#l black pajamas and slippers
byreticence · 1 year
where: cecil's home who: @emmysavoya
it’s not often cecil brings his work home with him. less often that he lets anyone he works with into his home. emerald savoya remains the exception not the rule. the people he trusts are so few and far between there are only two; she’s one of them. he knows she would never betray him. that innate fear of being consumed by the will and desire of another person doesn’t exist when he’s with her. so he lets her in to come and go as she pleases because she would never abuse the privilege. he sets a plate of roasted chicken breast and garlic potatoes in front of her before he sits next to her on the long black sofa - an array of reports spread in front of them. “you know you’re allowed to take a break.” he doesn’t have to point it out yet he stills does, as if she still needs his permission to do things others wouldn’t think twice about. “did you see your therapist after the gala?”
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writingfortheheart · 4 months
Counting to 30: Beth
9 years earlier...
9 years before Beth met Marcianna...
Only 5 years before Beth started at Hope International...
Beth was 20-years-old, in the middle of med school, aiming to get into sports medicine. It was in med school that she met Amy, the love of her life.
In the midst of the pressure of school, Beth had started a ballet class offered through the school. An extracurricular, something to take her mind off her course load. When she put on her slippers, slipped into her leotard, she entered a Zen-like state where nothing could bother her.
Amy had very little interest in ballet, at least until she saw Beth at the gym. Beth had an aura around her that attracted Amy. Peeking into the dance studio across the hall from the gym, seeing Beth in the locker rooms after their respective workouts. It made Amy nervous.
A chance encounter just outside the locker room set everything in motion. Beth had been grabbing a bottle of water from the vending machine just outside the gym, and Amy decided to do the same. Amy made the first move. "Uh...hi?"
Beth wheeled around, a confused look on her face, "Hi? I'm sorry..."
"No, we don't know each other, but..." Amy stammered, "I've seen you in the dance studio..."
A smile crept across Beth's face. She said nothing and let Amy continue. "You're beautiful...I mean, ballet is beautiful, and you look..."
Beth's face turned red. She put her hand on Amy's shoulder. "Thank you". It wasn't often she was complimented on her looks. She had no idea what to say.
"I'd like to buy you a coffee..." said Amy, the words coming from her mouth like a rocket, "Or whatever you prefer. Tea? Soda? No, you're a ballerina, not soda..."
Beth nodded. "I'd like that. Is tonight okay?"
Something bubbled up in Amy's chest, a giggle, "Yeah. Can we meet at the dorms? We'll go from there?"
That night, Beth and Amy fell in love. A quick kiss outside the dorm sealed the deal.
Within the next few months, Beth and Amy had rented an apartment not far from the campus. They wanted to be as close as possible to each other.
After a long day, Beth came in the door to the house, Amy stood waiting with a smile on her face. Beth brightened upon seeing Amy. She leaned in and kissed Amy. "Hey, love. How was your day?"
Amy pulled Beth in. "Better now that you're here. I have dinner ready, if you want it. After that..."
"After that I have to get some school work done...but maybe you can help me". Beth kissed Amy again, their mouths opening, Beth sliding her tongue into Amy's mouth.
After dinner, Beth and Amy went to their bedroom. Beth took a quick shower and changed into a nightgown as Amy changed into a pair of pajamas. Beth went over to her school bag and rummaged through. "Are you ready to help me?" Amy nodded. "Please lay down on the bed", said Beth.
Beth's slender form glided toward Amy on the bed, her black night dress complimented by an old pair of jazz shoes she had repurposed as house slippers. "I just have to practice my auscultation", Beth put her stethoscope on and went to work.
Beth started her examination at the top of Amy's chest, listening to her heartbeat. About halfway through the examination, Amy let out a giggle. "When do we get to the mouth to mouth?" she asked jokingly. Beth pulled the stethoscope from her ears. "Are you feeling short of breath?" she asked, a smile playing on her face. Amy nodded, biting her lip.
Beth leaned in, "Breath out...". Amy did as she was told. Beth's mouth covered Amy's and she gave a gentle breath, filling Amy's lungs with her air. Amy's body bristled. "Again..."
The rescue breathing demonstration turned to kissing, and kissing turned into much more. They made passionate love, Beth's fingers finding her way down Amy's pajama pants as she gave Amy gentle breaths, Amy's fingers finding their way up Beth's nightgown as she took breaths.
When all was done, Beth and Amy held each other.
Beth and Amy were no longer together, but Beth still loved her. It had been 9 years, but the love was still there.
Beth woke up, she was lying on the floor of Marcianna's room. She could hear Marcianna groaning in the bed beside her. She only meant to stay for a little bit, making sure Marcianna was alright. Beth sat up and looked over at Marcianna sleeping on the bed, her face twisted into a pained expression.
Beth brushed Marcianna's hair from her face. "It gets better..."
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cindibarr · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MAD DOG CONCEPTS Girl's Micro Fleece Jogger Pajama Lounge Pants 2 Pair Set L NWT.
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sugusshi · 2 years
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➥ Sanzu Haruchiyo x GN!Reader
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➥ Characters: gn!reader, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Hitto Kakucho, Haitiani Ran, Haitani Rindou
— brief mentions of: Takeomi and Mikey
➥ disclaimers/warnings: gn!reader with afab terms, some fluff, use of the pet name "bunny", unprotected sex (USE PROTECTION!!), anal, some cursing [do let me know if I missed anything major]
➥ word count: 3.6k
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➥ author’s note: A gift for my dear Junie, @undersakusa, to help with their Sanzu brain rot ♡ And thank you Dei (@rozcdust for making the banner 💗)
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“Huh? Say that again? I think I misheard you?” You ask your boyfriend on the phone as you walk around in your pajamas, too lazy to change after waking up this morning.
His sultry voice laughs through the line in an almost mocking tone. It’s like he can see your pout because he coos, “Fuck, you’re so cute. I said: Some of the guys want to meet you so be ready for our arrival in about… Thirty minutes.”
“Thirty minutes?! Haru that’s-”
“They’re ordering dinner later since I told them they’re the ones intruding,” He snickers, “So that’s enough time for you to get out of your pjs and doll up~” You open your mouth to protest again, but he cuts you off. “Not too much though, okay? Don’t need them getting any ideas about my sweetheart.” The little fucker knows you too well because your cheeks are burning with a blush as he laughs again, “See ya soon baby~”
Not letting you get a word in, the line goes dead, leaving you standing there in your living room contemplating your existence. “Thirty minutes…? Gah! Wait until I get my hands on him, I’ll-” You stop mid threat as you look around and thank the heavens you decided to clean the apartment before heading to bed last night. Okay, so you didn’t have to clean up too much… but still! Sanzu knows you hate last minute plans like this, especially if it involves his friends, who by what you also know are also his coworkers. Let’s not forget you’ve never met them before either!! Was he trying to kill you?!
“Whatever,” You huff. You’ll get back at Sanzu later. For now, you have cute teddy bear pajamas to replace or else suffer the consequences of more teasing.
· · ────── · ·
Not even one minute after the thirty minute mark, you hear the door opening followed by multiple footsteps, various voices voicing a greeting or excusing themself, and a very dramatic:
“Honey, I’m home~!”
You can already tell this night is going to be a long one as Sanzu giggles. “You’re so annoying…” You pout as you make yourself seen, walking from the hallway to your bedroom. You’re dressed in some simple jean shorts, a purple shirt that can’t be seen under the white fluffy sweatshirt you’re wearing, and house slippers.
Sanzu can already tell which sweatshirt you’re wearing and he’s living for it. It’s one you ordered a month or so ago with cute floppy bunny ears on the hoodie and a matching fluffy round tail on the back. Before anyone can even greet you, he takes you in his arms, face snuggling into your neck as he has no shame in marking your soft skin. You squeak when you feel his teeth digging into your neck, embarrassed and attempt to pull away, but his large hands hold you by the hips. Just one squeeze makes you pliant and obedient, despite the looks his friends are giving you and your flushed face.
“Dude, we did not come here to see this,” One of the men with short purple hair speaks up, your saving grace as your boyfriend finally pulls away with a cocky grin on his face.
“You’re free to leave then~”
You guess the shame is evident in your face as one man, with pretty black hair with a scar going from the middle of his forehead to his left eye, steps up and extends his hand to you with a gentle smile, probably to help lessen your embarrassment, “Hitto Kakucho, it’s nice to meet you…?”
“...... OH!” Your embarrassment fades away (for now) as you shake Kakucho’s hand, a nervous smile on his face, “L/N Y/N, but Y/N is just fine. It’s nice to meet you too.” Thankfully the ice is broken after Sanzu’s little stunt and they all introduce themselves as your nerves calm down, despite some of their weary looks. “Please, come take a seat!” You usher them into the living room where the TV is playing some random movie that was on and your video game consoles at the ready. You didn’t even know if they played video games, but it was worth a shot if they didn’t want to watch anything. Then again… by the way they’re dressed, maybe they weren’t into movies or video games… Oh my god?! How are you supposed to be a good host if you don’t even know what they like?
“Sorry for coming on such short notice,” Kakucho says as he looks around the small but comfy apartment while you go to the kitchen to serve them water to distract yourself from your nervous mind.
“It’s okay!” You reassure as you set the cups of water on the coffee table, “I have been nagging at him to let me meet his friends and coworkers he mentions so much. It’s a shame I couldn’t cook us anything this time, but maybe next time?”
“Isn’t my bunny so sweet and docile?” Sanzu hums as he sits on the lone recliner, almost as is marking himself king in your apartment, clearly taking advantage of the sweatshirt you’re wearing. He then pats his lap as all the water is served, wordlessly telling you what to do and you of course listen to him like the good little lover you are. You sit on his lap, legs over his own as he wraps a secure arm around you to keep you close. “Next time you can meet the others, ‘kay? They had a meeting to attend, including my brother.”
“Booo,” You playfully whine, “Who else is gonna suffer with me if Omi isn’t here?”
“Suffer?! Is that how you see this??”
“I kid, I kid,” You grin, kissing the corner of Sanzu’s lips, right over one of his scars (which makes him melt every time), “I’m very happy to finally meet at least some of the others.”
“Okay, what the fuck?” Rindou breaks out in a curse, making Sanzu raise a brow and you tilt your head in confusion.
“I’m sorry?” Did you do something wrong besides sit on your boyfriend’s lap?
“What?” Sanzu has a look in his eye that isn’t very nice, but you fiddle with his fingers to calm him. You don’t exactly want a fight or what not to break out in your living room. It would be a hassle to clean up later. “The fuck is up with you all of a sudden?”
“What- You serious right now?” It’s like Rindou’s patience is being tested, Ran chuckles as he pats his brother on the back.
“I think what he’s trying to ask is that you know Takeomi already?” Ran asks, a curious brow raised in amusement.
“Well, yeah,” You answer like it was the dumbest question in the world. “I met him like… a month or so after I started dating Haru. I actually met Omi when he picked me up from my job when Sanzu got caught up with work with your boss uh… Mikey, is it?”
At the mention of their boss, the Haitani brothers and Kakucho stiffen. Was their boss really that sore of a topic outside of work?
“They… They know about Mikey?” Kakucho asks hesitantly.
Gosh you wish you recorded the look on Sanzu’s face at the question. It’s a mix between shock, betrayal, and disgust. “Of course dumbass! Mikey knows about Y/N too.”
“I just haven’t met him yet,” You add on, “I’ve listened in sometimes when Haru has to talk to him on the phone. We’ve greeted each other but that’s about it.”
“Wait you’ve lis-” Ran tries to interject but his no-so-patient brother cuts him off.
“Listened in?! Sanzu what the fuck?” Rindou practically growls out, standing up in such a haste that he knocks over the glasses of water with his knees, “Partner or not, they’re not allowed to listen in. They don’t even know what you do! Are you really that reckless and stupid?” The air around you thickens.
“Tch,” Sanzu clicks his tongue, the grip on your waist tightens up, but you know it’s just his way of trying to calm himself down with you as his grounding. He ignores Rindou and grabs your face so you can focus your attention on him. “Bunny, you know what I do right?”
You blink at him, giving a small nod, “Yeah, of course.”
“Say it. Tell them what you know I do so they can shut up.” He lets go of your face and you nod again, taking a hold of his right hand, rolling down the sleeves to reveal the black inked tattoo on his right forearm.
“You’re a member of Bonten, one of Japan’s most wanted criminal groups, if not, the most wanted really,” You pause as your pointer finger softly traces the black ink on Sanzu’s arm, a small smile on your face as you look back at Sanzu, the growing grin on your face making Sanzu want to take you right there and then, “In fact, Haru here is Bonten’s number two.” No one says a thing as you look back at the others, tilting your head in a cute manner, “Correct?”
“Alright, that’s it,” Rindou flops back down on the couch with his head in his hands, “I don’t get anything anymore.”
Sanzu laughs at this, giving your cheek a sloppy kiss, “Just because my bunny doesn’t look like it, they do in fact know who I am and what I do. All of us in fact. Why do you think they didn’t say or do anything when they saw your own tattoos? Anybody else would have ran for the hill.” God, he was so proud of you. His cute little bunny, an appearance that made you seem naive, but little did anybody know that you were dating a big bad wolf.
“Well I’ll be damned…” Ran whistles impressed. He never quite understood why Sanzu was so addicted to you, babbling about what you made him for dinner or how cute you looked in the last selfie you sent, but now he knew. Now he knew why Mikey wasn’t the only thing in Sanzu’s top priorities. You were a keeper, that the three could tell. You knew not only what your boyfriend did, but his friends and coworkers too, yet you still stayed. It was no wonder Sanzu was so clingy with you, and you to him.
After a couple more seconds of silence, Kakucho makes a noise of panic as water from the coffee table starts dripping onto the carpeted floor. “Dammit Haitani! Help clean this shit up!”
“Why do I have to clean it up?”
“It’s okay!” You reassure, trying to get out of Sanzu’s lap but unsuccessful as he only wraps his other arm around you, “Haru let me just-”
“No can do~” Sanzu hums, looking over and giving Rindou a closed eye smile, “Don’t be a dick to my bunny. Clean up your mess or else I’m telling Mikey to tell Koko to put a cleaning bill on your card.”
“You’re paying for dinner too,” Ran adds on with a chuckle, “For being so mean to poor Y/N who has been nothing but a nice host.”
Rindou’s nose twitches, wanting to strangle both his brother and friend, but sighs in defeat when you look over at him apologetically, pretty E/C eyes almost gleaming at him. “Whatever…” He huffs, walking to your kitchen and getting a towel and paper towels to clean up the water spill.
“You don’t have to be so mean to him, y’know,” You pout at Sanzu who has one hand under your warm clothes and on your back while the other rests on your exposed thigh, “It’s not his fault or any of their faults for not knowing I already knew. And pulling that Mikey card was uncalled for too! It’s just water babe.”
“Okay and? I wasn’t able to let you off my lap so I took drastic measures,” The way he mumbles this reminds you of a child throwing a quiet tantrum, but it only makes you smile. He is always so protective and loving of you, especially as you come from a world quite opposite of him and honestly? You wouldn’t have it any other way. You love your big bad wolf.
“Ahem,” Kakucho clears his throat, trying to break the ice yet again as Rindou finishes up cleaning, “May I ask how you two met?”
You look at Sanzu who only gives you a grin and a nod making you giggle, “Sure, but you can’t judge or tease me about it, okay?”
“Oho?” Ran leans forward, his grin almost matching Sanzu’s, “Please tell.”
· · ────── · ·
“That’s some bullshit! I was winning!” Rindou almost throws his controller to the side, but doesn’t as he remembers this is your home.
“Oh suck it Rin,” Ran rolls his eyes, “Just admit defeat you sore loser.”
“Blue shells… Why are they even a thing?” Kakucho mutters, shaking his head as he sets his controller down. He too had lost the race just because he was too close to the impact of the blue shell that had gone after Rindou. And who threw the shell may you ask? Ran of course.
Ran came in first, with Sanzu as second, computers in third and forth, followed by Rindou in sixth and Kakucho in seventh. If you didn’t know better, you wouldn’t have guessed that these four men in your apartment were top notch criminals with the way they bantered and screamed. But you did know better and it was quite a sight to see. Especially the way Sanzu laughs so warmly, the vibrating of his chest against your back as he rests his chin on your shoulder. The playful yet cocky grin on his face as he teases Rindou for his loss.
You guess you were staring at your boyfriend for too long because the next thing you know, you feel a pinch on your inner thigh making you jump and him smirk. “Something on my face baby?”
You quickly shake your head, the blush evident on your face and you couldn’t be more thankful that the others were too focused on the video game in front of him. “Nope-!” Just as Sanzu’s hand was moving up more on your thigh, you heard knocks at your door and you scurry off his lap, “Oh look! Dinner!”
Everyone turns to look at you, skipping away to get the food they ordered, their eyes dropping to the fluffy bunny tail you indeed did have on the back of your sweatshirt and then down to your cute little butt. Kakucho looked away quickly, scolding himself mentally as both Haitani’s continued staring until Sanzu huffed in disappointment.
Sanzu leans back on the recliner, snarling when he sees Ran looking at him with a shit eating grin, “What?!”
“Oh nothing, nothing,” Ran laughs, starting up the next race.
Little did they know that Sanzu saw where they were all looking moments ago and he was not about to let that fly. Oh no, not at all. You were his bunny and his alone. A small smirk goes unseen as he focuses on the current race at hand, staying attentive to the background noise of you closing the door and making your way back to the kitchen. You’re humming a song quietly as you set plates out, unaware of his future plans for you.
“Oh bunny…” He thinks, “My cute little bunny.”
· · ────── · ·
“H-Haru-” You whimper as your head is being pushed down into the bathroom sink, your round cute ass up with your poor feet on their tip-toes. “T-This is wrong-” You mewl as Sanzu thrusts hard into you, “They haven’t- ha-'' Your body winces with the slap your asscheek gets, but it doesn’t fail to make you wetter between your legs, “left yet…” You manage to mutter out, a bit of drool slipping from the corner of your mouth.
“Hm~?” Sanzu hums, his large slender hands grabbing a hold of the fat of your hips, “Is my bunny mentioning others?” He pulls out just enough so the head of his cock is barely inside the tight hole of your ass. “Do I need to punish you to remind you who you need to focus on?” He thrusts so hard into you, the front of your legs make an audible ‘thump’ against the sink’s vanity. “Who do you belong to~?” You shake your head, your mouth trying to let out coherent words, but all you can do is moan and groan into the sink as you’re fucked stupid. “Huh? Bunny?” His right hand lets go of your hip only to find purchase on your nape. But instead of grabbing onto your neck like he usually does, he pushes the hoodie of your sweatshirt more onto you, the front of it covering your eyes. Not like you needed your eyes anyway. Your boy is fucking you so slow and deep you keep squeezing your eyes shut, pleasure tears pricking the corners of your eyes. “Answer me bunny. You know how I feel when you don’t answer me.” His voice is cooing at you, but very serious.
And with the visitors s t i l l in your home, you didn’t want to be punished. “Haru I-” Your walls clench around his cock, making him hiss in pleasure. “I belong to y-you-” You’re trying to throw your hips back to prove your point but his strong hands hold you still. “Your bunny,” You pout as he stops moving his hips.
“What was that?” God, you hate the fact you can hear the cocky grin on his face. “Say that again. I don’t think they heard you.” Without warning, he slams back into you as your eyes roll back.
“Y-Yours Haru!” You mewl out, embarrassment be damned. Sanzu was making you feel too good to be quiet. “Yours- ah fuck,” With each word that leaves your lips, the pace of his hips pick up. “All yours!”
“That’s right…” Sanzu growls, looking down at where your bodies are joined. The tight ring of muscles straining to take all of him yet deliciously. “All mine baby. Mine.” You don’t feel him move his hand away from your head until he slips his fingers into your mouth, your tongue lolling out, spit trailing down your chin. “Mine, mine, mine…” He pants like a mantra, stuck in the feeling of you. Wanting to feel all of you. Just you.
He grins almost sadistically when his fingers leave your mouth making you whine at the feeling of emptiness. Though before you can complain, his wet fingers make their way around your waist and in between your legs. You twitch with a jolt when Sanzu rubs the pad of his thumb in circles on your clit. He purrs when two fingers slide between your folds, “My pretty bunny. You’re so close aren’t you~?”
“Y-Yes! Please-” By now there's tears streaming down your cheeks. “Please H-Haru! Need to come! Please!”
“Fuck…” How could he ever deny you when you were being so sweet and obedient? He licks his lips as continues to play with your clit, your hot walls tightening around his cock making him see stars for a moment. His thrusts are relentless as he bends over your body, panting in your ear. “I love you bunny, shit-” Your whimpers and cries are music to his ears. “My good little bunny…”
“Haru~!” Your body spasms as you reach your peak, slumped over the sink completely now, legs shaky. Your climax drenches your inner thighs and just as you struggle to get up, you feel warmth on your backside. “What the…?” With languid movements, you look back, barely able to see because of the hoodie covering your eyes. What you see makes your eyes go wide and your mouth agape. “H-Haru!”
And your face adorned with a red blush, drool down your chin, and hair sticking to your forehead only makes Sanzu take another picture. “What?” He grins, his now soft cock resting between your asscheeks, “I’m just admiring what’s mine~” This only makes you whine as you hide your face in your arms making him laugh. “You look so pretty with my cum on your ass like this baby…” He hums, making you shiver as he slides his finger down your back and to the sticky mess he left on you. “Disappointed because I didn’t come inside you?”
Your silence is all but an answer. He can see the way you rub your thighs together, aching to be filled again.
“Oh my sweet bunny,” Sanzu grins as he ruts his hips against you, his now hardening cock rubbing against your thigh, a wide grin on his scarred lips. “We’re just getting started.”
· · ────── · ·
“Y-Yours Haru!” Your voice is loud and clear, even down the hall and through a door.
“That bastard…” Ran sneers, the feeling of his pants tightening making him uncomfortable in his seat.
“Yeah, uhm,” Kakucho’s poor face is stained with red as he stands up to gather his things, “We should leave. I’m sure they want some time alone.”
“He did this on purpose…” Rindou mutters, the sounds of your sweet moans not leaving him unaffected either.
Sanzu’s laughter through the hall proves their point, the brothers making no motion to leave to Kakucho’s disbelief.
“Seriously?!” He grabs both brothers by their ears like a parent would, “We are leaving! Now!” And out he drags two full grown men out of Sanzu’s apartment who looked like they were ready to not only keep listening, but possibly join as well.
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© all works belong to sugusshi | DO NOT COPY OR REPOST
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TAG LIST: @bxnten @spookydraken @rozcdust @crybabylisa @missarabellla @sh4nn @beautifulblhell @haikyuufairy @hanayanetwork
Do comment or send an ask if you want to be tagged in future works ♡
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urlkssknt · 2 years
last piece (8)
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pairing - nanami kento x fem!gojou!reader x fushiguro toji
genre - parent!au, 4.8k
warnings nothing alarming just some swearing and nanami being mad ig
a/n - this is going to be the last shortish chapter🤞 i do want to say that from now on in the story a lot of tense stuff will happen so pls do read the warnings. as always, thank you so much for reading!! ly<3333333
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now playing - goodbye winter, day6
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Returning home felt like pure bliss, knowing that you would finally be able to take off the uncomfortable heels that you were wearing all day long, digging into the soft flesh of your feet to create harsh cuts and sore blisters. You’d also finally be able to rid yourself of the tight wired bra confined to your chest, the metal wire painfully prodding into your skin. God you couldn’t wait to get into your cozy pajamas and fall asleep in your bed. The feeling of taking off your heels was close to euphoric, the hardwood floor was cold under your feet but luckily you managed to slip into some slippers placed near the shoe rack to save yourself from the cold.
The three boys behind you all moved sluggishly as if they were toys which had their batteries removed, making them inanimate and lifeless. You weren’t sure whether you should feel grateful about how tired they are or a little concerned, for now you would just help them out of their school shoes and thick coats before ushering them into your home. They were all so exhausted from not only going to school but spending the rest of their afternoon running around the spacious garden of your grandfather’s mansion, playing it and chasing after a ball. It was easy to excite the boys when the grass went on for miles and miles, a bigger field than the one in the playground.
Whilst Megumi walked to his room to change his clothes by himself, the twins sat on the sofa diligently waiting to be taken home. Nanami hadn’t sent you another text message from the one in the afternoon. It was ten at night. Surely his meeting wasn’t taking that long. You assumed that he must be at home by now and probably fell asleep so that was why he didn’t text you. Before you left, you told the twins to just wait for a small five minutes as you went to get their dad. Yuuji nodded tiredly with a loud yawn in response, the way his face scrunched up was too adorable.
Standing outside the door, you made sure to knock the door with a heavy fist so the pounding sound could be heard, just in case Kento was actually sleeping. For a few moments, you wait patiently as you hear the sounds of rustling and shuffling coming from the other side of the door. In those few seconds, you brush any stray hairs behind your ears to make yourself look somewhat presentable.
The smile on your face drops instantly when the door opens to reveal another woman, who you didn’t recognise, and not your boyfriend like you expected. You definitely knew the loose black shirt and shorts she was wearing were items of clothing that belong to Nanami, his gym clothes specifically. A million different thoughts run across your mind, trying to piece the limited bits of information together.
“Who are you?” The red haired woman hisses at you with her dark eyes filled with anger. The murderous look held in her eyes made your mouth run dry and your heart beat a little harder to pump the oxygen to your brain.
“Y/N!” It was Nanami who said your name with a tone of surprise and shock. He wondered who could have been knocking at the door so late at night. You were the last person he was expecting, so Kento did anticipate your presence, his mind was too preoccupied with Yuki. “I-it’s not what it l-looks like!” Kento manages to spit out as his worried gaze shifts from Yuki’s angry face to your look of confusion.
You wouldn’t look Kento in the eye, your eyes were drawn to the figure of the woman standing in the doorway, shielding Kento away from you.
Yuki inspects you from head to toe, analysing you with a burning stare that you could practically feel scorching your skin. She had to admit Nanami had a good taste in women, but she’d never let another woman take her rightful place in his heart. Nanami belonged to no one other than her. “Is she a friend, Kenny?”
An awkward silence fills the air as the tension rises. You were waiting for Nanami to answer the stupid question, you had to admit you were just as interested to hear the answer as the woman who asked it. A voice in your mind raised an anxiety in your mind, why was it taking him so long to answer? Why hasn’t he told her that you’re not just a simple friend? Why the fuck was she wearing his clothes? You couldn’t keep track of the thoughts running amuck in your mind, there were too many to count, the constant increase began to make your head spin. The question wasn’t difficult but from the conflicting look on Nanami’s face, you could tell he was having an inward battle about giving the right answer.
“Does your friend know we’re getting back together?” She asks again, a sly smirk emerging on her lips, a look that you miss entirely.
Your stomach drops. “What?”
“Kenny and I are going to be a family again, shouldn’t you be happy for your friend?” The short haired woman explains with an animated smile plastered along her face. She wraps herself along Nanami’s arm, clinging to the limb like a feasting leach. Meanwhile, Nanami couldn’t bear to look at you, fixing his gaze on the floor, far away from you. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stomach the guilt growing within his conscience.
"Yeah, so h-happy.” You try your best to keep your emotions in check when all you could think about were violent aggressive thoughts. You were hurt and angry, so fucking angry. At Nanami, at yourself, at everything. “I-I’ll go get the b-boys.”
Without another word you turn around, ready to go back to your apartment, blood pulsing around your body at a dangerously rapid rate. The pitiful mask crumples from your face instantly when you’re in the safety of your home, where the laughter of the boys is loud and joyful. You guessed they weren’t tired anymore. Before you knew it, the tears falling against your cheeks were hot and the pounding of your broken heart was ringing loudly in your ears. You couldn’t feel a thing apart from familiarity, you’ve been in this scenario before and it hurt just as much. Why was there always someone else? You wondered. Something must have been wrong with you for the men you choose to date to go out seeking their past girlfriends. To hold back a sob, you bite down on your hand as hard as you could until all could be heard were shaky breaths.
“Mummy!” You hear Sukuna call out for you unexpectedly, the small boy was standing a few metres away from you at the other end of the hallway where it connects to the living room. Quickly, you wipe at the stray tears and hope that the lighting was low enough for the eagle-eyed child not to notice the lines streaking against your face.
“Did you have fun today, bubs?” Your voice wavered as you spoke, making you mentally slap yourself for being so weak.
Sukuna nods his head enthusiastically, just like you expected. What you would give to be the little boy for a day. An ounce of tiredness he felt before was all gone now, his eyes were bright and filled with a certain lively essence instead of dropping low tiredly, completely shutting at any moment.
Gently, you run a hand through his soft short hair before cupping his small chubby cheek. The thing you loved most about children were their cheeks and Sukuna had the biggest and brightest cheeks you had ever seen, not to mention the deep dimples around his face. Sukuna was so adorable, you would eat him if you could. Part of you began to wonder, did he get those features from Nanami or that other short haired woman. The thought twisted your stomach uncontrollably hard like someone wringing a wet towel.
A shallow sigh escapes your trembling lips, you weren’t sure what to say, no thoughts came to your mind. You were a mess. All you could think about was Nanami and that stupid guilty look of his stupid handsome face, even now you couldn’t curse him out properly.
“You might have to call me ‘Y/N’ again baby.”
Sukuna’s smile dropped instantly at your words, it should have been a world record.“Why?”
You realised you made a mistake in opening your mouth but now you had to say something to soothe the unnecessary worry you stirred in Sukuna. “I don't think your daddy will like it.”
“But papa loves you mummy, he told me so,” Sukuna said confidently as if to prove to you that he wasn’t lying but telling the truth. Naturally, you believe Sukuna because he’s a smart boy who picks up on things quickly but you witnessed something he didn’t, which made his statement false.
Why couldn’t you also just be a child again? Your only worry then was if you did enough to please your mum and dad, if you didn’t, it was alright because you had a doting older brother and a grandfather who treated you like a princess.
“Should we have a sleepover again?” you suggest with a simple smile. Anything to take your mind off Nanami and the random woman clinging to his arm, you’d even do a replay of your parent’s anniversary party and continuously listen to Toji’s engagement on a loop.
All three boys managed to fit into your bed alongside you after the hassle of them trying to decide who got to sleep next to you. They decided between them that a game of rock, paper, scissors would be the only fair way to gain a winner. Yuuji ended up winning against Megumi in the last round by making a fist and Megumi showed a straight hand for paper. The pinked haired twin was curled into your side, his heavy head resting on your chest. In about five minutes, your shirt would be filled with drool, not that you minded but it wasn’t your ideal sleeping plan. The other two boys were quick to fall asleep, shutting out like a light as soon as their heads hit the pillow. There were far too many thoughts running around in your mind for you to be able to sleep peacefully.
You decided to text Nanami, not to engage in a conversation with him but to make him aware of the twin’s whereabouts so he doesn’t think you’ve just left them somewhere random, waiting to be kidnapped due to your negligence.
Y/N: the boys are really tired so i think it might be best for them to stay over, i’ve given them megumi’s pjs, and i’ll make sure they get to school tomorrow on time so don’t worry
nanami kento💙: Let’s go together
nanami kento💙: I promise you it’s not what looks like
nanami kento💙: Just let me explain please
nanami kento💙: Please Y/N
You read over the last few texts a few more times before turning your phone off and putting it to the side. It took everything within you to not just act like a petty teenager and just block Nanami’s number but sadly you were an adult and you’d have to deal with this sinister situation with a steady head. Even when you just wanted to cry into your pillow. Maybe this was all a bad dream and when you’d wake up Kento would walk the kids to school with you and laugh about how absurd the scenario sounds because he’d never lie to you about meeting his ex who he’s never mentioned, and he’d never let a woman stay over his house without notifying you (not that Kento needed to, you weren’t that type of person, but a heads up is always good). This was your worst nightmare. You lived through it once and now you had to go through it again. At least this time you weren’t married and had a newborn. No. This time you had three children to take into consideration. You wouldn’t be able to act as you please.
It ached, your heart didn’t shatter into pieces, not yet. Some miniscule part of you had doubts in your mind. It seemed too good to be true. A single, well-educated, kind, handsome man moves in across the hall from you with his two sons that were so endearing you’d give them the world if you could. There was no way that man would genuinely love you back. But every time he smiled at you, teeth on display, smile lines deepening, eyes squinting ever so slightly, you swore you could feel every cell in your body light on fire. You felt as if you didn’t waste so many years of your youth on just one single man, as if you didn’t commit your biggest regret of dedicating your whole self to someone so willingly, because Nanami made you feel like a teenager all over again. You thought you made him feel like that too but you were wrong.
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“Fuck!” Nanami curses under his breath when he sees the ‘read 10:43’ notification and not a single small gray bubble popping up to let him know you were going to reply back. He knew you wouldn’t. It’s far too late at night, he should have been in bed either reading another chapter of the current book resting on his nightstand or looking over his work calendar for the next day. Feeling stressed out was an understatement, this was worse than being stressed. There was one person who fucked it all up - Yuki.
Nanami wasn’t an aggressive person. He hated violence, there was nothing more embarrassing than a poor fist fight, which he had witnessed multiple times because his friends used to get riled up when they were drunk. However, sometimes, when he has been pushed just enough, Kento feels like exploding and creating a mess because god knows he is far too uptight for an average person and all that rigidness doesn’t do a person good. He felt like exploding now, bursting out all the pent up anger he had accumulated throughout the day but pushed aside and under a carpet to never be rehashed again. How wrong he was.
“Stop swearing Kenny,” Yuki says from the kitchen as she closes the cabinet she had opened, searching for something to eat so she could stop the rumbling in her stomach. Everything edible in the apartment was either a carbohydrate that she was trying to avoid, or required some form of minimal effort to make, something she didn’t want to do so late in the night.
Observing each and every move the woman in his kitchen made with attentive eyes, Kento hated the supposed-domestic image of Yuki in his clothes scrambling around for something suitable to eat. If he was 21, a naive boy who was barely surviving in university, this would be the scene of a dream come true. To have the woman he loved the most. Sadly, that credulous boy endured so much unnecessary pain for years on end from the girl he desperately loved and then suddenly, one day he grew up. All the warmth within his young soul vanished and a cold emptiness was left lingering.
Pure rage sprouted in every nook and crevice of Kento’s body, blood boiling at the simple sight before him.
“Get out of my house.” The words were sharp and distinct in the silent apartment. Yuki paused whatever she was doing and stilled in her stop, feet rooted to the floor like a tree. She planned on staying right where she was, out of protest and as a confirmation that this space was only meant to be invaded by her. Nothing would have prepared the woman to be dragged out by the arm, Nanami’s arm had such a tight grip on her flesh his nails left deep marks, everything happened so quickly. One minute she was in the kitchen and the next, a door was slamming in her face. Yuki wanted to scream. She wasn’t the only person that was mad. How dare Nanami treat her like this! After everything!
Keeping a cool composure was much harder than Nanami expected. He wanted to release all the insurmountable emotions coursing throughout his entire body but punching a wall wasn’t a good idea, it was childish. So he stood in his place just staring at the door, taking deep heavy breaths, hoping that if he waited long enough the heavy weight on his shoulders would drop.
For the rest of the night Kento lays in bed awake and alone, the twins were across the hall so he couldn’t even try coaxing one of them to crawl into the large bed and cling to his side. Staring up at the plain ceiling didn’t help in producing any fatigue, the male’s brain was more alert now than an hour ago. Being awake caused needless notions to be fed into his mind, multiple different scenarios about how the next day would go were on an endless repeat. There was no hope for having an ounce of sleep, to escape the hellish nightmare happening.
It wasn’t a surprise that he hadn’t slept at all, mind unfocused and fixated on you, although you weren’t the sole reason for his inability to sleep. Maybe a little, the smallest, tiniest bit. The weight moved from his shoulders to settle amongst his chest, doing little to ease his anxiety.
Kento’s body was so conditioned to helping the boys get ready for school. First get the kids up, usher Yuuji into the bathroom and then Sukuna, make sure they brush their teeth and hair, find a clean pair of mismatching socks to wear, whilst the two boys get dressed Nanami would choose his own outfit for work as well. Nowadays, he found himself trying to put in a little more effort in his style, extra attention on gelling his blond strands, no detail wasn’t examined under his scrutinising gaze. All in hopes for an extra glance from a certain pair of sparkling, bright eyes. (Definitely not Satoru and his creepy stare.) It was odd to have all this extra time on hand, Kento had no idea what to do. Should he go to your apartment and help you with the kids? There wasn’t a possibility that you could handle all three boys by yourself, Kento couldn’t even handle his twins let alone a whole small group. The difference would be that the twins actually listen to your words and treat them like absolutes meanwhile they had no problem with defying their father. Kento didn’t know what it was about you that made his children hang off your every word and smile. He had to admit he was the same, he would do anything to please you.
“Papa!” Sukuna’s shout shakes Nanami from the daze he found himself in as he waited patiently outside in the silent hallway. When did he get into the hallway? Somehow Kento’s body went into autopilot without him realising and before he knew it, he was outside your door, thinking of ideas of what to say to you.
During the whole walk to school you manage to find a way to not speak to the blond male, instead you busied yourself with Sukuna and Yuuji, holding their small hands as you three walked ahead. Megumi had a light grip on Kento’s hand as he babbled about the large dogs at his grandfather’s house.
You didn’t offer Nanami a ride to work like you did the day before. How long were you going to ignore him for? Sending text messages wasn’t a successful response to the situation but Nanami couldn’t even manage to talk to you face to face when you avoided him like a plague.
It had to be today of all days. Kento watched you go in and out of the main board room, meeting with various different people. Each time the smile on your face stayed the same but he could sense the exhaustion from the metres of distance between you. Did you even have lunch? He began to wonder. The work day was nearing an end and he still didn’t manage to sneak himself into your schedule to talk to you. After waiting patiently for hours and hours, his determination began to wilt with every passing minute, which also meant that in that fleeting time, you weren’t aware of the truth.
Normally, Kento would never even think about entertaining the idea of entering a person’s private space suddenly but time was running out and his guilty conscience was eating him alive. Kento swears he’s a good person, even when he finds himself abruptly leaving his desk and marching over to your office, to swing your door open with a bang, which scares the shit out of you from the startling presence.
Nanami begins speaking before you could even express your anger from him invading your privacy. “Just hear me out for five minutes,” he was desperate to share his side of the story, “please.”
A silence emerges as your eyes bore into his own, this time Kento was able to hold contact with you so he wouldn’t miss a single emotion. Without a reply, Nanami decides it would be best to just talk and explain the situation even if you hadn’t replied. So that is exactly what he does. He explains every little detail and leaves no stone unturned; how Yuki is the birth mother of his twins, who he got into contact with recently, and it was Yuki seeking for Kento, not the other way around (he made sure to emphasise this fact). Kento began to explain their plan to co-parent their sons after the talk in the coffee shop. It felt like Nanami had rambled on for hours when in reality his explanation took about six solid minutes, all that talking made his throat dry up.
“Okay,” you reply simply with an expressionless face before returning your gaze to the pile of paperwork you had accumulated through the day.
Kento didn’t feel the weight release its tension from his body, if anything it got tighter.
“S-so you understand?” He asks whilst a small part of his mind told himself to anticipate for the worst.
A sigh falls from your lips as you release the page in your hand and direct your eyes to the male in front of you. You reminded yourself to be tough, not to fall so quickly again. Nanami still hadn’t uttered a single apology to you.
“You lied to me on two occasions,” you began saying with an irritated tone, matching the disgruntled look in your eyes, “you met your ex whilst I was the one looking after your kids, and to top it off, you didn’t bother telling her about our relationship.”
“Are we even in a relationship, Y/N?” Nanami’s voice raised at you slightly, being the loudest it has ever been in an angry tone. It caught the both of you off guard. Nanami wanted to apologise almost immediately for snapping at you. He’s so fucking tired, it felt like his mind was no longer working from the little sleep he got, which was why he was lashing out and saying crazy things that were hurtful and he didn’t mean.
The room stills for what feels like years as the pair of you were appalled at the outburst. You wanted to punch Nanami or even kick him, do anything to relieve yourself of the multitude of pain you were feeling. You decided to bite back your response and just stay silent, nothing good would come about if you erupted into a screaming match for the whole floor to hear.
“Get out.”
With those two simple words, Kento leaves but not without slamming the office door behind him, the sheer force rattling the door in its hinges. Luckily, there was no one sat at the desk directly adjacent to your office to witness the display of aggression as Nanami made his way back to his own office, not bothering to greet the employees he passed along his way. Once he was in the privacy of his own office, Nanami managed to contain the annoyance within himself by taking deep breaths.
He should’ve just apologised. Why didn’t he just apologise? The man began to criticise his every action with a high degree of scrutiny. You didn’t deserve this, to be treated like an afterthought. It was too late to apologise now. Surely, Nanami was doing the right thing for his children, they deserve to meet their birth mother, a figure they desperately wanted to have in their lives. So he decided at that moment, the next thing Nanami would do is introduce Yuki to the twin’s, and the boys would love her because she was what they dreamed for whenever they blew out the candles of their birthday cake. It would prove that he was right, he knew best for his kids and he was more than capable to look after them. All the loneliness he endured whilst raising the twins would vanish as soon as Yuki comes into the picture. Yet there was a voice of doubt, a loud voice. What if the twin’s don’t like her because she isn’t you? Nanami didn’t have an answer or a plan to that. He was begging for an easy life, one where he gets to come home after a tiring day at work and falls into the sofa from exhaustion, then his loud kids come running in, ready to tell him all about their day whilst his partner would be finishing up dinner. Was he asking for too much? The question was easily answered when you suddenly appeared in his daydream of a perfect life. Nanami exhales loudly in hopes it would release the anxiety harbouring inside of him. It would’ve been easier if he had just apologised, or even begged you to see things from his perspective.
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🏷 @irreverent-dream @mystic-poteto @the-amaranthine @ys2800 @aphrodani @thoreeo @bryandechartisasmolbean @nanaminswaifu @coconut-dreamz @ryobf69 @tsukkikeisimp @usualsworld @youraggedybitch
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markleesthighs · 3 years
dangerous woman
pairing: idol!mark x richceo!y/n (fem)
genre: strangers to lovers!au, fluff, suggestive to smut
song: dangerous woman by SuperM (Mark’s pov) or Ariana Grande (y/n’s pov)
a/n: mark’s birthday special! Mentions of drinking, rich partying, some dom!y/n and sub!mark (suggestive and smut), also some mommy!kink (please be safe!!)
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SuperM was in the US again, for another round of their concerts across the nation. You were a backer behind SuperM, loving their music and overall aesthetic. You’ve never met them since you deposited your money overseas but it would be a simple hello and thank you from them via a card and that would be it. You heard from someone that Mark’s birthday was coming up, and you wanted to give SuperM a proper place to celebrate his birthday. You decided to let SuperM stay and party at one of your mansions for the weekend. Luckily they weren’t performing the day of or day after Mark’s birthday, so it was a perfect opportunity.
You reached out to their managing staff and since you were one of the top backers for them, they humbly agreed. You arranged transportation, food, decorations, drinks, and everything the boys needed for their party celebration. You arrived at their hotel in style in your white Lamborghini, accompanied by your body guards who were driving other patrolling cars, ensuring your safety. One of them opened the door of the car for you and holding your hand. You were dressed in a black Armani pantsuit, black Louboutin heels, a black Louis Vuitton clutch, and Prada sunglasses. You were a showstopper, getting honks from cars in the streets to poor bellhop looking at you in fear. 
You entered the hotel to find the manager of the hotel to greet you. 
“Miss y/n.” The manager spoke as she bowed.
“They are on the 45th floor in the penthouse suite.”
“Thank you.”
You and your bodyguards promptly went to the elevator up to the 45th floor and walked to their suite. You ringed the doorbell and knocked on the door twice. You heard a manger franticly curse in Korean before opening the door to greet you. You and your bodyguards bowed as you greeted him in Korean, asking him where SuperM was and if they were ready to depart. He apologized saying they were still packing but that you could still come inside. Their manager was yelling in Korean about how you had arrived and they had to hurry up. You walked inside and your bodyguards helped you remove your shoes as you walked into the living room area. 
You removed your sunglasses as you analyzed the room. It wasn’t super messy, just a few snacks and drinks all over the place. You picked up an empty Shin ramen cup, you smiled, these were always yummy to eat after a flight. You wondered if there was any Shin ramen laying around so you got up and found some packs in the kitchen. A member smelled the ramen and walked into the kitchen. 
“Hyung? Are you cooking ramen? Can I have-” 
He saw you and looked at you up and down. 
“Some. “
You turned to look at him, he looked so cute. His hair was still a mess, had his glasses on and a clean shaven face. 
“Wait...y-you’re...y/n! I-I’m so sorry for being informal! I-I’m M-mark from SuperM!” 
He bowed down all the way down on his knees apologizing dozens of times. You turned off the stove and walked over to him to lift his chin up. Mark smelled your Valentino Donna perfume and it was intoxicating to him. You smelled and looked amazing. Your eyes met Mark’s as he innocently gazed at you, you looked down at his lips and back up to his eyes. 
“I know who you are cutie.” You giggled. 
Mark got up after mumbling an “o-oh yeah, haha” and scratched the back of his neck. Mark kept staring at you, he had never seen anyone like you, you somehow looked like his ideal type, yet he’d never met you. Mark’s manager noticed him staring at you before he yelled at Mark to go back to his room and continue changing before he embarrasses himself in front of you. Mark apologized as he shyly left in his t shirt and pajama pants. You continued to make your ramen and ate some while you looked on your phone. You could hear the mumbling of the other members talk about you in Korean. 
“Hyung, she’s really pretty.”
“I know, I wonder how old she is.”
“You never ask a woman how old she is!”
“I would kill to date a woman like her.”
“She probably had a boyfriend or even a husband!”
You sat in the living room as each member walked out one by one greeting you and getting to know you. Mark was the last one to arrive and sheepishly apologized before joining his members in the living room. You noticed how almost all the members wore designer clothing (which you complemented them on) except Mark. He wore a simple t-shirt, jeans, baseball hat, and a Jansport backpack. You hadn’t seen one of those backpacks since elementary school. He looked simplistic yet cute, you liked it. 
“So, who’s the lucky birthday boy?” 
All the members turned and gestured to Mark pinching his cheeks and making goo goo noises towards Mark because he was the youngest of the group.
“Oh, so how old are you turning?”
“2-22 in America but 2-23 in Korean age.”
“Oh! I just turned 21 a couple months ago! How interesting. So I guess you’re my Oppa~”
Mark’s face instantly blushed looking away from you while everyone else laughed. You escorted and assigned the guys their cars and which bodyguard they’d be accompanied by. However, everyone was confused that Mark didn’t get assigned a car, which led to you announcing that Mark would be driving with you since he was the birthday boy. Everyone teased Mark with an “Ooh” or an “Ahh” and Kai blurted out in Korean “Don’t have too much fun!” as him, Ten, and Lucas left in their car. A bodyguard took Mark’s luggage and put it in one of the other cars while he gestured Mark to follow you. A bodyguard opened the car doors for you on the driver’s side and Mark on the passenger side. Mark stayed silent when you turned on the car as you prepared to leave. 
“Why so quiet birthday boy? Never been in a Lambo before?”
“Y-yeah, s-sorry that I’m being really awkward.”
“It’s alright, you ready to go?”
You and the other cars promptly left the hotel, you could see Mark’s shocked face hearing the engine and watching everyone in the streets look at you and Mark in the car. Mark looked shy and reserved keeping his hands in his lap and trying to not stare at you too much. At a stoplight you caught Mark staring at you so you turned to scare him a bit. 
“You like what you see baby?”
Mark’s ears turned red and he was panicking in the passenger seat. Mark enjoyed everything about you, your smell, look, and confidence. But you were a backer, a business partner, he shouldn’t be flirting with you. But you were so intoxicating and he wanted a little taste. Mark leaned closer to you almost brushing against your lips. 
“Maybe I do.”
Mark looked at you up and down which turned you on a bit. Mark bit his lip as you were about to kiss him, he turned away. 
“The light is green.”
“Fuck you.”
You pulled away and stepped on the gas making Mark fall back into his seat. He could see the annoyed look in your face. He liked it, it made you look cute. You sped your way to your mansion out of frustration and anger, no man has ever left you hanging like that. You stepped out of the car and slammed the door. Your bodyguards, Mark, and the other members had no time to catch up to you or ask you what was wrong. Mark now felt bad, he didn’t want to play with your heart, especially when he has only known you for three hours. Mark took his luggage as he shyly went inside with the other members. 
They were stunned by the mansion, it was shiny like a new toy to all the members. They began to hoot and holler running all over the place, looking at your giant pool, arcade room, and private spa and sauna. While they were running around wondering where they will choose to sleep, Mark wanted to find you. He kindly asked one of the body guards if they knew where your room was and they guided him into your room. 
Mark knocked on your door but there was no response so he slowly opened the door to find you no where in sight. He was confused yet shocked by the volume and luxury of your room. It was huge and simplistic yet it was also refined. Everything was perfectly clean he could smell your perfume all over your room mixed with the smell of your clean sheets. He heard some rummaging from another part of your room which was your closet. There was a crack in the door so Mark slowly approached to take a little peep to see how you were doing. 
He saw you looking around your giant Barbie-sized closet in your cute fuzzy bathrobe and bunny slippers. He noticed you pulling out a few party dresses before you settled on wearing a Versace dress with a pair of matching sandals to match. Mark watched you remove your robe to reveal your matching black lace undergarments and your almost naked body. Mark needed to look away but he couldn’t watching your hips, dips, curves and waist was making his mouth water. He watched as you put on your dress but struggled to zip it up all the way. 
Mark was about to knock on the door and pretend he wasn’t looking before you caught his adorable puppy eyes looking at you through the reflection in your full length three paneled mirror. He looked like a puppy waiting patiently for his owner to come out, you couldn’t help but pout. 
“You can come out Mark.”
Mark was in so much shock that he accidentally bumped into your door falling over onto the cold marble floor. He got up and brushed off himself and kept apologizing for creeping up on you. As you approached him his eyes kept looking down in shame. 
“I-I am s-so sorry! I didn’t mean to look but-”
“But what?” You walked closer to him taking your finger and lifting his chin up. 
“Y-you l-looked really nice.”
“Nice? Just nice?”
“You’re so cute. You should go get changed and go downstairs before your friends think you’ve gone missing.” You chuckled and tapped his nose. 
After that Mark promptly left your room to go downstairs to join his members in picking their rooms. Taeyong suggested that they check out the upstairs for other rooms, Mark found himself a room that was right next to yours. It was a pretty sizable room, simple decor with a full sized bathroom and walk in closet. Mark got dressed into an all black suit with a black undershirt. Mark styled his hair with a little gel. All the other SuperM members were yelling at Mark to come down to celebrate, ordering limitless amounts of chicken, beer, soju, and watermelon, Mark’s favorite meal. 
Mark walked out of his room to coincidentally see you also walk out of your room. You looked breathtaking, your hair, makeup, everything, everything was perfect. Mark gestured you to go downstairs first and watch you cascade down gracefully. As Mark walked down he could hear all his member’s screaming and clapping. They also invited some friends of Mark’s that were in the area to come help and celebrate. 
Music was blasting, drinks, food, and games were being tossed around everywhere. It was a fun night. You allowed the guys to have their fun, dance around drunk while singing karaoke or playing another round of street fighter. You liked this. You loved that SuperM gave you a taste of what it’s like to be a normal adult in their 20s, living and enjoying their life to the fullest. 
It made you ponder, you never wanted them to leave. They were a breath of fresh air, it gave you an excuse to take three vacation days from your busy schedule. It made you regret throwing yourself into a billion dollar business at 18. You just wanted to have fun, not sit and do paper work all day. But at the end of the day you felt it was worth it, because you would allow people and groups such as SuperM to thrive and bring some sort of happiness to others. 
As you were reflecting you pulled yourself outside onto the pool deck sitting in a lounge chair looking up at the clear sky, listening to your infinity pool brush water off the clear edge. Mark noticed you were alone so he took this opportunity to get to know you, before he considers pulling some real moves. 
“Hey, y/n? You alright?”
“Y-yeah! How’s the party?”
“It’s AMAZING, I can’t thank you enough for giving me a fun-filled and memorable birthday!”
“Of course.”
“Why are you outside, alone?”
“Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“What I’m going to do when you guys are gone.”
“Gone?” “Yeah I’d have to fly back to Milan soon for fashion week, I have a fittings, approvals, and adjustments of garments to do.”
“Oh.” Mark looked slightly sad. 
“I just wish you could have stayed longer with me.”
You glanced up at him. 
“Us! I mean- I mean us! SuperM! haha...”
Mark scratched the back of his neck again out of nervousness. You and Mark continued to talk about various things bonding over Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and Mark getting jealous that you met Justin Bieber once. You noticed the party was dying down so you decided to ask Mark if he wanted to talk to you somewhere more private. He agreed as you secretly dragged him up into your room, hoping his members didn’t see you. 
Mark’s ears felt hot, he felt himself getting excited. He stood near your bed as you closed and locked your door. You pushed Mark down on your bed crawling on top of him. Mark’s eyes were wide in shock and excitement he was waiting in anticipation before you got off of him. Mark frowned sitting up about to stand but before he could protest you started to punish him. 
“Sit.” Mark obediently sat. 
“Good boy” You spoke as you pet his hair.
“Now, because of that little stunt of a tease you did earlier in the car, no touching unless I say got it?” You seductively whispered into his ear.
Mark nodded.
You slowly zipped down your dress as you slowly removed one sleeve from the other. You slid your dress down with your arms down to your ankles giving Mark a clear view of your ass as you bent down. You kicked the dress to the side as you walked to sit on Mark’s lap. You could already feel him getting hard, 
“Aww, is my baby excited?”
“Y-yes.” Mark was about to wrap his arms around you but you stopped them. 
“Nuh-uh, no touching baby.”
Mark pouted.
“Good boys get rewards, are you a good boy?”
“Yes who?”
“Yes...miss, y/n.”
You slapped Mark’s cheek. 
“That’s mommy to you. Again.”
“Y-yes, m-mommy.”
“Good, you’re learning. You should be rewarded.”
You shove Mark down onto his back kissing him, tasting soju and watermelon off his lips. Mark was following your rhythm, kissing you back full of passion and licking your tongue every now and then. You started to move down his neck, kissing and sucking on a soft spot. Quiet hissed and moans left Mark’s mouth as you slowly kept kissing down towards his shirt. You ripped open his shirt breaking off a few buttons. You removed his shirt and suit jacket and threw it across the room. 
“My baby is a little toned now isn’t he?”
Mark has a defined six pack which only turned you on more. You kissed down his chest while trailing your fingers down tracing his abs. You pulled down his suit pants tossing them to the side, leaving Mark in his black boxers. You could see his member outlined hardened inside. You palmed his member and Mark’s face shot up to look at you and met your eyes and let out a soft moan from his lips. You pulled down his boxers and saw his member hard, leaking with precum. 
“Baby I didn’t expect you do be so big. Mommy is so proud of you.”
“Please who?”
“P-please m-mommy touch me.”
“As you wish baby.”
You played with is member pulling it up to watch it fall back and smack against his stomach. You reached into your side drawer and pulled out some lube, pouring some on top of his member before rubbing your hands against it. You could hear Mark cursing with his moans. You went faster and slower, picking up the pace to watch Mark go out of control with higher pitched moans. When Mark was about to climax you pulled your hand away and Mark whined. 
“This is what you get for teasing me in the car.”
“I-I’m sor-rry mommy! Just please!”
“Please what?”
“P-p-please let me cum!”
“Who are you talking to?”
“P-please let me cum mommy!”
As Mark spoke you picked up the pace immediately eventually sucking onto the tip of his member for added stimulation, it didn’t take long for Mark to climax into your mouth, which was a mouthful. You swallowed it and licked the rest off of his member. 
“Baby, you taste amazing.”
Mark was breathless, sweating, and seeing stars. He felt like he just did the hardest workout of his life. You climbed back on top of Mark to kiss him. 
“Yes baby?”
“What about you? Shouldn’t you feel good too?”
“But it’s your birthday baby.”
“And I want to make you feel good, please. Let me make you feel good mommy~” 
The way Mark said mommy turned you on so much you wanted to go for a second round. He really knew how to rile you up. Plus, he looked adorable begging, so you gave him a free pass. 
“Alright, since it’s your birthday, you can make mommy feel good, show mommy what you’re made of baby. You are granted permission to touch me however you like baby.”
Mark immediately flipped you over and had you against your headboard with your pillows. He started to kissed you passionately while rubbing you all over your body. He would constantly ask if he was doing good and you would agree and tell him to keep going. Mark tried to remove your bra smoothly but was having some trouble. You kissed him and reassured him it was alright and removed the bra yourself. Mark kissed down your body and pulled down your underwear and he slowly pulled away your legs before licking against your wet cunt. 
“Mommy, you’re so wet...”
“All for you baby, keep going...”
Mark was surprisingly doing well making you feel really good, you were muffling your moans into your pillows before Mark finds your sweet spot which makes you jolt up to push his head down further with his hair. You were a moaning mess, Mark licked and sucked hard down on all the right places causing you to climax, almost crushing Mark’s face between your thighs. Mark smirked before kissing you, now tasting your sweet cunt in his mouth. 
“Can I put it in mommy?”
“Y-yes, please, put it in!”
Mark slowly entered you as you moaned out loud, Mark grabbed your face to look at him, he wanted to see your face. He slowly thrusted into you which felt painful at first but began to feel immense pleasure. Mark was also moaning harmoniously with you, kissing your forehead every couple of thrusts. 
“I-I’m close!”
“Me too!”
You both kissed each other as you both climaxed. Mark removed himself from you as he cuddled you into bed under your plush sheets.
“Happy birthday baby.”
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
Chapter 6 "Goodnight Sleep" (Breathe | Tenta Spy x Reader)
The L/n family sat around the dinner table, eating the coq au vin Y/n had cooked with Acelin. She kept completely silent. F/n sensed something was up.
“Has Martha stopped bothering you?” he asked. Y/n licked her lips, looking down at the ground. 
“Yeah, she did,” Y/n replied. If she had told them about the accident and what followed, F/n and M/n would freak! B/n would probably go up to Martha and give her a good scolding. “Anything interesting happen while I was out?” she asked.
“Yes,” M/n answered. “While we’re still on the topic of Martha, she ran around town today, rambling about some octopus monster.” Y/n blushed. “Do you know anything about that?” 
“No,” Y/n lied. “Perhaps she was using Dad’s old story about the time he lost his finger.”
“Hey, that actually happened, your grandfather was there to witness it,” F/n said. “He was the one who dragged me into it.”
“Grandpa Mick was responsible for the loss of your finger?” B/n asked. F/n nodded and held up his hand. His ring finger was completely severed off. Nothing was left but a small stump of flesh. The broth turned in Y/n’s stomach.
“I’m finished,” she declared, picking up the plate and a fork. 
“You barely ate anything,” M/n said. 
“I’m not hungry,” Y/n replied. “I’ll eat this tomorrow, good night.” She kissed her parents and her brother before ascending the stairs. Y/n quickly closed the door behind her and sighed. She definitely needed to visit her grandfather. Y/n carried the plate up to the bathroom. Classical music was playing from her radio. 
Channel 9.15 fm. Acelin had managed to drag himself out of the tub and find the radio. The mini library was missing a book. Y/n shook her head. Puddles of water were all around as Y/n walked by. “He sure had fun,” she muttered under her breath. She finally reached the bathroom and opened it. Acelin was in the tub, without shirt, reading the missing book. His coat, suit, and tie were hanging on the bathroom hook. The black gloves were off and resting on the counter sink. His right hand was completely covered in red/blue scales with a fin growing out of his arm. Acelin hummed along as Aram Khachaturian’s “Masquerade Waltz” played over in the background.
“Ah, bonsoir ma chérie," he said, closing the book. “Have ‘ou brought me anything to eat?” Y/n held up the plate.
“It’s a little cold, but it’s good enough to eat,” she said, handing him the entree. Acelin grabbed the plate and fork from her hands. 
“Merci,” he said. Y/n sat down next to him on the bathroom floor. She watched as Acelin devoured the food. But she noticed that there were red marks on his back.
“What are these?” she asked, running her  hands down his bare back. Acelin shivered. “Sorry, it’s a sensitive spot,” Y/n said, pulling her hand back.
“I have fins,” he replied. “Sharp fins, but zhey only appear when I’m really mad.”
“How so?” Y/n asked, pulling her legs to her chest. “You flare up like a betta fish?”
“Vhen I followed ‘ou to Martha’s party, it made me mad just hearing the terrible gossip about ‘ou,” Acelin answered. “ I flared up like you said.”
“You followed me?!?” He nodded. 
“I owe ‘ou my life,” he said. “I was ze octopus ‘ou saved on the beach that day.” Y/n blushed. 
“You don’t owe me anything,” she said, taking his hands. “I don’t need anything in return. I just want you safe.
“Y/n.” Acelin traced her jawline. “I feel cared for.’ Y/n blushed.
“Uh, yeah,” she stammered. “Um, now finish up, I’m going to bed, you can leave the plate on the counter.” Y/n stood up.
“Goodnight, cherie.”
“Night.” Y/n closed the door behind her, exhaling. Her heart nearly gave out from that small moment. She was falling fast. Really fast. Acelin was very charming and kind. The perfect man. But of course, who would want her?
Y/n sighed, walking into her room. She undressed and got in her pajamas. The glass of water was on her nightstand and the slippers were tucked neatly under the bed. Y/n was ready to go to bed.
Well, she did forget to brush her teeth.
Groaning, Y/n walked out of her room and knocked on the bathroom door.
“Who is it?” Acelin asked.
"It's Y/n," she replied. "I'm coming in to brush my teeth." 
“‘Ou're permitted to enter.” Y/n opened the door. Acelin was laying down in the tub, submerged halfway. He rested his arms under his head. “I see ‘ou ready to go to bed,” he said, blushing. She nodded, grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste from the cabinet. She wet the bristles a little before brushing her teeth. Acelin watched as Y/n scrubbed foaming circles on her teeth. He rested his face on his propped up elbows, like a schoolboy admiring his sweetheart.
“I can see you staring,” Y/n mumbled. 
“‘Ou don’t mind, do ‘ou?” he asked. 
“Just blink every once in a while,” she replied, spitting out the watered toothpaste. Acelin blinked several times.
“Zhat good for ‘ou?” Y/n chuckled.
“You can be funny sometimes,” she said. Y/n reached under for the mouthwash, taking a swig before gargling it. She spit out the minty water into the sink. “I hope you’re not disgusted,” she said.
“No, not at all,” Acelin replied. “It’s how humans take care of their oral hygiene.” Y/n flossed her teeth.
“Is that so?” He nodded.
“It’s quite obvious, non?” Y/n shrugged. 
“Sometimes, people don’t brush their teeth,” she said. “It’s gross not to.” Acelin laughed.
“I brushed my teeth with old toothpaste containers I found at sea,” he said. Y/n groaned.
“That’s nasty!” she exclaimed. “How long have you been doing that?”
“For forty years,” he answered. Y/n shivered.
“I have an idea.” She bent down under the sink. She opened the drawers at the bottom and pulled out a spare toothbrush. She covered it with toothpaste and handed it to Acelin. “You need to care for yourself.” He hesitantly reached for it.
“Thank ‘ou, cherie,” he said. Y/n watched as Acelin cleaned his teeth. She held a paper cup so he could spit in it. To prevent his water from being contaminated. “Cherie, thank ‘ou for caring.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Y/n replied. “You need it.” She kissed his cheek. “Goodnight.” Acelin's tentacle wrapped around her hand. “What is it?” she asked.
“I didn’t mean that,” Acelin said. “I can’t control my tentacles.” Y/n smiled.
“Is that all?” He blushed.
“I want to, stay with ‘ou tonight,” he answered. “If that’s okay with ‘ou.” She softly chuckled.
“I’ll be right back,” she said. She left the room, taking the empty plate with her. Acelin nervously tapped his fingers on the bathtub’s edge. Did he embarrass her? Was she lying? Would she allow him to stay close tonight? The door opened and Y/n walked in her bathing suit. 
“Cherie, why are ‘ou wearing that?” Acelin asked.
“I’m staying with you tonight,” she responded, turning off the light and joining him in the tub. “B/n checks on me in the morning. You can’t be in my bed or on the couch. Besides, what if you need water?” Acelin nodded.
“Zhat makes sense,” he said. Y/n snuggled next to the man octopus. He looked down at the young girl. “Sorry for asking if I could sleep with ‘ou,” Acelin said. “It must be embarrassing.”
“A little,” Y/n admitted. “But I can’t let someone like you be lonely.” He blushed.
“Thank ‘ou,” he said. “I really mean it.”
“Goodnight Acelin,” Y/n said, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Goodnight mon amour.”
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ ┃next
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DO YOU GET NERVOUS to the point you wouldn't be surprised that you already took a shit, not pee, but discharge the residue on your pants? That's how a certain H/C-haired female felt as she sat across the table with her editor on the other side. It was only a figurative speech, though; if she took it literally, Y/N would gladly dig her own grave and plan her funeral up to what kind of horrid gown she'd be wearing in her casket.
It wasn't your fault to be this anxious. You've been doing this type of gig for almost five years, yet you couldn't help but tremble slightly on your seat as you noiselessly wait for the male editor to enlighten you with comments in regards to this unreleased chapter. You hate having to go through this type of initiation, but hey, you love your job nevertheless.
"Great work today, L/N-san. You accurately followed my advice when it comes to the panels. As expected from your skills and experiences in the field." Akihito remarked, pushing up his glasses with his thumb and closing the original copy of the printed manuscript.
You now had the ability to breathe as you draw out a deep sigh of relief. "Well, thank the gods for that! When you criticized the paneling of this chap two days ago, I panicked a bit and had to rearrange them all." You rambled on and began to ravish the food on your tray to satisfy your empty stomach. It was a bit difficult to comprehend your words due to the continuous eating of the delicious french fries. However, your editor somewhat understood you in the end.
Akihito watched you chowed down on the poor potato snack and shook his head from the ridiculous spectacle of your hungry state. "You're the infamous Yamazaki, but you asked me to meet up with you in a place like this?" He panned out.
"What do you mean? And didn't I tell you not to say my pen name out loud? What if people might hear you!"
"Y/N, we're in McDonald's." Your editor frowned, gesturing around the place full of children with a nudge of his thumb. With the sudden dilemma of your hidden identity, he cocked a brow and turned his head to glance at the screaming little monsters chasing each other on the matted floor. It was clear to him that these youngsters didn't pay any mind to their talk.
"We took the table by the playground. I don't think kids of their age would know someone who makes picture books of men sucking-".
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! STOP!" You cut him off right before he could finish his ambiguous statement. You took a bite on the fry you were holding and dipped it in the blob of ketchup on the tissue paper. "I chose this fast-food resto because the atmosphere in this place is loud. I don't want someone to hear you nor see the material you're reading." You licked the salt off your fingers once you finished eating your fries.
His slanted eyes squinted in suspicion as his onyx irises surveyed your get-up from head to toe. Your patterned sock-covered feet nestled on black Adidas slippers as you had plaid trousers that seemed to look like matching pajama pants of a clothing set. The white shirt with the oppai logo you wore made up for your lacking asset. However, the best feature of this apparel you came up with was the unusual pair of large rimmed shades covering your eyes. "It seemed like you do know how to act natural, Y/N..." Akihito trailed, deciding not to ridicule the outfit you chose to wore for their meeting since he knew you were in a hurry to meet the deadline.
Your eyes glanced at the watch wrapped around your wrist and realized the current time. "I better get going. My mom would kill me if I didn't do the groceries. Thank you for today, Akihito!" You pushed yourself off the table, sitting up from the cushioned seat then bowing towards the male.
The brunette also stood up for courtesy's sake, softly smiling at you in gratification. "Thank you for your hard work as well, L/N-san. I'll make sure to send out a copy of the weekly magazine as soon it releases to the public. Your international fans will definitely enjoy this chapter once the global publishing company releases the translated magazine." He assured.
"Well, I'm happy to hear that everyone gets to enjoy my works! I'll see you soon, Akihito." You gave him a lazy grin as you turned your back and left for your pending chore.
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"That man sure bought a lot of cleaning products." You thought out loud as you recalled the fascinating scene of a fellow shopper with a basket full of cleaning merchandise. You couldn't pinpoint his looks since the guy was wearing a face mask. But from his athletic build and large hooded eyes that made the other shoppers distance themselves away, you had a feeling he's good-looking. It wouldn't be surprising if he already has a girlfriend.
Or a boyfriend if he likes bananas over tacos.
Your little bubble of thoughts soon popped as you stood outside the gate of your household, staring at the moving boxes stacked on the grassy floor of your mother's garden. 'Now, what are they up to?' You mused, having a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach from the cardboard packages.
You hoisted up the two paper bags full of groceries against your chest and pulled the gate open. "Mom! Dad! I'm Home!" You greeted out, walking past the boxes and almost tripping on one of them. Your left arm had lifted the groceries with difficulty as you used your other hand to twist the doorknob of the front door.
The spruce door was pushed open by your right arm. As you took a step inside, your ears caught a pitched bark from the end of the hallway. A smile fixed on your lips once the familiar energetic sound registered in your mind.
"Kazu!" A short-coated corgi ran out from one of the doorways as it continued to bark and jump from the excitement of its owner arriving back at home. Its fluffy butt waddled with every step it took with its soft paws— bouncing a couple of times once you called out its name.
You smiled from ear to ear, "You miss me, boy?" You cooed, slipping out of your slippers and setting the bags of groceries on the hall table by the door. The dog barked softly and looked up at you with his beady eyes, wagging his tail and letting out another bark in reply. You would've played with this cute bunch that the gods have blessed you with, but the questions about the boxes haven't stopped galling you for answers.
"Where's mom and dad, Kazu?"
Kazu tilted his head and barked as if the corgi understood what you were trying to tell him. The dog turned around and darted over to the staircase leading upstairs. 'Maybe that's why they didn't hear me.' You thought to yourself and followed your dog over to the flight of stairs. The fluffy puppy used his time in climbing up the steps, but you decided to scoop the dog up in your arms and carry him midway due to how hard of a time the corgi's having.
You gently placed Kazu back on the floor after you both reached upstairs. Your brows furrowed together as you caught the sight of the two pieces of luggage outside your bedroom door. If your gut was telling you before that something grave might happen, it was screaming at you now that something will. "Mom?" You called out for your mother, needing an explanation for what the hell her parents are doing to her room.
Finally, the said person peeked her head out from the doorway of your room. "Y/N, dear! Welcome back!" She smiled and waved her hand to beckon you over to her side.
"Since you're finally here, your father and I have some great news for you!"
You eyed your mother, suspicious by the way she's acting, but you still heeded her command and took hesitant steps in the direction of your bedroom. "What's happening, mom? Why are you guys in my r-" You weren't able to finish your sentence as you find yourself in an almost empty bedroom with your father sealing a box with packaging tape.
The middle-aged man looked up from what he was doing and beamed once he saw his daughter walked inside the room, "My lovely girl! Great timing! Help your old pal in bringing your stuff outside the house." He hummed.
You didn't know what to say— you already had an idea of what the old couple was about to do, but you don't want to believe it. Your wide eyes shifted between your mother and father, "Don't... Don't tell me that..." You stammered as you were in disbelief from the current event playing right in front of you.
"We're kicking you out, Y/N!"
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## and this is the first fic that i posted here on tumblr! though, i already published it in wp as well LMAO. i hope you enjoyed reading the prologue :'>
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fandomsnfluff · 3 years
Hello, Noah! If it's not too much trouble, could I request a pillow fight turns into a tickle fight + "be careful what you wish for" with Simeon and, hehe, Lucifer, please? Platonic!
If you want, you can choose just one of them ! Also, if you want me to chance anything, please let me know! 😊 Thank you!
hi mia!! not a problem, of course i can do this, thanks so much for your request!! and LMAO THIS TURNED OUT SO LONG WAAA 😭
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tickle prompts/scenarios
Lucifer had found himself in a predicament. Again.
And amazingly, it wasn’t the fault of his brothers.
In fact, his brothers had absolutely nothing to do with this. Diavolo had invited him, and him alone, to somewhat of a mini-party with Barbatos and some of the Purgatory Hall residents. Solomon, Luke, and Simeon were also going to attend; it would be a nice getaway from his 24/7 full-time oldest brother job. He let out a sigh of relief when he approached the castle entrance, but it was short-lived; he knew that he would very soon have to return to his normal life once the party was over.
In fact, Diavolo had invited the residents to spend the night if they wished. As nice as the invitation was to Lucifer, he didn’t think he could get away with spending even a single night away from his six rowdy younger brothers. He needed to be there to assess them, particularly Asmo and Mammon, for their “night routines,” but in very different ways. Asmo always asked him what kind of lotion he should use before going to bed, and he needed to monitor any crazy, late-night spending Mammon may plan to do.
However, it wasn’t completely off the table. If he decided he really wanted a break, he could always text Mammon to make sure he got everyone in place for the night. He shuddered at the thought, though; why, oh why did the second-born have to be so immature? He figured Satan may be a better candidate, the one brother besides him with at least a fraction of a brain cell, but alas, that thought as well made his skin crawl; contacting the one he had a bit of an internal rival with would definitely put a nick on his pride.
But he shrugged off the thoughts; it was now time to enjoy some nice tea and warm pajamas with a few of his closest friends.
Of course, Lucifer could never, ever let his brothers see him walk around so casually in his pajamas; he would never hear the end of it. So he just brought them as a change of clothes with him to Diavolo’s castle.
“Ah, you’re here,” Barbatos commented as he opened the door in response to Lucifer’s knock. “I’ll take you right over to the dining hall. Lord Diavolo and the others are waiting for you there.”
“Thank you,” Lucifer responded, following the butler into the rather large, well-kept dining hall. The long table in the center of the room was decorated in lighter shades of blues, yellows, and reds, which was a bit different than its usual red-and-gold scheme. He widened his eyes when he noticed a jumble of balloons tied to a table at the side of the room, which appeared to be an appetizer table with various kinds of teas, cookies, and other goodies. Yet another interesting contrast to the elegance of the room (and, well, let’s be honest, the whole castle). Diavolo definitely had his moments, didn’t he?
“Good evening, Lucifer,” Simeon greeted him respectfully. “Barbatos made his special tea earlier, and it’s really good tonight. Would you like some?”
“Good evening to you as well,” Lucifer responded. “That sounds lovely.”
Barbatos quickly reached over and grabbed the tea kettle, which must have come fresh off the pot, before walking to Lucifer’s side of the table and pouring it into his teacup. When it was halfway full, a sharp voice called from the other end of the room.
“Barbatos!” It was Diavolo. “Don’t feel pressured to serve them all like that tonight. We can help ourselves, and you can feel free to join us.”
“Yes, my Lord.” There was no hesitation in Barbatos’ voice as he placed the kettle back on the table before turning to Lucifer. “Would you be okay serving yourself?”
“Not at all.” Lucifer fought back the urge to tease the butler by saying ‘you heard your master,’ but he stopped himself.
Diavolo was humming to himself as he walked over to an empty seat near Lucifer, letting out a content sigh as he sat down. It wasn’t until he sat down that Lucifer noticed what he was wearing: a very large black hoodie, plaid red sleep pants, fuzzy gray slippers, and, of course, red bunny ears. Lucifer was truly shocked, but at the same time, he had to bite back a laugh.
“I have so many ideas for tonight,” Diavolo exclaimed, reaching for the tea and giving Lucifer a nod as a greeting. “As soon as we finish up here, we can maybe play some cards or chess and go watch a movie. What do you all want to do?”
“I’m good with anything, as long as we get to watch a movie,” Simeon commented, taking a bite of one of the special newt cookies.
“Me too!” Luke agreed.
“I’m just enjoying this tea at the moment, so I’ll think about it for a bit longer. But I’m okay with anything,” Simeon commented after taking another sip from his teacup.
“I’m also okay with anything,” Lucifer added.
“Speaking of which, Lucifer...” Diavolo narrowed his eyes, looking at his friend. “You’re not in your pajamas. You wouldn’t happen to not dress up because of your pride, would you?”
Was that a teasing note in his voice? Yes, there definitely was. Lucifer looked away, fighting a slight blush rising in his cheeks. “My brothers would question me until the day I die if I walked out of the house wearing pajamas so freely like you all are,” he muttered. “I was planning on changing here, if that’s all right with you.”
“Feel free,” Diavolo responded. “You can go up to my room now if you like.”
“That sounds good.” Lucifer stood up, making sure to grab his belongings and respectfully nodded his head to everyone else in the room before heading to Diavolo’s room.
It didn’t take long to sniff out the room and get changed. Lucifer admired himself in the mirror for a bit; how long had it been since he had worn actual pajamas? He wanted to do it more often, though; they were too comfortable to completely shove the thought away.
The rest of the night actually didn’t drag by like Lucifer had originally feared; the group of six managed to get through a game of Uno (or the Devildom version) relatively quickly, and by the time they were done, they could sense the urgency to watch the movie radiating off of each other.
Diavolo led the way to the movie room, which proved to be another surprise for Lucifer. He had lost count of the number of times he had gone into that room, but it was completely decked out in pillows, blankets, and other soft chairs and couches that looked completely new.
“So soft!” Luke whispered as he fell over into a pillow, nuzzling his face into the fluff. Simeon chuckled before taking a seat on the couch next to him. Lucifer decided to join him there, unable to hold back a soft sigh as he practically sank into the furniture.
Lucifer barely knew he was dozing off until he heard a rather loud and uncharacteristic “oof!” from Simeon, who was sitting to his left. He was a jolted back awake with a start, sitting up to get a better look at the scene.
“How could you, Luke?!” Simeon sobbed dramatically, grabbing a pillow and slamming it down on Luke’s body. “I thought we were friends!”
“We were until I started this fight!” The angel boy shot back, but the two quickly dissolved into laughter as they continued to attack each other with pillows.
Nostalgia soared through Lucifer’s body watching the scene; he couldn’t remember the last time he had a good, substantial pillow fight with his brothers. Mammon and Asmo wouldn’t hesitate to start one normally, so why had it taken them so long to? Was he that scary, or something?
He was broken out of his thoughts when something hit him in the face again, just as he had begun to doze off. Immediately he knew what had happened, and Simeon, the culprit, instantaneously knew that he had messed up. And he had messed up hard.
“L-Lucifer...?” Simeon whispered in a small voice. “I-It was an accident--”
“Join us, Lucifer!” Luke interrupted, calling to the demon excitedly.
Lucifer smirked, feeling the hairs at the back of his neck rise. He knew he was just being playful, but it was still something his body did when it sensed impending danger. He grabbed the closest pillow to him and immediately held it up as he approached the two angels. He smirked down at Luke. “Be careful what you wish for!”
The room exploded into a pool of feathers, flying pillows, and demons and angels jumping up and down and running away from one another. Unfortunately, Lucifer didn’t get to strike at Luke, for Simeon hit him with another pillow just as the two angels stood up and began running around the room, trying to get away from the demon. But Lucifer was relentless; he was determined to hit someone with a pillow tonight. Someone truly deserving of his wrath.
He did pause, however, when he noticed that the angels were becoming out of breath; Lucifer wanted a fair fight where he didn’t have to wail on already exhausted opponents. The three of them plopped on the couch together, and as soon as Lucifer noticed Simeon getting his energy back, he sneakily reached for the closest pillow, hoping that the angel wouldn’t notice. But Simeon was faster; he must have noticed the demon moving at the corner of his eye, for before Lucifer could strike, Simeon had reached for his outstretched leg, lightly skittering his fingers along the bottom of his foot.
Lucifer let out a high-pitched noise of surprise, something that sounded between a yelp and a squeak. He heard Luke gasp as he flinched his leg away so hard that he found himself rolling over the edge of the couch. His head landed on the pillow in his arms, however, and he quickly flipped over on his back before pulling his legs back towards him.
Simeon and Luke were staring at him, pure shock on their faces. Lucifer could barely stand to look at them; he knew that he was blushing, and it was so unfair that they had to find out about...this, in this way.
“Lucifer...” Simeon breathed out, sounding beside himself. But he had a pillow in his hand, and little by little he was inching towards the flustered demon. “Don’t tell me...”
“That you’re..”
“Stop this nonsense right now.”
“You’re not getting away from me.” Simeon now had a smirk on his face that made him look like anything but an angel. Before Lucifer could protest any further, the pillow that the other was holding was thrown down onto his face, and the angel began his attack on the demon’s lower body.
Lucifer was about to let out a squeak before his hand came up to shield his mouth as the angel began to torture his knees and his feet. He could barely hold back a muffled squeal as the fingers raked up and down the arches of his feet, quickly moving to attack the undersides of his knees and back again. The demon kicked and thrashed his head from side to side, trying to dislodge Simeon, but despite him being one of the strongest beings in the whole Devildom, he still couldn’t manage to shake the angel off of his legs.
“S-Simeon...!” Lucifer gasped at a sudden break in the attack when the angel reached up to playfully throw the pillow on his head again. “Y-You better stop this right now, or I’ll--”
“Or what, Mr. Ticklish?” Simeon teased. Who the hell does he think he is? Right as he said this, he reached up to playfully skitter his fingers along Lucifer’s lower sides.
That was what did it; a high-pitched squeal ripped from the demon’s throat, and even as he tried to muffle his voice with both of his hands at this point, the laughter just wouldn’t stop; he never knew that such a light motion could elicit such sounds out of him like this. He didn’t remember ever being this ticklish, not even as a kid. At least this wasn’t Diavolo; if it had been the demon prince himself, he knew he would be absolutely screwed. But the motions still tickled like hell to him, regardless if it was coming from Simeon or not.
“Riled up now, are we?” Simeon teased, letting up on his attack. Beneath him lay a tired Lucifer, a pillow half-covering his face and chest, panting from the attack. At first, the demon didn’t respond verbally; his reply to the attack came in physical form, just like what Simeon did to him originally.
“You will pay for that.” Lucifer’s voice came out as a low growl, and Simeon was about to call for help until it came out as a strained laugh.
“W-wahahahait, Luhucifeheheher!” Simeon cried as the demon reached for his exposed sides. As soon as the contact was settled, the angel let out a shriek of laughter and began to squirm, kicking and punching and doing whatever he could to get himself out of Lucifer’s friggin’ iron grip. It was needless to say that the angel was much, much more ticklish than he was.
The whole rest of the night was filled with tickles, laughter, pillow wars, movies, and funny stories. But Lucifer didn’t mind. He even called up Mammon to tell him that he was going to stay the night. His mood was up for it, and he had his group of very close friends to thank for it.
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belovasangel · 4 years
Come Back to Me
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Summary: Shawn missing big events leaves to beautiful memories and Christmas miracles
Pairing: Shawn x fem!Nurse!Reader
Warnings: swearing, light angst, fluff, flashback heavy, holiday feelings 
A/N: Yup. Surprise. Also flashbacks are in italics, per usual. Also I am not Canadian so I don’t know if y’all celebrate Remembrance Day. For the sake of this story, pretend that it’s the equivalent to Thanksgiving.
Shawn took your hand as you barreled down the sidewalk, laughs flying past you in the wind. Tonight had been a perfect date, something great to wrap the summer up, full of time alone with your favorite guy (and your favorite wine). He had been planning this for weeks now, and you can even remember him talking about this back in June when his tour had been announced. The pandemic put a damper on your two’s plans since March, but once the numbers started decreasing did he get calls from managers, and then... there was another world tour. You weren’t mad, music was his passion. Even though you two would be wrapped in each other’s arms after a lovely night, you could tell behind his eyes he longed to play the guitar for different cities. 
That’s why tonight was so important, because he started packing and planning, then he would leave on Wednesday for Prague. And of course, your job needed you in Toronto. While Canada hasn’t experienced any significantly alarming numbers, there were still cases rolling in. You insisted that Shawn goes on tour, so much that you had to pay for his first ticket yourself (he payed you back, though. He insisted). 
Shawn skidded to a stop, turning around and putting his hands on your shoulders. “Now promise me you’re gonna close your eyes, just for a few seconds.”
You huffed and shrugged your shoulders, “Shawn I’m out of breathe, you made me run in heels for about half a mile... Give me 5 minutes instead.” With a quick chuckle, he pecked your lips and turned you around. You heard his shuffling from those black boots he wears to rubble, then decided to look around. He somehow managed to find a quaint park, with a nice bubbling fountain and family’s scattered around. Dogs were running a lit in the distance, and the bustle of the city wasn’t nearly as booming as it usually is. This was nice.
“Okay, turn around.”
With a giggle, you turned around to see Shawn on one knee. Behind him was a tree strung with lights that were glowing, and underneath the tree was champagne and a radio playing your two’s song, Turning the Page (Yeah, we know it’s from Twilight, but that doesn’t stop it from being any less romantic). He was kneeled on a red and white picnic blanket, the typical one you’d see in catalogues for fall. On the blanket were rose petals scattered. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), you have changed my life for the better. The moment you saw me in the E.R., and had to take care of my broken hand, I knew you were just as kind and gentle as you looked. Once you let me in, and take you on that shitty first date, I got to see the real you. The you that cries during every Disney movie, the you that would bring me breakfast in bed when I had a rough day, the you that would rescue a damn pigeon off the street because it looked sad. You are the most sincere, selfless, and intelligent woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I don’t want ever want to stop or slow down. You have become my life and my rock, I’m completely lost without you. I am utterly in love with you, (Y/N). I want us to have a family, I want to make an album for you, and everything in between. Will you please marry me?”
You shuddered awake, looking quickly at your blaring alarm from the end table. Picking it up and turning it off, the time read 4:25 A.M., signaling it was time to get ready for work. You got up, and went to open the blinds to your bedroom, watching the snow fall steadily. Slipping on your socks and bathrobe, you shuffled to the kitchen to get a cup of tea brewing before you hit the shower. 
Mornings like this weren’t incredibly tough anymore, once Shawn was gone on tour. He face-timed you once a week because of tour, sent you letters and packages from your favorite cities, and even had roses delivered on your birthday. And of course, he always said, “Lemme see it. I wanna see you wear that pretty ring. There it is, there she is, soon-to-be Mrs. Mendes.”
Slipping in the hot shower, you played some of his songs, some of your regular playlists, and when you were throwing on your outfit, your two’s song. You missed Shawn. He had missed your two’s favorite holiday, Halloween, where you two always did the cheesy couple costumes. He missed your birthday, but he sent his family in place. He missed Remembrance Day, because in Europe that wasn’t a thing. And tomorrow is Christmas, where he has no sign of coming home whatsoever. That’s fine, though, because you took the long shift at the hospital.
When the song came to an end, you threw on your coat and snow boots, grabbing all the food and equipment you would need for a 12-hour and began to head out. Shawn sent you his daily vlog and you watched that on the shuttle. Once that was over, you got to the hospital where you would forget about your slightly more aching heart. After work, the routine would basically go in reverse. Commute home, get back into your pajama’s, drink some tea, get dinner, and go to bed, where you would have a restless night in an empty bed.
“When do you think we should have the wedding?”
Shawn looked over, a piece of popcorn hanging onto his lip like a lifeline. His cheeks were flushed and he still looked a little sweaty from the show he just played at TD Garden. He knew you were doing the planning to keep yourself from descending into madness (well, not entirely, but you only brought it up when you really missed him). “I think we should do a summer/fall sort of wedding, like when the leaves are red but it isn’t freezing by 5, ya know?”
You hummed in agreement, a smile picking at the corners of your mouth. “I completely agree. Do you want it to be outdoors then, because of the leaves?”
Shawn took another few things of popcorn from the bag and popped them into his swollen lips, he always licked them when he was frustrated by how a show went, or just when his mind was reeling. “I think we should get married outdoors, and then have the reception indoors. Kind of like-”
You both looked at the screen and snorted, sending both of you into fits of hysteria. “Shawn, we really base our relationship off of those books, didn’t we?” He looked over, licking his lips once again. “Explain, babe. I get a little bit, but our whole relationship?”
You shuffled in the bed a little bit, “Hear me out, Shawn-y boy. We met when you were hurt and I had to save you, or more-so your career. Edward saved Bella from the car, right? Right. So, there’s that. Then that girl who you worked on the album with tried to get you on the few dates, but that was long after we were official. Boom, Jacob plot line. Then you leave me for your first tour, which I get 100%, so don’t be upset over that. But the girl you worked with saw you kind of sad and made it her mission to befriend you and then attempt to change your mind over me... And our song is the one from their wedding, and we want an outdoors-y wedding.....”
Shawn looked at the screen, then back to the popcorn leaking butter in his hands. “Damn. So you’re saying that I’m Bella?” You began to shake your head, cheeks turning red. “Maybe I meant that wrong, but-”
“No, no you’re saying I’m Bella. Does that mean I get to wear the dress? I cannot wait to get married with no emotions and then have the ugliest CGI baby in the history of cinematics. Aren’t you so excited for that, my love?”
“Absolutely thrilled.”
The alarm on your phone blared once again, pulling you from Shawn. You picked up the phone, getting a few “Merry Christmas” texts from family and friends. You assumed Shawn was out partying with his crew mates, plus it must’ve been a busy day altogether. Turning off the alarm and standing, you pulled on the slippers and followed your routine again. 
Once it got to 6:07, and still no text from Shawn, you decided to call him. Immediately, you were sent to voicemail. With a sigh, you waited for voicemail.
“Hey bubs, Merry Christmas! I miss you more than ever, it’s snowing here pretty rough. I know you’d probably go outside right about now and insist to make a snowman or some angels, so that might be a mission for me after work. Um, I wanted to let you know that I love you so much, and I hope you’re having fun on tour... The apartment isn’t the same without you here, especially around this time. You’re probably having fun with your friends and I don’t wanna intrude on that, so I’ll hang up. I love you Shawn, be careful. Stay safe, come back to me soon. Bye.”
Wiping the tear that fell down your cheek, you stepped outside your apartment, hopped into the elevator and began the commute to your shift. You got to work on record time, beginning your patient rounds and vitals, then celebrating with the coworkers. Working 6:30 AM-9:30 PM would be a tough one, but whatever to keep you under that roof. Plus, double-time because of the holiday.
Once it hit 9:30, you booked it out of the hospital and onto the shuttle. Your eyes were barely open as you saw the texts from Shawn.
(Shawn) 7:59 AM: Hey babe, I’m so sorry I didn’t answer your call! I can’t wait to see your face tonight, you still up for FaceTime?
(Shawn) 9:26 AM: I bet you’re busy, but I’m gonna be in a few conferences and doing press so I won’t be able to talk for a while. Love you!
(Shawn) 3:14 PM: (Y/N) I don’t think we can FaceTime tonight, I have to do something for a fan and it’s really important. I am so sorry.
(Shawn) 8:44 PM: Are you mad at me or are you still working?
(Shawn) 9:32 PM: Something is waiting for you at home, it’s your gift. I hope this can make up for the call!
You hopped out of the shuttle, heart feeling extra heavy as you walked into the apartment. The string lights and streamers along the walls were taunting you as the elevator brought you to your floor, and you tried to compose yourself until you would get inside. Stepping up to your door, you looked for the present, to no avail.
(Y/N) 9:45 PM: Shawn I don’t see a package
(Shawn) 9:45 PM: Mom must’ve brought it inside, I’m sure it’s there.
With a huff, you shoved the key into the door, and walked inside. Chucking your purse and coat onto the hooks, while flinging off your shoes, you composed yourself enough to look for the package. If he got it express-shipped it had to be good. Checking the kitchen was no luck, and the living room looked normal. 
(Shawn) 9:48 PM: Bedroom, babe
With a gasp, you quickly buzzed to the bedroom, and laid your hand on the door. You stopped, hesitant to what was behind the door. What if it isn’t him? Taking a deep breath, you dismissed the negative thought and opened.
The room was filled with lit tea lights, rose petals on the bed and the floor, and Shawn. He was standing there in that chunky-white knit sweater you loved, with flushed cheeks and watery eyes, holding a bouquet of flowers, and your favorite song playing softly in the background.
You gasped, running into his arms with a squeal and sob, him mimicking the sound. He held onto the small of your back, and one hand on the back of your neck, and you felt his tears falling onto your skin. “I missed you so much, (Y/N). You don’t even know.” He pulled back slightly pressing his lips to yours in a soft embrace.
After a minute of kissing, you pulled back. “Merry Christmas, Shawn.”
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N).”
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter 7~instant crush
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A/N: aaaaaa this chapter is so/so???? i guess it gets better at the end??? idk, i’m starting to get back into that “i’m not a good writer” mindset that i was in at the beginning of nauseous. i’m hoping to start writing another chapter super soon! i’m just stuck in rut and it’s showing in the chapters. i’ll work harder to make them better, but no promises. also listen to the song that the chapter was named after here. it’s literally one of my all time favorite songs on the planet lol. ok, i apologize in advance but i hope u still enjoy :)
Category: fluff
CW: smoking weed, mentions of toys and smoking tools and pieces
Word Count: 2680
before you read | last chapter | next chapter
After what felt like days, you and Spencer had finally made it to your father's cabin. You hadn't been up north in years, all because you were so focused on getting your dream job. Driving down a dirt road, the smell of the trees mixed with rain had you feeling nostalgic, triggering memories of when you were a little girl, reading Charles Dickens under a tree or on the rocky shores of the lake. You couldn't wait to share these new memories here with him.
When you arrived in Michigan, you made sure you got all of your favorite goodies like Better Maid potato chips, Faygo's Rock'n'Rye, Vernors ginger ale, Superman ice cream, and you even made Spencer stop at your favorite pizza place, Buddy's, so you could get your favorite salad and a cheese pizza with light sauce and a crispy crust. He chuckled at how plain you like your pizza, but it was something you and your grandmother shared a loved for. You wanted Spencer to have as close to the Michigan experience he could because while you weren't in love with your home state, the small things you grew up with gave you joy.
The last errand you made before moving up north was to a dispo in Ann Arbor. Spencer couldn't go in with you, so you left him in the car (even though you wanted him to come in with you, he didn't have his card so it wouldn't work). Walking in, you showed the security guard your med card and continued your way through the store. Jars of bud covered the shelves on the wall. Glass showcases were filled with wax. Each strain (no matter what form) had labels in front of them, giving information about it and what it could do to help with any specific problem like joint pains or body spasms. You never really had a preference on what strain was best, nor got too picky if it was an indica, sativa, or hybrid.
You talked with a staff member and asked what they suggested. You ended up getting some Cherry Pie flower, joint papers, hemp blunt wraps, and a mini bbq lighter. Once you grabbed the goods, you headed out to suddenly notice a store that was at the outdoor mall next door. A smile grew on your face as you ran back to the car, set your bag down behind your seat, and grabbing Spencer by his hand and pulled him with you to the mall.
"Silly girl, I thought we were done with the errands?" He asked.
"One more stop," you said eagerly, "I promise. Plus, I think you'll get a little kick out of it."
A small building appeared as you made him stop in front of it. You saw him look up at the sign, looking a little confused. "There's a store with the same name as me?"
"Wait till you get inside." You giggled.
Those who weren't familiar with the store would think it was an edgier Hot Topic, but once you showed him what was in the back of Spencer's, you saw his jaw drop and couldn't hold in the laugh that was brewing in your throat. "Told you you'd get a little kick out of it."
"Well I thought you meant because of the fact it's called Spencer's, not because of all the...toys...they have."
"Are you getting ideas, Doctor?"
He straightened himself out and fixed his sweater. "I cannot confirm, nor deny your question."
"Dr.Spencer Reid," you giggled, slapping his arm softly, "naughty boy."
"Are you getting idea's, Agent L/N?"
You were quiet for a moment. "...maybe." you mumbled.
Spencer just laughs at the little banter you just had. "Let's save it for when we're home. It'll give me time to really think about it."
As you're left there speechless, your clouded mind is interrupted by the look on his face as he looks at the dick shaped candy they had.
"Ok, ok," you giggled, "let me go find what I'm looking for and then my errands are done. I'm ready to just sit back on the couch, put a fire on, and relax."
From there you went to the middle of the store, where you grabbed a green rolling tray with a panda on his back smoking a joint, a hot pink grinder, and a game controller ashtray before going up to the cashier to pay. You then headed back to the car and headed off to the cabin.
The cabin hadn't changed a bit, with its Christmas lights still hung and the skeleton that was sitting on the porch chair. You thought maybe your dad did all this while you two were on your way, but whatever the reason, you could tell that Spencer was already in love with it once he saw the skeleton. You forgot how big the cabin was. It wasn't small like a fairy's cottage, but you could say it was smaller than Rossi's mansion.
The smell of pine needles and fire smoke filled your head with nostalgia as you entered. You dropped your bags and plopped on the couch. You felt at home, and with Spencer, the feeling was stronger than you could've ever felt. You let out a big sigh, smiling as you hold one of the couch pillows to your chest.
"If your father built this cabin, he's the genius not me." Spencer joked as he moved your legs over so he could sit down next to you. He let your legs rest on his lap, rubbing your legs awkwardly, giving you that awkward white guy smile.
"How about you put the bags in the bedroom and then we'll go exploring," you said as you adjusted your position, using the armrest as support, "I haven't been here in years and I'm feeling very nostalgic."
"Sounds like a plan!...um..." Spencer looks around the living room, trying to find the bedroom.
"Oh, sorry! It's straight down that hall on your left." You pointed over to the hallway next to him. Once he saw the open doors to the bedroom he grabbed your bags and sat them down. You got up as he walked to the room and started exploring. You started in the kitchen, looking back on the times you'd bake the most gooey chocolate chip cookies as your dad cooked the family stew. Your father always had a hobby for making food, didn't matter if it was a meaty dish or a beautiful dessert. You thought nothing could beat your father's cooking, and that became especially true when you went to college.
As you were walking to the hall, you noticed Spencer admire the artwork that was hanging on the walls. "Did you know that the first log cabins that were built in America were emigrants from Sweden and Finland?" He asked. "They had been building them for 1,000 years, prior to coming here."
"That's very interesting," you said loudly as I walked to my old room, "I didn't know that." Something you always loved was to listen to people talk. Spencer was known for rambling about something when he should've been keeping it case related. He'd start off with giving them what they wanted to know, but then get so excited that he kept going on. It was something you did, too, but only around those you were comfortable around and that was very rare.
As he continued to ramble facts about the paintings, you looked around the familiar room that felt a bit distant. Your dad had turned your old room into an office. All the bright lilac walls had turned to gray, and your bed with a matching white desk were replaced with a black leather couch and a black, very sophisticated desk. Pictures of the two of you mixed with Red Wing merchandise hung on the walls and sat at his desk.
"Uuuuhh, Y/N?" Spencer called, "you might want to see this!
With a confused look on your face, you walked out of the office and back out to the living room where you see him hold a ziplock bag. Inside was a small stash of something similar that you bought that day.
"Where did you find all that weed?" you asked.
"I was looking at the books on this bookcase and as I took one out to explore further, this fell out with it."
You start exploring on your own. It had to be here. It'd make complete sense.
"What are you looking for?"
You ignore him for a moment before finding it. That son of a bitch.
You show Spencer the glass piece you found, the light in the room making its blue accent glow.
"Is that a erlenmeyer flask?" He asked, looking puzzled.
You couldn't help but laugh at his innocence. "You're cute," you said, "but no, it's a bong! My dad's a sneaker bastard. I never knew he smoked-" you stopped in your tracks for a moment, thinking. "...I don't know how I feel about that information."
Spencer chuckles as you go through your mini life crisis. You notice his eyes then move in different directions. It took you a minute to realize what he was looking at. He would look at you, then look at the bong, then at the bag of weed, and continue the cycle. A grin fell upon your face, making Spencer grin a evil, yet goofy smile.
"Let's get comfortable first," you propose, "I'll heat up our pizza's and grab the salads, you grab the rock'n'rye and then we'll get to smokiiin."
Without a second thought, the two of you rushed to get into pajamas. You both had decided that Christmas pajamas was the way to go with how cold it was going to be. Coming out of the bedroom as Spencer came out of the bathroom, you both laugh at the fact that you pretty much had the same theme going. While Spencer was wearing a red long sleeve with the vintage coke'a'cola Santa Clause, you wore a white fitted shirt with the coke's'cola polar bears on it. Your pants were pretty much the same red and black checkered flannels, but while Spencer wore just regular slippers, you had on Rudolph the red nose reindeer fuzzy socks.
After heating up the pizza and pouring the drinks, your grab your food and went for the couch. You sat it on the coffee table in front of you before grabbing the bong, along with the bag and your grinder. As you began to grind the flower, you looked over to Spencer, who seemed to be really loving the pop through the nervousness on his face.
"Are you sure you want to try smoking out of a bong, Spence?" you asked, "Because you don't have to if you're too nervous."
"No no, I do want to! I'm just getting excited that's all."
"You're ok with your mouth being on the same place mine has?"
He was quiet for a moment. "No spit will be on this," you explain, taking the look on his face as a maybe, "but we have our napkins if you want to wipe."
"Ok, good!" He sighed out of relief.
Once the bud was grounded, you took some out with your fingers and packed it in the bowl, rubbing your fingers together to get some of the sticky stuff off. You then put on some music from you groovy playlist on your phone, connecting it to the bluetooth speakers that surrounded the room.
As you put your mouth on the top, lighting the bowl, you move the flame over half of it, letting Spencer have the other half. You felt eyes burning on you as you took the bowl out and inhaled. You held the smoke in your lungs for a few moments before a cloud formed in front of your face.
You handed the bong and lighter to Spencer, showing him what to do. You reminded him to inhale as he held the flame to the bowl. You watch as he did exactly what you did, copying your movements from memory. When he exhaled, the cloud of smoke was a bit bigger than yours was, you were shocked that he didn't have a coughing fit afterward.
He sat it down on the coffee table and sat back on the couch, letting the sensations take over his body. You grabbed the bong again and took another hit, handing it to Spencer afterward. He surprisingly took it from your hands and took another rip. You ended up doing this a few more times until your grinder was empty. You took the last bong rip, setting it back down and slouched on the couch.
By this time, the munchies had kicked in. You both devoured your dinner in a matter of minutes. But the tingles slowly left your body once you finished, so you grabbed the bong and your grinder again. This time, you took the bottom part off, looking at the leftover bits of the bud that turned into almost a powder form. You then grabbed your bag from the dispo that was sitting on the table next to you, and grabbed the flower you had bought. You took the cherry pie bud out of its container and ground it up.
You looked over to Spencer, who was just feeling the music. He looked very much relaxed, staring at the ceiling fan that hung above them.
After taking a huge rip from the bong, you coughed out a bit as you sat it back down. Without even realizing, you sneaked your way under his arm, laying your head on his chest. He put his arms around you, letting you snuggle into him.
With the light of the moon now being your only source of light, and the song Instant Crush playing in the background, you felt safe in his arms. Nothing could've ruined this moment. All you wanted was him and him alone.
"You're like a beautiful dragon, Y/N." You heard Spencer say.
You look up at him with a confused look on your face. "What do you mean by that?"
"When you exhaled. When I exhaled, even. We were like dragons blowing fire. It was so cool."
He was definitely gone, it was pretty obvious. But hearing him babble on and on about being dragons made you smile and giggle. It was contagious, making Spencer giggle with you, and then you couldn't stop. Your stomach and cheeks were hurting at this point.
Once the giggling calmed down, you looked up at him, as he looked down at you. Without a thought in mind, you both leaned and kissed. Your lips hovered over the other for a moment, before leaning back in, your lips melting together as your tongues attacked the other. His right hand in your hair, and his left cupping the side of your face.
After a minute, Spencer broke away and spoke. "I don't care what we are right now," he said, "we can talk about that another time. Right now, I just want you."
You smiled and went back in. He smiled through the kiss, letting tongue go back to where it belonged.
And there you stayed, kissing here and there, taking a few more hits before you both passed out on the couch, your arms still around the other.
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lawliet-imagines · 3 years
The happiest of birthdays to my lovely friend @my-one-true-l !! Here is a Beanly birthday oneshot for you 🥰🥳🎂
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The air was still blue with darkness as the earliest birds twittered outside. The kitchen light flipped on, illuminating one corner of the big penthouse hotel suite, and L's seven-year-old son rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he looked around. He was lucky that tonight had been one of the nights his Papa was actually sleeping because the little Bean had a surprise in mind. Being the 31st of October, it was L's birthday, and so the small boy with the ink black hair and bright blue eyes shuffled over to a lower cupboard in his bare feet and Pokéball pajamas.
On numerous occasions, Bean had helped Watari in the kitchen, and so when it came to making a birthday cake... how hard could it be??
Flour, sugar, vanilla, baking... soda or powder? He grabbed both, setting everything out on the floor beside where he knelt.
Oh yes, eggs... Bean stood up and moved to the refrigerator, reaching up to pull the door open. Two eggs seemed customary, and so that's what he grabbed... one splattered to the floor, though, so he reached for a third. Then he stood there for a moment, trying to remember if he needed milk. Better grab it... just in case.
He found the measuring cups and the cake pans and the spatula, and soon, everything was set out on the counter. He wiggled up onto the step ladder, sitting on his knees, his tongue working eagerly side-to-side as he eyed all of his ingredients.
He started with the flour. He decided three heaping cups looked like enough, and already, both he and his surroundings were dusted with white powder.
Next was the baking soda and baking powder. Watari always used small measuring spoons for these ingredients, so Bean did the same. When he tried to scrape the baking soda against the cardboard flap, though, it caught, and more white dust poofed everywhere. Sputtering, Bean rubbed his face with his sleeve.
Sugar. Papa loved sugar, so there should be extra. Five cups should work. Granules tumbled over the rim of the bag with each heaping scoop.
Vanilla was next, and since this was to be a vanilla cake with strawberries, Bean figured a generous amount was called for. He knew not to taste it by itself, but he couldn’t resist taking a whiff. It smelled so good. Three tablespoons.
Now the eggs. Bean tapped one against the side of the bowl, which nearly capsized, some of its contents spilling over the edge and all down Bean's pajamas. He was able to catch it before things got too disastrous, though. Best to use the counter.
tap tap tap
Hmm... it wasn't cracking...
TAP TAP-- Whoops!
Bean looked at the crumpled shell in his sticky hand. Then he picked up the bowl and held it under the edge of the counter, using his other hand to scrape the egg into the batter. There. No harm done. He was a little more careful with the second egg, managing to crack it properly. He held the two halves of the shell in his hands, bobbing them up and down a few times as he watched the goopy egg white ooze down and then release.
And last was the milk. He held the nearly-full gallon in both hands, tongue working in concentration as he tipped it toward the measuring cup. It came out a little faster than expected, and the measuring cup slid sideways as milk sloshed out onto the counter, joining the other ingredients that were now beginning to drip down the cupboards and onto the floor. Bean decided the measuring cup wasn't going to work here, so he just dumped a few glugs of milk directly into the bowl.
Grabbing the spatula, he stirred and stirred as powder puffed up and batter escaped the rim to further splotch the countertop. At last, it was ready, and he poured the contents of the bowl into the two round cake pans. Then, he climbed down from the step stool, avoiding the sloppy mess on the floor with his feet, and he pushed it towards the stove. Climbing up onto the ladder briefly, he turned the knob to heat the oven before eagerly moving to place his cake pans onto the cold racks.
The oven door slammed too loudly as Bean startled and whirled around to see Watari standing there in his light blue pajama set, grey robe, and brown slippers.
"What's all this?" the old man inquired with a tremendous amount of grace and patience as he eyed the absolute disaster that was his kitchen. His gaze returned to the boy, whose state wasn't any better. His pajamas were covered in flour, egg, and cake batter, the latter of which had somehow made it into his hair. His face was streaked in white, and his hands had left sticky fingerprints just about everywhere.
"I-- it's Papa's birthday..." Bean explained sheepishly.
Watari's white mustache twitched with amusement. "So it is. What do you say to your taking a bath while the cake is in the oven? I can clean up in here."
A grin flashed over Bean's messy face, displaying two missing teeth. "Okay." He hurried off to get cleaned up, his bare feet trying to be quiet but thudding with childish enthusiasm.
Watari watched him with a quiet chuckle. He waited until Bean's door clicked shut before moving over to the oven and removing the cake pans. He then set to work making a proper batter.
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buntycake · 4 years
The Brothers and Wedding Day (Dress-Wearing MC)
Diavolo having asked Lucifer to take care of some tasks before school, he met you at the entrance of RAD. On the steps of the school, illuminated by Devildom’s moon, Lucifer stood dressed up in a black suit and red vest that were tailored to perfection. He made you hope that you looked even a fraction as stunning.
The white dress with long laced sleeves that the two of you had picked out together had looked amazing – at least it had on the hanger. You owed it to Asmo for looking as good as you did. This morning he made it his goal to help you with your hair, makeup, and accessories this morning. Even if he was a few ideas away from going overboard, you were thankful.
So when his gaze met yours, eyes widening in surprise and a bright smile cracking over his face, your heart fluttered with happiness. He offered his arm as you reached the top of the steps and looked over your costume appreciatively. “Stunning, as always,” he’d complimented.
As you walked arm in arm through RAD, stares from the student body were abundant. Even Diavolo did a double-take when he met up with you two. He joked that you should hold a ceremony. After all, it would be a waste to look so good only for a school event.
Mammon had insisted on getting dressed together and ended up worming his way into your room. He claimed that he couldn’t risk someone seeing you in your dress before him. You were his human and he had to be first in everything. So, he stayed, and you dressed in the bathroom.
The dress you picked out was fitted to your body and flared at your knees. There was gold detailing on the skirt of the dress that faded at the waistline. You had thought that with all the gold accessories added on you would look garish, but looking at yourself in the mirror, you looked lavash. Like you bathed in money for fun.
Mammon was pacing nervously around the room when you exited the bathroom. He seemed to freeze and buffer when he caught sight of you. You couldn’t help but chuckle and took the chance to take in his appearance, too.
He looked roguish in a suit. Mostly because he didn’t button up his shirt, tighten his tie, or fix his hair. Of course, his black suit was accented with gold – you were his human, so you had to match.
He blinked furiously, finally breaking out of his daze. With surprising speed, he stepped forward and grabbed your hands, he got down on one knee. “Marry me.” You laughed out of surprise. Mammon insisted that he was serious and that he’d buy you a ring later.
You’d never seen Levi sew until the first day of Spirit Week. That morning, you had tried putting on the beautiful, brightly colored wedding kimono he’d made for you, but with all the fabric you ended up tripping over yourself and tearing one of the layers while trying to put it on.
When you brought the torn kimono to his door, you expected him to be mad. Instead he just took it from your arms and shuffled you into his room. He pulled out a sewing machine from god knows where and within 10-15 minutes he had gotten it patched up.
You could barely hear him offering to help you put on the kimono as he murmured. Even so, you accepted the offer. As embarrassing as it was to be undressed in front of him, you had a feeling that Levi was even more embarrassed, if his flushed face was any indication. But he diligently helped you put on each layer of the outfit. His hands steady the entire time.
When he had finished, his gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary. Then he excused himself and went to put on his own outfit. He exited his bathroom with a traditional black kimono and hakama – his sigil of envy embroidered on each shoulder. His blush returned when you told him he was handsome. From the corner of his room he produced a parasol and surprisingly bold this morning, he took one of your hands.
Even though your outfits weren’t as flashy as some others at RAD (looking at you Asmo), there was something more intimate to them. Walking hand-in-hand under a paper parasol, you almost feel like true newlyweds.
Satan took a more historical approach to the prompt. Instead of dressing in modern wedding styles, he was set upon basing your costumes on a different era. So, the two of you researched weddings across the ages and decided on the Victorian Era. He had a suit and dress fashioned for the two of you – with a couple of modern touches, like less scratchy fabrics.
The day of, you had expected to look much more uncomfortable in your dress.  Afterall, the whole ensemble included stepping into a hooped petticoat, securing yourself into a corset, and getting the actual dress over all of those things. The whole ensemble had weight to it, but that morning, as you had examined yourself in the mirror, you almost felt like you were meant to wear this dress. The white dress managed to be simple with its modest frills yet striking and gave you a strange allure.
You were startled by a knock on the door. On the other side you found Satan, looking absolutely princely. He wore a traditionally blue morning coat with a white waistcoat and green hellebore flowers tucked in his coat pocket. It looked as if he tried to slick back his hair, but a few troublesome strands still managed to fall in his face.
Admittedly, you had felt shy under his gaze as he seemed to take in every element of you. He took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.  “You look absolutely exquisite.” With how hot your face became; you could have boiled a pot.
It turned out moving around in a hoop skirt was more difficult than you thought. It was a blessing that Satan was around to help when you got caught in doorways or needed help getting back to your feet. Even so, the two of you were the most elegant looking couple at RAD. It was like you had stepped out of a vintage photo.
Trust that Asmo has spent WEEKS planning for this day and you were absolutely dragged into that preparation. This included tearing through wedding boutiques looking for the perfect dress. Make no mistake, he gets to wear the wedding dress. Period.
Inevitably, none of the dresses met his expectations and he designed his own. Poor Levi was roped into helping make the dress. Once all that was completed, then it was your turn. Since you were insistent that you would wear a dress too, he helped you find a chic dress in a bridesmaid style. He assured you it was better not to try to compete with his beauty.
On the day of, you almost felt he was right. You saw the dress on the hanger before you saw it on Asmo because he insisted you get ready together so he could help you with your ensemble.
After Asmo’s 100 step self-care routine and getting dressed in your own outfit, he finally stepped out in his full costume. Draped in silvery organza that gathered on a floor like a blooming flower, his modesty barely saved by the plunge line, stark white sheath underneath the transparent fabric, Asmo looked beyond stunning. He forwent the traditional veil for a giant, wide brimmed lace hat.
Of course, you complimented him, and he ate it up. However, the rest of the morning was devoted to you. Your dress is a lustrous high-low cut, with a lace detailed bodice. If Asmo’s dress looks like a blossoming flower, then you look like a flower in full bloom. Together, the two of you were so dazzlingly, that the student body has a hard time looking at you directly.
At RAD, Asmo insisted on a photo shoot. Of course, he roped other students into it, too. He spent a decent part of the day photographing other’s outfits. When he showed you the glamour shots he took of you, you were floored. Even dressed in an outfit out of your comfort zone, Asmo had managed to capture you candidly – truly as yourself.
Honestly, Beel was just happy that you wanted to dress up with him. He went shopping with you to pick out outfits and worked to match his outfit to whatever dress you chose, but he didn’t really have an opinion on his own outfit. So, he ended up choosing a classical tuxedo.
The day of, he came to your door, a rose and sunflower bouquet in hand, and looking like the sweetest thing in the world. You felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you took the bouquet and compliments from him.
The two of you weren’t the flashiest couple at RAD, but you sure did get a lot of looks when Beel decided to carry you bridal style for the rest of the day. The action had Lucifer in a tizzy, but it just made you feel warm and loved to be tucked into his chest. Asmo just had to take a picture of you two like that. You were glad he did, since you now keep that photo tucked in a safe place.
The highlight of the day for Beel was absolutely the massive wedding cake that Barbatos made for lunch time. It had to have had at least a hundred tiers to it. The cake was the traditional white with intricate pink and red frosting roses as decoration. Beyond Barb’s beautifully crafted cake, Beel seemed to really appreciate the tradition of couples feeding cake to each other. Especially when he could use it as an excuse to kiss the remaining crumbs off your lips.
Belphie decided he was going to wear a pajama suit to Wedding Day. You know, the ones with a suit printed on the front? Yeah, there was zero effort to be had for Spirit Week. So, you just decided to roll with it.
You found a white nightgown, some slippers, and used a bed sheet as your “veil.” Belphie couldn’t help but laugh when you went to retrieve him from the attic. It enough to prompt him to go to school that day. BUT you had to bridal carry him there. (Don’t worry, Beel helped you out if you weren’t strong enough.)
The two of you were clearly out of place in your pajamas and nightgown among the sea of white dresses and suit. You got plenty of odd stares from the other students as you passed them in the halls. Asmo was personally offended by the costumes you showed up in. Even more so because the two of you wouldn’t take a proper photo. The two of you looked like a walrus passed out on Ambien every time someone turned a camera on the two of you.
It wasn’t until the two of you started napping anywhere and everywhere at RAD that Lucifer began to rag on you. The temptation was too much for Belphie. He was wearing pajamas and your bed sheet veil made naps easily accessible. It was just too easy for the two of you to cuddle up together.
Apparently, Lucifer had been holding back a lecture on proper attire because it was Spirit Week but sleeping in the middle of the hallway was the last straw. The two of you got a scolding that was about half a day long, but according to Belphie, it was completely worth it. He could never regret spending a day creating mischief with you.
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markleesthighs · 3 years
Can you make another jaemin x BOY reader? Since he looks so good and badboyish with his new raven black hair, can you make one where jaemin is the only son of a mafia leader who gambles, drag races, and other reckless underground stuff and the boy reader is a pure, fragile, and perfect ballet dancer and honor student, an only son of an ambassador. Like a dangerous boy meets a delicate boy or like romeo and juliet? Thankieeeeeee!🖤🤍
-aw this is so cute this concept... *chefs kiss*
Forbidden Moonlight
You attend one of the most prestigious art schools in the country. Everyone there had to go through rigorous testing, students needed to be academically and artistically smart and creative. You and your peers were the top 5% of the country where you’d all grow to be famous artists after you graduate. But there was one student who you were confused about was Na Jaemin. Apparently he got into school because of his amazing graffiti art and gambling skills. You got into the school from your amazing ballet performance and you being at the top of your class with perfect grades. You were the only son of an ambassador so your family had high expectations for you. Specifically, they support you for dancing but they push hard for your academics. Every grade you receive you have to report to your parents so they can keep track of your progress. You arrive to dance classes early, always volunteer for every club or in class, and keep up the best grades in the grade.
You were perfect as people say, and you got asked out by several guys in your class but you always kindly reject them simply telling them you don’t have time for a relationship. Jaemin on the flip side was just as popular as you, getting confessions from guys and girls but he also rejected them always saying his catchphrase, “you couldn’t keep up with me.” Rumors spread that he was a mafia leader and already had a spouse and kids but you didn’t know what to believe. Your parents would have scolded you for being distracted by silly things. Yet you still found yourself intrigued by him, he was everything you weren’t, a troublemaker, laid back, and competes in drag races instead of doing any work. You always wondered how he stayed in your school, despite his work ethic.
One night you went out to pick up a study snack from a local restaurant with a sweet old lady who would always give you extra of whatever food she sold. When you walked home you were staring at your phone, listening to music when you accidentally bumped into someone.
“Oh, I’m so sorry...”
You looked up to see a man at least a foot taller than you and had a huge build, he could definitely crush you would his fingers if he could.
“HEY watch where you’re going twerp!”
“I’m really sorry, I’ll just go-“
“Oh no you’re not! You need to learn your lesson!”
He grabbed you by the collar and brought you aside to the alley where he pinned you agains the grimy brick.
“You’re going to regret bumping into me-“
“Let him go...he’s worth a lot to this city.” A voice called.
“How do you know the boss??”
“That’s none of your concern, Sebastion, now go back to work.”
“Come with me y/n, you’re coming.”
“Wh- I gotta go back-“
Before you can say anything you were suddenly on his motorbike riding to his mansion. You got off his bike and were fathomed by his luxurious lifestyle, you expected him to live in a messy apartment for some reason. You walked in as you were greeted by a bunch of maids taking off your jacket and giving you heated slippers and a face towel. You kindly thanked them as Jaemin plopped down on his couch. You shyly walked over to join him.
“Here’s the deal, y/n, you’re dad owes me something of mine, and I need to keep you here as leverage got it?”
“Are you seriously expecting me to the calm about this? Jaemin this is crazy, my mind is circling...”
“Well...” He moved closer. “There’s no chance of me letting you go...willingly at least.”
Your face heated up smelling his light cigarette breath.
“But I assure you that you will be treated like a king here since you are my guest, so you might as well get comfortable.”
Jaemin got up and grabbed your hand giving you a tour, from olympic sized pools, bowling alley to shooting ranges and torture rooms. The tour ended at the bedroom, Jaemin’s bedroom.
“You’re going to be sleeping in my bedroom, since I don’t trust the other guys in the house if you’re alone in the room, all of them are horn dogs. I’ll leave you alone to refresh yourself.” Jaemin left and closed the door.
You were freaking out having a meltdown in the bedroom pacing back and forth. You decided a shower would calm you down, you undressed and stepped in the shower. You smelled the musk of Jaemin, it was warm and comforting, the complete opposite of his appearance. You dried and realized there were not pajamas for you. So you threw on one of Jaemin’s shirts and sweatpants. You opened the bedroom door to let Jaemin know you were done.
Jaemin turned and saw you, barefaced, raw, and he thought you looked breathtaking. It was a different look, and he liked what he was seeing. He went to shower and when he walked out he saw you staring at the night sky while sitting on the bed. He admired you looking at the moonlight the bright moon gleaming against your skin, the light shining though your irises and the reflection of the moon in your eyes. He snapped out of it and asked you if you were going to bed. You quietly nodded and tucked yourself in facing away from Jaemin. You didn’t know what to think, you were speechless about the situation.
Jaemin sighed and joined you in bed but he couldn’t fall asleep. He just keep watching you, making sure you were asleep and sleeping well. Despite the plush and lavish sheets you were shivering, from the cold room and a bit of anxiety. You didn’t know what was going to happen tomorrow, your father is the type to send a whole army after you, you didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Jaemin snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Y-yeah a bit, but I’m fine.”
You felt a warm embrace, Jaemin’s wrapped his arms around you tucking his head into your neck. It was comforting, warm, and nurturing. Your shivering calm down and you felt yourself drift off to sleep. While you were asleep Jaemin kissed you temple
“Goodnight, y/n.”
You woke up to some giggles by the maids cleaning up Jaemin’s room. Your vision was blurry but you noticed you were facing Jaemin as he was holding you in a warm embrace. You stared at Jaemin for a minute, his face was calm and serene, and his hair was a little messy. You smiled playing with his hair as he groaned in pleasure. A maid came in a rang a bell as Jaemin woke up confused.
“Master Jaemin, it’s time for school.”
He got up and sighed as he collapsed back into bed. You tried to get out of bed but Jaemin kept trying to pull you back in.
“Get up sleepyhead, you gotta show me your closet.”
Jaemin lazily got up and opened his finger print locked closet. It opened up to dozens of racks and shelves of designer clothing. Jaemin walked over to two bags one from YSL and one from Fendi.
“I asked one of the maids to pick an outfit from you I didn’t know which one you liked so you can pick one.” You peeked in each box and chose the one from YSL, putting it on in the dressing room and you walked out to see Jaemin shirtless. You apologized but he told you to stay and brought you closer. Your eyes traced his body.
“Take a picture it will last longer baby.”
You blushed hard and looked away. Why did he make butterflies appear in your stomach? He put on the rest of his outfit and sprayed his cologne and you were still looking away from him. Jaemin grabbed your chin and pecked your cheek.
“You have a beautiful face don’t hide hide it from me.”
You pecked his lips
“Well if you didn’t make me so flustered I think I’d look at you more often.”
That made Jaemin’s eyes go wide in shock.
“Don’t test me now baby, or will I have to show you how to play nice?”
You rolled your eyes as you walked passed him. He chased after you as you both ate a light breakfast and walked outside together holding hands. He gave you a helmet and he held your hand and made you wrap your arms around his waist. You arrived to school with a bunch of eyes all over you two. You were averting gazes but Jaemin held your hand as you both walked. You smiled at him as you walked together. You got gazes of jealousy and shock. You walked into class and Jaemin held you close squeezing your hand in reassurance.
“Would Mr. y/n l/n please come down the the front office please.”
You looked at Jaemin in confusion but he let you go alone to the office. You walked in and saw your father and mother standing there next to the principal. They led you into the principals office.
“y/n as you know you went missing last night according to your parents, once we were notified that you arrived on campus we contacted your parents. If you don’t mind, would you mind explaining to your parents where you went?”
“Did they drug you? Did they harm you?” Sobbed your mother
“Were you threatened? Do you know how worried we were how reckless are you?!” scolded your father.
“Well, I was with Na Jaemin, he helped me that night after I was being harassed. Is there anything you need to explain to me, dad, regarding Na Jaemin? Does that name ring a bell?”
The principal stepped out by simply saying that he won’t be involved or eavesdrop on family affairs and he shut the door.
“y/n, the Na family is the most powerful mafia family in the country right now, I have to meet and do deals with them to maintain the safety of this country. Last night I made an offer to Jaemin, and he accepted it saying he would return you to school the next morning.”
“How’d you know where I was?”
“I received intel from a mafia member who saw you with Jaemin.”
“What did you offer Jaemin?”
“That’s none of your concern, from now on I want you to stop affiliating yourself with him, he’s too dangerous for you. I forbid you from seeing him off campus, y/n.”
“As your father and guardian, I need to do what’s best to protect you and keep you on a clear track. No more boys no more mafia business.”
You felt as if you were going to cry, how were you going to tell Jaemin? What is he going to do? What if him and you father go to war? You couldn’t have that you’d have to choose. So who will you choose?
part 2
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DAY 5💙❄
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SUMMARY - It has been a year since he fell off the Bifrost and met you. What happens when Christmas is coming?
GENRE - fluff
WARNING - Sad Loki, injuries, slight depression? if I forgot something, please message me
A/N - This is based on the idea, that instead of Thanos, Loki met you. Text in italics is a flashback.
Y/N - your name
Y/L - your last name
E/C - eye color
L/C - lip color
H/C - hair color
F/C - favorite color
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𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅
The only things Loki felt while falling into the large, beautiful Galaxy. He chose to let go of the scepter and fall. To end his and other's misery. 
Then, suddenly, he felt his back hit a hard surface, which made all of the air leave his lungs. He couldn't see properly. The only thing he knew, he was had fallen on a field. Loki's vision blurred to the point where he blacked out completely, but only after he heard a worried, kind voice calling.
Loki woke up in a cozy room, in the middle of the night, to hear a beautiful piano melody playing somewhere in the house. He got up from the bed he was in and made his way to the sound. Loki quietly made his way through book filled halls and rooms with closed white wooden doors.
On his way, he passed a kitchen, a bathroom, and even a library, until he found the source of the calming music. He found himself, frozen, standing next to a doorway and listening to the sound of the piano.
He gathered all of the courage he had left and entered the room. What he noticed immediately was a black piano and a girl sitting on a stool. She had H/C locks, and a sad yet angelic smile was playing on her lips. She was pushing certain keys on the instrument, making it emit the most beautiful sounds he had ever heard. 
Sure, there was music in Asgard, but it was only to celebrate victories or mourn over the loss of warriors. This piece told a story, a blue one, but still a story. 
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice that you weren't playing anymore. Instead, you were studying him - his raven hair, his icy eyes, and his light pink lips.
Feeling a pair of eyes on him, he brought his attention to you. What he noticed instantly, were your E/C diamond-like eyes, that shone in the moonlight like stars. And your lips, they reminded him of all the beautiful, L/C flowers on Asgard.
  The one place where he felt lost and alone. Unwanted, even.
''Hi,'' you said, your voice soft, barely audible, yet welcoming to Loki. ''Hello,'' he replied, not sure what to say.
A moment of comfortable silence passed before either of you spoke again.
''How are you feeling?'' you said, getting to your feet, slowly, as if not to scare him. ''Much better, thank you,'' said Loki, unsure of what was happening. ''You might have some questions, can help answer any of them?'' you asked, leading Loki to the room he was in when he woke up.
Loki thought for a moment, then asked: ''Yes. May I ask, where am I? How did I get here, and why are you helping me?'' You softly smiled at him and replied: '' You're in Ireland. It's really beautiful and peaceful here. When you're feeling better, I'll show you around if you'd like?'' He didn't know what to say, so he nodded. 
''As to how you got here, I only know the part after you suddenly fell from the sky while I was going for a walk. I called my friend to help me carry you here. I cleaned up some of your bruises, but the rest should heal within two days,'' you patiently answered his question, then continued, ''I'm helping you because that's the right thing to do. Many people think that helping is something to do if you receive something in return. I think that good things come, you just have to wait and be kind.''
Loki said nothing. Only watched you in awe. He noticed your graceful stride, what you were wearing too - an F/C t-shirt and black sweatpants.
You led him to the king-sized bed that was slightly messed up from the way he got up. You waited until he got comfortable and then proceeded to leave and close the door until Loki's voice stopped you. ''Wait ‘’, he said, ''I never got your name.'' A stupid question, but one that mattered to him at that exact moment.
''It's Y/N Y/L,'' was all you said before you closed the door.
That was over six months ago. Right now, he was sitting beside you, the girl he had fallen in love with, and eating breakfast. You were enthusiastically going on about a tree of some sort, while he was reading one of your books.
Even though you continued to buy him a new work every week, he still had managed to read each of them at least twice. 
''Darling, are you even listening to me?'' You asked, waving your hand in front of his eyes. He sighed, knowing he couldn't hide anything from you: ''No, I'm not. But I don't understand, what's the big deal about a tree? There are tons outside right now!'' He stated and gestured to the slightly foggy window, due to the different temperatures
You looked outside the window. Everything was covered in snow - the trees, the bushes, and the ground. It made you feel warm and happy inside.
''Loki,'' you began, ready to explain another one of your beloved traditions, '' It's not just a tree. It's a Christmas tree. You decorate it with colorful ornaments and bright lights. Didn't you do that with your family? Not even as a kid?'' 
He had told you about his family long ago, leaving out everything about him being Jotunn. You, being you, had accidentally found about it. 
Loki had had a bad day and was looking at himself, in the Jotunn form, in the mirror. All he saw was a monster, but then you walked in. 
His heart started beating at a pace he thought was impossible. Loki thought that that was the moment you'd leave him or run away in fear, and he'd be alone again, but much to his surprise, you walked closer.
Softly placing a hand on his cheek and tracing the marks. You told Loki that you loved him in all ways and forms and that this was no exception. He still didn't like his Jotunn form, but he didn't loathe it either.
''Sadly, no. In Asgard, there wasn't a holiday like that,'' he said and sadly looked away, not hungry anymore.
You looked at the way his demeanor changed when you mentioned his family. The way he averted his eyes and got lost in his thoughts, so you decided to cheer him up.
''We're going to decorate the house early. Grab your coat and get your snow boots, we're going shopping,'' you exclaimed, running to find your own coat and scarf, to keep you warm.
Loki didn't understand what had gotten into you but still complied with your demand. You practically sprinted out of the house and started up the car, while Loki was left to lock the front door.
The car ride was short, but you spent it by telling Loki about Christmas traditions and your favorite songs. You pulled into the parking lot next to the mall. It was already decorated - a gigantic, fake Christmas tree stood in the middle of the parking lot, and many tall, fake candy canes stood next to each lamp post and sign.
You locked the car before grabbing Loki by his wrist and hurriedly dragging him to the mall entrance. The first shop you entered was the clothing shop. You bought many Christmas themed things for your boyfriend and yourself - matching pajamas, festive t-shirts, pants, socks, slippers, and even a few mugs to add to your already large collection.
The next shop, where you dragged Loki to, was the decoration and craft store. Throughout the day you bought many tinsel, garlands, ornaments, and other Christmas themed things. You even had time to buy 5 packages of candy canes, and other Yuletide themed sweets.
When you got home, both of you were exhausted, to say the least. You were ready to put on the most comfortable clothes you could find, order a pizza, and watch a movie with your partner. He seemed to have the same plans. If only you hadn't promised him, you'd decorate the house early.
You got out of your jacket and shoes and started carrying in the boxes labeled, neatly, in your handwriting, ''x-mas ornaments''. ''Love, what are you doing? Aren't you tired?'' Loki asked, slightly concerned.
''No,'' you responded, too stubborn to back out of your promises,'' I said we'd decorate it early, so we're going to do just that.'' Loki sighed and beckoned you to come to him.
First, you put down the boxes and then walked over to him, into his open arms. He pulled you closer to him, if that was even physically possible, and snapped his fingers.
You quickly pulled back when you felt the material of his clothes change. Now, he was wearing one of the pajamas you had bought, and you were wearing the other, matching pair. You looked around in awe. The house was entirely decorated, just like you had imagined it would be.
"Loki,'' you started, but he cut you off by saying:'' How do I look?'' You breathed in and answered with a smile: ''Fantastic, how about we have a night in and cuddle?''
He grinned back, giving you one of his rare smiles, and nodded, already heading to the couch with a blanket. You soon joined him under the blanket and turned on a Christmas movie.
Loki pulled you closer to him by the waist and whispered lovingly: ''I love you Y/N.'' You tilted your head upwards and kissed his neck, then announced: '' I love you more. In all ways and forms.’’
Main Masterlist 
Christmas Masterlist
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writingbakery · 4 years
⤿𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬
chapter i ➳ a murder in the dining carriage; the tokyo express is comfortable, quiet, & meant to be superior travel. murder, however, is neither comfortable or quiet, and the circumstances are less than ideal.
dessert pairing; multiple characters x investigative journalist! gn reader
a/n; here we go ! remember to read carefully — clues are hidden everywhere ! — & keep an eye out for the poll at the end of the chapter !
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the train compartment is quiet, calm as you slowly pull away from the station. you’ve been blessed with your own room, an odd number of passengers in this particular compartment — 11, including yourself. you haven’t seen them yet, too focused on organizing your belongings to venture into the other carriages. you’d be on this voyage for six days, you had more than enough time to get acquainted with them.
your room is closest to the back of the compartment, as you’d requested; quieter, less distracting. there was little chance of someone stumbling past your door, isolated from the other double rooms. you were here on business after all, not pleasure; you needed peace & quiet.
investigative journalism required focus, a keen eye for detail that you’d had since childhood. essentially, you were a detective without the restrictions of the law — and without its protections — & with an obligation to find the truth. the public deserved nothing less, & your determination had brought you fast promotions & faster assignments.
you were currently on your way to Sendai, on the trail of a particularly exciting museum theft — your press had paid for this excursion, so you were sitting comfortably in first class, the premium compartment at the back of the train. the rooms were at the very end, then the washrooms, then the dining & lounge carriages right before the coatroom. everything was a little gaudy for your liking, red velvet drapes and gold fixtures, but you couldn’t deny its comforts.
a rustling just outside your door made you pause; setting aside your notepads, you slid open the door a crack to peer into the sunlit hall. there’s a man & woman arguing a foot or two away from your room, clearly frustrated; the woman jabs a finger into the man’s chest with enough force to shove him back against the wall before storming off towards the dining carriage, and you slowly slide the door closed once more to avoid detection. how odd.
you settled into the dining carriage at half six; only a few of your seatmates had done the same. you counted four, all looking rather serious; you do your best not to stare & enjoy the pasta on your plate.
slowly, the carriage fills up; a heavily tattooed man in a button down and ripped jeans sits to your left, wholly out of place in the elaborate room. two businessmen follow after, both in expensive suits; one seems almost angry, scowling into his chicken as the other talks animatedly about stocks and prices. the arguing couple from earlier slip in silently, having seemingly resolved their previous spat; they hold hands, but the fondness of the act doesn’t reach their eyes.
the rest of your seatmates were there when you arrived, & you could only recognize one; ushijima wakatoshi, a well renowned national volleyball player. he’s joined by the couple, & says nothing as he eats. interesting, you think to yourself, & continue with your pasta. another pair of gentlemen are off to your right, quietly discussing nothing at all, & you can tell by their faces the conversation is forced. one is tall, with a mess of black hair over one eye; the other is shorter, a grown out blonde with a permanent disinterested expression.
the last seatmate is seated directly behind you: a slightly disheveled & exhausted looking man in a loose fitting suit. you only know he’s there by his extensive sighing, peppered by the scratching of his pen against paper. there’s a badge on his hip, & a gun concealed under his arm — law enforcement of some kind, probably a detective. you try to drown out his sighs with your paperwork as you eat.
after dinner, you move to the lounge carriage, not quite ready to retire to your quarters. socializing was important for the mind, & you were more than a little curious about your seatmates. [& perhaps you were a little starstruck over ushijima — who could blame you?]
sitting against one of the plush, dark velvet couches, you flick through a simple mystery novel as you observe your surroundings; both the businessmen are here, arguing over the best way to cook a roast duck, as well as the two serious young men. ushijima has sadly returned to his quarters, & so you busy yourself with the hushed argument taking place off to your right. you can’t fully hear them, but the taller man is clearly upset, & you just barely catch the words “abandoning me” & “petty gossip” before he storms out. the two businessmen silently watch the exchange, clearly invested, & you take a mental note. odd, that strangers should be so saddened by someone else’s argument.
all the excitement is more than enough for one evening, & you make to gather your things & retire for the night. you’re stopped, however, by a heavily tattoed hand covering the front of your book; it’s the man from earlier, the one who seemed just a hint out of place.
“ah, leaving so soon ? i was hoping to finally get a chance to speak to the mysterious cutie with the room next to mine,” he smiles, & up close you can see his tongue is pierced, & his messy blonde locks are covering a sleek undercut. you can’t help your little snort, a half-amused smile on your lips as you reply. “does that work on everyone you flirt with, or only the truly desperate?” you ask, & he mocks a hiss as he sits across from you.
“oh my poor heart, that stings. and here i thought you were nice,” he pouts, & you actually laugh; he perks up almost instantly. “now that’s a lovely laugh, i like it. i’m yuuji, yuuji terushima.”
“[y/n] [l/n], at your service,” you counter, deciding to humor the man in front of you; what more could you do, really ? he moves to speak, a charming glint to his eye that you can only assume comes from another attempt at flirting when a shadow looms over you both, & his face hardens immediately. it’s the sighing detective who sat behind you at dinner, looking displeased.
“is he bothering you?” he asks, hands coming to rest on the table, & yuuji swiftly stands despite your reassurances that you were just fine.
“sorry to cut this short, sweetheart, but detective hardass here has a raging boner for me, & i’d rather not spend the evening in his company,” he says curtly, taking a moment to savor the reddening anger rising on the other man’s face before making his exit towards the coatroom.
with the distractingly charming man now gone, you turn your attentions on your “savior” detective, who’s looking much more sheepish than the imposing figure of just a moment ago. “i apologize for intruding, i’m certain you can handle yourself. it’s him i’m not very fond of.” you smile a little, leaning back into the sofa as you eye the exhausted man.
“i can tell theres no love lost between the pair of you. care to tell me why, detective...?” he’s quick to flush again, sitting in the now vacant seat across from you.
“detective daichi sawamura, of the tokyo police department. & so you know, i do not have a “boner” for him. i arrested him for grand larceny & fraud; he’s a well known con man.” you raise your eyebrows in surprise, but a part of you knew yuuji seemed just a little.... greasy. “well, thank you for protecting my wallet,” you joke, gathering your things.
“i’ll leave you to it then, detective. have a good night,”you call over your shoulder as you disappear into the corridor; you’d had just about enough of socializing for the evening.
upon returning to your room however, you find another dilemma; the lock to your doors been tampered with, & it’s nearly impossible to open without scraping against the frame. a call to the front carriage only brings more bad news — maintenance won’t be available till morning, & you resign yourself to a night trapped inside your room. at least no one would be able to get in.
there’s hurried footsteps outside your door suddenly, & harsh voices; you pause, before it grows quiet again. faintly, you think you hear the telltale sounds of vomiting, but it’s soon silent, & you brush it off as your exhaustion creeping up on you. you’re fairly certain you look like detective daichi, & you shake your head to clear it.
you turn out your lights & curl up in bed, wholly unprepared for what the morning would bring.
you’re awoken by a blood curdling scream, just as the sun creeps over the horizon.
the sound shocks you awake so clearly you’re certain you dreamed it for a moment, before a symphony of shouts and panic stream out from the hall. scrambling to find your bed slippers, you stumble towards the commotion in your silk pajamas, pausing at the entrance to the dining carriage.
gone is the smell of pine and mint, replaced with the heady scent of alcohol and blood. face down on the carpet is the black haired man who’d been arguing in the lounge the night before, blood staining the back of his white dress shirt — he’s clearly dead, and the pool of blood beneath him only solidifies that fact. your seatmates are scattered amidst the room; some behind you, following you into the chaos, some perched on the sofas in distress. detective daichi keeps everyone at bay; “this is a crime scene now. please, don’t touch anything,” he orders, still wearing his rumpled suit from the night before.
slowly, carefully, the train staff begin ushering everyone out of the room, leaving you & daichi alone with the body. “his name is kuroo tetsuro. travelled alone, met an old friend on the train, kenma i think he said his name was,” he informs you, & you nod slowly. “i think i saw them together at dinner last night. what a horrible way to start a journey.”
daichi turns to you carefully, weighing his next words. “we’ll arrive in Sendai in six days. between you & i, their police force is .... well. they try their best, but this case will go cold faster than we can blink.” you follow along with his subtext, shifting in your fuzzy slippers as he speaks.
“you want my help,” you clarify, and he nods. “well, i’ll be happy to give it. but trust, everyone is a suspect— even yourself, detective.”
“i’ll say the same to you. for now, we should examine the scene, question everyone while it’s still fresh. we’ve got oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, kenma kozume, tanaka ryunosuke & tanaka kiyoko, ushijima wakatoshi, & yuuji teshurima. i say we start with yuuji. he’s a shifty one, & no one saw him return to his room last night,” he decides, but you’re quick to counter.
“don’t you think that’s your prejudices talking? i’d say we should start with his old friend — he was the last to see him alive last night in the lounge,” you say, & daichi frowns.
“i don’t agree. i’m fairly certain yuuji may have run into kuroo last night, after the incident in the lounge.”
what will you choose ?
question yuuji ?
question kenma ?
vote here.
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