#it’s getting there my stupid brain just keeps thinking of more things to add
spidehpig · 28 days
sleazy retired SAS now car mechanic Soap relentlessly flirting and leering at you every time you come by the shop. He’s gross and pushy, definitely a bit of a perv, but god is he so flirtatious and handsome you can’t even be bothered to push him away when he finally crowds you against the door of your own car to shove his tongue down your throat. Calloused fingers still covered in motor oil sliding past the waistband of your jeans as he kisses you with entirely too much tongue, all wet, sloppy and eager. He tastes like cigarettes and the cinnamon gum he’s always loudly smacking in your face :(
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leisureflame · 1 month
If you write, I assure you you have thought that.
Fear no more child, for I have found a solution.
it's called Rapid writing
something we learned when I was in 9th grade drama class and I cannot emphasize enough just how effective it is. Its actually what gave me the idea for my first book.
Stop what you are doing and do what I tell you
go grab either a pencil and paper (or open an empty document)
set a timer for 2 minutes
ask a friend to give you a random sentence. I have a few examples that I myself rapid wrote to: a) I looked around and saw b) the old lady hung from the ceiling and laughed c) purple paint dripped from her long purple fingernails d) there is a hole in my ceiling. e) when I am sad I... f) When you close the door, I... g) there is a wooden door with a gold doorknob
Now the most important thing is not to think of this sentence before you start writing. as soon as you decide which one if you are choosing from my examples (or as soon as you hear it if you are getting if from a friend), start the timer.
start writing the sentence and without hesitating just keep writing. the #1 rule here is to not stop or hesitate for a single second until the 2 minutes are over. you can write nonsense if you want and if you REALLY can't continue then write some random words for a couple of seconds then continue AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL WRITING.
another rule is that you are not allowed to delete. even if its a spelling error, just ignore it.
after the timer is done, I promise you will have something to work with. now copy the paragraph you wrote and paste it below, here you can start fixing spelling errors and adding things at your own pace because now the creative side of your brain has opened.
don't think about the way you are writing or the words you use, think about the story you are telling. the idea.
Sometimes you will get something beautiful and deep like I did here:
When I am sad I go to my blanket, not many people know about it, all they think is happening is that a child likes to cuddle in a blanket, but no. my blanket has a special thing about it, it is a magical blanket, well, not the blanket itself but the embroidery on the blanket, it simply takes my sadness away but it adds the story of my emotions to the embroidery, my blanket is a very pretty one, it is a pastel blue color and it has so much silk embroideries that you just think its patterns, but it isn't, if you look deeper you will find stories every one of those stories came from someones tears... my tears. whenever i cry, i wipe my tears with my blanket and my pain goes but my story stays.
there is a wooden door with a gold doorknob on the door there is a painting of you, and there are many locks on the door from top to bottom, when you open the door, there is a mirror. this door is the door to self discovery, from the outside there is a painting of how people think you look like but when you open the door, you get to see what you really are in detail and look at yourself they way you want to, you can smile or cry and the refection on the mirror will change but on the painting, it doesn't show ur emotions, just how people see you usually.
or you can get something so stupid like i did here:
there is a hole in the ceiling in my classroom. everyday a dinosaur would a pear and eat my lunch and i keep coming home hungry but my mom dsays she packed me enough food. so she didn't feed me. i told her a dinasour was eating my lunch but she said that disasours only live in Norway! so i went into the school vents looking for that idino and revenge my food, we met at last, held our weapons, i was holding a subway sandwich and the dino was holding a bana na MY BANANA  i lost it, so i attacked him one hit on the head and the whole species were extinct , people thousand of years from now said dinos got extinct because of a meteorite but i know better, also i am still alive because whoever kills a dino becomes immortal, also i killed my mom for not believing me and let her starve in her grave just like she let made me starve. and then i killed everyone who was a flat earther because i hate them and now i can kill anyone once i tap them with my super subway sandwich 
(by the way, ignore the horrible spelling, the examples i gave were from the unedited version.)
THE POINT IS ITS ACTUALLY SO HELPFUL. you can use it for a new story idea (i used the blanket one as an element in one of my WIPs and it helped the story a lot) or if you get something stupid like the dino one I wrote THATS GOOD THATS FINE because now you have your creativity going.
I challenge you to actually try this and PLEASE share it with me I LOVE reading other peoples rapid writings. have fun <3
tagging @cosmosandcapybaras24 @ajsbookshelf @gloryofdawn, @chaoticharmony93 @deception-united and anyone else who's interested to try this out and share with me!
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steddiehyperfixation · 7 months
don't you forget about me (part two)
(part one)
Steve doesn’t know how long they sit there in silence, waiting. It’s making him insane. The seconds pass too slow; the seconds pass too fast. His mind is a storm; his mind is empty. He’s feeling too much; he’s not feeling at all. He paces the room; he sits catatonically against a wall. He needs to get out of here; he needs to stay. 
He’s been here before, just barely over a week ago, tense and anxious and despairing and waiting for news. But waiting to hear if Eddie will ever remember him again really should not feel this much worse than waiting to hear if Eddie will ever fucking breathe again. Steve thinks there must be something wrong with him. He’s being selfish and stupid. His pathological fucking need to be loved is not what’s important right now. Eddie is alive and awake and okay and that’s the only thing that really matters. That’s the only thing he should really care about.
Steve’s pacing again now, yanking his hands through his hair as he does laps around the room until Eddie finally appears in the doorway. 
Eddie must’ve just cracked a joke or something because the nurse is laughing as she pushes his bed into the room and he’s got this adorable grin on his face. Steve’s heart twists in his chest and he nearly bursts into tears all over again because god does he want nothing more than to press a kiss to those dimpled cheeks. 
“Good news, boys,” Eddie announces. “My brain is fully intact.”
“There’s no physical permanent damage to his brain,” the nurse elaborates. “His amnesia is likely a result of psychological trauma and the temporary disruption of brain function from blood loss and lack of oxygen that occurred at the time of his injury. But there is no obvious reason why he shouldn’t regain his full memory, given time.” 
So there’s hope. Steve breathes a sigh of relief. 
“That is good news,” Wayne agrees. 
Steve asks, “How much time?” 
The nurse gives an unhelpful shrug. “Impossible to say. It could be anywhere from days to months, or even years. I’m sorry, there’s no way for us to know.” 
Years. “Okay.” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. He can keep it together. He can. “Thanks,” he tells the nurse. “I, uh-” He makes the mistake of looking at Eddie who looks right through him, and Steve can’t keep it together anymore actually. “I gotta update the kids,” he mutters, backing his way towards the door. Wayne nods in acknowledgment; no protests this time at Steve’s excuse to leave.
“See ya, Harrington,” Eddie calls after him, casual, impersonal, like they're nothing more than acquaintances passing by each other in a high school hallway.  
Steve can’t get out of that hospital fast enough. 
He makes it to his car in record time, slamming the door shut and sinking heavily into the driver’s seat. A ragged sob tries to claw its way up his throat now that he’s finally alone, but he forces it back, staving off his breakdown for just a little bit longer. As much as it was an excuse, he really does have to update the kids. 
Steve fishes his walkie out of the glove box. “Code - whatever, I don’t know. Code Eddie,” he says. He doesn’t remember the kids’ system of codes, nor would he be sure which one this news falls under even if he did. 
“Is he okay? Is he awake?” comes an immediate, eager response from Dustin. “Over.” 
“Yeah, he’s awake, and he’s fine, except he’s got pretty bad amnesia. The doctors say it should be temporary, but right now he doesn’t remember anything since May of ‘85,” Steve explains, trying his best to keep his voice even.
“Steve, come pick me up and take me to see him,” Dustin demands, “right now. Over.” 
“Me too. Over,” Mike chimes in before Steve can respond. 
“And us,” Erica adds as well. 
Steve pauses for a second, both to steady his own breath and to make sure no one else wants to jump in on this too, before he reminds them, “He won’t know you, any of you.” 
“I don’t care,” Dustin says, bossy as ever. “Just come get me. Over.” 
“Jesus Christ, kid,” Steve mutters to himself. He sucks in another breath; it wobbles dangerously. He’s just about reached his limit on how long he can keep himself from falling apart. “I- I need a minute, alright?” he manages through the walkie. “Can you just give me, like, an hour? And then I’ll take you guys to visit Eddie.” 
Steve doesn’t wait for a response before he slams the antenna closed, tosses the walkie aside, and finally, finally lets himself shatter. That sob rips free from his throat, followed by another and another and another. Tears flood from his eyes; his nose runs. It’s an ugly, gross, visceral cry that leaves him exhausted and raw and aching to be held by the time the last sob shudders out of him. Drained and hollow, he craves the embrace of someone who knows him, someone who loves him. 
He sweeps up his broken pieces, wipes the mess of tears and snot off his face, and drives to Robin’s house.
“Steve, oh my god.” Robin pulls him into a hug the second she opens the door and sees the look on his face. Steve clings to her. “What happened?” 
“Eddie’s awake,” he mutters dismally. 
“Oh! Not the tone I’d expect you to deliver that news in, but okay.” Robin pulls back, looking at him with narrow-eyed concern and confusion as she analyzes his puffy eyes and red nose and swollen lips. “And you look like you’ve just been crying because…?”
“Because he doesn’t remember me, Rob,” Steve sighs. “He doesn’t remember anything from the past 11 months.” 
Robin’s eyes go wide now. “Shit,” she says, so plainly it startles a short laugh out of Steve. 
“Yeah,” he agrees. “Shit.” 
She asks him more questions as she walks down the hallway so they can talk in her room. Steve once again reiterates what was said at the hospital. 
“So you didn’t tell him you two were a thing?” Robin asks, closing her door behind them. 
“Of course I didn’t.” Steve flops back onto her bed. “I didn’t want to spook him.” 
She sits beside him. “You didn’t want to spook him,” she repeats, looking down at him with raised eyebrows, “but you told him about Vecna.” 
“Well, yeah. I just-” He lifts his arms to gesture vaguely into the air as he tries to explain himself. “I mean, imagine how you would feel if you woke up in a hospital and some random guy you’ve spoken to maybe twice was by your bedside telling you you’ve been in a relationship with him for the past 9 months.” 
“Uh, I don’t know, dingus, probably about the same as I’d feel if said guy told me I’d nearly died fighting some evil twisted creature from a hell dimension,” Robin retorts.
Steve drops his hands onto his chest with a huff, shaking his head. “No, trust me. He seemed far less surprised by that than he did to hear that we were even just friends,” he says, a bit bitterly. Tears are pricking at his eyes again as he looks up at his best friend. “You didn’t see the way he looked at me, Robin. All he saw was King Steve.”
Robin softens, snark replaced with sympathy. “That sucks, Steve. I’m so sorry.” 
Steve sighs in agreement that yes this really fucking sucks. He sits up and scoots back so that he’s slumped against the wall, hitting the back of his head against it. “I think I’m a horrible person,” he admits, just venting now, “because of course I’m glad Eddie’s alive and all I really want is for him to be okay, and I know the nurse said he should remember eventually, but there’s still some sick part of me that thinks maybe it would’ve hurt less if he had just died.”
“I don’t think that makes you a horrible person,” Robin assures him as she settles next to him, shoulder to shoulder. “I think you’re just grieving, and grief is weird sometimes.”
“It was one of the worst things I’ve ever felt,” he mutters, “when he looked at me without recognition. To see it on his face, just the- the absence of everything that we’d built. I’ve never felt so- so- I don’t know, it was like I couldn’t breathe. He just- he doesn’t know that I love him. He…he doesn’t know that he loved me...” 
Because that’s what it is, isn’t it? It’s not that he’s lost someone that he loves, it’s that he’s lost someone who loves him. Because Eddie’s not gone, just his love for Steve is, and that’s what’s tearing him apart. It’s the fact that there’s one less person in the world who loves him. It’s the fact that Steve’s got this big gaping hole inside of him that’s always made him so desperate to be loved, liked, wanted, needed; and his biggest fucking fear is becoming obsolete. He could probably trace it back to his parents, the first to forget him, the first to stop loving him, but the fact remains that now Eddie has fulfilled that fear too. Now Eddie has carved that pit a little deeper, a little darker, validating the voice that whispers within it and tells Steve that he is forgettable, unlovable, so easy to abandon and erase. 
“Well, I love you,” Robin tells him, like she can read his mind (which, at this point, she probably can). She slides an arm around his shoulders, hugs him close. “And I’m not going anywhere.” 
Fragile as he is right now, Steve falls apart again in her arms, and she holds him together. Because she knows him, because she loves him.
It’s a quieter cry this time, soft and sniffly. Whereas the last one wracked through his body and left him fatigued, this one flows from him almost gently, and when his tears finally subside and he lifts his head from where it had been buried in his friend’s shoulder, Steve actually feels a little bit better, a little bit stronger. Which is good, because he’s gonna have to face Eddie again soon. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly as he pulls away from Robin, wiping at his eyes and glancing at the clock on her nightstand. It’s definitely been an hour by now, probably more. He stands. “I have to go, I promised the kids I’d take them to see Eddie.” 
“Then I’m coming too.” Robin stands with him. “For moral support.” 
Steve gives her a grateful smile. “I love you so fucking much, you know that?” 
“Yeah.” She grins at him. “I know.” 
The nurses have changed his bandages and upped his morphine, so Eddie’s considerably hazy now but at least he can raise his headrest and prop himself up a bit without nearly blacking out from pain. He’s boredly flicking through channels on the shitty TV in front of him, alone since Wayne had to leave for work, when Harrington returns followed by a very unexpected group consisting of Robin Buckley and four strange children. 
“Sorry,” Harrington announces their presence with an apologetic shrug, “I know you don’t know them anymore, but they insisted.” 
“Eddie!” a pudgy, curly-haired kid shouts before Eddie can even react, coming barrelling towards him and trying to hug him. 
“Ow!” Eddie yelps, pain flaring even through the extra morphine. “Fucking Christ, kid! Be careful!” 
The kid jumps back immediately, eyes wide. “Shit. Sorry.” 
“S’fine,” Eddie grumbles.
The kid looks at him expectantly for a moment before seeming to realize, “Oh, right, you don’t remember me. I’m Dustin.” 
“Ah, so you’re the guy I sacrificed myself for,” Eddie mutters, and Dustin looks a little sheepish. That means these must be ‘the kids’ Harrington had been talking about earlier. He surveys the group for a second. “Actually, I think we have met before,” he tells Dustin. “And you too.” He glances at a pale, dark-haired kid. The other two - a Black boy with a flat-top and a younger Black girl - look less familiar, though. “There was this, uh, open day thing at the high school for next year’s incoming freshmen; I talked to you about Hellfire.”
“Yeah!” Dustin’s whole face lights up, so bright and infectious it makes Eddie grin too. “Yeah, you did!” 
“So you guys joined the club, then?” 
This sparks a very animated conversation about D&D, the rest of the kids (Mike, Lucas, and Erica, as they soon reintroduce themselves) gathering around his bed now too to join in. It makes him feel a bit more like himself again, familiar, normal. Except, of course, for the fact that they’re not only talking about how they defeated Vecna in Eddie’s “totally epic” and “sadistic” campaign (adjectives courtesy of Dustin and Mike respectively), but also filling in more pieces of the story of how they defeated him in real life too. Still, it’s nice, fun. He totally understands how he could’ve gotten attached to these kids.
At some point, Eddie glances over to find Harrington hanging back and just watching them talk, fondly, wistfully. Robin whispers something to him and he sort of smiles, just a trace, and whispers something back. They seem close, intimate. Eddie wonders if they’re dating, and then he wonders why that thought makes him feel a bit sick. He waves them over. Harrington looks like he’s about to protest, but Robin gives him a Look and he allows her to grab his hand and drag him to join the crowd around Eddie’s bed. 
“So, what’s your deal, Buckley?” Eddie asks her. He doesn’t know her very well, they’ve only crossed paths a few times in the bandroom, but right now that makes her the most familiar person in the room to him. “Are you and Harrington a thing now? Is that how you’re involved in all this?” 
Robin wrinkles her nose and drops Harrington’s hand. “Ew, no. Definitely not.” 
“She’s my best friend,” Harrington says. 
Eddie snorts, doesn’t know why he finds that so comical. (He’s starting to get tired and it’s making him loopy. Or maybe it’s just the morphine.) “You've got a funny choice of friends nowadays, don’t you? Me and band geek Buckley and a bunch of nerdy freshmen.” He looks at Harrington with incredulous amusement. “Who would've thought, huh? Steve Harrington, collector of geeks and freaks.” 
Harrington doesn’t seem to find it as funny. He shrugs. “Yeah, well, it’s better than King Steve, collector of asshole bullies and shallow one-night stands.” 
“Yeah, ‘course it is,” Eddie agrees through another huff of laughter that breaks off into a yawn. “Didn’t mean it as a bad thing, Stevie. Was a compliment.” 
“Alright.” The barest hint of a smile flickers across Harrington’s face now, but then he’s looking away and corralling the kids and saying, “We should head out, let you get some rest.” 
And Eddie kind of wishes he’d stay.
(part three!)
taglist: @romanticdestruction @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @paintsplatteredandimperfect @hallucinatedjosten @mugloversonly @estrellami-1 @alongcomesaspider @thatonebadideapanda @tell-me-a-secret-a-nice-one @dragonmama76 @wxrmland @nuggies4life @sirsnacksalot @myguiltyartpleasure @marklee-blackmore @vinteraltus @sebastiansstanswhore @0happyeverafter0 @scarlet-malfoy (only tagged people who explicitly asked to be tagged; if you would like to be added or removed from this list please lmk!)
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wordsbyrian · 2 months
Would you pls do a Mary earps imagine with them filming TikTok’s together and being otp x
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A/n: Not exactly what you asked for but close enough i think.
TikTok is the bane of your very existence.
It’s the bane of your professional life as a chef because everytime you turn around one of your crew is using prep time to make a concoction and upload it to that godforsaken app.
And in your personal life?
Well, in your personal life, it feels like every time you blink you're being sucked into filming one of those stupid videos with your girlfriend.
The first time it happened, you were barely even sure what was going on.
The two of you had been getting ready to go on a date to a relatively nice restaurant, when she pulled up in front of her phone’s camera so she could show off what you were wearing.
That had been the beginning of the madness (as well as a very hard launch of your relationship to the public).
It didn’t really matter what you were doing, if Mary had decided that a video needed to be filmed, it’d be filmed.
A literal walk in the park. TikTok.
You driving. TikTok.
You tearing a member of the kitchen staff a new one. TikTok. (Although she’d been asked not so politely by the head chef to never do that again).
You cooking in your shared flat. TikTok.
Hell, she even made a TikTok of you sharpening your knives, a task you find completely mind numbing.
And if having your every move recorded wasn’t bad enough, she also had you joining her in filming one of the more popular trends. You mouthing along to the silly sounds that are currently popular on the app. Or worse, dancing, you hate the dancing.
Asking how often you think about the Roman Empire (only as often as you need to).
Throwing herself fully clothed into the shower  and singing Taylor Swift while you were trying to brush your teeth.
Making you record a two second clip of everytime you changed clothes while on vacation.
The list is neverending.
Which is why you should be more alarmed when you see her walking into the kitchen  with her phone out but you’re too focused on chopping the vegetables you’ll be using in your meal prep.
 “Baby,” she says.
“Can we record a TikTok?”
“Can I keep doing what I’m doing,” you ask in return, still not looking up from the cutting board.
“You don’t need to do anything but stand there and look pretty,” Mary says as she sets her phone up next to you. “And answer questions,” she adds as an afterthought.
You roll your eyes but don’t make any additional comments as you see her hit record.
“So a ton of you have been asking in the comments how my wife manages to be a professional chef when she has so many food allergies,” Mary says, looking directly at the camera. “And I figured it was better if I just let her explain it. Babe?”
Admittedly, you hadn’t really been listening to every word that she had been saying, only really listening to every word that she had been saying, only really catching the words ‘allergies’ and ‘professional chef’, which is a topic you get asked about a lot. So you just answer without really thinking.
“My main allergies are seafood, peanuts and treenuts. And since I’m one of 2 or 3 sous on any given night, I just,” you pause, “wait, what did you just call me?”
You can feel cheeks heating up as your brain finally processes what just happened.
“What? Babe?”
Mary’s playing dumb on purpose. She knows it. You know it. And you both know that the other one knows.
“Not that, the other thing.”
“What my wife,” she asks.
A cheeky grin breaks out on Mary’s face as she watches even more color rush to your face.
For you, when she repeats it, you suddenly feel like you can barely breathe and you know that your next words come out a little choked (much to Mary’s amusement.)
“Yup, that.”
As calmly as you can manage, you put your knife down and take off your apron before walking out of the kitchen.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“I have to find my wallet and keys,” you shoot back.
“I gotta go buy a ring before you change your mind!”
The sound of her laughter is the only thing you hear as you close the door behind you.
The video is up on that cursed app by the end of the week.
A photo of the ring on Mary’s finger goes up just a few hours before.
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princessmaybank · 5 months
Crazy JJ Sex Dream
Pairings: JJ x Fem!Friend!reader
Warnings: MDNI, explaining wet dreams
Summary: JJ hearing that you had a wet dream about him that you were telling Sarah and Kiara about
Authors Note: I like cliffhangers if you can't tell! Let me know if you want a part 2!
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*Y/N's POV*
"Fine! I'll tell you guys about the dream! But you have to be quiet!" I whisper yelled to the ladies sitting in front of me. I knew the guys were outside and one of the windows was cracked so they could possibly hear something. They both freaked out. "You have a crush on one of the guys?!" Sarah exclaimed almost too loud. I nodded.
"Well John B is obviously off the table." Kiara said looking to Sarah, I only nodded in response. "That leaves Pope or JJ! Unless you just don't want the guys to know about another guy?!" Sarah yelled...again. I shushed her and she apologized.
"It was about JJ." I whispered and their jaws dropped. Anyone could tell they were trying so hard not to squeal.
*JJ's POV*
John B was talking about some stupid shit dealing with Sarah when I heard my name from the room the girls went into. I sat closer to the window to do what one would call eavesdropping.
*Y/N's POV*
"So basically we were at the annual bonfire. You all were there." "Ew we were in your crazy JJ sex dream?" Thankfully Kiara questioned at a whisper. I only nodded back at her. "I was having a fun time dancing and drinking with JJ. He gave me his jacket because I expressed how cold I was to him, which made him get close to me. We started kissing. Pretty heavily might I add."
Both girls were so excited to see where the story was going. They sat criss cross in front of me begging for me to continue. "He whispered in my ear, he asked if we could take this back to the chateau. Of course since it's my brain we magically jumped to the chateau." The girls showed they understood what I meant by giggling.
"He took me inside and laid me on the guest bed. His lips kissed up and down my neck, making me moan when he would suck on my soft spots. Even in my dream he knew what he was doing." I took a pause to sit and think back to my dream.
"He pulled my shorts and panties off, then my tube top. He stopped and admired my body, putting some delicate kisses where he saw fit. He gave me one more sloppy, hungry kiss, before he traveled downward to kiss me below the belt." I secretly squeezed my thighs together after specifically remembering that part.
"Then basically he whipped out his huge cock and flipped me into doggystyle. He said some great things that would make any girl melt, but I'll keep that to myself. Anyways, we cuddled afterwards. It was great. Then there was some more kissing, which led to round 2." I smiled. " What did round 2 consist of??" Kiara asked, getting excited. "I hopped on that dick and rode him like I was a cowgirl!" They squealed so loud then we all had a long laugh. "That sounds fucking awesome." Kiara said. "I'm jealous, I need John B to do that to me." Sarah responded.
Next thing I know I hear the window opening, and JJ peeks in. "What are we talking about ladies?" He asked with a smirk. "Nothin" Kiara was calm. "Nothing!!" I was not. "Just the crazy JJ sex dream Y/N had." Sarah said out loud and realized what she had said but it was already too late. I tried to hide my face from him but he came into the room through the window. "Really? Can I share one of mine?" JJ asked before walking behind me and placing his hands on the back of my chair. The girls nodded eagerly, but in all honesty I really didn't wanna hear JJ talk about dicking some other girl down. I tried standing up but I felt a strong hand push me back into my sitting position.
"It was maybe a few nights ago. I was in my room and this girl came in, gorgeous y/h/c hair, with y/e/c eyes that I could easily get lost in. She was wearing this pretty shade of red lipstick. She was wearing it for herself, but I swear it felt like she only wore it so I could smear the shit out of it." I was slowly getting uncomfortable but the girls were enjoying this. "I sat at the edge of my bed and asked her if she'd be a good girl for me." The girls suddenly felt a little gross about the situation. "I pulled her hair into a makeshift ponytail and she sucked my di-" "Okay JJ you're done, it's not fun hearing you talk about that." Sarah said breaking the news. "You don't wanna hear how I tossed Y/N around, and fucked her so good she couldn't walk straight? What about the time I praised her so well? Or when I was the sub and she dominated me? Maybe the time I fucked her while on the phone with her ex? Or when I went down on her an-" He was cut off by the two girls screaming. He smirked to himself knowing what he did.
Not only was my jaw on the floor, but the girls' definitely were and the guys eventually heard the conversation from the window so they joined as well. "As much as I love telling you all about my sexual fantasies, I think I need to have a private conversation with the star of all of those dreams."
Everyone walked out and while he was turned around to close the window I tried to escape as well. He never turned around he simply said "You have five seconds to get that juicy ass of yours into a chair, baby." I was shocked, but complied.
"What's up Jayj?" I asked, trying to play dumb. He turned around and crouched in front of me. He rubbed his large hands up and down my thighs. "Wanna play a game?" He smirked. Oh fuck...
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shares-a-vest · 1 month
Prompt: Gym Shorts (Discord Drabble)
Eddie secures his black bandanna on his head and licks his lips in anticipation.
He thinks he should probably do some star jumps or something.
That's what jocks do, right? Get all pumped up and possibly too sweaty and exhausted before a game of good ol' fashion Laundry Baskets?
That's right, he's here to... He gulps up at the basketball hoop... Play a round of baskets with Steve.
He glares at the hoop – hanging there all mockingly over his head like the Sword of Fucking Democles as his mind conjures up images of Steve sweating, what usually makes Steve sweat when Eddie has anything to do with it –
" – You ready?"
His opponent sounds rightfully cocky and Eddie remembers his worry, his nerve endings twisting up as his pea-brain melts into a swirling vortex of memories of gym class.
Jocks yelling at him... Coach Summers and that dumb whistle of his (Eddie did tell the asshole where he could shove it on more than one occasion)... The awkward rituals of the locker room – the fine line between trying to keep to himself and not being too isolated and weird about it... Sticking close to Jeff, who at least had the cred of being on the Swim Team...
But those thoughts quickly fall onto the scorching-hot asphalt of the Harrington's driveway when Eddie turns around and is confronted by Steve's shorts.
They are teeny-tiny, like a pair of green hot-pants that have been painted on. Eddie is sure his eyes pop out of his skull and burst into nothingness like he is some sort of Looney Tunes character as he looks down, further down and fully takes in... well...
Steve isn't exactly looking all that modest in these life-ruining, heart-exploding shorts, is the thing.
In fact, Eddie can see the outline of his boyfriend's dick.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" he blurts as his attention snaps back up to Steve's face.
He presses the back of his hand to his clammy forehead, his stupid bandanna doing nothing as the summer heat overwhelms him.
Steve smirks, "Just my gym shorts."
He puffs out his chest, which is covered by an equally form-fitting yellow tank top.
"Oh, really?" Eddie is supposed to sound annoyed, but it comes out a little more like he is gasping for air. He folds his arms and adds, "And you always wear this very ensemble for a casual game of Sporting Ball?"
"Mhmm," Steve nods emphatically, a glint twinkling in his gorgeous brown eyes.
Eddie purses his lips and tucks his balled-up fists in his armpits, folding in on himself as he succumbs to his –
Steve props a hand on his hip and turns around, popping out his ass as he goes. Twirling like a goddamn model and revealing a back view that showcases a bottom sliver of his plump, biteable cheeks.
"Screw this," Eddie splutters, throwing his hands in the air before he launches himself at his partner.
"Huh?" Steve grunts as Eddie crashes into him.
He places his upturned palms square on each cheek with a little smack and squeezes. Steve pushes back into his touch, grinding against him.
"We are going back inside," Eddie whispers through gritted teeth.
"Awww..." Steve tuts, all high-pitched and far too obscene for the great open doors, "Thought you were gonna play baskets with me?"
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Could you do fic for Checo Perez with wife reader? He had some insecurity about his abilities to race against the grid and she just hugged and comforted him. Add something else to it if you want to. Tag me later Thanks!! :))
The pressure is insane… - Sergio Perez x Wife! Reader
Plot: Checo replacing Alex was probably the best thing to happen to him in his Formula One career. However, so much pressure comes from being in that second Red Bull seat, not just the team but the fans too, and Checo doesn’t like the pressure on him.
Credit to checorita for the GIF
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When Checo came into the seat, and performance wasn’t great, people in the team told him it would be fine and to keep his head up because everyone knew he was getting used to how different the Red Bull Car is thanks to Max’s driving style.
But at it came to his second season, and it didn’t seem like things were improving much, Christian kept talking to him, explaining what was expected of him as if he hadn’t already informed him over 100 times.
He was just struggling with a car that was clearly built for their main driver, which is why Pierre crumbled under pressure and it’s why they couldn’t put up with Alex when he didn’t learn the car quick enough for them.
The gave Checo the benefit of the doubt throughout 2022, but when Red Bulls most dominant season came around it was without a doubt that your husband had to step up.
And in your eyes he had, getting two race wins under his belt, but he wasn’t consistent enough for Christian and it seemed that he wanted Checo to be actually challenging Max more.
It got worse when the Ferrari and McLaren started to beat him despite being in the worse car, and it was deemed a ‘driver issue’
Sergio felt awful, for a man who had been racing for as long as he had, he never felt doubtful of his abilities to put on a show and drive to the best of his ability.
But now, in the Red Bull seat, he actually understood the words ‘under pressure’ because he was under it constantly.
“Baby what’s wrong with you, you’ve been jittery all week” you ask your husband who was currently watching over some of his old races with a notepad.
“Hmmm?” He asks not even throwing a glance in your direction.
You knew he wasn’t listening.
“Well I just think that when aliens invade Earth that we should have a bunker ready and prepared so that you and I can help create a new civilisation after the government kill them all …” you say trying to grab a reaction from him.
“Hmmm yeah that’s really nice” he starts but then he looks up and his head cocks to the side as if his brain just processed the words you said. “Wait what?” He asks.
You chuckle and little bit happy to have his attention.
“I just wanted to see if you were listening, I asked what’s been up with you lately” you say softly, taking a seat next to him, reaching over to grab the remote and pause the race he was observing so his full attention was on you.
“Nothing wrong, I’m fine” he lies.
“Hermoso, we’ve been married for 6 years, I know when somethings up” you smile taking his hand into yours and kissing the back of it softly while watching for his reaction.
“I just … nevermind it’s stupid” he sighs looking down.
“None of your feelings are stupid baby, please let me in” you say calmly.
“I just feel like, I’m so singled out on the grid. You’ve got so many amazing drivers and then there’s me. Lewis is a 7x world champion, and and Max my own team mate has won 2, and he’s probably going to win this year by a landslide and then there’s Fernando again he has two championships, and then you’ve got all this new talent in Lando, and Charles and Carlos and now that Oscar is here, it’s getting tough” he admits and you softly smile at him.
“Where have all these doubts come from honey?” You ask, you knew he didn’t think he was the best driver, but he never once compared his abilities to individual drivers.
“Christian said that if I didn’t improve he’d replace me with Yuki, Liam or Daniel and that i might not even get a AlphaTauri seat as a replacement” he says putting his face in his hands with a soft sigh.
You pull him into a hug in which he nuzzles his head into your neck.
You are an incredible driver, there’s just such an insane amount of talent on the grid right now, you being one of them. World champion or not baby, your still one of only 20 drivers in the world that are here! Your a race winner and I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. You are incredible” you smile wrapping your arms around him while you feel him shake a little, presumably where he’s crying.
“Im just awful at it all. Driving, being a husband … you’ve been asking for a baby for 3 years and I keep telling you no because I’m so career focused but I can’t even seem to be good at that career” he complains and you almost laugh.
“Oh honey, I think you forget you are without a doubt the best thing that’s ever happened to me, child or no child. And where you aren’t ready because your at a point in your career that is crucial, I’ll always understand that darling. You are all I need, you are all I want. And I married you because I’m happy with you” you say tightening your hold on him.
“You know, I would never not be ready to have a kid. If you want one, we can have one. I’d never say no” he argues wiping his eyes and looking at you, only for you to release a breath of relief.
“Thank god, that night in Saudi Arabia really stuck” you admit and he cocks his head to the side not understanding. You take his hand and place it on your stomach, there wasn’t much of a bump, but a slight and minuscule weight gain was there. Enough that when he run his hand over your tummy he could feel it.
“Are you saying?” He asks and you nod.
“I know, I know it’s not the right time because your so stressed and I’ve been so nervous to tell you because I know you’ve had a lot on your plate since being in Red Bull and it was such a shock to me” you start to ramble thinking you should have waited.
“No this is the best news ever! This has made my day, my week, my year even!” He smiles before lifting you up and twirling you round.
“I love you” he says pulling you in for a kiss, happy with life.
And now he didn’t have anything to worry about, as long as he was able to provide for you and your child or children in the future he knew he could handle the pressure because now there was something else riding on it!
A/N: hey guys I didn’t realise tumblr only lets you do 50 tags per post! So I’m not sure what to do about taglist anymore? Any suggestions?
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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strawberrysturniolo · 4 months
never grow up part three
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summary: following chris and sunny's fight, he escapes to LA and falls into his bad habits as he tries to cope with his loss. smut, high chris, drunk chris part two part four
Chris’ POV
My life has been somewhat like a blur over the past few days.
I left my best friend’s house after she demanded we start a relationship, which clearly threw me for a loop. I probably looked at her like I had five heads, but in reality, I just didn’t think she had really thought that all out. 
Then she accused me of just wanting sex with her, which is not true, and even when I told her I did want her, she shut me out and left me in the dark. To which, I got up and left.
I remember coming back to Boston so excited. I was on my way back to my roots after months of my absence. I couldn’t wait to see my family, my friends. But her? I felt sick and she was the antidote. I had been needing her for months.  
I left that night, and we haven’t spoken since. 
I flew back to LA, still not a word exchanged between us. It’s crazy that I was going to Boston on such a high, knowing I was surprising her, and now I’m back in LA, trying to wipe her from my brain. Not entirely, just everything after us kissing. 
I’ve been kind of quiet towards everyone. I had a meeting when I got back, almost immediately after. Luckily, Nick excused my silence as me being tired from the long day of traveling, which was partially true. I was mostly just mentally exhausted after fighting with her and continuing to fight with myself. 
It’s stupid, really. We both want each other. We just can’t get over the idea of us being anything more than friends, even if we both want it. We haven’t known a life without the other person there, and maybe that’s what makes it so scary. There hasn’t been a risk until now. 
The risk scares me more than any idea of hope that we would be okay. I can’t bring myself to feel nothing but this anger and desire for her. I keep going back and forth. I keep thinking about what the right decision is. But every time I pick up my phone to call her, I remember how she let me leave. She didn’t fight for me. She didn’t argue her truth. She didn’t call or text or say she needed me. 
She let me go.
The days rolled by and I found myself back in my old routine, late nights spent making content as I slept the day away. I’ve managed to stay off my phone though. Seeing constant reminders of her was the last thing I wanted. 
Seeing her name under posts she had liked, seeing things she shared to her story. These were all things I used to see and smile to myself, knowing she was still there. Now, I’m trying to pin the blame on someone. 
Who kissed who first?
She kissed my cheek, that stupid goodnight kiss she’s done since we were kids that led us to fall.
This is her fault. 
I started drowning myself in work to counteract my drowning in her. It worked as a distraction that I could count on. Not to mention that I could actually find ways to get shit done in the process. 
When I got word of an event we had to attend, at the last minute, if I may add, I was pissed. The last thing I wanted was to go out. I had been so exhausted and just wanting to be alone, and now I have to present myself in a certain way so I don’t look like a dick in this industry. 
I threw on a black t-shirt and a zip up hoodie, along with a pair of baggy jeans. I clearly can’t be bothered to dress up.
As the night rolls on, I find myself leaning on my brothers to do the work for us. All the talking, socializing, mingling is handled by them. I stand at their sides and fake a smile so I can get out of sharing my own thoughts other than the simple thanks of gratitude for being invited to the event I couldn’t give less a shit about. I don’t even know what this is for. 
My head turns at the sound of a girl’s voice. I manage to stay focused enough on what she’s saying, and somehow, I’m inviting her over to my house. 
Everything else is a blur.
She brought weed and alcohol with her, clearly anticipating spending more time here than I did. I didn’t care about that at the moment. I just needed to put my mind on someone else. Someone who wasn’t going to expect more or less from me. I needed someone who I could be on the same page with. 
Her hands tugged through my hair in ways I’ve never felt as I laid her on my bed. Her legs wrapped around me and created the slightest friction, making me groan. 
Everything about this girl is so different. She’s the complete opposite of Sunny in every way. 
My lips find hers in a kiss full of nothing. I don’t even know her name.
I sit myself between her legs, kissing down her chest as she lifts her hips enough for me to grip the back of her leather pants and peel the tight material off her skin. 
They find a home on my floor, along with the rest of her clothes and my own. 
She takes my dick in her mouth before we do anything else. Her lips wrap around my shaft as she messily bobs her head, smothering my cock in spit as she tries to take as much as she can. 
I hold her hair back in a makeshift ponytail, trying to help her out.
Once my dick is slobbered in her saliva and I can use it as lube, I lay her down on the edge of the bed, letting her head hang upside down, looking up at me. I hold her neck, lining myself up at her lips. 
I let out a loud groan as I push myself deeper, fucking her throat. She continues to gag, but we agreed that she’d smack my thigh if it got to be too much, so despite the gagging, I know she’s fine.
Her hands hold my balls, trying to rub them as I dominate her. Her legs are open, and from this angle, I can see how wet she is. I dip my fingers into her dripping cunt, then smack my hand over her clit. She gasps, smacking my thigh. I pull out of her mouth, and watch as she catches her breath before taking me again. 
I fuck her mouth as I lean over her, rubbing her clit and watching her squirm. It gives me a sense of control back. When it feels like I’ve lost everything else that matters to me, at least I have this. This isn’t confusing at all. 
We stay in this position until she cums in my hand. I suck my fingers clean and let her regroup before climbing on top of her, grinding my still throbbing cock against her. 
I tease my tip at her entrance as I dig around for a condom.
“I’m on the pill,” she tells me. 
“And I don’t give a fuck,” I snap back.
No way in hell am I doing this with someone I just met without a condom.
“I’m clean–”
“Can you stop?” I interrupt her, my tone making her face drop. “I said I don’t care. If you want me to fuck you at all, keep your mouth shut. I’m not fucking you raw.”
She nods, laying her head back on the pillow as she opens her legs for me. I put the condom on and push into her without a warning, listening to her cry out beneath me.
We settle for missionary until she’s used to my length, taking me whole as I press her knees into her shoulders.
This girl might have a mouth, but she’s pretty hot. 
Eventually, we switch so she’s on top. She rides me like a goddess, nothing I’ve ever had before. Her ass is moving in ways that has my vision blurring. Her tits bounce in my face, and I keep my mouth open and tongue out in front of her nipple, letting it hit my mouth as she rides me. 
When Sunny and I had sex, I kept her in missionary. We held each other the entire time. We didn’t want to let go. We stared in each other’s eyes as the love we held for each other all these years in every conceivable way came out of us. She looked beautiful underneath me. Her big eyes staring at me as those lips of hers moved when she begged me to touch her. 
What the fuck am I doing?
“Chris, I’m gonna cum!” she screams, snapping me back to reality.
I try to keep myself from going soft, as if I hadn’t been daydreaming about sex with someone else while I’m fucking a different girl.
I slap my hand to her ass harshly.
Would Sunny let me do that?
Get out of my fucking head. 
Her cum drips around my dick, pouring out onto my pelvis as she pulls herself off of me. 
“Did you finish?” she asks awkwardly.
“Mhm,” I hum, ripping the condom off and tossing it in the trash as she tries to cuddle with me. “What are you doing?”
“Cuddling,” she replies simply.
“Yeah,” I nod, pushing her off. “I’m not that kind of guy.” She looks up at me with a blank expression. “Listen, you came here to fuck. We did. You brought weed and alcohol, so do you want to cuddle or get high?”
She pulls her underwear back on, tugging a shirt back on as I let myself get dressed. 
I would say I excused myself to the bathroom, but I didn’t. I got up and left and didn’t say a word. 
Luckily, when I came back, the joint was already rolled. 
We smoked together, passing some drinks back and forth as music played. We didn’t talk much, but when she tries to start getting personal and intimate with me, I’ve had enough.
“You should go,” I say. “I’ll call you an Uber. Just… you need to go.”
She doesn’t argue with me. I think she’s embarrassed. She just gets her shit then leaves. 
I lay in my bed, my thoughts foggy. It doesn’t help that I’m now crossed.
The bright shades of my LEDs are blinding, so I stumble up the steps to my brother’s room.
I don’t bother knocking on his door to let him know I’m there. I opened the door and fell to his bed.
“Hey, guys– I gotta go,” he tells whoever he’s gaming with. He takes off his headset and stands in  front of his bed. “You good?”
I nod.
“Did you drink?”
“You smell like weed.”
“Dude,” he sighs. He sits next to me. “What’s going on?”
Everything’s fucked up, but I can’t get the words out.
I settle on, “I’m in love with her.”
His eyes go wide, thinking I’m talking about the girl that came over.
“Sunny,” I clarify.
“Oh,” he says, clearly shocked. I never told him about what happened in Boston. He doesn’t know any of it. “I always just thought–”
“We had sex,” I interrupt him. His eyes go wide. “Then we cuddled all night and every time we told each other we love the other person it obviously meant something else. I can’t give her what she wants right now, and she got scared, and I got mad, so now I’m here, we aren’t talking, I had sex and thought of her the whole time, got high, then drunk, now I feel sick in every conceivable way and I hate myself for doing this.”
Matt stays with me as he digests my word vomit. He nods as he listens, and when I’m done, he puts a hand on my back.
“I always knew you liked her,” he mumbles.
I nod at him, tears welling in my eyes. “I fucked up so bad. I feel awful. I left. I didn’t tell her anything–”
“You were overwhelmed,” he reminds me. “Yes, you shouldn’t have left her in the dark like that, but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed without a conversation. Just talk to her, Chris.”
Just talk to her.
We’re in love.
This is going to be fine.
“You guys are meant to be together,” Matt adds.
Fuck yeah we are.
And I’m not living another day without my best girl.
tag list: @secret-sturniolo @chrisloyalgf @strnilolo @qwertytit @55sturn @sleepysturnss @creamoncreamoncream2 @sturnvvz @swaggygirlboss123 @angelworldspost @patscorner @ducksturniolo @mattitties @luv4kozume @mbbsgf @freshloveforthefit @ripmattitude @gamermattsgf @strniololoverr @urmom2bitch @sturnitup @luvmila444 @st7rnioioss @sturniolosreads @pepsiskiess @alorsxsturn @sturniolopepsi @sturnsgasoline @sturns-posts @sstvrnioloo @strawberrymilk4k @nickmillersn1gf @milesfordays11 @l9vesick @mattsturnzzz09 @mattnchrisworld @sturniolovoid @aerunn @sturniolosmind @oliviasturniolo21 @carolsturns1 @scarssturniolo @stuniolobbg @sturniolowhore @christurniolomyman
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thefanficmonster · 3 months
Piss off your parents pt.3 (finale)
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Colby Brock x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Drinking, Swearing
Genre: Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Time wasted can only be compensated with time well spent.
"You wasted us so much time."
Y/N's reply is so far from anything he could've expected, he nearly sprains his neck when his head snaps up. To find a small smile on her face, of all things.
There's a note of deep-rooted anger in the laugh that deflates her lungs, "How long?"
"How long have you felt that way?" She doubles down, her gaze now stiffened into a glare piercing right through him.
"Since we fucking met, ok?!" He'd be less nervous answering questions in front of the FBI. He doesn't know how the script flipped to her being the angry one but it's clear she's gonna let him have it. And he's gonna have to take it, he owes it to her.
"I can't fucking believe you." She shakes her head, shifting to back further away from him and lean her back against the cold mirror behind her. She'd rather hop off the counter and run off - that's what sober her would do, anyway. But, for one, her drunk alter ego is a lot more confrontational, and for two - she physically can't do that. Somewhere along the past ten minutes, Colby somehow ended up standing between her parted legs, blocking her the ability to run away without even meaning to. "You've kept me at arm's length for a whole fucking decade! Treating me like a child, a porcelain doll you feel obligated to look out for! You broke my heart so ignorantly by sleeping around with half the damn town and bragged to me about it! You pushed me into brainwashing myself in love with someone else, led me to believe he felt the same way and now you have the gull to say you were in love with me all along! Bullshit!"
Hellfire, she's showering him with utter hellfire. Each thing she listed got worse than the previous just when he expected it couldn't. It unlocked so many memories he made a vow to never again visit. That was such a low point in his life he didn't notice he had dragged one of his best friends into it as well. Well she's spelling it out for him right here, right now. Loud and fucking clear.
"And to think I was in love with you throughout all of that...fuck, I'm stupid..." She adds in a whisper, highly contrasting the rain of bullets she unleashed seconds prior. It was meant more for herself than him yet it was the final blow for him. His heart is officially down for the count.
"Was? Past tense?" Colby's eyes widen immediately. He didn't hear the words in his brain, they were as news to his ears as they were to hers. He doesn't know where the audacity came from. It's as if he's asking to get smacked. At this point, he'd prefer that to whatever venom she might spew at him. All well within her right.
To his luck, Y/N's gotten tired. Physically and emotionally. And she can't keep the grudge flame alive. Not with Colby at least. She can't help the soft spot on her heart for him. A spot so bruised and sore she can't believe it hasn't turned stiff as stone. It can't, not when her heart starts racing within his proximity every damn time. Not when a smile spreads across her face every time she looks at him. It hurts, yeah, but she doubts it'll ever go away.
"Like it fucking matters." She whispers, again with the same bitterness from earlier.
"Yes it fucking does, Y/N." It's like his brain has been shut off, all rationality has gone out the window. "You said I wasted us so much time. Don't waste more just because you're angry."
She's quick to bite back, "How can I not be? You deserve it, Colby!"
"I know that!" He might not be rational, bordering on desperate, but he's still self aware enough to see and admit to the error of his ways. But he'll be damned if he lets go of this last string of hope. He's clinging onto it like a twig in a flood. "I know I deserve it. But we don't. What we could be, that doesn't deserve more time down the drain, Y/N."
Sudden banging on the door startles them both, reminding them they're in a very peculiar location. A public bathroom. The ladies' bathroom on top of all.
"One second!" Contrasting the deer-in-headlights panic on Colby's face, Y/N takes it upon herself to handle the situation. The sound has scared him into backing away from her, giving her the required space to hop down. She turns to him, poking a finger to his chest, "Act normal. Nothing happened."
With that said, she leads the way out, unlocking the door and slipping out, giving the two girls waiting outside an apologetic smile. They return two knowing smirks when they see Colby emerge from the bathroom right behind her.
"Sorry, girl. Didn't mean to interrupt." The brunette slurs, winking at them both before following after her friend.
"You're good." Y/N replies politely, muttering after the door closed, "You helped."
The pang in Colby's chest cannot be put into words. Before he's had time to recalibrate, she's already gone, having made her way back into the party, disappearing into the crowd.
And just like that, he feels that last string of hope break.
* * * * *
"Hey, I'm so sorry about what I said earlier." Nate shakes the strands of hair away from his eyes so can properly look down at his semi-sober companion who's currently carrying him towards the elevator.
Y/N can't help but smile at him. It hurts like hell but at this point it's like the twentieth blow to the heart tonight. She's become used to it.
"It's ok, Nate. Thanks for being honest and not leading me on." She's aware she's thanking him for the bare minimum but that little conversation with Colby earlier proved to her she should be grateful for that even. Hey, he could've lied. He could've stringed her along, had his fun and then pulled the 'nothing serious' card.
But that's not Nate. He could never.
You thought Colby would never lie to you either. Now here we are
"No, that's not what I mean. I got scared, you know? Friend groups don't survive romance. But I don't care now that I think about it. We should give it a shot. It could be great. Fuck what they think." His words are slurred and his eyes are glazed over, but each syllable is drowning in sincerity. Drunk words are sober thoughts and all that but she'd rather take it as complete nonsense right now.
"Nate, sweetie..." She readjusts the hold she has on her heels so she can grab hold of his hand, "I doubt you know what you're thinking right now. Let's talk in the morning, ok? Get some sleep, sober up, and then we'll figure it out. Sounds good?" She says gently, as if explaining to a three-year-old that Santa isn't real.
He gives her one of those smiles that were the initial reason she (thought she) fell for him, "Yeah." They stop at the door to his shared hotel room with Sam and Colby. Before she can reach for the doorknob, Nate turns to her, his hand coming up to cup her cheek. She momentarily lets herself play along and leans into his touch, knowing how wrong it actually is. "You're the best, Y/N." Their faces, almost instinctively, inch closer and she doesn't do anything to stop it. Fuck all rationality. This night can't get much worse, how bad could a kiss shared between friends be?
She never gets to find out though because the door to the room is thrown open, forcing them apart in an instant. The person standing on the doorstep makes it ten time worse - because of-fucking-course it's Colby.
Y/N immediately starts regretting what almost just happened, semi-glad it didn't. She shouldn't have let it get that far. She's doing to Nate what she was thankful he didn't do to her - stringing him along. She can barely recognize herself - almost kissing one of her best friends while being completely in love with another.
"Oh, um....sorry. I wanted to come help carry Nate up but.....guess you got that covered." He speaks up, trying to cut the awkwardness him and Y/N are currently drowning in. Nate is none the wiser, waving off his friend's apology with a quick 'don't worry about it'. He gives one last squeeze to her hand before going inside, leaving the two staring at each other.
"Is Sam ok?" Y/N asks, cocking her head to the side to take a peek inside the room where she can see Sam's shoes at the foot of the bed. "That fall was pretty bad."
"Yeah, he's fine." Colby sighs heavily, looking over his shoulder at the blonde in question, "Should've stopped climbing on tables like he has nine lives long ago. This might be the lesson he needed."
"Hey!" She frowns at him, "Have some compassion!"
He chuckles, opening his mouth to respond when a sudden yell cuts him off.
"Y/N? That you? Come in!" It's Sam, his voice conveying the pain he's currently in.
She knows she should be heading back down to the front desk to grab her key and go to her own room. But she can't just leave her friend on 'read' in real life and at such a dire time.
So, despite her better judgement, she goes inside to find Nate already out like a light and Sam laying flat on his bed with an arm over his eyes.
"Hi Sammy. Partied a little too hard there, dude." Y/N smiles softly at him, sitting on the edge of his bed.
Sam removes his arm from his face, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes, "Am I gonna die?"
Simultaneously both her and Colby snort out a laugh, sharing a look of mutual understanding and amusement before she returns her attention to the wounded soldier, "You won't. I promise. Just go to sleep." She replies reassuringly, readjusting the ice pack Colby had placed on his knee, causing him to hiss but still nod.
"Stay here for the night?" He asks, almost pleadingly. This interaction is a good insight on the siblingship they have. Colby and Nate have always been variables to her, but luckily she has Sam to be her constant.
"Where am I gonna sleep, Sam?" She asks lightheartedly, looking around the room at the two already occupied beds and the couch by the window.
"There." Sam points at said couch where Y/N can see some trademark Colby clothes splayed around. That's his little nook, clearly.
"And where's Colby gonna sleep?" She laughs, shooting Colby a soft look to find him already staring at her with the same gentleness she's always felt emanating from his eyes.
"The floor." Sam says with no hesitation, causing you both to laugh.
Colby is quick to flip him off, "Fuck you, man."
All he gets in response is a soft snore, alerting them that Sam too has drifted off. Probably for the best cause that scrape on his knee doesn't look pleasant.
And suddenly, they feel like they're alone. Sure, there are two other people present but a canon firing wouldn't be efficient in waking them up. So, they're practically alone.
Neither of them is happy about it.
"Really though, you should stay. What are you gonna do alone in your room?" Colby breaks the brief silence as he awkwardly struts across the room to subtly clean up the mess he's made on the couch.
Y/N shrugs, "Watch TV, drink some more, snack on something, pass out. The usual." She shrugs, carefully getting up so she doesn't nudge Sam out of his slumber.
"You can do all that here....with some company." He offers, cautious about every word that comes out of his mouth. "We don't have to talk about anything. Just raid the minibar and snack tray."
They should talk, they both know it. They're aware that they're at an age where they are considered adults. And adults talk about difficult shit even when they don't want to. They do what should be done.
Not Y/N and Colby, though.
They've cracked open a bottle of rosé and a bag of Cheetos and are currently sitting in silence. A comfortable one, for a change. They've quietly agreed to have this moment be outside the realm of everything else that occurred tonight. Like an island in a stormy sea. There will come a time when they'll have to talk about it, but most definitely not tonight.
"Remember the first time we got drunk together?" She asks, watching the pink liquid splashing around in her glass.
Colby snorts at the memory, or whatever he can recall of it. "Barely."
"Yeah, same." She laughs, downing the rest of her wine, "I remember you disappearing for a good portion of the night. Sam and I found you bruised and bloodied hours later."
He joins her in the reminiscing, "That rose bush really did a number on me."
She takes a moment to look him in the eyes. She stays quiet, analyzing him in a way that heats up his skin as though her gaze were a physical force, "You didn't actually fall in a rose bush, did you?"
Ah, there's another lie. A small one in comparison to the first but still a lie. And since it's a night of confessions..."Remember Austin?"
He just unlocked a forgotten part of her brain, "Oh shit yeah! Whatever happened to that guy?"
A dry chuckle rattles his chest, his hand coming up to rub his face, "Well, in short, he liked you a little too much for my liking. So he found out what happens when I'm jealous and drunk."
Y/N can't help but smile. She's a simple girl, of course she finds it hot. But she'll be damned if she lets him notice. She quickly masks it with a joke, "Oh my God, you killed him!"
He laughs, shaking his head before leaning towards her a bit as if he's about to spill some government secrets, "Full disclosure, between you and me..." His eyebrows lift, waiting for her to nod a vow of silence before continuing, "I got my ass kicked."
She busts out laughing, undermining all concern for her two sleeping friends, "I'm not surprised." She teases him, reaching for the bottle for a refill.
Colby doesn't let that happen though. He quickly snatches the bottle, keeping it out of her reach, "Excuse you?!"
"You can't be salty after admitting it yourself." For caution purposes, she sets down the glass before getting up on her knees, extending her arm in a futile attempt at retrieving the stolen item. To her dismay, he just stretches his arm further, making it that much harder. "Oh, fuck you..." she mutters, hovering herself over his lap precariously, putting them in a pretty compromising position.
Colby kicks it into high gear, freeing his hand by setting the bottle down so he can sit her in his lap with a slight tug, earning him a small gasp from her. She settles into him just perfectly, like this is far from the first time they've found each other in such predicament.
Their faces are inches apart. His hands are on her sides, hers are on his shoulders. The proximity is more intoxicating than the alcohol they've consumed throughout the night. They are high on each other and are just now realizing it. Or just now admitting it.
"I thought we weren't gonna talk about it." She whispers, afraid of breaking the thin veil of tranquility currently surrounding them.
"We're not talking about it." His tone mimics hers as though he's afraid he'll scare her off. His grip on her is gentle but firm. It'll physically hurt if he tries to force himself to let go of her.
Luckily he doesn't have to because, before either of them know it, their lips collide.
The innocence of the kiss is brief and gone within seconds. Hands start roaming, breaths are shared, lines are crossed. And, technically, they aren't talking about it. But still, plenty is being said. A decade of pent up emotion is coming to fruition. It's nothing short of passionate, desperate almost.
Right on-brand for them.
* * * * *
They're fully clothed, cuddled up on the couch and alone in the room. Not all lines were crossed last night of fear they might regret it in the morning. However, if their smiles are anything to go by, nothing is being regretted.
Neither of them attempts to move from their comfortable little bubble. Neither of them cares that Nate and Sam probably witnessed this sight when they woke up. Neither of them tries checking the time. It's their way of trying to make the moment last longer into infinity.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" Colby breaks the silence, threading his fingers through her hair.
Her ear is directly over his heart, listening to its steady rhythm she finds so much comfort in, "Just that I can't even lie right. I tell my mom one lie and it ends up becoming true."
Laughter vibrates throughout his chest, sending waves through her body as well, "Is this you asking me out?"
"Do you want it to be?" Y/N shrugs, tilting her head to look up at him.
He smirks down at her, "So much for rebelling, huh?"
"Shut up."
Knowing he won't do so on his own, she tends to the matter herself by pressing her lips to his, effectively shutting him up.
Tagging: @benbarnesprettygurl @beanredacted @m1tsk1l0v3er
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promptful · 2 years
Oddly obscure Friends-to-Lovers prompts that I'll probably add to.
I'm uh, sorry? Requests are open, and please do not add to this list. I'm sure I have more somewhere in my brain, lol.
WARNINGS: Mention of drowning, mention of death, possible cursing. Alcohol.
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1) We’re having a movie night, just like we’ve always done. Your thigh is touching mine, and my thoughts won’t stop wandering.
2) We both just got off work, and I’m walking you home just like any other night, you trip on an unfortunate pebble. Just before you hit the ground, I caught you with one arm around your waist.
3) Throughout our childhood, it was always you getting sick, never me. You nearly passed out next to me with fevers higher than imaginable, but I was fine. Now, I’m bedridden and you won’t stop freaking out.
4) This is your favorite song, and apparently there’s an option to sing a duet. Oh… you want me to sing? It’s a love song? We’ll be right next to each other? Oh. Okay. 
5) You’re drunk, bent over a bar with a grin splayed on your lips. You’re clinging to me, and won’t let me fish your keys out of your pocket/bag, guess we’re taking my car.
6) I step outside to find a thank you note for helping you/picking you up/getting groceries for you, stuck to a plate of baked pie/cookies/cake. Oh my god, how can I make you bake more? …Why are your cheeks red? 
7) My roommate/ex/family kicked me out into the rain. I have nobody else to call but you.  
8) Your roommate/ex/family kicked you out, and it’s pouring outside. In my pajamas/loungewear, yet I ran to my car to pick you up. 
9) This is the stupidest thing we’ve ever done, I tell you, but I don't have the heart to remove your fingers from my wrist. 
10) You’ve always been a stoic nightmare who never smiles, laughs, or does anything remotely animated. But one night, you actually laughed and I think I felt my heart skip a beat.
11) There’s one bed, and I know we’ve shared beds for years, but your arm is around my hips, my back is against your chest, and your breath keeps brushing my neck.
12) I’m trying to hold you, and I can feel every little thing about you. Why did I agree to sleeping here with you again? 
13) Ohmygod, I know I just said I love you, and I truly did mean it, but then your eyes flicker with something I’ve never seen, and maybe I don’t feel so bad anymore?
14) We’re arguing because of something stupid, and every single time I think it’s finally over, you scream, “But why do you care?!” And I respond with the only thing I can think of, “Because I love you!” @screnwriter lmao. 
15) Saying I love you after I just nearly drowned shouldn’t be as hot as it is, but I can’t seem to stop staring at your lips. Whoops?
16) We’ve been friends since childhood, and I’ve accepted that we’re just not meant to be. I’ve moved on and encouraged you to follow your dreams. I didn’t know that your dream was me. 
17) You and I’ve been friends since we were kids, and suddenly when I’m about to leave for vacation/college/moving, you let out that you can’t let me go without saying I love you.
18) All week, you’ve been on my mind, and I can’t make you go away. Finally, after suffering in silence for so long at the thought of your lips, your laugh, and your smile, I give in and ask you to come to my apartment.
19) What the hell are we doing in this closet? Why did you drag me in here? Why are you so close? Why do I want you to be closer? 
20) “This is bad,” I whisper, with my hands wrapped around your hips, because I know that if you give in, I’m wrapped around your finger. “Maybe,” you whisper, leaning closer, “maybe this is a good kind of bad, hm?” and pull me into a kiss. 
21) You need help tying the back of your dress/fixing your cufflinks, and my fingers keep scraping against your skin. How are you so warm? And how are you acting like I’m not right behind/in front of you? 
22) We’re ice skating, just like we used to when we were kids, but then you slip. I break your fall by offering myself up for tribute, and suddenly, we’re a whole lot closer.
23) You offer to make me tea when I’m sick, and for some reason, I have the urge to kiss you. Deliriously, I ask if I can. We came to an agreement that I can kiss you after I stop sneezing. 
24) I know you love rollercoasters, but I get so sick while riding them, and I’m not sure if I can stomach another one–oh, you’re holding my hand?
25) Every Sunday morning before work/church/school/a hobby, you come in for coffee. We chat a little bit each time, and I feel like we’re some sort of friends now. Today, I finally gained the courage to write my number on your cup. 
26) Family vacations are a whole lot more awkward when you and I can’t stop staring at each other, and you know that they’re going to catch on if we don’t stop, right? But we don’t, and instead, it just gets worse. 
27) You’re in a swimsuit. I don't know what to do but stand here and look awkward, because that’s more skin than I thought I’d ever see on you.
28) We’re roommates, and I walk in on you changing. You yelp. I yelp. I never forget what I saw, I’m sure you never forget what I walked in on. I think it’s time we have a chat about this. 
29) Did you know that if you love someone enough, your heart can palpitate? I didn’t, well, not until you walked into the room.
30) It’s your birthday and everyone forgot. Everyone except me. We sit down at a nearby park/in your apartment/on the roof/in a tree, and I finally give you my present.
31) You just got rejected from a date/prom night, and I promise you, your crush is missing out on you. I don’t know how to convince you other than sit here, hold you, and pretend that I don’t wish you’d see what’s in front of you.
32) I never wanted to ruin what we had, but you’re making it so hard not to utter those three words.  
33) I know you’re angry that I got hurt, but you’re patching up a cut on my face/chest, and you’re really close.
34) I invited you over after a rough night, the stench of cheap beer on both of our breaths. For some reason I can’t get my mind off of the way you laugh, or how you threw everything aside to come comfort me.
35) I’m trying to work up the courage to tell you how I feel, but everyone and everything seems to be against us doing this. Your friends, my friends, a random phone call from a telemarketer that I nearly cussed out. Okay, look, I love you.
36) Work has me exhausted, and I don’t want to think anymore, and I just can’t hold back from mumbling I love you into your hair. Uh, sorry.
37) We always snuggle, and this shouldn’t be any different, but I’m trying not to press my lips to yours because they’re right there and I don’t want to pass up another chance, but you take initiative and do it yourself. Oh. 
38) Your SO doesn’t treat you right, and you know it, and I know it, and everyone else knows it. But I don’t know how to convince you without giving myself away. And of course when I try, it fails. Crap. 
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jazzyblusnowflake · 2 months
I've got one for ya. What were the first kisses in the N/V/Uzi relationship like. Uzi and N first, Uzi and V's first, and V and N's first.
(Bonus points for V and N's first kiss at the manner for some bittersweet angst)
Also, good golly gumdrops, love your stuff, even if you don't answer this one, still gonna keep enjoying
oh oh i love these kinds of ideas :"D tho it takes a bit of brain power to think of a good scene uhm.... lessee....
Ok so first up, although im still waiting for a canon first kiss for NUzi- since they are a thing now, i still like to think of something separate for my own version- [since obviously the main show isn't going towards a poly dynamic lmao]
See, we all know that the show is fast paced and its hard to find any empty spaces between each event, hell it almost feels like earth was blown apart and the DDs were on copper 9 the next day, Liam we need a fucking timeline order. 🙄 soooooo i personally like to imagine that there's a lot more time between events than is shown in the actual show. like- lets maybe put a few days between Uzi administrating N and V and the arrival of J and Cynessa- like.... maybe lets put a few NIGHTS between that??? what's the freaking rush 😭
But anyway yeah- i would put the first NUzi kiss somewhere around betwenn the camp and the flashback eps probably :p my idea would be that since the camp incidents, Uzi would be having a lot of bodily changes to deal with, one of which being her inability to tolerate the sun much anymore. other things would probably be the growth of literal flesh and blood and bones inside of her and lets make this morbid by adding her throwing up blood but keeping it a secret from everyone :p she may sneak back to the other two at night and stay with them- clearly shaken up- [V probably also being shaken up because on one hand she's terrified of seeing this transformation take place- but at the same time, she clearly cares enough about Uzi AND Ns happiness...] asking for help and advice- and the 3 grow closer during this. They practice with her for flying or controlling her tail- maybe some stuff on her control on oil hunger too. she probably also gets some fighting, sneaking and sparring practice with V-
//insert one of those cheesy moments where V riles up Uzi enough to tag her on the snowy ground but then realizes its the same position she got V in her solver!mode and starts panicking and pushing herself back- V getting back up and asking what the heck was that and Uzi just saying she doesn't want to hurt her and V is an insensitive jerk for making her spar with her in the first place and tries to fly away to calm down-..... which probably just ended with her falling face first in the snow and a lecture from both N and V.
overall they all started subconsciously getting even closer. tbh there's so many things i could add here but i gotta keep it a few NIGHTS not a few MONTHS until the next event 😭
either way during this i guess N and Uzi could have maybe ended up alone at some point- maybe after a flying lesson having gone right and they were a little too happy on top of a building or upturned bus or something lol- i imagine after a hug maybe Uzi asks if she could kiss N but quickly backtracks saying nvm it was stupid or something but N softly says its okay- //probably picks her up too, adding to her embarrassment- cuz she's short lmaooooo// and Uzi just decides to give a small unsure smooch- but decided to make it not too long. they decided to just hug after that to not let the other see them blushing like hell 😭 [also they didn't really decide anything after this cuz they are idiots????😭😭😭]
but anyway for the Vuzi first kiss i have no idea if or when V would return if she's been set to remain alive in the canon- but for me its probably when she appears again in her normal form, as herself. not a clone. Alice isn't alive to take the cores and make them sluggish with heat and the sentinels wouldn't have a chance against the solvers centipede lookin ass form.
Anyway if we consider that one way or another Uzi, N and V will meet up again, [and N and Uzi preferably get to share a better kiss this time-] the first thing Uzi is doing is landing a swift punch in Vs face and then kissing the daylights out of her- //confusing herself and everyone in the area in the process including V herself...// overall she would scold V on the whole "i trust you" shtick and leaving them alone- but yeah :p [ keep in mind that im also considering a few nights between when J and Cynessa show up and when they decide to actually go and find and search the labs, because PLOT REASONS :D ]
as for the first Envee kiss- ill do you one better and make it more angsty and say that N and V used to always spend time with each other and do silly things like hold hands in secret or send internal chat messages to eachother, draw and read books together- maybe N used to put flowers for her sometimes. But at some point a certain little corrupted drone started feeling possessive of her favorite "big brother" figure not spending time with her anymore...
one time, N had asked V if he could kiss her and at that they were both blushing messes but before V could respond they get interrupted- maybe by someone giving them orders or maybe by Cyn. either way, V quickly whispers to him "later, i promise" with a smile, making N happy and giddy. but the later never comes... V becomes comatose soon after... N sadly reading books to her and sometimes whispering to her to wake up and that she still has to keep her promise...
anyway after all things are said and done in the future and the solver is defeated- whether they are still living on copper 9 or any other planet idk- N, V and Uzi are all close, but since both N and V are close to Uzi, they also start spending more time with each other too. maybe one time on a walk or going out and about N was able to catch up with V and they reminisce about old memories they can now remember; and when V was finally able to open up a bit to N, he mentions that he still remembers the promise and asks her if he could kiss her again and she lets him.
and thaaaats all the brain power i have for tonight... i think... hope it made yall smile or cry or idk something lmao. :")
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inkskinned · 2 years
i sat next to him, dipping chips into the bowl of salsa, thinking about how i couldn't have enjoyed this 5 years ago. something strange: recently it's been about chaos theory for me.
a butterfly makes a tornado. the infinitely small becomes the chaotic whole. the universe bends towards entropy, and yet, chaos theory seems to argue - small motions make big changes.
chip goes into salsa. i eat a little bit. later, the chip is energy. later, the energy is movement. later, the movement is a memory. later, the memory shapes who i am.
i used to pretend i had already eaten. i used to be 30 minutes late so i could say eat without me. i used to say i didn't like chips or salsa. i'd chug my water and pray nobody noticed i was still nibbling the same chip i'd first picked up. i missed a lot of hangouts because i didn't want to grab lunch. i would eat by myself, curled up in the parking lot of a supermarket. hurried, anxious, embarrassed to be overcome.
5 years ago, i started saying yes to one more chip. 4 years ago, i could munch my way casually through a couple dozen. these days i am the one saying - can we have more chips when you get a second?
it didn't start with big changes. i thought it would have to - something was massively wrong with me, so i assumed recovery would take a natural disaster. the only way to fight fire was with an explosion. i would buy organizational journals, angrily clean my house for 10 hours straight, promise myself never again and know - i'd always slip backwards. i'm always going to be this way.
it wasn't big, though. 5 years ago i made a promise to stop it with the i'm going to kill myself jokes. for the sake of additional challenge, i also stopped saying i'm stupid. just two things.
i'm genuinely funnier these days. people laugh more with me. i find more things funny. when i mess up, it doesn't crush me. suicide no longer sits at the front of my brain. it is no longer the first option i picture. i forgive myself so easily. i no longer believe every mistake is emblematic of my personality. i have actually started to believe i am clever and smart - although i still want to add the prefix barely.
i still apologize too much. i still beat myself up. i still agonize over certain choices. i know i am not perfect. recovery is not linear.
but the joy in me is bigger. every time i choose to believe in it, every time i choose to make a little change towards hope - that joy in me grows.
when entropy rises up in my heart and i backslide and everything goes dark: the joy doesn't fully evaporate anymore. i slide just a little less. i bounce back just a little more. i go further this time. learn about myself. crawl up that slope with new skills in tow. i know what i'm doing these days; am getting good at finding handholds. i have started to learn how to catch myself while falling - instead of letting myself go.
a little change. ten years ago i googled depression self-help tips. little butterfly keystrokes. in the moment, nothing really happened.
ten years in the future: my life is full of love and healthy coping mechanisms. i have minimized a great deal of my symptoms. i spend a lot of my time laughing and creating and going out with friends. every time i hit a wall, i convince myself to get up, keep going, if it's hard just be harder, choose hope, choose just a little bit further -
i want to tell that version of myself, stranded in the desert: if you keep walking, all that sand will one day be water.
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cyberbvnniee · 1 year
i am so upset. we’ve been moots for like a month now and i haven’t come to throw some filth in your ask box yet 😩 buT it’s not too late!
alsO hI miya it’s nice to officially greet you 👉🏾👈🏾 i’m glad you enjoyed reading warm bodies! how are ya?
clears throat this is so long and i’m sorry but i like to ramble when i have ideas
So, I was lowkey just scrolling through your blog (i need to read more of your tasty ass work fr fr) and I noticed you reblogged a short fic about villian Kiribaku… A concept that has been untouched by my brain and was probably for good reason because now all I can think about is Red Riot the hardening villain who uses unbreakable to strike fear into civilians, heroes, and villains who dare to threaten his authority. Red Riot the villain is fucking huge and bulky and still has a smile of sunshine but a heart darkened by a selfish society. He honestly gives me Pain vibes, and idk if you’ve ever watched The Boys but I think he’d fit in perfectly with them, he definitely wants to kill heroes who don’t deserve to be called heroes.
Red Riot is very meticulous about the crimes he commits but there is one thing for sure— he loves a good fight. Doesn’t matter where the fight is or when it is, if there’s a fight brewin’ he’ll be there to find it. Also, random fact, he likes rocks soooo… he robs a lot of jewelry stores when he wants to add to his collection or he goes “shopping” at museums.
For example, big boy Riot has left the headquarters in search of a way to get his knuckles bloody, cruising around, looking for a hero to pick a fight with. Listen, even he’s got standards. He’s murdered a couple of people but never innocent ones, only heroes that don’t deserve their titles. And for that, he’s wanted by the Japanese government… Why’s he still walkin’ around like he’s some regular civilian though? I don’t even know. But… oh! Look at that, a hero.
The name of this hero doesn’t matter, he’ll scrapbook it later. A grin spreads across the villains face, a set of razor sharp teeth reveal themselves as he begins to approach the unsuspecting hero, following them to a more secluded part of the city to minimize witnesses as well as collateral damage.
This particular hero has quite a destructive quirk, so it’s truly no surprise that as soon as Red Riot attacks him, the hero begins to lay in blows that aren’t held back in the least. Indiscriminate waves of the disastrous quirk, that Red Riot easily dodges or blocks, cause nearly irreversible damage to nearby buildings, which no-doubt is putting civilians in even more danger than Red Riot’s presence alone. This is exactly /why/ he does the things that he does. With just one stupid fucking test, anyone could become a hero, even psychopaths like this.
As the hero is attempting to knock Red Riot down, the redhead villian doesn’t halter in anyway, getting closer and closer to the hero that looks like their about to shit their pants right in the alley. He’s nearly a foot away from the hero when he hears a blood-curdling scream that appears to be coming from above. He takes a moment to glance up and sees a woman plummeting to her death from the destroyed building that was just beside the alley. Then he looked back at the hero to see if he would do anything.
No. He was far too busy trying to keep his own ass safe. And for some reason, that pissed him off beyond comparison. He’d been holding back since the fight began, giving the hero a chance to defend himself, but it appeared time was running out. Hardening his fist, he aimed a blow directly to the hero’s face, satisfied with the sickening sound of flesh and bone breaking from the heavy punch, and watched the hero fly back into a pile of garbage bags, deserved.
With the screaming come closer and closer to where he was, Red Riot used the debris of the crumbling building to propel himself upwards and easily captured the woman who’d been falling, only then taking note of the bundle of life that she had protectively curled over. As they approached the ground, he hardened his legs and landed with ease, causing quite an indent in the earth.
While she’d been falling, hero eyes remained shut the entire time, but when she stopped falling, suddenly becoming hyper aware of her surroundings and the big strong arms that were wrapped around her rather protectively, she slowly opened one eye to take a peek at her savior.
In all his glory stood the infamous new Hero Killer, staring down at her with an arched brow on his handsome yet rugged face. The childhood scar on his eyelid had somewhat faded but fresh scars had been added to his face, a few nicks on his chin, cheek, and forehead, but they didn’t take away from his handsome appearance. He’d been wearing a red sleeveless hoodie, that showed off his muscular arms and a sleeve of ink that started from his right wrist, up the entirety of his arm, and disappeared under the hoodie no-doubt covering his right pec with a decorative tattoo, along with some plain black cargo shorts. His hair was spiked in the front and the rest flowed down his back in a mullet of sorts. She hadn’t realized she bad been silently staring at him in awe until he cleared his throat, asking if she was alright. Weirdly enough, she felt comfortable enough to answer him honestly, along with thanking him for saving her life. Unexpectedly, a cocky grin spread across his face and an idea came to mind.
“I’ve got other ways you can thank me, lil’ diamond.”
Next thing she knows, Red Riot aka Hero Killer 2.0 is mumbling some name that starts with a ‘K’ and a portal of purple smoke suddenly forms beside them out of thin air. Poor girl is basically kidnapped right then and there, but who woulda thunk Red Riot wanted a reward for taking down another hero and that reward just happened to be the lil’ milf who’d just dropped from the sky (or destroyed apartment building more specifically).
Don’t worry though, he may be a villain but he’s sweet and kind when he wants to be. And that includes taking care of you and your kid. Just like any normal abductee you question this motives and why’s he suddenly taken you from your home. He easily corrects you, saying that your home no longer existed and it was the manly thing to do to offer his surface to provide for you until you were able to get back on your feet.
(insert that one Soulja Boy audio where he says ‘HUH?!’ hella loud)
Why in the flying fuck would this man offer to take care of you? He had to have some kind of objective. But… to your surprise, he didn’t. In fact, you were free to leave whenever you wanted, and he made that clear.
Much to your surprise, Red Riot didn’t live in the LoV headquarters, he lived by himself in his own lil’ cabin in the woods that could easily fit a family or two. It was strange. You were thankful that he saved you and your baby’s life, but he was still a villain. A really, really handsome one at that. After his oh-so-caring suggestion, he mentioned if you wanted him to he would drive you back to the city and drop you off wherever you wanted to go. You dunno how it happened exactly but he’d been holding your baby while he was speaking to you, rocking the sleeping infant in his arms like he was their biological father. How was this man so fucking charismatic and sweet to you? He HAD to have some kind of ulterior motive.
Spoiler alert: yes, yes he did, but not the one you would expect from him.
Y’see… he’s always wanted a family. And here you were, dropped right into arms for the taking, and you didn’t seem to want to leave anytime soon, so he was going to use this opportunity.
A day turned into a week, a week turned into a month. And just as he promised, he took you out the house whenever you wanted and asked you each and every time if you wanted to be left in the city after your daily adventures (shopping and shit y’know, yes this man goes grocery shopping). But you always went back to his cabin with him, each and every time. Was this Stockholm Syndrome? No… couldn’t be, he openly told you to leave if you wanted to, then did that mean you were falling for the rugged mass-murdering villian? Looks that way.
As expected, the developing relationship between the three of you was not normal in the least, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He’d even introduced you to some of his buddies from LoV, only the ones he trusted tbh, and after that— you now had some willing and ready babysitters on call whenever you two needed.
Who wouldn’t abuse this opportunity? After some time convincing you, Red Riot, who had disclosed to you his real name was Eijirou Kirishima, managed to get you to go on a real date with him with just the two of you. And soooooo, ya did.
Who knew a villain could be so romantic? Certainly not you. He’d wined and dined you like his life depended on it and you were now putty in his hands. Perfect. The real games could begin.
He’s called a driver to take you both home and before you know it, Eijirou’s carrying you over the threshold like the two of you had just said ‘I Do.’
cracks knuckles
Now, this is where the real fun begins.
Red Riot, the hero-killing, tall, muscular, BDE, long-haired, thick-thighed, scarred, tattooed, smiling, thieving, hardening villain… has a breeding kink. And not just that, he’s got a big fucking dick that’s usually impressively hidden behind his usual wardrobe of loose fitting pants. But, you’ve seen him adjust himself more than a few times when he thinks you’re not paying attention, but you’re sure he just does it subconsciously without even realizing.
So there’s no real surprise when he’s dropped you onto your shared bed after a date and you can see the imprint of it through the black slacks he chose to wear. You coulda swore you saw the fuckin’ thing throbbin’ through the fabric but maybe your mind was playing tricks on you.
He’s now staring you down, noticing how your eyes have stayed glued to his crotch, with a timid look with some worry hidden behind your eyes. He grins and decides to have a little show for you. You’re struck back into reality when he suddenly grabs it, giving it a lil’ squeeze and a tug, causing your thighs to rub together in anticipation.
“No need to be nervous. It ain’t gonna hurt ya, baby. Promise.”
He purred, stroking his cock a few for times for you through his pants before moving his hands to start unbuttoning his shirt.
“Think you could strip for me, mamas? I like that dress on ya… Think I’d rip it to shreds if I tried to take it off.”
Sweet fuck, when’d you become so obedient???
Before you know it, you’re both naked and on top of the bed, not even bothering to get under the comforter or the sheets. Seems you two were impatient.
Eijirou was splayed out on his back, cock on fully display as it rested against his stomach that wasn’t exactly chiseled with abs, it was a lil’ squishy but the muscles in his arms and chest were hard to ignore. And would ya look at that, you were right, he did have a nagasode and hikae style tattoo with a dragon, flowers, and other symbols. His monstrous cock was almost teasing you with its ridiculous width and length, how was that going to fit in you? With its thick tanned shaft, and its fat brink pink circumcised tip that was dribbling precum despite being only half erect. The happy trail that led to a trimmed bush of onyx hair made you think about the hyped mane of hair on his head.
He’d decided to leave the gel out of his hair this evening so the bright crimson locks flowed in waves under his head… what kinda conditioner did this man use? Them locks shiny as a muhh’fucka- No, no, no, don’t get distracted.
Where were you?
He’d had you sitting on his chest, beckoning you to straddle his face with your thighs, and when you hesitated he took matters into his own hands and grabbed you by the hips, pulling you right onto his face.
Maybe I should have mentioned earlier that he’d got a forked tongue…? Y’know, the kinda tongue a snake has… He kinda got into a bit of body modification after dropping out of U.A.
And the way he uses his forked tongue on you is heavenly. So heavenly, that you nearly hunch over and run away from his skilled tongue, whining and whimpering his name, pathetically asking him to calm down and give you some time to adjust. The iron grip on your hips forces you stay right where he wants you, thick digits easily sinking themselves into your plush hips like memory foam. He’s absolutely ravishing you with the rapid fire motions of his tongue, writing out every Hiragana symbol in the charts, observing how you react to every trace of ever symbol. And when he draws out that one symbol, his tongue acting as a brush drenched in ink and your pussy acting as the paper, he notices the way you shudder and let out a guttural moan, clenching at his hair hard enough to make his scalp burn just a fraction— he smirks, abusing this new power.
ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki.
Ironically, the symbol that makes you shudder and silently scream sounds a bit like laughter, and laughter you shall receive. It is the best medicine after all.
Abusing this particular symbol, it is no surprise that the hardening villian soon rips an orgasm right out of your body, the searing heat that builds up inside you releasing into his mouth as you squeeze his head between your thick thighs.
Easily, Eijirou laps up your sweet nectar while groaning about how sweet and delectable you are, and gives you a moment to collect yourself, hearing the sweet pants and huffs that escape you as he rubs comforting circles onto your hips. That won’t last long, however.
“Think ya can cum on my tongue a few more times, lovely? Gotta make sure you’re slippery enough to bounce on my cock a lil’ later after all, hm? Be a good girl f’me, ya know ya can.”
my bad, my bad… went a lil’ crazy on this one 🧍 do with this as you please, aLsO i had an urge to draW hIm but i haven’t colored the lineart yet 😩 ill show ya when im doNe
You’ve been reduced to nothing but a whining, whimpering mess on the redhead’s tongue. He’s flipped and twisted your aching body so many times to get you in the perfect position, but nothing beats that good ole spread eagle.
Your hero turned villainous lover has both of those big hands holding you wide open for him, fingertips sunk into your plush flesh.
One knee is flush against the bed, the other is up against your chest, leaving nothing hidden from his fiery gaze. Your pretty pussy is his to abuse, at the mercy of that dexterous tongue and those razor sharp teeth.
Your moans and sounds are so cute to him, so pretty he wants nothing more than to keep fucking you on that long tongue.
You peer down at the beast between your thighs and the sight has you immediately tossing your head back, a breathy sigh passing through your lips.
Eijirou looks so precious—crimson eyes hooded and low, the thin sheen of your slick spread around his mouth while he licked and sucked you to another release.
‘Cu-cumming.’ Is how you’ll warn him before your pussy is creaming around that tongue again. You’re so sensitive, clit so swollen and red even the waft of his breath hurts.
But Eiji loves seeing you squirm, so much that he’s lathering your poor clit in spit, sucking the nub into his mouth just to hear you squeal as you claw at the sheets.
“Ei, p-please baby.” You’re begging, pleading for just an ounce of mercy from your lover’s tongue.
He raises his head to look up at you, or what’s left of you, granting a brief intermission as he flips you onto your belly.
He’s palming the fat of your ass, spreading you until he’s face to face with your delicious cunt and puckered asshole, his moistened lips curling up into a devilish smirk.
He loves this. He loves you and your perfect fucking pussy so much that tonight he plans on making you a mommy again. As soon as you cum for him one more time he plans to split you open and breed you.
“Just one more pretty girl, I promise.”
It’s nice to meet youuu, I love your work 🥺❤️Villian Kiri makes my pussy brain melt 🥹 I hate that it’s so short but I’m writing like 4 other one shots and my brain is a can of baked beans right now 😭
Hey bae, care to join us? @darkmajesty-xo
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chrisbitchtree · 4 months
A Little Less Conversation
My fic for day two of @harringrovelovefest!
Prompt: Conversation Hearts
T - 1.4k
When Billy finds the first one in his locker, he figures it has to be a joke. He squints to read the tiny writing on the little candy heart, ignoring the sure sign that he should really see an optometrist. “Be my sugar daddy” he mumbles under his breath, smirking as he looks around for the culprit. No one looks particularly suspicious, so he pockets the object, forgetting all about it as his math teacher springs a pop quiz on the class.
He doesn’t think about it again until the next day when he quickly trades his textbooks for his gym bag and hears something clatter to the bottom of his locker. Looking down, he sees another little heart resting there. Kneeling down, he picks it up and flips it so he can read the inscription on it.
“Hot stuff”. Well duh, he doesn’t need a candy heart to tell him that he’s hot. He is starting to get a bit curious about who’s leaving the hearts, though. It has to be the same person because it would be too big a coincidence for two people to have the exact same idea. He slides the second heart into the same jacket pocket as the first, intending to think more about it later, but by the time practice is done, he’s late for dinner and Neil is pissed, so it completely slips his mind.
By the end of the next day, he’s collected two more, one when he got to school, and one after lunch, both of them in the exact same spot, right at the front of his locker shelf, where he’s sure to see them. “Super cool” and “Groovy”. Whoever’s leaving the hearts must be a huge dork to use terms like that, but they make him smile anyway as he adds both of them to his small collection.
By the next morning, he’s come to expect a heart, and he’s admittedly a little bit embarrassed at how sad he is when there isn’t one there before homeroom. His spirits are lifted though, when he goes to grab the novel they’re reading in English and finds a fifth heart, pink, stamped with “Be good to me”. He’d like to be, but he’ll have a tough time of it if the mystery gifter doesn’t reveal their identity.
“You ever have a secret admirer?” he asks Harrington as they stand under the bleachers at lunch, sharing Steve’s sandwich and cookies while Billy has a smoke.
“No,” Steve says quickly. “Why?” He gives Billy a weird look, but Billy doesn’t really think much of it at the time. Steve’s a weird guy. If Billy took the time to dissect every weird thing he did, he wouldn’t have room in his brain for anything else. It sure is a good thing Steve’s pretty.
Billy shrugs. “Just wondering. I think I might have one. I keep finding these candy hearts in my locker, but there’s never any note, just the hearts. For four days now.” He pulls them out of his pocket and thrusts them at Steve who takes them, looking each one over, carefully considering the messages.
“Sugar daddy, huh?” Steve laughs, holding up the first heart. “Is that something you’d be into?”
“No, it wouldn’t.” Billy replies, snatching his hearts back, trying to fight the blush creeping it’s way onto his cheeks at the thought of being Steve’s sugar daddy. God, he’s got to get over his stupid crush and just be happy to call the big dork his best friend.
It doesn’t stop him from imagining Steve taking his time to pick out perfect messages for Billy and sneaking them into his locker to put a smile on his face every time he finds a new one. By the day before Valentine’s Day, he’s got at least twenty hearts, some of his favourites reading “Be my love dove” and “I hope”. He’s stopped even trying to sneak up on his locker, because if it’s not Steve leaving the hearts, then he doesn’t care who it is.
Of course, as soon as he stops trying to find out the identity of his admirer, he catches them in the act. He’s forgotten his novel for English again, and the teacher lets him run back to his locker five minutes after class starts. The halls are deserted, except for someone, no, two someones, standing right in front of Billy’s locker.
He slows his pace, hoping he doesn’t scare them away. He squints, trying to make out who they are, wracking his brain, trying to think of what girls might fit the description of short, with short dark hair, and it looks like one of them is wearing a baseball cap? Billy really does need to go to the optometrist.
He tiptoes down the hall, making it to his locker just in time for Henderson and little Byers? to turn around, staring at him with wide eyes, looking ready to run for their lives.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Billy asks, really hoping that he doesn’t have to be a jerk and tell little Byers that he doesn’t return his feelings. The kid’s already struggling to find himself as it is. He doesn’t need the added stink of romantic failure.
“Uhhhhhhh, we thought you might like a little treat?” Henderson says, shoving an open box of candy hearts into Billy’s hands and trying to move around him to safety.
“I don’t think so,” Billy replies, holding out his arms and easily blocking both of them from moving. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me who put you up to this. Was it my sister? That little rat’s been trying to get back at me for accidentally eating her Home Ec brownies for weeks now.”
Just then, he hears a voice around the corner. “Dustin, Will,” the voice hisses. “Did you get the combination right this time? We have to get out of here quick, I don’t want Billy to know how I feel yet…”
And with that, Steve comes into view, his eyes growing bigger than both Dustin and Will’s as he spots Billy. He tries to turn and run, the little bastard, leaving the kids to fend for themselves, but Billy’s not letting anyone go without an explanation.
“Freeze” he whisper shouts and Steve does as he’s told, slowly turning to face Billy again.
He sighs, ducking his head as he walks over to them. “Let the squirts go, they were just helping me.”
Billy lowers his arms and Will and Dustin scramble away as fast as lightening, leaving him and Steve awkwardly alone.
“So, care to explain what’s going on?” Billy asks, still holding the stupid box of hearts, trying to take deep breaths to calm his wildly beating heart. “Please tell me this isn’t some kind of sick prank, Harrington.”
Steve shakes his head vigorously. “No, Billy, I swear, it’s not. Everything those hearts said is true. I do think you’re groovy and super cool, and you are hot stuff, and I want you to be me sugar daddy. Not literally, but the idea is kind of hot. I just didn’t know how to tell you how I feel. But I want you to be my love dove, I want you to be mine, as cheesy as that sounds. Will you? Be mine, that is?”
He looks at Billy with hopeful eyes, and instead of answering, Billy pours some of the hearts in the box into the palm of his hand, trying to look for the perfect one. When he finds it, he presses it into the palm of Steve’s hand.
Steve looks down at it, a smile slowly spreading over his face as the message sinks in. “Kiss me” he reads out loud. “Gladly.”
And with that, the candy hearts are clattering to the ground, forgotten as Steve slides his hands into Billy’s hair and claims his lips with his own in a gentle kiss. It’s quick, for fear of being caught, but that’s ok. There’s always later. A million other opportunities for Billy to love up on the sweet as sugar dork standing in front of him.
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cassiefromhell · 9 months
Unexpected (pt. 6)
Part One Part Five
Fanbase: acotar
Eris x Reader x Azriel
Summary: Eris, freshly mated to you and volatile as ever, has walked in on you and Azriel in a hostile position... what will he think? It's up to you to diffuse the situation.
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: fingering, dirty talk, suggestion of oral
A/N: Requests are OPEN! Check my pinned message for details on what I'll write <3 (anything from hc's to drabbles to fully blown fics! ever had a great fic idea but cant write? send em over!!). Thank you so, so much for the notes on this lil series! I read all comments and reblogs.
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In the split seconds that follow Eris’s arrival, things go down far too quickly for me to comprehend well. 
As Eris’s expression turns to rage, Azriel realizes the gravity of the situation before I can even react. He releases me from his death grip, gently nudging me away from himself and backing up.
But he was too slow; Eris saw the hold he had me in, and he’s descending on Azriel.
I step forward — honestly, involuntarily, for I did not tell my body to put myself between two very opposing males — and Eris collides with me. “Eris, Eris, love, look at me. Look at me. I’m okay.”
Eris doesn’t even spare me a glance, but he does place a protective hand on my lower back, which means I have his attention. But his whole body is tense and ready to pounce at Azriel.
I continue to soothe him, rubbing circles on his chest. “I’m okay. We were just having a little fun with sparring. Nobody got hurt—”
“That was not sparring,” Eris hisses, eyes narrowing further. “I could hear you down the hall—you were asking him to let you go—”
“You act as if I had her in a chokehold,” Azriel adds, his voice coming from behind me. “She can hold her own — unlike you. I could kill you in an instant.”
His comment causes an immediate growl from Eris, and the red-haired male gently pushes me aside, and then lunges for Azriel.
The movement is too fast for me to react in time, and Eris knocks Azriel to the ground, sending the two sprawling across the floor.
Groaning, I pinch the bridge of my nose, one phrase on loop in my brain: Stupid, aggressive males. Stupid, aggressive males.
I let them brawl for around twenty seconds, wincing when Azriel lands a solid punch to Eris’s nose, but wincing harder when Eris swiftly kicks Azriel’s groin. The sharp cry of pain from that, quite literally, low blow makes me decide that enough is enough.
I stride over to them, then wait until Azriel is on top of their little rolling spree, knowing that he’s more likely to listen to me. When that happens, I speak, my voice demanding and echoing throughout the room. “Enough.”
That word in my signature ‘listen up buckaroo’ tone is enough to make both males pause and look over to me.
“I said, enough. Get off, Azriel, before I drag you by your scruff like a mangy dog — because that’s what you’re both acting like.”
Azriel, with his tail between his legs, gives Eris one last sharp glare before standing, shuffling away.
Eris is on his feet immediately, not looking quite ready to let him go.
“Eris!” I shout, stepping in front of him and grabbing his shoulders. “Look at me. Eris!”
It takes a moment, but he does relent, my first mate’s eyes shifting down to my own. 
“He’s hurting more than I am now. You’ve gotten your petty revenge. Now sit down, and listen,” I scold him, pushing on his shoulders.
Obediently, he sits on the ground. He knows my rage, and he’s learned that a happy mate keeps your life straight.
I whirl, putting my hands on my hips. Azriel is standing there, silent as ever, his shadows angrily swirling. His arms are crossed firmly over his chest, concealing his burnt—and likely now bloodied—hands. His attention is trained on Eris, seeming moderately amused that I have him on the floor like a scolded puppy.
“You too. Sit. Now.”
He too sits, but after more hesitation and a skeptical look towards me. The faint amusement on his features vanishes.
I stride to be standing directly between the two. “I will not tolerate any more anger-fed, impulsive, and frankly violent tendencies between you two. If you’re fighting for me, then do it better — I don’t know, buy me flowers or something. If you’re angry about our whole double-mate predicament, take it out on someone else. Yell at a council member, Eris. Spar with a particularly annoying Illyrian, Azriel. You know what? If you reaaaally need to get out the urge to punch each other’s teeth out, go ahead. But not in my presence. If that’s what you need, then you get a licensed sparring referee to watch you two and make sure no-one dies. But don’t go complaining to me.
“Eris,” I turn to face the male in question, flashing my teeth as I speak. “You will learn to accept that Azriel is also my mate. We’re bound to spend time together, and I understand that we’re freshly mated and you encountered us in an irregular position, but you need to leash your anger towards him.”
I hadn’t planned much of a lecture for Azriel, but a quiet, mocking “leash it, like your hounds” from behind me has me turning to face him once more.
“And Azriel,” I continue, raising my voice an octave. “You will behave. You will watch your mouth. You know better than to egg on a volatile, freshly mated male, especially in front of his female. Do you understand?”
Azriel bites his tongue like he’s refraining from insulting Eris one last time… but he nods.
“Eris. Do you understand?” I ask, crossing my arms.
The red headed male nods, more eagerly than Azriel had.
“Good. Now, both of you up.”
Equally obediently this time, they each rise. 
“Shake hands.”
Eris scowls, giving me a sidelong glance. “Love, you know how I feel about this. I will be civil, but—”
“Don’t make me force you to promise each other eternal pacifism and harmony.”
Eris immediately holds out his hand.
And, thank the Mother, Azriel shakes it.
“Good,” I sigh, running a hand down my face. “Eris, put away my harp. Azriel, I will visit Velaris in four days’ time. I expect you to be here to pick me up.”
Azriel blinks for a moment, then grins. “I’ll be there.”
Eris makes a pouty face, but I manage to brush it off for now. I’m not very good at resisting a clingy Eris, however, so I know that I need to take my leave.
I turn to the exit and leave, slamming the door shut behind me. I have to trust that those two will either talk it out or disperse on their own terms, because I am desperate to get out of the palace after the deadly combination of this encounter and so many days spent in our chambers. Not that I haven’t immensely enjoyed them.
But, honestly, my hips need a break.
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An hour later, I sit high up in a tree, deep in the luscious forest surrounding the Autumn Court treehouse-style castle. 
My horse, a disagreeable andalusian mare with a stunning dapple gray coat, is tied to the trunk of a nearby tree. I’m sure she’s happily eating apples or picking the bark off of a stump.
I find these woods incredibly calming. The rustle of leaves, the crunching of pebbles under the hooves of animals — it creates a soothing atmosphere. 
Eris has graciously left me this time on my own. I’m sure he could sense through the bond how upset I was about all of the fighting — I have enough on my plate as it is. However, he won’t be able to stay away for much longer, not with being freshly mated and all.
Right on cue, a soft tugging comes from Eris’s end of the bond. I hesitate, but then match his little tug.
Not thirty seconds later, Eris winnows to a branch above me. First I feel his eyes on me, then hear a soft sigh, and then the shuffling of leaves as he climbs down to my level. He is wordless the whole time, slipping into my branch and sitting behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He tucks his head against my neck.
Equally silently, I reach back and stroke his hair.
We sit there, straddling this tree branch, for an incalculable period of time. It could have been two minutes, or two hours, I find myself genuinely unsure. 
Eris is the one to break the silence. “I’m sorry for causing you unneeded and unwarranted stress,” he mumbles against my skin. “I love you. So much. And I just want you safe… and happy. Even if that means that you accept Azriel, too.”
Sighing softly, I tilt my head to kiss his forehead. “I love you, too. And I know you do. I accept your apology wholeheartedly.”
He grins against my neck, gently biting my skin. “That’s good, because I wasn’t going to last the night without dragging you back to me by your hair.”
“By my hair?”
“Did I stutter?”
I laugh softly, gently taking his jaw in my hand. I tilt his head up to face me, then give him a long kiss.
Eris leans into it, pulling me closer. When we finally part, he murmurs against my cheek, “Four days, hm?”
“I came up with it on the spot… but yeah. Scores us four more days alone, and then I go to visit Azriel in an environment where you won’t be shooting him glares and scowls and rude little quips—”
“I was not the one making the rude little—”
“Sorry, love.”
I turn to face him, my legs laying over his. We stare at each other for a very long time, before he smiles and kisses me softly. 
“You know, a lot can be done in four days,” he croons, rubbing my lower back, and then slipping his hand around to my front, over the seam of my trousers.
Whimpering, my head rests against his shoulder. “Eris… As much as I want it, my hips need a break,” I whine, though my body betrays me as heat pools under his touch.
“We don’t need to move your hips at all,” he soothes me, leaving gentle kisses along my neck as he palms me. “Let me take care of you, little flame.”
I open my mouth to, I don’t even know, object? But how could I say no to this, to the delicious sensation his hand is bringing me even through fabric? So instead, I nod, whimpering softly. “Please.”
With Eris and I temporarily gaining a break from the mating frenzy this morning, I had nearly forgotten the intense pull that builds in my abdomen now, the sharp need seeming to stem from my very soul, pulling me towards him — and dampening my underwear.
And so when his hand works its way into my trousers and breaches my folds, I breathe a heavy sigh of relief. Eris tugs me a little closer, so that our bodies are flush against each other, only his hand between us. His touch is gentle right now, thumb dancing circles around my clit and his pinky finger tentatively dipping inside of me. Even the light contact has my heart racing, blood thrumming in my ears.
“So wet for me, already,” he purrs, pushing in his ring finger as well, slowly thrusting in me out. His other hand holds me close as he speaks into my ear. “Such a good girl. My perfect little mate.”
My hips involuntarily buck forward as his thumb presses against that sensitive bundle of nerves, but his other hand grips my thigh tightly.
“Ah,” he growls, shaking his head. “You said your hips needed a break. So keep them still.”
He switches his pinky out for his middle and pointer fingers, slowly thrusting in and out, in and out.
My whimpers shift into moans, and I find myself biting his shoulder to muffle them. His fingers continue to work magic on me — indescribable, fiery magic. And soon, my abdomen begins to tense and flutter, and I murmur a quick, “please.”
“I know, love,” Eris whispers against my ear, quickening his pace. “I’ve got you. Let go.”
With a sharp cry, my release comes. Pleasure and pressure wash over me and up my spine, making me instinctually close my legs around the overstimulation at my apex. Panting, the sensation seems endless, until I manage to float back down to reality, immediately registering Eris’s voice.
“You look so pretty when you cum on my fingers,” he croons, kissing the shell of my ear. “So innocent.”
“Innocent?” I ask, raising a brow. “When I’m orgasmic and moaning, I look innocent?”
Eris grins, sneaking in a few kisses at my pulse point. “It’s hard to explain… but yes.”
I reach down, seizing his wrist and pulling his hand out of my panties. His fingers glisten with my slick, and without hesitation, I bring them into my mouth… and suck.
“Still innocent?” I speak around his fingers, allowing a soft moan to slip from my throat, gagging a little as my lips meet his palm. 
It’s hard to miss the tent that pops up under the fabric over his crotch.
He opens his mouth to speak, but the crunching of footsteps over leaves interrupts our peace.
Eris sighs heavily, retracting his fingers and fixing my trousers for me. I watch his deft fingers button and straighten my pants with lust-filled, hooded eyes, tongue flicking across my lips. He gives me a ‘wait a moment’ look, and then shifts his attention to the ground.
“Can’t you see I’m busy?” He calls down.
My hand reaches for the button of his own slacks, but his fingers capture my wrist without even sparing me a glance.
Damn Fae instincts.
“Apologies, my lord,” a voice calls up — he has quite the regal tone, so perhaps a guard or even a low-ranking, attention-seeking courtier. “But Lord Lucien was looking for you — something about a starry mate matter? He was rather cryptic, my lord.”
Eris groans, leaning his head down to rest on my shoulder. He whispers, “It’s always him. Always.”
It takes me half a second longer to realize what that message means. It’s an Azriel matter. Of course it is. Azriel being my other mate has yet to be exactly… announced… so far, so Eris’s brothers and very few servants or guards know of the situation. It’s no surprise that Lucien is trying to be discreet.
“Tell him I’ll meet with him in just a moment,” Eris calls down, then looks at me and speaks in a hushed tone. “I’m sure he just wants to speak of your departure in four days — I informed him earlier. I’ll meet you in our rooms later.”
“Eris,” I whine, nipping his nose with a graze of my teeth. “Can’t you feel it? The bond is—”
“I know, my love,” he murmurs, capturing my chin between his forefinger and thumb. “And I will make it up to you tonight. I’ll even bring you those smutty little romance books you like and let you recreate a scene with me.”
That satiates me. “Really?” A smile spread across my lips, my posture straightening.
“Yes, really,” he grins, pecking each of my cheeks and then giving me a quick kiss on the lips. “Look forward to that.”
And with that, he leaps from the tree and disappears down the path.
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“I’m bringing a hound?”
“A hound? This is a stake of dominance if I’ve ever seen one.”
“It’s not just any hound,” Eris whines, gesturing to the blonde bitch at my feet, sitting at attention with her ears in the air. “She’s your favorite hound. You love her. You even sneak her extra treats.”
I roll my eyes, kneeling to stroke the dog. She leans into my touch only slightly, but remains at attention, ready to take orders. “Yeah, because look at her. She has the prettiest blue eyes. How could I say no to that face? Hmmmm? How could I say no to this sweet baby?” I nuzzle the hound’s ear, cooing to her. 
When I look back up, Eris is giving me his best puppy dog face. 
“Oh, come now,” I groan, giving his leg a light push. “I’m sure Azriel would not appreciate me bringing Kelpie, whether she’s your dog or mine — she’s still an Autumn Court hound.”
Eris shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “First of all, I’ll never get over you naming a bitch Kelpie. Secondly, I’m sure if you bat your eyelashes and ask nicely, you can bring her,” he raises a brow, “and I want you to please bring her.”
“Why?” I groan, standing once more and bracing my hands on my hips. “So that you know that I’m safe? I am perfectly capable of protecting myself better than a dog can.”
“It’s for my peace of mind,” he begs, stepping forward and tipping my chin up to look at him. “Please, little flame?”
“……Please? For me?” Eris juts his bottom lip out, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
The four days left in Autumn have flown by, and Azriel will be here to pick me up any moment. Which perhaps, maybe, has me questioning my resolve on this matter. I know Azriel will let me bring Kelpie, but honestly it might end up feeling like Eris is watching me.
However, the face he’s making…
I groan heavily, eyes shuttering. “I really hate you, you know that?”
I can feel his grin as he kisses me, one hand sneaking around my waist. “That sounds like a concession, because you know you love me.”
Opening my eyes once more, I give his chest a gentle nudge. “I’ll bring the hound. But if I sense any funny business, and I mean any—”
“Yes, yes,” Eris smirks, patting my head, “you’ll have my ass. I know.”
“Damn right she will.”
I whirl around to find Azriel standing there, arms crossed across his leathered chest. 
“Right on time,” I say, with a glance to the clock. “I hope you don’t mind, but I wish to bring a dog from home. Just for comfort, you know?”
Azriel nods, striding to my side and kneeling to stroke the hound’s side. “That won’t be an issue. What’s her name?”
“Kelpie,” I say, patting her head.
Azriel pauses, and glances at Eris. “Did you…”
“She did,” the High Lord responds, gesturing to me. “And I will never understand why.”
“It’s a perfectly capable name!” I huff, crossing my arms. “You males are just too ridiculous to see the creativity in it.”
Azriel stands with a shrug, and then holds his arm out to me. “Are you ready to go?”
I give Eris a small smile as he hands me my bag, and I take it and Kelpie’s collar in one hand, taking Azriel’s arm with the other. Eris and I had said our goodbyes before Azriel had arrived, and before our hound discussion, so there’s no need for that now.
“Yes,” I reply.
And with that, we are enveloped in shadows.
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Velaris is a beautiful city, and the place we are staying in is even more beautiful — they call it the House of Wind. 
However, on the topic of wind, I would have appreciated it more at first had someone, anyone, warned me that in winnowing in you have to either fly or drop the last few yards. 
When our winnow ended and I found myself midair and then suddenly in Azriel’s arms, shooting down onto the balcony, I was not pleased. Luckily, the Illyrian had the foresight to grab Kelpie, so she’s fine, but the whole experience was very jarring. 
“I would have appreciated a warning,” I had told him once we landed, holding a hand over my mouth to ease my queasiness.
“I didn’t think you’d be afraid of heights — I’m sorry, it’s so normal to me that I failed to even consider it,” he apologized over and over, placing a protective hand over my lower back.
“I am not afraid of heights, I am afraid of falling.”
That ended the conversation.
Which is why now I sit in the room they prepared for me, resting. Azriel thought it’d be best for me to be able to settle in a little bit before lunch, after which he’ll take me on a formal tour of the city, and then there will be a dinner at a dwelling known as The River House — Rhys has sent me paintings and descriptions of it times before, so that one isn’t new to me. I do still find it a tad bit curious that I was never informed of the existence of the Wind house, but I decided earlier not to ask.
There are a few extra tidbits I’ve learned about the building I sit in now: it can hear you and will do essentially anything you want, and it houses Cassian and a female named Nesta. I’ve been informed in past letters that she’s one of Feyre’s two elder sisters, along with Elain. I’ll be meeting her tonight, at dinner.
One thing I do know is that I like this place. I was told that the House itself arranged my room based on paintings and descriptions of me, and it’s done a fine job. A bookshelf lines an entire wall, filled with literature that, at a glance, seems to be precisely my type. It placed a knife under my pillow and on my nightstand, which is very typical ‘me’ behavior. When I first stepped in, a steaming cup of my favorite tea was placed on a desk, next to a book titled ‘Velaris: Myths and Lore of the City of Starlight.’
The house likes history.
Currently, I sit in a comfortable lounge chair, that book in my lap and tea in hand, reading up on my historical and mythological events.
I’ve been here for around an hour when the door swings open, revealing Azriel.
“Hi,” I say, closing my book. “Come to collect me?”
He gives me a quick once over, nodding. “If you’re feeling up to it.”
“Of course,” I reply, taking the final sip of my tea — but when I shift to put the items on a table, they vanish. “I must admit, that’s a tad unnerving.”
“You get used to it,” Azriel responds with a shrug, extending his arm. “Now, let me show you Velaris.”
“This time, I hope you’ll warn me before plummeting us to a certain doom,” I grin, taking his bicep gently.
He returns my grin with a wry smile of his own. “Only if I feel like it.”
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Azriel’s tour of Velaris was exquisite. He showed me each quarter of the city, the squares for creative people, especially the musicians one — where I walked away a happy customer with a new, magic infused, harp cleaning cloth. Azriel carries it for me in a small paper box as we walk along the Sidra to our next destination: dinner.
“I hope you’re not too nervous,” Azriel starts, tensing a little at my side.
I raise a brow, a piece of hair falling over my temple. “Why would I be? I already know Rhys and Mor, and I’ve met Feyre and Cassian.”
He remains rigid, so I slow to a stop, tugging his elbow to turn him towards me. He says nothing, but does make eye contact.
He’s not exactly lying. But I do have the feeling that he’s omitting information. And as a spy, he must be rather good at it.
“What do I need to know, Azriel?”
A pause. The calculations passing through his mind are visible in his eyes, which sets me in an uneasy state. I find myself gripping his arm tightly now.
But the moment has been stretched out in my mind, because not even two seconds later, he replies. “There will be a couple extra people at the dinner. Their names are Gwyn and Emerie — Nesta’s friends.”
“Good. An imbalance leaning the female way is never a bad thing. Offsets you males and your volatile behaviors,” I laugh, my voice ringing through the air with the sound.
I’ve almost forgotten the way that he paused before he told me that. Like he was deciding what, exactly, to tell me.
But when I open my mouth to inquire more, I find that we’re already on the gravel path leading up to the river house, so I snap my jaw shut and resolve that going in half-blind will be my fate.
The door swings open, and out comes Mor, who rushes over and sweeps me out of Azriel’s hold, ushering me into the house and buzzing like a bee. “Ah! I’m so glad you’re here — happy to have you back in the Night Court. Is this your first time in Velaris? Oooh, has Az shown you the city? I hope that—”
“Mor—” I cut in, to no avail.
“—he’s given a good tour; he misses all the great places. Did he show you Rita’s? We love that place! I heard you officially mated with Eris — uhm, good for you. What exactly are you doing here anyway? I thought you and the oh-so-mighty High Lord would still be in a little bubble, so I have to wonder— oh, hey, are you hungry? Since we made a—”
“Mor,” I successfully cut in, and she stops, looking over to be with a raised brow. “I’m happy to see you too. And I’m starving. So, lead the way to the food.”
A snort comes from behind me, undoubtedly Azriel. Mor nods and agrees however, placing a hand on my back and shepherding me towards the source of the food smell. 
I know that Cassian has joined Azriel behind me when the sound of wings colliding occurs, followed by hushed whispers.
But I’m distracted rather quickly as I’m led into the dining room, which is full and bustling with people, some that I recognize and some that I don’t.
I immediately spot Rhysand and Feyre, although they’ve spotted me first, judging by the dinner roll that’s hurtling towards my head. The first time I met Rhys, I defended myself by throwing a sandwich at him, so this has sort of become our tradition. My hand snaps out in front of me, catching the bread. I examine it, then take a bite. 
“First of all, are you ever going to get over this joke? Second of all, this is really good bread. Who made this?” I scarf down the food, walking over and taking a seat to Rhys’s left, Feyre already on his right. Azriel quickly takes the seat next to me.
A petite female across the table warily raises her hand. “Oh, I did. I baked the bread,” she explains. Her voice sounds like falling rose petals on a warm autumn day, and gives off the scent of lavender and honey.
“Hi,” I smile to ease her obvious nerves, holding my hand out. I introduce myself, and she shakes my hand.
“Oh, this is Elain, my sister,” Feyre cuts in, gesturing to the brunette across from us. 
“Ah, yes — I’ve heard from the letters.”
“Lovely to meet you, then,” Elain adds, smiling softly. Then her eyes flick to Azriel, her cheeks color, and she looks back to me. “You must be… Azriel’s.. friend? I was told you were visiting.”
My eyebrows draw together, and I glance at Azriel, and then back to Elain. I open my mouth to ask why she’s being so weird about the fact that I’m his mate, but then I realize the way she’s openly biting her cheek and stealing glances at the Illyrian by my side. It’s suddenly abundantly clear; either she has a thing for Azriel, or they have some sort of past.
Don’t let it bother you.
But it does. Just a little. Tiny bit. I shut my mouth, as the table fills in, every seat being filled.
Introductions go around, and I memorize each face and name. It goes: Elain, three females named Gwyneth, Emerie, and Nesta, and then Cassian. On the far end of my side of the table sits Amren, who gives me a slightly frightening grin.
I note that Gwyneth, or as everyone calls her, Gwyn, is charming and witty, paired with a wall-shaking enthusiasm. I quickly learn that she works in the library, so this must be an important form of socialization.
Emerie is nice, as far as I can tell, definitely headstrong and bold. She has an obviously strong form, but I don’t miss the way that her wings seem to sag a little behind her.
I’m halfway through my assessment of Nesta (sharp-tongued, sarcastic, and moderately unapproachable) when a macaron lands on the edge of my plate. I glance over to find Azriel watching me. 
“Oh, thank you,” I murmur, starting to pile food onto my plate. “Sorry, I was a little distracted.”
Azriel leans over, speaking into my ear, his breath tickling my skin and rustling my hair. “You weren’t distracted. You were analyzing.”
“Perhaps,” I shrug, a little smirk curling on my lips.
“I do it too. It’s just easier when you have shadows that are whispering all that you need or want to know,” he murmurs back, then leans away and starts piling food onto his own plate.
Five minutes pass easily of good food and easy conversation… and not one, but two females making eyes at Azriel. 
Elain is the most obvious about it — blushing and batting her eyelashes and aiming to brush her hand against Azriel’s by reaching for a dish at the same time as him. Thank the Mother, Azriel is mainly unaffected. In fact, his end of the bond shows affection for her, but no romantic feelings whatsoever… at least not right now.
Gwyn is the other, but she’s sneaky. More just making jokes and smiling at him than anything else, though I caught her staring at him a couple times.
Am I a little tiny bit uncomfortable? Yes.
But mostly shocked at how bold these females are. After all, his mate is sitting right next to him, right at their table.
I recite to myself: Don’t let it bother you. You and Azriel are hardly anything anyway.
Hardly anything.
“So,” Amren starts, leaning forward to bore her angular silver eyes into me. “Is someone else going to say it, or am I?”
Elain looks over at the female through her lashes, blinking in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Nesta rolls her eyes, immediately jumping on Amren’s train of thought. But then she points at me, and my heart falters. “This. Her,” Nesta says, smirking. “Why, exactly, is Eris’s mate in Velaris, with Azriel?”
Rhys raises a brow. “You two are so strange. Mor and I have known her for centuries — she’s always welcome to visit.”
Cassian gives Azriel an amused look, like he’s thoroughly enjoying the situation. He raises his wine glass in a ‘good luck’ fashion. But I’m just confused.
All of the people at the table are looking at us, with a range of expressions. Some are questioning, or confused, others looking to us for confirmation on Rhys’s claim.
And then it hits me.
Oh, shit.
They don’t know.
No one here except for Azriel, Cassian, and me knows.
They don’t know that I am Azriel’s mate.
Oh, shit.
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Tags: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @5moremin @azriels-mate123 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @nightless @the-sweet-psycho @mali22 @bubybubsters @hannzoaks @menagerofmischief @theviewfromtheotherside
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New Year's Kiss
kai parker x reader
summary: it's tradition for new year's to start with a kiss... just like it's tradition to kiss under a mistletoe. and unfortunately, as traditional as mystic falls is, there's no way out but through
tags: holidays / holiday party, kissing, crushes, mutual pining, kai vs his feelings, soft!kai
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a stupid, cheesy, short piece i wanted to write up for the new year. my brain's tired and i highly doubt i'll make it to midnight 💤 (i didn't sleep last night) cheers! 🥂
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The minute you walk into the Salvatores’ kitchen, Caroline makes a friendly joke. “Are you gonna share a New Years’ kiss with your mistletoe buddy, Y/N?” 
You feel your face get hot immediately. “I’m not planning on kissing anyone to be honest with you.”
“Aw, but it’s tradition!” Damon enters, holding two bottles of bourbon. “Even if your partner sucks.”
You and Caroline both give him a side-eye. “Be nice,” the blonde says. “But he is partially right, Y/N, it’s tradition. And good luck for the new year.”
“I thought that part only applied to couples.”
“You never know.”
Her vague response has you raising an eyebrow, but she gives no further explanation. Her attention is then taken away by more arriving guests. 
“Be honest,” Damon whispers to you, “was he at least a good kisser?”
“I’m not telling you that!”
“Fine, keep your secrets! I’ll find out, eventually, either way.”
“Just…” your eyes land on Caroline’s unattended cookies, “go away!”
“Ooookay! See you later, Y/N.”
Truth is, Kai was a great kisser. One of the most skilled you’ve ever had. But that was a one time thing, and an accident, might you add. He just happened to be standing under the stupid mistletoe, and you just happen to also walk under it to pass by him. But of course you lingered a little too long to give him a smile, and Elena shouted across the room to point out the green, hanging plant above your heads. 
And the girls of Mystic Falls, deep rooted in tradition, practically begged you to kiss. Kai’s face was red with blush, but you bet it was more embarrassment than anything. You were wracked with nerves and probably shaking. Still, you think you both pulled it off well. His lips were much softer than you had expected, as were his hands as they cupped your face. He was uncharacteristically gentle, and smiled at you afterwards. You had your hands on his chest and hoped you were at least half as good. 
Neither of you spoke after, but he did wink at you on his way out the door that night. Or maybe it was a blink… you’re not sure. 
Regardless, you don’t mean to repeat the incident. Especially not during another one of Caroline’s holiday parties. 
Because while you loved kissing Kai, it totally ruined everything. You’ve had a crush on him for weeks but have been too shy to say anything. And everyone knows carefully-watched holiday kisses are never a good start to anything more. 
You sigh, then stuff a third cookie in your mouth. 
“I’d be careful if I were you,” comes Kai’s voice out of nowhere.
You startle, jumping, and hitting your knee on the cabinet door below you. “Shit, you scared me.”
“Sorry.” He nods to the cookies. “Caroline left those out in the open? Bold move.”
“I have to run when I see her coming back.”
“Oh you definitely will. Especially when she sees how many are missing.” He pops one in his own mouth. “Y’know… I don’t even know how I get invited to these types of things.”
“Caroline’s all about bringing people together for the holidays.”
“I see. Well, see you around, Y/N.” This time, he winks and you’re sure it’s a wink. Your knees almost buckle. 
“You too.”
For the majority of the night, you manage to avoid Kai. The two of you seem to make laps around the snack table; he stands by it for a good ten minutes, then migrates, and you go stand by it for a while. The whole night, you will yourself to talk to him, but can’t find the confidence. Instead, you lurk from afar, feeling your heart speed up when he smiles, feeling a twinge of sadness when he’s alone. 
At eleven thirty, the energy in the mansion seems to rise by ten percent. Sounds and streamers fill the air on top of the already loud voices. Whoever isn’t still talking is dancing in the living room. To the left, Bonnie’s pushing the couch off the edge of the carpet for more room. Elena, meanwhile, has the remote and turns up the tv a few dials. Everyone’s engaged, even Stefan, who was falling asleep a couple minutes ago, but then was forced to his feet by Caroline. 
Celebration carries onto the ball dropping before you know it. The ten second countdown has begun and the shouts to find partners grow aggressive. You try to shrink into the corner, waving at Caroline to turn her gaze from you. 
A tap on your shoulder surprises you. When you move to face the mysterious person, your throat goes dry at the sight of Kai. 
“Hey, mistletoe.”
“So, um, doesn’t seem like we’re gonna be able to get out of this tradition, either,” he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, “and you’re the closest to my proximity.” That was a lie. The last time you pointed him out, he was all the way across the room. “So would you…”
He kisses you the instant the television crowd erupts in chants. He’s confident this time; less hesitant, more eager. You can’t help but kiss him back with the same passion. 
A whistle carries from somewhere in the room, but you both ignore it. Kai joins his other hand with his first, now holding your cheeks with both. You can feel the smile tugging on his lips, lingering, before he finally breaks it off. 
“I’ve waited all week to do that,” he admits.
His words take a minute to sink in. “What?!”
He stares back as if trying to read you. You look down, unable to hold his intense eye contact. Kai only seems to take that as an invitation to hook a finger on your chin and lift your head back up. 
“I-” his eyes take your breath away and you find yourself incapable of speaking.
“Do you not want it?”
“No, no, I do. I liked kissing you,” you force yourself to confess.
He cocks his head. “So what’s wrong?”
“I’m, uh… did- did you like it?”
He seems a little taken off guard by the question being flipped. He licks his lips. “Yes.”
You look out into the living room and see everyone celebrating. For once, no one’s watching you. “I like you, Kai. Like, I don’t just like kissing you, I like you.”
“Like a crush?” His eyes are amused, yet genuine. 
It feels safe enough to continue, “yes.”
He’s quiet for a while. His hand drops your chin to grab a strawberry, and you watch him eat the entire thing before he finally responds. “I have these feelings that I don’t understand. Whenever I see you, or hear your laugh, or even if someone mentions you, I get this weird feeling in my body, like a fluttering. Is that a crush?”
You giggle gently and his eyes snap up to you. “Yes, that sounds like it. At least, that’s what I get when I think of you.”
“So… if two people both have a crush on each other, does that mean they can kiss for real? And not have it be an excuse brought on by two dumb holiday traditions?”
Your heart is racing so fast, it might jump out of your chest. “If they want to, yes.”
“Good. Because I do. I want to kiss you again. Do you?”
“Mhm. But um…”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well sometimes, people with crushes on each other start to date. That means they can kiss whenever they want, and also spend more time together… if you- they want that, too.”
Kai smiles. For a moment, you can’t tell if his questions about feelings were real, or if he were just testing out the waters to get you to admit your own, but you quickly realize you don’t care. Not when he’s looking at you like that. 
“I do… want that. I would like to date you, Y/N.”
“I would, too.”
“You have no idea how much.”
“Mhhmm, try to show me,” he says, leaning in to close the gap between your lips. 
You laugh, accepting the challenge, and deepen his kiss with your hands gently on his face. A kiss of your own volition, without any pressure. A kiss to start a new relationship in a fresh, new year. 
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