#komori motoya fluff
lowkeyremi · 1 year
When you deny them a kiss <3 ft. Tsukki, Kyotani, Komori, and Semi
CW: Tsukki and Kyotani are a lil bit aggressive but it’s the loving kind so dw 😌 (implied fem reader)
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Tsukishima Kei
“Kei! I’m going shopping with friends!” You yell slipping your shoes on to leave. Your boyfriend shows up out of nowhere.
“When will you be back?” He practically whines and it makes you giggle. His footsteps are quiet as he walks up to hug you. “It won’t be that long maybe two hours?”
He pouts at that. (UGH I LOVE CLINGY TSUKKI)
“Okay… don’t be gone too long.” He goes to kiss your forehead and you lean back. Simply just because you wanted to see how he’d react.
He frowns, why didn’t you let him give you a goodbye kiss?
“If I don’t get to kiss you then you won’t go.” He hoists you up and you wrap your legs around his waist so you don’t fall.
“Kei! It was a joke! I just wanted to see how you’d react.” You quickly peck his lips and he decides it isn’t enough. He grabs your face (gently) and pulls you into a deep kiss.
Once you two are out of breath you break the kiss and he smiles at you all hazy, “‘kay now you can go.”
“You are so needy.” You roll your eyes playful at him.
Kyotani Kentaro:
He sat at the table with you reading the monthly volleyball magazine. You were finishing up some work on your laptop that has been weighing you down for awhile. Kyotani lets out a grunt and your eyebrow quirks. "What's up with you?"
He grunts again like he's upset you don't already know why he's upset. "You haven't given me a kiss at all within the last 24 hours." He explains with complaint laced in his voice. You shut your laptop and walk toward your kitchen to get a snack.
"I'm trying to finish my paper, Ken. I've waited too long to do it and it's due tomorrow." The fridge air chills your skin causing goosebumps to form. Your eyes scan the fridge wondering what you should get for a snack. "Should I make those Pillsbury cinnamon rolls or just eat the mac n cheese I made yesterday?" You ask him and you're met by silence. He must be pissed if he's not answering. "You want hamima chicken?" You ask trying to lure him into your trap. "Not falling for it. I want a kiss." He argues.
A sigh escapes your lips, because you know if you end up kissing him it could turn into more and you need your focus to finish this paper. "When I'm done with my paper we can kiss all you want." Usually your persuasion would work but Kyotani seemed to not be falling for it.
The oak chair legs squeak on the floor when Kyotani gets up from the chair. He stomps over to you, spins you around, and plants his lips onto yours, hard. His tongue swipes your bottom lip and you open your mouth to let him in.
You had to push him away when his hands started wandering down to your waist. "Later... I promise." You assure him and he smirks at you. "You better keep that promise." Your boyfriend squeezes you in a hug and you squeeze back.
"Love you, Ken." The soft confession slips from your lips. His face is buried in your neck and he mumbles, "Love you too, beautiful."
Komori Motoya:
His head was in your lap because the two of you were watching a movie together like you always did on Friday evenings. The little shit known as your boyfriend lifted his head to look at you, there was that mischievous smile on his face.
"I did some research on how to french." he wiggles his eyebrows and you let out a soft chuckle.
"'Toya that's so random." you mention softly, the movie continued and you want to pause it because this was the movie you've waited months to see.
"Is not! The couple in the movie just kissed." He reasons and you remind him that they aren't even together yet. This seemed like your way of denying him a kiss, but he wasn't giving up just yet. This is the same man that intially tried to get the Sakusa Kiyoomi to date someone and after years of trying his efforts paid off.
"C'mon please? We haven't even kissed with tongue yet." he begs and you are relentless tonight.
"What about that time after prom when we were drunk because someone spiked the punch?" you ask without taking your eyes off the tv. You and Komori have been an icon for quite some time now. Kiyoomi kept telling him to break up w you because an athlete/college student relationship wouldn't work out.
You two stayed strong even in times of trouble. And here you guys are today, its not always rainbows and butterflies but it works. It gets hard when Komori isn't around to comfort you.
"That does not count as a real kiss with tongue, neither of us knew what the hell we were doing." He huffs and you smile.
"You can french me when the movie's over, I've really been looking forward to this one." Your words seem to be suffice because his head finds your lap again and you unconsciously massage his scalp.
As soon as the credits roll he's on top of you and the smirk that lands on your face makes him wanna kiss it off.
"You're so pretty, honey bun." he says.
"Just kiss me already." You don't have to tell him twice. His lips ghost over yours and he leans in so your lips meet. He always thought it was cute how your lips were slightly chapped. (can we normalize/romanticize chapped lips or is that a no no 😭)
His tongue slipped into your mouth and you happily obliged opening your mouth for him. The kiss lasted a little longer than you expected the only reason you pulled away was to breath.
"I'll always get what i want, be it a kiss or the pretty girl in front of me." he says confidently.
You smirk and shake your head, "you are such a little brat sometimes."
"Your little brat," he adds.
Semi Eita:
"Mhm, that works.. uh-huh thank you so much. Okay, take care." Semi hung up the phone and turned to you where you were playing on the ps4.
"I'm done with work for today, do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks standing up from his desk and taking a few seconds to stretch. It's surprising his legs aren't cramping due to sitting for so long.
"Yeah, let me finish this up real quick." He smiles at how concentrated you look playing the game.
"Alright, I'll go get movie snacks," he informs and moves to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. You lean away from his inviting presence. "Not right now, Eita. I'm really close to beating this level."
Instead of voicing his opinion on the matter he walked out. Guilt pooled at your stomach as he walked out of your shared office room.
Once your level was finished you made sure to put everything back in its place and turn off everything.
You'd been waiting all day to embrace your boyfriend which made the anticipation even higher. Upon reaching the living room you see your boyfriend cuddling and kissing your puppy on her head.
He noticed you, "since my girlfriend won't kiss me, I have to give kisses to the best girl in the whole world."
Your puppy seemed to understand him in some type of way and she wagged her little tail.
"Eita, you've been denying me kisses all day, it was a taste of your own medicine!" You explain walking over to give him a quick peck.
"I want more than a little peck." A smirk grows on his face.
His lips capture yours and you feel the same spark you felt during your first kiss. His hands start to roam but not for long because your little girl starts barking and trying to tear you guys apart.
"Jealous, much?" Semi asks the puppy which makes you giggle.
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kitasgloves · 7 months
You're an Inarizaki graduate in a relationship with the SAKUSA KIYOOMI. You were close with the Miya bros, especially Atsumu, and friends with the entire Inarizaki volleyball club. You already had a longtime crush on Sakusa when you watched the practice match between Inarizaki and Itachiyama. You were forever grateful that Atsumu forced you to watch game because you wouldn't be able to have seen Sakusa.
You're working as PR in the MSBY Black Jackals and got reunited with Atsumu (unfortunately). He knows your big fat crush on Sakusa and tries to be your wingman. His plan? He gets you drunk in a party and forces you in a room alone with Sakusa. He claimed it would give you the enough courage to confess.
You confessed but you couldn't remember what Sakusa's reaction was. It ended up with Sakusa taking you to his place because you're incredibly drunk and unable to get home on your own. You woke up to the worst hungover since college and a shirtless Sakusa making breakfast calling you 'darling'.
The rest is history. You and Sakusa have been together for more than two years. Although you two seemed like the ideal couple, there has been frequent verbal fights lately. It mostly had something to do with conflicting schedules and a lot of dates cancelled. Sakusa was a busy athlete and your job as the PR didn't mix well with his hectic schedule.
"This is the fifth time that I have to cancel reservation, Omi!"
"Then just stop making reservations! You know how busy I am so don't get mad that I couldn't make up to our date!"
"You could've at least made an effort to! Or say sorry!"
"We've gone through this over and over again [Name] and I'm getting sick of it"
"So, what? You're sick of me?"
"Maybe I am!"
This argument was different from the previous. You were left stunned as Sakusa breathlessly glared at you, shattering your heart into smithereens. Immediately, your eyes felt wet as you turned around, grabbed your keys, phone, and wallet and stormed out of the apartment. You completely missed the sheer regret that erupted on Sakusa's face.
You called up Atsumu and asked to meet up at Onigiri Miya. When you arrived there and saw the blonde setter, you quickly went in for a hug and sobbed your poor heart out. Atsumu knew you had another fight with your boyfriend since you've been telling him about it for the past few days. It seemed like today, a line was crossed.
Sakusa tried reaching your phone but you have put your phone in airplane mode. Osamu kindly made you your favorite onigiri as you told them about the fight. Of course, the twins took over your side because they've known you for a very long time. You stayed over at Osamu's and had a sleepover with the Miya twins.
The next day, Sakusa was driving all the way to Osamu's place. He has found your whereabouts through his cousin Komori who he got from his teammate, Suna Rintaro. He sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. What he was not expecting was a very serious-faced Atsumu Miya answering the door.
"The hell are ya doin' here?"
"I need to pick up my girlfriend"
"She doesn't wanna be with ya right now"
"That's none of your business, Miya"
Atsumu gives Sakusa a humorless laugh and gives him the most intimidating glare that Sakusa has ever seen from him. Usually, the blonde setter is all smirks and smiles but seeing this death glare from him actually made Sakusa physically shiver.
"Ya made her cry all the way over here sayin' that yer sick of her! Do ya have any idea of the amount of effort she puts in scheduling a dinner fer the both of ya 'cuz she misses ya so much?"
Sakusa was officially speechless as he gulped. He rigidly stands there and gets his well-deserved scolding from Atsumu Miya of all people.
"[Name] means a lot to me 'cuz she's like a sister so if I ever catch her cry 'cuz of you again, I will personally beat yer ass then skin ya alive and give ya some bonus ass whoopin' from Osamu and the entire Inarizaki alumni"
Atsumu warned him. And Sakusa makes sure to keep that in mind. The blonde sighs and finally takes a step aside from the door.
"Go apologize to her and make up, Omi-kun"
Sakusa doesn't need to be told twice as he rushed inside the apartment, not bothering to take off his shoes and pounced at you in the kitchen. You just woke up but you were pleasantly surprised with your boyfriend profusely apologizing to you.
Osamu places a hand on his hip and looked at his twin. Atsumu was smiling as if he didn't just threatened Sakusa earlier.
"What did ya tell him?"
"Oh nothing, just gave him a little warnin' that's all"
Osamu knows Atsumu is a lying piece of shit.
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
Friend of a friend
word count; 2535 – gn!reader, very suggestive at the end, manga spoilers
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Back in high school, you went to Inarizaki and chose to be a manager for the volleyball club in your second and third years. It was incredibly fun and you might have cried when they won nationals in their last spring tournament before your class graduated.
Even after graduating and going your different ways, you stayed friends with Suna and the twins, as well as some of the other players. Unfortunately, you spoke much less frequently with the others.
Being friends with those three means gossip sessions, which is why you were lying on your bed with your computer open on a video call with the guys, updating each other on the latest gossip.
“How’s the new team, Rin?” Osamu asked, making Atsumu squint with a cocky smirk as he probably immediately started comparing it to his team. Suna shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s cool. That Komori guy is nice, I never really talked to him in high school,” he said, mentioning him because Atsumu had told you guys all about the players in the All-Japan group back in your second year. And of course, everyone knew about the best high school libero of the monster generation. You let out the tiniest gasp, covering your mouth when the twins started cackling while Suna looked confused. “What?”
“We never told you?” Osamu asked Suna in particular while you were making wild gestures for him to shut up. “Y/n has had the biggest crush on Komori since our second year at Inarizaki.”
Oh, the horror. Suna’s face lit up in a way it rarely did, suddenly armed with precious information to be used against you. “Are you serious?”
“It was a high school crush, get over it!” you yelled as if the blush on your cheeks was not giving you away.
“You were practically drooling.” Atsumu accused you and if you could punch him through the screen, you would.
“Miya, I swear to god-” but Atsumu knew you couldn’t reach him, so he smirked and kept that big mouth talking.
“When we were at nationals that year, the two of us went off to go watch Itachiyama.” he started, but you interrupted him.
“Because Tsumu wanted to stare at Sakusa,” you mumbled, already giving up on making him withhold any information.
“I was scoping out the competition! Anyways, one look at Komori was all it took before I was punched way too hard in my shoulder and forced to give up any information I had,” he explained, making it as dramatic as he could for Atsumu-purposes and clutching his upper arm as if he could still feel it.
“Reeeally?” Suna cooed. “From what I can tell, he’s single.”
Osamu had his mic off as he was in the kitchen making food, leaving you to the two worst ones. “This is why ‘Samu is my favourite,” you mumbled. He gave the camera a thumbs up and a wink, still leaving you to your own defences.
“Is he the one getting you a date with your lifelong crush?” Suna asked rhetorically, phone whipped out in the corner of his screen making your face go pale.
“No, but neither are you!” you yelled, hoping it was somewhat threatening, but it sounded more desperate. “And who said lifelong? I hate you.”
“Fine, suit yourself.” he finally said, but the way he was side-eyeing the screen while Atsumu smirked told you this was not over yet.
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Fortunately, weeks went by without you hearing anything else about any supposed date. Komori did come up in conversation now and then, which you appreciated when it wasn’t just so they could tease you. You could feel the crush blossoming again every time Suna told you about their adventures in volleyball and it felt somewhat nostalgic.
Should you give in and ask Suna for his number?
This is what you were wondering as you walked through the city, barely dodging bikes that tried to run over you while you daydreamed. The better option is probably giving in, but you preferred admiring him from far (far) away rather than facing the possible rejection. You pushed the door to the cafe where you’re meeting Suna, before huffing as you realised it said pull. Good start to the day for sure. When you finally got inside, you were muttering under your breath as your friend’s laughter rang in your ears.
“Shut up!” you barked at him before sitting down. He already ordered two hot chocolates when you said you were on your way.
“What’s got you so scatterbrained?” he asked, leaning his arms on the table.
You glared at him over your hands, which you were leaning on. “How to secretly perform a lobotomy on my enemy while he’s sleeping,” you answered, but your ears still burned red knowing what was actually on your mind.
“So you weren’t thinking about a certain teammate of mine?” Suna asked, wiggling his eyebrows. However, he looked genuinely surprised when you just leaned back down on your hands, not denying it. “Wait, you were?”
“Why am I friends with you?” you whine, finally sitting up to sip your hot chocolate in hopes that it would fix all your problems.
Suna smirked, hearing the bell ring over the door of the cafe. “I can think of a few reasons,” he said quickly before lifting his hand in greeting, making you whip your head in the direction of the entrance. To your horror, there stood none other than Komori Motoya. “Motoya!”
The libero smiled kindly, making your heart skip a beat as he walked over to you two. “Sunarin! What’s up?” he asked.
“Just catching up with this lovely person,” he said, throwing you a devilish grin. Komori turned to you, bowing lightly to greet you as well.
“Right, Suna told me about you. Komori Motoya.”
“Hi,” you said, feeling shy as you told him your name as well. As if you didn’t already know his name. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Thankfully, he didn’t seem to think too much about how you said finally. “And you.” With that, Komori smiled and excused himself to order his coffee. This gave you some time to soundlessly curse at Suna, until you had to plaster a smile back on your face when he came back over, sitting down for a moment while waiting for his name to be called. “You were friends from high school, right?”
“Yes.” You glanced at Suna for help, words stuck in your throat. “I was a manager for the volleyball team.”
Komori made a sound of realisation like he finally put two and two together. “I thought I knew your face from somewhere!” he said, memories flooding back of the game in their last year of high school where they faced off against Inarizaki. “The pretty manager who got scolded by the referee for being too loud.”
You laughed at the memory, looking at Suna to see if he remembered as well and somehow managing to overlook that he called you pretty. “That’s the one,” Suna said, confirming that he did.
“You beat us in the semifinal,” Komori added. “Rin said you saw another one of our games at nationals once.”
“Not just once,” you chuckled before realising what you said and shutting up immediately. Both of the boys chuckled as well, one to ease your embarrassment and one to embarrass you more.
“Komori!” the barista yelled, relieving you at the perfect time. The man stood up and got his drink before coming back over but not sitting down. “I’ve got to go, but let’s meet again sometime, yeah?” he asked, directing the last half at you more than his teammate.
“Yeah,” you agreed, putting as much effort as you could into giving him your best smile. He bowed quickly before turning on his heel and leaving with a final goodbye.
Your eyes went straight to your friend, squinting. The second the cafe door closed, he burst out laughing, trying to not be loud and disturb others. “Not just once!” he mocked, making you bury your face in your hands. “You’re so hopeless at this.”
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Let’s just say Suna told the twins how that went over your next video call, so now you’re watching them laugh at you as well, begging any existing god for it to stop and to just bury you already. After a few minutes, the laughing and teasing cooled off. “Well, now it’s my turn to step in,” Atsumu announced, and once again they got to watch the colour drain from your face.
“Step in? There will be no stepping in.” you stuttered.
“This Friday, I’m hosting a private party,” he said like a rich man from some movie. “And let’s just say you’ll enjoy the guest list, y/n.”
You bury your face into your mattress, pressing a pillow over your head. “Please, anyone. End my misery!”
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But who are you to deny a good party? It’s just for fun, nothing interesting.
Nothing interesting at all- the thought drifted off into nothing as you watched Sakusa and Komori walk through the door. You chuckled to yourself at how Sakusa seemed to already turn around and try to escape when he saw there were more people there. From the corner of the room, where you previously chatted with Atsumu before he had to answer the door, you watched them. While calmly sipping your drink and leaning against the wall, you observed how sweet Komori acted, turning Sakusa back around and urging him to stay.
However, you should never let your guard down when you’re friends with a Miya. Next thing you knew, all the previously mentioned guys were looking where Atsumu pointed; right at you. In a fight or flight moment, your eyes widened and you escaped into the crowd before Komori could even see you properly. What a classy reaction!
The party went on and you danced with a couple of people you knew from here and there. It was a decent party, you had to admit Miya was good at hosting. Lucky you also crossed paths with a smirking Suna at the edge of the living room turned dance floor. “You truly are the image of grace,” he teased, and you glared in betrayal.
“Thank you,” you answered instead of arguing, moving along with the beat. Suna still seemed smug, and you felt a sense of deja vu when he lifted his hand and yelled ‘Motoya!’ over the loud music. “Have I told you that you’re the worst?” you asked in your sweetest voice before using some liquid courage to turn around to your undeniable crush with a drawn-out ‘heeey’.
“Hey, I was hoping I’d find you,” he responded, a hand caressing your upper arm because some people were pushing. “Where did Suna go?” he asked, glancing up once or twice before settling his gaze on you.
“I asked him to call on you, actually,” you lied, choosing fight instead of flight for once. After all, you had downed a cup or two of mixed alcohol since earlier.
“Really?” Komori smiled and you naturally copied it, albeit a bit more dazed. “Why?” he started moving with you to the music, his hand stroking down your arm and finding its place on your waist.
You didn’t answer him with anything more than a flirty smile and sheepish shrug, stepping closer to him and getting lost in the music while you dared to. If Suna was so insistent on him perceiving you, you didn’t want to seem like some loser with a childish crush.
Eventually, the song changed and you looked down into your now empty cup with a small pout. You left it on the closest surface and turned to Komori. “Should we go somewhere quieter?” you asked, pointing towards the stairs. When he agreed, you loosely grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs, looking around for a moment before realising the only good options were the bedroom or the balcony. “Bedroom or balcony?” you asked without thinking much about what it might seem like.
Did he look nervous? Komori was fiddling with his empty plastic cup and didn’t meet your eyes, biting his lip as he looked at the door to the bedroom. “Don’t you think it would be occupied?”
You shrugged and walked over to the door, pulling on the handle and swinging the door open only to find an empty albeit a bit messy room. Turning back to him, you knew your cheeks were burning. It’s just from the alcohol… “Coast is clear.” Komori followed you inside before closing the door behind you, hesitating for a moment before deciding not to lock it. What if that scared you off? What if he misunderstood? The two of you ended up facing each other in the middle of the floor, both thinking too much to make the first move. You weren’t sure if you pulled him upstairs for anything specific, you honestly just wanted to talk to him more now that you had the chance. And guts.
Komori accidentally dropped the empty cup he had been fiddling with and winced, seemingly spurring into action from that little movement alone. “You’re gorgeous.”
You looked at him wide eyed before the words just fell out of your mouth. “I have a huge crush on you.”
A breathy chuckle left his lips and it brushed over your face because he was so close, yet he was seemingly moving even closer by the second. “Sunarin told me.”
You squeeze your eyes shut for a second, cursing your best friend in your mind until you feel Komori’s hands land on your hips more confidently. “I hate him,” you informed him in a whisper. The little space between you felt like it wouldn’t fit anything louder.
“I don’t,” he answered with a small grin before he kissed you, making your arms automatically loop around his neck to pull him closer. You kissed him back with the lust of every wandering thought you had of him the last few years, and he kissed you back with the passion of someone who wasn’t used to being the crush with a cousin like Kiyoomi. When the back of your legs hit the bed, you lay back and pulled him with you, feeling one of his hands slide under your shirt, which you had no intention of stopping.
Suna wasn’t sure if he was happy or not with the sounds coming from Atsumu’s bedroom when he went looking for you. He was glad his plan worked out but he did not need the mental image that came with you moaning his teammate’s name. Is it possible to rinse your brain? Also, Atsumu would act so mad about you doing whatever in his bed before you ‘snuck’ out of the party hand in hand with Komori.
And Osamu would hear all about it in the morning when you came to get food wearing an EJP Raijin sweatshirt. He’d tell you having you there on your derailed walk of shame was bad for business, but still let you sit there and babble about how great Komori was, both in bed and after.
At least you were happy, and that made them happy too.
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sassycheesecake · 11 months
Coming over to his work to bring him something he forgot at home.
„You forgot this!“ You give him your brightest smile but since you have to be at work as well, you leave as quickly as you came to his work place.
His coworkers/teammates all stare with big eyes after your retreating figure, wondering how their coworker/teammate was able to know such a beautiful person as yourself.
„Omg they are so beautiful. Are they going to work with us soon?? How do you know them?!“ Questions like those are being thrown around.
Your significant other just gives them a smirk and proudly says:
„That‘s my significant other. Keyword is mine.“
- TŌRU OIKAWA, ATSUMU MIYA,Tetsurō Kuroo, Kōtarō Bokuto, HAJIME IWAIZUMI, Kenji Futakuchi, Motoya Komori, Osamu Miya, GAO HAKUBA, Kōrai Hoshiumi, SHŪGO MEIAN, FUKURŌ HIRUGAMI, Nicollas Romero
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attemptinghaikyuu · 2 months
When you’re sick..
Sakusa Kiyoomi is way too close to you. He insists it’s fine.
He’s got gloves, a medical grade mask, and he’s spraying everything the two of you touch. He says it so proudly. He acts like drooping himself over your prone form, as you shuffle to the kitchen for a cup of tea is going to help you. Like since he’s your own personal knight-if a knights job was to constantly clean you-he’s doing no wrong.
And sure maybe his presence is nice, but you know you don’t appreciate the glares you’re getting from coughing. It’s not like you can HELP it.
He double downs on his glare when you point out how it’s not helping to get rid of your cough. You sigh as you suggest he stops and distances himself. Again.
He pauses and looks at you, and says your name carefully. It makes you look up at him with a little frown, and he wants to kiss it away but instead he’s lifting your hands and cleaning them, asking if you’ve touched the kettle yet.
You continue to grumble throughout the day, nursed back to health by your germaphobic boyfriend. The one you’d thought would be the first to get as far as he could from your sick self. He finishes his care off with the silliest thing you’ve ever seen from him, a kiss blown to you that he tells you to catch.
You suppose you can live with Sakusa Kiyoomi’s nursing for a day or two.
When you’re sick..
Komori Motoya is staying the fuck away from you. He loves his baby, but he isn’t getting sick for you. <3
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astrowaffles · 7 days
General Audiences | Crack/Fluff | JNT bonding
“HINATA!” Atsumu yelled over Lady Gaga. “RESCUE YER BOYFRIEND!”
Hinata, though he clearly understood who Atsumu was referring to, immediately refused to take another step forward. “WE’RE NOT DATING!”
“HE’S GOING TO DIE!” Yaku screeched. Hinata swivelled just in time to see Kageyama almost get knocked unconscious by a wayward stilt.
“Don’t say that, he’ll start attacking things,” Sakusa huffed. “And by things I mean innocent performers.”
“Since when were ya the voice of reason?” Atsumu asked, slightly unnerved.
“You have known me since we were sixteen years old, Atsumu, I don’t see how you’ve only just realised-“
“Oh god, someone save Kageyama,” Aran interjected, watching the athlete be whirled between the performers.
“We just told Hinata to,” Yaku argued. “MOVE IT, GINGER!”
“Woah,” Aran said, hands up in surrender. “Now I’m not passin’ judgement or anythin’, but one could say, Yaku, that yer hair is a bit-“
“Not now, Aran,” said Yaku dismissively, cupping his hands around his mouth. “HINATA, SAVE HIM!”
“Who knew getting a grown man to cross the road was this hard,” Sakusa commented.
OR: JNT do pride!
“My Ma had a sayin’,” Atsumu observed, fanning himself with a rainbow flag. “’They’re about as welcome as a rattlesnake at a line dance’. It’s the same with those idiots.” He gestured vaguely towards Hinata and Hoshiumi, who were watching the stilt performers and asking them irritating and slightly invasive questions like ‘how tall are your stilts?’ and ‘could you fit me under that skirt if I really, really needed to hide from the cops?’
“She’s never said any such thing,” Aran scolded. “Ya got that from a list of cowboy sayin’s on Tumblr.”
Atsumu gasped. “I would never!”
“Ya sent me the list.”
“False accusations,” Atsumu sniffed, and gave up on trying to gain a draft from the flag. “It’s just so hot yer hallucinatin’.”
Aran pointedly sipped from his water bottle and tipped his eyes upwards to his wide-brimmed hat. “Ya think I can’t handle a little heat?”
Atsumu, who had only just taken the time to don SPF at Sakusa’s insistence, chose not to comment.
Sakusa himself, dressed head to toe in protective gear and sunscreen, stood slightly menacingly in a shaded corner of the street. He held an umbrella over his head, presumably in case the roof of the shop he was sheltering under suddenly disappeared without a trace and left him at the mercy of the UV rays. Beside him, Yaku offered him a sip of water, which Sakusa refused with a face of disgust. Yaku shrugged, chugged the last from his paper cup, and sat on the ground to wait for Hinata and Hoshiumi to come back. Sakusa moved away in case the floor germs spread.
Atsumu waved at them cheerily. “Should we join ‘em?”
“Sure,” Aran agreed, already moving for the solace of the shade. It was by no means the hottest day he’d experienced, but the energy it took to wrangle just a single teammate was enough to compensate for another several hundred degrees.
“When are the others coming?” Yaku asked when they got close enough, having evidently given up on making small talk with Sakusa. “It’s getting too warm to stay out here and wait.”
“Aw, don’t ya wanna see the floats go past?” Atsumu protested. “That’s my favourite part.”
“That’s not happenin’ fer another hour,” Aran reminded him. “The others’ll be here by then.”
“Oh, on the next train, then?” Yaku guessed.
“Yup. Well, Bokuto will be here fer that because he’s bringin’ Akaashi, and Akaashi only comes on the train,” Atsumu nodded, quickly scrolling through his messages.
“Kageyama was supposed to already be here,” Yaku tutted, following Atsumu’s lead and examining the team groupchat. “Think he got caught up in something?”
“Probably. Ushi’s not here because he’s in France, Suna’s with Osamu-“
“Komori’s on his way,” Sakusa interrupted. “He’s bringing bug spray.”
“So that’s everyone.” Yaku stood and dusted himself off. “Oh, there’s Kageyama.”
On the opposite side of the street, Kageyama stood looking completely lost. He clearly didn’t feel confident enough to cross in case he walked into one of the performers, who were doing their best to edge away from Hoshiumi and his accomplice. As they couldn’t fully escape without moving too fast (or running), and therefore ruining the performance, they could only lead the duo further down the road and into Kageyama’s path. Kageyama, terrified of anything he didn’t understand – like snakes, or Fanta – was frozen and unable to either reach the group waiting for him under the shop awnings or join Hoshiumi and Hinata’s adventure. In fact, he actually just looked likely to be swept away among swathes of fabric and stilts.
“HINATA!” Atsumu yelled over Lady Gaga, who was booming from a speaker held by the lead performer. “RESCUE YER BOYFRIEND!”
Hinata, though he clearly understood who Atsumu was referring to, immediately refused to take another step forward. “WE’RE NOT DATING!”
“HE’S GOING TO DIE!” Yaku screeched. Panicked, Hinata swivelled just in time to see Kageyama almost get knocked unconscious by a wayward stilt as the performers tried frantically to both retain their grace and get as far away from Hoshiumi as physically possible.
“Don’t say that, he’ll start attacking things,” Sakusa huffed. “And by things I mean innocent performers.”
“Since when were ya the voice of reason?” Atsumu asked, slightly unnerved. “I don’t like it. Stop it.”
“You have known me since we were sixteen years old, Atsumu, I don’t see how you’ve only just realised-“
“Oh my god, someone save Kageyama,” Aran interjected, watching the athlete be whirled between the performers like a bowl between the chopsticks of a street magician.
“We just told Hinata to,” Yaku argued, and lobbed his paper cup towards Hinata as best he could. “MOVE IT, GINGER!”
“Woah,” Aran said, hands up in surrender. “Now I’m not passin’ judgement or anythin’, but one could say, Yaku, that yer hair is a bit-“
“Not now, Aran,” said Yaku dismissively, and cupped his hands around his mouth. “HINATA, SAVE HIM!”
Hinata, who had been sulking in the middle of the road for the past few minutes, finally decided his point was made and began to make his way towards the performers. This only made things worse, however, as the performers began to panic that a second Hoshiumi was now coming to harass them with questions about how to avoid the police, and what the toughest wood was (for the purpose of making innocent-looking-yet-deadly swords). In their haste to get away, they began moving faster, making Kageyama spin so quickly his eyes were almost visibly swirling.
“Who knew getting a grown man to cross the road was this hard,” Sakusa commented, though he was just as invested as everyone else.
When Hinata eventually managed to get a hand on Kageyama’s arm and drag him, practically kicking and screaming, away from the whirling colours, almost the entire group broke out into cheers. Sakusa refrained, sniffing snobbishly at the (definitely homosexual) reunion hug.
“I hope someone tells ‘em,” Aran noted, watching Kageyama pick Hinata up and spin him around aggressively. “I hope a drag queen stops ‘em and congratulates ‘em on their marriage.”
“Why marriage?” Yaku asked.
“Well, they’re not just datin’, are they?” Aran pointed out. “They’ve been married since high school, in my opinion.”
Atsumu nodded sagely, and opened his mouth to add something, but instead a different voice said-
“Who’s married?”
“Komori!” Yaku welcomed. “Finally! Tell these morons they’re engaged.”
“Kiyo, Atsumu, you’re engaged,” Komori said solemnly.
Even Lady Gaga couldn’t salvage the awkward looks that followed, as Sakusa and Atsumu edged slowly apart and Aran bit his lip to avoid a grin.
“We meant the star-crossed lovers over there,” Yaku clarified, as Hinata grabbed Kageyama’s hands and started dragging him across the road.
“Oh, my bad,” said Komori cheerfully, without a shred of remorse. “Those two, too.”
By the time everyone had managed to regroup, Bokuto having been rescued from the sperm bank people (or was it the other way round?) and Akaashi having been rescued from the train station, there seemed hardly any point in trying to remove Hoshiumi from his riveting conversation with a stray kitten.
“I vote we leave him there,” Komori said, as the kitten left a long, red scratch across Hoshiumi’s face.
“Aw, but then he’ll miss the parade!” Bokuto pointed out.
“He’s a grown man, he’s perfectly capable of findin’ the parade by himself,” Atsumu shrugged.
“But why bother gathering here if we’re not going together?” Hinata countered.
Sakusa side-eyed him. “We’re all third wheeling you two anyway, it’s not exactly a bros trip.”
“Never say the words ‘bros trip’ again,” Komori admonished. “I’ll take away your bug spray.”
Sakusa hugged the small can close to his chest in defiance and turned his pleading eyes on Aran. “You have sense. You’ll leave that demon here, won’t you?”
“Well…” Aran hesitated. “We did all come here together…”
“Besides, what if he gets lost?” Bokuto agreed.
“Only you could get lost here, Koutarou,” Akaashi sighed. “All the streets lead back to each other, it’s not like he can end up on the other side of town. Unless he really tried…”
“I think we should take him,” said Kageyama, unexpectedly.
“For some reason, I didn’t think you’d want to,” Atsumu observed.
“If we take him, nothing bad will happen because it will all happen to him,” Kageyama reasoned.
“We’re taking him,” Aran said immediately, to a chorus of nods.
“HOSHIUMI!” Yaku yelled, because apparently he was the foghorn of the group today. “We’re leaving.”
Hoshiumi stood up, still holding the stray kitten. “Okay. Can I keep Jeremy?”
Jeremy hissed and struggled.
“No,” Yaku told him. “Pick something else.”
Hoshiumi obediently linked arms with Kageyama. “I’ll take this guy, then.”
Kageyama scowled. “I don’t want to be taken.”
“Yeah,” Hinata agreed, sporting a matching scowl. “Pick something else, Hoshiumi.”
Hoshiumi shrugged. “No.”
“Don’t bother trying to convince him,” someone called from another table. Surprised, they turned to see Iwaizumi, subtly decked out in pride converse and a pin badge, as well as Oikawa (pride flag cape & rainbow crocs) and two men they hadn’t seen before, one with startling pink hair.
“Iwa!” Oikawa hissed. “You promised not to talk to them!”
“I couldn’t watch any longer,” Iwaizumi said apologetically. “I just couldn’t bear it. Someone’ll get killed if they keep provoking Hoshiumi like that.”
“Ever the sensible one,” the man with pink hair sighed, though he didn’t seem upset.
“Couldn’t stop him from parenting if we tried,” the other agreed, and drained the last of his drink. “Still, he did promise it was our day…”
“Exactly!” Oikawa exclaimed, pointing triumphantly. “Even Mattsun says so!”
“It is our day,” Iwaizumi argued. “I just don’t want any deaths on the team-“
“Blah, blah, anyone would think you wanted to win the Olympics,” Oikawa interrupted. “Makki and Mattsun have come a long way for us, you know, at least spend time with them.”
Hinata, ever lacking in social skills, chose this moment to wave enthusiastically at Oikawa. “Tooru!!” he greeted. “I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“You didn’t expect to see me at pride?” Oikawa snarked, but he stood to hug Shoyo with a grin. “Iwa, I’ve decided. We’re joining these guys.”
“What about us?!” ‘Mattsun’ complained, helping Oikawa to disentangle their chairs and drag them over to join the bigger table. “We don’t even know them.”
“Volleyballers, this is Makki and Mattsun,” Oikawa introduced quickly. “Makki and Mattsun, this is the Japanese volleyball team. You know them already.”
“They’re Hanamaki and Matsukawa,” Iwaizumi elaborated, pointing at each in turn. “Sorry for the intrusion.” He made no effort to dissuade Oikawa from inserting himself into the group, knowing full well there was no stopping Oikawa. Ever.
Another group walked by the window, blasting Super Bass. Oikawa immediately began chanting the words; Sakusa, who had removed his mask to sip tentatively at his drink, started to mouth along too.  Iwaizumi, looking very close to killing himself, said, “Let’s move on, shall we?”
The parade began happily enough. After Bokuto managed to grasp the concept of drag queens, he immediately became their biggest fan, screaming and cheering whenever one went past. Akaashi simply kept a hold of his hand so he didn’t run out into the road and trample anyone, and smiled agreeably whenever Bokuto pointed something out to him.
“Simp,” Atsumu muttered under his breath; Sakusa looked at him questioningly, but Atsumu just flashed him a grin and offered to top up his friend’s SPF.
Oikawa, meanwhile, had tugged Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa into a circle to dance. Hanamaki appeared to be doing his best, but Iwaizumi and Matsukawa were just observing - Mattsun was multitasking by recording, snickering, and daring Makki to do stupider and stupider moves. Oikawa looked like he was about to start breakdancing, as Iwaizumi covered his eyes and tried very hard to become invisible.
Hinata and Kageyama had somehow found a row of vendors and covered themselves in pride flags, from pin badges to face paint to literal flags stuck in their buttonholes, pockets and collars. Kageyama was finding it especially hard to move as he was encrusted with rainbows, but seemed content to stand still and watch Hinata, who was constantly being offered people’s numbers. Kageyama gave a satisfied nod every time Hinata turned one down, and every moment of hesitation deepened his scowl by another millimetre.
Yaku looked ready to pass out from heat on the sidewalk, leaning heavily on Komori, whose eyebrows seemed to enjoy Dolly Parton immensely. Aran had been sent on a mission to find more water.
“You’re going to be 60% water by the time you’ve finished,” Hoshiumi commented.
“All humans are anything from 45-75% water,” Bokuto recited, and beamed proudly. “Isn’t it amazing that I still remember that from university?”
“It’s so amazing,” said Akaashi, before anyone else could react. “You’re so smart.”
“Thanks, Keiji! Never as smart as you!”
Atsumu gagged.
“Homophobia,” Oikawa accused, seeing him. “Two people being innocently gay, and you’re gagging?”
“Oh, please,” said Atsumu. “Me? Homophobic? Me?”
“Yeah, he’s gay too!” Hinata agreed.
“Bi, thank you so much,” Atsumu corrected.
Oikawa gasped. “A woman kisser!”
“You’re a woman kisser, moron,” Iwaizumi said.
“Only in theory!”
“Just say you don’t like women,” Atsumu advised. “Less embarrassing than admitting it’s them that don’t like you.”
“Everyone likes women,” Hinata disagreed.
“I meant romantically.”
“Oh.” Hinata shrugged. “Well, I like women in all senses, anyway.”
“That’s not the point, Shoyo, because women like you back.”
Kageyama made a discontented noise. “I wish they didn’t,” he muttered.
“What?” asked Hinata. “Did you say something?”
“He did,” Atsumu teased. “He said that-“
Kageyama threw a flag at him. “Stop!”
“Chill, dude, I didn’t even hear you,” Atsumu assured him.
“I did,” said Komori idly. “Do I get a free flag too?”
“Guys, shut up,” said Yaku. He’d finally collapsed onto the pavement. “You need to hear my last will and testament.”
“You’re not dying,” Iwaizumi dismissed, but he knelt down and felt Yaku’s pulse. “Oh. Well, you’re probably not dying, but maybe we should-“
“Hospital?” Yaku asked.
“Hospital,” Iwaizumi agreed.
“…So who gets his money?”
“Bad timing, Koutarou.”
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suckingsugu · 7 days
Scouts Honor
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a/n — i am in love with komori motoya and there is nothing more i love than a childhood best friends to lovers trope.
content — komori x fem! reader, childhood friends to lovers, slight jealousy, takes place during the time skip, fluff, suna (kinda?) hitting on reader, reader is a bit more confident than komori, komori being the cutie he is, no actual nsfw but it is briefly mentioned, i think that’s it- lmk if i missed anything! not proofread so it’s def horrible🤗
synopsis — “we’ll stay together forever!” that promise had never left komori’s mind, but when you come with him to his volleyball practice and get hit on? he’s not sure whether he wants to keep you as his childhood best friend or more.
✿.。.“it’s true, swear, scouts honor”.。.✿
“…we even used to take baths together! even when we were in high school!”
komori had been completely out of it, staring at you- his childhood best friend that he had brought to his practice today since you were in town. you were talking to suna and washio while everyone else was cleaning up after practice.
“huh, you took showers with her, motoya? so you’ve seen everything?”suna smirked as he finally snapped the libero out of his strange daze. “h-huh? no it’s not like that! we’re just best friends is all!”komori waved his hands around wildly as you let out a laugh at sunas , not so incorrect, assumptions.
sure, in high school the two of you had kissed and slept together — like any good best friends do when they’re both inexperienced obviously — but it had never turned into anything more than that. “awe ‘toya you’re so red! it’s not embarrassing, we showered together all the time!” you giggled as you threw your arms over komori’s neck, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before turning back to the two other players you had been talking to.
after about 20 more minutes of you chatting with suna and washio, with a few of his other teammates stopping by to say hello- everyone was ready to start headed home. you were giving a goodbye hug to washio when suna came up next to komori, elbow resting on his shoulder, “so you’re not thinking about dating her?”the sleepy eyed male asked his libero. “what? n-no,”komori answered, stomach dropping as he looked towards suna. “she’s my best friend, i don’t like her in that way.”but even he wasn’t sure if that was true. “oh, so you wouldn’t mind if i go ahead and get her number? she’s real cute.” and like a good best friend, motoya swallowed the strange feeling in his gut and gave a small nod.
The two of you had returned to komori’s apartment a little later, Komori thinking about what he was going to make for dinner while you were talking about how ‘fun’ it was to meet his teammates. “and suna is real handsome! it’s no wonder i’ve seen a lot of people on social media talk about him!” komori felt that strange feeling in his gut again as you talked about suna, he wasn’t sure what it was- but he knew he didn’t like it. “yeah…he’s probably the most popular guy on our team.”he agreed solemnly as he stepped into the kitchen, finally deciding he was going to make your favorite tonight.
“really? i like watching you more- you’re all over the place!” you laughed, following behind him like a lost puppy. usually, komori didn’t mind being close to you- but the feeling in his stomach made him lose his mind, he wasn’t even sure what he wanted anymore.
while he was lost in his thoughts, you wrapped your arms around his waist,“‘toya…you remember that promise we made when we were little? like how we’d always be together no matter what?”you asked- of course he did, the promise never left his mind. “yeah. we made that pinky promise when you left on vacation when we were like seven.” it was silly now, but back then komori swore by it. he had hardly even hung out with anyone else that entire summer, just waiting by his bedroom window while waiting for your parents car to pull into your driveway.
“i still think it was cute for little kids to make such a serious promise.”you laugh as you look up at him, your big eyes staring at him as he turned to where his front was no longer turned away from you. komori couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “yeah but it was just a—” his words were cut short as you pressed your lips against his.
komori didn’t even have the chance to understand what was going on before you pulled away from him,“sorry! i don’t know what i was thinking! i didn’t mean-” but komori didn’t wanna hear it- both his hands grabbing your cheeks as he leaned down and kissed you. “don’t apologize…”he said in between kisses as his hands slid down to your waist. “been wantin’ this, you don’t even know.” he mumbled against your lips as you whined for more of his kisses.
the two of you were stupid in high school, all the sneaky kisses and shared intimate moments— that wasn’t things that “just friends” did. the feelings komori held for you had never truly left, maybe they were just shoved down in a place that even he didn’t want to open up.
“wait…”komori let out sharp breathes as he rests his nose against your forehead. “suna, he likes you- thinks yer cute.”he breathes out before pulling away from you. He’d never been the one that took what others wanted, he’d spent his whole childhood and high school career in his cousins shadow- and now one of his best friends wanted you in the same way he did. he wasn’t going to crush suna’s dreams and ignore his feelings.
“well i don’t like him like that.”you said simply, hand grasping at his sleeve. “yeah but-” “he’s not you, silly.” and those four words stops him in his tracks. “huh?”as if you didn’t state your feelings in the most obvious ways. “oh my gosh motoya! i love you! how else do you want me to say it?”you let out an exasperated sigh, hand on your hip.
“thank god.” he mumbled as he stepped back towards you, grabbing your face and leaning down to kiss you.
“i love you too, y/n…”
✿.。.“You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her”.。.✿
first post in literally almost a year, hope i’m feeding the komori simps.
likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!!
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Being EJP Raijin’s Manager
Suna’s Crush
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Rintaro Suna (featuring EJP) x GN! manager
Warnings: fluff!
AN: this is a request from @kitakashi! Also let’s talk about how freaking 😮‍💨🥵 timeskip Suna is ok 🤚🏻
Ok you are definitely one of the lucky ones YN
I mean, EJP Raijin?!?
Have you SEEN their lineup…
Washio from Fukurodani, Komori from Itachiyama and Suna from Inarizaki???
Like are we being fr right now because 😮‍💨
Anyways, you someone how managed to score this literal dream job
And boy are we all jealous!
I want to say EJP is probably a lot calmer than MSBY and even the Adlers
They give stoic yet sensible vibes
And please, they are absolutely a stellar team!
Middle blocking is dominated by Washio and Suna and Komori handles receives
Defense specialists 👏🏻
Nekoma who? We don’t know them 💅
Anyways your job as manager is exciting and fun
The guys all respect you, helping you out as much as they can
Please Komori and Washio drink respect juice every morning
Washio helps you set up the net while Komori helps you collect volleyballs at the end of practice
But there’s one player in particular who is really attached to you 👀
Yep that’s right! Our precious love Suna Rin
Now Suna doesn’t attach himself to just anyone, oh no
He remains mostly aloof, unbothered by most people and things
But there’s just something about their dear manager that draws him in
Maybe it’s the fact that you let him nap on you 🧐
Or maybe it’s because you make the best bento boxes?
Nah it’s definitely because you add the perfect ratio of protein powder to the teams shakes
Or maybe 👀 just maybe it’s because the man is utterly infatuated with you
Oh that’s definitely it 😏
Suna always volunteers to walk you to the train station and even meets you every morning for coffee
This is strange to the team because before you started, Suna was always the last one to arrive for practice
Heck Komori often had the job of getting Suna TO practice
But not anymore, oh no our precious YN has obliterated any need for that 💅
I bet your thinking “there’s no way EJP hasn’t noticed this change” and you would be correct
Because they most definitely did
But unlike our other feral div. 1 teams, EJP isn’t as dramatic
Or at least, that’s what they’d like you to think 👀
They simply by their time, waiting for the right moment to pounce
Now that doesn’t mean they don’t bait Suna
For instance, you often come up in locker room discussion
“You know, YN is really the best manager. They just do such a great job at everything,” Washio gushes
Suna 👉🏻😐
“And they are super hot! Like wow level hot! Like ‘dang this person actually exists outside of a book’ hot!” Komori says
Suna 👉🏻😐😑
“Honestly I’m surprised Yn is single, it’s not like they don’t get fair share of looks. Sometimes I think they get more attention than we do after the game!” Washio adds
Suna 👉🏻😑😠
“For real! Plus have you seen the number of times they’ve gotten asked out? YN showed me their dms and like it’s insane!” Komori says
Suddenly, a locker slams shut as Suna stomps out from the locker room
Komori and Washio 👉🏻😐😏 got ‘em
Suna knows your popular and it drives him insane!
He’s been wanting to ask you out for a while but he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship or professional relationship
Because you see, Suna actually thinks about things outside of his own feelings
Unlike SOME people
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous
It honestly annoys Komori and Washio that he hasn’t asked you out
Because you see, it’s also obvious to them that YOU like Suna as well
They see how you stare at him and how you smile when he’s around
How you desire to be close to him 🥰
Everyday that passes, they get more and more annoyed that neither of you will make a move
But you see, that’s all about to change
And not because Komori or Washio snaps
Oh no, because the universe has their backs and is sick of this mutual pinning
🙌🏻 picture this 🙌🏻
It’s finally game day and EJP is facing our favs MSBY
😏 you know where I’m going…
And because MSBY isn’t allowed to have a manager yet because they are too feral and might bite, they must simply be satisfied with looking at You
But oh no, that’s not good enough for them
Because our little jackals get so jealous of pretty managers
Especially ones as pretty as you 🥺
So when Atsumu is staring at you a little longer than he should and Suna notices, glaring at his former teammate
Komori and Washio also notice 👀
And ever the opportunist they pounce!
“Hey Yn why don’t you see if the Jackals need help? I mean we’ve got it over here,” Komori suggests
“That’s a great idea Motoya!” You : D
Suna 👉🏻 yeah great idea MOTOYA 😡
You skip over to MSBY as Atsumu continues to stare at you
You smile and laugh with the team as Suna stands there, hands clenched and fuming
“Suna you good man? You look tense?” Washio questions 😏
“I’m fine!” Suna growls out as he turns and stomps away
When the game starts, Suna is on FIRE 🔥
Literally, the wall of Suna
MSBY is struggling hard to score today because Suna is just that on point
When Atsumu attempts a setter dump, Suna shovels it right back in his face scoring a point for EJP
Komori and Washio are standing there like 😌😌
Please they are so satisfied right now
After the game which was dominated by EJP, Atsumu decides he’s going to make the most of this opportunity and ask you out
“Hey YN, I was wondering if you’d like to go out tonight. I could use some consoling,” he says, a sad look on his face
Suddenly a looming presence enters engulfs you
You stiffen, feeling someone behind you as you turn to see Suna literally FUMING 😡
Quick Yn deal with this!
Komori and Washio 👉🏻👀🍿
MSBY 👉🏻 🧍‍♂️👁️👄👁️
“Umm I’m sorry Atsumu but I actually like someone already,” you say as Suna continues to loom
“Oh, yeah no problem-” Atsumu responds, slowly backing away
He has some self-preservation skills ok
You turn to Suna as he continues to glare at Atsumu
Suddenly, he feels lips press to his cheek as he immediately melts
Suna 👉🏻😡😐😳☺️
“YN I like you alot! Would you please go out with me?” He asks as you nodd
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask! Of course I will!” You gush as you hug him, sweat and all
Don’t worry Yn, Komori is totally filming this for you and Suna to watch later 🥰
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dira333 · 6 months
(Not) hard to love - Komori x Reader
Requested by @alienaiver for my Follower Celebration
This was kinda hard to write, but I hope you still love it.
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There are days when it’s hard for Komori to love you.
Not in the way some people might think - those people are dicks - but in the way that this profession gets in the way of being there for you.
He’s so used to being active that it’s sometimes hard for him to stay still for you. 
You’ve caught onto that soon and made it a game instead of something hurtful.
“You’re like a Golden Retriever.” You had joked. “You just wanna go and play fetch. Can you go get my cane?” 
Komori had jumped and brought it over. You patted his head like one did with a dog. 
“Good boy.” You had snickered and he had rolled his eyes playfully. “Now my shoes, please?”
Komori is so used to diets and exercise, to the things one does to get better that it’s sometimes hard for him to accept that chronic diseases do not get better. 
And then he feels ashamed because why did he have a hard time with it when it was you who was actively suffering from it?
“There, there.” You rub your hand over his back. His head is buried in his lap, the only way to hide his miserable mood from you but he thinks he’s probably failing at it. “I’ve had a long time to accept it, Baby. It’s okay that you’re mad about it. I’m mad about it too.”
“I just want to do something to help!” He sounds whiny and he hates it. 
“But you are. You’re doing so much. Like cooking and cleaning and getting the groceries up from the car. Driving a car, too! You make my life the best possible thing!”
Komori huffs a little and falls silent. It’s cute how upset he can get over things he can’t change, just because he wants to change them. How he always wants to do more for you even when he’s doing so much already.
You squeeze his butt and he yelps, shooting up from his hiding place in your lap.
“You beast.” He snarls, peppers kisses over your face as punishment. 
This is the Komori you prefer. Playful, gentle, and, in the back of his head, always worried about you.
“Have you been eating?” Komori asks, drawing his finger over the screen where your face is. He longs to touch you. It’s only been two days but he misses you.
“Yeah.” You nod. “You left plenty for me to heat up. Today I had the Miso Soup.”
“You have to eat veggies too.” He reminds you. “Did you eat the Orange I peeled for you?”
“Yep.” You pop the p. “Thank you for that. You’re the best boyfriend.”
“I could be better.” Komori hopes you can’t pick up the blush through the grainy screen but he doubts it. You’ve got great eyesight when it comes to these things. 
“What do you mean? You’re the best boyfriend I could ever hope for.”
“The best boyfriend you could ever hope for wouldn’t have to leave the country for work for a full week.” He points out.
You huff out a laugh. “Oh, Motoya. It’s work. You can’t help it. Besides, you can get me some plushies from the Duty-Free Shop.”
“Already bought them.” He points out. “Not showing you any until I get home.”
“Come on, baby.” You coo. “Tell me what’s wrong. You’re worrying about something.”
“I just remembered that you have an appointment tomorrow.”
“Mhm, I know.”
“And I can’t take you.”
“Baby.” You smile at him. “It’s fine. You can’t be here all the time. And you asked Kiyoomi if he could drive me. I don’t even have to walk there.”
“Yeah, you better not! There’s ice on the streets, you could fall!”
You laugh. “You worry too much. I promise I won’t hold onto Kiyoomi’s hand while they take the bloodwork. You’re the only guy I want to hold onto when they put needles inside me.”
“You better!” He jokingly waves a finger at you.
“Are you really okay with me being away?” He asks when the laughter dies down. “You know I’d leave everything to be with you if you needed me.”
“I know. And I stand by my word. You are the best boyfriend I could ever wish for. You can’t stop the world from turning, baby. We might as well the ride.”
There are days when it’s hard for Komori to love you.
When all he wants to do is run, when he’s too worried, too far away to help.
But he did not become a pro athlete because it was convenient. 
And if he could make this dream happen against everything, he’ll make sure to love you - against everything.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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moonbeamwritings · 1 year
The mad dash begins as soon as the front door to your shared apartment clicks shut. Motoya’s footsteps race into the kitchen, pattering against the tile as he slings his EJP jacket across one of the chairs at the kitchen counter. 
He pecks a kiss to your hair. “Hi babe.” And another one. “Bye babe.”
He stops for only a second to slip out of a single shoe, leaving it at the opening to the hallway like a volleyball-playing Cinderella. You hear the dull clunk of the other shoe somewhere farther down; you guess somewhere near the bedroom.
“‘M goin’ out with Kiyoomi and the guys tonight!” He calls from down the hall, closet door sliding open as he does. Last week he made plans with his cousin and their old volleyball friends to go out for dinner and grab a few drinks, catch up a little. And now, tonight’s the night.
“I know!”
“You gonna be okay for dinner, sweets? I can bring you somethin’ home.”
“I’m cooking up some stir fry now! Don’t worry about me, ‘Toya.”
He grumbles something you don’t quite catch, and then shouts to ask, “Babe, do you know where my plaid shirt is? The blue one?”
You think it over as the vegetables sizzle on the stovetop. You hadn’t seen it in the hamper, and you can’t remember the last time you saw it in the closet. Shrugging, you reply, “Uhh, no baby. I don’t. Did you check your drawers, too?”
The sounds of drawers opening and closing travels down the hallway. And then, “It’s not here.”
“Hmm, then sorry, I don’t know.”
Motoya sighs and picks another shirt. It’s not that big a deal, but he had been itching to wear that shirt. Maybe when he had more time, he could really look for it. He retraces his steps to pick up his discarded sneakers before dropping them into your bedroom and grabbing his jacket. And as he shrugs into it, Motoya pads back down the hallway, stopping right before he reaches the kitchen. 
He takes a moment to drink you in, admiring your soft curves and the gentle way you flit from one counter to the other, chopping vegetables and adding ingredients to the wok. But as his eyes drag down the line of your neck, he notices something. Something... peculiar.
A familiar blue plaid shirt hangs off of one shoulder, exposing smooth skin and the thin strap of your tank top. With flushed cheeks and a rapidly beating heart, Motoya comes up behind you to worm his arms around your waist and press his chest into your back, to push a smirk into the crook of your neck.
Before he says anything, he kisses your skin, right where your neck meets your shoulder. His voice is low and even as he says, “This shirt looks familiar, hmm? Thought you didn’t know where it was?”
Your hands still, gaze flickering down to his arms, weaved around well-worn, navy blue plaid. “Oh, Motoya, I’m sorry. I wasn’t even thinking.”
“Mm,” he presses closer to peck your cheek, nuzzling his nose into your skin when he pulls away, “It’s okay. Looks better on you anyway.”
“Honey,” you warn, “you’re gonna be late.”
A kiss lands right against your temple. “Don’t wanna leave.”
You turn in his arms to cradle his cheek. “Well, I don’t want to hear your cousin complain. So, go.”
Motoya rolls his eyes and leans in to finally press a chaste kiss to your lips. “Alright, alright. I’m goin’.”
At the door, he gives you a long look, like a sad puppy guilting its owner into staying home. He pouts, and you step closer to kiss him again. “Go. I’ll see you in a couple hours.”
“Will you save me some stir fry?”
You sigh, fixing him with a knowing smile. “I already made extra.”
With one last peck, he beams. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. See you when you get home.”
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box-of-roses · 5 months
.•°♡°•. My Husband .•°♡°•.
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♡ Synopsis: Husband Headcannons for Komori
♡ Characters: Komori, Y/N
♡ Possible Warnings: None that I can think of, please let me know though.
♡ Words: 383
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Most definitely bakes cookies with you
Chaotic but sweet
Would wake you up at like 4 so you could sit on the roof and watch the sun rise
Brings you flowers every week because “You’re just so pretty how can I not”
Brought you with him to buy the rings because he wanted to be sure you would like it. He also wanted you to pick his.
Komori had dragged you out of bed at a nice 12:30. That wasn’t the problem, the problem was that you were hungry and you hadn't stopped to get food yet. “It’s important and I know you’ll like it. Please just bear with me a little longer?” You agreed. I mean there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for your boyfriend. When the two of you showed up to a ring store you were a bit shocked. “I know this probably isn’t how you imagined it, it’s not how I originally imagined it either. I want to marry you Y/N. I was just so nervous trying to plan everything I figured it would be better for you to help me pick the rings. I know how you get about big public proposals and I probably should’ve done it before we left. Will you marry me?” You of course said yes and both of you happily went inside to pick out each other’s rings.
The wedding wasn’t a big gathering just your families and friends
One time he lost his ring and he felt so bad (you guys found it later. It turns out he was doing the dishes so he took it off and just forgot to put it back on)
When it’s snowing outside he definitely makes you both go outside to make snow angels
Makes you coco and wraps you in blankets when you get back inside though can’t have you getting sick
I think he would call you his love. Like this man could be talking to someone and then just stops like “Sorry, my love just texted me and I need to respond to them.” Like you always get his undivided attention whenever he’s able to
His friends can make fun of him for how whipped he is but he doesn’t care he just reminds them that they’re single and jealous
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I’ve never written for this character before, thank you so much ❄️ anon for requesting this. My requests are open and so are my taglists for characters and series that I’m doing. I hope you all enjoyed! Love you guys!
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jamminlocks · 11 months
CUTE??? {Komori fic}
Tags: F/M, komori motoya x reader, komori motoya & reader, komori motoya x oc, komori motoya & oc, humor, fluff, funny, Komori centric fic, POV third person, Komori Motoya is a mess, original characters are unnamed and not described other than their vibes and player number, not beta read, oneshot Word count: 2106 Summary: amongst a crowd of volleyball players walking around the gymnasium, Komori bumps into someone while he is looking for Sakusa and Iizuna. A/N: in the haikyuu timeline, this is set at the interhigh tournament after Karasuno lost to Aoba Johsai. i will come back and edit this [ao3]
It’s day two of the interhigh national tournament and all four courts are still in the middle of a game.  Everything is lively, from the games on the court to the audience on the bleachers. The different cheers are loud and its echoes fill the gymnasium. It's almost distracting enough for Motoya to focus on the game in front of him when the crowd watching from another court is getting all riled up. He sits on the bleachers along with the rest of his team. Kiyoomi sitting right beside him. The game in front of them being Matsukawa Tech vs Inarizaki, barely in the middle of the second set. 
Much like last year, the cheering on Inarizaki's side was grand and hostile. Motoya feels bad for everyone serving in Matsukawa, going through the unpleasant feeling of getting boo-ed at. It's already bad enough that they are six points behind Inarizaki but they seem to be catching up when a wall of their blockers scores, blocking a spike from Ojiro Aran no less.
He wanted to watch a little longer. After all, Inarizaki is a team Itachiyama has an eye on for many reasons. Matsukawa Tech also had their best server in the current rotation. As a libero, Motoya needs to understand how they play for him to know how to best receive. But, he'd like to drink something that isn't water before a game, maybe go to the restroom and wash up. It will save him from Kiyoomi's commanding scowl when he asked if he had washed his hands.  
Motoya excuses himself. As he stand, Iizuna-san, who is sitting behind him, asks "where are you going?" 
"I'm gonna try to find some Potari sweat and go to the restroom." 
"Oh, I'll come with you. I actually want to see what they have on the t-shirt stalls." 
"I'll come, too." Kiyoomi said, still focused on the game. 
"You want to go to the restroom, too?" Motoya said, hinting it to something which Kiyoomi doesn't like by side-eyeing him.
"I want to see Shiatorizawa's match up close," his cousin coldly states. 
Motoya scans the occupied courts, the match with Shiratorizawa is way on the other side. If they're quick on their feet, they won't mess much. Not feeling the need to tease his cousin any further, he waits for their captain and his cousin to stand and they all excuse themselves from their team as they walk out of the lined seats. Letting Iizuna-san lead the way. "Let's get going," he said to them.
"Who are Shiratorizawa up against?" Motoya asked, padding the pocket of his sports jacket, checking if he had left some money in them. It had enough money for a drink.
"It's Chikuida," Kiyoomi said, not a hint of enthusiasm for the mentioned team. They're not a powerhouse like Shiratorizawa or Itachiyama, nor are they newcomers to the national tournament.
"They're back this year?" Motoya said, somewhat excited. "Good luck to them I guess." And good luck is all he could wish for them. Much as he likes for the tables to turn to Chikuida's favor and for something fresh and new on the tournament brackets, he doubts they could actually beat Shiratorizawa, especially against Ushijima-san’s spikes. It is an exciting thought if they can. When they walk up to the game in question, it, too, is at its second set, which is already impressive given Shiratorizawa won both sets the day before. "Wow, they're even so far," Iizuna-san pointed to the scoreboard, displaying 10-11. In that moment, Chikuida scored from a spike from their opposite hitter sticking directly on the line, changing the score, 11-11.
They watched without seating on the bleachers and out of the way from where people were walking. The game flows with the two teams basically interchanging points, continuously neck and neck. Then, Chikuida is ahead of Shiratorizawa by four points. Kiyoomi leans a little closer. Motoya notices and he snickers a little. As per-usual, Sakusa Kiyoomi gets agitated at the possibility that another team is inching closer to the level of powerhouse schools.
Iizuna-san waves for Motoya to come with him then turns to Kiyoomi. "Sakusa, I'll go ahead with Komori. Be back in a minute."
Kiyoomi only nods in silence, attention still at the game. Motoya and Iizuna-san leave him in the spacious area among the audience of the Shiratorizawa vs Chikuida match. The two then split up when Iizuna-san headed to the t-shirt stalls to peruse. 
The restroom came first before the vending machine, so Motoya goes there to wash his hand – wiping with his own handkerchief, of course – before buying a drink. Lucky for him, one of the machines has Potari sweat and it drops out without much trouble for him. As he walks, he snaps open the white cap of the bottle, deciding whether he should go back to Kiyoomi or look for Iizuna-san.
And then, the crowd suddenly grew densers, players, gymnasium staff, and the media staff merging in the hall. Their long strides became careful short walks not to add more hassle in the crampedness. Motoya does his best to move around everyone that comes in front of him from what he can tell, he’s getting closer to where he last saw Iizuna-san.
He keeps an open eye for the signature bright yellow of Itachiyama’s jersey in the crowd while closing the led of the bottle. Instead, Iizuna’s mint green hair is the first thing he spots. Motoya calls out to his captain as he waves his unoccupied hand though doesn’t seem to hear it. He moves forward through the crowd until he allows a pair of players to pass. Coming from a different direction, someone bumps into Motoya and the person yelps weakly. The collision has him losing grip of the bottle. As the person starts a half scream that's immediately cut when they catch it could hit the ground.
"Ah, sorry!" He quickly apologizes with his hands shyly reaching out to them, worried that he might have bumped into them somewhere inappropriate. The person stops and stands up right meeting his gaze. A player on the girls side of the tournament. She hands the bottle over. Her team uniform is white with dark green sleeves and a green number 11. She looks at him in shock, worry and apologetic, but she squints. Then, it instantly switches to a charming, wide smile that almost had her cheeks hide her eyes.
“OH HEY!” the girl chimes, less of a greeting and more of realization. Voice smooth and silky, mixed with a kind of bubbly friendliness. "You really do have round eyebrows! That's so cute!!" 
Confusion came like being thrown a bucket of warm water on his back. His first reaction is to laugh in his befuddlement. 
“Eh???” is all Motoyo could muster as he stands still and grip on the bottle getting firmer. 
Then, there's giggling from beside the girl, players in the same uniforms as her, trying their best to hide their laughing and wheezing. They seem just as confused as to what just occurred and appear apologetic on her behalf. Their sweet and nice voices adds to Motoya’s embarrassment. Lucky for him, they are having secondhand embarrassment from teammate’s action underneath their laughter.
"That's what you say first?" The girl in number 5 said in disbelief, grinning from ear to ear as she teases her teammate. "Not even a ‘sorry’?" Said the girl with the number 8, who sounded more troubled despite being humored by it as well.
Someone with the jersey labeled number 2 steps forward, confident and concerned. Their vice-captain, he assumes. "I'm really sorry for my teammate here,” she starts, bowing to Motoya. “She doesn't know how to think before she opens her mouth."
He would have said ‘no worries’ or ‘ it's fine.’ But still a bit surprised from what's happening, Motoya’s words practically froze and he could hesitantly bow back while darting from one girl to the next assessing how many saw that. It did not help that they are all very pretty and they don’t seem offended by him.
“I’m sorry,” number 11 said. “Your arm’s not hurt, is it?” She speaks so kindly. 
Motoya actually checks for pain. Nothing is really there other than a sting that will leave in a moment or two, so he shakes his head. “It’s alright. no harm done,” he said, trying to match her softness to appear not irritated, waving his arms to her to communicate not to pay no more concern over it.
Chuckling, number 5 says, “you really are something, huh? Calling the nation’s best libero ‘cute’.” 
The mention of his appointed title was an arrow of panic in Motoya’s veins. They know him?! He screamed in his thoughts. What else do they know!? 
"She's right though, you are pretty cute," bluntly said by number 12, hand on her chin as she eyes Motoya up and done. Her eyes hinting cheeky interest in him and he thinks something popped in his head. Getting called cute by a pretty girl once is flustering, but again by another girl? That's more than he thinks he can take. Motoya could feel two more degrees of heat up his face. What should he say after that? 
“Um.. thanks?” Motoya said in appreciation while trying his damndest to not sound squeaky in front of these girls. 
Number 11 turns to Motoya again and simply states, “I mean, you do look better in person,” effortlessly doubling down on her comment. They all laugh at her honesty to blatantly compliment him again.
“And taller,” added 5 and some of the girls shook their heads in agreement. Number 2 is the only one who does not join in, placing a hand over her face.
“Um, what's going on here?” Iizuna’s voice invades and takes everyone's attention, and he is with Kiyoomi. The question was more likely pointed to Motoya, but the vice captain of the girl’s team quickly raised her hand and bowed slightly to the two players. “I’m sorry. One of my teammates bumped into your libero and nearly dropped his drink,” she explained.
The other girls follow suit by apologizing to Motoya’s teammates. One by one, they bid the libero farewell. Saying ‘bye’ to Motoya teasingly with a sweet tune as they smile and wave. 
“Good luck to you, guys,” formally said the vice-captain. Motoya and Iizuna-san return it.
11 waves to him.“Sorry again, Komori-chan.” Her voice still caught him off guard. 
Motoya’s eyes last strays on the girl with number 9, who has been covering her laughter the entire time. She gives him an amused look as she smirks at Motoya then sends him a flirty nod. The gesture makes him want to hide his warm face. 
He watches them all leave, almost in a trance. While Iizuna and Kiyoomi are left to ponder what they just walked into.
Suddenly, Motoya sharply turns to the two. Fists clenched and pumped. “GUYS!” He calls them. His cheeks and ears slowly turned to a shade of red. Eyes wide in nervousness, panicked, yet determined. A quivering smile.
“That is the goal,” Kiyoomi deadpans.
The two may not completely know what had happened but it must have been something enough to practically short-circuit his brain. It finally settles to Motoya that his heart is rushing.
Iizuna nervously laughs, "How about you drink that Potari of yours?" 
Motoya does and he accidentally chugs down the entirety of the bottle.
“You good?” Iizuna asks, concern in
Motoya meekly says “yeah” but he doesn't believe him. With the Libero drinking a 500ml bottle, it leads all of them back to the restroom. Kiyoomi washes his hands again for good measure while Motoya does business, then washing his hands and face. Yet he is still flustered.
Returning with their one teammate several shades redder, Iizuna had to explain that It isn’t a fever or anything and his loose understanding of the situation that happened.
After that, Itachiyama won their match that day and the following matches after that up until the finals.
That little interaction Motoya had with the girls was long forgotten by the time they won the inter-high school tournament. To Iizuna, it's probably the strangest prophetic thing he has witnessed. He isn't superstitious, but it sure was funny to think that Motoya basically manifested their wins. Kiyoomi could care less. As for Motoya, little compliments placked in his brain and the memory of the event comes back to him clear as day. If he thinks a little too long about it, he’ll just steam his head up like a kettle.
A/N: I had this on my drafts for so long that but when i found out it was komori's birthday, I had to cram this like it was an academic essey due tomorrow ahahahahahaha
but i think i should apologies cause I dont know how to tag this. its technically a komori centric fic, but could be read as 3rd-pov komori x reader fic (to whichever girl had the most rizz lol) or 3rd-pov komori x oc fic, so i tagged it as both. i hope it doesn't bother anyone its tag that way.
thanks for reading and Happy birthday to Komori 🎉🥳🎊
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
Komori tending to your injuries after a small volleyball game you play with him and Sakusa
(A/N: I received a volleyball from a Wing Spiker and my wrist was all blue and purple afterwards and it gave me Komori fever I dunno why. Also, this little story is not my best, I apologize for that. But it’s honest work lol)
Motoya Komori x Reader "Violets"
It was a sunny Thursday afternoon and you’re hanging out with two of your classmates from Itachiyama Academy, named Motoya Komori and Kiyoomi Sakusa.
Sakusa and Komori are currently practicing their spikes and receives for the next game practice against a local college next Wednesday.
You’re just sitting on a blanket in the grass while reading the latest manga of „Buddy Daddies“. A gentle breeze flows through your hair and the only sound you can hear is the rustling of the leaves of the tree you’re sitting underneath and the sound of the volleyball bouncing.
You’re so invested in your book that you don’t see Komori approaching you and sitting down right next to you with a huff.
Peeking at him from the corner of your eye, you see him drinking from his bottle that he brought with him. His slightly sweaty state is making you blush and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Sakusa as he watches you and his cousin.
Putting the bottle down, Komori leans back on his hands and calms his breathing. Putting his hands behind him, he leans back and leans over a little bit to see what you are reading. His actions make your heart go crazy.
"What are you reading?“ Komori asks in a sweet voice.
You show him the cover of the manga.
"It’s called 'Buddy Daddies'. It’s about two spies taking care of a young girl after they accidentally killed her dad. It’s sounds dark but it’s actually a very cute and funny story.“ You explain to him.
"You‘ve got to lend it to me sometime!“ He exclaims excitedly as he continues to look at you with a gleam in his eyes.
"Komori. Let’s get back to playing.“ Sakusa demands in a bored voice.
At the sound of his cousin‘s voice, Komori turns back to Sakusa and pouts a bit.
"Sakusa, I need a break. We‘ve been going at it for almost two hours now.“ The light-haired brunette huffs in exhaustion.
The black-haired Wing Spiker scowls at his cousin’s response.
Feeling bad for Sakusa, you say the words already before you can stop yourself, surprising yourself and the two second-years.
"Why don’t I receive your spikes while Motoya rests, Kiyo?“ You suggest with a shy smile.
Both boys look at you with shock, with Komori being unsure about your offer.
"Uh (Y/N)… not that I doubt your abilities but you‘ve never played Volleyball before have you? And you also never received any of Sakusa‘s spikes before. They could easily bruise your skin really bad.“ The Libero warns you with an unsure look that almost makes you swoon with how worried he is about you and how much he cares about you.
Reassuring them that you will be fine, you begin to get up to stand across from Sakusa at least 20 feet away from him.
Remembering how the Libero stands, you try to mimic his stance like when he plays Volleyball.
Without further redo, Sakusa throws the ball in the air before he slams it with full force towards you.
You keep your stance but the ball comes flying like a bullet into your direction.
With the huge amount of force Sakusa used in his spike, it slams so hard into your right wrist, that it bounces right off with a loud 'WHAM‘. The mere power of Sakusa‘s spike sends you falling on your bottom.
Hearing your panicked crush yell out your name, he quickly makes his way over to you with frantic footsteps.
Sakusa slowly walks over to you and Komori with a blank look on his face but still keeps his distance to check and make sure you’re okay from a safe spot.
"(Y/N)? You okay? Do I need to take you to the nurse?“ The brunette checks you all over. As soon as he touches your right wrist you visibly flinch and hiss due to the pain.
Komori checks your wrist and sees it swelling up and being very red due to the ball‘s landing on your skin.
"I will take you to the nurse, come on.“ Placing a hand gently on your lower back, you begin to walk with Komori together to the nurse’s office in the academy. Sakusa stares after your retreating figures, shrugging and turning away to continue to train until he passes out.
After you and Komori went to see the school nurse, you came back out with an ice package holding your right wrist and a bandage wrapped around it. The both of you walk in silence and the Libero suggests to take you back to your dorm room.
"Thank you Motoya, I would appreciate that.“ You smile at him and you see his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning red. He begins to rub his neck out of nervousness and accompanies you to your dorm room.
Once you both arrive at the front door of your room, you turn to Motoya and thank him for bringing you back safely.
The green-eyed second year gives you an unsure look before gulping nervously.
"Uh (Y/N)… I-I am sorry if this seems kind of forward o-or personal… but uh… c-can I check your wrist?“ He stutters out.
Surprised by his request, you hold your wrist out to him nonetheless.
Now holding your wrist in both of his rough hands, he begins to unwrap the bandage and grimaces at the sight.
The inside of your wrist is covered in little blue and purple bruise patches. It even shocks you that Sakusa‘s spike was so powerful, that it bruised your skin so bad, that you actually have different colored skin from the impact.
But that’s what you get for receiving one of Japan‘s top three ace’s spikes. Guess it was too much for your delicate skin.
"I am really sorry about Sakusa‘s harsh spike (Y/N)… I could have prevented this.“ You feel bad by listening to his words and his sad face is also making you upset as well.
"Motoya, I am fine, really. It’s just a bruise, it‘ll fade away eventually. Next time I‘ll let you do your amazing job at receiving his spikes instead of me.“ You giggle and it seems to lift the Libero‘s mood a little bit.
"Well, if you say so. Text me if you need anything. I‘ll see you tomorrow in Chemistry class.“
Before you can reply though, Komori bends down just a tiny bit towards your wrist, just to press the most gentle kiss on your bruise. It only lasts for a short second but his affectionate move makes you feel like your heart stopped for a second and you swear, your brain shortcuts as well.
Watching you with extremely red cheeks and gleamy eyes, the brunette begins to walk back to his own dorm room, leaving you at the door with a pacing heart.
As you watch Komori walk away, he stops for a second and turns around to look at you once more before he leaves.
He winks at you and departs his way to the stairs without waiting on your reaction.
That’s it.
You’re officially a melted puddle on the front door mat in front of your dorm room because of Motoya freaking Komori.
@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality
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The Haikyuu Characters Text you “I Can’t Sleep” | Pt.2
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Pairing: Haikyuu boys x f!reader
Notes: Good morning everybody! It’s currently 8:50 AM for me, but good afternoon and evening to those of you in different timezones. I hope that you’re all ready for another chapter! I’ve been having serious issues sleeping again lately, so writing these chapters is pretty fun, even if it’s the other way around. Enjoy ❤️
In this chapter, the characters include: Osamu, Atsumu, Kita, Suna, Sakusa, Daishō, Numai, Kuguri, and Sakishima!
If you want to check out my masterlist for the texting series posts as I make them, you can follow {this link} to the page!
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yoomiomiki · 2 years
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hoshuimi , gao, hinata, terushima, osamu , atsumu , suna , komori, tanaka , nishinoya, kuroo, lev, hirugami, bokuto, konoha, matsukawa, hanamaki, kunimi, tendo, semi , yamamoto
©yoomiomiki 2022
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dira333 · 9 months
Senpai - Komori x reader
for the Haikyuu Request Game - requested by @alienaiver
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He heard the story, like everyone else.
That hotshot from Karasuno with the buzz head had managed to score the legendary beauty that was Karasuno’s third-year manager. 
Relationships between players and managers weren’t uncommon but as far as Komori knew, the girls were usually the ones that were younger.
But there he was, Tanaka Ryunosuke, the proof that exceptions confirm the rule.
If only Komori could have been as lucky, he thought, as you graduated and left the school.
He’s a first year and training camp is a terrible mix of consoling his cousin and trying not to fall behind.
He needs to prove his place on the court just as much as Kiyoomi but he needs to prove his place on the team a little bit more.
“Here, your water.” You smile as you hand out the bottles, golden sunlight casting a halo around you as you walk through the throng of people catching their breath.
He’s not been in love before, has merely fancied one girl over the other in Junior High.
But this, the rapid beating of his heart, the longing pull that starts behind his navel and steers him towards you, always towards you, this must be love.
“My girlfriend-” It’s not polite but Komori has learned to tone out Washio every time he starts a sentence like that.
“So, what do you think?” Washio’s grinning at him and Suna‘s smirking next to him like he knows exactly what’s going on but choosing to enjoy the show instead of helping.
“About what?” 
“What I just said.”
“I wasn’t li-” Komori interrupts himself by turning his head, still way too attuned to your sight. But could it really be?”
“Earth to Komori, are you listening?”
“You guys go ahead.” He grins and fears that it must look a little bit hysterical, “I just realized I urgently need a coffee before we watch that movie.”
“You’re right.” Suna’s voice drawls lazily as he eyes Komori, ever the instigator, “I’ll come with you.”
“No, no. I’ll get you one. I know what you drink anyway. Go on, go ahead.”
“Is he okay?” You ask when Sakusa hides in the corner yet again.
The worry is visible on your face, painting shadows where none have been before.
He’s seen you cheerful, has seen you determined, but never worried like this. It creates a strange feeling in his chest, pulling him apart in two very distinct directions.
He wants to see more of this, wants to explore all there is to explore, see all the colors of emotion you can be painted in.
And he wants you to be never worried at all. Wants the shadows to disappear until you’re bathed in nothing but light.
Your hand is warm on his elbow as the two of you look over at Kiyoomi.
His voice is thick as he speaks but for a different reason than you must assume.
“He’s not good with crowds.”
“What can we do to help?”
That’s how he knows that he’s lost to this feeling.
Because in all your struggles, helping others has always come first.
By the time he makes it into the coffee shop he’d seen you walk in, he fears you might have already left again.
But there you are, waiting for your drink, still as beautiful as you’d been years ago.
Oh god, he shouldn’t have called out to you like this, your name would have been way better, right?
But you look up and he cantell you recogniz him, pleasant surprise washing over your face.
“Komori-kun!” You smile. “What a surprise!”
“I just saw you walk past and had to say hi.” He tells you, feeling surprisingly shy all over again. You’ve always had that effect on him.
“What are you doing? Can I buy you a coffee?”
You laugh, taking your cup from the barista just as he utters the words. 
“That’s very sweet of you. I was just out shopping but I have some time, we could sit down and chat a bit if you want?”
He nods eagerly, following you to a table.
“What have you been up to, Senpai?” He asks, too happy about the fact you’re willing to spend your free time with him to care about anything at all.
You’re giggling at the back of the bus, heads stuck together over a movie playing on his phone. Kiyoomi is sleeping next to them, his curled-up body the reason you’d come back in the first place.
Talking to you has always been easy, the only Senpai he’s allowed to call by first name.
He wonders if you know how he feels about you. If it’s as visible on his face as it is on the inside.
Second-year just started and he’s already dreading the end of it, having to go through another year without you by their side. By his side.
He knows so much about you now, has learned so much in one year of knowing you yet feels like he doesn’t know enough.
He knows why you decided to become a manager instead of a member of the Girls Volleyball Club but he doesn’t know how you feel when you watch them instead of playing yourself.
He knows you’re struggling with a chronic illness you’re still not fully grasping the extent of but he doesn’t know how you feel about it on your good days, on your bad days, on the days that fall in the middle of it all.
He knows that you love their team but he doesn’t know how you feel about him, just that he’s younger than you, will always be younger than you and all girls in his class are looking at the older guys instead, never the other way around.
“Oh no, I should get going.” You look at your watch with a frown on your face. “I totally lost track of the time.”
“Oh, we should, I mean, we could…” Komori’s stumbling over his words now, “I’d like to do that again. If you want, I mean.”
You smile politely. “It was very nice, but I don’t go out for coffee often.”
Komori’s thinking of Tanaka, of the rare exceptions proving the rule, and he takes his heart into his mouth.
“What about a date?”
“Huh?” You look surprised, but not in a negative way, and he soldiers on.
“I’ve been interested in you ever since you were a manager for us but I was too shy to confess to you back then. But we’re older now and we’re both single and I’d like to take you out on a date. Only if you’re comfortable with it, though. I don’t want to pressure you, Senpai.”
Your face had been open and curious up until his last word, your brows furrowing at the formal term. Komori knows when he’s fucking up and this seems to be the moment for him.
“Or you can take your time and think about it first,” he tries to save what he can. “I can give you my number.”
There’s a moment of stillness between the two of you, as if even the world is holding its breath to wait for your answer.
“Yes, that would be okay.”
His hand’s shaking as he scribbles down his number, his heart in his throat.
He’d never thought he’d get the chance to confess to you, not after you graduated.
But as you leave he can’t help the thought that this isn’t going to work out.
He’s just not Tanaka.
He’s not the exception.
It’s custom to hand your second button to the person you like the most on the day of your graduation.
But by the time he graduates you’re no longer a student at their school.
He plucks the button from his jacket the minute he steps out of the house, pushing it into his bag until it’s somewhere hidden between his books. He hopes that it will be out of sight and out of mind but he cannot stop thinking about it.
Not when Kiyoomi throws him a knowing look.
Not when seemingly everyone passing them wonders aloud who had gotten his second button first.
And it’s not that no one asks for the button.
It’s the fact that he’s learned what he wants and even if there might be another person out there for him, someone like you but not like you, they’re not at school with him today.
One day, two days, three days pass without a word from you.
Komori should have known.
“You seem down, man.” Washio blocks the door of the changing room, worry in his eyes.
“Yeah, you were so happy after you ditched us at the movies, what happened?” Suna’s trying to act as cool as ever but the fact that he’s staying behind with Washio tells Komori that his teammate is worried.
“‘s nothing guys.” He tries to deflect but Washio’s not stepping aside.
And maybe it’s the fact that these boys have not been on a team with him in High school, have never met you before or known his awkward self trying to hide his crush, but as soon as the first words fall from his lips he can’t stop talking, pouring it all out.
“Damn.” Washio huffs out when he ends while Suna’s on his phone again, chewing on his lip as he types.
“That’s her?” He turns his phone to your instagram profile. It’s a picture of you smiling at the beach, volleyball  tucked under your arm. 
“Yeah.” Komori mumbles, worried for whatever Suna might say next. But he just pockets his phone and claps one hand on his shoulder, pressing the firm muscle as if to tell him, without words, that he knows exactly what he’s feeling right now.
At least he’s not going through this alone.
“My name is Komori Motoya. I played Libero at the Dōshō Junior High. I look forward to playing with you. Please take care of me.” He bows with the other boys but none of them stick out to you like he does.
It’s not that he’s got talent. Because Sakusa does too.
It’s not that he’s tall. Because Sakusa is taller.
It’s not even the fact that he’s cute. Because Tsukasa might be cuter.
You can’t tell what it is, but you can point out when it shows.
In the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles or his mouth curls when he thinks.
In the way he manages to make everyone open up - even you - and never seems to get tired of listening to his cousin's rants. 
You know he has a great future ahead and you wish him the best of luck, hoping against all common sense that your future might intertwine.
Sufferers of chronic illnesses and future sports stars rarely have many things in common.
At least you’ve had High School.
One hour. Two hours. Three hours.
You can’t take it anymore, phone pressed against your ear as you wait for the call to be picked up.
You don’t wait for your best friend to properly greet you before the words spill from your lips like the surge of waves.
“Do you remember Komori?”
“Komori Motoya? Libero? Second Year? Do you remember him?”
“Please, I’d never forget that tall bean pole of sweetness. You had such a crush on him, it was insane. What made you think of him?”
Your chewing on your nails now, a trait you thought you’d gotten over.
“I met him today. We-we had a coffee together.”
“Oh, that’s cute.”
“CUTE?” You huff and apologize for your outbreak instantly, pacing your room now in another futile attempt to calm yourself down.
“He confessed to me. I don’t know what to do!”
“What do you mean? You say yes, of course.”
“But- What about never dating younger guys?”
“Please. you’re both grown ups now, that’s different. But tell me all the details first, I have to live through you, remember?”
“Here, take my jacket.” Komori’s jersey jacket envelopes you like a blanket, still warm from his own body heat. It smells like him too, a little bit sweet and a little bit citrusy.
You try not to dip your nose into it and fail but he’s not noticing it, eyes ahead as you walk, his hand a steadying presence on your back.
“I can gather the things myself.” You remind him. “Surely you need the rest after training.”
“It’s okay.” He smiles down at you and your steps falter the slightest bit, your heart betraying you by jumping at the familiar sight. “You would have to walk multiple times and with me we can get this done in one.”
And you think that’s it. That he’s just helpful like he always is. But he always, always cuts into your resolve with his words and his smile. Always, always makes you think that maybe, just maybe, you should give in.
“Besides. I like spending time with you.”
His hand brushes yours as you walk and you wonder what would happen if you just took it, felt the warmth of his pulse under your fingers, allowed yourself to be loved by him.
But your future is still dangling in front of you with its fangs revealed. The future is scary and unsure of many things but tests and doctors telling you all the things you won’t be able to do.
Love is often a fickle thing. 
You’d rather look back knowing you could have had him than look back and know that you lost him.
You give yourself 24 hours to think this over before you text him. 
At 23 hours and thirty minutes you decide that enough is enough and send him the text you’d spent thirty minutes revising with your friend yesterday.
There’s no answer.
No read sign, no dancing dots. 
You tell yourself that he’s probably still training and force yourself to put your phone away.
Two days pass until your phone vibrates with a message you’d almost given up on.
But as you open the text, you freeze in your spot.
“I’m sorry, you must have the wrong number. My name’s not Komori.”
He’d given you a wrong number.
But he’d sounded so certain, so honest…
“Never have I ever broken a bone.” He teases, eyes sparkling as he watches you take a sip of your soda.
The rest of the team is sprinkled across the restaurant, Sakusa just a few seats over talking with your first-year manager about the importance of sanitizing the volleyballs properly.
She’s clearly infatuated with him and he’s clearly oblivious to it.
“Never have I ever broken my word.” You test him and his mouth curls as he thinks before shaking his head.
You shouldn’t look too closely at his lips, shouldn’t think too much about his eyes, but the end of the school year is nearing, graduation looming over you and the sight of his face is the only thing keeping you sane some days.
Two days.
Two days you spend doubting yourself, your perception of him.
On Monday you give in to the quiet voice mumbling in the back of your brain, reminding you of hours spent in the gym with him, laughing at his jokes, marveling at how easy comforting others comes to him.
He’s a good guy, always has been.
You think of his shy smile as you type the numbers you’d googled earlier, think of him blushing as you listen to the ringing on the other side.
“EJP Raijin management, Nishida Sadao speaking, how can I help you?”
“Hello Nishida-san, I am calling today with an unusual request but I hope you can help me…”
You cry on your graduation day.
Most people cry on their graduation day. 
Some of them shed happy tears, and some of them get their heart broken.
You wonder if you’re the first to break your own heart.
When will the time come when you can trust your decisions?
When will the time come when you can allow yourself to live?
You tell yourself that you will find someone else. Someone like him but not like him.
You’re still wearing your office attire, well aware of how out of place you’re looking as the doors open and one athlete after the other leaves the gym, throwing you curious glances.
Every time you hear the creaking sound of the door opening, you stand up a little straighter, fight the nervous fidgeting of your hands and the urge to chew on your nails again.
This time, a dark-haired man steps out, golden eyes landing on you just like with everyone else before. But while everyone else had looked away again, trying to seem polite, his eyes widened in surprise and he let out something that sounded like a string of curse words before he slipped back inside.
A second later, the door opens again, this time to Komori who’s looking at someone behind him.
“Suna, what are you doing? What do you me-” He stops when he sees you, blood rushing to his face in a blush so vivid you’ve never seen before.
“Hi.” You speak first when he seems unable to open his mouth.
“I tried texting you.” You soldier on this time, tongue dry in your mouth, heart hammering in your chest. “But I got the wrong number. At first, I thought it might have been on purpose…”
“It wasn’t.” He bursts out, blushing even more as he stammers. “I must have… I didn’t… I meant.”
You lift the bag in your arms, a thermos peaking out of the top. “Do you want to go for coffee?” You ask, well aware that it’s well past 6 p.m.
But his eyes glitter as he steps closer, just like they did in High School when you handed him his water bottle.
“Are you sure?” He asks and you know exactly how he feels.
You nod, a smile pulling at your lips.
“After all, you still owe me your second button.”
Love comes to those who grasp it.
Love comes to those who are patient, trusting that when it appears once it will appear twice.
Love comes to those who know that right person wrong time is not the end of it all.
After all, time isn’t linear.
It overlaps like the petals of a rose.
Liberos are usually the shortest player on the team. Komori isn’t.
Managers usually fall in love with the older players. You didn’t.
How lucky to be the exception to confirm the rule.
But, as Suna thinks to himself, watching the two of you leave that night, there might not be a rule to this at all.
And if there is no rhyme and rule to this game, he might still have a chance.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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