#its actually 6:26 in the morning.
catlikesstars · 4 months
its 2:45 pm. wake up from snoring open DMs
0 notes
arteastica · 6 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (19)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2.7k
It was the kind of morning that encouraged the wearing of many layers. The thicker the better. And Sasha, who looked busy feeding soaked hay to the horses of a nearby stable, seemed to have reached that same conclusion before leaving her room that morning. You observed her as she struggled to drain the wet grass without dipping her fingers into the water, and realized you didn’t remember what she looked like under her scarf and wool hat.
Was this winter ever going to end?
The calendar gave a rather optimistic answer, but the weather seemed to be so very in love with the snow, and it didn’t look like it was letting go of its lover anytime soon.
You rubbed your gloved hands against each other and noticed how this was the first time you actually felt cold this season, even though the harshest days were already long behind. But back then, when low temperatures would make everyone complain, and the biting wind would paint their ears and fingers all shades of red, you could rely on your memories and the pleasant fire they lit within. And back then, you also had his body heat to keep you warm.
You glanced at the man standing beside you, his attention completely lost somewhere in the woods before him, and his hand, idly hanging to his side, looked especially inviting under this weather. And you wished you could reach out and take it, but you weren’t sure he would let you hold it.
His breath, turning into white mist as soon as it left his body, was clearly visible against the somber, almost starless twilight sky. His eyes were also a dark shade of blue this morning, and they seemed just as gelid as the sudden gust of wind that caused you to wrap your arms around yourself, rubbing your shoulders as you tried to shrink your body to a size that would be too tiny for the cold to spot.
“You can wait inside if you-”
“I’m fine.” You rushed to say, before realizing the hastiness in your voice risked coming across a little discourteous, and he was your boss after all. “It will start warming up once the sun rises a little more.” You explained, this time trying to soften your voice with a smile, a smile that you hoped didn’t look as unnatural and stiff as it felt on your own lips.
Yes, you had no doubt that the weather would warm up soon, because like a promise kept, the sun would always rise in the morning. And, as you thought about such kind of tacit, unspoken promises, you glanced up: The sky didn’t promise snow today. Maybe it would warm up a little after all.
But, was it really a promise or just your own foolish assumptions? In your case, there was always a bigger chance that it was the latter, and, therefore, throughout the years you had learned to not let yourself get too hopeful about things. That way, when it did snow later and you found your feet stuck under six inches of snow, buried so deep that you couldn’t move backwards and neither forwards, the disappointment wouldn’t hurt as much.
You could tell his eyes were on you, but you didn’t feel like looking back. Instead, you tried to find if there was even a single star still visible in the sky.
It had been almost a full week since he went back to work, and make no mistake, you were happy he did. You were glad to see him instead of the sad empty chair your eyes had been constantly met with for the past six weeks or so. However, it had also been a week since you moved back to your room. A full week since you last heard the raspy good mornings and lulling good nights he would whisper against your ear. A full week since you last engaged in any form of conversation that didn’t have the words ‘maintenance budget cuts’ or ‘decreasing staffing levels’ in them. A full week since you last saw him smile. At least at your way.
And most importantly, it had been a full week since you last felt the reassuring warmth of his lips against yours, and the sweet comfort of his arm around your body. A full week since you told him some very big words. And a full week since he didn’t say them back.
But, could you blame him for that? Not really, and you weren’t mad at him. Because, now that you had a lot of time to spend in the loneliness of your dark room, you started to consider the possibility that maybe he had his boundaries; and that maybe, just maybe, you had been overstepping them lately. Or who knows since when, to be honest.
There was something, however, that you knew very well.
You knew that the life of the Survey Corps’ Commander was already difficult enough as it was, and that he didn’t need any of his subordinates to make things more uncomfortable for him, whether that was with their irrational requests or the unsolicited confessions that left their mouth when they were in bed together. And, all things considered, you figured he could go back to sleeping alone. Not to mention he must be craving some personal space as well. After all, you had practically glued yourself to his side for a month.
As you let your mind travel to warmer moments lived during that month, you realized the silence was making you a little bit too nostalgic, so you welcomed the sound the leaves made as they drifted wherever the wind blew. As well as the distant clatter of hooves.
“They’re here.” He said, and you looked up to find the convoy in the distance. Within a few moments, the shapes grew in size, until they reached the entrance of the castle.
The enclosed carriage that was leading the caravan waited in front as two soldiers opened the gates. It was big and rather opulent, and the glossy finish on the wood told you that it had been polished very recently, and with such dedication that now it resembled a mirror. A mirror that, with its gilded features and painted panels, successfully reflected the personal taste of the owner, whose face remained anonymous thanks to the satin curtains covering the windows.
But the carriage wasn’t the only notable thing in the caravan. The four horses pulling it, as well as the two dozens waiting behind, were splendid enough to overshadow the sumptuous vehicle.
The commander walked to the entrance of the stables, and you followed behind, your eyes still captured by the mesmerizing creatures. When the carriage parked nearby and its doors opened, the identity of the owner was finally revealed: a middle-aged man of imposing height and cinnamon hair who looked surprisingly familiar, and that, judging by his elegant demeanor and conspicuous wardrobe choices, could be nothing other than the lord of some faraway estate.
He hugged the Commander as if they were the oldest of friends, and, as they laughed about some inside joke you were certain you wouldn’t get, you found yourself wishing things were as merry and jolly between you and him as it was between the two of them. But then again, you were pretty sure this old man had never said he was in love with him.
Although, to be fair, it was not like he was avoiding you. In fact, to an outsider it may even look like you were the one doing it. After all, you were the one who decided to move back to your room, and you were the one who was actively trying to keep your eyes glued to your desk instead of looking his way. You were also the one who decided to start leaving immediately after your shift ended.
A stranger reading your latest journal entries would be forgiven for thinking you were the one putting distance between you two, but you were convinced that anyone in your position would understand that it was not something you had chosen deliberately. You were merely reacting.
Reacting to what you felt and perceived: a switch in the atmosphere, a change in his eyes, the feeling of not being welcome anymore. You could see it there, in the icy blue of his irises, and that’s why you tried not to look at them. It made your throat tight and your vision blurry. So you decided it was best to look at the horses instead.
They were truly some of the most magnificent stallions you had ever seen. So bright and alert. The glow in their coat told you that all their nutritional requirements were met, and the bounce of their mane, that they were frequently groomed. You had once heard that even just one of these horses was worth an average person’s lifetime income. And you could see why.
But after some minutes of contemplation, wonder turned into gloom, as you found yourself feeling sorry for them. There was no way these innocent creatures knew about the dangers that awaited them. It was truly such a shame that such gorgeous animals had been born in a world like yours. They deserved to enjoy their days eating fresh grass and running up and down a green hill, somewhere in the middle of a picturesque countryside, and not to spend their lives outrunning titans.
But you tried to cheer yourself up by thinking that they would get to live good lives for as long as they could cling to them. After all, the scouts treated their animals with the utmost care and respect, almost as if they considered their horses to be comrades too.
To your right, you heard the Commander animatedly talking with the wealthy stranger. But your eyes were still lost among the horses, absentmindedly watching their mane dance in the wind. The sound it made when blowing through the trees, delicately rustling their leaves as if telling them it was time to wake up, was something you had always found relaxing. And you realized that, despite the uncomfortable cold, it was such a beautiful day in the forest. If only you could enjoy it.
You wished you owned the carefree disposition of that tall man who had just dismounted his horse and now seemed to be thanking it for the ride. He looked so content and joyful, utterly delighted with the simple act of ruffling its mane, and so did the animal. It looked as if the man was fluent in whatever language it is that horses speak. He looked a lot like a horse whisperer. He looked a lot like-
“Leon?” You heard your own voice calling seconds before the man turned around and smiled, confirming that was indeed his name.
“My lady.” As he made his way to you, his hazel locks danced to the exact same tune his horse’s mane did behind him. His hair had gotten longer, but his smile was as warm and welcoming as you remembered it.
“How come you’re here?” You asked, surprised to find this was the first time in days your smile felt like it belonged on your face.
“I’m accompanying my lord uncle.” He paused as he kissed the back of your hand. “This gentleman right here.” You looked at the man he was pointing at, the one standing next to him, and also the same tall stranger the Commander had been animatedly conversing with.
So this was Lord Koch. His face did look a little familiar after all.
“Commander Smith.” Leon gently let go of your hand before sending an acknowledging nod to the Commander, and extending his hand.
“Lord Angert.” The Commander shook the hand Leon was offering and smiled politely. “Thank you for traveling so far, my Lord. I hope the winter woods weren’t too rough.”
“As someone who was raised out in the cold, my esteemed Commander, I found the weather rather nostalgic.” As the two men shared a chuckle, you couldn’t help but join in, amused by Leon’s interesting way of speaking.
“We had to make a couple of small detours, as we weren’t sure if it was safe to travel anywhere near Ragako or Dauper.” Lord Koch explained. “That added at least half a day to our schedule. We should have been here by yesterday night, so I apologize, Erwin. I think Leon here was the only one who appreciated the change of plans.” He grinned at his nephew, and you noticed that Lord Koch’s eyes also had the tendency to turn into crescent moons when he smiled. “He really wanted to get a present for the beautiful lady here.” You blinked a few times to shake the confusion away when you suddenly felt all three men’s eyes on you.
Leon slipped a hand inside his jacket before handing you a tin box that was all too familiar to you. It did look like you were starting a collection after all, you had three of these now.
And for the first time in this bitter morning, you felt warm, the pleasant feeling immediately taking over your lips. You could really use the sugar today. The sugar, as well as the comfort only your favorite childhood treat could provide.
“Leon, you didn’t have to.” Your fingers reached for the present, unable to keep your lips from curving when you had the small box in your hands. You expected the metal to be cold, but it was actually comfortable to the touch, and rather warm from the cozy pocket he had kept it in all this time.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I figured since I was coming here anyway, I could at least bring you a piece of home.” He explained, using his hand to brush aside the importance of his kind gesture. “Although, I must admit the idea only found me after we were more than halfway through our journey here. But Luckily they had these in one of the villages we stopped by.”
You stared into the forest he had for eyes and wondered if you could find a friend there. Because you felt like you could really use one right now.
“Erwin, these were selectively bred to be approximately five feet tall and nine hundred pounds give or take.” You turned your attention to Lord Koch, who was pointing at the group of horses that was now being taken into the stables. “They may seem heavy but you don’t need to worry about maintenance out there in the field, they can get by perfectly fine on a simple diet, and travel many hours without complaining.” You eyed the horses, they certainly looked way more muscular than your average horse. “And their weight doesn’t affect their performance either. Their top speed is between forty to fifty miles per hour. Pretty impressive, right? We trained them to maintain a swift twenty two miles gallop, even when pulling a carriage. Like I said, a fine speed all the way through. But I don’t pretend you believe just my words. I actually would like to show you right now if you’re up for it. What do you say?”
The sound of the wind waking the leaves from their slumber was the only thing Lord Koch got for a reply. You turned to look at the Commander at the same time Leon did, and were surprised to find him staring back at you. An unreadable look in his icy blue eyes.
“Erwin?” Lord Koch called again and this time he seemed to have more luck in getting a reply.
“Yes, yes, we should.” The Commander said, eyes still fixed on you.
“I’ll get them ready, Uncle.”
“No, son, you can stay. Erwin and I are only going for a quick ride.” Lord Koch smiled to his nephew before turning to the Commander. “Let’s go, Erwin. Let’s leave these two to each other. I bet they have a lot to talk about.”
The Commander threw one last glance your way, a closed-mouth smile on his face, before turning around and following Lord Koch.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @mchlist @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis @goddessinsweats @nube55 @jeanboyjean @crazychaoticizzy @braunsbabe @erwinawesomeness @apts2000 @lucifers-nipple-piercing
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
12th House Signs
Part 1
Credit @moonastrogirl
Look at the sign of your 12th house and discover how you can use your 12th house the best way possible. Also look at the sign linked to the degree of your 12th house.
Next post will be on Part 2 💜
ARIES = 1, 13, 25°
TAURUS = 2, 14, 26°
GEMINI = 3, 15, 27°
CANCER = 4, 16, 28°
LEO = 5, 17, 29°
VIRGO = 6, 18°
Signs of 12th house
12th house in Aries
-> Ruler Mars
-> How to use your Aries 12th house at your advantage ?
What you are passionate and ambitious about is what you create.
Impulsive and agressive without knowing and attracting weird scenarios into your life is what makes your 12th house. Tho all that direct and straightforward energy can be useful to you. Use your subconscious drive and energy at your advantage. Be active physically. Do sports, express your aggressive side in a healthy way. So you can avoiding unpleasant circumstances and not be the victim of those who envy your strength. Maybe listen to affirmations from agressive coaches who are not afraid to curse you out while you are doing your morning jogging. Your subconscious mind would love it. Exhaust your body to reduce the mars energy present in your body and to avoid outburst of anger. Finally discipline your martian mind by following a strict routine or rules in what you want to achieve. Think military mindset. Use wisely and strategically your energy so you can become the leader you are meant to be.
12th house in Taurus
-> Ruler Venus
-> How to use your Taurus 12th house at your advantage ?
What you love deeply is what you create.
You are selfless and you are so generous that you can give anything to those you love. You love deeply and kindly. Plus you want everyone around you to feel safe and secure. However some people can take advantage of your generosity and kindness. The best thing for you is to redirect this kindness and generosity to yourself first. Redirect your love into self love, be a bit selfish with your generosity and love. Only give it to those who reciprocate it to you even tho no one can actually match your generosity. At least they can try. Let people show you they love you and make yourself a priority too. When you are alone, do all the things you love without overindulging in your guilty little pleasures, aka food, online shopping, food again. You are also deeply attached to those you love and it’s hard for you to let go of those attachments even after many times after a separation. Learn to detach from those who are no longer in your life to not make yourself stuck. Life can offer so much to someone so kind and generous as you are and you frankly deserve it.
12th house in Gemini
-> Ruler Mercury
-> How to use your Gemini 12th house at your advantage ?
What you think and say is what you create and attract.
Words, words, words… So many words in your head all the time. You don’t even have the breath necessary to say them all at the same time. The brain of an ADHD person so full of contrast and unpredictability. When spending time alone, talk to yourself, so much that you won’t have the need to talk more than necessary when you are around people. Because those words you might say without thinking are your subconscious mind playing its part in your life. Those words can also sometimes work against you in your life when interacting with people. You may find yourself gossiping and giving away secrets of people who have trusted you. So saying less to others will be best for you. Think twice before saying something or answering any question. (If you can’t really stop yourself from speaking in a moment then just talk around the subject without giving out important information.) These words can be so useful to you too ! You can use words to help yourself manifest the life you desire. Writing down, saying them out loud and saying your affirmations each day. The right use of your words can help your subconscious manifest and yourself evolve.
12th house in Cancer
-> Ruler Moon
-> How to use your Cancer 12th house at your advantage ?
What you feel you create and attract.
Your emotions and how much comfort you feel are important. You can be pretty comfortable with others’ emotions but yours ? It’s hard for you when you are alone and feeling all your emotions. It can be overwhelming. That’s why having a comfortable home can be useful to you. At home you need to feel safe, secure and free to sit with yourself and your emotions. Having a comfortable bed can help you deal with your 12th house. It can become your spiritual sanctuary where you can energise yourself and feel safe. Learn to identify your emotions and the messages they are sending you. Your emotions are your greatest teachers. Develop also your intuitive side and listen closely to everything you are feeling. Cancer energy is the high priestess energy in Tarot and also the chariot. So be spiritual and intuitive but also a leader who goes after what it’s meant for them. Plus you probably have healing abilities as you naturally enjoy helping and taking care of others.
12th house in Leo
-> Ruler Sun
-> How to use your Leo 12th house at your advantage ?
What brings you joy and warmth is what you create.
You are incredibly strong and capable and you hide it but if anyone starts messing around with you you show them. Why not learning to unleash your incredible potential for your own benefit instead of waiting for someone to challenge you ? Accept all the traits of your Leo 12th house and the amazing talents and gifts your 12th house is bringing to your personality. Be bold, be charismatic, charming and show your performances. Put on a show baby. Everyone wanna see it. You have to learn to put yourself out there, in front stage with all the lights on shining on your beautiful persona. Let the world see your inner light. Let it shine bright. We are waiting for you. However you may have some insecurities you have a hard time to accept and you probably have incredible dreams you don’t think you can achieve. Heal your insecurities and drawbacks. Tap into your heart chakra to heal yourself because Leo energy is heart chakra energy. Lean into your heart chakra and know that you can make all your dreams come true. Accept your whole being, have compassion for yourself and show up as your most authentic self.
12th house in Virgo
-> Ruler Mercury
-> How to use your Virgo 12th house at your advantage ?
What you think precisely and say is what you attract and create. 
Detail oriented, obsessed with strategising and reviewing plans before executing them. However you might be too judgmental with others and especially with yourself. Maybe working on being more comfortable with yourself might actually help you heal your inner self-judge. Then by using your words and incredible way of seeing details to further your creativity and your writing. That’s exactly what your subconscious mind need to do : to write words and specific details of anything you want to achieve. Journaling can be amazing for you to manifest a better reality for yourself. As mercury rules your 12th house, the use of affirmations can help you overcome any obstacle you may face when you are alone. Speak to yourself with words of kindness, healing and comfort your inner self to quit being so harsh on yourself.
Thank you for reading me and PART 2 is coming soon 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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cozzzynook · 1 month
Soundrod headcanons challenge
Who says I love you first?
Who makes their energon?
Who is the early bird/who is the night owl?
Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon?
Who loves to cuddle?
Who hogs the blanket?
Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Who usually has nightmares?
Who likes sweets?
Who likes horror movies/who likes romance movies?
Who is small/who is tall?
Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Who is the most affectionate?
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Who asks for oney/Who has money?
Who proposes?
Who is top/Who is bottom?
Who is most ticklish?
Who brings an animal they found home?
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Who cooks best?
Who needs for reassurance?
Who comms inappropriate things to the other during inappropriate times?
Who cries during certain films?
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
Answer the questions and send this to someone else if you want.
1. Its said during a moment of passion when they think they’re both about to be offlined in a deadly explosion that will take everything out for miles surrounding it. They look into each others optics and say if together. They survive, but they wanted the other to know what they have is real.
2. Soundwave makes energon in the morning while Rodimus makes energon at night. Soundwave gets his peace and quiet and Roddy entertains the cassettes while cooking and giving Soundwave a moment to himself.
3. Roddy is an afternoon person while Soundwave is a night owl/before people wake up morning person. The moment he makes contact with people outside his home he’s angry and needs caffeine energon.
4. Soundwave is little spoon because he likes to rest his head on Roddy’s thick thighs and its painful for someone to be on Rodimus’s spoiler.
5. They both love it. Soundwave likes rodimus warm touch and Rodimus needs to feel Soundwave/hear his spark beating.
6. Since Rodimus has a fire outlier Soundwave cuddles up to him instead of the blanket since Rodimus is warmer.
7. Rodimus.
8. They both do. Soundwave silently sobs and Rodimus hugs him. Rodimus sprays out fire when he has a nightmare.
9. Soundwave actually has a sweet tooth and Rodimus likes spicy or sour fuel.
10. Soundwave is not affected by horror movies and the jump scares get Rodimus sometimes but Rodimus loves romantic movies while Soundwave tolerates them.
11. Soundwave is tall and Rodimus is tall when he becomes a prime.
12. Rodimus.
13. Soundwave is in private affectionate and believe it or not so is Rodimus. He’ll be close and talk a lot in public but he saves romance for at home.
14. Soundwave uses Roddy’s name and Rodimus calls him by his name too. In private Rodimus says babe and Soundwave says my love.
15. Rodimus likes picking Soundwave up.
16. Soundwave has money and Roddy has full access to the account.
17. Soundwave. He proposes first and Rodimus reveals his plan but he kept getting too nervous to do it.
18. I know a lot of people like them switching, i personally like rodimus subbing & soundwave dominating. Rodimus would vavle dom 100%.
19. Soundwave. He will offline someone for trying and Rodimus will look so judgmental at someone touching him because he does not like to be touched.
20. Both.
21. Soundwave does not like getting out of berth. He likes the morning quiet but he hates leavimg the berth. It was a rule on the nemesis to not bother soundwave before he left his habsuite unless an emergency. Everyone followed that rule. Everyone.
22. Rodimus is amazing at making spicy and home made fuel while Soundwavs is amazing at baking.
23. Rodimus. He’s afraid of being forgotten and that soundwave will eventually realize he can do better & leave him.
24. 100% Rodimus sexually, legitimate wrong timing on Soundwaves part because he didn’t know Rodimus was on a mission and Rodimus forgot to tell him.
25. Soundwave will cry but deny it and Rodimus hides his face the entire time because he doesn’t like crying.
26. They let it come out naturally after the war is long over. They’ve been conjunx for over a million years, conjunxed a bit before the war started and have been conjunx since. Their friends find out when they catch the two shopping together.
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x5 Good Form
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 745
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Killian touched his lips softly, almost reverently, as he sat alone in the forest. She’d kissed him.  She’d actually kissed him.  Killian reached for his flask, needing the familiar burn of the rum on his tongue to prove to himself that he was awake and was not, in fact, in the throws of a delicious dream.
He’d flirted with her, smiling his teasing smile and playfully touching his lips as he suggested a way she might thank him for his service toward her father, but he’d never expected her to take him up on his suggestion.
Not that he was complaining.  That kiss had been…. He blew out a long sigh.  Even for a man so normally silver tongued as he was, there were no words.
It was more than the kiss itself–that had been steamy, passionate, blissful, of course–but it was more than that. It was….it was what the kiss revealed.
He loved her.  He was in love with her.  She’d snuck under his defenses as stealthily as any pirate could have, and without his knowledge, she’d taken possession of his heart.
It was an uncomfortable feeling, if he were being honest.  He’d never been one to bestow his love lightly, but when he did, there was no going back.  He’d spent two-hundred bloody (often literally) years in Neverland because of love for Milah, for heaven’s sake.  The thought of moving on from her, of bestowing his heart on another and giving her the power to crush it as thoroughly as Milah’s death had done…
He took another long swallow.
Well, there was nothing for it now.  It had happened.  He’d fallen in love again.
As he continued to sit and ruminate on the events of the day, it occurred to him that while the revelation of his love was momentous, it was by no means the only noteworthy thing that had happened that day.
This place, Neverland, had a truly ghastly effect on its inhabitants.  It had a way of bringing one's worst fears, one's greatest insecurities, one's biggest regrets to mind.  This place was depression in physical form.  He’d survived his last stint here with the aid of one thing and one thing only–his revenge.  That goal, that singular purpose had allowed him to keep his wits about him.
This time around….well, the fact that he’d allowed the Crocodile on his ship, formed a tentative truce with him, proved that he had given up on that revenge.  Without that singular focus to ruminate upon, he’d spent the hours on this island this go around reminded of his sins, his faults, the fact that he was a villain whom the heroes tolerated only.
Hadn’t David said it himself this morning? “Let me give you a bit of advice, Hook. She’s never gonna like you.  How could she?  You’re nothing but a pirate.”
Though he’d tried to keep the mocking grin on his face, it had stung, and for the first time, Killian realized how very much he wanted to change his life, become the kind of man Emma’s father–a man who was so much like his own hero, Liam–would approved of.
But at that moment, the gloom of Neverland had descended, and he’d come to realize he’d never be that man; he’d never overcome his past.  He’d never reach a higher status than “the pirate with which we’ve formed a temporary but begrudging alliance”.
And so it had continued throughout the day.  David had taken pains to make his disdain and dislike known and felt, taking small verbal digs at him, even as he attempted to save his life.
So it was that the second most astounding event of the day–second only to the kiss–had happened.  When they’d returned to camp after achieving their ends at the top of Dead Man’s Peak, David had not only given him credit, but had toasted him, had bestowed on him the look of approval and gratitude Killian had never dared hope to receive from him.
It had embarrassed him a bit, having the entire company of heroes and Regina (he still wasn’t sure where upon the hero-villain spectrum she truly belonged) raise a flask to him, but the warmth it engendered had been as potent as his rum.
For the first time, he could see a way forward.  Maybe he didn’t have to be forever defined by his past villainous deeds.  Perhaps….perhaps there was a path to redemption available for him after all.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Twin Snowflakes Master Post
Here it is! Years of chaos in one spot! Technically this isn’t all the posts but everything I think is really important, worth mentioning, or pretty helpful. They are in chronological order! I want to give the hugest thank you to @danurso for already having a file with all the story chapter links for me to grab! I wouldn’t have made this post any time soon without them.
I would like to add that I started writing this near the end of Volume 6 and had the vast majority of the structure all done as V7 Ep1 aired. In other words, certain concepts and people are around before canon said “Haha, screw you.” One last thing, in the actual chapters, the writing style changes further in. Like I said, I’ve been writing this for 4 years.
welcome to Remnant after Salem’s defeat and our heroes have moved forward in their lives! Take a look into an au focusing on Jaune and Weiss’s kids, alongside children of other friends, enemies, and rivals alike as they face a new terrifying force while handling the struggles of growing up alongside some of Remant’s greatest Heroes.
The lore/context
Not So Kept Secret
You’re Enough
New Norm
Equal Shares
New Look
Say Goodbye
Cold Veins and Promises
Dog Days and Resolutions
Freezing Point
Dynamics in a nutshell
Sweet Sadness
Red Carpet
Say So
Not Enough
Twin Snowflakes
0 - Prologue
1 - Cold Training
2 - Warming Up
3- Checkup
4- Checkup pt2
5- Support
6- A Slow Morning
7- People
8- It’s Tricky
9- Phased
10- Expedited Exam pt1
11- Expedited Exam pt2
12- A Guest
13- A Guest pt2
14- Getting Ready
15- Foreign Princess
16- Royal Court
17- Alone Time
18- A Better Day
19- Skill, Sickness, and Skirts
20- Choice Words
21- Ice Breaker
22- Ground Zero
23- Struggling
24- Date Night
25- Date Night pt2
26/1- Preparation
26/2- Preparation (second half)
27- Hill Climbing
28- Connections
29- Coward
30- Little Moments
31- Final Days
32- Show Time
33- Show Stealers
34- Full Swing
35- Major Upset
36- Morale
37- Cunning Plays
38- Knights Battle
39- Stepping Up
40- Growing Pains
41- Pieces at Play
42- Then the World Stood Still
43- Final Warmth
44- Miracles and Memories
45- A Book by its Cover
46- Weathering the Storm
47- Who Are You?
48- Winter Wonderland
49- Adjustment
50- Face Off!
51- You vs Us
52- Final Encore
Finale- A New Tune
Post story- Recovery
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madhatterbri · 6 months
Christmas/ New Year Prompts
Good morning, afternoon, and evening everyone,
Today is December 1st. Let's get those creative juices flowing!!! Thanks to @midwestmade29 for major help with the list. I will add more as I think about them.
Any and all fanfic writers are welcomed to join just please tag me so I can read it.
Please see the prompts below:
1.) First kiss under the mistletoe
2.) Playing in the snow together (snowball fight, sledding, building a snowman)
3.) Ice skating
4.) Sex by/in front of a fireplace
5.) Driving or walking around looking at Christmas lights together
6.) Christmas morning proposal
7.) Getting snowed in and can’t leave the house
8.) Christmas movie marathon (either actually watching the movies or getting spicy together instead)
9.) taking a vacation somewhere to escape the cold weather
10.) First Christmas together
11.) Camping in the great outdoors
12.) Role-playing in bed as a Christmas character 😂
13.) Being comforted during the holidays since its the first one without them here
14.) Perhaps a little adult time before the kids open their presents
15.) Adult time while the kids are asleep to celebrate the New Years
17.) Secret Santa idea where your name has a crush on another person and their best friend rigs it so they gift each other
18.) One of them sucks at gift wrapping
19.) Invited to a Christmas party (work, friends, maybe your ex will be there) and you beg the other person to be your date
20.) A couple broken up get Invited to a Christmas party.
21.) Your sibling, cousin, etc. is a huge fan and wants to meet the person you are dating/ friends with
22.) Christmas decorations (competing or putting up together)
23.) Bake cookies together
24.) Last Christmas your name gave their heart and the next day they gave it away
25.) Your name returns to their hometown and sees the person they left behind
26.) Friends dare you to kiss at midnight
27.) Morning after New Years (regret? Excitement?)
28.) New Years Eve on a boat watching the fireworks from there
29.) New Year proposal
30.) Bringing someone to a friend's new years eve party to not look lonely in front of your ex
31.) You swore someone off last year but now it's the new year so it shouldn't be too bad being in their bed, right?
32.) You both couldn't afford much for Christmas this year but at least you have each other. ❤️
33.) You are stressed about Christmas/ Eve meal and they comfort you.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
“one of the top three sexiest robin williams roles” you can’t just leave that in the tag without saying what the others are (but if I’ve missed it OTL)
Okay, okay I admit, I was being mildly flippant because I think robin williams is highly capable of being sexy and armand is a great example, however now that we're here, let us consider the tenets of the sexy robin williams character
EDIT: also at this point, apologies, I was out travelling for a few days, I was not ignoring you. ahem. continuing:
did I come across him as a kid/teenager in a story that made me cry my eyes out
moustache/general hairiness
how queer is he
how well-dressed is he
how anti-authoritarian is he
does he make me laugh
Let's go wild and say every one of these gets rated from 0-10 (with 0 being for example "not at all hairy" and 10 being "sexy motherfucker")
now, here's some of his most well-known ventures
good morning vietnam: he's not got a moustache, because it's the army, but because it's the army his natural anti-authoritarianism is dialled up. he queers the space and goes hard on the camp comedy. loses points for being about americans in vietnam, and he's kind of a pest towards a vietnamese woman to begin with (although he does improve). best out of context line: "we can't say dyke these days, we can't even say lesbian, we have to say woman in comfortable shoes." Also the movie ends on a dorothy/wizard of oz quote. it's definitely not queer, but it's also... a choice.
0 on me crying for him, 3 on his chest peeking out once or twice, 7 on queerness (although I cannot overstate that it's not queer, but it IS him doing great camp as robin williams), 4 on the well-dressed I guess, at least he's not always in khaki, like... 6 on anti-authoritarian, because he's still an american in vietnam, 6 on the laughter because when I laugh I laugh a lot, but some of it ages pooorly = 26 points
dead poets society: the og "teacher you had a crush on, because he affirmed your queer identity and taught you poetry." I have since worked with tutors who taught me poetry and yeah, you do get heart eyes at them, poetry and being heard just does that to you. it's anti-authoritarian of course, it's professor-chic. it's low on the hairiness scale though. of course, it is also very very sad. he's dressed like me 20 years from now.
9 on sobbing scale, 2 on hairiness from memory, 8 on queerness in that whole fucking movie, 7 on well-dressed (this is about my gender okay), 5 on the laughter he's still robin williams even when he's only joking around a little, 8 on anti-authoritarian = 39 points
to wong foo: only in it briefly, canonically bisexual, leaves an impression, however the birdcage gives him more to work with, also... he has a soul patch, it is there, one must see it RIP. however I like that he just appeared in this movie, which was very bold in the way it cast its roles for the time
0 on sobbing scale (for him), 0 on the hair-scale my goodness, 10 for queerness that is a bisexual man (his truest self), 6 on well-dressed yes he's technically well-dressed but I don't like it much, and 5 on anti-authoritarian -- he's a queer so duh but it's not really in the plot for him, 7 on the laughter he's just charming = 28 points
bicentennial man: he's a robot who argues for his right to be considered alive. he's not my personally sexiest robot of all time, but every robot is a sexy robot. this one also made me cry (we're seeing a trend huh).
IIII cannot rate his sexiness in this movie, it's been too long -- will have to rewatch and get back to it
good will hunting: we love a dramatic turn, I wanted to say, but he did a lot of dramatic turns actually. this one might be the most straightforward dramatic that I've watched though. he's got a beard! he's helping out a kid without a lot of opportunities. he's challenging toxic masculinity. we love a sexy bearded man who's making the world a better place, breaking the cycle
yeah I cried at this as a kid 8 points, iiihihihi he has A BEARD 10 points! queer ethos related to breaking the cycle of toxic masculintitty and being someone who's looking at methods of healing and non-nuclear family support networks but not overall super queer on his character's front necessarily 5, 4 on the well-dressed it's worse than dead poets, 7 on anti-authoritarian, hmmm and 4 on laughter... it's still robin williams = 38 points
jumanji: a mess of a person who never shaved before, that's trans man aesthetics forya. he's a bit too busy for me to consider him sexy necessarily, he arrives and immediately man-eating plants, man-hunters (no innuendo intended), floods, and what-have-yous follow. he doesn't have time to be sexy, but that being said...
yes I cried to this movie as a kid 7 on the sad williams, okay he is hairy but is he kempt at all??? still 6, idk if it's queer to be trapped inside a game for most of your life but it'll certainly make you neurodivergent which is queer enough 5, badly dressed (sorry) 3, anti-authoritarian... tricky... he doesn't get on with his strict dad as a kid, he evades a man-hunter (again, no innuendo), he gets arrested by a cop and he continues to roll the dice on a game that wreaks havoc (although he continues to abide by the rules of the game sooo there's a whole essay here, let's just say 5), 4 on the laughter = 30
hon mentions: hook -- makes me cry too hard to even consider sexiness + when I was a kid it was all about dante basco. mrs doubtfire -- the particular kind of drag he does doesn't do it for me, but we love a genderfluid icon. mork&mindy -- I haven't actually seen it, but he seems too baby overall at that point. flubber -- he's got that mad professor type Look, but I've never actually seen it (I saw a trailer over and over on one of my vhs' as a kid), life according garp is a weird fucking movie which is surprisingly trans-positive but also just like... not well-made, I wanna watch what dreams may come
AND FINALLY BIRDCAGE - one of my queerbaby movies I elegantly let the tears fall 7, HIS CHEST HIS FACIAL HAIR HIS ARMS 10/10, 10 ON QUEERNESS, 10 ON DRESS, loses points on the authoritarian because he gives in to his petulant son's demands for heterosexuality BUT gains some back for his speech about being a middleaged fag + standing by his lover at the end 7, YES HE MAKES ME LAUGH 8 = 52
DING DING DING actually Birdcage is robin williams' sexiest role woops are we surprised?
generally: robin williams is underrated as a hairy man tbh, my guy's arms and chest are 👀👀👀👀👀
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yujo-nishimura · 6 months
The Escape - Part 32
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31
Warning: angst, emotional abuse, loneliness, despair - as a writer I would say here is the big plot twist and after that everything will get better (hopefully)... :)
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That night you had the worst nightmares you have had in a while. After crying yourself to sleep you saw Buggy in your dreams, the small Buggy as you had first met him, sitting together with Gaimon, holding a glass, smiling at you, his face friendly and full of innocence. You wanted to go over to him, you wanted to sit with your friends and laugh and drink and enjoy the good times you always had together. While you trying to reach him, stretching out your hand, his body turned into wax, his face a sad grimace. He tried to move his lips, but everything was inaudible. You called out for him, wanting to run towards him, but something is holding you back. As you looked down to your feet you can see quick sand, slowly swallowing your feet, reaching now all the way up to your knees. The sand is hot, you cannot move, you start to lose sight of Buggy. Feeling desperate, knowing if you could have told him only one thing, this one thing - you could have escaped the quicksand and also rescued your captain from the wax. 
Panting and gasping for air you wake up, immediately sitting up, pressing your palm to your anxious heart, trying to calm it down. You should have told Buggy that you love him. You had so many chances. The first time he forcefully shut you up, being afraid of hearing these words from you. The second time you had no courage. There was no third time. And now it was too late. You tried to slow down your breath and think of what to do next. You had spent the last days in self pity and despair. You did not believe that Buggy had really abandoned you and sold you to a mighty warlord for a handful of berries. There was something else about this story which was fishy. If this was his plan all along why did he not give you to the marines in the first place? They probably would have even paid a better bounty than a criminal like Crocodile. And why would he think you would just stay here in this desert city and live with a chain-smoking devil fruit eater? 
You looked around in your room, not seeing any chance to escape. The windows were sealed with iron bars, the door always locked. You laid back in your pillows and sighed loudly. You knew what to do - you would have to use your charisma and charm once more to finally play along and get out of this palace. And then you would have a chance to meet your former captain again. Would you tear him to pieces for past grievances, or would you be overwhelmed by an intense desire to kiss him passionately? In this moment, you found yourself unsure of which path to take, uncertain of what would be the most appropriate response.
Until the morning you were laying awake in your bed, your mind full of thoughts of revenge and determination. Before dawn, you got up, went into the bathroom and take a long and soothing bath. You decided to use the finest shampoos Crocodile has provided you with and you even found some makeup to enhance your natural beauty. For someone who had been abducted and hadn't slept much you actually looked great. As you came out of the bathroom you went to the closet, taking out one of the most beautiful dancer costumes embroidered with pearls and stones. As you gazed into the mirror, a bittersweet nostalgia washed over you. Reflected back was an image of a lady, no longer adorned with the trappings of a pirate's life - maybe this was the life you had actually longed for?
Seizing a book from the nearby shelf, you swiftly tore out a piece of paper from its first page. With a sense of urgency, you etched a message onto the paper before carefully tucking it into the pocket of your skirt, ensuring its safekeeping. As if he would have predicted your timing, the door opened and Crocodile entered your room carefully, unsure in which state he would find you in. You sat on the chair next to the window, holding the book you just had grabbed, pretending you were reading and awaiting his arrival. It was the first time he saw you in the clothes he had chosen for you and on top of that you were not in your bed, but bathed and dressed sitting on a chair.
 “Good morning!”, you greeted him with a smile. You were determined to make you both feel better by showing kindness.  “Good morning…”, he hesitated, hearing you saying this for the first time as well.  Slowly walking towards you, his face was blurred in confusion.  “Feeling better, eh?”, he asks, putting the tray in front of you on the little table next to your chair.  “Much better. Thank you for breakfast.”, you put the book down, making sure he won't see the first page being ripped out. 
Not knowing how to handle your kindness, just like Buggy, Crocodile turned around on his heel. 
“Wait, don't you want to eat with me? I am tired of eating alone..”, you asked him carefully, making sure your voice doesn't sound too demanding. 
“I already ate. Maybe later..”, his short answer left you a bit disappointed and without further ado he left the room and you alone again. A heavy sigh escaped your lips, carrying with it a mix of frustration and resignation. You had made an effort to accommodate his desires, to align your actions with his expectations. Yet, it seemed that your attempt had backfired, leaving you questioning the complexities of your relationship.
You spent the day reading, trying to distract yourself. Every time the sadness seemed to overwhelm you, you took a pen and started writing on some pages of the book letters to Buggy. But as time passed, frustration welled up within you. The letters, filled with raw vulnerability and unspoken yearning, felt somehow inadequate. They failed to capture the depth of your emotions or bridge the gap between you and Buggy. You also felt just mad at him. In a surge of exasperation, you tore the pages apart, crumpling them into a ball before casting them beneath your pillow.
Crocodile came back around lunch time, bringing you another meal at midday for the first time since he had captured you. This time he carried two trays, both full of fruit, meat, rice, even a bottle of wine and two beautifully crafted crystal glasses. “Lets have lunch together!”, he proposed and you were relieved he seemed to have understood your good intentions. Without taking his coat off, he sat down next to you on a chair, facing the window, the trays placed in front of you. He offered you wine without saying a word and you happily nodded, knowing this would take the edge and your nervousness off. As you both started drinking and eating in silence, the sun of Alabasta shone through the window, lightening up your meal and his face. He was still looking at you with suspicion, his forehead slightly wrinkled. You knew you would need to talk to him to make him trust you more. 
“Thank you for giving me the chance to talk to Buggy last night. I have to admit I was sad at first…” 
Crocodile paused mid-meal, his gaze fixed upon you, intrigue etched across his features. He appeared genuinely interested in what you had to say, inviting you to continue sharing your thoughts.
“But I understand now that he was after my bounty all along. He just saw me as something easy he could use and get rid off again..” 
The warlord fell silent, giving you the chance to share your feelings with him. You could see his face was more at ease now, the presence of wine had also contributed to his eased demeanor.
“I just thought… that I would be more for Captain Buggy than just a simple crew member..”
“Is that so?”, Crocodile took another sip of wine before he lit his cigar. You can feel his eyes now wandering all over your body. You are taking another sip of the wine, trying your best to stay in the role. 
"Yes, I thought... I mean, after we shared some nights together," you began, your voice trailing off slightly as you broached the sensitive topic.
Crocodile's voice rose a notch as he interjected, his curiosity piqued by your statement. The subtle shift in his tone did not escape your notice, and it brought a smile to your lips. His eyes betrayed a mixture of confusion and something deeper—an unmistakable desire.
You met his gaze with an air of candor, fully aware of the effect your words were having on him. The room seemed to crackle with anticipation as you continued. “So, he didn't treat you right?” “No, he did not offer me a beautiful room with so many books like you do now. A private bath. A spacious bed with luxurious sheets. And all these beautiful clothes…!”, you let your hands gently slide down over your clothed shoulders and your slightly exposed décolte. You can hear him clearing his throat and taking another bigger sip of wine. He has almost finished his whole glass in one gulp. 
You think of the beautiful green dress Buggy had bought you. The dress you haven't worn yet, the dress you loved so much, which was so much more elegant and sophisticated than the cheap dancers clothes hanging in this closet of yours in your little prison cell. You decided at that moment to not only tear Buggy to pieces but also steal your dress back. 
“Well, this is all yours and you can have even more. If you join forces with me, I can buy you whatever your heart desires.”, Crocodiles voice called you back into your grim reality.
“Anything I want?”
“Anything.”, he repeats and empties the wine bottle into his glass without offering you more. 
You sit back and smile at him. 
“Can you take me for a walk? I am dying in here out of boredom. I want to see the town of Alabasta!”
He suddenly gets up, the cigar gleaming angrily in his mouth. 
“You can go out later. It is still too early for you.” 
"Let's discuss this later!" he repeated firmly, seizing both trays and hastening towards the door.
Caught off guard, you found yourself unable to react as he swiftly exited the room, leaving you behind. Your voice, a mere whisper, escaped silently, "Shit!"
Crocodile never returned, not even for dinner, leaving you with yet another day of receiving only two meals. Surprisingly, this arrangement suited your current state of mind. Frustration simmered within you, fueled by the frustration he presented and the exhausting effort required to maintain the facade. In truth, you were looking forward to an evening spent in solitude, allowing your thoughts to wander freely, particularly towards Buggy.
Caught in a tumultuous whirlwind of conflicting emotions, you found yourself trapped between disbelief and the painful realization that he had indeed betrayed you—a despicable pirate who had forsaken you for the allure of some cheap berries. The few moments when you had called him out on his behavior and he had defended himself as “I am a pirate, you cannot think highly of me..” was something you remembered now as you were sitting on your bed.
In a fit of frustration, you tore at the fabric of your skirt, rending it into tattered pieces. The desire for him still burned within you, despite the pain he had caused. Closing your eyes, you envisioned his handsome face, his defined cheekbones, his penetrating gaze, the red nose, and the smudged clown makeup. Vivid memories of his intense presence flooded your senses—the way his eyes glinted with desire, the sound of his voice as he moaned softly. The overwhelming rush of emotions threatened to engulf you entirely.
Overwhelmed by the weight of your emotions, you rose abruptly, a scream tearing from your throat. The torn fabric of the skirt scattered on the floor as you unleashed your agony, your voice reverberating against the walls. Frustration turned into fury as you struck the bookshelf, causing books to tumble to the ground, their pages rustling in protest.
Exhausted from the cathartic release of your screams, you sank to your knees, cradling yourself in your own arms. Rocking back and forth, tears streamed down your face, you were exhausted. In that moment, you allowed yourself to surrender to the overwhelming vulnerability that had been building within you.
You were so strong all day, it was okay to be weak now and give in to your feelings. Tomorrow was another day… 
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breadandblankets · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
thank you @crimsonrainseekingflower for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
MXTX (SVSSS, TGCF), Fallout, Batfam, Bungou Stray Dogs, and i just started writing for S & D Tier
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the window to the soul (and other such fallacies): scumplane fixit/romance told through weekly tea breaks i fell in (to a burning ring of fire): moshang fast burn strangers to married in under 5 hours a conversation i just can't have tonight: moshangliu chronic pain au pt 1 extreme hurt very little comfort and all this devotion I never knew at all: tgcf he xuan gets Hugged!!!! Agenda!!!! this has baby ghost kings and cuddles and v strong XL til the morning when it's time for us to go: msl chronic pain au pt 3 shangliu dates extreme fluff very little hurt, except for mbj he's suffering
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! usually!! i just like to let people know that i am appreciating their appreciation.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
thats fucking Hard cause i put some of them svsss boys thru some Shit, probably life is a current which cannot be fought which is less a fic and more of an archived twitter thread in which SQQ gets angsty drafts of PIDW and are trying desperately to stop it only for it all to go horribly wrong and everyone dies! it ends with cumplane! cause im evil! i should reformat that into something readable tbh
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
besides my hugging ghost kings agenda uhhh probably my dear atlas (let me hold the sky for you) which is a tianlang-jun/yue qingyuan crushing (like the cuddling method)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
yep! i delete it
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes i do! any kind really, ive got everything from trans lesbian threeways to getting dommed by an actual literal computer tower (and a soft spot for tianyue which features a penis haver using a strap on)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
only one! its ongoing and a tgcf/dc fusion in which jason todd comes back as a ghost and gets trained by HC and HX (with secret guest appearance from BWX if anyone is paying attention ;) ): so i can find someone to rely on (and run to them)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no? i dont think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but i have had someone make a podfic!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
if you count twitter threads? or someone coming up with an idea and i expand on it? otherwise nope
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
impossible choice but uhhh idk maybe moshang? maybe?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
in the morrows, good mourning a moshang serial killer/mortician au, unless i get some surge of inspiration its pretty much dead in the water (unless someone wants to finish it 🥺🙏)
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
whatever the fuck they're doing During the dialogue
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i mean i do my best, i prefer to have it translated in line
19. First fandom you wrote for?
doctor who by hand in a notebook lmao
20. Favorite fic you've written?
recently ghost jason! other than that if someone would only want to be sweet and kind (nsfw)
Tagging: @livingmeatloaf @owldork1998 and anyone else who wants in!!!
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arteastica · 7 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (16)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 3.8k
The sharp hissing threatening to split your skull open was all you could hear at the moment. That, and the violent palpitations of your own heart, accelerating as you rushed up the stairs. You didn’t hear the sound of your footsteps hammering on the wooden floors of the hallway, and neither the loud bang of the office door slamming shut behind you. The only thing you could register was the sight his bedroom door, slightly open, was allowing you to see: Him, sitting on his bed, blankets pulled all the way up to his waist, head turned in your direction, lips putting on a smile the moment your eyes met. But you didn’t return it. Instead, you rushed to his side.
Your hands reached for his face, and when his warm skin met your cold fingertips, that’s when the hissing finally stopped. That’s when all the other sounds started to become audible again, including the words you had been chanting like a mantra since you had arrived at the base just moments ago: I’m sorry.
He remained silent through your apologies, and not a single second did he stop smiling for you. However, his demeanor made you think of a wilted vine, starved of sunlight, clinging to the fence in the same feeble, dejected way that smile was clinging to his lips.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” You repeated, hands still cupping his cheeks, which were bristly from the overgrown stubble that had taken over his face while you were away. But it was your lips that realized, as they covered his face with kisses, that his body wasn’t actually warm: It was burning.
You stared into the dull, lackluster sapphires that were looking back at you, and wished this was just another one of those unpleasant dreams you had been having lately.
“Commander, I would have come sooner.” You really would have. You were doing nothing at home but staring at the ceiling, night after night, wasting your sanity and energy in stupid, useless thoughts. While he… he had been lying here, in agony. Mourning not only the loss of his men, but that of one of his limbs as well.
You glanced at the spot where his right arm should have been, but in its place, there was nothing but layers and layers of bandages, saturated with red, wrapped just below his shoulder.
“I should have believed you when you said it was going to be a harsh winter.” He said, and all you had for a reply was an anguished, sorrowful laughter. The sad smile he was still putting on for you tugged at your heart strings, and tore them one by one, causing a frustrated cry to come out of you, as you leaned forward and planted a soft kiss to his lips.
You let your lips linger against his, eyes squeezed shut, and not a single muscle of your body moved as your hands held his face. You felt like the most selfish of souls, enjoying the good company of your parents, playing draughts with your father after dinner, revisiting your favorite childhood treats with your mother in the kitchen, basking in the sweet nostalgia only her cooking could provide, and even having the mental space and freedom to entertain pointless thoughts like the Commander’s ex-lover and whether he still had feelings for her or not.
“I’m so sorry.” You said again, apologizing for both the disastrous series of events that had ensued while you were away, as well as for your own selfishness.
You buried your head in the crook of his neck, where you found the comfort only his perfume could provide.
But you also found guilt and shame there.
Because you realized that, in this moment, when his mind, body, and soul were all weakened and exhausted… you were doing nothing but taking away from him. Draining and demanding, even if it was just his pleasant scent or his reassuring warmth.
But you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t help feeling at home every time he held you against his chest, nor the way your body craved, and needed, his soothing, loving touch. That’s why, when his fingers started drawing calming, reassuring patterns on your back, you allowed yourself to melt in his embrace.
“…told you there was something between them.”
“You mean I told you.” For a brief second, you thought the voices you were hearing came from inside your head, as a byproduct of distress. But, when you turned around and locked eyes with the source himself, you realized that wasn’t the case. “I caught Erwin staring at her too much, often at unnecessary times.”
Captain Levi.
“Well, they spend so much time in each other’s company, it would be weird if it didn’t happen.” Your eyes traveled a little to his right where they found Captain Hange, who was giving you a wide, nose-wrinkling, and very contrived smile, convinced that she was speaking low enough you couldn’t hear.
But it didn’t end there, because next to her you discovered the awkward, and very stiff, faces of Armin and Jean. Both trying their best to look anywhere but at you.
You stood up abruptly, immediately assuming a straight posture, as if saluting had the power to erase from their memories the scene they had just witnessed.
“I guess we’re done here.” Captain Levi finally said, his characteristic dead eyes giving him an unfazed demeanor, which completely contrasted the mental state you were currently in. “Erwin, we’ll discuss the remaining details in next week’s meeting. And, if you try to get up again I’ll personally destroy your ankles with my bare hands.”
Not once did his tone of voice changed to match the menacing words that were coming out of his mouth. And without looking back, he proceeded to exit the room.
Captain Hange, on the other hand, stole a couple of glances back as she was leaving. And a part of you wondered if she considered them to be discreet, or if, like Captain Levi, she just didn’t care.
Jean and Armin followed close behind, and you stared at their backs as they disappeared out the door, not knowing where to begin processing everything that was going on at the moment. But, before your brain could start making an attempt, you heard Armin’s timid voice.
“Sh-should I close the door or leave it open?” He was looking at you, asking you, as if this was your room and not the Commander’s.
“Just close it.” Captain Levi’s voice answered from the office.
You stared at the door Armin had just closed, before slowly turning to the Commander, and the moment your eyes met, your vision started to get blurry, tears threatening to spill if you did so much as to blink. You could see the blues in his eyes, as well as all those things you had seen after the 57th expedition last summer, they were all there again. And his eyes started to narrate a story that was too disturbing for the lips to tell.
You woke up after what felt like the worst of naps. Not only because you were arguably more tired than before you had fallen asleep, but also because of the sharp, burning pain now present in your neck. Luckily, however, the fingers now playing with your hair were distracting enough to make you forget about the discomfort.
You rose from the position sleep had found you some hours ago: Sitting on a chair you had placed by his bed, head resting on his lap. By force of habit, your hand automatically went to his forehead.
“You’re having a fever again.” You noted, rising up from your chair. “I’ll go get some water.”
But before you could take a step, he grabbed your hand, and you tried not to think about how weak his grip was.
“Commander, for the last time, I won’t go to my room.” He opened his mouth, but before any words could come out, you answered the question he hadn’t even had the chance to ask. “And no, I don’t need to sleep. You on the other hand…”
His condition was far from optimal, but even so, it wasn’t concerns about his physical health the ones taking up all the space inside your head. The doctor, whose constant visits you found very reassuring, had been very honest: healing would take time. Lots of it. It was meant to be a painfully slow process, and as long as you followed his instructions, which you were doing very strictly, the Commander would heal.
Physically at least.
It was his mental health, however, the one keeping you up and by his side at night. You couldn’t peek into his head and supervise how the healing process was going in there. But, in your experience as a human, you knew that the moments you were alone with your thoughts were the worst. That’s why you didn’t like to leave him to himself for long periods of time, and even if it was a simple trip downstairs to the kitchen, you tried to make it as short as possible.
You came back a few minutes later, with the water jug you had promised, as well as the herbal infusion you had brewed for him. And, even though he probably had the energy to hold the mug to his lips, you didn’t want to test it, so you placed a hand under the warm porcelain for extra support, in case he needed it.
“The doctor said these type of fevers are expected.” You reassured him, as well as yourself, and gently pushed the sweaty hair out of his forehead as he drank. “And you’ve already began to sweat it out. Mother says sweating is an indication that your body is slowly recovering.” You caressed his head lovingly, composing a smile that, in your current mental state, felt very unnatural. “She taught me this recipe. It’s not as pleasant as your favorite lemon tea, but it’s very effective.”
“What do you mean? I would drink this every day.” He joked before taking another sip. “I should thank your mother later.” His voice, sounded just as feeble as his grip, and his labored breathing made it seem as if words were made of lead, and it took everything in him to say them. “Speaking about that, how’s everything back home?” His eyelids looked heavy, and you felt like they could fall closed any moment now, which would be good, actually. “Your parents must have been happy to have you back home with them.”
You needed him to close his eyes and rest, but you figured a little distraction from the distress he was going through would also help his body in some way. So you geared up for unleashing a very long, and hopefully sleep-inducing, summary about your Winter.
You remembered telling him about your embarrassing losing streak in draughts against your father, about your mother’s new obsession with creepy garden gnomes, about the week you spent in the countryside visiting relatives, and about the rum cake recipe you learned from your grandmother, all while very carefully omitting the part where you obsessed over his relationship with Commander Nile’s now wife, as well as the awkward details about that time your parents tried to arrange a marriage for you.
You also remembered telling him about the horror novel you had started reading, and even came clean about your struggles to fall sleep alone in your room after finishing chapter eleven. And you also remembered him chuckling at your confession. You remembered all that conversation.
However, what you didn’t remember was climbing into bed with him, and neither cozying up to his side under the soft, comfy blankets. You didn’t remember your muscles relaxing against his warm chest, nor your eyes closing. But you did remember the beating of his heart against your ear, and how safe it made you feel, whether it was in the middle of a mission gone wrong in a forest full of titans, or in the middle of the night in his bed, next to him.
The gentle sun rays of the early morning were the first thing to greet your eyes when you opened them again the next day.
And the second thing, was the sleeping figure beside you. You smiled to yourself, both because of the pleasant warmth of his embrace, and also because you were relieved to finally see him rest. The tea you had given him last night was one of your mother’s effective brews for pain. Maybe, and you said this with the type of maybe that is full of hope, his wound wouldn’t hurt as much today.
You had to get ready for work but you couldn’t move without risking waking him up. So you decided to be a few minutes late that morning. In your position, with his arm around you, holding you close, it wasn’t a difficult decision really.
He was so beautiful. There was something about the steady rise and fall of his chest, something about the sunlight and the way it traced his defined jawline, his high cheekbones, the prominent bridge of his nose, all the way down to his Adam’s apple; something about the way the morning light sparkled into the room, the nostalgic shadows it drew on the stone walls and timber floors, the illusion of warmth it created, even though outside everything was covered in a thick, white blanket.
It all made you think of a warm cup of chocolate on a snowy day. Sipping on it while watching the snowflakes fall, sitting by the window, your head resting on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around you in the same comfortable, pleasant way a wool blanket would be wrapped around the two of you.
It also made you think of the last picnic of the fall, sitting under a tree in the middle of some faraway woods, his back resting against the trunk and yours, against his chest. The chilly breeze making the crunchy leaves whisper about the two of you, as his mellow, pleasant voice would read you his favorite story.
And most of all, it made you think about how much you wished your mornings looked like this every day. Waking up to the comfort of his body next to yours, to his strong muscles under your head, better than the softest of pillows.
But there was also something about sunrises and their ephemeral nature, something that reminded you of how distant that future seemed, if possible at all. In a world as uncertain as yours, everything could, and most likely would, abruptly change. One day you could be yourself and the next day… a titan even.
You had read Captain Hange’s reports, both about the weird monkey-like creature they had come across, as well as what happened in Connie’s hometown. According to those papers, there was new evidence that suggested titans could actually be… human. Humans trapped in flesh-eating, cannibalistic monsters.
But, if that was the case, what criteria needed to be met in order to become one of them? Was there a possibility you could turn into one then? You squeezed your eyelids shut when a sudden tide of guilt washed over you, leaving you feeling selfish and inconsiderate. There you were, thinking about yourself when others had actually died, lost a part of themselves, or their whole family like Connie had. All while you were spending the holidays happily with yours. But, could you blame yourself? You didn’t think you could. It was a valid concern to have in a world filled with more questions than answers. A world as uncertain as yours.
And then, there was also Reiner, Bertolt and Ymir. You hadn’t been the closest of friends, but Reiner was like a big brother to everyone, including yourself, even though he was actually younger than you. There was no way he was the Armored Titan, there was no way him and good-natured Bertolt were the spies that had been living under the same roof as you all this time. And Ymir, was she even alive at this point?
“You look beautiful when you sleep.” His voice pulled you out of your head, and you looked up to find him smiling at you through drowsy eyes. Goodness, his morning face was so adorable. So soft. So vulnerable. The huskiness of his voice made you think of how much you wanted to become the first person he talked to every morning.
“Just when I sleep?” You joked, smiling as you propped yourself up on your elbow and brought your face close to his.
He shook his head, hand reaching for your face, lovingly brushing a strand of hair away and tucking it behind your ear. You leaned into his touch, caressing the rough, bristly skin of his cheek with the back of your fingers. As his eyes stared into yours, you saw all those things you wanted to do with him later, the ones you had been dreaming about just moments before he woke up, all those scenes from the distant future you wanted to have with him, and you wondered if he saw something similar in your eyes as well.
“You need to shave.” You said, smiling as your fingers stroked his chin.
You glided the sharp steel gently along his skin, losing yourself in the repetitive nature of the task at hand. There was no need to think about anything, none of that complicated stuff, just about moving the blade up and down, in short, smooth motions, always mindful of the pressure you applied, so you wouldn’t hurt him. There was no need to think about anything but his handsome features, nothing to do but memorize his remarkable bone structure.
And, any other day, you would have been glad to do just that, but not today.
Not today when his eyes were that dull and his lips, that pale.
You studied his distant, empty stare. This was the moment where, in any other situation, one would be compelled or socially required to ask ‘what’s wrong’. But, it was pretty obvious in this case, wasn’t it?
It was too much.
It was all too much.
You sighed, momentarily placing the blade and the basin on a nearby table.
“It wasn’t your fault. It is never your fault. Do you understand?” You asked, cupping his face with both hands, so he couldn’t look away. He nodded, but the way his eyes looked everywhere but at yours told you he actually didn’t understand.
Or agreed.
You held his face for a while, trying to find the right words to say, trying to think of a way you could help lighten the burden. In moments like this, putting your thoughts on paper was incredibly helpful to you, but that was not something you could suggest to him. The titans had even taken the ability to write away from him.
You started to wonder if it was better to have this conversation later, when his body had healed a little more.
Reluctantly, you let the moment go, and wiped the blade on a towel before proceeding to add the finishing touches to the other half of his face.
After some minutes of silence, however, his lips parted slightly.
“They are hum-”
“That’s something we don’t know.” You rushed to remind him, before he could finish his sentence. “There’s no conclusive evidence.” Your eyes were completely focused on the skin in the left side of his face, but your mind, on what he had just said.
“I found it exciting.”
“I found it exciting, when Hange told me.” His eyes were staring straight into the fireplace behind you, as if he was talking to the flames and not to you. But, unlike the wood, that started to reply with crackling and popping noises, you decided to remain silent and listen. “When she told me that titans could possibly be humans, I felt excitement.” He then turned to you, blue eyes piercing into yours, and you could have sworn that you saw them sparkle for a brief second. “I felt excitement and anticipation, before I felt guilt or remorse.”
You didn’t say anything, and instead, started to wipe the soap off his face with a wet towel. His eyes were glued on yours, silently waiting for a reply. But, after it never came, he opened his mouth again.
“And that’s-”
“Selfish.” You completed the sentence for him, and he nodded, seemingly satisfied you had finally said what he expected you to.
“I can’t cling to my selfish, comfortable motivations forever.” He said, eyes resuming the conversation they were having with the fireplace behind you.
“They’re selfish.” You spoke again, as you finished wiping the lather off his cheeks, still not looking into his eyes. “But they’re not comfortable.” You glanced at his missing limb. “And it’s you clinging to those motivations, whatever their nature, what has gotten us all this far.” You traced his jawline with the back of your hand, evaluating your own work. It was so soft.
He stared at you in complete silence as you rinsed the blade on the basin. His eyes followed you around the room as you placed the tools back in the drawers you had taken them from. You could feel his eyes fixed on you, but you could also feel that he wasn’t thinking about you. At least not exclusively.
“It’s only a matter of time.” You heard him say from behind you. “Before the wall between us and the truth falls.”
You turned to look at him before walking towards his bed, where you sat on the edge. “And you need to be there when it happens. So, please, get some rest.” You asked him softly, placing a hand over his.
“I had plenty of sleep last night. I can get to work now.”
“Nice try, Commander.” The doctor had been very clear: plenty of rest and no strenuous physical or mental activities. And, although the latter was pretty much a lost cause at this point, you would make that wouldn’t be the case with the first one.
“I really feel like I could go back to work today.” You heard him say just as you were about to leave.
“I’m not going to have to take Captain Levi up on his offer, am I?” It had sounded more like a threat than an offer, but for all practical purposes, it was the same. “You stay here, read or something. Or even better, sleep. I’ll go do our work, and if I have a question I’ll come ask you.”
And you closed the door before he could try to convince you.
next chapter
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 month
Prinny Hero - CR 11 Demon
Prinny Rule Number 1! You must always include the word "Dood" in every line you say, dood!
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Artwork is official art from Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?, copyright Nippon Ichi.
Prinnies are the mascots of the Disgaea series and of Nippon Ichi. They're among the lowest level demons. Worthless mortal souls with significant sins but no actual importance or aptitude may become prinnies in the afterlife, where they're forced to work as horribly mistreated slaves for eons to pay off their karmic debt. Like most demons, they have no memory of their mortal lives beyond a vague sense of how evil and worthless they were.
A common trait of the prinnies is their upbeat attitude, lazy and unintelligent personalities, their signature pirouette spin, and frequent use of the word "dood" as an interjection in their sentences. Another memorable feature of theirs is the fact that they explode if thrown. As a result, they're often used as cannon fodder - or, more accurately, cannon ammunition - by demonic forces.
Although they begin their afterlife as nothing, prinnies can gain combat experience and become stronger, advancing among the ranks of prinny soldiers, a feat that only impresses other prinnies and nobody else. A prinny hero is among the highest tier of prinnies, and is noteworthy for being capable of surviving after exploding. Sometimes.
They lack a few common demon abilities like telepathy and fire resistance, which is on purpose. See also the CR 1 prinny that I posted earlier this week.
Honestly, prinnies only attack with fire, not ice, in the Disgaea games, and have absolutely no penguin-themed abilities at all, so this interpretation is a bit loose. Which is true of a lot of my monster adaptations.
Prinny Hero - CR 11
XP 12,800 CE Small outsider (aquatic, chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +4 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 20 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, +1 size) hp 188 (13d10+117) Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +8 DR 10/cold iron Weaknesses combustible feathers, explosive landing Immune electricity, poison Resist acid 10, cold 30
Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee slam +19 (1d8+6 plus 2d6 cold) or 2 mwk machetes +17/+17/+12/+7 (1d4+4/19-20) and slam +14 (1d8+2 plus 2d6 cold) Ranged bomb +18 ranged touch (7d6+9 cold plus 16 splash (DC 27)) (20 ft. range increment) Special Attacks ice slick charge
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +17)     At will—winter's grasp     3/day—quickened empowered ice slick (DC 16)     1/day—freezing sphere (DC 20), summon (level 4, 1d12 prinnies 75%)
Str 18, Dex 19, Con 28, Int 5, Wis 6, Cha 18 BAB +13; CMB +16 (+20 trip/overrun during charge); CMD 31 Feats Dodge, Empower Spell-like Ability, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability (ice slick), Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Escape Artist +20, Perception +9, Swim +20; Racial Modifiers +8 Escape Artist, +8 Swim Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic SQ icewalking Gear mwk machete x2
Bomb (Su) Each morning, a prinny hero creates 22 bombs which, in the hands of the prinny hero, function as thrown splash weapons with a range increment of 20 feet.  Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus.  A bomb deals 7d6 cold damage, and a prinny hero adds its Constitution bonus to the damage (usually for a total of 7d6+9 cold damage).  The bomb deals splash damage equal to its minimum damage (usually 16), DC 26 Reflex save negates.  The save DC is Constitution-based.
A bomb that deals a critical hit is multiplied in the same way as an alchemist’s bombs: only 1d6 of the weapon damage is doubled, and the bonus damage from Constitution is doubled.
When a prinny hero's bomb detonates, it coats unattended surfaces in the area of the bomb's splash radius in ice (as the ice slick spell).
In the hands of any other creature, a prinny hero's bombs are useless.  A prinny hero's bombs become inert and useless 24 hours after being created.
Combustible Feathers (Ex) If a prinny hero takes fire damage, each of its feathers becomes a quick-burning fuse that explodes a moment later. The prinny hero is left naked as its feathers fly off, and the explosion causes 10d6 fire damage in a 20-ft. radius. A DC 25 Reflex save halves the damage. The prinny hero automatically fails the saving throw against this damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Once a prinny hero explodes in this way, it temporarily loses its DR 10/cold iron, and it cannot explode again (via combustible feathers or explosive landing) until its feathers regrow. Its feathers regrow after 1d2 rounds, causing its DR 10/cold iron to return.
Explosive Landing (Ex) If a prinny hero takes falling damage, it explodes on impact. The prinny hero is left naked as its feathers fly off, and the explosion causes 10d6 fire damage in a 20-ft. radius. A DC 25 Reflex save halves the damage. The prinny hero automatically fails the saving throw against this damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Once a prinny hero explodes in this way, it temporarily loses its DR 10/cold iron, and it cannot explode again (via combustible feathers or explosive landing) until its feathers regrow. Its feathers regrow after 1d2 rounds, causing its DR 10/cold iron to return.
Ice Slick Charge (Su) A prinny hero's speed doubles when charging on land on a flat surface or downhill. When it performs a charge on land, a prinny hero leaves an ice trail as the ice slick spell on spaces it moves through and adjacent spaces.
When making a charge, a prinny hero can attempt to trip and overrun the target of its charge as a free action, continuing in a straight line past its target to the limit of its movement if the overrun is successful. These combat maneuvers gain a +4 bonus and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the prinny hero succeeds on the overrun maneuver, its movement during the charge does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the target of its charge.
Icewalking (Ex) A prinny hero can walk without penalty over areas of ice and snow and does not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice.
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hotarutranslations · 3 months
Adventure World!!
Panda-san!!! Did you see it!!!
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! ~Expressing Love Towards My Favorite Panda-san♡ ver.~ in Adventure World
It was really fun…❤️
Those that haven't seen it yet as well, It seems there are still those of you so, Please watch it in your own time❤️
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Actually this is also my first time meeting Panda-san!!!
Its like that but, I had forgotten that I had never meet them before, Thanks to Mei, I feel close to Panda-san😂 lol
Until I actually met them, I didn't realize it was my first time!
Meeting them, Seeing them in reality, It was a cute first meeting!!!
I realized it there~~~
It was cute sitting back down, with a heave-ho😭👏🏻
Seeing it was fun? but,
With the one that cried out, was great, right😭👏🏻
Everyone, definitely let me know what you thought~~~
Adventure World-san!! Really, thank you very much!! I'll go again!!
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
In season 10 we challenged breakin', its reairing continuously! On the 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, #1~#6 all at once! Check out HP for info!
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💿Releasing February 7th
Morning Musume '23 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~glad quarter-century~ at Nippon Budokan
Thank you for waiting for the Blu-ray&DVD! Its finally releasing--!
Its already nostalgic but, It has an amazing medley, really Please enjoy it many times
📚Releasing on February 7th "Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.26"
Ishida AyumixOda SakuraxNonaka Miki📸 Fukumura MizukixIshida AyumixOda Sakura📸
✍🏻Tokyo Sports note Series #143 Went on an Adventure, Took Lots of Photos
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩HinaFest March 30th and 31st at Makuhari Messe
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3
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cozzzynook · 18 days
Dratchrod headcanons
1. Who says I love you first?
2. Who makes their energon?
3. Who is the early bird/who is the night owl?
4. Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon?
5. Who loves to cuddle?
6. Who hogs the blanket?
7. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
8. Who usually has nightmares?
9. Who likes sweets?
10. Who likes horror movies/who likes romance movies?
11. Who is small/who is tall?
12. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
13. Who is the most affectionate?
14. Nicknames?
15. Who is most likely to carry the other?
16. Who asks for oney/Who has money?
17. Who proposes?
18. Who is top/Who is bottom?
19. Who is most ticklish?
20. Who brings an animal they found home?
21. Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
22. Who cooks best?
23. Who needs reassurance?
24. Who comms inappropriate things to the other during inappropriate times?
25. Who cries during certain films?
26. Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
1. drift says it first to Ratchet when he is still Deadlock and Ratchet to Drift during the exile. Rodimus feels undeserving of it and so he tells them not to. That its okay. They want to say it and so does Rodimus but he feels its not right yet.
2. Drift can barely boil milk and water energon let alone cook. He’s more of the ready meal energon that you reheat or drink from a semi plain cube. Ratchet can actually cook he just doesn’t feel like it most of the time. Rodimus is surprisingly really good at cooking and using spices. Ratchet cooks for special occasions and Roddy cooks most. Drift is not allowed near the fuel station save for putting away leftovers or getting a snack.
3. They all are night owls when needed because of the war but Ratchet and Drift can go the longest. From his days as Deadlock, Drift would stay up late. Ratchet can be up the earliest and latest because he’s a medic and Roddy is best staying up late but he’s decent getting up early. He just won’t talk to anyone.
4. Drift and Ratchet take turns but Roddy usually stays on the outside as big spoon because of his spoiler.
5. They all love to cuddle. Rodimus loves cuddling in berth, Drift on the couch or on the floor much to Ratchets dismay and Ratchet in his office chair with either of his speedsters in his lap.
6. Drift oddly kicks the blankets off and Ratchet stays still in his sleep while Roddy either cocoons or accidentally sets it on fire while in a cocoon, though it doesn’t happen often its happened enough to keep a fire hydrant in their hab.
7. Ratchet kisses them in the morning when he’s leaving for a very early shift. Roddy kisses them when they fall asleep on the couch and Drift kisses Ratchet in his office and Roddy when he’s asleep in some odd corner hiding from everyone. They all wake up a slowly from the kisses.
8. They all do. Drift goes for his gun thats not there anymore then he eventually wakes going for his swords. Ratchet jerks awake and it frustrates him because now Roddy and Drift are awake worried about him. Roddy wakes but his fear is quiet and consumes him. They wake to him dead staring with bags under his optics and thats how they know.
9. Drift likes sweets on occasion, something he’s learning to love now that he is free. Ratchet loves sweets, he’ll try any sweet once. Roddy can’t have anything sweet because it makes his tanks hurt and then he gets sick. His life on Nyon is thanks to that.
10. They all like both genres but only certain types. They’ve seen real horror so its easy to shrug off the fake stuff. Ratchet loves old fashioned love stories set in older eras while Drift loves star crossed lovers who get their happy ending. Roddy oddly prefers reading romance stories and he can’t handle watching them on screen. He refuses to say why. They leave it alone because he almost cried real tears watching a love story about two mechs who don’t end up together and one watches the other fall in love with another and move on. They think they understand why.
11. They’re all the same height i believe but all different weights and widths. Ratchet is the heaviest with Drift coming very close and Roddy is surprisingly kinda light.
12. They can all be surprised but none of them are scaredy cats.
13. All affectionate in their own way. Ratchet with how he looks at them. Drift with acts of service and Rodimus with his em field.
14. Ratchet - kid, sweetspark
Drift - roddy, ratty
Rodimus - rarely uses nicknames (outside of ratch) oddly romantic - my spark, my star
15. This is usually reserved for private moments or in the berth but they all like picking each other up. Ratchet learns to like it and Drift is used to Roddy lifting him up in hugs while Roddy is oddly not a big fan but he learns to like it too.
16. Drift is filthy rich while Ratchet is wealthy as well. Roddy makes decent money but he’s practically a sugar baby to a mech who has a lot of dirty money and a well known top medical officer. His little captain check is nothing compared to theirs.
17. Ratchet proposes to Drift when he was Deadlock and again when he is Drift. They’re conjunx, have been for a very very long time. Roddy doesn’t feel he deserves that from them so he avoids the topic and when he can’t, he tells them they’re better off married to each other, there’s no need to include him.
18. They all switch but Drift mostly sub tops with Ratchet. Ratchet valve doms Drift and Roddy while Drift spikes Roddy. Roddy will sub for them in a klik. He has no problem spiking though.
19. Ratchet is super ticklish in one spot but guards it well. Drift doesn’t get tickled because it hurts and Roddy surprisingly isn’t ticklish.
20. Ratchet will bring an animal home to heal them and end up attached with two partners who said, “i told you so,” while laughing and putting cute outfits on his rescue friend.
21. They all do. Ratchet likes to stretch and wake slowly with the two’s em field wrapped in his own, while Drift likes to meditate laying down between his two favorite mechs and Roddy loves the warmth and safety of being in berth with the two.
22. Roddy cooks best with Ratchet coming in super close. Drift can’t cook to save his life.
23. In the beginning it’s Deadlock and Ratchet who both need reassurance and a lot of it. As Drift and Ratchet they need it but not to the same degree. They still need it but its so much easier to ask and accept it now. Roddy joins and makes sure its no question. He wants to make up for what he did so he always opens his em field open for the two. He gets his constant reassurance by being with the two. He’s not sure how long it’ll last but he takes it while he can.
24. They all do. Drift gets them on his shift and when talking to bots. Roddy gets them in meetings and when instructing his crew while Ratchet gets them after finishing on a patient.
25. Ratchet will cry to a scene of a close friend dying but deny it. Drift will cry if it reminds him of his time on drugs or his home. Roddy gets a really sad look if its a movie about home and will just leave before crying. If its a movie on watching their lover move on with someone else, he cries out right and if they have a sparkling, he disappears for a full day. They’re terrified to find out why the sparkling makes him so hurt.
26. They let it come out naturally. Drift and Ratchet aren’t a secret but when Roddy joins they don’t broadcast it but don’t necessarily hide either. Ratchet tells Optimus and thats when he learns his friend isn’t very fond of Roddy. Rodimus already knew and told him its because he’s a disappointment. He was not a good prime and failed at every turn. He immediately tells them to leave it at that, he can accept the truth.
Can you tell i like to hurt Rodimus?
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rockinlibrarian · 5 months
Year End (okay, Beginning of Following Year) AO3 Wrapped/Fic Writing Summary Thing!
My Scrivener files are in limbo right now because I'm in the long process of transferring computers (longer because the new computer I got for Christmas turned out to have a faulty motherboard), so most of my end-of-the-year round-up drafts are having to wait. But it finally occurred to me that I CAN do some other roundups in the meantime!
Like my AO3 Wrapped For Writers!
I saw several such lists of questions this year so decided to consolidate them, and most (but not all) of the questions had been in the list I did last year anyway. But I also switched the order of questions so they flowed more logically! Without further ado...
1. How many words have you written this year? As I said, my Scrivener files are in limbo, but AO3 says I POSTED 65,857 words this year (meaning 2023. This Past Year). But this is not what I've WRITTEN, since that includes three chapters of "A Captain With Seven Children" and two of "Not Just Stupid Kids" I actually posted last year, not to mention the nearly 9,000 words of the "Pipeweed Mafia Epic" I wrote a decade ago but only POSTED in 2023. And on the other hand there's all the words I wrote and DIDN'T post, but again, can't get into Scrivener to tell you about those.
2. How many works did you publish this year? 8. Though two of those are just ones I added chapters to. And one's still anonymous, because it's too tangentially smutty to have blaring away on my main page (but you can read it here. Don't worry, it's not actually that smutty, it's just LINKED back to a smutty fic).
3. What’s your longest work of the year? "The Magic Man of Oz" at 15,004 words, which even beats out all FOUR chapters of "Captain With Seven Children" (14,754 words).
4. What’s your shortest work of the year? Posted on AO3, "In Which Jason and Chidi Rob a Bank" at 2,785 words, unless you count the rather short chapter I added to "Not Just Stupid Kids" that actually began life as a comment on someone else's fic. But I think my actual shortest fic is what I wrote for @sunnymarbles after we finished reading Maureen Johnson's Truly Devious series. I had not posted it on AO3 because I thought I had to fill it out more, but now I'm thinking it's complete as it is, so here, in its entirety of 61 words, is "But Where Is the Moose?" 
The moose of the Green Mountains knew to avoid the place they called the Unstable Slope, or “oooOOOOOOoooo” in their native tongue. Ninety generations had passed since the first BoomQuakes broke the mountain, and still young moose were warned away, despite tales of a mythical lake that appeared suddenly there for several years, only to just as suddenly dry up again.
Okay, I guess that doesn't really have a beginning, middle, and end yet. But what more does it really need? It's moose folklore.
5. What work was the quickest to write? That one, probably. Or that bonus chapter of "Not Just Stupid Kids," which was, after all, drafted in someone's comments section.
6. What work took you the longest to write? Considering I did add a LITTLE bit to "The Pipeweed Mafia Epic" before I posted it this year, and I started that on March 26, 2011, I'm going with that.
7. What work of yours got the most hits this year? It SAYS "Not Just Stupid Kids" with 958, but again with the most-of-that-is-from-2022. Entirely published in this year's is the two chapters of "Morning-After Meltdowns" at 509. But I really have to give the prize to "4th Place"'s "In Which Jason and Chidi Rob a Bank" for earning all 332 hits in just the past week!
8. Top Fic by Kudos: "Not Just Stupid Kids" hit a nice round 100 after its year and a half existence; but with the same caveats as the last question, "In Which Jason and Chidi Rob a Bank" earned 87 kudos in just the past week, so can you really call that second place?
9. How many kudos in total did you get this year? Approximately 309. Counts old chapters and doesn't count old fics, so...
10. Which work has the most comments? "In Which Jason and Chidi Rob a Bank" at 26 unique comment threads, which brings us  to:
11. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? See above. Yuletide readers are the BEST commenters!
12. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? "The Magic Man of Oz" is brilliant, dangit, even if I'm the only one who can appreciate it! Do you know the thought that goes into seamlessly merging two seemingly completely different stories? Not to mention all the meta format-bending involved in this particular work?
13. Favorite work you wrote this year? Hmm, yeah, probably that one. Though all those commenters telling me I'm funny have increased my own appreciation of how well "Jason and Chidi Rob a Bank" turned out.
14. Which work of yours have you reread the most? Might be that last one, on the premise that I tend to reread my fics whenever I get a new notification about them. But really that IS just the past week. I honestly don't know.
15. Most written fandom this year: Umbrella Academy at 5 out of 8
16. Most written rating this year: Teen, mostly on account of swearing and drug references I think. A surprising amount of both, coming from me.
17. What’s your most common category written this year? Gen! Beautiful gen! I have not entirely forsaken you for Fiktor! (Which is confusing enough to categorize when you keep writing scenes that take place entirely when a trans man was presenting as a girl! It reads as F/M! Unless you happen to know that in the broader context it's really M/M! Stupid romantic relationships! Gen is so much more straightforward!)
18. Pairing you wrote the most for this year/most written relationships: yeah, even IF you factor in "&" relationships (which I usually forget to mark, except this last one because "Chidi&or/Jason" was specifically what my Yuletide person asked for), no pairing dominates like my Five/Viktor Hargreeves obsesson. If you're just joining me, no I don't know where that came from either.
19. What’s your most common/favorite “Additional Tags” tag? Overall it's still "backstory," but I don't think I actually used that one THIS year. But when you filter it to just the past year, the tags are all spread out, so there are a bunch of twice-used ones and a bunch more once-used. I think we need to shout out to twice-used "pseudo-incest" though because, HAH... But my FAVORITE of the Twice Used tags has to be "crack treated seriously," because that is something I truly do endorse.
20. Your favorite character to write this year? This year I can confidently say Oliver Bird, since he narrated my longest and most experimental (completed) work. But a close runner-up is Jason Mendoza, who is so gifted in the art of the non-sequiteur! (And I would have loved to have written more Janet, but what you got was the most I could squeeze her in).
21. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Strangely, Kerry Loudermilk. I still think she reads too young in "Magic Man of Oz," which is probably because I'm so used to writing her younger-than-canon, and the tone of the story did fit with that younger Kerry, but I'm still a little frustrated with it. I saw some Tumblr post a few months back that was like "People who are obsessed with writing a character either know the character in excruciating detail, or they're in love with a completely different headcanon character who's so far removed from the original, and if you think you're both, you're not, you're just the latter!" And I was looking at Lioness-Kerry like, no, I AM both, I swear I know who she really is, she's just coming OUT all headcanony!
22. Favorite title you used: Of whole works, "How to Catch Up with your Therapist after a Couple of...Busy Months." But last year I said my true favorite was probably chapter-in-progress title "High On a Roof Stood a Lonely Seven" and this year I actually POSTED that chapter so HEY.
23. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Which again brings us to Rogers and Hammerstein, but that was the ONLY lyric-inspired title posted this year. I did quote a variety of song lyrics WITHIN "The Magic Man of Oz" though, which brings us to...
24. What do you listen to while writing? Besides the Instrumental playlist, I did specifically listen to Dark Side of the Moon a lot while writing "The Magic Man of Oz"
25. Fandom fic events you participated in this year: Last year I would have had none, this year I did TWO! Umbrella Academy Masked Author in May, Yuletide in December!
26. Did you do any collaborative works this year? I would count "The Magic Man of Oz," because that was the product of a Discord server brainstorming session, and a lot of ideas came from other people. But no sitting down and writing a story together sorts of collaborations.
27. Did you write any gifts this year? Yes, "In Which Jason and Chidi Rob a Bank" was my Yuletide assignment, and I'm halfway done writing an additional belated Yuletide treat as well. I also Gifted "Magic Man of Oz" to the person who suggested the AU to begin with, but I'm not sure they ever actually read it.
28. Did you receive any gifts this year? Yes, my Yuletide gift was a very Snickety All the Wrong Questions bonus scene, "miscommunications" by carterhaugh
29. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Again, Scrivener's in limbo.
30. What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Well, last year I PROMISED I'd be posting "Child of Hypnos" and the rest of "Tesseract," and I didn't, so this year I'll try again, and hopefully also add at least one chapter to "Captain with Seven Children"
31. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Rather than any specific pairing, I think I'll make more of an effort to mark "&" relationships. I recently was talking to a Loudermilk fan who'd never read my fics because they'd just clicked right to the Cary & Kerry tag! Whoops!
32. Favorite dialogue you wrote this year? “Nobody uses money in the Good Place! You just walk into Steak On a Stick and say, ‘Hey, I want some of that Steak on a Stick!’ and they say, ‘Here you go,’ or, if you’re thinking, you go, ‘Hey, Janet, can you bring me a grande basket of Stupid Nick’s Garlic Pepper-Spray Attack Wings,’ and she goes—”
“Fresh from the fryer!” Janet held out the basket of wings.
“Oh, dip, Stupid Nick’s! Thanks, Janet! How’d you know I wanted some?”
“You just asked me!”
“She’s so smart!”
[...and a few paragraphs later...]
“It’s like, this one time, me and Donkey Doug were gonna rob a bank for my birthday, right? We had all the tuna and stink bombs ready to go, but then a crew of rogue pirate reenactors from St. Augustine attacked Ponte Vedra so they had to close I95 for hippo infestation, and yeah, that was kind of a bummer for a ten-year-old kid, but in the end we got to go to Sea World, so—”
“You were te— actually, I’m not sure what part of that story I should question more.”
33. Favorite non-dialogue passage you wrote this year? A certain fight scene about 3/4 of the way through "Magic Man of Oz," which wouldn't work if I copied and pasted it here, so go read. Luckily, Oliver is full of delightful bits of narration (is it cheating to pick favorite "non-dialogue" passages from a work with a very strong narrative voice?) in the rest of that story, too, like
"Beneath the ice is a young boy, ostensibly, entirely in grayscale and with an overly large head— possibly papier mache. He looks very, very angry. Or perhaps, looked very, very angry, because he is also clearly very, very dead,"
"Sydney and Matilda follow the road for several days…no, seconds. No. Sydney and Matilda follow the road for several amounts of time,"
"And so, either because her understanding of scarecrows is such that standing unsupported is less surprising than talking, or simply because something inside her remembers how this story is supposed to go, Sydney sets Matilda on the ground and unties the straw man, whose long limbs slide and glide and ultimately straighten,"
"And, perhaps unwisely, as one never knows what might be powered by a mysterious plug in the woods, she pulls it,"
"They both lead to a man. A Ptin Man. The “P” is not silent, despite what your previous understanding of ancient languages might suggest,"
and "Frankly I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing now. A narrator requires something to narrate, and my characters are…just…lying there…like worms forced upward by a downpour."
And shout out to this bit, which is technically also not dialogue, but lyrics: “Ha ha here, ho ho there/
and you will quickly find/
we know exactly what you need/
it’s something for your mind!"
Which, iykyk.
34. Biggest surprise while writing this year? That I'd never actually written for any of the main Good Place characters before. It felt so natural! But I hadn't! I'd only written for Shawn and Bad Janet and Vicky in that Community crossover!
35. what you learned from writing this year: to pay better attention to Yuletide deadlines. From writing itself? Have fun trying new things! Strange formats ate fun!
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kndapunkrllygay · 8 months
Angel's Animal Of The [Undefined Time Spacing] #3
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Fossas are the largest native predators of Madagascar and has been compared to a small cougar, as it has convergently evolved to have many cat-like features. They may look like a canine, feline, maybe even lemur, but it actually belongs to the family Eupleridae. This family of carnivores are only found on the island of Madagascar, and their closest relatives are the mongooses.
The fossa's tail makes up about half of its overall length, which can be up to 6 feet. Females weigh between 11 and 15 pounds, and males weigh between 13 and 22 pounds. They can also run at at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.
The Fossa preys on small to medium sized animals like the endemic primates found on the island, tenrecs, rodents, lizards, birds, fish etc.
The fossa is active during both the day and the night and is considered cathemeral; activity peaks may occur early in the morning, late in the afternoon, and late in the night.
Fossas communicate largely through scent glands. Both males and females own territories that they will scent mark with secretions from glands on their chests & under the base of their tails.
The home ranges of male fossas in Kirindy Forest are up to 26 km² (10 sq mi) large, compared to 13 km² (5.0 sq mi) for females.
They also have specific "mating trees" where a female waits for a male, if a male misses his chance he will mark his scent on the trees aroind them and proceed to wait, hoping to get a chance if the original male leaves.
Except for mothers with pups and occasional observations of pairs of males, Fossas are usually found alone, the species is considered solitary.
When a mother Fossa is having pups (2-4 annually), she creates a den in a rock crevice, a hollow tree stump, underground, or even in an old termite mound. Her pups will stay in the cozy den for about 4-5 months before they begin to explore outside. Then they practice climbing, running, and leaping with the resources around them or their den!
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