What about you?’’ he asks you.
’’Same as always I don’t even know why I went through it. I mean I eat the same thing each time we are here.’’ you laugh and he gives you a smile. Soon the waiter returns and takes your order. Once he left you see frown on Angels face.
’’What’s wrong Angel?’’ you ask and grab his hand.
’’Nothing Y/n.’’ he reassures you and squeezes your hand. You are totally wrapped up in your conversation when the food arrives not giving the waiter any attention the two of you keep talking. After you’re done eating and the waiter comes back you see Angels facial expression change once again and he gets more and more quiet the longer you are at the restaurant.
The waiter takes the plates and winks at you before he leaves. You roll your eyes and look at your man again.
’’You*re awfully quiet now my love’’
’’Nobody plans a murder out loud.’’ he says shortly before taking a sip of his beer continuing to stare at the table. You watch him with a smile.
’’Keep planning I’m using the restroom.’’ you grab your purse and get up. Your destination the manager. Once you find her she pulls you in her arms.
’’Hey darling.’’ she greets you.
’’Hey Momma G’’ you say. Momma G happens to be your best friends mother.
’’I didn’t know you’re here.’’ she says.
’’Yeah date night. Angel took me out.’’ you say smiling.
’’Ah the handsome Reyes boy. I hope he still treats you well?’’
’’Yes more than well Momma G. He’s the best.’’
’’I’m glad to hear that.’’ she smiles.
’’Why I’m here Momma G. The waiter over there’’ you say and point at him.
’’He can’t take a hint. He keeps staring at me and and flirting I felt kinda uncomfortable. So does Angel I think. He got more and more quiet the longer we’re here. I didn’t want to cause a scene so I wanted to talk to you in private.’’ you end your speech giving her a sad smile.
’’I’m so sorry darling. I’ll talk to him. You go and get your man. Dinner is on me tonight. Wait here I’ll be back.’’ she says and leaves. When she returns she’s holding a bottle of wine in her hands.
’’This one is for you and Angel. The best wine I have here. Pretty expensive too. I’m going to charge w/n with it for making you and Angel uncomfortable. I hope it’s teaching him a lesson. Oh and our cook is wrapping up some chocolate cake for you.’’ she says handing you the bottle.
’’Thanks Momma G’’ you say and kiss her cheek.
’’No need to thank me Y/n. It’s the least I can do.’’ she replies and the door opens. In comes the cook Antonio with the cake.
’’There you go.’’ he says.
’’Thank you Toni’’ you say.
’’Enjoy your night Y/n’’ she says.
’’You too and thanks again for spoiling us like this.’’ you leave and return to your man. 
’’I thought you wanted to use the restroom and not raid the kitchen’’ he says and you laugh.
’’I thought you were planning a murder and not trying to become a comedian.’’
’’1:0 for you baby. Why are you still standing?’’
’’Because you and I are leaving now. Come on’’ you nod with your head into the direction of the entrance. He gets up and follows you. Once you reach your car you put the stuff inside while Angel lights up a cigarette sitting hood of your car. You close the door and sit next to him.
’’You know I hate it when I take you out and you decide to pay.’’ he says.
’’Yes I know. Good thing then that I’m a good girl and listen to my man from time to time.’’ you laugh and nudge his side.
’’Great now my girlfriend decides to do a runner. I didn’t know you had that kind of criminal energy inside of you! Girl you’re a bad influence on me.’’ he says laughing. You get up and stand in front of him.
’’I’m full of surprises. Jokes aside babe. Momma G invited us. Let’s go home Angel. I love these heels but they aren’t made to walk in them.’’
Half an hour later you’re home Angel unlocks the door and you head straight to the living room. Angel get 2 wine glasses and forks for the cake. When he returns you sit on the couch in nothing but your underwear. Angel stares at you with wide eyes.
’’Like what you see Reyes’’ you say and he only nods.
’’Don’t get your hopes up. I’m not trying to have sex with you. At least not yet and now gimme my cake’’ you practically demand.
’’Why are you sitting here like this. Not that I’m complaining mi dulce.’’ he says and sits down next to you.
’’Didn’t want so spill anything on the dress and ruin it. I know how much you love seeing me in it and I love the way you look at me when I’m wearing it.
’’Yeah so do other men’’ he says thinking you didn’t hear him but you did.
’’Angel? I know the waiter bothered you. His behavior bothered me too - Made me feel uncomfortable because I saw the change in your eyes. I know you were upset and I hate to see you like this. That’s why I went to Momma G instead of the restroom like I told you. She apologized for the waiters behavior and charged him with the bottle of wine. That thing is hella expensive. And she packed us up some cake so we can continue our date at home. Btw I’m happy you didn’t murder him. I’d hate to see you locked up. I want you to know that I love you. You’re the only one for me - my ride or die. I don’t really pay attention to other men because I have only eyes for you. You treat me so well Angel better than anyone has before - better than I could have imagined like ever. I love you with all the rough edges and flaws. You may not be perfect but that’s okay on one is - but what is important you’re perfect for me. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You’re my kind of perfect. Don’t ever doubt yourself. You and Me that’s all that matters you hear me. You and me always. I’m not letting go of you like ever. I love you and no-one else. I love you so much it scares me sometimes. I’m done speaking now incase you’d like to say something.’’ you say ending your monologue. He doesn’t say anything. Instead he gets up form the couch and leaves you sitting there. You’re confused hoping you didn’t overwhelm him with your speech. He soon returns to you and sits down on the coffee table in front of you. He takes your hand in his and plays with your fingers.
’’You know I usually don’t talk about my feelings but with you it seems so simple. You’re the best thing that happened to me Y/n never for get that. I wasn’t looking for a relationship but then you came into my life and swept me off my feet. I couldn’t be more thankful to have you in my life. You treat me well, you love me and take care of me. You gave me a home I’m happy to return to every night. You changed me. You make me want to be a better version of myself everyday. Y/n I want you to know that I feel the same there is no-one else but you on my mind. I don’t give a fuck about the girls hanging around the clubhouse. You’re the one I want - the one I crave. I couldn’t be more happy to have such an intelligent and beautiful, kindhearted and also badass woman by my side. I’m so thankful I was blessed with a woman like you. I love you mi dulce more than anything in this world.’’ he drops down on one knee and pulls out a beautiful ring holding it in his hand. You can’t believe it’s happening.
’’Y/n, my sweet sweet Y/n would you want to spent the rest of your life with me?
Will you become my Mrs. Reyes - my wife?
Will you marry me?’’
’’A thousand times yes Angel’’ you say and he and he takes the ring slipping it on your finger before for kissing you passionately.
’’Shit Angel. I can’t believe it.’’
’’Well you better do my fiancée’’ he says with a smile.
’’Fuck the cake Reyes I need you more than that take me to bed.’’ you say laughing.
He shakes his head laughing 
’’Your wish is my command my fair lady.’’ and with that you stand up and he throws you over his shoulder taking you there. 
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demonwifey · 4 years
Hey! Love your works, btw, it's really cute! Anyway..That's not what I'm here for. I'm here for a writing prompt? Request? Whatever: Basically I wanna see someone write headcannons/fanfics on loneliness. Yes, I know it's a deep and sad topic, but I want some cuddles with the bug boio
Thank you so much anon!💗💗💗 And thank you guys so much for being patient with me. I haven’t posted in a while because I was in a little bit of a slump. But I’m gonna do my best to put out more some more stuff. Hope you guys enjoy!💜🖤💚
Beetlejuice x fem!reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of abusive parents
Word count: 3,602
What’s the one thing you and Beetlejuice had in common? You were both lonely. And it’s crazy how similar your stories were. 
Beetlejuice had been alone his whole afterlife. His mother was a demon and a bitch, stuck raising a child she didn’t even want. And to do it all alone, she took her anger and frustration out on the only person around, Beetlejuice. She abused him both mentally and physically. She made him think he was something no one, not even her, could love. And for the longest, he believed it. 
Your parents didn’t want you either, but they tried so hard to not show it. Your mother got pregnant in senior year of high school. To which both of their lives had to halt. While they did still graduate, college became a push back. The two of them had to find jobs to support you and themselves. They weren’t as harsh as Juno but they weren’t saints either. Making off-hand comments or blaming you for the way their lives turned out. There was barely a day when you didn’t hear “If it wasn’t for you, I could’ve been…”. The things you are never supposed to say to your child, they would say to you. 
Even after you turned 18, you still needed to stay home. At least for those 4 years you needed for college. Once you got that out the way, you were on your own. Finally moving into your own house. 
Beetlejuice finally found the family he wanted for so long. But now everything was crumbling underneath him. Lydia was 18 and now going off to college herself. Once they dropped her off at school, Charles and Delia were off to enjoy a vacation now that they had time to themselves. Adam and Barbara still had things to figure out in the Netherworld. So while they still would come home at the end of the day, they weren’t around as much. Beej was in desperate need for something to occupy his time. It was boring being in the Deetzes house with no one around. And if he couldn't scare the neighbors with Lydia, what was the point? 
And that’s when you came into the picture. Beej’s powers allowed him to see and hear almost everything around the neighborhood. So, of course he had to watch you while you moved in. Without realizing it, you were only a few blocks away from the Deetz’s home. When you first arrived in town, you remember being curious about the strange looking house at the top of the hill. Your friends joked about it possibly being haunted, trying to scare you a little, but you only ignored them. 
Even though they helped you unload the cars, you insisted that you didn’t need help unpacking. It would give you some time to yourself. Once they said their goodbyes, you started to notice the eerie energy of the house on the hill. It was a while away and looked so small from your window. Get it together, YN, you thought. This was the first time in your own house. You couldn’t let yourself get scared and huddle up in the corner like a baby. Everything’s scary when you’re on your own. You just gotta get used to it.
It really didn’t take much for Beetlejuice to show up. As funny as it would’ve been for him to scare you and your friends all together, he waited until they left. There was no limit to the fun he could have scaring this unbeknownst breather while you were alone.
Once he emerged into the house, he saw you were still unpacking boxes. There were random items and boxes scattered everywhere. The smile on his face was nothing less than evil. You were making this way too easy for him. 
You were bent down, rummaging through a box or silverware and other kitchen items. You thought, at least you could start unboxing something easy. Of course, Beetlejuice wouldn’t be Beetlejuice if he didn’t stare at your ass while you leaned over. As he got closer, he realized your ass wasn’t the only great thing on you. 
Beetlejuice has been dead for a millennia, which means he’s seen A LOT of breathers. And yet, you seemed to be one of the most beautiful ones he’s seen in a while. Boy, he was about to have fun with you. 
While you were unwrapping some cups and placing them on the counter, you heard one of the cabinet doors behind you open. The creaking was so loud, it almost mirrored nails on a chalkboard. You turned around to see it just sitting wide open. Okay, you thought, maybe the hinges are a little too loose. Just something to try and give yourself a little reassurance. You walked over to close the door but before you could, it slammed shut right in front of you. 
Beej couldn’t help but cackle at your face as you backed away from the cabinet slowly. As he was finished with you yet. He zipped around to the counter. Your back was still turned as he picked up one of the glasses you set down, loosely holding the edge with his finger. He leaned with one elbow on the counter and dropped the glass to the floor, not really needing to put in more effort. Your entire body jumped at the sound of the glass behind you, letting out a mini yelp while doing so. 
“Well, aren’t you a cutie pie? Come one, dollface. Let me hear you scream.” Beej spoke as he looked around to see what else he could use to scare you.
This dude basically terrorized you all night long. Knocking stuff over, opening and closing doors, and finding anything to make eerie sounds. It was like you were stuck on the same level of a horror game. It was too late to call your friends back as they were already miles away from you. You didn’t call the police because what were they gonna do? Tase a ghost? 
At first you were panicked but you realized that the ghost wasn’t actually going to hurt you. More like freak you out so you couldn’t sleep that night. It was going past midnight and you were still unpacking things here and there. After the last few boxes got knocked over, you had enough. You plopped yourself down on the couch before speaking loudly. 
“Alright, ghost or demon or whatever. I’m just gonna assume you’re friendly like Casper since you haven’t done anything to me.”
Even though Beetlejuice was invisible, he was visibly frustrated. Why weren’t you getting scared? You should be screaming and running out of the house in utter fear. After about an hour, whenever he knocked something over, you just stared blankly before picking it back up. No matter what he did you didn’t flinch. Now here you were comparing him to ‘Casper the Friendly Ghost’? Hanging out with Lydia and the Maitlands really made him lose his touch, huh? 
The demon man floated his way in front of you, watching as you laid on your side. He could see that you were on the verge of falling asleep, clearly worn out from all the unpacking. Your eyes were fluttering closed as you got comfortable, pulling your legs in towards your stomach and resting your hands under the side of your head. 
“Mm, thanks for keeping me company.” You moaned out, your words slurring a little as you dozed off. 
Was Beetlejuice about to let such a simple sentence get to him? Yes. 
Before even meeting Adam and Barbara, if Beej couldn’t scare a breather, he wouldn’t waste his time. Although he’d be upset by it, he’d count his losses and go. With you he considered it...for like 2 seconds. But he couldn’t look away as you snored softly. He was so entranced at the way your chest rose and fell as you breathed lightly. You seemed so tired but still slept so delicately. 
Wait, delicately? Since when was Beej using words like ‘delicately’? 
He couldn’t dwell on it too long as you stirred in your sleep. Why did he flinch? You couldn’t even see him. The demon man just bent down watching you, admiring how soft and, again, delicate you looked. He wasn’t sure how long he watched you for until he saw the sun starting to come up. 
Did he mean to watch you all night long? No. It just happened, okay?
For a second, he’d forgotten he was invisible to you. When you finally woke up, he flinched and moved backwards once your eyes met his. You only yawned and stretched to help wake yourself up. 
You looked around at the left over boxes still scattered around your living room. It seemed like you did so much unpacking but there was still so much left. Rubbing your eyes, you went to make yourself some breakfast. But you stopped, looking at the shattered glass still sitting on the kitchen floor. That’s when you remembered last night’s weird occurrence. The apparent ‘ghost’ in your house had dropped one of your glasses on the floor. Along with making 100 other failed attempts to scare you. It seemed so real but you were also really tired. Maybe you imagined it all. 
“Are you still here, ghost? Pfft, probably not-” And then you saw one of the glass shards rise a little into the air and then fall back down. “Okay, nevermind.”
So, now you were living with a ghost. You finally get the chance to leave your parents house, and this happens. 
You weren’t exactly sure what to make of it. It’s not like the ghost was actually bothering you. You didn’t get scared at its antics anymore, and it even seemed to take on the role as a friendly ghost after a while. 
If you were cooking the kitchen and dropped something, it would pick it up and place it back in your hand. Sometimes it would open the door for you when you walked into a room. After you got extremely comfortable with it around, it would even help you with little tasks around the house. 
There was more than one occasion where it would hold the flashlight while you needed to hands to fix something. 
You couldn’t explain it but you were just glad to have someone around. Even if it was a ghost.
Beetlejuice wasn’t sure what made him want to be around you. A simple answer was that you were an extremely hot breather that he liked looking at. If that was the case he wouldn’t put so much effort into being nice to you. Which is what made it difficult for him to understand. 
Being around you filled something in him that he didn’t know needed to be filled. 
Spoiler alert: you both are lonely idiots that don’t realize how lonely you are. 
One particular night, you came home from your new job extremely worn out. Your position was entry level so they basically treated you like a college intern. “Bring me this, take this here, do this right now.” Were the only things you heard all day. And it didn’t help that your mom had called you as soon as you got home. 
She called to ‘check in’ but really it was her putting you down. Making back-handed compliments about finally moving out. Practically insulting you without even being provoked. 
To end the night you took and shower and cozied up in your favorite hoodie. While only wearing a pair of panties underneath. You were laid out on your bed, trying to find something to watch on TV. Of course, just because you needed a distraction there was nothing on. 
And social media didn’t make you feel any better. All you saw was your friends posting pictures and statuses about hanging out for the weekend. You missed them, and missing them made you miss being back home. And thinking about home made you remember the bullshit your parents put you through. 100 things were running through your head and then suddenly you felt a lump in your throat. 
Not far after did the tears start and you couldn’t stop them. You laid on your side, silently sniffling as you cried. You were all alone in your own place and you still were stuck in the habit of crying quietly. What did it matter? No one was there to hear you. 
Except for Beetlejuice. 
He was having a bit of a rough night too. He’d been hanging around your house all day, which seemed to be the new normal. But just an hour before you got back home, he headed back to the Deetzes house. When he wandered in, he caught Adam and Barbara talking amongst each other, looking even giddier than normal.
Of course, he wouldn’t be Beetlejuice if he didn’t make a crude joke to announce his entrance. Ignoring his distasteful humor, the couple then told him that they just got done talking with Lydia. And Beetlejuice was pissed. 
Although any aware person could see Beetlejuice getting physically angry. His hair turning red, fists balling up, and the look on his face was nothing short of utter rage. Even the air around them was getting hot and dense But somehow the Maitlands didn’t notice. Barbara only continued on telling how Lydia was gushing about school. She’d made some new friends, joined the photography club, and all of her classes were going well. She called Charles and Delia on the regular but wanted to give check in on her ghost friends. 
Sure, Beetlejuice was happy to hear that for Lydia. But he was still mad he didn’t get to hear it straight from the source. Lydia had been gone for about 2 months and he was missing his best friend. Now the opportunity came to talk to her and he just missed it. With no explanation, he made his way back out of the house. The last thing he heard was them gushing about Lydia having a crush on some girl in her class. 
It was something so small but it hurt Beetlejuice. His best friend was growing up without him there to see it. Soon enough she was gonna forget all about him and only focus on her stupid new college friends. And if she didn’t care about him, why would anyone else in the house care? Now his thoughts were hitting some all at once. 
Although he couldn’t see, the color in his hair was rapidly changing between red, blue, and purple. He needed a distraction. So he headed back down to you. But when he arrived, he wasn’t met with your normal joyous demeanor. 
You were huddled up on your bed, crying and whimpering. So softly it almost sounded like the squeaks of a tiny mouse. Although small streaks of red were still there, more purple took over his hair. So he wasn’t the only one having a bad day. 
Beetlejuice wasn’t exactly sure if he should’ve bothered you or not. He wasn’t sure what was wrong or how he could help in any way. He had his own problems to sit on so maybe he’d just chill in your living room and blow off his steam there. As he went to float out of the room, he heard you speak. 
“I don’t know if you’re still here or not, ghost. But I could really use some company right about now.” You hiccuped out. You hated to sound like a child but fuck it. Talk to a ghost or not talk at all? The first seemed like the better option.
You sat up for a second, looking around for a sign that the ghost was actually near. You got a response with one of your pillows lifting up to hit you on the thigh. You let out a small huff and giggle mix, thinking about how if this was 2 months ago, you would’ve been scared out of your mind. You wiped away some of your tears as you sat up fully. 
“I know you probably don’t wanna hear me whining though. I think just knowing someone’s around makes me feel a little better.” As if to tell you it was okay the pillow hit your thigh again, causing you to laugh even more. Still a little hesitant, you talked about your day. It felt good to get your feelings out, even if it looked like you were just talking to a pillow. 
You weren’t sure how long you had talked for, all you know is that it was getting late and you were getting tired. Your face felt puffy from the crying, at certain points you had to stop and let out a few tears here and there before finishing the story. Without even realizing, you laid your head down to get more comfortable. 
“Why don’t you tell me about your day, ghost. I’m listening, I promise.” You quietly spoke, even if you felt your eyes starting to flutter closed. 
“Pff, babycakes, you won’t believe the day I’ve had.” He knew good and well you couldn’t hear him but it felt good to vent. He held the pillow as he talked; he would walk or float around the room with it in his hands. Since you could only see the pillow, you could only assume the ghost was speaking like you asked. 
You were in and out of sleep while Beetlejuice talked but he didn’t mind. You were making an effort to still stay awake for him and that’s all that mattered. Plus, he loved how cute you looked when you tried to keep your eyes open. After a while, he looked at the clock sitting on your bedside table. 2:16 a.m. He stopped floating around and was standing by the side of your bed. 
“Mmmm, are you done, ghost?” You spoke with your eyes finally fluttering closed for the night. 
Something about the way you looked made Beetlejuice’s dead heart flutter. So peaceful and comfortable. You couldn’t see him yet you knew he was there, and you weren’t afraid of his presence. Unbeknownst to him, his hair was slowly fading into a baby pink color. Without thinking, he dropped the pillow floated over to the opposite side of your bed, your back now facing towards him. 
Not putting much thought into it, he crawled onto the soft surface. Before he knew it, he was laying behind you and slowly wrapping one arm around your waist. The small amount of heat that came from your body warmed up the front of his. It was nice, he thought. 
“I think I can feel you, ghost.” Beetlejuice stiffened against you. He would’ve jumped backwards if you didn’t rest your hand over the one he had on your stomach. You more than likely felt the small chill coming from his body without actually feeling him. You couldn’t feel him. It wasn’t possible. But your hand on his calmed him more than he would ever tell. 
“You’re breaking my heart, doll. You don’t have to keep calling me that. Call me BJ.” He spoke quietly. Or so he thought. 
“BJ? That’s a cute name.” You said, shocking Beetlejuice completely. Fuck, he’d been a demon for how long and he’d completely forgotten that he could throw his voice. It didn’t seem to matter though. You were basically in a sleepy daze, so it didn’t really click that you had heard a random voice echo off your walls. 
“Thanks for sticking around, BJ.” You whispered before letting yourself fall asleep entirely. The chill from his presence was giving you goosebumps, even in unconsciousness. Beetlejuice’s cheeks would’ve turned red if his face wasn’t already bone white. 
He laid there with you for most of the night. Obviously he didn’t sleep so there was nothing he could do except watch you. Much like the first night you moved in. Except this time you were pressed against him. 
It was around 5 in the morning when he decided to poof away. Something about the way your body warmth was making him feel so flustered and overwhelmed. He rested himself in your attic, much like he would often do at the Deetzes. 
When you woke up later in the morning, something felt off. You rubbed your eyes before looking around, like you were looking for someone. You were so tired that everything seemed like a dream last night. But even so, your bed felt empty. 
Some things were a little foggy but one thing you do remember was the name ‘BJ’. Where it came from, you didn’t really remember. Finally sitting all the way up you saw one of your pillows sitting on the floor. And it hit you. The ghost that was occupying your house was named BJ. And somehow he told you that. 
You sat looking at the pillow a second before snorting. “Come one, Y/N. That’s stupid.” You muttered to yourself. It was one thing to have a ghost in your house, but now it was talking to you? And his name was BJ. You must’ve been really out of it, you thought. 
Even with your doubts, you still couldn’t shake the empty feeling you felt on your body. You still held onto the name BJ as well. You got off your bed and picked up the pillow off the floor. This all somehow mimicked the first night you moved in. 
“BJ,” You mumbled to yourself. “Maybe it’s not such a crazy idea.”
Hope you guys enjoyed and thanks for reading!💜🖤💚
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woozapooza · 3 years
Moby Dick 1998 reactions
Literally just the notes I took watching the 1998 Moby Dick miniseries. I enjoyed it a lot but I like the 2011 one better.
Elijah is pretty goofy here
Note to self--find video of Henry Thomas talking in his normal voice. Is he doing a weird accent for this role, or is that just how he talks? He sounds almost Irish. [BTW after I finished watching, I looked up a video of him talking in his normal voice and he does not sound weirdly Irish-tinged in real life, so I have no idea why he was talking like that in this adaptation.]
They shoehorn some narration from the book into Ishmael’s dialogue
Not sure if the problem is with the actor or the dialogue, but Henry Thomas’s performance is...rather stilted
Here, Ishmael has no nautical experience. 
“I fear I must make a confession. I used to be a schoolteacher.” HE SAYS THAT LIKE IT’S SO EMBARRASSING 
When Peleg says that Queequeg “doesn’t look like much of a Christian,” Ishmael fires back with “HE’S KILLED MORE WHALES THAN YOU CAN COUNT” and seriously looks like he’s about to punch Peleg until Queequeg puts his hand on his shoulder.
Queequeg is less worldly here than in the book. Ishmael takes him to church to teach him about the concepts of God and souls.
Ishmael is so serious here
Stubb is perfect
Interesting that Ishmael is a brand-new sailor, but he already knows the song (shanty?) the other sailors are singing
The guy playing Flask could stand to rein it in a bit
Pip is younger than I imagined him. But then, I don’t think his age is specified in the book.
Ishmael’s hands are burned by the rope. Later, below decks, Queequeg patches them up :) 
One guy literally refers to Ishmael and Queequeg as “lovebirds” and another guy makes kissing noises at them
Those guys try (pathetically) to bully Queequeg. Ishmael says to Queequeg, sounding kind of ashamed, “You pagans should teach us Christians the art of kindness.” Queequeg reassures him that they (Q & I) are friends *emotional emoji*
This is so weird! There’s a scene where basically the whole crew converges on Ishmael and tells him scary whale facts while he looks terrified!
I feel like Ahab needs to have a beard. I forget if he has one in the book but he SHOULD.
Ted Levine has the absolute BEST judgmental face.
They keep the scene of Ahab throwing his pipe overboard!
Pip sounds like he’s from the Caribbean? Interesting. I looked up the actor and he’s from Wisconsin. 
Fedallah is east Asian instead of Parsi for some reason 
“There’s no savagery of beast that’s not infinitely outdone by that of man.” I love that they retain Ishmael’s bursts of human-phobia!
The little swing Captain Boomer uses to get to the Pequod looks like so much fun
After the encounter with the Samuel Enderby, Starbuck openly stands up to Ahab, but Ahab shuts him down. Then there’s a shot of Pip angrily throwing down his tambourine. I like that. It adds some depth to Pip.
Wait, Bulkington’s name is in the credits??? He’s here??? I looked up the guy who plays him and I don’t recognize him but apparently the character is here somewhere. 
The whale looks so silly
Pip is in Starbuck’s boat here, and the emphasis is on Starbuck, not Stubb, choosing not to bother helping him. That’s an odd choice. I like that Ishmael is trying to get Starbuck to go back for Pip. When the hunt is over, Starbuck proposes going back for him and Stubb argues against it. Now that I think about it, I kind of see what they were going for. Starbuck’s first priority is to get the job done and his second priority is morality. 
When the rescue boat approaches the Pequod, there’s a shot of Ishmael holding Pip in his arms <3
When Pip is lifted aboard, Stubb celebrates. Sir, kindly shut up. You were in favor of leaving him to die. Okay, to be fair, I guess the novel is coloring my view of the miniseries’ take on the character. Here, Stubb wasn’t the one who left him behind, that was Starbuck. Stubb just thought he was probably dead, which I guess is reasonable.
Out of nowhere (unless I’ve forgotten something), Bulkington is an actual character in Part 2.
I love the choice to literally film from Pip’s point of view to depict his terror and disorientation. 
I don’t love this portrayal of Queequeg, to be honest. He lacks subtlety.
Pip starts dressing up as Ahab. I’m trying very hard not to find this funny. I KNOW it’s serious. It just reminds me of when I was a kid and I would entertain my mom by putting on her hat and shoes.
Unlike in the book, here Pip doesn’t become...I don’t know the word for it. Disidentified with himself? He doesn’t talk about “Pip” in the third person or say that Pip is dead or missing.
I like that, unlike the 1956 and 2011 versions, this one is really making an effort to depict the bond that forms between Pip and Ahab. However, the fact that it only forms once Ahab sees Pip dressed up as him cheapens it a bit, I feel. 
Ooh, they have Queequeg stand up to Ahab! That’s a fun choice. 
Ishmael is very angry that everyone on the ship is going mad. 
Why do some of the actors pronounce Queequeg’s name “kee-quay”???
Starbuck catches Bulkington trying to jump ship and go home to his wife. Instead of trying to stop him, he gives him a letter to deliver to Mary. Bulkington suggests that Starbuck just come along with him, but Starbuck can’t bring himself to do that. That’s really interesting. I like that.
Starbuck comes into Ahab’s cabin, where Ahab and Pip are both asleep, and stands menacingly over Ahab. Maybe thinking murderous thoughts? I’m not sure, but DEFINITELY thinking malicious thoughts. But then he sees Ahab put his hand on top of Pip’s, and he softens. I love that.
Ahab takes the wheel in a storm. Major Flint vibes!
Patrick Stewart seems to be having a great time
Ishmael and Starbuck commiserate about how everyone else on this crew has lost their minds. In the book, Ishmael is clear about the fact that he was under Ahab’s spell just like the rest of the crew (minus Starbuck), but I guess they wanted to give him stuff to do in this adaptation aside from just being one of the crowd.
Whoa there is something weird going on between Starbuck and Ishmael. I’m starting to ship it, frankly. 
I don’t like what they did with the “let me gaze into a human eye” scene. In the book, it’s really moving. Here, Starbuck literally has a knife in his hand. Ahab puts his hand on Starbuck’s face and Starbuck looks extremely uncomfortable. However, as the interaction continues, you see Starbuck start to feel less murderous and try to reason with Ahab, so I guess that’s good. 
Oh snap! Starbuck holds the knife to Ahab’s chest...and then starts crying. And then voluntarily lowers the knife. This is wild. Ahab says “what have I done” and you get the sense that he’s on the verge of being persuaded...when the guy on the masthead spots the whale. 
I like that this version includes Fedallah at all but Kee Chan is simply not given a whole lot to work with. 
The cook and the carpenter are both trying to get the doubloon. Guys...priorities.
Starbuck is just hanging out inside the boat this whole time and then the whale rams into the boat and Starbuck and Pip both get overwhelmed by the water :(
As the carpenter dies, there’s a shot of the doubloon in his hand. I like that. 
As with the 2011 version, the “epilogue” feels a little rushed. I guess maybe it just doesn’t translate all that well to the screen. Oh well.
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