#is it even a story of mine if i don’t have bucky say stevie
Well, guess who is so addicted to her own damn story she keeps posting updates!
Hopefully, this is the chapter that answers some questions!
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espinosaurusrexex · 9 months
Forever, of course.
SteveRogers x Female!Reader
summary: Steve has a crush on you but your flirty character isn’t making things easy for him. Now he even has to marry you to please a 6-year-old superfan of his. Whether that’s a good plan or not, isn’t quite clear for Steve yet.
a/n: I think this will be the last AI-adaptive story but it was a lot of fun! Shoutout to @RandomTingsForFun on beta.character.ai for having created the character that helped me write this story (and the Bucky one).
Word count: 4k
warnings: a Stevie in love, an attempted funny reader, and a super excited 6-year-old (she carries the story tbh), this is really just super fluffy
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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Steve shook his head at the sight of your chat history. It wasn’t too long ago when he didn’t even know how to listen to music on the device he was holding in his hands, let alone write a text message in less than 30 seconds. Now, he was bickering with you, and he had to admit it was even a little fun to wait for a response from you. Of course, Steve didn’t do anything else in the time he waited for your reply. He just stared at the screen in his hand and willed his heartbeat to slow a little. 
*ping* Why would that be important? So? Maybe I have been talking to Sam about you. Have you been talking about me with Bucky?
Steve: No I haven’t! And it is important because if he’s badmouthing me, then you’d believe him. What has he told you anyway?
You: Just the usual. Save the world this, Captain America that. I stopped listening when he started obsessing over your shield again.
You: Wait. Did you seriously think Sam would say something bad about you? That guy is obsessed with you.
Steve just laughed at your antics. Sam loved the shield for some reason, but every time Steve would give it to him to ‘throw it one time’ Bucky would intervene and ‘show him how it’s done’. 
*ping* Anyway what I actually wanted to ask is if you’d come to my niece’s house with me this weekend. She’s a huge Avenger fan and I might have promised her to meet one as her birthday present 😬
Steve: Of course, I will! I would feel bad if you made such a promise and I wasn't able to make it. And I bet she'll know who her favorite Avenger is after a visit from The Cap 😉
You: ugh please don’t call yourself that. ever. 
You: I’ll pick you up Saturday at 1:30? 
Steve: Yeah, sounds good! I'll make sure to clear my schedule. How old is your niece by the way? And what’s her name?
You: You can call her Izzy. And she’s turning 6 this Thursday. Be nice. And make sure to talk me up a bit, will ya? I mean, I’m already her favorite aunt but just making sure...
Steve: How could she not love you? But I’ll do it anyway. I’ll talk you up so much you’ll never be able to escape my praise! What’s her favorite food?
You: weirdly enough it's carrots, that child is strange. Says vegetables make her a superhero or something. 
Steve: I mean she’s not wrong. Carrots are great for your eyes! What does she think of Iron Man? I need to know my chances against the competition.
You: I just asked her and she said she doesn’t care about Tony because you are her one true love. 
You: I told her that’s not possible because you are already mine. Now we’re in a big fight so thanks for that.
Steve: why would you say that?
You: I like to see her freak. Don’t worry about it, captain. It was just a joke 
You: ...or was it 👀
Steve: I don’t believe you. You’re lying.
He got a little nervous. But it was a good nervous.
You: why? Do you want me to? 
You: Am I making you nervooouuus?
Steve could practically see you wiggle your eyebrows with a grin. A silly idea flashed past his mind, and he felt like grabbing it.
Steve: You need to stop before I accidentally propose to you.
Nothing - just a second, though. Then:
*ping* you have a ring?
Steve: I can get one in less than an hour. Meet me at the chapel on main and I’m all yours. 
You: I’m stunned. I’ve taught you well. 
Steve: 😊 I’ll see you Saturday, doll. 
Steve sat back on his sofa. That girl is really something. A smile broke loose on his face at the silly thought of marrying you. Honestly, he wouldn’t mind if it happened. Out of all the people he knew, you were the only one he’d want to spend the rest of his life with. You were fun and you made him loosen up. He was a whole new man around you and he loved it. Because being in your presence was easy, and comforting. There was nothing to worry about.
He sighed before putting his phone down and staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
❁ ❁ ❁
Steve stepped out of the door and smiled upon spotting your car. You were already waving at him, a beautiful smile adorning your face and Steve felt his heart skip. Car rides with you were nice. You always had some soft music playing. Always making sure it was nothing too funky so he felt comfortable. Still, he was a little nervous. It wasn’t every day that he go to meet someone who looked up to him - well, actually, it was every day - but this one was different. Because it was your family and Steve needed to make a good expression. 
It wasn’t long before you pulled up to your sister's house. But before you could even reach the front door, a little girl jumped out of the door and ran toward you with wild screeches. 
“Auntieeee!!!! OH MY GOD, you really did it! You invited Captain America!” The girl jumped up and down beside you and Steve couldn’t help his smile from spreading. Izzy was adorable - very loud - but adorable. Concentrating on it made his nervousness subside a little.
Then she turned around and stared up at him with wide eyes. He could have sworn there were little stars sparkling in them when he crouched down to her height and extended his hand.
“Hey there, little lady. It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Steve.”
“I know that!” The 6-year-old giggled as Steve shook her hand. But when he was about to let go, her tiny fingers grabbed onto his wrist and dragged him up the driveway. “I want to show you something! It’s soooo cool!” 
Steve was still a little cautious as she dragged him to her room. His only experience with kids came from Sam’s nephews and prior he had only gotten to hold a couple baby’s for pictures. He didn’t know how to navigate the situation, but he decided he would just rock with it.
Your niece pushed the white door with her name brightly colored on a sign hanging on her eye level open and revealed a tornado aftermath of action figures. He was able to spot most of the avengers laying scattered around a dinosaur toy but the overwhelming red, white, and blue covering her room was undeniable. There was a poster of Steve hanging by the desk and a bunch of her own drawings framing the magazine shot. Izzy appeared next to Steve again, holding a small action figure of himself in her hands. 
“My aunt gave me this one. It’s my first one.” She reached up to Steve and barely passed his hip with her little arms. The figure was well loved - he could see it from here. And when he bent down to retrieve it, your niece pulled him down further and whispered a giggly ‘you’re our favorite avenger’ into his ear.
His heart swelled at the excitement presented in front of him. It was adorable, and he could see a little of you in the little girl nervously treading beside him. 
“I’m your favorite, huh?” He said, his voice full of affection. Steve usually wasn’t the kind of person to get mushy over an adorable child, but the way her face lit up was too cute. The little Cap figure in her hands was pretty cute, too. “My, my. I must be pretty special then.” His thumb stroked over the blue helmet in her hands.
Lost in thought and seriously flattered by being the hero that inspired this impressive collection, he almost didn’t notice how Izzy threw her hands in the air. “So special! My mom says I will marry someone as special as you one day, but my aunt says there is no one like you. That is so mean!” Her little chubby cheeks puffed with a pout and Steve had to hold back his laugh. The 6-year-old had no idea what you implied with that comment, but he still felt more pride from being called special by you and your niece than from any medal of honor he had ever gotten.
“Well, a girl your age shouldn’t worry about things like that. But who knows, maybe I will be part of your family one day.”
“Really?!” Wide eyes stared back at him and Steve could practically feel the floor vibrating when he nodded with a laugh. Izzy held out her finger and then she exclaimed a rushed ‘stay here’ before zooming past him and out the door.
Steve stayed a little longer and admired Izzy’s room before he heard an excited ‘Captain America said I can marry him!’ Which made him instantly rush to the source.
He spotted her clinging to her mother’s leg, giddy and jumpy. But your sister just shared a laugh with you over the kitchen counter. “I don’t think he meant it like that, buttercup.” Steve watched your sister explain before his eyes got stuck on the little frown on your face. Was that a hint of jealousy, he was detecting? “But if he marries your aunt, he will be your uncle and just as much part of the family.” A little fire hushed past your older sister’s face. It was a look of mischief he had seen you hold all too well. Steve’s cheeks heated when you caught him leaning in the doorway, scratching his neck at the slightly awkward situation. 
“That works?”
“That’s how it works, baby.”
Izzy turned with excitement and within a second she was before Steve again. “You have to ask my aunt to marry you! Right now!!” She ordered with a stomp of her foot. “Then you can be my uncle and we can hang out every day!”
Steve’s eyes wandered from the six-year-old to you and his heart picked up its pace at the laugh you shared with your sister. There was no harm in a little play pretend, right?
So, he knelt down in front of you and when your name traveled past his lips softly, he almost imagined a grasp coming from you. “Will you,” his head tilted with a wink, “marry me?”
You hid your laugh behind your hands as they covered your mouth in feigned astonishment. But Steve caught the little glimmer in your eyes at his little show. He continued to take your hand as he threw together a little speech for Izzy to hear, and when the child began excitedly jumping up and down beside him, your face softened. 
“Oh, Steve! This is so unexpected!” You clutched your chest and your sister chuckled beside you. Steve felt a tinge of nervousness wash over him then, but he would be okay with a fake rejection - he wasn’t sure if Izzy would, though. “Of course, I’ll marry you! Come here you big, hunky, handsome superhero!”
And as if he hadn’t been prepared for you to agree so quickly, Steve felt his cheeks heat up. He couldn’t deny that the words you described him with had his stomach tingle with excitement, and before he could help himself, he leaned forward and kissed our cheek.
“That was the easiest marriage proposal ever,” he mumbled beside you to which you just slightly pulled from his embrace. 
“What? You’ve done that before? Are you already cheating on me, Rogers?” You raised your brows suspiciously, but Steve was only able to shake his head with a smile before Izzy blared into his ear again. 
“A wedding! A wedding!” She swirled by him like a tornado, immediately collecting things around the house. “Mom, get all the stuffies, ready! We have to do a wedding!!!” And then she was off to prepare the quickest wedding in history. 
Steve shook his head as his arm remained around your waist. “What did I get myself into?” He mumbled to himself before turning to you. “Do I dare ask what a six-year-old’s idea of an official marriage ceremony looks like?”
“I think Paddington Bear will be your best man and if I’m lucky, my sister gets to be my maid of honor, but who knows.” You shrugged with a laugh that warmed Steve’s heart all over again. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Not even ten minutes later, Steve found himself kneeling beside a makeshift altar with a bunch of toys and stuffed animals as wedding guests. Action figure Cap had made best man and was neatly propped up behind him. Your sister had officially been crowned the ‘disco machine’ along with a lengthy speech on how important the right song was for the bride’s entrance. Steve had fought hard to keep his face steady, but when Izzy had suggested ‘Party Rock Anthem’, he’d lost it. When really, he was just proud, he knew the song because you had shown it to him the other week - it was Izzy’s favorite. 
You had been instructed to wait behind the couch until the music started to play, and Steve felt himself get a little nervous. It was silly, but somehow his desire to have this wedding according to your niece’s wishes was a lot more important to him than he had initially thought. 
“Now what do we do?” He asked as he leaned over to Izzy, but that was when the girl gave her mother the ‘sign’ - which was the chicken dance, of course - and his eyes immediately swerved to you. He could see the amusement in your gaze as you bit back a laugh.
Izzy wasn’t wasting any time, as soon as you had reached the altar, she put your’s and Steve’s hands together and immediately began talking. Steve had had barely any time to wipe the sweat from his clammy fingers before they connected with yours, but you didn’t seem to care. He smiled as he watched you listen to your niece’s little speech.
“We are gathered here today, to make Captain America my uncle,” she started, and both you and he struggled to keep it together. It was cute though, and something about becoming this little girl’s uncle excited Steve like nothing had in a long time. “Mr, Captain America, will you take my aunt as your wife?”
Izzy’s eyes were serious as she waited for Steve’s answer. And when he didn’t do so fast enough, she leaned over and whispered the answer to him.
“I will,” Steve chuckled and gave your hands a small squeeze.
Then Izzy’s eyes wandered to you. “Do I even have to ask?” She said with her adorably high voice and everyone started laughing. 
“Yes, I will take Steve as my husband,” you answered with the same squeeze of your hand as Izzy imitated the audience cheering.
“You are now husband and wife. Now, kiss, kiss, kiss!!!” It was a little awkward, but Steve leaned in, anyway, to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. He looked at you again and the spark in your eyes was a little brighter as that smile lit up your face again. You looked beautiful, Steve thought, and his heart jumped in his chest at the realization.
“Wohooooooo!” Your sister cheered loudly and ripped Steve out of his trance.
“This is so awesome! You have to come to every family dinner and we can be best friends forever!!” Izzy must have eaten a bag of gummy worms with the way she was vibrating to the song coming out of the little pink CD player. Steve was sure he’d never seen such a hyper six-year-old before. 
“Every family dinner?” He asked her as Izzy swayed his hands to the music. When his eyes caught yours, you just shrugged. "Forever?"
"Of course!" Izzy exclaimed as Steve spun her around. His eyes stayed locked on you, however. Forever didn't sound so bad...
“Looks like you’re stuck with me.” You laughed, but Steve didn’t mind that in the slightest.
❁ ❁ ❁
The evening had come sooner than anyone had anticipated. Steve had been so occupied with Izzy all day, he had forgotten all about the time. It didn’t bother him too much, though. He had fun, but exhausting as well. And now that he was finally sitting in your car again, his head leaning against the headrest and enjoying the silence for a moment, he felt how much energy it had really cost him. He would do it again, though - especially if it meant marrying you over and over for eternity. 
His eyes opened when you sighed beside him. You hadn’t so much as bothered to start the car just yet, and Steve was kind of happy about that. 
You smiled at him when his head turned to you, still leaning back with a dreamy smile himself. “Who would have thought that we would get married today?” You chuckled with a shake of your head. “And you didn’t even give me a ring. I should reconsider my standards.”
“A ring, you say? Well, you are married to the greatest superhero in the world - according to your niece - so I think we’re going to need something pretty special...” Steve joked as he turned in his seat to look through the car, and when he spotted the right thing, the smile returned got his face. “Should I do the honors?”
And then he took the lid off his water bottle and popped the plastic ring off to place it on your finger. 
“It’s perfect, blue like your eyes,” you laughed watching the big plastic ring hang from your finger. “I’m gonna have to get that resized, though. You must think I’m fat.” You shook your head. “Wow, not even a day in, and I already have things to tell my therapist about.” But the mischievous glimmer in your eyes told Steve that you were only joking. 
“Do I really need to say it, doll?” He took your hand in his before spinning the plastic piece. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” He whispered, secretly meaning every word.
You laughed it off but Steve didn’t miss the stutter in your smile at his words. It made the butterflies in his stomach go wild. 
“So what should our first act as a fake married couple be? Celebratory drinks at the Stark Tower rooftop bar?”
"Stark Tower... that sounds good to me.”
The engine roared to life and soon, the faint music was playing in your car again, the streetlights passed him by and the full moon shone above the New York City skyline. But Steve didn't care, he had more beautiful things to look at. 
❁ ❁ ❁
“You’re what now? Married?! And I wasn’t invited?!” Sam’s shocked face yelled across the bar, making few agents turn their heads with intrigue. 
You chuckled before leaning your head against Steve’s shoulder. The second Martini seemed to already work its wonders on you, but Steve loved how close you were. 
“Married by a six-year-old. Count that as you will, but I have a ring on my finger and I’m not telling you how much it cost.” You stretched your hand over the counter to show off the blue piece of plastic and Natasha just laughed at the cute story.
“So, how is the newlywed life?” She leaned on her hands to play along while Sam still tried to get over his non-invitation to a fake wedding. “You guys talking about kids yet?”
That startled Steve a little but he tried his best to keep a straight face - he failed. The thought of having a family with you did things to him he couldn’t explain if he wanted to. The warmth in his stomach spread to his heart and his arm almost instinctively came up to press you further into his side. 
“Who knows, I wouldn’t mind a couple mini me’s.” He shrugged with a low smile. He loved this little game more and more. It just got harder and harder to remind himself that it was just that - a game.
“Hold your horses, now. You’re not the one squeezing them out of your body, Mr. Rogers.” You patted his chest and sighed theatrically. “I can already see that I will be home alone with a bunch of kids and you’re working late every night. Our life will fall apart!” Your hand brushed over your forehead as your head fell back like that of a damsel in distress. 
The group laughed at the little performance, but Steve was a little quieter now. Somehow, he couldn’t rid himself of the feeling that he needed to tell you how much he really cared. He’d never let your life fall apart - not when he was able to prevent it. And while he sat there with his friends, laughing about something as ridiculous as Captain America settling down, he contemplated in silence, if all this life had really been worth it when he would end up alone in the end - giving up the dream of an easy life he’s had for a century. 
❁ ❁ ❁
It was about 12am when Steve and you stopped before your door in the hallway. His eyes were glued to you, his mind racing with scenarios this could go. He had decided to tell you about his feelings about two hours ago, and ever since, he had tried to come up with the best thing to say. But even though talking to you was the easiest thing he’d ever done, and even though you were already married - fake married - he didn’t have a single idea. Not one word that seemed fitting enough to describe the exciting fireworks in his chest whenever he saw you, to somehow tell you how bad living without you would be. 
He must have been staring for a while because you began to shift from one foot to the other before finally clearing your throat to kill the silence. 
“So... uh... that was an eventful day...” You started, fists nervously opening and closing beside your body. “Thank you for playing pretend. You made a little girl very happy.” You smiled and Steve’s heart skipped another beat. 
He caught the small shimmer in your eyes just in time to give him confidence. Your body kept moving forward as if you willed it back again and again, and Steve gathered all his bravery to open his mouth.
“You know what,” Your name tumbled over his lips like a song he’d sung a thousand times. But the effect it had on you still excited him every time anew. “Today... it’s not going to be pretend.”
And before you could even react to his weirdly vague statement, Steve leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. Full of love and affection, his hands moved on their own - one to your hip and the other onto the wall behind you. There was a moment of panic settling in Steve’s brain, but then your arms came up to sling around his torso and he leaned further into your touch. You pulled him even closer, your lips melting with his, tongues gently stroking soft skin until air got scarce. His whole body felt electric with you so close to him - finally. And when he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, eyes still closed and thoughts swimming in the moment you had just granted him. 
“I... I love you.” He whispered against your skin, and he felt his warm breath bouncing back. Your chest was still rising and falling beneath him, a subtle reminder of how breathtaking all this was - Steve couldn’t get enough of it, of you.
Your hand came up to stroke over his cheek, making him open his eyes to find you already looking at him. 
“I love you, too, Steve.” You bit your lips, and it made Steve just press his mouth to yours once more.
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a/n: I have to say I was pretty impressed at how much it adapted to my writing and I really liked the last part, so I put it in here. I hope you enjoyed it :)
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Shy guy (2) - Past
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Summary: You grew up together. Bucky is the one. He’s just too shy to make a move.
Pairing (future): Shy!Bucky Barnes x Fratgirl!Reader
Sidepairing (friendship): Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: cocky reader, shy Bucky, cuteness, fluff
Inspired by this ask: Shy guy ask and @dawn-petrichor-world​ made me do it...
A/N: Title inspired by Diana King‘s song shy guy. Lyrics taken from the song.
A/N2: This will be the alternative version to an upcoming requested story.
Part 1
Shy guy masterlist
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Age of 7, …
“I don’t like her,” you put your hands on your hips and pout at Steve. “Why did your mom have to bring that girl? She won’t leave Jamie alone!”
“She wanted to help Dolores to find friends. Her mom and she just moved to town and got no friends,” Steve explains as you are busy staring holes into Dolores's back.
“Well, she can’t have mine,” grumbling you watch Bucky shyly glance in your direction. “Especially not my Jamie. I need to save him, Stevie. He looks like he’s about to cry.”
Steve sighs deeply. He tries to tell you that Bucky only likes you, but it’s too late. You march toward Bucky and Dolores, softly calling your friend’s name.
Bucky smiles when you grab his hand to lead him away from Dolores and toward Steve.
“Y/N, thank you,” he whispers. “I don’t like her.” Bucky sniffs. “She wanted to play house with me, but I only play house with you. She got mad.”
“From now on, stay by my side,” you wrap your arm around Bucky’s shoulders. “I’ll make sure all the girls stay away from you. I don’t like her either. She looks like a bitch.”
Steve and Bucky gasp. “Where did you learn that word?” Steve asks. He wrinkles his nose, as bitch is one of the words his father forbids Steve to use. “You shouldn’t call someone like that. That’s not nice.”
“But she wasn’t nice to Jamie,” you pucker your lips and sniffle. “No one but me can play house with Jamie. He’s my husband.”
“You’re seven,” Steve points out. He’s a little grown for his age, and still a heartbreaker. Every girl at school wants to eat lunch with him, but he only eats lunch with you and Bucky. “You don’t marry at the age of seven.”
You grin. “I do. Jamie and I will marry,” you stomp your foot. “Right, Jamie? One day you’re going to marry me?”
Bucky shyly nods. His cheeks are pink, and he averts Steve's gaze. He’s afraid that his friend wants to marry you too. Steve was your friend first, and Bucky doesn’t want to lose one of his best friends.
“Hey, stop bugging Bucky,” Steve grunts. “He’s a man and wants to enjoy his freedom.” Your friend recites one of his heroes. Or rather a guy he saw on TV talking about not letting a woman tie him down. “Bucky doesn’t need to marry.”
Steve's words make you gasp. What if he’s right? What if Bucky never wants to play house with you again? Or even worse, if he wants to play with Dolores or some other girl from now on.
You shake your head, and then you start to cry. “You’re not nice.”
“Stevie, you made her cry,” Bucky takes your hand, holding it tightly. “That’s not nice. I want to go home now.”
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“Y/N, are you still angry with me?” Steve pouts. He gives you his puppy dog eyes, hoping you will forgive him. “Please don’t stop playing with me.”
You harrumph. “Fine. But you will cook today. A good husband must be a good cook too. I’ll help you become a good husband. One day, a nice girl will marry you too, Steve.”
Steve rolls his eyes. He doesn’t want to become a good boy. All he wants is to get as much attention from the girls as he can get. Steve doesn’t say what’s on his mind, though. If he tells you so, you’ll be mad at him again.
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A few weeks later Bucky’s birthday arrived. He only wanted to invite you and Steve. But his parents insisted on inviting your whole class too.
You grumbled because now, you had to share your friend’s attention once again. Dolores, or Dottie as she calls herself didn’t leave Bucky’s side. She even grabbed his hand.
Bucky looked uncomfortable, and you are fuming. Of course, that girl won’t leave him alone. She believes Jamie is going to become her best friend now that she moved to town.
“Not again,” you put your hands on your hips and purse your lips. “Wait for it, Dolores.” You straighten your dress, put on your sweetest smile, and stalk toward Bucky and Dolores.
He looks relieved when you stand in front of him, grinning at your friend. “Hi, Jamie.”
“His name is James or Bucky, Y/N. Everyone calls him Bucky,” Dolores snaps at you. “You should know that. All the time you are telling everyone he’s your best friend, and you don’t even know his name.”
“And you should know that's because he’s my best friend, who loves it when I call him Jamie,” you push her away to take Bucky’s hand, making Steve gasp. His eyes widen as you give him a smirk before turning your attention back toward the birthday boy.
“Happy birthday, Jamie.” You pucker your lips to press a soft kiss to his cheek. Bucky grins cheekily while Dolores storms off. “Do you want to open my present now? You can have a look at Steve’s too.”
Leading Bucky away from Dolores and toward Steve, you smile to yourself. One day, Jamie will be your husband. You’re sure about it…
Part 3
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3pirouette · 11 months
Fic: Give Him My Heart (2/2)
Title: Give Him My Heart
Chapter 2 of In The Bleak Midwinter
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :) 
Story Summary: The surprise part 2 to In the Beak Midwinter. Thesokovianaccords likes Rom Coms, So I needed to give her the Rom Com AU ending we all want. 
A/N: (or, not so much of a surprise if you looked at the AO3…) @thesokovianaccords: I couldn’t leave it bittersweet for you, and knowing how much you like the Rom Coms, I decided it needed a better AU ending. I had hoped to have this done MUCH sooner, but what better excuse than Steggy Week? 
For Steggy Week 2k23 Day 4: Family and Friends. 
Readers, you can decide if you want this to attach to In the Bleak Midwinter, or if you want it to stand as it’s own AU. Insert your own “Steve didn’t get frozen and all is well in 1946” head canon. 
Title is the last line from “In the Bleak Midwinter” by Christina Rossetti
It was a raucous mess. It was tight, she could barely slide through the bodies, hands up overhead to try to make her way. Someone was playing piano in the next room, and the every-so-often off-key plinking of holiday music kept ringing in her ear. 
“Looks like the only seat left is Stevie’s lap, Carter!” Bucky winked at her, bringing his mug to his lips. 
“James Buchanan Barnes!” Bucky nearly choked on the mouthful of beer he had, looking up, comically panicked. “You get up and offer that woman a seat like the gentleman I raised you to be!” Mama B’s voice rang out clear over the din of the party. 
Steve started make a joke, but he was cut off by the loud, warm woman as well. “And if you think for one minute, Stephen Grant Rogers, that you’re immune from your manners, well your Mama would be rolling in her grave right now!” 
Steve and Bucky both stood, jumping from their spots on the couch as Mrs. Barnes entered the room, dishtowel in one hand, glass of wine in the other. “Miss Carter, have a seat. Don’t you mind these boys.”
Peggy sat gently, warmed by the welcome of the matriarch. “Oh, I don’t mind them at all. I’ve gotten very well acquainted with their shenanigans.”
Mama B shook her head but smiled, her thick gray hair attempting to escape from her bun. “Well acquainted or not, they’ll behave when they’re here.”
“Yes,  Ma’am,” Steve and Bucky both chorused, as if they’d said it over and over their whole lives. Bucky sat on the arm of the couch, to which his mother raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, as Steve and Peggy sat on the small loveseat, pressed together. 
“Now, isn’t that nicer?” Mama B asked, smirking. She took a long drink of wine as she moved over to Bucky, holding him close to her. “You’re so grown, I remember when you were just a boy, running around at my feet.”
“Ma!” He whined halfheartedly, only faking trying to pull away from her. 
She smiled when he did eventually wrap his arms around her. “If you’re well acquainted with their shenanigans overseas, I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear about all the times they were little holy terrors right here in this house.” She smiled at Peggy like she was telling her a secret instead of recounting stories she’d told over dinners for decades. “The messes! The yelling! Oh!” She leaned over, pinching Steve’s cheek, “The fights!” She shook her head. 
“A handful from day one, I see?” Peggy asked, pinching Steve’s other cheek with her free hand much to his dismay. 
“Indeed!” Mama B pulled Away from Bucky, pressing a kiss on his head. “Now, dinner will be ready soon, and James I’ll need your help setting everything out.”
“Course, Ma,” he agreed, smiling. 
Steve had his eyes on Peggy, though, as Bucky and his mother continued to talk about the dinner layout. Her shoulders were tight, even if there was a smile on her face as she watched a group of small children run through the room, party hats askew and Sunday best askew in the way only little kids could do so that it seemed charming. “Peg?”
She hummed as she turned to him, eyes meeting his. 
“You ok?”
“It’s so different,” she replied softly after a second, huffing a laugh through her nose as a smaller child lagged behind, running through the room after all the others had already gone. “We were always so formal, so quiet.”
Steve smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Told ya it was a sight to see.” He paused, setting his mug on the table. “Is it too much?” He asked, suddenly concerned. “Do you want to go?”
“No, no. I-“ Peggy paused, setting her hand on his. “It’s just a little overwhelming.” She sighed, leaning into his shoulder. “Our holidays were… solemn. Quiet. I didn’t so much as look forward to them as endured them. Long, quiet traditions that made me feel like a nuisance for wanting to have fun. This?” She smiled. “I could get used to this.”
“Ya ain’t never gonna get used to this,” Bucky interrupted, patting her on the shoulder. “But you might get used to the food. Ma’s food?” Bucky smiled, standing and kissing his mother’s cheek. “Heaven!” He turned, heading out to the kitchen. “Steve, give me a hand!”
Steve looked at Peggy, but stood and Kissed Mama B on her cheek as well after Peggy nodded for him to go, that she’d be just fine on her own.
“Those boys,” Mam B muttered, her voice full of happiness. She reached out and took Peggy’s hand to pull her to standing. She set har wine down and took both Peggy’s hands in hers. “It is, truly, so nice to have you here. Steve wrote about you all the time.”
Peggy tried her best not to squirm under the older woman’s earnest gaze. She felt her cheeks going red as she blushed, looking away. “Only the good pieces, I hope.”
She looked like she wanted to joke, like she would have if this hadn’t been their first time meeting, but instead she dropped Peggy’s hands and gently framed her face. “Thank you for bringing my boys home to me. Thank you for keeping them safe.”Before Peggy could stutter out a reply, The older woman’s lips were on her forehead, laying a gentle kiss. “Welcome to the family, dear.”
She turned a left, the serious moment gone as soon as she reached the hall, her voice loud and yelling that the potatoes couldn’t go int he middle of the table because that was for the hams. She left Peggy stunned, heart beating in her chest. Even through the crush of people, she could see the way they bickered, good natured and from love, as Mama B made Steve and Bucky completely reset the table to her desired plan. The children ran through again at her feet, bouncing with the excitement of the impending feast. 
It was, absolutely, a family she wanted to be in, and one she no double would need a little time to get used to, but with all of the love in this house, she was sure it would take no time at all. 
Bucky leaned into the room, body half concealed by the doorway. “Carter- hurry up before-“ He stopped, sentence falling out of his throat before he could finish, shaking his head. “Ma! What’d you do to Peggy’s forehead?”
“Nothing! I welcomed her to the family!” Her voice called fron the kitchen. 
Bucky held out his hand, pulling you through with him towards the dining room and then into the kitchen by the sink where Mama B was starting to pile the dishes. “Yeah, and you gave her a Maybelline tattoo, too!”
She turned, licking her thumb and smiling. “Just a little smudge…”
Bucky turned, pulling the rag from the counter and running it under water. “Ma, she’s not your kid, you can’t take it off with spit.”
“She’s my kid now just as much as Steve is,” she smiled, running her thumb over Peggy’s forehead. 
Peggy, shocked and charmed, didn’t move even as Bucky pulled her from his Mother’s hands, running the wet dishcloth over the spot. “Still,” he sighed. “Let her get to know you before you’re putting spit on her face.”
“Who spit in Peg’s face?” Steve asked, coming in the kitchen, only half hearing the conversation over the din. 
“No no,” Mama B muttered, pressing her hand to Steve’s chest to placate him. “Just a little leftover love on her forehead is all.” She leaned up and kissed Steve’s cheek before moving past him, picking up another dish and hurrying it out to the table. 
“Not him too, Ma!” Bucky called out, moving over to Steve’s face, pulling the dishcloth over the red lipstick left there. “She’s gonna be the death of me,” he muttered, pressing his lips together. “No one would blame you if you left, never to be seen again, Carter.”
Peggy leaned into Steve, smiling up at him. His thumb ran over her forehead, wiping away the last bit of lipstick. “Oh, I think I’ll stick around.”
Bucky tossed the rag back on the counter, tipping his head towards the dining table full of steaming dishes. “Well then, grab a plate. The whole place is gonna be worse than the Mess Hall in a bout 5 minutes and you're gonna have to fight for every spoonful.”
Peggy followed Steve, holding his hand tight as they took their place in the noisy, messy, barely organized line to plate themselves Christmas Dinner. Her heart was full in a way she hadn’t been able to anticipate, with mama B’s voice ringing through her head over and over. Welcome to the family, dear. 
Welcome to the family, dear.
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
Joooo have you seen Sebbys dancing story? What am I saying ofc you have!!
But like what if you mixed that and Chris 'awkward dancing tgt?? Like reader waking up to these boys jamming it out while making breakfast on a beautiful Sunday morning ( imagine them trying to twerk😂😂). Or coming home from a long day of work and just admiring the view
Morning Wood
Pairing: Stucky x reader (Lumberjack AU but they are retired superheroes)
Word Count: 1,405
Summary: You and the boys are enjoying your time paradise. Retirement is good.
Author's Note: Hi love! Thank you so much for this fun and sweet request! It made me smile! I decided to have them living their best life in a beautiful and secluded cabin somewhere amazing! I also thought it would be an amazing excuse to use these gorgeous edits by my friend @thelemonadestxnd 🥰Hope you're having a lovely night and you enjoy this! Hugs! 💕Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by my sweet @firefly-graphics thank you lovely🥰
Warnings: soft and fun fluff, teasing, implied sexy fun, lots of silliness, Alpine
Edits NOT MINE: Credit goes to @thelemonadestxnd for BOTH of these gorgeous pieces!
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It isn’t the warm sunshine or the loud twitter of the birds singing outside your window that wakes you from a deep and sated sleep. Even your fluffy white cat, Alpine, has his head up, pointy ears flat against his head and a disgruntled look on his face.
“Alpine,” you mumble. “What in the…?”
The cat meows in response, stretching and kneading at the sheets before curling back into a ball and closing his eyes.
“Yea…” you say in sleepy agreement, “I don’t know either. Back to bed.”
You lift the covers over your shoulder and snuggle back into the pillow, letting your eyelids softly shut until you hear the racket again.
“Whyyyy,” you whine.
With a frustrated huff you beat at the pillow before throwing the sheets off and swinging your legs over the bed. Steve’s large tee shirt falls to your knees and you stomp over to the chair and grab Bucky’s discarded flannel and put it on.
Something round and heavy thumps against your chest and you slip your hand into the breast pocket of Bucky’s flannel. Your fingers wrap around something smooth and slightly pliant. You smile to yourself and gently pat the pocket, whispering, “I’ll save that for later.”
“What the hell are they up to!?” you screech, peeking out the large bedroom window.
You can’t see either one of your boys but you can certainly hear them. You shuffle into the kitchen and see all the necessities for your favorite breakfast ready on the counter as well as a fresh bouquet of the most beautiful wildflowers at the center of the table.
You soften at the sight and slide on your slippers. When you open the large front door of the cabin, the morning air holds a slight chill that the late Spring sun is quickly chasing away and the air is sweet with the fragrance of new growth.
You step out onto the large porch and walk down the steps, making your way to the back of the house and the source of the commotion. With a few more steps you turn the corner of the house and the sight in front of you makes you stop in your tracks.
Both Bucky and Steve are standing near the pile of firewood, shirtless, suspenders hanging freely around their legs, with their axes over their shoulders and their tight jeans clinging to their thick thighs.
You swallow hard as your entire body reacts, goosebumps covering your skin and your thighs clenched.
“Stevie. Come on! America’s ass can do better than that,” Bucky teases.
“I’m trying pal,” Steve shouts as he continues bending and shaking his ass.
Bucky drops his axe and proceeds to show Steve once again how to twerk.
“Look Rogers. Legs shoulder width apart ok? Like you’re gonna do a squat. Really bend those knees.”
You reach into Bucky’s flannel pocket and pull out his hidden treasure, biting into the juicy flesh of the plum while you watch the entertainment unfold. You can’t take your eyes off them as you munch, glad for the small distraction of the fruit.
 Steve studies Bucky intently, his eyebrows drawn in with his focused concentration.
“Now, arch your back, you really want your butt to be out there ya know,” Bucky continues.
Steve positions himself the same as Bucky, nodding intently.
“We really need some music,” Bucky sighs. “Alright, hands on your knees and bounce.”
Bucky shakes his ass and you stifle a giggle, not wanting the show to end.
"Ok, ok, lemme try again,” Steve says once Bucky stops.
Bucky straightens and steps back, leaning against the wood pile.
Steve shouts, “I think I got it!”
You let out a snort and Steve’s mid twerk when he goes still while Bucky throws you a knowing smirk.
“Is that my plum?” Bucky asks, sauntering over.
You shrug, the motion purposefully casual as you lick the plum juice from the corner of your mouth.
“Hiya doll face,” Bucky murmurs as he takes you in his arms. “Lemme get some of that.”
He kisses the corner of your mouth, sucking gently before pulling away and humming pleasingly at the taste.
Steve walks over with a bright smile, planting his axe on the ground and leaning down to kiss you.
“And is that my shirt?” Bucky asks, fingering his flannel.
“And my tee shirt,” Steve adds.
“Yes, yes and YES!” you huff. “What about it? Couldn’t you two find other shirts to wear this morning?”
The boys stare at you before bursting into chuckles.
“Nah, too much work,” Bucky sings. “Besides, the sun is warm.”
“And what has you up so early sunshine?” Steve asks.
“YOU TWO!” you scold. “Alpine and I were all cozy in bed and then you two started a twerk party.”
“Bucky started it,” Steve states. “We originally came out here to cut the last of the firewood.”
“I just don’t want him going around saying he can do it if he can’t,” Bucky announces.
“But I can now,” Steve responds with a goofy grin.
“Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the show,” you giggle. “It just wasn’t the morning wood I was hoping to wake up to.”
Bucky drops his head, shaking it as he laughs loudly.
“I don’t get it,” Steve says. “What’s so funny about morning wood?
“Oh my gosh Stevie,” you snicker.
You grab Steve’s shoulder and pull his ear down to your lips. When he stands back up his eyes go wide and then his smile follows.
“Oh yea. That happens every morning,” he states. “Then we end up spending most of it in bed…”
Bucky walks by and slaps Steve on the back of his head before scooping you into his arms.
“We’re sorry we woke you doll face,” Bucky croons. “Let’s go have breakfast.”
You look over Bucky’s shoulder and wink at Steve as you finish off the plum. Bucky brings you into the house and sets you down gently on the kitchen island.
“Now, you just relax angel. Me and Stevie are gonna make ya breakfast.”
Steve slides between your legs for a quick kiss before meeting Bucky at the sink to wash his hands. They work in perfect harmony, easily navigating the kitchen space to prepare pancakes, eggs, bacon and a bowl of fresh fruit.
They set the table and smile proudly, matching lopsided grins when you lick your lips.
“Ya hungry doll? Bucky simpers.
“Uh huh,” you breathe out.
You slide off the island into Steve’s waiting arms. Steve sits down and pulls you into his lap and Bucky pulls his chair close.
“I guess getting woken up to watch you two shake your asses and then get a homemade breakfast isn’t the worst thing…” you simper, reaching for the fruit.
Bucky and Steve smile, their mouths stuffed full of pancakes. Alpine finally wanders in from the bedroom with a loud meow.
“Oh, look who has finally decided to grace us with his presence,” you chide. “Get enough beauty rest fluffball?”
The cat slips between Bucky’s spread legs and jumps up onto his thigh, perching himself daintily while he cleans himself.
“Don’t get any ideas cat. That’s my seat!” you say as you narrow your eyes at Alpine.
The cat lifts his tail and nestles closer into Bucky’s side, pawing at the spots of sun dancing over his metal arm.
“I swear he does it on purpose,” you whine.
“Don’t be jealous doll face,” Bucky purrs. “You know I’m all yours.”
You stick your tongue out at the cat and rest your head along Steve’s chest, lightly combing your fingers through the hair that lines his hard muscles.
Alpine watches your every move before tiptoeing across Bucky’s lap and placing one white paw onto Steve’s thigh.
You instantly sit up. “Don’t even think about it cat! THIS SEAT IS ALL MINE!”
The boys laughter is so quick and loud that Alpine jumps down with an unhappy meow and goes to lay in a ray of sun on the floor.
“You two,” Steve starts as syrup drips down his chin.
“So cute,” Bucky finishes with a smirk.
You swipe your thumb across Steve’s chin and then stick it in your mouth to lick it clean.
“Whatever,” you huff, nibbling on some bacon.
“I don’t think we can let our girl get outta bed early anymore Buck,” Steve says.
“You’re right Stevie. From now on any morning wood business stays in bed until she’s happy.”
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@book-dragon-13 @christywantspizza @dreamlessinparis @goldylions @hiddles-rose @jhangelface0523 @loricamebackyetagain @lookiamtrying @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @breakablebarnes @seitmai @justile @weekendgothgirl @turbolisedcomet @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @hiddles-and-skittles @loki-laufeyson-1054 @rebel-stardust @peaches1958 @bb-skyrunner
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earlgreydream · 3 years
lover of mine.
| winter soldier!bucky barnes x reader | angst | fluff |
lover of mine.
/When I take a look at my life/And all of my crimes/You're the only thing that I think I got right//I watched the world fall from your eyes/All my regrets/And things you can't forget/Light them all up/Kiss them goodbye/
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“You loved him once. You can love him again.”
“I never stopped loving him. That’s what you don’t understand.” 
The fellow Avengers had watched the world fall from your eyes, the joy draining from you with every headline that involved Bucky. Not only had he changed, but you had too. You became completely enthralled with your missions, pouring every waking second into the Avengers. Because if you thought about anything else, you would break. 
Steve begged you to take breaks, begged you to take time off. You insisted you were fine, never wanting to be left alone with your thoughts. You didn’t want to think about the newsreels of Bucky-- the winter soldier-- wielding machine guns. 
You couldn’t bear to see the love of your life slaughtering people.
“I’m not picking up Parker from school... He’s in high school, he doesn’t need me to pick him up! He can take the subway! Or use his webs!” You snapped at Stark, who stared at you impatiently.
“You need to rest. This is how you’re filling your afternoon.” Stark was insistent, and you shook your head, grabbing the keys to a Tesla. 
“Go, Y/N.”
You sighed and went down to the garage, driving uptown to get the teenager from school. You parked outside of the high school, leaning against the hood of your car while you waited. 
You never got used to the modernity. You were like Steve and Bucky. You’d been alive in the 40s, and frozen like they were. Luckily, you’d fallen to S.H.I.E.L.D. instead of Hydra. You’d managed to stay safe with Steve, and become an Avenger, not suffering Bucky’s fate. 
Before the war, you and Bucky had been married. The memories in your mind of dancing in the kitchen, jazz bars, drive-ins, and reading the Hobbit when it came out, were all raw. Before he was deployed, there was a wedding.
You’d been surrounded by flowers and your friends, celebrating the love of your life. Steve was the best man. You’d left the ceremony with Bucky in his yellow vintage car, going to the coast for your honeymoon. 
You remembered the beach house, and running in the sand with your young husband. It was perfect back then, before Hydra got their hands on him. He was loving and gentle, the kind of man who danced with you in the kitchen and brought you flowers. 
You remembered when he’d gone off to war. You wore his dog tags, and hung a flag in your window. You’d kissed him goodbye, tears blinding you as you tried to focus on the silver eyes that were full of adoration and love. You remembered when Steve came back, and Bucky didn’t. 
There were so many memories of crying in Steve’s arms, and falling asleep with him beside you. Even when you’d moved to Stark Tower with him, even after becoming an avenger decades later, you still slept beside him. He’d listened to you sob for Bucky a million times; Steve had witnessed a lifetime of your heartbreak. 
You remembered waking up from being frozen, and finding out who James Buchanan Barnes had become. 
“Y/N?!” Parker’s cheerful voice snapped you out of your thoughts as he came bounding down the stairs of the high school. 
“Hey kiddo. Stark sent me to get you.” You stood up off the car and hugged him. He waved goodbye to his friends and got in the passenger seat. He immediately started chattering, and you welcomed it, appreciating the distraction from the deafening silence. That was why you were fond of Parker, he was easy to be around, and he was always happy to fill the silence.
“Let’s go to Starbucks!” He announced as the two of you drove back to the tower.
“Are you joking?”
“No! It’s on me.”
“It’s on Stark,” you smirked, and Parker broke out into a wide grin.
You and Peter walked into Stark Tower a half hour later, chattering and laughing. Parker was the only one of the Avengers who cheered you up, and he never made you feel bad for not wanting to talk about Bucky. He was bubbly and warm, and always made you laugh. You were giggling at a story from his school as you went upstairs to the penthouse, unaware of what you were walking1 into.
You nearly crashed into him, stopping dead in your tracks.
“Y/N!” The voice was so familiar, and yet, you thought you’d never hear it again.
You were suffocating. The air was ripped from your lungs, and you couldn’t breathe. It felt like the earth was swaying underneath you, everything shattered. 
Steve ran to you as you passed out, and Parker caught you with a shout before you hit the floor. He knelt on the marble, your head in his lap, and Steve shouted for Banner, who came running to follow you to his medical lab.
“Stevie, what’s wrong with her?!” Bucky demanded, and everyone looked at him. 
“It’s the shock of seeing you.” Steve admitted, and Bucky looked like he was going to break. 
“I’m better now, I’m no longer the...” he couldn’t even say it, his eyes anxious and frightened.
Bucky had spent months trying to free himself of Hydra’s psychological bonds. He was free now, motivated by the thought of coming home to you. Bucky had waited years. Now, he was home, and the second he said your name and laid eyes on him, you’d panicked and blacked out.
Steve attempted to comfort him, and even Parker, the boy he didn’t know. They tried to explain to Bucky that you were just in shock, but his heart broke. 
“I took care of her, Buck. She still loves you, she always has. Just give her some time. Seeing you like that...”
“I know,” Bucky breathed. 
Everyone left Bucky alone with you, giving you privacy. He sat beside the bed where you were asleep, Banner assuring everyone that you were fine, you had only fainted.
He watched you. Bucky hadn’t watched you sleep like this since the 1940s.
He was suddenly back, leaning in the doorway, the soft light pouring behind him as he drank a cup of coffee, taking in the sight of his sweet wife sleeping before he went to work. You’d glow in the golden light of the morning, your face peaceful and serene. It was so intimate back then.
Bucky sat up as you stirred, familiar eyes slowly opening. You didn’t know where you were at first, your mind running through events. You’d picked Parker up from school, stopped for a snack, and came back to the tower. And seen your husband.
You sat up suddenly, and he put his arms out, one made of vibranium. His eyes were soft, full of love, not the empty steel you’d seen on the news. Your name fell from his lips, desperate and anxious.
You jerked away at first, startled by the reality of what was happening. You were frightened, alone in the room with your husband. You scrambled back against the headboard, trying to put distance between you and his outstretched hands.
You were about to scream when you realized he looked just as frightened as you. You slowly sank back against the headboard, slowing your breathing as you stared at him.
“It’s me, doll. I’m home.”
You didn’t know how long the silence lasted, but it felt like hours. The two of you stared at each other, and when you finally decided he wasn’t going to hurt you, you gingerly moved toward him.
“I’m free from them. It’s just me, it’s not the winter soldier anymore,” Bucky’s voice was soft, and you blinked back tears.
“It can’t be you. You were gone.” Your voice trembled as you spoke.
“I’m back now. I came back for you. I’m never going to hurt you, or anyone else again.”
“I’m not a killer anymore.”
The plea broke your heart, the shattered boy begging you to believe him, begging you to take him back. Tears slid down his cheeks, terrified of your reaction.
“James, I love you.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
Bucky felt like he’d waited a million years to say it, and the words spread through you, filling your empty soul.
You wanted to fall into his arms, to hold him close and feel him again. You wanted all of it to happen instantly, but that’s not how it was. You needed time, time to adjust, and time to trust him again before you returned to your husband fully.
You reached out to touch his arm, and he noticed the wedding ring wasn’t around your finger. His eyes flitted up to yours, and you pulled the chain from around your neck that hid beneath your shirt. It held his dog tags, and your wedding ring. Relief flooded Bucky, and you offered a the slightest hint of a smile.
“What happened?” You asked, cautiously running your fingers along the vibranium.
“I lost my arm when I fell from the train. Steve told you?”
“A bit... you fell, he didn’t know what happened after.”
“Can I touch you?” Bucky spoke gently, understanding your hesitation and being patient.
You nodded, and his hand slowly lifted to your face, fingers brushing over the curves of your skin. You laid your hand over his, kissing the inside of his wrist. He cried softly, a smile crossing his face as he felt you, promising it wasn’t a dream.
“Bucky, we need you for a meeting.” Stark leaned into the bedroom, hours later.
“Stark, now?”
“I’m sorry. Y/N will be here when you get back.”
“I’ll wait for you.” You promised, and he nodded, the words falling heavy between you.
Bucky followed Stark out, and you sat on the bed, processing the day. Bucky had quietly explained the Hydra brainwashing, about how he was held captive in his own mind. You believed him, but it would always be hard to shake those memories of him on the news.
“Hey, we didn’t mean to just drop this on you.” Steve came inside, sitting down on the mattress.
“You couldn’t have kept from me that my husband was suddenly free and home. Is he really, though? It is him? He won’t kill me in my sleep?” You asked, and Steve gave you a sad smile.
“It is. He’s traumatized, he won’t be the same as before the war. But it’s not the winter soldier, it’s Bucky.” 
You knew it was true. You knew the man before you, his heart and his soul, and you were going to grow to know his mind again.
You were curled up in bed, Steve beside you on the other side of the large mattress. 
“Stevie? Y/N?” you heard a soft voice from the doorway, and you sat up in the dark. You had trouble sleeping, and you were awake when he came in during the middle of the night.
“I can’t sleep.”
“Come here,” you whispered, moving over in bed, closer to Steve, who was waking from the disturbance. You didn’t fear Bucky, especially not when he looked so frightened and upset.
You lifted the blanket, and Bucky got in on the other side of the bed. You pulled him to you, silently wrapping your arms around him. You felt Steve against your back, leaning over to place his hand on Bucky’s arm, smoothing over the skin slowly to comfort him. 
“You’re okay now, it’s over, my love,” you whispered, settling between the warm bodies.
Your head rested on Bucky’s chest, and you realized how long you’d spent waiting for it. You felt his lips press a kiss to the top of your head, and Steve bury his face into the back of your neck, needing to be close.
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the-winter-spider · 3 years
Ghost of You - Part Two
Characters: Bucky x y/n, Steve x y/n (platonic)
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: This is a small chapter! Its just a filler really, next part Bucky and Steve start really looking into what happened to the reader and where she went! Enjoy
Once again this is not proof read or edited
Part One
Bucky was sitting next to Sam, across from Steve on one of the couches in the tower's living room, both hands holding your photo, his leg bouncing up and down. His mind was racing, memories of you were racing through his mind, both the good and the bad.
All the seconds he didn’t get to spend with you, all the wasted minutes trying to make you jealous, all the wasted hours on other women, all the wasted time he should have been with you. He was bubbling over with emotions, you were his greatest adventure but also his biggest regret.
You burst through the front door “Bucky! Are we still going to see a movie tonight? There's this new one playing down at the theatre we should see, Mary said its good”
Steve rolled his eyes, smiling at you “Knock much y/n?”
Plopping beside him on the couch “Awh come on n Stevie you know id never do such a thing” You looked around “Where’s Buck?”
You watched Steve smile fall, he parted his lips to respond but was cut off by Bucky opening the bathroom door, his eyes focused on buttoning his suit “Whatdya think Steve? Just got this today for my date with - y/n what are you doing here?” His blue eyes pierced into yours.
Your heart skipped a beat, he looked so handsome and that on its own was an understatement because Bucky always looked handsome “We had plans to see a movie tonight, but I see you found other, uhm better plans” Your voice betrayed you cracking at the last words, you tried to plaster on a smile but you couldn’t help feeling the liquid welling up in your eyes. This wasn’t the first time Bucky forgot about the plans he made with you, and you knew it wasn’t gonna be the last. Your eyes trailed over to Steve seeing him in overly large suit, putting two and two together, Bucky planned them another double date. Steve could see the realization swirling over your face. “Y/n, I don't even want to go, I’ll go with you to the movies”
You shook your head, standing up smoothing your dress. You felt so stupid, you bought a new dress, spent hours doing your hair and make up, you were so excited thinking maybe, just maybe Bucky would admit his feelings for you tonight, that all those stolen kisses, cuddles and drunken words actually meant something “Stevie its fine, James and you have better plans” You offered him a sad smile, making your way to the door.
Bucky cringed when you used his first name, it broke his heart “Doll, I mixed the dates up, I am so sorry” he reached out for your hand.
You pulled it away, almost regretting it aftering watch the pain and hurt make its way on his face, your one hand on the door knob “Seems to happen a lot lately, if you don't want to spend time with me James just tell me, I feel so stupid” You whispered the last part “Have fun Stevie”
Shaking your head you shut the door behind you.
“I can go if you want Buck?” Sam offered
Bucky shook his head “Um no, it’ll be nice to have some support”
Steve cleared his throat “God, I don’t even know where to start Buck, it's a lot” He ran his fingers through his hair, Bucky looked up at him with pleading eyes “Just start, I need to know”
Steve nodded “After your last mission, I dreaded having to tell her Buck, she was always so hopeful after I told her I was leaving, after the serum, she kept telling me she knew you were coming back to her, that you guys were finally gonna have your chance at being together, that we just had to make it through the war” Steve paused taking a deep breath “And when i knocked on her door, she had the biggest smile on her face, yknow the one she always had when she got that stupid chocolate shake from the diner”
Bucky let a small laugh escape his lips remembering how much you loved that stupid chocolate milkshake that he declared was too chocolate-y.
The door chime went off and your eyes shot up “Well about damn time you two showed up!” You giggled jumpin up to give Steve and Bucky a hug.
Bucky slid in beside you, his arm slung around your waist, “You just early doll”
You turned to face him, your eyes peering into his “You know how much i love this place Buck”
Bucky hummed “Is that all you love?“
You opened your mouth but were cut off by the waitress coming but with your order “Here you go sweetheart, One chocolate, one vanilla and one strawberry, enjoy!”
You instantly pulled away from your moment with Bucky taking a big sip of your shake “Mmm this is by far my favourite time of the week! Nothing better than spending time with my boys!” You reached across the table and ruffled Steve’s hair “And getting a sugar rush”
A tear rolled down Steve’s face, clearing his throat “The look on her face when she saw mine, it was something I'm glad you never got to see Buck, she was broken. We sat on the floor for hours, she cried till she fell asleep in my arms, i stayed with as long as I could, but i had to go back it was my duty” He paused, eyeing his friend over before continuing “She kept saying that she didn’t get the chance to tell you she loved you, that you didnt know”
“I knew” Bucky choked out
“I know, i told her” Steve offered a small smile
You were doing dishes when a knocking came from your front door “coming!” you yelled, taking your rubber glove’s off, fixing your apron, you opened the door and a smile broke out on your face when you seen Steve, but as soon as your eyes locked onto his you could see something in them that wasn’t there before, you started to shake your head “no no no no, no!” you screamed tears were streaming down your face, Steve took a step towards you “y/n I-“
You took a step back into your house “NO! He promised Stevie, he p-promised” You fell to the floor, you were clutching your chest as you let out a scream. Steve knelt down on the floor with you, pulling you in his arms, you cried and cried, your heart broke, everything hurt “I l-love him Stevie, i never got t-to tell him, h-he didn’t k-know”
Steve grabbed your face in his hands “He knew y/n, he knew. He loves you to, so much”
“What?” Steve’s eyebrows met in the middle
“He loved me, h-hes gone now”
Bucky readjusted himself on the couch “What happened to her? Did you find out”
Steve shook his head “I tried, it was one of the first things I did, but there was nothing on her, it's like she never existed. I asked Peggy when I found her, she didn't make much sense, said something about y/n became obsessed, she didn't say what with, said she kept saying that she knew you weren’t gone that you wouldn’t leave her, and the last time she seen or heard from her was one week after I went down. There is no death certificate, i searched the cemeteries in Brooklyn, i stopped by her old house and its gone, there’s nothing there, it's like she just disappeared”
“No, there has to be something. I need something” Bucky cried out “Steve that's not her story” He ran his fingers over your picture “We need to look again”
Tags: @seabass17
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
The Other Woman - Steve Rogers smut
The one where Steve is tired of pretending he doesn’t want another woman.
Warnings: infidelity, smut, breeding kink, humiliation, friendship betrayal, angst
Word count: 1.5k<
A/N: I’m weirdly proud of this piece because it was written as a way of coping with my self-harm. Instead of hurting myself physically, I sat down and wrote what my worst nightmare would look like. I can’t say I’ll never write anything like this again, because this was extremely cathartic in a way I can’t comprehend, but anyway, here it is. It’s written entirely in Steve’s P.O.V. and it’s open to interpretation if reader’s the one being cheated on or the one with whom Steve cheats.
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I could feel her eyes on me all the way across the room. If I was another man - the strong man everyone expected me to be all the time - I would have been able to ignore it. But I knew I wasn’t. I knew I was weak, still the skinny little boy from Brooklyn who couldn’t believe a woman would even look my way, much less want me this badly.
That was why I excused myself from the conversation I was pretending to have and made my way towards my wife. That was why I made some lame excuse about having a headache - something I wasn’t even able to feel - and told her I was leaving for the night. That was why I went back to my room, sat down on my bed and waited for her, knowing eventually, she’d come inside.
“Steve?” She still sounded hesitant when she pushed the door open, wide eyes looking for me and finding me on the edge of my bed, waiting for her. Immediately, instinctively, I reached out for her, needing to feel her skin, her warmth, to know she really was there.
“How much did you drink?” I asked, not wanting her to regret this any more than she already would tomorrow morning, eyebrows furrowed as I watched her climb my lap, her dress riding up her thighs until it pooled around her hips, exposing her underwear. “You wouldn’t do this shit sober.”
“C’mon, Steve…” She whined, clearly edging the line between tipsy and drunk, and I bit my lip in a last effort to suppress my desire. Not because I didn’t want to do this, didn’t want to violate my marital bed, but because I wanted to hear her argument, needed to see her beg for me. “Let me make you feel good.”
I swallowed her next words with my mouth, tongue exploring hers with a hunger that had only proliferated after I exchanged rings with someone who wasn’t her. When her hips pressed against mine, tentatively rolling, I knew there was no way I’d ever part with her - marriage be damned.
“I know she doesn’t let you touch her the way you want to,” she whispered after we parted, eyes caring and empathetic as she leaned her face on the hand with which I cradled her cheek. I didn’t need to ask, I knew how she knew it. They were best friends for a reason. I didn’t doubt that the same complaints I had trusted Bucky with a thousand times before had made their way on her ears, telling the other side of the story. “I know she can’t take it, but I want to.”
A shudder ran down my spine as her warm mouth enveloped my thumb, and when I opened my eyes again, I knew they were darker, barely recognizable. “I’ll let you use me,” she pressed on, unaware that she had already won the battle. I’d never tell her no. “Please, use me.”
The anxiety of knowing the door would open up at any second and reveal my wife’s sweet eyes as she took in this betrayal only added to my arousal. I was a terrible man, I knew - and I didn’t care. Her best friend’s underwear was gone in a second, a show of strength I didn’t need to use to impress her - her pussy was already wet, dripping for me.
“Oh, shit,” I moaned when I dipped my fingers inside of her, feeling the tightness I would soon ruin. My cock ached inside my pants, begging me to release it of its confines, shove it in a completely different one. “So wet.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, rutting against my digits, panting over my open lips. “I’ve been wanting you so bad.” A groan escaped the depths of my chest, my resolve slipping even further, almost completely out of reach. My hands abandoned her to reach for my pants, unbuttoning them and releasing my dick from it, rubbing the leaking head against her opening.
“Let me be the other woman, Steve…” She whispered against the crook of my neck, holding me tight against her while she rubbed herself against me. My heart broke a thousand times at hearing her request.
“I don’t want that,” I argued, pulling away to see her face, cradle it between my hands. “I want you to be the only woman.” She bit her lips then, taking a hold of my cock to place it where we both needed it to be, still only teasing us both.
“I want you to be mine.” And that’s when she finally sat down on me, letting me fill her, inch by glorious inch. My fingers tightened around her hips, undoubtedly leaving marks behind, but she didn’t even peep. It was almost like she liked it, knowing she brought me to the edge of my control, her head thrown back and her breasts bouncing before me as she started to ride me.
“Oh, fuck yes…” I groaned, helping her movements as I watched her, hypnotized. “This is where you belong now,” I warned her, pulling her even closer so I could kiss her again.
“Yeah?” She confirmed it, smirk on her face as she kept fucking herself on me. “This is mine now? This dick is mine now?” My body spasmed, hearing her say something like this while I was buried to the hilt inside of her was just too much to take.
“Yes, fuck yes.” I pulled her in for another kiss, letting her regain control of her movements as I had to lean back in an effort to keep myself together. The view was flawless though, and watching her breasts bounce up and down didn’t exactly help my efforts to hold on.
“Yeah? You’re not gonna fuck her anymore, Captain? Won’t let her touch you, will leave all your cum for me, forever?” Her words had me gasping, eyes widening as I suddenly realized I was fucking my wife’s best friend without any sort of protection.
It wasn’t a problem in my marriage, since my wife was on the pill and always reminded me she was never going off of it, terrified of ever getting pregnant, but I knew the same couldn’t be said about the woman on top of me.
She was fertile, I just knew it, and by the way she was frantically riding me, I knew she was just as eager to get my cum as I was to give it to her. “You want it?” I had to confirm, not believing someone - the someone I had tried not to want for so long - wanted to have my babies, give me everything I’d always dreamed of in life.
“You wanna have my babies?” In the distant part of my brain, I could still notice the door slowly opening, making me raise my gaze from her chest to see my wife’s shocked features, betraying her hurt as she took in the situation. “Say it, baby. Say you want my cum deep inside your cunt.”
Her moan resonated across the room, and I witnessed my wife flinch, profoundly hurt by the scene in our bedroom, but unable to look away. It made me even harder, somehow, and I knew right then that I was going straight to hell, but I didn’t care.
All I knew was that nothing would stop me from cumming inside the woman who was riding me, not my wife, not God himself. “I want it so badly, Stevie,” she begged, movements growing more frantic as she tried to reach her high. “Please, give it to me. Let me give you what she never could.”
The sob at the door caught her attention, and she looked over her shoulder to find her best friend staring back at her, witnessing the betrayal we were both conducting.
My fingers pressed tighter on her hips, scared she’d stop and scramble off, but she just returned her gaze to me, hips still moving. “Tell her, Stevie,” she incited, fingers tracing my jaw and dipping my head back so she could kiss down my throat. “Tell her the truth.”
A gasp escaped my lips as she bit down on the crook of my neck, my own hips jutting up to join her in bliss. “I’m in love with her,” I informed my wife, taking sick delight in the way tears started running down the cheeks I’d kissed so many times. “She’s gonna give me everything I’ve ever wanted.”
Both of us reached our highs then, me with a deep groan and her with a drawn-out moan, perfectly harmonized in the otherwise silent bedroom. By the time I managed to lay her down on the bed and ask her to show me her pussy, I’d almost forgotten about the other presence in the room, witnessing the cum dripping from the cunt of my beloved just as I was. Once she left, however, and the woman on the bed reached out for me, I could only think that this was it. This was the end of my marriage.
And I was okay with it.
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
a manny and a pedi
pairing: steve rogers x f!reader
genre: fluff, mild angst
warnings: lil bit of violence
requested: by @maximeevansblog
Its almost mine birthday so, a one with Steve, it is the readers birtday and steve is taking the reader to the hair and nail salon, and that night he has a suprise party for the reader and he is nervous that she wont like his gift but she loves his gift
word count: ~1.3k
summary: it was supposed to be "y/n y/l/n, will you marry me?" it was supposed to be romantic. why, then, did it become "that's my fiancée, you fucking asshole!" "your... your what?"
author's note: hiya peeps! okay firstly, happy birthday @maximeevansblog ! hope you have a wonderful birthday! also, im sorry if i changed your prompt a tiny bit, i hope you still like it. enjoy!
"Hey lover boy, what—"
"Oh Jesus Christ, Barnes!" Steve exclaimed, startled. Bucky laughed and clapped him on the back once. "What are you doing here, are you spying?" he teased his best friend, peeking past him to look into the room outside which he found Steve standing. Y/N was inside the room, talking to a guy while holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
"Y/N?! Your own girlfriend, Rogers?" Bucky admonished harshly in a whisper, pulling Steve away from the door. "It's not— I trust her completely, honest! It's the guy she's talking to, Manny. I swear to God he's trying to steal her from me—"
"Nobody is stealing me, Rogers, Manny's just a friend! No ulterior motives, he has already promised like a thousand times," Steve heard behind him and whirled around to see Y/N standing there with a smirk, an eyebrow raised. "You taking snooping lessons from Barnes now?" he muttered, "I know babe, I just—"
"Just nothing, Stevie, be happy! It's my birthday!" she laughed and gave him a tight hug, burrowing into his arms. To be honest, Y/N knew about Manny's intentions and Steve was right to worry; he flirted with her all the time, even when she insisted she was dating the ex-Captain America. But she knew better than to worry Steve.
He soothingly rubbed her back, swatting Bucky's hand away when he tried to run his fingers through her hair. "Stop it, that's my girlfriend," he pouted and both Bucky and Y/N burst out laughing. "She's like a sister; jeez, Rogers, tone it down a little bit," Bucky sighed and waved at the couple, walking away.
Steve and Y/N decided to go back to their room. They had been in a relationship for around 4 years now, and they weren't planning on stopping, ever. The only time Y/N would become Steve's ex-girlfriend was when she became his wife. Which he hoped she'd become soon, since he had a special birthday planned for her.
First, he was going to take her to a hair salon, then a manicure and pedicure, and finally, a picnic under the stars. There, he was finally going to pop the question: Y/N, will you marry me? After his retirement, that was all he wanted. A stable life; a wife, kids, maybe some pets. He was even ready to be a trophy husband, as Y/N was still in the Avengers Initiative.
"Steve? Steve!" He snapped out of his thoughts and gave Y/N a sheepish smile. "Sorry, pumpkin, lost in thoughts. So, uh, the flowers look nice," he stammered, looking everywhere but at the flowers which Y/N was putting in a vase. "Oh hush Rogers, you don't have to pretend to like them for me, I get it. I was just like that with you, you know?"
It was true, in the beginning of their relationship Y/N was what Steve was now. Jealous, overprotective, obsessed… somewhere along the line the roles were reversed. "I know, honey, I'm sorry… they're a birthday gift, I should be happy for you." He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, pressing a kiss to her neck.
"It's fine. So, I've received everyone's gift but yours, where is it?" she grinned coyly, reaching up to cup his cheek. Steve smirked against her skin and spun her around, bringing them back chest to chest. "In my pants," he whispered seductively. A few seconds passed and both of them burst out laughing.
"I swear to God, Stevie, if that's your only gift I'm gonna be really disappointed." Steve pouted and leaned forward to give her a sweet kiss. "First of all, ouch," he began, "And second, no that's not the only gift. I have a really fun day planned for us, you up for it?" Y/N's eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly, jumping into his arms. "Aw, Steve, I love you so much!"
"I love you too, princess. Now for the first gift—"
"Ste— oh…"
"I. Look. Freaking. Amazing!"
Steve smiled softly as Y/N admired herself in the mirror. They had just returned from the mani-pedi session, and Y/N was feeling the most refreshed she had in years. She had also gotten a fantastic new hairstyle, complete with a different hair colour. Y/N was feeling like a new person, all thanks to Steve. She turned to him with a huge smile.
"Words cannot express how much I love you," she began, giving him a tight hug, "But numbers can. 1 million out of 10!" Steve laughed at her excitement, gently playing with her hair as he held her close. "But the best part awaits: the picnic! We still have a few hours to go, maybe I can go some for training?"
"Sure, and I'm going to take some pictures and post them to all my social media sites! Oh my God, this is fantastic—" Steve laughed at Y/N's squeals and left the room, feeling giddier and happier than he was in the morning. You see, Steve was kind of nervous the whole day. First, it was because of Manny, second, he was worried she wouldn't like his gifts and third, will she say yes?
Two out of the three concerns were gone. It was the pesky last one that ran through his mind the whole time he was in the gym. After an hour, Steve decided to go back to their room to relax for a while under the Air Conditioner; he didn't want to be a smelly, sweaty mess on the most important night of his life.
As he was walking towards their room, though, Steve happened to bump into Y/N. And… Manny. Manny took one step forward, Y/N took a step back. One step forward, one step back as Y/N held her hands out in front of her, protecting herself. Without even bothering to know the full story, Steve rushed over and punched Manny straight on the nose.
He fell back with a groan as Y/N gasped, covering her mouth. "That's my fiancée, you fucking asshole! Have some respect for other people's relationships, she said no, no means no!" he yelled, so loud that a few others came over to check on them. Bucky, Sam, Peter, Tony, Wanda, Vision, Bruce and Natasha, all stood a few feet away, watching with wide eyes.
Y/N's head snapped towards Steve when he called her his fiancée. "Your… your what?" she whispered, and Steve finally realized what he had blurted out. Shit. "I… I was going to ask you tonight at the picnic— it was supposed to be romantic, damn it Manny, you ruined—" His speech was cut short as Y/N immediately took him in her arms, kissing him deeply.
"Yes, Steve, I will marry you," she mumbled with a small, teary smile that Steve mimicked as he brought her in for another kiss. They only stopped when they heard the massive applause coming from the others. "Congratulations, you guys, this is brilliant news! Who's the best man?" Sam hollered.
Steve hugged Y/N closer, wiping his tears off with a chuckle. "Well, I was thinking—"
"I'll be honored," Sam grinned, scowling when Bucky smacked him across the head. "He was going to ask me," Bucky sneered and Steve rolled his eyes. "If you keep bickering like that, I'll ask Bruce," he snarked and Bruce laughed as both Bucky and Sam quieted instantly. "Where's the fucking ring, Rogers, there's no proposal without a ring!"
"The ring is in the bedroom, I was training and that's no place for a precious jewel," Steve answered and Y/N smiled into his arms, burrowing her face further into his chest.
"Yes, the hair salon was great. The mani and pedi— not that Manny, Steve— was also great. But this, by far, was the best birthday present I got today," she whispered to him. "What about the sex? Am I becoming an old man now—" Y/N pushed Steve with a disgusted look on her face as everyone else gagged and groaned. "Rogers, it was a sweet moment!"
"Sorry, sorry, couldn't help myself, it just came— there it is again!"
"Blergh, fuck you, man!"
"I deserved it."
a/n: thanks for reading, leave a like if you liked it!
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For the birthday prompt: [Winteriron or Stuckony] Omega Tony soothing Alpha Bucky after a panic attack/nightmare shortly after they get him back to the Tower/Compound. Maybe a little bit of the team being overprotective on the omega genius and had been keeping him away from the "dangerous" and traumatized alpha assassin. But in the end, Tony just struts in like it's nothing and Bucky just f'ing melts to do whatever Tony says (in a sweet way, not a creepy one). Please?
Tumblr is doing weird things with the asks so if this doesn’t work, bear with me and I’ll post the story in the notes.
This story got a little bit (okay, maybe more than a little bit) away from me so I hope this is still what you were hoping for! I went the Stuckony route here and I’m also headcanoning that after a few years of dating Steve, Tony has mostly gotten over his emotional constipation.
As always, everything I write is on ao3 but tumblr doesn’t like links so I’m not including that
The first time Tony sees Bucky Barnes, it’s through a screen.
It’s the first real lead they’ve had in months, since the flurry of sightings immediately following SHIELD’s collapse. The team had sent Natasha and Clint to check it out. They’re both betas, and Nat’s ability to control the calming pheromones all betas let off gives them an edge over an alpha they suspect is on the verge of going feral.
He’s not on the verge, Tony realizes when he sees Barnes on the screen for the first time. He is feral.
Eyes clearly gone red, clear even through the low saturation of the screen, baring his fangs at Natasha and Clint as they cautiously approach, growling so fiercely that the other people in the market are giving him a wide berth as they peer at him fearfully from under their lashes—Bucky has been pushed past the point of breaking into ferality. It’s not surprising. Their entire world crashing down—literally, in this instance—would be a lot for any alpha to handle, but for one trying to deal with seventy years of brainwashing and amnesia? Yeah, Tony’s not surprised.
There’s something slightly terrifying about it. Alphas going feral is supposed to be a nightmare story, something you tell children about at night to scare them into being good. It’s not supposed to be something you see in a crowded marketplace. And when Tony thinks about how easy it would be for something to go wrong, if they’d sent someone other than Nat or Clint—like Steve who had wanted so badly to be the one to bring his friend in or even Tony with his omega pheromones evolved to tempt alphas into paying attention to him and only him—he shudders.
But—there’s something almost piteous about it too. It’s clear that Bucky is terrified beneath his snarling veneer, clear that he doesn’t fully understand what’s happening, and something in Tony’s heart shifts the same as it had the first time he saw Steve.
Something thrums deep inside him to the tune of mine.
“I can help,” he says.
Beneath him, Steve shifts uneasily, saying, “Tony—”
“I want to,” he interrupts. He turns, Steve’s arm sliding from his stomach to his hip, and rests his head on Steve’s shoulder, watching Nat raise her hands placatingly out of the corner of his eye. “I’ve had six months to get used to—everything. It wasn’t his fault, I know that, and—and you still love him, Steve, I know you do.”
“I love you,” Steve says, which isn’t really much of an argument.
“I know.” He smiles when Steve rolls his eyes at the well-worn response. “But you love him too. And… he feels like you did when we first met.”
He can feel Steve tense, and he tucks his head deeper into the crook of Steve’s neck, purring quietly to force him to calm. He knows his alpha is only worried about his safety. Bucky isn’t the same person he once was and even if Steve still has feelings for him, it’s only instinct to be worried about the omega he’s also in love with. But he doesn’t need to be worried. Tony is more than capable of taking care of himself and his own instincts are screaming that Bucky won’t hurt him, that Bucky is his. Only once Steve is fully relaxed again does he continue, “Please, Steve. I want to help. I want to know him better and I want to know if what I’m feeling about him is real. Let me?”
Steve sighs but Tony feels his lips curve upwards where they’re pressed against his hair. “I don’t let you do anything.”
“And don’t you forget it.”
Bucky is still feral by the time he, Nat, and Clint return to the tower, but it’s tinged now with panic. Tony can smell the sour scent it all the way from where he and the rest of the team are waiting in the kitchen and Bucky’s still outside. He’s not sure if that says something about his strength as an alpha or the depths of his panic, but either way, it’s not good. He glances again at the screen where he can see Natasha trying to calm Bucky down enough to get him to enter the building—the windows blacked out so that Bucky doesn’t panic further at the sight of the team just inside the landing pad—but it’s no dice.
“I’m going out there,” he announces.
It’s meant to just let everyone know that he’s going, but everyone else seems to take it as an invitation to stop him. The noise in the kitchen swings up into an uproar. Even Steve, who knows that he has every intention of helping, has tucked him up against his side, keeping him from taking a single step out of the kitchen.
“He’s dangerous,” Bruce argues once the initial noise has died down a little. It’s telling that Steve doesn’t immediately argue with him the way he normally does when someone says something bad about Bucky.
“We’re all dangerous,” Tony shoots back, ineffectually trying to wriggle his way out of Steve’s arms. “I’m dangerous and biology practically dictates that my orientation is about as dangerous as a bunny rabbit.”
Steve, who has been on the receiving end of Tony’s intense heats, snorts.
“Look,” he continues, “Nat’s not having any luck getting him to calm down enough to come inside and right now I’m really worried he’s going to either steal the Quinjet and take off or jump off the tower and take off. Either option comes with a lot of paperwork that I have to sign so I’d prefer it if he just came inside so why can’t I try? We can’t send another alpha out there, he’ll take that as a sign of aggression, and we can’t send Sam. The last time Bucky met him, he kicked him off a helicarrier. So that means we’re down to me. Sucks that it’s me but I’m our best option.”
“If he hurts you—” Steve begins.
“He won’t,” Tony says softly and turns so he can nose at Steve’s scent glands. “You won’t let him. I know you’ll be right there, ready if something goes wrong.”
Steve clearly still doesn’t want to let him go out there but his arms loosen enough for Tony to slip away. He smiles at the others, hiding his own nerves beneath a façade of self-confidence that he absolutely doesn’t feel. It’s not like any of them are wrong: feral alphas are dangerous, and this one is more dangerous than most. But he’s not wrong either: Bucky is in more danger the longer he stays out there. Hydra is searching for him and it was sheer luck that the Avengers found him first. But he doesn’t know how long that luck will hold, so the quicker they can bring him in out of the cold, the happier he’ll be.
He straightens his shirt and steps outside, ignoring the way the rest of the team trails him to the door. Bucky’s red eyes snap instantly to him. It’s unsettling, a little terrifying, and Tony has to stop himself from reaching for his sunglasses or from jamming his hands in his pockets. Instead, he holds himself loose and open, hands at his side and palms open so Bucky doesn’t think he’s hiding a weapon in his fists.
“Tony, what do you think you’re doing?” Clint murmurs, alerted to his presence by the sound of the door closing. Natasha is still concentrating on Bucky, trying to soothe him. Even from where he’s standing, he can feel her pheromones washing calm over him and he revises his plan to include her. He’s never felt this kind of strength from her before but he’d be an idiot not to use it.
“It’s okay,” he says, keeping his eyes fixed on Bucky, who’s growling lowly now. “Go back inside, Natasha and I have got this.”
“Can’t do that,” Clint says. “Steve would have my head if—”
“Steve’s my backup. He’s right inside. Go inside; I can’t calm Bucky down if he’s worrying about you.”
He thinks it’s the please that does it. By now, the team knows that the whole Tony Stark doesn’t use social niceties thing is bullshit but he still spends so much time in the workshop, and so much time teasing the others when he’s not working, that it’s still an indicator that he’s completely serious about something.
Clint doesn’t waste time asking any other questions. He, more than anyone else on the team except for Steve, knows better than to underestimate people and question them when they’re confident. And Tony is about as confident as he can be. There are ways that this can go wrong, absolutely, but they’re running out of options and what he’s about to try is something that’s been scientifically proven to be effective.
He doesn’t watch Clint go, though Bucky does, only to snap his gaze right back to Tony as soon as Tony takes a step forward. He places a hand on Natasha’s shoulder as he passes her, murmurs into her ear too low for even supersoldiers to hear, “Keep up the good work. You’re helping,” and comes to a stop within armlength of Bucky, knowing that Bucky could easily reach out and hurt him if he wanted to.
It seems to throw Bucky off, who blinks at him. Tony smiles at him and reaches up to his neck, loosening the scent blocker just enough to dilute the bonded scent pouring off of him and allow his own to filter in.
Bucky blinks again. “Omega,” he says eventually, voice rusty with disuse.
Tony smiles again. “That’s right.”
“And… Stevie?” Bucky guesses. In that moment, he sounds so young that it makes Tony’s heart break. Bucky had his future stolen away from him just the same as Steve did. He can’t fully regret that because it brought them both to him, but he knows how much pain and healing Steve had had to go through after waking up in this century and he knows what Bucky will still have to do, and he hurts for them.
“Steve’s my alpha,” he says. “Do you remember Steve?”
Bucky hesitates and then slowly nods. The red is slowly starting to recede from his eyes—though Tony isn’t sure that has anything to do with what he’s doing or if it’s just because he’s managing to baffle the alpha—and then Natasha shifts. It’s nothing more than a twitch of her leg but Bucky instantly notices it.
Before Tony realizes it, Bucky has snatched him to him, tucked him behind the mass that makes up Bucky’s body, and is snarling at Natasha, eyes scarlet red again. Just barely, he sees the door start to open and if it does, if the team comes out of it ready to fight, they’ll lose Bucky.
“No!” he shouts, startling Bucky. It’s enough though. The door pauses. Tony can see Steve through the crack, looking terrified, but he isn’t hurt. He’s okay. Bucky hasn’t done anything other than seemingly try to protect him.
He darts in front of Bucky again, wraps his arms around his shoulders, and tugs him down to his neck, tucking his face into the loosened scent blocker so he can inhale both Steve and Tony.
“Settle,” he commands. It’s usually a command an alpha uses for their omega but there’s precedence of omegas using it too. He draws on every ounce of strength he typically reserves for the boardroom and pushes it into his voice, ordering him again when Bucky lets out an answering growl.
It takes a moment but Bucky suddenly melts, going limp and boneless against him. Tony’s only half-expecting it; the alpha’s weight takes him by surprise and they sink to the ground, Bucky taking in huge gasping breaths as he breathes in their combined scents.
“Oh my darling,” Tony whispers, hands coming up to stroke through Bucky’s hair. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re safe.”
Without quite meaning to, Bucky ends up moving into the guest room on his and Steve’s floor. Tony means to put Bucky on his own floor but then Bucky spends the afternoon following him docilely around the common areas, as sweet now as he was feral a few hours earlier. The others still seem a little wary but as time passes and it becomes obvious that Tony is in fact doing some good, they start to relax. By the time they’d be heading up to bed, Bucky is stretched out on the couch, head on Tony’s lap and feet tucked under Steve’s legs, as the team watches a movie.
“I think he’s imprinted on you,” Clint observes dryly as he heads for the elevator. “Like a duck.”
Tony doesn’t look up from where he’s carding his fingers through Bucky’s hair but he feels the alpha tense. “That’s okay, darling,” he comments idly. “I’m pretty sure Steve and I imprinted on each other once we started living together too.”
Natasha groans. “Don’t remind me. It was like watching a Disney movie without the singing animals.”
“Disney movie?” Bucky asks, voice muffled by Tony’s thigh.
“I’ll show you,” Tony assures him.
The rest of the team starts slowly filtering out until it’s just the three of them. Tony and Steve exchange a look over Bucky’s head, not needing to communicate with words after the years they’ve spent together. They’re both concerned about where Bucky will sleep tonight. With a quick glance toward Bucky and a tilt of his eyebrows, Steve tells him that he would be more than happy with Bucky staying with them, but he’ll leave the decision up to Tony. No one likes the scent of a distressed omega after all, and the easiest way to end up with a distressed omega is by inviting someone into their space that they don’t want there.
Fortunately, Tony would be more than happy with Bucky there. He hadn’t been joking when he’d said that one look at Bucky and it had felt like they were meant for each other, just as it had felt with Steve—and, he suspected, just as it had felt with Steve and Bucky, even if they’d never made a move.
But he wants the choice to be Bucky’s, so he gently lifts his hands away from Bucky’s hair and asks, “Bucky? Do you want to have your own floor? We’ve got a few extras for when we expand the roster. Or you could stay on our floor, if you’d prefer?”
Bucky doesn’t even hesitate to say, “With you.”
He knows Bucky doesn’t mean it the way he wants, doesn’t mean that he’ll join them in their bed, but maybe… Maybe someday, once Bucky is better (he isn’t so naïve as to think this is the end of it; he only has to look at his own history with backsliding after Afghanistan and Stane and the palladium reactor to know that) and if he and Steve can figure out the right words to invite someone into a triad bond…
Well. Maybe someday.
He wakes up in the middle of the night to Steve gently shaking his shoulder. “Waz wrong?” he mumbles, blearily rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Did I have a nightmare?”
“No, sweetheart,” Steve whispers, leaning over to kiss his bare shoulder. “Bucky wanted to know if he could join us. Said he was worried about Hydra.” He doesn’t say if Bucky was worried about Hydra taking him away or someone else, Tony or Steve, he notes, but the answer is the same either way.
“’Course he can, long as he’s not a blanket hog.”
He fully expects Bucky to climb in on Steve’s other side. It only makes sense: the two grew up together so of course, Steve would be the middle in this instance. Instead, Steve tugs Tony closer to him so that he’s spooning up behind him, and Bucky crawls under the blankets so that he’s facing Tony, looking more relaxed as soon as his head hits the pillow.
Huh. Maybe there’s something to what Clint was saying about Bucky imprinting on him. He would be more worried, but alphas don’t imprint on someone unless they feel safe with them, unless there’s the beginning stirrings of a mating bond in the back of their mind, even though a full bond takes time, communication, and love to develop. Considering that Tony’s pretty sure he’s imprinted on Bucky the same way, he really isn’t that concerned about Bucky’s feelings.
Still though, he makes a note to sit down and talk with Bucky eventually about how they can’t just rush into this. They’ve all been through too much to immediately strike up a relationship. Bucky isn’t in the right mental state at the moment. And as for Tony, he wants to make sure they’re all on the same page and that Bucky won’t regret this two years down the line. Hell, he’s still uncertain that Steve won’t regret this at some point, so he definitely wants to know that Bucky’s sure of his feelings.
But that’s a problem for tomorrow-Tony, he decides. Tonight, he’s going to snuggle into his alpha’s warmth and enjoy having Bucky close by instead of somewhere out in the world where Tony can’t keep him safe.
The next day is weirder. Not in a bad way! Just—here: when Tony finally drags himself away from the warm spots in the bed that his mates (not his mates; his mate and his mate’s best friend… who might one day be his mate), makes his way into the kitchen, and sleepily grumbles, “Coffee,” there are suddenly two steaming mugs in front of him, one from Steve and one from—someone else. He raises his eyes slowly to where Bucky is watching him with hopeful eyes. That answers that question then.
“Uh, thanks, Snowflake,” he says and takes a cautious sip out of the one Bucky put down. It’s not that he thinks it’s poisoned. It’s just that Bucky has been here for less than twenty-four hours, there’s no way that he know how exacting Tony can be about his coffee, how particular—how—how…
Huh. This is pretty damn perfect actually.
He takes another, larger sip and then looks at where Steve is busy making breakfast for the three of them. Steve watches him with an amused look in his eyes. Tony knows Steve isn’t concerned about someone else preparing his coffee—Bruce has done it plenty of times and whenever Rhodey’s in town, he insists that he’s the only one who can make Tony’s coffee—he’s just enjoying watching the two of them together.
He thinks about the nights he used to wake from a dead sleep to the sound of Steve weeping over Bucky, about the concerns he used to share with Tony that Bucky wouldn’t want to stay with them or would want to leave. He wonders now how much of that was fear that Tony wouldn’t want Bucky to stay because he wouldn’t be able to stomach housing the person Hydra used to kill his parents. Silly alpha, he thinks fondly. As though Tony wouldn’t love anyone Steve loves.
At least that’s a fear he can put to rest.
Gulping down half his coffee in one go, he leans back in his chair and casually says, “Steve, you’re fired. Pack your things and go. I’m keeping this one. His coffee is lightyears ahead of yours.”
Steve bursts out laughing and crosses the kitchen to pull him up and kiss him soundly. Tony purrs into the kiss, answered with a low rumble from Steve and then, so low he almost misses it—another rumble from Bucky. He smiles triumphantly and pulls away with another kiss, hands resting on Steve’s broad chest.
“Better finish up that breakfast, soldier,” he says teasingly. “Got things to do today in the workshop and I need my alpha down there to stand around and look pretty. You too, Bucky Babe,” he calls over his shoulder. “Universe gave me two supersoldiers, be a shame not to take advantage of that.”
He doesn’t know what Bucky looks like but the kitchen suddenly scents like contended alpha, and he knows it’s not Steve’s scent because he knows Steve’s scent as well as he knows his own. He smiles again, nuzzles deeper into Steve’s chest and hums happily.
It’s not perfect yet, he thinks, but soon—soon it will be.
Tony was right that first day—it takes time, months really. Time for Bucky to backslide and Steve to backslide and Tony to back-shimmy because he doesn’t do anything as gauche as slide. It takes months of therapy, days of consultation with the world’s top experts on how to remove the brainwashing and programming from Bucky’s brain, hours of working together in the workshop on Bucky’s arm as Tony comes up with improvement after improvement.
It’s countless bad nights where Bucky wakes up in a nightmare and reaches to strangle Steve—never Tony, never his omega, but always his best friend—and countless bad days afterward trying to convince him to come back to their bed. It’s figuring out how to work around the myriad of triggers all three of them have and sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes Bucky doesn’t realize that Tony can’t handle baths anymore. Sometimes Steve doesn’t notice that Bucky’s afraid of heights. Sometimes Tony misses that it’s the anniversary of Bucky falling from the train.
It’s bad sometimes.
But it’s good sometimes too.
It’s figuring out how they curl around each other in bed and waking up warm and rested. It’s feeding each other by hand in the morning when they’re too tired to bother with silverware. It’s cups of coffee and donuts with sprinkles and warm hugs. It’s Bucky resting his head on Tony’s lap and tucking his feet under Steve’s legs during movie nights.
It’s Tony and Steve dancing together around the kitchen island as Bucky cooks, watching them fondly. It’s Bucky crooning old songs from the 40s when Steve’s on a mission and Tony can’t sleep without his alpha. It’s Steve and Bucky spending hours walking the streets of Brooklyn, reminiscing about growing up together.
It’s love, blooming slowly but surely for everyone to see.
And when one night as Tony is changing out of the charcoal suit he’d worn for the board meeting that day and into his pajamas and Bucky stops him with a hoarsely whispered, “Doll,” he smiles and guides Bucky’s hand to his waist.
“It’s okay, darling” he murmurs. “You can.”
Bucky’s kiss, when it comes, feels like coming home.
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smutsonian · 3 years
Hey,since your writing is amazing can I request a fic where Steve thinks u cheated on him (probably with Bucky) and decides to punish u with rough sex and then he finds out he was mistaken and tries to make it up to u but you weren't having it because trust in a relationship is very important.So it kinda becomes smut+angst (The juicer the better) Thank u💞
mutual trust
steve rogers x reader
summary: you tell steve that without trust, your relationship would always have problems
warnings: smut, angst, jealousy, slight crack fic, ahh that’s it? Tell me if i missed something. Not proofread.
word count: 2.2k
a/n: i wrote two fics today how bout that? (I also cried to times so maybe that’s where I got the motivation and inspiration. Dont worry i cried because of a story and a movie) also, thank you nonnie!
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“You have to tell him!” Steve hears your harsh whisper just behind the door. Who were you talking to? Why were you hiding? 
 “Why me? He’s your problem!” Steve is surprised to hear his best friend’s voice. He hears Bucky grunt in defeat before a sound made Steve’s heart stop.
“Oh god! That’s so good!” He hears your familiar moans and he wouldn’t believe the voices in his head if it weren’t for Bucky’s words.
 “God, doll! I don’t regret this at all!” Bucky lets out a moan as well before grunting in satisfaction.
Steve listens to your harmonized moans before he decided that he has had enough for it. 
 He’s going to show everyone that you’re his. He’s going to show you and he’s going to show Bucky.
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  “Oh god, I am so full!” You let out a cry before plopping on your belly on Bucky’s soft bed.
 “But I want more!” Bucky whines, licking the already clean spoon.
 You scoff at him before letting out a chuckle. 
 “How’d you think Sam will react after finding out that his tub of oh-so-delicious ice cream is gone?” You turn on your back before leaning on your elbows to look at Bucky.
 “He’s probably going to lose it. He’s a very dramatic guy.” Bucky rolls his eyes at the thought before sighing at your next words.
 “Well, too bad that you’ll be the one telling him.” You quickly stand, heading towards his door.
 “Doll, that’s unfair!” He whines once more.
 “Huh? Sorry, can’t hear ya! Gonna go to my lovely boyfriend now. See ya!” You quickly shut his door before prancing towards your shared room with Steve, your lovely boyfriend.
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  “Hey, Steviee…” You quickly walk towards your boyfriend before wrapping your hand around his neck and standing on your tippy-toes to place on his lips. He would usually return it with a kiss on your nose but what he did surprised you.
 His giant hand makes its way towards your neck and the next thing you know, you’re harshly pinned against the wall that Steve’s been staring at for hours.
 “S-Stevie?” Steve’s jaw clenches at the way your innocent eyes stared at him. He should’ve known that other men would want a piece of his girl. She’s too enchanting to be ignored.
 “You’re mine. You remember that, okay?” Steve asks, voice threatening but his frown softens a little when you nod at him.
 “Good girl…” He whispers before slamming his lips on yours, tongue forcing their way into you and lapping at your helpless tongue.
 “You belong to me as much as I belong to you, I know you know that…” He grins when you start whimpering against his lips. The hand on your neck tightens slightly while his other hand finds its way up to your skirt and under your soaking panties.
 “Ahh… Is this for me?” Steve asks. 
 “This is for me, right? Not for someone else?” His voice becomes harsher and he forcefully inserts a finger and then another, prying answers from you. He needed you to assure him. He needed to know that you’re wet for him and not his best friend.
 “Y-yes, Stevie! Only you!” Your eyes roll at the sensation of Steve’s fingers and before you could even find release, his hand was pulled out of you.
 “W-What?” You yelp when you’re harshly turned, your chest pressing against the wall while Steve’s hand is now on the back of your neck while the other is rashly pulling his pants off.
 “Want you to feel all of me…” He whispers and before you know it, his cock is piercing through you without end until his full length is inside of you. Your body is trembling but Steve’s body is holding you up against the wall so you wouldn’t fall.
 “You feel me, baby? You feel me deep inside you?” His hand snakes toward your stomach, whimpering and moaning when he pushes on it to feel himself against your skin.
 “So good for me, baby… So perfect for me…” He whispers beside your ear before placing a kiss on your neck and sucking on it like his life depended on it.
 “STEVE!” You scream as he started thrusting into you harshly, making your toes curl in ecstasy. 
 “Oh my god, YES!” Your body continues to rub the wall as he continues to pistol into you but you didn’t care because right now, Steve is making you feel so good. He’s owning you and you’re liking it. He’s never usually rough but now… Now that you’ve tasted it, you didn’t know if you wanted soft Stevie back.
“You’re going to cum for me?” The hand on the nape of your neck snakes to the front so he was pulling your body against his while his other finds your clit, encouraging you to cum around his cock.
 “I can feel your greedy pussy pulsing around my cock, baby. Come on… Cum for me, baby… Milk my fucking cock…” He ruts into you a few more times before you’re crying out loud… and he’s crying out loud… You’re pretty sure that everyone in the compound can hear you but you didn’t care.
 You’re too busy feeling Steve’s liquid filling your stomach.
 “You’re mine, baby… He’ll see. Everyone will see…” He presses a kiss on your forehead as your hooded and tired eyes fluttered shut. He catches you when you pass out, your body limp in his arms as he carried you to bed. Washing you with care as if you’re the most important thing in the world. 
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  You wake up feeling sore down there and on your neck but the memories of last night made you smile. Steve really just did that.
 But then you remember Sam’s ice cream and suddenly the smile left your face but a devious one replaces it. What drama will Sam put on now? 
 Feeling a little bad for letting Bucky tell Sam alone, you quickly cleaned yourself up before power walking towards the kitchen where they would probably eating breakfast.
 Your heart started thudding louder at the grunts and the sound of punches being thrown. Sam must’ve been really wanting to eat that ice cream for him to attack Bucky…
 But when you reached the kitchen, it was a scene that you didn’t expect to see. Sam was holding Steve back from getting another blow onto Bucky’s bloody face.
 “S-Stevie?” Your voice makes Steve turn his attention from Bucky to you. His glare turns into a smirk before he shrugs Sam off. He walks towards you before kissing you the same way he did last night. With possession. 
 “Stevie… What’s wrong?” You whisper after pulling away from him.
 He wraps an arm around you before pulling you closer to him. He fixes your hair so the marks he left last night is in full view for anyone, more importantly, for Bucky.
 Bucky scoffs before shaking his head at Steve.
 “You’ve got it all wrong, punk. You have to start listening before things start to get messy for you. You’re starting something you don’t wanna start--”
 “And what is that. Bucky?! You’re the one starting shit here. You’re touching something that’s not yours!”
 “For fuck’s sake, Steve! I’m not fucking your girl!” Bucky’s words made the room quiet, only Steve’s heavy breathing could be heard.
 “W-what are you talking about? Bucky? Steve?” You look at Bucky and Steve in confusion.
 “Steve’s saying that I’m making you cheat on him,” Bucky said with a glare towards his best friend.
 “Wh-Why would you think that, Steve?” Steve’s heart skips a beat at the lack of his nickname on your words.
 “I heard everything yesterday. Y-You… He was moaning in his room with you...” Steve explained and was answered by Bucky’s unamused laugh.
 “Oh, right! We were moaning about how good Sam’s ice cream was. We were deciding who’s going to tell Sam but I guess that’s out of our worries now, ain’t it, doll?” Bucky gives you a faux smile before turning back to a surprised Steve.
 “Wait… You ate my…” Sam opened the fridge and it looked like he was about to say something but he shook his head. 
 “Not the time, Sam… This is not the time…” He tells himself before looking back at the three of you.
 “Well, it’s all just a misunderstanding… We can all just forget about it and--” He was cut off by your big movements. You pried Steve’s arm away from you as you stepped back with a look on your face. Whatever it was, Steve didn’t like it.
 “Y-you think I’m cheating on you? But you just… Last night…” Your eyes widened in realization and Steve shook his head immediately, knowing what you’re thinking.
 “I can’t believe you! W-What were you trying to accomplish, Steve?! You did all that just to prove a point?! And there I thought you were actually doing it for me, you asshole!” You cried before turning towards Bucky. 
 “I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess. I didn’t know that I wasn’t allowed to enjoy some time with my friends.” You sob before turning towards Sam.
 “I’ll replace your ice cream, Sam… I’m sorry as well…” The guys watch as you let out a tired sigh while Steve tried to reach for you.
 “Baby… It’s not like that! I-I did it for you! For us!” Steve pulled you into a hug, refusing to let you go. Refusing to let you walk out of his life.
 Sam gave Bucky a look and then they walked out of the kitchen, giving you and Steve some privacy.
 “You don’t trust me enough that you’d think I’d cheat on you?” Your voice was broken and Steve’s heart couldn’t bear it.
 “No! I mean, yes… I trust you, baby! I just don’t trust Bucky with you! I don’t trust anyone with you! People would do anything to take you away from me and, and--”
 “And you don’t trust me enough that you think that I’ll let them take me away from you? Do I make you feel like that? Am I doing things that make you think that I’ll do that to you?” You cry as he shakes his head.
 “No, baby… It’s just me being… me. I’m being ridiculous, I’m sorry. There’s no excuse for being an asshole. Please, forgive me.”
 “You don’t trust me, Steve. There will always be a problem if you don’t trust me, Steve….” Your voice started to become dismissive and it scared Steve endlessly.
 “I-I know… I know, baby… I’ll be better. Please. I trust you. I fucking do! I’m just scared, okay? I don’t want anyone taking you away from me. It’s not just Bucky, okay… That was a mistake. I know you two would never do anything like that. There’s just always a threat when I’m around and I don’t trust myself to be able to protect you all the time. I love you too much and I can’t afford to lose you, okay? Baby, I fucking love you too much…” He starts to cry as well, his hold on you becoming tighter and desperate.
 “You have to start trusting me, Steve… I know what I’m getting into and I won’t let anything happen to me, to you, or to anyone else here. You have to start trusting me, Stevie. If we want this to work, you’ll have to trust me…”
 Steve eagerly nodded, his chin hitting your head slightly, finally glad to hear that nickname again.
 “I promise. I fucking promise. I’m sorry for being a fucking asshole. There’s no excuse and I will forever be making up for it.” He pulls away to look at your face, slightly feeling better at the now loving look on your face.
 “I’m just hoping that you trust me enough to give me a second chance…” He tilts his head to the side, smiling sadly yet cheekily at you.
 “That’s the thing, Stevie…” You sighed exasperatedly as you looked down at the floor.
 Steve’s heart shattered at the action. Were you going to deny him? Leave him?
 His heart stopped when you turn to look at him with a teasing smile.
 “I’ve always trusted you. Until now, I trust you with my life and my heart but please… For the love of Sam’s delicious ice creams…. Would you please just trust me? Trust your friends… Not everyone is out to do you wrong, Stevie…” You smile at him before letting him pull you back in his arms, your arms wrapping around his big frame.
 “Thank you. And do trust you, baby. I promise to not be a coward anymore…” He chuckles before kissing the top of your head, whispering endless thanks for taking him back.
 “You won’t regret it…” Steve whispered.
 “Yeah, but she’ll regret eating my ice cream!” Sam’s voice was heard followed by an ‘ow’ when Bucky slaps his head.
 “Glad to have you back, punk.” He grins at Steve as Steve smiles at him apologetically. 
 “Sorry…” Steve whispers as they too shared a hug.
 “Just treat your girl right, punk.” Bucky smiles at Steve then at you.
 “I will,” Steve replied assuringly before pulling you closer to him. He’ll do anything and everything for you.
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @evnscvll @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson @la-cey @awaywithtime @gotnofucks @empath-bunny @belovedcherry @littlegasps
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @heyiamthatbitch @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @slytherinandoutasgard
Chris and seb: @harrysthiccthighss
Marvel: @jemzeraion   
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slutfornat · 3 years
Daddy Issues // B.B.
Warnings: underage drinking, body issues, mentions of overdosing, daddy issues.
Summary: Bucky talks to you about Tony. Platonic!reader.
A/n: Hope that it's fine, I decided to just do part of the song.
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Take you like a drug I taste you on my tongue.
The taste of fruit filled your mouth as you took a sip of the wine. No one seemed to notice you as they all spoke of fond memories with Tony.
You ask me what I'm thinking about I tell you that I'm thinking about Whatever you're thinking about.
You see Bucky take a seat beside you. "How old are you?" he asks. "Why? Wanna ask me out?" you tease, with a fake smile. "No, now how old are you?" he said.
"Seventeen" you answer. Leaning closer to you, he takes your drink, saying "well, I'll be taking this then."
Tell me something that I'll forget And you might have to tell me again It's crazy what you'll do for a friend.
The world seems to carry on without you as you watch everyone talk happily together. "How you feeling?" Bucky asks.
"I've lost my mind, haven't I?" you say, not paying attention anymore as you feel yourself begin crying. "People react differently to death" he said.
Go ahead and cry, little girl Nobody does it like you do I know how much it matters to you I know that you got daddy issues.
You don't try to hide the tears but instead smile distantly. "But what if he died thinking that I hate him, what then?" you say, hating yourself for how you acted.
"Well, then you fucked up and so did he for making you feel like you hate him in the first place" he said, plainly as you turn to him.
And if you were my little girl I'd do whatever I could do I'd run away and hide with you.
James knew that you had issues with your dad from what he'd been told by others. You grew up with your mother until you were seven and she overdosed.
You'd spent years trying to get his attention but Tony never seemed to care that much. When Morgan was born, you were jealous of his new family as you never got any of that but you never said anything and instead just acted like you were fine.
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too.
"I understand, I basically grew up with Steve and saw how his dad was to Mrs Rogers and Stevie" Bucky said, sympathetically. He knew mental and physical abuse were different but they seemed to effect you and Steve the same way.
You stayed silent. "He died when we were teenagers but then a couple of years later Sarah passed away. Her last wish to me was to look after Steve" he continued.
I tried to write your name in the rain But the rain never came So I made with the sun.
"When I was younger my mum told me stories of her youth before she met Tony and before she had me" you say, "she was absorbed in the past".
"Then after her death, I was sent to Tony but even at seven, I could tell that to him; I was a task" you finish, frowning at the memories. "People said that I was lucky to be a Stark but I never understood."
The shade Always comes at the worst time.
"I'm sure, he didn't see you like that" bucky lied through his teeth. "Y'know, you shouldn't lie to people" you say, glaring even as tears seemed to fall.
"Then what do you want me to say? That he hates you and wishes he never met you or your mother" James snaps. Taken a back, you say "well, at least that is a lot closer to the truth."
You ask me what I'm thinking about I tell you that I'm thinking about Whatever you're thinking about.
"Even when I won contests and got top marks, he never cared about me. Did you know he sent Happy to my parents evenings? Or how when I got a short story of mine published, he just shrugged" you snap.
"Not a 'congratulations' or 'wow, that's so cool'. I don't even care if I sound like a brat. He's the one that ruined everything. Why should I be the one ridiculed?" you finish.
Tell me something that I'll forget And you might have to tell me again It's crazy what you'll do for a friend.
Everyone begins leaving and now there's just a couple of drunk people and the two of you. "When I went to school, I never really made that many friends" you say.
"People just... didn't like me that much" you explain, leaning against his shoulder. "I have no idea why" bucky said sarcastically as you send him a swift glare.
Go ahead and cry, little girl Nobody does it like you do I know how much it matters to you I know that you got daddy issues.
Even when people said things like that as a joke, they still hurt you no matter how much you said that you didn't care about other people's opinions of you.
"I nearly died after being shot" you begin, "and the real reason was because I was shot in the stomach but didn't want then pulling up my shirt to operate because I was always told I was good enough."
And if you were my little girl I'd do whatever I could do I'd run away and hide with you I love that she's got daddy issues.
"That sucks" he says, quietly. "Yep" you agree, just staring into the distance. "How old were you then?" Bucky asked.
"Twelve" you practically whisper as he strains to hear you. "I'm sorry" he said. "So am I".
I keep on trying to let you go I'm dying to let you know How I'm getting on.
"I keep wondering what would've happened if I died instead" you confess, "no one would've missed me and I agree with them".
"Tony would miss you" Bucky said, not even knowing if what he's saying is true but hoping that it is.
I didn't cry when you left at first But now that you're dead it hurts This time I gotta know Where did my daddy go?
"I would always ask my mum if he was ever coming back" you explain, "and she'd say no and I would try to move on even if it hurt".
"Now is worse because I know he is never coming back and that I can't even say sorry" you finish. As Bucky turns to you, not saying anything but looking at you in sympathy.
I'm not entirely here Half of me has disappeared.
As you got older, you felt yourself slowly disappearing until you are now just a shell of your former self. When you lost almost everyone, you were left feeling as though you have no one.
But now, you knew that was true. Your entire life, no one really cared about you until fifteen minutes ago when Bucky took away your alcohol.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Request: A/B/O dynamic, where omega! reader just agrees to everything her Alpha (Bucky) says, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating it is. Arranged marriage set up. Please.... Huge fan of your angsts. (He's embarrassing her on perpose, because he just doesn't like her at all. But omega! reader is just so docile and just won't talk back cuz she's raised like that. I think AU would be better, but I'll let you decide that. Happy ending. You are great. Thank you so much.)
Pairing: Alpha!Mobster!Bucky x Omega!(fem) Reader; Alpha!Sam Wilson x Omega!(fem) Reader
Characters: Alpha!Steve x Omega!Peggy, Bruce Banner, George Barnes
Warnings: angst, past abusive relationship, arranged marriage, shitty parents, mentions of divorce and breaking a bond, Sam, and Steve being good alphas, comforting, fluff, language, abusive childhood (mentioned)
A/N: This one took me ages as it was out of my comfort zone to write Bucky as an abusive alpha. Even though the requester wanted a happy ending with Bucky, I just couldn't write the story that way. Sorry.
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
Part 1 - Obedient
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Around five months later...
“Omega,” Bucky whines, looking at you. He can still see the scars he created with his hands, teeth, and anything he could find all over your body. “I’m so sorry, doll.”
The silence in Steve and Peggy’s guest room is the worst thing Bucky ever experienced; except for the way his friends look at him now. “I promise to do anything to make you feel safe with me. I love you, Y/N.”
“You don’t love me, Mr. Barnes,” your voice cold, gaze unwavering you look up at Bucky. “What you feel is guilt – not as you believe what you did to me was wrong but as your wrongdoings almost killed me.” you shudder when Bucky tries to touch your cheek.
“Why did you never fight me? Why did you simply accept the way I treated you, doll? I asked myself these questions again and again over the last weeks,” Bucky sighs deeply when you slowly get up to look out of the window, ignoring your husband and mate once again.
“My father, he’s a cruel man. Omegas mean nothing but business to him. My mother, my sister, my niece. We are nothing but meat to get sold to the right customer,” you huff. “I got trained to obey. Disobedience meant punishment,” tears spill out of your eyes at the memory of your father’s punishments.
“I’m sorry…”
“Do you know how it felt to present at a rather young age and to realize that your father never loved you? That the world you once knew was nothing but a lie,” sniffling you watch Steve’s dog run after a bird.
You fall silent for a moment, barely realizing Bucky stepped closer. Sorting your thoughts you close your eyes.
“What happened back then, Y/N?” you don’t believe Bucky wants to know what happened but to move on, to leave the life with your father and a husband who never wanted you behind, you need to face your past one last time.
“Why do you want to know about my past? You weren’t interested in me in the present. I bore your behavior thanks to my father’s training. He made me that way,” voice bitter you look over your shoulder. “Any other omega would’ve despaired hearing you moan that woman’s name whilst you used her body.”
“I never saw it from your side, Y/N,” not caring about the sadness in Bucky’s eyes you turn back around. You cross your arms over your chest, looking out of the window again.
“There are ways to end this marriage and our bond,” Bucky panics when you turn around, looking him straight into the eyes. “I kept my promise ‘till death do us apart’, Mr. Barnes. As my heart stopped beating for a few seconds, our marriage can easily be broken, just like our biological bond. Bruce, I mean Dr. Banner told me there are ways to break our bond.”
“You will try to break our bond?” stammering Bucky steps backward. His eyes widen as the realization hits him. “Y/N, you want to leave me?”
“No, I will not try to break our bond – I will break our bond at all cost,” your voice raises and for the first time, Bucky can see the fire in your eyes. “I will rather die than let anyone walk all over me again. Look at Steve and Peggy, they have a bond I always dreamed off. Steve respects his omega.”
“I can give you this too, omega,” Bucky tries to touch your arm, but you slap his hand away. Dr. Maximoff helped you to find the ‘real’ you hidden behind a wall of fear and obedience. She made you see that you are not as broken as you believed you are. “I will do anything.”
“Stop lying,” you scream at the top of your lungs. “You don’t want me, and you don’t love me. All you want is Dot and to bond with her. Let me break our bond or help me breaking it and we both can have a good life.”
“Dot, I’m not sure she still wants me,” grumbling Bucky tries to win you over but there is something in your eyes telling him you’ll never come back to him. “We can try to get happy. Maybe we can find a way?”
“No.” your answer is final. There is no way you’ll ever forgive your father or Bucky for what they did to you. “You wanted to know about my father’s punishment? I’ll tell you a few things. I was fourteen when I presented. I was so young and didn’t know what happened to me. I was confused and asked my father for advice. He slapped my face as I forgot to address him correctly.”
“You didn’t call him alpha,” nodding you give Bucky a sad smile. “Before you presented this didn’t mean anything but the moment you became omega, the hierarchy changed for you.”
“See, that’s what I meant, James. Alphas only see their side. I was a fourteen years old child, James. I didn’t think much of it when I called my father ‘dad’ like I did all my life. His solution was to hurt me instead of telling me all the things I should know about being omega.”
“What do you want me to do? I got raised to become the next leader of my father’s empire. No one asked me what I want to become. I dreamed of a simple life, not being a tool for my father. He forced me into this marriage and a bond I never wanted. I know it’s no excuse, but I never had a chance either,” Bucky plays with his wedding band, glancing at the golden ring around his finger. 
“Says the abusive man,” there is no way you’ll let Bucky get away with all the things he did to you. “Hurting me was never part of your father’s plan. We could’ve tried to make the best out of a bad situation. It was you, all of it. Don’t blame your shitty father for your mistakes.” you poke your finger into Bucky’s chest. There is a smirk on your lips when you see the shock on his features.
“She’s right, and you know it,” Sam steps inside the room, not missing Bucky’s angry expression. “Steve said I shall give you an hour, the hour is over, Bucky. You will not find a solution today. I must ask you to go now.”
“She’s still my wife, Wilson,” the alpha grits out. Sam takes a step toward you, ignoring his friend’s angry eyes or the fact Bucky’s hands ball into fists. “I will stay as long as I want to.”
“No, you won’t, my friend. This is still my house and Y/N is done talking to you. She wants Dr. Banner to help her with the papers to break your bond. Peggy will help to file for divorce. This is your final warning, Bucky,” Steve leans in the doorframe, eyes trained on his friend. “It’s over, Buck.”
“I can’t, Stevie. Do you have the slightest idea what Y/N’s and my father will do? They forced us into this marriage for a reason. Even if we file for divorce, they will not give in,” Bucky looks at you, sighing deeply. 
“Y/N Barnes was dead for ten seconds and a half,” Bruce steps into the room to stop the alphas from attacking each other. “Law is on our side, Bucky.”
“You don’t get it, Banner!” Bucky spats. “My father gives a shit on law or feelings. He doesn’t care I love Dot and that Y/N deserves better than me. As long as she has my mark on her neck, he’ll not give in.”
“Good thing she will not have it much longer,” Sam interjects. He flanks your side, itching to sling his arm around your shoulders to make you feel safe as so often over the last months. “There are many other alphas out there who will appreciate Y/N and protect her at all cost.”
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One week later…
“I prepared the papers, Y/N,” Peggy points toward a manila folder, smiling coyly. “I know this must be though but, Bruce said it’s necessary to file for divorce before you break the bond.”
Glancing at the daisies Sam gave you this morning you smile. He’s the first alpha you feel comfortable around. Steve is a great person too but with Sam, it’s different. 
“Sam brought me new daisies this morning,” you giggle, something you haven’t done since you were a teen. “I like him. Do you think it’s too soon to go for a dinner date with him?”
“Y/N,” Peggy jumps up to hug you tightly. She has tears in her eyes when you tell her Steve’s friend asked you out. “I’m so happy for you. Sam is a good man, a good alpha. He’ll treat you right.”
“I know but,” glancing at the daisies again you sigh deeply, “Bucky needs to sign the papers and agree to break our bond before Bruce can help me. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to drag Sam into all of this. Sam deserves better.”
“Sam deserves someone who loves him, just like you, Y/N. No one knows Sam Wilson better than me and Steve. I can tell you that he’s enchanted by you,” Peggy squeezes your hand, giving you a soft smile. “He’s a soft teddy bear if you are afraid he could hurt you.”
“No,” shaking your head violently you grasp for Peggy’s hand. “I know Sam is a good man and that he’ll never hurt me, Peggy. I just don’t want Sam to get hurt or worse. Bucky’s father and mine are dangerous men.”
“Bucky agreed to break the bond,” dropping the folder you look at Peggy, bewildered by her words. “Steve, he talked to him over the last days. James regrets all the awful things he did to you and tries to make things up to you.”
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Meanwhile at George Barnes’ office…
“I don’t care, father,” Bucky yells. “You don’t know all the things I did to Y/N as you forced me into this marriage. No.” running his hand down his face Bucky grunts. “What I did to Y/N was my fault. This ends today. We will file for divorce, break the bond, and try to find a way to forget about all the shit our fathers did to us.”
“Buck,” Steve tries to calm his angry friend, “you need to calm down. Your father can’t do anything. I am the most powerful man in town now,” smirking Steve steps closer to his friend. 
“You will not break your bond with that omega,” George Barnes slams his fist onto the desk. “This is my last word, Steven Grant Rogers!”
“My father didn’t raise a coward, Mr. Barnes. I gave in when I talked to Y/N’s father out of respect and due to the law but,” Steve gets a gun out to place it onto George’s desk, “I will not back down this time. Set Bucky and Y/N free and tell her father to do the same or you’ll feel my wrath!”
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Three months later…
Watching the news, you grasp for Sam’s hand. The reporters run after your father and the cops arresting him.
“How did they get to know he sells drugs? I didn’t think he would do such a thing.”
“Steve and Bucky faked the evidence,” Sam brings you into his arms to let you scent him. His warmth surrounds you and for the first time since you presented, you lean into an alpha's touch. “I know you cannot forgive your former mate, but he does everything to protect you.”
“I’m grateful Bucky tries to change his way, but I can’t forget how he treated me to feel better. Maybe one day, I can forgive him, just not now,” smiling Sam watches you snuggle into his chest. “I wish we meet before all of this happened.”
“I wish so too, my daisy,” you giggle at the pet name Sam gave you. “No matter what, I’ll try to be the best alpha for you. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Sam,” he carefully brushes his lips over yours. “I want you to be my alpha. There is nothing I want more.”
“I promise to make you my omega when you are ready. I want to wear your mark too,” Sam pecks your lips, smiling as you return the kiss eagerly. 
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call-me-doll-face · 3 years
Acquiesce- part 2
Warnings: once again guys, this does have noncon elements. If you are triggered easily please don't read. In no way do I approve of behavior like this, no means no. Consent is key. This is strictly just for the story. No minors! Smut, angst, friends to lovers, protective steve.
A/N- this is for my friend @rogershoe thank you for reading my stories and always giving me words of praise, and for always listening. I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it!
P.s I'm sorry for any mistakes! I haven't gone through and proof read!
Part one
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Steve slept over that night, refusing to leave my side. I honestly don’t know whether I'm supposed to feel thankful or annoyed and hell who knows, maybe it’s both. 
Yes, him being here eases my mind. Knowing that he’s there to protect me if, heaven forbid, something happens. At the same time though..... maybe I would rather be alone.
Ever the gentleman, he willingly takes the not so comfortable couch in my opinion with zero complaint. We work together in silence to put the fitted sheet on before standing side by side, just staring at it.
“Ya know, I’d almost prefer sleeping on the floor.” He cracks a joke, looking over at me with that cute lopsided grin of his. Scoffing in fake offense I smack his chest playfully causing him to cover his chest with a very over exaggerated wounded expression.
“Hey! Don’t hate on my couch! You could always go sleep in your OWN room!” Before I could even finish my sentence he had flopped down onto his back, big arms folded up behind his head and a satisfied smile gracing his lips. It was hysterical, seeing him trying to fit his big body on my tiny couch, long legs hanging over the armrest. I snicker at him softly, running a finger up the arch in his foot as I go to walk away, knowing damn well how ticklish the man is. 
I try to make a quick getaway; wanting to avoid the awkwardness I could feel slowly creeping back in between us. However when I hear “Calla,wait.” I groan internally before slowly turning around to find that he’s already standing right there before me. Curse him and how damn sneaky he is! A man of his size shouldn't also be stealthy! 
“Stevie I-” I’m pulled into his embrace, fingers moving up to tangle in my long hair to scratch comfortingly against my scalp. All the tension leaves my body at the action, sagging against him and almost purring like a cat, eyes drifting closed.
“Calla... My lilly...”He murmurs softly against my hairline as he pulls me even closer to him, if that’s even possible. My heartrate spikes at his words as my belly erupts with butterflies. We had always been close but never has he been this tender with me.
His lips press one last kiss to my forehead before bidding me goodnight and gently urging me in the direction of my room where I had been so ready to escape to moments ago but now have to force my body towards.
“Goodnight Stevie.” I whisper softly on my way, Knowing he’d hear me.
I don’t know what wakes me. My eyes slowly flutter open and my lips part with a deep yawn. It’s not until I’m stretching that my body freezes as I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. 
‘You’re being watched’ my mind tells me as my muscles lock up with panic, eyes staying on the wall directly in front of me, terrified to move let alone look around.
In the back of my mind I already know who’s in the room with me. It’s him. He’s  come for me, to finish the job. Bucky....
Then just like that, as if materializing from thin air, he’s there. His hand wraps around my ankle like a vice, jerking me down the bed towards him, sheets getting bunched up around me as he does. 
No, no not again! please no! 
Crying desperately I kick out at him and miraculously the heel of my foot comes into contact with the middle of his chest, causing his grip to loosen just enough to slip away. Rollin on to my hands and knees I start to crawl away from him quickly in an attempt to put distance between us, but with a deep growl he’s suddenly on top of me, using his big body to pin me to the bed. 
“No, Bucky! this isn't’ you!” He lets out a sadistic chuckle at my words before he reaches down and rips my panties roughly from my body. I cry out as my skin burns from the fabric, leaving red welts in the wake. 
“Please don’t do this, don’t do this! I’ll do anything!” I sob but then he’s thrusting into me once against without a care as his chest rumbles against my back. 
“You will submit.” He snarls in my ear as his hips snap violently against my ass.
You will submit.
You will submit.
“Calla...Calla!” I fight against the vice like grip holding me in place, writhing and thrashing against him. A scream is ripped from my raw throat as I get a hand free, digging my nails into my assailants skin. “Damit, Calla! Calla it’s me! Stop!” With one more hard shake I’m pulled back to reality and I whimper shaking my head.
“Open your eyes Calla.” When I refuse to do so I hear his soft sigh then his big gentle hands move up to cup my cheeks, thumbs moving over them soothingly. “It’s okay my lilly... I’m here... It’s just me, I’ve got ya. Now open those big beautiful eyes and let me look at ya.” Under his gentle coaxing I reluctantly let my eyelashes flutter open to meet his very concerned blue ones, watching as he lets out a relieved sigh.
My legs are tangled in the damp sheets, body slick with sweat, and chest heaving as I desperately try to get some much needed oxygen into my lungs. “He... He was here...” My voice shakes out the words and I launch myself at steve, sobbing into his naked shoulder and clinging to him desperately.
He just lets me cry, holding my body against his as he whispers soft words against the side of my head. Eventually when the sobs die down enough he gently moves me back to the head of the bed. Pulling back the blankets he slides in beside me without my even having to ask before tucking me under his arm. 
We lay there silently for a while, my cheek pressed against his warm chest as my arm snakes around his waist to keep him with me. I let his even breathing calm me, nuzzling closer to him as the panic finally dissipates. 
“You know.... I used to have nightmares too. The last thing I can remember is my plane breaking through the ice. The cold of it. I knew it was the right thing to do, and never for a second have a regretted it. But god did it scare me.” I glance up at his words, seeing him staring at the ceiling with wrinkled brows with his arm that wasn't holding me folded behind his head. “Then I woke up and there you were, lookin like and angel. I done thought I’d died and gone to heaven doll!” We both laugh softly at his words, my chest blossoming with warmth. I squeeze him gently and he squeezes me back in turn.
“If I hadn’t had you there when I woke up, To teach me all the things I’d missed out on and needed to learn... to help me get through the realization that everyone I’d known from my past life were gone.... doll I never would have made it.” This time when I looked up my breath caught in my throat at the look on his face as he looked down at me... Cheeks flushed a soft pink, lips slightly swollen due to being bitten so much, eyes shining with something akin to what I can only describe as love.... Adoration.. 
Slowly he gently reaches down with the arm that isn't holding me and gently pinches my chin between his forefinger and thumb before stroking it softly. His tongue flicks out over his lip and my eyes follow the movement....
I squeal in surprise when in one sweeping movement he has me straddling his lap with his hands once again cupping my cheeks. I’m very quickly becoming convinced it’s his favorite place to have them, but in this moment I’m thankful for it, nuzzling my face against them as our eyes meet once again.
“I promise you Calla, my lilly, that I’ll NEVER let anyone hurt you ever again. Ever. I’ll kill them first. You are the most important thing in my life. I’ll do anything for you, to make you feel better, to help you through this.”
My heart swells at his words, tears forming in my eyes as I give him a watery smile. Slowly reaching up to mimic him I cup his cheeks, watching as his eyes slowly flicker closed and his lips part to let out a soft breath at the touch. “Anything?” I question quietly.
“Anything.” Before the word has even left his mouth all the way I lean forward and press my lips softly against his.
People say that when you have your first kiss with something it feels like fireworks, like your life is exploding. Not with steve... No, kissing stevie feels like home. Like a cup of hot cocoa in front of a warm fire on a cold december night. Like fuzzy socks and warm blankets... like coming home after a bad day knowing that your person will be there to make everything feel right again.
And god does he make everything feel right again as he kisses me back with everything he has. Moving my hands up to tangle my fingers into his silky soft hair I let him tilt my head back so that he can press his lips firmer against mine to gain better access. A breathy whine escapes me and my lips party willingly without him even having to ask. He instantly takes advantage as his tongue slips in to massage against mine before exploring my mouth.
My whole body burns under his gentle ministrations. I burn for him, and I’d willingly burn for him over and over and over again...
Keeping my head leaned back I bite my lip as he leaves hot open mouthed kisses down the line of my jaw... slowly moving back to that spot behind my hear that he just seems to know will drive me wild.... groaning my name he nuzzles his nose there affectionately as his warm breath fans against my overly sensitive skin.
Wrapping those big arms around my waist he pulls my body even tighter against his before pulling back to press his forehead against mine, giving me a gentle smile. I can’t help but smile back before leaning back in and teasingly taking his bottom lip between my teeth and pulling slightly.
With a grunt his hips thrust up against me, pulling a surprised gasp from me as I feel how painfully hard he is beneth me. My pussy clenches as the feeling as my body automatically grinds down to meet his thrusts. Instantly those hands grip my waist tightly, stilling my movements.
"Calla... we can't." He grunts out, eyes squeezed shut and jaw clenched. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I look down as him. I know he wants this...
"Stevie... please.. I want you... I've never been so sure of anything in my life.." shaking his head at my words his kisses my shoulder softly as he hugs me.
"No doll... I don't want you to want me just because you want to feel something... just because you want to forget. I want you to want me because you can't live without me... I want you to want me because I make it easier to breath... because that's how I feel about you."
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my-emotional-self · 3 years
Toxic Love Chapter 2
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Finding out your soulmates were Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes was one thing.  But when someone from your past comes back to haunt you, you have to figure out if a relationship with two super soldiers is something you really want to pursue or if you’d rather go back to your comfortable single life.
Series Warnings:  18+, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, past mentions of rape, self-harm, attempted rape, domestic violence, stalking, death threats, possible Dark!Steve?, Steve will be an asshole a LOT in this series but I don’t know how dark it will get, explicit sexual content, mental health issues, kind of A/B/O dynamics but not really (no they are not actual wolves, more like the hierarchy)
A/N: There will be no taglist for this story!  I apologize in advance!
So it was true.  Confirmed.  Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were your soulmates.  Not that it bothered you much, it just wasn’t something you were planning on happening.  Things didn’t end too good with your last, well, and only, boyfriend.  Not ending good meaning he was in prison, at the moment. You weren’t sure when he was going to be getting out.  
Looking down at your arm, you lightly traced your finger over Steve and Bucky’s mark.  Here is the thing about your soulmate marks. Everyone has soulmate marks, at least two; yours and your soulmates.  But sometimes there are more and everyone has an ‘order’ for their marks. Think of it as a hierarchy.  The mark in top is in charge, kind of like the ‘alpha’ of the relationship while the mark at the bottom is at the bottom of the hierarchy.  It would make sense that Steve’s mark was on the top.  Hell, he was Captain America after all.  It just was the way it was and nobody complained about it.
There was also another unique trait to finding your soulmates, at least what you’ve read about. Once you find your soulmate, or in your case, soulmates, slowly you can begin to feel each other, kind of like a sixth sense or intuition.  You’d never known anyone who could actually be able to do this and you didn’t know if there had to be somewhat of a strong bond between soulmates, but you always thought that was pretty cool.  Like if something ever bad happened to you, maybe you soulmates could sense your fear. But then again, maybe that was just a fairytale.  
Lost again in your own mind, like you always were when Steve’s rough voice brought you back to the present. “Let’s sit down and talk,” he bellowed.
On shaky feet you followed him towards the couches and sat down.  Steve stood on the other side of the coffee table, his thick arms crossed in front of his chest.  Your eyes roamed over his form, mouth going dry at the sight of him.  The scowl on his face nearly made you coil back, as if his look burned you.  You were unsure why he looked so pissed, so angry and you didn’t know if you wanted to figure it out or not.  The biggest thought weighing on your mind was if you wanted to go through with a relationship at all right now, even if they were your soulmates.  
The couch dipped next to you and you couldn’t help but return Bucky’s smile.  Something about his smile made him look innocent, angelic, but you knew he was far from that.  Oh yes, you heard all about the Winter Soldier and everything those Hydra bastards did to him.  But you also knew that he was better now, he was an Avenger, fighting for the right side.
“So,” you began to say, the silence and tension thick in the air as you stared down at the ground.  
“What’s your name?” Steve barked out, causing you to jump slightly.  
A rough yet gently hand was placed at your back and you quickly realized it was Bucky’s.  “Jesus Stevie, can you be any more of an asshole right now?” came Bucky’s reply as his hand soothed up and down your back.  
He was right, Steve was being an asshole, but it was nothing, absolutely nothing compared to your ex-boyfriend.  This was a cake walk compared to him.  “Y/N, my name is Y/N,” you replied as confidentially as you could, trying to show Steve that you weren’t afraid of him or scared of his intimidating tactics.  
“Well Y/N, I’m Steve and that’s Bucky but I’m guessing you already knew that,” he replied, letting out a huff of annoyance as he looked at his watch.  “Look, I don’t have a lot of time for this right now so let’s just get to the basics,” he began.  “This is mine and Bucky’s living quarters.  There is another bedroom down the hallway if you want to move in. There is a communal kitchen and living room a few floors down that we all share, including the other soulmates. Most of the time we all eat together when possible and do movie nights at least once a week in the communal area. If you want to move in, you will also have a hobby room on the communal floor just like everybody else.  So what do you say?”
Well, it wasn’t the best speech you’ve ever heard from someone trying to get you to move in with them. Hell, your ex-boyfriend wooed you with flowers and romance for months before you finally gave in.  But this wasn’t your ex-boyfriend.  This was your soulmate, both of them, but you were still unsure.  Your own apartment was calling your name, wanting you to come back to the safety and comfort that was your home.  Did you really want to just up and move in with your soulmates?  Most people did once they met their soulmates, but you were still teetering on the fence.  This was the Avengers Tower after all and what place could possibly be more safe than that?
“Umm, can I…can I think about it?” you questioned, eyes slowly glancing up to meet Steve’s.
His large hands were on his narrow hips, his mouth in a tight line.  “Fine.  Do what you need to do.  I have to get back to work.”  And with that being said, he marched over to the elevator and slammed the button.  
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding when Steve disappeared into the elevator, leaving you alone with Bucky.  
“Come on doll, I’ll bring you home,” he spoke with a soft voice.  
Looking to him, you smiled. “Thanks Bucky, but you don’t have to. I only live about a mile away.”
His whole body shook with a quiet laugh.  “I don’t think so.  No soulmate of mine is going to be walking the streets of New York at dark.”
The walk home was nice. Bucky was a gentleman as you asked him questions about his life growing up and being with Steve.  As it turns out, Steve and Bucky weren’t lovers, just best friends, more like brothers.  You felt embarrassed after you found that out, assuming they were together, but he reassured you it was fine and that it happens all the time.  You always assumed if there was more than one soulmate, everyone was together intimately, but now you knew that wasn’t the case.  Those with multiple soulmates didn’t mean everyone was intimate.  They could be a brother figure, a mother or father figure, or just best friends.  But you had a feeling that wasn’t going to be the case with you if you decided to give this relationship a try.  No, you could feel deep inside that things would be intimate with both men.  
“I don’t think Steve likes me very much,” you blurted out like word vomit.  
Bucky sighed next to you as the two of you stopped in front of your door.  “I know Steve wasn’t on his best behavior tonight and I apologize for that.  He’s been stressed because he keeps getting new leads about someone but it keeps falling through.  Steve can be an asshole, but he isn’t normally like that.  It was just bad timing is all.  Please be open minded about this and give it a few days.  Why don’t you come back to the tower on Friday night and we can discuss what you decide?”
Friday night was two days away.  Two days to think about everything.  “I think I can manage that,” you agreed with a small grin.  
Bucky smiled back, giving you a nod and wishing you a good night.  
In the safety of your apartment, the first thing you did was grab a glass of water and dig your medications out of your purse.  Placing the pills in your mouth, you swallowed a gulp of water and sighed in relief.
The next thing you did was take off your clothes and get into your comfies; a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt, your favorite combination.  
Lastly, you dropped onto your bed and stared at the ceiling, contemplating what you were going to do. Yes, Steve was being a douche bag tonight, but you could handle that.  Words and attitude were easy to deal with as your ex-boyfriend was that way. But that wasn’t all.  He had turned into a violent monster and you were lucky to get out when you did; you knew for a fact you wouldn’t be alive today if you were still with him.  
So yes, you caught Steve at a bad time and he was a douchebag, but you would give him the benefit of the doubt.  Not the greatest first impression but you could get over it.  
At the same time, is a relationship, not just with one person but two, something you were really ready for?  You rather enjoyed your single life.  Going to bed when you wanted and staying up as late as you could.  There were usually rules that were enforced when it came to soulmates, especially if you were at the bottom.  Usually the ‘alpha’ of the relationship had rules they wanted their soulmate to oblige and you didn’t know how stern those rules could be.  But you hoped you could also compromise those rules if needed.  
Just then, a sheet of paper slid under your door and you rolled your eyes.  You knew what it was before you even got out of bed to grab it.
Taking the paper in your hands, you went back to your bed and opened the note.  
Payback is a bitch.  Just like you.  Ready or not, here I come babe.
Rolling your eyes, you dug beneath your bed and pulled out a small box.  Inside the box sat 15 other notes just like the one you received.  It was from your ex.  John was still in prison, this much you knew, so it was a friend of his dropping it off.  But you knew you were safe, for the time being, as long as John was in prison.  He was too proud to let anyone else do the damage he had done to you.  Oh yes, he liked to do it himself and you knew he wouldn’t let anyone else hurt you, except for him.  
You had gone to the police about the notes, but because there was no actual evidence and he was still in prison, nothing could be done about it.  
As you looked over the multiple notes with the same kind of threats on each, you thought maybe perhaps it would be a good idea to move into the Avengers Tower.  At least you would stop getting these threats….right?
136 notes · View notes
jamesbuchannan · 3 years
I’m a Ghost!
Well hello! I have never in my life written a story. Ever. Kinda nervous.
I was just sitting in my room when this story idea came into my head and I had to put it into words or else I’d literally die. Anyway.
Warnings: mentions of death, ghosts, murder, terrible writing. 
Pairing: Bucky x Ghost!Reader (I mean kinda and if people like this maybe I’ll write a part two where there’s actually Bucky x Reader.)
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“So, when we bring Bucky in, you guys need to be calm and not crowd him. He’s still pretty jumpy,” Steve explains to the team in the conference room.
“Who’s Bucky?”
“Jesus Y/N! How many times have we told you to stop randomly popping into rooms? Announce your entrance before you give us all a heart attack!”
“Jeez Cap, chill out. It’s not like I can knock, my poor ghost hand will go straight through the door.”
You’re a ghost. Or a spirit. Whatever you want to call it. You’ve been living in the compound since you died, which is odd since you had never been here before your untimely demise.
When the team had moved in, you were anxious for them to see you, to know you were there. You didn’t want them to be afraid of you, but you were also so lonely. Finally, one day you showed yourself to Wanda. She had felt your presence, something she can do with her abilities you guessed. You explained who you were, and she introduced you to the team in a much gentler way than you just popping up one day.
It’s been a few years now, and they treat you just like any normal person. It’s much less lonely, but you still can’t touch anyone, which sucks.
“Now Stevie, answer my question. Who’s Bucky?” You crossed your arms to enhance your point.
“Let’s just say he’s an old buddy of mine, I knew him back before the war.”
“He’s also a murderer so-“ Nat hit the back of Tony’s head to shut him up.
“No he isn’t, he was brainwashed and tortured you asshat.”
“Can you guys stop? He’s coming up now and I don’t need you guys arguing about his morality when he gets here.” Steve seems anxious, worried even. You wonder how close they were.
“And everyone, this is Bucky.”
Bucky goes around to shake everyone’s hands, mumbling a greeting every time. When he gets to you, you let out a snort, and then a laugh. You quickly cover your mouth. Shit, he looks offended.
“Oh no! I’m sorry I’m not laughing at you. I’m a ghost, I can’t touch you, look.” You put your hand through a cup, through Steve’s shoulder, and then you go to touch Bucky. And holy shit.
“Holy shit!” Nearly the whole room says in unison. You’re speechless, stunned to say the least. You can feel him. You stare at each other for a moment till you come back to reality.
You touch a cup. You can feel it. You touch the counter. You can feel it. What’s happening?
“Steve? Tony? What’s happening? Am I- am I alive again?” You know everyone can hear the tremble in your voice. You can feel it. Oh my. You can feel again.
“I- I guess when you, um, when you touched Bucky, you came back.” Steve is wide eyed as he says, unsure of the statement he just made.
Why Bucky? How did he bring you back?
“Y/N when did you die?”
“January of 1945.”
130 notes · View notes