#just wanna grab his hair and eat him like i'm a little bow
citrine-elephant · 9 months
just a thought, but was simmons supposed to be leon's "wesker" or somthin
i only ask because of three things. blonde man in power with slicked back hair + monster/infected forms + the way they scream "CHRIS!" and "LEON!" respectfully. (there is no respect)
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melminli · 4 months
Vanilla Pudding II
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - of course, coriolanus had his principles. but before he had them, he had you. he didn't want to lose that no matter what. you were his only exception in this game, and you would remain to be that.
word count: 1.3k
contains: district reader living in the capitol, fluff, slightly dark themes, coryo being a simp, flashbacks, fluff, possessiv behavior
a/n: well, i didn't really expect this to turn kinda darkish since the first chapter was so wholesome... but here we are. part 2 to blueberry tartlet!
part I
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Not everything was easier back then, but most things were. As a child, he didn't have to worry about his family's reputation. He hardly cared about his own since he was more concerned about what he had for dessert after dinner. Coriolanus was fine with just about anything most of the time, except for this pastrie with jam his grandmother used to make. He hated the taste of that. Well, he ate it anyway, but he would have been happier if it had been bread pudding instead. Coriolanus loved that shit.
He remembered once when he was a little kid and played alone on one of the swings at the playground outside. He thought of kindergarten as okay because he didn't like most of the kids there, and that still hadn't changed today. Most of them grew up to be idiots just as expected.
"Ya wanna have some puddin'?" You asked him, and this was the first real encounter he had with you. Back then, you still had your district accent, which Coriolanus had found very strange, but for whatever reason, you were still quite popular among the others. They liked you a lot.
He thought you were weird. "Is it bread pudding?"
You didn't seem to know for sure yourself as you looked into the container and thought for a few seconds. "No, just normal vanilla puddin'...sorry." you said in a whisper. "Ya can still have it if ya want? The other like chocolate puddin' more..."
Coriolanus watched your figure for a few seconds, and you didn't really dare to meet his starting gaze at first, so you looked to the side, slightly embarrassed. "I don't want it, but I'll take it." He finally said and held out his hand. It was better than nothing.
His answer brought a smile to your face. "My ma made it, I'm sure ya gonna like it!" You replied and happily placed it in his hand.
He didn't have a spoon. How am I supposed to eat this? He looked at his hands and considered it for a few seconds before shaking his head. No, I can't do that. "Why don't you eat it?" He asked you, suddenly noticing out of the corner of his eye how your braided hair was held in place by a bow. He thought it looked kind of cute on you. It suited you.
"I also like chocolate more." You admitted a little shyly and then realized yourself that he didn't have the necessary cutlery to eat the dessert. "Oh, I don't have a spoon with me. We can ask someone in the cafeteria, I'm sure they'll help us out!" Your voice exclaimed as you grabbed his hand and pulled him along without a care in the world.
He wished he could still see you with the same eyes he did back then. When it didn't matter who was called what, what clothes you wore, or just the fact that you could say what you thought without worrying about how it might sound.
But you weren't kids anymore. He was no longer clueless and all that stuff was important now. The only thing that hadn't changed from back then was that you were still a District girl, and that was one thing you would remain forever, no matter how long you lived in the Capitol.
"Are you okay, Coriolanus?" Rang your sweet voice suddenly in his ears, leaving him stirring only to be greeted with your figure in front of his table. Your eyes looked down at him with concern, and he only now realized that class was over. Most of the students had even left the classroom already. It seemed like he had been caught up in his thoughts for quite a while. "...yes, everything is fine. Don't worry about it, it's nothing." He said and packed up his bag.
You weren't entirely convinced but decided to let it go. Maybe he just hadn't slept well. He seemed to walk around with dark circles under his eyes a lot. "Oh, okay." You just said. You've been making a bit more of an effort to get in touch with your childhood friend lately. You didn't really know why, but somehow, along the way, you just seemed to stop being friends. It was only the other day at the graduation party of your elders that you realized how much you had actually missed him.
"So, I heard you're taking part in this year's Hunger Games." You broached the subject and saw him raise an eyebrow. You suddenly noticed how that may have sounded. "As a mentor, of course! Yeah, sorry if the way I just put it sounded a bit weird..." You apologized to him and mentally smacked yourself on the head.
He shook his hand. It was cute how nervous you suddenly acted around him. He liked that, liked that it was him who made you feel that way. "It's okay. As I said, don't worry about it." He replied and walked down the stairs with you after he was finished with his bag. "I'm afraid I couldn't find your name on the list. It's a real shame that you have to miss out on such a great opportunity."
You disagreed. "Well, I'm actually a bit relieved about that, if I'm being honest." You admitted, looking a little worried at the thought that you could have been in his place. "Yeah, I'm not really a big fan of the games. I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of sensitive to this type of stuff. Like, just seeing blood freaks me out, so I can't really..."
Coriolanus watched you struggle a bit trying to skate around the actual goal of the games. You didn't even seem to be able to say the word kill or dead. He'd bet you'd be the first to fall if you were a tribute. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at the thought. It's better that she isn't. She's not like those other animals. "Don't be absurd. It's completely valid that you feel that way, trust me." He assured you, bringing a slight smile back to your lips.
He stopped you briefly so he could hold your hand comfortingly. "We don't even have to talk about the games if you don't want to. How about this, I know this good ice cream place near the academy." He suggested charmingly. "Do you still like chocolate? I've heard that's their specialty."
You couldn't stop the broad smile that spread across your face at his words. "It still is, actually. let's go! My treat!" You said and pulled him along by his hand without a care in the world, and like then, he just let you do it.
"No way, I'll pay and there's nothing you can do about it."
You shook your head stubbornly. "I don't want you to do that, and you can't stop me."
He had decided then and there that he wasn't going to let himself get in the way of the only good thing that had ever happened to him in his usually so miserable life. And what if you were a District girl? Even if he could never change that, it would make no difference in the future.
After all, no one would dare question the decisions of the President of Panem - especially when it came to choosing his first lady. Coriolanus was sure that something could easily be arranged with those who still couldn't hold their tongues.
Before you could take another step, Coriolanus suddenly stopped behind you and almost let you fall to the ground had he not caught you. "And that's where you're wrong." He said, smiling as sweetly as a poisoned apple. "Because I can."
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smileydk · 5 months
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Pairing: Idol!Niki x OC
Summary: Jiwoo and Niki were in a relationship. Niki had a tendency of doing as he felt, which in this case meant bringing home a kitten, to Jiwoo's apartment since Jay and Jungwon are very allergic.
cw/tw: None, fluff, fun, comedy, crackheads (not literally)
Note: I just have a new obsession with Ni-Ki. OC = Jiwoo, is a December, 04-liner.
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Working as a kindergarten teacher was usually fine. But today all the kids seemed to have planned to make Jiwoo's life harder than necessary
She had to tell one kid, Changmin, that he had to drop of their kitten, because they weren't allowed in class. Changmin wasn't pleased with the answer but did as told.
''Ms. Kim, why can't I bring my kitten to class?'' Changmin pouted as he held his kitten close.
Jiwoo couldn't deny it. The kitten was adorable. But the some kids were allergic and some were horrified by the small animal.
''Changmin, your little kitten is adorable, but some other kids in here are allergic and it's against the rules. You don't wanna break the rules, right?''
Changmin shook his head. ''No Ms. Kim, I don't wanna break the rules''
Jiwoo was honestly more surprised that Changmin's parents allowed him to even take the kitten with him to kindergarten.
''Right, so how about we leave the kitten with eomma and appa so we can finger paint?'' Jiwoo gently grabbed the kitten from Changmin and walked outside with the kitten. She found Changmin's parents and handed the kitten back to them.
''Uhm, I don't know how Changmin convinced you a kitten was okay, uhm, but you need to take it home''
Changmin's father's eyes widened. ''Oh my God, he told me it was pet-day, I'm new to... children''
Jiwoo chuckled. ''You're doing a great job. But just letting you know, if we were to have a pet-day, we'll send out a newletter to the parents''
''Okay, thank you'' Changmin's father took the kitten and bowed before heading out.
Jiwoo watched as the kids finger painted. She loved her work, but this particular day seemed to drag on forever. She groaned quietly as Ara threatened to cut her friend's hair.
Because she took Ara's purple, favorite crayon.
''Ara, put down the scissors, now!'' Jiwoo sighed and took the scissors from her grip. She doubted the scissors would even be able to cut hair, they could barely cut paper.
The hours ticked by and soon the kids were being picked up one by one. Changmin apologized for his morning rendezvous. Jiwoo only chuckled.
''It's okay Changmin, just don't do it again, okay?''
Changmin saluted Jiwoo and ran out to his dad. Ara also apologized to Jiwoo for her attempt of a haircut. Jiwoo didn't see the harm. Ara apologized to both her and her friend, she had gotten her crayon back and she was (probably) not gonna repeat it.
The day ended and Jiwoo settled in her car. Finally.
All she wanted to do was sleep. Maybe eat. Depends on how much energy she had when she reached her home. She knew she had some old kimbap in the fridge.
Her phone, connected to the car, rung. She answered after seeing Niki's name popping up on the screen.
''Niki, hello. What's up?''
''Hello... uhm... what's your favorite animal?''
Jiwoo was chuckled. ''What?''
''What's your favorite animal? Like... cat, dog?
''Uhm... cat I suppose. What did you do?'' Jiwoo stopped by a traffic light and stared at the caller ID. She knew he'd done something stupid and irrational.
''Noona, don't be mad, but I got us... something'' In the background cars were heard pulling out and driving away from NIki.
''What did you get us? And why did I hear the cars leaving you behind?''
''I might have gotten a kitten... that has to live with you because Jay-Hyung and Jungwon-Hyung are allergic. Also... I need a ride''
''Where are you?''
''Niki... that's half-across town'' Jiwoo mentally cursed Niki but steered the wheel towards MusicBank.
''Please Noona~ you can name the kitten!''
Jiwoo chuckled. He was cute. ''I'll be there in like 20 minutes''
''Love you Noona!''
''Love you too, Niki''
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Niki got into the car and smiled sweetly. ''Look! Cute!''
Jiwoo stared at the small kitten in Niki's lap. She then lifted her gaze to face her boyfriend. ''Niki, you don't have the time for a kitten. And to be honest, I don't really have time for a kitten either''
''But look at it Noona!'' Niki carefully picked up the small kitten and held it closer to Jiwoo. ''It's so cute~''
''And you can't return it?''
Niki gapsed dramatically and held the kitten close to his chest. ''How can you be so cruel? I can't just kidnapp it from it's mother and then return it. It's attached to me already, look!''
The small kitten, that basically fit in Niki's giant hands, nestled into Niki's chest and fell asleep. Jiwoo had to admit, the kitten was very adorable. And Jiwoo wanted to keep it.
But none of them had time for it.
''Fine'' Jiwoo sighed and started the car. ''But you better come by and take care of it''
''Promise!'' Niki saluted Jiwoo and turned his full attention to the little kitten in his lap.
Jiwoo shook her head, but a small smile grew on her lips. ''You're lucky you're cute''
Niki smiled. He had the best girlfriend in the world.
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Niki stayed true to his word. He came over at least 5 out of 7 days of the week to hang out with the kitten, which Niki named Oreo because it was black with a white patch on it's stomach.
But if he had schedule Jiwoo gave him time off. His idol job was more important than the kitten. According to Jiwoo, if Niki was in charge he'd probably spend 24/7 with the kitten.
Niki also had his own key to Jiwoo's apartment. Only thing was he had a messed up sleeping schedule, so sometimes Jiwoo would wake up at 2 a.m to Niki playing with the kitten in the living room.
Like tonight.
''Niki, what the fuck?'' Jiwoo raised an eyebrow as she turned on the lights.
''Heeey~ Noona, you're so pretty-''
''Cut the crap. Why are you not at the dorm? Sleeping? Like a normal person at this hour?''
''Kitten'' Niki smiled innocently and held up the tiny kitten.
Jiwoo sighed and closed her eyes. ''Please go home to sleep. Or at least go to bed''
The boy stood up and walked over to his girlfriend. ''Sorry, Noona'' He hugged her tightly. ''I'll stop''
''I don't mean you can't come over. Just... stop coming over in the middle of the night because a, one day I'm gonna think you're a murderer and hit you, b, we both need sleep'' Jiwoo wrapped her own arms around Niki's waist and rested her head against his chest. ''And you need to stop growing''
''Never'' Niki smiled and squeezed her harder. ''Now let's go to sleep- is that my shirt?''
Jiwoo peeked down at the hoodie she wore. ''Yeah, got a problem with it?''
''No, you look good''
''I know''
Niki and Jiwoo both headed to bed. The small kitten, Oreo, followed the two humans into Jiwoo's bedroom. Since Oreo couldn't get on the bed, he resulted in just meowing loudly.
Niki peeked down on the floor and spotted Oreo, who stopped meowing as Niki stared at him. ''Can I-''
''Do whatever. Just sleep'' Jiwoo mumbled, already falling asleep again. Niki cheered quietly and picked up Oreo from the floor and laid him on his chest.
''Now be quiet, Noona has to be up early, okay?'' Oreo simply titled his head to the right. ''I'll take that as a yes''
Jiwoo giggled as she heard her boyfriend's conversation with the kitten. ''You're cute''
''I know''
''I was talking to Oreo'' Jiwoo opened one eye and smirked. She knew she was a tease. But in all fairness, Niki broke into her apartment at 2 in the morning.
''Ha. Ha'' Niki pouted and turned back to the cat. ''Oreo, Noona is mean'' Oreo let out a small "meow", as if he agreed with Niki.
''Great, now the cat is on your side'' Jiwoo turned to Niki and glared at Oreo. ''Also, why would you name the cat after a cookie?''
''He looks like an Oreo'' Niki held up the kitten and showed the white patch on his stomach. ''Look! The white... filling thing. And I was at a lack of better names since you refused to name him''
Oreo got off Niki's chest and walked across the bed. He settled on Jiwoo's shoulder, nestling closer to her before falling asleep. ''Ha, fuck you, my kitten''
Niki looked offended but shrugged. ''At least 1 out of 3 is sleeping now''
Jiwoo smiled. She kissed Niki's cheek. ''Sleep''
''Yes, ma'am''
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
Presence; The Lady, Part 2
Hanzo- *training archery*
You- *Stand still and watching in a...pretty far distant*
Hanzo- *sighs and try to find you* She's not here...? *finds you* Oh...yeah, she is.
You- *bow to him to say hi*
Hanzo- Why you're so far away, Lady?
You- Don't wanna make you uncomfortable with my presence, sir.
Hanzo- If you wanna see my training, it's ok. I'll be too focused. *take a deep breath and back to traine poiting the arrow*
You- *slowly come closer*
Hanzo- *weirdly starts to feel your presence again and stops*
You- *stop walking* Sir?
Hanzo- It's fine... I'm just not used to people watching me. It's ok. *try to focus*
You- You're doing great, sir.
Hanzo- *chuckles* You don't need to call me "sir"...is a bit weird.
You- But someday you'll be the leader of Shimada clan, everyone will be calling you like that in respect. *eye smile*
Hanzo- I...I know *look at you for a few seconds* Why do you use this cloth?
You- All of The Ladies used for hide identity, your father made us use, maybe he will know the reason better that I. Is not that bad.
Hanzo- When you eat, you have take it off, right?
You- We all eat our food in our rooms, alone, no one can see our face.
Hanzo- Mm... I'll pretend that I'm not curious. *prepare the bow again*
Genji- Hanzoo! I'm bored!
Hanzo- *sighs annoyed and lose his eyes* What...! Do you want?
Genji- I'm bored, bro...*look at you* Ooh hi, pretty. *chuckles* Hanzo needed a company for his training today? I mean, is a special company.
Hanzo- Shut it, Genji...
You- Soon we'll be training together, right?
Hanzo- Yeah... *blush* Maybe tomorrow.
Genji- That's how a relationship starts in movies. I saw many of them! *laugh*
Hanzo- *facepalm* Genji...! Wasn't you suppose to be training too?
Genji- I did already... I'm resting.
Hanzo- You should playing games in your room, not talking to me while I'm on training!
Genji- I know that you wanna be alone with this sweet and beautiful lady, that by the way, you guys make a great couple. *pick up a arrow of Hanzo* Did you make this by yourself?
Hanzo- *sighs* Yes, each one of them is a meditation...! *grabbed it back* And you should not play with them.
Genji- Hey, I'm learning archery, ok? Not good as you, but I'm pretty...good. *grab Hanzo's sword*
Hanzo- Not my sword, Genji!
Genji- Let me just show her my abilities *laughs and look at you* he's such a jealous. *starts to show up with the sword* A sword is a weapon easy to kill and use it, is my favorite.
Hanzo- Put it down, Genji...*sighs*
Genji- Stop sighing all the time, dude *laughs and the sword back* Take a deep breath and try to live your life a little more.
Asa- Genji! You did not finish your training!
Genji- Speaking of the devil...*whispers and look at her* I'll be right there, ma'am!
Asa- Right! Now!
Genji- You said 5 minutes, ma'am! *whining*
Asa- Stop whining or I'll give a reason to cry!
Genji- Well...*look at you and smile* Good lucky with this big grumpy guy.
Hanzo- I'm not...! *try to chill* I'm not grumpy... *Genji step away laughing*
Genji- You are!
Hanzo- *take a deep breath and look at your a little embarrassed* You... you already fight before? Used any type of weapon?
You- I know some things *eye smile*
Hanzo- ... *chuckle and look away* Have you punch someone before?
You- You would be suprised hearing about my life.
Hanzo- Oh yeah *shake is head* I was just thinking about something. No worries. *smiles and you agree* I just need a hot bath later.
*after training, Hanzo certainly went to bath, but he still didn't get used to the idea that you're sirving him... you're everywhere. Hanzo was ready to enter the bathroom; a very big place with an huge bath tub with hot water. Fix the toilet around your waist and untie his hair. He opens the door and notice that was pretty foggy already, but didn't saw no one.*
Hanzo- What...? Genji? Are you here?
You- Sir?
Hanzo- *jump of scared* What...?! *blushing hard and try to cover his chest* Wait what?! What are you doing here, Lady?!
You- Oh...You said that wanted to take a hot bath earlier, so I'm preparing everything; I changed the water and let in a good temperature for do not burn your skin and good for relax your muscles. You look tense, sir? Is everything ok?
Hanzo-....?! I'm... naked!
You- Well, your father already said that we can't help with that, I mean...we're going to help you boys with anything, especially bad wounds. But you're wearing a towel, it's fine for me.
Hanzo-...right..! *still blushed* I mean, we met each other today, so... I don't know about that.
You- Well, I'm just a serving, am I?
Hanzo- Ah... yeah...I guess.
You- *laughs* You father didn't warned you nothing?
Hanzo- Last seconds, actually... I wasn't ready for have a women following me around and taking care.
You- Really? *surprised* I mean... you have a mother, right? *chuckles*
Hanzo- I...*sighs* I had.
You- *look away guilty* Oh dear...! I didn't mean...I'm so sorry, sir...*bow to him*
Hanzo- It's fine, I like to remember her. *Walks to the bath tub and grab the towel on his waist* ah... *look at you* Would you mind turn around for a few seconds?
You- Oh yes, of course, sir. *turn around*
Hanzo- 'sir'... *smile* I'm not your boss. *enter the bath and sit taking a deep breath* The temperature is really good.
You- Would like something to drink, mister Shimada?
Hanzo- Mister...? *look at you* Wait, to drink? Ah... would we have a good sake?
You- Sure we do. *eye smile* Be right back! *went out the bathroom*
Hanzo- *Kind surprise and thinking If all those things you do is absolutely necessary* Mm... I'm feeling kind spoiled...should I?
Genji- Brotheeer~ *singing in surprise*
Hanzo- What...? *Genji appears in front of him completely naked* Genji! The girl! Put the towel back!
Genji- The girl...??? *chocked and smiles* YOU BRING THE GIRL HERE?! Hanzo! You dirty boy!
Hanzo- No! Is not that, you idiot! *through the towel on him* She prepared my bath!
Genji- Yeah, right *laughing* Finally losing virginity...
Hanzo- Genji...I...! *blush and facepalm* Sometimes I hate you so much...
Genji- I know *enter the bath and sit in front of him* By the way, I know you guys met each other today...
Hanzo- Genji...*interrupted* She's working for the clan, that's it. Why are you so obsessed with us?
Genji- Because you never met a woman before, you dumb bitch! *laugh* C'mon! This is your chance! You know! Be a little flirty and you get the girl! You're handsome, sexy and talented!
Hanzo- Genji... *death stare*
Genji- Is not a playboy life!
Hanzo- I won't be flirting with someone who is working for us! This is wrong!
Genji- 'ThIs IS WrOnG' *tiny voice* Oooh c'mon, Hanzo! Can't you mistake once?
Hanzo- Can you even imagine the pressure I live?
You- *opens the door with a glass of sake* The other Ladies do not let me bring the bottle, but here we...go...? *see Genji* Mister Genji?
Genji- Hello, baby. *winks*
Hanzo- By the way, where the hell did you came from?
Genji- Taking a shit in the back.
Hanzo- *facepalm* I'll kill you later...
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butlersxbirdy · 2 years
You Light My Morning Sky
Part 2: But If You Hold Me Without Hurting Me You'll Be The First Who Ever Did
Warnings: Extreme angst, sadness, comfort, mentions of Gladys and Lori, mentions of The Photoshoot(tm)
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The day had started out perfectly.
Austin had woken up feeling ready to take on the day and take care of you a little. You woke up with your bathrobe all laid out and ready for you, and the smell of breakfast cooking. You got up and asked him if he wanted to eat first or shower alone. He reached forward to give you a kiss and spin you close, sweeping you off your feet.
"Well good morning to you too," he smirked in response to your abrupt greeting, and served you your favorite light breakfast. He wanted to stay close but he wasn't feeling as submissive today, allowing you both to just be together and do things for each other. He painted your toenails, and you did his skincare, all in preparation for the photoshoot.
Part of what had Austin vibrating with excitement was the fact that you were going with him to the shoot today. He couldn't be happier to have you come with him and praise him when he did good or looked particularly sexy.
"What are you gonna wear, Mamas?" He asks, getting dressed in sweats and a t shirt.
"Baby, its a photoshoot of you. I don't think it matters much what I'm wearing," you laugh, and suddenly he's right beside you, hands holding your face as though he's about to kiss you.
"Yeah..." he leans in, lips hovering above yours. "I suppose no matter what you'll still be the sexiest thing there. I knew what I was getting myself into when I chased your tail like a puppy dog," he smacks your ass and kisses you tenderly. You kiss him back, pulling his hair a little, and he moans.
"Mmm... Mama, you do that, and I'm gonna make a big mess before we have to leave," he bites his lip, and you kiss him softly.
"Sorry baby. I know you've been looking forward to this, do you wanna pick my outfit? You did such a good job painting my nails," you smile and he blushes, head bowing, and he bumps you with his head, nuzzling you and the move is familiar.
"You've been hanging out with Timmy too much, turning into a pony like him," you giggle, and he winks at you, his trademark goofy wink.
"How about now?" He asks, and you kiss his chest softly, just once.
"There's my Aust," you hum and he holds you close while picking out some comfy crossband leggings that always make you look amazing and one of his loose plaid button downs. He hands you a ribbed bralette in your favorite color, and puts the oversized flannel on you over the small garment. He rolls up the sleeves to your elbows for a slouchy look, and adds some of his jewelry to your wrists, making sure the necklace he gave you is on your neck.
"There's my girl," he grins, kissing your neck where the chain rests.
"I need panties still," you smile, holding the leggings he picked out in your hand. He knows you're trying to keep it together, and he smiles broadly.
"I know, Mamas," his voice is low, and alluring, but his body language is efficient and focused. He wants to make you look and feel amazing. He goes to the dresser and grabs your favorite comfortable but sexy panties, and he kneels in front of you with them, putting them on you slowly, kissing your skin as he slides the material up your legs and over your hips.
"Okay, I don't think I can get your leggings on you without both of us falling over," he laughs and you nod, both of you dissolving into giggles. He pulls you on to the floor and you wiggle into your leggings while he caresses and tickles your skin. Breathless with laughter, you finally finish dressing. Austin helps you up and checks you out, and you check yourself out in the mirror, adding some platform wedge sneakers for a slight edgy addition to how effortlessly sexy you look.
"Do I have time to put on makeup?" You ask, and he bites his lip, looking at you.
"Can I do it?" He asks, and you can't help but melt a little at this man. It never ceases to amaze you how much love he has for you. You sit down so he can work his magic. He concentrates on every detail of a natural look on you, which he seems proud of.
"It looks so good, Baby," you grin, and immediately post pics of your look, and one of the two of you kissing, with the caption: "Always lookin good when my baby dolls me up 🥰 #loml #dreamman #burninglove."
Austin didn't always love social media, but he knew you did, and he loved when you'd post occasionally about how much you love him.
"This okay?" You ask, showing him before you post. He leans on you and nods, consenting to being included.
"Thanks for asking, Mamas. Love you," he says warmly, and gives you a loving kiss before you head out the door.
The photoshoot set was slightly less chaotic than usual when you arrive, but he still holds your hand tight as you navigate the studio.
"Austin!" His assistant comes over to both of you, and greets you warmly as well. "You brought Memphis Mama," he says, pumping his fist triumphantly.
"Oh? Memphis Mama?" You ask, looking at Austin.
"Your codename at the office," he blushes and you roll your eyes but you can't help but smile.
"There's room for you to be with him in the makeup and wardrobe trailer, lets get you over there," his assistant suggests, clearly wanting to get started. You get Austin situated, holding his things and checking your phone as he gets ready- hair styled, eyes lined slightly, lips glossed. He looks angelic, and if you didn't want to set everyone back a few hours, you'd push him to his knees and ruin him. He sees your appreciative looks and blushes, mouthing "you're prettier" at you in the mirror, which makes you blush and trace the pendant on your chest while he watches, gaze unwavering. He knows he owns you as much as you own him.
His outfit is next. You watch carefully as he gets dressed. In high waisted, wide-legged pants, flashy belt, and a mesh tank top, not to mention the new jewelry adorning his hands and wrists, he looks stunning. He looks at you, and his eyes burn. He wants you to tell him what to do next, but there's people around. He's aroused, but he's also afraid. You walk up to him and take his hands, assuring him.
"I think its time to get you in front of a camera, don't you baby?" You ask; your words signal nothing of his submissive nature to listening ears, but he knows its a command. He instantly relaxes and smiles gratefully.
"Yeah, it is. Thank you," he whispers, and you walk out with him to where the photos will be taken. You hug him close, squeezing his neck a little, and he makes a soft contented noise.
"I love you. Glad you're here," he hums and then its time to go to work. He starts strong; they have him do a few test shots, then do some shirtless photos with a jacket, then they put him back in the mesh. He seems to be thriving, barely looking at you, which is good. To see him happy and relaxed sends you into a wave of peace, and as the adrenaline leaves your body, you become aware that you've neglected to attend to some needs of your own. For one, you need coffee. You're practically falling asleep on your feet, and you wanted to be able to watch Austin closely. That was easy enough to fix; you ask one of the set assistants in a low voice, and he runs off on your behalf. The second thing, more immediate than the first, was that you had to pee. You tell Austin's assistant where you're going as you scurry off.
Austin is feeling great.
The pictures are working for his personal style and sensibility, and the clothes are comfortable but sexy at the same time. When he looks over at you, you're smiling proudly, and his heart soars.
"Okay, Austin, we're going a different direction next. We want quiet desperation. Submission, if you can. Clasp your hands, show off your jewelry," the director of the shoot says. Austin swallows, looking to see your reaction. He couldn't find you. Where are you? He thought, trying not to frown on camera. He wanted you here for this. In the absence of your approval of the shot, he complies. His hands clasp and he tilts his face up, pretending he's looking at you. Apparently that does the trick, and he can't help biting his lip at the praise from the director. He knew Mama would be mad to know that he was biting his lips because of someone else. He'd be in such trouble. If only you could see him.
The thrill is over quickly, however.
The director has him kneel, and unbutton the pants, asking him to play with the belt. While he's on his knees, they start fixing his hair. He's acutely aware that his Mama isn't near now, and its less thrilling. He craves you. He's going to be almost naked if this keeps going, and sure enough, the poses get more and more intimate. Pants open, laying on the ground, legs spread. He tries not to tremble and whine, but his vision is tunneling.
"Okay, Austin, good. Very sexy. We need to see some emotion while your body is in this pose, looking so vulnerable. Let's see it in your face too," you overhear as you come back down the hallway. You'd gotten lost on the way back from the bathroom and are now racing back, especially hearing the directors words. What positions were they putting your baby in? You come back into the room to see him laying back on a piano bench, legs spread, shirt pulled up, and his face looking thoughtful. It was a beautiful, brooding shot, but something is off.
"Almost, Austin. Really get in that vulnerability. Think about your mom, or even Gladys," the director suggests. His assistant gasps and groans, knowing what you're about to do. Austin's eyes fill with tears.
"N..no," he stammers, looking wildly around for you. His eyes find yours and his lips part as his hands come up to reach for you, but you're already running over. Your place is between him and anything that could hurt him, which at the moment is the camera, and the makeup artist incoming to do touch ups.
"DON'T say that to him. Don't touch him," you say firmly, almost yelling. "The shoot is over, you can't say that to him for entertainment. You can't do that to a person, especially not my Austin," you yell, shaking a finger in the directors face. When your rant is done, you turn to face your baby boy. You lean over him, guarding him with your body. Your hands are unconsciously stroking his cheek, and you look into his eyes. There are tears there, and you wipe them away.
"Mama... you left me..." he mumbles. He is not fully present- the sadness, grief, longing, and ice cold feeling of you leaving him have clouded his thoughts and all he can do now is beg for it to end.
"I'm sorry baby, it was an accident, I'm never leaving again," you soothe him and he sits up, reaching for you.
"Why would they mention her?" He asks, face pressed to your chest. You're aware everyone is watching. You don't care.
"I don't know, baby. I'm here now, I promise. I'm gonna take you home," you say softly. You help him stand on shaky legs and look at the director of the shoot.
"You're done," you say firmly, and you lead him, by the hand, to get changed. When in the trailer, you let him hold you while you undress him, and get him redressed in his own clothes. You carefully remove his makeup and jewelry, and you pull one of your pendants from your mother out of your purse where you keep it in case of accessory emergencies. You put your necklace on him, and kiss his chest, biting a little at his skin.
"Mine," you growl, and he sags against you, sighing with relief.
"Mama..." he sighs weakly. "They praised me, I bit my lip, I'm so sorr-" he starts and you kiss away his fears.
"You're my good boy. The best boy. My favorite man on the planet. Don't you worry about a thing," you assure him, but firmly to get your point across. When he's ready, you lead him out and you both get in the car. You put up the divider so the driver can't see you, and you lay him down on your lap. He curls in to you, face pressed against your stomach, clinging to your shirt.
"I'm here," you assure him again, lost in thought as you stroke his hair.
"You weren't," he pouts up at you. Your heart sinks.
"I know, honey... I'm so sorry," you say quietly. "I didnt mean to get lost, I know it doesn't fix it but I didn't mean to leave you."
"I know. I'm sorry," his face crumbles.
"Its okay, baby, that was really upsetting," you soothe him gently.
"They were just pushing my limit. There's a line, you know. Stuff I'll only do for you. And then using my mom... using Gladys," he sighs heavily, and he picks up your hand and places it in his hair again, disliking the loss of contact when you stopped.
"I know honey..." you hum, petting him gently. "Is there anyone you wanna talk to? Someone who makes you feel better about the character bleed stuff? I know filming brought up some old grief," You suggest, completely oblivious to the position he holds for you in his heart.
"Yeah," he frowns. "You."
"Oh... oh." You exhale. "I love you, Baby boy," is all you can say and when you get him home, you take him to bed immediately, undressing him completely except for your mother's necklace, and you help him into the blue shorts you bought him when you discovered how much he truly loved and needed you.
"Mama, you protect me," he smiles. Its a small smile but its a real smile. "You give me so much joy. You're my life. I only need you," he explains. "You hold me without hurting me, you're the first who ever did," he hums, his adoring eyes never leaving you. Your heart melts and you kick off your shoes quickly to get in bed with him, still fully clothed yourself.
"I know, bub," you say quickly, letting him know you never doubted his affection. "But I didn't know your needs until after it was all filmed and done. I wasn't there for the character bleed, the heartache, or the joy. I just wanted to make sure I was the best person for the job," you say softly and he grimaces.
You were there. And you didn't stay.
The weight of this crushes him all over again, and he hides in you, from you, not knowin where else to turn.
"Don't remind me," he whines. "When I dream of that time, you're there. My mind places you on those beach night drives, that hotel stage set, the highs and lows..." he explains, and his hands trace your lips and eyes and chest, cupping your breasts, not for any particular purpose but his comfort. He's lost deep in thought, but then his eyes light up suddenly,
"Mama, will you go somewhere with me? Soon?" He asks and I smile, running my hands through his hair.
"Of course bub... where are we going?"
He leans in and places a biting kiss on the hollow of your throat before looking into your eyes.
"I'm taking you to Graceland."
Thanks for reading!! Let me know if you wanna be on the tag list!
Tagged blogs: @pennyroyalcreep @flwrs4aust
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ericshoney · 10 months
Under the moonlight ~ Chapter eleven
Max's POV
Once we all finish eating, Chanhee glances at us and then to the plates. Sunwoo is the first to get to his feet and start collecting plates. Haknyeon follows quickly before Chloe and I join. As we collect their plates, I look at all their faces, the dark gazes, the blank features. I sigh as I hold Younghoon's plate.
"I-I wanna know something." I suddenly call. I felt my heart beating quickly as all eyes turn to me. Sunwoo's gaze being the main one, as if to be quiet.
"Why.." I begin.
"Max-" Sunwoo warns, cutting me off.
"Why are you all so mean? Like is it the power gone to your heads?" I question, cutting Sunwoo off. Sunwoo the grabs my wrist, pulling me next to him.
"Sorry, kid is curious, ignore her please." He said, squeezing my wrist as if to be quiet.
Sunwoo drags me into the kitchen, placing the plates on the counter as Haknyeon and Chloe come in with their plates too. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
"What the fuck was that Max! I promised to keep my mouth shut, when do you think you can say something like that!" He exclaims.
"She was asking a question." Haknyeon said, defending me.
"And if you gave us a moment, you would have had an answer." A deep voice calls. We look over to see Younghoon walking in.
"The answer to your question, sweetheart, is we're alphas, top of the chain. Your at the bottom, its just how it works, but, you respect us, we'll respect you." He continues.
"Sorry, she's just curious." Chloe said, bowing her head.
"I can forgive you, but you need to know your place sweetheart. You don't just speak whenever you want too." Younghoon said, looking at me.
"Now come with me, I have something for you." He continues.
"What the fuck no wa-" Sunwoo growls, but I grab his wrist gently.
"I'll be fine sun, they've already promised not to hurt us." I whisper in his ear.
I follow Younghoon out the kitchen and to the alphas house. I stand quietly, looking down at the floor.
"Sit." He orders. I go over to the sofa quickly sitting down, fiddling with my fingers.
"I need some more answers darling~" He said, his voice deep.
"O-Okay...what for?" I call quietly.
"I'm asking the questions, baby, your answering them." He said with a laugh.
I look up at him, his eyes turn a bright red, I suddenly feel myself shaking, my heart beating fast.
"Why are your little friends so protective over you?" He asks.
"I-I'm...the weakest." I admit.
"But your not the youngest, Chloe is." He points out, making me confused.
"I didn't know the youngest had to be the weakest." I said, making him chuckle.
"Its usually how it works, but you kids are different, your special." He said deeply.
I watch as he takes my hand, turning it over palm face up. He runs his fingers over my veins, making my breathing quicken, I suddenly feel sick.
"P-Please... stop." I beg.
He ignores my words, placing his fingers over my pulse, feeling it beat quickly.
"Strong pulse, but I can tell why your protected so much.... Especially if Chloe is the same, you can go back to your little friends, but I warn you of my plan, you'll see a new side of your friends very soon, I'm sure you'll like it though~" He said.
He lets me go and gives me a small smile.
"Your free to go back to your little friends sweetheart~"
I nod and rush back to the other house. The betas look at me, but I ignore their gazes as I rush upstairs to my friends, hoping all this madness will make sense soon.
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One Worthy As Leader by PeacefulWarrior82
Anime » Naruto Rated: K+, English, Drama, Naruto U., Hinata H., Hiashi H., Boruto U., Words: 6k+, Favs: 63, Follows: 75, Published: Feb 8, 2015 Updated: Aug 10, 2015
31Chapter 1
This was a story I wrote due to the fact that I wanted to put them into put them into I am Boruto Uzumaki and I am Hyuuga, but did not have the opportunity. I do hope that the chain of events do coincide with my original pieces. But if not the original Anime is guilty of the same thing anyway.
Do not own Naruto.
Hiashi sat as he looked down at the little miracle in his arms. His first born grandchild Boruto. Just born and already bearing a striking resemblance to his father. Hiashi was extremely proud, regardless that his grandson did not have the Byakugan.
5 Years Later...
Boruto looked across at Ko in confusion. He walked over by Ko who was kneeling before him. He then began looking around him.
" You drop something?" Boruto asked.
Ko looked at him confused. " I didn't. Why do you ask?"
" Why are you on your knee?" Boruto asked.
Ko sighed with a smile. " Only to show proper respect Boruto-sama."
" Oh! Well you don't have to do that." Boruto said.
Ko continued smiling. " Very well."
Hiashi walked along with Boruto down the hallway. They had just finished an intense training session.
" C'mon Jii-san I'm starving!" Boruto whined.
" Not to worry Boruto, we won't miss lunch." Hiashi smiled.
" How I do feel for Hiashi-sama." They heard a voice say. Hiashi and Boruto listened as 2 elders conversed. " Having to deal with that loser grandson of his all day."
" Hai, I think he's gotten a little soft-hearted in his later years. He most likely is doing this as some form of charity, but he's really doing that boy an injustice. He'll never be a good Juu-ken fighter without the Byakugan, it's been a year now, how long will it take for him to realize the boy can never fight on a Hyuuga level?"
Hiashi immediately looked down at his grandson who was staring down at the floor seemingly disheartened. The sight of this made Hiashi see red.
" And to think that boy was named in honor of Neji. What an insult to his memory."
As Hiashi was about to enter the room to give the elders a piece of his mind he was stopped by his grandson.
" Jii-san..." Boruto grabbed his sleeve. " Let's go train some more..."
" I thought you were starving." Hiashi said.
" We can eat later, I just wanna train." Boruto said.
Hiashi reluctantly followed after his grandson, but he would make sure not to forget this moment.
Later Hiashi watched as Boruto furiously kicked the post before him.
" Grrh!" Boruto grunted kicking the post with all his might.
" Oh yes, break your leg against the post. That'll show them." Hiashi said.
Boruto ignored the comment as he continued kicking. Hiashi watched, he couldn't help but admire the fire and determination in his grandson's eyes.
" Ignore them..." Hiashi said.
Boruto was walking through the Hyuuga compound eating a dango out of anger. He was so focused on the incident he had not even realized just how far he had walked.
" I never seen this part before..." Boruto said as he realized his new surroundings.
As Boruto surveyed the new area, he came across a young man who was but the age of 4. His hair was black and he donned Hyuuga training attire, he was taking down laundry that was hanging on a clothesline and putting it in a basket.
" Hi!" Boruto said.
The boy turned around. Boruto noticed immediately something was different about this boy.
" Oh, Hiashi-sama's gradnson." The boy said bowing. " I am Hyuuga Akio, a pleasure to meet you."
" Hi Akio!" Boruto couldn't take his eyes off the young Hyuuga's forehead. There appeared to be some weird symbol.
It was then they heard a door slide open. A man walked out sporting brown short hair. He looked across and was stunned.
He immediately walked over to his son. "Akio! Don't pester Hiashi-sama's grandson." He said.
Boruto noticed this man had the same symbol that his son had on his forehead.
" Hi, we were just taking, sorry I just got lost, I never been to this part before."
" Oh, well this is where most branch members reside."
" Branch members?" Boruto asked.
The Next Day...
Boruto was walking through to the Hyuuga compound. When he heard a bloody scream. His head snapped up as he raced toward the source. Upon arrival he saw several Hyuugas standing around bearing witness to a Hyuuga on the ground clutching his head.
" Wh-what's happening!?" Boruto yelled. He also noticed a little boy on his knees crying next to the Hyuuga in pain.
" Akio?" Boruto said in surprise.
" Oto-san!" He cried.
Boruto looked over to see a main branch member with his hand in a sign.
"Akio is he doing this!?" Boruto pointed over to the main branch member. The boy sobbingly nodded yes.
Boruto ran over to the main branch member. " Hey!"
" Get back!" The main branch member demanded.
" Knock it off! What are ya trying to do kill him?" Boruto shouted.
" I said get back!"
" You're nothing but a big bully!" Boruto shouted.
" I will not tell you ag-" The main branch member's words were cut short as he found the young Uzumaki's foot placed squarely in his groin.
" Oto-san!" The young Hyuuga was relieved to see his father was no longer under the intense pressure of the jutsu.
Boruto ran over to their side.
" Is he ok?" Boruto asked.
" Hai."
Boruto felt a hand grabbing his shoulder and spin him around. The main branch member grabbed him by the shirt and hoisted him up.
" You little brat!" The main house member said, only to look into the defiant eyes of the young Uzumaki. The surrounding Hyuugas looked on in shock.
The main branch member felt the presence of Hiashi Hyuuga standing behind him.
" Hiashi-sama..." The main house member said.
" Put my grandson down." Hiashi said firmly and bluntly.
" He attacked-" The main branch member began.
" Do I seriously have to ask you a second time!?" Hiashi said.
" n-no Hiashi-sama." The main branch member placed Boruto on his feet.
" Jii-san he needs help." Boruto pointed to Akio's father.
Hiashi looked over at the branch members. " Get him to a hospital." Hiashi commanded 2 Hyuugas.
" You're in a lot of trouble pal!" Boruto pointed at the main house member.
" Nothing's going to happen to him!" Akio's father shouted.
Boruto looked at him as he struggled to push himself up.
" Nothing's going to happen..." Tears filled his eyes. " Nothing's going to change..."
Boruto was shocked, Hiashi's eyes dimmed.
" Oto-san..." Akio said.
" The Main branch...I fought alongside them in the 4th Shinobi war. I thought things would be different afterwards , but nothing happened Boruto-sama. This is the fate of those who live in the cadet branch..." He looked to his son. " This is your fate Akio...please forgive me." Tears escaped his eyes.
Boruto was at a loss for words.
" Nani!?" Boruto said. " what do ya mean nothing's gonna happen to him!? You saw what he did!"
Hiashi sighed. " Unfortunately, if he felt threatened he was justified in doing it Boruto."
" What's threatened mean?" The 5 year old asked.
" It means he thought he was going to be hurt."
" But I talked to Akio's dad. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would just hurt someone."
" You would be surprised."
Boruto and Hiashi looked to see the Hyuuga Head elder standing before them.
" Many of those in the branch families harbor a great deal of resentment towards the main branch." The Elder said.
" Well if you did that to my head I'd be mad too." Boruto said.
" We do this to keep them in line. So they do not attack us and so the Byakugan can be protected." The Elder said.
" Well how come they get that seal and you don't?" Boruto asked.
Hiashi looked upon his grandson. It was astounding to see that even one of 5 years old could understand the flaws of how the Hyuuga clan is maintained.
" We are of the main branch. They are from a side branch. It is the main family's destiny to keep them in order as it is their destiny to protect the main family."
" Tou-chan says destiny is whatever you decide to make it." Boruto said.
Hiashi smiled on the inside, here was this 5 year old armed with nothing more than the values his parents taught him, beating a noble in his 70's in an argument.
" You are far too young to understand." The Elder took his leave.
" But Tou-chan said.."
" Your father is right Boruto, but it's a little complicated here. " Hiashi said.
" How?"
" The main branch has been doing this for a very long time."
" So we cannot just simply stop."
" Because the elders have decreed that it must be done. They believe that it is for the good of the Byakugan."
"...how? All it does is make people mad at each other."
Hiashi knew Boruto was right. But sadly it was not quite that simple.
" We'll talk about that later. For now you are going to apologize for what you did." Hiashi said.
" (sigh) Ok."
Hiashi stood to the side as Boruto looked up at the Main branch member. " I just wanna say I'm sorry for kicking you." Boruto said.
" ...I accept your apology." The main branch member walked away.
" Ok, now it's your turn." Boruto said innocently.
The main branch member looked back at Boruto. " I beg your pardon."
" You have to go apologize to Akio's dad." Boruto said.
" Excuse me?"
" Kaa-chan says when you hurt someone, you have to say you're sorry. I hurt you and said I was sorry, now you have to go say you're sorry for hurting him." Boruto said.
" Me? Apologize to a branch member?" He looked over to Hiashi to see if his grandson was serious. Hiashi furrowed his brow at him. The main branch member was stunned.
The main branch member stood before the cadet. The humiliation heightened as he saw many of the cadet branch were bearing witness. Boruto and Hiashi stood to the side.
" I apologize." He spat before walking away.
" Hey! That's no good!" Boruto yelled.
The main branch member looked back at him.
" Kaa-chan always told me when you say you're sorry, don't do it with an attitude or they won't think you're really sorry!"
Some of the cadets were trying to contain their laughter as this main branch member was being ordered around by a mere 5 year old.
The main branch member's hands shook in anger. He once again approached the cadet. " Please accept my apology."
Akio looked up at his father and held his hand smiling.
" I accept. Arigato."
Cadet members all around were smiling. Today the cadet branch had regained just a tiny bit of their dignity thanks to Boruto. The Main branch member walked off.
" Ko, please take Boruto back, there is some business here I would like to do." Hiashi said.
" Of course Hiashi-sama." Ko extended his hand to Boruto who took it excitedly.
" Bye!" Boruto waved spastically. Some of the cadet members waved back to him.
As the door slid closed, Hiashi approached the branch family. " My grandson speaks the truth, so that being the case..." Hiashi slowly bowed to the branch family. " Please accept my apology as well."
The surrounding cadets were stunned to see Hiashi show such an act of humility.
The Next Day...
Boruto was striking against a post at the Hyuuga compound, when he saw one of the elders walking past him.
" I see you haven't given up yet." The elder said.
Boruto continued striking, this was one of the elders who had referred to him as a loser the other day.
" Eventually you will see that without a Byakugan all this training won't add up to much." He said in a manner of trying to make Boruto realize something.
Boruto continued striking.
" You have been causing quite a bit of trouble lately I see. Humiliating a member of the Main branch is not wise, I'm positive your mother has at least informed you of that much about our clan."
" Beat it." Boruto put bluntly.
The elder was shocked. " The fact that you are Hiashi-sama's grandson does not mean you can speak anyw-"
"Piss Off!" Boruto continued striking.
The Elder was in shock. "I would expect the son of Hyuuga Hinata to be better mannered. I will inform your grandfather of this." The elder said as he walked away.
Little did the elder realize that his grandfather had already seen the entire event from across the field behind a door. He was literally shocked. As far back as he could remember no Hyuuga child, especially at that age had openly defied an elder.
He watched his grandson continue to strike the post. He was certainly different. It was not unheard of that a Byakugan user would give birth to a non-Byakugan user, but what made Boruto and his sister different was they were born of the original head of the clan, to this extent is unheard of. However there was a reason why the head would marry within the clan, so the bloodline of their children would be absolute. This was an absolute fact regarding the head of the Hyuuga clan. He gazed upon his grandson realizing how unfair it was. He was by far the most strong willed child he had ever known, refusing to take self pity regardless of what other "lesser minded" Hyuugas told him. His training ethics were next to none and he consistently pushed his limits. Perhaps he felt a need to prove to his grandfather that it was not a waste of time training him. Not that that was ever an issue with Hiashi. He enjoyed very much training his grandson. He was different from training his mother and aunt, and even his uncle.
His mother was far too kindhearted, and often held back in striking, the elders deemed her weak and her father was forced to cast her out not because he gave up on her or thought she would never amount to anything, he wanted her to find her own way and forge her own path. Despite this he and his daughter found their way to each other once again. His aunt, to Hiashi's shame , whenever she made the slightest mistake she would look at him with a slight hint of fear, as though after seeing what happened to her sister that the same would happen to her, as in he would withhold his love from her, though that was never the case with her sister and wouldn't be with her.
But one thing that separated Boruto from his mother , aunt and uncle which Hiashi found amusing was Boruto was not afraid to talk back to him. At first Hiashi was stunned because it was something he was not used to. But it became interesting after a while. There have been times where he and Boruto would bicker over a technique and Boruto would get pissed off and do the move how he liked it anyway. Now Hiashi would feel something was wrong with his grandson if he didn't speak up about something.
Hiashi looked saddened as he thought of Neji, he and Boruto had many things in common yet huge differences. One of their similarities being that they both had incredible leadership qualities, though different qualities they may be. Both had a way of making people listen to them. As far as skill was concerned both had their own distinct title to hold. Neji having the Byakugan was absolutely magnificent in Juu-ken, a true prodigy. Up to the time of his death he had learned nearly all of the sacred Hyuuga techniques, and most likely would have learned them all if alive today. Boruto, born with no Byakugan, a Dojutsu which was once believed to be essential to Juu-ken trained in the art and surpassed even his grandfather's expectations. Maybe he trained himself so hard because he wanted to be closer to his grandfather, or maybe because someone was foolish enough to tell him he couldn't do it. One thing Hiashi learned was never tell his grandson he couldn't do something, because he would go to the ends of the Earth to prove them wrong. Despite both their obvious qualifications, they would never be allowed to become head. Neji cursed by the branch seal, despite his skill would have never been allowed to succeed. Boruto, technically the first born of the original heir, strong-minded (stubborn) and well skilled, who Hiashi could tell had the courage to make real changes within the Hyuuga would never be able to succeed. If he at least possessed the Byakugan maybe an argument of some kind could have been made.
That day Hiashi realized something. For years he had been doing his best to mend relations with the Main and branch families. But even after the war when they fought to protect each other , things still stayed primarily the same afterwards.
Then he looked at Boruto, he would never be able to succeed the clan, but that was not to suggest he couldn't change it. Perhaps change had to come from a someone different, a non Byakugan user who had nothing to gain nor lose.
Hiashi reflected a moment. He thought of what happened recently because Boruto made a stand against the Main branch and an apology was forced from a Main branch member to a cadet. Something that was unheard of excluding his apology to Neji.
" Boruto..." Hiashi thought. " Perhaps you are what this clan needs."
More will come Please read and REVIEW.
Ch 1 of 4 Next »
This was a story I wrote due to the fact that I wanted to put them into put them into I am Boruto Uzumaki and I am Hyuuga, but did not have the opportunity. I do hope that the chain of events do coincide with my original pieces. But if not the original Anime is guilty of the same thing anyway.
Do not own Naruto.
Boruto walked toward the dojo of the Hyuuga compound. As he slid open the door he saw a body hit the floor before him.
" Ne?" Boruto said.
The boy that hit the floor picked his head up and looked at him.
" Akio..." Boruto said. He looked across and saw a a gang of Main branch children all in training attire. " What are you guys doing!?"
" We're teaching this branch member to know his place." A Hyuuga child said." Ever since his father got that apology he's been walking around all high and mighty. Like he thinks he's as good as the Main branch now."
" He is..."
Akio looked up at Boruto stunned.
" Are you serious? They're born to serve us." One of the Hyuuga children said. " They're below us!"
" That's not true!" Boruto walked up imparting himself between the Main branch Hyuugas and the Cadet. " Kaa-chan said that the Main branch and Cadet is supposed to protect and look out for each other!"
Akio allowed the words to truly soak in for a moment.
" Next thing you'll tell us you're as good as a Hyuuga." One of the boys scoffed.
The Hyuuga children erupted in laughter. Off in a corner of the dojo, Hyuuga Kinjo leaned against a wall surveying the situation with his arms crossed.
Boruto merely scowled at him.
" Kaa-chan says Neji my uncle was the best Juu-ken fighter she ever knew and he was from the branch family! Just because you're from the Main family it don't make you any better than the branch!"
" Ok..." one of the Hyuuga boys said he was considerably bigger. " If you think this Cadet is as good as the Main branch, then let him prove it. I'll take him on right now."
" How about taking me on you stu.." Boruto was cut off.
" Boruto-sama..." Akio said as he reached up and grabbed his hand. " Let me..."
" Akio.."
" Let me fight for you..."
Boruto smiled as he nodded.
Akio took a deep breath and stood up to face the Main branch challenger.
" Hmpph." The Hyuuga boy scoffed as he got into stance.
The other Hyuuga children along with Boruto moved to one side of the dojo. Akio got into stance.
" Go!" A Hyuuga boy yelled.
The 2 Hyuugas clashed. Akio was on the defense, he tried to land a strike but the Main branch boy's reach was considerably greater.
Akio caught a palm strike to the face, knocking him to the ground.
" Come on Akio!" Boruto cheered.
Boruto looked to the side of him. Seeing Boruto cheer for him gave him the courage to push forward. As the larger Hyuuga boy came in for a thrust . Akio sidestepped and and delivered a side kick to is leg which knocked him off balance.
Akio then threw a double palm strike to his side knocking him over.
" Yosh!" Boruto yelled.
The other Hyuuga children were silent.
" Put him away already!" One of the Hyuuga children yelled.
The fight continued. After a few minutes of intense fighting, Akio fell back hitting the floor. The larger Hyuuga boy took a knee exhausted. Akio struggled to get back to his feet, but was having no luck.
" It's over, branch member you lost." Kinjo said.
" Hey!Who said!?" Boruto demanded.
" He can't even get up." Akko's opponent said. " It's pointless to keep going." He began walking away slowly as he was exhausted.
" No!" Akio was struggling to get back up. " We're not done!"
Boruto saw Akio was at his limit. He walked over and helped him to his feet. " Come on Akio, I'll take you back to your place."
" No! I..I can.." Akio was completely out of breath.
" Hey don't worry." Boruto said. " You did great."
Boruto helped Akio out of the dojo, as the door slid closed, the larger Hyuuga boy sat down immediately from exhaustion.
" You let that branch member make a fool of you." Kinjo said as he walked away.
Later, Boruto had Akio's arm over his shoulder as he walked him back.
" Boruto-sama..." Akio began. " I'm sorry I didn't win."
" Are you kidding? You were awesome!" Boruto stated.
Akio looked down in embarrassment. " Arigato...Boruto-Sama."
" Hey, about that..." Boruto said. " You don't have to call me -Sama. Just Boruto is fine."
" H-Hai."
The next day...
Boruto was in the corridor where the elder meetings typically takes place.
" Careful...careful..." Boruto said as he took the last tag that Himawari handed to him. Both were in Hyuuga training attire. He then placed it under the last seat cushion. He then put a recording device in a corner.
" Come on." Boruto led his sister out as she giggled.
They ran across to another corridor to hide.
" This is gonna be awesome!" Boruto said which prompted louder giggles from his sister.
" Pardon me young Uzumaki..." Said voice from behind them which shocked both of them.
Boruto turned around and was relieved to see it was Akio's father.
" Ohayo!" Boruto said.
" I heard about what happened the other day." He kneeled before Boruto.
" I wanted to thank you Boruto. Because of you my son has an air of confidence in himself I had not seen before."
" I'm glad!" Boruto said.
Himawari watched as the Hyuuga elders were approaching the corridor.
" nii-san nii-san ..." She tugged on his sleeve.
He looked across to see the elders.
" Shh, this is gonna be good, hide..." Boruto told Akio's father.
" Hm? Hide?"
The 3 hid away, Boruto took one last look then froze. He saw that his aunt Hanabi was accompanying the elders.
Boruto gasped.
" What is it?" Akio's father asked.
" Just wait here." Boruto quickly dashed toward his aunt.
" Hanabi baa-chan! Wh-what are you doing?" Boruto asked innocently.
" Oh hello Boruto." Hanabi smiled. " We're just having a meeting with the elders today."
" Well uh why?" Boruto asked frantically. He looked to the elders. " you guys work my aunt too hard, you don't really need her in a meeting do you?"
" It's just for a little while Boruto, don't worry." Hanabi smiled.
" Well uhhh, let me take you to your seat then!" Boruto said.
" Really?" Hanabi asked.
" Of course! Kaa-chan says it's only proper to show a lady to her seat." Boruto said.
" Awww well aren't you sweet." Hanabi smiled as Boruto led her into the room.
" Here you go." Boruto said as he quickly snatched the tag out from under the cushion without his aunt noticing. " Have a seat." He then put it in the back of his pants.
" You are just too much sweetheart." Hanabi said as all the elders walked in.
" Uzumaki..." One of the elders said. " Stop pestering Hanabi and let us get on with our day."
Boruto shot the elder a stern glare as he crossed his arms.
"Hmm, why does that seem familiar?" Hanabi thought. Suddenly a glimpse of her father flashed through her mind. " Oh..."
" Well see you later Hanabi baa-chan." Boruto walked out the door.
He then ran comically ran back toward his sister and Akio's father.
" Boruto, what are you up to?" Akio's father asked.
" Here it comes..." Boruto said excitedly.
" Well let's get don to business shall we?" The Head elder said.
As the elders all sat at once a small pope was heard and they flew 5 feet from their seats. One flew up and landed on his back on the table. Hanabi was looking around frantically .
" Wh-What just happened?" Hanabi said. She looked around as the elders
" UZUMAKIIIIII!" The Head Elder yelled.
Himawari was shocked as she did not know what she had played accomplice to. Akko's father was white-eyed in shock.
Boruto erupted in laughter so hard he fell back onto the ground. That was when the smile instantly faded from his face as he remembered what was in the back of his pants.
"Wait!" Boruto yelled. It was too late however as the impact detonated the tag and Boruto flew upwards flipping forward.
" Nii-san's flying!" Himawari laughed as she pointed up at her brother.
" Uzumaki I expect you to do something about this!" The Head Elder said to Naruto as he cradled his back. " This sort of behavior won't stand on the Hyuuga premise!"
" Trust me Elder I'm going to have a long talk with my son about this." Naruto assured.
" See to it that you do!" The Elder said as he took his leave.
Naruto then walked upstairs into the bathroom where Hinata was applying ointment to Boruto's backside.
" Don't you know the first rule of pranking!?" Naruto lectured. " Never fall victim to your own prank!"
" Ngh! Worth it." Boruto said.
" Shame on you." Hinata said. " Pulling pranks on elderly men, what if one of them had gotten hurt?"
" Isn't it kinda their fault , they have the Byakugan, shouldn't they have seen it?" Boruto protested
" Oh no you don't young man." Hinata said. " Now you go lay down on your stomach and let this heal."
" Hai..." Boruto walked slowly towards his room.
" And don't think we're not gonna discuss this later because we are." Naruto said.
" And first thing tomorrow you are going to go apologize to the Elders." Hinata said.
Moments later Naruto was observing the recording device that was in the Hyuuga meeting room. He then hooked it up to his laptop.
" What's that ?" Hinata came in.
" Our son decided to make a little video of his prank. I guess his trophy."
" Naruto-kun, delete that." Hinata said.
" Let's just see this. He went through all the trouble. Let's observe his handiwork." Naruto said. " One time, then we delete it."
" (sigh) one time..." Hinata said.
" Ok..." Naruto played the video.
He and Hinata watched it intently. Hinata was happy to see Boruto get Hanabi out of the crosshairs of his prank. Then she and Naruto watched as the Elders flew from their seats, and one flying so high he landed on his back on the table.
" He's grounded..." Naruto said still watching the video. " I mean there's no question about that."
" Oh definitely." Hinata said.
"I know we said we were gonna delete it but let's just see it one more time." Naruto said trying to maintain his composure.
" I..I guess." Hinata's lips began to curl slightly. " But I don't think this is funny, not in the least bit."
" Right hold on." Naruto paused the video when the Elder was in the air and landed on the table. " How much air do you think he caught? Like 6 feet?"
" N-Naruto-kun that's not funny!" Hinata's smile was breaking through.
" I know, that's why we're gonna see it again so we know the gravity of the situation." Naruto jokingly said.
" No-No Naruto-kun." Hinata protested, trying her best to maintain her composure.
Upon seeing the video again. Naruto and Hinata burst out laughing.
More will come Please read and REVIEW.
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One Worthy As Leader by PeacefulWarrior82
Anime » Naruto Rated: K+, English, Drama, Naruto U., Hinata H., Hiashi H., Boruto U., Words: 6k+, Favs: 63, Follows: 75, Published: Feb 8, 2015 Updated: Aug 10, 2015
31Chapter 3
This was a story I wrote due to the fact that I wanted to put them into put them into I am Boruto Uzumaki and I am Hyuuga, but did not have the opportunity. I do hope that the chain of events do coincide with my original pieces. But if not the original Anime is guilty of the same thing anyway.
Do not own Naruto.
" Byakugan!" Boruto strained his eyes as he put his hands together in a seal while alone in the dojo.
He took a moment to wipe the sweat off his forehead and take a deep breath before returning to training.
" Byakugan!" He said, trying to focus his chakra.
On the outside two Hyuugas walked by as they overheard the commotion in the dojo.
" Is that Uzumaki?" One of them asked.
" Yeah, poor kid , he doesn't realize you can't just "awaken" the Byakugan, it's not like the Sharingan, either you have it or you don't. He's just wasting his time." The other Hyuuga responded.
Back in the dojo Boruto continued training. " Byakugan!"
Later, Boruto was sitting on the porch looking up at the sky.
" Hey loser!" One of the Hyuuga children called out.
Boruto shot him an annoyed glare.
" You awaken the Byakugan today?" He snickered.
" Pardon me young man, but to whom are you calling a loser?" Hiashi said as he walked along the porch.
The young Hyuuga froze. " I apologize Hiashi-sama, I..."
" Perhaps you should spend more time training and less time calling people names." Hiashi said with a hint of venom in his voice.
" Yes Hiashi-sama, I'll go train now!" The Hyuuga boy ran off.
" I had it handled 'Jii-san..." Boruto said.
" Of course you did." Hiashi said. " But why let you have all the fun?"
Hiashi came to sit next to his grandson.
"Boruto..." Hiashi began. " I need to talk to you..."
Boruto was striking the post angrily as his grandfather watched.
" I don't see why you have to go." Boruto said.
" Because Boruto this is the best for everyone." Hiashi said. " Besides, if I'm going to train you better I must expand my own horizons."
" What are you gonna learn out there? You know the best Tai-jutsu moves." Boruto said.
"Oh I see, so I'm that strong?" Hiashi said.
Boruto stopped striking and looked up befuddled at his grandfather. " Well...yea."
Hiashi sighed. " Boruto no matter how strong someone is, never forget that there are those out there who are stonger. In my lifetime I came to master Juu-ken but still have been beaten."
" No way!" Boruto said.
" Remind to tell you about a man named Otsutski Toneri one day."
" Well when are you gonna be back?" Boruto asked.
" I'll be back sooner than you think."
A month later...
Hyuuga Hiashi walked up a large hill carrying with him a nap sack. He approached up on the hill a large residence. He saw an open gate which gave off an open and welcoming presence.
Hiashi looked to his right to see various training equipment ranging from weights to striking dummies.
Hiashi continued until he saw a man standing at the main doorway. The man seemed to be at least in his late 70's with white hair and green and black clothing.
"Good afternoon..." Hiashi said with a bow. " My name..."
" Oh I'm well aware of who you are master Hyuuga. You've been making quite a stir around this area."
" I see.." Hiashi said. " then I assume you know why I'm here."
" Of course. Shall we just get down to it?" The man said. " By the way I am Sho Tsen."
" Thank you." Hiashi said.
Hiashi was looking out of breath as he held up his stance against the foreign master. His hand badly bruised from a counter the master performed on him while trying to to perform the 64 palms of divinity.
The man across from him was maintaining his poise and seemed to not be struggling.
" I see..." Hiashi said as he deactivated his Byakugan. " It's true , you are a master of internal attacks." Hiashi stood up.
" Oh?" Said Sho, relaxing his stance.
Hiashi suddenly knelt down. The old master was stunned by this.
" Please...I ask that you take me on as your student." Hiashi said bowing.
Sho was utterly surprised.
" I see." The old master said. " That is why you were fighting the other masters in this area."
He and Hiashi were sitting at a table having tea.
" Hai, I had to make sure the techniques were legitimate." Hiashi said.
" What I don't understand is since you have mastered Juu-ken, why do you wish to learn my style?"
Hiashi looked down. " As I'm sure you've heard, my clan possesses a very rare trait known as the Byakugan. It was based off this trait we developed Juu-ken."
" Hmm." The old man nodded.
" My daughter gave me 2 grandchildren. Since the father did not possess our kekki-genkai, neither grandchild inherited it. Despite that, my grandson trains very hard in Juu-ken, but I fear that without the Byakugan he will not be able to go much farther as variety of techniques is concerned."
" I see, your Byakugan allows you to see your opponent's insides. Making for accurate damage."
" My grandson loves Juu-ken. But he may become disheartened if he finds himself stuck. I don't want that to happen."
" I understand now, my style of fighting like Juu-ken focuses on internal damage, however I dveleoped it with no special tool like the Byakugan. That is why you wish to learn it. So to teach your grandson."
" Exactly."
The oldman stood up and walked a few steps. " I'll take you on as my student."
" Thank you."
A month later, Hiashi was seen practicing his new form on a sparring dummy as the old master looked on when all of a sudden a messenger appeared before the gate.
"Master Sho. The council has sent me to deliver you this message." He said placing a scroll in his hand.
Hiashi looked on curiously as the master read the scroll.
" Master Sho, is everything ok?" Hiashi asked.
" Of course, but it seems tomorrow we'll be making a little visit." The old master said.
The next day, Hiashi and his teacher appeared before the council of masters in the area.
"Shall I wait outside?" Hiashi asked.
"Yes you should." One of the masters responded.
" I see no reason why he should leave, this concerns him after all." Master Sho said.
Hiashi was shocked.
" Very well. Master Sho it is simply like this, we cannot allow you to train this man any further." One of the masters said.
" Oh? And why would that be?" said Sho.
" Master Sho you know full well why. This council agreed long ago that our secrets will not be revealed to foreginers." Said one of the masters. " Was it not you who implemented this rule?"
" Yes...it was."
"Imagine my surprise when I learned that you of all people agreed to teach this man. Not only a foreigner but a shinobi as well."
" It's true, I once harbored great hatred toward shinobi. But as time passed, I began to see the new path shinobi from afar were taking."
" What do you mean?" One of the masters asked.
" Times have been far more peaceful for a while now. It was due to shinobi like Master Hyuuga and other shinobi winning the war."
" A war that they started. Make no mistake, the war was won by shinobi but it was started by shinobi. As long as they exist times will never be truely peaceful." One of the masters stared at Hiashi with a look of disgust.
" Master Hyuuga..." He began. " ..came to me to learn my style, he abandoned his status and became a student. The reason for it was not for some hidden ambition. But so he could teach his grandchildren so as to deepen his bond with them. We all know of the Hyuuga reputation, they have a reputation of arrogance that traveled even this far. For the head of their clan to undergo such a drastic change just for that, are we not obligated to change as well?"
" Master Sho, we have given our answer." One of the old masters said.
" And if I choose to train him anyway?" Master Sho said somewhat defiantly.
" Then you are aware of how we will settle this."
Hiashi looked across at them not sure what was going on. " Master Sho, what will happen?"
" I will have to fight a combatant of the council's choosing."
Hiashi was shocked.
More will come Please read and REVIEW.
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"An Author's note, I will be putting up new chapters soon. My job just demands a lot of my time, and I'm going to use this forum and say how absolutely disappointed I am with Boruto the movie. A huge let down in my opinion. I do not like in the least how they portrayed Boruto. Nor how they portrayed Himawari in the one-shot special. They made her seem like a psycho-path and the dynamic everyone seemed to have for this past 8-9 months is that these were 2 siblings who loved each other and would do anything for each other. It's nice they gave her the Byakugan but not nice that they did not give it to Boruto. Now people will think when Boruto does something nice for her it is out of fear of her. This whole thing was terrible, I seriously wish they had let me write this movie and one-shot based on what I saw."
"The only way this could get worse..."
Sasuke walks in
" Is that!"
" Griping about the movie?" Seasick said.
" Don't you start! You dropped so many balls in that movie I don't know where to begin!"
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tuliprry · 2 years
sunbeam 3
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prompt: ballerina!yn x barista!harry, y/n is a ballerina and harry works at the café in the same building, both have a little crush on each other
warnings: mostly fluff, mentions of sex, mentions of anxiety, mentions of eating disorder
word count: 2k
part 1 part 2 part 4 part 5 extras
it's currently february, y/n has been planning a surprise party for harry, she had to message harry's mum which was terrifying for her as they haven't even been introduced, it wasn't the end of the world and anne was so excited that even though they were only dating for a few months that y/n was so ready to do these little things for her son. harry thinks they're just going on a date tonight and then come back to his house for a really sweet night of i love yous and sloppy sex. y/n was able to arrange a 15 minute window for anne to come over and start getting his apartment ready for the party. y/n had gotten harry a suit for his birthday and insisted that he would change at her house, harry was confused but he didn't think anything much of it.
y/n loved seeing harry in beiges and browns, it was something she genuinely loved, not that he looks bad in anything but there's just something that gets her all mushy inside when he wears beige, even pink, so clearly, she got him beige suit pants that go with a white shirt and a tan vest with pear drawings, y/n had an eye for fashion and she always took a mental note of things harry has mentioned, including this vest.
"how do i look?" harry asks, taking the well loved hair clip from his hair, "like a very sexy 28 year old" y/n giggled and stood up to properly check him out, "yeah you look so good my mouth is watering", he kissed her in between laughs, y/n looked good too, in a off white summer dress with puffy short sleeves and a little bow on her chest, white tights with really cute embroidered drawings and black mary janes. harry always thought she looked drop dead gorgeous, even when she was sweaty and exhausted from ballet class and would kiss him and sit on a stool awaiting her precious latte, he just thought she looked like what god is supposed to look like. "you know... if we didn't have our dinner... i'd definitely take this off right now" harry whispers in her ear sending shivers down her spine, he knew exactly what he did to her, in that department things have been... different, they've been trying a few things out and the more he learns about y/n in bed the easier it is for him to tease her and make her cheeks get a rosy coloured flush. "harry... cmon we still have to go to your house" y/n is trying hard to not get her knees weak or worse accidentally say theres a surprise party for him. "right fuck i still can't believe i left my phone at home, i'm sorry bunny" y/n knew exactly she was the one making sure his phone was at home so they had to go back but she just kissed his lips, grabbed her purse and went out the door.
on the uber ride, y/n texted anne saying they were on their way so they could hide and get remotely ready for the surprise, the jitters through y/n's body were absolutely killing her poor stomach, making her have a really big pain on that area, "bunny? do you wanna stay home? u look like you're sick" harry says as he puts his right over her tummy, "no no it's your birthday!!"
once harry opened the door and turned the lights on, his closest friends and family jumped and yelled surprise, harry stood tall with a shocked yet happy expression on his face, putting his hands on his face in disbelief, "oh my god you guys", he ran to his mum and sister hugging them tightly, "you planned all this?" he asks still in the hug, "no, darling, y/n planned all of this, we just helped getting it to come true" anne said going back to hug her son on his special day. 
the party wasn't the kind of birthday party 21 year old y/n goes from her university friends, this is sweet, there's an 80s playlist playing, wine and cheeses and vegan spreads, harry was talking to his friends, they all looked about harry's age and really nicely put, she's listening to their conversation, sort of, they're going over writing and magazines and issues going on at the mother company of few of the magazines harry writes for outside of his side job as a barista. truth be told y/n understood nothing and felt like a little girl just sulking while waiting for harry to give her attention. 
it's now 3am, y/n has just finished putting the leftovers inside the fridge, harry, who was supposed to still be loading the dishwasher, was attentively following her every move, grunts and small sighs, "ready to tell me whats inside that pretty mind?" harry asks, following her into the living room, "there's nothing to tell", y/n isn't as emotionally grown as harry, not that's she's childish when it comes to emotions, she just immediately has bad thoughts and uses anger as a coping mechanism, harry has a gut feeling y/n's ex wasn't actually the best person on earth and so many of her questions and worries and fears come from never knowing what true love is supposed to be like. "bunny... you wouldn't be pouty without reasoning" harry hugged her from behind, "but if you don't want to talk i get it, we can just stay like this", y/n closed her eyes and let herself rest in his arms for a minute, "i just.. all of your friends they're so... grown.. and i'm not and what if you want more? what if you need more? it's just... scary, h." harry tightened the hug, "i'm ruining your birthday i'm so sorry", he mouthed a little shush and turned her around to look at her face, "y/n.. i want you, please never doubt for any minute that you aren't the person i want and love the most, yeah they’re my age but look at you, 2 years of uni and you scored an internship at a studio, you do ballet, you work with all kinds of people.. you’re grown too, a little too grown for a 21 year old, i promise you i was a fuck up at your age” his lips met her forehead,  the most underrated of kisses, "listen to me let's take a shower okay? get these clothes off and sleep, mm? can we do that?" of course they could.
 it's been a week since y/n's moment of honesty and so many more moments of honesty were shared between them, especially at the end of the day before falling asleep. it snowed today, london has been messy and people have been rude and acting like they've never seen snow in their lives, y/n walks into the tall building where her ballet classes and rushes to see harry, he's restocking the food in display when he hears his girlfriends teary voice, he immediately puts the tray of deserts down and gets out behind the counter to kiss her, "you're freezing, let me get u coffee", he goes back and makes her a warm drink, he knew y/n had been on her nerves lately but today just seemed like the last straw by the sad look on her face. "people are so stupid, this man almost made me fall while leaving the tube by pushing me really hard, my foot hurts a little and i have class now and i really need to wash my hair and i have internship deadlines to meet at the photography studio and-" harry cut her off placing a croissant in front of her, "please eat and let me talk", she nodded, "first off next time someone pushes u like that just step on their feet, second are you okay to dance? does it hurt?... and y/n you have been working a lot lately i'm sure you can meet your deadlines you're just nervous and thats okay", he put a piece of her curtain bangs behind her ear and rested his forehead on hers, "everything is okay bunny, eat your croissant and drink your latte, yeah?" 
harry's shift ended while y/n was still in class, usually his shift ends after and y/n just waits for him so they can go to either one of their places together, he decided to go upstairs and watch a bit of her class, he was really curious about the whole atmosphere and dynamic of y/n in her ballet class, y/n has told him a million times if he ever wants to watch it for a little that he's always welcome, he took his opportunity and walked in, y/n's teacher saw him in the corner of her eye and came up to him. "hello? how can i help?" she asked, "i'm harry, y/n's boyfriend i work downstairs", he was still standing at the ballet studio door, "oh! i'm maya, y/n's teacher", she smiles and points at the floor, "you can sit there we're just finishing up!". y/n already doing stretches, his heart shrunk a little by not seeing her dance, something he absolutely loves to watch y/n do, y/n spots him through the mirror in front of her and makes a sign to go meet her, he does and sits next to her, also stretching. 
"what are you doing here?"
"well i finished my shift earlier and i wanted to see you"
"we're just finishing"
"you look so good"
"no no! i mean it you look out of a music box, you're so beautiful”
“don’t make me blush right now”
harry was carrying y/n’s stuff inside his house, placing them on top of his dining table, y/n had been the entire tube ride explaining how her class is doing a small production of the nutcracker to present at a local theatre, mostly for schools to go to, she didn’t have a big hope to be a lead has she knows she’s been on this class for 6 months and it’s not her time to shine yet, but she is actually so excited and ready to start rehearsing. “when are you guys supposed to present it?”, harry asks getting his shoes off, “maya said late may, she’s hosting auditions next week with one of her colleagues in another school, they’re judging us by our regular routines so i’m a little less nervous” y/n explains, they were quickly changing clothes to go and do touristy things in london, they have been doing this every time his shift and her class are in the morning, usually on tuesdays, y/n always takes the chance to photograph harry, her favourite model. “borough market date?” she asks, packing some linen food bags onto her bag, “oh yeah my fridge actually looks very sad, i’ve gotten used to your cooking” he kisses her forehead, “want to cook dinner tonight? i’ll help” he continues, doing his puss in boots eyes to her, “stop it, i can’t say no if you look at me like that….maybe a bowl? with veggies and rice, we could get broccoli, mushrooms, some vegan chicken and vegan pesto?” his stomach growls just thinking about it, “i don’t know how you do it, you just always know what i’m craving.” harry sees improvement on y/n’s eating, she eats more and hasn’t fainted in a long while, he doesn’t totally get it as he hasn’t been there but he still reads about it a lot. 
borough market was packed as usual, it’s a tourist spot but y/n and harry love going there and get their fruit and veggies, once they even got garlic tofu and started buying it way too often for their own good, one of harry’s favourite meals y/n has ever made, said tofu, brown rice, hummus and a side salad of rainbow veggies, his mum mentioned his tummy was definitely bigger, comfy, something he didn’t mind if it meant eating this good every night.
“garlic tofu?”
“that’s not a question harry, it’s always a yes”
“is it also always a yes for a kiss?”
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y/n's birthday post for harry
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y/n's little london post
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y/n's story about harry losing her at a uni party
part 4?
taglist: @his-only-angel-1989 @oscarissacsslut @odilevonbrekker @youd0ntkn0wm3 @tenaciousperfectionunknown
254 notes · View notes
gumilac · 3 years
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"I like you..."
You again?
"Can you please go out with me?"
This is the same guy that has asked you countless time to date him, and this is your seventh time in turning his offer down. You just wanna get to class but he's blocking the way.
"I'm sorry, but no." You bow your head to excuse yourself. Usually he'd let you go but, this time was different.
You groan inwardly, body tense as you press your lips together forcing a sweet smile as you look at him. Just let me get to class, oh my god.
"Because I–"
"They're taken."
You'd know that voice from anywhere. It sounds bored, but there's a bite to it that sent shivers down your spine. Turning around you see your boyfriend.
Tsukishima Kei.
He's pissed. That much you know from the look on his face. To others, he just probably looks unbothered and uninterested but you knew better than that. He's burning two holes in the forehead of the guy, but he doesn't waver.
"Uh, what makes you say that?"
Tsukishima's face winces a little, annoyed because the guy won't take a hint. His aura literally screams, "Fuck off, they're mine" in big bold letters, but the guy's too dumb to see that. He really has a death wish, huh? you thought to yourself. The middle blocker squinted his eyes, before a sinister smirk plasters itself on his face. Your relationship with Kei isn't public, only a few know about it, that being the Karasuno volleyball team and your girl friends. But, it isn't a secret. I mean by the way he always follows you around like a lost puppy during breaks, how his eyes would linger on you longer than normal, how his hands finds its way on top of your thighs when you sit down on a bench talking about your day, his arm that sits right behind you when you sit down to eat lunch at the cafeteria, and how he tucks strands of hair behind your ear that has fallen to cover your face while you sit down and work on your notes. And, he does all of this in front of people. He literally has heart eyes for you, so it annoys him off when people still think you're single and try to make advances. What irks him the most, is that people do it in front of him too.
"Don't you think it's rude to harrass a girl when she rejected you countless times already?" Kei asks unamused. The guy thinks. The guy fucking thinks, making the middle blocker scoff. His patience is running thin as the guy tests him, and it disappeared when the guy finally responds.
"She hasn't told me why she won't date me."
He walks over to him, slow. Putting an arm in front of you, gently pushing you back behind him. He shields you from the guy's hungry gaze and Kei towers over him. His smile is sinister... and scary. He leans down to meet his level, and there's a murderous aura surrounding him.
"She has to?"
He says, voice low laced with venom. The guy finally flinches at his words but brushes it off, trying to act cool. Kei smirks before leaning even closer, coldy eyeing everyone who's gathered here watching this whole ordeal.
"Look," he starts, voice laced with so much haste, "I don't fucking know what's your problem, okay? But, she's mine. That's the reason why she can't, won't, and will never date you. Also, if a woman says no, she means no, got that? Your toxic masculinity's showing and it pisses me off. So, I suggest you get your disgusting face out of my sight, because if I ever see you fucking near- No, looking at her differently?" Kei grabs his collar, slowly lifting him up off the ground. "I will make sure, that you'll be unable to fuck women, because that's all you're ever good for, no? You don't want to wait 'till I beat the shit out of you, do you now? So, fuck off and leave women alone."
Tsukishima lets go of the guy and he falls to the ground. He scrambles as he gets hurriedly away from Kei, running like a dog with his tail in between his legs. He puts his hands in his pocket before turning to look at you, eyes softening.
"Hey, you alright?" he asks quietly as he leans down to meet your eyes. Honey golden hues that seem to rival the sun when they gleam under the sunlight, search your face for any signs of distress, and he's glad he doesn't see any. But, he still wants to know if you're okay. You nod as you fiddle with your fingers, and he grabs them with his large hands pulling them apart.
"You sure?" he asks, still doubtful, voice soft, and calming. You smile at him sweetly, a genuine one. Not the same one you used when you were talking to the guy earlier. "Yes. Thank you, Kei."
He smiles, a stupid handsome smile as he looks at you with his eyes that hold so much adoration and love for you. Pushing back your hair with his palms lovingly, he places a chaste kiss on your forehead. Inhaling your scent, as he closes his eyes basking in your presence. He lets his soft lips linger there for a moment longer, before mumbling against your skin.
"You're most welcome, sweetheart."
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muite · 3 years
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Protective boyfriend Baji !
» fluff w/ sweet boyfie kei (1.5k)
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Study dates were always quiet with your boyfriend, baji keisuke who was actually known for being a loud and kinda dumb person was always so good to you during these times, taking your study dates very seriously
being neighbors was a great thing for you both, being that the reason why you met each other in the first place, both of you living with only your mothers and you with your cat, who one day went missing and it wasn't until afternoon that baji knocked on your door asking if he was yours and if he could come visit him
safe to say he managed to snatch himself a tutor who was more than able to explain to him the things he didn't understand one, two or three times while being completely patience with him, over time the two of you confessed your feelings to each other and then eventually started dating
this evening though you were explaining something different to him
"hah? what do you mean some fuckers are billing you?"
"it's bullying baji-kun"
tickling your arm he blushed before murmuring an embarrassed "shut up" putting a hand on his neck and rubbing it "what were they even bullying you for?"
"they made fun of me for my glasses, they said I looked funny"
recently you had been having constant headaches and after going for a quick check up you found out you needed reading glasses, they said the headaches were produce of you squinting too hard, so now here you are explaining all the current events happening in your school life to your boyfriend
"fuck that, you look georgess"
"it actually is gorgeous baji-kun"
"I don't give a shit, you're going home with me tomorrow"
"we don't even go to the same school"
"I'll go to yours!"
seeing you smile made him feel all dizzy inside and he'll be damned if he didn't protect your smile at all costs
"then I'll be waiting for you"
"you better cause I don't wanna get lost"
laughing softly at him you said "you won't"
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at 5pm sharp he was waiting at the entrance of your school, watching dozens of students leave to finally go to their homes
but none of them were you
so already feeling irritated he decided to go looking for you, walking down the halls of the large institution many people looked at him when he passed by them, surely thinking he was some sort of freak or something cause clearly that wasn't their school's uniform
finally arriving at your class he saw the two doors closed, he thought he would wait a few minutes, that is until he heard muffled voices and mocking laughs coming from the classroom he knew you studied in
"there's some guys in my class that have been bullying me"
baji's instincts told him to slam the door open and pondering too much, that's exactly what he did
he saw four guys surrounding you as another one had your glasses in one hand above your head, the five of them were laughing at your "give it back!" while tossing the said glasses between them
"but were having such a great time y/n-chan!"
just as the leader of the group said that a fist collided with his cheek making him lay flat on the ground
the remaining 4 guys and you scrambled to see who had knocked the living shit out of the strongest guy in your class, only to find a nerd looking guy with slicked back hair wearing some really big glasses
the right hand of the leader walked up to the nerdy guy with a threatening look in his eyes
"oi damn nerd did you do thi-"
before he can finish the question a fist sent him to the ground, laying down just beside his leader
your wide eyes watched with amazement as the nerdy guy kicked the five of your bully's asses, as he knocked down the last one your mind started questioning who the nerdy guy was
"damn fuckers, making me fight in school didn't even let me change"
hearing that familiar annoyed deep growling voice your impossibly wide eyes went even wider
"baji-kun?! what are you doing here?!"
"looks like you forgot I told you I would be walking you home today y/n"
smiling sheepishly at him you said "ah.. yeah I did..."
though it was obvious why you didn't go meet him as you promised
seeing how your embarrassed face couldn't even look at him right now, he softened the scowl on his face waking over to you before grabbing your face in the most delicate way he could asking
"these idiots gave you a hard time? they didn't injure my girl anywhere right?"
cheeks heating up in his hands made him smile, he loved how adorable you were, always giving him the cutest reactions at the bare minimum of what you called "his boyfriend material side"
"hm, just them messing with my glasses and pulling my hair"
"oh right, were are them?"
hearing him ask that reminded you of the issue at hand: your glasses
"ah, I remember hiroshi-san was the last one with them in hand-"
"oi hiroshi stand up"
you knew your boyfriend was in a gang and that he had been in numerous fights with many people, you even had to patch him up many of the times he's gotten in trouble and didn't want his mom to worry
but this was completely different, seeing him, being this dangerous and demanding made you feel some type of way, you knew he was strong both in attitude and strength, but even so you couldn't stop but gawk at him being this amazing
hiroshi stood up and when he did you saw that with the fall he had landed on your brand new glasses, glasses that now laid in millions pieces with a crooked frame
you felt yourself pout and with a trembling heart you stepped to gather them in your hands but before you could touch them baji stopped you
"stand up, the five of you"
hiroshi and his friends quickly made a circle around baji, completely in his hands at the fear of the said guy beating them to unconsciousness
"all of you, every single one are going to pay for her glasses" the guys looked at each other nodding their heads unable to form words with their mouths "five times"
"you bastards have a problem?"
seeing baji's threatening stare made them swallow hard, bowing down and muttering a quiet "no"
"by the end of the week I want y'all to have already paid her the... prize was it y/n?"
"p-price baji-kun"
"-paid her the price and if you don't just know that I'll be hunting down every single one of you" and after ending them a dirty look he grabbed your hand and started walking towards the door as if nothing happened
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"I didn't know you could pull of glasses baji-kun"
"shut up it makes me smarter"
you couldn't help the laugh escaping your lips at that statement
the two of you were walking towards your apartment complex hand in hand, baji letting his long hair loose and putting his glasses in a little pouch into his bag
"-and didn't I already told you to stop calling me baji? I'm your boyfriend, call me keisuke or kei-kun, some cheesy shit"
"it's disrespectful"
"I call you y/n all the time"
"but you're simply you, baji-kun"
"what the hell does that even mean?"
after laughing you smiled softly at him, he was really sweet and a really good boy, even going to the lengths of beating five guys for bullying you
feeling how the grip on his hand tightened he looked over his shoulder to catch your stare, you looked troubled and your wobbly lips told him something wasn't right "you ok?"
with a hand you pulled his tie down, his face coming closer to you and finally closing the distance with a sweet kiss
his beating heart let you dictate the path of the kiss, soft sigh leaving his lips as one hand grabbed the side of your face, so soft he thought to himself as your lips molded his, some few minutes passed and then you pulled away from him
"I love you kei-kun, thank you for everything"
his soft gaze on you let you know that he was starting to feel flustered and with a soft tone he replied "idiot, you don't have to thank me"
you loved dork adorable baji at times like these
grabbing your hand he continued walking down the street
"wanna eat at my house? your mom can come too, then we'll go to yours while they're together" smirking down at you he said in a low suggesting voice "that way you can pay the prize to me for saving you"
"it actually is price kei-kun"
"way to kill the moment y/n"
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tinysushimark · 3 years
Pick my calls up (Mk, 1.2k Words)
fluff 💖
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*Calling Mark*
You were scared that something which you'd never know about must've happened. He was the kind to pick calls up in an instant. You had called him more than twice, but he still didn't pick up, making you even more anxious.
*Calling Haechan.*
"HELLOOOO!" Haechan yelled through the phone.
"Where is Mark?"
"Not with me."
"Can you look for him?"
"Y/n, did you call me to ask about him?"
"Yes, he isn't picking calls up."
"How many times did you call him?"
"Omg, little y/nie is scared coz her boyfriend didn't pick her calls up and she called more than twice."
"You're an asshole."
"He's probably sleeping in his studio."
You cut the call when you heard Haechan say that. He probably fell asleep while working, yes. Of all the days, today was your day off so you couldn't even call anyone to pick you up and go to the company. You could always drive yourself, but you didn't want to. Its not like you had a choice, what if something had really happened.
When you reached the building, you saw your manager walk out from her cabin.
"Unnie!" You shouted to grab her attention.
She walked towards you with a smile on her face and grabbed your arm.
"Did someone call you here? You should've called me."
"Where is Mark?"
"How would i know that? How did you get here?"
"Drove myself."
Your manager didn't know where Mark was, no point talking to her anymore. You swiftly removed your arm from her grip and ran towards his studio.
The door was locked, so you knocked on it and waited. There was no response, so you knocked again. Then you noticed that the main switch from outside was switched off.
"Did he have recording today?" You thought to yourself.
You ran towards the recording studio which was just a few turns away from his studio.
You flung the door open and saw your producer.  You greeted him and he gave you a warm smile.
"Was Mark here today?" You asked him in a rush.
"No." He said, looking confused.
"Are you looking for him?"
"Yes. He hasn't been picking calls up."
"He's probably in the other recording studio, with the other producer."
"Got it, thank you."
The other recording studio was on another floor and on the complete opposite side of this one. Weighing your options, you swifted through the flight of stairs and walked as fast as you could. When you reached the recording studio and flung the door open, you saw him.
He was bitting his nails, hair a mess, mask down to his chin.
"Ahhh." He groaned.
"Pd-nim let's do this one again, it sounds so off key."
"Mark, come back tomorrow ok?"
"No, i wanna get this over with today."
"Listen to him." You said, all eyes turning to you.
You bowed to everyone in the room and took a seat next to him.
"We'll take 10." The producer said, making everyone walk out of the studio except for you and him.
"What's wrong?"
"I keep getting stuck at this one part." He said looking down at his lyric sheet.
"Its not the end of the world, you can record it tomorrow." You said grabbing his hands to make him stop fidgeting.
"I want to get it over with."
"Getting it over with, isn't gonna be your best shot. If you do it tomorrow maybe you'll do better than today." You tried to make eye contact.
"I'll make you the honey tea i drink before recording, tonight."
"Ok fine." He mumbled playing with your hands. "But u have to help me, with this part, i am just-" He looked up eyes almost on the verge of tears, he snuggled into your arm and let his tears slip. You patted his head from your other hand, resting your hand on his hair.
"Its ok baby." You said trying to silence him.
"I dont know how to make it not boring, why do the give me such boring parts. I always improvise and do my best, do u think I've lost my touch?"
"No, Mark. What the hell are you talking about babe, you're the best rapper I've ever met. You always put in so much hardwork and you always hide intricate details when you're recording your parts."
"You're saying that because you love me."
"No, I'm saying that because its the truth." You said hand resting on his cheek.
He stayed in your arms a little longer, burrying his face in your chest.
"Where is your phone?"
"Hm?" He looked up at you and then his eyes went wide, realisation hitting him.
"I dont have it."
"Yeah, but where is it?"
"I dont know."
Johnny opened the door and saw you two sitting close together and walked right back out.
"You're not interrupting anything, come in." You said loudly for him to hear.
"Thanks man." Johnny said, handing Mark's phone to him.
"You had his phone?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Coz he gave it to me before recording, and i asked for it coz i wanted to click pictures."
"Couldn't you pick my call up and say that he was recording?"
"You called?"
"Johnny hyung what the fuck?" Mark said, "Did you come here coz i didn't pick your calls up?"
"Of course, i got concerned."
"Ah hyung, what the fuck man?" Mark said again.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you called, i dont know how to use androids in my defense."
After Johnny left, Mark snuggled up to you again.
"Thank god he didn't pick up." Mark said.
"You wouldn't have come over then." He smiled at you leaving a small kiss on your hand, which was on his cheek and then snuggling again. You giggled watching him behave this way. Who'd say that he was the same guy from when he performs. You poked his mole, making him look up.
"Let's go get dinner?"
"Yes, but can we eat something recording friendly?"
"Soup from your favourite restaurant."
He said getting up and putting his lyric sheets in his bag. He started to wrap stuff up when his producer walked in. Mark informed them that he'd record tomorrow evening and the producer smiled at you, knowing how you always convinced him that he could do better tomorrow.
You slowly walked out of the studio, holding hands when he asked you the question, you had hoped he wouldn't ask.
"How did you get here?"
"Drove myself." You said taking the keys out from your pocket.
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"Omg, is my car fine?"
"You mean, our?"
"Y/n if there's a scratch, I'm not forgiving you."
"Who are you to forgive me? You don't remember when you straight up drove into a telephone pole?"
"Dont make me shout."
You spent the night trying to help him with his lyrics, the fact that you were a vocalist wasn't helping because he'd just end up laughing.
"I'm trying." You said and gave him puppy eyes.
"You made me take note of some changes which i should be making. So you did well."
He smiled at you, "You rap well."
"Don't make fun of me, Mark Lee." You said climbing in his lap.
"You did well tho." He said pinching your cheeks.
"Ooh, the tea! I'll make it and then we'll go to sleep, your throat needs rest." You said walking urgently to the kitchen.
The next evening you were anxious, hoping Mark was doing well during his recording.
*Message from Mark💖*
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"Recording went well, see you at home."
You sighed in relief.
You knew he was getting you a present tonight.
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kakaxhi · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake | Finally
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader Warnings: language, mentions smut Word Count: 1.6k A/N: sorry this took a little longer then usual, I struggled a tiny bit. Also, I'm sorry this isn't a full smut fic, (I'm not the best as writing that) but it gets the point across. (headcanons changed to fic with requester's permission)
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You could feel his eyes on you again.
You chalked it up to him watching over you on this mission, but had an inkling of a feeling it was something more. There were plenty of times where you caught him staring, and he catching you. You couldn't help yourself, your feelings growing for the Copy Ninja with each passing day.
And now, here you were at the end of a long mission getting to spend every moment with him. Normally, you wouldn't mind spending so much time with him, but your feelings for the man made focusing on the mission difficult. You would've gotten severely hurt if Kakashi hadn't stepped in at the last second.
"Thank you, for saving me back there I mean."
"You got distracted during an A-rank mission. Don't let it happen again."
He kept walking, leaving you standing there dumbfounded. He's never used that tone with toy before. Shaking off the thoughts, you ran to catch up with him, only to keep your distance as he was still slightly pissed.
You finally reached the gates of Konoha. You ended up turning in the report, letting Kakashi go home and cool off. You stepped into the Hokage's office, bowing slightly before turning in your paperwork.
"I'm surprised Kakashi is not with you."
"I told him to go home, we ran into some trouble but things ended up going well thanks to him. If that'll be all, I have to get some things done."
With nothing else needed, you left with a respectful bow and made your way to Kakashi's home. Your knuckled rapped on the door quickly; only waiting a few minutes before he opened the door. His forehead protector was off, and even after knowing him all this time, seeing the Sharingan was a little intimidating.
"You wear that mask in the shower too?"
His expression hardened, "No. Why are you here, [Y/N]?"
"I just came to apologize. Can I come in?"
He sighed, stepping aside to let you inside. He shut the door behind you, watching you as if waiting for you to speak up.
"You want to tell me what got you so distracted you almost screwed up the mission? That's not like you."
"Well, it's not really something I want to tell you, 'Kashi."
He rolled his eyes at the nickname, but the pink on his cheeks gave away his true emotions.
"You have lost nickname privileges until you tell me what happened."
"Fine, but you have to tell me why you got so mad."
Kakashi stared at you as if you had a second head.
"You're serious, right? [Y/N], you could've died! What would I have done then?"
"Finish the mission."
He hated how matter-of-fact you sounded. He sighed, hand wiping the stray strands of hair from his eyes.
"Okay, yes. Even then, I'd have to come back and tell everyone I couldn't save someone I care about again. And yes, it's part of the life we lead as shinobi, I get it. So let me rephrase my question. What would I do if you were gone?"
You shrugged, "We all lose people, Kakashi. You know that better then anyone. You'd get over me eventually."
"How can you say that when you're one of the most important people I know?"
Embarrassment filled your veins, causing you to look away from him. His hand reached up out of instinct, and it was then you realized just how close he was.
"Please, don't turn away from me."
Tension filled the air between you, his hand still gently resting on your cheek. You stared into his eyes, your body moving before you could process it. Your fingers went to the edge of his mask, tugging slightly. He nodded, not even thinking of stopping you as you slowly pulled off his mask.
"Are you going to just stare?"
"With a face like that, how could I not?"
His shy smile made you swoon, but it wasn't until you felt his smooth lips on yours that your heart beat faster. Your arms loosely wrapped around his neck as he pushed you against the wall. His lips left your own, trailing over your cheek and down your jaw. It was when he got to your neck you slowly pushed him away.
"Do you want to stop?"
You shook your head, "Bedroom, now. Please."
He nodded, kissing you again before leading you to his bed. He gently laid you on the plush blankets before taking off his shirt. Your eyes roamed his upper body, lifting a hand to trace the scars along his chest and torso.
"Still find me attractive?"
You nodded, leaning up to kiss him again. Nothing was more intoxicating then feeling him against you. Your fingers tugged on the waistband of his pants.
"Take these off, Kakashi."
He obliged, leaving him only in his boxers. He looked you over, a teasing smirk on his lips.
"Seems as though you're overdressed, baby."
Kakashi couldn't keep his eyes off of you as you stripped off every layer. His lips met yours in a heated kiss once you took off the last item.
"Holy fuck, you're gorgeous."
He kissed you once more before sliding off his boxers. Your eyes widened slightly at his length slapping against his stomach. He chuckled, leaning down to kiss along your jaw.
"If you wanna stop, we can."
"No, no. I'm fine. Please, continue."
He eyed you carefully, making sure this is what you truly wanted. You placed a hand gently on his cheek, rubbing the bone with your thumb.
"If I wanted to stop I'd tell you. But I don't. I want this, I want you."
He leaned forward, lips meeting yours in another passionate kiss. His hips moved against your own, feeling his length pressed against your thigh. He pulled away from your mouth slightly only when he ran out of air.
"Okay, but if you change your mind you let me know. I want you to be comfortable."
"Same goes for you, 'Kashi."
Pink tinted his cheeks but he quickly covered his embarrassment with a sassy remark.
"I think it's kinda evident I don't want to stop."
A long, loud groan left him as he finished. His forehead rested against your own, chest heaving with each deep breath. A small moan left him as he pulled out, still sensitive to touch. You whimpered at the feeling of being empty, Kakashi gently rubbing your thigh as he got up.
After getting all cleaned up, Kakashi relaxed next to you in bed. You were too tired to form a coherent sentence, opting to gently rub his chest before turning over. The last thing you remembering is Kakashi pulling you against his chest before falling asleep.
When you woke up the next morning, Kakashi wasn't in bed. The smell of food cooking fully woke you up. You grabbed the first shirt you saw on the floor, tossing it on before walking into the kitchen. Kakashi stood in front of the stove in just his boxers. And you could see his neck was bare, meaning he wasn't wearing his mask.
"Good morn-" He paused when he saw you, "is that my shirt?"
You looked down, "I guess it is. Sorry."
He chuckled, "For what? Keep it on, I'll wash your clothes for you when we're done eating."
You sat beside him, silence filling the void before he spoke up.
"So, about last night. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Do you?"
He chuckled, "Yeah, that's why I brought it up."
"I don't know, you're not the best at talking about your feelings, Kakashi."
He nodded, "Yeah, that's true. I guess I mostly just want to know where you stand. If you want to forget the whole thing, I'll understand. I just - I couldn't control my feelings for you any longer."
"So, that's why you got pissed at me on the mission."
"Well, yeah. I've cared for you for so long. But I never acted on it because I didn't know how you felt towards me and I couldn't risk losing you. I've lost too much already."
Your features softened, "Kakashi, you big dope."
"Hear I am pouring my heart out and you're calling me names."
You laughed softly, hand cupping his cheek so he could look at you, "Do you know how long I've had feelings for you?"
He looked at you dumbfounded, "What?"
"Shit, you are so cute. You really didn't know?"
"No, I didn't want to read to much into it. I wish you said something sooner."
You chuckled, "You and me both."
He took your hand in his, pulling you against him. He smiled as you instinctively placed your head against his chest.
"So, what happens now? Because after last night, and especially after what you just told me, I don't think I could ever be just friends with you."
You placed a hand on his chest, just above his heart, "We take it one day at a time, no need to rush things. As long as I get to kiss you again."
He chuckled, placing his lips on yours, "You can do that whenever you want, love."
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Of Course I'm Here
Characters: Come on you know by now how this goes (Loki x you) (Team x you, platonic)
Warnings: None. And really if you ever see anything that I might need to able as a warning please let me know... I'm the person who forgets there are people out there that get offened by the word F*** if that is an exapmle of anything.
Summary: Mid battle and the avengers keep looking for an answer as to why the God of Lies hasnt showed up yet. Of course you have no idea but at least he proves them all wrong.
ANNOUNCEMENT TIME: hey guys Im back, I know it hasnt been long but I also know I havent been posting every single day like I was, i got into a weird little funk where I didnt want to do anything, I was just feeling completly drained, and I felt bad because I have my little and I didnt even want to play with her because I have just been so TIRED, but I'm feeling better. Work has been kicking my ass here lately and ive been working over 50 hours a week so ive literally been coming in, eatting / feeding the little, getting us ready for bed, and crashing as soon as she falls asleep. But im here now. I will probably be more active on weekends than during the week because I have more time to spend working on stuff but I will be posting also during the week just not daily. At least until after state comes. Thank you so much for the reblogs, likes, comments, follows, and messages please keep them coming! If you would like to be tagged please ask or message, and requests are open. Love you guys so much! 💚💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Y/N, BACK UP I NEED BACK UP! EYES IN THE SKY!" Tony yelled from above, you and Clint stood back to back on a roof top shooting as many bad guys as you could. Clint took aim at another carrier, shooting at the engine causing the entire thing to blow up raining debris and hot metal around you.
"Damnit Clint! Farther away make sure they are farther away!" You yelled popping him on the head with an arrow before aiming it at the thing that was chasing Tony.
"Where is lover boy at? You.sent him the location right?" Nat asked into the com.
"Yes I sent him the location, no I dont know where hes at." You mocked.
"Did you send him the right location?" Sam asked.
"One time, one dam-"
"Language!" Steve chimed in causing everyone to groan. Gun shots where ringing all around you and you could here metal on metal paired with Hulk screams coming from another building over.
"Language." You mocked muting your com son that no one but Clint heard you. "I am a 26 year old woman, I think I'm old enough to cuss if I want." You drew back your bow and sent another arrow flying into another goon that had Nat trapped aginst a wall. She shot you a thumbs up before running off. You hit unmute on your com.
"Jesus, 26? Baby, you sure you don't need to be at a babysitter instead of on a building killing things?" He laughed.
"Dont worry Hawk, when we get done here I've already booked you a nice nursing home to be put into." You put your bow around you and stood on the edge of the building. "I need a better view." You looked round, the top of a taller building caught you eye. "There Hawk, we can cover a better radius from up there, get closer to the action."
"How do we get up there? Or do I even wanna know?" Hawk came to examin where you were talking about.
"Im jumping, you cant tell me that someone wont catch me." You shrug.
"GODS WHERE ARE TH- Y/N DONT YOU DARE JUMP!" Tony stopped and hovered right were you was standing.
"Then take us over there. We need higher ground, we cant cover everyone from down here." You crossed your arms.
"Where are the gods at y/n?" He asked again
"I. Dont. Know. Jesus you guys act like I'm suppose to be there keeper!" A simultaneous you are came from everone through the com causing you to roll your eyes. "Hes gonna be here I swear it! Now take me to the building or I jump. 1.....2....-" Tony grabbed you by the collar of your jacket and flew you to the building.
God these things were everywhere and you were starting to run out of arrows. After shooting another ship and causing it to blow you heard what was unmistakably pounding on the roof top door leading to where you currently was at.
"I have some univited guests about to join my party. Anyone available for some assistance?" You yanked out the two emerald green and silver daggars that your boyfriend had given you not long after you had started dating after throwing your bow around you.
"Buy some time kid, I'm on ground level right now but I can try to get up there as fast as possible." Bucky called over the com.
"Buy some time? Ok. I can do this. I work better from afar but a little hand to hand never hurt anyone, just easier to get stabbed this way." The first of the things busted through the door running straight at you. You jerked out of the way missing his staff by just a few inches. Quickly turning you flipped the dagger like Loki had showed you and stabbed him in his side causing him to fall to the ground before the next one tried to impale you.
"I have two daggers and they have freaking staffs! Back up! WHERE THE HELL AR-" you were interupted by static in the air and a bright light. The bitfrost had just opened up leaving to gods standing in front of you and taking out the remainder ofnthe bad guys. "HES HERE! I TOLD YOU GUYS THEY WERE COMING AND THEY'RE HERE." You pulled two extra coms from you pocket and gave them to Thor and Loki.
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"Always a pleasure to battle beside you Lady y/n." Thor smiled takkng the com and putting it in his ear before taking off again.
Loki sauntered over to you and put his arm around you waist, you put the com in his ear as he rolled his eyes. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.
"You got a new outfit." You smiled at him. God the way he looked in his battle clothe always did something to you, the horned helment was a plus.
"You like it." He smirked down at you pulling you closer.
"Your wearing your horns to." You reached up and brushed a peice if hair behind his ear.
"STOP. STOP NOW. WE CAN HEAR EVERYTHING AND ITS GROSS." Tony yelled causing you both to roll your eyes.
"Quick run down, bad guys everywhere, no end in sight, and I'm out of arrows pretty sure Hawk is too." Loki waved his hand over your quiver making more arrows appear.
"I see you had to use your daggers. I am sorry for not being here. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked stepping away from you to examin you.
"Small cut on the side, nothing I havent dealt with before, Ill be fine. You go make sure Hawk is fully stocked up and help the others. I got a birds eye view of you right here." I leaned in kissing him one more time before smiling at him and pushing him away. He kissed his two finger before placimg them over his heart and you did the same, "always." You both said before he disappered.
You could hear Thor laughing at the chaos going on and Steve trying to direct the god of thunder on what to do. You had learned earlier to just let him do his own thing and he would be fine. Tony was still trying to micromanage everything when you heard Loki mumble something in an old language and his com cut out. You had figured it wouldnt have stayed on to long though but at least you had tried. It had calmed down up on your end so you decided to finally go back down to where Clint was at shooting an arrow with heavy duty rope you glided back down next to him to watch what was going on.
"Hello, earth to y/n." He snapped his fingers in front of your face. You had been to busy staring at Loki and that damn helmet. "I dont even understand why were friends." He rolled his eyes propping up on the ledge watching as the rest of the team secured the last of the bad guys.
"Because we both shoot arrows, because we are both the best in the team, or because we both know we are the best looking one on the team so we have to stick together." You laughed jumping up so you could sit on the ledge.
"The birds can come out of their nest now." Bucky called over the coms causing you both to sigh.
When you and Clint had reached the bottom you walked over to Thor theowing your arms around the big goof ball.
"You are amazing during battle as always." He beemed patting you on the shoulder.
"As always? Thor youve only fought with her twice." Steve said beside you.
"I had a week off. Went to Asguard, spent time with the boys. Someone had to keep them in line." You shrugged like it was no big deal.
"She was amazing!" Thor went on telling the story of the fight you had all gotten into.
"Mothers been asking about you by the way dear. Wants to know if you've decided to come stay for a while." Loki leaned down and whispered in your ear.
"I think I'm leaning toward a yes. I can't stand being away from you, you had been gone forever this time." You reached for his hand as you both walked to the quinjet.
"I was making arrangements to have our room redone. I figured you would come with me." He gave you a knowing smirk as he reached up to take off his helmet.
"Leave the horns on. I have a suprise for you when we get home." You pulled his hand away from his head and smacked his butt.
"You are a little minx." He laughed chasing you into the jet while the rest of the team groaned and rolled their eyes.
"Even if you wasnt moving i would be kicking your ass out! I am so sick of the PDA between you two." Tony hollared after you.
"Leave them alone Tony, they are courting. Im just glad my brother is happy and not trying to stab me." Thor clapped Tony on the back.
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bgyuus · 3 years
𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
; you're a jujutsu sorcerer who's working as a part time cam girl for extra money (kinda like bj alex type beat)
also, c/n means your cam girl name since i don't have any ideas 🤡
warning: just smut and a lil fluff
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"you're done eating?"
itadori asked, seeing you excuse yourself from the dining table. "yeah, i have something to do tonight," you replied, putting your bowl into the sink.
"fushiguro's in charge of washing the dishes tonight!" you exclaimed, running out of the dining hall before he could yell at you.
"anyways, fushiguro, u know what time she's gonna go live again?" itadori asked the male who's washing the dishes. nobara eyed them with curious eyes. "who's live?" she asked while wiping the table.
"c/n's live! she's been on hiatus for quite some time now and i heard she's gonna go live tonight!" the strawberry pink haired boy said excitedly. nobara looked up at fushiguro. "you watch these live with this dumbass?" she whispered to him. the black haired boy just shook his head, trying to cover his actually excited face.
as for you, you were getting ready for the live. it's true you were on hiatus for a few months because you got to enter the school along side with fushiguro. and surprisingly, gojo sensei let you do your part time work! (you only explained to him that you were some kind of vlogger, which ofc he'd let you)
it was five minutes to 10pm and the chat box was already flooded with comments from your viewers, saying "where did you go?", "i missed youuu!" and such.
you slipped on your mask and turned on your camera. "hey guys! long time no see," you said, your voice soft and pure making the comments go wild again.
"sorry for being away, i had stuff to do. anyways, now that i'm here, what do you guys wanna do?" you asked sweetly while reading some of the comments.
-in the boys dorm-
"should we get inumaki-senpai?" itadori asked, fumbling with his phone in his hand. fushiguro sweat dropped. does inumaki-senpai even watch such things?
"he watches her lives?" the raven haired boy said in a surprise and uncertain tone. itadori let out a laugh. "of course he does! he watches some of her lives with me a few times." fushiguro once again sweat dropped at his answer.
as for the said boy, inumaki, he was currently on his way to your room. well, as you can see, this boy has a huge crush on you and being a guy who only speaks onigiri ingredients who speaks little words, it's a bit difficult for him to talk to you.
"nghh ahh~"
inumaki's hand froze, a few centimetres before knocking your door. he was positive that sounded more like a moan than a yelp or whatever. and it was coming directly from your room.
his cheeks flushed at the thought of what you were doing inside. were you thinking of him? were you wishing that your fingers was his instead?
instead of walking away, he went to the window beside the door. he wasn't being a creep, he was just, curious. and oh how he thanked the heavens for as the curtains were slightly apart, letting him see half of you upper body. with just that, his mind was racing with thoughts.
your masked face was tilted back against the chair. your hands reaching something at the bottom, which he already guested what it was you were doing.
that was until your face tilted to side, to where the window was. your eyes went wide as you saw a boy standing outside, his eyes on you. you quickly stumbled out of your chair and hurriedly apologized to your viewers and end the live.
inumaki was stunned. like, really stunned. he saw your mask that c/n usually wore during her lives. could you really be c/n whom he watches through the tiny screen of his phone with itadori? that couldn't be, right?
"you! the fuck are you doing?!" you whispered yelled at him. inumaki bowed low, apologizing multiple times in his onigiri language. you expression softened at the sight of him.
"i'm guessing you saw me in my mask, please don't tell anyone about this, especially gojo sensei," you said begged. inumaki nodded, walking over to you.
he looked into your eyes. those eyes which he got lost everytime you two made eye contact. he unzipped the collar that was covering his mouth, making you take a step back. you knew what his cursed speech can do and you were surprised that it was actually cool and deadly asf.
"s-senpai, what're you doing?" you trembled beneath him. the gap between you both were just legit millimetres away. his eyes were covered with clouds of want and need. his heart skipped a beat at your scared and innocent face.
inumaki then proceeds to close the gap between you. you hesitated at first but proceed to do the same. he pushed you inside your room, closing the door behind him. your hands found themselves at his chest, gripping his shirt while moaning into the kiss.
you both let go as you were in need of oxygen. you pushed him, making him fall onto his back against your bed. you untied the rope of your robe and letting them fall to the floor.
the boy's breath hitched as he took in your figure. he can't believe it. never in his wildest dreams he'll get laid by his crush who's he supposed to confess to first.
"senpai," you called, crawling over to him across the bed. you sat on his hips, already feeling his clothed dick throbbing against your thigh. "you're already hard," your voice ever so sweet as honey to his ears.
you rolled your hips against his with a moan leaving your lips. inumaki tilted his head back into the pillows as his hands grabbed your sides, letting out a soft grunt in pleasure. you helped him out of his shirt and pants. your eyes widened at his beautifully built self.
"toge-senpai," you moaned, grinding your hips against his again. "i'm gonna make you feel so good," you huffed, sinking onto his dick that's slowly stretching you apart.
"f-fuck," you moaned, head tilting back. inumaki liked seeing you being on top of him. better yet, he likes seeing your breasts bounce as you started to ride him.
you being on top didn't last long. inumaki flipped you over, your back against the bed and him hovering over you. "t-tuna," he stammered, cheeks flushed and heavy sighing. you smiled gently at him and kissed him on the lips.
"i like you too, senpai," you giggled as inumaki attacked your neck with dark blue and purple marks, marking you as his and his only.
-bonus! next day-
"woah! is your neck okay, y/n?" nobara asked, pointing to the dark bruises on your neck. "oh, uh yeah i'm okay, i must've hit something in my sleep," you laughed nervously, covering your neck.
the second years who were passing by overheard you guys conversation. "of course she has bruises on her neck, inumaki here went feral last night!" maki-senpai laughed. the first years looked at you with wide eyes as you became a blushing mess. "tuna mayo," inumaki said softly, his cheeks burning up in embarrassment.
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crayonwriting · 3 years
The Miya House
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Katsumi rubbed at her eyes as she entered their bright living room. She pulled up her small trolley she left there last night and pushed it around. She was quiet as she took notice of the small houses in the corners of the room. They weren't there last night, she thought to herself.  She noticed a man through one of the windows of the tiny houses. She cautiously approached one of them. Katsumi playfully knocked on it, shaking the small house slightly.
"Come in." The cameraman played along. Katsumi pulled up one of the covers. She smiled at the cameraman and climbed inside. She giggled into the huge camera lens, completely fascinated. She peeked through the window and waved at the other cameraman on the other side. This went on for a few minutes before a muffled crying was heard in one of the rooms. Katsumi immediately got out of the small house and responded to the baby's cry. She looked back at the uncle and told him that it was her brother. "It's Hiroku." "Where is he?" The cameraman asked. Katsumi pointed down their small hallway. She walked down to Hiroku's room.
In the middle of it, was an average-sized inflatable bed, big enough for little Hiroku to rolled around in his sleep. Once he saw his sister standing in the doorway, his crying ceased and he smiled. Katsumi cheered and climbed into Hiroku's bed and played with him. The small room erupted with giggles and laughs from the siblings. Feeling satisfied that her brother is happy and smiling, she rushed back to the living room to get her stuffed bunny, and ran back down the hallway at the end. She pushed open the big door and ran to the side of the big king-sized bed. "Papa, papa. Wake up!" She walked closer and tugged at her father's hand that was dangling over the edge of the bed. "Papa, please." She leaned down and kissed the back of his hands. Just like a fairytale, her kiss successfully roused her father awake. He groaned as he stretched his limbs. He smiled at the sight of his daughter, first thing in the morning. "Did ya sleep well, princess?" He asked her but she didn't respond. She latched at his hand and pulled with all her might. She wanted to show her papa to the people in the living room. "What's the hurry for, sweetheart? Are ya hungry?" His voice was still laced with sleep as he let himself get dragged by his daughter. ** "Hello! I am Katsumi and Hiroku's dad, and setter for the MSBY Black Jackals, Miya Atsumu." He flashed his infamous smile to the camera. ** Atsumu settled Hiroku in his high chair and grabbed a bottle for him to feed on. As Hiroku fed himself, he headed to the kitchen. "Wanna help papa, Katsumi-chan?" He called her over, grabbing two oranges from the kitchen island and a juicer. Katsumi cheered and stood on her step stool so that she could reach the top of the counter. Atsumu cut the oranges in half and handed them to her. "Here ya go. You just have to do this," he placed the cut orange onto the juicer and pressed down. Katsumi swatted his hands away, wanting to do it herself. She pressed down with all her might to get the juices out. Atsumu's heart soared at her daughter's dedication. He let her do her own thing as he started toasting some bread and cutting up some avocado and bell peppers. "Papa, 'm done!" Atsumu cheered her on. He showed her  how to pour the squeezed out juice into the glass. "Good job! Can ya squeeze a few more?" Katsumi did just that. Atsumu owed it all to you for teaching Katsumi how to help out around the house. You did try to let her just be a kid and play around but it was Katsumi herself that really wanted to help, especially when you were in the kitchen. When Atsumu set the cut up vegetables on the counter, Katsumi's eyes perked up. "Papa! Can I give uncle a pepper?" She picked up two yellow bell peppers. Atsumu just nodded. Katsumi skittered out of the kitchen and went to the small house she played in earlier. "Please eat up, uncle." She handed him the pepper which he thanked her for. "My papa made that." She took a bite of the other piece she brought.
She turned to the other small house at the other side of the room and raised that bitten piece of pepper. "My papa made this. It's delicious." She smiled widely, proud. Just then, Atsumu came out from the kitchen, carrying Hiroku in his arms. He feigned shock when he saw his daughter's head poking into the camera man's house. "What are ya doing there, ya little brat?" Katsumi stiffled her laughs with her hands, running towards her father and latching unto one of his legs. He ruffled her hair and told her that it was time to serve breakfast to her mama. Katsumi's whole demeanor brightened even more, as she rushed back down the hallway to her parent's room. It was still dark in there but she can see your silhouette buried between the covers. "Mama, mama! Wake up!" She did her best to get herself on the bed, and when she did, she slapped her small hands on your butt to wake you up. Not long after, Atsumu came inside the room with Hiroku. "Hiroku is here!" He raised the baby and laid him on top of you. "Wake up your mama!" Hiroku flailed but settled himself when he was finally on your back. You groaned softly, rousing yourself to wake. You raised your hand up to signal that you were awake which earned a cheer from Katsumi. She scrambled out of the room to settle herself on the kitchen table, ready to show you the breakfast she helped make. You turned your face to the side and saw Hiroku's drooling face hanging from your back. Atsumu ruffled your hair and placed a lingering kiss on your temple. "Love 'ya, babe. Let's have breakfast." He placed another kiss on your head and went out the room. The silence that followed almost lulled you back to sleep if it wasn't for Hiroku. The infant squirmed and babbled at you to get up. When you didn't budge, he pulled at your hair harshly. That did the trick. "Okay, okay! I'm up!" **
"Uhm, hi." You nervously tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. While in the process, you covered your face briefly with your hand. You've been in the limelight for a few times---being Atsumu's girlfriend, now wife---but you still aren't used to being in front of the cameras. "Don't get shy on us, babe." He sat beside you with your daughter, Katsumi, on his lap. You had Hiroku in your arms who was babbling softly to himself. You gained your composure and faced the camera again. "Hello, my name is Miya Y/N." You glanced down at Hiroku and played with his chubby legs, squeezing them lightly to ease your anxiousness. "I am Katsumi and Hiroku's mom. Nice to meet you all." You gave a small bow. Atsumu looked ar you, proud. One of the staff asked your four-year-old daughter a question from behind the camera. "What is your name?" "Poopoo." This made everyone laugh and giggle. With the adult's reaction, it made Katsumi laugh loudly as she repeated the word. "I am so sorry for that." You apologized with an exasperated laugh. As she was giggling, Hiroku—who was on your lap—reached over to his sister and grabbed at her arms and hands. He almost toppled over but you held him tight and just leaned in a tad bit closer to Katsumi and Atsumu. Katsumi opened up her arms and hugged her brother, giving a soft kiss to his hair. She released him from her hold. All of a sudden, she wanted to get down from her father's lap. "Kastumi-chan, do you have to go now?" You thought that maybe she was telling you she needed to actually go to the toilet when she blurted out the word 'poopoo' on national television. She didn't answer you though. She was focused on the thought of getting down from her father's hold. She leaned forward but something was pulling on her hair. She did it once more and felt another sharp tug. "Wait, wait, wait! Yer hair got stuck, princess. Let me take it out." Atsumu's microphone, which was clipped on his shirt , was now entangled in Katsumi's hair. He held the small piece of plastic in between his fingers as he pulled out his daughter's hair gently. It was a struggle as Katsumi kept shaking her head left and right. She got down on Atsumu's lap and tried to go around. "Katsumi-chan! Hold on! It's still in yer hair!" Atsumu crouched down and followed her small figure to avoid pulling on her hair even more. He had managed to get it out just as Katsumi started circling around the two of you. You gave Atsumu an apologetic smile. ** You switched with Atsumu so now you were holding Katsumi in your lap while Hiroku was on Atsumu's, feeding on a bottle you had packed. Now with a more peaceful
atmosphere, the staff decided to ask Katsumi again. "What is your name?" She smiled and leaned back on your chest. "My name is Katsumi. Nice to meet you." She almost whispered the last part as she waved bashfully at the multiple cameras. "Alright, and what is your brother's name?" Katsumi just copied what the staff said which made you and Atsumu laugh. Hiroku flailed his arms around, seeing his family all laughing and smiling. "No, Katsumi. What's yer brother's name? Tell 'em it's Hiroku. Hi-ro-ku." Atsumu urged Kastumi but to no avail. Hearing his name come out of his father's lips, the young boy squealed in delight and threw the bottle he was suckling on to the floor.  You and Atsumu both leaned down and to get it. Your head bumped against his and you both hissed in pain. So much for a calm interview. ** Entering the kitchen with Hiroku,  Atsumu and Katsumi presented the simple breakfast they had prepared for you. It wasn't much,—just cut up vegetables and apples, toast, butter, jam and orange juice—as this was the extent of Atsumu's cooking skills. It wasn't as extravagant as Osamu's,  but it's made with the same effort and love. When everyone is settled down, your family of four started eating the small yet hearty breakfast. Atsumu fed some mashed avocados to Hiroku. You helped Katsumi put some butter and jam on her own toast. "Katsumi-chan, can ya tell us who made breakfast today?" Atsumu's chest slightly puffed out. Katsumi took a bite of her food and proudly exclaimed that it was her who made breakfast. "Wow! That's so amazing Katsumi! Good job!" You leaned over and kissed her plush cheeks. She beamed at the praise and affection given to her, continuing to eat her breakfast with a smile on her face. Just as you were going to take a bite out of your avocado toast, you felt a soft tapping on your arm. Atsumu had an expectant look on his face as his eyes darted from your face to the toast in your hands. You raised an eyebrow at him. He pointed to your toast then to his open mouth. "What are you doing?" You asked. "Can I have a bite of yer toast?" You eyed him suspiciously before sliding the plate over. "Aww, can ya feed me Y/N? I kinda have my hands full." His arm was placed on the back of Hiroku's high chair and his other hand held a small baby spoon. "'Tsumu." You half-glared at him. You would've fed him instantly if it weren't for the multiple cameras scattered around your house. Your husband knew how you weren't used to being in front of the cameras and was probably doing this on purpose. Atsumu laughed and took a bite of the toast himself. "'Tsumu!" Both of you looked to Katsumi who was starting to giggle. "Atsumu!" "Yes,  princess?" Atsumu raised an eyebrow. "Don't call me that. I'm yer dad. Ya should call me 'papa.'" But the little girl paid no attention to her father. She raised her arms up and shouted in delight, "Miya Atsumu!" The young setter just chuckled. "Papa! Say, 'papa!'" "Miya Atsumu." "Papa." "Miya Atsumu." "Papa!" "Miya Atsumu!" "Papa!" "Miya Atsumooooo!" She burst into a giggling fit which made the rest of you laugh along. ** "Oh, how I met Y/N?" Atsumu chuckled. He looked up at the studio ceiling as he recalled the memory. "Man, that's a good question. Well," he remembered it like it was just last week, "We had a game in France and there was a cafe by the stadium. My brother, Osamu, wanted to taste French breads or something and we happened to go that cafe. Y/N was also a customer on the day we went. Apparently, she and Osamu had already met on the flight to France! And were like, 'What are ya doing here?' It wasn't common to see another Japanese person fly to France on the same day, so they'd become friends." Atsumu crossed his arms against his chest. "And after meeting at the cafe, somehow, she and I became friends as well. We kept in touch. Met back home. Hung out. I thought she was falling for my brother when one day she asked me if I thought about her as more than a friend." Atsumu chuckeld, biting his bottom lip. "That made me
rethink everything and then...," he shook his head, smiling, "It just went perfect from there." He remembers when it was finally revealed to the public that alleged badboy Miya Atsumu of the MSBY Black Jackals is now taken. Sneaky paparazzi photos, various rumors, and an almost break up later, you married your best friend in a private ceremony with just the important people in your lives. "Many twists and turns later, we got Katsumi." He blushed a little. "And then last year, Hiroku was born." ** As Atsumu took Hiroku  to the living rom to play, you carried Katsumi to the kitchen and sat her at the counter. "Okay Katsumi-chan, I have a special task for you today." She giggled in excitement as she put her full attention to you. You felt your back pocket and pulled put a silver coin. " I'm going to give you this," you waved the coin in front of her, "Much money if you help me clean the dishes." Katsumi nodded eagerly and clapped her hands. "I'll help you mama! Katsumi can do it!" Holding out her arms to you, you set her down on the floor and she immediately ran back to the dining table and picked up an empty plate. It was still heavy for her small stature but she walked slowly and carefully before handing it to you. "Thank you Katsumi! But let me carry the dishes to the sink, okay? I don't want you to get hurt." She nodded and stayed near the sink. She pulled out her step tool from the cabinet below it and set it up, waiting for you. The two of you got started with the task at hand, with you doing the washing and your daughter, the drying. She wiped at the plates and glasses carefully and set them to the side. There was only a few items so the both of you managed to finish right away. "I'm done, mama!" She wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and can out to the living room. On one of the bookshelves there, she picked up a pink plastic piggy back and ran back to you. She lifted her piggy bank to you with an adorable smile. You thanked her for being such a good daughter for helping with breakfast and cleaning up after. Her eyes widened in amazement at the shiny coin. She inserted it in the slot of the piggy bank, letting out a laugh. "Yum, yum, yum!" She exclaimed, shaking the toy pig. ** You looked at Atsumu with a nervous smile. "Are you sure you can do it, 'Tsumu?" "Of course!" He puffed out his chest, proud. "I'm just... worried." "Are ya worried about me or the kids?" "The kids." You answered without missing a heartbeat. Atsumu feigned offense and just clicked his tongue at you, all with a big grin on his face. "It's just that, he's never been alone with both kids, And we all know how competitive this guy can get. He'll do anything to prove something." Atsumu's jaw slacked in shock, placing his hand on his chest for added dramatics. You rolled your eyes at him—with a smile, of course—and pushed his shoulder. He almost fell off the chair if not for him clasping your hands together. He sat himself upright and kissed the back of your hand, Keeping them intertwined until the end of the interview. ** "So, what are ya gonna do on yer break?" Atsumu asked as he waved a toy dinosaur in front of Hiroku who squealed in delight. You were sat on the carpeted floor as well and Katsumi was behind you on the sofa, playing with your hair. She had a hairbrush beside her along with several colored hairpins and clips. "I'll probably sleep for the first three days." You laughed. " And I'll work undercover as a cameraman. I feel like I need to follow you around. God knows what's gonna happen with you and the kids." "After all these years, I can't believe ya don't trust me with our children." Atsumu clicked his tongue and shook his head. You kicked him lightly in the shin. "You know that's not what I meant." You jutted your bottom lip in a pout. Your husband chuckled to himself before he grabbed your leg and kissed your ankle. ** "I always feel bad, y'know?" He scratched the back of his head. "Being a pro-volleyball player, I'm away for months from time to time. She practically raised
those two kids on her own, without my help. And it just sucks." He breathed in heavily and smiled softly at the interviewer. "I want her to have some time for herself. Let her relax, get a massage, and do the things she's never got to do before." ** You dried your face with a towel and handed it to Katsumi who mimicked your actions.  You brushed your hair away from your eyes. Your daughter handed you a small, candy hair clip which you took gratefully. "Thank you, Katsumi-chan." You booped her nose. You put the clip on your hair, earning a satisfied giggle from her. Crouching down a little, you picked her up and exited the bathroom. You carried her with you to your shared bedroom and got your wallet and your phone. Going back to the living room, you set her down on the sofa as you got your luggage ready. "Got ev'rything ya need?" Atsumu approached you, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Yup." You smiled up at him, I'm all set." You picked up your bag and slung it on your back. You got your cap as well, which was on top of your suitcase and put it on. Atsumu helped you pushed your suitcase to the front door.  You sat down by the genkan and put on your shoes. Nearby, a soft babbling was heard as Hiroku crawled over to where his parents were. Katsumi was following behind, fiddling with her fingers nervously. Sadness was evident on her face and it was obvious how much she was trying her best not to cry. "Say goodbye to mama." Atsumu knelt down and picked up his son, while ushering his daughter closer. You turned to Katsumi with your arms wide open, inviting her to a hug. Your little girl immediately closed the distance between you. She crashed into your body, wounding her small arms around your neck in a tight embrace. You hug her back with as much fervor. Nothing was said between you two. You kissed her check with a loud smack making her giggle at the ticklish feeling. "Aww, don't leave us out." Atsumu wrapped his vacant arm around his small family. He almost feels like crying. As if he sensed his father's distress, Hiroku started crying. Atsumu did his best to comfort him by bouncing him lightly in his arms and rubbing his back. "Do you want me to calm him down?" You were already brushing the soft tufts of hair on Hiroku's head. "If ya do, ya might not just leave anymore. Yer flight is in 2 hours." Atsumu kissed your forehead. "I got this." You smiled worriedly before breathing out a sigh. "Alright," you stood up, "I'm off. I'll call you later." You grabbed the handle of your luggage and just as you opened the door, Atsumu grabbed your shoulder. You raised an eyebrow at him. "Can I have a kiss?" He puckered his lips slightly. You scoffed at the gesture, shaking your head in disbelief. You muttered under your breath how silly he was being but pulled him towards you nonetheless. He shifted Hiroku to his other arm, placing his hand delicately at the back of your neck, he leaned down and kissed your lips. He hummed at the satisfaction of feeling your lips against his. You pulled away after a few seconds but Atsumu was quick to pull you back in. He pressed his lips harder against yours, slightly dipping you in the process. You lost a bit of balance and held onto his shoulder for support. By this time, Hiroku had stopped crying and was now trying to get yours and Atsumu's attention by tapping his hands on your cheeks. Atsumu finally pulled back, pecking your lips one last time before standing back up to his full height. "I love ya." He said with a dopey smile. Your face grew hot and you knew you were blushing but that's just how it always was with Atsumu—the giddy, highschool type of love. "I love you, 'Tsumu." You turned to Hiroku in his arms and rubbed his cheek with your finger. "I love you too, Hiroku." You looked down at your daughter who clung to Atsumu's leg. You crouched down and kissed her forehead. "And of course, I love this little girl right here!" Looking her in the eye, you whispered, "Look after your dad, okay? He's a little troublesome." Katsumi laughed and gave you a
thumbs up. You ruffled her hair. Standing back up, you looked at your family with all the love in the world. You fixed the strap of your bag and headed out the door.
A/N: This has been in my drafts for months. It's time to let it be known. I hope this was okay!
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trueshellz · 3 years
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I hope this is okay! I tried to show her as helpful as possible but a little sparky too. They're not all the same length but I tried to use different scenarios too.
The first time he saw you, you were surrounded by 2nd years pestering you for your phone number and he truly felt sorry for those guys. You couldn’t have had a bigger ‘fuck off’ face even if you tried. As he walked over, he was getting ready to set them straight when he overheard you.
“If you don’t get away from me in the next 10 seconds, I will rearrange your face.”
He’d never seen boys run away apologising so fast in his life, his signature laugh being heard by everyone, even Kenma gave him a WTF look as they walked together down the corridor.
“Oya? You seemed to have put them right in their place.”
Still annoyed at the situation, you whirled around and glared at him, hands placed on your hips. You knew Kuroo Tetsuro, everyone knew Kuroo Tetsuro. Third year, Nekoma volleyball captain, signature smile and absolute flirt.
“You wanna go as well, pretty boy?” You huffed as he held his hands up in mock surrender, grin wide across his face.
“Woah there, sparky. I was coming over to help you.”
Hiking your bag up your shoulder, you purposely walked between him and Kenma. “I didn’t need your help.”
The second time he saw you, he was grabbing a book from the library and he saw you sat with one of the 1st year girls. Exam week was around the corner so the library was busier than usual, he could see some of his teammates in the back too, knowing full well if they failed exams they could be pulled from the upcoming games.
He could see the girl was stressed out from the way she was flailing her arms, her face red as she pointed at her books. He saw you smile as you leaned over, pointing to something before taking out a mini whiteboard and pen from you bag. You giggled as she held her arms up in the air, she must have got the answer right. He was momentarily stunned by your change in demeanor and he could feel himself smile as you clapped for your student.
When you were dating, Kuroo was more than aware of how people perceived you. He had the same issue to some extent, being perceived as a harsh captain with a scheming personality meant some students were often scared to approach him. But when you were alone, you would often curl up to him on the sofa and often acted cute in front of him especially when he came home after a game to help cheer him up. Packing bento boxes for his lunches with cute cut out fruit and animal shaped onigiri and leaving cute notes in his bags and books.
You would always come near the end of Nekoma practice matches with drinks or healthy snacks for his team, who loved you for this reason. Yamamoto more so than the rest, a huge flirt who tried to hug attack you every time only to get yelled at by your boyfriend and given clean up duties as punishment.
"Tetsu, he just wants a hug."
He mock pouted as he looked at you, his lip stuck out almost comically. "Those hugs are mine, he can't have any."
The manager and you got along well too, you would help them by sweeping up after the boys or tidying away the equipment. A few times you helped Lev out when he tore his uniform falling over or tripping on his long legs as he got used to playing volleyball. He would feel so bad too, looking at you like a lost puppy as you sewed up his hem or patched a hole he had in his shorts or t shirt. The one time he managed to rip the stitching of his t shirt up to his arm pit when he skidded across the floor trying to save the ball. Needless to say, it didn't end well and you were glad you had taken to carrying a sewing kit with you when you went to watch them practice.
"I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine, Lev. Don't worry about it."
Kuroo knew the saying: Don't judge a book by it's cover, but he didn't realise how true it was until he met you. He could have missed out on one of the best people in his life.
Bokuto was known for having a cheery outlook on life, yes he had his emo moments but it took a lot to get him down generally. But you always baffled him, whenever he saw you it seemed as though you were angry or annoyed. In class, no matter the task or who you worked with, you looked fed up. After school when you were walking home, you seemed frustrated. At lunchtime, you sat with friends but you seemed like you'd had enough. You were a conundrum to him.
After school one day, he was walking towards the local shop to grab some snacks and he saw you crouching on the ground, your face was a mixture of awe and sadness as you looked at a box on the ground. As he neared you, he could hear small whines and the scratching against the box and when he peered over your shoulder he could see some puppies in the box.
"Someone left them here alone?"
You jumped as you heard his voice, looking up to see him standing over you, he had his bag slung on his shoulder and was still dressed in his volleyball gear. You'd seen him around school, he sat on the opposite side of the classroom to you so you never worked together. You knew he was the captain of the school's volleyball team but didn't know much else about him.
"Yeah, it's so cruel. They're only babies too."
And that was how you two became started friends and eventually dating, bonding over your love for animals and disdain for the situation. He accompanied you to the local animal shelter where you dropped the puppies off, not being able to take them home. He was enthralled by your change in demeanor, you would always smile at him and act a lot more animated. You would help Akaashi get him out of his funk when he had a bad day or one of his moves didn't go to plan. He had taken to buying you the famous octopus plushie too and would use it to gauge your mood, you found it hilarious. If you were sad or angry, he would come bearing snacks or gifts and if you were happy, he knew he was able to hug attack you and smother you in kisses.
Attending every game, you would always dress in his team number and cheer the loudest for him. After school, you would help him unwind, either spending time giving him a massage or just cuddling on the sofa together. You would lay on him, arms and legs intertwined as you watched television or playing with hair as his head was in your lap. Even going as far to sometimes climb into the front of his hoodie so you would be skin to skin with him. You loved the feel of his heartbeat against your ears and his breathing would calm you. You spent more time in his lap, head buried in his neck than sat alone as you lived feeling his body heat against you. Thankfully, Koutaro didn't mind, he loved the attention and having you close to him.
Who knew such a angry little bean would become such a cute little sloth?
Every weekend like clockwork at lunchtime, you would walk in and order 2 meals. One to eat at the time and one to pick up at the end of your meal and take away. You always sat in the corner by yourself, flicking through your phone. You weren't rude or anything, but you had an aura of 'leave me alone' or else which usually kept people away from you. As Osamu watched, he couldn't help but wonder about you and your background.
He tried talking to you first, but apart from polite conversation you didn't seem to want to talk to him. He tried broaching lots of subjects but you just gave minimal answers. He was quite frustrated to say the least, Atsumu didn't help with his idea either. They just seemed to be annoying or potentially harassing, neither a great choice.
It was the end of the day when he was packing away, you had just left the restaurant and Osamu was packing all the left over food in boxes to give to the homeless people around the restaurant. He didn't like wasting food, not being one to be ungrateful and decided early on to donate it to those who were less fortunate. Carrying the snack packs, he started his usual journey down the roads and handing his packages out to anyone who was in need.
As he rounded the corner, he saw you leaning down speaking to an elderly lady who had a small child. She looked tired, her cheeks red from exhaustion and cold, the child looking equally cold in this weather too. They had been selling fruit from what he could see and he stared in fascination as you not only bought their remaining stock but gave them the second meal you bought that day.
"No, no. You always do this. It's not fair, we'll exchange. You give me food for my fruit."
"Auntie, no. You know very well that I don't expect payment for this. Its a gift. Take the food, go home and eat. Use the money for your daughter."
Nearing to you, he bowed quickly before leaning down and handing the child some onigiri. She smiled up at him, all toothy and he felt his heart warm up seeing her munch away at the rice ball. Looking at you, he could see the broad smile on your face as you bantered with the woman, seeing you like this was such a contrast to your usual stoic attitude.
This routine continued for a few weeks, eventually you would help Osamu out with his packing. Carrying some of the lighter packages to hand out to everyone, your conversation becoming more and more in depth the more you spoke to one another. You had more in common than you thought, including your selflessness you both had similar taste in music and movies.
One thing led to another and soon you found yourself dating, Osamu didn't realise how cute you were in real life until you moved in together. He remembered how shocked he was when you bought matching Pikachu onesies to wear and would take lots of selfies with him. His phone was full of cute pictures that he got during the day with little messages and lovey dovey quotes. The apartment was full of couple things like matching slippers and the progression of your relationship through little mementos strewn across the wall.
You would spend any spare time you had at his shop helping him, or trying to as you seemed to get distracted by how pretty your boyfriend was. Or you would come behind him and attach yourself in a backhug, Osamu wouldn't be able to get much done with a limpet attached so you compromised on a only doing that when he had a break.
What started as a fascination ended up being one of the biggest surprises of his life and he couldn't imagine his life without you in it.
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