#jane foster fanfic
messedupfan · 3 months
Chapter 14
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Summary: It's the new year! There's a new development in Reader and Wanda's friendship. Jean and Anna have a very important question for reader. And Rachel witnesses something special.
A/n: Hellllloooooo!! I hope y'all are having a good day. Anyone watch Love is Blind? Every season upsets me more than the last. Anyway, comment, like, reblog, and enjoy!
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By the time you stopped staying with Wanda, the pillow wall ceased to exist. The pair of you were comfortable enough to share the space together on the bed and not overthink it. At least that's what you told each other to be able to hold one another at night. On the Sunday that Vision was meant to come for the boys, he called Wanda early in the morning. You were confused and exhausted when you accidentally picked up the phone. Your eyes went wide when you realized that you answered the wrong phone. You quickly put it on mute and woke Wanda up. She had to put on a fake voice to try and match yours. It was a hilarious attempt and she had to hit you to get you to laugh quietly. You just climbed out of bed to use the restroom. 
When you came back, Wanda had her face in her hands. You rejoined her on the bed and she leaned against you once you were settled in. “Vision extended his trip. He said he'll pick them up next Sunday. Which, I'm okay with having them longer. Of course. I love them and I mean, they love you and Rachel so I'm sure that a part of them will be okay with it. But,” she shut her eyes and shook her head as you put your arm around her. “They're going to be so disappointed. I don't even know what I can say? What do you say to a kid when their dad would rather spend the holidays with his new family?” 
You frowned as you rubbed her arm. Even though you knew the question was rhetorical, you felt inclined to answer because you've been that kid before. “My mom wouldn't tell me. She wouldn't even make an excuse on his behalf. She would just distract me with so much fun that I wouldn't even know how long it was until I finally did see my dad.” 
“Do you think that will work?” She rubbed her finger under her nose. You laughed lightly as you shook your head. 
“No, definitely not. Those kids are too smart for that. But, I think I do know something that might work,” you began to remind her of the night before when the boys were bummed by the idea that they had to go with their father because they wanted to stay and have fun with Rachel. “Just say that you asked Vision to let you have the boys a little bit longer and he agreed to let them stay until school starts again.” 
And she took your advice, while you were in the shower, she went to the boys room and told them exactly what you suggested. They were so happy and they hugged her so tight she almost felt guilty lying to them. One of the hardest lessons she learned about being a parent was accepting that she did in fact have to lie to her children on occasion. She already had to tell them that she asked to have Christmas with them and they accepted that because Rachel was still in the hospital at the time and they knew their dad wouldn't take them to visit her. They were confused when they spent time with their dad's side of the family and he wasn't there but they had so much fun with their uncle Tony that it didn't matter. He chased them around and wrestled with them when Vision would have yelled at them for running and he would have punished them for playing around so much. 
The twins loved their dad but they didn't miss him. 
Wanda hosted a New Year’s Eve party that included her mom, the Starks, her brother and his family, plus her friends. You got to invite your friends, Steve and his partner Peggy, the new guy on the job site Thor, and Darcy. A girl you met on a dating app one time and the two of you decided to be friends after. It was rare for her to be in town because she is a political science major who is interning for doctor Jane Foster while she worked on getting her own doctorate. The internship had her traveling a lot. She brought Jane with her because she claimed that the woman was a shut-in. But with the way she almost instantly gravitated to Thor, you couldn't tell. 
You also invited Bucky, another work friend, and he brought a girl he'd started seeing a couple of months prior. A woman named Natasha. When she entered the house she appeared to be on edge. So did Wanda at first, you figured you'd have to ask her about it when you got the chance. After a bit, they both relaxed. 
Of course, Anna and Jean were in attendance as well. They kept wanting to tease you about co-hosting but with so many of your co-workers and your boss being there, they let it slide. You acted as a guest and the kids knew not to mention the living arrangement. 
“So, who are you kissing at midnight?” Darcy asks as she joins you outside on the patio. You needed a break from the party and it was a nice night despite the low temperature. “Me or the hostess?” She smirks then takes a sip from her blue disposable cup. 
You shake your head as you drink from your cup. “I’m not kissing anyone at midnight.” The kids were all in the boys room and you’d hate for them to run down the stairs and confuse them because you and Wanda kissed. They were already confused because one of the nights, Billy came running in from having a nightmare and caught you in the bed. Up until then, you and Wanda were telling them that you were sleeping on the couch. You got away with telling Billy that you also had a nightmare and he seemed to have bought the excuse as he climbed in and created space between you and Wanda so that he could snuggle with his mom. 
“Oh come on, that’s no fun,” Darcy nudges you. “Tell you what, I’ll kiss Agatha so you’ll have to kiss Wanda.” 
You narrow your eyes, “You just want to kiss Agatha.” 
She made a face as she laughed, “No, I just want you to kiss Wanda.”
“How much money is involved,” you ask, knowing the people that are inside. Darcy tries to deny that there’s a bet circulating around the party and eventually gives up. You look inside of the house through the windows on the doors and watch Wanda laugh as something her sister-in-law says. Things weren’t complicated with her but you were constantly afraid that they would become complicated. “I’m not kissing her so that you and whoever else is involved can win a bet.”
“Pietro was the one who started it so,” she takes another drink, “do you really want your boss to lose.” The look she gives you confirms your unspoken question of which side of the bet Pietro was on. You couldn’t believe that he bet that you would kiss his sister at midnight. You shake your head again and finish what’s left in your cup. 
“I need another drink,” you say as you get up from your seat and walk inside. Instead of refilling your cup, you toss it into the trash. Your eyes keep finding Wanda in the small crowd as you move about the gathering talking with the different people there. You liked getting to know Tony Stark but her laugh kept grabbing your attention. One of the times she catches your gaze and mouths a hello with a cute smile. You smile back and mouth, “Hey.” 
As it got closer to the countdown to midnight, you walked upstairs to check on the kids. All of them had made themselves comfortable either on a bed or on the floor. Luna and Rachel have taken the beds, the twins and Agatha’s son are on the floor. The tv was left playing a movie and you carefully turn it off since all of them are asleep. You put blankets over the three boys and tuck the girls into the beds a bit more. You don’t realize that Wanda is watching you until you look up to leave the room. You smile as you stand in the room of sleeping children and strategically step around them to avoid waking them up. 
You leave the door open a crack once you step out into the hallway, “I can move the girls out of the room in a little bit.” You whisper as you step closer to her. “I’m buzzed right now and would hate to drop any of them,” the truth is, you’d hate to wake any of them right now. 
Wanda looks at you with admiration as she continues to smile, “It’s okay. I think they’ll be fine for the night. I um, I actually wanted to warn you about something.” 
“There’s a bet on whether or not we’ll kiss tonight?” Wanda nods to confirm that’s what she was going to talk to you about. “What do you think about it?” 
She shrugs, “I think if we do, it wouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not like we haven’t before.” You nod. 
“But?” You anticipate. 
“But, I don’t want my brother to win,” she says mischievously. “Have you heard what side he’s on?” She asks and this might be the only time in your life that you don’t regret lying when you shake your head. The two of you walk down the stairs as you hear everyone counting down. 
“How are the kiddos?” Pietro asks as the countdown continues. 
“They’re all knocked out,” you inform him. He nods and is pulled in closer by his wife as they get to ten. You look around to find Jane and Thor gazing at one another, nine. Tony and his fiance, Pepper are holding each other close, eight. Agatha and Darcy each have an arm around each other's necks as they both face the television, seven. Mrs. Maximoff is sitting on the sofa with a big grin as she counts down, six. Howard is next to her with his head tilted back as he snores loudly and his wife Maria is next to him counting with a martini glass in her hand, five. Carol is kissing Val each second that is announced, four. Natasha is sitting on Bucky’s lap while he sits on the recliner with her arm around his neck and his around her waist, three.  Jean and Anna pull each other closer as they prepare to end the count down, two. That leaves you standing close to Wanda, one. 
“Happy New Year!” Everyone cheers as the countdown on the television concludes and they each exchange a kiss with their partners. You keep your hands yourself as you give Wanda an innocent chaste kiss on the lips. It’s quick, you’re not sure if anyone caught it. She smiles as she moves closer to her mom and kisses her on the cheek as she wishes her a happy new year. 
“Awe boo!” Darcy says as she digs for cash out of her pockets. The others that bet on you and Wanda sharing a kiss toss their money in the decorative bowl at the center of the coffee table. You wink at Wanda as Pietro shakes his head and puts money in the bowl. Wanda’s eyes widen ever so slightly before she continues to play dumb about the bet. The both of you fake being upset and make it clear that whatever is between the two of you is purely platonic. 
From the top of the stairs, Rachel hobbles back to Tommy and Billy’s room to hide the fact that she saw the whole thing. 
When Sunday comes back around, you get up early to get packed. School starts again on Monday so that meant you and Rachel didn’t need to stay with Wanda anymore. It sucks because you wish that you could have an excuse to be here longer but seeing as none of the kids will be in the house in the upcoming week, there isn’t a reason for you to stay. 
You hug the boys and thank them for being so helpful with Rachel as you say goodbye. They each give you a tight hug before running off to get ready for their dad to pick them up. Wanda called him early to confirm that he will be here for them in the afternoon. He sounded annoyed and convinced her to drop them off at his house since he was recovering from his trip. 
Wanda pulls you into a warm embrace to say goodbye for the time being. You’ve had to resist kissing her the entire week. You wished that you hadn’t done it on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t make it easy either. Too many times the two of you ended up too close to each other. Wanda was getting frustrated that you weren’t getting the signals that she wanted something more from you. 
When the pair of you pull back from this hug, you and Wanda hold eye contact for a moment. Both of you are considering leaning towards each other. That is, until Tommy and Billy start shouting at each other. Wanda sighs and steps out of your arms. “I’ll text you later,” you say as you grab your bag to take to the car. Rachel and her bags are already in your truck. 
You help your daughter out of the truck when you arrive at her mom's house and you only take one of her bags inside since you need to keep the rest at your apartment. Jean and Anna give you weird looks when you're inside and you're curious as to why but you don't question it. “I'll see you guys next Sunday,” you say as you're about to leave. 
“Hold on,” Anna says as she grabs your arm to stop you. “Can you um…” her words seem to fail her. 
“Do you mind staying for tea,” Jean finishes for her. You look between the two of them and notice that something is up with them. You fear that they're about to tell you that their marriage is over so you nod and allow Jean to drag you over to the living room. “So, we wanted to thank you for giving us some extra time to ourselves.” 
“Okay,” you drag out as you eye her carefully. “What's going on?” 
Jean gives you a nervous smile, “Just wait for the tea. Okay?” You nod and sit quietly. There's an awkward tension looming in the atmosphere. You were worried about what they're going to tell you and they are nervous to ask you something very important to them. 
Anna comes in with a tray of three steaming mugs a few minutes later. “You haven't asked them yet, right?” Jean shakes her head as she waits for her wife to get settled. You accept your cup of tea with a close mouth smile and nod. 
“Okay,” Jean starts as she sets her mug down. “Anna and I were wondering if you'd consider making another baby,” you’re about to laugh considering you just went through a break up, “with me?” She concludes. You spit your tea out at the absurd question. “I should have waited for you to swallow,” Jean says as she gets up to grab a dish towel to clean up the mess but Anna pulls her back down. 
“Are you crazy?” You ask as you set the tea back onto the tray. “You tell me that you can barely afford Rachel and you want to add a newborn to your expenses?” You shout in a whisper. You don't want Rachel to get curious and walk in and get excited about having another sibling. 
“Listen, we talked about that. With the budgets the three of us have come up with-” 
“And the GoFundMe!” Anna chimes in. 
“Yes, and the GoFundMe that we set-up for the medical bills, I think we'll be able to get that covered. And it takes nine months to make the baby. Anna and I can get to a better place financially in nine months,” Jean explains. 
“Can you?” You nearly shout out loud. “Look, it's not just nine months of you growing a person. It's doctors appointments, it's prenatal vitamins, it's baby clothes and toys and furniture. We got rid of all that stuff a long time ago. It's not like you have hand-me-downs.” With your pointer finger, you tap the fingers on your other hand as you list the reasons. “Not to mention how expensive IVF can be.” 
Jean and Anna share a look, “We weren't thinking about doing this through IVF. It's safer and more cost efficient to go the more natural route.” Anna is the one to suggest this. 
You stick your neck out and slowly blink as you widen your eyes. You cannot believe what you're hearing. “You really just suggested that I fuck your wife?” 
“You don't have to be so crude about it,” Anna chides. “I plan on being present and it wouldn't be wrong for you to fornicate with my wife. It's purely for reproductive purposes.” You cringe at the medical terms she uses to describe the act she is asking of you. It makes you want to throw up. “I don't understand what is so difficult about it, you've done it with her before.” 
You slowly close your hands into fists, not because you intend to use them but because air was the only thing you could grasp without hurting yourself. “I was in love, we were in love. Rachel was created from love.” 
“And this baby would be too,” Jean argues. “We care deeply about each other, Y/n.” She tries to take one of your hands in hers but you recoil, disgusted by the touch you once found comforting. 
You shake your head, “That's not the same and you know it.” You take a few breaths to calm down before you get too worked up and as your mind clears from the shock, you are able to come up with a reasonable argument. “You two might be ready to have another kid, but I'm not ready. I can't take that on financially or even emotionally right now. Besides, there is so much that happens during their first few developing years that I wouldn't want to miss when passing them back and forth.” They share another look and you already know they've thought about a crazy solution to that. You're starting to think you should just leave. 
“Well, we were thinking that you don't have any parental rights to this one. So that we can have a kid that's ours full time. We really want a baby that we can raise together that's just ours and we chose you to help us with that.” You scowl at this, they're actually asking you to not be present in the life of a child that you're supposed to help bring into this world. You couldn't believe it. “If you think about it, we can't have kids on our own and I really want Rachel to have a sibling that comes from both of us. You've said it yourself, half siblings aren't the sa-” 
“Don’t even. I was a kid when I said that! I would never say that now. I love Kate,” you interrupt. “She is my sister.” 
“Okay, fine, whatever. You still felt that way at one point,” Jean snaps, annoyed by your lack of support. “You can go off and have as many kids as you want with whoever you want. We only have so much time to do this and we used to talk about having another kid.” Jean tries hard to convince you that this is a good idea but it only sounds more and more bizarre. 
“When we were together,” you remind her as if she was an idiot. At this point, you're starting to wonder. “Those plans disappeared the second we signed the divorce papers.” You look between the women that you have tried again and again to support and defend. When Jean introduced Anna to her parents, they weren't accepting of the relationship at all. It took you the better part of a year to get her parents to tolerate the relationship. They still held out hope that you and their daughter would reunite at some point. They knew a few couples that split up only to marry each other again a few years later. Then came the wedding last February, Jean's family didn't want to attend because they didn't want to believe it was happening. You made sure they came. 
Now here they are, asking more out of you. With what return? What do you get out of this other than a few traumatic nights and a child you won't be allowed to raise but know is part of you? Then you think about Rachel and how when she would play with her baby dolls, they weren't ever her children. They were her siblings. You've had many talks with her in the past about why she doesn't have any siblings and she has expressed how she doesn't want to be an only child. You put your face in your hands as you realize that she's already ten and she'll be eleven soon enough. You had thought your eight year age gap between you and Kate was pretty big, and when you thought about having kids you always saw yourself having kids with small age gaps. That was until you had Rachel at seventeen. 
“We're not expecting an answer now,” Jean finally says. “Just please, consider it before you say no.” 
You sigh as you can't believe that you're actually going to think this over. “Okay,” you rise and walk out of the house. You drive to the nearest liquor store, the one you met Wanda at and buy a couple of bottles of the vodka she had suggested. As soon as you got home, you drank until you passed out to forget about the asinine request. 
You overworked yourself all week, being the first one on site and the last one to leave. Someone needs to be focused on paying off those medical bills and not trying to rack up more of them. The work keeps you from thinking about what Jean and Anna asked. You couldn't believe that is a real idea they discussed and thought was okay to run by you. When you got home, you had a bottle of vodka with a side of instant noodles. 
On Friday, your coworkers, Bucky and Thor, ask that you join them on a night out and you accept. You invite Steve as well because Bucky took a liking to him but wasn't sure if he could invite the guy himself. You thought it was funny that he was being weird about it but you didn't catch how flustered he was when you informed him that Steve accepted the invite. Then Thor requested that you invite Darcy and her friend. He tried to play coy but you know that he really liked Jane. He was just the idiot that forgot to call her the next day. He claimed that he waited too long and now he needed your help. You didn't mind extending it, he was a decent guy from what you've gathered. 
A couple of hours later and  you're drunk enough to start spilling your guts. Starting with how much you miss Daisy before getting into the real problem. Jean and Anna's request. Shocking everyone at the booth. The guys all agree that you shouldn't do it but Darcy plays devil's advocate and says that she knows someone that could help at no cost at all because they owed her a favor. “It's not just the sex that's the problem, Darcy,” you try to explain. “I can't just pretend it's not my kid. If I were someone that didn't mind that kind of thing, sure, I'd do it. But I'm not that person, I would want involvement.” 
She puts her hand on your back and rubs soothing circles. It would be comforting if it wasn't her touch. You begin to yearn for Wanda’s touch again. You didn't realize how much you missed it. There is a loud group of people that are being disruptive and it puts you in a bad mood as you start to miss the Hub being your go to. You doubt Phil would let you step into that building ever again. 
“Anyone want more? I'll get the next round,” you stand up even though you barely can and Darcy takes notice as she quickly joins you. Buck and Steve have engrossed themselves in a separate conversation. Jane and Thor were practically eating each other's faces. She gave him the cold shoulder when she arrived but he was able to crash through her walls pretty quickly. 
While you wait at the bar for the drinks, someone falls against Darcy and she complains about her arm hurting. That triggers something protective in you and you grab the person to try and get them to apologize. They spit in your face and you shove them. Your friends are quick to escort you out of the bar before you get into something you'll regret. 
“Give me your phone,” Darcy says as she digs through your pockets. 
“Hey, that's my phone,” you try to grab it but you're really out of it. Bucky and Steve are both holding you up, they didn't realize that you had drank so much. They exchanged worried glances as they held onto you. Thor and Jane were busy trying to calm the person you pushed. 
Wanda’s week was quite uneventful. She worked quietly on the project she was assigned. With the spare time she has in her day, she worked on her passion project. The dream house she one day hoped to build on a land she's trying to buy now. She doesn't want to continue to be limited by this house. The house that's so full of nightmares. There were good memories here, like the boys learning how to crawl and eventually walk, but it wasn't enough to erase the negative energy that has embedded itself within the walls like black mold. 
She was planning on inviting her girls over on Friday but she really only wanted to be hanging out with you. Because of that feeling, she invited someone to sleep with instead. She needed to get you out of her head. You were starting to consume her every thought. Even when she worked on the plans for her dream house. Would Y/n like this much natural light if I add this wall of windows? Wouldn't they like a woodworking space, like my father had? Maybe Rachel needs a room… she dropped her pencil and scrapped the paper. She didn't need to be thinking about that. 
Wanda was kicking the girl, Jessica, that she had over when her phone started ringing. Her heart jumped at the goofy picture of you with the caller ID that you had set, covering her screen. “Hey you,” she greets as she shuts the door. “What's up?” 
“Wanda, keep it in your pants.” Wanda moves the phone from her face as she doesn't recognize the voice. It was still your contact information. “This is Darcy. We met last week,” she says with an urgency. This gets Wanda’s heart to race with worry. 
“What's wrong with Y/n? Why are you calling me from their phone?” She asks as she searches for her keys. Ready to be driving to the hospital. 
“They're fine for the most part. I think.” She goes quiet for a second. “Look, they're really wasted and I was wondering if you could pick them up?” Darcy asks nervously. “No stop! Hey! Y/n, don't do that! Steve, Bucky, get them!” Darcy shouts away from the phone but Wanda can hear everything she says. Wanda shakes her head. So far she hadn't known you to be the drunk type. She'd seen you have a few drinks and get a buzz but she hasn't seen you in such a state that your friends have had to parent you. 
Wanda sighs, “Text me the location. I'll be there as soon as I can.” 
“Okay, thank you,” Darcy sounds distracted. “Damnit, Y/n, why do you have a flask! Stop drinking!” Is the last thing Wanda hears before the call drops. She sits in her car for a few minutes before she receives the text of the location. It was a bar close to her house and she was there in no time at all. She doesn't even have to get out of the car to help you inside because Steve and Bucky shove you into the front seat. 
“Wanda!” You say happily as you realize whose car you've been dumped into. Your eyes are closed but you recognize the scent you had been wrapped up in for two weeks. “Where's Wanda? I want to say hi,” you mutter as you start to get sleepy. 
“Here's their phone,” Darcy says as she stands at Wanda's side of the car. “Don't let them call or text anyone. They're going through something with the ex and you have to make sure that they don't say something they'll regret.” 
Wanda is confused, “What happened between Y/n and Daisy?” 
“Oh no, honey,” Darcy smiles, “Not that ex. This is baby momma drama. You'll have to ask Y/n about that one in the morning. It's not my place to go into the details.” 
Wanda nods in acknowledgement. “Thank you for calling me. Does anyone else need a ride, I'd be happy to -” 
“Nope, we're good. Just focus on Y/n. Maybe try to get some water in them.” Darcy taps the car. “Good luck,” she waves as she rejoins the group on the sidewalk. Wanda drives you back to her house and helps get you inside. She didn't realize how heavy you could be when you're not holding your weight yourself. But she manages. 
“I’m sorry I drank too much, Wanda,” you mutter as you lean against her on the sofa. She was trying to get you to drink some water before she attempted to move you up the stairs. 
“That's okay, just drink this now,” she says as she puts the plastic cup against your lips. You take a sip and nearly spit it out as you show your disgust. 
“Poison,” you exclaim. “Gah, what is that? It's awful,” you say as you lean away from it. 
“It's water,” she leans closer to you. “Drink it!” She demands. 
You make a face and take the cup and chug the whole thing. “I think my body is rejecting it. I need to chase it down with something. Do you have any vodka?” You complain and Wanda shakes her head. 
“What did Jean do to you?” Wanda asks herself and you laugh maniacally when you catch her name. 
“She wants my baby,” you answer. And Wanda is concerned that there is going to be some sort of custody battle. She can't think of why there would be. Unless Jean has a better job opportunity somewhere else. 
“She can't take Rachel from you,” Wanda says as she gets up to refill the cup. 
“Not that baby!” You shout. “My other baby. Er. A new one. She wants a new one and she doesn't want me to have it.” Wanda relaxes a bit, still confused but at least it's not something that will necessarily disrupt Rachel’s life. She walks over and claims the cup of water is vodka. You drink it as if it was the first drink you’d ever had in your life. “That’s the good stuff right there, what’s that brand?” 
She is standing in front of you as she waits for you to finish the beverage. “I’ll tell you in the morning so that you don’t forget.” When you’re don’t she reaches for the cup and instead of handing it over, you grab her by the wrist and pull her to land on top of you. She tries to push herself up but you catch her lips in a sloppy kiss. “What are you doing?” She whispers as she pulls away. 
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” you reply. 
She shakes her head, “You’re drunk.” 
“So?” You ask as you try to kiss her again. This time she is able to slip out of your grasp. 
“So, this isn’t happening,” Wanda doesn’t go into how she’d be taking advantage of you since you’re so wasted and she hasn’t had a drop of alcohol all week. She doesn’t remind you of why you rejected her before or mention that she refuses to be a rebound for you. “Let's get you to bed,” she says as she lifts you up by your arm. You shake your head, disappointed by the rejection but comply. 
You're a little wobbly as you walk up the stairs. Wanda is closely behind you to ensure your safe ascent. You stop in front of her open bedroom door. Uncertain if she wants you to stay with her. But you decide that it's not her decision to make. So you move to the guest room. Wanda doesn't argue as she collects a bottle of painkillers and fills the cup again. She leaves the items on the nightstand beside you. You fell asleep the second your head hit the pillow. You snored softly and Wanda was surprised because you never snored during the time you stayed with her.
“I'll see you in the morning,” she says while she flips the light switch off and shuts the bedroom door. Wanda grabs the pillow that smells like you out of her closet and sets it on her bed before she gets in her pajamas. She crawls into bed and clutches the pillow to her chest as she inhales your scent in order to fall asleep.
Chapter 15
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author.
AO3 link chapter two
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Chapter One
A calm morning awaits you as you don your attire of the Kingsguard. The duty calls to you. Guarding the safety of the great son of Asgard is an honor. The challenge is to leave your personal feelings aside. Damn was the moment you fell in love...
"Are you sure it won't be strange for you escorting your little boyfriend to a ball designed for him to find a future wife?" Loki quips as he strides into your room without any ceremony. You brandish your sword at the level of the rejected Prince Loki.
"It's conversations like these that make me know I should hit you every time you come to my room." You speak while holding the sword tightly. Loki walks away, smiling a little too much for those who seem afraid of you.
"I came in peace. Thor asked you to stop by his room before leaving to give instructions to the Kingsguard." Loki says, laying down under his bed and swinging his feet playfully. You roll your eyes reproaching him but I understand that it's good that he's helping you and Thor.
"You know if you tell anyone about this, I'll rip your tongue out of your head, right?" You say it knowing that he'll probably enjoy you hurting him but that he would feel humiliated for being hurt by a commoner like you.
"And miss the chance to watch you two fucking everything up when my precious father notices that his favorite son is the one who will bring ruin to his kingdom." Hearing these words coming out of Loki's mouth makes everything even more real. If you and Thor are caught, you will be sentenced to death. And he will be king anyway.
"Tell your brother, I'll see him at the opening ceremony to welcome the leaders of each kingdom and their children." You say finishing and getting ready to go. But to your surprise, before you could leave your room, Thor was waiting for you. Accompanied, obviously, by the guard responsible for his security. You straighten up and bow, paying homage to the future king.
"Lynox, you may withdraw. The chief of the Kingsguard and I have a private matter to discuss." Thor says, looking at you. He scans you from top to bottom, as if he could undress you with just one look. You would like to live in a world where you could reciprocate with him. But we're not in that world.
"With all due respect, Your Highness, Lynox can witness our conversation. After all, as the second-in-command of the Kingsguard, he should be informed about matters concerning your security." You say, looking seriously at Thor and Lynox, who is unsure whether to leave or stay to listen to the conversation.
"Lynox." Thor says, and that's all it takes for Lynox to leave us alone. In the kingdom, Thor's word is only second to that of his parents. Soon, you and he are staring at each other.
"Are you proud? Your word holds more weight than mine in every corner of the kingdom. Want to test that with someone else? Your brother is in my room right now. Want to try to get him out with just a command, Your Highness?" You're upset because when you and Thor started to see each other as more than just royal guard and royalty, he promised he wouldn't walk over you.
"Dove…" He speaks so softly. His eyes watch you as his arms draw near. Thor then pulls you close to him, embracing you tightly.
"You enjoy doing things that put both my position in the Royal Guard and my life at risk. And I'm a fool for accepting it without a fight." You say, lifting your face as Thor looks down to meet your gaze. As you lock eyes, you slowly lean in towards the future king's face, being kissed by him shortly after.
"I'll talk to my father. Try to delay having to choose a wife. Or you could…" He begins, but you already step back, knowing what he's going to suggest.
"Become your mistress?" — you are revolted by the possibility of becoming the King's mistress— "To be the woman who sleeps with the King when he's not with the Queen?" Thor looks regretful about what he was about to say. You, however, look at him determinedly.
"You will never be a mere mistress to me. We could have a family together while the queen and I can have a semblance of a wedding." You laughed at Thor's foolishness. In fact, you were even afraid that Asgard was in the hands of a foolish prince.
"My love...shut up before anyone can hear all this nonsense. I'd rather die in battle than be the woman you cheat on your wife with." You say leaving disappointed with reality. This reality makes you know that you will always be just that for Thor. A head of the Kingsguard or a mistress.
You are a little shaken when you hear a noise and go after it to find out what is happening. A man dressed as royalty stands in the middle of the kingdom's trophy room. He is not known to you, you find his presence strange but you know you need to be polite when questioning him.
"This room has restricted entry. Only Asgardian Royalty can enter here. How did you manage to get past the Royal Guard?" You question using the most serious tone of voice possible. You hold tight to the tip of your sword that is attached to your waist. The man looks at you as if enchanted.
"I think the Royal Guard is busy preparing for the arrival of great royal representatives from the main kingdoms allied to Asgard. Are you usually so straight-faced with everyone?"He asks turning towards you.
"One more step and I will be forced to attack you. Tell me who are you?" You ask, almost wielding your sword, as a way of threatening the man in front of you.
"I hope you can explain to the King how you treat visitors. But since you insist on knowing, I am Steve. Son of King Tristan, future King of Kyrax." He speaks with such petulant calm. It's like he knew you would regret being hostile towards him.
"Your Highness could have told me you were a prince from the beginning. I hope you know that my approach was just security protocol. I will leave you alone." You speak cordially, trying not to show how embarrassed you are.
"However, I prefer your company. " He says as he watches you walk away. You turn around almost abruptly, confused by his revelation.
"I don't know how things are in your kingdom, Your Highness, but here commoners and royalty don't usually keep each other company unless it's essential." You speak keeping a safe distance between you and Prince Steve. Something useless since he doesn't know personal space and quickly got too close to you
"The Commander of the Royal Guard is right, Believe me, she avoids spending time alone even with me if it's not necessary." Thor says, entering the trophy room and staying close, but in a professional manner. The tension between the two is palpable and you mentally prepare yourself for what's to come.
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oonajaeadira · 8 months
For the Love of Fic: September 30
I've been back at my reading, y'all, doing some major catch up. And what a ride. There's a METRIC TON™ of amazing writers under the cut.
Brace thyself.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation piece
Kisses of Fire by @simpingcowboy 🪐 It starts with an unconventional if not favorable bargain and then evolves. If I could make Ezra fall in love with me a little over a long time, I'd be patient too...
Lucky Stars by @brandyllyn I am SO IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC. Not only does Brandy nail Ezra's voice, cadence, swagger, and world, she even gives him someone who's onto his scoundrel-with-a-heart-of-gold behavior and just barely allows herself to be charmed by it. This feels so very canon and so very Ezra and I just need to roll myself up in it and cuddle it real hard.
Saying I love you with a letter by @songsformonkeys 🪐 Hanna is one of my favorite writers of deep emotions. Her Javi G is one of my all-time faves and I will never not laugh at her Javier. But I will knock you over to get at her Ezra and this is no exception even though you're gonna need tissues. Listen. Would like to get a letter of love and missing from Ez? Because this is it. Savor it.
Lost in the Weeds by @haylzcyon Have you seen this artwork? Insert Ezra and you and you have this fic. It's a beautiful little snippet that quietly documents falling in love with Ezra, and that's my favorite kind of Ezra story.
Wild Mountain Thyme 2 by @writeforfandoms Dragon Universe Ezra is back and he is not impressed with his tagalong. She's chipper and eager and seems to be up for his brand of grumpy today. I'm excited to find out how Jen turns his cart around.
Fifty Shades of Orange by @all-the-things-2020 🪐 If you love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you're going to love love love how Dieter fits into this crossover. I am super impressed with this fic because it is, first and foremost, a HHGTTG fanfic. And it succeeds wildly at capturing the tone and attitude of all the characters. And I love that Dieter's just what Dieter is here, not the main character, but an odd problem to be solved. As a character, he fits so seamlessly into this world, I was kind of in awe for this whole ride. Aw man. Enjoy.
Position: 69, Position: Snuggled Spoon, Position: Sit on the Throne, Position: Kneeling Reach-Around, Position: Honey Bear, and Position: Froggy Style as part of @prolix-yuy's Bangathon 2023 Listen. LJ obviously loves her some Dieter. I appreciate the sweetness and softness of some of these, that Dieter is in need of some care and connection...and someone to just come undone around. I loved all of them, but props to Snuggled Spoon for it's slowness and softness, and to Froggy Style for the moment of the reveal. The whole Bangathon is wonderful, and the Dieter fics are certainly some of my faves there.
It Pours from Your Eyes by @the-blind-assassin-12 I mean, yes, it's a Joel fic, but really, it's Tess. It's Tess and it's beautiful. Alyssa has woven a 1200 word spell here, expertly painting a picture of Tess's heart and how it works to keep Joel's beating. It's so gorgeous and I'm just bewitched and bereaved... I'm almost begging you to read this.
Surrender [chapter twelve] by @ezrasbirdie This chapter just wrapped me in the yearn blanket. Written in three sections from the POVs of Daisy, Ellie, and Joel, each section just pulls at a different heartstring and all of them together are such pretty music. Yes please this found family that loves each other so much...
Year of Small Joys - Candles by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Inviting Joel over to dinner in Jackson is inviting a damaged soul to sit down and heal. He's still got a little PTSD here, but a nice meal by the light of scented candles he looted? That's a nice step in the right direction.
Let's Twist the Knife Again by @missredherring I am obsessed with this little "time travel" story. I don't know exactly the mechanics of what's going on here--is it a dream? is he being given a second chance? is he stuck in a time loop?--but watching Joel retrace some familiar steps knowing what he already knows is fascinating and I would love to see what comes next.
Hypothermia by @morallyinept Jett's cleverly come up with the "giflet," a drabble based on a gif. This one is Joel in his sleeping bag. And you're in yours. And it's cold. But it ends soft, and that's my favorite.
The Herbalist: Part 7: Drinking Won’t Change the Audacity But Maybe It Will Help by @blueeyesatnight I'm so caught up in this story of beasts and strange people in Victorian England. Now we learn about Pero's past and a little more, but there's also something chewing at the edges about our heroine lady sleuth and I can't wait to find out what it is!
F is for Forced Orgasms / Fucking Machines by @butchmandalorian 🪐 Istg Max is out to pull me out of my soft places and make a sub out of me. I am not usually into the hard stuff, but everything they write is like beautiful crack and I cannot stop. I think it's because everything is so real, there's so much checking in and trust involved, I probably sound like a broken record, but hells bells that's my kink and Max writes it so well. I will say that daddy-talk is usually a turnoff for me, but I really REALLY appreciate that Max sets the scene thoroughly and explains that it's just a title, that any word can be substituted (read the warnings). I for one used that suggestion and appreciated that heads up. Looks like someone not only knows how to write a man that takes care of his partner, but is also a writer that takes care of their readers. Love it.
Black and White by @never--doubt 🪐 I've never seen this soulmate mechanic before and it's an interesting take on the traditional mark--one that changes color when your soulmate touches you there for the first time. Oh to be on mission with Agent Whiskey when the change happens....
Not Leaving You Again by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 (With Santi Garcia) It's a two-for-one not just in protectiveness and smut but in boys! It's hard not to fall for both of them--one of them sultry, one of them sweet--and it doesn't hurt that they're up to the task of sharing.
Buck Moon by @grogusmum 🪐 Listen. If you've ever wanted Frankie for the first time, naked (well, except maybe his hat) under the full moon out in nature under the full moon, have I got a fic for you! AAAAAAAA
We Came Along This Road by @insomniamamma 🪐 When J goes angst, J goes hard, and Frankie is many times her main target. Set within the world of the movie, the reader is his girl with his baby, and he's got some substance problems. Frankie has some trouble keeping promises.
First Dance by @hopeamarsu 🪐 Asking Oberyn for a dance when you know right well what you're both after is genius. Because he's probably a beautiful dancer so you get to experience that, but also, it only ramps up what's coming. What I wouldn't give to sit on this man's lap and ask him to dance just to see the look on his face....
Black Days 7: Times Are Gone For Honest Men, Black Days 8: Eyes Were Waking Up Just To Fall Asleep, AND 2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #5: Tim Rockford - Jealous Kiss by @something-tofightfor I will knock you down to get at Rachael's Tim Rockford. This man is complicated, their relationship is starting off complicated, and their circumstances have the potential to continue to complicate matters...and yet. These two seem to fit together just fine, easy as pie and coffee. The way he cares... I so can't wait to see what (and who) comes next.
Undefeated by @captainsophiestark 🪐 Listen. I've never played pong in my life, but if Jane Foster walked into my party and wanted in on a game, I'd pong so fast....
Love at First Fight by @ironmandeficiency 🪐 When you swear to keep your friend safe from the man who most recently broke her heart, your drunken ass threatens the wrong man. Or, rather, the right one. Or, rather, the right dwarf.
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iamstartraveller776 · 3 months
"Trouble" by Natalia Kills (consider this an experiment to see how many times your askbox eats it.)
(Pretty sure this one didn't get eaten because I didn't save it to drafts!) I hope the first chapter of Rumor Has It from Loki's POV will suffice!
Summary: New country, new school, and yet everything continues to be unremittingly tedious. Not even his brother's rager can cure Loki's apathy—that is, until he finds a surprise waiting in his bedroom. Perhaps life in the States won't be so boring after all.
Rating: T
Genre: Modern/Non-Magical AU, High School AU, Humor, Teen Romance
Also on AO3
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“Just a few friends,” Thor’d said. Loki knew better. He leaned over the second floor railing, rolling his eyes as, in the large foyer below, his brother greeted yet another swarm of eager groupies. Typical. He doubted Thor knew any of them by name, but that didn’t stop each one from acting as if a beloved god had deigned to shine his light upon them. New school, new country, and nothing had changed.
How dull.
“Loki!” Thor called up to him. “Stop lurking and join us!” When Loki didn’t snap to it immediately, he glowered. “You promised!”
Loki exhaled a sour laugh, then gave Thor a winning smile. God forbid anyone disappoint the Golden Son. “Of course, brother!” He straightened, spreading his arms out. “Let’s get this party started!”
As if on cue, music boomed suddenly as the Marshmello-wannabe Thor had hired began his set in the ballroom. The sycophants below ate it up, jumping up and down with excitement. Loki sucked in a deep breath, slipping into his role like an old familiar second skin. With an unintelligible shout that matched the energy below, he hopped on the banister and slid down toward crowd. Thor and his fellow athletes surged forward to catch him, to lift him above their heads and carry him through the house.
Woo. Hoo.
It wasn’t long before every level of the estate was wall-to-wall with teens and crashers from the nearby university, nearly every one of them clutching a plastic cup of alcohol as if it were the elixir of life. Loki did his obligatory circuit, starting in the kitchen with the first keg stand competition of the night. He was suitably enthusiastic when Thor won. (Shocker.) Next came a few games of beer pong—which became easier to win each round as his opponents got more tipsy. Hurray for him.
He wandered through the crowds, keeping up his cheery demeanor despite the unspent sigh burning in his lungs. For the whole of two minutes, he seriously considered polishing off a bottle of hard liquor to get through the hours of absurdity that still lay ahead. But no. Drunk Loki would do stupid shit he didn’t want to have to pay for later. It was better to pretend.
A few idiots had started riding down the grand staircase on large baking sheets that they’d pilfered from the kitchen. One of them tried surfing instead of riding his bit of metal like a sled, and inertia flung him head over heels into the horde. Hardly scathed, he leapt to his feet with a howl, throwing his arms into the air in victory. The baking sheet was warped beyond repair, and the family housekeeper would positively lose her mind over it—until Thor paid her off with a lethal dose of charm and promises to replace everything. And money. Lots of money. The cure to all the ills of the world.
Loki’s snort earned him a sidelong glance from a nearby celebrant. It only took a second before recognition widened in her gaze. Shit, she was one of those girls from school. A giggling, hair-twirling girl who would flirt shamelessly with him if it meant getting closer to his brother. Unlike the popularity-chasers back home, they weren’t subtle here. At all. He could probably get her to do a double flip off the roof into the pool with only the promise he’d pass her number along.
Boring. Boring. Boring.
Her friends eyed him with varying levels of the same social-climbing interest. Oh, even better. They were of the less common breed that actually wanted him—or, rather, his reputation. It took very little effort to keep his disdain from his face, as practiced as he was. Perhaps he could find some entertainment in this. He made a show of looking them over, mouth curved up with an appreciative grin that he didn’t feel. Predictably, they all leaned toward him with almost feral anticipation.
“Why aren’t you dancing?” He laced the question with a measure of enticement.
Not bothering to wait for a reply, he headed toward the ballroom. They followed like the squealing lemmings they were.
The music was loud enough that he didn’t have to talk to any of them. He did, however, have to endure their pathetic attempts to grind against him seductively for the next half hour. Definitely not an amusing distraction, this. One of them tripped into him and her drink sloshed onto his shirt.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” she yelled over the thumping bass. Her face twisted into a bad imitation of a come-hither look as she bit her lip. “I can help you clean it up!”
Leaning forward, he didn’t miss the naked excitement in her large eyes. “Oh, darling,” he murmured against her ear. “You really can’t.” With a parting wink, he pushed past her and the others. He might have taken the slightest bit of perverse pleasure in the sneering “Bastard!” she shot at his retreating back.
Why were they always so surprised that playing with fire got them burned? Americans were so stupid.
He weaved through the masses toward the staircase in the back of the house, pulling his shirt away from his skin. God, what the hell had the girl been drinking? A little of everything from how awful it smelled. He ascended the stairs two at a time and nearly made it to the landing before someone caught his arm.
“Loki! Where are you going in such a hurry?”
He rolled his eyes, recognizing that overly saccharine feminine voice. Lorelei. The most boring of all the would-be temptresses. She’d been trying to sink her talons into him practically from the beginning of the term. Flanked by her two lackeys, she was dressed in whatever went for club chic in Cambridge—metallic and sparkly. And very, very short.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He wasn’t about to mention needing to change his clothes lest she mistake it as an invitation. She seemed to think their brief interactions were some kind of distorted foreplay.
“What I want to know,” she said, inching closer to him and walking her fingers up his chest, “is why I never see you at Hal’s.” She gave him a pout he was supposed to find fetching. He didn’t.
“Not my scene.” He pried her fingers away from him. “Too pedestrian.”
There it was, the flash of confusion across her Instagram-worthy features whenever he used a big word. The girl had probably never read anything longer than a fashion magazine.
“Enjoy the party.” He stepped around her and hurried to his room.
Once inside, he pulled off the malodorous shirt and chucked it toward the laundry bin. He could still smell the unholy cocktail on his skin, though. Disgusting. There wasn’t time for a shower sadly. He’d rather not suffer whatever humiliation Thor would mete out should he try to skip the rest of the festivities. Because Loki promised. To stop brooding over their move across the pond and be happy for one night. Blah. Blah. Blah.
He'd just finished washing the stink off his chest in his private bathroom when he heard the latch of his bedroom door. Had he forgotten to lock it? If someone thought to make this their temporary love nest…
His trespasser wasn’t a couple in the throes of inebriated passion, but a petite girl with long brown locks, her jeans and flannel shirt more suited to one of the bonfires the townies put on every weekend than a party at a mansion. She didn’t notice his presence, her attention fixed on his library. He hung back as she ran her fingertips over the spines of some book or another, her touch bordering on reverent. Terribly curious, this. He felt as if he ought to know her, though he couldn’t say how—not until he caught her profile as she pulled down his copy of The Evolution of Physics.
Jane Foster? The driven student in his maths and science classes who gave him a run for his money when it came to earning top marks. He’d actually had to study to keep up with her, and the girl was in the year behind his. What was she doing here and in his room, no less? He was pretty sure that her sole ambition in life was in academia. Status-seeker she most definitely was not.
She whistled softly in admiration as she gently opened the book, likely noting that it was a first edition. He could stay in the shadows and quietly observe what she did next. Or he could have a little fun.
And fun was, well, fun.
Loki stepped more fully into the room. “Do you always go through people’s things without their consent?”
Jane let out a startled squeak, the book almost slipping from her hands. “I’m sorry. I—” The rest of her apology cut off abruptly when her gaze landed on him.
Emotions passed over her face in rapid succession. Sheepishness, followed by chagrin, then a different kind of surprise as she took in his state of undress. Her eyes seemed unable to leave his bare torso, cheeks turning a brilliant shade of pink. Did she just swallow? He grinned. This was too perfect.
“I’ve only come to change my shirt,” he said, reaching back to turn the lock on the door, “but if you insist…” He began undoing his belt buckle as he slowly crossed the room toward her.
Her eyes went comically round. “No! I’m not—” She backed into the shelves. “I’m not here for…that.” Was that a fight stance she just stepped into? That tiny thing thought she could take him?
Hilarious. Literally hilarious. He couldn’t keep a straight face anymore. He laughed harder than he remembered ever laughing. God, even his stomach hurt. “The look on your face,” he said once he could get a hold of himself. “I’m going to remember that for years.”
She huffed in disgust. “You’re such an asshole!”
Unmoved, he admitted with a shrug, “I’ve been called worse.”
She opened her mouth, probably to unleash another paltry insult, when someone knocked. “Jane?” a girl’s voice called out on the other side.
Oh, but Loki wasn’t ready for playtime to be over yet. He hurried to the door ahead of Jane, opening it hardly more than a crack to imply that his companion had to make herself presentable.
“Looking for your friend?” he asked the dark-haired girl in the hallway.
“Whoa! You’re actually kind of hot,” she said, sizing him up with the same kind of annoying interest the others had shown him earlier.
He gave her a wry smile. “Shocking, I know. But you’ve come for Jane.” He nudged the door all the way open and said conspiratorially, “She’s been keeping me company.”
Jane’s friend gasped as her gaze flicked between the two of them, very obviously drawing the conclusion he’d intended.
He let out a sigh. “It’s a pity we were interrupted when things were getting really fun.” To Jane, he gave a forlorn expression. “I suppose you have to leave now.”
She was gearing up to deny everything by the wild glint in her eyes, and on impulse, he took her face in both hands and drew her up to him for a kiss. He’d only meant to shut her up and perhaps lend weight to the misconceptions he’d been seeding, but damn. When she forgot herself and relaxed into him, tilting her head just the right way, he was tempted to slam the door shut on her friend and have a good snog. Who knew the teacher’s pet had it in her?
But despite his every instinct to deepen the kiss, he broke apart from her. Because—yes, that. The glazed-over look she gave him, rosy lips parted in an absolute stupor. That was worth cruelly ending their interlude too early.
“I’ll see you on Monday, then,” he said with another wistful sigh as he stepped back from her.
She nodded numbly, staggering as her friend dragged her out of the room. It wasn’t until they were halfway down the hall that he realized she still had something of his. A wondrously horrible idea came to him as he leaned out of the doorway.
“Oh, and Jane!” he called after her loudly, making sure to get the attention of everyone milling about nearby. “You can borrow my books any time you want.” He winked at her horrified expression before shutting the door and succumbing to another fit of laughter.
Finally something new. And he was only getting started.
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shegeekery · 11 days
Dream Therapy (one-shot)
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Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Loki (TV 2021) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Erik Selvig, Loki (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Dr. Erik Selvig struggles to recover from having a god in his head. A strange dream helps him see things in a new light.
“In related news, a lawsuit has been filed by New York contractors who argue that no-bid contracts are being granted to a small number of well-connected real estate developers, following the large-scale destruction of parts of Manhattan during the alien attacks two years ago.”
Dr. Erik Selvig switched off the television.
Two years. Selvig wanted nothing more than to forget the entire thing, especially his own part in it. My unwilling part in it, he reminded himself.
He’d had two years of therapy, medications, meditation, and trying to lose himself in his work. He was better than he had been when he was arrested for running around Stonehenge sans clothing. He could at least stand to wear clothing now, but he still found it difficult to focus with his trousers on. It felt too restrictive, reminding him uncomfortably of the sensation of being totally controlled.
There was no recognized diagnosis for “possession by malevolent deity”, so they were officially treating him for PTSD. Some of it helped, much of it didn’t. He felt more himself these days, but the nights were bad. In his dreams, Loki was still there. Still threatening. Still taunting him.
As a child listening to the old myths of his homeland, he’d loved the stories about Loki, the God of Mischief. He’d been tickled by the idea that there was actually a god for that. Now, just the mention of that name could bring on flashbacks to a time when he’d been utterly consumed by Loki’s blind ambition and disregard for human life, unable to think for himself and enslaved, body and mind, to Loki’s “glorious purpose”.
He sighed and turned back to his work. He’d been at the same problem for months, trying to account for discrepancies between the standard model of quantum mechanics and the observed behavior of Einstein-Rosen bridges. His friend and former student, Jane Foster, had provided some valuable insights, but he still couldn’t make all the pieces fit. 
I’m too tired for this. He shut his laptop and went through his evening routine. He took his medication, including sleeping pills, and hoped this would be one of the good nights.
“How is your work coming along, Dr. Selvig?” Loki asked.
Selvig looked up from the graph on his computer monitor. What had he been working on, exactly? He didn’t know, but it was important. Very important.
“I…it’s…coming along,” he stammered. “Just, um, running some simulations.”
Loki glanced at the monitor. Instead of a complicated graph, it now showed a cartoon in which Garfield was taunting Odi.
“I suspect your heart isn’t in it, Doctor,” Loki replied in that quietly menacing tone he so often used. He raised his scepter. “Perhaps we need to ensure that your loyalty is still paramount?”
Selvig jerked out of the chair and backed away. “No! That’s not necessary. Really!”
Loki advanced toward him. “Oh, but I think it is.”
Selvig ran out of the room and into an endless hallway. He looked back, but Loki wasn’t there. He turned to see where he was going, and there was Loki, ahead of him, grinning maliciously. He ran the other way and back through the door, but now he was outside. It was dark, and he was in a nondescript alley. He kept running, turning a corner only to find himself at a dead end. He whirled around to find Loki advancing slowly toward him with the scepter.
“No! Please, not again!” Selvig pleaded.
Loki took another step toward him, then froze. Confused, Selvig waited for the inevitable, but Loki still didn’t move. The god was as still as a statue of himself.
“What’s happening?” Selvig asked.
“Dr. Selvig.” It was Loki’s voice, but his lips didn’t move and the voice seemed to be coming from…everywhere.
“What…what is this?”
“You’re safe, Dr. Selvig,” the voice said. It sounded surprisingly gentle. “This isn’t real. Just a dream. A nightmare.”
“Is this a trick?”
“No. Well, yes, actually. Your mind is playing tricks on you. But it’s your mind, Dr. Selvig. Nobody is controlling it now. You are free — and always will be, if I have anything to say about it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Please look at my eyes, Dr. Selvig. What do you see?”
Selvig looked at Loki. In his eyes, he saw the malevolence, anger, and fierce determination that he remembered. “I see…fury.”
“And behind that fury?”
Selvig stepped just a bit closer, staring at the still-unmoving Loki, for the first time trying to really see him.
“I see…” he stopped, afraid to give voice to what he thought he saw.
“Go ahead. It’s alright.”
“I see…fear?”
“Yes, Dr. Selvig. Fear, and self-loathing. I was terrified — and I used intimidation to hide it, trying to make everyone around me more afraid than I was. I tormented those weaker than I was, to cover my own weakness. I wanted to rule by force and by fear, because I thought I was unworthy of true respect.”
On some level, Selvig understood that he was dreaming— but for some reason that realization wasn’t causing him to wake up as it normally would. The dream still seemed real to him.
“Why are you telling me this? Or…am I telling myself this?”
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that it’s true and that you know it’s true. What I did to you was unforgivable. You’re a decent man, Dr. Selvig. None of it was your fault. Not even a god can withstand the power of the mind stone. Even so, you managed to sneak in an off-switch for the Tesseract’s force field while under my control. That’s a testament to your unusual strength of character and of mind. I underestimated you.”
“How do I make this stop, then?”
“That’s up to you, Doctor. Do whatever makes sense. If you want to hit me, hit me. Or vent your own rage in some other way. Here and now, you are the strong one.”
Selvig stood before Loki, hands balling into fists, feeling his own anger rising to replace the fear. Loki’s body remained frozen, but his eyes were now tracking Selvig’s every move. The urge to pummel him was overwhelming — but now that he’d seen the growing fear in Loki’s eyes, he couldn’t help but feel just a tiny bit sorry for him.
He took a step back. “No.”
“I don’t need to hit you. That’s what you’d do, but it’s not me. Just…get out. Leave me alone and don’t come back.”
Loki simply faded away, leaving Selvig standing alone in the alley, which soon began to fade as well. Selvig felt himself floating, feeling more at peace with himself than he had in a long time. He was floating in a bed of seaweed — no, not seaweed; the long, thin strands that cradled him with warmth were glowing with a soft, greenish light, rocking him gently and lulling him into a more peaceful slumber.
He didn’t even startle when he heard Loki’s voice once more.
“One more thing, Dr. Selvig. In the morning, you may want to take a closer look at the rate of decay of particles entering the Einstein-Rosen bridge. I think you may find it interesting.”
“Erik, hi! How are you doing?” Jane Foster always started their phone conversations that way these days.
“I’m doing great! Listen, I just sent you a rather long document, but the short version is…I think I’ve cracked it! I found a way to square the Einstein-Rosen bridge with the standard model!”
“Seriously? That’s huge! I’ll check it out as soon as I can! What turned it around?”
“I looked at the rate of decay of particles entering the stream.”
“Woah! I didn’t even consider that. What made you think of it?”
“Would you believe it came to me in a dream?”
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beheworthy · 4 months
Earth To Asgard
Jane Foster/Thor
Summary: Thor asks Jane to accompany him to a celebration on Asgard. Odin is not happy about it.
[Set after Thor2.]
Chapter 1 of 3
Read on AO3 here
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uselessgirl87 · 17 days
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Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fanfictions by Useless-girl (master post)
Here is the master post for the MCU fanfictions I wrote during the years. Enjoy!
Mirror, Mirror – Jane Foster/Thor/Loki, love triangle, romance, angst, smut, long-shot (finished)
I Am Here – Thor/Loki, slash, romance, smut, hidden relationship, one-shot
Dark on Me – Peter Parker/Tony Stark, aged up Peter, slash, BDSM, Dom/sub relationship, dark, angst, romance, smut, long-shot (unfinished/work in progress)
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plainlo-inthemorning · 10 months
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Shine a Light
Warnings: Angst
Rating: Mature
Words: 23 k (complete)
All hell has broken loose at the TVA following the death of He Who Remains, and Loki is once more lost and utterly alone. But then a forgotten face from his past reappears, presenting the trickster god with a new, yet strangely familiar riddle to be solved.
Up on AO3 here
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Jane Foster x female reader (no other specifications)
Word Count: 1150 words
Summary: Jane invites to her place after a beautiful date.
Warnings: heavy kissing, fingering, nipple play, swearing, humping, spanking, dom! jane, some lingerie kink.
Author’s Note: Here you go nonnie, thank you for this request. The request was about them sleeping together for the first time together after confessing their feelings.
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts​
Main Masterlist ・❥・Jane Foster Masterlist
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"Mind taking this to the bedroom?" 
Jane breaks away from your lips leaning her forehead against yours trying to catch her breath. 
"Thought you'd never ask." You hastily reply, the heat is already too much for you. She reaches for your hand gripping it tightly and drags you to the bedroom. 
"Holy shit!" You exclaim looking around in shock. The room had a king-sized bed with red satin covers on top and red velvet curtains surrounding the windows. There were many candles lit on the bedside tables and there were some clothes thrown on the nearby chair. 
"I wanted… " Jane mumbled gesturing around. "Wanted to make a good impression. Didn't want to get too much ahead of myself but…" She stops herself and looks at you. In response, you chuckle looking around and squeezing her hand. 
"Oh, you did perfectly." Jane raises an eyebrow and without further Ado pushes you on the bed. 
"Well then don't mind if I do." She bemuses her lips one inch away from yours. She forcefully kisses you, the earlier love confession wearing deep in your mind. Then like the stars aligned just for the pair of you two, your bodies connected with one another and your lips didn’t part for several minutes. It was desperate and primal. Something that could have happened long ago. Something that should have happened long ago. 
Her hands are freely roaming your body and yours are doing the same getting lower and lower cupping her in whole. She barely gives you space to breathe as she kisses you over and over again. Her knees are on your sides and slowly her lips leave your mouth only to assault your neck. She bites and she sucks the skin as if she needs someone to know tomorrow morning just what was happening tonight. 
“Jane!” Your moans only encourage her to continue moving her lips down to your collarbones reaching for your breasts. 
“Tell me you want this.” She mumbles, her lips trembling. 
“I do! I do! Please, Jane, I need you.” You breathe out rapidly not wanting a moment more to pass away from her touch. And just like that she pushes the fabric away from your breasts and begins a dance between kisses and bites, adorning and worshipping your breasts in every single way. 
“Fuck!” You moan out when her teeth reach your nipple. She moves like an expert, like a hunter finally able to devour their prey. The blonde woman smirks when she looks up at you as her right hand moves lower and lower reaching for your core. She keeps your nipple between your lips as her hand now pushes your dress upwards and then returns. 
“Feeling a little lucky, aren’t we?” She chuckles once she leaves your nipple, her hand palming the wetness on your panties. 
“Jane! Fuck. You feel so good.” There’s not much you can say, the way she works your breasts, the way her hand moves on you has your mind blanking. All you wanna do is give in to her. Any more and you surely won’t remember your own name. Your brain can only repeat her name again and again. 
There is not much to say. Jane had already asked if you had ever been with another woman and you said that you’ve had so this wasn’t new territory. There wasn’t any awkwardness to overcome as Jane seemed very confident in herself, rightfully so. All there was to do was to draw each other breaths till you both saw stars. 
“Fuck!” You jolt awake as Jane slaps your pussy, feeling it pulsate through your whole system. Of course, she’s smirking at your reaction as she pushes a finger inside over the thin fabric. 
“I wanna ruin you a little.” She whispers, as she lowers herself and rests her head on your stomach. “I wanna hear you scream my name.” She continues twisting her finger around. The rough sensation of the panties creates unique friction for you and all you can do is moan, God, you needed more. You had to ask for more. 
“A-anything. Anything you want, Jane.” You speak so fast afraid she will lose her appetite in just mere seconds. “Anything.” You breathe out.
“Very well.” She grins and starts moving her finger in a standard rhythm in and out, trying to stretch you out. So far she’s touched your clit but you know, oh you know, the minute she does you’re gonna be screaming. Her thumb almost brushes over it but it quickly goes away as she switches before pushing her finger inside and twirling it around. 
“Jane, please, baby, please. Jane!” You exclaim. “More.” It was too much and yet not enough at all. Your pussy was trying to clench her finger inside of you but it wasn’t easy. 
“Please what?” She asks feigning ignorance. “Is there something you need?” 
“I need you.” She grins again turning her attention back to your pussy. Her lips are on your inner thighs kissing you again and again as she adds a second finger scissoring them around your tight vagina. The panties were dripping wet now and it was much easier to push them inside of you. 
“I wanna cum.” There is a build-up in your core that makes your heart beat so fast, your body naturally chasing her fingers. Backing up each of her movements. That’s when her thumb finally presses against your clit.
“Cum for me, baby. I got you.” She rubs your clits harshly while her fingers are still inside you. 
“Jane!” You shout her name as your orgasm is rising over you, completely electrifying each cell of your body. The sheer intensity of it leaves you non-verbal and breathless as she watches your back arching and your pussy closing on her fingers. 
“Good girl.” She smiles at you and softly kisses your inner thighs. “Did perfect for me.”
“Thank you.” You breathe out, trying to look at her. She was still fully dressed, some lipstick smeared off her face and there was no sign of sweat on her. God, she looked beautiful.
“Mind letting me out?” She winks at you and she laughs as you watch how your pussy has trapped her fingers inside you. “I wanna have a taste of that sweet cunt and I am-” But the way your pussy is now drawing her further in, a new juice soaking her cuts her sentence in half.
“Wow.” She looks at you. “Looks like my snack time is delayed.”
You laugh in response but there’s something about the way she speaks, the way she’s so eager to have you again that makes the heat in your stomach return tenfold.
“Relax, baby girl. We got all night.” She muses and her lips return to your skin. 
And oh you had all night indeed….
fingers so good got that pussy prison
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for future updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on notifications!
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Marvel Femslash Week 2023
"I'm sorry, I should be taking care of you but these days it seems more like you're taking care of me." - Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch/Jane Foster | Almighty Thor
wc: 416 | ao3 | marvel femslash week (@marvelfemslashweek): day 2, hurt | marvel rare pair bingo (@marvelrarepairbingo): cuddling | fandom: mcu - doctor strange in the multiverse of madness, thor: love and thunder | rating: teen and up | tags: femslash, established relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of cancer, post-doctor strange in the multiverse of madness, canon divergence-thor: love and thunder,
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tremorsmackenzie · 11 months
I really wish we had gotten to see more of the jane/valkyrie bromance. ive posted about it before, but the subtext there was so worth exploring. imagine them just fucking shit up on the battlefield and then crashing at the new asgard bar, clinking their weapons together and falling asleep at the bar after a couple rounds of asgardian ale or whatever. the bartender smirks at them before locking up and coming back the next morning to gently kick them out.
and then theres the potential of a crossover fic with wonder woman, just saying.
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m1ghtythor · 8 months
by any chance do you have some cute domestic thorjane headcanons 👀 i’ve been thinking about them sooo much lately
Thor/Jane domestic headcanons
• Having a scheduled date night and the both of them looking forward to the date throughout a busy week. Once date night arrives they’re both super excited whilst getting ready and on the way.
• When Jane leaves for work early in the morning Thor still sleeps, but she always gives him a goodbye kiss
• “…but McDonald’s is open at this time of night.” “I am not going to a McDonald’s drive-thru at this time of night again for the third night in a row, Thor.” 
• Thor taught himself how to cook midgardian food out of necessity (Jane is too busy to even take care of herself sometimes) and he ended up loving it!
• Forehead kisses. All. The. Time.
• Jane wasn’t really a fan of pet names until Thor started calling her Hjarta mitt (My heart in old norse)
• Only a few people know Thor is an extremely talented masseur, he often offers to massage Jane’s back to help her relax whenever she has had an intense work day
• Jane lets Thor braid her hair in Asgardian style while they’re watching TV
• Jane falling asleep while watching a movie with Thor so he carries her to their bed. Bonus: Jane wakes up in his arms but pretends to still be asleep so she can be carried by him to bed.
• Even though Jane told him multiple times that it was nothing serious, Thor freaks out and becomes overprotective every time she’s on her period. (Asgardian women don’t experience that, so it shocks him a bit)
• “Lady Jane, it’s your turn to do the dishes.” “Let’s get a divorce.” “We aren’t married yet, my love.” “Well we sure as hell aren’t getting married now.”
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author. this chapter has a slightly steamy part but nothing heavy.
chapter one chapter three
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Chapter Two
"Your Highness." You say looking at Thor with a meaningful look. He knows it's important not to give away the idea that you two have an affair. Especially in front of important people. And certainly Steve was important.
"Thor tell me, how did you get a Royal Guard so efficient? She was the first to question my presence here." Steve says looking impressed, which makes you curious. Have you won the admiration of yet another prince?
"She is extremely efficient at what she does. That's exactly why she's head of the Royal Guard and my trusted person." Thor responds by trying to appear more authoritative than usual.
"And she's about to give your royal highnesses privacy. If I may." You say, bowing in front of the two and turning to leave. But from afar you see a shadow and decide to check the corridor.
"I hope you know I can have your head for eavesdropping on a royal conversation." You say to whoever might be in the hallway, but before you can draw your sword to threaten the person, they reveal themselves to you.
"I see that Asgard's training is still as good as it was when you were a simple guard." James Barnes speaks as he looks worried that you will stick your sword in him.
"What is the biggest idiot of all time doing so far from his kingdom?" Your speech seems a bit mocking and James laughs. You and Barnes used to train together when you were younger. He, who was born in Asgard, decided to explore other kingdoms.
"I came after my favorite pupil. It seems you are protecting the future King." Barnes speaks pointing his head towards the two princes who are inside the trophy room.
"You know very well that I wanted to be head of the Royal Guard. And you, I assume, are accompanying Prince Steve." You say as you analyze Barnes. He looks just as hot as the last time you saw him. You and him had an affair before he turned his back on Asgard.
"You won't be surprised to know that I am the Chief of the Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Kyrax. I always knew Asgard already had the perfect Chief of the Royal Guard, so it's my luck to have decided to serve in another realm." Barnes says, trying to flatter you. The truth is, the two of you used to compete to see who would become the Chief of the Royal Guard ever since you met.
"I hope it was worth it, leaving your kingdom to serve another is extremely foolish. But I'm glad Prince Steve has you around. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for the Royal Ball that's happening later." You say, petulantly. You harbored a certain resentment towards James. He betrayed the kingdom that you both valued so much because he was sure he wouldn't be better than you.
"I missed you." James murmurs as he grabs your arm. The clanking of his armor against yours makes a horrendous, skin-crawling noise. You look at him, without a reaction. As you're about to respond, you notice Thor and Prince Steve are behind you. You move your arm away from Barnes' hands, wondering how long they've been there.
"Are we interrupting something?" Thor asks, clearly annoyed, while Prince Steve strangely seems to just be observing your reactions intently. You could swear you saw him smile slyly.
"Your Highness. Y/N and I were just talking about old times. I must say, it's a pleasure to see you both together." Barnes says, composing himself and stepping back a bit from you. He seems to seek support from Prince Steve, who nods slightly as if to say 'I'll get you out of this.'
"Indeed, Barnes, it's a pleasure to stand beside Asgard in moments like these. That being said, I look forward to seeing you at the Royal Ball later, Prince Thor. And you too, Chief of the Guard. Now, Barnes and I will retire to my luxurious chambers." Prince Steve says strangely, keeping his gaze on you. As if you intrigued him. Thor, like you, seemed to have noticed and appeared bothered, but he only nodded and let Steve lead Barnes away. When you turned to leave, he grabbed you. Your body was pressed against the cold wall of the Grand Asgardian Castle while the future King was extremely close to you.
You had two options, to give in or resist. But something inside you, like a warning, reminded you that this could be one of the last times you could do this. So you pulled Thor towards you with all the strength you had and kissed him. It was almost a violent kiss because in a way you're angry with Thor. He acts as if he has no choice at all, but he doesn't allow you to move on. Thor however seemed to like it, he held you firmly by the waist as if he wanted to grab you and never let go again. The taste of Thor's mouth was almost etched in your mouth. You felt your intimate area becoming increasingly wet as Thor's firm hands passed through your armor. Damn that fucking armor. Not that the royal robes allow you to play Thor the way you'd like. You then nibble on Thor's lips as if you want to tease him at the same time as you want to leave him wanting more. You bite his bottom lip hard enough that it bleeds a little but that only turns him on more. Your kiss, besides taking your breath away, now tastes like blood but that doesn't stop you from continuing.
"Is this all jealousy?" You ask as Thor kisses your neck, almost kissing the armor, and he smiles.
"She says while almost devouring me for being about to spend a night surrounded by women. Or do you think I don't know why my lip was bitten?" You smile, thinking that it seems Prince Thor really knows you. You kiss him lightly as if apologizing.
"It's just a keepsake. Soon this won't happen anymore, and all we'll have are these memories. Treasure them, Your Highness." You say, stepping away from Thor and giving him a final goodbye peck. He seems somewhat taken aback, but you're too busy thinking about how dangerous yet extremely exciting this situation is.
The night arrives quickly as you busy yourself with organizing security and ensuring the Royal Guard is prepared for the event. That's when Loki knocks on the door, all gleeful as if he's about to burst with happiness. You're not in your event armor yet, so you're somewhat inadequately dressed for the occasion, but you open the door as Loki continues to babble your name while knocking.
"I bet you'd prefer Thor here right now, but I bring good news. The grand King Odin has asked me to inform you that you should dress in a beautiful gown. It seems that a certain someone is interested in you. So, no armor tonight. Someone will bring you some dress options since I imagine you don't have any or if you do, they're not suitable for the Ball. Good luck. I always knew you would find something better than my dear brother, but you've outdone yourself. Just wait until he finds out. Anyway, I'll get ready. See you later, and um… remember to smile." Loki speaks so fast that you almost get lost, and he doesn't give you time to react or ask who he's referring to.
Soon, two maids arrive with options of attire and various preparations to make you presentable. Every second that passed while several people who usually only attend to royalty were fussing over you, you felt that something was wrong. And suddenly, the moment arrives. It's time for the Ball.
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rebelmeg · 4 months
Chapters: 12/13 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster/Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton Characters: Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bakery, Baker Bucky Barnes, Happy Eater Darcy, Jane is a grimy science gremlin, Thor is her secretly smart himbo boyfriend, Fluff and Humor, Dessert & Sweets, you might say there is..., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, I'll show myself out, First Dates, First Kiss, Dating, Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis Friendship, Human Disaster Clint Barton, No plot just fluff, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, but they are all fluffy, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Background Jane/Thor, as backgroud as they can be when they are actively snogging onscreen at least once, Bucky Barnes & Clint Barton Friendship, Feelings Realization, yes i made myself hungry as i wrote this, i've been craving cake all year because of this fic, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Flirting, just so much flirting, absolutely plotless nonsense Summary:
Bucky runs a bakery and tries to keep his disaster best friend from eating him out of business. Darcy loves baked goods and tries to keep her science gremlin bestie out of shenanigans. It's a match made in heaven, so just add a dash of fluff and a dollop of humor, mix until the plot is thin on the ground, and bake until cute. Serve with a generous portion of frosting, and don't forget to kiss the cook on your way out.
Chapter 12: Bucky's Birthday Present
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Summary: Darcy tries to think of what to get Bucky for his birthday, Jane is unhelpful, Thor is very helpful, and Clint is her partner in actual crime.
Notes: For my @buckybarnesbingo​ square B2 - “I got nothin’” (swapped prompt), @marvelrarepairs​ Bingo B2 – image of Bucky, and @anyfandomfluffbingo​ N3 – free space
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jackiequick · 10 months
— A trip to New Mexico, how fun right? Well, sorta! | Marvel Phase 1 FanFic
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Timeline: Set during Iron Man 2 and in between Thor
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Summary: Coulson was assigned to go see what the hell was happening in New Mexico and decided he might need, more like want, some assistance and who better to keep watch of the town than a blast from the past SHIELD agent?
Pairing: Coulson & Underwood, Darcy Lewis & Jason Underwood and etc.
Established uncle & nephew relationship: Tony Stark & Jason Underwood
Characters/mentioned: Clint Barton, Rei Stark, Jane Foster, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff and etc.
Click here if you like to read the previous fic
The day was young and the sun was still shining among the city across Miami into the Stark Mansion. Pepper was off at Stark Industries with Natalie Rushman, who’s real name is Natasha Romanoff, meanwhile Jason took care of the business around the household. It’s been rather hectic lately so someone at least needed to make sure no one starved and everything was well taken care of.
He thanked god his grandnephew, Rei Stark, beautiful mother was taking care of the boy this week. Because then, they would have another mystery on their hands with how curious that child can secretly be.
He was answering a few questions about a financial calls in the living room and flipping across channels on the TV that involves news about the latest Stark Expo, stuff involving Dr. Bruce Banner, The Feltons daily news and information about The Strange Family son, Leonard Strange.
As well as a small crisis forming in New Mexico appeared on various news channels. He rolled his eyes knowing S.H.I.E.L.D. was probably getting word of it already and coming to—
Suddenly the floor started rumbling loudly underneath his feet and the other things started shaking. He quickly turned over to catch a lamp that almost tipped over and crashed.
His eyes widen and shouted into the phone, “I’ll have to call you back, Laura!”
He swiftly made his way down the stairs to see the basement turned open floor lab was being destroyed. And in the middle of it stood his only nephew holding back a jackhammer as AC/DC blasted into the headphones he was wearing. So he wasn’t actually listening or notice him standing there.
“HEY! BOB THE BUILDER CUT IT OUT!” Jason shouted stumbling through the rubble, deeply crackled opened walls and dirty floors that surrounded them.
If his eyes couldn’t widen even more, his eyes darted down to the 1970 model of Stark Expo he helped design decades ago laying on the ground. The model that both Stark siblings, were discussing on becoming something evolutionary different for the world. He wasn’t as smart as them to understand everything they studied and created but he understood it was far too important to not model the idea.
He reached forward lace his fingers crossed the model and questioned, “Jarvis?”
“Yes, sir?” Repiled the A.I.
“What is this? I mean, what is he building?”
“It’s to be believed Mr. Stark has discovered a New Element and is determined to use it to power his suit for a greater timeframe.”
“A new element? Damn. Alright, turn the music off.”
JARVIS did what was told as he unwired Tony’s music as the brunette genius shouted confused and insulted by the actions. Until his eyes fell on his uncle with a nod, “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replied removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves.
“You’re creating a new element, i see.”
“Yup! After 20 years, dad is still taking me to school and I’m surprised I’ve haven’t seen it sooner.”
“Because it wasn’t time for you figure it out eariler. Need help?”
“You ruined my floor.”
“That’s means your helping!”
“But your cleaning up afterwards.”
“Damn it.”
The two got to work, opening walls, expanding wires, lengthened the tunnels across the room. Tony coined it ‘hardware mood’, using his hands to create the lengthy contraction instead of his machinery. ‘Going old school’ as Jason liked to call it, pulling apart drilling into the tunnels and adding placements to the sections.
It placed looked insanely messy but you knew where everything is.
By the time, Tony was drilling in something the door to the basement opened as Agent Phil Coulson walked in saying, “I heard you broke the perimeter.”
“Uh, yeah that was 3 years ago, where you’ve been?” Tony replied, walking over to the tunnels and vents they built. 
“Doing some stuff.”
“Yeah well, me too and it worked.”
Both men chatted, as Tony wondered around the room grabbing items as Coulson picked up a half built Shield that could’ve belong to Captain America. That was when Jason stepped into the picture returning with another box of tools, cables and basic hardware.
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The blonde smirked snatching up the item, showing it to Tony who’s face light up, having Coulson help them put the Shield underneath the tunnels to level it. Perfectly leveled.
“I’m busy, what you want?” Tony said, receiving a light slap on the arm from Jason due to the attitude he gave Coulson, “Ow!”
Coulson held back a small chuckled, “Goodbye. I’ve been reassigned, director Fury wants me in New Mexico.”
“Fantastic. Land of enchantment.”
“Or so I’m told.”
Jason spoke up, “The small crisis in New Mexico, involving the decency sized craters with a hammer smacked in the middle of it?”
“Good, your informed.” Coulson added with a half smile.
“I saw the news.”
“I would like you to come, Stark seems to be handling things here perfectly well.”
“Yeahhh. Nope! I’m retired.”
“Never too late to jump back in the game.”
“And I’m busy.”
Tony gave his uncle a look to go do it and get out of the house, that he can handle everything from here. He weighted his options, not wanting to leave his house unsupervised and tired of going deep into SHIELD missions, he rather likes retirement.
“I don’t know, man. Again, I’ve been retired for more than 15 freaking years.” Jason exclaimed.
Coulson thought for a moment, he really wanted to have company for a couple of days and said, “You only need to scout the town and see what’s happening.”
“Undercover work?”
“Yes. Only for 4 days, i promise than you can come back.”
“2 days. I’m only doing simple work, let me remind you that i rather not mess with the others there.”
“Fine by me. Waiting for you in the car.”
Tony giggled at the speechless face his uncle made. It was priceless! He told him to go ahead with Coulson for a few short days, he promised he won’t reck the house, hopefully. Plus he knew the man had a suitcase still packed from their trip to France upstairs.
He sent a playful glare to his nephew, grabbing his things and met Phil outside.
The man drove them to New Mexico, taking stops to stretch their legs and eat on the way there. Both men chatted to keep the time at ease, having respect for one another and actually enjoying the company. Phil Coulson wasn’t a half bad, but that doesn’t mean he won’t heist to tease him.
“So, how’s the thing with May going?” Jason let out ever so causal, sipping a bottle of water.
Phil blinked hearing him and awkwardly blushed, “I—i-how did you know that?”
“I heard of the story that you were on a undercover mission with her and a few interactions were made.”
“It was completely professional.”
“Oh, so taking 2 minutes to unhook her bra was professional?”
“There were cameras! I was trying to sell that we were together.”
Jason snickered, “Oh yeah according to her, you sold it.”
“That was an act for the camera!” Coulson added trying to defend himself, “So you and May talk, huh?”
“Quite a bit. Her emails about you are hilarious.”
“Remind me to call her later. And i will have you know, I was being a gentleman.”
“Oh yeah, of course Phil. You were committed.”
“I think i did alright. You think i was committed?”
“Your one of a kind, Coulson. Don’t ever change.”
The rest of the ride meant a few jokes here and there, stopping for snack break and bringing up movies along with latest shows on TV. There were a few mishaps and things that needed to be taken care of during their stops.
They arrived soon enough to New Mexico, as an SHIELD base was already being formed around the outsets of the town nearby the crater that held the hammer. The moment they exist the car, Jason slid down darting to examine the hammer in awe. Plenty of people tried surrounding and lifting the metallic gray block from the ground but it didn’t seem to budge at all. 
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“Wow..” muttered Jason, giving a once over to Phil who snapped pictures.
The carvings were immaculate, the lining was framed perfectly, the engraved symbols were placed in a fitting manner. The hammer looked one of a kind. Magical. Ungodly amount of time and effort was made into making it. Jason must admit he gave credit to the people who shaped such a glorified item.
Hell, the man stepped over looping the brown handled into his grip trying to lift it himself. He grunted and huffed, taking a couple of breaths trying his mightiest to lift the god damn hammer. But nothing! It didn’t even bother to slightly budge for him. He sighed, releasing the grip of the handle and stomped up to the previous stop he want in.
“Anything?” Coulson asked, humoring his attempt to lift the hammer.
“Nope.” He replied, huffing and massaging his grip, “That thing is stuck!”
“Yikes. Here’s the deal, your gonna get a change on clothes then scout the town.”
“How about you? Gonna try and lift it yourself?”
“Haha! No, I’m handling a few pressing matters and help set up the base of operations.” 
Jason nodded walking back to the car, he seemed out of breath from trying to lift the god damn hammer. It was super glued to the ground, not even trucks and machines with horsepower could even remove it from the ground.
He found himself a nicely fresh change of causal clothes. Being a brown jacket with a olive green t-shirt, dark jeans, and a pair of his favorite classic sneaker. Along with a pair of simple sunglasses that were gifted by Pepper last Christmas. He carried his old school SHIELD ID, walkie-talkie and a handheld gun in his pocket. Just in case.
The man wondered around town, taking notice of the simplicity of it all. The houses, buildings, stores that held the items needed to built a good foundation, a general grocery store, a diner that held the delicious smell of pies, a bar and plenty of other places to visit. It made him smile. He liked it a lot, especially since the afternoon sun shinned just right above the cloud, giving the waves a cozy breath of fresh air.
He enjoyed it.
He walked around, entertaining himself at a coffee shop nearby the gas station. He was waiting in line, reading the signs on the wall and giving small nods to older folk or pregnant women who walked past him, letting them go in front of him. He wasn’t in a hurry to get out or anything, his job was the scout the town and see what type of people they’re dealing with.
And so far? Everyone seemed to be general folk living their day to day lives, working 9-5 meanwhile the teenagers and children were out at school or something.
Everything was going good until he was accidentally bumped into by someone.
He didn’t see the person, only what dropped on the floor next to his feet. A older brunette doll, that was wearing a purple dress, a white lab coat, strapless heels and a ponytail. Alongside a pair of sunglasses on the doll. Looked more like an cool action figure than a doll, designed by wonderfully crafty people.
Little did he know that the young girl who this doll belonged to would be important to him later on. As well as the mother.
He chuckled as his eyes darted up to the person, “Hey sweetheart, I believe this is yours?”
The young girl turned around, her red skirt bouncing in the wind from the movement she was making and fixing her crafty jacket a bit, pushing up her bangs to face the man. Her big brown eyes were covered by square frames. Along with adorable dimples.
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“Ohh? Oh! I’m sorry mister..” She repiled shyly with a smile, and gently taking the doll from him.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t want to lose her, she’s smart.” He replied with a smile.
“Yeah my doll is a scientist! She’s love coffee, dresses in purple and uh, stuff.
“Hahaha. That’s amazing, um sweetie?
“Sorry to ask, but um where’s your mama?”
“Uh, she’s getting extra coffee from her and a few friends.”
“And she left you alone?”
“I’m not that’s little, you know. I’m 15–16!…ish, very soon.”
“Child. You’re still a child.”
“I’m almost 16, sir.! Sorry for shouting.”
“Don’t be, it’s alright.”
He was just about to ask her name when..
“Mew Mew!”
Came a voice, sounding it belonged a women. She ran up to them, holding a box of donuts and a two cups of coffee. The women seemed to a short brunette with long curls, a beanie that bounced with her every step and glasses. She was pretty! Her features matched the young girl perfectly, it made him smile knowing that her mother returned quickly.
“Mew Mew, i told you to stay put, sweetie.” Said the mother with a smile pushing up her glasses, sounding sweetly protective of the girl.
“I’m sorry, i had to throw out my trash mom.” Apologized the young girl.
“At least tell me where you’re going next time. This place is sorta crowded. You almost gave me a huge fright!”
“I’m sorry. I will tell you next time. But I’m okay! I promise!”
The brunette noticed the man and said, “I’m so sorry about her! She just ran off and i had no idea what happened..i hope she wasn’t too much trouble or anything.”
That was when Jason spoke up with a politic tone replying, “Oh no! It’s completely alright, you know how kid—I mean, teens are. Just be lucky, it was me who found her and not some other guy.”
“You have kids? I mean no offense, your like a young and tall bachelor.”
He chuckled, “That i know of, I have one. He’s at home with family.”
“You’re new around here, huh?” She questioned with a smile.
“It’s obvious isn’t it?”
“YUP! I mean the jacket means your suitable and out of town, no offense.”
“None taken. I’m just here for two days, I needed some rest from a long trip.”
She smiled, “Well you pick a odd place to stop. Oh well, welcome to New Mexico. I’m Darcy and you already met Mew Mew.”
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“Melissa!” Cut in the young girl, with a grin.
Jason nodded with a small laugh and decided to use a nickname of his, “Nice to meet both of you. I’m JJ.”
“JJ, huh?” Darcy challenge with a smile, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll find out my real name later, if your lucky.”
“Well i like it! It’s cute. Oh I’m sorry again for taking up your time.”
“It’s okay, doll. No one was breaking any bylaws or anything. You seem like your in a hurry as well?”
“Oh yes! Meeting up a fews friends of mine for breakfast and stuff. Oh shit, we’re running late. Thanks again, JJ!”
“No problem! Be careful and stay safe out there.”
The women walked away with a smile, glancing back at him thinking about something as her daughter waved at the man. He chuckled, waving goodbye to the pair noticing he was finally next in line and made a quiet order. He thanked the sweet barista with a charming smile, who giggled softly at his politeness, as he made his way around town. 
His thought went back to the women he met earlier, Darcy, and her grinning daughter. They seemed like kind folk, but a part of him felt like he seen something in Darcy’s face before. Like he met a version of her in the past. Maybe her mother or an older sister? He didn’t know what it was, but he felt calm and a bit like himself around her aura.
He smiled.
Moments like that made him feel good. He has seen and met plenty of faces beforehand in his life. People on missions, dates he was dragged into going on, parties he danced at, walks in the park and just faces that made him feel a sense of déjà vu. A charming old feeling, per say.
As he scout the town, he scanned the area and the people, when suddenly he heard it. A loud banging tune. A righteous voice that could sent a smile to any man or women who met them. His face whipped around to hiding across the corner of a store, noticing the group.
A short light haired brunette with a beauty mark, an older man dressed in a patterned shirt and a tall blonde wearing a brownish jacket. And next to them stood Darcy, along with her daughter. But his eyes bounced back to the voice.
The mannerisms of the blonde haired man held such strong attitude towards the others around him. Tall and muscular like he was meant to do business with someone. The voice was righteously kind and oddly enough to seem like he lost his footing. His young facial features made him look like he was sculpture by…
A god.
Jason smirked. Pulling out his phone, he called Coulson, simply saying, “I think I found your sources, Phil…”
He returned back to the base of operations.
It was jarring scurrying up the step, having not been in a SHIELD makeshift office for more or less 15 years. Practically 20 years! A heat wave hit him. The man would’ve shivered at the thoughts and memories that had the option to wash over him.
He snapped back towards Coulson watching the man work, watching scanners and scouts shouting loudly across the room. He even noticed a blonde man dressed in black in the corner, tightening his arrowheads giving him a small nod, acknowledging him.
“Phil. We have your guy.” Jason spoke with a clear voice, catching the people in the room’s attention.
He explains to Coulson to try getting into contact with a Dr. Jane Foster and her little group of misfits, collecting as much information they can. Coulson was impressed by hearing this, already on the same page before he showed up finding information about Dr. Foster, calling orders to everyone who was in the area.
Jason nodded, about to walk out when somebody tossed a gun at him. He caught it and examined the weapon. A position for a sharp shooter.
“Hey—wait, no! Coulson, we had a deal. I ain’t doing this. I did the light work you asked for.” Yelled out the blonde following the agent across the halls.
“Yeah well, I had other plans. I figured you’ll like to get a front row seat on the action, high up.” Coulson said, with a small smile, “If he shows up.”
“Whatever you plan on doing, you better keep an eye on them and make sure no harm comes to them. Their group had a child with them.”
“Relax Wood—”
“Sorry, Underwood. I won’t harm anyone, we just need to speak to that one guy. I promise we’ll try to play it safe, but we don’t know who we’re dealing with.”
“You’re window with me will be closing very soon, Coulson. So make it quick, then I’m out.”
“Crystal clear, Underwood. But I do have a question, why did you come?”
He blinked and just shrugged, he really didn’t know the true answer to that question. He thought about it, trying to word it in his mind the best he can, leaving out a few details for himself.
“Because my nephew wanted me out of the house..and I-I had no other choice but to make sure SHIELD that knows what they’re doing…I’ve seen the records and it’s utter chaos.” He answered softly.
Coulson nodded and pressed, “We’re trying to fix it as we go along, I promise. Why did you retire? You know either way, it won’t last. You will always have a part of you that wants to come back to this..I mean look at your life now.”
Jason didn’t answer him this time, just walked away with a grip on the rifle. He knew the plenty of reasons why he retired and honestly he enjoyed retirement, hoping to get this job done. But it won’t say most of it out loud himself.
This time, we was perched on a high level outside with the archer he saw earlier. Clint Barton.
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The man wasn’t half bad. Snarky, has a murder stare he can appreciate, very knowledgeable about stuff and honestly a pretty chill guy. Along with a bit grumpy due to the rain.
In the New Mexico, it was raining again. The last two days have on and off again rain with sun and wind. Mother Nature didn’t seem too happy. Some agents didn’t mind it meanwhile the others were annoyed by it.
He doesn’t mind the rain too much.
“So, you’re the guy Nat was telling me about?” Clint said after a few minutes of silence between them.
Jason was hunched over readjusting his gun, and looked over his shoulder heading him, “What?”
“Natasha. She told me about you.”
“Uh, Clint, I don’t know a Natasha, buddy.”
He chuckled, “Ohhhh! You don’t know? Your women from legal, Natalie Rushman, is actually an agent of ours..”
“The fuck?” Jason let out, taking a moment to connect the dots and groaned, “God damn it! Pepper hired her, and didn’t even notice the clues.”
“Ah, well, she’s good at her job! Could fool anyone. She’s a widow for gods sakes!”
‘So was my big sister..’ He thought to himself, before adding, “Yeah, she fooled me. Uh, what did she say about me?”
“That you’re agile, smart, kind.” Clint snorted, “And bit of a grump. No offense! She likes to tell me about her missions and the people she meets, but she doesn’t know much about you..”
“And I like to keep it that way. For your knowledge and hers, I’m uh, just a family friend of Stark’s.”
“A very close one it seems. You didn’t seem like you wanted to leave the house.”
“Yeah well, someone needs to keep an eye on them. Enough about me, Clint, what about you?”
“Simple man like you, i guess. I remember wanting to work with SHIELD for a long time and I’ve been working 9-5 for some time now, trying to perfect my craft.  Oh, I have a beautiful fiancé not a lot of people know that.”
Anyone can see the soft grin on Clint’s face mentioning the last part. He seemed very proud of it, as if he was planning on starting a family with whoever this fiancé was. In result, it had Jason smiling.
“Treat her right, Barton.” Jason told him with a smile.
“I try.” Clint replied, “You got anyone?”
“Uh..um, it’s complicated.”
“How complicated?”
“I take girls out on dates but it never last.”
“Hmm! You need to try finding a girl outside of your usual spots.”
They waited. Wait long hours of the day, Clint on his leveled perched up with his bow and arrow. Jason on the other side, underneath an umbrella, his gun in hand, eyes narrow. It was dark, rainy, quiet, you couldn’t hear much. Only the ruffle of trees, wet sand being slouch around and machines working.
Until they heard it. The grunts, groans, yells and pure shouting that started picking up pace. The running from starts perked Jason and Clint up in positions.
Then the pair saw it, the situation of a tall, blonde man with full on muscles over his body. His wet hair and pissed off look that made him look like Zeus. Clint got a clean shot at him and Jason narrowed, his gun able to get a closer look.
“Damn he’s uh, good looking..” Jason muttered, couldn’t lie and thanked god his old friends weren’t here to make heart eye at him.
“Yeah he is..” Clint muttered back then started asking Coulson to fire, who ordered him to wait.
The tall blonde man raised growled and roared like a large monster of rage, his hands gripping onto the handle of the hammer. He smirked as he pulled and grunted waiting for a result, but nothing came. Just like when Jason pulled it earlier. No result.
However, this man looked upset, screaming and his knees fell to the ground. He looked defeated. Like dialing back on doing a simple task, like he meant to lift it. Jason blinked, trying to think onto what this god was trying to achieve!
‘God of what?’ He asked himself, watching the man to see if he would do anything else. A part of him might’ve been empathetic toward him, if he wasn’t standing the freaking rain roaring in defeat and annoyance.
He snapped out of this thoughts when Coulson called it. Jason ran down with other agents cuffing Thor wrists together. Clint lowers his bow and arrow. They brought him into a room to be interrogated by Phil Coulson, the blonde man stayed quiet the whole time…
Coulson paced back and forth, he just wanted a name. He bite his nails. Proof that this man has something to hide for he can report back to Fury. Phil kept glancing at the monitors, watching this man’s movements. It wasn’t moving, just looking defeated.
Clint was doing research measures for this case, Jason watched the scanners. His eyes stayed on the blonde, wishing he heard his name earlier when he was scouting the town, but he didn’t. Darcy nor Jane Foster said his name. Jason narrowed in on the tall blonde recognizing something, trying to connect the dots.
He seems to be a strong man. Maybe we he brought to Earth due to a punishment? Did he screw up with somebody? Who made him this way? So many questions were running across his head, watching the clock.
Again, he recognized the look, the same one his nephew shared two years ago before announcing himself as Iron Man.
He’s in need of finding himself, grounding himself in humanity.
Coulson locked eyes with Jason, knowing his time was almost up. Less than 12 hours and he’ll be gone back to Miami. 
“You talk to him.” Phil remarked.
“What? No.” Jason rejected the request.
“We just need his name. He said he’s a god compared to the men here.”
“Every man thinks he’s a god. I’ve been near it, he’s just bluffing.”
“Exactly why you should go! Please, i just need it and we can focus our research with the equipment we stole from Foster.”
“You stole from Dr. Foster. Not me.”
Jason grumbled underneath his breath, reminding himself he’ll be gone soon. He walked away, removing his jacket and took a long sigh, sucking his teeth before entering the room.
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He entered the clear room, holding a glass of water for the man and a snack. A bag of chips he stole from the vending machines.
He sat down in the chair across from him, handing him the items.
“What’s this?” Asked the blonde, holding the glass of water and small bag.
“Water. I can promise you it’s not drugged or anything. You need it after taking out those men.” Jason explained, with a kindness in his tone.
“Why? Are you with them? Theses men. Son of Col and his soldiers.”
“Not exactly, your highness. I was just sent to scout the town and keep an eye on the people, especially after the ruckus at the moment.”
“You mean to cause me and theses humans harm then…?”
“No. I didn’t, that was Coulson’s doing. I didn’t know his intentions until now. He know he’s on a time crunch with me and he just ask one thing of you.”
“And what is that?”
Thor stayed silent, looking down after asking that question. He leaned against his chair, inching forward to drink the water and bag of the chips he was given. He was hungry and very much appreciated the small offering. He watched the man, sitting in front of him. He held such kindness, honesty and plenty of gruff to himself. As if he had a lot of trouble in his mind.
“Who are you?” Thor asked him, sipping his glass.
“Why would you like to know? He asked, rather intrigued by his eyes.
“You offered to show me a far cry of kindness.”
“Because, if you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people…”
Thor was honestly taking back by his words. Those were powerful enough just to be written in stone. He wondered if this man was playing a role or actually meant every word in that sentence. As if he lived plenty of lives, such as himself. A part of him choose to highly respect it.
“What’s your game, mortal?” He asked, leaning forward in his chair.
“No, no game your highness. You have your secrets and so do i. And i can tell you don’t want to be here.” Jason told him honestly, “I’ll just like to know your name. Please?”
“..I’m Thor. Son Of Odin.”
“Your a god..?”
“Yes. What do you mean by the question?”
“A man of your status must’ve been sent here for a reason, my lord.”
“I was casted out of my home for being a ruckus and disobeying my orders…but i can assure you, I didn’t mean to cause you harm..”
“I can tell. Thor, i don’t know how long you’ve been here on Earth but what I’m about to say might ease your thoughts.”
“You were sent here to learn a lesson. I can only imagine what it might be, however that’s for you figure out.”
“A lesson?”
“There’s always trials and errors to overcome. And I believe you might have to learn something from being among us humans..”
The god of thunder stayed silent simply nodded, listening to him as his mind ran with billions of thoughts. Jason stood up from his chair thanking him for that small information and he’ll request for Thor to be released soon enough.
He was about to leave the room when the god of thunder stop him.
“What’s your name?” He asked, his blue eyes pooling and twirling in curiosity.
He looked over his shoulder with a simple half smile, “Jason Underwood, your majesty.”
With that last comment he left, telling Clint what he found from his conversation with the blonde. It wasn’t much, he wasn’t going to tell Barton about what exactly happened in that room. Keeping that information private until further notice. He only said that his name was ‘Thor’ and that he’s a god.
Clint nodded taking note of what was said to tell Coulson later. Jason nodded, snatching up his keys. His work here was done. He hoped.
He took the first chance he got, returning back to his motel to pack his things and head back home.
The man was driving to Miami turning back the radio, when he received a call from James Rhodes. Rhodey was telling him what recently happened with Tony, the fight with Pepper, the issue with his suits and whatnot. Along with the fact that Tony decided to take off in his suit and sat on a giant freaking donut. It was a rather long list.
“He did what?!”
Was all Jason yelled out the phone, as he reached a red light.
As if he week couldn’t get any weirder…
Thanks for reading this story! Also is this my soft reboot of a cooler sweeter MCU? Yes. Yes it is.
Did you catch the two pop culture references? ;)
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shegeekery · 1 month
Misfits (extended) Chapter 1 - Reunion
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Note: This first chapter is a rewrite of the one-shot I posted here a while back.
Chapters: 7, plus a short epilogue Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021), Thor (Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki/Original Character (implied) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Original Characters, Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Hades (Marvel) Additional Tags: Non-Graphic Violence, Nonbinary Character, Hair-pulling, Lots of talk about death Summary: Jane Foster is feeling out of place in Valhalla. She's not the only one. When Jane is given an impossible mission, Loki and her friends want to help — but what is Loki really after?
Chapter Index: Chapter 1: Reunion (this post) Chapter 2: Clown School Chapter 3: Graduation Chapter 4: Trouble in the Mead Hall Chapter 5: Hades' Domain Chapter 6: Fortress Chapter 7: Laevateinn Epilogue
Jane’s first day in Valhalla felt like a dream. 
Odin and Frigga were waiting for her in front of the hall by the time she made her way up the hillside.  Frigga embraced her warmly.  Odin beamed at her and invited her to dine with them privately for the first night.
Over supper, Odin patiently explained what would be expected of her as a warrior of Valhalla. 
Jane had picked up a bit of Asgardian and Scandinavian folklore during her time with Thor — and a great deal more in New Asgard — but nothing had really prepared her for this . She was a scientist. She’d never believed in any sort of afterlife until she found herself face to face with Heimdall at Valhalla’s gate.
“Your duty is to fight, to train, and to ready yourself for the Final Battle,” Odin told her.
The gist of it was that she would have to join the other warriors on the battlefield — and most likely die — every day, only to be resurrected in time for the evening meal in the massive mead hall. 
When she asked what and when the “Final Battle” would be, Odin was less forthcoming. Thor had told her that the army of Valhalla was a no-show at Ragnarok. Maybe they were being held in reserve for something even worse?
By the time supper was finished, Jane felt overwhelmed and exhausted. So much for ‘rest in peace’, she thought. Seems like being dead is more work and a lot less peaceful than being alive.
Frigga took pity on her and showed her to a surprisingly spacious suite in a nearby building reserved for the nobility and honored heroes. She urged Jane to get plenty of rest, telling her that she would return in the morning to show her around and help her get settled.  
As soon as Frigga left, Jane collapsed on the bed. Her dreams were filled with images of battle, blood, and fighting. 
When morning arrived, she inspected her new home. There was no kitchen, but on a table she found a basket of fruit, cheese, and bread that she was fairly certain hadn’t been there the previous evening.  She munched on her breakfast while she looked around. 
In a closet, she found an assortment of clothing and armor, all in her size. There was even a near copy of her ‘Thor’ outfit. She didn’t know yet whether she’d be expected to fight today, so she opted for a simple tunic, a tough leather jerkin, comfortable trousers that tied at the waist, and brown leather boots.
Frigga arrived and took her for a walk around the compound. A horn sounded in the distance, a mournful, martial sound. Frigga explained that Heimdall sounded Gjallarhorn to start and end each day’s practice. Moments later, the sounds of armed fighting drifted up the hillside from the battlefield below.
They walked through the practice yard — a flat area with hard-packed earth — and into the armory. 
Inside, Jane found a wide assortment of weapons in racks and on display along the walls. She picked up a hammer, but found to her dismay that it was much too heavy for her to wield effectively — that had never been a problem with Mjölnir. The longer haft felt strange, too. Mjölnir’s unusually short haft had actually suited her quite well. 
Unfortunately, Thor’s hammer was still in the realm of the living. She would have to find another weapon, but she was at a bit of a loss there.
The truth was, she had to admit, Mjölnir had done much of the work for her. 
She’d trained hard every day with King Brunnhilde in New Asgard. If not for the stupid cancer, she would have been in the best shape of her life when she died, and a fairly decent fighter. Still, without her magical weapon, she would likely be no match for the Asgardians and humans — most of the latter were Norsemen (and a smattering of women) who had been here for over a millennium — almost all of whom had trained in the arts of war from childhood.
She tried several other weapons: a sword, a mace, an axe, but she had no expertise with these. Finally, Frigga encouraged Jane to go watch the battle while she went to consult with her husband.
Jane leaned on the balcony railing in the practice yard, observing the action on the battlefield far below. 
It didn’t look so bad from up here, but she was quite certain it would be a chaotic nightmare once she found herself in the middle of it. Anguished screams carried up the hillside and echoed through the valleys, somehow carrying over the constant din of metal crashing upon metal. From time to time, another distant figure would fall and be still while the fighting carried on around them. In some places, groups of warriors seemed to work together, while elsewhere it looked like a free-for-all, with fighters attacking anyone and everyone within their reach. 
One band of warriors managed to destroy their nearby foes in a brilliantly coordinated attack, then immediately fell upon their own comrades. Jane watched in horrified fascination as a mace-wielding berserker spun around, clearing the field around him in seconds, only to be cut down by a thrown axe.
What in God’s — er, Odin’s — name am I doing here?  
Jane wasn’t afraid of a fight, but she hadn’t particularly enjoyed it either. There was so much more to life — or, well, afterlife — than that, wasn’t there? It didn’t help that she had no idea what it was all for, in the end.
No longer really seeing the carnage laid out before her, Jane sighed. She didn’t even know many people here. There were Odin, Frigga, Heimdall, the Warriors Three — whom she had met briefly in Asgard — and a handful of New Asgardians who had fallen when the little town was attacked. No family or close friends. No Brunnhilde.
No Thor.
She wondered if it was too late to back out. Would Odin and Frigga be offended if she —
“Oh dear. I know that look.” The low, silken voice interrupted her thoughts. 
Startled, she turned to see Loki standing next to her. 
How did he…? Oh, right. Yeesh. Someone should put a bell on this guy.
The God of Mischief smirked at her surprise. “Didn’t expect to find me here, did you?”
Jane thought it odd that Odin and Frigga hadn’t mentioned that Loki was here too. 
He was dressed much the same as the last time she’d seen him, in a green tunic with gold embroidery, a long green and gold coat styled to make his shoulders look larger, and matching leather trousers with black boots. 
Still just as vain, even in death. 
She wondered whether he had a closet with clothing in it, or just conjured clothing to match his mood. 
“I, um, I guess I hadn’t really thought about it, to be honest.”
He chuckled. “Not to worry. Trust me, nobody was more shocked than I was when I came to and found myself walking next to Heimdall on the road to Valhalla. Never saw this in my future.” He gestured, his arms encompassing the massive hall and the field of battle below.
She managed a weak smile and nodded, not knowing what else to do. This was unexpected. Her mind raced, trying to figure out what it meant that Loki was here. Should she be worried?
“Neither did anyone else,” he added, with a touch of — was it sadness? Scorn? A bit of both? “They drew lots to decide who would have the chance to kill me first. There was a line…”
Jane found herself horrified and amused in equal measure. “I’m…sorry,” she choked out. “That sounds terrible.”
Loki waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, it wasn’t so bad. I even let several of them win — guards killed when the Frost Giants invaded Odin’s vault. I took them all on at once to make their ‘victory’ more believable. Turns out people are more willing to forgive past transgressions once they’ve brutally murdered you a few times.”
Jane snorted in spite of herself.
He winked at her. “Makes room for new transgressions.” 
She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the mercurial, unpredictable god. She hadn’t forgotten that he’d killed quite a few people in her world. 
Then again, he had risked his life to help save her from the dark elf, Malekith. True, he’d been motivated by a desire to avenge his mother, but he’d also jumped to shield her from the blast of a black hole grenade, saving her life when Thor wasn’t even watching. 
Loki seemed to be full of contradictions. I wonder if even he knows what he really wants.
Jane mentally went over what she knew of Valhalla’s entrance requirements. It wasn’t like the Christian Heaven, she remembered. It wasn’t about how you lived. It was how you died that mattered most. 
She’d thought that Loki had died in Svartalfheim, which probably would have landed him here if it hadn’t been an illusion. Later, Thor had told her about Ragnarok and the nasty business with Thanos. Apparently, Thor was right. Loki really had died that time — and again, he’d died a hero. 
More or less.
They stood silently a moment, watching the ongoing battle. Jane stole a sideways glance at Loki as he gazed down at the field. He seemed older than she remembered. Sadder, somehow, which was odd given that the last time she’d seen him, he’d just lost his mother and had now been reunited with her in death.
“What were you saying before? You know what look?” Jane asked.
“The look that says there’s been some terrible cosmic mistake, which will no doubt soon be corrected and you’ll be sent packing, off to where you really belong.” He mimed wrapping something up and tossing it into the distance. “I was the same when I first arrived.”
“And where’s that? Where do we really belong?”
“In my case… Hel. In yours?” He shrugged. “Wherever good little scientists go when they shuffle off the mortal coil.”
“But you don’t think that now?”
“Valhalla doesn’t make mistakes. If we’re here, it’s because we belong here.” He shrugged again. “Or so they say.”
“You’re not so sure?”
Loki turned to face her again, his mask of arrogant superiority slipping smoothly back into place. All trace of the vulnerability and uncertainty Jane thought she’d glimpsed had vanished. 
“As it happens, I didn’t come here just to discuss theology with you. Odin, in his infinite wisdom ,” his voice fairly dripped with sarcasm, “has decreed that you, my Lady, shall be trained in the subtle art of dagger combat.” 
“Daggers? Why?” Jane couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. She had been ‘The Mighty Thor’, defender of New Asgard, after all. Now they were going to throw her into battle with nothing but a knife or two?
“I’m afraid we’re running low on magic hammers here. You’re tiny, but quick, and…reasonably intelligent,” he replied, haughtily. 
“Gee, thanks.”
“Daggers require a certain finesse. Intelligence counts for more than brute strength.” 
Loki leaned in. She was surprised by the way he towered over her. 
He’s taller than I thought. I didn’t notice when he was with Thor.  
“And you may not wish to thank me by the time we’re done,” he whispered. “As the resident expert, I’m going to train you.” He stepped back and grinned wickedly as a pair of daggers appeared in his hands. The edges looked very, very sharp.
Loki spun the daggers around in his hands and offered them to her, hilt first. She took them, hesitantly.
“Don’t worry,” he said in a mock-soothing tone that was anything but reassuring. “I promise to kill you quickly the first few times.” 
He laughed at her alarm. “You’ll get used to it.” Another pair of daggers appeared in his hands. He flipped them in the air and caught them expertly, then adopted a fighting stance and cocked his head, eyes glinting dangerously.
“Now then, my Lady. Shall we begin?”
Go to Chapter 2
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