#its a brand in the isles
Any facts on Bump's wardrobe in general?
Whew. Bump fanbase came out in full swing lately. Splendid!
OWL HOUSE FACT #59: Bump hates ironing and often either uses a spell to iron his clothes for him or - when he’s rarely feeling especially lazy - he’ll use a concealment stone to look presentable. The last time he probably ironed something with his two hands was when he had his interview with Faust because he was afraid Faust could tell.
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trueduckweed · 2 years
Overthinking the covens
Is the only way to join the Emperor's coven becoming a cop? There are more jobs then just guard/scout/captain/warden/etc after all. 
Who helps run individual police precincts, helps with distributing the Conformatorium’s budgeting, creates promotional material, heck who’s even in charge of hiring inside different branches?
I’d say these are mostly things done by members of other covens who happen to work closely with the EC and that the brand/explicit membership is exclusive to only enforcers like the show states.. but that’s just not true. Flora is one such example. Lilith working as lead historian is another (though that seemed to coexist with her work as coven head/possibly whatever her previous ranks were). 
Like.. the main 9 covens aren’t really organizations. Some subsidiaries are, but despite being referred to as ‘subsidiaries’ the main covens can barely be called holding companies. At least with our current worldbuilding.
It’s just a brand and a slight idea of what one may bring to the table job wise + a leader. The most we even see a main coven leader do is personal arrest missions* for Belos, picking up recruits*, and fucking each other over politically. We know jack about what their positions as leaders mean. What are they leading?? Their titles are the only reason I can hesitantly call the 9 main covens holding companies, but there’s really nothing else to indicate it. The EC is the only one that seems to function as a unit. 
Sub covens are possibly the exception if they require membership of one of the main 9. For example, Blight industries is a subsidiary of the Abomination Coven, implying all its members are AC. Presumably ‘Blight industries’ refers to Alador and his team. You’d think Odalia would be considered a member though and she’s in the Oracle coven. So if it isn’t “you have to be a member of X main coven to join Y subsidiary” is it more something like “Y subsidiary gives taxes to X coven/defers to X coven in whatever system is going on there bc the show gives us jack shit”? I just really want to know how this is all organized and ran. This is the kind of tasty worldbuilding this show is missing. 
Why is Flora, who doesn’t seem to work as a cop or guard or any other rank we know of a member of the EC? The EC seems to only be joinable through becoming a scout. It seems to be an organization unlike the other covens. It seems to have very specific jobs that the EC was created to fulfill In the first place. But working as a historian shouldn’t theoretically require access to all magic. So.. why is it an EC job and why is scout training required?
I mean the inspectors are another example! Not the kind of job to have alongside working as a cop or doing scout work. But they are EC members regardless. 
Are the drummers Bard Coven members or Emperor’s Coven members? They wear regalia reminiscent of the EC after all. It’s seemingly not needed enough to be a full time job but they are obviously trained for it. You couldn't just grab any random guard, put them in the outfit and expect them to know what to do. So is there another job here?
Are there tax collectors? Lawyers? How do laws even get passed? I can’t imagine Belos handles all of that, especially on a local level. 
I guess what I'm wondering is: are there non-sworn* positions in the Emperor’s Coven? Because it’s seems like there are! You should theoretically be able to join a non-sworn position in the EC from entry level. No becoming a scout (AKA a sworn position) required! But we never see anyone indicate that’s an option in the show. Becoming a scout is painted as the only way into the coven. Idk. It’s weird
* I don’t know why or how that fits into the coven head’s jobs. Tasks like that are why the Emperor’s coven even exists. Don’t tell me there aren’t any other extremely powerful witches in the EC who can reliably fulfill that purpose (who aren’t Hunter
* Did no one find it weird that a coven head was transporting new recruits. I get why Darius showed up, he wanted to save the kids. But realistically it’s not the job of the abomination coven head to transport new scouts to.. wherever. Did Hunter not find that weird? Or did he assume Darius was just really proud of him and went to deliver the cloak personally, despite it being his day off? Idfk
* ’Sworn’ referring to those with arrest power and ‘non-sworn’ refers to other law enforcement jobs 
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i feel like. everyone is pointing and laughing at me right now like. its called l'pog i am stupid.
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indecisivekitty · 4 months
Lads and Pads
TF141 x fem!reader
wc: i ain’t gotta clue pal (tumblr lemme copy n paste all the words plz on mobile)
genre: fluff, does comedy count if it’s kind of funny
warnings: men
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“I dinnae understand.”
Gaz shakes his head and sighed. “She’s on her period and needs pads, what is there not to understand, Soap?”
Exasperated and confused, Soap picked up two random boxes of pads. “Aye! But I don’t ken what any of this fucking shite means. What’s the difference between a regular one and one tha’ isn’t?” Soap looked back to the shelf. “And why do those ones say 1 or 3??”
Gaz opened his mouth before closing it again. “That’s actually a good question—I don’t understand the numbers either.”
Pushing the shopping cart into the isle Gaz and Soap were in, Price made his way towards them with Ghost following behind. Price frowned when he saw Gaz and Soap with as many boxes as they could hold in their arms. “Surely our lady doesn’t need that many? All from different brands too?”
“Cap, do ye ken the difference between a pad tha’ is 1 and a pad tha’s 3?” Soap asks.
Price blinked. “Fuck you just say?”
Gaz nodded. “Then we’ll be buying everything for our lass.”
Ghost tilted his head at the load of pads that Gaz and Soap dropped into the cart beside all the food and snacks they were buying for you. “Maybe it’s a size thing? How big the pad is? ‘Cause this one has pictures of different sizes shown on its box.”
Soap had his hands on his hips while he glanced at the cart then to Simon. “Sizes for wha’ though? The size of someone’s cun-”
Gaz smacked Soap on the back of his head before he could finish. Simon narrowed his eyes at Soap, questioning the Scot’s thought process while Price shook his head and sighed.
“Kay, lads, let’s pay and get back to our woman.” Price said, pushing the cart out the aisle with the rest of the men following in suit—though Gaz and Ghost annoyed Soap endlessly about his stupid question.
Ghost eyed Soap judgmentally. “Why the fuck would there be sizes for someone’s cunt labeled on the box? A pussy is not a clothing item.”
Soap glared at Gaz who was laughing. “How am I s’pose to ken what the numbers are fer? Everyone’s different, aye? Maybe there’s sizes?? I dinnae fucking know!”
Price stopped walking abruptly and pinched his nose. “Fucking muppets.”
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Lying comfortably on your bed with a heating pad resting on your abdomen, your head turns towards the door of your room opening.
“Alright, love?” Price asked with an affectionate smile on his face, carrying grocery bags with the rest of your boys behind him.
Eyes softening, you beckoned them closer. “Yes, though I didn’t hear you guys come in.”
“We bought you some pads. Thought maybe you might need some more.” Gaz said.
Simon sat on the edge closest to you to stroke your face but raised a brow at Gaz’s words. “Not even just ‘some’—Soap and Gaz damn near bought the whole fucking isle of pads. There’s a shit more bags still in the boot.”
“Aye but ain’t it better to be prepared?” Soap crossed his arms.
“Yeah, but prepared for what? Menstruation ain’t a war.” Simon drawled.
Soap shook his head grimly. “But the bloodshed.”
Looking back and forth at Soap and Simon bickering, you laughed quietly at their antics before yawning. Gaz, who lied beside you, reached for your hand to kiss it lovingly as Price on the other hand interrogated Soap about his knowledge.
Closing your eyes, you start to fall asleep to the sounds of bickering and the occasional touches from Simon and Gaz.
“Ye think our bonnie needs backup?”
“Shut it.”
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a/n: VWRY NOT EDIFED! heuheuehehueh
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awfcspencer · 5 months
Puppy Love || alexia putellas x reader
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alexia putellas x reader
prompt: you and Alexia adopt a puppy.
warnings: none, straight full fluff
a/n: pretend nala just doesn’t exist sorry!
You and Alexia had been going back and forth about getting a puppy. Alexia insisted that you two were far to busy to properly attend to its needs but you were adamant that you would make plenty of time. You were trying to psychologically convince Alexia by frequently sending her puppy pictures while she was at training or making sure to take her down the pet isle in the store and point out adorable toys. But alas, your efforts were unsuccessful.
You had eventually let the subject go, falling into the busier part of your work schedule and Alexia’s match schedule. On Alexia’s way home from training one day, she fell upon a local pet shelter that she had never seen before and was immediately reminded of your grave yearn for a puppy. Pulling into the parking lot, Alexia convinced herself that she was simply just looking, and in no way shape or form was she purchasing a puppy. She simply just wanted to browse the selection.
After walking in, Alexia walked up and down the hallway, looking at the dogs and cats. One special puppy at the end of the hall caught her eye. She almost didn’t even see the puppy as he was sheltered off from the other animals. It was a brown little boy lab that had three legs, but when he saw Alexia, he met her hand at the cage and wagged his little tail, licking her hand energetically.
To say Alexia was obsessed immediately would be an understatement. His big brown eyes captured her heart, especially when she looked at the little infographic that informed her that if he was not adopted soon, he would be put down. In that moment, she knew she was in fact leaving the shelter with a puppy. She couldn’t let someone put him down. His skin was soft and he seemed very personable, he even had good balance although he was missing a leg.
Informing the vet tech she wanted the lab, she was later walking out the shelter with a puppy, picking up a few items like puppy pads and a brand new collar for him. The vet even tried to talk her out of it, informing her that they had ‘normal’ puppies, but she wanted the brown lab, he was utterly perfect to her. She was his saving grace.
What just happened to Alexia did not hit her until she was pulling into the driveway. The little puppy had yet to stop smiling and wagging his tail, falling into Alexia’s lap as she drove and eventually fell asleep. Alexia had just adopted a puppy, even after she told herself she wouldn’t. Now she had to figure out how she was going to explain this to you. The small puppy fit in her training bag, so she carefully set him in and made her way into the home.
“Amor?” she called out, making sure to be careful with bag.
“In the kitchen babe!” you replied as you were working on finishing up dinner, hearing her just enter the home.
Walking into the kitchen, Alexia put her kit bag behind her back to hide the major item she picked up on her way home. She walks up to you and brings you in for a soft kiss and hug.
“I missed you baby.” you say as you return the hug and kiss. Holding Alexia in your arms you thought your mind was playing tricks on you when you heard a small little bark.
“Alexia? Did you just… bark?” you asked, incredibly confused and curious.
“Oh um….yeah I did.” Alexia replied, not knowing how to break the ice that there was a full blown brown lab currently in her bag, probably chewing on her kit and boots as they speak.
Another bark was let out, and it was in fact coming from behind Alexia. Alexia was beat red, she knew her luck had ran out and you definitely knew it wasn’t her letting out the barks. Alexia brings her bag to her front and sets in on top of the kitchen counter as a small 3-legged puppy crawls out, still energetic and playful.
“ALE YOU BOUGHT A PUPPY!” you scream out, immediately pulling the small dog into your arms, gently petting him as he licks your arm. Overjoyed and happy you set him on the floor and begin to rub his soft belly. He stumbles getting up, falling down a few times but each time he perseveres and gets back up. He quickly runs around your shared home, sniffing everything out.
“Alexia Putellas how on earth did you leave for training without a puppy but return with one?” you question. Just imagining what situation Alexia could have possibly gotten into on her way home.
“On my way home I noticed there was a shelter, and I promise you Y/N I was just looking and I swore I was not leaving with a single animal, but I saw him all alone in the back and it said he was going to be put down if no one adopted him, so I had too. I mean look at him.” Alexia states, trying to convince you with his sweet puppy eyes as she picks him up off the floor. Now the two of them were sending you puppy eyes.
“I mean he is so cute.” you say as you gently give his head a few scratches. “What are we going to name him?” you ask. You are just secretly happy that you now have a puppy after months of waiting and begging for one. You already had a cart full online of puppy treats, toys, and outfit’s waiting for this day to come.
Alexia sets down the little lab and begins to ponder on what the perfect name for him would be as she begins to get her plate ready to eat dinner.
Right before Alexia is about to sit down you say, “Hey babe, while you think of name, he did just pee on the floor and because you did this behind my back, I would say you have puppy duty first.” you say as you laugh, handing her a few towels.
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ihavethedreamies · 2 months
Peach | Juicy Fruit | Jaemin
Na Jaemin - NCT Dream
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~2.5k
Pairing: Jaemin x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Established Relationship, Porn without Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Oral (M! & F! Receiving/Anal), Anal Play, Sex Toys (Butt Plug, Butterfly Vibrator), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Rough Sex, Squirting, Daddy Kink (he calls himself that once), Unprotected Sex (Don’t!!)
Summary: Jaemin isn't too happy his girlfriend doesn't like peaches…
Author's Note: This series was supposed to be of drabbles, at least this is the longest.
This is only vaguely based off of Smoothie…I say this because I got the idea for a fruit theme, but past that its unrelated.
🍉 Mark 🍉
🍇 Renjun 🍇
🍌 Jeno 🍌
🍒 Haechan 🍒
🍓 Chenle 🍓
🍍 Jisung 🍍
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"You really don't like peaches?" Your boyfriend looked at you, looked utterly dejected at this new information. You sighed, flapping the produce bag so it would open, holding it to him. He dumped the five peaches into the bag he had carefully cradled in his arms and then added two more for good measure. As you put the bag in the cart you shrugged.
"I will eat them sometimes. They just are…weird."
"Weird how?" Jaemin took the cart from your grasp so he could push it for you.
"Why are they fuzzy?" You were a bit ashamed to admit why you disliked them so much. The texture was just so odd, it was like velvet. And you hated velvet too, it was unnatural. You much preferred nectarines, of a similar vein but NOT fuzzy.
"But they are so sweet and juicy…" He stopped to send you a mischievous look, "like you." He booped your nose with his finger then continued on, leaving you staring after him in disgust.
"Why do I love you?" You mumbled, trudging after him.
"Because I'm sweet and juicy too." He replied way too casually. You rolled your eyes and you two continued to shop, eventually getting the canned food. You grabbed a couple of different things, and you watched him put a can of pre-cut peaches in.
"We're buying fresh ones." You took it back out so he would put it back.
"These aren't fuzzy, maybe you'll like these." Jaemin tipped the can back and forth in your face, putting it in the cart once again. They weren't expensive, so you just let it happen. In the candy isle, you looked for your favorite kind and he came over with some Japanese brand of chewy candies, and they were peach flavored.
"I will convince you to like something peach. Don't make me get the Crush soda!" He pointed at you, finger close but not touching your forehead. Sighing you dropped the issue, finishing shopping then going back home. You sat at the counter eating some chips as he put the rest of the groceries away, he wouldn't let you help. He said it was because you were too short to reach everything, but he really just liked spoiling you. When he was done, he brought over the bag of peaches, setting each one on the counter in a row, smallest to largest.
"What the hell are you doing?" You asked, not sure you wanted to know the answer. He didn't answer, taking the can of peaches, opening it, and placing seven of the slices on a paper plate. In front of each peach, he put one of the candies.
"What. Are. You. Doing?" You reiterated and he held up his hand, telling you to wait.
"If you eat a certain number of each one, I will do different things for you."
"Like what?"
"What do you think, baby girl?" He leaned on the counter, smirking and you shuffled in your seat under his intense gaze. Clearing your throat, you closed the chip bag and shoved them to the side.
"Alright. What are they?"
"One candy equals one minute of making out." He pointed at each one. Jaemin moved to the slices on the plate.
"One is I'll let you ride my thigh." You nodded for him to continue.
"Two, I'll get you off with my fingers. Three, your vibrator. Four I'll let you suck me off at the same time. Six, I'll cum in your mouth, and all seven I'll fuck your face." He listed off, recognizing the look on your face with each level. He knew you too well. You swallowed hard and he flashed a devilish grin.
"Okay, what about those." You nodded toward the full fruits. He held one up.
"If you only eat one of these, I'll have you sit on my face. If you do all the other ones, plus one of these…" He drifted off, trying to keep his face flat, but he was still smirking. Your eyes followed his hand as he put the fruit down and pulled a bottle out of his pocket you had no idea was there. He set it down, the fluid inside was a peachy color…
"I'll use this." Jaemin leaned back against the counter opposite the island as you looked at the bottle.
"Real original. Peach flavored butt lube…" You sighed, but your cunt clenched at the thought. You had been talking about experimenting…
"Okay, deal." You agreed, holding your hand out to shake and he grinned.
"You sure, baby?"
"We'll see." You shrugged, trying to stay nonchalant. You were a little nervous, the last time you had canned peaches, you gagged at the slimy texture. The candies weren't too worrying, the artificial flavor was probably quite different from real peaches. He took you hand and shook it, leaning back again, nodding for you to start. Unwrapping the first gummy, you slid it into your mouth, the sugar decorating the outside rough on your tongue as your teeth sank in. It really wasn't too bad, though you wouldn't go out of your way to buy any.
"One minute." You started, unwrapping the next gummy. After you had chewed and eaten all seven, Jaemin smirked, coming around the island, and pulling off the stool to him. As he brought you to and settled on the couch, he set a timer for seven minutes, cracking some joke about seven minutes in heaven, then hauled you down onto his lap. He groaned exaggeratedly as he pulled you down to seal your lips with his, tongue already snaking its way into your mouth. Your head swam as Jaemin kissed you, he really was too good at it. You felt a bit of saliva drip down your chin, he was rough and noisy. You both were sucking air in harshly through your noses since you couldn't use you mouths, but not wanting to cut short the seven minutes in any way. When his phone alarm went off, his hand buried in your air and forced you to pull back from the kiss. You were both panting, but you were way more than him, with that stupid cocky grin on his ridiculously attractive face. With ease, he stood, you still on his lap. This forced  you to wrap your legs and arms around him with a yipe and he went back to the kitchen, setting you on the island counter. He slid the plate over to you, grabbing a spare plastic fork and handing it over. This was more nerve wracking for you. You pondered if literally swallowing the slices whole would be less skeevy than chewing them since they got kind of rubbery in the can. Taking the first piece, you brought it to you lips, cringing at the taste of the syrup they put in the can to keep them the right texture. Sliding it in, the slippery texture made you gag slightly, so you just bit it in half, then swallowed both pieces. Thinking of it like a medication pill made it go down easier, since those weren't supposed to be appetizing.
"Thigh." He recited, stepping forward even further, standing between your legs where you sat on the counter. You swallowed again, making sure the pieces were done and then proceeded to do it again. The flavor wasn't too bad, but the texture was still unpleasant.
"Fingers." Another, swallowing both halves.
"My cock." He placed his thumb over your lip, swiping a bit of the syrup away.
"My cum." You licked you lips that time, swallowing hard to get the rest of the sixth piece down. When you finally ate the last slice, he smiled deviously, running his index finger down your throat, as if following the fruit as you swallowed it. Before you could do anything yourself, he pulled away, dashing to the bedroom, coming back out with your butterfly vibrator. He came back over, pulling your butt to the edge, running his hand up your thigh and under your skirt. You shifted so he could flip it up, smiling at your pink panties. He pulled them to the side, your slick letting the silicone head of the small vibrator slide in easily. You shivered a bit as he got it all in and let your underwear settle back in place, the wings of the bottom of the toy cupping your whole cunt. He helped you off the counter, and you got on your knees in front of him. As you pulled his hard cock out of his sweat pants, you whined, lapping up the drop of precum beaded at his head. Jaemin smirked, holding the remote for you to see, then turning it on. Your breath hitched as he increased the intensity, you squatted further so the base of the toy hit the floor, allowing you to press it into your more. Opening your mouth wide, you sat like a good girl as he took his cock in his hand, leading it in. Listening to you breathe roughly through your nose, he kept going, filling your throat with his cock. Your eyes rolled back at the sensation, loving the feeling of your throat trying to accommodate but not gag. Jaemin just held his cock there, your nose pressed to his groin, your hips rutting against your toy. When he could tell you needed to breathe, he pulled his hips back enough to allow you respite, then started to thrust his hips. Every fifth thrust, he shoved his cock as deep as he could, his palm laying over your throat feeling it stretch with his girth. He groaned loudly, he always did.
"Fuck, baby girl~" Your eyes were watering, tears flowing over your cheeks, breaths harsh through your nose and he knew you were close like him. His thumb hit the button the remote again and at the new intensity, you hit your climax, your moan around his cock helping him finish as well. You nearly sobbed as hot, thick spurts of his cum went straight down your throat. It seemed to never end, and your vision blurred from lack of air. Jaemin noticed and pulled halfway out, a few small spurts of cum still leaving his cock, then pulled out completely so you could suck in oxygen. His cock was a mess of saliva and release. Panting from where you squatted on the floor, you watched him shut the toy off, sighing in relief, and he picked up the full peach that time.
"Undress and get on the bed." He ordered and you scrambled to do so, sliding the toy out and throwing it in the bathroom sink. You slid your clothes off and sat at the end of the bed like a good girl, he came in not even a minute later, only in his pants and holding the peeled and cut fruit on a plate in his hand. Setting it down next to you, he went to the nightstand and got the plug you had bought last week.
"Start." You hadn’t made good on the deal yet, but he knew you would. When you picked up the first piece, you were relieved it wasn't nearly as slimy or sticky as the canned stuff, but you were kind of full from the previous parts, as well as what you swallowed of Jaemin's release. You were feeling impatient, so you scarfed it down, shocking him a bit, but you were licking the last of the juice off your fingers when he came to stand in front of you. He had given you the smaller one luckily, so you didn't have much to eat.
"Roll over, get on your knees." He smacked your ass lightly and you crawled up the bed, doing so, face on the sheets, butt in the air. He grinned, your slick folds had dripped down over your pucker. He opened the cap of the bottle, you shivered when the slightly cold fluid hit your rim. You had expected the tip of his finger, or even the end of the plug, but you gasped when instead, his tongue ran around your back entrance. It was peach flavored not just scented.
"Fuck, 'Min." It was an odd sensation, but not totally unwelcome. He noted that the lube had a very artificial taste, he much preferred the real thing, but if it was you he eating instead, that was fine. After a few minutes, he pulled his face away, licking his lips, then picked up the plug.
The toy was pretty small, but he still slathered it in lube, as well as your rim. He watched the muscle flutter around the silicone, and you whined a bit.
"Breathe." He coached and slid the plug into your ass. Your breath hitched, then you sighed and relaxed once it was in.
"How's that, baby girl?" Jaemin stroked the skin of your ass cheek with his thumb, your cunt visibly fluttering.
"W-weird." You admitted, and he hummed.
"Jaemin~" You practically squealed when the head of his dick ran through your slick folds, but he was taking his take actually starting to press in.
"Please!" You wanted to cry, needing him and so he relented, sliding home. You let out a slight choking noise, the burn of his cock stretching you so fast and hard, along with the plug in your ass, was overwhelming. He was nice enough to let you adjust to the new sensation of having something in both wholes, but it always took a while for you to get used to his cock. From behind he reached the deepest part of your cunt, and your tight gummy walls gripped to every ridge and vein of him. There was no verbal warning for him starting, but you saw his hands rest on and grip the head board, prompting you to do the same with the sheets.
"Fuck, princess!" He laughed in glee, not trying to be gentle in any sense, bullying his cock into your pussy as hard as he could, like he was rearranging your insides. Each thrust took your breath away, making you nearly hyperventilate. He was spewing the sweetest filth, praising you and your cute little cunt. How well you took his fat cock, and how much he loved fucking you stupid. You could barely babble in reply, tiny orgasms washing over you over and over.
"J-J-Jaemin-!" You dug your teeth into the pillow, the next wave coming was much stronger.
"Okay, baby girl, cum for daddy~" He chuckled as you whimpered, another hand thrust, and he was even taken away by your orgasm. Your cunt clenched even tighter around his cock than he thought possibly, spurts of slick spilling from your cunt, dripping and puddling onto the sheets. It was too much, too hot, that he made a few more shallow thrusts, then spilled inside you. You milked him dry, it felt like, and it made an even bigger mess. He sat inside you till he had nearly softened all the way, letting you calm down some and slowly pulling out. His finger circled the base of the plug, the end of it had a little emoji peach on it.
"You like peaches now, princess?”
🍉 Mark 🍉
🍇 Renjun 🍇
🍌 Jeno 🍌
🍒 Haechan 🍒
🍓 Chenle 🍓
🍍 Jisung 🍍
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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i-hate-people-1 · 3 months
~Mid to west~
Part 2
Eddie Munson x Henderson reader road trip au
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson Reader
Word count: 3,782
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An hour into your trip, you hear the first dreaded “I have to pee.” Of course, it came from Dustin.
"Really, come on, man, we’re barely even a town over,” Eddie groaned, pulling into the next gas despite his sentiment.
“I’m sorry,” he whined, dashing out of the car the moment Eddie put it in park.
“Maybe we should all try to and we can grab some snacks” Steve suggested Ever, the mother of the group.
"Ugh, fine,” Eddie groaned, throwing his head back. “But no drinks!” He yelled as your friends dashed out of the vehicle. “I mean it!”
“There’s no way they actually listen,” you told him, giggling as you got out of the car Eddie close behind.
“My lady,” Eddie said, smiling brightly as he opened the door for you, bowing slightly.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” you said, giggling and curtsying as you walked in.
After using the restroom, you were scanning the isles for a snack. Indecisive as ever, you finally settled on a bag of Cheez-Its, a pack of gum, and a nougat bar Dustin’s favorite for when he inevitably complains about being snacky (when he’s hungry but doesn’t want real food).
"This all,” the teen at the counter asked. Well, you think she was asking, but her deadpan tone made it hard to tell.
"Yup,” you said, smiling.
She looked up from your snacks, her unamused glare fixed on you.
“Hey sweetheart, spot me a pack of smokes?" You felt his arm before you heard his voice as he hung it lazily over your shoulder.
Casual touches like this almost fooled you enough to think that the boy you’ve been crushing on since you saw him perform at the middle school talent show actually liked you, or at least thought of you as more than his friends older sister, but then reality would always come crashing down on you when you remembered that Eddie was like that with everyone the pet names, teasing remarks, and touching. I mean, the boy was a walking ball of love to give, constantly looking for a new friend or a new lost sheep he could take under his wing.
No matter how many people teased him, judged him unfairly, or called him the most unspeakable things, he never gave up and always kept that signature Eddie Munson smile that simultaneously lit up the room and made you weak in the knees.
“Y/N?” Eddie asked, his concern-ridden face pulling you out of your thoughts as his arm slid awkwardly off your shoulder.
“Oh, yeah, I can,” you said, turning back to the unamused teen. “Uh, and a pack of Malboro Reds, please,” you told the cashier, surprised that the frown she was wearing could get deeper.
“You know my brand?” You could practically hear the shock in his voice—a deep blush taking over your cheeks.
"Yeah, I guess,” you mumbled as you paid for your things, purposely avoiding his eyes that were boring into you. “What?” You asked, turning back to look at him and handing him the cigarettes.
His doe eyes were soft, and there was a remnant of a smile he was holding back on his face.
"Nothing,” he answered through an awkward cough. “Come on, sunshine, the ass crack of America awaits.” He finished turning around to grab the door for you.
You quickly followed, telling the teen at the counter thank you and to have a nice day.
As you made it outside, Eddie broke off to go lean against the wall to smoke. As you finally made it back to the van, your cheeks were still ablaze from your interaction.
Everyone but Steve had made it back to the van, already getting settled in, to hopefully not stop for at least a couple hours.
After about 5 minutes, Eddie and Steve returned, Steve having two huge bags of snacks, so you wouldn’t have to get any more, hopefully.
"Alright, hellions, buckle up. We’re not stopping for a while,” Eddie said, pulling out of the gas station. “I’m just kidding. Of course, my van does not have seatbelts.”
"Eddie, I’m hungry,” Lucas whined, poking the boy in the cheek. “Can we please stop? You made us skip lunch.” He finished continuing to poke him.
"Sinclair, you poke me one more time, and I’ll cut your hand off and make you eat it. How’s that sound for dinner?” Eddie said it through clenched teeth and crazy eyes.
Lucas stopped his finger inches away from the boy's cheek cautiously after a moment of testing the waters; he seemingly gave up pulling his hand back.
Eddie let out a sigh of relief, unclenching his jaw, and everything was peaceful for about two seconds until Lucas decided that poking the bear was the best idea he could think of, poking Eddie’s cheek once more, smirking mischievously.
“That’s it!” Eddie yelled, pulling off to the side of the road, making all of you tussle in place as he abruptly stopped the car out of his seat as quick as lightning to tackle the younger boy to the ground. He was so quick, you almost missed the smirk fall off of Lucas’s face and the horror take over his eyes.
Which is how you found yourself in the driver's seat, looking out for a place to stop for dinner, with Eddie in the passenger seat slumped down, arms crossed over his chest as he pouted.
"Alright, let’s all get some food in us and stretch our legs, yeah?” You asked as you pulled into the first dinner you’d spotted.
Lucas and Dustin rushed out of the vehicle, the former fully recovering from the tackle he’d taken.
Robin Max and Steve took more time getting out, following the two rambunctious boys.
You, however, stayed in the van, waiting for the boy in the passenger seat to look anywhere but out the window quietly.
"Oh, come on, Ed's, you know you're hungry too,” you said, turning in your seat to face him fully. “And maybe your a tad hangry, and that’s why you tackled Lucas?”
"No, I tackled him because the little shit wouldn’t stop poking me,” Eddie snapped, finally turning to you, and while the vicious gaze of Eddie Munson was terrifying for most people, you thought it was adorable. He looked like a puppy trying to threaten you like a teddy bear with a knife.
“So you’re saying if it had been Steve in the driver's seat and he wouldn’t stop to get you food, you wouldn’t have done the same thing?” You challenged him, raising a brow. His frown softened a bit, a mischievous glint in his eyes, you assume, at the thought of annoying Steve Harrington.
"See, you’d think it was hilarious if it were Steve; your little sheep was just following in your footsteps.”
"Yeah, but they’re supposed to annoy other people, not me,” he grumbled, though you could tell he was starting to come around.
“Oh well, now you’re just asking too much,” you teased. “Now come on, I’ll buy you a milkshake,” you told him, hopping out of the driver's seat.
“Chocolate?” Eddie asked, head-whipped, to look at you.
"Ugh, fine, but I’m going to judge you for it,” you said, rolling your eyes as you shut the door and walked inside, Eddie following closely behind.
“Woah woah woah, sweetheart, are you trying to tell me you don’t like chocolate milkshakes?” Eddie asked, dramatic as ever, his hair whipping around as he shook his head.
“I mean, they’re fine, but vanilla is definitely better,” you said, shrugging. Eddie gasped loudly, clutching a hand to his chest.
“I can’t believe you just said that to me,” he said quickly as he pulled out a seat, gesturing for you to sit down.
You sat down flustered as Robin raised a brow at you, which only made your blush deepen.
“What’d you say to him?” Max asked.
“Get this, Red; she thinks vanilla milkshakes are better than chocolate,” Eddie scoffed before you could get a word.
Leading the table into a lively debate, with some taking your side while others took Eddie’s.
“You guys are all wrong. It’s obviously strawberry." Steve cut in your heads, all turning to him with disgusted looks.
"Okay, everyone can at least agree that Steve’s wrong, right?” Robin asks, eyes darting around the group as you all nod, “All right, it’s unanimous, Steve’s an idiot.” She finishes, and Steve looks offended while all of you laugh.
"Alright, I need to go smoke. You guys stress me out." Eddie shook his head, smiling.
“Those things will kill you,” you said, popping a fry into your mouth.
"Hey, you’re the one supplying me, so don’t get all high and mighty on me now, princess,” Eddie smirked as you rolled your eyes.
“That was a temporary lapse in judgment; I was distracted,” you shrugged, trying to play it cool, though the obvious blush on your face was giving you away.
"Aww, you saying I distract ya doll face?” Eddie asked, leaning in close.
"Ew, dude, are you really flirting with my sister right now?” Dustin interrupted, gagging immediately after he got the question out.
“See what I mean? Little fuckers are so annoying, I’m surprised I don’t smoke more,” he groaned, placing a cigarette between his lips as he stood up and made his way to the door.
“I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” you announced, getting up and speed-walking to the bathroom flustered.
"Really, Dustin,” Max scolded, smacking him in the back of the head.
"Ow, what was that for?”
“You totally just ruined their moment. Eddie was finally growing some balls, and you just stomped on them,” Lucas explained.
“What?” Dustin asked again, and the poor boy was obviously very confused.
"Really, Dustin, do we have to explain everything to you? You’re not a child,” Steve quipped sarcastically.
“What these doofuses are getting at is that Eddie has just now started shooting his shot, and you might have just deterred him for another what is it like nine years?.” Robin explained hoping the young boy would catch on.
"Wait, are you guys saying Eddie actually likes Y/N?”
“Oh my gosh, look at those boys. Sherlock finally figured one out,” Steve said, slow-clapping.
“Shut up, Steve,” Dustin seethed. “So Eddie likes Y/N? Does she like him?”
"Obviously,” Max yelled, quickly apologizing when most of the eyes in the restaurant turned to her.
“So all those times he’s called her hot, he wasn’t just doing that to annoy me?” Dustin asked, still bewildered by the new information.
“While I’m sure that is a perk,Steve started sitting up in his chair to pat Dustin on the back. “He’s got it; he's had it bad since his first senior year,Steve finished shrugging.
“I can’t believe one of my best friends has a crush on my sister, and none of you told me,” Dustin pouted.
“We thought you knew it was pretty obvious,” Max said, rolling her eyes.
“I don’t want to think about that; it’s gross.”
"Well, you better get used to it because our mission this trip is to get them together,” Robin told him as the group nodded in agreement. “And it was working perfectly without us having to do anything but put them in seats next to each other, and you might have just ruined it,” Robin grumbled.
“How am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me?!” Dustin argued.
“Tell you what?” Eddie asked, making the group jump and turn to look at the boy.
"Umm, uh, that there’s been something in his teeth for a while,” Lucas said as casually as he could.
"Nice,” Max complemented under her breath.
“Okay?” Eddie said, taking a seat and continuing to eat his food, “Hey, where’s Y/N?” He asked through a mouth full of food.
“She went to the bathroom,” Steve shrugged, sipping his milkshake.
Eddie’s head instinctively snapped towards the bathroom door, a deep frown falling over his features. When he was met with the beautiful sight of your smile and the crushing feeling that washed over him, he saw a guy, the one making you smile.
Eddie’s glare made everyone’s eyes shift to the bathroom as you giggled behind your hand at something the boy said.
And before the smart part of Eddie’s brain could even think of telling him to stay seated, he was on his feet, speeding faster than he could think.
You noticed him before he could even get a word out, turning to smile at him. “Hey Eddie, what’s up?” You asked, brows furrowed, man; he was so screwed if all it took was you smiling at him to turn him into jelly.
"Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said, composing himself to smirk at you. “Who's your friend?” He asked, glaring daggers into the man in front of you.
"Oh, this is Chad; he saw me looking at maps and said he’s traveling west too,” you told him, smiling.
“How convenient,” Eddie bit out, his voice lashing in sarcasm.
"Yeah, man, a total coincidence,” Chad said, returning Eddie’s glare.
The two men stood in unmoving silence, glaring daggers at each other. You furrowed your brows, looking between them, rolling your eyes as far back into your head as they could go at your realization. “Oh my, are you two having a staring contest right now?” you asked, shaking your head in disbelief.
You took their unblinking silence as an answer: “Stop it, you doofus!” You exclaimed, smacking his arm lightly.
“Hey!” Eddie shrieked, “You made me lose!”
“Lose what exactly? What would’ve happened at the end of that contest? What would you have won?” You asked, arms crossing over your chest.
“I’m not exactly a hundred percent on the rules, but I’m pretty sure he gets you now,” Eddie deadpanned.
“Dude, I thought we were just asserting dominance.”
Eddie looked at the man with an expression somewhere between shock, disgust, and anger. “And that’s who won, thanks to you, sweetheart.”
“I’m not some prize, Munson,” you scoffed, walking back towards your friends.
"Yeah, no shit. I was joking that dude never would’ve beat me fair and square anyway.”
“I don’t need you to fight my battles or win me, and also, I was just talking to someone new. What is your issue?” You asked, turning to face him as you made it out in front of the diner.
“What’s my issue?!” Eddie challenged, “I don’t know, haven’t you ever heard of stranger danger? The guy was practically eye-fucking you the whole conversation.”
“So?” You asked, making Eddie scoff.
“So? So?” He asked back in unbelief, “You know what? Fine, whatever have fun getting murdered in the back of some creeps van!” Eddie exclaimed, arms waving, as he turned on his heels to stomp to the van.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that,” you said, stomping after him, “and stop walking away.” You grabbed his hand, making him turn to you and ask, “Why do you care so much?”
Eddie pulled you towards him effortlessly, pinning you up against the back of the van out of view of your friends.
His breath was hot and rugged as it fanned over your face, his doe eyes peering into your soul as he examined your face, his gaze darting between your lips and eyes.
“I care because I want you to be mine,” he whispered in your ear, his hand coming up to cup the side of your neck as you sucked in a breath. “You want that, baby?” Eddie teased biting your earlobe, and you whimpered.
"Oh, don’t worry, pretty girl, you will soon enough,” Eddie told you, inches away from your face, lips so close to touching as your body tingled in anticipation. Just as Eddie was about to close the gap, you were abruptly pulled out of your false reality by the very person you made it for. As he shook your shoulder gently, “Hey, wake up, pretty girl, we’ve got to get back on the road,” he whispered, moving some hair out of your face.
A deep blush set in at the pet name—the same pet name he had just used in your dream—coming into the front of your mind—that little voice telling you he knew but there’s no way he could know, right?
The existential crisis must have been showing on your face because Eddie was looking at you concerned. “You okay, sunshine, you look a little dazed. Nap that good?” He asked, quirking a brow.
"Yeah,” you said almost too quickly, "um, I didn’t even realize I felt asleep.”
“Oh yeah, you feel asleep on my shoulder a few minutes after you came back from the bathroom,” he shrugged.
"Well, you have a comfortable shoulder, thanks, pal,” you said, froging him in the arm, quickly getting out of your seat and speed-walking to the van.
“That was painful,” Robin said as she exited the diner behind you.
“Did I just call him pal and punch him in the arm?” You asked, your head falling on her shoulder.
"Yeah, it was pretty hard to watch,” she deadpanned. "Robin,” you whined.
“Right, sorry,” she said as she started to run a comforting hand through your hair. “What even happened to get you that flustered?”
“I kind of had a sex dream about Eddie,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by her shoulder.
“You had a sex dream about Munson, while you were napping on him,?!?” she said a bit too loudly for your taste.
“Shhh Robin”
"Right, sorry, you had a sex dream about Munson?” She repeated it in a whisper.
"Well, kind of, I was woken up before any actual sex happened, but that’s where it was leading,” you told her, finally lifting your head. “What am I going to do? I feel like a perv.”
"Okay, first of all, it’s completely natural, and second, maybe that’s your subconscious way of telling you to, you know, make a move,” Robin said, biting her thumb nail.
“You think I should make a move on him? Does he even like me?” You asked, pulling Robin's thumb away from her mouth.
“Are you kidding me? You were totally just drooling all over him in your sleep, and he didn’t even bat an eye at the guys.”
“I drooled on him.” You half asked, half whined, her head failing back into place on her shoulder.
“Did she just call me Pal?" Eddie asked through a dejected sigh, slumping in his seat.
"Yeah, she also drooled on you a little bit,” Dustin pointed out, poking a spot on his shoulder over the table.
“And I find that unbelievably adorable. I’m so fucked. I just got pal zoned. I think that’s worse than the friend zone,” Eddie whined, beating his head on the table.
"Oh, stop that. She didn’t mean anything by it. She just got flustered. She likes you, okay. Stop stressing and dancing around it flirtatiously and just ask her out.” Dustin told him, his eyes rolling as far back into his head as they could go.
“She said that?” Eddie’s head perked up like a puppy who had just been offered a treat.
“Not exactly, but I’m her brother, and a brother knows." Dustin shrugged, standing up. “Just go for it, man, she’s into you. I promise, just you know, maybe don’t do it in front of me because gross.”
“When did you get so wise?” Steve asked, hands on his hips, sassy as ever.
“I’ve always been wise; you deepshits just never notice,” he said, sticking his chin high as he walked off.
“No wonder his head is so big; it’s got to fit that massive ego.”
It’s been two hours since you stopped for dinner and 12 since you started the trip as a whole. Eddie had driven for another hour after you stopped before you made him stop and let Steve drive before he felt asleep at the wheel.
Steve and Robin were now in front. Robin passed out until Steve would shake her awake to ask for directions.
And other than the sound of Steve’s quiet humming and soft snores coming from the kids, the van was quiet.
Eddie was out cold the second his head hit the makeshift pillow of his waded-up leather jacket, stirring occasionally to find a more comfortable position.
You were in the limbo between resting and actually sleeping, not completely awake and not completely asleep, when you felt something touch your side. You turned your head, smiling sleepily at the sight in front of you. Eddie, who was already close due to the big group and limited space you had in the back of the van, had moved to lay on his side, one arm curled under his arm to replace the jacket that was now thrown over his body lazily, his other hand poking out just barely grazing your side. You could feel the coldness of his fingers through the thin material of your tank top.
You sat up frowning on the lookout for another blanket, but it seemed that every one was being occupied. After a few minutes of trying to plan in your sleepy state, you finally decided on just sharing yours with him. It wasn’t huge, but you think it could fit over both of you if you shifted a little closer.
You gently pulled the leather jacket off him, setting it aside, grabbing his hand, and moving it closer to his own body as slowly as you could, smiling proudly when you managed to do so without disturbing him.
After shifting as close as you could without actually touching the boy, you took your time situating the blanket, making sure it covered him as much as possible. You finally laid back down yourself, too tired to be anxious about the little amount of space between the two of you.
You had just closed your eyes when another touch pulled you out of your almost-sleep. This time it was more than a few fingers. Eddie was now curled into your side, arm thrown over your waist, head resting on your collarbone without even thinking you started lazily ruining a hand through his curls, making him snuggle into you further. You felt your body relax against him, starting to pull you down into sleep, finally letting it take you. You lay there with a sleepy smile on your lips, content to lay like this the rest of the night. Even if you weren’t really sure where this would leave you, when you wake up, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Relaxing in the heat, his body was now suppling, finally closing your eyes to let sleep take you.
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drewsbuzzcut · 4 months
So Lovely, It Feels So Right
Mat barzal x model!fem!reader
A visceral in doses fic
Warnings: SMUT, alcohol consumption, and mentions of tattoos (let me know if I missed anything)
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Tonight’s the Isles wags’ annual galentine’s get together. It’s nothing fancy, just an intimate gathering at the Martin’s house. There are drinks, snacks, and a small gift exchange.
After laughing so hard your stomachs hurt and drinking various bottles of wine, it’s finally your turn to open your gift. You gently pull out the tissue paper and uncover a black thong with “i ❤️ barzal” printed on the front. You let out an infectious giggle, your cheeks growing red hot.
“Syd! Oh my god. I cannot believe you got me this,” you shriek, hands covering your eyes in faux shyness. You actually liked your little gift- that’d also be a gift for Mat.
“I wanted to get you something on brand for your relationship. We all know you love taking your man to bed. Anyways, soon you’ll be a Barzal,” she points out and you grow flustered thinking about your upcoming nuptials.
Once everyone opens their gifts and finishes their last glass of wine, someone suggests going to a tattoo shop and who are you to not go through with it? Maybe it isn’t the best idea for a bunch of inebriated women to go get tattoos, but you’ll never be one to deny a good time. Mat’s in for a treat later.
Walking up to your front door serves as a challenge, your heel keeps getting caught in the cobblestone of your driveway. It doesn’t help that your buzz is still lingering in your limbs. Finally pushing the door open, you sashay into your house. The sting of your fresh tattoo is very well present as you think about what Mat’s reaction will be like.
You walk in looking disheveled but content. Your cheeks are rosy and your eyes are glossy. Your hair is in its signature messy bun, tank top hiked up your chest to hide your newest addition to your ink collection. You don’t get far before you find Mat in the game room, playing around at the pool table.
“Baby,” you announce your presence, slowly making your way towards him.
As you round a corner of the pool table, your fingers trace the “Barzal” engraved in the wood. Your engagement ring catches every angle of the lighting, making it shine and making Mat’s heart race. He cannot wait to marry you.
“Hey, have a good night?” He asks, pulling you into his arms and swaying with you.
“A wonderful night. We laughed a lot. We also had a lot of wine,” you answer with your eyes closed in delight.
“I can tell,” that piqued your interest. You pop a single eye open.
“What do you mean?” You hop onto the edge of the pool table, arms looped over your fiancés shoulders.
“You’re all giggly and touchy. Major signs that you’re drunk,” he explains, kissing your neck.
You stay silent, too focused on his lips on your skin.
“Did Nolan go down easy?” You finally clear your head from thoughts of the man in front of you.
“Of course. He’s the most perfect baby. He had his bottle and I rocked him in the chair for a couple of hours before putting him in his crib. He’s all bundled up, too. He looks so precious,” Mat says and you coo just thinking about your baby boy.
“I’m glad he didn’t give you any trouble with his bottle. He’s been giving me hell just because I try to feed him with the bottle,” you sigh, body leaning into his.
“He’s a little momma’s boy. I can’t blame him.” You definitely agree with that.
Minutes pass by, Mat and you just looking into each other’s eyes. Every now and then he’ll play with your ring. It’s become a habit of his.
“I’m not drunk you know you,” you tut and tilt your head to the side, your eyes playfully glare him.
“Tipsy but not drunk,” you add, your heel clad feet reaching out to rub against his muscly thighs. He immediately catches your hint. You are feeling needy which is a usual occurrence when you drink wine.
“What do you need, pretty girl?” His voice gets raspy and he picks up your legs one by one and takes off your heels.
“You, baby. I need you,” you pull him down into a kiss, head starting to spin when he invades your mouth with his tongue.
His hands caress your thighs over your jeans, steadily rising to the button and zipper. The heat in the room rises and the moisture starts to collect in your underwear when he starts to undo your pants.
“Holy shit,” he murmurs when he sees your specially made panties.
You giggle and pull him into another kiss, this time you’re the one shoving your tongue down his throat. You grip and pull at his soft locks, just the way his touch grips your every nerve ending and sets them alight. Plus, the moans that vibrate through his chest are enough of a reason to not let go.
He guides you back to lay down, your body erupting in chills from his touch on your bare skin and the cold of the table. He softly squeezes at your legs in a subtle tease before pulling down your thong with his teeth, eyes zeroed in on your reaction. Just by the way your chest heaves and your legs subconsciously widen is proof enough that you’re enjoying what he’s doing.
Your core glistens for him and he wants so badly to dive into your wet folds, but he always wants to tease you. If it’s for a minute or more depends on his mood. He’s feeling giving and generous, so he won’t tease you too much but just work you up until you’re antsy. He kneels down, eyesight perfectly level with one of his favorite sights: you, wet and begging. He lays kisses up your legs, nipping tenderly at the stretch marks on your inner thighs. You reach down and intertwine your fingers with his, your ring biting at his skin, a reminder of your future. Continuing on his path upward, he purses his lips and blows a cool stream of air on your wetness, eyes darkening at your whimpers. He lets a small laugh pass through his lips and presses a sweet kiss just below your belly button.
“Do something, please,” you beg, squeezing his hand.
“Do what?” He acts innocent, but you know he’s just trying to get you to voice your needs.
“Eat me out or fuck me. Just do something,” you whine, a low scream falling from your lips as he leans up to mouth at your neck. His clothed cock rubs against your pussy, sending tingles throughout your entire body.
“You’re sexy when you’re bossy,” he whispers in your ear, sending you into a frenzy of sexual tension that’s dying to be resolved.
“If you don’t do anything, I’ll just get myself off,” you sass, closing your legs just a bit.
Mat stops you before you can close them all the way, his fingers opening you up so he can spit on your clit. The feral urge you have for him increases just by the action alone. You lift up your hips, but he quickly pins them down. Your annoyed huff turns into an airy moan when his thick fingers spreading your wetness around your fluttering hole. He delicately kisses around your mound, pressing a loving kiss to your clit.
The few deep breaths you take don’t prepare you for the way pleasure engulfs your body when Mat wraps his lips around your clit. His tongue nudges it while his lips continuously suction around the bud. You tug at your own hair, feeling your mind grow fuzzy when you hear his obscene moans. The vibration feels even better.
“You like that, baby?” He speaks his words into the apex of your thighs.
You numbly nod your head, already high on the overwhelming bliss that comes from his mouth alone.
“Words, baby,” he trades his lips for his finger tip, softly massaging slow circles into your bundle of nerves.
“I love it so much. It feels so good,” you comply albeit being breathless.
Every rational thought flees your head when he starts tracing his name with the tip of his tongue, sending you on a hazy spiral towards your orgasm.
“Fuck, baby. I’m yours,” you chant, knowing he was staking his claim even though he doesn’t need to.
You don’t even realize him pulling away until he’s pushing your tank top further up your chest, unveiling your boobs. He loves when you’re braless. He licks his lips, leaving sucking kisses all up your torso. For a quick moment you snap out of your daze, remembering your new tattoo that your fiancé still doesn’t know about. Luckily, he doesn’t pull your top off all the way.
“Is my pretty girl still sensitive?” He knows damn well your boobs are still sensitive from breastfeeding for 7 months.
You whisper a yes, but it’s quickly replaced with a cry as he softly sucks them into his mouth. It doesn’t last long because you’re still producing milk, so he decides to suck on the flesh surrounding your nipples. No low cut tops are in your future unless you want people to witness the craving Mat’s mouth had. You will definitely be looking like a cheetah after he’s done with you.
You lift your hips up into him, begging for friction, but also distracting him from eventually making his way to your tattoo. You didn’t want him to see it just yet.
He spreads your folds open again, not holding back and he immediately starts lapping up your arousal. The slurping noises fill your ears and his ravenous moans make you even wetter.
“You taste so good, pretty girl. I can eat your pretty pussy all day,” he praises, voice sweet and thick like honey.
“I love you,” you reply.
“I love you.” His words are followed by his tongue entering your weeping hole.
Your body arches off the pool table, screams and moan ripping from your throat as he fucks you with his tongue. Again, your hips lift up, but this time Mat doesn’t press them down. He holds up your lower body, burying his face in your pussy.
“Fuck. Just like that, baby. Please don’t stop.”
The vibrations from his moans and grunts make your brain short circuit, the mind numbing sensation has you in its palm.
You reach down, a hand back in his hair and the other planted on his upper back. The cold metal of your ring feels nice against his warm skin.
“I’m going to cum,” you whine, your cunt clenching down on his tongue.
“Not yet.”
“Please,” it comes out in a gasp, Mat’s thick fingers sinking into your pussy.
His fingers move slowly in a come hither motion, dragging out your pleasure and making you wait until you can let that knot in your stomach snap. His tongue flattens against your clit, his face moving side to side to continuously apply friction.
“Maty, please. I can’t do it. I need to cum, please,” you beg, legs closing around Mat’s head.
“I need you to hold it baby,” he whispers against your soaking cunt.
“I can’t. I can’t,” your body is trembling and you’re trying to steady yourself, but it feels too good. Your orgasm is on the brink of destruction.
He sets you down, one hand pressing into your lower abdomen while his fingers fuck up into you. Throwing your head back, both your arms reach out to grip onto something. Tears stream down your face, but you’ve never felt more alive.
“Cum for me, baby. Make a mess,” he finally gives you the green light.
Everything goes blurry, the pressure in your stomach releases and you feel liquid squirt out of you, and the state of euphoria your body is in is unexplainable. Mat’s fingers work you through your orgasm with slow strokes but still enough to make you twitch.
“You’re so beautiful, my love. I didn’t know you could squirt like that,” he muses, pecking your thighs.
You whimper when he pulls his fingers out. It’s erotic the way your release drips down his hand. For a moment, you think he’ll lick it up, but you’re proven wrong when he gets you to sit up. He guides his fingers to your mouth and you willingly suck on them, moaning at the taste of yourself. Your eyes peer into his eyes, hooded and dark, they reel him in. Out are his fingers, and his lips press to yours. Salacious moans pass between your mouths when he sucks on your tongue. He’ll never get tired of your taste.
“I love you,” you whimper, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep him close.
“I love you,” he whispers against your lips, nipping and pulling at your bottom one.
You smile dazedly at him, feeling sleepy and cuddly in his arms.
“Come on, baby. Let me take you upstairs and get you in a bath,” he coos, rubbing at your back.
“In one minute. I want to stay here in your arms for a little while. I missed you today,” you kiss his chin and the side of his jaw.
“Nols and I did, too,” he says.
“Tomorrow we cuddle in bed all day,” you state.
“Whatever you want. Happy Valentine’s Day, baby. I love you,” he tells you.
You look over at the clock hanging on the wall and realize it’s well past midnight.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby daddy. I love you so much,” you kiss him once more.
“I actually have a small surprise for you,” you whisper into his mouth.
“What’s that, pretty girl?” He looks at you expectantly.
You pull your tank top over your head with one hand, so the other can still cover up your tattoo. Slowly, you move your hand away to finally show off the ‘13.’
“Holy shit. No way, babe. That’s hot,” Mat gasps, reaching out to touch it.
“Just for you, baby,” you softly whimper, your skin still sore from the incessant needle.
He looks at you with such tender love and feral, sexual desire. You can feel the tension fill the room again, your cunt begging for him and his cock straining against his basketball shorts. You’re both in for a long night.
a/n: Happy Valentine’s Day my lovelies! I hope you know you’re loved so much🫶 I hope you all enjoy!
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bosinclairsgff · 10 months
Slasher's reacting to their s/o on their period
Yeahhhhh I just felt like writing about it because I am in fact on my period, anywho! Enjoy :)
Includes: Bo Sinclair, Corey Cunningham, Patrick Bateman and The Grabber
Warnings: Mention of kidnap, implied nudity and just some of them being mean..
Bo Sinclair
Bo woke up to you saying his name and shaking him softly. You had just started your period and you had bled through your underwear onto the sheets. At first, he was a little annoyed that it had gotten on the sheets but then he looked at how bad you felt and calmed down.
He would still be an asshole, but he would be a nicer asshole.
I think he would offer taking a shower with you to help wash you off so you would feel better.
If you asked him to buy pads, he would say yes but REALLY complain about it and be a bit pissed off. When he gets to the store and sees how many different types there are he gets STRESSED. He would grab you a random one and hope it's the right one.
If you asked him to buy tampons he would make some weird joke about using them. He would buy them for you though, still annoyed. Again he wouldn't know if there is a right size to get or what. So just be thankful for whatever you get.
Corey Cunningham
Corey had taken you out for a ride and you guys were having so much fun. But when the ride as over and you stood up to get off, he noticed a small blood stain on your pants. You were so embarrassed, but he assured you it was totally fine, that its normal and nothing to be embarrassed about. He gave would give you his jacket to wear around your waist.
He would be so sweet about it and would buy you all the chocolate in the world.
Corey would run you a nice bath then when you got out, he would cuddle and watch your favorite movie.
If you asked him to grab you pads, he would say yes but internally panic. He wouldn't know which brand to buy, or if it had to be a certain size. I think you'd get a text of a picture of the isle asking you to tell him which one to buy. Same thing with tampons.
Patrick Bateman
You were sitting in his bed just talking about your day when you stood up to use the bathroom. Once you got up, he sees blood on your panties and on the sheets. He. Was. Pissed. Patrick would defently yell at you for getting blood on his sheets. He would say something like "don't you know when you're going to start your period? You should be prepared. You have made such a fucking mess".
He would make you take a shower while he changed the sheets. Then he would ask if you even had the things you need.
He would you out and grab you whatever you choose to you and be really mad about it.
When he gets back to the apartment he would toss the pads in the bathroom and not say a word to you for the rest of the night.
The Grabber
He's not used to being around people who have periods so he would be so awkward.
One morning while giving you your breakfast he noticed you weren't eating, and you looked like you were in discomfort. He would ask once wrong and shyly you told him you had started your period. He would freeze. The Grabber hadn't even planned to keep you for this long so now that you had started your period, he had no idea what to do.
He would ask you if you needed anything or if you could just stuff toilet paper in your panties and that would do. When you explained it's better to have pads or tampons, he tried to not cringe while talking about it. This stuff made him so uncomfortable.
The Grabber would tell you he would be back in 30 minutes, and he was going to get you pads. Of course, he had no idea what to buy.
One of the older ladies working their noticed how long he had been standing there staring at all the pads. So, she helped him get what she thought would be best. His face was bright red the whole time talking to her.
Once he gets home, he would go downstairs with a few wet paper towels so you could clean up the best you could. No, he would not give you privacy and would watch you.
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lolasimms · 1 year
Hiii Lola how you've been? Hope you're alright, sweetie, sending love to ya! ♡
I was thinking the other day about modern!abby being outside doing some stuff and immediately sees like a plushie or something that she knows reader would love so she buys it and she is like "I thought about you when I saw this so I bought it, you like it?" Looking at reader with her pretty eyes and a tiny pout on her lips but when reader almost scream of joy she smiles and looks at her all full of love! 💌🧸
– saia ୨୧
Strawberry Shortcake - Abby x reader
Hey Saia, I’m sorry it took so long for me to get to your ask. Thank you for it though <3
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Throughout your relationship both you and Abby made it a habit to spontaneously gift each other. It started off when you’d both confessed that one of your many love languages was gift giving, so when you realised she would like your gifting and she vice versa, you both went ham. Though Abby always felt self conscious in the things she’d choose to buy, partly due to her partners in the past always finding her gifts “too considerate” or “too practical.”
You however always loved that whenever Abby bought you something it was straight from the heart. She was never one to buy an item for you simply because of the brand name or the price, she prided herself on knowing you, knowing what you liked. Abby was always considerate, that was evident in all she did for you.
Today like any other, Abby had finished up a few classes and then headed to the store to run some errands. The store cart was filled with vegetables, fruit, a selection of yoghurts, your favourite spreads, rustic loaves and a little bottle of wine. Once she was satisfied, she’d crossed out the items she’d already gotten before heading to the hygiene isle to get the last items on her list. She was a very precise shopper, the kind who had a list and always made sure to stick to it. Unless of-course, she saw something that you might like.
So when she mistakenly took the wrong turn into the toys and plushies isle, her attention was immediately diverted when she spotted a strawberry shortcake plushie that just screamed you. All thoughts of going off the list were thrown out the window when she imagined the look on your face when you see the plushie of your favourite cartoon character. The one that you’d told her so much about. She even remembers the time you’d excitedly made her watch a few episodes when you found out it had gone to streaming.
She grabbed the soft plushie taking in its bright red hair, rosy cheeks, scattered freckles. She was cute and sweet, just like you her little strawberry. Once she’d gotten home she felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness bubbling within her stomach. She was sure you’d love it, but she always had the tendency to second guess herself.
“I’m back!” She calls out, placing the crotchet grocery bag you’d made for the house, on the kitchen island before moving into the living area to find you.
“Hey baby.” You smile, lying on the couch with your laptop across your legs. You shut it, before making your way over to her. Her arms are suspiciously folded behind her back, but you ignore that and wrap your arms around her neck.
“I might’ve gotten you something.” She gives you that cute shy smile she always does when she’s done something sweet.
“Abby, you know you don’t have to always get me stuff whenever you leave the house!” You squeak, pinching her reddening cheeks and then kissing them.
“I know, but I wanted to. I really think you’ll like it.” She removes her hands from behind her back to reveal the plush and immediately you let out an ear piercing squeal.
“Abby!!!! It’s…”
“Strawberry Shortcake.” “STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE.” You both say in unison, yours coming out as more of a scream compared to her calm tone. She’s looking at your face as you take in the plush, just admiring it and she’s so fucking happy that you love it.
“She’s my favourite, I love it sooo much baby!” You’re holding the plush to your chest, jumping up and down and she’s just admiring how sweet and cute you are. Her little strawberry.
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C’est inspiré par mon préféré dessin animé Charlotte aux fraise <333333
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sometimescozy · 8 months
Filling Her Role, Pound by Pound
(extreme weight gain, immobility, humiliation, force feeding, burping)
“And here we are. Home sweet home.” said the royal secretariat to the diminutive figure beside her as they looked towards the imposing mahogany doors they had just stopped in front of. She was as stone-faced as ever, not even bothering to look the ex-princess beside her in the eye.
“Oh… so this… is meant to be my new living quarters…?”
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“Correct. I had it arranged at once, once you’d shown yourself to be willing to cooperate.” The royal advisor impatiently fiddled with the pages of the clipboard she had tucked into her chest. She looked as if she wanted to be just about anywhere other than here.
“I… I see! How… accommodating of you!” Madeleine deliberated over every word, feeling out the secretariat’s reactions with worried glances during each gap in the conversation. She realized better than anyone just how precarious her situation was, and she wasn’t looking to do anything to jeopardize it when she was the closest to anything she could describe as stability in eons.
Madeleine, once the princess and heir to the throne of the most powerful line of canine nobles the Hallowed Isles had ever seen, was now the sole member of the once all-powerful Aldwulf main family not currently locked up several hundred feet under the castle ground floor by the newly empowered Lupus family. As a family member not associated with its political branch, she had been told that she would receive preferential treatment, and would be allowed to serve a brand new position in the royal cabinet, made just for her. It was preferential treatment predicated on her assumed harmlessness, and she intended to show just how harmless she could really be.
“Well, no reason to delay any further. Let’s get you situated.”
As the secretariat stepped forward, a pair of maids silently moved ahead of her to push open the double doors without even needing to be told. The princess lifted her frilly white dress and scurried along behind her.
The room that they stepped into was a somewhat sterile wash of white and grays, the occasional pink trim and scarlet red drapes breaking up the monotony. Tremendous pale columns framed the light pink carpet that stretched down the expanse of the elongated chamber, giving it a throne-room-esque appearance befitting of an aristocrat. Curiously though, Madeleine noted, was that there wasn’t much furniture to be seen, the side walls largely sparse for what was supposed to be her primary living space. Even more curious though, was what lied at the far end of the chamber. An exceedingly large mattress filled the vast majority of the far wall, placed under a structure that looked like something between a canopy bed and a farmer’s market stall. Was this… supposed to be a throne?
“Oh…! How… unique! I’ve never seen a dwelling quite like this before!” Madeleine could only do so much to hide her confusion as she searched for a way to compliment the bizarre arrangement. Casually strolling over to the mystery mattress, she plopped herself down by its edge to better assess what it actually was she was looking at. “Is this… meant to be my throne?” She gently stroked her hand over the silky mattress cover.
“Hmph. Well, you could put it like that.” She let out an exhale that sounded almost amused. “Well then, if we’re all ready, let’s get this wrapped up.” In one swift motion, she handed off her clipboard to a maid in her peripheral, and clapped twice, the crack of her gloved hands reverberating off of the barren walls of the cryptic throne room. Not skipping a beat, two maids collapsed upon Madeleine’s perched position in the center of the mattress. Two metallic clicks were heard, and each maid backed away with a segment of rope in hand, both of which were firmly secured to the steel cuffs that now binded the wrists of the thoroughly bewildered princess.
“Wh-wha… what is…” The princess couldn’t complete a full sentence, her mind racing a mile a minute
“Oh. So you weren’t informed, then?”
“In…formed? Of… of what?!” The feigned gracious tone of Madeleine's voice fell as her panic grew, turning to her side to see the maids fastening her restraints to the supports of the canopy.
The secretariat’s eyes widened. “Of… the position you’ve been assigned? You hadn’t even bothered to ask what exactly you’d be doing?” Her mouth twitched at its corners. The level of ineptitude being displayed by this goldilock’d little fool was beyond what she could’ve ever imagined.
“I was told that I would be receiving preferential treatment! What kind of preferential treatment is this meant to be?!” Madeleine’s face had twisted into a furious scowl, staring venom-soaked daggers into the traitorous desk jockey before her.
“Oh, preferential treatment, undoubtedly. You’ll be given everything you could possibly want, princess. And so, so much more” The secretariat folded her arms behind her back as she began to pace. “You see, to put it frankly, you’re… useless. Just entirely, utterly incompetent. There is no existing formal position that we could give you that a dozen of your own former servants couldn’t do with infinitely more proficiency than you could ever muster.”
“You… you ingracious little… “ Madeleine's hair stood on end as she growled through gnashed teeth.
“Naturally, we didn’t create a special position in the royal cabinet for you because of any talent you possess. You, princess, have something much more useful to us.” Swiveling on her heels, the secretariat spun towards the princess and leaned towards her until their noses were mere inches apart.
“Your pride.”
“You see, what you are is a symbol. Everyone in the Aldwulf kingdom cherished their beloved princess, and her radiant golden hair that glimmered like the sun. And undoubtedly, there’s plenty out there that still hold that image in their mind. The last brilliant ember of the kingdom that once was. Some might even yearn to see that ember grow into a great blaze, a blaze that consumes all, leaving only an emptiness. A vacuum, free to be occupied by those foolhardy enough to stoke the fire in the first place.” She said this as she backed away from the princess, turned towards a maid, and gestured towards the doors.
“Now, obviously, my superiors don’t want that. And that’s where you come in.” As she said this, the large mahogany double doors at the entrance of the room parted, and in came what looked like the preparations of an excessively lavish banquet. Carts piled high with roasted turkeys, parfaits, bowls full of boiled legumes, every holiday-time dish you could think of.
“It seems you’re so hopelessly lost that you haven’t even managed to catch wind of the name of your new title, so allow me to inform you: as of today, you are officially the royal cabinet’s one and only “Paragon of Excess.”
The princess was too bewildered to offer a response beyond slack jawed staring. She had an inkling of where this was going, but the notion was so absurd that she couldn’t bring herself to believe it.
“There’s a saying that goes, ‘a populace is a reflection of the values of its rulers.’ And you are to become a ruler that perfectly reflects the values we wish to see out of your former subjects: well-fed, docile, and utterly, entirely dependent.”
“You… accursed wretch! Why would I play along with anything that you cretins- hrrrrmph?!” Madeleine’s outrage was swiftly interrupted by the bread roll that was now crammed several inches past her lips, her jaw forced open by the black-gloved hand that now tightly gripped her mandible. The secretariat wiped the crumbs off of her free hand with her pants suit top.
“We don’t need you to play along, princess. You will eat. You will eat more than you ever imagined yourself capable of. And you will grow, and grow, and grow ever fatter until you’re so incredibly overburdened by your excess blubber that you wouldn’t be able to feed yourself without our help even if you wanted to. You will grow to fill every inch of this mattress bed. I will make sure of that, Madeleine.”
The princess’s eyes widened to the size of the saucers piled meters high on the carts in front of her. Her breathing began to grow ragged and heavy, the gravity of her predicament finally starting to settle in.
“Oh, did you really think you were going to be allowed to walk away scot free? As if you had no involvement in the many moons of tyranny the Aldwulfs inflicted on this land? No, my dear, silly little princess. You have a debt to pay. And you’ll be paying it off calorie by calorie, watching your waistline ever increase as you fatten up into the perfect, picturesque “Paragon of Excess” that you were always meant to be.” The secretariat traced the fingers of her free hand from the bony sternum to the tense midriff of the princess's lithe abdomen.
Tears of indignation welled up in the eyes of the disempowered royal. She had nowhere to run, nobody she could turn to in this castle she once called her own.
“I do hope you’re hungry, by the way. Your breakfast is long overdue.”
“Please, princess… this would be much easier for the both of us if you’d just sit still...” The unfortunate curly-haired maid that had been given feeding duty today wiped her brow as she tried and failed to have the uncooperative brat before her open her mouth to eat the last of the danishes that had been loaded up onto the princess’s lunch cart.
“Mmmmrrrph!! N-no!!!” Hundreds of pounds of pale fleshy rolls were sent wobbling to and fro as the princess struggled, cherry paste smeared on her rounded cheeks from the maid’s many failed attempts to guide each pastry into her mouth.
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Several months worth of being unwillingly pampered and fed had piled up onto the princess’s modest frame, and had ballooned her out into the fattest girl in the castle, bar none. Cascading rolls of adipose stacked like breakfast pancakes wrapped around her once slender form. Her tremendous ass spilled out over her bedsheets like a sack of gelatin, indenting the mattress where she sat. Her couch filling thighs tapered off to cankles that rode up over her dainty black shoes. Her pillowy upper arm fat rested comfortably against her flabby chest rolls. She was on her third set of cuffs, the last two having to be refitted after her swelling arm fat threatened to cut off circulation to her hands.
But what trounced all of that in magnitude was her tremendous slab of belly fat, which flooded out from underneath her previously ankle length dress, and entirely filled her generous plot of lap space. It surged far enough in front of her that it threatened to swallow up her knees in due time. She was nursing a full pantry’s worth of meals in her gut, the turgid mass of half-digested foodstuffs visibly bulging from the otherwise soft blanket of tummy fat. It audibly gurgled and groaned, seemingly only growing further upset by its owner’s constant squirming.
The amount of energy this girl had despite her current conditions was astounding. The exasperated maid girl was running out of patience. “Please, mistress, just this one last-”
As she spoke, the princess jerked her mass around all at once. Her rounded face collided with the incoming danish, sending it, and its cherry-flavored jam filling, careening into the marble tiling below.
“...Ah…” The commotion brought on the stares of a few other maids that had stayed behind to sweep the floor, before quickly resuming their work. Wasted food was a no-go when feeding the princess, she would undoubtedly be admonished for this. She stood up to grab a replacement danish, but quickly found that the breadbox was sorrowfully danish-less. She would have to march all the way back across the castle to the royal pantry just to get another. She clenched her teeth in frustration. “Why should I have to deal with… with this?”
“Ha! Serves you… hff… right, you lowbred… uuuoorp… cur!” The princess still managed to get a few petty jabs in through all her belching and wheezing.
“Just one more.” the maid thought to herself. “Just one more danish, and I’ll be able to return to my quarters. Just bear with it.” The maid grabbed the handlebars of the foodcart that she’d wheeled in a little under an hour ago, and prepared to start her trek down the long, winding castle corridors to retrieve another treat for this infuriating little aristocrat.
“Figures, that a… hah… low class mongrel like you wouldn’t even be fit to.. hrrp… feed me by hand! Maybe try looking into a… hff… position with the castle waste disposal services, that might be more your speed!”
The cart, and the maid attached to it, came to an abrupt halt as the princess finished. There was an uncomfortable silence in the air as the maid stood with her back turned, unmoving.
The princess was the first to speak. “W-what, did I… hff… strike a nerve with that one?”
“You know… they give us servants a lot more freedom with your diet than you would think, princess..” The maid calmly opened one of the cart’s side doors, and began rifling through its contents.
“What, hoping you’ll find another danish somewhere in… huuorp… those dusty little drawers?” A wry grin made its way across the face of the princess as she mocked her current feeder.
“No, mistress, we both know that’d be a waste of my time. This, however… is just what I was looking for.” As she said this, she pulled out a white ceramic pitcher, large enough to hold at least a gallon or so of liquid. “I’ve heard that you can be a bit sensitive to dairy, mistress. I just can’t remember though… does this “heavy whipping cream” stuff have a lot of that?” The maid repeatedly tapped her chin and furrowed her brow in as overtheatrically a manner as she could manage. “I just have suuuch trouble remembering these things sometimes…” She began to emotionlessly march towards her mistress’s position on the mattress, jug of extremely dairy dense cream in hand. “Anyways, you’ve got a bit more room for a palate cleanser, right, princess?”
The wry smile of the overconfident brat was quickly replaced with a look of abject horror. “S.. s-stop!! Of course it has milk in it, you fool!! What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Ah… sorry princess! Things like this don’t come naturally to someone as low class as me!” Despite her apologetic tone, she continued towards the princess unabated.
Madeleine realized now that she wasn’t joking. She was about to be made to drink the entire pitcher of thick, sweetened cream if she didn’t do something drastic.
“P-please… I… I take it back… I’m… I’m s-sorry, ma’am…” the princess groveled through her teeth, forced to swallow her pride to avoid digestive ruination. She found not a drop of sympathy in the glacial gaze of the maid girl rapidly closing the distance between them.
“I-I’ll be good, I’ll eat the danishes, I- glrk!” Her pleading was cut short by the ceramic lip of a milk pitcher placed into her mouth. The maid's other hand was clasped firmly around her nose, keeping her entirely unable to draw another breath until she’d made enough progress in that pitcher to clear an airway for her mouth.
“glrk… glnk… glrnk… glnk…” she frantically chugged away at the dense cream, the pressure in her already overpacked stomach mounting with every gulp. Her eyes fluttered, the shock of taking on so much pressure at once making the sides of her vision go fuzzy. The effect on her digestive tract was immediate, the volume and frequency of her belly’s burbling increasing by the second. The tightening, reddened swell of her upper belly steadily hiked her dress further up, revealing more and more soft belly flesh with every gulp. Rivulets of cream dribbled past her lips and down her soft chin, the princess unable to fully keep up with the overwhelming f“I’m… I’m going to burst…” The princess could only shut her eyes and pray that the elasticity of her stomach would hold.
“glrnk… guh!” With an exasperated gasp, the pitcher is pulled away from Madeleine’s mouth, the flecks of foam splashing from its rim the only contents that remained.
“haaah… haaauuUUUUOOOORP- urrgh...” The princess’s horrendously bloated belly rose and fell in short, jerky gasps, her overstretched diaphragm compressing her chest, preventing her from comfortably filling her lungs completely. The sullen maid looking down on her ruined form couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her, even through her vitriol for the haughty (fomerly) little brat. “Maybe… I went a bit overboard.” Glancing over her shoulders, the maid nestled herself into the warm flank of the plushy princess. Pressing her face between her hanging arm fat and the roll that connected her backfat and breast, she inhaled as deeply as she could. The overpampered princess almost had a cloyingly sweet scent to her. She’d been frequently scrubbed and spritzed with the most luxurious lotions and fragrances available to the entire kingdom, but no amount of artificial aroma could cover up the acridity of her sweaty, overtaxed body. Ironic, that her smell would match her personality so fittingly.
The princess was hardly in a lucid enough state to protest, a feeble groan the only response she had to such an invasive act. “Uuuurrggllllgghh…”
“Mistress, I… may have been… a bit harsh today.” As she said this, the maid began gently kneading circles into the maid’s soft underbelly. “But it’s our job to feed you, and it’s your responsibility to dutifully eat what you’re fed… okay?
“UUUUOOORP- mmmMnNnnn…” The princess was too busy struggling to remain conscious to formulate any kind of coherent response. The dairy in her belly was working overtime on her digestive system, the churning and bloating it was causing slowly ramping up the pressure inside of her every second. Rumbly, humid belches escaped her mouth every few seconds, her body doing everything in its power to alleviate tension.
“The maidstaff works very, very hard to keep you bathed and fed… So be a bit more cooperative the next time we do this… okay? Not just me, but the other maids as well… okay?”
“MmmmMMmrrrMmph…” Madeleine’s incoherent moaning was the closest thing to an affirmation the maid would get out of her in this state.
“Good. Now just relax, princess. You did very well.” The maid leaned in to plant a light kiss on the painfully reddened apex of Madeleine’s drum tight upper belly.
Madeleine didn’t even care. She was just… so sleepy. All she could think about was how heavy her eyelids felt, and how… comfortable her mattress felt. And then, without warning, everything went black, and she fell into a deep, long sleep.
The clinking of plates shuffling reverberated through the halls. Dozens of bread boxes, filled with the highest quality baked goods money could buy were packed like sardines into the heavy wooden cart making its way down the castle hall. Today was a big day. This afternoon would mark the annual anniversary of the princess’s coronation as the “Paragon of Excess,” and on her family name, Lucille C. Vanderbilt, standing head maid of the Lupus monarchy, would make sure that it would be a grand occasion.
Reaching the doors to the princess’s grand throne room, a low, bassy murmuring could be heard even through the thick mahogany door panels. “Goodness! It seems the princess is feeling eager today…!” Lucille murmured under her breath excitedly. The day was off to as good of a start as she could’ve possibly hoped.
Pushing her cart through the wide double doors, the maid couldn’t help but grin at the grotesquely spoiled lump of excess that sat before her.
“Good morning, my wondrously plump lady!”
“HUUUOORRP… hmph.”
The maid could only beam with pride at the tremendous, pouty pile of plush that was the former princess. The once petit Madeleine was sitting just as she usually was, and considering the size she was currently at, where she would almost certainly be for the foreseeable future. The princess had ballooned into a staggeringly colossal mound of blubber, her growing form having swelled to fill the better half of the once staggeringly oversized mattress. Bare flesh spilled everywhere, her dress having been outsized to the point of redundancy. Each of her tremendous asscheeks pushed far enough out from it that they could be seen from the front. They had grown to rise above her head when sitting, and lifted her useless feet almost a full foot from her seat. Her fully exposed belly fat sagged all the way past the lip of the mattress, gently kissing the floor beneath. Two flabby breasts adorned by widened pink teats sat heavily on top of it, having grown too large to be contained by her woefully undersized dress months ago. Madeleine had grown into an impotent pile of lard. Willingly or not, she had grown into her title better than she ever could’ve imagined.
“...You’re late.” As she grew closer, the roaring of Madeleine’s ravenous guts became ever-increasingly audible. She’d already cleared away enough turkey to feed a small village that same morning, and yet her stomach bellowed out like she hadn’t eaten in a week.
“Apologies, mistress, I had to make certain all of the preparations made for today were in order.” Lucille pushed the cart to an open space next to the princess’s throne, and then circled back to approach the princess from the front. “After all, it’s a very big day for a very big puppy, isn’t it!” She began to rub large, sweeping circles into the princess’s paunch, sending ripples through her tub of wobbly belly fat.
“Nrrrrrngggh… UORP… hnnn… UUURP” The princess could only squirm and whine as her face flushed a bright shade of pink from the maid’s condescension. Short belches forced their way out of her lips, jostled out from the depths of her digestive tract by the maid’s vigorous kneading.
“I’m sure you must be positively starving after going a whole 2 hours without eating, huh? A girl like you needs all the food she can get, after all!”
“...Not particularly.” Madeleine’s eyes fell to her chest as her stomach let out a particularly loud burble.
“Ohoho! Of course, my lady.” Briefly pausing her massage of the princess’s tremendous midsection, Lucille began to walk back towards the cart she’d left by the princess’s flank.
“Then surely, you wouldn’t have the appetite for such an indulgent dessert then, would you…?”
“What do you…” As she began to speak, Lucille opened the side cabinets of the cart, and a wave of tart, saccharine aromas flooded the senses of the princess. “Is… is that…?!” She’d recognize it anywhere. Her favorite dessert from long since before she had become the subject of a months-long ritualistic fattening project, custard pie. It had been well over a year since she’d been able to even taste her beloved treat, but no amount of time could remove that distinctive scent from her memory.
“Indeed it is, princess! I had it specially made for today, to celebrate your anniversary as our perfect little paragon of gluttony!” Picking up one of the pie tins, she lifted it to the princess’s face, hovering it just below her nose. Madeleine’s senses were being overwhelmed, every breath bringing in a fresh wave of sweet, flaky pleasure.
“G-Give it! Gimme! P-HUUUORP-please…!” The princess began to wildly thrash about in her restraints, several tons of soft puppy fat undulating like the tides of the ocean as she impotently struggled to seize the delectable treat that sat mere inches from her face.
“Ah ah ah, my greedy little butterball, not so fast!” The pie was sharply pulled back, as Lucille pressed her index finger into the tip of the princess’s nose.
“H-huh…? Wh… why?” Saliva dribbled from the princess’s greedy lips, the former monarch unable to hide her desperation.
“Now, now… patience is a virtue, dear Madeleine. You’ll have your pie yet. But first…” Lucille stepped off of the side of the mattress she had climbed upon, and began to pace. “...We must make a deal!”
“A… deal…?” Madeleine sat helplessly, twitchy and restless, afraid of what Lucille would say next. She’d have turned her nose up at such a suggestion a short while ago, but she was gradually learning not to get overly defiant with the maid staff.
“Yes, my lady! A deal! As today is a special day, and this is a very special treat, I figured it’d only be right if you were to display particularly special behavior, no?” Lucille turns towards the princess sporting a grin that was downright devilish. “So, princess.” As she said this, she circled back around to the princess’s side, and with all the grace she could manage in a frilly white apron, vaulted herself atop the princess’s heaping boulder of belly fat, and clasped her piggish cheeks between her supple fingers. “I want you to do something for me first.”
“Nnnnnnrrrrgh… Wh… whauUUOOOORRRP- what… do you mean by-HUUUOORP- that…?” Lucille’s weight was forcing ever more belches from Madeleine’s turbulent gut.
“Oh, it’s simple, princess! I just need you to say one simple phrase:”
“Please, Madam Lucille, fatten me into the helpless plump princess I was always meant to be!”
A deafening silence filled the room as Madeleine took in what she’d just heard. “C… come again…?” squeaked out the princess, unsure if this was meant to be a practical joke of some sort.
“Of course my lady! I want you to say: Please, Madam Lucille, fatten me into the helpless over-plumped princess I was always meant to be!" She put special emphasis on the most humiliating parts of the phrase, reveling in her power over the rotund royal.
"...Surely you can't be serious." The princess's tone became cold. A hint of the princess's dignified noble spirit of old flickered in her eyes.
"Oh, I'm being very serious, my lady! For such a special treat, surely such a simple task shouldn't be a big deal, right? And, well, you are a very helpless, and very plump princess, after all, right?" She wobbled Madeleine's tremendous jowls around like underfilled water balloons.
"And mistress, you know as well as I do that the only way a helpless over-plumped princess like you is getting that pie is by doing exactly as i say... right?
"...Mnnnnrmmmph..." Madeleine shut her eyes. She already knew how this would end.
"So... let's make this easy for the both of us, okay?" She lifted the tin of warm custardy goodness back under the princess's nose. "Now... what does a good princess say?"
"I... I'm... um... I..." Madeleine stammered as she tried to find a way out of this that didn't involve giving up her beloved dessert.
"Come on...! You can do it...!"
"P... Plea..." Madeleine's eyes darted back and forth between the pie and a portrait of her former figure that sat on the wall beside her.
"It's okay... be a good girl, and you can have as muuuch as you'd like..." Lucille cooed at her, rhythmically stroking the princess's fattened cheek as she dangled the pie tin in front of her like a hypnotist sedating their victim. Saliva dribbled from the princess’s greedy lips. Her composure was melting away by the second.
"P... Please, Madam Lucille, fatten me into the helpless over-plumped princess I was always meant to be! Please, I-BUUUOOORP- I'll be good, just give me the pie, please!! I'll do anything, I- mmmmppphh!" A warm spoonful of thick, creamy pie filling flooded her cheeks midway through her groveling. Ecstasy washed over her body, any kind of shame that she felt entirely overridden by raw sugary bliss.
"Good princess...! Good girl...!" Lucille excitedly stroked the princess's head as she cooed. This truly couldn't have gone any better.
"Mmmmmm... Nnnnnnnnnnnn..." Madeleine could only moan desperately through her mouthful of custard. The only thing she could think was just how badly she wanted more.
"Now... for the rest of your reward!"
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Spoonful by spoonful, Madeleine gradually packed away nearly a full bakery's worth of pies, hardly even stopping to catch her breath. The pressure in her belly mounted bit by bit, her gut swelling into a turgid boulder of densely packed pie filling coated in a thick layer of puppy fat.
"Nnnnrrrrgh..." About two-thirds of the way through her meal, the princess let out a groan of discomfort, a telltale sign that she was nearing max capacity.
"Oh deary me, someone's getting a bit full, isn't she?" Popping the spoon out of the princess's pursed lips, she began to rub the princess's chest in short circles. "Maybe it'd be worth taking a short break..."
"N-No!!" yelped Madeleine. Almost instinctively, she tugged at her bindings, her head jerking towards the spoon that had been so rudely removed from her mouth. "I- UURP- I'll be fine... just... more pie, please..."
Lucille let a sharp exhale out of her nose. "My, my, a cart full of custard pie was all it really took to pacify our normally so unruly mistress? Ohohoho!"
"Mmmmrrrpph..." Petulant grumbling was just about the greatest show of defiance Madeleine was able to manage at this point.
After several more minutes of feeding, the cart had been emptied out. Madeleine sat in a blissful daze, the buttery delicacy sitting heavily in her reddened, tightly filled gut. Lucille sat by her side, massaging her overpacked midsection, and listening to the steady stream of burps that she elicited from the food-drunk doughball.
A warmth filled the air. Even with the painfully overstretched stomach that she nursed, even with her tremendously fat, half-naked body pinning her to the mattress below, even with this sickeningly affectionate maid stroking her like one would stroke a needy housepet, Madeleine felt... good. Better than she ever could've expected to feel after being delegated to the unwilling role of the castle butterball. Somehow... she felt like she could get used to this.
"Yes, my lady?"
"If-HHUUUOOORRP- if I'm good... will I... BUUOOORP- ...get more pie...?"
A devilish grin stretched across Lucille's kind face. Finally. Any trace of the proud, aristocratic spirit inside of this wobbly pile of fattened princess was gone. She had finally truly become the “Paragon of Excess” that she was meant to be.
"As much as you'd like, my dear...!"
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pizzaboat · 27 days
The show kinda sat on training wands. I mean, the idea was that Luz shouldn't need to do magic like other people, sure. Whatever, she gets to discover glyphs
But the implication that you don't need a bile sack to do spells is an interesting one. And I'd argue that it's even a tool that could've used to rebel against Belos
Because a wand not running on your body's internal systems, when you've been branded gives you the element of suprise. You're not just limited to one type of spell
Idk how those things are charged, or if its explained, but even if you're stuck with one kinda magic on the wand, it could be like, someone charges it for you with one type of magic you don't have, and you charge their wand and off you go
Heck, after the series, if they wanted to really focus on the idea of storing magic for someone and letting them make whatever spell they want with it, they could
So anyone without magic for any reason can still do some sort of magic. Even if there's a limit and they need to take it to be recharged or whatever
Don't make it a wand if you want, even from a UX stand point, if you made it a ring, someone someone could wear as they made a circle (someone many people on the Isles are used to doing comfortably) it'd work seemlessly in method
Just an idea I will be thinking about for a little while
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faust-the-enjoyer · 4 months
Omg you write for trans readers too?? 💞
Could you write something with Ghost being really gentle and praising an ftm reader?
He’s my hyperfixation rn and almost no one writes ftm stuff for him
No worries if not! I love your blog!
Tags: ftm!reader, reader is 21+, pre-established relationship, praise, sfw, fluff, chest binding, crying (happy tears I promise).
A/n: 🥺. (Also if anyone has any idea why some of these tags i put at the bottom aren't "working" then please help me out in the comments lmao)
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You’re standing in front of the mirror, looking at yourself, you turn to your side, looking at the binder you have on, the one he bought you. He sees you from the bed, laying on his back with his left hand behind his neck. You’ve recently talked about binding, and how you wanted to try it one day soon, so he felt as though he needed to learn more about binders, from the purposes of it, to its dos and don’ts, to the brands. He saw a good brand, and guessed your size, buying you two binders in case one of them doesn’t fit you. He wanted to surprise you, and he did.
You smiled to yourself as you saw your body in the mirror. “How does it feel, love? Does it fit well?”, “Perfect…this one fits much better than the other one, I look…”, you contemplate your reflection for a long moment, then continue, “good, I look good, and I feel good…thank you, Simon.”. He smiles at you cheekily, proud of himself, “You don’t need to thank me love, I’d do anything for you.”.
You slowly make your way to your shared bed, slowly draping yourself over his body, kissing his lips while straddling him as he lazily puts his hand around your waist. “You look good in it sunshine,”, he looks at your face, then at your body on his, taking in your whole appearance, “so handsome.”. You beam at him, cheeks slowly turning red. “So handsome, so fucking lovely, my pretty boy,”, he holds your waist with his hand, gently squeezing the flesh there, “All mine, yeah?”. You nod your head, unable to form any words as tear start to form in your eyes from joy, he loves you, he loves you so very much. “Don’t cry, don’t cry love, come ‘ere…”, he pulls you onto his chest gently, wrapping his loving arms around you as you hide your face in the crook of his neck, smiling.
(Divider by vase-of-lilies)!
Tags:@spicyspicyliving @rocksshard @bungus04 @regics @victoriareadsbooks @domino100 @kitypupstrawbery @sunflower-angelbaby2001 @mothsdrabbles @ftm-fox-prince @neo404 @lover04stuff @smunchable @jpreezyy @prazinos @mslunaakira @chronic-illness-dont-stop @xaintxun @remediesremedy @cmbghost @aspenmusix @love-lilly02 @teaandbatman @rosieringing @nohahahaha @mathi-e @its-celeste @naxxsstuff @sir-micha-of-the-isles @sweetpeaflower01 @lostrosemary @liquifiedmeat @poohkie90 @the-whispers-of-death
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besttvshowbracket · 9 months
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The Owl House: gay. that was all that was submitted. my friend wrote the rest of this: the owl house is possibly one of the greatest modern cartoons of today. while it's mainly known for its incredible queer representation, it doesn't stop at simple surface level representation, but it dives deeper into it through the setting of the boiling isles, which, while it is queer-friendly, has fascism deeply entrenched into it, restricting its people into boxes of magic, limiting them to keep them under the emperor's iron fist. it's queer allegory at its finest, not simply pushing down homophobia, but rather deconstructing the very systems of box-building that keep queer people pushed to the margins of society for simply daring to be different. and that's only the beginning. the show is often praised for its representation outside of queerness, such as representation of different body types and races, and especially disabilities and family structures. overall, the show is simply a celebration of being different, and rising up against the systems that punish you for being different. this message spread to the meta too, with disney cancelling the queerest show it had ever had for not being appropriate for its brand, but the show making the most of its limited circumstances and delivering an incredibly beautiful story anyhow. the owl house is amazing and you should watch it. also gay
Community: Truly the sitcom of all time. It's genuinely really well written and funny, while also having amazing characters that actually grow as people. It managed to survive having it's original writer leave the show, nearly being cancelled multiple times, and going to yahoo tv, all while still being funnier than most sitcoms I've seen. It's incredibly creative, and I can genuinely count on one hand the number of flop episodes over six seasons. Community forever!!!, oh my god. oh my fucking god. this show. it’s the best. ever. of all time
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adracat · 1 year
The Cycles of GWitch
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This notion has been brewing in my head since I wrote my analysis on GWitch's Cinematic Rhythm. With the second cour nearly finished I can confidently say my suspicions were correct.
When we look at its wealth of influences from The Tempest, Utena, previous Gundam, Norse and now Arthurian myth the truest pattern is Cycles. More distinctly, how the past connects to the present and future.
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The Tempest
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The most blatant cycle is something we as a society are deeply familiar with. Revenge. It's a base and consuming thing, as we see from Prospera and also her namesake Prospero. The story goes the sorcerer Prospero was once the Duke of Milan until his brother with help from the King of Naples, usurps him. He flees to an isle with his young daughter Miranda and takes a fairy/spirit, Arial, and an island native, Caliban, as his servants.
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For years Prospero was consumed by hate and the idea of revenge. However, after he commands Arial to sink the king's ship Miranda falls in love with Prince Ferdinand at first glimpse. And he loves her in turn. Prospero then relinquishes his revenge once he recognizes Ferdinand's love is true and reconciles with King Alonso and Antonio. For its loyal service, the spirit Arial is set free. The cycle of revenge in this story is broken.
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Revolutionary Girl Utena
The cycle of Utena is not immediately made clear. The show keeps to the pretense of being innocuous until well into its runtime. But then we're introduced to the Black Rose Duelists, and swiftly afterward the school's headmaster and Anthy's brother, Akio Ohtori. A former prince who styles himself as The End of the World.
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Abuse, filial obligation, the horrifying reality of womanhood beneath the yoke of patriarchal systems. These cycles are grounded and are hidden by a veneer of childhood innocence and fairytale mythos. The Prince was the savior to humanity, but was selfishly hidden by a witch. This witch is therefore punished eternally for her sins, pierced by the Swords of Human Hatred. She accepts this role only as someone who loves her brother and wants to protect him. She is branded a witch by the world. But as the show says, if you're not a princess you must be a witch. That's the truth of the Rose Bride. And in the end, all girls are like the rose bride; something we're witnessing now with Miorine.
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The cycle Akio implements is to groom a champion with the ideals of princehood, the champion to quest for eternity with the Rose Bride's temptation and guidance, then using the champion's sword to bash down the Rose Gate in the vain hope of regaining his princehood. It's a cycle that has repeated for countless unknown years. And all the while weaponizing his sister's suffering. But just like The Tempest, the Rose Cycle is broken by love. The unfettered and earnest love between Utena and Anthy grants the witch the courage to escape her stagnant coffin.
Ragnarok and Arthurian
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The Ragnarok Cycle is a series of myths that depict the birth, reign, and death of the Norse gods. I have an ongoing series of analysis where I discussed gwitch's usage here, and here. More I'm sure will follow. But as dire as it sounds, Ragnarok isn't just about the end of the world and its many gods. It itself is a continuous cycle. The gods will return and so will the world. It's a story of renewal.
The same can be said of the Arthurian Cycle. The tales of King Arthur and uniting Britain are end-capped with a messianic promise that the King shall one day return to rule Britain. Hope, despite the tragedy that follows King Arthur upon Camlann. The fact GWitch is now harking to Arthurian with Suletta in Arthur's role (and possibly Miorine as The Lady of The Lake) is intriguing. But the bones for this twist were there from the start.
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Suletta, akin to Arthur, is a child orchestrated by a 'gentle magician' to receive a peerless 'sword'. And it's through Aerial's might she becomes engaged to Miorine, a 'King's daughter. Now, it appears she's to wield Calibarn or Caliburn; a direct link to King Arthur. Whether it will go smoothly is another matter. But the reference remains interesting and again reiterates the theme of cycles.
A Hopeful Note
The ultimate take away from these references is clear in my opinion. It's no coincidence that at the forefront is a positive message that not all cycles are terrible or absolute. They can be broken with love. Gwitch is deeply humanist when you consider everything it's pulling from and I hope this settles a few doubts. Cour 2 is incredibly hopeful, even with the fraught ongoings among the cast. Our protagonist is embodying this message the clearest. Doing something for gain leads to misery. Yet a helping hand costs nothing and connects us all in a cycle itself.
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mdhwrites · 4 months
Did Luz ever believed that she could save Belos?
I think the bigger question is whether or not Luz ever CONSIDERED that she could save Belos.
Remember, in the first episode, she shoves a pack of fireworks directly into a dude's mouth. She sicks the cubes against the crunch publisher and then just leaves. She lets Willow do whatever she wants to the monster hunters. She straight up leaves Tibbles to be eaten by his miniature pets now that they're full size. Etc. etc. Luz is not exactly someone who seems to even question what she should do to an enemy, let alone their humanity versus her own.
This isn't even a complaint about her but just kind of a fact. I don't mind that she doesn't care about her villains. It admittedly places her mindset more on the axis of the Isles which actually isn't great for her ever disagreeing with them. It's why stuff like her clearing out Eda's cheat box honestly feels weird because her morality in general is pretty close to gray but she is clearly framed as morally better than the majority of the Isles, especially early on. It's just... Not really true by her actions. Remember, by episode three she's already sneaking out for her own self glory and on mass lying to get into the school she wants and only one of those required any pushing from others to do.
It also makes the jabs at SU kind of weird because like... The show never cared about its villains before now. The fact that they're not dead is mostly because Luz just leaves them to other people or can't kill them. She's just not that sort of protagonist. I mean, she fucking branded Belos back in King's Tide as a way to make sure everyone with a brand didn't die... Which you know, kind of means HE'S going to die. She literally uses his life as a trump card to get him to do as she wants. It's part of why people laud that moment as Luz being clever because even if the way she does it is bullshit, the idea is sound.
The ONLY exceptions to this are Amity and Hunter but... Only kind of. In the episodes where they are true antagonists, she has no way to actually fight back against them, ending up leaving both unscathed as she has to use trickery or just run for it. Then they're not primary antagonists but instead people in tension with Luz which is different. Luz is shown their humanity and suddenly gives them a chance. Why is a good question and uh... The fact that of her villains, these are the only two conventionally attractive, white people who she might want to date is NOT GREAT. To put it mildly. Especially when in their third proper episode together, Luz is stating that she'll befriend Amity explicitly as part of fulfilling narrative tropes. And if you want to say Kikimora disproves this: She doesn't. Luz explicitly helps Kikimora to prove a selfish point. If she wasn't freaking out about her own family, she'd have likely left Kiki to rot. It's not like she exactly ever tries again with the little demon after all.
No, for the VAST majority of villains, you fuck with Luz, Luz will fuck your shit up. It's honestly weird that it takes Luz so long during Winging it Like Witches to decide to go the violent route on Boscha, which I just assume is so she doesn't end up back in detention or expelled. Or because she thinks Boscha can and will kick her ass if she tries something like that on her own. But yeah, Luz isn't some sort of cinnamon roll. In fact, I think a lot of people's interpretations of Luz are much more based on what her archtype appears to be than what her actual character is (myself included while I was writing fanfic for the show). She's introduced as the quirky, nice girl in the first episode and she's not SUPER far away from it, that is the closest to an archtype she has besides just kind of morally questionable teenager, if she has really any archtype or structural base to her character. You know, besides audience surrogate and thus kind of bland and non-committal in order to serve that.
She has a couple interests but 99% of the time can keep them reigned in. Sure she knows what fanfic is but that just means she spends literally anytime online/with fandom. Her energy is cute but very erratic for it showing up... At all. Her kindness is extremely limited and she honestly just isn't that quirky. She has one series she supposedly obsesses about but quotes at most half a dozen times in the show which makes it more a character quirk than a defining characteristic.
It's kind of part of why Luz doesn't grow because the series seems to spend a LOT of time trying to figure out what Luz is. Is she a morally questionable teenager? Is she an excitable goof? Is she the moral center or the one having to learn morals? And yes, a character can absolutely serve several roles and be flexible. I think she actually does that well in the first half of the series where she shifts a bit for the sake of other characters' stories, which is one option for your main character. You know, before her narrative role changes and they get a VERY firm idea of who she is siiiiiiiigh but it's still weird with how they did it.
It makes so much of what we're told and what people latch onto end up feeling contradictory. As an example: Her being bullied. We only get maybe three moments in the entire series that even hint at her having any sort of bad experience with other people, let alone kids her own age. It informs nothing about how she behaves or her character. She could have just been a normal kid most people left alone and nothing would change. So this element, that so many agree universally on, is just... Almost purely fanon and the moments it comes up in canon are really awkward and just don't make much sense with literally EVERYTHING ELSE she does.
It makes her getting a shapeshifter as her palisman ironically make a lot of sense. Her character has always just been what's convenient for the writers and what others project on her. A lot of her canon character just isn't used a lot. Instead, people opt for what the fandom says about her.
And that version might have considered saving Belos. Might have thought taking a life actually mattered. But canon Luz is just worried about becoming the bad guy. That this is the start of her villain arc, not that she is finally having to murder someone. Just that her justifications might make people say she's like the villain in her story.
Because canon Luz never considered if Belos should live. Not from the second it inconvenienced her back in Hollow Mind. Earlier with what he did to Eda if you want to be REALLY generous, even though she never acts on what Belos did to Eda. She only becomes a revolutionary once she can't have magic cloak because of it.
Almost like Luz isn't the morally good person that the show told us she was. She's just a selfish teenager which can be a lot of fun, so long as you own up to that being your character. Shame TOH never did.
As a note: This blog is actually a LARGE part of why I stopped really being able to write Luz. I literally had a moment writing this one off where I went "Luz wouldn't do this. This is too nice and understanding." It was ROUGH. And what sucks is that with the morality around her, at least when characters are still interesting, her being a nice, caring person is the best dynamic for her. It just... Isn't actually her dynamic and that's rough.
Also that story is from a year and a half ago. Just... Man I wish my brain would unhook from this show already. *sigh*
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