#it was mostly a favorable take and one i even somewhat agree with
roguetelepaths · 10 months
the third wave "experiment" and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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featuring — capitano
summary — you didn't sign up for the fatui to fuck your boss, but it beats doing paperwork til dawn.
warnings — sub!reader, fuckbuddies, rough sex, cumming inside (use condoms irl!), big cock, size kink/size difference, overstimulation, slight degradation, mean! capitano, belly bulge, strength kink, mentions of spanking, usages of sir, mentions of blowjobs, office sex, reader is a part of the fatui, capitano could make enjou jealous lmao jk jk, & i lowkey think the man isn't human so his dick game is huge.
lati — got horny inspiration at 4 am bc this man makes my size kink act up so whee,,
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There wasn't a time where Capitano hadn't paid a visit to your little office and not leave a lasting impression. Especially when that impression was his massive handprint on your ass.
As taboo and incredibly unprofessional as it was, you could care less if anyone were to stumble onto the sight of Capitano pounding into you hard enough to break your very expensive desk. Let them, then they can get jealous that they're not getting a dick good enough as his. Good enough was really an understatement; his cock was just the right size to satisfy your every urge and desire. Now that you'd experienced this kind of pleasure, you were sure that nothing else could ever satisfy you.
If your coworkers saw you, they'd definitely compare you to the likes of a bitch in heat, and you couldn't agree less. But is it really your fault that Capitano has such a big heavy cock that feels so damn good when it tears into you like a feral beast? You could barely even suck him off properly with how monstrously thick he was, but he'd contrived to make you swallow every drop of thick cum. Like a good fucktoy.
Sex is easy for Capitano, with his scarily tall figure and lack of hesitation in that big bulky body of his. He makes it known that he could just take you whenever he wanted and there's little you can even do about it. But the thought of him dragging you off to some secluded corner so he could fuck you stupid was so fucking hot.
Mostly because he was already doing just that right now.
"H-heh, you're pretty rough today, huh?"
"Shut up."
"O-oh.." your eyes roll back as he heaves a significantly harsh thrust, pushing his massive cock further into your oversensitive and stuffed hole. You squeal as he keeps thrusting, keeping the same deep and harsh pace. " O-okay, you've made your point.. don't be so rough."
He scoffs as you mewl from the overwhelming pleasure wracking your little body, but stops his brutish thrusts in favor of shallowly thrusting into you. You're grateful that he at least somewhat listens to your requests, even if he's still plugging you up oh so tight.
Capitano had dragged you off to some inconspicuous corner after stomping right into your office without a care for any lingering souls. Though it was well after hours, and you doubted no one would dare question why a Harbinger was entering the office. Not unless they wanted to keep their job, that is.
He's lucky that you're the only one nice (dumb) enough to stay behind and finish up any leftover paperwork. Otherwise, he'd have to deal with too many prying eyes trying to figure why he's hauling you away on his shoulder.
"Mmm..?" You let out a noise of surprise when his big hand comes to rest on your stomach and presses down. Down on the bulge that his enormous cock is making up against your stomach. You cry out as the sensation of your walls being forcibly tightened up around Capitano's cock came to be too much.
"S-sir that's..!"
"Did I say you could talk back?"
"N..no sir."
"Good." With a grunt and outstretching of his other hand, you feel your chin being clutched with a firmness that's utterly bruising. And with a strong yank, he's forcing you to look upwards and into that dark, empty mask. "Now look at me, and don't look away. Understood?"
"Yes sir.." Is your breathy response, though he doesn't return one back. Not verbally, at least.
With an experimental thrust, he seems satisfied with the garbled moan that leaves your pretty mouth, and forces you down in one swift motion. Simultaneously, you cried out with your tongue lolling out stupidly, trembling rapidly as the familiar feeling of cumming becomes all too apparent.
You came from your boss shoving his dick into your hole like some kind of whore.
It isn't until he moves that you cry even louder, choking on moans and gasps that only increase as Capitano fucks you over and over. His big hand never leaves your stomach, forcing you to tighten up even more around his huge dick. And your eyes never leave his mask, even if your neck is really starting to hurt from this angle.
You can't even begin to imagine what kind of expression he's making behind that intimidating mask of his, if he even has a face at all. But you can at least be certain that he's enjoying this quite a lot, perhaps even more than you.
"God, how're you so damn tight? So damn goodーshit, quit-" Capitano heaves as your walls clamp down on him with a vice-like grip, and your dewy eyes stare back up at him. "-Quit squeezin' me so damn tight. You like my dick that much?"
You're not even given a chance to speak before he pounds into you again, cock piercing you open over and over with no mercy whatsoever. He's just treating you like a cocksleeve, keeping you nice and full until he's satisfied. But you don't care; you love the way he makes you scream his name until your throat is raw. You love how he overpowers you with barely even a fraction of his strength.
"S.. sir, oh god. Don't hit there, fuck-" It feels so good. Everything feels so good. Your nerves feel like they're melting inside of you, and your head feels so weird, but it's oh so addictive. You've become addicted to the pleasure Capitano pumps through your small body. "-ingーs'too much sir, I'll-!"
Your orgasm hits you like a train, robbing you of any breath and words as it spasms all over your body. Mouth hung open in a near silent scream, you squirm frantically as the onslaught of pleasure becomes too much for your little body to handle. But Capitano keeps you in place, grunting as your already tight walls clamp down for the last time with all their strength.
"Shit, if you squeeze me that tightー!"
A few last thrusts that will definitely leave you limping afterwards, and Capitano cums. You all but shriek as heavy globs of thick white release inside you, quickly filling up whatever space that's left in your already stuffed hole. You feebly try to pull away, but Capitano has a death grip on you that only tightens at your movements.
And the familiar feeling of copious and thick cum dribbling between your thighs makes itself apparent. Your belly has never felt fuller than in this moment, but you're sure that there's more to come. Knowing Capitano's beastly stamina, this was just the beginning of many rounds.
You're sobbing and mewling as you come back down from your high, but Capitano doesn't even give you a moment to breathe. He's still as hard as before, his cock not softening for even a second. There's so much stamina and high libido in that bulky body of his, and it turns you on like crazy.
"We're not done yet (name). I'm not leaving until I'm completely satisfied."
"Y-yes sir..♡"
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
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lilacknights · 2 years
Obey Me Headcanons: What Your Favorite Demon Brother Says About You (but make it too personal)
ALTERNATE TITLE: I judge you based on your favorite brother but I'm not very good at it
CHARACTERS: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
AUTHOR’S NOTE: As much as I agree with all the other similar headcanons out there, I also want to write my own take on the “what your favorite character says about you” HCs. So I shall be using my very limited knowledge on psychology, personal development, and how to attack people where it hurts.
WARNINGS: (Edited) As the title already states, these HCs might or might not be on a personal level. This is not angst but please read with caution. But please don’t take any of these too seriously. I’m mostly basing on my own analysis of the characters and their representations.
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You’re used to sacrificing. Whether or not you get the recognition for it, you still continue to give and give and give to people.
However, it makes it harder to address your own lack of emotional support because you don’t know how to ask for help.
Do you really favor this character because he’s “dominant” or does it bring you comfort that someone else is taking the lead and you finally get to take a break?
And do you really just want him to eat and sleep well, or are you projecting towards this character as if he was you? Maybe, just maybe, you’re taking care of him the way you would have wanted people to take care of you?
Just in case no one had told you this today: You’re doing great, pal. I promise you won’t lose your value just because you stopped working. You deserve a break, too.
Ah yes, the classic black sheep of the group.
Is it a family thing? Or maybe you’re the forgotten member of your friend group? The one constantly left behind? The one who is only asked out at the last minute because you weren’t really part of the plan and they just needed someone to fill in the spot?
Or maybe you’re the one whose efforts are always thrown under the rug because someone is always better than you.
Like any human being, you have made mistakes throughout your lifetime. Which would be fine if only people would stop focusing on your shortcomings and forgetting about your achievements.
You want to support this man and be there for him when the whole world is against him — because that’s also what you’ve always wanted. To have someone. Someone who would stop looking at you for what you aren’t and start seeing you for what you could be.
Maybe, just maybe, you have a savior complex… but not exactly in a bad way.
It’s more in the “I’ve always felt ashamed of myself but this man doesn’t have to be.” kind of way. This makes you a good person if I do say so myself.
You have your own particular special interest at one or several points of your life but no one ever reciprocated the same excitement you have towards it, making you question whether it was even worth the attention you gave it.
Have you ever had an interest on an instrument, a sport, or maybe something with arts or writing? But because none of those are “real jobs”, you had to let go? Have you been asked something along the lines of “would that be able to pay the bills?” when you tried to introduce an idea to people?
A part of you probably still longs for that encouragement that never came. And so you’re doing it for someone else.
How’s the life of the "second best" treating you? /lh
Somewhat similar to those who favor Mammon, you were probably used to having someone else take all the credit for who you are.
Ever had a family member brag about your achievements as if they are the sole reason behind your success? Or maybe you’ve had an older sibling or a senior that everyone thinks is your “inspiration” and it made you feel like your own actions are never your own?
You also probably have a type and that type is a man who does the bare minimum. I don’t know what to tell you but this is most likely the case. (If it’s not, then good for you. /gen)
“He’s not being an asshole towards me and he respects my boundaries and he reads??? Sign me the fuck up.” - You, probably. If I’m wrong, good. But if I’m right, then you and I need to have a proper talk.
Your attachment and abandonment issues are showing, bud.
People say that those who favor him are the horny fans but it’s not all there is to it, isn’t it?
Is it possible that you find comfort that this conventionally attractive and well-known individual chose you? Is it possible that, out of all the people he could have had, you’re finally the first choice?
Tell me, how many times were you just an option? How many instances did family, friends or potential lovers didn’t put you first?
Or maybe you’re the introverted little bean in every room that needs someone else to remind you that you’re actually liked. You need that one person to explicitly tell you that “yes, you are wanted.” before your intrusive thoughts take over and make you believe that you’re just a waste of space.
I don’t know what to say except you probably just want to take a break from all the physical, mental, or emotional bullshit going on in your life.
You probably need a hug (preferably against soft tits) and want to live the quiet life with little to no stressors once in a while.
He reminds you of peace and simplicity, and that’s a good thing.
Not sure what you all think but this man is probably the healthiest brother to be biased towards.
I do hope real life for you finally settles down and you get the peace of mind you’ve always wanted. You got this.
Holy shit, you’re fucked up. Are you okay? For real?
Because if Mammon or Satan are kind of the “neglected guy” representation, this one is the forgotten left-in-the-attic version. The difference with this though is that you’ve probably became numb at one point.
Something inside you probably died a long time ago and you just stopped giving a shit. It could be a good thing or a bad thing, mostly depending on your attitude towards it.
You probably weren’t exactly given the biggest responsibilities growing up but, unfortunately, no one expected big things from you because of this — and neither did you.
Also, you’re either a degradee or a degrader. There’s nothing in between. I also believe you’re pretty chill but would be willing to set a building on fire when given enough reason to.
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I haven't written in forever! I do hope you all enjoyed this because I DIDN'T. Asmodeus and Leviathan were basically me attacking myself LMAO — 🌷
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snootlestheangel · 6 months
Anon, I'm gonna be honest, I completely forgot this was the symbol I chose to represent Break For Your Heart but I did so I had a very brief second of thinking you were being vaguely threatening. Which was honestly kind of funny?
Edit: forgot the taglist for this fic @stuffireadandenjoy
Anyways, here's another part, and it's a long one. AO3 link
Break For Your Heart Pt5
A week has passed now since Simon first showed up, and a rather bitter taste had formed in the back of his throat and refused to leave. He had yet to cry over his situation, mostly out of a desire to be seen as untouchable, unbreakable so as to keep himself safe. The other side of it was not wanting to cry in front of his bunkmate.
In the week he had been there, Simon and his bunkie Soap had formed a sort of friendship. Simon never really considered it a friendship due to the circumstances, but he was still comforted knowing he had someone to back him up. Soap remained glued to his side for that week, doing his best to ensure Simon learned the ins and outs of prison life without much issue. Simon knew his clinginess was a result of knowing about Simon's innocence, yet he found he didn't mind.
Soap was a conversationalist, and it helped distract Simon from some terribly dark thoughts. Dark thoughts that would lead him to spiral, which would lead him to tears. Granted, Soap was not a very good conversationalist, as he often said things that left Simon questioning the trustworthiness of the Scot. But once again, Simon would rather lie on his bunk debating how long it would take before Soap tried to kill him than think about how miserable his situation was.
Because despite the budding friendship with Soap, Simon still didn't want to cry in front of him. He didn't want pity, nor to make the other feel the need to comfort him. Simon has always dealt with his issues alone, and this whole situation forced him to keep more things to himself than before.
Besides, he had other things to worry about. Such as meeting the Warden for the first time.
In the week he had been there, Simon had heard several things about the prison's Warden. Most seemed to agree that he was a fair and just man and would let certain things slide with a mere warning not to do it again. It seemed their Warden was more likely to see their humanity and take pity, to try and keep civil with the beasts foaming at the mouths. And so, the Warden had gained a bit of trust and respect from most of the prisoners, even ones within their wretched cell-block.
But there were others still who hated the man with a passion. Those still who claimed him to be evil incarnate, a man just as deranged as any of them, yet sitting high and mighty on a throne passed down to him. There were those that believed he was one of the few wicked men whom fate treated well, whom fate favored and gave all her prettiest things to.
It was all very conflicting for Simon. To hear how the Warden could be merciful in certain circumstances and downright wicked in others. It especially didn't help that Simon didn't know this Warden, and the lack of knowledge on him made the situation a bit worse. And it really didn't help that Soap avoided conversations about the Warden like they were the plague.
Simon wouldn't get an answer to his questions until the eighth day he had been in prison.
The day started out like every day before; he woke to the shaking of the bunk bed as Soap sleepily found his way down, he rolled over onto his side to face the wall as Soap took his morning piss, he gave a grumpy response to Soap's overly cheerful 'good morning', he somewhat collapsed out of the bed as everyone began to line up for breakfast, and he walked in line like a good prisoner all while fighting back yawns.
Nothing out of the ordinary until they reached the mess hall.
Nothing unusual until, while forcing back yet another yawn, he nearly toppled over Soap. The Scotsman always walked in front of him, and they kept a good pace. Until that day.
"Soap, what the fuck?" Simon managed to spit out as he managed to keep both of them on their feet. Soap had gone rigid, staring up at the cat walks where a few guards would idly patrol while they ate. He either didn't hear Simon's question or straight up ignored him as he continued to stare at the walks. Simon frowned and followed the Scotsman's gaze.
There was a small gathering of people, a couple of uniformed guards and a couple of well-dressed gentlemen. One of the gentlemen stood with his hands clasped behind his back, eyes narrowed as he scanned the mess hall. The other man was speaking with the guards, yet the conversation seemed informal despite the seeming formality of their presence. The first man, an older man with a well-groomed moustache and mutton chops, finally saw Soap and Simon staring up at him. He quirked a brow before turning and asking the guard next to him something.
"Move." Soap growled, suddenly freed from his apparent frozen state. Confused, and slightly concerned, Simon followed. He wasn't sure what else to do. The guard answered the man's question, and he nodded, all while watching the two of them with an eagle eye. He said something to the man behind him, who pulled out a phone and typed something up quickly, dutifully.
And suddenly Simon remembered he had seen that man on his first day, when he first walked into that cell block.
And he realized he was staring at the Warden himself.
"Quit fuckin' staring." Soap hissed as he jabbed Simon's ribs, rather painfully. Simon flinched at the action, unused to such menacing behavior from his bunkmate. Quietly, and a bit more nervous, Simon followed Soap to their usual table. Soap sat with his back to the Warden, shoulders hunched and eyes downcast.
"That the Warden?" Simon asked and Soap grunted in response, briefly nodding his head before shoving a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. Simon realized a bit too late that Soap seemed avoidant of the Warden, yet not in a fearful manner. There was an underlying rage behind the Scot's quick, sharp actions since realizing the Warden was there. But there was also guilt, a guilt so strong no amount of anger and hatred could cover it.
Simon decided to ignore the conflicting emotions falling from the man sitting in front of him, and instead settled for watching the Warden. Despite Soap's words to quit staring, Simon found himself unable to turn his attention to anything else.
The Warden seemed to notice, and he clearly knew Simon to be relatively new to the block. He nodded once at Simon, an acknowledgement, before he turned to join the conversation his guards and the other well-dressed man were having.
Well-dressed wasn't even a good description of the Warden, in all honesty. He wore a pair of slacks, and a nice pair of shoes, but other than that he seemed rather civilian. He had a nice plain shirt, a simple button up with the top two buttons loose, showing a bit of the white undershirt he had on underneath. He had moved his hands into his pockets and taken a more relaxed stance as he spoke, hips jutting forward as he made a comment. He seemed far too normal to be the scary Warden so many, apparently like Soap, believed.
"That is the ugliest fucking hat I've ever seen." Simon commented as he took in the Warden's appearance. And to him, it was true. A clearly old and well-worn fisherman's hat rested on top of the Warden's head, and it was such an out of place detail about the man's appearance, Simon couldn't help but feel tickled by it.
Clearly, his humor didn't rest well with Soap, as he quickly received a sharp kick to the shin.
"Shut the fuck up! Are you fookin' stupid?" Soap growled at him, sparing a glance behind him at the Warden. It was most likely that Simon's statement couldn't be heard by the Warden, but Soap seemed convinced the man possessed supernatural hearing abilities.
"What? It is, okay?" Simon muttered as he dug around his tray for something that wouldn't make him nauseous.
"Watch your mouth around him, for fuck's sake." Soap whispered, almost a desperate plea for Simon to stop his verbal assault of the Warden's attire.
"What? I'm sure he's used to being verbally abused." Simon said, shrugging it off.
"Aye, but he fuckin' hates me." Soap hissed, and that guilt he tried to hide behind anger flashed in his words. Simon frowned at him, but didn't get to push the subject as the two guards that had been with the Warden approached them.
"Riley, Warden wants to see you." One of the guards said, and Soap barely hunched in on himself, almost trying to hide so they wouldn't see him and realize the Warden asked for him as well. Confused, and now concerned for Soap, Simon quietly got up and followed the guards. He was surprisingly anxious to meet the Warden, unsure if the man was aware of Simon's predicament. It was a ludicrous idea, one that Simon would laugh at himself for thinking if he hadn't been so damn terrified.
He was walked through a series of halls and security gates before reaching an area of the prison that resembled more of an office space than the concrete blocks he had grown painfully familiar with. He swallowed nervously as he was led into a room, a small space with a desk just to the side of another door, this one labeled in bold bronze lettering.
"John Price: Warden"
The guards escorting him had a small conversation with someone sitting at the desk, and Simon realized it was the other well-dressed man standing on the catwalks. He was young, terribly so in Simon's opinion, yet his eyes gave away a sense of intelligence that he knew better than to test. He was showed into the office, where the Warden was busy pacing while reading something.
The Warden's face crinkled with a smile as he noticed Simon being led inside. He nodded to the guards, and they quietly left. Simon shuffled awkwardly on his feet, his arms crawling as the metal cuffs grazed his skin in an irritating way. Simon's heart sank into his stomach as he realized the file Price held was his own.
"I've not properly introduced myself yet. I'm John Price, Warden. But I'm sure you've figured that out by now, hmm?" Something in the way he spoke made Simon relax but also made him feel a false sense of security. It was this moment Simon realized why so many still didn't trust the seemingly great Warden; he was a deceptively smart man, and used it to his advantage.
"What do you want?" Simon asked, not nearly as confidently as he would have liked, but he was okay with just getting the question out. Price narrowed his eyes for a brief moment before he let out a sigh, leaning against the edge of his desk.
"Take a seat." Simon does as asked, seeing he's at a severe disadvantage. He's sure the Warden wouldn't hurt him, but he sees a glint of something in the man's eyes that has him nervous.
"I'm sure you're aware, but we do screen all incoming and outgoing mail here. You've received a letter, only a couple of days ago."
"A couple days ago and I've not gotten it?" Simon snapped and Price lifted his brows in shock at being interrupted by such a sudden change in Simon's demeanor.
"Unfortunately, I wanted to talk to you about its contents. You see, in your court case, you plead innocent the entire time. Your story and the prosecutor's didn't match. You claimed a man called Roba did that to Sanderson and framed you for it." Price continued, seemingly side-stepping Simon's outburst. A knot formed in his stomach as Simon listened to the Warden give a short retelling of the hell he went through to get to where he was now.
"What's that got to do with the letter?" Simon asked, rather cautiously, and Price took a deep breath.
"Your brother has claimed this Roba person is stalking your mother." If Price heard the small whimper Simon made upon hearing the news, he was kind enough to ignore it.
"Do you believe I'm innocent?" Simon asked instead of the hundreds of other questions racing through his mind. Price narrowed his eyes once again, tilting his head as he studied Simon.
"I think you're a good man." Intentionally dodging the question.
"And I think you should be careful while you're here." That was... not what Simon expected Price to add. His confusion must have been clear on his face as Price cleared his throat and headed for his chair.
"I'd hate for you to get in trouble in here. If you are innocent, staying on good terms will only help you. Doing something stupid will only hurt you. I know you're bunked with MacTavish. And I think you should be careful who you get close to." Price explained his train of thought carefully and slowly, but something about his words didn't comfort Simon. He felt an odd streak of protectiveness as Soap's name was roped into the conversation.
"What's So-MacTavish got to do with this?" Simon snarled, wishing he could cross his arms over his chest just to defy the man sitting before him. Price quirked a brow, but didn't comment on Simon's near-use of the Scot's nickname.
"His father used to be a guard here. For a very long time, actually. He was the only guard out of the older ones that was happy to see a supposedly young warden. He supported me, and I owe the man." Price paused briefly, looking down at his desk as he searched for a way to continue. Simon watched him, hesitant but now curious.
"There was a big riot. My first serious one since earning the position, and there were more casualties than there should have been. MacTavish was one of them." Price's voice trailed off at the end, and Simon felt the knot return to his stomach. Perhaps that was what the rage Soap seemed to harbor was for.
"I remember when I saw John and his mother at the funeral. He was in Uni at this point. Everyone knew the MacTavish boy to not be very... well in the head, so to speak. I remember trying to speak with someone when I looked over and saw him, just staring at the casket. And I just knew in that moment, John wasn't stable. It was a rough day for everyone when he ended up here. His mother stayed in contact for a while, surprisingly. I think she just couldn't accept who her son really is. That changed, of course, after the incident involving a couple guards. He stopped writing to her only a couple months ago." Price's words seemed to echo in Simon's head as he listened to the tragedy of John MacTavish. What a cruel, wicked world they lived in, yet Simon could understand why one would be so cautious around Soap. The Scot was indeed unstable, and Simon knew this. Yet he still didn't want to believe it.
"Why are you telling me this?" Simon practically whispered the words, unsure if he should even ask. Price didn't immediately respond. Instead, he got up from his chair and headed towards the door. He stopped just before opening it, and turned to look at Simon with a mixture of emotions, ones Simon couldn't put to words in the moment.
"Because he's broken. And I don't want you to cut yourself."
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drvirgus · 6 months
The Idol who cant Smile
Minji X Fem! Reader
Description: You are the oldest Member of New Jeans, but Fans Never saw you Smile once. Why don't you Smile? Who's the Person that can bring back a smile to your Face?
Chapter 17:
With a smile on my face, I stood beside Minji, patiently waiting for Lena and her best friend to collect the tickets. I glanced at the taller woman next to me, who had her phone in hand and then directed it towards me.
Hanni had apparently sent a picture of Haerin and Hyein to the group chat. It seemed that Minji had informed them that we were going to the amusement park. I just smiled with amusement. To be honest, I had muted the group chat. Hyein, Danielle, and Hanni posted way too much. I mostly responded with stickers.
I watched as Lena and her best friend, Maria, approached us. Minji immediately put her phone away. Maria and Lena looked at Minji and me. I also turned my attention to their hands and noticed Lena holding the tickets.
"Okay, let's go in," Lena said. Of course, we were now speaking in English as Minji couldn't understand German.
Unfortunately, I couldn't help overhear Maria saying in German that Minji was quite hot. Lena quickly agreed, and I glanced at them, causing both to fall silent. I cleared my throat, but Minji quickly regained my attention.
"Is there... anything dark here?" Minji asked with a mischievous grin. I blushed almost immediately and playfully hit her on the arm, making her burst into laughter. I also chuckled but stopped when we finally joined the line. This roller coaster seemed to be quite fast.
"So, Minji, are you taken, by any chance? And what about you, Y/n?" Maria asked, although Lena looked at her best friend panicking. I looked at Minji, and it seemed like both of us were contemplating whether to tell the truth. Lena sighed and shook her head. "Just don't answer," the blonde said, laughing lightly.
"Why? Is dating prohibited in Korea or something?" Maria asked, appearing confused by Lena's reaction. I smiled gently. She probably wasn't a K-Pop fan. Did she even know that we were from Newjeans?
"It's not looked upon favorably when idols are in relationships. We have to remain single and pure for our fans," I explained, which prompted Maria to give me a skeptical look. She laughed disbelievingly, "But... you also have a private life, right? Do you have to stay single until you retire?"
Minji chuckled somewhat, and I felt like Maria and I were on the same page. "Let's just say that we're publicly single," Minji replied, and Maria nodded in understanding. Then, she started to grin, "And privately?"
I laughed as we continued to move in the line. You could already hear the roller coaster in front of us stopping and starting. The screams of the people made me quite anxious. Lena looked at me with concern, "Are you okay?" My cousin's forehead furrowed. Her eyes widened, "Oh shit. You have a fear of heights, don't you?"
I smiled nervously and chuckled. Soon, I felt Minji taking my hand. Her eyes were fixed on mine, which helped me relax visibly. Maria and Lena observed the situation, and almost simultaneously, both of them made a knowing sound, "Ohhhhhh."
Maria then grinned as she looked at Minji and me, "You know, they have a dark roller coaster here. You can't even see your own hand." She said while Lena nodded vigorously beside her. My cheeks blushed, and Minji looked quite intrigued.
"Really? Is there also a... somewhat slower one? I mean, not a proper roller coaster but... um..." Minji asked, showing interest. However, she hesitated to continue, so I nudged her slightly. That seemed to be the confirmation that Lena and Maria were looking for. Both of them laughed, and the good thing was, they no longer ogled Minji as a piece of meat.
Now they knew that Minji was mine!
We finally made it onto the roller coaster. Minji was right beside me. My mouth dropped open as I noticed that this roller coaster had a real harness. God... did that mean this roller coaster was dangerous?
My leg was nervously tapping as the attendant checked my harness. I turned my head to Minji next to me. The taller woman beamed at me. She reached her hand out to me, and I took it. However, due to my considerable fear, I immediately let go of her hand as I felt the roller coaster slowly starting. My hands clenched onto the safety bars.
"I want to go on that one," Minji suddenly exclaimed, pointing at one of the roller coasters. We all looked at them, but I immediately shook my head. The roller coaster dangled in the air, causing people to rotate constantly from front to back, sometimes even upside down.
"No, I'd throw up," I replied. Maria, however, was willing to go on it. Minji hesitated, looking at me. I smiled and nodded in the direction of the roller coaster, "Go ahead. Lena and I will wait there and have a little snack."
Minji smiled widely and got dangerously close, almost as if she wanted to give me a quick kiss. When she realized what she was about to do, her eyes widened, and she looked at me with large eyes, as if I had done something wrong.
But I just laughed and playfully hit her on the shoulder. She smiled and chuckled in response and then followed Maria. However, I turned my head toward Lena. The taller blonde woman smiled in amusement and gestured for me to follow her, which I promptly did. We both grabbed a cola and a bottle of water. Minji could share my drink.
We sat down together, ensuring a good view of the roller coaster, and we would notice if Maria and Minji took their seats. I took a sip of my cola and Lena suddenly said in German, "I'm happy for you. You two look happy."
I looked at her in surprise, my eyes wide. Lena, however, just smiled and fixed her gaze on me. She continued, "You don't have to confirm it. I don't really know you for very long, but somehow... I feel a connection to you. Is that what they call cousinly bonding?" She laughed, a bit embarrassed.
A smile formed on my face, and I observed the blonde woman before me. "I feel the same way, Lena," I replied, which made Lena sigh with relief. I grinned and added, "And yes, it's exactly how you think it is between Minji and me." This revelation surprised Lena, and she looked at me with wide eyes. She probably hadn't expected me to tell her.
Lena smiled and nodded her head, saying, "Thank you. I'll keep it to myself. Anything you tell me." My eyes briefly glanced at the roller coaster, and I noticed Maria and Minji taking their seats. I immediately saw Minji waving at me with a broad grin. I waved back with a smile.
"I probably shouldn't ask, as it's already TOO obvious, but does she treat you well?" Lena inquired, looking at me seriously. I smiled immediately, a slight blush on my cheeks as I started to giggle. "Honestly, Minji is too good for me," I replied, and Lena raised her eyebrows.
My cheeks turned a little red, and I started giggling as Lena watched. I took another sip of my cola, and I sighed as I continued, "Honestly, Minji is too good for me. I don't know if you've followed me or Newjeans much, but you may know that I've never really smiled. There was a reason for that, which I'll skip. But Minji was there for me, constantly... She helped me a lot, and she didn't have to. I gave her many chances to break up with me." Lena now smiled satisfied.
"That was crazy," I heard Maria say, and I immediately turned my head. Minji and Maria had just arrived, and they sat down beside us. Lena and I exchanged glances and smiled. Then, I looked at Minji and offered her the bottle of water, saying, "Here, have some water." Minji smiled and took a few sips.
"What were you talking about?" Maria asked us, looking first at Lena, then at me. We both shrugged almost simultaneously. Minji raised an eyebrow and looked at me, making me laugh. I pointed my index finger to my lips and said, "Secret." I winked with one eye.
Minji snorted as she shook her head in amusement and playfully slapped my shoulder. I chuckled and sighed. My head now rested against her shoulder, and Minji asked softly, "Tired?" Her hand applied gentle pressure.
I hummed softly, "We were up late, after all," the younger girl said quietly. Almost immediately, I noticed Lena and Maria's disgusted expressions. This made me raise my head again, and I chuckled, saying, "Not like that!" as I laughed.
"Oh my God!" I suddenly heard, and shortly after, Minji and I recognized that some people were approaching us. It was only a matter of time. At least we had a few hours of peace. The crowd continued to grow. Lena and Maria looked overwhelmed.
However, Minji and I were used to handling such crowds with ease. The downside was that we were currently without bodyguards or managers. Slowly but surely, after taking many photos with our fans, we managed to find a relatively quiet corner.
Newjeans' Y/n and Minji Spotted at Phantasialand: Just Friends or Something More?
In an unexpected turn of events, Newjeans fans were in for a delightful surprise as Y/n and Minji from the popular K-pop group were recently spotted enjoying a day out at Phantasialand, an amusement park in Cologne. What's intriguing about this outing is that it appeared to be entirely unrelated to work, sparking questions among fans about the nature of their relationship.
Newjeans has captured hearts worldwide with their music and on-stage chemistry, and their fans have been eager to know more about the dynamics within the group. While the group's members share a strong bond, it's Y/n and Minji's recent trip to Phantasialand that has fans speculating about a possible deep friendship or even a romantic connection.
Y/n and Minji, the two members known for their powerful vocals and mesmerizing stage presence, took a break from their busy schedules to enjoy a day filled with thrilling rides and laughter. Phantasialand, known for its enchanting atmosphere and exhilarating attractions, provided the perfect backdrop for a carefree day away from the spotlight.
What's left fans puzzled is the absence of the other members of Newjeans. The group has a strong bond, and they are often seen spending time together during their free moments. The fact that Y/n and Minji went on this excursion without the rest of the members has raised some eyebrows. Could it be that the other members had different commitments or simply needed a day off? Or is there something more to the story?
Fans can't help but wonder if Y/n and Minji's visit to Phantasialand is a sign of a deeper connection between them. The pair has shared the stage on numerous occasions, showcasing their musical compatibility, but this off-duty rendezvous hints at a possible friendship outside of work. Could it be that they are simply the best of friends who enjoy each other's company? Or does this signify a romantic relationship that they've chosen to keep private?
K-pop fans are no strangers to speculating about the personal lives of their idols, but it's essential to remember that celebrities deserve their privacy, just like anyone else. Y/n and Minji's day out at Phantasialand could be simply two friends spending quality time together, exploring the beautiful city of Cologne.
OMG, Y/n and Minji are hanging out! My ship is sailing. ❤️
Typical PR stunt. They're probably just friends, but they want us to think otherwise for publicity. 🙄
Hanni and Haerin right now, watching Minji and Y/n having a blast at Phantasialand without them. Jealous level 100! 😂🙈
If Y/n and Minji are dating, can they at least share some cotton candy? That's the real test of true love. 🍭❤️
Why do fans always ship idols? It's none of our business. They're just coworkers and friends. 🤷‍♀️
Hanni and Haerin watching Minji and Y/n at Phantasialand like... 😒
Okay, but the way Y/n looks at Minji? I'm convinced! #Y/njinForever 💕
K-pop idols can't have normal friends without everyone thinking it's a secret romance
Plot twist: Y/n and Minji were just trying to find the best roller coaster for their next music video!
It's nice to see the members taking a break and enjoying some downtime. Everyone deserves a fun day out!
Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Minji and Y/n's friendship shine, but is it too much to ask for a girls' day out with Haerin and Y/n too? 💃👯‍♀️
#Y/nji forever! I've been shipping them for ages. This is just more proof that they're meant to be together. ❤️
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dropthedemiurge · 5 months
2023 Year Results
I have lost my ranking of favorite Thai BL/QLs that I made during half of the year, so I'm just going to write it anew^^
My Top BLs by the end of 2023:
1. Be My Favorite
2. Moonlight Chicken
3. Not Me
4. The Eclipse
5. Semantic Error (or if we talk only Thai series, then Bad Buddy!)
Honorable mentions: Only Friends, SOTUS, Laws of Attraction, Kieta Hatsukoi, My Ride...
I keep changing the places and Moonlight Chicken held such a strong place in my heart but now I'm also taking into account whether I liked all pairings and characters, so BMF finally took over. But I still can't decide whether The Eclipse is higher than Not Me, I might rewatch it endlessly but Not Me was a cultural reset :D As well as Semantic Error who's done so good and finally broke through the typical Korean BL setting and public's favor.
Bad Buddy has done amazingly as well but there are only 5 places in Top 5 ranking 🥲 I guess, the Our Skyy just dimmed my good memories about it a little bit x)
I love how this year we got shows that have expanded beyond the borders of usual BLs, they added mystery and mystic, action, time travelling, sitcom etc, mixed gentes, kept speaking out about many important things - from marriage legalisation to equal rights - that definitely had its own impact on real life, actors went on many fanmeetings overseas, from West to East, and overall... This was a good year, story and fandom wise.
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My Fanfic Statistics
I stopped writing metas and somewhat distanced myself from the fandom when I felt that my views often didn't align with majority (and also got shadowbanned by tumblr?), but I wrote ~ 80k words on AO3 and drew >10-15 arts that I really enjoyed. I still have many wips so look forward to them!
I wrote way too many Only Friends fics whole I watched the show xD This was definitely a show that gave out ideas (and sometimes outrage) and lots of angst.
But Not Me fics are still my number one (though mostly because of all the crossovers with other series I keep writing about)
Also somehow Bad Buddy OT4 fic is now the longest fanfic I've ever written (both in Neglish and my native language). And it's still not finished but tbh even I don't know exactly how it will end, that's how self-indulgent this is but I'm so happy rhat many people were excited about this idea with me!
My Fandom
I also had a blast having various discussions in my own small community and people who wanted to share opinions and watch series together. You guys keep inspiring and supporting me in exploring many ideas, drawing art and writing many fics, I truly admire and adore you all, especially my fam @springkitten @xagan and also @thepancakelady @wereflamingo (I'm surprised how often we agreed with each other on somethjng but that's what makes discussions interesting xD).
Also I want to hug bad buddy server was a joyful discover this year too that inspired me to start learning Thai, our not me server that keeps being my safe comfort space and many hugs to some tumblr folks who I talk in replies and reblogs (I am truly bad at remembering usernames but if I ever chatted with you here, I am definitely thinking about you and your profile picture <3)
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Here's to 2024 and more projects
I also started my FirstKhao AU visual novel, and though I thought I would be able to make it in a month or two and then got struck by Health Doing Bad for a long time, I'm definitely determined to finish it next year.
And we keep talking about making Poetry Zines with @springkitten inspired by lakorns/bls we watched and I'd like to try and make it happen 👀
I also want to return to commissions in a better way, because of political situation I haven't been able to continue drawing for my foreign friends but thanks to my other friends who are generous to help me with handling finances for me, I might be able to start drawing requests again! I also spent like 5 months fixing my health that kept me from creating I want to finish old ones and I'm really itching to return to drawings and other projects :D
And I have in my mind mastering pixel and 3d art as a part of my Changing Profession and Career Path in 2024 so let's hope I can lighten up everyone's mood with cooler art and animations 👀
Happy New Year and Happy holidays, everyone!
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Find the Word Game XX
(Double Feature)
tagged by: @ashen-crest & @chayscribbles my words: angle, light, hard, cold, strange, dull, hair, hot tagging: @drippingmoon, @drabbleitout, @calicoy, @zmwrites, and anyone who sees this. no pressure to do it as usual your words: escape, fault, memory, sprint, listen, ring
angle (Eternal)—
Through holes in the walls and a top corner, they watched black fog shrink into the building and disappear from sight. Thrive motioned for Warren to stay behind him and they crept forward. They reached the door and Thrive slid it open. The building was empty. Broken tables and panels lined the walls and a volumetric projector hung from the ceiling, wires and cables sticking from it at odd angles. Dust covered the broken and rotted floor. Warren had seen this room before, shiny and new, in a memory. "You think it was the Emmuli sending the signal?" he asked, distracted by the alien insects crawling over every surface. Thrive didn't answer. He frowned and entered the room, examining every piece of equipment there for signs of tampering. He used a little finger to move the metal casing hanging off of a control panel in the wall. Warren glanced behind him, goosebumps forming on his arms and his muscles tensing. "It doesn't feel good in here." "No," Thrive said, "it doesn't."
light (Aurora)—
With Warren sat at one of the tables, scrolling through heavy walls of text on a tablet he'd taken from the terminal, and Thrive pacing deliberately around the entire basement with his nose in a tome, the time seemed to get away from them. Warren made notes in his comm device of anything that looked out of place even a little bit as he worked backward from the present, though still being as human and not silhou as he was made the task somewhat difficult. Thrive finished one tome and started another, continuing his path weaving himself through the shelves. He remained engrossed, utterly silent the entire time, his brow creased in concentration. Every time he passed over a light in the floor, the holographic parts of his form suit would explode to life, casting a multitude of glitter on every object in the reflection's way. After some time Warren found it harder to focus on his reading as the words became more and more jumbled together. He rubbed his eyes, setting the tablet on the table, but when he picked it back up again, the documents had ended. "Okay, well, I just hit a wall," he said. "The digitized history only goes back as far as the beginning of the Milky Way War. It stops with the arrival of the eliyi."
hard (Meridian)—
The next morning Warren found he almost couldn't get out of bed. Thrive had to physically get him sat up, into the bathroom, and at least presentable for Angelina, as he was so bogged down by despondency and anxiety that getting those tasks done alone was impossible. Having spent the entire night with his arms around him, Thrive anticipated this and reacted accordingly, setting forth their earlier agreed upon method of respectfully assisting and moving him from place to place whenever his depression got bad. He gave Warren his toothpaste-laden toothbrush and disappeared into the bedroom to pick out some clothes, draping a nice hoodie and a pair of jeans on the bed. The idea was to start the tasks for him rather than do them completely, as starting was the hardest part and he could usually take over from then. This particular morning proved more difficult than most, as Thrive had to carry him from the bed to the bathroom to even get to that point. Warren was mostly autonomous by the time he combed his hair, opting not to shave in favor of looking as haggard as he felt to perhaps show Angelina that he was remorseful.
cold (Meridian)—
Thoeala and Calen had come down to help, completely shaken at the horrors of the scene. They combed the crater, too, and though they did their best to stay present, Warren could hear Thoeala's wails of grief from where they stood. They marked all of the remains they could find, and it took them hours. By the end of it, all Warren wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep forever, but the hardened look on Thrive's face and his cold, silent demeanor kept him on edge. "We'll bring the remains with us," Calen said thickly when they reunited at what was left of the port. "We can send them to ———." Thoeala approached, handing Thrive her tracker holo gun with shaky hands. She looked nauseated and pale. "I managed to identify a few of them." Warren swallowed. "———?" She nodded dazedly. He wasn't sure what he'd expected. He had no feeling left to react in any way.
strange (Eternal)—
Thrive nodded to the screen. "I think I see Ashva in the distance there," he murmured to Warren. Warren watched DeCosta point to something else in the feed—a strange construct, six long cylinders almost blending into their background, blinking a single lazy red light at the corner of each arm. "Activate Project Ingress!" DeCosta exclaimed proudly. Warren's focus darted from the arms beginning to extend out toward each other to the very small shine of Andromeda millions of light-years away. Then clarity hit him like a brick to the skull and his breath caught in his chest. He clamped a hand around Thrive's wrist like a sudden vise. Thrive looked at him, then his wrist, then to the screen again. "At the edge of the galaxy we have constructed a doorway," DeCosta continued as the arms connected into an enormous hexagon floating in space. The machinations within the arms began to work, spinning and spitting energy from the edges while the empty center started to warp and bend. "A doorway into the unknown, a doorway into the known—a gate leading directly into our neighbors' front yard." A dangerous trench formed between Thrive's brows and Warren watched with a very heavy gut and bated breath as the situation dawned on his face. It was as if he'd just seen someone desecrate hallowed ground, disbelief and betrayal and anguish and fury all encompassing him and his body language within an instant.
dull (Meridian)—
The outside activity sounded as if it died quite a while ago. A quick glance under the door told Warren the hallway lights had been turned off, and the house was blanketed in silence. Dull, throbbing pain behind his eyes served as a reminder and a cautionary tale, and he let out a careful wince as he rubbed his forehead. The mattress shook with the sudden force of Thrive bolting upright. "Hey," Warren said, leaning to him. He cleared the hoarseness from his voice. "Hey, easy. Easy." At the sound of Warren next to him, breathlessness exploded from Thrive as if he'd stopped respiring in his sleep, and he passed his hands over his face, relieved, settling back down onto his pillow. Warren rubbed a hand over Thrive's arm. "I thought obhelians couldn't dream." "It wasn't a dream. It was a trauma response." "Yeah...I'm too familiar with those."
hair (Warpath)—
Warren held Cascidi's gaze, idly cracking his knuckles. A tingle passed as slow as molasses down his spine, and he found himself drawn to the very subtle smile creeping across Cascidi's face. It wasn't a smile of recognition, however—it was a smile Warren had seen quite a few times over the course of his long, long life. A Cheshire grin, a roguish smirk. The hair on the back of Warren's neck stood on end. "Okay," he exhaled. "...I think you're gonna have to clear out for a while." Scot looked at him. "Why is that?" "This guy's making serious eyes at me and I think I'm about to make a hasty and conflicted exit to get my back snapped." "That may be the better scenario," Scot said. "You could develop trust with him, therefore further convincing him to join us in our investigation." Warren's attention darted to Scot. "Hey, don't mess with him. This is one of the best hackers this side of the Node we're dealing with. If you root around his shit, he'll know." Scot imbued him with a rare smile. "But he's not the best, is he?"
hot (Warpath)—
"Are you sure you don't need me to accompany you?" Warren rubbed the back of his head and let out a slow exhale, waffling on Scot's front doorstep. The suburb near the capital house had grown exponentially, with some venevans trickling in from their refugee settlement. "Nah," he said at length. "I'm just…I think I'll be okay to go myself." "I may join you in any case," Scot said, and the seams of his face lit a soft lavender. "If for no other reason than perhaps I should make a visit to NodeSource." "Got some hardware upgrades?" Warren asked, grinning. "...Perhaps." Scot was suddenly unreadable, and Warren's ears went hot. "Each day that passes in Orthrive'poliea's absence is a day I can prepare for his arrival and subsequent experiments—" "Okay, okay," Warren said quickly, waving his hands at him to shut him up. "I get it. I'll be leaving in the morning, so make sure you're at the capital shuttle pad or I'm going without you." "Understood."
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opinated-user · 2 years
About LO's take on racism in TOH fandom (pardon this subject is getting repetitive, I just wanted to give my own two cents about it while it's being talked about)... Is it just me or does LO have a very big tendency to project certain aspects of the fandom of any given piece of media onto the content itself? Let me try to clarify my point here;
Although I have noticed this with nearly every show LO talks about, I'll mostly keep my arguments to the Owl House situation for the sake of simplicity. So.
I will not deny that TOH fandom (and every fandom I have ever come across, really) has both a white favoritism and a racism problem. From some artists whitewashing the POC characters to people being a bit too quick to praise, defend, and demand redemptions for the white characters while rarely extending the same treatment to the non-white characters (I say that because I have witnessed multiple people single out every single POC character in the show BY NAME and say they are badly written), racism - both committed intentionally and on accident - has always been rampant in fandom in general.
The reason for this, as you have already said in previous asks, is that racism is a structural problem that is deeply ingrained in our society. And yet LO seems to be incapable (or most likely simply unwilling) to recognize that fact, and instead chooses to blame this problem directly on the show itself - most notably on Dana Terrace herself. So something that is an issue across the whole fandom is suddenly the fault of a single person who... Wrote Hunter in too many episodes, apparently.
I have seen people of color criticize The Owl House for having a white favoritism problem. And I do agree on that aspect (and even if I didn't, I don't believe I am in any position to do so, seeing as it despite what people on the USA might label me for my nationality, I am in fact white). The complaints about some of the non-white characters - notably Willow and Gus - being somewhat sidelined for the sake of either the plot or another characters' storylines are also a valid criticism. While I do not think this was intentional on the part of the writers, it's still an issue, and I won't argue against that.
The thing about it is, whenever LO complains about this problem, she herself sidelines the POC character's development and story lines in favor of spending more time ranting about Hunter's existence and how the writers (and Dana Terrace) are solely to blame for the fandom doing the exact same thing as she is doing.
Because as much as we all wish that we had more time to explore Willow, Gus, Darius, Raine and more of the cast in more detail, the fact of the matter is that their own stories are being ignored... By the same people arguing that their characters are being ignored.
Let me give some examples. When Through The Looking Glass Ruins came out, admittedly a big part of the fandom focused solely on the Lumity parts of the episode. LO, in turn, blamed Dana Terrace for letting Lumity overshadow Gus's story... When the Lumity bits were a B plot that only took a little bit more than a third of the episode, with the main story being dedicated to Gus's adventure in the graveyard and his newfound tentative friendship with Mattholomule. In all this time, I have never ONCE seen LO make even a single comment about Gus's story in his own damn episode, and instead she just rants about DT letting Luz and Amity overshadow him when this was never a problem of the episode itself, but of the fandom.
The same thing happened with both Any Sport in a Storm and Labyrinth Runners, which are both dedicated to developing Willow and Gus (respectively) alongside Hunter, and establishing a positive relationship between them. Willow and Gus are major characters in these episodes, with some light being shed in both of their inner conflicts and them having some compelling development in those episodes. But because one of the characters who's also the focus of the episodes is Hunter, she once again spends a huge amount of time complaining about his presence and how he overshadows Gus and Willow and forgets to... Talk... About... Gus and Willow.
Also I have seen her claim once again that Lumity overshadows Willow in ASiaS when again, it's a B plot that barely had half the time that it did in TtLGR? I don't know...
I do recognize that Willow and Gus deserved more focus, stories and episodes centered on them, but I also believe that it is not fair to place the blame of the actions of the fandom solely on DT's shoulders, especially considering the circumstances of the shortened third season and the absolutely petty meddling of the higher ups (if you've seen that one video that Alex Hirsch posted reading the S&P department's complaints you have a fraction of an idea of the bullshit these producers go through to get their ideas to even be accepted).
Does the Owl House have some white favoritism regarding Amity, Eda, Lilith and Hunter having a lot more screentime than most of the POC characters? I do believe so, but the fandom should also be held accountable for doing the exact same thing, and LO should also be held accountable for that and for pushing all of the blame onto someone that only should hold some.
I apologize for the absolutely massive rant here, I hope my points were coherent enough--
you were perfectly coherent, anon, and i feel like i have very little to add. to summarize: -racism is a systemic problem that it's not going to be fixed easily and it's absolutely present on fandom. -LO blames the creator of the show for things outside of her control. -LO much prefers to rant about hunter (even when talking about episodes where he is not there) than do any of the work she demands out of everyone else, therefore contributing even more to more white favoritism and let the POC characters get the short end of the stick.
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another-dr-another · 1 month
ok rq go talk w maki, tell her abt the change in plans!! -iris
Maeda, narrating - Before I go, I need to… actually tell Maki what my plans are.
Maeda - If she had agreed to take over for me, then she just left, I’d… really want to know why.
Maeda - Maki!
Maki - Maeda. Coming to take over for me?
Maeda - …
Maeda - Yeah, so, actually…
Maeda - …
Maki - …
//She looks at him- obviously aware of what he’s getting at, but waiting to hear him say it.
Maeda - …I have something I need to take care of first, if that’s okay.
Maki - Yeah, fine.
Maeda - Sorry…
Maeda - It’s just-
Maeda - It’s Hatano! She asked me to go and handle some stuff for her, and…
Maeda - It-It’s Hatano… I’d feel wrong if I didn’t go.
Maki - …Really? What does she need from you?
Maeda - Uh…
Maeda - She’s not really… confident about what Tsurugi and Uehara have been up to. She wants to know how Tsurugi’s feeling, what happened to him, and what he and Uehara did while in Uehara’s dorm-
Maeda - But, she said there’s other things she wants to go look at, so she asked me to talk to them instead.
Maeda - So…
Maki - …Huh.
Maeda - I would say you can go talk to them! But… I don’t think I really explained what she’s thinking-
Maeda - Since I was the one that spoke with her, I feel like I’m best to ask her questions…
Maeda - U-Unless you really want to go investigate now, because I understand!
Maeda - Honestly… getting their testimonies now probably isn’t as important as you getting to see Higa’s body-
Maeda - But, I don’t think it’d take that long to ask them questions… and I don’t want Hatano to be upset if she sees me sitting down…
Maeda - …Though, who knows what Hatano would think.
Maki - …Maeda, it’s fine.
Maeda - …
Maki - Seriously- I’m not upset over this.
Maki - Go talk with them, yeah? I’ll just… be here waiting.
Maki - I mean, you’re investigating, right? Getting new information out of it?
Maeda - Yeah, that’s true…
Maki - So, it’s overall a positive thing. 
Maki - …
Maki - Besides- now seems like a good time to be… somewhat prioritizing Hatano’s concerns.
Maeda - That’s- also totally true.
Maeda - Thank you for understanding, Maki…
Maki - Yeah, no worries…
Maki - Though, think you could do me a favor, before you go?
Maeda - Sure! …What is it?
Maki - Could you go over what you found while investigating? 
Maki - What you told us earlier wasn’t too in-depth, and… it’s starting to look like I may not get a chance to see, 
Maki - What with how long we’ve been investigating for, and the fact you have new things to look at.
Maki - Even if I can’t go look for myself, if I can know vaguely what I’d be looking at, it gives me something new to think about.
Maeda - Oh- I can absolutely do that, yeah.
Maeda - Uh…
//Finally, he takes a seat at the table.
Maeda - I’ll just- go over everything.
Maeda - …Seeing as I can’t remember exactly what I told her, compared to what I told Hatano…
Maeda - I’m not sure if you got to see inside Tsurugi’s dorm room, but Higa was found dead in the spot where he fell asleep last night.
Maeda - He still had his blankets, his pillows, everything of the sort… he really just seemed to be sleeping-
Maeda - But… then the body discovery announcement played…
Maeda - I’m not sure if you’ve looked at his Monokuma file, but there’s about as much information on him as there was for Iranami. 
Maeda - Including- there’s no cause of death. Tomori and I agree that it looks like suffocation, though.
Maeda - I thought that a pillow was put over his face, and he got smothered- mostly because we found a pillow nearby that had blood stains on it, so I figured that could be from Higa attacking the blackened, and managing to scratch them.
Maeda - But, Tomori says that’s unlikely, because the bloodstains on the pillow don’t seem to be in the right spots for that-
Maeda - It’s like… it dripped onto the center of the pillow, as opposed to by the edges, where the blackened would’ve been holding it… 
Maeda - So, even if it was used in the murder- which, Tomori doesn’t seem to think so- it’s unlikely that the blackened got attacked by Higa.
Maeda - At least, he doesn’t seem to have gotten blood out of them… and Tomori pointed out that a lot of people here already have bruising on their arms.
Maeda - What else…
Maeda - I can’t imagine that Higa didn’t react to getting attacked… but then again, I’d imagine he’d scream… and I think we’d have heard if that happened.
Maeda - Oh! There was marks on Higa’s body, too.
Maeda - No blood on him- from injuries, or attacking someone else…
Maeda - But- he was lying down on his back, and his hands were kinda- up by his face, like this…
//Maeda does his best to imitate the way Higa’s hands were splayed out.
Maeda - And, like… there was a patch on his throat that seemed… sort of rug-burned? Not that I think that’s what caused the mark, but it had that sort of pattern to it, y’know?
Maeda - Which, I think that works with the idea of him being strangled…
Maeda - But, what really keeps throwing me is this last bit-
Maeda - Along the back of his neck, and the backs of his hands and wrists, it was all discolored…
Maeda - Like- it was this… dark pink sort of color? And I don’t know what could’ve caused it…
Maeda - …
Maeda - I think that’s all I found- I can’t think of anything else… I went through the whole room, checked everyone’s belongings, and I didn’t find anything weird.
Maki - …You said the discoloration was along the back of his body?
Maeda - Mhm…
Maki - …
Maki - Like- the parts closest to the ground?
Maeda - I… guess?
Maki - …
Maki - Uh- could it have been the blood naturally pooling?
Maeda - …?
Maki - When you die, your heart stops pumping blood- without any force keeping the blood circulating through your veins, it naturally starts to pool.
Maki - If you were suspended, it would all drain towards your feet, because that’s… what gravity does. Since Higa was laying on his back, it would move towards his back- that’s what you see with most dead bodies.
Maeda - …
Maki - …
Maeda - That, uh…
Maeda - …Yeah, sounds like that might be it-
//Maki smiles, and Maeda rolls his eyes.
Maeda - You know- I tried to compare his body to Kurokawas! Since it took us a few hours to find her…
Maeda - But… honestly, I didn’t really remember what she looked like.
Maki - …I mean, I guess that’s a good thing.
Maki - Bad for your safety that you aren’t learning more about dead bodies- and don’t let Tsurugi know you aren’t that independent yet…
Maki - …But, it’s good if that isn’t how you remember people.
Maeda - Yeah…
Maeda - …Mekaru is still… so vivid to me.
Maeda - Well- her death, I mean…
Maki - Didn’t you… actually witness her death?
Maeda - …Mhm. Me, Kobashikawa, and Ōtori.
Maki - Ah… makes sense, then.
Maeda - …
Maki - …
Maki - Do you remember, like…
Maki - What everyone sounded like?
Maeda - …?
Maki - …
Maki - I don’t know. It’s just… I try to remember Kurokawa, or Inori, and while I can remember their faces…
Maki - I mean- even then, some of my clearest memories are Kurokawa’s photo in the file, or Inori’s expression when that collar closed around her…
Maki - …
Maki - And… I don’t think I remember their voices too distinctly.
Maeda - …
Maeda - Kurokawa was always talking about her streams… I guess that’s the nice thing about this era of the world, all the digital back-ups of things.
Maki - Mhm… the good think about being a SHSL, really. Lots of records-
Maki - Which, it’s typically a bad thing, for most people… but, even out of SHSL’s, we’re different from most right now.
Maeda - …
Maeda - I think Inori is the only one where it might be hard to find videos of her working.
Maki - Ah…
Maki - …Can’t tell if it feels comforting, to imagine seeing everyone again… or if I’ll just remember how they looked the last time I saw them.
Maeda - …
Maeda - Maybe it’d be a good idea, then, if you never saw Higa for yourself.
Maki - …Nah.
Maki - I’m uh… 
//She trails off- Maeda understands why she disagreed with his comment, though. She doesn’t have an issue with remembering him like that.
Maki - …But, anyways, I really do think it’d be good for me to look at Higa’s body.
Maki - Because- well, this is kinda the thing, y’know?
Maki - You didn’t understand what you were looking at when you were investigating, and just by your description, I think I know what’s going on.
Maki - Of course, I’d need to see for myself to be certain- for all I know, you could be, like… really bad at describing things-
Maeda - Okay. Okay. Sure, just say that.
Maki - But, either way, I know things you don’t, and can contribute a new understanding.
Maeda - Yeah…
Maeda - It all makes sense- I promise, I’ll come sub in for you once I’m done asking around in Tsurugi’s dorm.
Maki - Really, Maeda, I’m not worried-
Maki - Just… tap me out when you can.
Maki - …Hey, Maeda?
Maeda - Hm?
Maki - …Bet I could come up with a time of death, if I got to see Higa.
Maeda - Really?!
Maki - Mhm- I mean, I’m sure Tsurugi can do the same, but better to have two guesses than one, right?
Maki - I may not be able to get things down to the hour- but I bet I could tell you if he died before, or after Iranami.
Maeda - No- that’d be great!
Maeda - I’m not sure how, but I bet the times of death will end up being important… maybe that’s how Monokuma will determine things, like only the first death counts?
Maki - We'll find out in the trial, it seems-
Maki - But, either way, there's nothing wrong with having some more information.
Maeda - Yeah...
Maeda - Maki, does it seem to you like there's just...
Maeda - ...Like... you just have no clue what's going on here?
Maeda - It's so bad, it's like I don't even know what I don't know... I don't know what evidence I could be missing-
Maeda - There has to be something we haven't found regarding Iranami's cause of death, but I don't know where to look,
Maeda - And for Higa, it's not like strangulation really takes a weapon, so there's nothing I should be looking for there...
Maki - ...No, I get that.
Maki - I think a lot of this is going to come down to testimonies- we were all asleep in the same room, and at least two people left, and someone *fucking died*- there's no way that no one heard anything.
Maki - ...Plus, while I hate to say it- we do have a wild card.
Maki - I mean, what is Taira doing?
Maeda - I keep thinking she could be looking at something in the Rec room... like, maybe it was a slow acting poison that got Iranami, and the coffee was just some red herring, for some reason...
Maeda - But, I know that that's on Hatano's mind too- that's why she isn't going to talk with Tsurugi and Uehara herself, it's because she wants to try and find Taira.
Maki - Really?
Maki - I mean, not like I can think of anything else she could be doing-
Maki - Other than tapping out guards...
Maki - Well- hopefully it turns up something-
Maki - ...
Maeda - ...
Maki - …
Maeda - She looks…. odd. I wonder what she’s thinking about.
Maeda - Maki?
Maki - ...Maeda.
Maki - How, uh...
Maki - How fucked would it be if, say...
Maki - Taira was the blackened, and this whole time, she's just been off destroying incriminating evidence?
Maeda - ...
Maeda - Well. I've always been a pretty firm believe in jinxing things, and speaking stuff into existence...
Maeda - So- hopefully now that we've thrown it out there as a concept, we'll get proven wrong, and Taira will show up ready to accurately accuse the blackened.
Maki - ...
Maki - Maeda. I think now's a good time for us to stop talking, and start focusing on getting as much evidence as we can.
Maeda - Yeah, sounds good!
Maki - We didn't have that last conversation.
Maeda - Nope. We did not.
Maki - ...Bye.
Maeda - Yeah, bye- be back for you soon.
Maeda, narrating - ...
Maeda - Surely, she isn't...
Maeda - ...Well.
Maeda - ...Hey! A potential time of death! That's great news!
Maeda - ...Oh my god, what is Taira doing...
Maeda looks around, and is surprised to see {Hatano} is yet to {leave the dining hall.} He’d expect her to ask {Maki} or {Ōtori} about what happened last night, but… she may not want to walk over to that part of the room, due to who’s table they’re sitting by.
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Saxophones 101: The Ultimate Musician's Guide
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If you’re shopping for saxophones, but aren’t quite sure what you’re looking for, or how to tell the difference between one model and the next…
You’ve come to the right place.
Because you're going to receive a crash course on everything a novice player of this instrument would care to know, in our definitive guide. also, you can take a music class from Music Teacher in Delhi to start your musical journey 
So here’s what we’re about to cover:
Choose from the 4 Saxophone Sizes
Although there are other saxophone sizes, the four most popular ones that you MUST be familiar with are as follows (in order of size):
·         Soprano
·         Alto
·         Tenor
·         Baritone
Its appeal stems mostly from the fact that they are the simplest to perform and cover the most prevalent note ranges in an orchestra or big band.
On the other hand, the two smallest and largest registers, pianissimo and subcontrabass, are uncommon and challenging to play. Regardless of your decision, it's important to realize that all four models use identical fingerings. If you can play one model, you can at least somewhat play them all. Next, let's examine each of these sizes in more detail.
The best option for beginners is ALTO Saxophone.
Undoubtedly the most popular and adaptable sax of all...
Almost all musical genres, including jazz, classical music, rock, and pop, feature the alto sax. While the tenor is closer to a male voice, some claim that its pitch is akin to that of a feminine voice. It's the best option for novices and kids because of its modest size and playability This explains why there are so many beginner saxophone models in this size. Saxophone Teacher in Delhi
Soprano Saxophone
The soprano saxophone, which comes in three variations (all of which sound essentially the same), is your third most likely possibility.
·         Straight
·         Curved
With a Curved Neck, Straight
Everyone seems to agree that out of the four sopranos, the soprano is the most difficult to play and is not a good instrument for beginners. Outside of jazz and classical music, it is also less common and hardly ever heard.
The spectrum of the instrument, it turns out, doesn't exactly fit with louder, catchier genres like rock or pop.
Players frequently chose the soprano sax as their backup instrument, as opposed to the alto or tenor, probably because of this.
In other words, you won't hear a lot of performers on alto and tenor, but you will hear a lot on alto and soprano.
Tenor Saxophone
One size up from the alto saxophone
The tenor saxophone produces the same range of notes, albeit at a lower octave. Although it can be a little more challenging for novices to play, it is frequently chosen by seasoned players due to its favored tone. 
Because of this, it's the sax you're most likely to hear in recordings and live performances. Players frequently begin on alto before moving up to tenor as they develop their skill level.
Baritone Saxophone
The smallest of the four saxophone sizes. The baritone saxophone might not appeal to you merely because of its size and unusually low pitch. The biggest benefits, though, are that the surface is simple to play and maintain (unlike the soprano). music class in Delhi
Jazz musicians Gerry Mulligan, Cecil Payne, and Pepper Adams are some of the most well-known baritone players.
Beyond these 3 though, they're really hard to find, so unless you're truly seeking to stand out from the crowd, I wouldn't suggest it as a primary.
You can find a saxophone teacher by searching Saxophone Player near Me
So, then, which is the best saxophone to play? Although it's not always the case, the higher the note, the better the instrument. The soprano is your best bet if you want to play the alto part in an ensemble, or if you just want to try it for the first time. The tenor is ideal for children or adults who want a little more challenge or are looking to expand their repertoire. Finally, even though the baritone saxophone is the largest and lowest-pitched of the saxophone family, if you have the chops, you can pull off some pretty cool sounds. Saxophone Artist in Delhi
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aeon2407 · 1 year
WIP Snippet #2: The Terran War
My first attempt at a Star Wars fic after rewatching Rebels, about a year or so ago.
A very, VERY bleak and brutal perspective of how our society would deal with an alien invasion.
Chopper Base, Atollon, Dominus Sector, Outer Rim
Hera was sitting in the Ghost’s cockpit with Chopper, watching Ezra spar with Kanan outside, practicing what she recognized as Kanan’s favored Form III. Sabine and Zeb were throwing playful jabs at Ezra’s expense from the side, more Zeb than Sabine. Hera smiled at their familiar antics as she waited on a full system diagnosis. It had only been a few days since her last check, but the Empire had been suspiciously quiet lately and Hera felt like something big is about to happen. The last thing she wanted was for her turrets or engines to malfunction in the middle of a firefight. That had happened once, before she met Kanan, and Hera strived to make sure that it was the only time.
‘Ghost Crew, report to the Command Center immediately’, Commander Sato’s voice blared through the comm unit on her hip. A glance out the viewport told her that her crew also got the call. “Stay here Chopper”, she told the orange astromech, who complained extensively about the order but begrudgingly stayed behind, before heading towards Commander Sato. She noticed that Ahsoka was there, along with Rex, who was scowling at her, and Fenn Rau, who was uncharacteristically disturbed. Something was wrong alright.
“What’s going on?” she heard Kanan asked as her crew converged around the holotable. Rex turned to him, visibly upset.
“Nothing, just one of the worst plans in Galactic history”, he replied angrily, shooting a glare towards Ahsoka, who only sighed and rubbed her eyes.
“I get why you’re mad, Rex. Really, I do. But this would give us an edge that we desperately need”, she reasoned, which softened him up somewhat.
“I understand desperation, Ahsoka. Trust me, I do. But there are better ways to fight this war than asking the Terrans for help”
“Woah woah woah, time out”, Sabine interrupted. “The Terrans? As in Terra? In the Sol System?” she asked incredulously. “You’re looking for their help?”
Hera was as shocked as her. The Sol System was far away from the rest of the galaxy. The closest major planet just so happened to be Ryloth, but even from there it would take the Ghost seven days in the Corellian Run to reach Terra. Even though the Empire tried to cover it up, a lot of people knew what happened on that planet. The infamous Terran War.
It was after the fallout of Order 66 had mostly passed and most signs of sedition across the galaxy had been crushed that the Empire decided to send probes into wild space in search of new conquest opportunities. Planets such as Malagarr, Lwhekk, and Kinooine fell swiftly and firmly into Imperial rule, either through surrender or by force, but it was during the invasion into Lamaredd that a Star Destroyer picked up distant signals further out. A probe confirmed that there was a planet in a single-star system, nearly 800,000 parsecs away, containing a moderately developed civilization and intriguing resources.
The Emperor agreed to deploy two Imperial-class Star Destroyers and six Quasar Fire-class carriers, or light carriers as they were more commonly known, along with the corresponding number of stormtroopers and TIE fighters around Terra’s orbit. It was a stroke of coincidence that spoken Galactic Basic was identical to English, even the Aurebesh alphabet was extremely similar to the English one. All twenty-six characters and ten numbers have a direct substitute, with only twenty-two extra characters and symbols from Aurebesh that were easy enough to decipher, so there was no language barrier. How was that tidbit discovered?
Well, the two Admirals present, confident in their military power to the point of arrogance, sent a planet-wide signal containing a message stating who they were, how they represented the Galactic Empire, and finally that they would wait one day for messages of surrender to arrive before they open fire upon the planet.
Within six hours, every government, save for North Korea, had casted aside their rivalries and differences and repurposed the United Nations into the High Government of Terra, putting various head of states in charge of the entire planet. Within eight hours, every special operations branch under the sun was standing by to lead the entirety of Terra’s military might against the Empire and defend their freedom, having been instructed to disregard the Geneva Convention in its entirety. Four hours later, the entire Kim family and most high-ranking North Korean officials were assassinated by unknown parties, making South Korea, now the Republic of Korea, a nuclear superpower.
Fourteen hours after the ultimatum was given, two nuclear warheads, hidden amongst a cluster of ICBM missiles, made contact with the Vanguard.
The five-year Terran War began from there.
The Vanguard itself disintegrated. As it turns out, tritium is very effective when it comes to breaching deflector shields. The other Star Destroyer, the Tyrant, immediately deployed multiple squadrons of TIE fighters and three carriers-worth of stormtroopers to engage in ground-level combat.
Once they breached the upper atmosphere, it was too close to the surface to utilize nuclear warfare, so SAMs were used to intercept the carriers, acting as a battering ram against their shields, while F-22s, J-20s, Rafales, F-18s, J-31s, Typhoons, Su-57s, and all three types of F-35s engaged in dogfighting with TIEs in lower atmosphere.
With complete technological inferiority, it took Terra a combination of jets, SHORAD systems, and HIMAD systems just to keep the fight for aerial control plausible. Missiles struggled to lock onto the smaller and more agile TIE fighters, although once it locked that TIE was as good as dead due to a lack of countermeasures. Guns, on the other hand, found themselves extremely useful against the standardized titanium hull, with 30mm ammunition achieving full penetration with only two or three strafes. After the first year, every Terran jet being utilized were revamped for exospheric warfare and equipped with guns capable of shooting .50cal rounds, along with a significantly higher mag capacity, making the TIE fighters even more fragile, which evened out the skies a little.
On the ground, however, stormtroopers flooded every major city in the world, only to find that their training was no match for Terra’s extensive and bloody history of warfare. Their best detachments were easy prey for Spec Ops units, and even normal infantry platoons were more than sufficient to counter the average stormtrooper. It got even worse when Imperial ground forces discovered the hard way that slugs like the .223 Remington could tear through plastoid like paper. From there a combination of surprise raids and urban warfare thinned the herd of stormtroopers down like weeds.
Another thing the Empire discovered the hard way was that if there was one thing the Terrans knew how to do, it was finding creative and gruesome ways to kill. America opted to airstrike Imperial bases, Vietnam resurrected the art of guerrilla warfare, several countries deployed sarin, ricin and various other toxins into occupied enemy territory. All in all, by the second week, every stormtrooper not within the security detail on the Tyrant was required on the surface. After the first month, the Tyrant had to call for reinforcements in the form of five additional platoons of troops. By the sixth month, hearing the word ‘Terra’ from their CO was a stormtrooper’s worst nightmare. It was only through a combination of air superiority and orbital bombing did the ground forces stand a chance, but even then surface combat was a nightmarish affair for Imperial troops.
After about a month, Fleet Admiral Matthew McCallan, Chairman of the JCS and former DEVGRU Commanding Officer, proposed an engagement in psychological warfare to the High Government and received a majority vote of approval. After that, everywhere stormtroopers went, they saw the mutilated corpses of their fellow soldiers. Severed heads on spikes in the desert, headless bodies hanging from tropical trees, corpses riddled with bullets crucified onto the walls of abandoned buildings for all to see. Messages drawn from the excess blood, the Imperial symbol with bloody handprints smearing it away, appeared nearby. These psychological tactics persisted throughout the war.
Four years into the war, one certain event changed the course of aerial combat. In the past, whenever a TIE fighter was shot down, it would crash land and explode upon impact with the ground. However, on October 4th, 2026, Lieutenant Commander Jackson “Hellhound” McCallan, TOPGUN graduate and Admiral McCallan’s flying ace of a middle child, finessed a shot from his F-35 into a TIE’s engine in such a way that forced the aircraft to glide down for a minimal damage landing instead of the usual crash landing and explosion. This allowed Terran forces to collect both tech and intel from the fighter.
Suddenly, Terran jets have blasters and are capable of extraorbital combat, significant increases in speed and maneuverability, along with backup repulsor engines and repulsor landing systems. Jackson himself was awarded the rank of Captain, given an F-22 by the Air Force, and proceeded to achieve this feat six more times, along with dozens of confirmed aerial takedowns.
Halfway through the fifth year, both sides had sustained billions in combined casualties. The population of Terra had gone from eight billion to four. The Empire had lost around a billion stormtroopers, including millions of SCAR Troopers and Storm Commandos. The cost of sustaining the war had outweighed the benefits that Terra as a planet had to offer. A last-ditch effort to force a surrender saw one extremely loyal TIE pilot weave past air defenses and crashed herself, along with the two proton bombs aboard, into the Pentagon, which at the time contained the Terra Military Command Center.
This suicide dive disintegrated the entire building, killing almost every general officer commanding the planet at the time, including Fleet Admiral McCallan. With his distinguished and highly decorated career, Jackson was given an emergency brevet directly to Fleet Admiral and was one of the representatives who accepted the Empire’s surrender a mere two months later. Afterwards, as the High Government declared peacetime and decided to let all countries retain their sovereignty while acting more as a senatorial government, he was given a permanent promotion to Rear Admiral and proceeded to assume command of NAS North Island, then later became a Vice Admiral during his time as JSOC Commander.
After his time there ended, instead of being demoted, Jackson was instead promoted to a four-star when he was appointed COMPACFLT. He kept up his flight proficiency by frequently participating in exercises with a selective squadron of pilots under his command, all of whom comprised his project: VFA-253, the first F-22 VFA in Naval history, nicknamed the Icy Raptors. He pushed them into becoming one of the best Strike Fighter Squadrons in Navy history, and that Squadron was inducted into USSOCOM before long and eventually into JSOC as a Tier One special operations unit by his succeeding JSOC Commander. They were officially renamed to Special Operations Aerial Detachment or SOPAD, colloquially known within JSOC as Strike Wing One, the Navy’s aviation equivalent of DEVGRU.
Terra, as a planet, became a safe haven for outlaws and fugitives as the only known planet completely free of Imperial influence. Over time, it evolved into a trading hub for various different factions, trading goods and services in a peace enforced by well-trained soldiers carrying slugthrowers, which also meant that the Terran government could tax the kriff out of those trades. Weed and narcotics became popular with many different planets, especially the Hutts, while Terran booze was a sought-after delicacy that traded at exorbitant prices. Aurebesh became the universal language, and Imperial credits exchanged 1:4 with the Euro. The planet prospered even more when people started taking an interest in Terra’s diverse ecosystems, and tourism soon became the planet’s main source of income.
It had been just over a decade since the Empire retreated from Terra, and by principle they don’t have a presence there at all save for an aquatic outpost to act as an embassy. But Hera would be foolish to take that as a fact. There was a reason why so few rebel cells chose Terra as a base, besides the long commute with the rest of the galaxy.
“I’ve been in contact with someone within Terran military”, Ahsoka explained. “They said that they’re part of a group of elite pilots that might be able to help the rebellion, but they’d need to be convinced. Hera, given that you’re the best pilot we have, I think you’re the most suitable person for this job”
Usually, Hera would jump at any good chance to give the burgeoning Resistance an edge against the Empire. But Terra was infamous for its brutality in combat, doing everything imaginable to not only emerge from a confrontation alive and victorious, but cripple their enemies’ morale and conviction in the process. Hera was already an adult, flying the Ghost across the galaxy when the Empire retreated, and as such she’d seen the holovids sent back from Terra. There were things in those vids that would make even a Mandalorian flinch. She actually vomited when holovids of female Imperials in captivity was leaked onto the net. There truly were fates worse than death.
She didn’t want the Resistance associated with any of that, even if the rest of the galaxy had decided to turn a blind eye towards the planet’s actions from the war, justifying it as the desperate acts of a desperate people to avoid extinction.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Superman could absolutely take Danny in a fight at least 3/10 (and that's being somewhat unfair to Superman) and here's why: heat vision. Just hold eye contact and wait for him to become tangible and the fight's over.
Like yeah in the right circumstances I think Danny could kill the DC universe on his own but it'd be Complicated and take years of Dedication and Planning. Like the Dark Dan plot could still work and in fact this makes it scarier bc it means he's also a brilliant strategist, but I'm sick of it being treated like Danny could one shot the entirety of the Justice League and still have time for lunch. Y'all are just stacking the deck in his favor so much it makes the entire fight fundamentally unfair. Danny vs the Justice League in a void? He's toast. But Danny vs a Justice League he has total intelligence on and they aren't even aware his species exists? Let alone their strengths and weaknesses? Of course he's going to win! Anybody could win in those odds!
Realistically Batman would have ghost weapons ready and equipped so fast after his surfacing his head would spin. And the magic portion of the League could beat him nine times out of ten even when surprised. He ain't invincible, guys.
(I don't mean this as hate, btw! Honestly, this is a really fun crossover, idea and I'm loving the stories. I'm just a bit tired of seeing everyone else nerfed in them and wanted to vent lol)
Whoa ok! kek I mostly just like the idea of Danny beating them.. because its funny XD I think most do to. So I don't think anyone truly means to nerf the league, just that its funny. Which I understand your need to vent because justice league are capable for a reason. They're season heroes with various backgrounds and powers. And they work together. But yeah it does depend on circumstance. Like everything its depending on how you take the story. Like Danny is still 14, op 14 yr old but 14. I don't agree fully with the heat rays thing because if we go by that logic Danny could attack while intangible. Or invisible. so its just eh.. up to the author on what make the scene compelling in a story. But in a full out battle with Superman, I think it be more of a draw.. and that's out of morals and not really power. Superman has more experience but he also fighting a kid. So that kind of thing. And then it depends on what logic you go by. I think Danny has the advantage in the beginning but if the justice league keeps at it will win because they are more experienced with access to resources. (plus yea the magic) And I think Danny just a surprise to the League then anything. I just love all interpretations kek they all fun to speculate~
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asscandles · 3 years
hi!! can i request baji with an adoptive sister that’s like the completely opposite of him (they’re also the same age but baji still acts like a big brother😑👎🏼) and how the daily life would be like? thank you sm!!
of course, you can, love! i tried to make it as realistic as possible. i hope that it's satisfactory. my apologies if you don't like it!
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you and baji are like light and dark. the natural and almost comedic vibrance created by the stark contrast in your personalities cannot exist without the other person, just like how darkness cannot breathe without the presence of light.
where baji is combative and foul-mouthed, you dislike violence and feel guilty when swearing. where you are academically astute yet somewhat naive, baji possesses the ability to unveil a person’s true intentions but cannot do algebra for the life of him.
your differences were noted when you first arrived in baji’s household. your and baji’s mother worried that your polarity would cause you two to repel each other, and initially, it did.
he was probably that one kid that would throw punches that fall an inch short of connecting with their sibling ONLY because he knows it upsets them
one thing that you always disagreed about, from the day he joined to today, was his place in a gang. you already despised violence enough as it was, so when you found out that he willingly put himself in a position where he was engaging in brawls and spilling blood himself, you were equal parts livid and terrified. you knew that baji was capable of protecting himself, but you just couldn’t shake the tiny voice in the back of your mind that chanted, “what if? what if? what if?”
what if he didn’t come back? what if he missed someone creeping up on him with a weapon? what if he ended up in the hospital? what if he died?
at first, baji was perplexed. he knew that you weren’t a fan of violence, but he didn’t know why you were so angry. by the time it was all set and done and you explained your side of the story, baji agreed to try to take it a bit easier. but at the time, he mostly just said it to get you to stop talking. he still gets into fights, which pisses you off, but you never turn him away when he returns home covered in scratches and blood. in fact, you’re adamant about disinfecting and bandaging his wounds, even displaying a bit of force as you shove him onto the couch and scurry off to retrieve the first aid kit in the kitchen.
he usually tries to resist, insisting that it’s not that bad and it isn’t even his blood (*cue horrified look from you*). but, this rebellion stemmed from a developing inferiority complex. ever since you first joined the family, baji has always held a bit of insecurity about his place. it’s not that he thinks that your mom doesn’t love him. it’s because he’s supposed to be the protector of the family, the “man of the house” of sorts, the one you and your mom lean on during hard times. but even though you weren’t as strong or physically capable of offering protection as he was, you were always ten steps ahead of him in terms of maturity and the level of responsibility your guys’ mom entrusted you with. you were surpassing him, and at the time, he hated you for it.
however, the one thing he would always be better at was fighting. it was a major reason he decided to become faster, stronger, and sharper. he learned how to read people, to connect the dots when something didn’t add up, and how to trust his gut feeling. he pushed himself to be better--to compete with you for a spot that he believed should’ve been his to begin with. he neglected school in favor of honing his skills, tumbling further and further down a dark, unhealthy path that became thornier and narrower with each passing day.
he needed to be the “big brother.” if he wasn’t, then what was he? your little brother? him? he might as well just tag “inferior” onto the end of his name.
things came to a screeching halt about six months later when you slapped the fuck out of him. oh, yeah, my mans saw white. shit hurt like a mf. he went to punch you, only to freeze when he noticed your expression. there were tears streaming down your face, but you looked more pissed than he's ever seen you. you screamed at him, shouting in his face about how upset your mom was with his behavior, how you hated your relationship with him, and how he needed to get it the fuck together.
baji was shocked.
never once in his life had you hit him, and never once had you cursed so freely without apologizing.
you two had a much-needed heart-to-heart. you two sat for hours, crying, yelling at each other, apologizing, hugging, shoving each other, throwing punches, and whatever else you needed to do in order to vent the pent-up stress that had been unraveling both your minds for the past six months. it was shaky and confusing at times, but you two finally laid your souls bare, placing your hearts in the hands of the other and allowing them to stitch together the splinters and cracks that wept silent tears that neither of you ever showed to anyone before.
baji learned that you were just as insecure as he was, and that the only difference between the two of you was that you were able to mask your feelings better. you both discovered the insecurities and struggles of the other; and, soon after that, you realized that your strength was the other’s weakness, and vice versa. with this mental clarity and new boundaries that have been set, you could be stronger together.
over the next few years, you two developed a close sibling bond. it was a bit rough at first, and sometimes, you two would take one step forward and two steps back. but you eventually managed to clear the suffocating press of the forest and step from the treeline into the warm sunlight awaiting you both. the friction between you gradually decreased, and fights became less and less frequent.
he stopped resisting when you tended to his wounds, and you stopped pretending like you weren’t stressed out by the expectations that naturally accompanied your reputation. y’all still get on each other’s nerves, though.
“hey, baji, do you want to--”
“ayo, get the FUCK out of my room!”
“fine, forget you,” cue you smacking a water bottle off his dresser and turning off the light on your way out
it isn’t uncommon for you to open your bedroom door and find baji sitting criss-cross on your bed, one of your more ornate and unfortunately expensive hairpins clipping his long locks out of his face while he munches on a bowl of lucky charms.
“what are you doing?”
“hello? this is my room?”
as irritating as baji may be at times, you still spend copious hours tutoring him. this is where your virtue of patience comes in handy, because not only does he seriously struggle with the material, but he would also rather do literally anything else other than study. however, you’ve resolved to prevent his failure at all costs. you can’t even count the numbers of all-nighters you powered through on both your hands. but, the proud grin baji greets you with as he hands you a test with a 82% makes it all worth it. the first time he got an A on a writing test, you actually cried.
baji genuinely appreciates all the effort you put into tutoring him. he may lowkey be a dumbass, but he knows that you’re sacrificing quite a bit for the sake of him being able to brag to his comrades and elicit a tear of joy from your mother. you always smile and say that you’re okay, but your bloodshot, dark-rimmed eyes and occasional missing assignments say otherwise. so, he plays dumb whenever you find an energy drink on your dresser or your favorite snack lying around, or whenever he offers you a ride to and from your favorite restaurant
baji would absolutely beat someone’s ass for you. in return for the kind acts he nonchalantly performs even when you haven’t done anything and him steering you away from any fights that spontaneously erupt, you turn to him for help when it comes to other people bullying you. you don’t mind him threatening others, but you warn him against inflicting too much damage on those who pick on or bother you. baji is so quick to take you up on your requests for his help. he’s so excited omfg please
but before long, you seek him out less out of obligation and more simply because you trust him. he notices the change in your demeanor and voice when you make the shift, and although he would never say it, it makes him so happy. you trust him. you actually trust him like an older brother.
he highkey chases off all the boys that wish to court you. it annoys you, but he always justifies his actions by claiming that all men except for him and, like… chifuyu are predators.
ah, yes. keisuke “if you so much as look at my sister, i will be legally allowed to hunt you for sport” baji
whenever you show interest in someone, baji puts them through the fucking wringer, my dude. he’ll force them through all types of stupid and lowkey mentally exhausting scenarios in order to assess what type of person they are and whether or not they’re good enough for you. he knows he might be overstepping your boundaries at times, but he doesn’t want to accidentally let someone who will hurt you into your life.
with how hard you’ve been working over the years, he knows you deserve better than that
you're his little sister, after all. he has to protect you.
baji knows that you hate when people fight and curse so casually, so he does his best to prevent such situations whenever possible.
but… okay, so, baji means well. he really does. but, his method of getting people to stop fighting and yelling swear words is to fucking deck them in the face and shout, “STOP FUCKING FIGHTING, YOU GODDAMN PIECES OF SHIT! MY LITTLE SISTER DOESN’T LIKE IT, SO YOU BASTARDS ARE GOING TO STOP BEFORE I KICK YOUR MOTHERFUCKING TEETH IN. FUCK.”
then he’ll look back over his shoulder with a grin of approval and give you a thumbs-up, genuinely expecting you to be proud of him
he’s trying. he is, i swear
he tells you a lot of stories about toman, but he does it at the strangest times.
you’ll be sitting in bed doing homework while trying to ignore your brother, who is currently flexing shirtless in your mirror simply because you told him to get out; and all of a sudden, he’s like, “did i ever tell you about the time mikey and kazutora helped me wax my ass with melted crayons?”
or you’ll be in a convenience store paying for food while baji hums idly behind you, and in the middle of the cashier bidding you farewell, baji will bump you with his shoulder and go, “hey, i have to tell you about this one time when pah-chin got his head stuck in a staircase railing. we had to slather him in lotion and butter, and he popped right out like that newborn fawn i saw on animal planet--the one that got eaten right after it was born. you remember that episode, right?”
you’ll just close your eyes and sigh deeply, already well-aware of the disturbed, slightly panicked stare of the employee. “i’m so sorry, sir.” you say reflexively. you turn on your heel and seize baji by the shell of his ear, exiting the store with your brother in tow while he gripes at you to release him
baji probably talks about you a lot to chifuyu. usually, all he does is talk about how much of a wuss you are. but there are times where he does brag about you. he’ll gloat about how smart you are, and he’ll scoff whenever there’s a problem, mumbling, “(reader) would’ve figured this out already.” he forced chifuyu to vow to never breathe a word about it to you, though. you’ve already caught him in a hundred different embarrassing situations, which means you have enough blackmail to order him around for the next seventeen years. he’s not about to give you any extra ammunition
but secretly, he is proud of you :D
despite his awareness of your aversion to violence, he does want to introduce you to chifuyu, mikey, and the rest of his inner circle. the first thing the toman founders notice when they meet you is that baji is remarkably more mellow in your presence. it’s as if he doesn’t want to startle you, instead wanting you to undergo a smooth integration into the group. they also notice that whenever you seem a bit fidgety or nervous, you relax a bit when you feel baji’s hand touch the top of your head or your shoulder, a clear sign of trust and safety
baji takes pinky promises seriously (as he should). you could be looming over a corpse holding a bloodstained knife and tell baji, "it wasn't me. pinky promise" and once you two have intertwined pinkies, he will wholeheartedly believe you
this man will defend you against anyone. he doesn't care if they're a seven-foot-tall bodybuilder, he doesn't care if they're heavily armed and pointing a loaded gun at his chest, he doesn't even care if they're the fucking president. big or small, armed or empty-handed, he won't hesitate to uppercut their shit. it doesn't matter if the whole world is against you. he will be right at your side. family is really important to him, and he cherishes the special bond.
you’re in charge of waking baji up in the morning, though. mans will deadass either sleep through every alarm he sets, or will accidentally demolish the alarm clock in his sleep until it ceases its incessant ringing
now that you’ve become a more active part of his life, he’s started going to school more. he’s cool with taking you to and from school on his bike, but you have to wear his helmet since he doesn’t have a second one. it’s non-negotiable.
he bitches and whines about every little thing in the school, from the food to the squeaky door of the math room. you just smile and listen, because his complaints are proof that he’s actually paying attention. baji is doing better, and you’re thrilled
during classes you have together, he sits in the desk next to you with his head on the wooden surface, squinting at and mean-mugging random-ass people for a reason unbeknownst to you. you’ll be minding your own business when he suddenly leans over to you, subtly jerking his head in the direction of some girl neither of you have ever spoken to. “i don’t like her,” he’ll mutter, dropping his chin back onto the desk.
“what—why?” you’ll whisper back.
“i just feel like she’s mean.” baji cuts his eyes at her a second time. “i can feel it in my spleen. just trust me.”
you do. then next week will roll around, and you’ll hear through the grapevine about how she maliciously used some poor girl’s arm as a makeshift ashtray. you and baji will exchange a knowing look and a nod.
you and baji fuel each other to do better--to be better. and although it had seemed like a one-in-a-million chance, a trusting, close-knit bond arose from your tumultuous, overly competitive pasts. now, there’s nothing that can separate you :)
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (6/?)
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Description: James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
Word Count: 2.1k words
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Bucky couldn't recall the last time he had a genuine conversation with someone who wasn't his best mates, Sam and Steve. He enjoyed your company and as much as he hated to let his guard down, he wanted to do just that with you. You were everything that Bucky thought he would find repulsive, but he couldn’t help but be attracted towards you. And for the first time he wanted more, he didn't want a one-night stand or a fling with you, he wanted to know you. He admired your courage and bravery, but mostly he admired you. You, with all your stupid yet funny jokes and spontaneity; he liked you more than he would like to admit.
But there was this thing that you were his employee and one meal doesn't count as a date. It was just a meal. But yet, Bucky wanted it to be more. He had never been so intrigued by another person, but it was also clear that you didn't reciprocate his interest. And Bucky would have all of his 206 bones crushed out rather than giving his heart to someone only for it to be not requited. 
So, when you walked into the club the next day, pretending as if nothing had changed, Bucky knew where your relationship lay with him, and he was content with it. Okay, he wasn't content with it, but he knew he couldn't force something that wasn't there. He would choose to be in your life as your boss, acquaintance, or maybe even a friend if he's lucky enough than to not be in your life at all. 
When you got settled behind the counter, your mood wasn't that great. It could be because you weren't drunk this time, or maybe because you enjoyed your meal with your boss a little too much for your liking. You wouldn't call it a date, but it sure as hell was a lot better than all the dates or meals you've had with people.
Your good mood was definitely not because of the fact that your mother called only to inform you that this family friend's son is not going to wait around long, and you should at least find a stable job if you can't find a suitable boyfriend. Then she started boasting about your sister and her amazing profession and how she and her husband save lives every day. And you might have had enough of her bullshit and lied that you indeed have a stable job and relationship. None of which is true. 
Bartending only pays the bills, and you haven't had a relationship in years and none of them were serious. You always ran away from any sort of commitment because you knew you would eventually have to introduce your partner to your family and nobody deserves to see that circus, and you told yourself that you're doing a favor to those previous partners by leaving them or as your friends like to call ghosting them. In your defense, dealing with you and your family is more horrific than any scary movie. 
Well, until now because tomorrow your sister and her family are coming to meet your partner and take you back to your parents' place for the weekend. The only problem is that you lied to them about your job and your partner. The worst part is that both of them are pretty non-existent.
"Hey, How are you feeling? " Peter asked you, noticing how you still weren't paying attention to the customer in front of you. 
“Great, not drunk, if that's what you're wondering.” 
“I'm fine," you retorted, glancing at the concerned look Peter was giving you. You quickly took the customer's order and proceeded to make the drink. 
"The last time you said you were fine, you threatened to kill a dude," Pietro interjected, enjoying the faux disbelief that landed on your face. You looked over to Wanda for help, but she just chuckled at her brother's antics.
The rest of the night at work went by as it usually did. Pietro making a sarcastic remark here and there, Wanda countering her brother with a snarky response, you were laughing your ass off watching the duo and Peter awkwardly tried to suppress his amusement. In a weird custom, these three coworkers were the only thing that felt normal. 
By the time you were done, it was mostly you left like always, with the addition of security guards that James added since Rumlow. You wanted to talk to him, especially after the wonderful not date you had, but the situation with him was not under your control anymore and it released from your grasp which scared the shit out of you. If James and you had met under different circumstances, then you would have tried to date him, but with him being your boss and the whole Rumlow thing made everything so complicated, and you didn't have time for any sort of relationship complication in your life. At least that's what you kept telling yourself.
When you were done with your shift and were about to leave, a very familiar voice called for you. You've been trying to ignore him all day and just when you thought you've succeeded, he catches up to you. 
The thing that scared you with James was that you felt safe, too safe with him. You were scared that you were going to become dependent on him for your security, and you hated that. You always despised women who weren't anything except their husband's wife, as if their whole identity was being a man's property. Furthermore, you knew the only thing to be blamed here was patriarchy and men, but you decided that you weren't going to be someone's property, you were going to be your own person. 
And you rebelled a lot to reach here, dyed your hair blue just because your mom told you not to, pursued your dream just because your dad told you to follow a secure nine to four job, left ex-partners because they told you what to and what not to wear. And some part of you knew that James wasn't like that. He wouldn't exploit you and your weaknesses. 
But what you didn't realize was that these were merely excuses that your brain mustered up because you were too scared to be dumped. A long time ago, you decided that it is better to leave than be left. And James — well, James made you feel things that you didn't want to chase. You feared commitment and abandonment too much to go after a guy. 
Your thoughts were brought to a halt when he held your wrist gently and called your name again. Reluctantly, you turned around, pretending to be surprised as if you didn't see him. 
He obviously caught on to you. "Why are you ignoring me?" 
"What?" You scoffed in feign disbelief, taking your hand away from his grasp and setting it on his shoulder. "Why would I ignore you, bud?"
Bud? What the fuck? , both of you thought at the same time.
Carefully, he eyed your hand and then you, "Okay, come on, I'll drop you home."
"No, James, it's fine, I can go on my own." 
"Yes, yes, you are an independent, strong woman but come on," He teased, but you didn't seem to pick up the glint of mischief in his eyes. 
You heard that as a taunt, a taunt your father has told you an ample number of times, that you indeed can never be anything on your own if you don't have a man beside you. While you were lost in your thoughts, James was moving towards his car, assuming that you were following him.
 "But I am," you argued. 
Your voice sounded distant to him, he turned around and walked towards you. "You are what?" 
"I am strong and independent."
"Yes, you are," he agreed as a matter of factly because it was the truth. He had never met someone so strong who would leave behind their whole life to pursue their dreams. He, being the mob boss, and filthy rich couldn't do the same, and he may not tell you this, but he admired you so much. 
Once you got the assurance you needed, you started walking towards his car. "Are you coming or not?" and he followed you. 
Of course, you knew you were strong, but your life had not been going as smoothly as you anticipated. You're stuck in writer's block, your family interference and lack of trust in you hurts like a bitch. You were somewhat crushing on your boss, and you blurted random embarrassing stuff in front of him without thinking. You know, normal crush things. 
When you reached the apartment, he insisted on dropping you to your floor. The car ride was spent in peaceful silence, but the time spent in the elevator was everything but that. No, the fifteen seconds were spent in James fidgeting beside you because he wanted to say something but didn't know how to. 
After you unlocked your door, he finally spoke up. "Um, I was just wondering whether, you know, - I had fun last night and I don't have smooth conversations with people - um, I don't know, I'd like to go out with you again," he didn't finish, but your eyebrows shot up to your forehead and he quickly backpedaled. " Not as a date, if that's what you want. It could be a meal shared between you and your boss. Not that I'm implying that you are obligated to go with me just because I'm your boss. I'm asking this as a stranger, well, not as a stranger but as a friend, I think."
"James,” you spoke softly, and he could feel the denial coming his way.” I had fun too, but you're my boss. This is highly unprofessional."
He signed in defeat and looked at you one last time. There was so much he wanted to say, he wanted to tell you that he enjoyed your company more than he should. He wanted to tell you that he liked you. He wanted to tell you that he wanted to see where this thing would lead with you, but he knew better than that. At the end of the day, you were his employee and if you were to get involved with him in any form, it would only end in your tarnished reputation. So, he nodded, not trusting himself enough to speak much after the clear rejection. "I understand."
"Y/N! “
Both of you turned towards the source of the voice and frowned. He frowned because he was confused, whereas you, oh, you weren't confused, you were furious at the person standing there and at yourself for forgetting about their arrival.
 "Hi, Carol. I thought you were coming tomorrow," you stated, faking a smile, and everyone in the area could see your distressed attempt at looking excited.
 Well, everyone except your sister because she shrieked with happiness and ran towards you to throw her arms around you. Her husband followed behind and gave you and James an awkward smile.
 "I just couldn't wait to meet my baby sister and we'll take you guys back for the weekend."
You guys, James and you thought at the same time. James looked at the side of your face for an explanation, and you kept looking forward at your sister, avoiding his gaze.
Fuck, you forgot about that. How can you forget about that? You mentally cursed yourself and didn't say anything because you didn't know what to do. 
Your sister picked your silence as her cue to talk and pointed her index finger at James, who was standing beside you now. "Is this him?"
Your sister looked at you, expecting an answer, your brother-in-law looked at you with something called, please hurry up, I just want to go back to the hotel. James looked at you with bewilderment. 
You sighed and took your boss's hand in yours, who also happens to be the most dangerous person in the town. He complied, holding on to you tightly, running his thumb on the back of your hand in a soothing manner. It felt like the most obvious thing as if your hand was made to be held by him. The thought sent a pleasant shiver down your spine, but you were too stubborn to accept it.
"Yes," you finalized. "This is James, my boyfriend."
TAGS: @bananapipedreams @akkinda10 @rivers-rambles21 @emmabarnes @goodcleanfunsis @valsworldofcreativity @boofy1998 @marvel-3407​ @priii​
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Hey does nie huisang's mother ever come back? I really liked the part where she doted and bonded with mingjue. I think even though she's not human she'd be even more delighted with him and more or less adopt him all over again after seeing how he cared so fiercely for huisang (also I don't think she'd care that guangyao has given up. Try to touch either of her kids and your a dead man... or maybe just mingjue? Since he's human and a LOT younger than her maybe she just goes around killing the people that have the capacity and wish to kill him)
spontaneous sequel to this morning’s fic (ao3 link here)
Huli jing were pretty rare, as spiritual beasts went, and that was generally considered to be a good thing - when they were bad, they were very very bad - but Nie Mingjue faithfully followed up on every possible lead regardless, putting it out among the other cultivation sects that he had a special interest and would appreciate - with monetary remuneration, even - a heads up should one ever show itself.
Mostly this meant following up on a lot of false leads, including, in one somewhat embarrassing case, an actual fox that had stolen the local farmer’s prize goose.
Still: family was family, and so he kept it up.
He had to stop during the war, naturally, and in the period immediately following it when his health had gotten very bad for a while, although luckily the dragon managed to fix it back up, and he’d been doing very well ever since. Lan Xichen had wondered if it was Clarity and Jin Guangyao had refused to talk to him for a month for some reason, but that wasn’t that important.
He was feeling better now, so he started following up on leads again. Nie Huaisang was coming up on his first quarter-century very soon, and that was supposed to be a big event - his first tail! - and books were all well and good but someone, anyone, with experience was better.
Ironically enough, he found what he was looking for on a scheduled hunt that wasn’t anything anyone had identified as a huli jing, but rather what appeared to be rather a great deal of nu gui appearing all at once near Lanling, enough to make a notorious womanizer like Jin Guangshan start to sweat. They’d all been making the rounds, all the various Great Sects together - even Jiang Cheng had joined in, as well as Lan Wangji, recently emerged from seclusion with a scowl firmly on his face.
“Why do you think they’re aiming at the Jin sect?” Lan Xichen wondered aloud as they walked around the edges of an abandoned village very close to Lanling - one of the trouble spots. “It’d be one thing if it were one of them, but so many...?”
“My theory is that someone is murdering all of Sect Leader Jin’s outside women so that they’ll go after him,” Jiang Cheng said, then glanced at Jin Guangyao. “No offense meant, of course.”
Jin Guangyao waved a hand dismissively. He’d started loosening up in the time since he met the dragon, revealing a bit more of his sharper and nastier side in a way that made Nie Mingjue respect him more than all of his fake softness had, and for some reason that had made Jiang Cheng warm right up to him. All for the good, in Nie Mingjue’s opinion, since they were all but co-raising that nephew of theirs...
“Who would do that, though?” he asked. “It’s as if they bear him a grudge, but it seems like a roundabout way of going about -”
Nie Mingjue stopped moving.
There was a woman standing in the door to one of the village houses. Like a nu gui she was dressed all in red, but her flesh was ruddy and her complexion vibrant; her luxurious hair looped in a widow’s braids but her figure just as gorgeous as it had ever been.
She held out her hands towards Nie Mingjue, smiling. “Oh, cabbage bun, meat pie, my darling! How have you been?”
“...did she just...”
“Right to Chifeng-zun‘s face?”
Nie Mingjue put Baxia away.
“Mingjue-xiong?” Lan Xichen asked, frowning. “You should be careful; we had heard that this village was abandoned of all human life.”
“No one who calls Chifeng-zun a cabbage bun could be human,” Jiang Cheng mumbled under his breath. 
“Second mother?” Nie Mingjue called tentatively as he approached, and ignored how the cultivators around him all abruptly went silent and slack-jawed. “Is that you?”
“Naturally,” she said. “You don’t think I’d miss my baby’s birthday, do you? After you did such a good job taking care of him, too! Oh, my little carp, I’m sorry it took so long. I had to cut one off to escape, you understand, and once you do that you’re really rather stuck until you gather enough power to get back to full strength...would’ve been a touch awkward, wouldn’t you say?”
She certainly talked about as much as Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue reflected.
“He’ll be happy to see you,” he said. If this was the wrong huli jing - and he wouldn’t be shocked if it was, what with the way they changed faces - and a trick was being played, it wouldn’t work on Nie Huaisang. “Were you planning on staying long? Just the birthday, or...?”
He wasn’t giving up Nie Huaisang to anyone at all, not even his birth mother.
“I hadn’t quite decided,” she said, nodding in a way that meant that she understood his meaning and didn’t intend to dispute it; he relaxed at the sight of her agreement. “I got a little distracted, actually. Don’t think I didn’t hear about what that nasty man tried to do to you!”
“Nasty man?” Nie Mingjue asked, puzzled. “Do you mean Wen Ruohan? That was ages ago.”
“Not him, my gooey little egg! That nasty Jin sect leader, all sly and underhanded tricks - not that I mind sly and underhanded tricks, of course, least of all murderous ones - but I mean, really. The gall of that man, thinking he could snap up my little morsel before I could!”
“...does she like Chifeng-zun or want to eat him?” Jiang Cheng whispered.
“Unknown,” Lan Wangji murmured back.
“Shhh,” Lan Xichen said. “A-Yao, are you all right? You’ve gone terribly pale...”
“Anyway, chicken wing, I decided to bring back all of his nightmares to haunt him,” she chattered on cheerfully, throwing her head haughtily, the eyes of all the men and women irresistibly followed the graceful lines of her neck and shoulders, though most of them were able to pull their eyes away a moment later. That was her mercy, rather than their strength; she was a strong enough huli jing to entrap a sect leader, and Nie Mingjue’s father had been no slouch, even if he had bad taste in bed partners. “It’s been ever so much fun.”
Nie Mingjue sighed. “Second mother,” he said. “I thought I asked you not to kill people? As a special birthday favor to me?”
“Oh, pork chop, I know! I haven’t forgotten - no killing people around you, I remember, I remember. I haven’t killed anyone...well, in connection with this, anyway. I just had a little chat with some of my underworld friends and brought the ones who’d already died back.”
Nie Mingjue’s eyes shot straight to a - by now - even more pale Jin Guangyao. “Uh,” he said. “By chance, second mother, did you happen to pass by Yunping...?”
“Such a sweet little tanghulu you are! I could pop you right into my mouth and never frown.” He was only a few steps away from her now, and she danced forward to pat him on the cheek. “Don’t worry! I know how much you care for your friends. I made sure not to send A-Shi anywhere those mean old cultivators could get her.”
“A-Yao! Oh, someone help me, I think he’s stopped breathing - come, sit down -”
“You really need to stop bringing back nu gui,” Nie Mingjue decided to say instead of dealing with...that. “They’re not getting past Jinlin Tower’s defenses anyway, and we’re worried about collateral damage.”
His second mother heaved a sigh. “I know, I know,” she said. “I had the same thought as you, meatball, about the defenses. You caught me just as I finished upgrading.”
Nie Mingjue didn’t like the sound of that.
“Of course, it isn’t working out right,” she added, pouting. “You’d think someone who got accused of being a demon so often wouldn’t be so picky about who he’s being asked to murder.”
“I already told you that I’m not a vicious ghost!” a surprisingly familiar voice retorted from inside the house. “I refuse to go around killing people!”
“Oh no - now Jiang Cheng’s fallen down, too! Wangji, could you - Wangji? Wangji!”
Nie Mingjue covered his face with his hand. “You brought back Wei Wuxian.”
“I brought back Wei Wuxian,” his second mother agreed. “I thought it’d be poetic justice - the wronged man come back for revenge. But he’s being persnickety about it, so I have half a mind to just let him go.”
“Good idea,” Nie Mingjue said, deciding to just - let it go. Someone else could deal with it. Possibly Lan Xichen, since it sounded like everyone else had fainted. “Anyway, you’re far too busy to pursue vengeance right now.”
“I am?”
“I know how much you like to throw parties. Don’t you want to help me plan Huaisang’s twenty fifth?”
“Oh!” She clapped her hands. “Absolutely! We can invite positively everyone that tried to get in your way and show off how good a job raising him you did!”
Nie Mingjue thought back over all the creatures he’d ever encountered.
“We’re going to need a bigger venue.”
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blindbeta · 3 years
I just saw someone asked about making a character blind in their novel and you responded about ways to avoid it being portrayed poorly. I wanted to ask, could it also help if part of the arc is the character accepting becoming blind?
Like, even if it happens in some kind of accident, or like them becoming blinded as a sacrifice for the team, would it be a bad portrayal for part of the character's story to be realizing it's not the end of the world, that being disabled doesn't make them completely useless, etc?
Or is that sort of arc also ableist?
[Note: I used the words non-disabled and abled interchangeably here. Both refer to people with no disabilities. After a conversation with some of my followers, I decided to make an effort to be clearer about who I referred to when I used words like able-bodied, because able-bodied may, for some people, refer to people without physical disabilities or without any disabilities at all. There are times when the distinction matters, even when people said they can usually tell based on context whether or not able-bodied is meant to include them.]
Writing About A Character Accepting Being Blind After Going Blind - When You Aren’t Blind Yourself
An arc about a character accepting becoming blind doesn’t feel good to me and I’ll try to explain why.
I’d rather read a story about a character who happens to be blind, in whatever way that happened, than read a story where a writer who isn’t blind tries to write about a blind character accepting being blind. I just finished a similar book and it did not go well. There are some things that research cannot teach you. There are some stories that aren’t yours to tell.
I don’t want to read about a non-blind author, especially a non-disabled author, writing negative things about my disability.
A character starting out feeling overly negative toward their blindness already feels bad to me. Why? Because the author has to write negative, sometimes completely wrong things about being blind. When I read stories like this, I am bombarded with stereotypes or myths which are rarely corrected by the narrator, who is usually traumatized and somewhat isolated as they heal. Many of the things they think or say are not checked or revisited. Mean things other characters say or think about them are often internalized by the narrator. Things that, in real life, are said to blind and otherwise disabled people as truths. As tough-love. As part of the supposed -Real World-. As bullying. As ignorant, innocent questions. As rude comments.
All of these things are not even coming from a personal place. The author writing these things- while they probably don’t agree with them, of course- is still not blind at the end of the day.
Readers who aren’t blind may not understand the nuance of why some of the things they read were ableist if it isn’t called out in the narrative in some way, which can sometimes happen when the narrator says something negative about their new disability. This isn’t to say readers shouldn’t do their own research or examine the story more closely. This isn’t to say the author is at fault for the interpretations of readers who refuse to think beyond what is laid out for them. When I say this, I am being realistic. Not all readers are going to be proactive. Not all readers are going to approach a book about a person going blind from a good place.
Most of the time, this is just something the author needs to accept. It is impossible to anticipate the strange interpretations of every reader. However, this narrative can be dangerous to a reader who has never met a blind person. Keep in mind, most people aren’t doing what you all are doing. They just read what is given to them. And if what is given to them is a helpless or self-loathing blind person, they might believe in that image. That book may be the only expirience they have with a blind person and they may not read any other books with blind characters.
Another thing I thought of was that non-blind authors sometimes don’t understand how hobbies and skills translate to blind people. For example, in a story I read once, a character who was going blind practiced playing piano and typing on a keyboard blindfolded so they could learn how to do without sight. However, blind people can already play instruments even if they were born blind. Blind people can also easily type on regular keyboards and, technically, correct keyboard technique means typing without needing to look at the keyboard.
Authors who don’t understand what it is like to go blind often don’t get the nuances of what that person is losing and not losing. And it often shows. They also don’t often include the aspects of blindness that are actually challenging. Why focus your worry on typing on a keyboard when you can learn how to use assistive devices in the kitchen or learn to cope with anxiety you anticipate will get worse after losing vision? Why not try to find accessible copies of books you have or scan or Braille sentimental letters? Why not organize your closet so you can find things more easily?
Obviously this is related to characters who know they’re going blind, though.
It favors non-disabled readers, which is ableist.
Another reason this type of story bothers me is because it is so common. Or at least people expect it. This type of story is one abled / non-disabled people can swallow and feel inspired by. Showing the blind person accepting their blindness also favors non-disabled readers in ways I may not be able to articulate well.
Accepting disability is an arc non-disabled people are comfortable with. It is a feel-good type of story that usually doesn’t challenge people too much, other than to remind them not to bully people. Already, this story is not even for disabled people, or in this case, blind people. It exists to introduce people who aren’t blind to the idea of becoming blind, to blind technology, to inspirational ideas about how blind people actually can do things. Stories like this guide abled people along and prioritize their ideas about blindness. Because the narrator is almost always previously abled, the story is about adjusting to blindness in a way that caters to non-disabled people.
How does a story with this angle benefit blind readers? Even if a blind person has also recently gone blind and wants to see a character who on that journey with them, what can a writer who isn’t blind say that blind writer couldn’t say? Or say better? Or say with more power? With more nuancel? With more personal experience?
And it may seem like saying this arc is ableist is too much. Keep in mind, ableism isn’t just about being rude to or excluding disabled people. Ableism favors those who are able-bodied or neurotypical over those who are not. It favors those who are not disabled over those who are. This story is just another way of doing that. Often, people are ableist through what they consider kindnes. Authors are not exempt from that.
Disabled authors should tell their own stories
This is where I will get some pushback. (I already received some here if you think it will be helpful to know what this is like.)
There are a few parts to this.
First, I want everyone to know I am not telling you what not to write or that this type of story, at least with elements of this narrative, can never be done well. However, the more care you take when writing it and the more you know about why it can be ableist, the better you will be able to write it. I’m still not sure I would want to read a book that is dedicated to this topic of accepting blindness, but who knows?
I also might feel more open to this narrative from a writer who experienced becoming disabled in some other way and was open about it. While they would still need to research blindness, some of the issues I named here could be avoided through having prior personal experience that non-disabled people simply don’t have.
If, however, you find yourself upset or feeling excluded by this post, consider what I wrote again. Consider why you think you are the best person to tell such a story with this particular arc.
I am also not saying that non-disabled writers could never write this topic well. I just question, again, what they can add to the topic of accepting blindness that blind people can’t already add. This is also assuming they were able to avoid some of the issues I listed above that might come up. Which would be difficult on top of doing all the other research they need to do in order to write a book. Why make it harder for themselves?
Now that I’m done with the disclaimers, accepting blindness should be something mostly left up to blind writers. This narrative is so closely tied to the trauma-based / incident-based blindness that it can be hard to separate them, but I feel like the readers of the blog have thought hard to suggest ways to improve or subvert that trope and the problems that go with it. Maybe they can do the same here. Maybe not.
Anyway, the reason I think it should be left to blind writers is because of the personal experience I mentioned previously. Acceptance will come from a more authentic place. Anything that comes before the acceptance will also come from an authentic place and blind writers will know how to deal these issues a little better.
Blind writers will know how to write this topic well. They can center blind readers in a way that many arcs like this don’t.
As a side note, blind writers also need more recognition and attention. This arc is specifically about or mostly about accepting blindness, which blind writers are intimately familiar with. Their stories should be prioritized in this area, at the very least.
If a non-disabled writer decided to do this topic, I think it would help to read and public ally promote books and other works by blind people.
Thank you for asking this question.
This was a really great question and I want to thank the anon for asking. I really appreciate the chance to discuss this topic. If anyone wants to expand on this question or figure out ways to subvert this arc, feel free to ask. Also, remember that I am not authority on stories about blind people, but I feel this opinion in shared by many of us and it should be known so writers can be aware.
Suggestions for alternatives.
1. Include only brief instances of acceptance and / or make it only related to blindness instead of accepting blindness as a character arc.
It will depend on how you do it, but brief, less direct instances of acceptance could be done well. One thing I’m thinking of is Toph challenging her father in The Blind Bandit. This could be seen as a form of self-acceptance for Toph, one which is related to her blindness without being the entirety of her need to accept part of herself, which gives her the courage to disrupt the view her parents have of her. Toph doesn’t struggle with being blind. She struggles with something related to being blind, which her parents being over-protective, limiting her freedom and expression, and putting her a gender role box.
The rest of Toph’s story wasn’t completely about being blind either. The writers, who weren’t blind as far as I can gather, handled this part well, and so I wanted to include it as an example.
Obviously, this can also be done badly, but that’s what beta readers are for. I personally would prefer the acceptance arc only be tangentially related to blindness, especially when combined with the trope about going blind through trauma / incidents / accidents.
2. Start in a different place.
You could start the story or character arc in a different place, rather than starting directly after going blind. This could be years later. After they already adjusted to the bigger parts of being blind. This saves you the need to figure out how to get around it.
Some parts of this ask might help.
3. Focus mostly on the practical stuff rather than the emotional side.
Focus on things like cane skills, adjusting to using screen-readers or needing to increase font sizes to read. Focus on learning to cook. Make the arc less about emotional stuff and more achieving goals. While I can understand how this might bother some blind people, I think it can work if blind readers are consulted, especially readers who went blind later in life. I wanted to include this as an option just in case people are determined to include going blind in the story. I think, if the author is careful, it could go well. A few narrative justifications for not writing the typical acceptance arc include:
-the character was already blind in some way first
-the character has a blind sibling, parent, or friend they grew up with
-the character got counseling or the story mentions they are getting counseling
Alternatively, you could also focus emotional difficulties on the traumatic incident, if there is one, and not the resulting blindness.
4. Write different stories - expand what stories about blind characters look like.
Writers have so many opportunities! I don’t see why they would feel the need to write a story primarily about going blind and learning you aren’t useless now after all, when they could be writing about a blind mermaid challenging the Mer Queen and falling in love with her instead. When they could be writing about blind space pirates creating new technology for other blind people. When they could be writing about a blind witch reclaiming their sexuality and also learning to dance to make their coven less worried about their social life after going blind.
See this post for more ideas about expanding the typical stories.
If you are creative enough, none of my claims that certain topics being best left to blind writers should stop you. If you feel limited, you might be trapped in the idea that blind people only have one narrative: trauma, sadness, helplessness, and just maybe, acceptance. If you don’t feel limited, you are in a good place.
Blind readers want other types of stories, too.
I hope this helps some of my followers. Thanks for the interesting question, anon. If anyone has any questions or would like me to clarify something, feel free to ask. I wrote this at night when I was tired. I have missed some things.
P.S. The ideas I pitched at the end are free to use if you feel inspired by any of them.
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